#when he plays with Faye she likes for him to chase her
fayeandknight · 1 year
Short clip of my coworker's girl, a dutch x acd, and Forte playing. He lets her set the pace of and isn't offended or put off that she's a vocal player. I often refer to their play as bumper Belgians.
It's super cute to watch them play because Forte frequently slows himself down to match her speed and waits for her to rejoin the game when she stops to hunt for stray kibble. She in turn is very tolerant of him being a gross/super sniffy boy.
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winwintea · 2 months
WayV as my favorite songs
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AUTHOR’S NOTE ↬ no one asked for this but i can do whatever i want lol. i need to flesh out every single nct member and this is the easiest way for me to write for them: music
PLAYLIST ↬ here just in case you would like to listen to any of them lol
OTHER VERSIONS ↬ dream | 127 | wish (when i post them eventually lol)
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yangyang is a certified y2k baddie. i'm fully convinced he was born in the wrong era. like he would've rocked the 2000s so much, if only he was born 10 years earlier. 火 is quite literally yangyang, don't tell me other wise, like yangyang is🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥the lyrics are so him coded. HE JUST LOVES MUSIC DON'T TELL HIM TO STOP! in true wayv fashion the song is probably about sex
XIAO DEJUN ↬ 爱 - 小虎队
my god. dejun....... literally such a romantic, but he's like the youthful style romantic?? (does that make sense) 爱 just fits him so well cause it's like young love, peaceful vibes, literally i'm in love with this man. I BET YOU ANYTHING HE KNOWS THE SIGN LANGUAGE TO THIS SONG BY HEART. heartthrob dejun of the 90s. LIKE CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM IN THE 90s???
QIAN KUN ↬ 你是我永远的乡愁 - fei yu-ching
you know the guy that sings the xue hua piao piao song? yeah this is one of his songs. another way for me to call kun a boomer but am i wrong??? is this man not a boomer??? i'm sorry. nah but i got a feeling that kun really likes old old music. i'm talking teressa teng, all those classics. and i can't blame him they're bangers. couldn't go straight with a jay chou song bc that'd be too easy i wanted to challenge myself.
DONG SICHENG ↬ 我愿意 - faye wong/王菲
i love love love faye wong....... all of her songs. she's so talented bruh. and i love winwin! wow those go great together! jkjk, i have reasons for this too. this song is quite literally so special so romantic like damn. i have a feeling that winwin, whoever his partner is, he would literally worship the ground they walk on. HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THE ONE HE LOVES. these are literally all love songs but my wayv boys... i picture them in love all the time okay.
WONG KUNHANG ↬ 失戀 - grasshoper
everytime i hear this fucking song i laugh so hard bc WHO WROTE THIS???? WHY DID YOU MAKE IT HAPPY??? hendery is such a comedian, we all know that. he just has this extremely playful vibe to him. the lyrics of this song... are certainly tragic.... it's about a dude who's chasing after girl who doesn't like him but also talking to another guy who likes the same girl and they both cope with their misery together. LIKE... hendery gives me the vibe that for all his misfortunes and troubles he would just laugh it off. which is not okay, but it's how he is. :((
literally do not know any thai songs i apologize, but if you got any good recs. really any jolin tsai song could fit ten's vibe tbh, like especially 舞孃 could work too. i chose play bc the gays like it (this is a joke but also kinda true) i could say that she's basically the "lady gaga of cpop" (not my words okay) play is just so sassy, and playful, really fits the vibes that ten has going on there. gay.
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perm taglist ↬ @lyvhie
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
this post is for Landslide baddies and Landslide baddies ONLY 🫵🤨
remember when I talked about writing a bunch of alternate versions of Landslide? and one of them was what if her and Jake met first?
while that will never be written (I love Landslide so much and I don't want to change anything about it sorry love you) mother has decided to feed her children a few crumbs....
here were the tentative plans for the story where her and Jake end up together (and they're largely unfinished, literally just crumbs!!!):
-starts on December 2016, so only a few months after Maggie's death
-her and Jake meet on NYE so she’s like three/four weeks pregnant but has no clue obvi
-they meet outside The Hard Deck. she isn't going in--she's just kind of standing around the entrance. she's not super fucked up yet, but she's high. he gets to talking to her, obvi thinks she's gorgeous and a conquest. but then cut to the chase bc she's like come back to my house and who is he to disagree?
-and then when they get back there, instead of having sex right away, maybe he notices that her air conditioner in the living room isn’t working. and he fixes it while she kind of just stands there. and then maybe he’s even like looking around her house a little bit while she goes into the bathroom and takes some more pills and he sees all the pictures on the walls and then realizes that he’s with Clover Ledger—whose sister is dead as of recently. like, super recently.
-so then maybe when he goes into the bedroom, she’s waiting for him, naked. and she’s kind of like not really there. he doesn’t want to take advantage of her and feels quite sick about this whole situation. and she’s high so she’s not much help. so maybe he just covers her up and she is able to whisper, could you just stay? and he does stay. he just holds her. 
-and the next morning, maybe he orders in some breakfast and sits in the living room while he waits for her to wake up. so then he starts playing a record and it happens to be Rumours by Fleetwood Mac. she wakes up to her sisters song playing in the living room. at first, maybe she thinks it’s a ghost or something because she can’t see him. but he walks up the stairs holding pancakes and eggs and hash browns. then they eat breakfast together. 
-he can tell that she’s deeply sad, deeply wounded. she's very obviously self-destructing.
-they should have one scene where she’s slightly sober. and maybe it’s the first time she’s laughed in a long time—he’s made her coffee and they’re just chatting about the academy and school and where they grew up and stuff. breakfast accidentally spans out across the entire day. they don’t even kiss, barely even touch. it’s just a pure interaction. she gives him her number and he promises to call. 
-I think he is enamored with her already and he doesn't even have the best version of her yet.
-they end up hanging out maybe once or twice more. maybe they even have a random meeting at the grocery store or something. it’s kind of a weird fated thing. 
-but then she kind of falls off the map after that. so like he calls her and texts her and she doesn’t answer. and then he finally swings by her house, not trying to be creepy. he is genuinely worried something happened to her. 
-finally Bob answers her phone in like late March and there’s a misunderstanding because Bob thinks Jake is just another guy that’s taken advantage of her but Jake has to tell him that they were friends and blah blah blah. so Bob says the next time he sees Faye, he is going to ask about Jake and then maybe he will let Jake know what the next move is. Bob slays.
-so he waits about another week or two and then gets a phone call from Faye’s phone—it’s Bob on the other end of the line. he tells Jake that Faye said if he really wanted to come see her, he could come during visiting hours. he tells Jake that she is in an in-patient treatment facility in Arizona. then he tells Jake to call if he has any questions. 
-Jake can’t stop thinking about Faye. she really touched him deeply. so he does it one weekend—he goes and visits her. se hops on a plane and goes to the treatment facility and sees her. she looks better physically—she really does. she doesn’t look as dead as she did before. she’s awkward and embarrassed and broken and he’s just happy to see her—he doesn’t care that it’s in a rehab facility. she tells him almost as soon as she sees him that she’s pregnant—and then he can actually see it. when he visits her in late May, she’s about 14 weeks pregnant.
-he is randomly all in. he calls her when he can and they have long conversations on the phone. he visits her whenever he can, too—somehow always missing Bob. he is unspokenly there for her for her pregnancy, too. he wants to be there for everything she’s going through. 
-she leaves rehab when she is about 20 weeks pregnant. she goes home. he helps out around her house. and then they start spending like a lot of time with each other. like they’re kind of just best friends. he doesn’t really know a lot of people in San Diego and she doesn’t have her sister or Bob at the moment. or her family. so they just start doing everything with each other. he helps with things like her air conditioning and just stuff around the house. 
-she’s starting to prepare for the baby. she doesn’t want to force anything on him, but he insists that he wants to help her. so he starts going with her to pick out baby clothes and nursery items and all that good stuff. and then eventually he starts going to her appointments with her whenever he can. he will go out and buy her pickles in the middle of the night. he is the one who tells her that she should start going to childbirth classes. and he shows up for her there, acts as her partner. 
-as it progresses, he’s still just there. he’s falling in love with her for sure, but more than anything wants to just support her. he cares about her a lot. she always jokes that he should go out and find a girl and sleep around and go crazy but no—he just wants to be there with her, feeling the baby kick, doing whatever she wants to do. 
-a point of contention is that he is in love with her but she needs him as a friend so desperately. like she doesn’t want to believe that he is only there to fuck her. and he does love being her friend but is truly also in love with her. 
-when she goes into labor, she’s a little bit early. I’m thinking she goes into labor on August 1st, just after midnight. and she drives herself to the hospital and is there for a few hours before Jake figures out what’s going on. and he only figures out because she tells Bob and Bob is scrambling because he was supposed to be flying in in a few weeks instead of August 1st. so he calls Jake to be his placeholder. 
-he's there through everything--even the emergency c-section. he strokes her hair and even manages to get her to laugh a few times. he gets to see her face the first time she hears her son cry. they are both overwhelmed with emotion, crying and laughing, totally shocked and in awe.
-he is very little because he was early, but he's healthy. Jake is actually the first person who gets to hold him (partly because Faye is numb and strapped down and partly because all of the staff thinks he's dad and neither him or Faye is correcting it). he watches her kiss him and love him and oh, boy. he's in real trouble now. all of this feels too good, too weirdly good. too natural.
-she names the little boy Bowie Palmer Ledger.
-she keeps expecting Jake to hit the road. but he never does. he leaves for a half hour to go home and grab a bag and then sets up camp at her bedside. he's totally obsessed.
-the last night in the hospital, in the afterglow of it all, they admit their feelings for each other. but Faye says that she's a mother now and she can't be getting involved with anyone just yet. plus Jake is the best friend she's had since Bob and she doesn't want to lose that. Jake agrees with her. they both decide it's best to be friends for a the time being. but they do share one tiny little kiss.
-but the biggest issue is: Jake is absolutely in love with her. like more than he's ever loved anyone ever before. he has no desire to leave whatsoever. he wants to stay with her and raise this fucking baby—and he knows that’s crazy. 
feel free to send me any thoughts on this....maybe we could expand on some things together....
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2. Soloist/ The River
"You really think we're going to be able to see them through all this?"
"Shut up and sip your whiskey."
The night club was full of smoke and bodies. About a dozen small tables crowded the main floor; cabaret-style, they faced a main stage, only two or three chairs to a table so each seat had a clear view of the performance. Nearly every patron was smoking; the nightclub boasted its own brand of cigar, and it was popular. 
They'd secured a table near the edge of the crowd; despite the cloud of smoke impairing visibility, they were able to split their sightlines between both the audience and the bar near the back. Faye lifted her martini daintily to her lips, eyeing their fellow audience members. "How's the alley looking, Jet?" she murmured.
"As clean and crisp as a rusted sewage drain," he grumbled back through her earpiece. "Next time a bounty head frequents a nightclub like this, I call dibs on staking out the inside."
"I thought you liked playing back up," Spike whispered, hiding a grin behind his whiskey glass.
"I don't like playing back up, I like going into situations with thoughtful preparation. It's you two knuckleheads who always run in, guns blazing, and I have to play backup by process of elimination."
"That's your fault for not having enough initiative," Faye replied calmly. "Next time you find a bounty listing, you can decide who goes where. This was my lead and I'm calling the shots. now quit whining."
Onstage, some preparation appeared to be taking place. A standup mic, the vintage kind with a cord and everything, was placed center stage by a tech hand. A young woman, looking to be about Faye's age, stood to the side with an acoustic guitar. 
Spike stretched his legs under the table. "I'd only go on a date with Jet if he wears that number you had for that one masquerade."
Faye's eyes twinkled with mischief. "The one with the ruffles?"
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"That one's so last season, no way. Besides, Jet would stretch it out and ruin it."
"I don't know, Faye, I think the neckline would really accentuate his broad shoulders in a nice way."
"Hmm, you may have a point there."
"Now hold on just a second---"
The nightclub lights began to dim. Spike put a finger to his earpiece. "Sorry Jet, the show's starting, can't hear you."
He muted his own mic, while simultaneously turning Jet's angry sounds of protest down to a low murmur. Faye gestured up at the woman onstage, tuning her guitar. "Don't worry, the kidnappers reportedly arrive around the second act; this is just an opener, we've got time."
Spike leaned his arm on their little table, resting his chin in his palm and shooting her a smug grin. "Oh, I'm aware. I wanted to have a little privacy for a moment."
"Oh?" Faye asked, catching a waiter's eye and drawing him to their table. "Whatever for?"
"Why did you stick Jet in the alley?"
She paused a moment, graciously nodding at the waiter replacing her martini before shooting Spike a quizzical look. "The back door to the stage is in that alley, and we're covering the front door. What kind of dumb question is that?"
"I read the bounty listing, Faye. The full one, not just the summary you rushed on Jet and I."
Recognition dawned in widened eyes. Faye found a sudden heightened interest in their tablecloth, her fake oblivious pout giving her away. "What about it?"
Spike leaned in closer, chasing her eyes. "These guys are clumsy and predictable; you could catch them both in your sleep if you wanted to. Why bother splitting the bounty three ways when you could have kept it all to yourself?"
Faye huffed irritably. "I didn't feel like putting in the effort. Why bother risking getting my hands dirty when I can have you two do the work for me?"
She turned back, flicking Spike's nose irritably. "We're already here, so we might as well go through with it. Besides, I haven't had a chance to wear this new dress yet, what do you think?"
"You used a bounty as an excuse to wear a new dress out?"
"Not entirely, but it was a good reason to. You didn't answer my question, by the way."
"And you didn't answer mine. I'll bet Jet wouldn't appreciate his current position if he knew how much those earrings cost."
Faye's mouth twitched. She lay her hand lightly over Spike's wrist, digging her nails pointedly into his skin. "Well, this was my intel, and I can do with my bounty budget what I please. At least I have some sense of propriety, unlike some people."
Spike winced. He placed his free hand over Faye's, attempting to pry it up. "What are you talking about?"
"Your suit."
"My suit? What's wrong with my suit? I went out and got a new one, just like you demanded!"
"You can't just buy a suit and not iron it, you idiot. I didn't even know a suit could be that wrinkled."
"Oh, now my tie's the problem?"
They paused their hushed debate as another waiter passed by. He gestured at Spike's glass; Spike nodded and smiled amicably, rubbing his thumb over the back of Faye's hand still digging holes into his wrist. Once the waiter was gone, Faye retrieved her hand and glared at him. "You have the social decorum of a mountain goat."
"Better than a cat that should be declawed," Spike grumbled back, rubbing at his wrist.
"I thought you hated cats?"
"I do."
"Could have fooled me; you seemed very interested in mine last night."
Faye grinned, victory dancing in her eyes. Spike's tongue stuck in his cheek; he was fighting valiantly against a smile crossing his own face and losing. Accepting defeat, he rolled his eyes and leaned forward, kissing Faye on the cheek. "You win, Valentine."
He sat back in his chair, allowing himself a mini-victory as Faye blushed furiously and attempted to hide behind her martini. "You look beautiful," he said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear.
She kept her eyes fixed on the musician onstage, feigning indifference. "There, was that so hard?"
"Did you just want an excuse to go out on a date?"
"With you? Please."
Spike leaned in and kissed her again. "Why not? I can be charming."
Faye gritted her teeth, her blush deepening. "I'd rather go on a date with Ein."
"So you don't like it when I kiss you?"
"Not in public like a teenager, now stop it. You're disturbing the other patrons."
Spike rolled his eyes, glancing around at the other tables. There were indeed a couple tables glancing at them, though most seemed to be the women out of envy more than annoyance. He waved lightly at them, grinning as their snooping neighbors turned quickly back to the woman onstage. She was starting a second song, and Spike resigned himself to listen for a little while.
The song washed over the club, mixing with the smoke and high-end perfumes enveloping the audience. It seemed to be an old song, Faye's type of old.
You had a choice I couldn't make
And this is the last turn that you take
On a lonely, lonely, lonely road
The soloist played it slow, a lilting melancholy heavy in her voice. The audience sat captivated, and despite himself, Spike felt himself drawn in as well.
Give me your hand, here is my heart
Where does it end? When do we start?
On a lonely, lonely, lonely road
Faye's hand found his on their table, and she laced their fingers together. No fear of claws now, she'd been drawn in as well.
If I follow you to the river
Send my blues out to the sea
Will you stay with me forever?
Will you chase me in my dreams?
Spike's hand clenched reflexively, but Faye kept her grip soft.
If I throw it all in the river
And let the rhythm take the lead
Will it stay with you whenever
That you lean on me?
Ooh, I know, I know
Ooh, I know
The soloist's playing grew in intensity, her eyes closed tight as she sang her chorus again. The lyrics drew something from deep inside the audience, especially the pair of bounty hunters sheltered in the corner. Faye rested her head on Spike's shoulder, the weight grounding him back as the tune threatened to pull him away.
As the soloist's performance drew to a close, the door near the back of the club cracked open. Faye lifted her head and glanced back, nudging Spike with her shoulder. He barely turned his head; two men had just slipped in, creeping in to take a seat just two tables across from them.
"Just like the intel said," Faye whispered.
Spike nodded wordlessly. Faye laid her hand against his arm. "You alright?"
He nodded again, sneaking one last kiss before downing the rest of his whiskey. "It's showtime."
In the river, your reflection
Is a promise you couldn't keep
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I lost you here
Fictional and loving it.
"The most dangerous thing one can possess is the genius of Einstein, Shakespeare, Tolkein, Ben Franklin, and C.S. Lewis, and the imagination and creativity of a five-year-old."
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hartxstarr-art · 2 years
Half Life
Summary: He has nothing now. Friendships, and lovers, and goals, and dreams—he wonders if he ever had anything at all. The syndicate falls, and so does Spike. Faye feels quite the same.
Content Warnings: Angst and hurt/comfort. Not everything is fine.
Notes: Also on ao3. 700 word count. Post canon. Christmas.
Drinking martinis by myself on a sunday. Drinking martinis again on a monday.
“Half Life” by Trocadero. As a Red vs. Blue fan, I don’t necessarily view this song in a romantic sense. It’s about family, it’s about friendship, it’s about comrades in arms; it’s about losing someone you love, and missing someone you love, and thinking about someone you love—in this case: a sister about her brother.
Faye and Spike, after they find him broken and battered.
She knew now, as it came back to her in waves, that she grew up privileged. It never got below freezing in her hometown, so her father had them go someplace where it snowed for the season, during her holiday breaks; a ski resort or a log cabin, across seas, continents, chasing the snow and a cup of cocoa. They would play in the frost, get warm by the fire, and eat heartily; stews, and roasts, and candied fruits.
Spike never celebrated any holidays. He never had any vacations. He told her this on one of the rare days he felt up to talking, laying on the couch, no longer wrapped up as tightly. He stares up into the ceiling, and Faye thinks he isn’t looking at anything at all. Can’t. Not yet.
She got everyone something, a few weeks back—when everyone was still here, that is. A fancy-looking keyboard for Ed, a squeaky toy for Ein, a new toolkit for Jet, cologne for Spike. Not cheap stuff. She didn’t know why she did it at the time, but she knows now. Too bad it’s too late for that.
Jet always got him something, Spike said. Every year. A lighter, a wallet, a utility knife; in that order. Sturdy, practical. Very Jet. He hung up lights, wore funny sweaters, made Spike’s favorite meals. She thought she saw a ghost of a smile, at the recollection of the past three years.
She felt her heart sink.
It’s mid December, now. She doubts Jet will do anything this year. Not after that. Not after the limp still in his step and the constant furrow between Spike’s brows. Not after the quiet and the loss. She knows he knows this, too.
She wishes it didn’t feel so much like a ghost town aboard the ship. No more clicking of keys or barking. No music or whistling. Just the shifting of Bebop, it’s rumbling and rattling, the soft hum of energy. It’s stifling—no talking, no movement; like time has stood still, frozen, the tightness of the throat, near the top. Itchy.
Jet goes into the bonsai room. Spike has used up his word count for the day, laying his head upon his pillow and closes his eyes. He isn’t sleeping. Faye sits still for a moment. Debates. Heads to the storage. She finds the lights, rummages for the tape, gives up, takes the remaining box of adhesive bandages, and gets to work. It’s sloppy, and uneven, but by the end of the evening, she has the sitting room lit up in a colorful array.
She wipes sweat with the back of her hand and notices Spike lift his head, finally. He blinks. “Oh,” he says, which is one more word for the day—and it’s such a simple sound, but she found achievement in it, welling in her chest, her hands at her hips, as she surveys her work with renewed vigor.
She gestures, “Merry Christmas!”
He swallows. Chews the inside of his cheek. Puts his head back down, lifts it again—cranes his neck, looks at the lights. Faye watches them flicker in his eyes.
Finally: “It’s a bit too early, isn’t it?”
She huffs. “It’s the eighteenth.”
“Of November?”
“It’s December.”
“Oh.” He lays his head again. He’s silent for a long time. And then—“It’s been a month.” Simple. A statement. The passing of time.
“Yeah,” it comes out like a croak. She tries to compose herself. Stops, fails, feels the tears start falling. “Yeah.”
She cries, and Spike closes his eyes again. His mouth goes into a thin line before he gets to his feet, unsteady, aching, determined, and when he reaches for her she collapses into him, landing them backwards into the couch. She holds him, and it hurts, but she holds him, and she’s never held Spike before but he lets her now. Lets her finally notice the faintly protruding ribs and skinny limbs; and she searches her memory to see if he’s always been like that, always this small, this broken, and she cries even more when she remembers.
“Merry Christmas,” he says, slowly, thoughtfully. “It looks nice.” A beat, after she sniffles. “Thank you.” And she starts over again.
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
Lucy’s Encounters with the Criminal Underworld ~ Part 3
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Lucycoms introduced crime stories to keep plotlines exciting and contemporary. Here’s a look at the thieves, burglars, robbers, murderers, prowlers, second-story men, mobsters, forgers, counterfeitters, and con artists in the Lucyverse!
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“Lucy’s Impossible Mission” (1968) ~ In this parody of “Mission: Impossible” (a Desilu / Paramount production), Lucy Carter fights international espionage in the persons of Mulhill Omar (Tim Herbert) and  Ambassador Korlik of the Slobtoni Embassy (Joseph Ruskin). 
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“Guess Who Owes Lucy $23.50?” (1968) ~ It’s Van Johnson!  Or is it?  Lucy loans the film star money to fix his car – but the man turns out to be a con-man posing as Johnson. 
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“Lucy and the Ex-Con” (1969) ~ The Unique Employment Agency sends Rocky (Wally Cox), a reformed safe cracker, on an assignment as a janitor. When the place is robbed, Rocky is the number one suspect. Disguised as old ladies, Lucy and Rocky go undercover to catch the real crook...     
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...Doc Morgan (Bruce Gordon). Morgan is nicknamed Doc because he uses a stethoscope when safe cracking. Bruce Gordon had played mobster Frank Nitti on Desilu’s “The Untouchables” (1959-63). 
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“Lucy and the Great Airport Chase” (1969) ~ Filmed on location at Los Angeles International Airport, Lucy and Harry elude dangerous spies Enemy Agent Yang (Larry Duran) and Enemy Agent Kurt (Sid Haig). 
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“A Date for Lucy” (1969) ~ Caesar Romero plays jewel thief Tony Rivera, Lucy’s date for a soiree at which he plans to steal the gems of a wealthy dowager. After Rivera is knocked out cold, Lady Warren (Barbara Morrison) discovers she’s been robbed. When Lucy tells her who it was, she can’t believe it. 
“He’s so charming! He’s so handsome!  He looks just like Cesar Romero!”
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“Lucy Gets Her Man” (1969) ~ Harry’s old Army buddy is working in Counter-Intelligence and needs a stenographer to help get the goods on suspected spy Arthur Vermillion (Victor Buono). Naturally, Lucy gets the assignment. Isabel (Mary Wickes) calls Harry Jack the Ripper, comparing him to the famous London serial killer.
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Lucille Ball and Victor Buono were both featured in “Like Hep!”, a Dinah Shore special that aired a few months after this episode. In it, Ball did a variety of sketches, including one set in a speakeasy with Buono as a mob boss. On television, Buono is probably best remembered for playing King Tut, one of the arch villains on “Batman” (1966-68). 
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“Lucy’s Burglar Alarm” (1969) ~ When Lucy and the kids are robbed and Harry refuses to fund a $500 burglar alarm, Craig comes up with an elaborate home alarm system. Guy Marks plays the well-dressed crook. 
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“Lucy and Viv Visit Tijuana” (1970) ~ On a sightseeing trip to Mexico, Harry is convinced by shopkeeper / smuggler Pedro (Don Diamond) to transport a stuffed animal over the border, claiming it is for his 3 year-old niece living in Los Angeles. Stopped at the border, they discover it actually contains contraband. 
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“Lucy and Wally Cox” (1970) ~ Lucy and Wally are assigned to be security guards at a warehouse, where they encounter armed robbers Lefty Logan (X Brands) and Baby Face Johnson (Gil Perkins). 
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“Lucy and Ma Parker” (1970) ~ When a woman and two children mysteriously move in next door, Lucy discovers that they're a band of criminals led by Ma Parker (Carole Cook). Her cohorts are little people dressed as archetypal children: Herman Golub (Billy Curtis) is dressed as Buster Brown, and Milton / Mildred (Jerry Maren) is dressed as Shirley Temple. 
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Lucy is recruited to impersonate Ma Parker and help nab dangerous Chicago mobsters Muggsy (Boyd ‘Red’ Morgan) and Joe Grapefruit (Marc Lawrence).     
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The title character is a parody of Kate 'Ma' Barker (inset), the mother of several criminals who ran the Barker gang in the 1930s. She traveled with her sons during their criminal careers.  
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“Lucy and Harry’s Italian Bombshell” (1971) ~ When Lucy and Kim sleep at the office, they encounter a burglar (Herbie Faye). Instead of robbing them, the he actually gives Kim and Lucy five dollars!  
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“Lucy and Mannix are Held Hostage” (1971) ~ Mannix (Mike Connors) and Lucy are taken hostage by Vernon (John Doucette) and Ruby (Marc Lawrence). 
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“Lucy and the Candid Camera” (1971) ~ Allen Funt, host of TV’s “Candid Camera”, plays himself and his con-man doppelganger. 
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As the con-man, he convinces the Carters to rob a fur salon, then a bank - all under the impression they are pranks for the TV show. 
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“Lucy and the Little Old Lady” (1971) ~ When Mrs. Brady, a kindly widow from out of town (Helen Hayes), comes to the Unique Employment Agency looking for a part-time job, Kim becomes suspicious that she may be running a con game so they plan to hold a fake séance to expose her. The character Hayes plays here capitalizes on her Oscar-winning role of Ada Quonsett in Airport (1970), a sweet little old lady who cons the airlines and stows away to get free air travel. On “Here’s Lucy” the plot relies on the premise that Mrs. Brady could be a con artist.  
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“Lucy and the Reckless Wheelchair Driver” (1972) ~ Hickey, a show business agent (Jesse White), tries to sue Lucy for hitting his client with her wheelchair. Lucy and Harry think the young man is faking and that the agent is a con artist.  
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“Dirty Gertie” (1972) ~ In this story based on A Pocketful of Miracles, Lucy is mistaken for an apple peddler who just happens to be the good luck charm of Rocky (Bruce Gordon), a mob boss. The police recruit Lucy to help capture the mobster in his own nightclub. Johnny Silver plays Benny, one of Rocky’s mob. 
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Other mobsters include ‘Moose’ Murdock (John Harmon) and ‘Numbers’ Smith (Ed Hall). 
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“My Fair Buzzi” (1972) ~ Kim’s shy and awkward friend Annie Whipple (Ruth Buzzi) comes out of her shell in order to audition for a 1920s revue in which Harry plays a mobster named ‘Big Jake’. 
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“Lucy Goes To Prison” (1973) ~ Lucy goes undercover as a convict to get information out of bank robber Mumsie Westcott (Elsa Lanchester).
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“Lucy Plays Cops and Robbers” (1973) ~ Lucy forms a neighborhood watch group and starts seeing criminals where there are none. After several false alarms to the local police, a real burglar (Gino Conforti) actually shows up!  
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“Lucy the Sheriff” (1974) ~ Lucy finds out that her grandmother was the first woman sheriff of a Montana town that is celebrating its centennial. She is asked to play her grandmother at the celebrations, which include the recreation of a bank robbery. Lucy is enjoying playing lawmaker until Jake (Cliff Osmond) and Rusty (John Craig), a couple of genuine robbers, interrupt the celebration and take her hostage!  
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bagelbright-tok · 3 years
Request: Hi, how are you?? Can I please request a Spike Spiegel x Female reader? Maybe where they were childhood friends and reunited, so now she’s living with him and the crew. And where he just starts to tease her and flirt with her since she has grown up a lot, and she’s prettier. This makes the reader really flustered and embarrassed. Of course you can add or change whatever you’d like. Thank you if you do right this!" From: @snowflakeanimelover
I'm fan-fucking-tastic now! My heart rate literally increased when I saw your ask lmao. Here you go!! I decided to do the 1998 version of Cowboy Bebop for this!
Warning(s): Swearing, smoking, child-like violence, teasing, slight angst?
Word Count: 1,581
A Damn Tease
"Spike! C'mon, give it back!" You whined while chasing the dark haired cowboy around The Bebop. "I thought you weren't a child anymore!" You yell at him, this time it was angry. 
"Bold assumption." Spike cackled while evading your attempts at catching him. "Last time we saw each other, we were kids!"
Spike had snatched your notebook while you were writing in it and was now running around with it in his hands. Your fears were of him reading your thoughts in the form of graphite on paper. The chase continued.
"Spike!" You continue yelling at him. "Don't-! Spike-!"
You notice his slowing and reading of the book. You attempted to reach over to the book, only for Spike to turn away from you. "Ooh! Is that what you think of Faye?" He teased while also stopping in his tracks. "And Jet?!" He laughed.
You stammer while continuing your futile attempts at recollecting your journal. "S-Spike! Stop!" You groan while smacking his backside.
"I bet you've written about me, too!" Spike's voice was higher and more taunting. You could hear his shit eating grin. 
The pages turning evoked something in you. You suddenly found yourself climbing Spike's back and snatching your book back. You jump off of him and run off while cackling. "You won't be finding out!" You shout, hearing Spike's footsteps following.
"That hurt!" He yelled back, groaning slightly. You had wiped his smile off, or at least dialed it down to a smirk while he chased.
"You deserved it!" You admit, turning a corner and then another in hopes of losing Spike. 
You turned another corner and then stopped and waited to hear Spike's steps go the wrong way. The steps echoed in the newly acquired silence as they moved away from you. You chuckle silently and move yourself back down the hall where you had just come from. Unbeknownst to you and quite unwise of you, you failed to realize Spike's sneaking about and ambushing you.
Spike appeared from thin air and quite viciously flicked your forehead. "And you deserve this." He smirked while you rubbed the spot he attacked.
"Ow!" You complain, making sure to hold your notebook close to you. "That's not fair, I was getting back at you. You can't get back at me!" You argue while moving your hand to point at Spike.
Spike sputtered and laughed, taking a step away from you. "You're cute when you're mad." He muttered, just loud enough for you to hear.
You feel yourself retract as the heat builds up in your face. With your brows furrowed, you pout. "If you think that, imagine what I wrote down in here about you." You taunt, shaking your book at Spike.
"So you did write about me!" Spike pointed at you, accusingly.
"Did I?" You turn your body while keeping your head facing Spike. You plaster an innocent face, further taunting the cowboy. "If I didn't then, maybe I will now!"
Taking that as a threat and a promise, Spike shook his head and began walking off as though you two hadn't just played tag like children. With no further comments, you 'humph' proudly and go the opposite way.
"You two are adorable-!" Faye's voice startled you as you yelped and hopped backward. "-sorry! I have never seen Spike that.. Energetic."
"Faye!" You say harshly through gritted teeth. Though you weren't mad, you were embarrassed. "For the last time, me and Spike are j-!"
"-Just friends, sure!" Faye interrupted while chuckling. "I'm pretty sure he's falling for you, though."
You open your mouth to argue again, but stop and close it right back up. You sigh and look to the side. "You think so? Like, really you're sure?"
Faye nods with a confident grin. She takes two steps towards you while chuckling. "Trust me; I'm an expert!" She gets close enough to pat you on the back.
"Are you, though?" You question with a reasonable amount of doubt laced in every word. "As far as I'm aware, no one here has really had a really solid relationship-."
"Hush now." Faye quickly interrupted you, pressing her finger to your lips. "We have got to whore you up."
"We got to-? What!?" You back away from her. "No!" You point at her with your book-occupied hand. "I'm fine just the way I am now! What if I just asked Spike?"
"Don't start trying to get any ideas, they'll all be dumb." Faye waved off your disagreement, walking back towards you to start pushing you to her room. "You don't ask a guy if he likes you! They'll always say "no" even if they do." Faye reasons.
You keep your distance from her. "Well, I think I've known Spike longer! I think he'd tell me." You reason to yourself rather than to Faye.
"Honey, please, just-!" Faye tried, and failed. You turned and began running off to where Spike had been walking himself to.
"Spike!" You yell out. "Spike, I have a question!" You continue hollering, leaving Faye with her disappointed self.
"Stop yelling!" Spike yelled back out at you from the couch. "I don't remember you being this loud, [Y/N]."
You rush over to his laying form on the couch. "Spike, this is going to sound weird but Faye got into my head." You nod while pointing at your temple. "Do you like me, Spike?"
Spike's eyes widened. He coughed, almost swallowing the cigarette he was puffing. "WH-?" He couldn't get a word out before coughing.
"And I don't mean like a friend, Spike! Or a best friend, or a childhood friend! Not even like a sister!" You continue, ignoring Spike's heavy coughing and trying to stop you. He had risen to sitting. "I mean if you like me as though you loved me! Like… like you did with.." You drag on, not finishing your sentence.
Spike had finally stopped coughing and calmed his emotions. With an almost emotionless face he nodded slightly. "Pretty much… yeah." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Since we were kids, actually."
You yourself almost start choking. Except your coughing would have been on air rather than a cigarette. You fidget with your book in your hands. You look between it and Spike. "Here.." You say quietly, holding out the book to Spike. "It's the 15th page."
Spike hesitantly accepted your journal. He opened it up and turned to the named page. "The date is before we picked you up." He mentioned, thinking of it as a mistake.
You nod. "Yeah. I started writing a few years back." You explain while you watch Spike's eyes scan the page, reading the words while also listening to you. "But even before that, I would think about you. I'm not sure if I ever told you how much I missed you, Spike."
Spike looked up at you. "... But?" He was waiting. For him, there was always bad news after the soft heart-to-heart.
".. But, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet." You explain with a chuckle. "After everything in Grant and Thebes. Even Callisto-- I'm not ready."
Spike slowly shut your journal and handed it back to you. You take it back but look at Spike with desperate eyes. He nodded, removing his cigarette and putting it out on the table.
"Well." He finally spoke, a soft grin on his face. "When you're ready, I'll still be here." He stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'll wait for you. For as long as it takes."
You smile, tears threatening to break the barrier and roll down your face. "Thank you. I knew.. I knew you'd understand." Much to your shock, Spike reached over and pulled you into a hug. Usually you had to initiate those. "I'll try to hurry. I don't want you waiting too long." You hug back.
"Take the time you need." Spike whispered, only letting you hear his words. "I trust you. I love you."
You squeezed harder, letting only a tear through. It streamed down your face for only a few moments before it reached Spike's jacket, where it was soaked. "I love you too, Spike."
The silence was bliss. It wasn't the relieving silence you get after a loud annoying party. It was the silence that filled the air at the park when you went with someone you really cared about. Two people sitting on the bench, relaxed, leaned back, taking in the fresh sweet air caused by the cherry blossoms. The only downside was the fact that the good times were always the shortest.
You and Spike soon detached from one another. With only a moment of eye contact, you smile. "Wanna watch something?" You ask with a playful tone.
Spike chuckled while nodding. "Why not?" He plopped back down onto the couch, watching you crawl over him to sit beside him.
You grab the remote and begin surfing the channels. "Hopefully something good is on!" You complain subtly.
You go through a channel, saying only a few words. These few words, though, opted Spike to stop you. "Wait wait wait! Go back!"
You listen and go back to the channel.
"-a renoundly low amount here! Next up, we have this sweet lookin' lady!" The man spoke with hints of static in his voice.
A picture began to show. "But don't be fooled! She's armed and dangerous!" The co-host, a lady, continued the explanation.
Both you and Spike were jaw-dropped. The picture and lady they were referring to was of you.
A/N: [Sorry if this seems off! This is the first time I write for Spike. I tried to keep it so I could write it. I have hard times writing characters romantically, which is why Spike is marked as a Platonic ship. Maybe in the future I can continue this and it can evolve as I do. Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoyed it!]
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nerice · 2 years
27 and 29 for sky, 4 and 5 for faye, 7 and 15 for gray, 27 for reina!
VERSION 2.0 BECAUSE THIS BELOATHED POST EDITOR NUKED IT THE FIRST TIME [angry frog dot png] still yelling though i love that u always pick the best questions for the worst ocs (in constellation) a talent 2 put on ur resume lol +++ ft. immediate readmore bc i can now anticipate Length
what causes them to feel dread? trauma-related corner first and foremost.... caves (but any underground or claustrophobic place will do) and needles; the latter is more niche and gets better with time but still contributes to why she never gets a tattoo, the former being something she slips back into very easily despite part of soulless heritage being light illusion and allowing her to. just summon light at will. some fears you cannot do much abt with rationality :/ most dreadful moment for sure is that time in lhnh where eliada calls her by her birth-name out of nowhere :)) and ofc no matter how much time passes, she retains a knee-jerk dread reaction any time soulless matters are brought up. comes with the birthright🔪
do they usually live up to their own ideals? oh absolutely not lol.... key dilemma of chasing after (her idealized version of) jumie, the paragon of mercy; needing to save children just like she was saved aka the seed kids quest which is doomed bc those children are fast-tracked towards the same fate that awaits her & it only gets worse as her own time runs out. :')
how easy is it to earn their trust? vs. how easy is it to earn their mistrust? ok so. my instinct reaction was that faye doesn't trust anyone but... she 'trusts' eliada,, even if it's more of. having faith into their mutual arrangement. i guess trust simply does not factor into it due to her timeline manipulation and 90% guaranteed gambles. she knows everything about everyone she interacts with & any misstep she can simply redo until it works for her. it's abt exerting absolute control over every situation so she does not have to bother about petty problems such as trust and mistrust :3
what triggers nostalgia for them, most often? do they enjoy that feeling? MOST CURSED ASK.. :))))) two angles to this, one bad, the other really fucking bad. so. initially, the only nostalgia avenue is tied to the moment of utter power he observed reina in on the soul plains [the only good(?) thing to happen in that first hour of existence lol] and he's mostly neutral abt the memory. until he n linn sneak into the masked ball and he dances with reina & it's the closest he's been to her since That Day and the rush of that moment is. out of this world :)) the second much worse avenue is. after Linnea's Very Bad Day where faye yoinks her out of current existence, everything that reminds him of the time they spent together (people dancing, laughing, his d**ghter humming a quiet melody,,,,,,,,,,,,,) sets him off in the worst way. the consequences being well. [gestures at rabbit plot.] yeah🔪
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? to quote my fav description of all time: gray has the verbal prowess of a death row prisoner & hates talking to people in the first place LOL and thats the start and end of it. he does not put much thought into anything let alone his speech style with the sole exception of titular showdowns (labyrinth. nighthearts. dark maiden) where it becomes very clear just how good he is at reading people and pushing right where it hurts, mostly by playing up his own enjoyment of cruelty, which is fake but gets the job done :)
what causes them to feel dread? mh despite the prev ask abt how much she is aware of her own mistakes…. what she dreads most is the suffering of others (regardless of how responsible feels/is for it) it's the inability to do something when she is the most powerful being in existence :(
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pterodactylterrace · 3 years
Guys Like You Chapter 19
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 19
Chapter Summary: Just a bunch of random fluff for the time being.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, and so much tooth rotting fluff.
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8} {Chapter 9} {Chapter 10} {Chapter 11} {Chapter 12} {Chapter 13} {Chapter 14} {Chapter 15} {Chapter 16} {Chapter 17} {Chapter 18}
“Faye?” Henry called out, wandering into the living room where she was lounging on the couch with Kal.
“Yes?” Faye asked slowly, lifting her head from the fluffy canine’s side.
“Would you mind looking this over? Tell me if you’re ok with it?” Henry requested, handing her his phone to look over his newest Instagram post in the making, several pictures lined up and awaiting her approval.
First, was one of his signature boomer selfies, his face and chest covered in pony and princess stickers, glitter shimmering on the planes of his face, almost shining as bright as his smile. Second was a snapshot of his feet, nail polish globbed on the ends of his toes, Briar’s tiny hands in the frame adding more onto the top of his foot. Next was another selfie, his curls now tugged up into random tufts, secured with bright glittery hair ties, another amused smile on his face. Last was a small video clip of Briar painting makeup on his face, chatting away about the differences between unicorns and pegasus’, Henry asking at the very end if he was pretty yet, only for Briar to very definitively tell him ‘no’ and continue brushing over his face with more eyeshadow.
The post was captioned as:
“Girl Dad
“That… that’s adorable.” Faye gushed, throwing her arms around his neck, his nervousness fading away. He had yet to introduce his fanbase to Briar. They had seen Faye a few times, different paparazzi photos surfacing of the two of them out together along with her accompanying him to the Witcher premiere. Neither of them minded Faye being photographed. She knew what she was signing up for, and Henry was always careful to only show her the good comments and headlines. The last thing he wanted was for her to be driven away thinking she wasn’t good enough again.
They had yet to reveal Briar’s presence, however. He had a Zoom interview later on in the week, and they had agreed that he could mention her if he was asked about family life. This was just him wanting to reveal his daughter on his own terms before people began trying to invade the child’s privacy. He could already see the feisty toddler chasing after someone with a camera, smacking them with her stuffed rabbit, Kal dutifully chasing after her.
Though, in retrospect, Kal may actually not chase after Briar to back her up. In the last couple of weeks, he had been by Faye’s side almost constantly. Not that he was jealous or anything, but he wasn’t exactly happy about now being Kal’s third favorite human. He’d raised that dog since he was ten weeks old, then Briar comes into his life and suddenly she’s the best thing ever. Now that Faye was pregnant, he split his time between curling up next to Faye and playing with Briar. The only time Henry spent with him was when he fed him, literally drug him out for a walk and at nighttime when he would lay on Faye’s legs all night. The poor dog was going to go crazy after the baby was born trying to split his time between everyone.
“So, is it ok to post?” Henry asked, shooing Kal from the couch so he could be closer to his fiancé. The dog was less than pleased to be uprooted form his spot, but relented and laid at her feet instead, huffing in annoyance as he laid his giant head on her tattooed foot.
“Well, nothing is showing her face, and I can tell you’re about to explode if you don’t tell the world about her soon.” Faye teased, gently kissing his stubbly cheek.
“I’m going to disable comments on it.” Henry explained, taking his phone back to finish the post and upload it to Instagram.
“Might be a good idea.” Faye agreed, peering over his shoulder as the images uploaded, hugging his thick arm to her chest. “I love you so much.”
“Aww. The baby’s making you all mushy.” Henry teased, dropping his phone onto the couch and wrapping his arms around her, kissing the crown of her head.
“Shut up.” Faye whined, leaning further into him, her face drawing into a pout.
“Please don’t cry, I was just teasing.” Henry requested softly.
“Sorry. Hormones are making me crazy.” Faye apologized, hiding her face in his chest.
“There’s no need to apologize.” Henry assured, squeezing her a little tighter.
“We’re going to have to tell Briar eventually.”
“We can’t just wait until the baby gets here and just be all ‘surprise! You’re a big sister!’?”
“No. She’s going to wonder why I’m getting so fat long before then. There will be questions. They might make me cry. Are you still going to love me when I’m huge?” Faye asked suspiciously.
“When you’re rounded out carrying my baby, tits full and just begging to be sucked on? I’m probably going to have a hard time keeping my hands off of you.”
“You can’t keep your hands to yourself now.” Faye teased, turning her head to look up at him.
“You aren’t wrong. I love feeling your skin on mine. In any way I can get it. Kissing you.” He whispered, gently kissing her neck. “Holding your hand.” He continued, tangling their fingers together as he nipped at her neck. “But best of all, I love being buried balls deep in that sweet little pussy of yours.”
“Bedroom. Now.” Faye hissed, Henry popping up with her in his arms, all to eager to carry her back to their bedroom, closing and locking the door before Kal had the chance to squeeze his way in.
“Just pull it off like a band aid, right?”
“Quick and easy and it’ll be over with.” Henry agreed, wrapping one large paw around her hip and pulling her closer.
“Briar, can you come here for a minute?” Faye called, resting a hand on his knee.
“Hi Mommy!” Briar greeted enthusiastically, practically tacking her mother as she launched herself into her lap, stuffed bunny still in tow.
“Hi.” Faye giggled, situating her daughter in her lap. “Briar, Mommy and Papa have something to tell you.” Faye started, Briar turning her wide innocent gaze up to her mother expectantly. “Henry?” Faye delegated, looking up at him.
“Princess, you’re a big sister. Mummy and Papa are having another baby.” Henry explained, Briar staring blankly up at him for what felt like an eternity, processing what he just said.
“Where?” She finally asked, Henry stifling a laugh at her innocent question.
“The baby is in Mommy’s tummy.” Faye told her, taking her daughter’s tiny hand and resting it on her stomach.
“You ate baby?!” Briar gasped, her eyes going wide as she frantically pulled up her mother’s shirt. “I get you out baby!” She yelled, poking at her mother’s navel, Henry unable to contain his laughter this time.
“The baby needs to stay in Mommy’s tummy until they’re ready to be born. They’re still too little.”
“How baby get there?” Briar asked, continuing to poke at her mother’s stomach curiously.
“Papa put the baby there so they can grow big and strong.”
“Big and strong like Papa!” Briar giggled.
“Yes, like Papa.” Faye laughed. “So, Mommy’s tummy is going to get bigger and bigger as the baby grows, just like when you were in my tummy.”
“I was in you belly?” Briar whispered in amazement. “Papa tummy get big too?”
“Yes, you were and no, I don’t see Papa getting a big tummy anytime soon.” Faye laughed.
“Nope, no tummy.” Briar confirmed after pulling up Henry’s t-shirt and taking in his still firm, furry abdomen.
“Thank you.” Henry chuckled, pushing his shirt back down and kissing the top of her head. “So, is that ok with you, princess? Would you like to be a big sister?”
“Yeah! I help with baby!” Briar squealed excitedly, hugging her stuffed bunny close to her chest and bouncing on her mother’s lap.
“Will you show Papa how to take care of a baby?” Henry asked, Briar nodding her head excitedly.
“Yeah! I show you!” She agreed.
“Ok, how do you hold the baby?” Henry asked, leaning down to look her in the eye.
“Like this!” Briar explained, cradling her stuffed rabbit in her arms.
“Ok, I think I can do that. How do you burp the baby?” Briar flipped the bunny up onto her shoulder, smacking it on the back and looking up at Henry to make sure he was paying attention. “Alright. What about feeding, how do you feed a baby?”
Without missing a beat, Briar pulled up her shirt and pressed the bunny’s face to her chest, Henry bursting out laughing along with Faye. “Very good, sweetheart.” Faye praised around a laugh, kissing the top of her daughter’s head. “Now why don’t you go play with Kal for a little bit?”
“Kal!” Briar called, hopping off her mother’s lap and running off to her room, the canine hot on her heels.
“I still don’t think I’m going to be very good at breastfeeding.” Henry lamented, Faye snickering and shaking her head.
“Yours are still bigger than mine.” Faye pointed out, playfully grabbing at his chest.
“I’m not so sure about that anymore.” Henry teased, resting one hand on the side of his chest she wasn’t groping and the other on Faye’s swollen breasts, pretending to contemplate as he shamelessly squeezed at her chest.
“You may have a point. The only bras that fit anymore are sports bras. I’m gonna need to buy more. Sports bras and swollen tits are not a fun combination right now.”
“You have my attention.” Henry purred, perking up at her declaration.
“Henry, I’m going to be getting ugly nursing bras, not sexy lingerie.”
“Why not both?”
“What? You’ve been pouncing me at least twice a day for the last week. How is me wanting to see my gorgeous pregnancy fiancé in something sexy out of line?”
“Ok, first of all, I haven’t been pouncing on you twice a day.” Faye started, Henry raising an amused eyebrow at her declaration. “I may have suggested we get closer a few more times than usual, but it’s not like I’m barging in while you’re busy to try and get some. I’m not some sex crazed maniac.”
“You barged in on me showering twice.”
“You do that to me all the time!”
“And I haven’t been able to complete a workout without you demanding I finish with a round of couples cardio.”
“Have you seen what you look like all sweaty with your muscles all pumped up? It’s not my fault you’re irresistible.”
“I also seem to remember you surprising me in the gaming room and riding me while I was on coms playing world of warcraft.”
“Ok, so like one slutty instance.” Faye scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“There was also that time last week when we went out for dinner. You had your hand shoved down my trousers before the driver even finished putting up the partition.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was bothering you so much.” Faye grouched, crossing her arms and scooting away from him.
“You’re not bothering me at all.” Henry laughed, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer. “I’m just making a point. You can’t keep your hands off of me, and I’m loving every minute of it.”
“Wouldn’t mind your hands on me a little more.” Faye lamented, turning sideways on the couch and tossing her legs over his, leaning back to rest her head on the armrest.
“Are you hinting at something?” Henry asked, his fingers just barely skimming above the waistband of her leggings, a shiver following in their wake.
“Probably not what you’re thinking. My calves have been really tight lately. It would be great if my loving fiancé were to rub them down for me.”
“Are you sure that’s all you’re wanting?” Henry teased, his hands sliding down her legs to gently knead at her tense muscles.
“We’ll see.” Faye half yawned, already settling down for her usual mid-afternoon nap.  
“Faye.” Henry started out sternly, crossing his arms and raising a brow at his fiancé as she attempted to look innocently over her shoulder.
“Yes, my love?”
“What do you have there?”
“So, it’s not another cup of coffee that I’m smelling?” Henry challenged, crossing the room as Faye sat the cup down on the counter, spinning around to face him.
“But… the baby…”
“The baby is the exact reason you asked me to make sure you’re not drinking as much caffeine. Remember what the doctor suggested? Only one a day.” Henry scolded, gripping her hips to pull her closer.
“The baby wants coffee.” Faye whimpered, giving him her best puppy dog face.
“Then the baby will have to settle for decaf.”
“It’s not the same! Why are you being so mean?”
“I’m not. You told me not to let you drink more caffeine than you should, so I am.”
“Can’t you just leave me alone for two minutes? One extra every now and then is fine!” Faye growled.
“Of course I can leave you alone. I’m doing what you asked me to, so don’t yell at me.” Henry stated calmly, reaching past her to grab the pot from the coffee maker, dumping it out and taking it with him to his office, wincing at her irritated ranting. She had been very clear and adamant about him monitoring, and limiting her caffeine intake, especially coffee. Unfortunately, her most recent craving had been exactly what he had been told to keep her from. Why couldn’t she just crave normal things, like pickles and ice cream? No, she had to be obsessed with something she couldn’t have, and now she was extremely upset with him for doing exactly what she had asked him to do. He could almost feel more gray streaking through his hair.
He was just finishing up a phone call with a contractor when he could hear her again, this time strangled sobs and quiet sniffles meeting his ears rather than her ranting. He was up and out the door in a second, almost running into her when he found her loitering just outside the door.
“Darling, what’s wrong?” Henry asked, holding her shoulders gently and leaning down to look at her more closely.
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” Faye apologized, looking up at him with red rimmed eyes.
“Faye, please don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry, I just feel really bad. You’re just doing what I asked, and I started screaming at you!”
“Faye, darling, please calm down.” Henry soothed, pulling her closer and letting her cry into his chest. “I’m not mad, I know you didn’t mean it.”
“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Faye, I’m not mad.” Henry insisted, kissing the top of her head. “There’s nothing to forgive. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Faye sniffled, wrapping her arms around his thick waist and squeezing him tight. “I’m sorry I was acting so crazy.”
“There’s nothing to worry about.” Henry repeated, rubbing her back softly. “The builders are going to be starting later on this week.”
“Really?” Faye sniffed, looking back up at him, Henry cupping her face and wiping her tears away with his thumbs.
“Yes. I told you we would get it done in time. It does mean we’ll have to watch Kal when he’s outside now, make sure he’s not getting into anything.”
“This doesn’t even feel real. I’m engaged to an amazing man, pregnant with his baby, living in a house with more than two rooms in it, and now we’re building a guest house out back.” Faye half laughed, reaching up to rest her hands on his wrists.
“Well, originally I wanted to move back to Jersey before we started expanding out family, but well… that didn’t happen. I don’t think moving out of a house we just moved into while you’re pregnant is a good idea, and we don’t have any family that lives close. Next best thing is building a guest house so family can stay without everyone being under each other’s feet.”
“Are you still wanting to move back to Jersey?”
“It would be wonderful if we could, but only if that’s also what you want. I just wanted us to be closer to family.”
“Maybe after I recover would be a good time. Kinda sucks that we’re building just to sell the house not long after.”
“We don’t have to sell it. Unless you’re not wanting to come back here at all.”
“Hen, you have to remember, I’m not the kind of person that owns multiple houses. I’m used to renting questioningly inhabitable apartments.”
“Never again.” Henry stated firmly. “Only the best for you from now on.”
Five minutes. They made it five minutes before being interrupted. Four minutes longer than he thought it would take. He gave Briar specific instructions not to come into his office until the door was open again. He never should have said anything. She normally never went into his office, finding the room ‘boring’ even after she put stickers all over the back of the door and window clings to the window. Now that he had told her not to come in, she was looking for reasons to do just that.
The interviewer had just asked him a question, and he opened his mouth to answer when he saw the door opening out of the corner of his eye.
“Yes, Princess?” Henry sighed, smiling and turning his head to see her standing perfectly still in the doorway.
“Hi.” She whispered, quickly running over to him and throwing her arms around his leg. “I love you!”
“I love you too, Princess.” Henry replied quietly, gently removing her from his leg and shooing her off towards the door, “Papa’s busy right now, so you need to wait outside, ok?”
“Ok.” Briar agreed, sitting down in the open doorway and staring at him again.
“Can you close the door, please?”
“But I wanna see you.” Briar pouted, her face falling at his stern look, standing herself up and closing the door again. He could faintly hear her crying her way down the hall, his heart shattering at the sound.
“Sorry.” Henry apologized, shifting uncomfortably. He wanted nothing more than to go and apologize for pushing her away like that, but the interview wasn’t quite over yet.
“Was that your daughter?”
“Yes, it was.” Henry responded, unable to keep the smile from his face.
“When are we going to get a peek at your family? There have been rumors of you settling down.”
“Yes, I am settling down.” Henry agreed, “I have found the most wonderful, amazing woman. We don’t want the children to be drawn into everything, though. That’s a pretty big boundary for us.”
“Children? As in, more than one?”
“We do see more children in our future.” Henry skittered around the question. Faye had been adamant about waiting until they knew what they were having before announcing it to the world.
“Papa, I brought you something.” Briar’s small voice cut in, peeking her head around the cracked open door, holding up a sticker she had already peeled from its backing.
“Thank you, princess. Papa’s trying to work now.” Henry chastised softly, leaning down when she crossed the room to let her place the pony sticker on his cheek.
“Almost done?” Briar asked hopefully, batting her lashes at him.
“Almost. Why don’t you go get Kal’s leash on him? We’ll take him for a walk just as soon as I finish up here.”
“Ok, Papa!” Briar gasped excitedly, rushing out the open door again.
“That should give us about two minutes.” Henry laughed, turning his attention back to the screen. “I’m terribly sorry about all the interruptions. I would have come in person, but my fiancé isn’t feeling quite well, and I didn’t want to leave her.”
“It’s alright, I understand.” The interviewer assured, flipping through their notes again. “Last question, do you have any future projects in the works?”
“I have one movie that is in post right now, but I haven’t lined anything up right now for afterwards. I’m focusing more on family at the moment.”
“You’ve stated before that having a family was your dream. What’s it feel like to have it actually happening right now?”
“I’m happier now than I’ve ever been.”
Tags:  @weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @lharrietg @amberangel112 @mansaaay @packerfan43
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auroralightsthesky · 3 years
HBO War Boys and How They Put The Kids to Bed Headcannons
Dick Winters- gives the kids a hot bath, will read them a story and during the cold snaps he’ll make them a hot chocolate before bed
Lewis Nixon- he’ll usually watch a movie with said smol bean until he/she falls asleep
Harry Welsh- is the type of dad who will allow his and Kitty’s kids to have a pillow fight until they get tired. One time they knocked a lamp over and when she saw the kids engaged in a match with Harry as referee, she just shook her head
John Basilone- lets the kids crawl in next to him and Lena. It was ok with the first two, but when Lena was pregnant with the three youngest, they had to cool it, but after that, they would wake up to find all five kids in beside them
Andrew “Ack Ack” Haldane- small child won’t go to sleep unless she has her juice. She woke Andy up in the middle of the night because she freaked out and thought the monster under the bed stole her juice
Edward “Hillbilly” Jones- tucks the kids in under a mound of blankets before turning out the lights
Ronald Speirs- tells his kids a scary story, especially at Halloween but ends up regretting it when the smol, precious beans come crawling between him and you late at night
Carwood Lipton- goes out at dusk for a walk with the little one and often comes back with him/her asleep
George Luz- watches a funny movie with the kids until they laugh themselves to sleep. Next thing you know he’s passed out from laughing along with him/her
Donald Malarkey- will keep the windows open and let the night peepers sing them to sleep on warm/hot nights
Edward “Babe” Heffron- makes sure the kids have their teeth brushed before bed. If not, he knows exactly who the culprits are and sends them back to do it again
Eugene Roe- will take small child out for a boat ride if they can’t sleep. Ever since settling on the bayou, it’s been the easiest way to get them to sleep
Skip Muck- lures the kids to bed with a trail of M+Ms. This was actually Faye’s idea, plus seeing their little boy go after them is hilarious enough
Bill Guarnere- rolls his kids up in a blanket and plops them right on the bed. Franny took a video on her phone once and sent it to her in-laws 
Robert Leckie- cuddles with the kids after getting home from work. This usually ends in one of two ways, either with his kids falling asleep in his and Vera’s bed or him falling asleep in their kids’ bed
Chuckler Juregens- makes sure his kids have their favorite blanket or a stuffed animal with them at all times
Runner Conley- chases his kids around the house until they fall asleep on the living room floor
Hoosier Smith- literally has to HERD HIS CHILDREN TO BED!! They’re stubborn like their father and trying to put them to bed is like trying to herd cats
Bull Randleman- picks his kids up and carries them upstairs. Because their dad is a pretty big guy, they’re usually a giggling mess
Johnny Martin- has been known to carry both small kids up the stairs in the laundry basket
Ed Tipper- he doesn’t make a habit of it but he’ll occasionally slip one of the kids a chocolate chip cookie before bed
Eugene Sledge- his kids will say their prayers before bed so long as Daddy does it with them
Sidney Phillips- brings the kids out at night to count the stars, Mary thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world!!!
RV Burgin- car ride, works every time. Florence loves seeing the kids in the back seat sleeping against one another
Shifty Powers- plays the “misty forest” ambience from his phone so they won’t wake up in the middle of the night
Floyd Talbert- has been known to repeat the infamous “Night of the Bayonet” poem for his kids even though they’re too young to understand
David Webster- is a modern day Scheherazade who can think up a story on a whim and his kids will love it
Joe Liebgott- will try and catch his kids out of bed. He tries not to laugh but he can’t help it when he sees their expressions when they’re caught
Jay De L’Eau- will go for a swim with the kids on a hot night
Merriel “Snafu” Shelton- lets the kids fall asleep in the living room and brings them upstairs later
Joe Toye- playfully argues with his kids when he knows their tired
Frank Perconte- like Hoosier, his kids are kinda stubborn and won’t always go to bed at the drop of a hat. Only when Frank starts speaking Italian do the kids listen
Chuck Tatum- sings to his kids to put them to bed. An old favorite is “Turn Loose the Mermaids” by Nightwish
Steve Evanson- curls himself under a layer of blankets and lets the kids rest against him AFTER they’ve been jumping on the bed for an hour
JP Morgan- picks a kid up under each arm and runs them to their rooms
Manny Rodriguez- always has to check for monsters under his daughters’ beds
Walt Hasser- lets his kids wear his old army shirts to bed. He doesn’t really need them that much anymore which is fine by him
Brad Colbert- teaches his kids how to fall in for bedtime like mini-Marines (all in good fun of course)
Ray Person- lets his kids tire themselves out by rolling a can of Chef Boyardee down the hall and watches them chase it until they’ve had enough
Rudy Reyes- watches an old school movie with the kids, usually he falls asleep first
Nate Fick- tries to get the lil beans to bed as early as possible and insists on complete lights out unless otherwise
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allaboutve · 3 years
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My ninth favorite movie is perhaps my most embarrassing.  The Thomas Crown Affair is fundamentally a date movie that happens to be about a heist.  And call me a liberal fruit bat, but the film articulates some very problematic values.
However, The Thomas Crown Affair benefits from being one of my favorite movies from my adolescence and does a lot of things right.  One of these is its representation of New York City, which is not accurate in detail as much as in spirit.
As an adult I appreciate the relationship between Thomas Crown, played by Pierce Brosnan, and Catherine Banning, played by Rene Russo.  There are no easy answers in the movie or in their fun yet troubled romance.  
Although The Thomas Crown Affair is shamelessly materialistic its moral strength is its honest amorality.  It never mistakes its main characters’ drives with a higher sense of right and wrong, which is sadly becoming the norm in today’s media.
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Thomas Crown is a Wall Street Mergers and Acquisitions giant with a fondness for one particular painting--Noon - Rest from Work by Vincent Van Gogh. He affectionately calls it “Haystacks.”  
Late for work and stuck in traffic, he leaves his personal chauffeur in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art to view the painting from a bench the impressionist wing.  It should be mentioned that Crown brings a briefcase containing his lunch, which he eats in the museum.  
He shows up later in the day at the Wall Street headquarters of his company Crown Acquisitions, having accidentally left his briefcase in the museum.  Crown spends the rest of a busy day looking at his watch, waiting for the day to finally end.  Crown finally leaves the office with another briefcase and returns to the Met.  
I should mention that over the course of the day, a foursome of Eastern European thieves smuggle themselves into the museum hidden inside a Greco-Roman Horse (“Trojan Horse”) preparing to heist the very same wing Crown frequents.  Their heist is unrealistically complex--involving crawling through air ducts, sabotaging the air conditioning and an airlift via helicopter.
When Crown arrives, he discovers the nefarious goings on and draws museum security to it.  Security thwarts the art thieves before anything is stolen.  But not quite.
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1999 audiences knew from the trailer that Thomas Crown would steal one of the paintings.  But in fact, the entire heist was orchestrated by Crown.  While the impressionist wing is sealed and the thieves apprehended, Crown slides under the closing gate, steals one painting off the wall and stashes it in a briefcase hidden under a museum bench.  He left the briefcase in the Museum intentionally!
And Crown is only able to make his escape because one of the gates is wedged open by the second briefcase he brought work.  We later learn the briefcase was loaded with titanium.  
Crown does not steal his “Haystacks.”  Instead, he steals a painting by Claude Monet San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk.  The movie sets up the painting early on as the watershed painting by Claude Monet that founded the Impressionist movement, worth $100 Million.
(It should be mentioned that this backstory is made up for the movie.  The Claude Monet painting that founded the Impressionist movement is named Impression, Sunrise.  It is actually housed in Paris and its subject matter is superficially similar to San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk, though less dramatic.)
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This is our first insight into Crown’s personality.  Crown spends the early part of the movie fantasizing of an easier life, like the man enjoying a siesta in Noon - Rest from Work.  But it is a facade.  Crown is after the drama, dynamism and richness embodied in San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk.
The above synopsis is only approximately the first twenty minutes of the film.  The rest of the movie focuses on the investigation of the robbery.  On the case are two NYPD detectives (“Michael”) McCann and Paretti--played by Denis Leary and Frankie Faison.  
Having four thieves in custody, they want to treat the case textbook and overlook some of the unusual details.  But they are joined within the first hour of their investigation by a Private Investigator named Catherine Banning, played by Rene Russo.  
Her job “is the painting.”  Already a nuisance to the detectives, she sits in on the Witness ID of the thieves, in which Thomas Crown is the witness.  Banning gives Crown several suspicious glances, the gears in her mind turning.
After doing some research Banning discovers Crown has a habit of bidding on paintings by Claude Monet at auctions.  She becomes certain that he stole the missing Monet, and after she resolves other details of the robbery McCann and Paretti believe her.
The rest of The Thomas Crown Affair involves Banning’s attempt to retrieve the missing Monet by seducing Crown--who also appears to be seducing her.  While the plot develops it becomes unclear to both whether Banning is after the painting or Crown.
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Whether or not The Thomas Crown Affair lands depends on its execution of the romance between Thomas Crown and Catherine Banning.  More than half of the movie conforms to the plot structure of any modern romantic film.  However, The Thomas Crown Affair deviates from romance tropes in several ways that give the film life where another film’s story and characters would drag.  
This is not to say that there are not several romance tropes littered throughout the movie.  For instance, two love triangles are forced throughout the movie--involving Detective McCann and a young woman seen dancing early in the film with Crown.  One of these love triangles even leads to a misunderstanding that makes Banning betray Crown to the police in the film’s climax.
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Banning is also led astray by Crown’s wealth and privilege--a tropey characteristic of female romantic leads all the way into the 21st Century.  This would not be distracting except that it occurs during a sequence in the Caribbean island Martinique where the film’s pace otherwise grinds to a halt.
For reasons to be discussed, these appear to be problems with the script from its most early drafts.  But The Thomas Crown Affair starts to circumvent romance tropes with its first shot.  If there is a theme in The Thomas Crown Affair I have come to respect, it is the couple’s incongruent needs.  Thomas Crown is attracted to Catherine Banning because of personal insecurity.  On the other hand, Banning is attracted to Crown because he is handsome, receptive and fun to be with.
Crown’s insecurities regarding his love life are first stirred up in his first scene when his therapist questions in session whether a woman could ever trust him.  In Crown’s relationship with Catherine Banning, he tries to prove that he trusts her as opposed to earning her trust.  
From this context, Crown cannot resolve by himself his insecurity about whether a woman can trust.  He is going about it wrong.  What’s more, trust issues are only Crown’s hangup, not necessarily Banning’s.
Crown’s insecurity is not resolved at the end of the film.  At a height of tension in their relationship, Crown promises Banning he will return the stolen Monet to prove that he trusts her.  Instead she passes the information to the police.
This turn of events is perhaps the strength of The Thomas Crown Affair as a romance film.  It is true that Banning sides with the police in part because of a misunderstanding about Crown’s relationship with another woman.  This sort of misunderstanding is typical of Hollywood romance films.  
On the other hand, the film avoids a more problematic romance trope by not stating whether Banning should choose Crown or the police.  Romance films are typically coded so that a couple, especially the female-gendered half, should choose their romantic interest over their other values or responsibilities.  But The Thomas Crown Affair does not even make the case that Banning should side with Crown over the police. 
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A climactic chase follows between Crown and the police inside the Met.  Crown not only returns the painting while evading the police, he steals another--The Banks of the Seine at Argenteuil by Édouard Manet.  The painting by Manet is what Banning points to on their first date, saying she would steal that one if given the choice.
Banning goes to the Wall Street Heliport where Crown asks her to meet him.  But he has already left and his associate gives her the painting instead.  A generous gesture, but Banning does not keep the painting.  She returns it to the police instead.  
In that entire sequence, Crown shows that he did not fully trust her.  And Banning does not reciprocate Crown’s further doting on her. 
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Catherine Banning’s attraction to Crown is based less on her emotional needs than for the thrill.  As Crown says on their first date, “You like the chase.”  This aspect is consistent with Banning’s counterpart in the 1968 film, Vicki Anderson as played by Faye Dunaway.
However, one of the major deviations between the 1999 movie and the original 1968 The Thomas Crown Affair is the remake’s “happy” ending.  Crown arranges to sit behind Banning on her flight back to Europe and draws her attention by speaking in a Scottish accent.
The scene is ambiguous as to the couple’s future.  The fact that Crown speaks in a Scottish brogue for his last line is a callback to the couple’s first date, when he says the hardest part of attending Oxford University was “learning to talk.”  Crown finally feels free of the pretensions of English and American culture.
At the same time, Crown and Banning’s needs in the relationship are so different that it is foreseeable they are not a long term match.  
As a film romance, The Thomas Crown Affair is refreshing because its romantic leads are not necessarily perfect for each other.  They have their own motivations that are never completely reconciled or resolved.  And that is more true to life than most Hollywood romances.
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The Thomas Crown Affair’s script is written with a curious indifference to materialism.  In today’s world, its tone may come off as dissonant.  But understanding its perspective requires consideration of not only the era when it was written but the people involved in making the film.
The Thomas Crown Affair was one of the first films produced by Irish DreamTime, a production company founded by Pierce Brosnan and Producer Beau Sinclair.  By the time a Director was signed, at least one version of the script was already being drafted.  The best explanation why the film conforms to romantic comedy schlock is that its first draft was written to do so.
The early version of the script appears to have remained intact, since writing credits were still retained by Leslie Dixon and Kurt Wimmer.  And since Pierce Brosnan was a producer, this means that The Thomas Crown Affair was intended as a vehicle for Brosnan.  This is made apparent in the Martinique sequence, which is also where the film’s perspective on materialism is its most loud.
In the exact middle of the film, Crown takes a holiday with Catherine Banning in his island estate.  As intimate and seductive as the setting is, Crown also advertises his lavish lifestyle to Banning.  His seduction of Banning becomes more obvious when he offers her even more money than her commission to run away with him.
This sequence was likely included at the behest of Actor-Producer Brosnan himself.  The actor has a well known attraction to tropical locales and even maintains a home in the Hawaiian Islands today.  The ambiguities regarding Crown’s criminality or immorality would then be the product of indifference by the Writers and production staff.
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This part of the film stands out in the 21st Century because of several scandalous stories involving Caribbean criminal havens, including the Paradise Papers and Jeffrey Epstein’s estate on Little Saint James in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  
Obviously these scandals were not in the mind of the Producers when the movie was shot in the late 1990s.  
But Thomas Crown is also represented ambiguously throughout the film.  He is a remorseless criminal who has his hands dirtied by other schemes--bribery and offshore banking.  This is consistent with the original 1968 film where Crown was more a villain than antihero.  But more than the 1968 film, Thomas Crown is humanized as a protagonist and romantic lead.  By association his values are also normalized.
Director John McTiernan’s similarities to Thomas Crown make the film’s perspective on materialism and white collar crime suspicious.  McTiernan did more than direct.  He also (uncredited) rewrote the script and used his own property and vehicles in the film.
McTiernan’s biography is also suspect.  In 2000 McTiernan wiretapped a film Producer and later lied to Federal Investigators twice.  Prosecution would drag until 2013 when McTiernan was finally sentenced to twelve months in prison.  
During McTiernan’s first sentencing in 2006, the presiding judge publicly stated John McTiernan thought he was “above the law,” and “lived a privileged life and simply wanted to continue.”
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There is reason to believe that McTiernan based Thomas Crown on himself during his rewrite.  Thomas Crown is shown not to be attracted to fame or a cushy lifestyle.  Instead, he is a thrill-seeker with a death wish.
But Crown’s motives are never stated explicitly in The Thomas Crown Affair.  Furthermore, they are muddied by the existence of a forged Monet in Crown’s possession.  The forged painting is eventually discovered by Catherine Banning.  Although Crown needed the real Monet to commission the forged Monet, we learn by the end that Crown no longer had the stolen painting when he first met Banning. 
Although the forged Monet tricks Banning, this could not have been Crown’s intent when he commissioned it.  The best explanation is that Crown intended to trick the police.  
More than that, it means Crown committed his theft intent on being found out.  This is curiously similar to the judge’s description of Director John McTiernan--that he thought he was “above the law.”  McTiernan’s detachment from the consequences of lying to Federal Investigators twice also echoes Crown’s arrogant disrespect for the police.
There are also sociological reasons The Thomas Crown Affair is ambivalent about wealth and materialism.  Public opinion about Wall Street and the U.S. financial industry was not as negative in 1999 as it is in 2021.  This is partly a result of politics changing in response to current events.  
At the same time, the Wall Street boom of the 1980s and how it changed New York City were still fresh in the public consciousness of 1999.  Especially in 1999, where big business was not yet politically divisive prior to the Dot-Com Bust.
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The indifference the public had for big business is embodied by Detective McCann.  By the end of the movie, although Thomas Crown has outsmarted the police and museum security, McCann admits to Catherine Banning that he does not really care about catching Crown.  
McCann implies that compared to cases of domestic violence and human exploitation he usually investigates, the art heist by Crown is a victimless crime.  The stolen paintings only matter to “very silly rich people.”
Detective McCann is held up throughout the film as its moral center.  He has legitimate care and respect for Catherine Banning--even though it is shamelessly teased as a love triangle.  He is motivated to solve the case from a sense of professional responsibility.  In his last scene Banning even tells him, “You’re a good man, Michael.”
But McCann’s indifference to Crown’s crimes is The Thomas Crown Affair’s moral failure.  The victims of art theft are not just the owners but the public itself.  Pop culture pre-Enron was similarly indifferent about fraud and white collar crime, believing the victims were only the rich and wealthy.  
This indifference is a product of the era.  The world would learn very shortly that costs of financial fraud and white collar crime are felt more by society than by the financial industry itself.  But to Hollywood and audiences in 1999, Thomas Crown’s art theft and financial crimes were all victimless crimes.
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An aspect of The Thomas Crown Affair that deserves credit is its representation of New York City.  The city depicted in the film is different from the experiences of most New Yorkers, even in 1999.
Although the film is not always shot in the correct location, the city is represented well in spirit.  Early in the movie, a truck driver making a delivery to the Met gripes when Thomas Crown crosses into his lane.  Detective McCann similarly expresses contempt for New York City’s social circuit in a manner often overhears.  “I love this neighborhood, some of these broads are wearing my salary.”
An AIDS Research Ball hosted by BVLGARI is another realistic part of New York City culture in that AIDS activism had become mainstream by the late 1990s.
The Thomas Crown Affair is shot in a part of New York City that is inaccessible to most people, yet widely advertised.  And it is represented in film authentically and amorally--if for no other reason than because the film was shot almost entirely within the city.
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Perhaps the most widely entertaining aspect of The Thomas Crown Affair is its contribution to the heist film genre.  Heist films are different from other crime movies in that the narrative usually follows the criminal’s or robber’s perspective.
Heist films are also preoccupied with how the criminal will pull off the caper.  They differ from detective films where catching and identifying the criminal are the lingering mysteries.  
But The Thomas Crown Affair is different from other heist movies in that the finer details of Thomas Crown’s capers are never shared with the audience.  For instance, when Crown steals the Monet we are left to wonder how he evaded museum surveillance.  Catherine Banning offers an explanation, but the question is never answered for certain.
Another mystery lingers when Thomas Crown steals the Manet at the end of the film.  Absolutely no hints are offered as to how he managed to steal it.  Part of the attraction of films like these is they leave audiences to guess how certain events occurred.  
My favorite explanation for the stolen Manet is that Crown had a mole working at the Met steal the painting beforehand.  That also explains how Crown obtained the information necessary to steal the first painting.
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Catherine Banning’s explanation for why museum security failed to capture the first theft is that a heater was left in front of the painting.  That is because museum surveillance used infrared cameras that responded to temperature, and a heater would have been just enough to interfere with the infrared camera.  I should mention now that this feature of museum surveillance is one of the more far-fetched details in The Thomas Crown Affair.  Especially today, since face recognition software is in such demand in cyber security.
Lack of realism in films about art or jewel theft is common within the genre, and especially true of the era’s other films--Mission: Impossible, Entrapment and Ocean’s Eleven.  
The purpose of heist movies like this is wonder more than realism.  And prior films have been similarly tongue-in-cheek about painting and jewel theft--such including the Blake Edwards comedy The Pink Panther.  
Films like The Thomas Crown Affair are not intended to be a blueprint for future criminals.  Ironically, The Thomas Crown Affair did inspire one bank robber who got away with the loot using the same costumed diversionary tactic as Thomas Crown in the film’s climactic chase scene.
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Even though I have said a lot about The Thomas Crown Affair, there are simple reasons why I am fond of the movie.  It is a well-made movie, beautifully shot and secretly intelligent.  It is a decent representation of New York City, despite complications in the script and budget.
The movie itself is light and entertaining and leaves it up to the viewer to make up their mind.  Yes, it requires some suspension of disbelief.  Yet even in that way, it treats its audience as mature adults.  A quality rare in action or romantic films of any era. 
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introvertguide · 3 years
Bonnie and Clyde (1967); AFI #42
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The next film that we covered for the group was the period true- crime drama, Bonnie and Clyde (1967). It is the story of the notorious Barrow gang, led by Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, during the American Great Depression. This film features a cavalcade of some of Hollywood's biggest actors including Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Gene Hackman. It is supposedly quite accurate because some of the witnesses and even a couple of the gang members of the actual crimes were still alive during the production of the film. Actress Estelle Parsons won Best Supporting Actress for he portrayal of Blanche Barrow, which I would like to comment on. I also want to speak a little to the accuracy of the story, but first I want to spoil the plot of the film.
In the middle of the Great Depression, Clyde Barrow (Warren Beatty) and Bonnie Parker (Faye Dunaway) of Texas meet when Clyde tries to steal the car belonging to Bonnie's mother. Clyde had spotted Bonnie hanging out in her room naked from the heat, and she spotted him watching her and was intrigued by the danger. Bonnie is bored by her job as a waitress, which Clyde correctly guesses, and decides to take up with him and become his partner in crime. They pull off some weak crimes including a bank heist at a location that has been hit by the depression and there is no money. Clyde actually makes the teller come out to the escape car and tell Bonnie what the deal is and she just laughs at the situation.
The pair find an extra man in a worldly ignorant but mechanically inclined gas station attendant named C.W. Moss (Michael Pollard). Clyde apparently has a way with words because people just join him for no real reason besides being bored. Clyde's older brother Buck (Gene Hackman) and his wife, Blanche (Estelle Parsons), a preacher's daughter, also join them. The two women dislike each other at first sight because Bonnie thinks that Blanche will ruin their fun (she does) and Blanche believes that Bonnie is evil and wants to get rid of her (she does). Keep in mind while watching this that Estelle Parsons won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for this portrayal.
Bonnie and Clyde turn from pulling small-time heists to robbing banks since they now have a full gang. Their exploits also become more violent when C.W. comically botches a bank robbery when he sees an open parking spot and decides to parallel park. He can't get out of the space quickly and he delays their escape, forcing Clyde to shoot the bank manager in the face when he jumps onto the slow-moving car's running board. The gang is pursued by law enforcement, including Texas Ranger Frank Hamer (Denver Pyle), whom they capture and humiliate by taking his photo and setting afloat on a little dingy on a nearby river.
The group likes to switch out cars because they treat the getaway vehicles very rough. When they are seen stealing a car by its owner, a young man named Eugene Grizzard (Gene Wilder) and his girlfriend Velma Davis (Evans Evans), the robbed couple attempt to follow the stolen car. The gang stops and takes the couple hostage in the chase car and even pull over to get some burgers. They let the couple go when they find out they are in their 30s (too old apparently) and find a roadside stop. A raid later that night catches the outlaws off guard, mortally wounding Buck with a shot to his head and injuring Blanche so she can't see. Bonnie, Clyde, and C.W. barely escape alive. With Blanche sightless and in police custody, Hamer tricks her into revealing C.W.'s name, which they use to find any safe places where the remaining gang might go (until then, C.W. was only an "unidentified suspect").
Hamer locates Bonnie, Clyde, and C.W. hiding at the house of C.W.'s father Ivan (Dub Taylor), who thinks the couple have corrupted his son (as evidenced by an ornate tattoo that Bonnie convinced C.W. to get). The elder Moss strikes a bargain with Hamer: in exchange for leniency for the boy, he helps set a trap for the outlaws. When Bonnie and Clyde stop on the side of the road to help Mr. Moss fix a flat tire, the police in the bushes open fire and riddle them with bullets. Hamer and his posse come out of hiding and look pensively at the couple's bodies as a nearby flock of swallows fly away.
This film stood out as it was a comical version of the super violent gangster films that were popular in the 30s. Storywriters David Newman and Robert Benton wanted to punch up the violence with a romantic undertone so they sent the script to French New Wave director Francois Truffaut for contributions. Warren Beatty was visiting Paris and heard about the project then decided he wanted to produce the picture. He was going to have his sister, Shirley MacLaine, play the roll of Bonnie until he decided that he was going to play the part of Clyde. That would have been really awkward, so he tried find a lead actress that he could have a romantic scene with. Many actresses were approached and Faye Dunaway was eventually chosen for the part.
Beatty decided that they needed an American director and offered that job to a plethora of established directors in Hollywood and finally landed on Arthur Penn even after he turned down the position multiple times. What it all comes down to is that not a lot of people wanted to be part of this production. It was considered somewhat of a risky art film at the time because of the questionable sexuality of Clyde and the heavy violence.
So what was so risky? Looking at films that were made only a few later, this seems rather tame. This film came out just a little before the MPAA was established and the writers had been influenced by the French films that didn't have the same restrictive film rules that were present in the United States. It was originally proposed that Clyde be played as bisexual, but the script eventually called for him to be more asexual. The real Clyde Barrow had been sexually assaulted in prison so he would have been scarred by that experience and might not have been interested in Bonnie in that way. This depth into a character's sexuality had generally been avoided in American cinema before this film and there was concern about audience reactions. They shouldn't have worried because the movie was a sleeper hit, eventually making $75 million on a $2.5 million budget.
The number of graphic murders actually shown on screen (especially when Clyde shot a guy in the face who jumped on the car during a get away) was unprecedented at the time. There was also some dismay by critics about the portrayal of Bonnie as sleazy and the whole gang as somewhat stupid. These were a bunch of uneducated folks that grew up in a time when it was more important to find a job. They were smart enough to avoid capture for years, which is shown in the movie, so they had to have some sort of intelligence.
There is a little bit of an elephant in the room with this movie and it involves the historical accuracy. The dates and crimes are well documented and a lot was known about the characters when the movie was produced. However, a major part of the movie was speculation and fabrication about the personalities in the gang. The characters that were based on living people at the time were actually the least accurate as C.W. Moss was a fictional person based on two different gang members (one who was still alive) and the actions of Blanche Barrow were based on a different member of the gang. The real Blanche Barrow lived until the 1980s and famously complained that Parsons's portrayal "made [her] look like a screaming horse's ass!" Parsons is the one the went on to win Best Supporting Actress.
This film was much more enjoyable for me on second watch. The first viewing left me hating the character of Blanche and I wondered if there was some sort of conspiracy to get that actress an Oscar. On second view, I realize that she was necessary to be a foil to the gang. There had to be a weak link in the chain and the audience knew that she would be the downfall of the group. Her presence made the police encounters all the more intense because there was this crazy wild card that could ruin everything at any time. It really adds a touch of comedy along with a bigger element of suspense. She is annoying, but enjoyable, and the people around her react to her behavior in a realistic way, so I appreciate what the character brings to the table.
I would highly suggest looking into the real life of Bonnie and Clyde along with the whole Barrow Gang because they took major advantage of the Great Depression banks, but not so much the suffering people. To some, the members of the Barrow gang were considered celebrities or even heroes because they were getting back at the banks that had mishandled so many people's money. I started my search off with this nice article on the Encyclopedia Britannica site and dug deeper to find out more about the connections between the real people and the film:
So does this film belong on the AFI top 100? I absolutely think so. It has some connections to French New Wave, but it is American directed with American actors and it tells the story of some of the most notorious criminals in American history. It is also a very good film that won Oscars and was a box office success. Bonnie and Clyde are part of Americana and were almost the equivalent of a Robin Hood character to many at the time. Would I recommend this film? I would. Keep an eye out for the Blanche character because she can be annoying, but know she serves a purpose and the movie is not all about her. The connection between Bonnie and Clyde is epic and has influenced a lot of American films, so enjoy it for the cinematic quality, the history in film, and the history of the United States.
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nursemasten · 3 years
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NAME: Faye Everwood Masten ALIAS: Multitask NICKNAMES: Nurse Masten AFFILIATION: Xavier’s Institute BIRTHDAY: March 6th ZODIAC: Pisces AGE: Twenty-one SPECIES: Mutant POWER: Replication CLASSIFICATION: Alpha SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic OCCUPATION: Nurse LANGUAGES KNOWN: English, ASL, Filipino RESIDENCE: Xavier’s Institute
HEIGHT: 5’3” BODY TYPE: Slender, Toned EYE COLOR: Brown HAIR COLOR: Brunette POSITIVE TRAITS: Kind-hearted, gentle, resilient, hard-working, honest, reliable, loyal, patient, intelligent, polite, trustworthy, warm, punctual, adventurous, imaginative, fashionable, ambitious NEGATIVE TRAITS: Oversensitive, curious, anxious, naive, indecisive, spoiled, superstitious, perfectionist, verbose, gullible, passive, tense, timid, profligate BAD HABITS: Duplicating spontaneously when stressed
Isolation hasn’t always been the norm. Faye was born into a wealthy family — the only daughter and also the youngest child to a politician and an accountant. Curiosity always let itself be known after she learned to walk. This often meant chasing after one of her older brothers around the house, but usually it would be River since they were closer in age to each other. She would plop down next to him, wanting to be included in whatever it was that he was doing. Maybe this was the beginning of their close relationship. Never saw one without the other, did you?
Her childhood would become filled with stories of princesses being guarded in castles and knights fighting off dragons. Often you could see Faye dragging blankets and pillows to bring those kingdoms to life. Hours are spent playing with the grand creations until dinner time. The mess left behind to be visited again later.
Lessons were taught at home, never attending public school like the other children. Which never impacted her work ethic, always striving to study just as much — some might argue that she spends too much time with her books. Whether it was part of her homework or just leisure, getting lost in a sea of words is a perfect time to spend an evening. Maybe in another life being a writer could have been in the cards but destiny has something else in mind. The fun and whimsical nature that surrounded these younger years don’t last, no matter how much you wish for them to.
THIRTEEN YEARS OLD — Everything changes so suddenly. The oldest Masten child turned out to be human. Faye sometimes refers to him as the ‘golden one’ since it felt like there was a standard in place to try living up to his accomplishments. Meanwhile, River grew a pair of beautiful wings, revealing himself to be a Mutant. The tension could easily be felt within these four wall and the spaces were starting to get smaller with each day. Eyes always looking at Faye, whispering in wonder about if she’ll be normal or not. It hardly seemed fair to judge those who are different. She decided to love everyone and not allow herself to be influenced by anything her father preaches.
The sun begins to set — another day winding down. However, the night would be a long one. There was an important exam tomorrow, and doing well in school has always been important for Faye. She was perhaps too studious. She has an eidetic memory or what people might refer to as photographic memory instead. She was the kid reading every page of her lessons more than once and writing her notes with care. The pressure to keep getting good grades could be felt, not wanting to feel the disappointment in the room if she were to fail. Faye is smart but the worries are always there. Expectations. Expectations. Expectations.
All the stress caused her Mutant abilities to manifest for the first time, not realizing it happened at all until turning around to see a perfect duplicate of herself standing before her. It was like looking into a mirror.
“How about I quiz you on the information that might be on the test?” The voice is her own, offering to help her study. It was the weirdest situation and the confusion settling in started to overwhelm the poor girl. The duplicate was only trying to help, frowning while looking at the original who’s clearly in distress. Neither of them knew what to do so Faye just screamed. She screamed so loud it woke up almost everyone. Her parents came racing down the hallway, swinging the door open with a force that echoed into the room. The notebook is dropped from the copy’s hands.
“What —“ Her father doesn’t finish the thought, staring at his his daughter as if he were mortified. Another one of his children turned out to be a Mutant and he hoped this wouldn’t have happened. “Make it go away.” It was an order, not a question, but Faye started tearing up because she doesn’t know how.
“I can’t, daddy!” She tried to argue softly, shifting her gaze to look at the duplicate standing at her side — appearing to look just as upset.
Life can change in just an instant. Her father pinches the bridge of his nose and moves to leave the bedroom. “Get rid of it by morning and then we’ll talk about this.” Coldness filled the room,  already feeling the impact of how their relationship will never be the same. Her mother stays behind, trying to comfort her daughter and the copy before going to try talking some sense into Christopher.
Studying is forgotten, going to sleep instead — hoping that everything would be different in the morning. The clone is still there, reorganizing the closet as a means of remaining busy. Faye isn’t afraid of this newfound ability, no, the fear resides in what will change after she goes downstairs. It’s not a welcomed sight when the duplicate is still there, Faye failing to deliver on what was asked of her. This is the first real moment the disappointment is felt, pulled into her father’s office before making it to the dining room. Breakfast would certainly wait.
“I told you to get rid of it.”
“I don’t know how!”
“You’ll stay indoors until it’s gone. Nobody can find out about this. Do you understand?”
The following days were spent secluded, only the company of her duplicate until finally beginning to dissipate. Faye didn’t know how she created one in the first place but maybe everything would go back to normal again?
It doesn’t.
Faye accompanies her family to a political dinner, never her favorite kind of gatherings, but faking a smile could do wonders. It was only a few hours and then she could go home — this is what she kept reminding herself the whole evening. However, someone brought Mutant affairs up into conversation and Faye had to excuse herself to the bathroom. This feeling can’t be explained, as if her body was telling her that another duplicate would be created right there if she didn’t get out.
The replication occurs when highly stressed spontaneously or at will when she learns to control the ability. However, at such an early point in her life, there wasn’t any experience of mastering the replication process yet. She decided to hide out in here but her absence was noted from her parents and Christopher eventually came looking.
“This can’t keep happening. What if someone saw you?”
Faye is sent to Xavier’s shortly after, wanting to protect his public image. This hurt more than anything but despite everything that happened? She’ll always have River.
She’ll quickly grow tired of hiding but it’s nice not having to worry about it at the institute. She quickly learns to embrace her abilities, and how useful having duplicates of yourself can be. Make a copy, of a copy, of a copy, of a copy. Each one reading a different medical book. What else is a thirteen-year-old going to do when you’re not allowed to venture outside? She re-asborbs them to retain all the information they memorized. It’s how she quickly became a nurse for the institute at such a young age, essentially skipping many grades by having her duplicates share the studying. There’s no one better or more knowledgable, really. The work distracts Faye from all the pain that comes from the torn relationship with her father. She also genuinely enjoys taking care of others so there’s no better role for her at Xavier’s.
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karls-writing-space · 3 years
『 Backstory 』
➵ Any TWs? :
➵ Subtle Mentions of Transphobia.
➵ Beau Romano - his deadname being Bianca - was born a year after his older sister, Faye. He lived with his semi-wealthy parents, Camilia and Dylan Romano in Manitoba.
When he was in second grade, Beau began to have a big sprout of creativity. He had drawn pictures of people and anthropomorphic animals, and create small little tales about these people/animals he has drawn. He Drew more and more of these as time slowly passed, and he enjoyed telling stories about these drawings. This had grown into a hobby, and something he enjoyed thoroughly.
His older sister came out when she was nine that she felt like a girl and that she was attracted to girls. Now, their parents are very accepting people and proceeded to assist and support Faye - who was formerly known as Lovino - get what she needed to transition.
Beau happily cheered on his big sister on, supporting her and showering her with love. He celebrated her transitions and her relationships happily, happy that he had such a prideful older sister.
By the time Beau was ten, he had begun to experiment with his sexuality by feeling some weird way towards a guy in music class. He talked with this guy more and more, and these feelings continued to grow.
After a couple of weeks, he felt the same way towards a girl in music class too. The feeling for the boy stayed, but now he had feelings for a boy and a girl.
One day, while walking to school with his mom, he heard two girls behind him talking about the people they liked. One of the girls had said that she was Bisexual, to which little Beau tugged on his mother's sleeve and asked what "Bisexual" meant. The woman explained that it was when someone liked two or more genders.
Beau put that into thought, and not even a minute later, he exclaimed "I'm Bisexual!"
His mom smiles and ruffled her son's - then daughter's - head. While Beau was still a kid, and she thought that Beau didn't know what he was talking about, the boy knew exactly what he was talking about.
Those feelings of the boy and girl faded over time. When Beau was twelve, he had fallen for another person. There had been this really cute girl in class who enjoyed drawing, and boy, what a talented artist she is.
Slowly, but surely, Beau began to fall in love with this girl, and spent time with her. Months went by, and the two had fallen in love.
The girl had confessed to Beau, which he accepted.
These two were a great, healthy Lesbian couple at the time. They were both very happy and loving. Beau had welcomed his girlfriend into the family, to which they welcomed with open arms.
The relationship lasted for two years until they fell out of love. The spark was gone. Their breakup wasn't nasty - they awkwardly stated that they lost that romantic spark on both sides. Beau had turned thirteen at the time. Beau and his ex-lover are on good terms to this day.
Once puberty hit, Beau looked at the body he had at the moment. He didn't quite fit with how it was. It made him feel like he didn't fit in a girl's body. He wanted to cut off his developing melons. So, he decided to talk to Faye later that evening, whom had fully transitioned. She was a beautiful woman. As he talked to her about what had been up, Faye stated that Beau could be Transgender, and even gave him a few articles on Gender Dysphoria.
Weeks of looking into gender identities later, Beau took the label "Trans Male" and used it to describe himself. With encouragement from Faye, he came out to his parents, who accepted him. He didn't want to transition as quickly as Faye, and wanted to take it slow. Testosterone and binding first.
As he grew older, Beau got bullied for being a Transgender Bisexual man. He was experiencing Transphobia from a few of his fellow peers. He knew that not everyone would accept him for being who he was, but this hurt quite a bit. Being bullied for this wasn't fair - he had every right to express himself! - but nooo, people were idiots.
His love for writing had grown more and more over the years. He began to write little stories that he presented in school and posted online. People loved his little stories. Whether they were fanfiction or characters and universes he had created in his head, they received a lot of positive feedback. Sure, there were haters, bullies, trolls, and rude people in general, but Beau didn't pay attention to them too much.
Beau had gotten top surgery when he was fifteen. He had been on testosterone for a year, and he had been binding for that time being. He loved his new, flat chest. Sure, he would have a scar on his chest from the surgery, but it didn't really bother him. He was happy that his tibbies were deleted. Now he could feel like a guy somewhat.
During the time passed from fourteen and fifteen years old, Beau had been watching a show known as "Total Drama" with Faye. The show was appealing to the young teen. The risky challenges were entertaining, most of the cast was likable, and it was really entertaining for the young boy. He'd talk about joining the show every now and then and would think about what his label or cliche would be on the show.
Timeskip to now, Beau and Faye are sixteen and seventeen respectively. After watching an ad to audition for the next season of Total Drama, Faye looked over at her little brother.
"Hey... You should audition to be on there!"
Beau, liking the idea, auditioned for the show. Once his audition was seen, Beau was invited to be on a season of Total Drama.
『 Voice Claim 』
『 Miscellaneous Facts』
➵ Theme Song
➵ Quotes
"O-Oh, hello...!"
"I'm Beau. It's nice to meet you!"
"It's too people-y in there. I-I'd like to stay right here."
"He's... Kinda pretty."
"Are you lonely? I could hang out with you if you'd like."
"I-It's not a diary! It's just a journal that I put my writing and ideas in."
"Sorry, I'd rather be by myself. I-It's nothing personal -- I j-just don't like large groups of people."
"Sorry... I'm rambling again, aren't I? Sorry about that..."
"He's a... He's a man. And I'm just a boy."
"Ciao, bello..!" (Hello, handsome..!)
"Aren't you guys a little too old for a bedtime story?"
"Fine, fine. Once upon a time, there were a few guys on an island who needed to go the fuck to sleep. G'night, guys."
"What do you mean that 'isn't a good bedtime story? I think it's a brilliant story."
"Fine... There was once this God named Fóllame de lado-"
"Hey - do you wanna fuck around with the others?"
"H-Hey! I apologize for interrupting what you were doing, but... I'd like to confess something if that's o-okay? Look, I'll cut to the chase. I... love you, dude. And not in some bromance way. Like... I have romantic feelings for you. I love you so much I could scream it to the world..! I hope you f-feel the same way. And if you don't? That's p-perfectly fine."
"Good morning, mio amore."
"Sorry, but could you like, shut up for five seconds? Thanks..."
➵ Ship Names (OC X Crush or OC X OC)
Duncan x Beau = BeauDun/ BeauCan
DJ x Beau = BJ / BeauJ
Alejandro x Beau = AleBeau
Mike x Beau = Meau/Bike
Lightning x Beau = Blightning/BeauLight
Topher x Beau = Beaupher / Beaupher
Shawn x Beau = Sheau / Bawn
➵ Random Facts
• If they're comfortable, Beau calls his male friends "Bello" (Handsome), and his female friends "Bella" (Beautiful).
For Nonbinary folk, it depends on what they prefer.
•Beau has learned how to play the ukelele from Faye.
•He would actually like to go windsurfing sometime!
• Speaking of his sister, she's a well-known acrobat/performer for her age. He admires her for being so talented in such a thing..
• His sister is an extrovert, and more outgoing than Beau. The two are opposites,,but yknow, opposites attract!
•Beau prefers to write stories that are/include horror, action, and supernatural/fantasy. He can write romantic stories, but he doesn't prefer writing things like that.
•He has written some shitty fanfictions when he was younger. He will share them among his friends and laugh at what he wrote.
•The languages he speaks are:
• English
• (Some) Spanish. [Italian and Spanish are similar language-wise in a few ways. That, and Beau just wanted to learn Spanish.]
• Respectful boi when it comes to Pronouns, Names, People's likes and dislikes, etc.
•Beau has some family members that live in Italy. He has gone to Italy to visit them numerous times.
• Beau doesn't believe in soulmates. He thinks that it's just some fairytale thing that people believe in. He wants to love someone on his own accord - not someone who the universe was like "Oh, let's put these people together.".
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
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chryzure-archive · 3 years
Daniel Law for that ask game as well! (Or Despair - or both -eyes emoji-)
AHHH!! A good idea! A great idea, even!!!
First impression
His hair was so swooshy and fun!!! I didn't really care about him though, he just kinda existed. A cool design!
Impression now
He's so tired. He's trying to keep everything together. He won't ever succeed, and I feel bad for him, but at the same time, it's so funny seeing him try fruitlessly. Let me give him a quick little kiss. He needs to stop smoking so much. Such a bad habit. I love him.
Favorite moment
In B2B, I just adored how Libra was like "Yeah! We stopped this artifact from destroying the city (and even the world)! Here you go :)" and Daniel was like "Great! Why is it broken?" HE WAS SO FUCKING ANNOYED AND WORRIED. Chronic stress + fatigue in characters, my beloved.
Idea for a story
I've really been wanting to explore his friendship with Chrysi and how it ties in with his relationship with Faye! Mostly spanning from when Chrysi worked with the HLPD, to her leaving, to Daniel trying to track down the leader of the Crossroads, to Faye (who works with Chrysi still) giving him a cryptic note from Chrysi (as the leader) saying she's an old friend, to Daniel realizing he's been chasing after his old employee all this time. It's just a fun little thing I want to write, esp since I like developing Chrysi's friendships with people!
Unpopular opinion
I don't know if I have one! Maybe my most unpopular opinion is please make him more stressed :) It's very funny to me :) :) :)
Favorite relationship
I adore how frustrated he gets with Libra all the time. Exasperated uncle vibes. That's p much all. Plus, I mentioned I loved the friendship he and Chrysi have!!! I really enjoy playing with that hehe.
Favorite headcanon
He likes to cook!!! He loves it!!! He has a "Kiss the Chef" apron in pink (a joke gift from Chrysi that she didn't actually think would be something he'd want) and he cooks for people whenever he's calm enough to do it (rarely).
First impression
I HATED HIM. I HATED HIM SO MUCH. I WANTED HIM TO DIE SO, SO BAD. Super annoying + smarmy + evil and I HATED THAT.
Impression now
Wow... true love really does exist <3 He's an attentive lover and a passionate person and I just get butterflies whenever I think of him. He's also, like, a very comfortable person to ship Chrysi with. They're both perfect for each other :)
Favorite moment
I really like the part where he explodes that mugger into blood and gore :) I love how insane he looks + when he's covered in blood?? OH BOY. Yeah... yeah.
Idea for a story
AAHHH, I HAVE SO MANY! I've been working on one where Femt kidnaps her and poisons her in front of Despair though, and it's pretty good, if I do say so myself.
Unpopular opinion
Despair doesn't want to die. I really don't think so. Even without Chrysi, he just seems to have worked so hard to be alive for so long. He's extremely depressed, but also... he's still around. So I don't think the events of s1 were him trying to die.
Favorite relationship
CHRYSI/DESPAIR, CHRYSI/DESPAIR, CHRYSI/DESPAIR. They love each other soso much!!! Plus, Despair and Adam's friendship is funny :)
Favorite headcanon
That Despair used to be human in ancient Roman times! I think it would really add to the emotional depth he has in comparison to the rest of the Thirteen Kings + the drama of everything!!
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redemptioninterlude · 3 years
❛  well, that certainly didn’t go according to plan, did it?  ❜ (for faye!)
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until dawn meme ( accepting ) + @bountyspiked // spike
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spin it; vibe check
Smoke circles the room, where, they’ve all taken up position. Faye at the bar, poised with that skirt that looks like it’s meant for this moment, split up the side, up, up - it’s purposeful, and tactical, and her fingers trace the rim of a glass, as if bored, while they wait for the mark to come in. Jet’s out by the door, playing BOUNCER FOR THE NIGHT, and he certainly looks the part, doesn’t he? A good suit, sunglasses, and that grizzled old man looks like he might still be gunning for the I.S.S.P., doesn’t he, and off duty cops are the perfect cover for bouncers on this little corner of Venus, known for its slums and its bars, and the band that plays on in the background, the fitting backdrop for what’s to come.
Spike, well he didn’t get the barkeep like he’d wanted, that’d been harder to swing than they’d hoped for, but big bounties call for DESPERATE MEASURES, and he’s at his own table for now, back to the door, but his eyes on the back. Messy hair, the loose tie, he looks like someone getting off of work, needing that drink in front of him to all but be mainlined through the veins. They all play their parts, don’t they? Those heavy beaded curtains separating them from where the next level of action is coming from, and, by their estimates, the mark’s just due to come swinging through, high on his own supply and likely looking for a date. It’ll just be a simple trap, intercept, and extraction, 1-2-3; and depending on who’s collected the most bruises by the end of the night, it’ll just be the usual candid split, though fuck if they haven’t blown out half their gas tank alone just in getting here. The bounty at this point isn’t just a want - it’s a goddamned need, Faye’s patience wearing thin and sharp, just about ready to blow when -
- out he comes. Some redheaded girl at his arm, but, Faye’s on the offensive, motivated by money and her own personal desire to get the fuck out of here already. It’s all so close, she can taste it, that painted on smile, the grin that comes with it... but what she doesn’t expect is the redhead having her OWN TEETH in this, or rather, the way her teeth latch onto her hand as it slides along their target’s shoulder, Faye’s indignant shriek ringing out above the sound of rapturous piano notes that fill in this space. “What the absolute hell!?” duck, dodge, punch! It’s enough of a giveaway, isn’t it, as she’s spitting blood and looking pissed at the girl who’s been knocked over to the ground, an lo, where’s the bounty gone? Already dodging to the back and looking to make a run for it, as Faye bends to tear a rip at the bottom of her dress so that she can make an easier run for this, Jet and Spike already bursting in after her as they chase down the aisles of the blinded, all of whom pour, pour out red powder into vials.
                 All destined for some next red eye trip, she’s sure.
Down a door, they bodily throw it open as Faye’s the first left overlooking, up, as feet scamper up a fire escape, out of breath but refusing to back down. “Shut UP, Spiegel.” acid on her tongue, she’s already furious as it is, even if she’s aiming it poorly, or maybe it’s just that shit eating grin on his face that’s doing it for her. No doubt, her hand’s going to bruise, and she’ll have a black eye of her own to reckon with tomorrow. A small humiliation to deal with some other time. “Think you can clear the jump up top from this building to the next, or what?” the grin that comes, sports, a little reckless. “Let’s make this one even those old men try claiming for themselves, shall we?”
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