#where is it?
abowlofsourcream · 2 months
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💫⏳A random Siff is spotted at an art store!⏳💫
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thereigning-lorelai · 1 month
i just need this in high quality so badly you don't understand. 😭
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swan2swan · 17 days
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some-pers0n · 1 year
Tui really introduced the idea of winglets, short 20k word something stories that focused on non-POV characters and their backgrounds as well as to fleshen out the world more, made only four of them, then never touched them again for nearly seven years.
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brocedesforlife · 10 days
has ANYONE found that one brocedes clip of them talking in the background of sky sports germany (i think)
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habizuh-studios · 2 months
I deeply apologize for not knowing where this image is from, but I want to know.
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I've waited long enough... Where is my season 5 announcement?
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I don't see enough Xiaother royalty arranged marriage fics.
What about Prince Aether wanting to marry for duty and not caring about his own personal interest?
What about Xiao as a Prince/King who doesn't think he's worthy of marrying someone that good or just happiness in general?
What about Aether slowly working through Xiao's walls and helping him be a better king, and a better person?
What about them falling in love slowly and full of fear because what if the other doesn't ever reciprocate for the rest of their lives?
What about Xiao or Aether getting hurt in battle and the other being so scared and worried that they just kiss him the moment he wakes up?
What about Xiao and aether finally confessing and having difficulty concentrating on their duties because they just can't stop thinking about each other with a smile on their faces?
What about it?
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ravenpureforever · 2 years
Jeff: Kim and Chay have a very sweet relationship! 💕🥰💕
Barcode: We’ll be doing a KimChay side story! 🥰💕💕
KimChay fandom: So that was a fucking lie
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ghostcrows · 6 months
such an underrated joke from this episode... literally always saying this
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lunalunawillow · 7 months
Soo idk of anyone noticed but what the hell happened with Imperial Girl
It was supposed to be out this month in en but it just ,,, didn't release
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rosetintedpages · 8 months
How am I supposed to go another day without seeing Jack Wolfe in The Magic Flute (2022)? Like a normal person?!
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I desperately want to watch the version of Sk8 where Adam didn't:
-Press his crotch up against, talk about marrying, stalk, and straight up attempt to kill in a murder/suicide plot a seventeen-year-old boy.
-Attempt to destroy (kill) another seventeen-year-old boy just to get a reaction out of the previous child
-Crack open the skull of his old friend because he "bored him" and put him in a wheelchair.
-Say he couldn't wait for a thirteen-year-old boy to "bloom" so he could fall in love with him.
-Put 20+ people in hospital to the point where some could not (due to injuries) or were too crushed to return to a sport that they loved.
[I could honest to god make an entire list, but I'm gonna stop here]
cause apparently some of ya'll watched a different version of the show than the one I watched.
Anybody got a link?
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ndcgalitzine · 1 month
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... coming soon!!
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most-ment · 10 months
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When did we become like this?
With lies as our spoken language.
We've normalised cruelty and deceit,
Acting childish and savage.
They say children nowadays,
Are born with hate
And honestly, I wish it wasn't true.
But there's soo much to say,
About our new normal ways;
They're so many horrible things that we're used to.
How did we become like this?
With our hearts stained and tainted.
Our fleeting desires are something that we can't resist,
Nothing stopping us for we're empty and shameless.
Will we always be this way?
Lost, just lost,
Our hearts filled with pointless hate
We're more than this, are we not?
These days, soo many souls have transgressed beyond themselves.
Not a tag list: @jayrealgf @mk-ranz @think-through-pen @unforgettable-sensations @jordynhaiku
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keplar-22b · 4 months
i gotta say, I love conner with all my heart and still haven't read like any comics because I don't got time to get em, so correct me pls, but why tf does conner have two different designs with one being his sick punk look and the other being a basic bitch. like, in young justice, (the one on HBO rn that doesn't really have the teen titans, which itself is a bigger issue but whatever) has him with a black superman shirt, blue cargo(?) paints, and some black boots with NOTHING else the whole. show. AND THEN I COME HERE AND- just, his design in the comics (I think there's a few that use the basic design, anyways) is so much better! it has so much more personality! I love his fucking outfit! young justice why??? I mean I get his fit is kinda excessive and you had to animate the show but still! to say this all in less words, I think punk conner is cool and would prefer that design over the much simpler one.
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