#oropher: where do you think you got it from?
Idc what anyone says, Oropher would love to meet his grandchild and grandchildren via Miriel.
Everyone: They’re KINSLAYERS!
Does It Look Like I Give A Fuck?
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Trick or Treat
Fotfictober Prompts: 30 - Trick or Treat
we are in the endgame now
Summery: Trick or Treat with Mr High King
Pairing: Gil-Galad x Reader
Characters: Elrond, Gil-Galad, Oropher, Thranduil, Erestor, Reader
Warnings: non
Readers Pronouns: They/Them
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The sun trickled in slowly your eyes clenched shut at the light and the cold air which found it's way in gave your spine chills you groaned in discomfort and confusion, you forced your eyes to open and you turned your head to see Gil no longer had you in his embrace and he was infact not even in the bed, but he had not left the room for meetings which was odd, he normally couldn't wait for days like these with lazy mornings when he could hold you until you woke and you were not on one of the many patrols you had.
Your relationship to the King was a secret only his Herald even had a glimmer of an idea neither of you knew what would happen if the kingdom found out their king was sleeping with a guard who came from one of the poorest families in the kingdom, it was rare for you to even be in the castle so you both didn't get these days often as you normally stayed in your family Talan, Gil had offered to help pay expensive but you said that was to suspicious if he started to help fund your family.
you turned to lay on your back, Gil looked towards you "Morning, Meleth nin I hope you slept well" Gil-Galad said
"As well as can be for sleeping in the Kings own bed against the bed of hay on old crates" You replied you certianly like these days the plush bed was a nice break from the harsh beds you were use to sleeping on
"Well that could change, if only you allowed me to pay your family expenses" Gil said
"Then you would have to do that with every under privileged guard you have so it wouldn't be suspicious and given how Elrond complains I doubt you have the funds" you said
"where did all this wise education come from, anyway we need to get ready, I have installed a new Silvan tradition into our kingdom called trick or treating, they got it from men, you go around knocking on peoples doors saying trick or treat and they give you a sweet treat" Gil-Galad said
"And the King is going to do this around his Kingdom" you questioned raising an eyebrow
"Yes what is wrong with it, I was planning we take your younger siblings who are still elflings around and write it off as I needed to talk to you" Gil said
"As much as I love you so very dearly but professionally we have never talked in person I get your Orders through Commander Erestor, off the record we met in a tavern of men and you were quite drunk from there history of you falling on your face in love with me" You said Gil groaned
"At this point I do not care what my Kingdom thinks, I am clearly so drunken in love with you i just don't care so why not" Gil said
"Gil I hate to have you like this but I prefer it like this behind closed doors and away from prying eyes, if anything you won't hear the whispers and no one would dare say anything in front of you but in front of me it's a different story I hear them and my family would be like oh you had the king at your disposal why didn't you use it to make our lives better" You said
"I- their are just so many factors that i just don't want to deal with if you suddenly say fuck it, I am courting Y/n and now that's public information" You said, you hadn't registered Gil now sat on the bed with your back resting against his chest, he slowly stroked your hair as you ranted about it.
"If you don't want to it's fine by me" Gil-Galad said
"No, I don't want to make you feel like you can't make decisions in this relationship, i also don't want people to think i use you, i also don't want to use you I spent my entire life working for everything i have and that will all crumble once this comes out they will immediately start to think I will use you for everything I will do in the future" You said
"You let me do so much, you give me so much free space, your advice and council and ideas always help to better the kingdom I just want to give you the credit you deserve because I certainly don't deserve you, the only benefits it would give me are Elleth's would stop flirting with me as much although whenever your around it does go down significantly as well what do you do I have to learn your trick" Gil said
"I just Glare at them until they feel it and then look at me and are like maybe not and leave" You said
"Ah yes you scare people away with a glare, here we see Y/n in it's natural habitat calm and relaxed as normal around it's mate, but if it feels threatened or someone flirts with their mate, the creature will glare them down until the other backs down and away" Gil-Galad doing a weird voice
"Where you trying to be Fingolfin talking about an animal, because that was so terrible it was decent" you said before he kissed you
"Maybe Maybe not you will never know" Gil said your trick and treating was full of you tricking others that you and Gil where not a thing and Gil-Galad was just your best friend dressed up as the King as his outfit, you still got some 'candy' as Silvan's call it Thranduil and Oropher even showed up to complain about how bad it was and that next time just go to the greenwood at this time
"You two are sure your not together" Thranduil asked for the 1,000th time it seemed like
"Please, Thranduil even if that guard is really poor, Gil-Galad can't pull someone like that" Oropher said
"It's more likely that you think" you muttered under your breath
Elvish Translations:
Meleth - Love
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
helloooooooo how are you!! dropping some questions because i'm bored 🫡🫡
would you rather go on a picnic and stroll with oropher + wife + baby thranduil for a day or beach day and boat ride with eärendil + elwing + baby elrond and elros?
if you could give thranduil any animal companion aside from an elk, what would it be?
what modern world contraption would you introduce to lotr just for funsies?
what professions do you think some of the elves would have in the modern world?
what do you think trop galadriel and elrond would think if they saw themselves ruling lothlorien and rivendell?
I got out my actual laptop to answer these! Your asks are always so amazing, I don't know how you come up with these <3
Okay so I don't think I want to know baby Thranduil. That would make it weird, so I'm choosing Earendil and Elwing and their babies <3
Let's consider some options:
Thranduil and Dogs: could work, dogs are neat, Thrandui would 100% sneak them some food under the table. He'd either have some big intimidating dog like a great dane, or a chihuahua. Golden Retrievers just don't fit his vibe
Thranduil and Cats: He's a bitch, cats are bitches, cats like climbing, I want to climb him, Thranduil is tall and has a very "I want to play with that" crown, They could nap on his lap while he holds court. Only con: his fancy clothes would be covered in cat hair. But I don't think he'd mind. Middle Earth needs more cats
A modern world contraption I would like to introduce to LOTR: Practically speaking, if I lived in middle earth and could bring one modern amenity with me, it would be plumbing. Normal toilets and SHOWERS. That would be 10/10. But TELESCOPES. My answer is Telescopes. I want the elves to be able to look at the stars more closely. I want Elrond to be able to see his father again okay. BRB crying
Professions of elves in the modern world:
Elrond: He'd be a university professor, something like literature! Or maybe a doctor
Legolas: I'm imagining to be the age of an average college student. He'd spend his vacations working as a camp counsellor
Thranduil: Either something really "pretentious" like CEO or he'd make his own wine. I imagine Thranduil as the kind of person where you have no idea how they make their money, but they are rich AF
Feanor: Would take over his father's company
Fingolfin: SHOULD take over his father's company but instead founds his own company that takes off and does way better than Feanor's company
Finarfin: Yoga instructor.
Galadriel: Business Girlboss. Idk what she would do, but she'd wear fancy suits. Maybe editor of Vogue. Something girlboss-y
Celeborn: Cook. House husband. I love him
Arwen: She'd 100% be an influencer, but the nice kind <3
TROP Galadriel and Elrond seeing themselves rule
Galadriel would see Celeborn and be happy she has him back. And I think she'd love ruling her own realm
Elrond would PANIC. Why isn't he living with Gil-Galad anymore?
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galadrielspeaks · 2 years
Tagged by @tathrin thank you!!!!
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people.
Don’t have ten? No problem! Share one you love.
Quite a few of these are from drafts that are almost complete but I am waiting until Spring Break / Summer to finally have some time off school to focus on finishing them, so you are definitely getting a sneak peak at some fics! I even have a line from the 'Shroom Incident' fic I finally started writing (but I wont say which it is ;)
These aren't ranked in any certain order, here we go!
“Bold of you to ask a Dwarf to drop his pipe! But brave you have proven yourself to be.” [Unreleased]
“For all the knowledge and wiseness of Dwarfs, you’d figure they would understand two things can co-exist at the same time.” [Unreleased]
“I wish I could say your work is perfect for his final resting place, but perfection would be my arms holding him into eternity." [x]
“You do not know the fear I had of forgetting your features, in the face of the eternity of these halls.” [x]
“I personally would think that the very first thing I thought you of importance was to not wet the bed, but to each their own.” [x]
Legolas stumbled in between the elves as they began their journey, completely unaware of where they were taking him- but excited to be going nonetheless. [x]
Suddenly, the spectators became aware of just who these two creatures were: centuries old royals who lived through events that mortals regard as legends- and they were about to fight. [Unreleased]
Legolas figures his Father must have been like this before he was born- or perhaps even further back- back when Oropher was still here and the light shone brightly through the leaves, before the darkness had truly touched his home and his Mother still roamed the woods. [Unreleased... but not for much longer ;) ]
He made eye contact with the Elf-Lord over Glorfindel’s shoulder, speaking in Sindarin. “You never did like to fight your own battles. Very well. Shall we dance?” [Unreleased]
“You will die if you stay, Gimli!” ... “And you will die alone if I don’t.” [Old Draft of a LONGGG AU that I worked on for a while and eventually discarded but... I have an emotional attachment to it and refuse to delete it... Let me know if you want to know more about it!!]
Tagging anybody who hasn’t already been tagged yet who writes as well! I wanna see what you guys got!!
Off the top of my head I can only think of @lesbianhaleth (I may be confused but I could've sworn I saw you do this already but if not, here's a tag :D )
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kanafinwe-makalaure · 2 years
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I posted 1,974 times in 2022
That's 1,893 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (6%)
1,864 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,019 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#silm - 115 posts
#maglor - 114 posts
#thranduil - 76 posts
#maedhros - 69 posts
#other people's amazing writing - 67 posts
#elrond - 54 posts
#💕 - 43 posts
#not lotr - 42 posts
#legolas - 37 posts
#russingon - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#you shush maglor? you shush maglor at 3am when hes trying to play the trombone? oh! jail for nelyo! jail for nelyo for one thousand years!
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tirion, early Fourth Age.
Nerdanel: And where did you get that scar on your cheek? Oh, my poor darling -
Maglor: (Grimly.) War and darkness have left many marks upon me, Mother; that is all I shall tell you, for some truths are better left unsaid.
Elrond, from the other room: He stepped on a rake while chasing after Elros and it hit him in the face.
434 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
All the songs Maglor wrote during the Second Age
I Am Sad At The Beach (Part I)
Noldolantë 2 (It Got Worse)
All My Brothers Are Dead (Minor Key)
A Seagull Just Shat On Me
A List Of All The People I Murdered (To Pay Homage To Them) (At Least The Ones I Remember) (Sorry To The Rest)
I Am Sad At The Beach (Parts II&III)
I Am So Proud Of My Adopted Sons
Sometimes I Wish My Wife Hadn't Left Me (Good For Her Though) (But I Do Miss Her)
Requiem For Elros Tar-Minyatur (Secret)
Sorry Everyone (Including Everyone I Murdered And Drove From Their Homes And Also The Valar (You Guys Are Not As Bad As My Dad Said))
I Just Wanna Go Home (But If Anyone Ever Sees Me Again I Will Die Of Embarrassment And Shame For My Many Crimes)
I Am Sad At The Beach (Part IV)
One Of The Strings On My Lyre Broke (Significantly Impacting The Way I Play It) (Three Stringed Lyre Acoustic Sessions)
Seashells Remind Me Of The Beach At Alqualondë During My Glorious Uni Days (Where I Later Murdered A Bunch Of People) (I Hope None Of Them Were People I Went To Uni With)
I Am Sad At The Beach Parts I-IV (Adapted For Three Stringed Lyre)
I Befriended The Seagull That Has Been Bullying Me For Nearly Three Thousand Years
All My Brothers Are Dead (Reprise)
I Am So Sick And Tired Of Eating Mostly Fish
My Lyre Is Down To Two Stings
I Want My Mum
Intense Piece For Two Stringed Lyre (I'm Sure These Last Two Strings Will Hold Up Fine)
By Manwë This Can't Be Happening (Acapella Version)
I Think Elrond Is Looking For Me (Possibly To Execute Me For My Crimes But Likely To Love Me Which Is Way Worse) (Acapella Version)
483 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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See the full post
484 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
that thing where a character has to give up their weapons but they keep pulling out more knives and guns and throwing stars etc from increasingly weird places in their clothes? that's maglor but with musical instruments. he keeps emergency flutes strapped to his legs in case nelyo confiscates his harp at 3am because he won't stop playing
594 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Look, a lot of the fandom seems to view Oropher as this really strict uptight guy and you do you but consider, the Silvan party elves made him their king. He was probably a very funky guy like a cool uncle
679 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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land-of-holly · 2 years
Okay, here are some of my thoughts/predictions in advance of the finale:
(I tried to skim the tag to check if I missed any major questions, but it just made me depressed, so if I forgot anything I apologize)
In no particular order:
All the Vibes point to the Stranger being Gandalf. The writers have already proven they belive that anything before roughly T.A. 2000 is fair game to count as Second Age, so whatever. In my opinion it would be slightly boring but well supported by the narrative. In any case I don't think the full reveal will happen this season; we might learn that he's a wizard but not which one.
I have no earthly clue what is going on with the creepy cult ladies but signs seem to point to them working for Sauron?
There are obviously a lot of hints that Halbrand is Sauron for those who want to see them. I personally think it would be a waste of a perfectly good character arc if the entire persona is revealed to be nothing but lies. A theory I like that I've been seeing bits and pieces of here and there is that when Adar "killed" Sauron, he claimes to have "split him open", so maybe there's like, a piece of Sauron in Halbrand, Voldemort-style.
Honestly I'm still mostly on team "Sauron is already in Eregion fucking things up" because it's the only possible explanation for Gil-galad's utter assholery. I'm holding out hope that "the elves will all be dead by spring and only mithril can save them" is just a deception spread as the first step in Sauron's evil plan.
GALADRIEL IS NOT ATTRACTED TO HALBRAND. Say what you want about his feelings for her but SERIOUSLY THERE IS NOTHING THERE. Oh my god, is this what straight people feel like all the time?? When we're clearly picking up sexual tension between two same gender characters and they just don't fucking see it?? Idek anymore. This will never be "disconfirmed" because there was nothing to confirm in the first place; as far as I'm concerned her mentioning already being married is all that needs be said.
That said, I think if we're LUCKY we'll see a tiny glimpse of Celeborn in episode 8 without really knowing where he is or what he's up to. I really have not a fucking clue what would keep him from rejoining his wife for hundreds to thousands of years, so I guess prisoner of the Enemy? Amnesia maybe?
"Who is Theo's dad?" is something that was clearly teased as a possible reveal when he and Bronwyn were introduced, but at this point I don't think we're getting an answer. I doubt there's a satisfying one out there anyway.
I don't think Disa's gonna do a Princess Ursa and regicide King Durin in order to save her husband's best friend. I mean, I believe she COULD do it, and if she did I would support her, but I'm not quite getting that vibe from her. Murder's like plan K, and they've still got plans D-J to get through first.
Isildur will not be reunited with the rest of the Numenoreans until next season. Sorry, Elendil. He'll hang around Middle-earth for a while, maybe do some surveying for a fortress on the outskirts of Mordor, then meet up with the army when it returns.
I'm actually having a hard time figuring out what the last episode is going to look like, because they seem to be wrapping up a lot of their plotlines already. I would not feel like I was left hanging if we didn't hear more from the Harfoots or the Numenoreans; they already seem poised to set out on their next major story arc. Same with Adar and the Orcs; they got what they wanted, so there's no real plot left in them unless, say, the creepy cult ladies show up and start to stir shit up.
It's entirely possible that we'll see the forging of at least one ring of power in episode 8, maybe from Elrond's little mithril chunk, but whether it's a prototype or one of the Great Rings remains to be seen; probability of Great Ring goes way up if Sauron is already hanging around Eregion.
Oh! The Stranger (and thus the four Harfoots) are going into Greenwood the Great. Maybe we'll meet Oropher? That would be cool.
Okay I think that's all I got. See y'all on the other side!
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perwaineintsomi · 3 years
Pair: Thranduil X Female Elf Reader (You)
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Pair: Thranduil X Female Elf Reader (You)
Words: 3,152
Warnings: Slight Angst
Summary: You and Thranduil reminisced your first interaction as strangers to each other.
It has been a decade since you and Thranduil have been married. Ever since then people in Eryn Galen—"Greenwood the great" as mortals call it— became fond of the new couple. They have been asking for an heir as you recall it on your first day as a couple.
Although both of you wanted an elfling, as a member of the royal family your responsibility keeps on piling up so you both agreed that your first responsibility is the realm especially Sauron and Sauron's minions been eyeing Amon Lanc for half a century now.
Paper works, countless meetings from the council regarding the rising attacks of orcs from your borders, realms of both men and other elven kingdoms asking for aid, and so on. It bothers not only you but the people of Eryn Galen.
"Are you alright?" Thranduil asked when he noticed that you've been staring at the window for 10 minutes.
"Do you need to rest?" his voice said in worry.
"Yes I am alright and I do not need rest, there are people whose safety rely on us, and as your wife, a princess, that means I must help you to your responsibilities as a prince whilst King Oropher been busying himself to the upcoming war in which in my opinion is not a good idea. I am not just worried about you but our soldiers as well. They have family Thranduil, like us. But Sauron keeps poisoning our peaceful time here on middle-earth, I do not know what to do or think anymore".
While you were speaking, you did not notice that Thranduil went to your chair and he hugs you from the side. Normally, you don't talk about serious things like this but now you can not help it. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers might go to war to leave their families behind without knowing if they will be able to come back or they will end up in the halls of Mandos.
You, yourself is scared as well not only for Thranduil, your husband but to your second father, King Oropher.
"Meleth nin(My love), I know what you feel. You see, war is a dangerous game where it is a matter of life and death. I, myself have been to many wars before and as far as I know, you joined some of them, yes?".
You nodded and yes he was right. Right before you became Thranduil's wife you became a soldier from Lothlorien. Although you are a respectable lady since your family is one of the Lothlórien's council, it did not stop you to join many battles. Elves considered you like the best archer in Arda since you hit every target dead on the spot.
"Enough of this subject and let us focus on something else. Since we are already talking about you being in too many battles, do you remember the first time that we saw each other?" Thranduil stuttered as his eyes shimmered looking back in the memory of you together.
"Yes I remember, father still finds it amusing though. The first time when we met together I thought you were a guard because of how filthy you look."
You both laugh in tears remembering that day.
You were in the battlefield shooting arrows to every orcs you see. Left and right, front to your back as they continuously emerge from somewhere. You did not know where.
You ran to your father's side when you saw him guard less.
"Valar, You are too open." You muttered to yourself when you saw your father being his clearing being too open, as if he's inviting the orcs to come to him.
"You always got my back sellig. (Daughter)" You rolled your eyes hearing those. Again. For the nth time.
Minutes later, your coast is clear and thankfully some soldiers only received small to mild wounds.
"Y/N, daughter let's get back to the king's tent to see our next plan. Orcs that arrived in our area is suspiciously lower than we anticipated. They're maybe plotting for something and we must alert them to what we have noticed."
You nodded and followed your father back to the King's tent. King Gil-galad, Highest king of Noldor and is a highly respectable king in arda.
Although you're not a Noldor, they still accepted your parents refuge to Lothlorien-and also because if Lord Celeborn-for some time now especially Sindarin elves are enormously low due to the fact the Noldor elves attacked the Teleri elves in Valinor. Right after the kinslaying, your parents departed to Valinor to help aid the other elves from the destruction of Sauron.
The Valar granted the remaining elves in Valinor to help them to fight against the upcoming destruction of Sauron. Many elves departed Valinor and some chose not to, for their grief towards their kin is still painful. In result, all of the Noldor are banished from Valinor due to their traitorous wicked act.
Your parents has been together since they are still in Valinor and when they reached Middle-Earth. Thingol, the high king of Sindar elves accepted your parents refuge to Doriath. Your father became part of his council and became friends with many Sindar elves like King Oropher of Eryn Galen and Lord Celeborn of Lothlórien.
When the destruction of Doriath happened, elves despised the dwarves for their obsession of jewelry and killing their Sindar King, Thingol. Queen Melian, wife of King Thingol, Mother of Lúthien warned your parents about what she saw in her vision. Y/N's future.
"You must understand that your daughter is a gift from the Valar and raise her well for she will play a huge part during this time. War and destruction, poisons, accursed lands and betrayals. I hope that you will take care of her, nurture her with knowledge of both worlds. Train her with different weapons and most important of all, love her and cherish her for we do not know what future lies to all of us." Melian said to both of your parents whilst holding you in her chest.
"Every elfling is a Valar gift to all of us elves and you Y/N, I see your future so bright but with a hint of darkness in it. However, it will be in a long time and we are not in a hurry. You can find love in this world and cherish it like the love of your parents." Melian said that only you and your parents can hear. She kissed your temple before she gave you back to your parents.
"You must go now, seek a refuge to other realms if you have to. Doriath is gonna fall any time of the day now. Many soldiers have died protecting this realm so as innocent ones. Flee my friends, my heart will weep upon your leaving."
Your parents understood and immediately left Doriath with Lord Celeborn's company and there you grew up into a beautiful, wise and respectable elleth. Many centuries had passed since the fall of Doriath and the thought of it made you stronger, braver, and confident in every battle you face.
At first, your parents did not agree to you to partake any war since you are too young to experience it. But your determination and heavy preparations of training made them agree to you to join battles.
And one of them is this.
You and your father finally reached the elven king's tent to report the anomaly that happened in your troops. Upon entering the said tent, you noticed a tall ellon standing next to the Sindar King Oropher that made you think that they have arrived at the same time as you and your father.
The ellon stared at you for a moment but you did not care about it at all. You listened to both kings as their observation about the said orc attack is not normal.
10 minutes and they're still discussing about the possibilities that might happen next hour or so. But you noticed that the ellon is still staring at you and of course you're already used to it since having an elleth to an army is rare.
You stared at him back, eyebrow rise as if your telepathically talking to him saying "what's wrong?."
He then cleared his throat and pretends to listen to both kings but your composure is still the same.
Little did you both know that King Oropher noticed his son's odd behavior earlier and he just silently observing and waited for your reaction towards to his son.
Normally King Oropher knows that every elleth and women has been obsessed, head over heels to his son Thranduil. Now the situation has changed and it excites him to know what will happen next.
King Oropher cleared his throat and said,
"Why not the both of you go outside and help the healer aid the wounded soldiers, I know that both of you have quite knowledge about elven medicine and I think the healers appreciate it if they have more helping hands out there." He said looking both at you and Thranduil.
Your father stared at you and gave you a nod as an answer that you are dismissed so you march outside right after you give your curtsy to the three of them.
Thranduil followed you heading to the healing tents and no one even bother to speak a word.
When you both are near, Thranduil suddenly speak.
"What is your name?" He asked curiously staring at your hair.
"Y/N" you shortly replied without looking at him.
Thranduil find it annoying when you did not turn to talk to him so he then said.
"Are you really in such hurry to help the healers? You know, the king just said that to dismiss us without saying it."
"I know." You said and turn to him, looking straight in the eye.
"Since you already know my name, may I know yours so I am not calling you orc. You seemed to enjoy their company earlier and decided to shower their blood all over you as a souvenir, no?"
You asked as his face looked amazed instead of being mad.
"I am Thranduil and yes I enjoy the battle earlier however I have no control of their blood spilling or whisking at me." Thranduil snapped back but you just want to laugh because his appearance is quite horrid than expected.
His armor, half of his hair, or even half of his neck is smeared with orc blood and you find it worrisome because it don't usually happen to everyone, unless, they're reckless.
You rolled your eyes at him as you turned your back.
"Since we both are heading to the tents you might as well want to get yourself cleaned. Base on your situation, you might be a veteran warrior yet a reckless one as well."
"How do you know that I'm good in the battlefield?" Thranduil asked as you two began to walk towards the healing tents.
"I noticed that you do not possess any wound from the battle earlier, all the bloods belong to the orcs that you and your company have slain."
"That is a good observation, however I did not notice that you looked at me even for once." Thranduil said in a sarcastic tone.
"Well, with all due respect your majesty, I have seen enough already." You said leaving him outside once you entered the said tent.
You immediately asked for a bucket of water and a towel.
Once when Thranduil entered. He was shock to see you holding a bucket of water and a towel and giving it to him.
"Clean yourself." you muttered.
"Then I will help you clean your hair."
Thranduil immediately took the bucket and the towel and he began to clean himself whilst you began to wash his hair.
Surprisingly while you wash his hair. You noticed that his hair is not really blond but rather a white-ish silver hair.
"Your hair is paler than I anticipated." You said to him while drying his hair.
"I got it from my kin, we are Sindarin elves. Are you a Sindarin elf, yes?"
"Yes I am Sindar but my hair is not the same of our kin. Queen Melian had said that I am a gift from the Valar but I do not know why they decided to color it brown." I said to him.
Honestly, many people thought that I am Noldo because of my hair but once they look at my physique it is really a Sindar.
"Maybe the reason why they gave that color is because it glows in the sun like gold. Your hair reminds me of Laurelin tree in Valinor however I did not see the tree myself." He said turning at you.
"Well since you compare my hair to the golden leaves of Laurelin might as well I compare yours to Telperion. Since the leaves of it gives a shiny white light like hair of yours." You said and you swear you saw him smirk.
You stand up and was about to return the bucket of now cloudy water.
When he grabbed your wrist and said,
"Do you know me?'' He asked raising his eyebrow yet his eyes is full of… amazement?
"I do not know you personally since we have just met earlier however…" his gaze is now in mere anticipation when you said "however".
"However?..." He continued waiting for your answer.
"I noticed that you might be a boastful ellon yet known to mischief." You said then he let go of your hand to continue your plan earlier.
His mouth agape and was about to say something but he laughed. Teary-eyed prince watching your every step once you came back to his side.
"What?" You asked in confusion. You mean what you said to him since his gaze from you earlier feels like a judgment. You had met so many people already and you only know one thing. Their eyes says it all. A woman, elleth or whatever form they are as long as they are female, they have no place in males world.
You are sick of it.
Sick and tired of being ridiculed because of your gender.
No matter how many times you prove them they're wrong, they'll just shrug their shoulders and says things such as; "She is just lucky", ''I can do that with my eyes closed." Whatsoever.
Now staring at Thranduil's blue eyes. You thought of nothing.
And you noticed it.
He was trying to read your emotions through your eyes for eyes cannot lie, however, he was failing. Miserably.
You noticed his eyes being nervous so you decided to head out and pull his arms so you two can have air.
"Why did you laugh? I am telling the truth." You said boringly.
"You thought of me being boastful yet you are not scared?"
"Why would I be scared?"
"I am a prince of Greenwood the great and no one ever dares to say horrid things such us that."
He said firmly but Thranduil noticed your smirk and deep inside he smiled to keep his scary mask on.
"You really think I do not know you? I have heard of your stories to multiple battles already, it seems that you have a dungeons worth of elleth or even women. If you think of me as one of them, you are wrong. The look that you gave me earlier is the look of many men and ellon for centuries now. They all judge me as not part of the guard just because of my gender and that idea pisses me off. With all due respect your majesty. Prince Thranduil of Greenwood the great…" You said the last line in a sarcastic tone.
"My duty for your hair is already done so now I need to help the healers in the next tent, you did not forget it, do you?" You said but you noticed a hinge of change in Thranduil's face. He was not mad but more of like… puzzled?. No. Excited?. No. It is more of like a….
"I was not expected that the Lady of Lothlorien have heard about me. Unsurprisingly, I have heard about your great battles as well Lady Y/N." His looks gave you a confirmation that he is challenging you.
"How so?" Challenging him back.
"You are not the only one who can observe here Lady Y/N. I noticed that you're not looking back at me and it confirms my suspicion earlier. You thought that I was judging you but no. Like I said, I have heard of your stories as well… ''
"And what are those stories about?" Nervousness being your number one enemy right now.
"That the Valar sent elleth is glowing like a tree of Laurelin. Many eldar that had seen the both trees compared your glow to Laurelin. I stared at you because you are beautiful." Thranduil said trying to hide his pink cheeks by standing taller.
Your empty thoughts earlier is now a bucket full. No. A working fountain perhaps.
You stared at him with "you-do-not-know-what-to-say-because-I-am-flattered-look".
"You think you are the only one who can be blunt and honest at the same time, do you not?" Thranduil smirked but his cheeks are still pink.
"You say what you want to say, but there are people out there that needs our help regardless of our title, let us help them since there are only few healers in our party right now." You said while turning back to him but now your…smiling.
Little did you know that when you turned around Thranduil sighed and smiled and he is happy that you can not see his reaction right now or else, that would be embarrassing.
You both laugh while telling each others point of view and feelings.
"Wait, do you know that your King Oropher planned it all?" You said to Thranduil that is now currently in your side.
"What do you mean Meleth?" Confusion in his eyes yet you know that he is eager to know more.
"Ada said that the three of them were bystanders, they were just hiding inside the tent only peeking through the doors. It turns out that King Oropher talked to King Gil-galad to pretend we are having an orc attack for us to meet each other and talk." You said to now wide-eyed Thranduil.
"They used their previous battle plans to study all the orc activities." You said while smiling.
You noticed Thranduil scratching his neck as if he's trying to remember something.
"No wonder why Ada showered me with orc bloods, do you know when we all finished decapitating each orcs before burning it, my father threw their heads at me." He said in a tone of betrayal.
"Well at least now we know each other then." Looking at you with shimmering eyes. He then pulled you to his lap and kiss you with laugh…I mean love.
A/N: This is my first time writing a ff so please if you found a problem. I am sorry. I will improve it once I am confident enough of my writing skills but for now, so be it.
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elles-writing · 4 years
Holding On
Thranduil x reader
Requested by: @jadewestwriter
So I haven't done this before but I'll just go ahead. Could you maybe write an thranduil x reader bit, where reader really wants to join the guard but thranduil fears for their safety. And he'll try to make them forget about with duties and work. 💕❤️ Just a little bit of angsty thranduil 💚
A/N: I have no idea how would these things work - like how would people/elves became guards, but I tried to work with my rough idea of it.
It's not as angsty I'd say, but I tried to keep it on the angsty side. Maybe more fluffy pt. 2, or pt. 2 with two endings? Feedback appreciatted <3
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: angst, mention of illness and death
tags: @jadewestwriter @guardianofrivendell
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Thranduil wasn't expressing emotions a lot, especially during interactions with others. It was important for him to be calm and collected, and perhaps a little drunk.
He was master of self-control.
But then it all flew out of the window when there was this one person.
When Thranduil became king, he knew he was expected to keep his face straight and do as much as he could that the people of Mirkwood would do well. He didn't thought of marriage much, but ever since that clever Y/N appeared, his mind would be occupied for hours per day.
Y/N wasn't really a...servant. No, she didn't worked in kitchens, or gardens, or cleaned rooms. No, she didn't. She was cleaning weapons after guards training, and sometimes trained with them.
Thranduil always stood somewhere hidden, and watched how she was doing. Long elf hair, pointy ears and sharp and concentrated expression in her face.
Thranduil knew she was natural - that, or perhaps she was good visual learner. Perhaps both.
He knew she would be brilliant.
But that fear and nervousness of her safety were something, that didn't allowed him to allow her to join the guards.
"You know, perhaps you should try it. I don't think she would make a bad guard." Oropher said and drank from his glass, which was decorated with intriced leaves, and filled with wine. It had pinkish-red colour, not as strong. It was a gift from lord Elrond.
Thranduil sipped from his own glass, filled with dark red wine. It had strong woody bouque, quite sweet. It was Mirkwood wine. And he would always drink this specific one, when he wanted to think, or just didn't wanted to be as tense.
"Who are you talking about?" He said a little harsher than he wanted it to sound. Oropher shook his head and placed the glass at the table.
"That young one. Y/N, is her name? I've seen her training. She would make a great guard. And, a great captain of the guard, perhaps."
Thranduil gritted his teeth. He didn't liked where this discussion was going. His father could be horrible when he wanted to be, and Thranduil wasn't stupid.
"I'm not going to make her a guard," he growled. Oropher shook his shoulders and took his glass again, sipping a little of wine.
"Alright. But if you wouldn't be so stubborn, you would admit she is real talent."
Oropher walked away, and Thranduil shook his head.
What was about it? The fact he feared about Y/N's safety was normal, wasn't it? She was elleth, so naturally he was worried. Of course, he frowned into his glass, what else it would be...
A few days later, the young elleth came to throne room. Thranduil didn't expected that, to say at least, but was ready to listen.
"My king," she bowed a little.
"I came here to ask," she shrugged a little,
"What is on your mind, lady Y/N?" He said.
"I-well, this is a little straight-forward, but if I may join the royal guard?" She was nervous. Thranduil didn't even thought about his answer, before he said it.
"Aren't you happy with your job you are doing now? Do you want more money?"
"No, it's not about this-" she shook her head.
"Then, we don't have to talk about anything. If I'm not mistaken, you are supposed to be in training yard by now." Thranduil said. His voice was full of arrogance, coldness, but he knew it would be better. She should be safe, he thought. She looked down to the ground, and softly nodded.
"I-alright, my king." She offered him small bow, and walked out of the throne room. He tried to relax, but his body was tense for the rest of the day. When he walked back to his chambers in the evening, soft cries in the distance caught his attention.
It's probably one of the maids, who got into affair with guards and catched feelings, it will be alright, he thought. But there was also something else - pen writing on paper, quick, quick breathing, quiet sobs. He sighed. I will regret this, he thought.
He sneaked closer, and soon, he overheard voice of Y/N, just above whisper.
"I will work as hard as I will have to. I will show I am able to be a good guard...just hold on, please...I cannot loose you...my sister...you will heal, and you will dance with me again...I'm saving, and soon I'll be able to get the medicine...just hold on, please..."
Thranduil heard enough, and left. The soft cries sounded in his ears for hours since he was out of earshot...
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undercat-overdog · 3 years
So I think it is interesting and novel to have a Celebrimbor who is half Sindar and wasn’t born in Aman, like in your fic ‘Shall These Bones Live’. What do you think about how it is for your Celebrimbor (and others like Celebrian) to have adapt to living in a place that is strange and new to them? (Unlike a lot of fics where Celebrimbor is returning to a place that was once his home.) Do you feel that Celebrimbor would have been excited to explore new places, and do you think that elves like him miss Middle Earth more than others who were originally from Aman? Since their true home will always be across the sea and forever lost to them?
Thank you for the ask, anonymous! <3 <3
I admit, I, uh, got a bit long winded, because I have so many thoughts on elves from Middle-earth in Valinor (this touches on a few of my headcanons/extrapolations on Middle-earth elves in general in the first half; Celebrimbor himself is in the second).
Short answer, yes. Misses Middle-earth, doesn't see Aman as home. At least not for the first few millenia.
That idea, that feeling among the Elves who came from Middle-earth, that knowledge that they will never go home again and the land they are now in is so different. I think the attitudes of the Middle-earth Elves vary a lot, but wishing to be back in Middle-earth is a common attitude (Dúnedhil, Silvan, and Avari alike). Beleriand might be exile to the Amanyarin Noldor, but Aman is Exile to the elves born in Middle-earth. I’m not sure how much it’s considered, but there are a lot of people who would not be in Aman had they had the choice; many Elves didn’t end up in Aman willingly: plenty of those who wanted to stay in ME would still have chosen Mandos and the potential of rebirth over life as a houseless spirit, or who, like Celebrían, left because they would otherwise fade; Mandos/Aman as the least bad option. Though there are also lots of elves of Middle-earth who were happy to go to Aman and longed for it! I don’t want to forget about those that rejoiced to come either. There are many different experiences, but both Celebrimbor and Celebrían are very much on the “Aman is Exile” side. Neither choose to be there and both miss Middle-earth dearly; I think Celebrimbor in particular thinks of Valinor as a prison at times.
It’s difficult for many to adapt, and for a multitude of reasons. There might not be any familiar faces. Celebrían, for example, knows very few people in Aman: until Gil-Galad is reborn (in the late 3rd Age), Celebrimbor is the only family member she knew in Middle-earth (and Oropher and/or Amdir, if you go with them being related to Celeborn, but I don’t for the sole reason that I would like for there to be a king who’s not related to Elwe or Finwe). There are, I’m sure, a lot of Elves like Celebrían, with no family present, or little. It’s a change, a huge change, and for Elves returning from Mandos there’s the whole “I was dead and now I am not” thing, which is also huge, and to deal with that, while being in a strange land without hope of returning home and possibly without any family or friends? Celebrimbor and Celebrían have it easy in some ways in that, whatever their traumas, both have a social network that's concerned about them as individuals who are loved. Not every elf would have had that and some of those elves would have had as much or more trauma.
There must have been such a culture clash. A northern continental or oceanic climate to tropical and sub-tropical Aman (or tropical/subtropical Tirion, Alqualonde, and Tol Eressea, though Tirion is a highland climate. There are other areas too). Different foods, different fashions, different art and (v. important) jewelry styles, different ways of talking. Some of those culture differences are more serious than others. Two big ones here are the attitude towards death – is it more or less expected or is it unthinkable – and the attitude towards living forever in a land of peace. The Elves born in Middle-earth are accustomed to death, they’ve grown up with it, it’s not shocking; in Mandos they don’t need to come to terms with the fact that death exists. But they are likely much less equipped to deal with eternal life in paradise. And there’s a desire, I think, of many of those of Middle-earth for their own culture to be seen as valid and just as good. The Noldor (and the Iathrim) have a huge superiority complex and that is going to irk a lot of people. I don’t think there are a ton of Middle-earth born elves who live in Tirion on a permanent basis.
They're also now living in a land ruled by the Valar. I think there is a lot of variation among the ME Eldar when it comes to attitudes towards the Valar. Varda I think is well regarded by all – she’s the god of stars and they’re elves and elves like stars to the point that they named themselves the people of the stars – but for the ME Eldar who don’t have high opinions of the Valar, welp, now they find themselves (possibly unwillingly) in the land ruled by the Valar – and the Valar do rule Valinor in a way they don’t Middle-earth. Even those who do revere the Valar revered them at a distance, so the politics of it all is an adjustment. And then there's the Avari! Elves can be cantankerous; there is probably some rhetorical and political rejection of the Valar as rulers, which many who lived through the Darkening respond to with horror and condemnation and fear. So likely a fair bit of political and physical separation, especially once Oropher and Gil-Galad are reborn, and that keeps tensions down a bit.
ALSO! There are a lot of disparate groups from ME. There’s the Dúnedhil, the Eldar of the West of Middle-earth (chiefly descendants of the Sindar and Exilic Noldor with a fair bit of Silvan influence). There’s the non-Noldor of Beleriand who were reembodied in Aman or who sailed there after the War of Wrath. The various Silvan groups. There’s the Avari, who are a whole multitude of different peoples! And any Elda who died on the Great Journey (possibly from fucking too much wtf NoME). There is A. Lot. going on. I suspect the 1st Age Sindar, Amanyarin Noldor, Teleri and Dúnedhil are probably culturally closer to each other than they are to any other group, to the disgruntlement of many in those groups. But there’s always been a lot of cultural contact between the Noldor and the Teleri and in Beleriand the Sindar and Noldor became one people, more or less, and the Dúnedhil descended from that mixed Sindar-Noldor culture, though with a lot of Silvan influence. Tons and tons of tensions, for fairly obvious reasons, and I don’t want to say that various subgroups get along or are allies, but a cultural similarity that does matter.
For Celebrimbor in particular: I will admit that one of my major reasons (I have many) for going with a half-Sinda Celebrimbor is just that it’s never done, and even the “born in Aman, mother stayed” version is almost always played the same with very similar family relationships, and it doesn’t interest me as a writer, because I don’t see anything new that I could play with (no condemnation there at all, just talking about me as a writer/fan). One who's half-Sinda is largely uncharted ground (plus it's easy to make him alienated from his Feanorian relatives, which I like, also because it's almost never done), and it nods to the other versions in which Celebrimbor is a Teler or Sinda, versions which perhaps pop up in universe because there was a time when C was presenting himself as a Sinda? But anyways, one of the things you can do with one who’s not born in Aman is play around with being reborn in a place that is exile.
He misses Middle-earth dearly and a lot of that is also connected to the failure of his ambitions and knowing that Eregion, the land he loved, was ruined and that there is no one to comfort the stones that weep for them. He doesn’t have all the problems other people might have: he’s not particularly bothered by the change in climate, etc. and he does have family (his maternal family, all of whom died in the First Age, are back; he stayed with them after being reborn so there’s plenty of family support). He’s occupied a fair bit with scientific pursuits (of the theoretical kind, not the making Items of Power kind) and is petty enough to be involved in a number of academic arguments and rivalries, which he finds normal and enjoyable; he doesn’t need to find some other occupation like some Elves might. Most of his day to day issues have to do with scientific cultural clashes and wanting to stress that his non-Amanyarin culture is not lesser – lots of emphasizing his Exilic Quenya dialect and the like, as well as rejecting a purely Noldorin identity. Which is all mostly stuff that’s triggered by being in Aman but not intrinsic to the land itself, just fights that he happens to have there because of the situation.
But the stars. The stars are different and that hurts. And the stones and holly trees of Eregion are lost to him forever. The Elves are deeply, deeply connected to their land and that connection is severed, a sharp and final separation.
There’s the sense of exile, but more than that a sense of imprisonment. Less physical and more “all my ambitions were destroyed and I don’t know what to do and I can’t go back (in time or to ME).” He’s perfectly fine day to day – I don’t mean to overstress the angst – but being in Aman is completely tied up with the destruction of Eregion and how his vision, a Middle-earth brighter and fairer and more blessed than Aman, will now never happen. The mere fact that he’s in Aman is a failure.
Finally, there’s a pretty major social issue. I have a lot of reasons for making my version of Celebrimbor half-Sindarin. One of which is that as someone born in Middle-earth, he never met Feanor. Because oh man, I cannot imagine any Celebrimbor who doesn’t have some issues with Feanor and Feanor’s legacy, and this gives me a lot of interesting things to do. “I want to be in Middle-earth” is not the only thing that makes him less than thrilled to be in Aman. The Amanyar look at him and see a lesser version of Feanor and Feanor as a cultural figure is far more important to them than to the Dúnedhil. So Celebrimbor gets: “when are you going to stir up a rebellion?,” “you need to make great things” – which he is not at all up to at the moment and that is something that deeply troubles him – and “oh, it’s cool to meet the second best smith.” By the time of Eregion’s founding Feanor wasn’t much of an issue for him, everyone having gotten past such things more or less after the War of Wrath when a bunch of disputes and heritages just stopped mattering. And… after a certain point there are very few people who knew Feanor in Middle-earth; to most he’s a historical figure. My Celebrimbor doesn’t have mommy or daddy issues (he does have an occasionally fraught relationship with his mother, but it’s over adult disagreements, and he rarely thinks of Curufin, who’s been dead for a few millenia). But for his entire life he has been held up to Feanor and found wanting because Feanor was declared The Greatest™ before his birth and as a result he has a swan-fleet full of Feanor issues.
And now he’s back to everyone looking at him and seeing Feanor. Aside from homesickness, the occasional feeling of imprisonment, I think his biggest issue with Aman itself (as opposed to Aman as a symbol of his failure) is how he’s once again first and foremost a Feanorian, before who he is an an individual person. That may well be one of the underlying reasons he and Nerdanel don’t really have a relationship.
As far as exploring goes, that’s something that Celebrían is much more interested in than Celebrimbor. He’s not a homebody exactly, but not someone who explores for the sake of it. Field expeditions, visiting his grandparents, going to various academic conferences, or being dragged places by Finrod, Amarie, and/or Celebrían are why he travels – which is a fair bit of traveling and means he sees a fair bit of Aman, though a lot of those bits of Aman are urban settings. Celebrían, though, will absolutely just wander for no other reason than to see new places – or she will once she is emotionally able to, once she feels safe again: she was attacked by the orcs on a trip, after all.
That was a lot of words! I hope it answered your question satisfactorily? And thank you for the ask, anon <3
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Thranduil is Miriel’s brother and it changes nothing but it’s funny af (not-canon)
Idk man, i personally think that the idea of Thranduil being Miriel’s brother would be hilarious bc everyone sees these noldor kinslaying monsters and screams bloodymurder, but Thranduil looks at what is his nephew and grandnephew and goes “goddamn it Miriel, they had to get your personality”
When Oropher gets re-embodied in Valinor alongside Finwe he will spend entire meetings glaring bloody murder at Finwe for Miriel’s predicament, much to everyone’s confusion.
Finwe: making my way down town, walking fast-
Messenger: Your Majesty, King Oropher’s here to see you!
Finwe: walking faster
Oropher: Finwe!!
Finwe: -fucking sprinting!!
The Noldor of Valinor get to spectate as their high king is running full speed away from this feral silvan king while screaming bloody murder.
What, you thought Feanor got his attitude from Finwe? No way, that was all Miriel.
(PS, this is all in an AU where Oropher is a silvan, and thus was not in Doriath or in Beriland at all when the first age shit went down, (though he feels the need to point out that, just bc they weren’t involved with the noldor drama, that doesn’t mean they didn’t fight against Morgoth, they were just not geographically close enough to be apart of the armies in Beriland)
Oropher, Thranduil, Legolas and other family and friends would all know, but they’re all collectively ignoring the Feanorian mess bc that bunch has been labeled “the insane half of the family” (completely ignoring their own feralness, as you do)
But, can you imagine:
Elrond: -look, they might have kidnapped me and Elros, but they were the best parents anyone could ask for-
Thranduil, drowning in his wine to hide his expresion: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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Prince Runaan: Xadia’s Legolas
I’ve been mulling over a few things around the edges of my Prince Runaan hc, and I wonder now whether Runaan’s truly “left” his princely life at all. I don’t think so.
I think he’s been stationed at the Silvergrove to run the assassin squad as part of his princely duties. Living there far from the rest of his family and serving his people by taking out enemies in the dark is his duty and his sacrifice, and he’s lucky he fell in love and got married there, because he was probably gonna be stationed there for a long time, if not for life.
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Culturally speaking, it’s been stated that Moonshadows highly respect assassins, and that this duty is considered a dark and sacred one. Politically speaking, the power of life and death isn’t something you want just anyone to have control of. If anyone is going to be in control of who dies, it’s going to be someone with power--and let’s be honest, someone who’d benefit in some way from that death. Hopefully someone with a long-term vision, steady morals, and unassailable character. But that’s always a risk when you give a lot of power to one person. 
Way back when, I thought Runaan might be a Moon Druid because Runaan stands like the dancing druids do, with his hands tucked neatly behind his back, and because the symbols on his chest reminded me of the water rings at the destroyed Moonhenge. Now that we can see them clearly from his 3D turnarounds, it’s easy to see that Runaan’s moon rune and the inner water circle both have those little moon points.
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The outer water ring doesn’t completely encompass the inner one with the points, either. It just cradles the inner moon rune. It’s the same pattern as the Moon staff from the intro, which is what spawned my Prince Runaan headcanon in the first place (thank you again @generalsamayas​): a crescent around a central moon, whether rune or primal stone.
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They’re all the same symbol. The Moon staff and the Moonhenge have the same crescent-around-the-moon pattern as Runaan’s chest marking.
I’ve wondered where the Moon Druids are now, because a group that powerful doesn’t just fade into the shadows and vanish for good.
Maybe the Moonshadows have an actual royal house with titles like “King” and “Prince.” 
Maybe they’re ruled by the Moon Druids of old.
Or maybe, in true Moonshadow fashion, it’s both.
Druid royalty? Druid royalty.
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Before Xadia was split, the Moon Nexus was probably central to the Moonshadows’ culture. The forests of Katolis are very well suited to their needs, and the ancient grove with six mature trees in a circle where Runaan performed the binding ritual even has an old stream bed trying to surround it like at the Moonhenge. He brought his assassins to an ancient Moonshadow grove that silted up and shadowed over during the past thousand years, and bound them there.
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 Katolis’s forests are the Moonshadows’ first home, or one of them. At least some great part of their culture was instantly displaced when the border was drawn. No wonder the Moonshadows were the ones shoving humans back to the west. They were on the move themselves, and probably deeply upset at Luna Tenebris’s Judgment of the Half Moon for disrupting their ancient cycles. They may not have taken their emotion-hiding hoods off for years.
The Moon Druids tore down the Moonhenge when the Moonshadow elves had to leave Katolis. It’s like when Beleriand sank into the sea in the Silmarillion and the elves had to move eastward to find new homes. 
Let’s see: a big forest across the mountains, ruled by a king with a stately demeanor, whose son knows proper court manners and wears his hair decorated with braiding and yeets out into the forest to stab things with twin swords and is also unerringly deadly with a bow and who spends all his time with a sturdy fellow with an eye for bright gems and pretty metals...
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Runaan is Legolas.
Ethari gives off delightful Scottish Gimli vibes when paired with Runaan in this context. And I will bet all seventeen dollars in my bank account that if we get to meet Runaan’s father, he’s 6′5″, cold as ice, drop-dead gorgeous, deadly af, carries a staff of office, and has a truly impressive rack on his head a crown made of horns, anyone? Just look at Thranduil: white hair, dark brows. He’s fully hot enough to inspire the entire Moonshadow look all on his own. Someone ask Lee Pace if he’d like to voice this character pls? Hngh I will perish and ascend so fast.
What I’m saying is this: The Moon Druids took their power with them when they left Katolis, they set up a new power center somewhere in the Moonshadow Forest, and they’re still in charge of the Moonshadow elves to this day.
That’s where Runaan and Lujanne are from: British Moonshadow Land. Because once you have power, you never willingly give it up. The ruler of the Moonshadows chose Lujanne to serve at the Nexus, and he chose Runaan to serve near the border in defense of the realm, because he has some influence over them both, whether through family, loyalty, tradition, or something else. 
The Scottish elves? They’re the wood elves from the Greenwood. They’re more in touch with the land, and their feelings. Politics isn’t really their thing. Possibly more likely to have those dark brows, too. Perhaps the Moonshadows who moved in from Katolis have British accents, and those who were always living in the Moonshadow Forest have Scottish accents. That would hold more closely with Oropher and Thranduil moving in with the wood elves and becoming their kings after Beleriand fell.
Now look again at the image from 300 years ago.
A Moonshadow Druid king with his staff of power, come to defend the border. And at his side, his trusted son, leader of the Moonshadow assassins, wearing the same gloves, belt buckle, thigh high boots, cold-shoulder sleeves, and armored vest as Runaan does.
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How can this not be an assassin leader? Literally the only differences in his attire are that he’s gone formal with that long green tunic and cape and has two pauldrons instead of one, and he’s wearing a badass dagger. One must dress for the occasion, after all.
So, to sum up my updated Prince Runaan headcanon: Runaan is a druid prince. His father’s the druid king of the Moonshadows. And they’re inspired by Thranduil and Legolas. Runaan’s not exiled, he’s carrying out his father’s orders to defend the realm. And he’s fallen head over heels for the dwarfiest elf ever, who showers him with pretties.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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tkwrtrilogy3 · 4 years
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Chapter IX: The Reckoning (Pt. II)
As it was told to me sometime later: the whole of Doriath stood still that day. No wind blew through the trees and nary a forest creature could be seen. Time seemed to stop within our borders. Even within the halls of Menegroth there was an unsettled anticipation. Silence filled every chamber and the only sound heard was our footsteps—like heartbeats they filled our ears with anxious desire for a return to normalcy. This day would never be forgotten in the annals of time. Yet in the moment, one could forget there was ever a time such as this to remember.
It was the day Lady Lúthien and her Beren would return to Menegroth. Even as the day began as always, an uneasy excitement whispered through its hallowed halls.
I was called upon by Elmo and Orowen to receive the returning couple with the rest of the family. I had met the request with some doubt—for I feared it was all in vain. Nonetheless, I acquiesced for the sake of Mîrwen.
At sunrise on that day, I rose to find Mîrwen standing across our chamber draped in her robe and staring upward.
“Mîrwen,” I began. “Is something the matter?”
“Would you think ill of me if I were to say I wished this day had never come,” she asked softly.
“You know I could never think ill of you,” I said as I got up and walked over to her. “May I asked why you fell this way?”
She turned toward me; her eyes felt like daggers through my heart.
“I know of your visions, Orothôn,” she said. “I know you have seen was is to come and it will be this day that casts its long shadow upon this world.”
“What are you saying,” I asked.
“You know well what I am saying,” she snapped.
“If I did, my love, I would know how to answer.”
“Why did you say nothing to me of what you have seen,” she demanded.
“I did not wish to upset you,” I said. “It would appear I had just cause.”
“I am not amused, Orothôn,” she said.
“Nor am I, Mîrwen. What has brought you to this, dare I ask?”
“I know far more than you think,” she said.
“Well, that would not surprise me as you spend your days with the ladies of the court,” I answered. “I can only begin to imagine what you talk about when your husbands are not around.”
“We do not discuss Súlwë,” she said. 
Words escaped me.
“Where did you hear that name,” I asked.
“It does not matter from where I heard it,” she answered as her voice seemed darker. “What matters is he knows the reason why this day has come. Your visions are what lies in the future this day foreshadows.”
“Mîrwen, please,” I said softly. “No more.”
“For now,” she whispered as we heard a knock at the door. “Enter.”
Servants entered the room to dress us for the day.
“I will tell you as much as I can,” I whispered.
“No, Orothôn. You will tell me all that you know.”
She smiled and motioned to her dressers and disappeared behind her screen.
I made my way to my attendants and we were dressed in silence. When we were ready, Mîrwen and I entered the hall where we met Oropher and Nimeithel.
“Ada,” he said. “You clean up nicely. How long has it been since we have had the occasion to be so formal?”
“It has been too long,” I answered.
We began making our way to the main vestibule. I put aside the events of the morning the closer to the throne we came. Not since we first entered into Menegroth had it looked so festive. I allowed myself a moment of much needed peace.–TKWRT Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen by Jaynaé Marie Miller. 09-22-2020
Images: ©2001, 2002, 2003. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. All Rights Reserved.
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elf-kings · 4 years
turned dreams
Thranduil’s playing soft with the water like it could never hurt him, fingers beneath the surface growing longer with the way the current pulls them or a trick of refraction. He pulls his fingers out clean, and the river takes away his blood.
Blood spills down his throat. His nose is bleeding again, and the blood comes up sudden, from throat to mouth, and the taste of it is lost beneath the desperation of trying to breathe in lungfuls of blood. He chokes. The river takes that blood too when he coughs it out into the sun-touched water.
He puts his hand to his face, feeling the blood dripping down from his nose, running now down from his mouth. He catches it with both hands, even though he’s choking again. But somehow he’s still thinking of his clothes, and the blood that’s ruined sheets and shirts and dresses, staining the fabric, sometimes forever.
He spits out more blood into the river, washes his hands again, leans out over the river and watches drops of blood drip from his face in perfect red, disappearing without trace the instant they touch the water. At least in standing water you would see the blood spin out, if only for a moment.
His skin is almost see-through, green veins lining his arms. The pain is an instant there and then an instant gone. Again he washes his hands and then presses his nose closed and waits.
‘You never forget wounds,’ his father told him in an early autumn, when he was playing with wooden swords still and had only tasted his own blood. ‘But there are some you don’t speak about.’
And that was the end of questions then, the end of questions of what it was like in the before times when the world was only dark and Oropher was lost for five years in the shadows. But he learned what they meant when his world was torn away from him, his home destroyed once and then twice and then drowned, no hope of return.  
He doesn’t talk about it either. The fire and the wire to his neck, cutting through skin, cutting off air, choking to death in the middle of a battle, caught by a garrote. And then an axe to the head of the dwarf strangling him, a dead dwarf’s weapon seized by a dying elf, and fuck, he can still feel the wire around his neck.
He coughs up more blood and maybe he’s going to faint this time. He lies on the moss by the river. Sometimes, if he’s had enough wine, he can talk about the first time: The battle with the dwarves where he got a white scar about his neck, almost completely encircling it, a necklace he can never remove.
The wind starts up again, and he watches the golden of the leaves. It is autumn again, when he thought that maybe summer would last a little longer this time, even if it never does.
But he misses the warmth that Melian could bring and the gardens that bloomed forever, never fading, all a show of her home, the home she fled to once his home was destroyed (the first time).
He could laugh about it. He could laugh, but then he will bleed again, and the blood is still warm in his mouth, growing cold against his lips. He can see himself in his mind, what he must look like, lying in warm gold on the green moss, golden hair spread out, pale skin becoming more translucent as the winter grows and the sunlight disappears, lips stained red with his own blood. And it can be beautiful, this fucking despair. He can ruin himself just a bit longer, because in some world, in some place, in some time, in some words it will be beautiful.
And maybe that’s fucked up, but people have lived and died for beauty, and it aches in a hard way deep inside of him, like an organ rotted inside his body that he cannot cut out. And maybe he shouldn’t gather silver and white gems, as many as he can find, as many as he dares to find, and keep them locked away beneath the earth, beneath the deep reaching roots, but there’s a part of him that needs to, because maybe then he could make it all mean something.
Because even if he can talk a little of the first time if he’s drunk enough that the words spill out like the blood that seeps now down his neck, even then, he cannot talk of the second time, when it was elves that came with swords and torches and a despair in their eyes that he could never twist, even with his most beautiful poetry, into something beautiful. Because it was despair beyond beauty, nothing left but a driving terror, an ache deeper than anything he can imagine, like they had been emptied out, hollowed, scraped of everything inside of them – heart and lungs and blood – all taken out with a scalpel and a silver spoon, and then the bodies sewn back together, not quite right, but well enough to get by, filled now only with despair and horror and an unyielding need.
Fear beyond comprehension.
He can’t find words for it even if he wanted to, and he doesn’t, because there are some wounds you don’t talk about, even if you never do forget.
He doesn’t want to think of it either, so he cuts off the thoughts in his mind and focuses instead on how the sun is glinting in his hair, lighting it, the translucency of it, the way his son brushes it and whispers that it’s more beautiful than any gold in the world. How maybe that is true, for Legolas, but no one will ever die for his hair, but they might die for his beauty if he gets down on his knees and begs, but even then, it’s a gamble.
With the Silmaril it was never a gamble. The Fëanorians would always come, with their swords and their despair. And everything was lost, and then lost again.
Someday he thinks, maybe he will find it, if he keeps looking: The Silmaril cast into the sea, the Silmaril cast into the earth. One could wash on the shore, the other could have been encased in stone when the fire of the earth finally died and the magma grew cold. There is little hope, but still, one could be found. He does not know what he would do if he found one besides take it and hold it and ask the question that you do not ask because if the answer is not the one you think it should be, then everything was for nothing.
It is an answer he should not look for, even if maybe he could finally have the answer if held a Silmaril in his very own hands. It is a question he should not ask because the answer could break him. He will never find what he wants.
Still he wonders: was it worth it? As his blood drips from his fingers, as his blood runs down his tongue.
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character ask game!
The ever-lovely @lemurious asked me about Thranduil so *cracks knuckles* here goes...(movieverse here because let’s face it, that’s where he got some development)
Why I like them:  I like how completely different he is to the other Elves we’ve seen so far, and especially how absolutely fucking uncanny he is - I think Lee Pace really nailed the movement stuff, especially in that first scene with Thorin. Also I am incredibly shallow and he’s so pretty I can’t bear it (it’s the hair and the cheekbones). Also BOOTS. XD
Why I don’t: I actually don’t not like him. I know fandom has a tendency to paint him as an absolute dickhead (not entirely without justification, and I have read some extremely good takes on him being an absolute dickhead/a stuck-up arsehole who needs taking down a peg or three, which I greatly enjoy :D ) but I like how uncompromising he is, and I think he’s got plenty of valid reasons for being like he is (see below).
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Three-way tie between the scene with Thorin, the scenes in Dale with Bard (I did not even have to put my slash goggles on), especially the eye-roll at Gandalf, and the battle scenes, particularly the bit with the elk and the rolling-to-his-feet-and-continuing-to-fight and the general fucking uncanniness. Yikes.
Favorite season/movie: Five Armies.
Favorite line: ‘A hundred years is a blink in the life of an Elf. I’m patient. I can wait.’ (particularly the delivery thereof. :D )
Favorite outfit: ARMOUR. Also the BOOTS. :D  Also the glorious long silver robe thing that they had to pin up and then relengthen digitally in post-production because Lee Pace couldn’t get up the stairs without falling over it. XDDDD
OTP: Bard. Can’t help it, it’s the way they keep looking at each other in Dale. XD  Also his wife, who in Empty Vessel is called Auriel and is a daughter of Celegorm (very very estranged pretty much from birth) who was raised by Thingol and Melian and who has all the strength of character one might expect from someone with Fëanorian blood and that upbringing. :D She puts up with exactly none of Thranduil’s ridiculousness and she is absolutely the one in charge. I love her. :D :D :D
Brotp: Tauriel, I think, once they’ve sorted out their issues. Also Legolas, once they’ve sorted out their issues. I am also having great fun writing him being summarily adopted by Bard’s (very cheeky) wife Maudie as her new BFF in the sequel to Empty Vessel.
Head Canon: He is how he is because he is hurting. He’s lost so many people - if he was in Doriath as a youngster that’s going to have to have been traumatic (I’m not sure if anything is said in canon about his extreme youth, but I think it’s implied that Oropher left Doriath for the Greenwood after the Kinslaying so presumably he took his kid with him, and I’m headcanoning that he was born in Doriath just before 500FA, therefore knew Thingol, Melian and Dior who was close in age to him), he lost his father in battle and had to step up and be King, which was presumably not something he was expecting ever to have to do, he lost his wife in traumatic circumstances, he’s most likely in constant pain from the dragonfire scars, he’s lost a great deal of his territory to the creeping evil sneaking out of Dol Guldur, etc etc. Throw in a certain amount of natural haughtiness and the fact that he’s been royalty his entire life, which is a very long time indeed, and it’s not entirely surprising that people meeting him without knowing all that (which he’s never going to just show anyone) are going to think he’s an antisocial dickhead.
Unpopular opinion: He’s not an antisocial dickhead, he’s just not very good at handling his grief/talking to the people who love him.
A wish: That he never shuts up in the back of my head because I am having so much fun writing him.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: If he does ever shut up I will be very sad indeed.
5 words to best describe them: I need qualifiers for these so it’s going to be about ten but... (somewhat justifiably) haughty, (understandably) misguided, (utterly) beautiful, (silently) suffering, passionate (once you get past everything bloody else about him)
My nickname for them: Legolas’ Dad. Because he is. I’m not great with names, they make me feel awkward (no room to unpick that right here XD ) so most characters I particularly like end up getting a nickname, especially if I like them, because I can’t quite say their actual name (I have spent 18 years calling Legolas ‘elf-boy’ at this point, so, y’know, I have some fairly substantial issues XDDD ).
That was fun! Any more for any more? I am likethenight on AO3 if anyone else wants to see who I write and pick a character! :D :D :D
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
Thranduil X Reader
A/N: Hnnnngggggggg I love Thranduil. 
Song: ‘Saturn’ by Sleeping At Last
Summary: The ties between you and the elven king grew thin, and even thinner once his beloved wife died. Then, one night, you were brought back together again, by the son his wife left behind. 
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With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite
How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
You taught me the courage of stars before you left
How light carries on endlessly, even after death
The death of the queen came as an unexpected loss the the whole of Mirkwood. Mere months after giving birth to the prince and soul heir to the throne, she was taken to Gundabad and never seen again.
You were one of her closest friends, and admittedly had known her husband and the king even longer. You’d known him since you were elflings, and you were teetering around the thought that you might’ve been the one he was to marry, but that was before the Queen came along per to King Oropher’s request. She was the one he married instead.
She was perfect. Poised like a angel, gentle and caring towards all, she was a picture of starlight and she truly was the heart of Mirkwood.  
But when she left, she didn’t only leave the population Queen-less and a elf without a wife, but a son without a mother.
It was that son, Legolas, that brought your distanced ties with King Thranduil back together.
The child would cry, every night. His nurses and his governess tried and tried, but he’d only stop for a few hours. It was almost driving you mad.  
You understood he was somewhat missing his mother and her hold, and with Thranduil’s lack of interest in anything to do with the Queen, he was also left without a father. He was left without love.
With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist
On particularly clear night, the boy’s cries seemed to be louder. You, being housed just down the hallway, decided to do something about it.
You quickly made your way down the carved hallways, silk green robe swishing against your legs as you moved to get to the child’s room before anyone else heard him.
You entered his room, too large of a space to be home to a baby, and closed the door gently behind you before making your way towards the wooden crib.
Cooing at the child, telling him it was okay, that you were here to help, you picked him up, cradling him near your chest and continued to whisper comforting words to him as you ran your fingers down the back of his head.
As Legolas calmed, now only whimpering when he used to be wailing, you swayed on your feet, trading hushed words for a soft tune; one your mother had sung to you when you were much younger, unaware of an onlooking pair of eyes.
Thranduil was urged by those around him to take his son back under his wing, to care for him, mostly to stop the crying in the night. But the king wouldn’t have a bar of it, thinking of the son his wife left behind washed a horrible wave of nostalgia over him.
I couldn't help but ask
For you to say it all again
Eventually he managed to pull himself from his distractions one fateful night, his child's cried echoing down the hall towards his chambers.
He’d only just reached the turn into the princes hall when he saw an unknown figure rushing into the room. He frowned, none of the servants were dressed like that, and the princes personal caretakers had uniforms they had to wear. It suddenly hit him that this was no servant of his, and he panicked. What if the figure was to kill his son? The silencing of the child's cries made the panic in his stomach rise to his throat. He went towards the closed door, intending to burst in and kill whoever dared hurt his son, but softly sung words seeping through the door made him halt in his would-be attack.
He cracked the door open and there you were; the She-Elf he hadn’t seen or spoke to in almost two centuries, cradling his son to your chest and singing him a lullaby Thranduil knew to be the one your mother sung to you. You’d even sung it to him when his father had been a little too harsh in his much younger years.
It occurred to him that he’d forgotten you, and seeing you there with his motherless son made him realise that was a huge mistake.
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen
After that night, you weren’t sure what really happened, but you had a feeling you hushing Legoals down had something to do with Thranduil’s new interest in everything you did.
He’d invite you to every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner; he’d offer to train with you, giving you tips on how you should hold your sword and aiming your bow; he even asked you to attend the Feast of Starlight with him.
By now, Legolas was only about a couple years old, walking was something he was getting used to, but talking was still foreign. For that you were grateful. You feared the young prince picked up more then he let on, and if he could speak, might let loose a few facts you’d rather stayed secret.
The Feast of Starlight was upon you, and you’d had some tailors working on your dress for a good few weeks to make sure it’d be just right.
It shimmered down you body in colours of silver, gold and green, hints of red showing when the light hit it in just the right spots, an off-shoulder collar, three-quarter length arms, and the fabric curved to start flowing out to the ground from your waistline. It really was amazing, almost as beautiful as the swords your elven kin made those years ago.
Your hair was done much fancier than usual, trading your usual common braids for ones more intricate and delicately placed. You almost looked like full-blooded royalty. Almost.
The Feast was being held in one of the largest rooms of the palace, but Thranduil had asked you to meet him just outside the northern entrance, and that was exactly where you found him.
“My king, I’m sorry if I kept you waiting long.” You said, bowing lightly as a way of gaining his attention. He smiled at you, taking your hand and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles, bowing his head a little as he spoke.
“Not long at all. If it was, I didn’t even notice.” he said, smiling at you gently.
I'd give anything to hear
You say it one more time
The night went by amazingly. You almost couldn’t believe how much you enjoyed it.
The food was divine, as expected; the wine was the best Thranduil had stashed away; the company was well-behaved, Thranduil had invited Elrond and some of his kin to join you, and you must say they knew how to have a good time.
Thranduil kept you close throughout the night, not straying too far, and making sure to at least have you fingertips touching if he was in conversation with someone that you weren’t. You found his behavior strange, but you also liked it, it wasn’t quite like him and yet it was at the same time.
His touches always lingered, whether it be on your hand, elbow, arms or back. His voice seemed to stay close by, whispering snarky yet amusing comments about others that left a warm tickle at the back of your neck. He made sure you started eating before he did, drinking before he did. He thought you didn’t notice. But you did.
And you found yourself enjoying it. A lot.
He could feel it, how happy you were, and decided that yes. You were the one, the one who was more happy around him compared to being afraid, and that made you all the more perfect. And he wished he never stopped paying you attention. Something that he wasn’t used to, but found himself liking. A lot.
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes
Eventually the whole kingdom was bustling full of life at the news of the new prince. Such news had been greatly anticipated since the newly appointed queen was announced to be with child.
The now almost of age elder prince, Legolas, was almost bursting with the idea of becoming a older brother, and swore to protect the baby with his entire being.
The king, Thranduil, just about passed out when he first heard the news, then did pass out when word got to him that the queen was in labour. He felt lucky that he woke soon enough to get you through the worst part, then fainted again once the baby was swaddled up in your arms.
You let out a breathless laugh at your husband, Legolas trying to hide his own smirk as his father was trying to be (lightly) slapped awake by one of the attending healers. The baby in your arms opening and closing his eyes at you as he gurgled like little children do.
Eventually Thranduil gained lovely consciousness, and swore, just like his elder son, to protect and care for his new son as much as he promised to love you.
And the song you sung Legolas all those years ago was sung again, and again, for many generations after that.
With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite
How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
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elles-writing · 4 years
Enchanted forest - young!Thranduil x reader  - Day 12
Enchanted forest
Pairing: Thranduil x reader
Warnings/triggers:  -
Genre: kinda fluff?
Word: Enchanted forest – Day 12/13
Word count: 2740
A/N:  Maybe part 2? Also, I’m not really feeling the best rn, so I will quickly edit this and post it. (I was too tired to post it yesterday, so I’m posting it today. I wanted it to be more poetic, but I don’t know.)
Tags: @dumbassunderthemountain​ @artsywaterlily​ @moony-artnstuff​ @claraofthepen​ @trxblemaker​
Message me if you want to be added/removed from taglist.
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Ever since Thranduil was a child, there was something, that drawned him to Mirkwood forest. It wasn’t the danger, of course. He was surrounded by guards all the time so he was safe, being the only child and in the line for the throne.
Which also meant a lot of duties.
But every single night, he would look out of window to the darkness of the forest. He already tried to find out what it was. The palace was a safe place. Nobody would just walk in there by themselves, and Mirkwood didn’t affected anyone in this kingdom.
One night, he couldn’t sleep. He was tossing in his bed and many thoughts  were running through his head. A few hours before, his father, Oropher, tried to talk to him about a marriage. Thranduil knew it was something that would come up sooner or later, but it still made his blood boiling. He was talking to some elven princesses of other realms, but he still felt too young for courting or a marriage.
After another sleepless hour, he decided to get up. The moonlight was stronger today – it was a full moon – so he would perhaps read for a while.
He took one of his books he had on his desk, and sat down, next to one of those big windows he had in his chambers. He looked out and let his thoughts to run through his head. He didn’t tried to catch any of them and think of it more, he just let them to slip away, and perhaps come back. It gave him some peace and helped him to clear his head a bit.
Suddenly, he noticed a movement outside in the dark. His eyes narrowed. It wasn’t a spider, this creature was smaller. It wasn’t an elf, because it wasn’t graceful at all. He narrowed his eyes.
A human.
He didn’t knew why, but quickly got up, book being forgotten. He quickly took his bow and arrows and his sword, then soundlessly moving as a cat, through the shadows of halls of his home. He knew his father was asleep at this time of the night, so he couldn’t stop him.
Once he made it outside of the gates, sneaking out, he noticed the human. He stayed in the shadows, through he was much closer than before. He was studying the human and his eyes widened.
A human woman, whom made it to the palace? What a strange thing, he softly scoffed. He didn’t trusted easily, and this was much more suspicious, though he felt a need to come closer and find out who she was.
You remembered going to the forest for a walk, when it was getting darker. You wanted to turn around and go back, but it felt like the forest was alive and your path was nowhere to be seen. You walked futher, hoping you’d find a way out.
You didn’t knew how much time passed, perhaps a few hours. Your legs were aching, your mind was tired and hazy and the only light was sky with stars. Soon after, the trees became so thick you couldn’t see almost anything, only a few feet ahead. Every sound was scaring you, you were tired, hungry and thirsty. It felt like the forest was endless.
Finally, you noticed a blue lights. You came closer to them, feeling warmth radiating from them. You shivered in fear, but also a cold. When did the forest became so cold, in the middle of summer?
You had no idea
Your mind was telling you to reach to them and touch them, you didn’t realized that the forest was playing with your mind. Once you touched the light by the tips of your fingers, you hissed. A strange pain and hot waves shot through your body and you fell down. You silently cursed yourself for touching it.
Your body was tingling, nothing else, so you got up and decided to walk futher. Your legs suddenly didn’t hurted, your steps became lighter and quicker, somehow. You didn’t even realized that, though. You were deep in the forest. There was only way - through, as way back was lost hours before.
After another few hours you stepped near some huge castle. You couldn’t believe it and let out a silent cry. Finally, a place where you could ask for help, and maybe they would let you to rest for a while.
Slowly, an uncomfortable feeling was creeping through your whole body. Something, or someone, was watching you. You looked around, trying to figure out the direction. It was still dark, but the castle had some lights on a different places. Small fires, to be exact. It reminded you of a fairies from legends.
Thranduil was watching her. Her clothes didn’t looked like anything he knew, and she seemed to be curiously looking over the castle. She had no weapons, as much as he could see. He narrowed his blue eyes. Suspicious. He decided to step out, bow and arrow prepared. Even if she would try anything, he would be quicker. He worked hard for many years, and used his natural abilities of being quick and swift. As a warrior, he was surely not one to be messed up with.
„What is a human doing in Mirkwood?“ He said, still in shadows. The woman turned around quickly and rose her hands.
„I-I’m sorry, I got lost in a forest...I’ve been lost for hours-“ She said. The young prince wasn’t really into too many adventures, he was rather serious. But there was something about this woman...
The next thing he knew was that he was picking her up and yelling to get a healer. She fell apart, her skin was cold and her breathing soft. He runned through the corridors, the guards looking after him.
Once he placed the woman to the bed, he felt the need to stay near her. When the healer arrived, he stood to the corner and his icy eyes were wondering back to her face, again and again. She was beautiful. She looks like a fairy, he thought.
Then, one of his father’s guards stepped in, nodding at him to go with him. Thranduil quickly looked at the woman. Her cheeks had a slight blush, and a slight warm feeling warmed him inside.
Once he stepped to the throne room, he knew there was something wrong. His father was turned by his back to him and all the guards left. It was only Thranduil and Oropher. Not like a prince and a king. Like a father and a son.
There was a moment of silence. Oropher was more temperament than Thranduil, and so he couldn’t hide his emotions the way Thranduil could. The young prince sensed a bit of anger and surprise in the air, his father was surely trying to hold his emotions back from bursting out. He was maybe waiting for Thranduil to say something, but he didn’t dared to say anything. No. Just not yet.
The king took a deep breath.
„I hope that you understand what you just did.“ Thranduil nodded, though Oropher couldn’t see him.
„You just woke up the whole castle, son. Why was that?“ Now was Thranduil a bit surprised. He thought the guards told his father what happened.
„There was a woman, Ada,“ Thranduil started carefully.
„She fell apart, so I took her inside. She had no weapons and she was weak.“ Oropher turned to him and studied his son for a while.
„Was she a human?“ Thranduil opened his mouth to answer, when a soud of knock on the door appeared in the throne room.
„Come in,“ Oropher said. A guard and healer came in.
„My king,“ Both of them bowed. The healer looked at Thranduil, nervous.
„The woman has woken up,“ She said. „she was asking for the man who helped her.“ Thranduil looked at Oropher, who seemed to be thinking about it.
„I will go with you, my son.“ He said.
When you woke up, you realized you were warm. You tried to move, but someone pushed you softly back.
„You need rest,“ You’ve overheard a voice. You frowned. This voice was too soft, it didn’t sounded much like human’s voice...
You opened your eyes and noticed a woman, who was folding some clothes. You noticed her ears, with sharp ends, soft long hair and delicate movements while folding the clothes. Your mind was hazy, but it wasn’t like back in the forest. This was a haziness from medication. You closed your eyes and drifted back to sleep.
In a while, you woke up again, from a nightmare this time. The woman was looking at you, concerned.
„Please, I need him, I need to-that blonde man, blue eyes, I-“ You tried to catch your breath and calm down. She handed you a glass with some liquid, smelling like herbs.
„Drink this, this will help you to calm down,“ You were carefully sipping it. It tasted sweet, like honey. Soon, you closed your eyes to slumber, once again.
When Thranduil stepped in, he went closer, to take a look at her. He didn’t knew who this woman was, where did she came from and all of that, but he knew he wanted to stay close to her. To protect her.
She seemed to be asleep. She looked calm and in peace. Thranduil looked for any injury, but didn’t found any. He noticed her ears though – they had a sharp edges, her skin was soft and delicate, her hair seemed to be soft too. She’s an elf, he thought.
Oropher looked down at her, too. He raised a brow.
„So a human woman, you said?“
„I probably didn’t noticed. It was dark.“
You started waking up from your slumber, hearing two male voices. One of them said something like ‚Leave us alone,‘.
You blinked your eyes, trying to recognize his face. He leaned a bit forward, carefully. You could tell he was ready to pull away, but there was also something gentle about his moves.
„Where-where am I?“ You whispered. Your whole body was aching, your ears were itchy for some reason, and you wanted to eat something.
„In Mirkwood palace...my lady,“ He said, carefully picking words.
„Oh, I’m Y/N, there’s no need to call me a lady,“ You said, blinking as your vision cleared. You gasped. He was beautiful. His long blonde hair, blue eyes, delicate features...
„Are you alright, lady Y/N? Should I call for the healer?“ He asked. You looked away and blushed.
„Uh, no, just...would you help me to sit up? Please?“ His arm slid on your back and helped you to sit up. You felt sudden cold on your skin and covered yourself more with the blanket. You looked down. You were in your underwear, and your cheeks burned red. You looked up and realized he did the same.
„I, uhm...who are you?“ You asked. He looked firmly to your eyes, not sliding down.
„I’m Thranduil, the prince of Mirkwood,“ He kissed your hand. You felt a warm feeling inside of your body. Little did you knew he felt the same thing.
A few strands of your hair slided down to your face and you quickly placed them behind your ear. Wait, you frowned. You touched your ear again. It was pointy. You shook your head.
„No...no, this cannot...this can’t be...“ Thranduil looked at you, concerned.
„Would you hand me a mirror, please?“ You asked. He handed you a small mirror and you looked into it. Your jaw fell down.
You were an elf.
You looked closely at your skin, soft, perfect skin, soft lips, delicate features, shiny hair and pointy ears. You looked up on Thranduil.
„I-I’m an elf? What happened?“ Now it was him who was confused. „What else should you be, my lady?“ You looked back at yourself. Your face looked familiar, but strange at the same time.
„What if we would take a walk, and explain to each other what happened? I’m sure that fresh air and some food will make you feel better,“ He offered. You slowly nodded and nervously smiled.
„Oh, I would like that very much,“ Thranduil nodded and placed the mirror on it’s place.
„Would you like to rest, or to go right now, lady Y/N?“ He asked, blue eyes questioning. Though you were still in shock, you nodded. If there will be some food and fresh air, it could actually only help you.
„I would like to go now, thank you. I need to put on some clothes, though,“ You said and the prince handed you a few folded pieces of clothing.
„I will wait outside, my lady,“ He said and left you alone. Once he was outside, he let out a breath. He never felt like this towards a woman. What was that warm feeling spreading inside, whenever she smiled? Oh, her beautiful name, Y/N. That sounded like a name of a fairy! Wait...he frowned...was this...how does love feels like? He didn’t knew what to do. He won’t go to his father, because he knew him way too well, and he would say something like „Oh, my boy has grown up!“ And celebrate it as his own personal accomplishment.
Making it more awkward than it was supposed to be, as always.
You looked through the clothes, finding a two long shirts, trousers, a dress and another dress. One of them were simple dark green, the other dress were in lavander colour, tiny golden leaves embroidered around the waist and little silver stars and golden moon crescents around the edges of elbow-length sleeves. You decided to put on these.
You found a brush here and brushed your hair quickly. Then you carefully opened the door, revealing yourself to the prince. Your cheeks were dusted by rosy blush, as his eyes widened at the sight of you. In his eyes, you were stunning.
Since then, after you told the prince and the king what happened to you, they let you to stay, since you didn’t knew where else to go. You and Thranduil got closer over time, sharing the same favourite places around the palace and in the garden.
One day, you’ve been sitting in the garned, under your favourite tree. You were reading a book, while Thranduil was pacing around, clearly nervous about something. You softly smiled.
„What’s bothering you, mellon?“ He looked at you and quickly looked away. You frowned, closed your book and stood up. They would teach you elvish customs and all of that you didn’t knew, Elvish too.
„Mellon,“ you looked deep to his icy blue eyes and felt familiar butterflies in your stomach. He sighed.
„Amin mella le, melamin,“ He whispered with serious expression, one of his hands softly cupping your cheek. You smiled.
„You know I don’t speak that well Elvish. What does it mean?“ He took a deep breath.
„I love you,“ He said. He was about to go away, but you gently took his hand.
„Amin mella le, melamin.“ You tried to repeat. He turned to you, surprised. You just nodded, nervous, with a smile. A smile appeared on his face, too.
„Will you allow me to court you then, Y/N?“ You nodded and you both sat back to the grass, Thranduil carefully braiding your hair. You did the same, though it wasn’t an elvish courting braid at all, but a braid it was.
Now, you had to tell Oropher, somehow. Thranduil was more reserved to people he didn’t knew, Oropher was more temperament. Sometimes you overheard their arguments, which could get loud.
You were sitting at the dinner, Thranduil trying to figure out how to approach the subject, when Oropher noticed his hair.
„My son...so you and lady Y/N are finally courting?“ You and Thranduil choked on your meal.
„Well, yes father, we are,“ Thranduil said. Oropher smiled. The alcohol from wine he was drinking was kicking in.
„About time, my son. I’ve seen you looking at her ever since you’ve been showing her around. Let me arrange your wedding,“ He said and sipped on his wine again.
„We don’t want to rush anything,“ You said carefully, placing your hand on Thranduil’s to help him relax a bit.
„Oh, that’s a good statement too, lady Y/N. Good things take time,“ He said. You noticed Thranduil’s face, blushing. You pecked his cheek and didn’t let of his hand until the end of the dinner. He seemed to be glad.
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