#when the..smoke cigs
k1tz · 4 months
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double post today hshshshsshsh
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foreverphouse · 5 months
phil in prague that one time
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beaft · 1 month
honestly i think the fact that the new generation is smoking less has little to do with the success of anti-smoking campaigns and everything to do with how expensive cigarettes have become. then again my perspective might be skewed because i went to art school and back then every art student in london smoked like a fucking chimney
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wild-moss-art · 4 days
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“Can I bum one? It’s my birthday!”
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faecaptainofdreams · 5 months
Just a little unwind time for our favorite hippie-cowboy! ☺️
If marijuana even has negative effects on perfectly healthy people, this is super pure-no-crazy-strain-alt-reality space weed so NO IT DOESN’T. The end 😂
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
I love your parenting series! I know Steve and Eddie lied to the girls about smoking but I imagine they have a picture of them from when they were dating and they’re holding cigs in the pictures and the girls are like “you did smoke! See!” And Steve’s trying to come up with an excuse
HA this is so great
So here’s the thing – the girls had already seen photo evidence of their dads smoking. They just don’t remember because they’d been little at the time.
Steve had just told them that their dad used to have long hair when he was a teenager, and, of course, they’d demanded proof, so Steve produced for them a very old picture, probably taken not too long after Eddie had been released from the hospital in '86. Nancy had taken the picture, he's pretty sure, and in it, Robin is standing on her toes, her arms around Steve and Eddie's shoulders. Steve is grinning at the camera, a cigarette hanging loosely from his fingers while Robin and Eddie glare at each other for a reason Steve could no longer recall, and, indeed, his hair is still long and wild.
While Robbie is giggling at her dad’s long hair, Moe leans closer to the picture.
Moe, pointing to Steve’s cigarette: What’s that?
Steve and Ed hadn’t exactly discussed how they’d broach those subjects with their daughters just yet (and Moe is only 8, practically a baby, in Steve’s opinion, and he’s definitely not ready to think about her drinking and smoking and sneaking out and all that teenager shit), so he immediately swipes the photo away, replacing it with another one for the girls to laugh at and then he goes through all their old photos and pulls out the more questionable ones to buy himself and Eddie some time to figure things out. 
Years later, when Moe is 19 or 20, she’s hanging out with her dad and going through a box of old photos she’s never seen before when she comes across that picture Steve had shown her and Robbie when they were little.
Moe looks at the photo, looks at her dads and her Auntie Robin when they were the same age she is now, looks at their young faces and ponders these versions of them that she never got to know.
And then she looks closer.
Moe: Oh, you were so full of shit!
Steve: Excuse me?
Moe: You and Dad always said you never smoked a day in your life.
Moe: What the fuck is that, Pop?
She points to the cigarette in Steve's hand.
Cue Steve spluttering about how things were different in the 80s and how nobody knew how bad they were at the time and how he and Eddie had basically quit at that point, his excuses falling on mostly deaf ears.
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nohoney · 10 months
thinking ab c&c!touya marrying reader… oh sweetness it’s so hearteyes and then pumping a kid in her oh I could die! This touya brainrot will melt my heart. Sweetness… he’s just too hot 😭 and pretty and hot and handsome and hot 😔
imagine that touya and reader have actually been engaged for a good while, they just kept it between each other until they were ready to announce it (o˘◡˘o)
on the down low, touya just wanted to elope but you insisted on a small ceremony. you wanted the experience of buying the wedding dress, looking at venues, just overall planning your special day. and of course if that’s what you want then it’s what you get. his side of the family actually covers most of wedding costs and they’re happy, mostly because they thought touya would be the kind to be with someone long term but not actually marry. they only assumed that because you and him were really dismissive whenever anyone asked you about getting married.
truthfully you and him just thought it was no one’s business to know what you and him were planning.
everyone also assumed that you didn’t want kids either. wrong. it was also just a discussion kept private. you and him just kinda retreated for a hot minute from hanging out with friends, which wasn’t unusual, and then you just showed up with a lil baby bump to a hang out and casually announced “yeah we’re pregnant, those months you didn’t see us? we were trying.”
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suburbanlegnd · 3 months
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tell me why (2020)
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nooooo don't think about kuwabara picking up smoking when yusuke leaves for makai as something to remember him by you're so sexy hahah
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
totally random but man I feel so bad for anyone who smoked from age 18-20 whenever they changed the law to 21. Just imagine going into the gas station, asking for a pack from the cashier that has been selling you cigs for a while, and they tell you sorry you gotta wait 1-3 years now.
Smoking and drinking are bad for you, but there's no point in having the law be 21 instead of 18. They're going to do it regardless. That's fucking college age. If you're a legal adult, able to rent your own place and pay your own bills, you don't need to be babied about substance use.
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lesbiankordian · 10 months
did u watch bsd ep 7 and was wondering who the Briareus guy was? bc I got the answer for you 😌
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(IDs in alt)
in greek mythology Briareus is one of the hundred-handers who helped Zeus and the oympians to overthrow the titans.
but! a character called Briareus also appears in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. there are many similarities between that version of him and bsd:
in bsd he calls himself the strongest. in divine comedy his sin is pride (so I guess saying you're the most powerful at the verge of death. when it's your only line in the series too)
in bsd he's carved into a wall by Chuuya. in divine comedy he's carved into the ground as a form of punishment
both things happen at the first floor of the place he's in
(if u wanna know more abt bsd and divine comedy you can read this post of mine <3)
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theories as to where Grace got the cigarette she was smoking after fucking Max's ghost:
she has actually secretly been an active smoker for a long time and always carries a pack with her
she bought a pack of cigarettes when she was on the run from the cops because she was stressed, and figuring that she had already disappointed the Lord by touching herself and lying to the police and dismembering a body, decided that she might as well relieve that stress by taking up smoking
Max died with a pack of cigs and a lighter on him and they stayed with him when he turned ghost and Grace pocketed them from his clothes after they had sex
she just found them in the school or on the ground somewhere after the Lords in Black meeting, and perhaps her mind made the association between sex and cigarettes and that's how she came up with the idea of giving up her chastity to end Max's reign of terror
Grace had immediately thought of giving up her virginity as the sacrifice after the Lords in Black meeting, and the entire time Steph and Pete are running away and tearfully coming to terms with Steph having to kill Pete to stop Max, Grace is running around the school or off to a drug store for cigarettes because she felt having a smoke after was that necessary
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slavicafire · 2 months
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psy 2 spend an exorbitant amount of time establishing that wolf is hot and cunty and you better remember that every step of the way
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milo-is-rambling · 5 months
Smoking a cig is like making out with my brains off switch
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a-s-levynn · 10 days
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hellraiserryo · 4 months
i just know in my heart that if GX was set like a decade later Chazz would be a juul FIEND. on that "why are there toilets in the duel academy vape rooms" type shit. bro is insanely nicotine dependent. you could get a whole mini arc out of "jaden did you steal my fucking juul??" and it would be better than 99% of the real filler episodes.
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