#where do babies and STDs come from. quick.
mephorash · 7 months
as someone born into a bad situation with someone who had things wrong with them personally & genetically that they passed onto me! I cannot say I am against fully voluntary eugenics for both myself and others
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
but like midnight darling with popular boy! reader though (inspired by our lord and savior @heartfullofleeches ‘s post about breeding)
for new readers: midnight darling is where my yan! college based ocs come from. you can read more about them via the first tag to this post or my masterlist
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everyone would be goddamn pregnant. literally and figuratively. you’d think reader would be cautious enough to use protection since they sleep with so many people but nope! it just feels better when they do it raw yknow?
it’s come to the point that the goons made a system to prevent you (and by extension them) from getting an std at the very least by examining every single person on the campus daily.
dw they’re rich they can handle it.
in any case, by the time you reached your third year you’ve already impregnated most students and all of the teaching faculty with wombs. you’re literally a baby away from causing a crisis equal to those dodgy fertility clinics and the government from hounding your ass.
for some reason none of the rich kid’s parents sue you because like child, like parent they are super obsessed with you and particularly the genes you’d provide their family. besides it’s nothing a quick cover-up can’t handle.
like the only reason you haven’t been sent to jail is because you have connections to many people in power (mostly parents that wanted your sperm).
you had your doubts about your safety until you overheard in a dinner with crisanto salvador (main yan! rich kid) of his dad asking him if they could somehow implant a womb in the poor guy just to hold your baby. (which actually leads to advancements in reproductive technology in the future, im seriously tempted to change the mc’s canonical sex since it makes sense now oh god-)
there are some of the insane yans that use your child as a threat to keep you theirs in which you retaliated by using other yans to save your children.
cold-hearted or not, those babies are completely innocent and your responsibility, so as much as possible you do everything in your power to keep them out of harm’s way.
there’s definitely an underground market for your jizz i’m sorry-
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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roaringlion · 10 months
Ok my idea request thingy:
Things about you or stories or things you said or your friend group or whatever but as JJK characters.
Does that make sense?
I get where you're coming from!
incorrect quotes of me and my friend group as JJK Characters!
I actually have a book full of quotes of one of my friends, god he's a special kind of special!
I'm also including some with my family-
MENTIONS OF BABIES GETTING SHOT (at the end! no gore included!)
Megumi: *says something really stupid* Nobara: god- stop being a fucking retard Gojo: Nobara Languagee Nobara: stop being a retard Gojo: Nobara- Nobara: Megumi stop being such a fucking social reject Gojo: that's a lot better Megumi: you're supposed to defend me here!
(Megumi: my friend Kyle, Nobara: me, Gojo: our teacher)
Nobara: *sees a spider on her bag* THERES A SPIDER!!! *throws the bag across the room* Yuji and Megumi: *searches the bag* *finds nothing* Nobara: IT'S ON ME!!! Gojo: QUICK SOMEONE GRAB THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER!! The second years: *questions everything*
(Nobara: me, Yuji: My friend Ally, Megumi: Kyle, Gojo: same teacher as the first quote, The Second years: the rest of my class)
(yes this actually happened, there was a spider on me once and my teacher yelled at someone to grab the fire extinguisher, to say that was a stressful day would be an understatement)
Yuji: can you get an STD from grapefruit? Megumi: what-? *looks at Yuji concerned*
(Yuji: Me, Megumi: Kyle)
Toji: what the fuck do you mean there's no such thing as a cocomelon? there's a literal show about them! Shiu: you need to open your fucking eyes- you have a child and everything! Toji: doesn't mean I pay attention to him
(Toji: My Brother Marco, Shiu: My eldest brother Cameron)
Gojo: So can we set you up on a blind date? Nanami: I already have a girlfriend- Yuji: YOU'RE MARRIED?! Gojo: Poor Bitch Nanami: I'm not married! I have a girlfriend! Gojo: That poor, Poor bitch, you can't even afford a ring- Nanami: I was actually about to propose- Yuji: YOU'RE MARRIED?! Nanami: *face palms*
(I ship Nanami with the bakery girl!)
(Gojo: Cameron, Nanami: Marco, Yuji: Me)
this next one is like 2 joined parts
Yuji: Gojo! how many babies does it take to paint a wall? Gojo: How big is this wall? Yuji: Like a normal wall Gojo: There are many 'normal' walls Yuji: 5 meters long, 3 meters high Gojo: The babies might need an adult for the higher areas- Yuji: *deadpans* ______________________________________________________________
Yuji: How many babies does it take to paint a wall? Sukuna: How are we using the babies? Yuji: However you want! Sukuna: OH! Then only 1, you just need the right shotgun Yuji: Remind me to remind you to never let you near babies or guns
(Yuji: one of my classmates, Gojo: another friend of mine, Sukuna: Me)
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How about the Sparda boys and their GN!Spouses getting caught by their kids in the middle of business? How do you think they’ll react and would they be willing to have “the talk” with their kids? I genuinely enjoy your posts, so thank you for sharing them with us!
Aw thank you! It's always such a pleasure for people to share their enjoyment of my work and I know I say this frequently but it's because of that this blog has been running for as long as it has so again thank you! 💙
(Cw: There is references to general subject of pregnancy given the request topic but there's absolutely no afab pregnancy mention when it comes to reference to reader! Also briefest of reference in Nero's part to the Order being homophobic)
(This work includes: gender neutral!reader)
(Lightly implied NSFW contents under cut)
His soul practically leaves his body the very moment your child's tiny voice breaks through the passionate silence; his mouth yanks away from it's latch on your neck and his hands become trapped underneath your shirt and you desperately pull down the clothing to cover yourself from your child's vision, both of your faces scorching.
It was the night of your anniversary and since both of your days had been terribly busy with taking turns with both the urgent jobs Morrison and Lady gave you and staying home to take care if your kid there wasn't much time for you two to go out and celebrate your wedding anniversary during the day, so when it came time for your kid to be put to bed and the shop was in closing hours that was the first time the two of you really had a moment to breathe, to hold each other, to truly 'celebrate'...on the old desk in the office.
Yes, it wasn't the most thought out of plans, the moment your child asks what you two were doing Dante can't keep the muttered curse in his throat. It's embarrassing but the kid was going to have the birds and the bees at some point and Dante would rather you and him give the talk as a family type thing to teach about proper safe sex than the scattered way he had to learn when his was a kid from talking to strangers on the streets to old friends of his that worked at Love Planet back in the day when he was still a going by Tony Redgrave.
The talk goes well, your child sitting between you on the couch as you go through the basics; consent, body parts, where babies come from, condoms, masterbation, STDS, ect - answering any questions they might have as well as a discussion about gender/sexual identity and however/whenever/ifever they feel a certain way that you two will support them no matter what.
After hugs, kisses, and seeing your child back to bed; Dante gets up before plopping on his desk - taking a quick chug of cheap beer before tossing it and completely missing the trash can before his eyes drift to the familiar picture frame beside him. From your pace at the bottom of the stairs where you watched your child go back to their room you look over at your husband with soft eyes before walking over and nicely wrapping your arms around his torso.
"You did an amazing job, Dante. You're such an amazing dad," You smile cheeky at him. "You know that right?"
He shrug with tired smug grin that you can already see the light of insecurities through, your arms loop around his neck to pull him into a kiss. When he pulls away he sighs.
"I just wish that...my mother gave me and Vergil the talk before-" He hisses lightly through his teeth. "-you know, I feel like I could've been a bit more...'better prepared' to give that talk to (Child's Name) I guess if I was given the talk younger than when I got it. Though who knows, if she did gave us the talk before the - well, Nero might not be around."
You can't help bit to slap his arm at the jab at his brother but it's not long before his face is neatly tucked in the crook of your neck.
"You did an amazing job though." His words bring the warmest of smiles to your face as your fingers slip through white wisps of hair. "I wouldn't been if I didn't have there with me, Dante, and I'm so happy to been sharing the rest of my life with the two of you right here with me."
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Everything just completely stops the moment you and him make eye contact with your child in the doorway, the look in their eyes most comparable to deer in head lights for the briefest if seconds before they scatter off and down the hall to their bedroom where you hear an audible door slam. Neither of you are sure what to do as you just pull off each other and look at one another before you slip off the bed and quickly fix yourself up and go to check on them, leaving Vergil sitting there; conflicted.
Vergil was never 'officially' given the talk, though while his brother learned from the strangers on the street to old stripper and sex worker friends as a teen - Vergil learned the biological basics from old books on his travels and in his touch starved human curiosity tried it out a few times with both men and women (how he wound up with Nero) But being shoved into a situation where he has to explain such...'desires' especially to someone so young? That's...another thing. He's never even gave his first kid the talk how the hell is supposed to know how to give it to the second one?
Sure, he could possibly find those old books he learned from somewhere and give them but taking a bit to think on it that's probably not the best course of action, learning vocabulary and anatomy is one thing but there's so much more he's learned that's not in those books that's very important and this is your and his child, he loves them and he wants the best for them and for them to be the best educated on something that's such a delicate topic like this.
The talk doesn't happen right away but after you and Vergil see that your child is 100% comforted where they can go back to sleep, back in your room Vergil discusses that he wants to step up as a father and does want to properly give them the talk at some point soon, and maybe suggests Nero be there as well too - not because Nero, whose in his mid twenties with a girlfriend, necessarily needs it but so he be there for his younger sibling as emotional support and a resource for questions as well (*and maybe for a little of that awkward bonding experience he missed out on*)
Nero does agree to it, one; since he and Kyrie have already given the talk to their older orphan kids so he's somewhat experienced and two; he's a good big brother and he loves his sibling and again he didn't have the best environment either to learn about sex given how harmful the Order was and the only 'safe' information he was really only given a bare bones list of how things worked once from Credo during an awkward conversation when he was 14 so he's most definitely wants his sibling to have a better experience learning about it than he did even if the initial conversation of his father asking him if he'd do it is rather quite embarrassing (your doing - Vergil at first wanted you to ask via phone but you gave him a dead pan stare before shoving the phone into his hands instead)
When it comes time for the talk things go out smoothly; again basic things like said in Dante's part are discussed, questions are answered, the subject of self identity and sexual orientation brought to the table that they'll have all the support from you guys no matter what they grow up to be, and ect. Somewhere during this conversation you find yourself not even having the need to step in, you just hold your child's hand while your step son and husband have this talk so naturally and in a way the young one can understand and there's several moments you can just look around and see the heavy resemblance of all three of them. It's very nice.
Once talk time is over and your child pulls Nero away so that they can draw in coloring books together (sibling bonding is so fucking cute and all it goes right to your heart) you immediately pull Vergil in for a kiss, telling him how amazing he did, despite feeling so nervous and not exactly sure how to have such a difficult conversation matter in the most Vergil way possible he fought through it and excelled at it just like you knew he would and not only that but you had to tell Nero how proud of him you are of him as well and you remind Vergil that you both need to thank him when you get a chance. Hearing you say all that sends the biggest swell of fatherly pride through Vergil's chest as he pulls you into an embrace and listen in the the sounds of both of his children together laughing in the other room.
After all this time; after all his hardships and all the fighting, after all this time he's reconciled with his family - he finally feels protected, loved, and he's so happy he's embraced his humanity. He's happy. He only wished his mother and father could just see him now.
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Nero at first doesn't even notice the small creek that comes from the door of the van that swings open until you're pushing him off the couch while frantically fixing your shirt back over your head, then he notices the small figure of your child standing in the doorway only to be swooped away by Nico who seemingly popped out of thin air to the rescue, most likely in plans to serve the tray of brownies that's in Kyrie's hands that you can see who not far behind in the garage the red head's freckled face shaded bright pink at the realization what was her idea to serve a snack to you two since you two were orginally working so hard fixing the van - accidentally probably just indirectly traumatized your kid.
Despite the shame, guilt, and embarrassment both you and him feel for being so distracted that your kid was exposed to such 'activities', Nero - like stated in Vergil's part - is experienced giving this talk to the orphans so with enough preparation whenever you decide to confront and talk about what happened with your child along with the other necessities for them to feel comfortable and safe to, Nero is level headed to talk about everything and answer even the most embarrassing of questions (even if he stumbles through them a bit)
Again, like stated in Vergil part; the Order didn't have the best sexual education, the teachings were what you can expect: no sex before marriage because Sparda comes first, homosexuality being a big sin, sex is not for pleasure only for child bearing, ect. Nero knowing how harmful that those teachings were and he makes 100% for you and him to teach the opposite - your child should feel safe and comfortable with whatever they find themselves to be and that their parents will always be there for them for support, afterall Nero wants your child to have absolutely nothing like what he had growing up.
After talking time is done with hugs, kisses, and at least one swing around with Nero's extra aquamarine arms you kid trots off to go play with Kyle, Julio, and Carlo to help Kyrie with the front garden, leaving you and Nero alone in the living room - the mid second your kid's out of earshot your husband slumps off couch to the floor with an exhausting; "Fuck." that you can't help but to giggle at as you crawl down to join next to him.
"I hope to my fucking Grandfather that's the last time I'll ever have to explain what a condom is ever again." He groans. "I think I finally get how Credo felt..."
"Hey, I think you did pretty good just like you did last time with the boys. At least (Child's Name) didn't blow try to blowing it up like they did..."
"Please don't remind me, Nico wouldn't stop laughing for weeks."
You can't help but to laugh as you shake your head, your hand finding it's way to his light stubbly face as pressing a sweet kiss to his lips that he physically melts into.
This is just the purest of bliss of happiness Nero lives for - a life he never would've expected as child up through his teen years having but now that he does he is determined to keep living for; to be the best husband and the best father.
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V is to absolutely lost in the moment in pleasure from all the love your giving to him before he can even process your and Griffon's voices trying to descalate the situation, that sudden appearance of the latter's being what snaps him out of it to even be stunned that your child has appeared in such early hours of the morning in your bedroom because of some sort of distress. Griffon from out of his master's tattoos tries his best to fly and cover your child's vision while Shadow suddenly appears and quickly drags them out of the room as quickly as she can possible.
Now again same logic with Vergil applies with V (never officially given the talk, learned through books, ect) however unlike with Vergil, just because he finds himself rather clueless how exactly to talk about such things V has a little bit more comfortabilty relying on your help to do so and for that he is most appreciative that you can do such a thing together and that your child can learn such an important subject in a safe environment that most Sparda's you can tell by now weren't given.
Once your child is saw to and comforted enough for the talk to happen, V let's you take the lead first given the basic run down and watches and studies how you approach things before he steps in to make his add ons and such like answering questions they might have. He is a good listener after all so he can be absolutely as patient as your child requires him to be.
Griffon also tries to help out, even with how untentionally crude he can be with his wording that takes him a few tries to correct and be more 'child friendly' with his language, bird or not he cares about the little squirt too (his words)
The most important thing you and V - but a lot of it V given his deep inner Vergilness - make clear to your child is absolutely no matter who and what they are they are absolutely loved and adored by you two and proud you'll always be of them no matter how many times they might fail. They will always be loved. They will always be protected.
Once your child is asleep in your lap, hours after the big conversation is finally over, V can't help but to look down st his sweet little wander so proudly as he pets at their small little head while they snore away - the biggest of grins you can't help but to kiss. It's not long after that your child is tucked back into bed and you two find yourselves back in your own, limbs entangled and lips twined together as if you'd die if ever separated. But when you do pull away for air your immediately telling him just how proud of him your are in his ear.
Words make his heart soar, words he whispers back with no hesitance. You were amazing too, unlike him who was completely unsure - you had no problem stepping up and you were such a natural he definitely strives to be more like you as a parent.
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toxicbubblegum212 · 3 years
Bowers gang ~ The house party ~ Part 7
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Hey guys check out my masterlist all other parts are linked in here (click me)
(Time skip the car ride was gonna be pretty boring anyway ok!)
*You get out the trans am to be greeted by booming music, cheering and bright lights....*
Victor: Ha wait till you get inside.. *Victor pinches your cheek before grabbing you hand as your walk towards the house with the rest of the gang*
Y/n: *You peer over at Victor, the colourful lights clashed against his skin. Outlining all his features...his hair shone bright. He really was handsome...you couldn't help but notice the more you stare.*
Victor: *looks back at you* Haha your a cute one.. *smiles a big goofy grin*
Patrick: Don't hog her Blondie... *Patrick snakes an arm around your waist*
Victor: There's nothing wrong with harmless flirting!!!
Patrick: Then you won't mind if i keep her the rest of the night... *smirks*
Henry: Shut the fuck up, listen up you hoe...you keep you legs shut! I don't wanna see u hooking in any other guys!!!
Henry: What did you just say!
Y/n: You heard me! My names Y/N don't refer me to anything god damn else...
*you stood tall and strong, you might be stuck with this group but your certainly not taking this kinda treatment.*
Henry: Oh yeah then prove me fucking wrong!
*you finally reached the door, beer cups, bottles, clothing, underwear...it was every where on just the front lawn alone. Belch knocks on the door*
Becky: Oooo well if it isn't the bowers gang *bites lip seductively looking at each member*
Patrick: Well hellooo Becky...long time no see
Becky: It's been too long...come in..we ALL want to have fun...*she sends a menacing glare at you*
Henry: *stays quite and makes the first step into the house*
*you peer over noticing a group of girls all bunched up, ridiculously high skirts, cleavage and all.You were so disgusted by these girls right now...u swear they just have no shame*
Stacy: Ooohh Henry I miss u *she moans cat calling him*
Henry: Keep your shitty STD's to yourself Stacey..
Lorie: Vicky baby come back i'm sorry for what i did, i still want you..
Victor: *looks down at you* y/n please make sure to keep your distance from her...she's bad news.
Y/n: Ok..i will
Victor: Promise me y/n...
Y/n: Fine, Fine don't pester me *you lightly punch his arm giggling*
Sara: Belch did you miss me in maths class!
Victor: Y/n please, not now its way to early into the night!
Y/n: Victor!!! *you growl*
Victor: Y/n! She's not worth it, deal with her later and having fun now with us..
Belch: Im sorry Y/n its my fault she lashed out at you...
Y/n: It's fine i'll deal with the skank later.
Patrick: *bites lip* I think i like this new kind of feisty.
*By this time Henry has made his way over to a couch set off to the side of the room. It was obviously his spot as no one else was there and there was enough space for the whole gang*
Belch: *snags 2 bottles of beer* Cheers Henry *he pops em giving one to Henry*
Patrick: Belch man wheres mine...
Belch: fine *hands his drink to patrick who's happily sitting next to Henry eyeing up other guests.*
Y/n: *you next to Henry*
Henry: *smirks* are enjoy the night life baby doll
Y/n: Oh now your playing "nice guy"
Henry: Don't get snotty, there are many girls that would love to take your place. *he places a hand on your thigh*
Y/n: Your the one being cocky..
Henry: Well you saw all the girls by the door way.
Y/n: yeah half drunk and high
Henry: doesn't matter i could have any girl here
Y/n: Accept for me *smirks*
Henry: Don't tease me baby doll *leans in bitting your bottom lip before turning away*
Y/n: *pouts at the lack of attention*
Patrick: Did you like that *bites and licks ear lobe*
Y/n: Patrick how did you get- *your face is bright red*
Henry: *kisses your ear pulling your thigh to the side*
Y/n: Henry! wha-
Patrick: *starts running his hand through your inner thighs
Belch: Oi you two, we can do that stuff later..god just enjoy the party
Victor: Why do you too always have to leave me out!
Patrick: You hog her enough!
*Henry and Patrick loosen there grips and give you some space*
Y/n: *you let out a sigh of relief* im-m gonna-a get some punch real quick..
Patrick: Looks what we did to here Henry
*both them smugly smirk*
Henry: We'll finish this later doll face
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
In favor of Chicago
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nurse student!Johnny x art student!reader // SMUT, FLUFF, angst? Summary: Dating your ex’s best friend turned out to be a life changing chapter of your life... and you two can’t have sex because he thinks he has STD.  Word count: 11k Warnings: Mentions of STD, swearing, explicit mature themes, unprotected sex, back to back cheating, oral, sending of sex tape without consent. Note: This is just a fic, purely from my imagination. 
The library was packed when you decided to work on your Claude Monet paper that you have to hand to Mr. Moon before you head home. Picking a spot where a lot of students sitting and getting stunned by your presence was a huge distraction to you and hearing them gossip about your love life was way beyond disturbing. So the word is out. Not that you cared, but your attention span is really short. Being popular in college was not actually bad, but at times like this you just want to be a no one.
You’re in deep concentration with your paper and you’re five paragraphs away from finishing it. Taking a short break to check your phone and update your boyfriend that you’re almost done and you will go straight home after you hand this to your professor.
Jaehyun: So now you’re fucking my best friend? Real classy, y/n.
Jaehyun: How did this happened?
Jaehyun: Where are you? We need to talk.
Last time you check Jaehyun is not talking to you but now that the word is already out he suddenly cares. The breakup you had with Jaehyun was actually peaceful no fighting or shouting just pure talking and a lot of crying. Jaehyun is not the person you’re expecting to message you right now, you haven’t talked to each other since the night he broke up with you. So what if the popular girl is dating the university’s fuckboy? Is Johnny not allowed to finally settle in with someone?
Speaking of the devil, when you were headed to the faculty Johnny called you. You figure maybe he’s done with his shift at the university hospital.
“Hello” you answered your phone with a sweet smile that too bad Johnny won’t see.
“Hey, just calling to check if you’re okay. You know, everyone is going crazy about finding out about our relationship” through the phone you hear him open his locker, you’re right his shift is over.
“Well, they’re eight months late. Johnny were not hiding, I think everyone was just not looking enough... until now” you giggle through the phone and he couldn’t agree more.
“Okay okay, I’ll see you at your place. Just need to do something here at the hospital, will not take long but you go home safe, okay?” You answered a sweet “okay” still walking and smiling all by yourself like a crazy person.
“I love you my future art curator”
“I love you too my future nurse”
As you went home safely and take a hot shower before Johnny comes, you were brushing your teeth when the door opens and you finally see your sleepless boyfriend. For the first time today. He wraps his arms around your waist letting you finish brushing your teeth in peace. His chin rests comfortably on top of your shoulders, hearing him let go deep and heavy sigh.
For a normal person a sigh may be a sign of ’tiredness’ but for Johnny, it means he’s finally with you and he’s really happy to be with you now, watching you brush your teeth.
“I brought you your favorite Chinese takeout” he said as you two walk towards your small kitchen kissing him with your minty lips. Seeing the bag of takeout on the kitchen counter already making your place smell like freshly cooked stir fry, “yum, baby! Oh I’ve been craving”
After dinner you and Johnny are cuddled up in the middle of your bed. His giant figure does not fit in your small bed but he loves sleeping beside you. Sleeping beside you is like having sex with you but without actually having sex.
“Good night” he said softly, but it doesn’t really mean he’s going to sleep. It means, ‘close your eyes and relax while I make you feel good until you pass out’. You feel his hand creep around your stomach, lifting you sleepwear up to expose your boobs. Soon his lips touch yours, kissing you like how he loves you, feeling smiles in between kisses. As you lay on your back comfortably and Johnny kissing you down until you’re buried under the soft pillows, his big hands continues to cup your boobs, pinch your nipples and brushing his thumb on it because it’s your favorite thing.
“Why don’t you tell me about your day? I’ll listen” he said pulling away from your lips so you could talk. Johnny starts to kiss your jaw down to your neck until the valley between your boobs. You feel wild, open mouth kisses around your upper body hands are playing with your boobs, sliding on your sides, soothing your tummy as he goes down. You try to construct your sentence as you start telling him about your day.  
“I’m d-down with my last few papers…” he’s taking time kissing your lower abdomen before removing your thin shorts and panties. “just a few more research papers and professor Moon will write me a recommendation paper for the intern- fuck, Johnny” it became harder for you to talk when he finally stick his thumb on your wet clothed pussy, slowly removing the fabric down to your legs, spreading it wide and blow cold air on your pussy lips. You shiver at what Johnny did and tried to close your legs but he’s quick to stop it.
“Baby, continue” Johnny demands before devouring your pussy finally.
You can’t stop moving your hips once his tongue touched your pussy. The way his tongue glides up and down your pussy just tells you how wet you are and horny for Johnny. “If the company liked my portfolio, I’ll land an internship there and there will be a big possibility that they will absorb me- hmmm!” pushing your hips to his mouth to feel more of his tongue, imagining that it’s his cock he’s fucking you with.
“Oh-baby, mind spreading my pussy lips?” you know it’s a request Johnny can’t refuse, and so he did. Spreading your pussy lips with both of his hands, licking your cunt up and down fast and hitting that nerve. Johnny is proud how well he’s making you feel good, listening to your moans and watching you between your legs with eyes closed, lips parted and gasping loudly.
You don’t know what to do with your hands by this time. Touch Johnny’s soft hair and push his head more against your cunt? Cup your boobs and touch yourself? Grip the sheets?
Grip the sheets. That way you wont hurt Johnny or yourself with those long nails of yours. Throwing yourself on edge, Johnny gave your slit long slow licks from bottom to your clit, both if his hands still holding your pussy lips. Pushing your hips off the bed to feel more, rolling your hips fast on Johnny’s tongue hitting his mouth, using it completely to go off.
He knew you reached your sweet climax when your legs are shivering and you’re gripping the pillows tightly, moaning and grunting softly. You feel your body warm and sweaty and to be honest, you can’t feel your legs. Still breathing heavily and catching your breath, you feel Johnny clean the mess between your thighs, got you a clean pair of panties, rolled down your sleepwear and covered you with the thick sheets.
“How I wish we could really have sex” you know it’s the wrong thing to mention but you just can’t help it. It’s not fair that Johnny fucked almost half of the population of pretty girls at the university and now that he’s your boyfriend he can’t have sex with you… “At least I don’t have to worry about getting you knocked up” he jokes but deep inside you know he’s hurting. As you two lay in bed tired and still horny, you finished the night like how you two usually do. Kiss. Finish the night with dirty and filthy smooches.      
Eight or nine months ago, just when you and Johnny are getting started with your blooming relationship he admitted that he’s not sure if he’s clean. “Well why don’t you get tested?” you asked worriedly propping your elbow on the mattress and facing him. “I’m scared of the results. I-I’m not yet ready, you know? What if I have it, or or worst-“  Johnny sounded scared, sad and angry all at the same time.
“What if you’re not? Baby, I’m not forcing you but I’m telling you it’s the right thing to do.” And that scares Johnny the most, when you tell him to go take the test but he had to refuse.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I really can’t do it. I feel fine, healthy, and as long as I can breathe, walk and study, I will not take the test. Not until I’m ready. I can’t let it ruin my future” he finished explaining and closed his eyes, bringing his hand in the middle of his forehead and gently massage it.
From there on, you don’t question him why. But you do tell him to go take the test without sounding like you’re forcing him to do something he’s not ready to do. Instead, you both enjoyed the relationship you had. Sex free and full of love. Though you two can be filthy at times, but most of the time your intimacy comes in different shapes and sizes.
And that fuckboy reputation? Completely gone.
You knew what you signed up for. You expect Johnny to cheat and find different women in his apartment whenever you visit, getting yourself ready for multiple heartbreaks and never ending forgiveness. But no, the boy was completely loyal to you and it’s almost too good to be true. Johnny has been fucking around since his freshman days, showing off different girls night after night, and not taking nursing school seriously. It’s a miracle how he managed to keep his GPA. “I always envy Jaehyun. I always want to have someone like you, I think I just got lucky to have exactly who I want”  
The relationship you two built is like no other. It’s like you’re both facing adulthood together and finding a way to make life easier with the help of each other. Being a senior in college means you’ll have a hectic schedule before you finally graduate.
For Johnny, that’s being an intern at the university hospital and taking shifts there until he’s qualified to transfer to another hospital. For you, you’re taking up classes and finishing a few papers and wait for The Art Institute of Chicago take you as an intern. It was never easy but the you have Johnny and he has you.
You believe that Johnny is the man you’re marrying someday and you’re willing to take care of your relationship with him whatever it takes. Johnny thinks the same way, over the past few years he’s been watching you and Jaehyun love each other wildly. And now that he has you, he will not fuck it up. “I didn’t stole you from Jaehyun, right?”
You giggle at his question thinking how someone like him is actually worried from stealing you from your ex. “No, Johnny. We broke up months ago when you came back from Chicago. I remember telling you the story though-“
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Just checking again”
As the world watches you two have a peaceful relationship, a lot of people try so hard to ruin what you two got. You’ve been getting a lot of messages and stories about how different girls fucked Johnny already, telling you that he’s probably cheating right now at this very second. But again, you knew Johnny better than anyone else because you are his first love and he only opened his heart for you. Besides, those bitches got nothing on you.
While different girls try to ruin Johnny’s image for you, a specific someone tries to ruin your image for Johnny. Your ex, Jaehyun. But just like you, Johnny knew better than losing his shit for Jaehyun.
Days and weeks went on like this and stress just keeps getting the best out of you and Johnny. You’re busy writing hundred pages long for a specific artist, and Johnny is busy with hospital duties. Which is making him crazy without his coping mechanism and stress relief that is usually sex. And he knew all too well that he can’t have sex with you even if he use a condom.
One night he found you sleeping soundly on your bed and he was completely exhausted because of overtime and he really needs you right now. He kissed you softly until you wake up, your eyes were really tired from facing your computer the whole day but you understand that Johnny is home, so you need to wake up. “I missed you” he whispers softly, feeling soft touches around your thighs. Lips still on Johnny’s and you’re not planning to pull away any minute, “can’t make you eat me tonight baby, you’re dead tired” you said with a hoarse voice, it surprised you when he shook his head. Telling you to be quiet, he gently removed your shorts and panties and giving your pussy a peck.
You watch him put his middle finger in his mouth as he sucks it while looking into your eyes making you feel shy and exposed that your legs are widely spread in front of him and your cunt is waiting to be touched. But it’s Johnny you don’t need to be shy.
He insert his middle finger inside your tight cunt a little rough. Pulling it and out from you, making you crazy and moan loudly. “close your eyes” he said with the most sexiest voice ever. Your mind goes to every scenario possible. Ice play? Overstimulation? Fucking you with a dildo?
Feeling excited as you wait for him to make his move, you don’t know but he’s unbuckling his belt, removing his pants and pumping his cock. Hesitating to fuck you raw and making an unreasonable decision to have sex with you tonight.
“This will feel good baby, I promise”
His hands are both on the sides of your head, taking advantage of your closed eyes. Your heart is thumping loud you swear you can hear it. Smiling wildly feeling Johnny’s kisses on your neck until you feel the tip of his cock lining at your entrance.
Everything happened so fast. You pushed him way to hard like he was some kind of rapist. Immediately feeling the guilt and regret that you let yourself open your legs wide for him.  Wearing your panties again and putting back your thin shorts, feeling angry at the man you love and you don’t know what to do with him.
Johnny is apologising over and over and over again but you don’t listen to him. You don’t hate him of course, you’re just… scared and worried for yourself because this is the first time Johnny became like this.
“I’ll pretend this never happened Johnny. I’ll sleep on the couch, you need to sleep well tonight”
How do you expect him to sleep like a baby after what’s happened? On the next day, he felt like shit and even more guilty when he found out you already left for your morning classes. He made it to the hospital without any sleep and rest, and it was a tough day at the hospital.
“Well you look like shit” His friend Karen gave him another cup of cheap coffee from the vending machine because she thought Johnny needed it. “Rough night?” she added, keeping Johnny’s attention to her.
“Tell me about it. Fucking newbies don’t know what to do most of the time, can you believe that shit” he let it out really annoyed and tired, drank the coffee in one down. It wasn’t really hot, it’s always like that that’s why it’s cheap.
Karen is an intern from another university, a younger nurse than Johnny. If he’s single and if he doesn’t have you, he will definitely fuck Karen at the nurse lounge. And he can’t believe he’s thinking about banging his co-intern after what happened last night.
“I get you. Being a junior in this hospital fucking stresses me out, I’ve never been to a hospital so stressful. I mean for an intern like me? It’s too much, don’t you think?” she sighs, “I need sex, lots of sex”
Johnny almost choke when he heard what she said, he can’t believe they’re thinking the same thing. ’Sex.’
“Now that I let that out of my chest, do you… uhm” she scratched her neck being awkward about the situation she singlehandedly made. “Want to have sex…with me? I heard you’re like uhm, popular here because of… you know. Definitely no strings attached just pure adult stress release”
Being from another school definitely made her miss the memo that Johnny is with the most popular girl in campus, running valedictorian, and basically his future wife. The saddest part is, Johnny thought he’s completely a changed man and that no other temptation can make him turn his back around and dive into hooking up with other girls. It makes him sad that he’s about to do it.
The two hit it off at the empty nurse lounge at the other building’s basement. Since they’re both familiar with how the hospital works, they’re sure know no one will catch them there.
In the middle of pounding Karen and Johnny’s balls deep inside her, it felt really good now that he’s fucking someone again. Imagining that it’s you he’s fucking feeling the guilt even more. “Why didn’t we did this a little sooner?” Karen was moaning uncontrollably, muffling her screams whenever Johnny tells her to be quiet and give her ass a juicy slap.
“Feels good, fuck. You aren’t a virgin right? But fuck it feels like a virgin’s hole” his hands are on her hips watching how her massive boobs bounce up and down right in front of him.  Thumbing Karens clit, pushing her on edge careful not to release at the condom yet. He pulls out immediately and licks her cunt until she cums. Letting her shiver on top of the hospital bed with no sheets. He slams back inside her again, making her cum using his cock giving her the full experience of being fucked by Johnny.
“It’s good that we fit… You know that?” he grunts while fucking her with a steady pace letting Karen moan his name loudly until he cums finally.
Feeling guilty and shy as hell, he cleans himself and went outside the room letting Karen make herself presentable again.
While Johnny is inside someone’s pussy and having the time of his life, you on the other hand who is completely clueless, is thinking about making him dinner and tell him the good news that you finally got the internship in Chicago.
“You leave in two weeks” you remember Mr. Moon telling you the great news. Calling every person that actually cares for you and telling them the big news, screaming and shouting on the phone excitedly as you walk back to your apartment. Still wondering why Johnny haven’t answered his phone.
You put on some classical music to calm your excited nerves, making Johnny his favorite dish and trying to finish everything up before he arrives. Opening a glass of wine and drinking it while you cook, thinking how you more than deserved this.
“Hi, babe! Right on time, I have good news” you welcomed him with kisses at the hallway and walked him towards the dinning room. “But first let’s eat dinner while the food is hot”
All throughout the dinner you noticed Johnny’s mood. Maybe he’s tired? You can’t take the silence anymore so you asked what’s wrong, hoping that it’s nothing serious. Did he finally take the test? It’s making you anxious every second that passes. He’s not looking to you in the eye, he’s not touching his food but he already had three glasses of wine.  
“I had sex with someone. Today, at the hospital”
Before your last semester as a junior in college ends, Jaehyun decided to breakup with you. “I just don’t see my future anymore with you, Y/n” his exact words. After being together since high school and almost half of your college years, putting up with every bullshit he gave you for the last six years now he’s finally letting you go. Thankfully the breakup was nothing but peaceful and there were no shouting or cursing at each other. But it was painful for you.
This is your first summer without Jaehyun and theres no better way to heal from a breakup by getting yourself busy. You’ve been working on your portfolio day and night and you think it’s better than just watching a sad Netflix movie. There’s no way that you’re not going to land your future job in Chicago right after graduation so you worked your ass off.
Today you need to mail a physical copy of your portfolio and went to the post office alone to your surprise you saw a certain someone. Johnny Seo, Jaehyun’s best friend. Looking a little different from the last time you saw him.
“It’s great to see you...in a post office” he said and you both laughed awkwardly. He noticed your well wrapped thick portfolio and figured things out  from there. He quickly received what he was going to get and helped you mail out your item.
“How are things with Jaehyun? I heard he quit being a dj for the school radio when I went home to Chicago. The fool didn’t want any partner but me” he said as he walks with you not knowing where to go.
You figured he wasn’t around when Jaehyun broke up with you so he missed the news. “We broke up, two or three months ago, I think” trying not to look so hurt by what you said, you avoid eye contact and looked at your shoes as you both continue to walk. He apologised for what he said and for being insensitive but you told him it’s fine, he was away that time so you understand him.
“Well, you don’t look fine. Can I buy you ice cream?” it was a leap of faith for Johnny to ask you to spend some time with him and he was hoping you would really give him a chance.
“Is this the part where you ask me out and ask me to sleep with you because I’m not with Jae anymore?” heart beats really fast because of what you just said. You didn’t mean to be bold and straightforward but knowing about his fuckboy reputation in campus just makes you put your guard up.
Now that you’re not with Jaehyun anymore you figure maybe you don’t have the immunity from being added to the list of the girls he fucked already.
“No y/n, I’m simply being nice to you. And if I want to fuck you I’d tell you ‘let’s get out of here so we can have sex’ but I didn’t right?”
You feel ashamed for what kind of behaviour you showed him but Johnny is nice enough to still buy you ice cream. At the the end of the day you had a great time eating ice cream with him and talked about random stuff. Maybe you’re exaggerating a little but you feel alive again after for so long.
Way back when you and Jaehyun are together, you only see Johnny when you’re looking for Jaehyun at the dorm or whenever Jaehyun is way too drunk to walk, Johnny is the person to call. They’ve been friends since they were freshmen and just building their own selves through college. Jaehyun is the university’s star athlete and sexy chef while Johnny is the known hot fuckboy from the nursing department. Everyone is crazy about them especially when they started to dj at the university’s radio. Their ratings were high because people simply can’t get enough of their handsomeness.
Ever since Jaehyun introduced you to Johnny, he always tells you how sometimes Johnny looked at you like you were some type of meal that he’s been craving for. “You don’t know him like I do, babe. Just promise me to avoid him even if he’s being nice, even if he’s my best bud.”
But now that you’ve been hanging out a lot with Johnny you see him as a warm person. Nice enough to help you land a good internship once senior year starts, a family guy who loves his parents so much, and  gentleman enough to sneak in your room using your opened window while you’re sleeping.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday... happy birthday to you”
In your dark room, you heard him singing you happy birthday just when the clock strikes twelve. Johnny is holding a small cupcake with one lit candle, smiling so sweetly to you as he waits for you to make a wish and blow the candle.
No one has ever surprised you in such a way and you didn’t expect that Johnny will be the first. “How did you even get in?” whispering and careful not to be heard by your parents you asked Johnny and he points to you the opened window as his answer.
It’s weird how things move so fast for you and Johnny but slow enough to achieve what you both had in mind. You think it’s too early for Johnny to put his arm around you while walking outside the neighbourhood, incredibly close to each other but you let him. You don’t know why you let him sneak in your room almost every night and spend the night with him just laying on your bed talking softly and giggling like little kids.
Not wanting him to leave yet, you invite him to lay with you in bed. Letting him slide under covers and keep you warm. It’s obvious that you two like each other but no one is taking advantage of that but today’s your birthday, being selfish for once won’t ruin your ‘friendship’ with Johnny.
“Can I kiss you?” You blurted out.
“Can I kiss you?” He repeats your question, emphasis on the ‘I’ and you nod your head as your answer. “Happy birthday” he added before kissing you again sweetly, putting you on top of him. Enjoying how his lips are finally touching yours, enjoying the happiness you’re feeling after being trapped to someone for so long.
As senior year starts you spend almost every second and every minute with Johnny now that you move out from Jaehyun’s apartment and have your own. Johnny didn’t move in with you but he basically lives with you because he can’t stand not being with you with every time he’s got free time. No one knows how senior year will eat up the time you two should be together and Johnny came prepared for that.
“Let me live with you here but not really live, live… get it? I can take care of you, I’m going to be your private nurse, I will do the laundry, I will give you pleasure” he kissed the knuckles of your right hand, “I will be your boyfriend. I will show you how a proper boyfriend should treat his girlfriend. Once we’re both interns in Chicago, I promise you… we’ll stay at our house”
“That’s a lot of promises Johnny Seo. Chill, you can live with me. Let’s take care of each other, you don’t need to do everything”
“How did I get so lucky!” he’s squeezing you with a tight hug on the couch, bodies closer as usual.
And you did took care of each other. Whenever you feel sick, tired, or worn out, Johnny is always present. Him being a nurse is actually good for someone who gets sick a lot. You made him be a better person, helping him study more for nursing exams and helping him maintain his GPA.
Playing house isn’t the term, but you two helped each other whenever someone is struggling financially. If Johnny is short for his tuition money, you don’t hesitate to cover for it.
“Do you want to stop studying? In the middle of fucking senior year?”
“No” Johnny accepts defeat.
“Then shut up and take my money, come on I’ll pay with you”
And if you’re the one who’s short for rent money, Johnny got you covered. He doesn’t tell it to you but you found out that he’s been paying for your rent fee whenever you’re behind.
“Do you want to live in my small apartment? With Ten?”
“No” This time it’s you who accepts defeat.
“Thought so too. You don’t want to live with two filthy nurses right? So I already took care of the rent baby, you don’t have to worry about it”
“This is it then? You’re breaking up with me?”
“No. Johnny I’m not breaking up with you. All I’m asking is some space, let me think about staying in this relationship. Let me think about what you did. I’m trying my best to convince myself not to leave you, so please just give me some space”
“Baby, please. It doesn’t mean anything”
“Sure it doesn’t but what if I do the same thing to you?” your tone was a little loud this time, every second this conversation grew you, your frustrations grew double. “You will be heartbroken just like me right now. I don’t know if Im fooling myself for thinking that maybe you’re the one for me, now I’m asking space so I can make sure that I still want you to be part of my life”
Johnny was speechless when you walked out in front of him. He wanted to ran to you and beg for more but he needs to get back to the hospital.
It’s been a painful three days for the both of you. Neither one of you functions well. You’re a wreck, he’s a wreck. And truth be told you both can’t afford a breakup right now because it might affect your work performance. At least that’s how you feel about the breakup, you don’t know about Johnny.
During the nights you were sleeping alone, you remember how you and Johnny dance and drink beer in the middle of a bar that has a live band. And no one would care if you two were just enjoying your own little world. Walking around campus hand in hand while he’s eating his sandwich in his hospital scrubs and you’re holding a book and reading about more artists. It doesn’t matter if no one is talking, what matters most is that you’re together.
Sure he’s just some guy but he’s been a part of you already. And what Johnny did ruined your relationship. You’re crying right now because you’re madly, deeply in love with him and what he did is like putting a knife straight to your heart and you don’t know what to do about it.  
The night before you leave for Chicago, Johnny went to your apartment after his long hour shift. You can see that he’s tired and sleepless but he still chose to go to your apartment, “I’ll help you pack” he said weakly heading towards to your closet and folded your clothes. It’s not that you’re letting him help you, you don’t have the energy to argue further with him.
It was dead quiet. Something has never happened in this apartment of your whenever Johnny is around. The air feels heavy and you want him to leave now after he zips your luggage. “Listen, uhm- I maybe can’t drive you to the airport tomorrow. I have an early shift-“
“It’s okay. I can handle everything by myself” You’re still not looking at him, crossing your arms waiting for him to head out. At this point, why are you still surprise that Johnny can’t drop you off.
“Okay. Uh… Can I hug you?” he was hopeful you can see it in his eyes. You want to grant his request but that’s not how space works.
“Good night Johnny, you know the way out. Get some sleep.”
On the next day, it’s a good thing that you’re excited and you don’t feel sad and bad for yourself. This is the only thing that you have full control with, your future. After everything you did to get where you are right now, you can say that you’re proud of yourself. You’re excited to work, meet Mr. Choi and have the time of your life.  
“Chicago is great, Mr. Choi and the company gave me an amazing apartment. And the people at work are so nice, not to mention the Museum! Ugh! The museum is beautiful, Wendy! You should go visit here” since you don’t have Johnny to tell all these stories, you pour them all to your best friend, Wendy.
“That’s great! Hey, listen…” she clears her throat, “Have you talked to Johnny lately?”
“N-no, why would I?”
“I don’t know y/n? He’s been asking me every week about you and he looks like shit, though I heard he nailed that internship there… In Chicago. So you know, prepare yourself?”
“Thanks for the heads up Wendy. It’s okay, tell him I’m fine and I’m doing great here” After you hung up on Wendy, theres a familiar figure that’s looking for old LP records and you decided to take a closer look. Before you could even get closer, the man turned around and saw you.
Jung fucking Jaehyun. Looking so handsome as always. Just like the firs time you met him, but now he has brown hair. “What are you doing here in Chicago?” you asked him, staring like a statue and you didn’t know you have the brightest smile flashing in front of him.
“I’m an intern here. You know cooking meals for some famous people, I’m actually here for about three months already I’ll go back to campus in a matter of weeks. Wait for graduation when I get back, how about you?”
“I just got here a week ago, I finally got the internship at The Art Institute”
With Jung Jaehyun’s presence you suddenly felt home again. You’re happy that he’s finishing his internship here and he’s going to have his own restaurant when he graduates. Jaehyun was excited to tell you all of his plans for himself and for his business. You on the other hand, thought that maybe breaking up wasn’t so bad.
He invited you to his place and told you he’ll make you dinner, “come one, just like old times” he winks at you and put an arm over your shoulder.
You watch Jaehyun cook in his small but decent kitchen, and you got to admit you miss watching him cook his heart out for you. It’s only been a few months since you two broke up and you can’t believe he has changed so much.
“Try this, it’s hot though” he put he fork right in front of your mouth and gave you a mouthful of pasta. “Hmm! Jaehyun, it’s good” he chuckles at your reaction, watching you eat the past with some garlic bread.
“I only hear you moan like that in bed” he said, smiling at you and teasing you like you two never broke up in the first place. Playfully you smack his arm and continue eating.
The night went on and on of you two talking about your past. After one casserole of pasta and three bottles of wine, you’re now laying on the couch with Jaehyun in between his legs with a small blanket on your leg.
“You sure Johnny won’t mind of you being here?” you feel the vibrations of his voice against your back whenever he talks.
“He wouldn’t dare. Were kind of not together now. He slept with someone from the hospital before we could even, do it.”
“So you never had sex? That’s a shocker, I used to think you two fuck like rabbits”
“Jaehyun you’re disgusting” as much as it disgust you, it made you giggle and laugh, “Johnny thinks he’s not clean, he can’t have sex with me. He’s scared to be tested”
You don’t see it but Jaehyun is really disappointed with Johnny. “I may be an asshole to you, but I never cheated” Jaehyun says proudly, reaching for his glass of wine and drinking it in one down. Hugging you from behind and keeping you close to him, you can smell his familiar perfume. Something you haven’t smell for some time now but you still know it’s Jaehyun’s.
“Do you miss it? The sex?” he broke the comfortable silence.
“Of course. You know me Jae, sex was like a big part of our relationship. But that was us. Me and Johnny were okay even though we don’t get to have sex, but yeah sometimes I miss it. And maybe Johnny missed it a little too much”
After having great dinner at his apartment, Jaehyun brought you to your apartment safe and sound. Inviting you again for the next day, “I could stop by at the museum and we’ll go grocery shopping” it wasn’t a bad idea, you’re sucker for good a great company and Jaehyun is the perfect person for that. Before Jaehyun fly back home, you two spent time with each other. He brought you to he restaurant, you brought him to the museum.
Jaehyun is the one doing Johnny’s promises to you.
Four days before Jaehyun leaves, is supposed to be the date of your seventh year anniversary. “Let’s celebrate it, no ones going to die if we celebrate it” Jaehyun said through the phone, inviting you to his place again tonight, to celebrate. It’s not a good idea of course but it will be just good food, wine and a lot of talking.
Or so you thought. The whole dinner time Jaehyun was flirting with you and you’ve been rolling your eyes over and over again for the past three hours.
You’re looking at his LP collection while you listen closely to the music he played. Standing in front of the record player reading the track list and sipping wine. You feel Jaehyun put your hair on the other side of your neck and kiss your exposed shoulders. Soft lips on your skin, hands caressing your shoulders, you miss this feeling.
“Were both single and were not looking for relationship. We both want the same thing, right”  his voice is deep whenever he wants something from you. You nod at what he said quickly turning you around to face him. Kissing you without a warning, tasting the expensive wine that still lingers on your lips.
Leaving the record play beautifully as you two walk towards his room, leaving a trail of your discarded clothes on floor and reaching the bed already fully naked. He kissed your neck, whispering how much he missed you, kissing your jaw down to your boobs cupping them and kneading as he goes back to your lips again to tell you, “you always have the prettiest nipples”
Suddenly, you remember Johnny.  
You watch him lick your nipples, left and right. Pinching it softly and gently careful not to hurt you and eventually sucking it until it’s both swollen. “Does Johnny knows your nipples turns pink after an hour of just sucking it and playing with it?” you just listen to Jaehyun as he do what he pleases.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever been with, I’m an idiot for leaving you” he went down to your exposed sex, kissing it softly but not making you sensitive. You feel him kiss your upper thighs, slowly putting his tongue out when he reaches your pussy lips. “I bet Johnny gave you a lot of oral,” you nod your head weakly watching him smile in between your legs, “I’ll make you wet and fuck you the whole night, something he can’t do” it breaks your heart hearing those words.
Jaehyun spits on your cunt and kept it wet and ready for his cock, playing with your hole for some time so you won’t get hurt. When you finally saw him pump his cock and line it to your entrance, you’re tempted for a second to make him stop so you closed your legs.
“We’ve done this a thousand time y/n, it’s just me” Jaehyun made sure to make you calm and remind you that this is just sex, “this wont mean anything” he added.
With one smooth thrust, Jaehyun is inside you. And after for so long you’re having sex again with the same man who fucked you for the past six years. You put your legs around his waist, keeping him close to you as he thrust in and out. “Happy anniversary” he teases while giving you hard thrusts that makes you grunt and your boobs bounce. Chest to chest and forehead to forhead, Jaehyun is fucking you good. Moaning his name as you enjoy the feeling that you’ve been missing for the last couple of months.
“I was hurt when I found out about you and Johnny” he gave you hard piercing thrust. One by one, putting his anger on his thrust remembering how it hurt when he knew about you and Johnny. “I didn’t broke up with you so he could have you, no no” he’s giving you the same thrust hearing him breath heavily. You on the other hand is taking it all, the hurt and stretch of his cock, the impact of his thrust, his bites on your shoulder, everything.
You and Jaehyun fucked again and again that night. Kissing your body to sleep on his cozy apartment, and doing the same thing the moment he wakes up. “Good morning beautiful, what do you want for breakfast?” he kisses you body all over until he finally sees your sweet smile and morning glow, “and don’t tell me you want me for breakfast. Please you worn me out last night” he added, kissing your lips and smiling at you.
Poking his dimples before you tell him what you want for breakfast, he catches your finger and playfully bites it. “I’m fine with pancakes and strawberries, with lots of syrup and freshly brewed coffee”
“Okay. Now get your sexy ass in the shower, I’ll make us breakfast” he kissed you one last time before he heads to the kitchen.
When Jaehyun heard you’re busy inside the bathroom, he messaged Johnny. Sending him a video of you and him, having sex last night. Feeling so accomplished that this time Johnny will feel double the hurt Jaehyun felt when he found out about your relationship. Soon after he flipped a couple of pancakes, Johnny replied to his message.
Johnny: At least delete the fucking video, I don’t need to watch it.
Jaehyun: Meet me at the café near campus tomorrow night. We need to talk.
“Hey chef, the pancake is ready to be flipped” you came out of nowhere and Jaehyun was quick to put away his phone. Giving you his innocent dimpled smile, “here you go” drizzling the syrup on top of the pancakes watching Jaehyun put some confectioners’ sugar. You had a peaceful breakfast with Jaehyun before he could leave and catch his flight back.
“Jae, just so you know… I still love Johnny. I will take of the consequences just please, don’t tell what happened- I’m ashamed”
It’s too late for that now, Jaehyun kissed your forehead and promised you not to meddle. Even though he already did, just like you he will face the consequences by himself.
Johnny on the other hand feels so broken. You’re right, it hurts like hell. He didn’t need to watch the video but it was a wake up call for him. He’s tired of just sitting back and watching you slowly fade in his life. If he wanted to prove something to you, he knows exactly what he needs to do.
“Hey Ten, I need you to do me favor- fuck, I don’t how to do this but, I need to get tested today. Before I fly to Chicago in a week, I need to finally do it. I’m losing her”
Ten is Johnny’s best friend, he pulled some strings at the hospital to make the test and the results private. Johnny is a famous man and every person who knew him will lose their shit if they found out about the STD testing.
Jaehyun and Johnny met at the café as planned. The tension between the two men grew worst when Jaehyun told Johnny that he’s been sleeping with you for a week even though that part is not true and that you two celebrated your seventh year anniversary.
“I came here for y/n, not to listen about your little play house with her” Johnny let out a big sigh and sipped on his coffee, “she needs you there and as much as it hurts me, I’m thankful you guys met there”
Jaehyun was lost, but surprised that Johnny is not using his fists anymore to settle things like how he used to. “She loved you more than she could ever love me, and dude you fucking wasted it. Even though you fucking cheated, she still loves you like crazy.”
“I’m well aware of my mistakes Jaehyun, that’s why I’m making things right from now on. Funny how I used to fuck every girl just for fun but now that I want to have sex with someone I love, I can’t.”
“Why didn’t you just use a condom?”
“Are you stupid? The fact that I’m doubting if i’m clean is not safe for her already. She doesn’t deserve that”
“And the girl you cheated with deserved shit? Oh come on Johnny-“
“She got tested and it’s negative so you could shut the fuck up now Jaehyun”
“Okay okay. Now it’s time for me to talk” Jaehyun clears his throat and looked at Johnny straight in his eyes, “I’m getting her back. And once I do that, I will treat her right”
“I doubt that Jaehyun. She loves me”
Jaehyun’s threat scared the shit out of Johnny if he’s being honest. And putting up a straight face in front of Jaehyun was hard, Johnny knew he is capable of getting you back. The fact that you two slept together again is a good sighn for Jaehyun already, and Johnny is scared to the bone right now. He took the earliest flight to Chicago after a week and he will find you and do everything just to win you back.
It’s a busy day for you and tonight you can impress your boss and show him what you’ve got. The Art Institute of Chicago will held a public screening by morning until after and a private screening on the evening. You mentally cheer for yourself as you read notes and guidelines for today’s event, nervous but you’re sure as hell you can do it.
Just as you’re finished for the first part of your work, your high heels is killing you right now so you decided to get out of the crowd and rest your feet some place quieter. As you stretch your feet and grunt for a few times, you saw someone standing in front of Claud Monet’s Water Lilies.
“Good evening sir, unfortunately this is a private screening-“
“Oh sorry, I didn’t know that. But I do know someone special to me that Claude Monet is her favorite artist. She scans her father’s books and she found countless of pictures of Monet’s landscape works, and she tries to copy it. That’s how you started to love art.”
You told him that story on one of those peaceful nights back in your room before senior year even starts. Not expecting him to remember that stupid story of you decided you wanted to pursue art. That was the first time you opened up to Johnny and told him more personal stuff about you.
“h-hi, I really didn’t know that this is a private screening. I just wanted to see you, watch you work from a far and talk when your work is done”
“No, it’s fine. Though I should get back, sorry” you walk away from him and try to hurry back to the event but suddenly you felt like crying. You love Johnny with all your heart but the relationship you had right now is complicated and you want to fix it so bad but you don’t know how to. With big steps and not minding your tortured feet, you came back to Johnny and hugged him. “I’ll be right back baby. This won’t take long”
Johnny didn’t want to let you go, he just wanted to hug you and keep you close. He kissed your forehead and watched you walk away from him with tears on your eyes and a big smile. Mouthing him that you’ll be back.
After a long day at the art institute and in Johnny’s case having a long flight, you two entered your apartment with lips never leaving each other. “I miss you so much” Johnny said in between kisses, keeping you close to him.
You feel him unbutton your shirt but you stopped him. Breathing heavily as you pull away from him and hold his hand down, “lets talk, yeah? I have to tell you something” you walk towards the kitchen and made you two coffee first. Johnny grew silent waiting for you to talk, completely clueless that  you’re having a hard time constructing your sentence.  
“Is this about Jaehyun?”
You stopped what you’re doing and turned to face him, “how did you-“
“We talked, man to man. And I want you to know that it hurt me but, I don’t care. I’m crazy in love about you y/n, I know you are too. And right now what we have is complicated but look where we are right now? We fucked up because were not perfect, lust is lust and we both learned that the hard way” it hurts Johnny to watch you cry in front of him but he can’t move his legs. Like you he’s overwhelmed and full of emotions, he wanted to give you some air. “I bet you were thinking about me when you two did it, because I did when I did it when Karen”
You nod without hesitating, reaching in for him because you feel weak and Johnny catches you with a tight hug. “I’m sorry baby, I started this that’s why I’m fixing it. If you want me get on my knees and apologise I will do it, just to win back” he said with a hoarse voice, whimpering like a child. It almost didn’t sound like Johnny because you see him as this tough guy but now he’s just vulnerable.
“What are you talking about, I’m the who messed up big time. I’m sorry too can you give me another chance?” tears fall down to your face and it’s getting hard to talk because of your heavy crying. But Johnny was giggling in front of you admiring how cute you are right now. Giving you a soft kiss that tastes salty because of tears.
There’s a saying that sometimes we have to kiss the wrong man to know what’s right. In your case, you have to fall hard and fucked up so bad to realise that you want to be with Johnny forever. What you and Johnny had was real and you learned it the hard way.
Of course it was not that easy to start again but one thing is for sure, you’re crazy about each other and you love each other deeply. Setting boundaries and fixing the mess you two made was the hardest part of it. Johnny took care of Karen already and the girl says sorry, you scoff at that thought, “If I see her around the campus, I’m gonna slap the shit out of her” you told Johnny with all your might knowing perfectly well what you’re capable of. He was happy you’re back at being his protective girlfriend.
“Speaking of violence, I might kill Jaehyun if that’s the case baby” he scoffed and pour himself another cup of coffee. Johnny wouldn’t dare ruin your relationship with Jaehyun just because you slept with him, he wanted you to take care of it yourself without him meddling.
“yeah well, no shit” you yawn in front of him, “don’t you have hospital duty?” he shook his head and put your mug on the sink. He stood in between your legs and carried you using his strength, keeping your legs around his waist. He kept on whispering apologies to you, sweet apologies that warms your heart and tighten your hug placing you on the bed gently, “can I sleep here?”
“Of course Johnny. Never leave me”
He let out a soft chuckle and lay beside you, “Never again”
The next day you woke up without Johnny by your side. You’re starting to think that maybe it was a dream? But you smell fresh coffee and toasted bread with butter or maybe that was grilled cheese.
“Good morning, sorry you woke up alone. I had to go to the farmers market” you hugged him from behind, kissing his muscular back “Now, I’m not a good cook like Jaehyun but you always loved my coffee, here” he hands you your hot coffee and asked for a good morning kiss that you happily gave.
“Do you have work today?” he asked looking at your morning face admiring your messy hair and swollen face.
“Nope. What do you have in mind”
“Meet my parents today?” you almost spit your coffee when you hear him say that.
The whole car drive was full of questions about his parents mainly because you have no idea what they’re like. Johnny was amused at how worried you were even though he’s confident they’re going to love you. “How many girls did you introduce to them already?” you asked Johnny nervously watching him laugh at your serious question, “You’re the first. I told you, you’re my first love- will you stop worrying? Look there they are” he waved at them happily as you smiled to his parents, waiting for Johnny to finish parking the car.
First impression to his mother, well she looks nothing like the one you imagined. You can’t believe you imagined your boyfriend’s mom as someone who will stare you down the moment she meets you. In reality, Johnny’s mom is bubbly and she welcomed you with a warm hug the moment you got out of the car. Johnny’s dad looked a lot like him and also welcomed you with a warm hug and a big smile his eyes almost disappears, “come inside, the food is ready”  
Johnny’s home is comfortable. A normal asian household in a neighbourhood in Chicago. The dinner is set at a patio in their backyard, every food you see at the table are made by Johnny’s parents. The Seos are funny people, all three of them made you laugh the whole dinner. Telling you stories about Johnny’s childhood and mostly talked about how they love their son. It’s really heart warming because you feel the level of intensity of their love for Johnny and you understand them because you love Johnny too.
“Are you enjoying The Art Institute of Chicago?” Mrs. Seo asked you as she watches you cut the cake and put a piece first on Johnny’s plate. She was watching you the whole time. How you talk to Johnny, how you smile at him, how you answer their questions with respect. She thinks you’re a natural when it comes to caring for her son and that he’s in good hands, and it gives her great relief.
“Yes ma’am, I enjoy every second of it. Though it’s hard to impress my boss and earn a permanent spot at the institute but, I’m getting there and I won’t stop” you gave her a piece too then Mr. Seo. From there on, Johnny couldn’t stop talking about you in front of his parents, he even told them how you clean your apartment spotless.
Meeting Johnny’s family was fun, they were cool parents and you’re positive Johnny got his wits from his mom. Back then you wonder why Johnny is such a gentleman to you but now you know the answer to that question. His dad is a natural sweet guy and a real gentleman. Looking at them made you think that love is real and maybe for the next 30 years that’s going to be you and Johnny.
When it’s time to go home already his parents walked you and Johnny to the car. “If Johnny doesn’t marry you I will seriously get mad” Mrs. Seo whispered beside you letting Johnny and Mr. Seo walk pass you two. You giggled at what she said to you, it makes your heart happy that she likes you. You and Johnny waved goodbye to his parents and gave them hugs before you two leave. “I told you they’d love you” Johnny holds your hand while he drives and kissed your left hand too many times because he can’t kiss you on the lips.
The moment you got back to your apartment you went straight to the bathroom and took a shower leaving Johnny at the living room couch as he rest. While you were busy taking a shower, Johnny messaged Jaehyun and sent him a picture of you and his parents laughing together over dinner.
Johnny: [attached picture] I win. This has to stop Jaehyun. I’m going to propose to her after graduation.
“hey baby, go take a shower while I finish up here” you invited Johnny inside your bathroom, accepting your offer a little too excited. You were busy brushing your teeth when Johnny made his way to the shower trying not to peak at your boyfriend’s gorgeous body. He likes singing in the shower and you love listening to his beautiful voice while you dry your hair. When he got out wet and hot, his lower body is covered with a thick towel but the bulge on his crotch is still visible. And he’s big.
Johnny stood behind you watching you put lotion through the mirror with loving eyes, “What?” you asked him, turning around to put a smaller towel on top of his head and you start drying his hair. Making sure to tiptoe so you’re able to reach him. His hands travel down to your covered ass keeping you close to his body you could smell the shower gel from his skin. Playing with the hem of your panties you smirk at him because he’s too predictable but you can tell he’s stopping himself, “put it inside” giving him consent without looking at him.
Following what you said, he squeezed and kneads both of your ass cheeks until you’re finished drying his hair. Giving him a peck on the lips and walked out of the bathroom. You turned on the lamp shade and jumped right in your comfortable bed, waiting for Johnny to get dressed but he has other plans.
“Why are you just standing there and staring at me looking so sexy with that towel wrapped around your waist. Come on, get dressed already and come to bed” you whine and watch him walk on the edge of the bed looking like a lost god inside your room.
Removing his towel in front of you, his eyes never leave yours but yours left his to look at his hard cock. “It’s not fair that I’m the only one naked here” he whispered so sexily beside your ear and eventually bitting the shell of your ear. Hands helping you to remove your shirt and panties without a rush. Pushing you down on the mattress as he spread soft kisses around your neck, shoulders and lips.
“I got tested last week”
With wide eyes you pull away from him just enough to look at him clearly and check if he’s saying the truth. “And?” your heart beats so fast as you wait for his answer, hoping for some good news.
“I think I rather show you than tell you. Hmm?”
“Fuck Johnny!” you shouted at him showing your happiness tears pooling on the corner of your eye.
“Yes, that’s what were going to do all night”
You hugged him tight until he tells you he needs air, pulling him on top of you letting him put all of his weight on your body. He’s fucking heavy but you don’t care. Too happy and excited about the great news you kiss him down to the mattress and waited for yourself to relax. Putting him under your spell as you made your way on top of him, Johnny felt cheated and quick to grab your body closer to him as he switch positions with you so easily. “Uh-uh. I’m on top, you can have second round”
His hands are quick to travel around your body, making a trail of wet kisses from your lips down to your lower abdomen. Stopping yourself to moan a little to louder because it’s been too long since Johnny touched you, only he can make your whole body sensitive. “Let it out, I love hearing you and you know that”
Big hands are caressing both of your thighs as you spread your legs in front of him so he can kneel between you. Going back to kiss your lips, putting his right arm in between your bodies, “were like virgins” you both chuckle at what he said but yours turned into a long moan when you feel him play with your slit, feeling his finger spread your juices and make your pussy more wet.
Even though foreplay is not new for the both of you, deep inside you’re both nervous. Nervous because finally tonight you two will have sex and the excitement is balling up in your bodies. Kneeling in between your legs again, Johnny moved intentionally slow and took his time with you. Thinking about how he doesn’t want to fuck you like how he fucked other girls.
He lifts your right leg gently, feeling your soft skin on his hands and placing kisses on your leg and shin. “This is the first time that I get nervous for sex… I’m just full of love for you I don’t know how to start. But oh the amount of things I want to do with you, baby” it is indeed surprising to see Johnny so nervous in bed and what he said to you made you smile beneath him.
“Don’t smile like that, you don’t know what your smile does to me” he kissed your leg again softly, placing it above his shoulders and leaning down close to you until you’re chest to chest. Johnny’s head perfectly rest on your left shoulder kissing it and your neck as he pleases. He lines his cock to your entrance pushing in slowly making you feel his veiny cock stretch your cunt for the first time. You hiss from hurt of the stretch gasping sharply as your arms swings around Johnny’s. Breathing fast and sharp near his ear, raking his soft hair as you feel all of him.
Neither of you can’t believe that Johnny is inside you. He told you how you feel so warm around him, incredibly tight and wet. How he wants to go deeper inside you but he doesn’t want to hurt you. Like you, he is breathing deeply and sharply near your ear whispering those words to you and kissing you more to tell you he means it.
While Johnny was whispering you sweet and dirty words, you focus on what you’re feeling down there and wonder how did it fit inside you. He has a big cock that’s for sure. Johnny continues to push in slowly, it’s so big you let out a soft ‘ouch’ and ‘ow’ from time to time. He loves the sound of it.
“Am I hurting you?” he stopped for a second and you nod your head breathing heavily. “Good” he said with a smirk and went back to pushing in his cock. “You sure Jaehyun fucked you good all those years?” you pinched his nipples with all your strength while you take his cock, making him whine and turned on even more. At least you made him shut up about Jaehyun.
This is it. Grunts and moans surrounds the room the moment he started rolling his hips. Kissing you to let you know how he’s getting addicted by how you feel so good around him.  
You let out the word, “big” with airy and breathy tone giving you more hard and slow thrusts so you will never forget this moment. Hitting you deep inside, he double his pace until your boobs bounce and your nipples brush on his chest making you moan louder. You reach for Johnny’s soft lips to shut yourself up and kiss him while taking those thrusts but pulling away eventually to let out a moan.
“Johnny- oh fuck! nipples, so sensitive touch them please” with no questions asked his free hand goes to your left nipple pinching it and gripping your boob just the way you like it. The position of your leg on top of Johnny’s shoulder is making you crazy, it hits perfectly deep on the spot where it feels so good.
You put your point finger inside Johnny’s mouth letting his tongue play with it until your satisfied, looking straight into his eyes as you removed your finger and transfer it in your mouth, “that’s hot” he groaned and bit your left nipple
Locking eyes with you as he put down your leg kissing you hungrily as you swing back your arms around his neck wrapping your leg around his waist. You can feel his hard abs against your stomach as he thrust still with that unbelievable pace, thinking about how hot what it is you’re doing with your boyfriend right now just simply puts you on edge.
“Johnny- huuuhh!” you call him out and part your lips, telling him that you’re about to cum as you shut your eyes and furrow your brows.
“I know baby, I know. Fuck you look so hot right now”
Both on edge and ready to let go, Johnny managed to pull away from you to grip your waist with both hands. Lifting your hips from the mattress unconsciously as he continues to give you quick and hard thrusts. “Fuck dont stop!” gripping the sheets as you let go and clench your pussy for as far as you can hold.
Watching you shiver beneath him and enjoy your high while he’s still catching for his sweet release is like an accomplishment for him. Shooting his cum inside you, Johnny whimpers loudly and moans your name with heavy breaths and sharp gasps.
You clear your throat and reach for him, “Kiss me Johnny.” As you devour each other’s lips again, Johnny’s thrust became slow and relaxed just perfect to remind you that he’s inside you still.
“Johnny, I can’t feel my legs”
That made him finally stop moving but still not pulling out. “Mind if I stay in for a while?”
Arms flying around him again to push him closer to you, loving how Johnny feels inside you. “I don’t mind baby, stay forever”
As always, you two finish the night with a lot of kisses. Soft, gentle, rough hungry kisses all night long until you two get tired and sleep naked, hands intertwined and happy that you two finally made love.    
…………………………………………. Masterlist
I told myself I will stop making Johnny fics and give chance to other members but here I go again. Forgive me, he’s not even my ult :(( haha Anyway, thank you for reading this! This has been the longest thing I’ve ever written and I will never write a love triangle fic ever again. hahahha kidding. I got the inspiration from this photo, hahaa Jaehyun looked so handsome here like ‘boi who u textin huh’
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453 notes · View notes
whenimaunicorn · 3 years
Playing House Part 10
Ubbe x Reader, Ivar x Reader. Modern Vikings college AU
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Words: 3481. Short for me but I think these words pack a punch...
Content Tags: predator kink, voyeurism, roleplayed fear, roleplayed punishment, overstimulation
Catch up:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
You had spent months wrapped up in delicious, heady anticipation, just wondering what these boys would be like in bed, or if you would ever even get there with either of them. Now it seems like the tables are turned; it’s Ivar and Ubbe that are obsessed, each of them tantalized and awakened in their own way to what you’ve brought into their lives: the opportunity to indulge every kinky fantasy and fucked-up thought they’ve ever had.
You say no to some things, of course. But your limits are so far from “normal” that you still manage to surprise and delight them with your amenability to trying just about anything. You’re here to serve. And the excitement of still not knowing what they’re going to want to do to your body next? That’s the most intoxicating feeling of all.
Classes start again for you and Ivar, meaning you probably have more important things to do than being the fuckdoll that keeps the apartment looking nice for her boys. But Ivar takes care of you here, too: a strict schedule is set, for study and play, so neither of you fall behind. That’s not to say that Ubbe doesn’t sometimes use you as a cockwarmer while you’re going through your flashcards, or that you don’t spend some evenings knotted up on the couch in comfortable bondage while you and Ivar finish your reading assignments. You find ways to get everyone’s competing needs met.
And Ubbe… Ubbe has discovered his own brand of kink.
“Hey y/n,” he says, catching your eye just as you’ve finished polishing up the kitchen. All he’s got to do is give you that look, and you know what’s about to happen. And he reads something in your eyes that signals you’re up for it, too. He winks. “Run.”
You launch yourself past him through the doorway of the kitchen. His hand almost catches at your hip, but you twist away from him just quickly enough, grinning at your triumph even though he probably only let you get by him so that he could enjoy the chase.
You get the couch between him and you, but realize that now you’re cornered. His teeth are bared like a savage as he follows each of your feints, left, right, left again. If you could get past him and down the hallway, you might be able to get to your room with enough time to lock him out.
You know, if you actually wanted to win.
You’re giggling; he’s growling. “When I catch you, y/n,” he threatens, “say goodbye to those panties.” You feint to the right, then rapidly to the left, but he doesn’t fall for it. “I’ll rip ‘em faster than Ivar can keep replacing them.”
You’ve stopped wearing anything other than skirts and dresses around the apartment. Between Ubbe’s constant roughhousing and Ivar’s penchant for sliding his hands up and up and up, you never want to have to pause the action long enough to shimmy out of anything so complicated as pants.
“You’re not getting away,” Ubbe informs you with a deep, predatory chuckle. Tiring of darting from side to side, he starts to climb directly over the couch at you.
That’s your chance, though. As soon as he’s off the ground you dart off to the left, ducking under his reaching arm and speeding over to the hallway that leads back to the bedrooms. You can hear his feet thudding behind you as he jumps down, but maybe you can make it . . .  passing Ivar’s empty room, you duck into your own and fling yourself at the door, adrenaline making you giddy as you try and swing it around and shut it right in Ubbe’s face.
His arms scoop around your waist before you pull it even a few inches. “Gotcha,” he gloats, then lifts your feet up off the floor and tosses you at your bed.
Ever since that scuffle after he made you answer Ivar’s call, you had both realized Ubbe loved to feel you fighting him just as much as you loved struggling against him. And so now, whenever Ivar’s not home, you fear his return only about equally as much as you worry that the neighbors might call the cops on all the bangs and thumps they have to be hearing whenever you and Ubbe get into it. Hopefully they can hear that you laugh just as much as you scream.
You try to bounce off the mattress as soon as he flings you onto it, but again Ubbe is too fast for you. His wide hand centers on your chest and pushes you right back down, then holds you there as he gets his other hand up your skirt. “I don’t know why you even bother to keep wearing these,” he says, the exertion thinning out his voice as he gets his fist around the side of your panties and starts dragging them down.
When you arch your back and grind your ass into the bed to try and make his job more difficult, he slaps the side of your thigh and then tries again twice as hard.
You’ve chosen lace today, which you slightly regret as you feel the friction of the scratchy material digging into your skin. And so you relent, just a little, shimmying along with his efforts and letting him work your panties all the way off without any more snags. “So much easier when you cooperate,” Ubbe notes.
“But where’s the fun in that?” You scoot up like you’re trying to escape again.
His palm slams you down, pushing you into the pillows piled up at the top of your neatly-made bed. Well, it was neatly made. Ubbe’s rumpling it pretty thoroughly now. This time his hand is bridging your collarbone, pressure teasing your neck. It’s enough to make you go completely still, and drop your consciousness into sub-mode as you savor the dominance of the gesture.
With your guard finally down, Ubbe gets himself tucked nice and tight between your legs. He keeps that solid pressure going on your chest, though, while working to open up his pants.
He makes this noise when he’s close to sinking into you, when you’re fighting like this. It’s a growl but it’s somehow gleeful; a predator who knows he’s inches from getting his jaws around your throat. “You gonna keep fighting?” His teeth graze against the side of your neck. “Or are you gonna make this easier on yourself?’
You choose easier, licking your palm quickly so that when Ubbe drops his cock out of his pants you’re right there to slather some lube on it before he starts working his way into you. Ubbe groans at the feeling of your hand, then spits on his own fingers to return the favor in a hurried swipe across your entrance.
No foreplay in this game. The game is the foreplay. Ubbe has taken to eating you out afterwards, long and slow and luscious. Right now, it’s all about the rush.
You cry out as his blunt head catches a little before finding the right angle to sink in deeper. You all did the responsible thing and got STD tests not too long ago, and now you’re free to bareback it as much as you please. It’s easy to believe Ubbe’s promise to be monogamous for as long as you’re doing it like this. With how often he throws you down and fucks you around here, there’s no way that he’d have anything left for anyone else.
Ubbe’s cock has that kind of width that you never just ‘get used to.’ You’ve gotten better at taking it, as fast and hard as he wants it at times like this, but that first inexorable slide always makes your eyes pop a little. It takes up all your concentration to relax your body and let him stretch you.
Which is probably why you just missed something really important.
Ubbe’s about twenty thrusts in before you can get a hold of yourself enough to stop squealing, to relax the clutching grip of your hands around his shoulders and cross your ankles over the back of his bouncing hips, to get comfortable and open your eyes.
You look over Ubbe’s shoulder to see Ivar leering at you from the door.
It finally happened. He finally caught you. Adrenaline seizes your muscles up tight, locking your legs around Ubbe’s back and making him moan deeper while your own vocal chords freeze.
Ivar’s head wiggles as he leans his shoulder against the doorframe. A single finger comes up to his mouth, in that universal gesture for silence. Then his eyes leave yours to trail over the rest of your body, the sprawl of your thighs bouncing under Ubbe’s heaving back.
He settles in a little deeper, so he doesn’t need to hold himself up with both crutches. His finger leaves his lips and he palms down at his own crotch instead.
Ivar wants to watch.
Tingles burst out across your body as you incorporate the pleasure of Ubbe’s deep dicking with the self-conscious awareness of being on display for your other lover. Ivar can’t see much besides your legs and your eyes so he must—oh fuck—must be in this just to watch the reactions that play across your face.
“Make some noise for me, baby” Ubbe moans against your neck. “You’re so quiet.”
He lifts his head far enough to look at your face, and your eyes snap to his quick, before he thinks you were looking at anything over his shoulder. Ivar is a dark blob in your peripheral vision as you focus on the face of the man who’s fucking you right now. Not the one that’s sure to fuck you twice as thoroughly as soon as this is over.
You make a little sound for Ubbe, somewhere between a squeal and a moan. It’s really all you can produce under this sense of looming doom that might be smiling sadistically from the doorway at you right now.
Ubbe frowns. “I could barely hear that,” he mocks, then grins and adjusts his hips, pulling your thigh up higher around his back. “Guess I gotta hit it a little deeper.”
“Unf,” you cry, unable to hold back as he, true to his word, tries his best to rearrange your guts. You throw your head back and just ride it out, giving him those full-throated groans you know he’s looking for. As far as you can tell, Ivar’s looking for them too. If this is happening, then you might as well go all out with it.
If Ivar wants to stay and watch, then you can’t be in that much trouble. Just pretend trouble. Which is definitely the good kind.
The weight of Ivar’s eyes means about as much as his hands on your body ever could. He’s not even doing anything, and yet, he is absolutely a third lover in this room. The heat of that gaze makes your skin prickle, makes your cunt tighten around Ubbe’s cock and sets you moaning, then screaming through your teeth as you feel your orgasm building hot and thick and all for Ivar and those eyes.
“Fuck,” Ubbe growls, the desperate edge to his voice showing he’s on his edge too, “you feel so good. Can never get enough.”
You can’t, either. Not of either one of them. Ubbe’s pace increases, coming up to that home stretch before he empties himself inside you. And given the delicious, mad pressure building between your thighs, you just might come right along with him.
Ubbe buries his face in the crook of your neck with a long, guttural noise as he hammers out his final, ecstatic thrusts. You’re so close to peaking, too. So—close—just—a—few—more—
Ubbe’s thrusts are slowing but you’ve still got everything you need. You latch wide, desperate eyes on Ivar’s smirking face, using that dirty feeling of knowing you’re being watched, that he’s watching, to push yourself over the edge.
The look in Ivar’s eyes is dark, so dark, as he reaches to the side and, with a shit-eating grin, pushes firmly against the bedroom door. It hits the stopper against the wall with a loud, distinctive sound.
Ubbe freezes, recognizing that someone must have just come in. You make an odd sobbing noise as your impending orgasm melts away.
“I think that is enough.”
Ubbe leans his forehead against your shoulder, exhaling long and hard. With a slow tilt of his hips, he grinds himself deeper into you, one last stubborn farewell to the pussy. He brings his mouth up close enough to whisper in your ear. “Uh oh. You finally got caught.” As he pulls away, you see a new kind of eagerness on his sweaty face.
He always did want to know what your punishment was going to be.
“I will take it from here, Ubbe.”
There are times that Ubbe Lothbrok can be stubborn; an alpha male with his own plan and need to assert himself upon a situation. Right after he’s blown his load is not one of those times. He pulls himself out of you in one long, slow swipe and tucks his softening cock right back into his pants. His eyes flick over the disheveled sprawl of your body underneath him, a prideful smile curling his lip, and then he straightens up and off your bed. “She’s all yours.”
Ivar struts forward, head waggling as his crutches carry him swiftly to the edge of the bed. You close your legs modestly, but his hand clamps down on your thigh, holding you open for him. “I told you never to let me catch you.” The look on his face is positively wicked.
All you can do is whimper, still flushed and half-crazed with your need to come.
“And yet, you left the door open. Like you wanted me to see.” He starts smacking at your inner thighs, quick, precise little swats, holding your legs spread when you twitch and try to protect yourself reflexively. “Stay. Open.”
You can only imagine what Ivar is seeing, your naked pussy swollen, needy, and leaking cum. It’s almost unbearable. His smacks turn to flicks of his strong fingers as he moves closer in toward your center, alternating sides and just watching you force yourself to keep your legs open.
Then comes the slap you had been anticipating, right on your clit. You cry out, surprised how much you like the feeling. Maybe it’s only because you were just on the brink, but after the sharp pain recedes a fresh rush of arousal suffuses you and you sob. “Ivar, please.”
He pauses. “Please, what?”
“Please let me come.”
He raises one heavy brow. “That’s all you can say? Unrepentant to the end, I see. Well then, dirty girl, if that’s what you want your punishment to be…” His hand covers your mound, thumb finding your needy clit. He rubs one single, glorious circle, then stops. His head swivels. “Ubbe. Did you think you get to watch? Out.”
* * *
You’re going to pass out. Mercy, please, there’s no way that you can handle another orgasm. Ivar’s got your muscles clenching, the sheets soaked, your legs trapped around his body and your pussy stuffed with the third vibrator he’s decided to try. He’s even got another one vibrating right against your asshole, just to give you ideas about other sins he might have in store for you. Pleasure runs like a raging river, unrelenting. Every time you try to catch your gasping breath, Ivar raises the flood.
“Come on, greedy girl,” Ivar coaxes, his voice husky after all the effort he’s spent working you over. “Surely you can’t quit before orgasm number eight.” He changes something down there and all you can do is wail like an animal as he somehow makes you feel more full than ever. And then his finger returns to your clit. He’s just about got this down to a science, after so many experimental trials here in your darkened bedroom. Fuck you with the toy, change the vibration every few minutes so your body can’t get used to it, tease your asshole and press down on your clit juuuuust so.
It’s starting to feel like he knows the angles your body likes better than you do. He’s turned your clitoris against you, co-opting that magic button into something he can press on his whim to make you explode in another spine-shaking climax. This time, you come so hard you see spots blooming in front of your vision.
Something must have changed in your voice as that last one crashed over you. This time, Ivar does not immediately start re-tuning the machine, gearing your body up to start the cycle all over again for number nine. Instead his hand falls steady and warm, covering your shuddering sex with a reassuring stillness as he leans in over you. His voice is low as he comes close enough for you to meet his drowning eyes in the dark. “Mercy?”
“Mercy.” You can barely say it. You barely have a voice left after all the ecstatic screams he’s forced across your throat.
Ivar makes a soothing sound, one that rings in your ears like the most beautiful, reassuring thing you’ve ever heard. He’s letting it end. You made it all the way through; you didn’t have to stop him. You lasted until he offered. That had been the goal your submissive soul clung to as he took your body through just about every pleasure it could handle. He reaches down to click off the vibrations. You sigh as he slips the last toy out of your body. “You did so good for me.”
He covers your pussy with his hand again. It feels immensely comforting, stillness and steady reassurance after all that thrusting and vibration. You let all the remaining tension drain out against his palm as you close your eyes and let yourself come slowly back to something approximating reality.
The next thing you’re aware of is Ivar coaxing your head up higher on the pillows. “Drink,” he says softly, putting a water bottle in your hands and guiding it up to your lips. “I wrung you out pretty good.”
The water is cool and extremely welcome. You want to make a joke about how little moisture you must have left in your body, after all that, but slaking your thirst is so much more important.
Rolling your blanket around you, Ivar lays down to cuddle beside your exhausted body after taking the water bottle away. You never would have guessed, before all this, what an avid snuggler Ivar Lothbrok is. He seems to crave your body against his own, after these intense sessions. He pulls you in tight against him. “We could take a shower, if you want,” he offers.
“I don’t think I can move.”
His chuckle is indulgent. “Fair enough.” He snuggles his cheek in a little closer. “Let me know if you need anything.”
So. He’s not fucking you today, either. Not that this even feels like the right time for your first time…it’s just something that’s been on your mind. Maybe it makes you old-fashioned, but it just feels like he hasn’t fully claimed you yet. Part of you kind of thought that once he caught you with Ubbe, that might have been what he was waiting for, to make you absolutely his. But this doesn’t feel like a turning point at all. Nothing he had said indicated that he did not like seeing you that way, or that he expected you to stop fucking Ubbe now. It’s always just been another game.
Which suits you just fine. You wonder if you will ever have a chance of getting bored in this apartment.
Your meandering thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Ivar’s phone, a quick, chirping notification.
He shifts lazily to check it when it chirps a second time. A short bark of a laugh rumbles out of him a moment later.
Ivar rolls back to show you his screen. The text message is from Hvitserk, who you know to be another one of his brothers.
Be in town tomorrow
gonna crash in Sigurd’s room
“Looks like someone else wants in your bed,” Ivar croons at you.
You know that Hvitserk just doesn’t know that the apartment has acquired a new roommate, but you get a funny feeling deep inside your overstimulated body, anyway.
“Maybe I should tie you up naked tomorrow,” Ivar continues, voice low and teasing as he nips at your ear. “Leave you right here as a gift for him to find when he arrives. Haven’t seen him in a while, I’m sure I missed a birthday somewhere in there.” He grins at whatever he sees in your face. “If you need another lesson about what greedy girls get.” His finger taps you affectionately, right on the nose.
Next Chapter
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plannedparenthood · 4 years
Sex Ed at Home: Planned Parenthood Has Got You Covered
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When it comes to learning about sexual health, we’re here with you, no matter what. If you want to learn more about sexual health, are spending extra time with your kids (who have lots of questions!), or just want something to do during your couch time, we’ve got tons of fun and educational videos, apps, and other digital resources for people of all ages.
For young people (or anyone wanting to brush up on their sexual health info):
Roo — Our totally free, private sexual health chatbot that answers all your questions about sex, relationships, puberty, and more. No question is too awkward or embarrassing for Roo, so ask away! You can also check out our Roo High School video series.
Chat/Text — For those times you need to talk with a real person, chat or text in real-time with trained health educators about pregnancy, STDs, birth control, and more. It’s free and confidential.
Consent 101 videos — This four-video series is all about consent — what it is, how to know if someone wants to have sex with you, and what to do if they don’t.
Talking about safer sex, testing, and STDs — These three live-action videos show you how to have those sometimes awkward (but always necessary) conversations with your sexual partners without blaming, shaming, or ruining the mood.
Spot On — Our gender-neutral app helps you track your period, fertility, and birth control method. It’s free and available for download in your phone’s app store. You’ll also get period facts and tips from the experts at Planned Parenthood — and keep an eye out for Cycleosaurus, the friendly dinosaur! Download the Spot On app and start your own 30 Night Challenge at home.
PlannedParenthood.org/teens — We’ve got tons of great info on our site about puberty, relationships, staying safe online, and more.
Ours to Tell — A short film that shares the stories of four people from diverse backgrounds and the empowerment that comes from being able to access abortion and live full, healthy lives. 
How to respond to a story of sexual assault — A video with tips for responding in a supportive and compassionate way if someone shares their experience of sexual assault, without adding to the shame and guilt that many survivors feel.
Sexual health videos — Quick, animated videos that give you the basics on birth control, how pregnancy happens (you might be surprised at the timeline!), STDs, PrEP and PEP, and abortion. (También en español.)
Coloring and activities — Tap into your creativity, unwind, and relieve some stress with our coloring and activity pages.
For parents, caregivers, and families:
Videos for parents — From talking to your kids about where babies come from to gender, porn, and more, we’ve got the tips to help you tackle the tough topics and keep your kids healthy, from preschool to middle school. (También en español.)
The Talk Show — You might be watching a little more TV than usual right now. This TV watching guide helps you use storylines from TV and movies to have easy, honest conversations with your kids about sex, relationships, social media, body image, and more. (También en español.) 
Resources for talking about healthy relationships — Wondering how to start a conversation about consent and having good relationships? Read about how to talk about consent at every age (en español), or play Healthy Relationship Bingo (en español) when you’re watching TV with the young people in your life. 
PlannedParenthood.org/Parents — From preschool through high school, our parents’ guide gives you great advice on how to have honest, age-appropriate conversations with your kids about bodies, relationships, sexuality, safety, and more. (También en español.) 
Use Roo together — Our sexual health chatbot can help guide conversations with your kids about those topics that can sometimes feel awkward to talk about. You can let your kid lead the way, or take turns asking Roo questions and discussing the answers.
PlannedParenthood.org/Teens — You and your kid can click around the site together and talk about topics you come across. Or send it to your teen and leave them to browse on their own, letting them know they can come to you with any questions. (También en español.) 
-Kendall at Planned Parenthood
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The Arrangement
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Matt Simmons x Reader 
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of choking, fingering, mild degradation, making out
Category: Smut
Word Count: 2.4k
Author’s Note: Based on this request, this one and this one too! Thank you darlings for these ideas!
*Bolded italics are flashbacks* 
You and Matt had been friends since he joined the IRT. You didn’t get to see each other very often other than that one case you guys had in Barbados together. The two of you have always been close, he was best friend even though you barely saw each other. 
After that case, everyone went out for drinks and dinner. The two of you traded flirty glances all night and when he pulled you to dance, which you found strange because he wasn’t much of a dancer. You ended up back in bed with him, it didn’t surprise you but it didn’t exactly go as planned either. 
You hadn’t seen him since that night, you left before he woke up because you had an early flight. You’ve had a few late night phone calls and texts but other than that, nothing. 
When Matt was reassigned to the BAU, you became attached at the hip. Everything that he did, you were there with him and vice versa. The two of you were still single and clearly into each other, so hence begins the arrangement.
The two of you were sitting in his apartment, he asked you to come over and help him unpack. He had just bought a new apartment and with all the traveling, he had barely unpacked and he couldn't keep living out of boxes. 
The two of you were taking a break, he had ordered pizza for dinner. You were currently on the couch, Matt was on the floor between your legs. His head rested on your inner thigh as he watched some movie that was on TV.  Running your hands through his hair, he hummed. 
“I’ve missed you” 
“Missed you too Matt” 
He turned around to face you, his head still on your thigh. You smiled at him while he kissed your inner thigh. 
“Hold on babe” 
“What?” he looked up at you. “If we’re going to keep doing this, we need to talk about something”  He waited for you to talk. 
“One, no sleeping with other people, simply because of the fact that I don't want a std from whoever you hooked up with.” he laughed but nodded. “Two, if you find someone or if I find someone, we end this. No hard feelings and we’ll still be friends ?” 
“Yeah, of course angel” You smiled at the nickname.
“Anything you want to add?” 
He pushed you back on the couch, getting on top of you. His hand wrapped itself around your throat squeezing slightly, your breath hitched as a smile washed across your face 
“You’re mine and only mine.” 
Emily had called in the team early one morning because a case had come in. Everyone seemed like they had just rolled out of bed and showed up except Penelope and Rossi, the two of them were always dressed for an emergency fashion show.
Emily and Penelope explained to the team that a family had been kidnapped in North Carolina. She was going over the details when you felt a hand on your thigh. You were wearing a skirt that you had found and honestly, it wasn't your choice in work clothing but it was the first thing you found. 
You glanced at Matt who sat beside you and had a smile on his face as his hand slowly made its way up your thigh. Your hand rested on his to stop him but he didn’t, making you shift in your seat. 
“y/n are you okay?” Luke asked you from across the table, 
you nodded “just a cramp in my leg, I'll be alright” 
Rossi and Spencer were talking about if this unsub was a family annihilator or if there’s a different motive behind this kidnapping. Matt’s hand slides under your skirt, his fingers brushing against your panties. You give him a warning look but he slides a finger in you anyways. 
You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from moaning as Matt curls his finger. You grab his hand, squeezing his wrist and giving him a look, practically begging him to stop until you can be alone with him.
For some reason, probably because Emily asked him to help Garcia with something, he let you go. You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding. 
“Are you sure you’re okay y/n?” Luke asked you once more
“Oh yeah, I think I pulled something working out and I've been getting cramps all morning” he looked like he didn’t believe you but he dropped it.
The case had taken you guys a little less than a week to solve. The unsub had kidnapped one more family but you took him into custody alive, you had some peace of mind knowing he’d spend the rest of his life in jail for what he did. 
You were now on the jet counting the hours until you could be back in your bed. You somehow got stuck sharing a room with Matt and Luke, it would have been weird if you and Matt shared a bed only for Luke to wake up and see you cuddling so Matt shared with Luke instead. Matt did like to cuddle regardless of who it was, so you now had a few pictures of Matt and Luke cuddling which you totally didn’t and by totally didn’t, you 100% did send to Garcia. 
Matt sat beside you, everyone was either asleep or too busy doing something to even notice the two of you. “Hey princess” he whispered as he fixed the blanket so it was over the both of you. 
You hummed, too tired to talk and rested your head on his shoulder. “I missed this, cuddling with Luke isn't the same” he whispered, making you chuckle, you shifted closer to him as you basically ended up half way onto him. Your arm was stretched over his lap, your hand right above his dick. 
“Don’t” he gave you a warning look, you ignored him rubbing your palm against his dick. He let out a little groan, his head leaning back against his seat. He moved your hand only for you to put it right back, slipping them into his pants. 
Your hand just rested there, not moving, not doing anything. He looked over at you. 
“Seriously ?”
“Hm? Is there an issue agent?” 
“Oh no issue baby, just wait until we get home and I deal with you. You can’t go without it huh?” he chuckled, you looked at him 
“Without what?” you asked 
“Without touching me. Without being a needy little slut” he whispered in your ear making you blush and squeeze your thighs together. 
“That’s what I thought.” 
A few weeks later and you guys finally had a paperwork day, you’re all just minding your business and doing your own thing. You were typing up a report when your phone buzzed. You picked it up to see a notification from Matt, you opened it to see a shirtless picture he probably had taken earlier in the day. The longer you looked at the picture, the more you realize that it wasn’t taken at home, but in the bathroom at the BAU.
To Matt: Stop being horny and go back to work 
From Matt: Don’t tell me that you didn’t like that ;)
You chuckled, looking up to see that no one was paying attention to you. Everyone was doing their own thing so you sent back a quick reply before turning off your phone 
To Matt: never said I didn’t, but I know exactly what you like. 
You turned back to your paperwork, only getting a few lines into it before your phone buzzed again. Spencer looked over at you, “you’re popular today” he smiled making you chuckle.
“Hm, yeah it’s my cousin” You felt bad lying to Spencer but you couldn't tell him about your secret workplace lover even though you knew he’d keep it a secret. 
“Do you want some coffee?” you asked Spencer as you got up, he nodded. You walked over to the coffee machine, Matt walked back into the bullpen. He smiled at you as he walked past you, you smiled back and turned your attention back to the coffee machine.
A few minutes passed and you walked back to your desk, Matt passing by you again, flashing you a smile as he walked past. 
You set Spencer’s mug on his desk, “there you go doc” he smiled at you and took a sip. You made sure to make his with 98% sugar and 2% coffee. “Just the way I like it, thank you y/n” you smiled at him as you sat down “you’re welcome” There was a bright pink piece of paper folded on top of your files when you got back to your desk, you picked it up and opened it. 
“Meet me in the office in 10″ 
Matt scribbled onto the first thing he could find, you figured he probably went to visit Garcia and took a piece from her. 
“Spence?” you looked up at him, 
“Yeah?” he mumbled, not looking up from his book. 
“If anyone asks where I am, tell them I've gone to the bathroom. Okay ?” you slipped the piece of pink paper into your desk drawer before getting up. 
“Okay” Spencer mumbled again before going back to his book. 
You walked out and headed towards Derek’s office, the lights were off but the door was unlocked. You pushed open the door and stepped inside, a pair of hands grabbed your waist and pushed you up against the door. You gasped when you felt his hands on you, you knew he was in there but you didn’t expect him to scare you. 
“Dude, seriously ? You can’t turn on the lights like a normal person?” you asked him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Hi angel” he kissed down the side of your neck, his hands slid up your side and moved to the front of your shirt to unbutton it. 
“Whatcha doing ?” you asked him,
“Nothing really” his lips moved towards your chest, kissing and sucking as he went. You knew you’d be covered in hickeys by time he’d done but you could care less. 
Matt’s arms were around your waist, he guided you over to the couch. The two of you had been in Derek’s office enough that you knew it like the back of your hand. You kind of felt bad using his office, he was like a brother to you and you knew his office was Penelope’s little space but it was the only office outside of the bullpen with a couch and a lock on the door. Derek had came to visit once, you bumped into him moments after you had stepped out his office 
You were walking back towards the bullpen, you were fixing your shirt, shifting it back to its original position. Derek was standing in the hallway talking to Spencer, you weren’t expecting him to come by today and it caught you by surprise. 
“Hey D!” you walked over to give him a hug, his hugs were the best. 
“Hey mama, I missed you” he smiled at you, 
“Awe I missed you too, what are you doing here? Isn’t there a lil man that requires your attention at home?” 
He chuckled, “he’s actually here, Penelope whisked him away to her office so I went to find pretty boy” he ruffled Spencer’s hair. “He’s more like bothering me” Spencer mumbled, trying to fix his hair. 
“I came to pick up something from my office actually. Babygirl forgot to put it in the box with my stuff” he explained to you 
“Oh” you nodded, you causally pulled out your phone and texted Matt, telling him to make sure everything to spick and span because Derek was here. 
“I’ll see you two around, I've got to pick up Savannah soon” He hugged Spencer goodbye before he hugged you 
“Tell her I said hi and give Hank a kiss for me” You smiled at him before letting him go.
Someone pulled on the door knob, you and Matt ignored it. You pulled him closer, it was impossible to be any closer but either way you still did. You were on his lap, straddling him and his hands on the back on your thighs. The two of you found yourselves in this position very often, clothes thrown all over the floor, making out on the couch like teenagers. Usually whoever was at the door left after a minute or two. 
Today was different. 
The last thing you expected was Penelope to walk in, with Derek. 
She flipped the light switch and gasped, “Oh! Guys, I- uh- oh my god I'm sorry” She pushed Derek out, who was laughing and pulled the door shut behind them. Matt looked at you, the door and then back to you before he started laughing. You could help but laugh too. 
“Okay, stop it’s not funny” you got off his lap to get dressed while you tried not to laugh. 
“It’s funny angel, I can tell you wanna laugh” he chuckled pulling on his shirt. You shook your head and fixed your hair before stepping out. 
“Penny, D” you smiled at them, Derek chuckled while Penelope just nodded. 
“Sorry if we traumatized you” Matt told them, although it was directed more towards Penelope rather than Derek. 
“How long has this been going on ?” Penelope asked you guys
“And why my office ? Use Emily’s or Rossi’s” Derek laughed. 
“Since Matt joined the BAU and a little bit before that” you told them, 
Penelope’s eyes went wide. “What?! Matt’s been there for a year and a half!” she shouted, Matt nodded. Now that Penelope knew, you knew the secret wouldn't last long. 
There goes your secret arrangement. 
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Destroyed by Each Other
A/N: Hi everyone! This fic isn’t new, but the link to this story isn’t working so I’m posting it again. Hope you enjoy it again!
Warning: Unprotected sex, Oral sex, birth control, condom talk, language, and happy ending!
 It’s happening so quick. Before I can even say a word, Jason’s head is already lowered down, and his mouth contacts my overly-sensitive pussy. He licks an agonizingly slow lick up my slit and to my clit. “Oh! Fuck!” I cry out. The touch of his tongue is wonderful. I can hear him smirk and repeat the same actions. But it’s torturing me more and more. I reach out to tug on his dark hair; and gain some stability because I know I’ll be falling apart soon. “Fuck Y/N...you taste so fucking good. I think I wanna stay here and eat you all day long,” Jason moans against me. The vibrations send heat throughout my body. He begins to suck my clit gently and then furiously. The long torturous circular licks around my clit has me whining beneath him. His patterns, techniques, and patience prove how much this means to him. How in the fucking world can Jason Todd be the master of eating pussy? I’ve never felt this way during oral sex. Maybe my ex-boyfriend’s never knew what to do and never took in consideration how to build me up, and instead just fuck me without giving me an orgasm first. Jason Todd is the perfect fucking gentleman. It’s like he knew what my body was dying for. He knew the sensitive spots and knew how to work me up instead of just ramming fingers and fists inside me. Jason moves away for a second to quickly kiss to my thigh. I whine and try to grip the tile beneath me. He returns to my clit and licks it slowly but runs his tongue faster now and looks up at me to see my face flushed and sweaty. My moans must be boosting his self-esteem. He chuckles when I try to move my hips against his mouth. I need more now!  
Jason becomes protective in a sense to hold me, but since he’s eating me out, he uses his hands to hold my legs down, but one hand continues to rub my thigh.
I’m gasping and whimpering pathetically, Jason has me under his spell. One of my hands is holding myself up in a sitting position, while the other is pulling Jason’s hair. My hips move against his mouth, I need more constant friction and touching.
A long finger enters me.
“Jason! Oh my God!” I pant, as he moves it inside and out of me. It’s not enough. “I need more! Please!”
Jason glances up at me. His mouth is wet from my arousal, but the shit-eating grin is there again. “What’s that doll? You want more than that? How about this instead?”
Another finger, and the curling motion to rub against that sensitive but perfect spot has me a moaning and gasping mess. My body feels like I’m on fire, and I’m only going to keep burning and burning until the last spark.
“Oh fuck, Y/N. You’re so fucking beautiful. I wanna see you cum so bad. I wanna taste your cum. And to think it’s all because of me would make it so fucking delicious,” Jason pants. His fingers continue working their magic inside me; stroking my g-spot, as his thumb rubs relentlessly against my clit.
It’s all too much. The overwhelming pleasure has me gasping for air, and tears are running down my reddish cheeks. I remove my hand from his hair and reach out to move him up to where I’m sitting.
Jason’s eyes are focused on me. The pupils are dilated to where the blueish, gray eyes are vanishing for a moment. His mouth is parted, and he’s breathing heavily too.
Instinct takes over. I grab Jason’s face to kiss him. The second our lips touch, an electric spark shoots from my toes and to my stomach. I can taste myself on him, which triggers another moan from me. Our tongues are battling for dominance, he wins as usual and licks and searches throughout my mouth until I’m whimpering for more.
And then I clench and unclench around his fingers; gushing all over his fingers as the dam has been broken. I break away from his mouth and scream, the searing pleasure has me gasping for air.
Jason quickly moves back down and licks up my juices. Moaning and savoring the taste he helped me make shows me what kind of man he really is.
It’s like Jason Todd takes pleasure in making girls cum that he might actually get off on just that.
He raises his head back up and licks around his lips. I stare at him and wonder what’s in those mischievous eyes.
“Holy fuck, doll. That was fucking hot, wasn’t it? And better yet, there’s still more.”
I shake my head no. I don’t think my pussy can handle more. The thought of more pleasure makes my thighs clench to shield my pussy. “No, I don’t think so, Jason. I-I don’t think I can do anything else.”
“Oh, come on baby girl. I need a release too! And since I made you cum, I think I deserve to cum as well, right?” Jason practically whines. He frees his thick cock from his boxers, and hastily parts my legs. He rubs the tip against my juices for lubricant. “And besides, I don’t think I’ll last much longer considering your orgasm was like foreplay for me. Just seeing you moaning and cumming on my fingers is enough to bring me on the edge. I don’t think this’ll be very long.”
With one more kiss from Jason, he thrusts himself into me; stretching me to the point where it hurt a bit but was pleasurable enough to want him more. He begins to thrust slowly and deeply, before my nails on his shoulders and chest scratch him to pick up the pace.
The sounds of skin on skin slapping is loud; I immediately wonder if Bruce and Dick can hear us. Dick must have already heard me during oral sex, and I wonder why if he’s still out there and listening to us.
It’s as if Jason knew I was thinking about Bruce and Dick. He snarls and slams his cock deeper and harder into me. I release a long overdue moan and scratch his back once more. He then lifts me up a bit, to the point where he’s holding me up and fucking me upwards to where he can hit that spot he knows so well.
“There...I-I found it...How many fuckers can say that when they’re fucking you, Y/N?” Jason pants, breathing heavily from his nose. He’s struggling to speak, but he wants to do much.
“N-not many!” I choke out. Jason’s cock is deliciously rubbing hard against the spot, and I know I’ll be coming undone any second.
“Good! Because this spot is MINE! Only I can find it and make you cum! You’re my cum queen now, Y/N!”
And Jason isn’t even quiet during sex; he’s very vocal. He often drops his head beside mine to groan loudly. Between our panting bodies, his hand slips down and rubs my clit hastily to get me to the edge where he’s waiting for release.
But Jason is still that guy who needs reassurance; who needs compliments because the guy has never been praised for much in his life.
“Oh Y/N. You’re so fucking good! You’re taking my cock so well in that beautiful pussy of yours. P-please tell me I’m good, too. P-please tell me I’m fucking you good, too,” Jason pleads, the look in his eyes breaks my heart.
“Y-you’re fucking me so good, Jason! You’re doing so good! I-I need more of your cock!” I shout uncontrollably.
Jason smiles sweetly. He kisses me harder which shows the confidence is back, and his thrusts are deeper, faster, and harder now.
I kiss him back harshly. Our lips must be red and chapped from sucking and biting each other’s moans. I bite his bottom lip once more, and I gasp into his mouth. My pussy clenches and unclenches around Jason’s, and my juices soak his cock.
“Fuck! Y/N! I’m fucking you so good! I’m gonna cum in you!” Jason groans loudly. His thrusts are getting sloppy.
“Jason, don’t cum in me! Pull out!” I warn him.
Jason thrusts a few more times, and then he shuts his eyes. His mouth is open, and he chokes back on his gasps. His orgasm must have been strong, and it takes a moment for him to open his eyes and breathe again.
He pulls his cock out, and he grimaced. “Oops.”
“J-Jason! Did you cum inside me?” I demand.
“Yeah...but you’re kinda ruining the sexy sex glow. It was hot, wasn’t it?” Jason breathes out.
“But you came inside me! Why? Why would you do that, Jason? It’s not exactly safe!”
“Yeah, but you’re on the pill, right?”
“Yes, but it doesn’t matter! It’s not a hundred percent effective! Oh my God! Do you do this with your other girlfriends?” I panic. Pushing him far away from me, I begin to get dressed, despite my legs shaking and my breathing uneven. I’ll have to tell Bruce. He’ll know what to do.
Jason quickly gets dressed and stops me from walking around him. “Look, I-I know what I did was stupid, but I don’t go around fucking girls without protection. I don’t trust any of them, and I’m obviously clean. So, you don’t have to worry about me giving you STD’s and shit,” he explains worriedly.
“I know you’re clean! I didn’t think you were a manwhore or anything. I just hope I don’t get pregnant because of one unprotected fucking!” I cry out.
“You let Bruce pull out. Isn’t pulling out just as dangerous as me cumming inside you?” Jason argues back.
I frown. I’m being a hypocrite. Jason’s right. Maybe I should be more careful and have better judgment. But truth be told, I don’t think I really regret anything.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just...well, you can go ahead and call me a whore too, but all I want is to have fun. I don’t want to settle down, have kids, and do the whole ‘family thing’ yet. After everything that has happened, I just...want to have fun and not worry. So, I guess in a way I’m only looking for sex and nothing serious right now,” I confess. I hope Jason goes easy on me and my confession.
Jason’s tall as fuck, he towers over me to where I must look up at him. He sighs, and then smiles at me.
“I get it. It doesn’t make you a whore unless you just fuck one person from now on. So, I guess you have to pick someone and just stick with them until you figure yourself out. The question is...” Jason says, before he tilts his head to the side. “Is it me?”
Before I can say anything, Tim and Damian come into the kitchen. The smell of sex is still strong and evident, and the paper towel with Bruce’s cum is still on the counter (which I believed I threw it away earlier, but I guess I never did). They raise their eyebrows at us, before Tim clears his throat.
“Wow, kitchen’s crowded. So, um...we’re going to leave now and see you guys soon,” Tim says anxiously before he turns away first to leave.
Damian raises an eyebrow at me. “Don’t even think Drake and I are next for your sexually active sessions, sister. If I had to support one of them for your sexual activities, choose the one man who really makes you feel special and worth it. But believe me when I say I’m just shocked and relieved you didn’t resort to male prostitution for your strong urges. Carry on then.”
With Damian gone, I exhale. Maybe it had been too long since I’ve been intimate and loved. And even though I’m not biologically related to anyone here, it just makes it more difficult to understand how I feel.
Never once has any guy here used me and thrown me to the side.
Never once has any guy here ignored me and abandoned me when I needed him the most.
Never once has any guy here made me feel unloved and alone.
I’m drowning in these thoughts when I barely notice Jason has been staring at me the whole time.
I wonder why he’s even staring at me. We just fucked, so shouldn’t he be off bragging about it to Bruce and Dick?
Because even now, I don’t know what he wants from me. I don’t even know what I want.
It’s as if he’s read my mind again. Jason wraps his arms around me and brings me into a bear hug I’ve seen and heard so much about. With a kiss on the forehead, he lowers his head to where our foreheads almost touch.
“Stop thinking so negative, Y/N. I really like you, and I’m not going to stop anytime soon.”
“We just had sex. So, shouldn’t we be done with each other?” I ask curiously.
Jason manages to look down at me. He frowns. “Why would we be done with each other? What we had was the most fucking hottest sex ever, and you don’t want me now?”
“I didn’t say I didn’t want you. I just figured you wouldn’t want me now after you’ve had your taste and fun,” I defend myself.
Jason looks destroyed. Pained, heartbroken, and rejected. The natural glow of happiness in his smile and eyes are gone. He releases me and takes a step backwards away from me.
“So...that’s what this is all about. You think I would just use you for sex, Y/N? You think Bruce and Dick are better than me, and would want you after a good fucking? Bruce and Dick may be more emotionally stable than me and have their shit figured out but look who’s still here after the good fucking! I’m the only one here, doll!” Jason snaps. He raises his voice and his fists are clenched at his sides, but I know that he wouldn’t hurt me. “What do I have to do for you to believe in me and see that maybe I’m worth it, too?!”
“You made Dick leave,” I point out.
“If he was man enough, he would have taken me out of the kitchen instead of just leaving you here!”
I feel like total shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have said what I said. Maybe Jason has grown up since I’ve known him. “I-I’m sorry...Jason. I just...well, I can’t make excuses for what I’ve said and done, but maybe I have shit I have to work on, as well. I really need to work on self-esteem issues and having more faith in those I love. I guess I’m not exactly on Bruce and Dick’s level.”
Jason sighs, and then looks back down at me. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I guess we’re more alike than what we thought.”
“I guess so,” I agree.
“Let’s just...start over. Can we?” he asks softly. Looking at me with hope in his beautiful and strong eyes.
“I don’t think I can have any more sex today, Jason.”
He laughs hard. “I was thinking of maybe getting food or something, and then just sit and talk,” Jason suggests. “That sounds much better,” I accept excitedly. “But I should probably point out, I can’t exactly walk right now.” Jason smirks, and throws me over his shoulder. With one slap on my ass, he walks us to the front door. “Then that means I did my job well.”
“That you did!” I approve. “You’re one lucky girl, Y/N.” “You’re one lucky son of a bitch, Jason.” “I am, but just remember, Y/N: you’re mine from now on. No more fucking other guys.” “Same to you, Jaybird. I mean, other girls though.” I laugh and receive another spanking from Jason.
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mrs-hollandstan · 4 years
Play Me || Boxer!Tom Holland
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Warnings: all of it is just smut (18+), unprotected sex, somewhat public sex, male masturbation, brief oral (m receiving), language, boxing themes, douchebag Tommo, mentions of STDs and one night stands
Word Count: 5,857
Author’s Note: So as I said before, I had intended on just reposting my Easter smut today but I’ve been looking for a good time to post this and I think now is that time. I hope you guys enjoy and as always, lemme know what you think :)
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The cat and mouse game that forced your hand was Tom's fortay. He loved drawing you in, intoxicating you with the sweet words and slew of texts, making it seem like he was into being together before he thrust you back into the real world with so much as a fuck you. His lifestyle was chaotic and you didn't really blame him for being the way he was when it came to you and any mention of a relationship. Even though you knew it wasn't his lifestyle that was to blame. It was a game to him. He played you. Molded and shaped you just the way he liked. And you played along.
You cared about him more than anything. Whether it was watching him get beat down on TV or in person, the sight was hard to watch. But most often than not, he prevailed, careening his opponent back against the ropes before body slamming him against the floor and wrestling him down just long enough for the refs to call it. Of course, there were the times he'd give them a punch straight between the eyes and they were down for the count, sometimes before the math had even seen five minutes. But more often than not, he exhausted all energy into pinning a burley guy down to the blood covered mat, listening for those three crucial smacks to the foam before standing up, arms thrust in the air in victory. He'd flash a triumphant smile that showed the blue of his mouth guard, sweat glistening on his chest and blood trickling from the unruly eyebrow that was so uniquely Tom.
Most often than not, he entered the ring with butterfly bandages still on his cheek or temple, ripping them off before taking on another opponent and ensuring more cuts and bruises like the match before. You'd seen the scar in his right eyebrow that allowed for the tuft of hair to stick up a different direction than the other hair and allowing a break in the short cocoa colored hair. He'd allowed you that close once or twice, but it was always dangled before you and then the rope was cut and he'd be MIA from you for a few days. Tonight was the third day he'd left you hanging. You were used to it and you weren’t upset, showing up to support him while he battled his opponent, one of the ones to beat in his weight class. Tom had trained weeks in advance, small matches with smaller guys sprinkled throughout, all in underground boxing rings which you’d also attended. Quick cash. The second he stepped out into the ring, your heart thundered in your chest. He knew you were either here, or watching on TV, but he could feel it. He could feel your eyes on him in person.
Watching him dodge and throw punches was heart stopping. The friend beside you watched you more than Tom, knowing that every hit and kick thrown could be the one to lay him out. But alas, Tom prevailed, bouncing off a rope to lay a punch across the guy's cheek, knocking him to the floor, out cold. The ref counted it before declaring Tom the winner while medics checked his opponent.
And just like that, after six rounds the match was over and everyone flooded to the parking lots. You and your friend followed the group of guys you'd met up with to a bar, sharing a few drinks. One of the guys you followed kept trying to cop a field, whining every time you told him there was someone else you wanted that was most definitely not him. He went as far as throwing a fit when you stepped out into the night to answer a call,
"Y/N Y/L/N?" A woman's nasally voice rang through. You frowned, pulling your phone away to look at the number,
"Yes, who's this?"
"I'm Martha Conway, part of Mr. Holland's management team. He seems to have... locked himself away in the epicenter and we were wondering if you were willing to come cool him down. We found your name and number in his phone. You seem to be the only re occurrence in his life." Glancing over your shoulder at your friend, you lick your lips and nod,
"Yeah, okay. H-how do you want me to help?"
"We've left the keys next to a maintenance door around the back. He's around the ring and locker rooms. The two of you should be the only ones there." She remarks. Sighing, you nod again,
"Okay, yeah, I'll see what I can do. Thank you." You chide sweetly, hanging up and hurrying back into the bar to find your friend and explain to her the situation at hand. She nods,
"I'll call you if I need anything." She reassures. Nodding back, you find your way out, eyeing the guy that made a hit on you who just rolls his own eyes. Hurrying back to the massive building Tom's match was held in, you find the maintenance door quickly, parking close enough to it and finding the ring of keys to unlock the door. The building inside is a maze, lights left on and supplies scattered across the basement floors. Finding the ground level as quick as possible, you're met face to face with the stage, a big black boxing ring sat front and center with a single spotlight glorifying it. Being this close, you can smell the cleaner used hours before to clean up the sweat and blood from both men. You run your fingers over the jagged foam Tom's used to by now. He'd never offered you tickets to be close enough to the action. He knew you hated watching him get punched and kicked. Seeing his skin split and blood fly from his mouth as he got jostled wasn't something you wanted front row seats for. So he didn't even ask, and neither did you.
Sighing and strutting towards the locker room, you try a number of keys in the lock before one slides in, clicking it open. The sound of the showers running reverberates off the walls, steam coming from the far row of lockers where they're hidden. You close the door, making sure to announce your presence with the loud close. Walking down towards the showers, you inhale the warm air, steam mixed in with it. The sight before you when you round the last row of lockers shouldn't surprise you, but it does.
Water runs from Tom's hair, across his beaten face and toned body. Cuts run rampant across his forehead, disappearing beneath the mess of curls, there's a bruise under his left eye, and his bottom lip is swollen and busted. His back is against the shower wall, hand bound tight around his cock as he strokes himself rather fast. He's not surprised or caught off guard or even afraid of your presence when you gasp. He looks up for just a moment, water running across his lips,
"Figured they'd send you." He croaks out.
"Yeah... were you hoping for it?" You ask,  watching with wide eyes as he strokes himself.  He chews on his bottom lip, head thrown back against the tile and eyes squeezed shut,
"Fuck... if you wanna join, you're more than welcome." He hisses. Staring at him a moment longer, you give a gentle nod before turning to the bench behind you. Pulling your top over your head, Tom groans behind you,
"How is it that I could tell you weren't wearing a bra?" He rasps out, knowing all too well your cut off sleep shirts he'd asked for pictures of you in. Sure, he'd seen a little nipple action from you in those photos but not in the flesh. Smiling to yourself, you don't respond, sliding out of your jeans and underwear, walking towards him. The feeling of cold cement beneath your feet sends a chill up your spine, only heightened when you place your hand atop the half wall shielding Tom from you. He licks his lips, eyes locked on your chest, hand not slowing around his cock. You giggle, glancing down at yourself, pressing your elbows closer together,
"You like them handsome?" You ask. He nods and his adam's apple bobs as he swallows the saliva his mouth conjured up at the sight of your mouth watering body,
"Fuck yeah... God damn they're gorgeous." Cocking your head, you give a sideways smirk,
"All natural too. I'd say they're yours but... you keep givin me the run around." You pose. He nods, ignoring your statement,
"Fuckin amazing." His eyes flick up to your face for just a moment as you clamber to your knees, eyes locked back on your perky breasts. Staring at his hand bound tight around himself, he sucks in a pained breath when you take his hand in your own, staring up into his lust-struck eyes. The bruise under his left eye looks darker now that his head is bowed, watching you anticipate your next move. Looking down at his cock again, you lean in, water starting to soak into your hair, and swirl your tongue around his tip. The moment the two meet, he grunts again,
"Fuck..." He mutters under his breath, taking hold of your other hand and giving it a squeeze when your mouth envelopes him. His head falls back, but just as fast, it lulls back to look down at you, his eyes locked on your mouth as you gently bob your head,
"Gotta take me deeper baby. Make me cum." You do as you're told, taking his cock deep into your mouth until you gag. He growls, head thrown back. When his eyes find yours again, he clenches his jaw and you can see another, hidden bruise just under it that, if you didn't know any better, you would have thought was a hickey.
"Fuck... got myself so close before. Wanna cum so bad." You blink a few times, batting your lashes,
"Baby girl... don't do that," he practically growls through grit teeth, "I wanna fuck that pretty little face a bit more before I cum down your throat." There's no denying the whimper that slips from your throat at his dirty talk. He's damn good at it. And he knows it as a smile spreads wide across his face,
"Pretty thing. You like my dick in your mouth?" You nod around him, hollowing your cheeks and sticking your tongue out to run along the base. He hums,
"Keep it up... I'm gonna cum." You draw him from your mouth, stroking him,
"Take hold of my hair. Make me do what you like. I can handle it." He nods, tongue darting out to wet his lips again before he gathers every last hair of yours in his hands and presses you down, cursing as you gag around him. You're not even sure if what's running down your chin is water, or your own saliva trying to make his descent tolerable. His eyes roll back in his head at the sudden power shift, head falling back as his high licks at every nerve ending in his body. He gasps gently when you reach up, fondling his balls just the smallest bit. In no time, he was spilling his load onto your tongue with a throaty grunt. His head falls back into place, hand letting go of your hair and eyes on you once more,
"Gonna take it all for me baby?" He purrs. Pulling back until just the tip rests at the front of your tongue, you swallow the sticky substance, eyes cutting up to him. He reaches down, fingers falling around your chin and pulling you to stand straight. He turns the both of you, pressing you to the wall of the shower. You gasp inte his lips at how cold the tile is. He smiles, lips pressed firmly against yours,
"Lemme look at you," Leaning back, he licks his lips once more, "Jesus... I'm really rethinking this whole leaving you on read thing. You're stunning pretty girl." Placing his hand at your hip, he strokes up your side, grabbing a handful of your breast,
"Fuck..." Looking down at his still wrapped hand, you pull it from your skin, peeling the gauze off,
"Yeah? What makes you think I want you now?" You ask softly. He clicks his tongue,
"You wouldn't have come if you didn't want me. You wouldn't have dropped to your knees to work me through an adrenaline rush. You wouldn't BE HERE if you didn't want me still." Sliding his hand between your legs, you gasp when he finds your clit. He raises his eyebrows in a way to tell you he's proving his point. When you whimper, he opens his mouth just enough to show the tip of his tongue sliding over his teeth,
"How bout I take you out to where I had my last victory, make ya see stars of your own." He raises his eyebrows again, watching your mouth open,
"T-the ring? No... God no, w-what if we get caught." Tom rolls his eyes and tsks,
"You kidding? We're the only ones here." Running a hand through his hair, he sighs, turning the water off. Handing you a towel, he wraps one around himself, holding his hand out for you to take. You do, hesitantly, taking in a shaky breath. He chuckles,
"If you're that nervous... I won't let anyone see your body baby. I'll cover you." Nodding, he leads you towards the ring again, your hand clutching your towel tight to your chest. You're nervous and excited. For once, things are going your way. The man you've come to love, under all the scrapes and bruises, is leading you to where he had his umpteenth victory so you can have your first time together.
Following him up the small set of foam steps, he holds two of the ropes apart, licking his lips at the small beads of water that trickle down your back, sparkling like diamonds as they roll between your shoulder blades. Following you in, he watches you turn, staring out at the rows of seats that encapsulate the spotlit ring. Sighing through his nose, he blinks at you,
"What's it like? Being up here... knowing that the fate of your fan base... your life... rests in your own broken, bruised, bloody, torn up hands?" You ask. He gives a lopsided smirk, taking the last step forward to wrap his arms around you,
"Terrifying. Knowing... that the next punch... thrown or taken... could be my last. I could suffer... immeasurable damage that leaves me brain dead... dead altogether. It's like taking a breath... expecting each one to be your last." Turning your head to look at him, you frown and shake your head,
"Why do you do it then?" He scoffs turning away from you,
"For the adrenaline... god... you saw how hard I was. It's like that every time I step out of this ring. The money too... I needed the money bad when I first started. And now... now look at me. We could do this," gesturing between the both of you with his now unwrapped, knuckle swollen hand, he huffs again, "we could do this on a stack of cash I made just from tonight Y/N." He remarks,
"But I don't want the money Tom. All I want..  all I've ever wanted... was you. You get a quick fix out of all these fake bitches and they act like they care about you but... you could have had me. You wouldn't have to lay in bed, alone right after getting off. You wouldn't have to pick which one of these girls you take home. You could have me always. In every sense of the word. I would do anything for you." He hates the spotlight for showing him perfect tears in your eyes. He nods and walks towards you, hands stroking your hair down,
"I know. God... I know I could've had you. And I'm a dumbass for not taking you up on it but... I-I think I'm ready... I think I'm ready to make you mine... if the offer still stands." Staring up into his dark, lustrous eyes, you look across his bruised and beaten face. The cuts are always there. No matter how long it's been since a match, he has them. Scabbed over most times, but the bruises are something that are faded by the time he comes around again. His lip, busted, is all you've ever dreamed of kissing for the rest of your life. Him coming home after a match to collapse into bed, letting you kiss his wounds. Curling around you and falling asleep with gentle kisses to his forehead and fingers in his soft, unruly hair, his arms bound tight around your body, muscle shirt of his billowing off your body. Helping him into a bathtub filled with soapy bubbles and sliding in behind him to massage his tense shoulders and wash off the blood and grime while he rambles about his day with soft, loving eyes. Cooking him a high protein breakfast only for him to roll out of bed and find you in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you, nuzzling his face in your hair and wishing you a good morning. And you didn't even want to think about him with kids. The idea terrified you. It excited you. It sent every emotion swirling in your brain. Him quirking an eyebrow draws you back to reality, his eyes dancing across your own face as you nod,
"Yes... yes, the offer still stands." You confirm.  The corners of his lips quirk up and when his hands slip down to your cheeks, he leans in, his lips against yours in a moment. Reaching out, he tugs your towel free, discarding his own. Tugging himself, he places a hand at your lower back, pushing you to lay back down on the mat. The feeling resembles high school and it makes you shiver for a moment before his face appears over yours. Perched over you, he smiles,
"First time together, I'm not wearin a condom."
"Are you always this daring?" You quickly interject. He shakes his head, a cocky, toothy smirk carved across his lips,
"No... but then again... none of those other girls are my girlfriend. I-if you're really not up for it, I could uhm... go find one in my bag. I just figured... ya know... you're... on the pill so-" You nod, hands resting on his shoulders,
"It's fine. I'm just... nervous about... cleanliness if you were forgoing protection with EVERY girl." His eyes widen and he shakes his head,
"Oh no, baby," he scoffs, feeling a little foolish in himself, "I'm clean. Last time I was checked was about two weeks ago. If you wanna see my recor-" He stops when you drag him in for a kiss, features softening at the gesture. When he pulls back, he looks down at you,
"I trust you Holland." He stares down at you, a reassuring smile spreading across his face,
"Yeah?" You nod and he chuckles, glancing down between the two of you. You purse your lips, heart pounding out against your ribs as he slides two calloused fingers between your folds, dipping them inside of you,
"So wet. Are you this wet for me baby?" He purrs again. You nod, reaching up to clasp his shoulder and gasping. He smirks, staring down into your eyes as he slides his fingers in and out of you, reaching his thumb out to rub your clit,
"Like that? Want me inside you sweet thing?" You nod again, licking your lips. He hums before drawing his fingers out and taking them into his mouth. His eyes flutter shut as he sucks your juices from the digits,
"So sweet pretty girl. You taste amazing." Slipping between your thighs, you stare down at him, placing your hand over his own scabbed one on your hip. Pulling your knees up over his thighs, he rests a fist just beside you, the foam sinking in to support his weight. Licking his bottom lip, he guides the tip of his cock to your center before leaning over you completely. Dipping down to capture your lips with his own, he hums, pressing his hips down to slide into you. Tossing your hands over his shoulders, you gasp, fingertips dug into his tan, tense skin. He nuzzles his face in your neck, grunting as he bottoms out,
"Fuck... you a virgin? You're the tightest I've ever had baby." He asks. You giggle, kissing his temple,
"No... I just don't give up my goods to every man I meet, Holland." He chuckles, nipping at the skin of your neck,
"All mine now." He grumbles, leaning back just the smallest bit to gently glide in and out. Reaching down as you cry out, you grip his knees, scratching across the skin. He tips his head back,
"Fuck… the tighter the better with you darling. Gonna make me blow my load early." He growls. Your chest perks up when he gently glides in again and again, his tip prodding the special spot inside you and you can already feel it. You gasp and Tom speeds up, stroking across the bare skin of your thigh with the hand not supporting his weight beside your arm. His jaw clenches, the bruises flexing with the muscles in his face. Your back arches higher, Tom licking his lips at the sight of your breasts he's been dying to see for months. The sound of him sliding into you is intoxicating and it has you on cloud nine, eyes rolling back in your head,
"Fuck... oh fuck that feels so good." You whimper. Your body shakes, a hand sliding down between your scolding bodies to strum your clit. Your eyes find his face, his own dark, bruised eyes watching you touch yourself. His mouth is held open and he's speechless at the sight before him,
"Tom-" He glances up, searching your eyes for the new discontent, uncertainty he thinks he hears in your voice. You nod,
"I can take it... fuck me." You tell him. The way those words roll off your tongue has his thrusts stuttering. He's convinced he would have suddenly grown harder if it was humanly possible. He wants to change position desperately, but he wants to watch your tits bounce. Leaning back, he holds your thighs up over his, grip tight on the skin that goes white at the pressure, starting to lose blood flow. You whimper when he ruts up into you, your slick gushing out around him. His head lulls back as his jagged hips snap up into your thighs, whines and cries falling from your lips. He curses when your back arches, leaning down to nuzzle his face in your neck,
"You play with yourself pretty girl? You toy with yourself thinking of me?" He asks in his husky voice. You nod, digging your nails into his shoulders. Your eyes are gently closed, Tom pumping into you at a grueling speed,
"You won't have to ever again. I've got you." He grunts into your already heated skin. He drags your hands from his back, pressing his own to them against the mat below you. You moan and whimper, holding the backs of his thighs with your heels as he rocks into you, your shoulders screeching along the mat. You give his hands a squeeze, fingers laced together as you raise your head to seek out his lips. Sure you've given him quick pecks, but never something like you're looking for. Never a full, heartfelt kiss that leaves you both wanting more.
The second your lips meet, Tom stops pumping into you, intoxicated with the way you taste, the way your lips feel. When he frees your hands to hold your sides, your hands slip to his cheeks. He presses your shoulders down against the mat, lips covering yours. His tongue slips between your lips, dipping along your own which you welcome with a purr. He draws back slightly, his lips just gently grazing yours. When he pulls back, you stare at each other for a moment, his eyes darting between yours in wonder,
"Wow." He gasps out. You smile softly,
"What?" You ask, stroking the unruly curls from his forehead. He turns his cheek into your palm,
"I've been with… lots of other girls and none of 'em feel like you." You stare up at him,
"You're such a wild card, is that a good or bad thing that none of them feel like me?" He smiles as you cock your head, hair shifting beneath you on the mat, his mind running a mile a minute as he strives to answer,
"Good for you I guess. Bad for them... and me."
"Why is it bad for you?" You quiz with a giggle. He huffs breathlessly, leaning in on his elbow to stroke your goosebumped side,
"Because that means I'm already whipped." He coos, eyes locked in yours. The same smile that creeps onto your lips makes its way onto his features before you flip the both of you over. Clambering into his lap, his calloused, bruised hands slide along your legs, holding you over him. He swallows as he watches you, head raising from the mat to watch you guide him back inside of you. He moans, head thunking back against the mat as you squeeze him gently with your tight, wet heat. Your head lulls back and Tom can only imagine getting to bruise the soft skin of your collarbones and neck after every successful fight and every weekend for the rest of his life. When your hands rest on his stomach, nails raking across the valleys of his abs, he hisses,
"Ahh fuck babes. God you feel so good." He moans, your eyes diverted down to his bruised, beaten face as you gently move back against him. He presses his lips in a line, pressing his feet to the mat below him. Your hands splay out across his chest, his own calloused hands slipping down to hold your butt. He forces you down around him, the both of you working in tandem. The way your damp hair falls over your shoulders and your mouth is held open to release all of the beautiful moans Tom's brain records has his head spinning. He's in love with everything about you in this moment, he loves the way you look, the way you sound, the way you feel around him. It's intoxicating and he wants nothing more than to have all of this for the rest of his life. You tip your head back, letting Tom grab onto whatever skin he can of yours. You hum, digging your nails into his pecs,
"Fuck yes darling, look at you, fucking stunning." He growls, watching your hands slide along his body, eyes traveling the tan skin you want to kiss every inch of. You want all of him and he wants the same, watching you cup your breasts in your hands, rolling your own nipples between your fingers, hair a mess but you look heavenly above him, letting out little whimpers and moans. He curses softly, your eyes finding his. You reach down, placing your hands just over his shoulders on the mat, your lips hovering over his. He stares up into your eyes, hands placed over your hips, raising his head after a moment to kiss you, hand slipping up to the back of your neck, holding you in place to kiss you. You hum into it, pulling back after a moment to stare into his eyes again,
"You're an ass Holland." You mutter. He chuckles,
"Why's that darling?" He asks as you sit back up, hands on your thighs,
"Because I'm so fucking in love with you and you keep giving me the run around." You remark. He gives a soft smile,
"I promise, scouts honor, I'll stop, okay? I'll be yours." He swears. You smile, moving back against him again, his hands slipping to your hips again, lips pressed into a line. Tom's hands slip up behind his head as you bounce a little faster, moaning as he meets the perfect spot inside of you, your head tipping back. He watches you play with your breasts again, wondering what you'd look like the second, third, fifth, tenth time fucking him like this. How much more comfortable your body would be with him after all that time.
After another moment, you stand up straight, Tom glancing up between your legs with raised brows and a hand that drifts upright, hum slipping from his lips as he sits up and scoots closer, eyes meeting yours just before his lips wrap around your clit, tongue darting out to slide inside of you. You throw your head back, moaning as he licks and sucks at your folds, devouring you completely. He hums, pulling back,
"Fuck you're gorgeous. So fucking perfect. Taste and all." He growls, reaching between your legs to swat at your ass which draws a squeal from your throat. You giggle as he picks himself up, taking your wrist into his hand and guiding you to a corner post of the ring. Stepping up behind you, you bend slightly, holding the post and pulling a foot up to hook into the ropes, Tom humming as he places a hand at your lower back, the other placed over your butt which he swats again to hear you giggle. He smiles, stepping forward to slide his cock through your folds, pressing into you successfully which draws a hum from your throat. He leans in to kiss your cheek,
"I don't ever wanna give this up." He admits, leaning down to kiss your shoulder, your head tilting back,
"Well if you're smart, you don't have to." You reply. He hums, gently moving his hips, hand not wrapped around your shoulders reaching down to strum your clit. You gasp and whimper, Tom moaning as you clench around him,
"Such a good girl. So beautiful." He purrs, smiling softly as you work back against him,
"Faster Tommy... I wanna cum." You moan, Tom speeding up immediately as he strokes your clit, sucking a mark into your shoulder,
"Cum for me baby. Whenever you feel it, you can cum." He reassures, letting you find your own sweet spot with his tip, guiding him along as he gathers a fistful of your hair to gently, reassuringly tug. You hum, letting him take the initiative to pound into you, remaining in the perfect place to strike your g-spot each time. You whimper,
"Cum for me darling." He cuts in huskily in your ear. You hum again, closing your eyes as his hand leaves your hair and slides down to grasp your breast, squeezing and molding it into his palm,
"So perfect love." He growls, leaning in to kiss and suck at your neck, your hand slipping up into the soft curls he sports. You cry out, the noise reverberating around the room as he strikes your sweet spot and strums your clit with such precision, you're understanding how he wins all of his matches. He grunts each time you clench down around him, knowing you're about to cum and begging for it in your ear. Just before you cum, you tip your head back, moaning out his name again. Your legs quake as you cry out and moan, cumming around Tom. He grunts once more, guiding you through it reassuringly,
"That's my good girl. Such a good girl." He coos as your orgasm ebbs away. He draws from inside you, jerking himself off as he guides you to your knees, holding your shoulder as he jerks himself off, knees going weak just before his cock shoots thick, warm streams of cum across your chest and tongue. He hums, watching you lap it up, head falling back for a moment as he softens. You smirk before he looks down at you, grabbing his hand and pulling him down to sit before you. You crash your lips to his, a choked noise leaving your throat as he places his hands at your hips. Pulling yourself into his lap, he hums, wrapping his arms around you. When you pull back, his eyes dart between yours,
"I love you." He suddenly mutters, smiling lopsidedly as you blink down at him, somewhat surprised. He rubs across your lower back,
"You don't have to say it, but I'm fucking grateful for you. Every time I feel that you're here, it just let's me know I can win up here. I'm in love with you and I can't-
"I love you too." You quickly interject. His mouth hangs open again before he snaps it shut and nods,
"Awesome... yeah, I love you a whole lot." You caress his jaw as you lean in to kiss him again. He hums into it,
"Come... home with... me." He implies between kisses. You shrug and nod,
"Sure." He smiles, laying you back on the mat, listening to you giggle,
"No more running you around, okay? If you go out, I'll come out with you. We can kiss and hug and text and hold hands and I'll get you backstage passes and everything. I just want you." He admits, closing his eyes as you run your fingers through his hair. You nod,
"I'm yours Tommy." You reassure. He nods and sighs, leaning in to kiss you once more. Turning to look at the towels on the mat around you. He licks his lips,
"Guess we could take a shower at my place. It's a lot smaller so you can't escape me." He jokes, leaning in to kiss your nose. He stands straight, your eyes wandering his toned, naked body,
"How can you be the cutest, and the sexiest man all at one time Tom Holland?" You pose, watching him turn at the waist, shooting you a smile,
"I mean... its my natural look baby girl." He purrs. You stand, sighing as he turns around, tucking his towel around his waist. He looks you over, licking his lips,
"I can definitely get used to havin you around all the time." You roll your eyes,
"Yeah, I get it Tom, you're a flirt." You pick up your towel, binding it around yourself before he steps forward again, capturing your chin between his fingers, bowing to kiss you once more. His nose nudges yours before he pulls back,
"I can't wait to kiss you for the rest of my life." He mutters, breath fanning your face. You smile, reaching up to squeeze his muscular bicep,
"And that, my good sir, is how you get yourself laid again." He chuckles,
"Good to know." Following you through the ropes again, he sighs, taking your hand and guiding you back to the locker room, cheesy, proud smirk etched across his face at the fact that you're his, finally. And it only took sex to get you to that point. But you're not complaining.
Permanent Taglist: @embrace-themagic​ @t-holland​ @spiderman-n​ @winters-beauty​ @smexylemony @lolabean1998​ @musiclover1263​ @xxtomxo​ @chillinjules​ @sincerelyfan​ @srh5605​ @justkeepdreaminganddreaming​ @spnobsessedmemes​ @hazmyheart​ @saltysebastianstan​ @petty-geminii @motherhyuckerdude @counting-eyerolls​ @princezzariel​ @martinimendes @happytappy02 @lilya-petrichor​ @20coldhearts​ @random-fandomer​ @kalliria​ @im-tajah​ @celinelopez3 @itsjusttor​ @popluckbih​ @obsidianspidey @takemetooneverlanddd​ @marshyrebelcloud​ @zabdisamor​ @hollandstea​ @marvelismylifffe​ @loveylangdon​ @inlovewithmobtom​ @bangtan-serendipity​ @peterbeterbarker @bonfirelohve @meg-holland​ @localfangirlx​ @turtlee-says-rawr​ @sadbitchfangirl @th0ttie4tommy​ @w-jhxk-yj @thatweirdominic @mytonycinematicuniverse​ @chances-and-miracles​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @liberty01​ @hatterripper31​ @agirlwithpointlessideas​ @cassiopeiaskies​ @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory​ @deviilsangel​ @peterspideysense​ @mariejulianposts​ @hannahholland1811​ @jackiehollanderr​ @peterparkerbabyyy @artsyle​ @unbelievableholland​ @hollandjmc​ @lmao-whats-up​ @getmebieber​ @biebsmylife95​  @iamyourdaddi​ @keithseabrook27​ @palereblogs @sovereignparker​ @tiny-friggin-human​ @readersoftomorrow​ @spideynut​ @hardcorefanofeverything​ @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @softholand​ @gab-bones​ @emistrash​ @quaksonhehe
Tom Holland Tags: @mariejulianposts​ @hollandjmc​ @lmao-whats-up​ @keithseabrook27​ @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh
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homemadepastasauce · 3 years
A Wild Night
Genre: Smut and hot trash
Pairing: Female Reader X Doyoung, Jimin, Jackson, And Mark
Warning: Not something my mom and I are proud of, Y/N as usual has their legs open 24/7
Alternate Title: Girl goes to party and fricks guys she's barely on a first name basis with.
Author's Note: My first ff! If I made any mistakes no I didn't. If you got any request, request them, I write for anime and kpop ( don't take my account seriously though).
Disclaimer: Y/N doesn't rights, and I feel as the president of the Y/N Sucks Hate Club it's my duty to do this. Also, don't do drugs.
Ok, let me set the scene. You were the guest to one of the biggest party in all of LA, and boy were you excited. You may or may not have slept your way in with the bouncer, but that's a story for a different time. So, you get into the club and the music, weed, and vodka hit. You love that smell. It's powerful. You look around and see unhealthy of amount of hotties. This was your dream come true. First things first you hit the dance floor with a load of people touching up on each other. The DJ dude was crazy too, he was playing all of your favorite tunes. Vibes, absolute vibes.
For like thirty minutes you were busting your moves, like a complete dance machine. You were lost in space, but then you felt two strong arms grab onto your hips from behind.
The stranger whispered in your ear, his breath smelling of slight booze, "You have got to be the most good looking stranger I've seen in a long time." This statement filled your raging ego with pride, it brought a smirk to your face.
"So what website did you get that one from?"
He chuckled, "So, that's how your gonna act, huh? I can't say I don't like it. I'm Doyoung."
"Say, would care to have a drink with me, Y/N?"
"Sure, but you better not waste my time with this small talk."
"Oh, I promise there won't be a lot of talking when I'm through with you," he grabs your hand and walks you over to the bar.
"Hey, bartender, let me get two shots of Grey Goose with a couple squeezes of lime," you say with a big smile.
"How'd you know I like vodka and why lime?"
"Lucky guess, and lime gives a little kick to it," you replied.
Actually if you were being honestly, it wasn't a lucky guess, you always ordered that. He's just easily impressed. You could tell in no time this guy would be banging your brains out. Drinks are easy baits to get what you want, everyone always seems to fall for it.
💫⭐Quick starter recipe for success by Y/N, an established piece of trash⭐💫
Regular vodka = boring and basic (you didn't even try, easily forgettable)
Vodka with a lil spice to it = a squeeze of lemon? lime? orange? (heck even a slash of henny is a positive plus plus)
"So what do you want and hope to achieve out of this, Y/N?" The bartender sets down your glasses and walks away.
"I don't know. You were the one that came up to me, I'm just going with the flow." You were messing with him, of course, both of you only wanted one thing and one thing alone.
"You're a strange person Y/N," he leaned in close to your ear, "but I know what you want."
You chugged the spicy shot down your throat, "I don't know what you're talking about. If I wanted something from you, I wouldn't said, "I want something from you."
You took out the eight dollars from your purse and set them down on the counter. Doyoung looked confused, almost like he wanted to say something but didn't. You got up from the barstool and made your way to the back bathroom, much quieter than the bar or dance floor. But before you could close the door, Doyoung snapped out of his trans and walked towards you.
"Hey!" He held the door with a strong grip, "You can't just leave, I wasn't done with you." Hmm, you weren't done with him either. You smiled knowing you already had him wrapped around your little finger.
"You're an idiot."
"I'm a what?"
"An idiot," you said confidently, "Get inside and lock the door." He did as he was told, no questions asked with an annoyed look on his face. And at that moment you knew he was about to rearrange your guts.
He started to unbuckle his belt, "You know when I first spoke to you, you seemed interesting enough, but you're just like the rest." The rest? Huh? Anyway, his words didn't faze you, it was the big mount in his unbuckled pants that did. You placed your purse to the side and sat on the sink counter. He does nothing but stare at your body as you slowly take your undies off and throw them on the dirty bathroom floor. Nasty.
"Are you just gonna stand there or are you going get to work before I do," you threaten. He smiles at your bluff and comes close to your face with a sinful look.
"You want this, huh? Know that I'm leaving as soon as I finish."
Ok? Are you supposed to be sad?
He takes his at LEAST nine incher inside you and starts to go ham. No warm-up, no tease. Nope, just right inside.
"You have quite an ego for someone this dry," he teases. His words enraged you, like how dare he say such a crude thing to a whore like you? But for some reason, it just made you even wetter.
Maybe because he looked so scrumptious? Or maybe you couldn't hear it due to all the moans you were letting out? But dear holy moly he was making you feel so good. He was using his fingers on your grandma-looking nub and pounding into you Micheal Jackson style. Holy crap it felt amazing, not the best you've had, but amazing nonetheless.
"Mmmmh," he moaned, "I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."
And before he could say another word, he came inside.
Doyoung cleaned himself up, zipped his pants, and left. Leaving you a complete mess that didn't even get to finish. It was fun while it lasted you had to say. But what a selfish prick, he was hot too. You cleaned up his and yours mess, and put back on the underwear you threw onto the dirty public restroom floor. Yeah, you weren't the smartest book on the shelf.
How’d he do, though? He was definitely good, but not spectacular and a little stiff. Your rating? 7/10.
After your little "bathroom break" with Doyoung, you decided you wanted to have something... not Doyoung. You walk up to the second floor filled with stoners, and people who clearly wanted to jump off a cliff. No problem though, stoners were chill and you could pretty much go up to them and ask if they wanted you to swallow their kids, so that you did. There was a guy smoking the devil’s lettuce, lounging on the couch with two others waiting their turn. Hot dang they looked yummy.
“So what are you boys up to?” You say with a smile.
“Isn’t it obvious?” The boy on the middle said with aggression, “We're blowing one up.” 
“Chill Jimin, she's just trying to make conversation,” he said passing it on to him. He rolled his eyes and started to smok in silence.
The one on the left looked up at you and said, “So which one of us do you want?” 
“How do you know I want only one, what if I want all three of you?”
“Like at a time?”
The guy in the left began to speak again with smoke coming out of his mouth, “No dumbass, look at her, she wants all three filled. Clearly.” He winked. He was just gorgeous, ready for an adventure.
“Jimin, was it?”
“Don’t be so condescending, Jackson said my name not even two minutes ago, don’t get smart with me.”
“Jimin, enough, pass it on to Mark and be nice while you’re at it.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
You rolled your eyes and pointed to a secluded corner out of public view you’ve been eyeing since you came to the floor, “See over there is where you guys are gonna meet me if you wanna have a good time. If not, you’re gonna take the biggest L of the night.”
The guy on the left got up and pasted it back on to the one in middle, aka, Jimin. He scoffed, “Seriously Mark?”
“Ah, yeah, this is a once in a lifetime thing.”
“True that,” the other got up made his way to the corner, following you. 
“How are you guys are being so careless right now?! She probably has like five STDs... and three STIs, and... probably a kidney stone, too!”
You could hear him, but payed no mind. It’s not your fault his friends had good taste, even if there's a ninety eight percent chance they'd get chlamydia.
You got on your knees and started to feel up on their pants. You could feel them getting hard as you unzipped both of their pants. Chile, they were packing full on heat. You started to lick and slurp them up, using your hands, too. There moans made you want to have their babies. Not literally, you weren't that crazy, but figuratively.
“Keep going.”
“Yeah, don’t stop until I say so.” 
You did what they asked like a pro, but before you could deepthroat one of those precious horse pps, you feel someone separate your legs and roam there only source of pride straight into your rectum. In and out. In and out. Gosh darn it felt good. You're not stopping. One of them go into the your vag and the other says in your mouth.
“FDUR, I’m close keep going!!!!”
Already? I mean all of you were close but still.
And not even a half a second you felt three liters of pancake mix fill up your holes. Mhmm, now that’s a job done right. They pulled out and left you right there, not even caring to look back. But it was fine cause you got what you wanted in the end. 10/10
What a night, huh?
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cestlestial-beings · 3 years
Profound Bond
Summary: Dean says he's not going to let Cas die a virgin. When Plan A doesn’t work out, he takes things into his own hands.
Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel Pairing: Dean Winchester, Castiel Word Count: 1700 AO3: Link
Dean’s laughing hard as they escape out the back door of the—what had Cas called it?—right, a den of iniquity. Dean had seen upset hookers before, but he’d never seen anyone offend one to the extent Cas had.
“What’s so funny?” Cas asks.
“Oh, nothing.” He laughs again and Cas smiles at him, reacting to Dean’s amusement though still not quite understanding what’s funny. Dean feels warmth blossom in his chest at Cas’s confusion. He remembers something he’d said a couple of hours ago: You are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch. Well, there was no reason it had to be a woman, right? Angels could possess vessels of either gender, so maybe that meant they could swing either way, too.
They climb into the car.
“Okay,” Dean says as he turns on the engine. “So Plan A of getting you laid didn’t work out. But that’s okay. We’ve still got some time to kill before sunrise, so I have a Plan B.”
Cas looks at Dean and tilts his head. “A Plan B?”
Dean pauses, staring at his hands on the steering wheel. Maybe he’s dumb for suggesting this. Maybe Cas will go to his death wondering why Dean had to make it weird. Or maybe…
He takes a deep breath and looks up to Cas. He points to himself. “Plan B.”
“I don’t…” Cas says, brow furrowed. Then his face goes slack as he realizes. “Oh.”
Okay, it was a dumb idea. But Dean can still backtrack. He just has to think of something to say, quick—
“I think I’d like that,” Cas says.
Dean’s breath catches. He pastes a smile on his face to hide his surprise. “Yeah?”
Cas nods, smiling to himself. He looks almost… shy. “Yeah.”
Dean puts the car in drive and steps on the gas.
An hourly motel is kind of sleazy, but it’s not much sleazier than bringing Cas to a brothel, and Cas doesn’t really seem to mind. Dean lets them into the room he’d gotten for the next two hours.
It doesn’t look so bad, really. The wallpaper is stained and peeling in a few places and the plumbing looks three decades old, but at least the king-size bed is neatly made and all the towels look fresh.
Dean finishes surveying the room and turns back to Cas. Cas looks nervous again, shifting uncomfortably as he looks around the room with wide eyes.
“Hey,” Dean says, putting his hands on Cas’s shoulders. He smiles. “Relax. You’ll like it.”
Dean pulls off his jacket and over-shirt and tosses them over the back of the chair nearby, and then kicks off his shoes. “You too,” he says, nodding at Cas. Cas takes off his trench coat, suit jacket, shoes.
He looks more… human, like this. Slimmer, without the two layers of jackets. Dean’s eyes slowly slide down Cas’s body, stopping on where Cas’s dick is straining against his slacks.
Dean smiles and reaches out, grasping Cas’s tie and tugging Cas closer. With Cas close, Dean’s hand slides up to rest on the side of Cas’s neck.
Cas’s eyes flit back and forth between Dean’s, his eyebrows still pulled together nervously. Dean brushes a lock of hair off Cas’s forehead, his fingertips softly brushing the skin, and Cas’s face relaxes.
“Listen, if… If you want me to stop, just tell me, and I’ll stop,” Dean says softly. “No questions asked.”
Cas nods very slightly, his breath coming out ragged.
Dean leans in and presses his lips to Cas’s. They’re a little chapped but they’re also soft and warm and more human than he thought they’d be, and Dean’s suddenly aware he’s kissing an angel, the angel that had lifted him up from Hell and defied heaven for him, and that’s something so crazy and out there that he couldn’t have even imagined it just a couple years ago.
Dean unbuttons Cas’s shirt slow, trying not to get too distracted by Cas’s tongue tentatively running along Dean’s lips, pushing gently inside his mouth.
Dean undoes Cas’s tie and pulls it off him, and then pushes off Cas’s shirt. Dean breaks off the kiss for just a second so he can pull of his own t-shirt before his lips are back on Cas’s, and then on Cas’s jaw, Cas’s neck. Cas tilts his head so Dean has better access to his neck, his hands resting on Dean’s waist as Dean’s hands roam up his chest.
Dean pulls back to look at Cas. Cas has a dazed expression as his eyes meet Dean’s. Dean holds Cas’s face, runs a thumb along Cas’s cheek. He kisses Cas again and drops his hand so he can undo Cas’s belt and pants, and then his own.
He climbs out of his pants, and Cas copies him. Dean feels a wave of vulnerability and self-consciousness now that he’s completely out of his clothes. This is Cas; he shouldn’t feel this exposed and afraid of judgment, right? But then again, this is Cas. Cas has seen so many versions of Dean, after everything they’ve been through, but Cas has never seen him like this.
He swallows down his discomfort. “Give me a second,” Dean says, and he goes to retrieve the condom and lube from the convenience store bag they’d picked up on the way over. Dean tears open the condom as he walks back over to Cas and rolls it onto Cas’s dick while Cas watches.
“What is this for?” Cas asks.
“Protection,” Dean says.
“Protection from what?”
“STDs.” Cas looks confused, so Dean adds, “Sexually-transmitted diseases.”
“I don’t have any diseases,” Cas says.
Dean gives him a quick smile. “I’ve heard that one before. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”
“Okay,” Cas says, still uncertain.
Dean opens the lube packet next, squeezes some into his hand and rubs it on Cas’s dick. Cas inhales sharply at the cool contact.
“What is this for?” he asks, slightly breathless, looking down at Dean’s hand on his dick.
“So it doesn’t chafe,” Dean says. “It’ll feel better for both of us, promise.”
Cas looks back up at Dean, sudden panic in his eyes.
Dean strokes Cas’s face with his clean hand. He gives his best reassuring smile. “It’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna guide you through it, and it’ll feel good, okay?”
Cas swallows and nods.
“How are you feeling so far?” Dean asks.
Cas hesitates. “I feel okay.”
Dean leans in. “Relax, baby,” he says, his lips hovering over Cas’s, and then he kisses him. Dean feels his cheeks burn—he hadn’t meant for the term of endearment to slip out, but Cas doesn’t seem to notice. Dean notices the tension melt out of Cas as Dean kisses him.
Dean pulls back. “Ready?”
Cas licks his lips and nods.
Dean feels kind of dumb explaining the basics of what goes where, what Cas should do, how he’s probably going to feel. But Cas seems attentive enough that Dean supposes he actually doesn’t know this stuff. This millennia-old angel, completely lost on how to fuck a guy.
Finally Dean crawls onto the bed and lies down on his stomach, and twists to look back as Cas climbs over him. Dean gives him a thumbs up and then Cas lines up, pushes in.
Cas lets out a long exhale as he slides in deeper, and Dean closes his eyes and presses his forehead against the comforter, gripping the sheets tightly as that familiar hurts-so-good feeling goes through him.
“How does that feel?” Cas murmurs.
“Really good, baby,” Dean says, and this time the pet name feels right. “Keep going.”
Dean has had awkward sex before, so he’s surprised at how good Cas is at this—finding the right rhythm, the right pressure. Dean turns his head to the side and Cas leans forward and adjusts himself so he can kiss Dean. They fuck slow and sensual and gentle, and when Cas finally comes, he lets out a light gasp near Dean’s lips and pulls back, his movement stilling.
Dean feels a burst of affection for him. This angel, who he’d hated until so recently. This angel who’d been there when it counted. This angel that he feels bound to, so deeply that he can’t put it in words. This is just a favor for a friend, he reminds himself, but he knows it’s not just that, somewhere along the line it became something more, and he wondered how that happened.
Cas pulls out, breathing hard, and Dean rolls over underneath him.
“Good?” he asks, grinning.
Cas just nods. 
Dean gets a hand on the back of Cas’s neck and pulls him down to kiss him again. He wonders if they’ll get the chance to do this again, if they survive tonight. He wonders if Cas would want to. It was a one-time thing, right? Make sure Cas lost his v-card before he died. Mission accomplished. Dean feels a hollow disappointment at the thought this might never happen again.
Cas pulls back and sees the look on Dean’s face. He frowns. “Something wrong?”
Dean holds Cas’s face in his hands, smiles up at him. “No. I’m okay.” He glances at the nightstand clock and sighs. “We should get going though. We’ll need some time to set up so we can summon Raphael.”
Cas looks at the clock too. “Oh.”
“One more,” Cas says, and he bends down and kisses Dean again, slow and deep, and Dean feels warm, everywhere, totally content. Like he hasn’t been in a long time.
Too soon, Cas climbs off. He glances down at himself, sticky with lube. “I should get cleaned up,” he says.
Dean laughs softly. “Yeah, you should. Come on, we have enough time for a shower,” he says. He rolls off the bed and takes Cas’s hand. He pulls him towards the bathroom, forgetting for now that they’ll be talking to an archangel soon. Forgetting that the end of the world is coming.
They don’t have long left until they’ll have to face reality again, but Dean’s going to make every second until then count.
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cali-holland · 4 years
Scares- Tom Holland One Shot
Tumblr media
Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Requested by Anonymous: Hi! Can I request a Tom Holland x reader oneshot where they've been dating for around 2 years, she's been feeling ill recently and hasn't thought much of it, but one day when she's with Tom and his family she passes out and at the hospital is diagnosed with Cancer? And Tom stays with her throughout everything until she passes away. thank you
Prompt: You thought it was just a pregnancy scare, but it was so much more.
Word Count: 1800
Warnings: hella sad, pregnancy scare, mentions of sex/STDs, cancer, hospital scene
A/N: I didn’t feel comfortable writing a death scene, so it’s kind of an open ending
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
“Are you sure about this?” Your best friend asked you, pacing a little as she waited for you in the hallway.
“I’m late. What else could it be?” You replied, unlocking the bathroom door to let her come inside. She sighed and stepped inside. You set the small pregnancy test near the sink, waiting for it to show you the results.
Normally, you wouldn’t immediately attest your period being a few days late to a pregnancy scare, but lately, you’d been nauseous, fatigued, bloated, and you even had strange food aversions- all things you knew to be signs of pregnancy. You intended to go on the pill a while ago, but you never got around to seeing your gynecologist about it and now you really wish you had.
You’d been with Tom for 2 years- today was your anniversary, in fact, but that didn’t mean either of you were ready for a baby. He was busy with work, his career was taking off and jetting him to different corners of the world monthly. And you weren’t ready for the life of a single mother if he left you.
“It should be done by now.” Your friend spoke up, yet neither of you dared to look at it.
“I can’t look.” You said quietly, fearing the worst. She looked at the test and let out a sigh of relief.
“Negative.” She smiled softly. You weren’t pregnant, and you couldn’t be more relieved from the news.
“Thank god.” You breathed out, “You don’t think I should take another one, do you?”
“Look, you’re probably just stressed. It’s normal for your period to be a little bit late. And maybe you ate something that didn’t quite sit well the other night.” She reassured you. 
“You’re right. I’m just overreacting.” You shook your head and threw away the test.
“When’s the last time you two-?”
“This morning.” You admitted, making her laugh. “It’s our anniversary.” You insisted, before adding, “It kind of hurt though.”
“I don’t need to know how rough your morning was.” She stated.
“No, not like that. It was painful, and that’s not normal.”
“Isn’t that an STD symptom, not a pregnancy symptom?”
“Shit, I hope not.” Hearing the front door open, you knew Tom was home from his meeting with his manager and you should probably get ready for your date.
“I’m going to go. Call me if you need anything.” Your friend gave you a quick hug before leaving, greeting Tom briefly as she left. You let out a groan, leaning against the counter as you felt a wave of nauseous hit you.
“Everything alright, darling?” Tom asked from the doorway, confused as to why your friend had been over unexpectedly and why you were in the bathroom. The moment you saw him, all concerns about the pregnancy scare left your mind.
“Yeah, it’s fine. How’d the meeting go?” You smiled, forcing the nausea away. Tom wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a kiss.
“So boring, but we got some dates lined out for next year. I gotta take a quick shower, and then we’ll go to dinner?”
“Sounds like a plan.” You gave him another kiss before exiting the bathroom to get ready in your room.
You were finishing your makeup at your vanity a few minutes later, wearing a red dress that Tom had gotten for you, when he called out to you from the bathroom.
“Yes?” You asked and he opened the door, a towel wrapped around his waist and water droplets falling from his curls.
“Did you- did you take a pregnancy test?” His voice faltered a little, nodding back at the trashcan in the bathroom.
“Um, yeah,” You admitted, standing from the vanity and taking his hands in yours. He smiled hopefully and you shook your head, feeling guilty for disappointing him, “I just haven’t been feeling well lately, and my period’s late.”
“Those tests aren’t always accurate though, right?” He asked, a glimmer of hope still in his eyes.
“I’m going to wait a few more days before I try another one.” You said, “Besides, are we really ready for that?”
“As long as I have you, I’m ready for that.”
“But I don’t think I am.” You confessed, your heart falling as you felt that your words would upset him. You knew that Tom loved kids and that he wanted them some day, but you were both too young for that. “I want to have kids with you, just in a few years. Don’t be upset with me.”
Tom gently kissed the back of your hand, smiling softly at you. “I’m not upset with you. We’ll have kids when you’re ready, it’s your body doing all the work.” He laughed lightly, before kissing you. “Next time, tell me when you take a test.”
“Hopefully, it won’t be for a while.”
“Are you feeling better, though?” He asked, brown eyes filled with concern.
“Just a bit nauseous and fatigued, but I’m probably just stressed.” You repeated your friend’s words, hoping it’d convince your body you were fine.
“Do you still want to go to dinner? We can stay in.”
“No, no, you made us reservations already. I’m fine, let’s go.” You reassured him, stepping back to continue your makeup at the vanity.
Later that night, the moment you got home from your anniversary dinner, Tom’s lips were hungrily on yours, all worries from earlier gone. Never breaking the passionate kiss, you two stumbled to your bedroom until you were on the bed with Tom over you. His lips traveled down to your neck, sucking and licking to leave a mark, while his hands worked their way up your dress. He was lost in the heat of the moment, but you started to feel the same wave of sickness wash over you.
“Tom,” You breathed out, but he took it as a good sign, moaning into your neck. You shoved his shoulders a little, “Stop.” And his mouth was instantly off you, his eyes finding yours.
“Are you alright?” He asked, worried.
“No.” You clutched your abdomen as it started to hurt.
“Darling, talk to me. What’s wrong?” Tom was starting to freak out and it didn’t help as tears stung your eyes from the uncomfortable pain.
“Can you get me water and- and some pain meds?” You whimpered out and he was quick to hop off the bed, running off into the kitchen.
Your eyelids started to grow heavy, and the last thing you heard before the world went black was Tom calling out your name, dropping the water and pills in the doorway to run to your side.
Tom paced around the hospital lobby anxiously, the whole “only family” rule not allowing him in to see you while you lay unconscious in a hospital room. It had been a couple hours since he’d brought you in, and he was slowly starting to lose it. He got out his phone, about to call your friend for the eighth time to ask where she was, when he heard her call his name from down the hall.
“What the hell happened?” She asked, running up to him, the same look of worrying fear in her eyes.
“She was just suddenly not feeling well, and she was in pain. I went to get her some meds, but she passed out when I came back.” He explained.
“I swear to god, Holland, if you gave her an STD-” She started and he raised his hands defensively
“Don’t you think I’d be sick if I had an STD.” He stated. “What makes you think this is an STD?”
“She said your morning sex hurt.”
“She didn’t tell me that.” Now Tom was really worried. Not only was something wrong with you, but now he had unknowingly hurt you.
“Mr. Holland?” A nurse said, coming up to him, drawing his and your friend’s attention away from the previously rather uncomfortable topic. “She’s awake now. You can come see her.”
Tom felt his heart just about jump out of his chest as he followed the nurse down the hall with your friend beside him. When the three of them entered the room, you had different monitors hooked up to you through various tubes and tears in your eyes. Hearing them come in, you looked up at them and smiled softly.
“Oh, Y/N.” Tom breathed out, rushing to your side. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and held your hand in his. “You scared me so much, darling.”
“What is it?” Your friend asked from the foot of the bed. 
“Well, I’m definitely not pregnant and it’s not an STD.” You laughed lightly, but the humor of it was lost in the dreary hospital room.
“Y/N,” Your friend urged. You let out a shaky breath, your eyes falling to your hands. You couldn’t bear to look at Tom or your friend.
“It’s cancer. Ovarian cancer.” You whispered quietly, and Tom tensed beside you, his hand squeezing yours.
“They can do something about it, right? Chemo? Surgery? Anything?” Tom insisted, his own eyes washed over with tears.
“It’s stage 3.” You spoke up, finally looking at him. “It’s spread throughout my abdomen. My family has it on both sides, and I guess it’s incredibly difficult to detect it early on.”
“But they can do something? I can’t lose you.” Tom’s voice broke as he began to freely cry. With your free hand, you wiped away his tears.
“I’ll need to get surgery, and then go through chemo, but-” You paused, not wanting to say the finalizing words.
“A hysterectomy? You’ll never-” Your friend caught herself short as Tom looked between the two of you, waiting for one of you to finish.
“Tom, I can’t- can’t have kids.” Your own words made you cry; you couldn’t give him the future you both he knew wanted, the future you both wanted.
“That’s alright, darling.” He reassured you, though you could tell it was hurting him. “I just need you, nothing else.”
“The chances, Tom- they’re low. Only half-” You started, but he cut you off with a kiss.
“You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. You’re going to make it through this.”
You slid over in the hospital bed, making room for Tom to climb in beside you and gently cuddle you, mindful of your abdomen. None of you knew what the future would hold, but as long as Tom held you, your future felt a little brighter.
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serensama · 4 years
To Release #1
To Release #1
Yoosung needs to let MC go.
Years ago, i had asked the amazing @promiscuous-jalapeno to write a HC for me when I was too scared to write my own and she did an amazing job- tore me right up it did. I asked her shortly thereafter if she minded if I tried to do it and she was kind enough to encourage me. Nearly 4 years and I’ve finally done it. 
Trigger warnings: Character death, mentions of cancer.
This is for my friend, my sister- Susana. I don’t know how to let you go. But one day I will. And one day I will see you again. Rest well until then dear one.
This is for my baby, my puppy Meiko- run free my little one. I know you’ll be waiting for me too. Keep Susana company and keep her safe until we catch up, okay? Good Boy.
-       Yoosung wasn’t an idiot, he knew she thought he was blind to what was happening- but you had to be completely void of brain activity to not notice it.
-       At first there were small differences.
-       The way she wore different clothes, or the way she wore her hair or even her makeup had changed.
-       She was ‘tired’ all the time and stayed late at work.
-       She even had mystery calls she would take away from him in another room, her voice fading in hushed tones as she made sure he would never hear a word she spoke.
-       But it was too late, he already knew.
-       All the signals were there and they were screaming at him even when she had never uttered a word to him.
-       In the extra care she put in her appearance, in the way she would avoid his touch and affection and in the guilt she bore in her eyes as she would look his way whenever she thought he didn’t notice.
-       He did notice. He always did.
-       Yoosung was hurt that after all they had been through, that she would treat him that way- omission was a type of lie, a type of betrayal and he thought they had promised never to lie to each other… even over something like this.
-       And yet… yet he was happy.
-       Though he had to be secretive about it; he wasn’t an idiot after all. This was something he had wanted to happen for the longest time. He had never admitted it to MC, but he had wanted this since she walked down the aisle all those years ago.  
-       He wanted nothing more than for MC to pregnant.
-       Yoosung chuckled to himself as he pretended not to hear his wife struggling in the bathroom with another bout of morning sickness. She had been trying so hard to make sure he never heard her, even going to the lengths of turning on the shower to mask any noise.
-       Readjusting himself on the couch with his morning newspaper, he waited patiently for MC to eventually patter out. He couldn’t believe himself, right at the start of all things where he was half convinced that she was cheating on him. Who could blame him for thinking about it, even for a second? MC had this power of drawing people to her and making everyone feel special- how could he even blame this possible other person for falling in love with her? Hadn’t he? Hell, he was sure almost everyone in the RFA was at some point in love with her.
He had even spoken to Saeyoung about it and was rewarded with nothing but snorts and an index finger pointed at him in derision.
“As if she would e-hahahaa, s-sorry sorry, ever cheat on you man. For someone so clever you really are dumb,” he said to him through peals of laughter. “MC would rather die than do something like that you. Why would you even think that? Why would you be talking to me rather than her? Dude, use your head it’s something else.”
“What do you know that I don’t?”
“I don’t know anything like that. All I do know is that MC is my best friend- don’t look at me like that, you’re my best friend too- and she is not a cheater. She’s probably just trying something different. Shaking things up y’know? I dunno maybe she’s feeling like she wants to change her style, maybe someone was mean to her at work and she wants to put them in her place with her makeup or hair? Maybe she’s working late because there are new deadlines she has to do and she comes home exhausted because she is in fact, exhausted. Or who knows, maybe she’s pregnant!”
-       He knew his friend had thrown that in for laughs or absurdity but it was anything but that for Yoosung. Maybe… maybe she was. All the signs were there. Wearing new clothes that were just that little bit bigger to hide her stomach, she looked amazing with her shorter hair and immaculate makeup, she didn’t want him to touch her that much and definitely not her stomach…of course.
-       Of course she was pregnant.
-       Cheating indeed. Maybe he was an idiot. MC would never do that to him.
-       Yoosung heard the sound of a flush and MC washing her hands as she attempted to clear her throat as inconspicuously as she could. She came out looking a bit pale but nonetheless as beautiful as she had ever been, her eyes lighting up when they found him on sofa.
-       “Morning honey,” she started, her voice raspy with the strain her throat was recently put under. He smiled up to her, silently praying today would be the day she would end this months’ long charade. “Did you already have breakfast? I can make something up for you if you’d like?”
“Won’t you be joining me?” he replied, folding his paper up and setting it aside, large blue eyes observing her every minute movement and expression. He watched as MC paused for a moment, her mind visibly racing for a quick reason to give him for her loss of appetite. “I mean- isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day?”
“O-of course! I’m not really hungry though so maybe I’ll make myself some toast or maybe have a cup of coffee-”
“Is that really going to be enough?”
“What do you mean? I just told you I wasn’t very hungry-”
“Is that enough for the both of you?”
-       MC’s already pale face drained of all colour.
-       “What… Yoosung you’re not making sense.”
-       He stood up and walked towards his frozen wife and massaged his hands up and down her arms in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. “It’s okay MC, you don’t need to keep this up. I know. I know what you’ve been keeping from me.”
-       MC took a step back and took in a shuddering breath, her hand reaching of a nearby dining chair to steady her. Yoosung held onto her as her eyes widened and her whole body trembled, before completely slumping down onto the ground. He panicked as he quickly fell to his knees and quickly looked over his wife to see if she had injured herself, asking her if she was alright, if she was in any pain, what was happening-
“How did you find out?” she asked, her eyes looking forward, still and steadfast. Her hands clasped around the chair’s leg, knuckles white and flesh still shaking.
-       Yoosung let his palm glide over her silken hair and smiled kindly at her, waiting patiently for her to shift her attention to him. Slowly her eyes turned to him, round and glassy, irises almost pinpricks. “I’m not blind love.”
-       And then she cried.
-       Tears welled up along the rims of her eyes, sweeping down her cheeks and dripping off her chin. Soon her silence turned to a quiet weeping, Yoosung’s concern rising with her cries. Her haggard breathing turned to wails and in a blink of an eye her fingers were in the front of her t-shirt, twisted and pulling away from her chest- a wild look of desperation etched across her face. She began to rock back and forth ever so slightly as she too took rough and heaving breaths, MC could not hear a thing he was saying to her. Screaming at her. Pleading with her.
-       “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so.. I’m so so so sorry,” she chanted in between sobs, her hands finding purchase upon his forearms, nails biting crescent shaped lines into his skin. He let her leave the marks upon him as he did his best to calm her down from her frantic state. “It’s okay, MC it’s okay. Don’t work yourself up over this. Really it’s fine, I’m just glad that I know now- we can do this together right?” he asked in the most reassuring manner that he could. He hadn’t meant to guilt her into telling him or make her feel bad at all- he just wanted to be a part of it. MC shook her head and fisted her hands in his hair almost painfully as she peered up at him, his heart constricting tighter than he expected at her expression. This was meant to be a happy time, he wanted to be laughing and hugging not… not this… “I’m so sorry I didn’t… I didn’t tell you. I had wanted to do this on my own, until I was 100% sure-”
“We can go to the doctor and do the test-” “I’ve already done all the tests, I’m know already-” “Then you just wanted to pass the three month mark?”
“The what?” she asked, confusion crossing over her features for a second as she digested what he had just said. “The what? The three month what?”
“The first trimester. I know a lot of women don’t want to say anything until it passes in fear of the worst but… why are you looking at me like that?” he paused, staring back at his wife.
-       She had stopped crying. Stopped panicking. Stopped breathing. The strength in her digits all lost as her hands fell away to a dull thud on their carpeted floor beside them. “Yoosung. I’m not pregnant.” He sat back on his haunches and took a breath, just a moment to collect himself and his wayward thoughts. So if she wasn’t pregnant… “Then what, you’re cheating on me?” “W-what?” “If you’re not pregnant and you’re waiting for test results, what for? An STD test? Answer me. What the hell is happening here that you’re not telling me? I deserve to know!”
“Tell me MC!” he begged, lunging forward and holding her against him, arms wrapped tightly around her smaller frame to comfort her and release whatever she was withholding from him. He wasn’t lying, he wanted to be in it together with her, whatever it was.
-       “I’m sick, Yoosung.”
-       He felt the air seep from his lungs as those three words echoed throughout the room and within the chambers of his heart.
-       “What do you mean? Like the flu?” he offered after what felt like an eternity of silence between them. Nothing. “MC Please tell me.” “… Cancer.”
-       He was sure the way his arms constricted around her was enough to break her bones but not a sound came from her and he just wanted to hold onto her as tightly as he could, maybe if he held her long enough and hard enough- none of what she said would be true. “But.. but the secrecy… the clothes and hair and… staying late a work… the secret calls? I just… I’m sorry I just don’t understand and-”
-       A small hand cupped the side of his face, her thumb tracing the softness of his cheek. MC lightly pressed on his jaw to tilt his face down to her and she offered the meekest of smiles, not an ounce of mirth to be found in the quirk of her mouth. “I wasn’t feeling well for a while so I went to the doctor a few months ago. After a few tests they found it…” she replied, her fingertips playing at the hair about his ears. “They told me that it was a good prognosis. That with some meds I would be fine, we caught it early enough. The meds left me tired and made me put on weight around my middle- I didn’t want you to touch me and ask me about it because I didn’t want you to worry. I’ve been wearing looser clothes to hide it, wearing more makeup because I’ve looked like shit… my hair started to thin so I cut it so it looked fuller so you couldn’t notice… all those times I stayed late at work I was seeing my oncologist and those phone calls was him… and I… I’m so so sorry Yoosung.”
-       Oncologist. It was real. Everything she was saying was real and she wasn’t pregnant. She wasn’t cheating. She was fighting for her life and she was doing it all alone and she was apologising to him. Of all the ludicrous things to do.
-       “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, voice tinged with pain as he tried his best not to cry, he wouldn’t cry, not yet.  MC shifted in his arms and sat back forcing herself to look him in the eye now that everything was out in the open. “Because I didn’t want to scare you, I thought I was strong enough to get through this without worrying you. They told me it was okay,” she responded pathetically with a shrug of her shoulders. “I thought it was okay. I thought I was going to be okay,” she whispered into her chest, her eyes fluttering closed as she took in another shaky breath.
-       This was too much. Everything she had said up to that point was teetering on the edge of ‘okay’… not that though.
“What do you mean… was?” “MC.” “What do you… answer me, don’t hold back now, why is it was?”
He looked on as she squeezed her eyes shut, pinching the bridge of her nose to will the tears to not come back. Her hand was still shaking. “He called again last night. I… it’s not good. It’s spread. It’s… I’m… there’s nothing they can-”
“Yoosung-” “No.” “Please-” “No! NO! You do not get to finish that sentence. You will not finish that sentence. There is always something, we will find something. Saeyoung might be able to help research… maybe Jumin has a client with some experimental drugs or… don’t look at me like that!”
“Like what?” “Like you’re okay with this!” he yelled as he stood up and started pacing the room. Suddenly he had too much energy, too many thoughts and he could scarcely keep up.
“I’m not okay with this Yoosung,” she said, eyes sad, body shrinking into herself, blocking him again. “That’s why I was fighting this so hard.”
“Stop saying that.”
“Was. Stop saying was. We’re not done yet. You’re not gone. Stop saying it.”
-       MC opened her mouth to response but thought better of it. It wasn’t fair of her to ask him to accept it all at once not when he had to find out that way, so late… near the end of all things. “Okay. I’ll stop saying it.”
-       Yoosung nodded and sat back down, scooping her back into his arms and rested his cheek against the top of her head and just breathed in her scent. They sat there for hours as she recounted everything, letting her finally cry as she let him back in, together once more and trying to make a plan of what was to come; even when Yoosung could tell she was just agreeing to whatever he said to keep him from breaking down… he just held her tighter.
-       She had fallen asleep sitting on his lap, face buried in the side of his neck with his fingers running through her hair. Yoosung bit on his lip to silence his grunts of discomfort as he moved them both off the floor and onto the bed. She murmured in her sleep, dreaming soundly as she always did but he found no rest, no comfort. He counted each breath she took in and tried to find solace in every rise of her chest.
-       “Keep your pants on, I’m coming,” Saeyoung said with a long yawn. He dawdled towards his camera monitors to see if it was Saeran pounding at the front door because he had forgotten his keys for the third time that week, but after seeing a familiar brush of blonde hair instead bracing himself against his front door frame, he picked up his pace. Yoosung was always one to call before popping in and for him to come there with no prior warning and so late in the night, he knew something wasn’t right. He opened the door and was about to crack some smart ass comment when the sounds of a pained groan made him pause. Arms were thrown around him as the younger male threw himself at him, his smaller form convulsing, racked with deep gut wrenching gasps. He didn’t even need to ask. It was about MC, it always was. “She’s- she’s… I can’t lose her Hyung, not yet. I can’t.”
-       When MC woke her husband had a tray of food in his hands and what looked like a freshly picked vase of flowers to accompany her meal. He wasn’t ready for what was thrown his way yesterday but some greater power allowed him to have another day with her and he was going to make sure each second meant something; to either give her the strength to fight for more moments or gift her with memories she could have to depart with a smile on her face. He would give her this. He would give them this.
-       Yoosung rapidly understood why she had not told him in the past, why she had shouldered this all on her own. Sitting in the doctor’s office was jarring; it was cold and sterile no matter how many personal touches he had added to the room, it was still felt like a chamber of death. Dramatic? Maybe, but with the words that fell from his thin, pale lips he may as well have been carrying a scythe and hourglass. “I’m so sorry, I wish there was more we could do but at this stage the prognosis is the same. You may only have the next 6-8 months to live.”
-       The drive home was a blur, how he managed to get them back was a miracle as he didn’t even remember starting the car. All thought left him the second her fingers intertwined with his and she gave him a smile.
-       He lay in the bed that night, MC quietly snoring, her limbs thrown haphazardly onto him- her lips moving as if she spoke to someone in her dream. She gave a quick snort and another smile spread across her face.
-       How many more of these smiles will I have. How many more until it’s her last?
-       She grew weaker, quickly, frighteningly so. Her symptoms so severe he would find her clinging to the toilet for support, tears flowing from her eyes and hair plastered to her sweat slicked forehead. Eating was a struggle. She even muttered that blinking hurt in her sleep.
-       Still, she smiled, she smiled for him.
-       Her resilience, her heart, her ability to still shield him from the worst- he couldn’t believe her fortitude and mental strength, her absolute undying love for him.
-       So he did what he could for her, he would always smile back.
-       Even if it broke him.
-       Seven months and 8 days since they sat in the doctor’s office together, he came back from the market with all her favourite foods. It was so hard to get her to eat lately, only the most enticing of food would get her to open up her mouth for a bite or two. He would never complain though, he loved to make her food even if almost all of it couldn’t be eaten. He was happy just to be able to take care of her. How many more meals were left to share?
-       He had moved towards their bedroom when he heard MC’s voice, still sweet as ever but softer and coloured with such fragility that sometimes even her saying good morning to him was enough for him to have to turn away from her for a second to recollect himself for her.
-       Yoosung stopped, his hand on the door handle, not wanting to intrude if MC was on a call. She had been on quite a few recently- she hadn’t wanted to see her friends anymore, she hadn’t the energy to even try. He strained his ears to listen in to see who she was speaking to; she spoke a lot of Saeyoung of course but Jaehee had called more often and even Jumin would call her late at night when he knew she was up because she was in so much pain she couldn’t sleep. However there was no voice replying to her, only hers. Perhaps she was dreaming?
-       Yoosung slowly eased the door open and peered through the slight crack to find his wife sitting up on the bed with her phone on a tripod in front of her. She was recording herself- “- and I can never thank you enough for everything Yoosung.”
Recording herself for him. Recording her goodbye.
“I am still trying to forgive myself for not telling you sooner and I hope one day you will understand why I did what I did, as misguided as it was. I wanted to spare you the pain if I could. The worry. Maybe I was just scared and if I told you it would make it real. Pills and feeling sick didn’t make it real. Your fear and your tears… that… that made it real. I’m sorry. I know you’ll be looked after, everyone in the RFA has promised me they would. Jaehee said she’d come and look after the plants. Zen said he’d make sure that you’d stay healthy. Saeyoung and Saeran promised that you’d have some fun once in a while and Jumin and V would help you with the clinic and anything else you need. You are not alone my love, even if I’m… when I’m gone… you are not alone.”
She paused as she had lost her breath and her body shook with fatigue as she tried her best to regain herself. “I will always be with you and I want you to be happy you got that? I always want you to be happy. Let me leave this life knowing that I left you happy.”
-       He opened the door fully and MC whipped her head towards her husband, shock fading away as she flashed him a soft smile that reached her eyes, twinkling with unshed tears.
-       One more meal. Twenty three more smiles. And one more from him.
-       And she left.
-       With one last smile he could not return.
-       In time he knew he would be able to watch that video. In time he knew that he could smile again, but for now, he held her tighter and let himself finally, truly, cry.
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mantra4ia · 4 years
Lucifer 5x06 "Blueballz" reaction'd w/ spoilers
August 27th 2020
Pre ep. thoughts: This is the episode where Lucifer and Chloe finally sleep together, with the title like that how could it not be? The writers aren't even trying to hide it from us anymore.
That's a red herring. Oh what teases.
Finger locking foreplay? Yes.
He's holding up the crime tape for her...yeeees.
"Excuse us" not me, Us. ‼️‼️⚠️
Don't try to fool the lab tech. Ella sees all the evidence. They drove together. They're flirting at a crime scene. They are like high schoolers. Lopez knows.
"We have about 500 potential witnesses, that are all drunk and most likely very high." Lucifer has never looked so disappointed that so many people were on drugs.
Lucifer about DJ Karnal: "One DJ with a modicum of talent...but does everything have to be about sex" you waltzed right into that one...
Finally, we get to see an ex that's not Dan. Compared to Lucifers library of exes, It shouldn't be a problem. But it still seems to ruffle his feathers just as much.
"Cherry Jane?" Are you kidding me? That's too much temptation for Lucifer to ignore. That's like personal torment straight from God.
Jed: "are you still with Dave" Lucifer: "Dan!" You know we're in deep jealousy territory when Lucifer is defending Dan without a second thought.
Jed: "Are you in a relationship?" Ooooooooooooooooh noooooooooooooo! Lucifer's face does not like that.
You have no idea how close you are to death you are Jed. You've got a devil on your shoulder.
Lucifer: "The Detective had a child with you and I never felt the slightest bit threatened." Zing #1
Uggh, I hate those protesters. Sidenote: This episode feels very personal to me. Jed supporting a low income housing project which is awesome, and people are protesting for "the quality of their neighborhood." We have a similar development in my neighborhood except it's not low income housing. It's a project to turn a vacant hotel property into a mental health and rehab facility. Yet people in the neighborhood are affluent and are constantly protesting because they're worried about property value and the quality of their neighborhood and their schools. I'm so sick to death of it. I would do exactly what Chloe did. So much kudos to that woman. Great job on that bit writers!
Jed named the charity after Chloe. "He's trying to get close to you again. / No one would go that far just to be near me." 💜 "I did go to hell and back for you twice but who's counting?" Oh snap! 😈 Lucifer is tripping hard.
Chloe: "Are you jealous?" Lucifer: "Of that man child who scratches records for a living." Zing #2
At least Charlie doesn't have wings popping out everywhere.
Dan: "I have faith in you pal" Amenadiel: "Great cop, great dad, and your hair is so high" Dan and Amenadiel, bff's are too precious for words. #Dandielion
Lucifer's solution to a snake is poke it with a stick - how very Whovian.
"Chloe dumped you?" Oh man, you can just see Lucifer's nerosies are going into overdrive. There's practically smoke coming out of his ears.
"Lucifer's really experienced [in bed]" Oh man, Chloe's nerosies are going into overdrive.
"Oh, you're waiting on an STD check, smart." I still can't believe Amenadiel had an STD scare and a baby before Lucifer ever did.
Sweet, first the Dan twins now the Ella twins. Whatever happened to Dan and Ella? Put her back on the path to goodness.
"Did you steal my clothes?" Borrowed with no intent to give back.
Ever plan a raid: Let the return of lady's night commence!
Amenadiel: "Linda handed me the baby and left." Dan: "what did you do?" Dan is the perfect human.
"As long as the killer doesn't cry or wet themselves, I am in. I am gonna find the killer." Linda's zeal is out of this world, but don't burn yourself right out of the gate. Steady on.
Hohooo - Guys night in, incredible. It takes a village to raise a Charlie.
Although let's be clear, recycling these plots from seasons ago is going to get old real quick unless they get creative and mix things up.
Come on Lucifer, be like Trixie, make a funny face. It would be hilarious if Charlie was soothed be Lucifer's devil face.
I find it really interesting how Maze reads Ella. how she knows that Ella needs an improved sense of self worth. And that all it takes is to challenge her, throw down the gauntlet, and say "Step up your game Lopez!" Now I hope that Maze takes her own advice.
Did Chloe really just ask Linda about her sex history with Lucifer? I am turning purple.
"He's the oldest immature person in the world, nay, universe." Drunk Linda is still so stoic. Perfect foil to "the oldest young person Lucifer's ever met."
"You got played son." Dan's finest hour.
I CALLED IT. Straight out of every fanfiction ever written. Funny faces, right Trix? Faces that make babies laugh and grown men weep. I think we have an official new kind of Heavenly Bros tag team: Heavenly Bros versus the baby.
"Do it again Luci" my thoughts exactly Amenadiel. No wonder they've been saving up the devil face all season so far.
It's a little Sonic-the-hedgehog weird to see a devil face and human hands. I would have gone full effect on that shot.
So much body glitter. And dang, Linda crashed hard.
"You can't find a soulmate if you don't have a soul." 😭😭😭😭 But we were doing so well with her character development. Naughty writers, bad! Fix this now.
Oh Lord, the face and the dagger eyes Amenadude and Luci make when he thinks Dan or is going to wake up Charlie. And here I thought Lucifer's devil face was funny. DB Woodside's face is adorably 1,000 times better.
"You want my advice? Stop asking for advice."
NoNoooNoNoNooo, I want to Dan to find out about angels, but from Amenadiel. NOT LIKE THAT. Michael you ****HEAD! Oh this is going to mess with Dan's head. I hope Amenadiel can talk him down. Don't let this break up the BFFs #DanDielion and #Bracelet Bros. Please dear Dad! We just had Dan's finest hour, don't swing to the darkest hour.
Yep, set up the friendships just to knock them down. F---
"Incredible!" Isn't that what I said, like five or six points ago?
"Goodnight." 3...2...1... I think you're taking christening the new piano a little too literally Deckerstar. 😈💜🕵️‍♀️
I like how she says "oh God" when she can't unbutton his shirt, but he doesn't protest.
Yikes, I bet that's Dan calling trying to warn Chloe.
The writer's room are such teases. This whole season has been so heavily weighted with Deckerstar: will they, won't they, almost to the point where it got tedious. Almost. And now you're telling me that they got all the way to the penthouse bedroom, and we've seen all of Lucifer and Lucifer has seen all of Chloe, and WE don't get to see them...*Amenadiel-esque epiphany* oh, that's why you called the episode...
You cruel, manipulative b*******s!
So how are you going to explain the sleepover to Trixie? 😉
Grade: 9.5/10 DETECTIVES!
If you're here this season for the Deckerstar, there's a ton so far written specifically for you. Personally, while I love the good ship Deckerstar, I'm glad we finally made it to this destination so that it can evolve.
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