#where I live alone with the Goblin Prince
raraeavesmoriendi · 9 months
on this day I would just like to announce my eternal love and gratitude for noise canceling headphones
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kidcataldo · 5 months
Strange Magic sequel idea/concept that will never happen (bc the original movie didn’t do so hot and also i do not work in hollywood)
small warning, this is like the entire summary written out
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The Bog King and Marianne marry and combine their two kingdoms. Goblins and Fairies now live together, but there’s still a lot of tension between them. The only thing preventing them from clashing is their loyalty to their respected ruler.
This conflict mostly gets resolved with the birth of Bog and Marianne’s first child. Lets call the kid, Onyx (bc he needs a name). Onyx is beloved by both goblins and fairies alike, who see him as their true uniter and a bridge between their two very different worlds. He helps them to see themselves as equals and learn to coexist as one kingdom.
Meanwhile, Roland looks into a mirror and is freed from the love potion spell (his one true love is himself). After coming out of the daze and learning what’s become of the fairy kingdom, he quickly devises a plan to break up the now combined kingdoms.
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This, of course, involves kidnapping the beloved prince who unites them. He plans it at the little prince’s first birthday party. Chaos ensues. Something goes awry and the “failed” kidnap results in the kingdom all thinking the prince is now dead. This assumption is amplified with the small wings of the prince being found at the scene of the crime (a protagonist with some type of disability is interesting imo, plus it’s important to the plot). The thought is that some larger creature ate him (and maybe that is how both he and Roland get their injuries).
Roland doesn’t get caught and isn’t the presumed kidnapper. In fact, he’s hurt badly in the confrontation, leading him to flee now heavily scarred, turned “ugly,” not knowing and not caring about what happened to the prince.
The kingdom turns on each other: the goblins think the fairies did it, claiming they can’t stand having a half-goblin heir; the fairies say the goblins did it, thinking they might have gone back to their “savage” ways.
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Soon after, it is shown that their son is not in fact dead but rather “lost.”
His disappearance is easily explained with him falling through the cracks between the two kingdoms, literally. Somewhere along the border there is a deep crack that is off limits/folklore to goblins and fairies. This is where the gnome creatures live.
Neither of the kingdoms know this, because the creatures remain hidden, anonymous. Like with the goblins and fairies, everything beyond the darkness is off limits/folklore to them. But they provide “offerings” to goblins and fairies, which is something like coal for fuel and diamond for currency (things that affect their livelihood/economy, but the gnomes do it as a way to appease the “gods” who are really just goblins and fairies). They view Onyx’s abrupt arrival as a task from the gods to raise him as one of their own and learn the ways of the gnome people.
Flash forward to present day:
The kingdoms are more divided than ever. Marianne closes off on everyone and everything, leaving an equally grief-stricken Bog to rule basically both kingdoms alone (with the fairy kingdom not really liking him/disobeying his orders because, in their eyes, he’s not their leader).
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Roland remains hidden in the shadows, too fearful of the way he looks to enjoy the kingdoms being divided again. His self-hatred turns to hatred toward others and he vows revenge, but doesn’t know where to start.
Onyx is a rambunctious kid with a skill for climbing steep things, such as the walls leading up to the outside world. He works with the gnomes to help mine coal and things, but is often bored of the work mentality. The constant “go! go! go!” is too much and goblins and fairies unintentionally pressure them to keep moving (again, without them knowing the gnomes are down there).
But he’s seen as the gnomes’ protector. And when one gnome nearly falls to his death after lurking too close to the edge, it’s Onyx who takes the lead and rallies all of the other gnomes to work together and save him.
He’s not allowed to climb too far up the wall (both because of the risk of falling and because the outside people are presumed dangerous), but his curiosity gets the better of him one day and he climbs to the very top, only to witness creatures who look just like him. He sees creatures flying and understands the scars on his back were once wings.
Curiosity gets the better of him and he wanders into a nearby village where he sees the things the gnomes work hard to mine being used for their pleasure. A rage fuels him at the very sight. It is in every way an injustice.
Roland spots the lost prince during his trip to the village and plans out his revenge on him, coming to the conclusion everything bad that’s happened to him started with his unsuccessful plot to kidnap him. He follows him. (He’s a drastically different, more evil guy than he was in the original movie here: the point of no return kind of different.)
Onyx returns to the gnome creatures quickly to express his anger: how it’s all a lie and how the creatures above live leisurely while they’re stuck down under working for them in the mines.
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The gnomes begin an uprise with the encouragement from the lost prince. They take control of the elf village he visited simply by luck (catching everyone off guard at a party), but understand anything beyond that they will be easily defeated. Onyx, a warrior at heart but with little battle experience, is still encouraging them to try.
The Bog King hears word of this mysterious uprising and quickly flies out there to handle it. A fight ensues with Bog (and his army) easily outnumbering the gnomes. But he freezes at the sight of the one gnome out of place—his son, instantly recognizing the face. Onyx, recognizing Bog only as the leader of the tyrants enslaving the gnomes, throws a sharp object at his wings while he’s halted. And Bog comes tumbling down, his wings severely damaged. The gnomes capture him and drag him down into the crack to hold him hostage.
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While down there, Bog is shown the hardships that the gnome people face and agrees something must be done about it.
Later, he and Onyx have a moment where he reveals that he is his father (after he’s absolutely certain this boy is in fact his lost, presumed dead son). His son is resistant to accept the news, and even more resistant of the fact that Bog wants to now take him away from the gnomes and live with the creatures above. He pulls away from his father’s touch, claiming he belongs down here with the gnomes.
Marianne, after learning of her husband’s capture, awakens from her fog and flies up with a fury to rescue him.
By then, Bog is no longer a prisoner and climbing (due to his wings being damaged) with some gnomes up the wall to return to the outside and settle this dispute once and for all. Onyx, despite Bog’s encouragement, does not go up with him.
Later, Onyx has a change of heart (probably after a gnome elder talks with him about it) and he begins his climb to catch up with them. But Roland gets to him first and kidnaps him (again).
Bog hears his panicked call and quickly moves into action to rescue him. Marianne, who hears it too in the middle of kicking gnome butt in the village, moves toward the chaos. They all find themselves near the edge of the crack with Roland threatening to drop the wingless prince. Finally, it’s revealed he is the one who did it all those years ago.
And Roland gives some long speech about never meaning any true harm, that it just all got out of hand, and that he just wanted true love but can’t now because of the way he looks. He holds Onyx’s arm as he speaks, his grip slowly loosening with the threat of dropping him in. Bog, in a panic, is trying to convince him to move away from the edge, that Onyx is innocent in all this. But Roland refuses to listen.
Marianne, witnessing all of this somewhere nearby, moves into action. She hits Roland, who loses his grip on Onyx. Bog flies with damaged wings to catch him before he falls into the darkness.
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A fight ensues between Roland and the king and queen. Fairies and goblins alike witness this, their leaders’ first fight together in years. Somehow Roland’s wings get damaged, leading him to hang off the edge with no way of getting himself up. His hands are slipping and he’s pleading for the king and queen to show him mercy. Both Bog and Marianne are unwilling to help, wanting him to fall to his death; he was the cause of all their pain, after all.
Onyx quickly moves into action, rallying the gnomes to work together and save him (just like at the start), much to everyone’s surprise. They’re able to lift him to safety. Roland is crying out his gratitude as Stuff and Thang apprehend him with some fairytale version of handcuffs. Everyone looks to Bog for his sentencing, thinking execution is what he’ll go for. He approaches the fairy with gritted teeth. He wants to attack him, but holds back: “My son deems ya worthy of livin’, so you’ll rot in my dungeon fer the rest of yer days.” Or something like that, idk.
The story concludes at yet another birthday party where the gnomes coexist now with the fairies and goblins, learning how to stop worshipping them as these otherworldly beings. Maybe Griselda takes advantage of their innocence and puts them to work, making them be her chair and hold her drink for her while she sips it. And Dawn has to interfere by scolding her, releasing the gnomes from duty. Bog and Marianne have a heartfelt moment alone and then with their son. And also maybe it’s shown that in the dungeon Roland finds love/friendship somehow with the imp (who, of course, is in prison too), again idk.
The kingdom is once again at peace. The story ends.
Anyway, that’s my idea. It’s very different from the enemies to lovers plot in the first movie, but i still think it’s a cool/interesting idea to explore. Too busy with real life to write this fanfic out fully, so you get this instead.
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bridenore · 8 months
HD fic recs - disability (physical) / illness
Here are a few drarry fic recs where either Harry or Draco is suffering from a physical disability or an illness, whether it is permanent or temporary. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl [114k]
Professor Malfoy’s world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
All the Ashes Like Leaves by @firethesound [21k]
Nothing about being the Chosen One had prepared Harry for this. With most of the population blinded and man-eating plants running amok, he can only stay close to his friends as they make their way to safety. Not that he’d call Malfoy a friend, but the end of the world does rather make their ongoing feud seem trivial. And it just figures that it took nothing short of an apocalypse to make Malfoy seem like less of a git.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 [91k]
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
Beds, Knobs, and Broomsticks by @fencer-x​ [46k]
A long-term mission to the Baltics that will take him far away from London sounds like the perfect time to cash in the embarrassing ‘Butler in the Buff’ coupon Harry received as a birthday gag gift—until Harry winds up injured in the field and sent home to recover three days into the mission, obliging him to endure one full month of inappropriate attentions from horny housekeeper Draco Malfoy.
Double Edged Sword by @romaine2424  [554k]
Harry thinks his life has been planned out, but the night he comes of age changes everything.  Now there are decisions to be made and a path to be chosen, and the choices before him will change the lives of everyone he knows.  But when destiny calls, Harry finds himself ready to listen. This is an epic story of the love between Harry and Draco.  Join them as they journey through their life together, through the good times and the bad, facing obstacles both external and internal, and see how they come to be who they were meant to be.
fly like paper, high like planes by @harryromper [47k]
Harry Potter, Head Coach of the Appleby Arrows, is very content leading a quiet life. He has a doddery old house-elf who makes his breakfast, a team of players who love Quidditch almost as much as he does, and a Kneazle that curls against his damaged leg at the foot of his bed at night. The absolute last thing he needs is a fit, tattooed, and wildly talented Draco Malfoy back from living his life on the margins. Soon he’s dealing with goblins for the first time since the war, traveling to Prague, eating dodgy squid, and maybe, just maybe, accepting that Quidditch, Malfoy, and even Harry himself are still capable of change.
A Fruit Tree in Winter by bryoneybrynn [29k]
After failing in his task of killing Dumbledore, life doesn’t go as Draco expected. Sometimes just surviving takes everything you’ve got. And sometimes healing is something you can’t do alone. Story goes AU/AR from the end of Half-Blood Prince.
Hades Paradox by @romaine2424 [32k]
For reasons unknown to most, Draco Malfoy came to Hogwarts soon after the battle and for five years had never left its premises. Auror Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts to deal with his psychological daemons, but soon realises Professor Draco Malfoy has his own magical and physical daemons to deal with. However, much to Harry’s surprise, Draco is coping well with help from the person Harry aspires to be.
The Homecoming of Harry Potter by @vaysh11 [5k]
Harry Potter returns to Britain after four years of exile. He is accompanied by his lover and friend, the young man who brought down Voldemort.
I dream of you, to wake by @harryromper [13k]
“Typically coma patients are made comfortable and left to regain consciousness in their own time,“ Draco points out carefully.  “Typically, yes. But when has anything about Harry been typical.” Hermione sighs, rubbing at her eye with the heel of her hand. “The Healer-in-Charge has consulted with experts at all the major wizarding hospitals. They all agree. Whatever’s happening inside of Harry’s head right now is killing him.” Draco Malfoy is a world-renowned dream-walker, and he may be Harry Potter’s only hope.
Kaleidoscope by Saras_Girl [104k]
If Harry’s honest, the last thing he needs is a house full of Draco Malfoy, but partners are partners, and perhaps, the thing he wants the least will turn out to be absolutely everything.
Match Fit by  @ravenclawsquill  [25k]
After picking up a groin injury just two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup Final, star Seeker Harry Potter reluctantly agrees to seek help from world-renowned Magi-Physiotherapist, Draco Malfoy. Cue sexual tension, naked sports massages, inappropriate erections and a healthy dose of acid-green lycra.
Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways by @lordhellebore [82k]
When Harry is forced to form a Blood Bond with Draco Malfoy under threat of death, he thinks his future will consist of a cold home and sexual frustration. But when a group of left-over Death Eaters decides to stir trouble, their lives change completely – and it takes them both some years to figure out whether it’s for better or for worse.
Oh, Sinnerman by @lou-isfake and @babooshkart [40k]
“I’m serious, Potter,” Malfoy said quietly. “That was some real bad luck you had, being there last night. They will come after you, and they will kill you—after torturing you for information on my whereabouts.” He pocketed Harry’s wand, but held on to his knife, twirling it between his fingers. Harry was distracted by its movement, the reflections of the bright, dawning sun on polished silver. “I’m not happy about it, either, but you’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future.”   He watched Malfoy’s face for a long time, in a staring contest he wasn’t sure he’d signed up for. Stuck with Malfoy, for the foreseeable future, on the run from a massive crime syndicate that had infiltrated the Ministry and was out for their blood.  It was all very familiar, except for the Malfoy part.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier [33k]
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
Per Solum Lacuna: By Words Alone by Azhure [560k]
A set of enchanted journals bring solace to two very unlikely lost   souls. Whoever said the art of penmanship was lost? This is a wizarding twist on the old fashioned art of correspondence (or the modern art of Internet chatting). What will happen when the mystery writers finally   discover the identity of their counterpart? Join this star crossed pair as they obliviously chat to each other; along the way learning about   life and love. Find out what will happen when their own voyages of self discovery lead them to the most unlikely of places. This is eventual   HP/DM, but other pairings for the protagonists along their journey.
Renaissance by @dysonrules [33k]
Harry awakens after a long sleep to find things terribly changed. He’s not in an alternate universe… it just seems like it.
Turn by Saras_Girl [306k]
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never Sung by @femmequixotic [12k]
I sit silently in the shadows, staring at the tiny, pulsing ball of light that tells me my Harry’s still alive.
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime [23k]
Draco’s world gains a new component, just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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the-elder-polls · 21 days
Ok, so Esper Ironhand started out as the character I did actually get to play for a while in the same messy dnd campaign as the Healer who became Leitav. Esper was originally a Cisco woman, before sliding into gender ambiguity, and I gave that poor gal the saddest backstory like it was a competition (it kinda was, we were all seeing who could make the dm cry)
In Skyrim, Esper keeps a good bit of that backstory in that the story begins in a literal underground forced fighting ring at a very young age, with no memory of life before the Pit. Esper was adopted by a slightly older Argonian kid, who did her best to at least keep Esper alive and fighting, and in the end Esper did the same for a Khajiit kid a little younger.
The fighters in the Pits were all the so-called beast races, at least according to the Racial Philiogeny and The Pig Children crowd, Khajiit and Argonians and Orcs (maybe like a Lamia or two? Goblins?)
The three were nearly full grown (Esper was over six foot) when they became eligible to be put in the tournament for Champion, which supposedly leads to freedom (they take you out of the Pits anyway, though what it actually leads to, even I don't know). Esper was put up against the Khajiit, Stoneclaw, and tried to pull punches and let him win, even though it was a fight to the death. The consequences of holding back like you are a real person who gets to make actual choices were...bad. Stoneclaw died, and Esper nearly did. So after recovering and getting put back in, Esper didn't hesitate again when put against the Argonian of the trio, Hope-in-Darkness. Hope may have, but she was always a little more dexterous and sneaky, so it didn't show.
And after that, after Esper became Champion, but Champion alone, there was no point to going free by the Master's way, so Esper waited until it was almost over and broke his neck, then ran for the river running through the caverns that they used to dispose of bodies. It turned out to lead to freedom rather than back to Stoneclaw and Hope, so Esper became a wandering sellsword, but without the sword part, refusing to use any weapons after having been chained to a blade for so long.
If you know the story Inigo tells about how he betrayed and tried to murder his partner while addicted to skooma? Yeah that was actually Esper, who fled the scene before he could come back, and wound up taking a ship all the way to Dawnstar and wandering the snowfields still kid of out of it from the head injury until being attacked by bandits and left for dead (Alternate Start Live Another Life mod). Since it put me at Alftand for that, I made my way up to the Shrine of Azura where Aranea helped me and called me Champion(?!), and so the adventure begins.
Esper had to head to Winterhold and then Solitude on foot, and taking the dock gate into Solitude on a day when it was sleeting lead to finding Sofie actually frozen to the pavement and instantly becoming a parent, even if finding an actual house took longer. Then a carriage ride to Whiterun (and finding a hideout on the city outskirts because I have the Dragons Den house mod) brought Lucia into the family too, and then taking another carriage down to Falkreath to strike out north for Illinata's Deep (must pay back the debt to Aranea, daedra prince nonsense or no) lead to Gore, and the family begins to take shape.
Esper is an absolute unit of an Orc, and I have had unnecessary amounts of fun playing with size tweaks and comparison shots
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Lore for your enjoyment, anyway
i am doing this to esper
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ozonecologne · 5 months
So, I love animation history, and I've been watching a lot of forgotten animated films for the last couple of weeks...
Fire and Ice (1983): the rotoscope thing is very interesting. I love Darkwolf's design and how hot Teegra is in those early scenes, but not much else. It looks too much like He-Man and the plot drags. 2/10
A Troll in Central Park (1994): charming at the heart of things. Especially with Dom DeLuise as Stanley -- what a comforting voice from my childhood. "Anything that's real starts with a dream." I do very much wish I could live in an underground garden paradise like a little socially awkward troll. 4/10
The Princess and the Goblin (1991): a little bizarre and not very compelling, but I love the bits with grandmother Irene. The way that the attic is animated to transform into an Edenic homestead is so beautiful. 4/10
Quest for Camelot (1998): have you ever wondered what Sinbad would have looked like if they had like half the budget and story? Eric Idle is going to hell. I want to fuck the griffin. 3/10
The Ringing Bell (1978): it's considered a classic for a reason! The idea that you create what will destroy you, and love it for doing so... the idea that when you force yourself to grow up you can never go back... There will come a time when you don't fit into your old life anymore, and you did that to yourself. You destroyed what part of you was innocent and belonged here, but you've also turned your back on the world that changed you. So where do you go? What are you now? What good is a strength that requires you face the world alone? 9/10
The Sea Prince and the Fire Child (or, The Legend of Sirius) (1981): a Romeo and Juliet retelling that kind of dragged, to be honest. I love the way that the fire is animated and the underwater backgrounds; they're whimsical but there's a real primordial quality to them that I like, because the ocean is weird! The sea god design is excellent and there are some sea creatures that are truly delightful, like the bunny fish and whatever Mabuse is supposed to be. Sirius is offputtingly noodly though, and he's 80% of the movie. Didn't love this one. 5/10
Faeries (1981): I cannot believe how they pronounce "Niamh" in this. The folklore designs are really cute though. 2/10
Freddie as FR07 (or, Freddie the Frog) (1992): terrible. I should make a video essay about this film because it is batshit insane in like the worst way. Completely not worth your time but I'd love to tell you about it sometime. 0/10
Felidae (1994): what is it about violent cat series that get at me!!!! A gory noir film made about cats solving a series of cat murders? Some of the imagery really was wild here; I loved the nightmare with Mendel and the puppet corpses. Trauma and eugenics and vengeance at the heart of this one too, the villain was without a doubt a monster but you still felt for them anyway. Decently scary and well-paced, a great tribute to the source material. Also, uncomfortable cat sex scene. 7/10
The Last Unicorn (1982): all of my female friends apparently decided to watch this one at the same time, and we all got weirdly emotional about it. To escape a fetishized genocide your body is violated and turned into something that will no longer interest the conquerers. You do not want this change because this is not your body. Every day is a torment knowing that you slip further and further away from what you know you are. Every day you forget more and more of what you used to be. Eventually, you wouldn't want to go back even if you could remember. Even if you are not happy, you are safe. You are alone, all alone with the ghosts that haunt your footsteps. 9/10
The Plague Dogs (1982): GOD ok. These poor things. These poor dogs haunted by pain that they don't deserve -- "I'm a good dog." "I don't think they're doing it because they think you're a bad dog." -- and are just trying to live a good life once they escape their captors. One of them even remembers life before the torture, when he had a comfortable home and love. But now he thinks it's his own fault he's lost it. They wander the wild, hopeless, unloved except by each other, and what can they do? The world is so much bigger than them. Every decision that shapes their lives is out of their hands, and has nothing to do with them. They're cursed by the narrative. They didn't ask for this. They don't even know what they're doing out here, or where they're meant to go; they have no purpose and no reason to keep fighting for their own survival except that it's the only thing they know how to do. You start this life treading water and you end it treading water. The water swallows you all the same. 10/10
Rock a Doodle (1991): Elvis chicken???????? 5/10
Happily Ever After (1989): truly one of the most bizarre films I've ever seen. A sequel to Snow White that quite literally no one asked for and no one saw coming. I am forever haunted by "dwarfelles." I do love the prince's grubby little creature design though, he's so cute! 1/10 for him only.
Once Upon a Forest (1993): I remember so vividly watching this one when I was home sick from school one time. I don't why it stuck with me; it's not very good. 3/10 because cute animal designs
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (1989): gorgeous. adorable. such beautiful paintings and incredible character design! there were so many people connected to this project and it's such a labor of love. it has such a ghibli style and feel about it even though that's not technically the studio that produced it! 8/10
I also tracked down some of The Animals of Farthing Wood (1993-1995), but I'd love to watch the whole thing sometime. The Redwall series is also on my list, I loved those books as a kid.
Definitely taking recommendations! Have you seen any weird animated films you need to inflict on others?
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xiaojianggshi · 1 year
enhypen members as classical pieces
hello!! this isnt a request but i thought it would be fun to do as i really like classical/instrumental music!! this is through shufflemancy, sorry if it is a little long compared to my other posts!! i will also give an explanation to each piece for personal interpretation.
for heeseung, i got tchaikovsky's swan lake (act 2, scene 10). if you are unfamiliar with swan lake, in summary a princess is turned into a white swan. the only way to break the spell upon her is for her to find true love which she finds in a prince. however, her evil twin, the black swan seduces the prince, leading to the death of the white swan.
jay's piece is shostakovich's festive overture!! i really like this piece and i have played it before! in an interview, shostakovich described this piece as "the state of mind of a man who has undergone the ordeals of war, who has defeated the enemies of the homeland, and now seeks to rebuild his country."
jake's piece is mozart's symphony no. 25, specifically the allegro con brio!! mozart was rather rebellious throughout his life, as he lost his childhood due to him being a renowned musical prodigy at a young age. this piece in particular was created in the classical era, where music was light and airy. this piece however was heavily emotional and has extreme dynamics!!
sunghoon also has a mozart piece! though, this one is less energetic and lively. during this part of his life, mozart's mother passed away. this largely reflects in the piece, causing it to be more somber. this sonata is the only one of mozart's to be written in the the key of e minor, causing it to be unique, even amongst his 800 or so compositions.
sunoo as gounod's ave maria!! this arrangement of the famous prayer actually uses bach's prelude no. 1, which i would say is one of the most famous classical melodies to this day! gounod incorporated this melody in his arrangement of ave maria. essentially, he used an already famous piece and managed to make something even more impactful with it.
jungwon's piece is liebesleid, or translated as "love's sorrow". this piece is originally part of a trio, with two other pieces called love's joy and lovely rosemary. this piece is very emotional as inferred by the name alone. the composer, kreisler, was not very liked during his life, though we now see him as one of the most skilled violinists of all time, most of his work was mistaken to be from other composers.
finally, for niki i got bazzini's dance of the goblins. this piece is rather infamous for its difficulty. the technique is unforgiving and as someone who has attempted this piece, i would even say it is so hard that if you are not skilled or experienced enough to play it, it hurtsd overall, the tone of this piece is very lively and energetic, michevious even!!
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sm0lcatfish · 2 years
i made my own empires swap au bc i thought it would be fun and it was!! it’s more based on the concept behind undertale storyshift
Sheriff Joey - A once lost individual who was taken in by a sheriff and trained to be the successor. He still keeps to himself, finding secrecy to be the best way to take down illegal activity. He can’t help but to get lonely, especially after demoting Shrub as deputy and giving the position to a cat instead.
Goblin Shrub - The last goblin and self promoted leader as there is none to compete in height, she hid into the caves when a strange glowing corruption took over her people and remained down there for years until eventually being found by Sheriff Joey, who she worked to impress and befriend before being rejected by him and being left to cure her people alone.
Great Witch Scott - A once beloved prince of a grand magical empire, of which created an ancient glowing corruption by sheer accident, being brought to this area to scout in secret so it could take over the entire area including the empires within it. However, he didn’t enjoy the idea of being spent to spy on the people he’s grown so close to, and instead chose to help them with his ice magic as best he could. The royal council declared that if he reared his head in their direction, he’d be executed with no hesitation.
Grand Architect Gem - An amnesiac who’s only true memory is the importance and safety of amethyst crystals, alongside mysterious signs that warn her of night. Later found out that she was once from a world where the moon tore through the earth, and she forced herself to forget due to the trauma, and left herself with no direction but a desire to feel a sense of family again.
God Fwhip - A lone, fanged god who tries to recreate what he once thought was a perfect world, creating pools of red and stone spires from the ground. If anyone dares to question him, he hopes they won’t miss their blood.
Protector Jimmy - Living in the ocean with his people, he was attacked by an evil tyrant of a salmon who chased the cod off and rejected him from his home. The cod have evolved to have the ability to move on land and took refuge in a seaside village, Jimmy promising to protect them all, and choosing to ignore the visions of red murderous magic.
Princess Pearl - Someone who works as a tailor and shows herself to her kingdom as a princess at day, she is under the cover of night spars with both her allies and enemies. After her loyalty was questioned by finding herself working with those revealed to be enemies, she’s forced herself to work harder both as a leader and a protector.
Chromia Pix - After leaving his home at a time of destruction, he traveled across the world and investigated skeletons and the like, always protecting their spirits and helping them live on as a ghost with his multicolored candles. These efforts, however, came to him losing his eye, of which he doesn’t regret.
Mayor Katherine - Living in fear of what others would think of her, Katherine lives in secrecy pretending to be a human while in reality she is a cat. She wants her animal-based society to remain in peace, and tries to keep positive allyship with all of the empires, trying to ignore the stress weighing in on her.
Pirate Saus - A proud captain whose ship and crew were overtaken by his enemy, a rivalry only started by their petty thievery to each other, and he found himself washed up on the shore. He’s made an attempt to build himself back up and even has begun learning magic from other empires in an attempt to prove himself, unaware about how this magic could overtake him.
Archeologist Lizzie - With no memories left, Lizzie found herself drawn to history to look for answers, feeling closer to herself with every artifact and structure she uncovers.
Prince Joel - A man who believes in nothing but your own self worth, and the sun. He doesn’t think anything could be wrong as long as the sun still rotates around, and despite his desire to stay under his rays, he can’t help but be drawn to the underground with it’s bright, unnatural fire.
felt silly and goofy, what do u think
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Thranduil and Josie- Pt. 113- Far From Home
Summary: Jareth is MIA while Raven discreetly tends to a lonely and desperate Thranduil. She does something wickedly cruel to the King. A secret arises. Josie and Narcisse share some time together to Legolas' dismay. The witch and warlock have a short lived intense moment. Legolas warns of danger. A duel breaks out. Josie defends her prince. The prince and Queen share their own moment. Legolas protects his Queen.
*Warnings* smut, sexual language, language, angst, violence
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Nov. 9 - One week later
Raven paced around Jareth's dark and desolate castle atop the Misty Mountains, wondering where in the hell he took off to. How was she supposed to get his ring if he was nowhere to be seen? She had located the violin in a chamber that appeared to have been a woman's, which she was now curious about, but for the time being, all she could think about was Thranduil. Jareth's hideous goblins were throwing food in to him once everyday through some hole in the wall no bigger than a fist, so this told her he had no plans on killing him, but why? All for that book that no one has? It was if Jareth believed it would show up soon and he would try to use Thranduil as a bargaining chip to obtain it. For now, Raven left the violin be and would retrieve it when the time came....and for the time being, she and Gollum would sneak off and visit the lonely King in the dark forest to keep him updated and from possibly going insane. If only she had the power to release him, she would...she had tried...nothing worked. Raven needed that damn precious ring....but for now, she brought him a pen and paper he requested.
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Thranduil had wanted the pen and paper so he could sit and write letters to you, although he knew you would never receive them. He had hoped that somehow, some way, you would hear his thoughts as he wrote them down, just like when you had read his journal in Rivendell, he had ended up having visions of you from the memories you were reading.
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After writing for hours, his mind was so tortured with thoughts of you, he couldn't see straight. He remembered the very last time he saw you at the masquerade ball when he left with Legolas and Haldir to go after Caroline. You had begged him not to go but he would not listen to you. He could taste the last kiss you and he shared before he walked away, never to see your face again. Desperation for you plagued him, just to hear your voice once more, but his mind had been silent with only his own thoughts echoing through it. He had lost track of time and no longer knew how long he had been away from you. He could ask Raven, but it would break his heart even more to know. Imagining the pain you and Legolas were in with believing he was dead choked his very soul. All he had now were his memories and his dreams, in which he fell asleep on the table barely big enough for him and was awoken from a quite erotic one of you when Raven called to him through the door.
The urge to strangle her again was overpowering, more so than his throbbing cock that he was pissed at for torturing him more than he already had been.
"Go away!" Thranduil snarled.
"Well hello to you too! This is the thanks I get for trying to keep you company so you're not all alone?"
"I never asked for your presence, nor do I want or need it."
"Well, it sounds like you need something from all the moaning I just heard."
Thranduil stiffened straight up, just as his cock still was. His lips pursed as his eyes squinted in a glare towards the sound of her voice.
"Is that so? Then I must ask...why did you interrupt me? Being the sick and twisted type you are, it surprises me you did not revel in pleasure from my distress."
He began pacing about with his eyes closed while holding onto his aching member over his pants, releasing a grunting sigh of frustration.
"I should, after you tried to murder me with your bare hands." she snarked as she cursed herself for still adoring the Elvenking who despised every bone in her body.
"And yet...here you are. What do you want? You were just here awhile ago. Do you not have better things to do such as leave me alone?"
She couldn't tell him she just wanted to hear his voice, for she was lonely too, because Thranduil certainly would not give a rat's ass, but merely take pleasure in her misery.
"It sounds to me like you are in need of some....company."
Her implied tone did not go unnoticed by the King. "And just how do you think that your company can benefit me?"
Raven grinned and spoke through the feeding hole. "Gúl." (magic).
Thranduil whipped his head to the tiny opening, still holding his painful heat against his body.
"How so?" he curiously asked with furrowed skeptical brows as one arched up.
Raven peeked into the hole with one eye. The room carried a faint glow of candlelight and she could see Thranduil from the waist down.
"I can offer you some relief....that's if you want it. It seems to me you certainly need it judging by the way you are gripping your cock."
Thranduil's nose flared as he charged at the hole, trying to shove his hand through it to grab her, but his hand was too big.
Raven let out a fearful squeal as she jumped back.
'If you think I would so much as ever let you touch me again...you are..."
"Chill out Thrandy! I never said anything about touching you. I merely said magic. I am quite sure who that raging hard on is for and...I can offer that person to you as I did once before."
Thranduil stiffened up again, remembering how Raven appeared to him as you when he was first waking up from his drug induced state.
"You mean when you took from me what was not yours?"
"I took nothing that you were not willing to give!"
He rushed to the hole again and shouted through it.
"You made yourself sound like my wife!! My will was for her! In which you are not nor could ever be! No one could! Stop wasting my time with your nonsense!"
Thranduil walked to the other side of the room, fiercely laying his hand on the wall and grunted, while squeezing his agonizing cock.
"I can make it go away Thranduil. I can give you the voice you long to hear. I can give you one magical moment with your wife again."
Thranduil was almost in tears as he looked over his shoulder with one eye at the hole. Not from his physical issue, but from the emotional pain. He would give anything to hear you again, even if only for a short moment.
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Raven may have been sick and twisted just like Thranduil said, but she really did just want to please him and take away his grief for a little while.
"Thranduil? It's me, your Josephine. Come to me baby." Raven said in your voice, to see how the unstable elf lord would react.
Thranduil gasped as quickly turned to the sound of your voice, his mouth open and eyes wide.
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Slowly, he walked to the hole. "This...this isn't real. You are not here." He softly whispered as he closed his eyes and lightly gulped.
"I am real. I am here my love. Come sit down. I wish to see your beautiful eyes."
Thranduil whimpered and shook as he did what your voice asked of him. He pulled the small stool up and sat staring into the black hole. He tried so hard to focus but whatever enchanted magic Raven was using on his vulnerable, desperate and weak mind, was working.
"I...I cannot see you my sweet girl. Where are you?" he asked in desperation as he gripped at the small circle in the stone wall.
Raven's hand was small enough to fit through it, so she reached in slowly and touched his fingers.
Thranduil jumped up in shock, his blue gleaming eyes peering down at the tiny woman's hand he was made to believe was yours.
"My love, sit down. Let me touch your sweet face."
For a moment, Thranduil had forgotten about his unpleasant stiffness below his belt and sat back down in a trance like state. All he now heard and saw was you.
"Come closer my King."
Hearing you call him that completely broke him. Tears streamed down his trembling face as he lowered his head to your wiggling fingers like a child.
Raven then stroked Thranduil's cheek as he laid his hand over top of hers and closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh. He pulled her hand to his mouth and softly kissed it over and over. She began to gently place her finger inside his mouth, tracing his bottom teeth in which he gladly accepted with a moan.
"Let me pleasure you my love. Let me help you release." she said as she then ran her fingers through his hair.
Thranduil now recalled his arousal as his cock was screaming at him to oblige.
"Stand up. Let me fix this for you baby."
Thranduil did as he was told and slid his pants down enough to let his cock stand freely at full attention. As Raven wrapped her hand around his thick shaft, Thranduil jerked and sucked in a gasp at the touch of the warm hand he believed to be yours. He placed one hand on the wall for support and his other over her hand as she slowly began to stroke him. It felt so ridiculously good that Thranduil had to lay his forehead on his hand that rested on the wall or he swore he was going to collapse. Each squeezing stroke she made, a pant would escape his lips. His hips began to rock into her movements as his hand gripped over hers, completely encasing his solid form.
'J...Jo..Josephine." he groaned.
'Yes my love. Imagine yourself inside of me." she also panted as she gripped him tighter and moved faster. What she said next caused his unraveling.
"Fuck me my King."
Thranduil's hand separated from hers and he slapped it onto the wall as his mouth opened wide, bellowing out a deep roar while he expelled his warm fluid at his feet. Once all of his tension had been released, his mind became clear and instantly appalled at what Raven had done to him...again, even after he had just adamantly said he would never let her touch him. Rage rushed through his entire soul like a volcanic eruption. Ejecting his hand, he yanked her arm, slamming her into the outside wall so fast and hard, she almost lost consciousness.
"You slithering succubus! I should rip your limb from your wretched body, just as my wife once threatened to do!"
"If you do not let me go, I will not help you get out of here and I will make sure your wife finds out about one of your past misdeeds with one she used to call a best friend!"
Thranduil gasped and flung his hand away, sending her straight on her ass.
"I thought that would get your attention almighty saint Thranduil."
"How did..." he started to ask but couldn't even finish from the shock how she could have possibly known his deep dark secret.
Raven cackled. "Oh Thrandy, baby...have you forgotten who I am? Part witch. I have known your dirty little secret since the first time you and I had a little fun. It was too easy because you were in such a weakened state from the wolfsbane and it left your mind wide open. All it took was one little touch and I could see your thoughts. You were thinking of that betrayal in that moment because it has been eating you alive ever since it happened. I suggest you start being a little nicer to me if you don't want to spend eternity in here. After all, look what I just did for you? I gave you something you longed for. One moment, even if it were not real, with my oblivious sister. I am going to go now and you can sit for a few days, or for however long I feel you should....and ponder on your actions just now. I mean, what more do you have to do anyways?" she chuckled.
Raven ran off as Thranduil stood trembling. he stumbled back to the bed and dropped onto it, immediately passing out.
"Thranduil, NO!! Get away from him!" you woke up screaming and sweating, completely disoriented. Legolas jumped off the couch and ran to you as Leeanduil began to cry.
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"Josie! Come here."
The prince pulled you into his arms. "It is alright. I am here. It was just a dream."
You cried so hard into his shoulder that no sound came out.
Leeanduil suddenly stopped crying and you looked up to see Haldir holding her as she gazed up at him and he down at her. What a serene sight....although it should have been Thranduil that she was looking at that way.
Legolas began compassionately wiping your tears. "Josie...please. Let me take you home. We have been here over a week and your dreams are worsening."
"I am sorry Jo...I have tried my best to keep them at bay." Haldir sadly apologized.
"Haldir, no sweetheart. This is not your fault. It's mine. My powers are worthless, my shield is broken because my heart is broken too. I don't know how to fix it...for it can never be fixed...I will never be ok again. I cannot go back there Leggy. I just can't. Everything there is Thranduil. It will break me even more so than I already am, if that is even possible."
"But it may also do the opposite. It may help you heal, us both heal, as we would feel closer to him."
"Legolas, I will never heal from this, nor will you. I know that you need to go back regardless....for you...are the King of Mirkwood now...and you have duties to fulfill."
"So you expect me to just go back and leave you and my sister behind? And where? Here with Narcisse? Over my dead body."
"Legolas...I..I don't know what to do anymore. Everyday is harder than the next. I try...I try so hard to shove these feelings down, but my guilt eats me alive. Thranduil went to Lestat's all because of me! This happened to him because of me....So...what about my guilt? Who's gonna make me forget?"
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"Josie, no one expects you to forget. Just try to move forward, for Leean."
"Arrgh! Just forget it Legolas. You will never understand me. I need my dad. Where is he? He has been gone since last week...and so has Narcisse...ever since he stormed out of here after finding out Garrett was here. God...I hate this...I hate everything!"
You jumped up and went to Haldir. "Please give me my daughter. She needs to eat and I need to be alone with her for awhile."
"Sure Jo. Legolas and I will go gather up some breakfast for you." Haldir handed you Leeanduil and Legolas reluctantly followed him out.
You at down on the bed and began to feed your little angel. All you could think about was your dream. Raven...she had her wicked claws on your King. Why would you dream something like that? When he....was gone.
You laid Leean back down as she was already sound asleep with a full belly. You quickly bathed and dressed while you had her crib positioned in front of the open bathroom door so you could see her.
"How...how am I going to do this little one? Without your daddy. I feel so empty inside." you softly cried to Leean as you picked her up and left the room in search for your dad, notifying the guards where you were going in case Legolas and Haldir came back and panicked. You had been pent up in there all week and needed to move because you just couldn't breathe in there anymore...you couldn't breathe at all without Thranduil.
You ended up coming across your two elven bodyguards by accident in a large dining area. Stephane's castle was a giant labyrinth and you had no clue as to where the hell you were going.
"Hey...I had to get out of that room. Have either of you happened to see my father? or Narcisse?"
"We have not seen Julian...but Narcisse is out at the stables. I saw him from the window heading that way." Legolas informed you.
"Good. Maybe he knows where my dad is. I need to go talk to him anyways. Would you care for your sister while I do so?"
"You are not going outside alone....and you need to eat Josie."
"First of all Legolas, you do not tell me what I can and cannot do...and here...watch."
You broke off a piece of Lembas and shoved it in your mouth, chomping at it sarcastically and then swigged down a glass of OJ.
"For that part I am, but it is not safe for you to go alone Josie. You know this."
"Here, I will take the child and you can go with her Legolas." Haldir kindly offered.
You handed Leean to him and kissed him on the cheek, then placed your hand on his face and smiled.
"Thank you Haldir. I don't know what I would do without you. I really don't."
Haldir lightly blushed and smiled back. "I will do anything for you Jo. You know that."
Off you and Legolas went to find the week long absent lord Narcisse.
There he was, just outside the stables with his beautiful white horse, Arion, that he had lent Legolas and also had made fun of him for riding. The morning air was crisp with some patches of snow on the ground but the sun was on full power, and both felt intoxicating on your face after being couped up for so long.
Narcisse was talking with some woman so you went undetected with Legolas into the stables to love on your so missed Moose, who was just hanging out in there freely, chewing on some hay. Thranduil had never penned him up and you were not about to allow it now.
Legolas went over to another white horse and began loving on him, kissing the animal on the nose...and the horse seemed to have reciprocated affections for the prince. What a vision. The Prince and a great white horse. Not to mention seeing an elf be like a little kid with an animal. Legolas always did have such a soft spot for animals...just like his father.
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"Josie. I would like you to meet Percy. I have been tending to him to earn my keep around here on. Is he not a beauty? I think I may have struck a bargain with Narcisse about keeping him."
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You laughed. "Stephane, the man you cannot stand, is going to allow you to have one of his horses?"
"Well, yes. For I am now the King of the woodland realm and will be taking over my father's dealings with Narcisse. Do not read anything into it Josie, It's purely a business arrangement, nothing more."
"Oh darn. And here I thought you and Stephane were going to become besties." you giggled.
"What is it with you addressing him by his first name all the time? You barely know him."
"I know him well enough, especially after all he has done for us...and he told me to call him that anyways. What's the big deal Legolas? It's just his name. Just as he calls me by mine."
"Yes he does, does he not? And by Jo too...which you had asked him not to do because that was only Haldir's privilege, yet he still does and you say nothing. He should be addressing you as Queen."
"Why? I am not his Queen? and...I don't know...it don't bother me anymore if he calls me Jo. I don't care to be addressed as Queen anyways. It sounds so formal and elegant, and I am nothing of the sort."
"Well you never minded it when my father was here."
You gasped. "I am going to go speak to Stephane now." you reeled, emphasizing his name and walked out calling back to him as you left. "Thanks for that Legolas."
The woman had left so you then approached Narcisse.
"Hey....where have you been? I have been wanting to talk to you."
"Why Jo...did you miss me while I was gone?" he lightly smiled as he looked you up and down.
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"I...I wanted to apologize to you, for jumping sown your throat about Garrett. I was wrong to do so. This is your kingdom and it's your rules. I shouldn't have overstepped by giving you orders when I am merely a guest here that you have so kindly allowed."
"Well now...who are you and what have you done with Jo? You're certainly not the same girl I saw last week...although you look just like her, and radiant as ever if I might add. No apologies necessary my lady. I too overstepped by being so hasty when I know Garrett is no threat. Instead, I offer you my apology."
You shyly looked down. "Alright...accepted although not necessary. So...uh...have you seen my dad? I really need him right now and I am worried because this is not like him to just vanish, especially now that Leean is here. I know he's worried about Jareth but..."
Narcisse knew what Julian was up to because he had to told him before he left.
"Don't worry Jo. He just had some things he wanted to take care of. He will be back soon."
"In other words, he has sworn you to secrecy."
"Something like that. Please trust me. He knows what he's doing."
"I guess I will have to. So....who is this white beauty?"
"Oh! Jo...meet Arion. Arion, this is Jo, Queen of the woodland realm."
"Arion. What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy." you said and stroked his nose. The horse snorted and nudged your hand gently as he seemed to like you.
"Ahhh, would you look at that. He adores you already. He has good taste and knows a true beauty himself when he sees one." Narcisse said as he cuddled the horse and smiled. Another amazing vision. The horse clearly adored Narcisse and vice versa.
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"I was about to take him out for a ride. Would you care to join me? I'm sure my black stallion would love to have you ride him again unless you would like to try the chestnut mare I offered to you before as you're both feisty redheads."
"Ohh...I..I don't think I should leave....Leean is with Haldir and Legolas will have a conniption fit."
'Nonsense. We won't be long or go off my grounds and you will be with me. I will not let anything happen to you. I put my life on it. You need a little breather Jo. I can sense it. Besides...I would like to get to know you better...the real Jo. I haven't seen you since you were a little girl remember?"
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You had completely forgotten how far your dad and Narcisse's friendship went back.
"Well...you're certainly right about that. I need some air....I...I would like to know you better as well. Alright. Let me go speak to Legolas so he at least knows where I am and maybe you could get the horse ready?"
Narcisse nodded and bowed , then you left, already fretting to tell Legolas what you wanted to do.
When you went back into the barn, Legolas and a stableman were tending to Percy.
"Hey. So ummm. Narcisse has asked me to go for a ride with him. Will you tell Haldir that I won't be long?"
"You are going to go off alone with him when Jareth is a threat?? Look how easily he entered your own chambers....and your powers are not in tact. He wants that book and feels your are the means to get it. What if he tries to take you? What about your daughter, she needs you. I feel your grief has not only taken your power but has clouded your judgement as well! No, Josie. I forbid it!"
"Exxxcuuuse me? I do not recall asking your permission...and Jareth only did so because I was alone, well technically. Let us not forget Narcisse is a warlock himself. He will protect me if needed. I can see no good it would do Jareth to do that, when I am no good to him in locating that book. I don't know where it is and he knows that. He was only here, trying to intimidate me and I will let no one do so! Not even you Legolas Greenleaf."
"Then I will go with you if you must do something so reckless."
"No, you will not! I...I need some space...from everything, from..."
"Me....?" Legolas asked in a wounded voice and stared at you in an even more devastated demeanor which broke yourheart.
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You walked up to him and took his face in your hands.
"Legolas...no. Not you. I believed you were dead not so long ago. How could I ever desire to be away from you? I am just asking for a little time to myself, that is all. Can you please try to understand?"
"I..I do Josie. I just...do not trust Narcisse. I never have. If something were to happen to you..."
You quickly hugged him, cutting his words short.
"I know." you whispered into his ear. "I'll be alright. I am wearing the pendant.
"I do not find a pendant worthy of protecting what I hold dearest to my heart" Legolas responded and stroked your cheek.
His words took you aback as you both gazed in each others eyes.
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"Are you ready my lady?" Narcisse interrupted as he walked up with a dark brown horse.
"Uh, yes. What about the black stallion?"
"He is actually out with another rider at the moment so I chose my other beauty, Blaze. He was the horse I was riding when I met you."
"Yes, I remember him. Hello Blaze. I am Josie."
You went up and stroked the white blaze that ran down his nose, hence his name obviously. His lips fumbled about your arm, taking in your scent and then softly nudged you."
"You see, he likes you too and wishes for you to keep offering your massage services." Narcisse chuckled. "Legolas." Narcisse nodded and then turned to you. "If you will follow me."
You left and glanced back sorrowfully at Legolas who was watching you go.
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When you and Narcisse reached his white horse, he went up and stroked him.
"What's that Arion? You want the Queen to ride you?" Stephane leaned into the horse as if he were listening to his thoughts, then grinned as he looked at you.
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You laughed. "That horse did not just tell you that."
"Oh but indeed he did. How do you think I knew you were in danger at Chateau de Lioncourt? My stallion told me when he returned here in a panic without you."
"So...you can hear them...like..."
"Like Thranduil could? Yes. I can. You see? We have a lot to learn about each other. Come, let me help you up. He's a rather big boy, but I assure you he's very gentle at heart."
You reached your hand out to his, and it happened again. As soon as your fingers touched, a blue light zapped you both, knocking you to the ground and Narcisse against his horse.
"Josephine!" Narcisse skidded down to your side on his knees, taking your face into his hands. "Are you alright??? Look at me."
You felt woozy for a moment and then came out of it.
"Y..yes. Just shocked...literally. Wtf was that? Why does it keep happening when our fingers touch? That's the third time now. The first was when we met, then it happened in the mountains, and now."
"Actually, it's the fourth. It also happened in your room, after you had Leean. Remember? I brought in her gifts and when I handed it to you, our fingers had touched."
"Yes...oh my god, I forgot about that. Narcisse, what is happening between us?"
"I honestly do not know Jo. It seems I can touch you anywhere else except your hands. Let me help you up. Are you feeling alright to ride still?"
"Yes...I believe so."
He helped you up by wrapping his arms around your waist. You went to the horse, put your foot in the stirrup and your hands on the saddle. Narcisse then placed his hands around your hips to help push you up. You turned your face to the side, catching his blue eyes with yours in what felt like a moment of more than a friendly connection. After you were safely secured on the horse, Narcisse removed his hands and awkwardly smiled as his eyes glanced all around, except at you.
"Well...um. Ok then. I...guess we are ready."
He climbed up on his horse and let you lead the way.
Legolas witnessed the entire interaction with a scowl on his face. He saddled up Percy and took off to follow you.
You ended up at a rather large secluded stone structure appearing to be a guest house, not far from the castle.
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"What is this place?"
"This my dear, is my home away from home. I thought we could go out back by the lake and enjoy some of your favorite beverage. Tea." he said with a smirk, knowing damn well you did not like tea as you told him that when you met him. Well, technically you told him you did not like him.
He dismounted his horse and then helped you off yours, his hands sliding up your waist as you glided down to the ground.
He sheepishly smiled as he quickly removed his hands from you.
"Shall we?"
You followed him around the small mansion to a most glorious view of a pond, trees and an archery range. He motioned to a servant.
"Could you please bring us some hot tea?"
"It will hit the spot on the cool morning day, don't you think?" he then asked you as the servant left.
"Yes, most certainly."
"Come, sit while we wait."
He led you to a small table under a tree directly in front of the small pond. The servant was prompt and sat the tray on the table, pouring you both a steaming cup of the tea from a silver pot. A guard stood behind him for extra precautions.
"Narcisse, this place...it's so..."
"Beautiful?" he said as he gazed at you. Steam also came from his mouth as he spoke. It was chilly but bearable to relax in with the sun shining down. My house and my gardens are my sanctuary."
Narcisse sat with his legs crossed and swayed his hanging foot as he spoke with a smile on his face. He truly looked happy in this place.
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"So...you were gone. Is this where you were?"
"Yes, it was."
"I..I am sorry for the way I treated you."
"I thought we had already established that no apologies were necessary. Jo...I understand what you're going through."
His eyes held a tint of pain in them. Had he lost someone he loved too? You didn't dare ask such a personal question and figured he would tell you if and when he was ready to.
"So, tell me about yourself Jo. What makes you tick, what makes you smile, what's your favorite color...what makes you...the fiery redheaded Jo."
You chuckled. "Well...A lot of things get under my skin. Being told what to do, or being treated like a child. Arrogance, that's a big one."
Narcisse smiled and looked down. "Well, I can see why you would say that."
"Oh...no! I didn't mean..."
"It's alright Jo. I know I was not your favorite person when we met. I can be an asshole sometimes. But I...I hope your feelings of me have changed some? They seem to have. Am I wrong?"
"No, you're not. I think you have well proved yourself to me after all you have done. You even saved Legolas and almost died doing so."
"And you in turn saved me. I owe you my life Jo."
"You owe me nothing Stephane....so...let's see, what makes me smile? Leann! I just adore her. I never thought it was possible to love another human being more than my own life except for..."
You became silent as your eyes fell.
"Jo...I truly am sorry for your loss. I know you may not believe that because Thranduil and I were not...friends per se...but it pains me to see you in such agony...and for that...I am so sorry."
Narcisse certainly had all the right words. "Thank you. Sorry for being a downer."
"Jo, nonsense. You're in pain. I do not expect you to be all smiles on my account. Ok, tell me your favorite color then."
" Wellll, it's purple."
"Purple eh? I love that color too. So refreshing."
"I..I noticed. I remember you wearing a purple leather jacket once, kinda like the style you are wearing now."
Narcisse smiled in amazement. "You...remember something I have worn?"
"Well, yes? It's kind of hard to forget when a man wears purple." you giggled. "Ok...your turn. Answer the same three questions."
"Alright then. Seems fair. What makes me tick, hmmm. Incompetence. Drives me insane. Such as when my guards let that slime ball of an oaf escape on the boat.....oh sorry, I did not mean to bring Asher up."
"No, it's ok. Where...is he by the way?"
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about him. He will never harm you again. He is locked away, securely this time, and I will deal with him when the time is right. What he did to you...is unfathomable. Another thing that makes me tick....trying to take a woman against her will. Ok enough of this conversation. Next question. What makes me smile.....your laugh, your smile.. It's a rarity these days."
You didn't know how to respond to that so you quickly picked up your tea and took a sip, hiding your face behind the cup.
"And well, you already know my favorite color, so choose another question to make it fair."
"Ok...umm. Well, I see the archery range you have out here. Is that something you love to do?"
"Oh yes. A favorite hobby of mine. Do you know how to shoot an arrow?"
"I have had a little practice. Legolas, Haldir and Thran..." You could barely say his name.
"Do you...want to learn? I can teach you."
"Sure. It's a good of time as any. You can come here any time you like and practice. Come on. Care to try your skill?"
Narcisse went and grabbed a bow and arrow.
"This one should do."
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"But that's for a right handed person. I might be left handed, some people are.' you grinned.
"But not you." he smirked.
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He took your arm and slid your sleeve up as he smiled at you.
"This is a vambrace."
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"It goes on the non dominate arm...because...mistakes in this game...can hurt." he smiled as he strapped it tightly with a firm yank. Was he still referring to archery as a game? Something in his demeanor told you he was not.
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You took the bow and placed the arrow into the cable.
"You have good instincts." he said as he stood behind you observing.
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You raised it up to aim.
"No..no." he said.
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He came up behind you and steadied your hand as he placed his other hand on your waist, and spoke right against your ear. His deep voice, warm breath and prickly beard grazing your skin sent goosebumps all over your body.
"You're too quick. The eye is more important than the hand. See your target. Understand what you're aiming for, don't just physically let it fly. Now...sight the center. The rest of the circles are irrelevant."
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He then stepped back and you let the arrow fly. Bullseye.
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"Of course, the beginning is always promising. The trick, is to keep it going that way." he said as stared right into your eyes.
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"Great shot though. You've been holding back on me. It don't seem as if you need any practice. Must be the elven blood within you."
He was right. It was Thranduil's blood that you gained when you and he first made love, inheriting many skilled traits that developed over time...even your blue eyes that used to be green, the first sign of an elf's soulmate after they are intimate....but Thranduil already knew you were his...as you knew he was yours.
Other ones were the senses, such as smell....and in that moment, you smelled something more dominant than Narcisse's peppermint scent....mint leaves. Legolas.
You gulped down your now cold tea and spun around.
"You can come out Legolas. I know you are there!"
Legolas then came galloping in and hopped off Percy, staring all around at the sky.
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"Did you follow me???"
"Of course I did, and you must come back now."
You could clearly see something was wrong.
"Legolas?? Is Leeanduil alright??"
"She is fine and safe inside the castle with Haldir. Something is coming. I can feel it...just I sensed the other night. You can be angry with me later. I must get you back to safety...now."
"She is plenty safe right here under my protection. But you couldn't stand it could you? You just had to come after her when she told you not to."
"I do not believe I asked for your thoughts on the matter!" Legolas barked at Narcisse.
'And I do not believe I invited you here! Jo has been gone merely thirty minutes and yet here you are, sniffing up her dress."
"Narcisse! Stop. Legolas wouldn't have came if it weren't important."
"Why are you always defending him? Just like you did last week. Do you think I am powerless? I knew he was following us. He left the stables shortly after we did. There was no danger....and now all of a sudden, there is. He just wants to complicate matters between us because of his jealousy."
"If you are so powerful, then you would sense the danger as I do! But you do not, because you are weak!" Legolas retorted.
Narcisse spun around so fast and was instantly facing Legolas holding his bow with an arrow pointed right at Legolas's head, which with Legolas' instincts and agility, he was also simultaneously holding his pointed back at Narcisse. The two were just feet from each other with their lips pursed and eyes glaring.
"Stop it!! Both of you! Narcisse, what the fuck are you doing?? If you hurt him, I will never forgive you!! If Legolas says there is danger, then I believe and trust him! He would not lie to me."
Neither of the statue like men would move from their stance. The next thing Narcisse knew, was you standing beside him pointing an arrow at him.
"Lower your weapon Stephane. I will not tell you twice."
Legolas' eyes about popped out of his head as he still remained firm with his aim.
Narcisse's guards were then right behind you with arrows pointing at you also.
Stephane lowered his and went off on them.
"Don't any of you ever raise a weapon to her! For any reason! Is that clear!?"
The guards lowered their bows and stood at ease.
You didn't know what to think after that. He still protected you after you were standing there with an arrow aimed at his chest. Would you have shot him? If he had hurt Legolas, indeed you would have....but otherwise, you were just trying to get him to stand down.
"Legolas! You too!' you snapped as you lowered yours.
Legolas immediately did as you ordered.
Narcisse was fuming at this point and the nice peaceful time you were having was shot straight to hell.
"Would you look at that. Obeying the Queen like a little lap dog. Why is that? Are you afraid of her? A simple woman? She certainly would never hurt you, but has no problem threatening me...which was a big mistake Josephine. You know, I was only trying to offer you some peace for a little while and maybe get closer to you. But as you can see...men are afraid to get close to you because they see you as the King's property."
"I am no one's property!"
"I don't see you like that unlike most men. I was never afraid of your King and I am certainly not afraid of this new one! In fact, I believe Thranduil was somewhat afraid of me as is his little offspring."
"Frankly now, so am i!"
"And men are afraid of you, so we're both feared. It can be quite isolating can't it? Could leave one lonely that's presumptuous of you." Narcisse said with a flat expression.
"And yet it's true....that...and the fact that you really are an asshole. Legolas, take me back." you said as you began to cry.
"Jo...wait..." Narcisse pleaded, knowing he went too far as Legolas helped you up onto his horse, sitting in front of him. "I should never have said that about Thranduil...Jo..please, don't cry, I was just under attack and..."
"Fuck you Narcisse. Legolas, go."
'Yah!" Legolas nudged the horse with his heels and off you both went.
Legolas brought Percy to a walk in a clearing. The castle was still a good distance away.
"Are you alright?" Legolas spoke into your ear as you had not said a word to him since you both left, but instead silently cried. He knew you were because his keen hearing could pick up your soft whimpers and he could smell the salt from your tears.
"I need to get down. I feel sick."
Legolas quickly jumped down and helped you off. You dropped to your knees and began to vomit. Legolas knelt down beside you and held your hair back and rubbed your arm which only made you start bawling because that's what Thranduil used to do for you.
"Josie, it is alright."
"No, no it's not alright Legolas! Nothing will ever be alright again!"
You turned to him and fell into his arms. Legolas sat and held you for a good five minutes until you calmed down.
"I...I never would have let him hurt you Legolas. You have to know that." you said as you sniffled and peered up at him.
The prince smiled as he stared into your eyes and wiped your tears ever so lovingly.
"I know. Josie...let me take you home now. Please. Come back and stay with me in Mirkwood. Let me take care of you and my sister."
Your eyes were locked in his moonstone ones and he began to slowly lower his mouth to yours....and...you weren't stopping it.....
His lips hovered over yours, almost touching. You could smell his sweet breath and feel it's inviting warmth. His eyes then darted to the sky and he sprung up.
You stood up next to him staring at what he was seeing.
"W..w..what is that???"
Hundreds of little black speckles were coming towards you from afar.
"It's Jareth's spies!" Legolas shouted. His roar startled Percy and he bolted.
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The next thing you knew, Legolas was flinging you to the ground under some brush, holding his hand over your mouth as what seemed like thousands of black birds swarmed over top.
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Once they were gone, you and Legolas slowly climbed out.
"Now do you believe me?"
"Legolas, I never doubted you. Not once. Jareth knows i am here so why are his minions or spies or whatever the fuck they are, coming here?"
"To intimidate you, us. To show his power....and report to him anything they see. Come on. We need to get back."
Legolas took your hand and you both began running as you now didn't have a horse.
You began gasping and tripped, but Legolas swiftly caught you and picked you up.
"I've got you."
He continued running and carried you all the way back to the castle.
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naifahsaiyara · 1 year
So some days ago, I decided to read the hobbit and the lord of the rings. And i finished reading the hobbit. And it was fun. There was a meddling wizard, stupid trolls who argue over cooking methods, nasty goblins, wolves, giant spiders, nice elves, a slightly creepy creature living beside an underground lake, an awesome magic ring, ( yes, i thought that a magic ring which can turn you invisible was pretty neat while reading the hobbit, thank you very much, can we please move on), some nice elves and men, a dragon, a mountain full of treasure, 13 dwarves who seemed to share a single brain cell amongst them and a hobbit who by sheer dumb luck made it to the mountain. Okay so dwarves are greedy bastards and doesn't want to share their gold? Poor lake people got their town burned oh please guys give that bard guy some gold he killed a DRAGON for goodness' sake. Where does the army of elves came from? Why do they want gold? It's not theirs, well factor some not nice elves. There's a pretty shiny rock, oohh i guess that's important ( then i also read a book about 3 pretty shiny rocks and the number of people who died or were killed for them, 😐)Ahh, there is a dwarf army too, i guess they'll fight it out. ooh poor hobbit, don't you dare hurt him mr. Dwarf King. What's that in the horizon? An army of the mutual enemy who wants to kill everyone? And everyone united to kill them instead? How are the eagles involved again? Ohh the king and his nephews are dead, his cousin is now king, well at least he apologized before dying. Ohh bilbo returned home. Okay the end. It was good.
Then i watched the movies.
WHAT? Are you telling me THiS Guy here is Thorin Oakenshield? But but, he is going to dieeee. I don't want him to die. Wait, Fili and Kili are so cute, but they are also going to die.
Ahhh, complex dwarf character, they had a home and then the dragon happened and now they don't have a home and they want their home back even if it means there are only 13 of them, (and a hobbit, and a wizard though he might run away at times, who knows, wizards) against a dragon. It is about reclaiming your home and not only about the gold, ahhh someone kill me imma die from the feels.
Wait, why are you making the- are you making the already hot exiled dwarf king even more hot and complex and broody, it is not fair, he is going to die in the end. Where is the dmaned director, i hate you.
No no heart don't you dare fall in love this guy is going to die and break your heart in the end, red flags, red flags, abort mission.
Waiitttt, so there is the hobbit and the dwarf, are you sureee there is nothing going on between them?
So the little dwarf prince fell for a elf, and his uncle hates elves cause they didn't help them when the dragons came, okay then, but i miss the nice elves from the books, but this elvenking is also kinda hot.
Does this elf prince have spider powers? Man he is reminding me of peter parker how is he maintaining balance while fighting like that?
Oooh damn, bard is also hot. *Screams in a pillow*
I feel like the 3rd movie is gonna break my heart.
Okay the dragon's gone, i likey like bard's children, they are cute. Go away Alfred no one wants to hear you. Annddddd Thorin went mad, so did some dwarves to a lesser degree, and bilbo is sad, you can't literally see the heartbreak in his eyes, you can feel it across the screen, i am also sad bilbo. You are not alone.
Ahhh Thorin smiled at Bilbo and gave him mithril shirt, are you absolutely sure they are just friends mr. Director?
Thorin's eyes, i can see how they turn back and forth between blue and black. I feel the struggle. Ahhh come on Thorin you can fight it.
Ahhh, Bofur you are Bilbo's bff, i knew it.
Wait, are you also sure there's nothing going on between Thranduil and Bard? Or the wizard and the badass lady?
Here it comes, here it comes, the battlement scene, Thorin don't hurt bilbo can't you see you are breaking his heart and mine too.
Ahh Dain is funny. The elves fight so pretty.
See, this is what happens when you ignore the wizard, damn you people, he was trying to tell you about the army since foreever, why are you acting so surprised now.
Is legolas into gymnastics? How the hell could he fight like that? I thought elves were nature lovers and star gazers, i didnt know they were into acrobatics.
Oh thank Eru Thorin's fine now. Yee boys go and bash some orc skulls. No, nooo don't go there there is another army ahhh. *Screams into pillow again*
Nooo, FILIII.... *Starts crying 😭😭😭*
KILI not you tooo ... Tauriel is sad, so am i.
Ahhhh THORIN 😭😭😭😭 ahdievxosnwbixjqoevdooqnckcn
He dies, he dies in his Hobbit's arms and you cannot tell me they are just friends, I don't- i won't believe it.
* screams and cries and throws things, there are tissues scattered everywhere, the family members thinking i am mad.*
So mr. director come here let's have a chat, i have cookies. *Creepy smile.*
Why did you make a greedy dwarf king into a three dimensional complex character who is prideful but also wants the best for his people, and casted a damned hot guy as him and made him look at the camera like THAT and smile like THAT when you knew he was goinggg to dieeee? I was not mentally prepared for this shit and now i have trauma and it's your fault and i swear I'm gonna murder you with conkers you-
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trixcuomo · 2 years
DWC Day #3: Velvet, Consequence
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Every fancy school, magical or not, prep school or of the military variety, has two things. A rolling green, and a colonnade.
Trixany stood there now, alone, wondering where the last three weeks had gone. Her new uniform had come in, and sadly it fit. She kept complaining about it and even ripping it and spilling stuff on it to get out of being in full uniform. But finally they gave her a really expensive, velvety enchanted one that came with a note from her strict Farstrider father.
"This is coming out of your royalties."
Royalties! It made Trixany growl now just remembering that note. "He knows I don't have an allowance. But he went for my residual earnings from the photoshoot. And, that one ill-advised pop song I did with Rap Master Drip Squeegie, 'Wash My Trike.'"
Yes, "Wash My Trike" had been a very bad idea. The Goblins in the video were having a water fight with the sponges and foamy suds flying back and forth. Trixany was tall enough to wash the top of the trike, but it also meant you could only really see her ankles. And her designer flip flops.
The music video? It flopped.
Trixany looked down at her feet now, in heavy green and bronze combat boots. "Ugh, these colors..."
Then, it happened. The thing Trixany and the other recruits had been waiting for at the farther end of the colonnade. Trixany watched the rest of the students gather and get excited while she stayed way in back. The dark iron gates near the front lawns were being pulled open. Files of the older students marched in, to boisterous cheering and wild Windspire Military Academy green-and-bronze fanfare. People were actually throwing streamers.
This wasn't a girls' school, not at all. Any Blood Elf who applied and got in was welcome to campus.
But more than half of the seasoned cadets had been out on an extended tour of duty. From the best Trixany could judge, it wasn't a real military assignment because they weren't that. More like a kind of apprentice sort of thing, them mixed in with the normal Farstriders.
The senior cadets had been part of the royal escort and parade as Prince Kael'thas made his annual tour through Dalaran, Quel'Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands, Loch Modan and other far-flung settlements. It was meant to help keep the empire feeling united.
Now, all the upperclassmen were marching back to campus, and they looked so spectacular. In full uniform, armed or playing their field drums, horns and other instruments.
"I wonder if the Prince would visit the Quel'dorei expats in Kezan? I mean a few of us live out there too--"
Trixany squinted her eye at her roommate.
Daphne Weaver, another young ensign, a smirking blonde, came and leaned on the large stone column next to her.
"Why not?" Demanded Tixany.
"Think of the consequences. Kael'thas shows interest in the Goblins. Next thing you know, he's shooting missiles from his hands and riding a rocket around the countryside instead of a Hawkstrider."
"You. Cannot say that about Goblins. We--my step family--is about more than that."
Daphne gave a compassionate look. In the end, she was the brainy sort. Thoughtful and even helpful. Not really a mean girl. She looked down and played with a little gold locket as she spoke. "Sweetie, you need to come back home to us. Learn how to be Quel'dorei. I mean it's cool you can name twenty types of Kezani bubble tea. But there's none to be had on campus. One day, we'll all have to find a place in the real world, just beyond these gates."
Trixany rolled her eyes.
Daphne sighed, "You might want to learn enough in school to avoid making more bad music videos and shoe deals. And you'll want something else to fall back on, if being a celebrity doesn't work out, right? Is that even a job?"
Trixany gave in, shrugged that Daphne was right.
Daphne pointed out across the lawn, at the lines of polished, marching cadets.
"If you want to move up the ranks and prove yourself here? You've got to train."
"I don't want to become some stuffed up Farstrider."
"You don't know that, yet. And you have no idea what Farstriders really do for our kingdom. It's amazing. You mean you've never seen the cadets practice?"
"Come on," Daphne smirked again, "Let's go look at some of the boys."
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dododan · 1 year
For now, it's so workmanlike, because I like to keep things in order.
I also need to work out a few things technically~
#myasks - a hashtag for your questions! Don't be shy and ask me anything you want! I'll try to answer if it doesn't involve spoilers for e.g. Hibernation or another story I'm writing/drawing.
#dododanart - just a hashtag for my art
Holly and her world
Someday I will come up with a better title for this project. This is my main project that I am working on. The main thing I'm doing right now is constructing a story for Asha's family and creating a plan for the comic. From time to time there may be smaller drawings from this project.
#holly the pixie
Holly is a little monster who wanders between worlds. Some may spot her flitting between buildings or trees. Sometimes they will spot a strange door that disappears as soon as the goblin disappears behind it. Those few who know her can only say that she has been looking for someone for a long time. No one knows who exactly, but there is a big secret behind it.
#ash-kore - my spider and his story
Ash-kore is a hybrid. It has the blood of upper class demons in it as well as the blood of spider demons. He was destined for a future alongside loving parents who would bring a new order to the demon world - equality, justice and caring. Sadly, Ash lost everything in one night, and the hope of all demons for a better life vanished. Years later, the greatest rebellion in the history of the demon kingdom began. According to rumours, it is led by a lost prince who wants to continue his parents' work. Only none of them know that behind the enlightened ideas is a desire for bloody revenge.
#holly&ash-kore - comics/drawings when Holly met Ash-kore
What can happen when a little goblin with powerful and rare powers meets a spider who is hungry for the blood of its enemies?
#Rick and Morty
Only drawings from Rick and Morty. Maybe some theory on the series occasionally. Interest in this series is revived every time there is a new season. So far, nothing new is appearing here.
Drawings and my crazy theories and ideas to explain the plot. I have some more drawings in mind as well as rearranging the story of my OC - Mari. This is one of the projects I am currently working on.
#cult of the lamb
Drawings and stories on the history of my worship. I have an idea for a series of short comics and short stories. At the moment is my new hyperfixation, because I can't tear myself away from the game. That said, I'm treating this project as a side project, so things won't appear regularly.
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles:
#rottmnt - common arts with ROTTMNT
#hibernation - the hashtag I will occupy when I start drawing the comic book. My interest in ROTTMNT has dimmed a bit, but I want to finish the comic first and foremost. No matter what happens the comic will be finished and this is the main project I am working on.
Masterpost "Hibernation"
When the boys were tiny he took them everywhere with him. He was afraid to leave them alone, but they were growing very fast, so he started looking for some more permanent shelter for them. Unfortunately, as a former celebrity who had spent the last decade of his life in the Hidden City, he didn’t really know where he could look for any bearable place to live. For the first few years, he managed to find abandoned buildings - such as an abandoned bowling alley or closed garages. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much luck and they had to change their hiding places quite often. Splinter loves his boys very much and this cannot be disputed, but what can a person who has never even looked after a pet in his life know about raising children?
Splinter tries his best, but sometimes he makes mistakes and feels overwhelmed by the weight of his past. Unfortunately, the consequences of these mistakes can backfire on those he cares about most - his sons.
Splinter will have to face the consequences of his mistakes, which put him in a situation no parent wants to be in.
#rottmnt MuZA - my AU. The idea was inspired by the game Project Zomboid, but somehow the enthusiasm for creating AU dimmed. Maybe it will come back, maybe not, but for now it is an abandoned project. But if anyone is curious, I have a written story for the brothers as a list of events. I can make it available if there is interest.
What would the apocalypse look like if the ninja turtles had to face mutant zombies instead of Krangs? A mysterious virus has spread around the world, turning humans and yokai into monsters. The Hamato family has not yet recovered from their battle with Shredder, and they face another challenge. Surviving the end of the world.
#guardiantale - My au Presents the story before the events of the game. The story is already written, but I am slowly translating it into English. Chapters will appear every Saturday at 6pm.
"Katharina is an ordinary girl who is very stubborn. She always pursues her goal. Anyone who knows her can tell that she is very persistent. But this trait is not always a good thing. Kath found this out the hard way when she fell into the Underworld. From now on, she will have to somehow survive in a place full of monsters that have no sympathy for humans. Will she be able to survive in this place? Or will one of the monsters get their way and give her soul to the king?"
#arachnite - For the time being, I will not be involved in this project, but it is not completely abandoned. I will return to it after the release of the next part of the film.
"Nicolas also known as Arachnite. An amazing, beautiful and brilliant boy with the powers of a spider (as he likes to say about himself). He gained his powers by accident and decided to become a hero because it looks like an interesting occupation. At least until he got into trouble and Spider-man had to rescue him."
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braingoboops · 5 months
The City of Stone
An elderly woman sits before a group of children, rocking back and fourth in her chair. Her skin is wrinkled and leathery from the years spent working outside, but the smile lines around her face mark a life well lived. She smiles towards the children, who have been pestering her for a story for a good while now. They were all orphans, their parents slaughtered by the Church's inquisition against other beliefs.
"Settle down, children. Settle down, and I will tell you a story." At that, the kids promptly plopped onto the group and looked to the elderly woman with attentive eyes. She smiled at the sight. "This is a story from a very, very long time ago. One that the Church wouldn't want me to tell you, for it reveals a flow in one of their precious deities."
The children leaned forward with interest. Many of them were of the monstrous races. Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Orcs, Goblin, and Yuan-Ti were common, but there were also Aarakocra, Satyrs, Tabaxis, and a Tortle child amongst them. There were a pair of Tiefling twins as well, their parents slain due to their fiendish nature. Needless to say, many of them were aware of the Church's crimes.
"This," she began, "is the story of the City of Stone, and the tragedy of the first Medusa. A long time ago, there was a thriving kingdom where all of the mortal races could be found mingling and intertwined with one another. It's name was lost to history, but we do know that it was rich in culture and diverse in beliefs, and the royal family was kind."
"One day, there was a girl born. Half human, half elf, she was raised to be kind. She was skilled in music and song, and a talented seamstress, and as she grew up, was soon recognized as one of the most beautiful creatures in the whole kingdom."
"The crown prince, known for his mischievousness and his distaste for staying cooped up in the palace, was often found amongst the city folk, and soon heard rumors of this woman. He decided he had to meet her, and sought her out. When he finally discovered her, is was love at first sight for the young prince. He spent many, many moons attempting to court the young woman, who was adamant in her belief that her husband wasn't to be an arrogant scoundrel, regardless of nobility, and was steadfast in her refusal. The prince, as the moons went by, soon found he had to change if he was to woo this girl."
"So he did. It was a long and arduous process, one fraught with many failures and embarrassments, but soon his mischievous and arrogant ways faded away to maturity, kindness, and a humble nature. It was only then, that the young woman accept his proposal for courtship. It was soon after, that the pair was wedded, and were one day the Kingdom's new King and Queen."
"The entire kingdom praised their relationship. She was a fair queen, while her king maintained his kind and mature nature. Eventually, the kingdom even began to worship them as gods, despite their protests. You see, they were well aware of the gods fallacies, and knew that being worshipped could only lead to trouble. They were correct."
"You see, the queen was revered as a Goddess of Beauty. Ikthos, the actual Goddess of Beauty, did not like what she had heard. Ikthos is famous for her vanity. In a fit of jealous rage, during an announcement to the kingdom of the pregnancy of the queen, Ikthos cursed the unborn child. When the princess was born, instead of hair sprouting from her scalp, there were tiny, baby snakes. When her eyes opened, they were blood red. Despite these deformities, however, the king and queen loved their baby girl."
"Ikthos, frustrated that her plan was unsuccessful, placed one more curse upon the princess upon her first bleeding. This curse was the Curse of Stone, which radiated from the princess. Overnight, the entire kingdom, all its people, its plants and its animals were petrified into stone, leaving the princess alone amongst her kingdom, her only company being the stone remains of her people and her family." "Ikthos, satisfied with her plan, finished her work by granting immortality to the princess. Thus, was the birth of the first Medusa, Queen of the Kingdom of Stone, a dead kingdom of solitude. All future Medusa's would come from the shedding of her hair, each snake growing into a weaker, more grotesque version of the first Medusa. Scales would coat their bodies, their legs may maintain the serpentine features of a snake instead of feet, and the curse that they would inherit would be significantly weaker. They're often unappealing in appearance, compared to the first Medusa, who inherited the unparalleled beauty of her mother." The elderly lady finished her story. The children were staring at her in various states of distress and sadness.
"That's so sad!" One of the tiefling children cried, tears leaking from her eyes. The old woman nodded.
"Indeed it is, child. But that is the nature of the Gods."
"What happened to her?"
"To the first Medusa? It's said her and her kingdom were enveloped by the Feywilds, as a way to prevent future tragedy and to grant the first Medusa a barrier against the influences of Ikthos."
"Why don't any of her children stay with her? The other Medusa's?"
"That's because they have to eat, and that not even they are fully immune to her Curse of Stone. If they reside in her kingdom for too long, they too will be petrified."
"That's horrible!"
"Yes... yes it is..."
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Twisted Tales: Tale as Old as Time Review
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Ah, one of my favorites, and Braswell did a lovely job with her twist of “What if Belle’s mother cursed the beast?” Yes, yes everyone Belle’s mother is alive and she’s the Enchantress that kicks the whole story off.
Here it begins in alternate chapters of Belle in the present as she escapes Gaston’s ambush wedding and in the past where we read Maurice and Rosalind’s lovely courtship up until the curse. It provides a solid beginning of world building that this is a magical age in France where le charmants (fae, goblins, warlocks, faun creatures, etc.) live with the normals. But tensions and prejudices grow as the normals fear le charmants for their power and deviltry and they beginning “disappearing.” Not that the king nor queen are any help as they feel the same. Even though they still want Rosalind’s help with the plague. Talk about hypocrisy.
Anyway, the small family escapes most of the violence by moving to the poor provincial town until the king and queen die and the boy is coronated. Then, Rosalind decides to pay a visit and see if the boy will be just as bad as his parents and you know how it goes.
From there, she disappears. Kidnapped really. With a protective amnesia spell to keep her family safe and so we’re pushed back to the movie storyline. Maurice gets lost, Belle trades places with him, she’s a guest, she’s a guest and she goes to the forbidden West Wing where she touches the erode and it crumbles to dust. Oh yeah, here Belle doesn’t break the curse. She effectively ruins the Beast and the servants’ chances to become human again. This where things kick into high gear as Belle resolves to help them. Plus by touching the rose, her memory comes roaring back and realizes her mom was the Enchantress and so she is even more determined to set things right.
Belle was wonderful character here, curious, sometimes rash, dreaming for adventure but also very smart with all her book learning. Her reaction to the library would have been my reaction to the library. Jaw dropping for days honestly. She was written well I think. Beast was also in character, written in turns as beastly yet awkwardly self conscious. Sometimes he was a bit childish but considering he was cursed when he was eleven and has been in beast form ever since, it makes sense, he hadn’t a chance to grow more mature. Until he met Belle. . .
Braswell does a wonderful job in creating an evolving bond between Belle and the Beast even as he slowly starts becoming more beastly against his will, Belle’s care touches him. And Belle, not only lives an adventure she’d only read about in stories, but comes to see past the Beast’s angry exterior and learns about his parents and how his princely affected him till today and even sees his awkwardness. And she slowly weans him from the upper class thinking of servants as tools and even teaches him to cook in a real sweet scene I think.
Plus I adore Beast learning and even agreeing about his parents less savory actions but he says in a heartbreaking line, “I know they weren’t good. But they’re dead now, can’t people leave them alone.” I felt so bad for him because it’s true, they weren’t good people, they were prejudiced but they were still his parents and he loved them and they loved him. Speaking of parents, she has many conflicting feelings about her mother. This person she rarely thought about if albeit resented for mysteriously leaving. She wonders about this powerful being who seems cruel and rash cursing an eleven year old boy. Yet also protective and loving to her community of les charmants as they dig deeper into the history behind the curse. Belle begins to see her as an adult where the world and people are not entirely good or bad. It connects to the larger message that you can’t judge by first impressions. Everyone is nuanced with flaws like Belle’s mother not being the angelic mother of her imagination nor a cruel sorceress to be feared. The Beast is not an animal nor is he compassionate royal (at first). People are full of complications and cannot be judged by the actions of one.
The latter is an especially important thread as the prejudice against les charmanta with the pogams, exiles, tortures and killings are very reminiscent of many things. Anti semitism was the first to come to my mind if I’m being honest especially with the antagonist, Dr. D’Arque surgically experimenting on them to see if he can cure them of their magic and make them “pure.” This metaphor may be difficult and dark, but it is an important and I think Braswell handled it well using these le charmants as an substitute to it. But don’t worry, it’s not only experimentation and killings. Mrs. Potts has a backstory. Lefou is a fool. Gaston makes an appearances where Braswell thankfully doesn’t try to make him anything but the boastful, ruthless, proudly ignorant jerk he is. And she even uses the official names Disney gave the bimbettes, Claudette, Laurette, and Paulette which was a very minor thing but made me ridiculously happy to see that she put little details like that. Also I wanted to emphasize the sweet romantic growth between the Beast and Belle. Braswell has a way of fixing flaws people have with these old tales with Belle directly references Stockholm syndrome the first time she starts feeling compassion toward the Beast. So you know Braswell knows what she is doing when she embarks on the romance. That this is not a case of Stockholm syndrome, they genuinely fall in love with each other. And the best example of that is when they’re in danger (and separated) and Beast channels his inner Belle to make a plan and Belle channels her inner Beast and lets loose her rage at her captors. Which I thought such a romantic indication of how they influenced each other.
I don’t have many nitpicks here as I felt this was a solid book with a well done message and interesting twists and turns that kept it fast and exciting even for those who already know the story. And the ending was definitely a surprise. I will point out that there were a few grammer issues like when the magic was calling out to Belle, it kept using her name in lowercase. Which was the same thing for whenever the Beast mumbled something. Even if it’s mumbling, I‘m pretty sure it’s still supposed to start at an uppercase. Also the Beast said he used to have a name, but he never reveals it because “he’s not that person anymore”. I still wished they said it or he even chose a new one to reflect his new self. But again, minor thing.
5 stars.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Cassian x fem Valkyrie reader. Reader is ambushed fighting the Queens on the Final Battle for the continent. Cassian tries to help save the Valkyries.
intense battle, blood violence warning.
Women clad in armor and swords strapped at their sides marched. A unified front against the largest force the Queens ever summoned. The enemy lines reformed after the initial attack, a hopeful attempt at recovery on their part. The Valkyrie force was the final blow needed to wipe them out entirely.  Cassian cheered for his mate from the field behind, watching with a heart full of blooming pride. You began cutting through that crowd. Those that could fly in the Valkyries didn't. They watched each other's backs, pairing and switching off like clockwork. You led the front with Nesta, spearheading the hoard of ground forces that remained.  The Queens' army was enormous when the battle had begun, now as their numbers dwindled. Some even peeled off from the main group, fleeing as they saw the Valkyries take down group after group. The white ribbons on their heads flickered in the wind, their dance like fighting was mesmerising. Cassian's heart sang watching the blades shimmer in the late evening sun.  Then the castle horns began blaring. Loud enough to disrupt both forces on that field. The Queens' forces erupted in a celebratory cheer loud enough to be heard from where Cassian stood at the front lines. Nausea twisted his gut. The horns stopped. Rhys was shouting orders to reform the lines. Cassian was utterly frozen as those castle gates opened. Horses first, with riders and enormous wolves at their sides. Then the foot soldiers poured out, filling that battlefield. Like a black and silver wave they circled the group of Valkyries in only a few moments. Cassians legs shook. The breath left his body. "We fight for our brothers and sisters on this land. We fight for those who wish to live freely, without consequence for who they are!" Rhysand gave a rallying speech. "We fight, we fear no death!" Rhys finished. As the final black figures rose out of that tunnel, Cassian was off. Flying high and fast trying to reach you. He didnt think of the backup he left behind or the fact his siphons were completely drained. He still had his sword, he could still fight. He would not let you die alone. You screamed orders over that blaring horn, Nesta breaking off to give direct orders to the few Illyrian Valkyries. Darkness poured from that castle gate. Like a dark pit had opened to a world of monsters. You knew when a battle turned. This was one of those times. The footsoilers circled the group, closing off the pathway you had forged in.  The Illyrians took off, carrying two wounded of your force. Those that could fight regrouped, forming a tight circle, shields and swords. The horn paused long enough to hear the metal clanking of the armor all the attor and foot soldiers wore. To taste the dust the riders kicked up on the barren field. You could hear the wolves snarling somewhere in that crowd. The gremlins and goblins that laughed with their daggers at the ready. You showed no fear. You knew Cassian was watching, and your heart sang for him. This fight was for him. for all of Velaris' soldiers that stood behind you. the court of nightmares, the friends that were rallying their forces in that crowd with Cassian and beyond.  The horn rang out a final time and a shudder wracked the earth. True darkness stepped out of that gate. Riding an enormous white horse that stood three hands taller than the rest. To support that massive, pallid hooded figure on top. That black sword that resembled Truth Teller so much, like it's twin. But this one had a glow of red to it. A siphon lay at the hilt.  "Run. We need to run." Nesta's voice was quiet beside you, quiet yet strong in the face of death itself.  The pale rider lifted the lost sword and the entire army quieted. A dull hum filled the air, then a cracking wet sound as a red beam shot through his own forces straight at the group of Valkyries.  You screamed in defiance, your shield raised. Death raced for you, in so many different forms. You waited for the searing pain of that sword's light, but there was only a dull thud. The crowd quieted then erupted into a roar. You peeked around your shield, waiting for that death blow to hit you. Laying on the ground between your circle of valkyries and the advancing forces lay a limp Illyrian body. Glowing with red light. You could have been screaming, The feeling of anything but primal rage was lost from you. You grabbed Nesta by the shield arm and yanked her forward with you to cover Cassian. The beasts hissed and made strange growling sounds.  You heard the circle tightening behind you, covering up for the gap you and Nesta had left. Cassian's body was hot, his armor on an arm was melted off. but his siphon... gods it looked like it had been blasted through his hand. It was embedded there, as if it burned its way halfway through his skin. The movements were purely instinct as your mind seemed to pull away from your body. You checked his pulse. The biggest relief in the word washed over you. He was alive, for now. The opposing army was awaiting their orders to finish off the last of your group. You could tell they were impatient as their teeth clacked together, howls ringing out at the apparent loss of a winged force.  You looked to Nesta with wide eyes, and felt your heart plummet at the sight of dirt streaked tears falling down her cheeks. She glanced back to the Valkyries, who were keeping the beasts at bay with spears and occasional slices of swords. They chanted together, a war cry from the original Valkyries. You felt the tears falling now.  Cassian groaned beneath you, muttering something you couldn't hear.  "It's alright, Cas. We'll be home soon." You choked out, not taking your eyes off the metal clad boots. You could hear the roar of the crowd cheering on that death rider. Could pinpoint exactly where he was on the battlefield. The victory cries from a force that knew they would win. "Rhys is on the way, Az too." You promised, the dull rumble of footsteps from the hill where they regrouped was far off though. You knew you had little time before the predators around you would strike. If you were lucky the women would be able to fend them off long enough for Rhys to winnow them away.  "No.." You made out from his words. His eyes cracked open weakly. Blood streaked his cheekbone where he had skidded on the dirt. "Where..." The tears hit you full force and you held back a sob. You knew he would insist on dying in battle, but would insist on Rhys saving you from such an end. "They're coming." You nodded to him, brushing the hair from his face. Nesta snarled and swung that mighty sword at a goblin that dared to strike. The crowd receded slightly.  "Where is that fucker?" Cassian bit out, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. He propped himself up on an elbow, and the army had a collective gasp. You noticed it then. All of Cassian's siphons glowed with a light you'd never seen. A blood red that was bright as the smoke shrouded sun. Even the one embedded in his hand. "Where is he?" His eyes burned into you. He sat up, and Nesta caught him with her leg before he could waver. She held him up, her eyes never leaving the army. They stared at Cassian as if he were a new god to behold.  He grunted at the new position but smiled, looking at his seared hand. His eyes were dull though, as if he was on the verge of sleep. He smiled at you though and he placed that beautiful hand adorned with his power into yours.  He flexed his fingers around yours for only a second before placing your hand on his wrist and had you support his arm. Red tendrils of light danced around his fingers like snakes. "Give it to him. Courtesy of the Valkyries." He winked at you, his eyes still tired. Voice still gravely.  You knew what he meant. You knew what this would risk. You stammered for some kind of rebuttal but he only shook his head, a warning. And encouragement. You looked to your sisters behind you, they were actively fighting now as they pushed inward. Nesta was roaring, holding her position behind Cassian. Her shield was splintering against the forces that berated her. Another Valkyrie stepped up to help her. Rhy's forces were only halfway across the enormous battlefield. You knew there was no time for goodbyes.  So you took his arm, listened for that crowd hailing their prince of death, and took a long shuddering breath. "I love you." You closed your eyes at the growing light that surrounded Cassian's hand. "Until the end of all worlds." He said softly, just to you as the dull hum of his siphon turned to a roar, then a crackling sound that made you wince in pain.  A ripple of power like lighting struck through the crowd. And you were falling to the ground with Cassian after the blast, covering him. You would die together, if he liked it or not. "To the end." you muttered, hoping he could hear you.
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Day 3 Birthday Plot Bunnies 2
If you want this to become my next WIP, be sure to shower it with lots of love!!  🥰 💖 All the story starters will be linked back to this masterpost.
Title: Soul Traitors
Summary: Betrayal among soulmates is unheard of in all the free races of Arda, yet that’s exactly what Durin, King of Khazad-dûm, endures. Heartsick and angry, he damns the Valar for their choice and earns their wrath in return. He and his former lover will be reincarnated until the wrong between them is righted. Thorin, Durin’s lastest reincarnation, believes nothing can break that curse and instead mounts a quest for the Arkenstone to free his people of theirs. Gandalf, the meddlesome wizard, offers a Burglar for their quest. A hobbit burglar who will help Thorin uncover more than just a gem.
Warnings: Character Death, Gore (I mean, it’s not heavily descripted gore, but it does mention the manner of the character’s death so just to be safe.)
Each of the races have their own views on soulmates and how you go about finding them. However, all seem to agree that to find a soulmate is a very special thing. To find the one person who you can trust with your whole heart and soul. That’s why to the dwarves, they called these people, Ones. None would ever consider betraying their Ones as that seemed a cruelness beyond even that of the orcs. Which is why King Durin stood in the high chamber of the court of Khazad-dûm staring down at the small figure below with such shock and fear, many feared a light breeze could topple their usually infallible king.
The curly haired creature in chains returned the king’s stare with heartbreaking indifference. Many of the court began to chant prayers to Mahal that this was not to be so. That the One of their dear king wouldn’t dare do that which he was accused. Durin’s flat and breathless voice finally spoke, silencing all in the hall.
“Madoc son of Maloch of the Holbyta Tribe Fallohide, you stand before the King of Khazad-dûm as the sole conspirator and thief of the Arkenstone. One of the great treasures of our kingdom. What plea do you make in your defense?”
With no hesitation, no change in emotion, the small being stated the same line Durin’s heard since his capture.
“I love you.”
The king leaned forward to bow his head as he gripped the stone podium tighter. 
“Madoc, this is serious!” Durin’s most trusted advisor, Gelbim, spoke up. “You have taken a sacred relic from our halls, and not just any, but the one that has the power to bring ruin upon our city and our people! Your crime is punishable by death. For the love of Mahal and the great Valar, please, tell us where you’ve hidden the Arkenstone.”
Durin slowly brought his eyes up as the silence persisted to see a small break in Madoc’s mask. His jaw trembled and a single tear leaked from his soft hazel eyes that Durin had loved from the moment he met him. 
“I...love...you.” He sobbed.
That was the moment Durin’s heart broke. Not shattered completely though. No, unfortunately that particular pain would come later that week when Madoc’s sentence was being carried out. But this...this was the first of a pain that would never desist.
“How can you when you hurt me so?” Durin asked softly, yet his words carried through the chamber as Madoc bowed his head in defeat. “You are given a traitor’s sentence. Death with no chance to appeal. Your name will not be spoken aloud again, your hair will be shorn and removed of any braids and beads, and your body will be burned rather than returned to the land and stone. In the Eyes of Mahal, so mote it be.”
Gelbim, his dear friend, told him he didn’t need to attend. None would think less of their king. Durin wished he had listened. He couldn’t bear to watch, but the sound of the axe going straight through his One’s neck would haunt him for the rest of his life. As it was, he stumbled to his chambers to fall and not rise from their marital bed for weeks after. When he resumed his reign, the toll of losing heart and soul was apparent to all. 
Durin became hardened in the final years of his reign. He demanded every ounce of mithril in the mountain to be pulled up and sold it to his allies for too high a price. What he didn’t sell, he forged. Weapons, jewelry, a particular handsome mailshirt, and if it were all the same size as his beloved holbyta? Well, none had it in them to point it out to their fading king. As demanded of a traitor’s death, the name Madoc was stricken from all records and replaced with the Amrâb Hufrel or “the soul’s betrayal of all betrayals”. The rest of the Fallohide tribe which was camped near the Misty Mountains was forced to pack up and resume their nomadic lifestyle west or face war with the dwarves. The sorrows of Durin were not to stop there. 
“The goblins of the Deep grow bolder.” Gelbim remarked as they watched the latest battalion return battered and worse for wear.
“Without the Arkenstone, they will not stop.” Durin growled.
“Durin, my friend, we’ve sent quest after quest after the gem. Wherever M-the Amrâb Hufrel has hidden it, we may not ever find it. It may be time to consider...alternatives.”
“What alternative is there aside from leaving my mountain and my mithril!” Durin spat.
Gelbim raised an eyebrow at his answer. “And is that worth more than the lives of your kin?”
Durin froze before spinning around quick as a flash. “Leave if that is your wish! This has been the home of MY line since the reign of Durin I and I WILL NOT GO!”
Go, Gelbim did taking a third of his kingdom with him including the young Prince Thrain and his mother. Crown Prince Nain, Durin’s only stone son, could not be moved to leave his father to his fate even as he saw the heartless path he wrought. For in their quest for more mithril, an ancient evil slumbering deep below the rock was awoken. The king led a frantic charge against the beast and was slain almost instantly. The war against Durin’s Bane lasted a year longer, but when the newly instated King Nain, was slain, the mountain and its riches were abandoned. In the lore of Durin’s folk, this was the first great curse of the Amrâb Hufrel’s theft.
Durin, who welcomed his death with open arms, awoke expecting to find the Halls of His Father. Instead, the nervous face of his treacherous One amongst a starry plane was the first sight he was graced with. 
“Oh Durin, my heart…” The holbyta began taking a step forward.
“You!” The king snarled, moving away as quickly as he could.
The Amrâb Hufrel looked miserable as his face twisted in anguish. “Please let me explain…”
“NOW YOU WISH TO EXPLAIN!” Durin boomed. “You had your chance! You had every opportunity to tell of your nefarious schemes, and instead you mocked me. You mocked my kingdom, a kingdom you once called yours. Well look at it now! All because of you!”
The creature before him was truly wretched and small as he hunkered against every blow Durin dealt. And the dwarf was yet to be finished.
“Peace, my son.” Came a great voice from above that Durin instantly recognized as His Father even having never heard it before. “You have made your point. Now let your Sanâzyung (Perfect/True Love) say his piece.”
“NO!” Durin roared against the very heavens themselves. “I don’t want to have anything to do with this...this...Amrâb Hufrel!”
Thunder rumbled, shaking the entire platform they stood upon. And while the holbyta trembled in the face of such power, Durin’s anger was too great to be cowed.
“You would reject this gift we offer, son of Aulë?” A female voice demanded, icy and iron.
“What gift?” Durin sneered. “Unless you offer me the chance to sever his head myself this time, I see no gift here.”
The other creature of blood released a gasp that was more like a sob, but Durin had no more patience for the likes of him. In fact, he had nothing left to give to him. Something that became apparent to the Valar watching.
“You have become cruel.” Another, softer female voice soothed. “You know only the truths you have seen with your own eyes.”
“And it is enough for me to condemn that thing and the Great Valar that thought to join my soul with it! Damn him and DAMN ALL OF YOU!”
If Durin expected the same booming show of power he received previously, he was sorely disappointed. Instead, it just all seemed to fade away. The stars, the platform, and the holbyta. His sorrowful face full of tears was the last thing Durin saw before he was swallowed by the darkness. The darkness allowed no sound, not even from Durin’s own voice, and no escape. He was unsure how long he wavered in that place: hours, weeks, years? He was utterly and completely alone until finally the voice of His Father broke through.
“You have shamed me, my uzfakuh (great joy). You have shamed me, you have shamed yourself, and you have shamed your Sanâzyung.”
Durin knew he could not speak back, but he still fumed at the Great Smith’s words. 
“We have thought long and hard on how you can atone for the atrocities you’ve committed today.”
And what of the Amrâb Hufrel’s atrocities?
“Your path will not be an easy one, especially if you hold tight to the stubborn slights of your mortal heart. For a soul is worth so much more. You and your Sanâzyung shall be reborn over and over as many times as needed until you can right the wrongs between you and hear the truth of his soul.”
Durin felt a burning on his breast and looked down to behold a glowing oak tree being inked in chains.
“You shall carry this mark in every life of yours henceforth, and it shall know the mark of Madoc in return. Only free of the chains that bind your soul, will you be welcome in my Halls.”
The legend of Durin’s curse and the theft of the Amrâb Hufrel passed down through the centuries until it had inscribed all dwarven mothers with fear. For any child to bear the mark of Durin was to lead a loveless and empty life. Likewise, any “hobbits” as they preferred that met with the dwarves were met with open hostility. Especially if they bore their own mark, though none knew for certain if it was Madoc’s or not. Still, the hobbits learned fast and stories of their own circulated that any child bearing an acorn on their palm would be hunted and killed by the dwarves. So as the stories grew wilder and edged with desperation, Durin and Madoc were reborn again and again just as Aulë promised, but were no closer to breaking the curse that bound them so.
It was many centuries later when a young prince from Durin’s own line was born to the immediate wailing and disappointment of every dwarf in attendance. Not even a few seconds old, Thorin, son of Thrain, Prince of Erebor bore the heavy burdens of his ancestor. It steeled his heart as he grew into adolescence and forced him to throw his all into his duties as prince. He would love Erebor for none would ever love him. And when Erebor was attacked by the dragon, it was Thorin’s foresight and friendship with the men of Dale that was able to send Smaug away. Thorin grew from prince into a king his people could be proud of, and he never wavered from his vow to his kingdom. Never knowing that almost a century and a half later, a hobbit was born with the death sentence of his people on his palm and a destiny he would not be able to escape.
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galesh · 3 years
Wish fulfillment au of Severus who was born in Albus' Dumbledore's time. I just wanted to post it as a reply on a discord server but then it got out of hand. So
- Two clever swots duking it out... in academics!
- Debating each other of old spells and whether or not they're dark and the librarian jinxing them out of the library with hexes for being too loud
- Albus and Sev rubbing their stung bums and arguing about the hexes the librarian used
- Albus and Sev both discovering they're poor halfbloods and railing against the arswholes in charge who think they can sting their bums and get away with it
- Them stinging each other's bums because it's a fascinating body part and maybe rubbing them with a different set of hands because maybe it'll help, and they're experimental
-Albus viewing the fascinating kid with so much dark potential with new eyes.
-Sev keeping an eye out for the twinkly eyed twit because it's unnerving, really, and because he always found the goodness in others fascinating. He doesn't believe he can emulate it, but maybe some would seep through him in osmosis. That's what that muggle book said anyway
- His ma always said he had a thing for redheads. He's starting to suspect her of practicing black magic
- Albus and Sev working on potions and transfig together because none of them can tell the other they're bloody brilliant and that they're fascinated, and could we just get to stinging bums and rubbing out the soreness please
- Sev visiting the Dumbledore's on summer break because his father is dead and his mother as good as, meeting the creepy girl creature because he's nosy and of course he'd look at the one room Kendra told him not to
- Abe running to Ariana's room because she screams bloody murder. It's only when he gets there that he realises that that bloody snake they let into their house is being accosted by a happily shrieking Arianna who wants to meet this strange new black haired scarecrow her brother likes
- The older one
- Sometimes, Arianna suspects
- Sev being horrified by Ariana's sad tale, and not wanting her to waste away, working with Albus to make sure she can get out
- Abe (begging to) help them because he really wants to, and because he doesn't trust the snake
- Sev learns Abe can't bloody spell after the third time.he has to squint if the bottle has fluxweed or filchweed (Dyslexia is not recognised yet, but it will be, in the muggle world) amd tries to help. It's more insulting than helpful, but he tries!
- Albus feverishly searching for a way to fix what those muggle boys and their mother's imprisonment and his neglect have wrought. Searching in the darkest grimoires, because really, what is honor and goodness if it can't even help his sister?
- Ariana getting her father's silver signet, carved with the runes of protection, family, forgiveness and renewal. They can't fix her magic, but the magic she once loved has caused her loved ones only harm, and really, it's time to stop listening to the voice inside her, who wants to rip her mother to shreds and burn the whole world down
- In the end it's abe, who comforted her when her mum looked at her with hate and Albus ashamed who puts her ring on as she says the words the runes describe. It's hard to forgive her mother and those muggle boys, but Arianna thinks they've suffered enough (it'll be years later that she realises that she left one person, but as she watches her daughter's delightful coo as she Dan's her nose with a glowing goden finger, she is only thankful that her lack of forgiveness didn't take all her magic away).
- She kisses her brother-in-law to be on the cheek, as is only proper for a member of family.
(Ariana has a very feeble grasp on social niceties. She tries, okay! You try learning everything from books while trapped in a cottage like a demented princess, with a brother who even she knows has an unhealthy fascination with goats who'd talk to her normally)
(Arianna's husband and her daughter, who she names Severus --because every universe must have a second child with a severusly controversial name -- would really come to fear her social skills, or lack thereof. Severus blames her godfather and her uncle with a the raging hate of a 10 year old who's been denied Uncle Sev's sweets)
- Sev and Albus competing for the top spot in the classes with professors and the bottom in the classes without
- Albus meeting Gellert in the evening he's supposed to leave for France and noticing the same dark charm. Severus noticing, but wanting to taint it than emulate it
- A black owl pooping on Gellert's golden hair because he Does Not Share!
- Albus sharing his plans to Change The World which would kill a girl with beautiful, uncontrolled magic and put a vengeful father in a prison of his own despair
- Sev agreeing to them and adding some rather inventive and cruel revenges he'd have on the Wankers who disowned his mother for following her heart
- Albus crossing out those points with eyes that twinkle in gentle admonishment, because really Severus, where would you even get a fully grown basilisk, and ignoring the calculating glitter he gets in return
- Abe following the idiots because Ari orders him to help the idiots and he can deny her nothing
- Gellert becoming a Light wizard after being at the wand end of a particularly dark spell (they teach *that* at Hogwarts, the light school!?!?!?!?) By a vengeful gargoyle after he drunkenly kisses*Bruder* Dumbledore
(years later, Headmaster Dippet can't figure out why his newest Dada teacher is so militant about students knowing everything about Dark magic and why some magics should never be studied, or why flinches everytime he sees a mistletoe. He has enough experience at 300 Not To Ask)
- Albus learning the most beautiful healing spell at the hands of a scowling-dark-phoenix with moist, angry black eyes after the 12th use of a dragon's claw soon after he discovered the 12th use of their blood
(Fawkes could never forgive Severus Snape for stealing it's thunder. Also he smells owl. They're the worst!)
-Severus stealing the Flamels' thunder by creating a philosophers stone after being at their home for a month.
(Perenelle suspects it's because Nicholas, who can be really old fashioned about these things, forbade their apprentice and that brilliant boy with no thoughts from rooming together)
- Severus lacing Albus' lemon drops with the elixir of life because clearly, that imbecilic martyr thinks dragon claw wounds are amusing
- Albus lacing Severus' tea with it because it would be such a horrible thing to live alone
(or without the one person who matters, no offence to his family. Oh, alright Abe, you're definitely not it!)
(the elixir of life prepared yearly mysteriously dissappears into tea and lemon drops. Albus stops worrying over Severus getting killed by vampires while he gets their teeth in exchange of galleons like a demented tooth fairy, and Severus stops worrying about Albus getting nicked by antsy Dragons or Phoenixes or Nifflers, or whoever Albus scraps with in his spare time)
- Albus putting his demented convoluted plans in motion by destroying wizarding currency through inflation. It somehow leads to a goblin revolution, equal rights for magical creatures, and the adoption of muggle currency. Don't ask
(Rumour has it that Gellert, Wizarding Britain's champion one look at the the scowling face of a Severus Snape and proposes negotiations.
Muggle currency was great, really. Made mathematical sense, easier to handle, and twinkly eyed not quite evil overlords can't dependably reproduce all the identifiers. They hope
Quite coincidentally, as Severus will assure you, all the pureblood families --including the Princes, coincidentally-- lose all their accumulated money in the resulting changeover.)
- Albus rules everything from behind the iron curtain with gentle fists and an open smile. Everyone learns to agree with him because behind him stands the spectre of DEATHOMgWatdidyoudo that you want to always keep happy)
- An excited Tom Riddle learns about magic from a charming Professor who's really interested in how he speaks, and who agrees that muggles are awful but keep it down will you?
- Tom Riddle learns to confide in and trust the person who introduced him to the magical world; and tells him when he accidentally discovers the chamber of secrets while hissing open at one of the taps in the girls loo that just wouldn't dispense water (he was under a lot of pressure okay! No, he's not a creep!)
- Tom Riddle grows up to be a politician with a particularly hard view on those muggles. Being backed by the Headmaster of Hogwarts helps. The society has made great strides in the concept of equality and democracy however, and most creatures really don't like him for some insane reason. Albus Dumbledore wins the elections by a landslide again. Tom is tenacious, and plots for when he'd get the position after the old man dies
(On his deathbed, Professor Emeritus of Hogwarts, Professor Tom, curses todgy old men with unnaturally long lifespans)
-Harry Potter, who grew up loved and a headmaster who didn't want to train him in any way, shape, or form (Harry was glad. Headmaster Grindenwald was nice and all, but he really didn't want to know all about the Dark arts and why not to use them kplzthnx). He went on to work at the ministry because his mother instilled in him values of fairness, kindness, and Get Out The House And Go To Work You Bum!
(He named
- Ariana's first kid is named after Abe. Her second is called Severus. Severus being a girl, never forgives her, and years later, when her son is born, names him Ariana with a vindictive gleam in her eyes.
(Ariana never really learned a the social niceties. They're horribly ineffective, and Abe tells her she's always charming in any case)
(Severus Smith is comforted by the fact that her godfather is a immortal wizard who gives her the best sweets)
- Severus and Albus never really fall out of love, even though they fall out of bed many times. They are a different breed of men, really. Eternal devotion means eternal devotion, as they find out. The Flamels' are happy they finally get to go on what the muggles call double dates.
- They also never stop stinging each other on the bum, but that is a rather more mature tale.
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