#when your camera is just as down bad horrendous
zhongrin · 1 year
my joystick drifted and i come back to this
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pha55ed · 7 days
Is It Casual Now? || F2 (good ending)
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type :: hurt/comfort tw/cw :: none contains :: ollie, kimi, paul, arthur, summary :: after getting heart broken by the boys, you're shattered. but the space between you two make him realize how dumb he was being - PART 1 HERE
f1 masterlist || f2 masterlist || more here!
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Ollie Bearman | 03
After watching you run into your house with tears streaming down your face - Ollie instantly felt a pang in his heart. But he wasn't sure what it was. He thought it was just empathy, he always hated seeing you upset, so knowing he caused the pain was harsh on his heart. But, he thought it was for the better.
He didn't want to risk ruining your friendship. You were basically part of his family and entire life. Dating you would mean risking a nasty break up which would permanently change everything. His family loves you, if you broke up they would most likely side with you instead of Ollie. You got along with all of his friends, dating would change the entire group's dynamic. And even worse, if you did ever break up on bad terms: Ollie knew he would be shattered.
But his entire thought process was proven to be stupid. Saying no to your confession made all of those fears come true. You needed space from Ollie, to heal from the embarrassment and hurt you felt. While Ollie was dealing with every fear he tried to prevent by rejecting you.
So he did what he knew he needed to do: chase you down and get you to come back into his life. He learned that he needed you more than anyone else, even his own family. Once he finally put together all the dots, he came to your house a week later and knocked on your door.
But you weren't done healing yet, still puffy-eyed and snotty from crying your heart out. Like a true heart broken girl, you ordered some take-out to eat whilst sobbing. You didn't bother to check the cameras outside, assuming it was just the delivery man.
So imagine your shock when you're met with a driver, but not a delivery driver. Instead it was Ollie, looming over you with his height as he was holding a large box filled with gifts of your favorite things. But you couldn't ever get a peak at the box, since you instantly tried to slam the door shut - not wanting to see Ollie whilst looking like a mess.
But you weren't able to shut the door since his large hand pushed against your force. So now you were stuck there, looking up at him in week old pajamas and messy hair while he looked even more handsome than usual. You peaked at the gift bundle he made you - filled with your favorite snacks, flower legos, face masks, and almost every makeup and skincare product that you've ever talked about wanting.
"Please?" Ollie said, his voice soft. "I know I'm a jerk for rejecting you, and I don't expect you to forgive me or accept my confession but - I just want to give you something..." He said, looking at you with no pity in his eyes but instead a look of yearning.
"I don't need the gift," you say, not wanting to give in so easily. You wanted to say something cool, to reject his confession. But in your current state, it was going to impossible to fake confidence and reject him while looking homeless. "But um... thank you?" You said, unsure of how to reply to him.
"No no, please take the gift" Ollie said, pushing the door further as he handed you the gift bundle. And by pushing the door further open, you wanted to go curl up in a ball and hide - you looked horrendous.
And as Ollie looked at you, you could see his face soften even more. "When's the last time you showered? Or cleaned your face? Or gone outfside???"
All of his questions were way too embarrassing to answer. And as if the universe was doing it's best to give you a 13th reason, the delivery man came up to the door. The delivery man stood directly by Ollie and for some fucking reason he began to read out your order.
"Two cheese burgers with extra cheese, large fries, large sundae, side of chicken nuggets, and a soda?" The delivery man said, before putting the food into Ollie's arms and went off on his marry way. The man probably assumed you were sharing the meal... Ouch.
And as Ollie held the food, looking at you in such poor shape, he gave a small smile. "Can I have some?? And maybe help you tidy up?" And who were you to deny him any longer.
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Kimi Antonelli | 04
It's been almost a month since you talked to Kimi. The interaction left you cringing in your head for hours on end, no matter the time or place. Although you loved learning Italian, it was impossible for you to do lately since you couldn't even speak it without feeling your throat close up from the thought of Kimi.
But luckily, you were able to heal with the time. You weren't over him, not quite yet, but you were able to focus on yourself for the time being. So you wanted to treat yourself out, going on a small shopping spree. Getting new clothes, makeup, even cute blind-boxes that you knew was a waste of money.
So when you came home, only to be met with a huge bouquet on your doorsteps, you were shocked. You put all your shopping bags down and picked up the large rose bouquet. And instantly, your eyes widened as you read the small card that was attached to it.
"Please unblock me. I miss you and want to make things right. But I understand if you don't feel comfortable. - lots of love, Kimi"
You completely forgot that you blocked Kimi on instinct! You felt like an idiot. All those nights you spent crying, hoping he would text you back and take it all back weren't able to happen because you blocked him. Without hesitation, you unblocked his number - getting hit with over 500 messages. If someone didn't know what was happening, they would have assumed you had some crazy ex boyfriend.
As you scrolled through the messages, you were met with paragraph after paragraph with apologies, begging to meet up, and more apologies. It made you feel awful to know that you were grieving over Kimi for no reason when he literally was sending the most heartfelt messages ever.
But you were hesitant. How could Kimi be so cruel and laugh in your face at the idea of dating only to spam you and beg for you. It was such a fast 180 that you were hesitant. So you agreed to meet up at your old favorite Italian restaurant in a few days.
As you sat down in front of Kimi, who seemed to arrive an hour early since the drinks and appetizers were already prepared. You felt your heart sting just at the sight at him. It made you feel the urge to cry yet again, even though you worked hard to become more confident without him - he just softened your heart.
And it seemed like he felt the same, he was absolutely star struck at the sight of you. His jaw was left hanging slightly, his eyes were sparkling with either tears or admiration, and his chest didn't move - you literally caught his breathe.
His breathe so stuck in his throat that he couldn't even speak, so you had to break the silence. "Um, hi?" You said awkwardly.
"Hi." He said, finally taking a breathe. "Um,,," He hesitates to dive too fast into the topic. "I got your favorite appetizers,, you should eat it before it's cold."
You simply nod, taking note of his care. He watches as you eat and you feel so awkward. "So uh, what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, I wanted to apologize - not really talk." He started, "I realized that what I did was so so SO stupid. Ever since you've been gone, everything has been so different. I can't eat anywhere we liked, can't go parties without them asking where you are - I can't even see my family without them asking where you are!" His voice got louder slightly at his annoyance at himself.
You just sat there listening, giving him time to say everything he needed. He continued, "And I kept trying to convince myself that I didn't need you and that we weren't serious, but who am I kidding, of course we were dating. I just never asked you to be mine and I feel so stupid for that! And then once you left it made me realize how much I missed you, now much I needed you."
As he spoke, rambling at an extremely fast pace, you realized he's been holding this in for a while. The way that his face and voice were still so angry at himself made it clear that he's not forgiven himself. But you were still wondering if he was trying to get forgiveness or actually date you.
"And then I got kind of depressed... I wasn't going out anymore, not working out, not socializing. And I guess my final breaking point was when my sister," He pauses, thinking back to what happened, "My sister asked where you were, and when you would play with her again, and I just - I just broke then and there" His fast rambling came to a halt as he looked down in shame for being so weak in front of his sister. "And um, as dumb as it sounds, she was the main person to encourage me to get you back."
You were always close with his little sister, playing dolls and dress up with her. She always wished she had a sister, especially since Kimi was only into masculine hobbies. You were that older sister that she's always dreamed of, so it broke her heart to not see you for so long. Now you felt even worse, knowing that she probably just thought you left her for no reason - not even saying good bye to her.
"I'm not trying to use her to guilt you. I'm just being honest. But I realized everything I did wrong. I'm sorry for saying I would never date you, I can't name a single person better than you. I'm sorry for leading you on for ages and never putting a title on us, I was just, scared, I guess. I wasn't confident in myself and just assumed you were too good for him - that my flirting was all one sided." He says, making you realize you didn't ever flirt with him back - it was mainly him.
And that when it clicked in your head, he was slightly right. You never once called him amore back, never reached for his touch in public, never once started anything romantic. He most likely saw this was him pining after you while you were just going with the flow. So now you felt like an even bigger asshole.
"Kimi," You spoke for once, "I'm so sorry that you went through all of that, I felt the same way. I do like you, that's why I asked in the first place."
"I realized that now. And I feel so stupid for what I did." He said, "Please let me make it up to you."
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Paul Aron | 17
Going to the paddock has never been more nerve racking. Not because you were preparing for your home race, but because you would see Paul. You've been able to ignore him and leave him alone thanks to your extreme luck. But now you were forced to be with him for interviews, photos, and race discussions.
Once you arrived, your plan was to just say that you were having a tummy ache or head ache. Some type of pain that was bad enough to excuse you from doing your duties but not bad enough for them to tell you couldn't race. But before you could even speak to anyone - he was right there, in front of you.
You knew you should have come an hour or more early just to avoid him, but you overslept on accident. So now you were stuck standing their awkwardly as you looked up at him. You gave a small head nod, a sign of acknowledgement but also a sign of not wanting to speak to him.
But you knew Paul was stubborn, always the type to fight until he got what he wanted. So he just stood there and shook his head. "Nope," He said, "You can't ignore me forever. It's been 4 WEEKS (Y/N)."
You were avoiding his gaze, not wanting to look at him after how embarrassing it was to get rejected. You knew it was immature but you genuinely weren't sure how to respond to him, giving him a weak shrug as you kept your head turned away from him.
"(Y/N), please." He said, his hand reached forward and he held your chin gently, pulling your face to look at him. And that's when you saw how sincere he looked, as if he was in pain. His voice didn't convey his emotions, but his eyes surely did.
"What?" You say, not wanting to assume too quickly that he actually missed you as a person, "You want to fuck or something?" Trying to seem tough, as if his words from the weeks before didn't shatter you.
"No." He instantly said, his lack of hesitation made you surprised slightly. "I want to talk, tell you everything."
"About what?" You say, still trying your best to hide the fact that your heart was racing. You desperately wanted it to be good news, but that last time you hoped for good news it ended with you both splitting paths.
"You." He stared at you, "You, for fuck sakes, you. It's all I've thought about since, forever. I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry for being such an idiot when it comes to you. I know that we promised to not catch feelings and just be friends with benefits, but if I'm being honest I fell for you a LONG time ago."
His confession was shocking to you. If he fell for you first then why would he reject you? Why didn't he confess to you first? It was nice to hear him say he liked you back, but you were still lost.
"But I didn't think it was possible because - and I know it's so cheesy and embarrassing but - I know I'm not the best guy out there. So I thought that maybe just staying friends with benefits until I became someone I'm proud of would be smart. So I could be the perfect guy that you deserved and so when you confessed I just didn't feel ready and wanted to seem cool but I ended up sounding like a dick head-"
You cut him off by giving him a tight hug. Although you wanted to kiss him to shut up, his fast rambling made it impossible to get a good spot to kiss him. Your hug around him was tight, as tight as you could possibly give him. Telling him that you didn't care, that you wanted him as he was right now. And that even if he wasn't proud of himself yet, you were.
And he understood perfectly, giving you a tight squeeze back. He couldn't help but smile and kiss the top of your head. His large hands then slipped out of the hug and held both sides of your waist.
"I promise, once we're both not busy, I'll take you out on a nice date - one that's honest." He said, looking at you with a new light in his eyes.
Arthur Leclerc | 65
I'm gonna be so fr I don't know how to redeem Arthur... I've been stuck for weeks...... So if you have ideas, send it! But for now uh, you guys are still broken up LOLLL
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fictionismyreality3 · 6 months
Learned your lesson? (18+)
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Simon Riley x Reader
Tags: Smut, daddy!simon, angry!simon
Warnings: romance and everything that comes with it, thigh riding, daddy kink, face slapping, slight impact play, spanking, face fucking, hair pulling, choking, exhibitionism if you squint
Notes: absolute dEBaUchErY 🤪 but I have no regrets 🤭 gimme a chance and I’d let Simon ruin my-
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In hindsight, the situation you were in was probably your fault.
You hadn’t meant to make Simon angry, and he wasn’t really, but you were being a brat. In your defence, having him away from you all the time got a little lonely, and you could only fuck yourself with the dildo he got you so many times before you started wanting the real thing.
That’s why you had blown up his phone all day, sending him video after video of you fucking yourself in every room of your apartment, moaning his name as you came. In the back of your mind, you knew it was a bad idea, but it felt so deliciously good to imagine his eyes widening as he stood on base and got all your little gifts, especially when you were riding the dildo with his t-shirt on.
Your hands gripped the black marble countertop of your shared bathroom as you bounced your ass back against the wall, the hyper-realistic dildo hitting you just right. When Simon showed up with a clone-a-willy kit in hand before a long deployment, you nearly spat out the soda you were drinking.
“What the fuck is that?” You managed to sputter as you coughed, trying not to spit soda all over the living room carpet.
“Your stress reliever, luv’.” Simon’s eyes sparked behind his balaclava as he chuckled with mirth.
The rest of that night consisted of you whispering in his ear and tracing his neck with your tongue, keeping him hard as you carried out your diy sex toy production.
And now, as you fucked yourself on your clone of Simon’s cock, your phone propped up to record, the dildo did its job, but it wasn’t Simon.
It wasn’t him.
That’s why you made sure to look directly into the camera as you felt the familiar sparks building up in your core, and when you came, you let him know how much you missed him.
What you couldn’t have known, was that the wifi on base was horrendous. You’d think with the budget going towards the military, they could at least invest in a new router, but no. Simon often had to struggle through paperwork, which he already detested, waiting for the tiniest files to load. In your eagerness to tease him, you sent all the videos at once, but couldn’t have known that they’d take ages to get delivered.
By the time they reached their destination, blowing up Simon’s phone all at once, it was hours after you’d initially hit send. It was nearly impossible for him to be away from you as it is. As soon as he saw your face the day you met, he knew that he’d be needing you for the rest of his life.
He didn’t like leaving you and he didn’t like sharing.
Two weeks away from the only reminder of having a normal life was already painstaking. It was the last day on base and Simon was counting down the minutes till he could get home and show you how much he missed you. The time spent rubbing himself in the barracks bathroom, jerking his cock to the thought of you, all it had done was provide temporary relief. He needed the real thing.
He needed to be buried so deep in your tight little cunt that he made himself a part of you with each thrust.
Simon was counting down the minutes as he sat through the last briefing of the day, just a few hours away from getting to let out all his pent up tension, when his phone began to buzz endlessly. His heart spiked, threatening to burst from his throat as he saw the texts from you. Instantly, the worst case scenarios of what could’ve happened ran through his mind. He wasn’t a paranoid man by any means, but when it came to you, the only thing that mattered more that keeping you happy was your safety.
What if something happened? What if you were hurt? What if you’d been taken hostage and someone was sending him videos of you being tortured?
Okay, so, maybe a little paranoid.
Not wanting to wait in agonizing curiosity, he clicked open the attachment.
Within seconds, sounds of your wanton moaning filled the room, your breathy whimpers of his name silencing the rest of the 141 who had been debriefing. All eyes snapped to Simon as he fumbled with his phone, dropping it to the floor in his haste to mute the video. This interrupted Soap’s guffawing, as his eyes locked on the screen, the video of you riding the dildo he got you playing on repeat.
“Jesus Christ, Lt! Tha’ yer woman? She’s a sight to-” Gaz smacked him upside the head as Price tried to avert his eyes, clearing his throat.
“Watch your fuckin’ eyes, Johnny, before I rip ‘em outta your skull.” Simon snapped.
Finally, he managed to switch the video off, but the damage was done. Even though he sat as still as a statue for the rest of the brief, his balaclava hidden face betraying no emotion despite Soap’s repeatedly cheeky comments, Simon was livid.
From the time he first took you, he ruined you for anyone else. Nobody could replace him, nobody could break you or make you scream like he did. But you’d ruined everything else for him too. And just the thought of someone else getting to have you, getting to touch even an inch of your skin, was enough that he had to ball his fists so as not to throttle Johnny’s neck.
He trusted his guys with his life, even if he’d never tell them that. But this was different.
This was you.
While you giggling conspiratorially to yourself, thinking about the fun you’d have with him when he got home, Simon was whiteknuckling the wheel of his truck, trying not to break the speed limit to get home to you faster. His cock was achingly hard as he ran over how he planned to punish you again and again in his mind. You’d love every second of it, he always made sure you did, but he wanted to tease you just like you did him.
This is what he loved about you. How you were so eager to please, but so eager to rile him up, it was the perfect combination to make Simon’s cock scream at him to fuck your pretty throat.
He nearly ran a stop sign imaging cumming in your greedy mouth.
His dirty girl.
His greedy girl. He definitely couldn’t give you the usual treatment this time. The thought of your ass marked up with his handprints after a spanking was tempting, but you would enjoy it far too much. He wanted to see you struggle to get even the slightest bit of relief after the stunt you pulled.
The rumbling of his truck signalled his arrival to your keen ears, and you jumped up from the couch, running to the front door of the cozy house you’d bought together to stand on the porch waiting for him.
Simon got out of his truck. He knew you were standing there, where you always were to welcome him home after a deployment, but he didn’t look at you. Getting his gear bag from the back, he slung it over his shoulders and trudged up the front stairs. His kit was well over 100 pounds, but he still managed to carry it with one hand. The other hand shot out to wrap around your throat, causing you to stumble on your feet.
“Simo-” Your greeting was cut of by your now restricted air supply, and your hands instinctively clawed at his grip on your throat. He didn’t utter a word, only reached around you to open the door, pushing you inside as he followed, closing it with his foot.
You were pinned up against the wall as soon as his gear bag had hit the ground, and you could already hear his ragged breaths.
“D’you have any idea,” He huffed, trying to restrain himself from just fucking you against the wall. “how much shit you’re in for… love?” He ground out the pet name like it took effort for him to keep from swearing even more.
You quickly ran through everything that you could have done wrong in your mind. Sure, you’d been a brat all day, but Simon liked when you were bratty from time to time. Nothing you could think of could explain the tightly contained anger that was rippling off of him.
“What? Did you not like the videos?” You managed to say breathily, the grip on your throat keeping you perched on the edge of loosing your breath. “Did I not like the-” Simon stopped to let out a low, raspy chuckle, his head dropping to the crook of your neck.
“I loved the videos, sweetheart. An’ so did the boys.” He whispered slowly into your ear.
Immediately your face scrunched up as you tried to decipher what he meant.
“What do you mean, Si? I only….oh.” The reality of your mistake hit you all at once.
How could you have forgotten that Simon would probably be around the rest of the 141, not to mention how inept with technology he was. No wonder the rest of the team saw you. Your swirling thoughts were broken up by Simon releasing your throat, only to grab your arm, and roughly drag you over to the couch.
“‘Oh’ is right, luv’.” He murmured as he sat down, pulling you on top of his lap to straddle him. Your hands instinctively went for his balaclava, wanting to take it off and see his face, a permission only you were granted.
Before your fingers could even meet the fabric, Simon was grabbing both your wrists with one hand, pinning them to your lap. You really had poked the bear in all senses of the word. Simon was utterly massive, and he could easily palm any part of you that would take most people two hands to hold.
With his free hand, he pushed his balaclava up so it rested just underneath his nose, his lips free to kiss you. Your stomach was churning with a mix of apprehension and excitement. You knew the look in his eyes, the look he only got when he was going to break you. It was nearly impossible to keep from leaning down and pressing a kiss to his inviting lips, but you knew that you were already in as much trouble as it was.
With the way you were straddling his lap, the thin material of your shorts allowed you to feel his cock growing ridged underneath you. Heat bloomed in your core and Simon’s grip on your wrists suddenly felt electric.
“You’re a greedy cockslut, aren’t you?” He slipped the hand which wasn’t keeping your wrists trapped underneath your shirt. “So desperate you jus’ had to be a brat, hm? Had to let everyone see wha��� a needy girl you are.”
The low, condescending tone of his voice made your head swim, and your breaths began to come faster and faster as he palmed your tits, beginning to play with your nipples. You couldn’t exactly be sorry when he was making you feel so good, but there was still some guilt in the back of your mind for putting him on the spot.
“Simon, I’m-” Simon’s large hand slapped you lightly across the cheek, tugging your hair to refocus your gaze on him. “Don’t fuckin’ call me that.” He pinched your nipple hard, causing you to reel forwards into his chest.
“What’s my fuckin’ name, huh? Only good girls get t’call me Simon.” He dug his fingers into the skin of your wrists, the pain warning you of what would come if you weren’t more obedient.
“…daddy?” You tried quietly.
Simon’s grip on your wrists lessened instantly, and his hands began to tease at your tits again. The whiplash of pain to pleasure was something that he had perfected, and he loved the way you’d bite your lip as you struggled to catch up. All it took was just getting you to call him daddy and he could already feel you melting in his lap, your eyes getting half lidded and foggy.
“That’s right, bunny. And daddy teaches his baby how to behave doesn’t he?” Simon said expectantly, beginning to peel off his t-shirt you were wearing.
“Y-yes, daddy.” The cold air hit your skin, sending a shiver through body as you were left in just your thin pajama shorts, straddling your hulk of a boyfriend. Without the t-shirt in the way, Simon had easy access to your gorgeous tits, and took the opportunity to take a nipple in between his teeth, his other hand running up and down your back.
He was rock hard by now, the feeling of your soft skin on top of him sending his mind into a buzzing haze of desire. All he wanted to do was rut up into that precious pussy of yours and make you cum around his cock. But he had to be patient. He had to make sure you knew what you did wrong.
As soon as he felt you begin to rock your hips, a movement so imperceptible that only those who knew you would realize what you want, he gripped your thighs hard enough to leave bruises. Simon’s eyes were narrowed in warning, and a dark chuckled left his throat.
“You’re so greedy.” He growled, his fingers digging into your thighs. “Show daddy you’re more than jus’ a needy little girl.”
“How, daddy?” You breathed.
A whine fell from your lips as you slipped further away from being rational, your head fuzzy with want as you felt Simon’s cock pressed underneath you.
“Can’t get off without my cock, hm?” He thought back to the videos of you fucking yourself on the dildo he got you. Simon loosened his grip on your hips, allowing you to move, only to shifted you so that he could tear your pajama shorts off. He lifted you slightly so that you were straddling one of his thighs instead.
“You wanna cum s’badly? You need it s’much that you’re a brat?”
“Fuck yourself on my thigh then, luvie.”
Your breath left you in one big whoosh, and the moment Simon gave you permission to move, you were grinding down on his thigh. The fabric of his jeans rubbed against your clit, sending little jolts of pleasure through you.
Simon watched as your eyes got droopy, half opened through your haze of pleasure. He was still angry but right now all he could focus on was how pretty you looked. Your cheeks all flushed from his words and the exertion of grinding on him, your little hands holding onto his shoulders, and the wet spot on your panties.
“That’s it, pretty. Jus’ like that.” He groaned.
His cock felt impossibly hard, raging with need every time he looked at the way your tits bounced. Fumbling with his belt, he pulled his cock out. The noise caught your attention, and you faltered, going to reach for him. You didn’t get very far, because as soon as Simon felt you stop moving, he delivered two quick spanks to your ass.
You cried out in surprise and pain as he fisted one hand in your hair, and the other around his leaking cock. His hands were so big it made him look normal sized, but you knew he was easily almost ten inches.
“Such a whore.” He whispered, pulling your hair so your head was forced back. “Jus’ had t’get my cock in your mouth.”
Simon stroked himself lazily, savouring the wave of heat which coursed through him every time he ran a thumb over his tip. It wasn’t your touch, but it would do for now. Your gaze was forced to the ceiling as Simon kept you locked in position, observing you like his own personal work of art. The sound of his quiet groans filling your ears was torturous knowing you weren’t allowed to touch him. You could feel yourself leaking into his jeans, and knew he no doubt felt it too.
“Are you- oh, gonna be a good girl f’me?” His mouth latched on your exposed neck as he sucked a hickey into your skin, marking you as his. You were panting, practically trembling as he forced you to keep still. Simon was closer than he’d like to admit. It had been weeks since he’d touched you and just seeing you writhing on lap, trying to get whatever friction you could, made his cock leak.
“Say it, bunny.” He rasped into your ear, pressing a kiss to your jaw.
“I’ve learned my lesson, daddy. Please, can I…” You trailed off, afraid that if you asked for his cock you’d seem ever more needy.
But Simon was thrilled.
Having the love of his life, almost naked on his lap, desperate to touch him was like a dream. The hand in your hair pushed your head down, his palm big enough to cover the back of your head.
“Suck.” He growled.
Rubbing the head of his cock along your mouth, demanding entrance, you parted your lips. Simon pushed inside of your mouth, heavy on your tongue as he let out a long, drawn out groan you wished you could have on repeat.
“Shit, sweathear’- oh, fuck..” He hissed. You could feel him twitching in your mouth.
He tried to focus on anything but the warm, wet-
Oh, god.
Simon bucked his hips up and began to fuck into you without warning, sending your hands shooting out to his stomach to catch yourself. His cock hit the roof of your mouth and your throat tightened on reflex as you tried not to gag. You could feel Simon’s nails digging into your scalp as he bobbed your head up and down.
“Sorry, luv’ I jus’,” He squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the feeling of your lips around him. “Been achin’ for you, bunny. All those videos y’sent me.” He moaned, no longer able to keep himself from being gentle.
“Let daddy cum in y’mouth, sweetheart.”
The words flooded your pussy with heat, and Simon took notice of the way you moaned around his cock. He was strict, but he wasn’t cruel, and you had been good so far. Taking a little pity on you, Simon used his free hand to grab your hip, bouncing his leg so you could get a little relief. The sudden stimulation sent your dripping cunt into overdrive, and as Simon rammed his cock into your throat, you began to rut against his thigh.
He would’ve told you to keep your eyes on him, but they looked so pretty rolling back into your head.
“Yeah, yeah jus’ like that.” He said, his voice raspy as he tried to hold himself back. “Be good for daddy. Get close, luv’.”
You didn’t have to try with the way your cunt was clenching around nothing. Every bounce of his leg rubbed your clit against his jeans, and he pushed you further by holding your hip to help you grind against him. You could feel yourself teetering on the edge of release, and Simon knew it too with the way you were moaning around his cock. Every noise you made sent a vibration through him, and he began to fuck your mouth with abandon, his balls tightening in anticipation.
“Oh, god. Oh f-fuck, bunny keep-” He spasmed in your mouth. “Keep suckin’ just like tha’. Daddy’s gonna cum in your pretty lil’ mouth.”
His words made your head spin. The only thought on your mind was drawing as much pleasure from him as you could, so you took his balls in your hand, rolling them a few times to push him over the edge. Your core was fluttering with need as you rutted against Simon’s leg, which he kept bouncing, hitting your swollen clit mercilessly. It was too much for both of you after weeks without each other.
Simon’s hand left your hip so he could tangle both hands in your hair, the need for his own pleasure taking over. You managed to glance up, wanting to see his face as he came.
“Luvie.. luvie, oh sweatheart.” His mouth hung open as he let out a noise he didn’t know he could make. The sight of you grinding desperately against his thigh tipped him over the edge.
“Oh, fuck. Bun-”
Ropes of hot, thick cum shot down your throat, filling your mouth and spilling past your lips. The taste of Simon on your tounge was enough to break you. Your mind shattered as you began rutting on his thigh, not caring how needy you looked, the heat in your pussy sent you spiralling. Your orgasm hit you like a freight train, and you gushed all over Simon’s leg as he pressed himself so deep into your mouth that your nose hit his stomach.
He sent the last of his load down your throat and pulled your head up as you gasped for air. The world was fuzzy, but you felt two big, strong arms pulling you up from where you’d collapsed forward onto Simon’s stomach.
Taking you into his lap, he ran a hand through your hair as he rubbed your back in slow, comforting circles. His cock lay resting against his stomach, big even when it was getting soft. Simon’s hand found your chin and he turned your gaze to his, helping you come back to reality by taking off his balaclava to let you see his face.
“Did so good f’me, pretty.” He pressed a kiss to your nose, making you giggle.
“Thank you, daddy.” You managed to say, your eyes getting droopy as sleepiness began to creep in.
“I think you learned your lesson, sweetheart.” He mused, noticing your breaths begin to slow. “Jus’ rest here, luv’.”
“Daddy’s got you.”
Simon watched with reverence as your head rested against his shoulder, your flushed cheeks making you look even cuter than you did choking on his cock. This was good. This was right. He’d take care of you forever, he knew it from the moment he saw you. You didn’t realize yet, but you had one hell of a guardian angel on your side.
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diorsluv · 10 months
feather , part 5
“ then you pull back ”
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( socialmedia!au )
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liked by rutgermcgroarty, _alexturcotte, trevorzegras, and 45,886 others
yourusername what a fancy vintage car ⁉️
view all comments
colecaufield do you ever take insta pics where you’re looking directly at the camera 🙃
→ jamie.drysdale MAYBE YOU’RE JUST UGLY
username24 i’m down HORRENDOUS for this woman
lhughes_06 wow the color of the car really makes your eyes pop
→ dylanduke25 are you dumb
→ mackie.samo bro u can’t even see her eyes in the pics
→ _alexturcotte istg this kid
→ yourusername thank u lukey 😭😭
trevorzegras okay hear me out
→ yourusername no.
→ yourusername immediate no
→ _quinnhughes this is why you’re my favorite drysdale yourusername
username79 now tell me she isn’t the most beautiful girl in the world
username6 god if only i lived in michigan
luca.fantilli he’s asking for a close up of your face
→ yourusername what who 💀
→ luca.fantilli u know who
→ markestapa he says he doesn’t wanna say anything bc then it’ll just reveal who he is 😂😂
→ edwards.73 it’s luke dumbasses
this reply has been deleted
→ username25 DID HE DELETE IT?
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liked by edwards.73, mackie.samo, lhughes_06, and 37,993 others
yourusername bc cole thinks i don’t take full face pics 😒😒😒 (are u happy now???????)
jamie.drysdale you’ve had those earmuffs since you were like 10
→ yourusername NO they’re new ☹️
→ jamie.drysdale clearly you’ve gotten too attached to your 10 year old style choices 😬
→ yourusername why are you being so mean all of a sudden 😔😔
colecaufield OKAY i said you didn’t take pics of your face whatsoever, not full face pics
→ yourusername ARE. U. HAPPY. NOW?!?!?!?!?!
→ colecaufield YES I’M HAPPY GOOD GOD
username64 i need the makeup tut rn
username73 she’s so petty i love it
dylanduke25 cole’s not the only one that’s happy
→ yourusername oh my god this better not be about who i think it is
adamfantilli did you dye your hair lighter or am i going blind
→ yourusername you’re going blind
→ yourusername not too good for your hockey career babe
→ jamie.drysdale BABE????
→ yourusername NO NOT LIKE THAT OMFG jamie.drysdale
→ jamie.drysdale you better treat my sister right. 🙂🙂 adamfantilli
→ adamfantilli no no no it’s not like that i swear
→ dylanduke25 i take it back, cole’s the only one that’s happy now
→ yourusername DUKER STOP
next chapter notes ) i’m enjoying these a little too much 🤭 always gotta add in those little luke moments for yall AND WHEN I TELL YOU I LOVE THISSSSSS (jk i came back after i wrote it and i kinda hate it) and i said i’d be gone for finals week but.. i’m speeding through these bc they’re too fun so i’m choosing to feed yall 🤍🤍🤍
284 notes · View notes
xoxomoonlightxoxo · 2 months
The Girl That Disappeared | Suspect #2 JJK
⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢  
✧ Synopsis: It was a gloomy Friday evening when you felt the mists of melancholy pulse through your veins, aching body floating above the deep water. Squeezing your eyes shut, your lips trembled with fear. You didn’t want to die, but you sure as hell didn’t want to live. Not in this town. Not with the people in it. So, why don’t you just disappear? Leave them to search for the remnants of who you had been before you realised that life is more painful than death. Park Jimin. Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook. Best-friend, step-brother, and an ex-lover. Although their paths had never crossed before that gloomy Friday evening, their names, printed in bold, now remained on the top of the suspect list. Stories entangled in your mystery.
✧ w/c: 6.1k ✧ a/n: a lot is going on here but please let me know what you think, mwuah 💓 ✧ taglist: @kookieandjoonberries @whoa-jo @taevestr @smoljimjim @kookxin
@11thenightwemet11 @xumyboo @kingofbodyrolls @jksusawife
“Y/n-ah! I’m leaving, please turn on the security,” your mother’s voice echoed from the entrance as you heard the front door close. She was working on-call today, and while it seemed like you finally had an opportunity to spend some quality time together, the hospital rang her in for an emergency operation at the last minute. 
“Okay, love you,” you yelled from your room, picking up the laundry off the floor before heading downstairs. No one was home. Mr. Kim had a night shift and wouldn’t be back until later and only God knew where Taehyung was. 
Scrolling through your phone, you smiled at the photos Jimin sent you from his parent’s ranch house. It’s been a week since he left, and you couldn’t help but miss him. The two of you haven’t gone this long without seeing each other, so it felt weird not being able to call him over. 
“Y/n, it’s so nice here, you would’ve loved it,” he smiled through the phone, resting his head on the soft pillow. 
“I bet,” you whined. 
“Next time, you’re coming with me, okay? There’s this waterfall I’ve been dying to show you,” 
“Okay … I missed you Jimin-ah,” your voice broke, glossy eyes looking down at the teddy bear he got for your birthday. 
“Y/n-ie, you know I missed you more,” Jimin moved in closer, placing a kiss on his front camera as you glanced up.
“Now, get some sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, mmhm,”
“Goodnight,” you whispered with a little wave. 
“Sleep tight, angel,” 
He never called after that. All your attempts went straight to voicemail. It was strange, Jimin always valued communication, and never was the type to let you wonder about his whereabouts. Kept you posted even with a little “k”, just to signify that he got the message. But, now, it felt like he was gone. Vanished into thin air, like nothing happened. And, it killed you knowing that you couldn’t do anything about it. 
The clock read 7 am on the dot, which meant that you still had about two hours till the first bell. It was the first day of your period and your cramps were horrendous, to say the least. They’re usually a pain in the ass but never this bad. Looking through the medicine cabinet you rummaged past the bandaids and the gummy vitamins before remembering that Taehyung took the last Ibuprofen for his headache last night. It was ironic how little painkillers you had in the house, knowing that your mom was a doctor. But, it’s because she always preached the importance of letting your body heal naturally. Science could only get you so far, I guess? 
Zipping up your windbreaker, you grabbed your wallet and keys before heading outside to the local grocery store until the sound of a slammed door left you frozen in your tracks. It came from upstairs. Looking up at the dark corridor you turned on the lights, following the breeze seeping through the cracks of your room. 
“Taehyung?” you called, hands hovering over the doorknob. No one answered. Why would they? You were the only one in the house, right? 
“Taehyung, if this is one your stupid jok-” you whispered again before facing the empty room. 
No sight of Taehyung, but your window was open, which explained the door. The only problem was that you didn’t remember opening it in the first place. Nonetheless, you would gladly accept this version of the incident over the possibility of some paranormal activity. One problem at a time, please. 
So, you shut your blinds and went back downstairs to turn off the security system before grabbing your bike from the garage. You didn't have a licence, and only got your learners about a month ago, so if no one was home you had to resort to another form of transportation. 
You didn’t mind biking though. Found it rather therapeutic. Loved the alone time it allowed for without the bombardment of life and its constant obstacles. Just you and your thoughts. And, although there was a bit of a fog, it was clear enough to see where you were going. So, you buckled your helmet and went off on your journey to secure some Ibuprofen. 
Exiting the gated community, you biked through the local primary school, passing by a parking lot of sleep-deprived parents rushing to work after dropping off their little ones. It was getting a bit chilly as the wind picked up, so you stopped to put on some mittens and a hat before glancing back at the rustling sound behind the corner. 
Again, no one answered. But, that didn’t stop the chills running down your spine, remembering the incident earlier at home. Looking down at your watch, you gasped at the 20 minutes that had already passed, yet, you were nowhere near the grocery store. So, it was time to focus. 
Biking down the empty road, your eyes were scattered across the painted scenery. The old brick houses and the tall trees. The rusted mailboxes and the garden gnomes. It all felt so nostalgic. So close to your heart, as if tethered by the strings of your past. But, the feeling was short-lived. Consumed by the eerie melancholy inching up your skin as you felt someone's presence behind you. 
This time, you weren’t wrong. Covered from head to toe, it looked like a man. Keeping a civil distance, he followed your turns. Left. Right. Straight. Right. Left. Straight. Coincidence or not, this wasn’t a common path that people took. Not many knew of the shortcut. So, you began to speed up, feeling the adrenaline kick in once he did the same. Now, it was a chase. 
Pushing through the burning pain in your calves you picked up the pace, feet firm on the pedals. He didn't pity your fatigue, only fueled it more by inching closer before the two of you were riding side-by-side. Keeping an eye on his uncanny demeanour, you flinched at the sound of a car horn blast through your trembling state as a white Honda glared past you, pointing at the stop sign. 
“I'm sorry,” you whispered under your breath. 
“You're fast,” the man scoffed, tilting his head with a sly grin. That's all you could see. 
“Who are you?” you yelled, voice trembling in panic. 
“I’ll give you a head start, mmhm?” he sneered, changing the gears on his bike. 
Feeling the tightness in your throat, you were gasping for air, dilated pupils scanning the surroundings for help. Unfortunately, as if praying on your downfall, the street was empty. Not a soul in sight. So, you pressed on the pedals, leaving the man in the dust as you prayed that the next turn led to people. 
Gas station. Bingo. 
Hoping off your bike you bolted towards the door. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” the cashier yelled out, furrowed gaze searching the panic on your face. You could feel the flush rise up your cheeks, but the absence of Mr. X occupied your mind. 
“I’m so sorry,” you mouthed, clearly out of breath before dialling Jimin’s phone number. It was like second nature. You didn’t even realise it until your call went straight to voicemail. 
“Oh, right,” a sigh escaped your lips, remembering that he was still MIA.
Looking through your contacts, there was only one more person you could call. But, the possibility of them actually agreeing to help you was as slim as your waist after all that exercise. Nonetheless, you took a deep breath and pressed the call button. 
“What do you want, y/n?” he scoffed. 
“Right. So, potentially … if you could … would you mind picking me up from the gas station near River Banks?” you whispered, careful with every word as you anticipated his response. 
“Potentially, screw you. What the fuck did you lose there?” 
“It’s kind of a long story but I do need to be at school in about half an hour,” 
“Can I even say no?”
“Last time I checked it was a free country but a dangerous one at that. So, if I'm kidnapped, my blood is on your hands,” 
“You and that victim mentally of yours go way back, huh?” 
“Please, Taehyung. I’ve never asked you for a favour before,” 
“Fine, give me 10 minutes,” he sighed, ending the call before you could even thank the guy. 
The car ride home was quiet. No radio. Windows rolled up. Silence. 
“So, you’re really not gonna tell me?” Taehyung asked with an arched brow, glancing at your stiff form as the light turned red. 
You’ve never been good at lying. Even if your mouth stayed shut, your face would’ve revealed it all. Essentially, there was no running away from the truth in your case. 
“Well … no one was home and I needed medicine so I decided to bike to the grocery store,” you began explaining, avoiding his eyes. 
“And then …” you paused, hesitating the next part. What if Mr. Kim finds out? What if you were blowing this out of proportion? 
“Y/n. You’re making me angry. Just say it,” he scolded, pressing on the pedal. 
“Sorry. Um, so yeah … I was biking and then out of nowhere this man started following me. So, I tried losing him by taking different turns but … ended up getting lost,” 
“You were followed?” there was a slight change in Taehyung’s voice. Less sarcastic, more intrigued. 
“I guess?” 
“Well, did you see what he looked like?” 
“Not, really. He was covered from head to toe. Except …” you gasped, eyes shut as your brain scavenged through its short-term memory, recalling the moment at the stop sign. 
“The side of his mouth was … bruised like he got punched or something?” you leaned back into the seat, fidgeting with your rings while Taehyung merged onto the right lane. He was too focused on the road to hear what you said, but as you glanced at his face your eyes widened, spotting the same purple marks. 
“What?” he growled, furrowed gaze glaring back at your parted lips. 
“Nothing.” you chuckled awkwardly, reaching for the radio before his cold hand touched yours. 
“Look me dead in the eyes and tell me.” he sneered, interlocking his fingers with yours. You’ve known each other for almost a year, yet, your shoulders have never even grazed past each other. So, this was strange, to say the least. 
“Tell you what?” you said hushly, gulping down the nerves as he levelled his face to meet your scattering eyes. 
“That you’re scared,” 
“I’m not,” you scoffed, feeling the flush in your cheeks. 
“Good. Because why the fuck would it be me, you dumbass.” his voice got louder with each word, throwing your hand back before rolling down the windows. Finally. Some fresh air. 
Why would it be him, y/n? You weren’t his favourite but, this was too much. Taehyung was a straightforward person, if he hated you he would say it to your face. So, these mind games were really not his thing. But, then again, what’s up with the bruised lip? 
Fixing your uniform you walked into the brightly lit classroom. First period. Physics. No one was in their seats, let alone bothered by the fact that the teacher was almost 10 minutes late. Placing your books on the desk you looked over at the empty seat beside you. Jimin was still gone. No one has heard from him in weeks. 
Bing Bing
Rampaging through your backpack you searched for your phone. You didn’t have time to properly pack because Taehyung was counting down the minutes before he threatened to drive off, so you just threw everything in hoping to fix it during your free period. Scrolling through the notifications your eyes focused on the text message from an unknown number. 
“I missed you.” you mouthed under your breath.
“Sorry everyone, the meeting took a bit longer,” Mr. Choi chuckled softly, speed-walking into the room before ushering everyone to their seats. 
“I missed you?” you whispered again, eyebrows knitted with confusion. Was it Jimin? Did he change his number? 
“Nonetheless, I am pleased to introduce our new transfer student …” 
You couldn’t recognize the area code, so you tried looking it up on the internet but found nothing useful. Was this some kind of a scam? An innocent prank, maybe? 
“Jeon Jungkook” Mr. Choi’s voice suddenly echoed in your ears making you glance up at the dark-haired boy standing in front of the class. Interestingly, he was already looking at you. Hooded gaze focused on the way your demeanour changed completely. 
“Jungkook, feel free to take any empty seat,” 
Bowing to the man, he did exactly that. Slowly passing by the first three rows before stopping by the seat next to you. Nodding his head, he seemed pleased with the pick. 
“Oh, no sorry, Jungkook-ah, that seat belongs to another student,” Mr. Choi called out with a smile that quickly faded as he watched him sit regardless. 
“There’s plenty of options. I’m sure they’ll find another one,” Jungkook muttered with a sly grin, taking out his books before turning his attention to your widened eyes. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, y/n,” he rasped against your hair, gently tucking it behind your ear to fix the back of your collar. His dark orbs flickered down to your parted lips, sending shivers down your spine.
The first kiss you shared with Jungkook was between your eyes. The way his furrowed gaze softened upon seeing you walk down the wooden stairs of your childhood home, in the lavender dress he bought for your birthday. The way he nervously nibbled on his lip ring before caressing the back of your hand, fingers intertwined with yours. Everything about him was gentle when it came to you. The way his warm embrace moulded into yours, as you grew to share the same breath, the same heartbeat. One singularity in the form of two lovers. 
He filled the void your father left as you failed to please his expectations. The ones only a son could bear. The nights you spent crying in your room, wishing that your mother didn’t have to suffer the humiliation of raising a daughter, Jungkook was there. Like a knight in shining armour, he always saved you. Hoped to give you the future you deserve if you promised to share it with him. The two of you were inseparable. Attached by the hip. 
Until, one day, you weren’t. 
It’s been a week since Jungkook transferred schools. His seat still next to you. Inches away from the past that tethered your souls. You didn’t talk much. Mentally exhausted from the consequences. But, his eyes. They never lied. Sneaking glimpses across the room, watching your every move. He wanted you to give in, to tell him why you left. Help him understand how someone so close could betray his trust, his loyalty, his love. Jungkook didn’t hate you, wouldn’t let anyone get too close, but he was hurt. You could see it in his eyes. The same eyes that onces sparkled under the shimmering lights of the night sky when you shared your first kiss.
Dipping your feet into the pool you wanted to test the water before running through the new drill your coach crafted for the upcoming swim meet. To put it lightly, it was freezing. Goosebumps all over your skin, nipples cut through glass type of freezing. You would think a school with such a budget could afford a heated pool but beggars can’t be choosers. So, you tucked your hair under the swim camp and started on some stretches. 
“One … two … three …” you breathed out, counting the reps before glancing up at the flickering lights. School ended about an hour ago, so the place was pretty empty except for the janitors and a few teachers who stayed back to work on some grading. There was no practice today, but you had a spare key to the pool, so it was just you and the water. 
“Hello?” you called out, covering yourself with the towel. No response. 
“Sorry, this is a closed practice,” you shouted out again, hearing footsteps coming from the changing rooms. 
The lights went out. Goosebumps covered your skin, heart beat through the roof. Now what? 
“This isn't funny. Turn the lights back on!”
No one answered, but the footsteps inched closer. You could sense that they were near but it was too dark to make out a figure. Then, he chuckled. Subtle but devious chuckle. Like it was all premeditated. 
“Where is it?” a voice echoed, bouncing off the four walls. It was familiar. 
“Jungkook? Is that you?” you gasped, looking over your shoulder, hands trembling in fear.  
“Where is it, y/n?” his tone was firm. 
“Where's what?” 
“Don't act dumb, love,” he sneered, hands hovering over your waist making you flinch at the sudden feeling. The smell of his vanilla musk lingered in the air as you matched each other’s breathing, skin to skin. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whispered, chest heaving up from the tension. 
“Where’s my baby?” he rasped against your ear pushing your frail body into the water as his hold around your waist tightened. Eyes squeezed shut, you began to kick him off of you. But he was stronger, assertive, more needy. Gasping for air you felt the water seep into your lungs, nails digging into his skin as a warning to bring you back to the surface.  
However, once you were up, he would have more questions. Questions you didn’t have the heart to answer. But, Jungkook deserved to know the truth, even if it hurt. Because, deep down, your father’s abuse wasn’t the only reason you left. 
You didn’t remember much of that night thanks to the five whiskey shots that pulsed through your veins. Intoxicated your system till you became numb. Unaware of the dangers around you and vulnerable to those with bad intentions. Until it was too late. 
“Stop … please …” you whimpered, flinching at the feeling of his tongue on your breast. Parted lips leaving a trail of wet kisses down your stomach, wrists red from his tight hold as your arms stayed pinned over your head. But your cries for help were as worthless as the consent he never got. 
Until the door slammed open and Jungkook’s irate gaze saw your lifeless body buried under the weight of another man. No amount of restraint could hold him back. He was flammed with rage. 
“Y/n!” Jungkook growled, pushing the guy onto the floor as blood covered his fist. And, as the four walls caved in, your world fell apart. 
But, you could barely open your eyes, let alone get up. Too ashamed to move anyways and the migraine only made it worse. Searching for your top your heart ached with pain once you saw Jungkook’s hollow orbs swelled with tears as he wiped the blood off his face. He looked defeated, almost as unconscious as the man on the floor. Stepping over the body with one hand on his side he whimpered, biting down the pain in his ribs before covering you with his jacket. 
“We have to go.” he muttered, picking you up bridal style. 
“Koo, we can’t just leave him,” you yelled out, worried gaze searching his pale face. 
“It’s nothing fatal, he’ll be fine,” Jungkook scoffed, feeling the tightness in his throat as he glanced down at your saddened eyes.
Tension consumed the air. It was suffocating. 
“Jungkook, please slow down.” you exclaimed, tightening your hold on the seatbelt. And, although his glare was focused on the road, he couldn’t hear you. Too occupied by the burning pit in his stomach. It didn’t take long until the dashboard flashed warning signals as his speed reached 200 km/h. You were virtually flying. Yet, there was no end to his high. 
Reaching for his cold hand you tried to snap him out of it before the car suddenly stopped. 
“Oh, shit!” Jungkook yelled out, protecting you from the impact, as your body swung forward. 
Eyes squeezed shut, your hands trembled in fear. He hit someone. You hit someone. Fidgeting with your seatbelt you desperately tried to get out and help the crouched man on the ground. He wasn’t bleeding but his skin looked burnt. 
“Y/n!” Jungkook jerked you back, tightening his hold on your arm as he pressed on the pedal. 
“What are you doing? We have to go back!” you yelled with a furrowed gaze. 
“Jungkook!” you threw a few hits at his chest, reaching for the steering wheel as the car swerved along the bumpy road. 
You couldn’t recognize him. He never raised his voice at you. Barely ever argued. But, now, Jungkook felt so distant. So cold. 
“Fine.” you whispered, digging your nails into your palms. It felt like a nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. Stuck in a maze of despair, robbed of peace and the possibility that it was all in your head. That none of it was real. 
But it was. And, it would only get worse. 
Unlocking his front door, Jungkook stepped aside, letting you go first, hesitant with his touch. Furrowed gaze fixated on the ground, his head hung low, heavy with thoughts. Tucking onto the ankle straps of your heels you hissed out of frustration, vision blurring in and out of focus. 
“I can do it myself.” you scoffed, as he bent down to help. You didn’t mean to sound rude but there’s only so much one can endure before the sun sets. It was exhausting. 
“I know you can but let me,” he muttered softly.
And, for a moment there was silence. No words were exchanged. No one knew what to say. Feared that something else would go wrong. But your eyes, they were screaming. 
“Koo?” you whispered, caressing his cheek as he inched closer, burying his face into the warmth of your palm. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Jungkook blurted, gripping your dress. 
You weren’t his first love but you were his first love. And, he promised to always keep you safe, fight for the beating of your heart until the air was stripped away from his lungs. But, he failed. 
“I’m sorry for letting you get hurt” his voice was quiet, shaky. Glossy eyes looking up at your trembling lips. 
“Baby, you saved me.” you exclaimed softly, pulling him into your embrace, feeling the tension in his body slowly dissipate. 
“Nothing happened, right?” he whispered into your skin. 
“Nothing,” you said hushly. 
To be honest, you didn’t remember what happened. Only the scars remained witness, your body painted like a canvas with purple hues of abuse. But, nothing happened, right? 
“How do you know about the baby?” you questioned with an arched brow, trying your best to stay afloat as Jungkook inched closer. 
“Oh, y/n, you always underestimated the power of a small town. News here spreads faster than wildfire.” he grinned, resting his hands on your waist before your back hit the concrete. 
That night, when you layed on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, the puzzle pieces began to come together. Something did happen. Something that didn’t belong to Jungkook. You were raped and on very thin ice with your father who was ready to kick you out of the house if you didn’t oblige his threats. The ones that entailed getting rid of the baby, and clearing up the family name. But, you couldn’t bear to lose someone so close, so innocent. 
So, you didn’t. You hid the pregnancy from everyone. Of course, your mom knew but you didn’t want to risk getting her into trouble with your father, whose behaviour worsened with each fight. Completely unhinged, he couldn’t be stopped.
But, when he slammed you against the kitchen cabinet while you stood in front of your mother’s trembling body you finally felt it. The striking pain in your abdomen that travelled up your pelvis and into your back. The pooling of blood that rolled down your leg, marking your clothes with the loss of your baby. And every day since then, you wondered. Wondered what life would feel like without the constant longing to be whole again. 
“And, hey, thanks for this,” Jungkook teased with a sly wink, parading the dove necklace Mr. Kim gifted you for your graduation. 
“Give it back Jungkook, this isn’t funny.” you snapped, reaching for his hand before his hold on your waist tightened, pulling you in. 
“You stole something from me, now it’s my turn,” he rasped against your ear, nibbling on the soft skin. Inches apart, his heavy gaze flickered down to your lips. 
“Hmm, I haven’t swam in a while but I think I can make the team, right captain?” Jungkook glanced up, searching your furrowed expression. 
Unfortunately, he did make the team. If you couldn’t tell already, he was a crowd favourite. Always managed to get what he wanted, even with minimal effort. Simply put, life just seemed to work out for Jungkook. 
So, when the team went on to win the Nationals your coach decided to splurge and take everyone out for the weekend. Nothing special. Just a trip to the next town over. He rented a bus, but if you had a ride you could just meet everyone there. Sadly, both your mom and Mr. Kim were busy with work and Taehyung closed the door on you when you asked, so that seemed like a hard pass.
“Damn, Mr. Lim couldn't wait till sunrise?” your friend teased as the two of you waited by the school entrance. It was just shy of 7 am, but the sky was grey and foggy. 
“That's what I'm saying. I couldn't even sleep yesterday,” you scoffed, feeling the puffiness around your eyes. Something about the little getaway fueled your nervous system to stay alert the whole night. Was it excitement? Fear?Anxiousness? Only time will tell. 
“It's fine, in about 5 minutes we should already be hitting the road. And, hey, I brought the book you asked for,” she exclaimed, digging through her bag. 
“Nice! Fair warning though, I will be taking my beauty slumber as soon as we get on or else I might just die,” the two of you chuckled before collecting your stuff noticing the bus turn into the school parking lot. 
Heading up the stairs you were welcomed by an older gentleman. 
“Hel-” his words were cut off by the shouting outside. 
“Sorry, could you excuse me for a second?” you giggled awkwardly, turning back to see who was making all that noise.
“Y/n, get in. I'll drive.” Jungkook urged with no hesitation, patting the passenger seat. 
“That's not necessary,” you scoffed, arms crossed over your chest. 
“That wasn't a question.” a sly grin covered his face. 
Parking his Mercedes in front of the bus, you looked back at the old man who was busy checking in the other students to notice Jungkook’s stubborn act. Well, shit. 
“Fine.” you muttered, ushering him to open the trunk.
As promised, you fell asleep almost immediately, suppressing the daunting feeling inside your chest. Jungkook didn’t mind, and kept as quiet as possible, reclining your seat before covering you with his jacket. It was better that the two of you didn’t speak. This gave him the perfect opportunity to look at you without being threatened. 
The drive was supposedly only 4 hours, but the rain lengthened the process. 
“Hhmm?” you flinched from the sound of hail hitting the glass window. 
“Sleep well?” Jungkook whispered, glancing at your drowsy eyes. 
“Yeah,” you muttered, stretching your back. 
“Are you hungry? We will have to stop at a motel, it’s too dangerous to drive.” 
“Alright. Let me just text Yuri then,” you said, unzipping your bag. 
“No need, I already let Mr. Lim know,” he winked, pulling into the parking lot. 
Mother Nature was pissed and decided to take it out on all of us. So, it wasn’t long until the two of you were drenched from head to toe. 
“Quickly, let’s go!” Jungkook exclaimed, grabbing your hand before locking the car. 
The place wasn’t brand new, per se, but it served its purpose. As soon as you walked in, you were welcomed by what could only be described as a parade of taxidermy deer heads mounted onto the wall with a complimentary coffee station by the corner. 
“I'll be right with you!” a female voice echoed from the back room. 
Glancing at the water dripping down your face Jungkook chuckled, pulling you in to wipe the excess with his sleeve. 
“You okay?” he hummed, levelling his head until your eyes met. 
“Cold,” you muttered, nibbling on your lip before turning him back towards the front desk. 
“Right, so sorry for the wait. What can I do for you, dear?” an older woman exclaimed with a soft smile. 
“Oh, no worries at all! We’re just looking for a room for the night,” Jungkook explained, pulling out his wallet. 
“Of course! Are you two a couple by any chance?” she giggled, dimples popping out on both cheeks as your mouth dropped. 
“Oh, n-” you scoffed before his glare pierced through you. 
“Shhh, let her finish, love,” 
“Well, it’s just that Saturdays are usually our couple specials. You get a 30% discount!” she clapped, admiring what you assumed she thought to be the epitome of young love standing in front of her. 
“Lucky us, then,” Jungkook clapped as well, inching your stiff body closer to make it more believable.
“Go us!” you smiled awkwardly, patting his chest before whispering something in his ear. Don’t get too excited. 
Placing a gentle peck on your forehead he grabbed the bags, following the sweet lady towards your room. 
“Alrighty, here it is! If you need anything I’m just a call away.” 
“Thank you!” the two of you said in unison, unlocking the door. 
One bed. 
“So, how is it?” Jungkook asked, laying out his jacket on the cabinet to dry. 
“You’re sleeping on the floor.” a teasing chuckle escaped your parted lips. 
“The rain will stop soon. I doubt we’ll even need the bed,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. 
“What? We wasted all that money for nothing?”  
“Well, first of all, I paid. And, we got a discount, remember?” 
“I'm sorry. I'll pay you back,” your gaze lowered from the sudden guilt, fingers fidgeting with your rings. 
“Are you kidding? I would pay triple to spend more time with you,” his tone was genuine, pupils dilated at your timid state. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered. 
“If only you knew how much I missed it,” he tilted his head back on the wall, nibbling on his lip ring. 
“Hearing you say my name,”
“I thought we hated each other,” you muttered, folding your hands over your chest.
“You did. I just loved the thrill of it,” 
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t miss it too. In hindsight, your feelings were always suppressed but obvious to the naked eye. To his eyes. However, just because you miss something, doesn’t mean you have to go back. Sometimes, the door is better off closed. Hidden deep in your subconscious mind, buried under a pile of broken promises. 
“I’m going to shower.” you blurted in a hurry, walking past him to avoid the thoughts running through your head. 
The water was cold no matter which way the faucet turned, so you had to be quick unless catching hypothermia was on the list of things Mr. Lim wanted you to experience over this trip. If so, then you were ahead of the game. 
Wrapping yourself with a towel you washed off your makeup, combing your hair with a detangling brush before getting startled by the swinging of the door, hitting your side. 
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” 
“Sorry, it’s cold,” Jungkook whined, welcoming himself in. 
“Did you try putting on a shirt?” you scoffed, eyeing his naked chest before his furrowed gaze caught you red-handed. 
“It’s wet, smartass. And, I didn’t want to put new clothes on before showering.” 
“Well, go stand over there and face the wall,”
“Are you shy?” he teased, leaning on the counter. 
“Well, I’m not comfortable.” you hissed, tightening the fabric around your body. 
“I’ve seen you naked plenty of times, y/n,” Jungkook grinned, eyes squeezed shut as if reminiscing the good old days. 
“You don’t have to remind me. I'll be taking that sin to the grave,” 
But it was too late. Lips inches apart, your chest heaved up from the intensity of his heavy gaze, eyeing your form from top to bottom. Tilting your chin with his fingers, he leaned closer. 
“We can’t,” you blurted, hands hovering over his chest. 
“No?” he glanced at your scattering eyes, pressing your palm against his burning skin. 
“What about Soojin?” 
“What about her?” 
“Seems like you guys were hitting it off pretty well,” you hissed, looking past his glare. 
“Meh … not my type,” Jungkook scoffed, eyes flickering down your lips.
“Oh, really?” 
“Why? Was y/n jealous?” he said with a sly grin, tracing his fingers up your thigh. 
“Soojin, is not your type? Ha! Hard to believe when she was all over you a few days ago.” your tone was low, annoyed at the whole thing. You were jealous. Fine. Whatever. Moving right along. 
“Hmm, is that so? Then what does that say about us? If I leave a trail of kisses down your neck, does that mean you're my type?” he whispered in your ear, pulling your body onto the counter before finding himself between your legs. 
“I'm not your type,” you chuckled, ignoring the obvious tension. 
“I could've been a dad by now and you're questioning if you're my type? Really?” Jungkook teased, resting his forehead on yours.  
“Jungkook, the baby wasn’t yours.” you said firmly, palms holding his face to make sure he was paying attention. 
“But, it was yours. And, what’s yours is mine. Isn’t that right?” he winked, fingers intertwined with yours. Then it happened. The long-awaited kiss. And, although you knew this wasn’t the best of your decisions, you didn’t mind revisiting this door, at least for the time being.
Until that night. The night in the forest. When a locked door was the only thing separating you and Jungkook. 
“Call him. Let's see if he actually cares,” you could see the grin smear across the man’s masked face, as your blood-shot eyes swelled with tears. 
Hands tied behind your back, you watched him press the call button, turning the phone towards you before resting his knife right under your chin. 
“Jungkook!” you cried out with a shaky voice.
Ring Ring 
“Oh, shit, where’s my phone,” Jungkook exclaimed, patting his pockets before reaching for the glove compartment. 
“What the fuck?”
His eyes widened. It was you. Rather, snapshots of you. One’s that he had no recollection of taking. But, they looked strange. As if you also weren’t aware of them being captured. 
Call from 647-568-0349. Call from y/n-ie❤️ 
An automated voice broadcasted through the speaker system set up in his garage.
“Y/n?” Jungkook yelled out, bolting towards the locked door. 
“Jungkook … please …” you whimpered, feeling the tip of the knife poke into your skin as your chest heaved up.   
“What the fuck? Why won’t it open?” Jungkook growled, fidgeting with the knob before banging on the wooden door. But, no one was home. 
“Please … please … pick up.”
Running back into his car, he turned on the engine, scattering eyes looking back at the empty driveway until the garage door began closing on its own. 
And within seconds, he was trapped. No way in or out. But, the engine was still on, running inside the confined space. Gaseous fumes slowly intoxicating the air he was forced to breathe. 
“Fucking hell.” Jungkook coughed, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie. 
“Please …” you kept trying, hoping to hear his sweet voice on the other line. Completely naive to the carbon monoxide that was now spreading through his lungs. 
“Help!” he cried out, feeling the tightness in his throat. 
“Jungk-” you gasped, widened eyes glaring back at the masked man. 
“Tsk … what a shame.” he sneered, ending the call abruptly before piercing through the phone.
“Oh, angel, it’s okay. We can wait if you wish. Hopefully, his lungs don’t collapse,” he rasped against your hair, cold touch sending shivers down your back as you felt your heart sink.
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 6 months
KINDRED — 40 (finale)
It’s your final year of highschool, and your only goal is to graduate top of your cohort, as usual. Except as student council president, your advisor can’t seem to leave you alone. What happens when you take Decelis Academy’s top student, their star athlete and put them in front of a camera?
written (2.7k words)
❥・• episode 40 — her entire being is lovable
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The week after Jungwon’s competition, the two of you slip back into the usual programming of studying together after school, despite the documentary having ceased filming. It's a curious irony, isn't it? Now liberated from the suffocating grip of your mother's expectations, free to pursue your own desires, yet you find yourself still tethered to your books, for she was right when she says you can’t go anywhere without decent grades. 
You also don’t know what else to do in school besides studying. The library, with its quiet embrace, has become your refuge, a familiar haven and a place where you seek clarity amidst the chaotic excuse you call your current predicament. With your resignation as student body president, all that remains is the race against time until your college entrance exams.
"Y/N, sorry for being late!" Jungwon's voice breaks through the quiet murmur of the library as he settles beside you in your customary corner. You offer him a shy smile, basking in the familiar scent of his cologne that wraps around you like a comforting blanket.
"I finished a whole chapter waiting for you," you tease gently, knowing full well that he'll feel a twinge of guilt for keeping you waiting, only for you to feel bad for making him feel bad. And now you’re both feeling guilty and he’s demanding a kiss from you to make up for it.
"I never took you for the clingy type in a relationship, Yang Jungwon," you chuckle softly, playfully pushing a finger against his forehead to halt any public displays of affection in the holy vicinity of a public library.
"Yeah, well, I didn’t think you’d be rejecting my attempts at showering you with love when we’re a whole fortnight into dating," he pouts, his bag dropping to the seat beside you with a sullen thud. If one other thing did change aside from your relationship status, it would be the fact that Jungwon no longer sits across from you, but beside you. He insists it’s for practicality's sake, which to a certain extent you agree.
Truth be told, Jungwon just finds it distracting to be directly across from you, where he was in full capacity to be distracted by the beautiful features of your face. Not that the new arrangement helped anyway when he is still constantly reaching for your hand to hold, a silent plea for your touch that you gladly reciprocate.
“Why did the teacher hold you back anyway?”
"Couldn't believe my math grades improved so much; he thought I cheated on the recent quiz. Never thought I was doing so badly to make him doubt me that much."
"I mean… you were pretty horrendous," you quip with a grin, nudging him playfully. "Emphasis on ‘were’!" you add, teasingly, knowing he won't take it too seriously. He proves you right as he scoffs at your candid assessment of his past academic struggles. After all, deep down, you both know there's some truth to it...
"We have that final confessional with Producer Choi later today, right?"
"Yeah, can’t believe two months just flew by like that. Feels like just yesterday we were agreeing to only pretend to like each other." You snicker softly, sensing the irony in the situation now that you and Jungwon are in an official (not fake) relationship.
The irony is not lost on Jungwon as you catch his silent smile, knowing he, too, is lost in the memories of that pivotal moment, where pretence gave way to something real and profound.
"What's to say I'm not pretending right now?" Jungwon raises an eyebrow, eliciting an exaggerated gasp from you.
"Are you suggesting you still hate me?" you exclaim, feigning offence and playfully inching away from him on your chair. Jungwon's reaction is immediate, grabbing onto you as he pleads for you to stay, insisting he was only joking.
"So, you don’t hate me?" you inquire with mock seriousness.
"No, I would never!" He envelops you in a sideways hug, leaving you in a precarious position where, without his support, you'd probably topple off the chair, earning judgmental stares from every library patron within a half-mile radius.
With his arm around you, you gaze up at the finely sculpted features of his face, marvelling at how you ever found this man annoying in the first place. As Jungwon's fingers toy with the strands of thread hanging off your uniform blazer, a comfortable silence settles between you. 
“When’s your confessional?” Jungwon's question breaks the serene silence, prompting you to glance at the clock and realise the time constraints you're under.
"I'll have to leave soon if I don’t want to be late. Your confessional is right after mine, yeah?" you confirm, already mentally preparing to make your move.
"Yep, I’ll meet you at the gate after, and we could go for some snacks!" Jungwon suggests with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
"Is this another one of your tricks to feed me into a coma so we don’t have to study?" you quip, raising an eyebrow in playful scepticism.
Jungwon feigns innocence, his grin widening. "Who, me? Never!" he replies, his tone dripping with sarcasm. You chuckle, knowing full well his penchant for indulging in snacks whenever the opportunity arises. But as you gather your things and prepare to leave, you can't help but look forward to the prospect of spending some more time with Jungwon, even if it means indulging in a few too many treats along the way.
You arrive promptly at the confessional venue, positioned strategically in the field right by the entrance of the school so the logo can be seen clearly in the background.  This meant people, a lot of them, stopping nearby to watch and observe the commotion as it's not every day you get to see a whole camera crew in the front yard of your school.
Spotting Producer Choi among the crew members, you make your way over and exchange greetings. "Y/N! It’s been a while, hasn't it?" she exclaims with a warm smile.
"It has," you reply, returning her smile as you exchange pleasantries with the familiar faces of the cameramen stationed around you.
"It felt weird not seeing you around after having seen you almost every day for the last 2 months. Strangely enough, I kind of missed it," you admit, though you sense a hint of scepticism in Producer Choi’s eyes, as she knows damn well you were the most excited for this documentary to end. 
With a gesture from Producer Choi, you settle into the stool in front of the cameras, and the familiarity of the setting washes over you. It's strange how quickly this space has become a second home over the past few months, filled with the laughter of the crew members who have become like family. With that thought in mind, you mentally ready yourself to share your thoughts and reflections on the journey you've embarked on.
"First of all, thank you, Y/N, for agreeing to be a part of this documentary," Producer Choi begins as the camera lights turn red. You nod in response, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursing through you.
"Let’s start by having you share with the viewers how you felt about this journey," Producer Choi prompts, her voice gentle yet probing.
"Well, it’s not easy, that’s for sure," you begin, your words flowing more easily now that you've found your rhythm. "It was an experience that urged me to step out of my comfort zone and explore beyond a routine that I was already used to. It was difficult, no doubt, but the friendships that I’ve made along the way made this whole journey worthwhile. If I were to go back in time, I would do it again."
Producer Choi nods encouragingly, her eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. "If that’s so, tell us the most important thing you gained from this documentary."
"This experience was precious to me in many other ways than one," you continue, your voice growing more animated as you recall the memories. "But if I were to point out the most important thing I gained out of this documentary, it would be myself. It’s a little cringy, I know. It still amazes me how much I managed to change in this short period of time. But you know what they say, the best discovery starts within you, and you best believe I discovered." 
The camera captures the sincerity in your eyes, the raw emotion shining through as you speak from the heart; a genuine reflection of your growth and transformation throughout the journey.
"Throughout the airing of ‘Kindred,’ the show has gained immense popularity among both domestic and global viewers, why do you think so?" Producer Choi asks, her tone shifting to a more analytical one.
"Honestly, the documentary was able to do well all thanks to Jungwon," you respond with a chuckle, thinking of your ever-charismatic boyfriend. "Without Jungwon, I genuinely think you guys would have produced the most yawn-bearing documentary to date. I acknowledge my lack of entertainment wits. There is also the whole strange pairing between Jungwon and I, even I admit that I’d be interested to find out how our very unique dynamics would work with each other."
The crew members share a knowing smile, having witnessed firsthand the magnetic chemistry between you and Jungwon that has captivated audiences around the world. It's a testament to the power of authenticity and genuine connection, something that can't be manufactured or scripted.
"Speaking about Jungwon, how has your relationship with him changed throughout the show?" Producer Choi inquires, her curiosity piqued.
"Jungwon is really special to me," you admit, a soft smile gracing your lips as you think of him. "I’m glad I got to properly know him through this experience. I’ll forever be grateful to ‘Kindred’ for bringing him into my life."
"Seems like there's something more to it, but I won't pry! But now that you’re graduating soon, what’s next?" Producer Choi prompts, her tone shifting to one of anticipation.
"Hmm… I’m not sure," you confess, feeling a pang of uncertainty creep in. "Ironic since you’d expect the girl with perfect grades to know what she wants to do. But I’m still working on that. Although, tutoring Jungwon made me realise how much I actually love teaching. May or may not consider pursuing it in the future, but we’ll see. I’m not in a rush anyway."
"Lastly, is there anything you want to say to the viewers of ‘Kindred’?" 
"To all the viewers of Kindred, thank you for all the support and attention you gave us!" you exclaim, genuine gratitude shining in your eyes. "I’m glad you found some sort of joy going through this journey with Jungwon and I. It’s an experience I’ll hold close to my heart forever."
As the final words leave your lips, you can't help but feel a sense of closure wash over you. This chapter of your life, filled with ups and downs, laughter and tears, is coming to an end. But as you look back on the memories you've created and the relationships you've forged, you know that the impact of this experience will stay with you for a lifetime.
"By the way, will Jungwon be doing his interview here too?" you ask, curiosity tugging at you.
"Why of course," Producer Choi replies with a smile.
"Can I watch?" you inquire, eager to see Jungwon in the hot seat for a change.
"You don’t see Jungwon here now, do you? We got to play it fair, Y/N," she says with a wink as she scurries you away from the film site, leaving you with a sense of anticipation for Jungwon’s answers now that you know the questions that were being asked.
"What was your answer to the question?" you grab onto his arms, shaking it relentlessly trying to get him to fold, even equipping your signature puppy eyes. Jungwon, however, continues to chew on his food that both of you bought off a random street cart, and is now seated at the very same bench where you shared your first kiss.
“I’ll tell you if you tell me,” you consider revealing your answers but decide against it when you think back to your responses and visibly cringe.
Jungwon, ever the enigmatic one, simply smirks, his lips curling into a playful grin. His eyes sparkle with mischief as he toys with you, taking another casual bite of his street food as if your inquiry were nothing more than a fleeting thought.
You roll your eyes, knowing damn well the game he's playing. This teasing banter, a familiar exchange between the two of you, only adds to the playful dynamic of your relationship. But deep down, you can't help but wonder what his answer might have been.
“I guess we’ll only know when they broadcast it,” you shrug, resigning to the mystery as you lean your head on his shoulders. The warmth of his presence beside you, and the gentle rhythm of his breathing, all serve as a comforting anchor amidst the bustling street around you.
As Jungwon reaches over to play with the strands of your hair, a comfortable silence washes over you. The sound of distant chatter and the occasional honking of car horns fade into the background, leaving only the two of you in your own little bubble of tranquillity.
With a playful smile, you reach up to gently swat at Jungwon's hand, feigning annoyance. "Stop messing with my hair," you tease, though secretly enjoying the attention. Jungwon chuckles, his warm breath brushing against your cheek as he leans in closer.
"But it's so fun," he counters, his voice a mere whisper. You roll your eyes playfully, unable to contain your grin. "You're lucky I like you," you retort, leaning into his touch despite your mock protest.
Jungwon's laughter fills the air, a melodious sound that resonates deep within you. His genuine joy is contagious, spreading warmth and happiness with every moment you share.
"I know," Jungwon replies with a smirk, tightening his hold around you. "And I'm lucky to have you." You smile to yourself, the warmth of Jungwon's words enveloping you like a soft embrace. His ability to express his feelings so openly still catches you off guard at times, leaving you feeling both exhilarated and a little overwhelmed.
"You know, you have a way with words," you tease, lifting your head to meet his gaze. Jungwon's smirk widens into a full-blown grin, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Only when I'm talking to you," he replies, his voice filled with sincerity.
The sincerity in his words touches something deep within you, stirring a gentle flutter of emotions in your chest. Despite any doubts or uncertainties that may linger, there's a sense of reassurance in knowing that Jungwon is by your side, ready to face whatever challenges come your way.
You never fully comprehended why you felt so connected to Jungwon in the first place. Sure, you could say that anybody in your position—forced to film a documentary 24/7 with a decent-looking boy (though you’d rather die than admit this back then)—you were bound to catch feelings.
To you, Jungwon is more than just a forced proximity crush; he's an anomaly in your otherwise stoic and academic-focused life. An anomaly that got you so frustrated trying to figure out why he’s such a constant pain in your ass. An anomaly that introduced you to the world outside of the one your mother delicately crafted for you—holding you to unrealistic expectations that she knew damn well you could never meet no matter how much you tried.
He helped you understand that this life is a journey that you shape. That no matter what, mistakes are inevitable. You can give your everything and still somehow manage to fuck things up along the way. Yet, the beauty lies in the way you get to decide how you’re going to fuck up. And there’s no one you’d rather navigate these missteps with than Jungwon.
And while many would assume that a student council president with stellar grades and a Taekwondo athlete who can't study to save his life would never go well together, these assumptions are proven to be false as you realise the many similarities you share with Jungwon. Like how either of you will do anything for the people you care about and for the things you wish to achieve. You could say the two of you are Kindred.
As you rest against him, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your cheek, you can't help but marvel at the depth of your connection, forged through peculiar circumstances. 
With him, it doesn’t matter who you want or need to be.
With him, life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile.
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♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡
authors note: aaaaand that marks the end of kindred!! i have so much i want to say but i'll save it for when the epilogue comes out! in short, thank you so much to everyone who stuck till the end despite my super irregular posting schedule... 🫣 until next time!
perm taglist. @hajimelvr @s00buwu @urmomssneakylink @bubblytaetae @mrchweeee @artstaeh @sleeping-demons @yuviqik @junsflow @blurryriki @hueningcry @fakeuwus @enhaslxt
taglist! @uuzhanggggggg @aloloveswonie @jayhoonvroom @missingemobeomgyu @jiawji @ocyeanicc @s7noo @asterizee @nwjws @noascats @yunwonie @saturnmooonxx @enhaz1 @jiaant11 @clairecottenheart @i2lain @miumiuoi @zhounauts @neocockthotology @nanuer @yenqa @ahnneyong @chanhee-hee @yanqiiuver @yujmelon @keiisu @jaeyunniesimp @jiamini @jihanniee @lilriswife4life @i-yeseo @plutoslostagain @haqzm @ilovejungwonandhaechan
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brainrot-goes-brrrrrr · 2 months
Savannah Squad Presentation Night Headcanons/Drabble [3/3]
I totally didn't forget about this, I don't know what you are talking about (I'm sorry, I suck at finishing things & I don't know how to write for these two ;_;)
Part 1: Taylor & Logan Part 2: Ben & Tyler Part 3: Aiden & Ashlyn
Start of the drabble:
Thankfully, with Aiden's good laptop, there were no more technical difficulties for the rest of the night. But that in no way means the rest of the night is calm, and that is simply because Aiden has gotten up to the front of the room drip drying while setting up his presentation. Logan is then left mopping up the previous puddle he left from when Tyler dumped the entire contents of the spray bottle on him. For the betterment of the final two presentations, and Logan's floor, the spray bottle was retired for the night.
When Aiden is finished setting up, the TV practically demands for the attention of the rest of the group for none of the right reasons. It is horrendous. Astronomically so; the title of the presentation is somehow even worse.
Aiden Clark
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(off topic, looking at my old art makes me want to vomit)
You see the title. That's not the bad part. The bad part is the fact that the slideshow is like thirty slides with multiple images per slide. The worst part is the fact that it's volume one. Check this man's storage, I promise you there is absolutely nothing left.
I want you to imagine you are just in a dark room with friends only lit by the TV and a small laptop screen. Imagine that, and then imagine this flashbang of a presentation popped on screen and each slide only gets progressively worse. Aiden is capable of making good presentations, he strikes me as a more artistic type, this is poorly made on purpose. Because why not.
This presentation is pretty much just going through his camera roll, but its categorized by person and gets progressively more deranged as they're section goes on. Which means the person with the longest section gets the worst of it. Which means Tyler gets the worst of it.
Like Ash got off pretty easy, Logan too. Taylor, gets the next longest section because I can see her and Aiden enabling each other to do dumb shit (one of the videos is her stuck in a traffic cone trying to get Tyler to help her out (spoiler: he didn't)), he lives with Ben so he absolutely has material on him, mainly his shit cooking. Then there's Tyler... half of the photo's aren't even of him!!! He just made dumb ass bottom text memes. They're not even funny ;_;
Aiden put his photoshop skills to work cause he is pulling up pictures like this:
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He also screenshots texts too. I want to give you examples, but everything I can think of can't be put here cause I don't want to be considered weird. It's nothing bad, it's just like teenage humor. like ironic stuff.
Just think teenage boy humor, but if it was made by a decent person and wasn't problematic. Like how people would jokingly flirt with their friends and the other person is like "bro, wtf 💀"
so the presentation is just Aiden avoiding things being thrown at him while he exposes the group
(I had to tone this down because teenage humor does not translate to written word without sounding like a creep! I'm banking on the fact that you've just seen teenagers interact with each other cause then you'd get it)
Group's Reaction
the only reaction that matter's is Tyler's and you know why. You know why.
Everyone is having a good, grand ol' time laughing at each other being dumb, then there is just Tyler being raked through the mud.
The majority of the group think "yeah, my pictures are bad, but at least I'm not Tyler".
tbf, I also headcanon that Aiden shares a PE class with Tyler so he has more material. Cause exercising is somehow more embarrassing in PE. It doesn't matter how athletic you are, no one looks good when you are struggling not to face plant when doing a wheel barrel because your partner is just hauling ass across the field.
Ashlyn Banner
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I need Ashlyn to drag everyone. desperately. In good fun obviously, but it just goes to show how odd everyone really is.
These are teenagers. Even though they are in awful circumstances, they still do stupid teenage shit. This is mainly revealed in the arguments that take place during hang outs and study sessions.
Her presentation is split up by how dumb she considers each conversation. Most of the conversations involve Aiden and Taylor, not because they are dumbasses, though is does play a part, but because they enable each other's dumbassery.
Ben only makes up about a slide... for obvious reasons. Part of him is relieved, but the other part wishes that he could say more to be included.
One of her favorite moments that she put in the presentation is when she overheard Logan having to explain to Aiden that 1.) the North Pole does, in fact, exist and 2.) that it is not the same thing as Antarctica when they were doing pair work in science. It took... painfully long, for the point to reach Aiden. She's not convinced it has. (I had this argument with my friend during senior year...)
^^ The argument gets brought back up because Tyler started shitting on Aiden cause of it.
Another big chunk of the presentation is just when she caught the group baby-talking Logan's cat (he has a cat cause I said so). You'd think it be Taylor, considering her general demeanor, but Tyler's the one who talks to the cat most of the time. And the cat absolutely loves him. The cat is sitting on his lap as we speak.
Logan is a person to play first person shooter games. With mic. Need I say more. (He doesn't say anything bad, but he can shit talk. It's easier since they don't know who he is lmao).
Taylor gets off easy because everything dumb that she says is on purpose. She is absolutely the person to just go with the bit, so everything she says just goes with the flow of the group. What's that? It's because Ashlyn has more of a soft spot for Taylor! What, no! I don't know what you are talking about, Aiden. Such accusations. (he is 100% correct)
Group Reaction:
Since the presentation was pretty balanced with who got made fun of, excluding Ben (ToT), everyone's having a pretty good time.
Since Ben barely had anything in the presentation, Logan had the bright idea to scroll through this guys social media posts. Mainly twitter. He struck gold at the expense of Ben.
Regarding cat point in the presentation, Ashlyn had some videos as proof. Is Tyler embarrassed? Yes. Can he do anything about it? No, he has the cat on his lap.
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
blame schlatt!
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after a horrendous breakup with the man who you thought you'd marry, you made a promise to ditch before any man hurt you again.
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notes: schlatt x reader, brief hasan x reader, sort of jacksepticeye x reader? (you make out), heavy ethan nestor x reader (bro is in love with you)
warnings: you're a jerk, schlatt is a dickhead, lots of mentions of sex, sort of cheating? but not really, major angst ahead, not proofread sorry
based on blame brett by the beaches
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done being the sad girl, I’m done dating rock stars, 
from now on only actors, tall boys in the Raptors
To say your breakup changed you was the understatement of the century. When Schlatt ended things, you moved out of his apartment, moved cities to Los Angeles to be around your friends, and you had spent the first two months of your post-breakup life wallowing in your shiny new LA apartment. 
Your friends were worried you’d never recover, you hadn’t made a video or gone out or even tried to get out of bed for two months. Your fans would leave comments asking where you went. It all came to a head one night, when you were once again, in bed, scrolling through your Youtube front page. You saw the thumbnail for a new Chuckle Sandwich video. 
It had been two months, surely everything would be fine, right? He couldn’t affect you that much.
But he was…perfectly fine. Elated even, joking around with Ted and Tucker as if he hadn’t just barely ended a three year relationship two months prior out of the blue.
That was devastating to you. You had wallowed, and pined, and been crushed for two months for a relationship ending that you had no clue why it had ended. You had been convinced a proposal was on its way, for fucks’ sakes. And then Schlatt said something that demolished you further.
“So Ted, I recently started seeing this girl…” 
You shut your laptop. That was enough to snap you out of it. If he didn’t mourn what you had, neither would you. You were in a new place surrounded by friends who cared about you. It was time for a change.
I'll become an asshole, disguised as a bad girl, in my button-up shirt
a natural disaster, hey
Change you did. Haircut, hair dye, the wardrobe aesthetic of your dreams. Your audience watched in awe as you drastically changed appearances in your new video, but you were still acting the same. “New era,” they had called it. And they weren’t wrong. 
But you had also changed off camera too.
One of your girlfriends had installed Raya on your phone and referred you into the app list, and once you had gotten in was when they saw the biggest shift in you.
you could be my baby, baby, baby…you could be my baby, baby, maybe, uh-oh
Hasan hadn’t anticipated matching with you. He rarely used the app to begin with, stating it was “ridiculous” and a waste of time. But one drunken night, he decided to go swiping just to see what he could find. And that’s when he saw your profile.
He hadn’t known you that well, for the most part having run in similar circles but not close ones. Besides, while he always thought you were gorgeous, you had only been in his sphere as “Schlatt’s girl”. Evidently by your profile, that was no longer the case, and you were free game.
So he swiped, and it was a match.
Hasan was charming, and if you weren’t wary of relationships, you probably would have made him your boyfriend. Over the past few weeks, he made you laugh, he was easy to talk to, ripped, and man, was he good in bed.
“Baby,” you murmur. “Hm?” Hasan responds, turning over in bed. He went to tuck your hair behind your ear, and you wince, moving slightly away from his touch. He frowns. “This was really nice, but I have to go.”
I'm sorry in advance, I'm only gonna treat you bad,
I'm probably gonna let you down, I'm probably gonna sleep around
“I have a date,” you say nonchalantly, fishing your panties from under the duvet. “A date?” Hasan asks incredulously. “I thought we had a thing going on, I thought you liked me,” he said in disbelief.
He had been under the impression that this would lead to a relationship, that you would be his girl, but it appears that for you, this wasn’t the case.
“Ohhh…Don’t get me wrong, Has. I like you. I think you’re great. I just…don’t want to commit to anyone right now. I thought I had made that clear, I’m sorry.” You pull over your dress, grabbing your purse and heading out the door.
“Oh,” is all he manages to say as you leave his house. He waits for you to message him again, apologize, but you don’t. And that crushes him.
You had managed to charm Ethan Nestor rather rapidly. You wouldn’t call him desperate or easy, but he had seemed so eager and excited when you had asked him out at a party the week before. He was a little shy, but gentle, sweet and fun. What you really hadn’t expected was to fuck on the first date.
So sorry in advance, before you take off your pants
I wouldn't let me near your friends, I wouldn't let me near your dad
After that, you and Ethan had seen each other quite frequently, with a range of date-like activities from going to the aquarium and museums, to casual sex. Hasan might not have won you over, Schlatt might not have been able to keep you, he thinks, but maybe he could.
Weeks passed, and while not much had changed in terms of a lack of label, you had stuck around long enough for Ethan to think he had even an iota of a shot.
That was until one night, about two to three months after walking out on Hasan. Ethan had taken you to a party where a lot of YouTubers would be at. You two were having a good time, talking to a lot of Ethan’s various friends. Ethan had offered to go get you something new to drink, and you agreed. But when Ethan returned, he couldn’t find you. His friends said you had gone to the bathroom, having felt ill, and Sean had gone to check on you, but neither of you had returned. A sinking feeling entering his stomach, he went upstairs to where the bathroom was. Taking in a breath, he opened the door.
It was…exactly what he thought it was. You were making out with his friend. Tears welled in his eyes, and he cleared his throat.
You both stopped to look at him, and with his shoulders deflated, he turns fully around and begins to walk out of the houseparty. You follow him.
That's why I won't get vulnerable, don't you dare get comfortable,
heartbreak is impossible, feelings doing somersaults
“Ethan, wait.”
The two of you stand in the front yard. The happy, goofy guy you had been spending time with had disappeared, a crying, distraught man in his place. He turns around. “Did you even like me? Am I just, what, some name on your fucklist? Are we just a checklist? Fucked Ethan, now you gotta fuck Sean.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Oh, really?” He looks at you, every emotion evident on his face.
“I do like you.”
“Then why the fuck were you making out with Sean?”
“I…I thought you knew what this was, Ethan. We aren’t together.”
He scoffs, crossing his arms. “Yeah, but I thought we were doing this…I thought we were doing this because we were going to get together. That’s usually what two people who like each other do.”
You look down at the ground, taking a step back. “So… you wouldn’t want to be with me?” he asks. “I…”
You liked Ethan, you did. But you were scared. You had once been madly in love with Schlatt, and Schlatt had been madly in love with you. Or so you had thought, when he had dumped you at dinner with no excuse, just an “I just don’t think we could be together anymore.” For two months, you had been in the worst emotional pain you had ever felt. All you could do, without an excuse as to why, was to blame yourself. You had to screw it up now, so you couldn’t fuck it up with Ethan later, after falling in love with him. You couldn’t do that again, ever. But Ethan couldn’t know that. Then he would know you, really know you. That was too much for you to ever handle again. So nothing comes out of your mouth.
I'm not ready for therapy, to take accountability,
right now it's about me, me and only 'bout me, hey
“You need help, you know that? I know anyone can sleep with whoever they want, it’s a free country, and I know Schlatt broke your heart-”
You look up at him, bewildered and distraught he had even mentioned his name.
“Don’t look at me like that. Like I’m the one hurting you. If you have issues with what happened, go to therapy. Don’t take it out on the people who care about you. I’m done. Call me if you want to actually care about someone or apologize, maybe then I can forgive you.” Ethan turns back around, and heads to his car. He drives off without you, leaving you on someone’s lawn.
Whatever, you think. You’ll find someone else to fuck. Someone else to make you smile and laugh. Someone else who will be kind, and treat you with respect. You didn’t need Ethan. Even if there was a small part of you that wanted to chase after him, that wanted to apologize for real, that wanted to kiss him, that wanted to love him.
Ted looks really good these days, anyways.
As you nod to yourself, wiping away the tears on your face, you hear a familiar voice behind you.
“Hey doll.”
but don't blame me, blame Brett!
blame my ex, blame my ex, blame my ex
You whip around.
There he was, standing against a pillar on the house’s porch, Schlatt himself. “How ya been?”
Your mouth grows dry, your hands get clammy. You stand there for a moment, in fear and disbelief. Finally, the words come out of you, slow like molasses, quiet. “Fine. And yourself?”
“Good. You look good these days.” You nod. You avoid eye contact, scared of looking right at him, as if to look at him would wreck you all over again.
But you have to ask what comes next. You have to. He wasted three years of your life, practically shoving your heart in a metaphorical blender, and you could no longer sit and ask yourself why. Because assuming the why and destroying your self esteem  is what cost you Hasan. And Ethan. And what will cost you every man who would really want you to love you.
So you ask.
“Why’d you do it?”
He takes a sip of his beer, oblivious. “Why’d I do what?”
“You know what. Why?”
He takes a beat, taking an even longer sip. “I just…didn’t want to spend all my time with one person. Listen, kid, I loved having you as a girlfriend. You were awesome. But I wanted to know what it was like out there without being committed to someone for the rest of my life. I like sex. Sure I liked sex with you, but I wanted to have sex with other people, know what it was like before I married you. I just didn’t want to cheat.”
'I'm only in it for the sex', that's why I'm never gonna love again
You had been torturing yourself for months, ruining every opportunity that was handed to you with a good guy, over a man who had done to you what you were now doing to other people. Yes, Ethan and Hasan were your fault, but your breakup was not your fault. You didn’t need to be afraid. You didn’t need to change. You were good. Your ex was just a little shit. Now you could do what you should have done in the first place. Accept yourself, and heal.
“But I mean, we could try again if you want. You’ve been looking good.”
You scoff. “I’m not letting myself get hurt by you ever again. You’re a dick. I can’t believe I wasted time on you, you ass.” And with that you spun around, deciding to get home somehow.
You didn’t need him. You never needed him. What you needed was to do better. And with that, you pull out your phone and write three things down.
“Get therapy appointment.
Call Hasan
Call Ethan”
I'm only in it for the sex, blame my ex, blame my ex, blame my ex
don't blame me, blame Brett, blame my ex, blame my ex, blame my ex
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Another request by @hatsumiikun Lee!Alastor Ler!Vox I can do that!
Revenge Tactics
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Summary: Vox has an interesting idea for revenge against Alastor given the fact that Vox can’t hurt him.
“Ha ha! Better luck next time!” Alastor laughed at Vox as he disappeared in the shadows after a fight leaving Vox busted up. “Ugh. Stupid Alastor! Why can’t I just beat him for once!” Vox yelled, angry with himself as he spun on his heel and stalked back to the Voxtech skyscraper where he worked.
Most demons cleared the path when they saw an angry busted up Vox storming down the streets of Pentagon City but that’s what got him here in the first place. He’d been in a rush on his way back to the tower already when he accidentally ran into Alastor, unfortunately for him the stag didn’t seem to be having the best day…
“D-Do you need help with anything sir…?” Papermint asked meekly as he scurried up to Vox’s side as the Tv demon stalked into the building and towards the elevator.
“No not right now.” Vox snapped at him, getting in the elevator and pressing the button for the top floor, every other demon that was already in the elevator scrambled out of it, not wanting to be in the same elevator as an angry overlord.
“Fucking Alastor just you wait. I will beat you someday!” Vox yelled to himself in the elevator as it ascended up to the floor he needed to be on. Once the elevator arrived he stepped out and very quickly made his way to the observation room, sitting down at his desk and turning on the camera’s to monitor the hotel.
“Come on where is he…” Vox muttered to himself, searching through the camera footage trying to find something on a clear view of the radio demon but every clip that would’ve had him in it the figure was covered in blurry static making it impossible to see, Alastor’s doing once again.
The air in the observatory started sparking, glowing a light blue as Vox slammed his fist on the table. “DAMN IT!! Why can’t I get ANYTHING on him?!” Vox roared in anger, standing up and turning around before storming towards and out the observatory doors.
Once out he walked back towards the elevator, keeping that same angry scowl on his face earning a lot of concerned looks from his employees as he reached the elevator and pressed the button to go to Velvette’s floor.
As the elevator ascended he thought to himself what he was going to do when he got there, “I know what I’m going to say to her but talking to Vel has always been a little complicated.” Vox muttered to himself, he was muttering so much that he didn’t realize that the elevator had already arrived at Velvette’s floor.
He was only snapped out of it when one of her fashion designers approached him. “Uhm sir…do you need to get off here?” She asked him and jumped back as he snapped back to attention. “Yes..I do thank you.” Vox replied, stepping out of the elevator and stopping by the designers side.
“Do you know where I can find Velvette?” He asked her and she nodded with a small frown, “She’s over there.” The designer pointed a few meters away where sure enough Vox saw a head of blue and pink hair walking around over the racks of clothes.
“Great thank you.” Vox told her, beginning to walk away but her voice stopped him, “Wait sir one more thing!” She called after him as he turned around to hear, “Yes?” He asked her, beginning to grow annoyed.
“I would be careful if I was you. She’s…kind of in a bad mood…” She told him quietly and heard him sigh, “Of course she is..great thank you.” Vox told her once more before turning back around and heading to where the hot headed designer was.
“HORRENDOUS! GO PICK SOMETHING ELSE!!” Velvette yelled at one of the models who scurried off to go find a different outfit right as Vox appeared behind her. “Hello there Velvette!” He spoke from behind her making the girl turn with a scowl.
“What do you want Vox?! I’m busy!” She yelled up at him, pausing when she noticed the same angry scowl on his face. “Not using your overlord powers. How is it that you fight an enemy?” He asked her quietly as not to let the others hear.
Immediately she knew what this was about, placing her hands on her hips with an annoyed look. “Seriously? You need to stop getting so worked up over that red abomination. But fine since you asked so nicely.” Velvette told the other overlord, explaining her fighting technique to him and smirking as she saw his face light up.
“Great thanks Vel.” He told her before turning back around for the hundredth time and walking back to the elevator, getting on and pressing the button for Valentino’s floor right as the doors closed and the elevator ascended once more.
He knew that the moth had a flexible schedule, he did tell at him employees a lot but because of that nobody questioned when he just randomly left sometimes so he could just waltz in there and pull the other to the side.
Deciding to put his plan to action as the elevator reached Valentino’s floor Vox exited and put his hearing on mute so he wouldn’t have to hear the sounds from the movie creating that was going on around him as he walked down a decorated hallway to see Valentino.
Once he reached the room Valentino was in he looked away from the center of the room where filming was taking place, walking up to the director’s chair and grabbed one of Valentino’s arms and pulled him out, dragging him out of the room and around one of the corners.
“Ohhh Voxy, what’s the occasion~?” Valentino crooned at the other demon, the Tv demon in question facepalming in annoyance before sighing and looking up at the other overlord.
“I need to ask you something Val.” Vox began, getting an irritated look on his face as Valentino’s face formed into something seductive, “Is that so? And what is that?” He chuckled but quickly jumped back with a laugh as Vox raised his hand, said limb beginning to spark with electricity.
“Okahay okay! What is it?” Valentino asked again, walking back up to Vox who lowered his sparking hand. “Without using your stupid magic, how is it that you face off against an enemy.” Vox explained his question, crossing his arms over his chest as he awaited an answer.
“Hmm that’s a good one, I assume it’s about the Radio Demon again? Another loss~?” Val taunted but put his hands up in surrender as Vox’s whole being started sparking. “Okay okay I’ll tell you!” Valentino told him, beginning to explain his fighting style to the other overlord.
“Perfect. Thanks Val.” Vox responded, turning on his heel and walking back down the hallway where he came from, leaving Valentino to his job.
“Finally. I have reference points.” Vox muttered to himself as he reached the elevator, getting on and pressing the button one more time to head back to his floor.
As he rode the elevator he noticed that he had to stop by the copy room on his floor to pick up some paperwork. Sighing in annoyance at the new detour as the elevator reached the desired floor he stepped off and began walking towards the copy room on the other side of his floor.
On his way there his assistant Papermint wandered up to his side, following him to the copy room, “D-Do you need some help sir..?” The assistant asked, as Vox approached the fax machine, picking up the paperwork at the front of it and turning back around, leaving the copy room.
“No Papermint. Leave me.” Vox replied, walking across the floor and reaching his observatory and entering, leaving a confused and slightly concerned Papermint outside.
“Finally..I can get back to work alone.” Vox muttered to himself, sitting down at his desk and taking a pen from thin air and getting to work on the small stack of paperwork.
Vox then got bored quite quickly, decided to put on some chilled out music on his screen to keep himself occupied while he worked, not really knowing what else to do as he worked.
Finally after about 2 hours of writing he finished the stack and decided to carry it to where he needed to take it. The Press, so he stood, holding the massive stack and teleported via security cameras and appearing right outside the press office.
He then went in and spoke with the receptionist as the woman led him to the boss’s office where a brief greeting went on before Vox dropped off the paperwork and teleported back to his observatory via the security camera in the press boss’s office.
Now back in his observatory he sighed before walking over to his desk and sitting down, his body sparking for a moment before all the camera’s in his panels flickered to life, turning on the camera’s to the hotel trying to spy on Alastor.
He appeared in a lot of the panels but as usual his silhouette was glitchy and blurry, it was a little difficult to see him but still possible. So Vox continued watching as he wandered around the halls, stopping to talk to the stupid sunshine and rainbows princess and her little girlfriend.
Vox watched them for a moment more before Alastor’s silhouette turned towards the camera before vanishing from sight.
“Shit!” Vox exclaimed, jumping up and surrounding his body with electricity right as a tendril of shadow burst out of the ground and tried to hit him but his electricity protected him as Alastor appeared not too far away.
“My my! Spying is not a good look on you my friend~” Alastor told him, chuckling a little as Vox got into a fighting stance, getting ready to fight the other demon. “Calm down I’m not here to fight.” Alastor assured, waving a hand at him while fixing his hair and twirling his staff behind his back.
“Bullshit. If you weren’t here to fight then why are you here?!” Vox snapped at Alastor, the air around him starting to heat up nervously. “I’m just here to talk. You know spying isn’t very nice.” Alastor spoke calmly, still keeping the grin on his face.
“Why are you grinning like that asshole! Stop that!” Vox growled, charging at Alastor who attempted to jump back but wasn’t fast enough as Vox grabbed a hold of his sides making a startled crack of microphone feedback go through the air, a small gasp escaping the other overlord as he stumbled away.
“What…was that?” Vox paused, a smirk making its way onto his face. “Ticklish asshat.?” Vox chuckled, standing back up to his full height and advancing as Alastor started backing off, glaring hard at his rival.
“Vox…don’t you dahare..” Alastor warned, holding a hand out as he tried to stop him but that plan was quickly abandoned as he felt his back hit the wall, he turned his head to give the wall a betrayed look like it was the wall’s fault for being there but when he turned back around Vox was right in his face making him flinch back.
He was about to just merge with the shadows to get away but Vox caught on and grabbed his ribs firmly to keep him from leaving, the other demon flinching hard at the contact.
“So….you think it’s soooo funny to just sneak up on me like that huh?” Vox pretty much interrogated Alastor, his face inches from the others in an attempt at intimidation.
“Yeah wehell you’re not much behetter! Don’t think I don’t see you cohonstantly spying on mehe!” Alastor snapped back, unable to keep the nervous giggles out of his voice making Vox chuckle.
“Maybe but an attempted sneak attack is a lot worse than that. So you’ll pay for it. Suffer old-timer.” Vox grinned as his fingers sprang into action, fingers skittering and scribbling in rapid succession over Alastor’s ribs and sides making the other demon double over, face buried in the Tv demon’s shoulder in an attempt to quell his laughter, welp there goes his rep.
“Vohohohox! Thahahahat’s enohohohough!” Alastor whined from Vox’s shoulder, fingers scrabbling at the back of his suit in an attempt to lessen the sensations.
“Hah! How’s it feel you ass!” Vox snapped back with a cheeky grin, switching over to scratching over Alastor’s shoulder blades making the demon crumble, sliding down the wall and tossing his head back in laughter.
“Damn this is really bad huh?” Vox taunted, switching again to scratch over his ribs, noticing that it’s a bit of a bad spot. “Give up and maybe just maybe I’ll let you go.” Vox chuckled, not at all surprised when Alastor flipped him the bird but still acted offended.
“How dare you?!” He gasped in mock-offense, switching to his hips, “Pay the price jerk!” Vox exclaimed, drilling into the bone and laughing when Alastor’s laughter jumped an octave, hand smacking Vox’s back in a way to try to calm himself down.
“Hahaving fun jerk? I noticed you haven’t told me to stop~” Vox teased, grinning wider when his face flushed in embarrassment and high pitched radio static filled the air.
“Give up yet?” Vox snickered, grinning when Alastor shook his head in defiance. “NOHOhohohoho WAHAHAHAY!!” Alastor snapped, refusing to give in even when Vox started targeting one of his worst spots.
“REHEheheheHEleEHEHEASE ME Ahahat OHOhohoNCE!!” Alastor cackled, pounding the ground with a fist, ears twitching as his senses were lit up by Vox’s touches.
“No? Then let’s see if this changes your mind.” Vox told him before surging some electricity into his fingertips, sending small sparks into Alastor’s hips, not enough to hurt but enough to tickle like hell.
Alastor bucked, ducking his head and bursting into hysterical laughter surprising Vox by the level. “VOHOHOHOX!! THAHAHAHAT’S ENOHOHOHOUGH LET ME GOHOHOHO!!” Alastor shrieked, louder radio static filling the air.
“Give up?” Vox spoke, offering the suggestion and grinning widely when he finally nodded, “OKAHAHAHAY FINE YOU WIHIHIHIN I GIHIHIVE I GIHIHIVE!!” Alastor cackled, smacking the ground repeatedly, a sign that he actually did give up.
With a proud grin Vox stopped the electricity from his fingers, slowing them to a stop and climbing off him, watching amused as Alastor’s chest started evening out.
“There goes your reputation.” Vox laughed as Alastor lifted his head and gave him an ice cold glare, the radio static in the air thinning out before disappearing, Alastor himself disappearing among the shadows.
“Hah! I finally won at least.” Vox cheered himself on, standing up and heading back to his desk, turning the camera’s back on and going back to watching Alastor as he sat in his room before noticing the camera and flipping it off making Vox laugh.
I guess there are some battles that can be won.
(This one was okay I’m kinda iffy on it 😭 hope you liked it though!)
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lovingseventeen · 2 years
casual i love yous: vocal unit edition 💕
a/n: i promise i see the requests,, this idea just popped into mind and it came out a lot faster for some reason. i hope y’all enjoy this as i try to finish up requests!
edit: WoW seungkwan’s unexpectedly got really long but i feel like i should write for him in more detail
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✿ of course it has the slightest air of teasing
✿ you were scoffing at him for getting you flustered so badly
✿ damn yoon jeonghan and his damn smirk and pretty face !
✿ you’re avoiding eye contact when his face follows yours to tell you ever so relaxed, “i love you, you know”
✿ how could you ever be annoyed with this man for long (he’s annoying for that)
✿ he doesn’t hesitate to tell you how he feels
✿ sometimes he just gets these urges that oh y/n is looking extra pretty today or oh! my heart is swelling for no reason
✿ you could be doing nothing special but for joshua, you don’t have to
✿ he’s sitting on the couch and you’re getting up to get a glass of water when he gently reaches for your wrist, stopping you in your tracks
✿ “josh?”
✿ “i love you”
✿ i don’t think he’s the type to say these three words often because he treasures them
✿ but occasionally he finds himself wanting to say it to you for the smallest reasons
✿ you sent him a text at work, knowing he was staying at the studio late
✿ this is your reminder to drink a little water and eat at least a snack if you haven’t had dinner yet >:(
✿ i will i will, he assures you, do you wanna hear what i’m working on?
✿ and of course you do, but what you don’t expect is the little whisper of “i love you” in the little recording before he starts singing
✿ one of the best parts of being with dokyeom was that he made you laugh, so so much
✿ life quite literally brighter with him and his contagious smile
✿ it was one of those moments that the two of you were howling with laughter, tears about to spill from the corners of both of your eyes
✿ you’re trying to cover your mouth with a hand, but you can barely do so as you wheeze
✿ you somewhat calm down to small hiccups and exhales going “hooo” as you try to control yourself, he’s calmed down too, wiping tears from his eyes
✿ when you finally look back at him, you catch dokyeom looking at you with the warmest smile with crinkles at the corners of his eyes
✿ “i love you” he smiles, and it’s so sudden in the moment that you fall for him a little more too
✿ he was busy as usual with his schedule, but he did have some breaks in between learning choreo or recording some songs
✿ you posted a story on instagram with your friends. for some reason you guys were at a basketball court, knowing that none of you played
✿ as he clicked to see the next story, he was surprised to see you talking to the camera (assuming your best friend was recording) from the three point line
✿ “boo seungkwan this is for you!” you holler, pointing at the camera and this alone already makes him smile
✿ what makes him laugh out loud is when you absolutely miss the rim, horrendously air balling
✿ the video ends with an awkward thumbs up at the end (he definitely screen records this)
✿ he gets the urge to video call you, hoping you pick up within the next few minutes before he has to get back to work
✿ “hello” you greet, pleasantly surprised. you’re still at the park, but just sitting to the side as your friends shuffle around in the background
✿ “i saw your story” he tells you, “and your shot for me” he’s unable to fight a smile by now too
✿ “oh yeah? i was pretty close right?” you grinned, knowing you were anything but
✿ “i love you” he smiles, “even if you’re bad at basketball
✿ “hey!” you playfully exclaimed, but you registered his following words too. “did you call just to say that?”
✿ “maybe i did”
✿ you pout but nonetheless tell him you love him too
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
Canary and Jaybird
chapter three
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Warnings: SMUT 18+
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Graphic Sexual Content, Crying, Unresolved Trauma, Spitting, Degradation, Dom/Sub, Slapping, Praise! Kink, Begging, DD/LG, Breeding, Stockholm Syndrome, Reader has PTSD, Mentions of Rape
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A/N: okay in AK when Jason reveals himself to Bruce, he's like “I'm hurt.” AHHHHH I'm drooling, I'm crying, I'm wet. his tone and how he talks makes me sopping wet.
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It was Jason’s 16th birthday, 7 months since he was missing. It hurt her every day knowing that her Jaybird wasn't coming home. Why did he have to go after Joker alone? She was suited up as Batgirl standing on top of the Trigate bridge starting at the Asylum. This was the fifth time now.
She pondered, wondering if Jason could be locked up in Arkham. This was the night she decided to follow through and listen to her heart. She went around each wing silently, trying not to make noise. There was a wing being guarded by an Arkham officer, just as she was walking away she heard the doors open, walking out was the Joker.
Her heart started to ache, wanting her to go and check it out. There's probably nothing in there. It took her a solid 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get in there without alerting the officer. She found a vent in the very top and climbed up there and used her grapple hook to pull it off, once it was off she climbed down silently and dropped it on one of the exposed air vents. She climbed in and found an air vent opening. She looked around wondering what was in there and saw a figure tied to a chair. She surveillance the room to see if anyone else was in there and the only other person was Harley Quinn
She dropped down behind Quinn trying to be quiet and crouched right behind her and knocked her out.
“It-It can't be you.” the voice called out.
It can't be.
She looked up at the body and saw a body wrapped in barbwire. She saw on the suit the Robin symbol. She stepped closer and saw her beloved. He was bruised, covered in blood with a horrendous ‘J’ on his cheek below his eye. “Jason.” she ran towards him wanting to kiss him. “Get. Away. From. Me.” Jason growled. “It's been months since I was captured and now you wanna rescue me?” he sounded so broken and afraid.
“Jay, I've been looking for you. I've been trying so hard to find you. Lemme get you out of here and I can help you.” she softly spoke. “Where is Bruce?” he hissed. “Does he even care?” She wanted to cry. “He's been looking too, I just thought maybe in Arkham and tonight I finally got past all the guards baby. Let me take you home.” She was the broken one, crying trying to stay calm. “I gotta get you out. The Joker is gonna come back soon and I gotta get you out.”
She tried to get the barbwire off of him but Harley started waking up, and she could hear the Joker coming back. “I'll be up in the air vent baby. I love you, I'm gonna get you out.” She kissed him, one last time. She got up to the air vent before the doors opened. The Joker walked up to Jason moving the barbwire off of him. “We’re gonna make a little video for Batman. Harley?” “I don't know what happened Mr. J! I was watching Birdbrain over there and I fell unconscious,” Harley confessed. “Do better Harley or I'm gonna replace you with Batsys pet.” The Joker hissed.
“Alright, Jason look into the camera for Daddy.”
“State your name.”
“My name is Jason Todd.”
“Who do you hate?”
“You know I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big bad bat?”
“His name. Tell me.”
“Of course sir, it's-”
She got a sign that he was still alive not too long ago. She saw millions of dollars being drained out of one of Bruce’s many bank accounts. One day after school she saw a Tenderheart bear, brand new with tags on it sitting on her bed. Alongside a copy of her favourite book Wuthering Heights. Inside a quote, “She burned too bright for this world.”
She immediately knew that only Jason would buy that for her.
“What do you say, Princess? You wanna thank Daddy for rescuing you from Bruce? So you can be Daddy’s little slave forever and never have to go outside again? I can bring you everything you want and need.”
“How do y-” “Jason was never good at keeping secrets princess.” he interrupted her. “Don’t stray away from what I asked. You wanna be Daddy’s Princess forever?”
She contemplated, knowing that Jason was probably killed. She saw him get shot and after, she still hoped he survived.
“What happened to Jason?” she asked, still wanting to know. “Okay, Nancy Drew, if you wanna ruin the moment, I'll tell you.” He spat. “Deathstroke killed him. There I said it. He's been dead for so long now that you need to stop hanging on and get over it.”
It felt like a knife was digging into her heart and twisting. “No...” her whole world shattered.
“I got a sign from him, He left me presents. I saw money being drained out of Bruce's accounts.” “Wrong. I got out every single piece of information from him before we tossed his body into the water. I got you your favourite book sweetheart. All of those love notes and flowers were from me. The money, however, Jason paid to not be killed. However, we got everything we wanted out of him.” He confessed. “Now, I've been waiting, and you don't have anyone to save you.” He hissed. He grabbed her face and let go grabbing her neck instead. “Be my rapeslut, there's nothing you can do to make me stop.” The distorted voice made it hard to hear how upset he was.
He's gone forever...
He positioned himself at her opening, “Daddy?” she said softly, causing him to stop and look at her. “Yes, Peanut?”
“Thank you for rescuing me, Daddy.” she sounded broken. “Can you kiss me?” she asked, putting her hands up to his helmet. “Let me blindfold you, Princess.” he got off of her finding something to blindfold her with. “Alright lift your head up.”
She lifted her head and saw he was wrapping a piece of cloth around her head. “Can you see me?” “No Daddy.” She lied she could see just a little bit but not clearly enough.
She heard the Knight push the button on his helmet and saw the shadow of it coming up. She giggled, “Please kiss me, Daddy.” “Of course Belle.” His voice, it was so smooth and silky. It sounded so raspy but sweet. She swear she heard his voice before. She felt his soft lips kiss hers, and she melted. She grabbed his head pulling him in by his helmet, and wouldn't him go, she kept kissing him. The two made out for what seemed like years. She was in heaven, his soft buttery lips against hers. She felt a tongue brush up against hers and moaned. She wanted him to never wear that stupid helmet around her again.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in. “Daddy.” she moaned. She pulled away “Can I please take off your mask? I wanna grab your hair. I promise I'll be good.” she begged. “I promise Daddy.”
“You want it off? Beg,” he commanded. “Please Daddy, I won't ever try to escape again. There's nothing out there for me, I don't wanna think anymore. I don't want to have to fight criminals anymore, I wanna be all yours and have you take care of me. I'll let you breed me, I'll be yours. I wanna stand alongside you and sleep in the same bed as you, I love you, Daddy. I don't even know what you look like, but you know me. You know how I wanna be touched, you know what I want to hear. Please, Daddy.” she begged, tears collecting in the blindfold.
He took off his mask, pleased at what she confessed. He tossed it on the bed next to them. He started kissing her neck leaving hickies scattered across her skin. She moaned and ran her hands up his neck feeling that he took it off. She tugged on his hair lightly, making him bite her shoulder. When she felt his teeth sink in, she gasped “More.” He took this as an invitation and moved her on her stomach, taking turns in between biting her, kissing her, and giving her hickeys. “Such a good girl.” He mumbled.
He decided he couldn't wait any longer and put his throbbing tip in her tight hole. He started sinking in, splitting her puffy swollen lips open. “Fuck” He gasped. “Daddy, it hurts.” she mumbled, “You can’t fit,” she whispered. “I'm gonna fit sweetheart, I'm gonna split you in two.” He thrusted, making her gasp. “Told you,” he mumbled. He was so big, and she hasn't had sex in years. “Fuck” she moaned, he grabbed her by her hair and lifted her against his body, and slapped her across her face. His voice was so smooth and commanding, she was drunk on his voice.
He held her against him with his arm across her throat, his other hand toying with her throbbing clit. “Look so good Belle, stuffed full,” he mumbled. She was mewling with enjoyment, he was so big, so dominant. “Love you, Daddy” she coos, her voice all of a sudden high-pitched. Her right hand holding his arm, and her left is holding his hand that's making circles with her puffy and swollen clit. She kept getting more aroused and started leaking out of her stuffed cunt. “Princess, you're making a mess.” he teased. She started whining. “I love those little sounds of yours” he gasped. She started giggling, “Daddy, feel so good.” she took her right arm and placed it behind her trying to touch him, she leaned back into him. “Kiss?” she coos. “Course,” he mumbled. Leaning into her to give her a kiss. “Change?” she said softly. “Mhmmm?” he hummed. “Want you differently” she whispered.
He left her weeping abused cunt, taking his arm off her neck and moving his arm away from her swollen clit. He shoves her on the bed making her gasp. He flips her over and lifts her legs on his shoulders shoving his throbbing member into her abused cunt. He placed his hands on her legs holding her legs up, she had her hands on his legs.
She gasped. “Daddy” Whining loudly. He pulled out, then slammed himself back in, over and over. He leaned over to her face, “Open” he commanded. She opened up her mouth and he spat in it. “Swallow baby.” She did as she was told giving a toothy, fucked out smile.
He found her secret spot making her dig her fingers into him, making him grin. “Feel good? Right here?” he teased, pushing his head against the exact spot, making her whine and squirm. He kept doing it over and over again making her pull her hand off of his leg and shoving it in her mouth to bite on to hold back her moans. She started screaming from the pleasure, thank god the blindfold is on or he would see her eyes barely being able to keep open.
He pulled her hand out and slapped her again, “Lemme hear those moans” he spat. “Don’t you dare keep those from me” he growled. He took his hand and started rubbing her swollen clit. She bit her lip wanting to keep them in. She couldn't contain it anymore once she felt like she was nearing her second orgasm. “Daddy?” she asked.
“Cum?” she couldn't think of full sentences anymore.
“Almost Princess,” he could feel himself getting close.
“Fucked out of your mind?” he teased.
“Mhmm, thank you.” she coos.
Almost at her limit, her eyes rolling around in her head, drool coming out of her mouth a little bit. Just barely letting go of the Knight’s legs. He is almost at his limit as well, panting and groaning from her tight walls spasming. “Cum together?” She mumbled.
“Yeah, Belle.”
A minute later he reached his climax, “Okay Princess you can cum.” He said letting her tip him over the edge. He filled her walls with his cum, making sure her cunt gets every drop. “Thank you.” she coos. He pulled out of her watching as some of their fluids pour out, taking his fingers and pushing their cum back in. “Filled you up,” he said. “Have baby soon?” she whined, still cockdrunk. He chuckled. “So fucked out.” He laughed, moving up to kiss his little girl once more before the helmet went back on.
“Love you, Daddy. Thank you for taking care of me.” her soft high pitched voice confessed.
“Love you too, Belle.”
She finally accepted her fate.
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griddlebait · 11 months
have just seen your comment about the deleted scene where harrow takes pictures of cam and gideon wrestling and omg👀 i would die to see even a snippet of it
i’m not sure where to share it so i’ll just post it here under the cut!!
for anyone coming across this post: this is a deleted snippet from my fanfic, i imagine it probably won’t make a lot of sense without the context of the fic (ch 9 specifically) lol
Coronabeth planted the heels of her hands firm against Gideon’s shoulders, staring down at her with flushed cheeks. She sat heavily on Gideon’s hips, her eyes flashing wildly.
“Now get me off,” Corona told her. Gideon only smiled, a little confused, so Coronabeth shook her, a mix of frustration and amusement lighting up her lovely features. “Gideon, you’re supposed to fight me off of you.”
Was she? Gideon didn’t want to fight Coronabeth off at all, she wanted to put her hands on her big, soft thighs and—
Ianthe did a loud, horrendous impression of a buzzer. “You lose, Gizzard.”
Coronabeth cackled, sliding off of Gideon’s lap. The humiliation was immediate. Gideon sat up from the floor, cheeks burning.
“It’s not fair to make me go against Coronabeth,” she said. “Whose idea was that?”
“Yours,” Harrow said bitterly. She was sitting next to Ianthe on the couch with a pillow shoved between them, which Gideon found both hilarious and immensely satisfying. “You were too scared to go against Camilla.”
Gideon said, affronted, “I wasn’t scared.”
Camilla, from the bottom of Harrow’s staircase, said, “seemed like it to me.”
Even Palamedes smiled over that. Even Harrow. Today, it seemed, was Bully Gideon and Make Her Feel So Embarrassed Day.
“Fine!” Gideon said. “Come on, Cam. Harrow, get your camera ready.”
Harrow seemed startled. In a weird, twitchy movement, she rose from the couch and went to the edge of the living room, where the coffee table had been shoved out of the way. She grabbed her camera and made a go on gesture.
When Gideon turned her focus back to Cam, she was already in the ring—made out of pillows and less-loved books—cracking her knuckles. She was giving Gideon that look, the one where it was like she could see right through you. It got no less unnerving with time.
“Are you done checking me out?” Gideon asked.
Camilla flicked her cool, murky eyes up to Gideon’s. She shrugged. “Nothing I haven’t noticed before.”
Which, okay, she didn’t have to say it like that.
Gideon shook out her shoulders and they got into a starting position.
Corona called out, “One, two. . . GO!”
And fuck, Cam was fast. Gideon didn’t have the chance to pull out any of the moves Pyrrha had shown her—Cam simply hooked her ankle around Gideon’s knee, did a little pull motion, and brought her straight to the ground.
The blankets they’d laid out did not soften the blow as much as one would hope—but it wasn’t that bad. Gideon managed to roll over and push onto her knees, knocking Cam off balance with her shoulder. She had only a few seconds to stand before Camilla was on her again, and then they did some weird song and dance that ended with their arms tangled, face to face.
Cam’s expression was utterly relaxed, cheeks only just barely starting to warm. Her eyes were focused, calculating, never still. Until they met Gideon’s, where, for a moment, they froze. And then she smiled.
In Gideon’s defense, that was never not disarming.
She had no time to react; Camilla did the fucking ankle thing again. This time they were attached at the elbows, so it sent them both tumbling back to the floor. They fought to untangle their arms, both trying to be the one who got free first, which only made it more difficult—Camilla took the opportunity to fight dirty. She dug her blunt fingernails deep into Gideon’s forearms; Gideon instinctually stopped fighting and Cam slid free, with no small amount of self satisfaction.
“Asshole,” Gideon said, and then she lunged forward.
They flopped around, legs wrapped around legs, rolling and rolling until Camilla managed to pin Gideon to the floor face down, legs on either side of her waist, hands behind her back. Gideon struggled, but Cam only tightened her thighs. She pressed her body down, forcing Gideon to flatten against the floor. Her hair fell against Gideon’s neck—surprisingly soft. How was she so good at this? See, spy. What the fuck.
Coronabeth counted to three. Ianthe did the buzzer impression again.
“Ugh,” Gideon groaned, shoving Cam off once her victory was announced. She rolled onto her back, panting and staring up at the ceiling. “This is so fucked.”
Harrow was never going to bet on her after this.
Speak of the Devil, and may She appear; Harrow showed up above Gideon like a dark cloud. She hovered by Gideon’s side, pointing her camera, hesitating. The final nail in Gideon’s coffin of humiliation came in the form of Harrow stepping over her body so that she had a foot planted on either side. She aimed the camera at Gideon head-on; her face surely flushed and sweaty and gross; her arms splayed out on either side. A perfect depiction of defeat.
Gideon raised her middle finger as the flash went off.
This was a later scene but it was also deleted, so BONUS:
The bulk of these pictures were from the pathetic attempt at wrestling practice. Harrow had taken the first few sparingly, when Gideon and Coronabeth were wrestling, because that had gone by quickly and Gideon wasn’t even fighting back. But then she’d wanted to wrestle Camilla, and had told Harrow to take pictures. So Harrow did. She pressed down the button mindlessly, over and over, stepping around as they rolled across the floor. Griddle was becoming obsessed with pictures of herself, she’d want to see it from every angle.
Some of the shots were blurry, or pointed at the floor when Harrow had taken her eye from the viewfinder—throwaway. The pictures she put into the keep pile were more or less the same; Gideon and Camilla in various stages of their fight, skin to skin, shades of brown mingling, hard lines of firm muscles pressed together.
Harrow shuffled through them at a record breaking pace.
Camilla flipped through the keep stack. “Do I label all of these the same, or should I number them?” She asked. “Gideon vs. Camilla, left angle, from the bottom, number 3?”
Harrow’s blood warmed and she said, “whatever you think is best. They’re for Griddle. Leave out ‘from the bottom’, she’ll take it as a euphemism.”
Camilla made a small noise of acknowledgment. Harrow glanced down, saw Camilla flip over a photo and scribble: Gideon vs. Camilla - left angle number 3 - June 1996.
At the bottom of the photos, Harrow found the last picture from the wrestling practice; Griddle sprawled on the floor, curls sticking to her forehead with sweat, face flushed a few shades darker than usual. She was not sure why she did it, but she did not put this photo in keep, throwaway, or unsure. She shoved it beneath her thigh before Camilla could see. Harrow chalked it up to secondhand embarrassment and left it alone.
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
i have never
See the full 14 Days Collection here! See my full list of works here!
Summary: When you reveal to your co-stars that you've never had a positive experience kissing anyone, let alone a good experience doing more than kissing, Tom visits you in your hotel room to rectify that situation.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: steamy moments (this is 1 of the 2 non-smut stories from this collection); language; mention of bleeding
Things to be aware of: coworkers to lovers; reader isn't inexperienced but she's had horrendous experience
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"Okay I might need help with this, I gotta be honest."
You showed the page that you placed a little pink post-it flag on to your female co-stars, Scarlett and Lizzie, the flag pointing to the part of the script that showed your character had to kiss Loki and a look of 'contentment and relief' had to be visible on your face.
"Wait why? You've had kissing scenes before," Lizzie prodded, looking at the surrounding dialogue of the kiss.
"Yeah, I know, but those kisses were meant to be awkward and I had to be visibly uncomfortable, which is great because that's all I know how to be when a guy kisses me." You grimaced as memories of sloppy, teeth-knocking, way too rough kisses gone wrong began to flash through your mind like a train wreck slideshow.
"Oh sweetie…if you're worried that it's gonna be bad because Tom's going to make it uncomfortable, you got nothing to worry about," Scarlett commented with a chuckle. "Man's never had a bad kiss scene in his life. Ask Lizzie."
"Mmhmm. Yup. Can confirm," the redhead said with a playful grin on her face.
"Well that's all well and good but I'm not worried about him giving me a bad kiss. I'm worried that I will." You slumped your shoulders as they gave you doubtful looks. "Alright then let me put it this way. All the kisses I've had off camera are…fucking awful. On camera I can look past because it's supposed to be awkward and dorky and maybe even so cringe I wouldn't wanna watch it even if you paid me. But the guys I've kissed in private? Let's just say that the least traumatizing kiss I've had ended with my lip bleeding because the fucker bit me too hard."
"Babes, that's absolutely awful!" Lizzie looked at you with her jaw to the floor. "Are you telling us that every guy you've slept with is—"
"Fucking awful? Yep. They didn't have any redeeming qualities. And before you even ask, yes, that means that I have fucking faked it. For years. No one's ever got me to the promised land." You slumped in your chair from the admission. "So that's why I need help. I haven't the first idea how to even look like I'm content because every experience I've ever had is…subpar."
The two promised to help you until you three were called to set, imparting knowledge about imagining a wave of calm overtaking you coupled with the contradicting feeling of a wild fluttering in your stomach. Actions-wise, to pull him closer, as if you couldn't possibly be close enough, clinging to him as if your life depended on it. And the desperation that implied this was a last kiss, because ultimately it would be for your characters, considering the tragic death the Russo brothers had in mind for Loki.
It'd also be the first and last kiss you'd have with the man you'd had a raging crush on since years before you were even a blip on Marvel's radar, so you took all their advice to heart just to make sure that at the very least you didn't leave a horrible impression with him once this scene was over.
After all, you still had all of promo period to get through and considering that the Marketing team had already found your old socials from high school and had concrete evidence that you absolutely had a phase where you shamelessly fangirled over Tom Hiddleston, they would most likely test your sanity and pair you off with him for some, if not most, of the press junkets.
That was the whole reason you were currently in one of the dining tents, your head slumped down on a table as you watched a whole bunch of kissing scenes on YouTube while you furiously jotted down notes on the back of your script. Your scenes were finished for the day, and all you had to do was wait for someone in the costume department to assist you out of your costume. You retrieved your phone from security, meaning you were no longer allowed on any of the filming sets considering how careful all the execs were about spoilers getting out.
"Elizabeth told me I'd likely find you here." You jumped in your seat at the dulcet tone of Tom's voice filling the former quiet of the tent, quickly straightening your posture and turning your phone off, putting the face down on top of your notes. "Apologies. I didn't mean to startle you."
"No, no, it's all good, really," you chuckled out, the nerves beginning to peek through in your shaky tone. It was borderline impossible keeping your composure around him considering that he'd been in a tight-fitting black muscle tee, the rest of him clad in his character's leather pants and boots, putting on egregious display what exactly Marvel had to edit out during post production of the first Thor movie. "What's up?" you squeaked out.
"Truly, nothing. I just wanted to tell you I look forward to filming with you tomorrow." He placed a hand on your shoulder, bared by the rather revealing nature of your Enchantress costume, his thumb gently stroking your skin. "I'll see you tomorrow, darling. I'll see if I can get someone to assist you with your costume."
Your heart caught in your throat as you watched his eyes give you a once over, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, before leaving the tent.
Here lies Y/N Y/L/N. Cause of death? Sanity and ability to breathe were stolen by Thomas William Hiddleston.
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Knock Knock Knock
You looked up from your position on the couch, your neck and back straining from being hunched over and taking notes as you watched compilation after compilation of the "best tv and movie kisses" on YouTube. Every bit of preparation you could do for tomorrow's scene short of trolling through Tinder or Raya, you would willingly do.
After all, if you looked stupid in your hotel room practicing how to kiss on your hand but no one else was around to see it, did you actually look stupid?
Yes. The answer was yes.
"I didn't order room service!" you called out in the direction of the door and sending the mistaken server on his way, turning back to face the TV and somehow transpose in your mind that the actors in the scene were you and Tom, trying to plan out how to move your body the way theirs moved, to not lean in too much so that your teeth didn't knock together, and to not even think about any lip biting considering your own dreadful history--
Knock Knock Knock
You groaned at the insistent mistaken case of room service and turned off the TV, flipping your notes over so that in case they were of the nosy variety nothing could leak. The last thing you needed throughout production was Holland and Ruffalo greeting you tomorrow morning with open arms and goofy grins saying "One of us! One of us!"
"I'm sure you're mistaken, buddy, I didn't order any--"
You opened the door and realized it wasn't room service on the other side. It was Tom, looking at you with a soft amusement in his eyes, the mortification spreading through your system at the knowledge that he was seeing you clad in a loose cotton ruffle sleepwear dress that went down the length of your arms and fell to your knees.
The farthest cry from the allure of Amora. And yet the best possible representation of yourself in real life.
"O-Oh uhh…hi," you stammered, constantly shifting your posture in your attempt to seem casual. "What's up?"
You felt even more chagrined when those eyes that haunted your every dream since you were a teenager that was every bit the awkward dork that you were at this moment once again gave you a once over. Only this time the smirk graduated to him biting his lip. What is his deal? Is he really just trying to make me spontaneously combust? Burn off the final shred of sanity that I'm holding on to? Did he choose me as his use case for a scientific study to prove that death by swooning was most definitively a thing?
"Y/N I heard you earlier today with Scarlett and Elizabeth." Someone call the cemetery and have them erect my tombstone. "I didn't intend to, but I'd been walking by the area and--"
"Ohh fuck," you groaned, pressing your hands to your eyes and spinning in your spot trying calm your racing mind. "Look I'm really sorry maybe we could talk to Anthony and Joe and we could have them write the scene out comp--"
Your words caught in your throat in a hitched squeak as you felt his hands wrap around yours, pulling them away from your face. "Look at me, please." You opened your eyes and became stunned silent when you saw a tenderness in his as he framed your face in his hands. "I'm not here to ask you to talk to anyone about getting the scene written out."
"Then why--"
He silenced you by pressing his lips to yours, all the words beginning to melt away. What little knowledge you'd gotten seemed trivial now, as he coaxed you to kiss him back, as the world around you seemed to fade and a strange quiet washed over you. As you felt your entire body come alive with every tender brush of his lips against yours.
So this was what they meant.
He pulled away from you, one arm wrapped securely around your waist to keep you close, and the other hand gently cradling the back of your head. "I came here because you are a woman who deserves to be kissed breathless. Often. By someone who knows how." He gave you a soft smile before slanting his mouth over yours, tongue gently brushing along the parting of your lips as if asking for entrance.
It was as if your whole body weakened once you parted your lips and felt his tongue gently flicking against yours. His arm tightened around you as he lifted you up seemingly effortlessly and pinned you to the wall, his lips never once leaving yours.
When Tom broke the kiss you were both gasping for breath, the air once again leaving your body the moment his lips latched on to your neck, his hands roaming down your body until they hooked around the backs of your knees to wrap your legs around him. You had to clap a hand over your mouth to muffle the resounding moan that escaped you the second his hips rolled into yours.
"No, darling," he groaned against your skin, one hand reaching up to wrap around yours and pry it away from your mouth. "I want to hear you." He moved away from your neck and brought his face inches from yours. "I also heard one more thing. A downright sacrilegious thing. About how you've had to fake your pleasure with everyone you've laid with."
He placed your hand on his shoulder, which you quickly hooked around his neck to hold yourself up as he lifted you away from the wall and walked further into the hotel room, making your mind spin with what he intended to do next. "So you heard that, too, huh?" was all you could say as you did your best to remember how to breathe.
"I did. And I wish to change that, too. If you'll let me."
You could only nod before his lips were back on yours again as he laid you down onto the bed.
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A/N: I had to fade to black some of these stories if I wanted to meet deadlines, okay? 🤣
'everything' taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @devilsadvocactus @lokiprompts @sititran @ladyjames78 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @kats72 @creationsbyme @coldnique @athalialaufeyson @simplyholl @tallseaweed @sarahscribbles @unlucky-number-13 @ozymdias @maple-seed @ladyofthestayingpower @wolfsmom1 @km-ffluv @psychospore @loopsisloops @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovelysizzlingbluebird
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idv-brainrot-go-brr · 2 years
Joseph x reader hc please
Joseph - general dating hcs
Character(s): Joseph Desaulnier (PHotographer) Content:relationship hcs
First of all, managing to get genuinely close to him is an achievement in itself. 
He’s very focused on his work. And I mean incredibly focused. It’s essential to him. 
This dude is trying to time travel using occult methods and a camera. Don't expect the sanest individual behind an endeavour like that
Joseph is best described as dramatic. In both joys and sorrows, he shows quite clearly how he feels.
In the happy times, you might randomly be twirled around a room in a waltz without music, in the harsher times he will stare out the window melancholically and hardly speak at all.
It's uh
It's an experience, let's leave it at that
As hard as it is to deal with the intense mood swings and the even more intense behaviours that come with them, it's all worth it in the end, because he is a surprisingly soft, dedicated lover.
He notices small details and gives you gifts randomly even when no anniversary and no reminder from your side prompts him to.
He simply enjoys seeing you happy
He also enjoys quiet times
As much as he was one to throw and attend lavish parties in his youth, the now enjoys the more intimate moments
He will be hesitant with physical contact at first, simply because he's been alone for so long that he isn't really used to it anymore, but once he warms up to it he will be happy to just spend your shared evening cuddling in front of the fireplace
as long as he isn't melancholically staring out a window that is
This man has no friends. Don't try to bring him around your friends either, it won't end well.
He will simply stand there like
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To absolutely nobody's surprise, he takes tons of pictures of you, but not the soul-snatching kind, just regular pictures.
The soul-snatching kind isn't worthy of you just yet, because although they perfectly preserve your image, they are lifeless, and they cannot compare to the perfection of your true being
mans is down bad horrendously, but please tell him not to snatch your soul and stuff it in a picture frame because he will need to hear you say it
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orenjikaraka · 1 year
You’ll be ok… Mi querido…
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Miguel O’Hara x reader angst
Word count: 4791
Summary: Miguel has a new assistant working with him, lyla needed more help around because new spiders are being recruited, Miguel was slightly denying it (because he has lyla, why would he need another), but a couple months passed and he got used to her presence… well… his heart was saying something else… and his next mission will show what he wants… even if it’s forced…
S/o is 22 by the way and Miguel is 34, that’s a 12 age gap. Also this is like after events like u know miles is on the team and spot in jail.
Warnings: non-con (if you can’t handle rape, you don’t have to read), sex, NSFW, kidnapped (adultnapped 😅), Miguel has a muzzle (why is that a warning 😏), angst, alcohol, puking, drugs, and coursing, also psst Miguel is a bottom.
Miguel opened his eyes, he felt dizzy, or nauseous if you can say, his breathing is heavy, the room felt cold, the room was closed spaced, it was nerve racking to be in the dark room, his eyes were slowly readjusting, when he felt less light headed, ‘just great, just fucking grand…’ he thought, his brain was going in circles of how he got in this mess, his hands were tied behind his back with electrical wires, they’re were digging through his skin, it felt horrendous, his first thought was to rip them out, when he tried a electric shock went through his veins, he growned in pain, frustration going through his nerves, so much anger that he didn’t know he had muzzle on, who ever doing this, is treating him like a wild animal, trapped between the legs with metal strapped on them, his wrist were tied, and he had a muzzle too, for stopping his spider venom from hurting the fuck head that hostage him.
He tried to move his stranged arms again, but the electric shock came back, he tried harder, but the shock got worse each time he moved, his wrist were bleeding and were turning purple, he gave a hard tug and his wrist were burning, he clenched his fist and growled in anger, “when I get out of here! I’m gonna kill you, you here!!!” It was silent until he heard whimpering, someone else was in the same room with him, he lowered his head a little and his eyes were trying to readjust more to see who was in front of him…
Then he panicked, it was you, he was starting to remember why he was here, you went missing for 2 weeks, Miguel was looking everywhere for you, checked every evidence he could find, until he found you, well evidence of where you were, Universe 1610, Miles’ universe, you were last seen with Miles, probably hanging out, but now in Doc Olivia Octavius’ lab.
“la voy a matar… la voy a matar�� la voy a matar… (ima gonna kill her 3x)
“Miguel— I’m-“
“Amor (love), don’t… I was here to find you. We’re both gonna get out of-
“Out of here~” Olivia chuckled while walking through the metal door, and slamming it afterwards.
“Octavius~” she softly giggled, “oh~ look at you…” she looked at Miguel then at you, “and you cute little assistant~” she squatted down next to you and put her hands on your arms, which made Miguel try to break free from his restraints. “Aww~ is the oldest spider of the ‘em all, trying to save his MJ.”
Olivia squeezed her nails into your skin while staring at Miguel, you wince in pain, Miguel stopped and tense up, “ha! My science was right! Well… me spying on miles and you without letting a single spider know, is actually quite interesting am I right?”
Miguel looked at her like she was delusional, “my camera-“
“I hacked your database, so it would think of me as one of the spiders!”
“Also also having no four arms, well hidden away in my fake spider suit was a hassle but walking is not all that bad.”
Olivia stopped her blabbing and look at you again, “aww you poor thing~” she dug her bloody nails out and move (Y/n) right side up, (Y/n) had her wrist tied with duct tape, and her ankles as well, she was wearing a tight white soft cotton knee high dress, it had a upside down triangle on her chest.
“Isn’t her dress adorable~ oh! One more touch.”
Olivia put the small piece of duct tape on (Y/n)’s mouth.
She moved her right hand to your chin, and her left holding you around your stomach, her four mechanical arms were holding her down, “don't be scared, your little spider is here to save you~” Olivia turned your head. To face you at Miguel, Miguel looked terrified, he didn’t know what to do.
“Let her go, just-“
“Just what- oh Miguel~ let her go~, nah… I think I have something better~”
One of Octavius’s mechanical arms let go of (Y/n) and move swiftly to Miguel’s neck, her claw clench, digging her claw into his tense skin, the middle of her claw had small exit that opened with a small needle, it poked his skin and a small dose into his nervous system, her mechanical claw snatched off…
“What did you just dose me with…”
“Miguel, don’t worry, it’s just pde-5 inhibitors, benzos, mdma, ketamine, and gamma-hydroxybutyrate, you know…
“You…” Miguel growled with hatred. His muscles tensed up painfully making his body sweat, he felt saliva drooling off his lips, his breathing felt uneven, his thighs twitched trying to calm down his throbbing erection, he closed his eyes to look away from the two women in front of him.
“Miguel~ I didn’t tell you to look away…”
With her free mechanical arm, she redirected Miguel to face you, there was a small knife on your throat, touching your skin ever so slightly.
“If you look away your little sweet assistant would be dead, you don’t want that, don’t you.”
Miguel couldn’t muster out words, it was hard to speak, he’s afraid he’ll might scare you off. So he shook his head ‘no’.
“That wasn’t an answer.”
Olivia pulled the knife back and stabbed your left shoulder, you screamed in pain, but that didn’t matter to Olivia, but for poor Miguel it did.
“Stop— now- don’t…”
“See it wasn’t hard was it!”
Olivia pulled out the knife and put it lightly around your dress, your whimpering was causing his brain to go in a loop, causing his erection to hurt, whimpering moans with pressure and pain came to mind. Which made him clenched his eyes shut.
“You don’t listen don’t you.”
She was about to knife again but Miguel opened his eyes to look at Olivia.
“You one sick fuck you know that…”
“No— not- true—“
Olivia put the knife on the floor and moved her free hand to the wound she made, she put her two index fingers into the tissue, which made you groan in agony, Miguel didn’t want to look, but couldn’t…
“Don’t— *moan*” he growled in frustration afterwards. Octavius moved her free mechanical arm and clawed his scalp upwards, his drool dripping down his neck.
“You sick creep loves his little MJ, I knew you cared for someone else, you couldn’t just understand that your life is supposed to be where you die alone…”
“Let— her… *gasping for air* go—“
“Not every spider must-“
“Hurt me— not… her— I’ll do-“
“Anything?” Olivia had excitement. In her veins.
“Yes! Please—“ Miguel begging was aching your heart, you never knew a man that had so much pride sounded so broken…
Olivia let her mechanical claw go from his aching scalp, Miguel look back at you, you had a worried look on your face and he looked back the same.
“Ok… but… how about this, she gets to leave… if you rape her…”
Miguel felt every fiber in his body tense ups he shook his head ‘no’.
“No. No. No.”
“No? But I thought you wanted her ok…”
She picked up the knife again and stabbed (Y/n)’s right ankle, your shooken form tense in agony and muffly scream through your duct tape.
(Y/n) knocked her head back in a panic which scruffed against Octavius nose, Olivia groaned and moved her free mechanical arm to her ankle and her claw digged through your skin, and snapped it… her skin turned purple and black bruises around her ankle. Her whaling can be heard across the hall in the facility…
“You little bitch… you did this on yourself…”
She took the knife out of your ankle and ripped your dress off. Went through the top to the bottom of the dress.
“I wanted to be nice. But no one listens…” Olivia ripped your dress off and was about to rip your panties. “Follow my rules and this will go easy…” she cut your panties and then lifted you up slightly to cut your tape on your wrist, before you could move them the mechanical arms closed them. Olivia looked back at Miguel and he stared back with pain in his eyes.
“I got a solution…”
Octavius picked up (Y/n) and put her on top of Miguel, her clit touching the tip of his dick.
“I’m— going to kill you—!”
“But if ya do that this universe will collapse… people will die… a small spider and his family will die… I thought you would prevent that, isn’t that your job…”
Before Miguel could muster anything, Olivia pushed your body downward, which caused Miguel to moan and quiver because he’s trying to stop himself from cumming.
“Didn’t know you needed help from your MJ; Miguel.”
She got her knife again and tar a hole so Miguel’s dick was freely being laid on by your soft clit.
Stop— *whimper* just—“
“Just what Miguel…”
“Just— kill me— end me… let her go—“
(Y/n) shooked her head frequently, in a ‘no’ matter, she was muttering no, “see your little MJ wants you, don’t you see.”
Olivia dropped the knife on the ground, and got her hand and grabbed Miguel’s dick tilt the tip to her hidden clit, Miguel moaned in displeasure and lust. “Come on little MJ, let me give you a hand~”
Octavious shoved (Y/n) into Miguel dick, your tight hole was making it hard to concentrate on not cumming, it hurts, he feel like throwing up, tears was going down his face from all the burning pain he trying to contain himself, your whispering became screaming for help, you were crying for some reassurance… but no talk can be heard from Miguel. Only agonizing groans and moans.
“Come on sweetheart don’t treat your man like that, I thought you adored his company.”
Olivia pushed her further in and moved her arms behind Miguel. Miguel looked down and saw blood coming out of your slit, ‘no, no, no, oh querido, cono… (darling, fuck…)”
‘This was your first’ and he ruined it, he ruined it by being a hero, a hero that can’t even save the people he loved, he always fuck everything up…
“cariño (dear), your going to— be… ok—“
Miguel moved his chin and moved (Y/n) a little forward to try and comfort you, but also moving you closer to his chest so you can use your hands behind him to untie the wired knot, (Y/n) understood and faked moan to distracted Octavious, it was music to Miguel ears but also hurting his erection, Olivia grabbed Miguel scalp with her free hand and pushed his slightly forward.
“See she wants more~”
(Y/n)’s hands were bleeding but she had to get Miguel out.
“Thrust her Miggy~”
“Fuck— you…”
Olivia pushed harshly downward, which tilted his dick slightly, “nggggggghhh!”, (Y/n) gasped with hot air, and continued to untie, “fuckin— bitch-“
Olivia looked furious and picked up the knife and was about to stab Miguel’s shoulder, but (Y/n) quickly snatched it and freed Miguel’s arms, then she moved to his muzzle, and freed him from that. Miguel grabbed Olivia by the neck and bit Octavius, filling his venom in her veins to paralyze her. He ripped her mechanical arms off, and threw her against the concrete wall…
Olivia was already knocked out before she even hit the wall, Miguel looked back at you, you were frantic and quivering, “Lo lamento… (I’m sorry)” And he grabbed your hips slowly and lightly pulled you out, you screaming stop, begging to stop, but Miguel continue to pull you out, when you were free, he sat you down on the cold concrete floor and untied his feet, his suit regenerate to it normal form, he then untie you and unduct tape you. You sobbed, quietly screaming to make the pain go away, Miguel slowly got up and felt nauseous afterwards, so tripped and catches him from hitting the floor, but before he get up again he threw up, his body was screaming to do so, so he did, he felt sick all over, he feels like crying his eyes out because how much pain he endured, he crawled to Octavius, and checked her pockets, he found his gadget and put it on, and slowly crawled to (Y/n).
When he got to her, (Y/n) tried to reach for Miguel, even though he was about to pick her up, he did and held her close, and called Lyla. She immediately answered.
“Miguel! You know how long you were out, you were-“
She saw Miguel and gasped in shock, then looked at you in horror.
“Take us— to the main hall…”
Before she could say anything else Miguel put a portal underneath them and you both fell through; he held you close, like he was about to lose you again…
—- time skip (to the spider lobby) —
Miguel felt like he fell for eternity until he saw the lobby, every spider's senses triggered and saw you both falling to the bottom of the hall… Some spiders reacted and swung towards you both but they weren’t fast enough.
Lyla put a cold red and aimed all the cameras to you both, big screens saying ‘HELP’ on repeat, more spiders came to join and save them.
“Miles! Pete— jes- Gwen- hob— someone—“
‘Please someone save her… not me…’
That was his last thought until he hit his head on the flat concrete.
—- time skip —
Miguel woke up frantically and looked around his room, his head was pounding, screaming for him to relax but couldn’t, “lyla!”
“Where’s my assistant?”
“She’s hospitalized in are medical bay.”
Miguel lowered his head, thinking about how he could've prevented this, he felt miserable just thinking about it…
“I also reassociated her to a new job setting.”
“That’s classified information-“
“Answer me! WHY!?!”
“Because she got in trouble because of you, she got hurt because of you, if you didn’t come sooner she would’ve been dead in your arms Miguel!!”
He didn’t know what to say, he felt trapped, this feeling of lose came crawling back, it was eating him up again, losing his wife, his little Gabriella and now you… fuck he didn’t even know these feelings exist until now, there was always a soft tug in his heart to actually talk to you before but couldn’t, because he couldn’t lose anyone else, but now truth is here, he can’t protect anyone, he just breaks knots and break promises…
“Miguel… I’m trying-“
Lyla just quickly glitched away, leaving Miguel alone in his bedroom with light beeps coming off the heart monitor on his left. He looked at his hands and saw the small tubes pumping out the bad stuff in his body and some others pumping liquid to take away the drugs.
‘It’s all your fault’, was repeating in his migraine of a head, so… he pulled out the tubes and his nasal cannula and laidback, he heard the heart monitor beeped singly, some of drugs were still in his system so it was hard to breathe lying down, his breathing was hurting again, stringed each breath he took.
He slowly started to see black dots slowly blocking his vision…
Until he saw a frantic Lyla, he couldn’t hear her…
—- time skip —
It was the next day when Miguel woke up again, he felt depressed that he woke up, he moved his eyes and saw Peter b. On his left, with little mayday laying on Miguel’s stomach.
“Hey you woke up!”
Miguel didn’t answer a just looked at mayday, “so Lyla told me to check up on you because you-
“Suicide I get-“
“Miguel, man, you haven’t been like this since…”
There was a small silence until mayday, crawled close to Miguel's shoulder, and stared at him with gentle curiosity, which made Miguel feel miserable. Mayday made a worried small whine, but Miguel looked away from her. Mayday was about to tear up until Peter spoke up.
“Miguel… please tell me what’s wrong. I’m all ears…”
“How’s— (Y/n)…”
“I- Miguel I can’t-“
“You too!” Miguel looked back, “why can’t I see her, why can’t I talk to her!”
“Because I can’t say-“
“WHY- is she dying, do I have a restriction from seeing her— Cono— damn it- don’t tell me she’s pregnant-“
“Miguel! She’s fine! You just can’t see her…”
Little Mayday looked back at Miguel then back at her father with anger in her eyes.
“Mayday you- god…”
“Peter why can’t I see her”
“Because when you came back, your last location on your gadget was your place…”
“Everyone thinks you hurt and…”
“I didn’t lay a finger on her, Peter! It was Olivia Octavius!”
Peter made a tiny portal so mayday went back in her crib and closed it.
“She was there but she drugged you and trapped you and (Y/n) in a concrete room together…”
“I didn’t do it- you have to believe me—“
“I can’t Miguel, there’s footage of you reaping her, Miguel!”
“Miguel O’Hara! You rape her…”
“Your a fucking monster, Miguel, I rather be miles away from you right now but can’t; you know why, because I have to keep an eye on you, because Lyla gave me orders to keep an eye out.
Miguel felt empty, felt like the whole world stopped and he in some fucked up dream or reality that’s crushing him ahole, he- no maybe he did… maybe he did caused this to you… maybe he is what Peter said he is…
“Pete— I’m sorry—“
“You know— it wasn’t me— it- it— was the meds—“
Miguel trying to stop his quivering. His eyes stings from his tears.
“Miguel- *sigh* I'm going to get you some food…”
Miguel was silent and didn’t respond, but Peter was already starting to make food.
“It— wasn’t me—“
—- time skip (2 weeks later) —-
(Y/n)’s POV
(Y/n) woke up and felt relaxed to be home, well at a hospital bed, but at least your home, she looked around and saw miles sleeping, then she quickly moved the covers and saw her legs and ankle was fully healed, she looked at her shoulder and it was also healed, ‘heh spider society and there amazing medics.’ Well we can thank Miguel for that.
Speaking of Miguel, I wonder if he’s ok… after everything that happened, I… I’m worried about him… even when he was reassuring me that I was going to be ok… even when doc ock… (Y/n) shook her head, she looked to her right and saw her phone and picked it up, then scrolled through her contacts and saw Miguel's number.
And call him
‘Zzzz zzzzz zzzzz’
‘Zzzzz zzz-‘
(Y/n) heard his voice, he sounded tired and drained, drowsy even.
“Miguel. How’s-“
“(Y/n)— is- *hic* is— that you…”
‘Is he drinking?’
“Miguel, what happened?”
Miguel coughed and gasped for air for a second, “everything- ngggghhh *hic* fine—“
“Miguel? Where’s Lyla…”
He sighed with some frustration. “I put her off-“
“I-“ you looked up the date, where the calendar was, you were out for two weeks. “How long-“
“Why— you wanna know *hic* so bad—“
“Because- sorry I'm just worried why you are alone, that’s all…”
“Cono— (Y/n)— *sniff* im sorry—“
“Why you- even called monster like me— *hic* anyway…”
‘Beep beep beep…’
She brought the phone out of her ear and almost checked contacts again before she saw 15 unread messages from Miguel.
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You looked horrified at the messages you just saw, you looked at miles and he was still fast asleep, you quietly got your clothes on and walked out of the door…
— time skip—
While the elevator went up everything felt silent, even when you turned around and checked the view of the hall, the big screens plastered Miguel and you fell out of a portal…
You sighed, when the elevator became dark and the door behind you opened, you walked through the opened door and went through the end of the hall and knocked on the metal door.
It was silent until the door opened and the smell of heavy alcohol went through your nose, the smell of sadness went through your veins, you looked on the hovering floor and Miguel was nowhere to be found, then she lower her head to a large couch and there lay Miguel on his back, he was wearing gray sweatpants with a plain black jacket, his body slightly twitches from his hiccups. (Y/n) rushed over and tried to lift him a little to make him sit in a sitting position.
“No—“ Miguel whines
“Why didn’t you sleep on your side, you could’ve-“
“Drowned— *hic* why- you care—“
“Miguel why- god what happened between the 2 weeks that passed…”
Miguel didn’t answer, “Miguel, what happened.”
He paused for a second, then sat up quickly, “Miguel you gonna puke if you sit up that fast.”
“Leave— *hic* please—“
“Miguel what the hell happened!” Your tone was furious.
“Leave-“ he gagged a little, which made you panicked so you got up rushing for a small trash can in the bathroom, and rushed it to Miguel, right when he got the trash bucket he hauled in it, while he was throwing up, you noticed his his weight has lowered, he has bags under his eyes and when you looked back at the coffee table, there was 4 bottles of whiskey on it.
“How long have they been sitting there…”
Miguel's computer spoke up suddenly instead of Lyla.
then the computer shut off again. Miguel put the trash can down, and took one of the whiskey bottles then took a small sip of cherry whiskey to get the awful taste in his mouth. Then replaced it back.
“Why— do you care about a monster like me—“
“Because you saved me Mig.”
“*hic* I raped you, don’t you understand that—“
“I hurt you— I—“
Suddenly his eyes turned red and his claws showed, his left arm was on the sofa’s back and the right was around his stomach region, he moved his right to his throat, the tip of his fingers were sharp, his left hand started to dig in the back cushion.
“Mig- don’t—“
“Don’t what, (Y/n), I’m a monster—“
“And things like me are not supposed to love or care— *hic* “they only hurt or kill people they protect—“
“They deserve to-“
Suddenly you move his arm and rush in his arms and hug him. “You're wrong— just stop-!”
“Stop talking— please…”
Miguel’s claws disappeared and his eyes went to his normal eye color and hugged back. It was silent for a couple minutes until…
Miguel cried on your shoulder, his body quivered, and hugged you a little tighter. You both hugged for 30 minutes until you spoke up.
“You didn’t do anything to me, Miguel, you made me feel safe, like I wasn’t trapped, like I know I’m going to be ok even after all this fucked up things that happen to me and you…”
“You're a very handsome and kind man to be around, even when I was your assistant, you were always so protective around me.”
Miguel lightly chuckled.
“And Mr O’hara, i-“
Miguel moved his face and gave a slightly sloppy kiss on your cheek.
Which surprised you.
“Just call me Miguel, mi Bella chica, te necesito… (my beautiful girl, I need you)
“Querida… (darling)”
You moved in and kiss him, his mouth and tongue taste like sweet cherry whiskey, you sat on his lap and hugged him close, each time you curled your tough in his mouth, he moaned slightly, but sometimes his body jumps from his hiccups, his moans slightly groans, you let go for a sec to get some air but to also check up on him.
“Mmmhhh— *hic*” he groaned afterwards.
“Does it hurt?”
“It’s starting to- *hic*” he squeezed his eyes in pain.
“We can stop if ya-“
“No—“ Miguel whine’s and slowly grabs your hips closer to his lap.
“Ok, sweet thing…”
And you started to make out with him again, but you wanted more of him, so you let go between his moans and with his cute confused face, he was about ask why you stop but you started to take your shirt off and you were in your bra, Miguel was surprised, but then he got worried, when you started with you pants, he stopped you, and you looked back at him confused.
“Are you sure about- *hic* this?”
“Miguel I trust you, I feel safe when I’m around you. So. I want you to be my first- well second- but we don’t count that-“
“Ok, mi amor…”
Miguel let go of you and you started to unbutton your pants, and pulled them off, you then looked at him, he was laying on the sofa, waiting for you even when his body slightly shakes from painful hiccups, you removed your panties and moved his sweats and boxers.
His dick was slightly erect, but she can fix that, “Miguel~”
Miguel looked back at you, “hmmm?”
“Rule 1, you can’t touch me, if you do, I won’t make you have a good time~”
“Are there others?”
“Rule 2 final, I’ll tell you when to cum~”
“(Y/n)~ darling~”
Before he could say anything else, (Y/n) put her clit on the tip of his dick, and started rubbing back and forth, playing or toying with him, he was starting to leak pre-cum, Miguel almost touched you but then moved his hands on the sofa.
She grabbed his dick and put it in her hole, she moaned quietly but it was heavenly in Miguel’s ears, his claws were back and they were digging into the sofa, he was trying so hard not to touch her delicious hips, she put both her hands on his chest, “relax sweetheart, your so stiff~” he was slowly trying to relax until you went up and down rapidly in smooth motion, you quivered each second you slammed his dick, Miguel moan with pleasure each time you ram him.
Before he can speak again you suddenly stopped.
“Are you a good boy~”
Miguel redden up, “sweet-“
Before he could say anything, you went in circles while slowly going up and down with your tight pussy…
Miguel gasp, then moaned
“Are you a good boy, Miggy~”
She suddenly went forward while he was inside of her. His dick was painfully hard.
“Are you~ Miggy~”
“Yes—“ he lightly whines
“Louder Miggy~”
She squeezed her pussy down, which gave him a small groan, “louder~~”
Yes—! I’m *hic* a good boy— please- can I~”
He couldn’t hold it, he let go of the sofa and slightly dug his claws into your hips, your tight pussy was filled with cum, which you whine with pressure, he rolled his head back and looked back at you and thrust up, which made you moan louder which was music to his ears. (Y/n) lowers her chest to Miguel’s, and kiss him again
Between more soft kisses was “i love you’s” and “I adore you’s”…
—- time skip (till morning) —
Miguel woke up first and saw you in his arms… he remembered everything that happened last night. The kissing, the gentle sweet sex to a more lustful…
“Sorry that I woke you, sweet amor…”
“It’s ok, love…”
They were silent for a bit, until…
“I’ll always be by your side mig…”
“Don’t forget that…”
“I won't, my sweet querido….”
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envyaina · 1 year
chapter seven || j.jk x reader
(this update is posted suuper late at night, my apologies 😭)
previous || next
You arrived at your job, immediately walking to the bathroom to touch yourself up. Jungkook’s words made you tear up a bit, but you couldn’t let anyone see that.
You entered the bathroom, walking to the sink as you place down your purse. You dig through your purse, searching for your makeup wipes and your mascara. You keep searching and searching, even dumping out everything just for what you’re looking for not to be there.
“Fuck.” you say, slamming your purse into the sink and running your hands through your hair. Well, now the only thing you can do is attempt to make touch ups with water and your fingers. So you did.
You tried your best but you couldn’t tell through your phone camera or the mirror if it actually looked good so you left it alone. You didn’t care what anyone has to say anyways, right?
You pack up all of your things, putting everything back into your purse before you head back out. You were immediately greeted by Baekhyun as he was on his way out of the men’s bathroom as well.
“Hey.” he says, his smile immediately dropping after making good contact with your face. Guess you didn’t do a good job after all. “Is everything okay?”
You smile and nod, tilting your head to the side to let him know you’ll explain as you guys walk to your department.
“Yeah, just boyfriend stuff.” you laugh it off, trying to make it seem like you’re okay, but you’re not. Does Jungkook really think you’re a bitch? Were you actually selfish for choosing Baekhyun over Jungkook?
“Oh. I’m sorry.” he says, awkwardly clearing his throat as his eyes travel away from you.
You had a boyfriend? Who is your boyfriend? Does he know him? What did he do to make you cry?
All of these questions circle around his mind as he continues to follow you to the department.
You guys arrived, immediately setting down at your desks and getting to work. Baekhyun occasionally looked up at you to see if you were okay, and you noticed after a while. It did make your stomach feel funny knowing he cares.
You chuckle, feeling awkward at not knowing what to do when he constantly looks at you. “I-Is my makeup like really bad?”
His eyes widen, eyes jumping to meet yours at your question. He studied your whole face and noticed how your mascara looked really smudged on your eyes, how your concealer
looked like it was melting off, your eyeshadow barely there, and your lipstick faded off. How was he nicely going to say it looked fucking horrendous?
“You look horrendous.” he says, shaking his head before continuing his work. You groan, placing your arms on the table then placing your face in your hands. You were going to cry again. You told yourself not to cry over Jungkook again but here you are, in front of your insanely cute co-worker looking a mess over him.
“What’s wrong?” a familiar voice spoke, your hands immediately dropping from your face to see if it was who you thought it was. And it was.
It was Sehun. Oh fucking Sehun. The most annoying person you know. And right beside him was Chanyeol. He annoyed you too but you never really saw him much anymore.
When you made eye contact with him, they immediately cover their mouths. They are trying not to laugh and it’s starting to piss you off.
“Stop. Fucking stop, oh my god.” you whine, covering your face back up after they start laughing. You were embarrassed. Look what Jungkook has done.
“What happened to you? Who did it.” Sehun cooed at you, irritating you even more. You throw your head up and abruptly stand up causing them to stop laughing. “Quit it, she’s already had a bad day. You guys are going to make it worse.” Baekhyun said, throwing pens at their heads.
“I was joking, sit down. But seriously, what happened. Are you okay?” he said, walking over to you to push you back down into your seat. You sighed and threw your pen down, slouching back into your seat. “It would take me forever to tell you guys everything. Just know I’m fucked up, my boyfriends fucked up, and I’m never going to get better.”
They all just stare at you, then stare at each other. They are confused and you don’t really care. They don’t need to know all of your business, right? Jungkook said if you told anyone they would think you’re crazy for staying with you. So, you never really told anyone but your friends. Of course, he was right. But they are still here with you.
“Sorry you’re fucked up I guess.” Chanyeol said, sitting down in the chair next to you. You don’t have time to be irritated so you ignore him.
“Does he hit you?” Sehun asks, clearly conceded. You immediately shoot up, and shake your head.
“Nonono, he would never hit me. I think. We just argue so much it’s exhausting. We literally argued over me coming here instead of staying home to take care of him.”
They all are just staring at you, you look crazy trying to defend him. But you don’t care, they won’t want you anyways. You’re fucked up.
“Oh. Is he disabled? I’m not understanding.” Sehun asks, trying his best not to offend you or laugh at your current state.
“No, it’s kind of embarrassing to explain but in the end, he had to go to the hospital because he kept banging his head on the floor but it was nothing wrong with him. All he got was pain meds for his headaches because he has nothing wrong with him. He’s just being a big baby.” you say really fast, leaving them again just staring at you. Do you seem crazy?
“B-banged his head on the floor? You’re dating a psychopath?” Channel said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly after his statement.
“I don’t know what he is. But I love him at the end of the day. I don’t know if he loves me back but I just know I love him.” you say looking at your hands, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
Baekhyun seems to notice as he gets up from his seat and walks to you, patting your head causing you to cry officially.
“I’m sorry. I made myself seem crazy to you guys. It’s just a lot that I’m holding in.” you say, wiping the tears from your face and shaking them off of your hands.
“It’s okay. I think you should go home? I’ll sign you out when I sign out, okay?” Baekhyun says, helping you gather your things.
“Are you sure? I don’t really want to go home right now.” you asked. You knew as soon as you stepped foot in your home, Jungkook would be ready to fire on you.
“Um, I mean if you want to stay you can? I just thought you needed some time.” he says, wiping his hands on his pants before returning to his seat.
“I want to stay here as long as I can. I’ll just go to my friends’ house later on. I’ll start explaining my situation to you guys, just don’t go around spreading my business, got it?” you say, kicking off your shoes and getting comfortable in your chair.
All three of the men eyes widen at you taking off your shoes. They weren’t used to you acting like this at all. But oh were they prepared for the tea. All of it.
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