#when they finally reached the end of the arc i wanted to cry because i couldn't belive it was over
iris-nonsense · 7 months
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I finally had time to go to the library and get some one piece volumes cheers! Thriller bark, the arc of my nightmares, here i come!
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bellaxgiornata · 4 months
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Falling For the Devil [Part ninety-two: "The Recurring Nightmare"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: You wake from a from a nightmare in the middle of the night.
Or You finally confide a growing fear of yours to Matt.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock. You can find the entire list of installments here.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut, violence
a/n: I can't believe it took so long for us to get an update, but hopefully y'all enjoy this angsty one. Just a heads up, there is a bit of violent imagery in the beginning scene. Who's up for some Second Angst Arc foreshadowing? Feedback is always appreciated!
Tag List: @ninacotte @mattkinsella @stilldreaming666 @murdocksclient @madscamp02 @1988-fiend @linamarr @pinkratts @schneeflocky @acharliecoxedfan @yarrystyleeza @theetherealbloom @danzer8705 @lionalsowrites @harperdoodle @kmc1989 @lunaticgurly @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @pazii @kezibear
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Pinching the bridge of your nose, you squeezed your eyes shut in hopes of blocking out the fluorescent lights that were adding to the pain of your growing headache. Each ding of the elevator as it began to ascend to the top floor of the apartment building only caused the ache to pound harder. 
You'd had a shitty day at the office today working on an article for The Bulletin. You'd spent all afternoon struggling with forming an ending that didn't sound ridiculous and make even you want to gag. And it was all because of Jessica Manning. She'd shown up to work the same story you were, interviewing some of the same people you'd worked hard to get in contact with. On top of that, she had successfully managed to get in your head yet again, making you feel insecure and incompetent when it came to your investigative and writing abilities. 
And of course, as if that wasn't already enough, she'd managed to insult you while making you feel insecure in your relationship with Matt. 
The final ding indicating the elevator had reached the top floor broke through your thoughts and your eyes flew open. Lowering your hand from your nose and back to your side, you stepped off the elevator and began trudging your way down the hallway. As you made your way to the end of it, your hand felt around inside your purse for your keys to the apartment while you tried hard to block out Jessica's voice repeating her insults in your head over and over. Instead, you attempted to picture punching her in the face–as per Katy's suggestion.
Though by the time you'd reached the apartment and fished your keys out of your purse, your stomach was twisting into knots and you felt like crying. It was going to be hard to pretend you were alright when Matt came home from work. And then if you failed at it–which you most likely would with his super senses–he'd find some way to blame himself. Because he always tried to take on all the guilt, blaming himself for your own insecurities when he'd done nothing wrong. 
And that only had you feeling worse. You didn't want to worry Matt. You knew he'd had enough going on with how busy he'd been as Daredevil lately. Your silly little problems didn't even measure up to what he needed to focus on.
No, you'd just have to work on getting over it and getting Jessica's stupid voice out of your head on your own. 
As you slid your key into the lock on the apartment door, you quickly realized the door was already unlocked. For a second you paused, brows knitting together in brief confusion. But then you realized Matt must’ve finished at the office before you had finished at work today. It didn't happen often, but sometimes they had a pretty uneventful day at the firm and Matt would surprise you at home with dinner.
Your stomach twisted tighter into a knot. You thought you'd at least have a half an hour to try to mentally prepare yourself to face him after your encounter with Jessica. But now you'd have to somehow pull yourself together in a matter of seconds so his senses wouldn't pick up on anything. Though truthfully, he'd probably already noticed you and your off mood the moment you'd entered the building with his heightened senses. 
With a heavy sigh, you turned the handle and pushed the door open. You stepped inside, prepared to hear Matt call out and greet you like he usually did whenever you returned home when he was here, but he didn't. Frowning, you turned to shut the door after yourself, wondering where he was–but you stopped when you heard hushed voices.
Eyes narrowing, you tried to focus on the sound coming from down the hall. It sounded like the voices were coming from the living room, but you didn't recognize either of them. Immediately your heart began to beat faster in your chest, your nerves over talking to Matt about your insecurities quickly switching to fear of someone dangerous being inside the apartment.
“...not gonna be causing any problems for us much longer.”
Cautiously you began to make your way down the short entryway hall, walking as quietly as possible on the front part of your feet. You were positive you'd stopped breathing with every step closer that you took towards the voices, your palms beginning to sweat as your hand began to fiddle with your keychain blindly in search of your pepper spray. 
When you finally rounded the corner, you almost dropped your keys entirely. You couldn't completely contain the pained noise that slipped out of your lips at the sight of Matt crumpled in half on one of the dining chairs. The crisp white dress shirt he'd dressed into this morning–the very same one you'd buttoned for him while he flirtatiously teased you in return–was now a rumpled mess stained with bright red spots all over it.
Matt's blood.
“Oh well now, lookie what we have here Mr. Big Shot Vigilante Lawyer!” one of the men called out as he spotted you standing in the entryway. The gun in his hand swung towards you as he continued. “This must be your girl, huh? Guess we're getting two for the price of one today!”
Fear had you frozen to the spot, your eyes shifting from the gun to Matt as his head slowly rose. You audibly gasped at the sight of him, a hand flying up to cover your mouth as tears began to burn at your eyes. His face was battered and bloody, half of it swollen from whatever these men had done to him before you'd shown up. There was blood caked over the entire right side of his face–some dried but most of it glistening bright red in the light. Despite the mess they'd made of his face, you could still see the terror written plain on it as he focused on you across the room.
“Get out!” he warned you, his voice garbled as if his mouth was full of blood. “Go!”
“Matt,” you whispered just loud enough for his ears, shaking your head as the tears began to cloud your vision. “I can't. Can't just leave you.”
His face twisted painfully into a look of sheer despair at your words. 
“What's that she's got in her hand?” the second man called out, taking a step towards you. A loud laugh burst out of him a second later, recognition dawning on his face. He pointed a finger at you as he exclaimed, “She's got pepper spray! Oh, buddy, what's your girl think she's gonna do with pepper spray ?”
You winced as the harsh sound of his laughter once again echoed around the apartment, your hand gripping the canister of pepper spray tighter in your sweaty grasp. Though desperately you wished you had another way to fight them off–an actual weapon, super strength, laser eyes, fucking anything more than the damn pepper spray Matt always insisted you carry. Because what good would it do you right now? You were helpless. Weak. Normal. There was absolutely nothing you could do to save Matt. 
It was that realization which finally had the tears begin to fall.
“That's right, girl,” the first man said, clearly pleased. “Your little superhero ninja boy here can't save you now. He can't even save himself. And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.”
“Get outta here!” Matt's slurred voice urged again.
The first man glanced at the second before gesturing his head towards Matt. You stood there still rooted to the spot, scanning the room for anything at all you could use to help him. There was absolutely no way you were about to just turn and run out of here, leaving Matt to surely die at these men's hands. You couldn't possibly do that.
But there wasn't much you could do, either.
In helpless horror you watched as the second man raised the gun in his hand high into the air, moving in what almost felt like slow motion. With a savage force, he swung the butt of it towards Matt's face just as Matt opened his mouth one last time. 
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Eyes flying wide open in a panic, you were met with nothing but darkness around you. Breathing hard, you tried to place where you were as your eyes darted frantically around the blackness. Your heart was wildly slamming into your ribcage, pounding so violently you swore you could hear your blood pounding in your own ears. 
It took your brain a moment to realize that you were just laying in bed, your body covered in a slight sheen of cold sweat beneath the silk sheets. The familiar and comforting weight of Matt asleep on the bed beside you registered next, his presence almost instantly calming you. Outside of the bedroom windows you heard the faint hum of the mostly asleep city down below, your eyes gradually adjusting to the bit of light from the obnoxious billboard across the street that still filtered in behind the blackout curtains. 
You'd had a nightmare. The same one you'd been having for two weeks now.
Your hands slipped out from beneath the soft sheets as you carefully tried to sit up, desperately attempting to avoid disturbing Matt. You hadn't wanted to bother him any of the times you'd woken from this dream before, embarrassed that it had kept repeatedly bothering you. 
Raising a hand, you ran it across your damp forehead, still trying to orient yourself in the bedroom. A small, dark shape was curled at the end of the bed–Mittens, fast asleep. Trying to take slow, deep breaths, you continued to focus on the safe, familiar space around you. The sound of Matt's faint exhales nearby, the slight patter of rain hitting the windows, the distant sound of a car horn.
This was real.
Movement beside you on the bed caught your attention, your head turning over your shoulder. You heard the rustling of sheets and a frown settled onto your face. You'd been hoping not to bother him, having somehow managed it every other night that you'd had this dream. Though you figured your luck would eventually run out and you'd be forced to discuss this all with him at some point. Because it was Matt and whenever anything was bothering you, he didn't stop digging until he knew exactly what was on your mind.
“Sweetheart?” his sleep-laden voice called through the darkness. 
Your eyelids lowered, well aware he was going to pick up on everything your body was doing now that he was awake. The panicked and alert tone of his voice when he spoke again only proved you right.
“Sweetheart, is everything alright?” he asked. “What's wrong?”
Matt began to quickly push himself upright on the bed beside you, tossing the sheets off of himself in a rush. You shook your head gently, still trying to calm your body despite your unease at the impending conversation. Even though you hadn't meant to wake him, you figured it was no surprise that he had caught onto your distress even in his sleep with how much of a bodily reaction you'd had to the nightmare this time around. It was more of a surprise that you'd never woken him the other nights, honestly. 
“Everything is fine, Matt,” you assured him, still feeling the rapid beating of your heart pounding in your throat. “I'm fine.”
“Your heart is racing,” he pointed out, placing a gentle, comforting hand on your shoulder. “Your blood pressure is elevated and your body feels like it's in a state of panic. What's going on? Did something happen?”
“I just…had a nightmare,” you awkwardly admitted. “That's all.”
“A nightmare?” he asked, confused.
You sighed, rubbing a hand across your forehead again. “Yeah. I've been having the same one for the past couple of weeks,” you confessed. “Ever since…you came home that night. Injured.”
There was a bit of a pause that followed your admission. The air felt suddenly heavier and colder in the dark.
“How come you've never mentioned the nightmares before?” he questioned carefully.
“Because I didn't want to worry you,” you answered. 
Matt's arm slowly slid its way across your back as he draped it around you. Gradually he drew you into his bare chest and you turned, burying your face into the inviting warmth of his skin. He smelled like sweat and the leather-like material from his Daredevil suit. Your favorite smell.
“What's on your mind, sweetheart?” he whispered, a sadness barely hidden in his tone. “And why haven't you said anything to me?”
You shrugged lightly as his other arm wrapped around you, tugging you into a tight embrace. Eventually your own arms carefully wrapped around his waist, your cheek resting against his chest as you drew yourself in closer to him.
“Because it's stupid,” you muttered. “And you've got enough on your mind.”
“Hey,” Matt said firmly, his arms squeezing you briefly, “nothing that's bothering you is stupid. So why don't you tell me what this nightmare is about?”
The image of Matt battered and beaten, helpless and terrified in one of the dining room chairs, flashed through your mind. Your eyes snapped shut instantly, but the image of him so horribly injured was already seared into your mind. Gritting your teeth together, you turned your face and buried it firmly into Matt's chest. Your fingers dug into the muscles along his back, fearful of that mental image becoming a reality. 
“Sweetheart?” Matt prompted gently. 
Swallowing the lump forming in your throat, you knew you'd have to tell him. He'd only pry harder the more you tried to avoid answering.
“It's always me coming home from a bad day at work,” you began quietly, face still buried into his chest, “before I realize you're home already. Before me. But there's–there's always these two other men here with you.”
You felt Matt immediately stiffen against you, his body going rigid as his arms firmly held you to himself. But he remained silent, waiting for you to continue. 
“They have guns,” you whispered, a tremor in your voice as wetness dampened your closed lashes. “And you're–you're beaten and covered in blood when I show up. Unable to even fight back, not even in your suit. Then you always tell me to run but I–” 
Your words broke off as you shook your head firmly against his chest. The thought of just leaving him there to die, even in your dreams, was too painful to even imagine. Your heart squirmed in your chest at the very idea of it. And the pain and fear written on his face each time he realizes you won’t leave, knowing what that means for you, only has your heart feeling like it's being crushed in your chest even now.
“I can't–I can't just leave you like that,” you choke out. “But there's nothing I can actually do to help, either.” A sob escaped you, briefly cutting you off before your next words fly out in a rush. “Because all I have is a fucking useless can of pepper spray to fend them off with. Nothing more.”
Matt's hands immediately began to rub soothing patterns along your back, his mouth lowering beside your ear. “Hey, shh, it's okay,” he whispered. “It's okay, it was just a bad dream, that's all.”
You shook your head, tears still pouring down your cheeks. “I know, but it still has me scared, Matt,” you whispered. “Scared of something happening.”
Something like a defeated sigh mixed with a pained groan fell out of him, his mouth still beside your ear. You could feel your chest constrict at the terribly sad noise alone. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry. This is all because of me. Because I fucked up all those months ago,” he told you, guilt coating his words. “Because I fucked up and your connection to me–to Daredevil–was discovered. And you were hurt because of me. And now–now you’re terrified of it happening again and it’s–” he paused, exhaling a shuddering breath. “It’s all my fault.”
Before you could even react or respond, his hands were frantically on your face, drawing it away from his chest and turning it up towards his. Even in the dark you could tell there were tears in his eyes. You could hear the emotion in the faint quiver of his voice as he pressed on.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry I failed you before,” he earnestly apologized. “But I swear to you, I will never let that happen again. No one will ever hurt you. Not again. I won’t let them. So you don’t have to worry about that. Do you understand? I would tear apart this whole city to keep you safe if I had to.”
The tears only spilled faster from your eyes. Not because of the passion and truth you could hear in his words, but because that wasn't it . That wasn't what was bothering you, not fully. Of course you were afraid of ever encountering a situation again where you ended up in danger or injured–or worse–after what had happened to you before, but what was really bothering you was the danger Matt could find himself in. Or rather, the danger he could find himself in and the fact that you were nothing like him. There was nothing special about you that would help you keep him safe in return. 
You were just…you.
Slowly you shook your head, your eyes still focused on what you could make out of his face in the dark. Very minutely, you saw him tilt his head to the side as if in confusion.
“I know you would, Matty,” you whispered. “But that’s not it.”
“What–what do you mean?” he asked, sounding almost nervous. “What do you mean that’s not it?”
Licking your lips, you tried hard not to feel so incredibly foolish for what you were about to admit. A fear that had been steadily growing in your mind over the past few months.
“I mean, I’m afraid of something happening to you, Matt,” you told him. “That you won’t come home to me some night. Or that you’ll find yourself in a situation you can’t get out of. Or someone will break into our apartment and hurt you. Because what could I do? What could I possibly do to help you? I don’t have special abilities and I can’t even fight. I know basic self-defense, Matt.” You grimaced, as you admitted, “I’m useless. Weak.”
“What?” Matt asked in shock. “Sweetheart, no. You’re not useless, not at all. But you don’t need to have any abilities and you don’t need to be able to fight off the bad guys. That isn’t something you ever need to be concerned with.” His hands slid up from where they’d been resting on your back, firmly grasping your shoulders as he lowered his face towards yours. “I don’t want you to be concerned with that. Because I can take care of myself. It’s not your responsibility to look after me or protect me, alright? I’ll be fine.”
You shook your head, tears still stinging at your eyes. “You can’t promise that, Matt.”
“Okay, no, you’re right,” he amended. “I can’t exactly promise that, but you know I will always do everything in my power to make it back home to you every night. You know I’ve stopped pushing myself too hard and too far because I love you. Because I don’t want you to worry about me. So you don’t need to worry. I know my limits.”
Matt wrapped his arms around your shoulders again, pulling you back into himself in a crushingly tight embrace. You sniffled, once again burying your face back into his bare skin in search of comfort as your fingers dug into his back, holding him tight. Matt’s lips placed a handful of kisses onto the top of your head before he buried his face into your hair.
“It’s my job to look out for you, not the other way around,” he whispered. “Okay? Leave the worrying of that to me.”
Eyes falling closed, you tried hard to fight the tears threatening to spill forth once again. Instead, you tried to focus on the comforting scent of him, your teeth biting into your lower lip to keep it from trembling. 
“Okay,” you breathed out.
“Okay,” he replied, relief in his tone. “Okay, good. Because I’ll keep us both safe. Alright?”
Biting down harder on your bottom lip, all you could manage was a nod in response. But as Matt cradled you in his arms, your own wrapped around him in a desperate vice, you could still see that image of him battered and bloodied in your mind. It lingered there, haunting you.
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Certification || One Piece ||
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Based off this
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Death of a major character (Spoilers), hint of pregnancy (at the end), fem reader
Words: 1.4k
A/N: I finally watched the Marineford Arc and this is how I'm coping. Let me know what ya'll think and if you want more Ace fics. This is my first one piece fic and hopefully I did it justice. Also it took me some time to figure out the timeline of Ace in Impel Down until I finall said fuck it, I do what I want.
You were six the first time you married Ace, only because it was all he could do to get you to stop crying. After he declared himself a future pirate, you had done the same. In your six year old eyes it was the only way to stay by his side. He immediately shattered your plans by saying you weren’t allowed. Cue the water works and him instantly panicking. He wasn’t equipped to handle crying girls.
“You can’t become a pirate,” he says and it only makes you cry harder. “Because… Because you’re gonna be my wife!”
That instantly shut you up, staring at him with a tear stained and snotty face. He had his gaze averted from yours as he blushed the deepest shade of red you've ever seen.
“Y-Your wife?” you ask suddenly beaming at the idea.
He still doesn’t look at you as he nods, embarrassed to have said something like that out loud. So much for being a pirate. But when he saw the wide smile on your face and your eyes gleaming with joy, he would have said it all over again.
You had a ‘wedding’ a few days later because you couldn’t wait. It was just you and him hidden away in the woods. You made a veil out of an old blanket and he found the rings. Which were just two rubber bands that didn’t even fit on your finger then.
You wanted it to be real so you managed to steal an actual wedding certificate. You made him sign it after your fake ceremony and with a red face, he promised to deliver it to government officials. You never confirmed if he did or didn’t. For months, you told everyone in the village who’d listen that you were Ace’s wife.
After that, your fake wedding went unspoken about as the two of you grew up. But the reminder was always there, even as Ace’s intentions grew. He was still determined to become a pirate no matter how much you tried to convince him otherwise. When he wouldn’t back down, you’d fight back by telling him you were coming with.
You were fourteen when he mentioned your fake marriage for the first time in years. It reignited feelings you thought you’d long locked away. And it very much worked in his favor. To be fair, it was a complete accident on his part.
“If you wanna become a pirate so bad, then I will too!” you argued.
He looked at you with a scowl on his face and shook his head. “No, you aren’t!”
“Says who?”
“Says me. You’re never becoming a pirate and that’s final.”
“It’s my life, Ace! I can do what I want with it,” you shout, shoving your face in front of his in a fit of anger.
“And you’re my wife! You should have the decency to listen to me,” he yells right back.
You were ready to continue your argument only to be stopped short. Your face turns red as you register what he says. His does the same, reaching up to the tips of his ears. You stagger backwards to make room between the two of you, blubbering away as you do.
There was a lot of awkward confessing after that, mainly on Ace’s part. Turns out he never really forgot that day and after seeing how happy it made you, he swore to make you his actual wife one day. You called him an idiot and happily sobbed in his arms when he admitted that.
Ace was seventeen when he finally set off to become a pirate. You still pleaded with him not to leave but it only fell on deaf ears. Becoming a pirate was his dream, one he couldn’t let go of.
“You said I was your dream!” you yell.
Your hands meet his chest and you push him away from you. You were crying and he was trying to reason with you. You didn’t want to hear it. You hated him, you hated him and his stupid dream of becoming a pirate.
He let you fight him, push him, hit him; whatever you needed to let your anger out. He stood still as your fist weakly struck his chest and your sobs rang in his ears. When you gave up, you leaned on him and buried your face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you as you cried.
“You are my dream,” he says. He holds you gently, cradling you close to him, speaking with a tone that matches his actions. “That’s why I need to do this. I’ll become Pirate King and protect you.”
You wanted to call him an idiot but your voice only came out in sobs. You didn’t want him to protect you, you wanted him to stay by your side. You wanted to be his wife like he promised. But you couldn’t deny what he wanted to do, knowing you’d get here eventually.
“I’ll come back and we’ll get married. We’ll have a family and we’ll do anything you want.”
His hands move to cradle your face, pulling it towards his own. He pressed his lips to yours and his kiss sealed his promise.
He left the next morning after spending the previous night together. With nothing more than a note and the same rubber band he gave you when you were six. You thought you’d lost it long ago, it slipped off your finger sometime when you were a kid. This time it fits perfectly on your ring finger.
You hardly saw Ace during the next three years and when you did, he hardly stayed. You’d spend a few nights together and he was always gone before you woke up. You know he did that so he didn’t have to say goodbye. The last time you saw him was shortly before he faced Blackbeard.
You were twenty when you finally married Ace and he wasn’t even there for it.
There’s a knock on the door and you struggle to get up from your seat. You rub at your eyes and take a deep breath to compose yourself before opening the door. It’s someone who comes to deliver a package for you. You’re quick to accept it before closing the door and hiding away in your home.
You sit back down and set the large envelope next to the letter you’ve already opened. You don’t rush to open it but something tells you to do it. Call it intuition.
The contents inside make you sob loudly, thinking the universe is playing some cruel joke. It’s a letter congratulating you on the finalization of your marriage certificate. The same one you signed when you were six years old, the one you made Ace sign too.
You never actually thought he sent it in, you were just kids then. What government official did you actually know? Truth be told, he kept it until he left to become a pirate. He really meant what he said, you’d become his wife one way or another. Since you were still underage, it wasn't accepted as valid. Until now, when a certain marine had it validated in his honor. It was the least he could do for him and for you.
You set the letter down, next to the one you got hours ago. The one that told you about Ace’s demise, killed at Marineford. The universe was cruel indeed. You wrap your arms around your stomach, shielding the small bump that’s started to form. You sob as you hold yourself, protecting the last piece of Ace you had.
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psychesalcove · 13 days
WHEN YOURE ALL ALONE, ILL REACH FOR YOU (when you're fellin' low, i'll be there too)
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college au! jason grace x gn! reader
yes, from amandamariee
⚠️: reader is a bit of an overachiever, crying, being overwhelmed bc of school work, shitty ass writing (sorry gang) not proofread AT ALL
in which ; jason comforts reader who is overwhelmed by school work due to finals.
a/n: thank you so much for the request babes!! i hope this lives up to your expectations,, i loveee fluff and comfort fics so so much like it's actually scary 😔 ALSO i made the reader have a history major – just in case anyone was wondering :)
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finals season was upon the students of new rome. cafes were filled to the brim with students, workbooks, and the sound of typing on laptops (that were specially made for demigods, of course).
you were one of the studnets who found themselves at the cafe more often than you would like to admit. earlier today you were at a popular cafe downtown with annabeth, but, around two hours into your study session, you wanted a change of scenery.
and that's how you found yourself back at the condo you and jason shared.
your wooden desk that you had gotten at ARC had every surface possible filled with studying items. old assignments, papers your professor handed out, your notes, and every color of highlighter imaginable.
your tea (which jason had made for you) was long forgotten on the edge of the desk, close to tipping over onto the carpeted floor of the bedroom. you had been in the same posion on your chair for about an hour and a half, eyes focused on reading an essay you had wrote a couple months ago.
jason would have already had you take a break by now, but he was downtown. you and jason were supposed to meet with the seven for dinner tonight, but you decided to stay home and study more. jason had insisted on staying with you, but with much persistence on your end, he was out the door and on his way downtown.
and of course, when you're studying for the most important test of this year, your dyslexia decided to act up. you had been stuck on the same sentence for about 5 minutes now. the words kept getting jumbled in your mind, floating from place to place on the page. the monster attacks you could deal with; but not being able to read a simple sentence?
you sighed heavily through your nose, setting down your pen onto the desk. this essay should be easy to read; you were the one who wrote it after all. your eyes shifted from the essay to the rest of your desk. you had no idea how you were going to manage getting all of the information you needed for the test in your head.
you reached for your laptop that was under a folder, because you decided that it might be easier to do work digital instead of on paper. you quickly logged into your laptop, and went to google classroom.
your eyes were drawn to the notification icon, seeing that there was one. you clicked it, mouse hovering over the writing that appeared on the screen: a comment from your professor.
y/n, i've seen you do amazing work in my class this year. what happened with this? i know you have more potential than what you wrote. i'll have to give you a D for this one, but it shouldn't affect your grade to much considering you have an A. it'll bring it down to an A- or a B at the most. i'll hope you gain your skill back in further work.
you quickly changed the screen onto where your grades were shown. there it was. a B. you knew that it wasn't a bad grade or anything, especially remembering when percy showed his grades to you once, but it still didn't sit right with you.
this was your best class, the one you always understood and got at least an 80 or higher on. you've never gotten a D.
tears quickly filled up your eyes, causing you to bink rapidly in an attempt to keep them at bay. you looked at the desk, in hopes of feeling better by now staring at the large B on your screen, but it only made it worse. all the papers and assignments quickly overwhelmed you, seeing how much you still had to do.
how will you even pass this test if you can't write a simple article about an artifact?
with that thought in your head, tears quickly started dripping down your face. a rational part of you told you that a small assignment like that didn't show your worth of the class, but the emotional part of you quickly overtook that thought.
as you sat there, posture rigid and tears freely falling down your face, you were to focused on your own being to register the sound of a door opening and footsteps going down the hall twords the bedroom you were in. you only got out of your head when you felt cold hands rubbing up and down your upper back.
"hey, love, what's wrong?" a voice, that you quickly recognized as jason's, said. you didn't know how to verbally respond, so you coughed hard and brought a hand up to your face to try to remove the tear stains from your face.
jasons hands moved from your back to go over your shoulders, hugging you from behind. "how about we get you into a bed first, hm?" he questioned gently, leaning awkwardly so his face was closer to your ear. after registering what he said, you nodded slightly as you made a move to stand up.
jason aided in getting you up, and then put a hand over your shoulder when the two of you started the short walk to the bed. he let you sit first, and then quickly followed in suit. he sat in front of you, letting you get a clear image of his blonde hair and concerned face.
he grabbed your hands and held onto them lightly, giving you the option to leave his grasp at any point. "love, try to copy my breathing, okay?" he instructed, making eye contact with you. he slowly took a deep breath in through his mouth, waiting for you to follow. once he saw the movement , he slowly exhaled through his nose, again, waiting for to follow his breathing pattern.
this continued until jason deemed you collected enough to talk about whatever made you upset. "want to tell me what got you so worked up, my love?" he asked again, softly smiling at you when you two made eye contact.
you quickly explained your situation in a shaken voice, still getting own crying. his eyebrows knitted in concern as he listen to you, and his thumb started slowly rubbing circles on your knuckles when he noticed your teary eyes.
once you finished speaking, he took you into his arms and held you gently. "how about you take a break. i'll make you tea, and you can eat if you want. then, we'll come back, and i'll help you with whatever you need help with. sound good?" he explained, already making a move to stand up with you.
the two of you quickly found yourself in the kitchen. jason had dimed the lights to emit a soft orange glow from above, and turned on the stove light as he filled the kettle up with water.
"you know, you're amazing at what you do, love." jason said, turning to you as he turned off the sink water after the kettle was filled up. "and, i know that you also know that, somewhere in there," he continued, brining up a finger and pointing at his head. you chucked softly, making jason get a small grin on his face from making you laugh, even if it was only little.
he walked over to the stove and placed the kettle on the stove, turning on the stove top, then moving over to where you sat on the counter. he gently wrapped his arms around your waist bringing you into a gentle embrace. "yknow you could have asked for my help earlier, i would have stayed with you, my love." he said as he rested his head on your shoulder.
"i know, but i wanted you to go out. i didn't want to keep up cooped up in here with me just because i didn't want to have dinner with them." you said as you wrapped your arms around his shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
"i never feel 'cooped up' with you, love. and i wouldn't have minded not going, although leo and piper seemd very pressed about you not being there tonight. said they wanted to meet up with you tomorrow to 'add to their gossip'." he said, chuckling lightly at the thought of leo and piper.
you smiled softly as you thought about your friends, knowing how much they meant to you. just then, your stomach growled, notifying both you and jason that you were starving.
"how about we make you some toast? then we can go back and start on some flashcards for you, sound good?" jason asked, pulling away from the embrace and walking over to the pantry, signaling with his hands for you to follow.
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buckttommy · 2 months
I have an idea for a full-season Eddie arc that I want to put into the universe. tim, feel free to plagiarize me yet again (but this time. i want a dm. i know you're around here somewhere come say hi). So. Anyways. Season 8
8x1: Eddie has broken up with Marisol. By the time this episode rolls around, they've already been broken up for a couple weeks/months. As mentioned in 7x5, he's struggling with the idea of Catholic guilt, struggling with the idea of faith in general. He mentions, in casual conversation, to Buck, Chim or Tommy (who is still with Buck on screen *coughs loudly*) that he's thinking about going down to Texas for a while. His grandmother is the most religious person he knows and he's always found comfort being in her space and soaking in her presence, so he wants to talk to her about his feelings. Whoever he's talking to agrees that's a good idea.
8x2 - 8x7: A couple episodes pass with the idea of Eddie taking some time off in the background of the audience's mind. Nothing major, just little throw away lines about getting the truck tuned up before he makes a big road trip, paying bills before he leaves, things like that.
8x8: The 118 responds to a call of a fire in a church. Two people are getting married and their families are in attendance. Eddie doesn't go inside the church but he fights the fire from outside and helps treat the injured. Almost everyone is pulled out safely but the mother of the bride. Her daughter is crying because she and her mother aren't on good terms and she doesn't want it to be too late for them to patch things up. Eddie and the bride get to talking, and the bride mentions she always felt like she wasn't enough for mom, that she found it impossible to live up to her standards. They had an argument before the fire broke out because the bride realized, on-screen, that she didn't actually want to marry the man she was going to marry because she was in love with someone else (that's what started the fire, her making that announcement caused someone to pass out, and blah blah blah). But she was only marrying this man because her mom thought he would be good for her, and the brides makes a comment about always feeling like she was living her life for someone else, in service of a standard she could never reach. Eddie, of course, can relate. The bride's mother passes away and, it's a tragedy and is treated as such, but at the end of the episode during the voiceover (*coughs louder*), we see the bride reuniting with the person she's actually in love with because her mother's death means she's free from having to try to, like, be perfect.
8x10: Eddie's been getting a call from his dad all throughout the episode but he's been ignoring it because [shenanigans]. This is a light-hearted episode and the tone will be important because when he finally answers the phone during the last five minutes of the episode, he's like "Dad, come on, jesus, what is it" and his dad tells him that his grandmother has passed away.
8x11: Midseason premiere, the episode begins with Isabel's funeral, mainly because I want to see Eddie/Ryan in a nice tailored black suit (timothy, i'm sure you can relate). Anyway, the funeral is outside because it's important Eddie doesn't go inside a church yet. When it's finished, he goes back to the reception at Isabel's house. His sisters are there, everyone is there. He offers to help his mother in the kitchen and she tries to make conversation, but Helena Diaz has never actually learned how to relate to her son, so she says the wrong thing. It doesn't go well (but that's something to be circled back to in another season). Eddie looks at the pictures on his grandma's wall / mantle / whatever and sees himself and his sisters and his cousins when they were kids, smiling big at church christenings or whatever, and he's like... "I don't recognize this kid who was so happy to be inside of religion. I didn't know who I was then, and I definitely don't know who I am now because of it". He doesn't say it, but that's the vibe ofc, and Ryan's face is expressive enough that he can pull that off.
8x12: He's back in LA. Everyone is treating him with the utmost care because they are good people and they love him, and one evening, Eddie gets a visitor. He opens the door and it's his sister. (one of them lives in LA, remember?). In my head, that's always been Sophia, so he asks what she's doing here, and she holds up a bottle of wine. They sit on the sofa, they talk and reminisce about their grandmother, make apologies for the fact that they haven't been around for each other much despite living in the same city (but this isn't Eddie's family issues storyline, this is the Catholic guilt storyline. We will circle back to this in S9). So Eddie pitches the idea of faith to her, and asks what it means to her. It's the same question he wanted to ask his grandmother. Sophia says she has faith in the universe, faith that things always happen the way they're meant to, and it's a good answer but it doesn't speak to the core of Eddie's problem, which is that he always feels beholden to something he can't name/place.
8x14: Eddie continues to ask the people around him (Buck, Athena, Tommy, Chim) about faith and what it means to them. They all give him different answers. Athena has faith in purpose. Chim has faith in his family. Buck has faith in the inherent good of humanity. Tommy has faith in himself. It's not very helpful in the sense that no one gives him his answer, but it does reveal to him that faith can, does, and should exist absent of guilt, that maybe he's been doing it (or was taught) all wrong.
8x15: Insert an embarrassingly on the nose call about a kind, nerdy, reserved man who's lived by an unspoken rulebook all his life. He came out to Los Angeles on a whim and suffers from a hiking mishap where he's physically blinded by [something] and subsequently needs to trust that the 118, these people he literally cannot see, will save him. When they pull him to safety, he berates himself for even coming out to Los Angeles in the first place because he's not the kind of guy who does this, he just wanted to do something for him and now he feels stupid. And Eddie (because of course it's Eddie) is just like "no, you didn't do anything wrong. Look, you took a leap of faith (episode title btw). That's more than what most people can say. Maybe it didn't work out in this instance, but who knows how it'll work out tomorrow, or the next day. You don't know the future. None of us do, so maybe stop trying to live according to some giant colossal plan and just... live, and try your best. Isn't that all we can do?" And he watches the guy get airlifted away (thanks Tommy! *coughs even louder*) and it's like his lightbulb moment, like, oh. Yeah. He finally gets it.
8x16: Eddie walks into a church for the first time in years, and for the first time all season. It looks exactly how he remembers; wooden pews, high ceilings, the works. He takes a seat on one of the benches and prays / talks aloud to God and is just like, "I don't really know who you are and I don't know how to be what you want me to be. All my life I've been trying to be what everyone wants me to be to the point where I just don't even know who I am anymore, if I ever knew. So I don't know who you are, but I know I am who you made me to be, and I don't know who that is, but I know that person is enough for me right now. And maybe I'll figure you out along the way, maybe I won't. But, right now, what I know is that i can't be your perfect son because I can't be perfect at all, and I need to let go of the idea that I can and start living my life for me." So he walks out of the church and not much changes, but everything changes. You know?
And, like, obviously the story would need to be flushed out a little more. Obviously, this story centers more of the idea of faith than the idea of explicit guilt, but they're one in the same anyway because you can't have guilt without failed/presumably "failed" expectations. In this case, religious or spiritual expectation. So. I don't know. But there's just something so sexy about the idea of Eddie systematically and intentionally dismantling and releasing himself from all the things that have kept him from growing over the years. Starting with his survivors guilt in S5 and working his way through Catholic guilt in S8, I just love the idea of Eddie being purposeful in his own healing, especially in this post-breakdown era. Plus it'll give him a chance to have a storyline that's not romance-focused cos we've been leaning a bit too heavily into those. 🙃 But anyways. (Next up is his issues with Helena. btw. because we have yet to circle back to his family issues in canon but we certainly need to).
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mettywiththenotes · 2 months
Ngl Mic's reaction is giving me Nana vibes. The whole grief of their situations being brought up and wanting so desperately for it to end already, to choose the easy way out just so it stops hurting
Nana going from crying because Izuku wanted to save Tomura and feeling grateful to then shouting at Izuku to kill him already. Mic going from "if you aren't Shirakumo fade away but if you are come back to us" to then grabbing Kurogiri by his clothes ready to punch him and yelling about how he shouldn't have given him the benefit of the doubt
I think it's also shown in the way Mic lists things that dehumanise Kurogiri too. "He's not crying, it's just the rain" "he has no tear ducts, he's a noumu" It's so clear he wants this to be over already
Same thing happened with Nana and Tomura. The vestiges too. They kept saying how he is destruction incarnate, how it's too late for him, how he's a "thing" "not human", just like Tomura said himself
Mic and Nana just let themselves think that way because it's the easy way out. They put a lid on their feelings, and in the final war arc it's like the lids got ripped off and it's all coming out now
That's why I think Aizawa and Izuku sort of parallel here. They wonder about their supposed enemies. "Why didn't he get rid of us? Why didn't he kill us when he could have?" Aizawa asks, physically reaching out to Kurogiri. "I have to ask why he can't let go of that sad lonely past of his!" Izuku says, also attempting to reach out to Tomura in his own way
"That's where their origins lie" Aizawa says as he thinks back to those school days. And Izuku was in Tomura's mind, literally at the center of his "origin"
Even though it's painful for Nana, Tomura and Mic, Aizawa and Izuku press on anyway because they can't help but wonder whether things can change. If things don't have to be this way
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Part 21 Punk Hazard!
There is SO much that happens in this arc! (The ONE time I don’t remember much 💀) however I definitely believe Reader will end up kidnapped by Caesar Clown (As ordered by Doflamingo who has big plans for her from her stunt at Marineford) and he manages to get some of her blood (For some experiments) and discovers some fascinating properties in her blood
Also devious ideas for Momonosuke having a big fat crush on Reader (Evil Laughter)
Y/N and the Straw Hats finally enter the New World (And promise Shirahoshi and their allies that they’ll come back again, especially since they plan to make Fishman Island their territory)
After that ordeal Nami decides to take a nice shower and has Reader join her to help her get nice and clean after such an intense adventure and battle (When they were done, Nami helped Y/N into a pair of clean clothes)
Reader wanted to play, however all the exhaustion finally crashed down on her and she felt very sleepy, and went to her bedroom to take a nap (She wanted to stay up and do more adventure, but Luffy promises to wake her up if he sees Adventure)
However they received a distress call for help on an island called Punk Hazard that they’re being attacked by a Samurai
If Reader is with Zoro, Robin, Luffy and Usopp then Ace is also there (And when they have to cross the icy and flaming waters, Ace uses his boat to get him and Reader across *As everyone else is too big and heavy to join him on his transportation*)
When Zoro, Luffy and Mama Robin are laughing evilly over getting some warm coats, Ace is in the background using his DF to keep his body warm as well as for Reader (And he’s careful that he doesn’t burn her) as she’s shivering a bit from the chill
They couldn’t find a coat to fit her, so Robin makes a flap in the front/back of Luffy/Ace/Zoro’s coat for Reader to stay warm in (Commenting that he looks like a Kangaroo and Reader looks like his baby Joey *Usopp and Brook are laughing hysterically*)
When they meet Kin’emon and Momonosuke (Momo develops a small crush on Reader) but Y/N’s brothers, uncle (Franky) and her grandpa (Brook) aren’t amused, minus Luffy, since he’s too dumb to realize this until Zoro tells him, then he’s on the same boat with everyone else (Meanwhile, Nami and Robin think it’s cute that Reader has a friend around her age to spend time with)
Caesar might try to take some of Reader’s blood (For experiments) and accidentally saw strange properties within her blood, and with a few tests he discovers a shocking discovery, Reader’s blood has phenomenal abilities that can advance his ‘research’ (Cruel and Inhumane Experiments and Weapons) he just needs a LOT more of her blood (History repeats itself) one of them being she can be the key to reach immortality! (So Reader is currently running away as fast as she can away from the Scary Man, only to get caught and hooked up on an operation table)
However Law finds her and helps her (He was shocked to find her there)
When Luffy fought Caesar, he went on about how a ‘Simpleton’ like Luffy and his crew can’t understand how to ‘properly use’ Reader (Luffy feels rage, especially when he recalls how scared Reader was)
Reader is proceeding to cry when her family finds her as she’s sobbing silently and violently trembling in their arms (When they see the machine Reader was hooked up too and some of her blood, they instantly connected the dots on what happened and look absolutely murderous, especially since this level of fear she’s showing is something incredibly raw, a few they all understand all to well)
When Reader finds out about the other children being experimented on she demands to go back because she wants to help them, just like how she wished to be helped (This answer made her family understand that Reader is opening up a bit about her trauma)
Reader raised her voice for the first time begging her Brothers to help save the children as she wants to help them! (She also wants to help Law)
When Caesar was defeated and Sanji whipping up a lot of food of them, the Marines and the children, Reader joins Law to help the kids (And uses her powers to the best of her ability to help relieve them of their pain)
Reader says hello to Smoker and Tashigi and tell her she’s not a prisoner (They definitely believe she’s been brainwashed if she thinks she’s safe around Pirates, but know Reader is most likely better off with Straw Hat Luffy than anyone else)
Sorry if this is a jumbled mess I can’t remember much about what happened in Punk Hazard (I just know that I hate and would gladly kill Caesar Clown)
-It had been a long day for you, leaving Fishman Island, and after a big meal and a bath with Nami, you were knocked out almost instantly, sawing logs as soon as your head hit the pillow.
-You woke up to loud shouting and you sat up, a big groggy and you headed to the door, opening it and seeing Luffy holding a Den-Den Mushi, a distress signal being sent out that whoever was calling was being attacked by a samurai.
-Brook kneeled beside you, noticing you first as you looked up at him, “What’s a samurai?” and he explained it to you, telling you that it’s a swordsman from a nation called Wano, and Luffy decided to head to Punk Hazard.
-The island was so weird! Half of it was covered in ice, the other covered in flames, which made you very confused on how the ice didn’t melt and how the fire wasn’t being put out by the ice.
-Ace, Luffy, Robin, Zoro, and Usopp were the ones to go onto the island, and despite begging to go too, they didn’t want to risk you getting burnt.
-You did pout only slightly, wanting to go explore with them on this new adventure, but seeing all the fire, you were a little nervous, and relented.
-As the ship sailed to the other side of the island, that was covered in snow, you were in awe, wanting to go and play in the snow. You then heard Franky, “Oi who the hell are you?!” everyone turned, seeing unknown men in hazmat suits jumping aboard the ship, but before anyone could do anything- they knocked everyone out.
-You’re not sure how much time had passed, but you felt the gentle brush of fingers on your cheeks, “Are you awake?” you didn’t know the voice and your eyes opened before they went wide, seeing a little pink dragon staring down at you.
-You didn’t know where you were when you sat up, tears coming to your eyes before the dragon panicked, “Don’t cry- I’m going to protect you! I am Momonosuke- the next Shogun of Wano!!” you recalled Wano, as you tilted your head to the side, looking adorable, “The land of samurais?”
-Momo instantly flushed- you were so cute!! He nodded, looking quite pleased with himself, “Yes- you are correct fair maiden!” he talked kind of funny as you looked around this room, finding yourself on a small cot, “Where are we?”
-Momo looked around, as he wasn’t supposed to be here, but he had heard of a young girl being brought in, and he wanted to make sure she was safe, while avoiding the guards himself, “On Punk Hazard- it’s a former World Government base, but now it’s- it’s something else, a lab.”
-Before you could ask him any more questions, voices filled the air near the door and Momo spoke, “I’ll come find you later, what’s your name?” you smiled up at him, “I’m Y/N!” he nodded and disappeared through a vent as the door opened, revealing a man who looked like he was made of clouds but also looked like a clown.
-He smiled broadly, seeing you awake, “Ahh Y/N you’re finally awake- I was concerned why you weren’t waking up!” he picked you up, despite being made of clouds, which made you curious, playing with his shoulder that kept making whisps, “You’re made of clouds?” he laughed at your naivety, “No my dear- I’m made of gas, I ate the Gas-Gas Fruit- marvelous isn’t it? But not as marvelous as you!”
-You were confused by what he meant, he didn’t seem scary, as he was smiling and laughing, like he was having fun while walking down the hallway with you.
-What felt like hours later, you were sobbing, a washcloth in your mouth, stuffed there after Caesar got tired of your crying and screaming for your brothers.
-When he saw you on the ship, he knew this was going to be a glorious chance to get his hands on you!
-He had been vying for you ever since your abilities had been made public, and as he experimented on you, drawing blood from you, he found that this wasn’t a Devil Fruit ability- this was something you could do yourself!!
-He had torn the clothes from your body, seeing the scars, seeing that someone else knew this fact about you as well, knowing what you could do as you were strapped down, crying heavily, reliving old trauma of being trapped while being tortured here.
-You were so scared, your heartrate was through the roof and you felt like throwing up, but you couldn’t, your arms and legs as well as your torso and head were strapped down, unable to move, unable to escape.
-Caesar looked like a child in a candy store, watching your horn flare to life as your ability healed another six cuts on your arm. You were getting dizzy now, a fever starting to form, which he recorded, “Hmm- it’s probably due to your age that your ability seems to be so weak. Ahh the limitations of youth~ I wonder what you will be like when you’re older!”
-You could barely understand him through the haze of the pain and your fever, you just wanted the pain to stop- you wanted Luffy and Ace, Sanji, and Robin- you wanted your family- you wanted to go home!!
-When the whole island seemed to shake, an earthquake it felt like, Caesar pulled back, a scowl on his lips, questioning the guards who were in the area what was going on, but nobody seemed to have an answer.
-He left you, promising to return shortly to have more fun, as you broke down, your tears unable to stop as you started to tremble, going into shock.
-You heard the sound of the door opening, and you didn’t know if you had passed out, so you don’t know how much time had passed, but you heard someone whisper out a naughty word and you looked up, seeing a new man there, wearing a leopard seal hat.
-He quickly moved to your side and worked quickly on getting you free, gritting his teeth lightly. He couldn’t bear to see such a young child being tortured like this- he was a pirate, a warlord, but he wasn’t heartless!
-Law knew that the Straw Hats were looking for you, he recalled how enraged Luffy and Ace had been when they learned you had been taken. Normally he would have teased them for not having weaknesses, but he kept quiet, as he remembered his own little sister, who he had been unable to help.
-Law pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in a blanket before holding you close. You didn’t know this man, but unlike Caesar, he wasn’t hurting you, he was helping you.
-Law pulled out his sword, and slashed at the room, destroying all the evidence and machines, as well as the vials of your blood, not wanting a child to be turned into a weapon. He knew the government was after you, and he knew that Doflamingo was after you- and Law knew all too well how dangerous that could be.
-He glanced down at you, seeing that you had a fever and spoke quietly, “I know you are tired, but try to stay awake.” You nodded softly, looking up at him, curious as to where you remember him from.
-When he stopped in a quiet area, allowing himself a breather, you spoke up, smiling softly as you remembered, “I remember you- you had a fluffy polar bear.” He smiled softly, happy that you had remembered Bepo, and through his friend, you remembered him. He was glad that you didn’t remember what he had unintentionally taught you.
-Law felt the rumbles of the various attacks through the building, as he scowled softly, after he had teamed up with Smoker and the Straw Hats to defeat Caesar and his forces, as well as looking for you as you were the only one who was missing.
-Law had been stunned by the faith Luffy had put in him, entrusting him with finding you, and while not happy being given orders by someone else, Law couldn’t help but squeeze you a bit tighter, feeling relief that he did find you.
-Footsteps filled his ears and Law turned, his eyes widening, seeing Vergo there, who looked unimpressed, “Law- what do you think you’re doing with Y/N?” Law ground his teeth slightly, glaring as he knew that Vergo had already reported to Doflamingo about his betrayal, but now, facing off against him, he knew he had to keep you safe.
-Law hesitated in fighting, wondering if he should just flee, or if he should put you down, but that would give an opportunity for Vergo to grab you, or someone else to grab you.
-Law inhaled deeply, holding you on his hip, turning so you would be shielded, “You and Doflamingo will not hurt this child again.” He swallowed his fear as Vergo glared down at him, trying to intimidated him, like old times.
-You clutched onto Law’s jacket tightly, the sounds of fighting ringing in your ears as your head was pounding, you felt so sick- so weak. Caesar had taken so much blood from you and made you use your quirk so much that he was almost to the point of killing you.
-When Vergo was finally defeated, you finally peeked out as Law was panting hard before he sheathed his sword, “C’mon- we gotta get out of here!” you didn’t respond, as he rushed towards the rail tracks, where the others all agreed to meet.
-Law knew that if the facility was at risk, Doflamingo was going to implement the failsafe, destroying the whole island, as only Caesar was wanted alive, because with him, he could still continue to produce SAD, false Devil Fruits.
-You knew what SADs were, as you heard Caesar talking about them, wanting to make these false Devil Fruits, using your ability, to create an army of people with your ability.
-Ace shouted out your name as he saw you, as Law sprinted and leapt up, as the railcar had just left and Ace caught Law by his jacket, pulling him into the cart and many voices shouted out your name, seeing the state you were in.
-Law and Robin, as Chopper was still trying to stabilize Mocha, worked quickly, as the G5 soldiers kept the other children back, who were all wondering who you were- as you were a child they hadn’t met yet.
-Momo shouted out your name, from his spot around Luffy’s neck, who was stunned stiff, seeing the state you were in, as you were now crying, holding onto Robin’s hands, your body trembling as Law tried to use what he could to try to stabilize you, as you were going into shock.
-Ace was the one to shake Luffy out of his shock, as Monet started the self-destruct sequence, and the tunnel was starting to collapse, so they needed to keep the track clear to avoid the incoming poison.
-Your crew- no… your family was furious, seeing you in such a state, as the cart managed to get outside safely, and despite the celebration, Chopper, who was now helping Law, were still trying to get you stabilized.
-Tashigi was appalled, seeing the scars on your arms, which looked old, and she remembered Caesar’s words to the Straw Hats, that they didn’t know how to use you properly. It made her blood boil, thinking they were the ones who did this to you.
-Smoker was also enraged, fully prepared to fight for you, thinking that you weren’t safe with the Straw Hats, thinking they were using you just like Caesar wanted to.
-Ace and Luffy got into a fight with Smoker, the three of them shouting while everyone else watched and Tashigi spoke up, pointing at you, “Then what about those wounds! Are you the ones who did that to her?!”
-Nami glared hard, she respected Tashigi, as she reminded her of Belle Mere, “Shut up.” The air turned icy, hearing Nami’s fury as she spoke, intimidating Tashigi, “Don’t make accusations if you don’t know who did them. We would never hurt a child.”
-Tashigi, realizing what she had suggested, gasped, in shock before Sanji spoke, glaring at Smoker, “And it’s your government who wants Y/N alive and for such a high bounty. What makes you think they won’t do the same to her if you get your hands on her.”
-Neither could make an argument, as Smoker knew that there was something fishy up on why the government was so adamant about getting their hands on you, but there was no proof.
-Once you were finally stabilized, Luffy agreed to leave the other children with Smoker, and Law, Momo, and Kin’emon hopped aboard Sunny, as the next island was their shared destination, Dressrosa.
-Robin and Nami carefully doted on you, as they could tell that you were now very emotionally fragile as you weren’t responding verbally to any of them, not even Luffy or Ace. Your eyes were glassy, and you seemed like you were just there, like a living doll, which enraged your family to see you in such a state.
-Caesar was being held down in the brig, chained with sea stone and Law had his heart, and promised to kill him if he tried anything, but Caesar was more scared of the Straw Hats, who all looked ready to murder him in thousands of different ways!
-Law was the one to come up with an idea, as you were sitting in Usopp’s arms, while Luffy and Ace were trying to feed you, trying to get you to eat, after Chopper couldn’t come up with anything to get you out of this state.
-Chopper was hesitant, as was Robin, worried that this might make it worse, but they couldn’t argue with Law’s theory, that it could work and after going back and forth, Chopper agreed.
-You didn’t react with Chopper grabbed your arm gently, rubbing your upper arm with rubbing alcohol, before he poked you with a needle, filled with just some iron supplements, after Law told them how much blood Caesar had taken.
-You jumped, nearly out of Usopp’s arms, being shocked awake before you saw Chopper there, putting a bunny band-aid on you as tears welled in your eyes and quickly you were crying, finally breaking.
-While relieved you had finally broken out of shock, letting your emotions finally out, they could all tell, the way you were crying, that this wasn’t from the needle, but everything you had to live through in the past few hours, as you clutched at Usopp, your arms around his neck as he was trying not to tear up, hugging you tightly to him.
-As relief went through everyone, as you cried, slowly calming down, you saw everyone there, including the new faces. Kin’emon introduced himself, bowing at the waist and your eyes went sparkly, seeing the sword, “Are you a samurai?” he preened, looking a bit smug as he posed, telling you that he was before you met Momo, in his human form who came over to you, “I am pleased to see that you are alright, Miss Y/N!” you smiled sweetly at him and he turned bright red, something that quickly had the men in your life quickly surrounded by flames of rage, seeing this budding love.
-You then saw Law, who you remember rescuing you and you smiled, now more lucid, “Mr. Law!” he smiled softly, hearing the name, as he did try not to smile, but failed as he gave you a small wave in return. Nami was surprised, seeing you remember his name, as you had been pretty out of it, “You remember his name?”
-You nodded brightly, “I do- I remember Mr. Law because he had the cute polar bear! And he taught me this!” as you flipped the bird, Nami quickly made you stop, reminding you gently that it was a rude gesture while angry eyes turned to Law who had turned away, sipping his tea very loudly, wanting to disappear.
-Robin was the one to bring the mood down, but it’s not that she wanted to, “Y/N do you remember what happened?” you looked down, looking at your hands before you pushed the sleeves up, gasps coming from Momo and Kin’emon who were appalled to see the scars on your little body, as you saw the wounds were all healed.
-You swallowed hard, trying to fight off your tears, as you finally told them everything, from what Caesar did to you, and telling them about Overhaul, the man who was the first to do this to you, all those years ago, keeping you locked up and using your ability for his research, torturing you and keeping you under his thumb until you managed to escape and find Luffy.
-Everyone was stunned, hearing this, many were in tears, unable to process how someone was so cruel to someone so small.
-Ace wanted to badly to hug you, but his body was slowly turning flushed, his powers flaring up due to his anger, knowing he would hurt you, and Luffy wanted nothing more than to find this Overhaul and make him pay- hurting him ten times over to get payback, and to kill Caesar for touching you.
-Law was the one to tell everyone that Doflamingo ran Dressrosa, and that they needed to be extra careful to keep you safe, because Doflamingo was very dangerous, and if he wanted you, he was going to try to take you.
-Ace and Luffy just punched their fists together, grinning brightly at Law, speaking in unison, “‘Let him try!’” Law couldn’t help but shake his head lightly, the Straw Hats were all so tenacious, but then again, that was one of the few things he liked about them.
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vodika-vibes · 8 days
congrats on 650!!!!! could I get a regency AU with Fives? I've been obsessssedddd with bridgerton lately and why not smash my two favorite things rn together! you can do whatever you want with the story!
Let's Fly
Summary: After the untimely deaths of your father and older brother, you find yourself living in a home that is both cold and unwelcoming. Convinced that your father and brother were murdered, you reach out for help. This is how you meet Private Investigator Fives.
Pairing: Pre-ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 1923
Warnings: None
Prompt: Regency AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, when you said Regency AU, you definitely meant Murder Mystery a la Sherlock Holmes right? Because that's what this is. Anyway, this does end on a cliffhanger, it gives me something to come back to if I feel like it, and it lets the readers decide what they want to happen. I hope you like it! The name came from the song I was listening to when I started writing it.
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“I am very sorry about your husband and stepson, Lady Harride.” Father Paul says as he takes your stepmother’s hands in his own, trying to offer comfort.
“Thank you, Father.” Your stepmother, Cassandra Harride, says quietly. She hasn’t cried once since the deaths of your father or brother at the beginning of the week.
You know that people grieve differently, but you’re pretty sure she’s not grieving at all. 
Not that you’re crying either. You’ve long since run out of tears. 
You don’t look at your stepmother or Father Paul as they speak next to you. No, you keep your gaze locked on the identical coffins at the front of the church. Coffins identical to the one that you buried your mother in three years ago.
You can’t help but wonder if you’ll be buried in an identical coffin too.
“Mistress Harride,” Father Paul kneels at your feet, and you slowly turn your gaze to the man who’s watched you grow up, “I am so sorry for your loss.”
You feel numb. Numb and empty.
“Thank you, Father.” You say automatically.
“If either of you need anything,” He continues as he looks from you to your stepmother, and then back again, “Please, don’t be afraid to let the church know. We are here for you.”
“Thank you, Father. I’ll let you know.” Your stepmother says politely, “Are you ready to go?” She asks as she lightly touches your shoulder.
You’re quiet for a moment, and then slowly get to your feet, “Yes. I suppose there’s nothing left here for me.”
Father Paul stands as well, “Will we see you both this weekend?”
“Of course, Father. We wouldn’t miss it.” Your stepmother says quietly, “Excuse us.”
She leads you through the church, and then out to where the family carriage is waiting. The footman helps her into the carriage first, and then you, and shuts the door with a very final-sounding click.
“That was a very nice service,” Cassandra notes thoughtfully, “Reminds me of your mother’s service.”
“They were identical.” You reply numbly, “Same flowers, same sermon, same mourners—”
“Ah. Yes, of course.” She falls silent and adjusts her skirt, “So, I was thinking,” She begins, “How would you feel about moving into the East wing?”
The East Wing. Where your brother lived.
“If you like, Cassandra.” You say quietly.
“I think it’ll be for the best.” She continues, “Maker knows that the balcony outside your bedroom needs to be repaired.” The older woman pauses, “I would hate for something to happen to you.”
“...of course, Cassandra.”
Your father paid for you to attend the nicest boarding schools on the continent. He paid for tutors and lessons and everything in between. He felt that your education was one of the most important things that he would ever gift you.
As a result, you are not a stupid woman.
You know that your father’s and brother’s deaths were not an accident. They were killed. And, if you were a suspicious person, you might wonder if your mother was murdered as well.
And, really, there’s only one person who would benefit from all of their deaths. The same woman who you now live alone with.
“Yes, dear?”
“I was thinking of going into the city later today.” You murmur, “If you have no qualms about me borrowing the carriage?”
You don’t look at her, your gaze locked on the trees racing passed the carriage instead, “I’m finding the house… stifling, these last few days. I believe that getting out will be good for me.”
Cassandra nods slowly, “Of course. I felt much the same after my father died.”
At that, you pull your gaze away from the window, “How long did it take you to feel normal again?”
She drops her gaze to her lap, “Years. And even now, I wake up some mornings expecting to hear his voice.” There seems to be genuine concern in her voice, “The pain never really goes away. I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, though.”
“No. Not really.”
Cassandra nods, “I think a visit to the city will be good for you. Will you change out of your mourning gown?”
“I’ll change into a lighter one.”
“And you’ll wear your mourning veil.”
“Of course.” Your veil is much shorter than your stepmother’s, as the widow, hers is much longer. You allow your gaze to drift back out the window, and the carriage descends into a stilted silence.
Harride Manor has been in your family for seven generations. Built by one of your ancestors as a wedding gift for his wife. It houses over 80 people, half of them related to you.
Your stepmother believes that the house is hers.
That couldn’t be further from the truth. 
With the death of your father and brother the house and title now belong to your uncle, Mariano Harride. 
Uncle Mariano seems to have aged twenty years over the last week you note as he helps you out of the carriage and then ignores your stepmother. “My dear girl,” He places his hands on your shoulders, “How are you holding up?”
“As well as can be expected, uncle.”
“Yes,” He looks deeply pained, “I never expected to outlive your father. He’s always been healthy as a horse.” Uncle Mariano sighs deeply, “No matter, nothing will change now that the house is mine.”
“What?” Your stepmother asks as she approaches.
Your Uncle glances at her dismissively, “The house reverts to me with the death of my brother. You’ll be moved into the West Wing, Cassandra, with the rest of the extended family.”
Your stepmother flushes an ugly shade of red, “I just lost my husband and now I have to move?” She demands.
“Yes. You do.” He turns his back on her, and focuses his attention on you, “Of course, you’ll be allowed to keep your room.”
“I told her she needed to move into the East Wing.”
“It’s not your home anymore.” Uncle Mariano says sharply, “She can remain in her room until such time that she decides to marry.” He exhales slowly, “What are your plans for this afternoon, dear?”
“I was going to change and head into the city, Uncle. The house feels stifling these days.”
“Of course.” He lightly hugs you, “You’ve lost so much these last couple of years. You deserve a break.” 
“Thank you, Uncle.” You pull away from him and head into the house.
All you need is to change clothes, and then you can leave. 
Just a simple change of clothes, and then you can go and get help.
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Private Investigator Fives sits in the living room in his brownstone, absently sorting the case files of the cases that he’s worked on in the past month. 
He owns this practice with his twin brother, though Echo has been away on a case of his own for the last two months. He knows that his twin is fine, Echo sends letters every other day after all, but he does miss him.
Fives pauses, mid-filing, when the doorbell rings. 
He sets his filing to the side and jogs over to the door, pulling it open with a polite smile. However, that polite smile is replaced with confusion when he sees the young woman on the doorstep.
She’s younger than him, probably by a couple of years. Her hair is covered with a black veil of mourning, and she’s clad in a mourning dress. And Fives realizes that he recognizes her.
“Mistress Harride,” He greets, “This is a surprise. Come in, come in.”  He opens the door wider and escorts her into the home, and over to one of the plush chairs.
“Thank you,” She folds her hands on her lap, “You’re the lead detective here, correct? Fives?”
“Yes, that’s me.” He sinks into a seat across from her, “Forgive me, Mistress Harride, but as I understand, your father and brother’s funerals were today—”
“You’re right. They were.” She agrees, “I…” She pauses and her hands curl around the dark material of her dress. 
Fives frowns, “You can tell me.”
She lifts her chin, and there are tears in her eyes, “I think my father and brother were murdered. And I fear that I might be next.”
He leans back in his seat, absently stroking his goatee, “As I understand, your father and brother were killed in a hunting accident.”
“No.” She pauses, “I mean, that is what the local authorities determined. But—”
“You don’t agree.”
“Okay, tell me why.”
“My father and brother have been hunting their entire lives. They’ve always been careful. Especially after mom died.”
“Miss Harride, there’s no proof that your father and brother were murdered.” Fives says kindly.
“I know that.” She retorts, “I know there’s no proof. But I’m telling you, this wasn’t an accident.”
He sighs, “Miss Harride—”
“Detective.” She interrupts, “I lost my entire family in under three years. My father married my stepmother seven months after she died. And then my father and brother died less than two years later. There’s something not right.”
“Sometimes bad things happen.” Fives points out.
“Detective, if you don’t help me, the next time you see me will be in the news after I die in an accident.” She says quietly.
Fives leans back in his seat and stares at her, “You really think you’re in danger?”
“If not me, then someone else in my family.”
“I’ll take the case.”
Her entire face brightens, “You will?”
“I will. Is there anything else you feel like you need to tell me?”
She ducks her head and twists her skirt between her fingers.
“There is, isn’t there?”
“I…yes.” She shifts uncomfortably, “I don’t have any proof, but—”
“Well, that’s what I’m here for. Let’s hear it.”
“I think Mother was murdered too.”
“How did she die?”
“The doctor said she had a heart attack.”
“How old was she, when she died?” Fives asks.
“Late thirties.”
“Young for a heart attack. Did she have a heart condition?”
“No. The Doctor thought it was strange too, but he said that it happens sometimes.” She replies.
“Hm.” Fives taps the arm of the chair he’s sitting in, “You know, there are some poisons that can mimic heart attacks.”
“You think my mom was poisoned?”
“I think it’s possible, but I have no proof. Yet.” He stands, “Do you have a carriage?”
“Yes. It’s waiting at the station.” She replies.
“Wonderful.” Fives moves around the living room, gathering his go-bag and pulling his jacket on, “Well then, shall we?”
“You have no idea how much I appreciate this.” She says as she stands and follows him to the front door.
“Don’t thank me yet.” He opens the door and lets her out of the house. “However, this is my promise to you, Miss Harride.” Fives says as he takes your hand and brings your knuckles to his lips, “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”
“You mean it?”
“I swear on my life.” Fives promises as his gaze locks with hers.
“Well, that’s something for me to thank you for then, isn’t it?” She asks with a small smile.
“I suppose it is.” Fives agrees, he releases her hand and motions for her to walk with him, “Now, I need you to tell me everything you can about your parents and brother. And all of the players in this game.”
“I can do that, where would you like me to start?”
Fives grins at her, “Tell me about your Stepmother, Miss Harride.”
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jimingyue · 9 months
translated my favorite scene from the revised ver of book 1 :3 qi rong's lair arc!
“Don’t chase him, give him some time to calm down. At this moment, he won’t listen to any reason.” Hua Cheng said.
It wasn’t that Xie Lian didn’t understand this. He stood there for awhile before calmly saying, “Why did you have to do this?”
Xie Lian felt a sudden burst of anger surge up. He didn’t even know who the anger was directed towards.
Hua Cheng reached out, seemingly wanting to put his hand on Xie Lian’s shoulder, but Xie Lian brushed him off, saying, “Before, he only hated me! If he hates me then he hates me, do you know how many people despise me? He’s far from the only one!Now everything’s great, he knows that the person that he so worked hard for was cursing him! Must he now believe that everything I’ve taught him was all fake, all in vain, all lies?”
Hua Cheng didn’t say anything. Xie Lian suddenly felt like he couldn’t stand it. Couldn’t stand anything, couldn’t stand how he had senselessly lost control, couldn’t stand how Hua Cheng was just quietly watching him. He covered his face. “You should leave.”
Hua Cheng didn’t move. Xie Lian clutched his head. “You should leave! Think of it as me begging you to leave, alright?”
Only then did Hua Cheng speak. “Alright.”
He seemed to disappear without a sound.
Xie Lian finally felt more at ease, but he didn’t know if there was anything else he could do. He harshly swept his arm out, wanting to release the ugly knot of emotions that had built up in his chest. However, a small golden object ended up flying out of his sleeve.
Watching it fly out of the entrance of the Royal Tomb and down the cliff, Xie Lian was alarmed. Silently crying out, ‘Oh no!’, Xie Lian didn’t think twice before reaching out and jumping down. Who knew, while he was in mid-air, a hand abruptly pulled him back. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Xie Lian saw who had arrived and blurted out, “San Lang, I lost the flower!”
Hua Cheng’s arm circled his waist. “If it’s lost it’s lost, it’s not like it was anything valuable.”
That speck of gold had already disappeared, but the grip on his waist grew tighter. Xie Lian fretted, “I can’t lose it, it was…”
It was the flower that Hua Cheng had won at the temple fair for him.
Xie Lian was anxious enough that his whole body had broken out in cold sweat, and his soul was pulled back into his body. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he didn’t know when Hua Cheng had actually left and then come back. Thinking about the nasty way he had treated Hua Cheng before, Xie Lian said blankly, “San Lang, you…didn’t leave.”
Hua Cheng was silent. Xie Lian thought about the undue words he had said to him and felt even more guilty, unable to say any more.
After awhile, Hua Cheng sighed delicately. “Since gege doesn’t want me, why would he want a flower that I gifted?”
Xie Lian immediately rebuked. “It’s not that I don’t want you! It’s absolutely not.”
“But gege just told me to leave.”
“It was like this before too. No matter how many times I called for you, you cast me aside and ran away.”
When he phrased it like this, Xie Lian thought that Hua Cheng must feel extremely wronged by him, and that he himself had gone way too far. He whispered, “I’m sorry…”
“I didn’t wish for His Highness to apologize to me.”
Particularly because of that, Xie Lian felt even more regretful. He sighed.
Hua Cheng said, “It was my fault.”
Xie Lian was shocked. “How is it your fault?”
Hua Cheng said, “I originally wanted to stay with gege until his injury had healed, and let Lang QianQiu come and find the Green Ghost. That worthless trash Qi Rong is unable to keep his cool, with some pushing and pulling he would’ve ended up revealing everything. But I didn’t expect gege to have a tracking talisman that led to Lang Qianqiu’s position, and even send you here as well. And now it’s become like this.”
Xie Lian sighed again. “What did you have to do with it? It was me who messed things up.”
Hua Cheng said, “It wasn’t your fault. If you hadn’t taken the blame, past and present grudges would’ve pushed the country into perpetual turmoil. One life in exchange for generations of peace, what wrongs did you commit? If it was me, I would’ve been far more ruthless. Listen to me, it wasn’t your fault.“
Xie Lian sat on the ground. After a long while, he finally whispered, “I just think, it shouldn’t have been like this.”
Hua Cheng listened quietly. Xie Lian muttered, “I just think, if someone were to extend their hand in kindness, it shouldn’t end in this way. I’m afraid he won’t be able to handle it, I’m afraid he’ll change. I just…”
He himself had already suffered this enough, and didn’t want others to go through the same.
As the State Preceptor FangXin, he had no past and no name, and taking responsibility for the Gilded Banquet Massacre would lead Lang QianQiu to believe that he had been betrayed by only a single person. But if the culprit was in fact the resentful spirits that Lang QianQiu had worked so hard to cleanse, then it would’ve been the ultimate disillusionment.
So when Qi Rong gave him that suggestion, Xie Lian could only heed his threat and pick up the sword to fight Lang QianQiu and provoke his unfettered retaliation.
However, Hua Cheng said, “But you can’t pull the wool over his eyes forever. He would’ve eventually seen the true nature of this world.”
He sat down next to Xie Lian. “Besides, if you truly value him this much, then why can’t you trust him?
Xie Lian lifted his face from his arms. Hua Cheng continued indifferently, “If he’s really the one that you’ve chosen, then he won’t lose himself to resentment. Even if he wished to destroy the whole world before, in the end he’ll still do what he must do.”
Xie Lian looked at him, then suddenly said, “I think you should still go.”
Xie Lian spoke without any rhyme or reason. “Actually…I’m a pestilence god. If you get close to me you’ll experience misfortune, so I think that it would be better if we didn’t remain friends.”
Hua Cheng looked at him and sighed. “Gege, you’re being silly.”
Xie Lian insisted. “Have you not noticed? Since we’ve gotten to know each other, you’re always bringing me good fortune, but I’ve been inflicting nothing but misfortune on you.”
“I’m being serious, if we keep going on like this, I’m afraid that one day…”
All of a sudden, Hua Cheng gripped his hand hard. He said, almost tenderly, “Your Highness, it’s not your fault.”
He continued, “You’ve already tried your hardest. No one else is able to surpass you, I know this.”
Whether or not he was right, Xie Lian didn’t know. But he knew for a fact that no one had ever comforted him in such a warm and resolute way.
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I'm a q!Bad defender to my soul, and I want to talk about why I am frustrated with a lot of the (characters) responses to his current lore!!!
I am not talking about the cc!s only the characters!! I don't think anyone intentionally broke into his lore or broken anything lorewise this is just about the characters!
Bad has been on a downwards spiral for a while now, and it has been clear to everyone in his life. However, so few people have acted in this need to help him, and now, they seem shocked that he didn't get better! And that he got worse!
Instead of channeling anything into helping him, they're only pushing him farther away.
When the vacation arc started, it didn't seem to take long for people to realize it was less of a vacation and more a way to excuse his more unhealthy behaviors he was indulging in. However, instead of reaching out, the people in his life told him he needed help, but didn't offer any. They told him he should take a break, but still pushed their responsibilities and expectations on him.
They watched as he got worse, all insisting it was fine with a smile on. But you know who knew, who understood, who tried to do the most for him?
The eggs.
Bad's kids, as well as the other eggs, love their tio Bad. Tio Bad visiting is like Christmas, but for the best armour and supplies. Tio Bad visiting is comfort and dedication, it's safety.
The eggs knew the most about how much he was suffering, and took the most action to help. Because they could tell he wouldn't push anyone to act for him. They were grounding but also incredibly supportive.
Bad could argue about politics with Forever, he could fight and get no credit, he could leave gifts unrecognized and never repaid, all was okay if he had his kids.
Then the furniture gets stolen.
Everyone was quick to jump on him. In a moment all the work he had ever done didn't seem to matter. He was imprisoned unfairly, questioned, hell the way he ran from the place you could tell it bothered him. And he only got 1 apology from Cellbit for that damned day.
It seemed as if everything he did disappeared into the background of Bad taking a (frankly, easy to get) resource. It wasn't right of him to do, but all the sudden he was evil for it. He didn't even do it this time.
If there was one easy thing to push his mistrust of others over the edge, it was that. But it was okay, because he still had his family.
And then the eggs disappeared.
Bad was already low. He had dealt with everything Dapper was hiding from him, Pomme admitting she wasn't well either, but they could get through it together. Family.
And then they were gone. Without a trace, without an indication of where they might have gone.
And everyone goes a bit insane. Forever, one of Bad's closest and most trusted friends, ends up on Cucurucho meds, and then in a coma. While trying to help him, trying to keep the other parents spirits up, no one is doing the same for him. He's alone in his house, talking to a statue of his best friend. Never so far away.
And then finally, when everything is falling apart, he accepts who he is. A demon, an ancient creature capable of terrible things, and a father. A father who will do anything for his children.
Including hurting an innocent.
And now, as people are finding out about this, they're getting upset at him. How could he, reach such a low! But they're not recognizing that they never helped him. They never refused to let him go until he got proper help, hell, the room Forever made for him was so so late in Bad's cry for help. Which is not to minimize it, hell, Bad himself said it was the first time in a long time that it felt like everything was going to be okay. It was the first time he didn't antagonize Ron openly, even gave him gifts. And I feel like that's a show of just how much Bad needed someone, anyone, to be the person he was for them to him.
And now he could loose all of that again.
It all feels like it was doomed to fall. When a person who gives others their everything never gets anything in return, what happens when they run out of things to give? When everything they worked for is gone?
Maybe move away. Where no one can find you. Take whatever is left and go.
Bad's family is shattered. Bad is shattered.
And while I don't blame anyone for being upset at him, I wish it was recognized how much they didn't help him before, how much effort they put towards their own things disregarding him in a way he never did them.
The one major expection?
In this essay I will shot for talking too much
Anyways. No proof reading we die like Juanaflippa! Ofc this is all roleplay and Bad's cries for help could be put off or overlooked for many reasons and I don't blame the CC!s for anything I love all the characters. Back to real life I go
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onewholivesinloops · 10 months
the last parts of ep7's tea party in the clair guts scene where we see how kinzo traumatized every beatrice rules because the things revealed are undeniably incriminating, but they still come from yasu who has every reason to resent kinzo and interpret every aspect of his life in the worst way possible because she doesn't have 'love' for him (understandably so). she also expresses disgust whenever she brings up his relationship with bice and kuwatrice during the episodes, but what i truly love about all of this is that the game doesn't condemn her for this because she's not at fault for reaching these conclusions? kinzo brought this onto himself by being such an abusive fuckhead and he doesn't have the right to police how the people he abused feel about him, so if his victims want to make him out to be this irredeemable monster then that's their right regardless of whether there's nuance to his actions or not.
the events of how he met bice are undeniably not as he told them because he's implicitly called out as a biased narrator who's weaving a self-absorbed narrative in a deliberate way, and while yasu may not be completely right about him this isn't what's important, which makes it very fitting that kinzo gets so much of his character left ambiguous as a sign of how everyone hates him and his interiority and personhood no longer matter now that he's physically left the story.
question arcs kinzo becomes a caricature of his own making because he refused to ever give a shit about his own family and got in return what he always gave and by making him a caricature who's constantly crying and screaming about how he wishes to atone to beatrice for his misdeeds despite the fact that he technically did do that before he died (mind you, he did so in the worst way possible) it's yasu's way of denying him that catharsis of feeling like he's been forgiven, but it's also yasu grieving the idea of having a father figure who could've cared but didn't want to stick around long enough by making him 'exist' long after he's gone too.
all of this works because the meat of ep7 is focused on yasu and her trauma from her life caused directly and indirectly by kinzo's sins and the game portrays her trauma from being treated by him in his final moments even though he doesn't act as directly vile as he did with her mother with the weight it deserves, and even when kinzo is woobified in universe it's never really done for his sake (natsuhi does it to cope with her situation and tohya does it for ange's sake to help her move on) which mirrors his own backstory because once again he ends up living a life controlled by others, this time posthumously.
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
Zutara's Song is Definetely The Great War by Taylor Swift
I've seen a lot of Zutara songs and playlists out there and I wanted to share my opinion on my personal favorite
I want to start out by saying that this analysis is going to completely ignore Taylor Swift's intentions when she wrote the song and any analysis of the song in concurrence with her life. I'm also going off my personal feelings that the first verse and chorus are Zuko talking to Katara, the second verse, chorus, and bridge are Katara talking to Zuko, and the remaining parts of the song are them reflecting after the war.
My knuckles were bruised like violets,
Sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep talked,
For me, this was pretty typical season 1 Zuko. Angry at the world, fighting everything in sight, ect, ect. It's only after the first two lines that the song gets a little bit more specific.
Spineless in my tomb of silence,
Tore your banners down, took the battle underground,
That third line is really reminiscent of Ba Sing Se. He took himself out of the story, until, of course, he had to make a choice in "Crossroads of Destiny"
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And we know what he chooses
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It's almost phrased in the form of an apology, which connects it even further to their story. "Tore your banners down" could also mean the fall of Ba Sing Se in general. Aang is Katara's banner, the avatar who she put so much hope in, but the Earth Kingdom banner is also who she was fighting behind. Azula killed Aang, so I would personally say it's the latter, but I saw two meanings behind it so it's totally up for interpretation.
And maybe it was egos swinging,
The "egos swinging" bit resonated with me a lot, because at this point in the story Zuko isn't done with his character arc. He still seeks his father's validation over his own moral code, and although it seems to me like he's gotten over a lot of his entitlement, I think he still feels entitled to his throne. That's one of my favorite things about his arc, actually, that he comes from a place of privilege but eventually, unlike Azula, realizes that the right to rule isn't given by birth but by true care for the people you represent. (some politicians should take notes)
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Maybe it was her,
To me, the "her" in this case is Azula, convincing Zuko their father will be proud of him if he returns to the Fire Nation, although it could also mean Mai. Again, open for interpretation.
Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur,
This could mean a lot for different people. I've seen a theory about Zuko possibly disassociating (not unlike similar theories about Darth Vader), which I think is interesting. It could also maybe represent the guilt he still feels, which is my personal opinion.
Moving on, the chorus is fairly generic once again,
All that bloodshed, crimson clover,
Uh-uh, sweet dream was over,
My hand was the one you reached for,
All throughout the great war,
The hand part stuck out to me because of the part in the final agni Kai when they reach for each other:
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(screencaps are bad quality but ya'll get the idea)
Then it goes back to the any enemies-to-lovers generic dynamic again...
Always remember, uh-uh,
Tears on the letter,
I vowed not to cry anymore,
If we survived the Great War.
And then we switch to Katara's POV:
You drew up some good faith treaties,
I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone,
You could argue that this is several moments throughout the series, maybe at the end of the war when she gets together with Aang, but I connected it most with her time spent on the ship after book 2. While Zuko was trying to fix his relationship with the Fire Nation and return to his family, Katara was isolating herself, worried about the war, about the avatar, avoiding her father and Sokka out of shame and feelings of abandonment. It was an extremely dark time for her, and although Zuko was trying to feel hopeful about his return, he doesn't even smile when he reunites with Mai. He knows he made the wrong decision.
You said I have to trust more freely,
This is after Zuko's redemption arc, during "The Southern Raiders" (which is probably my favorite ATLA episode, btw). Zuko encourages Katara to trust him, feeling that he is changed and is now deserving of it.
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But she refuses to forgive or trust him
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I would argue this is for good reason. She is clearly angry at more than just him, the entire Fire Nation, in fact, for murdering her mother and starting the war, but it is also very personal. When he betrayed her in Ba Sing Se after she revealed such a devastating detail of her life and they shared a connection, her abandonment issues probably came into play. It's similar to the trauma she had with her father after he left to join the war. She is scared that the people she cares about will leave her, just like her parents did, whether they had a choice or not, and just like Aang did when Azula shot him with lightning, again, without meaning to. Zuko left her intentionally to join the Fire Nation, even after she offered to heal his scar, a very important moment in their arcs. She is forgiving, optimistic, helpful, and kind to someone who hunted her and her friends for nearly a year, and he throws the offer of her most valuable asset back in her face and is instrumental in Aang's near death experience.
But diesel is desire, you were playing with fire,
He helps her. He uncovers her trauma, aids her in working through it, is supportive even when it was probably more than he bargained for.
And maybe it's the past that's talking,
Screaming from the crypt,
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Telling me to punish you for things you never did,
Her mother did die at the hands of the Fire Nation, under Zuko's family's orders, whether they came directly from Ozai or not. But he wasn't the one who killed her or ordered her death, and he IS the one who is trying to defeat his father and end the war in favor of balance and peace. She realizes that...
So I just defied it,
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...And finds it in her heart to forgive him.
After that, we start on the chorus again.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover,
Uh-uh, the bombs were closer,
I think that last line also refers to a different scene, much earlier in "the Southern Raiders", when Azula attacks the temple...
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My hand was the one you reached for,
All throughout the Great War
...And Zuko saves Katara.
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(I might do a separate post analyzing just this moment because holy crap there is A LOT there)
Always remember, uh-uh,
The burning embers,
I vowed not to fight anymore,
If we survived the Great War,
I think this refers to the agni Kai specifically, as does most of the bridge. The fire everywhere, the fear, the fact that it's the last battle of the war. It just fits.
It turned into something bigger,
Somewhere in the haze got the sense I'd been betrayed,
Your finger on my hairpin trigger,
Everything is depending on this battle. If they can't defeat Azula, what will happen to the Fire Nation? Will the people now just be under a new, arguably stronger and more powerful tyrant?
Soldier down, on that icy ground,
Looked up at me with honor and truth,
Broken and blue, so I called off the troops,
But they never learn what would have happened, because their combined efforts defeat Azula.
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That was the night I nearly lost you,
I really thought I'd lost you
But not before Zuko (or rather, Azula) gives Katara the fright of her life.
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(the love and concern on her face is so heartbreakingly beautiful it makes me want to sob)
And now everything is fine! The bridge is over and the next verse is full of hope.
We can plant a memory garden,
Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair,
For the poppy part, I'd like to address a particular fan theory. In the final scene, Katara has a pink flower in her hair.
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(I left the usernames on, but please lmk if anyone wants a different type of credit. screenshot taken from this post: x)
According to another source I found, this flower is a pink peony, which symbolizes prosperity and a happy marriage.
(flower analysis originally from this post: x)
I know that this is a peony, not a poppy, but close enough? Also, if it were a poppy, it would symbolize compassion and platonic love.
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Either way, I think of this as a kind of goodbye from Zuko to Katara. No matter what the situation was at the end of the series, whether Zuko was in love with Katara, Katara was in love with Zuko, or they were in love with each other, "platonic love" and "happy marriage" were a goodbye. It's either wishing her the best with Aang, or saying they can only be friends because of Aang or because of duty, but that he loves her anyway. (oh look, I made myself cry) At least, I think that in canon context. But within the song, it's a peony and they're now engaged lol
Anyway, the verse continues.
There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair,
And we will never go back to that,
And then the chorus starts again, but it's tone is far more hopeful than before. The worst is behind them. The war is over.
Bloodshed, crimson clover,
Uh-uh, the worst was over,
My hand was the one you reached for,
All throughout the Great War,
Always remember, uh-uh,
We're burned for better,
I vowed I would always be yours,
'Cause we survived the Great War.
It's just so perfect! I love it! (psst, if anyone wants me to also analyze another "Zutara song" feel free to ask)
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sugar-grigri · 9 months
I love you but if denji sacrifices himself for asa I will throw up and sob. I pray that you're wrong
I really think the fact that Denji dies is key to his development.
We can see that he reaches his conclusions when he's in the middle of building Asa, Denji has more of a narrative role now to influence the other characters than to be disturbed by them.
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I'm not saying this because tragedy is something Fujimoto knows how to write very well, but not only does death have an important place in his works, but Chainsaw Man is about the birth of a hero, especially in part 1, which is concluded in part 2.
We see that becoming a hero brings Denji artificial personal advantages, that he remains locked in a sad solitude
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It has never had any other aim than to be integrated, and it still isn't.
Part 2 takes up Shakespearean codes (double identity, intertwined love, two opposing camps, relationship with the family), death has always had an emancipating function in tragedy.
Death is not an end but a conclusion; dying for the other is Denji's best way of paradoxically finding meaning in his existence.
For a boy who would constantly be judged as perverse but also as having low vices, sacrificing himself for others would finally serve to make him a hero in the ancient sense of the word, whose power derives not from his popularity but from his moral strength.
Sacrifice through the figure of the cat, the social integration initiated by Bucky and then taken up by the birds, the question of finding oneself, all need to be answered by a strong act, and only a powerful narrative act can resolve all these questions at once.
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Fujimoto has just highlighted the concept of weapons, talking about their relationship with the fact of having no will of their own, their eternal youth and immortality.
The weapons are all polarized on this subject, while the whip and spear weapons see it as superiority, Miri, who also seems to want to act for his own freedom, is more dubious.
Barem is in a special position, having internalized the fact that sowing death is a divine mission, a trait common to all beings.
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Quanxi and Denji are opposite examples: Quanxi has survived at the expense of his girlfriends, just as Denji has begun to see his own immortality as a burden.
Several times, Denji emanates the idea that he's a machine to be rebooted, that the people have projected him to become Chainsaw Man.
To have won against Aki, to have survived at the expense of his older brother, a victory that marries a loss is not really what you'd call "winning".
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Fate is also a central theme in CSM, and Aki couldn't escape his contract with the demon from the future, just as he couldn't escape Makima's meticulous plan to bring about the end of the siblings before they were even formed.
Denji's mother and father died young, so it wouldn't surprise me if he, too, was trapped in a kind of fatality.
What's more, Denji's eternal youth is also what's going to give him trouble.
He hasn't matured physically compared to part 1; it's simply Fujimoto's style that has taken shape.
He won't grow up, this boy who'd like to go to school, plan to find a job and have a normal life.
Denji is condemned to seeing his loved ones die or to staying just the two of them with Nayuta.
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We shouldn't idealize or demonize the relationship he has with his little sister, but the fact remains that Nayuta is a demon with different values than a boy who was human before becoming a demon.
The control demon simply wants an entourage, even if it's limited to one person.
As for Denji, he only finds meaning in his relationship with the majority, with people his own age.
Denji loves Nayuta, but they don't both have the same conception of happiness, as Fujimoto develops in the final chapters.
In short, the best way to make Denji happy is to let him die for someone else.
And again from a symbolic and narrative point of view, whether it's in relation to the general scenario or Denji's arc, of course I'd cry like everyone else and you Anon
But I want and hope for the best ending for CSM
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
BnHA FINAL Prediction#01
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The next chapter starts with Toga finally declaring her villain name and that's the name of the chapter.
Suppose, her name is Bloodlust or Bloody Lily (she is always connected to Spider Lily and blood is the source of her main power)
Either way, this could be another chapter fleshing out Toga as a villain, like we got a glimpse of her childhood and maybe middle school in the previous chapters, so maybe this chapter will show her breaking point.
As someone on Twitter pointed out, she has never killed anyone on screen other than Curious and Co and that was the moment when her quirk evolved.
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She didn't kill the bird in her childhood, she didn't kill Ochako or Bakugo in the forest arc, she didn't kill Camie in the Hero Licence exam, she didn't kill Eraser, and we were never shown that she killed that old lady either (in the war arc)
Most people just assumed she did that because of her nature. Then what was the turning point? We're never shown, but this chapter maybe and maybe that could lead to Ochako understanding her better and coming up with a solution with next chapters focusing on her story.
It goes with the current arc:
Chapter 391: The world that Rejected
Chapter 392: Villain Name
Chapter 393: Bloody Lily
Chapter 394: The world that accepted (Ochako's side of story, to balance things)
Chapter 395: Ochako Uraraka: ORIGINS
Chapter 396: Ochako Uraraka: RISING
Chapter 398: The two young girls (final conclusion to TOGACHAKO battle)
Chapter 399: Aftermath of TOGACHAKO battle
Chapter 400: Deku vs Shigaraki starts...
So, if everything goes well I'm expecting at least 7 more chapters for the TogaChako storyline because unlike other characters whose character arcs were very sorted and full-fledged from the beginning (Shouto, Bakugo and Iida) Horikoshi was saving this battle for the last. We don't know what Ochako will possibly do to reach out to Toga.
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No honey, that's not good enough.
Plus we don't know much about Ochako either, like Toga said "Ochako had an easy life because rules were made for people like her and she didn't need to deal with a single inconvenience" but we know that's far from the truth.
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Ochako had a rough life, her family was poor, she didn't eat her meals to save money. She got into a hero school on her own merit. She became a hero, only to give her parents a proper life.
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She saw her friends crying, teacher dying (midnight) and Ochako is a hero who wants to see everyone smile, and that includes Toga (the little girl whom the world rejected).
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But if she really wants to become the Uravity of her dreams, we need a solid foundation to back it up! Like how Iida wanted to be Ingenium: The hero who will dash to grab the hand of a lost child or Shouto: who wanted to be a reassuring hero like All Might.
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If we want all of this to happen, we need at least 7 back to back chapters!! And that too of at least 15 pages each, since there is still so much we don't know about them.
Plus the Twice Sad Man's Death Parade! Man if that came to a halt in less than 2 chapters, I am going on a rampage!! This death parade is going on for 20+ chapters now!! No way, it can be stopped in just 2 chapters!! Plus, I need a convincing answer as to how this parade will end. How can a single person such as OCHAKO put a stop to this entire army of clones.
Can Toga dying solve this issue? No, I don't think so.
The goal is to save her, not kill her.
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But can toga control her clones?
We don't know that either. So at least 7 more chapters.
Plus we can have our main Deku vs Shigaraki from chapter 400 onwards to 420. Remember, we still have All Might vs AFO and other battles remaining? So maybe the narrative can shift to that too.
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All Might vs AFO can contain glimpses of other battles too that are going on followed by a finale with All Might losing and going to Shigaraki. Then Deku vs Shigaraki, where Bakugo wakes up and they both defeat AFO Shigaraki together, Heroes Rising style putting an end to the story.
TOGACHAKO battle: ch 390 to 399
All Might vs AFO: ch 400 to 405
Deku vs Shigaraki: ch 405 to 420
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(Here is little Deku for world peace)
~Thanks for reading
Cheers! Sunshine
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pinkberrypocky · 22 days
pmmm rewatch live notes: ep 11
gosh what to even say to preface episode 11 notes. ouchie my heart. the scene where madoka convinces her mom to let her go save homura breaks me every time.
The circles on the floor of homura’s house are the colors of the holy quintet
It's so tragic that homura in trying to save madoka has made her the center of the universe and made it more impossible to save her
Since she is the center of the universe she has more potential power which means that kyubey will want her even more
The shot of madoka being hung up by all the strings of fate is so jesus on the cross
And that makes sense bc when madoka becomes hope and essentially dies by becoming a concept that no one knows in order to save all the other magical girls
Earlier i was saying how homura is jesus but madoka is also so jesus so consider what if the real jesus is the lesbians we found along the way
Literally i am not christian don’t come for me if that doesn’t hold water
 The umbrella madoka uses when she comes home from sayaka’s memorial service is yellow
It’s so wild how kyubey so readily compares his relationship w the magical girls as that of humans and livestock
The shot of the incubators being there making magical girls since the beginning of time is crazy
Cleopatra and joan of arc being magical girls is sooooooooooo
“It wasn’t we who betrayed them, but their own prayers” UGH OUCH
Like by wishing for their wish they doomed themselves 
Ouch owie
Giant shadow of kyubey over madoka’s hunched crying form after he shows her the history of incubators and magical girls
Red and blue lighting when madoka’s mom and teacher meet up to talk about madoka and sayaka
They talk about sayaka “quarreling” with a friend over a boy and it's so heartbreaking to know that that’s all that the world will see
But also in a way it IS why she died it’s because she made a wish for the boy she liked that she is now dead
Painting of those two biblical figures reaching for each other is above the bar they are sitting at
When homura embraces madoka madoka remains stiff and unmoving and for the most part unspeaking like she’s frozen in time
Shot of madoka and homura as a black silhouette and all the shots from all of homura’s timelines literally breaks my heart OUCH
Homura pleads madoka to let her protect her because in the end the reason that madoka keeps dying is that she can’t not protect others
And yet again it backfires bc madoka has such a Need to protect homura and everyone she loves
Scene is very grayscale when we see homura ready to take on walpy
The way that walpy is a stage is SO considering that everything homura does is in act and everything all the magical girls do is really a puppet act being controlled by the incubators
And also how the other magical girls and madokami are watching over them for all time as the audience
Walpy wears bright blue while the whole rest of the scene is grayscale
Except for the bright fire of explosions
The way that homura has trapped not only madoka by repeating so many times but also herself because she has made her whole purpose to save madoka so if she stops now she will become a witch 
she has to keep fighting so that madoka doesn’t die or become a witch and she doesn’t either
Their fates are intertwined in a way that cannot be undone
Madoka’s mom trying to stop her from going to help homura is such a good scene because it reminds us of the age of the holy quintet and the weight of their actions and decisions
It also helps us see into madoka’s head bc she has to explain her reasoning to her mom
It’s also so good because it shows an adult trying to take care of a child which is so lacking in this show sadly
Madoka’s mom asks her is she’s sure that she’s not making a mistake and madoka says yes without a second thought
While the whole rest of the series she has been too scared and uncertain to do anything or make any choices now when the stakes are so high she finally knows what she wants to do and is forging ahead to do it no matter what the others around her think of it
In a sad way, her choice to become a magical girl and save everyone means giving in to the cycle and what kyubey wants 
And it's only then that she has true autonomy
Her only choice that is fully hers is one to give up herself and her autonomy in order to save everyone else
Madoka and homura are literally passing the self sacrificing blunt back and forth
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lonesome-greenery · 8 days
It's 2:30ish y'all! | Part two electric boogaloo
Alright folks, buckle in because ooh boy, this episode still doesn't feel real to me.
Spoilers under cut
First off, that vaguely endearing Dokana executive, yeah, you remember him? Not so endearing anymore and I wanted to reach through my headphones and spray him with a butt ton of water like how you spray your cats when training them to associate peeing on your floor with a negative experience so they don't do that anymore.
Juno fighting tooth and nail to survive and deciding he doesn't want to die is probably one of the best ways I've seen a character arc like his executed, and man is it satisfying and beautiful to see. He's grown so much since the season one finale, and he's so much better for it. He got to make the healthiest choice for himself and take hold of his life, and really hold his life between clenched fists, refusing to lose it when he's now found it.
"I'm an adult goddamnit!"
I know there are plenty of good lines through out the series, but this is probably my favorite line. It's so reflective of everything Juno has struggled with so far. He's had so much of his life skewed and screwed over by others, but half of it was his choice too. He's struggled with just functioning as an adult and has felt like his life is out of his hands and in the power of some corrupt bureaucracy for the longest time. And here when he's certain this could be the end of his story, he takes ownership of that part of his identity and that frustration at where his decisions have gotten him. It's such a loaded statement and also points to where his choices have been invalidated by people he's trusted, stripping him of his autonomy. He's not going to allow that to be the last thing that Nureyev does before he sacrifices himself for him because he loves him too much for that to be the end of their story.
Others have already talked about the parallel between Juno's speech to Nureyev in this episode and the season one finale so I won't add much more to it other than I loved the parallel and I'm so glad for it. I like to use bookending in my own writing and it's amazing to see it used here.
Slip's dead. I might not have liked him much, but that ending for him did actually make me cry, especially with him playing the song for Nureyev that he played that first time to let him know that 'that dream has passed', but instead of it being the dream to be some protector of the universe forever with the looming destruction of the people of the planet he grew up on shackling him to his guilt, it's that dream to bring Slip back, to wake him up from the drug induced dream he had shared with him that's shackled him to this immense guilt and Slip has handed him the keys.
And here's a giant cheer to the Ruby 7 for making it through this whole mess! It almost died at least three times in the last few hours and it came back more powerful than ever with quite literally the power of love and friendship and talking about feelings and saved our gay space detective and master thief. I'm so glad that the Carte Blanche crew still stays so close to it and Juno's mind through out this whole season.
I honestly loved this episode so much, and I had a lot quieter but more complex emotions about this than I was expecting.
Now the only question is, what's going on with Rita?
And does she think Juno and Nureyev are dead?
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