#when he’s a romantic deep down >>>
diorsbrando · 4 months
when joe told mari “from the moment i met you, i had already broken the code” when referring to the ninja code of not getting attached to anyone including your allies………God….
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cannibalovers · 4 months
hannibal bagged such a good husband cuz WHAT DO U MEEAANN that Will regretted not running away with him and couldn't let him go yet so he built his own fucking boat, sailed to Florence KNOWING, SENSING he would be there, FORGAVE HIM and didn't meet him face to face UNTIL he learned more about Hannibal by literally going to Hannibal's home to understand him more??? all that after Hannibal stabbed him and killed his surrogate daughter after making Will believe she is dead and framed Will for her death????&!#)€(
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theteapotofdoom · 7 months
I haven’t been in the BSD fandom in years (except for occasional Kunikida thirst) but I still go fucking crazy whenever I think about Dazai and Oda, and about Dazai was like … canonically in love with Oda and how it shaped his entire character and the entire plot moving forward.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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minedai (bourbon flavored)
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
I guess I can't really get behind cas saving dean from hell as a destiel win, or lines like 'you don't think you deserve to be saved', because. this is not a point at which cas is doing because he believes dean is good and loves him or anything but. he saves dean because that's heaven's will. when he reminds dean that cas, and heaven, are who saved him in early s4, it's not him really saying 'you're a good man', it's a debt that he is using, pretty explicitly, to get dean to do what heaven wants. even the handprint reads like... ownership, in a way.
cas is complicit in heaven's manipulation of dean after he's pulled out of hell. that's what makes his rebellion later powerful, because this is an angel who believes in heaven so strongly that he will look into the eyes of the righteous man he saved and tell him that if he doesn't do what he's told, he will throw dean back into hell.
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scalproie · 10 months
I need to fucking kill those writers Im no longer joking
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moonlitlunas · 8 months
do not separate my mary jane and peter for ur silly old man yaoi !!!
HOWEVER ... have we considered a throuple instead?
mj introducing them like "this is my husband peter and his boyfriend miguel who is also my boyfriend" like april in that one scene in parks and rec
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yoonyia · 1 month
"Marry me."
"James you're far too old for me."
"We're the same age. Don't you dare lie to me"
"I'm married, and somehow I love him too. You're asking for far too much James."
"I can wait 6 years, he's gonna have to die then anyways,"
"James I'm not going to fall back in love because you shower me with gifts and information make grand romantic gestures to take me across the galaxy so we can live forever middle aged, I'm gonna save the last few years I have with my husband then spend the rest of my life time begging for forgiveness to my son, do you understand me James? I'm a guilty old man who's grief would kill him if he went with you."
"You're no old man, you're younger then me. 49 is far from old."
"63 isn't far."
"Oh don't call me old."
"I'm not calling you old I'm saying you had a chance to live a life despite flying yourself into space and living in a false grandeur of immortality. You achieved your dream, I left behind the only people that I could ever love and they love me back out of drunken self pity and when I came back I knew no one. I threw away my life and now my own son has more lines on his face given to him as gifts from time when I should be dying next to the love of my life. I have a life I want to live, grow old, and die in. I have no want to live so long we become ancient legends."
"Im giving you the chance to grow old and die with me. I'll be the new love of your life. We can make a life from the one I crave and the one you lost."
"You were my old love of my life, and my heart is too ill to do anything but grieve."
"Then let me give you time to heal, leave behind everyone and everything and rid your heart of all that worry."
"How is that an attractive offer to you, how are you looking me in the eyes and telling me the thing I punished myself for years on end is something I should yearn for and show it to me as a relief?"
"It's lonely being alone forever. Do it for me, Ari, Do it for your friend."
"It'll be lonely even if you take a hundred people."
"I can wait 2 decades for you."
"I hope I'm dead by then."
"I hope we never die."
"I'm sorry for your loss already."
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iinexorabile · 2 months
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What happened between Urick and Yaha was a true tragedy tbh. Two people who were very close, who harbored a strong friendship that (at one point) blossomed into romance, but one that burned out quickly and ultimately crashed because (and these are understatements) one side was too selfish and cowardly (*cough urick cough*) and the other side FAR too obsessed (looking at you Yaha).
anyway, siri play fourth of july by fall out boy.
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gui1lermodelacruz · 9 months
(I wonder if Nandor thinks that Derek turned Guillermo in a really romantic setting, just like Guillermo always wanted.)
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
☎️🎲 🤼‍♂️ ✈️🚪 ➡️ 🫀🎮⌛️
Always on My Mind by Pet Shop Boys
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#byler#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#mike wheeler#mike's pov#this is a bop#but also sort of sad#it's confusing though#because I think on the surface it matches really well with mike's behavior during his and el's fight in 4x03#part of him was visibly (superficially) trying to salvage their romantic relationship#but there were limits to what he was willing to say/do in this moment (simply say the words i love you)#he tried to empathize with el and when that doesn't work he still tried to understand her bc he cares about her very much...#it's like he was willing to do everything but that one thing#he was willing to apologize and do everything he could except just say those words#however in contrast#the lyrics 'you are always on my mind' repeating throughout#serves as a reminder (just like the will the wise drawing does) that mike's heart belongs to someone else#and deep down he knows it#he cant betray his own feelings and el by finalizing their bond like that when he knows deep down it's not truly what he feels#and so upon that fight going downhill#mike has sort of given up and i do think that while his focus on is on el and how he hurt her#which he wanted more than anything to avoid in the first place#he's nonetheless distracted by his feelings for will (per usual)#after just recently gaining the knowledge that miscommunication and misunderstanding caused him and will to needlessly grow apart#and that will truly does want him in his life#those feelings of guilt and shame and heartbreak are intermixing because he thinks he probably doesn't deserve either of them#unfortunately for mike (fortunately for us) he can't keep up the secret of his true feelings much longer#bc el knows now that it's not the words she wanted to hear but that she wanted to feel it based on his actions#unfortunately mike is going on a journey of thinking el still loves him irrefutably and will not want him in her life if he doesn't say it#*queue episodes of mike stalling his ass off bc he doesn't want to be untrue to himself but also doesn't want to lose el*
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sovamurka · 1 year
Balor really went ‘whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same’ (derogatory) right in the middle of Dreamcatcher
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hiscurlsorhissmell · 8 months
that fan could've been an elounor shipper for all he knows
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wikagirl · 1 year
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Meine Damen, Herren und Nonbinären: Drawing the gang, pride themed warriors edition.
From left to right and top to bottom we have
My previously mentioned a couple times homie Angelo, using the colour scheme of the 2009 intersex flag because, and I quote directly from our dms, "The new colours just look kinda shit."
Right next to him we have my lovely sister from a nother mister, Viriel in her favourite colour with a trans flag on top as a nice little sprinkle instead of the main colour scheme because she is more than just her gender identitiy.
On the second picture we have the demi-alliance made up out of a hopelessly bi-romantic demi-sexual and my asexual demi-romantic lesbian fiancée under the conditions that we'll get married if we're both still single by 35 (and have the funds lul).
And lastly we have the Yuri, No.1 straight ally supportive dad that is not afraid to throw hands in the name of equal rights. Thank you for always having an open door for us and being proud of us when our parents by blood wouldn't be <3
And lastly, my asexual bi-romantic self.
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
I love making ocs have beef for the most silly of reasons. Rn I’m hyperfocused on Peppark and Bista bc BROOOOOOOOO how are you two basically fighting over the same guy AND HE DOESN’T WANT EITHER OF YOU???? WHAT IS THE POINT!!!
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bcdluckstumblcd · 2 years
//Kicking and screaming thinking about Jin ABSOLUTELY melting at forehead kisses
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