#when I get a voice message from someone and I dont have my earbuds you know what I do?
autistic-daydreamer · 6 months
I mean this respectfully but if you are in public and have your volume up and blaring your tiktok for you page, I don't like you
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scribeforchrist-blog · 9 months
Taking My Fingers Out Of My Ears
+ Psalm 29:11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
Zechariah 7:11-12 Your ancestors refused to listen to this message. They stubbornly turned away and put their fingers in their ears to keep from hearing. 12 They made their hearts as hard as stone, so they could not hear the instructions or the messages that the Lord of Heaven’s Armies had sent them by his Spirit through the earlier prophets. That is why the Lord of Heaven’s Armies was so angry with them.
  Can you hear what God is saying to you today? Can you hear him tell you that you have left again? Can you hear him say he loves you? Can you hear him say return to me? A lot of times, we are just like these people in this verse; we have allowed our hands, and our ears,to turned away from who we know will be there for us; we have everyone telling us God is saying enough is enough, we have certain people telling us why are blessings are placed on hold ,we have certain people telling us why the spirit of delay is near us, but often because we see only what we want ,when we want we ignore everything to have what WE THINK WE WANT.
  I have these beat earbuds, and their noise canceling meaning , I can't hear anything but my music, and when I put them on, it is because I want to drown out the rest of the world and not hear anything; I want to be in a place in my head that is away from all my thoughts it peaceful when I do this, but I can't hear, my parents can call my name ,anything can happen I won't hear it unless someone comes and touch me or knock on something. Then and only then can I hear.
  This is exactly what it looks like in the spirit realm for us , we have blocked out everything , God is knocking, and we are ignoring him; God has touched our lives to get our attention, and we are still ignoring him; the more we ignore, the more we put our hands in our ears, the less we will hear him, he's asking us today to take the earbuds out, take your fingers out of your ears and hear him when he speaks he's giving a warning to us to change what we are doing or what we are tending to because the enemy can make anything into idol he can make any small thing into something big, it depends on how much attention we want to give unto the thing that could be causing us to be separated from God. 
   2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
  In the Book of Timothy tells us that the scriptures we read are God's breath, and when we read his word , the word breaths on our lives, it is there to teach us, rebuke us,  correct us, and train us in order to elevate we must allow the word of God to do that. We must take our fingers out so that we can hear him; God doesn't have to speak to us vocally, but he can show us in the word; that's why it's important to read your word.
It is essential to discipline ourselves to read his word, every day so that we may hear from heaven and lot of us dont want to access this because we know what he's going to say leave this alone, leave that alone, dont bother this ,stop gossiping etc,but because we dont want to be corrected we stay in our sin, we sometimes be looking for a word from this person or that person, but we won't have it or anything in this way because how will we hear the prophet or pastor that gives us a word if we won't even listen to God when he speaks. 
  " Hebrews 3:15 As has just been said: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.”
   A lot of people don’t want to hear devotionals about sin or teaching about sin, because they don’t want anyone telling them they are wrong, so they whether not read it, but what we fail to understand is that when we sin, it causes space between God and us , we can pretend like this doesn't bother God, but it does we have to start taking into account what pleases him, what makes him happy we have to start being God pleasers and take our hands out of our ears and hear him when he speaks to us!
***Today God wants us to hear him when he speaks , he wants us to notice the unctions, that he try to get our attentions but we ignore him , I can say I have had moments where it was something I wanted to do our a person I wanted in my life and he’ll let me know what this person true intentions was , and they weren’t place there for my good.
It would hurt but I had to do whatever God wanted me to do , because I want to please him, I want to hear the voice of God because he completes me and we must do the same and stay in that mind set that everyday we want to be God pleasers . We want to be and hear whatever he has to say . Listen to him , silence your mind and you will hear from him. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father we thank your life , health and strength we ask you to be with us , to cover us in your blood , lord we ask you to help us to hear you when you speak ! Help us to silence the world around us so that we can hear you when you speak. Lord whatever that is blocking us please show us , whatever that could be stopping us please remove it . Lord we want to walk in you , and please you . Help us to do this , help us to be more like you , father help us to put aside envy, angry , bitterness, and anything else that we are dealing with in Jesus Name Amen
+ Hebrews 2:1 “Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it
+ John 10:16 “And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.
+ Proverbs 20:27 The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts.
Genesis 23:1-24:51
Matthew 8:1-7
Psalm 9:13-20
Proverbs 3:1-6
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years
⏳Out of time⌛
Part 1 | 2 | 3
Character Focus: Jimin, Jungkook, Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Established relationships
Summary: he wanted to love you but should you let him?
Warning ⚠️: Unhealthy relationship, Toxic behaviour.
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You check your watch, it's been quite a while since Jungkook left for the washroom.
Suddenly you spot him. But he's on stage with a guitar in his hands.
"To my beautiful wife. For whose existence I'm grateful each and every day. Even when I forget to tell you." He announces glad to catch you looking at him."this ones for you, also love you Jin Hyung."
You were sure Jin Hyung had specifically requested *read demanded* a shoutout.
"You are the cause of my Euphoria~" he sings for you. You wipe away the tears that threaten to escape. "Take my hands now~"
He comes down the stage and hugs you admist cheers from the audience. You feel shy and curl into him.
It's quiet as you reach home and by the time you change into night clothes, Jungkook is lightly snoring on the bed. Seeing him makes something in your heart overflow. You lie on the bed and snuggle into him. Half asleep he pulls you closer.
"Happy anniversary." He says with his bed voice." Why do you smell so good?" He mumbles.
You kiss his forehead.
"Love you too."
You are home and nothing beats that feeling. He is your home and your adventure. Your story and your happy ever after.
Even if you need earbuds to deal with his snores.
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"Stop being a brat y/n. This is for my career." Jimin swears.
"Please explain how partying so much that you dont even have time to see me. We were supposed to meet my mom. Jimin."
"I apologised already and I'm not partying I'm building contacts. Don't talk about things you won't understand."
You were tired of the constant tug of war. But his next words shook you to the core.
"Let's take a break. I need to focus on my career and you... you clearly need to get over yourself. Frankly it would do us good. I hate fighting with you. You're always defensive and unreasonable and I dont know what happened to the Y/n I met." He says barely controlling his irritation.
"So that's it, you don't want me anymore because I'm not new or shiny?" You snap.
"Now you're putting words in my mouth."
You watch him leave tears in his eyes.
What sort of a person were you that made Jimin cry and Jimin who'd cling to you so much that some would even call him clingy want a break from you.
You give him a week to cool down before deciding to give him a surprise deciding the distance was enough.
The party of his best friend had been packed to the hem. You looked around for a familiar face.
Feeling almost uncomfortable in your dress even if it fitted with the party. Only an hour ago you were confident you could give any girl at the party a run for their money. Yet now insecurity plagued you.
Finally after what seems like ages you spot Jimin. Surrounded by boys... and girls. You call out his name but your voice is drowned by the music. He laughs to their jokes, nursing a drink in his hand he whispers things to the girl in his arm.
You felt like you saw enough and are about to leave when a girl squeezes his bum and then proceeds to hug him aka throw herself at him.
You must've been stupid that a guy like him would like a girl like you.
'It's over'  You text him.
Even though he had set a different ring tone for your text and messages, he doesn't acknowledge it. You leave the party in tears.
You call up your best friend Namjoon.
"Hey! you busy.... I really don't want to be alone." You say without preamble.
"Hi y/n ... Give me a moment." He talks to someone. "I'm at our favourite book cafe the one with good brownies I'm with a friend come over if you like."
You enter the cafe and the smell of coffee greets you. You spot Namjoon and a cute boy sitting next to him.
"Here y/n" Namjoon waves.
"Hi.. hello." You greet.
The boy nods in acknowledgement.
"Y/n this is Jungkook. Jungkook meet y/n."
"Nice to meet you." You say.
"Same." He responds.
"Let me order you some good food okay bear." Namjoon says.
"Thanks joonie."
It had been a while since you used nicknames Jimin hated anyone that wasn't him to have nicknames or call you with one.
"Boyfriend privilege baby." He'd have said.
"Should I call you Noona?"  Jungkook asked politely.
"No.. I'm actually younger to Joon. Like 4 years. But we met online.. that's why he calls me bear it was in my username and his was joon something. When we met in real life we decided it was awkward to call each other anything else so we continued."
"Oh." His mouth turned into ('o' ).
Namjoon comes back hurriedly.
"Hey guys I'm sorry to leave like this but my room mate locked himself out and since he has a fracture he's in a hopeless situation. I need to .. yeah.... anyway I paid for the food eat it let's meet later okay? Sorry bear. See you later man."
Namjoon explains as he picks his stuff from the table.
"So.." You both begin at once and break out into giggles because of it. At that dinner after a long time you felt like maybe you weren't a horrible person at all.
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"Gugie..." You whine.
"Yes Y/n. "
"Look at me." You command your husband who is busy playing games.
"Love I'm busy." You frown he only calls you 'love' on occasions like this.
"Jeon Jungkook. If you don't stop this moment I am and I kid you not leaving to my mom's house good luck trying to have me back."
Jungkook sighed. This was one of your more serious threats once you had left and he had to spend a whole week to convince you to come back.
"Here.. I'm done what is it?" He asks.
"We need to leave for Namjoon's dress shopping."
"I don't know why he's being so fussy. Even his fiance wasn't that particular. And she's a girl... girls care about these things." He complains.
"Are you like conforming the whole female gender Jeon." You say displeased.
"No. That came out wrong I meant a person I swear." He says his doe eyes widening. You soften.
"It's cause he wants things to be perfect."
"Let's see you say that at the 15th shop." He challenges.
"I have you for entertainment tho. Just don't trigger him and don't agree with everything like otherwise you'll sound insincere we don't need to deal with another emotional breakdown." You advise hoping he'd listen for both of your sakes.
"It'd be better if his fiance accompanied him."
"You know they've not decided to see each other till the wedding to make it more special."
"We didn't do that and you still blew my mind."
You blush. He's like another normal boy until he says things like this and you don't know how to handle him.
"Aww y/n. Did I make you swoon."
And he opens his mouth.
"Come on get ready if you're late you'll give joon an aneurysm. I set your clothes on the bed." You say.
"Thanks y/n." He says pressing a quick kiss on your forehead.
"Eww. You put makeup on." He exclaims rubbing his lips. You break out into full blown laughter. Serves him right.
"Am I wearing yellow?!" He screams from the room.
"Yeah you better." You had decided to wear couple outfits sort of. All due to Jungkooks distaste of anything color.
"I will look like a bee." He complains. Sometimes you think he is worse than a toddler.
"You should have stopped playing earlier." You say simply. Unlike his statement he absolutely doesn't look like a bee. This man could wear a bee suit and look good.
You both drive to Namjoon's House to pick him up.
"Hyung all good?" Jungkook questions behind the wheel.
"Yes it's good, all good everything is fine. I am good. I'll be okay. What possibly happen to me?" Namjoon says sounding as if he's convincing himself.
"Joon don't worry we will get you the best suit. Jieun unni won't be able to take her eyes off you."  You comfort.
Your husband searches for a parking dropping you both to go to the shops.
"This one." Joon shows you wearing a brown three piece.
"No." You frown.
Joon sighs you leave for another shop and Jungkook joins you.
"Such a sweet couple."  The shopping assistant comments as you and Namjoon discuss another suit.
"I'm her husband." Junkook interrupts putting his arm around your shoulders territorially.
"I apologise." She says embarrassed.
You finally decide on a black suit with stylish collar along with black pants. White shirt and a thin red tie as its Jieuns favourite color.
You also get dresses for yourself and your husband.
"Let's eat something. I'm relieved we got a good suit." Namjoon says stretching his limbs you take the bag from him lest he drops the items.
"We're happy if you are happy." You tell Namjoon and pass bags to your strong husband. He carries them with a grace you envy.
You sit next to Namjoon with Jungkook seated diagonally from you. Placing bags in the empty seat beside him.
"Hyung let me sit next to y/n." Jungkook says.
Namjoon nods and they exchange seats.
"Aww my hubby jelly." You coo silently as Namjoon is busy scanning the menu.
"Whose gonna eat your fries wifey." He teases copying your tone.
Ofcourse Jungkook was a level headed man. Even after being married for more than a year.
You did wonder how it would be to have married Jimin... would you have ever married. You focus on the present that line of thought was a horrible one.
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"Ooh jagi.... what are you upto... did you even listen to me?" Your boyfriend pouts cutely.
You ruffle his hair causing him to whine.
"Ah .. I was busy searching for a new dresses. But its too expensive the one I like."
"Don't worry I'll be a rich man and then I will buy you one."
You kiss his forehead.
"Sure, sure."
You continue to scroll through the pretty stuff.
"Do you... ever think about like... um like getting married..? Like just... um forget it." You say.
He looks at you placing his hands on your shoulder turns you to face him.
"I'm serious about us.. once my career gets more stable let's talk about it okay jagi. Don't worry your pretty head about it I promise I will get you the prettiest ring out there."
"You better."
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You eat your burger happily uncaring if the sauces get your fingers messy.
Jungkook being the neatfreak he is passes you napkins constantly.
"I still can't believe you two got married." Namjoon comments.
You both stare at him.
"Don't get me wrong. I care for both of you but I couldn't have imagine you too working so well. The time you met Jungkook barely spoke to strangers and you bear.. were in a messy situation. But I'm glad you did now I can't imagine one of you without the other." Namjoon concludes. You both nod in agreement.
"Let's get ice cream waffle."  You suggest after a while.
Jungkook grins pleased.
"See this." Namjoon says.
"We love you too Joon." You say.
"Saranghae Namjoon hyung." Jungkook teases even making finger hearts. Namjoon makes an awkward face in response.
"On that note let me tell you how you keep a wife happy." Jungkook says gathering a large bite.
He brings the spoon towards your mouth. You open it but instead of giving it to you he eats it. Both him and Namjoon burst in laughter at the indignant cry that leaves your mouth.
"You don't do that." He concludes.
"You. I'm not talking to you." You say mad at him.
He smiles at you his bunny teeth on display and proceeds to complete eating.
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"You're so lucky y/n. Your boyfriend is goals. Like you guys are so lovey dovey it's gross but I'm jelly." Your friend comments.
You laugh. You feel like scoffing. You thought so to at first and you got why she'd think that. Both of you had developed a habit of putting problems under the rug. You didn't like him flirting. He would say sorry. Then do it all over again. He hated how you missed on his gigs to go party with your friends. You said sorry. Then went anyway. You hated how sometime he'd call you his friend when he introduced you. He kissed you to make up for it. Then repeat. He hated how you spent time alone with other boys when he was free and wanted to spend time with you. You gave him new speakers he had been eyeing. You wondered if there was someone else for you. But Jimin liking you in itself was a miracle when you thought nobody wanted you. You never seemed to be enough let alone desirable. Sometimes you wondered if that was why you gave Jimin chances even if he didn't really deserve them.
"Y/n.. we need to talk." Your boyfriend says.
You nod carelessly. Must be about you leaving the towel on the bed or something. He was very irritable these days. The car drive is silent. Despite his statement he looks almost happy. You feel good to see him like this. You remember why you were with him now. It was fine. It would be okay, in the end it always was.
It was not fine. You were not okay.
"Can... you just repeat what you said?"
"It's not that hard. Y/n my agency wants me to sign a non dating agreement. I made sure it's for a year. So for one year we need to live separately."
Your blood boiled.
"Where will I go? I can't find a place in one day Park Bloody Jimin."
"Baby it's for us."
"Don't baby me and know that you are nothing more than a selfish man. ..... and you know what, we're done"
"I know you're saying this because you're angry... I'll talk to you when you are feeling better. "
You hated him. But more than that you hated yourself.
"Joon can I.. uh crash at your place.?" You say once again calling your best friend.
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"I'm exhausted." You say laying down on the sofa. Your husband quietly removes your footwear.
"Thanks gugie."
He changes his clothes and comes out for a glass of water. He puts one on the table for you. You look at him eyes half closed.
"Gugie. Hugs." You say your arms in the air.
He smiles at you fondly. And despite his better judgement he gives in to please his wife.
"Mmh. So warm." You mumble against his chest.
Jungkook sniffs your hair, force of habit. While he hates most scents he likes yours. He remembers how you had almost had a breakdown when he had asked you to get rid of your perfumes.
"No...why.. I specially asked my sister to buy me Arabic perfumes."
"If you want to live here they have to go. I'm very sensitive to scents."
"Please the bottles are so pretty.. I won't wear it. Let me keep them."
"Fine." He had conceded.
+end of flashback+
You woke up with one hand at loss of feeling in the middle of night. Still you took time to admire the man in front of you. It was a crime not to.He looked even more beautiful in the moonlight.
"Y/n.." he whispered in his bed voice.
"Stop staring at me like a creep."
You almost push him off the sofa. But he places his arm around your waist pulling you with him.
So you are trapped beneath a mountain called Jeon Jungkook. Its the best of traps.
Better than Jimin's
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You pack your luggage. You wait for Namjoon to pick you up. A car stops infront of you. The windows roll down to reveal Jungkook in the driver seat.
"Hyung told me you needed a place to stay. I needed a room mate. Hope you're ok with it."
"Yes." You said politely. It wasn't as if you has much of a choice.
"Jin hyung, my old roommate is getting married so I had to move out to the new place. I needed a roommate. I know a bit about cooking but I can't do it alone. I just helped hyung. That's all. So I am glad to have you. If you need anything you can call me. You have my number. Right. If you don't I will give it to you. The only thing is it has only one bathroom but you don't have to worry I'm not a pervert I swear." This Jungkook said in one breath. Seeing your wide eyes he chuckled nervously.
"I... um haven't talked to a lot of girls and I'm a bit nervous... I'm.. I speak a lot when I'm nervous I'm sorry I will shut up now." He confessed.
"'It's okay. I'm thankful for you taking me in."
"It's fine it's not like you're a serial killer or anything. I mean Namjoon hyung does have some shady friends but you're cool."
You didn't know whether you were supposed to be offended or not. But at this point you were past caring. Before you knew your swollen eyes fell asleep.
You woke up in a bed. You were startled. Then you saw the note on the bedside.
I  tried to wake you up but you didn't budge. I had somewhere to be. I apologise for carrying you to bed. There's food and water in the kitchen feel free to use it.
You felt like you were in a twisted dream. A knock broke you out of your reverie.
"Yes." You answer.
"Are you awake?" Jungkook speaks through the door.
"Since you're up let's eat and discuss some house rules I bought some steak and cake. Also Namjoon hyung is here."
Hearing Namjoon's name comforted you a lot.
"I'll be there."
You change your clothes and go to wash your face before going to meet the boys.
"Hey bear. You here... that just rhymed. I'm so smart wow."
"Hey Joon." You say choosing to ignore whatever that was.
You sit down next to Namjoon. He takes note of your mood and decides its best to get over with the meeting so you can sleep out grief of your system.
"Here's the thing jungkookie over here needs help with cooking and how to interact with female genders and agreeing to help him with that you'll pay 40% of the rent. I vouch for him he's a good guy... if a bit shy."
"It's ok with me." You say. Jungkook brings out Banana milk to serve you guys. Later you will realise how important it was considering his possessive nature and love for banana milk.
And that's the story of how you started a live in relationship with Jungkook.
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Husband koo is so 😍💓.. jiminie just making you suffer as usual ..
I think I'm gonna put this on will update on demand category because I kinda know how it looks like eg how its gonna proceed and who will you end up with so I don't feel the urge to write it that's literally one of my bad habits my wips suffer 😅
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euphoriara · 4 years
10,000 hours
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genre: fluffy fluff
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2,581
warning: none
10,000 hours getting to know you, 10,000 hours with you, and 10,000 hours more.
a/n: inspired by jungkook’s cover that he posted this morning and then deleted. i dont know i just wanted to write something after reading the lyrics. im pretty happy with how this turns out (for now) despite writing it while my head is a whole mess skdfokgkdl anyway, i hope you enjoy!
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Do you love the rain? Does it make you dance
The gentle patter of the rain lulls you to sleep, eyes weighing heavily until you can't keep them on the screen any longer. The cold air embraces you into their hold, soothing your heart until the movie is left forgotten.
Suddenly, the phone on your bedside rings, ringtone cutting through the quiet room until it's all you can hear.
Sleepily, you pick it up without looking at the screen, muttering a tiny "Hello?" to whoever it is at the other side of the line.
You hear the smile in his voice when he speaks, gentle voice caressing your ears, "Hey, did I wake you?"
You shake your head, "No, it's okay. I wasn't asleep." You roll to your back with the phone clutch to your ear, staring at the white ceiling on top of you. "You sure? You sound drowsy," melodious chuckle greets your ear.
He hums quietly and you close your eyes, "It's raining." Now it's time for you to chuckle, with sleepy eyes you smile, "Yea, it sure is."
You hear him rustling from the other side of the phone. You imagine he's also laying down like you, staring at the rainy city outside. "Do you like rain?"
"I do. I love rain," pausing, you turn your head to stare at the sky, "It's my favorite weather, actually." "Really? Why?"
"I don't know. It's just," you stay silent for a while and he waits patiently. "Calming, soothing." He hums in agreement, and lets you speak. "When it rains, my heart just feels lighter, I like looking at the sky when it rains. The sky is blue but when it rains it's grey. It's like, even the sunny, bright blue sky can be gloomy, dark grey once in a while."
"And that's okay," he finishes for you. You nod, despite him not being able to see you. "And that's okay," you repeat back to him.
"Do you ever feel like dancing in the rain?" He asks to which you purse your lips, thinking of an answer. "No, not really. But," you trail off. I'll dance in the rain if it's with you.
"But?" He inquires, "Ah no, nothing. Maybe? I don't know I never really thought of it." Another hum.
The two of you exchange questions for the rest of the night. Until the moonlight shines through your window, highlighting the smile pulling on your cheeks.
What's your favorite song, does it make you smile? Do you think of me?
You close the book in front of you, sighing in frustration at the amount of materials you still need to cover. From across you, he looks up, tilting his head to the side. "Are you okay?"
You cross your arms on the table and rest your head on it. "Yeah I'm fine, there's just a lot of materials," you mumble into your arms.
You feel a hand at the back of your head, gently tapping it in encouragement. "You should take a break, I know you've been studying for hours now." You nod into your arms, closing your eyes in hopes of getting back your strength to power through the rest of the books you have with you.
It's quiet for a few moments, until "Do you want to listen to some songs?" You roll your head to the side to look at him, smiling gently at his blushing face. "Songs you've covered?"
He stutters for a while and your heart clenches, you are so i- "I mean if you want to listen to those, I can let you listen to them." You nod and straighten yourself, accepting the earbuds he offered to you. He clicks play on his phone and you close your eyes to listen to him.
For the next few minutes you can only hear his beautiful, melodious voice, emotions spilling into the words. With each song, your heart grows softer.
It throbs with every song, tears almost escaping your lids a few times. But you keep your eyes closed, commiting his voice into your memory for you to remember later.
When the songs are all done, you take off the buds and give it back to him, movement slowed by longing to hear more of his singing. "Thank you." He smiles at you, cheeks red, "No problem."
You see him shift in his seat, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. "Um, what did you think?"
You try to contain the grin but fail, brightly smiling at him in response. "I love it, your voice is amazing and beautiful." He shyly looks up at you, a small, timid "Really?" out of his mouth. You nod back at him, hands fiddling with your pencil case.
"Then, what's your favorite song? So I can sing it for you." For the thousandth time this day, your heart clenches, full and warm for the boy with kind, doe eyes in front of you. You take the time to think of the answer. "Never not by Lauv." It makes me think of you.
He nods determinedly to himself, "I'll cover the song for you." Gentle smile pulls the corner of your lips, fond eyes staring back at him. "Thank you."
Feeling better after hearing his singing, you go back to studying. The two of you sit in the quiet library until closing time, exchanging hushed whispers and helping one another with each problem you encountered.
When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'?
The wind gently blows the leaves of the tree, rustling the open book next to you. You feel someone sit next to you but you keep your eyes close, savoring the warmth of the sun.
"What are you doing?" comes a question from next to you. "I'm taking a break. I just finished all of my exams."
A small chuckle and a few rustling, "Oh I thought you were asleep." You smile to yourself, "I'm sunbathing." "Like a cat?"
This time you laugh, "Yes, like a cat." You feel him shift, laying down next to you on the soft grass. "How are you feeling?"
Humming, you smile "I'm feeling better now that the exams are over. Whole week it felt like there's a cloud hanging over my head, you know. Now I feel like the weather right now. Warm sun, clouds dispelled."
"There's still clouds," he teases. "I wouldn't know, my eyes are closed." He laughs, and as cliche at it sounds, it's music to your ears. You want to hear him laugh more often, you want to be the cause of the joyous sound more often.
The two of you bathe in the sunlight together, enjoying the breeze in silence. You think you can fall asleep like this, with his safe presence next to you.
"What are you thinking?" breaks the quiet atmosphere, muttered sleepily from beside you. You feel his stare at the side of your face, "Not much really, just how I can fall asleep like this. Under the sun, with the wind and soft grass." Next to you.
He hums in answer. You can feel him hesitating to ask a question but he restrains himself. You don't know what he wanted to ask you, but you hope he knows he can ask you anything.
The two of you bask in the sunlight for a while longer. Until the sun gets too hot for you to be laying on the ground. He offers to go to the ice cream shop nearby, to which you agree. Spending the rest of the day chatting away together with two cones of ice cream.
Everything, I wanna know it all
You always love getting text messages from him, whether it's in the morning or at night. In the middle of the day or at the crack of dawn.
Sometimes he asks you the most random of questions, sometimes he shares a picture of a cat. Sometimes he asks you about yourself, sometimes he shares a funny meme he found. Sometimes he asks about your day, sometimes he shares about himself. That one in particular, you liked the most.
No matter what text he sent you, you're always happy to receive it. You love talking to him, and find yourself smiling at your phone often, like a fool. But you don't mind.
Like the other night, when he texted you at 11 to play 20 questions. You thought it was a weird game to play, but his questions had been fun. Not too personal that it'd make you uncomfortable but they're not too light to be passed as an ice breaker either.
You spend the night getting to know him more. About his favorite game, his fear of microwaves, his love of banana milk, and his desire to get tattoos. You found out about his dog, about his best friends, and about his favorite sport.
And he spends the night getting to know you more. About your favorite book, your fear of bridges, your love of coffee float, and your desire to get more ear piercings. He found out about your cat, about your best friends, and about your favorite movie genre.
You want to know about him, all that he's willing to share with you.
I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more 
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
You sit next to him on the bench, handing him a small carton of cold orange juice and a grape juice for yourself. "How long has it been since we know each other now?" You ask as you sip your juice.
He pauses, squinting his eyes in thought. "I'm not sure the exact number but we've been dating for a year and 52 days."
"I think we've known each other for a little over a year too, before dating?"
"Has it really been that long? Feels like it's just yesterday I played 20 questions with you in the middle of the night." He chuckles, eyes and nose scrunching up in delight at the memory.
You laugh along with him, resting your weight and your head on his shoulder. "That's true. You know, at first I thought it was weird, why you wanted to play that game. Thankfully you didn't ask any weird questions."
He hums, "I just wanted to get to know you more. I figured it was a good way of achieving that goal." Your hair bounces as you nod along, head rubbing his shoulder like a cat.
"I want to know about you, all that you're willing to share with me." He puts down his carton and takes one of your hands between his.
You smile, and stare at the lake in front of you. Beautiful, vast blue water soothing your eyes. You bring his hands up, kissing his knuckles and mouthing "Me too," to his skin.
The two of you bask in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company without having to fill the quiet air. Listening to the water and birds chirping, and looking at the sunset casting an orange pink glow on the sky.
You finish your juice, handing the carton to him when he offers to throw it out for you. He wraps his arms around your shoulder when he sits back down, pulling you closer to him. You hear him start to hum, and recognize it as your favorite song. One you told him a year ago.
You close your eyes and listen to his melodies, arms wrapped around his waist and face buried on his neck. You feel the vibration of his hum, and feel the weight on your shoulder lifts.
He's your safe space. He's your home.
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try 
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life I'm gonna love you
He huffs as he places the last of the boxes down, wiping the sweat on his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt. He looks around the apartment in satisfaction, all of the boxes had been piled up neatly into a corner and all the important belongings had been taken out.
He hears you in the kitchen, unpacking the cutlery and decides to join you. When he sees you in the kitchen, he pauses, leaning against the doorframe. He watches as you sing a song to yourself, dancing around the kitchen to place the things in their right spots.
He can't help but break out into a grin, fond eyes following every movement. He distantly recognizes the song, a song you've mentioned in passing. He thinks it's called 10,000 hours. He'd look it up later.
You turn around when you're done placing everything, surprised at his presence at the door. "How long have you been standing there?"
He smiles and makes his way to you, "Just now."
You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He stares at you for a while, a smile still plastered on his face.
You stare back at him, smiling and without realizing the two of you are dancing together. Swaying side to side in each other's arms. He rests his chin on the side of your head, but not before placing a quick kiss on your forehead.
"Did you know that I love you?" He mutters to your hair, swaying you left and right and humming a song for you. "What about you? Did you know that I love you?" is your response.
He didn't know he could smile any brighter but apparently he can, "I love you." You place your head on his chest, "I love you too."
The two of you continue to dance in the kitchen of your new apartment, his singing as the background music.
He's glad he met you all those years ago, he's glad he asked for your number all those years ago.
He's glad you opened the door for him to your heart, he's glad you let him get to know you more.
He's glad you let him love you, he's glad you let him have a piece of your heart.
He pulls away from your embrace, slotting lips between yours in an effort to convey his love. He kisses you like it's the first time, he kisses you like he's trying to memorize you, despite having mapped you out long ago.
He cradles your waist gently, and sighes into your mouth. He starts singing when he parts from you, the song from all those years ago.
"For as long as I live and as long as I love, I will never not think about you," He hums and you smile. "I will never not think about you. From the moment I loved, I knew you were the one, And no matter what I do," He hugs you close to him, "I will never not think about you."
"Did you know why this was my favorite song?" Your voice is muffled by his voice, arms wrapped around his waist. He shakes his head no. "It's because it reminded me of you, my love."
He didn't think he could love you more than he did, but here he is, heart almost bursting at the edges with love.
He sucks in a breath and mutters to your hair, "I love you, so, so much." Here in the space now you called your own, the two of you bask in warmth.
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ask-them-bois · 4 years
Ancient Sounds 2/5
Oliver took a deep, steadying breath, running his tongue over his lips as he waited. The chill of the ice rink slipped under his clothes and ghosted over his skin, making him shiver. He adjusted his stance, his bloodpumper thudding against his thoratic cage. He never felt blinder than when he was on the ice; the cold negated every scent, and at the moment the rink was dead quiet. His cane was sat on a bench outside the field.
Yet, with the anticipation turning his blood hot, he’d never felt more alive. The music started with a burst of fanfare over the speakers, and Oliver shot off across the ice. One moment he stood near the wall, the next he was gliding halfway across the rink. The music thrummed in his ears as he spun about and leaped like a ribbon dancer, coming down cleanly on a practiced, one-footed landing, only to bend back further than should be natural.
She laughed, unbridled glee shaking her apart as she threw her arms up, reaching for the invisible audience in the empty stands. She went with the momentum she’d built, flipping onto her hands. A twist, jump, and she was back on her feet, dashing forward and spinning. The music swelled as she reached behind herself and grabbed her leg.
She stopped in place and spun, spun, spun, one hand up, palm raised to the ceiling. As the music crashed into its climax she crouched and threw herself skyward once more, arms spread like she was flying, before she rolled forward into a flip and landed once more on her feet.
She couldn’t see it, but she could imagine her cape flowing out behind her, glimmering like fire as the warm colored glitter caught the spotlights. The gems and sequins on her uniform sparkled, setting her limbs aflame like the wings of a phoenix.
The music began to fade as they soared in circles, until the track stopped completely. They stopped, too, panting, and lit up at the scattered applause to their right.
“Well done, master Maddel, as always!” One of Oliver’s entourage called; the goldblood, from the sound of it. Oliver flashed her a charming smile and skated towards her voice, one hand out. Their fingers tapped the low wall around the rink and they grabbed it, coming to a stop.
“Thank you, darling, did you like that?” He purred, leaning his elbows on the wall.
“Yes, ma’am, that was spectacular.” Another troll chipped in.
“Thank you so much, my dear. It’s a little more basic than the dance I did earlier, but it won me a competition a few sweeps ago. Could one of you hand me a hydration cylinder, pretty please?” Oliver purred, her voice giggly and sweet. She heard a flurry of movement, then the cool metal of the soda can was pressed against her arm.
She took it with another sugary, “Thank you, darling!” and cracked the tab before taking a sip.
“When’s your next performance, master Maddel?” The goldblood asked.
“I’m afraid it won’t be for a while, my sweet, I’m all tied up in some other business at the moment.” Oliver told her forlornly, setting his soda down. “Speaking of, what time is it?”
“It’s just past midnight, sir.”
“Ah, then I’m afraid I need to get going, I’ve been practicing since the sun went down, and I have a video date with my precious morail I don’t want to be late for.”
“How will you video date if you can’t-” The goldblood began, only to be abruptly cut off; by the ‘smack’ sound, Oliver could guess someone had covered her mouth.
“Can’t see?” Oliver finished for her, before he chuckled, turning and skating for the nearby gate, “I don’t need eyes to hear my beloved’s words, do I?”
“N- no, ma’am, I suppose not.” The goldblood said meekly.
Oliver only chuckled again. The gate beeped, signaling he’d arrived next to it, and he pushed it open. Stepping out onto the rubbery ground, he carefully and somewhat awkwardly walked to the bench across from him. He sat, easily untying and removing the skates.
She flexed out her toes, relieved, and felt around. On the bench next to her laid her cane and purse, both of which she scooped up, along with her skates. “Good night, my loves!” She said cheerfully, shouldering her purse and headed for the locker rooms.
When they shouldered their way into their VIP locker room, they tapped their way towards the showers, stripping down as they went and dropping their purse and skates on a chair. A quick rinse, and they stepped out, grabbing a towel from the waiting pile.
He toweled off as he headed for his locker, scooping up his uniform as he went. He pressed his thumb to the scanner and it popped open, and Oliver traded their skates for their street clothes.
Binder, jumpsuit, cape, and white band were traded for bra, a band shirt, and skinny jeans. He tied an olive green band around his eyes before slipping a pair of pumps on his feet and brushing out his hair.
She sighed, relieved to be out of uniform, and pinched the collar of her shirt, pulling it up to her sniffnub and inhaling deeply. The shirt smelled like her morail’s cologne and detergent; probably because she’d stolen it from him. With a laugh, she grabbed her purse and cane and headed for the door again. She slipped out the rink’s front door, in time to hear the scuttlebuggy pull up.
“Good evening, master Maddel.” The driver said as they emerged from the buggy and walked around to open the door.
“Good evening, darling.” Oliver replied, hand out. The driver took his hand and helped him into the carriage, before shutting the door and walking back towards the front seats.
“Where to, sir?” The driver asked as they got in.
“Yes, sir.”
The scuttlebuggy started up and began to move, and Oliver opened his purse and dug out his palmhusk and a pair of earbuds. He slipped them into his ears and turned the screen on.
“Home screen.” The buds informed him, “Two new messages, four missed calls.” With practiced fingers, Oliver pulled up Trollian and pressed a button. The buds promptly began reading out the messages:
-HeavymetalMeowbeast began trolling SightlessFirebird!-
-HeavymetalMeowbeast is idle-
Oliver smiled softly, thumbing the speech-to-text option. They raised the palmhusk closer and began to speak.
SF: Hello, sugargrub~. What is it you want to tell me~?
They waited, and were not disappointed by the swift response, which the buds quickly read out:
SF: Hmm~. You’re right, darling, I can’t guess~. Do tell, though~.
SF: Very 7lip 7ucking cool~. Did you 7ind out anything else~?
Oliver smiled softly to herself; she knew her morail’s ancestry already, she’d just neglected to mention it to him. Why else would she have chosen him as a morail? As her second in command at the Black Hand? Well… that’s why she chose him at first, but he’d grown on her exponentially since then. Not that he needed to know that.
SF: Well, it depends~. Who are his connections~?
SF: Hm~… Yes, I believe several o7 those ring a dongshouter~. Well done, BB, I’ll dig around and see what I can 7ind~.
SF: Absolutely, my love~. <> You’ll see me in a 7ew hours~.
-HeavymetalMeowbeast ceased trolling SightlessFirebird!-
Oliver purred, raising his head as he felt the scuttlebuggy come to a stop.
“We’re here, sir.” The driver said, parking the vehicle and getting out. Oliver nodded, gathering his things and getting out of the buggy with the driver’s help.
“Thank you, dear.” They told the driver, pressing a few bills into their hand before they tapped their way to their hivestem’s front doors.
He pulled a card from his purse and took a moment to locate the scanner, before pressing the card against it. The scanner beeped, and he heard the doors swish open in front of him. He headed for the vertical ascension box, thumbing the button.
His fingers drummed against the head of his cane as he waited, humming to himself. When the box pinged, signaling the doors had opened, he ducked inside. He felt for the panel and ran his fingers upwards, until he felt the correct number under his fingers and pressed it.
The doors shut, and the box began to rise. As she waited, Oliver clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, thinking. Finally, the ride ended, and the doors opened. Oliver stepped out, into her own hive.
Oliver’s hive was a vast, penthouse apartment near the top of the hivestem. From what he’d been told, it had a lovely view of the city on one side, and the mountains on the other. He had everything, from a large mealblock to a hot tub on the balcony, to an entire block converted into an aviary for his pets and lusus.
After dropping his purse on the loungeplank, he headed to the mealblock and dug leftovers out of his mealvault. Thin slices of sashimi, cooked just enough to sear a crust of spices along the edges, and a bowl of sugar-glazed scarabs.
Oliver hummed, carrying his dinner to his studio slash office, and set it down next to his husktop, which he boot up. Popping a scarab in his mouth, he picked up a small remote and clicked it. He heard a beep, and his audio-crate began playing music at a low volume; it was thundering, screeching heavy metal, with intense bass and drums. A moment later, Oliver’s morail’s voice started howling out lyrics.
Smiling to themself, Oliver heard their husktop beep to indicate it was on and ready. With the screen reader as a guide, they located the desktop Trollian and opened it.
-SightlessFirebird began trolling TheDecaying!-
SF: Hello, my lovely dear Brigan~! You do not know me, but I am a 7riend, in dire need of your assistance~. I need in7ormation~.
There was a pause, before the husktop pinged.
TD: Wh_ is Brigan?
Oliver frowned.
SF: You are, my dear~.
TD: I am wh_?
SF: You are Brigan~!
TD: I am?
Oliver sighed, beginning to wonder if this was a good idea.
SF: Yes, my love, and I want to know- have you ever heard of a man called the Hierophant~?
TD: Wh_ are y_u?
SF: I am a 7riend, as I said~. Do you know the Hierophant~?
There was another pause, much longer than the first. Oliver began to get concerned after several minutes ticked by; he’d nearly finished his plate of sashimi by the time his husktop pinged.
TD: I d_ n_t kn_w y_u. Th- magg_ts whisp-r y_u ar- n_t t_ b- trust-d. A blind bird dr-ss-d in flam-s will _nly b- c_nsum-d by what mak-s th-m pr-tty. Fir-s di- wh-n th-y ar- suff_cat-d. Th- Hi-r_phant fl-w _n wax wings, t__ cl_s- t_ th_ flint and st--l that lit y_ur f-ath-rs, and n_w h- burns.* *(I do not know you. The maggots whisper you are not to be trusted. A blind bird dressed in flames will only be consumed by what makes them pretty. Fires die when they are suffocated. The Hierophant flew on wax wings, too close to the flint and steel that lit your feathers, and now he burns.)
Oliver sat back, surprised, before he scowled.
SF: So you *did* know him~?
TD: Knew who?
Oliver took a deep breath, a frustrated growl rolling in her throat.
SF: Thank you for your help, Brigan~.
TD: G__dbye, Blind Ph_-nix.
-TheDecaying ceased trolling SightlessFirebird!-
-TheDecaying has blocked SightlessFirebird!-
That was a waste of time, Oliver thought bitterly, mentally scratching Brigan off their list. They tossed another sugar-scarab into their mouth and chewed on it ruefully, thinking.
“An evil god nestled somewhere in time, A bloody spider- no warnings, no signs. Judgement day and the rotten child arrives, Eventually, laid bare are his crimes.
The records went up in flames, no turning back, ‘Cause I just had to see, was the spider’s bite watching me? In the mist, the facts twist, and bones do snap, as I lay on your altar, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding.”
Oliver’s morail’s voice cut through their thoughts and they turned their head towards the radio, which was still playing one of their morail’s albums. Oliver knew that album; Spades of Revolution, their latest release.
“A bloody spider…” Oliver repeated aloud, tapping their claws on the desk, “And a rotten child…” A wicked smile crawled across their face and they turned back to the husktop.
Dismissing the failed conversation, Oliver pulled up a new chatroom.
-SightlessFirebird began trolling WacobaRanchOffical!-
SF: Hello, Mr. Bluegill~. My name is Oliver, and I am a huge 7an o7 your work~. I was wondering i7 I could ask you a 7ew questions~?
Oliver sat back and waited. Having cleared her bowl and plate, she picked them up and took them to the mealblock sink. She stopped by the aviary to feed her birds and lusus, giving them each a minute of attention- they’d get more later, before sunrise- before heading back to the office.
She tapped a button on the side of her mouse, but the screen reader only read back the message she’s sent. She frowned.
SF: Mr. Kappal~? Are you there~? I don’t mean to be a bother, my dear man, I’m just very curious about a 7ew things~.
Still, no response came. Oliver waited several minutes, which stretched onto hours. He went and showered, did his entire hair and skin treatment routine, and got changed into a comfy robe.
When he checked again, nothing, and the clock informed him it was nearly time for his video date with his morail. Nibbling on his lip, he sent a final message.
SF: Well, just get to me when you can, sir~! I hope to hear 7rom you soon~!
No response ever came.
Somewhere, far away, in a hive by the seaside, a husktop pinged three times over the span of several hours. Only one of the residents heard it.
But he couldn’t stop staring at the blood on his hands.
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wennjunhui · 5 years
map of the soul 7 album review
told yall id be back to yell about this
i’ll only be voicing my thoughts about the new tracks. bolded tracks are songs i found to be standouts! 
interlude shadow: 
suga showing why he owns the kpop industry again. its not an everyday listen for me, but that doesn’t take away from its quality. its probably making it into my emo boi hours rotation. i liked the little reference to home. the tone shift at the end got me SHOOKETH tho like DAMN FUCK ME UP
black swan: 
fuck yall i really want an instrumental version of this song because honestly it sounds so beautiful? or maybe an instrumental version of the mv version bc jesus i love this backing. otherwise, its not really for me. i can see myself getting tired of this song really easily, and sometimes it feels like it drags on for too long. 
ok i know this latin inspired sound is really in right now and its everywhere but DAMN it sounds so good here. jimin sounds so freaking good with this type of seductive sound and it just fits him so freaking well??? also i really like the message of this song? i think this type of genre really adds to the desperation for attention its trying to convey. top tier song easily one of my favorites of this album
my time: 
im gonna be honest, this really isn’t my kind of song. like its almost there for me?? like its so freaking close, but this chorus just isn’t my thing at all. the verses i can get behind (kinda reminds me of dean a little which im here for), but this chorus is just so not there for me. the use of finna is also kinda cringey for me and its making not take this song seriously at all. 
louder than bombs: 
this is a movie/tv show soundtrack and you can’t change my mind. this is BIG ruelle vibes and i am HERE for it. you can really hear the troye sivan influence too in the chorus. like i swear i can here troye singing this chorus so easily. with that being said, i really wish there was something more? i dont think the chorus hits enough, but otherwise i like it!
ok but we been knew this song is so hype. lowkey dont know why sia was featured on this track she doesn’t really contribute much?? she sings like 2 lines and i’m just really confused why she didn’t feature more (feel free to correct me here i was skipping around so i mightve just missed it). more thoughts on the song/mv here.
ok i really want to like this, but damn as an ace this chorus makes me so goddamn uncomfortable like damn stop grunting in my ears this is GROSS. besides that, i’m down for the verse/pre chorus. the gunshots i was not expecting??? like thats also why i dont wanna listen to this on the speaker bc thats FRIGHTENING but at the same time my ears feel violated if i listen via earbuds/headset. basically i 20% like it, 80% wish it would get FAR AWAY FROM ME
00:00 zero o’clock:
it’s pretty~ probably making it in my emo boi hours rotation. but otherwise it wasn’t anything immediately ear catching. i hate its placement in this album tho? like right after ugh?? like i cant concentrate on this song bc im still distracted by everything that happened in ugh, and thats such a shame bc i would really like to but its not happening :///
inner child: 
ITS EMO HOURS THEY ARE OFFICIALLY OPENNNNNNNN yall i listened to this in the middle of class and that was a MISTAKE because i just started SHEDDING PHAT TEARS HOLY SHIT. i wasnt even reading the lyrics i just fucking felt everything and wow im getting emo just typing this again. these lyrics are so fucking meaningful too and im starting to cry just thinking about it OOF. v’s solos are honestly some of my favorite tracks ever that bts has put out, and this song is no exception. he sings with such emotion and puts so much thought and care into his music and its honestly so admirable and meaningful. like damn my bias is really here doing this. also pretty much everything about this song is my song aesthetic???????? like this is an 12/10 song. definitely just sprung to the top of my favorite bts songs
DID SOMEONE SAY VMIN????? FUCK YALL this friendship is the CUTEST PUREST THING EVERRRR i genuinely love and admire this friendship so much like shit dude this is just pure emo hours. FUCKING CALLING EACH OTHER SOULMATES AND EVERYTHING GOD DAMMIT IM EMO. otherwise, musically it doesn’t grab my attention too much. it’s a nice listen, but nothing extremely noteworthy. but am i still gonna cry at the lyrics???? every single fucking time you bet your ass i am
YES JIN POP OFFFFFFFFFFF this songs cute as fuck yall. i can tell the more i listen to it the more i’ll love it. idk i dont have much to say im just vibin with it and honestly? i love that
another cute song that represents their friendship and i am HERE for it. love the little nod the epilouge young forever too. in terms of music genre, not really my sound i go for. i can still see myself listening to it tho, probably just not often
we are bulletproof: the eternal
you know i was expecting another go-hard song like the previous two we are bulletproofs so i was kinda sad when it didn’t happen, but this songs still really pretty. i think this song gets more meaningful when you listen with the lyrics, because thats really when the feels hit hard. otherwise, by itself it didn’t intrigue me as much as i wanted. but its still gonna wind up in my emo hours rotation bc im still emo listening to it so it all gucci
outro: ego
THIS BROUGHT ME BACK TO 2013 YALL BRUH WHEN IT FIRST STARTED TEARS STARTED COMINGGGGG ok but this songs so freaking cute and happy and you know what? i needed that. bc this album is emo as FUCK and i want a happy song and thank you jung hoseok for delivering that to me. also the mv is adorable and i uwued very much
remember that this is all just my opinion and you are allowed to disagree! i’d love to talk more about anything with you guys so don’t be afraid to reply/message/drop an ask!
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hey-hey-chan · 6 years
Grincherella - Chan
❀ Comedy/fluff/romance with a dash of angst (Cinderella AU)
❀ Word count: 9, 284 
❀ It is THAT time of year again, yes, Christmas season and y/n seems to hate everything and anyone who talks about it. Once she is forced to attending a Christmas party, she is forced to sing, onstage, with the cute boy in her psych class. But the thing is: he doesn’t recognize her. Will she finally let go of her troubled past and present or will she let her insecurities haunt her forever?
❀ A/N: ummmm a mix between Cinderella and High School Musical ? idk what i was thinking but i felt nostalgic i guess .,,, this is the longest fic i’ve EVER written pLEASE dont let this flop AHAHAHA /sweats/ but i also feel bad for making u sit through 9k words /sweats again/ so do what u want i guess
P.S I LOVE YOU ALL! this is a treat for you guys who have been missing my writing!! now im on break so im back in the game !! 
“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” I suddenly got a puff of snow to the face, which made me crinkle my red nose in disgust. “Y/N!!” I slammed my book shut and glared at the boy.
“What?” Jisung giggled and sat on the bench next to me. 
“It’s funny.” 
“What’s so funny about throwing wet snow in someone’s face when they’re trying to read.” I pointed at my book exaggeratedly, a signal for him to leave. He didn’t take it. 
Jisung fixed his scarf, making sure it knocked into my face as usual. He then proceeded to scooch closer to me, which was the final line. “Jisung? What’s your deal? What do you want?” I finally caved. The boy only came to me when he is bored, wants him, or is bored; all in that order. Don’t get me wrong, he was my best friend, but sometimes I just wanted to punch him in the face. 
He chuckled and kicked his feet in the snow. I noted they were adorned with new black snow boots. “I don’t know, I’m just in the Christmas spirit I guess.” I crinkled my nose. “Oh c’mon, I still don’t get why you don’t like Christmas so much. That’s like... illegal.” I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration. 
“Just ‘cause everyone else likes it, doesn’t mean I have to.” I slammed my book shut and looked at the boy in the eyes. “So, it would be great if you would stop pestering me about it because you’re not going to change my mind.”
I got up from the bench and started to walk off to my next class, already starting my day off feeling irritated. 
It wasn’t like I hated Christmas, I just hated when people started to be fake because of is. Kids would act nicer to their parents and relatives to get more money and loot for the winter, but return to the devilish children they are when January rolls around. Cuffing season starts and then couples start to pop up, only for the intent of getting gifts and a “cute” Christmas romance for the holidays. Then, their forced relationship ends. Everything about this season was fake, fake, and more fake. 
And I like real. 
I stopped by a coffee shop and ordered my usual drink: black coffee. It tasted bitter, but I liked the harsh taste of it. It woke me up. 
I walked into my early psychology class and took a seat at the back, my usual spot. I immediately was greeted to the group of loud and rambunctious students who sat in the front row. I groaned internally but simply leaned back in my chair and plugged in my earbuds. 
Suddenly, I felt a presence beside me and out of reflex, I took my earbuds out.
“Good morning, y/n.” I immediately smiled at his cheeky voice.
“Morning, Chan.” The light haired boy frowned and gave me the famous dimple that killed all the girls on campus. Besides me of course. 
“Aw, not even a good in front of that? Now how am I supposed to know what kind of morning I should have?” He pouted, tugging off his scarf and beanie since the room we were in was overly heated. 
I scoffed and shook my head. “What’s so good about it, dude? Our final is today and I feel like death himself.” I joked. It was true, our final was today, and yes, I felt horrible, but even I couldn’t help myself from feeling giddy about the end of the year. 
Chan smile and leaned closer to my desk. “Aw c’mon, y/n, it’s almost Chris-” 
I groaned and made a motion to put my earbuds back in. “I swear to God, if I hear one more person talk bout Christmas, I’m going to explode.” I sighed. Chan broke out into cheerful laughter, like he always does, and shook his head at my reaction.
“You know, you’re the only person I’ve ever met who hates Christmas so much. How can you hate it?? Everyone’s in a better mood, everyone’s in a relationship so you don’t have to run away from boys anymore-” He nudged me jokingly while I rolled my eyes. “And plus, you love peppermint.” 
I nodded, affirming he made a good point. “Ok, you’re right, I do love peppermint.” He was about to give me the cheekiest smile but I cut him off. “BUT, I hate that everyone is so happy this season when I swear everyone looked like they were about to cut me in half in the other 11 months. Plus, my devil for step siblings are shitloads nicer in December but once it hits New Years, all of a sudden they’re stealing my stuff again and pretending to be each other, ‘cause you know...”
“Twins.” He finished my sentence. I nodded and fiddled with my necklace. 
I’ll admit, ever since my dad got remarried, it had never been the same. It’s not like I hated my step mom... all the time... but she wasn’t mom. My mom had always treated me like an adult, even when I wasn’t. I had matured faster than all the kids in my grade, and always had felt like an old soul compared to everyone else. 
Mom used to let me have a sip of her eggnog, that had a little bit of burbon in it, and it wasn’t a big deal. But in my stepmom’s house, it wasn’t allowed, neither was running up the stairs or listening to the music while walking because I could “trip”. I had the same rules as her children, and it was irritating at times. Ok all the time. 
“Hm, well I hope that some day a person will change that for you.” Chan said melodramatically. I chuckled comfortingly, but I knew that would never happen. No one could do Christmas like my mom. 
“Just like how Chaeyoung did that for you?” I teased. His pale cheeks turned a soft red color, blending into his red sweated. I laughed even harder. “Oh come on, you cannot still be embarrassed about your girlfriend, you’ve been dating for a month now.”
Chan tsked and slumped back in his chair. “See, you said two completely different things. Chaeyoung is not my girlfriend, but we are dating. Different. People who have dated someone can understand the difference.” He teased. Usually that would offend people, but I let the insult roll off my back. 
“You act like it’s a bad thing I’ve never dated, it’s normal, weirdo. Also, I know you Chan, and I know that you’re a hopeless romantic who just started ‘dating’ someone because it’s cuffing season and you want someone to hold your hand in the snow at night.” I spat back. 
Before he could say anything, the teacher walked in, signaling the start of the final. I got out my number 2 pencils and gave a thumbs up to Chan.
“Good luck.” I whispered.
“Break a leg.” 
“Finally!!” I screamed into my house when I got home. Finals season was officially over and winter break had commenced. I flung my backpack into my room and plopped down on my bed. My back had ached from carry my backpack around everywhere and from the unneeded stress from school. It was finally time to relax. 
Suddenly, I heard a slight buzz to my left. I groaned and looked at the text message. 
It was from my stepmom, saying ‘will be home late today, theres some shrimp in the fridge, u can make pasta’. 
Well, that was a long vacation. 
I rolled out of bed and threw on a flannel, ready to cook some pasta. It wasn’t hard, but I just hated deshelling shrimp. It was time consuming, even though shrimp was one of my favorite foods, I would rather someone else cook it for me to be honest. 
After I cleaned the shrimp, I got out the pasta, preparing all my ingredients before I had to start actually cooking something. But before I could do that, I heard my phone ring. 
I rolled my eyes at the caller ID: Han Jisung, aka, Han Solo in my phone. 
“What.” I answered. 
“So....” He paused. I rolled my eyes
“Jisung, I’m cooking dinner, just get on with it.” I heard rustling in the back ground, which meant he was laying down in bed. Lucky him.
“Fine, fine, so, you know how I’m going to that holiday party thing tomorrow that’s for like 3 days and 2 nights right?” I nodded, but realized he couldn’t see me.
“Yup, why, you need me to watch Pepper?” 
“Nope, my sister said she can take him for the days I’m gone, but anyways, my friend, he really needs a date and he-” 
“Jisung, no-” 
“Ok, so I already knew you would say no, so I already said ye-” 
“YOU DID WHAT?” I screamed into the phone. 
I could feel my heart beat pick up in panic and I had to set down my phone to calm down. “Ok, ok y/n, I know what you’re thinking and I’m really sorry but-” 
“No you’re not Jisung, you love this don’t you? UGH, why do you always have to set me up with people?” I felt whiny but I couldn’t help myself. I hated when anyone, especially Jisung, tried to set me up on dates. They always ended terribly where either I, or the dude, was awkward or the thing just never clicked. 
Most of the dudes weren’t even friend material for me, it was a terrifying experience. 
“Ok, but look, this time, the dude is really a good guy. He’s funny, talkative, charming, attractive, good at singing-” 
“Oh then why don’t you just date him?” I mocked. Jisung made a whiny noise and said “Y/n, please, you know I’m already going with Naeun, I made a commitment!” 
I stared at the bowl of dead shrimp, wishing I could be that chill for one day. “God Jisung, you know how uncomfortable this makes me, why would you do this?” I finally said after a long time of silence. 
He sighed and I knew he truly felt guilty. “Ok, I swear I’m really, really sorry. But this time, I think this guy is at least a good friend match for you. Plus, he’s my friend, so he’s got to be a good friend for you, right??” 
“Please y/n? I’ll make it up to you I promise!” 
I tapped my foot rapidly, trying to make a decision quickly.
“Jisung, even if I say yes, my stepmom is a whole nother story. I need to watch the twins, remember?” 
Jisung sighed like he had forgot I had siblings. I guess it was even a new thing for me sometimes, even though it had been seven years. 
“Ok, fine, if she says yes, are you game?” 
“Game.” I muttered. He squealed in delight. “But don’t think I’m not mad at you, ok? I’m still mad.” I pouted, even though I couldn’t really be mad at him when I had just finished finals. My world seemed like it was so much calmer now, yet it never got exciting in the first place. 
“Ok, ok, I’ll make it up to you, all of it! It’ll be great, we’ll have so much fun! AAAH!” 
I hung up the phone before he could convince me to do anything else. I sighed, opening the box of pasta.
“What have I gotten myself into?” 
Once I was done with the pasta, I heard the door unlock, soon followed by rambunctious screaming and yelling.
“Heeyoung!! I can’t believe you asked Jake for his number, I called dibs first!” 
“Oh shut up, he was way into me anyways.” 
Suddenly, I heard some sort of wrestling on the ground. 
“Girls, girls, c’mon now, you both can have Jake! Remember, if you guys behave, then I’ll get you two new phones.” At the mention of a new phone, the girls both shut up immediately. 
The girls were twelve years old now as Hanna, my stepmom, already had them with her previous marriage. At 12, I never remembered being so spoiled and entitled, it was disturbing to say the least. 
“Oh, y/n, is dinner done?” She said like she just noticed my presence. I nodded and flicked off the stove. 
“Yup, just finished cooking, you guys eat first, I’m not hungry.” I lied. I was starving, but I hated eating with them and I knew they would rather eat with my as well. That’s just how things worked in this household. 
“Ok, you go upstairs then.” Hanna’s attention then turned to her girls who were trying their hardest to not tear out each other’s hair. It was hilarious and sad all the same time. 
Before I could go upstairs, I heard the doorbell ring, which meant Jisung was here. 
“It’s Jisung!” I called out to the table and they didn’t really pay me any attention besides the two girls who were giggling. Yes, I knew they had a crush on Jisung. Yes, it was weird. 
I threw the door open and saw the boy all bundled up in his bright white winter jacket. I raised a brow. “You’re really gonna-”
Before I could finish, he walked into the house and went right up to my mom, who adored him, only because Jisung was rich, funny, nice, and good looking. 
“Jisung! You’re here, oh gosh, did you have dinner? I made dinner, go ahead and have some.” I wanted to correct her lie, but it would do nothing except make me feel awkward. Jisung raised a brow at me but said nothing either.
“Oh no thank you, I just had dinner at my house. But, I just came over to ask you a very important question, Hanna.” I could tell my stepmom loved the attention and was already blushing. God, I hate Jisung and love him all at the same time. 
“Of course, darling.” She cooed at him, her botox hindering her from smiling widely. 
Jisung smiled and brushed his hair out of his face. “So, there was this little get-together thing that I wanted to bring y/n to, and it’s only for a couple nights and-” 
Hanna shook her head and set her fork down loudly. “Jisung, honey, you cannot ask for stuff like that. I like you a lot but you know y/n needs to stay home and watch the girls. I work and can’t be tied down all day.” 
Jisung feigned sadness, which I knew hit some pity points for Hanna. “Hanna, please, it’s a holiday party and-” 
Hanna scoffed. “Ok, we both know y/n hates anything Christmas, she’s the grinch in girl form.” 
“Ok, yes, but she promised me she would go because it won’t just be about Christmas, but about meeting new people, and hanging out in a nice lodge. So please, can she go, only for a few nights?” 
I felt my heart thump rapidly, for some reason, hoping she’ll say yes. I shook away the thought as quickly as it came; I hated Christmas and the snow and the mountains, which is what I would be facing if I went to this party.
Everyone’s ears peaked up to hear her answer.
“Well, y/n shouldn’t make promises she can’t keep.” Hanna continued to down her dinner and Jisung turned his head to shake his head in failure. I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. 
“Sorry Jisung, it’s just that me and the girls are going to this huge Christmas party tomorrow night as well and I need someone to watch the dog. You know how they get.” Hanna lied lamely and took a bite of shrimp, that was her favorite food as well. “But that’s ok, y/n hates Christmas anyways, I’m sure you can make cooler and better friends at the party anyways.” 
Five years ago, those words would’ve hurt me, but now they were just annoying. I couldn’t wait til I finished college and didn’t have to depend on her for college tuition. I wasn’t like the normal girls in the fairytales; I wasn’t exceptionally smart and heading to Princeton or an amazing dancer like Selena Gomez, I was just... me. 
Jisung didn’t stick around to hear her annoying jabber and made up some excuse. “Well, my mom is expecting me home and I need to pack me for my trip. It was nice seeing you guys.” The all waved to him as I just shrugged at him as he left. He looked defeated in the moment, but with the evil glint in his eyes, I could tell this wasn’t over. 
“Don’t forget to feed Princess!! She needs some real food too so just cook her some fried rice, ok!?” 
“OK!” The door shut loudly, signaling I finally had the house to myself. 
I covered my mouth with a yawn, feeling warm and cozy in my flannel pajamas. My hair was tied loosely into two braids. 
“Thank God I don’t have to go out tonight,” I whispered to myself. I felt bad that Jisung had to go to this event by himself since his girlfriend was going with a group of friends. But I didn’t feel bad enough to go. 
I pulled out my guitar and started to strum lightly on the strings. I never could play and sing when they were home; the twins always complained about my music being too loud when they were studying, even though they never studied. 
“All I hear is raindrops
 Falling on the rooftop 
Oh baby tell me why’d you have to go 
Cause this pain I feel 
It wont go away 
And today I’m officially missing you”
I gently strummed the strings on my guitar, feeling the groove of the music. 
Breaking my magic, I heard my phone buzz. I set my guitar down on my bed and looked at my phone. 
‘open your window’ -jisung
I scoffed and popped open my window and somehow, Jisung jumped inside my room. That’s what I get for not chopping down that humongous tree I guess.
“Jisung... what the hell are you doing here?” I finally asked in confusion. “You’re gonna be late to the party.” I deadpanned slowly. Jisung shrugged off all the snow on his body, leaving my carpet wet. He was dressed with raggedly clothes and a black mask over his face. Of course he would go as a ninja. For some reason, the party planner decided that the ball should be a Christmas costume party... interesting. 
“HEY, asshole, what do you-”
“You know, I love hearing you sing, why don’t you do it in front of-.” My cheeks were now as red as cherries from the anger and compliment. 
“Jisung, what are you doing here?” He shrugged and adjusted his mask.
“Well, um, so we are gonna go to that party.”
I paused at his words and stared at him in silence. 
“No... I’m not going because you couldn’t convince Hanna. Done deal, bye!” I tried to shove him out, but obviously I wasn’t strong enough. 
“Y/n, y/n, listen, listen.” I crossed my arms at the desperation in his voice. “The girls and Hanna are all gone tonight, and probably tomorrow morning-”
“Jisung, they’re coming home at one am, and it takes an hour to just get to the location of your party, and maybe even longer in the snow. I’m not gonna risk it.” I walked away from him, hoping he wouldn’t follow. 
“Y/n, for Pete’s sake, you never do anything bad or even a little rebellious. You stick to rules and you stick to routine, and yes, I know it’s ‘cause of your mom-”
“She’s not my mom.”
“Right, sorry, I mean Hanna, she controls you but she’s finally not here! That’s gotta be a sign, right??” He spoke with such a desperation that I almost felt sorry for him, and myself, but what could I do? I was stuck here until she came back!
“Jisung, really, I can’t just sneak out, what if she catches me? There goes my college tuition and I can’t even finish college and become a choir teacher like I’ve always wanted. It’s just... I don’t wanna risk it.” I said lamely. 
For a few moments, Jisung was silent, which was extremely rare. He sat on my bed, making it creak slightly. I felt like the atmosphere was tense, even though I didn’t know why. 
“I just... you never take chances y/n, the party is gonna be amazing and all I want is my best friend there.” I sighed and patted him on the head. 
“Jisung, I’m not Cinderella, I can’t sneak out of the house and get back before one.” At those words, he shot up and stared at me.
“You know what? If Cinderella can do it, we can! We can just leave the party at midnight and then we’ll make it home before one, I swear on it. It’s not like the road is crowded when it’s that late anyways.”
I laid in bed, the plan not sounding too bad when he said it that way.I tried to protest, but I had little fight left since he was making such a good argument. 
“I don’t even have a costume.” I mumbled lamely. He raised a brow and gave me his signature smirk. “Oh what this time, Jisung?” 
Before I could comprehend what we were doing, we were sorting through my closet and dug out something I never thought I would be pulling out. 
“Really, my mom’s wedding dress... why.” I spoke, but I was quite breathless. I couldn’t imagine wearing something so beautiful. 
Jisung shook the top off the box and shrugged. “It’s perfect for the winter and perfect for a costume as well. You know your mom, she loved...”
I smiled sadly. “Yeah, she loved winter and Christmas.” I mumbled quietly, but I lost my voice once I saw the dress. I covered my mouth and pulled out the outfit. 
“You’re trying that on now.” Jisung yelped. 
I took my time trying on the dress; as I stared at myself in the mirror, I was astonished by the detailing.
It was a beautiful, pale white dress that was adorned in glitter and sparkles. There were small flowers which resembled snowflakes that fell over the poofy skirt. The cut wasn’t too low, but wasn’t too high either. The sleeves were decked out in glitter, and somehow, it fit me perfectly.
“Y/n, we don’t have all day now!” I hurried up and walked out. As he caught sight of me, he dropped my phone. “Damn, you look so much like your mom.” He whispered. Jisung was one of my only friends who had known me when my mom was still alive and that’s probably why he was still friends with me, because I wasn’t the nicest person after she passed. 
“Ok, hurry up, Grincherella, we’re getting in the car.” 
This was the most fun I’d ever had. We were jamming out to classics in the car and not caring who were waking up. 
Jisung turned down the music and shouted to tell me something.
“Oh yeah, that guy who I sold you out too? He doesn’t need a date anymore, I felt really bad so I told him you weren’t looking for a serious date and he said he’d rather go alone anyways. So now we get to party together, WOOP!” He shouted turned up the music again. I almost forgot about my so-called date and now I was happy I didn’t have one. I could just hide in the corner and eat all the food they had.
Soon, we arrived at the venue, and I couldn’t even hide that it was beautiful. There was a fountain up front that was decked out in Christmas decor. There was a machine that projected snowflakes on the building that made the snow around us stand out. And also, it was huge. 
“Oh shit.” Jisung suddenly said. I turned to him in surprise.
“I forgot a mask for you.” He mumbled. I shrugged. 
“That’s fine, I don’t really need one.” I noted. He glared at me. 
“That’s a lie, hold on, lemme pull out my party box.” I was about to question what that was until the boy pulled out a box from the back seat and started to rummage through it. “YES!” He said pulling out a black mask that was lacey and probably too beautiful for me to wear. “Ok, it’s not white like I wanted it to be, but... hmhmmh hold on.” 
I groaned as he pulled out a paintbrush and some white paint and glitter. “Hold still.” Before I could question him, he put on my mask and started to draw white swiggle lines from the mask and out. He layered silver glitter on me and brushed some glitter all around my face and neck. 
“I love being friends with an art major.” He let out a chuckle and threw the art stuff in the box. 
“You look hot, I hope you get laid tonight or else this all will be in vain.” I rolled my eyes.
“Please, I’d be lucky to even get someone to stare at me.” Jisung laughed and helped me out of the car. The cold air hit my arms, making them erupt with goosebumps. 
“Oh they’ll be staring all right. Now c’mon!” 
If the outside was already wild, the inside was even crazier. Music was blaring through the speakers, people were grinding on each other and I’m sure some people were blatantly just making out. This is why I never leave my house.
“C’mon grinch, at least look alive.” I rolled my eyes and tried to hide myself as stares started to come my way. “Don’t look so nervous, they’re looking ‘cause you’re h o t.” I slapped his arm and chuckled, feeling nervous at all the attention.
Before the two of us could get far, I felt Jisung being pulled away from me. 
“JISUNG! Baby!” I looked to my side and saw all of Jisung’s friends. Naeun had pulled him into a deep kiss, one that I felt awkward to look at. 
“Oh hey, y/n, you look so pretty!” Naeun greeted happily, opening her arms for a hug. Honestly, I never liked the girl, but she was a good fake nice I guess. I smiled widely at her and hugged her back. 
“You look stunning as well!” I exclaimed. “All of you guys look really cool.” I complimented to the entire group. 
“You look hot too, y/n, who knew you could dress up so well?” One of the boys exclaimed, making me feel a bit embarrassed. Jisung rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, let’s go get some drinks.” As they all went to get drinks, I pulled Jisung back. 
“No drinks until after you’re back at the party, I am not going to die or kill anybody when sitting in a car with you, got it?” The boy nodded and gulped, knowing I would actually run over him if he drove under the influence. 
The rest of the night moved by slowly, until the party started to pick up at 11. 
“OK GUYS, EVERYBODY ON THE DANCE FLOOR!” A crowd of people started to swarm into the middle of the venue, making me feel restricted and uncomfortable. In the corner of my eye, I saw Naeun pull Jisung into the crowd, leaving me to fend for myself. 
Great, I expected this. 
I immediately stepped back and found a way out of the crowd and ending up in the corner, like I had imagined. 
“Stupid Jisung, forcing me to come out here.” I pulled out my phone that showed I only had 30 minutes left. Suddenly, the DJ stopped played music and another due stepped on the stage. 
“Ok people, so tonight, like usual, it’s our annual karaoke night! Since most people hate singing in front of people, it’s best that we have our costumes on tonight am I right?!” The crowed screamed and whooped. It was a gigantic crowd, probably the most people I’ve seen together in my entire life. Ok that’s a lie but still. 
I drowned out the rest of the yelling and went back to my phone, mindlessly watching food videos online until someone had sat next to me. I tried to ignore the person, but he kept getting closer and closer, and me? I got further and further.
“Hi.” The dude stated. I looked over to him and noticed he was dressed as a mummy. Clever. Not. 
“Um, hi.” I said to not be rude. I shouldn’t assume he was hitting on me, maybe he just wanted to be friends.
“You’re beautiful, what is a girl like you sitting here alone?” Ok scratch that precious thought. I rolled my eyes and scooted away. 
“’Cause I want to?” I spat back. Before the creepy guy could advance even more, the strobe lights started to go crazy. 
“SO PEOPLE! Who wants to sing first?!” Numerous people were screaming and others were shoving their friends forward. I somewhat enjoyed the multiple people becoming targets. 
“ME ME!” I heard being screamed louder than anyone else. I watched as a blonde haired boy jumped onstage. His back was facing my side, but I could tell he was dressed as Prince Charming. 
“Well, Chan, isn’t it time we’ve seen you again?” Chan and the MC hugged.
Wait... Chan ...
My heart raced faster at the realization when the boy turned around. He had a white mask over the top of his face, but I could recognize that face anymore. 
“Oh shit.” 
“For those who don’t know, Chan is the best singer we have here and he’s here every year, what a guy! Without him, most of the girls wouldn’t even show up AHAHAHA” The MC laughed loudly into the mic and I flinched back to cover my ears. 
Suddenly, Chan’s eyes danced across mine, giving me a mini heart attack. I locked eyes with him, unsure of what I wanted him to do. After a few moments, he just looked away, making the whole interaction anti-climatic. 
Wow, he doesn’t recognize me.
I felt part relief that he wouldn’t make me in a wedding dress and attending a holiday party a big deal. But part sadness that a person I considered my friend couldn’t even recognize me when I was dressed as something else. 
“Well, let’s stop the chatter and get this party started! You know how it goes, you start with a duet first to break the ice!” The crowd oohed and awed while I just wanted the clock to hit midnight as soon as possible. 
“So what’s gonna happen is that this light.” The MC pointed to a giant yellow light that seemed quite intimidating. “Is going to land on one of you lucky people who is going to get to sing with Chan, ok? Everyone excited??” Screams erupted even though I knew someone who was probably a crappy singer would get picked. 90% of these people were drunk and the other 10% were drunk AND high.
Suddenly, the light started to wave everywhere, blinding everyone’s eyes. 
“Chan, you get the honor of yelling stop!” Chan took the mic gladly and closed his eyes. Typical Chan. 
Before I could take off running, the light landed right on my face, warming my entire body from head to toe. 
“STOP!” He yelled loudly. I felt my vision blur as everyone in the room turned and looked at me. 
Fuck, shit, fuck.
“Wow, lucky Chan, choosing his Cinderella for a partner! C’mon up here, miss!” I felt my heart throb immensely as I forced myself to stand. Ok, I’m just gonna run it’s fine-
Suddenly, a group of people started to usher me to the stage, which I started to protest, but it was no use. I wobbled up on stage and tried to not look at the looming crowd.
“Well, well, aren’t you two the perfect couple? You even have matching outfits!” I glanced over to Chan shyly, and avoided all eye contact. Still, even standing so close, he couldn’t tell who I was. I guess I had never dressed up or put on makeup, and I had tons of detailing on my face so whatever.
“So, what song do you want to sing?” The MC asked me. I grew nervous, as I hadn’t chosen a song.
I turned to Chan and gestured for him to choose. Chan gave me a small smile. 
“Sorry, the guest has to choose, but whatever you choose is fine with me.” I felt my face blush with his words and I was suddenly thankful I had a mask on. I felt more empowered with it on as no one would know who I was. Except for Jisung and his friends of course. Oh shit, I wonder how Jisung is reacting to this. 
“Um, ok, h-how about... Rewrite the Stars?” 
The MC clapped his hands and suddenly music started to gear up. I felt my palms get sweaty and my dress started to feel too big for my small pride. The lights dimmed and the venue turned dark, probably for dramatic effect. If I knew that this happened at these events, I would have not have gone. But it’s too late now. 
“You can do it!” I heard from the audience. I almost smiled at Jisung’s yell, but I was too nervous for that. 
The spotlight focused on Chan, making him look more ethereal than before. 
“You know I want you. It’s not a secret I try to hide.” I heard Chan’s voice fill the room, melting the heart’s of all the girls around us.
I knew Chan had an amazing voice, but with him staring right at me while he was singing was a little too intense for me. I smiled gently as his singing, but then he sang the next line to the audience, which showed he knew how to own the stage. The embellishments on his shoulders dazzled in the light, making his shoulders look broader than usual. 
“it’s up to you, and it's up to me No one can say what we get to be So why don't we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours Tonight.”
Shit, shit, it’s my turn real soon. 
My brain turned off and I only reacted on instinct now. My palms drenched the mic and made my grip tighter, but still slippery. I closed my eyes at the light focused on me and opened my mouth.
“You think it’s easy, you think I don’t wanna run to you?” The first note was shaky, yet filled with more composure than I imagined. 
“But there are mountains, and there are doors that we can’t walk through.” Slowly, I opened my eyes and turned, finally gaining confidence. I stared at Chan who was already watching me with steady eyes. 
Soon, it came to the duet, 
“All I want is to fly with you All I want is to fall with you So just give me all of you”
“It’s feels impossible.”
“It’s not impossible”
“Is it impossible?”
“Say that it’s possible?” Our voices blended smoother than expected, making the crowd ooh and ah. I couldn’t deny that I felt the connection too as he made his way over to me, getting into the song. 
I felt him grab my hand,
“No one can say what we get to be Why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours”
I could hear his breathing so closely. His palm was quiet sweaty from holding the mic, but our hands felt so perfect together. 
Finally, I ended the song,
“You know I want you It's not a secret I try to hide”
I let go of his hand for dramatic effect, 
“But I can't have you We're bound to break and My hands are tied”
The lights turned black, and then right back on when cheers and clapping started to erupt. Once the lights turned back on, I felt the anxiety ride in my stomach again. 
We were still about 10 inches apart from each other. Chan’s eyes were stuck on me; the intensity was almost enough to cut right through me. 
He looked stunning in the dim light; his blonde hair was neatly done and his face was shiny from all the sweat, but he still looked beautiful. 
Damn, what am I thinking? I thought. 
Suddenly, he cracked a smile. “Hey, you’re a really amazing singer... but you also sound quite familiar. Have we ever met?” I smelt the alcohol on his breath, making me crinkle my nose in disgust. 
My heart pounded as I thought of answers to say. 
“Uhh, um, no? Not that I remember.” 
I saw his famous dimple splash onto his face, which sent butterflies in my stomach. What the hell am I feeling-
I saw him lick his lips and peer above us. I raised a brow and followed his stare. The crowd started whooping and hollering as our eyes landed at the thing hovering above us.
“Huh, mistletoe.” I felt my heart thump in anticipation as he leaned much closer to me. “Is this ok?” He whispered against my lips. I answered him by finally connecting out lips. 
Suddenly, the rest of the crowd disappeared and it was just us. 
Just me and Chan.
He pressed deeper into me, letting me taste the alcohol on his lips. I tried to not focus on the alcohol, letting myself fall deeply into the kiss. He pulled away slowly, confusing me. 
Gently, he made a move to take off my mask. Hypnotized by how close he was, I couldn’t move until I felt my phone buzz. We both flinched back at the loud alarm. 
It was midnight. 
Meaning it was time to go. 
“Um, I’m so sorry, I have to go!” I ran down the stage, not looking back, even when he yelled “WAIT!” I could NOT be late to getting home.
I ran towards the entrance and saw Jisung already there. His eyes widened.
“We are going to have a long talk, but let’s go!” I turned back, big mistake, and saw Chan looking for me. I pushed Jisung out the door in a hurry and we both started to run towards the car.
“So, uh, wanna tell me what the fuck was that?!” Jisung panted as he got into the car and immediately started the engine.
“Jisung, I wish I could say but I HAVE NO CLUE.” I emphasized. I tossed off my mask as the thing was starting to itch like hell. 
Jisung groaned and started the car. “So are we just gonna ignore how you made out with one of my friends on stage?” I turned to him with wide eyes. 
“Wait, did you just say that Chan was one of your friends?” Jisung rolled his eyes.
“Yes, I did. We’ve known each other for years, he’s Changbin’s older cousin and we hang out like all the time. How the hell do you know Chan? ‘Cause no way would you let a stranger make out with you on stage, even if he was hot.” I gulped and shook my head in disbelief.
“We were in the same psychology class and we sit, sat, next to each other.” I mumbled. I fiddled with my hair nervously, unsure of where our relationship stood now. Oh wait, he doesn’t even know that was you, you’re still just classmates., ex classmates.  “And he didn’t recognize me, so I’m just going to forget this ever happened.” 
Jisung scoffed. “Oh hell no, that was the most intense thing I’ve ever seen you do. You’re an amazing singer, y/n, I don’t know why you hide it all the time. Plus, you had SO much sexual tension on stage.” I slapped his arm as he cackled. “You know why this is so funny?” I shook my head as he continued “it’s hilarious because Chan was the dude I was going to set you up with but cancelled.” 
Suddenly, all the thoughts flooded back to me. 
“Oh my god, that was Chan? Oh shit, wait, that means him and Chaeyoung aren’t seeing each other anymore?” Then I realized, I had kissed Chan, knowing he was dating someone else. But I guess I forgot. But how could I have forgotten that? “Fuck, I didn’t know that Jisung, that means I kissed him and he could have been dating Chaeyoung! I am a terrible person.” I screamed into my dress. Jisung sighed and shoved me slightly to knock some sense into me. 
“Jesus Christ, y/n, it’s fine! They were never serious and Chaeyoung wasn’t that into him anyways, she was dating other people without Chan knowing, that’s why they broke up. You know Chan, hopeless romantic, he was devastated either way.” I closed my eyes in anger. Jisung was terrible at making things better. But I couldn’t focus on whatever their relationship was right now when such an intense thing happened.
“Well, it’s whatever anyways. He didn’t know it was me and in his eyes, that’s the last time he’ll ever see me again. And technically it is the last time I’ll see him because we don’t have a class together anymore. It’s done, over.” I said turning up the radio, but Jisung turned it back down. 
“Y/n, you cannot just ignore this! He was so into you!” I shook my head. 
“He doesn’t even know me! It’s whatever Jisung, he’ll probably forget about it the next day or give up some time over another. This conversation is over.” I made a statement by turning up the radio, the conversation truly ending this time.
The days went by so slowly. My thoughts couldn’t help but constantly be surrounded by Chan, thinking about what he was doing, if he still was pining over me. 
*ding dong*
I heard my doorbell ring unexpectedly, making me jump out of my bed quickly. I pulled a hoodie over my tanktop and walked downstairs. Weird, I wasn’t expecting anybody. 
I pulled open the door, “hello-”
My heart stopped and so did everything else around me as I looked at the person standing at the door.
“Oh my god?? y/n??” Chan exclaimed, going in for that weird dude hand shake. I patted him on the back and pulled away, feigning a happy surprise.
“Wow, um, what are you doing here Chan?” I exclaimed. He was wearing a turtleneck with a long jacket, my favorite outfit on him.
“Jisung sent me here saying that I needed to pick up something?” I rolled my eyes and closed the door, letting him into my house. Weird. 
“Yeah, um, follow me.” I walked to the kitchen with him behind me and picked up the baggie of peppermint bark. I placed it in Chan’s hands while he looked at me with confused eyes. “It’s his dad’s favorite and Jisung asks me to make it every year and on his dad’s birthday because his dad likes mine the most. Of course his dad thinks Jisung makes it, but whatever makes him happy.” I shrugged.
Chan laughed and shook his head. “Wow, that’s so Jisung!” We both chuckled at the joke but then there was a silence. 
“So, uh, I should ask how you know Jisung but he talks a dude named Chan sometimes and I’m assuming that’s you?” I feigned innocence. Chan nodded. 
“Yeah! I’m Changbin’s, his neighbor, cousin, so we see each other a lot.” I nodded as we slowly walked to the door again.
“Well, I guess I should apologize on Jisung’s behalf for making you come here just to pick up peppermint bark. He’s an idiot and tries to set me with random dudes sometimes.” I rolled my eyes as Chan laughed.
“Wow, we both think you need to start dating, hmmm. Time to start searching.” I couldn’t help myself from feeling a bit hurt from him wanting me to date someone else, I guess I shouldn’t expect anything from him anyways.
I forced a chuckled and shook my head. “Nah, not into the whole dating game, sorry.” I waved him goodbye as he opened the door. He turned to leave, but looked back at me.
“You know, you’re fun to talk to. We should hang out sometime.” I raised a brow, knowing that was never going to happen. 
“I guess, yeah.” I noted lamely. Chan squinted his eyes at me and laughed.
“Wow, trying to spare my feelings now?” I blushed, caught in a lie. He just laughed though. “It’s fine, y/n. I know where you live now so you can’t escape me.” He laughed as he playfully punched my shoulder. 
As he stepped out the door, he looked back up at the top of it. “Oh what, is that a mistletoe?” I furrowed my eyebrows in shock and looked up. There was nothing. He broke out into laughter as I turned red in the face. 
“Dude, why I was about to barf.” I joked. 
He chuckled and put his hands in his pockets. “If there was a mistletoe there, would you have kissed me?” He asked abruptly. I leaned back, pretending to look confused. D-does he know? Impossible.
I raised a brow, wondering what his motives were. “I don’t know.” I deadpanned, closing the door in his face. 
I was about to walk away but I heard a knock on the door again. Then again. And again. And again. I let out a low growl and opened the door.
“Jisung told me.” He said before I could let another peep out. 
I felt my hands turn numb and my legs go shaky. We stood in silence for a solid minute, which was a long time without saying anything. 
My mind felt numb and I couldn’t think of any lie to save myself. 
“Um... I’m sorry, you need to go.” I started to close the door, but he stopped me gently. 
“Y/n, wait, I’m not mad, and technically I knew before he told me. Look, I feel terrible for not recognizing you earlier but I was really fucking drunk. And I wasn’t in the right mind since I had ended things with Chaeyoung and my mind was just not thinking of anything. But I swear as soon as I got shown a video of us singing the next day, I knew. And I felt terrible, so I’m so sorry.” 
I felt shocked at his apology and I was unable to say anything in response. 
“Please, say something.” He took my hands and pulled me closer to him. 
And I felt terrible when I pulled back. I saw hurt run across his face as I said, “Look I was drunk too and--”
“No you weren’t, you were completely sober, I could tell in the video. Y/n please...” He made an attempt to come closer but stopped. “Look I know it’s bad that I just kissed a random girl and am now making attempts at you but there was something just drawing me to you that night. I mean the alcohol was helping me act on instinct but still. 
I was so happy to find out it was you. I had no idea who the girl was gonna be but when it was you, I couldn’t help but feel so relieved because it’s you, the girl I had a crush on in my psych class who was sarcastic with a weird sense of humor but that’s what was so awesome about you so please, we can just work something out. We don’t have to work fast.” 
A part of me wanted to just say yes and jump into his arms, but these things don’t happen to girls like me: girls who are constantly stuck in the background. He was still in love with that girl who sang confidently at karaoke, not that dull one in his psych class. 
“I’m sorry, Chan but I just can’t.” I spoke softly. I couldn’t bare to look at him as he left, but he said nothing as he walked off my porch.
I laid in bed, feeling like the whole world was pressing down on my chest. 
“Y/n! We’re going out to aunt josie’s house! Watch the house for us, we’ll be gone for 5 days! Merry Christmas!” The door slammed shut and I was officially alone on Christmas.
I’d always spent Christmas alone, every single year. 
Jisung had his own family to tend to and I didn’t wanna bother him. I told him that I was fine being alone since I hated Christmas anyways, and he didn’t push thankfully. It was time for me to be alone, to mourn my parents. 
It had been a few days, or maybe a week, since I last saw Chan. Jisung didn’t push the subject, knowing there was a more confusing internal battle in me. 
I felt my phone vibrate, signaling a text. My eyes grew wide when I read the contact name, scared to read the message. 
‘can we meet up right now?’ it read.
My fingers shook, unable to type a message. I hovered my finger over the ‘block’ button, wondering if that was a good idea. But before I could do anything, I got a call from Jisung. .
“DON’T BLOCK HIM!” I pulled my phone away from my ear. 
“What? How did you know-”
“’Cause I fucking know you, don’t block him. Ok, y/n, let’s be honest right here right now. This isn’t about Chan, this is about you. I guess and Chan but anyways. You’re scared because of these insecurities you have, which you shouldn’t have ‘cause you’re pretty and you’re funny and cool so yeah. But, you have them, so what can you do I guess. But Chan, he’s a great dude; he’s funny, talented, hot, sporty, he’s everything a girl could want and more. Especially what you want. So I know you like him and you should take this chance because even if things don’t work out forever, at least you made the effort.”
I could hear loud music and talking in the background and I knew he was outside of his house where a big party was happening. I went soft knowing he was taking the time out of his Christmas to say this to me.
“Ok... I’ll do it.” 
“Wait what?”
“Call you later.” 
I hung up the phone and returned to texting Chan with Jisung’s confidence in me. 
‘yes... im home right now.’ 
‘are you flirting with me right now?’
I let out a bark of laughter. Chan knew how to get a girl to smile. 
‘no :/’ 
‘well i’ll still be there in 20 mins’ 
‘ok i’ll be here too’
He read my message, didn’t respond. Does that mean he’s on his way over now? 
I ran out of bed and looked at myself. 
“I need a fucking shower.” I took a 5 minute shower and ran out, dried myself and put on a little makeup, just to look not dead. I pulled on a white sweater and leggings, trying to look like I’ve been lounging all day, but cute lounging. 
Before I knew it, I heard my doorbell ring. I groaned in surprise but ran downstairs anyways. I took a deep breath, calming myself.
You can do this.
I threw open the door and saw him standing there, in a white button down shirt with dark fancy pants. His hair was now a dark brown, making him look more mature and casual than his chic blonde look. 
“Hi.” He said with a smile. 
“Hey, um, come in I guess.” I stood back to let him in and closed and locked the door behind him. “Um, merry Christmas.” He looked at me with kind eyes and smiled.
“Merry Christmas to you too.” 
We stood in a peaceful silence, one testing out the waters with the other. 
“What are you doing here instead of spending time with your family?” I asked finally. He shrugged. 
“Well, um, so both my parents died when I was 13.” I held in my gasp and held my head low for condolence.
“I’m sorry for your losses.” He nodded and looked up at me. 
“I’ve heard you have a similar story.” I sighed and sat down next to him as he took a seat on the couch. 
His body heat was radiating off him in waves and it made me feel like home. “Yeah, Jisung probably told you?” Chan nodded and I sighed. “Yeah, um, my mom died when I was pretty young, 8 to be exact. And my dad died just a couple years ago...leaving me with an ass for a stepmom and step sisters so.” I shrugged, not knowing how to go on.
“I’m sorry.” I nodded.
He leaned back in the couch and rolled up his sleeves. I couldn’t help but feel so attracted to him despite our situation being serious. 
“So-” We both started. 
“You go first.” He said. I nodded. 
“So um, I’m just really sorry about what happened the last time I saw you. I guess I was just afraid of commitment and um, feeling loved I guess. To explain it simply, I’ve always felt like I was background music while everyone else is a title track.” I shrugged nonchalantly, but I couldn’t help but feel emotional. His arm immediately went to wrap around my body and pulled me closer. He rubbed my back in circular motions which calmed me down. 
“I’m not blaming you for what happened, I guess we both have our faults.” I shook my head.
“No, you did nothing wrong, it was just me.” I argued as he laughed in surprise.
“Seriously, the first time we kissed, I was drunk as hell. I could tell you noticed ‘cause you made a face.” I blushed and hid my face in my hands. 
“Shut up.” 
As I said that, we returned to our usual banter and relationship. It felt normal again. 
“Hey, I never got to tell you, you’re an amazing singer you know that?” I gave him a small smile and shrugged.
“Thanks, you are too.” 
Then, he glanced up at the ceiling and raised his brows. 
“Mistletoe!” He called out. I grew confused and looked up. “There’s no mistletoe up there.” He gave me a boyish smile and shrugged.
“I know, I just wanna kiss you.” I let out a harsh laugh and slapped his chest.
“Dude, you can’t just say mistletoe whenever you wanna kiss me.” He wiggled his eyes brows and came close to me. My body grew warm since the look on his face was nothing but innocent. “You sure?” I nodded, daring him to go on.
“Mistletoe.” He pecked me on the lips, sending tiggles through my body, but leaving me wanting more.
“Mistletoe.” He leaned in again for half a second then pulled away.
“Mis-” As he leaned in to kiss me for the fifth time, I pulled him closer and he didn’t fight it as he pulled me on his lap. 
He pulled away softly to look up at me. I titled my head at him in curiosity.
“Hm, so how do you like Christmas now, Cinderella?” I gasped and shoved him away playfully. 
“Cinderella? You are not calling me that!” I squealed as he tickled my sides.
“Really? How ‘bout Cindy? Ella? Cinder??” I flicked him on the neck harshly and he gasped in pain. 
“You meanie!” 
He laughed and held me down in his lap. “Ok ok fine! But I’m serious, how do you like Christmas now?” 
I thought about his question for a moment until I leaned down to kiss him gently on the lips, surprising him.
“I could get used to it.”
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rainbowglittr · 5 years
Senior Year: Chapter 26: pt1 cause it's so long
"Jaleia! Jaleia, wait!" Tyler yelled after me. I've been avoiding and ignoring Tyler for at least a week. I have to admit he is persistent- persistently annoying. I heard his footsteps get closer.
"What do you want Tyler?" I asked, bored of this game of cat and mouse.
"Can we talk later?" he asked, almost out of breath. 
"Why? I don't think we have anything to talk about." I started to put my earbuds into my ears.
"I know you're mad but I promise I will explain everything later. I hate it when you're mad at me."
"Oh now you care about me being mad? This should be good." 
"Seriously, Jaleia."
"I don't know what you expect me to say." I said while I picked out a song.
"Just let me explain, Jal-"
"Fine, Jesse and Kiara are going to be busy during lunch anyway." Jesse had to practice something for his music class, and Kiara was going to be writing an essay. And Robyn, well when has she been to lunch lately, might as well waste my time with Tyler.
"How's Jess?" Tyler asked with his voice low and his head down.
"Wouldn't you like to know? If you really want to know, you'll ask him yourself. I'll see you at lunch." I turned and walked away, my music blasting in my ears. Usually I'm a lot more forgiving, but Tyler, I want him to feel just as bad as he treated us.
The wind rustled the branches around us. I was with Tyler, we were walking to a cheap Pizzeria during lunch. I looked around, it was almost my favorite part of spring, when all of the flowers and plants come into full bloom. Right now, you could only see the buds of the flowers that were soon to awaken.
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not believing you about Mariah and not being around very much." Tyler blurted out.
"Okay?"I said, unimpressed by this confession.
"Look I just want us to be cool again, I'm sorry. I found out last night that-anyway. Are we cool?" I heard the hopefulness in his voice.
"I don't think so Tyler. You really treated me like shit." He suddenly stopped and faced me.
"I know and am sorry I'll never do that to you again. I know that you were just trying to look out for me." I crossed my arms at his words.
"What inspired this change of heart? And I'm not the only one you should be apologizing to."
"I know I know. There's a lot of shit going on with me okay?" His voice was slowly getting defensive.
"Who would know that but you Tyler? People tried to help you and you acted stupid and now you don't understand why you're on your own?"
"You know I hate talking about that kind of shit."
"Fine, but you don't have to be a jerk to everyone, everyone has problems but everyone doesn't act like a brat."
"Look my parents have gone fucking insane. Jaleia, they've been fucking fighting nonstop and they totally forgot I existed. I know that Mariah has been fucking other people. And I've been killing myself to get this basketball scholarship. It's been a lot." Two birds flew away as his voice got louder. We started walking again.
"I get that Tyler, but like that's what your friends are supposed to do-help you, but you wouldn't allow anyone to do that you just got sucked into the world of Mariah and didn't listen to anyone. You really screwed it up with Jesse. He didn't deserve that. We were only looking out for you."
"What do you want from me, I'm sorry! I don't know what else to tell you. I'm sorry for not believing you and ignoring you." Tyler raised his voice and threw his hands in the air.
"And being a dick, and for saying stupid things that were not true, for ignoring my feelings, for picking fights, for many more things, need I go on?" I rattled off. We stopped walking again. He turned to face me.
"I'm sorry for all that. But now I see what you were talking about. Now I know that there's better." He said sincerely as he grabbed my hand, stepping closer to me. I pulled away from him. I really couldn't believe him.
"Don't do that." 
"What?" he said, confused.
"Don't do that. I know you well enough to know how you try to hit on girls Tyler. I'm not your backup now that your first choice screwed up. This is what I'm talking about. You are so self absorbed! Spend some time dealing with the things that are clearly bothering you before you ruin another FRIENDSHIP!" I pushed past him and started to walk back to the school.
"Jaleia!" He said, trying to catch up to me. I turned around to face him.
"Stop trying to use people. You're not sorry, you're lonely. When you are actually sorry, come talk to me."
"Jaleia! That's not-I wasn't-I-" He stuttered, trying to think his way out of this.
I walked away. That's what I thought.
"You need to get your friend." I said as I leaned against a tree outside out school. Me and Jesse were in our usual meeting spot after school, waiting for the rest of our friends to come out so we could walk home.
"What do you mean? Who?" Jesse said, a little confused.
"Tyler, I think he's lost his mind."
"I don't fuck with him." Jesse said, flatly.
"He tried to apologize to me and hit on me at them same time. It's ridiculous. And I know you two will eventually make up. You can drop the macho guy act." Jesse rolled his eyes at me, then his eyes darted back at me."
"Wait, what the fuck did he do?" His head tilting as he said it.
"He was all like I know there's better now and tried to grab my hand. He's so stupid. Like I've known him for years I know what moves he tries on girls. That's classic "I'm pulling a move on you."
"What did you do?"
"I told him that he needs to figure out what's going on with him before he ruins another friendship."
"He's a fucking idiot." He sighed, shaking his head.
"Who is a fucking idiot?" Kiara said as she walked up to us.
"Tyler," I said. "He tried to apologize and hit on me at the same time. Who does that?"
"I can't wait for him to get it together. I don't know what's wrong with him."
"Well, apparently his parents are going through a thing. They have no idea what's going on with him. He realized that his little friend has been cheating on him, and been trying to get a basketball scholarship. So he's a little stressed right now we have to forgive him. No matter what he does. I Guess that's what he thinks." I said, while trying to figure out where I put my phone.
"He's a dick." Jesse said with a weird look on his face.
When I got home I laid on my bed and just thought about some things. It had been such a crazy year so far. I never thought that so many things could happen. Jesse and his brother fighting all the time, his sister getting sick, fighting with Tyler. Tyler dating a crazy girl, driving all his friends away, his parents fighting. Robyn-I don't even know what to say about her. So much has happened over the course of like six months. I think at this point me and Kiara are the only normal ones. All of a sudden I got a call from Tyler. It was 10 at night, one it's late, two, I have nothing to say to him, so I declined it. Like two minutes later it rang again, Tyler. I declined it again. Then got a sudden rush of text messages from him coming in.
Idk wat to do
So I texted back
What could be so damned important?
No, what do you want? Before I block you.
What, are you just wasting my time?
No, it's just that...
Mariah is pregnant 
I almost dropped my phone, I read it again to make sure I wasn't crazy. Pregnant? Pregnant? What the hell? Do they not know what condoms are? I get that she may not wanna be on birth control but damn no condoms? What the hell were they thinking? So many thoughts rushed through my head. What were they going to do with a baby? I guess I took too long because Tyler texted me to see if I was still there.
Shocked.... what do you mean like you saw the test?
Yes, positive
Your fucked
Thanks. that helps I dont know what to do
I dont know what you want me to tell you
Didnt she cheat on you?
Yeah but the timing....
Its mine pretty sure
You gonna tell your parents?
I dont know what the fuck to do
And no im not telling them
Your bro?
No. not yet. he wud tell them
Is she keeping it
Your fucked
Please help me
What do you want me to do? I didn't have unprotected sex and get someone pregnant. What am I supposed to do about it?
I dont know, im flipping my shit
I sighed, as annoyed as I am at him right now, I know that if I was in his shoes I wouldn't want the bitchy attitude I was giving him even though he completely deserved it. I would want a little understanding, so I decided to actually try to help him as best as I could. After all, when your friends are in trouble you're supposed to support them not tear them down. Right? Right? And I think at this point Tyler has literally reached rock bottom. I don't think he can go any lower. As much as I feel he doesn't deserve it, I'm going to help him. Then again this is not my responsibility. I don't even know what he expects me to do. I don't even know what to do. I don't even know why I'm so surprised.
You know I'm still mad at you right?
But I'm going to help you, cause I care about you and I think you've also suffered enough right now.
But you have to tell your parents, how can you even keep that a secret?
My parents dont care about me, her parents are always really busy. For the next couple months she wont show so...
And then whats the plan? Thats not a plan and its not smart.
Well she doesnt want to tell them until after prom.
What? Thats ridiculous and stupid
Well she has a cousin that works at planned parenthood that can hook her up until then
Please dont tell anyone. shell kill me and we dont want anyone to know
What if I tell someone that I know really well?
You can't tell anyone.
How am I supposed to keep this a secret? There is no way I can keep this a secret-no way. I have to tell at least Kiara, I know she won't tell anyone else and you know she won't.
Fine but if it gets out then Mariah and me are going to kill you
Ttyl, Tyler.
I sighed, what a mess. I can't wait to tell Kiara tomorrow. I don't even know how to feel at this point. I'm not even sure I want to be involved but I think it's a little late for that. A part of me can't even believe it. I hope it's just a late April fool's joke because... I don't know how this will end but they need to tell their parents for one. This whole situation is a mess. I grabbed the blanket on my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
Jesse's POV
"Hey bro!" Shaun said as he opened the door to my room.
"What do you want?" I said, I didn't even look up from my laptop.
"Mom and dad are going out for the night, they sent Diana to Aunt Ebony's. You know I never had a chance to repay you for ratting me out. I know you told mom and dad about school and the car and all the other stuff. So don't worry the time has come for me to repay you for that."
"Just get out Shaun. You deserved it! You're not going to run all over me anymore."
"Oh I'm Not? Did you finally grow a pair?"
"Get out!"
"Make me, BITCH!"
I threw a shoe at his head. I ducked as he threw it back at me. "Fuck you!"
"Oh well I thought about all the ways to repay you and I thought what does Jesse care about the Most? And I found something. Those stupid guitars limited edition special bullshit-" I looked up at him.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about?" I started to panic those guitars were so expensive I bought one and my dad bought the other for me. Special edition, gold trimmed, rare, Martin guitars. I have special cases, everything for them. They cost over a thousand dollars each. Those were not your average guitars. They are like collector's guitars, I very rarely played them.
"So I decided to fix them up for you."
"Leave them alone I swear, Shaun." I said as I got up to check for them in my closet.
"I already have them little bro, no need to look for them, I'll show you." Shaun smiled sadistically.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about. This is not funny, do you know how fucking expensive those are. I will-"
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 053.
do you sing in the shower? oh every single time. Its something I look forward to. 
do you think money makes people happy? As someone who currently relies on birthdays and holidays as her income, I can tell you it would relieve a bit of stress from me to even have like 100 bucks a month.
what's your relationship status? single.
what time is it? 12:25 am
what emotion are you feeling right now? I’m all over the place. Tonight Kile and I were messaging back n forth in a consistent manner which we haven’t done in a long time. Things were a bit romantic, which was extremely hard for me to deny participation in, and then it ended with me saying bye. boy it is hard to let go of him
do you have netflix? I do.
have you ever traveled outside your home country? no. Sadly, without a shot I will not be getting, I’m unsure of how I’ll be able to until the restrictions lessen.
coffee or tea? teeeeeeea pls.
shower or bath? Shower unless the bath is deep enough to cover my long self. 
what's your favorite pizza topping? depends on what kind of pizza. For instance, Jacks just GETS how to do supreme. some places nail the pepperoni, or fresh garlic or whatever. 
what's something that makes you happy? thinking about decorating my own place one day.
do you have siblings or are you an only child? I have 2 brothers and 1 sister
what's your favorite instrument? Piano, cello, drums
what's your favorite food? today it is fruity pebbles.
what is something you are always losing? I am pretty consistent on things going back to their original spot. I suppose if I’m losing something maybe it’d be like a scrunchie.
are you good at spelling? a good amount of the time.
what is one goal you have? all my goals are shifting.
did you get a flu shot this year? Nooo. never have. 
what's your favorite Disney movie? oh boy. i am not good with narrowing down those. are you bored? Not really, I’m just trying to keep my mind occupied until I’m sleepy.
what are you listening to? serendipity, bennys tail hitting my pillow, and my fans.
what's your favorite foreign language? I think it depends. are we talking for the way it sounds? or one that I’d want to learn?
what do you do when you can't sleep? this, read, find quotes, do puzzles, stare at the ceiling.
do you like cats or dogs better? this is one of my very least favorite questions to be asked. why would anyone want to choose between the two? both are so great.
do you have any piercings? Just my ears
what's your favorite vegetable? Potatoes
do you eat meat? Yeah.
what's your favorite season? any of them minus summer. Honestly, probably winter. 
do you still write letters? I love to, but I no longer have anyone to write to. 
what would make you really happy right now? i think a distraction that comes from having a crush.
what's your favorite song? ooo this changes but right now i’m into a lot of blue october.
are you good at giving advice? so, I’m the person you go to for advice if you want the moral, behaved, “you won’t regret this later” type advice. I’m great at giving that.
what's your favorite hobby? Right now, this.
do you prefer to talk or text? That is going to depend on the person. almost always text. But some people.. their voice is just intoxicating.
what's your favorite pair of shoes? I’m going to have to trash all my shoes for ones with heel support. 
how often do you read? (as in books) usually daily, but I’ve fallen out of that lately.
do you have any pets? I have 2 cats currently. I really want a golden retriever, but hey.
what's your favorite day of the week? they’re all similar at the moment, but probably saturdays
are you in college? I’m in the inbetween. Finished 2 bachelors, but am waiting for grad program
are you/have you ever been in a long distance relationship? I have been,
how do you typically listen to music? I use Spotify. either thru my headphones, my bluetooth speaker, the kitchen google, or my phone.
do you like going to the beach? I do so long as I have shade or the water is good to swim in.
did you make any new year's resolutions? I think pandemic NY resolutions were all about survival thru mentally exhausting times.
how old are you? 29 yrs young
do you know anyone who is blind? I do
who is someone you admire? My mom
do you have a good singing voice? when I was a kiddo, preteen, and teen yes. not any longer.
are your nails painted? Nope. I just wanted a break from keeping up with them.
Are you an extrovert or introvert? I’m an introvert but I can behave very well with the extroverts.
what are you having/had for dinner tonight? I had some tacos.
do you ever write in a journal? I would like to begin again, but this is a decent makeshift option
if you could time travel when/where would you go? I mean I’d love to go back to some great memories, but I worry that could be painful beyond repair.
what's your favorite animal? whales.
what's your favorite kind of cereal? honestly my cravings for cereal are for any kinds that I can no longer have. so dont ask.
how was your day? I’m only 44 minutes into it.
do you ever listen to classical music? I do. Clair de lune is one of the best 
what inspires you? learning. learning always inspires me.
how many pillows do you sleep with? I have like 20. OK huge exaggeration. I believe the true number of sleeping pillows is 4 large, 1 mini. 
how many hours of sleep do you need? I typically run off of about 3. I’ve had sleep studies done regarding that. But If I’m getting good oxygen and the temp is coooooooold I sleep so good.
do you have big or small feet? I have pretty average to slightly bigger. 
what's the weather like where you are? It’s been in the upper 80s.
what's the most interesting thing you can see out the window? just the reflection from my TV. it’s real dark out.
does/did your high school have a school song? no.
what month is your birthday in? July.
what's your dream job? the brain.
are you excited for summer? I’ve had a lovely summer, truly.
what foreign country would you want to live in for 6 months? switzerland.
did you have to go to school today? No, no I have not.
win a million $$ or never have to pay for anything again? Never have to pay for anything. Why would that even be a question. do you throw coins into fountains? when I was a kiddo
do you have a trampoline? Nope
what's your favorite song lyric? what if we could put our lives on hold and meet somewhere inside of the world, I would meet you... would you meet me? 
what did you eat the last time you went to the movies? Ill be honest IDK if we even got food.
do you ever measure time in songs? only if I’m in the shower. I’ll be like ahhh I’m 4 songs in.
do you know how to play chess? I’ve been taught MULTIPLE times. have I retained any of them? na.
what's your favorite game? (any type) right now I’m digging skipbo, trionomos, rummykub, and trouble.
do you enjoy traveling? I love it. so much.
do you tend to wait till the last minute? nope. I’m almost always 2 weeks prior
have you ever owned a goldfish? Yep!
how do you relieve stress? go on a drive. 
without looking it up, guess the outside temperature? I’d guess maybe 70. lemme see how close I am. 68!
now look it up - how close were you? woops. 68! two off.
do you prefer digital or analog clocks/watches? Digi. 
do you prefer to shop in stores or online? I almost always prefer online, but in store has its own perks like seeing the quality of things.
do you enjoy coloring? oh heck’n yea do you like to dance? I do!
have you ever owned a horse? my family did, yes
do you take selfies? oh i do. MUCH less now, than I did before. before I used to send kile like 10 a day. now I might take 2 per week.
do you ever listen to music in languages besides English? Not often, but on occasion
have you ever cried from listening to a song? absolutely.
do you prefer headphones or earbuds? so I appreciate how headphones are safer for the ears, but i typically wear earbuds.
can you speak Spanish? Very little. like a few words
what's the last thing you watched on youtube froggy freshhhhhhhhh dunked on now what time is it? 12:57. Im getting sleepy. --------- ok now it’s 859 am. I passed out last night.
do you ever watch musicals? sometimes. it’s not my favorite thing
do you know anyone who's a twin? Yeppp
do you ever get carsick? oh heck yeah, i do love the windows open
what's your opinion on wolves? I really never had an opinion. check back.
when you're sad do you prefer sad music or happy music? sad. indulge me
do you like seafood? Nooo. i wish
do you enjoy going to the zoo? no. i really dont. are there any celebrities from your hometown? uhhhh not that I know of
do you shower in the morning or at night? morning if I was great hair. If I want meh hair, night
do you prefer to work alone or in a group? Alone. ALWAYS.
do you go to the gym alone or with a friend? I don’t go to the gym. < problem solved.
do you like coconut? I like the scent but not the food. <<< SAME who is someone you're jealous of? JV for her abs
what's your favorite place to go out for breakfast? eggheadz
do you still have your christmas tree up? nah. its a tickle early (july)
do you have a favorite type of bird? cardinal.
have you ever had an overnight flight anywhere? yup. plenty of times.
if you use them, tell me 5 of your recently used emojis heart eyes, disappointed looking off to the side, sad face with eyes closed, hearts all over the face, and rolling eyes.
do you know anyone that plays the violin? yep. 
how much money is in your wallet right now? I would need to count
anything you're looking forward to tomorrow? having been done with packing lol
have you ever auditioned for anything? yeah I used to do auditions all the time for plays I was in.
did you have a webkinz when you were younger? No.
how would you describe your aesthetic? airy, comfy, inviting, warm
have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? yeah a couple times but its like not even a tiny bit close.
when was the last time you rode a bus? i have never.
if you saw $50 on the ground what would you do? is there a wallet attached?
do you know how to play any unusual instruments? yeah. don’t ask me. I’m not pleased about it.
are you an early bird or a night owl? kind of both. 
have you ever had trouble understanding someone because of an accent? oh yes. But the more time you spend talking to those individuals who have accents stronger than what you’re used to, become very easy to understand over time.
do you ever go to Massachusetts? I’ve never been but I’d love to go.
do you personally know anyone who is transgender? yeah a few people I’ve met through school. 
do you remember anything from when you were 5 or younger? yeah a few very small memories. 
do you need to do laundry? yes I desperately need to pack and I’m waiting on the laundry for that to happen. 
do you know anyone (including yourself) who actually enjoys math? NOT ME. not even close to me. Kile seemed to like it. 
do you have a favorite poem? the one written for meeeeee
if you were from somewhere else, would you visit your town on vacation? I don’t think i’d think of it, it’s not near anything specific.
where would you spend $100 if you had to spend it all in one store? amazon.
would you rather go to Japan or Greece? Greece.
now what song are you listening to? Gilmore girls, text notifications, fans
what are you wearing right now? shorts and a blue teeshirt. Bout to just be in a short shorts so I can tan. 
any fun plans for the weekend? travelingggggg.
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miracufic · 8 years
Have Your Cake (And Eat it Too): Chapter 16
A collab fic with @loosescrewslefty, now found on AO3!
Inspired by @larvesta‘s post here.
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In Which Two Steps Forward Are Taken
Alya glares at her homework with enough vicious intensity that the paper seems to shrink away out of sheer terror.  Through the wall she can hear the low arguing of her parents, which occasionally rises to a furious screech before her mother brings her voice back down. Probably to avoid disturbing her sisters.
How considerate of her.
Her phone, charging off on the side of her desk, buzzes.  Alya reaches over and unlocks it, glancing at the screen.
A message from Nino.  She taps the notification and opens it.
“Hey babe,” she reads.  “ur mom looked pretty angry earlier when she came by to pick u up”
She considers giving his commentary the degree of attention it deserves—which, considering that even blind-as-a-bat Nino sans glasses could’ve noticed the expression of barely-controlled rage on her mother’s face from twenty paces, probably merited only a flatly sarcastic “Really.” or “Wow, you think so?”—but refrains.  Nino wasn’t doing anything wrong, and it wasn’t fair of her to vent her spleen at him.
“Yeah, she decided to chew me out over what happened in school today,” she texts back.
“Ovr everyone going after chloe”
“U all right”
“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks.  I mean, aside from being grounded for a month.  And suspended.”
After a second, Nino follows up his message with a concisely eloquent “What.”
“Yeah, it turns out that fucking spineless tit Damocles doesn’t like being called a corrupt pig chained to the petty whims of a vain teenaged brat of a girl.”
A few more seconds pass before Nino replies, “You what”.
“I may have lost my temper at him.  Slightly.”
“After the rest of us left huh”
“Babe i love u”
“I sense a but coming.”
“But you really really need to cool it with the whole provoking chloe thing”
Alya quashes the shrieking, rising tide of rage and goes intead with a measured, “Nino, I would choose your next words.  Very.  Carefully.”
“Oh for crying out loud just wait a sec”
She waits a second.  Then a minute.
“Look we all get it,” Nino writes.  “We all love mari and we all hate that chloe likes to pick on her and letting that stuff slide makes none of us happy.  But ur the only one of us whose mom actually works for her.  Do u think that shes not going to be petty enough to go after ur fam?”
The entire apartment goes still.  A quiet, high-pitched ringing fills her ears.
Uh babe
Babe u havent said anything
Its been like a minute
Oh fuck
Did ur mom lose her job”
“No,” Alya types in quickly, “no, we’re fine, Nino.”
“Oh good”
“I had not thought of that, damn.”  Alya stops and chews on her upper lip.  “But look, I don’t”
“Look I know u dont want to not do the right thing,” Nino texts before she can finish.  “Uh if you get my point”
“I do, thank you Nino.”
“But u need to take care of urself too
Mari wouldnt want u to ruin ur life for her”
“Look, even /she/ can’t get Mom fired that easily, there are too many ways they’d get screwed over legally.”
“U think she cares abt laws?  Or knows abt them?”
“No, but her father does.”
A pause.  Then, “Point but I still think u should back off a bit.  U dont need to keep going after chloe all the time, we can do tht. Just focus on helping mari.”
Alya stares at the message for a few seconds before tapping in, “Look, can you take a call right now?”
A second later, her phone rings.  She accepts the call and turns on the speakerphone.
“Hey babe,” Nino says.
“Nino, I can’t do that,” Alya says.  “No, let me finish.  Marinette needs someone who’ll always be there to stand up for her, and—I’m trying not to be too judgmental here, but you guys have dropped the ball consistently there.”
“Okay,” Nino says after a moment.  “Harsh, but yeah, I get what you’re saying.”
“So I—can’t, Nino,” Alya says, “I can’t just do that to her.”
“I thought you’d say that,” Nino says with a sigh.  “How long are you going to be out of class?”
“Eight days starting tomorrow,” Alya says.  “So I’ll be back, uh, next next Tuesday, I think.  Yeah, Tuesday.”
“All right,” Nino says.  “I’ll talk to Adrien, see if the four of us can’t hang out at your place sometime this weekend.”
“That is probably not going to work,” Alya says, sticking her tongue out in the direction of the living room.  “Grounded, remember?  I sincerely doubt Mom’d let me have friends over.”
“Yeesh,” Nino says.  “Think that telling her that we’re bringing class notes would work?  We have that test in math the Friday you get back.”
“I think the automatic response to that would be ‘why don’t you just email them to her?’” Alya says, making a face.  “You’re welcome to give it a shot, though.”
“Sometimes I forget how harsh your mom is,” Nino says.  Someone says something in the background, the words indistinct.  Nino responds, “Yeah, give me a sec.”
“You need to go?”
“Chores,” Nino says.
“Wow,” Alya says.  “Bummer.”
“Your mockery is noted and unappreciated,” Nino says with a haughty sniff. “Love you, babe.  Talk to you later.”
“Love you, Nino.”
Alya sets her phone down on her desk with a quiet click as Nino hangs up and slumps back into her chair, letting the noises of her apartment fill her room.
It’s just that the noises are about ninety percent her parents arguing.
“What’s going to happen the next time she decides to do that to an authority figure?” her mother shouts, the words punching easily through the intervening walls.  “She could get arrested!  Or shot!”
“And what kind of message do you think we’re sending to her,” her father replies, his basso voice a heated rumble, “to her sisters?  That if someone powerful and influential does something wrong they should just shuffle along and pretend that nothing wrong is going on?”
“There is a time and a place for these things, and neither of them is right in front of the Headmaster, to the Headmaster’s face!”
“Then where?  Then when? When is a good time to point out the obvious injustice of her situation?”
“She goes to the rector, or someone else up the ladder from the Headmaster,” her mother says.  “She uses some common sense and good judgment instead of rash bullheadedness!”
Alya sighs, heads to her bed, and stuffs her head beneath her pillow, muffling her father’s reply.
At some point, she falls asleep.
“Morning, Nino,” Marinette says the next morning as he walks in with Adrien at his heels; Adrien slides his torn bag across to Marinette with a wink that makes something flush hotly in her chest.  “M-Morning, Adrien.  Hey,” Marinette says, “did either of you see Alya on your way in?”
“She didn’t tell you?” Nino says, his brows popping up for a moment.  “She decided to yell at Damocles for basically just doing whatever Chloe wants him to do instead of his job.  She got suspended.”
“Uh,” Adrien says.
“She what?” Marinette says.
“She, uh, basically called Damocles a sock puppet with Chloe’s Dad’s hand up his ass,” Nino says.
“To his face,” Marinette says.
Marinette swears under her breath as Adrien asks, “How long is she suspended for?”
“Two weeks,” Nino says.
“Wait, what?” Alix says.  She reaches up and pops out an earbud.  The sound of someone screeching loudly in Russian while an electric guitar howls in the background rings tinnily from it before she reaches down and pauses her music. “Chloe got Alya suspended?”
“This is going to get repetitive,” Nino mutters under his breath. “All right, so Alya got in a shouting match with Damocles, said some things she shouldn’t have, Damocles gave her a two-week suspension.  I don’t know if Chloe actually, y’know, told him to punish her or if she egged her on, but that’s all I know.”
“Aw, jeez,” Alix says, rolling her eyes and slumping back into her chair. “Your girlfriend is an idiot, Nino.”
“Sometimes,” Nino says.
They hear a haughty sniff from the door way and a rapid clat-clatter of heels on the floor.  Half a dozen heads—Adrien’s, Alix’s, Marinette’s, Nino’s, Kim’s, and Lila’s—turn towards Chloe as she struts to her seat, followed closely by Sabrina.
“Only a shame she couldn’t get expelled,” she says as she sits.  “But I’m sure she’ll slip up at some point.”
“We can only hope,” Alix says, attempting to make Chloe spontaneously combust with sheer force of will.
“Why, thank you—“
“I don’t think she was talking about you, Chloe,” Lila says.
“No,” Alix confirms, “I wasn’t.  Thank you for the clarification.  Some people needed it, apparently.”  She waves to Mylene and Ivan as they shuffle into class as well and puts her feet up on the desk and her hands behind her head.
“Excuse me?” Chloe says, bristling.
Alix takes a deep, satisfied breath.  “For the benefit of the idiot in the room,” she says, “I’ll repeat myself. One of these days, you’re going to let your gigantic ego get the better of you, and you’re going to do something so monumentally stupid even by your standards that even dear old daddy isn’t going to be able to cover for you, and all of us are going to be rid of your burden.”
Nino sighs and turns on his music, bringing up the volume until the sounds of Alix, Mylene, and Chloe screaming at each other are mostly drowned out.  Adrien slouches beside him and looks miserable. Marinette takes out her sketchbook and starts to scribble as the others file in.
“Uh, excuse me,” Rose asks Nino as she and Juleka come in a few minutes later. Nino pries his headphones loose and cocks an ear towards her.  “Where’s Al—“
“Later,” Nino groans, “please.”
Juleka approaches him later as everyone is queuing up to leave for lunch.
“Alya’s been suspended because she mouthed off to Damocles,” Nino says, “she’ll be back in a couple weeks.”
Juleka blinks at him.  “Uh,” she says.  “Yeah. I know.  Rose told me.”
“Oh thank god,” Nino says.  “You would not believe how many times I’ve needed to repeat myself today.”
“Fourteen times,” Juleka says.  “Max’s been keeping score.  Kim has a small betting pool going as to when you’ll crack.”
“He what?”
“He’s set up a betting pool as to how many times people will need to ask you where Alya is before you snap,” Juleka says.
“How much is in the pot?” Nino asks.
“Around twenty euros,” Juleka says.
“Who’s winning right now?”
“Rose and I,” Juleka says.  “We’ve put five euros in on you snapping at seventeen asks.”
Nino blinks at her, then lets his head sink into his hands.  “You guys suck,” he says, voice muffled.
“Love you too.  Anyways, what I was going to ask was whether you knew what was going on with Adrien and Marinette.”
Nino looks up, bemused.  “What do you mean ‘what’s going on’?”
“Rose says that they’ve been a lot touchier than usual,” Juleka says. “They seem a lot closer than they were yesterday,” she translates after a look at Nino’s expression.
Nino thinks it over, his intuition throwing sparks onto tinder at the back of his mind.
“Maybe something’s happened,” he says with a shrug.  “Tell you the truth, I hadn’t noticed anything really different.”
“Too worried about Alya?”
“Too worried about Chloe deciding to do something involving Alya,” Nino says.  “She’s not exactly a kind, wonderful, forgiving, charitable sort of person.”
Juleka makes a face.  “Don’t need to tell me twice,” she says.  She glances up at Rose, waiting patiently for her at the sidewalk.  “Look, I gotta go.  See you later?”
Nino watches the two of them go, absorbed in thought until Adrien’s hand lands lightly on his shoulder.
“Huh?  Oh, hey,” Nino says.
“Heading home for lunch?” Adrien asks, sitting next to him on the school’s front steps.
“Duh,” Nino says.
“Want a ride?  The Gorilla should be here in a few.”
“Sure,” Nino says.
His mind flits back to what Juleka had said.  Adrien had been closer to Marinette, had he?  Well, he had offered her his help in snagging him way back when, and it wasn’t like it’d hurt to give him just a little nudge. And they didn’t have anything else to do.
“Hey, is everything all right with Mari?” Nino asks, giving Adrien a sidelong glance.  “She seemed really shaken up the other day.”
“Hm?  Oh, yeah,” Adrien says.  “She looked a lot better when I left.  You and Alya went to visit after school, right?”
“Yeah,” Nino says.  “Seemed a little tense, but at least she wasn’t actually freaking out.”
“That’s good,” Adrien says.
Nino leans back onto his elbows.  “Hey,” he says, “do you know why she had all those band-aids on her fingers?”
“Oh, burned herself on a hot pan,” Adrien says, then hastily adds, “that’s my best guess at any rate.  She does a lot of baking, doesn’t she?”
“Probably,” Nino says.  “Someone’ll need to help her with stuff.”
“Probably,” Adrien echoes.  “Real question is, will she let herself be helped.”
“Pride goeth,” Nino says.
“Hey, at least one of us will be there to catch her if she trips, right?” Adrien says.  He shoots Nino a sunny, wolfish smile.  “What are friends for, anyways?”
Nino mirrors his smile and offers up his fist.  Adrien taps his knuckles to his as a car pulls up to the curb.  “Come on,” Adrien says.  “Let’s go.”
“Hey, is your hand doing better?” Adrien asks Marinette.  “Your blisters are healing well?”
“Yes, they are,” Marinette says with a patient sigh and a small smile.  “Please stop fussing, I’m not an invalid, Adrien.”
Rose coos at them while Chloe glowers, fuming so ferociously that for a second Nino is forcibly reminded of Mt. Etna, looming over the innocent and unaware citizens of Catania, ready to obliterate them and their little lives in a moment’s notice.
Nino lets his attention drift to more important matters once he’s satisfied that Chloe isn’t going to explode and try to claw someone’s eyes out.  At least in the immediate future.
Marinette and Adrien had been, well, the only word that really fit was odd, over the past week.
Adrien had been fairly normal, aside from the aggressively keen interest he’d started showing in Marinette—Nino lets himself preen a little at that, go him.  Just one week and Adrien was already well on the way to asking her out, Alya was going to freak.  But their every interaction had been tempered with a sense of coiled restraint on Adrien’s part, like he’d desperately wanted to do something or to say something but had felt that the time or the place or the company wasn’t quite right.  Although Chloe’s constant, hovering presence all three were more or less the case.
And, well, Marinette.  She should’ve been over the moon with Adrien’s constant, focused attention, Nino was sure.  He knew that he wasn’t exactly a master at reading people but Marinette could be counted on to be as ecstatic as Chloe was incensed whenever Adrien paid her the least bit of attention.
Or, she had been, at least.  Now she was distant and distracted half the time; but why?  It probably wasn’t anything Chloe had done, every other time this week she’d made an attempt to crack Marinette’s composure they’d put a stop to it before things could get, ahem, messy.  Maybe the aftereffects of Chloe’s dumb trick with the honey?  But she’d seemed practically normal just a couple days after that.  Maybe she was just worried for Alya?  That felt a lot more likely, but his gut was still telling him that there was something off about that guess.
Nino grumbles under his breath.  He needs Alya for this.  Well, a couple more days and she’ll be back, and then maybe they’d be able to figure this mess out.
But first, of course, he needs to pass this dumb exam, or his parents would have his head.  He turns his thoughts away from his friends’ relationship drama and back towards the mass of incomprehensible squiggles on the board.
“I’m pretty sure that concussing yourself isn’t going to help, Nino,” Adrien says from where he lounges on Marinette’s floor.  Marinette lobs a croissant at his head; Adrien catches it, shoots a wink back her way, and bites off one of the horns.
“Not all of us have fancy math tutors to help us, Mr. ‘I’m already learning calculus’,” Nino mutters darkly.  He catches the pain au chocolat that Marinette throws to him and starts chewing steadily through it, not bothering to brush away the crumbs that fall into the spine of his open math textbook.  “Seriously, this is all Greek to me.”
“You did pretty well on the homework for this section, didn’t you?” Marinette says.  She takes the last pastry, a cheese danish, from the plate on her desk, folds it in half, and takes a bite.
“I thought I did,” Nino says.  “But since I don’t get a single thing this book is saying, I’m having second thoughts about that.”
“In fairness, this isn’t the best resource in the first place,” Adrien says, “according to my tutor anyways.  Frankly I think he just has a personal vendetta against the author or the publisher or something.”
“Well, it is an American publishing house,” Marinette says, flipping through page after page of arcane scrawl with a glazed, disinterested air. “Think that has something to do with it?”
“Maybe,” Adrien says.
“Oh, yeah, do you mind if I drop by and use your scanner later, Adrien?” Nino says.
“Mm?  Yeah, sure, why?”
“Alya’s still under house arrest, remember?” Nino says.  “She’s going to need our notes.”
Adrien pauses in the middle of copying out an equation, shakes his head with a slight frown, and continues.  “Shoot, can’t believe I forgot that.  Think her mom will let her Skype in?”
“Probably,” Nino says.
“I’ll text her and see if she’s open,” Marinette says, pulling out her phone and tapping a quick message.
“I’ll pop down and return the plate,” Adrien says.
Nino groans and rolls onto his back as Adrien hauls open the trapdoor and trots downstairs, sitting up and stretching out his back and neck with a succession of loud pops.
“Seriously, how the heck does Adrien remember all this stuff?” Marinette grumbles, opening a drawer and taking out a sheet of lined paper.  “I’ve been staring at this for half an hour and I still can’t remember all the identities.”
“Fancy expensive math tutor, remember?” Nino says.
“Ah.  Right.”
Nino stares at her back as Marinette starts scribbling, slowly and carefully, her gaze darting back and forth between the text and her notes.
“On the subject of Adrien,” he says carefully.  “Is it just me, or has he been paying a lot more attention to you recently?”
Marinette pauses for a second, then erases a line from her notes. “That’s possible,” she says.
“You’re taking this calmly.”
“You were expecting something else?”
“Yes,” Nino says.  “More flailing, freaking out, panicking, that sort of thing.”
Marinette turns around in her chair and raises an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?”
“Just saying,” Nino says, “you have, in general, tended to freak whenever Adrien was involved.”
“I have not,” Marinette says, with a coloring of mild indignation to her words.
“Marinette, even Adrien was picking up on how weird you were acting around him,” Nino says.
Marinette frowns slightly.  “What do you mean?”
“I mean, like, before all this stupid crap with Chloe and stuff, back when you first met him,” Nino says.  “The flailing, the random squealing, the whole ‘hiding behind the nearest solid object or Alya whenever he’s around’ thing.”
Marinette blinks, a slow blush burning down from her ears into her cheeks and upwards from her shoulders.  After a minute, she looks down and mumbles, “Well, things have changed.”
“Dude,” Nino says.  “You’ve had him fawning over you for an entire week and you’ve kept your cool the entire time?  I’d say ‘things have changed’ is the understatement of the year.”
“No kidding,” Marinette says with a little laugh.
“Hey,” Adrien says, popping his head up through the trapdoor, making them both jump.  “Hey, Nino, you free for dinner?  Marinette’s parents want to know.”
“Uh, probably not,” Nino says.
“All right.”  Adrien shuts the trapdoor behind him and tromps down the stairs.
“Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this while Adrien’s around,” Marinette says.
“Yeah,” Nino says.
Marinette stands and stretches, wincing at the sharp-dull, sharp-dull aching pulse in her back, and brushes a sweat-damp lock of her hair back behind an ear.
She really ought to thank her dad after this.  She’d almost forgotten how much ass cleaning out the ovens sucked.
But hey, on the bright side making sure that the ovens were sparkling now meant less labor for the rest of the month.  Theoretically.
She just wishes that it felt like a plus, instead of like a herniated disc.
Well, punishment wasn’t supposed to be an all-expenses paid vacation, and it wasn’t as though she didn’t kinda sorta deserve it for going behind her parents’ back like that.
She was going to be grounded for so long when they found out about the Ladybug thing.
Her thoughts inexorably shift to Tikki, currently sulking nearby atop one of the counters.
A week had not changed the little spirit’s mind on the whole “tell my boyfriend, who is Chat Noir, that I am Ladybug, who also happens to have been the girl he has pined after for literally his entire career, which granted is only a few months at this point but will definitely help clear up any issues in the future and make our dating life much less awkward in the long run”, or made them more talkative on the subject.  Not a peep, not a word, not a single damn hint as to why they were so reluctant to let her tell him.
Frustrating in the extreme.
And what makes it worse, she reflects as she starts scrubbing the next oven, is that the kwami wouldn’t be so insistent if they didn’t have a very, very good reason.
She crawls inside the oven, wriggling flat on her back to fit, and bangs her head on something when she hears a sudden sharp rapping on the bakery’s front door.
“Ow,” she growls as she shimmies her way back out, rubbing the spot—that was going to leave a bruise.  Who the hell would come by at this hour?  Well, burglars, maybe, but they’d just try to smash in one of the windows, they wouldn’t knock.
Rap rap rap rap.
“All right, all right, I’m coming, what the hell do you—“
Adrien—Chat Noir, she corrects herself mentally—is standing on her front step.
She goggles at him for a moment as he waves cheerily.
“What the hell are you doing here this late,” Marinette hisses at him as she unlocks the door.  “Keep it down, we’re dead meat if Mama and Papa hear us.”
“Well, I had some time before my evening patrol,” Chat purrs as Marinette unlocks the security gate and pulls it open as quietly as she can.  “And I figured that I’d stop by to see my favorite—“
“Knock it off, Adrien,” Marinette says, “I’m serious, you’re not even supposed to be here unless it’s to help me study!  At least for another few weeks.”
Chat reaches behind him and pulls out a folded sheet of paper from his belt.  “I figured you might need this,” he says innocently.  “You know, for the test.”
Marinette stares blankly at it, then at his all-too-innocently-sunny expression.
Oh, fuck it.  She’d missed this.
“Come in,” she says resignedly, taking the paper from him and stuffing it into a pocket.  She pulls the security gate across and locks it again as Chat skips in, humming a little tune under his breath.
He engulfs her in a hug from behind, gently resting his chin on her shoulder.  Marinette jumps in surprise, nearly headbutting him as she instinctively jerks backwards, her heel twitching upwards in an entirely reflexive movement. Then she relaxes and sinks into the embrace.  Her hands move to rest languidly over his arms.
“I missed you,” he says.
Marinette snorts.  “You were here like, two hours ago.  And we’ll see each other tomorrow anyways.”
“I still missed you,” he says.  “And I missed this.  Being able to just be alone with you.”
“You are so needy,” she says, reaching up to scratch him behind an ear; he purrs and leans into her touch.  “And don’t pout at me like that.”
“You can’t even see my face,” he says.
“I can see your reflection in the glass, kitty,” Marinette says.  She pushes at his arms around her waist until he releases her, with many whines of protest.  “And don’t bother with the kitty eyes either.”
Chat turns the kitty eyes up to eleven as Marinette turns to face him with a small smile flitting about the edges of her composure, then up to twelve as she shows no sign of budging.
“I give,” he says after a minute.
“Hah!”  Marinette raises both fists in the air, walking a mock victory lap around Chat as he claps.  “Do I win anything, oh boyfriend-of-mine?”
The expression on his face drains, to be replaced nervous wariness.
“Uh, Chat?  What’s wrong?”
“Uh,” he says after a moment.  “That’s actually what I came here about, we never really got a chance to make it official, remember?”
“What?  Oh.”
Marinette, despite herself, flushes and looks down at her feet.
“You, uh,” Chat says, “um, ever done this before?”
“No,” Marinette says quickly, glancing up.  “No, you’d be my first.  I mean, if you want to be.”
“Oh, good,” he says.
The two stand a little bit apart from each other, staring at each other’s shoes, neither daring to make the first move.  Marinette almost laughs; they must’ve looked ridiculous, the two of them, standing there all bashful and coy and whatever.
And then, with that thought, her nervousness vanishes.
He was as nervous as she was.  Him. Perfect boy, whom she’d pined after for so long, was nervous, and she, little plain ol’ her, was the cause.  The sudden tide of light-headed relief almost makes her laugh.  She was standing here all sweaty and dirty and in her rumpled, baggy work clothes and Mr. Swoony Teenage Supermodel was the one looking for escape routes.
“You are such a dork,” Marinette says.
And then she stretches up on tiptoe and kisses him, lightly and chastely, on the lips.
Chat freezes as she leans into him, her hands on his shoulders, her eyes sliding shut, the corners of her mouth turning up in a small smile as she feels the warmth and the life and the trembling, breath-stealing fear in him as it drains away, to be replaced with the absolute reality of the moment and the unquestionable, unassailable truth of them, here and now, together.
He leans into the kiss, slowly, without passion, but with a growing and absolute surety in two unspoken things.
She’s his.
He’s hers.
After a timeless, breathless little eternity, Marinette pulls away and settles back onto her heels.  Her small smile grows wider as she sees the look on his face.
“Chat got your tongue?” she says.
Chat blinks and refocuses.  “I’m supposed to be the one with the terrible lines,” he says, reaching out to cup her cheek in one hand.  His ears twitch as Marinette leans into his touch, and he could swear that he hears the rapid thudding beat of her—or was it his?—heart as they hold each other’s gaze.
“So, uh,” Chat says after a long while.  He drops his hands to his sides.  “Do you need help with those?”
“Huh?”  Marinette blinks at him as she shifts mental gears.
“The ovens,” he says.
“Oh,” she says.  “Nah, I’m good.  I should be done in another ten, fifteen minutes.”
“It’d go faster if I helped.”
“It’s not big enough to fit both of us at the same time,” Marinette says, prodding him gently towards the front door.  “Besides, Mama and Papa would freak out if they saw you here.”
“I’m not entirely sure your parents are capable of that,” Chat says as she unlocks the gate.  “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow,” Marinette says.  She stretches up on tiptoe again and pecks him on the nose.  “Night.”
Chat takes her hand and presses a kiss to the back.  “Good evening, Princess,” he says.
Then he vanishes into the night.
Marinette locks up the bakery again and finishes cleaning the oven, then traipses upstairs, humming happily.
“Finished, dear?” Sabine asks as Marinette starts up the stairs to her room.
“Yes, Mama.”
“Good,” Sabine says.  “Don’t stay up too late, dear.”
“Or be entertaining any boys,” she calls as an afterthought.
“I promise, Mama,” Marinette says.
Marinette goes to her room, shuts the trapdoor, and is halfway through pulling her sleep clothes from her closet when she notices the phone on her rug.
She glances over to where her own phone is charging on her desk, then back at the phone on her rug, then walks over and picks it up, turning it over in her hands.
Nino’s.  He must’ve dropped it during their study session.
She turns on the screen: four missed calls from a number labeled as “Home”. The calls must’ve come in when she was downstairs in the bakery.
Marinette shrugs and places the phone next to hers.  She can just give to him tomorrow, no big deal.
Marinette leaves and takes her shower, then, still floating along on cloud nine, curls up in her bed under her blankets, and falls asleep smiling.
Nino sprints down the sidewalk, legs churning, his every breath a knife in his chest.
Forget his phone, forget getting it back, forget all of that, there were more important things to worry about at the moment.  He needs to get back home, he needs to get to his computer, he needs to message Alya pronto, he needs to tell someone.
Adrien was going to flip.
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