#when he went to go change into the hospital gown
atlafan · 11 months
I remember this one time nick had a sore throat and he was being a baby, as most men are when they’re sick, so I grabbed one of the big spoons from the drawer, squeezed a ton of honey onto it, and shoved it in his mouth
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"In short: Thailand's Senate has approved a bill legalising same sex marriage in the South-East Asian country.
It will afford same-sex couples practical benefits such as being able to have children through IVF and make emergency medical decisions for their spouse.
What's next? The first weddings may take place later this year, 120 days after the law is announced in the Royal Gazette.
Thailand has become the first nation in South-East Asia to legalise same sex marriage, with the country's Senate approving the landmark bill this afternoon.
The legislation was expected to pass after it cleared the country's House of Representatives in a near-unanimous vote in March.
Despite Thailand's bustling gay bars and prominent transgender community making it a mecca for LGBTQ+ tourists, until now local same-sex couples there have been unable to marry.
The law will take effect 120 days after its announcement in the Royal Gazette, so the first same sex weddings may take place later this year.
Couples who have been waiting years have hailed the move as a historic moment that will afford them rights only reserved for spouses.
A Lifechanging Law
Photos of Anticha and Worawan [including the article picture], dressed in floor-length white gowns and trailed by rainbow flags, getting married at Bangkok's first Pride Festival two years ago went viral, but they are still not legally married.
Now they will be able to change that, and Anticha Sangchai is elated.
"This will change my life and change many Thai people's lives, especially in the LGBT community," she said.
"It is a historical moment and I really want to join with my community to celebrate this moment.
"I want to send a message to the world that Thailand has changed. Even though there are still many issues, this is a big step for us." ...
There were an estimated 3.7 million LGBT people in Thailand in 2022, according to LGBT Capital, a private company which models economic data pertaining to the community around the world.
For the young couple from Bangkok, being able to marry also has very real practical implications.
If they want to have children through IVF, Ms Sangchai says they will need a marriage certificate first.
"I am quite concerned about the time because we are getting older every day, and the older you get the more difficult it is to have a healthy pregnancy," she said.
"So we've been really wanting this law to pass as soon as possible."
Cabaret performer Jena is excited Thailand's laws are finally catching up with the nation's image...
She too had worried about the practical implications of being unable to marry.
"For example, if myself or my partner had to go to hospital or there was an accident that needs consent for an emergency operation, without a marriage certificate we couldn't sign it," she said.
She now wants the government to move forward with a law to allow transgender people to amend their gender on official documents." ...
An Economic Boost?
Thailand has long been famous for LGBTQ tourism and there are now hopes this new law could allow the country to cash in on the aging members of the community.
Chaiwat Songsiriphan, who runs a health clinic for people in the LGBTQ community, said laws preventing same sex marriage were the last barrier holding the country back from becoming a gay retirement hub.
[Note: They do not just mean for rich westerners; Thailand as a gay retirement hub would probably appeal most to and definitely benefit LGBTQ people from throughout Asia.]
"Thailand has an LGBTQ-friendly environment since Thai culture is quite flexible," he said.
"One of my foreigner friends, a gay friend, told me that when he's in his country he has to pretend to be straight … but when he comes to Bangkok he said you can be as gay as you want.
"When we talk about retirement or a long-term stay for the rest of their lives, what people need is … food, good healthcare services, transportation, homes.
"I think Thailand has it all at a very affordable price."
He said it could help give the country a desperately needed economic boost.
"This will have a lot of benefits for Thailand's economy because when we talk about retirement it's people literally bringing all the money they have earned for the rest of their working lives to spend and invest here," he said.
He said he, like the rest of the community, was thrilled by the news.
"It's not about a privilege, it's just equality," he said.
"We are we also humans, so we should be able to marry the one we love.""
-via ABC Australia, June 18, 2024
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Passion for Fashion Part 3
Danny nervously twirls his thumbs as Dan paces before him, mumbling insults to the Waynes under his breath. They were supposed to go third in the walkway line, as it was supposed to be in alphabetical order, but just as the computation was going to begin, a disaster struck.
Tim Drake-Wayne had been kidnapped. In broad daylight, as the teenage CO-CEO was getting out of his limo, a group of men broke through the crowd, swinging guns around and demanding everyone to get on the ground and give them their valuables.
Of course, there were security who attempted to gain control of the situation, but it seemed that three of their newest hires were traitors and in on the heist. A shoot-out was ensured.
Drake-Wayne had been taken in the chaos, and Bruce Wayne had passed out from worry. He and the rest of his kids were on their way to a hospital- a secret location to deter further kidnappings of the remaining Waynes- and the first runway of the competition was canceled.
Danny hadn't seen anything from the model changing room, but Dan had forgotten his make-up bag in the front entry and had gone back for it while Danny changed. He had been front and center when the whole thing went down.
"Who just lets themselves get taken like that!?" Dan huffs, practically spitting fire. According to the ghost, Tim Drake-Wayne's actions were an act, and the teenager had been able to get away from his kidnappers but didn't.
Dan found his nonaction insulting since it paused his fashion show.
"Um, look around you? Situation awareness." Danny tells him, gesturing to the cage they had been shoved into. While the people had been preoccupied with Tim Drake-Wayne's kidnapping, a second group of men had gone in through the backdoor and taken all the models.
Danny had thought it was the staff moving them until he noticed a few people crying as they were placed into vans. In his defense, most people aren't used to seeing someone armed like he is, so the gun-waving hadn't tipped him off.
Dan had joined him later when he followed the coordinator- another traitor- to the vans, and his counterpart had only gotten upset when they took his make-up bag.
"Please, this is just metal." Dan rolls his eyes, bending the bars and straightening them out again to prove his point. Danny doesn't mention the electric buzz the bars release, as neither is really affected by the shock. It's more of an annoying light show. "Sides, it's not like we're human. Not like them."
He tilts his chin to where other models sob in their cages below. They are all waiting for their new owners to pick them up. At least, that's what Danny was able to gather from the men's taunts. They were taken by human traffickers, who had buyers look at the competition lineup and pick which model they wanted before the actual kidnapping.
Danny and Dan were in such high demand they would be sold at an auction that would take place while the rest of their pals kept the Bats busy. Danny had no idea who the Bats were or why they would save them instead of the police.
"Tell the whole world why don't you?" Danny hisses, twirling his thumbs more " If they found out what we are we could be turned over to this world version of the Guys In White."
"Oh no, I'm shaking in my human boots." Dan rolls his eyes. He resumes his pacing. "If the Waynes had taken this seriously, we could have been seeing the results of the judge's panel already."
"Dan, this is a little more important than your fashion Obsession."
"Excuse you, my Obsession is a medical condition," Dan huffs, sliding down the cage bars, and for a brief second, his hair flickered to white before it settled back into black. A flash of pain crosses his face. "My core is killing me."
Danny winces. "Right, sorry, that was insensitive. How about I steal you some paper and pens so you can design a ball gown?"
"I like that."
Danny turns to the bars, bending them open and closing them behind him. He carefully makes his way across the giant shipping crates, to an office at the top right corner.
They are at the docks, hidden somewhere in a warehouse among many crates that will be shipped out, and Danny is honestly a little offended they have yet to be found. Sure, the kidnappers had driven through the sewers on a strangely built road that led them here, but surely someone would have noticed the apparent fact the van disappeared at a fake dead alley?
Weren't there cameras in almost every corner of the city? Dan had warned Danny about them while doing his Obsession-driven research, and both agreed not to Go Ghost while in public due to them.
Now, they could escape, but Danny wasn't kidding about the Guys in White or whatever their equivalent was here. He would rather know what level of competence they have before he makes any rash moves.
Danny also wants to see his fellow models' buyers, and he would like to have a word with them. His ghost Obsession may not be protection- much to the shock of many- but Danny has always had a moral compass that pointed to protecting others around him.
Dan knew and respected this about him, so his counterpart was willing to sit and wait for the buyers. He's just a little angsty since it disrupted his obsession.
Danny grimly peeks into the office window when he sees the coordinator talking on a phone. There doesn't seem to be anyone else around, so he carefully opens the door and creeps up behind the man.
"-If you ever want to see your son again," The man is saying, smirking. Danny can't see it due to the man facing away from him, but he can hear it in his voice.
On the desk is a laptop that repeats what he said only, the sound sounds robotic and unrecognizable. Is that a voice changer? "I suggest you ask Batman to find your boy before it's too late."
Batman? The man they were supposed to help save his humanity?
Danny knows it's a risk, but this is too much of a chance to pass up. He carefully picks up the office chair and brings it down hard on the disgusting man's head. The coordination lets out a chocked grunt of pain, but he's out like a light when he hits the ground. His phone flies across the floor, and a voice is heard speaking urgently.
Danny ties the man to the bolted-down desk using zip ties- the same ones they had used on him and the rest earlier that day, before picking up the phone.
"Hello? Is this Batman?" Danny asks, jumping slightly when the laptop repeats him in a creepy robotic voice. "Wait hold on, I think I can get rid of this voice thingy."
"...what?" A man asks over the phone, but Danny pays him no mind as he tries to click some boxes.
"Hello, testing one two three," Danny says, wincing when the voice changer makes him sound high and unnaturally squeaky. He sounds like he's trying to audition for Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Hello? Hello? Wait, I think I got it."
"Who are you? Where is Tim?" The man asks, and Danny almost rolls his eyes. He hates it when someone interrupts him while he's working with tech.
"Wait-there it is! Can you hear me alright? Do I sound normal?"
"....I can hear you."
"Awesome! Are you Batman, and if so, have you considered the importance of mental health activities? Like hugging your kids once a day? That really boosts your serotonin and dopamine levels." Danny asks, attempting to channel Jazz as much as he can. There is muffled sound across the phone line, like someone is attempting to smother a laugh.
"No, this is Bruce Wayne." Mr. Wayne says after a moment pause, "You have my son?"
"Oh," Danny tries not to sound as disappointed as he feels, but he may have failed. "I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne I don't think your son is here. I think they were using him to distract you and the police of the missing models."
There is a strange lake of sound on the other line before Mr. Wayne responds. "Can you tell me who I am speaking to?"
"Danny Fenton. I was one of the models that was taken." Danny says, then he realizes the cops must be listening in because that always happens in movies; he lowers his voice and tries to sound in shock. "I think we're in a warehouse? I'm not sure, but I was in a cage when I woke up. They said they're going to sell us. I escaped, but there were guards everywhere, so I tried hiding in the office and heard the man you were speaking to come in. I hit him with a chair."
"Mr.Fenton," A new man says suddenly, "I know this is a terrifying situation, and I-"
"Are you Batman?"
"....No, son, I'm Commissioner Gordon"
"Do you want to speak to Batman?"
"Can I ask why?"
"I need to tell him to hug his kids."
Danny waits a few seconds for a response, but he hears nothing, not even the wind. They must have muted themselves. He leans on the desk, mindful to give the kidnapper a solid kick to make sure he's still out, and glancing over to the window to make sure there aren't any guards coming his way.
"Mr. Fenton, did they give you anything strange?" Commissioner Gordon asks
Danny thinks for a moment before humming. "They gave all of us something in a needle. I don't know what it was, but it felt funny. My brother has been acting weird since he got it."
"Okay, you're doing good. " Commissioner Gordon sounds like he is frowning but the words cause something in Danny's core to pur."Okay, son, everything is going to be alright. I need you to do something for me. Every Gotham warehouse has a serial number; you can find it in the main office on the power box. Do you see the box?"
Danny glances around until he sees the small little green box. He hurries over to it, throwing the door open. "I found it."
"Good. Can you read me the number?"
Danny reads them off as quickly as he can. Once all ten digits are within the police's hands he asks again. "Do you know if Batman partakes in his kid's interests?"
"I can ask him for you."
"Would you? That would be great. It's important to let people know you care about them by showing an interest in what they are passionate about. My brother Dan really likes making clothes, and even though I don't think I can model, I do it for him, you know?"
"You're a good brother."
"Thank you.....I'm tired Mr. Gordon." Danny says suddenly eyelids becoming heavy. He slides down the wall a lot like Dan did before.
"I'm sorry to hear that but I need you to keep talking to me, Mr. Fenton."
"Batman should tell his kids he loves them. His love language may be an act of service, but Nightwings' is words of affirmation. Nightwing needs to be told he's loved."
"Mr. Fenton! Stay awake for me! Mr.Fenton!" Danny hears someone yelling, but his core is purring even more now, and the sound is luring him to sleep. Suddenly he thinks of his counterpart in the cage waiting for his paper and pen.
"I have to go. I promised Dan I would get him some stuff so he could design some clothes. Bye-Bye."
"No! Don't hang up-!"
Danny drops the cell phone after pressing the end call button and ignores it when it rings again. He hurries over to the desk, looking for paper, but finds the table lacking. Thankfully, an open suitcase has sheets that he borrowed and a few pens.
He takes them all and runs back over the crates to where Dan is. Once he arrives, he notices many models are no longer distressed. All of them are smiling with a dazed look, and a few are even giggling. He waves at a few as he hurries back to his cage.
Dan is there, muttering under his breath and twisting his fingers in the air as if he were drawing in the sky. Danny bends the bars and holds up his prize. "I got the stuff!"
"Thank the ancients! I was never going to finish Mr. Hot scales suit without it!" Dan cheers, turning one of the sheets over to a clean side. He throws his whole body on the ground, using the smooth surface to start his ball gown.
Danny watches him for a moment before his purring core is too much. Dan reaches out to grip his leg, enclosing it in his warm palm and that's all Danny needs before he's fast asleep.
Dan continues to draw for a few more minutes before he, too, is overcome with sleep. Neither notices Red Hood or Robin bursting into the warehouse, guns and swords blazing, just as the buyers arrive. They or any of the models are unaware of the smackdown that happens until everyone involved with the scheme is behind bars.
Robin finds their cage, stepping through the bent bars and pausing at the sheets of paper scattered across the slumbering teenagers. He flips one incredibly designed ballgown only to have his eyes widen at what's written down.
"Robin to Batman," he says, staring at the paper and pressing his communicator. "I have a complete list of everyone who was buying today and past buyers. We can dismantle an entire ring with this."
"Good work, Robin."
"It wasn't I who found it. It was the Fentons."
".....Are they hurt?"
"Drugged but otherwise unharmed."
There is a pause before Nightwing speaks up "Tell me you love me B."
Danny Fenton's eyes briefly open to stare into a surprised Robin's eyes. "Tell him Batman his humanity is at risk. Says the Ghost King."
"They gave him the good shit," Spolior laughs, having heard Fenton through the coms.
Elsewhere, Tim Drake-Wayne stares at Killer Croc aka Waylon Jones who is replaying the video of Dan Fenton catcalling Waylon from his cage right after the fashion designer was dosed with high levels of morphine.
"Hey Papi, why don't you come up here and let me dress you up in the proper wrapping for a walking gift like you?"
"Hey...hey are you from the EverBurning tribe? Cause those are the hotest legs and tail I have ever seen!"
"Mr.Hot Scales, I promise Danny is the only ally of FarFrozen. I'm team EverBurning all the way! Kiss me!"
"What the actual fuck?" Tim asks, and Waylon nods.
"I have no idea, kid. The first time any of my merchandise flirts with me."
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ms-demeanor · 10 months
So Large Bastard went into the hospital for transplant evaluation on February 13th 2021 and that was one of the major peaks of covid and basically we dropped him off at the hospital and that was it; nobody was allowed to visit him or see him and they pretty much immediately implanted a pump in his shoulder that made it painful and difficult for him to use the phone. At that point the message we were getting was "either he'll qualify for a transplant and you'll see him again when he is released after the transplant (and the waitlist, and the surgery, and the recovery) or we'll allow you to visit him when he's dying OR he won't qualify for transplant and we'll provide his end of life care and we'll allow you to visit him when he's dying" and on like February 16th, before we knew if he'd qualify for a transplant, I got a call from the hospital saying they were putting him on a heart/lung bypass machine because the pump they'd implanted in his shoulder and the pump they'd implanted in his heart weren't doing enough (both are designed to pump blood through about six feet of human, not through about seven feet of human, so they needed a much larger external pump). They asked me if I approved this procedure because he was kind of out of it, and held the phone up to him so I could ask him if he wanted this and say goodbye - I didn't know if that was goodbye until he got woken up by the doctors after stabilizing, or goodbye until he got approved for a transplant, or goodbye until he didn't get approved for a transplant and they'd take him off the machine to say goodbye for real if they couldn't keep him alive any longer.
And then they hung up the phone and I sat at my desk and stared at my computer and went back to work because literally what the hell else could I do? I couldn't drive to the hospital, I couldn't anxiously wait to see if the doctor would come out and tell me the machine had stabilized him. They said they'd call me in three hours with an update. So I took some orders and placed some calls and responded very politely to emails until I got off the clock at 5:30.
I had texted one of Large Bastard's friends who I'd been calling a lot and asked if we could meet up so I could explain what was going on so he could pass that info on to their radio nerd club. We were meeting up in the parking lot of an ihop because it was an easy outdoor location to describe to him when I wasn't actually capable of processing things like "addresses" or "street names" and I drove over to the ihop and at the red light for the left turn to go into the parking lot I fucking lost it. Like. I don't do the "hysterical crying" thing often but when I do, boy do I. I was in my truck with the windows rolled up and music on and I was sobbing so hard that it shook the truck and the crying was audible from outside the car.
I know it was audible from outside the car because a homeless man came up to my window and knocked and when I rolled the window down he told me "you're okay girl, you got this, it's gonna be alright" and I kind of nodded at him and sobbed at him and waved at him as he kept crossing the street and my light changed and I turned into the parking lot.
By the time my friend got there I had calmed down and stopped crying and through the entire rest of the process I never lost it in quite the same way; they took Large Bastard off the lung bypass part of the machine a day later and he was awake when they approved him for the transplant list, and a few days after that they started allowing a single, masked, socially distanced family member to start visiting patients in the transplant ICU for two hours a day, so I was able to come see him and he immediately said "look I have abs" and pulled his gown aside to show me that he'd lost so much weight as his body tried to eat itself to stay alive that he did, in fact, have an eight pack. And we laughed about it. It was uphill from there. It was never as hard for me as it was in the few hours after that phone call.
And in those few hours there was one dude who happened to be walking by who was kind enough to try to offer comfort to a complete stranger and I think about him all the time.
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buddie-buddie · 5 months
How many more moans will Buck get out of Tommy? Because just this one makes me go crazy
Later, once they’ve mingled and eaten cake and been the recipients of knowing smiles and warm hugs, Buck drives Tommy home. 
Mostly everyone’s gone by now, having said their goodbyes and shuffled out when the nurses came around to announce that visiting hours were ending. Buck had charmed their way into a few more minutes with the newlyweds, just long enough to wrap up the extra cake and hold a sleeping Jee-Yun while Maddie changed out of her wedding gown and his parents went to pull the car around. Her little fingers fisted in the front of his sweatshirt, clinging to him almost instinctively the moment Maddie passed her to him. His chest squeezed beneath the rush of warmth and pride as she snuggled against him, and he felt himself blush when he looked up and saw the way Tommy was staring at him, something warm and reverent in his eyes. 
Maddie returns and they say their goodbyes, and Buck doesn’t miss the way his heart swells as Tommy places a hand on the small of his back as they step into the hallway. 
Buck can’t help the smile that stretches across his face, the warmth that blooms in his chest. 
“I’ll give you a ride,” Buck says, more of a statement than a question. He’d overheard Tommy mention to Hen that he’d gotten one of their rigs drop him off at the hospital on their way back from the scene, and Buck can only imagine the ribbing he had to endure for that. Not to mention the fact that the man just spent the better part of the last twelve hours battling a beast of a fire and still found a way to make it here. He said he’d try his damndest and he did– he’s exhausted and sweaty and sooty but he’s here. For Buck.
The least Buck can do is give the guy a ride. He’d also like to kiss him about it. 
keep reading on ao3
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mca-attack21 · 4 months
Nothing Like Greys Anatomy (Jeremiah x Conklin Reader)
TW: Hospitals, surgery
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You hated being sick. That’s probably why you chose to ignore the loss of appetite, vomiting, and fever. The stomach pain was a little more severe than normal, but you had just started working out with Jeremiah, so you figured it was a combination of sore muscles and vomiting. You decided to pop a few ibuprofens and spend the day in bed with a book. It wasn’t long before Jeremiah knocked gently on your door. “Love, are you awake?”
“Yes Jere, you can come in.”
“Why is it that my beautiful girlfriend is hiding away from the world?” he asked, being dramatic. 
“I’m not feeling the best.”
“Awe, babe,” he frowned. He took in your appearance, you looked flushed. “What’s wrong? Just feeling sicky?” he asked, placing a hand on your forehead, “You definitely feel warm.”
“My stomach hurts, I’m nauseous, I kept throwing up last night, and I’m pretty sure I have a fever cause I keep getting chills.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up? I could’ve taken care of you,” he asked with pouty eyes. 
“Because I’m fine Jere, I took medicine about an hour ago, I’m just waiting for it to kick in.”
“Can I get you anything? Do you want to spend the day cuddling and watching movies?”
“That sounds nice, Jere.”
You went to stand up but the dull ache on the right side of your stomach suddenly felt like it exploded. Your vision was taken over with a blinding whiteness, you cried out in pain. You would have fallen to the floor if Jeremiah wasn’t there to catch you. 
“Y/n? Talk to me. What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked frantically, but you were too busy crying out in pain to respond. He shifted his weight and hoisted you into his arms bridal style. Quickly carrying you downstairs, he was met by his mom who came hurrying round the corner. 
“What happened? Is she okay?”
“I don’t know, she said she wasn’t feeling well and then when she went to stand up she almost fell over.”
“Get her in the car. I’ll call her mom.”
He carried you outside and got you situated in the backseat with your head on his lap.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you, everything is going to be okay,” he promised repeatedly.
After a few minutes the pain seemed to subside. Your breathing returned to normal.
“You okay princess?” Jeremiah asked. 
“It hurts Jere.”
“What hurts?” 
You held your right abdomen, “Here.”
“Sounds like appendicitis” Susannah chimed in. 
You groaned. 
When you got to the hospital Jeremiah ran in and grabbed you a wheelchair. When they were checking your vitals they were concerned that your heart rate was elevated and that you had a 102.4 fever. This apparently was on the edge to where they could not tell whether you appendix had burst or not. They took you straight back to a room. The Doctor came in and examined you, explaining that you definitely had appendicitis. They needed to get a CT to determine if it could be treated with antibiotics, if it needed to be surgically removed, or if it had ruptured. To say you were scared was an understatement. You’d never liked hospitals and being the patient was 10 times worse. 
Jeremiah was by your side the whole time. He helped you change into your gown. He held your hand as a nurse put in an IV. He even convinced the nurse to let him go down to CT with you. They made him stand in the protected room and watch while they got you all situated. He could see that you were freaking out, so he took a chance and flipped on the mic. 
“Y/n you’re doing great. Just close your eyes and pretend you are floating in the pool. The space donut is going to take its pictures and I’ll be here the whole time. I promise.”
You calmed down and the radiologist thanked his and got started.
A few minutes later, you were headed back to your room. Everyone was crammed in there. Jeremiah had to sit on the end of the bed, careful to avoid your wires. 
“Wow, full house in here,” the Doctor said as he walked back in, “Unfortunately, it does look like we are going to have to remove your appendix. We will do laparoscopic surgery. You should be able to go home today or tomorrow. You’ll have pain meds and antibiotics to take. Take it easy for the next two weeks and then you should be good as new. Of course you’ll need to follow-up with a primary care doctor,” he explained. 
Jeremiah squeezed your hand, a silent signal that you were okay.
Your mom followed the doctor out into the hall, no doubt bombarding him with questions. 
It wasn’t long before they took you to pre-op. No family allowed. Everyone wished you luck and promised they’d be there when you got back.  In the room alone you were starting to freak out about everything that could go wrong. After all you had watched Greys Anatomy, you were aware that even the simplest surgeries could have fatal complications. You were so in your head that you hadn’t heard the door open. 
“How’s my beautiful girl?”
“Jeremiah? You’re not supposed to be here.” 
“I used my charm on one of the nurses. We only have a few minutes.”
“I’m scared,” you admitted.
“It’s okay,” he promised, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“But what if it's not?” 
“Then we will figure it out. Together. I promise.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. I’m gonna sneak out, before I get caught,” he explained before kissing you.
The next thing you remember was waking up. 
“Hey there Sleeping Beauty.” Jeremiah said, standing up. “How are you feeling?” 
“I feel great,” you answered, still loopy from the pain meds, “Has anyone ever told you you’re cute?” 
Everyone laughed.
“Surgery went well, we should be going home today,” your mom informed you. 
“You’re pretty, you know that?” you replied. 
Again everyone laughed. 
You well asleep again, the next time you woke up you were much more alert and oriented. This time only your mother and Jeremiah were in the room. The others had all been sent home by your mom. She would have tried to get Jeremiah to go with them, but she knew better.  
"Hi there," you smiled.
"Hi there," Jeremiah answered.
"How'd it go?" you asked.
"They said once your up and walking that we can head home."
"That's good," you paused, "Did you come visit me right before or was that a dream?"
"That was real," he smiled.
"So when they say I need to be up and walking, what are we talking? Cause I'd walk a marathon to get out of this gown and back into my clothes," you joke.
Jeremiah and your mom help you to stand and you start to walk a bit. It definitely felt weird. Your mom got one of the nurses and soon enough the Doctor came back in with discharge instructions. Jere took great pleasure in wheeling you out to the car.
When you got home the whole gang had a movie night. Though you fell asleep not even a quarter of the way through the first movie. Jeremiah just held you in his arms, happy to have you home.
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Hiiii! Happy spooky season. I have a request for wade Wilson with choosing couples costumes!!!!! 👻🎃👻🎃👻🎃 I'd love to see what u come up with!!
The Spirit of Wade
You sat at your desk, buried beneath a mountain of work. Papers, emails, spreadsheets—all of it had piled up over the last few weeks, and it felt like you were drowning. On top of that, Blind Al’s Halloween party was just around the corner, and you didn’t even have the time to think about costumes.
Your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a text from Wade.
Wadeykins:Babycakes, what’re we wearin’ to Al’s spooky bash?
You groaned, rubbing your temples. The last thing you had time for was a costume shopping spree.
You:I’m swamped with work, Wade. Can you go to Spirit Halloween and grab us something? I trust you.
The moment you hit send, you instantly regretted it. Trusting Wade with anything remotely important usually ended in chaos. But before you could follow up with any kind of instruction, a new text popped up.
Wadeykins:OMW to Spirit. Gonna make us the hottest couple at that party, babe.
You stared at the message for a long moment, then let out a resigned sigh. There was no going back now. Wade was on a mission, and you had work to finish. You figured you'd cross the "what did Wade do?" bridge when you got home.
By the time you got back to your apartment later that evening, your body was exhausted, and your brain felt like it had turned into mush from the day’s grind. All you wanted to do was change into something comfortable and forget about everything for a while. But the moment you opened the door, your heart sank as you were greeted by a sight that was equal parts adorable and terrifying.
Spread out across the living room floor were not one, not two, but ten matching couple costumes. Wade was in the center of it all, beaming like a proud toddler who’d just shown his parents his first macaroni art masterpiece.
“Welcome home, pumpkin muffin!” Wade greeted, jumping up from where he’d been sitting. His eyes twinkled mischievously beneath his mask. “I know you’re busy and all, so I took the liberty of providing options.”
You blinked, staring at the sea of costumes that now dominated your living room. “Wade… what… what is this?”
He clapped his hands together, rubbing them like a mad scientist about to unveil his latest invention. “Okay, okay, so check it out. Blind Al’s party is a big deal, right? We gotta be the it couple there. So I went ahead and got us ten different matching costumes. I know, I know, I’m basically a relationship genius.”
You were torn between exasperation and amusement, but the exhaustion from work melted away as Wade’s enthusiasm radiated through the room. With a sigh, you dropped your bag by the door and walked over to inspect his selections.
“Alright, what do we have here, then?” you asked, folding your arms.
Wade excitedly began showcasing each option, holding them up like a game show host showing off prizes.
“Couple number one!” Wade started, holding up two banana suits. “Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich!” He held up a jar of peanut butter with a wide grin. “Get it? You’ll be the sweet banana, and I’ll be the chunky peanut butter. It’s a classic combo, like us! Everyone loves PB and B.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Not bad, but let’s keep going.”
“Couple number two!” Wade swept his arm dramatically toward the next option. A pair of hospital gowns—complete with matching IV drips. “Doctor and Sexy Patient! Except... we’re both patients because it’s sexier that way. Plus, I already have practice wearing hospital gowns, thanks to the whole ‘mutated cancer mess.’”
You bit your lip, trying not to laugh. “I think I’m gonna veto that one.”
“Fair, fair.” Wade shrugged. “Couple number three!” He held up a pair of inflatable T-rex costumes. “Dinosaur Power Couple! Imagine us stomping into the party in these bad boys. We’ll be unstoppable!”
“That sounds... sweaty.”
“Yeah, but think of the dramatic entrance!”
You chuckled. “Next.”
Wade dramatically threw his hands into the air and skipped to the next set. “Couple number four:Bob Ross and Happy Little Tree!” He waved around a giant paintbrush and an afro wig. “I’ll be Bob, you’ll be my masterpiece! I can paint you with compliments all night.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Sweet, but no.”
Wade was undeterred. He spun toward another option, holding up matching black-and-white striped shirts. “Thieves in Love! We could go around the party, stealing snacks and hearts.”
You laughed. “Okay, that’s pretty cute.”
“Right? But wait, there’s more!” Wade dashed to the next set. “Ketchup and Mustard! Or Salt and Pepper! Or Burger and Fries!” Each matching pair was more ridiculous than the last, and each idea more absurd. You couldn’t stop laughing as Wade enthusiastically presented each costume, making over-the-top sales pitches for all of them.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of couples costumes, Wade stopped in front of the last pair and turned to you with a grin that could only mean trouble.
“For the grand finale,” he said with a flourish, holding up a pair of cheesy superhero costumes that were definitely not part of any known franchise. “Super Wade and Super You! Capes included. We fight crime and bad party snacks.”
You rubbed your face, unable to stop smiling. “Wade… this is insane.”
He stepped closer, his eyes softening beneath the mask. “I know, but I wanted to give you choices. I know you’ve been working hard and you’ve been stressed. Figured I’d take some of the load off by going overboard with options. Plus, it gave me an excuse to flirt with you in a million different ways. Win-win.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, but your heart swelled at his thoughtfulness. “Thanks, Wade. Really.”
He cocked his head, a hint of shyness peeking through his bravado. “So… which one? Or should we go with my favorite?”
“And which one is that?”
Wade’s grin turned mischievous again. “I’m voting for Super Wade and Super You. ‘Cause let’s face it, babe, we’re already super together.”
You shook your head, but your smile never wavered. “Alright, fine. Super Wade and Super You it is.”
Wade let out an excited cheer, pumping his fist in the air before pulling you into a tight embrace. “We’re gonna be the sexiest, crime-fighting couple at that party, babe. Al won’t know what hit her.”
You laughed, leaning into him as he twirled you around. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Impossible or impossibly charming?” Wade teased, dipping you dramatically.
“Maybe a bit of both.”
As you settled into the costume that night, you realized that, once again, Wade had managed to turn what could have been a stressful situation into something fun and ridiculous. And as you both headed out to Blind Al’s Halloween party, arms linked and capes trailing behind, you couldn’t help but think that you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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so-mordor-itis · 1 year
“can’t sleep?” + “promise me you’re still gonna be here when I wake up.”
for our boy leon..
- yes to heaven anon 🤍
Man I thought of an idea and I definitely couldn't get it out of my head so I hope you enjoy this <3
Reader and Leon are from Eye on You
I changed up the prompt a little bit I hope that's okay!
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"Hush, love, close your eyes and in sleep abide"
Cold air blew across your shoulders the moment you entered the hospital room. Heavy bleach and the smell of utensils wafted through you, making your shoulders sag. It was hard not to be nervous in a room where the most urgent news was carried, where the bloodied and sickly were told how their life might end. You fiddled with the helm of your sleeve when you saw Leon under the thin, blue sheets of a bed, the sky blue of a hospital gown underneath bandages scattering from his shoulder to his chest.
You immediately hated the image of it.
His eyes were closed, and you had hoped he was getting the rest he needed.
Visitors besides family weren't allowed past 8, but you fibbled a little, stating you were his lover and definitely considered family. It wasn't a full lie since he did ask you out, but you knew he would ask questions when he was more aware of what you did. You'd walk across that bridge when you'd get there.
You sat in a chair beside his bed. It groaned as you did. You sighed a little of relief when it didn't disturb his slumber. Part of you wanted to take in the peace before the storm, before he opened up the can of worms and told you what exactly happened to him. A deep pit formed in your stomach at the possibilities. The wound on his shoulder wasn't ordinary. You weren't stupid.
Regardless of what would happen next, you'd be there for him.
You bit your lip to prevent yourself from laughing at your boldness. Since when had you grown so attached to him?
You shook your thoughts away. None of that mattered. You strapped yourself in this ride, and you would see it through.
You scooted your chair closer to brush some stray bangs from his face. Your heart nearly gave out when he shuffled closer.
Yep, you were strapped in for good.
You didn't really dream anymore. Visions of fantasies created from your own consciousness were replaced with memories. Most were pleasant; your high school graduation, when you first met Leon--before the mess with Raccoon City. That one wasn't as often as it used to be. Perhaps now because you found tranquility with everything. How he went from this springy, happy-go-lucky man to someone who was more guarded but still had that young man deep down. Leon just only showed him to those he trusted. You probably were allowed to gaze at that young man more than others.
Your eyes fluttered open with disagreeable ease, a stinging sensation crowded around them once the realization you were awake kicked in. You moved your legs a little in an attempt to find comfort, but a small barrier from behind made it difficult. You couldn't help the smile forming on your lips.
Protective arms wrapped around your form, creating a cage. One leg was propped against your own, the other beneath. Over the years, Leon made it a habit of being as close as he could get, and while you didn't mind this, he sometimes didn't realize how much of a human space heater he was. You always felt safe despite that.
You wanted to stay in this position to feel his gentle breathing and let it lull you back to sleep as if it were a lullaby, but the urge to remove yourself and stretch your legs became more palpable.
However, you knew what would happen the moment you detached yourself from his cage. Leon would immediately know--an alarm would sound in his brain, and he'd wake up to empty arms and immediately search for you like a lost puppy. You'd then feel guilty for waking him. This song and dance had been done more than once.
Your mind and body fought for a second, but ultimately, your body won the argument. You shuffled your way out of his arms and sat up, your vision still adjusting to the darkness of the bedroom. An image from the recent memory that woke you flashed in your mind, and you frowned.
Not what you wanted to see.
You crossed the threshold to access the kitchen. The clock on the stove glared 4:35 at you. You grabbed a plastic cup from a cupboard and filled it as quietly as you could. You took a sip as you tossed a glance toward the archway that led to the living room.
After nearly 7 years together, you knew his mind and his thought process. You had your own Leon clock planted inside your head, and it made you wonder if he had one for you in his own.
Any minute now. You thought, guilted poked at your chest. You truly hated waking him up. While it gave you ingress to his sleepy voice and pillow-made messy hair, he desperately deserved rest.
You took another sip and frowned again. Of all memories that could've popped up, why that one? The one of him in a hospital bed, bloodied arm wrapped in a guaze, pale face from all the medications he was pumped with. It wasn't your favorite memory for good reason.
As if right on cue, you heard shuffling and a yawn. "Baby?" Leon called, his voice still loopy. Nearly 30, and he still sounded so young when he was filled with sleep.
"In here," you uttered, your own voice hoarse. "Just getting water."
More shuffling, and finally, he emerged from the darkness of the hallway. He dirty blond hair was askew, and he blinked as his own eyes were adjusting to the dim lighting of night. You showed him a simper. "I woke you up again, sorry." His vulnerability still made you feel silly butterflies.
Leon just shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Couldn't sleep?"
You shrugged. "Just needed water. I didn't have a nightmare, if that's what you're asking."
"Just making sure you're okay."
"I thought that was my job." You teased. He returned your grin with a small smile of his own.
"If you're not in need of comfort, then it's back to bed for you."
"What, am I in trouble?"
"Big time. I could be cuddling you right now, but no." Leon had approached you to tilt your head to him so he could kiss it.
"Hmm, maybe I'll stay up longer."
"Nope, not an option."
"Huh -" You placed the cup in the sink, paying him no mind, before he picked you up like a sack of potatoes, lifting you by your legs so you hung over his shoulder with ease. "Leon!" You didn't fight back, only smacked his arm lightly.
He didn't say anything as he playfully put you back on your side of the bed. Leon pulled you closer to him, mimicking the same position you were in previously, only this time he was facing you now. "That's better."
"What are you a teenager?"
"At heart."
You slumped in defeat, and he felt it. He chuckled as you snuggled into his chest. "Carrying me was unnecessary." You grumbled.
You wouldn't tell him about the memory. You didn't need to. It was a part of your past, a piece of a puzzle that began the shape of your life, but it shouldn't be brought up. Not anymore, at least.
You were with him now. He wasn't bloodied and bruised. His shoulder didn't carry a bullet.
Leon was alive.
That's all that mattered.
And you would be there when he woke up, just as he would for you.
@seraphiism , @uhlunaro , @unhealthy-leon-brainrot , @mandalhoerian , @honeyfict , @konigbabe , @inaflashimagine , @boundinparchment , @justanother-fic , @izuniias , @leonskillshot ,
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 20)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
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“Soldier Abernathy,” Boggs’ voice is the one to finally break them apart.
Y/N moves to her feet, straightening out her gear. “Yes.”
“Civilian Abernathy.” Boggs also acknowledges the man on the floor.
“Yep.” Haymitch groans, pulling himself up.
“There’s been an incident.” Boggs squares his shoulders.
“What kind of incident?”
“Peeta attacked Katniss.”
“He what?” Y/N stammers.
“Our Peeta?” Haymitch is getting older, surely he’s heard wrong.
Boggs nods. “Follow me-”
Without another word, Boggs ushers them to Katniss’ room in medical. She is limp on the bed, being changed into a hospital gown. She looks the same as she had when Haymitch left her, save for the large angry bruise, blooming over the expanse of her neck.
“Damn it,” Haymitch murmurs.
“How could this happen?” Y/N turns to Boggs.
“I stepped outside to give them privacy. When I heard the commotion, I went straight in. He’d already put her through the medicine cabinets and had her on the floor. It happened fast.”
Y/N brings a hand to her throbbing temple. “Thank you for…” Y/N breaks off. “I should’ve stayed with him.”
“Not your fault, soldier.” Boggs says, immediately.
Haymitch passes a hand over her back. See, you stubborn thing? Not everything can be your fault.
“I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.” Boggs excuses himself.
The doctors trickle out, leaving Katniss in her neck brace, hooked up to a bunch of beeping monitors.
“She’ll be out for a while, by the sound of it. We should check on Peeta. Try to figure out what the hell’s going on.” Haymitch kisses Y/N’s temple. Watching his wife stroke dark hair away from Katniss’ face.
Y/N nods.
Peeta’s room is not much better. He is restrained, for his own safety. Unconscious after the attack, Boggs had to get him off somehow.
The results of the bloodwork returns without traces of any hallucinogenic drugs. The only abnormal thing found in his system is trackerjacker venom.
“So what does this mean? He thought Katniss was someone else?” Haymitch asks Dr. Aurelius, who’s come to deliver the news. He’s not a regular doctor, he’s a head doctor. Maybe he’s here to make sure they don’t lose their shit?
“Well…it’s hard to say. I’ll need to speak with him once he regains consciousness. For now, it seems a bit odd that he would remember Y/N in the hovercraft and in this room, only to not recognize Katniss a moment later.”
There must be something…something she’s missing. “So you think he knew it was Katniss and did that to her anyway?”
“I understand how difficult this may be for you to hear, but Peeta did attack Katniss with the intent to kill her.” Dr. Aurelius explains.
Haymitch shifts, meeting Y/N’s eyes.
“That’s why he’s restrained?” Y/N presses her lips together.
“This is for his own safety.“
“I don’t understand.” Y/N cuts him off. “He held my hand all the way home.” There’s just no way. “Peeta wouldn’t do that to Katniss.”
“I know it is painful for you to see them this way. But given your experience on the hovercraft, I have every reason to believe that we can help him work through this.”
“How?” Haymitch wonders.
“With the knowledge that he recognizes Y/N, we will be able to use a trusted source to sift through the information fed to him by the Capitol. In theory we will be able to reverse this fear conditioning.” Dr. Aurelius is already working up a plan.
“So that’s what you think this is? A response to fear conditioning?” Haymitch asks.
“He has lacerations, old and new. Evidence of shocks and beatings, that with the presence of trackerjacker venom suggests what one would consider brainwashing. A hijacking, if you will.”
“Have you ever treated a patient in his condition?” Y/N gnaws at the insides of her cheek.
“I have never seen anything like this, no.”
“We’ll do whatever we can,” Y/N says, immediately.
“For now there is nothing to be done. Katniss and Peeta are resting, which they both desperately need. I might suggest you do the same.”
“If it were your kids, could you rest?” Haymitch bites out, bitterly.
Aurelius nods, in understanding. “No.” He stares for a moment more. “As Peeta’s family is deceased, you are his next of kin. You will be involved in making medical decisions. If anything changes you will be the first to know.”
“Thank you.”
“There is one more thing, before you go.”
“And what might that be?” Haymitch retorts.
“Johanna Mason has requested that you also be listed as next of kin, until she is found to be of sound mind.”
“What about Finnick?” Y/N wonders, they’ve always been close.
“Finnick struggled during separation with Annie.”From what Aurelius can see, he’s still struggling. “He is in no position to make decisions about her medical care. Rather her be a ward of the district, she would have you.”
“Of course, we’ll take her.”
Pollux is with Madge, when they return to the children, keeping all three entertained. There’s someone else, perched in the corner, quiet, just watching.
“Mom?” Y/N says, warily. She’s only seen her once since they’ve been here. The older woman was deep into detox and screamed at her to get out.
“Hi, honey.” As if nothing has happened. As if nothing is wrong.
“Mommy, look what we made for Peeta!” Arista holds up the off white paper banner, lined with drawings and colored flowers.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Y/N chokes down her despair. How can I explain this? “It’s beautiful, he’ll love it.”
“You’re sad,” Everest calls her bluff.
Haymitch steps closer, saving her, the way he always has. “There’s something we need to talk about.”
“Is it Peeta?”
“Yeah,” Haymitch breathes, perching himself at the end of Everest’s bed. “Come here.” He pats the space on either side for his children. I’ll take this one.
Y/N follows her mother out into the hallway.
“How are you holding up?” The older woman asks.
“I’m ok.”
“So you’re out of rehab?”
“If that’s what you want to call it, yes.”
“You look really…healthy.”
“Y/N I saw Finnick’s broadcast and I- I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you. That I couldn’t protect you. I know I wasn’t the best mother-”
“You did the best you could,” Y/N cuts her off. “As a mother, I understand that we can’t always be there the way we want to.”
“But you are there. Everyday and every night, you are there for those kids. They know that no matter what, their mom is coming home. They know that you will always be there. I’m sorry you didn’t have that.”
“It’s ok…I’m-” Y/N wraps her arms tightly around herself. “I’m ok.”
“When I lost Maysi, I lost myself. I tried to get it back, to get a grip, to keep pushing but I couldn’t. When you got reaped,” she breaks off. “When I saw my baby girl get taken from me I- I mourned you. I mourned you the second you got on that train and I never stopped mourning you. But you weren’t dead, you were alive and my mind, especially with the morphling, couldn’t comprehend that.”
“Mom, please, stop.”
“I know you must be angry with me.” Her mother tugs at Y/N’s hand. “But I need you to know that didn’t deserve that. You didn’t deserve any of this, you are so good. You are good and you are brave and you are strong. Better than I ever was or could be. And I’m going to be here for you now, if you’ll let me.”
Y/N nods, silently, brushing away tears. “Thank you.”
The guilt grows, festering like a wound. Guilt over the strain on their marriage, guilt for their absence from their children. Guilt for Katniss, neck braced, in a coma. Guilt for Peeta, restrained, turned into a weapon meant to kill the only girl he’s ever loved. Guilt for Johanna, tortured and stripped of her dignity. Guilt for Cashmere, who lost her brother. Guilt for Madge who takes on so much burden that is not her own.
“He’s been asking for you.” One of the doctors from Peeta’s team catches Y/N in the hallway.
The voice is enough to snap Y/N back to the task at hand. Haymitch is with Katniss, such is their agreement, until Peeta feels more at ease in the presence of others. Triggering him is not worth the risk.
Through the observation window, she can see him struggling, tugging at the bonds. Two doctors are beside him, attempting to soothe him. Y/N enters the room without hesitation, fighting her way into his line of vision.
“Peeta.” She says softly, moving towards him.
His thrashing does not stop, but he registers that she is there.
“Can we clear the room?” Y/N asks.
“Of course.” The doctors nod, they too are at a loss.
Peeta’s breathing is so shallow and rapid, she fears he might be hyperventilating. His eyes searching her sadly, warily. “I thought you didn’t want to see me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Don’t you know what I did?”
Katniss. “I’m not upset with you, Peeta. I just want to help you.”
“You don’t know what it was like.”
“You’re right, I don’t.”
“But Snow did stuff to you too, didn’t he?”
“Nothing like this,” Y/N swallows the lump in her throat. “I brought you something, from the kids; my kids.”
“I remember…” Almost. Memories dancing near the surface of a frozen lake.
“They made you this,” Y/N unrolls the slightly crumpled paper. “Sorry I smushed it.”
Peeta’s eyes well up with tears. “Can I keep it?”
“Yeah, of course, we’ll find somewhere to hang it up.”
“My colleague, Dr. Maes, informed me that the two of you had a rather…colorful conversation, at the bed side of her patient, Johanna Mason.” Dr. Aurelius says, during his later session with Y/N.
“She’s not a good fit for Johanna,” Y/N explains. “I’d rather you see her.”
“I couldn’t possibly take on Peeta, Katniss, Johanna, Haymitch and yourself.” Aurelius explains, “given her condition-”
“Take me off the list.”
“Are you sure that’s the best decision?”
“It’s the only option I have.” Y/N crosses one leg over the other.
“Tell me why.”
“Tell me why that’s the only option and I’ll consider it.”
Y/N takes a steadying breath. “You’re the best they’ve got down here and we both know it. This isn’t about being a lost cause, or a martyr. It’s about people needing you more than I do.”
Dr. Aurelius sighs, “I’m sure Haymitch will follow your lead.”
“I didn’t mention it to him yet.” The longing pangs in her chest.
When she does tell Haymitch, later that night, he’s half asleep.
“Whatever you want, Angel.” He murmurs, pulling her closer.
They’ve hardly seen each other. She feels the strain on his heart, tugging at her own. Y/N fists a hand in his shirt. “You’re what I want.” More time with you.
“You have me by the balls,” he scoffs, “Stop torturing yourself. Everyone has to pay the piper and revolutions don’t come cheap. If we have to keep going like this; for however long, we’ll do that.”
“This is enough for you? Five minutes to ourselves before bed, after being apart all day?”
“You’re enough.” Haymitch breathes, “you’ll always be enough.”
Just you and me.
Katniss wakes a day later, clawing at the brace around her neck and breathing hard. The monitors surrounding her beep frantically as Boggs tries to calm her.
“Hey, Katniss. You’re alright.”
Her hands move back to the brace.
“Don’t, you’re swollen.” Boggs stills her fingers.
Katniss leans back in defeat, her voice is but a broken whisper. “Peeta.”
Part 21
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109 @jellybear455 @dreammgc @dadbodfanatic-x @ftdtcmlovr @inky-sun @ms-brek-ker @undercover55655 @mischiefmanaged21 @avoxrising @koiphisch @drwho-ess @daisydaisybilly @misfits1a
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Dancing With Your Ghost: Got You Back
Miguel O’Hara x M!Reader
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Warnings: fluff
Summary: The reader ends up surviving, but is in critical condition
Quote: “Even during near death experiences, you still remain snarky"
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You woke up with a jolt. You winced in pain as you laid back down, trying to piece together where you were. You realized you were in the society's medical room. You observed your surroundings and noticed that you were on a hospital bed and you had a little hospital gown on.
You also noticed Miguel was sitting next to you, and he was asleep. You noticed that he had his suit off and was wearing regular clothes, it was your first, and probably your last time seeing him like that. You've never seen him look so peaceful before. You laid back down in the hospital bed again, trying to reconnect the dots of what happened to get your here.
"I see that you are awake now" Miguel suddenly said.
"Jesus! Do that again and I might just end up in a coma" you joked.
It went silent for a bit, you both didn't know what to say.
"So.... how long have I been out for?" You asked.
"4 days" Miguel responded.
"That explains why I'm starving" you joked dryly.
It went silent again, but Miguel bursted into tears.
"Don't ever do that again y/n! You don't know how much you scared me! I nearly lost you!" Miguel sobbed.
"The only thing that matters now is that I'm okay" you said as you tried to cheer him up.
"Y/n, you have no idea how scared I was" Miguel said as you cupped his cheeks.
"Who knew that I could make the great Miguel O’Hara could cry like that" you teased.
"Even during near death experiences, you still remain snarky" Miguel chuckled.
You stared into his eyes in silence. You both leaned in closer towards each other until you finally kissed. As your lips met, a tingling sensation ran through your body. you felt his hands gently cup your face as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a gentle urgency.
In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no past or future. You could only focus on the electricity between the two of you, and the pure, unbridled passion of the kiss.
The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity, the kiss was full of tenderness and passion. And when you both broke the kiss, you looked into each other's eyes, both knowing that you had found something special in each other.
“Y/n you mean so much to me, and I wouldn’t give you up for anything, would you want to go on a date after you’re all healed up?” Miguel smiled.
“Would that mean you would be less pissy 24/7?” You joked.
“Don’t ruin the moment” Miguel said seriously.
“Yes” you laughed before kissing him again.
After Miguel left the room and walked back to his office, everyone noticed that he was significantly being more nice to everyone else. Maybe you both changed each other for the better.
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traveler-at-heart · 1 year
Hi 🥰
Thank you for the prompt!
High on love
“Landing in 5 minutes” Clint announced as he checked over the screen.
“Thank God” Natasha muttered. It’s been almost six weeks since the mission started and she’s eager to see you.
“Are you going to see your girl?”
“She’s not my girl”
As soon as they landed, Fury walked up to them.
“Let’s debrief now”
“Oh, Fury… I actually have to get to the medbay” Natasha began to limp. Clint hid a smile as she pretended to be in pain.
“You once stayed at a meeting while stitching yourself up” the man reminded her, unimpressed.
“What can I say, not all of us are super soldiers. We’re getting old, right, Barton?”
She doesn’t wait for an answer and limped away, as Clint and Fury watched her committ to the lie.
“She’s going to see that chick doctor, isn’t she”
“Agent Romanoff, how can we help you?” A nurse greeted as soon as Natasha walked in. She’s no longer pretending to limp but she figures there might be another way to get your attention.
“Just reporting after a mission for a general check up. Doctor Y/L/N is usually in charge”
“Oh, she’s getting prepped for surgery”
Well, damn. As head of the department, you were usually in and out of the OR at any given hour.
“I’ll come back when she’s out then”
“Yeah, it’s gonna take a while for her to wake up from the anesthesia”
“Wait, what? I thought you meant she was performing surgery, not being the one…”
“Well, she was feeling sick this morning and after running some tests we found her appendix was the issue” Natasha stared at the woman and she could immediately telll the spy was worried. “It’s a very simple procedure. They’re starting in ten minutes. Would you like to see her?”
Natasha nodded and walked behind the nurse to one of the patient rooms.
“She’s heavily sedated so… uh… yeah” the nurse warned before knocking.
“Come iiiiin. Oh my God, is this a dream? Natty!! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you” you smiled and raised a hand, hoping Natasha would take it.
She blushed at the nickname. So far, all she had heard you call her was Agent Romanoff and a very stern “Natasha” when she insisted on going on a mission with broken ribs.
“How was your mission, darling?” you sighed and she chuckled. “My God, you have the loveliest smile”
“The mission went great. I came here to see you but it seems like you’ll need me to take care of you for a change”
“I hate needles, Natty. And I’ll have a scar. Bye bye bikinis” you pouted, lifting your hospital gown to show your still intact skin.
“Let’s not…” she pulled it down just in time for the nurse to open the door and take you to the OR.
“Natty, walk with me” you pleaded as you were wheeled away. “If I die…”
“You’re not gonna die, Y/N”
“But if I do… I just want you to know that I think you’re beautiful and smell really, really nice and anyone would be lucky to have you. And do you like Italian food because I can make an amazing lasagna and then we’ll make out in my couch”
“Oh my God” the intern walking next to your bed was desperately trying to make it stop. He knew how much you’d regret saying all of that to Natasha, in front of several staff members.
“Please rush Doctor Y/L/N to OR 1. This is as far as you can go, Agent”
“She’s gonna be ok, right?”
“I’ll let you know as soon as she’s out of surgery, if you’d like”
“Yes, please”
He nodded once again, following your bed as you waved and screamed.
“Byeee, Natty”
Natasha stared at her empty cup of coffee, still wondering what she should do with the things you’d said.
Considering how many drugs were on your system, it could all be meaningless.
Should she act on it?
“Agent Romanoff” the intern stood before her, trying to appear casual. The truth was, most of the Medbay’s staff was scared of her. “She’s back in her room, we’re just waiting for her to wake up. It could take a while”
“But everything went ok? She’s gonna be fine?”
“Yes. She just needs bedrest for at least two weeks. Which I suspect she won’t like”
Natasha chuckled and followed him back to your room. You were sleeping peacefully, your vitals stable.
Still, Natasha disliked the sight of you in a hospital bed.
“You can tell nurse Richards to page me once she wakes up. A-assuming you’ll wait here for her…”
“I will, thank you”
He nodded once again and closed the door behind him. Natasha approached your side and placed a small strand of hair behind your ear.
Aside from some physical exams, she’d never been so close to you. Free to examine your face, she noticed a small scar right above your left eyebrow, a birth mark near your right cheek….   
She could stare at you forever, and she almost did, dragging a chair to sit next to your bed.
An hour and a half later, your eyes struggled to open.
“Hey, I’m here, Y/N. You’re ok.” the redhead took your hand, her thumb drawing soothing circles.
“Hi, detka. How are you feeling?”
“Like a bus ran me over several times. But it’s good to see you” you admitted with a smile. You weren’t as forward as before, probably because the anesthesia was wearing off.
“Right back at you” she smiled softly.
“I had the weirdest dream while I was all high” you chuckled. “That you were here and I practically flashed you in my hospital gown and then asked you out in the least romantic way possible…”
Natasha looked to the ceiling, trying to hide her blush.
“Natasha, that was a dream, right? RIGHT?”
“What’s wrong?” the intern walked in at that moment. “I told you to page me when she woke up” he scolded Natasha but one glare from the redhead and he was back to being scared. “Your heart rate is way up right now”
“Yeah, that’s nothing medical, trust me” you answered, mortified. The intern looked between the two of you and nodded.
“Right. I think we can discharge you tomorrow, Chief”
“Thanks, George”
He nodded and left you alone again, in the middle of a very awkward silence.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable”
“Go out with me” Natasha said as you spoke.
“What?” you smiled, and she squeezed your hand.
“Would you go on a date with me?” she said and you nodded.
“Lasagna at my place” you offered, trying to  raise yourself from the bed. “Ouch”
“For now, let’s stick to take out”
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buttergurll0409 · 10 months
Let me know if you guys want a Part 2
Katsuki walked quickly to the hospital labor and delivery center, his confident stride was breaking little by little with nervousness and anxiousness. Never in his life, had Katsuki thought that he would receive a phone call at two in the morning from Izuku that his girlfriend was starting early labor well ex-girlfriend. Katsuki and y/n relationship ended because he felt like he couldn’t balance being in a long-term relationship and trying to be the number one hero, so he chose to be a hero. After one month y/n found out she was pregnant with his child and that they should talk about it.
The four months went by fast and they were getting along. The first time Katsuki heard the baby's heartbeat, he was hit with all types of emotions. Bakugo couldn’t understand how he could love someone that he hadn’t even met yet or that he was willing to risk his life for them. Katsuki brought baby books and mixed and match paints for the nursery while being lunch break. He would meal prep and drop them off at y/n apartment and many other things. Everything was going great in his eyes until Izuku came into the picture. Izuku and y/n were close friends and got even closer when she was pregnant because he wanted to be her support system. He hated it.
Y/N shut down the idea that Katsuki and her should try to be a family due to the baby. Katsuki and Izuku's rivalry was starting to reach a boiling point, they started getting into arguments about small things about how to enter a building on fire at hero meetings safely then it escalated to more personal problems, and Katsuki felt that Izuku was trying to take his spot as the baby father. 
After the nurses pointed out which room y/n was in, Katsuki started to walk toward it and he heard y/n laughter. As he stood outside in the hallway, a small involuntary quirk tugged at the corners of his lip. He loved y/n laugh it helped calm him down, and made him feel like he was the number one hero. Katsuki opened the door expecting y/n mom to be there but he was dead wrong. It was the actual number one hero helping his ex-girlfriend who was standing in nothing but her sports bra and underwear change into a labor gown. Katsuki actually saw red that day.
Y/n head snapped up to see her ex-boyfriend standing in the doorway, his face filled with a mixture of frustration and jealousy. It felt like it had been an eternity since Katsuki had seen Y/n in this state of vulnerability, and then it hit him. That he wasn’t the only man who had seen Y/n fully undressed. Izuku was trying to step into the role of being the father. The sight of your big baby bump made his heart race but other thoughts filled his head fast.
Katsuki's jaw clenched as he felt a surge of possessiveness wash over his body, this was his family after way. He should be the one helping you, this is your and his baby. The thought of Izuku, of all people, stepping into a role that Katsuki believed was rightfully his, fueled his anger.
“What the hell, Deku?” Katsuki muttered loudly enough for Izuku to raise his head after helping Y/n adjust the gown. Izuku's face filled with dread and unease after hearing Bakugo say that nickname. Katsuki continued to stare down Izuku as he placed his backpack and pillow on the couch that was pressed against the window.  
“Katsuki, I-I didn’t think you were coming until later and she needed help changing into the gown–” Izuku tried to explain. The two men were causing high tension and a very hostile environment, and Y/n tried to break some of it.
“Katsuki can you get me some ice chips please?” Y/n asked giving Katsuki puppy eyes. It was a very simple request but to him, it felt like an opportunity to finally contribute to your well-being. Katsuki left the room with a sense of purpose, once he started walking through the hallways he started thinking. All the doctor appointments that should have been a private moment between two people were shared with Izuku and that wasn’t even the worst part. All the doctors and nurses assumed that Izuku was the father, and this added more frustration. The baby shower was a shit show. Katsuki just felt that he was being pushed to the side. 
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artssslut2 · 2 months
Tashi and Art as Parents: Head cons (pt.1)
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- Tashi and Art got married pretty young almost as soon as Art went pro after graduation.
- Tashi mild of felt lost. She was coaching Art and she loved him but felt like it wasn’t enough of a purpose for her.
- So she decided they should have a baby. Maybe motherhood could be her new focus other than coaching.
- She knew Art would say yes. He had been talking about having a baby since they had been engaged. He definitely has a breeding kink too.
- Since they were both in really good shape and so young, Tashi got pregnant on the first try basically. Art was so happy, it almost made Tashi nervous that he would focus on the baby more than tennis.
- Tashi was excited and read almost every baby/pregnancy book that she could find. She dedicated herself to being a perfect mother. She worked out ate right took vitamins. Her first and second trimester were fairly easy. Although she felt weird, she felt like she shouldn’t be a mother. Sometimes she would talk to Art about it but she wasn’t good at sharing her feelings.
- Tashi knew Art would be an amazing father, with all his free time which was not much he set up the nursery (with Tashi telling him exactly what to do) went to parenting classes with Tashi and read books as well. He was naturally a caregiver, Tashi was not.
- Throughout her pregnancy she coached Art and travelled with him. Towards the end Art practically begged her not too. He wanted her to stay home a relax but she refused.
- Tashi’s third trimester was a lot harder than the first two. She had been small her whole life up until this point. Now she felt enormous, she became quite clumsy due to her rapid change in size. Art thought it was adorable, but Tashi didn’t. She would always run into things or bump stuff off the counter with her belly.
- Tashi never complained about anything. Especially pain, she didn’t want to seem vulnerable. But all the sudden she had pain everywhere, in her back, her legs, her ankles, her hips. Art could tell she was in pain. It was hard for him to navigate the changes she was going through and how to support her when she was so closed off.
- Art would show his love through acts of service because that is what she liked the best. When he knew she was struggling he would make dinner, run her a bath, or clean the house. He would rub her feet, she didn’t ask him to he just would and she never refused it.
- “Just relax, I got it all. You don’t have to worry about anything” he would say to her when he knew she was stressed. Even though she never admitted it Art could calm her down almost all the time. She really loved him, he was her safe space.
- When Tashi was almost 39 weeks pregnant Art had a challenger. It was about an hour away from where they lived. Tashi had planned to go, but Art put his foot down for the first time during her pregnancy. She had been up all night, the baby had been kicking her ribs, she was having Braxton hicks contractions and she could give birth at any minute. There was no way Art would let her go.
- When Tashi went into labor she was as cool as a cucumber. Art on the other hand was a wreck. Tashi was the one calming him down. However Tashi started getting nervous when they arrived at the hospital. Tashi was in the bed in a hospital gown and Art was pacing back and fourth rambling about being scared. Tashi couldn’t take it anymore
- “Art.” She spoke calmly, he continued pacing, “Art!” She said with her voice cracking starting to cry. Art immediately rushed to her and turned off his emotions. “What if I can’t do it?” She cried “what if I’m not a good mom? I’m not kind or caring I can’t cook-“ Art interrupted her. He smiled lightly because she was finally opening up to him
- He reassured her easily. Telling her how she was the most caring kind person she just showed it in different ways. He told her that she takes care of him ever day and he wouldn’t get anything done without her. That made her laugh. “Tashi you have done everything you could to help our daughter already, you read all those books, went to classes, took care of your health. You’re gonna be an amazing mom I know it.” He smiled kissing her head, she smiled too.
- After that Art had calmed down and focused more on Tashi. He would get her ice chips, hold her hand, dap her head with a wet towel. It was the one time he felt like he could take care of her.
- It was an easy delivery because of how much preparation Tashi had done with her body during her pregnancy. Art was so proud of her.
- They didn’t have a name for her when she was born. They had such crazy busy lives that they never got to talk about it, it slipped their minds.
- Art was sitting in the hospital bwd next to Tashi looking down at the little girl who was a spitting image of Tashi.
- “We should name her Lily.” Art suggested
“Why?” Tashi asked looking at her husband curiously
“I don’t know, it’s cute and she’s cute. We have those Lily of the valleys all around our house too. She would like it.” He said smiling at his baby, Tashi petted the baby’s dark curls.
“Okay.” She said simply,
“Really?” Art asked surprised that she agreed so easily, that was a rare occurrence .
- “I like Lily.” Tashi nodded
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karimlover · 9 months
Heartstrings of the Haunted
Pairing: George Karim x Reader
Summary: After you get hurt during a mission, you and George get closer, and fall inlove
Warnings: Kissing, hospitals, light angst
Words: 983
AN: Requests are open now, so if you have a request, pls send it so I can write it! Thanks for reading and enjoy!
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The sterile smell of the hospital room mixed with the faint hum of machines was the first thing you noticed as you gained consciousness. Your eyes blinked open, squinting against the harsh light. Pain radiated through your body, and you winced, trying to piece together the events that lead you here. 
Lockwood and Lucy had been with you on a case, a particularly dangerous one, that had taken an unexpected turn. You remembered the adrenaline-fueled moments before everything went black. Now, you found yourself hooked up to various monitors, wearing a hospital gown. 
As your eyes adjusted, you noticed figures slumped in chairs by your bedside. Lockwood and Lucy were there, but they looked exhausted. Lucy’s head was resting on Lockwood’s shoulder and they dozed off together.
Feeling a bit more aware, you shifted and groaned, drawing George's attention.He had been sitting quietly in the corner, his eyes fixated on you.
“Hey there,” he whispered, his eyes lighting up with relief. “You had us worried.”
You managed a weak smile. “What happened?”
George sighed, running a hand through his hair. “The case got messy. You got hit. It was touch and go for a bit, but you’re going to be okay.”
You nodded slowly, grateful for the reassurance. Lockwood and Lucy stirred, as if waking up on cue. The exchanges glances and, realizing you were conscious, offered gentle smiles.
“We were about to head home,” Lockwood explained, rubbing his eyes. “You’re in good hands here.”
Lucy nodded, looking torn. “But George insisted on staying. We thought you might feel more comfortable if someone familiar was with you.”
You looked at George, who avoided eye contact for a moment before meeting your gaze with a small smile. “Didn’t want you waking up alone.”
As Lockwood and Lucy said their goodbyes, George pulled up a chair closer to your bed. “I hope you don’t mind me staying. I just couldn’t leave you.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, touched by his loyalty. “It means a lot.”
George yawned, suddenly looking sheepish. “I might have dozed off a bit.”
You chuckled softly. “It’s okay. I find it endearing, actually.”
He grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. When George spoke again, it was with a sincerity that wormed your heart.
“I care about you alot, you know. More than I probably should.”
You smiled, reaching out to gently squeeze your hand. “I care about you too, George. Maybe we should stop pretending we don’t.”
He laughed, a genuine and carefree sound that filled the room with warmth. “Agreed.”
And, in that quiet hospital room, surrounded by the soft beeping of machines, you found solace in the simple yet profound connection you shared with George. Love, it seemed, had a way of blossoming even in the most unexpected of places.
In the days that followed your release from the hospital, George seamlessly continued his role as a constant presence in your shared home. The chaos of the recent case had left its marks, but within the familiar walls, a sense of comfort and routine began to settle. 
George took on a new level of responsibility, helping you navigate the challenges of recovery, as you all adapted to the changes the recent event had brought. His presence was marked by shared laughter, homemade meals, and an unspoken understanding that went beyond the surface. 
One night, as you all sat around the table, enjoying the food he had prepared, George looked at you with a soft expression. “You know,” he said, his voice warm, “I could get used to this. Taking care of you.”
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the relationships that had formed under the shared roof. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
In the evenings, he would stay close, whether it was watching a movie, researching a case, or just talking about life. The scars of the case were healing. Not just physically, but emotionally, and the shared space you all inhabited became a sanctuary. 
One evening, as you reached for something on a high self, George’s playful smirk appeared. “Need a hand, love?”
Rolling your eyes, you nodded, and with a mischievous glint, George retrieved the item, a triumphant grin on his face. 
“You're going to spoil me,” you teased, the familiar banter a testament to the camaraderie that had developed between you two. 
As the days turned into weeks, the connection between George and you deepened. Late, one evening, as he prepared to leave your room, he hesitated at the doorway. 
“You sure you’ll be alright on your own?”
You nodded, appreciating his concern. “I can manage. Thanks for everything, George.”
He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Anytime love. See you tomorrow. 
As he left, you couldn;t help but feel a sense of warmth that lingered in his presence. It was then that you realized how much he had come to mean to you, and how fortunate you were to share this home not only with George, but with Lockwood and Lucy, too.
A few days later, George returned, this time with a shy smile on his face. He sat on your bed, and took a deep breath. “I like you’” he began. “I really like you. And I know you like me back, because of everything that happened at the hospital. So since we both like each other, I can;t see why we can’t act like normal adults and just-”
This thought was cut off by you closing the distance between you two, your lips meeting his is a tender, heartfelt kiss. It was a moment that sealed the unspoken promises, turning a pair of friends into something deeper, and promised a life full of laughter, love, and happiness.
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eva-knits12 · 5 months
Chris Evans Characters In The Delivery Room
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Steve Rogers:
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You have an emergency c-section with James, so Steve was in the OR with you.
You had a placental abruption because the cord was wrapped around James' neck.
James was in incubator in the NICU, yet pulled through.
Steve stayed with you the entire time you were in the hospital.
He was the first one to hold James as soon as he was out of the incubator.
You were the second.
You breastfed James.
Steve drew this.
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Steve's with you when you give birth to Sarah Anne and Margaret Louise.
You home birth Sarah and Margaret.
Steve helped you through each birth.
In his day, dad's were not allowed to be in the delivery room, or even be in the same room as their wives when they were giving birth.
Times have changed.
Steve gets to hold and bond with all three of his kids.
He got to hold Sarah Anne and Margaret Louise right before they were cleaned up.
Seeing you give birth just doesn't phase him.
Steve wouldn't trade it for the world, and he got to spend his kids first few moments bonding with them.
He was even the first one to feel their first kick.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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Ransom is more nervous than you are.
Did you mention that you're the one that has to push the twins out?
Ransom rushes you to the hospital the second you have the first contraction.
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He calls the doctor.
Ransom isn't going to wait until your contractions are closer together.
He's taking you to the hospital NOW!
"Ransom, calm down!"
"Ransom, it's only the first contraction. It'll be a while before they become closer together."
You're more much more calmer than Ransom is right now.
The wheelchair is in the car, and the infant seats are loaded in there.
So is the hospital bag.
So is the stroller.
Ransom made sure that EVERYTHING that was on the list was in the hospital bag.
You're checked in, and Ransom puts the hospital bag in your lap.
He wheels you to your room.
Early in the morning, you're wheeled to the delivery room.
Ransom changes into scrubs,
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You have the hospital gown on backwards to make it easier to give birth.
Ransom almost faints, but manages to keep it together for you.
He even cuts the cords when the twins come out.
Harlan arrives first, followed by Katherine 25 minutes later.
Ransom tears up when Katherine is born, but you can't wipe the genuine smile off of his face.
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Ransom gets to hold them after you.
He even gives both Harlan and Katherine skin-to-skin contact.
Ransom takes the three of you home after a few days.
Ransom wouldn't trade it for the world.
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Andy Barber:
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Andy took care of you when you were pregnant with Joy.
You had hyperemesis gravidarum when you were pregnant with Joy.
He won't let you lift or carry anything.
You're off your feet as much as possible.
"Honey, I'll take care of the laundry. You shouldn't be lifting that heavy basket."
"Honey, let me bring in the groceries. You shouldn't be lifting those heavy bags."
"Sit down, honey. I'll unpack the groceries."
You go into labor on March 6.
Andy starts to time your contractions.
Andy rushes you to the hospital.
You give birth to Joy, and Andy is in the delivery room.
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He cuts the umbilical cord.
He went through this whole song and dance with Laurie, so he knew what he was doing.
He's also in the delivery room when you give birth to Penelope.
He got you to the hospital straight away, on account of your diabetes.
Andy wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Colins Shea
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Colin goes through the list every day until you go into labor.
Cole loves talking to your belly, singing to your belly, rubbing cocoa butter on your belly, and feeling Harper and Robbie kick.
You planned a water birth.
When you go into labor after your doctor's appointment, you're more nervous than Colin.
Colin is the one who rushes you to the hospital, and gets his brother because his brother is a cop, and he wanted to make sure you guys got to the hospital safely.
Eventually, Colin helps you get into the birthing pool, and he's in his swim trunks.
Damn, does he need to be shirtless right now?
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Colin is behind you, and you start to push.
Harper Marie Shea is born.
Four years later, you give birth to Robert James Shea on December 4, 2014.
Colin was also in the birthing pool with you when you were giving birth to Robbie.
The Shea clan is now complete.
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Jake Jensen
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You're 38 and a half weeks along with the girls.
Jake leads you back to the couch, and places pillows under your feet and under your head.
You're making sugar cookies for your niece's bake sale, but Jake takes over, and manages to finish them without burning.
Dinner was a whole different story.
Jake orders pizza.
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Later that night, you have your first contraction.
Jake gets you to the hospital early the next morning.
You start to push.
Anna Eve is born first, then Elsa Marie is born a few minutes later.
Jake faints in the delivery room.
A few days later, you and Jake go home with Anna and Elsa.
They're the best Christmas present.
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Johnny Storm
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Johnny is in the delivery room when you give birth to Jake.
Johnny keeps it together, knowing that his son will be born soon.
Your contractions start, sooner than expected, and Johnny calls the midwife.
You have a home birth, because your house is basically fireproof.
A hospital just isn't!
You have the nursery set up, and you give birth right in your and Johnny's bedroom.
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Jake is cleaned up by the midwife.
Johnny was behind you the whole time.
It was important that Johnny didn't get too excited.
Your mind goes back to the Superbowl when you and Johnny just moved in together.
He almost burned your house down!
Now, he managed to keep it together because you needed him right now.
Jacob Allen Storm is born on November 7.
He looks just like Johnny!
Of course, it's a boy.
Johnny was always on team boy!
You never told Johnny, but you were team girl.
Aunt Susan was team girl.
You pump your milk, and feed Jake from a bottle.
Jake just couldn't breast feed.
You and Johnny are more in love, and fell in love with Jake the second he was placed in your arms.
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Pete Brenner
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Pete is working from home, and when your contractions start on March 16, Pete springs into action.
Pete has the hospital bag packed, the car seat is loaded in the car, so is the stroller.
On March 17, you give birth to Zoe Eve Brenner.
He's missing out on the festivities, but the birth of your first child is something that he's not missing.
He calls your parents and his parents with updates-every hour!
"She's ready to go into the delivery room! Gotta go!"
Pete is in scrubs, and is telling you when to breathe, when to push, wiping the sweat from your forehead, saying soothing things.
Three years later, you give birth to Mary Elizabeth Brenner.
Mary is born on July 5.
Pete is behind you, then, too.
Pete was the first one to hold both girls.
Pete cut the cords.
Pete loves being a dad.
He loves being a girl dad!
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Cole Turner
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Cole delivers the twins, while he's rushing you to the hospital.
Your contractions are at two minutes apart, and when he sees how far your dilating, you're at ten centimeters.
Cole removes your pants and your panties, and he tells you to start pushing!
Lucas Jeffrey is born first, then Dawn Eve is born.
The twins are healthy.
Cole didn't help deliver the twins-he actually delivered them!
Yep, the same place where you got a flat tire, and met Cole was the same place where you gave birth!
The ambulance arrives, and Cole follows.
The twins make you and Cole feel complete.
Cole loves being a dad!
He reads to the twins every day!
You also read to the twins.
You and Cole take the twins home after a few days.
Cole and you fall even more in love.
Cole loves being a dad, and he loves his twins!
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Ari Levinson
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Ari is ready to go!
He gets you in the car in record time.
You're in the hospital in no time!
The car seats are loaded in the car, so is the stroller, the diaper bags, and the hospital bag.
Ari loves talking to your belly, and rubbing cocoa butter on your belly.
You don't want to get stretch marks.
Ari is behind you, and eventually Zachary Andrew is born first, then Elijah Matthew is born.
He cuts their cords, and he gets to hold them.
Of course, twin boys are much different than twin girls.
You and Ari decide to have a bris for the boys, because Ari's Jewish, and you want to keep a few traditions.
Five years later, Lillian Eve is born.
Ari is behind you, and he cuts the cord. He's the first to hold Lillian.
Your and Ari's heart are full of even more love.
The boys also love Lillian, and they stop arguing.
When it's time to feed Lillian, the boys won't let you or Ari feed her.
Zachary likes to hold her, while Elijah likes to feed her from her bottle.
The boys never argue over who gets to feed Lillian because of their arrangement.
Of course, they're super protective of Lillian.
Ari loves being a dad, and spending time with you and the kids.
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ranbling · 5 months
My first thoughts about 7×6
- I hate the Buckleys
- Maddie and Hen look gorgeous
-so the whole promo is like the first 2-3 minutes
- Buck is a control freak and I love him
- Buck's face when Eddie says the wedding is about Buck :((
-so Chimney is missing from the whole party (ahw Chimney not wanting a party::()
- so Buck mentioned the theme (and Eddie heard Chim not wanting the party) and instantly offered a couple costume
- ahw poor Buck everyone is leaving
- Buck just invinting a whole other room of people
- nobody forces Eddie and Buck to sit that close to each other
-Buck and Eddie really share a single braincell
- what do you mean take the party to him????
- well at least they're not bringing into his actual apartments
- if I go to my room and realise there are 30+ strangers partying there I'd go somewhere else too
- yes!! Maddie is 911
- Chimney is looking better than he did in the promo
- so Chim was drugged 100%
- uh this guy is trouble
- ahw Kevin mention
- so maybe nor drugs
- ugh I bet it was the Buckleys that changed it
- well Chim is very lucky not getting hit
- don't leave your phone!!! And what work??
- Athena and Maddie had took over the scene
- ahw dispatch
- why is Chimn hallucinating Doug???
- poor Maddie, marrying you is not stressing
- tell her Hen!!
- ahw he went to the old karaoke place
- so chimney is not wandering through the vents on the day
- so the guy probably had a disease and gave it to Chim
- poor Maddie
- i really like the camera work focusing on Chim
- Chim turning back into a paramedic!!
- Bobby and Buck in blue while Athena and Eddie in green is a choice
- halucination Doug is an asshole
- uuh the rebar
- so it is Doug standing behind him!!
- aw Kevin, I'm happy to see him, but not when Chim is dying
- well Chimney really went home, a hospital would have been better
- Poor Maddie asking Chim if he remembers himself
- Chim remembering the wedding!!
- Jee!!
- why are the Buckleys here???? Go away!
- hospital wedding!!
- Chim's tux over the hospital gown
- i hate they let Philip walk down Maddie (Maddie would never)
- Bobby is officiating!!!
- awh Maddie climbing into Chim's bed
- the joke about the cruiseship
- Chimney not remembering his name is soo funny
I don't get why Lou thought people will love Tommy after this episode, he did nothing except not dressing up as the theme and then showing up to the wedding
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