#when eren left for marley alone
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡Armin x Reader⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
Description: You and Armin exchange comfort, taking place somewhere after Eren's physical fight with Armin while he is still healing. While dwelling on past events, Armin joins you and the two of you share some emotions. This does ignore timeline accuracy as I wanted to provide some care for Armin following him getting rather beat.
The relationship between the reader and Armin is left more undefined, as I wanted to allow in a broader audience. This goes out to everyone who feels they grew up with the characters.
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The two of you sat side by side now, on the floor in front of the fireplace. It was silent aside from the crackling of the burning wood, and it would have been dark if not for the orangey glow cast upon the common space. 
At first you were alone, staring at the dancing flames with a sense of melancholy. In a way, you felt a kinship to the burning cedar, the fire licking at its unmoving form until there was nothing left but ash. Once an element strong enough to build homes with, now becoming a pile of dust. The wind could just as easily blow you away in this miserable state, going over memories from the cadet corps and early scouting years. You envied Marley’s photograph technology, memory foggy recalling old faces of your fallen comrades. 
Armin was quiet as he approached and sat beside you, and you wouldn’t dare make him feel that his presence was unwelcome in your turmoil. You also wouldn't dare to further question the remnants of fast healing wounds upon his face from his recent encounter with Eren. Instead, you leaned into him selfishly, your head resting on his right shoulder as the two of you faced the fire. In the late hour of the night, you both found your eyelids heavy with sorrow instead of sleep. He gently nudged you, and you turned to look up at him. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
His voice was soft and full of care. 
“I’m just…thinking. About everything. Old memories, mostly.”
He did not push further, knowing what it meant to mull over all of the past events in your mind. As the stars took their rightful place in the sky, the pain of change and loss caught up to you soldiers, unable to forever outrun the weight of grief alone with your thoughts at night. And it would still follow you underneath daylight of course, chasing you through the world of wonders you were denied inside those walls. Your chest sank with a breath as you felt the pain now, as if someone stuck their hand in and gave that precious beating organ a squeeze. There was a fault in your breathing that Armin could hear, the unmistakable sound of someone trying not to cry. 
The man beside you was quick to act, gentle as he gave you space. Armin had a look about him, one of guilt or shame, as if he felt it was a sin that he didn’t know what to do in order to comfort you, to save you. It was you who felt truly guilty though, for somehow hoping his presence could blind away the devil on your back by enveloping you in his bright sunlight. As if he could turn all of the leaves killed over the long years into fresh greens, simply by not leaving you to be alone with your sadness. You must have been a pathetic sight, and you felt sheepish to not stand tall and kind in front of him when he was also hurting beyond measure. As his hand then found yours, it grounded you as you let him see you this vulnerable. You then began to distract yourself with thoughts of him as he enveloped your space and your senses, his hand warm and firm in yours as he again inched closer. 
Armin was… special, and his appreciation for the beauty of life drew you closer to him with a magnetic pull. You understood Eren’s old pedestal for his friend, the awe and wonder in Armin’s eyes unreplicable, him acting as a reminder for your tired heart to keep beating in order to see what the world had to offer. Here, by his side so close, you wished you could simply rub against him and take with you his magic that is human hope. You clung to him as his friend not only for your shared qualities, but because he felt like what you needed in order to survive your darkest days. 
As he grew taller and Eren strayed, Armin’s eyes were dimming with the beginning of manhood. However, that still never changed the way you saw him and his nature. You really couldn’t picture him blooming underneath anything other than the sun’s light, a strong stalk constantly absorbing what the world had to offer like a sunflower. You only wished he had better soil to stand on as he matured. You only wished that things could be better for both of your sakes.
Your gaze lingered upon his face that should have still been dramatically bruised after Eren’s beating, if it weren’t for his titan aiding in his healing. He awkwardly smiled at you as you studied him, shifting as if self conscious. You decided to bite the bullet and ask about his feelings, turning the conversation away from yourself. 
“Sorry for all this. I’d really rather hear how you’re doing right now, Armin.”
There was a silence as he sat there looking at you, and you gave his hand still in yours a light squeeze. 
“There’s not much to say, I guess. I’m…hurt. I can’t believe Eren would say those things, or do those things.” 
His blue eyes rippled with emotion. 
“Say what things..?”
“He said he had always hated Mikasa. So I punched him.”
“Oh…so that’s how-”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m currently waiting for my titan abilities to fix me up.” 
You didn’t know how to respond to his comment regarding Mikasa. You didn’t have to guess that she must be heartbroken right now in her own right too, briefly imagining her sadness under the cover of the darkness of her room. After all she had done for Eren, that’s how he treated her?
“Why would he say something like that?” you said a bit angrier than you meant to. 
Armin sighed gently before responding with an “I don’t know.” 
In your dismay, unable to fully grasp the weight of comprehending the changes your old friend was going through, you decided to continue to reach out to the one directly in front of you. Your free hand lightly touched a bruised spot on his right cheek, and it was unusually hot to the touch as it healed. You looked at him desperately, as if he’d change under the light of the full moon too. 
“Are you in a lot of pain, Armin?” 
You lightly fussed over him, examining his face. He did not stop you, no matter how embarrassed his expression seemed to show he was. Your eyes mulled over his features, and he felt himself burning up under your caring scrutiny. 
Armin’s signs of aging were the easiest to recall of all the guys, going from a soft, rounder face to having a slightly more defined look. However, that wasn’t to say he lost his prettiness for a traditionally “chiseled” appearance, still adorning a button nose and fuller cheeks. While he couldn’t pass for a double of the cutest girl in the previous squad anymore, he was certainly tender in his looks. He broke the silence again as your fingers grazed over bruised skin.
“No, I’ve been in worse pain. I’m just upset.”
“Rightfully so.”
You dropped your hand from his face, watching as Armin’s expression changed to a gentle plea of sorts. 
“Let’s not talk about this anymore. I don’t think I can keep…talking about this. Please don’t tell the others what I said either for right now, we don’t need more conflict. We’ve got to keep it together to keep fighting.”
In the quiet, your “ok” was all he needed to feel respected. You took initiative to gain back your previous closeness, leaning on him once again. Your head found his shoulder once more as you again switched conversation topics, urged on by the feeling of his newfound broader nature. You felt like telling him every first thought on your mind, as if losing a basic conversational filter.
“When did you become a man, Armin? Your shoulders were smaller when we were cadets.”
His laugh was clumsy, not forced per se, but a quick reaction to a strange question. He suddenly paused for a deep inhale, then exhale, as if gathering thoughts. 
“You don’t have to keep deflecting the conversation away from yourself, you know. I came in here to check on you, but you’re making it all about me.” 
“I’m…technically not deflecting right now. I was thinking about everyone we’ve lost and how we’ve all changed so much when you sat next to me. Then, looking at what Eren did to you… I guess I just never stopped to appreciate the good changes you’ve undergone. I think Eren’s changes for the worse scare me into not seeing what’s right in front of me. Thank you for surviving with me.”
It was here that you could tell Armin felt his familiar shyness creeping in, unsure of how to truly respond to the new conversation you were starting. You ran around him in circles here, it already feeling gauche to comfort you. He’d never admit the pressure of yearning for your approval in particular, tip-toeing around his discomfort with the topic of his own survival.   
“I…am happy to be by your side.”
You sighed comfortably, deciding to talk about yourself as he seemed to have wanted.
“To…talk about earlier a bit more. I miss everyone we lost in Trost and after. I miss laughing with Sasha and Connie together, and I even miss the warriors when they pretended to be our friends. If we had those…cameras…that Marley has, I could remember exactly how Mina and Thomas looked still. It just sucks, all of it. I am…scared to lose you. I am scared you’ll change too, that you’ve already stopped seeing the world in so much color with everything happening.”
Armin thought for a moment, wishing to give you a solid response. He was, in fact, emotional too as he heard you say these things about how he saw the world. He couldn’t remember exactly when he last spoke to you about something he was excited to experience, more focused on battle plans in a fight for survival. 
“I don’t think I ever stopped seeing the world in color, maybe. It’s more that I wish we could collect those colors and form rainbows, not wars.”
You remained quiet as you thought his statement sounded poetically cheesy, but good for what you needed to hear at this moment. His brain always seemed to translate the world as if pages in a book, inking those words into your tired mind as they left his mouth. He awkwardly glanced at you, giving you a reminder to react to what he had just said.
While you wouldn’t say Armin was the type to actively ask for external validation from others, you could always tell it’s what he craved in moments like this. To be told his words weren’t strange, to be reminded his presence was welcome and that he wasn’t out of place in the emotional space between you two. As he looked at you, you pondered on his silent plea for…something. 
“Can I hug you, Armin?” 
He did not falter, his cheeks a dusty pink as his eyes filled with tears. He moved closer on instinct as he answered. 
And as the walls around you built by age seemed to crumble down, you found yourself face to face with that familiar boy from all of those years ago. You saw it now, the salty air rippling through his long blond hair, water the shade of his eyes slipping through the cracks between his fingers on that special day. You couldn’t tell who reached out for the physical comfort offered first, crashing into each other as if by the pull of the moon. Your old friend gathered you into his arms in a swift motion. At the same time, you offered him shelter from the roaring tides in yours. Armin’s familiar nature was not lost in the sea of emotions shared tonight, but found. You felt his arms squeezing tightly around your torso as you did the same to him, the tickle of his nose in the crook of your neck as he buried his face close. You both clung to each other as if buoys in the middle of all that blue, promising to always be there to help each other stay above ebb and flow of the current. 
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azurlily · 1 year
Have a good read.
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Day 4 of 31 of the yandere month May challenge. These TWO yanderes clash in personality and in action. As always DARK FUCKING THEMES
No explanation needed, it's in the title.
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Yandere!Annie Leonhart and Yandere!Pieck Finger HEADCANNONS SFW AND NSFW
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Wow, just wow, how the flying fuck did you fuck up this badly.
You live in Paradis, you grew up with a set of rose colored glasses on your eyes. You were just a child when the colossal titan appeared. That's when your path was made, your path to not only Annie, but Pieck too.
You joined the military training corps and met Annie. You were the only one who was genuinely interested in being friends with Annie. You weren't Beretoldt or Reiner, who were there put of obligation, nor were you scared of her. Okay, maybe a little bit.
Annie killed Marco. She killed him simply because he asked you out. That was enough means to kill him without hesitation.
You trusted Annie with all your heart. When she told you she was the female titan, though. You thought she was learning how to joke, and this was a bad, bad joke.
Things took a turn for the worse when she was captured by the scouts. You were one of the first to be investigated, you lied and said you didn't know. You said Annie seemed normal, and you didn't believe she'd ever be a monster.
Years went by, and it hurt. It hurt to lose someone so close to you, someone you trusted with all your being. Over time though, you slowly got used to it. Got used to the pain of missing her.
You joined the scouts at some point and started working along side Mikasa. You and her became somewhat a pair. Things were good, I mean not really, but you get it.
When you heard Annie was released from her shell, you were one of the first to actually talk to her. Your fear as well as anger that she left you, it was a lot to take it. You love Annie dearly, even if she did hurt you in a way.
Annie clung to you like never before, she practically refused to leave you. She considered herself to not be on a side, unless it was yours. Annie fights for you, and only you.
She would start hiding random things like knifes on her. In case she had to deal with someone for you. She's more than willing to deal with her long time Mikasa problem...
You met Pieck at Marley. You met her when things went south with Eren and everyone was regrouping. Pieck had this voice, it made you feel calm. You didn't tense up as much, you felt safe around her. It was odd.
You felt safe around Annie, but never like this. Never in such a way. You felt like you could trust Pieck, her sweet smile. Her brown eyes always watching over you.
You didn't realise she was conditioning you. She wanted to use to being around her more, being around her eyes and falling into them. She and Annie spent more and more time with you. Their psychotic behavior showing more and more.
You'd wake up and feel someone staring at you. You'd look around and see Pieck sleeping in her titan form...except she wasn't asleep. She was wide awake and was watching you, she saw you move and closed her eyes.
Annie and Pieck took shifts on taking care of you, as well as slowly isolating you from everyone else.
"Pieck, I understand, bit patients is key!"
"Annie if I have to wait any longer, ik going to kill her without hesitation! How dare Mikasa touch her!"
Piecks titan form almost killing Mikasa because she hugged you.
Yep. She, without hesitation transformed, and almost ate Mikasa alive.
Pieck was stopped and knocked out, she didn't seem too happy. Annie on the other hand seemed quite please with the result of this: Mikass leaving you the hell alone, and practically refusing to even look at you.
You noticed in the time everyone was wary of Pieck, Annie and her seemed to be getting along better than before. Much, much, much better.
It was one that started it all. Pieck and Annie had come to a mutual agreement, they would share you. In exchange, you wouldn't love anyone else. You only needed the two of them anyway.
It had been a few weeks and everyone had slowly brushed off the incident. That was until the three of you disappeared. In the middle of the night, all the food, water, weapons, and supplies had disappeared. So had you, Pieck, and Annie.
Most feared the worst, that someone(a yeagerist) had come and taken you three and the supplies. While it was a fair assumption, it was dead wrong.
Pieck and Annie had been planning this for weeks. From the day Pieck attacked Mikasa to the day you all dissapeared.
Annie knew if she attacked Mikasa would have cut her down. The obvious choice was Pieck. Now where would you three go? Hm?
Easy. They were still in Marley territory, and Pieck had done enough missions to know her way around. She knew a small abandoned village near a lake- perfect place to hide away from the world.
The two knew that the world was going to end, and they couldn't stop it. So they did what they could, while they could.
You had woken up in a warm bed, in a pair of warm arms, Annie's arms. You looked around, you assumed that camp had been moved, but when Annie wouldn't let you leave her side. You got suspicious.
"Listen, everyone else is out, there is no point in doing all of this. You need rest, you've been working hard. Go. To. Sleep."
The last part wasn't a suggestion, she was giving you a command. While she hoped you'd take it, if not...it would become Piecks problem. While Annie is good at dealing punishments, she isn't good at. . . non-sexual ones.
Pieck on the other hand can play the role of the angry mother. Teaching her dumb child a lesson. Pieck is the worst of the two, she's mean and she knows it. She has a motherly vibe and uses your weakness to it to her advantage.
You fought her until you finally got out of Annies grip. You ran out only to see no one else around, you were alone. With two very, very psychotic girls.
Annie ran out to take you back it, and that's when you heard it. You turned to see Pieck in her titan form, glaring down at you two. She looked a lot scarier like that, considering she could eat you at any moment.
"Please go back inside."
That all you needed to hear. You ran in. Once you saw the smoke and watched Annie and Pieck walk in, you knew what had happened. What you didn't know, is that this was going to go on until you three died.
And I don't mean from Eren. He was stopped, these two girl. Nothing can stop them.
It took about a few months to see just how crazy they really are. Pieck will kill anyone and anything on sight, she goes fishing in her titan form. Annie cooks, and cleans, she's also the one keeping the knives hidden. Wether to keep her and Pieck safe from you, or to keep you safe from an angry Pieck.
Annie does sexual punishments, as well as mental punishments. She makes you think eveyone threw you away, that they didn't care, and that you were meaningless. Pieck deal the physical punishments, you'd be surprised the strength she has when you piss her off. It usually consists of her holding you in her arms as you cry; dragging a knife against your skin. She doesn't care if you cry out for help from Annie. It wont do much.
"Please don't cry, it only hurts if you move, angel. Please don't move."
You always do though, you get scared and jump. The knife sinks deep into your skin. You cry in pain and Pieck hushes you, tells you to breath and talks you through the pain.
It takes time for you to live them, if you ever do. They know what they're doing is wrong, and mad, and horrible, not that they care. They love seeing you, just seeing you has endorphins rushing through them.
You have night where you cry, you lay down and cry and think about your friends and family. Those are the only nights they leave you alone, they let you be by yourself. Be in your own mind, because they know what it's like to lose so many. They both know you deserve the right to grieve, for however long it takes.
In the end, both girls will find a way in the bed, snuggling up to you. You sniffle against them, and wonder if this is a neverending nightmare.
"Shh, shh, I know, I know you miss them. It'll all be okay, Annie nor I will leave you. Ever."
"Piecks right, we know were not the lover's you need, but were the best you got currently. We will always be here for you."
Annie secretly enjoys seeing you cry in her arms, it let's her know your trust her enough to be weak around her. Pieck likes it because she's secretly a freaky sadist...
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Completely different people. In bed you see(depending on your preferences) the best/worst sides of them. Annie is, rough, and mean(a brat), and a bottom sometimes, and did I mention can go for over 6 rounds!? Pieck is a sadist mommy dom, hard top, kinkier than all hell, and she can go for about 7 maybe 8 rounds.
Both girls have a lot of pent up sexual energy, so while they were sleeping with eachother for a while.(after you three "dissapeared"). That doesn't mean they dont still want you. No in fact, it makes it much worse because they want all of you.
Unless you give them permission though, they wont do it. They'll look at you, think about you, even moan your name while sleeping with eachother. They never touch you until you're ready.
Although once your ready, be ready because they do not stop for a long, long time. At first they're both scared, they think you'll back out or push them away if they're too rough.
They don't wont to hurt you unless necessary...or unless it feels good. Cough cough Pieck.
They're so sweet with you the first night, Annie ate you out while Pieck held you through it, and rubbed you clit. She kissed you all over, and your neck was covered in marks. Both girls truly tried their hardest when it came to not scaring you, they really did!
Over time you started to see their kinkier sides come out. One night Pieck pulled on your hair and made you beg to eat her out, you did as commanded. She was in so much bliss she didn't even see the tears forming in your eyes as she pulled on your hair.
She was apologizing for days after that one.
Annie slipped up one night when she thought you weren't giving her enough attention. She grabbed your throat and told you to give her your love and not just Pieck, or else. She ment it. She started biting your neck and giving you large marks that sure as hell weren't just hickeys.
She felt so bad she was the one begging later. Begging for you to forgive her that is.
There have been times where it's only you and Annie or you and Pieck. The girls do act differently because they don't have to share in those moments. Annie is more bratty, usually she's "corrected" by Pieck. Pieck is rougher, more times than not Annie has to remind her to calm down.
Both have a long possessive streak. They went into a nearby town with you once and saw some girls staring at you. All you remember from that night is blood, the smell of metal, and the taste of Pieck and Annie's tounges in your mouth.
"Mm, so good for me. My little angel, you need all of mommy's love and attention, huh?"
"Pretty thing, you're going to look prettier with my markings on you. We can even show Pieck later."
They have fucked you over a dead body at least once. They find it fun, and you're being fucked so well, you dont even notice.
When you finally tell them you want to see the real side of them in bed, they were both sceptical. They were afraid you run and hide, they were afraid that the work they'd dont would go to waste. You assured them, or you tried to at least.
Finally the two agree. That night was on of the best you'd ever had.
Annie had been repeatedly trying to scratch and bote your throat, she'd do it purposely and sometimes she'd do it subconsciously. She pinned you to the bed and had a momentary fight on who was first to eat you.
Pieck won. She ate you better than she ever has before. Instead of all the gentle teasing from before, now she'd grab your hips and practically force your pussy against her face. She licks, and bites, and nips, and sucks. She does everything differently, she's hard, and rough, and seeing you cry from overstimulation puts her so close to her edge.
You pull on her hair and scratch at her head. You begged for her to slow down, all she'd do is give you a sweet smile and go back to destroying your poor pussy. When she finally decided that she was done, you had to tap out for the night. There was no way you could continue after that.
You watched the two girls have a couple goes a it before coming to lay down with you. A few nights later Annie pounces on you, she gives you a sharp glare. She was mad she didn't get her turn last time, and mad at you for not giving her the time to play with you.
When it comes to eating you out Annie is much meaner than Pieck. She teases you, tests the water, she wants to see how long she can drag things out. She'll listen to you whine, and cry, and beg her to eat your pussy. You'll beg saying you're aching, and you need it, but it doesn't matter. Annie let's you cum, when she believes you deserve it.
She of course at some point does finally give in. She makes things feels better than they ever have before. You have on multiple occasions cried because of how hard you came from her tounge.
Annie and Pieck are such great lovers. They love making you feel good, but they also know moderation. They help calm you down, help you breath through it all.
Aftercare is something else with those two. One is scared to even touch you(Pieck), and the other is still riled up and has a hard time thinking properly(Annie). Pieck always worries you hate her when you're done, she thinks her sadistic tendencies hurt you. Shes has and will cry over it. Annie can barely focus on her surroundings. She either watching you waiting for you to move, or she's angry. With herself of course.
Annie is angry that you might not like it. She's just as afraid as Pieck. She is better at hiding it, yandere!Annie is more emotional and scary at times. This is because she can't control herself around you. She needs you, that includes your body.
Please let them love you. Both girls have gone through literal hell, they need someone, you, they need you. Please be there for them.
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DONT EVER SAY I DON'T SPOIL YALL!!! I DO DAMMIT! Anyway I really enjoyed writing this one. It was one if my personal favorites. Please of you are interested in commissions go look at THIS PAGE. (Just click the words). Have a good day/night.
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levis-nut-dump · 9 months
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TW: mentions death, suicide, and depression
-The guilt of the explosion of Armin's colossal titan is consuming him
You and Armin Arlert have been together for some years now. At this point in your relationship, you know all his fears, hopes, dreams, and regrets; So the fact that something was so clearly bothering him and you had no idea what consumed you whole. Armin's always been the sweetest. You've been with a lot of trash, so he was like a sweet release, and you wanted to be that for him. You had no idea what was weighing on him, but you knew he didn't deserve to carry it alone.
You walked into the living room of your shared cabin in the woods. "Hey, Armin. I was thinking maybe we can go into town and get something to eat?" You suggested. He hasn't been out of the cabin in weeks, not since he got back from Marley to get Eren.
Armin turned around and gently smiled at you. "That's ok. I'm not really in the mood for it." He said.
"Armin, baby, you haven't left in weeks. You need fresh air, your friends, Mikasa." You look down. "Is this about... Sasha?" You pry, trying to finally figure out what's gotten your boyfriend in such a funk.
"Um. Yeah. I am still pretty torn up about that." Armin looked down.
"Armin, if you don't make the time to see your other friends you're just going to regret it. Maybe we can go to the cemetery and bring her flowers on our way out?" You suggest hopefully.
Armin got up and walked up to you. He's a short guy, but compared to you he's pretty tall. He tucked your (H/C) hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead. "(Y/N). Thank you for always trying to take care of me. I'm just not ready to face the world today. I'll tell you what. You run into town and pick up something to make, we'll cook together tonight." He said.
You smile brightly. You always loved to cook with Armin. "Ok!" You agree without hesitation.
You quickly get dressed and you're nearly out the door. "Bring a knife." Armin says from the couch. You grab a knife and once again you're almost out the door. Armin turns to look at you, blue eyes twinkling. "I love you (Y/N)." He said softly.
You smile. "I love you too. I'll be back." With that, you were off.
*Two Hours*
You finally get home with the ingredients to make steak pasta with Armin. It took a little longer because you wanted to visit Sasha's grave to tell her you're thinking of her and to be able to tell Armin how well-decorated her grave is. "Armin honey. I have food a good news!" You shouted.
"Armin?" You call out again. After more silence, your mind goes back to before you left.
"I love you (Y/N)"
You drop the bags of groceries and search the cabin. Finally, you get to the bedroom and see a horrifying sight: Armin is hanging from the ceiling fan with an old sheet tied around his neck.
"No!" You scream a blood-curdling scream. You pick up the chair he kicked to the ground and stood on it, trying to cut him down. You cut through the sheet with the knife he told you to bring and Armin fell to the floor. "Armin?" You asked. You put your ear to his mouth and heard no breaths. You lay him flat and gave him CPR.
After a few minutes, you were ready to call it a devastating loss till your partner gasped for air, shooting up. "Armin!" You shout.
"(Y/N)." He said softly, smiling at your beautiful face, brushing the tears off your cheek
"What possessed you to do such a thing?!" You sobbed.
"I killed them all." He said, before falling asleep.
You checked his pulse and when you knew he would live, you laid him gently on your shared bed, took the sheet and knife, and sent for Hange to check him out.
You walk around your cabin, shocked, heart pounding, listening for any signs of his movement telling you he is awake. You pick up the groceries and set them on the counter. Right next to them, you see a tear-soaked letter in neat handwriting. "He wrote me a suicide letter?" You must've run past it.
As you read, you covered your mouth so your cries didn't wake Armin out of his much-needed sleep
(𝓨/𝓝), 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓹𝓾𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂, 𝓘 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷'𝓽 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓭𝓲𝓭. 𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓭𝓲𝓭. 𝓢𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝓮𝓷, 𝔀𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷 𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮, 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷, 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽? 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼? 𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼? 𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂? 𝓘𝓬𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶? 𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮'𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓼, 𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓔𝓻𝓮𝓷… 𝓒𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝓮. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓪𝓼 𝓶𝔂𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯. 𝓨𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽, 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓼𝓽, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓘'𝓶 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷. 𝓘'𝓶 𝓪 𝓶𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓻. 𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓪𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓸𝓽 ��𝓸 𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷 𝓲𝓼 𝓾𝓷𝓯����𝓲𝓻, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓷𝓸 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻. 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝔂 𝓸𝓷𝓮, 𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓰𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓲𝓼𝓷'𝓽 𝓮𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓾𝓹 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓘'𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓘 𝓫𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝔂𝓮𝓭, 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓸𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓯𝓪𝓲𝓻 𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽. 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝔂 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱. 𝓛𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓐𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓷
You drop to your knees, sobbing into your hands. How could you not notice? How could you leave? What if you weren't back sooner?
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melishade · 2 days
How is Erwin doing in the 'New Age' Anthology? Also do you think Onyakopon have time to talk to Agent Fowler about his flying skills and how can he still fly without a proper pilot uniform just like he did during the original TFP series?
Main Story
Eren Jaeger
Catching Up
Good question! Let's focus on Erwin for a bit!
Erwin was learning how to use the remote for the TV in his, Levi, and Jean's shared quarantine space. He used his flesh arm, not the cybernetic arm, to mindlessly flip through the channels. There were many things that did weird him out with every new channel he saw. He saw strange, moving, drawings committing acts of violence that were supposed to be played up for laughs. He saw strange creatures waging war, committing acts of violence, and a group of humans banning together to defend the world. He saw historical lessons on the creation of a country. He saw reports on war, chaotic storms, diseases, political violence, despair, death, and-!
"Sir, can you please turn that off?" Jean croaked from his bed.
"Sorry." The channel fell onto some music being played before he pressed the red button at the top of the remote. The music stopped and the screen went dark. Erwin stood up and placed the remote on the table under the hanging T.V.
"Thank you," Jean said as Erwin walked over to him.
"How are you feeling?" Erwin asked.
"Tired but better," Jean answered, "The medicine they've been giving me helps with the pain."
"Good to hear," Erwin said.
"How's the Captain?" Jean asked.
Erwin pulled the current back a little to check on his sleeping form. "Still sleeping."
Jean sighed in defeat. "What about the others? What about the island?"
"The others are in quarantine," Erwin explained, "as are we. I can't say much for the island. I don't know who would be running it, especially with Historia here. The island could be in chaos now that majority of the military was taken out in that Colossal Titan attack."
Erwin couldn't help but think back to his friend, Nile, at that moment. He had a feeling that Nile was no doubt there in Shinganshina when Marley attacked, and that there was a high chance that he was killed during the action. God damn it, he didn't even ask about him in the Paths. He was so overwhelmed with the information given to him and his old comrades that he had forgotten to ask about him. Erwin still had the comfort that Nile is in a better place, but he wish he had an actual moment to say goodbye to one of his oldest acquaintances.
"Sir," Jean called out, causing Erwin to snap out of his thoughts.
"You don't have to call me sir," Erwin reassured.
"Feels awkward if I don't," Jean confessed causing Erwin to chuckle a little.
"My days of being a Commander are over," Erwin declared as he went back to sit down, "Erwin works just fine."
As he sat down in the chair, he couldn't help but contemplate that. He was done being a Commander or leading in an army. He had no real reason to work under Megatron anymore. The power of the titans was gone. The Survey Corps completed the mission it set out to do, and every single one of them was rewarded with a second chance at life.
But now what happens?
Humans were known to be fickle being. So long as humanity did exist, conflict would continue. The coup the Survey Corps did was very proof of that statement. Titans weren't even involved for majority of it, and the remnants of the wall were already turning on each other. There were survivors of the Rumbling, and they were no doubt going to seek revenge, even with the assistance of the U.S. government and Cybertron. He had no idea how the events of the Rumbling were going to be portrayed and whether or not Paradis would be left alone.
He just hoped something good came out of it, because he certainly didn't have the energy or resources to help forge that future forward.
Erwin raised his head when he heard the door open and Nurse Darby walked into the room with a mask covering her mouth and a large black pad in her hand.
"Hey, how's everybody doing?" June asked.
"Fine," Erwin replied.
"Better," Jean spoke to her.
June turned her attention over to Levi and walked over to his bedside to check his I.V., setting the black pad down on ground in the process. She saw that it was almost empty and replaced it with another with ease.
"What does that even do?" Erwin couldn't but ask.
"It gives him his essential nutrients directly into his bloodstream, since he can't eat at the moment," June explained, "Don't ask about the catheter."
"The what?" Erwin tilted his head in confusion.
"Yeah, it sucks," Jean agreed.
"How are you feeling, Jean?" June asked as she walked over to him.
"Better. Leg doesn't hurt as much," Jean answered.
"I know hospital life isn't the best, but once your quarantine is over, we'll start you on physical therapy," June reassured.
"Learning how to walk again is going to be fun," Jean sarcastically grumbled.
"There are many disabled vets who'd share the same sentiment," June said, "If you want, I can direct you to a support group."
"I think I'd rather see my friends first," Jean declared.
"Fair enough," June stated.
As June continued to ask Jean questions, Erwin couldn't help but turn his attention back to the remote. He walked over and grabbed it before turning the T.V. back on. Erwin decided to flip to another channel and saw a news report calculating a death toll within the nation and across the world. Erwin couldn't help but feel some form of terror. That number was so high. How many people were on this world in the first place? And how many more were going to die?
"Please turn that off," June requested, "I'm already doing a lot here. I don't need to hear about the pandemic death toll."
"Sorry," Erwin apologized as he turned the T.V. off. June's attention was then drawn to Erwin's cybernetic arm. Her gaze when upward to where the metal and flesh were supposed to meet.
"Can I take a look at your right arm?" June asked.
Erwin was confused at the request but complied and held his cybernetic arm out to her. Erwin was surprised when she ignored the actual mechanism and rolled up the short sleeve of his white shirt to see the stub of his flesh.
"Skin doesn't look inflamed," June remarked as she rotated his arm with her gloved hands, "No rashes either. Any pain?"
"No pain." Erwin shook his head.
"Really? No nerve pain or soreness of muscles?" she asked.
"No, just a little extra weight that I'm not used to," Erwin answered, I can tell the difference in weight between my flesh and metal arm."
"How long have you had this?" June asked.
"Over a month at this point," Erwin replied, "Why do you ask?"
"It's amazing," June marveled, "Sure, Earth has prosthetics, but none as intricate as this. We just started to have bionic arm that can flew fingers and legs that can bend, but none of them are actually connected to the nervous system like this. Coat some paint on this, and this looks like a human arm. Stuff like this can bring a medical revolution."
Erwin couldn't help but be concerned at the implications of her statement. "Are you going to force me to stay here to talk?"
"No." June shook her head, "It would be good to observe long term benefits and side effects of an arm like this. If there is a chance that the metal in the arm does poison you, it would be good to detect it early." June let Erwin go. "Besides, we'd probably just ask Wheeljack for the blueprints. He was the one who made it for you, right?"
Erwin nodded his head.
"If we get that, you should be fine," June reassured.
Erwin felt a little bit at ease, but his gaze fell to the dark T.V. screen. "Your world...is chaotic."
"Yeah, that's what happens when there's over seven billion people living on it," June sighed in defeat.
"How are you able to handle a world like that?" Erwin asked, "Our world is fractured with the Rumbling, and it will take time for it to heal. Your world seems to be thriving, but there's so many people-!"
"That it causes a mess," June cut him off, "Doesn't help now that a new planet got the attention of the U.S. government, and my son's going to have to get more involved."
Erwin raised an eyebrow at that. Her son..."Jack is your son."
"Yeah." June nodded, "He got roped into this mess with the Autobots years ago, and he decided to become an agent. I worry about him every single day, but he's says he's leading a fulfilled life."
"Your son was very brave," Erwin stated.
"Yeah, well I just want him to be safe," June explained, "I think what gets me going is the reassurance that he returns home or gives me a call at the end of the day. Helps me keep my sanity."
June's eyes blinked as she remembered the black pad. She walked over to it and picked it up before pressing against it. "Speaking of calls."
Erwin saw the black pad glowing white, followed by a noise. The noise stopped and the white screen changed into that of a massive wall filled with notes. Erwin had a sinking feeling he knew who this was, and his suspicions were confirmed when he saw someone scramble across the screen before hitting the ground in the process. They stood up, and Erwin couldn't help but smile at the sight of Hanji's disheveled hair.
"ERWIN!" Hanji cried with joy, "It's you and your bushy eyebrowed face!"
"You're okay, Hanji," Erwin sighed with relief as June handed him the pad for him to hold. The former commander held it with his flesh hand instead of the cybernetic one.
"Where's Levi and Jean?! How are they?!" Hanji demanded.
"Levi's still sleeping," Erwin explained, "But Jean's awake."
"Hey, Commander," Jean called out.
"Jean, you're alive!" Hanji cried out as Erwin adjusted the pad so Hanji could see his face, "There's so much I have to catch you up on!"
June couldn't help but smile at the sight of the three of them talking. She looked back at Levi's sleeping form, praying he would wake up soon before setting a charger on the table and leaving the room.
(In regards to the second half of your question with Onyankopon and Fowler, that's actually something that's super sweet. I'm certain I can't tackle it right now, but we'll see in the future. Also, final day for the Hundred Days OVA Poll is wrapping up soon. So please vote if you haven't!)
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hikami-sakura · 1 year
Marley’s Captive
(Reiner x Reader x Bertholdt x Eren)
Rating: Mature
Summary: after getting abducted by two traitors, a soldier is held captive by an enemy country.
Chapter 1
Tumblr media
- Y/N’s perspective -
I open my eyes, seeing myself on my knees, wearing a magenta dress. My eyes focus onto the white cement floor, making me learn I am no longer at the cabin.
What is this? Where am I?
“Y/N.” A voice I’ve known since my childhood speaks.
As I recall that voice, warmth gathers in my chest and tears gather in my eyes.
It couldn’t be. I stated within my mind. You’ve been alone for so long you’re starting to hallucinate.
“Y/N.” The voice speaks more sternly. “Look at me.”
I finally look up, tears cascading down my cheeks as I see who it is.
“Eren,” I say, my voice more fragile than glass.
His green eyes connect with mine, his hair in a ponytail.
How come his hair grew that long? I was gone for days. There is no way his hair could have grown that long while I was gone. . . Something’s not right.
Four brick walls surround us. As Eren’s eyes lock on mine, I realize my hands are tied up. Darkness begins to swallow the light that was beginning to rise within my heart.
But the darkness shouldn’t. I’m with Eren now. He’s my best friend. We grew up together. We fought titans together. I should feel safe. I shouldn’t feel scared.
But then why am I tied up?
“Y/N,” Eren says, pinching my chin. “You have to obey me.”
“Eren,” I say, chills beginning to sprint down my spine. “What are . . .”
“Shut up,” Eren orders, still pinching my chin. “You have to do exactly what I say.”
Above us, a pendant light dangles and flickers. I swim in Eren’s eyes, trying to find warmth, but I find none.
“You have to do what I say,” Eren repeats himself, pinching my chin harder. “Do you understand?”
“Eren,” in a lower voice, I speak, my heart beginning to splinter. “You’re scaring me.”
“Good.” Eren says, his eyes still locked on mine. “You deserve to be scared.”
“Y/N,” another voice speaks.
I open my eyes, finding myself in a room in a ship.
It was a dream, I whisper to my beating heart. It was just a dream.
“Get ready. We are about to reach Marley.” Zeke says.
I stare out the round window, mesmerized by the sea.
I didn’t think I’d ever see it, even after I learned the truth about the world, about how everyone is alive, about how everyone is our enemy. For so long, I’d thought that the world was dead, but everyone was alive, their hearts beating with rage and fear at us for what my ancestors had done.
I stand up as the sea beckons me to come closer to the window.
Long ago, a woman named Ymir Fritz obtained the power of the titans, becoming the first titan. Thirteen years later, she passed away, but her powers were inheritable by her people, the Eldians. Nine of them obtained the powers and used them to conquer other countries make Marley yield. Nonetheless, Marley fought back and obtained seven of the nine titan shifters, coercing the Eldians to escape to Paradis Island. On that island, the Eldians constructed three enormous walls and found refuge behind them. After the walls were built, the Eldians forgot the history of the world.
But not all of the Eldians were able to make it to Paradis Island. Throughout the world, they suffer poverty and oppression. They especially suffer in Marley. Marley turned some of them into Mindless Titans and used the others to destroy Eldians, to destroy my people. Marley would send Mindless Titans to harm us. As a result, my people thought the world was destroyed by titans and that we were the only humans left.
I did not know the truth before I was abducted by two soldiers in our army. Their names were Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover. They were warriors who vowed to serve Marley. They brought about a massacre on my people when they were just children. Following that day, they infiltrated the army. They murdered a fellow soldier who overheard their conversation. When I overheard the truth while walking through the woods one night, they took me and held me captive in a cabin.
I tried to escape multiple times, but my efforts were futile. As I spent time with them, we began to fall in love with each other. And then Bertholdt told me the truth. After that, I tried formulating a plan to help them out, but then Annie Leonhart, a woman who serves Marley and infiltrated the army with Reiner and Bertholdt, attempted to kill me.
Pain consumes me as I feel a knife cut my throat. I clutch my bleeding throat and kneel, tears running down my cheeks. I begin to panic, realizing I am going to die. But the panic begins to fade as I realize the cut across my neck is gone.
I look at my hands, seeing the blood staining them, my eyes wide.
“Do I always have to clean your messes?”
A man with glasses stands in the doorway. He pushes Reiner aside and marches toward me. I back away, noticing he looks like Eren’s father.
“Zeke,” Reiner addresses the man wearing glasses. “Don’t . . . “
but Zeke reaches me and injects my neck with a syringe.
Then everything became blurry. Then everything turned dark.
. . .
I wake up, finding a folded pile of clothes next to me. And then I turn to the round window, seeing the sea as it shimmers and sways, realizing I’m on a ship.
I bang on the door, screaming to be let out. I did it again and again.
But my efforts result in nothing. All it results in is the knowledge that I am once again a captive.
I did not know who my captor was until Zeke woke me up.
I look through the window and see a city.
It’s Marley.
I slide my fingers over my neck, remembering what Annie did, wondering how I survived what she did.
Could I be. . . a Titan shifter?
The door opens, making me turn around. I see Zeke enter, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Good. You changed your clothes.” Zeke runs his eyes over me.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” I state, locking my eyes on Zeke’s.
“Y/N, you don’t have a choice.”
“No. I’ve had it. I’ve been held captive . . .”
I fall silent, seeing Zeke pull a syringe halfway from his pocket. As I connect my gaze with it, I realize it’s the same syringe he pricked me with in the cabin.
“Follow me.” Zeke orders.
Against my wishes, I do as he says, leaving the room with him.
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nestingdoves · 10 months
♡ suggestive content. ♡ incest (step or bio idc) ♡ a little possessive ♡ don't like? block and move on
brother!armin who has tried so hard to repress his feelings for his sibling,
whose breath catches when you're both in marley, renting a hotel room and the clerk goes "arlert? ah, the honeymoonsuite for the newly weds, hm?" and neither of you blink because,
once you both shared a bed (a lot of times actually) as children, and it's not uncommon for both of you to climb onto each other's mattress during training when the trauma became too much
brother!armin who feels his heart jump into his throat during trost, when he thinks he's lost you too, alongside everything else
brother!armin who holds you tight when he makes it out of shiganshina, terror in his veins thinking 'thank god it wasn't you'
brother!armin whose expression furrowed when jean - levi - sasha - even mikasa talked to you and his heart leapt into his throat
who looks into the mirror, frustrated and aggravated because as a kid he was taunted about being the ''spare'', for not looking enough like you
who now thinks maybe it was a good thing, as you sit across from each other
brother!armin who feels relief for an innate second because in a world that shuns eldians, he wouldn't have to hide his status from his own sibling,
and he realizes with a drop in his stomach what a horrible thing that is to fester in his mind
brother!armin who spends so much time with annie's crystal because she's not you and it's appropriate and understandable for him to ''like her''
armin who holds you close when you're terrified and alone, grieving his condition. and he thinks (if he only has thirteen years left, he's glad he can spend it with you, that maybe he can have the life he wants) a thousand things that he knows he shouldn't tell you
whose eyes catch on your form as you undress, breath unmoving in his chest. (and his heart wants)
brother!armin who whispers that no one else will understand him like you do
who sleeps across the room from you, wide awake until daylight streams in, keeping his hands to himself because he's afraid of what he'll do if he holds you (because what if it doesn't stop there?)
and he wants that pure, loving feeling. wants to love you as a good brother should. (but-)
-but he keeps thinking of pressing you deep into the mattress, kissing you as lovers do, as the clerk thinks you do, hands touching what is his, by blood and sinew
-but his heart skips a beat when the clerk asks with a fond tone "and how did you sleep?" and you smile, pressing a kiss just shy of his mouth, giving him electric shocks, "just fine"
brother!armin who throws himself in front of you during battle, who screams and cries over every injury, who will literally fight eren tooth and nail
brother!armin who hears of your crush on someone else and he festers, trying so hard not to (think about undermining them, making him feel like the superior option, the better one) feel the way he does
brother!armin who shoves little secret notes into your satchel, penned unrecognizable by his left hand, words of encouragement and admiration. writing down what his heart wants
the very same brother whose heart skips a beat when the next time you two go incognito and you introduce yourselves to the waiter as a couple,
who stands with you behind a building, away from prying, public eyes, hands trembling on your waist. leaning in, wanting, starting to ask- and you say yes
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peachymilkandcream · 11 months
Break Me Slowly|Part 13| Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: I'm trying to get back in the swing of posting these the same day every week but I've been brainrotting about Afton in the movie, everyone's saying hear me out he's hot and I kinda see it-)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
The whole way back to this new place Evelyn was supposed to be staying she was numb. It was no surprise that she was pregnant, Levi had kept her locked away for so long filled with cum she should have been expecting this. But nothing could have prepared her for this, nothing could have helped her cope with the idea she was carrying his child, the awful, disgusting man's child.
"You doing okay..?" Reiner's voice had come out of nowhere.
"How can I be...I just got told I'm carrying my abuser's child..."
"You could get rid of it..?" He offers weakly.
She shakes her head. "I can't do that, this child didn't commit any crime against me, I couldn't think to do that." She hoped she sounded convincing, the real reason was of course Levi finding her, even if she did it now, he'd know.
"Sorry, stupid idea." Poor sweet Reiner, he was trying his very hardest to be supportive and comforting, she should be a bit nicer to him, after all he was sticking his neck out for her, if only knew how pointless that was.
"Thanks for everything by the way, I know you didn't have to do this."
Now he perks up, since her discovery she had barely said two words to him. "Hey don't sweat it. It's the least I could do after all the shit he put you through." Clearly he was uncomfortable talking about Levi, and she couldn't really blame him, it wasn't exactly a sweet subject.
"Hey Reiner?" She ventured.
"Yeah what's up?"
"We were friends, I know it's awkward, but we're on the same side now, right? Can we go back to how things were before all that?"
"Oh yeah, of course, sorry I'm making this weird."
"No it's okay, I'm the weird one." Her ears were burning from how tense and forced their conversations sounded, silence was better for now.
So they continued on, until they stood outside, staring at each other a moment before he opens the door.
"So you live alone?"
"Not exactly-"
Before Evelyn can ask a clarifying question an older woman is waiting at the door, arms crossed and deeply annoyed.
"Hey mom-"
"You look terrible Levi." Erwin broke Levi out of his head of thoughts.
His head raised out of his hands to look up at his Commander, his eyes burning from lack of sleep. "Thanks Erwin you know I value your opinion so highly."
"What happened to you? People are asking questions." He covers his nose. "And you've been drinking."
"No shit." He rakes his hands through his unruly hair. "I didn't think it would be so hard to live without her."
"You can't be serious. This temper tantrum, is because your wife isn't on your beck and call right now?"
"I can't help it, I can'y sleep or function without her."
"If you had upheld your end of the deal and gotten her pregnant this would've never happened. Plus there's Eren, if you had kept him in line he never would've left and we wouldn't have had to send anyone after him."
Levi chooses not to address that one. "Who's asking questions?"
"A few low rank soldiers, but Hange especially."
Levi curses under his breath, that was the last person he needed poking around. Hange knew him, Evelyn, and Erwin better than they knew themselves. While she could be a bit dense sometimes, she'd know if something was wrong.
"What did you say?"
"Well she knows the situation with Eren, but I told her that Evelyn has been gone because she had a nervous breakdown when she found out about Marley's threats. Therefore if Evelyn ever tells Hange the truth she won't believe her. Damage control."
Levi sighs with relief. "Thank you Erwin. I owe you."
"Oh yes you do. I gave you your wife, don't waste it by being a drunken fool. If you're the lonely go find a prostitute or something, I need you back to how you were so when the time comes to go get them you're perky."
"Despite everything I'm a faithful man." He sneers.
"If that continues to affect your work I'll order you to go sleep with someone. What about that Petra Ral? Your assistant? She'd be willing at any moment."
Levi thought of Erwin's suggestion, but Petra wasn't that much to look at, and no one could get him going like his wife could. Ultimately, he rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say Commander."
Erwin points at him. "Get it together, I'm serious. Sleep, get laid, loose the alcohol, whatever it takes. I need you." He leaves before Levi has a chance to stand and salute, almost colliding with Petra.
"Oh C-Commander." She was slightly startled to see him here of all places, sure Levi was his direct subordinate, but he still rarely visited him since the wedding, she hoped it was because he didn't approve of it. Just like he had approved of the idea of Levi having an affair with her, which in and of itself sent goosebumps all over her.
"Petra." He says in greeting, trying to brush past her.
"Wait uhm, sir, could I talk to you a minute." She asks innocently, Levi rarely gave her any information on his marriage, maybe she could squeeze Erwin for the details.
"Of course." He walks a ways with her. "What do you want to talk about?"
"It's...Captain Levi, he's been acting so strange, and usually he opens up to me, but.." She wills tears into her eyes. "He isn't, and I'm worried for him.."
Erwin pauses for a moment. "Levi is just taking it hard that Evelyn is on a mission without him right now. He'll get his act together soon I'm sure, loneliness was something he always had a hard time dealing with."
Warmth fills her, Evelyn was out of the way for who knew how long, perfect for her to swoop up poor lonely, and perhaps drunk Levi. Maybe now she could seduce him and then he'd compare the two and find Evelyn lacking.
"Oh I see, I'll try and lift his spirits Commander." She salutes. "Thank you."
"Of course Soldier." Erwin simply walks away, not giving her large grin a second thought.
Once he was out of sight Petra ran to her barracks, digging out anything remotely sexy to put on. She came across the lingerie she had bought when she made up her mind who the man of her dreams was. She hadn't worn it and wanted Levi to tear it off in a moment of passion.
Over top of that was a lace red dress that made it look like she had cleavage. She cursed Evelyn's larger chest but figured that Levi was to refined to care too much about things like that. Her hair was teased into a small clip on the back of her head, an easy access to hickeys. She wanted everyone to know she had given her virginity to the most perfect man alive.
With a last application of bright red lipstick she pictured the red rim around the base of his dick, she knew Evelyn couldn't deep throat him like she would, in that she'd be better. In her opinion she looked hotter than that whore, and she thought Levi would think so too. Tan high heels completed the outfit, with a final look she blew a kiss at the mirror and headed out.
With a shaking hand she knocked on his office door, most everyone had gone home or to bed by now, but she saw the light at the bottom of his door. Without a wife to go home to right now he was dedicating himself to work, as he always pushed himself too hard when no one stopped him.
"Come in."
Now was the time, now her dreams would come true, everything she had hoped for was finally happening. The door swung open with a tiny squeak, getting his attention. His head was buried in his hands, bottle of liquor open with a shot glass in front of him, and he might have even been crying.
"Petra? Why are you dressed like that?" He seems confused before his eyes widen. "Petra-"
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rivangel · 2 years
Random thought, but what do you think Levi did during peacetime? Hanges executioner from hell took care of most of the titans, and Marley brought over new tech, so life was comparatively incredibly easier. I’m sure they had like basic drills and training, but with Hange busy as commander and all his friends gone, Levi was pretty much alone and inactive for like 4 years. It didn’t seem like he was building things (the kids were doing that lol) and he doesn’t shine as much with people to people conflicts as opposed to people vs monsters.
(I can find the source if someone wants it but) After Erwin died, Isayama said in an interview that Levi had entered something of "the twilight years of his life". The Japanese term basically refers to the kind of life someone lives after someone special dies. Nottt an ending if that makes sense, but that person will always be mourning.
There's a short story (link) where Levi basically went out to get groceries for Hange and everyone else LOL so idk suffice it to say I think he was going through the motions a lot. The lack of anything to do had to drive him crazy.
He definitely took on a similar role he did to Erwin where he and Hange basically shared responsabilities. Especially with Moblit gone, and seeing how Levi made the choice that made Hange commander (although that's a relatively small part of it), Levi wouldn't hesitate to help them in any way he could.
Training Armin to use his Titan, being depressed, capturing the Marleyan scouting ships 30(?) or so times, guarding Eren from said Marleyans, not sleeping, mourning, being sad etc. Otherwise training training training. Vast majority of the time, Levi was training.
I think he'd help build stuff though. On that particular day, they'd come to check on the kids after meeting with the Azumabitos again I think? When Hange and Levi told the kids that they wouldn't be helping Paradis with the war efforts if they wouldn't test out the rumbling.
(there's an amazing levihan fic where Levi gets a massive injury while working on building the train tracks highly reccommend)
so yeah.
but about that last thing, Levi definitely wasn't as motivated to fight people than to fight Titans. Learning the Titans were actually people was one thing, bc he could proabaly solve that cognitive dissodence by rationalizing that he was freeing them from that everlasting torment in a way, but then Titans simply weren't the enemy anymore. Maybe it says something that during the raid on Liberio, Levi fucking Ackerman was just in charge of playing along with Zeke's plan. He was in charge of protecting Eren like usual yeah, but Levi didn't kill a single person. He didn't hesitate to set off an explosion near Gabi and Falco if it meant taking down Zeke, but I think it's safe to say he'd avoid killing people whenever he could help it.
He just wanted to do his duty and make everyone's sacrifices worth it (and of course, fulfill his promise in the process).
When that was done, Levi was done - whether he got disabled after the final battle or not. He lived in Marley and left all the global conflicts and politics up to what was left of the 104th. Besides the fact that Levi does NOT strike me as the type of person to like, care about, or do politics lmao.
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harley-rose25 · 1 month
Magath sucks, actually.
I seriously don't understand how anyone likes Magath; and yet I've seen people say they like him and that he's a good guy cause he "cares about the kids". That's like saying you like rando Nazi man number 47 because he's not a complete monster to Jewish children. Like, are you for real?? Magath is still a racist shit that believes that Eldians are devils. He was going to send out Eldian troops on a suicide charge and use then as literal meat shield's and cannon fodder. He's one the high ranking officials leading the invasion to genocide the people of Paradis. He continues to go on about how they were completely justified in trying to wipe out the "island devils" because of the Rumbling; which wouldn't even be happening if Marley left Paradis the fuck alone. Accountability; what's that?? He doesn't admit he and Marley were wrong until after like a 3rd of the Marleyan continent has been crushed by Eren. He would not have otherwise, he wouldn't even be talking to Hanji an the others if Eren wasn't in the process off murdering everyone.
Maybe I'm vindictive but if you spend your life affirming the narrative that my race is evil and then suddenly you wanna work together.... when you're forced to, when you have no other options I'm gonna be like fuck you.
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daleelahwrites · 8 months
I feel like if Bertholdt & Sasha both lived, the scene with the ambassadors on the boat would have hit differently
Like we have RBA and Springlestein, you think it would have been an interesting full circle moment?
Wow that's a really good idea! :0
Ok, I'm assuming here that the Bertholdt vs Armin thing didn't happen. The scouts couldn't stop Reiner and Bertholdt and they run with Zeke and the Marley army. Thinking about it, how they being there all together (except for Eren and Mikasa) would be a happy yet sad ending - at least for Armin. The price for the chance to make the world a better place, is the people who was his entire world back when they're kids.
I know Mikasa is alive and Armin is friend with the others (including Bertholdt), but as you said, we always see them as trios. When Armin stops to think about it, he finds out how lonely he is. Doesn't matter how many people are around and how much they like and respect each other; there's still a RBA, a JCS, but no more EMA. Again, it's the price of the peace (kinda).
I really don't care about Eren 🤷‍♀️, but I know how important they (EMA) were to each other. I do believe Armin will never heal that wound left by Eren (even if the bitch promotes a fucking genocide), but thinking about an AU there, from all the trios, he's the one alone, hits really hard :')
In this AU, Pieck is another one who's alone. Sure she knows RBA and grows closer to the others as the years pass, but there's no more Porco or Colt :'/ I think she and Armin would make an unexpected but yet really good friends!
Thanks for sending this ask, anon!! 🩷
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mirrorsblogs · 1 year
𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐋. 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘! 𝙢𝙖𝙟𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝, 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙤𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 132+
It was quiet in his apartment in Marley. Rarely anyone visited so that left Levi in his own presence. This resembled much of his life, alone always. Today he chose to read a small book on the wondrous concept of time travel. It fascinated him to no end so you could imagine his annoyance when he heard knocking at the door.
“Go away!” He yelled out, hoping the person would go away but the knock grew louder until he could no longer ignore it. Levi marched up to the door expecting one of the 104th brats to be standing there but instead, he found a peculiar girl with a notebook in hand.
“Hi is this the residence of Mr. Ackerman?” Mia asked.
“Whose asking?” Levi retorted, turning defensive in an instant.
“Mikasa told me to come here. She said you could answer my questions about my father’s sibling.” She outstretched her hand but Levi declined to shake it.
“Whose your father’s sibling?” Levi asked, annoyed at her vague answers.
“Hange Zoe. My name’s Mia Zoe,” she said. Levi dropped the book that was in his hand and stared for a long time at Mia. Sure Hange had told him stories about the three-year-old niece she had but he had assumed her family wanted no contact with him.
“You can come in,” Levi whispered, sidestepping and allowing the girl to come in.
“You have a nice home.”
“Thanks.” There was an awkward silence that Levi attempted to fill. “Do you want tea?”
“Sure, thank you.” She nodded at him in thanks and continued to observe his humble abode. There were few belongings but the space felt lived in somehow. The shelves were lined with different photographs ranging from the rolling tides to portraits of what Mia assumed to be fallen comrades.
“That one’s Hange,” Levi said. His finger pointed to a portrait Kirchstein had drawn of Hange for him. Levi remembers the young soldier telling him it was to help him never forget their faces.
“They’ve got a nose like mine!” Mia laughed a little at Levi’s bewildered expression. “Sorry, everyone in my family has smaller noses but mine’s unique.”
“You act like Hange,” Levi grunted while handing Mia a teacup. “They were fascinated by every little thing.”
“Oh,” Mia whispered. Her family had refused to discuss Hange after their death in the Rumbling, this was the first piece of information she had heard about the mysterious family member. They both sat on Levi’s couch and he waited for a question.
“What’d you wanna ask?”
“What were they like?”
“Go away, four-eyes.” Levi flipped through some mindless paperwork.
“Not until you look at this!” Hange shoved a paper in front of Levi’s face. He sighed and pushed the paper away. “Please shorty!”
“Fine!” Levi snatched the paper from Hange’s hand. The paper was on Eren’s titan ability and some finer details Hange had noticed. It was interesting but Levi would never let Hange know that.
“Well?” Hange drawled out.
“I already knew this,” Levi growled out, shoving the paper against Hange’s chest. He resumed his paperwork and tried to ignore the laughing from Hange who enjoyed pissing Levi off so much.
“Oh well,” Hange loudly sighed. “I guess I’ll have to show you tomorrow’s report and if that doesn’t work then the day after that and the day after that and the-”
“Get. Out.” Levi gripped his black pen hard in his hand to the point where it snapped in half.
“Have fun shorty!” Hange yelled out, but not before leaving the paper on Levi’s desk which infuriated him even further.
“Infuriating but funny at the same time.”
“Meet Sawney and Beane!” Hange introduced Levi to the captured Titans. Moblit stood a few paces behind her with a tired look in his eyes at his superior’s antics.
“You named them?” Levi questioned, keeping a good distance from the greedy beings.
“Of course!” Hange ran up to Sawney and threw their arms around the neck of the Titan.
“Section commander!” Moblit yelled out before Sawney tried to move its head to bite out Hange. The section commander expertly dodged but not before petting the titan on the head and landing next to Levi.
“That happen often four-eyes?” Levi snarkily asked. He crossed his arms over his chest, unimpressed at the scene before him.
“They’re just energetic today!” Hange began to loudly laugh maniacally until they dissolved into coughing. “Anyways you can tell Erwin he’ll have a daily report and briefing.”
Levi nodded, accomplishing his purpose in coming here, and began to head out before Hange stopped him. He glared directly into Hange’s eyes before they spoke again.
“Make sure to add that in the briefings it would be nice to have some of the captains there,” Hange smirked at Levi’s annoyed expression. It was too easy to mess with the shorter man.
“Fuck you, shitty glasses,” Levi whispered as he stomped away.
“Bye, captain!” Hange called out while laughing.
“Had a knack for science and an affinity for Titans if you’d believe it.”
“Nobody ever stays by your side forever.” Hange looked down at their new desk. Commander of the Survey Corps. The death of their entire squad weighed heavily on their mind.
“I’m visiting Erwin’s grave today, did you want to join?” Levi asked. He dropped some paperwork onto the new commander’s desk.
“I need to get out of here,” Hange whispered, grabbing their coat and already heading out the door. The walk was silent as they finally made it to the shared graveyard of most of the Corps' dead soldiers. Matching gray gravestones lined the yard as they both quickly found the new plots and found who they wished to mourn for that day.
Levi stared a moment at Erwin’s stone, he picked out the engraving himself since Erwin had no family. Leader, Commander, Visionary. It was cheesy. He said some things in his head that he hoped would reach Erwin before lifting his head to Hange a few graves away.
“Thank you, friend,” they whispered. Levi watched Hange kneel to touch the gravestone before standing back up and dusting off their uniform. He noted the slumped posture in their shoulders like they had lost a reason to remain upright. Like Hange had lost the reason to remain poised.
“We have to make their sacrifices worth it. That’s our duty to them,” Levi said. Those sentiments had gotten through difficult times as well, through losing his friends, through losing his entire squad.
“We ride past the walls in a few months, it’ll be worth it,” Hange whispered. They removed their glasses for a moment and wiped their eyes. “I should head back, I got loads of paperwork to do.”
They attempted to laugh but it came out as pathetic. Levi nodded his head and followed silently behind them. Their shared walks had rarely ever been this quiet, usually filled with Hange’s rambling and Levi’s annoyed comments. He thought he would enjoy the silence but instead, it felt suffocating. He prayed inside his mind Hange would say something, anything that would tick him off but they said nothing.
“Check in on who survived. Historia demanded they all get psych evals.”
“Ok,” Levi replied. The lack of nicknames mixed in with their conversations unnerved him. Then again, out of their whole group, it was now just the two of them left, there was no one else to joke around with. How depressing.
“They were never the same after we went back to Shinganshina the first time. It was only Hange and me that survived out of the rest of the higher ranked in the Survey.”
“Is that why they stopped journaling during that time?”
“Journaling?” Levi asked.
“Yeah, Hange kept all sorts of journals in our family house. My parents wanted to throw it away but I kept them. Here’s one.” Mia handed the journal to Levi. He flipped through the pages and spotted his name a few times but saw the entries abruptly stop around the time they got back from Shiganshina.
“They became commander after we got back, more work and all.” Levi paused. “The writing probably reminded them of Moblit too.”
“He was sort of a research partner to Hange. Sacrificed himself for them to survive on that expedition.”
“Thank you for this information,” Mia said. She quickly jotted down some notes in another notepad she pulled from seemingly nowhere.
Just like Hange.
“Did you see Hange off in their final moments? All the historical accounts said you did.”
“I-” Levi paused. Memories he wished to submerge into the crevices of his soul bubbled up.
“Hey…four eyes,” Levi said, his face was forlorn.
“You understand. It feels like…it’s finally here, you know? My big moment. I want to look as cool as I possibly can right now so just let me walk away,” Hange whispered as Levi blocked their way. Sweat palpitated on their forehead as they stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact with the beings who would most likely take her life in a few mere moments.
“Dedicate your heart,” Levi whispered. His fist collided on Hange’s chest, over their heart. He faced away from the colossal, the very beings that would take away the last of his comrades that he once knew.  He began to walk away but heard a joyful Hange turn back around at Levi’s words.
“Ha! That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say that!” Hange yelled out with joy, genuine joy, in their voice. None of that produced happiness to put on a front for people Hange had practiced in the past few months. It was real, it was tangible. It was behind Levi as he continued to walk away from the last semblance of normality in his life. Hange was a constant, despite everyone dying around him, he had Hange Zoe. That was gone, however. Levi wondered for a moment what living without a constant felt like, he figures he will know in a few moments.
“Ah, titans truly are magnificent,” Hange whispered to themself. Their final words were heard only to the skies.
Levi watched from the battered airship multiple colassals go down, more than any other person could manage. It was incredible to see the extent of Hange’s determination in action. He stared at the retreated scene, spotting a ball of fire descend from a titan. Hange. He turned his head away, they flew too close to the sun. If anyone could have done that it would have been Hange, the one who never understood boundaries.
Levi considered depicting those last moments with Hange but decided to save it for another time. It was too depressing for anyone to hear, it was a wonder he could shoulder that trauma alone.
“I have to head to the market but you’re welcome to stop by anytime.” Levi got up from the couch and began to put the tea cups into his sink. Mia got up as well and gathered her things including the journal Levi left on the table. She thought she had pushed the man too far but thought this was the best method, it is what Hange advised in their journal on how to get to know the allusive Levi Ackerman.
“I’ll take you up on that, hey has anyone ever told you that you’re short?” Mia asked, genuinely curious. She leaned up against the kitchen doorway.
“Get out.” Levi stopped his scrubbing into the dishes and stared directly into her eyes.
“Right sorry!” Mia raced out the door but Levi could hear her laughter faintly down the hall.
Yeah just like Hange.
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damn-stark · 10 months
couldn’t have possibly watched the ending of aot without coming back here for this. truly have missed reading this piece of art. thank you for pouring so much effort and time into it.
everything from the intense fight scenes, the last goodbye to eren, to the nostalgia of reuniting with the past comrades, friends and family. everything was absolutely perfect.
i vividly remember watching the ackermans and pieck loading up onto falco when i watched the ending and i just remember sitting there thinking, “this shit boutta hurt when i read it fr.” AND IT DID
just when i thought i couldn’t possibly cry over the ending of this anime more HERE YOU ARE TO DROP THIS ON US. i’m excited to see how this beautiful piece of yours comes to a close. the future of jean and cherry. wondering how everything will be navigated now that the war is over.
will cherry end up joining jean, connie, armin and the rest of the warriors as a peace ambassador? and would they get married then? will she stay back at the camps to look after Levi maybe? (seriously doubt he’d allow her to waste her time now that they’re free of the war to look after him but YOU KNOW SHE WOULDNT HESITATE TO)
along with knowing that cherry wants to probably go back to the underground and restore her community. return to her original home with levi after having left for years, even showing jean her roots.
On top of the fact that cherry still has yet to meet her siblings and mom.
or what about mikasa? we know in the time skip it’s been a couple of years since the battle of heaven and earth. especially after losing eren i know cherry would NOT want to leave mikasa to grieve through that alone. would she then tell mikasa what eren had told her before he passed?
lastly seeing her having to work through all the ptsd and trauma she’s experienced. working through it with jean, and helping him with his own traumas. maybe even seeing her open up more about marley to him?
The way you wrote this is just so well thought out. With so much variety that even though it’s partly canon to the anime you still can’t tell what’s happening next. I’m sure with all these things Cherry will have her hands full. and i’m excited to see how she takes on this next chapter of her life. one of peace, one she truly deserves.
SO SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS IS. i’ve waited all year for this i just couldn’t wait. thank you again author, you’ve delivered and continue doing an amazing job 🫶🏽
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SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMMENTING!! Thank you I really adore you ❤️❤️
I thought that seeing her old comrades was so important, it’s like she was on autopilot so I wanted to write that to bring inspiration, and because I wanted one last moment with Eren 😣
I’m so excited to write these next couple chapters to show the affects of aftermath on the mental health more than anything, and to finally meet the family!!
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"A farewell for a beginning"
Happened after ch. 138.
Chapter 1
Mikasa stands there, cheeks streaming with tears. Her brother's blood sticks to her a life for which she now bears responsibility for taking. She kneels in the maw of his huge titan because her legs are failing, cradling the last remnant of a future that could have been to her chest, now wrapped in the folds of her tattered scarf. “I'm sorry, Carla. I couldn't protect him…,” are her last words before she drifts peacefully away, unaware that her surroundings are turning to stone.
A little girl chases after her childhood friends, like a mother trying to catch her mischevious boys. A light breeze surrounds her. Her long, black hair flutters in the wind, as does the red scarf that she always dons like a wreath around her neck. “Eren! Armin! Please wait for me!" Both boys laugh, but do not look back, neither do they halt their course to the old tree where they always played and rested. She remains calm, believing that she will catch up to them eventually.
The one with warm chestnut hair and emerald-green eyes holding a melancholy depth that she’s always tried to understand but never could — his tendency to get into trouble always strengthened her urge to look after him. Again and again, she has had to listen to criticisms that she is too focused on her brother and does not recognise that others and the mission ahead are just as important. But why shouldn’t she have this thought? After all, she is just a young girl who wants to protect her family.
Then, there is the other boy, with golden blonde hair and knowing sky-blue eyes, ever her support and guiding light. She has also come to see him as her family.
What? Where are these thoughts coming from? She tries to shake off this nagging unease within herself; to suppress it, because she wants more than anything to stay with these two boys forever. And so, she keeps running, but the path… it's endless — why can't both of them wait for her? It feels as though the both of them are getting further and further away and she’ll never reach them.
A fog slowly begins to surround her until she can no longer see either of her friend and she is left standing there alone.
She has long since grown used to being abandoned by Eren, but for some reason, the fact she cannot reach Armin frightens her all the more. Panic rises within her. "EREN! ARMIN! Please! This is not funny anymore!“ She calls, only to hear the haunting echo of their laughter in the distance. Unfortunately, loved ones leaving her has always been a constant truth in her life. First, her parents; killed before her eyes when bandits tried to break into her home. Then, her foster mother, Carla; devoured alive by the titan form of Dina Fritzs, not twenty metres away from her and Eren. Soon after, it was her foster father, Grisha Jaeger; first declared missing, only to be discovered later that Eren had been forced to consume him. And, finally, there was Sasha; killed in the attack on the Liberio district in Marley.
Pain lances through her temples, prompting her to touch her forehead. Wait a second. The mission… Liberio… Why does she know about such events? And who is Sasha?
Worried and confused, she looks around, but still cannot see anything. The coldness of dread surrounds her. Then, someone taps her on the shoulder, almost frightening the life out of her, but she recognises those sky-blue eyes all too well, though they now belong to a man of war and no longer to the boy she once knew. "Armin! Don't frighten me like that!” She grips his icy hand, towering over him in size.
Since when did I get so tall? And why do his hands feel so cold? A sense of bewilderment and mild alarm fills her. Armin looks at her, sadly. "Mikasa! Come on, let's go up a bit further.” She obeys, and continues to run alongside him, an oppressive silence between them.
Mikasa is used to being the reserved one of her trio, and so it’s unsettling for Armin to be so quiet. "Armin, what's going on? Where are we going and where is Eren?” She twists around, searching. A moment later, she notices that Armin is still grasping for the right words, which unnerves her even more. "Mikasa,” he begins, carefully, “I'll bring you back to where you should be.” “’Back?’” She blinks. “Where? Did you hurt your head? Let me take a look! ” She says, moving towards Armin with concern.
“No! Don't you understand? You have to go!” She feels that icy hand pressing faintly against hers, as though the life within it were steadily creeping away. She stares at him, disturbed. “What's going on, Armin? I am getting scared. Eren was behaving so oddly, too… saying to forget about him and other such nonsense."
She touches her forehead again, except this time feeling a wetness on her skin. Sweat?
Mikasa looks up for signs of rain, but nothing is visible in the starry sky. While pondering this, she wipes away the moisture in one swift motion. This time, it is Armin who regards her with concern. “He has already said his goodbye to you, Mikasa. You are here with us in Paths, and that is not a good sign.We all want you to go back." She gapes at him, and her anxiety only increases when the fallen members of her squad and most of the titan- shifters appear one by one..
A part of Mikasa begins to guess at what will happen, and so she grips at her scarf to combat the fear coiling within her. Until now, it has always been a sign of her closeness to Eren; her safety. Now, it feels like a red noose. She loosens it so that she can breathe, and gasps for air. Slowly, she finds the strength to speak again. “Is this our farewell, Armin?” She finally speaks with a dry mouth. He only nods, mutely, with tears shining in his eyes. And then, he hugs her, though she only feels the cold wisp of it. “I don't want to be alone,” she whispers, weakly, her voice trembling. “I can’t do this.The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
She turns to find a former opponent she knows all-too-well approaching them.
He clears his throat.
The expression he wears is sympathetic. “I know I betrayed all of you years ago, and that nothing I do will ever be able to make it right. I also speak on behalf of Annie and Bertholdt when I say that we are sorry for everything we did to you and your friends." His features crease into a look of pleading. “And I know it's too much to ask… but please… please take care of my cousin, Gabi, and Falco. I don't see the two of them here, so I’m hoping that they made it through, and that Gabi transformed back after the Founding Titan's death. Unfortunately, I can sense their parents' presence here, so Gabi and Falco are probably alone now. But, if Gabi is still in this condition, then I ask that you please free her."
Mikasa nods, silently. Why does everyone always come to her like this, making these requests as if she some sort of the guardian over all?
Her thoughts flicker to the Rumbling, and why the last scouts of the 104th Regiment and the Marleyan warriors formed an alliance.
Another person appears, then.
It's Jean.
He seems shy, though Mikasa can’t figure out why. "Mikasa,” he starts hesitantly, a warm blush on his cheeks. “I want to tell you something before we don't see each other again." She recalls the chaos of the final events that Eren had instigated, and finds she recognises Jean's last longing look at her before all of the Eldians were turned into mindless titans.
Before she can process it, however, Jean has gathered her tightly in his arms, and rested his chin on her shoulder. “It’s sad that I only have the courage to tell you how I feel now… but…,” he sucks in a shaky breath, as if to steel himself. “I love you.” He says with a trembling voice.
Though surprised, Mikasa has always suspected that Jean harboured more than just companionship for her, and can’t help but wonder how everything would have gone between them if both had allowed this opportunity to flourish early on.
Yet another question that will never be answered, she supposes.
She returns his hug, her heart heavy. "I'm so sorry, Jean." Her voice is shaking too much to say more, so she lets her tears do the speaking for her. They both hold on to each other until he fades from beneath her touch, as if preparing to slip away into that eternal mist.
Connie and Sasha are the next to appear, and Jean joins them. “So, you finally told her. Looks like you got in ahead of someone.” Connie says jokingly. Mikasa ignores Connie's comment, if only because she’s confused as to who he could have been referring to, and looks at the other two of Jean’s Trio in disbelief, instinctively hugging them.
"You talk too much, Connie!" Jean replies sourly to him. "He's right about that!" Notes Sasha into her shoulder. “Hey… thanks for bringing these two idiots back to me. It was getting pretty lonely without them.” The familiar voice of her best friend seems to summon all of her tears, but Sasha is quick to chide her. “Hey, everything will be okay. Do you hear me? Live free and happily."
Live free and happily. Such a lofty goal to have when all of one’s important people are in a place too far out of one’s reach. She dries her tears, and then glances up again at the azure Pathian sky, getting lost in it for a moment as a comforting security she’s never known until now envelops her like a blanket, and she finds herself wishing that it would never end.
Gradually, she begins to compose herself a little. The breeze nips at the newly exposed skin of her neck, her scarf having since slidden down her shoulder without her notice, but she ignores it in favour of keeping her eyes on that beautiful, welcoming azure.
Armin soon comes to stand beside her again, now transparent enough to see through.
How beautiful the sky looks. I want to stay here with the others. But even as she thinks it, that same peculiar wetness drips down her forehead, except this time, it’s much more than before.
A strange, stupid question comes to mind as she feels registers it with her fingertips, her eyes still trained on that cool azure sky: “Armin, is it raining in Paths?”
The look Armin gives her is a mixture of disbelief and desperation. “Mikasa,” he says, hastily, taking her by the shoulders. “It's time. You have been here far too long. You are needed, you understand?”
Though knowing full well the futility of it, Mikasa strains for his touch, but it is hardly thicker than the air here. What’s the point in arguing?She smiles sadly at him. “Who needs me anyway?” She huffs, bitterly. “You’re all here.” And even that truth is fading as her former companions start to fade in front of her eyes, too fast for her to catch a proper, final glance, or utter goodbye. It's all going too fast for her to keep up.
And, suddenly, she can feel wetness on her forehead again, as if it were trying to beckon for her attention.Recognition dawns on her, and her gaze immediately snaps back to Armin’s. "Armin, someone is crying.” Even as she thinks about this, her mouth becomes dry, and a feeling of dizziness threatens to overtake her, but the understanding in Armin’s eyes is all too clear.
In the next moment, any lingering doubts she has are allayed by the sound of someone screaming her name in the distance.
…Stay with me!….PLEASE! …I need you to stay with me! …MIKASA!
"Who is crying?” She demands as the voice continues to pierce the air. “Is someone crying… for me?” She blurts, incredulous. “Who else is still there? Everyone is here,” she desperately thinks aloud.
Walls, who did she forget?
Her consciousness begins to toy with her, clouding her already hazy awareness; so much so that her buckling legs can no longer support her weight. Armin rushes to catch her before she can meet with the hard ground, and not only does she not pass through his frail frame as she had expected, but also, when their eyes meet, it is no longer sky-blue, a cool albeit glossy azure reflecting back at her instead, quickly banishing all coherent thought.
“You’ll have to find out. Unfortunately, I can no longer help you with this, though I wish with all my being that I could,” He tells her in a tearful voice, touching his forehead to hers. “I am so sorry that we have to part ways, Mikasa.”
“Wait! Armin, don’t—”
“You are, and have always been, a big sister to me. And always will be,” he continues, hoarsely. “I thank you for that.”
“But, Armin—!”
The last thing she was aware of was the pungent smell of blood and sweat, and the odd albeit wonderfully familiar sensation of being embraced by a pair of strong arms before her world faded to black.
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ly0nstea · 2 years
What I mean is that last minute change Eren lied to Floch about annihilating the 100% of humanity beyond the walls. Floch died believing until the very end that he's fighting for the cause of his homeland living in peace for centuries, which didn't come true. Paradis maintained somewhat of a peace treaty with the world for a century at best. To be fair Paradis living happily ever after sounds too good to be true of a bedtime story, its ass eventually getting whooped was inevitable. It would've either been bombed by the outside world or people living on it would've destroyed each other in Civil War. There is a theme in aot emphasized here and there that humanity will continually tear itself apart no matter what, wars and fightings won't stop until the day there's one human or less. So call me w/e but if I had to choose the lesser of two evils it's better if Paradis with a smaller amount of population gets wiped out first before the world of billions more people will gradually destroy itself.
You can't take a moral highground when wiping out a race of people. That's what Eren understood, its what Floch understood. Never once do either of them claim or pretend to be good people, unlike Marleyans who try to find honour and cause in their genocide. One of the two was going to be wiped out, by the start of AoT that's a guarantee, not in the way that Eren's pseudo-time travel is deterministic, even absent of all that by the start of AoT when Wall Maria fell the two nations were incompatible with existing together.
Who's fault is this? Marley's. Had Marley left well enough alone, Paradis wouldn't have done anything we know this, Paradis tried to make it obvious but even the Eldians on Marley want it wiped out for their own gain.
Paradis tried peace, many times. Eren's plan was his own last resort. It's not what he wanted to do.
At the end of the day, what Eren did was self-defense. Marley had explicitly declared war on Paradis, and had been attempting to wipe them out for over a hundred years straight. (Which only goes to show, all of the pre-seasom four genocides, every titan death and everyone who died in the first three seasons Marley didn't even see as a war.)
Using your own logic, that humanity will continue to tear itself apart. Your solution is even more flawed of whenever 2 groups are warring, you simply wipe out the smaller one to what? Minimise damage? You'll end up with not only an ethnostate, you'll get an ethnoglobe.
It's cowardly, fearful. There is no choice of two evils here. It's two cornered animals fighting for survival.
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months
Break Me Slowly|Part 24|Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: It's crazy to think that chapters running alongside the show are going to end soon since we only have two more episodes of season 4 part 2 and then the two specials, one chapter per special (hopefully). This series really is coming to an end and it's so bitter sweet to be honest. Now that's not to say I'll be done with these two, I have two AUs I plan on making full series' eventually (inspired by your guys' requests actually) as well as oneshots. But there is a sense of completion knowing this series I've wanted to write for years is actually a thing that people can go read and enjoy. Thank you guys for all your support, and there will be a poll shortly to determine the next series we do. Comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Evelyn was unable to meet Levi's gaze the moment they were left alone. Everyone else was planning for their attack on the Jeagerists, forcing the husband and wife into an uncomfortable silence. Or rather, it was Evelyn who found the silence uncomfortable. As per usual Levi didn't find positions like this awkward or tense, in fact he reveled in seeing her squirm. He was sizing her up yet again, waiting for her to screw up and show him all of her true and embarrassing feelings.
"So it seems my wife loves me after all."
"I bet in this state you couldn't stop a blanket from smothering you."
"I have this gut feeling you wouldn't do that."
"You want to try your luck?" Her fists clenched.
He shrugs haphazardly. "Maybe I am."
Her hands tighten around a folded blanket, he always did this, she would find herself getting along with him and seeing him as something more than an asshole and then he pulled this shit. She should do humanity a favor and take every ounce of life from his chest. But she couldn't do it. She couldn't do it.
"You're right. I won't."
"That's what I thought." Levi pauses. "So why did you defend me. You could have spilled your guts and I bet they would have backed you up all the way."
"I told you, I need you. I doubt Reiner has enough money or reputation hidden in the now flattened Marley to raise a child. You have more than I ever could offer, I already told you all of this though. Is there a need to keep bringing it up besides to torment me?"
"Maybe I enjoy tormenting you. After the shit you've put me through you could use a taste of your own medicine."
"After all I put you through huh. Listen Levi, we don't have to like each other, we just have to get along. For our child's sake."
"How long did you know before you told me. You never said."
"They had me take a test in Marley, wanting to make sure they didn't have more problems to deal with I guess They told me right after."
"And you didn't think to tell me sooner?"
"Cleaning up a body didn't seem an appropriate time dear."
"That's the other thing I can't wrap my head around. You've killed, but only long after you witnessed me do the same thing. Why didn't you use that as your ticket out."
"I don't know. Part of me almost felt a sense of safety, as sick as that sounds. I knew that no matter what you'd be able to protect me from someone worse than you. And then when things got too much-" She sighs. "I see why you do what you do. All my stress, gone. That's all it took."
"It seems I was right about a lot of things."
"Hm." She doesn't give a full answer, but there would be time for that eventually.
"Evelyn, are you ready?" Mikasa breaks their silence, it was up to Evelyn to try and convince Floch to let out the mechanics. Since in the Jeagerists' minds she helped start The Rumbling they trusted her. She was almost as respected as Eren himself. This would be it, this would be her moment, finally she wouldn't be a coward.
"Ready." She stands, glancing back at Levi and pressing a kiss to his lips. "I'll be back soon." She brushes a hand through his hair before following Mikasa.
As the two rejoin the others Mikasa glances at Evelyn out of the corner of her eye. "You two seem to be on good terms."
"Hm? It's nothing."
They go into a brief silence before Mikasa breaks it. "I know you're my superior, but you've been there for all of us, you know we're here for you too."
Smiles had become rare to Evelyn's face as of late, but now she shows one. She cared for these Scouts like they were her children. "I know Mikasa. Listen, when this is all over I'll invite everyone over and we can all catch up, okay? I know I've been missing in action lately, but I promise I'll make it up to you guys."
Mikasa doesn't return her smile but nods approvingly. "Eren too?"
"Eren too."
Evelyn never really learned how to handle her nerves, Levi could look death in the face and never bat an eye but she wasn't so strong. She was human. So the thought of facing Floch and trying to sell this lie was terrifying. How Reiner and Annie could go for years getting people to believe their stories she didn't know. But if she made it out of this she'd surely see them in a new light.
She was permitted to enter without question, everyone wondering how on earth she had survived the Cart Titan and where she had been. Relief flashed the faces of those so deluded into thinking what Eren was doing was morally acceptable. The sight twisted her stomach with guilt.
Floch had never looked so smug, like he was king of the world lording power over the Azumabitos. With the way he eyed her now her suspicions seemed a bit more founded, part of her wondered if Floch had it in his mind that they could become an item, not out of romantic feelings but pure political gain. After all, he believed Levi was dead and surely he wanted a way to secure his rightful place at Eren's side. Unfortunately for him, she found him revolting.
"What happened to you? We all saw you get eaten by the Cart, we're so happy you're alive." He hugs her, and she has to fight back the urge to cringe, Floch always described himself as a "nice guy" and Evelyn had come to learn that anyone who described themselves as nice were never all that nice.
"The Cart and Armoured believed that I was still on their side but had been kidnapped. They were trying to rescue me, but when I told them the truth of my allegiance they fled, which way they went I'm not sure. They took me to the middle of no where and I had to walk back, I was too exhausted to transform so I was stuck on foot." She felt a slight relief when he released her, greatly unappreciative of him believing he could take liberties with invading her personal space.
"Well you're safe now." He turns away and to the Azumabito engineers. "To catch you up, we've purged the enemies of Eldia, and I was just about to do so with these foreigners."
"What happened to Commander Erwin?"
"He's still alive, he'll draw Hange out of her hiding spot, but he's secured enough that she'll have a hell of time getting him out. And once we have her too and confirm Levi's death both of those traitors will join them."
"Very efficient Floch." She forces her tone to remain even.
Floch nods in appreciation and raises the barrel of the gun to Kiyomi Azumabito's head, just before Evelyn steps in to stop him Armin's voice comes from outside, mercifully making Floch step back.
Catching Kiyomi's eye Evelyn offers a subtle wink to let her know that the situation is under control, but whether she understood or not was something she couldn't worry about right now.
Armin explains their fabricated scenario regarding the Cart and Armoured Titan, urging Floch to take action and release the engineers before running off to secure the boat.
Floch steps back and seems to hesitate, unsure of whether to believe Armin or not.
"What are you doing Floch, you heard him we have no time to lose!" Evelyn prayed her fake panic sounded convincing enough.
"Something just isn't adding up."
"Like what-" She hid her hands behind her back so he wouldn't see how they trembled.
"The locomotive is the fastest way to get here and yet they came on horseback knowing the Cart was ahead of them. Why would they do that...?"
"Maybe they just panicked?" She offers sheepishly.
"Armin would never panic." He paces back and forth, thinking, drawing out the sweat on Evelyn's forehead as she prayed he would stop questioning it and let them come down. "My gut tells me this is trouble, so it's time to nip some buds." He poised his gun at the head of Kiyomi's head, forcing Evelyn into action.
Shots fired as she pushed him down. He was big than she was but growing up in the Underground where you learned how to hold your own against grown men as a child he was no challenge at all. Other soldiers rushed into the room to see what they problem was, guns trained on Evelyn but hesitant to fire.
"Idiots, quit standing there and blow her away!"
Before they had an opportunity to follow through on these orders Mikasa crashed through the window, stunning the soldiers and throwing them to the ground like ragdolls, her timing couldn't have been more perfect.
"Kiyomi run!"
The sudden movement of the Azumabitos fleeing to safety caused Evelyn to lose her focus momentarily, which proved to be a fatal mistake.
Using his gear, Floch propelled himself out from under her and through the already broken window, swinging high above the building.
"We're under attack! Mikasa, Evelyn, Connie and Armin have switched sides! They've betrayed Eldia! Kill them!"
It seemed the entire base froze still, former comrades unable to believe what they had just heard. But they quickly sprung into action, firing on their former friends, determined to wipe them out for the good of humanity.
Mikasa and Evelyn switched into gear, leading the engineers to safety and away from the reign of bullets. The basement would be the safest until Reiner and Annie could get the port under control.
The plan had failed.
The engineers safely in the capable hands of Hange, Jean and Magath, Evelyn and Mikasa focused their efforts one protecting those boarding the ship. Slaughtering Jeagerists, too many Jeagerists. Too many friends. All cut down because of greed.
The Titans in play taking too much damage to the the thunder spears, she had to do something. Without the Titans they'd never win this fight, she had to act now.
Without a second thought she dived off the building, biting deep down into her wrist, light surrounding her as the familiar body built around her.
Evelyn rarely used her Titan, afraid of the damage she could accidentally cause to innocents, but now wasn't the time for caution and morality. It was the time for action.
This was it was easier, swatting down those she used to command and fight alongside was easier when it was from this distance. Their faces weren't as close, she could see into their eyes as the life faded from them. A hailstorm of bullets and thunder spears reigned down on her, she was taking damage and fast. There was a chance she could die here, there was no Levi to save her. But it was worth it, it was all worth it to atone for the deaths she had caused.
When all hope seemed to be lost they rallied, slaying all those who opposed them and filling the sea with blood. What felt like an eternity passed before they were given the signal to board the ship. Never was she so relieved to leave that wretched body she had been cursed with.
When they finally sailed off she could breathe a sigh of relief. She felt like a slight bit of her guilt left, she wasn't as much of a horrid monster that she had been hours before. Maybe there was redemption for her cowardice after all.
Paradis faded into the distance, their send off a display of fire and light due to Magath's brave sacrifice. So many had given their hearts and souls because of her mistakes, but she would avenge them, she would avenge all of them.
She would pay for her sins, their sacrifices would not be in vain.
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the-traveling-poet · 11 months
Hi , I just hope you accept my request " Eren x reader" s4 the table scene , he said how much he hated Mikasa and turned to y/n and hurt her by words , what if he asked to talk her alone to hurt her more and she said she regret her feelings for him , and he got softened
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Amidst the chaos surrounding both Paradis and Marley, Y/N finds herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. While staying close to her childhood friends Mikasa and Armin, Y/N is forced to come face to face with the man she’d grown to love for the first time in months. His departure had hit her the hardest of them all, but still she kept her chin held high. Will she be able to rid herself of her feelings for Yaeger before it’s too late for her? Or will she succumb to her grief…
Pairing: Eren x reader
Warnings: Angst. Pure angst. Literally just pain. Language. Spoilers for S4 if you haven’t read/watched it yet.
Angst, depression, betrayal, S4
Taglist: @21aurora
A/N: Ofc anon! This one seriously hurt to write T-T I’m sorry this took me forever to publish! As always if this isn’t to your expectations I’ll re-write it how you want!
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What had just been a moment of relative relaxation, quickly turned to one of panic.
One minute, you’d watched as Jean and Connie bickered over a bottle of wine in one of the MP’s cabinets, while Commander Hange spoke quietly with the Braus family before aiding Jean in cleaning off a ‘poisoned’ a young Marlian boy, Falco.
But the moment Niccolo lunged for the young Marlian girl, Gabi, shit hit the ceiling. The Braus’s adopted daughter lunged for the girl, screaming and crying out obscenities. You watched on helplessly as Niccolo took a swipe at Gabi, having only just learned of the girl’s murder back in Marley.
Sasha…poor Sasha. The memory of her death still haunted you every night you slept. To see her murderer, a young girl, standing before you uncharged and free of imprisonment…It hurt. But she was a child, you knew. A poor, brainwashed child.
Before you could even attempt to take action and aid the situation, the door behind you creaked open. Looking over your shoulder, you spotted Floch and his ‘followers’; a mix of MPs and what was left of the Scouting Regime soldiers.
By the time Hange and Jean returned to the dining room, you and Onyankopon were already being held at gunpoint.
“What’s wrong?” Hange asked in haste when she heard a muffled yelp from Onyankopon, but froze at the scene before them.
“Commander Hange,” Floch greeted coolly, ignoring your persistent glare. “I’m glad you’re here.”
Floch lowered the gun aimed at your head, and turned to Hange. “I imagine you know where Zeke’s at…We’ll have you take us there.”
You were only a second away from opening your mouth to retort his absurd statement, when Armin’s startled yelp from the adjacent room made your blood run cold.
Without giving it a second though, you raced to the side of the room towards the doors, paying no mind to the soldiers who held guns to your back. You had to go. You had to see him…
“Let her,” Floch’s airy tone caught you off guard, making you pause with your hand on the door handle.
“He’s expecting her presence too, you know.”
The guards lowered their guns from your back, and you took this moment to race through the double doors.
Behind you, you faintly registered a sinister chuckle coming from Floch, but you ignored him in your haste.
You slammed the door behind you quickly, and took a look around the nearly vacant room. And there he stood; just before you at the head of a round table in the very center of the room.
Armin and Mikasa sat with their hands placed palm down on the table cloth, eyes wide and shoulders stiff. Gabi was with them, tense and shaking in utter fear. You visually checked them over for any sign of injury, and when you found none and relaxed. But only slightly. You took your eyes off of your comrades, only for your eyes to suddenly met his.
Eren gave you no sign of emotion as he looked into your eyes from across the room. If anything, he looked bothered. His hair was slightly disheveled, and his clothes worn. But the look of indifference on his face only made his overall appearance look more menacing.
“Y/N, you’re here. Please, take a seat.” He spoke in a low tone while pulling out the chair he stood behind with gestured for you to take it. Taking a shaky breath, you decided to follow his ‘request’ and strode forward to accepted the seat.
“Eren-“ you began, but he cut you off.
“Hands on the table, and don’t remove them.” He shoved your chair into place, and swept his gaze across the four of you.
Despite his glare, you thought he looked…Weary. Sad, perhaps.
After a long pause, he broke the silence suffocating the room.
“As I said; I wanted to talk, with you guys.”
You remained silent and still in your seat, your fists clenching at the table cloth when you noticed the gash formed across his palm.
A warning to you all.
“Conflict isn’t necessary to solve Eldia’s problems.”
Behind you, a grandfather clock ticked against the wall for every silent second that passed his statement, setting you on edge.
“Eren, we’re the ones who wanted to talk.” Armin spoke up, his gaze sharp and focused. “What made you attack Marley all on your own? Did Zeke and Yelena really talk you into joining them?”
The question had been nagging at you for some time as well, but for now you remained silent.
“I am free,” Eren stated solemnly. “The things I do and choices I make are all decided by my own free will.”
“No…No, you are being manipulated!” Mikasa suddenly grit out, leaning over the table and standing up. “You wouldn’t have involved the lives of children and innocents, even if they were enemies!”
Eren kept silent, merely listening to her outburst. But before he could respond to Mikasa’s allegations, you found it within yourself to finally speak up as well.
“Eren, I know you care about us. More than anyone!”
You stood up from the table, removing your hands from the table to place them onto Eren’s broad shoulders.
“Don’t you?! The reason you saved Mikasa…Armin…Me…You love u-“
“I said to keep your hands on the table, now do it,” Eren cut you off with a harsh glare, switching gazes between you and Mikasa. Mikasa slumped back down into her chair in defeat, clutching at her scarf. But you remained standing, tightening your grip on his shoulders.
“Eren please, why won’t you stop this?!” You cried out.
“I said, sit.” Eren spat back through clenched teeth, forcibly removing your hands from his shoulders.
A pang of hurt shot through your heart, making your chest feel heavy. Furrowing your brow, you reluctantly sat and placed your hands back onto the table.
Once you were all sat and silent, Eren continued.
“I spoke with Zeke in Liberio; brother to brother. Zeke knows more about titans than even Marley as a whole.”
He paused, turning his attention to Armin.
“Armin, aren’t you still visiting Annie? Do you think that’s if your own free will?”
Armin froze, his eyes blown wide.
“If memories are what shape people, a part of you is Bertholdt now. Within you is an enemy with feelings for another enemy. Armin, Bertholdt has gotten into your head.”
Armin sat in shocked silence, staring blankly back at Eren. You took this moment to make a decision.
For better or for worse, you had to try…
“Then what does that make me, Eren?”
Eren turned to look at you, raising a brow. He seemed to not have expected you to speak up again so soon, if at all. But curiosity got the better of him, and he gave you room to speak. So you continued.
“You dare accuse Armin for being lost to memories of another, for falling for another that. is the enemy. So what does that make me, huh? Am I now an enemy, too?” You spoke quickly, feeling a need to get it all out.
After all these years…
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” He drawled out. “You have no part in this conversation. You are Eldian and not a shifter. You know what I’m saying doesn’t apply to you.”
“Oh, but doesn’t it? Don’t my feelings for you count for anything? You cant call Armin an enemy without accusing me as well!” You cried out, taking a stand once more.
Eren’s eyes widened; it seemed he wasn’t expecting this. “Y/N…I-“
Mikasa cut him off this time with a hell, not minding his sudden glare on her for interrupting.
“Eren, what could you possibly be sayin-“
“The Ackermans, too.” Eren scoffed, now standing as well beside you. “The Ackermans were intentionally designed to protect Eldia’s king. Back then, when faced with life and death you heeded my order; Fight.”
“No…Protecting you was not a mistake…” Mikasa whispered, fear in her shaky eyes.
“It was because of you I became strong, Eren!”
“No, Mikasa. Your family was made to forget who they are and love only to protect. You are slaves.” Eren scowled, his eyes narrowed dangerously. Their conflict gave you a headache, but you knew better than to speak up just yet.
“Eren, enough!” Armin suddenly called out, taking a stand with the rest of you.
“Do you know what I hate more than anyone?Any of you?” Eren continued on, ignoring his friend. “Those who are not free. They’re just like livestock.”
“Eren!” you yelled, filled with a sudden rage. Rage fueled by grief.
This wasn’t the boy you’d grown up with. Fought beside. Come to love so deeply…
Eren snapped his gaze to you, his glare deepening. “Just seeing you has always pissed me off so much, Y/N. And now I finally understand why; I can’t stand the sight of a slave who obeys orders without question.”
His cold statement made you gasp and stumble back a step. Hurt flooded through you, but you fought off your tears for now.
“You don’t mean that…”
“Ever since we were little…I’ve hated you.”
Everything around you became white noise as you stared on in horrified silence, your mouth agape with all the words you wished to say. And yet nothing came of it.
Faintly you registered Armin leaping across the table towards Eren, fists raised and teeth clenched. Words were exchanged, but you heard none of them. Like Gabi, you remained frozen in your spot.
Mikasa lunged forward to stop Armin, only to freeze in fear as she recognized what Ered had said about the Ackermans might just be true. Armin was pinned to the table by Eren’s strong grip, shouting over his shoulder to the man above him.
The moment Eren threw Armin across the room, you finally snapped and regained your ability to speak.
“Eren!” you screamed.
Immediately Eren held still, his back to you but his head turned to silently acknowledge your voice.
“Stop this! What have you done?” You shouted. Your voice shook as well as your hands with every word you uttered, but you knew you had to keep going. Or else you’d never get another chance.
Deep down, you knew this is how it had to be.
“You belittle Mikasa…manhandle Armin…hate me…And for what? What is it you truly want from us?”
Eren turned to face you, his emotions hidden behind his cold facade. But he let you speak. Let you say the things you both knew, deep down, you had both longed to say for years.
“You can hate me all you want. You can hate all of us, all you want. But don’t you dare for a moment accuse us of anything but loyalty. We love you, Eren. I love you. You know that, I know you do!” You cried out in earnest, tears finally escaping your eyes no matter how hard you fought them.
“I’ve always loved you. I’ve tried, time and time again, to show you this. And for everything I’ve ever done…How could you?”
With that final whisper, you turned your back to him and crossed your arms around your sides. Looking for any form of comfort.
“Y/N…You know I-“ Eren started to speak, his tone much softer now. Though you couldn’t see it, he was fighting tears himself. But he refused to let anyone notice how he wiped them away.
“No. Just, fucking don’t.” You stated softly. “Figure out this mess with the war. Do what you must. But please…Please understand us…”
Just then, a couple MP’s burst through the door, demanding to know what the noise was about.
“I’m fine,” Eren reassured them, his voice hollow. “Go back to Floch. I’ll join up soon.”
Once they hesitantly left, you finally turned in your heel and gave Eren one last pleading look.
“Figure this out, Eren. Figure this out for us.”
With that you turned to leave the room. To leave your companions and to leave your love. But just before you twisted the door handle to rejoin Commander Hange and the others, you looked over your shoulder and made direct eye contact with Eren.
“And just know…Despite everything that happened in the past… Despite what happened here in this room…Just know I still love you. I’m scared that I always will.”
With that you left, not seeing the way Eren’s emotions finally pushed through his facade and showed on his face. The way he reached out his hand to stop you leaving, despite the physical distance between the two of you.
You never would know, just as he would never forget the way what was left of his heart shattered in his chest that day.
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