#when he turned to her & said 'yes. and?' I swear to goD I really wish there's no more. just like that. Yes. I did it. I set him up. it's me
megaclaudiolis · 30 days
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柄本 佑 || 「光る君へ」 (2024) · 第二十一回 「旅立ち」 ​​​
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themidnightcrimson · 3 months
skirt ࿏ wm
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summary: in which wanda gets a little too handsy during a small party.
words: 4.5k
warnings: top!wanda, fingering (r receiving), semi-public sex, severely gay ogling, reader being a fuckin simp
this fic is for 18+ only. minors dni.
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Steve had unfortunately complained to Tony that the parties he always held in his huge, modern, techno mansion were not intimate enough. Tony, always ready to take complaints from Steve with a cheeky attitude, passed the message along to Pepper who decided to truly make something cozier for everyone.
Tony’s parties were pretty much bi-weekly at this point, every other Friday night. The team almost always showed up in entirety, and the regularity of it was becoming sentimental to some of you. Even Tony was starting to plan them: “You guys gotta try this whiskey. I’ll bring it next Friday” or “I swear, Cap, I’m gonna put you in a suit on Friday and shoot you up to Mars.” It was cute.
Tonight, instead of drinking and playing poker around Tony’s in-house bar room, Pepper had set up something beautiful outside. You’d arrived at the party with Nat, stepping through the back patio of Tony’ mansion and seeing something set up in his backyard. Tied between two trees was a large white screen, and several yards in front of it was a projector mounted onto the roof of the patio, pointed right towards the screen.
In front of the screen, on the lush, freshly-trimmed grass yard, was a whole bunch of pillowy chairs with blankets cast over them, set up like little cots. To the side of the arena was a little hot dog stand that also had a big red and golden popcorn machine currently popping popcorn attached to its hip, as well as a large futuristic-looking cooler full of ice and bottled drinks. There was even an attachment on the front of the hot dog stand with an array of candy bars.
Strung above the entire arena were strings of fairy lights going in every direction, tied between trees and the railing of the patio porch. The sun hadn’t quite set yet, but they were already turned on, providing cute little lights above the cozy scene. It was the homiest thing you’d ever seen at Tony’s home.
“My god,” Nat remarked as she looked around, looking as shocked as you. “It looks like Tony’s planning on proposing to all of us at the same time tonight.”
“I would say yes,” Banner said, coming up beside you and gawking up at the lights. He ran down the steps of the patio and towards one of the fluffy chairs made of pillow, throwing himself down on it and squishing it to the ground. You could hear his sigh of comfort from the patio.
“Do you guys like it?” Pepper asked, coming out of the house. “There’s more food and snacks inside if you guys want anything that’s not out there.”
“I feel like I’m experiencing my first American sleepover,” Nat said, turning to Pepper. “It’s great, really!”
It was cute seeing Nat get so excited like that. Steve showed up behind Pepper and had the same reaction as everyone else, even tearing up a little bit. When Tony reluctantly entered the patio, Steve gave him a slap on the shoulder. “This is really great, Tony. Really great.”
Tony tightly smiled and quickly went back into the house to avoid any more sentiment.
Since the few of you were the first to arrive, you all stayed on the porch and made conversation while waiting for everyone else to show up. It was a chilly spring night, the wind picking up and every once in a while catching the black skirt you were wearing. It was that annoying time of year, of course, where you would have been sweating during the day but now you were shivering at night. You wished you had worn pants instead of a skirt. You didn’t know you’d be thanking yourself later for the opposite.
You had been discreetly waiting for someone the entire time. As more people lingered through the back door into the backyard, you nervously glanced at each figure and hoped it’d be the one you wanted it to be, but it never was.
And then you knew. You didn’t see her, or hear her name, or any other evidence that she was there other than the fact that the pit in your stomach grew and there was a tingling sensation across your nerve endings. The witch always had that affect on you. You didn’t know if it was a spell or something, or maybe you were just acting like a crush-stricken schoolgirl, but you had a habit of always knowing when Wanda entered a room.
Surely enough, through the tinted windows lining the back porch, you could see a flash of red hair making its way towards the back door, that smile you had memorized greeting people as she stepped between them. A shiver crawled its way up your lower spine as the door opened and that face stepped through, the one you’ve been dreaming about, the one that haunts you, the one that twists your stomach into knots when you see it because it makes you think of all the times you’ve touched yourself with that face in mind.
Wanda stepped onto the porch, her hair in wavy locks down her shoulders. She was wearing a soft, light pink sweater that probably looked like off-white to everyone else in the dusk light, but you paid enough attention to know it was pink. It matched the gentle pink in her cheeks, and in her lips…
You and Wanda’s…”situation” was only just blossoming. After months and months of tense friendship and subtle flirting, you’d finally broken the ice when you’d shared a drunken makeout session at one of the parties. You found Wanda to be much bolder than you’d expected her to be, but it invigorated you so. She knew how to keep you on the edge but give you enough to keep you satisfied. She hadn’t fucked you yet, though she’s gotten close. You’ve felt her mouth, and her thigh, but she hadn’t touched you with her hands yet. Her hands.
It was embarrassing when Nat had to snap you out of it. You’d been staring at Wanda since she’d entered the backyard space and got caught up in a conversation with someone else on her way to greet you. You weren’t even sure if she’d seen you yet, but with how sly the witch was, you were sure she was fully aware of everything.
“Hey, you’ve got a little drool there,” Nat said, motioning to her own chin while looking at yours. You blushed and rolled your eyes, taking a deep breath and turning your back on Wanda. Even though she still hadn’t looked at you, you swore you could feel her eyes burning into your back.
“Shut up,” you whispered, crossing your arms and shivering slightly in the cold.
Like clockwork, you suddenly felt a warm arm wrap itself around your shoulders. God, you even recognized her touch now.
Looking up, you saw Wanda appear beside you, her arm slung over your shoulder and pulling you into her gently. You felt the softness of her sweater and her hair against your arm as you were overcome with her cologne. It was sweet but deep, and it made you melt every time you smelled it because it reminded you of all your moments with her.
Wanda smiled down at you, and you half-expected her to lean down for a kiss, but she didn’t. You weren’t public yet, though Nat knew the extent of it, and everyone else had just assumed. They all thought that if you weren’t fucking, it was at least obvious that Wanda wanted to, and no one would dare get in the way of that. This was all without your knowledge, of course, because you were innocent and naïve and thought that no one had any clue about it except for Nat. That was one thing that Wanda liked about you.
“Hey there,” Wanda smoothly said in almost a whisper. Every time you get close to her for the first time, you feel like you’re seeing her for the first time all over again. Her sparkling green eyes, soft lips turned in a self-assured smile, structured cheekbones, her cute little nose. It all made you swoon like a schoolgirl.
“Hi,” you squeaked, feeling your face get hot all over.
Wanda gave a breathy chuckle, obviously picking up on your little squeak. She gave a little space between you for a moment to let her eyes rake down over your figure. They landed at your hips, and her smile faded, turning almost crooked for a moment before she licked her lips and pursed them. “Hmmmm,” she hummed, pulling you into her again, a little tighter now. “You look so fucking good,” she hissed, leaning down towards your ear. You felt her breath fan against your ear, and then her lips grazed it, before she turned away, stiffening as if trying to hold something in. You watched her jaw flex, the muscles straining in her swan neck as she inhaled deeply.
You weren’t sure what exactly was going through the witch’s mind, but your body was burning all over. It almost pained you how you always had such a physical reaction to Wanda.
Wanda did not let go of you. Even as she lingered around the patio, even as people came up and made conversation, she kept you under her arm like her own pet bunny. You felt safe like that, tucked into Wanda, letting her lead the conversations while you just leaned against her soft sweater and inhaled her sweet perfume. The duality of Wanda’s gentle physique but domineering nature made your head dizzy.
Wanda was like a bee to honey to you for the entire time that you and everyone else waited for the party’s population to be dense enough to start a movie on the large projector screen. Finally, once the sun had set and only left an orange streak at the bottom of the sky, Tony came back out onto the patio and, fully equipped in his suit, stuck his hands out to the side and levitated up towards the projector. Halting mid-air, the face of the suit flipped away to reveal Tony’s face.
“Greetings and welcome to the lamest party Tony Stark has ever thrown,” Tony announced, earning several laughs throughout the small crowd of people before flipping the projector on and flying away.
Light illuminated onto the screen, and an old black-and-white Hollywood movie began playing on the screen. People made their way over to the little cots set out on the lawn, while some stayed on the patio pretending to be the adult part of the crowd.
“Want some snacks?” Wanda whispered in your ear, to which you gave a dumb nod, too focused on the way her hand slid down to your waist and gripped it.
Wanda led you over the little hot dog stand that shone like a beacon in the darkening lawn, apart from the light from the movie. You were about to tell Wanda that you wanted popcorn and Skittles, but she somehow beat you to it. “A bag of popcorn and some Skittles,” she told the guy behind the stand. Nodding, he began to load up a bag of buttery popcorn as you looked up at Wanda in confusion to how she knew what you wanted.
Mind-reading can be useful in many ways, kitten.
You thought Wanda had spoken, since you had heard her voice, but her lips didn’t even move and her voice sounded like it was behind you. Your eyes widened in realization that Wanda was using mind-reading on you for the first time—though it actually was about the hundredth time that she’d pried in on your cerebral. It was the telepathic communication that was happening for the first time, but she thought your confusion on the terms was cute.
“Thanks,” Wanda told the guy as he handed you the warm bag of popcorn. She took a bag of Skittles and two bottles of soda and placed her hand on your lower back, her warm palm ushering you towards a cot in front of the screen.
She decided to choose one a little off to the side, spaced out more from any others. It was a double, basically a large pillow in the shape of a chair that could hold two people.
“This is so fun!” you exclaimed, hopping down on the cot and sighing at how soft it was, understanding now why Banner was so relaxed when he had jumped onto one. There was even a little basket beside the chair that held a large, fluffy blanket folded up. Pepper had truly gone all out.
Wanda plopped down beside you, her warm body instantly melting into yours as her weight into the pillowy chair dipped you down closer to her. The redistribution of weight had moved you in a way that your skirt hiked up your legs.
Wanda’s eyes flickered to your skirt, her pupils swarming. You blushed and pulled your skirt down to cover yourself, discreetly watching Wanda blink and force herself to look away. She leaned back in the chair, snaking her arm behind you and curling it around your waist, which only deepened the blush on your cheeks.
Reaching towards your lap, Wanda took a piece of popcorn from the bag you held between your legs and popped it into her mouth. You took a piece and moved it towards your mouth, but suddenly her hand stopped you.
“Nuh uh,” she said quietly, taking the popcorn from between your fingers. “Let me do it.”
You froze, staring at her face that was so close. It was illuminated by the projection on the screen, her green eyes darker than usual.
“Open your mouth,” she whispered, her eyes flickering down to your lips. There was a hunger in her eyes as she watched you hesitate before slowly opening your lips, your heart beating twice faster in your chest. Wanda brought the popcorn to your mouth, letting your tongue take it. You were surprised when, as you felt the texture of the popcorn on your tongue and the butter flooded your taste buds, the tips of Wanda’s fingers lingered in your mouth. As you attempted to close your lips, they only closed around her fingers, tasting the extra salt left behind on them. Your face grew red and hot as you watched Wanda smirk, pushing her fingers in just a miniscule bit further, her own lips parting in infatuation as she watched your lips suction around her fingers.
“Good girl,” she whispered, slowly dragging her fingers out of your mouth.
As if nothing happened, as if you weren’t sitting there blushing and sweating and feeling the space between your legs get warm, she went back to simply eating the popcorn and staring up at the screen.
Clearing your throat, you forced yourself to stop staring at this blasted woman who just teased you so easily and tried to focus on the movie.
Wanda’s handsy-ness wasn’t too extreme during the first half of the movie. It was only her arm around your waist, her hand rubbing your back sensually, her fingers softly combing through your hair and pulling on it hard once or twice just to get a squeak out of you, to which she pressed a discreet kiss to your neck. It was like she was just playing with you. It was like she was just playing with her food.
It wasn’t until halfway through the movie, when there was no sight of any sunlight in the dark night sky, that Wanda strengthened her moves on you.
Under the pretty fairy lights, as everyone else started to calm down and really settle into the movie, a chilly night breeze sewed itself through the air. It flittered over your exposed legs, causing you to shiver. Wanda, who’d been trying not to ogle your thighs all night, couldn’t help but see the goosebumps on your tender skin.
“You cold?” she asked in a soft, sweet tone. When you nodded, she reached over to the basket and brought out the large, thick blanket, draping it over the both of your laps. The warm, soft blanket was such a relief to your cold legs, and with Wanda’s body also available to you as a heater, you felt so cozy and safe.
Then Wanda’s hand reached under the blanket and rested on your thigh, her palm curving around it. The action made you stiffen, your skin growing exponentially warmer where her hand touched. The intimacy of the action sent shimmers through you, and you tried to beat back the little smile on your face.
Wanda, on the other hand, was trying not to smirk. She was more purposeful than you gave her credit for, but again, your naivety was what fueled her to see just how much she could get away with.
You were trying your hardest to ignore her hand on your thigh until it suddenly shifted upwards, pushing your skirt up with it. You gasped quietly. Her hand was all the way up your thigh now, gripping your flesh firmly. Her fingers were wrapped into the inner most tender part of your thigh, pressing into the soft skin there.
The heat between your legs amplified with how close Wanda was to it. You couldn’t help but nervously glance around, afraid that somehow someone had seen her hand grab your thigh under the thick blankets. Luckily, no one was looking. The closest person to you was Nat, but she was watching the film with her head tilted and arms crossed, obviously trying to analyze it like she did with most films.
“Wanda,” you whispered, glancing up at her to see that she was already staring at you darkly.
“What, princess?” she asked innocently.
The name struck you like a bullet of white hot fire in the pit of your stomach. She watched you seriously, a smirk twitching the corners of her lips, as she tightened her grip on your thigh. It stung a little, her fingertips digging so hard into that sensitive inner flesh of your thigh, that you almost squeaked.
“If you want to make noises for me, then do it, babygirl,” she lilted, and you almost gasped when her hand slipped fully under your skirt. You squirmed a little, but she looked at you threateningly. “Don’t move.”
Your breathing grew heavy as you looked around again, feeling that for sure someone was looking this time. No one was.
No one will see, detka.
Wanda’s voice was in your head again. You sharply turned to look at her, but she was staring at the screen now.
Suddenly, you felt something under the covers spreading your thighs open. You hadn’t even realized you’d been squeezing them together, but as you looked down at the blanket, you saw a hint of red glaring through it as your legs spread themselves wide open. She was using magic to open you up for her. Out of impulse, you tried to slam them shut, but her magic held you there, the red glare dissipating so as to not draw attention to what was happening beneath the blanket.
Be still.
You bit your lip as you felt Wanda’s hand cup you under your skirt, her palm pressing into your fabric-covered core. Your breath quivered out of both nervousness and pleasure when she found your clit through your panties and slowly rubbed it.
I can feel how wet you are through your panties, princess. Her voice was even husky in your head.
You tried to keep still as Wanda rubbed your sensitive nub, looking around again to see that still no one was looking at you. But the fact that anyone could look over at the wrong moment, see part of Wanda’s arm stretched towards your lap under the blanket, seeing shapes inappropriately moving under the fabric, instilled a sense of fear into you that seemed to propel your desire.
Good girl, just keep being still for me. I know how bad you’ve been wanting this. You’ve dreamed so much of my fingers.
God, how did she know? Had she been spying on you?
Her fingers dipped down your fabric-covered slit, tickling there for a moment and feeling the wet spot forming on your panties. You were soaking by now, you could feel it, and it only got worse when Wanda started to push your panties to the side.
You started to open your mouth to tell her no, that she shouldn’t do that in front of everyone at a party, that anyone could look over and see and that it’d be so embarrassing, but her voice was quick to reprimand you.
So what if someone sees? I’ll let anyone know that you’re all mine.
With that, her fingers successfully slipped under the thin, stretchy fabric of your panties and met your soaking cunt. You heard Wanda let out a tense breath as she seeped her fingers through your sopping folds, her jaw flexing again.
You’re so fucking wet, babygirl. Her voice growled within your head, dizzying you.
You glanced around nervously, almost thinking someone was looking at you, but finding that no one was still. You felt so nervous about it, so paranoid, but your feverishness was mostly just from Wanda’s fingers rubbing your bare clit now, moving your wetness all around.
I’ve been wanting to feel your pretty cunt for so long. You just had to wear this slutty little skirt tonight, hmm?
Heat burned throughout you as Wanda’s fingers moved towards your entrance, circling it. You stiffened a little, not knowing exactly what to expect from her. You had to force yourself to not gyrate against her hand, to not turn to her and beg for her to just do it, to not moan out loud. It was especially hard not to do the last thing when Wanda’s fingers thrusted inside you.
“Oh—” you started, until Wanda’s magic snapped your mouth shut. Wanda went completely still, freezing completely. You took a blushing, nervous glance around and nearly died when your eyes made contact with Nat’s eyes.
You froze like a deer in headlights. Nat was staring at you while Wanda’s fingers were inside you for the first time. You were looking her in the eye while your walls clenched around Wanda. You wanted to set yourself on fire.
Fortunately, Nat only gave a casual little head nod and a smile and then turned back to the movie. You knew Nat well enough to know that she wasn’t just pretending that she didn’t see anything. Luckily for you, she really had not noticed anything unusual other than your usual awkwardness around Wanda.
Close call, princess. You almost got found out for being a slut for me.
Taking a shaky breath, your hand crawled around until it found Wanda’s knee under the blanket and gripped it for dear life as she started thrusting her fingers inside you. You tried not to whine at the stretch—it’d been a while for you.
You’re so fucking tight, baby. Wanda’s voice was breathy in your head.
You threw your head back a little as Wanda’s fingers pumped in and out of you, and you could even hear the faint wet sounds coming from under the blanket. It made you feel so dirty, getting fingered like that in front of everyone, and being so wet for it, too.
I knew you were such a slut for me. What if I rip the blanket off right now, hmm? Expose you for spreading your legs for me even in public like a whore?
Gritting your teeth together, you felt Wanda’s two fingers hitting a sweet spot inside you. It was so hard to not buck your hips, to not squirm or moan or do anything but etch claw marks into Wanda’s knee.
And then you felt a more noticeable stretch. Squeezing your eyes shut, you felt Wanda force a third finger into you. This time you couldn’t help it. You threw your head to the side and buried it in Wanda’s chest, letting out a mix between a quiet moan and a sigh that luckily was muffled by Wanda’s sweater. Keeping as still as possible, you inhaled Wanda’s perfume and scratched the fuck out of her knee as she pumped three fingers inside your cunt at an agonizingly slow speed. You knew she would’ve fucked you a lot harder if it weren’t for the sake of being discreet.
“Wanda,” you murmured into her chest, feeling the valley of her breasts from beneath her sweater cushioning your face. “Wanda, I’m close.”
Her fingers were hitting so deep inside you. They were so long, and she was curling them, and she was hitting your sweet spot deep inside, and you could feel your juices dripping down yourself.
Hold it. She commanded.
You didn’t even realize it, but you clamped your teeth around a chunk of her sweater, biting down hard on the thick cable-knit fabric as the woman’s fingers plundered you at a steady pace. You didn’t even know if anyone was looking at you now, and you didn’t even care because your body was starting to tremble as you struggled to not cum all over her fingers.
Finally, when you begged again, she acquiesced with Cum for me, princess.
It took all of your power to not moan out loud as you orgasmed with Wanda’s fingers lodged deep inside you, your walls spasming around them and your hips trembling. She nuzzled her nose against the top of your head and hissed when you bit down on her sweater again and accidentally bit into her breast. She held you still with her spare arm, her fingers deep in you, as you came down from the blinding high.
“That’s it,” she whispered into your hair. “Good girl, just breathe.” You were breathing very hard to make up for not being able to moan. “You were such a good, quiet girl for me, angel.” The praise landed over you like soft kisses until you realized she was also pressing soft kisses to the top of your head.
It didn’t help that, when you had finally calmed down and Wanda pulled her shiny fingers out of you, she popped them into her mouth and sucked off all of your cum. You blushed and dug your face into her chest again, this time purposefully biting her breast which made her hiss again and then giggle evilly.
Luckily, no one had seen you get fingered by Wanda, at least not to your knowledge. Nothing had ever come out of it, at least, except that Tony spread a rumor that you had peed yourself during the party because when you stood up from the chair at the end of the night, there was a wet spot right under where you had been sitting.
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pumpkinbxtch · 3 months
good morning, a request please apollo/lestrange x reader how percy and poseidon react, if apollo asks the reader to marry him (apollo found his definitive soulmate in the reader)
.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚ “beach proposal”
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— apollo/lester x fem!daughter of poseidon!reader
summary: Apollo don't needs any other proof to know that you are the definitive love of his life. Hard thing to say like a god. Now he will ask for your hand but not before announcing himself to your father and your brother, Percy Jackson.
warnings: none, i think. yep, still using swear words.
A/N: goood morning (it's late at night) first things first, thank you for share me your cute desires, second, yes i will and here you have. enjoy, please. forgive me if it's not worthy of you.
- From the other side of the milky way, María 🩵
His immortal heart was beating so fast that he thought he could die (reallu, he definitely already knew how it felt)
He kept his eyes fixed on the sun from Long Island Sound. The golden hour illuminated the water and the sweet aroma of strawberries invaded his lungs; the strawberries from camp half-blood. He had never felt this anxious and at peace at the same time.
He had been through so much, he had waited so much, he had wished for so much, but, above all, he loved you so much…
Now he could see everything even more clearly.
The breeze rustled his brown and golden hair.
He closed his eyes, said a blessing and gave thanks. He gave thanks for his journey as a mortal, he gave thanks because he did not allow himself to forget the beauty of being human and because love blessed him when he saw you.
That is, when he actually saw you.
Being a god, you can be everywhere at the same time, but you lose your sense of appreciation for everything that exists. When you're human, uhm no.
From that day on, life afterward was eleven times more colorful, beautiful and full of meaning because you also saw him. I mean, yes. Apollo is a god, who wouldn't see that? But at that moment it was Lester. If before he had no regrets, now even less.
“You'll end up forgetting her, she's just another mortal” They said. “Gods, now she's really in trouble,” the campers said the first few days.
“Another whim? Make sure she doesn't end up so bad this time,” Zeus, his father, reprimanded him.
The small waves broke gently on the shore, and he walked so close to it that his feet were slightly sunk in the wet sand.
—Hey, Apollo!
The named turned slowly, and his heartbeat accelerated even more.
Percy Jackson.
The young man stumbled forward in the sand. He took off his converse, threw them away with a curse, and ran towards him.
—Why did you call me to come here?
His legs began to shake.
— Percy, I…
— Wait — the black-haired raised his hand — And my sister?
He looked at Percy, his brow furrowed and sea-colored eyes examining him from head to toe as if he were searching for clues of some crime in his clothes. Apollo couldn't help but smile.
—In the camp, greeting everyone. She hasn't been here in a while.
The boy noded. The sand splattered from his ankles was washed away by a small wave.
—Neither do I, — said the son of Poseidon, with a certain nostalgia in his voice.
—But, —Percy searched the god's eyes. Always insightful — We're all in New Rome now. Why bring her first and then call only me?
Apollo reached out and took Percy's hand. All in a slow and careful way. He thought that any rude move and Percy would have an outburst for how close he was treating him. But, to his surprise, it was not like that.
The green eyes admired him with slight confusion, and they walked together into the waters.
To Apollo, every step felt solemn and warm. His heart could feel a spark of joy, but his stomach was clenching with uncertainty.
When the water reached both of their thighs, cut the steps off. The god raised his hand without letting go of Percy, and he felt a kind of current run through his spine.
Percy had never been so quiet since… Well, ever. But apparently the discretion with which he was handling himself helped him keep the attention of the demigod.
Then, a whirlpool emerged from the waters, and Percy's eyes widened.
— Father?
The sea god stabbed his trident into the sand, reaffirming his position in the water. Apollo let go of the young man's hand and made a small bow, something that did not inspire good news in Poseidon.
He looked at his son and then at the sun god.
— Have you called me?
Percy pointed at Apollo.
— He called US.
Apollo's insides seemed to tangle with each other, almost making him vomit. Apollo gently pushed Percy so that he stood next to his father and looked at them nervously.
Poseidon pressed down on the trident and cleared his throat.
— my daughter, Apollo?
—She's in the camp! —Percy rushed to say, earning a silent scolding from his father.
Apollo bowed briefly in respect. Poseidon narrowed his eyes.
— That's true.
— and why isn't she here?
Percy looked at his father and imitated his action of searching Apollo carefully, again. as if he had committed something unforgivable.
The god paused and extended his hand towards both of them, a small golden light shining together at dusk. When the light died out, he revealed a small chest lying in his palm.
Percy looked at him in confusion, completely unnoticed, but Poseidon gritted his teeth.
— I have found in her, what I have longed for since my existence.
Percy gasped, and his mood made a small whirlwind rise around him.
— No! —he shouted.
Apollo calmed his breathing, trying to stay calm.
— I had never met someone like her.
— No! Lie! —Percy pointed at him with eyes full of anger, or that was fear?— It's one thing for you to be lovebirds, but—
—Son of mine…
— is MY sister!— Percy's chest expanded in such a way that Apollo feared for his ribs, he took a step and knelt, bowing his head.
Poseidon would have imagined that such a show of respect would be directed towards him, but no, it was towards Percy.
how could it not be? Apollo knew that the gods were ignoring their responsibilities as parents. He knew that the most important person for you was the one who had taken care of your back in all those adventures, just as you took care of his, it was him, was your brother.
—She was by my side in my time as a human. She has shown me what love is.— Apollo looked up pleadingly.
—And now you just want to take her away, why?
— I won't take her anywhere, I want to take her as my wife.
— Percy — Poseidon's voice vibrated through the waters, Apollo, still kneeling, gave him a passive but firm look.
The sun god rose and stood in front of the two men.
— Poseidon, Percy…
The youngest clenched his fists and a few small tears appeared in his eyes.
—Actually, she has the last word. I just wanted you guys to be… present.
Both Percy, Poseidon and even Apollo knew that very well. Especially Apollo, what would he do if you said no? He'd probably cry for eons (literally) yet he couldn't stop craving the approval of your brother and your…father.
Then Percy's eyes traveled to his back and he opened his mouth slightly. He felt the greatest chills a god could feel, then he turned.
Your silhouette looming over the coast, bright and full of life. Your eyes lit up when you saw those three gathered together.
Before addressing you, Apollo gave them a look. The three approached the shore, they gave Apollo enough space. They would see you from there, where the water surrounded their ankles.
— my dear… — Apollo said sweetly, trotting towards you and taking your hands.
You were confused. Your father, Percy, why didn't you travel together if he came too? Your eyes looked at your sweet Apollo. His current form was the mix of “old” Apollo with Lester.
As soon as he reached your side, you took his hand.
— What's going on? Are you already in trouble? —You asked with a raised eyebrow and a sideways smile.
Apollo smiled and kissed your knuckles without taking his eyes off you.
—Or I'll be.
You laughed, that melodious laugh. He definitely didn't want to be without you.
— you'll be? because...? — You were confused, your hand still hooked on Apollo's. You looked at your father who smiled calmly and then at Percy, who was staring at you; He only made that expression when he was terrified of something.
You turned your gaze to Apollo, now a little more worried.
— Love?
— My beloved — Apollo whispered, just for you. Without letting go, he got down on one knee and the velvet chest from before appeared. You held your breath.
The waters stirred.
— There is no poem, song, melody, or haiku that can describe the feelings you make me feel. You are what I always wanted, dreamed and desired. — Apollo opened the small box, revealing a ring; Instead of a precious stone, a small pearl was placed on the ring with two laurel leaves made of gold surrounding it. A clear representation of both. — Today I ask you to let me be your husband because it is me who is given the honor of being the owner of your affection. I promise to take care of it and treasure it.
Your eyes filled with tears, and you knelt down to your boyfriend's height.
— I would like to — The mass of water shook the banks with more force.
A few meters away, Percy, your brother, remained standing, no matter how much the water tried to knock him down. A smile formed on his lips and the first tear ran down his cheek.
Poseidon took his son's shoulder, and they walked towards you.
You looked at your father, who smiled gently at you and then gave Apollo a stern look.
— At sea.
— On Olympus —  Apollo said immediately, determined to win. You raised your eyebrow. Were they fighting over the wedding location?
— The sea
— Olympus
— In the ocean
— Delphi
— Enough! — You snorted and looked disapprovingly at both gods.
Your brother was still silent, certainly not usual. You let go of Apollo and took both of Percy's hands.
Your gaze was shining, that made him feel bad for wanting to shake you and wanting to change your mind.
— You know he's not who he once was, Percy— you whispered.
— I know…
— You even said you liked him, brother
— Shhh — the black-haired covered his sister's mouth — if he listens, won't get over it in years
— I heard —  Apollo said between giggles.
Percy pursed his lips.
—Listen, if you do anything to her, I WILL KILL YOU, APOLLO!
—Percy! —His sister shouted.
— I'm going to kill you, I won't forgive you, I KNOW A TITAN-
Poseidon opened his eyes, his sister grabbed him by the neck.
—PERCY! — they both shouted.
Apollo smiled and hugged him.
Poseidon couldn't take it anymore and he was already gone. He promised to have a talk with Apollo.
Percy remained thoughtful, the sun god still hanging around his neck.
—Does that mean you will be Will's stepmother? —He laughed out loud — can't wait to tell Nico.
You and Apollo looked at each other, silently reaching a mutual agreement.
— I think we keep this information for a while.
Percy furrowed his eyebrows and put a hand on his hip. —With those SPIES FROM THERE, I don't think so.
Laughter was heard in the bushes, and around five campers ran when they were discovered.
— Children of Aphrodite. — Percy said, sure of himself —  tomorrow, when we get to Camp Jupiter, all they will know.
You shook your head in amusement.
— Oh, brother. What will become of you when comes the day and tell you that I am expecting a child?
Apollo choked on his own saliva and Percy on his bile. At least you had the last laugh.
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
harvest day - l.m.
secret admirer!Liam x Luceran!reader. part of my Valentine’s Day celly! 💕 words: 932 🏷: reader is feminine and has longish hair (can be tied), but no pronouns used. I am once again making random stuff up about Navarrian cultures. featuring my farm-boy Sawyer headcanon lmao (Luceras doesn’t have one major city on the map in the book. It’s all farmland, and you cannot convince me otherwise.)
You nearly crush it under your boot in your hurry to get to class, stepping back at the last second to pick it up.
A tiny dragon carved from wood -- your dragon, complete with his horns and a tiny spiked tail. You run your fingers over the wood — it’s been sanded, perfectly smooth against your skin. The level of detail is incredible. This must have taken hours.
“You’re going to be late, humble one.”
Right. You tuck it into the pocket of your jacket, locking your door behind you and jogging down the hall. 
You make it just in time, apologizing your way down the row, stepping around people’s feet carefully until you’ve made it to your friends. You settle between Rhiannon and Sawyer, thanking them for saving you a seat. “Overslept,” you explain, digging in your bag for your notebook, which you had nearly forgotten to pack.
You remove your flight jacket, taking the tiny dragon from your pocket and setting it on the desk beside your pen.
“Whoa, sick! Who made that?” Sawyer asks.
“I don’t know. I just found it outside my door. It looks just like him, though. Even got the horns right.”
“It is a very good representation of me,” Cruith appraises. “Though I have never once been that small.”
“That's awesome. Maybe they’re like, a wood-wielder or something,” Ridoc suggests, leaning over to examine it.
“I’m pretty sure that signet doesn’t exist,” Rhiannon says dryly.
“If he can do all that with metal, then it's entirely possible someone could do it with wood,” Ridoc defends.
“That’s what she said,” Sawyer says quietly, trying not to laugh.
Ridoc grins. “I’m rubbing off on you, man.”
You snort. “Now that's what she said.”
“Focus,” Rhiannon scolds lightly, ever the responsible squad leader, her eyes not having left the chalkboard this whole time.
“Yes, mom,” the three of you chorus softly, turning your attention back to the professor. 
Violet looks like she has something to say, but she remains quiet.
“Mail call,” Rhiannon announces, distributing opened letters to each of you.
Your heart drops as soon as you start to read yours.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I just didn’t realize the date. It’s Harvest Day on Wednesday. Last year I was just too busy trying to stay alive to think about it, but…”
Sawyer winces, understanding. “I wish I could be there too. I swear when I graduate, I’m gonna use all my leave every year to help them.”
“I’m so lost,” Ridoc says, looking between you.
You laugh, explaining. “Everyone spends the day — the week, really — helping their neighbors harvest their crops, and there’s always a feast at the end with what we’ve grown.”
“Gods, the food. My family doesn’t come from much, but that was always the one day a year I felt like we were rich,” Sawyer admits.
You sigh in agreement. “It’s gonna be so weird wearing black all day instead of fall colors.” 
“That is the most Luceran thing I’ve ever heard,” Ridoc says. “Sometimes I forget you guys are all farmers.”
“It’s only our single most important holiday,” you laugh. “And we’re not all farmers. Two of us are dragon riders.” 
Sawyer grins at you, putting a hand up for a high five. “Damn right we are.”
Everyone’s eyes widen at the silky orange ribbon tying your hair back. You beam, turning your head to show it off. “Courtesy of the wood-wielder. I have no idea where they got it.”
Your joy is short-lived.
“Precisely what is that, cadet?” Dain asks sharply, and your face falls. There’s only one thing he can be taking issue with, the only spot of color in the sea of black making up your formation.
“It’s a Luceran tradition,” someone says for you — but not Sawyer or any of your friends. “Today is Harvest Day.”
You turn toward the voice, seeing Liam behind you, his eyes locked with Dain’s as if he’s daring the wingleader to argue with him. How does he know about the holiday? Had he overheard your conversation with your squad earlier?
“I expect it to be gone tomorrow,” Dain concedes. “You’re all dismissed.”
You breathe a sigh of relief as everyone files out of the hall.
“Liam?” You ask softly, and he stops, turning toward you. “Thank you.”
Then you see the small block of wood in his hand, the rough shape of another dragon etched into it. “It was you,” you whisper, stunned.
He laughs. “What?”
You reach into your pocket, producing the carving of Cruith. “You made this, right? Were you the one who wrote those physics notes for me when I was in the infirmary, too?” 
He smiles. “Yeah. That was all me.”
Your heart flutters with hope. “Why?”
“Because I was too nervous to say it, but I really like you.”
You blink. Liam, the one who isn’t scared of anything, was nervous to talk to you? And he has a crush on you? You’ve always found him attractive, but you had never thought this a possibility.
“Say something,” Cruith prods, sounding amused.
You finally form words. “Do you want to go into town with me this weekend?”
He blushes, scratching the back of his neck. “I would really like that.”
“Hey, lovebirds, are you coming to breakfast, or what?” Ridoc calls. “Some of us are starving over here!”
You laugh, a sound Liam will never tire of. “Just a minute!” You yell back.
You touch your fingertips to the soft silk, looking up at him. “Thank you, Liam. It really means a lot to me.”
He smiles. “Of course, sweetheart.”
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hopelesswritergall · 7 months
“Take a hat, give a ride.”
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CW: p in v unprotected, riding crop, a lot of degradation, a bit dumbificiation, oral sex both ends, fingering, name calling. Afab reader lmk if I missed stuff!
Taglist: @lovelykhaleesiii (I’m becoming an Aegon girly more every day, your fics are a big reason) @daenerysapologist @aemondtarqaryens @howyouloveyourdragon @simp-aholic lmk if you want to be added!! @queen--kenobi
Aegon was the cowboy that was a worker on your parent’s ranch. If he wasn’t looking after the cattle, he was teaching you how to ride a horse.
You were walking alongside him around the property when you suddenly grabbed his cowboy hat and placed it firmly on your head. Aegon stopped in his tracks, grinning smugly as he turned to look at you.
“My beautiful girl...” He sighed, “Now you’ve got some riding to do, and not the kind you do on a horse.” He purred. He knew you didn’t know the cowboy hat rule. He planned to use this to his advantage.
“What’s a..cowboy hat rule? That’s what you said right?”
“Oh darling, aren’t you aware yet?” Shaking his head, Aegon chuckled."If you were to wear someone else's cowboy hat, it means you have to give them a ride," he explained. “And since you just took my hat… I’m sure you can put one and two together.”
“Oh..OH! Well I guess it is the rule after all..” You said, not really minding it. You have wanted to fuck him since you first saw him working on the farm, with no shirt on. You saw the swear in his chest.. that moment had made you hornier than anything ever could have before.
He led her to the stable before anyone could see their interaction. Once inside the stable he made sure to lock it. He wanted her, the ‘innocent’ daughter of his boss. Innocent his ass. He heard her in her room one time, moaning out his name as she fucked that toy. That thing was nothing compared to him. He’d make her scream his name, beg him to fill her up. Make her his own little breeding mare, he’d show her.
Aegon led her to a more secluded area, being surrounded by hay bales and pushed her against the wall. He started to touch her breasts through her blouse. When all out of nowhere he went to her pussy. Slowly tracing her folds through her jeans.
“You want this don’t you? Always wanted me, you dirty little slut. I hear you every time you fuck yourself. Moaning out my name like the whore you are.” He growled lowly while still teasing you.
“Please.. I want you.” You were already begging for him. How cute.
“Pathetic slut, but don’t worry.. you’ll get what you deserve.”
He started to unbutton her pants and slide them off completely, tossing them aside. He licked his finger before going back to your entrance still covered by panties. He pushed his finger against it and loved seeing you in agony. He was pleasing you, just not as fast and as much as you’d want right now,
You started to grind against his fingers, wanting more pleasure.
“What’s this? Do you want more? Does the little slut want more?”
“Y-yes.. please..”
“As you wish” With that he tore your panties and what was left he slid it off.
“Spread your legs for me.” Aegon commanded. You couldn’t help but obey, wanting him to touch you everywhere.
Aegon had a look in his eyes that could only mean on thing. You were about to get the best time of your life.
He knelt down and started to tease you by licking your thighs before moving on to your cunt. He started slowly, just going up and down. But he varied it with sucking at your clit, adding a finger or going inside with his tongue. Anything to give you pleasure, to eventually make you scream his name.
You moaned as he sucked at your clit, his touch gave you goosebumps.
“Oh god..” you said as you were whimpering at his touch,
“That’s it love. Cum for me, make a mess.” He teased her. With two fingers he found her G-Spot and kept hitting it while he teased her clit. The moaning became louder as pleasure came in overload.
“Cum for me.” Aegon said, more demanding this time. With one final push against her G-spot, you arched your back and cried out with ecstasy as you had your first climax of that day.
“That’s right, so obedient for me…” Aegon said as he was licking your cunt that was dripping with juice.
“You taste like heaven.” He licked his lips.
Aegon smiled triumphantly as he pulled away. "But now my darling it is my turn," he growled, undoing his jeans and freeing his thick erection.
“What, you didn’t think you’d be the only one getting pleasure now would you?” Aegon said while stroking his erection.
“N-no of course not… it’s only fair..”
“Right, come on, make yourself useful. On your knees.” He commanded you. You felt the need to please him, after all he did just gave you an amazing orgasm.
"Open wide," he ordered, pushing the head of his erection past your parted lips and into your waiting mouth. He groaned at the feeling of your lips around his member. He increased the pace and his own climax didn’t take long. He erupted all into your mouth.
“Swallow it.” Aegon said while grabbing your chin making you look up to him while swallowing.
“Good girl.” Was the praise that followed after you showed your empty mouth.
“Now let us get to the fun part.”
“Do you trust me?” Aegon asked as he eyed some rope hanging around a screw on the wall. As you followed his gaze you knew what he wanted to do. You were open to it, wanting to try new things. “Yes, I do.”
He grabbed a riding crop. He ran the crop down your back making you feel the leather. He ran it over your crotch and ran the tip of the crop lightly over your wet folds. As you let out a noise of enjoyment he swatted the crop so it came down on your clit.
“Do you like how the crop feels?” Aegon asked while checking for any signs of discomfort or resistance.
“M-mhm I-I do Aeg.. I-it’s just a lot.” You said lost in the pleasure.
“Mmm that’s good.” He replied with a satisfied grin.
He used the crop with carefulness and precision , hitting just the right spot to send waves of pleasure flowing through your body while not causing actual harm.
You whimpered as the crop danced across your sensitive skin, driving you wild with desire.
"Such a pretty little slut," Aegon murmured, trailing the tip of the crop along your inner thighs before returning to your swollen clit.
"You love being treated like this, don't you?" he asked, knowing full well that there was no way you could deny it after what he just saw.
You nodded weakly, unable to speak due to the pleasure coursing through your body.
"Good," Aegon continued, increasing the pressure on your clit with the crop, causing you to cry out in ecstasy.
"Now spread your legs wider for me," he commanded, and you complied without hesitation.
“Please Aegon! Just take me! I need you inside of me! Please I need you to fill me, to complete me!” You were begging him by now, he liked to see you in this state, begging him to please you, for him to take what’s his.
“Awww does my little slut want my cock? Does she?” He teased you
You whimpered, unable to form words as you felt the head of his cock press against your entrance. You barely managed to nod.
That was all the confirmation he needed, he drove his hips forward and pushed his length into your tight entrance with one swift motion.
You cried out with pleasure at the feeling of being filled by his massive cock.
"Good girl," he growled, gripping your hips as he began to move inside you at a rapid speed.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, holding onto him tightly as he fucked you without mercy or any signs of stopping.
"Such a filthy little slut," Aegon whispered near your ear, the action making you shiver with goosebumps, kissing your neck and biting your fragile skin.
"You love it when I fill you up, don’t you? My personal little slut" He grabbed your throat while pounding into you.
Aegon withdrew from you, before slamming right back in with full force. Making her cry out and hold onto him for support.
"You're mine now," he growled, "my little slut to do with as I please."
You moaned audibly , not able to contain your pleasure as Aegon continued to pound into you relentlessly.
"Say it," Aegon demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
You hesitated for a moment before finally admitting.
"Yours," you whispered, your voice barely being heard, but it was enough for Aegon.
Aegon grinned, knowing he had broken you completely.
"That's right," he growled, increasing his pace even further
"Such a good little slut," Aegon added, smirking as he felt your walls clench around his huge cock.
"Just like I knew you would be. Always teasing me with those short shorts and tiny tops. I should’ve done this a long time ago.”
Aegon grinned wickedly, feeling your walls clench around his cock as you climaxed.
“There we go, my little slut. Does this feel better?” He made sure that despite the degradation you were in fact still enjoying it. He wouldn’t have continued without it.
He felt his own climax coming
“Gonna fill you up nice and sweet, how does that sound? Something you can wrap your pretty little brain around?”
“M-mhm! Want you to.” That was the green light he needed and he came inside. He stayed inside for just a tad longer before pulling out.
“You were so good for me love.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. He grabbed some tissues he had in the stable and cleaned you up to the best of his abilities without touching your now even more sensitive cunt.
“You’ve earned the hat my love. It’s all yours.”
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whoseholtz · 22 days
today was a fairytale | alexander holtz
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pairing : alexander holtz x fem!reader
warnings : one of my first fully written fics, swearing, use of y/n, switch of pov (will be written in italics!)
summary : when reader goes to a devil's game and decides to make a sign asking #10 for a puck in exchange for a lego set and he actually notices her and the day turns out to be like one in a fairytale.
word count : 1.6k
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y/n pov
“Girl, it’s a stupid idea, there’s a bunch of signs around the rink why would he choose yours?” your best friend says looking at the sign you made for your favourite player.
She always knew how to ruin the mood.
You slightly adjusted the sign in your hands which read, ‘Can I trade you a Lego set for a puck, #10?’ in a goofy font. The white card had been something you picked up from the craft store on your way home from work, an impulsive decision as always.
“But but but there’s barely any with his name on it, plus who cares, it’s fun okay, and if he actually spots me it’s a bonus,” you smiled clinging onto that little bit of hope that he would see your sign.
“Yeah, I guess,” your friend shrugged as a smirk grew on her face.
“What is it?” you asked knowing that when that smirk appeared there was always a plan brewing in her head.
“Oh nothing, just the fact that you are a beautiful hot girl who likes lego oh and he’s a guy who likes girls and lego, get his number girl,” she said jokingly nudging your shoulder.
In what world would ALEXANDER HOLTZ notice you?
“Okay get out of your Wattpad-loving brain, let’s just enjoy warmups and the game,” a smirk forming on your friend's face, “but no high hopes of anything more than the game.”
The lights started dimming in the arena, the colours of the devils shining bright with the booming voices from the speakers announcing the players would be entering the ice soon.
Your friend slapping your arm, “Look how cute they look, they’re Disney princesses with pads.”
“Yes, yes, I know to calm down, we don’t wanna look like the crazy ones,” you replied, being conscious of when #10 entered the ice.
Then there he was, gliding smoothly across the ice.
He could easily be on one of the top lines but he gets treated like shit from the shitty old coaches.
Warm-ups went on like normal, the silly superstitions, and pucks across the ice in every direction.
“He’s good at skating I guess,” your friend said smartly, “he plays for the NHL dipshit, of course, he’s good at skating.”
“I know but I looked at his stats and his ice time is really low and like that means he doesn’t have any chance to get good plays,” your friend shrugged, her eyes following his every move.
All she said was true, he dealt with the game. all he cared about was that he was in the league, the best league in the world for hockey.
Being a player's biggest fan came with the depression of the issues at hand, their places on the lines, their falls and other setbacks that come with being an NHL player, and every day you wish they could be the best and biggest player in the league.
Even harder being on a team with two top first-round picks and a bunch of other players who are raved about all around the league.
“Girl snap the fuck of out, he’s looking at you, right at you holy shit,” your friend said slapping your shoulder, pointing at him skating around in circles, locking eyes with you.
“Oh my god, no way he’s looking at me,” you said, jumping up and down not knowing what to do, stay weird or keep calm and try your best to look hot.
The Lego Ferrari car shook in your hand, the other shaking against the glass trying to keep your cool as he skated towards where you were situated.
alex pov
Skating towards such a pretty girl was scary, but the sign caught his eye. he didn’t get many signs, trades even and Lego is his favourite thing, so why wouldn’t he be excited?
The white, red and black sign with the pretty girl holding it couldn’t pass his way, maybe he’d even get a point this game.
Going home after a win but with little ice time and no points didn’t help with his mood. he’d sit on his couch in the dim room questioning why he could never be enough for the team and the league.
He has tried so hard.
y/n pov
“No way he’s gonna actually want the set. no way you are getting a puck, oh my god y/n this is crazy ahhh he’s coming towards us,” she said, slapping you repeatedly in the same spot, it was starting to hurt.
“Okay just stop, calm down and look cool girl,” you said, wanting to look as normal as possible for Alexander Holtz.
Tap, tap, tap on the glass.
A red glove right in front of your face, the culprit of the tapping noise.
His adorable smiling face looking at you, signalling to get ready for the puck to be thrown over the ice.
You smiled back and nodded, pulling the sign down, holding your hands ready to catch it, not believing what was going on.
You almost wanted to keep your eyes on him even when the puck had been thrown from his hands, but you obviously couldn’t.
The puck weighing in your hand, your eyes fixated on it.
"Y/n, y/n, y/n the lego set, stop googling at the puck and hand him the bloody lego set,” your friend said, slapping you once again.
“Oh fuck yeah wait, hold the puck while I chuck this thing over the glass,” you said, questioning if all those years of skipping gym were back to bite you.
First try, failed.
Second try, failed.
Third try, failed.
Fourth time, WE GOT IT.
He grinned at you one last time before turning around and skating to the bench to place the set down.
A weird feeling flowed through your body. Almost as if you’d just lost something, a presence and a sense of comfort just poof, gone.
But that thought quickly got taken away when the stadium filled with screams of die-hard fans, with you being one of them.
Somehow you’d made it to your seat already getting ready for the game to start.
You realised your head couldn’t stop thinking about the interaction with him, the puck clinging to your hand.
“Hey hey y/n, maybe loosen your grip on the puck, your knuckles are turning white and we don’t want to leave before the game even starts,” your friend said, nudging you to get your attention.
“Oh shit sorry, it’s just he’s so ahhhh, like oh my god he’s got something in his possession that I bought, with my own money,” you grinned, immediately the wave of regret of spending that much money on a lego set, washing away.
“Well let’s just enjoy this game and hope for a win and a Holtz point,” she said, holding up her overpriced drink to yours.
“I’ll toast to that, to Holtz getting a point and maybe a devil's won.”
The shock on your face shouldn’t have been that big but when a fourth-line player gets chosen as the star of the game it is huge.
“Girl he did it for you, you are his good luck charm, you need to give him something every game,” your friend yells beside you jumping out of her seat.
“Okay, I get hockey players are superstitious but girl there’s no way, let’s just leave it,” you sighed, your life couldn’t be all butterflies and rainbows.
It was not a Wattpad story, and you couldn’t treat it like it was. He probably just threw out the Lego set, you thought you were insane thinking there was a chance he actually remembered who you were; there’s no way he did.
alex pov
He couldn’t stop thinking about her smile, how it was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. and he got a goal, points, the fucking star of the game.
yeah, he laughed at people saying hockey players are suppositions and yeah he was a tiny bit. he had his routines but it was never that serious, the only thing different about his game was seeing her, locking eyes with her.
The Lego set sitting on his living room table was a reminder of how her smile made him feel, all bubbly inside like he could rule the world.
“Bro stop zoning out it’s scary, you just got star of the game let’s celebrate,” Luke said as he walked past you, he had invited himself in like he did every other night. win or lose he was there.
“Sorry sorry just trying to figure out what happened today that made me play so good.”
“It was totally that girl you were spying on from the start of the game to the end,” Luke joked, “this is the Lego set she gave you right?” he questioned picking it up off the table.
“Hey, don’t touch that,” he yelled, running towards Luke.
“Shit, sorry didn’t think it was such a big deal,” he said dropping the Lego set onto the table again.
“No sorry I just can’t seem to get her out of my head, and the thought I probably will never see her again,” Alexander said slowly sitting down on the couch.
“Okay don’t think about it that way, be happy you’ve somewhat met her and that you are the star, be present,” Luke replied sitting down on the couch like it was his own home, grabbing the remote and flicking some random show on.
“Never say something like that again, it's weird hearing advice from you,” Alex replied, shocked by the words coming out of his mouth.
“HEY,” Luke yelled, slapping him in the process.
It wasn’t like Luke thought, he still felt her presence somewhat, a faint smell of grapefruit which you would only notice if you really paid attention.
He couldn’t get away from the thought of her.
He couldn’t stop wondering when he’d see her again.
a/n :: hi guyssss sorry i've been lacking motivation so this took... a while to publish and stuff so i hope u like it!! tysm for all the love on if i could tell her <33
also i might be making this a series? maybe? don't hold me to that though :}
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 I'm so obsessed with your ex !! ´ˎ˗
Annabeth Chase x Fem!Aphrodite!Reader Synopsis:You thought Annabeth was the one in the relationship you were jealous of, turns out you might be a little obsessed with her ?! Warning(s):for sure swearing(I write this first if you couldn't tell), reader being messy😬, a sex joke yk nun to crazy, there all drinking/drunk, Percy getting put throughhh it lolll Word Count: 2274
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Percy being the savior of not only camp, but also Olympus itself, definitely put a spotlight on himself. Being all powerful, and really hot, made him popular pretty fast. Especially among girls. So no one was really shocked when he started dating the very beautiful and very intelligent Annabeth Chase. You wanted nothing more than to be her.
Over the course of their relationship, you stood by and became an observer. Whenever you saw them laugh amongst themselves, or gods forbid kiss, you couldn't help but roll your eyes. You saw how gorgeous she was, but was she really that funny? Why couldn't it be you making him laugh? You and Percy were friends, but so were you and Annabeth.. to an extent. You've been at camp with her since you were both very small, and in a way she kind of intimidated you. She knew who she was at a young age and you always kind of admired her for that. And watching her grow up into who she was today was like the cherry on top.
Thankfully it was like your mother had answered your prayers. Their relationship began to fizzle out and the two decided to be better off as friends. You decided not to rush into making your move, and slowly make your way into doing so. After some time passes you seem him sitting by himself on a bench by the dining pavilion just people-watching, so you decide to go up to him.
"Heyy Percy," you said as you slid into the empty seat next to him.
"Oh hey Y/N, whats up?" Percy smiled at you.
"Oh nothing, just wondering how you were. You know, with Annabeth and stuff." Fingers crossed guys !!
"Oh no we're good, we were better off as friends anyways." YES YES-
"That's nice to hear. Well anyways I was wondering if you wanted to like hang out later? I'd say now but I'm busy soo.."
"Oh sure. Is my cabin good? I got Grover to bring back a bunch of blue raspberry flavored candy from the last time he picked up some new demigods."
"Oh my god I love blue raspberry. Your cabins good, I'll be there in an hour."
Finally, you would make your move on Percy. You were excited, but also nervous. What if he was secretly still hung up on Annabeth? Though you wouldn't blame him it'd really put a tamper, if you will, on your plans. You didn't know how you'd compare but you'd certainly try.
Now that was you a little over three hours ago, meaning you were now in Percy's cabin. And to cut a long story short, turns out Percy and Annabeth had found they had feelings for other people. And to be a little storyteller, being friends with Percy helped you out more that you know. As you were currently in his bed making out with him, but your thoughts were running a million a minute-
'Did Annabeth kiss him like this?'
'How much tongue did she use?'
'Did she lay on the right or left side?'
'Oh my gods am I laying the side she used to sleep on?'
You were making out with the guy you'd been plotting on for months and all you could think about was his ex girlfriend. It was weird but you pushed it to the back of your mind and went on with what you were doing.
After about a month or two, the two of you were now considered a couple among camp. Your sisters gawked and girls were jealous. This was the moment you'd been wishing for and waiting for for so long, but for some reason it just wasn't what you were expecting. When you would hang out with him all you could wonder was things like-
'What would Annabeth say right now?'
'Would she say something serious or something funny?'
'Has she ever worn this shirt?'
'What does his family think of her?'
You didn't know what to do. Whenever you walked past her you can't help but feel your gaze linger for a little to long. One time she passed by close enough for your to be able to smell her vanilla scented shampoo, how good that smell was. Whenever you're alone, you'd use your phone and just stalk her socials and just stare at her photos, she was just soo pretty. You didn't understand how Percy could ever let her go like that. You know you wouldn't.
That thought had caught you so off guard you accidentally liked a post from nearly three years ago. You felt your soul shoot out of your ass and begin to fly away, but before you had time to marinate in your embarrassment, Percy walked through the doors of your cabin.
"Hey Y/N- your not ready?"
"Huh, what? Ready for what?"
"You're the one who asked me to come with you to this party. How am I reminding you to get ready right now?" You forgot how much sass this man has. How did Annabeth deal? And there you go again, going on about Annabeth.
"Oh yeah sorry, didn't realize the time. Give me like 10 minutes to change."
By 10 you meant 20, and the two of you were off. It was a small party deep in the woods, probably around 50 kids. Is that small? 'Not your problem,' you thought as you both finally made it.
"Ugh finally you both are here," your sister Silena hugged you both. "I wonder what took you guys so longgg," she started wiggling her eyebrows. You knew what she was insinuating, but for some reason the thought of doing 'that' with Percy started to creep you out more and more. No clue why though !!
"Sadly no," Percy joked. You sided-eyed him but no one noticed. "She was just getting ready."
"I didn't realize the time," you shrugged.
"Well, whatever you're both finally here. Drinks are-" she pointed to a table behind her, "-over there. I'll see you later." And she was off. You started looking around at the people here, and you noticed some in particular. Annabeth. You zoned out watching her. The way she walked, the way she spoke, the way her hair flowed in the wind, the way-
"Did you hear me?" Percy asked while waving his hand in front of your face.
"Um, sorry what?" You asked, barely taking your eyes of the Athena girl.
"I said I was going to go get us some drinks."
"Oh yeah sorry."
"You've been kinda off today, are you okay?"
"No yeah trust me I'm fine." Percy just nodded and leaned in to kiss you before walking off for drinks. While he kissed you, you couldn't help but keep your eyes open in the direction they previously were in. Big mistake, you accidentally made eye contact with Annabeth. As Percy walked off you quickly walked away from the scene trying not to be awkward. Percy was walking back with drinks and saw you leaning by a tree.
"Hey I went looking for you. I didn't realized you walked off." Percy said as he handed you a drink.
"Yeah I was just seeing who's here," you grabbed the drink from his hand. The both of you continued to talk and drink when you felt your phone go off. As you took another sip you pulled out your phone to see who it was.
'@wisegirl liked your post'
You nearly choked on your drink. Percy was asking whats wrong as you went to check the post. It was one from two years ago.
"Yeah I'm fine just choked a little no big," you dismissed kind of fast.
"Okay Y/N no, whats wrong. You've been acting so weird lately."
"I don't know what you talking about." Uh-oh. You continued to sip on your drink knowing your were going to need it.
"You know what I mean. You seem so uninterested with me and so invested on something else. It's like when I speak to you your not even paying attention to me."
"I don't do that."
"Yes you do. You've been doing it for the past week or so, especially today."
"Well I don't know what you expect me to say."
"Well an explanation would be nice??" He started getting kind of mad, and some people were started to listen in. You were 'a bit' of a lightweight and head was starting to spin. The next few words were out of your control..
"Sorry I'm more obsessed with your ex than I am with you." And you sped walked off, sped walked which slowly turned into running. The crowd was silently, most of was you heard was a campfire crackling. That was so embarrassing, and what makes matters even worse? Annabeth was in the crowd, and eyes were shifting to her. She ran off, bottle in hand, to go find you.
When you thought you were far enough, you leaned back into a tree and slid toward the ground. Once you were sat, you were in deep thought and took a deep breathe. You've completely embarrassed yourself along with Percy, and you didn't know what to do. Annabeth probably thought you were creepy.
'What about that post she liked?'
And now you were overthinking. Did she like you? Did you like her? Was it just some weird obsession from dating her ex? Was it weird to stalk her instagram all the way from 5 years ago? Was it weird you found her family tree online and scrolled through all there pictures as well (one side of the family was pretty easy to find..). Was it weird that you bought vanilla shampoo because it reminded you of her? Was it weird you had her schedule memorized? Was it weird you felt warm in the face just looking at her? Was it weird how badly you wanted to hold her close and run your fingers through her hair? And was it weird that you never remembered feeling this obsessed and enamored by Percy? You sighed to yourself. Hey, at least you completed your rite of passage right? All these emotions coming through you all at once and suddenly, you heard a branch snap behind you.
"Hey." Holy shit. It was Annabeth.
"Oh-uh.. hey.." You just sat there looking up at here with shy puppy dog eyes. Then you started to look down because you could guess why she came to find you. Then she started sitting next to you and your heart slowly started to race.
"You want a drink?" You nodded as you took a small sip and handed it back to her. You didn't know what to say, you felt awkward.
"Um, thanks." It got quiet before you decided to speak up again. "So whatcha, you know, doing here.."
"Came to find you. Saw you run off." You didn't think your face could feel any hotter but it managed.
"Did you.." She started softly smiling, and you knew you didn't have to finish your sentence. "Oh."
"You know, I was pretty bummed when you started going out with Percy. I'm sure he told you why we broke up right?"
"Yeah, you both ended up liking different people."
"Sort of. We stopped liking each other. Different people? Not so much," she took another sip from the bottle leaving you confused. Then it hit you.
"Are you saying.." You pointed to yourself and she just nodded.
"You know since we were kids, I always wanted to come up to you and be like friends or something, but I don't know. You made me kind of nervous, so I sticked with watching you from afar. Maybe it seemed kind of creepy but seeing the way you walked and talked and acted made me realize I wasn't just nervous and using Percy as a distraction wouldn't help." You stared at her, mouth agape.
"You know for being the smart one, that wasn't one of your smartest moments." you both started giggling. "I guess the feeling was always mutual though. I thought you were intimidating growing up, I always kind of wanted to be you, and wanted to be more like you. Hell, once you walked by me and I smelled your shampoo and started using the same vanilla one you do just because it reminded me of you. Then I realized it was more than that when I noticed I feel more just looking at you than kissing my.. boyfriend. Guess he's not that any more though is he."
"Well I really hope not. Sucks we both went through him before getting to each other, but I think he'll get over it." Annabeth said. You shuffled a little closer.
"Yeah hopefully he doesn't mind us making out." Annabeth started shuffling as well.
"Oh surely not," She grabbed your face, putting your lips on hers. You've never felt this kind of emotion when making out with Percy, and wow. Game changer. Then she started pulling away and you started to slightly frown. "Wait, how did you know what shampoo I use?"
"Let's talk about that later okay? Please just come back." Annabeth just laughed at your reaction as she went back to kissing you. Gods her laugh was angelic.
Your hands moved down her waist while hers stayed in her hair slightly pulling at it. You pulled Annabeth closer, your bodies were pressed so close against each other you could feel her heartbeat. At this point in time, you hated oxygen. You both pulled apart panting for air, with a string of saliva connecting the two of you.
"Wanna head back to my cabin?"
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kitthepurplepotato · 4 months
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Chapter 6 - Crimson Riot?!
Summary: Eijirou is too busy fawning over Crimson Riot.
Warnings: Swear words, Eijirou makes one kinky comment
First Chapter Ko-Fi Master List
She’s so close. Oh my god. She’s so pretty. Those plump lips, the slight blush on her cheeks… how is he supposed to resist?
He knows Y/N said this was a date but he’s still sure she’d meant that as a joke. It was just teasing. She still called Kirishima her homoerotic buddy by the end of the day, so clearly, he’s still in the hubby zone.
He should be happy for getting a kiss on his cheeks. He should be thankful…
Okay, Y/N is clearly aiming for his lips but maybe, that’s just his wishful thinking.
He’ll just… wait it out, he guesses. He slowly closes his eyes, letting faith choose the path for him and certainly, it does; Y/N’s door opens up from the inside. Kirishima respectfully almost shits his pants.
“Did you forget how to open your own door, you silly sausage?” A cheery old man with Crimson hair crackles teasingly. “… oh. Oh!”
Well, that’s what Kirishima’s also thinking. Oh. This relic is a bit too big to fit into a box; Kirishima thinks as he looks at the man in front of him who looks 100% like Crimson Riot.
Kirishima’s also sure it’s illegal to keep people in boxes. Except if they want to be kept in a box. But why would they live in a box willingly?
“What the fuck are you doing here, Uncle?!”
Oh, it’s just her uncle. The loaded one who owns the flat. It makes sense. Crimson Riot was one of the best heroes of his era so he certainly managed to get his hands on enough money to keep him and his family well fed for as long as he lives and probably even after. Makes sense indeed.
Makes… sense.
Okay, wait. So this man, possibly Crimson Riot himself, just opened Y/N’s door and she called him her uncle. That means…
“Crimson Riot is… your uncle?!” Eijirou yells and there is a palm on his mouth the second after.
“Don’t fucking yell, you himbo!” Y/N sighs, clearly aggravated by Kirishima’s stupidity and to be honest, Kirishima is quite used to get this look every day so he doesn’t even flinch. He’s a bit dumb. He knows it. He’s okay with it. “Why the fuck are you here, uncle?! You just ruined my plans!”
“Ahh, honey, I’m sorry to say this but I’m quite sure the mood is ruined anyway so we might as well have a little chat. I’m quite sure Red Riot-kun is more than happy to tell me what does he want from my one and only niece I’m willing to kill for if I need to.”
Kirishima’s blood freezes in his veins. This is too much to take in for his little bird brain. Okay, let’s focus. One thing at a time. One thing… at a time.
“Are you really…” He lowers his voice into a whisper. “Crimson Riot?”
Y/N facepalms herself. He has no idea what he had done wrong this time. Like, bro… can you really blame him for that question? He was already all over the place thanks to the fact that he was on a not-a-date with his new favorite person and now that favorite person turns out to be Crimson Riot’s niece? Eijirou is having an out of body experience. He swears he can see his soul leaving his body as he stares at the old man he’s been worshipping for decades now.
“Yes… I was Crimson Riot when I was a hero. Now, I’m just uncle Riot. Okay, son?”
Kirishima cries manly tears. This is the best day of his life.
“So now that we are settled, can you please tell me what are your plans with my little girl?”
Uncle Riot asks. Well, that’s easy.
“I…” Nevermind. It’s not.
What are Kirishima’s plans with her? Honestly, not much. He knows he’ll never have the balls to confess to her. He knows he’s not enough for such a perfect woman anyway, so… “I like spending time with her. She’s the manliest woman I’ve ever met.”
Uncle Riot rolls his eyes and looks at Y/N questionably. She sighs.
“We were on a date and if it’s not for you he would be my boyfriend by now, so fucking thank you for the cockblock.”
Okay, what the fuck. Kirishima has no idea what’s going on and why is Y/N lying about their relationship but if that’s what she wants, he will just roll with it. He doesn’t even need to lie to be able to do that.
“To be fair, I was about to kiss her goodbye in the doorway, then you opened the door and… well… not like I mind, sir! I’m actually so thrilled to meet you, can I ask a few questions?” Kirishima rambles, embarrassment already forgotten.
“I thought you want to have some alone time?” Crimson Riot smirks knowingly but Kirishima is too excited to even think about cheeky things.
“That can wait!” He spurts out and he can’t even finish the sentence before he gets a fist in the stomach.
“Oi!” Y/N yells, clearly offended. Kirishima gives her his best apologetic face, puppy eyes and all, and Y/N only sighs at that. “Only if you stay for the night.” Y/N whispers into her ears, and oh boy, his whole face must be as red as his hair. Stay… for the night?! Like a sleepover? With the prettiest angel in the whole universe?! Kirishima is so fucked.
“Uhm… okay?”
“Good boy.” Y/N kisses his temple with a smirk and Kirishima descends to another planet. He really liked being called a good boy. Is that weird? Kinky? His little fella between his legs says it’s the latter. Oh no.
You are so done with this bozo. Yes, you said you are okay with Kirishima staying over to talk to your uncle for a while but it has been hours, you need to go to bed in a few minutes and the red headed idiot - the younger one - can’t fucking shut up. Even your uncle looks uncomfortable at this point, probably having PTSD from all the times he’s been interrogated before. Yet here is the himbo, his non-existent tail wiggling from excitement as he asks questions after questions like it’s his fucking job.
By the look of it, you’ll go to bed alone. You are actually about to cry from how disappointed you are.
“I’m going to bed. I have an early shift tomorrow.”
Your voice is so lovelorn it’s actually ridiculous.
It’s just… you had this all planned out. You wanted to kiss him in the hallway then ask him to come in, cuddle on the sofa then maybe… share the bed after. You can’t believe it’s almost midnight and none of your attempts to kiss him worked. Is he even interested in you? You really thought it’s obvious that this was a date. He gave you a ring and promised he’ll be yours, yet here is, fangirling over “fucking old man Crimson Riot” instead of being with you. It just… hurts.
“What’s wrong, Angel?” Red asks and your stupid heart almost leaps out of your chest from the pet name. Your uncle takes one good look at you and slowly makes his way to the door with an apologetic smile on his face.
“I… just remembered something. I need to go. Sorry, son! I’ll see you soon, I’m sure of it.” That stupid old man winks at you as he sneaks out of the door. There was no fucking need for that. No fucking need.
“There is spare bedding in the chest of drawers next to the sofa.” You mutter and make your way towards your bedroom and for your surprise, Eijirou doesn’t even bother to come after you.
You take a deep breath and grab your pajamas from the bed then make your way to the bathroom to shower and brush your teeth. When you are done you take a peek to the sofa; Eijirou looks so fucking sad you start to feel terrible for being an absolute bitch to him just because he didn’t give you all his attention for once.
“Hey, himbo.” You half-whisper into the silence and Eijirou looks up right away.
“I don’t know what I did wrong, but I’m sorry.”
Oh my fucking god, how can he be so cute?!
You move closer the sofa and crouch down in front of him. You are done with this game. Just… done.
“You’ve done nothing wrong. I just love to be in the center of attention.” You admit sheepishly, your hand caressing his cheek, because you can’t behave yourself. Eijirou melts into the touch and pushes his cheek into your palm then turns so he can leave a kiss on your fingers, slow and so-so loving it almost makes you cry.
“Crimson Riot is the only person who can steal my attention from you.” He admits, and you can’t help but giggle at that.
“That was a really backhanded compliment, Ei.” You smile as your thumb caresses the skin under his eyes. There’s a lot of tension in the air but not the unpleasant kind; it’s like you are both waiting for something, but none of you know how to actually make the first step. “So what do I need to do to gain your attention, Red?”
“Don’t tease me…” he looks down into his lap with tears in his eyes. It breaks your heart.
“Ei… I’m not teasing you.” You stroke his cheek again. You can’t help but take a peek at his pretty lips, slowly closing the remaining distance as you speak. “I want to know. I don’t want you to take your eyes off me. I’m being selfish.”
“You can have all my attention. All of it.” Eijirou whispers, so close to your mouth it lips actually tingle from his breath. Fuck it. Just fuck it.
“No, it’s not enough.” You finally close the remaining distance and kiss him right on the mouth. You stay there for a few seconds, savoring the taste, the texture, the softness, then move away with your heart in your throat. You did it. Oh my god, you kissed him. And it was amazing. Oh god, you are so in love with this himbo. “Good night, hubby. See you in the morning.” You smile at his dumbstruck face. Red Riot.exe has stopped working, clearly. “I put a new toothbrush out for you. The red one is yours.” You can’t help but barge back for another little peck before you run into your room with a massive blush on your face.
It’s done. It’s official. You made your intentions clear as a day and he didn’t say no. You make a new note in your calendar for today called “anniversary” then you yell into your pillow, like a proper adult.
“So she tried to kiss you several times during your DATE.” Katsuki mutters.
“That’s not what I said!” He retorts right away but his best friend does not listen.
“Then you proposed with a ring from the vending machine and she said yes.”
“I didn’t propose!”
“Oh sorry, you told her you’ll marry her.” Katsuki looks at Kirishima with pure incredulity. “Then she invited you to her flat and told her uncle you two are a thing.”
“You are not listening, Katsuki!” Kirishima yells with a red face. “Why are we not talking about Crimson Riot?! He’s the uncle! Crimson Riot! Katsuki! Focus!”
“You focus! She fucking kissed you on the mouth TWICE, Shitty hair, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?!” Katsuki is absolutely out his mind by now, he’s yelling like a maniac, his eyes dark and menacing, and you swear there are fresh claw marks on his desk where his hands are right now.
“She’s not my girlfriend! I swear!” He’s about to cry. What does he not understand?! Yeah, she kissed him. On the mouth. But maybe Y/N is just really affectionate with his homosexual buddies (hubbies). There are some countries where people kiss on the mouth. Or at least he thinks.
“No, she’s fucking not, because she’s your fiancé, you absolute idiot!”
“Eijirou, I love you to death but you are an absolute himbo… a himbo with a fiancé.” Katsuki’s girlfriend looks up from her paperwork. He can’t believe these two.
“She’s blood related to Crimson Riot! That’s just… inappropriate! No! I’m done with this conversation!”
“She made you a home-made fucking bento at 5 fucking AM in the morning! The carrots are fucking heart shaped!” Katsuki continues to yell, but Kirishima is done with this conversation. “HEART SHAPED, KIRISHIMA!”
No one understands him. No one.
It has been a week since you and Eijirou became a couple. You wear the ring every day, showing it off proudly, especially, when customers try to chat you up. You love how their face pale when you tell them that you are actually engaged.
He comes to see you every single morning, buys his usual coffee and gets a little kiss on his mouth as a bonus. Eijirou barely kisses back but he’s a shy boy, so that’s fine; he’ll eventually get used to it - You’ll make sure to kiss him loads on your date, and maybe by the end of the night he’ll actually kiss you back… and maybe, he’ll stay the night and kiss you even more. Ahh, a girl can dream. Eijirou has no idea how absolutely gorgeous he is but that’s why you like him so much; he makes you feel like a teenager again, naive and lovesick and well… he also makes you feel really hot in inappropriate places.
No one can blame you, though. Red Riot has the body of a god and he’s sweet and so innocent you just want to ruin him until the monster in him comes to the surface and devours you in whole, but it’s too much too soon so you try your best to behave yourself and keep the kisses chaste because there is no fucking way you will be able to stop once that kiss deepens.
It’s quite silly how stressed you are about being proper when it comes to this thing even though you are literally engaged to the guy.
Having sex after the first date? Hell no.
Getting engaged on it? Hell yes.
If this keeps going this way you’ll end up having your first night after the wedding.
Hell, maybe you’ll get eloped in a random chapel on your second date.
The weirdest thing is, that you wouldn’t even mind doing that.
You feel really silly to call something so fresh “love” but you are old enough to know the difference between a crush and pure, wholehearted affection. Eijirou is everything you’ve always wanted in life; he’s kind and genuine, a person who’s not ashamed of having emotions, who’s not ashamed to cry, to be angry, to be unapologetically himself, even if people laugh at him for being like that. He’s kind to a fault but that’s even more reason for you to stay by his side; you’ll make sure that no one can break his fragile heart, you’ll make sure he’s the happiest himbo in the whole wide world.
“I can hear the wedding bells!” Your boss teases with a smile, but you can’t even get mad at her.
“Me too, boss, me too.”
The silence speaks volumes.
… Next Chapter!
TL: @porusuniverse @sixxze @unofficialmuilover @cheesenmax @readingfan @sammmm29 @pwinglez1 @happydragonfrog @magicalhandsherringclam @lovingnightharmony @theequeenofcurses @kirishima-eijirock @nerinefy @selfindulgenthoe @fierysplash213 @woofwoofwolf @touyasprettydoll @confused-smol-fan @themultifandomgirl @dark-witch-bitch @lotusstarr
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wjhik · 11 months
I'm So Proud Of You (Trent Alexander-Arnold)
A/N: finally some trent content
Y/N's POV:
"Trent here. I'm not available right now. Leave a message after the beep." The call goes to voicemail. I've been trying to reach Trent for the past hour. He most likely has his phone in the locker room while he's on the field. I think this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Going through contractions, timing them, and controlling my breathing. All while trying to grab the last of my things to take to the hospital. As my contractions get closer and closer, they're getting more painful. I really need Trent here.
"Thank you for calling Liverpool FC. This is Lilian. How can I help you?" Thank god someone picked up. I've called everyone at the club, and no one has answered. I had to resort to calling the gaffers secretary. "Hi, Lilian. This is Y/N calling, Trent's wife. Listen, I've been trying to reach anyone for the past hour, and no one has answered. If you're not too busy, could you tell him to call me- FUCK!!!" This is the most painful contraction so far, and it had to happen while I was on the phone. "Oh my- Yes, of course. Are you alright?" She says. I can hear some rustling in the background, assuring me that she was getting up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just get Trent to call me as soon as possible. Thank you!" I say hanging up as another contraction comes in.
Trent's POV:
"So how's the missus?" Robbo asks me. "Yeah, she's alright. The pregnancy's been hard on her, but she's handling it amazingly." I tell him. "She's still pregnant?" I hear one of them say. "I swear, it's been a whole year." Another chimes in. "She is very overdue, 10 months. But the doctor says it's alright. She wants the baby out, however. She is well over done." I say, squeezing some water into my mouth. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. It's Klopp's secretary. What does she want from me?
"Mr. Alexander-Arnold, your wife called. She said she's been trying to reach you and if you could call her back ASAP." She tells me. "Oh. My phone's not with me. Did she tell you what she wanted?" I ask her. Why would Y/N call her? "No, she didn't. But she did sound like she was in pain." In pain? Did she hurt herself? She's so clumsy these days. "You better go, Trent. Let us know when he's here." Robbo says, patting me on the shoulder. "When who's here?" I ask him. Why is he so excited? "Your son?!" He says, almost appalled. "What are you on about?" I ask him, slowly getting up. "Trent, are you alright?" Virg says. "Your wife's in labor!" Andy says. I didn't even think of that! "OH MY GOD!! SHE'S IN LABOR!" I say, running into the locker rooms.
Klopp's POV: (jus for fun)
"Alright, boys. Break's over. Back to work!! Where's Trent?" I ask the players. He knows better. There's still 10 minutes before training is over. Trent isn't like this. He doesn't skip practice for anything. "His missus has gone into labor." Andy tells me. Good for him! (lol this was so unnecessary)
Y/N's POV:
This fucker better get here soon. I'm dying here. I take out my phone to text him again. I see that he read the messages 10 minutes ago. Did he really leave me on read? After all those messages and calls, he leaves me on read? I so wish I wasn't pushing this guys baby out of my vagina. Fucking asshole. "AAAHHH!!" I let out a guttural scream as I bounce up and down on the exercise ball the asshole bought me. I feel my hand being taken. I pull it back in reflex. I look up to see my husband. "I'm so sorry I didn't answer your messages, love. I left as soon as I saw them. Are you alright? How far apart are the contractions?" Maybe he's not that bad. "5 minutes. And they last around 50 seconds." I tell him. "How long has it been?" He asks me, sitting next to me. "Long enough. I need to go to the hospital." I tell him. "You stay here, I'll put the thing in the car." He says, running to grab our bags.
"How much longer?" I say, holding my stomach with one hand and the other squeezing the grab handle. I have my eyes squeezed shut in pain. Trent stops the car and runs over to my side of the car. I open my eyes to realized we are stopped right in front of the hospital. Not parked. Stopped in the middle of the road. Trent opens my door and helps me out of the car.
I'm sitting in the waiting room while Trent talks to the receptionist. "My wife is in labor. Her contraction are 5 minutes apart and last a minute. It's been like that for an hour or more. Please help." The receptionist calls for a gurney and asks him to fill out some paper work. He fills out all of my details for me.
The nurses have put me into my room. Trent has somehow managed to get the best room in the hospital. They have started me on some painkillers, and I feel much better now. "Baby, can you go get the bags?" I tell him. I remember that the car is still blocking the road. "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone." He's so sweet. "I'm fine for now, but this is the only opportunity you're going to get. So, go!"
"One more push, love. You're doing amazing." Trent says, standing on the right of my hospital bed and allowing me to squeeze his hand with all my might. (im going to spare yall your screaming and the feeling of your vagine being ripped open) I can feel the baby's head crown and eventually come out. I'm extremely drugged up. The nurses gave me a slight break. Trent leans down and kisses my extremely sweaty forehead. He wipes the tears away from my cheeks. "I'm so proud of you. You're almost there.
I feel the stream of cheeks run down my cheek as I hear my baby cry. The nurse lightly rubs the baby clean and places him on my chest. "Hi, baby..." I say with a very high pitched voice. Trent rubs my shoulder to say 'good job'. The nurse gently takes the baby away from me to clean him up.
Our families have already visited us and have left. Trent is laying down on the couch next to my bed, scrolling through the shit cable channels. The T.V. is muted, both Trent and I too scared to wake up the baby. He's on my chest, feeding. I can't even express how special it felt to have my baby on my skin for the first time.
"Trent?" I ask him, my eyes still on my baby. "Hmm?" He says, his eyes still glued to the screen. "Take off your shirt." I tell him. He looks at me, raising his eyebrows to me and giving me that look. "I know it's been a while, but it's a bit too soon, no?" He tell me. "Not like that, Trent! You haven't held him skin-to-skin yet." I whisper yell. He knows what I meant. He takes off his shirt. I get up and with my son in my arms and I place him into my husband's arms. "Oh my god...He's so precious." Trent says, looking up at me. He stares at our son for a while while I sit on the arm of the couch. I look down at his face to see tears running down his face. My boys.
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
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emsgwenstan · 5 months
Personal or professional?
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
Chap 5| chap 6| chap 7
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Words: 3k
Warnings: insecurity’s, swearing.
Note: another fill in chapter… this gif☝️is the look she gives Violet about the door lol.
Well it’s official, It’s the 12th of December and my dreaded birthday, another year of being alive, I guess I should be grateful but only 2 hours until I can go home and sleep! Jesus I really am getting old. I do wish I could see Larissa today but I don’t want to disturb her, we have been texting since that day which was three days ago now, I drove her home that night and the next morning she sent me a message saying good morning and I thought that was really sweet, but this morning she hadn’t said anything, I don’t need to read into it though, I just hope I haven’t done anything wrong. My phone started to ring in my pocket and just when I thought it was her I was wrong.
“Happy birthday vi!” She yelled.
“Thanks Lou.” I said chuckling.
“Happy birthday vi.” I heard jades sultry voice say on the other line.
“Oh yeah jays here too.” Louise said.
“Wanna wish auntie vi happy birthday?” She added.
“Happy birthday auntie violet!” Lou’s daughter lily shouted.
“Aww thanks guys, how is everyone?” I asked.
“Yeah we’re all pretty good, how are you though? You’ve been pretty quiet… perhaps finally found someone?” Louise said teasingly.
My face burned, how am I supposed to say yes I’ve met and fallen in love with someone, we’ve had sex and yet we’re still in a what do they call it now? situationship? Friends with benefits? Let alone it being with a woman- not that they’d be very surprised.
“I have been getting out more and no I’m not with anyone.” I said.
“Let’s hope you find someone vi we don’t want you to be alone forever.” Jade said in a sing song voice.
“Shut the fuck up, says you your a hoe, a serial seducer.” I laughed.
“Ok lily go to your room for a minute.” Lou said.
“Oh my god sorry!” I said.
“Aunt of the year award goes to Violet.” Jade said mockingly.
“Agh, anyway guess what?” I asked.
“What?.” “Mhm?” From the both of them.
“I’ll see you guys at dads this year.” I said.
“What! You’re actually gonna show up!?” Louise said.
“Yeah but I’m not gonna be alone, I’m bringing my… friend Larissa.” I said awkwardly.
“Ooooo Larissa.” They said in unison. I could just imagine them looking at each other knowingly.
“Please… anyway I’ll be there for a week then I’m going to see my mum.” I stated.
“We haven’t seen you for ages, oh and by the way dad has been such a dick lately, all he talks about is fucking golf.” Jade said.
“When isn’t he a dick, and that doesn’t surprise me, I’m not going for him though I’m coming to see you guys.” I spoke.
“Yeah well we will be there for like 9 days I think, we really need to go out all together again, I know I need to get hammered.” Louise said laughing.
“Agreed I know just the place.” I said.
“We know.” They both said giggling.
“Ok well I’m at work so I need to go but I’ll see you guys then ok?” I said.
“Alright we love you sis.” Lou said.
“Love you guys, tell lily and Lottie i love them to.” I said.
“Will do, bye.” She said.
I went back to stacking lengths of timber in their designated racks and began to wrap up the rest of my stuff getting ready to come home.
Finally in the threshold of my house, I kicked off my boots and tore off my work clothes, it was so fucking hot I felt like I was suffocating. The heat was up so high last night because it was freezing and I forgot to turn it off this morning as well as having the fire going. Turning it off and keeping the fire going I went and jumped in the shower quickly to rinse off the sawdust and settle in for the night.
Hopping into bed I let my hair out of the tight ponytail it’s been in all day letting it fall over my pillow and just like that I passed out. It was only 6pm but I didn’t care it was much needed, although it wasn’t until a while later when I could feel my body slightly shaking that I awoke again. “Wake up darling.” A hushed voice spoke, I know that accent anywhere, why is she here? how is she here? I rolled over slightly with my eyes cracked open, Larissa was standing beside me with a hand delicately wrapped around my bicep.
“Good morning.” She teased. “What are you doing here? How did you get in here?” I asked sleepily. Larissa brought her hand to my face stroking my cheek lightly. “I did knock, but no answer. The door was unlocked, I should have rung you I’m sorry.” She said in haste. “No, no it’s fine you’re welcome you don’t even need to knock.” I said rubbing my eyes. Larissa smiled warmly. “Sit up for a moment I’ll be right back.” She said leaving the room. I’m still a little bit delirious wondering if this is even real or not, but the fact that I could feel her gave me every indication that it was. Slowly I sat up and realised I’m only wearing underwear, I clutched my duvet to my chest and sat cross legged against my head board.
Larissa waltzed back in with a large box in her hands, the sound of her heels clacking on the floor boards getting closer gave me more anticipation wondering what was going on. She perched herself on the edge of my bed and placed the huge box in my lap, it was a deep red with a crimson, satin bow on top. I looked at her with curiosity and a small smile. “Open it.” She said gesturing me to do so. Slowly I undid the ribbon and opened the box, I could smell it first, the large bouquet of red and dark red- almost black roses that lay on top. “Oh Larissa, these are beautiful.” I said plucking them out and smelling how heavenly they are. “How did you know these were my favourite… not just the flowers but the colours.” I asked jokingly. “I have my ways.” She said. I giggled at her and lay the roses next to me and continued to open the layers of tissue paper.
The next thing was clothing of some sort, pulling it up I gasped. “It’s beautiful.” I said astonished, the black dress was gorgeous, intricate black beads lined the off the shoulder cut out and strapped top, the thigh slit down the side and the cuffs of the sleeves. “Why did you get me this?” I asked incredulously. “Because you deserve it.” She said blatantly. “I’m afraid I don’t think it will fit.” I said solemnly. “It will, I promise.” She ensured moving the tissue further out of the way to indicate there’s more. Carefully I laid aside the dress as well and took out the next thing. A large black coat with fur around the hood, sleeves and bottom. My eyes lit up and I became speechless. Trying to catch a sneaky look at the tag, I didn’t find a price or size instead the words ‘Vivienne Westwood’ in scribed on it. “What the fuck.” I breathed, I looked at the dresses tag and the same thing was embedded.
“There’s more.” She said suggestively. I looked at her with wide eyes and put aside the coat. Underneath was a shoe box and another thing wrapped with tissue paper, I opened that first unraveling the fragile paper. My cheeks burned, when I came to relise it was lingerie, a set of scarlet red lace, a bra with matching panties. I admired them, running my fingertips along the intricacies of the material, I gave a shy and quiet thank you to Larissa and set them aside too. The last thing was the shoe box that made my breathing stop. ‘Cristian louboutin’ no fucking way.
Larissa could see my face at the sight of it, how much I was in shock and awe even without seeing what’s in it. I took off the lid and just about had a heart attack, slick black heels lay next to another adorning the familiar red bottoms. I turned to Larissa with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. “How- why…I. Larissa I’ve wanted these shoes since I was 17!” I screeched. She grinned and put her hand on my wrist. “Happy birthday darling.” She whispered sweetly. Again I melted. “Oh rissa, I don’t know if I can accept these.” I said softly. “Yes you can, I wanted to give you something to make you feel beautiful, and I know that black makes people feel slimmer- not that you need to of course! I just…-god, I thought I could help you feel better about yourself and show you how beautiful you are my sweet.” She said feeling horrible at how that sounded. “No I understand, it’s very thoughtful of you. Most of my clothes are black.” I said smiling.
“And I think red looks gorgeous on you too.” She said. I immediately remembered that I wore a red bra that day and that’s what she was pertaining to. Larissa was very close it was harder to not be under her piercing gaze, I put the box next to me and wrapped my arms around her neck, slowly I leaned in and hoped she wouldn’t pull away, I placed a chaste kiss to her lips grinning into it. “Thank you lovely.” I said into her ear still hugging her. “You’re very welcome.” She said pulling back. “Now I hope it’s ok with you but I made reservations for 8:00, so go get changed into these and we can go get dinner?” She said questionably. “You didn’t!” I said. She stood from the bed and reached for my hands to help me up, I stood and covered my stomach feeling a little self conscious again.
Larissa grasped my wrists, moved them away and looked in my eyes. “Don’t hide from me darling.” She said placing another kiss on my forehead. She turned on the spot and left me to get changed. In the bathroom I painted on some make up opting for dark eyeshadow and lipstick a few shades darker than Larissa’s, I curled my collarbone length blonde hair and put on my gold necklace with a ‘v’ initial and a few rings from the dish on the sink. I slipped on the red lingerie with a smirk and then the dress, for a moment my heart sank when the sip at the back wouldn’t go up, but turns out it was just caught on the material, it slid up my back with ease. I slipped on the shoes and couldn’t stop the excitement that spread through my body as I did so.
Looking in the mirror, I stared at myself, I hadn’t even realised I had a waist, the shoes are what I kept looking at and my calf muscles that sculpted due to the height. Larissa carefully opened my bedroom door and walked up behind me, I looked at her in the reflection giving a timid glance, she pressed herself to my back and gently put her head on my shoulder and moved her hands to meet around my front, her palms smoothed out the fabric and stopped at the swell of my stomach. “You look stunning.” She said kissing my temple. “Thank you.” I said. “Shall we go?” She asked. “Yeah.” I grabbed the coat and put it on.
Going past the kitchen and hallway I grab my keys from the dish. “What are you doing?” She asked. I dangled the keys giving her the hint I’m driving. “No, I’m driving.” She said plucking them out of my hand and putting them back down. Larissa walked out the door and I followed behind her, she stepped to the passenger side and opened the door for me, I giggled at her chivalry. She walked to the other side and sat in the drivers seat. “Ooo the woman knows how to drive stick.” I said as a joke. “Yes I do, something else we have in common.” She said turning on the car and reversing out of the drive way.
Once she went thought the gears, Larissa placed her hand on top of mine and curled her fingers into my palm, the butterflies in my stomach were alive and well at this point, not that they ever go away when I’m with her. When she down geard and sadly removed her hand from mine it must have meant we’re close, but when I saw the place my eyes just about bulged out of my head. Larissa killed the engine and stepped out, just as I open the door she glared at me through the windscreen, I laughed throwing my head back and closed the door again. She made it to the other side and reopened the door extending a hand to me.
I stepped out onto a gravel driveway and kept a hold of her hand. She closed the door and started to lead me in the direction of the restaurant. “Wait.” I said stopping. Holding her hand I took off my shoes and started walking again until we made it to cement and put them back on. I looked at her confused face. “I want to savour and look after these shoes.” I said. “Oh.” She chuckled, we made our way up the grand steps to the front door. This place was about ten minutes out of town and secluded by trees, the building was a tan colour and had pillars surrounding it, pot plans and ivy covered the exterior, a red carpet rolled down the stairs and the large double doors open wide with a ‘please wait to be seated’ sign on the wall outside of them.
Larissa glanced at me as a young woman greeted us. “Hello ladies, booking name?” She asked. “Weems.” Larissa said. “Yes, right this way.” She lead us into a massive dining hall, intimate tables with candles and silver alike, chandeliers vaulted from the ceiling, paintings, even live music with people playing violins and other sweet sounding instruments, a dance floor- for those who actually dance, it was beautiful and it felt right to be here experiencing this with Larissa, if I came here without her, she would be the one I’d tell this place about. “Here you go.” She sat us in a green velvet booth and placed two menus on the table then left.
“I didn’t even know this place existed.” I said. “Do you like it?” She asked shrugging off her cream coat, Larissa was wearing a plum coloured silk blouse and a matching cream pencil skirt, my breath hitched at the sight of her, somehow she seemed nervous, the woman who exudes power, authority and confidence is nervous, but then again I know its not the first time around me, but as if I do that to her, its probably just because she wants me to have a good night. “Absolutely, I really don’t deserve this-.” “Yes you do.” She said cutting me off. I took a deep breath and changed the subject. “Any idea what you feel like?” I asked. We both went through the menu together, decided on our choices and ordered.
Larissa and I were having a conversation about what we both did today when we were interrupted by a man who seemed to know her. “Larissa, I thought that was you.” He said. She looked up and let out a sharp exhale through her nose forcing a tight lipped smile. “Mr jones, lovely to see you.” She said speaking though here teeth. “Likewise, I don’t see you out of that school often.” He said. Larissa bit the insides of her cheeks quite literally refraining herself from spitting a very unkind insult his way. “Yes well Marcus, I do have a life.” She said bitterly, if looks could kill. His line of sight went to me. “And who is this?” He asked. If it were anyone else, She would have felt compelled to say ‘oh forgive me how rude I didn’t introduce you sooner’ instead she kept her back handed behaviour. “This is violet Hastings, my very good friend… now if you don’t mind we would like to enjoy our dinner.” Her voice sounding like venom. “Nice to meet you, I suppose I should get back to my wife.” He said awkwardly leaving.
The silence was killing me. “Ok what was that?” I asked chucking. Larissa let out a huff and turned to face me. “That was Marcus jones, a sleazy twit… also a board member.” She explained whilst simultaneously taking a sip of the wine the waitress brought over. “He did seem a bit smug.” I said sidding with her. “He’s an imbecile, all he does is make my job harder and tries to deny my advances for the schools funding and changes.” She said twisting the stem of the glass on the table. “Not to mention, every Thursday night he goes and screws his assistant, how cliche.” She rasped, throwing back the remaining wine in her glass. I raise my eyebrows in response. “I was a bit harsh wasn’t I?” She asked grasping my thigh under the table. “No, because if it were me id have been worse, you did a great job.” I said. Larissa laughed. A real laugh. It was loud and turned a few heads, but I didn’t care id love to hear it again and again and again. She covered her mouth with her fingers trying not to do it again. She never fails to make me weak.
The dim lighting made her look even more delectable then she already is and I found myself staring at her. “What?” She asked noticing. “Your just…ethereal? I don’t even know how you real.” I said lowly. “Stop it.” She giggled looking down. “I don’t think you know how pretty you are Larissa.” I spoke. “I could say the same about you vi.” She said tightening her grip on my thigh. The waitress brought over our food and left us to eat alone again. Once we were finished a flurry of people went to the dance floor with each of their partners. “Would you like to dance violet?” She leaned in to whisper. “Oh I don’t dance.” I said. “Please?” She pushed. Looking in her eyes I tilted my head, I can’t say no to her. “Sure.” I said reluctantly. Larissa took my hand and guided me to the floor.
On perfect queue the music started, the tune was familiar, experience I think it was. Everyone began to slowly sway to the music as if their bodies were one, Larissa held onto my waist and brought my hand to her shoulder, I placed my free hand in hers and began to dance. She was wonderful, so free and loose, Larissa let herself succumb to the music and I did the same, the stronger the tune the more contrived the movements, Larissa spun me about like they do in those ridiculous romcoms but Christ it felt like I was in one, her gaze never faulted, eyes piercing into my own as if the whole world disappeared. When the music went softer Larissa braced her arms around my torso and I joined my other hand to her vacant shoulder and let my head rest in the crook of her neck.
"May I cut in?" A voice said behind my shoulder, as I turned there standing was that same halfwit Marcus, asking me to dance. I looked to Larissa for help, she said nothing only looking down at her feet. "Um...I-." I began about to reject his offer. "Great!" He took my hand and I was dragged of with him, as a new song started I couldn't stop staring at Larissa, she stepped away sitting back at the table hardly watching what was going on, like the big ball of anger I am sometimes, I felt obliged to peruse my next move, as he was twisting me around like a monkey on steroids, I leaned back and stopped on his foot with my heel and elbowed him in the face. "Oh! my apologies I'm a horrible dancer.” I said with faux forgiveness. Immediately I ran back to Larissa.
"Why didn't you save me." I said sternly and out of breath. "You looked happy with him." She said fiddling with her fingers. "I beg your pardon? I’m sorry but if that's what I look like when I'm happy with someone then I must look insane when I'm with you." I expressed sitting down again. "Did you not just see what happened." I asked. "Yes, I must say it was a little entertaining." She said giving me a meek smile. "good. But why didn’t you do anything?” I asked. “I don’t know… I’m sorry I just thought-.” “It’s fine, I mean he had that coming.” I said. We sat together for a while and before I excused myself and went off to find the lavatory leaving Larissa at the table alone again.
*Larissa’s pov*
I’m so glad violet likes the gifts I gave her, she looks breathtaking, I feel deeply saddened that she doesn’t see herself through my eyes, but I do suppose no one sees their own beauty like others. I hope I didn’t take it to far when i gave her the lingerie, i just couldn’t help myself. Violet is an incredible woman, shes smart and witty, she’s kind and full of skills i could only dream to obtain, she makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room as if i were so interesting, a 48 year old who lives and breathes to work and is unbelievably stubborn, something else we have in common i think. I adore all the things about her she views as flaws but somethings telling me that there’s still more to her, but in time i hope to learn them all.
I feel so guilty I did nothing to stop that asshole from taking Violet away from me, I thought we had a special moment, I guess my own insecurities came to play, the last time I danced with somebody I was with mortica and that didn’t end well, why would it with her?
I observed her as she came back to the table, her legs are stunning and she can definitely walk in heels, i do find that people our height can do a good job in them if i do say so myself, I’m pleased that she insists on taking care of them, even if she didn’t id just buy her a new pair. Before she sat i offered to take her home, we had been here well over two hours and thought she would appreciate actually going home. “Sure.” She said. I stood and draped my own coat over my shoulders and placed my hand in the small of violets back to go and pay. As already anticipated she tried to debate on who was paying but in the midst of it i handed the poor waitress my card, the glare i received when violet heard the beep on the machine was endearing, she did look as though she could physically hurt me but i kept my laughter at bay.
Exiting the restaurant, violet stopped and moved her head to gaze at the stars above, it was very beautiful, no light pollution, no noise, just the stars, moon, violet and I, although i found my view much better than hers. The reflection in her eyes and the soft glow of the out side lights from the restaurant made her impossibly more beautiful, that doesn’t even sound like the right word, but it will do.
*violets pov*
The sky was extraordinary I haven’t seen it like this for a while, but my gaze was cut short when Larissa ushered me to the car and opened my door again. On the ride home I placed my hand in her lap playing with the material of her skirt, I was so relaxed that I eventually fell asleep, the soft hum of the radio and the smell of her perfume lulled me to dose off. Larissa opened my door and gently coaxed me awake and let me rest against her side as she walked us inside.
By the time we made it to my room I had woken up a bit more and turned to Larissa. “Are you ok?” I asked. “I’m fine.” She said. I took off my heels and placed them inside my robe out of the way, I saw her looking down at the floor as she sat on the edge of my bed. Trying to find a way to lighten the mood I reached for my small speaker and turned it on, flicking through my phone I found a song to play, set down my phone and pulled her to stand. Larissa looked at me confused wondering what’s going on, I placed her hands around my neck and I locked mine around her waist and pressed my body to hers.
I hummed along to the tune and swayed to the slow rhythm, Larissa rested her temple on my forehead and sighed. “I don’t dance for just anyone you know.” I whispered in her ear, I could see the small smile across her face. “Violet?… why are you doing this?” She asked still wrapped around me. “Because you deserve to know that you’re cared for to, because you’re special and you would do the same for me.” I said. Larissa was quiet after that, but she did grip me a little tighter and breathe a little deeper.
After the song stopped I paused it and started to get changed. Larissa offered to drag down my zip, I stepped out of my dress and picked it up hanging it neatly inside the wardrobe. Just as I was about to enter the ensuite to change Larissa’s voice rang through the air. “Wait!” She said. I turned on the spot and looked at her flickering eyes and ridged stance, I was silent waiting for her to continue. “I-I… was wondering if you could just… stay- in what you have on.” She mumbled. My eyes widened at her ask, my stomach riddled with butterflies.
Larissa’s gaze met mine and slowly she stepped out of her heels, removed her coat and pulled off her blouse and skirt, only left standing in her underwear. My gaze never left her, not once, I don’t recall I actually blinked to be frank. “Is it ok if I stay?” She asked. I paced back towards her and discarded the clothes I’m not going to be changing into on the floor, I took ahold of Larissa��s hand and threw back the covers of my bed and crawled in before her. I found a comfortable position on my side and laid out my right arm for her to rest her head on, to which she did.
There were no sounds, no interruptions, no one else but us- half naked and left in only undergarments, Larissa’s long limbs were intertwined with my own and the way she studied my face made blood rush to my cheeks, I did the same though- studied her that is, stroking her hair and tracing unknown shapes along her jaw and lips, especially over her scar. “What are you thinking?” I whispered, Larissa’s eyes fluttered to mine. “It’s silly.” She hummed softly. “Tell me? I’m sure it’s not.” I said back. “I’ve not been this… close to a normie before.” She expressed. I adjusted my head a little. “And what does that mean to you, is that a good thing or a bad thing?… are you saying that your view on me would change if I were?” I said sitting up a little. “No of course not i just mean, I haven’t been exposed to any normie that has been… well, like you.” She said sheepishly.
I sat mulling over the conversation, on one hand it’s disheartening to hear that she hasn’t been accepted due to the fact of being an outcast, and on the other I suppose she still hasn’t… “I know that was rather odd of me to bring up but it was just something that I had been thinking about, it’s nice to see that normies and outcasts can be civil.” She murmured. I felt a tinge of guilt gnaw in my stomach, just wait for the right time Violet. “No I get it, really, especially since you dedicate your life to ensuring your students feel accepted for who they are.” I said laying back down.
For a while it was quiet and peaceful, Larissa was the one who fell asleep first, but as I rolled over she slightly roused earning an almost incomprehensible statement. “Happy birthday Violet, my sweet sweet girl.” She left her head against the back of my shoulder and pulled me by the waist to rest against her front. “I love you Larissa.” I breathed but with no response I knew she had fallen asleep.
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar
@giogwensversion @sabraaabra
@readingtheentrails @readingtheentrails
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audhd-nightwing · 6 months
percy jackson ep3 live reaction
yesss the attic it looks perfect
the voice crack on “hi” i’m cackling
“oh geez” HES SO PERCY
annabeth immediately i love him.
percy’s gf requirements: has to be willing to push him down a flight of stairs without hesitation
let percy understand the horses PLEASE
“i chose you” i thought it was gonna be like ‘because you’re my best friend’ but nah he is just suspicious of grover dang. “i trust you” DAMN HE REALLY LYING HUH. poor grover totally believes him too. good thing he earns his trust back eventually and remains his best friend forever
“i’m gonna pack the best snacks” HE IS THE BEST KIND OF FRIEND
why tf are there lobster traps in the cabin. WHERE IS HIS BED???
“i think they’re canadian maybe? or from chuck e. cheese i dunno” he’s literally my favorite person ever
“these are… interesting”
thalia’s tree :(
when do they tell percy that grover was thalias protector 🤔
“the most powerful being in the universe’s best idea to save his daughter’s life… was to turn her into a tree?” YEAH FR GET HIS ASS PERCY
bro really does not know how to read the room 💀 “she met a pinecone’s fate” dude she is talking about her dead friend/sister-figure. grover’s literally like “wtf man”
how tf did they get a taxi from long island to the city bro
“i’m sorry to hear that” UR THE BEST ANNABETH
why is grover singing… THEATRE KID ENERGY
“our voting system’s broken” hgjfhdhd
BIG OOF ????
the autism makes decisions so hard very real
“they smell fear” “that’s bees” EXCUSE ME? BEES WHAT NOW??
damn dodds that’s brutal
“perhaps the most formidable demigod child alive” i adore how they make 12 y/o annabeth so fucking powerful. like i really really love that they do that cuz ppl always talk about how powerful percy is but not how powerful annabeth is
defeated by shitty evacuation skills smh
…we’re lost in the woods, somewhere in new jersey
“i didn’t even know they had forests in new jersey” king. what.
ahhh i wish they just made them 13 i really cannot see them as 12 year olds
annabeth IMMEDIATELY knows it’s medusa lol
thinking abt how sally used medusa’s story to teach lil percy that appearances aren’t everything and “not everything that looks like a monster is a monster”. very interested to see what they do with her in this version of pjo
“and i definitely trust my mom” percy is such a momma’s boy i love it
i hope they don’t make her evil pls pls pls. SHES NOT EVIL SHES AN SA VICTIM. “a survivor” :(
“the gift the gods gave me is i cannot be bullied anymore” yes 🙌
girl really said “it’s not a gift it’s a curse” as if she was there 💀 ilysm but clearly the story you’ve heard isn’t what really happened
“so did i” :( she was a worshipper of athena
“i wasn’t like you, i was you”
ANNABETH “that isn’t what happened” GIRL YOU WERENT THERREEEEE
you tell them medusa !! her and percy get matching “i hate poseidon” shirts
team #trust issues
oop. yeah fuck poseidon.
okay yeah i really like this characterization of her. like a good person with a skewed moral compass. or at least good intentions but not great actions
leetle snakes hiss hiss
annabeth watching percy defeat alecto… she literally has heart eyes hehe
you tell them grover!!!!!!
oh he really did choose grover because he trusted him aw :,)
“i am impertinent” ily
the song 💀 this is why they are besties
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yawnderu · 7 months
About the COD fandom. I just came across a fic that was labelled 16+ yet it was explicitly porn! The blog was something like "Coquette" or whatever with no age in their bio. And I swear you can't explain to these kids WHY you have to label shit appropriately because they just don't get it. One has to state it's 18+ because if you brazenly let minors view explicit content, YOU (in general) can get into major shit.
There are too many minors in the fandom. Too many blogs writing and liking fics with no age in their bios. I remember when teens were told to shut the fuck up in fandoms, at least when they tried to encroach on the 18+ side of it. Yes I am old and yelling at the clouds lol
Oh and I've seen "AKCHULLY Price would date an 18-year-old! He would so nah nah! He's not real so I can write what I want!" Write what you want but it's still gross. Especially because they really make a point of bringing up an age gap. there are alarming pedophilic themes in said fics of price fucking/dating 18-year-olds.
"Controversial young reader!" has 11k notes. "DBF Price/Simon/Konig" and the fics are revolting in nature because the reader is heavily implied to be young and very inexperienced and not in an "I have no interest in this shit" kind of way.
TLDR it's like fics are being written by minors, for minors. Just seems that way...
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There's a meme w this same format that goes ''I wish all minors a very get off my blog'' but I can't find it bfehbjefbjhfe
YES!! istg it's always the coquette lana del rey stan girlies who are into weirdly pedophilic things. It's even worse when they're actual adults purposely targeting minors with NSFW content, such as saying Price would date a barely legal girl or wait until she turns 18 to date her like... are you insane? fejnfejhbh This man would definitely want someone around his own age OR with at least a fully developed brain. Sure, everyone can write whatever they want, but people can also talk about it when you're making these men straight up predators.
HEAVY on the too many minors in the fandom, TikTok viralized the masked men and now you have minors commenting sexual things on the media of cosplayers or people who simply like tactical gear. Not to mention they RARELY respect a ''MDNI'', saying things like ''oh but I turn 18 in 2 years'' hbfehjbef PLEASE. And I get it, I've been on many different fandoms ever since I was like 11, I understand wanting to interact with creators and their content— but at the very least respect what they ask if they don't want to interact with minors.
That goes to the other point of kids developing parasocial relationships with the VAs. God, the comment section of the VAs is pure nightmare fuel full of kids saying they're gonna marry them one day or straight up commenting weird sexual things to people who are in their 30s. It's WEIRD, especially because it's so painfully obvious the parasocial relationship they develop is fully one-sided 😭 like why are you commenting how much you want to fuck this married 40-year-old man with kids on a post with his WIFE? Not to mention the hate people close to them get, such as Alain's girlfriend.
I have a small series of DBF!Keegan, but I imagine the reader to be at least in her mid-20s rather than an 18-year-old (or even younger, I've seen some DBF stuff making the reader a minor). It's honestly a bit bizarre to see ADULTS making pedophilic/predatory content targeting a young audience bfehbjfewl
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Could you do a Rodrick fanfic with a Fem!reader when Rodrick and the reader are dating and they get into an arguement then like resolve it and cuddle or smth or resolve and have sex I honestly don’t care
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pairing: rodrick heffley x fem!reader 
summary: you and rodrick have been dating for a little over a year. everything was going perfectly until a small disagreement turned to something much bigger and he, in the heat of the moment, brings up a rather sensitive topic for you. 
warnings: swearing, mentions of a dead parent, couple dispute, pretty heavy jealousy, fluffy ending
word count: 1.6k 
a/n: sorry this took so long to get to anon :( i decided to do a more fluffy ending cause i personally don't like resolving issues with sex yk? cuddles seem more meaningful imo. hope that's alright and meets your standards! enjoy my love <3 
(kinda gives off very toxic vibes during the argument... totally not based off a similar experience i had-) 
— — — — — X — — — — — 
you're laying on your bed, music boarding in your ears as emotions wash over you. it's dark outside and the clock next to your bed reads 2:47, a constant reminder that you need to go back to sleep. 
anger, pain, betrayal, guilt… these feelings seemingly drown you as your thoughts run wild, getting the better of you in this fragile moment. 
you want to stop it. stop the feelings which plague every corner of your mind. you wish you could forget about it all and leave it behind but you can't. every thought is about him. the words which he said. 
tears run down your face as you hug your pillow to your chest, hoping to take the edge off the pain. 
usually you'd be phoning or running to rodrick, your boyfriend, in order to get away but you can't this time. not when he's one of the reasons you're in such a state. 
“just forget it!” he screams. you scoff at his words. “forget it? forget it?! how the hell am i supposed to forget it?” 
he rolls his eyes. “easy! just don't think anything of it! problem solved!” 
“oh yeah, cause it's that easy, isn't it?!” you're becoming more and more agitated as time passes, not comprehending how he can think so little of it. 
“yes it is! nothing happened so leave it!” his hands come up to his hair, tugging at the roots. 
“as if that makes it any better! did you not see the way she was looking at you!” you're in shock at how dense he can be. 
he shakes his head, “no 'cause she wasn't looking at me like anything!” sarcastic laughter bubbles from your lips as you process his words. “oh really? that's not what it looked like to me! the worst is that you entertained it! you always entertain her little games with you!” 
“i wasn't entertaining her for god's sake! just stop it already!” he sighs in annoyance. “oh well i'm so sorry if the sight of some chick all over my boyfriend upsets me!” you roll your eyes at him. 
“i said just leave it!” he shouts. “no! you refuse to talk about it and-” 
before you can finish your sentence, he's cutting you off. “stop obsessing over it! you do this all the time!” 
you frown in confusion. “the hell do you mean ‘all the time’? this is the first time i've said anything!” 
“you obsess over everything, y/n! if it's not me and our relationship it's your grades, your image, your mother! honestly, get over it all already!” 
you stand in silence, his words hitting you like a truck. his eyes widen in shock realising what he's just said, not meaning for those words to slip out. 
he takes an apologetic step towards you but you back away from him as tears start to blur your vision. “y/n…” he whispers. 
“no… don't even bother.” you shake your head as he reaches a hand out. 
“i didn't mean-” he starts. “don't… don't say anything else…” you stutter, tears escaping your eyes. 
you quickly grab your bag and push past him, not giving him the chance to grab your arm or apologise. flying down the stairs of his house, you make your way to the front door and open it in a rush. 
“y/n!” you hear him call as he chases after you. you step out the house and close the front door, slamming it behind you. 
soon enough, the calls of your name are clear again as he's opening the door and running after you. “please…” he desperately says as he walks backwards in front of you, not letting you get away. 
“please what? you've said enough rodrick.” you say simply as you speed up and walk around him. “just…” you start, slowing down to look at him. “just…?” he urges. 
you sigh in frustration, not knowing what to say. “nothing. just nothing. that was a real dick move and we both know it. goodbye rodrick.” you angrily walk away, heading to your house. 
he doesn't follow you, giving you a chance to cool down much to your relief. the walk home was intense, head filled with messy thoughts the entire time and you practically threw yourself on your bed when you closed your bedroom door behind you. 
‘what now…? was he right? do i obsess over things too much?’ 
you find yourself thinking to yourself, your stomach churning at the memory of rodricks words. 
a part of you agrees with him, admitting to yourself that you do tend to focus on specific things too much. especially when it comes to people you care about. that's the reason you obsess over your relationship with him and the reason you obsess over your mother's death. 
your mom meant a lot to you growing up and when she died, a part of you died. you found yourself thinking about her often despite how much it hurts. 
rodrick was always there for you when you drowned in the memories of her. he was always by your side and ready to pull you from your thoughts. maybe you had asked and expected too much. maybe that's why he brought it up, because he was tired of it.
she was taken away from you and you can't help the thought rodrick might be too. you ‘obsess’ over him and your relationship because you don't want to miss anything. you want to make the most out of life and your time with him.
‘i can't do this now…’ 
you think to yourself, the flood of thoughts making you tired. 
soon enough you drift off into darkness, dreams taking over your mind. dreams which soon make you jolt awake, tears streaming down your face and erratic breaths as you lay in your dark room, mind still swarming with his harsh words.
you slow your breathing down, tears now drying on your face. 
the thought of him upsets you but instinctively, you look over at your phone on your night stand, hand itching to send him a message. to have him come and comfort you. 
you want someone to hold you. someone to take care of you in this moment but your stubbornness and pride get in the way. 
your silent debate is ended as a noise is heard from your window. 
you lift your head up but don't see anything, that is until a stone hits the glass again, making you groan in frustration as you immediately know who it is: rodrick. 
you roll over and wait, hoping he gets the hint to piss off. but of course, he doesn't. 
another rock bangs against the glass. then another and another. you huff in frustration and rip the covers off yourself, heading towards the window. 
you open it and peer outside, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and annoyance as you gaze down at your boyfriend. 
“y/n?” his voice calls up to you. “what do you want rodrick?” he visibly tenses at the harsh tone of your voice, knowing full well that he's fucked up. bad. 
he sighs, “can we talk?” “we're talking right now.” you reply simply. 
“no, i mean can we talk properly? face to face?” his words shake and he's almost pleading with you. you instinctively want to wrap your arms around him, body and mind yearning for his touch and the safety that comes with it. 
“fine.” you say after a while, walking away from your open window to sit down on your bed. a few moments later, rodricks head is peering into your room, having climbed the tree outside and grabbing onto the gutter to hoist himself into your bedroom. 
his eyes meet yours and his heart aches at the sight of you, red, puffy eyes and dried tears on your cheeks. 
“are you ok?” he worriedly asks, guilt bubbling inside him. “yeah, just had a bad dream.” you mutter, the half truth falling flat. 
your body tenses as you feel his arms around you but as soon as you inhale the familiar scent of him, you relax, twisting in his arms to bury your face in his shirt. 
his hand rubs circles onto your back as more silent tears brim in your eyes, soon spilling over. 
“shh, i'm here for you, ok? i'll always be here for you. i'm so sorry about what i said. i didn't mean any of it, alright? i was just in a pissy mood and i know that's no excuse but i swear i didn't mean anything. you don't obsess over things and you were right, it was a real dick move on my side and i know you probably need a lot more time but i just wanted to check on you and let you know-” 
you press your lips to his in an attempt to hush his rambling. it works and he smiles into the kiss, hand coming up to gently rest on your face. 
“i'm sorry too. i overreacted and blamed you. i was a bitch to you and-” now it's his turn to cut you off as he kisses you once more. 
“there's nothing you have to be sorry about.” he smiles sadly, “i'm the one who messed up and needs to ask for forgiveness.”
“there's nothing to forgive.” you say, leaning backwards and pulling rodrick with you. 
you lay comfortably in his arms and he kisses the top of your head. 
“i love you. so fucking much.” he whispers into the dark room a few moments later, arms tightening around you. 
lifting your head up to place a tender kiss on his cheek, you mutter, “i love you too.”
— — — — — X — — — — — 
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proxductions · 1 year
“Love; a truly ridiculous thing.” 𖤐
summary: draco malfoy wants to win you over. he wants to make you his. but there’s a problem.. harry wants to win you over too.
pairings: harry potter x anyhouse!reader x draco malfoy
word count: _
warnings/notes: some angst here and there, and some swearing. I was gonna make this fully angst but i changed the idea loll. It’s 11PM and I should be sleeping but oh well. read along and enjoy. 🖤
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Love is a truly ridiculous thing.
It can make us feel desperate and ridiculous, as it leads us down uncharted paths and unknown waters.
Draco Malfoy was chewing his breakfast roughly. and while doing so, he didn’t take his crystal eyes off you.
There you were. laughing and talking to the stupid scar boy. What did you see in that orphan freak? was it his stupid eyes? his stupid scar? his stupid fame? Draco didn’t know but god, he really wished he did.
Every time draco would try to talk to you harry would come out of nowhere and distract you from him. Draco had enough. He had to win you over he needed to make you his.
But he knew he couldn’t make you his if harry was around. So, he had an idea.
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“Tonight at 11:23PM; Astronomy Tower.” The note said. You were walking to your next class and Draco Malfoy practically came out of nowhere and gave you this note without saying anything.
“Don’t be stupid!” Hermione Granger had said as she flipped through her textbook. “It’s suspicious don’t you think? you and him… alone?” She wiggled her eyebrows as you hit her on her shoulder, trying to contain a smile.
Little did you know, a boy with green eyes was staring into your skull. he had heard everything. alone? tonight? astronomy tower? was all harry thought about.
Harry was consumed by a jealous rage as he thought with his fists clenched. Who was all Harry Potter was thinking about. who.
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“11:23PM” the clock said. You first looked around and made sure your roommates were dead asleep. You then quickly but quietly left the room, into the common room and out into the corridors.
Freezing. You thought. You had came stupidly with your pyjamas. As if that’ll protect me from the cold. you thought.
You walked and walked and looked around. Hogwarts looked so beautiful at night.
You walked a bit more and made it up to the tower. The stars looking brightly back at you.
You looked up to the night sky of Hogwarts, marveling at the stars and the majestic silhouette of the castle against the velvety backdrop of darkness.
It was then when you heard a cough behind you. You quickly turned around, afraid it was Mr. Filch but you were met with Draco Malfoy.
“The stars are beautiful, aren’t they?” He quietly said softly. What was strange was that he didn’t even take a glance at the stars.. he was only looking at you.
“The stars are gorgeous, yes..” you said breathily, looking into his deep crystal eyes.
Draco took your right hand gently and sighed.
“We need to talk.”
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Harry Potter was wide awake. He did not dare to close his eyes once. He was heavily overthinking and it was because of you.
Harry’s heart raced with jealousy as he imagines what could be happening between you and the other mysterious person. He can't help but overthink the situation, as he tosses and turns in bed, unable to fall asleep until 12AM
That night, harry had a dream. and in that dream, he dreamed that you were his.
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Unrequited love - Matty Healy x f!reader
Extra part I
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A/N: I don't have much to say, only...THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! All the love you give this miniseries means so, so much to me...I'm forever grateful! I hope you enjoy this 2 final extra parts ♥
Warnings: typos maybe.
Word count: 1.5 K
The only sound inside the toilet of the studio came from Y/n and Matty’s lips. George and Matty had been in the middle of a long morning session when Y/n dropped by to see the boys, after Matty begged her over texts. She tried to persuade him to focus, but he had other ideas in mind. 
After they confessed their mutuals feelings inside that hotel room, they became even more inseparable. The couple choose to keep it as a secret for now, they wanted to enjoy without the rest pestering them about it. 
Hence why Matty corned Y/n inside the little toilet to share a quick session of making out when they had a break, escaping George for a few minutes. Y/n was the first to escape. She let the boys know she was going to take a bathroom break –no that her absence would interrupt their work; she was there for moral support only–. Subconsciously, Y/n had expected Matty to follow her. He did right after she left, dropping a lame excuse. 
“Stop.” Y/n mumbled directly into Matty’s lips. 
She didn’t really want to stop, although the idea of George founding them all tangled wasn’t the ideal for Y/n.
Matty groaned, letting his hands roam under her shirt. “I don’t wanna.” he said, looking at her eyes. 
“Matty, he’s going to find-“ Y/n started to present her case, but the knock on the door behind Matty startled her.
“Y/n?” George asked from the other side.
She fixed her sight on Matty, swearing under her breath, “Shit.” she tried to ask with her eyes what should they do. Matty shrugged his shoulders, amused with her distress. “Yes?” Y/n replied to George’s call.
“Are you alright?”
“Perfect, George!” Y/n exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, which Matty found funny and had to muffle his laugh, pressing his mouth on her shoulder. She tried to push him far from her body, but Matty resisted on his place.
“Have you seen Matty?” G tried this time.
Matty pushed his face further into Y/n’s neck, nibbling into the skin there, turning Y/n’s body into putty under his actions. She had to suppress a moan to scape her lips.
Y/n tried to sound as collected as possible, “No…no, why?”
“He said he’ll be right back…he’s not in the kitchen-” George kept talking. Meanwhile, Matty didn’t desist from attacking Y/n’s neck, making it hard for her to focus on the conversation with her friend at the other side of the door.
“Maybe he’s outside, G!”
“Maybe…I’ll go and have a look. Thanks!”
Y/n held her breath, listening to George walking away. When she was sure he wasn’t around any more, she let all the air out. “Oh, my god!”
“We should tell them, baby.” Matty suggested, raising his face. He was looking down at her, brushing her hair out of her beautiful face.
Y/n didn’t know if she would ever get used to the way Matty looked at her. With his soft brown eyes, telling her without words how much he meant to her. Sometimes she wished she had the ability Matty had to let her know, feel his love for her. Y/n hoped he knew how much she loved him. 
The girl looked down, touching the chest hair peaking through the open buttons of his shirt. “I- Maybe…but I don’t want everything to change.” she let Matty know her reasons.
“They know I’m head over heals for you.” Matty touched softly her chin with his fingers, forcing Y/n to glance at him again.
Y/n didn’t hesitate to answer, “Same.”
“Then? What are we waiting?”
“Just a bit longer, I like this.” Y/n let her forehead rest on his. 
Matty snorted, “Sneaking around?”
“Yes, it’s fun sometimes.” She let her body collapsed with Matty’s, trying to make the space between them disappear.
“I know. I just want to kiss you whenever I want, Y/n!” he stated, pecking her lips shortly.
He continued saying what he expected to happen after they tell the rest, “Hold your hand…and let you sit on my lap-”
Y/n interrupted his rambling. “I’m not going to sit on your lap with everyone looking!” Matty’s girlfriend protested. 
“Why not? You’re my girl.” he looked at her as if she was talking in another language.
“I might be…”
It was time for Matty to not hesitate when he said, “You are.”
The simple gesture made Y/n blushed visibly. 
“Fine! But I won’t do that…I refuse to look like a puppet on your lap.” Y/n pouted. 
“We’ll see about that.”
“Let's keep it a secret for a bit longer, okay?” she asked him. 
Matty nodded, “Okay, baby.”
He didn’t really care as long as Y/n was with him, choose to be with him and let Matty kiss her. 
“Thank you, handsome.” Y/n came to her tiptoes to press a kiss on Matty’s lips. 
“Let’s go or George is going to get cranky.”
“I’ll go first…” Matty offered.
After one last kiss –for the time being–, Matty cracked the door open an inch, having a look at the hall. No one was there, so he made his way out. Y/n took a look of herself on the mirror first and then copied Matty’s actions a minute before him.
Y/n turned around the corner, bumping into someone's back. Matty’s back. She glanced up, making eye contact with George standing a few feet away from them.
G folded his arms, sporting a big smirk on his face, “Well, well, well…” he looked between Matty and Y/n. “Something you two birdies in love want to tell G about?” he teased.
Matty and Y/n spoked at the same time, scared about George being angry with them.
“You little minx!” the drummer addressed Y/n first. “I can’t believe you lied to me, Y/n!” he opened his arms.
“I’m sorry, G. We were…” Y/n startled, trying to explain.
George interrupted her abruptly, “Come here!” 
Y/n glanced at Matty, who was standing still at her side. She surrounded his form, going to encounter G. The tall guy engulfed her into a big hug.
“Why you’re so happy?” Y/n inquired him, sceptical. 
G pushed himself back to look down at her friend, “Because I’ve been waiting for this to happen for god knows how long!” he screamed. “‘I like him, but I’m sure he doesn’t’”  he mimicked her way of talking. “‘Agh, she’s so perfect why I’m such an idiot…I need to grow a pair and ask her out!’” G’s voices dropped a few octaves, imitating Matty’s voice. “It’s been a torture!” he screamed. “I need to call Charli!” the idea came into his mind. He detached himself completely from Y/n, reaching for his phone. 
His actions were interrupted by a chorus of two, “No!” Matty and Y/n stopped him.
“What?” George asked, with his phone showing Charli’s contact. 
“You have to keep the secret for a little bit longer.” Y/n begged.
Matty joined her cause, “Please, George.”
The drummer started shaking his head no, trying to understand why his friends didn’t want the rest of the group to know.
“No, I’m not the Joey Tribbiani of this band!” he dissented. 
Y/n reached for his hand holding the device, “‘Course not!” she tried to soothe him. “But let us think a good way to tell the rest, okay?” Y/n proposed. 
“How am I going to keep it from Charli? She’s going to kick me out of the house when she finds out I knew!”
Y/n tried to give him her best puppy eyes, “It’s going to be soon, G. I promise.”
“Fine.” G finally gave up.
“Thank you!” Y/n opened her arm asking for a hug, G went for it.
“But you are calling your first child after me.” Y/n sensed him saying to Matty, meanwhile he still hugged her.
Matty laughed. “Godfather?” he fought back.
“And name!”
“No fucking way, mate!”
“Best man and godfather?” G made a new offer. 
“Deal!” Matty accepted. 
George let Y/n go, coming to hug Matty after. “I’m really happy for you guys!”
“Thanks, mate.” Matty replied, hugging his best mate.
Shortly after, George returned to the studio no without warning Matty to get back to work right away. Matty and Y/n stood behind. 
Y/n arched his eyebrows, asking him, “Are you planning to marry me?” 
“Maybe…” Matty walked closer to her.
“Matty!” Y/n squealed. 
“What? I’m not lying when I say ‘fully in love with you’. I don’t care about titles or papers, but I do think about marrying you, Y/n. We’re spending the rest of our lives together no matter what.” Matty’s words brought tears to Y/n eyes.
“Stop! You’re going to make me cry.” she kissed him slowly. 
Until a deep voice startled them, screaming, “Matty! Back to work! Now!” 
Tagging: @jagz72 @deamus-liv @mrspeacem1nusone @sofaritsalrightt @soci4lc4sualty @thefemininemystiquee @hswannaknow @louweasleymalfoy @indierockgirrl
(let me know if you want to be tagged)
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
Joel Miller x F!OC (fic?)
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Summary: Pre-breakout Joel and Tommy frequent a diner after work. Partly for the food, but mostly for a certain waitress that has caught Joel’s eye.
Words: ~1k
Warnings: age gap (legal ofc), swearing, typical tlou things
A/N: Please let me know what you think! First fic I’m writing in a while. If this is well received, I’ll definitely keep it going for you guys. 
Saturday night. Not quite as busy as Friday, but busy enough to make you question if the money you make at this place is worth it. But Jessie thought the same thing last Saturday, and the Saturday before. It was an endless cycle for her and thousands of other college students trying to make ends meet. 
For Jessie in particular, this was her second shift of the day. Her first was spent at her mother’s hair salon; answering phones and sweeping up ungodly amounts of hair. It was boring, but, god, she wished she was there instead of at the diner.
At this moment, she was trapped in a conversation with a particularly talkative regular. She could hardly even understand him with the countless other conversations going on around her and the crashing of dishes being thrown in bus tubs. She mostly pretended to be engaged in the conversation.
As overwhelming everything was, Jessie kept her cool. She always did. No matter how rude or insufferable a customer was acting, she kept a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. She felt it was the perfect weapon, truly. In a world where being a young woman meant you were at a disadvantage, being overly kind and never letting anyone see they had bothered her was her defense mechanism. 
“Hey, smiles!” 
Ech. Jessie hated that nickname, but it snapped her out of the one-sided conversation she was stuck in. She reluctantly turned to meet whoever called her. To her surprise, it was someone she actually enjoyed talking to. Her smile returned as she left the old man to greet them. 
Tommy and Joel Miller were two of Jessie’s favorite regulars. At least twice a week, they would come in to visit her. Jessie always thought they just really liked the food, but it was hardly good enough to come in twice a week for. They were here for her. Well, Joel was. Tommy was there for moral support. 
“You’re just in time. I thought I’d never get away,” Jessie leaned up against the side of the booth as the two brothers sat down across from one another.
“You looked like you needed saving,” Tommy played along, sharing a knowing look with Joel. 
Joel never talked nearly as much as Tommy. The most he would say was a few awkward lines of small talk and the occasional compliment if he worked up enough courage. Jessie took his shyness as just that. She thought his clumsy conversation starters and stuttered compliments were charming. She found him charming. A family man at his core, good with his hands, and not to mention, he was definitely easy on the eyes.
“What did you get up to today? Anything interesting?”
“Nope,” Joel retorts almost immediately, earning a giggle from her. “How was your day though?”
Tommy looks at Joel, a bit surprised that he actually sounded smooth. When the brothers were younger, Joel had no problem talking to women. After all, he taught Tommy how to talk to women. But it had been years since Joel had even wanted to try dating. He kept himself busy with Sarah and work and he liked it that way. The less time he had to himself, the less time he had alone with his thoughts. 
“Better now,” She almost mumbles, putting her pen to her notebook. “The usual?” Tommy smiled at Joel as he struggled to find the right words for a moment, caught up on what she said. 
“Yes, ma’am.” Tommy replies politely for him. 
“You got it.” Jessie turned on her heel to return to the kitchen and put in their order. She kept a noticeable sway in her hips as she walked away, knowing that the boys are gentlemanly, but they are still men. And she was right.
“What was that. What did that mean.” Joel demands in a quiet voice, looking sternly at Tommy. 
“Dude, she was flirting back! I told you it would work!” The brother exclaims in a hushed tone. A blush instantaneously formed on Joel’s cheeks and he covered it with his hand, playing it off as if he’s smoothing his facial hair down. 
“No fuckin’ way, she didn’t mean it like that.” He looked around nervously to make sure she hadnt suddenly appeared and could hear everything they were saying. 
“She definitely meant it like that. She looked back to make sure you were looking at it too.” Joel kicked him under the table, making him laugh. 
“Shut the fuck up, man,”
“No, I’m serious--”
“No, shut up!” Joel said lowly through gritted teeth. Tommy turned to see Jessie arriving at the end of their table, two coffee’s in hand. 
“Don’t make me separate you two.” She joked, setting the mugs down in front of them. 
“He started it,” Tommy played along, making her laugh. Joel couldn’t help but smile at the sound. 
“Behave. I’ll be back to check on you.” She turned away again to help another customer. Joel watched her leave again, not in a disrespectful way, but almost as if he wanted to savor every glimpse and angle he could of her. Her silhouette was engraved in his brain and he could picture her face perfectly. Her sunkissed skin from the Texas heat and wavy brown hair was constantly on his mind. 
“You look like a creep right now.” Joel glared at Tommy, finally breaking his gaze from her. 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Tommy,” He lets his head fall into his hands as his elbows are propped up on the table. He rubs his eyes and rubs his temples. “I can’t get her out of my head.”
“I can see why.” Joel opens his eyes again to see Tommy looking somewhere out of his field of vision but he doesn’t have to look to know what he’s looking at.
“Don’t look at her like that. She’s not like the girls you go after.”
“Oh, yeah? What kind of girls do I go after?” Joel glared at his brother again as he sipped his coffee now that it’d cooled a bit. 
“She’s different. She’s confident, funny, she’s...everything that I’m not.”
“Hey, don’t talk like that. You are Joel fuckin’ Miller,” Tommy poked a strong finger into his brothers shoulder. “You were swimming in it before you had Sarah.”
“That’s not who I am anymore, Tommy--”
“I know, I know. You’re a man now. And she is a woman.” Joel rolled his eyes and relaxed in the booth behind him.
“I know, I know. You’re a man now. And she’s a woman.” Joel rolled his eyes and leaned back into the booth behind him.
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