#where do you think feanor gets it from?
Thranduil is Miriel’s brother and it changes nothing but it’s funny af (not-canon)
Idk man, i personally think that the idea of Thranduil being Miriel’s brother would be hilarious bc everyone sees these noldor kinslaying monsters and screams bloodymurder, but Thranduil looks at what is his nephew and grandnephew and goes “goddamn it Miriel, they had to get your personality”
When Oropher gets re-embodied in Valinor alongside Finwe he will spend entire meetings glaring bloody murder at Finwe for Miriel’s predicament, much to everyone’s confusion.
Finwe: making my way down town, walking fast-
Messenger: Your Majesty, King Oropher’s here to see you!
Finwe: walking faster
Oropher: Finwe!!
Finwe: -fucking sprinting!!
The Noldor of Valinor get to spectate as their high king is running full speed away from this feral silvan king while screaming bloody murder.
What, you thought Feanor got his attitude from Finwe? No way, that was all Miriel.
(PS, this is all in an AU where Oropher is a silvan, and thus was not in Doriath or in Beriland at all when the first age shit went down, (though he feels the need to point out that, just bc they weren’t involved with the noldor drama, that doesn’t mean they didn’t fight against Morgoth, they were just not geographically close enough to be apart of the armies in Beriland)
Oropher, Thranduil, Legolas and other family and friends would all know, but they’re all collectively ignoring the Feanorian mess bc that bunch has been labeled “the insane half of the family” (completely ignoring their own feralness, as you do)
But, can you imagine:
Elrond: -look, they might have kidnapped me and Elros, but they were the best parents anyone could ask for-
Thranduil, drowning in his wine to hide his expresion: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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doodle-pops · 2 months
House of Feanor | Being In An Arranged Marriage With Them
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A/N: This was so much I wrote!! For some reason I felt like I made a few of them OOC, but what the hell. It's an AU, so they’ll all be different from the regular Silm verse 😆. I think I broke my wrist whilst breaking a sweat thinking of different scenarios for each of them, but I managed to make it to the finish line! Alas, the final piece! ಥ_ಥ
Warnings: arranged marriage, there are minor angst themes, neglect and loneliness, rejection, comfort and happy endings for most except (Feanor)
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Feanor
He’s not known as Fëanáro without reason. When those words came out of his father’s mouth, as much as he adored his father, he was incensed by the level and nature of the dictation he was subjected to. He felt he was unjustly punished for some unknown transgression by Eru through this method.
Don’t anticipate him to even breathe, let alone glance in your direction when you’re observing him. He would gladly lock eyes with your figure when you’re not paying attention and scrutinize you without remorse. There’s nothing you could say to convince him of your innocence in this arrangement.
He assumes that you had a say in choosing your spouse because he’s Fëanáro, the firstborn and Crown Prince, and everyone desired him. Though politics and royal duties didn’t interest him, he was now aware of the political rationale behind the union. Eventually, he resists continuing his resentment towards his father because his father was compelled into it (in his opinion).
This resembles a Bridgerton moment, akin to King George and Queen Charlotte, where you reside in one house while he lives in another, a significant distance away. His father can complain all he wants about the lack of effort to establish a connection, and Fëanáro would simply ignore and roll his eyes.
Throughout the arranged marriage, you will feel completely alienated and rejected. There was a time when you were excited about being wed to the Crown Prince, even though your freedom was being curtailed. Even at events where you’re expected to appear as a couple, you arrive in separate coaches.
Do not expect him to hold your hand or have your arm around his elbow. Fëanáro takes the commitment seriously, as he feels his own freedom has been taken away. Talking to him is futile, for he will merely pretend to listen while focusing on getting drunk to forget the entire night.
“Why do you despise me so much? You act as if I am the cause of this entire arrangement when it is your father who is responsible. Listen, if you intend to ignore me, it might be best if we end this, as I did not willingly sign up for this mistreatment, especially from you. We can part ways and continue our separate lives, or if we are to continue, at least afford me the same respect you expect.”
You displayed remarkable courage by confronting his tantrums and earning yourself a few withering side–glances filled with anger and disbelief, because “How dare you speak to me so openly, as if we are equals?!” Kudos to you; you’ve just earned yourself another round of silence for the remainder of the night and week, perhaps even into the afterlife.
Fëanáro has no intention of making your marriage work. Eru could punish him, but he’d simply retort and carry on with his life. It’s all about his belief that he’s being coerced into the same situation as his father and his determination to avoid making that mistake.
If this arrangement is to succeed, you’ll need to pray seven times an hour, every day, for the rest of your life for divine intervention. Otherwise, you’ll be left complaining about his behaviour and treatment while he remains unruffled.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Maedhros
He had anticipated this situation due to the constant rivalry between his father and his half–uncle, who incessantly engaged in banter to prove the superiority of their respective families. He often found himself thrust into the forefront of this unnecessary competition. Therefore, he approached the arrangement with a sense of neutrality (lie! he chats his mother’s ear off).
As the firstborn of the heir, he fully comprehends the specific obligations that accompany his title and embraces them wholeheartedly. So, when you join your parents for the first meeting, he gracefully accepts his fate as your husband (although he sheds a few tears in private to his mother).
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lady/Lord Y/N. I am Prince Nelyafinwë Maitimo, your betrothed. I sincerely hope that in the brief time before our wedding, we can learn a lot to make our journey as a married couple smoother. Please, do not hesitate to inform me of any discomforts you may encounter, and I will do my utmost to ensure your well–being. Remember, I am your husband, not your master. Have no fear as we build a life together.”
He is a polite and reserved individual, leaning more towards propriety than humour. He barely possesses a funny bone and seldom indulges in levity, which can be one of the more challenging aspects of the marriage. Nevertheless, he is respectful, stands up for you, is considerate, and fulfils all the duties of a husband.
However, he respects your boundaries when it comes to intimacy, acknowledging that you both are strangers. This means separate sleeping arrangements. All other spaces, such as the kitchen, dining room, reading room, coaches, and carriages, are shared.
As a husband, he typically leaves most decisions up to you, entrusting you with the role of household caretaker and offering his input only when you seek an additional opinion or when he believes a change is necessary.
During the initial stages of your relationship, he hopes that you can build good bonds with the rest of his family, particularly his brothers and parents. He is observant of your reactions and interactions with them and adjusts accordingly if he senses any discomfort.
Despite his efforts to avoid such emotions, he becomes sentimental when he reflects on the life he has created with you, even if it feels somewhat mechanical. The absence of arguments and the harmonious atmosphere in the house bring him joy. There are moments of awkwardness, but you’ve both learned to overcome them (and the first time you saw him laugh was when you attempted to make a joke about it).
As your marriage progresses, you encounter numerous highs and lows, primarily stemming from the political aspects. You have expressed your discontent with being treated as a trophy and being involved in unnecessary competition, despite knowing this from the outset. Dealing with this, particularly from his father, is a challenge that you and Maedhros will face together.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Maglor
Maglor is just as composed as his older brother, but he doesn’t quite align with the idea of both of you being used for political and competitive purposes. He grapples with the notion that Maedhros accepted the idea of an arranged marriage for political gain so readily. Now, he feels a profound sadness that he can’t freely choose someone to capture his heart.
However, Maglor makes sure that your time together never feels forced or obligatory. He disapproves of the constant reminder of the arranged marriage hanging over your heads. He’s dedicated to making your marriage healthy and happy, erasing any memory of your freedom being taken away.
Inheriting his mother’s temperament, Maglor is a pillar of strength for your concerns and worries. If you ever feel like you’re falling short of the arrangement’s expectations, or if you’re fearful, confused, unhappy, or distant, he encourages you to confide in him without hesitation. After all, he’s your husband and should be your confidant.
The perk of living with Maglor is a home constantly filled with music and music sheets. You may grumble about the sheets being everywhere but his music room, but he melts away any tension by serenading you with songs dedicated to you. It’s his way of expressing his genuine affection and appreciation for having you in his life.
“I’d like to dedicate my next song to someone I’ve grown close to in such a short time. They’ve found their way into my heart, even if they’re not entirely aware of it. This song is for them, to show how much I truly care and consider them a dear part of my life. So, without further ado, my next piece is in honour of my wonderful spouse.”
Though he may put you on the spot, he hopes that you’ll be moved by his heartfelt dedication. He isn’t being manipulative; his intentions are sincere, and he genuinely appreciates having you in his life.
Among his brothers, Maglor stands out as the most understanding and the one who despises the mistreatment of the arranged marriage. He firmly shuts down conversations that dwell on the circumstances of how you ended up together and replaces them with whimsical tales of your imaginary first encounters. His theatrical skills come into play as he playfully flirts and teases you, creating a charming and flirtatious atmosphere.
Only when you’re comfortable, does he extend his hand or arm for you to hold, patiently listen to your conversations, or spend time planning extravagant surprises.
Throughout your marriage, Maglor’s primary aim is to provide comfort and eliminate any tension or discomfort. You’ll have a loving husband who will fiercely defend your marriage against anyone who challenges it.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Celegorm
Another individual who defiantly scoffs at the arrangement, dismissing it because no one would dare challenge his freedom. Unfortunately, much to his discontent, the news proved true. As a result, he’s now in a fit of rage, flipping tables, and has disappeared for weeks, remaining unseen and unheard.
Tyelko isn’t present during the initial weeks of the arrangement, as he’s off wandering in the forest, complaining to Orome about the perceived unfairness of the situation. All the while, you are left alone in the new house. One can only imagine the shock he’ll experience upon his return.
His return is facilitated by Orome, who encourages him to give the arrangement a chance and approach it with an open mind. Thanks to Orome, your first meeting with Tyelko is relatively amicable, as he meets you standing in the doorway with a concerned expression on your face.
The look of concern you give him is unsettling for Tyelko, as he is accustomed to expecting anger for behaviour. Not knowing how to respond, he might inadvertently snap, making him come across as a jerk. This leads to you becoming reclusive to avoid triggering his temper, making his plan to scare you off fail.
Tyelko soon realises that you rarely speak or interact with him, leaving him to his own devices with homecooked meals and a comforting, caring tone. You even avoid making eye contact when he addresses you directly, leading him to conclude that you’re afraid or hate him.
“Why do you still treat me this way when I have been unpleasant? I don’t like it or enjoy how you look at me. Why must you still care for me when I have been unbothered? Are you manipulating me into feeling guilty? Because if that is the case, I can leave if it stops this unpleasant play. Just why are you still friendly with me?”
You could see the uneasiness in his posture prompting you to feel a sense of pity for neglecting an unheard-of side of him and the pleading tone makes you realise his sincerity. He genuinely wants to know how to end the discomfort in the house.
Accustomed to his harsh nature as described by others, you had found it difficult to imagine him being soft. It was a start in breaking the ice with your views and how you had perceived him to be during the arrangement. To which he scoffed at how you easily fell for the rumours of his roughness (he knows that he’s rough around the edges, but refuses to admit it).
Tyelko cautiously falls into the routine of becoming a caretaker alongside you since you gave him no reason to be hostile. All he can do is hope for the best. He’s still hesitant to let go of his freedom as it brings him peace of mind.
He eventually finds himself slowly warming up to the idea of you doing your best to understand and not readily judge. This eases the preconceived notions he had about you from the beginning. He thought your demeanour was all a façade to control him.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Caranthir
Two distinct reactions unfold the moment he’s abruptly brought up to speed with his situation: firstly, he swears, and secondly, he makes a swift attempt to escape the room. This was far from the life he had envisioned for himself, or any different from what his family had endured. He had heard of such unfortunate circumstances befalling others but never fathomed that he too would become a victim.
He seems rather brooding during the entire introduction, and he’s taken aback by the familiar expression mirrored on your face. He had assumed that you would be delighted, as many individuals often eagerly vie for the role of a prince’s spouse, particularly from the first house.
He remains quiet and distant, wanting to intensify your the distance between. Both of you share similar attitudes towards marriage and living habits, which results in minimal attempts at interaction, with each of you occupying different ends of the house.
Polite greetings are given from your end while he silently grumbles and mutters incomprehensible phrases. You take it as a sign that he doesn’t wish to communicate. Though at times, you tend to feel the weight of his gaze on you, and if you catch him staring, he quickly averts his gaze, returning to his displeasure state.
It’s a significant challenge for him to partially embrace the role of a suitable husband, given the constant reminder of the unexpected circumstances that brought you together. Expressing himself has always been a struggle when in times of comfort forsaken, leading to Caranthir muttering his words grumpily.
“I’m not quite certain how to put this into words, but I want us to be on the same page during this arrangement. So, I’d like to know your expectations and views of me. This way, if I am to avoid you or limit our interactions to prevent any discomfort or tension, I can meet them.”
It’s not an easy task for him to forge a tiny connection when the circumstances makes it daring. He has to be mindful of his temper while closely observing your reactions to his actions. He critically assesses every aspect and draws conclusions accordingly.
When in his own environment and free from intrusion, he attempts to gradually involve you in his world by silently inviting you through non-verbal gestures. You have to get use to the fact that he doesn’t appreciate talking too much. This can offer insight into his true self, allowing you to connect more deeply.
However, as your relationship with Caranthir continues to develop, there are bound to be ups and downs, especially when dealing with his outbursts triggered by various factors or his siblings’ relentless teasing. One way to show your appreciation for your place beside him is by coming to his defence.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Curufin
I’d like to say he’s Feanor 2.0 in terms of his ideas and approach. However, since it’s Feanor orchestrating the arrangement, Curufin is fully on board and understands his father’s perspective on the benefits. I mean, he’s just as competitive as his father, which is the primary reason behind this arrangement.
Curufin perceives this as a political strategy that he must honour and uphold. From the day you met him, he has had no hesitation in stepping forward and reminding you of the duties you must fulfil as his spouse and the newest member of his household. Your loyalty to him must be unwavering.
Although your initial impression of him left you thinking he was controlling and demanding, all Curufin desires from you, aside from his earlier requests, is your comfort and happiness while living with him. You want to expand your house, sure. You desire a spacious backyard, certainly. You hope for more gifts, without a doubt. If you want to discuss your feelings, he’ll make an effort. If you need space, he’s willing to compromise.
I’m serious about this one; you’ll need to compromise with him if you want your own space—by that, I mean wanting to live separately. If you want separate rooms, he can work with that. Curufin has proper etiquette when it comes to the comfort of those he holds dear.
His top priority is to treat his spouse with the utmost care and respect, ensuring all your needs are met. The only thing he asks is that you don’t take advantage of his vulnerability and exert undue control over him.
“As your husband, it is my duty to ensure that all your needs are met, and in return, I expect the same from you. Whatever you require, please come forward and inform me; there’s no need to conceal your desires. Lay them on the table, and we can work on them together as we were intended to do. I also request that you maintain your dignity and pride when it comes to our new household and family, and everything will go smoothly. Furthermore, I ask that you don’t exploit my kindness and keep our personal life within the confines of our home.”
The entire arrangement may sound controlling and suffocating, but Curufin allows you your freedom. He believes in reciprocity—what he wants for himself, he’s willing to provide in return. He puts in his utmost effort to meet your needs, as long as you show the same enthusiasm.
When he attends an event, his greatest desire is for you to accompany him. He takes pride in showcasing his craftsmanship through the pieces he has created especially for you. He spends hours crafting an array of jewellery to match your preferences.
The surprising aspect of this marriage is his firm stance on conversations concerning your arrangement and your relationship. Everyone is aware of it, but he doesn’t allow others to discuss it, not even his brothers. He sees you as his spouse with the arrangement being a thing of the past.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Amrod
Much like Tyelko, Amrod possesses a rebellious spirit, often disappearing when the harsh reality of his situation becomes too apparent. When he does, it’s typically in search of his mother’s advice and assistance. His primary concern is unravelling the mystery of his father’s role in this arranged marriage. Sadly, his suspicions are confirmed as Nerdanel had no say in the matter; it was entirely Feanor’s competitive nature that drove it.
His mother’s invaluable advice to him was to make the best of the situation and take time to get to know you before making any serious commitments. She became his go–to source of guidance whenever he found himself in a tight spot.
Fast forward to the time when he meets you, he’s fully aware that you aren’t thrilled about the arrangement and even contemplated an escape before the introduction. It hurt to hear that you were reluctant to give him a chance, as he was open to doing so. This prompted his dedication to ensuring that the time you spent with him was worthwhile.
Much like Maglor, he’s determined to fill your days with joy and dispel the clouds of resentment, all while maintaining a respectful distance to avoid overstepping any boundaries. Whenever your responses leave him puzzled, he frequently seeks advice from his mother.
Simultaneously, he avoids his father due to his disgust at being essentially bartered like a commodity for his father’s satisfaction. Any discussion related to his marriage is swiftly shut down, and he walks away. He has no interest in hearing comments or mockery about the arrangement.
However, there’s no need to worry because he receives guidance from his mother. If you wish to converse with him, he encourages you to speak openly and share your thoughts without fear. He wants to hear your perspective on things.
“Please understand that I may not be the most well–known among my siblings, and you may have heard little about me. Nonetheless, please don’t hesitate to express your thoughts. While we may not be romantically involved or incredibly close, I will do my utmost to work towards a harmonious relationship. Please give me the opportunity to build something prosperous between us.”
Amrod is dedicated to establishing a secure friendship between the two of you before any romantic involvement comes into play. He aims to create a space where you can feel comfortable and relaxed without the weight of the arranged marriage hanging over your heads. There’s no rush, and you both have the time to sort out your duties and positions as your friendship grows.
Throughout your journey from friendship to romance, Amrod maintains a gentlemanly demeanour. Though you may encounter some challenges along the way, they will be infrequent. Your relationship won’t be flawless, as it’s impossible to forget that you were both thrust into this arrangement without your consent. However, it’s something you can bond over and find common ground to overcome your fears.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Amras
The quieter of the two siblings, Amras, maintains his silence even when informed of his situation. His irritation is clearly visible on his face, which leaves you anxious about what to anticipate. He reserves his complaints for private conversations with his twin and mother, all due to his father’s insistence on marriage, which he feels is encroaching on his freedom.
Amras’s silence remains constant from the moment you first met him. Your relationship is marred by a sense of being strangers living under the same roof. He refrains from even greeting you, still seething over the situation and pondering how to express his anger.
Despite his understanding that you played no part in arranging this engagement, Amras can’t prevent his anger from simmering. It’s not directed at you but rather at both sets of parents for their low regard for both of you. Amras struggles to find a way to communicate his feelings without intimidating you.
Amras notices your tendency to distance yourself whenever you’re in the same room with him or when you shrink under his silently judgmental gaze. Your eyes rarely meet his, and when they do, you quickly look away. Your actions make him feel as though he has harmed you or been hostile towards you at some point.
“Could it be that you...resent me for the circumstances that have come between us? You hardly speak to me even when I desire it, fearing rejection and silence. I can sense your anger over what your parents have done, and I share that anger. Perhaps we could attempt to build something together, starting as acquaintances and moving from there.”
His voice breaks, and he likely breaks down, allowing you to witness his vulnerability as he cries. He’s confused and doesn’t know what to do. All he wants is your guidance and support to navigate the storm he’s been thrust into. You are the only lifeline in the ocean he can rely on, just as you rely on him.
Amras may appear somewhat awkward, much like Caranthir, as he observes you in your element, awed by your ability to remain resolute. He is eager to assist and hopes that you will show him what is expected of him, as he has few memories of his parents’ dynamics and relationships.
His primary goal is to become the best husband possible for you, but he first wants to establish a basic foundation and compatibility. He follows you like an eager puppy, observing your features and silently appreciating your beauty. He feels fortunate to have ended up with someone good.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Celebrimbor
The moment those words escape his advisor’s lips, he feels a strong urge to toss them out the window. The idea of following his family’s tradition makes Tyelpë shudder. He neither desires marriage nor believes he’s capable of being a great husband, haunted as he is by his old life. He fears that others assume he will repeat his family’s mistakes.
Despite his personal reservations, he acknowledges the political necessity of the situation for the betterment of his kingdom. Consequently, he has no choice but to go with the flow and bear the burden. Upon being introduced to you, he maintains a stiff demeanour, silently repeating to himself, “Don’t mess up, don’t scare them.”
His conduct in this moment is heavily influenced by the obligation he feels toward the prosperity of his people, even though he resents it. Tyelpë can’t help but grind his teeth at the thought, as he believes there must be alternative ways to improve his homeland. However, like everyone else except Feanor, Tyelpe is reserved, observant, and respectful. He listens to you chatter on about the benefits of unifying both kingdoms while silently stewing in his own thoughts.
Polite and approachable, he makes an effort to ensure you don’t feel alienated by his role as your future husband. He respects your boundaries and the need for distance between you, given that you are still strangers.
“Please do not harbour any ill feelings toward me for the choices I’ve made to secure myself. We are still in the process of getting to know each other, and my intentions are far from ostracising you. The concept of an arranged marriage and warming up to a stranger from a distant land is still a challenge for me. I have much to learn, so I ask for your patience.”
During the pre–courtship period before your marriage, Tyelpë is a gentleman and crafts small trinkets as tokens of his growing fondness for you. These may include a hairpin, hair comb, bracelet, earrings, or a simple pendant necklace. He saves the more extravagant designs for when he becomes more accustomed to his role as your partner.
While you need not fear his temper, he kindly requests that you refrain from flaunting your relationship in public, even though everyone is aware of the arrangement. Tyelpë values his privacy and would be disappointed if his personal life became a topic of discussion.
Be prepared to spend nights alone in bed, as he isn’t yet comfortable sharing his personal space. He might suggest having separate chambers until some time has passed and he’s warmed up to the idea of closer proximity. He simply asks for your understanding, as his reclusive tendencies are his source of comfort.
The only potential challenge you may face is his reclusive behaviour persisting for a longer period than expected. He is aware that you may eventually come to terms with being paired with him, but he struggles with it. There are unresolved issues from his past that he needs to address before fully embracing someone new in his life.
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annoyinglandmagazine · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about Miriel and her impact on the House of Feanor on the whole, as you do, and I was thinking what if she haunted the narrative even more? I think it’s pretty well established that she was depressed in some shape or form, that there were mental health problems contributing heavily but there were definitely physical aspects as well, ‘But in the bearing of her son Miriel was consumed in spirit and body; and after his birth she yearned for release from the labour of living.’ And I know that Feanor being Feanor was ascribed as a huge cause of this, that he was just so much stronger than the average elf that his birth was particularly taxing but I’m going to go ahead and assume that even if Feanor had been a perfectly normal baby Miriel would have been impacted. It just feels almost like this infant is being blamed for his mother’s death which, while definitely plausible as something that happened in universe, doesn’t really feel fair to him.
I’m theorising Miriel had underlying conditions from long before she became pregnant that made her prone to things like fainting, exhaustion, chronic pain and that in all honesty her having a child was never going to be a good idea. But they wanted a family together and where could be a safer place to raise one? Everything was perfect and safe, why shouldn’t they be able to overcome this little obstacle to doing what everyone else seemed to be doing without issue? Towards the end she was entirely bedridden, not even strong enough to sit at her loom.
Finwë was relieved beyond measure when Feanor seemed to grow almost exceedingly strong and healthy, as if he’d gotten all the strength Miriel had been missing, and he thought that was the matter laid to rest, Feanor was fine and any children of his would be as well. Except they weren’t. Nerdanel’s pregnancies were always a time of great panic, not for her health really because it wasn’t Feanor’s genes they were worried about it was Miriel’s. And Nerdanel was nothing like Miriel but her children…..
Ñolofinwe watches Feanor pacing the palace in a frenzy while a crowd of healers stream in and out of a room down the hall, some five times the standard amount, and he wants to try and reassure him but knows he, with his perfectly healthy baby boy, delivered with no fuss by one midwife just like his two perfectly healthy sons beforehand, to go home to, is the last person in Arda his brother could stand to converse with right now.
The sons and daughters of Fingolfin and Finarfin grew swiftly, strong and athletic with hearty appetites and bright dispositions. Feanor could not bring himself to hate children so he settled for hating his brothers instead. He does not envy them their children, he loves his more than he could ever have loved anything and that’s the problem right there, he loves his sons and he’s absolutely terrified that he’s going to lose them if he lays them down too long. They’re so small and as soon as they leave his or Nerdanel’s arms they seem to tremble with cold so he sleeps with them against his chest for more of the first years of their lives than was usual. After those many sleepless nights he always finds it hard to sleep without being able to feel the rise and fall of their breathing.
Their cousins often do not understand what the difference between them and the Feanorians is, most of them have vague memories of getting scolded within an inch of their lives for fighting one back when they got into childish arguments. Mostly they just resented it or assumed it was favouritism if it were by Finwe or fear of Feanor’s wrath if by their own parents. Angrod did not think too long on how easily Caranthir crumpled to the ground at an unexpected shove, after all he was the older wasn’t he? Surely the rules about being gentle shouldn’t apply? He was equally puzzled when Fingolfin came running and scooped Caranthir into his arms, pale and panicked as Maedhros assured him he’d make certain Feanor wouldn’t hear about the matter if he was alright.
They train and become agile and skilled with blades and bows if not physically broad and strong in the way of their cousins but no matter how their health improves there are always concerns and during their approaching adulthood it becomes clear their worries are not only in body. There are migraines that leave them in dark rooms unable to bear even the sound of footsteps outside, days where Curufin and Maedhros struggle to allow any food past there lips, days where Caranthir sobs for hours with some inexplicable ache, weeks where Maglor cannot find rest no matter how much exhaustion he feels, little cuts and gashes on Celegorm’s arms that seem too frequent to be fully accidental.
If you were to look at this from a modern perspective it would probably be some genetic tendency to bipolar disorder and major depression but they wouldn’t have that kind of language because in my headcanons about Valinor they have very little experience with mental illness and no idea how to respond to it. I’m citing the whole Miriel incident to back me up there.
And just to make this even more angsty have a Tyelko quote from the fic of this I may or may not write ‘Amme always said we were her miracles, that our survival and strength was a blessing from the Valar. I was lucky to make it to my first winter. I wonder now if things wouldn’t have been better for everyone else if I hadn’t.’
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victorie552 · 8 days
Kind of a weird AU but hear me out:
Finwe marries Indis, right? Most controversial thing Finwe ever done and that includes leading elves from their ancestral home to a new continent to live with gods. Silmarillion says that it happened because he fell in love and I believe it BUT what Silmarillion doesn't tell you is WHEN Finwe marries Indis. I saw posts that say the canon is inconclusive and Tolkien probably changed his mind a lot, and half of what of what Tolkien wrote is thrown from the window by fandom, so.
Anyway, one of the versions said Feanor was at least a teenager when Finwe/Indis happens (I think). What Silmarillion states is that Feanor married VERY young by elven standards, and that Nerdanel was below his station (classism? in elven society? apparently!).
Last thing before I get to the main point: Fingolfin marries Anaire, a Noldo lady, who I saw often enough written as a noble or a court lady, perfectly fine that, no idea if that's canon. And Finarfin very much marries Teleri princess.
...I don't know guys, it feels very convienient. For princes to fall in love with exactly the kind of women who would be approved by royal court and strenghten political ties with other elven factions. If it was anything else than silm, I would call political marriages.
Time for crack: based on what I wrote above I propose an AU where it was FEANOR who was supposed to marry Indis. For politics! Vanyar are the most important faction in Aman! Let's marry into that!
But the MOMENT Feanor became an adult and they could process with courting without making it creppier than it already is, Feanor runs off to elope with his coworker and there's nothing they can do. Well, that's what Finwe tells Ingwe when Ingwe rages about it to him.
Finwe loves Feanor, he wants him to marry for love, and that's exactly what happens. But, uh, all Vanyar are pissed that there's no political marriage when they were promised one (they mad cause they look stupid now), and, well. Finwe decides to bite the bullet. For his son.
It's not true of course. But imagine family dinners after that.
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imakemywings · 1 year
Hey, are you still bitter about the treatment Thingol gets in the fandom? Because I am, even if it's 2023. The fact that people have such visceral reactions and threw a huge hissy fit in response to Thingol banning Quenya as if his banning is equivalent to a mass slaughter when said mass slaughterers are claiming lands in Beleriand and mocks Thingol's kingship is funny to me. And the fact that people mock and shit on Thingol for being pissed at the kinslaying at Aqualonde because he wasn't even there, like hello? That's his brother's people tf? Who wouldn't be pissed when you find out your brother's family legit got slaughtered? He has flaws but like so do many characters in silm, yet he gets so much hate and is never written with justice because he's against the noldor/feanorians.
Am I still bitter about [X]? yes. The answer is always yes.
People's attitudes towards Thingol in this fandom are a perfect illustration of character-centric morality: the things the Feanorians do are excusable because they're liked, and anything Thingol does is worthy of scorn because he is not liked. That's how you get people acting like the Quenya ban is on par with literal mass murder (and no, I don't think his asking for a massive number of foreign troops coming into the area to show him respect as the local ruler, as a display of good faith if nothing else, was unreasonable).
Look, I get why Thingol is not a big fan favorite. He suffers from "show not tell" where although Tolkien tells us he was a wise and beloved king, most of what we're shown in detail are things he fucked up. He also plays the King Triton role with Beren and Luthien, and no one likes a guy who stands in the way of ~true love~. Additionally, some of his most likeable moments come in Children of Hurin, which is, of course, not a part of the core Silmarillion. We get a lot less detail in Silm about Turin's time in Doriath, which is when we see a lot more of Thingol in CoH and where we see his attitude on mortals make a complete 180 (he is in fact the only Elf lord to ever foster a Man). But even within Silm, it's rarely acknowledged that in the end, he does support Beren and Luthien's marriage.
"And it seemed to Thingol that this Man was unlike all other mortal Men, and among the great in Arda, and the love of Luthien a thing new and strange; and he perceived that their doom might not be withstood by any power of the world. Therefore at last he yielded his will, and Beren took the hand of Luthien before the throne of her father."
He seats Beren at his left hand--it's hard to overstate the significance of that.
"Then Thingol's mood was softened; and Beren sat before his throne upon the left, and Luthien upon the right, and they told the tale of the Quest..."
I think it is relevant to remember that in accepting Luthien's marriage to Beren, Thingol is necessarily accepting her death--the death of his only child, whom he holds dearer than all the land and wealth of Doriath. That doesn't make his actions in B&L right, but I think it makes them understandable.
Later, when the forces of Doriath go to hunt Carcaroth, Beren and Thingol hunt together.
"...Huan leaped from the thicket upon the back of the Wolf, and they fell together fighting bitterly; and no battle of wolf and hound has been like to it, for in the baying of Huan was heard the voice of the horns of Orome and the wrath of the Valar, but in the howls of Carcaroth was the hate of Morgoth and malice crueller than teeth of steel...There they fought to the death; but Thingol gave no heed, for he knelt beside Beren, seeing that he was sorely hurt." (Emphasis added)
But also, simply because he repeatedly comes into conflict with the sons of Feanor, he was doomed to be recast as a villain by the fandom because the sons are so popular that anyone who dislikes them is going to get shafted by the fandom. Hating on Thingol is so accepted in this fandom people don't even seem to regard it as character bashing to come onto posts or fics about Thingol and share how much they don't like him/think he's an asshole/whatever.
I really don't think there is an overreaction to hearing about unprovoked mass murder. I really think most of us would react very badly to finding out that someone we'd had dealings with had slaughtered a bunch of people, whether or not we were related to the victims. It's been said before but I'll drag it out again: Thingol had to do something. As king, he did not have the option of not reacting to that--that it happened, or that the Noldor tried to conceal it. The Quenya ban was arguably a mid-level response (Furthermore, it was a pretty deft display of Thingol's soft power--Maedhros scoffs at his claim to be king of Beleriand, yet look how instantly and totally the Sindar adhere to this directive. With this one move, Thingol displays for the Noldor how far his power reaches. If they were thinking about armed conflict with Thingol and Doriath, they now know how many of the Elves of Beleriand they would have to deal with.) It's not like Fingolfin was going to turn his people over for a trial, and accept whatever punishment Doriath's court ruled on, not least because Fingon himself was a significant part of the Kinslaying at Alqualonde. The Noldor, hand their crown prince over to a foreign justice system? Not gonna happen.
I will link to my tag for Thingol metas, if you want to see more of what other people have stated more eloquently about his character and his actions!
Long story short: I like Thingol, flaws included, and it's kind of laughable that of all the characters in the book, THIS is the one people find irredeemable.
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polutrope · 6 months
Just pure headcanons, what do you think happened during Maglor's reign as a king? I don't know if his reign was short or something but I remember it took some time before Fingon was able to save Maedhros and unite the noldor and there was still some division between the host of nolofinweans and feanorians. I wonder if he considered himself a placeholder until Maedhros returned or was he a reluctant king? Did the host respect him as a king, did his own brothers respect him as a king? I am so intrigued because, aside from Maedhros, I think Maglor deserved some shoutout lmao (No, this isn't a maglor-obsession-spree that I have been on, nu uh). Also, I feel like he would have some cordial relationship with Fingolfin, they could bond as the second sons having to take leadership because the eldest died/was abducted idk.
Oh no, starlitelwing. I hope you know the Pandora's Box you've just opened. King Maglor is one of my all-time favourite things to think about.
First of all: there's actually no canonical information on Maglor's position after the capture of Maedhros (in fact, we don't even know what Maedhros' title/position was after Feanor's death; all we know is that Feanor "claimed now the kingship of all the Noldor" in Tirion. Contested leadership is SO GOOD isn't it? anyway...).
The published Silmarillion glosses right over the question of who's in charge during the time between Feanor's death and Fingolfin's official assumption of the Kingship of the Noldor (which, if you ask me, Fingolfin effectively had been King since the time of Feanor's exile, and he was in any case Regent at the time of Finwe's death... he said he'd follow Feanor but the people following him were calling him Finwe Nolofinwe soooo... aiee, I digress again). The book gallops at such a breakneck speed that you don't really notice the gap in leadership. Or, I didn't.
But then you look at the Grey Annals (where Tolkien Gateway gets most of its First Age dates) and you see that there are 2-3 Tree Years and 5 Sun Years between Maedhros' capture and his rescue. Now, however you imagine time works in Tree Years when there are no Trees, that's still a long time. Maedhros was gone at a minimum 6-7 years, more likely closer to the equivalent of 30 "regular" years. (That's way longer, by the way, than the time between Feanor's death and Maedhros' capture, which was like, a day to a month, at most. Maedhros, if he even was King, was King for way less time than whoever followed him. And he sucked at the job, btw. But I digress. Again.)
So someone had to be in charge for those 6 to 30 years, but whomst? That the leadership would pass after Feanor's death to the eldest son is logical, and that it would then pass to the next eldest is also logical. I see no reason to refute that, but note: it would not be uncanonical to have someone other than Maedhros or Maglor in charge at this time. You can make King Celegorm a thing and still be canon-compliant!
This passage in the published Silm is basically the extent of the activities of the sons of Feanor during Maedhros' absence:
Then the brothers of Maedhros drew back, and fortified a great camp in Hithlum; but Morgoth held Maedhros as hostage, and sent word that he would not release him unless the Noldor would forsake their war, returning into the West, or else departing far from Beleriand into the South of the world. But the sons of Feanor knew that Morgoth would betray them, and would not release Maedhros, whatsoever they might do; and they were constrained also by their oath, and might not for any cause forsake the war against their Enemy.
The sense here is that all six sons acted as a unit. But in the 1937 Quenta Silmarillion, the text on which this passage is drawn:
Morgoth held [Maedhros] as hostage and sent word to Maglor that he would only release his brother if …
To Maglor! Excellent evidence that Tolkien was also making the logical conclusion that Maglor, the eldest, was in charge. (My best theory for why Christopher Tolkien took that out is Too Many Names, but it's an odd decision.)
All that was to say: We don't know, canonically, that Maglor was in charge at Mithrim. But it makes a lot of sense, and it's my headcanon that he was.
Now. More interesting headcanons.
I don't think Maglor was called King until it was politically necessary.
I see him as someone who is comfortable in command (one meaning of Cano is "commander", after all) but who likes to command collaboratively. Double-edged sword: he values the input of others (admirable quality) and he does not like being fully responsible for the outcomes of a decision (less admirable).
Unlike much fanon I've come across, I don't think Maglor was a particularly reluctant or incompetent leader or that he hated it. He was miserable, yes, because his father just died and his brother was just captured, and he wasn't thrilled to become a leader on top of that, but he keeps it together.
So how do I imagine it all went down?
The problem with Maglor being in command is that his "collaborative" style of leadership is not appropriate for a time of crisis or for his family. While the Silm often talks about "the sons of a Feanor" as a unit, I do not think they were of the same mind on everything. At all. They need a firm hand, and Maglor does not have that.
But who does have a firm hand? Who would be a more martial ruler, someone who could get people in order during a crisis? Celegorm. And he knows it.
So why did the Feanorians "get nothing done" during those 6-30 years (sidenote: I don't actually think they got nothing done, but it does seem they didn't get anything BIG done)? Well, for one, they were fighting amongst themselves.
Maglor could not get his brothers to agree on anything, and yet he did not know any other way of commanding, and over time he becomes more and more miserable as a leader.
Celegorm, meanwhile, is chomping at the bit to "relieve him" of the burden.
Around them, everyone else is picking sides.
Curufin is an interesting case. I headcanon he actually was fully behind Maglor at the beginning, because he respects the orderliness of succession. But as Maglor proves himself unsuitable for the role, he aligns with Celegorm.
Outside the family, I headcanon that the Mithrim Elves were actually quite taken with Maglor, the poet-king. Their alliance hinges on him. But the Noldor, especially the army, would rather follow Celegorm.
As everyone knows, a rival for leadership with the army's support is Bad News. And yet Maglor manages to hold on. He should definitely get credit for that.
But why hold on? If he is hating this ruler job, why not just let Celegorm have it? Couple reasons:
It's Celegorm. He may be able to perform well, but Maglor knows he's the most like Feanor in temperament and, well, Feanor's kingship didn't end well.
If Maglor gives up that crown, he will have admitted to himself that Maedhros is not coming back. This is the same reason he doesn't give it over to Fingolfin when Uncle Nolvo shows up. He is hanging onto that thing for dear life because, to him, it belongs to Maedhros and only Maedhros. He is the crown's custodian, never its rightful owner (this bleeds into my headcanon that Maglor does not "in his heart" agree with Maedhros' decision to cede the kingship — he'll never be as vocal about it as the others, though).
Now we come to another piece. What did Maglor call himself? Like I said up top, I don't think he initially called himself King. He was "head of his House", or maybe, "Lord of Hithlum," or maybe King Regent, but never King. If one of the Mithrim got mixed up and called him that, he would always correct them.
That changes when Fingolfin shows up. Now there's another claimant to the title of King. Possibly a more legitimate one than even Maedhros (as Maedhros later says himself).
By that time, Maglor has been keeping that crown out of Celegorm's hands for years; he is not giving it up now. And Fingolfin is less likely to challenge his leadership if he offers no room for ambiguity. If he dons the mantle of kingship and pretends Maedhros is dead.
So that is what he does... Does Fingolfin accept it? Well: "Then there was peril of strife between the hosts."
For three years, on opposite sides of the Lake, they're at an impasse. Fingon doesn't go looking for Maedhros because he thinks Maedhros is dead (and other reasons: the mission is insane and desperate not the least, and contrary to popular opinion Fingon is not a rash idiot).
How does Fingon eventually learn the truth? You'll have to wait and read what @melestasflight and I are cooking up for Silm Epistolary Week ;)
ETA: Despite this, I do think you're right that Maglor and Fingolfin could have bonded over their similar experiences! There's the personal and there's the political, and I love the idea of the tension between these straining what could be an emotionally supportive familial friendship between Maglor and Fingolfin.
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eri-pl · 16 days
All for one and one for all
You know what's messed up?
According to one poll, many of you agree with me that the sons of Feanor (at least M&M) would do less atrocities if it wasn't for the fact that each one believed that if he breaks the Oath, the whole family would be doomed.
The wording of the Oath is ambiguous about this, but still, this idea seems even less likely to be true that Eru holding them on the "Everlasting Darkness" part at all.
Makes me wonder, where did they get this thought?
Fëanor? I doubt it. He had many issues, but I think he was more an "individual responsibility" kind of guy, and also a better protection from treason is "if you betray the cause, you are doomed" than "if you betray the cause, we are all doomed".
So, if not Feanor, who else had enough authority to convince them?
Maybe some of you already realized where I'm heading with this (I'm predictable), but if not: I am certain that Maedhros never had this thought before he went to a cerain parlay.
And then he's back and they don't discuss the Oath much, obviously, they are busy with the war and his trauma, and then the topic of the Oath surfaces, and Maedhros treats it as a certainity that if one of them fails, they all go (he does never ask himself why he thinks so, neither does anyone else ask)…
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animatorweirdo · 26 days
The House Of Feanor Meeting the Embodiment Of the Void
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The house of Feanor meets the embodiment of the void, who is not what they expected to be.
Requested by Anon
Hi there, hope you're doing well :)
May I send a request for the Feanorians, who meet the embodiment of the Void (reader) when they're in the Void after death, and after witnessing how regretful they were of their actions, reader pleads with Eru/Mandos to give them another chance and they do, but that would mean that the Feanorians have to leave her behind, so they ask to bring her along and she does get to go to Valinor with them?
It's up to you if you want to do a romantic pairing or go for a platonic route.
Warnings: mentions of Feanor and his actions, the oath, kin slaying, mentions of death, being disembodied spirits, Ungoliant, madness, eating itself, self-reflection, some soft moments, and Melkor being kind of an ass.
- Darkness is what elves expected to meet once they damned themselves on the path of doom and their souls are banished to the void, beyond the doors of the night, where they might never return. 
- It was mostly true. There was no light like the stars, the sun, or the light of valars in the void, but most importantly, there was nothing. 
- One of the tales of the void shared that there were creatures of horrors who desired and envied the light of Eru, but surprisingly, there was none, and even when a soul sensed another presence, it would vanish or leave them alone. 
- However, one thing they did not expect was to dream within the void and meet a powerful presence. 
- So, when the house of Feanor had damned themselves into the void due to the oath, they did not expect to meet you, the embodiment god of the void itself. 
- It was unheard of that the void had its own god, but yet not many things were known about the void. However, you were not what they expected to be. 
- You were the twin of Eru, his opposite to his light. However, unlike Melkor to Manwe, you bore no hatred for your twin or his creations. On the contrary, you loved him and felt fascinated by the beings created by his songs. 
- He inspired you to create your own children that resembled you. Unfortunately, your creations became the very thing that kept you from ever taking a closer look at Arda and its wonders. 
- You shared with them how one of Eru’s first creations, Melkor, often came to seek imperishable flame within your domain. You tried to be welcoming, but his ambitions, hatred, and jealousy infected your children, causing them to hate Eru’s light and feel the desire to devour it, forcing you to trap them within your domain and keep them from ever escaping. 
- One of your children did escape, the great spider, the inhabitant of Arda called Ungoliant. It pained you to watch her hunger to make her suffer. You had tried many times to call her back to the void where you could null her hunger, but unfortunately, her hunger caused her to become beyond mad and eat herself. 
- The house of Feanor was baffled by you but felt gratefulness when they learned that you were the reason your children did not try to devour their souls and very existence. 
- You were curious about them and asked why they had been banished to your domain. Elves were supposed to be creatures of light. 
- As Feanor was first to be banished into the void, he was the first to explain what had come to happen in Arda, and you listened. 
- You felt astonishment and grief for the loss he had suffered and that it had driven him to commit such actions. However, your curious nature and questions made him think of his actions and family who were still alive on Arda. 
- If he and his family had committed to such an oath that the valars saw to fulfill their self-inflicted sentence should they fail to retrieve the silmarils, then there was nothing you could do but let them stay and fulfill their sentence. But knowing your children, it was still a very harsh sentence, as they did not know the void was filled with beings who were hateful and wanted to devour the light of life itself. 
- To give him the chance to wait and fulfill his sentence, you kept his soul close to you, keeping him safe from your children. 
- It would have been overwhelming for him for you to speak in your form, so you mostly spoke to him in dreams. He was willing to share what he had seen in Arda, filling you with delight while you two waited if his sons were to join him. 
- It was perhaps some centuries upon Arda and not too long in the void as there was no sense of time in the void, but three of his sons entered the void. They had committed another kin slaying and died, thus were banished into your domain. 
- You allowed Feanor to reunite with them before revealing yourself, allowing them to speak to each other in their shared dream. Many emotions were shed, mostly anger and sorrow as they had fought and killed for nothing. 
-  Two of the twins were next to join you, the youngest of the house. 
- The last to join was the eldest son. The second eldest was not to be seen, but since his soul was not in a void — it could only mean he was still alive. 
- Feanor’s sons were unnerved by your presence but became comfortable when you proved you meant no harm to them. 
- They were willing to share their stories with you and what they had seen in Arda, making you delighted. It allowed them to self-reflect and acknowledge the wrongs they had committed. 
- After many years in Arda, you decided that the house of Feanor had fulfilled their sentence and were ready to return to their hall of the dead. 
- You opened the path for them to go through the void. They asked if there was ever a chance of speaking to you again. You smiled, explaining you had to watch over your children. Perhaps once they had been cured of their hatred and creed you would be able to visit Arda once it was remade.
- With a farewell, they departed. 
- You were sad to see them go, but it was necessary as you were expecting the arrival of another. Morgoth, as the elves called him, had been chained and banished to your domain for his misdeeds. You welcomed him again and hoped he would self-reflect like Feanor and his sons, but unfortunately, he held stubbornness beyond his own good, and therefore, you could not allow him to leave till the fulfillment of Eru’s last song.
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batsyforyou · 9 months
Celegorm/Curufin/Celebrimbor/Feanor Sleep Headcanons
Pairing: Celegorm x reader, Curufin x reader, Celebrimbor x reader, Feanor x reader
Author’s Note: Blanket Series! 
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The one thing that these four elves have in common is the amount of work they put in. 
They either go to bed late 
Or never
What's worse is that they all have the same family stare when they sleep. 
Each of their eyes glow and they stare straight ahead, kinda like the goa'uld with their glowing eyes but instead of the white of their eyes glowing, it's the iris.
Feanor passed it to Celegorm, and Feanor also passed it to Curufin who then passed it to Celebrimbor 
It's a family trait 
But between the four of them Celegorm and Celebrimbor are the most likely and willing to cuddle you and kiss you at night.
Between Celegorm and Celebrimbor though, Celebrimbor is way more romantic 
Verses Curufin and Feanor who kiss their forges goodnight and put it to bed before they ever see you
Though Celegorm is the first to go to bed out of all of them
Probably the easiest Feanorian to corral into bed 
If he’s busy at his desk and if you ask him to come to bed he’ll give you a half hearted wave and tell you to go to bed. But if you kiss his cheek and use the magic word (please) he’ll come join you. 
And I don’t want to give you the impression that he doesn’t care for his work and doesn’t take it seriously. He takes it very seriously. But he takes care of your happiness first. 
He’ll wrap himself around you and bury you in his arms and smooch you til his heart's content. 
Sometimes he’ll try to see if you're willing for more but most of the time he’ll leave his shenanigans for morning. 
He snores very softly and you normally don't hear it 
And because he so active during the day he doesn’t move at night 
And like I mentioned before he’s got his daddy’s stare 
Though his open eyed stare is bright. His eyes are like two active search lights from Gotham City (Batman) just piercing the dark. That or two up close nightlights. 
Overall Celegorm is an 7/10 sleep buddy
Getting this one into bed is a fight in itself. 
He would come with you unless you’ve begged for like 30 minutes
Curufin is another elf that doesn’t know how to cuddle. He thinks you take up too much bed space but unlike Maeglin he has no problem telling you about it.
“Move over, your elbow is on my side.” 
He doesn’t really learn 
So the only way to get this one to cuddle is if you lay on top of him and press your nose into the crook of his neck. 
He just melts when you do and the silver tongue is to put to rest
He dreams pretty frequently. But it's sometimes like watching a cat dream he’ll just twitch every once and a while 
He doesn’t move and roll around and sleeps on his back 
And he never snores not once but on the few times he does the snore is really cute and you never let him live it down. 
Overall Curufin us a 7/10 sleep buddy
Celebrimor is someone who loves to savor your touch 
He loves holding you close to him and burying his head into the crook of your neck to just breathe you in
He lives to hold you 
He lives to kiss you especially. 
And he will kiss your nose every night before bed and every morning when you wake up 
Is addicted to cuddles but is sometimes embarrassed about craving your soft touch.
So he won’t really tell you that he wants any. Instead he’ll invite you to him so it’ll come off as more of an offer and your idea then his.
When he’s really fixated on what he’s doing you have to drag him away from either the forges or his desk. 
When you're not around he can and will and has slept on his desk atop of his papers.
When in bed though he typically sleeps on his back with you using his arm as a pillow 
But he’s would love to sleep with you on his back while he slept on his stomach
It’d knock him right out 
Overall Celebrimbor is a 9/10 sleep buddy
Good luck reigning this one in, he’s a nightmare to settle into bed
Feanor another one that doesn’t understand the definition of rest. He practically lives in the forges so you’ll have to find a way to persuade him to go to bed. Idk how but good luck soldier 
But ah *coughs* I’ll stay that acts of intimacy go a long way *cough cough*
When he does sleep, he sleeps on his side. He stares straight ahead with glowing eyes. His eyes glow the brightest out of the four but instead of it being a glow it's more a gentle lapping flame that flickers every once and a while.
Cuddles? If you're lucky. He’s mostly staring up at the ceiling thinking about all the cool projects that he could get up to. 
Mostly because it's like you're sleeping with a literal heater and he doesn’t want to sweat at night.
Overall Feanor is a 6/10 sleep buddy
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sakasakiii · 1 year
I love your work!! Your art is very pretty. Do you have a specific idea of how old everyone is ? Do you lean more towards canon or do you have your own dates in mind ? If don’t wanna a answer it’s ok!
Hope u have a nice day
(Remember to drink water!)
hiiii nonnie!!! thank you for checking in, and im happy u like the stuff i put out!! when it comes to ages, it's difficult to answer sometimes bc of the way professor tolkien's timeline is-- it makes gauging one singular place where most of the cast can be compared something that makes my tired brain go 😵🤧🤕 but i love the prompt youve given! and thus heres my attempt at it
with most of my tolkien stuff, i always try to stick to canon wherever possible emphasis is on try lmao and the topic of ages is one such place. i do make exceptions to the Professor's canon sometimes for a few reasons: 1) i like some of the scrapped ideas in his drafts, or 2) i just prefer other options. with ages, i think the only charas with canon-established ages i deviated from are fingolfin, finrod, turgon, and aredhel. i try to keep cases like these minimal tho, so i hope it doesn't bother anyone too much... 👉👈
anyways i figured just dropping a list of numbers would be kinda boring to look at so heres an illustrated guide to what the ~rough~ ages of the finweans are in my head whenever i write or draw. Y.T. 1495 (the year Finwe dies) is the controlled medium ive used to enable a fair comparison of the Finweans
note: "born Y.T. xxx" means this is the canon date of birth listed on Tolkien Gateway. "est. born [xxx]" means this is a noncanon estimate:
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the First Age gets a lot more muddled from there due to the hullaballoo of everything going on, so ill only be including the doriathrim and a few other denizens of nargothrond:
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it's mostly the older elves that are more undefined/vague with their ages (i.o.w. others like elwing, earendil, the peredhil twins, and most Men all have set dates of birth), so they're all i'll be doing for now. but it's that vagueness which makes hcing all the more enjoyable, isn't it! plus since we’re on this subject, under the cut are just a few headcanons and musings ive had that i wanted to put somewhere 😙
Finarfin and Earwen were born within months of each other! Finwe and Olwe made a Really Big Deal out of when they found out their wives were pregnant at the same time. As a result, the two were often sent on many playdates with each other to “bolster healthy relations” between the Noldor and the Teleri. It wasn’t an arranged marriage situation, but I like to think they were goofy for each other from the start… Resulting in the two eventually getting married as soon as they came of age, the fastest out of all of Finwe’s kids to do so. 
The reason the Ambarussa are significantly younger than the other Finweans (especially the Feanorians-- there’s a 100 Valian year gap between them and Curufin alone!) is because I imagine they were accidental babies that even Feanor didn’t expect to conceive. too bad morgoth said "its morgin time!" and started Messing Things Up shortly afterwards.....
Anaire was Lalwen's good friend long before she married Fingolfin; they met through Lalwen who wingmanned Fingolfin the whole time. i like think Anaire'd be the best out of all the wives at keeping good, healthy bonds with all the women of her family :DD
luthien's potential 姐姐/big sis dynamic with all the younger doriathrim elves is something i daydream about a lot 😌 but sometimes the fact that she's older than finarfin keeps me up at night
this has been really fun, so thanks again for asking-- annnd yessir, i am chugging water as i write this so you better be doing the same ❤️ have a great start to your week!
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an-eldritch-peredhel · 8 months
Something fundamental to how I write Míriel is that, to develop Arachne parallels and also because Feanor seems to get a lot from her, she has insane levels of hubris. Like Feanor, the hubris is justified because she is indeed just that good, but also her god instead of getting jealous praises her and is devoted to her to the point where the oaths they swear to each other are basically a marriage.
Like how do you even stand up to that. If anyone else ever tries to say they're the elf most talented at weaving/sewing/embroidery/etc. Míriel can just pop up and go "Ok but did the god of our craft propose to you? No? I didn't think so."
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Idc what anyone says, Oropher would love to meet his grandchild and grandchildren via Miriel.
Everyone: They’re KINSLAYERS!
Does It Look Like I Give A Fuck?
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Types of Simps | The Ainur
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A/N: I have finally completed the entire series by writing for these lovely fellows. The others will just have to wait until I decide to post them :)
Types of Simps: Lords of Gondolin | House of Feanor | Imladris | House of Fingolfin
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The Valar
Manwë – the ‘gentleman’ simp
· So I like to believe that Manwë has Avian traits, thus whenever he’s around his crush, he tends to chirp and ruffle his feathers in hopes of gaining their attention. You know, puff his chest out a bit subconsciously and fluff his wings so you can compliment how pretty they are (he melts).
· Not one for openly dancing like tropical birds when attracting their mate, but if there’s an event and you’re around, Manwë would quietly ask if you would like to dance while shuffling his feet from side to side attempting to impress you with his moves.
· He’ll hum and murmur some words whenever you’re around as he sings before he openly completes the song and whistles to have your eyes on him.
· Like birds, he’s always gifting you shiny objects, and I don’t mean rocks or pebbles he found around the palace, but actual shiny gifts that caught his eyes and he begged Aulё to craft for you.
· He loves to bring up conversations about the sky just so you could talk about how you wish to fly among the clouds or touch them, only for Manwe to spread his wings and offer you a flight.
· Loves to take you on flights just so he can have you in his arms and feel you curl into his embrace. If you fear heights, even better for him, you’re practically clinging to him.
· Gets jealous whenever other birds are around you and are quick to shoo them away because they tend to gain your attention. You love to feed the doves and parrots and watch as Manwë grumbles about it being unfair. If you comment on it, he’d turn red and shut up.
· You can count on him to sometimes break his code of conduct and find him appearing on your balcony at ungodly hours of the night to whisk you away to some field of flowers or mountaintop to watch the sunrise and listen to him make some comment about how beautiful you are.
Námo - the ‘tsundere’ simp
· Listen, this man isn’t going to crack a laugh far least than a smile in your presence because he doesn’t want to make a fool out of himself. He smiles and chuckles internally, but he’s even fearful of doing so because he almost got caught once.
· His brother chastises him for expressing his emotions and nearly got banned from visiting him for years because Irmo teased the living daylight out of him when his voice once cracked when you spoke to him.
· As much as he refuses to openly admit his feelings, he doesn’t run you whenever you decide to visit him or speak, he simply stays quiet and listens with a slightly bored look on his face – even though he’s not actually bored but elated on the inside. Only Irmo can see that he’s smiling.
· The funny thing about it is that if you cried to him or showed any signs that you were hurt or sad, Námo just wants to know who, what, when, and where. Why isn’t important. Just leave the rest to him and he’ll see to it that you’re never bothered again.
· Námo has the tendency to stare at you whether you’re looking or not, he sort of just stares into your soul but in truth, he’s panicking because you caught him and the only thing left to do is continue staring.
· If you’re near him, he sometimes – most of the time – stares at your hands wishing he could be a bit braver and just hold them. Instead, he combusts and shuts down when you held his hand upon asking him to dance during an event. Irmo never lets it go.
· He’s the type to bite his tongue the first time he attempts to confess his feelings and then disappear right after he messed up because he’s planning to throw himself off Mandos. Námo believes that you think he’s weird, so he does his best to avoid you at all costs.
· He does have a strange way of speaking to you when he decides to. You have to squint to understand the hidden meanings behind every sentence because they sometimes come off mean. Irmo had given up on his brother at that stage and decided to shoot him with a love dart to speed the process along.
Irmo – the ‘sweetheart’ simp
· Yes, Lorien isn’t going to pass up the opportunity when presented to interact with you at any and all costs. He understands how he feels for you and is determined to make it clear in your eyes – no questioning his love for you, period.
· Lorien is only just a call away and he’s standing before you – literally, like a puff of smoke and he’s there. Always has a smile on his face and has an arm outstretched for you to take. Whenever he initiates physical contact, he prefers to let you make the first move.
· Stands close to you and charms you with poetry and compliments. They’re just as sweet as him and when he’s done, he flashes you this breathtaking smile to make you melt into a puddle.
· Sends you poems almost every day and when he can’t meet with you, he writes the longest apology letter the world has ever seen just because he couldn’t visit you one day out of the (25/8) entire week.
· Always has his eyes on you, not in a stalkerish manner, but adoring manner like, ‘that’s my lover, the love of my life, I’d do anything for them. I love them more than you do. They could do anything, and I’d still love them.’
· Loves to visit you in your dreams and creates only the best dreams for you and him to spend time together. He literally makes all your fantasies a reality in your dreams – strange.
· Lorien loves to sing for you, and he mostly does so whenever it’s just to two of you during private moments. You’re probably walking through his garden with him, and he couldn’t help but hum until he brings to sing – real smooth.
· Hates to see you sad and does everything in his power to make you happy even though he’s breaking the rules by interfering with your emotions. He knows it’s supposed to be a natural phenomenon, but he hates watching you wallow in sadness.
· His favourite thing to do is be as affectionate as possible before his brother just to show him what he should be like with his crush and how easy it is for him to make a move. You know the ‘this could be you, but you playing games.’
Melkor – the ‘seductive’ simp
· One word to describe him is S M O O T H. He’s really smooth with his actions, and if you’re not turned on or melting, everything is wrong with you.
· Always has a seductive compliment for you every time you meet. Sometimes, he doesn’t even wait on time to allow you to meet, he goes looking for you. Melkor would waltz right up to your smaller figure and corner you with one hand over your head, getting into your space and just silently staring with a smirk because he knows the effect of his presence.
· Brushes your hair out your face and then drags his fingers down you grip your chin and he forces you to look him in the eye. This man lives for EYE CONTACT and knows that you’re weak in your knees every time he stares into your soul.
· Loves to lick his lips whenever you’re speaking to him because he’s staring at how kissable yours look and he’s dying to lean in and have a taste. The most he’ll do is lean in to brush his lips against yours to leave you wanting more or kiss you just at the corner of your lips.
· His voice – holy fuck – his voice is finer than the sweetest wine and he uses that as his greatest weapon. Loves to whisper into your ear, while brushing his lips against the tip as he surprises you from behind.
· He normally waits for you to be the one to initiate the physical contact and when you do, for example, a hug, he pressed his entire body into yours so you could feel every ounce of muscle while chuckling and making some excuse about how you weren’t supposed to feel that. BOI.
· Listen, he’s seductive but he also has class, so black roses just for you accompanied by some onyx jewellery, because he thinks you look sexy in black.
· J E A L O U S Y to the highest degree. He wants to tear anyone, and everyone’s throat out who attempts to put their unworthy hands on you. On one but him gets that pleasure and opportunity. He has threatened to take someone’s hand off before.
· Melkor has this habit of sharing his wine with you from the bottle and not the glass. He’ll drink first, then cup you by your throat, tilting your head backwards and resting the head against your lips to pour the wine down your throat while whispering how good you’re doing. (I don’t even know how you haven’t choked and died from the contact because I would and combust). He wants to try kissing you and pouring the wine from his lips to yours, but he’s waiting till he has you officially.
The Maiar
Eonwë – the ‘enthusiastic’ simp
· At first, he doesn’t truly understand what’s happening and why he is feeling all these positive emotions surging through him, but then Manwë had to be a dad and explain to the poor birb that he is in love.
· Just like Manwë, Eonwë has Avian traits and does the whole singing and dancing fiasco to attract you to him. He’s a lot more open with expressing his feelings and is sort of like a love-sick bird.
· He’s always singing and pulling you in to dance with him. Humming some random tune and gently tugging you into his embrace, encasing his feathers around you both to shut out the rest of the world.
· Loves to take you on flights to give you tours or to look at the sunset or sunrise. More like a bird, he brings you little random trinkets he found while flying and hopes that you understand the hidden meaning and keep them – you do.
· He once saw a play with you and was amazed at the flowers falling from the sky which caused him to re-enact the scene. One morning you were in the gardens and Eonwë decided to fly up above and drop flowers upon your head – I want this to happen to me now.
· He loves when he has to clean his feathers, he’ll ask if you would like to assist him so you could spend the entire day grooming him. Eonwë simply sits and guides you on how to handle his feathers and leaves the rest to you because he’s in paradise when you touch his wings.
· Another jealous birb boy who hates when other birds get close, and you give them your attention. Before you met him, you had a dove you nursed back to health and it grew attached to you and saw you as its mate, was not the best thing for Eonwë to learn. He and the bird nearly had it out.
· Loves when you compliment him because he intentionally puffs up his feather and ruffles them to gain your attention and hope that you praise him. You call him your little songbird because he’s always whistling and singing around you because you’re his mate – got to impress.
· Always leaves behind a feather or more of his whenever he has to go away on trips so you could have a piece of him with you.
Mairon – the ‘tsundere and protective’ simp
· He’s the annoyed type of tsundere simp. One that constantly rolls his eyes at everything you do but is still overprotective. Contradicting in many ways isn’t it, I know.
· Quiet whenever you’re around and listen to everything you say, rolling his eyes in between or making some remark that comes off as him being disinteresting but it isn’t his intention. He doesn’t really talk much around you and opts to remain quiet, taking your voice and presence.
· Always H O V E R I N G. Always around – seems a tad bit stalkerish, but he wants to ensure you don’t do anything stupid because you’re clumsy. He’s always having to rush in to save you from some injury and then blow up about how it could have been worse. What a weird way to show you care Mairon.
· You could ask for help and he’s dropping whatever it is you’re doing with a scowl on his face and complaining about him having more important things to do while helping you. Newsflash, you simply asked for help and not him specifically.
· Subconsciously makes you gifts and leaves them on your doorstep or has them delivered to you with a mysterious note attached to it because he’s your secret admirer. How cliché and smooth.
· Always has a softer look – that still appears stern – on his face in your presence but the moment you leave him alone, he cracks, and a grin falls through. It spreads across his entire face and lights up his entire aura. He’d shake his head and give a small chuckle as he replays all your enthusiastic speeches from earlier making notes about all the things you like.
· Would never admit his feelings even though Eonwe probably has attempted to set up situations to get him to. The most that would happen is him staring you down with a blank look on his face while he’s screaming at himself to say something nice.
· J E A L O U S. He doesn’t like when someone breathes, look, talk, smile or glances in your direction. Even with Eonwe who attempts to help you understand your feelings, he gets absolutely jealous – like Hades from Hercules or maybe that’s Melkor.
· When he does get jealous, he attaches himself to your side the entire day and night wordlessly. He makes some comments about how ‘you’re not safe alone’ and shuts up after because he was about to admit the truth.
· Please, you once held his hand and he stiffened under your touch. It made you believe that he didn’t want you to touch him, but he was howling at the moon. Mairon spent a solid day and night staring at his hand. From then, he did everything he could to get you to touch his hand whether accidentally or not.
Bonus: I originally had Melkor as this
Melkor – the ‘denial/I don’t simp’ simp
· Boy, if everyone had a coin for the number of times Melkor admitted he doesn’t simp for you and then proceeds to simp, everyone would be rich because he contradicts his words to a fault before everyone's eyes.
· His brother would literally tell him that his crush is in the room, go talk to them and Melkor would make some dramatic statement about him not caring and then waltz over to his crush five minutes after to chat with them – bonus: he could never make proper eye contact.
· He denies every statement about him liking his crush which a huge blush on his stoic face and proceeds to make another statement about him not being a simp. It backfires because he’s always seen hovering around you hours later with some lost look in his eyes.
· You once spoke about your ideal type and the next day; he showed up acting and dressed like them. Tries his damn hardest to not make a fool out of himself but he fails. Melkor just believes that he’s tolerating you, nothing more, nothing less.
· The rest of the Valar and Maiar loves to tease him endlessly by making up rumours about seeing you with someone else just to make him blow a fuse and go back on his words about not being interested in you.
· When he does corner you, the first question you could ask him to shatter his brain is ‘do you like me or something?’ you can bet what his response was, let me give you a hint, ‘no – I simply tolerate your measly presence’ while fighting a smile.
· He’s almost like a tsundere but more expressive.
· His brother loves to tease him about how much of a softie you turn him into. Manwe once walked in and saw you putting flower crowns into his hair with the grumpiest look adorning his face. Melkor sat with you for hours without complaining because he enjoys your presence.
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Taglist: @edensrose @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @someoneinthestars @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @noldorinpainter @starborne0661
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ach-sss-no · 5 months
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Boromir's response to the guard was chosen via poll. I never know what the internet will do, and in this case, the majority chose...
....sane and reasonable, the most surprising possible result on the internet! (boromir is not taking the audacious move of trying to get away with pretending he's not bringing another person into the town; but he is also not trying to explain gollum, which i suspect would only serve to confuse the guard and make gollum anxious.)
Needlessly long minutiae under the cut
I do not like to pick specific dates in this AU because I will get them wrong and I am a coward. But this is meant to be slightly into the Fourth Age.
Gollum has been ring-free and essentially in therapy for 4-5 years. There is related fanfiction if you want his situation explained in excruciating detail; all you need to know is that he's just here and has compellingly shown the other characters that he is no longer a threat. He does need care/supervision and can't be ethically released to the wild (primarily because he does not want to go). He's been living in Minas Tirith, if that wasn't clear.
Frodo has set sail, so I am sorry to say he will not be in this comic unless there are flashbacks to when he was still living on the continent. (Ditto everyone else who was on the boat with him)
This is also long enough post-Scouring that I thought Bree would be getting more relaxed about letting people in again, at least if it's just one dude and one hobbit and there are no visible weapons and they have a letter from Pippin Took, famed anti-bandit local hero. Boromir is still thinking about the bandit problem, though.
Staddle is a suburb of Bree to the east. I know this from LOTRO. If you were in Bree and you saw a hobbit turn up at the east gate, creature known to stay at home and not live east of the Misty Mountains, a hobbit, you would probably assume he was coming in from Staddle and not... Gondor, a place a zillion miles away that you've possibly never heard of, where there are no hobbits.
This is the website I got 'ramreth' from and if the site is accurate (it looks accurate) it literally does mean 'wall climber'. I'm not really a conlangs person <_<;
"I had a chance but did not take it" = In this universe where Boromir lives (and is ambulatory/can travel), Boromir was given the offer to travel with the other Fellowship members all the way to Bree if desired, but he left the group earlier than that for personal reasons (chiefly, not wanting another extended absence from Gondor) (but now he regrets that because it turns out there was bandits and also he had more limited opportunity to see certain people again in this life than he realized)
Anyway, if you read all that. Here's a poll, as a treat
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the-elusive-soleil · 10 months
Some random headcanons I have for a Silm modern AU:
Feanor is the son of Finwe's ex-wife Miriel (they split more or less amicably due to the more kids/no more kids thing). There are more resources to help deal with this than in canon Valinor, so while Feanor isn't happy about the Indis and half-siblings situation, he's able to get to a place of mostly getting along with them.
Finwe made his money in investments--Aule Industries, Elentari Electric Co., Sulimo Aerospace...you get the picture.
Feanor could have gone to work for Aule Industries, but instead he struck out on his own as an inventor, and holds patents for several now-common items.
He's married to the famous sculptor Nerdanel. They've had their disagreements, but they're in couples therapy and working on sticking together.
Fingolfin is a state-level politician. He and Feanor mostly sort of get along provided everyone avoids certain topics.
Maedhros works for Fingolfin as a political fixer, which he is very very good at. Feanor has mostly made his peace with this.
Maglor went through a classical musical education, but eventually his hobby band Noldolante took off to the point that he went full-time with it. He's the lead vocalist and songwriter. Currently thinking their sound would be something like heavy metal but with the instruments and volume of acoustic folk.
Their musical rivals are the folk duo Nightingale Shadow, the brother-sister pair Daeron and Luthien Gray.
Celegorm got a job through his grandfather's friend Orome Aldaron at Aldaron LLC, an outdoor gear company resembling Cabela's, as a spokesperson/sponsored rep type of thing. He has a huge dog and tells a different story every time someone asks where he got him, and keeps trying to ask out Luthien from Nightingale Shadow (which drives Maglor nuts).
Caranthir is a stocks trader and financial advisor, which has made him wealthy enough on his own to rival Finwe. At some point, he announces his engagement (despite no one in the family knowing he was dating) to a small business owner named Haleth who takes none of his guff.
Curufin works with his father as a fellow inventor. He married an epidemiologist several years back, and they have a small son, Tyelpe, who is already being brought to an unbelievable number of "take your child to work" days. Everyone's bracing for the mad science to reach critical mass once Tyelpe's old enough to wield a screwdriver.
Amrod and Amras are still in high school and haven't confirmed a path in life yet, although they do quite a bit of Celegorm's social media stuff with him.
Fingon used to work with his father and Maedhros, but eventually decided that politics wasn't for him, and now runs a nonprofit to aid disaster victims. He and Maedhros frequently tease each other about how exhausted their respective careers are making them.
Turgon works in some capacity for the city government, which he claims is the level of politics where things actually get done.
Aredhel also works for Aldaron LLC as a spokesperson; sometimes she and Celegorm will collaborate on posts.
At some point, she starts a relationship with a guy named Eol, but leaves him when he turns out to be a controlling jerk. Post-breakup, she finds out she's pregnant, and ends up keeping the baby because Eol doesn't want her to do so and make him pay child support. She turns out a better mom than anyone expects.
Finarfin is some kind of lawyer working in conflict resolution and mediation. He is very good at it; he ought to be, given all the practice he's had.
Finrod owns an ethically sourced jewelry company. His brother Orodreth works for him.
Aegnor and Angrod are college students; Angrod is undeclared, but Aegnor is studying anthropology.
Artanis is in high school and the most politically minded teenager ever. She's in student government and on the debate team and Model UN, you name it. The family used to joke that someday she was going to rule a small country. They still say it, but it's become less and less of a joke over the years.
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imakemywings · 11 months
I am on the feanorians side of the silmaril debate and do see Dior and elwing as thieves. And I hope you dont see this as an attack i just want to explain my reasoning for the way i see it. But to me at least the stealing of the ships is an entirely seperate thing that happened, I know it happened because the silmarils got stolen in the first place. But it has nothing to do with the Dior and elwing part of the silmaril story. And thats why I dont bring up the stealing of the ships when talking about this
And I feel like Dior and elwing are thieves because they have the feanorians most treasured family heirloom and are refusing to give it back to them. And I think calling them thieves isnt exactly right because they didnt steal it from the feanorians and luthien and beren didnt either but it is wrong of them to not give it back. And the feanorians did first write letters asking to be given the silmaril back. The feanorians were wrong in kinslaying to try and get it back, but I do understand how they got to the conclusion to do so. They swore an oath to get it back and if they dont they will be in purgatory forever, so they really do have this need of getting it back even without considering the fact that its rightfully theirs to begin with.
As for for Dior and elwings part in this, I have more understanding for Dior than elwing. Dior is a new king and not well known to his people. And the silmaril to him represent a great deed done by his parents and their love for each other and I wouldnt be suprised if the silmaril was starting to become as important to Dior and his people as it was to the feanorians. So him not giving it away makes sense it has personal importance to him and giving it away could mark him as a weak king which is not something he needs. And it is also the fact that we dont know how much he knows about the feanorians oath and what it means he may know nothing at all about it.
Elwing on the other hand is completely different, I do not understand why she does the things she does at all. I will just be discussing the lead up to the kinslaying and not what happens during it, because I have read posts saying that her mental health may have crumbled during it and I do concede they have a point. But that doesnt explain any of the lead up to it. The feanorians ask for the silmaril and she tells them no and its like doesnt she realize that just like last time this can lead to a kinslaying, like does the thought even enter her mind and I dont understand how she could not see it as the likely outcome bu then she doesnt prepare for the eventuality at all. Its so puzzling to me, shes the leader and responible for the safety of everyone there but she doesnt seem to care about it. She doesnt even send her sons to cirdan were they would be safe from the feanorians. For elwing this has all happened before and she does nothing to change what will happen and it doesnt make sense.
So yea im on the feanorians side in this because the silmaril is rightfully theirs and while they did bad bad things to get them back i understand where they are coming from. Something i dont understand with elwing.
Hey anon, I definitely don't see this as an attack; I do appreciate your reasonable tone here.
If you're interested in other more detailed explorations of Elwing and her motivations, definitely check out my Elwing meta tag, because others on on tumblr have done some great work there.
The point I think the other anon was making about the swan ships is that fans can be very quick to condemn Luthien and her descendants as "thieves" of the Silmarils, but say nothing about the Feanorians' theft of the swan ships. No, the events aren't related, but one is a much clearer-cut case of theft than the other, yet it's the one that's swept under the rug to attack those who stand in opposition to the sons of Feanor (SoF). But you're right, it's not relevant to discussing Dior and Elwing in relation to the SoF.
Luthien and Beren, at great personal risk, obtained a Silmaril from Morgoth. I think it's relevant to note that at this point, the SoF appeared to have no problem with Luthien having possession of the Silmaril. In fact, Maedhros takes heart from their success and by it is inspired to begin his efforts which culminate in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
First, let's recall Luthien's history with the Feanorians at the point that she and Beren depart Doriath after Beren is restored to life:
Luthien is aware of the Kinslaying at Alqualonde and the theft of the swan ships, actions of shocking violence by Elves against Elves, and the Noldor's part in trying to conceal it from her parents.
Celegorm and Curufin feign friendship with her when she encounters them on her quest to rescue Beren, only to then trap her in Nargothrond. Celegorm plans to wed her against her will, which strongly implies he also means to rape her, in order to force Thingol to open the Girdle to the Feanorians.
Celegorm and Curufin overthrew Finrod's chosen successor, Orodreth, and the Arafinweans had been friends of Doriath. She may or may not be aware that Celegorm used the oath to threaten the residents of Nargothrond, implicitly threatening violence against them.
After Luthien has escaped and rescued Beren from Sauron, she encounters Celegorm and Curufin again. Curufin attempts to kidnap her, and Celegorm then attempts to kill Beren when he leaps to her defense.
Celegorm openly makes threats against Thingol and Doriath.
So at this point, you can perhaps see why Luthien does not feel a lot of need to play nice with the SoF. From her perspective, they're pretty scummy people who are more than willing to commit violent acts against other Elves. At no point does Maedhros reprimand or punish Celegorm or Curufin for their actions, which as the leader of the Feanorians, suggests he doesn't think what they did was wrong. Why should she cooperate with them? They didn't risk their lives to obtain one of their Silmarils. If the Silmarils were as important to them as they claim, why haven't they tried harder? She and Beren, with far fewer resources, managed to do it.
Additionally, the Feanorians do not make any effort to reclaim the Silmaril from Luthien during her life. Possibly because she took down Morgoth (briefly).
"For while Luthien wore the Necklace of the Dwarves no Elf would dare to assail her..." (Of the Ruin of Doriath)
So she dies and the Silmaril goes to Dior, her son.
To Dior, the Feanorians are the unquestioned villains of his parents' story. These are people who openly threatened his grandfather's kingdom, who tried to force his mother into marriage and imprisoned her, who tried to kill his father. Sure, you can argue that they have an ancestral claim on the Silmaril--but cannot Dior also make that argument at this point? And what motivation does he have to cooperate with them? They do nothing to win his friendship, as they have done nothing to win the friendship of Doriath throughout their time in Beleriand. If Maedhros is such a formidable diplomat, why can he not come to terms with Dior?
"They [the Feanorians] came at unawares in the middle of winter, and fought with Dior in the Thousand Caves..." (Of the Ruin of Doriath, emphasis added)
Furthermore, to your point, Dior is a young king--and a mortal among Elves. Doriath is also recovering from the war with Nogrod; they are already in a vulnerable position, and with Melian gone, the Girdle is down, so they are far more exposed than they are accustomed to being and having to adjust to that.
So Dior does not relinquish the Silmaril, and rather than pursue the two held by Morgoth, the Feanorians assault Doriath, kill many Elves, throw at least two children out into the woods to die of exposure, and still fail to capture the Silmaril.
So Dior dies and the Silmaril goes to Elwing, his daughter.
Consider what the Feanorians represent to Elwing at this point.
These are Elves who have shown themselves to be unrepentant killers. We as the fans love to focus on the tormented regret of the Feanorians, but to their victims, they are simply killers. They committed slaughter in the Blessed Realm, for which they were exiled by the Valar, and for which they have expressed such regrets--except that they've gone and done the same thing here in Beleriand. They have threatened forced marriage, they have killed children, they have driven the Iathrim from their home and made them refugees. To Elwing personally, they are the murderers of her parents and the ones who dragged her brothers into the woods as children and left them to die.
What, precisely, might motivate Elwing to cooperate with them? So the Silmaril "belongs" to them--so what? They have tormented Luthien's line for generations now--the Feanorians ARE the Morgoth of Elwing's story. And she should give into them why? The Ring belongs to Sauron--should Frodo hand it over because it's his property?
Maedhros, who has apparently lost all diplomatic veneer, does nothing to show good faith or a desire to cooperate with Elwing. Instead, he writes with his demands, as he did with Dior.
The one thing--the ONE thing--that might make Elwing cooperate is, to me, solely to avoid another slaughter as happened in Doriath, as you mentioned. So in this vein, why doesn't Elwing surrender the Silmaril just to avoid trouble, even if she hates and distrusts the Feanorians? There are two things which are absolutely key to understanding this decision.
1.Elwing does not make the decision alone. Critics of Elwing often act as though she made a unilateral decision to withhold the Silmaril from the Feanorians--which is not the case. In fact, Tolkien writes that "Elwing and the people of Sirion" refused to yield the jewel under threat.
This is not an unusual response. Most people do not respond well to being threatened, and may refuse out of spite. Furthermore, these are people who were made refugees by the same people now making demands of them.
But more importantly, Elwing did not alone choose to keep the Silmaril. She and whatever Sirionites aided her in governing decided together that they would not give in to the Feanorians.
2. The second is that the Sirionites believed the Silmaril was protecting Earendil and the Havens. Remember that at this time, Earendil is seeking for Aman, to obtain the help of the Valar in defeating Morgoth. So not only is he the lord of the Havens at Sirion, but he is on a quest which is, to them, of critical importance. They need him to stay safe so that he can complete his mission and hopefully win Beleriand's rescue.
And to your point about Dior above--this Silmaril is effectively a family heirloom to Elwing as well.
The Sirionites are particularly loath to part with the Silmaril while Earendil is at sea--which makes sense, as he is a ruling lord of this city, and they believe his protection is somewhat dependent on their possession of the Silmaril.
But the Feanorians don't wait for Earendil to return to negotiate--they lay siege to the Havens at Sirion while Earendil is still away ("For the sons of Feanor that yet lived came down suddenly upon the exiles of Gondolin, and the remnant of Doriath" Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath, emphasis added) and render the Iathrim virtually extinct as a people. Once again, they come down "suddenly" on another group of Elves and destroy them.
What the Feanorians do in the Havens at Sirion is so awful ("the cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf") that their own troops stand aside or even turn against them during the fight in an effort to defend the Sirionites; the Feanorians kill them too.
This, to me, tells us how far the Feanorians are from attempting any real diplomatic work here. They are not even considering the Silmarils that Morgoth still has; they have utterly failed to reach Elwing in a diplomatic or cooperative manner; they refuse to even wait until Earendil has returned so that he and Elwing can make a decision together, as joint rulers of this city.
Why doesn't Elwing fortify the Havens? We have no evidence that she doesn't. Only that it wasn't enough to stop the Feanorians. Why doesn't she send Elrond and Elros away? That poses its own risks--and she may believe they are safest there, as the Sirionites believe the Silmaril is protecting the Havens. It may be incorrect, but it is something they believe and they operate under that belief.
But even if you think she didn't do things she should have--does that justify the actions of the Feanorians? It's fine for them to murder because their victims didn't do enough to prevent them from murdering? You took our object so we can kill you for it now?
Putting all that aside for now, I want to jump over to the oath, because you mentioned something interesting about it:
They swore an oath to get it back and if they dont they will be in purgatory forever
Purgatory and hell do not exist in Ea. What exactly the Feanorians think their "punishment" for breaking the oath will be is unclear, whether it's just death without the chance for rebirth (as is the case with Feanor, and seems to be the most extreme punishment the Valar can or will enact), or something more. Clearly they put a lot of stock in it--but they also are not totally beyond the notion of breaking it. Maglor himself suggests after the Third Kinslaying that they should abandon the quest and plead their repentance to the Valar, but Maedhros refuses.
Maedhros seems to still believe they may suffer some punishment for breaking it--that Eru might actually hold them to the oath they swore. But Maglor counters with the notion the oath can be voided:
"Yet Maglor held back, saying: 'If Manwe and Varda themselves deny the fulfillment of an oath to which we named them in witness, is it not made void?'" (Of the Voyage of Earendil)
And of course, why would Manwe and Varda hold them to an oath which has caused so much strife, and which promises to cause more? Why should they desire the Feanorians to be held to an oath which causes them to murder and destroy other Elves? Maedhros refuses, still believing, or at least asserting, that some punishment by Eru awaits if they break the oath. Maglor somewhat grimly points out that given what they've done, punishment is their due one way or other other:
"'If none can release us,' said Maglor, 'then indeed the Everlasting Darkness shall be our lot, whether we keep the oath or break it; but less evil shall we do in the breaking.'" (Of the Voyage of Earendil)
Maglor acknowledges that they have done evil in pursuit of the oath and that they will continue to do evil if they do not choose to set it aside. Furthermore, that if they cannot be excused from the oath, they're likely to experience punishment either for breaking it or for the things they do in pursuit of it, so it's all the same in the end anyway. Yet Maedhros and Maglor instead make a free and conscious decision to continue their pursuit of the Silmarils.
They are a) well aware that they have done horrible, awful things trying to fulfill this oath; and b) aware that breaking it is an option. They choose not to. They have chosen not to this entire story.
And truthfully, even if they would be condemned to purgatory or whatever, it doesn't justify what they do. They chose to swear this oath, they have chosen to pursue it, and if they are willing to slaughter whomever they need to to protect themselves from the consequences of their own oaths, that still makes them selfish, wretched people who are willing to sacrifice anyone else to make sure they themselves stay safe.
Even if they were able to obtain the one Silmaril from Elwing, the oath is not fulfilled. Morgoth still has two. Everything they did to Doriath and the Havens at Sirion is worthless without the other two Silmarils, but they did it anyway; and even after the chaos wrought by their actions there, go ahead and slay Eonwe's guard after the War of Wrath to steal the Silmarils everyone else had rescued from Morgoth.
The Feanorians have done so much wrong that the Silmarils themselves reject them by the end. I don't know how else the narrative could make it clearer they are in the wrong. Tolkien implies that the oath was wicked from the very start, and always bound to lead the Feanorians into wrongful acts.
Lastly, I will point over at this meta I wrote a few months back about how if the Feanorians had obtained the Silmaril from Elwing, it would likely have doomed Middle-earth to Morgoth's rule.
In any case, I don't think anyone who escalates a situation to murder is ever in the right, and certainly not over something like property rights. If you can sympathize with the Feanorians about their perspective, you should be able to consider what the Feanorians are to the perspective of Luthien's line--and why they are not keen to work together with the Feanorians or give them what they want.
Not sure if you found any of this convincing, but I hope it's something to consider at least!
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