#when oda made it clear he had for dazai's own sake dazai went and did it
videogamelover99 · 2 years
i’ve seen a lot of people talking about chuuya losing his trust in dazai and how it will lead dazai into accepting his feelings, finally having The Talk(TM), and apologizing. what’s your opinion on it?
Dropping this She Ra clip for...reasons: https://youtu.be/-1UicFp5DnI
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popi-the-fatui · 4 years
The Night Demon
Akutagawa (BSD) x GN! Reader
Warnings: past injuries, blood, a wee bit of angst. No beta we die like Oda. Akutagawa supremacy you all.
Authors Note: This is the first time I write for a show, and also the first time since highschool that I write something of this length in english (yes, it’s not my first language and it shows). Anyways, of course my first one-shot would be for the angry anemic gremlin as I love him very very much. Also, @theodora3022 you fuel my Akutagawa obssession so if this sucks I’m blaming you (jk... unless?)
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The path of your recovery had not been an easy one, to no one’s surprise: taking a sucker-punch (worth the considerable sum of 1 million yen) to the head from an extravagant multi-millionaire really can take a toll on the body. Not that Akutagawa didn’t know that, given the fact that he also had faced the wrath of the Guild’s leader, but still he couldn’t help the one-hour-long reprimand he gave you once you finally woke up in a Port Mafia’s hospital bed after being out for almost a month.
Was his ​concerned angry scolding helping with your throbbing headache (that, by the way, was getting worse with every word he said)? Nope.
Would you jump in front of your boyfriend to block a glowing fist using your face just to see the adorable angry pout he made after finishing his speech all over again? Most definitely.
Now, it’s been two months since you left the hospital, and though half of your face is still purple and touch sensitive, you're in way better shape than before (not that you know how you looked like, but the face Akun made when you asked if he had any photos of your face while you were unconscious gave you the hint that it wasn’t a pretty picture and that you probably shouldn’t touch that topic again. There goes your morbid curiosity).
Of course, your boyfriend has been attached to the hip with you all through your recovery, partly because he is afraid that you’ll pull out some borderline suicidal thing like that again (Dazai-san would be proud, though), and partly because THE one time he left you alone to go on a mission he came back to your body collapsed on the floor. Apparently bending down to pick the remote is considered “sudden movement” when you have been punched in the face.
But you’re not complaining: Akun’s company is always quality company, and though he has a ​bizarre unique way of showing how much he cares and longs for you (Exhibit A: all of the pictures he has of you in his phone are actually group pictures he has cropped out so they only have you in them (except for that one picture you have with Dazai, but we don’t talk about that)), you know that this man ADORES you and would go to the ends of earth for you, even if that means sacrificing that magnificent and sublime time of the day when he gets to dote on you after dealing with whatever task the Port Mafia asked him to do, a.k.a. bedtime. Why? Because with you sleeping face up and passed out in painkillers, cuddles and pillow talk are the equivalent of hugging a dead amoeba, and though Ryunosuke Akutagawa is awkward, he is not THAT awkward.
But that night you hadn’t taken your painkillers, given the fact that you’d had a doctor’s check-up earlier that day, and you have been cleared from the meds to see how well you were doing without those happy little pills. And though the pain was tolerable, it was still there, so you went to sleep earlier than your usual hour (also, Akun was on a mission and the remote had fallen to the floor and you really didn’t want to scare him again but there was also a limit to how many murder documentaries you could watch without having the power to change the channel).
You woke up later in the early hours of the night to the feeling of pure dread that you have when you know someone is watching you.
Of course, you didn’t open your eyes: you didn’t want to face whatever entity you know was looming over your supposedly sleeping body. Or at least you tried not to open them until you felt a long, cold finger reaching the underside of your... nose?
You slowly opened your eyes, afraid that if you made any sudden movements you would disturb the eerie calm that surrounded the mannerisms of the creature (?), and once your pupils finally got used to the gloom of the room, you had to suppress your laugh, because right above you, supported by Rashoumon and holding a finger under your nose, was none other than your boyfriend.
“Akun?” you whispered.
“Yes, dove?” he said back just as low, still not breaking his composure.
“What, and I cannot stretch this enough, in the everloving hell are you doing?”
“I’m checking your vitals”
“Oh, cool. Wait, what?” you asked dumbfounded, finally breaking whatever trance you both were in.
“I was making sure you were still breathing, dove” Akun said as it was the most obvious thing in the world to check if your significant other was not dead in their sleep. And they say romance is dead.
“Yes, dove?”
“Why were you making sure I was still breathing?”
He didn’t give you an answer. Instead, you could see his face darken (thank you, moonlight) while he turned his face to the side with a pout.
“Akun, look at me, please”
With a sigh, he turned his face to you, and the worry in his eyes broke your heart a little. “Does this have anything to do with my accident?” you asked him, voice laced with a sweetness fueled by his concern, because even though he will never say it outloud, you knew that not that deep inside he blamed himself for what had happened to you. “Love, you know that what happened was 100% my decision, right? And I would do it again and again and again if it means you leave the fight safe and sound”.
“But I can take it! I’ve had way worse! And I know that you’re not weak, please don’t take me wrong, but I know pain, I’ve been through that before! For God’s sake, my job is literally being the Port Mafia’s dog!” Akutagawa was getting agitated by the minute. “And I was the one who had to see and HEAR your face break. I was the one who had to carry your limp body out of the fight. I was the one who had to see your face covered in your own blood. I was the one who had to hear the doctors talk about how you were unresponsive to their tests” Akutagawa was not holding back now, and you were able to see the track his tears were leaving in his pale cheeks. “And I was the one who had to see your face so beaten up that, even though the doctors had already finished their jobs, it was unrecognizable” he ended with a choked sob and that’s when it hit you: why he wouldn’t show you any pictures of the time you were in the hospital, or why he had accidentally unleashed Rashoumon when he found you passed out in the floor, or why he had taken only a few missions ever since you left the hospital.
You were his favourite person, he had almost lost you and what’s even worse, he had to watch.
“Akun, I’m sorry. I’m so very sorry” you managed to choke out through your sobs, tears of your own falling through your face. But he knew what you meant:
Sorry for worrying you like that. Sorry for scaring you. Sorry for almost leaving you alone.
“Promise me you’ll never pull something like that again. I can’t afford to lose you, dove. You don’t get to make me fall in love with you and then disappearing from my life just like that”
And if those words didn’t get to you, then his eyes sure did: even through the tears, you could see the desperation and fear in them that would get loose if something bad should happen to you, the person he loves the most. Your heart broke a little bit more.
“I promise” you could see how Akutagawa’s body relaxed at your statement. “But if there’s no stopping you from taking the blows for me, then you at least have to let me take care of you, and you also need to start taking better care of yourself, Akun. Don’t you think you have suffered enough, my love?” You added tenderly, using both hands to wipe out the remnants of his tears carefully.
“You know I can’t promise you that, and I can take it. I can be strong for both of us”
“Then at least try, for me. And are you calling me weak?” you teased, as the mood was much lighter than before after your promise.
“No, and I’ll think about it” You had to give it to the guy: he must really love you if he was willing to compromise with you over this.
“Why is it that I have to promise you something but you have to think about it?”
“I’m your superior”
“Are we not going to address the fact that you still have your finger in my nose even though the way I’m arguing with you right now should be enough proof that not only I’m breathing but alive?”
“Ok, I’ll try”
“Yes, dove?”
“Why check up on me now? The accident was 3 months ago... Did something happen that made you worry?”
“This isn’t the first time you check on me while I’m sleeping”
“This isn’t the first time I check on you while you’re sleeping”
“You really need to work on your love language, my dear”
“Yes, dove?”
“Did you know that at first I thought you were my sleep paralysis demon?”
“Shut up and go to sleep” he scolded you, hugging your arm so he would not accidentally hurt your face. Not the best cuddle replacement but at least it didn’t feel like a dead amoeba anymore.
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dearosamu · 4 years
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SYPNOSIS: she, a dancer with personified problems all the while more that intrigues osamu dazai who came into her life amidst the chaos that is [name] [last name].
eight - nine
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dazai felt his phone vibrate in the back of his pockets, swiftly picking up his cell without even bothering to look at the caller id.
"dazai, are you gonna turn up here or what? am i gonna have to file an absent report - again?"
dazai groans with a free arm flailing beside him, almost hard enough to knock off his glass of wine on the kitchen counter.
"i'm just not feeling it today, odasaku. i think i might've made [name] angry."
"oh, really? what a shocker." the apparent semi-oblivious tone that oda replied with didn't help one bit.
"care to tell me what happened?"
"well," dazai pauses, taking a sip of wine. "she dropped by here yesterday - which reminds me that i forgot to ask her how she even got my address," he mutters mostly to himself.
"anyway! off topic, but she brought her kid and left him with me, asking me to take care of him for the night. they ended up sleeping over and after breakfast we kinda kissed."
"and what?"
"there must be something you aren't telling me. the info you've given me seems to be missing a few important details."
the brunette mentally curses at his partner's close attention to specific details. even through the phone, he can probably sense his bullshit.
"well, i may or may not have hinted at her that i .. wanted to be something more. to help her ease her burdens, you know?"
oda was silent during his explanation, only humming in acknowledgement once he assessed the situation.
"are you in love with her?"
dazai purses his lips at the question. his feelings regarding this was all over the place.
"that's the thing. i don't know if it's love - i don't understand it."
"it would help if you'd describe how you really felt."
oda hears dazai take a deep breath over their call. he must feel a little overwhelmed about it all. he's known dazai for many years, understanding that he can't handle intense emotions very well. love, was definitely one of those.
"i feel this- this weird ache in my chest when she does one good thing, but it's followed by something else entirely. it's like she wants it to but at the same time, she's holding herself back," he stammers.
"i'm trying to work out what she said before she left. she was just so vague."
"you don't think she's giving you mixed signals?"
dazai had gone silent, possibly thinking it over on his side. what if he got it all wrong? what if he was just assuming things just because her actions differ from her words?
"dazai, if you recall back then, it's to never fall for-"
"strippers or anyone involved in bad business, i know," dazai completes it for him.
"didn't you fell for jin? george,  - or whatever his name was - at some point?"
"gide," oda sighs. "that was back then - now don't change the subject to me. this is about you coming to terms with your emotions."
dazai downs the last drop of his wine, proceeding to lay on his couch to vent about his weird feelings to oda. it's a wonder that his friend even put up with his constant complaints at all.
"you know, if you're nagging about something like this that much, why don't you ask her out?"
"ask her out where?"
"on a date, genius." he deadpans. dazai lips shape into a small 'o', mind going off on a questionable daze before quickly coming back to reality.
"do you think that's a good idea?"
"i don't see why not," oda shrugs even though dazai couldn't see him.
"what is it?"
"i haven't been on a real date in a long time."
this was going to be much more difficult than he thought.
somehow, oda managed to convince dazai to pull through the idea of going on a date. with [name].
which explains why he's back at the club, but instead of hoping to piss her off with a request to dance, he had brought along with some flowers as a peace offering. he even got his semi-formal attire neatly pressed for this.
upon coming to the club and heading immediately backstage, he was - unfortunately - greeted with the sight of chuuya. the ginger doesn't even hold back on a snicker when he does a once over at the taller male.
"pfft - what in the fuck are you doing?"
"could you have [name] off work today?"
"i'm taking her out," he holds up the flowers in his hands.
as soon as chuuya opened his mouth, the two just ended up having small banter and disagreements, with the former obviously disapproving of the brunette in question. it was interrupted once a certain [h.c]-haired woman passed the door in between the males.
"uh, excuse me? you two are blocking the way-" she does a double take once her gaze lands on dazai, grumbling under her breath as she tries to ignore him, focusing her stare on chuuya.
chuuya clicks his tongue, moving aside to make way. dazai takes this opportunity to ask [name] out.
"please go out with me." chuuya snorts, deciding to leave the two on their own. he'd probably tease the female later on about it.
"what the fuck?" she gazes up at him with disbelief.
dazai clears his throat, feeling a bit of tension and awkwardness in the situation. "odasaku suggested that i do something .. different. that i should try being romantic.. ?" it came off more of a question rather than an answer.
"please tell me you're joking," despite the hint of mockery in her tone, her eyes said otherwise.
"did you inhale something?"
"i'm serious. i'm trying to ask you out so," he gives her the flowers with the corner of his lips curling up.
"go out with me?"
the female was quite shocked. this was new. she didn't really expect this from dazai.
"you're smiling." she says absentmindedly.
"is that a bad thing?"
"no, no. in fact it's .. a good change," she returns with a small grin of her own, staring at the arrangement of tulips and daises she had in her hands. how sweet.
"look, i'm trying," dazai mumbles. "i want to give whatever we have a shot. it's been a long time since i've done this, so just spare me the time and tell me if you want to do this or not."
he hears a small snicker before the female in front of him bursts in a small fit of giggles. "okay, okay. i'll go on a date with you."
"really?" dazai asks, eyes wandering her own for any ill intentions. there was none. he felt flabbergasted.
"just let me have the courtesy of getting changed first," she gives a gentle smile.
"would you want me to go out wearing something like this?"
"n-no! go get changed, please-" dazai stammers out, face flushed. this was weird. he felt odd. oddly giddy and a bit of excitement. was this normal?
"alright. wait for me then."
he couldn't wait for what was about to come.
"you seem so inexperienced. it's stupidly cute in some way," [name] comments as they walk down a street, minutes away from their destination.
"i told you, it's been a long time since i've been on a real date."
"define a 'long time'."
"like, twelve years, give or take-" he was cut of by the abrupt laughter that emitted from his date. he playfully rolls his eyes at the sight.
"oh yeah, sure okay. that's funny for you," he mutters. despite his jarring tone, his arm didn't fail to lose contact with the female.
"i-it's just too funny! you haven't been on a date since you were like, sixteen. oh my god," she loses herself again in a fit of giggles. even with the annoyed look on his face, he finds her laughter endearing to his ears. he's used to her seemingly hostile personality that seeing her be so playful was a bit weird. he doesn't mind it though.
"that's just precious."
"oh, look. it seems we've gotten to the restaurant i was telling you about." he ignored her shouts of protest as he hurriedly speed walks to the place. he greets the staff at the entrance, mentioned his reservation before they were lead to an empty booth and situates himself there with [name].
she sets her bag down on a chair beside her, sitting down on a chair the opposite of dazai. "now, is that a way to treat your date?"
"you were being puerile," he answers, leaning onto both hands propped against the table.
"don't use stupid fancy words on me." the female grumbles as they waited for a waiter. dazai sticks out his tongue as they went on about casual conversation.
"ever tried thai food?"
"not really."
"how come?"
"my household used to stick to a sole strict way of handling things. anything remotely foreign was forbidden for us." she explains.
"they hated trying new things for some reason."
"well, i'm here to treat you to your heart's content," he grins. [name] returns a small one of her own, gazing upon the interior design of the restaurant. she hadn't took it all in since she was dragged quite briskly inside. it was pretty fancy. expensive looking, too. the wages that their staff must earn may be more than what she has on the daily. lucky.
minutes later, a waiter had come by to take their orders.
"and what would your drinks be?"
"i'll have a sake," dazai answers.
"what about you, ma'am?"
"i'll have a [f.d] instead." the waiter nods, taking the menus before leaving. [name] plays with the ends of her hair before locking eyes with dazai.
"how's your business running along?"
"things are coming along smoothly. we've gotten rid of those who tried to auction off some of our products for fakes. profits are coming in at a steady pace. i managed to go on a date with you, so nothing seems wrong."
"are you happy though?"
"why wouldn't i be? i have attained so much in little time." the female rolls her eyes at this.
"yeah, but achieving a lot of things don't always mean you're actually happy with what you have right now."
dazai ponders over her words. "i don't get what you mean."
"like, you need to find something that makes you genuinely happy. something you find comfort in or calmness. something that makes you smile and make you think that 'i wouldn't exchange this for anything else.'"
"i still don't get it."
"you're that bad with emotions?" dazai nods hesitantly, feeling that this was somehow a bad thing.
"isn't that unhealthy?"
"how so?"
"well, i was taught to feel all of my emotions. to really connect with them, so that i don't seem unhinged."
dazai doesn't give a reply, soon after the waiter returned with their drinks in hand. the two gives their thanks.
"you need to be in tune with your feelings more, you know." [name] takes a sip from her cold beverage.
"i think i feel strongly for you," he pauses. "i can't describe it."
"that's.. understandable, i guess. you still need some work." [name] sighs.
"it's not that i can't - more like i don't know how?"
the [h.c]-haired female thinks his words over before stating her own opinion. dazai continued before she could get the words out.
"it's just strange. which is kinda why i had asked odasaku first before you .. and now you're here. i want to control these emotions." he just seemed so confused. she smiles at this.
"that's cute."
"huh?" dazai was so lost.
"you just really seem like you're trying really hard. it's flattering. shows that you're putting effort on me. i appreciate that."
oh. was all dazai could think.
his felt his heartbeat twice during dinner.
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suizaide · 4 years
@kisumshi : [spit] My muse makes yours spit out blood (Aku)  // you literally asked for this so
‘Mori left that new kid in the Dazai’s care.’ ‘Ain’t Dazai-san a kid himself? No offense, of course.’ ‘Shh! ‘Aven’t ya heard the fuckin’ rumors about him? Value yur life? Keep your fuckin’ mouth shut.’
Care was a severely poor choice of wording. You could say what Akutagawa was to Dazai was what Dazai was to Mori. Tutelage was more fitting. Cruel tutelage. The Executive’s hand was disciplinary at abusive levels, and his kindness was as non-existent as the praise he deprived his pupil. The ultimate goal was to mold Akutagawa into a fearsome weapon for the Port Mafia’s personal gain, and well, Dazai wasn’t the most patient person. He had already orchestrated an intense regime and strict schedule when Akutagawa was sworn in. Now, the brunette wasn’t a perfectionist, but as long as his plans went unhindered, the better. When things didn’t go as planned? That was fine; Dazai had ways to work around road blocks. Some things that he did not tolerate?
‘I can’t do that.’ ‘That’s too difficult for me.’
What excuses lead to were punishments, and those could vary depending on the offense. The more tame being a punch or three. The extreme being death. The in between details could be spared, but Dazai’s morale was not above torment despite Akutagawa’s age. 
Disobeying commands was another thing the brunette wasn’t thrilled to be met with. It didn’t have be an outright denial of the demand either; simply tiptoeing around executing the order to the exact detail was another form of disobedience. 
“Perhaps if Oda were the one to have found you first, he’d have the forgiveness to offer you, but I am not him.”
His bandaged hand was hot from slapping his subordinate across the face - a strike hard enough that it drew blood. 
“Yes, Odasaku,” Dazai continued as he ignored any further protest or shock. “Someone you could never beat even if you trained for a hundred years! For fuck’s sake, he’s out here taking care of orphans right now! Are you telling me you’d rather live an easy life with them? Throw away the little progress you’ve made?”
The gun he drew to his hand didn’t need to have a click resonating between them; the appearance was message enough: This is the only way you leave.
“If you’d let me-”
A knee bolted into Akutagawa’s abdomen to send him backwards. 
“I thought I made it clear that I’m tired of hearing excuses.”
A coughing fit emerged. Given the teen’s poor set of lungs as is, it was a wonder that all he could do was cough. His mouth was colored red by this point, chin dripping with blood and saliva as it made tiny ponds onto the ground. All Dazai did was glare down at him, still waiting to hear a proper answer.
When at last Akutagawa could form coherent sentences again, he went with simplicity. “No, Dazai.”
“No, what?”
“No, I will not throw away my progress.”
Slowly, he managed to get back up onto his own feet, albeit hand clutching his stomach and he was still inhaling gulps of breath and coughing on each exhale. There was a newfound resolve, hatred, humiliation, all of it burning into his eyes that was believable.
The Executive made no comment on what he saw. “Cover your mouth when you cough.”
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thebrookesnook · 5 years
University AU! Bungou Stray Dogs Feat. Genderbend
Okay, I've thought of this idea for a while now. I'm not sure if my concept for this fic is final and I may change some things later on, but here's what I've came up with.
The Concept
So this universe will include the following ships:
Soukoku [Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya]
Shin Soukoku [Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi]
RanPoe [Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe]
FyoLai [Fyodor Dostoyevsky/Nikolai Gogol]
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine (foster parents of Chuuya)
OdaAngo [Oda Sakunosuke/Sakaguchi Ango]
And more as the story progresses.
However as mentioned in the subtitle, there will be three characters whose genders are changed. These include:
Nakahara Chuuya
Nakajima Atsushi
Edgar Allan Poe (who'll be Edythe Allan Poe in the story)
Yes. These three will be females in the story. One of these reasons why is because I got inspired from a South Park fanfiction [The New Girl by Guestswithoutbags in Archive of Our Own] that had a similar concept except the later is set in highschool. Another reason why is because I love the idea of Female!Chuuya, Female!Atsushi and Female! Edgar, especially Female!Edgar because I rarely see any of her in the works.
Also the canon ages of the characters are losely followed here with minor changes for the sake of the plot. I do apologize.
The first story in this universe will be Chuuya-centric and the rest will be through other's perspective.
The Plot of the First Story.
Now, let's talk about the story itself. So in this universe, Chuuya and Dazai grew up as childhood friends.
Chuuya was once in an orphange in France and was isolated before being adopted by Verlaine and Rimbaud. She doesn't know who her biological parents were, all she knew was that both of them were dead. She loves her new family. She loves being around Ozaki Kouyou, who's also adopted, because she [Kouyou] teaches her [Chuuya] how to be a normal girl. She loves Rimbaud and sees him as more motherly figure, someone she's comfortable with talking about her feelings. Verlaine, however, is stricter than Rimbaud but she loves him nonetheless and sees him as her fatherly figure. One of the tings Rimbaud gives her as a welcoming gift was his hat, to which Chuuya becomes obsessed with and wears it all the time. It's understandable, it's the first gift she receives from someone.
Dazai lived with Mori Ougai because his family had disowned him. He was given the name Dazai Osamu by Mori. He doesn't call Mori father nor does Mori call him son. Dazai just lives with Mori.
(Note: Mori is the worst around this time and later on he'll change.)
Rimbaud visited Mori's clinic regularly for check-ups due to his cold intolerance or cold sensitivity (which is an unusual discomfort felt by some people when in a cool environment). Most of the time he'd bring Kouyou with him, but one day Rimbaud brought Chuuya with him.
This is how Chuuya and Dazai met. Dazai and Chuuya friendship involves a lot of hair pulling (from Dazai) and suprinsingly painful jabs and punches (from Chuuya). Despite their irritation with each other, they still hang out with each other. Some may say they were stuck to the hip.
They then went to the same elementary and middle school. Along the way, Chuuya started to develop a crush on Dazai. During elementary, Chuuya made friends with students who call themselves the Sheep who she met through Yuan and Shirase. Dazai commented that they were a group of delinquents or troublemakers and that she shouldn't hang out with them or else she would get influenced to be disobedient to her owner. To which Chuuya kicked him in response. Conflicted and hesitant, Chuuya decided to befriend the Sheep. Dazai felt a wave of emotion that he didn't understand and he started ignoring Chuuya.
At the end of elementary, Dazai had befriended Sakaguchi Ango and Oda Sakunosuke whom he met at a bar that Dazai stumbled into.
(Note: I'll leave it up to interpretation whether or not Dazai entered the bar purposely or by accident)
If the rift between Chuuya and Dazai wasn't clear enough, Dazai's new found friendship had made it clear. At the beginning of middle school, Chuuya and Dazai rarely talk to one another. Almost as if they had become strangers. Yet, Chuuya's feelings for Dazai remained the same. Everytime Chuuya tries to talk to Dazai, he'd straight up ignore her and pretend she didn't exist. It hurt Dazai as much as it hurt Chuuya.
Chuuya thought things couldn't get worse than that but then it did. Second year, Rimbaud had passed due to his condition getting worse. This had caused Verlaine's mental state to deteriorate and as a result he left Kouyou and Chuuya alone by themselves. Even though Rimbaud had left money for them, it was only enough for their tuition for Chuuya's third year in middle school. Kouyou being six years older than Chuuya (around 19 years old) started working in cafes to earn income for the two of them. To which Chuuya feels guilty for and plans to work part-time as soon as she reaches 15 as well as earn a scholarship for highschool.
Then Dazai leaves the school around the end of second year without even saying goodbye to Chuuya.
(Note: Not because Oda Sakunosuke died, he lives in this universe. But it relates to Oda)
This breaks Chuuya's spirit. It also caused her athazagoraphobia, the fear of being forgotten or abandoned among other issues.
She also stopped hanging around the Sheep too. Then something happens to Chuuya that would scar her for the rest of her life.
(Note: I'm also leaving that because I'm still unsure about adding the scene or not.)
The event had caused a change in Chuuya's personality being closed-off to others and quiet. Shirase and Yuan are upset with Chuuya and decide to confront her about it but Chuuya didn't want to talk to them about it. Which increased their disappointment with her and began telling rumors about Chuuya. Thus, for the end of her middle school, she had being outcasted and bullied by her peers. Despite this though, she kept up her grades and was able to earn a scholarship to an international highschool for foreigners and locals alike.
This is the sceond act and third act of the story takes place. At the start of her highschool year, she befriended Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Edythe Allan Poe due to their similar backstory of being ostracized during middle school (or in Fyodor's case, in senior school). Then the story follows their adventures in highschool and their slow rise to popularity. By that I mean, they became famous for defending those who were like them and make them proud of themselves.
(Note: Cliche, i know but i can see them as like protectors or defenders of the bullied and ostracized but their means isn't as heroic as their ends)
Later on, the Akutagawa siblings are accepted into the trio's group. Then the student body started calling them as the 'Royalties'. The origin of the name came from a student council member who had played cards with Dostoyevsky during an school event and recalls him identifying his group according to the royalty cards in the deck.
(Note: I tried look for a term to refer to the aces, jacks, queens and kings, but they were only two I could find. One was the royalty cards which includes jacks, queens and kings but doesn't have aces. The second one was the honorable cards which includes tens, aces, jacks, queens and kings but I don't know what to refer to ten other than ten. It also doesn't match the others, so I chose to use royalty cards)
Accorrding to Dostoyevsky:
the aces are the Akutagawa siblings. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke is the Ace of Spades and Akutagawa Gin is the Ace of Clubs;
his jack is Edythe, the Jack of Spades;
the queen is Chuuya, the Queen of Hearts;
and his role as King of Diamonds.
Thus, the name Royalties stuck. After all they were the ones running the school since the principle doesn't bother with the student body nor the staff. However, some began rumors about what Dostoyevsky said, specifically his wording. One of which that holds prevalence, is that Chuuya and the Akutagawa siblings doesn't belong under Dostoyevsky's deck. Meaning they have another king and began speculating about who it is. But that's a story for another time.
My thoughts
So that's all my coherent ideas about this half-baked universe I created.
I will come back and edit some stuff if I want to rework this universe and y'know actually start writing it.
Thanks for taking the time read this. Any constructive criticism and comments are very much appreciated and welcomed because I know I'm not a writer, I'm more of a reader.
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Dazai x happiness week 2k19 Day 3: Birthday Party 🎉 🎂
For my contribution today we observe Danielle as she distracts her boyfriend while the rest of the agency plans his birthday party. I don't own Bungou Stray Dogs but Danielle and Attaka belong to me
Sunlight filtered through the curtains of the small apartment of Dazai Osamu and Danielle Osa. Danielle’s eyes fluttered open and beheld the sight of her handsome boyfriend. She smiled softly and gently ran her fingers over his cheek he mumbled sleepily but otherwise didn't wake up. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and got up, slowly and quietly as to not wake the sleeping brunet. She walked out of the bedroom and made her way towards the kitchen.
Normally Danielle would stay in bed long enough to see Dazai wake up, but today was a special day, Dazai’s birthday to be exact and she wanted to make his birthday extra special. Back when they were in the mafia Dazai didn't like to celebrate his birthday, he always thought it was just a waste of time. So, Danielle would always get him a simple present every year, to make up for the fact that he didn't want a party. This year would be different though, she had gotten together with the other members of the agency and they agreed to help her throw a party for Dazai. All she had to do was keep him distracted until they were ready, a task she was confident she could do.
While Danielle was making breakfast for herself and the birthday boy she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist. She leaned against his chest that currently didn't have any bandages, Danielle loved the fact that he trusted her enough to show her the scars he had obtained over the years. She looked up at him rose-colored eyes shining as she caught sight of his fluffy brown bed-head. He leaned down and nuzzled her hair inhaling her forest scent. ”Good Morning Osamu~” Danielle cooed as she reached up to ruffle his hair even more he leaned into her touch a sleepy closed eye smile on his face. “Good morning Danielle-chan what’s for breakfast?” He greeted “Oh, nothing just canned crab and some sake if you want any” Danielle answered a small smile on her lips.
 Dazai’s eyes sparkled “For breakfast?! What’s the special occasion” he asked in excitement. Danielle giggled quietly “Osamu do you know what today is?” She asked turning and running her hands delicately up and down his chest “Gee I don’t know, Wednesday?” Dazai guessed feigning ignorance “NO you beautiful idiot it’s your birthday” Danielle announced. Dazai gasped in mock surprise he turned away from her and placed his hands over his heart “Oh, Danielle-chan you actually remembered my birthday I thought you would have forgotten~” He swooned placing one hand over his heart and the other across his eyes dramatically. “I could never forget the birthday of someone so important to me” Danielle consoled, Dazai rewrapped his arms around Danielle’s waist, and kissed the top of her head. “Would you like to help or are you just gonna stand and watch?” Danielle asked Dazai hummed “I’ll just watch since it is my birthday~” He answered Danielle rolled her eyes playfully.
 As she made breakfast Dazai basically stayed glued to her side the entire time she didn’t mind she this wasn’t anything new he happened to do this every morning. Dazai made himself useful by grabbing things just out of Danielle’s reach and soon their breakfast was ready. After they were done eating Dazai made to go back to the bedroom probably to continue to sleep, before Danielle stopped him. “Where are you going?” She asked “Back to bed. Come lay down with me it’s lonely without you there~” Dazai requested holding his arms out “Don’t worry I’ll be there in a second” Danielle said.
Dazai shrugged and went back into the bedroom Once she heard the door close she counted silently in her head ‘3,2,1, and’ suddenly the phone rang. She heard Dazai get up and shuffle towards the phone and a few seconds later she heard him whine loudly “Do I have to Kunikada-kun?��� He whined. She could even hear Kunikada yelling at him over the phone a few minutes later Dazai walked back into the kitchen a pout on his face. “What’s wrong?” She asked feigning ignorance “Kunikada-kun wants me to do some stupid paperwork” Dazai explained with a groan “Oh, no that’s awful” Danielle gasped Dazai nodded in agreement “I know and on my birthday too” He pouted. “Well, you should probably get ready to go now otherwise Kunikada-kun will come here and drag you there” Danielle advised a thoughtful look on her face Dazai groaned again, but slunk back into the bedroom to get ready. 
Once he was ready to go he came back into the main room to wish Danielle good-bye “Will you be here when I get back?” He asked. “Of course and then you and me can do whatever you want for the rest of the day” Danielle promised Dazai nodded and left the apartment. Once Danielle was sure he was gone she dashed to the phone, quickly snatching it up she dialed Kunikada’s phone number once he picked up she ran her instructions by him one more time. “Now, remember Kunikada-kun you have to keep him distracted for three hours and don’t bring him to the place until I call you okay?” She asked “I know what to do Danielle” Kunikada’s semi-annoyed voice filtered into her ears. “I just want to make sure, this needs to be perfect please don’t let him out of your sight until we’re ready” She said “Got it I’ll keep him here until then” Kunikada promised.
 “Okay bye” She hung up and rubbed her hands together “Alright, operation: Lover’s Birthday Party is now officially in session” She hummed as she walked into the bedroom. She looked through the closet and saw the box of party decorations she had hidden in a space behind the wall she was lucky Dazai hadn’t found it by accident then the surprise would have been ruined. Many a time in the past few weeks leading up to this day the surprise had almost been found out by Dazai’s detectiving skills, but luckily he didn’t suspect a thing, and it was all leading up to these moments. After getting ready Danielle grabbed the box of decorations and headed towards the place where the party would be held. The location would be a large clear space in the forest that only Danielle knew about she, Dazai, and sometimes Oda would sneak off and hang out there and Danielle figured it would be the perfect place to have Dazai’s party. 
Once Danielle made it to the spot she placed the box down and observed everyone’s work. Atsushi, Yosano, and Attaka were hanging the banner, Kyouka, Kenji, and Ranpo were setting out the snack with Ranpo sneaking a few, and Tanazaki and Naomi were setting out the tables and table decorations. Danielle smiled “This looks great everyone! Dazai’s gonna love it! Atsushi-kun did you pick up the cake?” She said. Atsuhsi turned and nodded “I set it over on that table. Woah! careful Attaka-chan” He said steadying Attaka’s feet on the ladder she was standing on “Ah, s-sorry, Atsuhi-kun” Attaka whispered. “Oh, that’s great Atsushi-kun. I can’t wait to see how it turned ou-RANPO!” Danielle screamed as she turned and saw the hat wearing detective reaching for the cake his expression was that of a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar, which in a way he was. 
“I was just about to inspect it” Ranpo defended as he backed away from the box, calming Danielle’s temporary rage. She huffed and shook her head “Ranpo the cake is fine see look” She said lifting the top off the box to reveal the dessert inside, it was a simple round top vanilla cake with vanilla icing, and in navy blue frosting letters it said ‘Happy Birthday Dazai!’ there were even some frosting balloons painted on the top. “You can never be too safe” Ranpo said before shuffling back over to the table Kenji and Kyouka were at. Danielle rolled her eyes at the other male before looking down at the cake fondly she really hoped this would work she hoped this would make Dazai happy she didn’t know what she would do if it didn’t. As she looked down at the cake her confidence in this plan was restored Dazai would love this it wuld make him happy, and that’s really all she wanted of him. 
Precisely three hours later the group heard the crunch of shoes on leaves and Dazai’s familiar whines of “Kunikada-kuuuuuun are we there yet? Where are we even going?”,and Kunikada’s yells of “Stop asking me that you bandage wasting device!”. Everyone got into their positions waiting for the two to emerge from the rough once they did they all shouted “Surprise! Happy Birthday Dazai!” in perfect unison. Dazai stood extremely dumbfounded they ha planned a party for him? How did they even know when his birthday was? He didn’t remember telling them. 
“Uh, Danielle-chan why isn’t he moving?” Kenji asked “I don’t know. Dazai are you okay?” Danielle asked stepping closer to him. “You all did this for me?” Dazai asked quietly “Well, of course Dazai-san it was Danielle-chan’s idea she planned the whole thing” Atsuhsi said. Danielle nodded “Yeah, I wanted you to be happy on your birthday so I planned this for you don’t you like it?” She asked Dazai gave her a wobbly smile and suddenly he was lifting her into his arms and spinning her around “I love it Danielle-chan! I love it so much! I have the best significant other ever!” He declared with the biggest, happiest smile on his face. Once, he put her down Danielle grabbed his hand “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started!” She declared pulling Dazai towards the others, and it was in that moment while being surrounded by his friends and the woman he had come to love he was truly happy.  
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAZAI OSAMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎂🎊🎂🎉🎊
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