#where is kellam
iturbide · 2 years
New Robin/Grima in heroes (plus a few other Awakening characters)
Though I'm a little disappointed they went the possessed Robin route again. I really want to see them in game as separate people.
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I'm more than a little concerned by the fact that Grima is kitted out in Validar's regalia. On the other hand, the dragonstone appears to be inheritable, which is interesting.
(I agree with you, though, I'm frustrated that they don't just make a distinction between Robin and Grima since they're two very different characters. Also I'm still waiting on my Grandmaster Robins. Where are they IntSys.)
Also while I am delighted to see that Gregor and Ricken have made it, I have to know: where is the Vaike. How did Phila, who isn't even a playable character and only has a handful of on-screen appearances, get in before the Vaike, who is a part of the Awakening roster so early on that he's used in the item trade tutorial.
and don't even get me started on the absence of Kellam
This is not to say that I'm not happy Phila's there, I'm just. Not all that attached to her the way I am to other characters that still aren't included in the Heroes roster.
(I'm delighted that Gregor made it, though, I love Gregor so much)
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vounoura · 24 days
>risen challenge
>I am definitely underlevelled for this, but throwing myself at it over and over again anyway bc I'm stubborn
>'Robin can you roll me a 14% crit real quick' does, hits Vaike dual strike as well, never punished
>Lissa hits the 2% dual guard to block damage on Stahl, additional HP to soak enemy phase, I need everything he has
>Sumia I JUST need you to survive the turn, your speed + Chrom's C-B support gives you a real good chance, you have a ~40% chance to instantly die
>Sumia dies on the first hit
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fore-seer · 1 year
turning every unit in awakening into an unkillable god with every stat capped is so fun for me. i’ll spend 50 rescue staves and an hour of real time maxing kellam’s staff rank that he’ll never use for no reason other than i like completing objectives
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demonfox38 · 2 years
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this is not a take technically this is an advertisement for my favorite fe pairing but hello i think everyone should consider lon’qu/tharja. they’re very sweet. their chain is one of lon’qu’s few backstory/lore-involved supports and unlike the other one that gets heavy into it (cherche, also a good chain but we’re not talking abt that right now) where she already knows his history, he willingly tells tharja what’s haunting him and she’s sympathetic to his struggles and kind in tone as she responds to him. she wants to help him and works on devising a memory wipe for him. when he decides to not erase his memories of ke’ri because he doesn’t want to forget her even if his trauma is related to his memories of her she accepts it (although in en she does grumble a bit about it bc it was a lot of effort to prepare what she needed, in jpn the tone is a lot softer and she accepts right away and doesn’t press it.)
their s support is also very sweet. tharja is the one who proposes to lon’qu, saying she wants to be there for him and support him as he works through his traumas. robin does come up, as they do in almost all of her supports bar donnel & kellam :(, but she brings them up solely so she can bait him into giving her an answer because he’s like What at first and it’s funny to me. she’s like tch… whatever…. if you don’t respond i don’t care… i’ll dedicate the rest of my life to MU…. 🙄 and then lon’qu responds. LOL. and his jpn dialogue for this reply includes, and i quote: “I...want to be near you. You understand about me and women... I want to touch you...and I want to respond to that. I'll show you that I can overcome this flaw...” (TL: Miscellany on SerenesForest’s Awakening TL thread). like that’s such good dialogue. and his EN dialogue is also really good i just like that JPN bit. the EN is: “However, there is a strength and grace about you that I find appealing. You are the first to look so deep into my heart and accept what you saw there. With you at my side, I might finally free myself of this painful past.” still very good.
they just want to be with and support each other. he’s afraid he’ll put her in danger by them being together and she’s swift to say she can take care of herself. and then says (this one’s jpn dialogue again bc i love comparing en/jp dialogue it’s fascinating to see the differences) that she wants to get closer to him and asks him to promise that he’ll work to overcome his fears with her. and then he gives her a ring as proof of his dedication to her, showcasing he wanted to propose to Her and that she just beat him to it.
it’s sweet. they’re sweet. lon’qu’s future past conversation with noire mentions that being with tharja does in fact help him out a lot. they’re a pairing and a family that work together sosososo well. please consider them (i have pictures of their dialogues but i cannot attach them bc i’m anonymous so just take my descriptions of everything and handful of quotes sorry). lontharja the world 4ever
im convinced 👀
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Version 6 Release
After a long wait, I'm happy to finally present the next big update as the year comes to a close! The changelog for this one is long, so I'll include it under a Read More, but first...
PLEASE delete the files from the previous update and do a fresh installation with this one. I accidentally included WIP files for a mod I'm working on that currently isn't in a releasable state. Keeping these files will likely cause errors.
Fixed support gain for Cordelia/Anna
Rainbow Naga for EU version
Included screenshots of filepaths for easier installation
Minor dialogue/support edits for quality and consistency
Support log functional for all non-Spotpass characters (CITRA ONLY)
New Content
Compatibility with LJ's Gender Lock Removal. Download the UGGLR file in addition to the regular UGA download.
Hug animation ported from female to male animation set
Unique dialogue for all of Lucina's possible fathers in chapter 13
New Supports
30 New Romantic Supports: M!Robin/Walhart, M!Robin/Laurent, F!Robin/Anna, F!Robin/Emmeryn, Chrom/Stahl, Chrom/Kellam, Chrom/Panne, Chrom/Tharja, Lissa/Sully, Lissa/Sumia, Lissa/Nowi, Frederick/Virion, Frederick/Vaike, Frederick/Henry, Sully/Miriel, Sully/Cherche, Maribelle/Panne, Panne/Nowi, Cordelia/Olivia, Nowi/Cherche, Tharja/Cherche, Tharja/Aversa, Cherche/Say'ri, Lucina/F!Morgan, Lucina/Noire, Inigo/Laurent, Brady/M!Morgan, Gangrel/Walhart
12 PC Supports: Lucina&Gaius, Brady&Panne, Owain&Nowi, Gerome&Tharja, Gerome&Say'ri, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Maribelle, Yarne&Nowi, Noire&Olivia, Noire&Cherche, Nah&Lissa, Nah&Panne
4 Sibling Supports: Lucina&Noire, Gerome&Noire, Gerome&Nah, Yarne&Nah
New Lissa+Tharja support. The support is currently platonic within the mod, but the S support IS coded if you want to edit your files to make it available. Didn't know where to fit this one.
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spann-stann · 4 months
Setting Blurb: The Great (Imperial and Heroic) Houses of CorpEmp
Imperial Houses:
House Rotthey (2100’s-2300’s): The House that started it all. Ignacio Rotthey, the House’s founder, rose to rule the Texan tribes, form alliances with likeminded warlords, and form CorpEmp. Although the main line was made extinct following the first Great Revolt and rise of the Second Dynasty, there are hundreds of cadet branches across CorpEmp territory. Almost all of them take their marching orders from the Jovian branch of Rottheys.
The Bektashi Consortium (2300’s-2600’s): The Balkan order of Sufi Muslims ingratiated themselves as a key element of CorpEmp’s civil service during the rule of the Rottheys. When the Rottheys fell from power, the Bektashi Order was well prepared to take their place and become the ruling “House” of CorpEmp. Their skill as powers-behind-the-throne would only help them on the throne proper for a few generations, as their inability to quell colonial conflicts led to them stepping down.
House of the Golden Chair of Mars (2600’s-3000’s): Descendants of Ashanti and Han colonists in the Tharsis Ridge region of Mars, the Third Dynasty provided CorpEmp the Emperors it needed during CorpEmp’s foray into extrasolar colonization and the Human-Crystalline War (2801-2885). Their decision to bombard the Earth and Venus to kill off all alien ground forces was considered unpopular by the Terran elite, who then conspired to orchestrate the Third Dynasty’s downfall.
The All-Altai Kurultai (3000’s-3200’s): Hailing from the Terran Viceroyalty of Eurasia, this House (actually a collection of noble families much like the Bektashi) led the conspiracy to usurp the Martian Third Dynasty and take the throne of CorpEmp themselves. However, they were better at taking the throne than holding it. This dynasty was stained with being responsible for both the Transhuman Wars (3025-3210) and the second Great Revolt (3215-3250). The latter resulted in the death of the Kurultai and their retainers. A few cadet branches exist, but joined CorpEmp colonial efforts in Tau Ceti to escape the shame of being associated with the Fourth Dynasty.
The Imperial House of the Dix-Nipponese (3200’s-Present): The result of a colonial project in Jupiter’s orbit hybridizing the ancient Confederate States of America and Japan. The Dix-Nipponese earned their stripes during the Transhuman Wars’ Mars campaign and the extermination of the Cyber-Extension Guild. During the Second Great Revolt, the Dix-Nipponese spent the first half of the revolt to build a coalition of Outer System CorpEmp forces (and cementing their position as the next ruling Dynasty). They still rule to this day.
Heroic Houses:
Cimmerian War-Cult: The Cimmerians were one of the many Tribes in Texas that allied with the Hispano-Gaels, and served in the conquests of the former United States. Their theocratic ruling House were one of the first to be awarded the title of “Heroic House” for their many contributions to the rise of CorpEmp.
House Anderson and the Order of the Blood Diamond: A man known as Anderson, one of Ignacio Rotthey’s comrades and second-in-command, was killed in an ambush during Texas’ conquest of Cascadia. In honor of his fallen comrade, Ignacio created the Anderson Blood Diamond, an award that served as CorpEmp’s Medal of Honor. All those that earned the Blood Diamond (or the children of deceased recipients) are inducted into both House Anderson and the Order of the Blood Diamond. All soldiers in the Blood Guard are recipients of the Blood Diamond (or their descendants).  
House Kellam: The Kellam dynasty took control of the Commonwealth of Virginia at the same time the Rottheys were uniting Texas. The Virginian alliance with Texas would pave the way for what would become CorpEmp, where the Kellams would be awarded with the title of Heroic House. Despite the many opportunities to seize power themselves, the Kellams are quite content with ruling Virginia and the Carolinas (following the Crystalline War, a series of orbitals built for the Virginian population).
House Jiang: The descendants of a prominent New Confucian thinker, House Jiang would serve as the equivalent of the Rottheys and Kellams in the post-WW3 China, taking control of Guizhou province and brought about a second Spring and Autumn period. The Jiangs would join the Texan-Virginian alliance and become the ruling Heroic House of China.
Golden Ones of Sweden: *SURPRISE FLEX* This tribe of Swedish bodybuilders rose to prominence during Europe’s Migratory Wars after the European Union broke apart after WW3 and conquer most of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The Golden Ones allied with the Texans when they deemed Ignacio’s fizeek to be sick enough. They also manage a chain of gyms, the Temples of Iron.
Alamo Armorworks: When the Hispano-Gaels under Ignacio Rotthey began their campaign to expand outside of Texas, they relied on salvaged American military equipment to outfit their forces. A family of mechanics in San Antonio became the best at repairing Texan combat vehicles, to where they were the only ones the Texan military would go to for repairs. Eventually they would design and manufacturing their own vehicles for Texas (and later CorpEmp). These mechanics would form Alamo Armorworks, which would be declared a Heroic House.
Agricultural Combined Concerns (AgriCombine): A Great Syndicate that formed during the Second and Third Dynasties by many agricultural families in CorpEmp, AgriCombine would be declared a Heroic House for both their many campaigns to provide humanitarian aid to CorpEmp citizens during the Human-Crystalline War, and the sacrifice of their private security forces that served in the War.
Governing Consortium of the Duchy of Oran: The ruling families of Dutch, Maori, and Berber colonies on Mars, the Oranian’s defense of the Red Planet (without excessive use of WMDs) during the Human-Crystalline War resulted in their becoming Mars’ first Heroic House.
House Saturnus: The founder of House Saturnus was a Space Force chaplain serving in a mothership during the Battle of Saturn, the last battle of the Human-Crystalline War. An alien worshipping cult subverted the mothership’s crew, and managed to assassinate a large number of the command staff. The chaplain, next in line for succession, rallied the loyalists on the mothership to retake control, but also took command of the battle against the Crystalline aliens. After the battle was won by CorpEmp, the chaplain took the name of the ringed planet for his newly established Heroic House, and command of the Imperial Space Force.
Knights of the Starry Temple: A minor military order for Space Force officers,the Knights of the Starry Templewould be elevated to Heroic House when one of its members, the founder of House Saturnus, took command of his mothership during the Battle of Saturn. By the time of the Fifth Dynasty, almost all members of the Space Force’s officer corps join the Knights.
United Terran Cossack Hosts: Stauch allies of the Fourth Dynasty (they both hailed from VR Eurasia), the Cossacks would earn their Heroic status during the Transhuman Wars by contributing large amounts of materiel and personnel to the Terran Front. Thanks to them, rebel transhuman groups in Terran orbit were the first to be put down.
Neptunian Knightly Corporations: Neptune was home to many refugee groups that fled the inner Solar System during the Human-Crystalline War. Noble families were established to help keep the peace among the disparate populations taking shelter there. While many refugees returned at the War’s end, the Neptunian nobility remained, and retained their skills in humanitarian aid. Their skill in providing said aid during the wars that plagued the Fourth Dynasty was reason enough for the Neptunian Knightly Corporations the status of Heroic House.
Lighthouse Initiative: Of Greco-German origins, the Lighthouse Initiative was one of the many CorpEmp groups that aided in extrasolar colonization. The Initiative established a colony in Alpha Centauri dedicated to preserving human knowledge and civilization, and brought lots of armed men to do so. When the Fifth Dynasty reached out to the extrasolar colonies for aid to crush the Great Revolt, the Lighthouse Initiative was the first to respond, and was rewarded with being declared the first Heroic House in CorpEmp’s extrasolar territories.
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Kellam x Robin Commission (An AU where Robin has some dragon-like features, that sets her apart and makes her a little more self-conscious when she gets pregnant,,,!!!!)
It was apparent upon first joining the Shepherds that you were more than just a stranger; you might as well have been a different species. You weren’t like Nowi, whose Manakete form was separate from her human body; the only giveaway was her youthful appearance and her long, pricked ears.
No, your condition was a little different. You looked the age you felt, and your ears were smaller, but still had their pricked tips. On top of that, you had patches of scales scattered across your body.
And there was no ignoring your claws and sharper canines you. It was like you were stuck between being a human and a dragon. It was unnerving to realize how strange you were compared to others. But what made you feel welcome was Kellam.
The quiet knight was such a gentle and compassionate soul. His heart was pure and sweet, and it was very clear that he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. He just didn’t know it yet…at least, not for the first few months. But sure enough you grew closer and closer, and by the end of the Plegian War, you were wed.
Kellam was never bothered by your appearance, and reminded you how much he loved you with each passing moment.
If he caught you staring at the scales on your neck, he would wrap his arms around you and kiss each one. If you were fiddling with your hands beneath the council table, he would thread his fingers with yours and give it a soft squeeze. They were the perfect size to hold, after all!
And your teeth? He thought they were adorable; and found it amazing how you could break through a whole coconut in a single chomp. 
He was enamored with you, and you adored him. Not just because he accepted you for who you were…he was so tender and had so much depth, getting to know him and growing a relationship with him felt like a privilege.
You cherished Kellam and every moment you shared, your unique relationship between the half-dragon and the invisible knight was a love for the history books.
At least, for Kellam, it was. In spite of all his efforts to assure you that he loved you more than anyone in the entire world, you still had your doubts. You weren’t going to be the only other person in your lives. There was another member of the family that would be joining in, at least seven months from now.
Nowi had sniffed it out first, and Panne had confirmed it for you; there was a baby growing inside you.
Kellam’s baby. 
You could hardly believe your ears when they told you, but it made sense. You’d been feeling a bit off in the last few weeks, constantly restless and tired, more so than usual.
Kellam had been noting your shift in behavior, worried you might be getting sick. But after your visit with the two women who could literally smell a baby in the womb…well, you weren’t concerned about that.
But more so, you were worried about what Kellam would think. Was he ready to be a father? Did he even want to be one? What was he going to think about you being pregnant in the middle of war with Valm?
What would he think of his baby being half…whatever you were?
The nerves would continue to eat away at you, even though you were able to put up a brave front. And it would not take long for your other half to realize you were stewing on something important.
“Robin? You feeling okay?” His question was soft, contrsated with the strong arms that wrapped around you, drawing your back to his broad chest. “You’ve been quiet, lately.”
“Oh, have I? Sorry.” You said dismissively, pretending to review the document you’d been failing to read for the last ten minutes.
“Is it something I can help with?”
“Well…” You trailed off, slowly turning around in his arms so that you could look at him, finding that patient, soft smile that you very rarely felt you deserved.
“What’s on your mind?” He prodded, leaning in just a little closer.
You rested your hands on his chest, your expression difficult to read. “Kellam, what would you think about having a baby?”
He blinked, the question seeming to not quite register in his brain. “What?”
“Do you think having a baby with me is a good idea?”
“I…erm, well…I wouldn’t, uh…” He trailed off, a blush slowly creeping up his cheeks. He looked away for a second, trying to consider his response. “I married you because I wanted you to be part of my family, Robin. I knew that having a family of our own would be on the table at some point, you know?”
“I guess so, yes.”
“I wouldn’t mind having a baby with you. Did…did you want to have one?”
He wtched as your mouth drew into a thin line, then curved into a deep frown. His hands tightened around your waist.
“I don’t know.” You finally answered, your eyes focusing on your fingers. “I…never thought about having a family. I just thought it would always be us. But then, the children are coming from the future, and…I thought, what if one comes from the future and they’re ours? And…and what if we have that child now? Would the child even look like us? I mean, I’m not fully human- what if our baby isn’t even a little bit human?”
“Well, I don’t think you’ll lay an egg, if that’s what you’re thinking.” He replied lightly, though you weren’t changed by his mirth.
“I think that having a baby with you would be….a miracle. I think that if I told you I was pregnant, and you were happy…that would mean the world to me. Because that would be real proof that you really…..that we can really be….”
“I do. And we are.” He finished your thoughts, those which you were too nervous to utter out loud for fear of upsetting him.
He shook his head, touching his forehead to yours.
“Robin, I love you. If we have a baby, I don’t think I could ever express the joy I’d feel!”
“What if they look like me? What if they have sharp teeth, and claws, or…or what if they look even more like a dragon? Would you really be able to look at a child like that?”
“Robin,” He cupped your face, “Listen to me, my love. Our baby will be beautiful. They’ll be the culmination of our love for one another. How could they be anything but beautiful?”
“Oh…” You felt the knot in your chest, sending the lump into your throat. He was beaming at you, wiping away the tears that had gathered without even realizing. “Um, well…then…”
“I think we’ll be all right if we have one in the near future. Once everything is calm, and we have some time to prepare, I think it’d be wonderful to start our own family.”
“I’m so happy to hear you say that.” You whispered, finally meeting his gaze fully. You drew yourself up on your toes, giving him a searing kiss that he more than deserved.
Kellam fell into you that night, the two of you lavishing one another in the warmth and unconditional love that you could hardly fathom he had for you.
Everything was going to be okay. Of course it was.
Nothing was okay. Everything was awful.
The Shepherds had received a distress call, and were flung into a  rescue mission for a young man who was fighting Risen alone in a nearby cavern. 
It was a beautiful, myseterious place, corrupted by Risen monsters who were trying to go after the young man. A boy who, upon successfully being rescued, was quick to throw himself at Kellam, flinging his arms around your husband with a happy laugh.
“Father!! Thank goodness you saved me! I would’ve been done for, otherwise! And, wow, you look so much younger-- did you find a hot spring or something nearby? Why, it looks like you’re nearly 20 years younger-”
Kellam was already overwhelmed by having a stranger call him “Father”, but now he was full of questions…as were you. Despite the shock of the sudden shift in circumstance, you noticed that Kellam was happy. Stunned, but happy.
He did have a child in the future, just like the other Shepherds. 
You were on the verge of panic. You were staring at a brown-haired, brown-eyed boy who wore Kellam’s armor and had the same sweet smile. But nowhere did he have fangs, nor scales, nor claws…he looked fully human.
The boy claimed Kellam was his father, recognizing him straight away. But you couldn’t bear the idea. The thought that he was…how could he be?
“Morgan,” He introduced himself cheerfully, “My name is Morgan! And if you’re my father’s wife, then you must be my mother, right?”
“You…you don’t know me?” The words were thick in your throat, impossible to choke out. You were reeling from the bombshell he’d just dropped on you both.
“Well, my memory’s a little hazy. I remember Father hurrying me to a portal, and…and I remember waking up here, but…gosh, anything before or after that is really hard to think of. Urgh, my head hurts just trying to.”
“Don’t push yourself, Morgan.” Chrom stepped in, Lucina at his side. “Let’s focus on returning to camp and getting your wounds treated. Then we can look at next steps.”
“Yes, of course.” Morgan chirped, his cheery disposition returning without skipping a beat. 
“Robin…we have a son!” He whispered joyously, grasping your hand, “Isn’t this wonderful? We have so much to talk about!”
You had yet to piece together the reality. You weren’t sure that you could stomach it. Silently, you followed behind your husband and his son, letting them carry on the entire trek back to the camp.
A conscious hand brushed your stomach, the fear thundering in your chest. 
Was this truly your child…?
When Kellam returned to your tent that night, he was breathless with joy. You were curled up on the bedroll, unlike your usual routine of working until the candlelight went out.
You weren’t asleep, but you didn’t acknowledge him when he came in. You were consumed by your fears.
“Robin, are you still awake?” He asked, your back turned to him. “I’m surprised you’re still here and not spending time with Morgan!”
“I…I’m not feeling well.” You replied, turning over so that you could look up at him. His joy diminished some, kneeling down beside you on the bedding and touching a hand to your forehead.
“You don’t seem to be feverish…are you feeling ill? Is there something I can do for you?”
“I…I don’t think so.” You trailed off, your lips pursed. “I don’t know, Kellam. I’m just stressed. It was a long day, today, and I’m still reeling from the fact that there’s a boy who claims that I’m his mother.”
“It really is a whirlwind. The others didn’t tell me what to expect with finding our child. He’s so amazing, Robin!” 
A strong arm came around your waist, drawing your back to his chest. He pressed his nose to the back of your neck.
“I can hardly believe it. To think we were talking about starting our family just days ago, and now…and now we know what happens! We have a son…we’re going to have a son!”
‘You are going to have a son, at least.’ The thought crossed your mind bitterly, and you pulled back from Kellam, sitting up from the blankets.
“It is a surprise,” You managed to eke out, but it didn’t get any further than that. “I’m sorry, Kellam. Can I have some time alone?”
“Oh,” He pulled back some, “Of course you can, are you- are you okay? Is it something you want to talk about, first?”
“N-no. Not yet.” You shook your head, “I’m sorry, it’s just…it’s a lot to process. I’m not sure what to think of this all, yet.” 
You hesitated for a moment, looking back to your husband with a soft smile. You brushed the hair from his forehead, and left a gentle kiss.
“I will be back soon. I just need a little time.”
This seemed to assuage his concerns, and he nodded, giving your arm a soft squeeze. “Hurry back. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
He watched as you left the tent, the worry still lingering in the back of his mind. It wasn’t unlike you to need some time to yourself, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t still concerned, regardless.
But he would trust you first, and settled back into bed. He was sure he’d wake up with you beside him, like he always did.
When the sun rose over the hills, and the camp started waking back up. But Kellam was surprised to find that he was waking up alone, that morning. You had not made it back. Or, perhaps you had retand just woke up before he did. He proceeded with getting dressed for the day, worried about how your spot on the bedding was cold.
He didn’t make it far from the tent before Morgan appeared, smiling brightly and holding two training swords.
“Father, good morning!” He greeted Kellam happily, “I hope you slept well. Have you seen Mother around? I wanted to spend some time with her today, maybe get some sparring in before breakfast.”
“Ah, well…” Kellam trailed off, looking back to his tent. “She went on a walk last night, and I haven’t seen her yet this morning. You haven’t seen her around camp?”
“Hmm, now that I think about it, I don’t think I have. We should ask the others!” He decided, and the pair set off to try and locate the half-dragon woman they were seeking.
Unfortunately, nobody they asked had seen you; and worse yet, when he came to Panne and Nowi, he received a pair of very worried looks.
“You lost Robin?” Panne asked with a low voice, looking deadly serious. He didn’t like the shiver that rolled down his spine, but he didn’t fight it.
“I…I suppose I did. I guess it wasn’t a concern, since we’re in a safe territory and we’re not around any immediate danger. I didn’t think letting her walk alone would be a problem.”
“It’s not her that I’m worried about-” Panne hissed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “How could you let her wander off on her own, especially in her condition? What were you thinking, fool?”
“Her condition?” Kellam echoed, confusion clear in his voice. “What are you talking about?”
“She didn’t tell you?” Nowi piped up, and the two women exchanged a concerned look. Now Kellam was really starting to worry.
“No, she didn’t say anything, she…she just said she needed some time alone!” He insisted, “Can you help me find her? Panne, you can hunt her down, can’t you?”
“Yes, I can. Give me something of hers, quickly.” She strode past him, heading for their tent. Kellam and Nowi weren’t far behind.
“I’ll transform so that we can fly overhead and look for her!”
“Nowi, what’s going on? Is Robin sick??” Kellam pressed, but the dragon did not reply. She only followed silently. 
“I think…she’s going to need to tell you.” Nowi’s cryptic reply was nothing but agitating. However they didn’t have time to think on it. Panne went into the tent, but a giant rabbit burst out of it, sprinting past the pair.
“She’s this way! Hurry!!” Panne shouted back at them, frightening all the men and women she leapt by. Nowi quickly transformed and the trio was rushing after you. 
It wasn’t a long trek, mercifully. Within half an hour, Panne had your location locked down and she was there.
They flew past the camp and across the forest, finding a valley at the edge of it. Panne stopped her rush, signaling to Nowi to fly down. The manakete descended, shrinking down as Kellam dismounted.
“She’s over there, by the pond.” She told them, “But you should go alone, man-spawn. Nowi and I are not needed from this point.”
“Oh…okay. Thank you, for helping me find her. Truly.” He bowed his head to both of them, before running to you. Within a few moments, the trees cleared, and he found his wife sitting at the edge of the water, your back to him.
“Robin!!” He called out, closing the distance and coming to you quickly. You rose to your feet, taking a few steps back. It prompted him to slow down, for fear of scaring you.
“Kellam?” You stared at him, looking just as confused as he was. But he wasn’t certain he had a good reason for it. “How did you find me?”
“Panne and Nowi helped track you down. Morgan was wondering where you went, and nobody has seen you this morning…did you…did you not come back to camp last night?”
You looked away. “No. I did not.”
“Why?” He stepped a little closer, “What’s going on? Panne said…something about your condition. What was she talking about? Are you ill?”
“No, I…I’m not ill. I’m fine. I just…I can’t…I can’t handle this.” You shook your head, looking down at your hands. “I don’t know what to think about Morgan. About you.”
“Me?” He echoed, a spike of fear in his chest. “D-did I do something wrong? Please, tell me, Robin! I swear, I never want to hurt you, so whatever I did, please just-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” You shook your head again, your fingers starting to tremble. “It’s…it’s the future. It’s Morgan. Your son.”
“He’s our son.” Kellam said quieter, but your frown deepened.
“You saw him, Kellam. You saw his face, his body- he doesn’t look like me at all!” You finally said, “He wears armor like you, he has your hair, and your kindness, and…and no scales, or fangs, or- what if he’s just your son? What if he doesn’t know me?”
“Robin…” He was at a loss for words. You were overwhelmed with your fears; that much was obvious. You looked up at him, your brows drawing together as though your tears were about to spill over. 
“What if you find someone else? What if you and I cannot continue, we cannot have a family together? What if we have a child, and you’re so repulsed by it…or w-what if something happens to me, and you have to move on?? Morgan remembered you, but he doesn’t know me! He doesn’t recognize me. What am I supposed to think? If I’m destined to lose you, then- w-what do I do?”
His fists clenched, rushing to close the distance. “You won’t lose me. You’ll never lose me. I love you more than anything- don’t you know that?”
“Of course I…I love you too, Kellam, that’s what frightens me!” You exclaimed, “What happens to me? What happens to you?? That boy doesn’t know anything, but it’s obvious that he’s not ours. He can’t be!!”
“He is, Robin! How can you be so sure that he’s not your son, when you haven’t even spent the time to get to know him? I’ve been with him for a day, and it’s clear that he’s our child. Why are you so afraid of this? Why did you run away??”
“Because I-” You froze, a single tear slipping down your cheek. Your hands came to your middle, and with a deep breath, you finally spoke. 
“Because I’m with child.”
The words struck Kellam like lightning. The gasp he took got stuck in his throat, eyes blown wide with the realization of what you just said. You couldn’t brin yourself to look at him, wrapping your arms around your waist and hugging yourself, anxiousness spilling out.
“And I…I was excited, I was reassured when I spoke with you the other night, but…but when I saw Morgan it changed everything. He doesn’t look like me. He doesn’t have anything to do with me, a-and he doesn’t remember me! What if I’m not there? What if this child inside me isn’t Morgan? What if it’s just a child who becomes a monster, or doesn’t even make it? What if…what if you leave us, because this baby isn’t what you want? What if-”
You could not speak anymore, because Kellam pulled you into a fierce embrace in a single breath. He clung to you, burying his face in your hair and holding onto you for all he was worth.
“Robin…Robin, Robin…my wife…my love…!” His voice was a trembling whisper. You could hear how quickly his heart was beating. “We’re going to have a baby now…oh, I can’t believe it!!”
Your hands slowly came around him, resting on his back with tentative joy. He was so happy, he was in tears…? Was he really…
“I don’t care what our baby looks like. I don’t know if it’ll be Morgan, or maybe another child that justhasn’t come back from the future yet. But what matters is that we’re going to have a baby. And I’m going to love them, just as much as I love you. No matter what they look like, o-or if they’re born breathing fire! You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. And any baby we have together is going to be perfect. Just like you.”
“Kellam,” You hiccuped, staring up at your husband. You were both just a mess of tears, trying to comfort one another as the gravity of what this meant really was. 
He took your face into his hands, stroking your cheeks tenderly. “Do you trust me, Robin? Do you…do you trust that I’ll take care of you, and our baby?”
“I-I do. I do, I just…I’m scare of the future…of what it could be.”
“We can’t do anything about the future. We can only worry about right now. And right now…right now, I’m the happiest man in all the realms. We’re going to have a family together- A-and nothing will ever change the joy I feel, for you and for our baby.”
“And what about Morgan?”
“Well…he loves you. And he loves me. He’s our son. Even if his circumstances are different, he’s got amnesia. You could very well be his mother, but maybe he just has more human traits because I’m, well…human.” 
He laughed softly, his arms coming around your waist. You settled into his chest, listening to the heavy thump of his heart. It was slowing down and far more steady, relieved that he was able to take in your fears and comfort you.
“I guess that’s…that’s a good point.” You sighed shakily, earning a kiss atop your head. You nuzzled into him, “I should at least try to get to know him a little better, shouldn’t I? And I…I trust you, Kellam. I do. I love you, too. I guess I was so scared, I didn’t want to…I was scared of the possibilities.”
“It’s scary. It’s…it’s a difficult time to be having a child, isn’t it.” Kellam sighed, “We’ll need to speak with Chrom about accommodations for you, given that it’ll be much harder to fight once you’re nine months pregnant.” 
“You think that’s a good idea?” You asked him quietly, and he nodded, stroking your back.
“I think the sooner we let Chrom know, the easier it’ll be to find solutions. It’ll be difficult to hide after a few months, anyway. I’m assuming you’re pretty early into the pregnancy, huh?”
“A few weeks, according to Panne.” You nodded, “But I haven’t checked with a cleric yet.” 
“Then we’ll do that first. Libra might be very helpful in taking care of you while you’re with child.” Kellam decided, a blush dusting his cheeks when he mentioned th ebaby again. You giggled, feeling the worries start to melt away.
There was so much that you couldn’t be certain of, in that moment. The future was ominous, and you didn’t know how you were going to get through the upcoming challenges that were tied to having a child on the way…klate alone during war.
But there was one truth you could remain grounded in, that you took a deep breath and swore to yourelf that you would never doubt from this moment onward.
Kellam was deeply, ridiculouly in love with you. And nothing would change that.
Another truth you would learn only a few hours later was that Moragan was indeed, without a doubt, your son from teh future. His demeanor certainly was telling, but he sneezed during dinner and proceeded to char your meal with a small blast of fire.
Definitely your son.
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searingenvy · 9 months
a mother's love
a tharja meta.
It is not an unknown fact to those who have played Awakening (or at the very least has seen the way Noire is as a character,) that Tharja is a...complicated character when it comes to the subject of motherhood. In this meta I'll be going over Tharja's view of the concept, both past and present.
It is important to note that I'm not trying to defend Tharja as a mother, but rather I'm trying to explain where she's coming from and how she plans on moving forward in the future.
This will include mentions of other people's characters to some degree, namely Donnel and Noire (who we do not have at this very moment), and any mentions of the former have been discussed with the current mun beforehand! As for Noire, I will only be using information pulled from the scripts (both ENG and JP, with distinctions listed).
Not everything said in this will be 100% in game facts but rather headcanons, but I will try and use in game text in order to back up the idea.
First and foremost, we have to understand how exactly Tharja views her family. Not the one she brought with her to the Academy, but her mother and father from Plegia specifically. We know they exist, and we know they're alive...and that's pretty much it. They're brought up in her C support with Kellam, where she sends them a letter back home. In his B support she expresses concern-- so over all Tharja does care for her family, even if she's reluctant to show it.
As for the type of people her parents are...we can't say for sure. This part is purely headcanon, but I like to believe that though they were not terrible people, they were much like Tharja herself-- closed off and unwilling to outwardly show their affection. This is mostly just backed up by the fact that her parents are also spellcaster and are most likely dark mages. I'm mostly backing up this idea with the line below.
Tharja: I come from a family of powerful mages. They can usually take care of themselves.
Obviously she could just mean in terms of their pure raw strength, but with how Tharja acts, I feel like it would make sense for her parents to also be the type who keep to themselves and taught her that the person you should always rely on is yourself.
They also seemed more preoccupied with teaching her dark arts as well. In her supports with Noire Tharja states that she was taught how to perform dark magic since she was just a baby. Something that will also come back later
Tharja: Hardly a problem. I was instructed in the dark arts from infancy. Even my umbilical cord was cut with a curse.
TL;DR: Tharja grew up in an environment where relying on yourself was the most important lesson. She was cared for, but never shown the love and care that is typical between a parent and child. They also taught her dark magic at a very young age.
With that...Noire. She's a touchy subject. For starters, Tharja finds the idea of her even wanting a child to be ridiculous-- but post game, especially after marrying Donnel, the idea of having a family becomes more and more appealing to the point where I headcanon that she likely asked about children first.
Where things get complicated is that future Tharja's motives are weird. Really weird. We know that Tharja didn't want Noire learning dark magic or curses. Below is an English translation of the Japanese script! Credit here!
Tharja: I didn’t want to teach my daughter… who was so innocent and trusted her mother without a doubt in her mind… anything like curses. Curses are… very dangerous. My future self… surely must have thought the same way as well.
Future Tharja was not a good mother-- and even in game Tharja still performs curses and hexes on Noire...I don't even really have an explanation for that besides the fact that Tharja does it to pretty much everyone in the army. I'd like to personally believe that her supports with Noire take place after her supports with her father (which is where mentions of the cursing her as a child take places) where she would eventually stop when realizing her future self's motives for not teaching Noire magic...but I have no proof of this. At all. Just a personal thought.
She also is a grieving widow for a lot of the future it sounds like-- and when losing the love of your life (especially for someone like Tharja who barely even knew what love was before the events of Awakening,) it gets hard to think logically. I imagine a lot of those hexes and curses post Donnel's death were for the sake of keeping Noire safe or growing stronger as to not lose her as well.
But we aren't really here to defend future Tharja or explain her 100%-- rather, I want to look at how Noire coming to the past and telling Tharja about her future self shapes how she views her role as a mother.
Tharja, for the first time in her life, is experiencing what a true family feels like. Donnel isn't exactly one to hide his feelings, and he loves his wife above all else-- and with the young Noire also existing, Tharja is determined to not allow the same fate to happen to her daughter. There will be no talisman, no curses or hexes (unless to help ig), and she will admittedly be a bit more protective of her. She is opening up to the idea of love and family, just
If either Donnel or Noire were to die there's no telling if things would end up any differently-- but for now all she can do is do her best as a mother, even if she doesn't exactly know what it means to be a good one. She's lucky to know what mistakes need to be fixed, and if she were to ever meet the future Noire again...she would want to make things right once more, even if she still has a hard time outwardly showing love to her.
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Funfact Kellam's unnoticed gimmick is a reference to a meme involving Arden of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
Arden was a Sword Armored Knight that was designed to to be useful mainly at the beginning and was grouped with two other cavaliers that worked for the protagonist of the game's first half, Sigurd.
In the second generation of the game, there's a scene where a character reminisces about Sigurd and his friends, by mistake, Arden was not mentioned even though everyone else, including his comrades were. As a result, Arden being forgettable became a meme.
Oh I've never played that one before! Rip Arden though, forgotten by his own game
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kayspaceprinceart · 1 year
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Chapter 3 is where I really started getting into support convos! And ditching Kellam, lol (his gimmick annoys me and I’m not fond of armor units) (also Sully and Miriel’s C support is so neurodivergent. We stan 2 queens)
It’s hilarious when the mission is to reduce a unit’s hp to 0 but bc of plot, they’re fine. Shinon is my favorite example.
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kxllerblond · 4 months
[ GOTCHA ] — Kellam
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[ GOTCHA ]: the sender, noticing the receiver has unknowingly walked into the path of a source of danger, grabs them by the shoulder and hoists them back to safety.
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It was funny how someone who was so intent on planning ahead, someone who had Plan B's for their Plan B's, could be so environmentally unaware sometimes.
Clark hadn't even noticed how far the construction had leaked onto the sidewalk. He'd been walking, prattling away to Kellam about something rife with coffee trade jargon when he'd approach one of those deceivingly sturdy caution cones.
If not for the man's reaction of grabbing him by the shoulder and all but jerking him into Kellam's own path, he would have certainly hit it and taken a nasty tumble.
Granted, with the suddenness of the save, it was just nearly a fall anyway. There was some slightly stumbling as the two came to a stop, Clark's halfway against the man's chest and legs tangled to just the point before they would have caused one another to topple.
❝ Christ, Kellam-—❞ he exclaimed breathily, was already in the process of righting himself and moving back towards his side of the sidewalk. His gaze caught the batch of caution cones and he sniffed, clucked his tongue. Ah. ❝ Honestly, you should have let me trip. I need to learn to watch where I'm runnin' my feet I'm runnin' my mouth... But thanks.❞
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randoimago · 1 year
Hope I'm not spamming, but there is something else I wanted to request for Kellam (if possible, of course) - letters - A, G, H and K. Thank you.
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Character(s): Kellam
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): You're good! Sending two requests for a character isn't that bad. I've had people send like 5 asks for the same character less than a couple minutes apart and that was a bit overwhelming 😅
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kellam's affection is more subtle (probably because he's rather difficult to notice). But he still has a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to being affectionate!
He's really good when it comes to doing Acts of Service or being a quiet support. It's easier for him to listen and then do things that his S/O wanted done. It might not be that grand of gestures, but he's very good at remembering things and then, hey! Those flowers you mentioned liking a year ago? Now you have a vase of them. The cleaning you didn't want to do? He's taken care of it!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
He's pretty dang gentle. Due to his own experiences of not being noticed and such, he takes extra care to pay attention to his S/O's needs and feelings.
He's not the most physical affection guy, but he is always there to listen and talk to just to get any feelings out. Or even if you're struggling with how you're supposed to feel, he's glad for you to just rant to him and let you de-stress and unload onto him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kellam would enjoy hugs! He's often overlooked so being given a hug makes his mood improve tenfold! He's not really one to intiate hugs himself since he is worried about surprising someone or his S/O so he's not one to initiate the physical contact but he still loves them!
Can't help but hug tightly. Not enough to hurt, but because he wants to relish in the moment and he doesn't want it to end even though he knows he can't just be stuck in a hug for the rest of his life. He smiles a lot when he hugs too, he feels happy so he wants to show it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He's very gentle and so his kisses represent that. They're soft and quick, but very sweet. While they might not last as long as you'd like, he always gives such a bright smile afterwards so they're worth it.
Kellam likes to give face kisses. Mostly on the forehead or cheeks. They're just such soft places to kiss and because of everything happening around you two, they're also the easiest to give a quick kiss to.
Kellam himself likes kisses on his lips. Of course, those usually have to be initiated by his S/O since he doesn't want to appear too needy. But long kisses to his lips makes him feel so special.
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pegasusknightsonly · 7 months
it is the official view of this blogger based on their 2500+ hours of awakening played that Cordelia is the worst pegasus knight in awakening and that cannot be up for debate. awakening pegasus knights don't need attack or defence, they want good magic growth for their dark flier promotion (Cordelia has 20%), good skill growth to trigger frequent dual strikes from their partner (Cordelia is the only one who can't support Chrom and benefit from dual strike+) and speed and luck levels to improve their avo (Cordelia starts at level 7 with 12+2 speed and 60% growth. by contrast Sumia starts with 11+2 speed at level 1 with a 70% growth. similar story with luck. Cordelia starts with 9 as a level 7 with 45% growth. Sumia starts with 8 at level 1 and 60% growth). Cordelia is the only pegasus knight I've ever used who is capable of getting speed screwed and it makes her *useless*. last time i used her i married her to Ricken who has the same starting speed as Kellam (5). by the time they were at b support he was outspeeding her with no class changes or early promotions
i think it's a hangover from older fe games that were not awakening, because people also say that wyvern rider is a good class in awakening and it DEMONSTRABLY is not, but I've said it before I'll say it again: strength is a dump stat in awakening and unless you're doing something like Vaike!Nah in manakete with a dragonstone+ and sol overwhelmingly you want to build extremely fast units who do not get hit. defences don't matter if they don't get hit. avo is absurdly powerful in awakening and the game is not sophisticated enough to avoid 0% hit attacks so use it on the higher difficulties like you are supposed to! and start putting Cordelia in C on the tier lists where she belongs
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Kellam x Henry C-S Supports
Written by: @ragecndybars
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spann-stann · 2 months
Setting Blurb: The Not-Quite Reserves
As stated previously, the Reserves are a category...reserved...for population centers that did not ally with CorpEmp as it formed, but were not hostile enough to warrant relocation to a Cordon Sanitaire. Those communities range from nomads in RVs, to independent habitats in orbit. Reserves were not static entities. Communities could fluctuate between being pro and anti-Imperial every other generation. Live and let live was CorpEmp's policy with them.
Then there's these guys. The "Not-Quites", only placed into the category of "Reserve", because CorpEmp anthropologists couldn't bother to create a new category to place them in. Unlike other Reserves, policy for these varies from "treat them like regular reserves, but keep them on watch", to "shoot on sight".
USS NonCredDef: Prior to the third world war that gave rise to CorpEmp, hostile political groups began internal migrations within the United States, and turn the states they reside in as ideological strongholds. The New Tribal Movement (that would help found CorpEmp) made its home in the American South, leftist groups moved to California and the Pacific Northwest, individualist groups in the Midwest, and a particular group of NATO "enthusiasts" began concentrating in the Northeast. This group served as diehard loyalists to the United States post-collapse and cooperated with old regime remnants after the Leave Riots. Dreams of retaking the Atlantic seaboard were dashed by the rise of House Kellam in Virginia. Kellamite Virginia's alliance with Hispano-Gaelic Texas (Proto-CorpEmp) would result in the conquest of New England. Originally, these "Natooboos" were condemned to relocation somewhere in the Pacific, but they miraculously overpowered their captors in the vicinity of Corpus Christi. There, they (once again!) miraculously hijacked the USS Lexington and booked it for the Atlantic. After the Earth's nuclear bombardment, their descendants relocated to Earth orbit (they even brought their bloody ship!), where their many memes annoy CorpEmp citizens to this day.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Remnants of the DPRK survived the global collapse, relocating their government to a complex of bunkers within Mount Paektu. As the remains of South Korea made contact with Texan-Virginian allies in China, plans were drawn up on what to do with what became of the Hermit Kingdom. The People's Republic was allowed to continue rule over Mt. Paektu, and the Paektu bloodline was allowed to continue rule over the People's Republic. Originally, the World Congress of Freedom reached out to the DPRK following the Cordon Rebellion, in the hopes of the two Socialist states unifying. Arguments over leadership, and accusations of spying on each other resulted in a "split" between the two polities. To the misfortune of the DPRK, no one left the WCOF for their own socialist bloc. The DPRK then entered into a state of heavy isolation, building massive underground complexes beneath Mt. Paektu, and shooting down any and all satellites crossing into their airspace. As the Earth was subjected to nuclear devastation in the final years of the Crystalline War, the DPRK government refused to evacuate the Earth (the stoic North Korean soldier fighting alien invaders is a popular symbol of that time period), and opted to retreat further underground. To the surprise of many, the bunker complexes under Mt. Paektu expanded and spread across the Korean peninsula in the eight hundred years following the end of the War. Diplomats from the Big Three have made repeated attempts to reestablish contact. It seems that they will only reveal what they've been up to, when they want to.
Men In Black: Mysterious figures wearing black suits, appearing and disappearing from crowds almost at will. Not part of any other polity in the modern era, so the Men In Black were placed into the Not-Quites. The debate still rages on whether or not these are in fact the remnants of the Pre-WIII secret societies and intelligence agencies, or just trolls assuming their roles. Regardless of what they really are, Men In Black fall under the "Shoot on Sight" category of the Not-Quites. Sixteen hundred years after WWIII, and no one wants them back. They don't ever make direct interactions, and you don't ever run into them on accident. You don't find them, they find you.
Confederated Churches of the Unified Light: Despite CorpEmp's pro-religious policy, there are limits to what it will tolerate. Forming some time during the reign of the Second Dynasty, the Alliance of Enlightened Churches emerged as the remaining number of UFO religions consolidated to form more of a united front. The Alliance would secure multiple enclaves for their congregants as large Reserves. Dispute over doctrine (are we creations of the Nordics or Arcturians? Wars have been fought over for less.), resulted in the expulsion of dissenters from the newly reorganized Confederated Churches of the Unified Light. Mostly a nuisance, the Confederated Churches flocked to whoever of the Big Three seemed to be making the most progress towards interstellar exploration and colonization (a few members found their way into the first colonization missions). Nuisance became annoyance after the Crystalline Aliens invaded Sol, with the Confederated Churches declaring the aliens to be humanity's creators, with the right to do whatever they wish, which included wiping out their creations. Annoyance became full-blown treason as elements of the Confederated Churches subverted the militaries of the Big Three, and some extremist groups collaborating with the aliens. They even reunited with their schismatic brethren to sabotage the decisive battle over Saturn. Their attempt to kill all the crew of the Imperial motherships in the battle failed, and the founder of House Saturnus led the Big Three to victory over the aliens. A series of bloody pogroms were conducted against the Churches inside the solar system as punishment for their collaboration. Only a few holdouts still exist in the Extrasolar Territories (left alone as they weren't participants in the collaboration).
Unified Churches of the Confederated Light: Despite CorpEmp's pro-religious policy, there are limits to what it will tolerate. Forming some time during the reign of the Second Dynasty, the Alliance of Enlightened Churches emerged as the remaining number of UFO religions consolidated to form more of a united front. The Alliance would secure multiple enclaves for their congregants as large Reserves. Dispute over doctrine (are we creations of the Arcturians or Nordics? Wars have been fought over for less.), resulted in the expulsion of dissenters from the newly reorganized Unified Churches of the Confederated Light. Mostly a nuisance, the Unified Churches flocked to whoever of the Big Three seemed to be making the most progress towards interstellar exploration and colonization (a few members found their way into the first colonization missions). Nuisance became annoyance after the Crystalline Aliens invaded Sol, with the Unified Churches declaring the aliens to be humanity's creators, with the right to do whatever they wish, which included wiping out their creations. Annoyance became full-blown treason as elements of the Unified Churches subverted the militaries of the Big Three, and some extremist groups collaborating with the aliens. They even reunited with their schismatic brethren to sabotage the decisive battle over Saturn. Their attempt to kill all the crew of the Imperial motherships in the battle failed, and the founder of House Saturnus led the Big Three to victory over the aliens. A series of bloody pogroms were conducted against the Churches inside the solar system as punishment for their collaboration. Only a few holdouts still exist in the Extrasolar Territories (left alone as they weren't participants in the collaboration).
Wildmen: The evacuation of the Earth was not 100% complete during prior to its nuclear devastation. "Wildmen" refer to the small communities of people that descended from those from all the human polities that couldn't make it to evacuation shelters. Or nuclear shelters. Eight hundred years later, and Wildmen vary wildly in technological levels from resembling stone age societies to pre-industrial era. As the Big Three (plus the Green Consensus) have engaged in an unofficial "Scramble" for Terran territory, it is growing more uncomfortably apparent that the question of "what to do with those folk?" will need to be addressed.
Hivers: As the World Congress of Freedom experimented with cybernetics and network communication post Crystalline War, a few Party members in the WCOF habitat Posadas Palace advocated going all the way with creating a cybernetic hive mind. The clone soldiers of the Peoples' Legions utilize one of sorts when in combat (known as the Commissar OS, or CommOSar), and the leadership of Posadas Palace sought to implement a CommOSar of sorts for the Party member populace of the habitat. Considering this a step too far, the greater WCOF leadership expelled the cyborg hive from the ranks of the Party, and ordered the habitats Clonscript garrison to expel them from Posadas Palace. As their hive was based on the military CommOSar, the breakaway cyborgs subverted some of the Clonscripts, and evacuated Posadas Palace. From there, the newly christened "Hivers" broke off into smaller groups. Hiver cells are now scattered across the Solar System, settling down on whatever unclaimed territory they could. More ambitious cells have made their way to the Extrasolar Territories.
Cyber Extension Guild: Originally one of CorpEmp's Great Syndicates (or at least a middling power seeking to ape the Greats), the Cyber Extension Guild was created to better advocate the use of cybernetic prosthetics. They made initial success in their development of prosthetic eyes and limbs for miners in the Belt, but news spread of Posadas Palace. That got the leadership of the Guild thinking. Why not try create a cybernetic hive mind for CorpEmp? CorpEmp's mining colonies of Nova Polonia, and New Silesias III and IV would be their proving ground for such an undertaking. The problem, however, was that the locals weren't asked about participating in said undertaking. Already augmented individuals were quickly subverted via backdoors in their prosthetics, and were used to round up the non-augmented population so they could be experimented upon. When the colonies' military garrison returned from exercises elsewhere to see their compatriots and dependents forcefully augmented and subsumed into a hivemind. After making the difficult decision to euthanize the colonies (and excessively interrogating any Cyber Extension Guild members still alive), the colonial garrison swore a blood oath to cleanse human space of the Guild. The greater Empire (entering into the more excessive portion of the Transhuman Wars) came to the same conclusion, declaring the Guild outlaws and offered hefty bounties on Guild Members. It is believed that those Guild members that survived would be absorbed into the Hiver cultures that dotted the less-than-travelled to parts of the Solar System (meaning they're also subject to CorpEmp's "kill-on-sight" policy).
Farmost Expeditions: While some Reserves just want to be left alone from the greater human civilization(s), these guys kick it up a notch. Instead of striking out on their own in the Extrasolar Territories, located within 50 light years from Sol, Farmost Expeditions set their collective sights on territories even further. They don't want to interact with anyone else, and have launched expeditions to stars as far as possible from Sol. One expedition, either the most brave or insane, launched in the direction of Sagittarius A, the Milky Way's central black hole. As starships can only travel as fast as light (at least the most expensive craft can), most Farmost Expeditions use either sleeper or generation ships. The Farmost Expeditions are placed under the "Not-Quite" category not because of what they are presently, but rather what threat they could potentially be in the future (if there ever is a reunion).
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