#when I was worried about what he thought of me they’d deadpan and be like ‘you’re literally his favorite’
sunaluv · 1 year
Come get your man, come get your man!
In which someone has an obvious crush on your man
Feat: suna, nagi, ran, eren
Ignore the pairings I’m indecisive lols
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“Hey you’re suna’s girlfriend right?” You looked up to see a girl with a stretched smile looking at you expectedly.
“Yeah, what’s up?” You asked, seeing no reason to be hostile yet.
“So nice to meet you! I sit next to him in english, you could say he’s kinda my english boyfriend,”
You knew suna was attractive and you had a feeling this was inevitable, but that does not stop the shock of the situation.
“He told me about you, said you had a weird sense of humor,” you replied with a tight lipped smile.
‘He didn’t say that, he just said she was weird’ you thought.
“Omg so he does talk about me! It’s so weird, he like totally ignores me but it’s nice to know he talks to others about me,”
Now you were more amused than anything.
“But anyways, the reason I wanted to talk to you, girl to girl is that I think he might be into me a bit-not trying to sabotage your relationship it’s just… if it was me, I’d want someone to tell me.” She sat down next to you, putting an hand on your arm in faux comfort.
A voice called her name “what are you doing here.”
Like a deer caught in headlight, the girl stammered over her words “suna, I was just talking to your girlfriend about us.”
“There is no ‘us’” he deadpanned.
You watched amused as she accused suna of leading her on, saying how she kept borrowing pencils from her, or not moving his knee all the time when they’d touch and other absurd accusations on why he’s into her.
When she stormed off embarrassed and heartbroken, he sat next to you.
“Why did you intervene? I was having fun getting to know your english girlfriend,” you teased making him groan.
“Omg you’re so pretty!”
Your boyfriend was on the other side of the nightclub dealing with who knows what as you smiled at the girl who had been gassing you for the past 2 minutes.
“I’m so glad stinky old ran found such a beauty like you, how did he cuff you?” She looked around as if searching for someone before leaning in close to speak over the booming music of the club.
“Just asking to check, he told you about us right?”
What us? “No he didn’t, what’s up with that?”
She sent an apologetic look. “He was here last week and we kinda…hooked up. Im not trying to be a homewrecker I just thought you should know.”
This liar, last week he had flown out with you on holiday for the week. You had arrived two days ago due to his business needing him.
But she didn’t need to know that.
“Omg no way, he’s cheating on me!” You faked hurt.
“Im sorry girl, I-“
“Why are you like this,” Your boyfriends strong groan cut into your conversation.
“Stop lying to her ran, she doesn’t deserve this! Come clean right now, you and I hooked up in that bathroom last we-“
“We weren’t in the country last week, dumbass.”
She froze and as if piecing everything together, she was about to fume at you. You knew she was lying and embarrassed her like that.
“You sly little-“
Before she could finish, ran was already pulling you away from her and leading you towards the back of the nightclub.
“I hate you by the way,” he sulked before you could even begin to poke fun at him.
You stared at your boyfriends ringing phone next to you, then back to said man who was absentmindedly clicking on his keyboard.
“Baby can you get that for me?”
You agreed, pressing accept on the incoming call from a random girls name that you’ve heard in passing from Nagi himself, nothing to be worried about, quite the opposite actually.
He keeps complaining about how she won’t leave him alone, but you defended the girl you didn’t know, saying maybe she was friendly.
Answering the call, a pretty girl sat infront of the window, neck angled so that the gold light shined on her face.
She obviously wasn’t expecting to see you, as she quickly adjusted her position to a more casual setting.
“Uhm hello, you must be sei’s friend, can you put him on the phone?” She asked, not hiding her distaste that your man wasn’t the one answering the phone.
“Girlfriend,” you corrected. “And he’s busy right now, I can get him to call you back if you want,”
She glared at you seeing you not let down. “Okay I guess. Just tell him it’s KK calling, he’ll come to me.”
You sent her a challenging look before relaying the message to the man three meters away from you nice and loud so she can hear.
“Hang up.” You saw her eyes widen and didn’t bother to hide your smile.
“What was that?” You asked.
He repeated himself, not realising she could still hear him, but before you could hang up, she had already done it, too embarrassed to face the girl who has what she wanted.
“You see what I mean now?”
You stood in between the spread legs of your boyfriend in the party hosts kitchen as his big arms held your back to his chest. His long legs kicked the cabinets as he swung his legs, staring down the girl stood across the room.
“Why are you staring at me?” She asked giggling seductively.
“You’re being weird.”
“Whatever,” she smiled, rolling her eyes.
You fiddled with the necklace eren bought you for your anniversary, which seemed to get her attention.
“Cute chain girl,” she covered her annoyance with intrigue. “Did yeager boy here get it for you?”
You sent her a look, nodding to confirm.
“Omg that reminds me of this one time when we went on holiday together, you remember that ‘ren? When you bought me that cute set?” She batted her eyelashes at him.
You knew exactly what she was doing and it wasn’t going to work. It’s such a shame she had to act like this too, she was pretty, you’ll admit.
You trusted your man, he gave you a head up about the girl who leeched on to him, warning you about all the lies and deception she would try to drill in your mind.
“That was back in Spain right? He bought a extras while looking for this one right?” You smiled at her innocently.
“Wowwww, you told her about me eren? I’m so flattered” if she was pissed, and you knew she was, she didn’t show it.
“Mhm he told me all about you, about how you leech on to him at any chance you get.”
She let out loud, forced laughter “she’s a funny one yeager, make sure you keep a tight leash on this one.” She looked at you and you swore you saw her eye twitch.
The pair of you stayed silent as you watched her aggressively walk back towards the party.
“You’re better than me you know, if any of your guy friends started to act like that I would’ve beat his ass,”
You chuckled, turning in his hold to face him. “Good thing you were holding me because one more second and I would have.”
God he was so in love with you.
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interlagosed · 2 years
In a different world I definitely fucked one of my former professors/now friend
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
Can i request measuring hands with Dazai, chuuya and tecchou and s/o hands are smaller, please :)
this request was adorable! when i saw it i couldn’t get it off of my mind. i don’t doubt that my own hands would be smaller than theirs, well, besides chuuya that is (sorry)! this is also doubling as my hand headcanons whoops. anyways, thank you for the request anon! <3
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Measuring Their Hands; Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, and Suehiro Tecchou
Format: Scenarios
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Osamu Dazai
“Come here for a moment,” you said as you looked at your boyfriend.
Dazai was currently sprawled out on the couch of your shared apartment, hogging all of the blankets he could possibly find. You were honestly worried that he might get overheated, but then again, it was Dazai after all. He had a knack for somehow managing to survive dire situations, so you knew that he would be fine.
“Why? I’m comfortable,” he whined. “How about you come over here!”
You rolled your eyes then got up from where you were sitting. You then sat down on the arm rest that Dazai was resting his head on with a soft sigh. After that you had started to dig around in the cocoon of blankets that Dazai wrapped himself in. Eventually after some trial and error, you managed to find his right hand. You quickly grabbed it and pulled it out of the blankets in victory.
“Found it!” You exclaimed.
Dazai looked at you questionably. “What are you up to?”
You didn’t respond to him.
In fact you silently flattened your hand and put it against Dazai’s. His bandaged hand was larger than yours, albeit not by a lot. Your finger tips had only managed to reach his middle knuckles. His hands were calloused, most likely from wielding fire arms often from his mafia days. It wasn’t unpleasant though.
“Your hands are bigger,” you simply stated.
Dazai raised a brow at you. “They are indeed. Maybe it’s because you’re so short!”
You clicked your tongue then playfully rolled your eyes. “I am not short.”
“But look at you! Your hands are clearly smaller than mine! Oh, it makes me want to protect you even more,” Dazai gushed.
“How romantic. Truly, you are my knight in shining armor,” you deadpanned.
Dazai chuckled. He then carefully took your hand into his. Afterwards Dazai then slowly brought your knuckles to his mouth, then gave it a small peck as he closed his eyes. He then looked up at you and gave you a smile.
“If I’m your knight, then I shall treat you like royalty, my love,” he said as he let go of your hand.
He then pulled you into his embrace, wrapping his blankets around you. He made sure that you were unable to move away from his tight hug as he spoke to you once more.
“I love you.”
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Chuuya Nakahara
Today was one of Chuuya’s very rare days off. Therefore, the two of you were currently out at a restaurant. Chuuya had sought out this establishment because the reviews had said that their wine was delectable, and Chuuya didn’t want to miss out on this said wine.
He had brought you to a private booth much to your disliking. The two of you were holding hands, his pinky interlocked with yours. It was a very sweet gesture, but it made you think. Whose hands are were bigger?
Once the two of you sat down, you immediately grabbed his hand. You quickly took off one of his gloves and put it on your lap gently. You then flattened his palm alongside with yours and placed them together.
“What’re you doing?” Chuuya asked, a singular eyebrow raising.
“Measuring our hands, duh.”
You stared at his hand. Your hand was barely any smaller than his. Your finger tips reached his third knuckle; the one that was near his own finger tips. His fingers only had the smallest bit of callouses. He only really used his ability instead of weapons, so it was to be expected.
Despite all of this, his hands were on the softer side. It was comforting to touch his hand like this.
“Your hands are bigger than mine,” you said with a smile. “That’s weird. I thought that they’d be smaller than mine since you’re shorter than me.”
Chuuya groaned then interlaced your fingers together. He then brought your hands down to the table and held your hand gently. Afterwards Chuuya started to rub small circles with his thumb into your palm.
“Will you ever stop teasin’ me about my height?!” He asked.
“No, I don’t think so.”
You grabbed his glove off from your lap and brought it up to him. You then took your hand away from his grasp and put on his glove gently. Chuuya only stayed silent as he watched you do this, a small smile adorning his features.
The two of you stayed silent for a while until Chuuya eventually spoke up. “(Name)?”
“Your tiny hands are adorable,” he said with a snicker.
You rolled your eyes. “They aren’t tiny.”
“Well they’re tiny compared to mine.”
“Only by a little bit!” You exclaimed.
“Uh huh, sure,” he said with a smirk.
He let out a short chuckle then kissed your cheek. He then picked up your hand once more and held it gently. He acted as if your hand was made of glass—or maybe even a stack of cards piled up to make a house.
Chuuya then gave you a soft smile then started to speak once more. “I love you.”
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Suehiro Tecchou
Currently, the two of you were out on patrol. With the current rise of crime in a certain district, you and your boyfriend were tasked to look around and make sure nothing illegal is happening. So far nothing noteworthy has happened besides Tecchou holding your hand rather tightly. It didn’t hurt, no, not at all. In fact it was rather comforting—you liked it.
When you eventually looked down at your interlaced fingers, you noticed that Tecchou’s hand was bigger than yours. Curious, you stopped walking and brought your intertwined hands up to your line of vision and stared at them for a moment.
“Hm?” Tecchou looked down at you. “Is something the matter?”
“No. Just flatten your hand real quick,” you said as you stopped holding his hand. You then flattened your own palm. “Please?”
Tecchou’s face remained indifferent as he did what he was told. He flattened his palm, then you put your hands together.
His hand was larger than yours by a long shot. It also had countless callouses all over, the most prominent being where he would normally hold his saber. Despite this though, they were still slightly soft. There were also a few small scars littered across his palm alongside his index and middle finger.
“Your hands are bigger than mine, ’Hiro,” you said with a small giggle.
His expression was still as indifferent as before once he spoke up. “I can see that.”
“Do you know what that means?”
“It means that you have to hold my hands more often,” you spoke matter-of-factly.
“Because they make me feel safe, duh.”
You interlaced your hands together once more, then put them down back at your side. Tecchou then lightly squeezed your hand then started to walk once more. You of course followed him, albeit with a small grin on your face.
“What was the point of that?” He asked while looking forward.
“I was just curious to see how big your hand is compared to mine,” you said while looking up at him.
“That’s weird,” he muttered as he continued to walk. “Why would you want to do that?”
“Again, I was curious. Plus, you have no room to talk about weirdness. I saw you eat mini tomatoes with your strawberry shortcake last night.”
He tilted his head to the side a little bit. “But it was good?”
“Yeah… sure it was,” you said playfully as you rolled your eyes. You then got on the tip of your feet and kissed his petal markings. “I love you, Mr. Big Hands.”
“Don’t call me that please,” he said as he sighed. “And I love you too.”
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cultofdixon · 1 year
You made it, dumbass
Daryl Dixon [ROMANTIC] | Glenn Rhee [PLATONIC] • She/Her Pronouns • Even when the illness was starting to take the lives of those within the prison. These two were keeping it together, even if death tried taking them. • ANGST/SFW • TW: Illness / Anxiety / Hallucinations
Requested by: Anon
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The prison was starting to feel like home
Then Patrick started eating people…
“Locking up people like animals. Where have I seen that before” Y/N scoffs as she was being updated by Glenn on the illness situation in the prison fields.
“…We live in a prison. Are you referring to a prison?”
“I don’t think I like what I was implying and you saying an obvious answer”
“There’s more than one??” Glenn looks at his best friend confused watching her deadpan expression burn a hole into him. “Yeah okay so there is. Anyway, we just need to be careful. We’ve already been exposed by taking care of the outbreak. We don’t need another one happening”
“If I get sick it’d be obvious.”
“You are a baby when you’re sick” Glenn states only for Y/N to punch him in the arm making him laugh while she tried hard not to.
The mood changed slightly when Glenn noticed Y/N looking over at Daryl while he talked to Rick. She always knew how to keep a blank expression to avoid people questioning how she felt in the moment through body language. But there was a sadness and worry in her eyes that Glenn always noticed.
“He’s an ox, Y/N. I don’t believe he’ll get sick”
“It’s…never too early to worry for your partner no matter how new the relationship is right?” She frowns looking to Glenn as he shook his head.
“I wasn’t even anything with Maggie yet and I still worried for her.” and that led to Glenn thinking about his wife. They just had a scare. Now there’s this whole new threat.
Both of them thought
If it had to get to them, they’d rather die than have their partners face it.
“You’ve seen Y/N?” Daryl approaches Glenn knowing that she’s either with him or alone but given she wasn’t in her cell, he was the next choice.
“Uhm. Last I checked she was working on the fence since we are overloading again…hey if you run into Maggie can you tell her to meet me in our cell?” He frowns slightly given to how he was currently feeling inside as Daryl nods before letting him go and heading outside.
If I could fight the sun I fucking would right now Y/N frowns leaning against her spear as she gripped it for dear life.
It was a normal hot summer. But to Y/N, she felt like she was experiencing all the different levels of hell.
As she pulled the bandana down from her face hoping to get some air. Y/N’s senses got the best of her resulting in an immediate headache as she currently was fighting the thought of ‘don’t collapse’ over and over again. It felt like a trigger clicked in Daryl’s mind to go check on his girl and when he did, Y/N was on her knees in the gravel trying not to let the weight take her fully.
“Y/N…SUNSHINE!” Daryl yells as he went to a full on sprint over to his girl quickly tossing the spear away and carefully picking her up. “Hey stay awake alright?”
“It’s too hot to…” Y/N groans when she was lifted off the ground, weakly returning the bandana over her nose and mouth to avoid the spread to Daryl.
Not like the man cared as he was currently speed walking to A-Block. Halfway there the two ran into Maggie helping Glenn to the block with one of his arms draped around her shoulders.
The two healthy individuals shared an anxious expression until that anxiety subsided only for a second.
Glenn flinched hearing Y/N cough for like an hour within a few seconds. Sounded like she coughed up a lung and the lung actually ejected from her.
“Holy fuck—Don’t die!”
Y/N immediately glared at the man as they were now walking in a group to A-Block. “Don’t tell me what to do bitch”
Daryl couldn’t help his annoyed groan that escape. “I swear—y’all only have one braincell and it’s shared between yea”
“Seriously” Maggie agreed before being pulled back when Glenn didn’t pay attention to where they were going and slammed himself into one of the prison pillars. “Jesus Christ—-“
The archer tightened his grip on Y/N listening to her laugh at what happened as his anxiety started to get worse thinking this could be the last time he hears that. But the way her expression instantly changed when looking up at him. Oh she always knew when he worried.
Once the two were in the block safely, Maggie and Daryl were kicked out. Given they were healthy still and Hershel didn’t want to risk losing 2 of his kids along with someone he considers family.
Not that their significant others being sick lead to this plan—-but it heavily influenced Hershel’s urgency.
The worried Rhee quickly turned to Daryl who shared the same level of concern she was enduring. He was about to leave to get the medicine when part of him needed to ask Maggie for a favor. But the words weren’t coming out.
“What is it Daryl?”
“…if she dies, don’t sugarcoat it for me” Daryl spoke through a whole lot of pain he was pushing down into the earth as he didn’t want it to happen. He was afraid the second he leaves something bad would happen.
But with the way Maggie was looking at him. She had the amount of hope to carry them both.
“It won’t happen. I’ll do whatever I can to prevent it from happening” so will Hershel.
The two who were suffering from the illness laid on either side of the conjoined wall. Y/N did her best to keep herself awake even if her body was fighting against her. She felt as if she closed her eyes, that it would be over. Glenn was a bit healthier than her and without exposing her more to the illness he did his best to help.
Just by talking.
“You remember that house that collapsed before we reached the prison?”
“Yeah, that was me.” Glenn laughs slightly, holding his ribs because his lungs were straining. “Maggie and I wanted to be alone for a moment while we were house hopping for those months. But the house we were trying to yknow…was on its last legs. That when we left, I shut the door. And the whole thing came crashing down”
“Remind me when we get a house that you ain’t closing the door” Y/N laughs weakly as she listens to Glenn laugh from the other side while she slouches slightly. “When Daryl and I…first got together we were being very sneaky about it around the prison since we technically gotten together at the farm…we were in one of the watch towers minding our business”
“Oh no” Glenn smiles a bit listening to Y/N struggle to laugh and compose herself.
“I was on shift. He wasn’t. Nothing was happening so we thought…yknow. Then time went by and I forgot my shift was over…and good ol Rick came up and wished out loud that he never see what he saw again” Y/N smiles from the other side pressing herself firmly against the wall as she gripped tightly onto her shirt feeling the tears form.
“At least you didn’t have Daryl yelling at you from the yards while you and your girl were…yeah” Glenn laughs remembering that moment fondly, but when he didn’t hear a reply back. His tired overwhelmed body as quick as it could got up from the bed tiredly making his way to Y/N’s.
His anxiety started screaming.
“HERSHEL!” Glenn yells out even if it ended in a coughing fit afterward as he sat on the edge of Y/N’s bed holding her head up shaking her slightly. “You can’t die. You can’t die. You can’t die” he kept repeating until Hershel arrived quickly approaching and checking her pulse.
Weak, but there.
“Yer sick too Glenn, and we don’t—-“
“I-I’m not leavin’ Y/N unless I f-fucking have to” Glenn covered his mouth in his elbow coughing up a lung.
“Son, I can’t—-“
“NO!” He snaps through tears not leaving her side despite everything Hershel was telling him. “She was the first person I saved when all hell broke loose…she became my fucking best friend within days. Days! Before the quarry group we would talk about the past and what we feared most…she feared dying. Dying alone and having no one love her. Well she’s my best friend. My family and I love her! And I know Daryl does too even if his stubborn ass won’t say it out loud. I’m not f-fucking leaving her” he sobbed as he was glued to Y/N’s side not budging even with Hershel’s protesting. But Hershel wasn’t leaving either.
“You think they’ll find a cure?” Glenn questions Y/N as they were sat on top of the building part of their group was held up in.
“I don’t know. It got out of hand, kind of”
“But I hope so. Or at least a way to save those who’ve gotten bitten yknow?” Y/N shot Glenn a reassuring smile. “The world has always worked weirdly. Maybe something will happen. Maybe not. Just as long as I’m not facing it alone, I’m good to wait it out”
“Is that what you’re afraid of?”
“Being alone in this?”
“Who wouldn’t…but I was afraid of that even before the outbreak happened.” Y/N kicked her feet on the edge of the roof looking down at the sea of walkers. “I hate being alone”
“Welp! You got me!” Glenn smiles wrapping his arm around her shoulders getting a laugh out of her. “And maybe even…the guy you like back at the camp?” He teased watching her face turn red. “I’ve seen how he looks at you”
“Glenn Rhee! Shut the fuck up!” Y/N laughs elbowing him gently.
“What! The Dixons scare the fuck out of me but the youngest one always has his eye on yea and…” He leans into his best friend. “Vise versa” and that led to her contemplating pushing him off the building.
At least they were feeling better about it all…
At least they were feeling better.
Glenn suddenly woke to a tube down his throat and both Greenes towering over him to get it out. And to also rejoice that he made it through this hell. Daryl’s group returned with the medicine and everything was going fine. Then his anxiety got the best of him making him weakly get up.
“No Glenn—-“
“Son, you’ve gotta lay down and rest”
“You’ve been out cold for a a day—-“
“A day?!” Glenn panicked as he quickly brought his body up, and immediately fell to the floor once he did. His body isn’t caught up with him yet.
The panic coursed through him enough to give him the adrenaline boost to get up off the ground, with some help, and to slowly but quick enough to the other cell. Expecting that since he was in another room…that…the unspeakable happened.
But when Glenn reached the cell with both Maggie and Hershel trailing behind him…all his worry washed away.
Daryl slowly looks up from the woman that comfortably laid in his protective embrace after returning from the medicine run. Y/N tiredly looks over to the three standing at the cell doors giving a weak smile.
“You made it dumbass” Her voice was hoarse from all the coughing she had done while the illness almost took her. “You almost died on me…”
“You almost died on me” Glenn frowns feeling the tears roll off his cheeks as he slowly approaches the two watching Daryl tighten his grasp on her resulting in Rhee holding his hands up slightly to show he wasn’t going to move her. He brought himself to sit on the ground by the bed as Maggie followed suit bringing herself close to her husband. “You didn’t wake up…you stopped talking and it freaked me out”
“Mm…I was just resting” Y/N jokes knowing damn well her body was giving up on her. The joke didn’t sit well with Daryl as his grasp on her made that clear. “I woke up when I needed to” and that brought out a bit of confusion to Glenn.
Her unconscious body laid there for what felt like days as Glenn did his best to stay awake even if his lungs were starting to fight him. Inevitably giving out.
The man toppled over and started coughing like a mad man. But he wasn’t coughing up air, it was phlegm and blood. Making him choke on it.
That felt like a trigger for Y/N as she weakly opened her eyes turning toward the display. She did her best to be quick and drag herself out of the bed resulting in a painful thud to the ground…bringing herself close enough to Glenn to roll him on his side so he doesn’t aspirate.
Oh thank god. Is what the doc thought initially until he came to the cell to see what was happening.
When he left then came back with the endotracheal tube and bag, Hershel got Glenn intubated and Y/N bagged him up until she couldn’t anymore. Hershel knew Sasha was strong enough to help as he called out for the girl to keep bagging Glenn while he took Y/N to another cell to check her. He was thankful her body would shut down only to protect herself, and not flood her lungs…
Or only one of them would be alive.
Thank god they both were
“No more almost dying for the both of yea” Maggie states, more so threatens. Making them both laugh as Daryl couldn’t agree more. “Now come on. You gotta rest too…and preferably on a bed”
Once Maggie helped Glenn up and out of the cell to his own bed. Y/N looked up at Daryl from the position she was in, knowing he’s been awfully quiet ever since she woke up.
“You okay, love?”
Daryl locks eyes with her brushing away the stray hair that covered her face keeping his hand placed on her cheek. Her smile slowly breaking out and always warming his heart.
“I am now”
“You know I’m not going anywhere…”
“Yeah, and I’ll make sure of it”
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dominimoonbeam · 2 months
may i ask for
oh, don't be cute.
wait, did you just say that i'm cute?
putting on lip gloss/balm before the kiss, having fun sharing different flavors
with david and darlin pleaseee?? thank youuu ♥️♥️♥️♥️
ZOZO!!!! Okay, this was great and soo much fun! Thank you!! I hope you like how it turned out. <3 <3 <3 You're amazing, thank you so much for the ask!!
tags: first kiss, prompt fic, a little tipsy, idiots in love
The warehouse was trashed from the pack party but David couldn’t quite muster the energy to care. It was almost four in the morning. He should start sending them home… really he should have done that an hour ago. Several of the pack were already passed out on the couches or the floor. He knew they kept some bedding at the warehouse but he hadn’t realized it was quite this much. They’d basically built a nest.
Fuck it. They could sleep here. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about them all getting home safely. He closed his eyes, arms folded across his chest and body settling into the couch. He could make breakfast in the morning. That would be nice.
The couch bounced when someone plopped down next to him.
He didn’t have to open his eyes to know who it was. He could feel their aura against his. Loyal, sharp, quick to anger, quick to run, brave, but so damn scared. His nose wrinkled, eyes still closed. “Why do you smell like coconut?”
He felt them shrug, their arm against his.
David opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Darlin. Their eyes were half-lidded. They’d been riding their buzz for the last hour or two. His gaze flicked to their mouth and the gloss on their lips.
“This was all Milo had,” they explained with another shrug.
David nodded, watching their lips move as they spoke. He was riding a buzz too. Their mouth was lush. Why hadn’t he noticed that before? He’d been crushing on this idiot for years but never really noticed those lips... They’d been flirting for months now. Asher didn’t think Darlin really thought they were flirting though. He was probably right.
David uncurled his arms and held out a hand, palm up, doing gimmie fingers.
Darlin grinned. “You want some?”
“Hn.” He wanted it.
Something mischievous lit their eyes and they tipped their chin up, offering their lips, eyes always on him, daring him to get some.
David smiled despite all efforts not to. “Oh, don’t be cute.” Don’t tempt me, he thought.
Darlin laughed and looked away, sinking back against the cushions next to him, shoulder to shoulder and thigh to thigh. “Wait. Did you just say that I’m cute?” They turned their head to look at him again, surprise hitting late.
David was looking back, their faces close. He saw the moment Darlin realized it and heard their pulse jump. Their gaze flicked down to his mouth. They didn’t pull away, but forced a sideways smile that made him think they were about to say something self-deprecating to cut the tension…
“No one would call me cute, Davey.”
Yep. He didn’t look away. “I did. Want me to call you more names?” he asked, deadpan and patient.
Their eyes widened a fraction and he could practically hear the battle in their mind, wanting to egg him on, wanting to know what he would say, but not wanting to risk it either. They nodded once. The whole warehouse was a hive of activity but it all faded.
“You bite hard, you’re brave, and your mouth is really pretty.”
Darlin’s eyes were as wide as he’d ever seen them and their smile was an explosion. “Fuck you, you did not just say my mouth was pretty!”
David ignored all of his own nerves and the heat climbing his face. He wasn’t going to look away from this. “I said really pretty.”
“You’re messing with me, Shaw.”
He finally smiled, because how could he not when they served it up like that? “I’ll mess with you if you want, any time… if you’re willing to share your chapstick.”
Darlin stared, practically gawked, seeming to realize again just how close they were sitting. “You’re drunk,” they said in way of explanation.
David just watched them, waiting. He was tipsy, sure, but he wasn’t drunk and they knew it. Their eyes flicked to his lips again. He wanted so much to close that distance but he couldn’t. He needed them to make that move.
His heart beat faster when the leaned in, his hands curling into fists against his own arms to keep from grabbing at them right away. They kissed him so softly, lips sticky with that coconut chapstick. For a split second after, he felt the flutter of uncertainty in them, not regret for kissing but fear that it was a joke at their expense and they’d fallen for it—that he didn’t feel the same—that he was just messing with them. It all vibrated there across those indescribable threads that connected them.
David reached across and curled a hand behind their neck, pulling them in again and this time kissing them deep enough to taste the pina colada on their tongue. The kiss was long and slow and when it broke he smiled. “So… You like coconut, huh?”
Darlin grinned back. “Don’t you?”
He nodded. He did now.
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simpforwebtoonmen · 10 months
Long time no see
A/n: don’t worry, I see ya’ll requests and I will be getting to them 😭
Warnings: not proofread, dumb, might be ooc, I wrote this at 1 am so a lot of it might not make sense lmao
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˚✧₊⁎ You were a friend among Daniel’s group in Jae won High. But with recent events, you haven’t seen a lot of your friends in a while. And after so long, Daniel comes to visit you to invite you into his gang. But upon meeting you again after so long, he couldn’t recognize you at all… ⁎⁺˳✧༚
You open the door to reveal Daniel, the smaller one. Though he wasn’t all that small anymore and was definitely thinner, and a lot more muscular. Honestly, you wouldn’t have recognized him if Zoe hadn’t shown you photo’s of him.
You smile and wave at him, “Hey, Daniel!” you greeted. He looked taken back and looked at you confused. He then cleared his throat, “hello…is (name) here?” he asked. “huh? im standing right here…” you deadpanned and pointed at yourself.
Finally, it clicked for him, “oh gosh, (name)!? Is that really you!? I almost didn’t recognize you! Your hair is (shorter/longer) and you have a completely new style!” he exclaimed, almost excited. You flip your hair dramatically, “yeah, I look good, right?” you teased. And despite you joking, he nods in agreement, “yeah, you look really good!”
After catching up for a bit, he mentions how you used to be fighter and how he would like you in his team (gang). You said it’d been a while since you fought and that you’d wouldn’t really be that much help, but for some reason Daniel thought otherwise. And with his cute face and nearly begging, you agreed.
And now you stood in front of the rest of the crew members. Most you recognized from school, but there was a certain blonde that you hadn’t recognized.
“Who’s this chick?” Zack questioned, nearly scowling down at you. You almost thought he was looking down at you. It was something he had done before but never did it again after the fact. You smiled up at him, despite his rudeness, with a hint of tease. “What? you don’t recognize me?” you asked him.
It only took the sound of your teasing voice for Zack to know who you were. “(name)!? What the hell, long time no see!” he greeted, throwing an arm over your shoulder. “uh huh,” you simply said, still not letting his past rudeness slide. He then lets you go and sheepishly smiles down at you, “you see (name), about before, you know I wouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did if I had known it was you, right?” nervously rubbed his hands together.
you hummed, “right, well, don’t let it happen again,” you warned, but it was more of a tease than anything. Though, Zack couldn’t tell through his fear, “right right, of course!”
After that you turned to the rest of them, nodding your head, “Vasco, Jay,” you greeted. “Wow, (name). I couldn’t recognize you at all!” Vasco said as he approached you, Jay nodding on agreement. If you were being completely honest, you couldn’t recognize Vasco either. He’d grown buffer, has a beard instead of a mustache, and he cut his hair, plus a few new tattoos. He’s also changed his style into a biker gang type style, along with Jace who you’d only seen recently as well. Jay didn’t change much besides his physique and expensive suits.
And now… you turned to the last person, someone you’ve never seen before. “(Name), this is Hudson. Hudson, (name),” Daniel introduced the two of you, gesturing to each person with his hand. “nice to meet ya!” you smiled. “Yeah…” he responded, keeping his face neutral.
Just then, Zack and Vasco started bantering about who knows what. And when things began to grow my violent, Daniel and Jay had to physically separate them.
Suddenly, Hudson stood next to you and leaned down, “You’ve known them for a long time, right? Were they always like this?” he asked. You nodded, “Yeah, actually I think they were way worse than this,” you nodded as you recalled the memories of all the fights they’d get into with one another.
Though despite not seeing each other for a long time, you were happy to see that not a lot has changed since you last saw them, well, despite their physical and mental improvements, they’re basically the same as they were before. You smiled as you thought to yourself, “it’s good to see everyone like this again. Some things just never change.”
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exhoetic333 · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
[1.3k words] To you and Stiles, being forced to share a motel room during a school trip seems like a much bigger catastrophe than facing the supernatural.
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Your bags sat in the corner of the the room and simmers in the spite that soaks the air. The window was cracked open and, every once in a while, you’d wish to throw yourself from it. At least it’d save you from the greater horrors that would catch up to you eventually: sharing a bed with Stiles Stilinski.
He’d somehow managed to go half the evening without looking at you, though he had to share a seat with you on the bus ride to the gloomy motel. In truth, it was a superpower you both shared, ignoring the obvious in that way—a person in the same room or a feeling taking up all the space in the world. You dealt with both. You didn’t discriminate.
Following the day’s heavy events, you’d decided to take a shower and was drying your hair by the time Stiles came back in the room, closing the door soundlessly behind him. You’d dropped a cup of coffee earlier when he came barging in, and it still sat on its side, over the dresser in the far end of the room. The various chocolate bars and chips bags stuffed in his arms were threatening to overspill and he tossed them all on what would end up being his side of the bed, then let his body crumble besides them. Whilst you were righteously drying your hair with a white towel (not the questionable one they’d provided), he was gobbling down his first chocolate, a bar of Snickers.
He looked at you and tried not to let his eyes drop much. You wore a top that didn’t do him any favours. “Do you like chocolate, spawn of Satan?” he questioned casually.
If it wasn’t one of his wild and kind of insulting nicknames he used, it would be your last name and the same went to you. In all your years of knowing and hating each other, you’d barely uttered each other’s first names once or twice.
“You’re so weird,” you said with a grimace, brows furrowed and lips pulled downwards.
“I’ll take this as a compliment,” he mumbled to himself, then tossed a bag of barbecue chips on your side of the bed. “There, your favourite. You can’t say I’m not a kind person.”
You rolled your eyes and tossed the towel aside on a rocking chair. “So sweet it rots my teeth,” you sarcastically countered.
If you weren’t such a pain in the ass, Stiles could’ve sworn you’d be the most perfect girl in the entire world. However, you flipping him off came blurring that fact quite quickly.
When you came to sit in the bed, your side evidentially, you noticed that Stiles’ energy had died down and you found his lack of sarcasm imbedded snarked remarks oddly irritating.
“What’s wrong with you?” you’d asked like you didn’t care, brows furrowed in the middle.
He didn’t reply right away, so you opened up the chips bag and shoved a handful in your mouth. “See, you do like it!” he exclaimed like a little kid. You offered him a deadpan, to which he scoffed and shook his head. “I’m just worried about Scott, all right?” he replied all of a sudden, refusing to meet her eyes.
“I’m worried about him, too,” you confessed. “And Allison, and Lydia, and Derek. I’m worried about all of them, but they’re looking at me for moral support so I can’t exactly express my irrational fear now, can I?”
Stiles’s breath caught in his throat. He looked up to meet your eyes and his features contorted in something similar to sympathy. “I always thought you were the fearless kind,” he said softly. It was a sentence that struck him, kind of like the moment you realize your role models are real people with flaws and feelings (not that you were his role model).
“You thought wrong,” you told him between gritted teeth. You were irritated at yourself for showing such vulnerability, especially to the boy you were supposed to despise.
“Hey, if it helps, I’m very scared too. Actually, I’m scared of practically everything. Hell, I almost started shaking when Coach said we’d share a room,” Stiles said, then tried to hide his nervousness with a laugh.
You laughed, you couldn’t help yourself. “Really?”
“Yeah!” Stiles exclaimed.
“Why?” You’d tried to hide your grin in your shoulder, which coaxed a small smile out of him.
“Because you’re, like, the prettiest girl in the school,” he justified. “And you hate my guts, so there’s that.”
You sighed. The bag of chips was done, so you’d crumbled it up and tossed it in the can besides your side of the bed. “I don’t hate your guts, Stiles.”
He froze with the candy bar halfway to his mouth. When he spoke, his mouth was full and he sounded genuinely shocked. “You… don’t?”
“I don’t,” you confirmed.
A long moment of silence passed. Stiles no longer wanted to eat his favourite chocolate and you’d long forgotten about the last chop in your hand awaiting to be devoured. There was a single lamp that illuminated the room and it was right on top of you, so while you could barely decipher the expression on his face, he could examine every inch of your figure. From the hair draped over the crook of your neck to the shadows your eyelashes cast on your cheeks.
A loud series of knock on the room door made you both gasp in surprise, all of a sudden pulled from such an entrancing haze. On the other side, Coach Finstock had announced a motel-wide shutdown. It was time for your curfew and you didn’t want to go crash Lydia and Allison’s room like you had planned earlier. They’d wonder where you were though they secretly had seen it coming. You’d stay in that room and sleep in that bed. You’d picked your side already.
You slid under the covers and told him to turn off the lights. Afraid to shatter the windowpane you’d built carefully in that moment, he’d refrained himself from saying anything snarky. You’d waited for it but it never came; that was the moment you understood that something had changed between you two. It was the subtlest of shifts.
Stiles took the other side of the bed, but laid facing you as you did on the other side. There was a sort of invisible wall between you two, a hellish line you couldn’t see but were still afraid to cross.
“Hey,” he whispered. It wasn’t a question nor a statement. Just a word floating in the room and circling the drain like a catastrophe.
“Hi,” you replied.
You closed your eyes. Your knuckles brushed against his and a faint smile carved itself delicately on your lips.
What begun as something you and Stiles couldn’t stop catastrophizing ended up as the end of a chapter and the beginning of another. You’d taken a shovel and dig up things you believed where they’re only for your search to come up empty; you’d found greater treasures instead.
“We’re still gonna pretend to hate each other though, right?” You could hear the smile in Stiles’ voice as he spoke.
You opened your eyes and and grimaced. “Who said I’d be pretending?”
Then you both burst out laughing, faces pushed into the pillows so it wouldn’t echo too far down the hallway.
You woke up the next morning with his face in the crook of your neck, hot breath fanning over the bare flesh. The metaphorical wall that stood tall between you two had crumbled and left nothing in its place. This was a kind of sweet catastrophe that you could get used to.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom of Gotham 22
Chapter 21
The three (and a half) of them managed to get to Jason’s apartment without any issues. Since Tim had hacked the GIW systems, he’d come across an invention that allowed them to track ghostly energy. He figured that was how they’d caught Phantom in the first place. On their way out of the facility, Tim downloaded their files and uploaded a virus that would destroy all of their systems and anything connected to it. He hoped that would keep them from being able to track Phantom but they figured it was a necessary precaution to keep him away from the batcave or the manor for now. 
As for Jason, he was able to coax Phantom out of the car and up to his apartment. He worried about being seen by neighbors, but not a lot of people were out. Tim and his blob friend made it to the apartment first, able to open the door for Jason, who was now half-carrying the ghost after his flight stopped working on the way. 
Phantom chirped, following the blob’s movements with wide eyes as the little green thing floated around Tim like a jellyfish. Jason smiled in amusement when he caught the little guy bumping into Tim accidentally when he moved too fast and bounced off harmlessly before slowly floating back. Tim looked apologetic every time it happened, but the blob kept doing it, so he seemed to accept it. 
“So what’s on the agenda?”Jason called from the couch. He was stripping off his gear while trying to keep Phantom from floating too far away. The ghost seemed keen on exploring, and was currently half-phased through the couch while he examined the empty mug and succulent on the coffee table. 
“For now? Looking after Phantom and RB,”Tim said while stripping out of his uniform and pulling on some of Jason’s old sweats and a Wonder Woman t-shirt. “The rest of the team is busy with Scarecrow and Riddler, but they said they could handle it while we got Phantom settled. We don’t know what side effects the collar will have on him, but once we’re sure they can’t track us we can get him to the cave for a checkup.”
“Hold on, Arby?” Jason raised an eyebrow, causing Tim to startle. Jason squinted at Tim’s embarrassed look as the kid started up the coffee machine. 
“Uh, the blob?” Tim offered sheepishly, gesturing to the little guy, who had settled itself into a round cushion atop Tim’s head. Like a Beret, Jason thought absently. “I named him Red Blobin. RB for short. Or just Blobin.”
Jason gave Tim a look that managed to get across all his feelings about the name to Tim, who shrugged. “I found them, I think I should get to name them. Besides, he likes me the most.” And Jason couldn’t argue with that. He found it kind of cute actually, and couldn’t help but picture the little blob in its own tiny robin suit. 
“Blobin,”Jason deadpanned. This was Jarro all over again, he sighed. Actually, Blobin might get along with Jarro, he thought. 
“He’s my robin now,”Tim defended, taking a mug out of the cabinets. It was one of Jason’s favorites, with a gun shape as the handle. He looked over to the coffee table, where his other mug was sitting, only for him to find it gone. Jason squinted, looking around and finding Phantom underneath the table, chewing on the succulent absently. Bright green eyes flickered to Jason and back. 
While Jason was happy the ghost was relaxing, he was pretty sure they weren’t supposed to be eating house plants. Sighing, he stood up. “Can you watch Phantom? I’m gonna make food,”He said, rolling up his sleeves and making his way to the kitchen. 
“Yeah, sure,”Tim responded, bringing his gun mug of coffee over to the couch with a laptop under his arm. From the kitchen, he could hear Tim talking to Phantom quietly. He was no doubt trying to coax him into responding, trying to judge how much brain power the ghost had at the moment. He glanced over to see Phantom slither up to Tim curiously before turning back to the stove. 
Jason busied himself with cooking something easy for Phantom to eat with his hands, but enough so they wouldn’t have to bother with cooking for a while. He settled on chicken tenders and chopped vegetables. He made rice too for him and Tim, but figured Phantom would make a mess of it. Halfway done, he heard a yelp from the living room. 
“Tim?” Jason called, a bit worried. He heard what sounded like a struggle and darted to the living room, leaving the vegetables to the pan. 
“I’m fi- ne!”Tim called, a little strained, but Jason was already on his way. He skidded to a stop in the entryway, looking upon the scene. 
Tim’s mug was on the coffee table, frozen solid and covered in ice. Tim himself was standing up on the arm of the couch, holding his hands closed and away from his body while Phantom floated lazily in the air, turning invisible for a few seconds and then back to normal. His tail was writhing behind him, and his gaze was focused on whatever was in Tim’s hand. “Everythings fine,”Tim reassured Jason, moving his hands when Phantom made to dart forward and ended up floating in a little flip before drifting back to Tim. “He just- He keeps trying to eat Blobin,”Tim said a bit hysterically. Jason wanted to laugh, but he saw how attached Tim was to the little guy. “And he froze my coffee,” Tim added sadly. 
“Alright then, Phantom,”Jason shook his head, approaching the ghost boy. Phantom perked up at the sight of Jason, chirping. He made to float to him, but abruptly lost control of his flight and dipped dangerously, but Jason swiftly scooped him up before he hit the ground. “What am I gonna do with you,”Jason scolded lightly. Phantom just latched onto his shirt and chirped before scoping him out for pockets that might have treats. 
Tim sighed in relief, letting the blob float out of his hands as he jumped to the ground. Jason gave Tim an amused smirk while the kid looked to him and Phantom in exasperation. “I think he’s just hungry. Kind of a menace when he wants to be. Do you think ghosts regularly eat blobs like him?” Tim questioned sadly, grasping his blob and pulling it close to his chest.
”Also where’s your remote?” Tim asked, trying to pick up his mug only to find it frozen to the coffee table. He sighed. 
“Was on the couch,”Jason said before grinning down at the ghost in his arms climbing to peer over his shoulder. The ghost barely weighed anything. “And you, mister, are coming with me.”
Phantom chirped, settling in Jason’s arms as he meandered back to the kitchen. He was hoping the vegetables weren’t burnt. Back at the stove, he shifted the ghost to hang over his shoulders like a cat so he could use both arms. Phantom seemed content to watch him cook, especially when Jason reached up to feed him snacks every few minutes. He caught Tim sneaking past with Blobin peeking out of the hood of his hoodie and grabbing more coffee before retreating back to the couch. Because of the snack thief, cooking took twice as long, but Jason found he didn’t mind. Especially when Phantom started purring, settling on his shoulder like a satisfied cat while munching on a snack. Phantom’s tail curled around Jason's arm, but didn’t restrict any of his movements. Soon, he was plating the food for the three of them, figuring Tim would try to feed the Blob with food from his own plate anyways so he didn’t bother with a fourth. 
As he was bending over carefully to get the silverware, he caught Phantoms clawed hand reaching out for the salt shaker. Before Jason could stop him from eating it, the ghost surprised Jason by phasing it into his chest. The vigilante paused, staring for a moment before he was brought out of it by Phantom chirping at him. “Alright, whatever,”Jason muttered. At least he was pretty sure where the other mug and remote went now. 
They ate on the couch, Tim coming up with theories on how long it would take Phantom to recover and pondering why he was collecting random items. So far, they figured out that as long as Phantom had food or something else keeping his attention, he wouldn’t try to eat Blobin. It didn’t stop him from begging for some of Jason’s food, however. Tim looked at him smugly when he caught Jason giving in and handing the ghost a chicken tender. He glared at his little brother, but kept an eye on Phantom. 
“Is he okay?” Tim fretted, now noticing the sluggish movements of the ghost. He seemed unable to float for the time being, and had taken to scurrying underneath the coffee table or the couch. Which, Jason wasn’t sure if Phantom actually fit under there or if he was intangible. He really hoped the boy wouldn’t get stuck. 
“Yeah,”Jason huffed, reaching down to scoop up the ghost and plop him on his lap as he leaned back against the couch. Phantom grumbled sleepily and pressed his face into Jason’s shirt, wrapping  his tail around Jason’s legs as he brought them up onto the couch. Tim scooted away to give them room. “He’s just tired. Aren’t you?”Jason cooed at the boy, receiving a small chirp in response. Tim gave him a smirk, but absently petted the Blob ghost resting in a puddle on his lap. “Yeah, it’s naptime.”
Tim huffed a laugh but started to get up. “Where are you going?” Jason raised a brow at him. He couldn’t move now with Phantom purring a storm on his chest. Tim halted in his movements, still halfway on the couch. 
“Um-”Tim started, confused, when Jason meandered his socked feet to the kids lap, trapping him to the couch. Tim had Blobin in his arms now, cradled like a baby. “Jason-?”
“You’re taking a nap too,”Jaosn squinted. He reached over the back of the couch to get a blanket and chucked it at Tim, who squawked in protest as it draped over his head. “I know you hardly slept the past few days. Stay or I’ll have to get up and tie you to the couch.”
“O-kay?” Tim squinted, but settled down anyway. He spread the blanket over himself and Jason’s legs, glancing over at Jason a few times. Distracted by Phantom purring, he petted the flowy white hair that was surprisingly soft as the ghost drifted off. The purring was really luring him to sleep though, and before he could blink, he was asleep. 
“Psst! Jason!”
Jason grumbled, for once actually having a good sleep. He wrapped his arms tighter around whoever was snuggled on his chest- Phantom- his brain supplied, before trying to go back to sleep. Until the voice from before spoke again in a hushed, but hurried whisper. 
“Jason! Wake up!” Tim hissed, now very close to Jason’s head. He grunted, cracking open an eye and glancing around for his annoying little brother. When he did catch sight of Tim, he saw a panicked look on Tim’s face that instantly had him on alert. “Don’t move,” Tim added, glancing from Jason to Phantom. 
“What?” Jason questioned, about to get up anyways if he didn’t have a sleeping teenager pinning him down. Tim glanced between the two again, and Jason caught sight of Blobin slumped in Tim’s hood again.
“Before you say anything, I was totally right and I told you so,”Tim said quickly, and Jason had no idea what he was talking about. “But uh, I ended up falling asleep and was woken up by this bright flash of light surrounding you and D- Phantom. When I looked over- uh, well, just look at him,”Tim gestured. He was still a bit harried, like his brain was running 20 miles per hour over this. Jason looked at the window behind him and saw the light was nonexistent. They must have slept the rest of the day and into most of the night. 
Jason heaved a sigh and turned to look at- Danny. His eyes widened as he took in the black hair and what was left of his school uniform from that day. Gently, he brushed away the kids bangs and felt his forehead. It was definitely warmer than Phantom’s skin, but that still didn’t really explain why Danny was here now. Unless- Jason gently maneuvered Danny so he could sit up without waking the teen, gesturing for Tim to sit down and stop staring at him like a maniac.
“Okay, so Phantom is Danny then?” Jason questioned. He was completely out of ideas of how that could even happen. “How the fuck does that even work?” 
“I don’t know!” Tim exclaimed quietly, exasperated. “Phantom’s a ghost- a king!- How does a ghost king also have a living human body??”
“Okay, we know Danny, it’s not like Phantom’s controlling a corpses body or anything. They’re both good kids,”Jason reasoned, hoping to quiet some of Tim’s panic. “Danny’s a halfa right? Half ghost? Half human?”
Tim ran a hand through his messy black hair. “Right. Right, maybe he has a way to switch forms? And he did say the king was chosen by right of conquest, so it is a logical reason to how a half-ghost-human might’ve gotten the throne, just… why didn’t he tell us?” Tim frowned, picking at his fingernails absently. 
Jason smacked his hands lightly. “He probably didn’t tell us the truth because he wanted to have a way to escape if it turned out we were bad guys after all,”Jason reasoned. “It makes sense. He’s one of three, an apparently powerful and rare species. It makes sense that he wouldn’t trust us with the full extent of what that means.”
“I mean, yeah, but,”Tim bit his lip in thought before replying, his gaze on Danny. “We could’ve helped.”
“Yeah. We could’ve,”Jason sighed. “But he was scared. And we can help him now.”
Tim nodded. “Okay. Alright, uh. I’m gonna update B on the situation. They’re still rounding up with the whole Arkham thing, but everyones back where they’re supposed to be. Good news, we can probably assume Danny knows our identities, but either way, he might be safer at the manor in case the GIW actually can track him. They wouldn’t dare break into the manor,”Tim scoffed. 
“Right,”Jason nodded, shifting so he could grab the discarded blanket and drape it over Danny. “Think he’ll be alright?” 
Tim shrugged. “Guess we’ll know when he wakes up if he’s back to normal. The collar was on him for hours, but food and sleep are probably the best remedy.” With that, Tim got up and left for the kitchen, probably to get updates on the rest of the bats and give their report about Danny. Jason rolled his eyes when he heard the coffee machine beep. 
“Holy shit-” Jason heard Tim exclaim from the kitchen. “Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom. His whole name is a fucking pun!” 
Jason snorted, running a hand over Danny’s hair. He knew Dick and Danny got along, but if Dick knew this he’d probably fight B over the adoption.
Chapter 23
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 5) Chapter Three
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Chapter Three: He Doesn’t Just Throw Those Words Around
Summary: (Y/N) notices Lucifer is acting strangely.
            “(Y/N), why is Chloe calling me?” called Em.
            “I dunno,” said (Y/N), clearly lying.
            “What? She could just be calling you to talk to you,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “She never calls me. She always calls you, and if she needs to talk to me, she has you hand over the phone,” said Em.
            “What? That’s stupid. Chloe knows we’re not always together,” said (Y/N).
            Em deadpanned. “We kind of are.”
            “Oh. Right,” said (Y/N), blinking.
            “But this is beside the point,” said Em. “The point is that if Chloe is calling me, it means you weren’t answering your phone.”
            “…Okay, fine, I wasn’t,” said (Y/N). “But it’s because Lucifer is on a case with her, and if she’s calling me, it means he’s causing trouble, and I don’t want to be around him.” They crossed their arms. “So I’m not getting involved.”
            “Well, Chloe keeps calling me, so I’m answering,” said Em.
            “What?! No!”
            “Hi, Chloe,” said Em, ignoring (Y/N). “Yeah, they’re here. Yeah, they didn’t hear their phone ringing. Yeah, they’d love to talk.”
            “Em…” whined (Y/N), but it was too late, and Em shoved the phone into their hand. “Hiiii, Chloe.” (Y/N) mimed strangling Em.
            “Hey, (Y/N),” said Chloe. “Have you, uh, seen Lucifer?”
            “Yeah, he came back to the penthouse like he owned the place and he hadn’t done anything,” grumbled (Y/N).
            Chloe, smartly, decided to move on from (Y/N)’s anger. “Okay…Well, he’s been acting a little strange, and I was wondering if you thought so.”
            “I haven’t been hanging out with him,” said (Y/N).
            “Right,” said Chloe, sighing. “Okay, well, can you just…try? And see how he’s acting? I think something is troubling him.”
            “Yeah, well, I’m troubled,” said (Y/N).
            “Please? I think might have happened to him in Hell,” said Chloe, worried.
            (Y/N) let out a sigh, but as angry as they were at Lucifer, they still cared. “…Okay. I will.”
            “Thank you, (Y/N). I’m sure he’ll open up to you,” said Chloe.
            If he hasn’t completely forgotten me from being in Hell.
            What a depressing thought.
            “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” said Lucifer, tilting his head as (Y/N) walked into the LAPD office.
            “I’m here to do homework. I didn’t like doing it in the Penthouse when you were gone,” said (Y/N). They narrowed their eyes. “And Chloe is nice to be around.”
            “Yes, of course.” Lucifer smiled. “Well, whatever works for you.”
            (Y/N) paused. That was odd. Lucifer was never so…well-adjusted to decisions that excluded him. Even if he was trying to make it up to (Y/N), this wasn’t normal. Maybe Chloe was right and Lucifer had been affected by being Hell.
            In that case, (Y/N) would feel a bit bad about being so angry and focusing on themself. (No, actually (Y/N) would still be pissed, but they would maybe feel sympathetic to him).
            (Y/N) sat down. “Is your case going well?”
            “Chloe and I have a few leads,” said Lucifer.
            (Y/N) blinked, and the shadows beneath their chair swirled as their intuition perked up at his words. “Chloe?” He always calls her “Detective…” I don’t think a thousand years could change that. It’s something he did because he loved her…Loves. Whatever.
            “Right, well, that’s good,” said (Y/N), taking out their homework.
            “Yes,” agreed Lucifer. He looked at their schoolwork. “If you need any help, let me know. I’m here to help.”
            He smiled, and something, something made (Y/N)’s fingers flex towards their shadow.
            “I’m fine,” said (Y/N).
            Lucifer smiled. “Are you sure? Maybe you need a break or something. We could go out and…just hang out. Bond again. I’ve missed you.”
            “I think I’m just going to do my work and go grab food with my friends,” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes.
            “Well, whenever you want to spend time with me, I’m here. I swear, I’m sorry for leaving you. I want to make it up to you,” said Lucifer.
            The words were sweet, but (Y/N) just felt unsettled. Every part of them wanted to pull away from the situation. The familiar sense of fight-or-flight settled into their heart as anxiety constricted their lungs. The beloved sense of security that had always accompanied Lucifer’s presence was gone, replaced by unease.
            “…I’m fine,” said (Y/N), holding their notebook and pencil tighter. They were leaving as soon as possible.
            “(Y/N)!” shouted Olive, running (skating) up to (Y/N) at the skatepark. “Why didn’t you tell us?!”
            “Huh?” said (Y/N), blinking.
            “I mentioned Lucifer came back yesterday,” said Em, successfully balancing on a skateboard for once.
            “Is it true?” said Noa, frowning.
            “It is,” said (Y/N).
            “I thought he was leaving for your safety? Wouldn’t returning defeat the purpose?” remarked Leon.
            “I have no idea how he’s back or even why,” groaned (Y/N), sitting down on a bench.
            Their friends exchanged looks and gathered around them.
            “What’s wrong? I mean, he’s obviously come back for you. He’s your dad. Aren’t you…happy?” said Marcel.
            “He hurt (Y/N). They don’t have to be happy. They’re entitle to be a little angry,” said Olive supportively.
            “It’s more than that, isn’t it?” said Em, sitting down next to (Y/N) and gazing at them gently. She could tell (Y/N) was upset, and they wanted to help them in any way they could.
            “I can’t explain it,” said (Y/N), sighing. “But I think Chloe was right, something’s wrong with Lucifer.”
            Em frowned. “Lucifer.” Not “Dad.” Alarm bells went off in their head.
            “You think Hell hurt him somehow?” asked Noa.
            “But isn’t he the king? Doesn’t he have the power?” asked Marcel.
            “It must be a mentally taxing responsibility,” said Leon.
            “That’s not it,” said (Y/N). “Something’s wrong with him, but I…I don’t know if it’s Hell. It feels like it’s him.”
            “What do you mean?” asked Olive.
            “We won’t judge you,” said Em. “We’re here to help, Birdie.”
            “It just doesn’t make any sense,” said (Y/N). “He just isn’t my dad. I don’t feel safe with him. There’s just something…wrong. I can’t shake the feeling.”
            “And it’s not something a thousand years changed in him?” asked Leon, as concerned as any of them but trying to walk (Y/N) through the situation logically so they didn’t spiral.
            “No,” said (Y/N) firmly. “My Dad wouldn’t make me feel unsafe. I know no amount of time would change that.”
            “He’s not going to…hurt you, is he?” said Olive softly, voicing a terrible thought.
            “No. That’s not something Lucifer would do,” said Em firmly. “Even back as the King of Hell before coming to LA, he was never cruel.”
            “Good, good,” said Olive, protective of her friends.
            “What are you going to do?” asked Noa.
            “What?” asked Marcel.
            “They have to figure out what to do,” said Noa. “If they feel unsafe, they can’t stay at the Penthouse. But if they think Lucifer might become more like their dad again and it’s just him being back in LA that’s odd, then they can stay.”
            “And if something is wrong, we need to decide what to do,” said Em, narrowing her eyes. They would protect (Y/N) above their “king.”
            “So, (Y/N)? What are you thinking of doing?” said Leon.
            “I’m going to talk to him. I can figure out what to do from there,” said (Y/N), squaring their shoulders.
            “Are you sure, Birdie? If he’s acting strangely, I don’t…I don’t know, I just don’t want anything to happen,” said Em worriedly.
            “I’ll get the truth,” said (Y/N). They offer a smile. “I mean, he doesn’t lie.”
            Right. Lucifer always told the truth.
            “Hey, Maze,” said (Y/N) as they walked onto the elevator and Maze walked out.
            The demon looked away before meeting (Y/N)’s gaze. “Hey.”
            “Is Lucifer in the Penthouse?” asked (Y/N).
            “Uh, yeah, he is,” said Maze.
            “Are you okay?” (Y/N) frowned.
            “I’m just…I’m still pissed Lucifer went back to Hell and left me here,” said Maze.
            “Me, too,” said (Y/N).
            “I have to go, I have a bounty to pick up,” said Maze.
            “Good luck,” said (Y/N), pressing the button for the Penthouse.
            The elevator went up, and when the doors slid open, (Y/N) found Lucifer making himself a drink at the counter.
            “Hey, uh, Lucifer?” said (Y/N), squaring their shoulders. They could do this. They could figure it out.
            “Yes, (Y/N)?” said Lucifer, turning around with a smile.
            “I know I’ve been…mean because you abandoned me and went to Hell,” said (Y/N). “Which I’m not apologizing for, by the way—but I just…I’m ready to talk.” To see how I feel near you and what’s going on…
            “Excellent,” said Lucifer. “What do you have to say?”
            “I want to know why you could leave me so easily and come back as if it meant nothing,” said (Y/N), their heart clenching as they went straight to the point.
            “…It was hard, (Y/N),” said Lucifer. “That’s all I can say.”
            “That’s it?” snapped (Y/N).
            “(Y/N), I love you. What more do I need to say?” said Lucifer.
            That was it. (Y/N)’s entire body rejected his words, and the shadows around the room flared upwards, dimming the lights.
            “Lucifer told me he loved me once.” (Y/N) glared at the man standing in front of them. “He doesn’t just throw those words around.”
            The man in front of them laughed awkwardly. “I’ve…learned to be more open with my emotions. I’ve improved. I’m Lucifer 2.0!”
            “You’re not Lucifer.” (Y/N)’s hands curled into fists. “I don’t care what lies you try to tell me, you’re not him. You don’t know his heart.”
            The man’s smile fell as he realized (Y/N) truly wasn’t going to be tricked by anything he said.
            “Of course the brat figures it out after everyone else is easy to handle,” muttered the man, his voice dropping into a southern drawl.
            “Who the hell are you?” demanded (Y/N), narrowing their eyes.
            “I’m Michael.”
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onboardsorasora · 9 months
I've been hammering at this all day and it doesn't want to go in a different direction. So I yield. Its not super whimsical but we're moving the story along, please don't hate me
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Part 1 | Part 7
Part 8
Max stood in the kitchen, sipping a red bull and being grilled by his mother and sister. They had come over, as he promised Daniel they would, to celebrate his birthday. So… Max didn’t exactly tell them about Daniel, just that he had a friend staying with him for a little, while they worked out some visa issues.
Sophie and Vic had accepted that easily because they had no reason to not believe. They only realized something was….odd when they’d actually come over. Daniel was in Max’s clothes, it was clear to see. And he looked very cozy and comfortable in the space and the cats were very attached to him.
So after the initial greeting and introductions where Daniel gushed to Sophie how wonderful her son was (absolutely not helping), Daniel had happily agreed to keep an eye on Luka and Lio for a quick sec. That was how Max ended up in the kitchen being bombarded with accusations of hiding his boyfriend.
Daniel wasn’t his boyfriend, Max didn’t get why everyone thought that.
Not that he didn’t think that would, maybe, be nice. But that's a different thing altogether.
He looks across the room to Daniel who is talking animatedly with Lio while Luka stroked Jimmy’s fur. Sassy laid comfortably in Daniel’s lap as if that was her home. Truth be told, it kinda was. She had taken to Daniel faster and more completely than she’d ever taken to Max and maybe he could admit he was a little jealous of that. 
It was like she was protecting Daniel. There had been a few times that he’d seen her pad across the apartment and waited for him, as if leading Daniel to what he needed. She’d also gotten his attention once when it looked like he was going to squeeze his finger in a door. He’d crooned to her after about how amazing she was and they spent the afternoon curled up in a beam of sunlight together.
Sassy barely allowed Max to hold her sometimes, and she sure as shit didn’t want to cuddle. He’d joke and say she was a strong independent cat that didn’t need an owner. So this was completely new territory for him.
So yes, maybe Max was a little jealous of Daniel and Sassy’s relationship. Just a little. A smidge. A tad.
“No we aren’t together. Daniel is just a magical friend who needed some help getting home.” Max muttered around his can. Of course Sophie and Vic didn’t buy it.
“Magical friend?” Vic’s deadpan tone only got more cutting with motherhood.
“Yes. He’s magical adept or whatever google calls it.”
Sophie squinted her eyes at him before looking at Daniel again who was now gushing over something Lio was showing him. Their heads were close together as they chattered excitedly. Luka looked on with Jimmy.
“What do you mean?” Sophie asked. She, of course, knew about magical people. But she’d never met one. Vic was flabbergasted.
“He speaks to animals and his tattoos move.”
“Is that why Sassy is curled up on him like–” Vic cut in
“Yep” Max confirmed.
“So was the visa thing a lie?” Sophie asked.
“No, it is the weirdest thing. He’s from Australia and came over on a plane…but he doesn’t have a passport or anything. So I’ve been talking with his sister about figuring it out.”
“Is his sister magical too?” Vic again.
“I dunno.” Max shrugged, he was watching Daniel. He was more sedate than usual, very different to when he first met Lando, Charles, Alex and Lily. it seemed as if he was maybe trying to keep himself in check. Daniel looked up and caught him staring, he smiled sweetly at Max, not at all like the face cracking grins Max was used to, then looked back to the boys. 
It wasn’t bad, just unexpected.
Suddenly, Max remembered Daniel’s reaction to finding out that Max had cancelled his birthday plans and wondered if maybe Daniel was trying to make a good impression.
“He’s very worried that you don’t like him.” Max mumbled, not looking when both women’s eyes snapped back to him. “He was…upset that I cancelled our plans and blamed himself, I don’t of course, but he was really sad. So he wants to make a good impression so you don’t hate him, I think.”
Well that won’t do, Sophie and Vic shook their heads as if physically denouncing the idea. They each grabbed a drink and filtered back to the living room to join whatever activity Daniel and the boys were doing. Daniel offered them a tentative smile.
“I hope you don’t mind, we’ve been painting.” Daniel said softly and Max’s chest clenched at how achingly earnest it was. The boys picked up their artwork to show off happily.
“Why would we mind?” Sophie found herself asking, taking Luka’s painting– the race car was blue like his uncle’s and surrounded by trophies.
“Uhm,” Daniel bit his lip and looked to Max as if checking if it was ok. Max smiled at him encouragingly. “Sassy said you didn’t like the smell of the paint last time Luka used them. It made you sick.”
Vic’s eyes widened and she looked over at her brother as if for confirmation. Max held his hands up in a ‘it wasn’t me motion’ because he didn’t tell Daniel that the paints made Vic sick when she was pregnant with Lio. Sassy did.
Part 9
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missuga · 2 years
7:28 a.m.  — KUROO TETSUROU
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“You cannot be serious.”
It was nearly impossible to keep looking away from Kuroo at the distraught tone creeping into his voice now, but you knew the smile you were fighting against would win the battle if you did.
So, you settled for a simple nod as you continued to stare at the menu.
The café was warm and smelled like pumpkins. It was a stark difference from the cold gusts of September air drifting along the sidewalk outside.
Your eyes had grazed over the messy chalk scrawled on the board several times now, each time you barely registered any of the words, too distracted by the tall man very obviously pouting behind you.
It was your fault, but only a little bit.
You’d dragged him out of the apartment almost at dawn much to his dismay, today was one of the only days he could sleep in and not have to worry about missing class.
“Do you know what you’re getting?” Kuroo asked stepping closer to you to squint up at the sign.
“Um, probably the new maple latte or something. I’m not sure yet.” You tilted your head to the side slightly waiting for his almost scripted response.
“Ohh, can you order me one too?”
Anything slightly sweet at all with any sort of caffeine usually got him hooked, even though he’d never order it himself, of course, that was too embarrassing.
“Will you be nice to me if I do?” You asked before rolling your eyes at the very fake gasp sounding from him.
“You owe me for coming out with you this early,” He started, crossing his arms across his chest as he did, “No one sane is out right now.”
“Oh chill out, you’re up earlier than this most days.” You rolled your eyes once more, ignoring whatever nonsense that came from him next, and stepped up to the counter. “Could we get two of the maple vanilla lattes, please?”
“One iced.” Kuroo nudged you and whispered.
“Sorry, can one of them be iced?” You asked shaking your head when the barista laughed, she most likely had heard Kuroo the first time. “Thank you.”
It only took a few minutes after you paid for the drinks to come out, and the way Kuroo cringed when his name was called out through the café was nearly audible.
“You’re lame.” He said under his breath before taking a sip of his drink. “So are you going to tell me the reason we had to leave right when the sun came up?”
“Bath and body works is putting out their fall line today.” You glanced at him before continuing “I already told you this yesterday.”
“Don’t you have enough candles at the apartment already?”
The way he sounded so serious drew a laugh from you, he’d asked the same question earlier.
Thankfully the café was right across from the store, you arrived only a few moments after they’d opened.
“Holy shit, there’s a lot of people in here.” Kuroo’s eyes were wide as he looked around, realizing finally why you wanted to get there early.
It didn’t take long for him to start wandering around after being stuck to your side for a few minutes, and it didn’t take any time at all for you to fill the basket up with what you’d been looking for.
“Smell this.”
You turned around and were met with a candle almost completely in your face and Kuroo staring at you with an excited expression. It was the cinnamon apple scent.
“I picked that out already actually, that’s a good one.”
“Oh thank god, this smells delicious.” He brought the candle up to smell it again, his mood seemed like it did a full turn from the café just from that one candle. “We need to hit a grocery store on the way home.”
“I thought you wanted to get back and nap? Isn’t that what you said in the café?” You asked turning around to look at him, a mixture of disbelief and amusement lacing your words.
“After we make something.”
“We?” You deadpanned, there hasn’t been a single moment where Kuroo actually successfully made something with you. He could cook on his own, but when it came to working with you it was a war zone.
“Okay fine, will you make me something?” Kuroo grinned at you and showed his phone, a recipe was already pulled up on it.
“Apple pie?”
He nodded eyed flicking to the candle in your basket and you sighed, for someone who didn’t want to even go with you to the store he was probably enjoying this more than you.
“Fine.” You shook your head, pushing the basket towards him as you reached the counter. “You’re buying this for me though, even trade.”
"Do you have anymore homework to do later?” He asked after you two had left the store, the bag of your candles and body wash securely in his grasp.
“Mm, no I don’t think so, why?” You’d purposefully finished everything yesterday so you wouldn’t have to worry about it this weekend.
“We should watch movies tonight, like we did a while ago.”
“Oh with all the blankets from our bed?” You couldn’t help smiling at that, you didn’t realize he enjoyed that so much. “That sounds good, want to get take out too then?”
“I kind of want soup.” Kuroo said after nodding, moving closer as you walked, his shoulder now pressed tightly against yours. “I don’t know why I’m in a cozy mood all of a sudden.”
“You’re a dork.” You laughed, but you knew exactly how he felt. Whether it was a mix of the cool air or everything screaming fall around, you loved it. “But yes we can get soup, or wait want to make soup with me?”
“You’re asking me that after last time we tried to?” He laughed, nudging your shoulder before wrapping his arm fully around you. “I will only if its chicken noodle.”
“You’re lame.” You pouted, mocking him from earlier as you leaned into him trying to ignore the cool air. “Fine, chicken noodle it is.”
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holyfruitsnax · 2 years
Behind Bars pt.2: Blueprint
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Summary: Nate’s been sent to prison. Now you and Sully, well mostly you, need to find a way to help him get out, and you’ve thought of something brilliant. Featuring Nate putting pieces together and some Sully and reader bonding time!
Pairing: Nathan Drake x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Cursing? Maybe angst?, Don’t reaaaally know what to call it but I like!, pregnancy, I never proof read so prolly that
A/N: Guess whose laptop updated 😏
  Sully huffed carrying the last of your things into his apartment. “Alright...So!” He clapped his hands together looking towards you. “Tell me what the cops said about Nate’s...Situation. Unless you want to get settled and all first I mean that’s- that’s understandable and super cool too” Sully smiled a little awkward, not really sure where you stand with him. “We can talk. Might help honestly.” You sighed plopping down on Sully’s sofa. “Yeah, it also might make you punch me in the face so, there’s that kid.” He joked sitting next to you, happy to hear you chuckle a little. “What? You’re not gonna tell me yes or no to that?” Sully raised his brows hating the smirk you gave him. “So, they had Nate cuffed down so tight you’d think he’d killed somebody.” You started making Sully wince a little. “What? He didn’t, right?” You hissed sitting up straight. 
  “No...He did shoot...some guys...” Sully’s eyes closed before he heaved. “That being said, I’ve got no idea if they lived so, I couldn’t tell you kid, honestly.” His leg bounced to help ease his nerves. “So we’re being honest finally?” You scoffed, feeling like your slightly sour tone was justified as you forgot about telling Sully what he wanted to hear. “Fine. Then tell me how? How the fuck do two guys steal millions, how does one of those idiots get caught while the other runs off like some kinda-” You stopped your angry rant seeing Sully so nervous. “Jo, Jo Braddock that’s how...and maybe Chloe Frazer but that’s less likely. Kind of.” He looked down at you, not expecting a raised brow. “Who?”
  Sully rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah...Braddock is an old enemy of sorts, wants the same shit we’re after.” “Were after.” You corrected making sure Sully knew treasure hunting would be a part of Nate’s past. “Chloeeee...Enemy friend? Frienemies? She kinda had a thing for Nate, honestly, I think he did too hah.” Sully chuckled remembering their antics when they’d tried to work together the first time. “Not as much as he loves you- Of course.” He sputters seeing you deadpan. “Nice one Sullivan.” You huffed. Great, now you had some chick to worry about too. “Hey! I mean it kid! I’ve never seen him so whipped in my life.” Sully pressed a hand to his chest flashing the ‘scouts honor’ symbol.
  You both laughed a little, Mr. Whiskers opting to join you. “I know you want Nate to be done with all of this...But, that’s just not possible. I’m sorry, I really am kid. Once you’re in. You’re in for good.” He explained hopping up from the couch to open his fridge. “Why not?” You furrowed your brows turning around backwards on the sofa while Sully cracked open a beer. “Too many people know what he’s done and where he’s been. Plus, I know him well, He’s too good at what he does to just stop, it’ll never happen.” He gestured around. You hadn’t thought about that part. “He might would try for you and you know.” He pointed down at your stomach “The little guy but, realistically, no matter how hard he tried...It’d always come back.” Sully took a swig of his beer holding out another towards you. You looked at him like he was crazy making him nod “Right, baby n’ all. What a buzzkill amiright?” He chuckled bringing both beers with him anyways.
  “You’re fucking nuts man.” You laugh shaking your head. If you couldn’t get Nate out, you’d just have to help him while he’s in...and also in prison. Glancing down at the coffee table you noticed a pack of bubble gum. Nate loves that stuff, it made you sigh thinking about him offering you a piece with a pickup line the day he’d met you. “I know they make those things ah...” Nate snapped his fingers trying to recall. “Ice breakers! But Hubba Bubba has never let me down.” He chuckled holding a piece out to you making you scrunch your nose and smile. “Oh- do you? Do you think you’re smooth?” You grinned taking the gum. “I think I’m adorable.” He chuckled making you roll your eyes. “Speaking of...Adorable~” He winked to you, noticing your blush now. “I mean, I feel like that was pretty smo-” “Mmmm, Mediocre.” “Harsh.” You bantered back and forth laughing. You’d been staring at a pack of gum for six minutes, that’s when it hit you, there was a way you could help him from the inside. Jolting forwards you grabbed Sully’s laptop, unfolding it, forcing him to unlock it. “Hey- Woah now I don’t remember what I had open last on there so- Oh okay! Fine! Let’s just invade people’s privacy!” He spoke loudly as you shoved the keyboard closer to him. “Milfs2908....Seriously? What are you twelve?” You laughed taking the laptop back. “Gotta keep people on their toes! I mean who’d hack a guy whose password is that! Common curtesy in the hacking world, you can’t hack someone with a cool password.”
  You rolled your eyes opening the web browser typing in the prison name, clicking on their about and history page to find more. “What’s cooking up in that brain of yours?” Sully asked moving on to the other beer. “I think I know a way to try and help Nate. Might not be perfect but, It’s the only thing I can think of.” You explained your plan to Sully, who began to help you find out as much as he could on the prison. That’s when you found them, the blueprints. You took your time sketching them out for your plan, using different colors here and there to mark anything that seemed important.
  A month and a half had passed since Nate was brought to prison. He’d been stripped down in a room full of men, searched, given a checkup, and then got his ass kicked within the first two weeks. Ups and downs (Mostly downs) aside, they were finally letting him have visitors. He found it odd since most prisoners here weren’t allowed to, they’d been deemed too dangerous. He didn’t know you’d told them about being pregnant and asked to see him from time to time if he stayed on good behavior. “A Mrs. y/n Drake is here to see you?” The warden questioned while unlocking his cell door. “Yeah. s’my wife.” He smiled letting the warden cuff him. The man whistled “I bet she ain’t happy with you.” He joked making Nate scowl. “No, not particularly.” He brushed off his feelings as the warden walked him out to a table, cuffing him to it. “She’s good to come in, I’ll be right behind those doors. Don’t try anything.” He pointed at Nate, pressing a buzzer to unlock the heavy metal doors.
  And there you were. He noted your freshly done hair and makeup, and the coat you wore let him know it was beginning to get cold outside. God he missed you. “Baby!” He smiled as you walked up to him, a sweet smile offered back. “Nate...Oh my gosh your eye?!” You went to coo at him but immediately noticed the large purple bruise around his right eye. “Oh, that? It’s nothing. Really you should see the other guy!” He joked, leaning into your hand caressing his face. “I miss you.” You hummed opting to sit next to him on the bench seat, letting your eyes take in his slightly rugged appearance. He hadn’t shaved so he sported some stubble and his brown hair had been left without gel. He looked tired already. “I miss you too babe. I can’t believe they let you come to see me!” Nate wished he could scoot in closer as you shrugged off your coat.
  “I know, but I told them I just had to! Apparently, you’ve been pretty good” You nodded, elbows resting on the table, comfortable talk going back and forth for a while. You’d never felt self conscious around Nate but the way his eyes kept skimming over you, like there was something he was trying to figure out made you straighten your spine. Nate of course, really was trying to figure something out. You were lovely, always had been. He checked you out over and over again, until he finally realized, you look different. Your cheeks a little fuller, breasts a little larger, in fact, everything about you just seemed a little plumper. Not that he minded of course, finding the slight roundness to your middle cute. He decided not to ask, seeing that it could be from the stress he’d caused you.
  A buzzer sounded again, cue the warden coming back out for Nate after some time had passed. “Alright Drake, your sixty minutes are up. Say your goodbyes, she can come back another day.” The man sighed, checking the clock impatiently. “Okay- uhm.” Nate swiveled to look at you again, your smile spreading to his own lips. “I love you...I hope you still love me?” He mumbled leaning in. You giggle a little and connect your lips since Nate couldn’t reach. “Of course I do.” A sad tinge in your voice made Nate’s chest hurt. With that the warden uncuffed his ankle from the table beginning to take Nate away. “W-wait!” You call making the taller man turn to you with a confused look to match Nate’s. “Can I give him this? You can search it! I just- he really likes it. I figure it couldn’t do any harm.” You smile sweetly, nerves making your hands tremble as you held out a pack of gum.
  The warden scooped up the pack and opened it just to close it again. “Yeah, yeah I guess that’s fine.” He smiled down to you. “Thank you so much!” You gleamed tossing back on your jacket. As Nate took the pack of gum and went to turn back around with the warden, his eyes couldn’t help but land on your middle again. “I don’t care about Millions Nathan! I care about you, I want you, home with Us.” He let your words replay from your first meeting. Holy shit, we. You’re pregnant, aren’t you? His head whipped to look over his shoulder, but they’d already made you leave. Maybe he was just jumping to conclusions. Maybe he wasn’t, course he couldn’t risk asking in case...y’know you weren’t pregnant.
  Back in his cement room, Nate paced back and forth replaying your image in his mind. You were glowing, GLOWING. Sure, people gained and lost weight all the time, but something felt off. In the midst of his stress, Nate pulled out a piece of gum, popping it in his mouth. As he went to toss the wrapper, he caught himself, unfolding it. The number seven had been etched into a corner while the whole sheet had been used to draft part of a drawing. Why number it? Nate sat cross legged on the ground dumping all the gum from his pack he began to unwrap them all, stashing the unwrapped pieces back into the cardboard in hopes to chew it later.
  “Lights out in ten.” A warden called making Nate freeze, but no one came past. “What are you trying to tell me?” He huffed finally getting everything undone. Arranging the wrappers around a few times, Nate’s eye’s shot wide. “Oh my god! She’s a genius!” He laughed to himself. You’d drawn and aligned a blueprint of the prison on the inside of his gum wrappers. Vent systems, offices, cameras, alarms, all marked. ‘Good luck in there kid.’ Sully, ‘I love you! See you soon!’ y/n. Scooping up his wrappers Nate hid them away safely, laying back in his cot as the lights shut off. He was getting out of here. He was also...Maybe a father?
I hope you like it y’all! There’s gonna be more of course, much love! <3 -Snax
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
It’s me.
I’m begging for a pt 2 for the nate fic you posted pls 🫶🏻🤍
I don’t have like a full fic in me so I’m hoping this will suffice!
part one
“I’m literally begging you not to embarrass me” Nate grumbled, fixing Michael’s tie.
“Dude, not gonna happen” Miles deadpans from the other side of the room “Mikey was like born to embarrass you”
Nate only groaned, taking Finn from Miles’ arms.
“Tell him Finny, tell uncle Mikey no embarrassing daddy”
Finn’s head just quirked to the side, no understanding whatsoever.
Mikey walked over, tickling Finn’s belly “Tell daddy, he embarrasses himself enough!”
Nate scowled at his best friend
“Okay let’s get this party started! There’s a pretty bride waiting for you!” Nico announced, barging into the room.
The day had gone by without a hitch, Finn hadn’t even cried. Done nothing but smile and clap in Madison’s lap all morning.
Come the reception, he was situated right in your arms taking a very well deserved nap.
When it came time for speeches, your parents along with Nathan’s made theirs all very basic “welcome to the family” style.
When it came Mikey’s turn he grabbed the mic
“First off, I wanna thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate the newly weds I know they’re extremely thankful for your presence with us!”
He bounced off one leg to another
“I know that at weddings we tend to talk about the good stuff, the love stuff but I want to talk about Nate and y/n’s break up”
Your eyes darted over to Nate who had an equally worried look on his face.
“Just a couple years ago, y/n and Nate broke up and it was… bad” he started, pulling a face to exaggerate his point.
“Nate cried…. A lot” you laughed at that.
Mikey chuckled too before continuing “and it was my wedding that brought them back together” he turned to you then added “You’re welcome”
“Thanks Bud!”
“When they were talking about getting back together, Nate came over to my place and said something to me that nobody knows until now” he paused for a moment
“Nate said to me the day after we arrived back in Jersey and they went to lunch and decided to work on their relationship ‘Man I’m so happy. I don’t know if I’ll ever be this happy again in my life, she’s mine and she wants me around even when I’ve done that to her she still wants to try again and I’m so happy this is my life, that she’s in my life - she makes me so happy’”
You looked at Nate, tears in your eyes and he just shrugged sheepishly.
“They got back together in October when the season started officially and you know very coincidentally popped out a baby about nine months after that day…. Weird” the crowd laughed and you smiled down at a sleeping Finn.
“I thought the day y/n took Nate back was the happiest he’d been until Finnley was born. Nate called me at like two or three in the morning to say they’d had a baby, he was here! but I picked up the phone to Nate crying and I’m immediately thinking the worst here… something has happened to the baby or y/n” your eyes were on Nate while Mikey spoke now.
“When he finally stopped crying he said to me ‘Mikey, man, y/n had our boy - I’m a dad. She’s made me a dad, man and I’m so in love with her, she’s amazing, I can’t believe she’s mine” Nate’s hand rubbed yours that was supporting Finn’s bottom, giving you a soft smile and you knew he was trying not to cry.
“Not every part of their story is really cute though! When they got engaged it was big woody’s birthday in jersey and Nate was really really drunk so he called y/n to pick him up. he was sick on her shoes outside the bar before he said “I love you so much my girl, please marry me and make me the happiest man-“ before he proceeded to throw up again on her. Your guess is as good as mine as to why she said yes when he asked again the following morning”
You sniggered and Nate hid his face, a blush settled across his cheeks
“What im trying to say is that, Nate and y/n are made for eachother and I couldn’t think of two more perfect people to be together in this life. Now everyone please raise a glass, to the Bastian’s!”
Later, when you were on the dance floor slow dancing with your husband your head lay on his shoulder and you said
“I’m really glad you held my hair back that night”
He chuckled and said “I’m so glad I’m insanely jealous and only came after you because I was scared you were hooking up with Ryan in the toilet”
Your head lifted and you gasped “Nathan Bastian!”
He laughed “What? You’re my wife now I’m allowed to be jealous”
“You’re lucky I love you!”
With a genuine smile he kissed you and said
“I’m so lucky to be loved by you, my angel”
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
could u write anything w prompt 5. “You can lie to yourself all you want, but we both know you’re not okay.” w austin!
Believe In One Thing (I Won’t Go Away)
ship: austin butler x reader
prompt: “you can lie to yourself all you want, we both know you aren’t okay”
summary: the 6th anniversary of his mom’s death falls 3 months into your relationship and convincing austin he doesn’t have to struggle alone is more of a battle than everyone thought it’d be. 
content warning: death of a parent, trauma anniversaries 
You were sitting on the couch when your phone rang, Austin’s caller ID flashing across the screen. It was a mirror selfie you’d taken in his trailer the last time you visited the set, his arms wrapped around your waist, chin propped on your shoulder. 
But you stopped yourself from staring at the photo to pick up the phone, only getting half of greeting out before Austin was talking. 
“Hey baby, are you busy right now?” He said, and something felt off about his tone, your boyfriend sounding halfway to frantic. 
“Not really- but I thought you were going to be working till late?”
The late late nights at set were new, and if you were being honest you hated it because it meant you saw significantly less of him. But he was working hard, you couldn’t knock that.  
“Baz uh, he sent me home, are you at your place?” 
“Baz sent me home.”
What the hell?
You heard his brakes squeal followed by a string of mumbled curse words. He’d seemed to be growing more frantic by the second, and you more confused. 
“Yeah, I’m home- Austin what’s going on?”
“I’m not breaking up with you.” He deadpanned and you would’ve laughed if you weren’t so worried, because the possibility hadn’t even crossed your mind. But before you could ask any follow up questions he rushed out ”I’ll see you in ten, okay?” and hung up. 
The next ten minutes were spent just about staring a hole through the front door until you heard footsteps approaching it from the outside, getting there to open it before he could knock.
You’d expected him to look frazzled but didn’t expect it to be this bad, his hair disheveled and eyes puffy. He was wearing a loose t-shirt and joggers, the casual affair accented by the rhinestone belt around his waist. They’d be having him do dance rehearsals in an Elvis belt to get used to the weight, but he wasn’t at set now. He was standing in your doorway looking like he’d just been hit by a bus. 
“Why did Baz send you home, did something happen?” You said and ushered him inside. Austin took his shoes off by the door and leaned against the entryway wall, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“My mom died.”
You knew that already. But this entire situation made a lot more sense when he finished his thought. 
“Tomorrow, the 11th.”
His voice trembled, and you were at a loss.  You’d known his mom had died long before you got together a few months ago, but hadn’t paid attention to when and felt like an asshole for not knowing. Or Googling it or doing anything before the train flew off the tracks like it apparently had at work. 
“Why didn’t you say something?” You said softly, taking a step closer and reaching for his arm, Austin dropping his head back against the wall.
“Didn’t want you to worry.” He mumbled “it’s been what, almost a decade, I should be,"
You couldn’t let him finish that thought, cutting him off. 
“She was your mom Aus, you were so young. That type of grief doesn’t just go away with time.”
“Yeah, apparently not.” He said, gesturing aimlessly and looking down. His eyes widened when they landed on the belt, and he cursed under his breath.
Austin took a shaky breath in and out as he pushed off the wall and walked past you further into the apartment. “Didn’t even realize I was still wearing this when I walked off, costumes is gonna have my head,”
“It’s just a belt.” You said as you followed him, “You wanna go back to your place and drop it off on the way? I can pack an overnight bag in a few minutes,"
He shook his head, opening his mouth and closing it a few times like there was something he wanted to say but couldn't, scratching the side of his neck and looking away from you as his eyes got glossy.
“Hey- it’s okay, you can stay here, come on,” You said and put a hand on his shoulder, nudging him down the hallway in the direction of your bedroom. Once you were both inside you closed the door with your foot, snaking around to Austin’s front to help him get the belt off. 
His hands were shaking so hard he could barely undo the buckle by himself, mumbling something under his breath that you didn’t catch as you removed the thing and set it on your dresser. 
Bringing your hands up to his face, you tilted his head down so that your eyes met.
“Talk to me honey,”
“I just- I miss her so much, filming has been a beast the past couple weeks- I keep wishin’ I could talk to her about it.”  He mumbled, slurring a little. You swiped at a tear falling down his face with your thumb. 
“But now,” He continued “I’m getting sent home cuz I can’t concentrate on shit, completely scatterbrained. Baz came up to me all “You can lie to yourself all you want but we both know you’re not okay” like I’m some little kid. I know she’s up wherever shaking her head at me.”
“No, she’s not.” You replied firmly “She is up there so so proud of you- for everything, the movie, surrounding yourself with people who look out for you like Baz. You’ve haven’t done a thing to disappoint her. Not one.”
Austin didn’t offer a rebuttal to that, by the looks of it because he didn’t have the energy, his chin starting to wobble in your hands. A second passed between him dropping his head to your shoulder and a sob wracking through him, his heart pounding right against yours.
You pulled him in tighter, kissing the side of his head and trying to find something- anything to say that might help even a little bit. 
“I’m right here” You tried, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I love you so much,”
Neither of you had said that, yet, but it was the only thing that made sense to say now. No amount of apologies or promises that everything would be okay would fix a damn thing, But you loved him to pieces, and couldn’t hold that back for a second longer seeing him so bent out of shape.
That love had to count for something.
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jasntodds · 2 years
The Lucky Ones [2]
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Pairing: Bartender!Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 3,842
Warnings: Swearing, fluff? Kind of? lol 
Summary: What happens when a cynic and a hopeless romantic have a chance encounter?
A/N: I definitely got the idea of the reader’s date from Reddit lol I hope you guys like this!! Lemme know what you guys think!! Next chapter will be up on Thursday!!
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Lights are still on when you enter your apartment, not really a surprise since Jess has been texting you up until five minutes ago. The pitter-patter of small feet trot to you as you close the door.
“Atlas!” You bend down, a smile splitting your face as you pet the black and white dog. “Who’s a good boy?” You scratch behind his floppy ears.
“Where the hell were you?” Jess asks, arms crossed as she walks towards the doorway.
“I told you, I was cooling off after the bad date.” You shrug her off, not wanting to go into details about Tom via text.
If you did tell Jess you were with another guy, Jess might get the wrong idea, think maybe it was a second date you neglected to tell her about. Or worse, Jess might think it's some type of signal that wasn't previously discussed and Jess would have shown up in fear for you. She's a great friend for that but she's also seen one too many true crime documentaries and you don't want Jess just showing up worried some cute boy is kidnapping you.
“Yeah, but you’re never out this late and you weren’t answering your phone. I thought you were kidnapped.” Jess’s voice is hinted with a slight bit of annoyance and panic.
“You and I both know they’d return me. I’m annoying.” You deadpan as you stand up, kicking your shoes off on the shoe rack. “Um, yeah…” You furrows your brows. “A weird thing happened though.”
“Mhm,” Jess quirks a brow, the displeased expression not budging.
“Met a guy.” You chortle, walking past Jess towards the kitchen with Atlas right behind you. “Like after the date, it’s why I wasn’t answering.”
Jess shakes her head, pulling out a chair and gesturing a hand in front of her. “Is he cute?” The worry has evaporating from her tone and is now replaced with curiosity.
“I mean…yeah.” You laugh, your cheeks heating up as you think back to Tom just half an hour prior. “He had a bad date, too so that was….weird.”
“Oh my gosh!” Jess squeals.
“What?” You narrow your eyes, knowing what the squeal meant.
“Maybe it’s fate!” She beams, toothy smile and wide eyes on you as you show no interest in the thought, leaning against the counter with your arms crossed. "A meet-cute!"
“No.” You scoff, rolling your eyes. “Fate doesn’t exist. We make choices and those choices have results.”
“Ugh.” Jess rolls her eyes right back. “You're a cynic.”
You place your hands on the counter, lifting yourself up to sit. “You're,” You point to Jess. “Credulous.”
“I’m just saying like maybe….” Jess offers.
“Anyway, no, we’re gonna go on really bad dates and see who gets the worst ones.” You say with excitement and the wiggle of your brows, cutting Jess off.
You don't normally cut Jess off but Jess is so in love with the idea of love that it drives you completely insane. Jess is the kind of person who believes in fate and destiny, love at first sight. She's had her share of bad break ups but Jess seems to always bounce back super fast because, the way she sees it, it just wasn't meant to be and her one true person is out there somewhere. She was supposed to go through that bad breakup to eventually lead her to the person she's supposed to be with. It makes you want to bang your head against a brick wall until you pass out. You believe in taking fate and destiny by their horns and doing whatever the fuck you want. But, maybe you’re a little envious of how Jess views it all. She seems happier.
Jess’s face contorts and scrunches as if she were solving the answer to the creation of the universe. “That’s weird. You’re going to intentionally go on bad dates?”
“Yeah,” You nod, slowly, looking up and back to Jess. “Yeah, I hear why that’s weird now.” You laugh softly, shaking your head with a shrug. “I’m gonna do it anyway, maybe it’ll be fun, you love my date stories.”
“Remember that guy that brought his snake on the date because he thought you could cure it?” Jess laughs, head in her hands.
“And it was just digesting its food like a normal reptile!” You yell, shaking your head with a laugh. “I did advise him to go to the vets office, though if he’s worried as I did not have an X-ray and I’m not a vet.”
“That’s my favorite story.” Jess giggles softly.
She worries about you. She’s your best friend and she worries because you have all these bad dates stories and she knows you better than anyone else in the world. Jess can see past the disdain and disgruntled eye rolls you give her when she talks about true love. Somewhere inside of your detached heart, she knows you’re lonely. It’s why you keep going on bad dates. She wants you to be happy. You can be happy on your own but...she knows you’ve always wanted someone, too.
“See, bad dates come with good stories.” You wink at Jess.
”I guess.” Jess sighs. “So, new guy make your bad date not so bad?”
“Yeah,” You voice is soft and a sad but gentle smile comes to your face. “It was nice, he was really nice.” Your phone dings in her pocket. You pull it out and the sadness of your smile dissipates into something that actually seems happy.
“Make it home ok?”
“Good.” Jess smiles, deciding not ask any questions while you type away at the keyboard.
You’ll do this thing where if anyone starts asking too many questions, you’ll shut down and drop anything and everything of the topic. After a bad date, you’re usually in a bad mood for the rest of the night, not that some random guy ruined a night or that you had a lot of hope going into the date but because it’s more like that’s one less person you don’t mesh with. It makes you feel alone, in the department of romance. Those people are typically assholes but it hurts and is more of a disappointment to yourself than anything else. But, Jess is watching you smile as you type away, knowing it has to be the new guy because you wouldn’t be smiling if it were anyone else. So, Jess doesn’t push, she lets you be.
While Jess goes to her room, you grab a leash for Atlas and take him out for a quick walk before bed, just up and down the sidewalk, all while texting Tom. You weren’t sure if he’d actually text you at all but you really didn’t expect a text from him tonight. It’s kind of nice. And you aren’t talking about anything in particular, just talking about what you’ll do for the rest of night and the next day. You both have work and plans to go bed soon. It’s nothing special but you find yourselves with bubbling stomachs and you both chalk it up just talking to someone new who you happen to find attractive and that’s it.
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Over the next week, Tom and you continue your texting. You have a little different sleep schedules but you seem to make plenty of time for each other. Conversation seems to flow. It’s usually about your dogs or family, sometimes it’s about pop culture or a TikTok you saw. You’re mostly just enjoying having someone new to talk to that isn’t a complete jerk. But you’ve also been active in your dating profiles, matching with a few people here and there. The goal is to have a date for Monday night, figuring Tom’s schedule is a little easier to work with instead of trying to go on dates at 2am and it not sounding like a one-night stand deal.
Now, it’s Monday and you’re sitting at that booth where you met in that one diner. You’re giddy, stomach doing flip flops and a smile etched across your face as you wait for Tom. Part of you is excited to tell him about the bad date you had that didn’t even finish but the other part, is actually just excited to see the boy with brown eyes and a goofy eyebrow. He’s been on your mind more than anyone else has.
“Hey.” Tom greets with a cheeky grin, dressed in a navy button-down shirt and black slacks.
“Hey.” You greet as Tom sits across from you. “How was the walk?” And it’s like a swarm of butterflies all escape from their cocoons at the same time in your stomach.
“Bit chilly.” Tom chuckles, summer finally coming to an end. “Yours?”
You’re wearing a maroon sweater, your hair doesn’t seem to be done in a special style, nothing special, really but Tom thinks you look beautiful. He can feel the giddiness in his knees as he watches you hug yourself and the tint of a smile tug one corner of your mouth. In this moment, he can't believe he's thinking about how he missed seeing you. One night, after just one night, he missed seeing you as if you were old friends reconnecting for something more. It's an odd feeling so he shakes it off as you answer him.
“Cold.” You laugh as the server comes over to see if you know what you’re going to order.
You had plenty of time to figure out what you would get and Tom looked at the menu while he walked over, figuring if he didn’t have to look at the menu, you’d have more time to talk. You have work in the morning so he figures you won’t want to be out too late.
You both place your orders with the server before you jump into your conversation.
“So, how was your date?” Tom asks, taking a drink of his water.
“Oh, the usual, he clipped his toenails on the table.” You look at Tom, your voice nonchalant as you wait for the reaction you know is going to be good.
Tom coughs, nearly choking and you laugh, tilting your head back. “I’m sorry, on?”
“That’s what you’re concerned about? Not him, cutting his toenails in the middle of a restaurant on a date? But that he took it a step further and cut them on the table?” You question through your laughter, waving your hand around.
“No! I’m fuckin’ concerned for it all but…at least if it were under the table…” Tom says quietly, gaining a smirk as he tries to hold back his laughter.
“GROSS. NO, YOU DON'T CUT YOUR TOENAILS IN A RESTAURANT. That’s so unsanitary.” You scrunch your face into a disgusted scowl.
“I agree but on the table just pushed it over another line.” Tom chuckles. “What’d ya do?” He asks wishing he could have seen the look on your face when this went down.
“I blinked for a few seconds, said I had to go to the bathroom, found our server and warned them. Then I apologized and explained this was the first time I met him and then I gave her $30 as a tip. Then I left.” You laugh. “So I’ve been here forty-five minutes.”
“You could have texted.” Tom groans, his date sucked, too and he would have left had he known you were here alone.
“Oh, no, I didn’t to let my stomach settle because his toenails were also filthy and his feet smelled. The bottom of his foot was black like he had stepped in tar.” A shiver runs down your spine thinking about it in more detail again.
“Did he have shoes?!?”
“MHM. He took off his shoe, took off his sock, then put his foot on the table. Then took out toenail clippers from his shirt pocket.” You scoff. “He was...prepared. I was sure I was being Punk’d.”
“What in the fuck?” Tom laughs. “Where do you find these people?”
“I think they find me, surely I have to give off a vibe at this point.” A huff leaves your throat as the smile finally falls. It’s like the realization about another bad date is settling in.
“Nah, it’s not you. It’s them.” Tom assures you with a scoff and he catches the twitch of a smile back on your face.
“I swear, it was gross.” You shake your head. “How about yours?”
“Uh, well, she told me she was there to make her boyfriend jealous who was also there with a friend.” Tom nods as he smacks his lips.
“Really?” You scoff. You would have traded anything to have been on that date instead of with Toenails.
“Yeah, then the whole time she just talked about him and I guess this is something they both do.” Tom lets out an exasperated sigh. “They get jealous and go on a date with someone to make the other jealous.”
“Mhm, yes, the completely normal and healthy thing to do.” You nod quickly, pursing your lips in fake agreement.
“Right? He also saw and was giving me a look the whole time. It was awkward.” Tom looks down and back up to you, defeat in his eyes.
“That’s just weird.”
“Not as weird as toenail guy. I think you won this round.” Tom huffs with a smile.
You do a pitiful bow in your seat. “Finally, I’ve won something.”
Tom laughs. “I don’t think that’s something you want to win.” He shakes his head but the smile on his face is as steady as a rock.
“Oh, I’m very competitive, don’t underestimate me.” A cornered grin comes to your face.
Tom chuckles. “Riiiggghhhttt.” Tom clears his throat.
It falls silent for a few minutes as the server brings out your meals. In the wake of talking about your bad dates, you almost feel a little hopeless. Here's this guy who's attractive, seems to dress well, is funny, and really nice and even he can't catch a break. If someone like him can't catch a break in the world of romance, how will you? You’re the person who tends to come off a bit cold and detached, sometimes is a bit too snarky. If he can't find someone, how will you?
Tom, on the other hand, finds himself wondering why he agreed to this in the first place. He knows that if you were to have made this a date, it would have been the first good date either of you have been on in awhile. You've gotten along just fine the two times you've met and texting has been a lot of fun. You’re so pretty and funny and he loves how snarky and sarcastic you are. But, he keeps going back to the fact that it’s you and if you were to go on a date, maybe it'd blow up in your faces. Maybe you're both just cursed.
“You know, Jess had a date tonight.” You let out a sigh, cutting into your food.
“Oh?” Tom raises a brow, glancing from his food to you.
“Mhm, she was talking to him awhile which ya know, in hindsight, might be our problem. We don’t talk to people long enough before we decide to meet up with them.” A half-scoff half-laugh leaves your throat as you look away from Tom.
“Ah, ya, the bad dates are consistently our fault.” Tom huffs with a smile.
“In toenail’s defense, what was he supposed to say? ‘Hey I’m gonna cut my toenails at the dinner table?’ That would be one hell of an opening line.”
“You would have went out with him anyway just to see if he was serious.” Tom starts laughing. “Or, uh, you would have done it to win.”
“An excellent point has been made.” You mock. “Anyway, she was talking to him for awhile, pretty excited about it.” You poke at your food.
Your reaction to your best friend having a date catches Tom off guard. You don’t seem too happy about it and he can’t help but wonder why. Surely, you’re not the type of person who gets bitter or jealous because your friend has a better date. The way you’re poking at your food and chewing the inside of your cheek, he thinks it’s deeper than that.
“You not happy for her?” Tom asks, giving you his attention instead of his food.
“No, I am, it’s just…she doesn’t have bad dates. She comes home and either has a good time and it just doesn’t work out for one reason or another or….she had a good time but they don’t work, I guess. Envious, I suppose, of her…..unwavering belief in soulmates.” You shrug as you take a bite of your food.
“Don’t believe in soulmates?” Tom raises a brow.
“Nope, I think it’s a load of shit. I think people fall in love, over time. But that is not definite or infinite. It happens and it either works or it doesn’t. You gotta put effort into it but there’s not like a destiny or something all mapped out leading you to your one true love or whatever. Fate, destiny, whatever you wanna call it, doesn’t dictate how you’re gonna feel about people. It just happens because of a decision you made. Not the universe.” You clear your throat, watching as Tom shifts in his seat a little. You regret the rambling because he's giving you the same look Jess does. “You believe don’t you?”
Tom shrugs, a tiny grin tugging at his lip. “What’s the harm?”
“No harm, probably better to believe in that stuff in the long run.” Your voice is nonchalant as you shrug your right shoulder.
A faint, sad smile grosses Tom’s lips just for a split second, and he hopes you don’t notice. But you do. “At least she tries, ya know? Haz hasn’t, uh, been on a damn date or even really talked to anyone in…I don’t remember how long. He doesn’t believe in any of it either. Envious of that sometimes.”
“Why?” Your brows furrow, never hearing someone feel envious towards a cynic before.
“He doesn’t feel he needs to be with someone, bit cynical like you.” Tom gives you a side smile, his eyes softening as he looks at you.
“Mhm, the two hopeless romantics pick two cynics as best friends. A tale as old as time.” You deflect the look he gives you with sarcasm, hoping to soften the booming of thunder in your chest.
“Oh shut the fuck up.” Tom groans, and the light comes back to his face.
“We should hook them up.” You change the topic from you two and go to your friends.
Sometimes, conversations get too deep and this one was heading there. You have no problems in telling people how you feel about things. It's never something that's bothered you much but you don't know Tom and a part of you worries that the more you talk in depth about your view of true love, or lack thereof in this case, it'll scare him off. And he’s asking a few too many questions about it.
“What?” Tom coughs. “Didn’t you just say she was on a date?”
“Mhm, I don’t like him.” You continue to eat your food casually.
“You haven’t met him? Have you?”
“Nope. It’s a vibe.” Your eyes widen and Tom can't tell if you’re being serious or facetious.
“Judging people on vibes now.” Tom nods along, waiting for further explanation.
“Gotta pass the vibe check.” You keep a straight face and Tom still cannot tell if you’re being serious or not so he decides to just play along.
“And I suppose I do?” Tom raises his brows, narrowing his eyes just slightly with the question, breaking the straight face you were holding.
“Do you?” You quip.
“You do.” Tom wiggles his brows and you stutter.
In the week you’ve been talking, Tom’s noticed you have a habit of always having some smart or snarky remark to anything. You’re quick. But now he’s made you stutter and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make his heart skip a single beat and feel like a kickdrum in his chest.
“Always do. I’m a prize.” You hold your head up high with burning cheeks.
“You won worst date, again, not something you should be happy about.” Tom quips back.
“If you say so.” You shrug. The thundering in your chest is officially becoming a little concerning. Are you having a heart attack? You know you’re not because it’s only when he looks at you like that. With a cheeky grin and big brown eyes that could stop time if he wanted. The thundering is becoming almost too much to ignore. Almost. “Anyway, I don’t like him. She showed me some messages and, I don’t know.” You scrunch your nose. “He seemed…off. I didn’t like it. But, you’re cool so you’re best friend probably is.”
“Is this your way of just trying to see me outside or our bad dates?” Tom asks, fully hoping to make you pause again and you do.
This stupidly cute boy is making you lose your touch in sarcastic wit. So, you play along.
“Maybe.” You grin, hoping he’ll switch back to the topic because maybe the reason you brought it up is to see him outside of these dates without having to ask.
This time it's Tom who pauses and you take notice. A sense of triumph comes over you with the millisecond of a pause. And all Tom can think about is seeing you outside these dates. If hooking up your friends is a way to do that without going on a date or making it sound like a date, that's perfectly fine with him.
Tom sighs. “Right, okay, working tomorrow. You and Jess could come by ‘round 8. I’ll make sure he’s there.”
You smile wide, a little surprised he agreed. “We will be there.” Your phone dings with your words, Jess’s name popping up on your phone. “This was fun, I have to go.” You shake your phone in Tom’s direction before going to your bag for your wallet. "Ironically enough, Jess's date didn't go well."
“I got it.” Tom offers. “Good luck.” There’s a sadness in his smile now.
“No, we’ll split it.” You shake your head, turning the offer down. This isn’t a date.
Tom sighs. “Consider it your prize for winning.”
You laugh, pausing to look at him. “I thought it wasn’t something I should be proud of?”
“It’s not.” Tom chuckles. “All the more reason to pay for your food.” His eyes are soft and warm with his words.
“Alright, you win and I’ll pay.”
Tom nods. “Yeah, alright.”
You gather your things, catching a glimpse of Tom from the corner of your eye and you can’t help but notice the look of sadness. It’s faint, it’s not like he’s pouting or sulking. There’s just something with the way he’s finishing his food that seems sad now.
You walk beside him, Tom looking up to you and he’s got this puppy dog look that sends warmth through every one of your veins. “I think you’re great, just for the record. Not, just as a company after a bad date.” You offer him the softest smile Tom has seen from you yet. Tom smiles, looking down. “I’ll see you, tomorrow.”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow, I’ll text you the address.” Tom’s cheeks flush with the kickdrum banging in his chest.
You turn to walk away and before you reach the door, you pause. “Also, for the record,” You say looking over your shoulder back at Tom. “I really like hanging out with you.”
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Tag list: @teen--marvel // @spiderboytotherescue // @softholand // @thsummersoldier // @enilemes // @namoreno​ // @lmmp89 // @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah​ // @lauras-collection​ // @litimmyst // @petertinglle​ // @liltimmyst​ // @shirukitsune​
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Part I Here
Part II Here
Part III Here
Part IV Here
Part V Here
Part VI Here
Part VIII Here
Word count: 2,097
Warnings: MCU typical violence, mentions of war, mentions of death and un-aliving people.
A/N: In case you feel more comfortable reading on AO3, you can find the link right here. Comments or feedback are greatly appreciated ✨
If Mercedes had been able to see him, the way Namor’s furrowed eyebrows framed his forehead would have denoted he was worried and deep in thought as he made his way through the tunnels searching for her.
His mind plunged from one question to another. He rarely doubted himself, and he took pride in that. However, the conversation that had just taken place was starting to make him comb through every word that had left his visitor’s lips lately, thoroughly looking for signs of hidden intentions.
After all, if the person whose life she had saved still had her doubts about her, why wouldn’t he?
Mercedes was, after all, still in their territory. But if some supernatural force whisked her away back onto the surface, would she keep her promise? She had given them nothing but her word to prove it.
Finally, Namor found her reading in one of the caverns. The jingling sound of his beads bouncing against each other pulled Sadie out of her reading, and before he could say anything, she stood up and pressed her lips pensively, as if she was trying to remember something.
“Ts’o’okan in xooka’….Je’el…u páajtal a meentik k’áat…k’áat chioba.”
She said between pauses, finishing her statement with a triumphant smile.
“We need to talk about something,” Namor said, walking past her and gesturing for her to take a seat.
Sadie was about to jokingly remind him to address her in Mayan. Studying those texts made her realize that, much to her chagrin, Mercedes was beyond out of practice. She remembered once being able to hold entire conversations with her grandmother, and having forgotten so much felt disrespectful to her memory. Namor had proven to be very helpful, patiently correcting her or showing her better ways to express what she wanted to say. In past trips to Talokan, she hadn’t felt comfortable enough to try and talk to the Talokanil in their mother language, but lately, her confidence had grown enough for Mercedes to ask for another “outing”. However, the tone Namor used made her have second thoughts.
“What’s wrong?” Sadie asked.
“For these past few weeks, I want to believe we have learned to trust each other,”
“Yes, I think so,” She replied somewhat confused.
“I wouldn’t want to think I can’t rely on you,” He said, leaning on his elbows so he could look into her eyes. By then, Mercedes had realized he would do that every time something was of extreme importance to him. He probably was one of those people who believed they could catch a lie by staring into the other’s eyes.
“Have I done something to make you think you can’t?” She asked, getting into the same position as he.
“Not that I know of,” He replied, softly shaking his head, “But something happened, and I need to make sure you’re on my side.”
“Namor, listen…”
“No, Xmeech” He promptly cut her off, “Please, know I’m not your enemy.”
“When you look at me like that, with that deadpan threatening look, I’m glad you’re not.” Mercedes replied, unable to fight back a reticent smile, nervously rubbing her hands together.
“I thought you’d made it very clear that you were never afraid of me,” Namor replied, a smug smirk crossing his face.
“I’m not. But I’d rather keep the madman full of himself on my side.”
“We’ll see about that after you tell me what I want to hear,” He interjected before the conversation trailed off. Namor briefed her, taking note of every subtle shift in her features as she intently listened.
“I wasn’t even aware that they’d keep looking for the fungus after we disappeared,” Mercedes said after he finished, “I mean…I guess it would make sense to send another party after the first one went missing, but knowing they’d do what they did to get their hands on more samples changes everything.”
By now, Sadie wasn’t sitting down anymore, she had stood up and was now pacing around the room with her arms tightly folded.
“See, because if their purpose was merely scientific, they wouldn’t need more than a small amount. Why on Earth would they need tons of…?” She remained silent for a few seconds before turning to look at Namor, “Do you still have all the things you recovered from the place where you found my group?”
“We do, but we kept it in the city. I could send for…”
“No, let’s get down there. I think Namora and Attuma will want to hear this too.”
Mercedes wasn’t surprised to see they had stored the remnants of her expedition in a vibranium, apparently well-sealed container. It had nearly killed one of their own, after all.
The contents of the capsule fell on a table before them. Sadie wished the suit allowed her to move more easily, but since it was so heavy and awkward, and it would be potentially dangerous to break any of the vials, Namora offered to go through everything until whatever the girl was looking for was found.
“Are you absolutely sure this is everything you found?” She asked when every single item was displayed before them.
“We checked every inch of the tunnel several times,” Namora assured her.
“What is that you’re looking for anyway?” Attuma asked, impatiently.
“It’s…” Mercedes bit her lip, thinking of the words she needed to use before turning to Namor, “Please tell him I brought a camera with me. A very small square.”
With a nod, the man translated her words.
“I took several pictures with it of a grotto inside the cave where you found me,” Mercedes explained as the Talokanil king kept translating, “It was practically infested with that fungus, and if that camera falls in their hands, they’ll probably drill down there,”
“What would they need them for?” Namora asked, carefully placing the delicate glass vials back inside the container.
“They’re harvesting them in large quantities and recruiting scientists to do more research on them in an operation that it’s secret enough for them to massacre thirty people to keep them quiet,” Sadie recounted, “In my experience with powerful governments, that can only mean one thing, and that’s making a weapon out of something. If I’m correct, and I hope I’m not, they’re using the spores to create some sort of lethal hypoxia-inducing toxin.”
“K’uk’ulkan, I think the grotto she speaks of is far enough from Talokan for us to leave this to the surface dwellers to deal with,” Attuma advised.
“That’s not your biggest problem,” Mercedes continued, “I remember seeing a weird light coming from a…sort of natural duct that ended below that level. They thought it was because of bioluminescent organisms, but think it might be located right above your source of vibranium,”
Of course, that piqued the attention of the three of them.
“Mercedes,” Namora suggested, “I think it’s very likely that your camera was washed away further down the tunnels when we launched the water grenades. It would be impossible to find in that labyrinth.”
“You’re right,” Sadie admitted, “But what if it isn’t? What if they know and come back?”
“We could destroy that section,” Attuma suggested, “Of course, it would be impossible to destroy the grotto without being exposed to the spores, but we could destroy the channel that leads to it, and send some men to explore the neighboring caves in search of more deposits,”
“Yes, do that right away,” Namor instructed. After saluting him one last time, Attuma left the room.
“Wait, that’s all?” Mercedes asked, looking at Namor. He looked at her, puzzled.
“Did you expect a different course of action? If they can’t have access to the duct that leads here, we’re safe.”
“You mean Talokan is safe,” Sadie protested, “This weapon could still be used to murder millions of people in my world. You have to let me go back to warn them!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Namor said, with that same stern tone he used whenever she brought up the subject, “We agreed you would stay here for…”
“For now, yes, I remember,” Sadie interrupted him, moving around the table to be in front of him. Even with the suit on, she still felt annoyingly intimidated under his glare. But with everything that was at stake, she couldn’t just back down. “But what does “now” mean? I’ve been down here for almost a month, hasn’t it been long enough?”
“We will wait another month and then we’ll talk about it,” Namor added in a calm voice that only angered her further.
“I can’t wait another month, K’uk’ulkan!” She yelled, once again blocking his way out of the room, “People need me now,”
“It’s a large enough operation to inevitably draw some eyes out there and I’m sure somebody else will do something about it without having to endanger our nation,” He explained.
“So, you don’t think saving maybe hundreds of my people is worth the risk?” Mercedes hissed, glaring down at him.
“Those words I told you about difficult decisions, Xmeech? Now would be a good time to remember them. Namora, please, escort her back to her room,”
“K’uk’ulkan, if I may, I agree that it’s not a good…” She tried to retort, receiving a severe look from him. She looked at Mercedes and gestured for her to leave the room.
“You’re free not to attend your lesson tomorrow,” Namor said dryly as they left.
“I won’t, thank you, Namor,” She replied before crossing the door.
The silence during their stroll back to Sadie’s room was particularly heavy as the significance of the woman’s last words remained in her mouth as a sour taste. While her companion also remained quiet, Mercedes could sense she turned to look at her from time to time, as if she wanted to say something but always decided against it. Finally, just as they reached the entrance, Namora cleared her throat.
“I’m sorry,” she said, “I don’t think it’s a good idea that you stay here for longer.
“Really?” Sadie asked, “Even with the risks of me returning to the surface and all?”
Namora nodded and once again seemed to hesitate.
“Back there, you called him K’uk’ulkan,” She noted.
Mercedes sighed and nodded, uncomfortably folding her arms.
“Yes. He said…that he doesn’t want me to think of him as my enemy,”
“And he’s not,” Namora affirmed, “But I think he’s losing sight of the fact that he’s not your friend, either,”
“Trust me, he’s not losing sight of anything,” Sadie insisted bitterly, “You just saw it. He’s not going to budge.”
“That is because he still remembers he’s our leader and protector above anything else,” Namora calmly explained, “But I fear what could happen if you stay here for longer more than I fear what could happen if you leave,”
“What do you mean?” Mercedes asked. Namora pulled the tapestry over her entrance to let her in.
“Teech juntúul ko’olele’ jach na’atja’an,” She simply said before dropping the curtain, leaving an extremely confused Mercedes sitting on her hammock, unsure of whether she should worry about the disturbing discovery of that day of Namora’s cryptic words.
He’s losing sight of the fact that he’s not your friend either
Had she ever considered him a friend, to begin with? She remembered the warm feeling that spread through her chest when he openly affirmed he wasn’t her enemy anymore. And yet, his behavior a few minutes ago was far from friendly. What Namora had said was accurate: perhaps Namor wasn’t her enemy, but he certainly was not her friend either.
The mere idea of him being friends with somebody from the surface was complicated. How had she even imagined that being on his good side equaled him putting all his duties aside to free her? Then, an even more upsetting thought invaded her head. Was he even willing to do so? Was Namor capable of keeping her there in those empty, lonesome caves for the rest of her life?
She remembered his expression when she all but pleaded with him to let her go. He wasn’t angry. He just stood there, with a glint of sadness in his deep brown eyes that was quickly replaced by an impassive stare that had made her feel…
Yes. Of course he was capable.
Mercedes took a quick peek at the hall, and once she was sure no one would interrupt her, carefully retrieved a sharp stone hidden in the base of her small table. Carefully running her finger against one of the edges, she once again sighed and walked towards the pillar that upheld her hammock.
The Translations:
Ts’o’okan in xooka’. Je’el u páajtal a meentik k’áat chioba: I have finished my reading. You can ask questions now.
Teech juntúul ko’olele’ jach na’atja’an: You are a very smart woman
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