#whereas the last time their plan was for me to just do everything
kentucky-daisey · 10 months
Hello! I'm feeling really burnt out! Thankyousomuch!!!
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seasidefallenangel · 3 months
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“what was your family like?”
the question causes dazai to freeze in his tracks, in the middle of grabbing a bag of chips from your cabinet. you’d never once asked something like this, anything about his past life at all. he was immensely grateful for the fact you’d let him reveal parts of himself over time at his own pace, leading to the comfortable spot in your current relationship. 
until this moment, that is.
with a nervous laugh, he calls back out to you, “why are you asking, hm? do you plan to offer them a dowry in exchange for my hand in marriage?”
deflecting an undesirable situation was a specialty of his in most cases - those of which generally didn’t involve you. unfortunately for him, you had become rather proficient in the vernacular and signs of dazai-ese, and can easily tell what he’s trying to do. even so, nothing about your tone nor body language indicated anything forceful ; rather, it was similar to as if you had questioned him about dinner plans or that one faulty fire hydrant near your house.
“obviously not, dumbass,” you snorted, scrolling on your phone for a bit before finishing the thought, “i was just curious. neither of us ever talk about it.” those words struck yet another horrible truth in dazai’s mind - that despite how much he desired as such, he did not know every last detail about you, every thought that ran through your head, every movement you would make before your body reacted. he was well aware he had never heard about your family from your own mouth, but the reason as to why hadn’t necessarily crossed his mind until this moment. and well, if he were to ask you the same but refuse to answer the question you originally asked, he’d seem a bit too hypocritical.
he finds his way back into the living room where you lay on the couch. you pay him no mind as he sits across from you, gazing at your figure and the simplicity of what you two have shared. it was almost too natural - the progression of acquaintances to friends to whatever exactly was going on now. the word “boyfriend” had never spilled from your mouth in reference to him, but what else would you call someone that you essentially live and share a bed with every night for months on end? that you get a good morning kiss from when you wake up and give a goodnight kiss to before drifting off? were all the outings you had classified as dates, or just two very close friends hanging out constantly?
dazai disliked not having answers, but he hated the idea of asking you for them even more.
as he watches you relax on the couch, dazai comes to the conclusion that he probably hated you as a whole in some alternate life ; even in this one, had you been unlucky enough to know him 5 years prior. you were so polarizing in the sense that you accepted everything as it came, never tried to fight the reality that had been thrust upon you. whereas dazai had struggled to understand his own humanity, or lack-there-of, you embraced it and never bothered to deny what was truly in front of you. to say he was jealous of you sounded a bit childish in his eyes, but there was certainly something about you he wanted to take and give to himself.
“i’m all ears, my love. tell me about the people who graced me with such an angel as yourself!” he responds in hopes that you’ll give in and let him avoid revealing the painstaking truth once more.
you quirk up an eyebrow with a sardonic smile and shake your head, resting back on the arm of the couch. “i’ll tell you once you tell me, deal?”
… dazai supposes he’ll have to live in ignorance about your family for the time being.
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ereardon · 8 months
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Two
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, alcohol
Chapter summary: Y/N tries to get her life together but finding a job proves to be difficult. So difficult that when Jake catches her in a weak spot at the Hard Deck the two reconnect behind closed doors; Y/N gets a massive surprise that threatens to change everything
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
You were late. 
Which was abnormal, because the only thing that was timely about you was the fact that you got your period on the same day every single month. It was the one thing you could count on in a world that was constantly in flux. 
This time, you were late. Three weeks late, to be exact. 
One Week Before
You weren’t sure what you had expected when you booked your flight to San Diego. The last time you and Bob had lived together you were just kids. Back then it had been fighting over the remote and who ate the last frozen waffle. 
Bob had always been quiet. Collected. He blended in with the background of things. Whereas you had preferred to be the center of attention, Bob was the wallflower. He carried your plastic pumpkin behind you while trick-or-treating and he was the one to help make scrapbooks for your high school graduation, taking a special weekend leave from the academy just for that. 
So it was surprising that almost every moment of Bob’s time was filled. If he wasn’t at North Island training, he was on a smaller mission, gone for a day or two at a time. Whenever he wasn’t flying, he was hanging out with the rest of the daggers. You often woke up and wandered out into the living room to find Bradley sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal, wearing the same clothes as the night before, smiling sheepishly about how he had crashed on the couch. 
“I’m sorry,” Bob said, his voice echoing on the phone as you filled a mug with coffee in the kitchen. “I won’t be home until late.” 
“You know when I moved here I thought we’d get to spend some time together,” you said. “Instead, I hear from you even less than when I was back home with mom.” 
“I’m sorry about that.” You could hear the jet engines roaring in the background. “This weekend. I promise, we can do something fun. The zoo?” 
You laughed. “I’m not five anymore, Bobby. You don’t have to plan a fun playdate for me. I just want to spend some quality time together.” 
“We will, I promise.” There was a pause. “Ducky, I gotta run, OK. I’ll see you when I get home.” The line went dead. You sighed, picking up your cup of coffee and walking into the living room. You needed to get a job. Pulling up your computer, you flicked over to the LinkedIn tab that was open. Back in Chattanooga, you had spent the year after college aimless. Bartending at night. Taking some classes and studying for the GMAT as you toyed with the idea of business school. But you weren’t really sure what you wanted to do. 
You still weren’t sure. That was the part that you had kept from Bob. He was the kind of person who needed a plan. An itinerary. He looked at menus before he even stepped foot in a restaurant. He refused to go somewhere if he didn’t know what the parking situation was. He was by the book. You were anything but. 
It was time you grew up a little. 
By the time Bob got home, the sound of the front door crashing open, you were in bed. Opening one eye, and then another, you waited for the soft footsteps of Bob entering the house. Instead, you heard a gaggle of voices, loud shushes and uncontrolled whispers. 
Cracking open the door, you peered down the hallway to where the light was on in the living room. “Bobby?” you called out, stepping onto the carpeted hallway. 
“Duck?” It was a slurred whisper. You frowned, rounding the corner into the living room to see Jake supporting Bob as he lowered him down onto the couch. 
You rushed over, eyes wide, not even realizing that the hem of your long shirt rode up as you kneeled down in front of the couch where Bob was laid horizontal, one arm hanging off and dragging on the cream carpet. You looked up at Jake accusatorial. “You got him drunk?” 
“It was Phoenix,” Jake said, hands in the air. “I swear. I’m just the DD.” 
You shook your head. “I’m getting him some water.” Bob started to sit up and you put one hand on his shoulder, shoving him down against the cushion. “Lie down.” 
“Bossy,” he groaned, fluttering his eyes closed. 
In the kitchen, you ran the tap, seething. Of course Jake had gotten Bob drunk. You barely knew him, but this just proved that you knew enough. His cockiness at the bar that first night had been charming. But you knew from your experience with men that cockiness never aged well. 
Jake entered the kitchen, one hand pressed against the doorframe. “Y/N.” 
You shook your head, pouring a glass of water. “You can leave.” 
“What if I came here to see you?” 
“Why the hell would you do that?” 
Jake inched closer. “Maybe I thought what we had the other night was pretty great.” 
“Weren’t you listening?” you asked, setting the cup down on the counter. “That’s never happening again. In fact, we promised to pretend it never happened. So in my mind, we met for the first time that day at the coffee shop when Bob invited me to meet his friends. That’s the story, Jake. Nothing else.” 
“You really think it’ll never happen again?” 
Jake was close, the warmth of his body practically heating you through your skin. You had to push away the memory of how his hands felt along your waist, in your hair, his lips on your throat. He was just a guy. There were plenty of other men you could sleep with or date who weren’t part of your brother’s friend group. You owed it to Bob not to get in the way any more than you already had. 
Even if Jake was standing in the kitchen looking at you like he wanted to consume you. Even if you felt your legs trembling at the thought of his tongue roaming over your core like it had that night. 
You straightened up and looked directly into Jake’s eyes, willing yourself to be difficult. Hard. “I don’t think so,” you whispered. “I know. Now if you don’t mind. I want to get this to Bobby before he pukes on the carpet like a cat.” 
You pushed past Jake, heart beating rapidly. A minute later, as you knelt down next to the couch, you heard the gentle clang of the door shutting closed, followed by a car engine roaring to life outside. 
Bob was asleep on the couch, glasses askew. You removed them, setting them on the nearby table along with the glass of water. Without thinking, you made your way to the window, peering out from behind the curtains. 
Jake was sitting in his truck in the driveway, lights on, but not moving. You pulled the drapes closed, shutting him out. 
You pressed your forehead against the steering wheel of Bob’s truck and groaned. This was your third interview that you had bombed in as many days. The first had been for a store manager of a women’s boutique on First Ave. The second had been for a barista job and the third for a bartending position on North Island. Bob had been pissed about that third one, but you needed money. 
“You have a degree,” Bob argued as you folded a pile of laundry on the floor of the living room. “From a good university. Put it to use, Y/N.” 
“Don’t you think I’m trying?” you asked, exasperated. “Nobody wants a fucking history major. It’s not like I’m going to go work for a Big Four or some land developer. These are the kinds of jobs that will hire me.” 
“You’re better than all of those,” Bob huffed, standing up and shaking his head. “I’ll find you something.” 
“You’re not responsible for me, Bobby,” you argued. “I can take care of myself.” 
“Can you?” 
His words clung in the air. Heavy, like fat raindrops. Those two words sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, out of your lungs. Just a black hole and you were falling. That’s all you seemed to do lately. Fall. Fail. Flail. 
And Bob knew it. 
“So you’re from Tennessee?” The guy you were talking to stepped in closer, one hand on the wooden bar behind you, practically boxing you in. But he was cute and when he smiled you felt like he was talking to only you. 
You nodded. “Moved here last month.” 
“So what do you do?” 
You hesitated. There was movement on your periphery and then Bob appeared on your right, face hard behind his wire frames. He took one look at Keith, the guy who had bought your last drink, and his lips practically disappeared into his face as they squeezed into such a tight line. “Fuck off,” Bob growled. Keith looked up, terrified. He spotted Bob’s uniform immediately. 
“Lieutenant Floyd,” Keith said, straightening. 
Bob stepped in closer. He wasn’t as tall as Bradley, or as built as Jake, but he carried a quiet presence that filled a room. It had run off more than one high school boyfriend. Keith looked like the next victim. “Leave,” Bob said and Keith grabbed his beer, scurrying away with nothing more than a grimace. 
You turned your gaze, hot, on Bob. “Seriously?” 
“A fucking ensign?” Bob asked. “No way. I didn’t bring you here so you could let some random Navy guy in your pants.” 
“You didn’t even want to bring me here!” you argued. Bob turned ashen. “I’m only here because you feel bad for me. Poor little Y/N. Has no life, no job, no aspirations. I’m your pathetic little sister. That’s all I’ll ever be to you, isn’t it?” 
“Ducky,” he said, face growing softer. “That’s not true.”
“What if it is?” you whispered, pushing yourself up and off of the bar. 
“Duck.” Bob’s hand shot out and you flung him off, eyes wide. 
Weaving around the bodies that crowded the bar, you skirted the edge of the room, headed for the bathroom. Inside, you put both hands on the sink, letting your head hang low. Just as the tears started to flow, the door opened and you spun around in shock. “Oh!” 
Jake stood in the doorway to the single bathroom. “Shit, sorry, the door wasn’t locked.” 
“It’s fine.” You turned back around, expecting him to leave. 
Instead, you heard the door shut softly, footsteps as Jake stepped near. “Are you OK?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“Because you’re crying in a dirty bar bathroom.” 
You wheeled around. Before you could think, you flung your arms around Jake’s neck, pulling him in close, smashing your lips against his, tasting the beer on his tongue as he walked you back until your hips hit the sink basin, his fingertips tight along your sides. You gasped into his mouth, feeling his lips close around yours, the heat of his hips drilling you back against the counter, his massive muscular arms winding around you, holding you close, the pine scent of his cologne filling your nose as one of his hands threaded into the hair at the back of your head. 
Finally, you pulled back, lips puffy and wet, Jake’s green eyes wide, his mouth pink from kissing. His eyes roamed over your face before he stepped back, his hands falling from your waist. 
“Shit,” you whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“No, you definitely should have done that.” Jake grinned. 
“I have to go,” you murmured, grabbing your purse, trying to skirt around him. 
Jake’s hand reached out, stopping you. “Hey,” he whispered. “It’s OK.” 
You turned to look at him, eyes filling back with tears. “Nothing is OK,” you replied quietly, one hand on the door, yanking it open. “In case you didn’t realize, Jake, I’m a mess.” 
You scrambled out the door and back into the boisterous bar before Jake could say anything else. 
“Ducky?” Bob’s voice on the other side of the bathroom door was soft. He must have been in the kitchen or living room. “I’m leaving!” 
“OK!” you called back, voice too sharp. 
There was a pause. And then, “I’ll see you later?” 
The sound of the front door closing rang out and you sank to the ground, cold tile pressed against your bare feet and the backs of your legs. You could feel your heartbeat thundering in your chest. 
You looked down at the pregnancy test grasped between your clammy fingers. 
And the pink plus sign staring back at you. 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@bobfloydsbabe @blue-aconite @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @mandylove1000 @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @gigisimsonmars @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @shanimallina87 @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @yanna-banana @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @joaquinwhorres @boiolay @sometimesanalice @spinning-away
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harmonicakai · 5 months
Look After You
Part 2 of the "Anyone Else But You" series
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Pairing: Huening Kai x Reader
Summary: You tag along to the club in the hopes of finally confronting Kai for his weird behavior, but things don't go as planned.
Tropes: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, angst
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, drinking, sexual tension/references to sex (mdni), reader is insecure
“I'm nervous, couldn't tell you why Touching me, hands warm on my thighs And I know I could turn a blind eye Afraid of what I'm gonna find” —North, Clairo
Somehow, someway, you were standing outside of Yeonjun and Kai’s apartment complex in the tiny dress he had picked out yesterday. 
Earlier, Yeonjun had texted to check in and assure you that he wouldn’t make fun of you if you decided not to come. Still, yesterday with Kai was just so unbelievably strange and now you’re hellbent on getting to the bottom of things.
Getting into this dress was way more complicated than you were willing to admit. Before you left, you had stared at yourself for almost ten minutes, your reflection unrecognizable. Usually, you’d cover up as much as possible, but tonight, everything is so… bare.
As you wait, you worry that it doesn’t fit you right, or that your makeup looks ridiculous. You don’t like when others look at your face, nor your body. That’s why you use your clothes to distract people. If they can’t see, they can’t notice everything that’s wrong with you.
When the guys finally come down to meet you, Soobin’s there too. He greets you with his dimpled smile, picking you up and twirling you around like you weigh nothing. It almost makes you forget about Kai, had he not been sulking in the background. 
It’s like every time you’re around, you somehow manage to suck all of his energy away. Clearly, last night was a fluke and he’s back to normal now.
“Hi, Y/N, it’s been a while,” Soobin says, running a hand through his short hair.
It’s true. You haven’t been assigned to styling the boys in almost three months, and only ever see Yeonjun outside of work or when he manages to track you down and bother you during a shift.
“It’s really nice to see you,” you reply, your hands running up and down your bare arms.
“Are you cold? Here, take my jacket,” Soobin says, stripping it off and handing it to you before you can politely decline. The material hangs off you like a tent, covering the dress completely.
“The car should be here any second now,” Yeonjun says, his shirt barely buttoned, exposing his smooth chest. 
You glance from him to Kai and note the stark difference in their outfits. Whereas Yeonjun is dressed to kill, Kai doesn’t even look like he knows where you guys are going.
He’s wearing an oversized black hoodie, baggy jeans, and skating shoes. It was something you would’ve seen him come to a photoshoot in before stepping into the clothes you meticulously laid out.
When the cab arrives, it becomes obvious that your driver is the grumpiest man in all of Seoul. You open up the front door on the passenger’s side.
“No room up here,” the driver huffs. You glance to see the seat full of ramyeon packages.
“There’s not enough seats,” you say, backing away from the taxi door. “Maybe I should just go home.”
“No, Y/N, you should come,” Soobin says, “I can go home if it’s an issue, or just meet up with you guys there.”
“Guys, there’s plenty of room for all of us,” Yeonjun diffuses, “Y/N can sit on Huening’s lap.”
“What!?” you squeak at the same time as Kai. The two of you lock eyes for a brief second before looking away again. His face is beet red.
“From what I’ve heard, the two of you just need to kiss and make up already. Plus, Hyuka’s so big and strong. It’ll feel like nothing to him.”
“Hey, I don’t have all day,” the driver reminds your group. You sigh and gesture for the boys to get in, Kai going last.
He gives you a look that reads “Are you sure?” before you climb onto his lap, doing your best to sit closer to his knees than his crotch.
Unfortunately, the ride to the club is a bumpy one. With each sharp turn, you jostle around the backseat. Your hands are pressed against the roof, searching for some stability.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Soobin asks. You’ve almost tumbled into his lap after the driver ran a red light.
Kai reluctantly wraps one of his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You nod to Soobin.
You’ve never been this close to a guy before, let alone one who's made it very clear he doesn't like you. Not as a friend, and certainly not as anything more than that. Still, the way his head nests itself over your shoulder feels… nice.
You shift in his lap before a pothole sends you flying. His grip tightens to keep you from bumping your head.
“Y/N,” Kai whispers through gritted teeth. His breath is hot against your ear. “Please. Try to stop moving.”
“Just a second.” You keep squirming as his arm wraps tighter around your waist, trying to adjust so his bunched up clothes don’t feel so lumpy underneath you. Why is he wearing so much damn fabric to the club?
Suddenly, your eyes widen as you realize the real source of the problem. Kai is hard.
“I’m sorry,” he says, his voice tinged with embarrassment and regret. 
“No, I should’ve been more careful,” you reply, staying as still as possible. You have to remind yourself that it's a purely physical reaction. Heat radiates off of his chest, growing warmer by the second.
Right, Yeonjun, it sure feels like nothing to Kai.
“What are you guys whispering about?” Yeonjun asks, leaning over Soobin. This was probably his master plan all along.
“Nothing,” the two of you say in unison. The rest of the ride is silent, but you catch the other two grinning out of the corner of your eye.
As soon as the cab comes to a stop, you practically leap out of Kai’s lap and into the parking lot. He follows shortly, pulling the hem of his hoodie down to hide any evidence of what just happened. 
Based on Yeonjun’s snicker, it doesn’t work.
The boys don’t even have to wait in line or show their IDs at the door. They introduce you to the bouncer, although he’d hardly recognize you again without the makeup or outfit.
The club is humid and packed, music blasting much louder than you’d ever willingly subject yourself to. You do your best to trail the boys, but get lost in the crowd.
A large hand reaches out and wraps itself around your wrist, guiding you forward across the sticky floor. It’s Soobin. You have never been more thankful for his constant devotion to being a gentleman towards you.
The group settles into a booth in the back corner, Yeonjun throwing his jacket down in preparation for finding his target for the night.
He locks his eyes on a girl with red hair. “I’ll catch up with you guys later,” he yells over the music, stalking back into the crowd of bodies.
“Do you guys want to start off with a round of drinks?” Soobin asks. 
“Nah, I’m good for now,” Kai says, sinking into the cushions of the booth. Did he actually bring his Nintendo Switch to the club?
“What about you, Y/N? Care to join me?” Soobin continues, extending his hand.
You’re not much of a drinker, but maybe with a little liquid courage, you’ll finally be able to confront Kai for being weird all this time. You nod and follow Soobin to the bar.
That was eight shots ago. 
A squeal from behind you catches your attention, and you watch as Arin leaps into Soobin’s arms, their reunion straight out of a K-drama.
Before he can introduce you, she drags him by the hand to the center of the dance floor, pressing her body against his. Soobin doesn’t seem to mind. Maybe the rumors were true.
Without anybody to distract you, the music grows louder and your head starts spinning. You stumble out into the hallway, desperate to get home and change out of the tight dress before you throw up all over it. 
“Do you like him?” a familiar voice says from behind, startling you. You turn to see Kai standing next to you with a glass of dark liquid in his hand.
“What? Like who?”
“Soobin. I… I see the way you look at him.”
“No, I don’t like him. I’d probably look at you the same way, too, if we were friends.”
“We are friends,” he says softly, although you can tell even he doesn’t believe himself.
“Don’t make fun of me. Everybody knows that you hate me,” you whine, your words slurring together.
“I don’t hate you, Y/N. I promise.” He’s staring at you so intensely that you can’t help but notice how warm his brown eyes are. The blue contacts he’s constantly being forced to wear don’t do his features any justice.
“Do you remember the first time we ever met?” you start again, snapping out of your trance. “You were in your dressing room fumbling with a harness, and it was only my second week. I came over to help you and you flinched away from me. Told me you didn’t need my help and walked away.”
Kai stares at the floor, no longer interested in his drink.
“And you always go straight into your room whenever I’m over. Or make up an excuse to go home early if you find out I was also invited somewhere. We’ve never even had a real conversation until now!” Your voice breaks, and it takes all of your strength not to let any tears fall.
“Okay, I get it,” he concedes, throwing his hands up. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am. But I promise that I don’t hate you.”
“Then what’s your problem? Why do you act the way you do?” You were getting more and more frustrated. Apparently, this whole time, you and Huening Kai were just the best of friends. “How can you actually look me in the eyes and tell me that I’ve gotten everything wrong?!”
“God, Y/N, you just—you make me so nervous!” His breath hitches, as if he wants to say more. Your face shifts from anger to confusion.
“What? What do you mean?” you ask, your knees buckling. Now really isn’t the time to be having a heart to heart.
“Y/N, I’m going to take you home,” Kai says, steadying you. The back of his hand presses itself to your forehead, recoiling at the burning temperature. You slump further into his chest. “Where the hell are Yeonjun and Soobin? Fuck!”
Kai lifts you up, his long arms wrapping around your body as you nuzzle your head into his neck and groan. The last things that cross your mind are raindrops soaking your skin and the faint smell of peaches.
It had been a couple of days since the club incident and all you got out of it was a really bad cold and some paid time off. 
Your head still aches, further exacerbated by the incessant ringing of your doorbell. 
“Y/N, it’s Yeonjun. Let me in,” your best friend’s voice calls from the speaker. You buzz him in, hoping he’ll be able to tell you what happened the other night. All you remember is waking up in his bed to him sleeping on the couch.
Less than a minute later was his signature rhythmic knock at your door. You open it, greeted by not one, but five smiling faces with their hands full of gifts.
“You didn’t tell me all of you were here,” you groan, slumping back onto your bed.
“We thought you might not want to see all of us right now. But we heard what happened and we wanted to check up on you. And bring you some fun snackies,” Taehyun grins.
“And also, to apologize for making you come in the first place,” Soobin adds.
“We’re sorry,” they say in unison, even though Beomgyu and Taehyun weren’t even involved.
Kai avoids your gaze, coughing into his elbow.
“Are you sick too?” you ask, handing him a tissue to deal with his sniffles.
“Of course he is, Y/N. He carried you home in the pouring rain! Our Hueningie is a total hero,” Soobin says.
“He even cleaned your throw up off the bathroom floor,” Yeonjun adds, his voice tinged with both disgust and respect. “And got that dress dry cleaned and returned to the building before anybody noticed it was gone.” 
You turn to Kai, unsure of whether or not they’re making this stuff up. “Did you actually do all of that?”
“Yes,” Kai answers, head down and twiddling his thumbs. You do your best to recollect the other night.
“I guess that does make sense. I remember your cologne smelling really good.”
“What? I don’t wear cologne.”
“Oh… then I guess you just smell good.”
“You know, Y/N,” Beomgyu starts, “When somebody likes somebody else’s natural scent, it usually means they’re attracted to them. Maybe you and Hyuka are soulmates and just never noticed.”
All of you stare in awe at Beomgyu’s lack of a filter. Taehyun elbows him in the side. 
Every time you and Kai have been brought up recently has been a joke, but he seems so genuine that you wonder if there’s something you don’t know. 
“Could you guys go pick up some breakfast from the café around the corner? I’m really hungry,” you say, doing your best to change the subject.
“But we brought all this food with us!” Taehyun complains, shaking the gift bag in the air.
“Just go. Kai can stay behind and fill me in.” The boys exchange knowing glances. 
“Fine, but give me your keys,” Yeonjun says, hiding a smirk. It takes all of his strength not to make a joke about how much Kai would love to fill you in.
“And 20,000 won,” Beomgyu adds.
“Here,” you say, handing over your Miffy keychain and a bill from your wallet. Beomgyu pockets the cash with a smile, clearly not intending to put it towards breakfast.
“We’ll be back before the two of you can make a baby,” Yeonjun winks.
“You’re such a pig,” you scoff, the boys filing out of the room one by one.
“A handsome pig! Bye!” he calls, shutting the door behind him.
It’s just you and Kai now. When his eyes finally look at you, you find yourself looking away.
“So, you really don’t remember anything else from the other night?” he asks.
“I mean, I think we talked, but I don’t know what about.”
“Oh.” He decides not to press any further on that part of the story. “Well, yeah, basically… you got sick and I brought you home. You threw up twice and then I helped you change and waited until you fell asleep in Yeonjun’s bed. I DID NOT look at you naked by the way. I slipped a t-shirt over you and you just went on autopilot and shimmied out of the dress on your own. Guess you wanted to get out of it pretty damn bad, huh?” 
This is by far the most you have ever heard him talk outside of interviews. The way he rambles is actually kind of cute.
“I also kind of had to watch and make sure you didn’t roll onto your back and choke on your own vomit, but other than that, I just sat on the floor next to you and played Pokémon. You snore in your sleep, by the way.”
He has a big smile on his face now, satisfied with his storytelling. You smile back. The moment is quickly interrupted by Kai having a sneezing fit.
“I’m sorry you’re sick because of me,” you apologize, handing him another tissue. When he reaches for it, he holds onto your hand for a split second longer than necessary.
“It’s okay. I’m just happy that I was there to help you,” he says, sitting at the edge of your bed. He’s much quieter without the other guys around to riff off of.
“Thank you for that, by the way. I really don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”
“Let’s not think about that.”
“Agreed,” you say, searching for a cosmic sign of how to continue the conversation. “Yeonjun tells me you’re quite the ladies man.”
A blush spreads across Kai’s face. You’ve made him flustered. “Uh, I, uh… No! I don’t think so? Maybe. Did he really say that? Because if he did, he literally sleeps with a different girl every night. Sometimes more than one! And one time he even asked if I wanted to join—”
“Kai! He didn’t actually say that,” you interrupt, hoping to stop him from revealing anymore of Yeonjun’s life in the bedroom. “I was just messing with you.”
“Oh,” he chuckles sheepishly. “Right. But, uh, that girl from the other morning. I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s fine,” you say, although part of you wonders if it actually is. “So, is that the type of girl you usually go for?”
“No!” he replies. He mulls over his next words, “You’re going to laugh at this. Basically, the guys were making fun of me at the club because I always sit in the corner and play games, and Yeonjun tried to make a bet that I probably wasn’t even capable of bringing a girl home, let alone someone that looked like her.”
Someone that looked like her. Even if he says that she’s not his type, how are you supposed to feel when you look the complete opposite way? Did every guy have those kinds of standards?
Kai can tell by the look on your face that he’s said something wrong. He decides to change the subject. “I only ever see you when you’re all dressed up.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t think anybody would be seeing me right now. Sorry if it’s not the best sight.”
“You look nice. I like your pajamas.” He gestures at the bespectacled teddy bear on the front of your shirt. “It’s Beomgyu.”
“Thanks,” you laugh awkwardly, looking down at it. “I guess it does kind of look like him.”
“Is he your bias?”
“Maybe. Don’t tell Yeonjun.”
“My lips are sealed.” He smiles and pretends to turn a lock and throw away the key. Your gaze lingers on his lips until you turn away, unsure of what to say next.
“I feel like we don’t know anything about each other,” he says, breaking the silence.
“We don’t.”
“Right. I guess that’s my fault.”
“It is.” You have no idea why you’re being so short with him. Weren’t the two of you just smiling at each other? It’s like you were used to playing defense and couldn’t figure out a way to switch it off.
“Y/N, can we start over? I’d really like to be friends.” He hesitates on the last word.
“I probably won’t be dressing you any time soon, so I don’t know when we’d get to know each other.”
“Let me take you out! We can do whatever you want.” 
“Whatever I want?” It’s a tempting offer.
“Yes.” There’s an earnestness to the way he’s speaking to you that you’re not quite used to.
Yeonjun usually decides your hangouts because he knows how stressed planning makes you, but it’s nice to pick every once in a while. You mull over your options.
“Do you want to go watch the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra perform this weekend?” you offer, a little apprehensive. You had only purchased one ticket, thinking you’d be going by yourself. Kai’s eyes light up.
“I’d love to! Hopefully we’ll both be feeling better by then. Though I do think the red nose works for you,” he says, brushing his hand across the blush spread across your face.
The other boys burst in with even more food than before, wearing grins that tells you they’ve been listening from the other side of the door. Kai quickly pulls his hand away.
“We’re back!” Taehyun sings, setting a large bag of pastries onto your lap. “We didn’t know what you wanted, so we got one of everything.”
“Are you guys official yet?” Soobin asks, mouth already full of a cream donut.
“Yes, Soobin, Y/N and I are getting married tomorrow. Will you officiate?”
Huening Kai is making jokes around you. He’s laughing and smiling and being the bubbly guy you’ve always seen from afar. The only difference now is that he’s finally within your reach.
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Secrets Kept From Him Chapter 9: The Incident Ran x F!Reader x Draken WC:4.6k (unedited) Synposis: After you steamy encounter with Ran. He wants to make it work. Having you were he wants you he now uses it to his advantage. He doesn't plan on letting you go ever. A strain has happened between you and Draken since the incident. Now Draken fears you are being drawn back into Ran's clutches. When the two men finally confront one another it becomes intense causing you to leave but it leaves you in the clutch of the person who has been following you around. Neither Draken or Ran can find you. This person will make himself known to you today and he your in his grasp. TW: kidnap, sexual content, fighting, strong language, drinking, vaginal penetration, making out, mentions of a orgasm, creampies , being tied up, mentions of violence, murder, criminal activity, disappearance, stalking, threats.
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Your body was quivering from the multiple orgasms. Your legs were trembling as you felt his seed spilling out of you. “You always over do it.” Panting while trying to catch your breath. 
At this point you didn’t know how he was still conscious with the multiple creampies. “I couldn't help myself. It’s been so long since we made love.” He slid right next to you. His energy was already leaving his body. You were right he overdid it but as he said he couldn’t control himself.
"made love more like you fucked my brains out of me.”  You said in your mind as you looked at him. 
“What’s gonna happen now?” 
“What do you mean?” Asking him.
“Us…I want this more than anything…d/n and you to stay with me so we can be the family we dreamed about back then.”
You closed your eyes. When opening them back up to see his violet eyes looking back at you. “I need some time to think about it…"
“Time to think about it? When we were together was it ever bad?” He asked 
“It wasn’t…” 
“He may have been confusing you for the past few days and all these thoughts in your mind are telling you one thing…But remember all those years of you being friends and nothing ever happened whereas me and you met it was instant. Something like that never happens, he will always be just a friend.”
‘Just a friend?’ you thought to yourself. Ran was really trying to make it seem the rising feeling you were having for Draken was all in your head and nothing serious comparing it to what you both had.
You felt his finger lightly tracing your back. “You know…When I first saw you guys in the hotel that day…. I saw the look on D/n face…” Ran began to play the image of seeing his daughter in the restaurant part of the hotel. “She looked around to see everyone in the family smiling…She never got to experience what it's like to be an actual family… She does see us together with her but… not the way an actual family parents are not together… staying in different homes not being able to see one another everyday going on outings or family vacations…. While you're here with me I want us to try… Try us being a couple.” 
“Ran..” “D/n deserves to feel what it is like to have a real family.” It was as if he was almost telling you instead of asking… The next few days you were stuck with him until the shipment arrived. “I will try.”
He seemed to be content with your response. Pulling you closed to him feeling his hand cupping your cheek. He leaned down pressing his lip lightly against yours. 
Early in the morning it was only about 4 hours of sleep when Ran’s phone rang. He let it go straight to voicemail thinking it wasn’t that important. Until the second round of rings began. Feeling his arms released you, you slightly squirmed still sleeping trying to dull out the noise of the cell phone rings. Ran picked up his phone  to see his brother calling. Picking up the call “Is everything okay?” his voice was groggy. “What the hell happened last night?” Rin asked as he was walking into his living room. “What do you mean?” Ran rubbing his face letting out a yawn. “Ms. Yamaguchi is dead.” Rans eyes shot up he sat up in bed “what?” You heard his tone which made you wake up quickly. “ What happened? Is it d/n?” Ran shook his head “how?” he asked Rin.
Rin could hear your voice asking about  d/n…. ‘In the same bed.. I knew it’ Rin thought to himself. “They are still trying to figure it out but they found her and her schauffler dead in the car. But they were in the parking lot close to the club.” Ran letting out a sigh. “Fuck… okay…. Well the cops are going to be scoping the club out..” you could hear what was going on as Rin was talking. The woman from last night, the same one you were ready to attack, ended up dead. “Not to mention you…Someone must have caught video of the conflict between her and _____… They are going to look into the both of you..” 
His eyes met with you, “Look let's just wait till the cops pull us for questioning. We can talk about this when you get here.” 
“I will be there when d/n wakes up.” Rin hung up the phone. 
Both of you couldn’t sleep after the call. Ran looked stressed out getting out of bed he placed his sweats on walking to dresser pulling his cigarette pack out lighting a cigarette. Getting out of bed, grabbing the robe he had given you, wrapping it around you.  The time read 5am the sky was still dark and the smell of the cigarette hit your nostrils as you got towards him closer. “I don’t want you worrying about anything okay?” Ran said as he turned his head to the side exhaling the smoke. 
“Are you going to be okay?” asking him
“Aren’t I always?” He was faking a smile. 
Your fingers ran through his hair. “Sometimes I wonder.” His hand reached for your hand holding onto it. Turning his head towards your hand giving it a kiss. “Don’t wonder ______. I can take care of this…”
As a few hours passed Rin brought d/n back to Ran’s home. Seeing the amount of items in your daughter's hands she came in with a big smile. “Mommy daddy look what I got!”
“That is a lot of stuffed animals.” 
“Mhmm uncle Rin took me to the store before going to his house!”
“She couldn't decide which one to get so…….I got her all the ones she couldn’t decide on.” Rin scratched the back of his head. Making an excuse for the excessive amount of stuffed animals she had. 
Getting her settled as she began to play with her toys Ran and Rin went to talk in the other room.  You leaned against the door frame letting out a sigh, he told you not to worry but you couldn't help but worry.  Feeling your phone vibrated, picking it up to see Draken's number.
Walking to the balcony, closing the door “Hey.” 
“Hey how is everything going?”  he asked. Draken had the day off. Wondering if he would be able to see you for a bit. 
“It’s going….okay right now.” pacing back and forth on the balcony. 
Draken was picking up on an odd tone “You seem off what going on?” Stopping your pacing movement you wanted to tell Ms. Yamaguchi’s death but knowing  him,  he would know you were out with Ran last night and just had a how screw fest till early in the morning. “Just a little tired. I didn't get enough sleep.” “I see…If you're not busy today I was thinking we can go out for a bit even taking d/n out.” You had a small smile. “I would love to but…I can't. I have to wait for that shipment to arrive…”
‘Of course….’ he thought to himself. “Still he doesn’t have to have you like this the whole time… Still don’t understand why you went…It’s just nevermind…” 
“I just…know what could happen if you were there with him… Look if you're able I’m going to be home the majority of the day. Give me a call.” after hanging up the call. Draken knew he was going to need to make it clear. Even if it means showing up to Ran’s club, even in this small time frame of being with Ran he knew what could happen. It has already begun. 
You felt stuck and didn’t know what to do… You leaned against the rail taking a deep breath. 
Ran and Rindou in the other room as they discuss what would happen with the club and the body found. Seeing the mass amount of marks left on Ran neck Rindou spoke “So fucking again I see?” 
Ran smirked “Marking what's mine.”
“Does she know that?” Rindou went into his pocket pulling a cigarette out of the cart and lit it. ”
“Well she said it and I have it recorded.” Ran said he had the remote turning the tv on as it was the cameras to the club. They flicked to the time of the intimate moment in the office.
Rindou took a inhale of the cigarette, it wouldn’t have been the first time he saw you both in an intimate moment he had walked in a few times before. Rolling his eyes at his brother fetish of recording his fuck sessions. Ran said “I may need to send this to her little friend now…. Anyways.” Ran turned off the t.v. “The shipment is coming tonight?” he asked.
“Yeah we got some men to get the shipment quicker than we thought.. You plan on telling her?” “Well… not exactly right now, maybe the end of the week. We will see if she wants to actually leave.” “You just don’t want her to see Draken….” “I cant have any distractions trying to get what I want… Even if it means a little white lie for right now.” As both brothers began to walk out of his office. Ran gazed landed on you as you were on the balcony.
“Do me a favor..” Ran spoke to Rin for a moment.
Hearing what his brother had to say. “Hmph I figure it would lead to that…I will see you later….”  rin shaking his head as he began to head out . As Rin exits the home of his brothers “The shit I do for him…”
Few hours would pass as you were trying to figure out something to do in his home. Ran could see as you seem to wander around “______.”
“Have a dance with me.” . Flipping through his phone looking at his music list playing a song that you both danced too 
“Come on now.” Ran Stood up walking towards you. “you wanna see how I used to sweep your mommy off her feet.” 
Your daughter nodded excitedly as Ran approached you. Reaching for your hand brings you close to him. The song they played was the song you bothe danced too many times whether it was alone or with people. “Keep your eyes on me.” he spoke in a quiet tone.
As you both began to sway with the music. You followed his lead as you looked into his violet eyes. Your daughter watched you both as if it was like a fairy tale in front of her. “You knew exactly what song to choose.” “I know you couldn’t say no… Do you remember the first time we danced to this song.” “I do. You made me nervous, I wasn’t a good dancer…” “Well the terms two left feet did apply to you.” Letting out a low chuckle “Keep making fun of me watch I will step on your feet.” “I’ve been so used to it, so step all you want. Just seal it with a kiss after the song is done.”
He made your cheeks blush. The song was close to the end. He brought his head down slightly. You weren’t going to fight this anymore the moment the song ended both of your lips connected. D/n smile grew wide on her face seeing both of her parents kiss. 
The more time both you and Ran spent together it began to feel more like the old way. From the sweet gestures to the way you both made love. 
That night it was hard not to say no. “That's right _____ keep your eyes on me.” 
“Ran~~~” you whined his name out as he held you close to his body.
“Let me see that pretty face while you cum for me.” Ran cooed. Having you on the counter top. Feeling his finger slip between your lips. “Cum all over my cock _____”
The saliva was dripping to your chin. Him demanding was such a turn on. It was hard for you not to be too loud. You didn’t want to wake up your daughter who was sleeping up stairs. The hazy look in your eyes appeared. ‘Fuck I'm gonna cum’ you thought to yourself. Feeling your toes curl as it approaches. Ran snapped his hips into you a few more times before finally holding it against yours. 
On the other side of town Draken was in his home. He hadn’t heard from you since earlier. He was looking through his phone and there were some photos he had taken when you moved back. Few of them with you and d/n. Even some of you and him together. He didn’t want to think about it too much knowing it was going to drive him crazy.
Hearing a knock on the door. Draken wasn’t expecting company; it was 10:45pm. Looking through the peephole of the door. He saw a manilla folder on his porch opening the door. He saw a black car driving off. Picking up the folder opening to find specific contents in there.
Three more days would pass, you texted Draken a few times with no response. He might be busy with the shop… putting your phone down. You were hoping he was okay as you were in your own world. You felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist, “Everything alright?” Ran asked, lowering his head to your shoulder.
“Yeah I’m fine. Is d/n up in her room?” “Yeah she's fine. She is content on how the room is to her liking.” Ran smiled. In the few days Ran had gotten her room the way she wanted. You felt it was a bit excessive on how quick it was done in the short time of being here. “I was thinking… Maybe we can go out tonight?”  tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“What about d/n?” “Well I was thinking of Rindou but he is going to be at the club tonight so maybe I can hire a reliable sitter for her.” 
“No one of your numerous women you had a past with” you gave him a side look. 
Letting out a low chuckled “I promise not one of them. It will be nice for us to go out.” snaking his hands around your waist.
“I have no choice but to say yes huh?” asking him
“Not really, I've called the sitter already.” giving a smirk pressing his lips against your forehead. 
The night approached quickly, d/n  was with a sitter along the outside where some guards Ran hired till we got back. Getting into his care he began to make his way to the place when he got a call from his brother. “Yea….. I placed them in the vault in the office… Key…..” he looked down in the cup holder in the car to see the vault keys “shit I do ... .alright I will be there in 10 mins.” hanging up the phone “We have to make a quick stop at the club then we can head off.”
Getting to the club the music was still booming. Ran got out of the car then walked around to your side opening it. He helped you out “It will only be a minute. We can get a drink then leave.”
Agreeing to his statement you followed him inside the noisy club. His hand wrapped around your waist. The way he grabbed you in a possessive manner making it known as he walked with you, you were his. It wouldn’t be but a moment from the bar to notice a pair of eyes on your both. 
Getting into the VIP section you noticed Rindou with a drink in his hand. “About damn time you got here.”
“Let's just get this over with…” Ran sigh he called over his server and told them to order whatever you wanted to drink. 
Ran and Rin went into the office. Sitting on the large sofa the server brought you your drink. Feeling a bit awkward by yourself when your eyes start to roam around. You heard the security guard tell someone they couldn’t come up. It caught your attention to see him. When both of you made eye contact it was evident something that was dreading inside of you. Walking to the guard “It’s okay I know him.” The security guard opened the rope letting Draken up. Facing him right now after not hearing from him for three days you didn’t know what to say. Draken on the other hand saw you dressed and watched how you entered into the club with Ran. Looking around it was pretty wide but seeing a bit of privacy in the corner. You grabbed his hand and took him to the corner. Your heart was racing hoping Ran wouldn’t come out too quick. Why was Draken here? When you finally reached the corner there was a thickness in the air between you both. “What are you doing here?” you finally spoke. 
“I had to see for myself if you would be in a place like this. I guess I was right…” he looked down at you. “What's going on between you and him? I need the truth.”
How to tell him you agreed to try and be a couple with Ran while being in his home. Or how old feelings were coming to the surface. Even you having feelings for Draken as well. You felt this guilt soaring through you. You didn’t know how to respond to him… “I…” was the only thing that could come from your lips.
He averted his eyes from you letting out a sigh “I figured..Once he wrapped his fingers around you, you couldn’t say now.” “Draken come on, that's not fair.” you looked at him, “I -”
Cutting you off “It is what it is…..Did he mention he already got his shipment back?” 
You raised your brow “what?” 
“Come on ______ it's well aware by now if he needs something done he gets it done quickly. Kokonoi came by the shop to get his car checked out when he mentioned the shipment being delivered already… Can’t you see how he is controlling the situation?” With this new information being told you were taken back. It made a bit sense that he wanted to go out with you today he hadn’t wanted to till now. “You need to open your eyes and see him for what he is.” As Ran and  Rindou came out of the office Ran didn’t see you at the sofa where he left you. His eyes scoping around till a nudge from his brother pointing in the back corner seeing you talking to Draken. “He doesn’t seem to know when to stop.” Ran spoke in a serious tone. 
Rindou was going to approach till Ran stopped him “Let me handle this.” Rindou watches his brother approach you both. When he spoke out “Trying to steal my girl?”
“Your girl?” Draken attention looked over at him. 
“Yeah my girl come on _________ tell him.”
“First off I’m not anyone's girl.” you looked at Ran you were angry with him “why didn’t you tell me the shipment came in?” 
Ran stopped in his tracks for a brief moment. “What?”
“Don’t play stupid Ran. The shipment already came and you weren’t bothering to tell me it came!” 
A part of you was torn. He couldn't be honest with you about the shipment coming in early. You wanted this to go well but it seemed no matter how well it went there was something kept in secrets. 
“Come on, let's talk about this.” Ran tried to reach for your hand before you pulled back.
“I don’t want you touching me.” snapping at him.  “I just can’t Ran.”
“Do you plan on leaving with him then? So what you can fuck him?”  Ran looked at him then at you. His eyes responded with a cold glare, a side that he seemed to be more comfortable showing more often with you. 
“As I told you, it's none of your business what I do.” You responded. “I’m going back and taking d/n home.” 
The moment Ran heard what you were planning on doing he reached for your wrist. “Dammit ______ just listen for a minute.”
“Ran let go now.”  as he took hold of your wrist tightly.
In the brief moment Draken reached for Ran blazer gripping. “Let her go.” the warning tone coming from Draken voice. The built up tension between the two men was becoming more intense. Ran letting go of your wrist, his attention directed to Draken. “I’d suggest if you wanna keep your hand you let go.”
In that split of a second it happened so fast Draken threw the first punch. Both he and Ran throw blows to one another. You screamed for them to stop and it seemed to not even phase. You tried to help them apart but it only resulted in you falling. You could stand to see the sight of this. You hated fighting so much. Security rushing to try and pull the two from one another you couldn’t stand to see this and you had to leave.
You are making your way out of the VIP area out of the club. You were pushing yourself through the crowd. Exiting the club you looked both ways as you made your way down the street. The anger you were feeling was now starting to settle in and weigh in on you. Blaming yourself for everything that has transpired since you moved back. 
Quickly walking down the street there were a pair of eyes on you… You didn’t even realize this person was following you, you were so distracted on wanting to leave. The suddenness of someone grabbing you and from behind  pulling you into the alley and you couldn’t even scream as a rag was pressed against your mouth. That instant you lost consciousness.
The person holding your limp body as he pulled out his phone. “We got her to bring the car around.”  Moments after a black SUV pulled up and they placed you into the back seat. “She is a pretty little thing…too bad.”
Back in the club The guards managed to pull Ran and Draken apart. “Get him out of here!” Rindou ordered the guard, as they were escorting Draken out. Ran’s hair was tousled, his vision still seeing red. 
“The next time I see him he will have a bullet between his eyes.” Ran deadly tone as he saw the guards escorting Draken out. 
Draken exiting out of the club his mind instantly went back to seeing you on the floor when you were trying to pull them apart. He didn’t see you outside. From here to where Ran lived was a long way. He pulled out his phone trying to call but it went directly to voicemail. He was now wondering if you got a ride home and directly picked up d/m from Ran’s home.  Getting into his car he began dashing to your aunt's home. 
Ran was in his office fixing himself up. Rindou taking a big swig of his drink  “you just had to send him those photos….” 
“You agreed to take them to him…” Ran looked at his brother cracking his neck 
“Look at what happened from it. You honestly think she will be with you? Look at the damage to the club.”
“It will be taken care of. I will give her a day or two to pout then talk to her.” Ran checked his camera at home. You didn’t arrive yet he saw the guards no one approaching. “Maybe I will catch her at home.”
Ran got into his car and he wasn't getting any alerts from his phone about you arriving, the more he became a bit more nervous. Approaching his home he asked the guard if you arrived. “What do you mean she hasn’t arrived?” ran asked them
“No one hasn’t come since you left.” The guard responded.
Ran walked into his home getting up the stairs he saw d/n asleep and the nanny on the couch. When dismissing the nanny, pulling out his phone trying to call it went to voicemail. As he tried again it went to voicemail. “_______ come on pick up.” 
He pulled the number for your aunt  when she picked up “Hello?” “Hello it's Ran…. is _______ with you?”  Ran asked, hoping she was there.
“What the hell is going on? Draken just came over asking if she was here? Then you're calling and she is not there?!” your aunt's voice was furious. “Where the hell is my niece at?!?”
Ran froze hearing the upsetting words of your aunt. Ran didn’t realize he hung up,  ‘where the hell did she go?’
Draken could hear his aunt on the phone as he was leaving the front door. Something inside him was not feeling right and for you to not be here or at Ran’s home. ‘Where is she?’
What felt like hours to you, slightly groaning trying to open your eyes but seeing the fluorescent light was hurting your eyes. As you adjusted your vision, you saw someone in the corners. The bud the cigarette blazing as he inhaled from it. Then exhaling a cloud of smoke. “You're up…” he said.
As you tried to move you were tied to a chair. You couldn’t really move, panicking a bit as you struggled to try and break free but not luck. “Sorry, pretty little thing you can break from that.” dropping the cigarette and smashing it on the ground. Walking from the dark corner you saw him step into the light. You recognized him, as you saw in the club the distinct sin and punishment tattoos on his hands. His glasses and streaked black and blonde hair. He stood in front of you bending down his hand grasping your chin to have you look at him. “Very pretty little thing you are.” smirking  as he released your chin, your eyes narrowed down the gun in his holster.  “So your the one who Ran fucked a baby into. Everything that transpired tonight was absolutely fucking perfect! I can see you being a very busy girl now.”
“What do you want? Who are you?” your voice was shaky.
“The name is Shuji… I’m here to collect what was taken by Ran. You see we got some of the merchandise back but not all of it…Let’s say you were supposed to be the one on the front page of the newspaper a few days ago, not the other woman he was fucking.  One of my men mistaken her for you. But settling back now for a few days instead of jumping in I manage to snag you with ease. Haven’t you heard of watching your surroundings?” he sarcastically spoke 
“Look I have not ties into what Ran does. He told me he was going to send everything back.”  you looked at him with a scared expression.
His yellow orbs looked directly at you to see if there was any flaw in your statement. “Still I did give you a fair warning…” When he spoke that statement you realized you were the one who was in your home. The masked man he spoke once more “you see I think I’ve been very reasonable with you  and sparring you and your daughter's that night. All I want is the merch back and now I'm getting irritated.”
to be continued...
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Random Astrology Observation and Astrology Blog Tips
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Capricorn placement in the natal chart's fifth house sounds like it would relate to someone who enjoys long-lasting, slow-building love stories with hints of luxury, power dynamics, and secrets. Stories with age gaps or secret identities, as well as historical or gothic romances, may pique their interest. They may have an exquisite sense of quality in everything from jewelry to bouquets, and their tastes may include great wine, romantic music, and decadent delights. They are respectful, consistent, and thoughtful in partnerships, and they may have a strong sensuous side mixed with a need for control or submission in close quarters.
To ascertain the ruler of your fifth house sign:
1. Examine your birth chart.
2. Determine which sign is in your fifth house. Children, romance, creativity, and enjoyment are all ruled by this house.
3. Once you are aware of the sign, ascertain which planet rules it. Every sign is governed by a certain planet. As an illustration:
- Mars is the sign of Aries.
- Venus is the sign of Taurus.
- Mercury is the sign of Gemini.
- The Moon rules Cancer.
The Sun rules the sign of Leo.
- Mercury is the sign of Virgo.
- Venus is the sign of Libra.
- Either Pluto, the modern ruler, or Mars, the classical ruler, rules Scorpio.
- Jupiter is the sign of Sagittarius.
- Saturn is the sign of Capricorn.
- The ancient ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, whereas the current ruler is Uranus.
- Jupiter and Neptune is the sign of Pisces.
Saturn is the ruler of your fifth house, for instance, if Capricorn is in it.
It can be informative and empowering to understand your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you. You may manage life with more clarity and alignment if you understand the cosmic energies at work and how they connect with your own natal chart.
We can examine the intricacies of your astrological chart in a consultation, investigating the potential effects of the present planetary transits and cosmic energies on various aspects of your life. We can find insights and techniques to assist you take advantage of the chances and difficulties that are offered to you, whether they have to do with relationships, careers, personal growth, or any other area.
To arrange a consultation, please feel free to DM me or leave a comment below. Together, let's unravel the secrets of the universe and make sense of your future! ✨
The Moon is in Aquarius ♒️ on Friday, January 12, 2024, encouraging us to embrace creativity, individualism, and forward-thinking thoughts, while the Sun is in Capricorn ♑️, grounding us with its practical, disciplined energy. This combination of airy Aquarius and earthy Capricorn energies encourages us to think forward while embracing tradition, making it an excellent day for networking, strategic planning, and teamwork on creative endeavors. It's a time to fulfill our obligations while also looking for fresh viewpoints and methods to accomplish our objectives.
Leo in the 10th house indicates a predisposition to excel professionally and assume leadership positions, especially in industries that value individuality and creativity, like the entertainment sector. When Leo Mars and Leo Pluto are paired, passion, self-assurance, and a need for respect and recognition are highlighted even more. This combination points to a person who is self-assured, captivating, and unashamedly themselves—someone who commands attention and makes an impression wherever they go.
Without a doubt, the secret to improving your knowledge and appreciation of astrology is to continue to be committed to studying and having fun with it. There's always more to learn and investigate whether you've been studying astrology for years or are just getting started. Accept the path of introspection and cosmic research, and don't allow anything stop you from following your astrological passion. Continue to interact with the rich tapestry of information that astrology has to offer, keep an open mind, and maintain your curiosity.
The following advice, viewpoints, and recommendations should be considered when perusing other astrological blogs:
1. Different Viewpoints: Look for blogs that present various angles and interpretations of astrological ideas. This can challenge your preconceived notions and help you grasp things more fully.
2. Critical Thinking: Astrology can be a useful tool for direction and introspection, but it's crucial to approach it with skepticism. Examine the material offered in the blogs and think about how it compares to your own insights and experiences.
3. nteractive involvement: Seek out blogs that promote community forums, Q&A sessions, or other forms of interactive involvement. This can present chances to engage with like-minded people, exchange ideas, and pose questions.
4. Credibility: Take into account the bloggers' experience and standing. Seek for writers who can express their thoughts wisely and with clarity, and who have a firm grasp of astrological principles.
5. Ethical Practices: Watch out for blogs that make extravagant promises or claims, including guaranteeing the exact date or outcome. While acknowledging the limitations of astrological interpretations, ethical astrology appreciates the intricacies of the human experience.
6. Ongoing Education: View astrology as an ongoing educational process. Remain inquisitive, investigate various astrological subfields (natal, predictive, mundane, etc.), and be willing to expand on your comprehension when you come across fresh data and viewpoints.
7. Integration with Other Modalities: Examine the ways in which astrology can be combined with other modalities, such as holistic wellness techniques, psychology, or spirituality. A more comprehensive and comprehensive understanding of astrology's function in personal development can be obtained from blogs that examine these intersections.
Always follow your gut and select blogs that have a personal connection for you. As you continue to explore and learn more about the intriguing field of astrology, have fun!
Examining astrological blogs can be a fruitful path full of learning experiences, relationships, and chances for development. Discover a plethora of astrological content, whether you're looking for personal experiences, in-depth research, or daily horoscopes. Please explore, interact with many viewpoints, and take pleasure in the wealth of knowledge that astrology has to offer. Please let me know if there are any particular subjects or inquiries you'd like to learn more about, and I'd be happy to make some recommendations!
Jupiter in Scorpio can bring a strong combination of deep transformation and expansive vitality. Scorpio is linked to intensity, depth, and metamorphosis, whereas Jupiter is connected to development, expansion, and opportunity. When these energies align, it may signify a time of deep introspection and outward development.
Scorpio's transforming power is amplified when Jupiter conjuncts Pluto. This feature may indicate a period of rapid personal development during which you experience profound changes in your psychological, emotional, or spiritual states. You may be drawn to explore the depths of your mind in order to reveal desires, fears, and hidden realities.
Global or societal changes may also be indicated by Jupiter conjunct Pluto on a larger scale, especially in areas pertaining to wealth, power, and control. There might be an emphasis on exposing corruption, overthrowing repressive structures, or delving into sensitive subjects.
All things considered, Jupiter in Scorpio—especially when it is conjunct Pluto—invites you to welcome the process of rebirth and metamorphosis. It inspires you to face your innermost wants and concerns and to use change as a tool for both individual and group progress. Now is the moment to bravely, honestly, and with a willingness to delve far into the unknown, examine life's mysteries.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months
Ok so in one of your Pietro headcanons things you said Pietro was a morning person and let me tell you I am most certainly not so can I request Pietro x non morning person reader headcanons 💕💕 I can just imagine him running super fast around her in circles and her just looking at him like 🤨-😐-😞-😴
hiii!! neither am I!! im just a grumpy miserable bitch in the morning😭 that’s very cute! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
pietro maximoff x female reader
— I def think he's the annoying kind of early bird, one that's like, "you woke up at 9? ive been awake since.." one of those that sorta shames you for sleeping 'late', but he's not mean about it!! just cocky and irritating (but in a kinda cute way (I put that lightly))
— talking of which, he wakes up at 6 am (or 5) naturally. 7 is him being naughty and lazy 
— in the morning, he religiously goes for a run. doesn't matter the weather, he's out the door by 6:30 
— after the run, he comes back, showers and gets some work done around the house/ flat. maybe does the dishes from last night's dinner like a good little boy (im kidding)
— maybe he makes himself some breakfast, def something VERY healthy with lots of (idek!!? im not a health nut, but like pulses, wholegrains????) maybe eggs, sourdough and a big bowl of porridge with berries and nuts on the side. he's a freak, so he has no butter on the toast and no chocolate in the porridge. he def has a mid-morning lunch too, just bc he's constantly burning so much 
— by 9, he's done everything he needs to do for the day, so he'd go and check on you, seeing you sleeping soundly - probs wanting to wake you up
— he'd whisper your name loudly, maybe prodding you awake. you'd open one eye, giving him a death glare. you'd huff and roll over, sleepily telling him to get lost
— he'd try again, maybe stroking over your back (as you’re now facing away ) you'd grumble, covering your face with a pillow or your arm
— he'd whiz around the other side of the bed, trying to coax you out to start the day he planned. he'd see how tired you are, so he drops it, kissing your forehead and saying how he'll be back in 10 to wake you
— he'd return and see you flat-out asleep, giving you another 20
— when he returns the second time, you're awake, yawning and rubbing sleep from your eyes. he'd say good morning, and tell you look pretty. also calling you a sleepy head or something
— when you're finally up and about, he'd be kinda hyper (not like a kid) but VERY awake whereas you'd be the complete opposite. yawning, grumbling, rubbing eyes all that stuff
—also, he's always telling you that you should wake up earlier bc it's good for you (blah blah I don't wanna hear it) and you tell him the same - how he should wake up later bc it's better for his health. it causes some lighthearted conflict
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
no taglist as don’t want to spam
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mykoreanlove · 3 months
the kissing booth 💋
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„Bestie, you love me right?“
You didn’t need to turn around and look at your best friend in order to know that she was batting her eyelashes and seducing you with her macaroon Bambi eyes.
„Nope“, you answered flatly.
„Y/N, what the fuck?“, she asked out in agony.
You turned around laughing, looking into her offended face.
„What do you want?“
She jumped up in excitement, eager to tell you her plans.
„Okay, so, I want to go to a kissing contest and I need you to come with me. Moral support and such…“, she confessed.
„A kissing contest?“, you asked bewildered. 
„Yeah, it’s for Eun Woo’s new music video. He actually wants to cast a nobody and they need to check if there’s enough chemistry.“
„You’re telling me that you are getting in line with thousands of other girls in order to kiss Eun Woo? Are you out of it?“
„Y/N, nooo! You know how much I want to become an actress. This could be my stepping stone. Please! I can’t do this without you!“, she begged. 
„What do you need me for? Carry your chapstick?“, you rolled your eyes.
„For once, yes. But I also need you to hype me up. You know how insecure I get with all the competition out there. Please. Please. Please?“
„Fine“, you huffed out. „But for the record, I don’t think you need this. You are so talented and someday someone important will stumble upon your talent. You hear me?“
„Yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you!“, she cried out in excitement. 
A couple of days later you found yourself waiting in a big mall complex with thousands of other girls, eagerly waiting for their shot at - whatever they would call it. 
The crowd was mixed - fangirls, vixens, influencers, shy girls, confident girls, wallflowers, girls that came for Eun Woo, girls that came for fame, girls that hoped this would be their breakthrough in the world of entertainment. 
And amidst all of that were you.
Not giving a fuck about Eun Woo, or entertainment at that point.
„Ladies, welcome! Thank you so much for participating in this kissing booth. Eun Woo will be here shortly and then we can get going!“, a staff member called out. 
„Can you imagine how dry his lips will be if he kisses all of us?“, your friend asked astounded. 
„Oh please, as if he will kiss everyone in here. Is this your first time?“, a voice next to you answered. She was a beautiful girl - tall, thin, porcelain skin and natural make up. She looked like someone Eun Woo would kiss deliberately. „His manager will select a few, watch“, she further explained.
And just like she foretold Eun Woo’s manager appeared and selected a couple of girls. 
„Shit, what if he doesn’t select me?“, your friend asked panicked. 
„Of course he will select you. How could he not?“
You watched his manager make the rounds and choose the most beautiful girls, the ones that were made to be kissed by Eun Woo.
You felt your friend panicking more and more as the manager walked into your direction. Like a reflex, you took her hand into yours and squeezed it, signaling that everything will be alright.
„You“, he said as he looked at your best friend. Both of you sighed out in relief.
„And you“, he said as he looked at you.
„What, me?“, you asked confused. 
„Oh my god, we are doing it together, y/n. So cool!“, your friend jumped up and down excitedly. 
All of the chosen girls were ushered into a private section of the mall, waiting for Eun Woo to arrive. The girls’ faces were filled with excitement and hope, whereas yours was filled with confusion. 
„Which number did you get?“, you asked.
„47“, she answered.
You looked down at your plate - 100. 
„Am I the last?“, you mumbled under your breath. 
Minutes after the guest of honor finally arrived - welcomed by chaotic screams of his many admirers. 
„You know, he isn’t my type but he is so fucking handsome. Wow“, your friend remarked. 
For the first time ever you took a good look at him. Your friend was right - he was a very handsome man. Tall, lean, a bit of muscles. Sharp gaze with sharp features, long full hair and a charismatic smile. You could easily see why every girl was falling for him. And yet, you were not convinced. 
„Don’t you think he looks uncomfortable?“, you whispered.
„What? No way. He loves getting all the attention. Look at him.“
And you did. But no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t overlook the fact that his million dollar smile didn’t reach his eyes. To you, he looked uncomfortable.
„Okay, get in line please“, the staff advised you all.
Eun Woo sat down behind the counter, waiting for the girls to get ready.
You were watching this whole ordeal with mixed feelings. His body language was tense, his muscles looked stiff and you worried if this was really the right thing to do.
„Okay, wish me luck!“, your friend said before she went to kiss Eun Woo.
„You got this“, you mouthed at her, showing your support once again.
You were the last in line and after a couple of other girls it was finally your turn.
Eun Woo looked relieved as he realized that you were the last one.
„Hi“, he smiled at you warmly.
„Hi“, you said politely.
He leaned over and perked his lips but something inside of you begged you to stop this. So you did.
„Hey, uhm, is it okay with you if we just hug?“
His face fell, not understanding why you would refuse this once in a lifetime opportunity.
„You don’t want to kiss me?“, he asked, a pinch of sadness in his voice.
„No, I’d rather just hug“, you explained flatly.
Within seconds his face lit up again and he came in front of the booth, holding his arms out to you. 
You smiled as you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his torso for a short moment of time. 
He was soft and smelled amazing, so you were grateful for your risky choice.
„Okay, let’s go. We’ll have to choose the winner now“, the staff advised.
As you were ushered into the waiting room you were confused about your feelings. 
You never really liked him, pretty boys were never your type, yet somehow you felt attracted to him. 
You sat down and waited, overhearing the conversations of the others.
„I am telling you, when we kissed, it was like angels were singing. He is so into me, I just know it!“
„Our kiss was so passionate. I stuck my tongue down his throat! He was so surprised but so into it!“
„I love him. I just love him. How is he so beautiful? I need him in my life. I need him to be mine.“
„Pretty sure he will pick me. He looked at me like he wanted to rip off my clothes.“
„His lips were so soft. I want to kiss them again.“
Hearing all of this made you sick - they were treating him like an animal in a cage. 
Did no one else notice how uncomfortable he looked doing this?
„This waiting is the worst“, your friend sighed as she sat down next to you.
„Yeah, it better be worth it“, you smacked her lightly.
Before you could playfully banter you were interrupted by the staff entering the room.
„Okay, everyone. Thank you for participating in this kissing contest. I hope you had a great time today.“
The girls cheered and applauded, eager to know who would kiss him again.
Shortly after, Eun Woo entered the room, smiling brightly.
„Hey girls“, he shyly greeted. 
„I want to thank you for showing up today. I know this is a special occasion and you all did well. However, you know we can only have one winner…“, he mumbled.
You looked around, every girl was hanging on to his plush lips.
„And the winner is… number 100, y/n.“
The girls’ faces instantly fell, but they still applauded you on your victory.
„Oh my god, you won“, your friend cheered for you.
„Me?“, you asked in disbelief. 
„Yes you“, she confirmed and pushed you to the front. 
Eun Woo’s face lit up as he finally saw you, making you suddenly feel all kinds of things. He held his hand out to you and smiled warmly, inviting you take it and follow him.
„We are not shooting today, if you’re worried about that“, he explained as he looked into your concerned face.
„It’s not that…“, you admitted.
„Then what is?“
„I just don’t understand. I mean, why me?“
He looked at you intensely, his eyes boring into yours.
„I chose you because you were the only one that treated me like a human being.“
Your eyes widened in surprise as you heard him.
„I didn’t want to do this but my management forced me into it. I don’t know if you can imagine what that’s like but basically I am their slave. So, if they tell me to kiss hundred girls, I have to do just that. Some think I’m lucky, but I feel abused.“, he confessed honestly.
„I am so sorry, Eun Woo“, you answered truthfully.
„Thank you. But I guess that’s the price I have to pay… for all the fame and fortune.“
„Still, you shouldn’t be forced to kiss strangers like that…“
„You saw right through me, right?“, he asked curiously. 
You hesitated to answer.
„That’s why you didn’t want to kiss me, right? Because you saw how uncomfortable I really was? That’s quite rare, y/n.“
„People rarely see you for you, right?“
He shook his head.
„No, it’s always Eun Woo, the star. Eun Woo, the actor. Eun Woo, the pretty face. But no one sees Eun Woo, the person. Well, no one but you.“
His eyes sparkled as he confessed all this to you. 
Suddenly, a warm feeling spread through your whole body, making you painfully self-aware. 
Is my lipstick smeared? Do I smell? Did I put on perfume? Is my make up okay? 
„I’d like to take you out, y/n“, Eun Woo suddenly proposed.
„Me? Why?“, you asked dumbfounded.
The most heartfelt laugh escaped his lips, he definitely wasn’t used to this answer. 
„Because I’d like to talk to you. Human to human, that is. What do you say?“
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sweetracha · 10 months
I've never sent an ask before and I'm a little nervous but you seem super nice and sweet!
I was wondering if you could do mommy!Jisung fic or HCs or literally anything you want, ive been reading your Felix and Minho ones and ohemgeeeeee I love it so so so much! Please don't feel pressured to do this you can totes ignore it if you want, thank youuuu😘🫶 mwah
Do I sign off with something, idk- byeee
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Mommy! Han Headcannon
Warning: Mommy Dom Han, ANGST, Description of Panic Attacks (Based on my personal experience with them, they manifest differently for everyone), Little note of punishment, mostly fluffy with a hint of smut.
The mommy thing came as a complete surprise to both of you
It wasn't planned, it was discussed, it wasn't even noticed at first
While most things like these are born out of excitement and fun
This one instead came out during a terrible situation
The kitchen floor you sunk down on was cold and bit at your exposed thighs, sleep shorts did nothing to protect you.
Your shirt felt too tight like a snake slowly constricting around your throat
Your heartbeat screamed in your ears and lurched in your chest
Breathing was nauseating
The room was expanding and shrinking all at once
The bubble around you was shrinking
but it wouldn't pop
You poked it, hit it, screamed at it, did everything you could
it wouldn't fucking pop
You closed in on yourself, seeing the ledge and knowing you were going off
your nails sunk into your flesh as you held on for dear life
"Baby? FUCK! baby, why are you on the floor"
Han came home a bit later from the studio, fully expecting to find you waking up from your afternoon nap
When he turned the corner to set down his things there you were. White as a ghost and shaking.
Immediately he pried your hand from your arms and held them in his.
He kneeled down and hissed from the freezing tile.
"Baby, shhhh. I need you to listen. Can you hear me? It's just panic sweetheart, nothing is coming for you."
"Bubble, closing, fast"
"No, it isn't. Look I'm in the bubble, see. If I was able to get inside the bubble then the bubble isn't closing, it's getting bigger. I'm here, baby I'm here." A gentle hand cupped your face, slowly bringing your eyes to his.
Glassy eyes looked back
"Mommy is here?"
He didn't even question it, if this is what you needed then this is what he would give you
"Yes baby, mommy is here. come to mommy"
You had no memory of what happened that night and Han was afraid to approach the subject
It was a secret he kept, eating him alive
Every time he looked at you he wanted to blurt it out
All Han ever wanted to do was to be your safety, clearly Mommy was that comfort you needed
He picked at his hand and rubbed his legs raw while watching a movie one night
You could tell from his fidgeting something was wrong, his anxiety was building.
"Hannie, What's wrong baby?"
"NOTHING!. sorry nothing is wrong"
"Han...What is it"
"I can't tell you!"
"You can tell me anything, you know that. Jesus you just watched me have a full-blown panic attack last week! Speak to me"
"I need it"
"Need what"
"Y-You want to call me mommy? Han that's not a bad thing-"
"No...I need to be yours, please" His eyes are now made of the same glass as yours.
Slowly Mommy Han came in and out of your lives
It was clear Mommy was saved for those special nights
Those nights when you needed a bit more love
Where he needed a bit more reassurance
Where you both needed a bit more comfort
Sex with Mommy was soft and sweet
Slow and loving
Praising with no underlying degradation
He would kiss every inch of your skin light as a feather, not to overstimulate you
Cumming wasn't always something that happened either
No, Mommy Han just needed to be there with you and to love you
This didn't mean Mommy Han went without disciplining you
But whereas others would spank, overstim, or deny
He simply scolded you. A bit of humiliation mixed in.
"So worried Mommy wasn't thinking about you that you had to go and send me that little picture hmm? I bet it eased your mind, putting your sexy body in mommy's mind but an act like that can't go unpunished can it? Now Mommy is going to call Chan and Changbin back to finish the meeting you so rudely interrupted. You my dear are going to sit on my cock like the good little thing I know you are and be quiet. Got it?"
While the meeting was long and punishing to you, Han made sure to stay as still as possible.
Han would tease, but Mommy would never.
Soon you wake up to Han slowly thrusting into you, a blank screen indicating the meeting had ended.
"Shhh pretty baby, go back to sleep. Mommy has you. Uh Uh, Mommy knows you'll be good for him and go right back to sleep, right baby? Shhhh just like that. Goodnight baby, Mommy loves you"
That last part didn't need to be said
You never doubted Mommy's love for you
Every time Han made sure you knew
Just how much Mommy adored you
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The Sweetest Batch: @goblinracha @kaciidubs @channieandhisgoonsquad @comet-falls @ddyskz @jiminskies @j-onedrabbles @lixiesweetbrownie @marrivmel @caitlyn98s
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thisismeracing · 10 months
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 22
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x fem!hamilton!reader ― Word count: 2.2k ― Warnings: graphic description of unprotected sex (fingering, dirty talk, and p in v), mentions of alcohol, and jealousy.  ― Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he threw caution carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
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part. 21 | series masterlist | part 23
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The first beads of sun slipped through the open blinds waking Yn from her deep slumber. With her head pounding slightly, and her body sore, she snuggled closer to the body she knew belonged to her boyfriend. Mick mumbled something in German, which she chose to ignore in favor of catching a few more minutes of sleep. 
They were tired. Last night was a blast for them, and though the couple had a bit too much to drink, both were well aware of exactly what happened when they were at the party and when they got home. 
Between unmade bed sheets, and naked limbs laced together, Yn and Mick caught a few more minutes of sleep, and those minutes would probably turn into hours if it hadn’t been for her phone ringing somewhere in the room. The unstoppable sound wakes Mick up too. He looked around, threw a pillow where he thought the sound was coming from, and turned his body, fitting his head on Yn’s neck. She grumbled, and hugged her lover, trying to ignore whoever it was, but the sound kept going until she got up, cursing technology and the caller’s generation. And as it just so happens, she had cursed her older brother, Lewis.
“Yes?” She sighed, walking back to bed and into Mick’s open arma. His body was warm, and she took the opportunity to leave a peck on his chest.
“Did you just wake up?!” 
“Well, yes? It’s early. I don’t know how you travel so much and still get confused with timezones…” 
Lewis rolls his eyes, she can’t see it, but she can tell just by his sassy answer, “Early to who exactly, Yn Y/l/n Hamilton?”
“Me, of course.”
“Check the clock,” he orders and she does, groaning when she realizes it's almost noon.
“Who is it?” Mick asks, finally starting to wake up. 
“It’s Lew,” she explains, clicking on the speaker button.
“Oh, Mick is there too?” 
“Yeah, we were sleeping,” Yn keeps her answer short.
“Where’s Gina?”
“I don’t know, Lew, you have her number, you could just call her directly? Also, did you call me to ask a bunch of random questions?” she complains, the sleeplessness in her voice showing, and her brother rolling his eyes again. He knows how stressed Yn could get when someone woke her up before her alarm, and something about waking up to the phone ringing just made her more stressed.
“I was just wondering if she knew you guys were making it public, or if I was the only clueless one.” Yn cursed, hiding her face on Mick’s neck, “Do you even remember it?” 
“Yes, I remember. I’m sorry, Lew,” she didn’t want to do things the way it happened, but sometimes you can’t get around planning everything. She didn’t plan on paparazzi to stress her out until she deactivated her social media accounts. Nor did she plan on falling in love with her brother’s friend and coworker. At this point, Yn was getting used to following the flow of life, sometimes it has its own wants, and you just gotta go with it. “We did drink, but we weren’t crazy drunk, we…uhm…how do I explain this?” she bites her lips and Mick chuckles.
“The simple way.”
“We got sick of pretending,” Mick finally speaks. His deep morning voice brought chills down Yn’s body.
“People were hitting on us, and we showed them why we reeeeally weren’t interested,” Yn adds, and Mick chuckles. 
“She got jealous.”
“I did not get jealous, Mickolas.”
“Stop calling me that,” he grumbles, landing a slap on her ass and making her yelp, then giggle.
“Anyways, I didn’t get jealous, Lew. I’m not a jealous person and you know that, right? Tell him how I’m hardly the jealous type.”
Her brother laughs from the other side of the line, “She cried when a friend of mine started calling herself my sister during my high school years.”
Mick moves his face to the ceiling and his laughs boom around the room.
“Shut up, I was just a kid, and she had a brother, why would she want mine?” Yn tries to reason, and the two men can only get amused with the whole situation. “And Lew, those people were CRAZY! We told one of them we were dating, Mick kissed me just to make a point, and this girl just suggested a threesome!!! Of course, I was pissed.”
Lewis makes a disgusted noise and Yn looks pointedly at Mick as if to prove her point: she wasn’t jealous, someone just crossed the line at the party and she had to grab the reins.
“You’re so hot when you’re all bossy, and jealous,” Mick moves his lips to her ears, his whisper is warm against her exposed skin and so are his lips when he kisses and nips her neck.
“Are you hard launching right now? Or dropping a note, I don’t know,” Lewis asks, unaware of how distracted his sister is.
“We haven’t talked about it yet, we just woke up,” Yn didn’t know how her brain was able to form coherent sentences and let them leave her mouth because the way Mick’s kisses were trailing up her collarbone was enough to make her lose all senses.
“Yup, we’re exhausted,” Mick detaches his lips from her skin to speak, “We really need to get some sleep, can we call you later, man?”
“Yeah, take care you two, love you guys,” Lewis’ answer is followed by an “I love you” from Yn and a quick “bye” from Mick before the German threw the phone behind his back.
“Mickolas, my phone!” Yn screeched and moaned between a laugh when his hands found her ass.
“I already told you to stop calling me that.” 
“It’s funny,” she bit her lips and chuckled remembering how some fans were calling him that as if it was his real name.
“I’ll show you funny,” his blue orbs pierced hers with such an intensity her smile faltered, and she had to bite back a moan. That was his power over her, one look, and Mick had Yn in dreamland, twisting in anticipation.
Still, she has it in her to be sassy. Anything but losing the joke, “Are you sure you’re about to show me funny? Because I have a feeling it’s a different thing.”
“Well, it can be funny, you know, but since you’re in a silly mood, I guess we can adopt a new approach,” his mouth trailed lower until they found one of her breasts. Yn curved her body, exposing more of her naked brown skin just for him. She looked so good. The previous night Yn had skipped the bonnet and the night ritual they usually had, both too tipsy to think about something but finish what they started at the bar and then go to sleep, so now her curls were everywhere framing her face like a crown. Mick had traveled everywhere, seen too much of the world, and known a lot of people, but Yn was his favorite sight. He loved the sunset, but he would give it up to see her going to sleep every night, the way her lashes would caress her smooth skin, her breath starting to even, and her body going soft on top of his. He had been in love with sunrises since he was a little boy, watching them with his family during vacation, climbing mountains to get a new version of it, but no questions asked, Mick would exchange it for waking up next to Yn, the way her eyes would slowly open like the sun climbing up to show all its light, how her body would stretch taking its needed space like one claim their land, and how her lips would stretch into his favorite smile shining over the whole room. She was his favorite person. 
He put his mouth on her with the same intensity one crawls to their knee at an altar. The same devotion one would previously kneel in front of their queen, head bowed, ears perked, body ready to obey. She was the queen of his heart, she had all its land, she dominated his mind, and all it would take was one word for Mick to make it happen. 
Yn threaded her fingers through his messy blond strands, moaning when he twisted one of her nipples inside his mouth, sucking and biting as if wanting to leave his mark there. It hurt so good.
“You’re so pretty,” he whispered, kissing down her belly, letting his teeth graze into her skin every second just to watch the way her body would jolt in pleasure under him, “So so pretty, Schatzi.” 
His pink plush lips were home to more praises, while they kissed down her body separating her thighs and stopping between them. His thick accent gave space to German sentences and Yn reached for him again, this time intertwining their fingers while he kept going, softly giving her words she didn’t really recognize, but knew to be love ones. 
Such a sweet talker.
“So sweet,” he mouthed against her pussy, making a jolt run through her body. “And mine, aren’t you all mine, Schatz?” 
Yn closed her eyes, panting something that neither one of them could understand, too at the moment to care. All of her senses focused on the tight hold his fingers had around hers, and how he feasted between her legs, like a starved man, a thirsty one. 
“I didn’t hear you, love,” he teases, stopping his ministrations to look at her. 
Yn huffs, then whines taking her hand from her nipple to his hair, but the blonde down her body doesn’t move an inch, big shoulders keeping her legs apart, face right in front of her needing core, but attention now set on her face.
“I’m yours,” it's a whisper, but he catches it by the stretch on his lips. The kind of smirk only she can take. “I’m all yours, Mick,” and those three words accompanied by his name like a prayer were all it took for the German to flatten his tongue against her core, feeling her pussy dampen even more. 
He used his fingers to spread her lips for him before inserting two. They slid in so easily that Mick couldn’t help but groan moving his lower half against the white sheets. He licked and frantically moved his fingers making Yn’s head lull from side to side, her lips conjuring what she could only say were prayers, his name clear as the sunlight that beamed their bodies through the windows. 
Still sore from the previous night’s ministrations, Yn felt the pulsing between her legs start to grow, her body screaming to reach the top of the rollercoaster, only for Mick to stop his fingers and detach his mouth from her clit. She protested, but his lips were quick to crash against hers in a languid kiss. Yn moaned, pulling him into her, and Mick took the opportunity to swiftly align their bodies, sliding inside her smoothly. With one of her hands on his hair, the other on his back, and legs laced around his narrow waist, they felt the jolts of pleasure buzzing through their bodies. 
He pounds lazily, building Yn’s orgasm all over again. His face hid against her neck while he kissed and nipped at her skin, putting his lips on her ears and dirty talking every once in a while. The last time he did so he let a moan there, and he wasn’t expecting her to be so affected, because the second Mick did Yn clenched around him, legs tightening around him, and teeth sinking into his shoulder, her orgasm washing like a high wave, before her body went limp under him. 
He gives her a few more thrusts, enough to ride her climax, and to cause his. A choked groan leaves his lips, as he presses their foreheads together, body dissolving into pleasure. Mick sighed, lying on his back and bringing Yn’s body on top of his. He pecked her lips and stopped a drop of sweat that rolled down her forehead. 
Yn only hummed in satisfaction enjoying the warm feeling of their sweaty bodies intertwined.
“What do you wanna do, babe?” Mick asks while his fingers lazily strum on her naked back.
“I think it’s time we make it public. I’m tired of all the speculation, and also it wasn’t the highlight of my night watching people flirt with you as if you were single,” she grumbled the last part and the blonde chuckled. 
“You were jealous,” it’s a statement, but his tone gives away he’s making fun of her. A tease.
“You’re the one who grabbed me and sat me on your lap.”
“You’re the one who kissed me.” 
“Well, sitting on someone’s lap proves a point, I figured you wanted to make it public,” she shrugs, dragging her nails softly from his hips to the middle of his abdomen. “Also, why would you put me in your lap out of the blue, huh?” 
Mick rolls his eyes and bites back a chuckle. She had a point. He kind of started it, but “Was I supposed to watch that douche shoot his shot?” 
“Ha! See?! You were jealous.” 
He seals their lips in a kiss, “doesn’t matter anymore, now we get to shut the flirts down without too much work.” His statement makes Yn giggle between the kiss, and he can’t help but smile. His sunshine. 
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, lovelies! I hope you liked this chapter. I know it took me forever again, but the waiting is about to be over hehe, I wanted to add a huge shout-out to C (my Coffee emoji anon here on Tumblr) for proofreading this and for keeping my komh thoughts alive, I was honestly a bit unmotivated, thanks C! <3. Let me know your thoughts with a reblog or an ask *mwah*.  
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writeforfandoms · 7 months
Waking Lions 22
Find the series masterlist
Here we are folks! Three more chapters after this. I will be posting one chapter a week until this is done.
Hopefully that's enough incentive to keep y'all from mobbing me. Hee hee.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, stressful situations, threats of violence, deceitful practices and language, swearing, injury.
Word count: 1.3k
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John parked in front of the building, which looked as nondescript as ever. But it felt like it had been much longer since you’d last been here, longer than the hours that had actually passed.
Less than a day. Less than one full day you’d been gone, and your world had tipped sharply. 
Thinking about it made you nauseous, so you shunted the thought aside. Kate. You were here for Kate. Everything else would wait. 
“Stay behind us,” John insisted, handing you the gun again. He held your gaze, waiting until you nodded to release the gun to you. 
You followed the two of them up the stairs, for once itching not to run away from something, but towards it. You needed to make sure Kate was okay, get her away from Gray and home safely to her wife.
Anything else, you could handle. But not losing Kate. 
John slowed as the three of you approached the top floor. He shot you one single look, a very clear reminder to stay behind him. 
You didn't need reminding. You had no intention of acquiring more bullet holes any time soon. 
John and Roach went first, pushing open the door to the top floor and sweeping the space. You moved a little more slowly after them, swallowing hard. 
Find Kate and leave. That's all you cared about. 
The door to the conference room shattered with a gunshot from inside. John and Roach both moved, and you ended up being pushed into the wall by Roach. The second shot hit the wall harmlessly. 
The fire alarm went off, likely pulled by someone on a lower floor. You grimaced at the loud siren, the extra noise doing nothing to help the situation. But Roach just motioned you to stay put. 
What remained of the door opened with a crash. The mercenary had barely stepped out of the room before John shot him, the body falling in front of the door. 
“I see you are still alive,” Gray called through the open door. “A pity my men did not do their job.” 
“And they still won't.” John kept his fury leashed, voice cold. “Give up now and I might let you live.” 
Gray laughed, sending goosebumps up your spine. “Such bravado! I am not surprised. But you see, you are outnumbered. I have something you want, whereas you… have nothing.” 
Roach pushed you back harder into the wall, which was good because you had just opened your mouth to protest. Instead you made a tiny wheezing noise as half the air in your lungs was forced out by the soldier in front of you. 
Fucking rude. 
“That so?” John remained calm, staying out of sight of the open door. 
“Price,” Kate said from inside the room. 
You clenched your hands as tight as you could around the gun. Fuck. She sounded okay, but… 
“Laswell.” John, somehow, was still not audibly responding. 
“You see? Something you want.” Gray sounded far too smug. 
John was silent for a few long moments, shifting his position just enough to be able to look at you and Roach. He lifted one finger to his lips, holding your gaze, and waited until you nodded to look away. 
“I do have something you want,” John pointed out, calm but cold. He had a plan, clearly. 
At least, you hoped he had a plan. If he didn't, he was faking it very well. 
“You?” Gray laughed. “What could you have that I want?” Derision dripped from every word, his amusement clearly mocking. 
John didn't seem to care. “Ace. And a way out of this building alive.” 
“You think I won't kill you too?” Gray hissed, the still-screeching fire alarm only making him sound more unhinged. 
“You're welcome to try,” John ground out, voice lowering to an absolutely threatening growl. 
Silence from the meeting room for several long moments. If you had to guess, Gray was debating his options. Debating the best way forward to get what he wanted. 
You fidgeted behind Roach, swallowing back nerves as best you could. It was not in your nature to stand by and listen to people haggling over your life. 
Roach reached back and tapped you twice on the side. You weren't sure if that was supposed to be reassurance or a reminder to stay quiet. Either way, you drew in a deep breath. 
“What is it you're proposing?” Gray asked finally. 
John was quiet for a moment, and you could see his gaze flick to you. “An exchange,” he finally offered. 
If you trusted him any less, you would have been outraged. As it was, Roach's tap to your side was unnecessary. You weren't going to jeopardize John. 
“Intriguing,” Gray said, curious. “I do appreciate a man who can weigh the worth of two lives and choose one.” 
Your jaw clenched tight at that, a memory slamming into you, of Gray standing before you father. Something about the weight of lives… But it was gone again, shoved back deep where you'd buried it. You needed to focus. Not fall apart. 
“Then come out,” John goaded. “Get this over with before more people get involved.” 
As if to emphasize his words, the fire alarm screeched once more and went quiet. The sudden silence was almost worse than the constant noise. Almost. 
The silence stretched. Five seconds. Ten. Too long, much too long. Gray was planning something, he always was, John had to know–
Gunshots broke the silence, and Roach pushed you harder back into cover, obstructing your view as he did. But you could hear the gunfire continue, then a masculine shout. Two more shots, a little different sounding than the earlier ones. The sounds of a struggle - grunts and thuds. 
Then three more shots, so close together you almost couldn't hear the difference. 
“Do not shoot,” Kate barked.
You perked up, straining to try to see around Roach. He didn't move, keeping you covered for now. 
There was a brief choking noise, spluttering, another thud. The steady beat of boots against the floor. 
“Need help?” John asked, further away now. Glass crunched under boots. 
“Move,” you hissed at Roach. “Let me see–” You pushed past him with a little bit of a struggle, half-running past the bodies on the floor without a second glance at them. 
There were exactly two people you cared to see right now. The bodies weren't either of them. 
You skidded to a halt outside the shattered glass door, peering into the room. Two more bodies on the floor, blood slowly seeping into the thin carpet. John, standing over Kate and Gray, where Kate had Gray pinned face-down in what looked like a truly agonizing hold. 
Blood smeared from Kate's temple into her mussed hair and down her cheek. 
The floor next to Gray's head caved in under the bullet, bits of carpeting flying away from the impact. Gray shouted something indistinguishable, thrashing a little under Kate. 
“Ace,” John soothed, turning to face you. “We've got him. Give me the gun.” 
You didn't give him the gun, gaze trained on Gray. On the man who'd haunted your nightmares for years. 
“Ace,” John repeated. “Give me the gun.” One hand stretched out slowly towards you, careful not to spook you. 
He needn't have worried. You would never shoot him. 
Kate said your birth name softly, and your gaze snapped to her instead. She watched you, holding Gray down with little effort. The pain he was in likely helped with that. “I've got him,” she told you, steady and calm. “Steady.”
You blinked once, looking back down to Gray. He was no longer moving, breathing hard against the carpet. You hadn't seen him last time, when Kate had captured him that first time. You didn't know if this was quite the same. 
But you did know that this time, you weren't a scared little girl. 
“I'm sorry, Kate,” you said sincerely. “But you had him last time, too.” 
You pulled the trigger.
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merakiui · 1 year
meraaa !! consider this : 
it's late at night, and you're leaving a party; all your friends are drunk, so none can give you a ride home. you call an uber, and [insert yandere twst character] is your driver. all is going well during the drive; you're engaging in cordial conversation with him until you notice he's not following the directions on the map. you question him –
"don't worry, i'm just taking a shortcut,"
suddenly, everything feels off. his smile didn't look as kind as before, and his attempts at reviving the conversation were fruitless. whether to fill the uncomfortable silence or because he's confident he'll get away with what he'll do next, he reveals the truth. he's been stalking you for the last four months; in those four months, he's learned everything about you. innocent things like your pet peeves, favorite foods, and friend group to not-so-innocent things like the size underwear and bra you wear, how many hook-ups and partners you've had, how many times your heart beats a minute (*cough cough* rook), etc.
you sit there in mortified silence, mind racing to think of a plan to escape, call for help, hijack the car, anything. he watches you through the mirror, observing your countenance, awaiting your response. the doors have a child lock on them, your phone is dead, and you figure he probably has a weapon in the compartment next to him in case you attempt to seize control of the vehicle. even if you manage to, you’ll likely both be killed in an accident.
amidst your anxiety, the car stops. you look out the front window to see woods ahead of you. is he going to kill you here?
he turns back to face you, flashing you an eerie smile.
“don’t forget to give me a five-star rating.”
you hear the doors unlock. 
you quickly open the door and decide to make a run for it.
anddd.. the rest is up to you ! i based this on a horror short on yt. i think this concept would fit characters like rook, jade, trey, and maybe even jamil.  
also, can i be 👁️‍🗨️anon?
AAAAAA this concept is made for characters like Rook and Jade, but then I also agree that it can fit Trey and Jamil. The latter two fall into the unsuspecting types category, in which they just seem so friendly or so average and normal that they couldn't ever do something so horrible. They don't have to try very hard to catch you either. You're intoxicated and it's dark; you'll stumble and possibly injure yourself if you aren't careful, or you'll run yourself lost and they'll easily catch up to you. The night ends with you captured and packed neatly away in their car, where they'll drive you to your new home. It may be difficult at first, having to get accustomed to shackles and a mattress and a cold, eerie basement, but you'll learn to find comfort in him and your surroundings.
And the "don't forget to give a five-star rating" part... please, that's so Jade. T_T he's about to hunt you down, and yet he still wants that rating... he's so troublesome! Although it's not much of a hunt if he's just casually trailing behind you while you stumble blindly through the woods. ^^;;; depending on who kidnaps you, I think the situation will be slightly different. Trey and Jamil are definitely the better out of the four because they won't do anything rash, whereas Rook and Jade just like to walk the line of danger when they're able to. The rush is what invigorates them. But Trey and Jamil are determined to keep you captive, so they won't risk losing you just for temporary excitement.
It's all varying types of logic with the four of them. >_< but we can agree that the worst of them all are Jade and Rook. They're just a different level of crazy and dangerous. ;;;;;;
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
Are you still feeling hopeful? I’m trying really hard not to feel demoralized these last few days…
Hi, darling anon! I totally understand where you’re coming from. We’ve been at it for weeks (almost THREE) and things have seemingly slowed down, there’s drama both in-fandom and out, and there’s just sort of an ever-creeping feeling of disheartenment. And on top of everything, it’s JANUARY (DEROGATORY).
But you know what? Despite all of that, despite it all, I am still clinging onto hope. Call me stubborn or whatever else lol, but yes, I’m still hopeful. I think I will be until I see Djenks wave some sort of white flag, or until a lot of time passes with no forward momentum. And even with the latter, I’ll probably still have the stubborn wish to get something like a movie or whatever else in the future.
Now, I’m clinging onto hope for a few reasons. One, and this is the most important one, we really don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes right now. I think that mentality can also swing into negative territory, but I’m using it to propel me into hopeful territory. We don’t know what all is being discussed, we don’t know if anyone’s interested, and we don’t know who all is fighting and how hard.
Again, could be twisted into a “nothing is happening” type view, but when I look at David? At Taika? And how much the show means to them? How passionately they’ve spoken out about it? And how gracious David and the rest of the cast/crew has been? Idk about you, but I’d like to think they’re trying to push for a continuation as hard as they can. *Stede voice* I don’t think…any of us have let go, actually.
Not to mention that the cast and crew have not stopped posting/interacting with renewal campaign efforts. David hasn’t told us anything that would allude to failed deals, and Ruibo still posts #SaveOFMD type things. It just feels like they’re still riding alongside of us.
Secondly, and sort of along those lines, I’m holding on to the knowledge that every renewal is different. There have been some giant campaigns with zero results, but there have also been smaller campaigns with success. There have been campaigns that have only landed a few more episodes, whereas there have been others that landed more seasons, a movie, etc etc.
Each case is unique, and really has to do with what’s going on behind the scenes. Why the show was cancelled in the first place, if the platform is willing to shop it out, if other platforms find it desirable/profitable, etc etc.
And I think along those lines also, there comes a mentality that makes people even more disheartened and sad. I think there’s this thought that if we’ve slowed down, if we’re not pushing enough, we won’t get renewed. And I don’t really think that’s the case; I don’t think renewal rests squarely on our shoulders like that. Because, again, I think a lot of it really has to do with money, and with negotiations between studios. I think we’re very good for visibility and noise, and subsequently, I think any sort of effort is great effort! I think any work that has been conducted is good work.
It’s also important to think about how we’re sort of in a transition stage of the campaign right now, too. Things are significantly different than they were just a week ago. There are campaign leadership changes going on, the focus is different, and new plans of attack are being ironed out.
So, we all just need to give ourselves some grace. We’ve done so much, and things have moved so fast, and the cast and crew have felt so loved. We’ve made it into publications, made it onto physical ads, and gotten the attention of outside entities (shoutout to Astroglide WJDJW). We’ve also all come together, which is VERY wonderful considering how divided things felt towards the end of October. We’re doing wonderful all things considered, and so for that reason among a few others, I’m still hopeful.
Also, there’s this post by @pehmokoira that goes into even MORE detail of why we shouldn’t throw in the towel/lose hope.
SO. TLDR, there is a lot weighing down on “the atmosphere of this ship,” but I still encourage you to keep those fingers crossed. Help maintain the momentum however works best for you. Take a break, take a step back, and take care. But keep that stubborn little fire burning if you can 💜🏴‍☠️
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strangerscallmegray · 4 months
Are we the same?
Hello guys, I hope you like this. I was out looking for Joel Miller x son!reader fics and I could find very little male reader or GN reader fics and so I impulsively decided to create this series. I hope you will like it. The first chapter is going to be exploring Joel's PoV. I'm new here so I don't understand much, hopefully I'll learn along with you.
So, the thing is I have not seen the last of us, it is just recently that I discovered the fanfics and I really liked them, I'm going to watch it soon. So, I apologize for any timeline discrepancy as well as factual errors that might be there in the story lolol.
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------- x --------
Joel had a difficult relationship with his son. It was not that Joel did not love him, no, he did, he immensely loved the kid, how could he not? He was his son. You were the last remaining person from his family. The life and family he had had before everything went to shit. But there was a distance between you and Joel, one that Joel deeply lamented. It started after Sarah died. Joel felt like you blamed him for what had happened. You had always been a loving older brother to Sarah and losing her broke you too, you were never quite the same and he couldn’t say he was either.
Joel watched as you went outside the house after the latest argument you had had. Arguments were not uncommon between the two of you. It was simple, Joel still felt you were too young to be going on patrols with him. Whereas you felt you had never been more ready and to see Tess take your side had been heartbreaking for Joel. Tess would not forget the look of betrayal that had etched onto his face when she had done that. Tess had later given him a lecture saying if he wanted his son then he’d have to let him do what he wants to do even if that included danger. Joel had cried out in anger then saying that he’d rather have his son alive and hate him than dead. He and Tess had needed a lot of time to recover from that. He had already lost one child and he was not planning to lose another any time soon. Now, since Joel did not have a say in what you wanted to do, he put his everything into training you. He wanted to teach you everything he knew so that you could survive even if he is not there. He was very proud of you and how far you had come. You never complained when it came to training, even if you had arguments with your dad, sparring sessions were a must, even if it just helped in releasing pent-up frustration.
Joel was sometimes very harsh with you and he knows that. It was because maybe he got so lost when he lost Sarah that he forgot he had another person depending on him. Some days the guilt consumes him and the others he feels like you need the rigidity to make yourself better, that it is what you seek from him. Tess had told him many times that his harshness might reflect negatively on you since you were only 16. Sometimes he thought that surely Sasha must be rolling in the grave over what kind of a father he had become. A memory flashed through this head.
“This is a waste of time, they’ll have finished turning you by the time you get back up from the ground.” He said.
You were panting having fallen on the ground. “I am…..trying.” you said in between of breaths.
“Not like that you are not, the only thing you are trying to do right now is getting yourself killed, if that was your mission, congratulations, you succeeded.”
You had glared at him, still not getting up, “What the hell is your damn problem with me!?” you had shouted and stood up walking up to your dad. “You can see I’m trying, we only started practicing a week back and Tess says I’m doing good, why do you always have to be so critical of me as if I can never be any good?”
“I don’t know what Tess has been seeing, all I am seeing is that it was a mistake allowing a 14-year-old out on patrols.” Joel had said. He couldn’t understand why he was being so unnecessarily harsh.
Tears stung your eyes as you said, “I will prove you wrong Dad, I will be the best hunter you’ve ever seen.” You had said and walked away.
And you were most definitely the best that Joel had seen, he just failed to communicate it to you. He wished he had been more understanding back then.
Then, then came Ellie, the kid who reminded him too much of Sarah, the kid full of life and so opposite from both him and you. In the beginning he didn’t know how to act around her but slowly he warmed up to her. She was not replacing Sarah, nobody could replace his Sarah ever but Ellie was not Sarah, Ellie was Ellie and that was why he had grown to care for her and he knew he had grown paternal towards her. He had seen the way you interacted with Ellie too, you had never held something she didn’t even know against her. You had even taught her a couple of things and his heart swelled with happiness whenever he saw that. An emotion he was sure he would never feel again.
“Is he your son?” She had asked pointing towards you who was standing with the group explaining something to them.
“Yes.” He had said, short and crisp, he didn’t want to discuss it and he hoped she’d get the hint. She did not.
“Then why is he on patrols? He doesn’t seem that much older.” She looked curiously.
He had looked at her and glared “Why don’t you ask him the same then maybe even I will know.”
And after that, it felt the most normal than ever in Jackson, but he just wished he could mend his relationship with his son. He wished you would stop looking at everything he did for you in negative light and stop seeing him as the enemy.
Soo, I hope you liked that, let me know what you think. The next chapter will be your PoV.
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disillusioneddanny · 2 years
Doodles on the Palms of our Hands Day 2 Soulmates
Damian gave his soulmate an annoyed look. “I do not like a lot of people, you are an exception to this. But if you do not leave me alone for five minutes, I will change my mind,” he said. Danny just stared up at him with the prettiest smile that Damian had ever seen. The vigilante just rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, you are cute, Daniel. Just stop smiling at me like that.”
“How am I smiling at you?” Danny asked, moving to wrap his arms around Damian’s waist, causing the other boy to just let out a groan of annoyance. After years of only being able to talk to one another through the drawings on their palms, the two had finally met. 
Damian had already known that Daniel was like a desperate, attention loving puppy but he hadn’t realized just how attention starved he was until they finally met. Their meeting last week had actually been quite adorable if Damian was going to be honest. 
The two had planned on their first meeting when Danny moved to Gotham City for college. The eighteen year old had managed to get a pretty decent scholarship for the school’s sociology program. They had been planning the meeting for months now and then it had finally happened.
For as long as Damian could remember he had gotten small doodles and notes written onto the palm of his hand by a boy who lived on the other side of the world. Everyone had soulmates somewhere in the world and each soulmate had a unique identifier to find theirs. The first few years, Damian had done everything he could to ignore the notes. He was an assassin, he didn’t have time for a soulmate. Besides, as his mother had made sure to remind him, soul mates were a waste of time and not conducive to their goals. 
Then, Damian had moved in with his father at ten years old. Father had encouraged him to start writing back to his soulmate, to introduce himself to the boy who drew stars and planets into the palm of Damian’s hand. 
“You are a wonderful writer,” Damian had initially written in small cursive. 
Almost immediately Damian had gotten his response in a sloppy scrawl. “You finally wrote back!”
From there, Damian was hooked. He and Danny wrote to one another every day until one day Danny had written a phone number on his hand for Damian. Writing turned to texting which then turned to phone calls which then turned to face time calls. The two found themselves speaking every single day and Damian found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with the boy who lived in sleepy Amity Park. In that time, Damian had learned everything about Daniel, and Daniel had learned everything about Damian. 
Damian had been there for his soulmate when Danny had died and come back, he had been there for him when he had learned he was going to become the King of the Infinite Realms after he had defeated one of his rogues. There was not a single thing that Damian did not know about Danny. Just as there was not a single thing that Danny did not know about Damian. He knew of Damian’s past with the League, he knew the Batman secret, Danny knew it all. 
And it was nice. Damian liked that there was someone that he could talk to about everything that he had gone through without fear of being treated differently because of it. Danny accepted him, all of him, and he loved Damian for who he was regardless of the things that he had done. He had quickly become Damian’s closest confidant. 
“You know what you are doing, Beloved,” Damian said with a chuckle. “I am almost finished with typing up this report for my patrols for last night and then we can go.”
“I’m so excited,” Danny exclaimed, hugging Damian tight. Damian had managed to get his father’s height and at eighteen years old he stood at a solid six foot two. Whereas Danny stayed at a short five foot six. Damian thought it was adorable how much his boyfriend looked like what Jon had told him was a twink. 
“You are just meeting my family, Danny,” Damian said with a chuckle before he bent down and pressed a soft kiss to Danny’s smiling mouth. Danny giggled and kissed him again, before he lifted Damian in the air and spun him around. Damian just gave him a fond laugh and swatted his soulmate’s shoulder. “Put me down.”
Damian did have to admit, Danny’s ghost abilities did make things very interesting. “Can we fly there?” Danny asked. “I’ve been wanting to fly through Gotham since I got here and I haven’t gotten the chance! I’ve been too scared of your dad getting mad at me for doing it. I know the no metas rule isn’t real but he still doesn’t like them very much and sure, I’m not actually a meta, I mean being dead is a medical condition but still, I have powers and I know what that makes it look like.”
“Beloved, you’re rambling. Yes, we can fly. I have been interested in seeing what it feels like flying with you compared to flying with Jon,” Damian said as Danny set him back down. “Five minutes,” he said, pressing his finger to Danny’s lips before he turned back to his laptop. The two were currently in Damian’s apartment. Technically, Danny had a dorm room but they quickly realized after meeting in person that Danny would be spending the majority of his free time in Damian’s apartment. 
They already knew that they were romantically attracted to one another through their years of talking. And to an extent, Damian knew that he was physically attracted to Danny just through seeing his photographs and from facetime. But seeing Danny in person, seeing how small and slim the boy was? It was completely different than he had initially thought. 
Danny was just this small, lithe eighteen year old and Damian knew that Danny could also throw him the length of a football field without even breaking a sweat. It was attractive. 
It was beyond attractive, in all honesty. 
It was also nice to know that his soulmate would be able to handle himself in case anything happened, especially with how dangerous it could get in Gotham. Danny sat beside his soulmate wiggling slightly in excitement as he waited for Damian to complete his work before the vigilante finally shut his laptop and turned to his partner. 
“Ready?” Danny asked hopefully. 
Damian stood and took Danny’s hand in his. “Ready,” he said before his partner let out an excited squeal and changed forms. His soft, inky black hair changed to gravity defying white, blue eyes turned to Lazarus Green, and his usually pale white skin took on an unearthly blue hue. He looked beautiful. 
“You’re gonna love flying with me, Dami, it’s so much fun,” Danny told him before he pulled Damian in for another kiss. Damian wrapped his arms around Danny’s waist and deepened the kiss hungrily, biting at Danny’s bottom lip softly before the other allowed him access. He slipped his tongue into Danny’s mouth and ran it along the other’s sharp teeth slowly, taking his time to explore every crevice of his lover’s mouth. Danny melted into him, pressing himself as close to Damian as he could. Eventually, Damian pulled away and smiled at the dazed look on his soulmate’s face. 
“Shall we go?” He suggested. Danny just nodded his head, eyes glued to Damian’s mouth before he turned the two of them intangible and invisible. Damian shuddered at the cold feeling that slowly slunk down his body. It felt as though someone had slowly poured cold water over the top of his head. Danny wrapped his arms tight around Damian’s waist and took off, the couple flying through the ceiling of the apartment and multiple stories before they took to the air. 
It was definitely different compared to when he would fly with Jon. Jon’s flying felt like he was constantly fighting gravity to stay in the air. With Danny, it felt as though gravity didn’t even matter, like it did not exist. His flying seemed to defy the laws of physics altogether. 
It was exhilarating. Especially as Danny started to gain speed and the couple flew through multiple buildings, nothing really seemed to get in Danny’s way as he flew. Damian smiled at his lover, his eyes sparkling in the sun. He couldn’t believe just how lucky he had gotten with his soulmate. 
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oddfable · 2 months
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Sketches of my lovely lovely MC for the magnificent @loveandleases's "Love and Leases".
Nothing real serious, just some doodles of my MC Julia and Cam (or, well... my interpretation of him). This boy has me in a chokehold, and I can't believe Julia picked prissy Chris over him T-T
I'm also really looking forward to Gage and Ardent's romances, but I'll need to build the willpower to NOT romance Cam before I can get to them. Same with Markus and Isaac, and mmmaaaaayyybbbeee Kara. I only hesitate going for her because I'd feel bad if MC dates every Clarke sibling BUT Cam. Doubly so because he is, in my humble opinion, the best Clarke.
Anyways, my heads just buzzing with little tidbits about my girl, so here's a bunch of useless knowledge about her down below.
Quick heads up! This is basically just a long rant about her and her relationship with Cam. Read at your own peril, it's unnecessarily long and dumb.
Name: Julia Fontaine
Dog: Koi the shih tzu
Career Path: Modeling for Cam
Summary: If Jade is the "It Girl", cool and collected and desired, Julia is the "Good Girl". The quiet, well-behaved girl. The sweet plain-Jane. The nice but forgettable sister, quickly overshadowed in the blinding brilliance of Jade Fontaine.
Basically, she was the boring one.
Years of being overlooked in favor of Jade left Julia vying for attention by being perfect. Perfectly behaved, perfectly smart, perfectly understanding and in her shell and away from the spotlight. And for the longest time, this left her very insecure and even more reserved than she already was. For as much as she loved Jade and held little resentment, there was still a part of Julia that compared herself to Jade negatively. After all, it was natural for everyone to favor Jade. And there had to be a reason everyone liked her better.
The only exception to this was Cam.
Whereas other friends would be lured away by her mesmerizing older sister, Cam stuck to Julia's side like a stubborn stain on white sheets. And in doing so, Julia not only thrived in his presence but grew into herself.
Julia came alive whenever Cam was around. With him she smiled brighter, laughed louder, felt more genuine in each and every of her interactions. She was playful, and teasing, and had a much warmer atmosphere. Unafraid of showing how she truly felt. Embracing all of her emotions, the positive and negative.
He helped her be confident, not only in herself as a person, but in her love for art. An outlet that she happily turned into a hobby, and a skill that she tirelessly worked on and developed over the years. Though she still hesitates doing anything worthwhile with it, Julia is easily skilled enough to try going professional as an artist.
Cam brings out the best and the worst of Julia. And for a while, she thought he was "the one". But when his heart went to someone else, her own was stolen by Chris Clarke.
And what a mistake that was, falling for Chris Clarke.
Developed a crush on Cam at a very young age. Realized her growing feelings sometime in middle school. Did her best to ignore them until junior year of high school. Starting junior year, she slowly overcame her fear of destroying the friendship and subtly tried confessing. The problem? Her "confessions" were either too vague, easily misunderstood as admission of feelings for someone else, or she would straight up chicken out last minute. ~*~
In college she said "Fuck it" and was going to confess to Cam as straightforward as possible. She had a whole plan and everything. Found an interesting gallery exhibition she knew he'd love and made reservations at a very popular, slightly high-end restaurant. She worked super hard and saved up for months at her part-time job to afford a whole new (pricey) outfit and makeup set, to fund the entire date herself, and so she could buy him this camera he'd recently mentioned. It was a professional camera, recently released, and very expensive. BUT totally worth it. ~*~
Legit went all out when planning to romance him. ~*~
Was going to ask Cam to "hang out" (aka initiate the date) when she heard he was dating someone. Putting her confession on hold, Julia was in complete denial of this new development. Then she saw him with his new girlfriend. She was heartbroken. Regardless, she pushed her own feelings aside and became the #1 supporter of Cam and his girlfriend. Literally went out of her way to get out of the way for the new girl. ~*~
She repurposed the camera she bought as a Christmas gift for Cam. Claimed it was an investment in his future career, but also a bribe so he'd photograph her future wedding for free. ~*~
Before college, Julia didn't think much of Chris. He was kind of just there. Like, a background prop you didn't really notice. Sure, they'd exchange pleasantries and maybe even chitchat for a bit, but that was it. She had no interest in him. When Cam started dating his now-ex, Chris swooped in and wormed his way center stage of Julia's life. The two formed a very close and tight knit friendship. ~*~
Julia was hesitant to start dating Chris. Even though she'd mostly gotten over him, Julia still had lingering feelings for Cam. She ended up giving Chris a shot so long as he promised he'd have no expectations. Much to her shock, Julia was quickly swept off her feet, all feelings for Cam fading away. Needless to say, Julia was genuinely head-over-heels in love with Chris. ~*~
Despite falling for Chris, Cam remained Julia's "person". Her touch stone, someone she absolutely couldn't live without. Wanting her boyfriend and best friend to get along, she put max effort into mending their relationship. The results were... less than ideal. BUT, she tried. Additionally, she put a lot of effort into getting to know Kara better and rest of the Clarkes. ~*~
After "the incident" and moving in with Cam, Julia is horrified her feelings for the red head have returned with a vengeance.
Julia paints and draws both digitally and traditionally. That said, she lowkey prefers traditional medium. She loves oil paint the most and is particularly fond of using splash techniques when she can afford the paint and canvas. She'll strategically splashes paint onto the canvas and forms shapes until she gets the image she wants. When it come to people or animals, she's more precise with her strokes. You could say her style is more on the expressionist side. ~*~
A lot of her older drawing notebooks are filled with doodles of Cam. ~*~
Was a tall kid. Would use her height advantage to affectionately tease Cam. Lowkey wonders if their current height difference is some kinda universal karma, especially when he gently teases her the way she used to teased him. ~*~
They have the same energy as a pair of bonded cats so in sync they're basically joined at the hip. ~*~
Julia and Chris were actually a great pair, and Julia would have remained loyal to him till the end of her days had he stayed faithful. She would do a lot of little things to show how much she appreciated him. Things like bring him a snack if he was still working at home. Pack him a nice lunch if she got up early enough and was in the mood, topped with a little stick-it note of a cute drawing and words of affirmation. Also freely gave shoulder massages and back hugs, and overall was incredibly physically affectionate. ~*~
You could say she was physically affectionate to the point of being clingy. Luckily, for the most part, she was empathetic enough to pick up if she was being too much and back off. If she didn't pick up on it, all you'd need to do was tell her and she'd step back. ~*~
Love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. ~*~
With anyone else, Julia would want to wait until marriage to be "intimate". With Cam, she's pretty much ready to go any time he is. The reason isn't that deep: Julia is terrified of being tied down to a bad relationship because of amazing sex (has seen it happen plenty of times, does not want the same fate). But with Cam, things are different. She has a level of trust in him that goes beyond reasonable. There is no line in the sand when it comes to him, because she knows, in her heart of hearts, that he'd never do anything to hurt her. And she'd never do anything to hurt him. ~*~
Has thalassophobia. Mostly centered around the ocean and sea, but is also unsettled by huge lakes. Could probably overcome it if Cam is with her. Even then, she's goanna be clinging to him like she's dying and he's a lifeline. ~*~
When dating Cam, she half-jokingly suggests they skip dating and get married at the courthouse. Then they can start saving up for their dream wedding. Claims they've known each other so long that it'd work out fine. Says this as a joke because she wants to test the waters and see if the idea puts him off or not. She would absolutely elope and start saving for the wedding of their dreams if he implied he's down for it. She may or may not already have a few ideas for engagement and wedding rings. ~*~
I like to imagine that, after getting notoriety as Cam's model, Julia gains the confidence to sell some of her paintings. I also like to imagine that she and Cam are extremely successful in the world of art and photography.
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