#when we finally have our little furry friend i will cry so hard you guys 😭 this is all i’ve wanted for so long
stinkrascal · 2 years
i hate my upstairs neighbors actually. why do they feel the need to host a wwe wrestling match directly above my bedroom every day at 2pm
#i know its my fault i went to bed at 5am and im now miserably trying to catch up on my sleep#but literally Why do they feel the need to jump around so much???? bro pick a spot and sit what the fuck stop STOMPING#im so tired and im the lightest sleeper ever so every movement they make i hear it and immediately wake up >:(#when our lease is up in march we’re gonna move into a townhouse/maybe a trailer so it’s quieter#and i’m so excited about that. i hate having upstairs neighbors#in other news! we put in our application for a cat at a local shelter yesterday đŸ„ș#his name is little turkey! (that’s not the name we’re giving him since we already have one picked out but the shelter named him that lol)#he’s a little grey cat and he looks so silly and loving đŸ„șđŸ„ș i really hope they accept our application#i want a cat sooooooo bad#when we finally have our little furry friend i will cry so hard you guys 😭 this is all i’ve wanted for so long#a few days ago i was crying to my boyfriend about how i have no friends lol and then i was like#but if we got a cat at least they could be my friend 😭😭#i think i accidentally hastened the process of finding and adopting a cat bc i cried about it. which yk no complaints here#i need a friend :( especially a little fuzzy friend :((((#everyone say ty to mister stinkrascal for feeling bad for me and gifting me a cat lol#(he’s wanted one for a really long time too so it’s all good! we both love cats)#(i just think it’s funny that we’d kinda been sitting on it for a few weeks but then i cried and he immediately sent applications lol)
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dandelionflower · 3 years
I saw on one of your post that said to send you prompts sooo... can I request A childhood friend AU either Felix or Marinette moves away and then reuniting in college in France at age 14 in Felix's school with the Quantic Kids.
It was a pretty normal day, which probably meant something was going to happen. If it wasn’t a normal day, something was bound to happen as well; life in Paris hadn’t been normal in months. It being a normal day meant that Marinette was late. Super late. Way, way, so very late she might as well be early for the next thing kind of late. So late that- (oh, she’s beginning to catch onto why she’s so late.)
She knew even as she was shoving toothpaste into her bag for Tikki and brushing her teeth with frosting (wait, switch that) that she would be late, and her erratic movements were enough to convince her parents to write her an excuse. Not that anyone could blame her; she had to deal with three akumas in one night. Three akumas. Who could blame her, or anyone for that matter, for being late when there were three emotionally-stunted teens each wreaking havoc upon the city? It was a wonder that anyone else got to class on time, except for Alya, who Marinette was pretty sure didn’t sleep.
Marinette kissed both parents goodbye, thanking them again for the excuse note. They shoved a box of pastries into her hands, as was their habit whenever she didn’t leave school fast enough.
They had done it since her first day at her new school, when she was tiny and frightened of new people; having the same best friend since birth would do that. Her father had shoved a box of macaroons in her arms and her mother placed a bracing arm on her back. They told her what to do and she tried her hardest to follow their instructions, standing up straight at the front of the class, introducing herself, and offering cookies. Unfortunately, that was the same day Chloe Bourgeois was joining public school, and compared to cookies, her offer of money to ten year-olds wasn’t all that effective. And Chloe was excellent at holding a grudge.
Of course, she ended up with friends: Alya, Nino, Adrien, and everyone in art class, but it was hard to go about her first couple years of school without anyone in her corner. Becoming Ladybug really gave her the boost of confidence she needed to break out of her shell and make new friends, and now she had a whole class full.
She stopped in the classroom to put her stuff away, pausing for a second to breathe. How was she out of shape? She’s Ladybug, for heavens’ sakes! Those three akumas really took it out of her. Luckily enough, she had gym class up next. (Can you hear the sarcasm?)
“Girl! Where have you been?” Alya smiled up at her from where she was stretching her hamstrings.
“Sorry Alya, slept in too much.” She fell into place beside her, choosing one of the more advanced stretches to accomplish instead. “Three akumas yesterday; couldn’t get much sleep.”
“You need to get over yourself, Mari. Ladybug and Chat Noir always win against the akumas, this fear of yours is ridiculous.” Alya glanced at her with an incredulous look, but when she saw her intense yoga pose, the look shifted and she yelled over her shoulder. “Adrien! Get over here! Marinette’s doing her physics-defying stuff again!”
Adrien joined them, laughing at Alya’s exaggerated despair. “It’s really not that hard. You just have to-” He fell into the position easily and began matching her movements. “There.”
“How on EARTH?” Alya shrieked and threw herself to the right, toppling into Nino, who was in a shaky warrior two. They ended up in a heap on the floor, Alya staring in horror at the two still upright and Nino staring bewildered at his girlfriend. “How are you two doing that?”
“Well, I don’t know about Marinette,” Adrien moved into an upward dog, “but father insisted that I be physically active in some way and my mother used to do yoga. So I picked it up.”
Nino leaned close to Alya’s ear. “I’m not sure whether to add this to the ‘reasons Gabriel sucks’ list or be happy he has this thing with his mom.”
“Both I guess?”
“What about you Marinette?” He moved into a handstand-like position. “Why do you know all this stuff?”
My superhero moonlighting requires me to be as stretchy as a rubber band, so my partner, who is also a furry, taught me yoga. “My first best friend and I learned tai chi, and this just felt like the next step.” Not a lie, just not why she chose yoga.
“Okay, you’re fine.” Alya pointed a finger between them both. “But next time you do something weird, I’m starting a cryptid blog about you.”
“You don’t have the guts.” Marinette leaned in and Adrien flipped down to join her. It felt familiar, like deja vu; not her crush, she killed that with fire once he started dating Kagami.
“Heey!” Nino opened his arms in front of them. “Let’s change the subject, what about that new student?”
“There’s a new student?” Marinette turned to the rest of the class, who were all stretching dutifully. No new faces whatsoever. “Where are they?”
“Not here, he went to the office over a scheduling conflict. Seems like a jerk.” Alya pulled an arm behind her head, glaring with derision in the direction of the office.
“Alya, don’t.” Adrien nudged her with a foot. “First impressions don’t mean anything, right Marinette?” He shot her a playful glance.
“Don’t remind me.”
“That one was a misunderstanding. Mister Ice Cold over there doesn’t even say a word, just nods and walks into the back of the class. At least Adrien did something and he asked for forgiveness afterwards. Frosty doesn’t even look at us.” With that final comment, Alya joined the rest of the class in dodgeball.
“Is she alright?” Adrien side-eyed her.
“Yeah, she just really hates people acting superior to her. Let’s go.” Marinette shrugged it off and joined her in picking teams.
Dodgeball was a mess; it always was. The entirety of the class had been akumatized at one point, and some of the strategic prowess remained. Marinette’s team always won, which everyone attributed to her agility, but it was really that Ladybug had more practice in strategy. The only way the teams could be considered even was if Adrien was against her.
She still won; she always won. When it was all over, each team, sweating and exhausted, gravitated to the center line to shake hands and congratulate one another on a game well played. Adrien met her in the middle with a weary smirk. His hair was disheveled, but there was a spark in his eyes that made him seem more familiar than he already was.
“I almost got you that time.” He gripped her hand tight.
“All that training with Kagami is really upping your game.” She quipped, shaking his hand. “Better luck next time.”
With that promise of another match, everyone vacated the gym to the locker rooms, where Alya continued to warn Marinette against the new student.
“Even Chloe doesn’t like him and he seems like the kind of rich boy that would be right up her alley.”
“Alya, I get it. You aren’t the new guy’s biggest fan.”
“And the feeling’s mutual too.” She griped.
“So just don’t talk to him; it works with Chloe. Why not this guy too?” She wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her to their desk.
“Fine, but I don’t have to like it.”
“You don’t have to like him either.” She pulled out her notebook and began writing down the date.
Before Alya could make another passive aggressive comment about the mystery new boy, Miss Bustier walked in, the usual skip in her step. “Class, I know I already introduced you to our new student but since some of us weren’t here for the first period,” Marinette ducked her head with a sheepish smile, “I’ve decided there’s nothing better than a redo. So, here’s Mister Culpa, introducing himself again.”
A boy with pale blond hair and paler skin strode into the room. He wore what could only be called business-casual, all monochrome. His eyes were a one-in-a-million breathtaking ice blue.
“Hello.” His eyes scanned the room emotionlessly. “As I previously said, my name is Felix Culpa and I am from-” He stopped when he reached her. “Nette?”
“Felix.” She breathed, barely even daring to say it louder, lest he disappear.
He was a blur, climbing the steps and reaching her in the time it took her to stand. There were no words when they hugged, other than the other’s name. She was on the tips of her toes, pressing her forehead to his collarbone. Felix got tall.
“I missed you.” He whispered, squeezing just a little tighter.
“I missed you too.” She laughed, pulling back to see his face. He was crying. She was crying.
“What in Ladybug’s name is happening?” Alya’s shout broke them from whatever pocket dimension they were inhabiting together. “You two know each other?”
“Alya, this is Felix.” She turned to look at her, hand still on Felix’s shoulder. “He was my best friend from birth to ten.”
“Was?” He bumped her hip with his. “Didn’t know I’ve been replaced, Netta.”
“I couldn’t contact you after I moved! I was ten and your mom never told us what her new number was.” She punched his elbow. “What are you doing here?”
“My family moved. I didn’t know you were in this area too; imagine my surprise when I see what the current events in Paris are and find out that there are superheroes and my best friend is now a borderline celebrity.” He chuckled, running a hand through his hair.
“We have to catch up some time.” She grabbed his arm.
“Certainly, maybe not here and now, though.” He gestures to the class around them, avidly watching the exchange.
“Right.” She released his arm and rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “Coffee and macarons later then? My place?”
“I would like nothing more.” He quirked a smile that would seem tiny to anyone else, but to Marinette was as bright as the sun. “Until then.” Felix squeezed her hand and moved to the back of the class with a little wave.
She returned it, a goofy smile definitely on her face as she sat back down.
“Well,” Miss Bustier coughed, “since Felix has been so thoroughly introduced to everyone else, I suppose I should start the lesson.” And she dove into a spiel about the first World War.
“Dang, girl. Is it just me, or do you have a date after class?” Alya whispered to her from behind her textbook.
“It’s not a date! We’re just catching up.”
She spared a quick glance at Felix, who was nose-deep in his book, just like when they were kids. He had such sharp features, and upon reconsideration, his eyes looked even more beautiful than she remembered. Felix grew up just fine without her. Really fine, in fact.
It took Marinette a couple seconds to realize she was staring, and when she did, her head turned back to the front of the room so fast she swore she heard a snap.
This was... going to be complicated.
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navalcriminalimagines · 4 years
Request by @wow-life-love4 ❀ : So I was hoping to request a Barba x reader; Where the reader sees Barbra back when she goes visits Carisi and she has those feeling again what she had years ago when he left!And he finally accepts the fact that she was the one as well!!!!!(Throw some angst in there I’m dying for it with fluffy ending)
Words: 3,530
Tags: @crying-river
Sorry for the typos. Enjoy. ❀
Based on 22x04 Sightless in a Savage Land. (Of course)
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(Gif isn’t mine)
*Carisi’s office*
Since Sonny got his new office, you found a comfy place on the floor, against his furniture. That’s where you were even though your former partner wasn’t there yet. There was this new case that came up in the night before, he had a few meetings while you were working on your laptop, coffee right next you and Sonny’s on his desk.
He came in a few minutes later, smiled when he saw you. He threw the box he was holding on his cabinet and sat on his desk chair. When he spotted his coffee, his smile grew wider. “You’re the best,” he said, taking a big sip.
“I know,” you smiled. “How’s the case going?”
“I’m going for murder 2, and we’ll see,” he shrugged.
One thing you love about your friendship with Sonny Carisi is that silence is comfortable. There is no awkward silence. While he worked on his paperwork, you were on your laptop. Shopping online, actually. You rescued a car a year ago and the little ball of fur has been scratching on your couch ever since. It was completely destroyed now and you needed a new one.
“Dom,” you called your best friend. “What do you think about this one?” you turned your laptop so Sonny could see it. It was a nice three places blue couch, Scandinavian style.
Sonny wheeled closer to you and bent down to look at it. “I won’t fit in that one,” he said. He’s been crashing a lot at your place for the past two years.
“Stupid long legs,” you teased him. “Although, in 4 years, you’ll be sleeping in my bed, so—“ you turned the screen back at you and kept scrolling.
Sonny laughed at that. “Only if neither of us is married,” he reminded you.
“Doesn’t look good, Dominick. I’m telling you,” you exclaimed. “You seriously need to prepare yourself to spend the rest of your life with me,”
“Wouldn’t have agreed if I wasn’t. Although, that’s not the story I wanna tell our kids,” still laying in his chair, Sonny was facing you, his legs spread as always.
“Why not?” You exclaimed. “It’s cute! Two best friends that made a deal to get together to avoid forever loneliness!” You paused and realized what he said. “Wait—kidS?” you asked, making sure the ‘s’ was heard.
“At least, four, Y/N. You know I want a big family,” Sonny told. This conversation seemed like completely normal between although it wasn’t.
“Then pry I’ll give birth to quadruplets. Cause I’m not getting pregnant four times,”
“Don’t underestimate the Carisi’s power,”
You and Sonny stopped talking for a moment, just staring at each other, until you both started to laugh. “This conversation is nonsense,” you said.
“I agree,” you heard from the doorway. You and Sonny turned like one man, to look at the man standing there. You didn’t have to look at him though. You recognized his voice from the first sound.
“Barba,” Sonny was the first to greet him. He stood up and offered his hand. Both men shook hands and Rafael’s eyes stopped on you, still sitting on the floor. You looked up to him and tried to keep a poker face. But god, he looked more handsome as ever. The beard. You asked him multiple times to keep the beard, when you and Rafael were seeing each other.
“Detective,” he greeted you.
“Counselor,” you quickly said and got your attention back on your laptop. You can’t let him see you still have feelings. And that you’re mad. Hurt, even. Rafael never made a promise to you, you two weren’t actually dating per say, but you wished he gave you a goodbye. Not just—leaving.
“What can I help you with?” Sonny rescued you.
“Mickey Davis. Can we talk about it?” He said.
You felt both men’s gaze on you and looked up, “Oh you want me gone?” You said and Sonny nodded. You stood up, put your laptop in your bag, and walked to the door. “Chinese. My place?” You asked Sonny, completely avoiding Rafael. Your best friend agreed and you would be lying if you said you didn’t hope it would make Rafael jealous.
Sonny showed up at your apartment around 8. He was welcomed by Mania’s purrs, he crouched down and pet your ginger cat for a moment. You were sitting in your - destroyed - couch, with a glass a white wine. Carisi knew that seeing Barba after all those years messed with your head.
“How many?” He simply asked.
“Not enough!” You said, but you were obviously tipsy already.
He’d been there many times. He knew that trying to fight to make you stop drinking was useless. So instead, he grabbed a glass and joined you on the couch. Mania jumped on your lap. “Wanna talk about it?”
“I’m just going to say the same things I’ve been telling you for the past three years,” you said, focusing on your cat.
“But now, he’s back. And I don’t think he liked what he heard,”
You looked at Sonny, puzzled, waiting for him to continue. “He was—cold. Unfriendly. And he left saying ‘Enjoy the chinese—and the company’”
“It doesn’t mean anything, Dom. Three years went by. He probably has someone,” you were on the urge of crying but you were fighting yourself. You cried enough for Rafael.
“His lost,” Sonny put his arms around your shoulders and kissed your temple. He gave a pat to Mania, and extended his legs on the coffee table. You rested your head on his shoulder and a few tears escaped.
“Why am I not over him? Why does it still hurt?” You asked. Sonny hummed in response and you continued. “I wish we were married already. I would be committed to you, and he wouldn’t live rent free in my head,”
Sonny giggled, “You sure ‘bout that?” He asked. “Know that cheating is a deal breaker for me. Thinking of someone else while you’re with me is cheating, somehow. So technically, you’re already cheating on me,”
“I’d make up to you, but we’re not there yet. You refused to seal the deal,”
It took Sonny a few seconds to understand what you meant. “And think about Barba while I’m making love to you? Noooo, thank you,”
You grabbed the wine bottle and poured yourself another glass. Mania wasn’t pleased about you moving around so he jumped onto Sonny’s lap instead. “I need a good dick,” you sighed, laying back on the couch.
Sonny wasn’t expecting you to say that. Or at least, not like that. He was taking a sip and choked on wine. He coughed a few times, which made you laugh. “Need me to remind you what happened last year?”
“Noooo, thank you,” you mimicked him. The last year was a mess. You got drunk at Forlini’s and left with a stranger. It was okay at first, the man was good looking and very cautious with you. The sex wasn’t great. He came really fast, you didn’t have time to get pleasure. When you tried to leave, he offered you to stay with puppy eyes, and you caved. The next morning, you tried to sneak out but he heard you and he didn’t want to let you go. So you texted Sonny, asking him to call you and pretend an emergency. Thank god he did. But a few weeks later, you met the guy again at Forlini’s. It lead to a few weeks of stalking from his behalf, until you went all cop on him.
After eating chinese, you went back to drinking as Sonny stopped. You two watched some terrible show on tv until you fell asleep on his shoulders. Used to that, he moved you to your bed and crashed on your couch, with Mania cuddling to him.
You showed up many times at work with hangovers. You were used to pretend you were okay and your coworkers pretended to believe you. The morning went slow, until he showed up.
“Barba!” Fin was the first to see him. “Liv isn’t here,” he continued.
“I came to see all of you—in private?” Fin, Amanda, Kat and yourself looked to one another. “I don’t have all day, detectives.”
They stood up and followed him next to interrogation rooms. But you stayed put. “Y/N,” Rafael softly said.
“Three detectives is enough,” you said, without looking at you. If you looked at him, you’d caved. And you can’t do that. He doesn’t deserve it. Not so easily. Not just because he is his handsome self.
“I hope chinese with your future husband was good,” he answered, bitterly and joined the others, closing the doors behind him. You sarcastically laughed at that. Was it jealousy? You hoped so.
A few minutes later, Liv came in with Garland. He gently greeted you and asked where were the others. You told them without thinking further. And in a minute, Barba was in Liv’s office with her and Garland. Your coworkers went back to their desks but no one talked. “Fill me in?” You asked.
“In so many words, Barba needs our help,” Amanda told you.
“He’s defending the man that Carisi is prosecuting. That’s not fair to Sonny,” you told, anger started to show up.
“Carisi can handle it,” Fin said.
“Damn right he can. But you’re making it harder for him! Our ADA is Carisi now, not Barba! He left me—us,”
You knew it was too late. Your anger toward Rafael just surfaced and the entire team now knows something had happened. Mostly angry at yourself from letting your emotions get the best of you, you grabbed your jacket and left the squadroom.
You drove to Sonny’s office and stormed in it without knocking. He immediately saw your red eyes, and furry in them. “Barba asked the squad for help! And I think they are in!” You were pacing in the small place, making Sonny’s head spin. “They are going behind your back for him! They are helping him, knowing it will make it harder for you! He just—snapped his fingers,” you did snap your fingers, “and they are all in! I can’t believe it,” you were breathing hard, fighting your tears and your anger. Sonny stood, grabbed your shoulders and brought you to his chest. He held you tight as you cried in his chest. He could feel your body shaking. You stood there for a long moment until you calmed down. Sonny let you go and grabbed you a tissue. You dried your eyes and blown your nose. “I’m sorry, you must be tired of me. I’m a fucking mess,”
Sonny was leaning on his desk, arms crossed and legs spread. “Nah, you’re not, Y/N. You’re my best friend and you’re there for me as much,” he softly grabbed your hand and rubbed your knuckles, “Now tell what you’re really mad about,”
“Him. He comes back and tries to act as if—nothing happened. Like we were nothing. Ever,” you took a deep breath, “it just hurts me all over again,”
“Now that he’s here, maybe you should ask for the explanations you’ve been waiting for? You need closure, honey. You deserve it. And yeah, it may not be what you want to hear but at least, you’ll know and you can finally move on,”
“With you when I turn 40?” You tried to joke.
“Or that guy from last year,” he grinned.
“Shut up, Carisi,” Sonny pulled on your arm to bring you to him. As he was leaning on the desk, you were the same height. You put your arms around his shoulders, and his hands were in your back. “What would I do without you?” You whispered in his ear.
“You’d be stuck in a relationship with a weirdo, and probably pregnant by now,” you laughed at his words.
“That would terrible. I’d be so frustrated,”
“Uh, I’d help you with that,”
“Dominick Carisi Jr, isn’t that a sin? May I remind you, you refused to seal our deal,”
“Because if it went bad, I didn’t want you to ask Fin to be your backup,”
“Wouldn’t have worked anyway, he found Phoebe,”
Really, what would you do without Sonny Carisi in your life?
His words didn’t leave your brain. “You need closure, you deserve it”. And maybe he’s right. You do deserve closure, even if he tells you everything you don’t want to hear. So when the trial was over, and Barba invited everyone for a drink, you joined in. You sat between Sonny and Kat, Rafael was across from you. You could feel his gaze every now and then but you tried to avoid meeting his eyes.
“Cheers,” Rafael said, holding his scotch.
“To what? Jury deliberated for 6 hours to find Davis guilty on murder 2 and we’re back to the start,” Sonny answered.
“To irony, then,” Rafael offered instead.
Everyone got interested in Rafael’s past three years. He explained that he traveled for a while, catch up with foreign family in Cuba. He mentioned meeting a woman there but when you heard the word “girlfriend”, you stood up and went to order another glass.
“Y/N!” You heard from your left. You turned to see the man that stalked you the year prior. “Good to see you,” before you could react, Kyle was hugged you. “Been a while,” he smiled.
Not enough. You thought. “Indeed,” you gently returned the smile.
“May I offer you a drink?”
“Thanks, but I’m with my friends,” you pointed towards the squad. Sonny saw the man from behind and he saw in your eyes you were in trouble. But instead of helping you, he was just—laughing. Bastard.
“Maybe later then? Or another day?”
“Kyle. Last year, I threated you to put you in jail for harassment. That threat still stands if you start again,” you looked at him, seriously.
“Actually, I want to apologize about that. I was in a very bad place and I don’t know why I acted the way I did. Can we put that in the past and start all over again?”
Listening to his excuses, you didn’t see Rafael circling around. It’s only when you smell his intoxicating smell, that you knew he was behind you. You sighed and tried to stay focus on Kyle. “Okay look, if you’re still here when my friends leave, maybe—“ you were stopped by Rafael’s arm, as he slided it around your chest.
“Leave her alone, man. You’re not up to her standards,”
“Y/N, who is that” Kyle asked.
You were so confused about what was happening - and a little tipsy - you didn’t react. “The man that has way more chance to take her home than you’ll never have,”
“Well, man, you’re too late. I already took her home,”
You felt Rafael’s fist clenching. “Kyle—I’ll see around okay?”
“I’m not sure I want to leave you with that guy, Y/N,” he answered.
“But you are,” Rafael growled. “Now and forever,”
Rafael made you spin around so you were facing him instead of that Kyle. He instantly grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you right under Kyle’s nose. He was acting like an asshole but there’s no way you could pull him away. You melted into his kiss, granting access to his tongue. You grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him as close as you could. You felt his hands traveling your back, until you were grabbing your ass. For a moment, you forgot you two were in the middle of Forlini’s. You moaned in his month and he felt his cock twitching.
You pulled away only when Amanda made herself heard as she was leaving. “Get a room, people.”
Rafael smiled. “I agree with her. Come home with me?”
“Where’s home for you?” You asked. A kiss can’t make everything go away.
“Home is you, Y/N. You’re my home,” he looked so damn sincere and it would be so easy to just let it go and hang on to those words. But you still need explanations. Apologizes, perhaps?
Again, you fought against your tears. “That’s so easy, Rafael,”
“Come with me and we can talk. Just that if you want,”
During the ride, you told Rafael you preferred to go to your place; Mania was waiting. If Barba should have a pet, he thought he would adopt a dog. But since you have a cat, he can get use to it. Only if you cut its claws.
As always, Mania was waiting behind the door when you got in. He didn’t move at first, just studying Rafael. “He’s already judging me,” Rafael said.
“He only met two humans. Me and Sonny. Before that, he was beaten, famished and threw with the trash. He doesn’t trust humans,”
“That’s something we can bound on,” Rafael kept his distance with your furry child. And Mania did the same. You pet him a moment, gave him his food and joined Rafael on the couch, with a bottle of Sauternes. It was silent at first. None knew where to start.
“Is—is there something between you and Carisi?” He asked.
“Straight to the point,” you smiled in your glass. You liked the hint of jealousy in it. “For now, no. But in 4 years, maybe,”
“I’m gonna need further explanations,”
“I’m the one that needs explanations, don’t you think?” You challenged him. “Actually, I deserve them,” you’ll have to think Sonny later for that strength.
“Indeed, you do,” Rafael agreed. “It was easier that way,”
“Easier for who? For you? Cause it wasn’t easy for me, at all,”
“I was selfish and I’m sorry,” he softly grabbed your hand. “I knew that—if I came to see you, to tell you I was leaving, I would have back down. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you goodbye. All I ever wanted to see in your eyes, when you look at me, was love. And I was afraid to see—disappointment in them. Pity, hate, even. Cause there was hate whenever I looked in the mirror,” you heard tears in his voice. You knew he was just being honest with you.
“You ruined our relationship—or whatever we had— on assumptions, Rafael. I didn’t hate you before you left. I wasn’t disappointed. Only things you’d have seen were empathy and love,”
“I couldn’t take the risk, Y/N,”
“Let’s pretend I get that. Why didn’t you call, then? Text? Left a letter or a note? Hell, even an email would have made it easier,” you stood up, pacing around. Rafael has been around you enough to know that’s what you do when you’re angry and trying to calm yourself.
“I could have. I should have—I’m so sorry,” he was looking at you with pleading eyes but you were still pacing around your living room. “I never forgot about you, Y/N. I still love you,”
“Uh-huh,” you shook your head, “You can’t tell me you still love me when you never said you loved me in the first place!” You exclaimed.
“Fine,” he stood up and grabbed your shoulders to keep you still. “I love you, Y/N. Wanna know when I knew?” He paused, for what you assumed what a dramatic effect like he does in court, “When Yelina came in my office, telling my ‘crazy coworker’ slapped her. And you didn’t slap her because you were jealous. You did so because she hurt me and talked shit about me for going after Alex. When she left, I smiled so hard, I found the courage to ask you out,”
You felt your cheeks turning pink. “I didn’t know you knew,” you looked down but Rafael grabbed your chin and made you lift your head.
“From that moment, I knew you had my back. I didn’t have yours,” you saw a tear finally escaping his eye. “And if you found the strength to forgive me, I’ll always have your back. I won’t let you down. I promise,”
Seeing Rafael cried made you cry too. You swoop his tears with your thumb. “It won’t be easy, Rafael. It’s going to take time for me to—trust you again. To trust that you won’t leave again,”
“I won’t,” he grabbed your face and kissed. It was needy. Rafael wanted you to feel how much he loves you in that kiss. He wanted you to know you could trust him. Not only your tongue mixed but your tears did too. “I promise. I love you,” he rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you, too,” you kissed again, but it was more passionate. One of his arms were wrapped around your shoulders and his other hand was holding your cheek. Your left hand rested on his firm ass and your right one was in his hair.
He smiled against your mouth when he felt your hand grabbing his ass cheek. “That’s my move,”
“What can I say? I missed your ass,”
He chuckled and made you jump in his arms. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands were resting on your ass. “Not as much as I missed yours,” Rafael kissed you again and walked to the bedroom, closing it to Mania’s face.
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
how to be a heartbreaker: rule five - rafe cameron
Rafe Cameron’s privileged upbringing has let him get away with far too much, for far too long. Between his tormenting of the pogues, running his mouth without consequence, and arrogant attitude, it’s time someone knocked him down a peg. Breaking his bones didn’t work, but maybe you can break his heart.
co-authored with my love, freya @rekrappeter
pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader, unrequited!JJ x reader
warnings: angst, starting a relationship under false pretences, drinking and drug use
word count: 4.8k
a/n: here she is the last rule. all i have to say is we’re sorry and we love yall so much, don’t cancel us on the dash. please please please leave us feedback, freya and i read every comment and cry, love you guys so much!!
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“Is this last rule even necessary?” you rolled your eyes, listening to JJ blabber on and on. John B jumped in now and again to add extra information that JJ glossed over but for the most part, your blonde friend took the lead again.
Kie chimed in, “I don’t think that y/n of all people needs to be reminded not to fall.”
“Yeah, do i look stupid enough to fall for Rafe Cameron’s charms?” You said, giving JJ an inquisitive look. 
JJ smirked at you, shrugging his shoulders, “Look, I trust you but you John B thought it might be a good one to add.” 
“You never know what life could throw at you, kid,” John B chuckled, sipping on his bottle of beer, “to be on the safe side.” 
You stood from the couch, a grin on your face as your hands rested on your hips, you looked at each one of your friends in the eye. “I promise you all now, I will not fall in love with Rafe Cameron.” JJ smirked at your response to the worried looks, reaching out to do your handshake with him before he started to talk about the next rule.
“Rule five: when they call, don’t be the first to fall”
Weeks passed in a blur, punctuated with spending more and more time with Rafe - more movie dates in the back of his truck, spending time at the driving range as he jokingly accused you of embracing your inner kook, taking you for rides on his yacht (which you had to admit was much more impressive than the HMS Pogue), and eventually taking you to that fancy restaurant on the coast. It was also interspersed with less and less time spent with the Pogues, you were pulling away from them whether you realized it or not.
On a night when Pope finally convinced you to spend time with them all, you were perched on a broken lawn chair as your friends sat around the dying fire with you. 
As you sat there, nursing a can of warming PBR, your mind wandered to what a certain kook was doing. You thought about the way he made you laugh, how his body felt against yours, the slow way he claimed your body and your mouth, the look in his eyes after you had both finished, sweaty and spent, wrapped in each other’s arms. You thought about the soft way he played with your hair as you laid your head on his chest, the way it felt to fall asleep next to him, and the soft and quiet joy you felt waking up with his arm around your waist. Panic set in as you realized the implications of your feelings. Your.... feelings. You felt your chest tighten and your eyes widen as you began to comprehend the truth, stupid bet and stupider plan be damned, you were falling for public enemy number one, Rafe Cameron himself. Your mouth went dry and you began to have difficulties breathing. Suddenly a mess of blonde hair was in your face as JJ kneeled in front of you. Despite your earlier fight, you were still his best friend and when JJ noticed you about to slip into a panic attack, he reacted quickly. 
You vaguely recognized the words leaving his mouth as your name and, ‘are you okay?’ but the sight of him was distressing you more. How could you be falling in love with Rafe Cameron when you were already deeply in love with the boy in front of you? The two were bitter enemies, no love lost between them. The thought distressing you more and more you could only shake your head and weakly attempt to push his hands from their place on your knee, gasping out “Pope, I need Pope.”
JJ’s face fell, the realization that he’s no longer the one you turn to for comfort stings but he calls out for Pope, stepping back at letting his friend help you through it. He watched intently as Pope calmed you down, breathing with you and trying to get you to focus on his voice and your surroundings. JJ stumbled over a branch, watching you grip to Pope like a lifeline, and he realized then that he lost you. He hasn’t seen you in weeks, and if he did, it was for ten minutes maximum. He’d come by your house and it’d be empty, he’d wait in your bedroom and each time your bed looked as if it hadn’t been used in days. His messages went unanswered and it was getting hard to ignore the gossip of Rafe Cameron dating a pogue that fell off every middle aged woman’s tongue as he mowed their lawn. 
He took one last look at you before turning his back to his friends and stalking away from the chateau with only one mission evident in his blurry mind. He ignored the protests of Kie and John B, feeling his friend grip his wrist to stop him but he made a clear break to his bike, jumping on it and starting the engine, making a beeline to figure eight. 
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An hour or two later you were making your way down the beach away from your friends. You had noticed JJ wasn’t there when you’d finally calmed down in Pope’s arms, but you just shrugged it off, assuming he’d found some blonde barbie touron and gone home with her. Your heart was pounding in your chest at the anticipation of seeing Rafe, he had messaged you earlier to meet him down by the lifeguard station. Despite your earlier freak out, you knew that your feelings for Rafe were genuine and you couldn’t wait to see him, to put all this behind you and start a real relationship with him, if he’d have you.
Spotting his tall figure sitting on the beach, you smiled to yourself and approached him quietly, covering his eyes with your hands and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. You felt him tense up, and your brows furrowed, Rafe had never acted so stiffly around you. Not since you’d started whatever was going on between you. 
“You don’t have to do that,” he spoke lowly, sounding as though his throat was raw as he pulled your hands off of him. 
“D-Do what?” you asked, stepping in front of him and grabbing his face in your hands. He leant into your touch for a moment, eyes closed before they slowly opened, revealing his red eyes. 
“Pretend,” he looked right into your eyes and deep into your soul as you felt your heart shatter. 
“Pretend? Rafe?” you don’t know why you were asking him, the realization had set in quickly that JJ wasn’t off with some touron, he was off ruining your happiness. Rafe stood up from the sand, his stature towering over you but he didn’t look as intimidating or as confident as he usually did, he looked heart broken. You had done it, you thought bitterly to yourself. You had perfected how to be a heartbreaker.
“Maybank told me everything, your stupid little plan, the stupid bet. All of it,” 
 “R-Rafe,” your voice broke, taking a step closer to him but he stumbled away from you, “It’s not what you think.”
Rafe scoffed drily, shaking his head, “You’re going to do that now? I know everything, y/n! You can’t fucking deny it! I trusted you with things, I-I opened up to you about everything
 my mother,” he cried, ignoring the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. He didn’t care how he looked in this moment, he couldn’t care less if someone was filming him to expose him at some big party; he fell in love with you and he was broken, he wanted you to know how you made him feel.
“Rafe, when I agreed to do this, I wasn’t thinking about the ending
 I was just thinking about how to get back at you for all the shit you put us through.”
A loud, heavy sigh passed his lips and the anger furried behind the agony, “That’s the problem with you and your fuckin pogues,” Rafe snapped,  “You think you’re all innocent and I'm this awful monster you can pin the blame on. As if Maybank doesn’t start half, if not more of our fights, as if he’s never said something disgusting about my sister to me thinking he could get away with that. As if you didn’t pretend to fall in love with me just to see the look in my eyes when you tell me it was all a lie.” 
“Yes, okay, I admit it, I was pretending at the start,” you shouted at him, feeling all your emotions piling over the edge, “But I wasn’t pretending for the last few weeks. Rafe I-” You blinked back tears, sobs threatening to rip from your lips, “I fell in love with you too.”
“How do I know you aren’t pretending right now? I bet that would be real funny to you and your friends, convince me that you’re in love with me too just to make it hurt even more when you pull the rug out for real.” He shook his head in utter disbelief. He couldn’t believe he had been so wrong about you. He thought that you cared for him, that you wanted him as badly as he wanted you. When JJ had showed up at his house, Rafe hadn’t believed him at first, you couldn’t be that cruel. But the look on your face when he said ‘you don’t have to do that’ confirmed it all for him. Rafe thought the worst pain he would ever feel in his life was standing over his mother’s casket at her funeral, but this came close. 
“I'm not, Rafe, trust me
 I’ve never felt this way about anyone and yes, I’ll forever regret how it started but-”
“You already won, you don’t have to pretend anymore,” he shook his head, interrupting you and turning to walk away.
“Rafe, stop!” you begged, grabbing onto his wrist, but he easily shook you off. 
“Congratulations, you got what you wanted, I fell in love with you,” Rafe muttered, disdain dripping from his tongue,  “I hope you and Maybank are really happy together, don’t ever speak to me again,” he snarled, giving you one last look before he walked away from you. 
“Rafe, please,” You begged, before you felt your knees give out, collapsing into the sand. The sobs you had barely been keeping at bay finally escaped your lips, the sound heart wrenching to anyone who was unfortunate to be near enough to hear them.
JJ must have been nearby, because he was on you in a second, “y/n?!” He was gripping your shoulders, attempting to pull you in for a hug, but you shoved him as hard as you could away from you, and frantically clawed at the sand to propel you backwards, away from him.
"This is all your fault!" You wanted to scream and shout at the top of your lungs, but you couldn't, your voice was a weak whimper. JJ watched you intently, his heart slowing at the sight of you, tears streaming down your face. He can count the amount of times he'd seen you cry on one hand, and it was a sight he wanted to erase from his mind completely.
"Y/n, i-" but he didn't know what to say. He knew what he'd done, he wasn't thinking about you when he said those words. He was solely focused on breaking Rafe's heart that he never considered yours.
“I know you couldn’t ever love someone like me, but that didn’t mean you had the right to stop everyone else from it. Am I that repulsive, that disgusting that you feel the need to ruin any chance I have at happiness?” You sobbed, head falling into your hands. You knew JJ would never love you the way you wanted, and you knew that he was always threatening boys to keep them away from you, but you never thought he would actually do this.
“Y/n, that’s- that’s not-” he was struggling to find the words to say to show you that wasn’t how he felt about you at all. 
"I-I'm done, JJ, I'm done chasing something that will never happen," You shook your head, voice hoarse from the screaming and the crying. The one man you wanted to wrap his arms around you and comfort you couldn’t even look at you anymore; the man you shared the softest of moments with in such a short span of time, the man that made you feel something, made you feel wanted and loved. 
“Y/n, we can work this out,” JJ pleaded, kneeling down in front of you but you shook your head, pushing him away again. “You’re my best friend and I love you, y/n.”
You choked out a strangled laugh, “Love? Fuck you JJ, you don’t know the meaning of the word.”
“That’s not true, I know I love you.” He pleaded again, stupidly reaching for you a third time. But this time his fingers wrapped around your wrist, pulling you to him and he crashed his lips against yours. You struggled against him, his grip strong and tight until you bit his lip. He let go of your wrists in shock and you took the opportunity to slap his cheek as hard as you could. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You cried at him, “You can’t just do that to me JJ. You know that I have been in love with you our whole lives, you don’t get to do this right now. You don’t get to do this ever.” You finally managed to get up, tears falling from your face.
“Y/n, I-” he started again, realizing that he had well and truly fucked up this time, possibly ruining your friendship beyond repair.
“Congratulations, you broke Rafe Cameron’s heart
 but you also broke mine.” You spit at him and walked into the night.
JJ sat there on his knees for a moment in shock, staring at his hands that had just held you. His lips were tingling with a kiss that he had craved since the first and last time when you were both fourteen. But it was all wrong. He had waited too long, thinking that you would always just be there in the wings, waiting for him to get his shit together and then you could be together. He had always just taken for granted his beautiful best friend, the one who he swore up and down he didn’t have feelings for, but deep down he always knew he did.
One minute, he’s wallowing in the consequence of his actions, the next, Pope is shoving him, telling him to ‘get up’.
“You idiot!” Pope shouted. JJ had never seen his best friend this mad before, and never at him. Not when JJ had pulled that gun on Topper, not when they had sunk that boat, not even when JJ had attacked you for sleeping with Rafe. But here Pope was, practically shaking with rage that was all directed at him. “When I said tell her how you feel, I didn’t mean destroy her relationship with Rafe and attack her with your face.”
“Yeah, but it was a relationship with Rafe. Cameron.” JJ enunciated the syllables of his enemies first and last name. 
“A relationship that you unconsciously set up, and no matter who it is with, y/n is our best friend! We should support it, but we’ll never get the chance now because y/n is a sobbing mess in the house adamant that Rafe wants nothing to do with her. Because of you!” 
“I- I didn’t want to hurt her,” JJ lamely replied, eyes downcast on the sand rather than look into the rightfully furious eyes of his best friend.
“And what did you think was going to happen when you exposed the plan to Rafe? Or when you tried to kiss y/n right after her heart was torn out of her chest, huh? What is wrong with you?”
“I wasn’t really thinking, man,” JJ ran his hands over his face, exhaling loudly. 
“Clearly,” Pope replied drily, shaking his head at the idiocy of his best friend, wondering if there was a way to fix this, or if JJ had ruined everything.
Only a few feet away, you lay curled up against Kie’s side as she stroked your hair and let you cry on her shoulder. “I love him, Kie, I love him and he wants nothing to do with me. And he’s right to want nothing to do with me. What do I do?”
“Right now, you sleep it off.” She said softly, not understanding your love for the boy who had only ever made your friends’ lives hell, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t support it, support you. You loved her for that.
“And then?” You whispered sleepily, the exhaustion of the last hour of your life seeping deep into your bones.
“I believe if two people are meant to be together, eventually they’ll find their way back.” 
Tag list:
htbah taglist (link to add yourself to the google form in the series masterlist!): 
@solllaris @drewswannabegirl @starrystarkey93 @httpstarkey @sweetlysilent @drewstarkey @dontjinx-it @ultranikilove @spencereidbasis @meaganjm @starlightstarkey @thortheestallion @jiaraendgame @idocarealot @tempestuousjj @pink-meringues @dpaccione @arianabrashierstuff @softstarkey @loveylangdon @xenagzb @teenwaywardasgardian @prejudic3 @nxsmss @canibeoneofthepogues @outerbanksbro @obx-direction-sos @nqbmf @digniteas @annedub @colorful-queen-of-the-roses @yesp0ny @loveniallandharryonedirection @fantasticpsychicfanfish @girls-breaking-hearts @beautyandthebleh @casper17 @mozz-are-lla @parkershoco @unfortunatekiwitrash @loverofmineluke @slutforjjmaybank @skiesofthesketchy @httpstarkey @sugarcoatedcalum @amorisxx @trinnwazheree @stargazingstarkey @obx-saltlife @juliarose21​ @hyperactive2411​ @mcarignan​ @feyrecauldron-blessed​ @sportygal55​ @popcrone818​ @wtfkie​ @raekenliar @letsgotothehop​ @walkingtothesun​ @outerbanksbro​ @summerkaulitz​​ @glux64​ @itslilithsstuff​ @softsunlightskies @kaitieskidmore1​ @mycowatemyhw​​ @poguepunk​​
rodeo rafe babies who said they were interested:
@royalmerchant​ @outerbankslut​ @honeyycheek​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @https-luna​ @butgilinsky​ @rae131415​
diverdcwn everything taglist:
@velyssaraptor​ @danicarosaline​ @copper-boom​ @x-lulu​ @prejudic3​ @downbytheouterbanks​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @bricksatanakinswindow​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @sunwardsss​ @rudyypankow​ @im-a-stranger-thing​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @maybankfullkook​ @sortagaysortahigh​ @socialwriter​ @bluesiderudy​ @anxietyandtacos​ @diverrdown​ @stargazingstarkey​
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 5 years
Earth is Space Australia, “Plagues of Earth.”
I finally got to write an earth is space Australia ft. (Australia) lol. I hope you guys have fun, i enjoyed making this, though I had less time than I wanted to elaborate. 
Also inspired by a cover of “The Plagues of Egypt” Done by Johnathan Young in a heavy metal style. I would suggest listening to it when you think about this piece. 
Also, sorry if I said anything inaccurate about anyone’s country. I had less than two hours and a quick google search for facts 
“Their planetary defense is strong, but they prepare for battle on a large scale.If we bring our troops to the surface in small drop ships, and lead their military carriers away by attacking their nearby colony. We will take the planet.”
“What would be the point of this?”
“Humanity is held up as deity by the rest of the galaxy. As long as they fight, the GA fights with them. But if we destroy them, crush their planet at the source, then we crush the morale of the rest of the galaxy.”
“Where do we drop out soldiers?”
“Everywhere, on every major landmass, near every major city. But we do it quietly, drop them into the wilderness first so the humans won’t see them coming.” 
“If we can defeat the humans, we can defeat them all.”
Location: Upper-Mid Merianda (Previous US/Canada border rocky mountain region) 
The burg landed in the thick forests of the north. The human planet was lush and green, and the temperature was moderate, though it leaned slightly towards cold under the canopy of branches. There were sounds everywhere, the chattering of wildlife and strange flying creatures flitting through the trees. The nearest human residence was not far off, maybe a ten cycle march down hill.
They would reach it in no time, and make their sneak attack.
Their team commander barked his commands to the following Burg soldiers and together they began making their way down the hill.
None of them noticed when things began to go wrong.
They had never been to earth, and so were not aware of the sudden silence in the forest that comes before a coming storm.
You see, the Burg are similar to the Iotans, in that they give off a pungent smell. Not so pungent as it tends to affect humans, but pungent enough to affect the nearby wildlife. A wildlife that was not pleased with their presence.
It might have been fine, if they hadn’t stumbled into the den.
It started with a light squeaking. A sound that gave them pause as they looked around for the source. One of the burg pushed aside a green fern to reveal a hole dug into the embankment. He would have investigated if it weren’t for the loud piercing howl that echoed through the trees just to their right.
They all leaped upright in confusion and fear backing into a circle.
Another howl pierced the forest from their left, another form their right. Until they were surrounded by the sound. Shapes flitted through the trees, furry on all fours and hunched.
A howl from directly behind them.
They spun in place.
As the wolf leaped from the top of the embankment her teeth flashing.
As it turns out wolf pups are fond of Burg flesh
New Brazilia (Somewhere in what was once central Brazil, Border rain forest district)
This was the perfect climate, nice warm, dark and moist, shady below the trees that towered overhead in great twisting arcs. The foliage below them was very thick and hard to cut through as they made their way towards the human colonies. This was surely going to be their element, and they laughed at the idea of making the humans suffer as they waded their way through the trees.
The ground before them opened revealing an embankment on the side of a river. There was a hole in the foliage here, and the ground was dry. The burg stepped down onto this spot, their feet crunching slightly in the dirt.
One of them slapped absently at one of it’s segmented legs, brushing away a small insect that had crawled onto its body. Another party member did the same.
One of them even shrieked in pain, “It bit me!”
They looked down brushing the little black bugs off their bodies, only to find that the ground was absolutely swarming with them. One of the Burg shrieked, and tried to run his entire body now covered with hundreds of these little black creatures, however he tripped and fell onto his face.
His entire body was black.
The others began to scream as well, swatting at their bodies and their weapons falling to the riverbed as they were overrun by a massive troop of army ants.
They would never make their destination.
United Slavic  Districts (North/eastern Russia)
This forest was both humid and somewhat cold. It was early morning in the summer, and yet frost still built up on the leaves of the plants overhead. The burg weren’t particularly pleased about this, but they were going to have to deal with it.
It was best to keep moving at times like this, and they hurried their way through thick banks of early morning fog towards the not-to-distant human civilization. Their feet were nearly silent over the frosty forest floor dirt compressing under foot.
They had been walking for some minutes when they heard the sound. A strange mournful cry from the woods almost like the cry of a human infant, though slightly deeper. THe sound made them excited. Where they were infants there were likely humans. And who knows that could be a human noise.
They followed the sound looking about the foggy forest.
The noise came again, so close.
Ah, and there it was, though they were disappointed to find it was not a human at all, but  two fuzzy brown animals no bigger than waist height. They were so small, so pathetic and pitiful and they cried out in terror when the burg approached.
One of the burg raised it’s weapon angry.
The bellow came echoing through the trees rending the very air around them and sending birds scattering into the sky.
The burg turned on their heels as the massive brown bear came charging out of the forest bellowing her teeth flashing.
As it seemed the great land, of what was once, Russia was not pleased with their presence.
East Trans African Belt (former Ethiopia)
It was hot and dry, and the burg didn’t like it. But at least the ground was mostly flat, and the dirt was easy to navigate. Tall grasses raised to either side of the shallow river just to their left. Animals grunted off in the distance and the sky above was bright and blue. Dust rose up from their feet as they made their way towards the edge of the river, hoping that the water would help to moisten up the air around them.
The grunting grew louder.
They glanced over seeing large bulbous shapes in the water. It didn’t much matter to them, and they mostly ignored the creatures, knowing that anything that big was likely to be equally slow. They were making their way up the riverbank now, and the creatures rested in the water just to their side.
Distant grunting grew louder.
One of the burg was standing just next to the bank now when the water exploded casing great droplets into the air as the Hippo burst from the river mouth open wide at it’s four foot extension and bit down upon the unsuspecting burg dragging him violently into the water.
The others tried to run, slipped on the mud, and were set upon by the rest of the family.
Southern Indasia (India) 
The river bank was calm, nothing but floating logs out on the distant water. One of the burg officers was listening to her communications.  There were reports form all across the human’s home planet, that many of their parties had gone radio silent. She wasn’t entirely sure what that could mean but it worried her. Many of them had been traveling along river pathways just like her and her group, and she wondered if that had anything to do with their current situation.
One of the young burg stood at the edge of the water kicking stones into its murky green depths.
“We should definitely move along  from this area.” She was saying moving back up the bank and towards the forest of trees.”
One of he logs had floated closer to shore.
The young burg agreed and bent down to retrieve his weapon from the bank.
A moment later his head had disappeared vanished inside the mouth of a crocodile who then began to spin violently  dragging the burg into the water. Alerted to the frenzy others came as well racing up onto the bank.
There was never any evidence that the Burg had visited india, though there were reports about strange noises by the river that morning.
Australia (still just Australia)
They came as the sun was rising. A low mist had coated itself over the land, though the day was lucking to be annoyingly hot. 
They were just coming up to the edge of the human settlement when they saw it. A distant shape silhouetted between two trees. At first it looked like a man, but as the fog drew back they found a strange creature staring back at them.
One of the burg snorted.
The thing looked like a Tesraki almost, but dumber and a bit taller with large pointy ears, an absolutely massive trunk, and a very long back tail that it used like a Tesraki to stand on iits back legs.
One of the Tesraki crouched down in the foliage resting his hand on a low garden wall.
“Just shoo it off.” Their commander ordered, and two of the Burg moved up to confront the dumb looking creature.
Three things happened at once.
First the crouching burg cursed violently flicking his hand and tossing the angry funnel web spider into the bushes. 
A hiss rose up from the leaves.
And the kangaroo violently kicked the first burg in the chest collapsing his carapace beyond repair before moving over to stomp his friend.
The death adder struck.
Two  of the Burg were convulsing on the ground, another two lay silent and broken. The next two ran off in different directions, one towards the nearby beach and the other back into the forest.
No one is entirely sure what happened after that. All we know is one was found belly up at high tide near the docks where blue ringed octopus are known to be found, and the other was completely gone, though they did spot a rather bloated and very happy looking python chilling in the bushes not far from where the incident occurred.
More and more berg had stopped answering their calls.
Most of the burg would never find out what happened.
But we do.
Burg were found dead all over the world.
A young girl reported a burg attack in the outskirts of London, though her rottweiler had made quick work of that enlisting another pack of suburban dogs to protect the little girl from the freaky bug things.
Alligator attacks in Florida.
Six burg were found plowed over by a speeding bullet train in Japan.
in  Lower Mid Mericanda, a group of self-claimed hillbillies  with cutoff sleeves and unironic mullets were speeding through the forests on the back of four wheelers taking pot shots at anything remotely burg shaped. They had  at least ten confirmed kills, and the creatures never made it out of the swamp.
Another group of burg had made the mistake of landing in one of the last nuclear fallout zones in eastern europe, and ended up cooked by the radiation, their bodies to remain rotting there until cleanup finally made it to the site. It was likely they didn’t last more than twenty minutes.
A surfer off the coast of New Zealand watched a school of dolphins ravage a group of burg who had through a water approach would be more prudent.  He had no idea how the dolphins knew the burg were intruders, but they seemed very interested in helping out.
One group of burg had managed to land themselves in a city in the european provinces, and found themselves beaten to death violently by a group of drunk civilians carrying improvised weapons, one of them even brandishing a pool cue.
Two more teams froze to death before they reached their destination.
Another was washed away by a minor flood.
One of the burg ended up tipped off a cliff by a massive eagle, falling to his death hundreds of feet below. 
Another entire group managed to walk their way into a patch of poison ivy breaking out in horrible boils, which later necrosed as they lay paralyzed on the forest floor. 
Somewhere someone was trampled by a moose, while their other friends were whisked over a waterfall.
In yellowstone (yeah it still hasn’t blown up yet bc the vents are a good pressure release) at least another team of burg found themselves cooking in the natural hot springs after ignoring the signs that said (keep on the walkway).
Those who chose to land in the city were not greeted cordially either, packs of marauding street dogs, gangs, the homeless, drunk civilians, angry policemen, and a high school baseball team supported by the high school chess team.
Long and short of the story is that earth was-not-having-it.
The burg had made a grave mistake. 
Mother earth was fond of her children, even the human ones. 
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Garrote part 10
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez x Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Word count: 3.1k words
Warning(s): Mature | Gun phobia, stalking. Diego and Healy get POVs in this one while Jazmine gets some R&R with the help from her mother. This is a plot only chapter, sorry. Previous Masterlist Next
Author’s Note: No beta reader and I’m far too exhausted to edit properly. After this story, I’m gonna adjust exactly how I format my fics. My million other fic ideas plus my debate over participating in NANOWRIMO this year have been keeping me from working on this too much, I figured it was time to put this up since the last chapter was posted in September... 
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The rest of the day went by with a subtle ease. The temperature was just perfect for a coat and Diego seemed to have nowhere to be. Bordering on the miraculous, it was the man himself who asked her if she wanted to go out and have fun. Feeling caught off guard, Jazmine elected to throw caution to the wind and suggest something other than a fancy nightclub to hang out in. And when Diego heard the name, his jaw dropped. 
Two-Bit’s Retro Arcade. 
He did not ask why (though he did scoff, but more so in amusement than derision). Julio was elated to hear the address (apparently he’d been before), and Miguel looked crestfallen to have to stay at the penthouse. The journey from ritzy apartment to 25 cent arcade felt like being washed in time, stepping backwards into her past with a piece that didn't belong in that memory. 
The place was decently busy, there seemed to be no parties bigger than five. A collection of young kids took up the classics section, rotating between Dig Dug, Pac Man, and Tapper Light. The young man who played pinball every day was there. She didn't know his name but she knew his three letter handle because he had the highest score on every pinball machine in the arcade. The rest were small and easygoing groups, buying beers and gathering around prize winning claw games or Dance Dance Revolution. 
"Do they have air hockey?," Diego asked over her shoulder. He was dressed down per her request, in a simple hoodie and jeans. She kept glancing at him, feeling drawn to the simplicity of liking a simple man. 
"Over here." She had no intention of hiding how familiar she was with this place. Diego gave Julio a nod and the man dissolved into the background but was never out of sight. Suddenly, Jazmine became very aware that there were now at least two guns in this public space. Air hockey was... occupied. "Looks like a college tournament. Come on, we're not going to be able to play for like a week." 
She grabbed his arm to guide him away, but the man didn't budge. He stared those college boys down, looking for a fight. If he started something
"Diego. Diego! Please
 it's just a game, I know a better one we won't have to share." 
At last he acquiesced and followed behind, never more than a foot away. She didn't realize she was holding her breath and wondered if those guys noticed his staring
 they probably thought it was normal though. 
Jazmine brought Diego to the darkest corner of the arcade where nobody was or needed to pass by. If she stopped dead in her tracks, Diego would have tripped over her immediately for how close he was, but now that he had her exclusive attention, she didn't mind. She gestured to her favorite game and smiled. 
"Welcome to Marvel Vs Capcom: Clash of Superheroes," she announced. "Nobody plays this version because there's a huge glitch that sometimes makes one character untouchable." 
"OK." Diego wore a sly grin. No doubt he intended to find the cheat character and win all matches, but Jazmine knew all of this game's little secrets. 
Unsurprisingly, Diego's first pick was Wolverine. Jazmine refrained from rolling her eyes and let him work through the board of player characters, picking her own at random and sometimes picking the one she knew would fair better against his character to make it an even game. She watched his brow grow tighter and tighter as he couldn't find the broken character. He even switched up strategies– picking the characters that looked the least strong and working up from there (the opposite of his earlier choices). At last, he picked Chun-Li, having not noticed Jazmine picked it three times already, and he glanced at her face once more to see if she reacted, but the woman gave nothing away. Not until he looked towards the screen did she crack a smile. 
The way the smugness drained off of Diego's face made her smile broaden. He looked at the controls as if they were to blame, then to Jazmine and back to the screen where Chun Li had walked off of the edge of the screen. Annoyed, he leaned over the controls menacingly and waited for an explanation from the Cheshire cat grin on his partner's face. 
It took her awhile to answer him– she was trying really hard to fight the bubbling laughter in her belly. "Yeah, that um
 that's what I was talking about. If you play the same character four times, the game breaks. You can't be hit but you also can't hit and you need to hold down the joystick to keep from walking off the edge of the screen
 if you let them get away, well
 you have to unplug the whole system." 
Diego looked pissed. He stared her down for so long she gulped but eventually, he freed her from his penetrative gaze. His hand slipped under her jacket and found a home at the base of her spine, and suddenly she was being whisked away towards the bathrooms. 
"Where are we–" 
Diego wasted not a breath and pushed her into the women's bathroom (unsurprisingly closet sized), before crowding her space to step inside and lock the door behind. Her heart began to pound against her chest as he turned and fixed her with a commanding glare. He moved as sly as a big cat, forcing her to find purchase against the tiny wood counter with the sink and leaning over her with his lips pressed to her nose. 
He said something softly in Spanish that she didn't understand, but it sounded sultry and it sent a pleasant shiver down her back. She thought he was going to kiss her, but then there was something hard and heavy he pressed into her hand. 
A gun. 
Her eyes bulged– glancing quickly between him and the shiny dark metal of the killing contraption– and shook her head minutely. 
"Take it," he said. She just kept shaking her head, hiding her hands beneath her arms and feeling dizzy, on the verge of passing out. He growled. "I wasn't asking." 
If he wasn't pressed against her, she would be rocking for comfort. Jazmine did not like guns. Her eyes misted over as she whispered, "why?" 
"They've been following us since we left." He slid the wretched mechanism up along her arm and let it rest just below her collarbone. "Haagen's men probably. They're getting bolder– probably by their master's orders." He tilted his head as if he was speaking of something completely mundane as he said, "did you really think those air hockey guys were college students? It's a Thursday." 
Jazmine didn't mean to whimper, but she managed to keep her tears at bay long enough to touch a finger to the gun, not quite taking it, but letting him know she would. She let him show her the safety and slipped it into the back of her pants, careful not to hurt her and demonstrating an awareness of her southpaw. He was almost hugging her when he finally stepped back (as far as the little toilet would allow). When his heel clinked against the porcelain, he turned to make sure he hadn't stepped in a mess, and Jazmine bolted. 
There was no one else's voice she wanted to hear more than that of Lashawn Mann. Jazmine felt guilt well up alongside the anxiety that had been threatening to consume her for weeks. 
"Mama?" Her voice sounded so small in her own ears. "Can I come over and see you?" 
"Of course, baby. You can come see me right now: I'm at your place." 
Jazmine caught a cab from Essex street home, and though Diego possessed an acute lack of awareness for personal space or feelings, he did leave her alone for a while. No SUVs with fake licenses trailed her home, no voicemails and no texts came through. She put it in airplane mode to make sure things stayed that way. She had a thought to drop Healy's hearing aid down a drain but put it in her pocket instead. 
Lashawn was waiting with Hercules. The tiny bit of annoyance Jazmine usually felt about getting slobbered on washed away the instant she saw her furry grey friend. The woman plopped her butt onto the ground and let the dog run amok in excitement to see her again. 
" Hercules settled down in her lap and weighed her to the earth like an anchor for a ship at sea. "If something happens to me, will you take care of her?" 
"What do you mean 'if something happens to you'? Child, I ain't heard from you in two months and you come back with that?" Lashawn sat down on the floor despite her bad knees and leaned on her daughter's shoulder. "Baby, what's going on with you?" 
Estupido. She shouldn't have run away like that. 
Diego was overthinking in the backseat while Julio sat in perfect silence. The driver would have preferred the radio on, but his boss demanded the proper atmosphere to brood in. Taking what little he knew of the woman, Jazmine was probably going to retreat to her apartment since he lived in the only other place she was safe. Whatever– she would return in her own time. Unless her own time hindered their operation. 
We can't lose this opportunity. We are so close to Porsche and revenge. Hurry up, cariño. Make our next move. 
Diego was stuck deep inside his head even as he stood with his sister hours later in yet another huge warehouse with examples to be made of. Alicia wiped the blade of her knife onto her bodyguard's sleeve, then turned the blade over to her brother. 
"Finish the last one, will you?" 
Diego hummed, distracted by the conversation at the edge of the half circle. He did not like what he heard. He dug the blade straight into the crying man's heart, then cut his throat just for good measure. The blood on his hands was drying before he was able to speak again. He and Alicia were sat in her limo across from each other. She tactfully ignored his piercing gaze, while he worried the stickiness between his fingers mindlessly. 
"What's this I hear about you staying in New York?" 
Alicia glanced coolly up from inspecting her nails. "What do you mean? Someone needs to run the business." 
"That's what that idiot and your little fuck toy Dre are for. They deal with shit here while we get Porsche back, and then we go home. Together." 
"No," she shrugged. "Dre can't be trusted, Diego. I'm staying, you're going back to Mexico. We can split parent: the girl comes to live with me for a while and then with you. Every month or so
Diego's hands ball into fists and his teeth hurt from the pressure of keeping his jaw closed. Fucking puta, he thought as the car slowed to a stop. Exiting the car, the man pulled himself up to his full height and reveled in the brief moment of fear that registered on her face. 
"I'm not your errand boy, hermana. I don't do things because you think it's convenient. And I won't be sent away like an annoying pest so you can trounce about in luxury while I'm stuck doing peasant work. Am I the only one worried about that little fucking girl?" 
Through the marble stonework of her mask, he saw the cracks in her armor. "We can talk about this later, Diego." 
"Do you even want her back?," he sneered. 
"Stop it!" 
Alicia pushed him out of her way and disappeared quickly, her entourage scurrying to follow her. Diego looked to his men to find them with their eyes cast down as if they were witness to something they should never see. He stormed away with his head full of rage and more questions than answers. 
Meanwhile in a stuffy police office space, Healy was getting chewed out. His superiors figured him out, and now he was sat in interrogation with a furious pair of agents awaiting an explanation and disciplinary action. 
"You took it too far, Healy," his boss said. "I mean, you have really outdone yourself this time." 
"Yes sir." 
"Fucking A, right!" Agent Brasa slammed her hand on the table. No doubt she was chewing a huge wad of nicotine gum and gunning for his immediate firing. "This was our case, Healy, ours. Mine and Holbrooke, not yours!" 
Holbrooke remained ever brooding, silently leaning against the wall and watching the scene unfold. Though they made remained neutrally poised, he could tell by the pinch in their brow they were just as angry as Brasa. Healy had given up trying to talk to Brasa, and instead appealed to Holbrooke this time. 
"You two have every right to be angry with me–" 
"Oh do I??" Brasa cut in, "I didn't realize I needed your permission to be pissed off!" 
"-- but I did it because I had an 'in.' I saw an opportunity that only I could have seized, and–" 
"Are you really going to let him get away with this, Stahlworth?" Brasa looked accusingly at their boss, who merely scratched at his neck and closed his eyes as if keeping them open pained him greatly. 
"Brasa. Holbrooke. Out. I'll handle this the way I see fit– and don't argue with me, Marie, or I'll put you on suspension." 
The two stormed out into the hall, and finally Healy was able to breathe. As soon as he had been confronted by Stahlworth, he had come clean– setting up a covert op without agency permission and using a civilian to distract the perp while he slipped a mole into the organization and collected information. Brasa and Holbrooke had done amazing work– they discovered Haagen was the head, profiled the victims, and knew many of the locations of the exchanges– but they couldn't get any further to seizure warrants or when the exchanges were taking place. 
Healy looked pleadingly at Stahlworth. "They didn't have the resources to cover all those locations with proper 24 hour surveillance, Jack. Haagen is always one step ahead of them– of us– anyways because someone in this very organization is on his payroll. I don't need the glory, I don't want the case to myself– I just want this fucker behind bars. If you have to suspend me, I understand, if you have to fire me, I get it– but please don't throw out my evidence. People's lives are on the line, and Brasa and Holbrooke need this info–" 
"Who's your informant?" Healy snapped his mouth shut as the dreaded words left Stahlworth to hang menacingly in the air. "Healy? Who. Is your. Informant? Who are you working with? Give me a clearer picture of what you've been up to, and maybe I'll ask the DA to go easy on your ass." 
Healy gritted his teeth and dug his heels in. "I can't tell you any of that. A mole for a mole, I can't afford to trust that the eyes and ears in this very room are sound. Now if you want to pass this case back over to the agents it belongs to, I just have a few conditions concerning the safety of–" 
"Is this about Meghan?," Stahlworth asked. 
Healy's voice died in his throat. A lump formed and he had to swallow it down before it consumed him completely. Standing from his chair, Healy buttoned his coat and came face to face with his boss. 
"This is about the kids I can still save. Sir."
After LaShawn helped Jazmine pack her belongings, the daughter decided to take Hercules to the park for some fresh air. Her mother had made it clear she wanted Jazmine to move back in with her since she'd lost her job, but what she didn't know was that before Healy and Haagen, Jazmine was two months behind on rent, and she should have lost the lease to her apartment weeks ago. As it stood now, the landlord hadn’t bothered her once– so someone was paying her bills. Exactly who would remain a mystery as Diego, Healy, and Haagen possessed the means and the interest in keeping her in New York City, so she tried not to think too hard about it. 
Jazmine picked a spot in the grass and let Herc off the leash. She threw a beat up tennis ball with a little cheap plastic arm and watched her happy grey pupper zip around picnickers and other dog walkers, always stopping to be petted by every little girl and boy who squealed happily to see her. The woman was jumpy and constantly on edge, but for some reason she barely flinched when Diego sat down next to her. 
"I'll be honest, I'm glad you're here," she said without looking his way. 
He took the plastic arm and threw the next ball watching Hercules trot over hill and dale for this throw. "Did Healy tell you about Porsche?" 
Jazmine turned to see the dark bags under Diego's eyes. "He said something about a missing baby
 is that what you mean?" 
The man leaned into her shoulder. "Yes." 
"I'm sorry, Diego." 
"I want my baby back, Jazmine. I want to watch her grow up happy and healthy and loved." He turns to look at her with an expression of maturity she didn't think he was capable of. "That's why I need you. We need you. You're probably scared, but you can't be more scared than that little girl is right now." 
It felt like a punch to the gut. Part of her was annoyed by his dismissal of her fear, but for the most part she understood. It wasn't hard to figure out what happened to older girls and boys in Haagen's ring, but what the fuck was he doing with babies? The thought twisted her stomach until her head ached from nausea. 
Diego continued, scratching at his eye to cover the build up of tears that threatened to spill out. "Healy said he found evidence of sales for kids under 13 that looked more like adoption papers than anything. Requirements for private education and a separate bedroom, things like that. He said he has a stack with no names but six of them are around her age with the name of the adoptive parents on it. It's a start." 
"It's a very good start." Jazmine placed her hand on Diego's back and let him curl into her side with a sigh. "It means she's still alive, that's fantastic... do you think Haagen noticed the papers were missing? He probably has so many
Diego shrugged noncommittally and dragged her down to lay in the grass with Hercules. As he did, she felt the gun in her pants dig into her back, tightening that fist clenched around her heart. She was safe for now, in this moment. But would she ever be again?
@mental-bycatch @nicke0115 @1zashreena1 @girlpornparadise @kid-from-new-zealand​
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nataliedanovelist · 5 years
GF - Beauty Within the Fallen ch.VIII (Finale)
Summary: Two misfit twins come across an enchanted castle, home of a mysterious beast, and slowly begin to form a strong bond that just might survive through anything. Even evil demons.
AU and artwork belong to the beautiful and very talented @artsycrapfromsai​. Go give her some love, guys!!!
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“Well, well, well well well well well well well well!” Bill’s voice echoed from Gideon’s mouth. “Good to see you again, beast, you’re looking good.”
“You,” Dipper snarled. “You’re the one who cursed him.” “Hey, hey, you’re not as dumb as you look, Pinetree.” Bill taunted. “You’re gonna pay for that!” Dipper suddenly broke from Stan’s hold and charged at Bill, but when he raised his hand, the boy suddenly floated and couldn’t move. “What?!” “Possession and curses aren’t all I can do.” Bill shared boastfully. He suddenly fell back and rolled as a giant claw left-hooked him in the face. Dipper fell face-first and was assisted up by his sister, free from Bill’s spell. “RUN!” Stan shouted back at the kids as he moved towards Bill swiftly, but neither Dipper or Mabel moved. “You think you can defeat me?!” Bill cackled maliciously. “I’m the Master of the Mind! The Demon of the Nightmare Realm! You’re just some unwanted monster! A disgusting creature! You’re vile! You’re foul! You’re flawed!” “Also CUTE AND FLUFFY!” And Stan pounced for the kid, but Gideon suddenly floated in the air. “Maybe you can fight me, but they can’t.” Bill snarled and dove for the kids. “NO!” The three rolled down onto another balcony and Bill had Gideon’s hands around Dipper’s neck, choking him. Mabel elbowed him off of her brother and Bill had no issue hurting a girl, so he punched her and they began to fight. Bill quickly kicked Mabel away and Dipper hurried to her. Bill clapped his hands together and made a long dagger appear between his palms, grabbing it and ready to fight. “Let’s get this over with.” Dipper buried Mabel’s face into his shoulder and he stood in front of her protectively. He closed his eyes and winced when Bill suddenly moved forward, but no pain came to him and he heard a loud, agonizing roar. He looked up to find Stan between the kids and the enemy, and Bill had stabbed him. Stan had taken the dagger for Dipper and Mabel. “NO!” The kids screamed and hurried to his side and he fell on one knee, his paw clamped over his wound, trying to ignore it and face a bigger issue. Bill dropped his dagger, which disappeared once it hit the floor, and laughed, first a low chuckle but then an ear-splitting cackle. Something gold emerged from Gideon’s body and the boy fell, unconscious. Bill, kicking his legs and holding his triangular body, laughed down at the suffering mortals before him. “Oh ho, this is just too perfect!” The demon declared. “What’s even better than killing those kids?! Killing Stan! Now the curse will never be undone and Sixer will be gone soon enough! Good job there, beast! Thanks for making my job es
 AAAAAGH!” Stan had gathered the last of his strength and punched Bill right in the face. Because Stan was directly connected to the curse, he could touch the demon in a way no one else could. Bill crumbled under Stan’s knuckles and the echo of his horrible scream rang through the night. Stan gasped for breath and fell back, completely drained as so much blood was leaving him from his side. Dipper and Mabel gasped in horror, shaken from their shock of Bill’s demise, and were at his right side. Mabel, the closest to his head, petted his cheek and the side of his face. “Stan? Stan?!” She begged, his eyes closed. The old beast forced his brown eyes open and they sparkled up at the kids. “Hey,” He grunted. “You’re back.” “We told you we’d come back.” Dipper said shakenly. “We couldn’t
 this is all our fault.” “No,” Stan firmly pushed that notion away, his breath staggering as he winced in staggering agony. “No
 it’s okay
 it’s better th-this way
” “Don’t talk like that.” Mabel scolded and cupped his furry face with her little hand. “We won’t lose you
 we can’t lose you. You’ll be okay. We’re all here now, it’ll all be okay.” Stan smiled at her hope, the kind of hope he wished he had, and as he struggled to breath, he lifted a shaking paw up to her to return the kind gesture. Mabel held his hand up to the side of her face and let a tear fall on his thumb. Stan combed her hair gently with his claws and, despite being at Death’s hand, despite the pain, despite the end being so close, he was happy. He chuckled weakly. “Heh. Looks like I was good for something after all.” Mabel shut her eyes and held his hand even tighter. Dipper blinked hard, refusing to cry, and then looked back down at his friend. Stan closed his eyes with a smile, and then his breathing stopped. Mabel dropped his hand and stared, tears rolling down her face. “No
” She frantically tried to wake him up, to bring him back. “No, no, no!” Dipper watched in horror. He was so overcome with grief and shock that he seemed to shut down. As his twin desperately tried to be hopeful and tried to find a solution, he knew that, once again, he would have to be realistic and make Mabel see the cold, harsh reality. Finally, she looked up at her brother’s own wide-eyed, grief stricken face. “It-It’ll be okay, right? Right? He’ll be okay
 right?” He was the smart one; if he could somehow see a possible way for this to all work out and for Stan to be okay and for them to be a family
 Dipper somehow found it in him to shake his head, a tear escaping his eye. Mabel, shaking, collapsed on Stan’s still chest and clang to his shirt and fur for dear life, sobbing in agonizing grief and pain. Dipper cried and hugged his sister with a trembling arm around her shoulder, his other grasping Stan’s shirt. “You can’t go, you can’t!” Mabel cried. “You just c-can’t
” Her voice cracked halfway through her pleas. She was heartbroken and tired. Dipper swallowed, and together they whimpered, “We love you,” preparing to say goodbye. Dark clouds rolled over the skies. Dipper and Mabel both cried unashamed over their loss. Neither of them had any idea what to do, so they just stayed there and sobbed over Stan’s limp body. They didn’t even notice a bolt of sparks falling down. Or the next. Or the next two. But Dipper thought he heard something and glanced up as more silver and gold magic fell from the heavens. “Mabel,” He lightly shook her shoulders. “Mabel, look.” She forced herself to look up and she gasped at what was happening. Even more unhindering, Stan’s body slowly began to rise. Dipper dragged Mabel back and they watched with tears in their eyes as Stan’s blood-soaked cloak wrapped around him and he became engulfed in golden light. Terrified, Dipper and Mabel held each other, worried that his body might be taken away. When the light vanished, the maroon cloak was free of blood and a man wrapped in it was being set down carefully, the magic fading away. The kids noticed, though his back was to them, that this man had pale skin and long, gray hair, and was in Stan’s ripped white shirt and torn dark pants. The mysterious man slowly made his way to his feet, as if he was moving his body for the first time in his life. He stared and flexed his hands and arms, clutched at his stomach, savoring everything. And then suddenly he turned around. His brown eyes were bright, not at all faded like his hair, and his eyes immediately locked on Mabel and Dipper. The boy tightened his hold on his sister, still traumatized and very paranoid. The man moved his mouth, struggling to form words, his jaw shaking, until he finally spoke one word. “Kids?” They knew that voice. No one else had that voice. And the look in his eyes, his warm brown eyes, the same ones he had. As he stared at them with shock, wonder, disbelief, awe, and love. There’s only one person it could be. “STAN!!!” He got on one knee and let the kids hurl themselves into his strong arms. With each child on his shoulder, crying their hearts out, Stan held them tight and grinned with shut eyes, savoring this moment. He chuckled warmly and just having him here and alive was all Dipper and Mabel could have ever wanted. So much so that it took them a minute to fully understand what had happened. Dipper lifted his head and wiped his tears away. “But, how?” He breathed. “How is this possible?” Mabel turned so she could see Stan’s face, but she kept her cheek on his shoulder. “Turns out we messed up Bill’s message.” Stan said with a warm smile. “He didn’t say anything romance.” His eyes moved down to Mabel, who was looking at him misty-eyed. She was still crying. Stan smiled at her and tried to make her feel better with a comforting look. The little girl smiled and lifted a hand to his cheek, cupping the side of his face, feeling his five o’clock shadow and long hair. Stan smiled and rested his cheek in her hand, his eyes closed, but then his eyes popped open and his hold on the kids loosened as a sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks. “STANFORD!” Stan hurriedly put the kids down and then ran into the castle for dear life. Dipper and Mabel gasped and tried to follow, but they just couldn’t keep up with the old man fueled with so much adrenaline. Ford had turned back into a human a few minutes ago, but after going thirty years without using a body at all, he found he had no strength and was too clumsy to function, so he chuckled helplessly at himself and trusted that Stanley would be there soon. Until then he relished in the feeling of breathing, of seeing and hearing properly, of the wonderful feeling of a night’s breeze in his hair. Moses, how he had missed it all. And, somehow, Stanley had done it. The door was thrown open and without a single door Ford was suddenly pulled up and thrown into a bone-crushing hug, but he just laughed, delighted to hear his own voice again but even more delighted over his brother’s touch. His twelve fingers clung onto Stan’s shirt and his twin buried his face in his shoulder, shaking. What had happened since Gideon picked the journal up was all an excruciating haze to him, but none of that mattered now. Ford finally felt like he had his brother back. He took note of Stan’s heavy, breathing. Ford just held onto his dear twin and said into his ear, “I love you, Stanley.” Stan sagged a little, making them both sag since he was mostly holding them up. “I love you, too.” Ford isn’t sure if Stan believes him, so he repeats himself and then Stan does the same. This goes on for a few minutes, with an occasional “I’m sorry” sprinkled in. Stan moaned this even more woefully. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” “No, I’m sorry.” Ford insisted upon, his speech muffled by Stan’s ripped shirt. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how much I love you years ago. Then we wouldn’t have had to go through this.” “It’s fine.” Stan’s own voice is hard to hear through Ford’s brown jacket, “It’s not your fault. It was never your fault. If it was anyone’s fault, it’s mine.” Ford tightened his grip around Stan, his voice taking a hard edge to it. “You’re wrong. I was the one who was tricked. You were the one who tried to clean up the mess I made.” “Yeah, well...” “You’re both wrong!” A voice interrupted and the brothers loosened their hold to look at the door. They found Mabel and Dipper standing at a distance. “It was neither of your faults, you dum-dums! It was the evil triangle’s fault. Geez, I thought adults were supposed to be smart.” She said with a roll of her eyes. “She’s right, you know. “ Dipper smiled at them, a teasing gleam in his eye. It was unclear which statement, exactly, he was referring to. Stan and Ford stared at the younger pair of twins for a moment. Then, a low chuckle escaped the eldest, growing into laughter steadily, while the younger brother shortly followed suit. Soon, both were laughing against each other, barely keeping themselves sitting upright. Finally, Stan spoke. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess
 yeah. I guess you’re right, kid.” “Of course I’m right!” Mabel grinned, hands on her hips. “I’m always right!” Their laughter quieted and the old men noticed the grand distance between themselves and the children. Stan motioned a hand for them to come up to them while Ford smiled shyly, excited to be formally introduced to them. Dipper and Mabel slowly walked towards them and Stan took each of their little hands with one of his own and also took Ford’s. He had his brother lay his hand out flat and he put the kids’ hands on his. “Kids, this is the author of the journal, my brother.” Mabel and Dipper soaked in his appearance. He was definitely Stan’s twin, but he had his own unique differences. His hair was charcoal gray, shorted and fluffier, and had a gray stripe in the middle of his hair. He had a gold-rimmed monocle over his right eye, his eyes were also a soft brown, and he had a cleft chin. He wore shiny black shoes and fancier clothes, decked in a brown coat with a red scarf tied around his neck. Mabel and Dipper looked down at their held hands and saw that this man had six fingers, just like the journal. They grinned excitedly and Mabel even kissed his hand before leaping into his arms and nearly knocking him over, but Stan luckily had a strong hand on his brother’s back. “Ford!” Mabel cried out in joy as Dipper hugged him, too. “You’re back!” Ford chuckled wetly and blinked away his tears. “Thanks to you two. Thank you so, so much.” The door burst open and Soos stood there, chubby and grinning as a human again. “DUDES! Look at us!” Wendy was soon by his side, a beautiful redhead, and cheered, “You guys! You won’t believe it! Everyone’s back! Pacifica, Candy, Grenda
” “Abuelita!” Soos called and ran to his grandmother, who was sitting in an armchair and taking a nap. “Soos! Mi precioso!” Stan helped Ford up to his feet as the kids got off of him. They held his hand again and they all just stood together, overcome with joy and happiness and love. ~~~~~~~~~~ Almost immediately after the curse was lifted, the two sets of twins fell asleep in front of the fireplace in the lounge, too exhausted from the day’s events to do anything else. Stan was so tired and focused on Ford and the kids that he didn’t even change out of his torn clothes first, but no one cared at all. Everyone’s hands touched in their sleep. Mabel and Dipper held hands, and they had their hands over Stan and Ford’s. Stan had his arm over Mabel, used to hugging her and Dipper when they snuggled together over stories by the fire days ago, while Ford had his arms wrapped around Dipper, almost using the boy as a teddy bear. He desperately needed to feel the comfort of human contact that holding someone brings. Ford had sat somewhat awkwardly because he was not used to having a body again, but no one minded. Mabel and Dipper both used Ford’s arm as a pillow; poor Ford would feel it in the morning, but again, no one cared. Against pillows propped by on a couch, Stan kept an arm wrapped around his brother. Even in his exhausted state, he had the need to keep him safe. In the days to come, slow adjustments had to be made. Ford required a lot of assistance, learning how to use his body again, but Mabel was only happy to teach him how to eat and Dipper assisted in walking and Stan was a little too quick to picking him up and carrying him. Stan and Ford invited the kids and Fiddleford to move in with them permanently and they joyfully agreed. Ford and Fiddleford made fast friends and soon little explosions of experiments gone wrong from the study would become normal. But that was all in the future. For now, they only rested and dreamed. Right now, Dipper was remembering a distant memory. It was bedtime, and he and his sister at five-years-old were stubborn and didn’t want to go to sleep, but Grandpa Shermie only chuckled and told Fiddlford he could handle it and was left alone with his grandchildren. “Come now, my shining stars.” Grandpa Shermie said as he picked up Mabel and put her in the big bed she shared with her brother to keep the nightmares away. He combed her hair. He took in a deep breath and sang a song Ma used to sing to him and his brothers a long time ago. “How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die? It is love we must hold onto, never easy, but we try. Sometimes our happiness is captured, somehow our time and place stand still. Love lives on inside our hearts and always will.” At the same time Dipper was having his pleasant dream, Stan was having his own. Ma was brushing his hair with her fingers and then scooped up Ford to put him in the top bunk as she sang. “Minutes turn to hours, days to years, then gone. But when all else has been forgotten, still our song lives on. Maybe some moments weren't so perfect, maybe some memories not so sweet, but we have to know some bad times or our lives are incomplete. Then when the shadows overtake us just when we feel all hope is gone, we'll hear our song and know once more our love lives on.” ~~~~~~~~~~ The next evening, Stan found himself panting as he awoke. He felt sick to his stomach and his head was spinning. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to calm down. In the neighboring bed, Ford was already awake, staring at his hands on his lap. He looked up at Stan with a concerned look. The younger twin sighed and looked away in shame. A small, timid knock was at the door. “C’min.” Stan called. The door opened and the masters of the castle smiled to find two children and a pig wishing for their company. They could tell by the look in Dipper and Mabel’s eyes that they must have suffered a nightmare, too. Stan smiled and opened his arms. At once, they ran into his hold and got under the silk covers. Stan squeezed them and tolerated the pig at the foot of his large bed. Mabel looked over at Ford and freed a hand for him. He smiled, honored that they wanted to include him, and he climbed into the bed, as well. Snuggled together and slowly sinking back into their sleep, Mabel began to mutter a lullaby under her breath for her boys. “How does a moment last forever? How does our happiness endure? Through the darkest of our troubles. Love is beauty, love is pure.” The elder twins exchanged looks as Dipper began to whisper with his sister. “Love pays no mind to desolation. It flows like a river through the soul. Protects, perceives, and perseveres, and makes us whole.” “Minutes turn to hours, days to years, then gone.” Stan and Ford sang quietly together, making the kids look up at them with astonishment. “But when all else has been forgotten, still our song lives on. How does a moment last forever?” “When our song lives on.” The kids sunk into the adults’ comforting hold and soon they were all sound asleep. THE END
Dedicated to @artsycrapfromsai​.
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my-arlington-academia · 5 years
The main 10 cheering up a crying Scholar (Y/N) part 3
Here goes the last part finally... Here we have the last 2 boys: Tegan and Tyler! Like I said they had to be cut because tumblr was all like "YoUr PoSt Is ToO LoNg!" Thanks tumblr. As always.
- you were feeling like shit lately and you just really needed to confide in someone so before you even noticed where your legs were taking you, you were already standing in front of Tegan's room
- it was really late at night so both of you were in your pyjamas already, though in Tegan's case he was most likely still playing video games
- "Is Tyler here?"
- "Oh uh. No, he's not here... yet."
- Going by Tegan's guilty face Tyler probably snuck out... again.
- Tegan is rambling a lot, he's probably really stressed out because he wasn't expecting you out of all people to come this late
- "A-anyway, when he comes back I'll tell him that you were looking for him so..."
- "Wait, no! I wanted to talk with you, I was just asking to know if we're alone. The both of us. Can I come in?"
- you see a faint smile on his face, is it relief? He's probably happy that you were looking for him instead of someone else
- when you come in you can see that he was in fact, playing a game
- "Oh, sorry. I'm probably a bother."
- "What?? No!"
- He shuts the TV off and makes some space on the couch so you can sit
- "I should be the one apologizing, it's such a mess here. If Karolina saw the state of our room she would kill both me and Tyler."
- his familiar quirkiness is making you feel at ease, but when you remember what you came here for it gets harder to speak
- Tegan attentively looks at you while you're trying to find your words
- turns out that no matter how you try to start, you can't go on. Everytime your throat gets tight and your mind goes blank
- "Y/N...? T-take your time, there's no rush... I'll wait. I can even pull an all-nighter while waiting, no big deal!"
- he's trying really hard to sound reassuring but knowing that he's literally ready to NOT get any sleep tonight just to listen to what you have to say makes the pressure even stronger
- You start crying and cover your face out of embarrassement
- Tegan.exe has stopped working
- "Woah! Uhhh... Y-Y/N?? I'm sorry! Is it me?? Is it because of the other day when I laughed so hard that I spilled cola on your uniform?! Is the stain not coming out? Please don't cry I'll buy you a new one!"
- This boi is a wreck
- It's like he's on an emotional roller-coaster without knowing what the ride is about
- "Noooo... it's not your fault... thank you for being there for meeee..."
- "O-okay! Good to know! But what can I do to help?"
- You keep on sniffling and bawling
- "Ummm... could I get a hug?"
- "Yes! Anything!"
- squeezes you in his arms tightly... maybe too tightly. Where's all of this strength in PE?
- You already knew that he was tall but now you can really tell that he's a tree
- once you stop crying it gets a little awkward
- Well, to be fair it's always a bit awkward with Tegan, but in a good way
- "Um. So. I was playing Mycraft, wanna play?"
- You end up sitting on his lap while he creates a new world in the game just for you
- "Here. Even if you never played Mycraft you probably heard things about it right?"
- "Yeah, they got an update recently right? With the bees and stuff."
- You guys spend a few hours building things turn by turn while taming different animals in game, like dogs, horses, parrots and whatnot
- in the end you explain the situation pretty calmly
- You can see Tegan tighten his grip on the controller whenever you get to the parts of the story that are unpleasant
- he doesn't say it but he's clearly angry about all the things that happened to you
- overall the evening/night is well spent building houses and getting jumpscared by creepers
- next morning you wake up on the couch and see that Tegan is sleeping in his bed while Tyler is trying his hardest to not make any sounds while walking in the room, which is impossible because of the mess
- "Ah Y/N, you're up! Haha so you had a good time with Tegan when I was gone huh? You bad children. Sooo scandalous, I'll go snitch to Lady A."
- You sit up on the couch in a hurry
- "W-what do you mean?"
- Tyler has got the most mischievous grin that you've ever seen
- "Get this: when I came back yesterday at 4am, you were sleeping in Tegan's arms while he was still playing Mycraft. He said that he didn't want to move around because you'll wake up, but honestly? It was probably because he was planning on sleeping with you on the couch if I didn't get ba-"
- A pillow flew towards Tyler's head from behind him
- looks like Tegan woke up
- "S-shut up! I-I wasn't... I mean... Ugghh! It's like when a cat falls asleep on your lap! You wouldn't want to wake it up, right? That's all it was."
- "Can't relate. I think you're spending too much time with your online furry friends."
- "I don't even *have* furry friends."
- "Yeah. Well, maybe because *you're* the furry friend."
- they have a short pillow fight while you're still trying to remember everything that happened yesterday, well, technically it was today but whatever
- You leave their room in a good mood while Tegan is already planning on hacking a few phones...
- Noticed it the moment you didn't greet anyone in the morning
- Usually you start the day by saying hi to everyone but that day you went past them as swiftly as you could and made your way to your seat
- Tyler, of course didn't want to bring any attention to you since that's what you were trying to avoid in the first place
- he did his best to sneak out of his group of friends and came to your desk
- "Hey Y/N! Not feeling good today? Want to talk about it?"
- "...Not now, sorry."
- Great! He'll spend the whole day wondering what's wrong
- can't concentrate in class or in anything really, not even his art
- You always come to mind whenever he tries to do anything
- so he's being really adorable with you the whole day, and the following days
- Helps you carry your belongings, even if they're super light
- also carries your food tray at the cafeteria
- "You need more water? Wait! Wait, I'll get it."
- he even pulls out the best weapon against sadness
- wholesome memes.
- he sends them constantly when classes are over
- You end up calling him over because you can see how worried he is, and also because you trust him and need to talk to someone instead of staying alone all the time
- you can see that he read your message but he's not answering. Weird.
- a few seconds later someone is knocking at your door
- "Y/N!!! I'm here! What do you need??"
- You open the door and see that Tyler is out of breath and wearing a panda beauty mask, it's honestly kinda hilarious to see
- "Please don't laugh... I was just doing my skincare routine."
- "No I understand but... haha, you look like you got beat up from both sides. Doesn't really look like a panda."
- you guys sit down and have a casual talk
- Tyler manages to make you laugh a few times with some stories from before you came to Arlington, though it was mostly about him and Tegan screwing around
- then Tyler looks at the time
- "Oh! It's time to take it off! Observe the magic of my "beat up from both sides" mask!"
- His face is literally glowing, he looks like he has baby skin
- that's when you decide that it's time to tell him about your troubles
- When he had the mask on you didn't feel like the conversation could get serious because of how ridiculous it looked
- You start speaking really softly, so softly that Tyler most likely couldn't hear you properly so he got closer
- When your voice starts to break he puts his arm around your shoulders and rests his head on yours
- and when you start crying he takes one of your hands into his
- he's carefully rubbing your hand with his thumb while you continue speaking
- When you're done and you've calmed down he kisses you on your forehead and hugs you
- he didn't say anything while you were telling him about your problems but his way of comforting you was surprisingly really physical
- Tyler already knows that it's a personal matter and he can't help you directly but he's gonna do his best to be there when you need it and distract you from it
- When you guys call it a night and he goes back to his room you realize just how romantic that moment was
- You have second hand embarrassement while remembering how gentle and caring he was while you were literally bawling
- You keep on silently screeching and making weird sounds into your pillow while recalling everything
- You cringe so hard at some of the things you said and the way you cried was honestly worth of an actress in a drama
- 'Oh wow. Maybe Tyler's dad will hire me just to cry on screen in one of his movies...'
- a few days later when you feel a lot better Tyler admits something to you
- "Please, don't take it in a weird way but... I thought that you're really cute when you're crying."
- Um...?
- "Dude. Tyler. Do you even realize what you're saying?"
- "I know! I'm sorry! But I swear I don't mean it in a like- you know, creepy way or anything! I swear!"
- "How can this not be creepy?"
- "Uhh... Nevermind. Forget I said anything..."
- the both of you keep on having a good time while Tyler is secretly plotting a little revenge
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Secret santa present
Title: Carving a Tradition
Fandom: IkeSen
Suitor: Masamune
To: @selenecrawford
From: @darkmindsthinktwistedthoughts
A/N: Happy Holidays my dear. I how you have a time as rewarding and joyful as this tale.
The hall was perfect. It had taken a lot of work and the enlistment of almost half of the castle staff to pull it off but the main audience hall of Oshu Castle was finally looking a lot like a modern-day Christmas.
It was hard to locate the items she had in mind but thankfully she was going out with a guy who’s name not only opened doors but the ability to acquire and procure the things she wanted. Small paper lanterns had taken the place of fairy lights. Intricately cut paper became fine decorations attached to folded paper garlands in festive shades and was hung around the room, draped over the original ornamentation of the building.
The Lord of the castle was cloistered away in the kitchens working on variations of the dishes she had described to him as a traditional feast. This was something he had most looked forward too during their discussions on the holiday so it was no surprise when he announced Oshu would have its own winter festival and he was preparing a feast for everyone.
There was one item that she had had her heart set on. The focal point of the celebration as far as she was concerned. A tree. It had been a request that she entrusted to her friend Sasuke. Being from the future as well, she felt if anyone could find a tree closest to the one she desired, it would be him. A 10-foot-high spruce that apparently had a complicated scientific name making it sound like it had more of an education than she did was the result. Swathes of thin fabric clung to the branches along with paper cranes and tiny fans. Yes, today was going to be the day that she could reveal her creation to her boyfriend. Just one last finishing touch

“Hey Kitten you got a minute I need you to try this dish for me!”
Balanced on a chair attempting to attach a star to the top of the tree the Princess stopped in her actions after hearing Masa drawing closer in the hallway.
“Masa? I told you, you couldn’t come in till I said so!” She called out as she adjusted herself to get down.
“I know that and I’m not coming in I was just going to open the door a little and get you to try this food.” After saying this the large sliding door began to move. She rushed towards them imagining that they would somehow open completely if she didn’t, but before she could take more than a few steps disaster struck. 20 lbs of furry chaos flew past her as it rocketed through the small gap in the doors making its way towards the biggest and most fun looking thing in the room.
A loud creaking announced the inevitable ground-shaking crash as the 10-foot tree was knocked flat to the ground as if it had been hit by a truck. The paper ornaments scattered to the four corners, which only served to entertain the Tiger cub more as he then took it as a fun idea to begin chasing them as if they were falling leaves in the garden.
The Princess’s cry had Masa cursing under his breath as he broke his word and pushed the doors open as wide as he could with one hand the other resting on the hilt of his sword as if he was waiting for an attacker to present themselves. His eye roamed the room not really taking in any of the decorations until it settled on the impudent kit mauling at something that looked very much like the things Mc had been making in her room. Balls of string, paper origami shapes

“Shogetsu you bad cat get back here now!” He chastised the cub but it was all too late. The branches of the once decorated tree were crushed and broken on one side. The decorations were all in different variations of broken, unravelled and chewed. It was a disaster.
Mc moved in slow motion as she made her way to the fallen symbol. Her hand trembled a little as she picked up one of the fabric ornaments she had made especially. It had two small figures on it and one large cat. The text “Our first Christmas” was embroidered on it. She didn’t know if she wanted to laugh, scream or cry.
 Mc? Mc? I have been calling you for the last few minutes and you haven’t said a thing.” Masa placed his hand on her shoulder attempting to get her to look at him and when she did, he thought his heart was going to stop. Her eyes were glazed over, unfocused with unshed tears. The emotions flickering like a candle in the darkness were moving rapidly unable to settle on any one single reaction. “Kitten?”
“I’m sorry Masa. I just wanted to show you what a real Christmas looked like and I failed.” Her voice was small and weak. It hadn’t been her fault and yet she was taking all the blame. It was so like her. Her kind heart was one of the things he loved about her. Loved and hated. She could have stood to be a little more selfish at times. He would have given her everything. He still would give her everything. Wrapping her in his arms he watched as the tiger left the room oblivious to the aftermath of turmoil it had created.
“Come on Mc it’s not the end of the world. We can get another tree.”
“No, we can’t.” Her voice was muffled in his chest but he could still hear the stifled pain in it.
“Why not?” He pulled back a little so he could see her. He didn’t really understand why this was so important but it clearly was otherwise she wouldn’t be so upset. And if it was important to her then it was important to him too.
“Masa it’s Christmas Eve. There is no way we can get a new tree here from the same place we found this one in one night. It’s impossible. I mean it took 3 days to get this one here.” She sounded defeated and not at all like the girl he knew. Her shoulders were rounded as she slumped with her mood.
“Hey now.” He took his hand and tilted her chin to look at him. “Are you forgetting who your boyfriend is? You want a tree I’ll get you a tree. There is no such thing as impossible.”
“No but’s. You just wait, Kitten. I’ll fix this.”
It was around noon in the castle by the time the real buzz started to hit a fever pitch. Everyone had been invited by Masa to attend the party and so naturally all members of staff were dressed up in their finery. They still insisted on helping with serving for rest of the guests but there was no doubt that the idea of dressing up had put them all in a festive mood.
The one person who had been the most excited now looked to be the most miserable. Mc had sat in her room attempting to make new decorations for a tree that no longer existed and glancing over at her fabric bauble. The tragic look on her face didn’t change or shift no matter how much time had passed. This was bad. An unhappy Princess meant an unhappy Masa and that was no one’s idea of fun.
It was about the eighth time she had tried to fold some paper when she finally gave up and stopped forcing herself to try to march on. Masa had been kind and sweet as always in his support of her but this was something different and she was not sure how he would manage to keep his word this time.
*Knock, knock*
“Kitten? It’s me.”
“I’m not very good company right now Masa. I have to prepare for the party as well.” She tried to brush off his visit to gain some time to prepare herself. She needed time to correct her mood before she saw anyone.
“Don’t worry bout any of that all you need to do is turn up. But I really need you right now Mc. I have to get you to check things for me so I can tell if I did a good job or not?” He sounded like a pleading child. But he also said he needed her. It was those words that had her moving automatically to greet him. Suppressing a groan, she got up from the floor and tottered to the door. Masa was standing on the other side as lively as ever.
“What am I checking?”
“Come with me I’ll show you.”
They walked in silence to the scene of the crime. Mc’s heart lurched at the memory. She knew it sounded silly to be so emotional over a tree for one day of the year but there was so little here that felt like her modern-day roots that she had become a little emotional.
“Ok now. I don’t really know what it was supposed to look like but I think I did it.” He said as he paused by the doors.
“What did you do?”
“The impossible.” There was a twinkle in his eye that she loved.
“Hey don’t look at me like Yoshi does I didn’t do anything bad. Just open the door if you don’t believe me.” Masa grumbled whilst encouraging her to slide the door.
Inside was the same room now tidy and free from tiger attack signs. The decorations that hadn’t been broken were all being used to decorate the tables and raised seating. But that wasn’t what caught her eye. In the centre of the room where there had once been a majestic spruce there now stood a tree carved into shape made out of ice.
Her eyes followed the surface of it the limbs were all separate levels but also had incredible looking carved decorations on its surface. It sparkled in the lamp lights making it look as though it was covered in glittering stars.
 y-you did this?”
“Of course.” He said proudly puffing out his chest a little whilst still nervously checking her reactions. “Do you like it, Kitten?”
She turned to him and immediately dragged him into a tight embrace.
“Like it? Masa I love it! I had no idea you could carve like that.” Mc pointed at the ice sculpture. Her face was beaming a pure and natural smile. He felt like he could breathe again for the first time.
“Sure, it was just like carving that root vegetable for Halloween.” He shrugged trying to play it cool and hoping she would ignore the heat growing on his cheeks as he had a sudden thought about just how adorable she was.
“Why did you?”
“For you Kitten. I know you wanted to make this the best Christmas ever for me but I also wanted to be able to do something for you too. I realise Shogetsu playing with the tree was unplanned but I’m still a little happy he did that because now I can say I helped too.” He admitted his own small shameful truth a little happy to have it off his chest.
 you always help me. I was just trying to do the bits I could do because you were doing so much in the kitchen.”
“Well now, aren’t we a pair?”
“Sure are.”
“Do you like the tree Kitten?”
“Yes. I think everyone should have one.”
“Ha-ha that’s great but I don’t think I have enough ice to make that dream come true for you this year.” His laughter reverberated in the room, filling it with the first round of joy it would see for the night.
“It is missing something though.” Taking the ornament from her sleeve she placed it next to the ice tree. “There. Now it’s perfect.”
“Agreed.” Masa kissed her brow looking at the fabric ornament feeling his chest grow a little warmer. She was always cute but there were times she was so cute he genuinely thought he was going to overdose on her sweetness. “Merry Christmas Mc.”
“Merry Christmas Masa.”
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
Category: Hurt and Comfort, General Fluff
Fandom: Yona of the Dawn
Characters: Yona, Zeno, Jae-ha, Shin-ah, Kija
Requested by: Snow3bunny
Yona’s lips pursed slightly as she inspected herself in the body-length mirror propped against the wall of her bedroom. The long sleeves of her pastel-pink dress flapped down against the floor as she compulsively smoothed down the flower-patterned fabric of the garment; it was reflexive, really, because she could care less about the dress. The real problem lie with the puffy redness and dark black rings around her eyes that was indicative of her sleepless nights. Yona had been trying hard to take advantage of her new freedoms, but despite her best efforts, she was no closer to understanding Soo-Won and his plans than ever. Then there was the matter of Soo-Won potentially dying in the near future; Yona still hated him for murdering her father, but she be damned if she still didn’t harbor some sort of feelings for the man. What those were, she was not quite sure anymore, but regardless she still did not look upon his demise positively. Her frustrations had manifested into fierce insomnia and quite a few bitter crying spells. Yona wouldn’t mind simply strolling around the castle in such a condition, because she could care less what everyone else thought

But she didn’t want her beloved dragons to see her in such a wretched state.
Somehow, Yona had finally convinced the king to allow her an audience with them. They would be along in any minute, escorted by Minsoo. Tossing her sunset hair over her shoulders, she took a deep breath and then released it. You must stay strong, Yona. These problems are nothing. Be happy for your dragons! You don’t want them to worry about you! She practiced a smile in the mirror, trying to mold the most convincing fake she could. Try as she may, her eyes continued to remain cold and lifeless. She just hoped that her act would be convincing enough.
“Princess Yona! The dragons are here to see you- Yoon, too,” came Minsoo’s cheerful voice. Plastering that sickly saccharine smile on her face, Yona whirled on her feet to greet them, and-
Immediately, she began crying.
She hadn’t meant to. All it took was Jae-ha flashing her that crooked smile, and the façade crumbled like a castle wall under the assault of a cannonade. How could she ever hope to lie to her dragons? She couldn’t bear the weight of this cross by herself. She was so desperate for comfort, for consoling, for them to be her confidantes that it made her soul scream in agony. She couldn’t say anything, though. Yona already knew far too much; it was only thanks to Soo-Won that her life wasn’t in danger. She didn’t believe that the same courtesy would extend to her beloved friends. As a sob cracked her body, she surged forward to all but leap into a very puzzled Jae-ha’s arms.
She buried her tear-streaked face into the soft fabric of his clothes. His body was tense at first, but gradually relaxed to embrace her fully, his arms enclosing around her in a gentle hug. “Don’t cry. We’ve missed you, too.” Yona’s red eyes blinked blearily up at him to see him smiling softly down at her, but the hard edge to his face belied the truth behind his words; he was pretending that this was the issue at hand, but he knew that Yona would not shed tears over something like that.
“Ah, Princess!” Minsoo smiled sweetly as he stood beside her and tentatively reached out to rub small, rhythmic circles into the spot between her shoulder blades. “It’s all better now, right? There’s no need to be sad.” His words screwed into her heart like a serrated knife. No. No, he knew better than that. “I’ll leave you with your friends for a while, okay?” As he turned to leave, Yona caught his wrist in a firm, knuckle-whited grip.
“Minsoo. You need to tell Hak. Tell him about Soo-Won.” All the blood immediately drained from his face and he looked frantically at the door, as if he were expecting guards to come charging through. “Minsoo!”
“Princess!” he hissed and jumped forward such that their faces were closed. His eyebrows were knitted together in an expression of deep worry, nearly mania. “Please! Princess Yona, you mustn’t say anymore!” he begged, then dropped his voice into a hushed whisper. “Hak is very special to you, I know. It is for that very reason that you mustn’t put him in a dangerous position by telling him anything! Surely that is what His Majesty wants too, because even still, Hak is the person that he trusts most.” Yona bit down hard on her lip. Little beads of blood bubbled up beneath the points of her canines- but she did not fight him. Deep down, she knew it was the truth, but it hurt so badly to keep this secret, especially from Hak. Minsoo studied her face for a moment, and when he was content that Yona had no more intentions to babble, he sighed heavily and straightened up. “Now then
 I will leave you all alone for a while, yes?” His gaze shifted guiltily down to his feet. Yona felt guilty, too. She knew it must be hurting him to have to tell her things she didn’t want to hear.
“Thank you, Minsoo,” she mumbled before resuming her respite in the folds of Jae-ha’s clothes. She did not retract even after the door shut behind the aide. Her fingers twisted into the soft textile as she sniffled quietly into his chest. She knew. She knew she ought not saying anything, but her heart felt so heavy carrying this burden all alone. Yona was bitter about it, too. She should be strong enough to hold this secret, for all their sakes, but she was not. Had she not grown at all throughout her arduous journey? She felt like she had traveled back to that night, when she had been so helpless and scared and powerless.
At this point, the dragons and Yoon had gathered around her, confused as to what exactly was ailing her.
“We’re so glad to see you,” Kija chimed good-naturedly from her left. She nodded miserably into Jae-ha.
“I missed you all so much,” came her muffled reply.
“Yona? What’s the matter?” Shin-ah asked softly as he reached out to awkwardly play with the curled ends of her red hair. Yona whimpered into the green-haired man. She wouldn’t say. She couldn’t say!
“Princess, if you don’t talk to us, we can’t help you,” Yoon cajoled her, and he almost coaxed her into talking just with how soft and inviting his voice was. Yona insistently shook her head back and forth, a red mark appearing on her forehead where it chafed against Jae-ha’s clothes.
“I can’t say!”
“All right, all right, let it be,” Jae-ha barked and pulled her into a tighter hug. “We don’t need to put her in a bad position.”
“Miss, did something happen to Mister King Guy?” Zeno guessed suddenly.
“What did I just say?!” Jae-ha griped. Yona’s body went entirely rigid against him, and she silently begged Zeno to say no more.
“He looked really pale on our walk yesterday,” the childlike blonde continued recklessly. Her red eyes glared at him through the shadows of Jae-ha’s arms enfolding her. He tilted his head back as he tapped the pad of his index finger against his chin. “Is he si-“
“No!” she shrieked, twisting in Jae-ha’s arm so she could clamp her hand down hard over his mouth. His eyes stared owlishly above her hand, slowly blinking in realization. “Don’t say it,” she pleaded tearfully. “Don’t say it.” A collective sigh filled the room. He hadn’t said it, but they all realized what was happening just by her reaction. Yoon wriggled his way underneath Jae-ha’s toned bicep to hug her close.
“Oh, Princess
 You must have such a weight upon your shoulders
” Ao hopped off of Shin-ah’s shoulder onto hers and nuzzled her furry face affectionately against her cheek. Yona’s bottom lip wobbled as tears brimmed at the lids of her eyes again, then spilled over to roll down her cheeks and bleed into Jae-ha’s sleeves. Shin-ah began stroking her hair softly, while Kija bobbed about trying to be encouraging but also freaking out a little.
Despite herself, Yona smiled and pressed her face back into Jae-ha. She really should have controlled her emotions better, but despite any impending consequences, Yona felt like she had just been freed of fifty pounds of iron shackles. She hadn’t said anything, because she really hadn’t needed to. Her trusted friends knew her better than anyone, after all. They heard her loud and clear. Eyes closing as she nestled into Jae-ha’s comforting warmth, Hak’s face danced in the blackness of her vision.
 What will we do? Soo-Won
 is going to die. I don’t know what’s to become of me, and you, and Yoon, and my dragons
 I don’t know what to do. I’m lost without you, Hak

I need you

Hak was far, far out of her reach, no matter how much she wished it weren’t so. Yet, it didn’t sadden her as much as she would have thought. In the arms of her beloved, brave, kind dragons, Yona felt they were all untouchable, at least for a few, brief, treasured moments

Enjoy this oneshot? Here’s Part II! Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents! 
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geminimoonbeamx · 5 years
Oh, Baby: Chapter Two
A/N: So I was so excited about the reaction and feedback I got on the first chapter, I hope you guys enjoy this one too!
Word Count: 3.5k+
Warnings: None really- brief mentions of smut and of course cursing like a mf
Summary: After a drunken night, Y/N finds herself having to face the biggest decision of her life; is she ready for motherhood? And a better question, is Bucky Barnes, her long time friend and womanizer extraordinaire, ready for fatherhood? They’ll just have to go along for the ride and find out together. A Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Reader Story  
Chapter 2/6: And a Cherry On Top
Once you decide that you want this baby- that you’re keeping, things become alot clearer in your mind.
All those lists you made? The bullet pointed steps, numbered processes that you need to accomplish zero in, your brain finally able to sort them, at least a little bit. More then you’d been able to last night, or even this morning.
You’re keeping this baby, it’s cemented in your stubborn brain now and even though that brings a whole new round of terror, it becomes a front and center though. A focal point, so to say.
And when you’re focused- you’ve been told you can be a little ruthless.
“Look, Dr. Cho, I like you so far, I really do,  but I’m going to be blunt here: I’ve read some horror stories about plus size pregnancies, and how miserable it is to have a doctor who is fatphobic- so I just want to check base and make sure that you’re...okay with having me as a patient, and will treat me with the same respect that I plan to treat you with” 
She doesn't look shocked and you don't know whether that's just her training or if her face always has that sage quality to it, but you can't really read it.
“I really admire you bringing up your concerns, and I can assure you that they’re very presidented, but that’s not something you’re going to have to worry about with me if you choose to continue on with me as your practitioner for this pregnancy.
I’ve been an OB for the last fifteen years and have worked with lots of very different women: big and small and everything in between and that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that we find a plan that works for you and your little one and keeps you both healthy as we get you to term. Does that sound okay to you?”
You chuckle, delightedly shocked at her words. At how straight forward and sincere she had been. At the support you could feel from her and how relieving that felt to know that your doctor was going to be on your side, for you, with you.
Being overweight, you’d had prejudice thrown at you left and right thought your life, sadly also by medical professionals, and to know she wasn't going to do that to you?
“Yeah” You nod, with a grateful smile “That sounds more than okay”
The appointment goes smoothly for the next hour and a half or so after that. You’re happy you’d Googled like crazy and had come prepared with a small list of key medical facts: any allergies, past surgeries talks of mental health and medications. She gives you a pelvic exam/Pap  and its uncomfortable as they always are, even with her gentle, nimble fingers. Legs in stirrups, biting at the inside of your cheek.
The magic happens when she lays you down and slathers your tummy with a jelly like substance and your heart goes fluttery against your chest as she uses a little wand, probes and moves it gently against the jelly. Looking, searching

On the screen of the ultrasound machine that she’d pulled up. Dr. Cho had warned you that it was very early, and that there was a good chance that she wouldn't be able to find much of anything at this point and yet there it was.
A tiny little blur in the blob like painting of your insides that we’re up for display on the US machine. A heart beat, the sound it made would be imprinted in your mind forever.
“There’s your baby, it’s about the size of a cherry right now and I has no really defined shape, but as you can hear, it has a very strong heart beat”
Like in movies, you thought you’d cry, and yeah, maybe your close, but really it lights a fire in you. Sets your heart ablaze and makes you feel lightheaded.
There’s your baby, and it’s real. So real. With a little heart inside you, beating along with your own

You leave the office with two copies of the ultrasound pictures, one for you to keep, and one to give to Bucky.
Now you only had to tell him.
Later that night, as you and Wanda lounge on your living room couch, you text him, clutching a furry pillow in your lap.
You need to get this done and over with, you have to tell him.
Hey, long time no talk. You think we could get together for lunch sometime this week?
Bucky finds himself sitting at a corner table, it’s half past three and you’re still not there yet. You we’re supposed to be meeting him for a late lunch...ten minutes ago? Fuck, why were you always late?
It drove him crazy, was on that long list of things about you that made his eyes cross with annoyance. On that list was also the fact that he could never guess what you we’re going to do- which yeah, that one still stood, too.
When you’d texted him, asking him to meet you for lunch last Friday, Bucky had gaped at his phone for a few minutes. Hadn't you spent the last couple months avoiding him like the plague? He couldn't help himself, though, and had only given you a tiny bit of shit before agreeing to meet you that next Wednesday at you guys’ favorite spot.
And so here he sat, at HandCraft, waiting for you. Trying not too feel excited, hopeful. That usual feeling that settled in his gut whenever you we’re around(even with just the promise of your presence) had been thrown into effect.
He orders himself a Corona, extra lime, but considers something stronger to quell the weird nerves, and orders you a Long Island Peach Tea. 
He knew your obsession with everything peach, so when he saw it he couldn't help but order it for you.
He’s a couple drinks into his beer when you walk in. Bucky could zero in on you in a crowd of hundreds, a skill he’d developed pretty quick after meeting you. His weird 20/20 Y/N radar doesn't fail him and his eyes snap to you as you walk in, and he waves you over. You boop through the crowd, and Bucky knows he has a stupid little smile on his face as he watches.
You’re cute, always. It’s infuriating, and intoxicating and damn, will he ever get over this shit? It’s been eight years for fucks sake.  
It’d been rainy and humid in the city this May, and the beige long sleeved, off the shoulder top and high waisted ripped jeans you wear are breezy enough. You always dressed nice, most always put together and he’d always taken the time to appreciate your style, the way you hed yourself and adorned your curvy body.
The big bun that sits atop your head is messy and has started to frizz from the time you’d spent in the sprinkling rain, your loose baby hairs wispy and starting to curl as you sit down in the chair on the opposite him.
“Hi” You greet, shifting in the chair. You’re awkward around him now, and it sucks. It really does.
He thinks about that night in early March, and he cant bring himself to regret it, and he tries to ignore the twinge from how apparently you seem to.
“Hey there- I ordered some drinks so I didn’t die or dehydration while I was waiting for you”
You can’t help but giggle- you and Bucky’s dry humors had always lined up. It was a part of the reason why the two of you had always got on so well, the two of you were always throwing off hand, rude to anyone else, jokes at each other.
“It’s three, you’re going to need to check that alcoholism or yours someday” you rebuff and he shrugs, taking another swig if his beer with a cheeky smile-
“It’s five o’clock somewhere...and it’s actually 3:30, which makes you- he checks his watch playfully, asshole, fifteen minutes late”
“I had a meeting with my boss. Give me a fucking break” You snipe back, and yeah maybe you sound a little sharp.
Shit. No, that’s not how you wanted the atmosphere of this conversation to go. But this week had been...a lot.
You’d told your little sister MJ about the big B news and she had advised you to talk to your boss about bumping up your healthcare, about maternity leave and all that other jazz as early as possible- and that had lead to you having to sit for over an hour with the one-eyed owner of the radio station.
Nick Fury was cool enough, really he is, but still. Explaining an unexpected pregnancy to him was...really awkward. Especially when he had asked about the father and you had to pretty much shrug and say “Bitch, I don’t know. I guess I’ll find out later today”
But you definitely didn’t call your boss a bitch.
“A meeting? Is everything okay?” Bucky actually sounds concerned and you purse your lips and spin the straw in the dark drink you hadn’t touched yet because you were preeeeetty sure it had liquor in it and that was a no go for you now.
“Um, yeah...it is now. I just had some serious stuff to talk to him about”
“Serious? That doesn’t sound great” Bucky didn’t mean to pry, but he knows how much you loved your job. How hard you’d worked for it.
He’s always rooted for you, knowing that like many things, the radio waves were dominated by male hosts. He listened to your podcasts, and your new show, religiously.
Every Wednesday night at 7- he diligently listens to your melodic voice, actually for the last couple months it’s the only way he could feel close to you.
Sucker. He knows.
“Um, yeah. Kinda serious? More just things I needed to get sorted out with Fury. A little planning for my future, ya know?” Our future, the life inside me, you don’t say. Yet.
“Okay, well as long as everything’s still going smoothly there, that’s good, right?”
“Yeah, right. Everything’s going smoothly
” fuck.
“Just say it and get it over with. Like pulling off a band-aid” Wanda had pep talked you about this- but god, how could anybody know it was going to be this hard.
Your heartbeat had gone hummingbird and your stomach was in knots as the minutes ticked on. You order an ice water and watermelon salad and Bucky frowns.
Because that’s not your usual...you always get the Nacho Tots. He offers them as an appetizer for the two of you to share and you shake your head with a forced smile, complaining of a stomach ache.
You don’t touch the peach tea, he points that it too and you shake your head telling him you weren’t in the mood to drink which, what? You were always down to day drink. Always.  
Half way through his chimichurri steak, Bucky can’t take the weird tension anymore. You’re trying...to hard. And yet he can clearly see that you’re more uncomfortable, more uneasy then he’s ever seen you.
He can only bite his tongue for so long. Months of tension were bound to come to a head eventually.
He couldn’t bare talking about the weather and other trivial bullshit subjects anymore.
“Y/N...if you didn’t want to hang out, why did you make plans with me?” Bucky questions, bluntly. Takes you off guard a bit.
“What?” Is your bright reply and he just frowns and leans back in his chair. His body language is all wrong- and it makes you even more anxious then you already were.
“I just- fuck. Fuck, it’s been so weird between us since March and I thought having lunch today was supposed to be us remedying said weirdness but it just feels worse” Bucky’s tone is slightly frustrated and dejected
You can feel your face drop. None of this was going how you’d planned- and you’d imagined this going 1,000 different ways in the last few days.
“I just want everything to go back to the way it was” Bucky speaks, interrupting your silence and it feels like there’s fucking needles in your stomach.
“It can’t go back” You utter, fidget in place, staring at the busy street outside the window for a moment. Not able to meet his eyes yet.
“Really? Cause I kinda think that’s bullshit. So we slept together? It was consensual and we’re adults, I don’t get why it has to be a friendship ending thing-“ Bucky’s feelings are hurt, and it’s apparent in his tone. Confused, slightly pleading.
Band-aid, Wanda’s words ring in your head as you muster up your courage and look back at Bucky.
Jesus, you could drown in his foggy eyes. Could be melted down to nothing by the molten silver of his gaze.
“I have something to tell you, it’s why I asked you to lunch today. I wanted to talk to you face to face because...this is pretty fucking huge and I- I” you stutter and stumble over your words and Bucky knows it’s something major because words are usually your weapon. You vernacular your sword and armor.
He doesn’t know why he knows, or why it clicked together in his head- call it some kind of weird intuition. Maybe from the fact that he grew up with all sisters and that he remembers his older sister Charlie and her face when she’d told his parents, at the age of sixteen, that she was-
And Oh, ohhhh, you hadn’t drank. Or touched your food-
“You’re pregnant” it doesn’t feel real to him as he says it, as his lips gram the words he can’t really feel himself speak them.
You gasp softly- your big eyes locked with his for a moment where everything goes still around the two of you, and then you nod.
It’s like he had peered straight into your soul anyway. Like he already knew.
“Yeah, I am. Nine weeks- well almost ten now, I guess”
“Oh...oh fuck” Bucky breathes out, a long exhale because he’d been holding his breath and oh shit- he hasn’t had a panic attack in years but this sure feels like what the start one.
“It’s mine?” He knows it’s an asshole question, but he grits it out anyway because he has to be sure of what he already knows.
“Yeah, it is. I haven’t been with anyone since we were together” It’s the truth, and he knows because you have a big fat unfiltered mouth that you hadn’t been with anyone for months before him.
“Five months?” You remember him breathing into your neck “Fuck, doll, how? No way”
“Mmhmm” you’d hummed as he’d kissed down your chest “I’m not a whore like you- I can go a few months without sex with out my genitals shriveling up and my brain short circuiting”
He’d laughed around a mouthful of breast.
And now you were pregnant. With his baby.
He gapes like a fucking fish as he tries to digest it all.
“I’m going to keep it, Bucky. And that doesn’t mean I expect you, or am going to force you to be in they’re life but I just...I don’t know I thought i should tell you? And not because I felt obligated to or anything...I mean kind of, but because you’re a good person and I wanted you to know” You’re rambling, yeah, but you’re saying your peace.
“You’re ten weeks?” Bucky questions, breaking you out of your ramblings and you nod, a little confused.
“Yeah, it’s the size of a Cherry right now...trippy, right?”
Bucky barks out a laugh, still in that headspace where he though he might wake up at any given moment.
“A cherry. Oh my god. Holy fuck- you’re pregnant” Bucky exasperates and then puts his hands on his face, trying to calm down. Trying to get a grip on himself.
He knows you. Knows that you’re not lying about it being his, why would you? And there’s a baby inside you, right this moment. One that he’d put there- that the two of you had created together.
“Yup. Super fucking pregnant- a doctor confirmed it and everything” You try to lighten the mood a little, just like you always do.
“Yeah...here, look” you dog through your handbag for a moment and then pull out a laminated picture and reach across the table to hand it to him.
When Bucky takes his first look at it, his heart squeezes and his breath gets stuck in his throat again.
It’s the ultrasound picture. Black and white, unidentifiable shapes- but his eyes zero in on the little blob in the darkness. The baby.
His baby.
His heart clenches again.
“There it is” you point out what he’s looking out with a manicured finger “that’s the baby. I know it all looks like an obscure Picasso painting or something but that’s it” you kind of hate calling your baby an it, but you don’t know what else to call...them, yet.
“A cherry” Bucky whispers, asks.
“Yeah, like-“ you make that annoying, internet famous, 6 shape, with your hand and put it up to your eye to look through it “this big”
Bucky chuckles. You’re so dumb. And so special, for being able to make such a tense situation feel...lighter.
“I’m going to want to be in this baby’s life, you know that, right?” Yeah, he doesn’t know how he feels about all of this yet. He still thinks this might be some kind of fever dream- that maybe he died from that flu he had last week, but he’d been raised right by his mom and pop.
Was he a bit slutty? Yeah, he guesses he’d own that(argue that he only acted on how he was pursued)
Could he be a little bit of an arrogant prick? You, and plenty of other people had told him that plenty in his life and yeah, he’d own that one too.
But he’d never, could never, leave you alone to raise this child. Not with how he felt about you- and shit, even if he wasn’t harboring these feelings could he ever just leave a woman who he’d gotten pregnant completely alone.
“Don’t make promises in the heat of the moment, I’m not expecting-“
“Me to want to be a father to my child” he doesn’t snap, per say, but he knows you can hear how offended he is. It makes you bite the inside of your lip.
“I don’t know. I just don’t...want you to feel like you have to say things you don’t mean because I’m sitting in front of you right now. Like? You might feel different later, you know?”
Bucky instantly feels bad for snapping at you. You’d been sitting on this, thinking you might have to do this alone

Bucky looks back at the ultrasound picture and his stomach rolls at the idea of you doing this alone. Of him missing this first milestone of your pregnancy. Of his child’s life.
His child.
He’d woken up this morning, single, uncomplicated and now...he knew there was a baby that was half him inside of you.
He should have had that stronger drink.
“I’m going to be there for this baby, and for you. I don’t know what that looks like yet and I can’t promise I’ll be great at it, but I’m going to be here” his voice gets soft and passionate and fuck, the way he’s looking at you, vowing this to you

It’s almost more than you can handle.
“Okay...I’m game” you say, and he snorts and nods.
He doesn’t know what’s going to happen, if he’ll be a good dad or not. There’s so many unknowns swirling around his head, clogging his brain-
But he knows he’s not going anywhere.
“We’re going to have a baby” He says it, and this time it feels a little more real as it comes out of his mouth. “Holy fuck I’m going to be a dad”
“Um, congratulations” The waiter chooses that time to come back to the table, and the kid who can’t be more then eighteen looks a little awkward at intruding “Do you want a celebratory piece of cake?”
“You know what? Yeah we do- and please, make sure there’s a cherry on top”
He grins too big when he asks for a cherry and you know he’s needs it as a visual comparison to the size of the baby inside you. Bucky is so obnoxious.
He’s also beautiful- in the restaurants low light. All teeth and bright blue eyes- his brows still pulled together and his expression a little overwhelmed, but not mad. Not disgusted or cold like you’d feared.
You can almost here both Wanda and MJ’s “told you so’s” now.
You can’t help but share in his contagious smile- the nerves that had players you aren’t completely gone, not by a long shot.
But...you and Bucky Barnes were going to have a baby.
You could only hope that the two of you didn’t fuck it up too bad. 
@peacefulwriter88 @jaamesbbarnes @jalapenobarnes @gifsbysimplysonia @brieannakeogh @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @lostinspace33 @4theluvofall @tatathekissypotato @siren-kitten-his @skishenanigans @geekyweed @spidey-babe-parker @lastfallenstar @rachelle-on-the-run @prettybubblesintheair @dani-si @hufflepuff-always-forever @morganhoran1671 @imdiegohargreeves @nikolett3 @miss-mcbotty @nerdgirljen @readingsubtitles @sgtbookybarnes @prussiangilbert @tiredofsatansbullshit @bitchwhytho @mishameadows @heartbeats-wildly @10kindsofderp @xodearling @notyourtypcalrose @rachelle-on-the-run
The taglist for this story is still OPEN. If you would like to be tagged, please be aware that I will be expecting feedback, and will not take the time to tag you again if you don’t give any- I will update with the next chapter once this chapter reaches 100 notes.
Okayyy, so here’s part two. It might be a little cheesy, but I really want this story to be more fluff then angst, okay?! Which let me say is not easy for me because lately I’ve been one angsty bitch.
So I decided that I wanted to play with more MCU characters then I normally do, do something different- and that’s how I came up with the idea that the readers little sister is MJ(Michelle Jones) from Spider-Man. I love Zendaya- and since I’m usually writing a mixed race reader- she fits as a sibling.
Just for heads up, a little spoiler for the next chapters, I will also be having the Van Dynes be in her family tree. Hope is her cousin.
I’m really just trying to have fun writing for Marvel again. Hope you guys are having fun reading this.
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starlling-writes · 5 years
Turn Around
- Neutral Human x Neutral Monster (not really romantic, but some suggestions of it) - Dark-ish fantasy - 3,700 words - Teen [PG-13] - Contains: swearing; mild instances of violence; mild suggestive themes; ambiguous ending – potential suicidal interpretation; trypophobia mention (when you read the line, “Tonight we were watching a random monster B-movie,” skip to the next paragraph to avoid the description) - Inspired by this prompt [pictured below] from @write-it-motherfuckers​ - Writing Masterlist
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My first memory of the rule was when I was a toddler and my parents were teaching me how to turn around. If I turned to the side, I just had to keep my focus straight ahead. If I turned more than ninety degrees, then I had to close my eyes, turn, and only when I was facing the direction I needed to go could I open my eyes again.
Back then it didn’t seem an odd thing to specifically teach a child. I was an infant—incapable of the cognition to ask such questions. But they taught me that I couldn’t carelessly turn around. They taught me it was rude and wrong to just glance over my shoulder.
Just before my fifth birthday, my parents were dead strict about one rule: I must never look behind me. It’s a matter of life and death, they’d lecture but never explained any more than that. I could still look in mirrors and use cameras and such. It was only direct observation behind myself that I couldn’t do.
They tested me, calling to me from behind on the days leading up to my birthday. But by then their teachings were so ingrained in me. It instantly became clear how serious I needed to treat this after I turned five. It also radically changed the kind of childhood I led.
My next day back at kindergarten was a disaster. Half the other kids started screaming, crying when I entered the classroom. No one would come close to me. The teacher did her best to calm them but it’s hard to sooth children when you yourself are so obviously unnerved and weary.
My parents started homeschooling me then.
It wasn’t all bad. For first grade, they set up a special stream of the classroom for me. It was almost like I was there. I could see everyone; they could see me on a screen. And no one screamed. They asked if I was a robot—I was just a face on screen and a voice over speakers—but they weren’t afraid of me. For classes like gym and art, special teachers came to our home.
It was lonely, never having anyone to play with now. But I favored the solitude to their cries.
To my parents’ chagrins, I became numb to everyone’s reactions rather quickly. It was only ever an issue around younger kids anyways. Most older children and adults could control themselves and keep their reactions to looks and quick excuses to leave.
As a teenager, I got cocky about whatever it was that everyone saw behind me. I pushed the boundaries of everything. I stayed out late and walked home alone. I snuck into concerts I was too young for. Every situation that I should have feared being in, I sought out. No one ever messed with me; and that gave me a small invincibility complex.
When I was seventeen, I finally had my first experience in love. I was at some horror punk show and this guy kept looking over at me all night and smiling. It was weird, but it was a nice change from the looks of fright and aversion. When the bands were switching out he approached me and started flirting with me. I was so taken aback that someone was showing interest in me that I didn’t give any thought about if I was actually attracted to him—I wasn’t in a position to be picky. We talked and danced all night. After the event closed, we loitered in the parking lot. He even kissed me.
It was the best night of my life. But then he asked me something that was
 just wrong.
“So uh, did you sell your soul to that thing or something?”
“That freaky thing behind you,” he gestured around me. “Have you ever killed someone with it?”
It became quickly clear that he wasn’t interested in me at all. I thought I had noticed his gaze drifting behind me throughout the night; but I had written it off as him enjoying the event. The questions became more invasive as I fumbled around noncommittal answers.
Then he got aggressive. Being even less accustomed to physical contact with people, I flipped out. I screamed and shut my eyes and flailed. I fell on the ground and scurried until I felt grass. I got up and looked back at where the asshole and I had been talking. He was lying prone on the ground. Silent. Unmoving. Half of me wanted to see what happened to him. The other half wanted to run home and forget I ever met him.
The latter side won.
Back home, I crept into the bathroom. I stripped to my underwear and braced my hands on either side of the sink, doing my best to calm down. It was stupid to think someone had genuine interest in me. I glared at my reflection. Like always, I saw nothing behind me. “The fucking hell are you?” I mumbled aloud.
If you want to know so badly, look and see.
I jumped back and almost, almost, looked over my shoulder at the sudden new voice. It could speak? It was sentient? My heart was thundering like a herd of wild mustangs. All this time I could talk to it. Why had my parents never mentioned that? It took me a minute to find my ability to speak. “What
 what’s your name?”
It chuckled impishly, the sound moving from my right side to my left. So many years, and now you ask?
“I didn’t know I could talk to you,” I defended. “You’ve been with me most my life; you should know I haven’t been told anything about you even when I asked.”
It simply hummed affirmatively.
“What will happen if I look at you?” I wasn’t expecting to get an answer but I had to ask.
Turn and find out.
As I figured. Now that my shock subsided, I turned on the faucet. “Why are you following me?” I splashed water on my face as I waited for its answer, but I didn’t receive one. I patted my face dry then went to my room. “Am I cursed?”
—“Did my parents make a deal with a demon or something?”
—“Do you hate having to follow me?”
—“How old are you?
Each question I came up with was met with silence. It was a jerk move considering the thing gave my crap not even five minutes ago for never talking to it before. I grabbed a pillow off my bed and chucked it behind me. It let out a single snort. I sighed in defeat and curled up on the window seat, staring out at the view I’d grown to hate over the years.
“Are you lonely too?”
Just when I thought I’d still get only silence, it responded. At times.
It was a bit weird, but I was happy to hear its answer. Then an urge came over me. It had been so long since I had a connection with someone—I was not counting tonight with that creep. Maybe, just maybe, we could at least be friendlier. “What would you like me to call you?”
Why are you persistent to learn about me?
“Why not?” I shrugged. “We’re stuck together. You’ve had no choice in learning things about me. And I doubt you get an opportunity to chat with other
 whatever you are.”
It—they? I didn’t know how to address it/them—was silent again. What did it say that even the monster that followed me didn’t want to be my friend? I shut my eyes and started playing music in my mind.
 From that night on, Zastrozuth and I grew closer. They weren’t the most talkative, but neither was I. Now their presence held a level of comfort. And when I moved away from home, I didn’t feel lonely.
Zas was great at helping me hang things straight. They also helped me when I was too indecisive to make a choice on dinner, or on my outfit. While we only had little moments like this, they were the deepest connections I had ever had. I cherished them.
Perhaps a bit too much, as the years went on.
It was a rainy, autumn evening. I was home watching movies with Zas. Tonight we were watching a random monster B-movie. The FX makeup was pretty on point, which made me cringe and gag a bit when a trypophobic’s nightmare showed up oozing slime out of its many holes. I didn’t have that phobia but this thing—yeesh! Anyone would be creeped out by it.
While imagining what touching that monster would feel like, my thoughts ended up drifting to Zas. What did they feel like? Were they furry, or scaly, or slimy? I wasn’t even sure if they had a physical form. Presumably, they were a phantom following behind me; but that doesn’t mean they were always like that.
“Can I touch you?” I absently asked before I could stop myself. The moment the words left my lips I cringed and clarified, “Like, if I reached behind me right now—would I feel you?”
“Oh.” I should have guessed. But like with all the questions I had about Zas, I had to ask—my curiosity about them was unrelenting.
Then they asked, Do you want to touch me?
Heat rose to my cheeks. The way they said it just sent my mind straying towards red lights. “I didn’t mean it like that,” I defended.
Like what?
Nope. I was not playing that game. They might not be able to control the way their voice made the words sound, but they’d been in this world long enough to understand the implications of their wording. Maybe it was my lack of human interaction that made it feel
 intimate. Regardless, the idea joined the many curiosities I had about Zas.
This was not how movie night was supposed to go!
“Never mind,” I said, no longer wanting to be in this conversation. “It was just a random question that came to mind.” I shouldn’t have asked. I adjusted and snuggled deeper into the couch cushion. This movie was failing to grab my attention anymore.
I can ask.
While you sleep. I can ask if there is a way.
“Oh. Um
 Sure, I guess. You don’t have to, but it’s up to you,” I floundered. So many more questions flooded my mind. But I kept them all to myself. As much as I wanted to learn more, I would never know much about Zastrozuth. It was for the best. Probably.
When I woke up the next morning, I already wanted it to be over. “Morning, Zas,” I yawned.
You did not rest well.
“Nope.” My straying thoughts had kept me awake for hours. Then I had unnerving dreams that I couldn’t remember the details of now but left a haunting impression. It didn’t help when I remembered what we had talked about last night. I stretched then curled back up on my side, tugging my blanket up to my chin. I didn’t expect to feel this anxious. “Any news?”
It could be done. But it would require manifesting on your plane.
“And what would that mean exactly?”
I’m unaware if I’ll be able to demanifest afterwards. If I can’t, you’d see me in mirrors and cameras.
 would that trigger the thing? If I saw you that way—would that still count?”
I am unaware.
“I see.” So either things could stay how they are, or I could give up mirrors and selfies so I could touch them. Then I realized something else. “Would it be difficult for you to follow me if you manifested?”
There was a pause before they answered.
It would be an adjustment.
“So yes,” I sighed. I sat up and scratched my head, frustrated by this decision. I kicked off my blanket and started to get ready for the day.
This would be a major decision.
Zas didn’t bring it up again, but it weighed heavy on my mind the rest of the morning. I tried to push it from my thoughts but it would creep back up. “What do you think?” I suddenly asked them.
Think of what?
“About the manifesting thing. Is it even something you’d want?”
They took their time thinking it over then finally exhaled in a frustrated, overthinking manner. I am not sure.
“Well if it’s something that you don’t want, I’m not going to ask it of you. If you ever decided that you’d like to, then we can talk about it more then. Sound good?”
Their gentle breath on my neck made me shiver. It wasn’t often they were close enough for me to feel their presence. You’re an odd human.
“You’re only noticing this now?” I snickered. Their answering growl made me laugh more.
A few years later, I found a cheap, little house in the middle of nowhere to rent. It was ironic that I sought such solitude now when I had despised it as a kid. But this solitude was different. This house was mine. In this space, I had no worries. Unlike with my previous apartments, I didn’t have neighbors—no one around to side-eye me. This solitude was freedom.
On a gorgeous, sunny day, I decided to venture down to the lake that was a short bike ride away. A couple of the locals had houses along its perimeter but they were spaced out enough that I didn’t feel worried about anyone seeing and bothering Zas and me. The water was still on the nippy side but I swam anyway—or rather, awkwardly doggy-paddled since I never had lessons.
Swimming didn’t last long. Between my lack of athleticism and the chilly waters, I soon retreated to my towel on the shore. “Hey, Zas?” I asked while sunning myself.
“Do you ever think about that one question I had asked?”
Be specific or I will eat you.
I snorted, unfazed by their dark humor. “About touching,” I said. The creepy feel of seaweed brushing my legs when I was swimming brought my train of thought back to that question. I wiggled my toes in the sand while I waited for their answer.
A time or two.
“And your thoughts?” I cautiously asked.
This wasn’t the first time I had thought about it since the night I asked. I wouldn’t admit it, but it was partially why I moved here; why I didn’t have stainless steel appliances; why the bathroom mirror was the only one in the house. It was all in case Zas manifested and reflections of them now triggered the spell between us.
 you still desire it?
I was not ready for that, so I deflected. “That’s not an answer.”
They gruffly sighed. The longer they didn’t answer, the more I wished I hadn’t brought it up. Then

Say the word.
A shiver pulsed through me. Was this really happening? This precipice we now danced on made my heart thunder in my ears. I took a deep breath to try to calm it. “Do it.”
The gentle breeze that had been dancing around us swelled into a dizzying gust. For a moment, it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I shut my eyes and waited.
The wind stilled. I could feel Zas’s shadow over me, blocking the sun from my back. Their breath ruffled my hair. I reached my hand slightly behind me, my fingers splayed.
They took my hand.
It was foolish how giddy it made me feel. Then again, I was touched starved for nearly all my life. Whatever this was probably wouldn’t be healthy under normal circumstances. But my life, and our relationship, was far from it.
“How does it feel?”
Strange. But
 not in a bad way.
That night, I slept curled in their large arms.
Exactly eight days later, the first incident occurred. Zas and I were walking to get the mail. I didn’t notice anything, but when they told me to stop, I did.
Close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you.
Again, I obeyed without question. My anxiety rocketed as I strained to hear something, anything, that could give me a clue to what was going on. Nothing. There was nothing for so long. “Zas?” I whispered.
No answer.
Panic began settling in. Did they leave me? What was happening? What if something happened to them? My chest tightened as endless questions rushed through my mind. I feared the worse. It was tempting to open my eyes, but I kept them such as Zas ordered. I had to have faith in them. I had to

Heavy panting rumbled behind me, making me jump. For all my desire to hear anything again, I wasn’t thrilled with getting my wish now. Something thick squelched on the ground—drool? Blood? Something more unsettling? I trembled with each vicious breath I heard.
You may look now.
The breath I was holding shuddered out of me. “What happened? You sound hurt.”
It was a moment before they answered, as if they needed to muster the strength to talk. Some creatures
 reavers, appeared. I have dealt with them.
“You’ve never mentioned them before.”
They’ve never been around before.
“Why now?—oh
” The moment I asked, the obvious answer popped in my head. Zas was corporeal. I cleared my throat. “So this is one of the consequences, huh?”
There might be another reason. However, that seems the likeliest case.
“And let me guess—there’s no way to stop them from coming?”
“Fuckin’ great,” I muttered, then continued on with the original reason we were out here. I hated the thought of Zas needing to fight off creatures for me. It trudged up all the guilt I’ve felt about asking them to manifest. What else was going to happen now?
In the coming days and nights, more creatures were drawn to us. Zas took care of them all. Horrors plagued my dreams and I’d scream myself awake. Zas held and calmed me until I could sleep again. I started jumping at little sounds. Silence was equally unnerving. Zas did what they could to settle my nerves, but the bit of peace never lasted.
After a few months of this, I had had enough. Then I came up with a plan.
I called up my parents. It had been a bit since we last caught up. I told them all about the house and how I loved being out here. I left out Zas becoming physical, and the other creatures now drawn to us. They would only worried.
“So um—I called because I need you guys to come watch my house for a bit. Can you do that?”
“I have to request off,” mom slowly started, notably concerned. “But sure. We can do that honey.”
“Thanks. Just let me know when you can make it and I can get everything ready.”
Mom dragged the conversation out long enough that, after I hung up, I groaned and face-planted onto the couch.
If talking to your parents is so exhausting, why invite them here?
“Like I said on the phone—I need them to watch the house.”
And why is that?
“You’ll see,” I chirped. It was a surprise. One that even I wasn’t sure how would play out.
 I waited outside on the day my parents were to arrive. The late-summer sun blazed overhead, though the winds of a coming storm blew softly through the trees. Hopefully my parents would get here before it hit.
I drummed my fingers on the hood of my car. It had been years since my parents last saw me—saw Zas. How would they react now? Hopefully, they wouldn’t notice they’re physical. That was why I waited by my car, so Zas could already be inside, prepared to go.
When they arrived, Mom talked a bunch while Dad remained mostly silent. He kept glancing at Zas—could he tell? Mom, on the other hand, seemed to avoid looking at Zas and me all together. At least neither of them tried to fake that things were better than they were.
To everyone’s relief, I didn’t draw the moment out. I said my goodbyes, got in my car and drove off towards town.
But, I never made it to town.
Halfway down to the main road, I pulled over next to a field. Without a word to Zas, I got out and walked into the tall grass. Closing my eyes, I turned my face up to the sky and spun around in a couple circles. I soaked in the moment. “I’m ready,” I murmured.
I opened my eyes and gazed at the pure blue sky striated by thin, wispy clouds. I couldn’t have asked for a more poetically beautiful day. I reached back until my hand found theirs, our fingers naturally entwining. “To look.”
There was a long pause. Are you sure?
“Yes.” I explained all my thoughts from over the past few months; about the letter I left my parents telling them about my decision. That was the real reason I asked them to come. Since I didn’t know what was going to happen, I left my keys there and the details for my personal accounts just in case. It had been a challenge to arrange everything without tipping Zas off to my plan. I didn’t think they would try to dissuade me, per se. But this
 this wasn’t something I had wanted any input on.
“So since I’m going to look at you, can you tell me what’s going to happen?”
They chuckled. No.
I shrugged. “Worth a shot.” I took a long, steadying breath. “If this is my last moment, I just wanna say that I’ve enjoyed our time together.”
Me too, little one.
I felt their touch brush my arm. The butterflies I had settled. The things I feared all my life no longer worried me. After everything we had been through, I trusted them.
I turned around and looked at Zastrozuth.
— — —
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t-h-e-seance-tua · 6 years
Heart Break All Over Again (Ben X Reader)
This was requested by anon so who ever you are I hope you like it
Original request: can you do a ben x reader (kinda) where they come back for their fathers funeral and she gets really upset after luther knocks down bens statue?? do whatever you want with it i just thought it would be a cool idea❀
You had always been close with the Hargreeves family, even after the death of Ben. For a while, you found it hard to be around them as you kept remembering that when you walked in the door that Ben would not be there. When you heard the news and got the invite to Sir Reginald Hargreeves funeral, you decided to only attend to support the others. You didn’t realise how hard it was going to be.
You were currently standing in front of the door hesitating. The last time you were here was after Klaus went missing, being one of the few children left at the academy. You were always close with Klaus, so when you got the call saying that no one could find Klaus you heart broke all over again. However, it didn’t take long for Klaus to find you through a phone call to tell you he was fine and “living with some friends”.
You took a deep breath before knocking on the door. You stood there awkwardly as rubbing your arm due to the cold.
“Y/n!” A voice exclaimed as the door swung open. You lifted your gaze to see Klaus standing in front of you. His hair was messed up but it matched in with his smudged eyeliner, furry collared coat and leather pants. “So glad you are here, come in!” He told you in an overly happy way.
“How are you?” You questioned, stepping inside and taking off your coat to reveal a black ensemble of a black top, black skirt and black stockings.
“Couldn’t be better. The bastard is dead,” Klaus told you in a cheery voice. You have a little chuckle as you followed him into the living room.
“Guys, look what the cat dragged in!” Klaus diverted the attention to you as you stepped in.
“Hey guys,” you said in a small voice.
“Y/n!” Allison exclaimed, practically running around the couch to gather you in a hug. “I’ve missed you!” She whispered in your ear.
“Me too,” I told her before pulling away and instantly being grabbed into another hug.
I looked up to see it was Diego that had grabbed me in a full-on bear hug. After Ben’s death, he became very protective over you because he could tell you weren’t coping with his death.
Little did he know that you still weren’t.
“Hey little one,” he mumbled in your ear.
“Hey Diego, how’s it been?” you asked.
“So-so,” He replied with a chuckle, finally letting you go.
You turned around to see Luther towering over you.
“I see you’ve been hitting the gym,” you tried to crack a joke before giving him a hug also.  Luther soon let go as you saw another face behind him.
Vanya grabbed you in a hug. Before Ben died you hadn’t been close with Vanya but in the years after she left the academy, you would regularly catch up. She was the only one that knew about you struggling but you never told her the full story and how you still were struggling.
“Let me just say, we need to stay in touch more often because there is too many of you to hug,” you laughed, trying not to be so awkward. You plopped yourself down on the sofa next to Diego, hoping to keep yourself in this new happy mood you were in for as long as you could.
After a weird reunion with Five who had jumped back in time, the siblings had decided to hold their father’s memorial. You felt stuck at their kitchen table though. You knew that when you go outside you would have to see Ben’s statue. It looks nothing like him but the thought that it was put there to mark his death still made you cry. You continued to play with the coffee cup that had been sat in front of you by Grace until someone called out to you.
“Y/n? Are you coming?” Diego called out. You turned around to see Diego waiting at the door with Grace. You nodded your head and made your way up to Diego.
You walked outside and it was the first thing that caught your attention; Ben’s statue. You avoided looking at it and diverted your eyes to the ground.
“Does anyone wish to speak?” Pogo asked.
“Very well,” pogo began before talking about Reginald. You started to drown out the speaking, not caring for the heartless bastard. You would never say it out loud to the others but you never liked Hargreeves. You always had to buy your tongue when you were invited over. Your growing hatred for Hargreeves was stopped when you heard a voice beside you.
“He was a monster,” Diego spat. “He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him,”
“Diego,” Allison tried to cut him off.
“My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it,” Diego started to grow angry as he continued to go on about his father. “Would anyone like something to eat?” Grace suddenly said. Everyone looked at her strangely before Vanya replied.
“No, it's okay, Mom.”
“Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead but at least be honest about the kind of man he was,” Diego continued
“You should stop talking now,” Luther shot back. You rolled your eyes, he always did follow Hargreeves rules.
“You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One,” Diego started, knowing he was hitting a nerve with Luther.
“I am warning you,” Luther said trying to diffuse the situation. You began to not pay attention, annoyed with their fighting. That was until fist were flying at each other. Luther and Diego continued their punch up and taunting of each other while Klaus cheered them on. But of course, everything went wrong.
It felt as everything was in slow motion; one second the statue was standing there and then it wasn’t, it was lying on the ground with its the head smashed off next to it from Luther’s powerful punch.
Your eyes began to swim in tears with a blank face, still staring at the decapitated statue
“Y/n?” You heard Klaus ask beside you. You didn’t reply but continued to stare at the statue. Klaus placed a hand on your shoulder, alerting you to the outside world. You looked up into his eyes before nodding, wiping away the tears quickly and pulling the hood of your coat further down so that they couldn’t see you cry. After Luther left, Diego grabbed grace and walked inside. Everyone else followed behind as they started to leave, Klaus patting you on the back in a comforting way before you were all alone.
You didn’t know what to do, you felt so lost as you stared at the broken statue. You slowly made your way towards it to see what damage was done.
You sat on the ground, cross-legged as you grabbed Statue Ben’s head and looked at it.
“I’m so sorry, Ben,” You whispered, feeling the stinging in your eyes as tears formed again.
“Everything is a mess now,” You continued on, brushing your thumb along the cheekbone. A deep dark feeling developed as you realised that this would be the closest you would ever be to each other again
“No one talked to each other basically before today. I haven’t talked to anyone at all in a long time. They all left not long after you
 Well, except Luther. He always was loyal to your Dad, he stayed with him until he went to the moon,” You continued to ramble on. Your throat closed up as you looked up, trying to blink the tears away.
“I’ve been so alone, Ben. You were the only one that understood me,” You sobbed. You dropped your head and laid it against the forehead of the statue.
“I can’t take it much longer Ben, I can’t keep living this way,” You sobbed, your heart breaking all over again like it did when you heard the news of his death.
“Y/n,” You heard a voice whisper behind you. You quickly picked up your head and turned to see Diego. He had come outside to apologise to you but soon stopped when he heard you speaking to yourself
You just continued to cry as you held onto the head. Diego quickly made his way over and grabbed you into a hug.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. We never meant for the statue to break,” he mumbled into your ear. You let go of the head and wrapped your arms around Diego like he was saving you from drowning in the darkness
“I can't keep going anymore, Diego.” You cried, raising your head from where it had been resting against his chest.
“I need to see Ben again.”
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song-of-storms162 · 6 years
One of us
The one hundred year sleep may have healed Wild, but for the price of his memories and unless he’s careful, his sanity.
I came home with heaviness in me, and wanting to forget the way i felt, went into the Linked Universe discord server, took one look at the weekly prompt and told myself; ”I’m tackling this prompt.”
For the linked universe discord weekly prompt: Loss/Taken
The one hundred year sleep had healed him mostly. When he told the others about it first, it was easy. Of course he didn’t mention the countless nightmares and dreams he had in the span of a century.
He had been in the brink of death, he swore he could see the banks of a river. It was a cold river, near freezing and he could feel his strength sap away. He didn’t feel like moving, no he didn’t want to move and his eyes Hylia were they heavy.
Tired, that was what he was, he could care less about where he was but sleep sounded really good now.
And so the hero slept, not knowing what river bank he slept on nor seeing the four spirits take him in.
He woke on different periods.
Once was on grass, soft and ticklish, the dirt below was a comfort in itself. He was....was he being held by someone?
But he couldn’t move, he couldn’t twist his body to face the person whose lap he slept on. He saw a hand, covered in beautiful red scales, resting on his cheek and he felt warmth there. His cheek felt light, soothing, the numbness in his face fading.
He felt wistful for some reason and in his mind he saw images. A trident beautiful in silver, a beast of metal and gears with large round ears and a long awkward nose. But as soon as they came they left.
He found his consciousness chasing after them before stopping.
What had he been chasing after?
He fell back into blackness.
He woke up on a raft this time.
He didn’t know how he could tell, his legs were still submerged in water, he wanted to move them as they were cold after all. But as he shifted his legs, he heard a sigh from someone.
He wanted to turn in their direction but a faceful of wind made him return to his original position.
“Don’t move,” he hears a voice say. “Master of air I might be, master of luck you are not.”
He hears a slight jab in those words and then another sigh. “You’ll have to keep your legs there, there’s barely enough space for two of us on this raft. Any false movement and you’ll capsize us.”
He hears a nother gust of wind puff by and he sees images again. A bow, large and great, on someone’s back, someone unfamiliar. The blue of the sash he wears was strangely haunting.
“May your luck hold out Link.”
And he falls into blackness once more.
He hears two voices this time. Male and female by the sound of it.
“Keep that shield steady Daruk. We might be spirits but this one’s not ready to cross the river just yet.”
A cool female voice and-is that lightning he hears? But the sounds fade and he hears the yell of agony from a monster. “Hah!” A booming male exclaims and Wild feels like he hears something breaking and then humming. “Little guy looks healed up enough, Mipha and that shrine thing are doing their work.”
Mipha? Who was that?
Wild hears another crack of lightning and then another cry from a monster, a lizalfos maybe?
“These monsters are as troublesome as their living counterparts. We can’t depend on Mipha alone, this is our part to play in ensuring Link returns to the living.”
A sigh from the female and he hears the swish and clink of metal, were they armed?
“Revali’s doing his part but still I was surprised when that lady came to us and gave us this task. What did she say her name was again, Urbosa?”
“She didn’t say, Daruk. But...I have an inkling to who she may be.”
“Don’tcha think she kind of looked like the princess though?”
A pause and the cool female voice answers again.
“Not just the princess, but she bore a resemblance to my old friend, the queen of Hyrule and the queen before her.”
Who are these people? Wild can feel himself fight to keep concious but something is dragging him down. Down to that dark slumber.
“But they weren’t her.”
The female voice doesn’t reply and all is silent until Wild hears another crack of lightning and another monster’s cry.
“Certainly not. Daruk, i believe we had a run-in with the goddess Hylia herself.”
“I only hope that the little bird and the hero remember each other. Link and Zelda, we’re counting on you.”
He only has time to think ‘Zelda?’ And then he falls.
Wild jolts from his sleep, his head knocking into a familiar wolf’s. The gray beast staggers before shaking its head and looking at him. Three blinks.
Their code for Are you Okay?
Wild blinks once. Yes
The wolf huffs and makes to lay down next to Wild. His eyes already say it all without blinking. Liar
Wild shrugs before getting up and hearing a whine from his furry companion.
“Checking food,” whispers Wild and Twilight blinks at him seven times. I’ll come with you
Wild doesn’t object and makes his way to where they keep food and supplies, both on cat soft feet to not wake the others. Wild rummages around a few packs, finding a soup ladle and a pot lid and starts when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
He whirls around, the soup ladle he found in his hand, ready to whack the living daylights out of an enemy. The pot lid is held as a shield but an unblinking Twilight holds his hands up.
Wild blinks and sets down the ladle. “You gave me a heart attack,” Wild mutters before going back to rummaging around.
“You give me one everyday, it’s time i returned the favor.”
Wild shoots a glare over his shoulder at the older hero’s words. Twilight grins at him before going serious.
“What was the dream this time?”
Wild stops in his search and Twilight goes quiet. Dreams are tricky for them, even nice ones. And Twilight knows better than to press.
So he waits.
Wild finally faces him, his right arm spinning the soup ladle like a baton. “It was more of a memory I s’pose.”
Wild sighs and sits on the ground, trying not to think too hard about the breeze in his face or the grass he’s sitting on.
“I heard the champions. I was on a river and....” Wild trails off, his hand now gripping the soup ladle before tracing its length. “I think it was the first time i felt them after i first lost my memories.”
“I was,” Wild breathes out. “I was dead.”
“You mean asleep?”
Wild shakes his head. “They were transporting me from one side of a river to another. I was on a raft that kept going because of Revali’s winds, i think-I think there were Lizalfos around so Daruk and Urbosa were protecting me in my ‘state’.”
“I was-I was drifiting from the land of the dead to the living.”
Twilight feels his mouth go dry and his voice croaks one last name. “Mipha?”
Wild shakes his head. “She healed me. I heard Daruk say it was the shrine and her.”
A sad smile touches Wild’s face. “She was the first to see me off.”
Twilight nods but Wild continues, “Honestly, i’m afraid of sleeping, of not remembering you all when i wake up. They way i did in that-that memory.”
“Of losing it all not once but twice.”
Twilight wants to hug his protege and knows about the latter’s reaction to it but he does so anyway. Wild’s tears fall when his face is buried in Twilight’s tunic, sobs muffled by the older’s shoulders. Twilight begins rocking him, like one would a child or in this case, cub.
“Rockabye ba-“
Twilight’s lullaby is cut off by a huff. “I’m too old to be considered a baby.”
Twilight laughs and lets go of the Wild hero. “Yet we call you cub.”
Wild playfully glares at him but Twilight laughs louder at his attempt.
“Honestly,” Wild huffs before smiling slightly. Twilight chuckles softly and ruffles the younger’s hair.
“If the time comes,” Twilight begins. “That you lose your memories of us, then we will remind you.”
Wild looks at him, faint surprise written all over his face and Twilight smiles.
“Over and over again, all the embarrassing moments, all the times we, especially you, nearly died and gave us heart attacks-“ a scoff from Wild “We will remind you of our happiest moments, our saddest, our weakest.”
“Because you are one of us, don’t think you’re gonna be forgetting us all that easily.”
Wild hugs him, sudden and tight but Twilight grunts and the younger releases the hold. Sheepishly, Wild rubs his neck and Twilight’s eyes take him in with content.
“You are one of us,” says Twilight softly, a smile present on his face. “When you do forget, we will remember and we will remind you, no matter how many times it takes.”
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
Raising a Family with Dreamcatcher (Headcanon)
Prompt: Could I request a headcanon for what it would be like raising a family with Dreamcatcher please
A/N: Wow it’s Dreamcatcher soft hours again. Also, this is LONG so I decided to put it under “read more”. I apologize for the block of text on your dash. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! - Admin Kiwi
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Jiu would like to take things as they come
She’s a free spirit, so there’s a lot of things she’d want to try before worrying about settling down
Because of this, the two of you would wait to have kids
Taking trips and moving around for a while, enjoying married life
Until one day she’d turn to you and say “I think I want to have kids now.”
The two of you would have talked about it before, but this time, you would be able to tell she was serious, so you’d smile and hold her hand
“I think I do too.”
She would want to plan everything first
But after the money was saved up and the extra bedroom was ready to be a nursery, she would be ready and thrilled to have a baby
She would end up pregnant with twins, which both of you would find funny
“We waited so long that we had to have all our kids at once.”
She would be a natural after the babies were born
Although you’d still help her out as much as you could
How was she so chipper and energetic on two hours of sleep? You didn’t know.
She would love to shower them in kisses and love, even when they got older
The twins would be identical, so she’d paint their toenails to tell them apart.
“This is Jiah, right?” “No, that’s Jiwoo. I think.” “Check the toenails!”
Is seriously addicted to shopping for baby clothes and will be devastated when they grow up.
The two of you would still take trips, they would just turn into family trips to Disney parks
She’s THE most extra mom when it comes to birthday parties, holidays, and honestly anything she can celebrate
Honestly embarrasses your kids sometimes with how much she loves them
With her job it’s hard to always have family time, especially as the kids get older
But all of you would gather for a family night at least once a week
Because family love and support would be VERY important to her
Sua is kind of a big kid herself, so it wouldn’t necessarily be the first thing to pop into her head
But after marrying you and seeing her friends with their kids, she’d realize that she really, really wanted some for herself
“I’m going to raise a nerd army. I need enough to cosplay ALL of the Avengers.” “Isn’t that a little much, babe?”
Still, even with her realization of wanting a baby
Her pregnancy would come as a bit of a surprise
“Oh, by the way, I’m pregnant.” “That’s gre- wait WHAT?”
You would both still be thrilled, though
She would be super excited about designing the nursery
Really, the two of you would pretty much live at the home goods store
She would be at home cleaning and building cribs and bassinets with her hair tied back
And creating choreographies until her doctors demanded she sit down and rest because the baby was about to be there
After having the baby she would whine that she was never having a baby again (although she’d love the little mess with all her heart)
Until your oldest was about two and she saw a really cute Captain America infant onesie
“Babe, we have to have another one.”
After the third baby she’d decide to give up her Avengers dream and be the Guardians of the Galaxy instead
(It’d all just a big joke, of course. She loves her kids, cosplay is just an added bonus)
Busy busy mom. Always running around to dance practices and signing up for PTA meetings, only to immediately quite because “oh my god honey adults are so boring”
Makes family game night a whole lot of fun
Cool momℱ
Even if you have three kids, the two of you always make time for each other
Totally the types of parents that make your kids go “ew gross!”
Just one big loving family honestly
She would decide she wanted a family kind of randomly
And would come to you with her feelings
Honestly, you’d be a little surprised at the idea of going into being foster parents, but mostly just because you’d never really thought about it
And because she’d never struck you as the big family type
It would sound like something you’d do, though, so you’d agree to go to a class on being a foster parent with her
After talking about it, you would both agree to sign up as foster parents
Immediately, you’d see Siyeon’s caring side
A lot of the kids that came through would have had bad foster experiences or bad family lives before, but Siyeon was okay with that
She would open everyone with open arms, slowly earning their trust with soft touches and fond smiles
She would learn how to cook large healthy meals and would make adorable lunches with you
And would personally pick up the kids from school as much as she could to ask them about their day and make sure they were okay
The two of you would wake up a bit earlier than the kids to eat breakfast and drink coffee, having a little alone time before getting the kids up and ready
The two of you would always have at least one family night
Where the kids would rotate what they wanted to do
She would try her best to make sure the kids all had things they could call their own, and the two of you would make it clear that they were important to you
She’d also love recording videos of fun moments and vacations
However, the two of you would end up falling in love with the three kids you were fostering and would know you couldn’t let them go back into the system that had failed them before
It would take a while, and would be stressful, but you would have each other and supportive family members to lean on
And after it all, you would have three wonderful kids, so it would all be worth it
She’d cry tears of joy when the kids finally called her “mom”
You guys wouldn’t be the most normal family
And maybe it wouldn’t be the most easy journey
But at the end of the day, the two of you would have three kids who finally knew that they had parents who loved them
And for both of you, it would make everything so, so worth it
Handong wouldn’t really be huge on the idea of kids at first
It’s not like she doesn’t like kids, but she wouldn't want to have them unless she was sure it was something she both wanted and could do
The two of you would talk about it a little and agree that, until the time came, the two of you would remain child-free
And you would, only adopting a furry baby and spending the rest of your time vacationing together
It wouldn’t be until the two of you were a little older that Handing would decide she wanted to adopt a child
It would kind of happen randomly, after she talked to someone who was adopting a baby
She’d come home to you, saying “I think we should adopt” in her quiet, yet matter-of-fact voice
You’d be surprised at first, since it was so out of nowhere, but after a chat you would both decide it was something you wanted
Everything would happen pretty quickly after that, and before you knew it, you and Handong were parents
She’d be a little nervous at first, you both would
But both of you would already love the kid, and would be committed to making sure they knew it
“At what age do kids start reading chapter books?” “Um, maybe we should ask the librarian?”
She wouldn’t be as extra as some other moms, but would show her love in more quiet ways
Loves singing to them
Especially when they’re about to sleep
You would often come home to find your child sleeping in her arms, and she’d wink and bring a finger to her lips
She’d make sure the child studied and would teach them multiple languages at home, knowing it would come in handy some day
Before she leaves, she’d give both you and them a hug and little kiss
It becomes a tradition, even when the child gets older and whines for her to stop it
Plays quiet little pranks that are harmless, but make everyone laugh
Has about a million mugs that say “Best Mom Ever”
Has a family photo on her keychain and as her phone lock screen for her to look at whenever she’s having a bad day
Just the sweetest mom ever, always packs loving notes in everyone’s lunches and is sure to say “I love you” every day
She would always know she wanted kids
It would be one of the first things she brought up to you when the two of you started dating, since it would be something important to her
However, both of you would decide it best to wait a while, even after getting married, to have some fun in the honeymoon stage
(Even though the honeymoon stage would never go away when it came to Yoohyeon)
When the two of you would start to pause to look into children’s stores or pick up baby clothes in the store, you both would know it was time
The two of you have so much trouble narrowing down baby names that, when the baby is born, the two of you are still rushing to figure out a name.
Everything is a bit hectic and both of you end up crying because you already love the baby so much, but it’s okay because after all the commotion settles down the baby has a wonderful name and everything is perfect
Although it takes both of you a while to get the whole “super effective parenting” thing right
“This was a lot easier in the Sims.”
Spoils the kid with toys because she likes toys too
“Honey, don’t you think they’re too young to play Mario?” “No one is too young to play Mario.”
Game nights turn into video game nights as soon as your child is big enough to hold a controller
Your own child can beat you in video games in no time
She’d want to have two kids, since she’d know the joys of growing up with a sibling
But she would be the type to go the extra mile to tell you when she got pregnant
Maybe you were covered in glitter for a week, but it was all worth it
She would love being a mom and going on playdates with her friends and their kids
The two of you always joke around, wanting to make sure the kids feel comfortable around you
Even though you both discipline when necessary, everything would be talked through so that your kids would feel comfortable coming to the two of you with everything
The toy room is a “creative mess” (as it should be, in her opinion), but the rest of the house is immaculate and she makes everyone keep it that way
She is the kind of mom who has the family wear matching shirts on vacation and takes family photos for every occasion
It seems annoying and pointless then, but later they create wonderful memories and Yoohyeon can look around at her wonderful family and say “I told you so.”
She wouldn’t necessarily want kids
Especially not young
Her fur babies would be enough for her so she wouldn’t really think about it
Not until you brought it up, that is
“Hey, do you want kids?”
“I- don’t know, that’s a good question.”
After some talking, she would realize that she wouldn’t mind kids
Although she didn’t really have any need to have her own
It wouldn’t be until after the two of you got married that the conversation would come up again, and it would hit both of you
You wanted to adopt a kid
After doing plenty of research (because Dami would want to make sure that everything was perfect and legal) and making sure that Dami’s job was in a stable place
And falling in love with one of the little boys
The two of you would begin to go through the adoption process together
It would be kind of stressful and very time-consuming
But with each other to lean on, the two of you would finally adopt the bouncy little five-year-old
He would be so excited to finally go to a real home that both of your hearts would melt and you would promise to love him forever
Dami would be a quiet yet attentive mom
She might not have enough energy to play with him all day
But she would read him all the books he wanted
Your family would live at the zoo and museum honestly
She would be the type of mom to meal plan and make sure the family was eating healthy and getting enough exercise
But also the type of mom to encourage her son to follow his interests and pick up lots of hobbies
You guys would have instruments and art supplies all over the house
Mixed with pet toys of all sizes
But Dami wouldn’t have it any other way
Gahyeon is also a bit of a free spirit
And she’d want to focus on her career as long as possible
As well as getting a college degree on the side
Which meant not having kids
Especially since she would be too busy to be the type of mother she’d want to be
The two of you would be very focused on raising your puppy anyway
But when the right time rolled around and the puppy was no longer a baby, the two of you would have a long talk about it and consider all the options
Eventually, the two of you would decide to have your own kid and then, if you wanted another child, you would adopt
Everything would happen very quickly, but she’d never get overwhelmed, even if you did.
She would be the type of mother to have a detailed calendar and schedule, so she always knew what was happening
“Hey, honey? I think I’m going into labor so I’m going to go to the hospital now.” “Um, hang on, I’m driving you. There’s no way I'm letting you go alone.”
The detailed calendar would only get more detailed with kids
The two of you would learn how to make meals together so that you could evenly share the load (and because she really liked having that time with you)
Would probably cry when the baby grew up so fast
There would be no question about it: the two of you were going to adopt a baby
Her main mission in life would be to make sure they were happy and healthy
Mostly through making them laugh
Is silly and fun, although she can be stern when she needs to
Gives everyone kisses before they go to sleep (including you)
Who needs a tutor when you have her?
So proud of her entire family
So many family photos line the halls and the inside of her wallet
(You both insist the dog be in the family photos too)
Totally the mother who shows off her family to all her coworkers
But it’s just because she loves you all so much and she’s so happy to have been lucky enough to have you and the kids
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Winchesters meet the Phantoms Ch. 14
Danny sighed, glancing over at Juliet who sat at the front of the classroom watching his teacher warily. He glanced around the room again, only to see that no one had any reaction. He had tried to get Juliet to stay back home but after the first few weeks, he gave up. He wasn't even sure when Crowley was going to get her back, but he can't say he minded all that much. He loved animals, and Cujo wasn't around much so he didn't mind Juliet.
His only worry was if anyone bumped into her, or step on her tail, or generally things that could piss off a dog like Juliet. For once Luck was on his side and no one has done any of that in all the time that passed. He has gotten pretty good on keeping an eye on Juliet, while also going on with his normal day to day life.
And as every other day, Danny found his already bruised back slamming in the metal locker.
In the corner of his eyes he see's Juliet tense, before his focus was dragged back to the jock before him. Dash only stared at him while Danny stayed tense ready for the next attack. A smirk spread across Dash's face as h leaned forward.
"Hey Fenturd, guess what day it is?" Danny's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "It's the last Monday of the year." Danny didn't stop the squeak that left him when he was suddenly lifted up by his arms, his feet off the ground. His eyes quickly shifted to Kwan and Todd who stood on either side of him.
"Come on guys, we do this every year..." Danny trailed as the group moved him through the crowd of students. "If I'm late to Mr. Brickets class again I'll get detention!"
"Not our problem Fentina. Tradition's traditions." Todd laughed, before addressing his friends. "Whose going to make sure pipsqueak doesn't get out this year?"
"It's my turn." Kwan piped in, as the group neared the small janitors closet. "Paulina and Star are going to keep the janitor busy all day."
"Guys, come on..." Danny sighed, he really didn't want to spend the whole day in the closet just to get tossed in the school pool after school. He forgets that the last week of school often had the 'traditional' bully material.
"Did you hear that?" Kwan froze, eyes scanning the janitor's closet. "I could have sworn I heard scratching."
"Don't be stupid-" A loud growl ripped from inside the room, pulling a shout from the jocks. "Just shove him in!" Dash ordered.
Danny founded him self basically thrown into the dark closet before the door slammed shut behind him and three pairs of footsteps racing away. The tired teen pulled himself into a sitting position when a furry face shoved him the chest. Danny couldn't stop laugh that left him from Juliet laying her head on his chest. "Should've know it was you." Danny chuckled, nuzzling the dog's cheek before getting up.
"As much as I would like the lounge around all day with you, I've got class to get to."
"Hey baby, it's mommy. I'm so sorry your dad and I can't pick you up. We caught sent of a ghost heading to Wisconsin and we're trying to intercept it. I left you money for food-"
"I'VE GOT HIM!... Baby, I'll call you later today to give you an updat- HE'S IN THE TREES-"
Danny smiled slightly at his parents antics by the end of the voicemail. They've been busy lately, either in the lab or out of the house, leaving him to handle a lot of things. He can't complain, could be worse, besides it's better than risk getting hurt by one of their devices. The soft padding coming from behind him singled Juliet's return.
"Hey Juliet, where did you go off to?" A huff was his response, pulling a laugh from him. "No need to say... It's just gonna be me and you for the rest of the day, probably tomorrow as well."
A whine left the hell-hound, causing Danny to glance back at her. He was met with wide red eyes staring back at him.
"For a hell-hound, you're adorable." A shiver ran down his spine, a pale blue breath left him along with a sigh. "Well, time for work."
The moment Danny opened the Door, Juliet released a deep and angry growl, something he hasn't heard before. Danny paused, looking around the house. Nothing was out of place so far, the living room looked clear. He took slow deliberate steps, ready to act if needed. "What is it girl?" He whispered softly, looking over at the tense Hell-hound. Juliet growled softly, body tense and nose in low to the ground.
"Juliet!" Danny softly shouted after the dog as she took off up the stairs. Danny followed, taking two steps at a time. The moment he reached to top a cry sounded from his room.
"Aren't you a feisty one!" Danny paused at his doorway, watching as Juliet growled, her teeth clamped into the intruder's arm. Said intruder was in taller than him, only a little taller than Juliet. The man dirty blonde hair and champagne eyes. But what caught Danny's attention was the man's were the gold wings, seemingly the goldest he's seen so far.
"Who the hell are you? Angel's aren't supposed to be able to track me." Danny's eyes narrowed, a hand subconsciously placing a hand on his ribs. "Juliet." The hell-hound growled before slowly shuffling backwards to stand protectively in front of the halfa.
"You're getting on everyone's radars." The man smirked, sitting on Danny's bed. "I'd expect Cas would have guarded you, you're a hard on to find."
"If you're here to fight, I'm really not in the mood." Danny sighed, walking over to his desk and dropped his bag in his chair. Eyes narrowing when he saw the absence of the angel blade that should be hidden snugly between the desk and the wall.
"Looking for this?" The angel grinned, holding up the angel blade. "Just wanted to have a chat with what's got Heaven buzzing."
"Still!" Danny groaned, sitting in his chair and turning to the angel. "You must be Gabriel." That seemed to amuse the archangel.
"So, you've heard about me?" Gabriel placed a hand on his heart. "I never thought the Winchesters talked about me!"
"Nah,I learned from the books." Gabriel paused before laughing.
"I made it in the books, that's great." Gabriel vanished and reappeared sitting directly in front of the teen, not getting so much as a flinch. "You're oddly calm"
"After the King of Hell drops off his hell-hound for babysitting nothing really shocks you anymore." Gabriel gave a laugh.
"I like you kid." Gabriel smirked, leaning forward and resting his chin on his palm. "I like you enough to offer you anything you want."
"I'm good."Danny waved him off, pulling a binder out of his bag. He glanced over to see Juliet finally relax and laying on his carpet in the middle of the room.
"Seriously kid?" Gabriel moved to lean against the desk. "You can't tell me there isn't anything you want to change or want!"
"I'm telling you that." Danny sighed, turning towards the trickster. "If your trickster-self can get my homework done correctly that'll be great-" Before he even got the last word out, a snap sounded. Danny blinked, eyes trained on the now completed packets he had to get done.
"Anything else?" Gabriel smirked at the awestruck look on the teen's face.
"I was kidding, but I'll take it." Danny shrugged, shoving the papers into the binder before turning to Gabriel. "But seriously, I don't really need or want anything or anything to change."
"Seriously? You don't want no more bullying? Or for those pesky ghosts to go away? Oh, I know!" Gabriel pointed to Danny. "You're parents home more often."
"You don't know anything about me." Danny glaring at the archangel, his eyes flashing neon green.
"Kid, I'm an archangel. I'm a trickster. I know a hell of a lot more than you think." Gabriel mused, before holding his hands up in surrounded. "But you don't want my help, than that's fine by me." A lollipop seemed to appear out of nowhere. Danny shook his head, before turning his computer on.
"Why don't you go before Juliet gets tired of your presence?" Danny asked, at that moment Juliet let out of soft but murderous growl. Danny couldn't help but smile slightly.
"Alright." Gabriel nodded, pulling himself to a stand and stretched. Danny pulled all his attention to the computer, waiting for the sound of wings to come. "Just don't say I never gave ya anything kid." A snap sound and then the flutter of wings.
"My name's Danny." Danny muttered looking over to find a huge basic of sweets. The teen blinked again before walking over to it, and pulling out the card attached. "Gabriel... You are by far the weirdest angel I've met."
"Hellllooooo Kid! You're entering the new world of batshit crazy, and I figured I'd leave you with a treat and no trick. You're learning your shit kid, it's a steaming pile of trial and error. Since I like you, I wanted to give you something not to hate. Hasta la vista!"
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