#when he tried to hide his hands 😂
mostlyfate · 1 year
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What are you busy with? I may know. What do you know? I'm not sure. Guangyan told me. That traitor.
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble 不良執念清除師 2023, dir. Lin Kuan Hui.
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Hello! Could I request Hades and Poseidon (separatly) fell in love with dummy nymph!reader, who just doesn't notice their feelings, please? (◕‿◕)♡
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades and Poseidon Name: {Character} with a Oblivious Nymph! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: My first Record of Ragnarok piece in quite a while, and thankfully, this was quite funny to write. This is so full of fluff and crack that it makes broken attics look nice😂
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💀 Oh sweet mercy, this guy loves yet hates your obliviousness
💀 When he first met you, he would joke around about how you were so oblivious to things, but, when he tried to confess his feelings towards you for the first time and you just replied with something so platonic-sounding, he froze
💀 Your obliviousness was going to be a hint of a problem now
" My dear, have you ever thought about having a relationship with someone? " " I guess so, yeah. Why? " " How would you feel about courting with me by your side? " " Aw! You would help me with courting! You're so sweet, Hades! "
💀 Grabbing your hand when you were scared didn't get you to realize his feelings, even when he gave you the biggest hint while still hiding the straight-forward admission, you didn't get it
💀 Hades does understand that, because your a nymph, you haven't gotten that much experience when it comes to anything romantic, as many believe you only are attracted to things relationships non-romantically
💀 Zeus and Aphrodite have tried getting you guys to get together for centuries, from trying to have you guys go on a blind-date to having you literally go on a real-date with him, you always stayed blind to the real emotions hidden behind his gestures
💀 So, unsurprisingly, Hades eventually does have to straight-up admit his feelings, leaving you flustered and a hint embarrassed
" Y/N, I must admit that I am quite fond of you. So fond that I must ask, would you like to be in a courting relationship? " " You fond someone that wants to court me? Aw, Hades, how swe- " " Not someone else. Me, my dear. " " Oh... how long have you liked me like this?! " " About the past four centuries. " " Oh sweet seraphs... "
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🔱 Poseidon is not amused at all.
🔱 He is not fond of people not understanding what he said, and it doesn't help with the fact that he's very blunt and honest when it comes to his words
🔱 When he first met you, you were speaking to your boss, Aphrodite, and when he arrived to speak with her about the waves causing damages to the nearby forests
🔱 That was when he noticed how oblivious you were to pretty much everything
🔱 Aphrodite eventually noticed how Poseidon seemed to soften with his actions whenever you were around, and she was the one who prompted him to finally begin trying to tell you about his feelings, unaware that you had no clue how to take a hint
" Y/N, would you like to accompany me to Zeus' reunion next week? As my date, of course. " " Oh, yeah! It'd be fun to spend some time with my best friend! "
🔱 Okay, ouch.
🔱 It took him only two tries before he began to lose his already strained patience, and he burst that bubble the third time you pushed his advances off as a friendly confrontation
" Would you like to accompany me to Hades' meeting tomorrow afternoon, Y/N? " " Of course! Spending time with my favorite friend is amazing- " " Not as a friend. As a future spouse. " " Huh? "
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moondirti · 1 month
Hellloooo🖤 I’m the anon who asked about the Safehouse story!
My brain, unfortunately, is not nearly as wrinkly as yours so I cannot come up with creative ideas like you 😂 BUT! I have a few ideas? Maybe? If you can call them that lol.
Was the spanking the first physical interaction they had? What did the morning after that look like?
What happens if reader has a nasty mental health episode & tries to hide it from Ghost?
Does the pet thing progress? I think we all know that Ghost has a thing for the pet play. I don’t even care, that’s totally canon for me at this point.
Would you ever consider writing about the general dynamic they have? Like the “rules” Ghost might have for them?
Totally and completely a self indulgent ask from someone who just had to pull themselves out of a nasty mental health episode lmao I’m so sorry please ignore this if it’s annoying or dumb!
shh i love all of these. i have so many thoughts now / prev
cw: dubcon d/s lifestyle. petplay. controlling behaviour. possessiveness. panic attacks. toxicity. noncon collaring. financial manipulation. mention of self harm. brief fluff.
Your thing with Simon is hard to contextualise.
Or even understand, really.
Parts of it are welcome. He asserts himself in a way you haven't found in the nobodies you've hooked up with previous, happy to fuck you dumb if it means you'll surrender yourself completely. Which you do. You listen intently and follow every direction he gives in bed, and as a reward he wrings orgasm after orgasm from your squirming body. You cum more in one week than you have in the past month, never not naked and sore, wrists tender from where he anchors his hand to keep them pinned above your head. You hear puppy more than your own name, at this point. And it's a concerning because– Well...
You don't mind it.
But you still don't like him.
It isn't like you necessarily need to like your partners in order to have a good time, but it certainly helps if you can tolerate them beyond a dick-in-hole condition. Simon is an anomaly in that he is the worst person you know, whilst also serving as the best lay you've ever had.
That is to say, his habits haven't changed. He's a fucking terror to live with. Nightmare flatmate, the type you see strangers complain about on reddit forums or hear in a friends story from their sister's husband's cousin. Not something you would take seriously until you live the experience – now existing as a sore, precautionary tale you'll no doubt be pitching to anyone also considering subleasing their place as a safe house.
Perhaps it's made worse by the sexual element you share. Before, he had just been your average perverse man, stealing clothes and walking in on you in the bathroom. Now, it seems that sleeping with him has given him the go-ahead to push that behaviour to an extreme. He'll pat your ass while you go about your business, or tug your hair when you raise your voice. Treats you like a pet that has yet to be debarked; just a silly, sub-human way of entertainment.
You can't help but feel you enabled it. But no–
The pet play is cute when he's drilling your brains out – and perhaps only because you can't think straight enough to raise concern – but you're not a dog. Nor do you want to be treated like one throughout all hours of the day. The onus is on him for not catching the hint.
But of course, accountability isn't in his lexicon.
Things only get worse from there.
"An' where d'you think you're going?"
You're halfway out of the door when he catches you leaving.
If you had been more iron-willed, you would slip out and scurry away before he can continue whatever spiel he has stirring. Instead, it's instinct to shrivel in on yourself, clicking the door shut before turning to face the behemoth waiting in the foyer.
"Out." You huff, intent on cold-stoning him. But it's a fools game when your opponent in the broad-shouldered lieutenant – for he merely cocks his head, waiting your silence out with more silence, and it's all you can do to bite your tongue against the deluge of excuses that pile up. "My mates thought it would be a good idea to catch brunch. Y'know– to celebrate the start of summer break. It's a nice day out so..." You gesture to your attire, like you have any reason to justify a sundress to some man you are in no way committed to.
But you can read the possessive gleam of his eyes as they take stock of your appearance: from your expensive mules, up your moisturised legs, to the low cut of your décolletage. It's easy to connect it to that look he had when you came back home that fateful night, the look of warning before he'd taken you over his lap and slapped your ass raw.
And for some odd reason, you're compelled to dig yourself out of trouble.
"Hm. It is a nice day, innit?" You nod a bit too quick. He stalks closer. "Lots of people out." Your nod is a little less enthusiastic. He's centimetres away now. "Some bad, bad men too."
He lifts the ends of your dress, slowly. Your next words quiver on their way out your chest. It's alarming to find that they don't sound nearly as assertive as you intend for them to be, not like they do horny.
"Where are you going with this?"
Your skirt pools around your hips now, held up by one hand as the other smooths over with the gusset of your panties.
"You plan on lettin' them have at this puppycunt? Have I not been givin' it enough attention?" He mockingly coos, pressing harder against the mound between your legs. Your knees grow weak. Not of your own accord, but weak nonetheless, and you have to hold onto his wrist to keep yourself upright. "Is tha' it?"
"No? But that's what they'll think seeing you walk around like this, silly thing. Poor, neglected mutt, they'll say. Don't have a firm hand to keep 'er in line." Simon tuts, releasing his grip on your dress to pull something out of his back pocket. With the way he crowds into you, you can't crane your head to see what it is. "Now we can't have tha'. I spoil my girl rotten, wouldn' you say?"
"Yes. Yes but–"
"No buts, pup. Have ta stake my claim on you somehow." Something clicks. All too suddenly, you're made aware of the new weight on your neck. It tightens against the column of your throat – not enough to constrict your airways, but enough so that it hinders the way you move. "There we go. So pretty like this."
Panic seizes you, the steel fist of paralysis capturing your muscles in a vice-like clutch. Even as Simon pulls away, you're almost scared to find yourself in the nearest mirror. Scared of what you'll find dangling between your collarbones. There's no mistaking the textured leather that presses against your skin, nor the soft clink of metal hanging from it. No fooling yourself that this is all some cruel joke, not with the sick leer of satisfaction that warps his face.
Stumbling, you navigate to the bathroom and blindly turn on a light.
That cruel fuck.
"Simon," Your voice is devoid of the anger you feel roaring through your veins, circuiting through the frenzied stutter of your heart to find new passion. Instead, you sound horrified. Near hysterical, choking on your own pleas as you run back to the foyer. Your hands tug at the collar clasped around your neck, desperately searching for a buckle that will aid you in ripping it off, despite seeing the lock latched right at the centre that tells of its permanence. What's more, he had it engraved with a crude variation of a dog collar tag. If lost, leave alone. Or else count your days. "S-Simon, Simon please. Fuck– take it off. Take it off, take it off! I don't want this, I don't want... This isn't funny. I'll change if that's what it takes. Please."
Snot bursts from your nose, cheeks wet with a hot mess of tears. You can't suppress the hiccups that interrupt your begging like pathetic shots to the chest, or the weak hits you beat across his pecs. If you could, then perhaps he would give your tantrum more weight.
As it stands, you're nothing but a feral creature resisting training.
"Shhh. Pets can' speak. Pets don't cry." His thumbs press to your under eyes, tamping the flow of brine that mark steady tracks from your lashes. "You'll ruin your makeup like this."
He stare hardens into something dangerous. Against your better judgment, you clamp your lips shut.
"That's it. You're s'good when you listen to me, pup." Once he's sure you've stopped crying, he removes his thumbs to instead push one into your mouth. You can taste the salty residue of your tears on his fingertips. "Now, this is the bes' of both worlds, see? You can go see your friends with this on. I know pets need their playtime, af'er all."
You arch your back in protest, but all that does is bring you closer to the lieutenant. He misinterprets that entirely, of course, and a small smile breaks his face like you've agreed to his terms. A heavy palm pats your ass.
"S'jus' so you don't forget who you belong to." He chuckles. "An' if your friends like the idea, then I have a few friends for them."
You make it one block before hightailing back home.
Nothing in you wanted to give that bastard the satisfaction, but he made it so that whatever you chose to do – stay home or leave wearing a symbol of his ownership – he'd end up triumphant. Naturally, then, you opted for the lesser of two evils: to leave his vicinity immediately. Besides, you'd promised your girls you'd see them after going AWOL the past fortnight, and you knew you'd get an earful if you decided to reschedule at the last moment.
You thought you would convince them it was a bet. That the collar is just some silly joke you have to bear for the day after a football match didn't go in your favour.
But you make it one block before a tradie on his lunch break catcalls you (you about that freaky ting, beautiful?) and decide to change course completely.
You arrive back at your flat without further incident. Ego stung from the various odd looks you received on your way, but nothing as egregious as being singled out as a freak in the midst of a crowd occurs again.
Still, your hands shake as you push your key into its slot.
Which progress to full body tremors as you turn it in place.
Thankfully, Simon isn't waiting on you on the other side of the door. He sits, manspreading on the couch instead, focus zeroed in on the telly that broadcasts Fulham v Man City. When he doesn't look away, you allow yourself to hope he hadn't heard you come in. But it's a naive pool to place your faith in. Nothing escapes the man, and soon enough, his tone of humoured indifference shatters the silence you've been precariously trying to keep.
"Miss me 'lready?"
A wretched sulk, pit of anger hollowing out anew. You swiftly snatch your laptop from the breakfast bar before storming to your room, making sure to lock the door firmly behind you.
The website is bookmarked. Taunting. Sublet your home as a safehouse for our armed forces. Serve your country and help soldiers find refuge. You would laugh if you weren't so single-minded, typing in your email and password upon being prompted to. You don't have to deal with this shit any longer, nor do you intend to. If you remember correctly, there had been a way to report any problems you face. If you phrase yours right, you might just get Simon pulled from your services.
Good dick be damned.
But when you hit enter to sign in, an error message blinks in red.
Account does not exist.
Which is fine. Shit like this happens all the time. There's no reason to work yourself into a panic, you probably just used the wrong email.
So you try your alternate. Account does not exist.
It feels unlikely, but maybe you'd created it under your school email to give yourself credibility. Only–
Account does not exist.
Your blood pressure is no doubt sky high by now. Other symptoms of stress already start to wrack through you – blurry vision, chest aches, difficulty breathing. Your hands sweat excessively as you dig for the customer care number you're sure exists somewhere, efforts impaired by the ever-present weight of the collar around your neck. You wonder if Simon can smell your anxiety like a predator does its prey. If he's in the other room, salivating, waiting for you to wobble out of your room to go for the kill. Some part of you – a needlessly paranoid part – rests on the conclusion that this is somehow his fault too.
Your phone already rings in an outgoing call once you blink back to the present. While you've been functioning on autopilot, you must have found a number to call that related close enough to your issue.
And your suspicion is confirmed when an automated voice picks up. You are currently... second... in line.
It takes five minutes. When a placating woman speaks up amidst the nauseating music they have queued, you can hardly contain yourself from word-vomiting onto her. Safehouse signup. Lost account. Need to report an issue. Please. It's urgent.
"Okay ma'am. If you could give me your name, I'll be happy to find the source of your problem today." You can't spell it out any faster. "Alright. One moment, please."
"O-okay." You sniffle miserably.
"I see. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it seems that you've been pulled from the program after a complaint was lodged against you. Unfortunately I can't provide more detail than that, but if you need anything else, I would be happy to assi–"
You hang up. The poor thing doesn't need to hear the incensed scream that tears from the deepest parts of you, or the following crack as you chuck your cell at the wall. She'd done what she could. It isn't her fault. It was that self-serving bastard that had you blacklisted from the only thing keeping you financially afloat. It is that that self-serving bastard that continues to occupy space inside your home, despite having no real right to it now.
The tantrum isn't near cathartic enough to unfetter you from your prison of aggravation, and you continue to take it out on everything in your near radius. Your duvet and pillows. The lotion you keep by your beside table. Your own skin, nails piercing into the soft flesh of your palms.
And especially the collar constricting your throat, like vines that tighten at the first sign of struggle.
You have to get this collar off. Even if you fail at everything else, you have to get this collar off.
Scrambling off your bed, you turn your room upside down looking for a bobby pin or a knife. One is unquestionably the safer bet, but you know you'll sit for hours trying to pick the lock that keeps you shackled – so when you find the boxcutter sitting at the bottom of your junk drawer, you immediately take it to your neck.
Just as Simon barges into your room.
You're so far gone, you don't even question how this must look to him. In fact, it doesn't occur to you that you locked your door, and that the only way he could've gotten in is by having a replica of your key. No. You merely twist away from the all-encompassing hold he wraps around your arms, determined to keep the boxcutter away from his confiscation until you can slice through the leather.
But you're crying. Visibly, alarmingly unstable. And Simon's breaths are a little faster than normal, faltering in a way they only do when he's close to climax. He must be worried, which is a funny thought, seeing as he's the reason you're in this mess.
"Alright thas– that's enough of that." He grunts after managing to pry the blade from your hand. You hardly mourn the loss, rather crumbling in on yourself as your sobbing escalates. No longer frustrated, nor determined. Just primed into a suffocating panic attack.
Somewhere in your auditory periphery, you hear the clinking of glass. It doesn't register until he holds a vial of lavender extract you keep under your nose, forcing you to inhale the medicinal aroma. Soon enough, your mouth opens to swallow gulps of unscented air alongside it, and the imposed breathing exercise calms you to a point of blubbering calm.
(For someone so apathetic, you admit he handled that expertly.)
That isn't the end of it, though. Moments later, you're lifted off your feet. He cradles you in both arms as he makes his way to your bed, sitting up against the headboard and placing you on his lap. Safe. Undisturbed.
You say nothing, pressing your wet face into his shirt. For comfort, first and foremost, but the makeup that'll undoubtedly stain the white fabric is an added bonus.
"Know this is hard for y'to understand, pup." Simon begins. "Hard for you ta wrap your head around ownership after bein' alone for s'long. I won't punish you for tha'."
"Y-You don't own me." You accuse.
He shakes his head in response, like your mind is truly as little as he claims. Like you're a dog, complete with two ears and a tail, and he plucked you off the street on the condition that you heel.
If anything, he's the stray.
"Oh, but I do." A large hand rubs circles on your back. Never have you been so conflicted, so torn between leaning in and biting back. "Just don't see it yet, pet. Bu' you will, in time. And in the meanwhile, we'll establish some ground rules to help you adjust."
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reidsdaisies · 17 days
Hey! I was wondering if you would write something were like the team has to stay at a hotel and reader and spencer are secretly dating and they have to share a room and blah blah blah and maybe end up having morning sex and like maybe Derek or someone goes to wake them up or something but they can be heard threw the door. (P.S. love your writing!) anywho have a lovely day!
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༉‧´ˎ˗ paring; spencer reid x bau!fem!reader ༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; suggestive, spencer is clueless 😂. ༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.2k ༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; i’ve seen a lot of people do this so i tried to do it kinda in my own way? maybe it’s still completely generic 😭 still, i hope you like it <3
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The silence was loud as you slid into the passenger seat.
“Morning Morgan,” you smiled, setting your bag in your lap and pulling the door shut.
“Morning, lover girl,” he masked his chuckle, trying to focus his attention on turning the key in the ignition and not your slightly roughed up hair.
You looked over at him, tilting your head in confusion.
“Lover girl?” You laughed, amused at the new nickname. When he smirked, your face dropped.
“What do you know, Derek?!” You frantically asked, eyes bugging comically.
“More than I wish I knew,” he shook his head, looking at you. “I’m just teasing.. but at least tell me you guys were at least safe about it?”
“Yes!” Your cheeks burned, and you nodded bashfully, moving to hide your face from Derek.
You sank back into your seat, embarrassed that your friend/coworker heard you and your crush getting it on earlier that morning.
“Oh and by the way the back of your hair,” he started, pointing but you were on top of it, hands quickly darting back to fix it.
Just as you were giving him a face of annoyance, Spencer was opening the back seat door and getting inside.
His eyes flickered between the two of you, a tight lipped smile plastered on his face.
“Everything okay?” He asked.
“Don’t worry about it–“ you both started at the same time, both just shaking your head and laughing before facing forward.
Spencer dismissed the thought and buckled his seatbelt, and he was none the wiser to the fact that Derek knew and heard everything.
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look-at-the-soul · 4 months
Every little thing you do- Prologue
Tommy Shelby x reader (Mini series)
Summary: Y/N has been Tommy’s best friend since childhood. She had always been there for him when he needed her the most. Now as the Shelby family are in a better position, Y/N will need Tommy’s support when something she didn’t expect happens.
A/N welcome to this little new adventure! This story started as an idea @lyarr24 shared a while ago and I just stared at it for a few minutes until the ideas started “appearing” in my mind. This particular part turned somehow into a comedy show on its own 😂🤭 it was fun and light to write, but it’s going to get angsty… thank you for sharing your unique ideas as usual! It took me some time but I’m always into giving each story it’s own time. And of course @justrainandcoffee thank you for creating this beautiful moodboard for this story! You totally nailed it!
Word count: 2,196
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Arriving at the Garrison, Y/N headed straight towards the private booth where the Shelby’s were reunited.
“You should’ve seen the look in Polly’s eyes when she found out we were buying the stallion.” John cracked and threw his head back with a loud laugh.
Arthur winked at Y/N and decided to mess with his brother.
“Erm John boy.” He cleared his throat, just as Tommy gave Y/N a smirk, they were both sitting facing the door unlike John who had his back at it.
Tommy used the chance to kick his youngest brother in the shin, as a warning.
“So you think it’s fucking hilarious John Michael Shelby.” Y/N imitated Polly’s voice and mannerisms perfectly.
John’s face paled as the smile left his face and he straightened his back.
Arthur snorted and then started laughing uncontrollably as John turned around to find Y/N standing by the door.
“Shit! Y/N you scared the fuck out of me.”
“Get in here sweetheart.” Arthur called for her, making room next to him. “That was brilliant, you’ve got a talent.”
“You sound just like her.” Ada praised, leaning over the table to kiss her cheek.
“You’re late.” Tommy offered her a glass of whiskey.
Taking a sip, she nodded. “The lady I work for had a terrible day, didn’t want me to leave.” She replied titling her head to the side because Arthur was right in the middle, sandwiched between her and Tommy.
“And how did it go?” He asked over the laughs of his siblings.
“My feet are killing me, I had to walk all the way back… but I really needed a drink tonight.
“Why? Scott didn’t pick you up?” He raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
Against his best judgment, he agreed to give Y/N’s boyfriend a place among the peaky men. He didn’t like or trusted him but he was doing it for Y/N and the friendship they’ve always had. Over time, he even gave Scott a car under the condition to drop and pick up Y/N from her work every day.
“We had an argument this morning, he got pissed and I asked him to not.” She lied.
She knew how protective Tommy could get, specially around Scott. They were already past the phase where Tommy would’ve to intervene and put her boyfriend in his place, then Scott would come for her arguing that she let that gangster say and do whatever he pleased.
But Tommy knew Y/N better than that, and this wasn’t the first time she lied to cover for her boyfriend’s attitude.
“What’s so funny?” Polly demanded to know as she joined them in the booth. Staring at Arthur and John’s faces she knew, so she shot Y/N a long look. “You’re imitating me again?!”
The Shelby brothers tried to hide their amusement but all of them failed.
“We wanted to mess up with John, Pol. Sorry.” Y/N looked down embarrassed for being caught.
Polly smiled down at her, it was impossible to stay angry with someone as Y/N.
“Well I hope it was a good one.” The smile grew bigger.
Ada laughed and stood for her aunt to take her place. “You should’ve seen John’s face, he went pale.” Waving at them, she left.
“Hey you need to talk to Finn, he’s getting out of hand these days” Polly warned her nephews. “I asked him to deliver a few letters and he had the audacity to answer he wasn’t a mail boy anymore.”
Tommy shook his head and after a long puff to his cigarette, he answered; “I’ll talk to him.”
Y/N’s chuckle made him look at her. “What? Are you really going to lecture the poor boy? Tom, if I remember correctly, you answered your father something similar back in the day but worse and that caused your first fight.”
Tommy shuddered at the memory. He was so done with his father demanding favors from him and his brother Arthur, so one day he told him he was done with his bullshit and Arthur Sr answered with a curse, threw a glass against the wall and pushed him, Tommy pushed him back. Luckily Arthur Jr and Y/N were close and could intervene to stop them from getting any further.
That night, Y/N stayed with him outside until Tommy had calmed, then she asked her parents, who were neighbors to the Shelby’s if he could sleep on the couch. Y/N’s mother made him some tea and offered him the comfort he wasn’t able to find next door.
They started as neighbors, then Tommy and Y/N became friends until Tommy trusted her blindly. After the war she was the only one who could understand him.
Tommy took a swing of his drink. “You’re not going to tell him that, are you? I’ve a reputation to keep.” He finally added.
“Leave him Pol, the poor boy is probably frustrated because he haven’t had a woman yet.” Arthur chuckled at his own joke.
“Hey,” Y/N called everyone in the room, “leave Finn out, you’re nothing but a bad influence.”
John shook his head and raised his hands as if saying he wasn’t part of it.
“Oh please Mr.-I-want-to-marry-Lizzie-Stark, really?” Y/N raised her eyebrow at him.
“Tommy! Why the hell did you tell her?!” John exploded against his brother, who was already laughing out loud, head thrown back.
Polly had to look twice at her nephew, his guard was down he seemed to be relaxed for once. Since the war he had changed a lot, the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“And besides, I corrected my path, married to Esme didn’t I?” John mumbled chewing on his toothpick.
Y/N nodded, deciding to leave that conversation, it’s was funny to tease John. “I better go now, it’s getting late.”
Tommy was on his feet the second she announced her plans.
“C’mon I’ll drive you.” Tommy offered his best friend.
Giving Polly a hug, she waved at the Shelby brothers goodbye.
After driving for a while, Y/N noticed Tommy took another route.
“Before you ask me,” Tommy spoke softly, “I’m going to show you something.”
She opened and closed her mouth. “You’re so mysterious.”
Tilting his head, Tommy clicked his tongue. “When you see it, you’ll understand.”
“Is it the new horse?” Y/N asked impatiently.
Tommy shook his head and passed her the cigarettes and matches to light it. “Why don’t you tell me what happened with Scott?”
“Something really stupid, he got pissed over nothing.”
“Really? Tell me something I don’t know already.”
Y/N sighed and took her time to exhale the smoke out of the window. “He asked me to ask you for some money, when I told him that he still owed you from the last time he got furious at me.”
“But you gave me the money for that loan.” Tommy’s eyebrows knitted in confusion.
“I did, but it wasn’t his money.” Y/N explained embarrassed after confessing Tommy the truth.
It was now time for Tommy for sigh. Eyes focused on the road, he didn’t want to be a pain and say I told you, Y/N was the only person he could trust and he wanted her to trust him the same way.
“Look this happens all the time, your Mum used to pay your dad’s bills behind his back, I just couldn’t take another one yet, he’s trying to find a better job and I think he’s going to propose soon.”
Tommy’s breath got caught up in his throat, he was trying to process the possibilities.
“So… is he the one?” He finally asked.
“Well he’s my boyfriend.” Y/N rushed to answer. “I just don’t know if he will let me keep working for Lady Winchester.”
“If you need a job, you know there’s always a spot for you at the Shelby Company Limited.” Tommy took the last puff of his cigarette and threw it outside the vehicle.
“Maybe I’ll need it later. Thank you.” Y/N felt more than grateful to have someone like Tommy around, he had always been there for her and her siblings specially after his business took off and he started to earn more money than anyone around. In her eyes, that didn’t make him change, if anything he became more generous.
But Scott on the other hand, was tender and good to her, he was fun to be around, always brought flowers to her. He wanted to have his own business one day, unfortunately life had been hard and it was taking him longer to make it.
Taking a turn, Tommy stopped in front of a huge gate, the property guarded by the gate wasn’t a house, it was a freaking mansion!
And her best friend was opening the gate as if he owned the property.
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“Wha-what are you doing?” Y/N asked looking out the window.
“Drive over here!” Encouraged Tommy with a huge smile.
Her heart started beating faster, he showed her how to drive and even let her do it when she wasn’t allowed to. But this was wrong, it felt like they were trespassing, she could feel her heart pounding as Tommy shouted for her to hurry up.
Following his instructions, Y/N parked the car next to the fountain.
“I wanted you to see this first…” His smile couldn’t get any bigger as he opened his arms wide and looked around proudly. “I bought this place.”
Her jaw dropped, she was lost for words.
“What do you think? I’ll build a place for the horses in the back.” Tommy explained, eyes shining.
“Woah… I don’t know what to say Tom.” A hand covered her mouth, still shocked to form anything coherent. This house looked bigger than Lady Winchester’s and that was a bloody mansion too! “You always said you’d get yourself a decent place and a big house, and look at how far you’ve come!” She felt genuinely happy for him, Tommy had always worked so hard, always found a way to help his people and those around him. If anyone deserved this, it was him.
“I’ll even have my fucking office here, and there’s a grand salon for parties.” He explained as he waited for her to step inside.
“Parties?!” She laughed nervously.
“A ball dance and shit.” He took a look around.
“You’ll need loads of furniture to fill this place.”
Tommy chuckled. This was unthinkable a few months ago, now it was a reality, he’d had the big place he dreamed of when he was a kid.
“You got a fireplace! In the tea room!”
He followed Y/N’s voice, she was now standing in the middle of the dining room.
“This looks like it belongs to a Lord.”
“You can call me Lord Shelby then.” He winked at her and they both laughed at how ridiculous it sounded.
“Downstairs it’s the wine cellar.” He added hiding his hands inside the pockets of his pants. “Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding me?” She nodded. “This is a dream! I’m so happy for you!” Y/N then went to give him a hug.
A bold movement for the rest of the world, but to her it was just natural, they’ve been friends since forever. She was the one comforting him when his mother passed away, the one to help him hold it together after the war.
“You’ll love the kitchen, it’s huge but they’re doing some renovations already, I’ll show you once it’s done.”
“Looks like I’ll need to make an appointment from now on.” Y/N teased him.
Tommy shook his head with a shy smile. “Of course not, specially not you.”
She knew he was busier now days that the Peaky Blinders owned the races and licenses. It was just a matter of time before he found a woman and got married, then this house would be filled with kids. Or perhaps he already had someone therefore the plans to get the big house.
Once the realization hit her, she pretended to look towards the window. A sudden lump installed in her throat and something indescribable pressed her heart.
“Should we go? It’s going to be dark soon.” Y/N asked, looking him in the eyes for a mere second.
Time flew on their way back and soon Tommy stopped his car in front of Y/N’s door.
Even before he could say goodnight, an angry voice called for her.
“I’ve been waiting hours for you, Y/N nobody knew where the heck did you go.”
“Slow down mate, that’s no way to treat her.” Tommy intervened, holding Scott’s death stare.
“Stay the fuck out of this.” Scott raised his voice.
Tommy felt his blood boiling, one stride and he’d finish the prick, but before he could move, a pair of soft hands stopped him.
“Tommy please, let me handle this.” She pleaded.
His jaw clenched as he saw the smirk of satisfaction Scott gave him. The bastard had Y/N charmed and there was nothing he could do about it.
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✨ Thank you for your support! You already know it, but the way to a writer’s heart is through your feedback xx
Part 1
Master list
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @lau219 @lauren-raines-x @red-riding-wood @lovemissyhoneybee @theendlessvoidofdarkest @wannabeperfectionists-blog @yeppaweshallsee (can’t tag) @skydisneylover (can’t tag) @holacia3 @galactict3a
@saradika-graphics divider
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
oh just a little tip, i think it would be wise if you added the spanish translations somewhere inside the fics, this could be at the end or next to the spanish sentence, since you can’t copy text from posts it’s hard to translate since you have to type everything in google translate by hand <33 anyways i loved your fic, you’re very talented and i can’t wait to see more of miguel and his beloved sunshine.
you know what might be funny? if they were on a mission and got hit with a gas that switches their personalities🤣 now that would be something i would pay to see 😂
From Your Point of View
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((Miguel O’ Hara x Female! Reader))
A/N: Hello~✨ Thank you so much for the request and the critique. I have now added some translations at the bottom of the fanfics because I forgot how weird tumblr can be about copy and pasting stuff😅. Also I hope that I didn’t disappoint with this as I was kinda struggling on what to write for this one.
-Still haven’t seen the movie so be warned I may get some stuff wrong-
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female Reader/Female Pronouns, Barely using (Y/N) ((Sunny is their nickname not their name)), bioweapons, kinda graphic injuries, Outta Character and Outta pocket behavior, and Google Translated Spanish. ((Thank you @22carolina08 for reviewing it before I posted it))
The cackle of women enjoying the fruits of their labors filled the corridor of the abandoned warehouse as they surrounded the machine they were working on. It was a tall glass sphere with some kind of purple dust floating around inside while two titanium computers stood on either side of the device.
The three women standing around it were a set of Green Goblins who jumped from different dimensions to find a universe where there wasn’t an arachnid hero to stop them from using a bomb to take control of the city.
However they didn’t expect there to be four spidermen to be observing them around the property with one little spider hiding along the walls of their lair.
“Lyla,” Miguel whispers as he observes the meeting from the top of another warehouse. “Analyze the contents of that bomb and tell me how bad it is.”
The yellow AI materializes in front of him as Miguel tries to swat her away like a fly, not wanting her to compromise his location. Lyla rolls her eyes and explains, “The dust in that little bomb they have is made from spores of this rare mushroom. It’s been reported that inhaling the spores can cause drastic changes in behavior, mood swings, and mild hallucinations. Most cases detail paitents becoming aggressive and violent.”
Jessica’s voice buzzes through the intercom as she quips, “So they are planning on driving the city into a state of panic?”
“Sounds like it.” Ben Riley gruffs in annoyance. Miguel couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he knows the Scarlet Spider was still pissed that he couldn’t go ahead and stop the goblins.
“Sounds like a party to me, mate.” Hobie cracks as he watches from the ground. “Oi, Sunny, Dear? Wanna crash their party?”
“Yes, a party of people violently hurting each other and causing mass chaos does sound like fun.” Miguel grumbles saracastially before scolding Hobie. “She can’t reply to you, Brown. Not when she’s undercover.”
Miguel can barely make out her outline with the infared of his mask lens, but he can see his little jumping spider wander among the goblins unseen.
A big advantage to have someone with his beloved’s powers. She had almost every trait of the typical spider men, but she had a unique camouflaged ability. Without the suit Miguel made her, she can lower her heart rate and rapidly chill her body temperature so she can remain undetected by infared. She can also go invisible for a few moments without the suit, but both abilities are limited due to how strenuous it was on her being.
The suit allows her to remain undetected for a much longer time and prevents her from putting too much strain on her body. The slight heat the suit emits to keep her body functioning is the only thing that Miguel can use to track her. A major drawback of her gift is that physically she’s not as strong as the others, but she can handle herself in a fight.
Of course, he’s always there to help her. Her protective predator and his gentle prey. A match made in heaven as Jess always jokes.
“(L/N).” Miguel whispers into the com as he watches his love sneak around the device. “Attach the bug I gave you to the main computer so Lyla can deactivate the bomb.”
He makes a signal to the others to tell them to be ready for the ambush. The plan was suppose to be a simple get in and out. The invisible web shooter would get the bomb deactivated while Miguel, Hobie, and Ben rush in and take out the goblins. Jess served as support in case the villains ran past them. It was suppose to be an easy mission. Until it wasn’t.
As the bomb got deactivated, a light beep from the monitor causes the Goblins to turn around and notice that someone tampered with their bomb. Before the little spider could escape, one of the Goblins throws a jack o lantern explosive at her, causing the glass vial to exploded.
Miguel’s blood ran cold as he witnesses his love engulfed in black and purple smoke, and all reason went out the window as he rushed into the contaminated warehouse to save her.
“Miguel, wait!” Jessica screams out she drives her bike in front of the other two spidermen trying to rush in.
“What gives, Drew?” Hobie snaps, concern burning in his eyes. “We gotta get in there.”
“Not without these.” She snaps back as she hands the boys four sets of gas masks. “Lyla said it’s transmitted through air. Hurry up and put these on.”
Ben grumbles and slams the mask on before running in while Hobie and Jessica share a look. “You think Sunny will be alright?” The spiked spider asks as he places the gas mask on his already covered face.
“She better be.” Jessica sighs. “I definitely don’t want to find out how Miguel will react if she wasn’t.”
With that Hobie runs in while Jessica calls for backup to help contain the spores seeping from the windows.
“Vitals appear to be normal.” Spider-Doc mutters to the three spider people surrounding one of the hospital beds. “O’Hara and (L/N) are both looking good on blood pressure and brain activity, so I expect them to wake up anytime soon.”
Thankfully, Hobie and Ben managed to capture the green goblin trio and reinforcements came just in time to contain the spread of the bio weapon. However, both Miguel and his companion were found bloody and unconscious when they found them.
The beloved spider woman had most of the damage with several shards of glass impaled into her back and arm while gaining a severe concussion. The team figured that in the rush of the moment and his vision obscured by the cloud of dust, the goblins took Miguel by surprise and got him with three sharp projectiles while he was trying to help Sunny.
Despite the horrific scene, both of them were deemed to be alright after some surgery and the only physical damage was Sunny’s now broken arm, which should heal in about a week thanks to the signature spiderman super healing. The only worry was the psychological damage.
Both were definitively exposed to large quantities of the gas and from what Lyla had said about the mental effects of the spores, they were worried about an invisible spider and her beast of a companion tearing everything apart.
Jessica sighs as she sadly gazes at the broken and restrained bodies of her friends as Hobi places a small bear on his little friend’s bed.
“Didn’t Lyla say anything about how that antitoxin is coming along?” Peter says as he bites his nail.
Spider-Doc nods as his lens shifts to appear like he’s hopefully smiling. “Lyla has said thanks to the samples from their suits, an antitoxin will be finished in two days.”
“Two days?!” Hobie snaps up. “We are about to have two spidermen possibly going on a rampage if we piss them off. I don’t think we can wa-“
A soft groan emits from the bed beside the ranting anarchist and everyone’s attention breaks from the poor doctor and onto the small spider. Her eyes flutter open as she frowns at her surroundings.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” Jessica soothes as she helps the disoriented girl sit up in her bed.
“I’m fine.” The girl said in an unusually blunt way. Her eyes now harden in an annoyed expression as she looks around at the group. “Next time, you guys should be more considerate to someone recovering from having their shit rocked.” She scolds before growling at the pain.
The sight of the sweet girl now acting so bothered towards their presence was so unsettling, but not unexpected. They were aware the sweet girl they knew was gonna be changed by the gas, but it’s still disturbing.
As they all stare at the glaring girl, a deep groan comes from the bed next to her as her attention focuses on her love. Her anger emerges as she snaps back to the spiders.
“What the fuck did y’all do to him?! Was it that asshole Ben Riley? I’m gonna kick his ass if he’s the reason my Miggy is in-“
“Cariño?” A soft mutter causes her verbal rampage to end as a pair of ruby eyes focused on her. Once she meets his eyes, an uncharacteristically soft grin comes over his face as he mumbles sweetly. “Hola, mi niña bonita, ¿cómo te sientes?””
“I’m fine.” The girl mumbles as she tries to keep her stern face while a little dusting of blush takes over. “What about you?”
Miguel chuckles at her face and gently reaches over and caresses her hand as he swoons, “Siento que puedo enfrentarme a un toro ahora que he visto tu hermoso rostro, mi amor.”
The group of spidermen looked at Miguel horrified as he looks up at them. Expecting him to snap at them or try and escape his restrains, but he doesn’t do either. He gives them a bright friendly smile as he cheers, “Oh, you guys made it out alright. I’m glad we are all still here together. Great job, everyone.”
Hobie backs up a couple of steps trying to calm his raging heart before he had a heart attack from the shock. Jessica looks at him disturbed as she silently records the duo on her phone to show her husband later. Peter calls Lyla on his gizmo as his face looses all color.
The AI emerges out of the gizmo with a cheery, “Hello~ you ringed?”
“What’s wrong with Miguel?” Peter snaps as he hears Sunny immediately yell at him about what he said about her Miggy.
“Oh I meant to warn you about that. Well the aggression is on a most case scenario kinda thing, not an every case thing. Since Miguel is more genetically altered with spider than Little Miss Sunshine, his natural aggression cancels out the one caused by the bio weapon.” The assistant explains.
Hobie laughs at this as he looks at the now confused Miguel, “So our big bad leader is as harmless as a kitten now?”
“Yep.” Lyla giggles. “And because our sunny pants there was as dangerous as a jumping spider before this, she’s now part of the majority percentaile.”
“What the fuck did you say about Migue, you twig?!” The formerly harmless girl bucks in her restraints as her protective nature causes her to want to thrash the punk star.
“Mi amor, por favor cálmate... No está tratando de ser grosero…” A now teary eyed Miguel tries to sooth his partner in a shaky calm voice.
That was when Jessica realized a mistake they made. When they restrained the pair earlier, Miguel was placed in titanium bands that crossed over his chest, arms, legs and hips. Since Sunny wasn’t considered a ‘major’ threat in comparison, she was just held down by some chains.
Because of this, the earth deafening sound of chains shattering cause all of the spiders to scream. The AI giggles as she responds,
“I forgot to mention that the chemical not only increases aggression, but also physical strength. In humans, they would just be slightly stronger than normal, but in Miss (Y/N)’s case…”
The rest couldn’t hear what else Lyla had to say as Hobie started booking it down the hall with a pissed off Sunny hot on his heels. Jessica frantically tries to undo Miguel’s restraints as he cries for his lover to come back.
Peter sighs and asks, “How much longer until the antidote is ready?”
“I can rush it for you. Should take another 3 hours hopefully.”
“Do you have any tranquilizers?” Peter asks as a now free Miguel tries to chase down his angry lover.
Hola, mi niña bonita, ¿cómo te sientes? - Hello, my pretty girl, how are you feeling?
Mi amor, por favor cálmate... No está tratando de ser grosero…- My love, please calm down...He's not trying to be rude…
Siento que puedo enfrentarme a un toro ahora que he visto tu hermoso rostro, mi amor.- I feel like I can take on a bull now that I've seen your beautiful face, my love.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Please this is so eddie and penny when she finds out his name https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JYJLEV/
“Im Daddy to you”
“But your Eddie!”
God forbid she fine out his full government name 😂
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Penny busts out the full use of Eddie's government name (we're talking Edward Whateverhismiddlenameis Munson) when she's mad at him, lol.
Penny is around 2 years old here making Eddie 23 and Reader 22 :)
more of penny and Eddie here
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The sight of you and his toddler cuddling on the couch was a welcome one when Eddie finally arrived home after a long day at the shop. 
  He discarded his keys in a bowl on the counter, before heading over to the sink to wash his hands. He was always eager to get home to you at the end of the day so he didn’t do as thorough of a job when it came to making sure he had no traces of grease on his hands or arms. Sometimes, even his face–but that was something you seemed to. . . appreciate.
  “Hi, baby!” He called out to you as he scrubbed his arms with soap under the warm running water, fully intent on getting in on those cuddles once he was clean.
  “Hi, Eddie!” You called back.
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” Came a much smaller voice.
  Eddie turned off the faucet and stood ramrod straight as he tried to process what he just heard. He didn't wipe the water from his hands before he stormed to the living room. 
  Penny had been laying on the couch, head on your chest and in between you and the couch to prevent her from falling off, when Eddie had walked in the front door. Now she was leaning up, curls a mess going in every direction (save for the half of her head where she’d been laying on you–that area was flat) as she grinned, her tiny teeth and tooth gap on display for him. 
  Eddie’s eyes narrowed at her, while you tried to hide your smile in her hair. 
  “What did you just say?”
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” She repeated, trying her hardest to enunciate his name correctly, probably just to hurt him.
  “No, no, no. I’m not Eddie. I’m daddy.”
  Penny started giggling, her nose crinkling up.
  “No, you Edd-ie!”
  She chirped it so enthusiastically it made you laugh, which only encouraged Penny and her giggling.
  “When I picked her up from Maude, you came up in conversation and Penny wanted to know who ‘Eddie’ was, so I told her ‘Eddie’ is her daddy.” You explained, hand stroking over her little head, the short curls twisting around your fingers.
  Eddie was a little amused with the situation, but he also couldn’t tell if this was just her teasing him or something she would stick to for a while and he really, really didn’t want it to be the latter, especially considering how she’d only started calling him daddy and talking more just a few months ago, so his laughter was more so nervous.
  “Ha ha ha, you’re sooooo funny Penny. I’m daddy. Remember? Daddy.” He closed the distance, crouching down at your side to be eye level with her.
  “Is that daddy?” You asked her as she nuzzled her head back down against your chest, pointing at Eddie. She looked up at you with those big brown eyes before following your finger to the person she’d inherited her eyes from. Eddie was giving her a puppy dog stare, the same one she gave him whenever she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
  Penny nodded against your chest, reaching out to squeeze Eddie’s nose for some reason.
  Eddie was pleased with her response, pulling his nose away from her little hand to bite playfully at it. Penny squealed and yanked it back to her chest.
  “Good. I’m ‘daddy’ to you, young lady.” Eddie directed a finger at her while he spoke before reaching over to boop her nose with it.
  She grinned again, hiding her face in your chest for a few moments. When her face popped back up, she was sticking her little tongue out as she smiled, “Okie dokie, Edd-ie.”
  “Baby, make her stooooop!”
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Pops reacting to childreader 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💸💸💸🪙💰
I have been cliff hung 1 to many times...
*this part opt but I have a feel either dragon or winged reader would be kinda scared at first.. cus he's built fucking different bro*
Wandering Dragon pt2 (Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader)
A/N: Homie you got me dying with the comment uou left on the last post and the request made me cough out a lung 😂. What do y’all think bout this one? Cause I think I COOKED, it’s really wholesome
Part one With Whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army
Dividers by @/saradika
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“And you know what? Even if you are only 8, I’m sure Pops isn’t going to turn you away. He’s gonna love you, Reader. You are just that darn adorable.”
She digs her head in his shoulder.
He snickers, feeling her face hearing up
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know that? What happened to the bold rascal?” he teases, gently stroking her head and hair.
The only response he receives is a gentle swat from her tail
Ace laughs even more.
“Aww, is that your way of saying you’re shy? “he says, pulling her closer.
“And a bit of a brat, aren’t you? Don’t think I missed that tail swat. But I can’t stay mad at such a cutie, now can I?” Thatch snickers, ruffling her hair
“Hmm... I need to bring you to Pops. You’re getting clingy already.”
She gasps and shoots up
“Am not!”
Ace laughs a bit.
“Are too!” he says, playfully poking her nose.
She pouts
Thatch grins at their interaction and gestures to Ace, who nods slightly; he approaches the girl slowly and suddenly digs his fingers in her.
She shrieks as he starts tickling her as she tries to wriggle out of Ace’s grasp
Thatch laughs loudly at seeing her struggling.
“Heh.. that’s adorable,”
She begins flapping her wings, getting out of his grasp, and flies up and out of the Storage room, giggling
“H-Hey, come back here.”
She laughs, looking back at them as they try to catch up to her, a similar emotion on their faces; as they chase her, she fails to notice where she is going, crashing right into someone.
“Ow, So…rry?” she begins, but her words die out as she sees who she crashed into, as right in front of her was a man the size of a mountain.
She wraps her wings around herself, coiling her tail around her body in a similar manner as she tries to hide from the man in front of her in fear.
The man is none other than Whitebeard himself, looking down at the young stowaway.
“Hm... who are you?” he asks, glancing at the men who run and stop behind her.
Ace laughs, pointing at her.
“We found her below deck. She says her name’s Reader. Looks like she was exploring before we happened upon her. Probably didn’t even know she was on our ship.”
She whimpers, wrapping her limbs tighter around herself until someone slowly steps closer and kneels down next to her; she takes a peek, spotting a man whose appearance reminded her of a pineapple
Marco smiles at the girl.
“Hey, kid. Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says softly in a soothing tone for her.
She stares at him but makes no movement to release her defensive stance
He approaches slowly before squatting in front of her.
“Look, I’m the first division commander of this ship. It’s fine. You’re in safe hands. And that guy you crashed into...”
He points at the big guy.
“That’s our captain. Edward Newgate, but most of us just call him Pops. He’s a real sweetheart. But he can be a bit of an intimidating when you first meet him.”
She sniffles, glancing at the man towering next to them and back to Marco, and then glances at Thatch and Ace behind her
Ace and Thatch smile, seeing her look at them.
“Don’t worry,” Ace says gently
“Pops, he’s not gonna hurt you either. No way.” Ace confirms
“Marco’s right. I know he may look intimidating, but he’s like a father to all of us; he would never hurt you,” Thatch says, backing his crewmates up
She glances back to Marco in front of her
He’s still smiling softly at her, not pushing her to come out of her defensive position.
“Do you want to come say hi to him?”
She nods, slowly unfurling herself
Marco gently grabs her hand, walking her right up to Whitebeard himself. He gently nudges her forward so she and the captain can meet each other.
She glances up at him, stretches her wing, and slowly flies up so that she is face-to-face with him
“..ny…mi…ter” she mumbles
He raises an eyebrow
“What was that?”
“You look funny, mister,” she mutters
Whitebeard laughs uproariously.
“Haha! Do I look funny? That is quite an interesting description, young lady. I mean, I suppose I look a bit weird but funny? You’re the only person to ever say that to me.” he snickers
“I like this one, bold one,” he says, glancing down at his sons
“And she’s pretty feisty, I can tell. Not too many kids can call Whitebeard funny,” Thatch adds in
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure,” Marco says, smiling at her
“She’s a clingy one, too,” Ace adds
This snaps her out of her shy, fear-filled state as she flies down and barrels into Ace
“Am not!”
Ace laughs, catching her.
“See, clingy!” he says teasingly.
“And a brat, can’t forget that,” Thatch scoffs.
Whitebeard laughs louder, amused by his crew’s responses
She hmph fluttering away from the pair and closer to the giant; she began buzzing around him
Whitebeard chuckles, amused by her playful behavior, as he begins playing with her, making her flutter around.
“Heh, you’re a real-spirited kid. Almost reminds me of a certain someone I know,” he says, looking over to Ace.
“Are you a dragon? You’re big like one.”
Whitebeard laughs at her question, amused by the comparison.
“No, I’m not a dragon. I’m a Human, just a very, very big one.”
“Do you know much about what a devil fruit is, kid?” he asks her
“Yeah! Mister Sabo told me about it! They give you these superb powers, right?”
Ace’s eyes widen
“Oi kid, come over here a sec.”
“Hmm?” They dive down towards the three men
“Who did you say told you about a devil fruit?”
“Mister Sabo!”
Ace grins
“By any chance, did this Sabo tell you if he had a devil fruit?”
“Yeah! He said he had a Mera Mera fruit. I thought he was a dragon since he could make fire, but he said he wasn’t a dragon.” She pouts as she says this
“He just ate the Mera Mera and was a fireman! And it’s so funny, 'cause there was this grumpy guy called Dragon, and he wasn’t a dragon either! I was so sad,” she rambles on
Ace burst into laughter, igniting his hand on fire in a similar fashion Sabo had done back then
She looks at it and glances between the flame and Ace’s face a few times
“It’s you!”
Ace grins at her before extinguishing the flames on his hand
“It is me,” he says, confirming the little girl’s discovery
“Mister Sabo said you and him had the same mera mera fruit, which is never heard of!”
Ace nods
“Yup, that’s about right. Me and Sabo both ate a specific type of fruit known as the Mera Mera no Mi; I got really hurt a while ago, was gone for a minute there, which is why we think the mera mera appeared again, and he ate it, so now we both have it’s power” he said pointing to a big scar on his chest
“That’s so cool!” She squeals
“Ah! Are you okay? That looks like a pretty big scar!”
Ace chuckles
“I’m fine now; got seen by the best doctors to get a look at it; one of them is the guy behind you!”
She glances at Marco
“Mister Pineapple did?!”
Marco stills as her comment slight red tint growing on his face while Ace and Thatch start laughing uncontrollably; even Whitebeard lets out a snort at her exclamation
Marco sighs, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face
“Really are a little Rascal,” he mutters
“Yes, I helped patch him up a while back, used my devil fruit,” he said as his body ignited in flames
She gasps
“Did you also eat Mera Mera?”
Marco chuckles
“Not quite. I also ate a devil fruit, but unlike Sabo and Ace, I ate the Tori Tori no Mi.”
“Wah? There’s more than one type?”
“There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Each grants you a different power.”
“Superb! Mister Pops, what about you? What fruit did you eat?”
“Me? Well, I happen to have eaten the Gura Gura no Mi. It was a long time ago when I ate it, but it’s a very powerful one. It allows you to control earthquakes and vibrations.” Whitebeard explains with a smile on his face
“That's so cool,” they squeal
“It certainly is,” Whitebeard says, smiling.
“I can do all sorts of things with it, like this.”
He raises his hand, and a massive shockwave emanates from it, shaking the Moby Dick to its core. It even causes the little girl to fly backward into Ace’s arms.
The tiny child squeaks, her coordination being thrown off at the sudden movement
She takes a second to get her surroundings straight but marvels at Whitebeard’s display
“Haha, see what I meant? Pretty potent fruit, huh?” Whitebeard asks, seemingly pleased that the girl is so engaged by his abilities.
Ace takes this as a chance to play around with the little girl a bit, holding her and swinging her slightly as she lands in his arms.
“Ah, that reminds me, Reader, you hungry? I can prepare you something. Got you this in the meantime,” he says, throwing an apple her way
“Thank you! Here!” She says, coughing; the others look worried; their worried stares soon turn into something else as she coughs up some gold coins, offering them to Thatch
They just stare at it dumbfounded as she coughs up gold coins.
“What the hell?!” Thatch exclaims
“Watch your language around her,” Ace says, slapping the back of his head
“Why you…” he growls as they begin brawling
Reader flies above them, laughing at their interactions
“You have a wild family, Mister Pops”
Whitebeard sighs, chuckling at his son’s antics.
“Oh, you have no idea, girl,” he chuckles
Marco laughs quietly at the both of them,
“Settle down, boys,” he chides them, not moving to try and settle the argument between the two of them; as Reader continues laughing at the chaos unfolding, Whitebeard glances at her.
“Man… you’re gonna be a real handful for all of us, aren’t ya?” Whitebeard chuckles
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I was intending this to be a real short one but then I couldn’t find a place to stop it without it being to sudden so I just kept going I found a place I could have cut it but then I was like nah, we need more.
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a/n: happy happy birthday to @youunravelme 🥳 thanks for being such a good friend and matching my crazy when we discuss how mat and squeaks are horny little freaks for each other 😂 had to write this fun little fic after our convos the past few days! hope you have the best birthday!
word count: 1k
tw: some innuendo, implied oral (f receiving)
summary: roping mat into another tik tok trend ends pretty much not how you expected it to go, but you’re not complaining
Mat’s sitting on the couch, watching ESPN game highlights when you walk into the room, phone in hand. He looks up at you and smiles lazily, exhausted after returning from a West Coast swing the night before and an early morning practice. He pats the couch cushion, “come join me.”
You smile at him, but don’t respond, instead turning back to your phone.
“Hey,” you speak into the camera, video recording already started, “can you guys watch my boyfriend for me while I do something really quick?”
You settle your phone on the coffee table, propped up against a few of the decorative books that Mat had fought you on buying but ends up reading when he’s bored and wander back out of the room. You stay within earshot though and manage to hide behind the wall so you can see him.
Mat looks between the phone on the table and the doorway where you disappeared a few times, frowning for a minute. His eyebrows are drawn together over his nose and you cover your mouth to muffle a little giggle. The Tik Tok trend is stupid but you’re curious to see what Mat does.
After a few seconds of confused staring, Mat starts speaking into the camera.
“Kitchen floor, couch, pool,” he starts ticking locations off on his fingers, a slow smile forming on his face. “Backseat of the car, front seat of the car, Bo’s bathroom, Leesy’s bathroom, our bathroom, golf cart. Um, where else?”
Now it’s your turn to frown, confused. What the hell is he making a list of?
“My childhood bedroom, Squeaks’ childhood bedroom,” he continues and your eyes widen a little, realizing what he’s doing. “Squeaks’ office -“
You dart back into the living room, cutting him off and saying, “oh my god, what are you listing off?”
His grin is wicked and he looks directly at the camera when he says, “all the places I’ve fucked you.”
“Aghhhh!” You squeal and tackle him onto the couch, his laughter vibrating through your chest. “Stop that!”
You dart your foot out to kick your phone off the coffee table, knowing it won’t stop the recording and hoping the clatter doesn’t mean you broke the screen. “Why are you like this?” You whine, trapped in the embrace of his arms. “That was supposed to be a wholesome video!”
Mat can’t stop laughing and it’s contagious, making you giggle a little even though you’re trying to stop. “Baby,” he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “nothing about us is wholesome. I could’ve kept going on that list for another ten minutes.”
“I hate you,” you grumble.
“No you don’t,” you can hear the grin in his voice and feel the twitch of his cock under your stomach.
“Yes I do,” you pout, warmth spreading through your body as Mat crushes you tighter against his chest.
“How about we go upstairs and I’ll prove that you don’t hate me?”
You know exactly what he’s getting at. “Why go that far?” You ask, shifting your body up and rolling your hips over his lap. The hard press of his erection makes your mouth go dry. “The couch can handle a little action.”
The couch can handle a lot of action, if your history is any indication.
Mat’s clearly thinking along the same lines because he laughs and says, “the couch has seen enough. The window seat in our room though? Haven’t eaten you out while you’re sitting pretty up there yet.”
“Oh!” You squeak, barely registering Mat sitting up with you in his lap, your legs locking around his waist when he stands up. The prominent ridge of his cock settles under your ass and your cunt instinctively tries to clench around nothing, the spread of your legs around his waist leaving you wide open for your arousal to drip out of you. He steps over your phone on the ground and heads for the stairs. “Mat, my phone…” you trail off, arms hooked around his neck. You can see it’s still recording the ceiling and has definitely captured your entire conversation. That video absolutely has to be deleted.
“We can record ourselves on mine,” he replies and your breath hiccups in your chest. “I need something new to watch when I’m away.”
“Perv,” you giggle, arousal flooding between your legs.
Mat pinches your ass, making you jolt in his arms. “Says the woman who slipped a couple of Polaroids into my carry-on. Thanks for that, by the way. Dobber’s traumatized again.”
“Oh my god,” you drop your forehead to Mat’s shoulder. After the condom under the coffee table incident, you’re surprised Noah even speaks to you at all.
“He only saw a little flash of boob,” Mat reassures you. “But he definitely got the gist.”
“I’m never doing that again,” you mutter.
Mat whines in the back of his throat. “Don’t punish me because he can’t keep his eyes on his screen,” he complains, setting you down on the cushioned window seat and dropping to his knees in front of you. His hands are warm on your knees when he pulls them apart, pressing a quick kiss to the inside of your right knee before gliding his fingers up your inner thighs.
Your legs tremble and your breathing hitches.
“No more pictures in the carry-on,” you repeat, Mat’s fingers dipping under the hem of your shorts.
“What if I give you a few pictures to put in your purse,” Mat says, “for your next work trip?”
His fingers trace against the crease of your thigh and you drop your head back, hitting it against the window pane with a dull thunk. “Mmm,” you hum, “maybe I could be con-convinced to change my stance.” Your voice shakes and Mat’s fingers dip under the elastic of your panties, his smile growing hungry when he feels how wet you are.
Mat shifts forward, closer to you, his shoulders spreading your legs even further apart, and smirks up at you. “Let me try and convince you then,” he laughs quietly and tugs at your shorts.
The window seat is christened twice and you both get new photos for your next out of town trips.
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
No because imagine president Kai searching who Himiko is dating and he actually finds out that she IS dating someone and didn’t mention it to him or told him that they’re just friends. Meanwhile there’s pictures of them spotted holding hands or something lol and he goes to First Lady like “did you know about this???” And she’s like “huh? Oh that? That’s old news, I’ve been knowing about that” 😂
Heartbreak. Thats what it is for him. Why didnt anyone tell him that Himiko is dating some scum- someone??? Why didnt Himiko tell him? Why are you so okay with this news? Are you not concerned about who your daughter is dating?
"Relax, Kai. I've met him. He's actually quiet nice. A decent young man-"
So, youve met him? Wow. "Whats his name?" Kai asks, brooding as he sipped his coffee.
"Hm? Its Shinso. He's a sweet kid."
Ofc, Kai ran a thorough background check and he finds out all about the boy, and that hes also the adopted son of Aizawa, who has no digital footprint, his records are clean... a little too clean for his liking.
No matter how much Aizawa tries to find out about him, he just cant find anything about him. And to Kai, it means that Aizawa is hiding something.
Kai and you dont realise that Aizawa is actually an enemy of Kai, because Kai's campaign was indirectly responsible for the death of his wife, and at first Aizawa also hated u, but he sorta became a yandere for you- a protective yandere when he realised that your marriage is a sham and youre actually a victim in all of this as well. So, now he has to save you and also hurt Kai by taking away his family.
Two birds with one stone, really.
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zepskies · 2 months
A Crime of Passion
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: When Beau Arlen decides to “make it up to you,” he’s damn thorough.
AN: I couldn't help myself lol. I wrote this last night. Here's a quick little drabble for the Take Me Home series, set directly after A Good Man Is Hard to Find!
Based on this request from @jessicalynnann.
Word Count: 550
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Implied smut, fluff, and a murder (of sorts).
Catch up on the TMH-verse: ⤵️
❤️ Take Me Home Masterlist
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You just…you couldn’t stop laughing.
“All right, you done?” Beau asked.
You never thought you’d see this man blush so thoroughly. It made you laugh harder, though you tried to stifle it with your hands covering your face.
He had you laid out beside him, still skin against naked skin as the cool air began to dry your dewy bodies.
You were lying against him in an odd position, considering your bed now had a deep crack in the bedframe that ran all the way down the middle. It meant your legs were bent at an angle, almost like you were laying in a recliner seat.
You just couldn’t believe it.
This man had really broken your bed.
In fact, he murdered it. Killed it dead. Though you supposed it was a crime of passion, in this case. (You held in a snort at the thought.)
There were even a couple of screws that had rolled across the tile floor.
“Again, I’m sorry, sweetheart. I promise I’ll pay for a new frame,” Beau said contritely.
The truth was, he was embarrassed beyond belief.
Another giggle escaped you, though you tried to soothe him by caressing his cheek.
“Baby, it’s okay. This thing was old. I’m surprised it survived the move all the way from Chicago, honestly,” you said. The twinkle of mischief in your eyes made his face warm further.
“But how damn lucky am I,” you added, your lips curving. “My man quite literally shatters expectations when he makes love to me.”
And despite the unexpected cracking sound that had left you wide-eyed, it had been a spectacular finish. Even now, you were still tingling between your legs from how hard you’d come on his cock. (Twice.)
You slipped your bare leg between both of his and pressed a sweet kiss to his chest.
Beau fought it, but he had to smile at your words, and your affection. He sunk a hand into your tangled hair, first brushing his thumb against your cheek.
“You sure you’re okay then?” he asked.
“I’m more than okay,” you said. He felt the shape of your smile against his skin. You pulled back to meet his eyes. “Better the bed than my back, anyway. Jesus.”
Beau let out a sigh. Another giggle bubbled over and escaped you. You rubbed his arm.
“Think of it this way,” you said. “Now we can go pick out a new bed together.”
Beau tilted his head at that, and he nodded. A smile grew across his face.
“Now there’s an idea,” he said. It was probably too soon for him to broach the topic of moving in with you, but this could be a good first step.
“Right?” you replied in excitement. But there was something else dancing in your eyes. “We’ll just have to make sure the frame’s reinforced with titanium or something, because goddamn.”
Beau couldn’t help but laugh. He dropped his forehead against your shoulder while his own shook. You held him to you and didn’t bother to try and hide your own amusement anymore.
One thing you knew for sure?
There was no way in hell you’d ever let him live this down.
And one thing he would never tell you…
Beau Arlen was damn proud of himself.
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AN: 😂 Well then. That was fun, and I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Take Me Home Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007
@wincastifer @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @brianochka
@branj19 @globetrotter28 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @ades106 @charmed-asylum
@waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady
@leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu
@nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @deans-baby-momma @tabsluvsu @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
@deanwanddamons @anticxrrupt @lacilou @deans-daydream @deans-spinster-witch
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @iprobablyshipit91
@ladysparkles78 @solariklees @lostin-jensenseyes @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731
@curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Elijah x reader - never leave your side
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You defo knew this was coming😂 can i request an Elijah Mikaelson x reader where they're in a relationship and the reader has very bad anxiety and maybe she has a panic attack and tries to hide it from Elijah but him being a beautiful vanpire😍 just knows straight away, thanksss - Anon💜
Wherever you were, Elijah was never that far away from you, everybody knew that.
You were like a package deal, you were always together.
Not that the pair of you didn’t trust one another, but given his history and past, he worried about you, and given your preference to be near him for comfort, he was always happy to go with you anywhere.
So, that made today no different, you didn’t want to go outside, preferring to stay in the comfort of your own home, Elijah had no objection to that.
He came over with some shopping you needed, downstairs in the kitchen putting it all away while you were sat upstairs still in bed.
You were trying to hide the fact that you were in the middle of a panic attack.
You were sat under your quilt, so you couldn’t see the door, but you did notice someone sit behind you, and the quilt was lifted up.
Elijah sat behind you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, covering you back up with the quilt.
“I’m here darling..”
He rested his chin on your head, running a hand up and down your arm.
“You’re okay… it’s okay…”
Elijah whispered comforting words to you, keeping you in his grasp.
He knew how to calm you down, and he knew all the signs for when you were having a panic attack or when you were going to have one.
He knew your signs.
He knew you.
It’s why he never left your side.
He knew just holding you, reminding you that he was there, that you were okay and you were safe, was a good way to calm you down.
It didn’t fully work, but he could only do so much, the rest was up to you.
Kissing your head again, Elijah leant back, letting you rest your back on his chest, you hand tightly gripping his arm.
He was sure that if he was human it would’ve hurt like hell, but thankfully for him, he couldn’t feel that pain, so he let you grip his arm as tightly as you wanted.
When you didn’t show any signs of calming, he decided to try his next plan.
He began to hum a gentle tune, the tune to the song he always hummed to you when you were upset or stressed.
He hummed it over and over and over again until finally you calmed down, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I’ve got you darling..”
He went to move the quilt, and you looked up at him.
“Not yet…”
“Alright, we can stay like this for however long you need.”
You nodded, closing your eyes, and he smiled softly at you.
“I got everything you needed, as well as some of that chocolate you enjoy so much.”
You nodded again.
“I was also thinking, perhaps you would like go for a walk this evening, when it’s quiet of course, we can go to the lake as sit there a while, would you like that?”
You rolled on to your side, holding his hand in yours.
“Then it shall happen.”
Elijah wrapped his other hand over you, laying down so you were laid on him, and he let you bury your head under his chin.
He laid there while you slept, moving the quilt so it was around your shoulders instead, but he didn’t move.
He simply laid there, reading the book from your nightstand, everytime you stirred he would carefully watch you until you went quiet again.
He would never leave you alone, especially not when you needed him
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oneforthemunny · 1 month
I’m loving these blurbs girl!! Can I request something for my favorite cowboy where sweet girl tries to convince Eddie that she doesn’t need his help with everything around the house because she’s a strong independent woman! (even though he spoils her rotten and makes sure she doesn’t have to lift a finger 😂) love you!! 🩵
this is so sweet girl of her omfg. a little bratty and moody and she takes it out on him like that, then he turns around and just watches until she has to ask lmaooo. spoiler- that's how this blurb is gonna go haha. slight dom/sub undertones but no actual smut.
"Don't lift that." Eddie's gruff tone calls from behind you. The sound made your skin crawl, shoulders tensing with annoyance. "I'll get that. Just leave it."
"Oh, no," You snapped back sarcastically, teeth grit in agitation. "I'll get it."
It was silly, childish even, you knew that. The argument was just that, silly. You'd gone out to see Eddie, trying to coax him inside to eat lunch with you, stop working and give you a little attention.
"I gotta finish this, honey."
"You could finish it later. Please? Come eat inside with me."
"You know I gotta get this done."
"But you can't do it later?"
"No, I got other things to do."
"You always have something to do."
"Yeah? I sure do. Maybe if you helped me instead of poutin' all the time, it'd get done quicker."
You knew he was teasing, from his snarky, sing-song tone and curling of his lips. But it infuriated you, rubbed you all the wrong ways.
So, determined and furious, you slipped your little rubber work boots on and some extra gloves that were a bit too big for you, opting to help Eddie with his chores.
"Quit that." Eddie clicked, tossing the hay bale in the corner with a soft grunt. "You're gonna get yourself hurt, now, just let me do that."
"No," You snapped, blocking his hands that tried to take the small hay bale away from you. "You say I never help you, so I'll do it. I got it."
"That's too heavy for you. You're gonna hurt yourself-"
"-No," You sneered, teeth grit, gloved hands slipping under the rope that held the hay in place. "I won't. I got it. I don't need your help."
Eddie paused. For a moment, he contemplated catching you by your chin, making you apologize, but he knew you'd probably like that- that it was what you wanted. Instead, he crossed his arms, standing back to watch you.
"Alright," He nodded coolly. "Go on."
You shimmied your hands under the straps just like you'd seen Eddie do before, bending your knees, before you tried to pull up, only to drop it right back on the barn floor with winded grunt. Why the fuck did hay weigh that much? It's fucking straw?
Eddie smirked in the corner, watching you try over and over and over, shuffling a few steps before dropping it right back down, winding yourself.
You looked over your shoulder sheepishly, eyes cutting to see him there, a silent pleading in your eyes. Eddie shrugged. "You said you could do it. Go on then. Move it for me."
Mean, oh, he was being so mean today. You pouted, huffing with a petulant fury. You tried again, and again, and one more time until your back felt like it might snap.
"Ok," You grumbled, dropping the bale with a final grunt of failure. "I can't do that one, but I can do something else."
"No, you told me you could move that one." Eddie shook his head. "What? 'S just supposed to stay there?"
"No," You hissed, eyes narrowing in annoyance, embarrassment. "You can just move it over there, and I'll do something else-"
"-Me?" Eddie jabbed a gloved finger to his chest, voice lifting with that arrogant teasing tone he loved to mock you with. "Now how's that fair? You told me you can move it, and now you're just gonna demand I move it? Thought you were helpin' me."
"I am." It came out more like a bratty whine than a statement. "I just can't move that one."
"So you want me to move it then, hm?" Eddie lifted a brow, lips twitching to hide his grin when you huffed and gave a curt nod. "Fine, but you better ask me. Better ask me reallll nice and I just might."
"Seriously?" You snapped, tongue clicking in annoyance.
"Yes. C'mon now, baby, you told me you were gonna move this, and now you can't? That's really settin' me back." Eddie shrugged. "Least you could do it gimme a pretty please?"
Your cheeks burned. For a second, you contemplated telling him to fuck off, stomping back to the house- but you knew the stubborn bastard would stay out there all fucking night if he had to, stand out there and leave it until you came out and asked. Might as well do it now, get it over with so maybe he'd get a little soft with you, give in and come inside and eat with you.
"Fine." You gritted with a nasally huff. "Eddie will you please-"
"-eh," Eddie lifted a finger. "What're you 'sposed to say?"
Your eyes narrowed at him, jaw setting in irritation. He was just trying to embarrass you now, get you riled up and whiny. "Will you pretty please move the hay for me?"
Eddie smirked, pushing off the wooden wall, hands sliding under the hay bales and lifting it with a soft grunt, walking it towards the stables with the others. "Now was that so hard?" He quipped, hands dusting the other off.
You rolled your eyes, turning with a huff. "Why don't you try askin' me nice like that to come inside with you, hm?" Eddie hummed.
You turned just enough to give him a pout, one you knew had him buzzing with excitement, eyes widening and grin widening, a sure sign that you were close to getting what you wanted, you always did.
"Eddie, will you pretty, pretty please come inside and have lunch with me?" It was a little more sarcastic than what he would have liked, but he relented, tossing his gloves to the side, following you into the house, opening the screen door for you, smacking your ass playfully just to hear you squeal when you slipped inside.
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talewrites · 3 months
It’s the Little Things
Hope you enjoy my gushy short little fic :]
(I posted this once before but I was too embarrassed so I took it down. Putting it back now 😂)
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
TMNT Raphael x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Warnings: RIDICULOUSLY mushy, self-serving fluff, kissed while asleep
The rain quietly pattered against the dark window panes as the light from the TV flashed in the glass’s reflection. It was the end of a very long patrol, and Raph had made it back to your apartment quite late. As usual.
But as usual, you were up waiting for him with a hot dinner lovingly prepared.
Your daily lives were vastly different from each other. You ran a quiet bookstore in a reclusive area downtown, while Raph was one of the city’s fierce vigilante heroes alongside his brothers. You were definitely an odd couple. But you had your moments.
Moments like these- Raph thought gratefully as he swallowed another bite of your steaming homemade stew, piled onto a thick slice of buttered sourdough bread. He closed his eyes as he savored the rich flavor, saturated in red wine and melty slow-cooked beef, and had to stifle himself from moaning around the food in his mouth. Somehow you always managed to make the most delicious food, the kind that could warm and comfort tired and aching bones after a long day.
Speaking of you.
Raphael glanced across the small wooden dinner table in their comfy little apartment, and found you sitting with your chin propped up on your crossed hands, with a glowing joyful expression on your face as you happily watched him enjoying the meal you’d made.
- and Raph immediately turned his head away, already beginning to feel his cheeks burning under his mask.
“…..It’s good.” He said gruffly, not daring to chance another glance across the table as he practically felt your joy intensify from his praise.
“ I’m glad~” It was a humble, yet cheerful response. Yet, somehow it left something fluttering in the large turtle’s chest. His face scrunched up tensely as he tried to will away the building heat in his cheeks, and resorted to hiding his face in the bowl of the heavenly stew.
…..Raphael was quite certain you would someday be the death of him.
Later that night, after you two had had your fill of dinner and the pot and bowls were soaking in the sink, you curled up together on your old couch in front of the TV. Raph was watching the evening news, followed by a mobster period drama he found he secretly enjoyed. While you had made home with a blanket and a book curled up in the grumpy turtle’s lap.
Raphael was lazily watching the TV and gratefully melting into the couch, letting his head tip back and stretch out the sore muscles in his neck. He barely noticed the pressure of you snuggled up warmly on his lap, already so accustomed to the feeling that at this point it would be more strange without it. When suddenly, he heard a clatter and flop from what sounded like your book sliding to the floor. He looked back up, expecting you to clamor up to retrieve it, but found you made no movement.
“……..?...” Raph looked down to check on you, and was met with the adorable sight of your peaceful sleeping face. Your head resting comfortably against his chest as you breathed slowly and deeply. A hand curled up under your chin while he other was pressed flat against his chest.
Raphael immediately felt his whole face heat up deeply at the sight, having to turn his head away and place a hand over his mouth for a moment to insure he wouldn’t explode from the sudden swell of feelings building up in his chest. He tried taking a deep breath to calm himself down. ‘What am I, a teenage girl….?’ He chastised himself as he calmed down enough to look back to you.
‘……Are they really asleep?’ He wondered. Raph studied your face, checking for signs of movement behind your eyes, but became caught up admiring the long strokes of your eyelashes against your cheek. It was just a small detail, but somehow, it sparked a warm feeling in him.
Raph found himself staring quietly at you as you dozed, and he became captured by your features as he gazed at you so closely. Your little nose, your soft complexion, playfully messy licks of your hair, the soft line of your jaw…. The corners of Raph’s mouth began to pull up in a kind smile as he gazed at you. Quietly, he drew up his hand to comb some stray hairs into place, and trailed down to gently stroke across your cheek, until the pad of his thumb came to brush softly across your lips.
Raphael was completely enthralled, and lost himself in his delicate ministrations. Before he even realized it, he found himself leaning in closely, until his lips connected lightly with yours. It was a delicate, revering, chaste kiss, one he would never have the courage to initiate around your waking self. But right now, not even the adoring (and embarrassing) gaze of his lover was present to shy him away from his enamor.
You stirred at the ticklish sensation, brows drawing together and making a soft cute sound as you sighed into the kiss, drawn awake by your boyfriend’s soft touches.
Raphael froze still upon hearing the small sleepy noise come from you. His heart fluttered nervously in his chest, afraid he had been caught in his intimate moment. Slowly, he pulled away from your lips and looked down at your face. Raph was met with the sight of lidded eyes staring up at him, with a faint blush and sleepy smile gracing your face.
Raph was indeed caught. But before he could fully process his quickly rising embarrassment, you quickly shut your eyes and feigned sleep once again.
“........???????” He was very confused now. That was definitely not the reaction he was expecting.
“......(y/n).....?” Raph called out to check on you, not exactly sure what to do in this turn of events after being caught sweetly kissing his sleeping lover. But you just kept your eyes closed, a very loving smile still painting your face.
“Mmh...... no..... I’m still asleep....... keep kissing me......~” You whispered sleepily from your spot nestled in the crook of his arms.
Raph was stunned. It felt as if an arrow had pierced his heart and warmed his whole body from head to toe. Your smile only grew wider from feeling him go tense, and your hand slowly reached up to stroke against Raph’s rough cheek, tempting him to draw back in until your lips met once again.“Mmh~” You made a happy sound that hummed ticklishly against Raph’s lips, breaking him out of his surprise and enticing him to return the kiss.
It was soft, slow, and wet, how your lips moved against each other in your own quiet revere under the comfortable cover of night. You both drew away for breath, only to gravitate in to meet again and again to taste each other. Raph became emboldened as your hand lazily trailed up to push up his mask, and he leaned down to start peppering kisses across your face. Smooching your nose, your eyelids, the dips of your cheeks, your brows, forehead, and the corners of your mouth. He smooched his lover softly until you were left giggling softly in his arms. He paused to listen to the adorable sound, more bright and peaceful than any church bells, before he went back to praise and worship those velvety lips once again.
You kissed back more slowly than before, your passion still there but your energy seemed to be waning. Your hand slid from Raph’s cheek and came to rest on his chest, and you felt your mind grow fuzzy from the gentle brushes of his lips. Soon, you felt yourself melt completely back into Raph’s warm embrace, as your sleepiness overcame you once again at the parting of one more kiss.
Raphael paused for only a moment to catch his breath between loving smooches, before he moved to return once again. He softly brushed his lips against yours in quiet invitation, but surprisingly, he found that you did not return his kiss. Instead, he felt the slow gentle draws of breath against his lips. You had fallen fast asleep with your head nestled against his shoulder, lulled to rest by his sweet kisses.
Raphael paused as your breaths tangled in the small space between your lips. All he could do was stare into the peaceful resting expression of his lover wrapped warmly in his embrace. His gaze didn’t leave your lips, swollen red from his attention. The soft breath of sleep tickling against his own sensitive lips. The large turtle felt a smile tugging at his mouth at the sight of his normally energetic partner so easily put to sleep in his arms. He wondered briefly if he could ever endure this level of affection from you at your usual energy, and came to the conclusion that he would most likely combust after only a few seconds.
Raph eventually came back to his senses. His cheeks heating into a bright red glow of self-consciousness as recognition dawned of his own actions.
Raphael closed his eyes tightly shut as he tried to shut out the feeling of steam rising from his head. He ducked his head, burying his heated face into your hair as he tried to suppress the building need to implode from embarrassment. He silently muttered excuses but quickly gave in to the strong feelings clenching in his chest.
He was helplessly in love with you.
(He was still denying it.)
“...........What are you doing to me shorty...” He quietly mumbled, resentfully, yet, adoringly into your hair.
(But of course, that won’t stop him from trying to suffocate these embarrassing feelings. He had a reputation to uphold after all.)
But it was times like these, under the privacy of a silent night, with sweet words and gentle touches, that Raphael gave in.
It’s the little things.
And he carried you off to bed.
The End
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synnamonroll666 · 9 months
(Hello hi, I love your work, first of all). For NSFW headcanons... maybe sneaking a semi-public quickie with our resident lizard man?
Hi! Thank you so much! 💚 I originally intended on this being shorter but I got very carried away with this. It was so fun to write! 🤭 I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! And let me know if you have any other head-canon or fic ideas! 💚 NSFW below!
Usually, Syzoth was pretty good at keeping his feelings in order. Whenever he was out and felt the room getting hotter and his pants getting tighter, he would always be quick to put his mind to something else and forget about the feeling until he could deal with it later.
But this wasn't any ordinary day for Syzoth; it was mating season. Usually, during this difficult time, Syzoth could still manage to hide his feelings. Sure, he would be a bit more moody and short-tempered than usual, but he could still keep himself from pouncing on the first girl he laid his eyes on. He's not an animal, after all. (Actually— 👀😂)
But that all changed when he met you. Even when you began dating, he would heavily avoid you during these times because he never knew if he could control himself around you. And that theory turned out to be true when he accidentally ran into you in the streets of Outworld during on one of his most feral days.
He was supposed to be delivering a message for the empress, but that mission was replaced with a much more lewd one when he saw you.
You were surprised when he grabbed you by the wrist and forcefully dragged you behind one of the barren shopping stalls set up in the streets. And you were even more surprised when he slammed you up against the wall and collided his beautiful lips to yours. You figured that the owner of the stall must have been out to lunch, but you didn't know for sure when they would be back. The thought alone made your knees weak from nerves and arousal.
Teaching Syzoth how to kiss was definitely rewarding, and you smiled wickedly into the kiss as you thanked the Elder Gods that you decided to do so that day. He had been so nervous to do such a thing that he didn't think he was ready for. But you slowly eased him into it and found that he was quite a skilled learner.
He pried your lips apart with his spade tongue, and you let out a soft moan as it caressed yours passionately, all while his hands were slowly travelling up your body to intensely squeeze your breasts. When you got too loud, Syzoth pulled away and pressed his hand to your mouth before firmly shushing and scolding you.
Something was different in his eyes that day. They didn't have the usual light and softness that you were used to within them. Instead, they looked hungry and gazed upon you as if you were his prey.
It didn't take long for him to have your pants around your ankles. You tried not to cringe when you heard thread snap as he tore them down, but the burning arousal within your core told you not to worry about it for now. Luckily, the stall you hid behind did sell clothing. How convenient!
Any other day, Syzoth would look up at you apologetically if he did anything destructive like this, but today it was clear that he couldn't care less.
And as soon as his cock was freed from the confines of his pants, he buried it to the brim within you as he let out a hiss of satisfaction. You almost didn't get a chance to see how painfully hard he was—how his tip leaked pre-cum like a facet for you. But that didn't matter because you could feel it deep within your tight walls.
Your head lolled back as you let out a heavenly sigh, but just as you began to get lost in that daydreamy cloud of pleasurable bliss, you heard something that made you go pale. Suddenly, there were more voices than just the usual amount on the busy streets of Outworld. In fact, it sounded as if people were gathering around.
Syzoth let something in Zaterran—which you assumed to be a curse word—slip off his forked tongue. You both clued in at the same time that it was the day for the annual parade the royals would throw. Syzoth's mind must have been so fogged by the heat of his rut that he forgot it was on this very date.
But instead of pulling out—like you expected him to—Syzoth gripped your shoulders firmly and began quickly pumping himself in and out of your hole. You let out startled gasps as he abused your pussy, bruising your cervix more each time he thrusted himself into you.
One of his hands moved from your shoulder to press against your lips and seal your moans within again as he picked up his pace, moving at a speed that was humanly impossible.
Between your walls getting filled perfectly by his thick length over and over, the sounds of your mate's feral growls in your ear, and the thrill of the small chance of getting caught in your naughty situation, it didn't take long for that coil of pleasure within to snap and have you seeing stars as you met your climax. And Syzoth followed shortly after, digging his nails deep into your flesh as he growled like a rabid dog while filling your walls with thick ropes of his hot cum.
You ignored the sting of overstimulation in your core and the angry crescents engraved in your shoulders as you let him ride out his high. The way your walls fluttered around him as you reached your climax must have been the last straw for your poor Ninja, knocking him into one of the most intense orgasms of his life.
After his high came to an end, he rested his forehead against yours while letting his eyes flutter shut. There was a moment of peace and the two of you listened to the people enjoying the festival around you while you could feel his cooling seed drip down your thighs and legs, reminding you that you'd have to get a pregnancy test soon.
After coming to and noticing that your blood had been welling up under his nails from how hard they dug into your flesh, Syzoth pulled away and began showering you with praises and compliments. He asked if you were okay and if you could walk, which you told him you would manage.
After taking some pants from the stall you hid behind and leaving some money on the counter, you and Syzoth shared one final kiss and said your goodbyes before parting ways so he could finish his mission to deliver the empress' message. After being left behind, you decided to enjoy the rest of the parade before going home to prepare for a long night of round two. ♡
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feyhunter78 · 4 months
Hiiii. I just read the new chapter of lab partners and it was 10/10 as always 🥰 Also I got another idea! What a about a pool party?👀 Now that Miggy is more popular he is invited to a pool party and he sees Y/N on a cute swimsuit and he goes crazy, but tries to keep it together to not look like a creep in front of her 😂 Especially when things are more tense after they almost kissed 👀👀👀👀
Thank you love!!!! I definitely wanted to lean into the tension left over from their almost kiss👀 I'm also using this one to set up the post I'll put out on V-Day!!!!
Pool Party
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Artist cred: Supayell on Instagram!
He hates his brother, not really, but he does want to kill him. It was Gabriel’s idea to invite everyone over, to rent one of their apartment’s pools and throw a party. So now here Miguel is, forced to watch as you gallivant around in a dark blue bikini, with adorable little white hearts all over it, while he’s trying to keep himself from revealing his difficult situation.
Gabriel pushes the cabana’s curtains back even further than they were before and flops into the pool chair next to him, handing him some mixed drink in a red solo cup. “Enjoying the view?” Gabriel asks, lowering his sunglasses and letting out a wolf whistle in you and Mina’s direction. “Lookin’ good baby.”
Mina rolls her eyes but smiles and blows him a kiss, before linking arms with you and dragging you off towards a few of your other friends.
You’re so happy, smiling and giggling, drink in hand, swaying your head slightly in time with the music. He knows you, knows you love to dance, but there’s too many people here that you don’t know, so you stick with Mina, and stay away from the cleared out space in front of the speakers.
“It’s a nice party.” Miguel says, sipping on his drink. The taste of coconut rum coats his tongue, the pineapple juice mixed in, dulling the sting of the alcohol. He can barely feel it, a sense of dread making his mouth go numb when he sees you making your way over, a bottle of sunscreen in your hand and a drink in the other.
You smile at him, then give him a confused look when Gabriel squeezes his shoulder and bounds off towards a now unoccupied Mina.
“He’s probably going to try to convince her to go back to the apartment with him.” Miguel jokes, swallowing hard as he realizes just how pretty you look.
Your hair shines in the sun, your skin practically glowing, and your breasts—fuck he’s got to keep it together, he needs to look literally anywhere else—his eyes land on your lips, curled up in a smile, your lips glossy with chapstick, soft and supple looking. Not better, not better at all, because now he’s thinking about kissing you.
He shifts in his seat, praying no one notices the awkward way he’s sitting. Thankfully, the side curtains of the cabana are still down, so he just has to worry about anyone walking in…and you.
“He can try, but I know Mina’s been waiting all week for this party, there’s no way she’ll leave.” You laugh, shaking the sunscreen that’s in your hand, before downing your drink and setting it on the ground next to you.
“Yeah…are you enjoying the party?” Miguel asks, taking a big swig of his drink. Liquid courage, right?
“I mean, the drinks are good, music’s good, snacks are great, and I got to wear my new swimsuit, so yeah, I’d say I’m enjoying myself.” You gesture to your bathing suit as if it isn’t the very thing Miguel is trying not to look at.
“I like the color.” He says, taking another swig of his drink.
You beam up at him and toy with the strings holding the bottoms together. “Thank you, I was a little worried it would be too dark, but I actually really like it.”
His inebriated mind plies him with an image of you undoing those strings and letting him feast, suffocating him with your soft thighs, biting down on your fist to keep the others from hearing your moans.
He nearly groans aloud at the thought, hiding his face in his drink.
“Can I try that?” You ask, shifting to tuck your legs under you, your full attention on him.
“W-What?” He stutters, trying to banish the lewd image from his mind and focus on your words.
“Your drink, you’ve basically been chugging it, it’s gotta be good.” You elaborate, giving him a playful smile.
“Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, of course.” He hands you the drink, and you bring it to your mouth then frown.
“It’s empty.” You pout at him, leaning forward to set it on the small wooden table beside him, the stretch of your body, your bare skin brushing against his, makes his head swim.
“Sorry?” He manages to get out, his hand shooting to grip the side of the pool chair for stability.
“No worries, I’m a big girl, I can take it.”
He bets you can. Bets he’d fit perfectly, lying below you as you ease yourself down onto his coc—
Suddenly, you turn your back to him and pull your hair up off your neck. “Do you mind putting sunscreen on my back? I want to get back in the sun, but I don’t want to burn.”
He’s going to die, right here, right now.
“Yeah, sure I—I can do that.” He takes the sunscreen from you, apologizing when you hiss from the change in temperature.
You both sit quietly as he rubs the sunscreen in, making sure there’s no white cast, his large hands smoothing over your back, and shoulders, taking care to get every inch while trying to remain as respectful as possible.
“I have to—do you mind—?” He lifts the thick strips of fabric that keep your bathing suit together ever so slightly, waiting for you to nod, or pull away.
“No, no, you’re good, I’ll just…” You hold your top to your body with one hand just in case as Miguel rubs the lotion in, much quicker than before.
“Okay, I think you’re all good.” He says, snapping the cap back on the bottle.
You don’t turn around, staring at the canvas of the cabana. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
He nods, before realizing you obviously can’t see him. “Yeah, of course, anything.”
You turn now, but you won’t meet his eyes, too focused on fidgeting with your nails. They’re different shades of pink, a pleasant gradient ending in white on your thumbs. “My sorority’s semiformal, Valentine’s Day dance thing is coming up, would you maybe want to go with me?”
He’s stunned, frozen, astounded, flabbergasted, astonished, a dozen other words to say he’s shocked. Shocked that you’re asking him. That you want him to come with you to this event, honestly, he’s still shocked you want to be seen in public with him.
Do you feel the same way he does? He’s been hoping, praying, your almost kiss lingering, haunting him, plaguing his dreams, his every waking moment.
He says yes at the same time you say, “as friends,” and his world shatters.
“I don’t want to make you feel weird or anything, no pressure, just two friends have a good time at a Valentine’s themed dance.” You give him a smile, but he knows you, knows it’s fake, and he feels a twinge of hope in his chest once more.
“It’s not weird.” He reassures you, wishing he had another drink to drown his maybe sorrows maybe half-baked hope in.
You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Okay yay! I’ll figure out our outfits and all the details, and I’ll get them to you.”
You bound off in the direction of your friends, leaving Miguel’s skin tingling, his heart hurting, and his stomach twisted into knots.
TL: @bat-bae, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @smokeywhalee, @obi-mom-kenobi, @prowlingforfood, @penggion, @crystal-crax, @oharasfilipinawife, @generalkenobitrash, @melsimps, @chrishy973, @farrowroyale, @palesatan, @scaryplanetdestroyer, @denzmallows
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