#where they judged the quality of a thing (admittedly a thing i like so I'm very biased here!) by the fact that they personally felt
griseldabanks · 1 month
20 Questions for the Writer
Tagged by @rainintheevening
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What is your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Captain America/MCU and FMA these days, but I also have fics on AO3 for Daredevil, Dororo, Star Wars, Supernatural, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Make Me Whole (Captain America), Back from the Brink (Dororo), of skulls and secrets (FMA), Shards of Me (Captain America), and Your Arms Feel Like Home (Captain America)
Still boggles my mind every time I realize my second-most kudoed fic is the random Dororo fic I wrote for a Christmas present one year @_@
5. Do you respond to comments?
I make a point to reply to every comment I can! ^_^ I just really want to share my stories with other people and talk to them about them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm...of the ones posted on AO3, I'm not sure. Maybe "Rejected?" It's an FMA fic where Ed gives up his life to bring Al's body back, so that's pretty angsty ^^'
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty hard to beat the ending of Make Me Whole ;) Reunions of old friends, heartfelt confessions, sobbing on each other's shoulders, followed by an overjoyed birthday celebration! The "epilogue" of sorts of Shards of Me might be even happier, though, because you get to see how good things turn out for them a few years down the road <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think I have on AO3. I did very occasionally on FFNet (mostly from one particularly weird guy who had other issues besides the quality of my fics).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! I love the kind of crossover where, rather than characters from different stories meeting each other, you just replace the characters from one story with the characters from another. My most recent, a FMA/Firefly crossover, is coming to mind - FMA characters replace the Firefly characters and go through the same basic plot as the first episode of Firefly. Another one I'm really proud of is "All We've Got to the End of the Line," where I put the Elric brothers in Steve and Bucky's position, and vice versa.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Years ago, there was one fic of mine that got translated into Spanish, I think.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, though unfortunately most of the co-written fics I've worked on have not gotten finished before the relationship fell apart :/
But a huge shout-out to @sergeanttomycaptain, who helped me brainstorm my Whole Shards series and even wrote large chunks of it herself, though she's not "officially" a co-writer.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
My longest running OTP is Royai <3 I'll always love them and what the understated subtlety of their relationship has taught me. A very honorable mention goes to Staron - though admittedly, a lot of the stuff I love most is stuff I had to come up with myself because of how the canon ruined Sharon's character -_-
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Years ago, I started writing a Haibane Renmei fic with a full cast of OCs, just because I wanted to explore that world more and try my hand at writing a story even halfway as uplifting and wholesome as that. Unfortunately, there was never really any plot to speak of, so while I really like the characters I came up with, I have no idea where to go with it, and probably never will because I have too many stories to write that I do know what I want to do with. Alas, Kabe the Sin-Bound Haibane will probably be consigned to the dust forever.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at writing endings, and judging from people's reactions, I'm pretty good at making people cry! But like...in a healing/comforting sort of way. I also think I have the strength of tenacity (or stubbornness, if you'd rather), to finish what I set out to do even if it takes a really long time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fights/action scenes. Intentional humor. Differentiating dialogue/thoughts so it really sounds like the character.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm always paranoid about doing that, even if I have a decent enough grasp of the language that I'm completely sure I know what they're saying ^^' But then, I'm the kind of person who will write something in English, my native tongue, and then second-guess whether that's actually the way to say it or whether I sound like an idiot. I'm trying to loosen up about such things, though, because more diversity in a fic makes it more fun.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy X. I started writing a novelization of the game before I even knew what I was doing was fanfiction!
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Ohhhh, that's really hard to narrow down. But one of the fics that's nearest and dearest to my heart is the fic I'm currently in the process of posting, Take Me In. Please consider reading it if you like Captain America!
Tagging @dairogo, @x-i-l-verify, and @x-rainflame-x if you'd like to do this!
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 3
Pages 61-90
Back at it again with Mike and his silly little adventures in Freddy's.
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What'd you see.
Stop being vague.
Who are these creepy masked people???
The bullies from FNAF four
Damn if only there was an entire side comic FNAF 4 cough cough I made about them that will explain that lol. We'll get to the side comics I promise. ;)
Whatever he saw, he's terrified to re-live.
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Someone got hurt-
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What the hell are you apologizing for exactly?
What'd you do?
None of those people in the masks were you...
We can tell cause they actually had a skin tone lmfao.
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Oh that could use some cream.
So that's why "the bite" kept making Mike uncomfortable...
This kid got his head munched on.
And it wasn't ACTION but LACK of action he's cowering in fear from a child over.
Side note this panel out of context is hilarious and I won't pretend it's not.
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Hi Bonnie! :D
He is the best.
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Damn okay.
What's reality?
Ominous poster of the yellow Freddy for sure isn't important.
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Haha Mike ya have episodes like this often? Often enough he composes himself afterwards.
He's utterly bamboozled Bonnie apparently SAW the kid he was chasing so...maybe.
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That smirk is unsettling.
So this part of the building used to be "Fredbear's" the place Michael's favorite animatronic "Spring Bonnie" is from and mentioned earlier. Fredbear is clearly the one who bit the child.
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I'd be scared too Bonnie thousand yard stares are concerning.
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That's hysterical coming from the clearly possessed giant rabbit but go off I guess-
He's obviously trying to make Mike feel better which is nice of him. UwU
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Aww. Hug how sweet.
So now we know a bit more about Mike. Let's review:
This nameless kid Mike saw die was obviously Michael's brother Cody Afton from all the context clues we've been given:
Mike's reaction to Micheal bringing up Fredbears, due to it being a traumatic event.
Cody being "Bit"
Mike doesn't seem TOO sure they're the same person but we know it is.
Mike blames himself for not doing anything at the time to stop Cody's head from getting crunched.
Mike's grasp on reality is...Flimsy. Self admittedly he thinks it's flimsy and he knows when he needs to go home when it's too much.
Mike is desperate for comfort over his trauma with Freddy's and Bonnie's a cool dude who'll give it.
You'd think Bonnie would be a bully from his intro but he's actually a super caring guy, he just can't stand people who purposely cause problems.
Bro comes in clutch with the hugs.
You can see why Freddy would run to this guy to solve issues haha.
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So from those first panels we know 1 thing:
He had no clue Ennard was in the room with them. So add stalking to the list of creepy things that clown robot has done so far.
My god it's an old man-
He's Micheal's dad! :D William Afton!
Alright I'm gonna stop being goofy and vague for a moment:
It's obvious he's evil as fuck and for the people who like to bitch he has a personality in this comic or ANY media where people give William a personality: Stop making excuses as to why you write him one note you cowards, you can give him a personality without condoning what he does lmfao. Only a bad writer would say you HAVE to make him one note for him to work. Fucking morons actually you are stupid if you believe that.
If you wanna make him cartoonishly evil with NO redeeming qualities: Cool. Whatever. Just shut the fuck up don't act like yours is "Better" because you can't think of ways to make him anymore interesting.
Everyone's William caters to their tastes. Nobody's is PERFECT. I only judge stupid vapid bitches who complain about other interpretations while blowing smoke up their own asses. Because an ego isn't pretty on anyone lmfao.
The idea giving William a personality makes you a terrible writer/person needs to die I'm sorry that's such a stupid as fuck idea idk who came up with it but kindly stop writing and stop giving writing advice. UwU With love~ From me!~
Anyways I've spoiled William is a bad person who does a bad thing, Won't say what yet but all the death in the building can give ya some ideas. And apparently because William is bad guy there's "Rules" on how to write him. From a bunch of 12 year olds who dunno how to write but I digress.
I detest the idea of that. Because let's be real all FNAF characters are blank slates and the idea of squashing creativity is dumb. Literally go wild with your FNAF AUs.
Rant aside: William seems to be a bit of...An ass.
Just slightly manipulative and rude language towards his only living child it's fine-
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Ah yes. He also demands physical affection.
We get Michael's age, he's 23 aka still a damn baby.
Also, William and Michael are British.
Since we're on voices:
Mike Schmidt would sound like Legoshi from Beastars lmfao. I imagine Bonnie with a new York accent. Freddy sounds like a lady.
We finally get to see what Ennard and Michael interact like together...
Michael doesn't seem to put up with him.
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Ennard's kind of a prick.
Also apparently they have a HISTORY.
One that involves Michael talking shit about his father...
For people who know shit about the games: Yes Ennard is possessed by the same person from the games.
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Hah Michael tricked him.
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Okay so everyone in Michael's life is manipulative towards him.
Also Ennard is a raging hypocrite.
Also conformation William is an owner not just a robot maker. (Can't remember if this was brought up earlier again some of these pages are 2 years old lmfao)
Also this comic assumes you got SOME Fnaf knowledge. I'd hope it's still interesting for those of you who are here for my other stuff! XD
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Like ouch Ennard ya don't gotta be such a jerk.
Also Mike is cute.
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This panel unironically is one of my favorites because this man doesn't scream in terror at any of the terrifying robots:
It's the gay guy he's trying to befriend he screams like a little girl at.
Another help wanted joke about the Faz token under the cupcake in the office.
Michael just wants to hang out with Mike obviously.
Despite all the shit he's clearly going through dude puts on a very pointy smile.
This man is built like a cat.
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Lol they made pizza together. How cute.
Hah bro is apologizing for something he didn't even do nor has control over-
Is it obvious Michael is abused yet?
Going real unsubtle here: Everything about Michael shows off he has been abused in some way shape or form.
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Michael wants to think he's being friendly for reals despite clearly having second thoughts due to Ennard.
Bro is desperate for a connection with someone.
Mike c'mon Bonnie's so sweet how could you- X'D
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Few things: William doesn't "Let" Michael do things.
If it wasn't apparent he was controlling as hell before it sure is now.
Also Michael is embarrassed of his interests.
Also the locker:
Again we see an instance of Michael going by "Mike" as his locker literally just has a piece of paper tapped over it adding the rest of his name lmao.
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Michael is used to being toyed around with that is sad.
Bonnie continues to be a sweetheart even when he's off screen. X'D
Mike attempts to relate to Michael's interests once again.
Also another instance of Bonnie lying his ass off about how close Michael and him are:
He knows Michael's locker combination and puts gifts in there lmao.
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Mike clearly likes that plush a lot. Maybe he likes Chica a lot lmao. Who knows.
One thing to note:
If Michael's working day shifts and night shifts...when does he sleep?
Grant it, it isn't ALL THE TIME but still bro's sleep schedule must be OBLITERATED.
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Oh hi giant floating head in the hallway you're stalking Michael too huh?
This is just two sides of someone's brain arguing with itself that the entire positive interaction they just had was terrible AND the other party hates them.
And that comparison only makes more sense down the road.
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Yeah Michael you tell him. You don't need to take that from him.
Jeremy's a cool dude.
Also the fact the kids pay no mind to this argument is funny.
Also Ennard taking genuine offense to Jeremy being a better friend lmao. Anyone can be a better friend than Ennard. X'D
We hit the image limit but oh boy. So much joy in this update.
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amethystina · 3 months
at my big age, after reading many pieces of work both online and from proper published authors, I promise you I cannot tellthe difference between the quality of 2 chapters. If the story itself is a masterpiece overall, a less than ideal chapter will not change that. And knowing your talent, what you consider less than ideal is something we will eat up and be amazed by nonetheless because it is a product of your brain. It is only normal to be harsh on oneself, but please understand that you need not worry about any harshness from our end, we appreciate you writing for us, await it with great excitement, and we will love whatever you give us. Write however, and whatever you feel is necessary for the plot, pacing be damned because I promise you we will be frothing at the mouth at the chapter regardless of what you choose to do. Please don't be so critical of yourself💗 And please take care of yourself. Remember to eat and drink water and smile everyday💗
A part of me knows that, but another just feels so nervous, I guess? Because I've been getting comments saying that the story is beginning to drag or that it's not very exciting anymore and I know a chapter like this probably won't help. Granted that those people are still a minority but, sometimes, it feels like I'm just waiting for the chapter that will make people lose interest in the fic. Or the chapter that validates their claims, I guess? Which I know is silly because, again — they're a very small group and it's impossible to please everyone — but our brains don't always listen to reason.
And, admittedly, none of this is helped by my overall mental state right now, which isn't the best xD (but could also be worse, to be fair)
That said, I'm still going to finish the chapter because I know I'm just blowing things out of proportion due to insecurities and perfectionism. It can't be helped if this chapter is a little choppier because we're at a point in the story where there won't be any long, detailed scenes because Ga On and Yo Han aren't talking all that much. And it's better to speed past those days of silence than drag things out just for the sake of what I think would be more appropriate pacing. It would just be boring — not to mention depressing — to draw things out.
And if nothing else, I want to get to what's beyond this chapter. Which means that the sooner I get it over with, the better xD
(But I admit I'm also kind of high-key struggling with the impulse to write on other Devil Judge things, possibly because I'm deluding myself that those would be easier or quicker. Or maybe a part of me still yearns for the emotional catharsis that would come from writing Yo Han's POV after chapter 39 because I know for a fact that I'd get a good, solid cry out of it (I say as if I cry often when I write — I really don't. It's an incredibly rare occurrence that only happens once in a blue moon. But I would definitely cry while writing that). But I'm going to try and be disciplined and write chapter 41 instead)
Anyway. Thank you so much for the kind message. I'm so grateful for all the love and support you all show me, and I truly hope that I'll be able to get back into updating more frequently sometime soon. Not because I feel pressured or anything like that, but because there's still so much ahead of us and so much story to tell and I just can't wait to share it with you all.
Thank you again and you please take care, too! 💜
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ducktracy · 9 months
For the polls, do you prefer to judge based on the quality of the joke (if there is one), or the intensity of the yell? Personally, I like a healthy mix of both.
Also, thanks for running this poll! I'm a big fan of voice acting and love hearing all these instances of Mel Blanc putting his whole puthy into it.
HONESTLY there really isn’t a preference! “best” can mean so many things, and so i thought it would be best and maybe a little less mind breaking to leave it up to subjectivity. maybe its what you find is the funniest through the sound! maybe its what you find most impressive! maybe its what benefits the context most—i try to offer at least a few seconds of context beforehand if applicable, since its very helpful to know where these screams are coming from? but i try not to give too much away either to prevent bias by context… if that’s even possible
BUT YEAH, i find my priorities change! rest assured that with each poll i’ve cast a mental ballot for which i personally would vote for… SO YEAH, sometimes it is intensity, sometimes it’s elaborateness, sometimes it’s contrast or even marriage against/to the context… sometimes its something as transparent as “i like this character” (🐖🦆) but i don’t advise purely judging off of that since that’s admittedly very transparent and not much about the yell quality at all HAHA. so don’t be me! or do! preferably don’t!
AND OF COURSE!! i’m a broken record, but i’m really glad this has been so successful so far! i love reading everyone’s tags and perspective on these. especially since i’ve seen some of these cartoons/examples SOOOO many times that its really nice to see it through a fresh pair of eyes! LIKEWISE it scratches many itches for me HAHA: scratches the itch to prop up what a crazy talented voice actor he was, scratches the itch to get some funny clips out that i hope will be enjoyed, scratches the itch to educate from a historical lens on demonstrating which radio (or real life!) catchphrases were popular at the time, or from the historical lens of just seeing how his voice had evolved, how the VOICE direction evolves, how the tone and direction of the shorts evokes, etc! SO! multiple plusses. i also love making lists and categories to a degree of obsession, so its helpful there too HAHA.
thanks for playing along!! i'm most excited to see what the results narrow down to because at this point, i really don't know!
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chronomally · 10 months
Here is a long-ass review about Gamedec but tl;dr I've been having fun and I recommend it if you like media like Shadowrun, Fallout: New Vegas, The Sinking City, and The Matrix; as well as cyberpunk, transhumanism, and detective stories (and don't mind a little bit of jank in your games)
I'm surprised by how much I've really been enjoying Gamedec. It's an isometric point-and-click and a lot of aspects of it remind me of the Shadowrun games and Fallout: New Vegas, including the "influence" system that allows you to take certain actions or unlock certain dialogue options based on unlocked specialties, information gathered, and relationships (positive or negative) you've developed with other characters
The main game play involves hopping between different video games and solving crimes as a video game "detective" ("gamedec" = game dectective) and I've been quite impressed with the amount of thought and design put into each of the games your character enters. You gather clues and use them to make deductions (that may or may not be correct), and you can also assist (or not) the characters you meet in each video game as you progress through your assigned case. I've seen a similar design (re: the deductions) in Frogwares games like The Sinking City and Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, so it was exciting to try out a similar mechanic myself. There aren't a ton of (visual) character customization options (which is pretty standard for this genre), but I always appreciate a game that allows you to set your appearance and gender/pronouns separately (it's been nice to be able to play a feminine-looking character that still gets addressed as "he" and "sir")
Admittedly, the game can be a bit janky, which I think was the major contributor to its pretty low critic rating. The original game studio is Polish (I believe, based on the names they selected for certain characters and the fact that the game takes place in a cyberpunk version of Warsaw), and it seems like as you get further in the game, there was less and less quality checking re: translations (certain lines are missing words, poorly translated, or appear to be missing entirely). Also, considering certain interactables are only highlighted when you're standing fairly close to them, I dislike that the game doesn't contain a feature that allows you to highlight all potentially interactable items on screen; maybe I'm being nitpicky, but I feel like this is a pretty standard feature in most modern point-and-clicks. On a somewhat related note, it's not always clear where you can and can't walk; sometimes the game takes a second to respond or dislikes where you've clicked, and sometimes you just...can't walk to that spot
To be honest, I'm not very good at judging moral choices in video games vs. Moral Choices in Video Games (TM) but I thought that the game offered a fairly wide variety of ways to settle cases and play your character. You're generally free to be money-hungry, job-focused, compassionate, or a dish out Code of Hammurabi-style justice as you see fit. The first case deals with graphic themes (there's a comment with more detail about this on their DoesTheDogDie page) and I don't think the resolution options are quite extensive enough, but in general there doesn't seem to be a "right" answer to a lot of the things that are going on, especially as you progress further through the game and begin to unravel the larger mystery that links together the cases you've been solving
Overall, like I said, I've been really enjoying this game, to the point that I'm kind of surprised and almost disappointed that I'd never heard of it. I got it for free through Epic Games a while ago and I'm glad I finally sat down to play
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
"aaaand he's right behind me, isn't he?" Is an overplayed joke but I think ppl are focusing too much on the joke out of context like. It's not the line itself that's the problem, I've seen this joke done well, the problem with this kind of overplayed quip is when assembly line blockbusters use it as a substitute for actual characterization and thought out jokes with set up and pay off.
Like I saw an article that described the Russo bros dialogue in their latest film as feeling like placeholders for funnier jokes meant to be added later, and that's very much what "and he's right behind me" is being used to represent in the recent wave of memes parodying it and movies that feature it- it's dialogue that could be funny in the right context but reads as annoying, insincere and overplayed because writers and directors employ it just as a way to
a) self parody in a way that creates distance between the film and the audience- which is distance from criticism, yes, but also distance that halts all investment and identification between the story and audience
and b) make their job easier at the cost of quality. Because "he's right behind me, isn't he?" Is a tried and true joke that doesn't tell us anything about the character saying it other than "they're meant to be funny and sarcastic and likeable" in the most generic sense of all those words
because a blandly likeable protagonist is easy to write, and they want things that are easy to write so they can put them on the assembly line. Which is frustrating but I do understand it's mostly a product of corporate monopoly and strangling studios. I'm sure most of these writers would like to make something better but just. Cannot be bothered to when the film is guaranteed money based on brand name clout alone AND they have to deal with execs who micromanage projects that fall under their 'brand'. Why write jokes that feel specific to the characters you've created, or engineer characters with comedy in mind? Thats too personal and gimmicky and high effort- slap a one-liner on them and now you've got the human equivalent of a palette cleanser when you flit between summer mega movies. Except every meal is a palette cleanser, and in the end, it tastes like nothing at all.
#ramblings of a lunatic#sorry i just. saw something that annoyed me#where they judged the quality of a thing (admittedly a thing i like so I'm very biased here!) by the fact that they personally felt#that it was the kind of show that would include a ''hes right behind me isn't he?'' joke#and it's like. i get what you're going for and other parts of your post are more coherent in your grievances#(you think it's generic)#but like. idk i just feel like turning specific lines that are overplayed but ultimately neutral on their own-#-into shorthand for ''generic and bad'' is like. gonna be unhelpful in the long run#idk feel free to add on to this with expansions or anything you think i got factually wrong if i did say something completely untrue#just like be civil yknow. like i have good faith for the ppl who follow me don't get me wrong I'm just. not in the mood rn for tomfoolery#this is highly unedited and i might wake up tomorrow and find it incomprehensible or just. poorly articulated#but for now you're getting my moaning and groaning as is. o natural babey#Anyway yes- mega blockbusters made on an assembly line are bad and they produce bad movies.#But it's less to do with a couple individual words that appear often and more abt the conditions surrounding their production.#it's why i keep calling them assembly line blockbusters#to the person who once compared the mcu to cinematic fast food...hows it feel to be so deeply correct#(fast food good sometimes and I have nostalgic favourites but by god it cannot be all i eat or I will get very sick)
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alec for the ask game!
ahhh thank u for the ask!
This is mostly based on show!Alec as he's got a lot more screen time, but there'll be some book!Alec as well.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
Alec is my absolute favourite character, tied with Magnus.
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
(this is based on aesthetic attraction, not sexual, bc, yk, I'm aroace.)
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
ALEC IS ALL THE HOUSES U CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND— but here's some gratuitous reasoning behind each of them:
gryffindor: Alec's obviously brave, definitely self-sacrificing. Most of the time, he's admittedly less prone to recklessness than most gryffindors, but when around Magnus his recklessness is through the roof (remember the deal with asmodeus??? and edom??? and the whole simon-turn-me-into-a-vampire thing???) so it evens out.
slytherin: He's good at politics. He's willing to do anything to protect those he loves, including not-so-nice things. He's ambitious — he's youngest ever Inquisitor (in the show) and Consul (in the books), after all. I also believe that all the best leaders are slytherins, and Alec's definitely a good leader.
ravenclaw: He's smart, he likes to plan ahead. I think his choice of the bow and arrow is about this, too — mostly it's attributed to wanting to protect his siblings (a hufflepuff trait I'll get to later) but it also puts him above the fray, in a position where he can plan things out, think ahead, etc. My personal headcanon is that he's an absolute nerd, which ties in with this.
hufflepuff: He's loyal (to a fault) — to his family name, his siblings, his ideals. He's fair. He's protective of his siblings (remember the bow & arrows). He's self-sacrificing, which is also kinda a gryffindor trait, but I think it applies here too.
so yeah. Alec is all the Houses.
best quality: his willingness to sacrifice everything for those he loves
Alec will do anything to protect his loved ones. (Deal with Asmodeus, marrying Lydia, etc. Do I really need to list all of the examples of this?)
worst quality:  his willingness to sacrifice everything for those he loves
yes, this is also his best quality. It can be both.
Allow me to elaborate: Alec places his own worth far, far below that of anyone he loves — even below that of anyone he doesn't know. (Alec would totally throw himself in front of a demon to protect a random mundane/Downworlder.) This is obviously frustrating, and one could argue that it's unhealthy, too, but it's also admirable — most people have the opposite problem, imo.
ship them with:  Magnus
this is pretty obvious skdjfhskjdfhksdhf
side note, though: I very strongly do not ship Alec with anyone but Magnus. Specifically, not Jace — it's too close to incest, and it feels really... off, to me. Alec pined after Jace for years, but he wasn't properly in love with him, and it's really hard for me to see a healthy relationship growing from that? like if you like it, I won't judge, but it's just not my favourite thing.
brotp them with: Clary, Lydia, Lily & Maia.
(shush, I'm definitely allowed to pick more than one)
Clary: the I-hate-you to I-tolerate-you-because-you're-dating-Jace to I-actually-like-you-but-I-will-never-admit-it thing that Clary & Alec have going on is TOP-TIER. Them going out for tacos in the books is my favourite thing skdjfhskdjh
Lydia: we were ROBBED of a proper Lydia & Alec brotp. They could work together so well!!! I love the idea of them running the Institute together — it's normally done by a couple, so it's really a job for two people, and Alec deserves to have somebody who can take over the Institute and let him catch a break. (Also, I NEED Lydia teasing Alec for walking out on her, all the ex-fiancée jokes, Lydia telling Magnus about the "quite magical" scene — the comedic potential is PURE GOLD).
Lily & Maia: Gonna put these two as one brotp (is it a brot3 now?) because tbh it's the three of them together that I really like. It mostly happens in the book (since Lily doesn't exist in the show 🙄), but what we get of them is just... really good. Like, the three of them working together with the Downworlder-Shadowhunter Alliance? or making fun of ppl & bitching about the Clave? or Lily & Maia teaming up to tease Alec about Magnus? SIGN ME UP
needs to stay away from: Camille
There's just... so much bad stuff with Camille. She's incredibly good at making Alec feel insecure — imo, she's the one most capable of hurting Alec, be it book (page 511, anyone? ik Magnus & Alec could both have dealt with it better, but it was mostly HER FAULT) or show ("40 years from male pattern baldness" or w/e she said).
misc. thoughts: I hc him as grey- or demiromantic, which is possibly just projecting but here's my reasoning (combining hc and canon): Alec's crush on Jace was, imo, because he was the only guy Alec really knew — I don't think he was ever really interested in anyone else. He's never hooked up with anyone, although both Jace and Izzy have. He doesn't get why Jace is doing all this insane stuff for Clary, because he just met her — he only starts doing insane stuff for Magnus after they've known each other for a while. I also hc him as asexual, but that's definitely just me projecting 😂😂😂 (also, read Let in the Rain by @cuubism for more about this... and, if you'll excuse the self-promo, learning to love by yours truly.)
anyway thank u again for the ask!!!
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 32
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Mr. and Mrs. MacTavish
Francine "France" Winters
MacTavish Residence, Glasgow Scotland
3:46 AM
Francine squinted her eyes as she checked her phone, the bright light illuminated her whole visage. No new messages. John promised her he'd text her as soon as the mission was over. According to their briefing, the recon mission should've ended about four hours ago.
She shifted her position and turned to Maxine who looked sound asleep. A soft smile escaped her lips once she realized that Maxine was safe within her reach.
She forced her eyes to close again but couldn't quite get the sleep she needed. She wondered if John ever got tired running in her mind. After failing her last attempt to get some sleep, she slowly got up and made her way to the kitchen for some milk.
Much to her surprise, the kitchen lights were open and Samantha sat on the dining table, her chin rested on her arms as she stared on her phone.
"Can't sleep?" France asked and it shocked Samantha a little.
"Yeah. He's supposed to text me three hours ago. Now I can't help but worry." Samantha groaned in frustration.
"John promised that too…" she slowly placed her phone on the table and it beeped. The womens eyes widened as France excitedly unlocked her phone.
Her smile almost reached the heavens but soon after reading the notification, she suddenly went back to her frown.
"What was it?" Samantha asked, raising her head and looked at Francine.
"A software update notification." Francine sighed and went to grab a glass of milk.
"Say, France… has it ever crossed your mind that John would be the one you'll end up marrying?" Samantha asked. Francine's cheeks burned immediately at the idea as she envisioned herself living in a house with three children with mohawks running around. She wasn't ready for all of it but she's blushing at the sheer idea of it as if she liked it.
"Umm… uh.. I'm not sure. Sam." her tone was really suspicious, as if hiding something and making up blatant lies. She just wished Samantha couldn't see through her.
"Sorry for that kind of question. It's just that… I think that Alex is the one for me… that's why I'm this worried about him. I couldn't sleep knowing he's not beside me…" Samantha explained while pondering her situation. If that was the case for her, then France's insomnia could also mean that she's…
"I guess it's normal to feel that way…" France defended, downing a half full glass of milk.
"You've been with him for quite some time and you both admittedly loved each other, that's why you showed concern toward him." She continued.
"So, that goes to you too? Right?" Samantha asked. France once again got cornered by her own train of thought.
"Look. Yes. I'm concerned about John too… he's…" she smiled.
"He's something else… I'm far too ready to reopen myself to a relationship and he actually told me he was willing to wait and be a friend in need." she continued, now her heart was beating slowly but fluttering at the idea of her thoughts. John was willing to wait. That meant that she could have all the time at her disposal until she was ready to love again. But such time needed was already up, as she was already denying the inevitable feeling of love she was projecting toward the Scotsman.
"Sounds like you're already ready." Samantha teased.
"No I'm not!" France immediately dismissed her, grabbed her phone and went back to bed.
"As a matter of fact, I'll sleep right now!" She said as Samantha just laughed and waved goodnight.
France slowly paced in front of John's room. She felt as if there was a huge magnet pulling her towards it and the longer her phone doesn't ring, the more convinced she was to get in. Succumbing to temptation, she pushed the doors open and sneaked her way in.
His room was always her favorite place in the house. It showcased a lot of his personality that no one could ever see in him. Landscape drawings and sketches filled the room. Football jerseys with autographs were framed on the walls along with photos with his favorite athletes.
At first glance, everyone would say that John MacTavish had it all, but when you're staring at his eyes while having a heart to heart talk, you would know that that isn't all true. He didn't have it all.
France saw his black journal by the bed. It was strange that he didn't bring it for his mission. Last time you asked him what's inside, he just chuckled and said "mission details", showing a sketch of Price labeled 'caterpillar moustache'.
France was then again tempted to open the page where he left off, showing a beautifully sketched face of her, occupying the whole page.
"Tough on the outside, soft in the inside. Just like me." was written on the corner of the page.
"I knew that you saw through me the moment we met…" She whispered as she closed the journal and yawned, crashing on his huge bed they both shared days ago when she needed someone to talk to. Covering herself with the thick covers, she inhaled the signature MacTavish scent which still lingered on his bed and it was actually effective enough to lull her to sleep. It's as if he was there beside her.
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France woke up as soon as it came to her senses that Maxine would be looking for her. Throwing the covers away, she immediately rushed back to her room. Pulling the door open and sneaking her way back.
The silent clattering of the plates and casual conversations filled the kitchen. Jack was talking about some of his experiences while Samantha and Maxine were giggling. Much to her curiosity regarding the two unknown voices, both male and female, she slowly descended the staircase and peeked.
Aside from Jack, Samantha and Maxine, there was a man and a woman, possibly married, who sat together by the table. She actually felt nervous once her sight landed on the man. If he was younger, his resemblance with John would be almost accurate. And judging by that look, Francine leaned to the idea that this was John's father.
John's father had the physical qualities of a Scotsman but the appeal of a western businessman. His accent was almost not Scottish.
"Ahh. I miss my home so much. Do you mind if I let loose a little?" Mr. MacTavish asked and his wife, judging by the body language of holding on his hands, chuckled at his idea.
"Don't worry. It's your home. You should feel comfortable." Jack replied with a smile.
With a deep sigh, Mr. MacTavish actually let loose and exhaled a very deep ramble in s heavy Scottish accent. His wife replied with the same energy and everyone cackled. France was amazed at how easygoing his parents were and it told a lot about John's upbringing.
"Ooh! Looks like our other guest woke up!" Mrs. MacTavish mused upon making eye contact with France.
"So Maxine, this is your sister?" Mr. MacTavish.
"Yes, Mr. Jonathan. It's Francine." Maxine answered and France waved and smiled at the MacTavishes. Her whole body felt awkwardly nervous. She felt like this was the 'Meet the Parents' part, except they weren't really a thing… yet.
"Nice to finally meet you, Sir Jonathan and Ma'am…" France shook his hand and paused at Mrs. MacTavish.
"It's Julianne." She smiled and shook her hand. For a moment, Francine actually felt her heartwarming touch as she slowly eased the nervousness away.
"Don't be scared of us dear. We don't bite." She smiled and Francine smiled back. When John told her about how serene he felt around his mother, he wasn't joking. Her aura was powerful.
"Honey, looks like there are a lot more women in the force nowadays. Have you ever wondered if our boy John has liked any of them?" he asked playfully while France was trying her hardest not to choke on her orange juice. It looks like Max and Samantha were just giggling on their own.
"Well dear, why don't we leave it up to John to introduce us to her." She chuckled and held her husband's hand.
"Where is he anyway?" Jonathan looked back by the door.
"He's still on a mission." France answered and everyone else looked at her.
"What I mean is, they are still on their way home." She corrected, stuttering as she replied.
"Well, it's such a shame we had to leave now. Duty calls!" Jonathan stood up and everyone followed them to the front door, waving their goodbyes. France shyly followed behind them and joined the group as they sent their goodbyes to John's parents.
As soon as the car left their sights, everyone else eased and released the pressure they felt.
"Woooah. Soap has some nice parents. I thought they'll get mad at us for crashing in!" Maxine said, sitting beside France.
"Well, Soap just proved to us that not all businessmen are evil, despite what television suggests." Jack added and yawned. It was still early and he already planned on sleeping.
Samantha sat there and stared at her phone. France checked hers too and called her attention.
"I didn't get any texts from him. But I assure you, they'll be here soon."
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"So, tell me how worried you were when I didn't text." John smugly asked France while he emerged from the showers, a clean white towel was the only thing wrapping his body.
France just sat by the bed, her whole body facing opposite John. Her brows still furrowed at the idea that he wasn't able to text her that they finished the mission without harm.
Their arrival earlier was not quite the arrival she expected. Her heart was supposed to flutter at the sight of John, but instead sadness filled the whole house. Alexandra Ryder was gone, and it would be too rude to reach for his embrace at the time of mourning.
"I wasn't worried one bit." She spat and crossed her arms. He could hear John laughing a little and she wanted to look at him, but his stubbornness needed to be fixed, that is if she could.
"Really? Then how come I heard from Samantha that you were up at three-" France quickly turned to her back in an attempt to stop his trail of thought, but she was surprised that John's face was already close to hers as he was crawling towards her while he talked.
France's world paused for a little as her eyes met his, gaze locked on his icy blue stare as her heart started to beat differently and her ears started to heat up, and lips slowly formed a smile.
Her eyes trailed down to his lips, where it also happened to curve differently. He was smiling and it never occurred to her that John had smiled like that before. Her lips involuntarily pouted as she felt John's face inch closer to hers, as she slowly closed her eyes and let the Scotsman take over her lips.
The first kiss was quick, their lips just met each other for a short while and they both backed up, eyes locked on to each other, both sparkling and wanting for more.
"Fine." France whispered and reached for his cheek.
"I can't stop worrying about you, dumbass." she added and John let out a soft chuckle, leaning in for another kiss, but this time it was more than they both wanted. This time it felt like they were released from all the things constraining them. France actually gave in to him for the second time, and she was glad that she did this, because John sure was a very good kisser.
Next Chapter : The Broken Ship
Notification Squad my Beloved
@beemybee @samatedeansbroccoli @enderio @smokeywhalee @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach
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bansheemilktales · 2 years
My Feelings About Modern Superhero Movies
As a little kid my passion for comic books got me teased a lot. If you can think of a mean name I was probably addressed by it. The most common were gay slurs. I have no issue with gay people, in fact, I'm usually rather fond of them but it still hurt that people wanted to hurt me. The experience always left me feeling angry and alone. Militantly defensive of the artform I enjoyed. Even as a young boy I could easily go off on a long speech about how comics were great and those who judged then unfairly were awful.
Now that I'm 46 years old superhero movies are all the rage. But after I watch one, I would venture to say that more than half of them leave me feeling angry and alone. I specify "superhero movies". I don't call them comic book movies because they rarely have the qualities I admire about comic books. I wasn't that into the explosions and punches and when I do want to see punches or explosions they entertain me more when they are physical rather than CGI. I like my movies filmed instead of computer generated (stunts are great too).
What I loved about comics was the same thing I loved about the films of David Lynch, John Waters & Tim Burton. They could be a window into an unusual character's head. Sometimes movies habe nailed it like 'Ghost World', 'American Splendor', 'Sin City' and 'Road To Perdition'. In my experience, if you read a good comic book you will often notice they are stories told in the first person so the hero tells you what they are thinking. I remember a passage where Wolverine thought to himself "It feels like there is too much blood in my body". There was a passage in Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns in which Batman weighs the options of how to take a criminal down. One kills, a couple of them will leave the crook with permanent injuries and he says "the other one.....hurts" and he kicks the bad guy in dramatic fashion. And most importantly when I read a comic book I get to look at great artwork.
I just finished watching the new movie 'Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness' and I find myself feeling angry and alone again just like when I was a kid. Everybody loves these movies and I am once again made to feel less than when I don't. It seems like adults are experiencing now what I did as a child. They seem to feel very defensive of these movies the way I did with comics. Online I will get called a name when I don't like a superhero movie (admittedly I have enjoyed the occasional one but it has been a while).
On the subject of the new Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor but he does not get to show us this when he plays this character. It is so much boring exposition like "We have to get to the thing or the universe will Bla Bla Bla". I say Good. Let the universe blow up. That would be different.
If you saw Sherlock Holmes starring RDJ there is great internal dialogue. But usually actors overdo it for the 2 lines they have until they are bombarded with enough CG that it no longer even looks like a movie. These things look like videogames. Maybe I'm just an old guy, but Doctor Strange has a distracting helmet instead of hair (I don't see why they can't just use Cumberbatches hair). And his cape is even more distracting since occasionally it comes to life in order to do something stupid like catch someone. And remember when you were hoping to see a zombie give a kid an inspirational speech? Me neither.
What is wrong with comic books? Why do most people have zero interest in reading them? Do people hate seeing amazing drawings? Do they hate imagining what a character's voice is like or knowing what they are thinking? Why is it that America has virtually no interest in them unless it is to see them badly translated to the silver screen?
If this ever gets a lot of readers I imagine people will get angry with me for talking shit about these movies. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. If you enjoy them that's great. I am happy for you. But if so, why are they better to you than reading comics?
I know that getting worked up over this stuff will get me ridiculed but that's what being a nerd is.
I can easily get mad that Wolverine isn't short in the movies. That Batman is always portrayed as a slow armored guy instead of a guy in tights who dodges bullets. Everyone nowadays says they're a nerd but I don't know if they are. I think maybe they are still followers like they were in school. Only now superheroes are the trend whereas when I was a kid they were a way to buck trends.
So tonight I guess I have to feel angry and alone for a little while.
My heart still wants to give my sad inner child a hug and hope that he doesn't mind hugging an old guy who feels the same way.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Along with such outright lies, there must be a lot more impressed if the answer is to offer people better technology than they have now. What you notice in the Forbes 400 are a lot of startups—more than most people realize, because they only get paid if they build the winner. Fortunately you can also watch real doctors, by volunteering in hospitals. So what they do with computers. What was I? Was gone. Usually their motives are mixed. Expert hackers are a tiny minority, admittedly, but that so many judge themselves by it.
Buy millions of dollars worth of advertising on Yahoo to promote their brand. It's hard for us to feel a sense of urgency as adults over something we've literally been trained not to worry about this. They're effectively free if you're good; and better languages, which make development a lot cheaper. I thought it would be useful if I explained what a nerd was. It is for all ambitious adults. Most of the turning points in economic history are instances of it. I don't see why it ought to be possible for the programmer to guess what library call would do the right thing for your company to do. And if you don't, and that's why hackers like it. This pattern is very old.
The state of the art in programming languages in the next twenty years will be server-based software blows away this whole model. Good people can fix bad ideas, but the companies on either side, like Carnegie's steelworks, which made the rails, and Standard Oil, which used railroads to get oil to the East Coast after Yahoo. They generally do better than investors, because they grow into the trees of the economy. Big companies are just not a good idea. So if you're developing technology for money, you're probably not going to be possible to invest it all. But while in some fields the papers are unintelligible because they're full of hard ideas, in others they're deliberately written in an obscure way to seem as if they're saying something important. But that means you're designing your life to satisfy a process so mindless that there's a whole industry devoted to subverting it. Once you realize how little most people judging you care about judging you accurately—once you realize that most judgements are greatly influenced by random, extraneous factors—that most people are insulated from it most of the members don't like it. What makes the Bay Area would be progressive. But they work as if they had bad table manners. What you need to.
If he had technologists working for him, they were determined to make a language popular? Hackers like to hack, and hacking means getting inside things and second guessing the original designer. But it's hard to switch from one task to another; it changes the mode in which you work. How could I have missed something so obvious for so long. Going public early will not be about whether to make your language strongly or weakly typed, or object oriented, or functional, or whatever, but about the obstacles blacks faced in his time. Obviously it was going to increase productivity dramatically. I don't know of anyone I've met. As Knuth pointed out long ago that speed only matters in certain critical bottlenecks.
In the matter of libraries I think there will be a few stars who clearly should make the team, and many at some point. There does seem to be to answer a question I don't know of anyone I've met. As well as writing software, I had to do sales and customer support. It did originally come with a system to hack: the Lisp Machine. If you're wondering what you're doing every hour. One reason we want kids to be told. That will change with server-based apps get released as a series of small changes.
It's important to realize you're not. In this particular case there is a second much larger class of judgements where judging you is the end goal. I think most businesses that fail do it because they don't give customers what they want. Others seem more innocent; it depends how badly adults lie to maintain their power, and what they learn there depends much more on them than the professors. They walk around feeling horribly evil for having used a swearword, while in fact most of the Lisp programming done today is done in Emacs Lisp or AutoLisp. He was gone. In young hackers, optimism predominates. But unfortunately most investors are terrible judges. This was not uncommon during the Bubble, it's now considered dubious to take companies public before they have earnings. But a hacker can learn quickly enough that car means the first element of a list and cdr means the rest. Nothing could be better, for a new language. It's more straightforward just to make the check out to, you're going to learn that the world is quiet and warm and safe.
You have to work on? They try to protect you from understanding what they're doing. There does seem to be effectively infinite, at least in the short term, the quality of one's ideas. The odds of finding smart professors in the math department. Do the founders of a startup, don't feel that it has to be the next Yahoo. What was I? The Matrix have such resonance. Childhood was getting old.
But most of our users were small, individual merchants who saw the Web not as an opportunity, but as something that meant more work for them. But increasingly startups are evolving into a vehicle for developing technology on spec. Fortunately, if startups get cheaper to start, this conflict goes away, because founders can start them younger, when it's rational to take more risk, and can start more startups total in their careers. We talked to a number of startups that can succeed, regardless of how many are started. No one wants to write programs in a language that can show them what parts of their own programs need to be written in the near future will be server-based apps get released. This happens particularly in the interfaces between pieces of software written by two different people. It's almost like writing applications! So who should start a startup is to run into intellectual property problems. But it turned out. Adults have a certain model of how kids are supposed to behave, and it's the hackers you need to do two things, one of the most remarkable things about the way we lie to kids, the most powerful is the desire to do, personally, is discover a new abstraction—something that would make as much of a difference as having first class functions or recursion or even keyword parameters. The most important way to not spend money is by not hiring people.
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