#when a stranger can just send a chat message it's IMMEDIATELY a thing that freaks me out
ladyshinga · 2 years
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PSA I’ve checked this thing maybe twice ever. The SECOND tumblr introduced this feature my anxiety SPIKED. i have my reasons, old internet stuff that put me through hell, but i just do not check this stuff. if you’ve ever thought i’ve been ignoring you specifically, i promise? i’m not. it’s not personal against anyone. this is a Me thing and specific weird trauma-scarred brain stuff. maybe someday i’ll use it, but right now, this is a TERRIBLE way to get information to me just fyi <3
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millie-mar · 1 month
the stranger things i hate about you
chapter eight: a date?
| 1358 words | 10 things i hate about you!steddie |
The past couple weeks Steve has not separated with his Walkman, constantly listening to the songs Eddie has given him. Especially after the little moment they shared in the classroom. They have been staying up all night, chatting about the music, and the lyrics, and Steve was surprised to find out that Munson writes the songs himself. Somehow they never had to worry about a dead silence between them, there was always something to talk about, and it kind of scares Steve. He hasn't had a friend like that in a long time.
'Steve, you're giggling at your phone like a school girl, stop it. It's creepy.' Robin winces looking at the boy sat on the bed next to her, a magazine open on her knees. Robin's back rests against the headboard, while Steve is sitting at the edge, facing the door.
'No I'm not!' he exclaims and turns to face Robin, his eyebrows scrunched but a smile still persistent.
'What happened to your face?' she asks, getting up and poking his cheek.
'Oh, get off my ass. And I'm not giggling, it was a manly laugh. I got a-'
'Funny message from Eddie,' Robin interrupted, imitating Steve's voice, 'Yeah, I know. He's all you're talking about.'
'Well, you wanted me to get close to him. You should be happy I'm doing such a great job.' Steve sits up proudly. But what he doesn't mention to Robin is that he starts thinking of Eddie as a friend. A really good friend. They've gotten closer lately; much closer than Steve's gotten with anyone in a long time.
'Well, I'm sure it's more than just a 'job' for you.' Robin mumbles under her breath loud enough for the boy to hear her
'What is that supposed to mean?' Steve turns around to her completely, his face not so bright anymore. His eyes are squinted, staring Robin down.
Robin reaches out to Steve, grabbing his hands. The magazine slides off her legs. 'Stevie, you are the softest guy I've ever met. And trust me, I've met many.' She squeezes his hands in a reassuring gesture, sending him a smile.
'Well, I'm not being much of a softie right now.' Steve replies, his tone darker, as he glances at his phone. The screen lit up with a notification from Eddie.
'Steve, can I ask you a serious question?' Robin's shift in attitude scares Steve slightly, but he nods. 'Don't freak out. I'm not sure where you stand...' Well, that sentence definitely makes Steve freak out. 'Do you have a crush on Eddie by any chance?'
Steve's eyes widen and heart speeds up. He can feel his cheeks warm up, turn a pinkish colour, but he tries to ignore it, as unrecognisable sounds leave his mouth. Finally he manages to let a word out, 'What?'
Robin sighs. 'Steve, I'm not picking on you or anything. Just asking if you're attracted to Eddie.'
'No,' Steve replies immediately, but then gets all quiet and lets out a nervous 'No?' He doesn't know what to think. Now that Robin's words are stuck in his head, he's remembering all the times during basketball practice, where he could feel his pulse speed up slightly when another boy got close to him. Or when Billy Hargrove grinded against him when they were doing one on one. His cheeks brighten up with an even stronger shade of pink.
'Well, I guess I got my answer.' Robin lets go of his hands, leaning back on the headboard. She grabs the magazine, reading through the pages casually, as if she didn't just flick Steve's world upside down.
'This is too confusing.' Steve drops his face in his hands.
'The only reason I mentioned it, is because it could complicate a lot...'
Steve looks at Robin confused at first but then remembers. Robin pays him to hang out with Eddie. 'I'm not into him.' Steve retorts, but he doesn't sound so confident anymore.
Robin doesn't fully believe him, she's seen how Steve lights up when a message from the boy with curly hair comes through. She doesn't ask any more. If he wants to be in denial, there's not much she can do about it. Maybe that's for the better. 'Okay. On that note. I almost forgot, the payment for the last meet up.' She reaches for her bag that's settled by her bed and takes her wallet out. She passes Steve the money, which he takes reluctantly. She sends him a look, one that he interprets as 'You can stop whenever you want.' He smiles.
'Thanks, Robin.'
'Always, Harrington.'
It's the evening when Steve gets back home, his thoughts still a mumbled mess from the conversation with Robin. She never mentioned the topic again after that talk, but it was on both their minds. But now that he's back home, the kitchen and small lounge so cold, and quiet, it feels even more lonely than usual. Especially after hanging out with Robin earlier today. Steve puts his phone on the coffee table and makes his way to the bathroom. The phone vibrates on the surface, device set on silent mode.
Steve takes much longer than normal in the shower. Almost as if he's trying to wash away the confusing feelings swarming through his body. He lets his thoughts get lost under the hot water cascading on his head. He holds himself against the wall, water drips off his hair, his eyes closed even though the water doesn't reach them. Thoughts of Eddie and Robin's philosophies cross his mind, and he can't help but agree with her. This is getting dangerous.
Steve doesn't realise when an hour passes. Goosebumps form on his shoulders as the water cools down and that's what shakes him awake. He turns the shower off and gets out, taking his time. He dries himself with a blank white towel, gets dressed and leaves the bathroom, making his way straight to the lounge to get his phone. The device lights up as soon as he reaches out for it, messages from Eddie stands out amongst other notifications.
this is gon sound so weird
but i need ur help
like asap
you there
its been an hour
and ik ur not sleepin
Steve smiles, seeing how the boy spammed his phone in a very Eddie manner. But the last message makes Steve's heart stop, breath getting shallower.
pretty boy?
Steve doesn't know how to reply to that message. It's like his mind short circuited, mouth gone dry. Is Eddie flirting with him? They did get closer recently, but that's much closer than he thought. His fingers hover over the keyboard, hesitant how to reply to the curly haired boy.
sorry was in the shower
long day
whats up
Well, that might have been a little bit too casual. A reply comes in almost immediately.
are you ok?
Steve feels a pain shoot through his chest. No, nothing's okay is what Steve, wish he could reply, but then he'd have to explain everythign to Eddie. Instead, he goes into Eddie's contact info and changes the name, target started to bother him. Then he replies.
yeah dw
just a lot happened
with my friend
He added the last message quickly, to not seem like it was something he made up. Even though he did. It's so much easier to say his problems are his friend's problems. People stop prying when they hear that. Steve underestimated Eddie.
THE pretty boy:
ur sure?
i'll listen even if its abt ur friend
"Shit," Steve whispers and sits down on his couch, placing his face in his hand. He can feel how hot his face is, and realises how deep into this shit he is. "I'm fucked."
yeah im sure
ill keep that in mind tho
thank you
u did need help with something though
THE pretty boy:
ah yes! i alr forgot
go on a date with me
Steve stops breathing. As if breathing is unnatural for him, Steve just holds his breath, eyes wide and cheeks getting even warmer. He replies, hands shaky.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Part 2: ‘Lucky Me’
Corpse Husband x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Corpse decides to email back a person who has sent him quite a few creepy stories. She never seems to run out of scary encounters of both sorts: paranormal and stranger-danger. He gets suspicious that the stories are all made up so she can grab his attention, but he’s in for a surprise.
U/N - username
Requested: No
Corpse’s POV
I’m looking through my most recent emails from fans. They are all of scary encounters they’ve allegedly experienced. By now, I’ve read so many, it’s easy to decipher which are real and which are just made up nonsense. Some, I must admit, give me chills. Big props to the people who write those, especially if they are made up. If you can make someone’s skin crawl with your twisted, frightening imagination, you have one, for lack of a better term and in the most positive way, fucked up mind.
My cursor lands on the familiar username I see almost every other week. U/N. They have been sending stories consistently for about three years now. They, and I’m saying they cause you can never be sure who’s hiding behind the username, are either the most unlucky person to walk the planet or the one with most twisted imagination and story telling skills. I’ll admit, sometimes I narrate a story just because it’s well written. Believability is not the only thing I go by, I also reward creativity. And this person, U/N, has had their spot in many of my videos in the last three years. I’m honestly hoping they are made up, or at least some of them, because not only are there too many of them, but none of them fail to give me that eerie paranoia after I read them or the chills while I read them.
Once again, they have submitted a downright terrifying story. It would be a shame if I didn’t narrate it.
It would be a shame if I....
If I never actually meet them.
This many run-ins with people with malicious intent, always getting away by some miracle, what if they one day don’t make it out alive to tell it.
My heart sinks a little at the thought. I feel like I know this person, like we’ve known each other for three years now. They know the things the whole internet knows about me, and I, along with my regular watchers, know their stories. That’s by no means enough, now that I think about it.
My next action is really out of character for me. I decide to reach out to them. My fingers fly over the buttons on my keyboard too fast for my rational side to try and stop them. Deep down, I know I’m doing the rightest wrong thing I’ve ever done. My previously sunk heart is now in its assigned spot again, beating quickly.
You don’t know what you’re doing
I maybe don’t, but knowing isn’t what’s important right now. I just wanna do it.
~ Hey, this is probably, what, your twentieth story so far. I’m just curious, how many of these are made up? By the way, your stories are amazing and I’ll probably keep narrating them even if they aren’t real. They’re just that good.
I send the email before I can talk myself out of it. I get up from my chair immediately afterwards, putting as much distance between me and the computer as possible, silently promising myself I won’t be checking my mail every five minutes.
I anxiously refresh and refresh my email inbox, waiting for the dreaded email back from my professor. Being halfway through the college experience, I know how tough this professor’s class is and how much I suck at it. I sent him my completed assignment last night, barely making the deadline mind you, so now I’m sweating hardcore, staring my computer screen down.
After refreshing for the millionth time, I’m met with a new email which makes my heart stop for a second or two, my stomach dropping. Then I take the time to read the sender’s name, the subject and the first sentence of the email, and all the previous changes in me reverse. My heartbeat picks up speed, going faster than a galloping horse and my stomach turns, making me feel the sensation everyone calls ‘butterflies’.
Nah, man. This shit ain’t real. It can’t be.
But then again, what if it is. What if I’m about to full-on ignore my favorite youtuber because of my paranoia. Well, it’s not exactly unsupported. My life has been a shit show of unfortunate event and situations I’ve literally had to claw my way out of in order to stay alive. Now, when something of the sort happens, it’s just another weekday. However, I still wanna share these encounters. Not only because they are proof of the dangers girls have to deal with on a daily basis, but they also get narrated by one of my favorite people ever. What more can a girl ask for?
~ Listen, I’m really not looking forward to getting catfished. Please leave me alone
It’s short, not sweet, and to the point. It’s easy to understand, and it clearly states that I’m not falling for it if it’s a scam, but if it’s real....someone call 911 cause I think I’ll faint.
~ I get it, you have trust issues. But that’s understandable. From the creepy guy messaging you on all your social media. To the stalker you had from you high school, or even that teacher that turned out to not be a teacher at all and just a pedo, I see where the lack of trust is coming from. But I assure you, they only thing I wanna do is chat.
The shock and happiness overwhelm me when the reply arrives not even ten minutes later. 
Holy shit, this is him.
I start typing and then erase the typed half-sentence at least three times before receiving another email from him. From Corpse Husband. Corpse freaking Husband. How the fuck am I supposed to compose myself enough to reply to him, let alone sound cool and leave a good impression.
My hand shakes as I click the newly received email.
~ You probably don’t know what to say. Either that or you just don’t wanna talk to me. If you’re just baffled and surprised, reply with your name. If you want me to fuck off, ignore this email completely.
The smile I didn’t realize was there grows into a grin as small bursts of laughter escape me. Laughter caused by disbelief and shock. The type of laugh you let out when you score a good mark on the test you thought you completely fucked up.
~ Y/N. My name’s Y/N. 
PS: The stories are all 100% real. All happened. In the order I sent them too. And before you ask, I guess I’m just unlucky, but you are proving me wrong right now.
I don’t know where that confidence at the end came from, but I don’t care really. All that matters is that this might just actually be happening and it might be the best thing to ever happen to me.
~ Man, you’ve had it rough. Tell me, is there an easier way to access you than email. Like Insta DMs? I feel we have a lot to talk about and email is not the most convenient.
At this point, it feel so much like a fever dream that I decide to treat it as though it is. I just go with the flow.
~ Yeah, but first.....am I really not being catfished right now?
The email I receive as a reply to this message is empty of text but there’s a file attached. Not gonna lie, I am a bit hesitant to open it, but I decide that if this turns bad, I’ll just have to deal with it. In the meantime, I’ll believe it’s not a scam.
It’s an audio file: “No, Y/N, you are not being catfished.”
That voice. That god damn voice. It could convince me of anything. 
And now it’s convinced me into believing him. And finally letting out that squeal I was holding back before sending him my Instagram username.
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Not a prompt exactly, but Fenrys filming drunk Lorcan being soft and silly with Elide and then showing him the next day
What Happens in Vegas... Part 2
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre - Answered Prompt
Elide and Lorcan wake up to find a video Fenrys took of their wedding ceremony.
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Part 1 | Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Warnings: Language
1658 words
The first thing Elide noticed when she woke up was that her head felt like it was being crushed by a cement truck that was playing dubstep.
She groaned and then winced at the noise before turning to bury her face into the solid chest of the man lying next to her.
Lorcan wasn't any better. He felt like his head was going to explode if he moved too fast. But when he felt Elide press closer to him, he instinctively wrapped an arm around her, wincing, too, as the movement sent a wave of nausea through him. He used what little coherency he had to keep the stomach-churning feeling at bay.
They both slept restlessly for another hour before managing the harrowing act of sitting up. Well, Elide sat up. Lorcan tried to lift himself and deemed it too much work, so he threw his head back down into Elide’s lap, groaning as the movement made his head spin. She could hear a distant buzz that sounded like a phone notification.
Propped against the headboard, Elide took a steadying breath and slowly started to feel like herself again. She let one hand rest on Lorcan’s head while she ran her fingers through his hair and had the fleeting question of why she was wearing one of his earrings on her finger.
The buzzing kept coming and she saw her phone on the nightstand light up as message after message came in.
Wanting nothing more than a large cup of coffee, Elide grabbed her phone to see why she was being bombarded with messages. If the sound from across the room was any indication, Lorcan’s phone was also receiving dozens of texts. It made her pause a moment to wonder what the hell happened the night before.
The moment Elide opened the group chat, memories of the previous night flashed in her mind.
The casino. Drinking. Lorcan. A chapel. Elvis.
Oh gods. Elide looked down at the hand still in Lorcan’s hair and stared at the ring on her finger. Her pinky, not her ring finger, because it only fit on her pinky; she cringed as she remembered how Lorcan had removed his earring as an impromptu engagement ring.
Engagement ring.
Holy Hellas. Holy fucking Hellas. Engagement ring. Wedding. She and Lorcan had gotten married. In Vegas. By a fucking Elvis Impersonator.
She couldn’t stop the hysterical laugh that escaped her. This wasn’t a situation she ever thought she’d be in. She kept laughing even as Lorcan twisted his head and looked at her in bewilderment while groaning at the loud volume of it. She couldn’t help it.
Her laughter soon died as she realized she wasn’t freaking out. It was insane and impulsive and totally not like her to do that, yes—but it wasn’t bad. She wasn’t upset. When she thought about being married to Lorcan...her heart felt happy.
She smiled down at his face which had turned to press into her stomach as he wrapped an arm around her so he could use her to block out the light. The situation was unconventional, but so were they. And it made for one hell of a story
Elide went back to scrolling on her phone and tried to find the start of the messages from last night.
The first few were with Fenrys. It seemed she or Lorcan had called him to be the witness for their ceremony—why him and not someone else, she didn't know—and he responded immediately telling them not to say ‘I do’ before he could be there to record it.
And then he sent a video.
Elide shook Lorcan’s shoulder and waited until he grumbled something incoherent and turned his face towards her phone before pushing play.
The video was shaky but it clearly showed Elide and Lorcan standing in a chapel next to a man wearing an Elvis costume. Elide had Lorcan’s earring on his finger and Lorcan...Lorcan was wearing a veil pulled back over his hair. All the while Fenrys flipped the camera back and forth to show the couple and then his own excited face.
Lorcan’s arms tightened around Elide as he watched the video. He blinked once and sat up, rubbing a hand down his face, before looking pointedly down at her finger that still held his earring. When his eyes met hers again, they were worried. As if he was unsure what her reaction to all this would be.
“Did we…” He asked, brows furrowed,
“Yeah,” she nodded, glancing down at he finger again “we did.”
“We got married.”
“In Vegas, drunk off our asses, by Elvis?”
“Yup,” Elide answered with a ‘pop’ and finally let the grin that’d been aching to show itself, spread across her face.
Lorcan searched her face for any panic, but finding none, offered a small smile in return before resting his chin on her shoulder and gesturing for her to play the video.
“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Elvis said, monotonously.
The Lorcan in the video nodded vigorously and replied “Yes, Mr. Elvis, sir. I want to make this woman my wife. Elide, El, ‘Lide, you are the coolest, most badass lady I know. Way better than Gala-what’s-her-face and more beautiful than...than..”
“Fenrys?” Drunk Elide suggested, giggling as Fenrys protested and shook the camera.
“Yes,” Drunk Lorcan agreed, “you are so much more beautiful than Fenrys.”
And then Drunk Lorcan lifted his hand and booped Drunk Elide on the nose, sending her into another fit of giggles.
Sober Elide was trying her absolute hardest not to laugh at the recording because Sober Lorcan looked like he was going to throttle Fenrys for getting evidence of this on video.
“And do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Elvis droned on.
Drunk Elide swayed as she laughed and then abruptly got herself back together before nodding. “I do. I do. Yeah, I take him to be Mr. Lochan. Mr. Lorcan Lochan,” Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan laughed while Sober Lorcan glowered and Fenrys hollered a cheer from behind the camera.
Drunk Elide kept talking. “Lorcan, I loooooove you,” she slurred the words, “I love that you’re a big ol’ grump to everyone but me, cause I’m adorable as fuck. And how when you hug me I feel like I’m wrapped up in the best blanket. And I really love your dic—”
Sober Elide snorted and Fenrys almost dropped the camera from laughing, effectively cutting off the rest of Drunk Elide’s vows.
“By the power vested in me, by Hunka Hunka Burning Love, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may—”
Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan ignored the rest of what Elvis was saying, by pulling each other into a frenzied kiss. She had one leg hitched around his hips with his hands gripping her ass as her’s clawed at his back.
The camera suddenly flipped around to show Fenrys’ grinning face as he wiggled his eyebrows. “There you have it, folks. Mr. and Mrs. Lochan.” He grinned at something behind the screen, most likely Drunk Elide and Drunk Lorcan trying to stumble out of the chapel.
“Hey, man!” the sound of Drunk Lorcan’s voice echoed throughout the video as Fenrys narrated about him talking to a stranger passing by. “Have you met my wife?”
A moment passed and they could no longer hear Drunk Lorcan or Drunk Elide, but Fenrys kept grinning maniacally into the camera as he said “ Aelin, Rowan, you might have to give up the newlywed suite tonight!”
Then the video cut off.
Elide was quietly laughing as Lorcan groaned into her shoulder. He grumbled, “I am going to kill Fenrys. He sent that to everyone didn’t he?” And almost as an afterthought, he asked through clenched teeth, “Was I wearing a fucking veil?”
Elide couldn’t hold it in any longer and hunched over in a fit of laughter. “Lorcan, you make such a pretty bride.”
He growled and nipped at her shoulder. “Not funny.”
“Extremely funny.” She corrected and pulled the group chat back up. Sure enough, it was filled with responses.
“Rowan says 'Congrats, I hope you both have massive hangovers.'” She snorted at his next text, “'Aelin is pissed you ran off and got married without inviting her.'”
“Why did we invite Fenrys and not anyone else?” Elide asked.
“No fucking clue.”
She rolled her eyes before going back to the texts. “Aelin then writes 'I am so PISSED at you, Lochan, for not inviting me to your wedding! How can there be a ridiculous, Vegas wedding without ME involved....but congrats, I guess. I expect all the details once you and hubby sober up.'” Elide laughed, making a mental note to call Aelin after she has some coffee. “Then she sent a winky face and a bunch of eggplant and donut emojis.”
Lorcan grunted in acknowledgment.
“Aedion sends a thumbs up, and Lysandra writes 'My favorite part—besides Lorcan in a wedding veil, which will forever bring me joy—was when Elide talked about Lorcan’s dick.' And then more eggplant emojis.”
“Why are these people your friends?” Lorcan asked as he sat up again.
She laughed and caught the smirk on his face, “Don’t even try with that, Lochan,” she winked, “they’re your friends too.”
He rolled his eyes and snorted. “No, I am not going by Lorcan Lochan, no way.”
Elide laughed and got out of bed, finally noticing the piece of paper that had fallen to the floor. She picked it up and turned back towards him grinning.
“Lorcan Lochan, it has a certain ring to it.”
Lorcan just rolled his eyes but gave a small, resigned smile to his wife.
Lorcan let a broad grin emerge as he thought about the diamond he had stashed in his sock drawer at home and realized that he’d get to replace the earring on Elide’s finger very soon.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @ladygabrielli1997 @moodymelanist @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon
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Scribbles (bugsygames x gn!reader)
word count: 1.1k warning: swearing, soulmate au, bugsy is the love interest as she should be
a/n: bugsy x reader. thank the discord for this one, bugsy simps. happy april 1st even though bugsy being a real person shouldn’t be a joke. she should be real. she deserves to be real. 
y/n is the gn reader and bugsy is only referred to as bugsy (confusing bc she's y/n in bts but it's fine it's fine)
soulmate au where what you write on your skin appears on your soulmates skin. i made my own rules so i hope they make sense but they aren’t super important so it’s probably fine if you don’t understand lol
bugsy handwriting in italic, y/n handwriting in bold 
Your eyes were glued to your hand, wide and unbelieving as your friends spoke in your ears.
"Y/nnn?" George sang lightly. "Quackity, I think they might have left."
"They're still in the call," Quackity noted.
Did you draw that smiley face on your hand? Definitely not, it looked too neat compared to your lazy scrawl.
"Yeah, but maybe they left their desk or something. Anyway, chat, we'll get them to answer that when they come back but I'm 98% sure they said they've never talked to their soulmate. And yeah, Quackity and I haven't yet either."
"One time, I was so sure that I had something written on my arm but it turned out I fell asleep on my homework and it rubbed off on my arm," Quackity said with a laugh. "Probably a good thing or else their first words to me would have been about the flaws and successes of the American judicial system."
George laughed loudly and you wanted to speak, but you still couldn't look away from the small scribbles by your thumb. You let a small laugh out and the boys noted your return to the real world.
"Oh, they're back. Did you hear what happened, Y/n?" George asked.
"Uh, kinda. I was here, I just zoned out."
"A dono asked if any of us have talked to our soulmate before."
"Wait, have you?" Quackity asked.
"No... but I just found something I definitely never drew on myself," you said with a nervous laugh. You had always dreamed of the day you'd meet your soulmate and now that it was here, you didn't know what to do. "I guess the stomachache I felt earlier was the soul connection, not the flu."
"WHAT?" George yelled. "No way! What does it say?"
"I'm not talking about my soulmate marks on stream, George. It literally just happened."
"Okay, fair. We can move on. Do you have any magma blocks I can have?"
"Um, yeah, hold on," you said, clearly distracted as you kept staring at your thumb. "I'm trying to find a pen first."
"I can't believe Y/n would rather talk to their soulmate than us," Quackity teased dramatically. "That's so rude."
"Quackity, shut up!" You laughed but grabbed a pen and ripped off the cap, hesitating before copying their doodle smiley face in your own sloppy script, along with a small message, hello there.
New ink appeared almost immediately, sending butterflies to your stomach. "Okay, I'm gonna go," you decided after reading their greeting. "You understand."
"No, I don't!" Quackity joked. "We're your friends! They're a stranger!"
"You'll understand one day when you get to talk to your freaking SOULMATE."
"Wait, magma blocks!" George reminded and you quickly told him where they were in your base. "Thanks."
"You're welcome. Bye, sorry for leaving."
"It's all good, go get that dick or get that pussy or whatever," Quackity joked.
He laughed loudly in response and George joined him.
"Bye, guys. Bye, chat!" You disconnected soon after and ripped off your headphones as you grabbed the pen and sat on your bed.
You found the hi :) they had last written and wrote underneath it sloppily, I'm y/n, what's your name?
do you mind if i hold off on telling you that? i'd rather get to know you first :)
of course! sorry I'm very excited!
it's okay! they wrote back quickly. i'm just kinda shy :P
well you sound really sweet, you wrote on the outside of your forearm.
hehe thanks
pronoun checkk? i'm she/her
they/them, you wrote before adding, this is so cool, I can't believe we already have the connection, my parents didn't get connected until their 30s
i know!! she wrote underneath. i didn't expect to get a soulmate for another few years at least!
i've always been so confused about when your soul connects with someone else?
there are two parts, a) you have to have similar interests and b) you have to be two relationships away from each other. so you know someone who knows someone who knows me
and you and I have similar interests
im bad at explaining :/
so one of us finally made the connection by making a new friend i guess? or getting a new hobby?
You found her message about not explaining well and wrote a small reassuring note next to it, you explained perfectly, before writing your new message under the most recent.
i haven't met anyone recently, have you?
You waited for a response and smiled when you saw the word leg written next to your last sentence. You glanced at your legs to see her response above your knee. You guys were definitely running out of space quickly.
I've met a few people... if it's who i think it is, do you happen to like... minecraft?
oh gosh yes?? who do you know??
I’ve always wanted to ask someone this
y/n, are you friends with georgenotfound?
I met Sap recently so since he's friends with him and you're friends with him, that’s why we got connected!!!
You laughed as you looked down at your arms and legs, which were getting crowded with pen scribbles. You and your soulmate had only talked for about ten minutes and were already a mess. Maybe you two should have planned out the space better.
wait... do you know who bugsy is?
YES! I love her so much, I haven't met her yet but I want to so bad
Your soulmate hadn't responded so you kept writing.
I keep trying to get people to introduce me but none of my friends have met her yet
Y/n... you just did
nice to meet you, y/n, im bugsy :)
don't be!!! I've seen a few streams with you in them and you sound so sweet
do you wanna talk on discord or something? I'm running out of space
You wrote your Discord number next to her last message and ran back to your computer, waiting for her friend request. What are the odds that your soulmate would happen to be the streamer you adored from day one? You needed to find out how to keep your cool so you didn't scare her away.
You let out a small scream as an incoming call came from her. "Oh no," you said to yourself before breathing deeply and hitting accept.
"Hi, Y/n!" she chirped happily and you swore you almost evaporated.
"H-hey," you stammered out, slapping your forehead after. "Sorry, I just... I've been dreaming about having a soulmate for so long, and now that it's you I just..."
"I'm nervous too," she admitted. "Your voice is so cute."
"Holy shit," you muttered and she giggled in response. You played with your hands in your lap and noticed ink spreading across the back of your right hand. She was drawing little hearts all over it, making your own heart beat faster. "It's been twenty minutes and I'm pretty sure you're already going to kill me."
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)
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Part 6: Shopping for clothes, food court and boba experience served with Ashido’s endless shipping and topped off with an incredibly protective Dadzawa.
Word Count: 5.8k
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After another hour of shopping around the huge mall, Aizawa decided now would probably be a good time to try and round his students up. Since if there were any problems tracking down those problematic and ridiculously talented children, he could deal with it before it got too late and past their curfew.
Besides, you still needed clothes and he was not equipped to handle that. As Kayama said, he had the fashion sense of an emo teenager going through his rebellious phase. The thing was, she had been saying that since she met him, so it lost its effect a long time ago.
"Heeyy, Ojiro-kun!! Y/N-chan!!!"
The both of you turned around to see Uraraka waving enthusiastically at you. Yaoyorozu and Ashido were with her, along with Shoji, Asui and Hagakure coming from the opposite direction.
Ojiro had spared his teacher from having to call all of them and simply sent a message in the group chat.
You didn't even want to know how often they used it based off of the glance you got when he pulled out his phone and let you see. In the span of the six-inch screen, you had caught a glimpse of topics ranging from food to homework to bodily functions and your head was spinning.
Aizawa sighed boredly and you threw him a sly side glance as Jirou, Kaminari and Ojiro ran out to meet the rest of the group once the boy by your side ensured you would stay with the only one responsible here.
"You're not really tired, are you, Aizawa-sensei?" You asked cheekily, skipping over to him.
He huffed out a laugh as he leaned against the wall. "You're cute, kid. Cut it out."
"I can't help it~" You whined, pouting childishly.
You protested as he ruffled your hair. Unlike when Ojiro did it, he was rougher and always messed it up. Nearly patting it down so it laid flat, you glared and the nerve he had to laugh outright at you had your mock frown wavering into a bright smile.
The sound made your eyes sparkle happily and he caught on quick.
"You did that on purpose, kid." He stated with a sigh, already feeling himself succumbing to your adorable nature.
No one should be that cute. It wasn't good for his heart.
He raised an eyebrow at you as you scuffed your feet on the ground, a cheeky smile still plastered on your face.
Aizawa ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head slightly. You were cute, even with how reluctant he was to admit to sometimes. Damn, he was getting a soft spot for you.
But the instant Ashido cooed, he returned to his stiff, normal, rugged teacher self.
"Alright, get going." He said dryly, gently redirecting you towards Ojiro who was holding out his hand to you before following. "We don't have all day."
"Technically, we do." Kaminari whispered in your ear and you giggled, covering it up with Aizawa fixated a glare on the two of you.
You held up your hand in surrender. "We are innocent."
"Yeah, yeah, likely story." Aizawa didn't believe you for a second. "Just go."
You skipped on ahead, Ojiro glued to your side. The girls flocked around you, Yaoyorozu leading the group to a different clothing store that she and her companions had been at earlier. This seemed much more suited to you, not to mention, a lot more affordable.
You were picking out a couple of things that seemed nice but you were really taking a gamble. You never had been clothes shopping before and weren't really sure what to expect. People mostly dressed you in whatever they wanted you to be presented in.
Luckily, Yaoyorozu swooped in to help.
Ojiro was surprisingly pretty knowledgeable about fashion too and when asked, he had blushed before proudly gushing about his little sister who he usually took on all her shopping trips when their parents were busy working. She had quite an acute fashion sense.
A huge pile of clothes later, you were shoved into a fitting room, with Shoji, Kaminari, Ojiro and Aizawa all waiting outside like some kind of odd band.
Either that, or a very disgruntled dad who was forced to tag along with all his unusual children.
The girls were gushing over each item that you put on, rushing out to get different sizes if the ones they picked didn't fit, making you show the boys and guardian everything that you liked.
You tended to gravitate more towards comfy clothes but there were a few Yaoyorozu and Hagakure found that were both beautiful and versatile. Those were an immediate yes from Aizawa and Ojiro, wanting you to have as much variety as possible.
Everything the girls had picked out that you show them complimented your figure beautifully but was still modest.
While you weren't looking, Shoji had selected some shoes for you, noticing that the ones you had one were practically falling apart on your feet. They were sturdy but had a geometric pattern that you found you rather liked a lot.
Thanking him, you beamed and he hid a smile.
Aizawa paid for all of it without batting an eye and you felt guilty for making him spend his money.
"You're not making me do anything, kid." He called out, as if he could read your thoughts. "I'm doing this because I want to provide for you, not because I feel forced to, got it?"
Besides, he had more than enough thanks to his hero work and teaching at the school. He rarely splurged on anything, the last thing being his old yellow sleeping bag which he had gotten years ago.
This wasn't even going to make a dent in the funds he had saved up.
You sniffled, nodding once. His bluntness took you by surprise but you concealed it well. You had no idea he could be so caring. You were overwhelmed by his generosity and the kindness of the people that surrounded you.
How did I get so lucky? What did I do to deserve this?
Aizawa's hands grasped empty air where the bags had been a minute ago, glancing at his students who were now in possession of your newly purchased things but shrugged, leaving them to it. Less work for him.
He watched them stumble one after another, all of them eagerly making their way to the food court. He checked the time on his phone, suppressing a yawn. It was about time to eat anyway.
Finally. He could sit down and take a nap.
You yelped as Ashido suddenly grasped your arm, pulling you along and you stumbled a few feet before righting yourself. Your hand slipped out of Ojiro's and you shouted in surprise as she took off like a racecar.
"Wha... Where are we going?!" You exclaimed as she sped ahead, dragging you along with her and leaving everyone else in the dust.
She excitedly pointed up ahead and you followed her finger.
"What's 'bubble tea'?" You asked innocently, never hearing of it before.
Your friend gasped in shock that you had never had the pleasure of experiencing the best thing in the world but then the wicked smile that crossed her face as she got behind the line was borderline evil.
"Oh, you're going to love this!!" Ashido said, her eyes gleaming.
When it was your turn, Ojiro finally caught up to the two of you. He was out of breath but all the tension in his body dissipated as he spotted you, safe and sound next to the pink girl. Unknown to you, he had zipped after you the second your hand slipped out of his but he had gotten swarmed by the crowd and lost sight of you.
Thankfully, Ashido hadn't taken you too far.
You squeaked, drawing your hands into your chest as you were crushed to his chest. "O-Ojiro-kun?"
"Geez, Y/N." He breathed, exasperated. "Don't scare me like that."
His scolding was light since he obviously knew it wasn't your fault but he was still concerned. You mumbled an apology and he hastily corrected his mistake, reassuring you that you didn't do anything wrong and you sank into his embrace, relieved.
Seeing as how it was your turn to order, he reluctantly let you go. You wandered up to the counter to shyly ask the barista what was good for someone who hadn't tried boba before and the girl launched into an advertisement of all her favorites.
Ojiro was busy sending a quick message to Aizawa to let him know that he had found you when Ashido slinked into his field of vision.
She bumped his hip with hers, pumping a fist into the air. "Oh, lighten up Ojiro, she's safe with me!! I won't let anybody take her!!"
She knew of the people after you but she had no idea about the incident that had occurred inside one of the stores just hours ago. As Ojiro clued her in, her eyes went wide and filled with guilt.
"Holy... I'm so sorry, I had no idea." She said, shoulders dropping as her usual energy dulled down. "Is she okay?"
Ojiro nodded, not once taking his eyes off of you. "Yeah, she was a bit shaky at first, but who wouldn't be? I think she's okay so long as we don't leave her."
Ashido nodded understandingly.
Seeing as how you were having trouble deciding what to get after a multitude of options from the enthusiastic barista, you turned back to Ojiro helplessly.
He slid up behind you, hands on your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"Can we please have one regular milk tea with tapioca, a chai milk tea, and a taro milk tea with no ice, half sugar and tapioca, please?" He requested of the nice girl behind the counter, squeezing your side to let you know that everything was alright and you relaxed in his embrace.
Talking to strangers freaked you out even though she seemed nice enough. You just didn't like looking like an idiot who didn't know what they were doing, lacking the social skills everyone else seemed to have no problems with.
Ashido beamed, hopping over from looking at the menu to where the two of you were standing.
"No way, you remembered my order?!" She shrieked in disbelief and awe as she heard the complicated order. "Ojiro, you're amazing!!"
You had to agree with that statement. She proceeded to tell you of the time when she ordered it back when they were at Yaoyorozu's house to study for the upcoming exam, saying that there's no other way he could've heard it if it wasn't from back then.
You latched onto her story as if it was the most incredible thing in the world.
As Ojiro paid for the drinks, you helped carry them back to the table where Aizawa was sitting, Ashiso slurping on her drink already with a dazed look of joy on her face.
The underground hero looked out of place with children, families and teenagers milling around him.
He was sitting at a table by himself with several huge bags from various stores, most of which were very girly in design, signifying everyone's purchases. Seemed like everyone had left their stuff with him. You felt kind of bad but he looked like he didn't care so you suppressed it.
You set down the cups, glancing around the packed food court.
"Where's everybody else?" You asked.
Aizawa gestured to the ramen stands on the opposite side of the food court. "It's close to dinnertime, so they went to go get some food."
On cue, Ashido's stomach rumbled loudly.
"Oops." She grinned, tossing the now empty cup in a nearby trash can. "That's my cue!!"
Your eyes were as wide as saucers. "You finished it already?! It's been two minutes!!"
Flashing you a megawatt smile, she flounced off in another direction, presumably to get some food.
Uncertainly, you sank down in a chair across from Aizawa. Now that you thought about it, you were kind of hungry, but this was normal. All you had to do was not think about it and then the urges would go away.
You really didn't want to ask them to buy you anything, they didn't owe you anything and they've already done so much for you. One day without food wouldn't kill you.
Aizawa could read you better than that.
The boy looked up as his teacher called his name.
"She's hungry. Go get some gyūdon for her." Aizawa instructed without batting an eye at your flabbergasted expression.
It would be easy enough on your stomach, since he was sure you lacked the proper nutrients you needed for a girl your age. This would suffice for now until he could come up with a meal plan for you to get adjusted to your new normal. He was not going to have you starve from now on.
Nodding once, Ojiro sped towards where they were selling it but not before his teacher halted him to hand him ¥10,000. His eyes widened as he took in the hefty amount.
He looked mildly uncomfortable. "Aizawa-sensei—"
"Get something for yourself too, I don't care what you choose." Aizawa interrupted swiftly, his hard stare leaving no room for argument. "Make sure it's an appropriate enough meal for dinner though."
As Ojiro left to go hunt down some gyūdon, you swung your legs happily, beaming at the gruff man sitting across from you. His rough exterior and indifferent demeanor hid it well, but you still saw it. That softness in his gaze when he thought no one else was looking. He loved his students.
"Stop that." He said flatly as he caught you staring but you just giggled.
"I can't help it." You countered, resting your chin in the palm of your hand, your ears swiveling easily. "It's cute."
Aizawa snorted at that. "Enough, Y/N."
You conceded but the laughter in your eyes didn't fade and he shook his head, already done with your antics.
You knew exactly how much you were annoying him, which is why you were surprised when he suddenly asked you,
"How are you doing with all of this?"
He scrutinized you closely and your mouth opened and closed, at a loss for words. The possibility of you having done something wrong crossed your mind and your anxiety spiked.
Glancing down, you squeaked. "What do you mean?"
His eyes narrowed at you and you gulped.
Aizawa sighed, running a hand through his hair. He should've phrased it better. He knew by now you were insecure of your place, still figuring things out for yourself. His class had been a culture shock to you.
"How are you adjusting?" He corrected himself quietly, studying your facial expressions.
You contemplated his question before giving your answer.
"I think I'm doing okay," You said slowly, scratching your fluffy ears in thought. "It's been kind of weird having a place to call home and people who actually don't see me as a pet but it's nice."
Aizawa's jaw ticked and he clenched his hand into a fist at your honesty, overcome with the sudden urge to hunt down the Quirk Traffickers right then and there. He was taken aback by such a strong feeling.
The last time he felt something like this was when the League of Villains threatened his students at USJ.
Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself down. He was a pro, he knew how to handle himself better than this.
However, all logic and reasoning fled the instant he saw it.
Aizawa moved faster than you could blink, catching the wrist inching towards your ears in an iron grip and stopped them from making contact.
"Don't touch her." He seethed, warning coming through clear as his eyes flashed red, the pressure on the boy's wrist making it clear that he would snap it if he so much as looked at you again.
As a pro-hero, he wasn't allowed to threaten them with bodily harm, but he couldn't help the anger that bubbled up when the gang of boys tried to lay their filthy hands on you.
"Are you okay?" He asked again but for a different reason than before as security intervened and took over.
You nodded, slightly dazed at how fast it happened.
You hadn't even sensed them behind you, caught up in your conversation with him that you had lost awareness of your surroundings. You felt a bit ashamed of your own helplessness but grateful that he had protected you. Your ears were sensitive and touching them was an intimate gesture reserved only privileged for certain people.
"Do you want to leave?" He asked caringly, eyes concerned, not taking any measures to hide his worry.
You shook your head. You weren't that shaken up. He took care of it before anything even happened. You almost were completely unaffected.
"I'm okay..." You mumbled, fiddling with your hands in your lap as your fingers shook. "Thank you, Aizawa-sensei."
He nodded to you before sinking back down in his chair. You picked up where he left off, asking about his well being. He seemed surprised to hear you ask about him but he answered that he was fine.
You seemed disappointed in his reply but before he could follow it up with a very brief elaboration, you cut him off.
"Do you think anyone will want me?" You asked, tears pricking the corner of your eyes as the more recent development started to catch up to you.
You were sure that if you didn't have these ears and tail that people wouldn't just try to touch you out of nowhere. You were sure that if you had a different quirk, maybe your parents wouldn't have given you up.
"What did I do wrong?" You whispered brokenly.
Aizawa's heart shattered as he heard that. "You didn't do anything wrong, kid."
You sniffled, ears drooping sadly. "But... But if I—"
"It's not your fault that they left, they were shitty parents for leaving you." He interrupted brazenly with a fire that took you aback as he swore in front of you. "You deserve someone better than people who leave at the drop of a hat."
He seemed like he was speaking from experience but you didn't pry further, certain he was already uncomfortable with all your anxiety and insecurities.
"You didn't have to do all of this, you know." The defeat in your small voice made him bristle.
Who the fuck treated you so bad that you didn't expect decent respect and kindness?
"You signed the paper but you don't actually have to do any of the stuff it says." You continued quietly, not noticing how the man across from you was shaking with anger. "I can find another place to stay, you won't have to pay for anything, I can manage on my own. I don't want to be a burden to someone as nice as you."
If he was angry before, he was livid now.
You jumped as he suddenly stood up, chair falling over from the force, drawing the attention of a couple of bystanders.
He strode over to you, crouching down in front of you. The bags piled high on the table obstructed the view for most of the people around you and they begrudgingly went about their business when he glared at them.
You, however, couldn't look away.
"You better listen, kid, because I'm only going to say this once." Aizawa ground out, jaw ticking. "I didn't sign that agreement out of pity. I signed it because I want you to be able to live a life not hindered by fear. I don't want you to have to live looking over your shoulder everyday because you're scared you're being followed, that's why I signed it."
You were at a loss of words by how passionate he was. The emotion cracked his steady tone and betrayed his true state. He was frazzled by your half-conscious words you spewed out, taking them to heart and relating to you on another level entirely.
"Were... were you..." You trailed off.
You couldn't bear to say it.
But he shook his head. "Not Quirk Traffickers. But I was raised by people who weren't exactly kind or the forgiving type."
He didn't divulge anything else and you didn't point it out, knowing he said that to you more for your own benefit rather than your own. Similar to you, he didn't seem like he wanted pity. He said it so that you saw that he understood.
"You're not living out on the streets. I'm not doing any of this because I feel like I have to, I told you, I want to do it." He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Look, kid, you might not see it yet, but I actually don't mind taking care of you, okay? If you find someone else you want to live with, that's fine."
You were about to object that you couldn't envision someone caring for you like he had but you couldn't get a word in edgewise.
"I will talk to them first, though, before you go with them." Aizawa continued authoritatively, slipping into da— teacher mode. "If they're unsuited to care for you or if they're criminals then you can't go with them until they prove to me that they can take proper care of you and keep you safe. If you— Why are you laughing?"
You had doubled over in a fit of giggles, tears leaking out of the corner of your eyes as you laughed uncontrollably.
He lifted an eyebrow, unamused. "Kid, what are you doing?"
You bit your lip but your eyes creased, giving your smile away. "I-I can't breathe!!"
It took a couple seconds and several deep breaths but you finally got ahold of yourself and cleared up his confusion.
"It's just... you sound a lot like a dad, or at least, I think that's what a dad sounds like." You tapped a finger to your chin thoughtfully, mulling it over.
You completely missed the way he froze when he heard you say 'dad'.
Swinging your legs, you ducked your head. "I... I know I didn't say this before, and you could definitely say no if you want to!! But, I-I d-don't really want to have anyone else be my guardian."
Aizawa was able to breathe a little bit better after hearing you say that and his eyes softened.
You squeaked as his hand plopped on your head, ruffling your hair and being careful not to knock into your ears.
With great difficulty, he held back a smile. "Alright, kid, we can do that."
Your ears perked up and he gave you a lopsided smile, but the fondness in his gaze was unmistakable. Goodness, he would put away all the villains in the world just to see you this happy.
"Really?!" You practically shouted and he chuckled, not even caring about the dirty looks the two of you were getting as a result of your loud volume.
He shrugged to hide the skip his heart did when you looked up at him so lovingly. "Sure, I'll talk to Principal Nezu later and see if we can work out a more permanent arrangement."
"Adoption?" You asked curiously.
The innocent question sent his heart rate spiking and he nearly choked on air. You had no idea just how bad he wanted to adopt you.
"Don't you want me to foster you first, kid?" He joked but it came out strained.
That was a pretty big decision to make and usually the adult was the one to decide to take on a kid. For you to bring it up so casually caught him off-guard.
You frowned, pouting slightly. Maybe you moved too fast. Obviously, he wanted to see if he could even handle a mutt like you before he even though about adopting you and—
"Stop that."
His sharp command whistled through the noise in your head and you blinked, focusing on his face and wincing at the intensity of his narrowed eyes.
"Whatever you're thinking, I didn't suggest fostering because I don't want to adopt you. I just want you to be sure you want to have me as your... parent." Aizawa finished, unsure if he had earned the right to call himself your dad yet.
He shuffled over to the other end of the table and righted his displaced chair. "You'll turn 18 soon enough and by then you could live on your own if you want."
Ah, there it was.
Your expression cleared. He was worried you wanted him to adopt him only to find out you guys couldn't get along for whatever reason and then up and leave. Whether it was you or him doing the leaving, it would impact you both and he didn't want you to make a mistake you would regret.
Adoption was a serious decision and it wasn't like either one of you could get out of it if it didn't work out.
You weren't completely oblivious. You knew there was a chance of this failing, but you were willing to take this chance and he was willing to accept you into his life more permanently.
To know that he was thinking of you first only sealed the deal.
You swallowed hard. You only had courage to say this once.
"I don't remember my parents or what they were like. I only know what it's like to have friends because Ojiro-kun showed me how. I don't know what to expect when it comes to having a dad to depend on or anything like that." You took a deep breath, growing quieter. "But... I do want someone like that one day."
Even if it didn't come right away. You could wait. You waited an eternity, what was a little longer?
Aizawa nodded, understanding where you were coming from. "Well then, I'll talk it over to Nezu and make sure my adopting you won't affect you getting into UA."
Your jaw dropped to the floor. "What?!"
"Uh huh," He clicked his tongue absentmindedly as he scrolled through his texts on his phone, completely disregarding your shock. "He said you could enroll in the general studies but off the record, you'll be taking hero courses."
They didn't want to attract the traffickers' attention. They would keep you under the radar as much as possible while you attended.
Pocketing the handheld device, leaned back in his seat. "You're a good kid, Y/N."
You beamed at him and he cracked a smile. No matter what you went through, you always seemed to bounce right back. No matter how bleak the darkness was, your light burned even brighter.
One day, you were going to be a force to be reckoned with. He could already see it.
"You'll still have to take the entrance exam." He stated and you nodded eagerly.
"I'll do my best!!" You cheered.
He chuckled, folding his arms over his chest. He had no doubt about it.
By the time Ojiro got back to your table, he was surprised to find you and his teacher conversing as if it was the easiest thing in the universe. He was certain Aizawa didn't have it in him to openly express emotions other than exhaustion.
Well, that and boredom.
Ojiro tilted his head at the two of you in confusion, holding a tray that contained three bowls of steaming hot food. "Did I miss something?"
You bit your lip to suppress a smile and Aizawa raised an eyebrow but neither one of you answered him.
Setting down the tray, he served the food. His gaze fell on your tail, which was happily swishing behind you and he decided that it didn't matter if you didn't want to tell him, he was just glad to see you enjoying yourself.
Your mouth watered when the food was set down in front of you but Aizawa was surprised to find three helpings of gyūdon rather than just two.
Reaching into his pocket, Ojiro pulled out the remaining yen he had stuffed there earlier to his teacher and your eyes went wide.
Similarly, Aizawa's eyes narrowed in suspicion at the amount left. There was no way there should be this much left after buying this much food.
"Ojiro..." He warned with a sharp look, daring him to confirm his suspicions.
The boy had an apologetic look on his face but stood fast. "I used your money to pay for Y/N's but I used mine to buy ours."
Before his teacher could say a word, Ojiro rushed out. "You haven't eaten anything yet so you must be hungry too!! I'm sorry Aizawa-sensei, I just thought—"
Aizawa held up a hand to stop his rambling. He was nearly as bad as Midoriya.
"It's fine. Thank you." The man said curtly, reaching over the table to split a pair of chopsticks for you. "But you're not allowed to do it again."
"But sensei—!!" Ojiro protested.
Aizawa gave him a look that shut him up quickly.
You had been trying to ignore their disagreement. Tension never did sit too well with you and even though you knew that Aizawa wasn't really mad at Ojiro, you couldn't help but flinch at their raised voices.
So when they finally took notice of your unease and quieted down, you could focus all of your attention on satisfying your rumbling tummy.
You stared at the big bowl before you. Rice and beef soaked in aromatic broth had you salivating. Garnished with steamed edamame and a sprig of parsley, the beef bowl almost looked too good to eat.
But it smelled so good.
You were about to take a huge bite when Aizawa firmly instructed you to blow on it first. Pouting, you did as you were told and by the time you did eat it, you didn't burn yourself.
You laughed at him sheepishly as he sent you a knowing glare afterwards, knowing full well that you would have burned your tongue in your eagerness if he didn't stop you.
Kicking your feet happily, you took a sip of bubble tea for the very first time, beaming brightly at the two of them as the sugary drink flooded your taste buds.
You almost poked a hole in the straw with your canines by accident when you bit down in your haste to chew the tapioca pearls.
Ojiro looked on excitedly as you experienced boba for the first time, matching your energy and Aizawa's gaze was soft, fatherly. But he was not going to admit that to either of you.
You wiggled in your seat, vibrating with energy after that meal and the drink that you counted as an unofficial dessert.
Aizawa even ate, begrudgingly, but it still counted since you refused to give up on him.
You were slightly concerned when he still didn't touch his food even after you and Ojiro were almost done with yours. The way he picked at his food disinterestedly was a bit alarming. It was as if he hadn't been doing a good job of taking care of himself.
You frowned as you watched him longer, only for nothing to change.
Aizawa had been startled when you grasped onto his arm, pleading with your eyes for him to eat what Ojiro had so thoughtfully bought for him, saying that you were worried about him. He had tried to shove you off, change the subject or even get Ojiro to pry you off of him, but you persisted.
Finally, Aiawa sighed, giving into your puppy eyes and ate his portion.
You cheered, high-fiving Ojiro, the victory in your eyes not dimming even as he fixated a glare on the two of you.
It lost its potency as you flat out ignored him, giving all of your attention to the blushing tail boy beside you.
Everyone else that came with you to the mall had finished eating faster than the three of you did since they had gotten theirs earlier, so they went looking for you. Imagine their surprise when they saw their teacher laughing for the first time after you cracked a joke.
The girls had gathered around you and you had to admit, while you never had gyūdon before, it was now your favorite food.
You had waited to try the bubble tea until Ojiro got back, unsure which one was yours at the time since they were vastly different in color and you didn't want to accidentally drink the wrong one.
Aizawa was no help since he didn't drink that stuff so you were forced to wait until your friend returned.
Of course, this led to you trying to guess which one Ojiro had intended for you while he was still gone, your guardian looking on in amusement as you went back and forth between the two options. You weren't even trying to make him smile and yet, he couldn't help it.
Aizawa shook his head at you when you had practically pounced on the cup as his student pointed out which one he had ordered for you, his amusement only increasing when you drank it so fast that it almost came out of your nose when something he said made you laugh.
You cried at the uncomfortable sensation, willing it to go away as everyone chuckled at the expression you were making.
Ashido gave you a hug to make it go by faster. But once you could breathe again, a sly smirk crept up her face as Ojiro offered you a sip of his.
You were curious so naturally, you accepted. Only after you took a sip did Ashido crack.
"That counts!!!" She shrieked excitedly, Uraraka and Hagakure squealing alongside her and you were left in the dark.
"Huh?" You squeaked, blinking down at the drink in your hand, wondering if you had done something wrong.
You glanced at Ojiro but he looked just as puzzled as you.
He shrugged at you helplessly, turning to the pink girl practically vibrating in the chair she had stolen. "Mind clueing us in?"
The smile on Ashido's face could only be classified as devious. "YOU KISSED!!!"
It was indirect but it still counted!!! And she was going to milk it for all it was worth.
Ojiro nearly choked on his saliva and you violently coughed, the boba going down the wrong way as she declared it so loud every single one of the surrounding tables heard her.
Aizawa almost fell out of his seat.
Needless to say, for the rest of the time you were there, Ashido wouldn't let it go and relentlessly teased the two of you until you were both cherry red from embarrassment, refusing to look at each other.
But as you filed out of the Kiyashi shopping mall back to the car, his tail crept around your waist to guide you in the dark and you couldn't see it, but his bashful smile matched yours all the way there.
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
It Started with a DM || Jake Debrusk
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: Just another little something that demanded to be written. I was honestly debating on whether or not to write it and then JD went live today and obviously it was a sign.
Warnings: features quarantine as a setting, some cursing. 
Word Count: 3,828
Being quarantined alone was well, to put it simply, lonely. As a freelance photographer, you were for the most part out of work. You didn’t have a significant other to keep you company, there wasn’t space at your parents’ for you to go home, and your apartment didn’t allow pets. On top of all of that, sports were canceled. Specifically hockey. 
The combination of all of this left an empty hole in your heart and lots of time on your hands. Missing hockey was the whole reason you started watching twitch streams. If you couldn’t have hockey at least you could have hockey players playing video games. You’d started with Zach Hyman and Mitch Marner because Toronto was on a shortlist of teams you were fairly indifferent about. But after a week or so you found yourself watching David Pastrnak because he was on almost daily around dinnertime and it gave you something to listen to while you cooked. Watching Pasta’s streams had led to your introduction to Jake Debrusk and it was silly how the sound of his voice and his laugh brought a smile to your face. It was even sillier because you were absolutely not a Boston fan. Especially not after they knocked your Hurricanes out of the playoffs last season. 
Still, each time that your phone received a notification that Jake had come online you immediately stopped whatever you were doing to watch. You weren’t part of the group that regularly played with him and Pasta, nor did you even really participate in the chats, you just watched. And for a couple hours each time, you felt a little less alone. For weeks this continued, with you only popping in to chat to wish Jake’s sister a happy birthday when he let her take over his stream for a little bit. To be honest you were just grateful for something to do. Never did you expect to log on one day to find a whisper sitting in your inbox. 
Jdebrusk: Hey. Saw you’ve watched quite a few of my streams. Just wanted to reach out and say thanks. 
You weren’t shocked by the fact that he could see a list of viewers, you kind of expected that. What shocked you was the fact that he actually cared enough to reach out to some stranger who he had never actually interacted with before. You weren’t sure what had pushed you to respond, maybe it was the Southern friendliness or maybe it was something else but after typing and deleting a response multiple times you finally pressed send and then immediately closed your browser in a failed attempt to not freak out. 
Yourusername: Pretty sure I should be thanking you for sharing your time with us and making things a little easier. 
With no one you followed coming online to stream for a few days, you didn’t even check the site to see if Jake had responded. But when you next logged on and saw a message notification once again you found yourself getting nervous for no reason as you opened it. 
Jdebrusk: Well you’re welcome. Feel free to join in the chat anytime. Streaming has helped keep my family from driving me insane.  
Yourusername: I’m more of a lurker. It’s just easier. And family can be a lot but be grateful you aren’t just staring at 4 walls every day. 
Stepping away from your computer you grabbed your camera and attempted to go for a walk to take some aesthetic shots. As you slipped your memory card into the computer a while later, you noticed another notification. 
Jdebrusk:  Fair enough. You quarantining alone? 
Yourusername: yep. But I guess it could be worse. I could live where it’s snowing in May. 
Jdebrusk: Can I ask where you’re at?
For a split second you debated giving up this information but it didn’t seem like giving away your state could hurt. 
Yourusername: North Carolina. 
Jdebrusk: Nice! Cool state. Been there a few times. 
Yourusername: I’m aware. No need to rub in sweeping my team, Debrusk. 
Jdebrusk: And she’s got a sense of humor ladies and gentlemen. Well, or he...I guess I don’t even know that. AWKWARD. 
Yourusername: She works. 
Jdebrusk: Cool cool. So a hurricanes fan huh? 
Yourusername: Yeah. My family would probably disown me if they knew I was talking to a Bruin. 
Jdebrusk: Yowza. 
Yourusername: So if anyone asks I’m only here for Rocky appearances. ;)
Jdebrusk: She’s only here for my cat. Got it. 
You couldn’t explain why talking with Jake felt so easy but it did. When he came on to stream next you chirped him through whispers the entire time and seeing his reaction in real-time as he read them had you giggling uncontrollably. By the time he got off, you were just waiting for his comments to come streaming your way. Instead of some long-winded rant brushing off all your jabs you just got a single comment in response. 
Jdebrusk: It’s not fair that you can chirp me and I don’t know anything about you. 
Yourusername: What do you want to know? 
Jdebrusk: I mean your name would be a good start. Age might also be important...you’re not like 12 right? 
Yourusername: Would I be quarantining alone if I was 12? I’m 24. Y/N. 
Jdebrusk: right. Right. Y/N from Carolina. Who likes cats. Got it. Are you a student or…?
Yourusername: Freelance Photographer. 
Jdebrusk:  Alright. Nice. Do you do like weddings or nature stuff or what?
Yourusername: A little bit of everything. @wildflowerphotography is my company name if you want to go on insta and see some of my work. 
No reply followed and you tried not to dwell on it. Instead you poured a glass of wine, lit a few candles, and settled into your bathtub, trying to relax for bed. Still nagging thoughts lingered in your brain. Was sharing your company page too much? He probably wasn’t asking for you to promote yourself, he was just being polite right? Though you hated yourself for letting it bother you, you were the type of person who overthought everything...which thinking about it was probably why you were still single. 
Your anxious thoughts lingered and you tossed and turned all night before finally pulling yourself out of bed the next morning. It was only as you dug through your company dms, responding to a few potential clients that wanted you to take socially distant photos for them that you stumbled upon a familiar username. 
Jdebrusk: You took all of those? Holy shit that’s talent. 
The timestamp showed the message was sent only twenty minutes after you gave him the username and you sighed to yourself before chuckling at the fact that Jake was too lazy to switch back to twitch to respond. 
Wildflowerphotography: Thanks. I’m really proud of them all. 
It was still early in the morning so there was no way he was awake with the two hour time difference so after making yourself some breakfast you took another short walk, trying anything to get your mind off of the loneliness that felt worse today than most days. Your mood had definitely been a rollercoaster recently with higher peaks and lower lows than normal. It was something you were trying to manage the best you could but sometimes it was just hard. 
With the rest of your afternoon spent binging a random tv show you didn’t even look at your phone until dinner time, but waiting for you was another dm from the Canadian hockey player. 
Jdebrusk: You should be. 
Jdebrusk: So listen...this is probably weird but can I get your number so I can stop wading through a bunch of dms and whispers I don’t care about and just talk to you? 
It was a fair question but to be blunt, today was probably the worst day for him to ask because your anxiety-riddled brain kept wanting to know why he even cared about talking to you. You didn’t know what he was looking for from all of this but your mind immediately assumed the worst. So instead of just being open with him, you blew him off, completely ignoring his message. And when he logged onto twitch next, though you wanted to watch, you forced yourself to avoid that as well. 
Three days passed before another message appeared. 
Jdebrusk: You okay? You didn’t watch the last stream. I’m sorry if I fucked up. I’ll back off if you want...I just want to know that you’re okay. 
The concern he was expressing was honestly something you didn’t expect and you found yourself crying as you read it over and over. Jake was nothing but a joyous person and the last thing you wanted was to bring him down with the mess of your own mind. 
Wildflowerphotography: you didn’t fuck up. I just...this is all on me okay. 
With your phone left open to your message string with him you watched as little dots appeared before vanishing repeatedly. Eventually a new message appeared simply containing a string of numbers composing a phone number. Jake was putting the ball in your court and a few minutes later the part of you that was aching to hear his voice won the mental war and you found yourself dialing the number. 
“Y/N?” Jake questioned the second he answered and a shaky sob slipped from your throat at the sound of him speaking your name for the first time. “What’s going on?” He murmured and by his tone you could tell he was both confused and concerned. You wanted to speak, wanted to pretend everything was fine but you’d already gone over the edge and it was too late for that now. Another sob spilled through your body and you faintly heard Jake mumble a curse. “Do you want me to just talk to you? I’ll just keep talking okay and you can hang up if you want.” He offered. And talk he did, you weren’t even sure what he was telling you, you were more focused on the grounding sound of his voice itself rather than the content of the words he was speaking. Eventually your breathing steadied out and the elephant sitting on your chest lessened allowing you to murmur his name. 
The second he heard your voice he paused mid-story.
“Thank you.” You whispered into the phone. 
“Are you okay?” He inquired, his voice tentative like he was worried anything he said would push you back over the edge. 
“Better.” You admitted. “Not great but better.” 
“I’ll take better.” He insisted. “It’s nice to actually hear your voice.” He added, causing your cheeks to flame up unconsciously. You opened your mouth to apologize again for your breakdown only to be stopped as he insisted you not do so. “But really...are you okay?” He repeated his question and you sighed. 
“It’s been a rough few days mentally for me.” You admitted. “But I will be okay.” You added. 
“Okay enough to stop ignoring me?” He teased and when you let out another shaky breath he backtracked. “It’s okay, I get it. I was just worried. You don’t have to talk to me ever again if you don’t want to.” 
“I do want to.” You breathed. “Talk to you that is.” As if he sensed you had more to say, Jake remained quiet, only the sound of his breathing coming through the phone. 
“I guess...you should probably know that I tend to overthink things. I want to talk to you. Hearing your voice makes my entire day. I just...I guess I’m just confused on why you want to talk to me. What your intentions are, etc. And you...you don’t have to answer that just...that’s where my head is at.” 
Jake was silent for a minute before his voice reached back through the phone. 
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know what this is either. But I’m intrigued by you and I guess my intention is just to get to know you better if you’ll let me.” Jake’s honesty was refreshing and you nodded even though he couldn’t see you. “And if I can make your day just by talking...well that’s a pretty sweet bonus.” 
Quarantine continued to drag on, paused only by some carefully planned photo sessions with your distance lenses getting extra abuse. You continued talking to Jake, mostly through text but with the occasional phone call. He’d whine about the crap he was getting from his sister when he’d disappear to talk to you but he’d insist that it was worth it in the next breath. Between the streams, the phone calls, the texts and the memes he’d send you, suddenly you felt a lot less alone, at least emotionally. 
A month since your first phone call had passed before Jake sent you a text that made your heart stop. 
JD:  So how come I send you pictures all the time and yet I still don’t know what you look like? 
For weeks he had been sending you photos of him snuggling with Rocky or hanging with Jordyn and there had even been a shirtless workout pic or two which had left you debating whether a cold shower was appropriate. At the same time, you hadn’t worked up the courage to send him any photos in return other than ones you took of nature on your walks or snippets from photoshoots you’d done. Trying to downplay it all you sent back a teasing response. 
YN: What can I say I’m a behind the lens person. 
JD: Y/N...c’mon I just wanna see how beautiful you are. 
Leaving him on ‘read’ you sighed and bit your lip not sure how to respond. You were afraid if he knew what you looked like that he wouldn’t want to talk to you anymore and you weren’t sure what you’d do if you lost something that had sort of become a saving grace in this crazy time. 
JD: Is this one of those insecurity things? Is that why I haven’t seen you yet? 
It was starting to amaze you how well Jake could read you. It had been a long time since anyone was able to see through the walls you put up, see behind the camera that you hid behind, but it had only been a month or so and already Jake was starting to read the silences between the words. 
JD: Do you want me to get Jordyn to pump you up? A picture isn’t going to change what I think of you…
YN: You don’t know that. 
JD: C’mon YN give me a little more credit than that. You know I’m not that shallow. I like you okay. I like the woman that chirps me. I like the woman that listens to me and always knows what to say. I like the woman that sees me as Jake and not Boston Bruin Jake Debrusk. And since none of that is based on your physical appearance I’m going to like you no matter what you look like. 
YN: Promise? 
JD: Yeah Y/N, I promise. 
Scrolling through your camera roll you attempted to decide on which of the few photos of yourself made you look at least somewhat pretty before biting the bullet and attaching it to the text conversation. The moment you hit send you winced and your anxiety didn’t ebb until your phone rang in your hand. 
“You’re stunning.” Jake’s voice breathed lowly the second the line connected. “Just as beautiful outside as you are inside which I wasn’t sure was even possible.” By now you knew when Jake was trying to play something up versus when he was being genuine and his voice now was 100% the latter. But taking compliments about your body was never something you’d been good at so you didn’t know what to say in response. 
“I hope you believe me.” He added. “I knew you wouldn’t believe a text even if I sent it 100 times so I hope you can believe me, hearing me say it.” 
“I...thanks Jake.” You finally mumbled. You did believe that he was being honest, he had no reason not to be with you living thousands of miles apart, but at the same time, you still felt uneasy about it for reasons you’d never fully be able to explain. 
Tearing down the last barrier of anonymity seemed to open up a new world between you and Jake. If it was even possible you communicated more frequently, adding facetime calls to your usual methods. Seeing the way he looked at you while you talked sent heat flooding through your body and you quickly came to the realization that you were falling hard for him. 
That knowledge was terrifying and once again you wanted to pull away, protect yourself from getting hurt. But then Jordyn stole her brother’s phone and called you, raving about how when all of this was over you had to agree to meet her brother in person because she had never seen him like this over anyone. Talking with Jordyn reminded you that Jake didn’t have to go to all of this work, didn’t have to deal with your crazy emotions if he didn’t think you were worth the time and effort. It may be a pandemic but surely there were women in Edmonton willing to break social distancing rules if it meant scoring someone as wonderful as Jake. But yet each and every night he was on the phone with you, taking the time to get to know all of the things that make you tick, your likes and dislikes, your hopes and dreams. 
And it wasn’t just Jordyn that knew about you. You’d been on the phone with Jake when both of his parents came outside and when he’d asked them to come back in a minute because he was talking to you, they just called out your name in greeting and waved. 
“Your parents know my name?” You’d asked and Jake ducked his head shyly before replying. “I mean yeah…” He stated. “My mom can’t wait to meet you.” You were sure from Jake’s point of view that it was probably comical how wide your eyes went at his statement. 
“Jake what...what is this...are we just friends or…?” It wasn’t a question that you ever anticipated asking but it was out there now. From the other side of the screen, you watched Jake adjust his ball cap over his overly long hair. 
“Fuck...Y/N…” Jake started and you opened your mouth to assure him that friends was fine, that it was what you wanted too because if you didn’t put your heart out there than you couldn’t get hurt. Before you could speak though Jake continued. “No...we’re not just friends. I think you know that as well as I do.” He admitted. “I don’t know exactly what we are. I...I was hoping to meet you in person when I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend. I know...I know that none of this is ideal because even when this is over there’s going to be the whole long-distance thing but...I can’t deny that I have feelings for you y/n. I don’t want to deny it.” 
“I don’t want to deny it either.” You said softly, fingers tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I mean...if you’re willing to put up with my emotional baggage…” You shrugged. 
“You have feelings for me too?” Jake questioned, his normal confidence suppressed. “I have no problems supporting you through dealing with your baggage if you’re willing to do the same with mine. I know I’ve fucked up in the past as a boyfriend and I don’t want to do that to you.” 
“I think I’m kinda sorta falling for you.” You stated anxiously, unable to meet Jake’s gaze through the screen until he breathed your name. 
“So can we agree we’re something more than friends and that we’ll figure out the details as part of returning to the new normal?” 
“Yeah...we can agree to that.” You nodded. 
The new normal had finally arrived and that meant that you were going to see Jake in person for the first time. The two of you had been “more than friends” for what felt like forever now but had realistically been a few months but with each passing day you knew you wanted more. You still didn’t know how it would all work with him playing in Boston and you owning a company in North Carolina but you were ready to figure it out together if it meant that you could finally have him for real. 
Jake’s plane was scheduled to land in ten minutes and you were running so far behind. Your senior picture photoshoot had run over and traffic was a mess. You’d texted Jake apologizing but upon getting your text he’d quickly waved your concerns off declaring that he’d just get an uber and meet you at your apartment. It would be a better first meeting anyway because you wouldn’t be time-restricted by parking or pick up zone rules. 
When you finally pulled into your parking lot you checked your phone to see if Jake had arrived yet. It wasn’t until you reached the front steps of your building that you noticed someone sitting there, bags beside them. He looked up at the same time that your brain processed that it was him and he was really there and tears instantly prickled in your eyes. As you rushed to close the distance, Jake stood to catch you as you threw yourself at him. 
No words needed to be said as you tugged his mouth down to your own, kissing him for the very first time. It was nothing like you had expected but at the same time it was everything and at that moment you knew that this was it, you were in love. It had been such a long wait, but the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, his lips against yours was well worth it. It was cheesy but you knew that the physical chemistry was only this strong because you already knew each other inside and out and now that he was here, now that he was finally yours, things could only get better. 
Being with Jake despite the distance wouldn’t be easy but now that you knew the way he felt, the way he tasted, the scent of his cologne, you were willing to do whatever it took to make it. If you could fall in love during a global pandemic, you could do anything and it would make a great story to tell the grandkids one day about how they only came to exist because of a direct message on a streaming site while the world was quarantined. 
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kittycatasaurus · 4 years
Hisirdoux x Reader // Word count:1.5k No warnings I don’t think?
This was purely self indulgent since there isn’t too much fic of my boy, decided I’d post it in case anyone else wants some douxie love but be warned I haven’t finished a fanfic in years so it might flow poorly and I have no clue how to write speech lmao. I’m pretty sure it’s genderneutral, please let me know if I used masc/fem pronouns for reader anywhere and I’ll make sure to check carefully if I post anymore fics. Hope at least one person enjoys it but anywho let’s go!
Today was a normal day, average in most every way (for being a day you dared to venture outside). The weather was pleasant and mild, the streets weren’t too busy, and soon enough you would be meeting up with a friend to spend the weekend sleeping over at their apartment. Fortunately for you they lived in the same area, hence you were familiar with the specific building of flats where they resided, however, it had been a while since you’d stepped foot inside one of said architectures. This, paired with the many urban legends you’d heard over the years of ghosts and spirits transporting folks into different dimensions, led to a paranoia of elevators in tall housing complexes. Five or less floors was as comfortable as you would desire ideally. But alas, your friend lived almost on the top floor, meaning it was the elevator for no more than a few minutes, or dozens of flights of stairs. As much as you had your fears, you didn’t feel like walking up all those stairs to arrive exhausted before your friend, so you sucked it up and boarded the elevator. The fact that no one else was inside both put you on edge and caused you to let out a sigh of relief, elevator journeys always feel awkward with a stranger or two.
As you were letting out your nervous breath with closed eyes, you failed to notice one other person board the elevator before the doors shut on their own. Opening your eyes after a few seconds, you were startled by the presence of a young (looking) man dressed in punk-ish attire. The embarrassing noise you let out startled the man as well who turned to face you, eyes wide and a question on his tongue, “Are, are you alright? Did I startle you? My apologies love.” The word ‘love’ broke you out of the trance you’d been under; simply gawking at the beautiful man before you, a blush erupting over your face at such a handsome person referring to you with such a term. Clocking that he’d genuinely asked you something before calling you love, you barely got out an answer, “YES! I mean, yes, thank you, sorry, I’m fine, just spaced out for a moment there…” Trailing off after that mess of a reply, you dropped your gaze to the floor of the elevator. Before the silence could settle the man chuckled before it shifted to full on laughter. Before you could even come up with your next thought, the man stopped his giggling fit to say “I hope that didn’t seem like I was laughing at you, I was really more laughing at your reaction to yourself, that was quite precious, the way you fumbled about with your words.” Honestly you’d probably be quite offended had he not said that with the sweetest smile you had ever had the fortune of witnessing. Still embarrassed, you simply gave a curt nod and resumed looking at the corner. The next few seconds continued in silence as you passed by over half the floors until the elevator came to an abrupt stop. When the doors failed to open upon this pause, it got you thinking something was unfortunately wrong. After a moment of holding your breath, the elevator still failed to either continue its ascension or open the doors, resulting in you letting an “Oh bother” slip out. The man seemed to just then realise the elevator was stuck himself and immediately hit the help button before him.
“Uh, try not to panic alright? I’m sure someone’ll be on their way to help soon so you don’t need to worry.” The stranger’s attempt to reassure and comfort you was greatly appreciated, however you weren’t so much frightened of being trapped in a tight and high up space as you were embarrassed to be in such an environment with a stranger, albeit a cute one. Not wanting to concern the kind man, you managed a somewhat more confident reply than earlier, “Thank you, but I’ll be fine, no worries, I wasn’t going to panic. Um, I really appreciate your consideration though.”
The man looked surprised for a moment before his mouth moved up into a smirk, “Huh, did I imagine our earlier chat or something, you sounded like a whole different person just now.”
His teasing once again caused your face to redden, but you didn’t let him shake you, rolling your eyes with an insincere huff.
“So, I don’t know about you but I’d rather we not spend the next however long in silence. How about we start with names? I’ll go first, the name’s Hisirdoux Casperan, but my friends call me Douxie.” He winked. This ‘Douxie’ character seemed to think he absolutely oozed charm (and he would be right but still) and despite not wanting to fall for it, you couldn’t keep the small grin off your face as he bowed dramatically.
“Nice to meet you Hisirdoux, you can call me (anytime) Y/N. So what brings you round these parts?” You replied.
The pleasant conversation kept up, you were amazed at how easy Douxie was to talk to. Normally the idea of having to talk to a stranger to fill up silence made you want to simply stop existing, but with Hisirdoux you found yourself wanting the chat to last forever. However, all good things must come to an end, you begrudgingly thought as someone finally showed up to pry open the door to allow you and Douxie to leave the elevator. Only then did you realise that the pair of you must have been stuck inside for a couple hours at least as your friend was nervously standing in the hall. Before going over to them, you stopped yourself, turning back to face Hisirdoux who was already looking at you forlorn. He snapped out of it the second he noticed you had turned back to face him though and you swore you could see a blush on his face. Jogging up to him you spoke with unbelievable confidence “I don’t know what I’ll do if I never see you again, so I’m going to have to ask for your number Douxie.”
Hisirdoux was both impressed and flustered by your bold line resulting in him writing his number on your arm with an uncharacteristically shy giggle. All the while your friend stood in awe mere feet away.
“I’ll call you tonight Doux?” You half stated, half asked as you backed up towards your friend. Douxie simply nodded in response as you both waved goodbye.
The second the door closed after you and your friend returned to their flat, your confident façade evaporated and your friend started freaking out as quietly as they could allow themselves to. “OMG OMG OMG” They started, “who was that? They were so cute? You were flirting!” The cheesiest grin was on their face all the while.
“Hush you! His name is Hisirdoux…” You grumbled, ever so embarrassed by their reaction. However, they were clearly not satisfied with the information given to them so you continued “We met on the elevator, what was I supposed to do after he started talking to me, ignore him? Besides you saw how cute he is.” The last part was muttered under your breath but your friend still managed to hear and proceeded to freak again. Deciding to ignore them for the time being, you pulled out your phone and saved Douxie into your contacts debating whether or not to text him yet. Your internal debate ended when you heard “do it” from your friend in a surprisingly soft tone. Looking up, you saw a gentle smile on their face, encouraging you to suck it up and send the boy a text, it was a simple line, just to do the job. “Hey Douxie, this is Y/N, from the elevator :)”, The text was sent before you could begin overthinking. After just a few moments, a reply came through “Thanks for specifying, I might not have remembered had you not mentioned the elevator we only got out of 20 minutes ago ;)” His sarcasm was just as pleasantly irritating through text as it had been in person and all you sent in response was a “>:p”. You pictured him laughing at that and could do nothing to stop the smile that overtook your face. Your friend decided to leave you to your daydreams as they returned to playing whatever game they had on, as Hisirdoux and you managed to continue chatting for hours until it became quite late and your eyes were struggling to stay open. As you let out another long yawn you heard your friend call out, “all right you, pack it in, you need to get to sleep now, say goodnight and finish up already.” After yet another grumble of reluctant agreement, you started on your last text of the night “Ugghhh my friend said I have to go to sleep now so goodnight I guess Doux. Sweet dreams, loverboy <3” Your tired brain had no filter for what was off bounds to say for having just met and you didn't think twice about sending a heart emoji before tucking yourself under the covers and closing your eyes, almost immediately zonking out. One last text came through, though you wouldn’t see it until morning, wishing you pleasant dreams as well, although Hisirdoux ended his message with ‘angel’, liking the name loverboy for himself.
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Unknown headcanons? I love my boy so much (I’ll call him unknown to avoid spoilers for readers!)
Unknown is SUCH a good character. I love my edgy boi. I’ll also just refer to him as “unknown” and avoid major spoilers for the game – though I’m going to have parts of his personality and looks in the headcanons. I recommend playing at least 707′s route before reading these just so the experience won’t get ruined for you. A bonus is playing at least some of Another Story as well. No spoilers from it in these hcs, just some minor things from there.
These aren’t really structured the way I usually do. I hope they still work though. Feel free to send in more stuff with Unknown cause I really enjoy writing for him.
Content Warnings: yandere behavior, stalking, creepy messages, kidnapping, use of chloroform, restrains, mention of murder with a gun, controlling behavior.This is a yandere work. Proceed with caution and please be mindful of your triggers.
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Unknown had never wanted to make his own plan fail as much as he does now.
And it’s for a reason he never would have thought.
You were just supposed to be a link – a connector between him and the RFA
But you started growing on him.
And all he wanted was to take you for himself and replace your role in his scheme with some new pawn.
The need grew to send messages to you through firstly, chats and then hacked chatrooms that he took over in mid-convo with the other members.
Soon, 707 wasn’t the only one keeping a watchful eye on you through the cameras in the apartment.
The messages would grow creepier and creepier.
“I love the blouse you were wearing today.” “You should really eat more than a bar of granola on the couch.”
You freak out after a while and voice your concerns to the RFA.
Seven, who’s known that something is up for a while immediately goes on red alert and tells you to stay put while he rushes over to see what’s wrong with the electronics and if he can hack them to remove the intruder.
Unknown makes his move the second he sees the message.
Something inside him burns at the thought of you getting in his clutches 
That he might not get to see you again.
Sooner than expected, you hear a knock on the apartment door.
Relieved, you jump up from your couch, leaving the phone on the table to open the door.
The words die in your mouth when you see a stranger outside that looks none like Seven.
“Hello, sweetling.”
You try to shut the door, but he braces a hand against it and forces his way in.
You can hear your phone buzzing and ringing – Seven has probably seen what’s going on in the cameras. You turn your head to look at the phone, calculating if you could get to it in time, and Unknown takes the moment to strike.
Quick as a snake, he’s pressed a rag doused in chloroform against your face, holding your body flush against his.
After that, you’ll be completely off the map.
The RFA won’t hear from you again – Unknown makes sure of that.
He’s very possessive. You’re chained up against the wall in the same room as him at all times, and if whether you or him need to go somewhere, he connects his wrist to yours with handcuffs so you can’t think of escape.
He constantly needs you in his sight.
Unknown isn’t the most tender, loving person. He shows authority and expects you to obey. 
He also gets jealous easily and punishes both parts.
If a guard checks you out, for example, he will shoot them and drag you back to his office where he’ll punish you too, despite you not having done anything.
Unknown has an ideal version of you – almost like a mix between an obedient dog and a doll, but he still loves the spark in your eyes when you defy him.
You’re wearing a dress or something that he’s picked out at all times, and over that, you wear his hoodie.
Just in case anyone from Mint Eye would have any sneaky thoughts about taking you for themselves.
They would have to go through him – and he isn’t afraid of taking ANY measure to keep you to himself.
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zwritestuff · 4 years
Some Things Are Bound To Be (Chapter Four) - Kyara
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A/N: HELLO I AM ALIVE AND WELL. This chapter was such a bitch to write, I swear I have more deleted scenes that actual scenes. A million thanks to Emerald ( @fromthenorthernskies​ ) for putting up with be while writing this and beta-ing, and to Ella ( @dawningofdrag​ ) for correcting the Tagalog bit. I love you both very much. 
Read On AO3.
“Kyne, if you pinch me again, I swear to god—” Kiara’s threat is interrupted by a yelp, and a giggle from Kyne’s end as she secures the pin on the fabric.
“If only you would stay still, I wouldn’t pinch you while trying to make some adjustments,” Kyne says simply, standing up and briefly inspecting the waist area. “Does that feel tight enough?” She asks, walking around Kiara, who just nods, absent-mindedly running her hands around her torso.
She’s not sure what time it is, only knows that the night has arrived hours ago and there’s been a soft rain falling for half of that time. It’s hard to notice the passing of time when she’s with Kyne, talking and laughing and being closer than she ever imagined, when she puts her hands firmly on her body to make arrangements or to keep her still - it’s hard to notice reality altogether.
Kiara goes to the bathroom to take off the dress, and as she’s slipping back into her own clothes, she hears how the rain starts pouring harder and harder. She sees a streak of light in the sky from the tiny window, followed by thunder. She jumps slightly, mumbling a curse as she leaves the bathroom and re-joins Kyne in the living room, who’s quickly closing the windows.
“And the weatherman said we’d have a week without rain,” Kiara says, leaving the dress on the couch. “What time is it, anyway?” She asks, looking around for her phone.
“Like 2 a.m.,” Kyne quickly replies, taking the dress and placing it over the coffee table, flopping onto the couch right away. “How did it get so late? Jesus. I didn’t even notice.” She rubs her face with the back of her palms, stifling a yawn. “You wanna eat something? I have leftover lasagna from yesterday, or I have enough cheese to make pizza if you want—”
“I think I should leave before it gets worse,” she interrupts Kyne, fetching her jacket from the rack. She turns to see her, finding her with a frown on her face as she fidgets with her hands.
“Y’know, it really is late, the storm is getting pretty bad by the second, but you live half across the city. I really wouldn’t mind if you stayed the night, y’know.”
Kiara blinks repeatedly, before she realizes what Kyne just said. She feels her face heat up, and it takes her a moment to manage a sentence without stuttering. The offer had taken her completely by surprise.
“I don’t wanna bother you, it’s fine,” she says, dismissing it with a wave of her hand. 
“You’re not a bother,” Kyne is quick to reply, shifting on the couch and staring at Kiara with a gentle smile. “I mean it, you can stay here.” 
There’s silence for a moment, in which Kiara thinks of a hundred and one excuses to give Kyne to not stay the night. She’s no stranger to running away after a hookup, but this is different in all ways possible, and the way Kyne’s looking at her, silently hoping she’ll accept with that small smile on her face - it’s hard to say no.
Kiara sighs, rubbing her temples as she hangs up her jacket on the rack again and tells Kyne she’ll take the couch. Kyne gives her a toothy smile, saying she would never let her sleep in her room, anyway - she wants to have some dignity left after this, thank you very much.
“My parents would probably scold me and tell me to give you my room, but it’s a hot mess in every way possible,” she tells her over their dinner: heated lasagna and coca cola. “‘Sides, I have a very complex system for finding things, and I would prefer to keep it a secret.” Kiara cocks an amused brow, sipping on her drink.
“I didn’t have you as the type to be messy,” she comments, resting her chin on her palm. Kyne rolls her eyes slightly, stuffing her mouth with the last bit of the lasagna.
“There are many things you don’t know about me.” She winks at her cheekily, proceeding to leave the dishes in the sink, telling Kiara to just leave it like that, she’ll clean up tomorrow. Right now, all she wants to do is get a good night of sleep. But her words are running through Kiara’s mind: she’s not exactly wrong - there are a lot of things she doesn’t know about Kyne, and there are a lot of things she’s discovered in such a short time. She’s curious about what else there’s to unravel regarding Kyne’s personality and life, and she’s never been particularly patient, but for her, she guesses she can make an exception.
Kyne brings her pillows and a blanket, trying to make the couch as comfortable as she can, and she assures her that everything is good, until they realize something. Kiara’s clothes aren’t precisely comfortable to sleep in.
They stare for a moment, before Kyne sighs, mumbling something Kiara can’t quite catch and leaves for a moment, only to come back with a pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, saying she can wear them if she wants. Kiara bites back a smile when she notices the rosy tone of her cheeks as she hands her the clothes.
“I’m gonna go sleep now, you can change in the bathroom, or here, I don’t know, that’s up to you, and, uh, if you need a charger I have a spare one in this drawer,” she rambles a little, pointing at the drawer. Kiara just thanks her with a polite smile, amused at the rare sight of a flustered Kyne. “Good night, Kiki.” 
Kiara’s a little thrown off when she hears the nickname come out of Kyne’s lips for the first time, but smiles nonetheless, “Good night, Kyne.” They smile at each other for a moment before Kyne leaves to her room, and Kiara is left standing alone in the living room.
She takes a deep breath and gets changed, immediately being hit with the smell of vanilla emanating from the clothes. She smiles a little, breathing in the scent as she lies on the couch.
The sleeping part doesn’t come easy, mostly, she supposes, because she’s at Kyne’s place, on her couch, and all the photos of Kyne hanging from the walls that are looking down on her, somehow reminding her that this wasn’t part of the plan and it will only make things more awkward once it’s time to call their scheme off. So she does the only logical thing she can think of: texting Rita and Tynomi. 
They have a group chat that’s mostly for talking shit about other co-workers, sending files and, in Tynomi’s case, to use it as a replacement for the notes app. Neither of the three uses it much outside work hours, but now, it really comes in-handy.
So, you guys won’t believe this, she prefaces, hitting send way too quickly; she doesn’t think either of them are up, anyway.
That’s where she’s wrong.
Tynomi answers after some moments, while Kiara is still typing, and Rita follows suit. Kiara deletes what she had just typed to ask them what they are doing up at these hours.
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Kiara snorts, re-typing her whole message with odd excitement.
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Rita and Tynomi answer almost immediately to Kiara’s surprise, apparently she’s caught their attention. She takes a deep breath before replying; she knows they’ll freak out and take things out of context before she has an option of explaining, it’s their thing. Especially considering they’ve taken every opportunity they have to pester her about Kyne.
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She bites back a giggle as she hits send on a meme, completely flustered at the conversation going on - Tynomi’s “you don’t usually stay the night” hits too close home, but, she reminds herself, this is different. She’ll probably forget this happened in a couple months, once they’ve broken up and this turns into a funny story they can confide to their friends.
Kiara talks to them until she’s running out of battery, and has to inevitably go to sleep, not without fetching Kyne’s charger and setting it aside.
Rita and Tynomi’s words linger on her mind before she finally falls asleep, and Kiara wonders for a split second what it’d be like if she were actually dating Kyne. She supposess not much would change, not really.
Kiara isn’t woken up by the sun, the birds chirping, or any of that - rather, it’s the noise coming from the kitchen that makes her reluctantly wake up. For a moment she forgets where she is, until she hears Kyne’s voice and remembers she had been persuaded to stay the night. She rubs her eyelids, trying to shake off the sleepiness, and unwillingly gets up to meet Kyne at the kitchen.
It’s tiny, and she easily finds her perched against the counter, wearing a worn out tank top and shorts, glancing at the coffee machine with annoyance, muttering things under her breath as she fidgets with her hair. Kiara can't believe she has the audacity to look good just woken up.
“Hey, mornin’,” she greets, and Kyne jumps a little, before lazily smiling at her, rubbing her eyelids.
“Gandang umaga,” she says, dragging the last A. “If you want coffee, may tasas diyan sa cabinet, though you should take a seat, this coffee machine is shit, kainis eh, tagal bago makagawa ng kape,” Kyne mutters with a growl, not realizing the inquisitive look Kiara is giving her.
They stare at each other for a moment, Kiara cocks an amused brow, perching herself against the doorframe, before Kyne realizes she clearly doesn't know Tagalog.
“Sorry, I do that a lot, mixing Tagalog and English I mean. I can't properly function without my morning coffee,” she explains, stifling a yawn. She stands on her tiptoes to reach a cupboard, and Kiara quickly approaches her from behind, fetching two mugs with ease, setting it on the counter. Kyne turns to see her with a slight frown. “I could reach for it without help,” Kyne says, with an annoyed tone that just causes Kiara to giggle. She mumbles something else under her breath that Kiara can’t quite catch, both because the noise coffee machine makes and because she can’t understand Tagalog.
“Whatever you say.” She puts her palms up in surrender and watches as Kyne pours the coffee in the mugs, telling her to grab them and set them on the table while she makes toasts. 
They move with ease around the kitchen, despite the lack of space making them bump into the other more than once, mostly because they’re sleep deprived, but Kiara can clearly see how Kyne evades her gaze, how she keeps herself busy to not have to make small talk. Kiara tries not to think much about it, maybe having her there threw her off a little from her morning routine - either way, it’s too early to overthink.
Well, she’s not exactly sure what time it is, but it’s not like it matters, anyway; not when she’s with Kyne.
They make breakfast together, anticipating the other’s movements with ease and silently enjoying each other’s company. It’s homey, and peaceful, and surely it’ll be the last moment of peace they have together before all hell breaks loose at 8 p.m., once they arrive to the Starzy Ball and Kiara has to put up her cutthroat business woman facade while Kyne clings from her arm, until they inevitably have to meet Kiara’s parents - she’s been, simultaneously, dreading this day and anticipating it with excitement bubbling up in her stomach.
Maybe it’s just the spending time with Kyne part that she doesn’t mind at all, the part where they gossip and snicker about the rest of the people at the ball while they eat various fancy snacks - the part where fancy balls are tolerable for once, not because they’re more bearable, but because she has Kyne to make them better.
Once they’re done with breakfast, having cleaned the mugs and last night’s dirty dishes while they listened to one of Kiara’s random playlists, Kyne asks her if she wants to join her in with her skincare routine, though really, it’s just a facemask she bought per one of her friends’ recommendation and she has used ever since. Kiara accepts happily, but in hindsight, she probably shouldn’t have; Kyne delicately but firmly takes her face in one of her hands, and with the other, she applies the creamy mask with an old brush.
They’re sitting in Kyne’s living room, and their faces aren’t even that close, but Kiara feels as if there’s not enough air in the room, as her heart plummets against her ears and all she can do is try to keep her cool as Kyne gently traces the pattern of her face.
Yet Kiara can’t quite put two and two together, though.
She leaves Kyne’s apartment two hours after, with a dress that fits her like a glove and a weird feeling that’s settled in her chest. Kyne tried to persuade her to stay for lunch, since it was almost time for it anyway, but she’s spent too much time at her place already, and she doesn’t want to bother her anymore.
Despite Kyne saying that she likes her company, Kiara can’t help but feel weirdly uneased, especially when she spots Kyne stealing glances at her out of the corner of her eye, with an indecipherable look. 
She can only hope things go smoothly tonight.
The hours pass too slowly for Kiara’s liking, and she finds herself wandering around her own apartment, bored out of her mind, more than once throughout the afternoon. 
She eats lunch alone, ordering takeout from a nearby restaurant and planting herself in front of her TV, flickering through Netflix’s catalogue, searching for something that can set her mind off Kyne, but most movies bore her even more if that’s possible, and the shows she usually re watches with a smile on her face aren’t cutting it either.
She texts Rita and Tynomi throughout the day, not mentioning at all what she’s feeling, because the last thing she needs now is those two on her case. Instead, she just fills them in on what happened in the last hours.
Tynomi says it wouldn’t surprise her if they end up dating for real, Rita agrees, and Kiara only sends them eye rolling emojis. 
Kiara is many things, but she’s not delusional enough to believe they’ll end up in a real relationship - she thought that once, way before Kyne appeared in her life, and things didn’t end up well. It doesn’t matter how well it looks like they get along, Kiara won’t take that risk again.
She rubs her eyelids, deciding that taking a shower and a nap wouldn’t hurt.
Before Kiara can even stop to realize what’s happening, to overthink everything one last time, she’s holding the door open for Kyne as she slides in the passenger seat, ready to head to the ball and meet her parents. Admittedly, focusing just on the road is simply too difficult for Kiara, who can’t help but to steal glances at Kyne every other second. 
She looks mesmerizing, even more than normal - her suits of every color of the rainbow, high ponytail and sharp eyeliner she always wears to the office are something Kiara’s become used to, but that doesn’t mean she’s any less radiant. Though this isn’t the first time she sees her wearing this dress, it sure is the first time she sees Kyne in a full face of makeup, with her hair down in soft waves and killer heels.
She’s stunning, and just looking at her knocks the air out of Kiara’s lungs. Kiara hopes and prays that helps for acting like a couple in love.
They make small talk while Kiara drives, soothing each other’s nerves with encouraging words disguised as playful banter, and though Kiara was scared for a second to give Kyne the aux cord, she forgets about it as soon as Donna Summer starts playing.
Kyne loudly sings the lyrics to Bad Girls, making Kiara laugh as loud as her, and it makes the drive go by in the blink of an eye - almost as if on cue, once the playlist ends, Kiara pulls up one block away from where the venue is, saying unprompted that’s because she knows it must be packed and it’d be a nightmare to get out of by the end of  the night. 
Her hands tremble as she turns off the engine, her nerves and self doubt suddenly kicking in. Would she be able to pull this off without making it too obvious it was false, thus embarrassing both of them? She feels Kyne give her shoulder a squeeze, interrupting her train of thought, looking at her with a feeling she can’t quite put a finger on.
“Listen, I’m as scared as you are, but I’m never going to have any other occasion to wear this dress, so.” She shrugs, leaving the sentence in the air, smiling slightly. “We better get walking, ‘cause I was promised food, and I’m getting hungry,” she jokes to lighten up the mood, and Kiara smiles back.
They walk in silence, and at some point Kyne intertwines their hands, giving Kiara’s hand a little squeeze. It’s a little gesture, but it makes her breath hitch in her throat, her heart beating faster and faster with every step they take.
Once they’re in the queue to enter, Kiara pulls out her phone from the pockets in her dress to shoot her parents a message, telling them that they’re waiting outside. She feels Kyne tug at her arm while her stare is glued to her phone, so she hums noncommittally.
“I thought this would be more… Fancy, y’know. I feel as if I’m on my senior prom all over again,” she mutters, close to her ear so she’s the only one that hears. Kiara involuntarily snorts, putting her phone away and turning to see Kyne, who’s shamelessly looking around the queue, judging everyone’s clothes.
“Not everyone can have great taste like you,” she playfully replies, earning a chuckle and an eye roll from her. 
Once they reach the front, Kiara pulls out their invitation envelopes and they’re quickly let in, and she can’t help but to smile when Kyne looks around the venue, taking everything in and squeezing her hand. She squeezes right back as she guides them through the sea of people, stopping every so often to greet people that she knows because of her parents. 
When Kiara finally spots her mother among the crowd, her stomach flips, stopping in her tracks to look back at Kyne, who looks as anxious as her, practically wanting to go anywhere but near Kiara’s parents - she can’t blame her, really; at the end of the day, they’re still her bosses.
“It’ll be alright,” Kiara manages to say, trying to convince herself more than anything. “They’re nice people, they’ll like you, like I do,” she assures her. Kyne cocks a brow, a cheeky smile blooming in her face as Kiara’s cheeks heat up when she realizes what she just said. “No, I mean— you know what I meant.”
Kyne giggles, swinging their hands. “Yeah, I know,” she replies simply, “Let’s go, I’m eager to get fired.” Her faux sweet delivery makes Kiara laugh, easing the nerves as they walk up to her parents. 
Her mother spots them before her dad, quickly making her way towards them with a huge smile on her face, stare fixated on Kyne and their intertwined hands. Sweat prickles the back on Kiara’s head, but it’s too late to back down or run away, so she just gulps and allows her to hug her tight before wrapping Kyne in another hug.
“Hi, darling! Kyne, right? I’m Rebecca, and it’s great to finally meet you!” She chirps excitedly, the smile never leaving her face. Kyne briefly glances at Kiara before returning the smile and the pleasantries. “Honey, let’s go find your dad, shall we? I know he’s dying to meet you too.” She motions at them to follow her and they follow suit, their hands finding each other again.
Though Kyne didn’t exactly know Kiara’s mom before, she sure as hell has seen Kiara’s dad around the company, but never actually met him. Once they find him, the squeeze she gives her almost makes Kiara yelp, but she reminds herself that she dragged them here, so really, she can’t complain.
“Papa, this is my girlfriend, Kyne,” Kiara says, her stomach flips again when she addresses Kyne as her girlfriend for the first time. She knows it’s fake, but she can’t help the fuzzy feeling that spreads in her chest.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Kyne greets with a smile, awkwardly sticking her hand out to shake. Kiara’s dad smiles gently, accepting the handshake.
“It’s good to meet you too, my daughter has told me lots of great things about you,” he says, and Kyne immediately turns to look at Kiara with a sneaky smile, probably wondering what she’s said about her.
It doesn’t take long before they’re asking Kyne about her job at the company, about herself, her family; Rebecca does most of the questioning, eager to know more about her supposed new daughter-in-law, while her husband just nods, talking every so often. 
So far, things are going well, and it seems like they’ll be able to pull this off successfully - they have the right amount of chemistry, and Kiara finds it easy to naturally place an arm around Kyne’s waist at some point during the night. Though Kyne jumps at the contact, she quickly relaxes into it, and Kiara figures that’s just her going along with it to not seem suspicious.
The only part that’s proving difficult is not getting bored out of her mind while talking to the other guests, most of which her parents know one way or another, and thus she’s forced to interact with them. Some look at her hand wrapped around Kyne’s waist with an eyebrow cocked, curiosity in their gaze as they bite their tongue to avoid asking a stupid question.
Some do ask questions, wonder if she’s Kiara’s girlfriend with faux politeness she’s all too familiar with, inquiring afterwards how they met. The looks on their faces always change when Kyne replies that she works for her company before Kiara can say anything, a fake smile plastered on her face as she watches how they probably wonder if she’s a golddigger.
“At least one of us is having fun,” Kiara says ironically, while they’re getting snacks from one of the tables near the walls. Kyne hums, her mouth full of appetizers.
“I mean, if you think about it, I’m never going to see these people again, so what’s the matter?” She shrugs, reaching for more appetizers. Though it’s technically true, that statement makes Kiara feel weirdly uneasy, but she pushes those feelings away.
Truth be told, the only reason the night is bearable is because Kyne runs her mouth a lot more than Kiara thought, with her deadpan humor that no one but Kiara seems to understand. She only gets chattier and chattier as she drowns glass after glass of champagne, saying she’s drinking in Kiara’s name since she can’t drink tonight.
At some point, Kiara’s arm finds her way around Kyne’s waist again, when she comments that she’s starting to feel a little lightheaded. It was almost instant, and this time around, Kyne didn’t even flinch at the contact. Kiara, again, thought nothing of it.
Aside from meeting Anastarzia and her kooky, weird secretary that wore a suit with mismatched colors - Jimbo, if they heard correctly - nothing really exciting happened. Sure, the food and the drinks were nice, and Kyne was having the time of her life sending photos after photos to her friends’ group chat with a shit-eating grin. She takes a lot of dorky selfies with unflattering angles, usually pulling Kiara into the frame, and it takes a lot of her willpower to not laugh loudly at Kyne’s faces.
More than a couple hours have probably passed, though they’re nowhere near the end of the event, when Kiara feels Kyne tug at her arm while they’re pretending to be interested in a conversation they were dragged into.
“I don’t know how to tell you this nicely,” Kyne begins, settling her chin on Kiara’s shoulder, speaking softly enough so only she can hear. “But I’m bored out of my mind,” her faux sweet delivery, along with the flutter of her eyelashes, makes Kiara chuckle. 
“Well, what do you want me to do?” She asks softly, as Kyne looks up at her with a blank expression.
“Let’s go to McDonalds, I’m hungry,” she suggests, her expression lightning up almost immediately. Kiara laughs wholeheartedly this time - she spent the whole night devouring those appetizers! Almost as if she can read her mind, she continues, “Listen, it’s not my fault those appetizers can’t satisfy me. Rich people's food is lame, and I know you’re hungry too,” Kyne states, matter-of-factly.
Well, she can’t really argue with that - she does feel a little hungry, despite all the snacks she ate. And, if she’s being honest, she appreciates the excuse to leave, so she finds her parents to quickly bid them goodbye, saying Kyne has a headache and wants to leave. Her mother makes Kiara promise she’ll bring Kyne to the family dinners soon, and he echoes the sentiment. She forces a smile and falsely promises she will, turning around as Kyne tells them again it was really nice to meet them.
“I think they liked me,” she comments, latching onto Kiara’s arm to not stumble with her own feet. “Who would’ve thought Antoine Schatzi would even know my name!” She giggles, resting her head against Kiara’s shoulder again. And Kiara knows she’s more than tipsy, that this is all pretend, but the warm feeling that spreads through her chest at the contact is everything but fake.
Though it’s fairly late, there’s still people inside the nearest McDonald's Kiara could find on Google Maps, so they resolve to just order through the drive through - even if she had no problem eating in a fancy gown and a full-face of makeup, the decision was more due to Kyne’s inability to walk straight. Crowded places weren’t exactly good if she wanted to keep Kyne from falling flat on her face.
Even though Kyne was the one that suggested they go to McDonald’s, her brain short-circuited for a moment while ordering, asking a tad too loud if she could have one of those paper crowns with her order, before remembering that’s a Burger King thing. Kiara just ordered a cheeseburger and a Big Mac through hiccups of laughter and dead silence on the employee’s end.
“Did you really drink that much?” Kiara inquires as they’re waiting for their order. Kyne rolls her eyes, pinching her on the arm.
“That’s none of your business,” she replies, childishly sticking her tongue out as Kiara looks at her in amusement.
Just a week ago she would’ve never imagined she’d get to see this side of Kyne, satisfied with their short encounters during office hours and polite enough friendship, but now, she wants this Kyne as a friend too - the messy drinker, quick-witted, caring Kyne that makes her laugh with every other word she says.
They’re sitting on the hood of Kiara’s car, eating their hamburgers and stealing each other’s fries as they talk about anything and everything - mostly about Kyne’s impressions of everyone she had met at the ball, not holding back on her opinions now that they were alone.
As she’s mimicking the voice of one of the women they met, Kiara notices a stain of what looks like mayonnaise in the corner of Kyne’s mouth, so she takes a napkin and brings her hand to her face to clean it up, making Kyne stop in the middle of a sentence. Kiara instructs her to be still and she complies, her gaze never leaving Kiara, even when she withdraws her hand, tossing the napkin into the food bag.
There’s a moment of silence, though not an uncomfortable one, before Kyne speaks again.
“Y’know, if I forget to tell you when you drop me home, I really like spending time with you. I enjoyed being your fake girlfriend,” she says earnestly, and the softness of her voice and tone makes Kiara’s heart race.
“I really liked having you as my fake girlfriend,” she echoes, though she doesn’t actually mean it - not because she didn’t enjoy the night, or because she regrets asking this to Kyne, not at all. She doesn’t regret anything.
It’s just that, as she stares at Kyne, listening to her chaotic train of thought while she tries to steal her fries, it hits her that she likes her. Actually likes her. Has probably liked her since the moment they met, when she made her giggle within minutes of meeting each other, when she let her hide in her office without much of an explanation, when she listened to her problems and offered solutions in her own Kyne way - she’s not sure when it started, but now that she knows it, the whole fake dating arrangement doesn't sit well with her.
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stateofloveandnegan · 4 years
Eighteen Years I - Richard Madden
Requested by: no one
Part one / Part two
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“Stop trying, Madden! She’s too pretty for you.” some of the idiots at school yell at Richard. I scoff and shake my head at their words. “Shut up, Graham. I’d much rather spend my time with him, than with you.”
I can tell that it hurts Richard, those guys always know how to get to him, and it pains me to see Richard like this. I take his hand in mine and gently squeeze it. “C’mon, Rich. Let’s go to your place?”
Richard manages a weak smile and nods. I keep Richard’s hand in mine, liking the feeling too much to let go. No one knows, but I’ve always secretly had a thing for him. No, he isn’t the most good-looking guy at school, but I definitely don’t need a guy who’s good-looking, if he is like Graham and his lot. Richard is sweet, talented, helpful, and in my eyes perfect. He’s adorable as well. But, he’s my best friend, and for some reason I’m scared to tell him how I feel.
“(Y/N), why are you friends with me?”
Here we go again. I sigh softly, we’ve just reached Richard’s house. I tighten my grip on his hand a little as I walk into his garden, leading him to the bench underneath the small tree. “Sit down, Rich.” I say gently and sit down myself.
When Richard sits down next to me, I take both his hands in mine, my eyes searching for his. “I’ve told you this a thousand times, but I’ll keep telling you if you need the reassurance. I’m friends with you because you, Richard, are the sweetest guy I know. You are so kind to people, even though they don’t always deserve it. You always know how to cheer me, or anyone, if in a bad mood. You’re never rude, you never even raise your voice, and if you do, it is for good reason. Please don’t let that idiot called Graham and his friends get to you, they’re definitely not worth it.”
Richard sighs softly, but a genuine smile enters his face and he squeezes my hands softly, “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, silly. I’m happy to tell you those things.” I smile and let go of his hands, only to open my arms, “Give me a hug.”
Richard starts laughing softly and wraps his arms around me, “How about we go and make those cookies now?” He suggests and within minutes, we’re in the kitchen.
Richard thinks back to that day, it’s a memory he’ll always keep close to him. The way (Y/N) always managed to make him feel happy and loved, even though stupid guys like Graham tried to bring him down as much as they could.
He wonders how she’s doing now. It’s been almost eighteen years since he’s spoken to her. The fact that he had to move still bothers him, if only he’d tried to stay in contact with her… but back then, all that was on his mind was the stupid moving, and he failed in keeping his best friend.
“(Y/N) (L/N),” Richard mumbles to himself, “maybe she has Instagram?” He takes his phone out of his pocket and goes to the app, opening it and typing her name in the search bar. He scrolls through some accounts, but can’t find her at first. He isn’t even sure if he’d recognize her.
That is, until he opens someone’s profile and his heart does a weird little jump; it’s her. His thumb immediately goes for the follow button, but something stops him. “What if she doesn’t want to know me anymore?” goes through his head. He sighs and thinks about it for a while, but eventually decides he should just do it and clicks on the button, he’s now following her.
The rest of the day goes by pretty slowly for Richard, he doesn’t have much to do. It’s already pretty late when he’s making dinner, just some simple spaghetti, but still delicious. He’s sat at the table by himself, eating his spaghetti with some music gently playing in the background. Suddenly, his phone buzzes and when he unlocks it, it says that (Y/N) has followed him back.
A smile immediately enters his face and he goes straight to the app. Without really thinking about it, Richard opens the Direct Messages section and enters (Y/N)’s name, opening a chat with her and sending her a message.
Hey (Y/N).
As soon as he sends the message, he feels stupid. “I should’ve come up with something better than that….” But, before he can delete it and send something else, she’s already typing her reply.
Hey Richard.
This is a surprise.
Richard feels rather bad for taking eighteen years to do this, a lump forming in his throat as he reads her second message.
I can imagine it is.
Before he can send something else, (Y/N) beats him to it.
To what do I owe this message?
He sighs, not really having a good excuse for it, he just missed her. He’s always missed her, but never had the courage to contact her. And now that he has contacted her, he feels incredibly stupid.
Truth be told, I was wondering how you were doing.
It’s been a really long time, I know.
And I’m sorry for that.
I look at the message on my phone. When Richard sent me a follow request earlier, I kind of freaked out. We used to be best friends, but I’ve also not seen, or talked to him, for very long.
Richard has become a well-known actor, I never expected him to still know about me, let alone send me a message like this.
I realise it’s been a couple minutes since he sent his last message, so I quickly type something. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but I figure it couldn’t hurt anyone.
It has, yes.
What do you say about me giving you my number?
We could catch up on the phone, if you’d like.
The dots on my phone, telling me Richard is typing, make me quite nervous. Maybe he realises he made a mistake by texting me…
That sounds like a good idea :)
I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding and quickly send Richard the digits of my number. It doesn’t make me any less nervous, though.
After Richard moved away, I’ve always felt an empty spot in my heart. It was only after he left that I realised my feelings for him weren’t just some feelings, I was in love with him. Deeply, at that. It took a while, but they eventually left my mind. But every time I see him, it still does something to me. I don’t know how he does it, I never knew someone could have this much of an effect on a person.
I almost jump up from my seat on the couch when my phone starts ringing. I completely forgot that Richard would call me. My hand shakes a little as I press ‘accept’ and bring it up to my ear.
“(Y/N)?” a gruff voice asks hesitantly. My heart skips a beat or two at how good and grown up he sounds. I swallow quickly before speaking up myself. “Hey Rich.”
I can hear Richard releasing a deep breath, “It’s really nice to hear your voice again.”
“I could say the same about you, but I must admit I probably wouldn’t have guessed it was you if I didn’t know.” I say with a soft chuckle. Richard chuckles as well, a sound that weakens my knees. Gosh, it’s as if no time ever went by and my feelings are still very much alive.
“How are you?” his voice asks very softly, as if something will break if he speaks any louder. I think about all that’s been going on and am not quite sure if I should just tell him I’m alright, or if I should tell him the truth.
I decide to tell him the truth, it would feel wrong if I lied to him. “I’ve been better, if I’m honest. I’ve just been really stressed lately. But it’s nothing I can’t handle, and things will get better soon, I’m sure.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. But I’m sure things will get better as well.” I can just see the sweet and caring smile on his face as he says this. He’s never been one to pry, but he’s always known exactly what to say. “I know we’re practically strangers to each other now, but if you need to talk or just need someone, I’m here.”
There it is. My smile grows fondly, “Thank you so much, Rich. That means a lot to me. How have you been, though?”
Richard sighs softly, “I’ve been well. Been thinking about you a lot.” He scrapes his throat before he continues, “I’m sorry I disappeared like that, (Y/N). You certainly didn’t deserve that. I’ve been wanting to contact you for years, but frankly I always chickened out.”
The fact that Richard is so honest with me, melts my heart. It’s been the same for me, though. I’ve always wanted to get back in contact with him, but I always figured he’d forgotten about me.
“It’s alright, Rich. I’m really happy you did it tonight, I’ve missed having you as a friend.” I smile and I’m sure Richard can hear that in my tone. “I would like to see you again, though.”
Richard’s heart skips a beat as he hears me say that, “Me, too. Where do you live now?”
“I’ve recently moved to Oxford, I’m a teacher at the University.” I tell, a hint of pride in my words. I’ve worked very hard to get where I’m at right now.
“I can come to Oxford tomorrow, if you’re free, of course.” Richard offers and I smile, nodding. When I realise Richard can’t see me, I quickly tell him that I’m free and that I’d like that. “We could have lunch at my favourite restaurant.”
He chuckles, again weakening my knees, “I’ll be there at twelve.”
“Sounds good. Now, as much as I’d like to stay and talk to you, I really need to prepare some classes for next week.” I say, disappointing myself, but if I’m going out tomorrow, I’ll have to do it today, otherwise I won’t have enough time for it.
“That’s alright, (Y/N). I’m really glad to have talked to you for a bit. We can talk all we want tomorrow, yeah?” Richard says sweetly and I agree with him. We bid each other a good night and Richard wishes me luck before we hang up.
I let out a deep sigh, not really believing I really just spoke to my childhood best friend, who I’ve missed so dearly for all those years.
The next morning, I wake up feeling very rested. A smile enters my face when I think about what’ll happen today: I’m gonna have lunch with Richard.
I get out of bed and gather some clothes for the day before going into the bathroom. I take a nice, rather long shower before getting ready for the day. Once I’m dressed and ready, I go downstairs and make myself some breakfast. Nothing too big, because I don’t want to feel full later when I’m with Richard.
Time flies and before I know it, I’m making my way to the train station. Richard and I decided to meet up there, his train will arrive in about ten minutes, so I’m a little early. But I’m rather early than late.
As closer I get, the more nervous I get. Why? I’m not even sure, it’s probably because those feelings I once had for him, are still somewhere inside me. I’m so curious as to what he’s like now. From what I’ve seen on the news, he’s grown very handsome. He did tell me he’s wearing a hoodie and some shades so he won’t get recognized.
Once we’ll be in the restaurant, he can take them off, not a lot of people know about it, since it’s very small. I take my phone out of my pocket to kill some time, and I can’t help myself when I open Instagram and go through Richard’s photos.
Damn, he’s grown reallygood-looking. I can feel my cheeks heat up a little, so I quickly close the app and put my phone away. I can see the train arriving at the platform, a smile growing on my face as the doors open and a couple minutes later, Richard steps out. He looks around for a moment and when his eyes land on me, I send him a little wave, smiling brightly.
A big smile enters Richard’s face and he quickly makes his was to me, placing the bag he’s holding on the ground once he’s made it. “Hey,”
“Hey.” I say back, still smiling big. Richard and I just look at each other for a minute or two before he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. “It’s so good to see you.”
I chuckle and wrap my arms tightly around him, inhaling his scent, which is delicious. “I’ve really missed you.”
A couple minutes later, we break apart and yet again, smile at each other. “C’mon, let’s go to the restaurant.”
Richard grabs his bag and nods. We start walking and as we do so, I still can’t believe it’s really him. After almost nineteen years he’s here.
After a short walk, we reach the restaurant. I take Richard to a table in the back, so we can have lunch without getting disturbed. Richard smiles and sets his bag down before taking his sunglasses and hoodie off. It’s only then that I notice his bright blue eyes. He’s always had beautiful eyes, but they weren’t this piercing when we were young.
“Hold up,” Richard says with a boyish smile on his face. He quickly makes his way behind my chair and holds it back for me, I laugh softly, “And they say chivalry is dead.” I tease, to which Richard laughs and when I’m sat, he joins me at the table, sitting down across from me.
One of the waiters comes by and takes our order for the drink, handing us the menus before he leaves again. I look down at the menu, but am unable to concentrate as I feel Richard’s eyes on me. I look up at him and he smiles sweetly at me. “You look amazing, (Y/N).”
A light blush creeps onto my face, “Thank you, Rich.” My eyes are stuck on his for a moment, “You look very nice yourself.”
Richard smiles as well and eventually picks up the menu laid down before him on the table. “What do you suggest?” he peaks an eye at me and I smile at him before looking down at my own menu. “If I remember correctly, you always used to love a good beef burger. Let me tell you, they serve the best burgers here.”
“A good burger does sound delicious.” Richard grins and puts away the menu, “What are you going to take?”
I put my menu away as well and grin back at him, “I guess it’ll be two burgers for this table.”
A waitress comes by with our drinks and takes the order, smiling at the both of us. “You’re Richard Madden.” she speaks softly to Richard, as if not to be rude. Richard smiles kindly and nods. “I hope you’ll enjoy the food, have a nice day, you two.” She says very sweetly, sending me one last smile before going back to the bar.
“I take it not all of them are as kind as she was?” I say with a soft chuckle and Richard shakes his head, laughing. “No, she was an exception.” He’s silent for a moment, studying my face before speaking up again. “Don’t you feel weird? Sitting here with me?”
I raise my brows a little at his question, shaking my head. “No, not at all. I know you’ve become well-known worldwide, but to me you’re still Richard, the boy that used to be my very best friend when we were young teens.”
Richard smiles at my answer. “Is it weird to you?” He shakes his head, “No. It feels really nice to be here. I’m really glad I finally had the guts to message you yesterday. If I hadn’t, I probably would’ve been sulking about it the entire time.”
I laugh softly at his statement and so does Richard. Lunch goes by much too fast, we talk pretty much the entire time, both enjoying our burgers very much. After lunch, I feel slightly sad, I don’t want this to end yet. I’m having such a great time and I’m so happy to be back in touch with Richard.
“(Y/N)?” Richard speaks up as we’re walking back to the station. I look up at him, “Yeah?”
It looks as though he’s gathering some sort of confidence before he speaks again, “I would like to take you out for dinner tomorrow evening. What do you say?”
A smile enters my face and I smile lovingly at him, “I’d love that, Rich.”
He smiles and lets out a small sigh when he notices we’ve reached the station. “It’s leaving in a couple of minutes. I guess I should get going now.”
“Yeah,” I say, a tone of sadness in my voice. “make sure you get home safely. We’ll be in contact about tomorrow. You’ve got my number.”
Richard smiles and nods. He leans down and presses a soft, sweet kiss on my cheek. “You get home safe as well. I’ll text you when I’m home. I had a great time today.”
The feeling of his lips on my cheek causes my cheeks to turn slightly red and I wrap my arms around him in a short hug, “See you tomorrow, Rich.”
He smiles and hugs me back, kissing the top of my head before walking towards the train and getting in. “See you tomorrow.” He adds before disappearing inside.
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fuwafuwagem · 6 years
Bloom Chapter 1 - Yu-hwa
Just for you lovelies that may not have discovered it on Archive of Our Own, here is the first chapter of my Mystic Messenger fic Bloom, featuring my baby my OC Yu-hwa Lee ^^
You can find the ongoing fic here. I am updating regularly and have chapters prepared to upload, so I won’t leave you hanging ^^
Hope you enjoy it! The first chapter preview is under the cut <3
TW for sexual threats and references.
Yu-hwa Lee sat in her favourite seat at the café close to her apartment block, nursing the cheapest thing on the menu; a small white tea. It wasn’t as good as the coffee her body craved, but it was all her purse would allow her to have. She flicked through the pages of the application form she had on the table in front of her. There was no way she was qualified for a job at C&R, but it was the only place she could find that was currently hiring, and she was getting desperate.
She filled in a few basic details; name, date of birth. Address? She sighed. The landlord was on the verge of kicking her out.
This is depressing.
She put down her pen and picked up her phone. The notification icon showed that she had one new email, and she prayed to all the gods she could think of that it was a job offer.
You have been invited to test out…
She sighed, quickly scrolling through the message. It looked like junk mail, but she thought that maybe it was something she could get paid to do. At the end of the message was a link, which she pressed hoping that it wasn’t a virus.
Oh shit!
She closed the email, hoping that it would stop whatever she had just started, but when she checked her phone menu she saw a new icon was installed there. She knew that she should probably delete it immediately, but curiosity got the better of her. She opened the app.
A chat room opened.
Unknown: Hi! Finally, someone to talk to, thank god…
Yu-hwa bit her lip and tugged at a strand of her dyed pink hair nervously. Unknown? Is this a chat-bot? These things seem to be popular lately.Tentatively, she typed her reply.
Yu-hwa: Hello
Unknown: Hi. Nice to meet you ^^ Yu-hwa… I’ve been waiting for you. Hope I didn’t surprise you. Don’t be nervous, I’m just an ‘ordinary’ person~
Yu-hwa felt her blood turn cold. The app must have accessed her personal data as her name and profile were displayed for Unknown to see. But what did he mean by he’d been waiting for her, and…
Yu-hwa: Why are you emphasizing the word ordinary…? It’s making me even more nervous
Unknown: You’re funny lol
Yu-hwa sighed and sipped her tea. Funny? Yeah, my whole life is a joke. She looked back at her phone. She knew that she should probably leave the chat before he asked her to send nudes or something, but she was a little curious too as she continued to read his message.
Unknown: But I can’t really say I’m extraordinary when I’m introducing myself. Shouldn’t I be humble and modest?
Yu-hwa couldn’t help but smile. She wasn’t the only comedian.
Unknown: In fact… I’m really excited. Cuz the first person to come in is you, Yu-hwa!
She cringed again at her name being used by this stranger she knew nothing about. He was being too familiar.
Unknown: I was so worried that no one would come in as I was making this app.
Yu-hwa’s eyes widened. So this guy is the apps creator? That explains some things I guess. She tapped at her phone.
Yu-hwa: What’s this app for?
Unknown: I was about to explain, but before that, can I ask a favour?
Yu-hwa inhaled. Have we finally arrived on Planet Perv? Her thumb hovered over the exit chat button.
Unknown: I know that it’s too much to ask from a stranger, but there’s something I really want you to help me with.
She chewed on her lower lip, moving her thumb and typing-
Yu-hwa: What is it?
She glanced at the application form in front of her. A few white lies might get her to the interview stage, but how far could her personality carry her? She rubbed her forehead as she felt the stress headache beginning to build, then glanced back at her phone.
Unknown: Well… This app isn’t just a messenger app, it’s a messenger game app. I wanted to ask if you could test it out for me. Game concept is chatting with pretty guys ^^
Yu-hwa: Why don’t you test it out yourself?
She didn’t have time for playing a game. She needed to find a job.
Unknown: It’s difficult to gain an objective view because I’m the creator. I want to know what others think of this!
He was persistent, but Yu-hwa knew she didn’t have the time. I just need to politely decline when I get the chance.
Unknown: The chats aren’t everything. There are also hidden stories… Amusing stories that will stir your imagination!
He’s really trying hard. She drank down the rest of her tea as she looked at the image of the characters he sent her. Cute, but not real. She rolled her eyes. I can’t keep a real boyfriend, I’m not going to spend my time chatting to artificial ones!
Yu-hwa: No thanks. Not my style.
She winced as she realised how harsh she might be coming across, but she was starting to get tired of the conversation.
Unknown: Just a little… Couldn’t you try it out for just a little? Decide whether it’s your style or not after trying it out.
She frowned. He seemed so desperate. She hoped that he wasn’t in a similar situation to her. Just imagining such a thing made her heart ache.
Yu-hwa: Fine. I’ll try it out.
Unknown: WOW! Thanks You’re a lifesaver… ^^
I hope you don’t mean that literally, she thought.
Unknown: I think it’ll be better to talk over the phone about the details.
The waitress took away Yu-hwa’s empty cup. “Anything else?”
“Um… no,” said Yu-hwa. Her purse was empty.
“It’s just… we have paying customers…”
“I get it,” Yu-hwa sighed. “I’m going.” She grabbed her belongings and rushed out of the café, red-faced. She glanced at her phone as she began to walk home.
Unknown: Don’t freak out when you see an unknown number and answer the phone plz ^^
The phone instantly started to ring. Yu-hwa inhaled deeply, her anxiety peaking. She closed her eyes and pressed answer
The voice on the line was soft, but she could hear the excitement in his tone.
“Hi, umm, how did you know my number?” Yu-hwa asked.
“It’s automatically collected when you log-on to the messenger,” replied Unknown. There was an awkward pause. “Oh ummm, don’t get me wrong. It’s only dialable within the messenger app.”
Yu-hwa sighed. It was a relief to know that all she had to do was delete the app and she would never hear from him again. But there was something about his gentle voice that she liked. She kept listening.
“As I mentioned in the chat room, I called to explain to you about this app.”
Yu-hwa rolled her eyes. The sales pitch.
Unknown explained the concept of the game, which was chatting to the characters he had created and becoming the party coordinator of a fundraising group called R.F.A.
“It’ll be much faster to understand by playing, instead of listening to all this,” he said eventually. “Oh, but the game hasn’t been released yet. To perform the tests, you have to come over here.”
Yu-hwa pressed her lips together tightly. Yes of course random stranger I’ve talked to for five minutes. I’ll trust you not to do who knows what to me. Of course I’ll come over, pop the kettle on!
“Just send me the file,” she said, trying to remain polite.
Unknown sighed. “Sorry,” he said. “It’s protected by a date leak prevention security system. Even if you download the file, it’s uninstallable. I need to directly install it to your smartphone. Please understand. And I also want to meet you in person before you play the game.”
Yu-hwa gripped her bag, feeling uncomfortable. He was insistent, so she knew that she had to be firm. “No, I’ll just pass.” She didn’t know why she felt so bad saying it. The guy was being weird, and he was a complete stranger. But she had also sensed a desperation in him, something that was all too familiar to her.
“Why?” Unknown whined. “Weren’t you interested? It’s an app just for you where you can chat with pretty guys. Others can’t play this. Only you can.”
Pretty guys? They’re more trouble than they’re worth, and I can do without!
“It’s not even real,” she said firmly. “I’m not going.”
“For real?” His voice was filled with sorrow and disbelief. “Then how about this? If you come here and test the game, someone real might be interested in you. For example, me.”
This is pathetic.
“I don’t need it. No thanks.”
“You don’t need me?�� He sounded broken. “Ha, haha… haha… Sad. I’m so sad…”
Yu-hwa felt her heart pounding. He was crying. Was he so desperate?
“I really believed you were going to make my dream come true… Believed you were the one I would go to paradise with…”
Yu-hwa reached her apartment and pulled out her key just as the landlord stuck his head out of his door. He’d clearly been waiting for her.
“Paradise?” she sighed.
“The place I was trying to take you to,” said Unknown, his voice soft but filled with sadness. “That place is paradise. Where there’s no pain or sadness, just endless happiness. I’m the angel that will lead you there. You’ve let go of my hand… but don’t worry. I don’t plan to let you go just yet.”
The landlord stood beside her, breathing down her neck.
“Rent’s due,” he said as she pushed the door open.
“I want to see what kind of face you’ll make when you’ve truly been saved. I want to see it with my own two eyes.”
The landlord snatched the phone out of Yu-hwa’s hand and hung up.
“Hey,” she gasped as he shoved it back at her.
“I said your rent’s due,” he snapped. “Actually, it was due last week, but I let you off because you’re cute. Now I want my money.”
Yu-hwa bit her lip, muted.
“Fuck, you don’t have it?” he asked, then smirked. “There are other ways of paying,” he said as he advanced on her. “It’s been a while since I got my cock wet.” He stepped back. “Think about it. You give me head, you get to keep a roof over yours.” He laughed as he left, slamming the door shut behind him.
Yu-hwa hurried and locked the door, collapsing on the floor in tears.
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iggytheperson · 6 years
34, Iori and Daisuke
[BrOTP ask meme]
34 -  “I think I’m dying.” “Tell me you’re being dramatic, please”
3,000 words
Iori really doesn’’t understand why Daisuke had all but demanded that they pair up, but he really wishes that he hadn’t.
Iori knows how to talk to Takeru. He knows how to talk to Miyako.
He doesn’t even have the first beginnings of an idea on how to talk to Daisuke.
He does know how to do maintenance on some broken buildings, and how to tell Digmon to aim a bit higher, so he tries his best to focus on those things instead of the awkwardness of not knowing how to make any kind of small talk.
Daisuke tries his best to do the opposite, and fails about as much as is humanly possible. Iori thinks that he might lose his mind if Daisuke asks him how he’s feeling one more time.
It’s painfully clear that Daisuke had a reason to pair up with him, and is struggling to articulate it. What that reason could be, he hasn’t the slightest clue. He instead tries his hardest to just focus on the task at hand.
The Flymon shows up from practically out of nowhere, and Iori is taken too off guard to move away from the oncoming attack. 
So it’s incredibly strange when he finds himself flying backwards onto the ground. And even stranger when the crash reveals that something is behind his back, and wrapping around him. There’s a massive weight on his chest and he looks down, only to get a face full of white fluff. He hears a straggled gasp of pain right next to his ear, and with that it clicks that Daisuke is holding onto him.
The world is still spinning as Daisuke gives a pained yell for their digimon’s help, and Iori struggles to put his brain back into gear. He needs to focus, now. What’s happening, where’s the enemy? What’s-
What’s sticking out of Daisuke’s back?
The world crashes down and narrows to that. The sound of Digmon’s “Are you ok?” is fuzzy white noise as he stares at a bloody stinger sticking out of Daisuke’s back. The sound of Daisuke’s shallow breathing sounds like thunder over the sound of the fight starting above them. 
“Daisuke…?” He squeaks, unable to manage anything other than that.
“Hey, hey…I’m ok, don’t freak out, I’m fine.” Daisuke says as he pushes himself up onto violently shaking arms. The position lasts for little over a second before he crashes on top of Iori again. His body goes into a spasm before stopping entirely. Iori almost screams before a gasp signals that Daisuke is not in fact dead.
“I…can’t move…my…body.” Daisuke rasps out through gritted teeth.
Paralysis. A Flymon’s stinger is coated in a poison that causes paralysis.
Iori’s mind goes into maximum panic mode, thinking of every most horrible outcome it possibly can as he slowly tries to get himself out from under Daisuke somehow without accidentally hurting him further. Every little what if. What if they can’t make it to anyone? Can the paralysis kill him? Could it put him into a coma? What can it do? What can Iori do? 
He knows nothing about first aid, he’s useless, what if Daisuke needs immediate medical attention and he dies because Iori didn’t know what to do? What if he lives but the damage is permanent? What if-
“Hey…Get that…scary look off your face. It…doesn’t suit you.” Daisuke tells him quietly. A horribly shakey hand makes it about a millimeter in Iori’s direction before losing movement again. 
With those flimsy words, Iori manages to calm himself. Ok. He can’t freak out right now. Daisuke needs him. He can’t mess up. Daisuke is counting on him. Everyone who needs Daisuke to come home safe is counting on him. He can’t mess this up.
Where does he…start? You…aren’t supposed to take the object out of the wound but…it’s poisonous, so that’s probably different, right? He should get it out so that there’s as little poison as possible. He needs a bandage…
“Daisuke! Iori!” calls Exveemon from above. Iori snap out of his train of thought and looks up to see…a lot more Flymon than before.
“It’s getting dangerous! You guys need to bolt!” Digmon yells, before disappearing from sight behind three Flymon. Iori doesn’t think about it. He hauls Daisuke up the best he can and starts moving. He makes it about five meters before Daisuke pukes. 
It’s not without a little bit of guilt that Iori’s first thought is “Gross.” His friend and leader is in grave danger, this isn’t the time to be worrying about stupid crap like being grossed out.
Though part of him really, really wishes that Daisuke had picked someone a bit bigger to pair up with today.
A buzzing sound that should’ve been getting quieter is suddenly very close and very clear. Iori looks up to see that a Flymon is swooping down directly at them. 
With no other option, he pulls Daisuke down onto the ground. They’re barely missed.
Cover, they need to get to cover. Now.
Iori’s eyes fall on the unstable, collapsing building they’ve been struggling with all day. It’s the only thing close enough. He doesn’t have a choice.
He gives Daisuke an apology as he starts dragging him across the ground towards the building. He doesn’t get an answer.
The Flymon comes down again, this time shaky and unstable from a newly melted wing. Thanks, Exveemon. With the added margin of error, Iori is able to get Daisuke onto the ground a bit less painfully. Though it might not even matter, as his leader isn’t responding anymore. The Flymon grazes past them by far too short a distance and falls onto the ground. It immediately starts trying to get up again and Iori does the same, scrambling to his feet and dragging Daisuke the rest of the way into the building.
The entire infrastructure shakes not two seconds after their entrance, just to make sure Iori knows that this isn’t a good idea and they’re not safe at all. He shoves his feeling of impending doom aside and turns his attention back to the injured party.
It’s inaudible, but holding a hand up to Daisuke’s mouth reveals that he is alive and breathing. Iori is immediately hit by a wave of relief.
Wait, no. No. Daisuke is still in danger. This isn’t the time to be feeling relieved. He has to get to work.
Iori moves over to Daisuke’s back, trying and mostly failing to fight back the nausea brought on by the blood staining into his jacket. Bandage…
In movies, Iori vaguely recalls seeing the heroes rip apart shirts or such to make bandages. A minute of desperate tugging at his shirt reveals that he’s not strong enough to pull that off, though. There’s…nothing he can use. What is he supposed to do now…? 
Daisuke’s jacket…appears to be absorbing at least something. Would that…work? Maybe, just for a little bit. Right. A little bit. He just needs to make this work for a little bit, yeah.
With this in mind, Iori gets to work. It takes him a few seconds to gather enough courage to grab onto the stinger, but once it’s in his hand, he pulls it out easily. Followed by the jacket, then the shirt. This last movement ends up being far more horrifying than it has any right to be. Oh god, why is his skin so cold? Someone wearing a giant jacket shouldn’t be…this cold. Iori feels another wave of painful nausea wash over him.
He manages to hold his cold, ragdoll leader up long enough to get the jacket tightly around his waist, and immediately runs into another wall of what in the name of god am I supposed to do?
…The others. He should call the others.
He has the d-terminal in his hands within a second and is already typing up the message by the next. They’re in danger. There’s a swarm of Flymon. Daisuke is paralyzed. To Ken, Takeru, Miyako, Hikari.
The message doesn’t send. He retries. It fails again. 
Again. And again. Iori feels like ripping his hair out with frustration as he continues trying and failing to send the distress call out.
“I…ori?” Daisuke whispers, so weak that the sound is practically drowned out by Iori’s typing. He makes an attempt to move, but barely manages any more than a twitch. Vomit rises up in his throat, but unable to cough it up, he starts choking on it. This finally gets Iori’s attention, and he gets down to Daisuke’s side again immediately. Daisuke is propped up, and finally manages to cough everything out with the minimal help of Iori hitting on his chest.
“Ah…haha. Sorry…” Daisuke mutters, giving Iori a painfully weak smile.
“I-it’s fine.” Iori says. His apprehension is more apparent than he’d like.
“Nah, not that…I mean. I dragged you out here…’cause I wanted to…be a good leader, and chat with you to be…better friends with you…or something.” Daisuke explains, before stopping to cough up more vomit. “And now I’ve got you…stuck taking care of me. Not exactly…the ‘good leader’ thing to do, huh?”
Iori isn’t quite sure how to answer that. Daisuke had wanted to…chat with him? He wanted to…hear more about Iori? That’s…actually kind of sweet, besides the fact that he’d been completely weird about it.
“Putting aside the fact that you’re a super awkward dork, I think sacrificing yourself to protect your teammate is a perfectly ‘good leader’ move on your part.” Iori eventually says.
“You…make it sound like I’m gonna kick the bucket or something…” Daisuke responds jokingly. Iori can’t really find the humor in any of this. Not knowing what else, he drops Daisuke onto his shoulder and goes back to trying to contact the others.
“Wait...heeeey, who’re you calling an awkward dork?” Daisuke whines softly, apparently only noticing the jab.
“The idiot leader who partnered up with me out of nowhere and tried to get closer to me by asking me about my day like, 13 times instead of just asking me to hang out with him like a normal human being.” Iori says.
“Nooo” Daisuke moans in despair. “My…*cough* reputation as a cool leader is ruined!”
“Nobody ever thought you were cool, dork.” Iori responds, trying to hold back his desire to giggle. Finally, the message sends. Thank god.
“You’re meeeeean.” Daisuke whines, and Iori can’t tell if he’s joking or if the poisoning is making him delirious.
“Alright, well, this meanie needs to go make sure our digimon aren’t dead, so I’m going to put you down, ok?” He says, not actually waiting for an answer and lying Daisuke on his side. Daisuke gives a weak protest to this, but Iori just ignores him and heads across the shaky floor to check outside.
Apparently, the injured Flymon had been waiting in anticipation for him, because it immediately tries to pounce on him the second he steps out the door. Iori lets out a scream as he jumps out of the way. The Flymon crashes into the doorway again, causing the whole frame of the house to shake in a way that makes Iori’s stomach churn. This was a horrible idea.
And now there’s a Flymon between him and Daisuke. God dammit.
Unable to come up with a better plan, he attempts to lure the giant thing after him away from the doorway. He accidentally ends up leading himself right into the heat of the fight. He can’t even see their partners anywhere, but he hears Exveemon’s voice cry out somewhere above him, and sees another Flymon crash into the ground before disintegrating into data.
He tries as hard as he can to not think about it as he darts into a narrow back alley, hoping to loop around back to Daisuke without any pursuers. 
He almost gets away with it, and makes the mistake of thinking that he really has when he sees the house come into view. But apparently, the Flymon caught wind of his little strategy, and climbed up onto the roof with the plan of falling down on him. Iori spots it gearing up to jump down in front of the entrance. Nope, not happening.
Iori breaks into a sprint and flings himself into the house. The thing jumps down, and turns around to screech at him, before rearing up and bashing into the house. A chunk of roof hits Iori in the head.
The Flymon starts wailing on the side of the house, and it becomes horrifyingly clear that the ceiling is about to collapse. There’s nothing to hide under, and Iori’s mind starts spinning as he tries to figure out what he’s supposed to do in this situation. He stares up at the ceiling. It’s…caving in closer to where the Flymon. Banking on this, he grabs Daisuke and drags him over to the opposite corner. Daisuke gives a weak sound of suprise, having apparently been too out of it to notice the commotion around him.
“Iori? What’s-” The roof caves in.
Iori feels like he’s gone deaf as he tries to figure out where up and down are. The thunder is gone in a second, replaced by darkness and dust and the sound of Daisuke coughing something up again. 
When the dust feels cleared enough for Iori to brave opening his eyes, he finds himself in a tiny, cramped little space with Daisuke drawn up in a ball next to him. The only bit of light comes from a tiny crack in the ceiling. He’s less worried about whether they’ll get out and more about how much Daisuke seems to be hyperventilating.
“Hey, hey calm down. We’re going to be fine. The others are coming right now. They’ll be here soon.” Iori assures him. Through the dust, something smells vaguely like metal.
“I…think…I’m dying.” Daisuke whispers shakily. Iori’s brain comes to a halt.
“…Tell me you’re being dramatic, please.” He says, as his stomach ties itself up into a knotted ball. He can’t breathe.
“That…wasn’t vomit I coughed up…just now.” Daisuke rasps. The metallic scent is suddenly a million times stronger and Iori thinks he might vomit himself.
Outside, he hears Miyako scream.
“They’re here. They’re here, you’re going to be ok. Y-you’ll be fine, ok? Relax, you’ll be fine.” Iori says, trying to comfort himself a bit more than Daisuke.
“Daisuke! Iori!” Ken screams. It’s screechy and frantic, but it’s the most soothing sound in the world at the moment.
“We’re over here!” Iori calls back. The protective bubble surrounding them shakes and caves in closer as Takeru and Ken can be heard above them, sounding breathless as they ask if the two of them are ok.
Iori says yes. Daisuke doesn’t answer.
They leave, and presumably Nefertimon and Pegasusmon start to pull away bits of rubble. Iori and Daisuke’s space gets increasingly smaller as everything loosens and starts sliding towards them. Daisuke’s breathing is nerve-wrackingly shallow, and Iori can’t get him to respond. In spite of himself, Iori starts crying.
Soon enough, the glowing holy binding drops down where Iori can see it and pulls a plank of wood away, illuminating the space significantly. Iori can finally see the sky again, but more importantly he can actually see Daisuke again. As well as the blood spit up over his shirt. He starts crying more.
After another piece is dragged away, Miyako’s face blocks out the sun to come check on them. She turns off to the side and pukes upon seeing Daisuke.
“…W-we’ll be in there soon! Don’t worry Iori, it’s going to be ok!” She assures afterwards. Iori’s not sure how he’s supposed to feel assured by someone who plainly doesn’t even believe herself.
It’s a long, painful wait as the rest of the hole is opened up. 
Eventually, the others surround the hole, and Iori lifts Daisuke up to them. Ken and Hikari carry him away as Takeru helps Iori out. He doesn’t get a second to stand on solid ground before his partner pulls him into a suffocatingly tight hug, which then turns into a group hug as Miyako flops onto them, sobbing.
“Hey. You did really great and I’m proud of you, but can you maybe never scare me like that again?” Takeru asks quietly.
“Yeah, ok.” Iori mutters back.
“…Alright then, good! You’re getting a piggyback ride and unlimited access to my snacks stash for the next 24 hours as a reward for being a little hero!” Takeru declares, picking Iori up before he has a chance to protest. Despite everything, Iori bursts into laughter. He hears a click and turns to see Miyako, now smiling, holding up a camera. He doesn’t bother telling her to delete it.
The next day, Iori is at the hospital, with a tub full of Takeru’s favorite chocolate mint ice cream that he’s constantly buying. Daisuke is about as overjoyed about the ice cream as he is about seeing Iori. It’s terrifying to watch him devour it.
Abruptly though, the feast stops, and Daisuke slowly turns his attention back to Iori with a nervous smile on his face.
“Hey I’m…sorry if I scared you.” He mutters. Hit by the sudden whiplash in mood, Iori takes a long time thinking of what he should say. Eventually, he comes up with something good.
“Well I…think there’s a way you could make it up to me.” Iori says with a laugh.
“Oh yeah?” Daisuke says, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Come hang out with me this weekend.” Iori tells him. Daisuke takes a second to process this before bursting into laughter.
“Oh my god that was so cheesy. I think you’re the dorky one, little dude.”
“Nope. Calling me ‘little dude’ just solidified your position.” Iori retorts.
“Oh come on! You let Takeru call you little man!” Daisuke whines indignantly.
“One, only sometimes, and two, Takeru is my best friend, you’re going to need to get some more friendship points for that, mega dork.” Iori claims jokingly.
“Well then I guess I’ll have to come to your house this weekend!” Daisuke says.
“Yup, you sure will.” Iori, trying and failing to hold back a smile.
They push fun at each other for a few more minutes before Iori has to leave, and he goes home thinking about just how much he’s looking forward to hanging out with Daisuke this weekend.
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theres-no-paradise · 7 years
Sorry not Sorry
Chapter 7
Summary: A random number wakes you up early on a Saturday morning. But it doesn't stop there. The stranger keeps on sending messages, and you have no idea what is happening, when you start to develop feelings for the unknown person.
Pairings: Tom Holland  x Reader [submit your name: How it works]
Y/N your Name
Y/F  your friends name
Word Count:  1726
Chapter 8 
Warnings: There will be swearing for sure, lots of sarcasm
A/N: And here we have Chapter 7! Sorry for the delay though, I needed to change some things and wasn't happy with the outcome yesterday. I hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think :)
You both sat in silence for a moment, trying to understand what the words exactly meant which you just said a few minutes ago. ‘He is here’, you repeated these three words in your mind over and over like a mantra, searching through the crowds of people for a face that seemed to be familiar but you knew, that wouldn't happen. You had no idea who Tom was, what his face looked like, nor what colour his hair had. You didn't know anything and it turned you mad as you were looking at each person in the room. While you searched for him, Y/F wanted to know more about it.
“Are you serious? Where? How? Why?”, were the words she threw at you, nearly as hysterical as you felt.
“I don’t know! He texted me that he’s in his favourite Pub which apparently is this one!”, you answered a little fierce, your eyes glaring through the pub in hope to recognize him somehow.  
“Oh God. But how do we know who he is?”, Y/F asked the question, you've been trying to answer to yourself for the past few minutes. Maybe a huge blinking light would appear over his head or he’d just stare back at you and you’d know automatically that it was him. You know, just as in all this Soulmate Stories. But honestly, none of that would happen. You didn't know how he looked and he had no idea who you were. So how were you supposed to find out, who of these dozens of men was Tom.
“His friend’s at the restroom … so maybe-”, you remembered from his Text and Y/F continued: “If we see who comes out we can actually check where he’s going!”
It was a good idea, but you started to feel bad about this whole thing. You weren't ready yet to meet the guy you texted with for the past weeks. Not even a bit.
“Urgh, I feel sick. Can we leave?”
“No way! I actually wanna see the guy who’s been stealing your time for so long”, your best friend insisted and gave you a serious look.
“But Y/F … I don't think it's a good idea to stay. This is so … unplanned”, you tried to convince her but she shrugged it off. “And that's the best way to get to know each other. Oh look! Cute guy alert coming from the restroom. You think this is the friend? What's his name again? Haz?”, the name dropped a little too loud and the guy with the light hair and bright blue eyes turned around, catching a glimpse of the girl that was none other than Y/F. Your face was as red as a tomato and you slapped Y/Fs arm lightly. “Stop it!!”, you whisper shouted.
Your phone buzzed and caught your attention again. “I can't read it, I’m too anxious. You do it; I really can't because I might throw up”, you said, shoving the device in your best friends direction, so she could take it.
Then Y/F read the message, only loud enough for you to hear.
Not Tom Hardy :(: Cat got your tongue? Where you at? Home?
Y/F waited for your reaction but there was none. You sat there, silent and looking quickly at your hands that were holding the glass of beer in front of you. Then, as you sat there, your face started to change colours from deep red to white as your gaze got stuck on the guy who reacted to the name ‘Haz’. He just sat down on the bench in the far back corner of the Pub, another guy sitting opposite of him, typing something into his phone while the blue-eyed friend said something. He turned in his seat and looked around until he found your table, saying something to his friend, that still stared at his mobile. You gulped as realization started to hit slowly.
Not Tom Hardy :(: Haz is back. I’ll text you later since you seem to be busy.
As Y/F read the second text, she caught your stare and followed suit but what you didn’t expect was for the guy to look up from his phone and stare back at you immediately. Y/F’s eyes widened as she looked over to the table and then she said something, that made you feel even more nauseous: “Hey, isn't that actually the new Spiderman guy?”
“I think I have to vomit.”
You stood up and walked quickly to the restrooms. Closing the door behind you, you breathed in and out. It couldn't be. He couldn't be the guy you've been texting for the past month, right? This was not the Tom, was it? Tom Holland? Really?
No, you were overreacting once again and your brain was making up things. You were so stressed out, that you even forgot your phone on the table. How silly.
After refreshing yourself with some water, you walked back to your table where Y/F waiting for you with a confused look on her face. As you were about to sit down, a voice from behind startled you. “Can we talk?” Y/F mouth dropped and her eyes went wide and so did yours, once you turned your face to see to whom the voice that spoke, belonged to.
Since you couldn't get a word out, you just nodded and followed the guy, that you recognized from earlier, outside.
Awkward silence.
“I always imagined to meet you under different circumstances but here we are I guess …”, he said after a few minutes of standing next to you. You didn't know what to answer and you definitely didn't know how to react. Stare at him or the streetlamp that was surrounded by a dozen of moths and other insects, that were drawn to the light? Maybe just observe the people that were walking by? Oh and this advert on the wall looked suddenly very interesting. At some point the silence made you feel very awkward and you saw Tom looking at you, waiting for a return probably.
“I … You … Uh … So- you really are Tom Holland, huh? Who would've guessed …?”, you stuttered and moved around awkwardly. Moments like this made you very nervous, so you had to shift a little around with your feet. “Are you surprised?” “Surprised? Tom, I am shocked. I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack because I feel so … so …” “Exposed?”, he finished your sentence as you were at a loss for words.
“Yeah that's how I kinda feel, too”, he admitted, still looking at you.  
“This is so weird”
“I know right. But hey, at least I know you’re real! And I gotta be honest, you don't look like you're 25”, he laughed. It seemed that the whole situation was a lot easier for him than you. Maybe joking around made him less nervous, who knew.
“Yeah and you look like you're still in High School”, you countered, earning a loud and heartily laugh from the boy next to you.  
“Hey, that hurts! But I guess it is really you since you haven't lost your humour”, smiling, he nudged you a little.   “I'm still freaked out about this situation though.”
“No need to be. We can just pretend that we’ve known each other for a while.”he came forward with the proposal, but you only laughed nervously.
“Good Joke. You do realize that I'm still about to lose my shit since I'm talking to fucking Spider Man, right?”
“Then just talk to Tom”, was his simple answer.
You stared at him once again, taking everything in you could. His hair, eyes, nose and lips. The shape of his jaw, height and overall stature. You had to admit, he was even cuter in real life than all the movies you've seen him in before. And he seemed to be definitely the nice guy you got to know while texting. Would you give it a shot and keep the conversation going or would you leave him be since he was out of your league?   It was Tom Holland after all.
After what felt like a hundred years, Tom’s voice sounded once again: “Wanna go back inside? Its getting a little crowded.” “Yeah, I think I’ll head home anyway. This was a lot to take in tonight”, you admitted and followed Tom back inside with a sunken head. You felt horrible, self - conscious and absolutely not in the mood for more surprises. Tom nodded and headed straight back to the booth were his friend, Haz, was waiting for him. You sat down at the table you’ve occupied earlier together with Y/F. “So? What did you guys talk about?”, she asked curiously. The shock she seemed to have earlier was obviously gone but your heart still beating at a fast rate. “Nothing really. I’m still to overwhelmed right now”, you admitted and finished off your drink. “Do you think, we should join their table?”, your best friend asked, her eyes shiny as brilliants. “I’d rather not.”
“I just don't want to bother him any longer tonight and I also feel sick”
“I bet you aren't bothering him”
You didn't say anything for a few more minutes which made Y/F fretful, as she twitched around in her seat, waiting for a reaction on your side. “I'm going home” “Oh cmon, I thought we were going out, clubbing and getting wasted? It's been so long” “No, really, I need some time for myself now. I’m really sorry”, and with that you left a twenty Pound bill on the table and left the Pub without looking one last time to the back. You felt them, though. The stares. The brown eyes that belonged to Tom were watching every move you made, as you walked out of the building.
Not Tom Hardy :(: I hope we don't stop talking
You: Did I ever stop answering you?
Not Tom Hardy :(: Gladly you didn't
You: Does that answer your question?
Not Tom Hardy :(: :)
As you read the last message, you figured it was time to change Tom’s Contact Name. You deleted ‘Not Tom Hardy :(‘ and smiled as the new name appeared on the screen of the chat after changing it.
The Spiderman
TAGLIST: I hope everyone’s appearing here. If your link doesn’t work, let me know and I do my best to keep this updated :)  @hollandorks  @beardedsteveslut @ilivefortomholland @casualprincess77 @agirlwithpointlessideas @isabellamozarella03 @MENDES-HOLLAND @thiswildfire @wastedheartnat @hollandbaby @moonofmy-life @smileylaurens @random-fandom-lady @heartoftheadventure @blackazkaban @augurydemon @homecomjng @punkass-potato @unfoldingdaydreams @thefriendlyneighborhoodspidey
92 notes · View notes
keotastic · 7 years
sunday morning
hyuken // 5764w
But that night, as Sanghyuk tossed and turned in his bed, heart racing weirdly -- it wasn’t how well Jaehwan had sung his song request that Sanghyuk was thinking about -- it was the continuous echoing of the same three words in his mind.
‘Han Sanghyuk’, in crappy, crackly sound quality; in Jaehwan’s sweet, pretty voice.
[hsh0705]: keken_0406 just started a live video. Watch it before it ends!
 He’d been waiting for this. Sanghyuk lights up, agile fingers quick to respond as he taps on the notification, immediately directing him to user keken_0406’s livestream. First viewer, as usual. Yes. Sanghyuk smiles as he’s greeted with this familiar screen -- a small room with a dim yellow lighting, a filled bookshelf behind fitting for a cosy backdrop; and in a chair sits the boy named Jaehwan, or so his Instagram biography claims. Sanghyuk thinks it’s such a pretty name. There’s that ever-bright smile on Jaehwan’ face, and a simple guitar slung over his shoulder.
‘Hello!’ Jaehwan starts, eyes curving into little pretty crescents, as a few more viewers slowly stream in. Sanghyuk types out a short ‘hi!’ in the comments, and after some thought, adds a ‘first again!’.
‘Hi,’ Jaehwan chuckles -- it must’ve been his reaction to Sanghyuk’s comment -- the sound of it so pretty, Sanghyuk almost melts in his own chair.
‘Tonight we have… woah! Eighteen viewers!’ Jaehwan exclaims, a genuine, excited lift to his voice. Sanghyuk breaks into a wide smile behind his phone screen.
‘An improvement of three from the last stream, not bad! Hello, fans! And welcome to my very own KeNight!’ Jaehwan waves happily, excitedly, before finally placing pretty fingers over familiar chords, soft strumming noises filling the small room. The sound quality through the livestream isn’t that good, slightly choppy, due to lack of better recording devices, but it’s good. It’s all good.
‘For our new viewers here, I hold my own livestreams biweekly, on every Saturday and Sunday night! Here I’ll just be singing for you guys, either my own favourite songs or your song requests!’ Jaehwan smiles brightly, and Sanghyuk finds himself doing the same.
‘Now let’s have some song requests in, shall we?’
 ♪ ♫ ♬
 [hsh0705]: maroon 5’s sunday morning please?
Sanghyuk’s still clearly remembers his very first attempt at this -- sending in a song request. Despite there being only about ten viewers at that time, his comment had been, sadly, quickly bumped up by a few others. Dejection grew in Sanghyuk’s chest as he watched Jaehwan squint slightly at the screen, reading through the few comments.
‘Ah. This song, one of my favourites!’
Sanghyuk sighed. It surely wasn’t his request, the other commenters were really quick to add their own ones.
‘I think I saw someone comment ‘Sunday morning’ just now, right?’
Oh. Sanghyuk’s heart had skipped a beat, clammy fingers reaching out to quickly type in a response.
[hsh0705]: it was me!
‘Oh? I’ve never seen this username before! Is this your first time streaming?’ A soft smile played on Jaehwan’s full, pretty lips as he started strumming, the tune familiar -- opening chords to ‘Sunday morning’.
[hsh0705]: yeah! just discovered your account a few days ago
Sanghyuk typed, stomach feeling a little fluttery. He thought it was crazy, how Jaehwan knew his viewers and followers so well.
Jaehwan simply smiled, and continued strumming lightly. ‘Nice! Before I begin, may I know your name?’
Sanghyuk had been caught by surprise, not knowing if Jaehwan was being serious, if this was a regular thing in his livestreams, heart racing and thoughts fuzzy. It was his first time streaming after all. The sudden amount of recognition from someone he admired so much, was a little overwhelming.
‘In case you didn’t know,’ Jaehwan kindly explained, as if he’d read Sanghyuk’s mind. ‘Since I only have a few viewers on here I thought it’d be nice to address you guys by your names! Makes things a little more personal and comfortable doesn’t it? But of course it’s okay if you do not wish to--‘
[hsh0705]: han sanghyuk :)
‘Okay,’ Jaehwan giggled softly, probably at how quick Sanghyuk was to give his name.
‘Now, I shall begin. This is dedicated to Han Sanghyuk’
Jaehwan sung and played perfectly.
But that night, as Sanghyuk tossed and turned in his bed, heart racing weirdly -- it wasn’t how well Jaehwan had sung his song request that Sanghyuk was thinking about -- it was the continuous echoing of the same three words in his mind.
‘Han Sanghyuk’, in crappy, crackly sound quality; in Jaehwan’s sweet, pretty voice.
 ♪ ♫ ♬
 ‘Oh?’ Sanghyuk scrolls back up to that one post which caught his attention. It’s a post by Jaehwan, a picture of what seems to be a chocolate-flavoured drink, placed on a small rounded table -- captioned with a short “iced mocha at my favourite place!”.
Anyone who’s visited that café will immediately recognise that unique, highly aesthetic packaging -- and realisation quickly dawns on Sanghyuk that it is in fact, that little indie café right opposite his dormitory. He’s visited that place maybe once or twice, that’s about it. Sanghyuk isn’t that much of a café-person. But the sudden thought of a shared experience, connection, with Jaehwan, spreads a wave of tingly sensations all over Sanghyuk’s skin.
He clicks on Jaehwan’s username. Jaehwan’s got about twenty more followers now, since a month ago when Sanghyuk had first visited his profile, fell in love, and followed immediately. His biography still reads the same thing: Lee Jaehwan. Jyani. Self-taught guitarist. Self-acclaimed singer. A smile tugs at the corners of Sanghyuk’s lips, before his thumb slips and accidentally taps on the dropdown settings menu for Jaehwan’s profile and--
Sanghyuk stills as his gaze falls on the option, ‘Send a message’ -- it’d never occurred to him that direct messages were always open, free to use. Sanghyuk’s heart thuds in his chest as he taps on the option, directing him to an empty chatroom for the both of them.
Would it be weird to do so, since they are, after all, mere strangers? It’s okay, Jaehwan isn’t obliged to reply anyways, Sanghyuk reasons out -- if Jaehwan didn’t respond, no big deal, Sanghyuk would be perfectly cool with it. And if he did respond, if he actually did -- Sanghyuk bites his lip, not wanting to keep his hopes up too high. Anyway, after all, it is better to have tried and failed, than never to have tried at all, right?
Sanghyuk types out a short “hi!”
His finger hovers over the send button, and Sanghyuk clenches his eyes tightly shut as he finally presses send, before quickly exiting the chat and placing his phone face down on his lap. That was wild, Sanghyuk exhales. The screen of his phone burns hot against his thigh. God, how stupid, stupid stupid, Sanghyuk thinks. It isn’t even like he’s texting a crush, or anything of that sort, why’s he acting all--
His thoughts are smoothly interrupted by his phone, vibrating and sounding shortly with a notification. Sanghyuk nearly jumps out of his seat -- it’s a wonder he’d managed to save his flying phone, clammy fingers, sweaty palms and all. Sanghyuk swallows nervously, and cracks an eye open to look at his notifications.
[hsh0705]: keken_0406: hey!
[hsh0705]: keken_0406: you’re sanghyuk, right? han sanghyuk, if my memory hasn’t failed me?
Oh God. Sanghyuk rubs his eyes a little, before opening them again, almost comically wide. This is not a drill. Sanghyuk lets out an excited little cry, and quickly taps on the notification, entering once again into their chat.
yeah! nailed it!
it’s seriously amazing how you even remember such little details…
nah, it’s easy since i have few listeners, you know?
kinda sad, but it’s also really nice because i can get closer to my followers :)
and don’t worry, with your amazing talent i’m sure you’ll grow bigger in no time ^^
aww, thank you!
Sanghyuk releases the deep breath he’d been holding this entire time, unknowingly. The fact that this conversation is even happening, doesn’t even feel real. Sanghyuk pinches his arm once again just to confirm, and -- yes. This is real life.
it’s really hard to put into words how thankful i am to have discovered your account…
but like, i really really like you?
as in i really admire you!
in case you might’ve gotten the wrong idea.. oops
but i mean i always listen to your singing videos and they make me really happy! and i listen to your streams at night while doing schoolwork and i must say your voice really motivates me to press on! i’m not sure how, but.. yeah :)
Stupid, stupid, Sanghyuk swears under his breath. Jaehwan must be pretty freaked out right now. Darn it.
wahh i don’t even know how to respond to this i’m so so flattered!
i started out here to bless others with my voice, and to know it actually is happening is so heartwarming
you have no idea how much this means to me! you’re probably the first listener so far that’s sent me such nice messages ;;
Sanghyuk reads all of this with his bottom lip worried between his teeth, he can feel his cheeks growing hotter with each sentence, chest swelling with indescribable joy.
thank you very very much
don’t have to thank me, i’m just stating facts ahh
knowing you’re happy makes me happy too ;;
Wait, that sounded a little weird. Sanghyuk feels the deep flush spreading down to his neck, and he recalls what led him to clicking on Jaehwan’s account again. Thank goodness, something to change the topic.
oh right before i forget!!
the picture you just posted… your favourite place.. i know that café!
by any chance, do you live around in this neighbourhood too?
oh you recognised it? nice! do you like that place too?
and yes, i live just around there!
ehh, sorry i’m not that big of a fan of cafés, i only know that place because i study in the nearby university! our dormitories are just right opposite
woahh i can’t believe you live so close by, we live in a small world indeed!
holy shit i graduated from there last year… glad i’m out of it
that’s cool! first year, second year?
wait… isn’t this your exam period then?
…yeah, actually
hey! then you better stop chatting now! go study and get those stellar grades!
my aim is to better others’ lives, not hinder or be a distraction :’)
Distraction. Jaehwan could not have used a better word.
you sound exactly like my mom, lol
yes i’ll get off instagram soon but just before i go!
yes dear?
i’m just curious, have you any plans to hold some sort of mini fanmeet or anything else along those lines?
i’ve never actually thought of that…
but that’s an interesting idea, i’ll definitely consider!
 ♪ ♫ ♬
 A few hell weeks later and those darned exams are finally over. Thank goodness.
But Sanghyuk’s not checked Instagram in a long time. Jaehwan couldn’t have announced a fanmeet right after their chat and was already done with it, could he? Shit, he hadn’t considered that. Sanghyuk hastily re-installs the app that he’d deleted right before the exams (to clear all distractions, specifically Jaehwan), and the first thing he does is to search up Jaehwan’s profile, breath held.
Sanghyuk’s heart races as he looks through the posts that he’d missed -- it’s mainly singing videos, as usual; and the most recent post, a day ago -- it’s a picture in that same café, a selfie this time, captioned with:
“Announcement! After some consideration, I’ve decided to hold a mini fanmeet! Nothing official, just maybe a chat at this cosy café, and maybe I’ll be singing a few songs for you at the open park nearby! So this Saturday, if you’re free, do make your way here and I’ll be waiting at 2pm! Details on the address is down below ^^ Excited~~”
Sanghyuk double checks the time of post, and -- yes. It was posted a day ago. That means Saturday will be in… three days. Holy shit. There’s bright smile on Sanghyuk’s face as he opens up their chat.
hey i’m back from exams :D
and i came back to news of your fanmeet ahh i’m so excited!!
the idea was all thanks to you :))
and yes i’m excited too!
glad you’re back, how were your exams?
they went okay, i guess
had to delete instagram for a bit because otherwise i’d be way too distracted lol
distractions, do you mean me? ;)
Jaehwan probably thinks Sanghyuk’s just playing along with him, right? After some thought, Sanghyuk sighs and types in a few more words.
just kidding, haha
Not really.
ahh, and that also explains why i didn’t see my usual ‘first viewer’ in the last few streams
holy shit
i mean, woah
you didn’t forget about me
you thought i would’ve forgotten about you??
you’re so cute
of course i won’t
that’s a relief ^^
i was scared because i thought i would be too late
as in, that your fanmeet would’ve already been over by the time i got back on ;;
thank goodness you just announced it
ah yes
i took into account that you were having exams too, sanghyuk
that’s why i pushed the date a few weeks back
‘I love you so much,’ Sanghyuk types out in what Jaehwan probably will perceive as a playful tone -- but fully meaning it. Taking in a deep breath, Sanghyuk pauses, finger hovering over the backspace button, before deleting the sentence in a flurry.
what can i say
you’re an angel
see you in three days, then?
Sanghyuk spends the rest of the night in bed, re-reading their conversation over and over, a dreamy smile fixed on his face. He’s on a slippery slope down, from here.
 ♪ ♫ ♬
 Sanghyuk blinks sleepily, having just woken up -- and immediately (clumsily) reaches out for his phone, switching it on. It’s already eleven a.m, goodness, it’s been a while since he’d slept in so late -- Sanghyuk should’ve probably gone to bed earlier instead of staying up feeling all jittery for The Day.  Smiling, Sanghyuk opens up Instagram -- the first post on his feed is from Jaehwan, a mirror selfie. He’s wearing a baby pink-coloured oversized shirt, with a little red heart towards the left of his chest, tucked into a pair of tight-fitting black jeans. Really cute.
“A few hours more to our mini fanmeet~ >
Great. Gathering up all of the newfound energy he’d just gotten from Jaehwan’s update, Sanghyuk leaps out of bed -- haphazardly arranging the sheets before heading to the bathroom to wash up.
Now, the toughest part. Sanghyuk throws open the doors of his closet, in an almost majestic way, as if that’s going to change anything -- only to be greeted with a poor and almost pathetic variety of clothing choices. Sanghyuk sighs, it isn’t something unexpected. Never cared much about outfits or his appearance at all.
Not today, though.
After a good fifteen minutes of contemplation (the longest time Sanghyuk’s ever spent in front of his closet -- most of the time he just grabs the first thing his fingers meet and that’s that), Sanghyuk ends up with a plain button-up white top, with a pair of black pants similar to Jaehwan’s. Sighing, Sanghyuk grabs the pot of hair gel on his table, before positioning himself before the full-length wall mirror (rarely used). Cautiously, Sanghyuk dips the tips of his fingers into the barely-used gel and scoops some out, then carefully runs them through his hair, slicks his fringe up so as to look that much more presentable.
Done. Not bad at all. Now, just for some minor touch-ups -- Sanghyuk unbuttons the top button of his dress shirt, pauses, decides that two would look better, then unbuttons the second one as well. The look is finally completed when Sanghyuk rolls his sleeves up slightly, forearms exposed.
‘Looking good,’ Sanghyuk breathes as he examines his reflection -- his heart pounds loudly in his chest. He thinks to Jaehwan, and all he manages is a weak smile.
 ♪ ♫ ♬
 When Sanghyuk steps into the café, it definitely doesn’t look like how Sanghyuk pictured it out to be -- instead of it bustling with customers, there’s only a minimal scattering of people around the shop. Sanghyuk quickly looks at his phone to check the time again -- nope, didn’t miss the timing. Slightly bewildered, Sanghyuk briefly glances over the customers in the café at the moment -- and there, Sanghyuk finally sees someone sporting a similar outfit to what Jaehwan had posted earlier, at the corner of the café, a guitar bag beside him and all. It must be Jaehwan -- Sanghyuk bites his lip and brushes his sweaty palms against his pants before taking slow, nervous steps towards the table.
Sanghyuk had imagined their first encounter to be slightly cooler. Definitely not starting off with a damn stutter.
The boy turns around, their gazes meeting and -- it is Jaehwan, and God, he is so pretty. Looking a lot better than how those low-quality pictures make him out to be. Sanghyuk stuns for a while, lost somewhere in those large, shiny orbs and the gorgeous long line of his nose, those full lips that look pinker and smoother in person and his soft looking cheeks that Sanghyuk so badly wants to pinch. He doesn’t realise that Jaehwan’s stood up, large eyes now in the shape of pretty crescents, hand extended.
‘Yes, hello! And who might you--‘
‘Sanghyuk! First viewer,’ Sanghyuk laughs weakly, and makes sure to wipe his palms off again before shyly accepting the handshake. Jaehwan’s hand is soft and small, just like himself.
‘Ah, you’re Sanghyuk!’ Jaehwan smiles so wide, voice lifted and he sounds genuinely excited. ‘You’re a first year student? No way! You’re so tall,’ Jaehwan says, a little too animatedly. Adorable. ‘And you look, woah.’ Jaehwan slowly scans Sanghyuk up and down, and Sanghyuk could just as well melt into the ground, now, his cheeks most probably a flaming red. ‘Very mature,’ Jaehwan concludes, smiling. ‘In a good way, of course.’
‘Ahh, thank you! You look really good too,’ Sanghyuk says, voice coming out a little higher than usual. Jaehwan’s shy smile and the faint rosy blush on his cheeks at the compliment are too much for Sanghyuk, who takes his eyes off Jaehwan’s pretty face to look at his hair instead.
‘Also, your pictures are deceptive, you’re a lot shorter than what I imagined you to be,’ Sanghyuk jokes, and the shy smile is off Jaehwan’s face, now a playful pout playing on his lips instead. Much better.
‘Hey,’ Jaehwan lightly punches at a grinning Sanghyuk’s shoulder, and the fact that he’s standing a few inches shorter than Sanghyuk makes the situation seem even more amusing. Very threatening. Sanghyuk chuckles, and Jaehwan stands up straight, pushing his shoulders out and his chest forward. The crown of his head is still visible to Sanghyuk, the action doing barely anything to boost Jaehwan’s height.
‘You’re just… you’re just too tall, okay. I’m tall! I’m tall, but.. you’re taller.’ Jaehwan giggles and sits back down. ‘You remind me of a big bear.’
‘Bear?’ Sanghyuk sits down in an empty seat opposite Jaehwan, smiling. ‘Interesting, no one’s told me that before.’
‘That’s strange, the resemblance is like, a hundred percent.’
‘Yeah? Sure, if you say so…’ Sanghyuk meets Jaehwan’s soft gaze again, and it awakens the tiny butterflies in his tummy once again. Time to change the topic. ‘Have you been waiting a long time?’
‘About thirty minutes before you came,’ Jaehwan grins. ‘You really live up to your ‘first’ title, Sanghyuk. First viewer, now firstcomer again.’
‘I like you that much,’ Sanghyuk says, serious -- it’s at this that he notices Jaehwan has got really cute, pointed ears, because they perk up just the slightest bit at that comment. Gosh. ‘Basically I’m your biggest, loyal-est fan!’ Sanghyuk adds in, and smiles weakly. Jaehwan laughs at this, the sound soft and breathy and all Sanghyuk’s ever wanted to hear.
‘Wow. What did I ever do to deserve such an amazing fan like you, Sanghyuk,’ Jaehwan grins, and playfully reaches forward to ruffle a currently schoolboy-flushed and absolutely bewildered Sanghyuk’s hair.
‘Anyway, I’m not sure if we’re expecting any more fans to come,’ Jaehwan pauses, and Sanghyuk catches the way Jaehwan’s soft mouth twists sadly, for just split second -- Sanghyuk so badly wants to kiss that disappointment away -- and then a smile is back on Jaehwan’s face. ‘I probably didn’t take into account that this place may be out of the way for some of my other listeners, huh?’
Jaehwan looks down, casts his hurt gaze onto his half consumed drink, avoiding Sanghyuk’s eyes. Sanghyuk so badly wants to reach forward, to pet Jaehwan’s hair, his shoulders, and tell him that it’s okay, that everything is going to be alright. His fingers curl into the material of his dress shirt instead, unmoving.
‘Right!’ Jaehwan looks up, a pretty twinkle back in his eyes, any hint of prior emotion now gone -- and Sanghyuk’s heart aches just the slightest bit. ‘How rude of me, not to wait for you to get some food first!
‘Nah, it’s fine! Truthfully, I wouldn’t mind just chatting like this… I’m not sure if I’ll like the stuff here, I’m rather picky with food and drinks.’
‘Are you serious? No way! I’ll convert you today,’ Jaehwan gets out of his seat with an adorable look of determination in his eyes. ‘Now come with me,’ and Jaehwan doesn’t give Sanghyuk much of a choice either, just grabs at Sanghyuk’s hand, urging him out of his seat, excitedly dragging the both of them to the counter.
‘So. Look at this wonderful array of choices,’ Jaehwan gestures towards the menu, neat lines written in pastel chalks on a blackboard, and Sanghyuk’s got to admit the variety of choices is pretty awesome. ‘Swayed yet?’ Jaehwan looks up excitedly at Sanghyuk, and it takes all of him not to smile, but keep a straight face instead, which has Jaehwan sulking.
‘Regardless, you’re getting something from here today! What kind of drinks do you like, Sanghyuk?’
‘Um… Tea?’
‘Tea? Gosh, you’re really old-fashioned for someone who looks as edgy as you,’ Jaehwan sighs, shaking his head, fluffy hair swaying gently about. ‘Hmm, what kind of tea? Green tea?’
‘Yeah, that’s nice.’
‘Then I have just the thing for you!’ Jaehwan chirps, and Sanghyuk’s starting to wonder if Jaehwan’s getting sponsored by this café to promote their food or something. Sanghyuk looks at Jaehwan as he walks up to the counter and happily orders ‘one cup of hot matcha latte, please.’ Jaehwan fishes out his wallet and pays for the drink with a few loose, crumpled bills, and passes the drink over to Sanghyuk when done.
‘Here! Looks great, doesn’t it?’ Jaehwan smiles warmly, stuffing his wallet back into his jeans pocket. ‘Tastes even better, I assure you. It’s one of this café’s specialities, very highly raved about!’
‘Thank you,’ Sanghyuk accepts the cup gratefully, the drink warming his hand immediately. The drink is complete with a little heart on top, some kind of simple latte art, Sanghyuk supposes, but very pretty. ‘Hold on, let’s get back to the table so I can pay you back.’
‘Don’t,’ Jaehwan says, ‘It’s a gift of appreciation,’ Jaehwan explains and laughs softly.
Sanghyuk tries to convince Jaehwan otherwise, feeling really bad as it is their first meeting after all -- but Sanghyuk quickly learns that when Jaehwan insists, he gets his way. No buts, no point arguing back. In the end Sanghyuk relents, and promises to treat Jaehwan back some other time -- and Jaehwan nods sure, pretty pink on his cheeks.
The matcha latte tastes amazing, and Jaehwan laughs in the kind of ‘See, I told you’ way, happy at Sanghyuk’s amusing (eyes wide, jaw dropped) reaction. The hot drink warms Sanghyuk’s insides so nicely, comforting in this chilly weather -- but different from the way Jaehwan does to Sanghyuk. The unstoppable bouts of warm mushy feelings in Sanghyuk’s chest each time Jaehwan smiles or does simply anything at all -- Sanghyuk thinks that might just be love.
They finish their drinks soon enough, exchanging shy smiles and gazes.
‘I doubt we’re expecting any more people,’ Jaehwan gets out of his seat, and slings his guitar bag over his shoulder. ‘Let’s go out to the park? I know a nice place where I can sing a few songs, just for you,’ Jaehwan looks up at Sanghyuk with such a kind look in those large eyes, (and honestly, how is it possible for Sanghyuk not to sway?) ‘--and then we can call it a day.’
 ♪ ♫ ♬
 Sanghyuk does keep his promise of making it up to Jaehwan by treating him back -- they meet again, the next week, and the next, and then the following one. Sanghyuk finds himself opening up a lot more to Jaehwan, understanding and empathetic Jaehwan who always listens, always speaks out of such a sincere and pure heart. They’ve both gotten to know each other so much better, gradually revealed little precious bits of themselves to each other, and -- at moments like this, it’s just hard to believe that there ever was a time where their relationship was simply a small struggling singer and his supportive fan, no less, no more.
Sanghyuk finds himself falling deeper, deeper into an endless pit of fluttery feelings for a soft boy with an unending love for others and completely deserving of all of that love back, oh, if not more.
 ♪ ♫ ♬
so, we meeting at the café tomorrow as usual? ^^
sorry, not this week!
i’m meeting someone really important, to discuss some stuff
actually, i’ll be pretty busy starting now so i’m not sure if we’ll have time to meet as often anymore ;;
ahh, is that so :(
yeah, i’m afraid
but don’t worry!
i’m going to be experimenting with something a little new for you fans :D
since, sanghyuk, you’ve been such a precious fan to me, i’ll let you in on some secret information ;)
i’ve wanted to try this out for a long time, and i’ve finally settled on it!
i’ll be doing a collaboration with one other small Instagrammer who makes music
now that’ll be too much info heheh
wait for it on my next livestream!
this saturday night
please anticipate it!!
i’m really excited for this ahh
really hope you guys will like it, it’ll mean so much to me :))))
of course!
i’ll definitely be anticipating this weekends’ livestreams then ^^
Sanghyuk exits the chat, feeling happy, of course, because Jaehwan’s happy; but yet there’s a strange, sad feeling, stubbornly settling in the confines of his chest. His gaze falls on the smiling teddy bear on his drawer -- a precious gift he’d contemplated over and over about, had struggled so much over how and when to give it -- and he’d meant to finally pass it to Jaehwan the next day. It’ll have to wait, then. Sanghyuk sighs and curls up in his bed, holds the soft bear close to his breast -- willing for the dull, unexplainable ache, to go away.
 ♪ ♫ ♬
Sanghyuk smiles at his screen as Jaehwan waves to the camera. He’s looking extra soft tonight, brown hair set in soft pretty curls across his forehead, and he’s wearing a fluffy white sweater, looking huge on his rather petite frame, the top nearly slipping off his shoulders. ‘Hello, my--’ Jaehwan leans in closer and squints a little at the screen, ‘--my twenty-five precious viewers! Welcome to KeNight!’
‘Today I have a surprise for you guys,’ Jaehwan starts, and strums his guitar lightly, humming sweetly as he reads all of the comments. Most of them are surprised, commenting question marks, and Sanghyuk smiles to himself. ‘Today I have someone very, very special joining me in our livestream.’
Oh. There’s a small stab of pain in Sanghyuk’s chest.
‘Some of you may know him already,’ Jaehwan smiles. ‘Let’s welcome a very talented rapper, Kim Wonshik, or better known as Ravi!’
Sanghyuk focuses on his screen as the boy, Wonshik, crawls out from under Jaehwan’s desk, and waves to the camera, crooked smile playing on his small mouth. He’s got piercings on his ears and nose, wearing a plain white tee and -- tanned skin adorned with a few noticeable tattoos. Next to Jaehwan, sure, he’s handsome, but he looks rather gruff, rough at the edges and -- Sanghyuk doesn’t exactly like this. It’s too early to judge, though, right?
Sanghyuk sighs as Jaehwan introduces Wonshik to the audience, not exactly paying attention to what he’s saying. All Sanghyuk sees is how Jaehwan’s more giggly than usual, the shy smiles Sanghyuk treasured so dearly on their dates are especially present in here -- and at one point Jaehwan reaches forward to run his fingers through Wonshik’s platinum blonde and seemingly soft hair, ruffling it up, laughing.
Sanghyuk suddenly thinks to their first meetup, how Jaehwan had done the exact same thing -- the jarring familiarity of it all, it throws a strong punch at Sanghyuk’s chest.
Wonshik, too. He doesn’t take his eyes off Jaehwan, not once -- droopy eyes way too telling, overflowing with affection and the thing is, Wonshik isn’t afraid to show it. Sanghyuk continues watching the stream, helpless, irrational jealousy bubbling in his tummy -- as Wonshik showers Jaehwan with affection, doesn’t refrain from telling Jaehwan how cute he is, unlike Sanghyuk; isn’t afraid to pet Jaehwan’s hair and pet his neck and pinch his neck and his cheeks and everything Sanghyuk’s longed to do, but never has. Wonshik handles out the love that Jaehwan so badly craves back, without restraint, so effortlessly and generously -- it reduces Jaehwan to a giggling, rosy-cheeked mess -- and he’s happy, so happy.
Their voices are a heavenly blend, it cannot be denied. They take requests and sing a few popular songs, most of them following the pattern of Jaehwan’s smooth and thick vocals followed by Wonshik’s rhythmic, relaxing rap breaks over Jaehwan’s soft guitar instrumentals -- and then finally them coming together in the chorus, Wonshik’s deep tones complimenting Jaehwan’s sweet voice perfectly.
Commenters are really active today. Full of compliments and hand clapping emojis and crying faces, expressing their love for the duo. Sanghyuk catches a few comments, saying how good they look together, how they look like such a perfect pair. Saying please, this collaboration cannot be a one-time thing, how it needs to last forever. Jaehwan is beaming by the time the livestream ends -- fully encouraged, overjoyed.
Tonight, marks the first livestream during which Sanghyuk doesn’t leave a single comment, or song request.
 ♪ ♫ ♬
 Sunday morning, rain is falling.
Sanghyuk clutches the coat tighter around himself, quickening his steps as he makes his way towards the café -- gosh it is so cold. Finally, Sanghyuk arrives at his destination, and pushes at the door to enter -- little twinkling bells welcoming and announcing his arrival. The inside of the café is warm from the many heaters placed all around, and oh, so comforting.
A small smile tugs at Sanghyuk’s lips as he orders a cup of hot matcha latte, before making his way towards that very table tucked into the corner. Sanghyuk slips into an empty seat, releasing a deep sigh.
The seat opposite his is empty.
Fumbling a little into his pocket, Sanghyuk finally fishes out the little teddy bear keychain -- thank goodness it didn’t get wet from the rain just now, light brown fur still dry and fluffy and -- a happy smile sewn onto its little face. Sanghyuk sighs and rubs his thumb against its furry face gently.
He’d lost the chance to pass it to Jaehwan.
A wistful smile plays on Sanghyuk’s chapped lips as his gaze falls on the view outside, through the café’s clear glass windows. His cheek presses against the glass, the surface cold and almost slightly stinging against his skin. Sanghyuk sadly observes as falling raindrops make their own little trails down the clear surface, some mingling together and then, never to be seen again.
An image flashes across Sanghyuk’s closed eyes -- Jaehwan, pretty and soft Jaehwan with a fiery passion for music, holding onto his treasured guitar, eyes closed and pretty lips parted around song lyrics. A familiar voice plays in Sanghyuk’s ears, now -- smooth, thick with emotion, and everything nice. Then another voice joins his, low in pitch and blending with Jaehwan’s perfectly and -- there’s suddenly a thrumming, painful ache in Sanghyuk’s chest.
A lot has changed.
Jaehwan no longer sings on his own, he and Wonshik now make music as a duo, on a separate account. Popularity came creeping in fast, ever since that eventful livestream -- fans absolutely loved their talent, loved how their voices sounded together, how good they looked together. Weekly nightstreams with barely twenty viewers was no more. Never again. First viewer was now impossible, no more personalised song requests. The cosy feeling of familiarity vanished as quickly as how everything began.
Also, there’s now a new something in Jaehwan’s soft eyes, it appears whenever he looks at Wonshik, and Sanghyuk knows it too well. It mirrors exactly how Sanghyuk used to look at him, either through his phone screen during a livestream, or during their short-lived but once-frequent meetups. The only difference is that Jaehwan’s looking at Wonshik like that, and not Sanghyuk.
It’s a feeling that never was meant for Sanghyuk, not once -- it was just Sanghyuk, rash and smitten Sanghyuk, who’d gotten his hopes too high.
But Jaehwan’s truly happy now, doing what he loves, in love -- Sanghyuk should rightfully be feeling glad.
There’s still a suffocating pull in Sanghyuk’s chest, though, and it hurts. Fighting the burning sensation in his eyes and the sharp twinge in his nose, Sanghyuk reaches forward, takes the teddy bear into his trembling hands and presses into its soft belly lightly. A soft, crackly voice recorded message trails from the small keychain.
‘I think… I think I really like you, Jaehwan’
any support is greatly appreciated ;~;
19 notes · View notes
saviormysticmeme · 8 years
Well, a creppy boy started talking to me on the Tumblr chat saying weird shit and asked me to be his valentine out of the blue, so.. Yeah can I request RFA+V+Saeran reacting to that? A creep talking to MC and saying creppy stuff lol. Love ur blog 💕
Is he still bothering you? If he is PM me and his ass is grassOr if you’re just in need of a fake girlfriend/boyfriend/SO also say the word I’m there y’all don’t even know how good I look in drag
Forreal tho, if someone online is ever making you feel uncomfortable don’t be afraid to get assertive or reach out for help.
 RFA+V+Saeran react to a Creep creepin on MC
Yandere Yoosung: ACTIVATED i imagine a magical girl animation sequence whenever I say that
You had shown him the messages immediately because you two were playing games on an online server together when you got random, creepy PMs from GameFreak90
‘hey there, I see you’re a high level. U must be pretty good with your hands
want 2 play a game together sometime? it doesn’t have to be online ;)
its almost valentines day you know. we can hang out. ‘
You were so uncomfortable, and it went from uncomfortable to freaked out when you asked GameFreak90 to stop messaging you and he kept going, starting to talk about all the things he’d like to do to you
Yoosung searched the guys name immediately and pulled up his profile
His hands never moved so fast
‘Hey. Quit messaging MC28. She’s a good friend of mine and you’re freaking her out. -ShootingStar’
‘fuck off’
Yoosung was not having it. He didn’t have Seven’s hacking skills, or Jumins money, or Jaehee’s wit or anything the others had
But what he did have was his games
He pulled up TeamSpeak for his LOLOL guild immediately
“Guys, I need backup for an emergency raid”
It was over in minutes
Yoosung’s guild had raided and completely emptied GameFreak90′s base
Yoosung got a string of messages immediately after
hey man what the fuck
dude give me my shit back
fine im sorry im sorry give me my shit please
dude please
Yoosung just turned his mic on and with one last request of his guild “Hey, can everyone here flag this guy for inappropriate behavior”
In about 10 mins Yoosung went to pull up GameFreak90′s profile
It had been deleted
Yoosung had the smuggest of smirks on his face
“My hero” You giggled and kissed him on the cheek
He went from war hero Shooting Star to blushing, stuttering, Yoosung real quick
It was a slow day in the coffee shop so you were just sitting at a table playing on your phone and sipping coffee
Huh? New message.
Ding ding ding
You had a bad feeling before even opening your Fumblr app 
When you did open the little social media site, you were met with a bunch of unwelcomed advances from some strange follower
Hey valentines is coming up and im lonely
r u lonely to?
how about u be my valentine and we can go out??
You grimaced and replied with a curt “I’m sorry but no thanks”
come on babe
dont b like that
we can have fun
Jaehee had noticed to look on your face and immediately popped to your side
“Mc is everything alright?
“Yeah..I’m just getting creepy messages from some guy on Fumblr.” You handed her the phone so she could read them and her nose crinkled in distaste almost instantly
“Well your first problem is you apologized.” 
Jaehee started tapping away as she spoke “Don’t apologize for not being interested. When you apologize it makes you seem more …docile. Submissive. If these creeps think you have an ounce of shyness or even politeness in you they’ll try to exploit it.”
“o-oh.” You stammered, surprised by how irritated Jaehee suddenly seemed
“Secondly,” Her expression softened a bit with a final tap on the screen “You didn’t block him immediately” She looked to you with a smile on her face, pleased with herself for whatever she said to your Fumblr follower
She handed the phone back to you and a light blush fell across your cheeks. Jaehee never seemed to be the protector type but when it comes down to it
Baehee isn’t letting anyone bother you
He’s gotten his fair share of creepy fan mail, but he understands it comes with the job
But when you get creepy mail from his followers
You two have all the fan mail sent to a P.O. Box so fans don’t have your home address
One time when you went to get the batch, the two of you found a handful of letters with your name on them
“My fans must see us together all the time” Zen said as he handed the letters to you, a cautious look on his face. He was worried it was going to be some fangirl writing a mean letter about how she deserves Zen instead of you
It was much creepier
It was a bunch of letters from some guy 
‘My sister is a big fan of Zen so I have to watch TV shows with him on them all the time. One time there was a news story about him, but you were in the picture with him…’
The letters go on to say how once the writer saw you with Zen he started searching you more and claimed you two would be a perfect match. He started suggesting you break up with Zen (offering for him to date his sister) and for the two of you to get together.
You have to literally hold Zen back so he doesnt march to the return address and beat the shit out of sender
“Zen it’ll be such bad press do not do not do not”
20 mins later
He’s not calm, but he’s not bum rushing the door so…calm enough
“Let’s think of a reasonable way to handle this” You slump into a chair, exhausted from being the only thing standing between Zen and a physical assault charge
After a few minutes of silence
..”I have an idea.”
Zen pulled out a pad and started scribbling. “He said his sister is a fan of me? Well I’ll make her an offer she can’t refuse.”
Zen ended up writing a very heartfelt note to the sister of the sender, explaining the situation and how uncomfortable you were feeling because of the brother. And if the sincerity of the letter wasn’t enough to get her to make her brother stop, the VIP pass to Zen’s next show was a good bribe. 
He sent it out the next morning, and a few days later you guys checked the PO box to find a letter from her apologizing profusely for her brother’s behavior and how she’d handle it. And about 10 pages of ‘thank you’s and compliments for Zen of course. 
Elizabeth would only chase a laser pointer for so long, so you had a lot of free time whenever Jumin was at work
You were no stranger to social media sites as they were the best way to distract yourself for hours at a time until you had something entertaining to do
And you’ve gotten spam bots before, but never a human who was actually so forward enough to send you enough messages to make you a small novel
you look really nice in your profile picture
is that designer? man you got money to
you’re a rich bitch. wanna come see what its like on the other side of town?
You were appalled. 
“Leave me alone” was the best you could muster since you were in such a state of disgusted shock. 
The messages continued, and you ended up just blocking the guy. But even after that just looking at your phone made you a little nervous that you were going to see more messages from another douchebag
But nope
Same douchebag. Different site. 
why’d you block me? playing hard to get?
“How’d you find my profile?”
it’s not hard to figure it out since I saw your name on the other one ;*
You just blocked him again and put your phone down, resolving to entertain yourself with anything else that wasn’t social media.
Eventually Jumin came home, and the first thing he noticed was your phone sitting on the coffee table and a specific lack of…you.
He went into a panic for a moment before you stepped into the hall, freshly showered. 
“Oh, MC, there you are. I was worried for a second. You’re usually not far from your phone.” 
“Yeah..” You muttered. “Some guy just keeps bugging me”
What do you mean
What guy
You explain the situation to Jumin and his phone is to his ear almost immediately as he picks up yours with his free hand.
“Luciel? I’m cashing in on a favor….”
You knew immediately where this was going and you had a slight grin on your face, knowing the creep who kept messaging you wasn’t going to be bothering you or anyone else anytime soon
You don’t even waste time
The second you get the first creepy message
hey hot stuff
You hand your phone to Seven
He just looks down at the screen, and a devious smile spreads across his face
Sure he could mess with anyone he wanted, but this time he has an excuse to go all out and ruin this Creeps life.
Seven whips up a program in a matter of minutes, connects a USB from his computer to your phone, then texts the man back
‘Hey cutie…wanna see a picture? ;)’ and he attached a file 
It says the message was received and viewed, but no response was given.
“What’d you do?” You ask as Seven hands your phone back
With a big smirk on his face:
“Once he opens that file his phone is going to run through his chat logs and play back all his creepy messages  on a permanent loop on his screen. And if he has any wireless connection to his computer, say, cloud storage, it’s going to happen to his computer too. And every few minutes he’s going to get a picture of me dressed as a maid, because I have to deliver, you know?”
You give Seven a huge hug “Ugh, thank you. How will I every pay you back”
“You already did” He laughs
“You’ll see” He winks and goes back to his computer.
You shrug and walk away, figuring you’d find out soon enough
And you did
The next time you opened your phone, your background was a nonstop slideshow of 707′s Greatest Crossdressing Pics
And all your app icons were selfies
And your gallery was filled with pictures of the red headed hacker
V was sitting on the couch and you were upstairs cleaning up and putzing around
V looked to see your phone light up on the table 
“MC, I think someone messaged you!” V yelled up the stairs
“Will you check it for me? It’s probably just a guest with a question about the party.” You called back 
“Sure.” And with that he opened your phone to find a rather crude picture  “What in the world”
my friend gave me ur number, thought you’d like this ;)
V was horrified that someone meant for you to open this 
‘I dont’ He typed back.
awww come on. you can tell from the pic im a good looking guy and my friend says ur cute. why dont we hang out
“No.” V glared at the number displayed at the top of the message board
playing hard to get? i like
V realized there was no reasoning with this idiot, and he thought it would be a waste of time trying to further communicate with a fool like his, so he bit down his better instinct and just sent a picture of himself glaring at the phone camera and typed “You’re talking to a man”
there was no reply for a moment
my friend said this was a girl
“I can assure I am not a female. Your friend gave you the wrong number. Go away”
There was no response but V was sure he could feel the embarrassment from the other side of the connection
With a satisfied huff he deleted the messages and number, figuring it best if you never have to worry about the situation
He also plans to find out which one of your friends would give your number to such a vulgar creep. 
You two were watching a video on your phone when you got a sudden chat request on Kiik, a messaging app
Saeran cast a quizzical look at you and you return it with a shrug, signalling you had no clue
When you open it up theres just a bunch of weird messages
hey babe
wanna be my valentine
i dont want to be lonely and i bet you dont either
we can keep each other company ;)
You didn’t even have a chance to respond before Saeran took the phone from your hand
“Fuck off” He was holding your phone so tight you thought he was gonna snap it in half
wow ur not very polite
“I said. Fuck. Off.” Saeran let out a breath that sounded like a growl
come on baby dont be like that
You could see a fire in your friend’s eyes and you knew things were about to get bad
“Send one more message and I’ll end your miserable existence, Scum.” 
“Saeran let’s just ignore it” You tried to take your phone back but he wouldn’t let go, too hyper focused on the screen. Instead he looked at you and said “He shouldn’t be talking to you this way.”
Both your eyes shot back to the screen
so you’ll come see me ;)
Whoever was on the other line had nooo clue who they were taunting
Saeran got up slowly, so slow it was a little creepy, when you looked at him you could see the gears running in his head
He walked over to his computer and started typing away, looking to the phone every now and then.
After about 20 minutes he finally came back to sit with you and handed your phone back.
“You….You good, Saeran?” You asked, surprised at how calmed he seemed.
He looked to you with a smile on his face and a glint in his eye. “I’m very good.”
You were almost worried to ask but “What’d you do?”
“Not much. But he’ll leave you alone soon enough.”
You stopped asking questions, he wouldn’t tell you the details anyways.
That night you were awoken to 
You fumbled around in the dark and eventually opened your phone to see messages from the Kiik app
please helpfehofejijeqiue
I’m very sorry for what I said to you earlier. I will never contact you again. If I do my fingers will be broken.
You knew immediately. 
“Saeran what’d you do???” You sent the text
All you got back was “:)” 
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