#where would you suggest I get the hundreds of dollars necessary to do so?
dduane · 1 year
I've seen you posting detailed information about the WGA strike and wondered if you had any suggestions as to how those of us not directly involved can show our support for the Union?
Okay, bearing in mind that all this is entirely subjective at the moment (and so far lacking any more useful input from other sources): a few thoughts.
This will be my third WGA strike. (My first one was in 1988, just after I'd made my first live action sale—s1e6 of ST:TNG). And the thought keeps occurring to me at the moment that this time out, there's a potentially gamechanging player on the field that wasn't there before: truly pervasive social media.
(Adding a cut here, because this goes on a bit...)
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In 2007, social media as we now understand it was still in its cradle. Now, though, those of us who're striking can make our voices much more widely heard. And so can those of us who're not, but just want to show solidarity. Last time, the AMPTP was able to do pretty much what it wanted without the public noticing or having even a medium-profile way to make their feelings known. But this time? Not so much.
So as an otherwise uninvolved person who wants to show solidarity, I'd start with something seemingly low-value. If I was on Twitter, I'd start routinely tweeting about the strike and my support for it—not obsessively, just persistently, a couple/few times a week—using the Twitter hashtags that are gaining ground even now, such as #DoTheWriteThing (and of course #WGAStrike). I would make sure I was following @WGAEast and @WGAWest, to keep an eye on what's going on.
Additionally: I would start politely, but repeatedly—again, maybe once or twice a week at least, and not stopping—tweeting the various major players in the AMPTP, especially the streamers: Amazon, Netflix, Hulu et al. I would start suggesting that their current attitude toward the WGA's contract negotiations is not only unrealistic but potentially (for the AMPTP) bad for business. (And self-destructive, too, as if this goes on much longer in this vein, they'll be seemingly eagerly casting themselves as The Baddies.) I would suggest that their bad behavior, if not amended by them coming to the table to bargain in good faith, might start affecting both my interest in their shows and my willingness to keep paying unreasonable people for access to them.
I should emphasize here that so far there've been no formal calls from anyone for boycotts or subscription cancellations. For the moment, this strikes me as wise. The point for WGA-friendly observers, right now, would be to keep what's happening to the writers visible: to keep bringing it up: to refuse to allow it to be swept under the rug. The "They only want two cents on the dollar!" angle seems potentially useful the more it's repeated. The point is to keep the repetition going: to make it plain, day after day, that the other side's being not just unreasonable, but greedy. Day after day, and week after week, and (if necessary: please Thoth may it not be...) month after month.
And tweeting is hardly all that can be done. Email is cheap and easy. But actual letters, written on actual paper and mailed, can still create a surprising amount of attention in a corporate office. (The saying in TV used to be that for every person who actually writes in about an issue, there are ten, or a hundred, who feel the same way but never got around to it.) Write letters to all the AMPTP members' CEOs, and make your feelings on the WGA's core demands politely plain. ...Especially when those CEOs collectively made almost three-quarters of a billion-with-a-B dollars in salaries last year, when many of the writers working on their shows can't afford rent.
After that: here's another thought, a little more physical. If by chance you're in an area where one or the other of the Guilds are picketing: turn out and support them! Honk when you pass: and if you're interested, show up and offer to walk the picket lines with them. These things get noticed. (In 2007 a bunch of us, both Guild members and non-, caused significant astonishment by turning out to picket AMPTP members' offices in Dublin.)
...Obviously not all that many people are going to be positioned, in terms of location or their own work and time commitments, to show up physically. But online? Find ways to keep this issue visible. The AMPTP wants this to go quiet, wants people to get bored with it, wants people to find reasons to blame the writers. They've tried spinning the story that way before. Don't let them pull that shit. Find ways to back those who're calling them on that, publicly. They do respond to this kind of thing (though they may strenuously deny it). If enough attention continues to be paid by the general public, they will blink—if sometimes excruciatingly slowly, as Disney began to blink over the dispute tagged #DisneyMustPay.
As viewers, and as viewers who pay for subscriptions to things, we far outnumber them. Help be a part of making the AMPTP understand that this quest for a truly fair deal is not going to go away. And the longer they try to act like the Guild's negotiation positions are beneath their notice, the more it's going to hurt them, and the stupider and greedier it's going to make them look.
...That's all I've got for the moment, as I need some lunch. :) ...But I hope this has helped. And thanks for your concern, and your desire to stand in solidarity with us! It's so welcome. :)
ETA: here's a link to the Guild's social media toolkit, for those who'd like to change PFPs or icons, etc., to show their support.
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marchsound73 · 2 years
Blogging - Top Approaches To Establish Online Credibility
Of various services for sale for any man's utilization, one which surely captures market shares is web designing. There are probably more than a thousand firms that offer web site design in the web. It possibly be in your own interest to register your own domain name, and afford the web development company of your username and password to can update the DNS settings to suggest your url to your account on their server. Once that is finished and brand new website is up and running and will come your way it on the World Wide Web, prior to to is simple password such that only organization knows what exactly it is. Just Google the search phrase "register my domain name" and a lot more find several good companies where however register personal domain recognize. ANSWER: Certainly! We gear all our website design and coding around optimizing your websites so which obtain quite best possible possibility of being ranked well involving main search engines. We will together with helpful as well as advice regarding how you in a position the incredibly same. We can offer you one 1 hand coaching guide show you where to obtain the tools and the right way to research and optimize your site by yourself if you so choose, or regular do that for then you. Now comes the time for search job boards for work. twórca stron internetowych katowice Here you get an idea for this type of type of clients as well as just much these willing shell out for the item. Bear in mind your target audience as you will need to help cut down your enter work. You have to also create a decision exactly how to you are going to charge and the method of payment you would favor. There was not HTML coding necessary. Work out plans just a matter of drag and take. Comparing it to getting NVU, - I am not sure how does one get to be able to coding HTML after using Rubix. There are just like barriers to entry for web developers - now you may put up a website and get business. When hiring an online developer, you get what pay out for. Besides, unless you instruct otherwise, chances will be the developer make use of a template - something you execute and save the hundreds or countless dollars provided for simply regarding any template fitted by a WEBSITE DEVELOPER. This the actual first is related towards the first, but even experienced developers can fall into this traps. There's a diverse range of expertise that is put into building site. This includes photography, graphic design, database management, an understanding of information architecture, business and time management, and programming. Many web developers will tell you they is able to do what you want, regardless if they aren't. Maybe they're hoping they'll be able to figure it all out after they get the job, they will just have a quick photograph and it'll look fine, or that designing your logo will most definitely take a jiffy. They may be an expert programmer, but that does not imply they've got good aesthetic taste. An individual agrees to attempt work doesn't meam they are experienced at, the finished product can be a shoddy-looking web site. There you might have some approaches to finding wonderful host are usually want to construct a website with Wp. If you look to have a website with any other format website highly suggest you pinpoint what need to for site program first and then look for a host second as well as get exactly what you have a need for.
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argontheconqueror · 2 years
So... I got this message from a random tumblr and decided to follow the rabbit hole. (Part 2/3)
Hello, friends! If you survived part 1 of this rollercoaster then you know that our colleague @genderbenduniverse apparently has a template for character profiles they would like me to follow for their two-MILLION-WORD genderbent AtLA fic. Plus, they want me to follow this and make it l o n g :
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So that's that. They wanted me to do 10 character profiles like this, at least, all in this near-indecipherable format that suggests this person has a hair fetish. Anyways, that comes out to be... 2.01 million words that they want me to write. Twenty chapters, one hundred thousand words each, plus 10 character profiles that we'll say are 1000 words because they're long. To put it into perspective, J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings series, including The Hobbit, is only 576,459 words. Our friend here is asking me to write the equivalent of almost FOUR LOTR cycles. Anyways, I decided this had to be a joke and wrote up a spreadsheet of the costs, including a word fee as suggested by other fanfic writers:
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Based on my writing speed of approx. 25 wpm for fiction, plus some 2h of planning for every 10000 words of the fic, I would have to spend some 1742 working hours to finish this thing. Add to that the fact that this would probably make me have to replace my computers, the headaches from the work, plus the hand massages necessary after so much writing, plus a writing fee of $1/word, we reach... that.
So with a cool 2.06 million dollars (US), our friend the genderbent AtLA fan could have themselves a fic. And to confirm, if I spent my entire work week (40h) on writing this fic and only writing this, I would have to work for... 43.55 weeks, or 10 straight months. I sent it to them, partly-joking, and they said... this:
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Yes, friends, they wanted me to do this, a Herculean effort, a task that GRRM hasn't even reached with A Song of Ice and Fire, a job that would require years or decades of work, for free. Now, I'm no penny-pinching capitalist scum but even I need compensation for this sort of thing. I need to eat too, can't just survive on the souls of the damned.
When I respectfully said that this sort of thing cannot be free, they said:
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Art is free, my colleagues! Art is free! All artists should just throw their works into the unpaid void because someone on the tumblrs just said so, and because they have low income! I asked them to confirm that they wanted two million words, since they’d just apparently changed that to “thousand” as seen above. They said, and I again quote:
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To all authors, if you haven’t reached 2 million words, are you even complete? Are you even a writer? Your work is at 200,000 words? Write more! This person here has seen works with millions! Hundreds of millions! Anyways, they continued to beg for anything, anything at all for me to write that much for them, even saying:
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Yes indeed, they pulled the "basic humanity" card on me. They would then reduce their requests to a mere 10000 words per chapter, so now it's just 200,000 words! What a relief! I only have to write a fic longer than The Fellowship of the Ring. Nothing major, not at all. I reminded them of this, and the fact that few fanfic writers even reach this number. And so, we come to this:
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This friend of ours seems to think that because fanfiction is free that they are entitled to ask authors to write something based on their requirements and demands. Anyways, this was the point where I’d gotten tired of the damn thing and wanted to at least get some of my time back. Find out more, in part 3!
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Why is Pablo Hasel justifying and praising terrosist groups??
I’m not sure if you’re asking why Pablo Hasél is accused of praising terrorist groups or why he said what he said. So I’ll answer both things lol.
He got sentenced to jail because of different verses from his rap songs and some tweets. To be precise, the judges have considered that he published 64 tweets that were either against the Spanish monarchy (yes, “offense against the Crown” is a crime in Spain) or praising the armed organisations GRAPO and ETA. These are the tweets that caused more scandal:
“Los parásitos de los Borbones siguen de trapis con los decapitadores de los homosexuales”: “the Bourbon parasites are still doing business with the ones who decapitate homosexuals”
This is a reference to the fact that the Bourbon family (the dynasty of the Spanish monarchy) are, in fact, doing business and being friends with the monarchy of Saudi Arabia, where human rights are not respected at all.
It is a fact that Saudi Arabia condemns homosexuality as a crime: gay people caught for the first time are flogged or jailed and if the “offense” is repeated they are sentenced to death penalty (source). It’s also a fact that King Juan Carlos I has had a long friendship and business relation with the Al Saud dynasty. In 1979, the Saudi monarchy gave Juan Carlos I a yacht as a gift (which he accepted and used for his holidays for years), when the king Fahd of Saudi Arabia died in 2005 the president of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (from the PSOE party) declared a national day of mourning for the Saudi king as was suggested to him by the Spanish monarchy, in 2008 king Juan Carlos I received 100 million euros from Saudi Arabia, in 2007 Juan Carlos gave Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (brother of the current king of Saudi Arabia) the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece (the highest chivalry honour that the King of Spain can give), in 2011 Juan Carlos intervened to the king of Saudi Arabia to get the contract of the high velocity train to Mecca (which is valued in 7,000 million dollars) assigned to a Spanish business, in 2019 the Panama papers revealed an offshore foundation that the Saudi monarchy had used to give the Spanish monarchy 100 million euros... Just a few examples that prove this relation. (Source). And now Juan Carlos I is living in the United Arab Emirates, another country with harsh punishments for homosexuality (among other human rights violations).
So Pablo Hasél was just stating the facts in that sentence.
“El mafioso de mierda del Rey dando lecciones desde un palacio”: “the fucking mafioso King giving lessons from a palace”
Given the many cases of corruption that the king has been involved in, as well as his intervention in the economy (such as profiting from big businesses that had profited from Franco’s dictatorship) and pressure in politics, it’s not so crazy to call him (and his family clan) a mafioso. In fact, the French TV news literally called Juan Carlos I a “gangster” once.
As for the “giving lessons from a palace”, that’s what he does in his Christmas speech or any other time he addresses the citizens, as if we all had it so easy as living and owning multiple palaces with hundreds of maids and not having to work while getting all kinds of luxuries payed for with public money. Not just Juan Carlos, Felipe VI is the same (remember when he went to Cuba to give them lessons on democracy, but then pretended everything was perfect in the visit to Saudi Arabia?).
Once again, Pablo Hasél was not being far from the truth.
“Guardia Civil torturando o disparando a emigrantes”: “the Civil Guard [Spanish military police force] torturing or shooting migrants”
The Civil Guard literally shoots rubber bullets at migrants who are trying to get on Spanish soil in Ceuta (source). By shooting them rubber bullets, the migrant people fall back on the water, and many drown. The Civil Guard murders and tortures migrants. And everything that takes place inside CIEs (migrant detention centers) can also be called torture with no doubt.
Again, these are facts.
Those were posts on social media, he has also been sentenced because of the lyrics of his songs. Here are some sentences from his song “Juan Carlos el Bobón” (the title is a pun with the words "Borbón”-Bourbon- and “bobo”-stupid-).
“Me cago en la marca España explotadora y casposa”: “the exploiter and braggart brand Spain can go fuck itself”
That’s self-explanatory. A personal opinion you can agree or disagree with, but given the things we’ve mentioned in this post and so many more, it’s perfectly understandable that he would feel like this. And he should be free to say it.
“Si Froilán se disparó en el pie siendo menor de edad igual ahora que es mayor de edad va a disparar a toda la Familia Real”: “if Froilán shot himself in the foot when he was underage, maybe now that he’s an adult he’ll shoot the whole Royal Family”
For those who don’t know, Froilán is the son of Infanta Elena, and so the nephew of the current king Philip VI. This line is a reference to 2012, when he was shooting in one of his parents’ possessions and he accidentally shot himself in the foot. It was illegal for him to be shooting in the first place, because Spanish law prohibits kids under 14 years of age to hold firearms, but of course nothing happened to his parents for doing illegal things because they’re the royal family.
Unsurprisingly, this line is considered “offense to the Crown”. It’s not a threat from Hasél, it’s just wishful thinking that I’m sure many people share.
And lines from other songs by Pablo Hasél:
“Siempre hay algún indigente despierto con quien comentar que se debe matar a Aznar”: “there’s always some homeless person awake with whom to talk about the need to kill Aznar”
José María Aznar was president of Spain between 1996 and 2004 with the right-wing party Partido Popular (PP). He was a shit president, during his presidency the labour rights decreased and left thousands of workers with way less protection than before, he focused a lot of his work as president on making the economy more neoliberal and left thousands of workers with unfair salaries and harsh working conditions by allowing the owners to fire and decrease pay at will. He also gave support to the USA in the occupation of Iraq, even when the population had been protesting against it (I was only 4 or 5 years old at the time and even I remember one of the general strikes against it).
“¡Merece que explote el coche de Patxi López!”: “Patxi López’s car deserves to explode”
“¡Que alguien clave un piolet en la cabeza a José Bono!”: “Someone stab an axe on José Bono’s head!”
“No me da pena tu tiro en la nuca, 'pepero'. Me da pena el que muere en una patera. No me da pena tu tiro en la nuca, 'socialisto'. Me da pena el que muere en un andamio”: “I’m not feeling sorry for the shot in the back of your neck, pepero [member of the PP party]. I feel sorry for the ones who die in dinghy boats. I don’t feel sorry for the shot in the back of your neck, socialisto [member of the PSOE party]. I feel sorry for the ones who die in a scaffold”.
“Prefiero grapos que guapos”: “I prefer GRAPOs to handsomes” (a pun). GRAPO was a communist and anti-imperialism armed organisation.
“Mi hermano entra en la sede del PP gritando ¡Gora ETA! A mí no me venden el cuento de quiénes son los malos, sólo pienso en matarlos”: “My brother goes in the PP’s headquarters shouting ‘Gora ETA!’. They won’t sell me the tale of who are the bad guys, I’m only thinking of killing them”
“Es un error no escuchar lo que canto, como Terra Lliure dejando vivo a Losantos”: “It’s a mistake to not listen to what I sing, like when Terra Lliure left Losantos alive”. Terra Lliure was a short-lived communist organisation that wanted to fight for the independence of the Catalan Countries through armed struggle. Jiménez Losantos is a fascist radio host who tells all kinds of lies and manipulates information to spread right-wingism, hatred towards national minorities, homophobia, etc.
“Los Grapo eran defensa propia ante el imperialismo y su crimen”: “GRAPO were self-defense against imperialism and its crime”.
“Quienes manejan los hilos merecen mil kilos de amonal”: “those who pull the strings deserve 1000 kg of ammonal”
“Pienso en balas que nucas de jueces nazis alcancen”: “I think of the bullets that would reach the nazi judges’ back of the necks”
None of these sentences are serious threats / plans at the moment. On the contrary, when the politicians he mentions make policies that directly cause deaths (of migrant people at the borders, suicides in migrant detention centers, of workers in their workplace, of people whose heat and gas is cut off or who are evicted, of women murdered by their husbands because they didn’t have anywhere to go for help, etc), now those are real crimes, aren’t they?
Pablo Hasél has been very vocal about being a communist. So I’ll copy-paste Friedrich Engels’ definition of “social murder”. I don’t know what Pablo had in mind when writing those lyrics but I think this fragments helps understand where he’s coming from.
When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another such that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live — forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence — knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains. (Engels, The Condition of the Working-Class in England, 1845)
So we can agree or disagree with Pablo Hasél and what he says or his way of saying it, but that doesn’t mean he should be jailed because of it. And it’s incredibly hypocritical to consider saying (not doing, just saying!) that “there’s always some homeless person to talk about the need to kill Aznar with” is violence, but to ignore that Aznar’s involvement in the Iraq helped kill thousands of civilians (for a lie, because Iraq did NOT have weapons of mass destruction!) and caused the misery and indirectly the death of so many workers.
If your question was why did Pablo Hasél say these things, I think two of the sentences we said sum it up:
“I’m not feeling sorry for the shot in the back of your neck, pepero [member of the PP party]. I feel sorry for the ones who die in dinghy boats. I don’t feel sorry for the shot in the back of your neck, socialisto [member of the PSOE party]. I feel sorry for the ones who die in a scaffold” and “GRAPO were self-defense against imperialism and its crime”. Pablo Hasél was highlighting how the current situation we live in is already violence. Violence inflicted by capitalism, imperialism and hatred, so he would consider his words self-defense.
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charleskenny · 3 years
Earwig and the Witch Review
Controversy, confusion, bemusement. Which word describes the latest film from Studio Ghilbi? Earwig and the Witch marks a bold departure for the Japanese studio that’s ruffled a few feathers but is actually quite a sweet film.
NOTE: This is a review for the forthcoming Blu-Ray/DVD combo release from GKIDS and Shout! Factory and not the film as shown on HBO Max.
Necessary Context
Before we begin, I have to state that I actually like Goro Miyazaki’s previous films including Tales from Earthsea. I find he’s a perfectly competent director who’s suffered from a series of unfortunate circumstances least of which is being the son of perhaps one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.
Earwig is the first real attempt to depart from Ghibli’s hand-drawn style and it’s essential to approach it as such. Plenty of reviews bemoan that it fails to live up to Ghibli’s best, but that is an improper viewpoint to take because the film purposefully avoids such comparisons.
Goro (and his producers) are not oblivious to the economics of animated filmmaking and are well aware that CGI presents numerous advantages over traditional animation. Earwig is the studio’s first full-length CGI feature and they should be given some slack for at least trying.
Earwig and the Witch
Earwig and the Witch is based on the Diana Wynne Jones novella of the same name and is a natural fit for a studio that has both a feature with a young witch protagonist, and an adaptation of another of Wynne Jone’s novels under its belt. The film centres on an orphan called Earwig but endowed with the name ‘Erica’ by the orphanage matron.
Growing up in an orphanage in the British countryside, Earwig has no idea that her mother had magical powers. Her life changes dramatically when a strange couple takes her in, and she is forced to live with a selfish witch. As the headstrong young girl sets out to uncover the secrets of her new guardians, she discovers a world of spells and potions, and a mysterious song that may be the key to finding the family she has always wanted.
As I said above, you have to approach this film as a clean slate or you will be disappointed. The crew strike out on a different path from previous Ghibli films and tell a pretty straightforward story in a straightforward manner. There aren’t many higher themes or deeper meanings but that isn’t to say that there aren’t any takeaways either.
The Animation
The animation has come in for a lot of criticism that is, in my opinion, unwarranted and unfair. It is not Pixar quality, but then this isn’t a Pixar film and it wasn’t made with Pixar’s crews who have hundreds of years of experience between them, or Pixar’s hundreds of millions of dollars either. Indeed, the ‘Making of’ featurette shows a rather young but dedicated crew working with off the shelf software. When you see past the rough edges, the animation is actually quite well done. If you like silly faces you’re in for a treat. It’s perhaps a conscious decision to make the characters less detailed lest some uncanny valley creep in. Adults may notice this, but kids won’t bat an eye. If you can focus on what the characters are doing as opposed to how they’re doing it, you’ll be rewarded.
Backgrounds and props show a true attention to detail. The English countryside is rendered with an incredible accuracy that does match Pixar. The house itself (and the Mandrake’s rooms in particular) showcase a real flair befitting (spoiler) his musical tastes.
The Unusual Music
The music is, for want of a better word, perfect. Far from a classical film score, this is much more upbeat and contemporary. The original progressive rock songs (another departure for Ghibli) also add an ethereal feel to the film and are used at just the right points and add a layer of depth in conjunction with some character development.
The Quirky Characters
The characters themselves are an interesting bunch. Earwig is perhaps the most clear cut as a young, precocious girl who’s used to getting her way and is thrust into a situation where she does not. The Mandrake and Bella on the other hand, are far murkier and it is with the former that we see a lot of development over the course of the film. Thomas the cat is frustratingly plain. His role isn’t major and he serves as catalyst but not much else.
While the lack of development on Earwig’s part doesn’t jive with contemporary western thinking, both the director and Ghibli producer Suzuki Toshio state that they wanted to make her a character that kids could relate to. Indeed, the tagline for the Japanese poster above states that she "will not be put under anyone’s thumb". With this in mind, Earwig’s character makes a bit more sense and seeing her twist the adults around her little finger has to be satisfying for kids who, generally, have to abide by grown-up’s wishes.
The Story
The story is straightforward but, and it’s a big but, the final act is incredibly rushed. In the course of watching the film, I sensed the final act approaching and paused to see exactly how much time was left only to discover it was less than five minutes. So shocked was I that I had to double check to make sure my stream wasn’t broken but no, that’s all that was left. This exceedingly rushed climax and the loose ends left unresolved would be more frustrating if it also weren’t the case with the book the film is based on. Reading reviews for it reveal identical confusion with a rushed ending and loose ends that suggest another half of the story that doesn’t exist.
In this sense, the filmmakers were a bit too faithful to the source material and another half hour could have filled in a lot of gaps; especially since the big reveal is very exciting altogether. Except it doesn’t and any adult members of the audience will be left with questions answered but answers questioned. Kids on the other hand, should love that everything appears to work out for Earwig in the end.
The Blu-Ray/DVD release comes with a few extras such as the aforementioned ‘Making of’ featurette, full-length storyboards, and an interview with the Japanese voice cast. I found the ‘Making of’ in particular helped fill in a lot of hitherto unknown details about the film which really helped me see the film in the same light as the filmmakers.
Overall, I liked Earwig and The Witch. There’s a simplistic honesty to it of the kind that you don’t see in western films anymore for better or worse. It’s genuinely made for the kids in the audience which some may see as a detriment but is, in fact, a Studio Ghibli hallmark that Hayao Miyazaki has stated time and time again.
The film is a brave step into the unknown and what happens next is very much up for debate, but Earwig is a film that is worth seeking out and watching more than once.
The Blu-Ray/DVD combo (and regular DVD) is released by GKIDS and Shout! Factory and comes out this April 6th.
Originally published at https://animationanomaly.com/2021/02/24/earwig-and-the-witch-review/
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lyrical-panic · 3 years
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You were great at running. You’d been running from your problems for years, both figuratively and literally. Before however, your problems followed you, now they simply wait on bated breath for your return. What’s the point in running, though, if no one’s chasing you?
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Ahhhh I’m very excited for this. This fic is going to be based on the movie “Catch Me If You Can”. If you are unfamiliar with it, it tells the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., who from the ages of 16-20, made 2 million dollars in bad checks, all while successfully impersonating a pilot, doctor, and lawyer. When he was caught, he spent a few years of his prison sentence working for the FBI, helping to track down people who did the same thing he did. 
In this story, you’re going to take Abagnale’s place. This is going to be a multiple chapter thing, but it still won’t be terribly long. 4-5 chapter range, maybe. I also have no update schedule, because if I try to schedule myself I will not write. I hope you all enjoy “No One’s Chasing You”
. . .
Tenya Iida’s heavy soles clunked nosily against the floor with every step as he walked. The sound reflected off of the metallic walls, making him feel terribly out of place. He was beginning to regret the choice to wear his hero costume to the meeting.
His companion and long-time friend, Izuku Midoriya flashed him a sheepish grin, having his own problematic foot ware. This was a bad idea he mouthed, pointing to the offending shoes.
The man leading them, who had introduced himself as simply Eguchi was more than adequately dressed. He wore a crisp gray suit and sensible brown shoes that tapped quietly as he navigated the maze-like hallways. It seemed like mockery to the thunderous footsteps following him.
Eguchi glanced over his shoulder. “You wanted to see our least dangerous prisoner?” His nose wrinkled as if disgusted by the request.
“Yes,” Midoriya piped up. “We’re doing a report for the Hero Commission about the captivity of villains and criminals. Seeing if they’re being treated well and fairly, that sort of thing.”
Their guide didn’t respond, and gave no sign of even listening to him. The silence was stifling, and made both highly ranked and respected heroes feel very small and insignificant.
“We wanted to see your least dangerous criminal to see what the cutoff point for Tartarus is.” Tenya spoke quickly, a nervous quiver in his voice. He felt a bit like a small child again. ��If the crime justifies being kept here, for instance.”
“With the prisoner you’re looking for, the crime is less the problem than the criminal themselves.” Eguchi replied, seemingly bored.
“What do you mean?” Midoriya’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“(Y/N) (L/N) spent five years impersonating different respectable citizens, and made over two-hundred million yen in bad checks.” He clarified “They cashed them all over the world by pretending to be a pilot and hitch hiking planes.”
“Oh wow,” Midoriya placed a hand on his chin, dissolving into his own musings. “Does something like that really require such a high-security place like-”
“At first they were put in a local prison,” Eguchi interrupted, sounding irritated. “but within four days they had walked right out posing as a prison inspector. Needless to say, high security is indeed necessary.”
The trio fell back into silence. Tenya leaned over to his friend to mutter “Had you heard anything about the capture of a criminal like that?”
“No, it’s odd, huh?” Midoriya murmured back. “You’d think it’s be all over the news. Someone like that is a big deal.”
“Maybe there’s some embarrassment surrounding them. They gave the police the slip for years and managed to get through airport security as a fake pilot.” Tenya pointed out. “People may loose faith if that got out.”
The hushed conversation was halted by Eguchi turning to them with a raised eyebrow. The heroes felt like they were back in school, being hushed by a teacher. He gestured to a pain of glass that seemed to be about as long as Tenya was tall they stood in front of.
“(L/N),” Eguchi presented, with zero enthusiasm.
Tenya peered in to see a small room. It was only as long as the window, and had a small unmade bed, a sink, toilette, two books stacked at the bed post, and a person.
(Y/N) (L/N) hair’s was long and unkempt, and they looked as though they had never known the sun. They had bags under their eyes, which had been drained of all life. Tenya found himself studying them, trying to imagine them with a smile, but drawing a blank.
A pillow had been placed in the center of the room, and (L/N) sat a few feet away from it. They held a stack of playing cards, and with a flick of the wrist one went flying. A few had landed on the pillow, but most where scattered haphazardly across the gray room.
“They look sickly.” Tenya remarked, turning to Eguchi. “Do they get medical treatment?”
“All prisoners get an annual check-up.” The man responded on auto-pilot. “(L/N)’s appearance is due to their lack of sleep, though.”
A beat of silence. “How long have they been here?” Midoriya asked.
“A year or so.”
“They don’t seem to have adjusted well at all,” Tenya observed.
“You said they passed bad checks, right? Couldn’t part of their sentence be spent working with the police?” Midoriya suggested. “Their knowledge could prove useful, and it would probably be better than them sitting in there for the next few years.”
Eguchi glared at the hero, not missing the hidden jab. Midoriya quailed under his gaze. Tenya inwardly grimaced, deciding that he didn’t want Eguchi as an enemy.
“You’d have to bring that up with the police station.” He replied cooly. “That’s not up for us to decide.”
“Why don’t we do that, then?” The freckled man addressed his fellow hero. “We may be able to work it into our report!”
Tenya glanced once more at (L/N), who had run out of cards. They collected them somberly, looking terribly depressed and lonely. Something tugged inside him.
“Yes, we should start drafting a proposal immediately.”
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spaceskam · 4 years
Inspired by @aewriting's fic because oh my goddddd
Michael knew a lot of things. He was smart and aware and was sufficiently sure that his species better than the entirety of the human race so there was no point in giving a shit.
Yet, for the life of him, he couldn't stop grinning as he looked at the assigned rooming system for their class trip.
 Michael," Max hissed as he leaned over, his own copy of the syllabus and rooming system in his hand, "We need to request to room together instead."
"What, why?" Michael said, struggling to tear his eyes off the 4D - Michael Guerin, Alex Manes written on his paper. The idea of watching him get ready in the morning and seeing how long it took him to put on his makeup had Michael squirming for some reason.
"Because," Max said, eyes wide like he should've pieces it together, "What if something happens?"
Michael frowned. "Are you still having issues?"
"Yes!" Max insisted, "So we need to both request room changes."
"Well, what the hell am I supposed to say for why I want a room change?" Michael scoffed. He didn't say that he really, really didn't want a room change. Alex was easily the most interesting human being he'd ever seen. If Michael was going to have a human friend, he'd be it. This felt like a good excuse to get to know him.
Max scanned the page to see who Michael was rooming with.
"Easy, it's Alex. Say you're not comfortable rooming with someone who's, you know," Max said, shrugging to fill in the blank. Michael's eyebrows raised.
"Oh, fuck off, I'm not pretending to be a homophobe so you can get off in the shower to the idea of Liz Ortecho's shampoo without worrying someone might see a power outage," Michael told him, shaking his head, "You can go a weekend controlling yourself. And, if not, Iz can work her magic."
"You're a terrible brother."
"Love you too."
By the time they were loading onto the bus, Michael's excitement had bled into nerves.
Sure, he was better than humans, but humans were also notorious for thinking they were hot shit. Would Alex be a shitty roommate? It was only a couple days, but that was still hours where they'd be alone in the same room together. Would they bond? Would he piss Alex off? Would they get in a fight?
They'd both been in a lot of fights.
While everyone else packed towards the back of the bus, Alex sat up from behind the teachers. He'd already put his headphones on from what Michael sound see, ignoring every glare Mr. Rowe gave him for it as he tried to give them a big, preparatory speech. Subsequently, Michael didn't hear much of it either.
Most of the ride was like that, actually. It was a long 3 hours, but his eyes kept drifting to the only boy who sat alone with his eyes closed. He was bold and didn't give a shit which Michael was envious of. As much as he tried, he always cared a little bit, at the very least what Isobel and Max thought of him. But Alex didn't. And, to make matters more distracting, the sun seemed to hit his face in just the perfect way that it seemed he was torn out of a goddamn magazine. Another thing to be envious of.
"Will you stop staring at him?" Isobel scolded from beside him, "People are already going to be asking you if you're sleeping with him after you're alone with him every night, are you really trying to make the rumors worse?"
"Would it mean I get to punch someone in the face?" Michael asked. Max scoffed from where he was leaning over the seat behind them to join the conversation.
"If you do that, you're going to be in a lot of trouble."
"I'm already always in a lot of trouble, might as well have a good reason," Michael suggested, shrugging his shoulders. He smiled as his siblings shook their heads.
He let his eyes drift back to the godlike, Michelangelo-sculpture-esque man that was Alex Manes.
Mr. Rowe passed out each the key cards to everyone, giving a speech about being responsible. No parties, no drinking, no leaving past curfew, no this, no that.
Michael’s eyes followed the way Alex’s slender fingers grabbed the key card before slipping it into the back pocket of his tight jeans. He didn’t smile, he didn’t speak, and he simply embodied the vibes of every dull bad boy that popped up in shitty YA books. Except he wasn’t dull. That’s what made him interesting.
Alex must’ve felt him staring though because he looked over and Michael looked away so fast he almost hurt himself.
“You’re going to piss him off if you keep staring at him,” Isobel scolded, pinching his arm. He glared at her, rubbing the skin she’d attacked. “The last thing we need is you getting in a fight.”
“I’m not going to fight Alex,” he insisted, sneaking another look over at the boy he’d be spending the entire weekend with, “I promise.”
“Well, make sure you keep your phone on you so you can text me if things get weird,” Isobel said. Michael rolled his eyes.
“Okay, Mom.”
“Everyone has their keys? Okay, then we should be set for the night. Go find your rooms, get settled, and we’ll head down for dinner at 6:30, alright? Then back to your rooms for the night. Make sure you’re taking showers, we’re going to the Grand Canyon tomorrow and the last thing I need is anyone smelling like they haven’t bathed and they’re baking under direct sun,” Mr. Rowe preached, inciting a few whispered laughs and accusations about who he was talking about. Michael knew it probably wasn’t directly at him, but he shifted uncomfortably anyway. “Again, have your alarms set. I’ll knock on doors in the morning, but we’re all meeting down here at 7 in the morning and if I have to go hunt you down, we’ll have problems. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” 
Eventually, they all started making their way towards their rooms. Isobel, Max, and Michael all opted for the stairs along with a few other students while the rest waited for the elevator. They made it to Michael’s room first and both Isobel and Max gave him wary looks.
“Jesus, you both seem to forget I have more control than you,” he said. They shared a look.
“Yeah, but only in one way. I just don’t want you to get in trouble,” Max said. Michael rolled his eyes.
“Stop parenting me.”
“Okay, fine,” Isobel said, holding up her hands in defense and subsequently becoming more parental. Michael rolled his eyes and turned to the door.
“I’ll see you at dinner,” he said, pushing into the room and closing it behind him.
He didn’t mean to slam it as loud as he did and he definitely didn’t mean to startle the boy who was already in the room. Alex had seemed to jump out of his skin and looked at Michael like he’d lost it. Michael gave an apologetic smile and tried not to think about the fact that this was the first time they’d ever been alone. Hell, this would be the first real conversation they’d had. 
Actually, he couldn’t remember a time Alex Manes had ever spoke outside of throwing insults at jocks or when they were forced to debate designer babies in 10th grade. Alex had been the only one who was anti that didn’t play the God card. He’d gone on a long spiel about how it wasn’t a guarantee, about how parents paid all that money to have a child exactly how they wanted, but what happened if it didn’t work that way? Nature vs. nuture, he’d said. A baby could look the part, but if it didn’t act the part, they had parents accusing them of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars. That was the moment Michael knew he was more than a YA bad boy.
For a moment, he wondered if Alex thought he was the YA bad boy. They both fit different sides of the same profile. Alex was punk and hardened, Michael was thrown through the system and had a stint in juvie the summer before, and both of them had been in more fights than necessary. Oh, God, what if Alex thought he was bland?
“I felt each bed, I took the one that makes less noise,” Alex said simply, voice deeper than Michael remembered. Was it hot in here?
“Why? Don’t wanna wake me when you sneak out?” Michael asked, trying to act normal. He wasn’t well versed in making friends, but he knew staring at them like a deer in headlights was not the way to go about it.
“More like don’t wanna wake you when I stay up all night,” Alex responded, not offering a smile as he focused back on the bed. He had a duffel bag and he pulled out a long wire, kneeling on the bed and reaching over to plug it in the wall. His shirt slid up as he did so, revealing a small patch of tanned skin on his back that Michael found inexplicably interesting.
“Well, good news, I don’t really sleep either.”
“Seems like that’s why we got roomed together,” Alex said, dropping onto the bed after he plugged it into the wall and then plugged the other end into his phone, “Same answers on the questionnaire.”
“Seems like it,” Michael agreed. Alex paused for a moment, looking over at him with dark, curious eyes.
“And you don’t have a problem with this?”
“Are you gonna kill me in my sleep?”
“You just said you don’t sleep,” Alex said. Michael raised his eyebrow at the lack of an answer. It earned a small smile from Alex that made Michael’s heart skip a beat. “No, I’m not gonna kill you.”
“Then we’re all good.”
“And the rumors don’t bother you?” Alex prodded. Michael dropped his bag beside the other bed and laid down, grinning mindlessly as it groaned under his wait.
“The rumors about me don’t bother you?” Michael shot back. Alex eyed him for a moment. Michael fully expected him to elaborate on the rumors about himself to get his question across. It wasn’t uncommon for people to think Michael just didn’t get it. It didn’t matter how smart he was: you look homeless, people treat you like you’re helpless. But Alex didn’t fill in any blanks.
“As long as you don’t kill me in my sleep,” Alex said with a shrug, falling against the pillows and putting his attention onto his phone. Michael watched him for a few extra seconds before he shook his head, pulling out a book to pass the time.
He was definitely going to get a friend out of this. Who knew?
Michael was dead weight on the bed.
They’d had a full buffet for the students and Michael had eaten more than he’d eaten in a long time. As good as it was, he also felt like he was about to succumb to a food coma. So much for staying up all night.
He ended up waking up bright and early anyway, though. The birds started chirping before the sun rose and he rolled over in irritation. Alex was laying on the bed, curled up and asleep with his phone screen still on and shining towards the ceiling. Michael laid there for awhile, fading in and out of sleep until Alex’s alarm went off at 6.
Alex woke up with a pout and a sigh, stretching his limbs out and arching his back. Michael watched him mindlessly, watching his legs shake at the tense muscles before he slowly dragged himself up and Michael pretended to be asleep. The first step to making friends was decidedly not watching them while they slept.
Michael stayed in bed as Alex quietly grabbed his makeup bag and disappeared into the bathroom. Was it weird that Michael was a little sad he closed the door? Yes. Yes it was weird. What the fuck.
Around the time one of the teachers knocked on the door to tell them they should be awake, Alex reappeared all dolled up. His makeup was in full force, his hair done in a skillful way, and sporting black jeans and a black t-shirt. His cheeks seemed extra sparkly, though, and Michael nodded in approval.
“Nice face,” he said simply, grabbing a pair of jeans. Alex blew air from his nose in response.
They both went down for breakfast and to gather to load the buses and head to the Grand Canyon. Alex, despite his friends, sat at the front of the bus by himself again. Liz and Maria sat towards the back and behind Kyle, leaving him alone. Michael felt bad.
“While you aren’t required to be on a strict buddy system with your roommate, I definitely suggest staying close by them because you will be needing to do check-ins together. We’re not trying to have anyone run off, alright? Understand?” Mr. Rowe announced.
“Yes, sir,” they all agreed and it seemed good enough for him, signalling for the bus driver to go ahead.
“So, did you cause a power outage in front of your roommate?” Michael asked Max.
“How would he have done that?” Isobel asked. Michael offered and filthy grin and moved his hand in an obscene gesture, his tongue poking in his cheek. She looked slightly horrified at the mental image and slapped his arm, instantly making him laugh. Max just sunk into the seat behind them with an embarrassed groan.
“Guess not,” Michael snorted. 
“Well, what about you and Alex Manes? How’d that go? No fights? No gay awakening?” Isobel prodded. Michael rolled his eyes, his mood tampering at just how dull the night had been.
“Sorry to disappoint. I took a shower as soon as we got back from dinner and he took one after and I was asleep by the time he got out, so nothing special,” Michael said with a shrug. He was admittedly disappointed. What was the point of putting two troublemakers in the same room if they didn’t raise a little hell? Instead, he ate too much and fell asleep like an old man.
“Okay, well, do something because it’s only been one night and I’m already over Carly’s long discussion over Kyle Vlaneti’s cheekbones. Like, I get it, he’s hot, but there are much more important things to talk about,” she scoffed. Michael huffed a laugh.
“Sorry, I’ll do my best to do something more interesting.”
He wasn’t quite sure what that interesting thing would be, but he could definitely try.
That interesting thing happened when he and Alex were walking back after their routine check-in.
“This is so fucking lame,” Michael said, gesturing the canyon that failed to impress him no matter how many signs he read, “It’s a big hole in the ground.”
“I don’t know, I think it’s kind of nice,” Alex responded. Michael raised an eyebrow at him and they both came to a stop.
“Nice?” Michael repeated, “What’s nice about it?”
“Look, come see,” Alex ushered, grabbing his arm freely and pulling him to an area that was pretty empty. They were far away from the rest of the group by the time Alex let go of him and he honestly got a little worried as Alex stepped so close to the edge that his toes were hanging off. 
“Dude, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Don’t you feel small?” he asked. Michael watched as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back. The sun seemed to find him and he was glowing. “Like nothing matters. Years of horrible things that built this country never stopped the natural flow of things enough to take this. No matter who we are, what we do, there’s always something… else.”
Michael licked his lips. Like what, he thought, aliens?
Alex breathed in deep.
“I could do anything. I could jump or I could kill someone or I could commit every atrocity, and the world would keep turning,” Alex whispered, “And some people do that. Because it doesn’t matter so they don’t care. But if we’re all horrible, every last one, who will notice the small things? Like… this. Us. I am nothing, but doesn’t that make us everything?”
“You lost me.”
Alex laughed softly and opened his eyes, turning towards Michael. Then he gestured for him to come closer. And, like all idiots with superiority complexes, Michael obeyed and let his toes hang off the edge without a thought.
“The only kind thing left is Mother Nature.”
“Mother Nature kills,” Michael pointed out. Alex rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be cynical, think about it. There’s nothing selfish in nature, not really. You take what you need.”
“Some species would disagree.”
“Just humans,” Alex sighed, “Fuck humans.”
Michael huffed a laugh and couldn’t help but admire him and agree. For a guy who wore all black and had punched a few jocks hard enough to raise talk of expulsion, he was apparently a lot more positive and logical than everyone else. 
“Fuck humans,” Michael agreed, turning his face towards the canyon. He thought it looked a little better now. “Fuck humans!”
“Yes,” Alex laughed cupping his hands around his mouth to amiplify his voice, “Fuck humans!”
“Fuck humans!” 
“Alright, boys,” Mr. Rowe sighed from somewhere behind them. Alex jumped at the sudden new voice and, on instinct, Michael grabbed his shirt and pulled him away from the edge just as he lost his footing. 
They ended up a few steps away from the edge, Michael still holding onto him while he caught his breath from the short moment of fear. But through it all, Alex was smiling at him. Not just the normal, irritated smile, but a big one that rivaled the sun that shined just for him. And that smile was targeted at Michael specifically. Wasn’t that breathtaking? 
“Alex, are you alright?” Mr. Rowe said, voice actually concerned as he jogged closer, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Um, yeah,” Alex said, slowly taking a step out of Michael’s hold and that cold demeanor started to slip back up as he remembered they weren’t alone, “I’m good. Just made me jump.”
Mr. Rowe looked between them and nodded. “Right. Just be careful, we don’t need you falling off the side no matter how angsty you feel.”
Michael laughed, “Sure thing, we’ll be careful.”
“Yeah,” Mr. Rowe said, looking between them a couple more times, “And you two are good with sharing a room together?”
“Doesn’t bother me,” Michael said, looking over to Alex. His smile was fully gone now, the hardened face back in place, and he shrugged.
“Haven’t killed him yet.”
“Comforting, Mr. Manes, thank you,” Mr. Rowe sighed. He gave Michael a pat on the shoulder before turning and walking back to the group. 
“Yet?” Michael asked once their teacher was out of ear shot. A secretive little smile slipped back onto his face.
“Never say never.”
“What are you doing?”
“Sitting with my class trip buddy.”
Michael grinned shameless as he got settled in the bus seat beside Alex in the far front. They were heading back to the hotel and Michael, still high on the moment he’d had with Alex on the cliff’s edge, wanted to be close to him again.
“Okay,” Alex agreed, eyeing him skeptically. Michael just gave that smile that he knew was charming. It was his specialty. Alex rolled his eyes and sat back into his seat, but the tiny smile tugging at his lips didn’t go unnoticed.
“So, whatcha listening to?” Michael prodded, leaning into his personal space to see what was on his phone. Alex elbowed him away gently, but he picked up the spare earbud to hand to Michael. He accepted it. “What is this?”
“Ska punk.”
“Ska,” Alex said, grinning at Michael’s lack of understanding, “Like, No Doubt? Sublime?”
“You’re just trying to confuse me today, aren’t you?” he said. Alex rolled his eyes but turned up the music.
“It’s a mix between classic alt and ska which is basically, like, reggae influence,” Alex explained, “In my superior opinion, it’s the best genre.”
“Why?” Michael wondered. Alex raised an eyebrow and turned up the music a little more as if that would explain it. 
“Because it’s a perfect mix between chill and ‘fuck the man’ music. Like, when I take over the world, I’m gonna do it with ska punk blaring all the time,” Alex explained. Michael sputtered a laugh, unable to find him uninteresting in the slightest. 
“You plan to take over the world, huh?”
“So, here’s the plan, right,” Alex said, turning in his seat. He looked around as if someone might actually overhear and leaned a bit closer. Michael followed his lead, listening with pure interest. “I’m gonna write a musical, right, and it’s gonna take the world by storm. People are gonna love me and I’ll get the unbridled support by the world of theatre when I run for president at 30.”
“Oh, we’re jumping straight to president?”
“Hell yeah, I don’t waste time,” Alex said, waving a hand and looking deadly serious the entire time, “Anyway, I’ll be technically too young, but the overwhelming support will get me my win. Then, then, I’ll spend about two years in office learning all the government secrets and then I’m gonna whistleblow all of it before I go into hiding.”
Michael nodded, on board with every word.
“Liz and Maria are gonna stay in America to lead the true revolution while I go hide from American officials in Russia for a few years,” he explained.
“How are you gonna hide in Russia?”
“I figure I’ll seduce someone in power,” Alex said like it was easy. And, honestly, Michael believed him. “Anyway, then I’ll go to the Vatican‒wash, rinse, repeat, whistleblow that bitch. Then the Pope will probably try to have me assassinated on live TV, but it’s fine because I’ll survive.”
“Oh yeah?” Michael laughed. Alex eyed him, judging him until he feigned seriousness to match Alex’s. Still, he found it ungodly amusing that the guy who had just been saying how small and meaningless everyone was also had a plan to overthrow the government.
“Yeah, I’ll come back to America and I’ll be the face of the revolution. Enter ska punk to the masses. The chill vibes will give them no choice by to agree with my political ideology and feats,” Alex said, shrugging a shoulder and raising an eyebrow, “Easy.”
“Easy,” Michael agreed, not even caring that they were incredibly close at this point.
“Save the good people, destroy the bad. Eat the rich,” Alex said simply. Michael agreed without hesitation.
Sadly, before he could enjoy anymore of Alex’s existence, the bus came to a stop and Alex took his music back.
“See, I got you on board with just a little bit of No Doubt,” Alex said, sliding past Michael without a second thought and being the first one off the bus.
Michael knew for a fact that Alex was better than everyone.
The day was long and Michael could still feel a layer of sweat on his skin as he sat on the floor beside the hotel bed. Alex was taking a shower and he was recounting the day’s events. Screaming into a canyon with Alex, walking through a national park with Alex a few feet in front of him, deciding to sit beside Alex on the bus ride back and sharing his music, and rolling his eyes at all the questions Isobel was sending him to ask why he sat with Alex. 
Michael: I’m making friends fuck off
Isobel: well are you abandoning me at dinner too???
Michael: no i’ll sit with you and max 
Michael: maybe alex liz and maria can sit with us too
Isobel: two trios don’t make a happy family, Michael
Michael: fuuuuuck off
Isobel: 😘
Michael dropped his phone and tilted his head back, grinning to himself as he thought about how good it felt to scream with Alex. Maybe, if anyone was on par with his species, it was him. That would make sense, right? Alex seemed to get it. 
The bathroom door opened and Alex Manes walked out in a cloud of steam and Michael’s brain stopped working. Things slowed down and Alex walked out in slow motion, shirtless with a pair of sweats low on his hips. He was pulling on a shirt as he did so and the glory of his bare chest was gone too soon, but it didn’t stop Michael from staring slack-jawed and stupid.
“What?” Alex asked, snapping him out of his haze. He was eyeing him like he was being really fucking weird. Which, he was being really fucking weird. But he couldn’t help it. Alex was... was...
“Sorry,” Michael said, scrambling out of bed so he could take his own shower. Alex nodded slowly, heading over to his side of the room. Michael couldn’t help but watch him as he put his dirty clothes in the duffel bag and then stretched. His skin was red-tinted from the hot water and Michael wanted to touch and see if he could feel the heat.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
It wasn’t until he was in his own shower, this one much colder than the one Alex apparently took, and seeking the scent of the other boy’s body wash that it dawned on him what might be wrong. He froze for a solid five minutes, staring blankly at the wall as he thought about things and Alex and the fact that he was seconds away from doing exactly what he’d mocked Max for. 
Michael took a steadying breath and licked his lips. Out of morbid curiosity, he closed his eyes and took himself in his hand, picturing Alex Manes and the millisecond long glimpse of his bare chest and the way the sun hit his face and the way he smiled and the way he screamed and the way he lit up when he described his plans for world domination and the way his long fingers looked curled around his phone. He ended up biting down on his lip so hard that he drew blood, out of breath and more confused than ever.
Maybe that was a fluke or Alex was a weird exception. He was undeniably pretty and relatively feminine and clearly more interesting than the rest of the human race, so maybe that had something to do with it. Or maybe it was his own unconfirmed but also not denied sexuality that had Michael’s curiosity sparked. It was normal for teenagers to get a little confused, right? He’d always assumed his species was above that, but maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was just confused. He knew he liked women, that was undeniable and he knew he wasn’t faking it.
But the more he thought that he was just a little confused by Alex in particular, the more he realized that maybe it wasn’t normal to let his eyes linger in the locker room. Maybe it wasn’t normal to work so hard at keeping his eyes straight in juvie. Maybe it wasn’t normal to not be grossed out when he found himself focusing on the guy in porn.
Or maybe it was normal. Maybe it was okay.
He left the shower feeling ungodly drained and overwhelmed by his own thoughts. He’d expected a lot of things from this trip, but jacking off to his class trip roommate wasn’t exactly on the syllabus. The biggest discovery this weekend was supposed to be the visual of the Grand Canyon. 
He swallowed hard as he tried to remember how to act normal, but Alex looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t help but feel the urge to test his budding theory on his own sexuality. Would Alex welcome it if he tried? Would that fight everyone seemed to expect happen?
“Dude, what did you do to your face?” Alex scoffed, sitting up and taking a step too close. Every hair on Michael’s body stood up at his close proximity, stupid teenage hormones not knowing when enough was enough. “That’s gonna scab.”
“Sorry,” Michael said. Alex furrowed his eyebrows and then huffed a laugh.
“Why are you apologizing to me? It’s your mouth,” Alex said. But his eyes lingered on Michael’s cracked and swelling bottom lip and that seemed to confirm all of Michael’s brand new theories all on it’s own.
They stared for a moment, too close and too aware. Michael could see confusion sift through Alex’s eyes like he was trying to gauge if he was reading things correctly. Perhaps his own face betrayed that he absolutely was. 
“We should probably go down for dinner,” Alex said softly, mechanically. Michael nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” he said. 
Twenty-four hours in and he was already questioning his entire self.
“Anything interesting yet?”
Michael snorted, eyes flicking over to Alex and the way he elongated his body in his chair. He was smiling fondly at Liz and Maria as they laughed about something over dinner. It was easy to see that he loved them and Michael’s stomach twisted with something he couldn’t quite pinpoint. He supposed it had to do with the only people who ever gave him any semblance of love were Isobel and Max. Maybe he was jealous Alex could give it so freely to his friends who weren’t his intergalactic buddies.
“Yeah, actually,” Max said, clearing his throat. Isobel and Michael both raised intrigued eyebrows, giving him their attention as they leaned forward. “I think I’m gonna ask out Liz.”
Isobel and Michael both groaned and fell back into their chairs. Max just laughed.
“I’m serious this time! I’m gonna do it!” Max insisted.
“C’mon, man, what’s the point? We’ve got a couple months left of the school year and then the summer and then she’s going off to get a fancy degree or seven,” Michael said. Isobel shoved his shoulder, but he didn’t waver. Max shook his head.
“Nah, you don’t get it. We,” he paused, sighing happily, “We had a moment.”
“A moment?” Isobel asked.
“Yeah, like… one of those moments that are totally worth risking it all for, you know what I mean?” Max clarified.
Unwillingly, Michael’s eyes drifted over to where Alex was already looking his way. He could feel the tips of his ears turning red as Alex didn’t look away like most people did when they got caught staring. Instead, Alex raised his hand to his face and ran his thumb over his bottom lip. Michael involuntarily copied and discovered he was bleeding again. Alex gave a cool smile and mouthed ‘fuck humans’ before turning back to Liz and Maria.
Chills covered his skin as he looked back to his own dinner companions.
“Yeah,” Michael agreed, “I know those moments.”
Night two alone with Alex Manes proved much more difficult than night one.
Tonight, Michael was aware of a deep seeded desire to touch him and listen to him speak. Tonight, he struggled to keep his eyes to himself as Alex traded his jeans for sweats in the middle of the room instead of going into the bathroom like the night before. Tonight, had to sit on his hands to keep from requesting permission to do something he shouldn’t‒like seeing if he was as good at getting another guy off as he was at getting himself off. It felt like the question for the ages. And to think he’d bothered questioning his alien origins when he could’ve been questioning what Alex’s mouth could do. How foolish of him to ignore that.
More importantly, how had he ever ignored Alex? He was smart and funny and gorgeous. How had he missed the attraction before? Maybe it had to do with Alex being smart and gorgeous. He was going to get out of here and do good shit. Michael still, even with that scholarship waiting for him, taunted him and reminded him he wasn’t going to do much. 
“Are you okay? Did you get sun poisoned? You’ve been zoning out since we were on the bus,” Alex asked, “Got worse after your shower.”
Michael looked up at him from where he was seated on his bed and Alex was standing between the two. He was so fucking hot. Without thinking, Michael patted the bed beside him. Alex furrowed his eyebrows and didn’t move for a few seconds but slowly, slowly came to sit beside him.
“Jokes aside,” Michael started, mind still thinking of Max’s lack of hesitation when it came to Liz’s plans, “What do you actually want to do in the future?”
“Um,” Alex said, shifting slightly, “Getting the fuck out of Roswell is my only real goal. I hate it there.”
“Same,” Michael agreed.
“Yeah…” Alex said, “Guess that makes sense. We’re the two people with the most amount of fights in Roswell High history.”
Michael snorted, “You’re lucky. Your dad definitely used that fancy little title he’s got to keep you from being sent to juvie after you shattered Mason Glenn’s face.”
“Lucky,” Alex repeated, shaking his head, “I’m not lucky. Not with my dad.”
“Well, if it helps, I’m not lucky either,” Michael sighed, thinking about his shitty track record, “That fight I got into last year, almost deafened the guy in his left ear. Got me a couple months in juvie. Which, you know, maybe I am lucky. Most kids like me don’t get out that easy.”
“So the rumors are true then?” Alex asked. Michael huffed a laugh.
“Why are you so set on the rumors?” he wondered, turning to face him, “‘Cause it depends on which ones you’re talking about. I’m not sleeping with Iz if that’s the one you’re asking about.”
Despite his attempt at lightening the mood, Alex didn’t let him. His intense gaze wandered over Michael’s features and Michael clutched the sheets in his hand.
“The one where you live in your truck,” Alex stated bluntly.
“Okay, then is the one about you true?” Michael shot back, tilting his head, “Are you gay? Is that why you think about taking over the world? Is that why you like feeling small?”
Alex didn’t react in any type of physical way, but Michael wouldn’t have been surprised if Alex had started a fight then. Most of Alex’s fights started with someone calling him gay. Granted, it was usually yelling slurs at him to do so and not asking, but still.
“Is that why you wanna get out of Roswell?” Alex asked, ignoring his accusation, “Because here everyone turns a blind eye to a homeless teenager? Because it’s easier to say you live in a truck than to say you’re homeless?”
“Is that why you want to get out of Roswell? Because here everyone turns a blind eye to bullying? Because it’s easier to say you’re just other than to admit they’re in the wrong?”
Alex stared at him and Michael stared right back, both of them unwavering and serious. It was totally different from on the bus or on the cliff or standing close after a shower. This felt real. This felt… more. If those were moments, what was this? Because whatever it was, it was suffocating.
Then Alex was leaning forward.
Despite Michael’s prior thoughts and interest and despite how badly he wanted to, he jumped off the bed before Alex could do anything. It didn’t make that intense gaze feel any less all encompassing.
“I-I’m gonna go brush my teeth,” Michael said, heading to the bathroom and locking the door behind him. He stared at himself in the mirror, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. He was going to be kissed and he fled. That was definitely a first.
Then again, he’d never been faced with a boy trying to kiss him. Not just a boy, but a hot boy who seemed just as aware of the fucked up reality as he was. Which, again, made no goddamn sense. How the hell was Alex so aware and still able to smile and make jokes? For Michael, he knew there was more. He knew he was better. But Alex… Alex didn’t know that. He just thought humans were as good as it got. And he was still calling Michael out, still trying to force him to say something. He wasn’t turning a blind eye.
Michael gulped and stared at his reflection. He really would’ve liked to go back to the fun revelations.
By the time he exited the bathroom, the light was out and Alex was curled up in bed with his back towards Michael.
“Uh oh.”
“What?” Michael asked. Isobel was eyeing him with that knowing gaze as he sat beside her at breakfast. Alex had already been in the bathroom when Michael woke up and, when he came out, he made no mention of the night before. He’d given his good morning and then left the room. He didn’t seem angry. So why did Michael feel so guilty?
“I know that face,” she said, “What happened?”
“Nothing happened,” Michael sighed, “I just think I pissed Alex off.”
“Why? What’d you do?” she wondered. Michael sighed, looking to where Alex was notably not looking at him. He couldn’t tell her Alex went in to kiss him and he chickened out.
“Nothing, we just… talked, I guess, I don’t know,” Michael said, shrugging his shoulders. Isobel looked at him oddly.
“You’re 17, Michael, why are you acting like an old man?” she asked. He scoffed, ready to argue, but even he couldn’t deny that it was particularly weird that they had a conversation like that. But, then again, it just brought him back to the conclusion that there was something about him. He wasn’t like the rest of the human race and he wasn’t like the limited knowledge he had of his own species. He was… other. In a good way.
His eyes drifted back to Alex for a moment. Could he be a teenager with him? Was he worthy of sloppy kisses and self-discovery with him? Could they be kids and not have every conversation be laced with the underlying truths of their reality?  
“You ever wanna take over the world and bring all the alien-destroys-New-York movies to life?” Michael asked her instead. Isobel sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Anyway,” Isobel said, leaning closer, “Apparently, Kyle Valenti stole a few bottles of alcohol from the kitchen. We’re gonna have a party tonight in his room after curfew since it’s the last night away from home. You should come, everyone else is.”
“Wasn’t one of the rules no parties?” Michael asked, “And no drinking?”
“Again, old man, when did you become against breaking rules?”
Michael licked his lips and looked over at Alex again. True. Since when did he have shit holding him back from doing what he wanted?
“Okay,” he said, “I’ll break rules.”
Just like the day before, it was hard to find anything interesting in where they were.
In theory, he could appreciate a national park and a museum, but Michael didn’t really give a shit. He would’ve been much more interested if they went to the Houston Space Station like was originally debated. But that was too expensive and going to national parks just wasn’t. 
Unlike the day before, though, everyone was buzzing when they got on the bus to go back to the hotel. Everyone was texting and whispering about this party they were planning. Michael was considering going if things went badly with Alex, but that’s it. Only if things went bad with Alex.
This was the last night they were here, this was his last real shot at getting him alone. He wanted to try. 
Besides, if Max made a move on Liz before he made a move on Alex, well, then they were all fucked.
He watched him throughout dinner, trying to think of what exactly he wanted to say. Maybe he could just tell him he thought he was hot, keep it simple. Or he could explain that, thinking about it, he’d actually liked him for a lot longer than he realized because it suddenly made a lot of sense why he’d been watching him for two years. Maybe Alex would take his confusion about his sexuality as a good enough answer and they could make out to help solidify that this wasn’t a weird boy crush. Not that he thought it was. He was confused about what this meant, but there was no confusion about the way Alex made him feel like his skin was being lit on fucking fire and like his mind was melting.
When they got back to the room, Michael quickly went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and make sure he didn’t smell. Everyone was getting ready for Valenti’s party. Time to prepare for his own.
“Hey, Alex, can we talk?” Michael asked as he stepped out of the bathroom. Alex looked up from where his phone and eyed him, nodding slightly.
Michael stepped closer, trying to find at least one of the starters to the plethora of conversations he’d had in his mind. He should say he liked him. He should say he didn’t mean to pull away. He should say that he accidentally had a second sexual awakening to seeing him shirtless. He should say so, so many things.
And instead he said none. Instead, he lunged forward and kissed him.
It was a short, chaste kiss, but it was enough for pieces to fall into place. That was definitely how that was supposed to feel. It probably had to do with Alex being superior. Where was a pedestal when you needed one?
“Um,” Alex said, taking a shaky breath as the kiss ended. Michael blinked a few times and pulled away a little more. Had he misread something? Alex licked his lips, looking at him like he didn’t get it. “Are-are… Is this a set up?”
“Huh?” Michael asked, furrowing his eyebrows. How the hell did he come to that conclusion?
“Is this one of those things where you kiss me and then ask me out and then I agree and then you stand me up and make fun of me with your friends?” he asked, hesitant rather than angry. Michael’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
“What? No, oh my god, who did that?” Michael asked, voice soft. Alex shook his head dismissively, still eying him like he didn’t get it.
“You just kissed me.”
“Yeah,” Michael agreed, “I really wanna keep doing it too if you do.”
“There’s a party.”
“I’d rather we have our own.”
“You barely know me.”
“I know enough.”
“So you know I’m into guys and you’re questioning?”
“No,” Michael said, shrugging his shoulders, “I know you’re smart and beautiful and funny.”
Alex looked him up and down and that hesitance in his eyes slowly but surely bled into something else. His eyes darkened just a little and Michael’s stomach twisted. Alex slowly stepped back into his space, idle fingertips touching his elbows and slowly sliding up his arms and over his shoulders and over his neck and into his hair. He hadn’t even gotten another kiss and Michael felt like his brain had melted.
Alex cradled his head as he pulled him in for another kiss, this one packing much more of a purpose. He parted his lips and welcomed Alex’s tongue against his own. His hands reached for Alex’s hips, pulling him closer as he tilted his head to kiss him a little deeper. His tongue deliberately slid over his sore bottom lip, letting him know he was being careful not to kiss him too hard. Which would’ve been fine, but he didn’t actually care.
Michael pressed in harder and Alex smiled, tugging on his hair gently. Add that to the list of things to make his mind run wild.
They kissed for a while just standing there, both of them too hesitant to move in case they pushed a button that wasn’t willing to be pressed. But the kisses got more sloppy and the touches got more desperate, both of them swaying as they tried so hard to push in closer. Michael couldn’t remember a time he’d been so desperate to touch someone. Suddenly, there was no confusion at all about anything. It was just this, just them.
As Alex’s hands slid beneath his shirt, it reminded Michael of his little Grand Canyon speech. You take what you need, he’d said. Did this count? It felt like it counted. The more he kissed him, the more he realized he’d wanted to do this for a long time. He just… hadn’t let himself think that.
Michael pulled away to remove his shirt, diving back in for another kiss. Alex breathed a hot breath against his mouth as his hands raked over his bare chest, taking in every inch. No one had ever touched him like that. He wanted more.
“Wait,” Michael breathed. Alex snatched his hands away quickly, still breathing heavy as he pulled away to see what was wrong. Michael gave a reassuring smile. “Do you, uh, like, do you… know how to… like…”
Alex smiled at him in a way that could’ve been condescending, but distinctly wasn’t because it was him. He placed his hands on Michael’s chest again.
“Yeah,” he said, “Do you?”
Michael licked his lips and looked down between them. Alex was still fully clothed, but he really, really didn’t want him to be.
“Not, uh, not with a guy,” he admitted, swallowing as he met Alex’s eyes again. There was no judgement. “Kinda lost on how exactly that works.”
“Well, I can explain it to you,” Alex said, “If you want.”
Michael involuntarily moved forward, kissing him hotly. “I want.”
“Okay,” Alex breathed, smiling as he moved his hands up to fiddle with his hair. Michael felt like putty in his hands and he enjoyed every second of it. “But we don’t even have to go, like, that far. I don’t really have any… Like, I didn’t bring lube or anything, didn’t really anticipate this, so maybe we should just stick to the basics.”
“Basics?” Michael repeated. Alex nodded and gave him another kiss.
“If you want to,” Alex told him, “With me.”
“God, Alex,” Michael laughed, shaking his head, “I literally have never wanted anything more than you in my entire life. I feel like my heart is going to explode in my chest. I have never liked someone as much as I like you and it’s really made this weekend impossible to enjoy anything that wasn’t you.”
Alex stared at him for a moment before he softly nodded and pulled him back into a kiss, but this one was a little different. This one was slow and held every goddamn secret in the universe. Yes, they were small, but yes, they were everything.
“C’mon,” Alex said, grabbing his hands and tugging him towards the bed.
Michael followed him with a lifetime of anticipation.
A knock sounded on the door to signify that they should be awake.
Michael groaned and went to reach for his phone, but paused when he realized he had the weight of another body on his back. Every moment of the night before all rushed into his mind and he smiled to himself, both excited that he’d been bold enough and disappointed that they probably wouldn’t get the chance to do anything like that again any time soon.
But, then again, he had a truck waiting for him.
“Alex,” Michael said, carefully turning so as not to crush him or throw him off, “We gotta get up. Bus loads in like an hour.”
Alex sighed and lifted his head, looking up at him. Even in his sleep-hazed state, he grinned.
“You’ve got sex hair,” he said. Michael snorted and ran in hands through Alex’s hair.
“Haha, I wonder why.”
“Yeah, me too,” Alex teased, pushing himself up to kiss him again. That one led to another and another and they only broke when more persistent knocking came.
“Michael!” Isobel said, “Open up! I need you or I’m gonna die!”
Michael sighed at her dramatics and looked to Alex with a pout.
“Get dressed, we’ll pretend nothing happened,” Alex said and Michael nodded easily. They both got up and Michael had to brace himself against the wall, feeling a little off-kilter. Alex gave him a filthy grin. “Sore?” he asked innocently, waving two fingers at him. Michael huffed and held up his middle finger.
Eventually, they pulled themselves together and answered Isobel who didn’t seem to notice anything as she headed straight for Michael’s bed.
“She’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met,” Isobel groaned, “I can’t wait to get home.”
Michael spared a glance at Alex who went into the bathroom to pack all of his shit.
“I don’t know, I think I could entertain this trip for another night or two.”
“Yeah, well your roommate isn’t annoying,” Isobel scoffed. Michael grinned to himself.
“Yeah, you got that right.”
The ride back to Roswell was more than agonizing. Alex sat at the front and Michael sat with Isobel, the only contact they had being over text. It wasn’t enough. They still hadn’t really talked about what happens next. God, he wanted to know. He wanted everything.
He could imagine it easily: the two biggest troublemakers at Roswell High hooking up. They’d be an unstoppable team. The idea made him grin.
When they got back to the school after the multiple hours of trip they endured, Michael went to his truck and waited. Everyone else had their parents pick them up or drove their own cars back home. Things would just go back to normal. It was just a normal class trip. 
Except Alex Manes didn’t have anyone pick him up and he didn’t have a ride. Instead, he just walked up to Michael's truck once most everyone was gone and took a deep breath.
“We should talk,” he said. Michael licked his lips and nodded towards his truck.
“Wanna go for a ride?” he asked. Alex grinned easily.
“Hell yeah I do.”
They definitely did a little more than talking.
Who knew the Grand Canyon could be so great?
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into-control · 3 years
Into i need help. I bought a oculus quest 2 right and i tried to connect it to my laptop and it wont work so I realized i needed and actual pc gaming setup you know, problem is idk anything about PCs and i dont wanna get scammed. Can you help me? Ive looked online and idk wtf im looking at tbh. Can you give like advice and shit lol 😂 love you into 💕
well i'm not a professional at pcs by any means but i've always had a huge fixation on them so i can try to help as much as possible and i'll even try to put it in simple terms. fair warning, i talk A LOT in this post because i love rambling about computers :') i tried to use the simplest terms possible since you seem confused but if something doesn't make sense just ask and i can try to reword.
it all depends on what you want out of your pc. and do you want to build one or get a prebuilt one? if you want my advice i recommend building one. getting a prebuilt pc is the easiest way to get scammed because retailers tend to overcharge and they think they can get away with it because they stuck a flashy high end graphics card and colourful lights in it even though it has shit airflow and they cheaped out on the motherboard and power supply or something like that. if you're going to get a prebuilt pc make sure you look at allll the specs and consult some online reviews to see if they're any good, and figure out if you're going to be overcharged. now i'll talk about building one. a lot of this will still be useful if you're considering buying a prebuilt though.
the very first step is deciding your budget. idk where you are but in USD the typical amount to spend on pc parts is i think like $1000 - 1500 (you can spend less but that's if you don't have a lot of money to spend and are still desperate to have a gaming pc). i'm spending around $1700 CAD (before taxes, eugh) on mine bc i want to get into more demanding games eventually. it sounds very costly but computers like these can last you a decade and are very multifaceted. figuring out your budget first instead of going right ahead and buying stuff is important because each component should take up specific percentages of your budget. another important thing to consider when deciding your budget is if you want RGB (the colourful lights as previously mentioned), because components with that capability are slightly more expensive.
after deciding your budget, your first move is deciding what graphics card (GPU) you want. the GPU is responsible for processing and presenting the visuals on your screen. theoretically it should take up between 35 - 40% of your budget because it is the powerhouse in a gaming system. you have two developers to choose from here: NVIDIA or AMD. from what i've seen people tend to prefer NVIDIA but AMD cards aren't bad and they definitely compete in performance. i'll talk about nvidia though because that's what i know more about. by searching up the oculus quest 2 system requirements it tells me you at least need an nvidia geforce gtx 970. this card came out in 2014 and is by no means bad however it is actually the same base price as a lot of newer cards. if you want to go better than the minimum requirements, first consider what your monitor is capable of. if you don't have one yet, consider what you want it to do. monitors are not considered a part of the budget i keep mentioning by the way. idk how much this matters to you since we're talking about the oculus quest 2 but i'm just kind of assuming you're going to use this pc for other games too. the main two things to take into consideration are max resolution and refresh rate. my monitor has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and a 144hz refresh rate. what the resolution means is that there are 2,073,600 pixels in the screen, and can go up to a resolution of 1080p in video games. the refresh rate means the monitor can refresh the picture on the screen 144 times a second, therefore can show a max of 144 frames per second in a video game. to put that in to perspective, most screens have a refresh rate of 60hz, such as regular laptop screens, iphone screens, etc.. monitors come in mainly 60hz, 75hz, 144hz, and 165hz, and for resolution they mainly come in 1080p, 1440p, and 4k. seeing as i don't have any plans on upgrading my monitor any time soon, dropping extra money on a GPU that can achieve more than 144fps and 1440p/4k would be pointless. but forget about the monitor, the oculus quest 2 has a max refresh rate of 120hz and its resolution lies somewhere between 1080p and 1440p. if you know what kind of games you're going to be playing, look up how they perform with different kinds of cards. i'm fairly certain anything above an nvidia geforce rtx 3070 would be pointless because of your display limits, and anything below the nvidia geforce gtx 970 simply won't be enough for the system. you can look at all the GPUs ranked here. after deciding which GPU you want you need to figure out which brand of it you want (NVIDIA themselves, asus, gigabyte, evga, etc), because they all perform at slightly different levels, although the difference is usually only a few frames so it's better to save money. something to watch out for is the quality of the fans in the GPU because if they aren't good, it will overheat and underperform. i'm aiming to get a 3060 or 3060 ti, if that helps. the only problem is that there is currently a worldwide GPU shortage due to covid, tariffs, and the cryptocurrency mining boom (gpus are used in bulk to mine). fortunately there is currently a crypto mining crackdown happening in china, where majority of mining in the world happens, so the demand for GPUs will hopefully start going down soon. you wont be able to build your pc right away but the market is looking better than it has in awhile. this is just about the only argument i have in favor of getting a prebuilt pc, because they have GPUs in them and are more readily available. i don't think that's a good enough reason though especially since part of the reason i'm building my pc is because it looks fun lol. another thing to note is that you should not overspend on your GPU. the shortage has caused a lot of GPU prices to skyrocket into the $2k-3k range but none of them should be above 1k except the highest end ones. when deciding on a GPU, search up the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP). cards made by brands other than AMD and NVIDIA will almost always cost a little extra, but do not pay hundreds of
extra dollars. but anyways!! the GPU is now out of the way and is definitely the longest paragraph here because it's the most important part.
next up is the central processing unit (CPU), which you should be spending about 20 - 25% of your budget on. its job is essentially to retrieve instructions from the RAM and execute it. i suppose you could call it the brain. again you have two developers to choose from, this time between intel and AMD. i've had two laptops with an intel CPU and my current one has an AMD CPU and both are very good, however the general consensus is that you can get the same performance for less by going with AMD. CPUs have cores, and each core can run its own process. the more cores you have, the more your pc can think about basically. you can get CPUs will all sorts of amounts of cores but for gaming, 4 or 6 cores is all you really need. 8 is actually already a bit overkill. so you really don't need to get the best CPU out there. the one you get should depend on what GPU you get (hence choosing that component first). you don't want to bottleneck your GPU by getting a CPU that isn't good enough for it, but bottlenecking your CPU with the GPU by a small amount isn't as big of a deal because the goal is to allow your GPU to be used to its full ability. another detail about CPU is clock speed, which determines how quick it can complete tasks. the higher the faster, obviously. my (non gaming) laptop's CPU clock speed is 2.30 GHz and has 4 cores. the cpu i have for my build is the AMD ryzen 5 5600x. it has a base clock speed of 3.7 GHz but it can be maxed out to 4.6 GHz, and it has 6 cores. the oculus quest 2 has a minimum requirement of the AMD ryzen 5 1500x or the intel i5-4590, which is a little low on the performance list. but like i said the CPU should depend on the GPU. all it takes is a google search for which CPU goes best with the GPU you've chosen and you can find several answers depending on if you want the best possible performance, best budget performance, etc.. a nice little fact about choosing AMD over intel is that most AMD CPUs will come with a stock cooler, which is absolutely necessary otherwise your CPU will overheat (this is another thing prebuilts will cheap out on). this only adds to the whole price-to-performance thing. the stock cooler will most likely do unless you push your pc or want the build to look prettier.
next on the list is a motherboard, where all the parts come together in unity. you should spend 8 - 10% of your budget on this baby. it's easy to over and underspend on a mobo. the most important thing when it comes to choosing a mobo is that it supports your CPU. you cannot use the same mobo for intel and AMD CPUs. fortunately the product page will straight up tell you which CPU brand the mobo is meant for and will typically have two versions of the same board. it's important to note that motherboards don't always have onboard wifi, meaning it wont be able to connect to the internet via wifi and instead needs an ethernet cable or an external wifi adapter. if you can't get an ethernet cable to the room where you want your pc, you're going to need onboard wifi, or a wifi card/usb. onboard wifi mobos tend to be more expensive so it's up to you, but i personally bought one with wifi included so i wouldn't have to worry about it because our ethernet cables are in the basement and i'm upstairs. another very important thing about motherboards is that their BIOS version (operating system i guess?? idk how else to describe it) doesn't always support your CPU out of the box and must be updated before using it. this can present as a problem if you don't have another CPU to perform the update with, however some motherboards allow you to 'flash' the BIOS with a only usb drive as long as it's hooked up to power. there are plenty of step by step youtube videos about how to do this. i will have to do this with my motherboard when the time comes because it doesn't support ryzen 5s out of the box. don't let this deter you from getting a certain board as long as it has a BIOS flash feature. next up is what I/O ports you want, which are the ports (usb ports, headphone/mic jack, hdmi port, etc) you'd find on the back of any desktop computer. that is the side of the motherboard. basically just be aware of how many of each ports you want, and remember that there will probably be even more ports on the front of the case you get. the last thing i can think of right now is making sure your motherboard has all the headers (where you plug components in) you want it to have but i'll get to that later.
next up on the list is RAM, aka random access memory. this stores short term data. the amount of RAM you have kind of determines how much your pc can multitask. RAM sticks typically go up by some multiple of 2GB. most standard laptops and desktops nowadays will come with 8GB of RAM, which is enough for day to day use. it can be enough for mid and low end games however it cuts it pretty close most of the time. 16GB of RAM is the sweet spot for gaming and anything above that is pretty much overkill (and once again a waste of money) as long as you don't have a billion unnecessary background processes. a large amount of RAM is typically needed for video editors or computer programmers. you should always make sure your motherboard can support the amount of RAM you want although any good motherboard will support 64GB or even 128GB. the best option is to get a 16GB RAM pack, which will include two 8GB RAM sticks. splitting RAM between two sticks will increase efficiency. this is called dual channel. i also recommend getting DDR4 RAM, which is simply faster than DDR3. a good speed to have is around 3600 MHz. make sure your motherboard supports DDR4. you also want to be weary that your RAM is compatible with your CPU brand because they do have to interact for your pc to function.
next is storage. there are three-ish options here depending on how much you're willing to spend. generally you should spend 8 - 10% of the budget here. you can always get a good ole hard drive for the cheapest, however they are the slowest and physically biggest option, meaning whatever you put on it will take a bit longer for your pc to retrieve and open (they can load about 100-200MB of data per second). the next option is a solid state drive. they are a little more expensive but can load as much as 600MB of data per second and take up less space. the last and most efficient/expensive option is an m.2 nvme drive. these things are physically absolutely tiny and can load up to 4GB of data per second. anything you put on these will open very very quickly. the fairly standard solution for this is a combination of two of these three. personally i'm using one m.2 drive and one hard drive. the hard drive i have can store 2TB while the m.2 drive can only store 256GB. funnily enough these two drives are roughly the same price. the idea here is to install your operating system on the faster drive. this makes it so it only takes like 8 seconds tops for your pc to start up. you can also put any other programs you use most often on there (like your main browser and favourite games) and they will open very quickly, while the bulk of your games and other files will go on the bigger drive. that's all there really is to say for storage, just make sure the reviews are good on the drive you want to get, but that goes for any component.
next is your power supply (PSU). very very important to not cheap out on this. 6 - 8% of the budget should go to this. the function of the PSU is to do exactly what its name implies: supply power to all the components. this is where the website pcpartpicker can come in very handy. not only does it help you build a list of parts that are all compatible with each other, it will also estimate how much wattage you will need to run your pc. 600W is usually enough for a normal gaming pc. PSUs are ranked, and you should never really go below a bronze ranking. you can also choose between non-modular, semi-modular, and fully-modular PSUs. non-modular PSUs have all the cables permanently attached. this can be desirable to people who are confused by what cable is plugged in where but also undesirable as unused cables cannot be removed and make cable management harder. fully-modular PSUs come with the cables all in a separate bag so you choose which ones to plug in. semi-modular power supplies have the necessary cables attached and the rest can be attached need be. it all depends on preference and how much faith you have in yourself. i have an 80+ gold certified fully modular 750W PSU because the thought of unnecessary cable management makes me sick lol. corsair is pretty much the most trusted brand for power supplies. be careful because this is another place prebuilts will cut corners.
now for the case! this one isn't overly difficult to choose and mainly will just appeal to your aesthetics. it's less important to stick to a precise percent of the budget for this one but you also don't want to spend more than 8%. do you want a black case? a white one? do you want a glass side panel so you can see inside your pc and admire your hard work? besides that, you also need to make sure the case is big enough for your motherboard, GPU, and PSU. most info pages for cases will tell you the max size of the GPU and PSU and what size of mobo it's meant for. you also want to make sure there is a place to put your storage drives (unless you only have m.2 drives which are installed on the motherboard). you also want to make sure it has optimal airflow abilities. a case with no airflow will cause overheating. the best ones have mesh fronts and tops to allow cool air to be pulled in and hot air out. it's even better if you can get a case that comes with fans in the front, because they are what pulls that cool air in.
next is the CPU cooler, which i briefly mentioned. if you don't get an AMD CPU then you'll need to buy a separate cooler. you can choose between air coolers (a fan and a heatsink) or liquid coolers. i don't really have much to say about them and i recommend doing your own research on liquid coolers lol.
last but not least, case fans. like i said a lot of cases will come with front fans and also an exhaust fan at the back, however you might want more, or even replace the ones you already have with better ones. pay attention to how many fans your case manual says can fit and plan accordingly. check out reviews to see if the fans you want are quiet and efficient. if you buy a three pack of case fans there is a chance it will come with a fan hub. this makes it easier to control all of them in sync because the hub will connect all the fans to one header on the motherboard. generally 3-6 fans are pretty good for a gaming pc. two or three in the front pulling in cool air, one at the back and two on the top to pull out hot air.
now that i have all the components out of the way i'm gonna talk about RGB lighting. numerous components that i've mentioned have the option of including LED lights to make your pc brightly coloured, which is always nice if you have a glass side panel on your pc. it's an extra bit of money but i personally was willing to sacrifice that because i want to show off my build lmao. motherboards, RAM sticks, GPUs, CPU coolers, and case fans are the main components that can come with RGB lighting. you can also get special LED strips and power connectors designed for PCs. if you decide to go for RGB lighting, do try to stick to one RGB ecosystem, meaning make sure all the RGB components can be controlled by one program. RGB is controlled by your motherboard. for example if you get an asus motherboard you'll probably want to use their program, aura sync. most components can be controlled by any brand's program however if the motherboard itself has RGB lighting it can only be controlled via its own brand's program, along with the GPU. if you want RGB case fans you really have to make sure your motherboard has RGB headers (the thingy on the motherboard where you plug the fan's LED lights into). most motherboards will only have two-ish RGB headers so if you're going to buy a bunch of fans make sure they come with a fan hub, which lets you plug them all into one header on the motherboard. also, never sacrifice performance for RGB. specifically when it comes to GPUs. if you have a choice between a GPU with RGB and a GPU without RGB, always take the one that has better performance (given it's within the parameters i mentioned earlier).
that's all i have to say :) if you couldn't tell i really love this stuff. i will also recommend you watch youtube videos about this, you can see the build process and the reasoning for using each component, and also tips on what to do and what not to do. i hope this helps and wasn't too confusing. i know you said this is mainly because you got an oculus quest 2 but if you're going to get a gaming pc you should definitely consider games outside of the oculus too.
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denizincarptigiseyy · 4 years
5 Ways to Know if Your Product Concept is a Winner
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Hundreds of brand-new products launch monthly. Just a fraction of those gets enough traction to be considered effective.
Naturally, there are the exemptions-- the outbreak successes that most of us become aware of: Snapchat, Uber, and certainly Pokémon Go.
Although that's not likely to be your product, you can still knock it out of the park. But how do you test market demand early to understand if your concept is a winner?
Throughout my occupation, I've assisted release a dozen effective software including GoToMeeting, AppFolio, and also ProductPlan. I have learned five effective methods that entrepreneurs make use of to find out whether their product will be successful-- before they launch their product.
These methods won't assure success, but will dramatically increase your odds. In my case, these techniques led to products that today currently create numerous countless dollars in revenue yearly. see also InventHelp gets great inventions from the mind to the market
1. Before Anything Else, Locate an Issue Worth Resolving
Before investing a cent on growth, I speak with 10-20 possible consumers to understand the problem I'm solving. This is before I tell them concerning the product features, prices, or just how it's going to change their lives.
I call these "trouble exploration" meetings. They're comprehensive conversations, often performed personally, and last in between 30-60 minutes. They're developed to not just extensively comprehend the troubles but to find out whether the trouble is worth resolving in the first place. A problem needs to be high sufficient on a consumer's top priority list to be thinking about your item.
For example, in the very early interviews for GoToMeeting we found out that other online conference items were awkward, feature puffed up, as well as difficult to budget. By extensively understanding these troubles, we established a product that was less complicated to use, with fewer features, with all-you-can-use rates. Within a short time, that product became a smash hit success.
In very early conversations with customers as well as capitalists, numerous entrepreneurs lead with the product summary and functions. I think this is a mistake-- by not understanding the problem extensively, numerous products fizzle. I assume the solitary crucial trick to item success is asking the right questions regarding their issues.
Here are some concerns you can utilize to recognize whether the issue is necessary sufficient to solve:
" Just how are you fixing that problem today?"
" What is most irritating concerning your current remedy?"
" Where is solving this trouble on your concern listing?"
" If you resolve that issue, how much money will you save/make?"
" What does an effective year for you look like?"
2. It's Not a Service Unless You Can Offer
Numerous entrepreneurs introduce their item and also after that question why their sales are anemic. Exactly how do you understand beforehand whether consumers will pay for your item?
In my experience, knowing how to sell the item in a repeatable means is more important than the product itself. In a feeling, you're verifying sales, not simply validating a product.
For every single effective item I've launched, I formerly had test-sold the item to a minimum of 20 clients. My belief is entrepreneurs do not need a totally useful item to discover whether clients will purchase. My early examination sales are frequently from a slide deck or a harsh prototype.
By test-selling, you can learn about the sales cycle, whether your target customer is the real decision-maker, whether they have a budget to purchase, as well as better fine-tune your rates. Find out more advice by check out InventHelp inventions
If you don't have sales skills or can't manage denial, get over it, and also pick up the phone.
3. Customer Purchase Prices are the Trick to Success
You have seen it before: Incredible products that release with a bang and then could not attain enough traction to make the numbers pencil out. Numerous business owners don't extensively understand just how they will certainly get customers and then how much those consumers will cost to get.
The guideline is straightforward: A customer's procurement expense needs to be dramatically less than their lifetime value. So numerous entrepreneurs go in blind on these standard metrics when introducing items. There are very easy as well as cost-effective experiments that you can utilize to test purchase prices.
At ProductPlan, before we had created any kind of line of code, we established a touchdown page. This primitive web site was designed to check whether anyone was searching for software applications like ours as well as to find out whether the messaging we had defined resonated with our target audience.
We then drove website traffic to the touchdown web page making use of Google Adwords and LinkedIn Ads. We targeted item managers with search phrases that they might make use of to look for a remedy like ours. Once they pertained to our touchdown web page they were motivated to register for an early version of our product.
The experiment was a success because we discovered a lot concerning the purchase cost-- how much it cost to bring somebody to our website, the clickthrough price on advertising and marketing, what percent of people registered for more info, as well as extra.
Via this process, we might roughly estimate the conversion rates as well as purchase prices for every step of the sales channel.
Maybe extra significantly, these potential customers gave their get in touch with information. We then reached out to them to have much deeper conversations about the problem, item attributes, as well as rates.
It was a goldmine of information, as well as we spent less than $1,000 on this straightforward experiment.
4. Know This: Your Original Product Concept is Possibly Wrong
For every single product I've created, the end product we launched was dramatically various from the original idea we began with. Through meetings as well as experiments, we were able to test our assumptions, throw out poor suggestions, reveal cutting-edge features, and tweak our prices.
When we were confirming ProductPlan, we thought our market would certainly be limited to item managers at the software application business. By talking with loads of product managers we uncovered our market was a lot wider and also included business in media, health care, retail, and extra.
Commonly business owners invest an extreme amount of time on company plans and also spreadsheets that are a work of fiction. Or worse, they release their item based on their original suggestion and afterward lose time as well as resources transforming the item and rates to much better fit their market. That's in reverse.
Business owners can obtain closer to the truth-- and construct a better product-- by examining their assumptions before introducing them. Several misuses the "Lean Start-up" technique to throw pasta against a wall surface and also after that wish that people buy. And also when people do not buy (or buy in low numbers) the business owner wastes beneficial time.
Rotating your item ideas throughout this very early validation as opposed to after you have built the product is considerably more affordable.
The method entrepreneurs can test their presumptions: create them down and then go out to check them to see if they resonate with potential consumers specialists (for example, analysts for the industry, individuals who have been employed by the industry, experts, and so on). A healthy and balanced dosage of suspicion goes a long way.
5. Perfect is the Enemy of Great-- Simply Launch Your Item Concept
I'm a believer that business owners should embark on the cliff. This implies, especially for software, that you must introduce as early as feasible.
Reid Hoffman, the creator of LinkedIn, notoriously stated, "If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you have introduced far too late."
I'm not stating that you don't have a terrific first-time client experience. Commonly individuals do not offer you a 2nd opportunity if your product simply does not work. Yet if you are addressing an issue that allows enough, consumers will certainly forgive you if the experience isn't excellent.
With software, in particular, it's feasible to introduce swiftly with a marginal function set if the product supplies adequate worth. If a handful of clients are willing to pay, it suffices and you can enhance gradually.
Launching very early gives you no much better method to determine if you are on the right track. Many entrepreneurs waste time by attempting to assume every situation, please every consumer, as well as make sure every function is included.
A business owner I understand was passionate regarding launching a new mobile application he was certain would certainly be popular. He spent months developing it. He spent countless dollars on mobile programmers and also ultimately took out a second mortgage on his residence to place the finishing touches on the application before releasing. As soon as he ultimately introduced, he was shocked he had so a couple of downloads. It was a depressing, expensive lesson.
Entrepreneurs need to invest even more of their time at the front end-- discovering the troubles out there and validating whether someone will certainly purchase the product-- before they build as well as launch. If you do a reliable task at this front end, the building and introducing the product comes to be so much easier. You're also acquiring evidence for prospective financiers.
There is no other way to methodically recognize with assurance whether you'll succeed. By using these techniques and also launching early you can enhance your probabilities drastically.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
The Fight (Bit 18b + Epilogue)
Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5 | Bit 6 | Bit 7 | Bit 8 | Bit 9 | Bit 10 | Bit 11a | Bit 11b | Bit 12 | Bit 13 | Bit 14 | Bit 15 | Bit 16 | Bit 17a | Bit 17b | Bit 18a | 18b + Epilogue
It’s finished! All 18,380 words of it :D Writing every day before work and at lunch seems to work well :D Though I usually need a weekend to wind up the ending - needs more concentration :D
So many thanks to the wonderful @onereyofstarlight for all her help throughout this fic and for a final read through of this bit :D You is amazing and wonderful.
Also, so many thanks to everyone who has commented and liked and cheered me on. You guys keep me writing these crazy things. ::hugs you all so much::
From here, it is onto the Kermadec fic ahead of Fandomversary ::eyes the date:: Oh dear, I better write fast. It will be a miracle if I finish it before 17 July.
As for Anna....I don’t think this is the last we will see of her :D This is the second story in a new series, apparently. :D
“There were some concerns regarding the MacIntyres and their connections to organised crime.” Jack’s voice was matter of fact. “You are a witness and/or a victim of both incidents. The Tracys were concerned for your safety.”
She hadn’t noticed anybody following her. Of course, she had considered the possibilities. Thoughts like that had kept her awake at night. But her conversations with the police had been reassuring.
“The police said there wasn’t anything to worry about. That the MacIntyres were in custody.”
Scott’s voice was quiet. “We have traced a connection to a worldwide crime ring. John, in particular, is concerned.” He held out a mobile phone. “We would like you to have this.”
She reached out and took it from him. Latest Tracy phone, worth a couple of thousand dollars. Completely outside her price range.
She looked up. “Why?”
“It has a direct connection to Thunderbird Five and we will be able to track you.”
“You could follow me?”
Scott’s voice was quiet. “Yes.”
He left it as a simple fact.
“For your safety.”
“What could you do from space?”
“We have security in the vicinity and can respond immediately.”
“So, you are following me anyway.”
She held his gaze.
“We protect those we care about and Alan cares about you. Virgil, in fact, threw a fit after you left the hospital. He demanded we provide security.” A snort. “If he had given me a chance to answer, I could have told him that I had already spoken to Kyrano.” He didn’t look away, his eyes as challenging as hers. “The threat is there. We want to negate it.”
She hadn’t seen any security following her. She hadn’t seen Kyrano since the incident. Not that she had been looking. The thought that there were people watching her, hiding behind buildings...
“You should have told me.” An indrawn breath. “I work in a school surrounded by children. If I am a danger to the kids...”
“You’re not.”
“How do you know that?”
“We’re monitoring the situation-“
She shot to her feet. “How can you possibly guarantee that nothing will happen?!” The thought of a MacIntyre with a gun in her classroom was absolutely terrifying. “I have a responsibility to my students. How could you let me return to work when you knew that was a possibility?”
Scott stood up, his hands out obviously in an attempt to placate her. “Anna, you are not a danger to your students. Kyrano has you under surveillance, you’re safe.”
“I’m safe? Like Alan was?” The words were out of her mouth before she could think and she regretted them immediately as the man in front of her paled.
“That hole in our security has been plugged. I’m sorry we were unable to prevent that incident.” His voice was still strong and determined, but there was an uncertainty, a guilt in his undertones. This was a man trying to do the right thing.
“An apology is not necessary. That was not your fault. The point I am trying to make is that International Rescue is not omniscient. If there is a threat, I should not be in this school. How could I face the parents of my students should something happen? How could you?”
She grabbed the paperwork on her desk and shuffled it into a pile, her mind going through all the things she would need to do to resign from her position. But then, where would she go? Where would she be safe? She found her handbag in her hands and stared at it a moment. Looking up, she found both men calmly staring at her.
“Anna, I’m sorry.” And there was the young man who had lost his father only a matter of months ago. The suit suddenly seemed too big for him, the blue in his eyes just that touch unsure.
The door to the classroom was pushed open, no knock, no hesitancy. Kyrano strode in as if on cue. Dressed in loose black pants, a grey polo shirt and runners, his hair tied back at the nape of his neck, he appeared insignificant, a dad at the school to pick up his kids.
Only the sharp green of his eyes betrayed that he was anything but.
“Ms Kent, you and your students are safe. You have my word.”
He spoke as if his word was a certainty.
Anna sat down, thoughts swirling around her head, her whole body wilting. “How can I risk it? With so much at stake?” Her career, her life, was not worth those that filled this room, this building, on a daily basis.
And her family...De, her partner, hell, even the dogs. Her flatmate...
Her elbows hit the desk and her head fell into her hands.
The scuffle of footsteps. A tentative touch on her shoulder. She looked up to find Scott crouched down beside her, blue eyes intense. No longer towering above her, now looking up at her. “You are safe, Anna. I promise.”
He held her gaze. He was the commander of International Rescue. He was asking her to trust him.
Trust him.
“You. Are. Safe.”
So many questions. How could they monitor her at all times? Her family? Her friends? Her students? It wasn’t humanly possible.
But this was International Rescue, they dealt in miracles, they made things happen.
A lump caught in her throat.
Voice small. “Okay.”
Those eyes softened just a little and his hand squeezed her shoulder.
His voice was gentle, no doubt the same voice he used on frightened people he was rescuing.
She was frightened people.
Could she be rescued?
A flicker of steel in those eyes answered that question.
“Kyrano is in charge of your security, John is monitoring from orbit and Jack is tackling the legalities. We will find those responsible and remove the threat. International Rescue has resources across the globe and we are mobilising. You need us, that phone will have a Thunderbird on your doorstep in minutes.”
She stared at him. “All for one small town school teacher.”
He unfolded and straightened up to his full height, looking down at her. The confident and certain young man returned and steeled his stance. “It is what we do.”
A blink and she found herself believing him. It was little more than faith. Hope.
“Okay.” This time her voice was stronger. “Tell me what I need to do.”
That suave smile curved his lips again.
 “Okay, class, pull up page 58 in your grammar text and read the first two paragraphs. I want you to write an expressive piece using first person and present tense. One hundred words minimum.”
She didn’t miss the twin groans from the holoprojector on her desk. She had to smile, they often forgot they were in a class of twenty-odd students and their reactions were obvious. “Alan and Rory, I heard that.”
“Sorry, Ms Kent.” Alan had his head in one hand and appeared thoroughly bored. Rory didn’t even bother to answer. He was doodling on his tablet.
An arched eyebrow. “Alan, I didn’t say what the topic had to be. Perhaps you could write about flying a rocket into space?”
That caught his attention. “I could?”
“You could. And if you finish quickly enough, you could illustrate it.”
Gemma was bouncing in her seat, her hand in the air. “Ms Kent, can I write about a rocket, too?”
Anna smiled. “Of course, you are all welcome to write about subjects that interest you. You have the next forty-five minutes to complete the exercise. Make it yours, make it into whatever you want.”
She didn’t miss the grumble from Jonathon about making it into a way to get out of here. He was overdue some special attention. She wrote a note on her tablet.
All the heads in the room bent down to read.
All except Rory.
She eyed her dejected student who was still doodling. A touch at her own screen and she pulled up what the boy was drawing.
A number of words scattered over his screen, all angry and understandable, interspersed with abstract figures and angry lines.
He was having one of those days.
A sigh and she touched her headset to confine his audio to her alone. His holofigure was removed from the classroom and confined to her screen.
She didn’t miss Alan’s sudden raised eyebrow as he looked up from his work.
Rory received the notification that he was on privacy mode and looked up at her sullenly. “What have I done now?”
She suppressed another sigh. Voice quiet so the class couldn’t hear. “Nothing, Rory. I was just going to suggest that you could write this piece of text using whatever is on your mind today. You don’t have to present it to the class, it can be a private piece.”
“Don’t wanna.”
Her lips thinned. Definitely one of those days. “Do you need a break? Should I speak to your mother?”
“No!” His eyes were alarmed. “Leave Mom outta this.”
Her heart lurched. There was only so much she was capable of doing to help Rory. But she would use what little reach she had to do the best she could. “Want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
Still doodling. Apparently, he had forgotten she could see what he wrote on his tablet. Bloody leave me alone was certainly clear enough.
“Okay, Rory, try to write something. It might help.” So much anger. Understandable, but it needed to be managed. She would speak to Rory’s counsellor later today and see if there was another strategy that could help. Rory was slowly working through it all, he just needed a little help.
As for her other long distance student...
“Gordon, getoff!”
The class burst into laughter as Gordon Tracy suddenly appeared in Alan’s stream and gave the younger boy a thorough noogie.
It didn’t last long, as a red flannelled arm reached into the feed and yanked the fish out of receiver range.
Alan, hair now sticking up at all angles, glared at something the rest of the class couldn’t see. “Serves you right, fishboy!”
Blue eyes widened as Alan reacted to something Anna couldn’t hear, but its contents were obvious as the eleven-year-old snapped back to attention, guilt under her gaze. He hurriedly returned to reading his tablet.
Someone in the class snickered.
Anna raised an eyebrow at the room and all heads ducked back to work.
Rory started writing a story about a boy who was scared.
Alan was describing Thunderbird Three...another paper she would have to save to the locked server John had provided for all such possible technology breaches.
The wind rustled through the rosemary bush outside the schoolroom window.
Her phone flashed up with an apology from Virgil regarding Gordon. Apparently, he was sentenced to cleaning the bilge pumps of the family boat. An unusual punishment task, but then the Tracys were an unusual family.
A glance at the room’s security camera. It had become a nervous habit.
An internal sigh.
Unusual indeed.
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jasonrae117 · 4 years
Night at the Wayne Casino
This is gonna be a long one, I took the advice from @bourniebna and made it longer but also making it into two parts and leaving it on a semi-cliffhanger. Thank you everyone for the support and love! Enjoy! 
Damian found himself on the third floor, a place he thought he would never be. Filled with rooms upon rooms of well equipped and private spaces for massages, mud baths, facials, and anything and everything a five-star spa could hold. He would never require the services provided here since he disliked physical contact unless it was necessary or it was self-initiated, which it typically wasn’t. Damian kept it simple with occasional handshakes or a pat on the shoulder.
When it came to women, he had been with a few. His name was enough by itself to get him laid easily, and where that wasn’t enough, his physique helped greatly. Anything that wasn’t strictly helpful to his endgame seemed inefficient and he always strived for maximum efficiency.
Here he was crossing the threshold to the Wonder Spa, a highly rated and regarded spa for ultimate luxury and innovation in experiences. He approached the reception desk where the two top ranked masseuses and overall spa managers sat preparing their completely packed schedules for the day, Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Sandsmark and Stephanie Brown.
Stephanie looked up from her tablet and a bright smile graced her face. “Damian Wayne? I never thought I’d see the day where you came to the spa!” Beside Stephanie, Cassandra perked up, eyes widened and mouth opened in excitement.
“Oh wow! Stress built up that much? We do have a full appointment schedule but we can squeeze you in.” Damian’s face remained the same, with a bored expression waiting out their excitement. He didn’t dislike the two employees, but they tended to be too peppy and care more about gossip and people’s personal lives, specifically his and whether or not it contained a girl. It was very tiresome and he currently didn't have the time nor was in the mood for their antics.
“Didn’t you say the spa was for weak patsies that like to hand over ridiculous sums of money for frivolous treatments?” Cassie thoughtfully brought a finger to her chin. 
“No, I think it was that the spa was a bloodthirsty capitalistic vampire sucking money from dim-witted fools that think worthless products and services will actually make them look or feel better when in reality their lives were already a waste.” Stephanie’s eyes searching the ceiling for his quote. They both broke out in laughter and faced him again when they had calmed down. 
He hadn’t moved an inch and he tried to remain calm but the overly floral scents and the girl’s mocking were grating on his nerves.
Cassie placed her tablet on the desk and rested her chin on her palm as she looked back up at him. “So really, to what do we owe the pleasure?”
Damian let out a small breath and mentally counted to ten. “Yesterday a woman had possibly come here and I want any information you have on her.”
Cassie and Stephanie exchanged glances before focusing on him again. Stephanie rolled her eyes and began typing on her tablet. “Is this about Raven? What is it with all you boys?”
Damian couldn’t help the shock that appeared on his face. “How did you-”
“Oh, that one that Tim sent! God, she was gorgeous!” Cassie practically bounced in her seat. 
“Yeah she is. Her skin was incredibly smooth. Cassie’s skin is pretty perfect, but this woman’s was literally flawless. I mean, it’s insane with her skin tone, no freckles or blemishes, just absolutely stunning skin.” Damian tried to fight the heat that rose to his face remembering how remarkable she looked coming out of the pool and the tiny droplets that rolled down her smooth curves, luckily Stephanie turned back to her friend, “I asked her what products she uses and what her routine is, you know what she said? She said she just washes it with some drugstore face wash and that’s it. She said she drinks a lot of water too. Luck and good genes I swear." 
"Perfect skin, gorgeous, and that body! I'm pretty stacked, but her ass! I'm literally jealous. That's why all the boys are crazy about her." Cassie shrugged and leaned back.
"Sandsmark, Brown! I'm here on official business. What's this about 'all the boys'? Who else is discussing her?" Damian crossed his arms and felt his irritation coming to a peak. 
"Oh my gosh! Do you have the hots for her too! First Jason, then Tim. I liked her too but you boys are wild. I wish I got this much attention." 
"Brown, focus. How did you know I was talking about Miss Roth?"
"Like I was saying, Jason hung out with us after we all got off and he wouldn't shut up about the 'hot girl that dissed him'..."
"Oh, I loved when she told him that he was a..what was it?" Cassie then snapped her fingers. "A delusional cockalorum who thinks boyish tricks will woo a woman that has even the tiniest bit of self worth and respect. He didn't even know what that meant!" She burst out into another round of laughter.
"You had to look it up too!" Stephanie shook her head giggling at the memory. Her eyes caught the glare Damian's was sending and she cleared her throat. "Anyway… yesterday a woman, Raven, came in with Tim's employee discount card. She was very nervous, but naturally we were curious because it's Tim's card. She told us what happened and we sent her to change so that we could call Tim. He confirmed everything and told us to give her the works and put it on a tab for him."
Cassie was nodding to the story and jumped in. "We thought this girl must be special and were curious so during her treatments we got to talking. She told us her point of view from the Jason situation and we bonded over horror stories of men hitting on us." She smiled fondly.
"She was actually really nice and tried to pay for the services but clearly we couldn't let her. She snuck a three hundred dollar tip into our drawer though. Literally one of the best clients we had. Then Tim swung by and asked her to dinner and walked her out of here. After that we don't know. We invited her to go to a club with us on Friday because she seemed so cool, but she's leaving on Tuesday." Stephanie huffed and brought her attention back to the tablet. 
"She didn't say anything about why she's here by herself?" He questioned, this trip becoming less informative and more of a nuisance than he had hoped. 
Stephanie sighed loudly, eyes focused as she tried to recall the memory, "Oh, yeah. She said something about working in advertising and having to analyze the ads and products and survey something. Poor girl has to work while in Vegas, major bummer. She says she tries to work during the days and play at night. Except yesterday, she felt like she needed that."
Damian processed this new data. Stephanie's information regarding Raven's occupation matched with what Tim had found on her. That would usually be a point in her favor, but if she was as crafty and smart as Damian suspected her to be, then she could have easily set up an almost alter ego that checks out and have her backstory memorized. Her good looks probably swaying prying minds from digging deeper. No matter, he wasn't so easily duped.
"I don't blame her...Now the only question that remains, is why do you care Damian?" Cassie looked suspicious and leaned slightly forward.
"She is a suspect in the casino. We don't have hard proof but something doesn't sit well with me when it comes to her." 
"Maybe because Tim swooped in before you could." Stephanie mumbled under her breath. 
Damian scoffed at the remark "Enough. That is all I wanted. Now proceed with your opening procedures." He nodded farewell to them and began toward the exit.
"She asked about you…" Cassie looked at her nails acting nonchalant.
He quickly snapped around, his full attention on Cassie. "What did you tell her? Why did she want to know?" His eyes narrowed.
"Calm down. We talked about Tim and she said that she ran into you a few times and said it seemed like you were always near her. We told her that you're the head of security and take it too seriously, like an assassin traveling by shadows waiting for someone to break a rule so you can strike. It got a pretty good laugh."
"Yeah but the best part is how she described you. If she didn't accept Tim's dinner invite, I swear she'd be ready to jump your bones..or uh bone." Stephanie dramatically winked at him and they began to giggle again. 
Damian kept his face stern but found it hard to swallow. He wanted to ask what Raven has said about him, but he feared it may unintentionally come across as sexually interested rather than a desire to know all information in an objective manner for the sake of the case. But perhaps he was a bit...interested. Not that he would ever admit it out loud. 
"Great. Did either of you think it might be unwise to divulge the status of all our employees to a stranger that may be trying to con our casino or worse? Or perhaps, you just want to hand her a key card so she can just as easily access it all by herself."
Stephanie rubbed at her temple and loosened her grip on the tablet, her words trying to coax him to a more manageable level of irritation,"Damian, relax. It's not hard to figure out that you're some big bad security for the casino. You literally stare people down and nothing else all day. You don't even try to blend in. She seemed to meet a bunch of us by accident or by everyone else's own will. It's not like she's seeking all of us out. I think you need to let it go or get laid or-" 
"And I think this is why you weren't given a position on the security team and instead washed up here as a servant to drunk simpletons." His words spewed out like venom as he scowled at her.
"Ok, I think we've done our part in your stupid investigation. We have actual work to do." Cassie stood up and placed her hands on her hips.
"Tt. Then I suggest you get to it and try not to gossip or discuss our business with clients." He growled out and turned on his heel. 
"Ay ay captain." Cassie saluted with a roll of her eyes.
Damian left the spa more frustrated than he went in. No matter how attractive she was, he wouldn't let her get to him. He had two and a half days to catch her and prove himself. 
Raven was a slippery snake and she was able to wiggle her way out of suspicion with everyone else, but not him. 
Damian groaned as he started to feel a headache coming on. He made it back down to the first floor of the casino and was about to start patrolling before he remembered it was his day off. If it were up to him, he wouldn't take one. Criminals didn't take days off but his father insisted due to laws regarding the matter. 
He just had to stay away from Jon and Richard since they'd be the first to call him out and force him to leave. He couldn't actively patrol but he could visit his coworker in the security room, picking up his notebook he had 'accidentally' left behind. 
He had to keep tabs on Raven if he wanted to get a step ahead of her. His talk within the spa proved almost useless except finding out that she was interested in him, in possibly more ways than one. Damian shook the thought from his head. That's what she wants me to think. He climbed the stairs to the second floor and looked across the large room to the hallway where the security room was located.
He would have proceeded normally had it not been for the two figures draped over each other tangled in a heated kiss. His primal instinct was to sprint over to them and yank Tim off of Raven and throw him as far away as he could, and lead Raven away to where they'd be alone. He shut his eyes as tightly as he could cutting off that train of thought. After a deep breath he refocused on the pair.
Tim had her pinned against the wall and his hands were roaming over her navy lace dress. Fuck, why did she have so many sexy dresses and why did they have to look THAT good on her? His jaw tightened as her hands curled in Tim's hair pulling him closer. Tim brought his mouth to her neck and Damian almost lost it when his hand slid to the curve of her ass. 
He immediately began to head over as soon as Tim pulled out his key card and inserted it in the lock, clumsily pressing his finger on the scanner until it clicked open for him. Damian watched as Tim pulled Raven inside and although he couldn't hear past the noise of the music and sounds of the slot machines, he was sure she let out a surprised gasp. He cleared the space slower than he would have liked, but he couldn't exactly plow through everyone that got in his way. 
He stopped as he reached the door and flushed when he heard a moan that definitely came from the woman within. He couldn't take it. Not only was he not the biggest fan of Tim Drake, he was harboring a suspect, while on duty, in an authorized personnel only area. He was a bit scared of what he might walk into but that was his woman in there...his wanted woman...fuck, his suspect. He slammed his card in and held his thumb to the scanner and he was quickly granted access.
His face was crimson with the rage that filled him and his fists were clenched. Suddenly though, the red in his face went from being caused by his anger to being caused by the sight in front of him. 
Raven was in nothing but black lacy panties, a matching bra, and thigh high stockings held up by a garter belt. Her ivory skin shone brightly through the lace and the blush on her cheeks added to the look. Her swollen lips were parted and her head was thrown back as Tim was in the process of kissing down her chest as one of her bra straps hung off her shoulder. She was sitting on the desk with all the papers pushed aside and Tim between her legs with his own shirt unbuttoned. 
Damian was shocked at how quickly they had moved in the relatively short time it had taken him to cross the casino floor, but in reality it was only one piece of clothing missing. 
Taking one last look at her and committing it to memory, Damian steeled his resolve and regained his stiff posture and his menacing glare. "What the hell are you doing Drake!" 
"Fuck!" Tim broke away from her and Raven yelped and covered herself, climbing off the desk. "Shit Damian, what the fuck are you doing?"
"I asked you that and I have yet to be given an answer!" His voice began to raise in volume.
"Can we talk about it in a second." Tim began smoothing his hair and attempted to straighten his clothes.
"Why the hell is there a guest in the security room and why are you trying to fuck her on company property on company time!" 
Damian noticed Raven slowly bending down to reclaim her dress without exposing herself further. Damian scoffed and turned around giving her a small bit of privacy. He heard the shuffle of fabric and she quietly cleared her throat.
He turned back around and narrowed his eyes at the woman whose face was now bright red with embarrassment. "I should...uh..go. I'm sorry, really." She had stepped closer to him and licked her lips uncomfortably. "It's my fault. It won't happen again. Uh..thank you?" She shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and slipped past him. 
Once she was gone, Damian turned his attention back to Tim who had just finished buttoning up his shirt. Tim held out his hands in surrender. "I know. Trust me, I know it all. I'll report myself. I wasn't thinking and I compromised our security. Although nothing actually happened thanks to you. And I don't mean to be snarky about it, I know that I probably wouldn't have stopped myself at all. But it's not her fault. So please don't turn this into one of your theories about her. I take full responsibility."
"You disgust me Drake. Can't even control your urges when it comes to your job. You'll be lucky if you even have one tomorrow. If it wasn't close to prime time and short notice, I'd dismiss you right now." Damian stood tall and crossed his arms, staring Tim down.
Tim took in a deep breath and released it slowly as he plopped into the computer chair. "Noted. I..um..think I've wasted enough time. I'll get started on the report and do a few sweeps of the casino." He didn't look Damian in the eye and pulled up to the desk, a blush rising to his cheeks while he rearranged the papers that had been strewn about. 
"Good, about time you take your job seriously. Although a bit too late in my opinion." He watched as Tim's movements stilled and his fists clenched. He didn't make a move though, it would be futile. Damian let out a small laugh before exiting the office.
He began planning his next move to get more information on Raven that didn't involve her revealing more skin. Although he enjoyed what he saw, it distracted him and that wasn't good for his mission. A cheery voice broke his thoughts as he was crossing the casino floor.
"Hey Damian." Jon walked up to him a look of concern overlaying his usual happy demeanor. "I saw Raven fleeing from here." Great, was everyone on a first name basis with his number one target? "You didn't terrorize her with an interrogation without me, did you?" He playfully nudged his shoulder and added a chuckle trying to mask the seriousness of his question. 
"No, Jon. I just caught Drake almost fucking her in the security room."
"Oh. Tough break…" Damian scowled at him. "I mean, wow unbelievable. So, what's your next move?"
"You all are infuriating. Could, at least you, stop implying that I'm trying to court our top suspect?" Damian began walking toward the elevator with Jon following right beside him.
"I would if you quit acting like it. She's hot, and I guess intelligent according to you, and she has the record for a woman, hell anyone, holding your attention this long without you losing interest." Damian was about to open his mouth to respond but Jon cut him off once more. "I'm only saying this because I care about you, as your best and only friend. It would do you some good to relax and actually stop working for once. The rest of us can handle a day without you, you gotta trust us."
"How can I trust the man that brought a potential criminal into our security office?"
Jon hesitated and paused to find the right words. "I'm not saying it was ok, but you know he hasn't been the only one to do it. Yes, you were pissed then and it wasn't the security office per se, but I think you're taking this a little more to heart because of whom it entails."
"A criminal!"
"A very attractive woman that has the unfortunate burden of once being labeled as a suspect and then having you get attached in that mindset. Maybe the situation with Tim spooked her, and you can finally try to talk to her as Damian and not as head of security?" Jon looked pleadingly at him as Damian hit the button to call the elevator. 
"You all may think she's innocent, but I don't. Perhaps I am a bit attracted to her, but unlike Drake, I am professional and can contain myself around women."
Jon rolled his eyes and Damian stepped into the elevator. "Ok, well you go actually take the night off and contain yourself at the rooftop party tonight." He winked at him just before the door slid close.
Rooftop party...that's where she'll be. This is why Jon was tolerable enough to be his friend. Damian made his way to his suite a few floors down from where he was headed later that night. He would attend as regular Damian Wayne, but that didn't mean that his head of security side couldn't be 'undercover'. 
If he wanted to catch her, he knew he had to go at it by himself, everyone else had been compromised. Tonight was the night he was sure he'd get lucky. 
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lanaisnotwool · 4 years
414 Using Meetups to Grow Your Business - Interview with Adam Adams
Could creating a meetup group cause massive growth in your business?
Adam A. Adams, also known in the real estate community as Triple-A, has educated thousands of investors through real estate conferences, radio & podcast interviews, his coaching program, and his thriving Meetup group.
Adam hosts the Creative Real Estate Podcast, a podcast listened to around the world, with hundreds of thousands of downloads. His efforts to educate and inspire other investors have earned him the prestigious title “Master Investor” by Think Realty magazine and he is also a three-time Hall of Fame winner from RE Mentor for his successes in multifamily syndications.
In 2005, Adam took the plunge into part-time real estate investing, but it quickly became his full-time passion!
Today Adam is partnered in 7 multifamily syndications with approximately 1,400 doors valued slightly over $100 million. His company, BlueSpruce Holdings, focuses on finding and managing apartment communities to allow passive investors diversification, cash flow, tax benefits, and freedom of time.
Adam’s primary role in the company is to attract capital, successfully raising millions of dollars from private investors. He continues to grow his company’s brand as one of the top syndication teams in the United States.
Listen to our Podcast here:
Chris Miles (00:00): Well, hello, my fellow Ripplers! This is Chris Miles. Your Cash Flow Expert and Anti-Financial Advisor. We want to welcome you out guys for a wonderful show. A show that's for you and about you. Those of you that work so freaking hard for your money, and you're now ready for your money to start working harder for you. Today! You want that freedom. That cash flow. That prosperity. Right now! Not 30 or 40 bazillion years from now, but right now. So you can have that life of freedom to be able to do what you love. To be with those you love. Whenever the heck you want to do it. But it's so much more than just having a life of luxury, right? It's so much more than just, you know, having great cash flow and being financially free. But it's about having that life of legacy. Being that Rippler. Where you create a ripple effect to the lives of those around you. And guys, I appreciate it so much for allowing me to create a ripple effect through you guys.
Chris Miles (00:56): Cause you guys have been awesome. I love hearing how much you guys are bingeing lately, and you've been sharing it with other people and everything else. I love watching those numbers grow. So I appreciate it so much that you guys are a part of this movement. Allowing this ripple effect to go through so many lives, if not thousands, the hundreds of thousands. So thank you so much guys.
Chris Miles (01:13): As a reminder, you can check out our website, MoneyRipples.Com There you can go and see all of the good stuff. You know, everything from, you know, blogs from a couple of years ago that I occasionally write. Do even our little ebook called Beyond Rice & Beans, Seven Secrets to Free Up Cash Today. Which you can see there now. So check it out! Alright!
Chris Miles (01:33): So today I want to bring on a special guest because this is the guy that, I've been on his show as well. But man, he had a reputation that proceeded himself and it finally had the opportunity to have him on our show. I can't believe I didn't, I've taken it, taken me this long to even get him on here. So this guy is Adam Adams. Some of you guys might know if you're in the real estate community already. He's also known as Triple A, right? He's educated thousands of investors to real estate conferences, podcasts and radio interviews, coaching programs, his meetup groups and everything. Right? He's also the creative real estate podcast that I ever suggest you guys go check out. His let's do around the world has hundreds of thousands downloads as well. His effort to educate and inspire other investors had earned him the prestigious title of Master Investor by Think Realty Magazine. And he's also a three-time hall of fame winner of RE Mentor for his success in multifamily syndication's. Meetup.com has also recognized him as one of the top six meetup organizers in the world in 2018 guys. Which is going to be part of our topic today. He took the plunge and decided to go part time real estate investing, but it quickly became a full time passion for him. Today he's partnering in seven multifamily syndications with approximately 1400 doors valued at slightly over a hundred million dollars. His company, BlueSpruce Holdings, focused on finding and managing apartment communities to allow passive investor diversification, cash flow, tax benefits, and freedom of time. So guys, this is huge! So excited to have Adam on. So Adam, welcome to our show!
Adam Adams (03:01): Thank you so much for having me. And as you said, I've had you on our show a couple of times. So we really like and respect what you're doing, Chris.
Chris Miles (03:09): Yeah, absolutely man. So, give us a little background, like why'd you even go the real estate route in the first place?
Adam Adams (03:14): I went real estate because of my family. I grew up doing real estate. So it seemed like a normal thing. So I had one of those unique childhoods where a lot of people grow up and real estate seems like a far off thing. I was almost pushing it away because it was so close. My dad was always saying, you're going to do this. You're going to do this. You got to save 10%. You got to invest 10%. And so it was actually in college when he first purchased my first real estate for me, then his CPA told him that he, I had to buy it back from him or else he was going to pay a lot in taxes. So yeah, fun stuff. When you're a college student and barely making your books to have to pay for real estate. But with the cool thing is I made a 12000% return on my money within two years.
Adam Adams (04:03): And so in 2007, two years later after selling that I had more money in the bank than I had ever made in an entire year before that. And so I was thinking to myself, well, I'm going to have to figure out how to really make this real estate thing work for me. I was going to school for music education. I'm a musician. Been writing music since I was very young. And it was that time when I decided that I'm probably not going to be a teacher because this was a whole years of teacher salary already. So I decided that that was what I was going to focus on. So I bought my first, my first triplex, I lived in it house hacked. Made some money in it. Managed some other properties. Made somebody a couple of million bucks fast. And it was like, I couldn't get away from it. I couldn't get away from it. So fast forward, 15 years. And now I have over a thousand apartments that I'm partnered in and loving every minute of it.
Chris Miles (05:06): I love it, man! Man. So what, so tell us, like, obviously you've got a huge reputation for, like, you know, social media. You got this reputation for marketing. I mean, you even got asked to speak at the meetup conference, right? You made a global conference there as one of the top six speakers there, right? Like what they, how'd you even go the marketing route, like, was that just stumbled on by accident or is that just something that you just seem to master really naturally?
Adam Adams (05:31): That's a really good question. I feel like it was essential for me to learn it because when I was getting started in real estate, you know, and when I was starting to raise equity, I felt as though I was being drowned out completely by a lot of other noise and some of it was loud, you know, Grant Cardone is loud. And he's drowning out a lot of the people that want to be in real estate or marketing or branding. And I felt that it was just necessary to figure out how I could start standing out. And I stumbled across some of it by accident. Like with the meetups that you mentioned, I was brand new to Colorado. I had just moved here to Colorado five years ago. And when I got here, I didn't really know anyone.
Adam Adams (06:31): I felt brand new and I felt like someone told me your network is your net worth. And so with the marketing and branding, I remember thinking, I've got to figure out how to grow a network in a new place. And it was actually my mother in law who said that meetup was a place that you could kind of grow your brand and get to know people in a new place. So I just started to meetup. I literally just, you know, I don't suggest this to other people ready, fire aim. I always say ready, aim, fire, take the time to really figure it out. Yeah. And especially now that I can help other people do the same thing. I want them to skip their learning curve, but I just, I jumped into it. And the marketing I learned over time because in the beginning I only had a couple of people showing up.
Adam Adams (07:25): And the only way on meetups that I could have more people come to the group is if I spent extra time in the back. In, what is it in the background. Actually marketing the meetup. And I did things like take pictures while I was there. Write stories about people that attend, because I felt like if, if other people that were going through the same thing knew that there was people like them attending my meetup, that would help them think, Oh, I should come to this meetup too. That guy had my problem. And now he's successful. So I just started marketing, branding and throwing this out in, like you said, a couple years later, meetup HQ flew me out to speak to 150 of their top people. And that was a lot of fun. So in short I stumbled across it. Yes. I learned the hard way. Yes. And then I realized that if you don't take the time to market and brand who you are and what you're doing, people are just going to go to the other people that they're hearing marketing brand, who they are and what they're doing.
Chris Miles (08:35): Well, that's kind of, I was going to ask you is like, whether someone's in a real estate investor or if they are a business owner, right? I know cause we've got different people on this show. You know, why do they feel so important that they do brand themselves or market themselves and have this kind of influence?
Adam Adams (08:49): Yeah. Well, if they are a real estate investor and they're looking for deals, it's the main thing that is brought my company deals. And so here you go, this is the best way to sum it up. People do business with people that they know like and trust, right? And we all know that. And if 10 people know you, what's the most amount of people that could ever like you or trust you? The max. So if you want to build a funnel, people are talking a lot about funnels these days. So a lot of people think it's just a website. A funnel is a lot more than a website. A website is a piece, a small piece of a funnel. But if you want people to know you so that they can like you so that they can trust you so that they can invest passively in your deal or give you the next deal that they find where you need to close it or just do business with you. Then you got to have a lot of people knowing you. And to do that, you have to, I call it the four pillars just to brief it out.
Adam Adams (09:53): You got to have some type of thought leadership. There's five different thought leadership platforms we could talk about. You got to have some type of live event where you're meeting people in person and getting to know them. You gotta do something on your social media, where people, when they search for you, they literally can find you because these days, if they don't see you on LinkedIn or Facebook within the first five minutes of searching, they immediately go to the next person. So you gotta be active. And then the fourth one is your, I call it a Lead Magnet, which is some type of giveaway that helps your perfect person, that either will invest in your deal or do business with you to be able to convert from knowing you into starting to trust you. Right? So those are my four pillars and they're really, really important. You got to do all four of them and the meetups, the live events, I've raised $4.2 million for our apartments for my real estate deals have come. I can count exactly that amount of money just from the meetups. We've had a few million from the podcast too, but it's interesting how effective the meetup groups have been.
Chris Miles (11:09): It's interesting too, because I know a lot of, especially real estate investors out there will think the meetup groups are like a complete waste of time. They're like, Oh, don't even go to those things. There's just a bunch of wannabe investors there. Nobody really of good value. And you're completely flipping that upside down and say, no, absolutely. It's one of the best places to be, right?
Adam Adams (11:29): Yeah. Well, but you're right. There's a ton of people that say, don't go to meetups. And I actually think, I'm going to be honest. Most of them are correct. Don't go to meetups! Going to meetups is completely different than hosting meetups.
Chris Miles (11:46): Interesting.
Adam Adams (11:47): When you, let's just pretend like you're new, you have money and you're going to a meetup. You see 30 people, 30 different people. You've got a leader or maybe two leaders and 28 other people besides yourself. Yeah. The first person you're going to decide to know like, and trust the first person is probably going to be who? Not one of the 28.
Chris Miles (12:12): Right.
Adam Adams (12:13): It'd be one of the leaders, at least the leader or two. So when you're hosting these events, you get the deals before anyone else in the room. Cause people are able to see your track record. When you come to a place like you don't know anyone else's track record, but these people that are established, they've been running the meetup for a little while. You tend to trust them. You tend to believe that they can close. And so if you're asking, should I attend meetups? Yeah. Maybe not. Maybe not attend. But if you're asking, if you should host a meetup, like run it, be the organizer. You're going to get massive, massive value. I look at our group, it's a, it was a lunch club. I mean, it's still a lunch club, but now we, it's corona virus. And we don't have lunch during lunch club cause we're a virtual, but we started out just meeting at lunch and I never imagined how many people would be able to come to one of these. But we got up, up to a hundred plus every single week, 176 at the top. And those people are rarely doing as many deals with each other as they are doing deals with me. That's why I've been able to raise 4.2 that I can solidly say came directly from as a result of my lunch club. So yeah, let's just differentiate this in our minds. There is a complete difference. You can either attend or you can host and you'll get the value when you host a meetup.
Chris Miles (13:44): And that sounds like a lot of work. Do you think it's like a massive amount of work? Do you think it would be simplified?
Adam Adams (13:49): It's in general, a lot of work and a lot of people say it's a lot of work, but because you asked that question, I can share really good tool that has helped me to be able to simplify it. So in 2018, the same year that meetup HQ flew me out to speak. That year I hosted over 220 meetups, 220, like it was four or five or six every single week. And it was a part time job for my assistant and a part time job for me. So there was a lot of work to host 220, but what we found, what we learned halfway through that year is how to really solidly make it easy on us.
Adam Adams (14:36): So here's the tip trick and strategy. Grab some type of Excel spreadsheet and you're going to have the horizontals and the verticals at the same time. Right. And so what you'll, what you want to do is first you're going to book, you're going to block out your calendar. Let's just pretend like you're not going to go 200. Let's just do, let's just pretend like you're going to do 52 and you can do 12 if you want, but let's just pretend you're going to do 52. Every single week, always on Thursday or something like that. What you'll do is you'll actually start writing out the dates. Thursday, January 5th, Thursday, January 12th. And you just keep going. And so now you've blocked out the dates. The second part you do is you block out the venue. So you figure out, you start thinking ahead of time, what venues will I want to be at this year?
Adam Adams (15:29): So if you pick, if you have four venues, you'll call all of them. And you'll say I have 13 different places that I need to come and visit you this year. And I want to block all of them out all at one time. And you'll call the second one and block the other 13. The third one blocked the other 13. The next step you'll do is you'll start writing out the topics that you're going to want. Now I mentioned that I kind of go to four different events. I kind of, I do that on purpose. So, so I'm in the Denver area. So a quarter of what I do is it near Boulder. There's a lot of money in Boulder. A quarter of what I do is in another area, another and another, some of it is downtown Denver because I get the biggest amount of people to come to Denver.
Adam Adams (16:19): And so I'll kind of go all over, but I'll call that ahead of time. And so step, I think we're in step two. All we're doing is writing out the topics. So if I'm going to be in Boulder, I want my topics to be around. How do you invest in notes? Or how do you become a safe, private money lender? Because I want to attract people that have a lot of capital from Boulder to come out of the woodworks and say, this is for me because the, in Boulder, the billionaires are now currently kicking out the millionaires. That's kind of what's going on in Boulder. So, so that's what we'll do there. And then we'll do other things in, in like Denver. We'll do a lot of fix and flip workshops in Denver and et cetera. Now that I've have all 52 topics figured out, which actually is easier than you think.
Adam Adams (17:14): When you allow yourself 10 minutes to brain dump, you can get all 52 out. Well, that's what we do. And then once you've done that, then you select your speakers. Before they ever know. You've already got the date, the time, the topic. All figured out and you call your, and now you figure out the speakers. And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to call Chris Miles and I'm going to say, Chris, I have on July 3rd, I've got 52 events I'm hosting next year. And I've got an opening on July 3rd. And it's specifically for somebody who understands how to utilize a thing called a personal bank on yourself. How do you do infinite banking? And I have two or three people in mind, but you're really my favorite, Chris. And I wondered, do you think you could come on July 3rd to present this?
Adam Adams (18:07): Or should I call one of the other experts? Well, every single time you give that pitch, Chris Miles or whoever you're talking to is like, no, no, no, no, don't do it. I'll figure out how to get there on July 3rd. And so, you've solved a lot of time and attention and it's all out ready for you. And the second tip with this way to fill these out, you put them into meetup and you publish them, but there's a separate term for an actually announcing it to the list. So if you do 52 of these, you'll actually publish all of them in just one day. You'll easily be able to do that. But when you announce them, you announce them just a couple of weeks before. You'll announce every week you just click announce. That's all you gotta do. So your life is much easier later on. You create all the image cards ahead of time. So in about a week or two on the big end, if you're doing 52 of these next year. In about a week or two, you're done everything else is now on autopilot, except for you clicking that announce button once a week. That's all you have to do.
Chris Miles (19:26): That's a really useful system. I like that. So I see. Cause that's the big thing is always like, Oh, how do you come up with those topics? Or how do you come up with this or get the speakers? Like you said, but that's, I mean, that's like you said, you could have that all done by, well, if you do, at the end of the year, you can have it done before the beginning of the year even starts. Or even by first, you know, first of the new year. Right?
Adam Adams (19:45): Yeah. And it's super important to really point this out because if somebody's all, there's going to be a few people listening. They're like, I've already started a meetup. It was a lot of work. I couldn't keep up with it. It's because they're always behind the eight ball. They're always trying. Like every week they're like, crap. I got to do all this stuff. But if you do it in the beginning, you're always in front. You're always ahead of schedule. So if there's a listener, who's thinking about doing a meetup, it doesn't matter. You don't have to do 52! 52 works for me. I do. I like the weekly, but if you're listening and you just want to do 12, you could be done with this in a day. You could be completely finished with everything in one day. And then it's just clicking the announced button once a month. That's it.
Chris Miles (20:31): I love it! Now let me ask you like what, so why were you asked to speak of that conference? I mean, obviously like you get meet up. You do a great job, but what were the, you know, you mentioned there's four things that they said was a big reason why they picked you over so many other speakers. What was that?
Adam Adams (20:46): Oh, so here I was. At the sixth floor of meetup is where all of the nerdy engineers are. And for some reason I'm intrigued by nerdy engineers. I love hearing people that really think about things like into detail about things. And so I had this awesome conversation. It was me, the I'm, I am kind of nerdy, but I'm not really an engineer brain. My dad was, but here I was sitting there with about 10 other engineers. We were in a circle and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I just, I gulped and I was afraid to ask this question, but I did anyway. I just go, Hey guys, I don't know how to ask this. But like, there was a few people that didn't get on stage and they have a lot more members than I do. I only had 1300 members in my meetup group. And there was some people that had like 20,000 members and you didn't ask them to speak.
Adam Adams (21:48): So like, what was the whole thing? What gives? Why me? And they said, here's the main things. Number one, Consistency. And so if you don't know when you're going to meet again, if you do this sporadically, it actually hits the meetup algorithm. And it ranks you lower. So fewer people see that you even have a meetup. And so, because you had the whole year planned out ahead of time, we knew that you're being consistent. We can see that you've never, ever, ever, ever canceled a meetup. And your meetup attendees know what to expect. So this turns your meetup group into one of the only meetup groups in the country. At least, I don't know how many there are in the world, but we were the only one in Colorado. And one of three in the whole country, two of them actually are in New York city, by the way, which is where the meetup HQ is.
Adam Adams (22:50): We were one of three they're called super groups. It's called a super group, which comes from that consistency. The second thing that they said was that the, I have the same members continue to come back over and over and over again. I actually have a sales pitch that I use during every meetup that I share with my attendees. I call it a sales pitch, you know, jokingly. But it it's the words that I use every single time that allowed me to have people keep coming back and back and back. So when we were doing, let's say we're meeting weekly. Okay. And I say to the people, Hey, we're going to be in Boulder every single Thursday, just so you know. And there's a lot of great meetups out there. And I encourage you to go to some of them, for sure, because you're going to be able to meet more people.
Adam Adams (23:44): But if you want to meet people that you actually do deals with, I looked up some psychology and it says, it takes about six to 15. This is the normal range for you to meet somebody in person before you start trusting them enough to actually do deals with them. And so that's why I meet, I have this group meet every single week because when you go to one of those other groups and if you go one month and then you try to go the next month, and then you're like, I still haven't even done a deal with somebody. And so you start falling off. And so like, that's what happens a lot and I want to solve that problem. So that's why I do it this way. And that's why a lot of the people that come here you'll see them coming every single week because they want to start doing deals with each other.
Adam Adams (24:37): So that was my sales pitch. That was how I shared with them, that it was important that they came every week and they did. And they showed me some stats. It's been a couple of years obviously, but they showed me some stats. And I was one of the top in the whole world on having the same people show up time and time again. Let me think of who, what was the third one. The third one that they shared with me is that, Oh, my Ratings and Reviews. And I was number two in the whole world with the most amount of ratings and reviews we had over 600, five star ratings and no four stars or lower. And they said that that was a big deal. Well, the trick is we were meeting pretty frequently. We meet a lot. And so if one person a day does this, I mean, we're done in a couple of years, but I used to ask for it when I was asking for it.
Adam Adams (25:35): I had no idea that this was part of meetups algorithm. I had no idea that I was going to be sitting with 10 engineers at the sixth floor of meetup learning that I was doing it right. But I just said, Hey, it's what I would say to my people is at the end of the event, I would say, Hey guys, there's going to be an email that comes out to you. It's going to ask how you liked it. Just be honest, let them know, you know, if it was one star or five star, just, just be honest. If you feel like you really got value today, that's all I would say at the end, I would just say, there's going to be an email. Just be honest. It doesn't matter if it's a one or a five star. And I just kept getting a ton of five stars.
Adam Adams (26:13): Like the same people would be able to rate the meetup multiple times because they don't rate the meetup itself. They rate the event. And so we had a lot of them. And so we had a huge amount of five star ratings. I think that's enough. I can't remember the fourth one right now, but if you are consistent and you ask for reviews and whatever, let them know, keep coming. You're going to hit into meetups algorithms. So it's not, now, it's no longer just you promoting it. Now it's meetup promoting it.
Chris Miles (26:54): And eventually that's not much different than any other thing. Whether it's be like social media, you know, or whatever it might be. It's kind of the same thing, isn't it?
Adam Adams (27:01): Yeah, exactly.
Chris Miles (27:02): It's about that engagement and that consistency, you know, and not giving up. That's, I love it, man. That's some really useful stuff. Like I know we can go on for hours on marketing because really it's, it can take hours literally to learn and master some of those things. But man, I mean just taking some of these nuggets and whatever, however you apply, whether you apply it to meetups, real estate or even with your own business, this is a, I think this is just gold right now. It's a huge gold mine. So Adam, I appreciate that so much.
Adam Adams (27:31): Thank you for having me.
Chris Miles (27:32): You bet. Hey, if they want to follow you and get to know your stuff better, what would you recommend?
Adam Adams (27:38): RaisingMoneyCoach.Com. Great place to find me. RaisingMoneyCoach.com.
Chris Miles (27:43): RaisingMoneyCoach.com Awesome! We'll put that in the show notes for everybody to check out. Adam it's extremely valuable and I know, I follow you as well. So I know your stuff is great. I see you as an influencer in my life. So everybody else, I recommend you follow Adam Triple A. Triple A Adams as well. So Hey Adam, I appreciate your time and appreciate your value.
Adam Adams (28:03): Thank you!
Chris Miles (28:04): And everybody else. Thank you so much for joining us today. Again, it's about action. The action you take is what creates the results in your life. It's one thing to be a listener of this show. But it's another thing to be the doer of the word too. So guys go out and do it. Make it a wonderful and prosperous week. We'll see you later.
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smartyrpoetry · 3 years
Deciding Upon Smart Programs Of What Is Needed To Travel
Right here underneath you can find additional outstanding content regarding Travel And Tourism.
Great Travel Advice To Improve Your Lifestyle
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Stepping outside your comfort zone is something that is a prerequisite for a successful travel experience. Although, it's not always easy to prepare ahead of time for the inevitable differences between your ordinary world and the one you will be entering, a few tips will help make the transition both easy and enjoyable.
Shop around for the best deal. Often, a shift in a day or two from your departure or return can amount to a significant savings of several hundred dollars in your transportation cost. Many websites can check this automatically for you. As a general rule, if you can avoid travelling on Fridays or Sundays, you will save a pile of money.
Having an emergency road kit can save your vacation. If you plan on traveling to your vacation destination by car, it is crucial to be prepared in case of emergency. At a minimum road kit should contain first-aid supplies, road flares, water, jumper cables and a flashlight. Having one on hand can make dealing with small problems a snap, and could potentially save your life in a serious accident.
When traveling to a new city, try your best to look as if you belong there: Never let anyone see that you are lost. Checking your map in the middle of the sidewalk is a sure-fire giveaway, as is asking for directions. Remember, new arrivals are good targets for pickpockets and muggers.
When traveling in a strange city by taxi, ask an independent third party such as a front desk clerk or baggage porter what the right rate is for a trip to your destination. Also set up the rate with the driver before you get into the cab. This helps prevent you from getting ripped off.
Try your best to pack all your belongings in as little amount of luggage as possible. You don't want to bring 5 bags of luggage with you on the plane and overwhelm yourself. Try and fold and tuck stuff into areas where you can make more space without harming any of your belongings.
In countries that you travel to, be aware of the cultural view of how questions are answered. In some places, especially India and Asia, it can be considered very rude to tell someone that you don't know the answer to their question. Others may simply answer "yes" to any question asked in English. Pay attention to doubtful body language.
After deciding where you would like to travel, compare the prices offered by many booking engines online for your hotel rooms and flights directly with the companies themselves. Although many booking engines do offer reduced or eliminated transaction fees, you will often get a better deal if you speak directly with the hotels or airlines. You will also receive better customer service.
While traveling to a foreign country is an exciting experience, it can also be risky if you aren't familiar with its laws and customs. For that purpose, the State Department of the United States created a website (travel.state.gov) that you can visit to find out a wealth of information on the country to which you are traveling, including facts on crime, health conditions and popular attractions.
If you are traveling to Mexico or the Caribbean during hurricane season, it's a wise idea to purchase travel insurance, if it's within your budget. Unfortunately, by the time a hurricane warning is forecast, it's too late to buy coverage, so make sure you get it at the time that you book your vacation. For a price, you can obtain "Cancel for Any Reason"u00efu00bfu00bd insurance that lets you cancel your trip for reasons not already specified in your policy.
If possible travel during off-peak hours. The price of flights changes depending on the hour, the day and the month of travel. You can save a lot of money by booking flights during off peak hours. For example, flights on Thursdays are usually cheaper than those of Fridays. This is because the demand for seats is lower on a Thursday as people who work away from home during the week normally want to fly home on a Friday.
Traveling can be made much harder than necessary if you don't have the knowledge you need. But now that you have read through this article you have the knowledge that you need to make proper travel decisions. Don't make traveling harder and more of a pain than it has to be, you should be relaxing!
Travel sector angry at Grant Shapps' 'misleading' advice against holidays
Transport secretary’s warning not to book holidays in the UK or abroad because of Covid puts jobs at risk and confuses tens of thousands of UK holidaymakers, say industry bosses
Last modified on Wed 10 Feb 2021 17.09 GMT
The much-anticipated great British summer may have been greatly exaggerated, if comments made on Wednesday by transport secretary Grant Shapps are anything to go by.
Just weeks after cabinet colleague Matt Hancock suggested that 2021 would be a bumper year for British holidays, and revealed he’d booked his own in Cornwall, Shapps advised against booking any sort of trip, in the UK or abroad. Speaking on Radio 4’s Today programme, he said: “On the shrinking chance that there is anybody listening to this interview at this stage, and thinking of booking a holiday under the current circumstances … please don’t go ahead and book holidays for something which, at this stage, is illegal to actually go and do, whether it’s here or abroad.”
His comments have angered the travel industry, which is fighting for its survival. The Country Land and Business Association (CLA), which represents 5,000 rural tourism businesses, said many of its members face ruin.
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The CLA’s director of external affairs Jonathan Roberts added that 300,000 jobs were at risk. “Government has been telling us we can look forward to a great British summer, but now says we mustn’t book any holidays at all,” he said. “This mixed messaging risks confusing members of the public and damaging rural tourism businesses, which are in dire need of some good news.”
I found that write up on Travel And Holidays while doing research the internet. If you liked our blog post if you please be sure to share it. Thank you so much for going through it.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
The Dancer-Chapter Seven
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                              A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Previous chapters at AO3
Chapter Seven  (NSFW)
Jamie walked into the kitchen watching Claire bounce from the frig to the stove happily going on about the ingredients she found to make spaghetti. He smelled the ground beef and onions frying and heard the knife cutting up tomatoes and carrots. Pans were pulled out and Claire pushed all she had chopped into one and turned on the flame.
She was humming and stirring the sauce in her bare feet, as happy here as she had been with the puppies. When the knife was banging on the cutting board again, he smelled fresh garlic and stood behind her. His hand came around hers and stopped the chopping.
On his best behavior, he hadn’t let his eyes look closely at her cut-offs but he looked now at how short they were, and the long sleek legs that were straight and shapely. Her ribbed, sleeveless shirt hugged her curves and exposed her shoulders where her muscles flexed as she moved through her cooking chores. He watched her long slim arms and thought how easily they would be held behind her back, at his mercy, until he wanted to let her go.
Claire felt Jamie stop her chopping and turned around, shocked to find his body inches from hers. She looked up at him and felt his hands around her waist lifting her up to the counter where she could be eye to eye with him.
Jamie noticed her eyes remained on his, she didn’t shy away. Right now she was his equal, powerful in her own right like he was in his. It nearly undid him because she wasn’t a meek soul he must protect, but a woman with her own mind, her own desires that she could act on if she found him worthy.
She locked into his gaze and didn’t waver even when his hands, warm and soft, moved up her thighs. She stirred the sauce while he came to terms with her setting him free. It was a heady moment and he moved slowly, watching her.
She put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him to her until her face was pressed against his.
Jamie still had not uttered a word since coming into the kitchen. It simply hadn’t been necessary yet, allowing him time to stay in his head. His hand came up and turned the burner off while he stared into Claire’s eyes sending a message of warning. Dinna start something ye canna finish lass. Fortitude is not needed but endurance is appreciated.
“Turn the burner back on please I want you to eat so hunger doesn’t make its way into the equation tonight. It won’t take long to finish this and maybe bread and noodles to keep you focused on me until morning.”
Jamie took a step back so Claire could jump down. “Where might I find the whisky?”
He watched her pour two glasses of whisky and looked back at her eyes when she was not expecting it.
“A moment of doubt. It’s normal Sassenach. Those fleeting moments when ye feel vulnerable and afraid of somethin much bigger than ye. Fear has no place between two bodies if the man yer with is trustworthy, and I am that.”
He stood close to her and watched her face give her secrets away. She felt his warm hands slide down her arms.
“Ye want me, I can see that, but yer somewhere new, feelin things that wake ye at night, wantin things that steal yer mind when ye try to work. Images in yer head of surrender and dominance. I know these things because I see them too.”
His blue eyes sparkled as he spoke softly to her and ran his hands up and down her arms. Claire watched his mouth, wanting it on every inch of her body, hoping he was a fast eater.
She had lost her way and struggled to pull her mind back and finish their meal. Jamie pulled her to him and pressed his forehead to hers.
“Somethin bad is happenin to the water Sassenach,” he said quietly with a gleam in his eye.
Jamie inclined his head toward the stove and she became aware of the sizzling, popping water boiling over the pot and nearly jumped out of her skin to pull it off the fire. He could see she was losing her focus on dinner and he smiled inside. He would stop teasing her until they were fed he decided, kissing her shoulder he sat at the table playing with whatever he found.
Claire turned to the pasta, closing her eyes, she exhaled a ragged breath. How is it possible, she wondered, that he is far sexier now than he ever was at the restaurant? She took a calming breath and forced her heart rate to slow down by thinking of the puppies. That helped enough to serve the meal and sit down next to the object of her absolute desire.
“What is that?”
“One of my sister's silly magazines. I’m taking a quiz to see how romantic I am, wanna play Sassenach? The first question is what is the most romantic setting? I said outside.”
“A fireplace with all the lights off, like the one in the living room because it’s so big.”
“What is your sexual whip? A mode of dress or body type that you can’t resist.”
“That’s easy, braless breasts… that are big.”
Claire’s eyes got wide and she sat up and smiled. “Really?” She pulled her bra straps down her arms and contorted her arms behind her back pulling her bra out of one of the armholes. She held it in the air and smiled brightly at Jamie. “Like this?” She looked down and frowned, “not all that big I guess.”
Jamie could see silver dollar sized nipples under her shirt and his crotch was doing the macarena.
“They are big enough,” he choked out.
“I choose bulging muscles. I watched Superman as a kid, my first crush.”
“What heightens sexual arousal the fastest?” “Mouth” “Mouth”
Claire looked quickly at Jamie clearing his throat and squirming in his chair as he inhaled the remaining food on his plate, taking both plates to the sink as he reached for her hand.
“I am feelin the fatigue of the day lass, suppose we have a nightcap in the living room before we retire to our rooms.” His raging erection was pointing the way and he kept his hips turned slightly away from her as he returned to the kitchen to open the door wide to the evening chill.
He took a seat on the sofa and they talked about their days since she was in Glasgow. Claire shivered a bit, right on cue, and Jamie jumped up to light a fire against the evening cold. It was an enormous fire, unknown to a city lass, it was built with enough wood to last several hours.
Jamie watched her relax into the couch and smile with her little buzz from the whisky. She still shivered now and then from a push of cold from the open kitchen door. He would suggest a relocation to the floor when the time seemed right.
“You started something in Glasgow that we couldn’t finish because I had to get back. Do you remember? I believe we were kissing, vigorously, and you touched my breast. I love sofa’s, but wouldn’t it be nicer on the floor, closer to the fire? Without any lights, just the fire?”
Jamie almost jumped over her on his way to the kitchen to flip the lights off and close the door. He poured two more whiskys and found Claire had pulled the large couch pillows onto the floor and was reclining on one watching the blaze.
“The fire is beautiful Jamie. Will you kiss me now, please?”
He slid next to her and on one elbow and bent down to take possession of her mouth. He was so impressed with Claire, more every minute. Not only was she smart and sweet, she had a sexual hunger for him and wasn’t shy about telling him earlier that day. They kissed, letting their hands touch lightly, experimentally. Jamie felt her hands loosen the buttons of his shirt and push it open, gazing wantonly at his muscled chest. She tried to say something, but she was too far gone. Jamie thought she was adorable, momentarily silenced by his bulging chest.
He pulled her under him and kissed her deeply. His tongue swept her mouth until they were both panting.
“Give me yer tongue Sassenach.”
She looked at him like he was crazy, “Do what?”
He pointed to his lower lip and asked her to touch it with her tongue. When she did, he sucked it into his mouth and Claire groaned wrapping her arms around his neck and moving her chest so Jamie’s probing hand would find it. His fingers closed around her nipple and they both moaned with pleasure.
“Take off yer shirt Sassenach, before I lose my mind. I need to touch ye lass and taste ye.”
Claire grabbed the hem of her shirt and almost dislocated her elbow pulling it over her head.
“Take my shorts off, please Jamie.”
Her eyes were closing by the sensation of Jamie’s mouth on her breasts and when he pulled a nipple into his mouth, she sucked air, arching her back and moaning.
“What is this?” Jamie ran a finger over the tan lines of a bikini top, but when it made her breasts bounce, he was lost to her nipples again. Claire had spent time in a tanning booth to make those lines. Anything to look different from the dancer. It had been a month since Jamie was with the dancer and Claire’s body hair was coming in again so that she could shave it into a racing stripe. That and her new tan lines would hopefully be enough.
Claire was nearly lost in her preclimax throbbing, accelerated by Jamie’s beard scraping the tender skin of her breasts. Going from her nipple to her mouth was spinning her deeper into the erotic fog that was quickly stealing her mind.
She pushed his upper body down on a pillow and looked at him with lusty eyes. “Will I moan that way if I suck on yours? She zoned in on his nipple which he found crippling, especially seeing her round ass in the air as she bent over him.
Jamie pulled her away panting and pushed the volume of hair away that had fallen in her face. She smiled at him, looking almost drunk. He glanced at her full glass of whisky that she hadn’t touched yet. She was drunk on him, on the powerful lust between them. He held her face and kissed her, telling her how sexy she was, how different from the first time they met.
”This energy is from thinking about you, your body, eyes and lips, every night since we met in my shop Jamie.” He was melting. He laid her back on a pillow and looked at her.
“How many days in a year handsome?”
“Three-hundred and sixty- five days” he said into her mouth as he kissed her deeply.
“That’s a powerful need,” she panted. “Don’t you want my shorts off? I want my shorts off.”
With that she slid out of her shorts and pushed Jamie against the pillow rolling her body on top of him, feeling his warm hands glide down her back and over her butt. He was about to lose it feeling her tongue slide up his neck to his ear and whisper her need to him.
Claire felt the denim slide away under her and smiled at the warm skin to skin connection. He was naked, and pressing against her abdomen, breathing heavy into her ear.
“Can I touch ye Sassenach?”
“Yes!” She panted, “touch me, Jamie, I can’t stand anymore.”
“Tell me what ye need lass.”
Just like a slap in the face her eyes opened looking confused, “What? Sorry, what did you ask me?”
Jamie was horrified at the abrupt change in her.
“I..uh..I asked if you need anything. Water perhaps, or juice maybe?”
He grabbed her nipple and shook it hard hearing her gasp.
Claire’s eyelids closed and dropped her head back, “more,” she purred.
“Yes ma’am,” he whispered, kissing her deeply and pinching her nipple.
“Oh my God Jamie,” she panted.”
“What ye need little lass, is to come.”
Jamie’s head was spinning but he recognized the painful expression one gets when pressure builds up behind the throbbing. She looked like she was in pain and maybe she couldn’t verbalize such a thing or maybe she didn’t know. It mattered not to him as his kisses descended her body, pushing her legs open and holding her open to his greedy mouth and tongue.
Claire felt him push into her body with his tongue and felt powerless to control her needy body pushing against his mouth. Jamie was the only man who had done this to her, and she was falling suddenly, tumbling into a quaking orgasm while she moaned his name and clutched at his shoulders.
He pushed up and kissed her deeply, holding her head he pushed into her, feeling resistance. He looked at her startled face, trying to control his heart, having little success. He stopped all movement and looked in her eyes.
“I want ye mo chridhe,” he whispered into her ear making her pant again. “Do ye want me to love ye lass?”
She held him with both arms, “yes, more than anything in the world,” she panted
“Open yer legs lass, and give me yer pussy.”
Claire pressed her legs open and felt this huge man take possession of her body moving in and out of her, pushing into the deepest part of her.
Claire was feeling out of control, her hips acting of their own accord searching for friction to ease the throbbing. She couldn’t take it anymore and buried her face in his shoulder screaming his name. A second later she felt his big fingers push in and out of her as she ground her pelvis down on them. Her face still looked pained and wild.
“Sassenach, ye need to kiss the angels, right now.” He pulled her sensitive bud into his mouth and moved his tongue across it with growing intensity until she left the earth, her little body bucking against his mouth and then jerking reflexes as her lips fell on the cheeks of the angels.
Jamie saw her open lips smile and would have given a paycheck to know what she was seeing. His balls were stinging to the point of nausea and he entered her warm pussy with a grateful growl. Claire pressed her hands against the side of the couch and kept her legs in the air at his sides. Her face was the picture of surrender as her breasts bounced with every pounding thrust. Jamie watched her back arch against him and heard her ask for more. He could no longer stop and held her hips against him while he pounded into her body until he exploded in an orgasm that rocked him from head to toe.
Jamie was covered in sweat but held her firmly to him, not wanting to separate. He was panting for his life and dropped his head to her shoulder which felt so intimate to Claire. He dropped to his side and pushed her hair behind her ear so he could see her eyes sparkling, looking at her hero. He was profoundly moved by how she looked at him. Words failed him so he held her young body close to his warmth and never wanted to let go.
When Claire’s mind could focus and form a thought again, she marveled at how different it was, when compared to sex with Jamie as the dancer. The intimacy and touching were completely different, the way he looked at her, like a treasure, filled her with warmth. She felt a warm blanket settle over her naked body and Jamie spooned her, pulling her against his chest and legs, possessive and warm.
“Goodnight Angel,” he whispered, and she gave up the struggle and dropped into the void.
What seemed like a few moments later she felt the heat of Jamie’s chest against her back and heard his whisper in her ear.
“I have a special treat for a pretty lassie that opens her eyes.”
She could feel his body moving as he struggled to hold the wiggling puppy. It was whining pitifully, whacking Jamie’s back with a wildly wagging tail. The puppy was through with containment and broke free to drown the little human in kisses. Claire’s arms came out and cuddled the puppy to her chest while she giggled from the wet tongue kisses.
Claire sat up letting the blanket fall away and she tried to quiet the puppy down, kissing his face and stroking his soft body. Jamie was captivated by her moving breasts, temporarily mute, he watched them.
Claire looked up at him and snapped him out of his reverie. She could not stop giggling at the guilt in his eyes at being caught. Her giggling made her breasts bounce forcing Jamie’s eyes down to watch them making her laugh harder.
Jamie shook his head hard and pushed up to his feet.
“I have another surprise for ye Sassenach. He picked her up and carried her upstairs still cocooned in the blanket. He pushed the door open to a large bathroom and a tub full of bubbles that smelled like heaven. He dropped Claire into a chair and handed her coffee as her eyes scanned a full tray of waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, and juice. When Jamie added hot water to the tub he disappeared, leaving her to this glorious treat.
Claire had a permanent smile on her face for the rest of the day as they climbed the hills around the estate and looked out at the valley and house far below. She could see for miles snapping pictures with her phone of the landscape and Jamie. When the sky turned dark with fat storm clouds, they raced down the hill trying to beat the rain, laughing hysterically when the long grass got wet and slippery sending them both sprawling on the ground. When Lallybroch was in sight Jamie insisted on a piggyback ride to home.
Claire was in fun overdrive and jumped on his back just as the rain came down. She wiped the water out of his eyes and kissed his ears making him walk so fast she feared they would both go down in the mud.
There was a lot of laughter that day and long looks, as Claire felt him move into her heart and proclaim it his.
They were almost to the house and the thunder and lightning was crashing above them. Claire felt Jamie lose his footing and braced for the fall, laughing hysterically. Jamie twisted his body taking most of the impact, checking Claire for injuries, she laid on her back looking up at him, lips parted, chest heaving, her cotton dress was soaked through.
Jamie could not think beyond getting between her legs and pushing into her velvet softness. He felt her legs open beneath him and he watched her eyes as he slid into her warm wetness. He tried to get the buttons of her dress open because he had to watch her breasts bounce when he pounded her. It was too much to watch her scream into the thunder and he felt his body prepared to ejaculate. He ripped her dress open capturing a breast in his mouth while he slid in and out of her. His hands held her against him as he battered her and growled loudly pumping his seed into her.
Claire’s teeth were chattering, and Jamie quickly built a fire and made hot cocoa to warm her. He pulled her sopping clothes off and covered her in fluffy towels, walking her to the sofa to warm up. He bounded up the stairs for dry clothes and stopped halfway looking at the beautiful girl bundled into towels sipping her drink. When her Bambi eyes looked up at him his stomach flipped over and he felt weak.
“I am twenty-nine years old my beauty, and ye make me feel like I’m fourteen and just been kissed.” He smiled and Claire felt it like an arrow through her heart. The way he looked at her gave her hope that he would keep her with him forever.
“Will you read to me, Jamie?”
He held his hand out to her and walked her to the attic where she laid in his lap and listened to the story of Jamie’s ancestor unfold.
June 4, 1743 We traveled for many days, riding hard at first to put distance between us and the pyre meant to consume my wife. I slowed down after four days because my love was healing from the beatin laid upon her by simple-minded farmers whipped to a frenzy by a lyin vengeful girl. A whip was laid into her skin, many times, before I drew my sword and dirk against her accusers.
We escaped to a wood where I tended her wounds and she told me of things too wonderous for a book to bear. The truth she revealed to me shattered my soul. I am but a mortal man, too ordinary to share her path, but I love her, like the earth loves the stars. I offered my love the gate to her freedom from this barbaric time, to go home to her own people where she has a home and a husband. It’s true she was forced to marry me or face her death, but I love her deeply and felt my heartbreak when I bid her goodbye. My grief almost broke my back that night and when full into my misery she touched me, and I held her close, crying her name. I canna ken what has kept her here, but I will thank God and her until my last breath.
My heart pounded with excitement as we neared Lallybroch. So many years have gone by since I was last home, and so much loss has befallen my family. She still walks with me and I just want to hold her close in the Laird’s bed, my bed. I am home to claim my land and tenants, pray over the bones of my father who walked taller than any man on earth. And have a family of bairns to bless my life, every day.
Jamie stopped reading and ran his fingers through Claire’s hair. He smiled down at her face noticing the sunburn and freckles across her nose from their hike. He carried her to his bed and kissed her over and over again. The room lit up with lightning and the house shook from thunder. They snuggled together listening to the storm, feeling sleepy and happy to be together. When Jamie heard her rhythmic breathing, he closed his eyes and rode his dreams, always full of promise, where he never fails.
Jamie hugged Claire goodbye in her kitchen. He kissed her forehead and said he missed her already. She smiled at the dashing man who had taken residence in her heart, wishing the weekend was just beginning.
Once on the road to Glasgow and his mental to-do list was made. Jamie sat back and pulled Claire into his mind where he saw her face in every activity they had done over the weekend. He was a happy man and the dancer did not exist in his world tonight.
Claire moved through the house, cleaning up the mess left by Madu, and washing two loads of laundry. She called Geillis who was otherwise occupied with her new boyfriend and sat down on the couch. It was eight o’clock and the night ahead looked long and lonely punctuated by the thunder of a coming storm still off in the distance.
She felt the trembling start in her fingers, “no, not this, please.” She jumped up and ran around looking for something to do, anything that would keep her mind engaged and ward off this terrible anxiety attack that was working its way up her legs and arms seeking her heart.
“I’ll organize the veils; Lord knows that needs to be done.” She dashed for the door and found an empty room, remembering she had removed everything connected to her dancing. The icy hands of her anxiety wrapped around her neck and started squeezing making it hard to breathe and her body filled with fight or flight chemicals telling her to run for her life. It had been a long-time without this debilitating anxiety, but it was back with a vengeance. Claire paced in the studio and when the banging started on her door, she jumped a foot off the ground.
Madu was pushing into the door to escape the downpour. Claire pulled the door open and wrapped herself around his middle saying how happy she was to see him.
He looked down on her and knew right away what was happening. He had seen this before, many times in the past. He started talking, filling her in on his weekend, every single thing he did as he moved through the house pouring a whisky for them and saying his Egyptian toast before throwing it back. He was trying anything to distract and clear her mind of this anxiety attack.
“Look at this Claire, look!” Madu moved through a new routine but danced the female version shaking and popping his chest making Claire laugh at how ridiculous he looked. “Come, do it so I can know I am a gifted choregor. Come, do it.”
“It’s choreographer you goofball.” Her graceful arms held out to her sides, Claire made the movement look fluid and lovely adding a perfect front aerial.
“Show off.”
The knocking at the front door sent Claire running for the peephole and she pulled it open for Geillis to get out of the rain. She closed the door and it pushed back open with someone else coming in behind her. Claire ran for towels and then whisky and within fifteen minutes there was a party in her living room and the anxiety attack was banished.
Claire fell into bed at three o’clock in the morning, completely exhausted. She was asleep recalling Jamie’s fingers in her hair and his breathtaking blue eyes looking down at her resting in his lap.
By Wednesday, the sun was providing a lovely warm summer day for Claire to motor to Glasgow. The windows were down, the music was up, and her excitement was pouring out of her. She walked down the uneven stone path to his house twirling twice while her cotton dress flared in the breeze. The key was right where Jamie said it would be and she entered the tiny house with her arms full of grocery bags. Hands came out of nowhere and pulled them away from her. Before she could scream, her mouth was locked into a kiss, there were steal arms around her waist, and his smell spun her brain.
Jamie’s kiss was soft and sweet as he told her he couldn’t wait to see her and come home for lunch. They kissed and they kissed with short sentences whispered in between. Jamie deepened the kiss setting Claire on fire, leaving them both panting as he ran out the door. Claire laughed and started to close the door only to have him jump back in and hold her at arm’s length to see her pretty dress and kiss her one more time.
“When do you get off, I’ll have dinner ready.”
“Five o’clock but I’ll be here by three.” He was gone again, and Claire went looking for the kitchen.
Jamie watched the architect walk out of his office and he tried to get some work done. Try as he might his mind was at home with the girl he was falling in love with. She was his first thought in the morning, his last thought at night, and she drifted in and out of all the minutes in between.
He surrendered to his need to see her and talk to her, flipped the lights off, grabbed his briefcase and left. Jamie pulled against the curb of a flower vendor and pointed at three bouquets and asked they be combined. The smiling merchant handed over an enormous bouquet and Jamie was heading home with a surprise for his love.
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arthurmorgen · 4 years
A Kiss and a Bounty
Prompt: Arthur and reader first meeting fighting over a bounty. and the bounty over one of their horses going "for god's sake just kiss her." - sarcasmwithasideofsass 
A/N: This is my first prompted one-shot and I have already made an amateur mistake. I got so excited at “for god's sake just kiss her” that....I....well I didn’t fully complete the prompt. Thank you for the suggestion. Sorry this isn’t exactly what you wanted, but I still hope you enjoy it :)
I will get better at this! Requests are open!
2,123 words
You and Arthur had traveled everywhere searching for this bounty.
This damn bounty. He was a wormy type of man that kept sneaking out of your grasp. How? You’re not exactly sure. But one thing was for certain, this man was either dangerous or lucky.
What was supposed to be a quick day trip, ended up taking three and a half days of hunting him all over the Grizzlies.
To be honest you were about ready to give up. You hadn’t packed for this type of trip. You were cold and miserable, and weren't quite sure if all this hassle was worth a hundred dollars.
And you really didn’t want to hear it from Arthur.
He was always so quick to fuss over you. And you weren’t positive as to why. The two of you got along great and always had, but something was different lately. You’d caught him staring a little harder, offering to help ya when ya didn’t need it. Which, in retrospect, didn’t really bother you. You knew what a kind soul he was even if it was shielded by the big broad shoulders and all around rough exterior.
“You know Arthur, maybe we should just turn around.” You called up ahead. It was getting late, your stomach was gnawing, and you felt a headache coming on. You were just ready to return to camp, eat a bowl of questionable stew, and lay down on your lumpy bedroll and not exist for a couple of hours.
He knew you were right, of course you were, you were the smart one. The Grizzlies were dangerous not only because of the wildlife, but also the Murphee brood. They were dumb but unpredictable and dangerous. So all of this wasn't really his best idea. But this particular bounty by the name of Jim, Gold Tooth Jim, had gotten under his skin. He’s never had a bounty make him feel inadequate before. Usually if you gave him the poster in the morning he’d give you your bounty by nightfall. What made Jim so different? Why was he able to string them along for so long? It was infuriating.
Plus, if he were being honest. He really wanted to impress you a little. He knows he doesn't deserve you, but dammit if he couldn’t stop thinking about ya. You were pretty much the only topic in his journal as of late. And he knew you were not a shallow woman, but this whole big-strong-tough-guy was the only thing he felt he had going for him. The only thing that might possibly tempt you.
Thus, it was his stupid pride that wouldn’t let him quit. Even when he felt the exhaustion deep within his bones.
“Just a little while longer.” He called back.
You rolled your eyes. He didn’t even turn to speak to you. You could tell by the tension in his voice and how high he was sitting on his horse that he wasn’t playing around. So you bit your lip and dropped it. This Jim fellow, for some reason or another, had obviously gotten to him.
A few moments later, you blame it on your hunger or maybe even your boredom, missed the sound of a horse coming in hot. And before you could you could even process what was happening, two horses went skidding and two riders went flying.
“Arthur!” You practically screamed jumping off of your moving horse and ran to him gun drawn.
“I’m al’ight.” He said slowly through his wheezing breath. “What the hell happn’d?”
It was getting too dark to see, and from what your sluggish memory could recollect the man was dressed in dark colors, so you kicked around a bit searching for the son of a bitch who apparently had some kind of death wish.
You were distracted, yet again, this time by the sound of Arthur making his way to his feet. You were still slightly concerned for him, it was a hard hit at full speed. Your eyes checked him over just as the stranger leapt forward pinning you to the ground.
You hit the ground hard and your cheek landed on a rock, you yelped at the sudden contact.
Then the human pile got even heavier as Arthur tackled the man. You heard a faint-familiar “sonofabitch” before you stood quickly, relieved that the two men were off of you, and cocked your revolver aiming it at the dark pile of limbs.
“You are one big idiot aint’ ya mister.” You said as Arthur hauled the tall man to his feet.
The man smirked wildly as the moon reflected in his gold teeth, which you recognized immediately.
You returned the wicked smile “Well, Arthur I believe our luck has changed.”
“Wha the hell you talkin’ about?” He looked up at you and worry flooded his features. “Hey you ok?”
You wiped the blood from your cheek, realizing it was bleeding heavier than you thought. “I’m fine.” You responded with more venom than intended.
“This here is ol’ Gold Tooth Jim.” You said bringing Arthur’s attention back to the matter at hand.
Arthur whipped his head to study the man, and when he seemed to be in agreement, gave you a big grin.
He was so handsome. And it broke you every time you saw him happy. It was so rare that he ever was, it hurt your heart. Your eyes locked with his and his smile slowly disappeared. Worry crept back to his face as a large drop of blood landed on your collar.
A horrible creepy chuckle broke the moment.
“I see you finally caught me. Well done!” The sarcasm was palpable.
You were shocked to hear a british accent, the smooth voice not fitting the appearance of the dirty stringy man before you.
“Why did you run into my horse?” Arthur asked, sounding more than a little confused, he too seemed a little thrown off by the man.
“To be perfectly honest, I hate being hunted like some animal. And since the two of you were so relentless, I thought I’d just...give it up.” He chuckled again giving you goosebumps.
“By trying to kill em’?” You were annoyed that he had almost hurt Arthur. It frustrated you that that was what he called ‘giving up’, plowing into a man with a horse.
“Don’t get me wrong I was hoping it would kill you. In fact I was hoping to kill you both.” His eyes seemed to darkened even further as he stared you down, but his smile was cut short by Arthur’s fist hitting him square in the face.
He landed hard and when he looked up blood was oozing from both his mouth and nose.
“What was that?!” Jim asked furiously from the ground.
Arthur landed on top of him, easily turned him over, and reached one hand back to you. You, familiar with his thought process quickly got the rope ready and passed it to him.
Then you turned to find Arthur's horse, hopefully unharmed when you heard him whisper to Jim “If you say one more goddamn word to her, I’ll smash your face in.��
Chills ran up your spine. You wish you could say that that didn’t do it for you, but that would make you a liar. You didn’t need your honor defended, you didn’t deserve it, you too were a no good outlaw, but hearing him do it made you feel special. And the fact that he hadn’t even wanted you to hear it made it even...sweeter.
You found his horse, thankfully unharmed, and led her over to the two men.
He lifted Jim easily, causing you to swallow harder than necessary at how strong he was, and placed him on his horse.
He turned to you suddenly, without any warning and lashed out with a loud booming voice. “Why did you turn your back on the man?”
Confused at first, but then you picked up on the fact he kept glancing at your bloody cheek.
But that didn’t matter, you didn’t deserve to be spoken to that way. “Like I could even see where he was Arthur.” You rolled your eyes and tried to pass him to find your horse.
He grabbed your forearm hard and turned you back to face him. “You can’t be letting you guard down like that, what if he would have had a knife!”
His voice was still too loud for your liking
“Oh like you did any better. I wasn’t the one that went flying.” You chuckled and tried to shrug everything off, this for some reason or another, was getting too intense.
His eyes squinted and he let go of your arm like it burned him. “I reckon this’ll be the last bounty you go on.” He slipped his tough guy mask on. His features turned sharp and intimidating.
It’s never worked on you. You could never be scared of him. For him, yes, everyday. But never of him.
“You can’t decide that for me.” You hissed and hated the way tears welled in your eyes.
“Sure I can.” He stood even straighter brows furrowed and lips tight.
“I’ll do whatever I want, whenever I want Arthur. I’ll catch every damn bounty the sheriff posts, in every county if I want to, and you can’t stop me.” You stood slightly on your toes trying your best to reflect his body language. You could feel your face flush as the anger flared. “Besides, if we would have turned back when I said, this never would have happened.”
You hated that you knew how to hurt him. You could see it as his eyes fell and his fists clenched. Guilt smacked you as hard as Jim and his horse did earlier to Arthur.
You reached out to him, feeling like a piece of shit “Hey…”
He backed just out of your reach. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I always seem to get ya into trouble.” He sounded ashamed and somehow small. You didn't like it, not one bit.
“No, Arthur, look I didn’t mean that. The camp needs money and I offered to go with you. This was your run, it was your call. I should have just been more prepared is all.”
You smiled at him but he couldn’t look at anything but your cheek.
“It’s just a scratch. Don’t be so silly about it.”
His eyes hardened and looked at you with an intensity that you’ve never seen directed towards you. But his voice betrayed him, it was still as soft as the breeze. “And what if it’s not just a scratch next time? What if it kills you instead of just cutting your pretty face?”
“You, you think I’m pretty?” You hated that that was what your mind chose to focus on, but in your defense, it caught you completely off guard.
“Dammit! I’m serious! What if next time it’s a bullet? Or a…”
You stepped forward, reached out, and touched his dirty face. In an attempt to calm him down. You were surprised by how fast he leaned in, closed his eyes, and exhaled loudly.
Jim, completely forgotten by now, chucked again and called out “Oh for god’s sake just kiss her!”
Arthur moves to turn and presumably ‘beat the man's face in’. But you didn’t want him to do that. You were certainly tired of Jim, however, you were thankful for the suggestion.
You grabbed a hold of Arthur’s arm and turned him to you, one hand pulled his collar, the other pulled his head down, and you pressed your mouth firmly against his.
At first he doesn’t move, and all you can hear is Jim's ridiculous cackling, but then, then he started to kiss back. And nothing else existed in that moment other than Arthur Morgan.
It’s delicate so very delicate. Like he was afraid you'd shatter, or maybe he was afraid that he'd shatter? He lifts up slightly and kisses the tip of your nose, and then the center of your forehead. You smile largely, it hurts but you can’t help it, and he returns it with another soft kiss to your patiently awaiting lips.
After a few moments of his mouth gently playing with your mouth, he reaches to grab your cheek to deepen the kiss.
You gasp as his hand pulls your wound and he opens his eyes horrified.
“God I’m sorry.” He reached into his coat and pulled out his favorite handkerchief, pressing it firmly, yet gently, to your cheek.
It was your turn to close your eyes as his palm comforted you.
“We’ll get Miss Grimshaw to look at that when we get back.” His voice sounded almost hoarse.
“I told you it’s nothin’.” Your voice didn't sound much better.
You opened your eyes to see his shining back, with a beautiful smile on his face as he pulled you back in and kissed you.
You had never seen him so happy.
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chelsfic · 4 years
Trustfall Part 2 - August Walker/Reader - Mission: Impossible Fallout fanfic
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Image: Stock image of multiple locks on a door beside an image of Henry Cavill with scruff and mustache and a curly lock of hair falling over his forehead. The Henry pic came up in a Google image search, but I think it should be credited to: @kinghenryviii-i-am
A/N: You’ll notice from some details (references to dollars, stores, elementary school) that this fic is set in the U.S., not in London. I felt it would be more authentic for me to write within my own frame of reference rather than try to manhandle English colloquialisms and such. You can think of it as AU. Or, I can just admit that I’m a bit lazy. Either way I really hope it doesn’t take you out of the plot.
P.S. I’ve never had a plan in my entire life. Somehow, this is the Home Depot episode of Trustfall. Enjoy!
Part One
You make up the guest room because that’s what you do when you have a guest. Never mind that the guest is a (former?) terrorist...a double agent and a traitor. Never mind that you don’t strictly want him here and he’s less of a guest and more of a...passive captor. Never mind all that. Making the bed with fresh sheets and putting out clean towels is what you do when you have...a guest.
“So...,” you gesture to the open doorway. The same doorway where you stood frozen, three weeks ago, while he pointed a gun at you. The memory rises like an unwanted specter before your eyes and you need to take a steadying breath before you can go on. “This will be your room. Th-there’s a bathroom attached. The linen closet is just across from you if you need more towels or blankets. I had an extra toothbrush so I put that on the sink for you….a-and the kitchen is downstairs just across from the living room if you g-get hungry…”
You’re rambling and this really is absurd. The bastard may be paying you but there is no reason you have to be nice to him. It’s like your brain is short-circuiting. You hate him for what he did to you and for making you feel scared in your own home. But you’ve never had it in you to seek out conflict when you find it so much simpler to take the high road and be able to live with yourself as a “nice person.” It’s a dysfunction. You should probably see a therapist about it. Or hit him. Maybe you should hit him. 
In an effort to assert yourself you add, “And keep out of my room. And my office downstairs. I’m not agreeing to you having access to every inch of my personal space.��� 
The effort is somewhat diminished when you spy the unreadable, hard expression on his face and tack on a “please” to the end of your demand. Damn it.
“Of course,” Walker smiles and how can it be allowed for him to look so boyish and charming? He’s a criminal! “This is still your home, Y/N.”
You don’t know what to say to that. It sure doesn’t feel that way.
It’s amazing how quickly you can become accustomed to the most bizarre changes. Before you know it a  week has passed. Walker...August...keeps to himself in his room. He’s gone out a few times, always at odd hours. Sometimes he’s not back yet when you wake up in the morning. But for the most part he’s just...there. All the time.
You’ve spent every night since he came here laying in bed with your hands fisted in the blankets and your eyes locked on your door. His room is just on the other side of your bedroom wall and you can sometimes hear the muffled noises of him moving around at night. So far he’s respected your request that he not invade your space more than necessary but that can’t last, can it? You find yourself mentally reliving those terrible moments. The cold apathy in his eyes as he stood over you. The false concern in his words before he pulled the trigger. Why would he say he was sorry? If he was sorry...if he’d cared he wouldn’t have done what he did.
In the mornings, you feel tired, wrung out. This can’t go on. You’re due back at work on Monday and you can’t teach a class of second graders on no sleep. Friday afternoon you drive to the hardware store and purchase a sliding lock kit for your bedroom door. August is in the kitchen when you get home. He watches you set your bag on the kitchen table and remove the contents. 
You look up at him feeling absurdly guilty. You force yourself to square your jaw and look him in the eyes, “It’s for my bedroom...I can’t...I can’t sleep at night.”
August’s eyes flash with emotion before he carefully schools his features. He’s been trying to remain as unobtrusive as possible. For all he manipulated you into this situation he isn’t a sadist--he doesn’t want you to feel afraid. He just doesn’t know what he can possibly do to reassure you. 
He nods sensibly and comes over to inspect your purchase. It’s a simple sliding lock like the kind you’d see on a public restroom stall. He picks up the package turning it over in his hands. He’s standing right next to you, looming, and you’re aware again of his massive presence. You can feel the heat of his body and you can smell the scent of him. He smells like fresh soap and gun oil. You’re suddenly aware that he’s wearing casual clothes, a t-shirt and jeans and thick, white socks. The outfit makes him seem so normal, so human. Without your permission you feel your body sway toward him like a mosquito flying toward an electrified lamp. Why are you attracted to something that can hurt you?
“Smart,” he remarks, setting down the package, “but this type of lock won’t do much to keep out someone who’s determined.”
“What?” you ask sharply with a look of suspicion. Surely he must realize the lock is meant to keep out *him.* From the apologetic look he flashes you, you can tell that he does know. So why is he telling you this?
“Why don’t we head back to the store and find something more heavy duty?” he suggests.
Walking through Home Depot with August Walker at your side pushing a big, orange shopping cart is surreal. There’s no way you can forget who you’re with either because he draws attention. He’s tall, muscled and striking; people’s eyes are drawn to him like magnets. You wonder how he ever got by working under cover. 
He swings down aisle after aisle with a purposeful stride that leaves you nearly tripping over your crutches to keep up. When you reach the aisle with locks, doorknobs and other odds and ends he selects a heavy metal deadbolt from the wall display and tosses it into the cart.
He turns to you, looking doubtful, “Do you have a power drill at home?”
“Err...no,” you reply sheepishly.
He moves on: screws, drill, drill bits, a hole saw. Then he’s leading you to the back of the store and down an aisle lined with different style doors. You hook your hand into the crook of his elbow to slow him down.
“August!” you exclaim, practically out of breath trying to keep up with him. “I don’t need a new door.”
“Yes, you do,” he says simply and turns back to display. He selects a heavy steel door that looks more suitable for a jail cell than your bedroom.
“That’s hideous!” you snort, forgetting your anxiety and nerves.
August huffs out a laugh and shakes his head, “It’s secure.”
When the cashier rings everything up the total comes to over six hundred dollars. You widen your eyes and reach into your pocketbook with trepidation. You just don’t have that kind of extra money. August pulls out his wallet and hands over a stack of hundreds without batting an eye. You stare at him in shock and he just shakes his head as if it’s nothing. You are going to have a talk about household expenses. 
You watch him hang the new door, greasing the hinges and testing the swing of it opening and closing. You’re perched on the end of your bed and he’s standing in the doorway wearing a tool belt and changing out the bit in his drill to start making the hole for the deadbolt. You let yourself enjoy this bizarre, peaceful moment. Watching him do home repair is so...oddly calming. August could be your handyman or...your husband. 
But...he’s not, you remind yourself. No, this man is the reason you need a steel door installed in your bedroom in the first place. The reason you can’t sleep at night, the reason you have nightmares that cause you to wake up with tears in your eyes and a sob in your throat. You can’t--you cannot forget that. 
August finishes up installing the lock and the doorknobs. He takes his time tightening the final screws and checking that the lock slides effortlessly into position. As he fiddles with these adjustments he watches you from the corner of his eyes. You’re seated on the bed with your good leg tucked underneath you, chin resting on your palm and paying attention to everything he’s doing. Your posture is looser than he’s seen it since his arrival and he feels a rush of warmth in his chest that he can’t identify.
 All he knows is he hates seeing the flash of fear in your eyes every time he catches you unaware. He hates seeing how tired you are in the mornings. And he really, really hates the muffled sounds of sobs that come from your bedroom late at night. He wants you to feel safe again. He knows he robbed you of that feeling. When he came here a week ago it was with the calculating intention of taking advantage of the damage he’d done and forcing you into a position of being at his mercy. But since he’s been living with you and witnessing the consequences of everything he’s done all he feels is an unfamiliar guilt eating away at his stomach and making him feel like worse than vermin. 
He swings the door closed and twists the lock into place with a satisfying click. He turns to you with a smile and a feeling of accomplishment that he hasn’t felt in a long time. 
“There,” he says, twisting the lock again and opening the door so that you don’t feel trapped with him in your bedroom. “Now you’re safe.”
Tag List:
@thorins-queen-of-erebor @viking-raider @onceuponathreetwoone @angelic-kisses13 @afangirldaydreams
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