#and both of bosses with be on paternity leave in the new year
kentucky-daisey · 10 months
Hello! I'm feeling really burnt out! Thankyousomuch!!!
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smallestapplin · 4 months
So I found out Arlecchino and Lynette aren't the biggest fans of heavy seasonings. Maybe the house's new "Mother" practices making less-seasoned portions in secret and does some snooping to figure out where their limits are by trying recipes and restaurants they like. Naturally, Arlecchino finds out eventually, but how would she respond?
Elder Emo
I cannot express the infodumping I want to do about the whole seasoning things and why is so common, but I will do so in fic form for you :3
Being hired as the hearths 'Mother' was terrifying for the first year, everyone testing you seeing how far they could push you, or how lenient you are when 'Father' isnt around.
It's learned quickly that while you are more emotionally available than Arlecchino, and offer more paternal affections and help, you won't drop a single rule while 'Father' is away.
For the most part things have been fine, even growing closer to the family and feeling truly apart of it, there is always just one issue.
Of course with so many kids and adults, dinner will be choas, and with so many different texture issues, likes and dislikes, it's nearly impossible to make one main dish, but you refuse to let anyone go hungry!
There is just a secondary issue with that.
Arlecchino and Lynette.
Both of them openly hating heavily seasoned food.
Lynette claims the seasonings are too strong or that something is too spicy.
Then Arlecchino repeats a myth over and over again "If it's high quailty food then it doesnt need seasoning."
If she wasn't your boss (or lover) you would've whacked her for such sensless blabbering! You want to tell her that is just a dumb myth made for the wealthy so they couldn't be eating like the poor.
But you sigh, needing to think of something.
Freminet and Lyney are easy to feed, both accepting nearly anything you set in front of them, the rest are picky, with Lynette and Arlecchino even pickier, so you had to work slowy.
You made at least a dozen meals a day, but each time you had one goal in mind.
Getting this house use to flavor. It's not anyone's fault Arlecchino can't cook, she refuses to get out of what she's use to, so it's up to you. Each night you add just a dash more seasoning to your meals.
Maybe a pinch more garlic salt, maybe a dash more paprika, maybe a hint of lemon and pepper seasoning, never adding too much, just adding little by little each time you make dinner to get them use to it.
And every day you hear Lynette purring about how good your food his, everyday you hear the kids asking for seconds, even in private Arlecchino tells you that you are doing a wonderful job, and she might have to make your 'Mother' status permanent.
You do this for months, nearly a year of you adding more and more flavor to the dishes you make, and never hearing a single complaint or not even getting the slightest feeling that something was wrong.
You were wrong to think she didn't know, how could you have ever thought you could sneak anything passed her? She knows everything that happens in the house, nothing ever escapes her.
The house is quiet, all the kids having left for a mission of some kind, leaving just you and Arlecchino. You wouldve thought your evening would be different, usually it's rare you two get alone time so it's used wisely.
You didn't imagine you'd be in her office, sitting on the other side of it as she stares at you from across it.
"I'm impressed, even though you were hiding it you hid it so well. Perhaps I should send you on missions too."
"Arlecchino, please, I wasn't poisoning anyone, and I made so nobody would be allergic to anything I was making or adding."
Her pointed look makes you snap your mouth shut.
"You hide the seasoning so well, I actually had quite a time trying to find everything you were using. How did you manage to keep it under wraps?"
"I wasn't hurting anyone, I just wanted everyone to actually enjoy their food. Bland food with just salt and pepper is so....depressing, there is no joy, no love, so fulfillment with such things."
She hums, taking a moment to think about what you've said. Leaning back in her chair, she takes a slow breath before seemingly coming to a choice.
"Consider this your first warning. You have been doing well, and since this isn't something major I will look passed it. But, it is a warning as you still lied and hid things from me, which is strictly prohibited."
"Sooo you don't want my 'marry me' chicken anymore?"
"....I never said that. Anyway, come now, the children will be home shortly and you still haven't prepared anything."
She stands up, walking with you to the kitchen, easily helping you gather the ingredients you ask for. She's not at all a good cook,, but she is one of your best kitchen aids when she has time.
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literaticat · 4 months
How does medical and bereavement leave work for agents without assistants? If they’re out for months or even years, what happens to their clients?
Many agents are not technically "employees" of their companies, they are freelancers paid by via commission on a 1099 rather than regular salary. So, technically, those of us who are paid in this fashion don't get medical leave, bereavement leave, maternity/paternity leave, sick days, PTO or vacations at all. We don't "clock in" or have set hours anyway -- which means that in practice, we COULD work 24/7 if we wanted to -- or we could work not at all if we wanted to.
(Neither option is great, obviously, so most agents split the difference and work a relatively normal-to-long work week most of the time!)
Point being, hours are flexible and our workload is pretty much whatever we need it to be at that time -- so an agent who is also a mom with young kids may choose to take on fewer clients or trim their list, whereas somebody with no kids or whose kids have grown might have extra time for more, etc.
So basically, if an agent KNOWS that they are going to be gone for a few months ahead of time (maternity leave, say, or they are having a planned medical procedure or something like that), they would likely tell their clients ahead of time, get as much done as possible before they left, so most projects are pretty much squared away or at a good pausable moment, and then somebody else at the agency would handle payments that come in and run point for any questions or issues that might come up whilst the primary agent is away.
(Quite frankly, publishing moves so slowly that most of the time, 8 or 12 weeks away would probably not be that noticeable -- once a client's book is under contract, there are often MANY MANY months where an agent would not have to be around at all. And submissions take long enough that honestly, "having to wait" for a month or three would not make a significant difference in the length of time the sale might take. In other words -- whether I submit this book in March or May, it probably won't sell till later in the year anyway, and both ways, it probably wouldn't be coming out for a year and a half/two years (or more!) after that, regardless of when I submitted it -- so if you finish the book while the agent is away, it can probably wait till they get back to be dealt with.)
If it's an acute crisis situation/family emergency/sudden illness where they DON'T know in advance, they would likely just communicate with their clients about what is going on and somebody else at the agency would step in to help as necessary, and they'd check in periodically and get back as soon as they were able.
If it is a long-term thing, they'd probably figure out a way to adjust and work through it, because few agents would be willing to give up their clients if they didn't have to -- but they might just have more limited hours, or something like that.
If they are gravely ill to the point where they CAN'T work through it, and it really might be YEARS... well, they might decide to retire at that point, or at least step back significantly. I have never encountered that situation (knock wood), but I guess what would happen is, they (or if they are unable, the boss) would let the clients know what was happening, and either the clients could be moved to other agents at the agency, or leave and choose a new agent elsewhere.
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flicksnfilms · 6 months
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The Full-time Wife Escapist: New Years Special (2021)
Plot premise:  Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu Ganbare Jinrui! Shinshun Supesharu!! Mikuri and Hiramasa both work and share housework duties. They have peaceful days together. One day, Mikuri learns that she is pregnant, but they soon face problems. Mikuri suffers from pregnancy sickness, and Hiramasa decides to take paternity leave before an important project is finished. The couple experiences unfamiliar situations involving childbirth and rearing. They go through difficult times.
Network: TBS Episodes (and episode length): 1 (122 mins) Creator: Nogi Akiko (screenwriter), Umino Tsunami (manga) Cast: Aragaki Yui, Hoshino Gen, Otani Ryohei, Furuta Arata, Fujii Takashi, Ishida Yuriko, Narita Ryo, Furutachi Kanji, Aoki Munetaka IMDB | RottenTomatoes
± It's still kind of silly but there's some healthy relationships in there, from the marriage & partnership, friendships, work relationships with bosses and colleagues. Then i suppose one of the things that's obvious but struck me all the same is that the pandemic is going to be a thing addressed in media because a 2-year worldwide interruption can't really be ignored or glossed over. That said, their treatment of it and the message put across had such lovely heart.
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schmergo · 2 years
I am just wondering about the sustainability of... doing basically anything around here. Companies are requiring employees to return to work (in many cases, eliminating telework options that existed PRE-pandemic), mask and vaccine mandates are being rolled back, and everything’s open again despite high COVID numbers. 
But at the same time, recent studies show that up to 1 in 5 adult COVID survivors develops symptoms of Long Covid. That’s possibly millions of people developing chronic illness symptoms. That sounds difficult for both the healthcare system to manage AND to have any kind of steady, reliable, functional workplace if your coworkers keep being absent due to sickness and then developing long-lasting symptoms after they return (or quitting due to them).
Even for younger people, for whom it’s often not as bad, I’m seeing so many people get hit with post-viral fatigue and other symptoms lingering for a month or more that remind me a lot of mono. Imagine that like half of your friend group had mono... but unlike mono, kept getting infected again and again (I know many fully vaxxed and boosted people who’ve had COVID multiple times due to different variants). People who have always been super healthy and fit getting exhausted easily or developing new daily headaches who never had them before, struggling with ‘brain fog’ making it difficult to work. These are the young, fit ones. 
If there are NO mitigation measures in place and we’re just expected to accept that we’re “all going to get COVID sooner or later,” that ignores the fact that people can get it again and again as each new variant arises and immunity wanes. Because everyone seems to agree that COVID isn’t going away but will just continue to mutate and change into new variants, this seems pretty risky, constantly rolling the dice on getting a virus that may cause LASTING health problems in 20% of people. Especially since so many jobs provide little to no health benefits and super low salaries, basically keeping people from effectively managing chronic illnesses that require frequent absences and medical appointments. I guess they think workers are replaceable, but how long before they burn through the supply?
But on the other hand, it’s also not sustainable to just stay in your room with no human contact for the entire rest of your life. I was super cautious for the first 2 years of the pandemic and now I’m finally doing indoor socialization with vaccinated friends and family again (though still not going into indoor public places like restaurants or movie theatres and still order things online rather than going into stores) because if things are never going to get any better, I don’t know how much longer I can wait. I guess I would rather develop lifelong chronic illness from making lifelong memories celebrating Christmas with my family than running errands at Home Depot. 
I genuinely don’t know how long all of this is going to last before the widespread infections and chronic symptoms really start messing with... any industry you can possibly imagine. It seems like everyone is experiencing labor shortages already, and that’s only going to grow from here. Yet it’s hard to find anyone caring even a LITTLE about this. I can’t even talk to friends and loved ones about this because they just start trying to comfort me with the bright side of the COVID situation (”Omicron is less deadly! More people are vaccinated now! The chances of young people dying are vanishingly small!”), when those aren’t the things I’m worried about at all.
When I was 23, something weird happened to my body and I can’t quite say exactly what caused it, because it was a perfect storm. I worked a busy, stressful, physically demanding job at a preschool, and I was working about 10-12 hours a day because I was covering a boss on paternity leave. It was a cold, dark, snowy winter and due to the long work hours, I virtually never saw the sun, so it’s possible a Vitamin D deficiency played a role here, or psychosomatic symptoms caused by stress and anxiety, or just plain old repetitive strain on my body from the long hours. I was also diagnosed with a mild underlying condition during all this-- what is now known as Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder. I’ve always had loose, overly flexible joints, but it never caused me serious problems, just made it a little easier for me to get injured than other people and meant I got worn out a little more easily. Things were never bad enough for me to seek treatment until what happened to me that winter, and have never been as bad since.
But it all started with a cold. A weird bad cold that started like any other cold (and lord knows I was always getting colds working at the preschool) but quickly involved joint pain and weakness and tingly numbness in my hands and wrists, then spreading to the rest of my body over the course of a few weeks. I was so fatigued that all I could do after work was lie in bed. I could hardly make it through the work day. My whole body ached and I could barely do anything without exacerbating my constant pain.
 I thought I must have mono. I tested negative for that and 11 other things. The only thing I was diagnosed with during my Extensive, Expensive Journey was hypermobility. My doctor said, “It’s probably just a virus,” which could mean anything. But I felt like a ghost of my former self for about 4 months and still had lingering symptoms for almost a year. Things went downhill so fast that I remember looking at a photo of myself doing a cartwheel two months before and crying because I couldn’t imagine ever doing a cartwheel again (which fortunately wasn’t true-- I have no problem doing cartwheels now at age 30). I eventually quit that job and got a less physically demanding office job. The symptoms never came back to the same degree, and I’ll never know what really caused it, but it wouldn’t surprise me if some kind of post-viral malaise played a role there. Even little colds can set off all kinds of storms, let alone a new virus.
When I hear about people with Long COVID, I imagine a workforce full of people who feel the way I felt when I was 23. Can you? I’m not proposing any kind of solution here or saying, “Here’s what I think people should do about it,” so I’m sorry for the gloomy post, but when people ask me why I’m still worried about COVID-19 after all of this time and my multiple vaccinations... this is why.
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russilton · 2 years
can we have more snippets of the omega George sitting in Lewis' car in 2020 and Lewis going crazy over his smell? I need smtg to cheer up my sunday lol thx
Seems you triggered something in my writing hind brain anon bc I ended up writing about 1.5k of the start of the fic last night in bed. It’s UTTERLY un researched AND un edited, but that’s the bargain you make requesting snippets. Hope you feel better soon.
As he stifles a cough trying to rattle its way out of his lungs, Lewis debates if getting back in the car this week is really the best idea. His whole body aches, a soreness worked bone deep across all his muscles, even ones he didn’t know could hurt, and it still feels like there’s a persistent band around his lungs, cinched just tight enough he can’t quite get a full breath in. In short, he feels like shit, but the fog over his mind had started to clear around Tuesday, and after some cautionary light safety drills with Angela to make sure he could still get himself clear of the car in a crash, he’d bit the bullet and decided to at least show up tor free practice one and try.
None of that matters now, of course, he's got work to do, brain already rolling over to settle into the well worn space he needs it to be in when he races. He’s got just enough time to try to stretch out his muscles before he should be heading down to the garage to find out what his engineers need from him. There isn’t normally a whole lot of set up to do for the final race of the year, they just have to keep it running. But normally, he’s the only person who sits in his car.
George. George was the last person in his car, the thought made his head spin slightly. It’s not the first time George has been around their cars of course, he’s their reserve and test driver, but a race is a new beast. One, that by all the second hand accounts Lewis has been given, George tamed without a second thought.
He hasn’t watched the race yet himself. When it was happening Lewis was so neck deep in fever he could barely keep his eyes open, let alone focus on a race. After he’d regained use of his brain, he’d still avoided watching the race, something churning in his gut whenever his finger hovered over the play button.
There will be time for that later, he thinks, checking he has his phone and tugging his mask on securely over his nose before slipping out of his driver room. Antibodies or not, he’s not taking any risks.
The walk to the garage from his room isn’t a long one, Angela pops up alongside him valmost immediately, the shorter beta keen to tease him about being a workaholic. He manages a tired smile for her he hopes makes it through his mask, but it falls away quickly as he spots a pair of red bull mechanics without theirs on, hanging near the neighbouring garage entrances.
A glare at them both has them scrambling to tug them up, but Lewis already feels edgy heading into an enclosed space. It’s an odd blessing that at least he only has to deal with his nerves today, the clinging remains of the virus leaving his sense of smell practically non-existent. Combined with the high quality masks Mercedes had bought, he can only get the faintest hints of scent from the team. It leaves him feeling slightly off balance, an Alpha trying to navigate their surroundings without scent feels a little like trying to drive with an arm behind his back. But he’d won a rookie championship doing that before, he’ll survive this.
The team seems to know what he needs without having to ask, welcoming him back whilst keeping their distance. Toto is the only one that leans close to check how he’s doing as he appraises the car from a distance, but his boss’s warm, heavy hand is a comfort on his back.
“Good to have you back, Lewis. How are you feeling?” The older Alpha rumbles at him, voice calm and comfortingly paternal.
“Honestly? Awful. But I’ve driven through worse, Hockenhiem-“ Toto cuts Lewis off before he can even finish the thought, nose wrinkled beneath his mask at the mere memory of the 2019 German Grand Prix
“Eurgh, I thought we agreed to never bring that race up again”
“Point stands, Man. How’d she do while I was gone?” She, being his car. He runs his hand gently along the W11’s rear wing, following the curve and ignoring the twinge in his gut at the thought of another driver touching her.
“Wonderful, it’s a shame you couldn’t see George in her. The poor boy was so in love I thought we’d have to pry him out after the race.” It makes Lewis snort, the idea of the thin, brown haired omega whining at them to let him stay in his car. Something in his gut rolls again, and he chalks the nausea up to lack of smell.
“Have you spoken to him yet? He could use your advice” Lewis eyes Toto out of the corner of his vision as he shakes his head. He isn’t sure what exactly George might need him for, but Lewis hasn’t spoken to anyone yet, only focus on ignoring the itch in his chest to cough, so he can get back to the thing he knows best.
“Send him over some time. Until then, let’s see if anything needs fixing” He ends the conversation with Toto via a warm squeeze to his shoulder, hearing, rather than smelling, Totos pleased rumble. Lewis has always been grateful for the Austrians' no nonsense approach, even when he was on the receiving end of it.
The mechanics part like a school of fish around a shark when he steps up to the car, working away diligently at the little details that no one outside their garage will see. As he waits to get an approving nod from Bono that he’s okay to climb in, something tickles at his nose, a scent slipping beneath his mask. Weird.
When Peter gives him the go ahead, he climbs into the car, moving more muscle memory than thought, an action so practiced that he’s settled in his seat within seconds. That’s when a wall of scent hits him like a brick.
What had been faint but noticeable from a distance even with his hampered senses, is dialed up to full within the cockpit of the car. It makes his head spin for a second as it washes over him; his inner alpha knocked sideways by it all. He has to take a few deep, slow breaths before his overstimulated mind finally kicks in and starts to assess what he’s smelling. Coffee, salad, citrus, sweat, lynx body spray and something distinctly sweet that blankets it all. Omega, not just any omega, there’s several of those among his engineering team, none of them smell like this, George.
Of course his car smells like George, he’d been the one sat in it last week, but after a week of transport and repair work the car shouldn’t smell of much of anything anymore. For Lewis, he would swear George was inside the seat with him, scent settling like an aura around him. He hopes his mask is hiding whatever his face must be doing, tries to set his shoulders and look like he’s naturally assessing to feel of the car, all while trying to draw deep, measured breaths into his nose.
He know this may be one of the weirdest reactions to a scent he’s ever had; but he can’t stop himself from picking it apart like breaking down a qualifying lap after missing pole. For the most part the smells blend beautifully, earthy and sharp, fresh with a natural warmth. Sweat is expected, Bahrain even at night has him sweating through his fire suit most races. That, he realises distantly, is probably why he can smell anything at all. It’s generally accepted Paddock policy for Alphas and Omegas to wear scent suppressant patches, it keeps everyone around the same level and prevents any underhanded manipulation. Lewis’ own patch is adhered firmly to the back of his neck. Between the external heat and adrenaline George probably sweated through his, which is why Lewis’ car smells so intense a deeply possessive part of him wants to grumble at all the engineers around him touching the car.
Pulling the fragrances apart like a puzzle, he starts to notice changes to them. It’s subtle, for the most part Georges scent is fresh and excited, laced with adrenaline and drive. It’s understandable given George had been stepping into the most powerful car in the grid, a universe away from his Williams. But something sour and bitter creeps in around the very edges of the car, blood, coffee turned burnt, vinegar.
Valtteri had told him about how George’s race had turned from triumph to nightmare, the Finn looking self blaming as he describes a pit stop fuck ups and a puncture costing George a win that would have been monumental. Lewis can smell how angry and frustrated George was, scents turning acrid with anguish. His heart aches for George. The pain in his sweat, blood from the cramped seat and all for 9th? Lewis wants to find him and tell him his time will come. Soothe his fear till all that’s left is the intoxicating drive Lewis had smelled first.
There’s a loud noise to his left that makes him jump so violently he slams his elbow into the wall of the car. The noise is explained as a mechanic picks up a large wrench they must have dropped, the beta giving Lewis an apologetic nod before going back to work. It snaps Lewis out of his reverie, he should be glad for that, he needs to focus on his own practice session, get himself in order so he can do his job for the team. He tries to block out George as he goes back to working through his set up tests with Bono and Shov, but every now and then a hint of something sweet creeps under his mask and settles in his mind. George.
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usagis-tsukinos · 2 years
Guys My Age - 1
Read, Comment, or Kudo on Ao3!
Chapter 2
Pairing: Lucifer x F!Reader
Rating: E for Everyone
Warnings: None
Words: 1,130
Lucifer is a 45-year-old divorcee who moves next door to a woman 20 years his junior while trying to rebuild his life and keep his sanity.
“Lilith, I don’t care if you’re a little short on the alimony money.” Lucifer said, shutting the door as he held his phone trapped between his shoulder as he got out of his truck, parking it as Ramsey jumped to the window on the passenger’s side and looked around the new neighborhood. He placed her on speaker, setting the phone on the side of the bed of his truck as he began reaching for boxes. 
“I just need–”
“Don’t really care what you need, Lilith.” He spoke over her, beginning to move boxes to the porch of his house, the phone far away so he didn't hear her excuses. She’s the one who cheated, seeing as they were married for 15 years and he even got a vasectomy for her. Well, technically it was for the both of them. They didn’t want children only to find out after the fact that she was magically pregnant. For a while, he didn’t think anything of her working late or just needing some space, all couples went through it and he assumed, hoped, whatever you wanna call it that she’d come back around. They’d stopped having sex, which really cemented his suspcions when she was suddenly with child.
Lilith swore up and down that it was his, but the timeline didn’t match up and he’d been snipped long enough to know it wasn’t possible. Eventually, during the court proceedings, work camera footage caught her and her lover in the act, granting Lucifer his divorce and the alimony money that she’s to send him once a month. He wasn’t even forced to take a paternity test since he brought his medical records of the vasectomy as proof and when she was first expecting to show the child couldn’t possibly be his and the judge ruled in his favor.
He was also granted to keep his house, but he chose to sell it and move to Anytown, USA to start a new life with the only woman who cared about him during their marriage: Ramsey. Lilith didn’t even want Ramsey, but Lucifer did and so he was the only one who took care of her. Lilith tried to argue he beat the poor dog but again, no proof was ever established, just her being angry she’s not the victim. Lilith wanted a pet in terms of someone to boss around and have at her beck and call, but it was no use. They’d been together too long for Lucifer to fall for her games.
They’d met in college, Lilith having been then married to her high school sweetheart, some poor guy who didn’t know what hit him. She’d spent all his money but by the time he found out it was too late, Lilith telling Lucifer that he’d hit her constantly and bankrupt them. They were granted a divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences and not long after, her and Lucifer were married. To say the marriage was at first a happy one would be a lie. He spoiled her constantly and did love her, but felt he had no say in the matter of, well… anything. The way they decorated the house, the cars they’d drive, even their own wedding was handpicked and he had no say despite wanting a voice of opinion in every one of these instances.
Eventually, as time went on, they became strangers in their own home, barely acknowledging the other person despite Lucifer’s efforts to wine and dine her, bringing the romance back. It didn’t work and it was clear she’d grown bored with him by the time he realized she was cheating on him. Lucifer packed up and moved out, leaving her to marry her affair and maybe finally be happy, but he doubted it. Lilith was still talking by the time he’d finished bringing everything in, ignoring her calls of his name as he moved all the boxes into his empty kitchen. Finally hanging up without a word, he shut his phone off and began to unpack.
When he started, it was around 10:30 A.M, not finishing most of it until about 9:30 P.M, sitting at his kitchen table as he looked over the slew of boxes that needed to go out that would just go in the morning before he started his new job. He opened a beer, looking around his empty new home and thinking about just how nice the silence is, no one to judge him for his taste, or yell at him for not getting to the dishes in time when they weren’t even his. Lucifer looked over to Ramsey, asleep on their couch before gently waking her so they could go upstairs and sleep in their new bed. 
When he awoke the next morning, he made a cup of coffee, let Ramsey out and went to sit on the porch. He didn’t need to be at work for about another two hours, watching as his neighbors started their days. Lucifer watched the house about three doors down, almost diagonal from his position in the cul-de-sac as a young woman made her way out to her car to grab something. He thought she was pretty from what he could see, unable to see her age as she turned around and saw him looking. Lucifer felt like a creep, suddenly embarrassed as her age became apparent but at least it confirmed she was an adult and he wasn’t staring at some teenager. 
He figured she was coming over to yell at him for staring at her but really, he wasn’t gawking. He was just curious as she walked over in her morning robe and PJs, looking him over. “Good morning.” She said, watching him as he tried not to squirm in his seat. 
“Are you new?” She pointed to his truck.
“Moved in yesterday.” Lucifer took a sip of his coffee, any reason to break eye contact.
“Oh, that’s nice!” She immediately cheered up, standing straight from her almost looming position from his steps despite being below him. She gave him her name, “I just live a few down, but if you need anything just say so, okay?”
“I’ll make sure to stop by for a cup of sugar when I’m low.” Lucifer joked and he marvelled at her smile at his stupid dad joke as she laughed.
“I have to go to work, but have a good day!” With that she left, leaving him to sit on his porch alone before Ramsey decided to sit at his feet as though to protect him as she walked away. 
“Well,” he said, looking down at his best friend, “We’ve already met one neighbor so I guess we’re in good hands, girl.” He scratched behind her ear as she huffed softly.
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cyphersuna · 3 years
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader!mikaelson (Slow burn), derek hale x ex-lover!reader, mcCall pack x platonic!reader, original family x sister!reader, stiles stilinski x platonic!reader (at the moment)
sypnosis; Y/N Mikaelson arrives in a small town with the hope of becoming independent and having a new life but a near accident will turn her plans around and risk them knowing who he is.
Has the war of Original Vampires and Wolves started?
The smallest of the Mikealsons, will she be with a wolf?
Will Isaac accept Y/N?
warnings; none
author’s note: hello baeess, welcome to a new #saturdayofyouaremikaelson!!! I only hope you enjoy this chapter because your emotion excites me and if your emotion excites me, I will be excited to do more chapters to excite you. see you next week 😺
Word count; 1.7k
゚・ 🌌ރ ੈ♡‧₊˚🎲 *ૢ✧ ۪ ♟️ ° 。
YOU WERE ENTERING Beacon Hills while looking at the forest around you which looked spooky, possibly because it was night or they were infested with those human dogs. Possibly both. You still remember the faces of Niklaus, Kol and Elijah knowing that you would live here. You think it was the best thing in the world, but you get it. That your sister, the youngest of the Mikaelson clan, decides to move alone, with no one from her family nearby and in a "city" full of dogs. You would also worry.
It began to be heard on the radio lurk from the neighborhood to which you began to hum it. This century was very different: 16-year-olds look like 18 or 19, their type of clothing... You did not complain, it is better than the clothes of before.
Six teens and two adults appeared out of nowhere to which you stopped. You got out of the car and they watched you from head to toe. One in particular made your blood run cold. Derek Hale...
You sighed and spoke.
"Forgiveness! Are you okay?" You asked, and the bearded one came up to you.
"What are you doing here?" He asks and you start to breathe. Human dogs have to hear it and feel it so they know that you are not something supernatural. Speaking of that title, it's the best series and more daddy Dean. You pulled myself out of your thoughts and looked from left to right to fix your gaze on the dark haired man.
"Me?" He nodded. "Sorry. Do I know you?"
"Don't act, Mikaelson," he snap at and Peter comes closer to both of you. The Good Peter, he was more your brother than the ones you have, well not so much like that but he was like a brother.
"I think you're wrong" you say to see him in the eyes. "My name is not like that" you say playing stupid, well! When you don't? Coming here you thought that Derek and Peter would leave and more because of what happened to his sister who did not doubt that Peter would kill her. But just in case you knew you would have to change your first and last name.
"It's not a name," says the older of the two raising an eyebrow. "What's your name?" He ask.
"Diane Jones" you say pretending to be a little scared. You saw how Derek would glare at you deadly and the teens stared at the scene in confusion. Wow! The redhead's shoes were fantastic.
"What brings you to Beacon Hills?" Asked Peter.
"I came to live here" you respond.
"Alone?" Said the one with black hair, super furious. He looked sexier like that. "Without your parents?"
"Excuse me, but I don't have to tell you anything" You walked back and Derek took your arm tightly and the children approached looking worried.
"You won't leave until you answer." Peter put his hand on Derek's shoulder with a "calm down" look
"And your parents?" He asks calmly.
"I do not have. I'm an orphan" you say looking at your feet. Seriously, you deserve an Oscar for best actress.
"How did you get here?" Peter still asked.
"My uncles sent me here to study and not cause problems" you say looking at Peter.
"Don't li-" Derek says to be interrupted.
"It's not her" said Peter. "Listen" as you said, breathing helps and more if it is accelerated when you feel threatened.
"Can I go?" You asked.
"Yes" Peter says. You walked to your car and your turned it on to continue on your way, when you saw that you were far away you start to laugh. Derek's faces and the wolf children, the banshee, and the humans were gold.
You arrived at your new home. You smiled when you saw that it was normal, not big and not too small. A normal house. It was supposed to be furnished since yesterday. You got out of your car and opened to see the living room, you closed the door and walked into the kitchen and up the stairs. You went into all the rooms and they were perfect and yours was much more.
It was big, being a Mikaelson it couldn't be small. You were already beginning to miss them. Well not all. Elijah and Rebekah's overproduction were suffocating. Also you will no longer be listening "little Klaus" or "little Kol" You're not like them, you just like to have fun. And you like being with them more. Kol and you, hunted and had fun at parties and flirting with people. Klaus gave you life lessons. You were amused by his stories and how could he be so... him. Of your seven siblings, you only loved Kol and Klaus, of course you had your differences: you were friends with Katherine and Klaus hates her, you love the Salvatore brothers with your life and they detest them, even more. You lay down on the bed and you smiled a smile that only bring problems.
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Isaac Lahey Pov
"It was her," Derek says, somehow I felt concern and more to see how he reacted when he saw the girl as our age.
"Who is she?" Scott ask.
"Y/N Mikaelson" Peter said calmly.
"And she is...?" Stiles question them.
"She is one of the Originals and Derek's great love," Peter replies.
"Original of what?" Lydia ask.
"From the Original Vampires," Derek says angrily.
"They exist?" Almost all of us say at the same time.
"Yes. And between them the two hybrid of Vampire and werewolf" explains Peter.
"What is a hybrid?" Allison ask to which Stiles responds.
"Hybrids are a supernatural cross between two or more different species. The term is commonly used to describe a werewolf turned vampire, as they were the first type of hybrid introduced to the world. However, since the creation of the werewolf-vampire hybrids, there have been other hybrids of other races in the universe, such as siphons turned into witch-vampire hybrids, werewolf-witch hybrids, among others" he says to finish.
"How do you know that?" Asks Scott.
"I read it when I was trying to find out what you were, but I thought the vampire thing was a lie," Stiles responds.
"A hybrid is more lethal than any werewolf or vampire" Says Derek. "Nature does not tolerate such an imbalance of power. Thus, the warlocks, the servants of nature, saw to it that the wolfish side of Klaus and Y/N Mikaelson are asleep. But they are still a danger.
"Who are the Mikaelsons?" I ask.
"The Mikaelson family is a powerful family whose line goes back at least to the Kingdom of Norway in the late 10th century with Mikael and Esther, a wealthy landowner and a Viking warrior, and a housewife and a witch, respectively. In the early 11th century, the family was deadly until the loss of Esther and Mikael's seventh child, Henrik to a werewolf attack that spurred them to use Esther's magic to turn Mikael and the rest of their living children into the The world's first vampires, from whom all Vampires are descended from the original vampires, are known as the most powerful supernatural beings in the world, but the Mikaelson family is also known to have members who are also witches and hybrids. Among them are two hybrids: Klaus and Y/N. In total the Mikaelsons are eight; Mikael, the father, Esther, the mother, Freya, The first daughter which is only a witch and does not belong to the original lineage, Finn, The second son, Elijah, the third son, Klaus, the fourth son which is the hybrid and is not the son of Mikael but bears his last name, Kol, the fifth son, Rebekah, the sixth daughter, Y/N, the seventh daughter which is not the daughter of Mikael and the last, Henrik, the eighth son. Of these eight only are alive: Freya, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Y/N" Derek answers.
''They wasted no time," Stiles says.
"Neither is Esther. Children of different parents" I say smiling. "But how did "first hybrids" happen?
"When Klaus and Y/N first killed after being turned into vampires, they triggered their werewolf gene, which finally reveals the truth of their true paternity to their family: Klaus and Y/N were not Mikael's children but the boss's children of her village werewolf clan, with whom Esther had an affair. Once Mikael learned of Esther's infidelity and realized that her lover's pack were the werewolves who killed Henrik, Mikael hunted down and killed Klaus and Y/N's father and his entire family, igniting a war. Between vampires and werewolves that still exists. Shortly after the Mikaelsons became vampires and learned of Klaus and Y/N werewolves' legacy, Esther was forced to curse Klaus and Y/N to make their werewolf natures lie dormant, so that they didn't bother yet. More to nature by possessing so much power. However, Klaus and Y/N felt betrayed by this punishment, and in retaliation, Klaus murdered his mother and framed Mikael for the act. Understood?" Peter asks and I nod.
"I'm more than sure it's her!" Derek exclaims.
"It has to be her, if you questioned her or just stopped...-Lydia says to be interrupted by Peter.
"It's her Doppelgänger..."
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Y/N Mikaelson Pov
You got out of the tub while you were dripping to grab the towel and start drying off. Tomorrow would be your first day in high school, you had never attended one and according to Caroline and Stefan they are very good, also Rebekah go into one and she looks older than you. You wrapped the towel around your body and left the bathroom to go to your room. You dropped the towel while you felt the air all over your body, you took off your underwear from the wardrobe and then put on a loose shirt and some pajama shorts. You go down to the kitchen for some whiskey and you go back upstairs. You arranged your things for tomorrow and left them arranged so that you only had to go...
˚༉🎠·₊✧ 🧺 ϟ₊˚🎻���༉‧🍫₊˚
previously in you are a mikaelson > next
@blessednereid @itmejado @rottenstyx @chloe-skywalker
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jew-flexive · 3 years
the fatherhood au, pt. 1
azazel gets killed by an up-and-coming demon before he can put his plans for the special children into motion. 
the new king of hell (hi crowley) has no interest in competing with the boy king. brady is never possessed, john never gets a lead on the colt, and sam graduates from stanford with honors
he goes to law school and specializes in family law. he proposes to jess the night before he graduates. 
“only if you promise we can have breakfast for dinner at least three times a month” / “deal”
sam sends a wedding invitation to dean’s po box. he never hears back. 
he tells jess about hunting, now that he knows there’s no way dean’s ever going to drag him back. clearly, he’s moved on. sam should too. 
jess doesn’t believe him at first. she thinks he’s going a little crazy-- he’s been taking the brunt of the wedding planning since her med student schedule is insane, so he hasn’t slept in a while. but she wises up when he takes her on a ghost hunt and she almost passes out.
“we are never doing that again”/ “deal”
in all the confusion and craziness of both their schedules jess’s bc fails. they have a long discussion about whether or not they want to keep the pregnancy, esp considering jess’s schedule. 
they decide they’ll have the baby after sam’s boss tells him he’ll be able to take paternity leave and work partially from home
sam’s boss is his work dad (tm). his law school mentor also tried to adopt him but that’s not relevant right now. 
sam and jess get married. they both hyphenate. dean is nowhere to be found. sam tries not to let that sting. he always thought dean would be his best man. but he doesn’t cry, even though he wants to, because jess is quick and kind and loves him just as he is and he adores her, he just adores her.
the wedding is beautiful, and it’s even better than they planned, because their baby is (sort of) there for it.
sam and jess have a daughter. her name is miriam hannah winchester-moore (jewish winchesters ftw) and sam loves her beyond all reason. 
when miri is six months old, sam and jess move her crib back into their room. they don’t sleep a wink, armed with salt and holy water and silver. sam mouths tehillim over miri’s head and prays and prays and prays that his daughter won’t end up like me, please don’t let her end up like me
he looks over at jess once during the night, and she is almost terrible, eyes sharp and clutching a silver dagger so tight her knuckles are white. she looks a little like john, standing at attention like that. sam looks away.
nothing happens. miri wakes up in the morning, and the morning after that, and the morning after that.
nothing keeps on happening, if by nothing you mean normal. jess is first in her class. she’s going to study obstetrics. sam kills it in the courtroom. miri thrives and thrives and thrives. 
when miri is a year old, jess hears a knock at the door.
she opens it to find dean winchester. he’s pale. grim.
she slams the door in his face and doesn’t breathe a word to sam, not when he’s only just recently stopped flinching at loud noises and can talk about what happened to him without choking on his own spit. 
but he knocks again. and again. and again. and sam yells from the kitchen for jess to just tell the missionaries to mind the mezuzah and be on their way.
she opens the door. 
part two, part three
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reindeer-dad · 2 years
👥 gimmeeeeee alllll on your mindddd (roleplayersoul)
Send 👥 for a headcanon relating to both of our muses
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All?!?! Woo-hoo!! Now’s my chance to explain why Undertale Asgorudy gives me a mountain of feels!
I am not even fucking touching the damn Undertale timeline and how little it makes sense because of Asgore’s Winter Alarm Clock Dialogue. Don’t get me wrong, I love it! But it threw a wrench in my assumptions about the Undertale universe so badly, I don’t know how to make sense of it. LMAO. I’m just going to stick to Asgore being physically in his 40s and Rudy is in his mid-50s (Asgore’s actual age, too, since he stopped aging after Asriel died).
Rudy was the one who reached out to Asgore after hearing about the loss of his children and his wife leaving him. It had been years since they caught up... but when they were together, it was like the time spent apart was inconsequential because their connection was so strong. A sign of a dear friend.
Asgore slowly became a regular visitor to Rudy’s Snowdin cabin. He’d stay for a couple of days, at most. Besides each other’s friendship, they both filled a need that each other had in their lives: for Rudy, it was the aftermath of his divorce and being a single father. Asgore, being naturally paternal, had a chance to dote on his best friend’s children. Being there for each other helped eased the loneliness they were suffering.
Of course, Asgore must return to his castle, alone once again, because duty calls. Part of him still hoped Toriel would return. A human could fall into the Underground any day now. Sometimes he’d be gone for months. But when Asgore returned to Rudy’s cabin, he’d always get a warm greeting. As if he was gone for just a day.
Since Asgore is a ridiculously strong Boss Monster, I like the idea of him helping Rudy with chores that require muscle. Like, he would gather and carry stacks and stacks of firewood that would last for MONTHS and do it all over again when he returned.
Rudy was aware of what Asgore “had to do” so Monsterkind (and his daughters) can be free on the surface. He preferred to live in Snowdin Forest more than New Home because it was safer. (Also, reindeer monsters.) The city was getting too crowded, after all. Less chances of his children coming across a violent, unpredictable human, too.
Romantic feelings between Asgore and Rudy quietly developed. Smiles thinking about one another grew fonder. Glances they shared became warmer. Embraces started to linger. Touches became softer and more intimate. It took them a really long time for them to say “I love you” to each other.
The last time Asgore was with Rudy was for their yearly tradition of delivering presents for Gyftmas. Months later, he found out Rudy died of natural causes.
Ooooh, please reblog this to add some headcanons of your own. I’d love to hear yours, too. I love love love love love them so much!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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marginalgloss · 3 years
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It occurred to me recently that I haven’t posted here for about nine months, and that if you knew nothing about me except for this blog, you might think that it something of a cliffhanger that I ended it on a post about expecting the arrival of my first child. (Or perhaps that would have been an entirely fitting way to end it.) Either way: I am fine, and we are fine, and last November brought the arrival of my son Robin into my life. I have been very busy almost every day since.
There are a couple of cliches about parenting that remain indisputably true. The first is that they grow up so fast. And the second is that nothing prepares you for it. We thought we were entirely ready and pretty well informed but from his delivery onwards nothing went as planned. We thought we’d feed him when he was hungry, and we’d put him to sleep when he was tired; and change his nappies, and play with him, and love him; and what else was there to it, really?
It turns out there is a lot more to it than that. Before Robin I never realised how polarised, how strained and how political people’s feelings are about matters of childcare. We’ve ended up raising him in ways we had never previously considered, partly out of necessity, and partly out of the kind of habits that grow into paths of desire across the days. Consciously or not I judge people who do things differently, and no doubt they judge me too. In spite of the reams of available literature it turns out that for many things — perhaps even most things — there isn’t necessarily a right or a wrong way to proceed.
Here is a third cliche that turns out to be extremely valuable: every baby is different.
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The question of literature is a tricky one. In search of assistance I read a few parenting manuals; some of these turned out to be better than others, but I’ve yet to find a good book about what it means to be a father. Most books aimed at new dads are of the ‘pull your socks up’ variety — the kind of thing where the author imagined it thrust upon some feckless deadbeat by a weary spouse. But, being reasonably conscientious, and looking for something with a bit more depth than a guide to how to change nappies, I’ve found most books about parenting have little of interest to say to new fathers.
Being a dad is an odd thing to write about. I’ve read and heard people talk about how new mothers ought to be proud to be joining a kind of grand universal maternal tradition, one which predates even humanity itself. (Animals surely know about babies; witness my cat Louie’s endless patience with Robin’s various attempts to pull his ears off.)
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People do not generally talk about the grand traditions of fatherhood in this way. And for good reason: a lot of men today wouldn’t be happy to follow the example of their own fathers, let alone imitate the conditions of detachment and distance that defined fatherhood for centuries. I want to say that expectations of fathers today have never been higher; but this is only because for most of recorded history, we had no expectations of fathers at all. In the space of perhaps two or three generations we have gone from the idea that a father should only have to provide for a child’s upkeep (and not slap them around too much) to a very immediate understanding of dadhood as a central plank of parenthood.
Perhaps a lot of this speaks more to my own insecurities than it does to anyone else’s. Still, I feel like there’s an easy camaraderie between mothers that isn’t apparent between fathers. My wife has developed a little circle of local mums with whom she’s in constant communication, whereas the WhatsApp group we created for the fathers in our NCT group has languished in silence. I don’t really have anyone with whom to compare notes. And what would we say if I did?
The pandemic has put us in an unusual situation. Ordinarily I would have had two weeks’ paid paternity leave, plus any holiday time taken alongside that. So I took three weeks off work — but I’m still working from home every day, as I have been since March 2020. This means that instead of watching me disappear to work five days a week, my son has spent every day of his life together so far with both his parents. I don’t even know where to begin with writing about the way this has changed us; perhaps I won’t know how to talk about it until it comes to an end.
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It does mean that parenting feels like it has consumed my life in ways that might not have otherwise been the case. Being at home for so long with a new baby was a remarkable opportunity, and in the early days — through winter and the Christmas lockdown — it didn’t feel like I was missing out on much. Things are a little different now. Every absence independent from my family feels like it requires a negotiation as much with myself as with anyone else. And I don’t only mean literal absences. Someone new has come into my life and they have no tolerance for anything else that might be meaningful to me. So many of the things against which I used to define myself have necessarily had to be neglected.
It goes without saying that I haven’t written much. Whatever free time I have at the moment is normally spent collapsed in an exhausted heap on the sofa, watching TV. I can count the number of books I’ve actually finished in the last eight months on one hand; I have started and set aside perhaps two dozen. I feel very remote from the person who spent several years documenting here every book he finished.
Games have fared a little better. In the early days, when I found myself with some late night hours to myself, I picked up the remastered Bioshock collection. It took me months, but I eventually finished all three: the first game is a masterpiece, the second is a very decent sequel, and the third is probably the greatest missed opportunity in all of gaming. (I ended up writing several thousands of words about the games, over the course of weeks — the only thing of substance I’ve written since Robin was born, in fact — which I since abandoned, in a fit of self-doubt and impatience with my own tortuous style.)
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But I mean it when I say that the first game is a masterpiece. I had forgotten just how immensely absorbing it is — a journey into another world that’s less realistic than it is gloriously theatrical. Every time I think about it I feel like I want to replay it again. And it never really occurred to me before that Bioshock is about parenting as much as it is a picture of Objectivism in decay. It hits different now, as the kids say.
While driving over the weekend I passed the word ‘DADDY’ outlined in rich pink flowers, laid in memorial at the centre of a roundabout. It made me flinch. Every time I see that word in whatever context it seems to come with an intimation of departure. And in the same way every time I think about this game it seems laden with the feeling of a dying fall that nobody ever really seems to talk about. You play as a kind of genetically modified clone, returning home to his unwelcoming father and near-absent mother in a demented inversion of the Odysseus tale; and the only good you can do in this world is to rescue the handful of innocents left within it. You have to become a father yourself, in a sense. But your days are numbered.
The ending of the original Bioshock is often written off as a bit of a joke. You fight a deliriously incongruous final boss, and then depending on your actions through the rest of the game, you get to see one of two final sequences. In the bad ending, the denizens of Rapture somehow steal a nuclear submarine, and it’s implied that something very bad follows. But the good ending has more to it than that. You return to the surface, and it’s implied that you adopt some of the Little Sisters you rescued down there as though they were your daughters. There’s a brief montage of scenes from an assortment of lives. A graduation. A marriage. A child reaching for a parent’s hand. And then a death bed. The hands of your daughters reach out for you one last time.
After perhaps twenty hours of gameplay this sequence is perhaps less than a minute long. It feels rushed, awkward, sentimental. But as a coda, it also has the outstanding benefit of being perfectly real.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Iron 3 (Peter Parker x F!Oc)
Words: 1,756
Chapter 2  / Chapter 4
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Tony Stark's trip to showcase the new Jericho missile is a success with the military, but when soldiers take him back, they’re intercepted and the billionaire is kidnapped.
Both Lily and Pepper find out by watching television. The call from Colonel James Rhodes confirms their fears. Although the information isn’t much, the important thing is that they’re doing everything to find him.
Pepper Potts concentrates on everything she has to do for the company without her boss. Working for Tony for so many years has formed a special connection, even if it is not the conventional one. Sometimes thoughts of possible horrible scenarios come to her mind, but she pushes them away.
Something she can be thankful for is the company of little Lily, who also can't help but worry about the man. He may not have been kind, but no one deserves to be tortured.
The tension remains for three long months, the wait for news from Tony along with the paternity results in the envelope which has not been opened. Nobody knows what to do in a situation like this.
Rhodes keeps searching for his best friend with the help of the army. Pepper and Happy take care of the little girl. The relationship between Tony and Lily's small circle has been strengthened in all this time, even Rhodey receives some calls from her asking if he’s okay and if he has found Tony. Regardless of the test results, they would protect Lily.
At the end of the three months, the new news give everyone a great respite. Tony Stark is alive and returns home.
Although Lily wants to meet Tony along with Pepper and Happy, they won't let her. Surely there would be a lot of reporters and they’d ask a lot of questions if they see the girl.
For those cases, Pepper had already arranged a babysitter. A difficult task, but she managed to find a twenty year old girl, she has no idea who the girl is, nor who hired her. The contact was a Stark Industries worker. With that problem solved, they both wait in Pepper's apartment.
Jessica the babysitter isn't so bad, Lily thinks. The only bad thing is that she spends a lot of time on her phone.
Lily searches all the channels for any news about Tony and finds one where they’re broadcasting a press conference with him eating a hamburger.
"That man must be crazy," Jessica says from the couch.
“He just said that he will no longer make weapons. His company produces the most. He’ll run out of money,” She explains.
Lily frowns.
Why would Tony stop producing what makes so much money?
"Did you think I wasn't going to find out about the girl, Tony?"
Obadiah Stane raises his hand to interrupt him.
"It hurts me that you don't trust me.”
Tony sighs.
"I didn't have much time to explain everything to you and after my obligatory vacation, I couldn't do it.”
"Is she yours or not?"
“I don't know, I haven't seen the results. But, I don't think you called me for this,” Tony tries to deflect that topic as soon as possible. He can't handle this now.
They walk through Stark Industries until they reach the room where the Arc Reactor is. They argue about the actions of the company and how it affects Tony's decision. He tries to show Stane another form of energy, but in the end he fails to do much.
Happy waits for him in the limousine to take him back to the house. Tony gets in the car.
"Sir, Lily asked me to give you this," says Happy, handing him a folded paper. "She's already at your house," He informs and starts the car.
Tony unfolds the paper, finding a drawing made with colored crayons. A big house, the sea behind and three people standing in front. The names Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper are written under each person in crooked letters. The man can't help but smile, but what he’s really surprised about is seeing the fourth person in the air with outstretched arms. It's him with a big smile and the words 'I'm alive' next to him. He doesn’t know whether to feel fear at those words or simply laugh at the idea.
The truth is that during his experience in Afghanistan, he did think about her. How his life would be if the test was positive. If he’d manage to get out of that situation and return to have a family. Images from his childhood, everything he lived with his parents came to his mind.
Howard Stark was not the best father in the world. Tony doesn't remember loving or encouraging words from him, no matter how hard he tries. He discussed this with his assistant and his friend Yinsen, who was very helpful in giving real advice, but even so, he still doesn't believe that he’s capable of raising a girl. He doesn't have a clue how to do it.
“Sir," Happy interrupts his thoughts. “We’re home.”
"You're good?”
"You don't look good.”
"Well, I am," Tony answers, arranging some things in his workshop.
"Did you like my drawing?"
"It could be better.”
Lily frowns. It’s not the answer she expected. Maybe that means he wants more drawings, to see how much I can improve, she thinks.
Tony takes off his shirt and leans back on a table. He connects several cables to his body. Lily looks at him curiously and notices the circle in the center of his chest.
"What is that?”
"You wouldn’t understand.”
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"How does it work?"
“You wouldn’t understand-"
“Try me,” She cuts him off. She’s sick of that answer. Tony sighs.
"This little wheel of light,” He touches it. “It's what keeps me alive, it works so that the shrapnel doesn’t reach my heart.”
"What is shrapnel?"
"Fragments of a missile that tried to kill me.”
She nods.
"And what are you going to do now?"
“Update it. Jarvis, call Miss Potts.”
"Can I ask another question?"
"You already did.”
"I'll ask another question," She informs. Tony brings his lips together to avoid a smile.
“Your dad was also an inventor. Did he answer all your questions?"
Tony frowns. He could never ask so many questions to his father. Howard kept him as far away as possible, but he had other teachers or he did research himself.
Pepper's arrival interrupts them. Her steps are nervous, she thought that finally her boss would want to know the result of the paternity test, but seeing that he needs her for something else, she leaves the envelope on a table.
The man explains what she has to do to replace the reactor in his heart with a better one. Lily looks amused as Pepper panics and Tony tries to relax her, but it only upsets her further.
"It's like the game ‘operating'."
"What is that?" asks Pepper scared.
"I know what it is, can I try it?"
"No!" The two adults answer. She makes a face.
When the machines sound faster on alert, Lily freaks out and looks around for something she can help out with, but she doesn't know what all of Tony's toys work for. But Pepper manages to solve it in time and everything ends.
“You're better?" She asks approaching again.
“Yes, Kid. Back off,” He answers, pulling her away a bit.
Pepper wipes her hands. Tony explains what she has to do with the old reactor, she nods, but after she clears her throat.
"We have a pending issue,” Tony turns to see them. Pepper points to the girl.
“Right," He sighs. "Just tell me if she's mine or not.”
"Don't you want to see the papers?"
Tony sits on a bench and looks at Lily.
Pepper opens the envelope carefully. Reads every detail and sighs in relief. She smiles and looks up at her boss.
“Lily's your daughter, sir.”
Tony doesn't take his eyes off the girl.
Pepper notices the tension between them.
"Just fine?"
"Yes, that's it,” Now he stares at the redhead. "Thank you, Miss Potts.”
The redhead nods unsure and leaves the workshop.
Tony makes a face and returns to the girl.
"You got scared?" He raises an eyebrow.
“What did you think?"
"I don't want to lose my dad so soon,” She cocks her head. "I just found him.”
"I should take you to an orphanage.”
“You'll do it?"
“You’d be better with someone else.”
"But I don't want to be an orphan.”
“Nobody wants to be. I am.”
"Is that why you're always sad?"
He opens his mouth thinking of an attack, but he decides to avoid it.
“This is a bad idea. Being my daughter, I don't recommend it.”
“Well, not that I have a choice. My mom is no longer at home and…” She sighs. "I don't think she wants me back.”
Tony puts his hands to his face and groans.
“Fine," He gets up and looks around. "I have other things to do. Pepper will handle the paperwork."
“Can I help?"
Tony walks to a desk and touches the surface. Holograms of plans and folders are projected in front of him. Lily approaches the desk, Tony looks at her from the corner of his eye, maybe he can admit that it is nice to have someone who’s easily impressed.
He and Jarvis talk about a secret project, outside of any Stark Industries business.
"I don't want this to fall into the wrong hands.”
"What about mine?" Lily asks. She raises both hands showing him her palms.
He sighs.
“They're still wrong, but,” He cocks his head. “I guess you're a Stark now. That's enough,” He crouches down to her level. "You can’t tell anyone about this.”
"Not even Happy?"
“I'll take care of Pepper, Happy and Rhodes. This shouldn't get out of here unless I say so. Okay?" He offers his hand.
“Deal," They shake hands. “Can I help?"
"Only if you follow my rules.”
"Which are?"
“Don't get in the way. Do exactly what I tell you and don't ask so many questions.”
She frowns at the last rule.
"I can't help it, how can I help you if I don't know what to do?"
He rolls his eyes.
"Fine, we’ll have a limit of questions.”
“Fine," She answers in a deep voice, imitating his. She smiles looking at him, but she stops when he doesn't.
"This will be more complicated than I thought.”
If your username is crossed out it’s because Tumblr didn’t let me tag you, sorry. If you want to be removed from the taglist, you can tell us, we also make mistakes, lol
@stardusthigh​   @sarcasticallywitty15​​ @silenthappyplace​​ @yourbonesareinmybody​​  @aylauwuuniverse @tyb1​​ @skittles-skittles​​ @hufflepuffzutara​​   @poetryislife0715
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch25: All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go
Summary: The team work hard to put the events of Sokovia behind them, whilst Steve and Katie set a date for their wedding. But as the Avengers get to grips with their new base upstate, with Tony retired from active service, Steve finds his time stretched perilously thin between his leadership responsibilities and his soon to be wife…and tempers boil over.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark 
Warnings: Bad language, HARD Smut! (NSFW, Under 18s) Bad Language words.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: More super edits from @angrybirdcr​ . And this chapter was always one where I was a little bit ambivalent about the flashbacks and ending, so I kinda changed it up a bit...
Chapter 24 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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July 2015
“You’re up early.” Steve said as he dropped onto the swinging chair besides his girl. It wasn’t even 6 am yet but she was sat outside on their patio “You ok?”
“Yeah.” she smiled at him, as he pecked her cheek, looking out over the dimly lit lawn area of the Newly Opened Avengers Facility which swept down to the banks of the Hudson. The Facility had been the product of one of Tony’s crazy brain farts not long after they had come back from Sokovia and had been remodelled in record time. Whilst some areas were still undergoing renovations, over 80% of it was complete. There had also been changes to their team too. Clint had headed home, the birth of his baby son- Nathaniel Pietro- prompting him to take indefinite paternity leave, all of them fully accepting this was his way of leaving everything behind for good. Thor had left earlier that morning, promising he would return for the Wedding, whenever they finally got round to setting a date. But they still hadn’t heard a thing from Banner and the jet was proving impossible to track. On the plus side, they invited Sam and Rhodey to join the team officially and both had gleefully accepted, along with Vision and Wanda. Lawson was now their chief Technician and Evans had joined the team too, which made Katie happy as she enjoyed their company.
It was starting to grow light, the first rays of sunlight were bouncing off the water to the West. He turned to look at his girl and watched her as she surveyed the river, feet tucked underneath her on the seat.
“No regrets?” he asked, and Katie could feel him studying her face as her mind wandered back to the conversation they’d had when Tony had first mentioned moving to a new base.
Look, Cap, we’re like a trouble magnet,“ Tony explained animatedly, "Wherever the Avengers are, trouble follows.”
“So - you’re suggesting we build another building?” Steve rubbed his neck and looked up at the blueprints Tony had now blown up against the wall.
“I’m suggesting we relocate, completely, leave the Tower to Stark Industries and build our own facility and expand.” Tony said, flipping through pictures with a sweep of his finger. “We have this this old warehouse upstate, good location, middle of nowhere.”
"Less chance of civilian damage.” Steve’s hands fell to the buckle on his belt.
“Full medical wing, Living quarters, as well as a bunch of extra spare apartments, for all the strays we keep accumulating, training arena, kitchen, cafeteria- satellite links- you name it, you got it.”
"How long will it take?” Steve asked and Katie tried not to sigh at the fact that her dream of a quiet life in a nice house in Brooklyn had just blown up in front of her face.
Tony looked affronted. “I’m a billionaire cap, it’ll take however long we say.”
Steve looked at Katie who simply shrugged at him, keeping her face passive.  
“Have you two eaten?” she asked, changing the subject.
Tony shook his head as did Steve.
“I’ll fix you both something.” she turned and started moving towards the kitchen area.
“Not for me…” Tony said. “I’ve got a dinner reservation with Pepper at 8…” “Yeah, you might wanna get a move on then, seeing as its 7:30.” She shot over her shoulder as she turned and began pulling stuff out of the fridge to prepare dinner.
“What?” Tony glanced at his watch and frowned “Shit…fuck…”
“You kiss Pepper with that mouth?” Steve quipped back as Tony collected up his laptop and the blue-prints disappeared off the wall.
“FRIDAY why didn’t you remind me?” Tony groaned. “You never asked Boss…” The Irish lilt came back.
“I miss JARVIS…” Tony grumbled, the door clicking shut as he left.
Steve headed into the kitchen and stood for a moment watching his wife as she moved around, before he he headed over to her, his arms wrapping round her from behind.
“Are you okay, you know, with the idea of moving to a new facility?” Steve asked. “I know it’s not exactly the home you had in mind.”
“We’ll be together. That’s all that matters.” Katie shrugged, concentrating on her task- chopping a pepper up for the couscous salad she was making.
“I know but, I just worry sometimes. You deserve better, a quiet life.”
“Not sure we have a choice.”
“There’s always a choice.” Steve dropped a kiss to her cheek. “You got out of SHIELD, you could get out of this.”
“You know for a moment in Sokovia… “Katie placed her knife down and turned to face him. “I thought… well I thought we weren’t getting out of it alive. And It frightened me, I’m not gonna lie…”
She looked up at him and met his eyes. He knew the whole thing with Ultron and the final show down in Sokovia had shaken her, more than any other mission she’d been involved in. It served as a reminder exactly what is achievable with technology, how fragile humans are, how easily life and peace could be shattered. For that split second, when on that floating city she hadn’t seen a way out, she had genuinely thought their time was up. And her life with Steve cut short before it had even started.
“We stood there, on that rock and in that split second when it seemed everything was lost you know what I felt?” she looked at him and he waited for her answer “Relief. Relief that if we both went down, we did it together and I didn’t have to spend a single day without you…”
“Sweetheart…” Steve began but she carried on.
“I can’t sit by and simply wave you off on a mission wondering to myself if it’s the last time I ever see you. I hated doing that when I left SHIELD and I can’t do it anymore. You fight, I fight.” “So what if I quit?” Steve looked at her. “What if I gave you the life you deserve?” “You can’t quit, and I wouldn’t ask you to.” Katie shook her head, smiling a little. “The world needs The Avengers, and the Avengers need their Captain…” “And their Captain needs his girl.” Steve took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with something that looked to her a lot like worry. She sighed and ran her hands up his arms, bringing them to rest on his shoulders. 
“And she’s not going anywhere…” Katie she assured him gently, standing on her toes to give him a peck
She knew the Avengers depended on Steve as their leader even more so now that Tony had said he was hanging up his Iron Man suits for good, choosing to manage and see over the running of the practical side of things instead of active combat. Ultron had really hit her brother hard, but whilst his way of dealing with it was to call it quits, Steve was the opposite. He wasn’t ready to leave this behind for a quiet suburban life. And if being with him meant Katie had to stay too, then so be it.
So, regrets?
“No” she said, taking his hand in hers as she lay her head against his shoulder. “None at all.”
He smiled to himself as her hand began to play with his, the fingers of her left hand gently tracing across his knuckles, the only evidence of her brutal beating last year was the slightly bent pinkie that no matter how much physio she had, she couldn’t extend it fully.  He still got a cold shiver when he thought about how close he had come to losing her. She sighed softly, and he looked down to see she was looking at their intertwined hands and then it struck him just how much he couldn’t wait to tie himself to her for the rest of his life.
“Let’s get married.” He whispered gently into her ear.
“I thought we already were.” She chuckled.
“No, I mean let’s do it. Let’s get a date set, the sooner the better. We were supposed to set one months ago and I don’t want to wait any longer.” “Is that what you want?” She looked up at him smiling.
He nodded “More than anything, Doll.”
“Alright. Let’s do it.” He grinned before his lips met hers, the kiss gentle and soft.
“Any ideas on where?” She asked. As a matter of fact Steve did, the idea had come to him a few days ago, but he wasn’t sure if she was going to go for it.
“Well…I errr…thought, maybe, perhaps we could look at the church my mom used to take me to when I was a kid.” He ran a hand through his hair “That is, if you wanted to.” “Steve that’s a lovely idea.” She smiled and he beamed down at her
“You think?” “Yeah. And I’ve been thinking, maybe, we could have the reception here, in the grounds.” she said, looking at him.
“Here?” Steve frowned, he’d assumed she’d want some kind of hotel booking downtown. But as she spoke, he soon realised that what she was saying made perfect sense, and was more them than any flash place they could hire.
“Think about it.” she said, “No security issues, no press, just us, our friends, family… we can get a marquee by the lake…” Katie paused. As a girl she’d always envisaged a huge, fairy tale wedding with hundreds of guests, in The Rainbow Rooms no less. But now, all she wanted was for those people who meant the world to them to be there to celebrate with them.
“Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded. “Never been so sure of anything in my life.”
“Then I’m fine with that.” He smiled, gently kissing her again.
“So you wanna go see this church?”  she asked.
“What now? It’s barely light…” “So?” she sat up “I’ll take you to IHOP on the way…” “Now you’re talking…”he grinned.
By the time they had showered, which Steve had suggested they do together, to save water and time (although by the time they had finished there was a lot more water and time used up than if they showered alone) and finally dressed it was gone eight, meaning they hit IHOP at just after half past. As they both stuffed their faces, excitedly talking about their clandestine wedding planning Katie was struck with just how young Steve looked. He was dressed casually in a Dodgers T-shirt, jeans, trainers and a baseball cap, his blue eyes sparkling with anticipation. He was excited.
The church was in a small neighbourhood in Brooklyn and Katie instantly fell in love with the place. St Augustine’s was an old red stone and brick built church with a tall spire. Very Gothic chic, which caught her attention instantly. As Steve climbed out of the car, a rush of memories hit him, the smells, the noises, the sights, everything. It was like he had stepped back in time as he saw his mother grasping his hand softly as she led him up the steps and through the heavy wooden doors. The last time he had set foot in this church, however, had been his mother’s funeral. But now, it was time for something happier.
Steve slipped his arm round Katie.
“What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful.” Katie said.
Before Steve had chance to reply, a voice with a faint Irish lilt spoke, causing them both to stand and turn to see the Priest walking towards them.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, hi…” Steve smiled, shaking the priest’s hand “I’m Steve…”
“Rogers, yes I recognised you.” the Priest smiled “Pleasure to meet you Captain.”
Steve shook his hand before the Priest reached out to Katie
“So this would make you Miss Stark?”
“Hi.” she smiled, shaking his hand.
“Charmed…” The Priest smiled, his eyes twinkled as he looked at Katie and she instantly warmed to the man. He wasn’t as old as she had expected, maybe a few years older than Tony, the hair around his temples was greying and his eyes were lined but he had a kind smile.
“So what can I do for you?”
“Well, we…” Steve smiled at Katie before he looked at the Priest. “We’d like to get married here. As soon as we can.” The dark haired man smiled and beckoning for them to follow him to the back of the church “I’m sure we can manage that, let’s see what date’s we have free…”
After chatting to the priest, and settling on a date, Steve was taken by a wave of nostalgia and convinced Katie to drop into the small cemetery on the outskirts of Brooklyn. Weaving their way through the stones he finally stopped in between two well weathered ones, which contained the names of his parents. Crouching down he gently wiped away decades worth of grime and he bowed his head, his eyes wet.
“Hey ma.” He said softly, “brought someone to meet you.”
Katie felt the tears springing into her eyes as she crouched next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.
“She’d be so proud of you, Stevie” She said gently, “They both would”
“I hope so.” he said softly and she reached out to turn his head so he was looking at her.
“Baby, how could they not be?”
She gently kissed him before she stood up and made her way to the car, leaving him alone with his thoughts for 10 minutes or so before he came striding out of the yard, and climbed into the driver’s side.
“Could we, maybe update the stones?” he asked after a moments pause “I mean I didn’t have much money back then and I’d like them to have something a bit more, I dunno…” “Of course we can.” she said, tangling her fingers with his, bringing his hand up to her lips so she could kiss his knuckles “Of course we can.”
“31st August?” Natasha frowned. She was the first person after Tony who they told they had set a date.
Katie nodded.
“That’s like…well, it’s weeks away!”
“Look, just be grateful it wasn’t sooner. The priest originally offered us a date two weeks off which Steve was all for taking until I persuaded him to give us a bit more time.”
“You know you could have set this date months ago.” Natasha rolled her eyes “Yeah, I know. I mean it’s gonna be a bitch to organise. If only I had a really good almost sister-in-law and a best friend with amazing military like planning skills that could also double up as bridesmaids…” Katie said, eyeing her as they walked. Natasha stopped and turned to face her friend. “You mean…” Katie smiled at her and nodded “If you’re up for the job…”
“I’d be honoured…” she stuttered, before pulling her into a hug, which surprised her slightly but she returned it gladly. “I’ve never been a bridesmaid before.” “There is one condition…” Katie said looking at her “Can you get Wanda involved in the organisation too? Help her with something other than training or whatever…”
Nat smiled “Sure I can handle that.” Natasha’s response was nothing to the one she got from Tony when she asked him to give her away. 
“You know you’re my dad in every way other than actually being my dad…” she said, her fingers on one hand playing with those on the other as she felt her eyes misting “There’s no other person I’d want to walk me up the aisle…” He instantly teared over and pulled her into a hug, not finding his voice for a good 30 seconds as he silently shed his tears over her shoulder.
“I’d be honoured…”he whispered softly, kissing her cheek.
Steve, however wasn’t having as much luck. Rhody, Clint and Sam all accepted his invitations to be Groomsmen (he sent one to Thor via Jane, who also accepted gleefully with a loud, booming phone call) but he was struggling really to decide who to ask as his best man.
His initial thought had been Tony, despite the fact the two of them bitched and bickered at one another, they were close, almost brotherly close. However, given that Tony was giving Katie away in his role as Father/Brother of the Bride that was out. The next obvious choice was Sam, but it all just felt wrong. He was struggling, coming to terms with the fact that his lifelong best friend wouldn’t be the one to do the job.
“I always thought it would be Buck by my side.” he said, looking out over the lawn as he was sat on the patio one evening with Katie, the pair of them with a beer in hand. “He was, is, my oldest friend.”
“Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known for the longest Steve.” Katie said, shrugging “It’s about who came into your life and never left your side.”
Those words had resonated within him, and he realised they made perfect sense. So in the end he did ask Sam, who accepted gleefully. Although when he caught him and Natasha huddled in a corner, looking at something on his phone one afternoon, the pair of them sniggering like a couple of naughty kids he started to wonder what on Earth he had started.
***** Katie sat in front of her mirror and did her hair and make-up before she shrugged on the pale pink jumpsuit she’d bought especially for that evening, slipped her feet into her heels and headed to the living room. It was now 6:30, but knowing Steve as she did, he would no doubt barrel through the door in the next 10 minutes, swearing the way he always did when no one else but she could hear him, shower and be ready to go in 15 minutes flat.
She sighed to herself, she’d had the best day today in a long time. It was the first day in ages she’d had off work and she’d managed to buy her wedding dress. Or should that be Tony had bought her wedding dress courtesy of Pepper and a black Amex.  Wanda and Nat had cruised down to Manhatten with he in the Champagne stocked limo, stopping to pick Pepper up on the way. Once in the boutique, it had taken them a while but Katie had finally settled on one, a gorgeous, sweetheart neckline Ivory A-line with lace detailing all-over the bodice which was decorated with crystals. The skirt flared into layer upon layer of tulle decorated with the same lace detailing and beading with the skirt extending into a layered train at the back.
Steve had also had a reasonably productive day. Given that he, Sam and Rhodey were planning on wearing their Military Uniforms for the wedding and that Thor was going to be in his best Asgardian dress gear this only left Clint and Tony to organise for the suits. Katie had already picked them, simple charcoal pinstripes with ivory and gold waistcoats and light blue ties (light blue, pale red and gold were their colours, being a less gaudy variation of red, white and blue which they had agreed on) so this meant all he had to do was sort a fitting for Clint and Tony.
It had been a lot easier than he had imagined, the store already having Tony’s measurements, (because of course he got all his suits from there) and they also had a sister branch about 30 miles from where Clint lived who could sort it for him. So with that done and completed by lunch time his attention had turned to the meetings he had with General Ross and Rhodey about a potential collaboration programme with some of the Armed Forces Specialists. Now he had one final stop to see how the New Recruits for the support team were getting on.
“Hey,“ Steve said as he strode into the training facility before he smirked and nodded over Sam’s shoulder "I’m assuming you told them to take five?”
A confused frown spread over Sam’s face as he turned to look behind him. Every single one of the recruits was standing right staring wide eyed at the Captain.
“Drills!“ Sam shouted “Or you’ll get another 10 laps of the compound!”
“You’ve taken to this training role far too easily.” Steve grinned at him.
“What can I say, I’m a natural born leader.” he grinned “S’up?”
“I’ve been going through the intel on the Cambodia job.” Steve said. “I know the authorities are insisting its some low times arms dealer thinking he can muscle in on someone else’s patch but something smells off.”
“That’s because it is.” Nat said, walking into the gym, tablet in her hand.
“You got something?” Steve asked and she nodded, handing him the item.
“Cross referenced the MO. Matches an attack on an Army Munitions factory in Calcutta. And one in Tayshet, Russia” she said “And this is the culprit.” Steve looked down at the photo up of a man in what looked like a White Hockey Mask.
“He’s calling himself Crossbones.” Nat said as Sam moved to look at the photo.
“Great…another rogue arms dealer.” Steve rolled his eyes.
Sam snorted “What kind of dumbass name is Crossbones?”
Steve sighed and looked at Natasha “We got any info on who he might be?”
“I contacted a few people.” Nat said vaguely. “One of my contacts came through and says he has something but will only speak in person.”
“How soon can we go?” Steve looked at her.
“I’ll talk to them, see what they say.” She said.
Steve nodded “Ok, well I don’t think it needs the full team so me and you will go, Sam you can hold the fort here. We should only be away for a day or two.”
Sam shrugged “You’re the boss.” “I’ll make a few calls, tell them to expect us.” Nat said. Steve nodded and she straightened up. “You talked to Katie?”
“Not since this morning why?” Steve looked at Nat.
“She got a wedding dress today.”
“She did?” Steve’s face softened just the way it did anytime someone referred to their wedding. “Hang on, am I allowed to know that?” “Think it’s pretty safe to know your future wife’s bought a wedding dress, you know, on account of the fact you’ll be getting married soon.” Sam snorted “You’re just not supposed to see it before hand.”
“How long did she take to pick it?” Steve looked at Natasha, a grin on his face. Natasha smirked back at him.
“Not that long, because I’d already rung and told them the type of thing she like so nothing she tried on was hideous to her. We were in there a couple of hours, then went for some lunch and did a bit more shopping.”  
“Good.” Steve nodded. “She’s been working really hard recently so she deserved a day off. I feel like I’ve hardly seen her over the past few weeks with everything that’s been going on.”
Which reminded him, he couldn’t wait to take her out that night for a well overdue evening together. They’d both been so busy with setting up the compound, her business and he was looking forward to them both escaping the hustle and bustle. Which reminded him, he needed to go.
Nodding to the pair of them, smiling as Sam barked another order, he wandered into the corridor. It seemed a lot less busy than usual. Maybe everyone had taken an early finish for some reason, although he couldn’t think why for a Tuesday. He glanced at his watch and gave a start. “Shit…”
They weren’t taking an early dart, he was taking a late finish.
Katie was sat on the couch, shoes long since abandoned along with any hope that they were actually going anywhere, and was half way through a bottle of very expensive Pinot Grigio that she had bought for them to have once they got home by the time Steve blustered into the apartment.
“Shit, shit…baby I am so sorry!” he said, as Katie looked up, not even able to bring herself to be pissed off anymore, she’d been angry about half an hour ago. Now she was just disappointed. “The meeting with Ross and Rhodey took a bit longer and then something came up on the Cambodia thing” he continued, sighing “Time just got away from me.” he stopped as he drew level with the couch “You look gorgeous.” “Shame it was for nothing” She said, rolling her eyes, turning her attention back to the TV and the re-run of Friends she’d been watching but not paying attention to.
“We can still go…”
“There’s no way we’ll make it.” she said, pointing to the clock with her eyes “Its forty minutes into Manhatten and you need to change.” “I’ll call, push it back…” he said after a moment’s pause. “Just forget it.” she sighed “Honey…” he dropped to his knees in front of her “Don’t be like that…we can go for a drink or something.” “I’m not being like anything.” she snapped back. “You’re the one that told me to ready by seven, well I was…you on the other hand-”
“I know and I’m really sorry.” “I know.” she said, standing up “You said. Look, it doesn’t matter. Not like I had anything special to talk to you about or anything…”
“What do you mean?” He frowned, “What-“
“Like I said, it doesn’t matter.”
“Katie…” he sighed as he rose to his feet too.
“I’m going to get changed and take a dip in the hot-tub with the rest of this bottle of wine and a manuscript, might as well make the most of my spare time” she said, grabbing the ice bucket as she headed to the hallway “Your presence is not required.”
“Uh oh, what you done?” Natasha asked as she walked into Steve’s office the next morning, finding him browsing delivery sites for flowers.
“Last night was supposed to be Date night.” He muttered with a sigh “I was late, and we missed our reservation. First time I’ve ever done that. Katie was not happy.” “So I suppose now isn’t a good time to as if you’re up for a trip to Russia tomorrow.” Nat said, and he let out a groan. Katie had hardly spoken two words to him all evening and this morning before she had left for her office at the other end of the compound. Today was Wednesday, one of the 2 days out of 5 she worked on SIP stuff during the morning, then trained in the afternoon, a way for her to keep her toes in with the Avengers training.
“You’re right, it’s not.” he said, “But she’s pissed at me anyway so…”
“You sure it’s just about date night?” Nat asked, “Not like her to get so annoyed over something like that, especially if, as you say, you’ve never done it before.” “Well like I said yesterday, this place has been taking up a lot of my time” He shrugged. “She’s probably feeling a bit neglected. It’s my fault completely.” 
“Well instead of wasting money on flowers…” Nat said, nodding to his screen. “Go and find her now, take her somewhere for the afternoon. I’m supposed to be sparring with her in 15 minutes, we can reschedule.”
Steve hesitated. “What about…” “I can handle the arrangements for Russia.” Nat said, “Just go.”
Katie’s bad mood hadn’t got any better by the time she finished her work for the morning and it got even worse when she reached the door of the main gym area and paused as one of the new recruits, a girl called Jenny Allen, was midway through a full on bitch rant.  
“Who the hell does she think she is anyway? I mean…” “She’s a damned good agent.” Evan’s voice cut her off “One of the best I worked with, one of the most outstanding snipers I know so…” “Yeah well she still shouldn’t just be allowed to dip into missions as and when? I mean, we all train our asses off and she just walks around, like she’s hot shit just because she was trained by some SHIELD legend when we all know the real reason she was pulled into SHIELD and the Avengers in the first place is because of her name…” “You’re out of line…” “And let’s face it, she’s only here now because she’s engaged to Cap, and owns half the gaff…”
“I mean, they are two pretty good reasons” Katie said, pushing the doors open and walking into the gym. She had to give Allen credit, she started bit but then recovered and stood tall.
“Katie, I…” Evans started but Katie cut him off. “It’s ok…she has an opinion, she’s entitled to it. Say what’s on your mind Allen.” “I just…” she took a deep breath “I don’t like the way you seemingly get to swan into missions, with little to no training like the rest of us. It’s dangerous.” “Dangerous?” Katie folded her arms over her chest.
“Yes, dangerous. You don’t know how we operate as a team, I mean are you still versed in hand to hand?” Versed? What the fuck?
Katie raised her eyebrow and smirked at Evans who instantly spotted the look on her face. Fuck this, she’d been waiting to give Allen a smack since she had caught her batting her eyelids at Steve, practically trying to climb him when he’d been running over a report with her. What better way was there to fix a bad mood?
“I tell you what.” Katie said “why don’t we find out? I’m due to spar with Widow but you’ll do.” “I err…” Allen hesitated slightly. “Nova I don’t think that’s a good idea?” Evans cut int. “I mean…” “No.” Allen said, straightening up. “It’s fine…I’m game.” Katie turned to drop her water on a bench and started to wrap her hands in the bandages she had.
“Go easy on her…” Evans whispered in Katie’s ear. She looked at him innocently.
The pair of them started to circle and Katie waited, waited like she always did for her opponent to make the first move. She watched, quickly noting that the woman favoured her right, so she was right handed. She was also a bit taller than Katie, and stockier but that wasn’t an issue, she’d floored Sam before and Evans come to think of it.
As Allen came in with a right lead, Katie ducked and aimed a harsh left jab at her mid-section, causing the woman to let out a gasp of air. She recovered fast, coming in again and Katie moved to the right so the blow glanced off her ribs and aimed a kick to her right knee, causing her to stumble slightly. As she straightened Katie was waiting and landed a hard jab straight to her face, causing her to reel as her nose began billowing crimson. There were hisses from the watching recruits and she vaguely registered Evans to tell her to take it easy but she wasn’t listening. Allen wiped at her face and came at Katie, full on, which was what she had wanted, she’d riled her enough to make her want to fight fierce but as she came Katie threw herself to the left and swept both legs from under her. She crashed to the mat and in an instant Katie had her on her front, knee in her back as she yanked her arms back.
“You’re right…” Katie bent over, lips close to her ear as she struggled, making Katie pull even more “I do own half this gaff, and my brother owns the other half. Something you need to remember when shooting your mouth off, and trying to climb my fiancée in his office…” “I wasn’t-.” she protested and Katie cut her off with another yank.
“If you so much as utter another word commenting on my fighting skills again. I will rip your arms out of your sockets, right before I have you escorted out of my compound, you got that?” “Yeah I got it.”
Steve paused at the sight in front of him. Following Natasha’s advice he’d headed to the gym, ready to take his girl out for the afternoon, only to find her pinning Allen to the floor, the woman’s arms yanked behind her back and her nose bleeding on the mat.
“I tried to stop them…” Evans looked up at Steve who made a noise in his throat and strode towards the two women. “Katie that’s enough!” his voice rang out loud across the gym.  “What the hell is going on?” “Allen had some worries I wasn’t field ready.” Katie let go and easily got to her feet, looking at him, a flash of anger in her eyes, the fact he had used his Captain’s voice on her hadn’t gone unnoticed. “So I offered to show her, put her mind at ease.”
“Yeah well I think you’ve made your point.” he said, looking at Allen as she stood up holding tight to her nose, pressing firmly to either side to try and staunch the flow of blood from the single quick right straight Katie had hit her with before the take down.
“Do you need medical Allen?” Steve asked. She shook her head. He turned his attention to Katie, and glared at her “I don’t know what the hell is going on here…” “I just told you.” she shot back. “I was showing how field versed I was…” “By punching her in the face?” he said, his hands falling to his belt. Katie folded her arms and glared back at him.
“We were sparring.” “You were trying to rip her arms out of the sockets…”
“Don’t be so dramatic.” Katie rolled her eyes earning herself a glower, a look which would quell anyone else but not her, she wasn’t scared of him. “Maybe now she’ll think twice about making shitty comments.” “If someone punched you every time you made a shitty comment you’d never get up.” he said back, no trace of humour in his voice, because he didn’t find the issue funny at all. He eyed her again before he nodded to the door “Go.” Was he serious? One look in his eyes told Katie he was. 
“Fine.” she shrugged, picking up her water bottle before she left. Natasha, who noticed the tears in her eyes went to stop her but Katie waved her away. Steve watched her back before he turned to Evans, pointing to Allen
“Patch her up and then I’ll see both of you in my office. AND GET BACK TO WORK!” he bellowed round the room.
Evans and Allen both nodded and left.
Steve noticed Natasha was looking at him from the doorway, arms folded.
“Got something to say, Romanoff?” he asked, snappily.
“What could I possibly have say when you handled that so well?” she asked sarcastically. “FYI, you might want to take your shield back home with you later, I can’t expect Nova’s gonna take to being stripped down in front of people so well…” She levelled Steve with another look before she left and he let out a groan of frustration. Could this get any worse?
By the time he got back to his office both Evans and Allen were waiting. And when Evans explained what Allen had been saying, Steve was even more frustrated as he wasn’t surprised Katie had reacted the way she did, not that it made it right, just a little more understandable. He unloaded on the woman, gave her a verbal warning and then dismissed them both. Then, deciding it was time to face the music at home he headed to their apartment.
Katie had made it back to their quarters before she had burst into tears. She knew she was being unreasonable in a lot of ways. The Compound was still finding its feet, so of course it wasn’t going to run like clockwork and obviously Steve was going to be working long hours. She was too, she wasn’t completely innocent in that respect. The issue was him missing date night was something he had never done before and it had surprised her a lot. Was she getting less important to him as the time went on? 
Angrily she stripped off, changed into her bikini top and her denim shorts before she grabbed her book intending on heading out to the patio area to top up her tan in the August sun.
She was in the kitchen, grabbing herself a beer when Steve came back.
“You alright?” He asked.
“No.” Her tone was clipped, “But thanks for asking.”
He rolled his eyes “Katie…”
“Excuse me.” She went towards the door, but he didn’t move.
“Steve, get out of my way.”
He still didn’t move. “No, you’re not going anywhere until we sort this out.”
She groaned and looked up to the ceiling.
“Wanna tell me what your problem is?” he asked
“Right now, you, not letting me out of this fucking room.” she sighed, rubbing at her temples.
“Look, I know you’re pissed at me for last night and I get that, but..”
“That is not the problem!”
“Then what is?” He shot back, somewhat exasperatedly. “Honey, I can’t fix anything if I don’t know what I’m supposed to be fixing…”
” That!” she looked at him, her voice loud “That is the problem! That you have no fucking idea what the matter is! You’re so wrapped up in running this place I hardly get a look in. You don’t ask for my input, you don’t involve me in anything…”
“Woah, now hang on.” He stepped forward. “When we moved here you said you didn’t want to run anything…”
“And then you order me out of the fucking room in front of the damned trainees!”
“Yeah well you can’t just kick the crap out of one of my team members like that”
“Yeah well your team member is an asshole.” Katie rolled her eyes. “She deserved it for being a dick…”
She took the opportunity to dodge round him and out of the doorway he had vacated when he stepped into the kitchen and made her way to the doors at the back.
“Right now you’re being a dick”
“I’m not. I just don’t want to play second fiddle to your fucking Army Camp anymore.” “Army Camp?” he let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Yes Army Camp” she said, spinning round.
“You’re being ridiculous.” he shook his head, running his hand through his hair. “Absolutely ridiculous.” “And that doesn’t help!” she glowered at him “When I’m pissed off or upset, you telling me I’m being ridiculous…” “Well you are…” A chuckle escaped his mouth before he could stop it.
“Stop fucking laughing at me!” She yelled, the heat rising up her neck and to my ears. He was really, really pissing her off, her could see it on her face he took a deep breath as she continued. “Tell me I’m wrong, tell me this whole thing isn’t about reclaiming some of that time and life that was stolen from you?”
“You think…” He stopped and cocked his head to one side, trying to make sense of what she was saying “You think that this, all of this…” he waved his arms around “Is some kind of trip down memory lane?” “Well isn’t it?” He shook his head, snorting, giving her comment the contempt it deserved. “You couldn’t be further off the mark if you tried.”
“Well from what I see it looks like you’re simply trying to re-live your Howling Commando days.” She snapped back “And I have news for you Steve, I’m not Peggy, no matter how much you wish I was.”
The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them and they felt like a slap to his face. But instead of it upsetting him, he found himself boiling over with anger at how fucking ridiculous she was being. They had been through this time and time again, he’d shown her and told her at Clint’s she as the most important thing in his life, hell, they were getting married in less than three weeks for fucks sake, what else did he need to do?
“That’s out of order and you know it.” His voice was low. What do I have to do to make you realise you are what I want? Not Peggy, you…”
Suddenly the shitty nature of her words began to sink in and Katie found herself unable to look at him anymore, so she turned her head to the side. So he crossed the room and grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger forcing her to look at him. As she looked back his jaw twitched slightly, a mixture of hurt and anger in his eyes, the furious energy radiating off him and then that ridiculous part of Katie’s brain that controlled her libido piped up, this was fucking hot. Her breathing hitched slightly and he felt it too.
“Fine, if that’s what you want…” he practically growled as his lips crashed onto hers and before she could even think to kiss him back, he pulled away - leaving her wanting and moving toward him to try and catch his lips again. Her hands reached for his face, desperately trying to bring him back to her. At the motion, his hands grabbed her wrists and forced them back to her sides, clearly, but wordlessly telling her who was in charge.
There was a slight pause between them, both trying to catch their breath from the row that had just occurred and from the searing kiss he had just delivered. Then their lips found one another again, his hands moving to her waist to both pull her closer and he began to tug at her clothes. Getting the hint, she acted in tandem, hands falling to the clip on his utility belt, fumbling with it for a second in her rush before successfully releasing it and then going for the flies on his uniform pants. Steve popped the button on her denim shorts and in a quick swoop shoved them and her bikini bottoms down as they both stumbled around the room.
He took hold of her hips again so to manoeuvre her wherever he wanted. They continued to stumble around the room for a moment before he took control and roughly picked her up. Her bare legs immediately wrapped around his still fully uniformed waist and her arms went around his neck as he slammed her up against the wall at the far side of the lounge and, using it as support he shifted his grip from under her ass. One hand went to her hip while the other pried her hands from the back of his neck. He was able to hold both of her wrists together with one of his hands, placing them up above her head and holding them there tightly.
This was angry sex, not make up sex, this was utter ‘I’m so fucking angry at you so I’m gonna show you.’ sex. Well, she was angry too so there was no way he was having this all his own way.
She rolled her hips, hard against him which was enough to get his attention but he simply used his free hand to shove her legs off of him. Katie managed to catch herself on her feet, only slightly bumping against the wall but before she had chance to think his lips found hers again, hungrily kissing her while his hand skated over her bare stomach. She arched into the touch, wanting him to move a bit south, but his hand stopped an inch away from where she wanted it to be.
“Say you’re sorry.” his voice was right by her ear, rougher than she could ever remember it being before. Rough enough to make a shiver go down her spine and for her to try and thrust into his hand, desperate for any sense of relief. But he pulled even further away from her, making her whine a bit. “You’re sorry and you believe me…”
“I’m sorry.” she breathed out, stumbling over her words “And I believe you…”
He surged forward, kissing her desperately and she openly moaned into his mouth as two of his fingers slipped inside of her. His motions were fast and aggressive and he brought her to the brink, and then stopped.
“Do you still believe me?” he breathed out, voice ragged. “Tell me you do and you want this.” The fucker was still making a point but by now Katie really didn’t care.
“Stevie, please.” she thrust her hips out toward him, gasping “I still believe you, I want you.”
It was want, not need. And that didn’t escape his notice. He knew which one he would prefer to hear, to be wanted over needed any day.
He couldn’t help the soft smirk on his face as he braced one hand on the wall beside her head, the other harshly yanked one of her legs up so that it wrapped around his waist. Reaching into his pants he freed his now painfully hard erection from them and didn’t even pause before slamming into her, making her cry out sharply, one hand going to grip his bicep, the other against the wall to steady herself. He slammed into her over and over with such force that she was sure she was about to go through the wall itself and into the hall.
Desperate to be both closer to him and not to actually go through the wall, because that would be awkward to explain, not mention painful, Katie tried to lean in more to him. The motion made him go deeper inside of her, which caused her to moan at the feeling. At that point Steve quickly removed his hand from the wall and lifted her off her feet. Their chests pressed together, the bare skin of her stomach rubbing against the harsh Kevlar of his uniform, both messily kissing each other as Steve stumbled around the main area of the lounge before toppling over the arm of the couch where Katie ended up on top. Even then he continued his aggressive thrusts, his hands on her hips, pulling her down as he drove upwards.
She let out a small groan, the roughness of his pants was grinding against her clit along with the fact he was bottoming out inside her, hitting her spot again and again.
“Shit, Captain…” she hissed and the noise made him slam up even harder, fuck he loved it when she said that when he was being tough. She let out a loud scream and tightened around him and at the feel of her walls clamping down, which was fucking bliss as always, his thrusts upwards became desperate as he chased his own end,  before he gave a loud “fuck…” and he came, hard as she collapsed on top of him.
The pair of them lay, utterly spent and his hands gently ran up her spine as her face pushed into his neck.
“Still pissed at me?” he murmured.
“In a fashion.” she responded as she picked her head from her shoulder and rolled to the side so she was between him and the back of the couch. He moved so they were facing each other, gently nudging her nose with his.
“Can we talk this over like adults now?” his voice was still quite stern. Katie bit her lip as she looked at him and he sighed, his voice becoming softer “I hate rowing with you. But I still don’t know what’s going on. Please talk to me.”
“You shouldn’t have ordered me out.” she said.
“You broke Allen’s nose.” Katie had to fight the smirk crossing her face. Good shot.
“it’s not funny.” “It is.” Katie said “She deserved it.”
After what Evans had told him, Steve kind of agreed to be fair and Katie saw his face soften slightly. “Evans told me what she said.” Steve brushed her hair behind her ears “For what its worth she’s had an official warning.” “Did you go all Cap on her?” Katie raised an eyebrow “Bet she loved that…” “What do you mean?” “Oh come on, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed…”she snorted before putting on an airy voice “oh Cap…that’s so funny. Hey Cap, can you show me how to do this take down. Oh Cap, you’re such a good teacher… she was practically trying to climb you the other day in your office.” “You’re jealous…” he smirked.
“I don’t like people touching my stuff.” she sighed “Especially not some 28 year old blond bombshell.” “Blond bombshell?” he snorted.
“What? She’s hot.” I shrugged “I’d do her.” His eyes flashed cheekily “Now there’s an image.” She narrowed her eyes at him and he laughed before sighing again.
“Listen to me…” he said, his hand then coming up to caress the side of her face as he looked at her, driving his words home. “You are the most important thing in the world to me and there’s no other girl that comes close, not matter what you think. Not Allen, not Peggy, no one. And as for playing second fiddle…” he gestured with his spare hand around the room. “Say the word and this all goes.”
“Yeah right. You’ll never give up being Captain America…”
“I would for you.” He said simply.
Katie looked at him, he’d shocked her, but he meant every word. If he had to give all this up, he would. He didn’t want to but, he would. The magnitude of what he had just admitted took a while to sink in, but when it did Katie was overcome with emotion, and the tears pricked at her eyes.
“Hey, come on.” Steve let out a soft sigh, as he held her close, rubbing his hands softly up her back. “You wanna tell me why last night was such a big deal, and yeah, I know that I messed up but, well I’m getting the feeling there’s a little more to it.”
With a deep breath she pulled back and licked her lips. “I err, I just wanted to tell you something and I wanted it to be special because I know how much it means to you, but, well, I made a decision on my name. You mean everything to me, Steve, and when we get married I wanna give everything to you, so, I wanna be Mrs Rogers.”
Her words took a moment to sink in and once they did, a huge grin spread across Steve’s face. “Really?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, smiling. “We’re tying ourselves together for life and I want everyone to know that I’m yours and you’re mine.”
“I’ll always be yours, Baby.” He whispered, as she leaned in to kiss him, as he wrapped an arm around her waist while one of her legs slithered in between his.
Soft, gentle kisses were shared as Katie gently reached for the zip of his uniform top, undoing it and then guiding his undershirt over his head as he undid his pants fully, shimmying out of them before he guided her onto her back while he shifted so he was caging her in between his legs. This time the mood passion, not anger.
“You have no idea what you do to me…” he whispered gently into her ear as he undid the strings on her bikini top leaving them both completely bare. She let out a groan as she titled her hips up. He closed his eyes as her hand came to rest on his cheek and he leaned into the touch as he shifted so her legs parted and he was inside of her again.
Tilting her head back at the feeling left her neck exposed, which Steve took advantage of in pressing soft kisses up her throat. His hand snaked up her arm so he could intertwine his fingers with hers. He slowly rolled his hips against hers, instead of the frantic rhythm he had prior. The hand that wasn’t entwined with hers went to her hip, pulling her closer as he thrust deeply, gently, slowly, each roll of his hips hitting her spot as he continued over and over again, head dropping to my neck, collar bone and breasts which he had paid no attention to before.
“Stevie, you feel so good…” Katie moaned and he let out a groan of his own at her words. When her orgasm rolled over her again, this one not as ferocious as before, but no less pleasurable she melted underneath him, breathless, her hand running through his hair as he came again, collapsing on top of her
The moments after they finished were always their favourite. The quiet bliss that surrounded them like a bubble, keeping them safe from the world.
“I love you.” Katie said softly. He picked his head up from where he had it buried in the crook of her neck so he could meet her eyes.
“I love you too.” he responded, pushing some hair out of her face, thumb circling her cheek. “I can’t wait to make you Mrs Rogers.” He whispered, his lips ghosting over hers.
**** Chapter 26
**Original Posting**
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 3 years
“Waynes never stay down. We RISE”
The Wayne's are one of the so called first families of Gotham
also known as the Founding Families of Gotham or more simply, the Five Families are the five families affiliated with the creation of Gotham as a city.
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First appearance: Batman issue 89 February 1955
Agatha has been discribed as Thomas Wayne frail elder sister. She occasionally visits Bruce when he’s a adult. On Earth Two where she originally debuted it’s been said that she helped out the next person on this list with young Bruce whenever she could.
It could be possible that either Agatha or the next person on our list was the one to inherit the families gotham based ancestral home based on earth two/Golden age Bruce buying a mansion to live in shortly before becoming Batman
Agatha has a counterpart on new earth/post COIE who is said to be the only sibling of Thomas Wayne(still as a older sister.).
It is unknown if she has ever had kids. On Earth Two there is evidence that Bruce has at least one possibly 1st cousin on his fathers side who I will talk about in another post I’m planning on making about Bruce’s cousins.
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PHILIP WAYNE (Not to be confused with Martha’s brother of the same first name whose farther down this list)
First Earth-One appearance: Batman issue 208 February 1969
Originally introduced in the earth-one era of comics it is later revealed that a Philip Wayne did exist on the earlier earth-two in Secret Origins Vol 2 #6 (September, 1986)
On both Earth-One and Earth-Two Philip Wayne was the one who took young Bruce in after he was orphaned.
It is unknown who is older between him and Thomas but based on the appearance of Earth-One Philip(white hair and mustache) I would say that Philip was the older one at least on that earth where both he and Thomas took charge of the family business AKA Wayne Enterprise.
On Earth-Two Thomas was the one to inherit the family fortune suggesting that he was the eldest of the two Wayne sons on that Earth. Earth-Two Philip is only seen once and it’s only a silhouette of him.
It is unknown if he has ever had kids. On Both Earth-Two as well as as Earth-One there is evidence that Bruce has at least one possible paternal 1st cousin on each. Both of them I will talk about in another post I’m planning on making about Bruce’s cousins.
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Vanderveer Wayne SR.
first appearance: Powerless episode 3
For the sake of this post I will say a Fourth Wayne sibling to my knowledge has never appeared in the comics HOWEVER a paternal Uncle Of Bruce was introduced in the short lived TV show Powerless as Vanderveer Wayne SR.
Vanderveer Wayne, Sr. was the original boss of Wayne Security, before passing the job to his son Vanderveer Wayne Jr and taking a position on the board of directors of Wayne Enterprise.
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Patricia Wayne
First Appearance: Pennyworth episode One
The elder sister of Thomas Wayne. She has been described and shown to be a typical rich party girl who according to Thomas apparently likes to cause scandals that drag the Wayne name through the mud. The foolish sibling to Thomas responsible sibling. They bicker and she calls him names but like any typical siblings they still love eachother.
ON PRIME EARTH/NEW 52 it is said that Thomas Wayne was a only child. As of may 4 2021 none of the other Wayne siblings has so far made a appearance in Any Comics set on Prime earth. But hey screw Canon right?
The Kane family was cited as being so rich that the only parts of Gotham that were not owned by them were those owned by the Wayne Family.
First mentioned in Batman Incorporated(don’t quote me on that) taking place on New Earth And is confirmed to exist on Prime Earth as well.
Not much is known about Nathan. We don’t even have a proper picture of him. What we do know is that he is the eldest son(Batman Incorporated vol 1 #4)and he was the one who inherited both the family fortune as well as the family Crest Hill Estate after family Patriarch and Matriarch Roderick and Elizabeth/Elisabeth(seen it spelt both ways) both died. He is called the golden scion of the family.
On New Earth He married the original Batwoman aka Katherine Webb-Kane the year Batman became active in Gotham. He was apparently 40 when he started dating 25 year old Kathy Webb-Kane, 43 when he finally married(the year Batman age 25 debuted in Gotham) and 47 when he died.
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Kathy Webb-Kane/ Katrina “Luka” Netz.
First Earth-One appearance: Detective Comics #233 (July, 1956)
First Earth-Two Appearance: The Brave and the Bold #182 (January, 1982)
First New Earth Appearance:Batman #678 (August, 2008)
First Prime Earth Appearance:Batman Incorporated Vol 2 #10 (June, 2013
The Original Batwoman!
Strap in because this is a long one.
On Earth-One her history is as follows: Kathy Kane was a wealthy heiress who gained great acrobatic skills during her career as a circus trapeze artist and stunt cyclist. Becoming infatuated with the Batman, she fashioned herself a costume and secret hide-out and started operating as Batwoman. At first she upstaged Batman and his sidekick Robin in capturing crooks. However, Batman eventually learned her true identity and tracked her to her secret cave hide-out. Showing her how easily it was for him to learn her identity, Batman pointed out that criminals could probably do it just as easily and tried to convince her to drop out of crime fighting. Disobeying Batman's advice, she tried to capture mobster Curt Briggs. During this caper, Batman went missing and Briggs, struck with amnesia, left thinking he was Batman. Ultimately the real Batman reappeared, and Biggs was turned over to the police. Afterwards, Batwoman went back to retirement. However, Kathy Kane became tired of the dull life of a rich heiress and came out of retirement once more in order to recapture a criminal named Elton Cragg. It was during this case that Batwoman gained super-powers and after her heroic deeds, she convinced Batman to let her continue her crime-fighting career. Ironically, around this time, Kathy started dating Bruce Wayne and she started to fall in love with Batman, unaware that they were the same person.
When Bruce Wayne was framed for a crime he didn't commit, Batwoman teamed-up with Robin in order to clear Batman's name. During an undercover mission, Batwoman was captured by a criminal leader and was rescued by the Dynamic Duo. When both Batwoman and reporter Vicki Vale were nominated Gotham City's "Woman of the Year", both tried to upstage each other to get the lead in the contest. With the help of Batman and Robin, both Vicki and Batwoman captured Moose Molloy's gang and both were crowned woman of the year. When Batman and Robin were trapped in a cave in, Ace the Bat-Hound guided Batwoman to help free them and capture the criminal Dr. Midas. Batwoman next helped the Dynamic Duo capture Firefly, aided them in preventing Lex Luthor from atomizing Superman, and helped them capture the Spinner. Batwoman later met with Bat-Mite and working together, they captured some crooks to save the Dynamic Duo.After this adventure, Bat-Mite became infatuated with Batwoman and tried to become her sidekick, creating chaos for everyone until he realized his mistake and left. When trying to solve the mystery of who murdered Professor Lacy after his discovery of a living caveman, Batwoman was saved by the caveman who sacrificed himself to save her from Lacy's killer: Harbin, Lacy's assistant. When Kathy Kane purchased a mystical belt, she becames a target of the criminal Star-Man. The belt sucked Batwoman's life energy from her body and she was saved by Batman and Robin, who arrived in time to stop Star-Man.
When Kathy's niece Betty Kane came to visit her, the young girl learned of her aunt's double identity. Kathy agreed to train Betty to be her sidekick, thinking that the young girl would eventually lose interest. However, to her surprise, Betty proved capable and became Batwoman's sidekick Bat-Girl. On their first mission, the two women helped Batman and Robin defeat King Cobra and his gang.Batwoman then became a victim of Luthor's experiments, who manipulated Kathy and gave her super-powers to fight her allies. After a long struggle, Superman managed to break Lex's control over Kathy and she returned to normal.When Batman and Robin were briefly transformed into alien creatures, Batwoman was one of the few who actually believed they were the real Dynamic Duo, until they were restored to normal.She later helped Batman and Robin capture the "Rockets" Rogan Gang. Later, after Batman and Batwoman were captured by the Moth, they were rescued by Bat-Girl and Robin. Later, Kathy went on a date with Bruce Wayne to an amusement park that was previously the location where the Justice League of America recently had a battle.As Batwoman, Kathy joined Batman on a trip to Washington D.C. to testify to the Senate Committee, leaving their young sidekicks to defend Gotham City in their absence.She next aided Batman and Robin in capturing the criminal known as the Vulcan.
Kathy's romances with Bruce Wayne and Batman became rocky, first during a period where Bruce Wayne was briefly transformed into a child, he made it appear that he's seeing another woman in order to keep Kathy away,and later when Batman, while under the effect of a love potion, fell in love with a woman named Elsie.Kathys romance woes became more complicate when Alpha, the Experimental Man fell in love with her, until the artificial man sacrificed himself to save her from falling off a cliff.
When helping Batman and Robin solve a murder during Mardis Gras, she got into a feud with Vicki Vale over who is the right person for Batman, forming the first of many competitions for Batman's affections.She later helped Batman capture Catman.
When she and Batman were briefly transported to another dimension by invaders from that world, their mortality was in question unless they were freed. During this period, Batwoman managed to get Batman to warm up and admit some of his feelings toward her before they were rescued by Robin and Bat-Girl.
Batwoman's feud with Vicki Vale heat up again when both women tried to determine if Mirror Man's assertions that Bruce Wayne was really Batman were true. When Batman scolded Batwoman for getting in the way of his attempts to capture Catman, she faked her intentions to join the criminal as Cat-Woman, until Catman seemingly died in the battle.Batwoman and Bat-Girl later helped the Dynamic Duo end a feud between the Joker and Clayface,and helped Batman and Robin capture the Terrible Trio
Once more suspecting that Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same man, Kathy Kane was convinced otherwise when Superman posed as Batman. However the plan went awry when a bomb goes off seemingly killing "Batman" and necessitating Superman to pose as the ghost of Batman for a time.
When Batman was briefly transformed into a gigantic creature, Batwoman teamed-up with Robin and Ace the Bat-Hound to track down the crooks that have the cure. After this, Catman reappeared and discovered his costume had mystical properties that gave him nine-lives, allowing him to continue on his crime spree. With her Cat-Woman costume, Batwoman helped Batman and Robin capture him.
Following this adventure, Batwoman went into retirement and disappear from Batman's life almost entirely. She become the owner of a circus, but often longed to return to her former crime fighting career.
Batwoman came out of retirement to aid Batgirl(Barbara Gordon)against Killer Moth and the Cavalier, but her return was never intended to be permanent.Kathy Kane was then present at a surprise party for Bruce Wayne at Wayne Manor.When Batwoman was later disintegrated into nothingness on Barbara Gordon's doorstep, Batgirl and Robin teamed-up to find the cure and restore Batwoman to her normal form. Shortly after this, Batwoman met the Huntress from Earth-Two and aided her in capturing Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Madame Zodiac. When the Freedom Fighters of Earth-X searched for a group of criminals known as the Warmakers, their search led them to the carnival owned by Kathy Kane. Kathy, as Batwoman, aided the Freedom Fighters and Batgirl in defeating the Warmakers. In her last recorded adventure, Kathy Kane was murdered by the League of Assassins who were being manipulated by Ra's al Ghul. Her death was eventually avenged by Batman.
Katherine Kane was also known as Batwoman in the Earth-Two timeline. Her history and career are said to reflect that of her Earth-One counterpart, except for that version's untimely death. When Kathy adopted the role of Batwoman, Batman wanted her to retire from the role for fear that she would be hurt in her costumed exploits. Kane would continue to operate in her costumed identity until she learned that Batman had become deeply romantically interested in someone in his unmasked identity. While Wayne never revealed his identity to her, or explicitly told her of his private life, she said she knew of his change in his attitude to her and assumed as such. She largely retired from her costumed role soon after this. Years later, she learned that Wayne was the original Batman when his costume identity was revealed to the general public after his own demise. Not long after this, Kane resumed her costumed identity when she learned of the presence of a "new" Batman. When she found him, Kathy learned that this Batman belonged in the alternate timeline of Earth-One, but the emotional shock of seeing Batman alive was still great. However, Kathy realized that he was not the love of her life reborn, but was a completely new person.
On New Earth her history is as follows
By age 25, Kathy Webb was an underground film director, a poet, and something of a wild child. But when she met Nathan Kane(who we already established as being a brother to Martha Wayne) , he bought her a circus, and she fell head-over-heels in love with him. They were together for seven years and married for four of those same years(thus making her a aunt by marriage to Bruce,Kate, Beth, And Bette) before he died of a stroke. After this, she was approached by a secret organization called Spyral to find out Batman's secret identity. Assessing the information on the Caped Crusader, she decided the best approach was to make him chase her. To that end, she brushed up on detective skills, martial arts and motor-biking, got a costume and started calling herself Batwoman. Her plan worked, and within a few months they were an item. However, Batman was careful not to give her his secret identity, and in fact worked out hers first. This, coupled with her feelings for Batman, lead her to try and break off ties with Spyral. However, her employer, the mysterious Agent-Zero, turned the tables on her, forcing her to break off on both sides, which she did. She was believed to be killed by the Bronze Tiger on behalf of the League of Assassins. The second Batwoman Kate Kane(who like Her cousins Bruce and Bette is Kathy’s relative by way of marriage) investigated the murder, but could not find anything. That was because she was never killed; after a staged death, she worked behind the scenes with Spyral to stop Leviathan. She eventually succeeded in shooting Talia al Ghul during her final standoff with Batman, before claiming that she would not be meeting Batman again, leaving to continue leading Spyral.
On Prime Earth she is Katrina "Luka" Netz one of Spyral's oldest members and the daughter of the former Director of Spyral Herr Netz. Kathy presumably being a alias that she used. Based on what I read in the comics I believe her role as Batwoman is still be canon due to nightwing recognizing her voice at one point and if not then at least her marriage to Nathan Kane is still canon.
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First appearance: Batman vol 2 issue 21 August 2013
Introduced during Zero Year(the volume he’s introduced in isn’t in the hardback version however) on Prime Earth Philip Kane ran Wayne Enterprise in Bruce’s absence. While Bruce was traveling the world training, Philip held down the business with his adviser Edward Nygma(we all know how well that turned out)
He had studied to be a geologist as a younger man, he was on a Expedition in northern Mexico when his father Roderick learned that he was dying and had came to get Philip to take him back home. Philip and his father fought because he didn’t want to go. Their fighting resulted in Philip splitting his head open which resulted in him getting a metal plate in his head.
He had given up that dream to take up the responsibility of helping to run the family business. During the Time that Bruce was abroad Philip managed to in his own words “Finally Merged the families” with both families companies(Kane Materials/Kane indrustries, Wayne Industry)seemingly merging into Wayne Enterprise.
Philip was the one who had Bruce Wayne declared legally dead which Bruce originally didn’t want to reverse. Philip Kane was also the one who was able to mostly track where Bruce was during his training. Not even Alfred knew where he was.
Philip was unfortunately blackmailed like many other citizens of Gotham by Red Hood One into joining the Red Hood gang. Being branded “Red Hood 347”, Philip did the bidding of the gang leader until Kane turned. During Batman’s assault on Red Hood One at the Ace chemical processing plant(which ironically on new earth used to belong to the Kane family as Kane Chemicals before being sold and the company Renamed Ace Chemicals )Philip gave his life to distract the Red Hood while the villain was going to kill Batman.
Trivia:Philip Kane was the one who originally own the Giant Penny whose forging he had overseen himself.
No names or appearances have ever been given for these two.
Bette’s mom was mentioned in one issue of Batwoman and that was it. Seriously it was one where it's implied she already gave up on her daughter surviving her injuries and so she was off panel implied to be talking to the doctors about donating bettes organs or something when Jacob kane was rambling besides a comatose bette. Yeah it was implied that they moved out to the west coast and lived in California because I believe that's where bette grew up in most continuities.
Next up is one every one who kept up with Bat related related comics since 2011 should be very familiar with
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First New Earth Appearance: 52 #7 (August, 2006)(in a photograph alongside his second wife)/Detective Comics issue 854 August 2009
First Prime Earth Appearance: Batwoman Vol 2 #0 (November, 2012)
A lifelong soldier, Jacob had been a field officer with USSOCOM for most of his career, leading numerous tactical operations across the globe
He and his first wife Gabi are parents to twins Beth and Kate Kane
Jacob has earned the following military awards: the Army Achievement Medal, the Kosovo Campaign Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the NATO Medal for Kosovo, the Kuwait Liberation Medal, the Presidential Unit Citation, the Meritorious Unit Commendation, and an Army Aviator Badge. Jacob has worked extensively with military intelligence services.
The Kanes often moved due to the nature of Jacob and Gabi’s work. Jacob was frequently away from home, since his duties included intervention in various international military crises.
They eventually moved to Brussels in Belgium, since the parents were now serving at NATO. However, the family was soon torn apart due to a terrorist attack. Gabi took her daughters out to celebrate their twelfth birthday, and they were kidnapped by heavily armed men. Military intelligence eventually located the hostages, and Jacob was put in charge of the tactical unit sent to rescue them. However, they were too late, as his wife had been executed and his daughter Elizabeth was believed to be dead. He rescued Kate himself, but she was traumatized by the sight of her dead mother and sister.
Colonel Kane plays an important role in his daughter’s Batwoman operations. He provides her a one-man command, control, and communications center. They stay in constant radio link, with the elder Kane being able to run searches, provide advice, and generally work in the background using his considerable knowledge, contacts and experience. Colonel Kane primarily uses his connections and his intelligence-gathering and management skills. He has access to numerous databases that are normally only accessible to military and law enforcement personnel to provide intel to his daughter.
Jacob is the next kane sibling most people would know about in part thanks to both his comic appearances In multiple bat comics as well as his appearance on the arrowverse batwoman tv show.
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Gabrielle Kane(knee Goldstein in the arrowverse)
First New Earth Appearance: Detective Comics 855 September 2009
First Prime Earth Appearance: Batwoman volume 2 issue 27 March 2014
Captain Gabi Kane is the mother of Kate Kane (who later became Batwoman) and her identical twin Beth Kane. A member of the US Army’s 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, she married another soldier, Jacob Kane. Both Kanes worked extensively with military intelligence services, and often moved as a result, even after their children were born. On Prime Earth When her sister-in-law Martha died she went to the funeral with both her husband and Kids. She reminded her husband that not all of Martha was dead(referring to Bruce) Eventually, the Kanes moved to Brussels, Belgium, since the parents were now serving at NATO. The family, however, was torn apart due to a terrorist attack. As Gabi was taking her daughters for their 12th birthday, they were kidnapped by heavily armed men. Military intelligence eventually located the hostages, and Jacob was put in charge of the tactical unit sent to rescue them. However, they were too late, as Gabi had been executed. Jacob rescued Kate himself, but she was traumatized by the sight of her dead mother and her supposedly dead sister.
TRIVIA: Gabi had a tattoo of the Special Forces arrowhead insignia on her right bicep; her daughter Kate later copied this.
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Catherine Hamilton-Kane
First New Earth appearance: 52 #7 (August, 2006)(in a photograph alongside her husband)/Detective Comics Vol 1 #856 October, 2009
First Prime Earth Appearance: Batwoman Vol 2 #0 (November, 2012)
Heiress to the Hamilton arms fortune(called Hamilton dynamics in the batwoman tv show), and second wife of Jacob Kane.
Cathy is a jet-setter and socialite involved in politics.The Hamilton fortune was built upon guns. Catherine family owned the enormously successful Hamilton company, which apparently became a household name during the days of the Old West Firearms. Appears to care greatly for her niece by marriage(one can assume she might feel the same for Bruce if and when she finds out he’s Batman) if the way she reacted to finding out about Bette being a vilgilante in the comics is any indication.
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Credit for 22-Jump Street 2014 Movie goes to Columbia Pictures & Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Credit for Cuphead Series goes to StudioMDHR
it seems that scene is really REALLY popular by fans,
that it has become a meme....I just had to draw it.
sure I can’t make it into animatic, but this is just as good.
I do plan to post this at the other place I go to.
but I think I will wait until later to do it, maybe a hour or so.
the word “Patty-Cake” seem like a good word to put down.
playing patty-cake can be personal to toons.
so yeah I am using the word as a censor for the real word
that is used and well even if I have only seen little bit of clips,
and seen the animatic crossover of the Captain’s Daughter.
I hope to watch the full movie someday.
as for who the Angel (with demon horns headband on to hide the fact she isn’t a demon.) is in this drawing.
she is suppose to be Devil’s Daughter and King Dice’s Step-Daughter.
and no she doesn’t have a Mom,
and the Devil didn’t just create her on purpose.
ya see when a Soul, even a former Angel like Devil,
they can go through a fragmenting, where a piece of their Soul
will break off from their very being and make what is called
a newborn soul, if there are two souls about to fragment
a part of themselves then the two fragments will merge together,
making the newborn soul that is formed have two Soul-Parents instead of one.
so yes the daughter in this drawing
was born Soul-Asexually.
and I know I said this before
but I will say it again, that the Asexual Reproduction
should not be confused for the Asexual Identity,
even if you only use the word “Asexual”
and could mean one or the other, it is best to be clear so there is no misunderstandings.
speaking of identities, I wonder if it is normal to form
a type of Species Identity?
is it weird the other day ago
I started to think of myself being Demi-Human...?
well with the soul/spiritual heritage I have,
I guess I would still be a Demi-Human either way.
I mean try to hope that me having Vampire heritage was just a prank,
but my pendulum gave another Yes about it,
went Yes again when I asked if my spiritual heritage 
is Earth Angel & Succubus.
well spiritual heritage is something you are stuck with for life,
even when you end up being reborn, it will be stuck with you for eternity.
 at least I was given a No when I asked if I have werewolf heritage.
but it be cool if it did give me a Yes about that question.
it did give a Yes when I asked if my Older Brother has werewolf heritage, so if I had to guess, if he supposedly has it,
it would most likely be from his dad.
my pendulum did give a Yes when I asked if my Brother
has Vampire heritage too, and another Yes when I asked if it comes from our Mom.
so if my pendulum isn’t pranking,
that would mean that my brother is like Vampire/Werewolf.
well I know I wouldn’t want to go all drinking the same thing as the full vampires....no thank you.
plus I do like garlic sauce and find it really yummy,
and I have a reflection.
well, even if I am some kind of descendant of some unknown vampire
ancestor (unless it is my and Vlad The Impaler’s shared paternal ancestor, who’s two wives make us distant half-cousins.)
that would only be my biological heritage, my vessel form.
like I said the spiritual heritage is something you are stuck with...
for life and eternity.
at least I got permission to go live with the Divine Mother/Goddess
over at Earth-Heaven/Neo-Heaven...
because of what I am, I don’t think I would fit in very well...
 I know one thing, if it is true that the 9 Circles of Heck
is in the 5th Heaven, then people might not take it very well.
I think I want to see that as a Fan-Headcanon for Hazbin Hotel.
of course it might only be Fan-Canon to a AU of it.
plus hypothetically let’s say that it is true
that the Circles/Rings of Heck/Hell is in the 5th Heaven,
 and is in Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss.
wouldn’t that mean that Charlie doesn’t know that her subjects,
both demon-born and former human/sinner-demon,
are technically already in heaven, they are just in the 5th part of it,
but are inside a type of Ring Prison.
wouldn’t that blow one’s mind if that turned out to be canon.
but I don’t think that would be added into those two shows.
but it would still be good and interest for Fanon-AU use.
some stuff that fans come up and theorize,
wont always be canon to the series and that’s fine.
well Starco ended up becoming 100% Canon.
which I think if things turned out different, Star could of ended up with Tom because of that vote/poll.......pretty sure that had something to do with Star and Marco ending up together in the very end.
also while playing Yandere Simulator the other day,
I had figured out that it is a bad idea to take a ring...
cause if you don’t put it in Osana’s bag
or keep it and then try to leave Akademi,
you will get in big trouble, so if you are trying for a Pacifist Route
and only want to befriend Osana and try to get her to be with Kyuji,
then do NOT take that ring that you will find on the rooftop
next to one of those two purple haired sisters.
I had to start all over because of that, of course I still have the save where I fully beat Osana and it now says that the new rival is Amai.
so right now I have two saves, and in the new save I wanted to try to save Osana’s cat and try to get her and Kyuji together.
so far Kyuji has changed himself to look like Osana’s dream guy,
I just hope me leading him to the library and getting him to study,
had helped....
of course when I did help him talk to Osana while hiding behind a tree,
I had to re-send that letter to Osana and tell her about it again,
because when I was waiting behind the school, she was a bit late.
so yeah I had to leave the place and go and send the letter again
and then I had to tell her about it again.
 interesting to know, that before I went to save her cat,
I got the blonde hair dye first (from using Ayano’s computer.)
and then when I ended up at the Stalker’s place,
Ayano’s hair was blonde, so that was fast.
and it was still nighttime in the game too.   
I also decided to join the cooking club,
I think if I am a part of the cooking club it might make it more easy
to try to talk to Amai, at least I can only hope it does.
each time I tried to talk to her in my other save,
she just couldn’t and was busy.
in my other save I am in the Music Club.
when I make another save, I want to try to join a different club.
I am taking a bit of a break from playing the game right now,
I will play more of it later.
I do have a theory about Fun-Girl from Yandere Simulator,
I can’t help but think of her being a like Gaster.
I even did a crossover drawing of Fun-Girl and Gaster.
I will post it up on here too, and also post it over at the other place I go to as well.
anyway back to this drawing, it is a crossover
and it is a reference to that 22 Jump Street Movie,
which once again I hope to watch someday.
and yeah Cuphead is holding a cross, for obvious reasons.
Mugman is of course is still thinking and processing
what Snake-Eyes are talking about.
well we know how it will end up,
and Mugman is going to be very amused.  
I don’t really feel like drawing that, so it’s fine that it is just this.
the OC in this drawing, in the role of the daughter,
might end up being a one-shot character...
if someone wants to do a continue drawing response to this drawing,
like make a short comic or animation of it, I guess I be okay with it...
but the likely of someone drawing a continue/comic version of this,
is perhaps very little and not likely to happen.
but at least I enjoyed drawing this.
I think sometime I will post a song I wrote a few years ago,
when I was in a very dark place, I was happy to find out that it survived
after what happen in March this year....
it is something I put some very personal feelings down in the song.
also it’s okay that not many agree with me having a species identity,
I mean if I am Aroaceflux, Gyno-Agender and Demi-Human,
then that’s just makes me, well, me.
even if it it did take me time to figure that out.
I just figured out this year on the Month of May,
that I started to see myself as a Demi-Human.
sometime I should draw three flags
that has to do with the Sexuality, Gender and Species Identities. 
also I need to point out that I have added a certain site
to my list of Semi-Misanthrope.
first I want to say that I have nothing against Jesus,
but that  Jesus-Is-Savior site.......
it is just....I can’t stand it, Rock’N Roll ain’t evil,
I mean there can be mature rock, but there are different forms of music.
 and even if someone is homosexual or homoromantic,
outside the human body and at the core of the soul,
we may appear Masculine or Feminine, but the soul doesn’t have a biological sex/gender, and has no organic binary.
plus if a man did like other man in his present life,
were to be reborn as a woman in his next life and still like men in her new life where she is reborn as a woman,
would that still make her a homosexual...?
I think that truth would kind of make anyone think.
if when I do get reborn, I don’t EVER want my biological body
to be male....I feel more comfortable with the other, and if it takes me time to figure out I am Gyno-Agender in that next life, then it’s fine by me too....
I don’t know if the humans who dislike homosexuals,
really think about the logic that has to do with when a human dies,
if they become reborn into a different bio-gender/sex
they might still be attracted to the guys or gals that they were in their past life.
I hope my explaining about that doesn’t get misinterpreted.               
I don’t like when my words end up misunderstood.
well small misunderstandings okay, but when it is big and ends up hurting feelings then that is really not good.
but yeah, I just don’t like the toxic stuff that is going on in that site.
 maybe I should try not to worry about it.
right now I am listening to some music,
I’m listening to Agnes’s Don’t Breaking My Heart.
anyway, I’m just gonna hurry and post this
and then post that Undertale x Yandere Simulator Crossover.
hope some of you like this drawing,
and I hope some like how King Dice
is making the scary eyes at Cuphead lol.
once again I enjoyed drawing this,
I even drew wedding rings on King Dice and Devil’s fingers.
and them saying the same thing to both Mugman and Cuphead.
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lambourngb · 4 years
Nailing that Dynamic- Recs - Day 1
Day 1 for Creator’s Week, and I gotta say, this is my favorite fan event, mainly because it was the first one I participated last year. This little rec set is devoted to dynamics, divided into friendship, found family, and finally romantic (and yes, that’s Malex with me.)
We’ve had two seasons of this show, and while I can’t really relate to aliens or even the immigrant story, I do relate strongly to the stories behind friendship. I can say my appetite for fic with a good friendship dynamic will always be there.
Will You Be My Friend- Circle Yes or No (recs)
Finding You by @myrmidryad  (122,000) - If by chance the canon from high school bums you out, this is the story to read. Gin writing malex is always a ‘no-brainer I’m gonna read it story’ for me, but what really set this epic apart was how beautifully Gin writes the friendship dynamics between Michael & Liz, and Michael & Max. It’s a canon-divergent story with no-murder of Rosa or the shed scene, where in order to avoid enlistment, Alex disappears from Roswell and joins the Max & Liz road trip with Michael in tow. They just need to fill that gap between high school and the opening of the dorms at UNM so they can start a life together. And fill it they do with this road trip. There were moments where I sobbed with how badly Michael needed this in canon and didn’t get it. It also made me like Max, so, yeah. Great writing and characterizations here.
Hit the Road by @bestillmyslashyheart - (7,100) - One of the brightest spots for me in season two was Rosa Ortecho, and one of the most frustrating parts of season two was the fact we didn’t get any interaction between her and Alex. *screams* At least I had a few crumbs of Rosa & Maria (not nearly enough!) but still. Where there’s a glaring gap in canon, thank god there’s fanfic. Marlo treats us to a delightful story written post season 1, but had some surprisingly psychic lines about Malex, number one how they don’t think they are good for one another. I really enjoyed what this story says about leaving-  and honestly, the town of Roswell has so much pain tied to these characters, they should all take long road trips away from it.
a few drinks and some conversation by @christchex / @michaels-blackhat (5,600 ) - this one is set post-season 2, with all the complications of Michael deciding now wasn’t the right time for him and Alex, while also working on giving Maria the right space after their breakup.  I think it’s pretty clear that Michael needs a friend he’s not related to and someone he hasn’t slept with - to provide him so low-stakes genuine company outside of the alien bullshit and love triangle dynamics. Christi does this beautifully through the eyes of an OC and the number of times I’ve read this story is like 10, and also, it’s inspired my current story about Michael going on dates.
and headin’ out singing our song by @stars-and-sunshine (4,100) post season 2, Alex and Michael head off on a road trip (okay, this is a trope I apparently like since I’ve recced three stories now, hahaha) after Alex’s car breaks down. There’s a careful space in this story, of two men building a friendship again. The roadtrip details are beautiful, but what stayed with me is a scene in the museum. That summer of 2008 had some ghosts to address.
If I Follow You Home, Will You Keep Me? found-family dynamics
When You’re Gone by @bestillmyslashyheart (8,200) - Before I tell you why I love this story, I want everyone to follow the next link and read this story about email and messages and grief in the digital age [trigger for cancer death] chat history by Rebecca  Armendariz. (She also wrote a follow up called Timelines published by the Hairpin that talks about the memory function on facebook.) So back to the story, this is Rosa, opening her email 10 years after her death and reading the messages people sent her, thinking they were speaking into the void. Liz, Maria, Alex, Mimi and Arturo, all of them sending her notes, sometimes time passes without an email, then an event triggers that memory of Rosa not being there- and yeah, I found this whole thing to be so moving.
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me by @spaceskam - (4,400) this probably could have gone in the friendship side, but I feel like when you work in a high stakes place like a hospital, friends is a term that ends up being too light, and with the level of competition and stress it grows a bond like family... anyway, this is an AU where Michael and Kyle end up at the same hospital as competing interns but some elements of canon are still there.
still fixing all the cracks by @emma-arthur -  (3,400) this is a pre-canon story, set when Alex is 14. He’s still a soft child, being tortured by his dad, and soaking up the attention from Liz, Rosa and Arturo when he breaks a glass and spirals. Heavy discussion of child abuse and homophobic abuse, but a really good exploration of the canon-neglected Liz & Alex friendship, plus with that paternal Arturo Ortecho in the mix...
Ophiuchus by @planetsam - (11,600) the other bright side of season 2 was the reveal of Walt Sanders as being not only Michael’s boss, but someone who knew his mother, knew what he was, and silently looked out for him...now of course I wish he had been more overt in doing this, but fanfic once again has fixed this canon-oversight. This is an incredible look through Walt’s eyes as he gets in over his head adopting an alien child, especially one who already had issues from previous foster placements. I could read a million words in this verse.
The Michael Sanders AU by @prouvaireafterdark (17,000 ) And speaking of great AUs where Michael is raised by Walt, I would be really amiss in not mentioning this one. It’s got hot high school Malex moments, emotional/hurt comfort for both Michael’s past foster placements but also the shit Alex is living with at home. I have to say “Honey if You Stay” is my favorite, just because of how badly I wanted to hug teen Alex...
and finally, no found family rec list could be complete without mentioning the epic series To Raise a Child (117,000 in progress) by @haloud and @maeglinthebold - season 2 put some hits on my headspace and emotional reserves, not to mention 2020 nonsense, so I’m dreadfully behind in commenting on this story. It’s just a huge emotional bandaid for me right now- it takes the idea of “what if the adults in Roswell actually looked out for their children (and other peoples children) and protected them from shit” and what would that change. Michael was found at 7 and then runs away to Roswell at 10, so yeah, humans have already done their best to convince him the world sucks and only finding his siblings matters... Jim Valenti steps in, knowing what he is, and finds him a place in Roswell with Arturo Ortecho. Anyway, everyone gets a turn- Jim, Mimi, the kids, etc in the story, it’s well rounded and fleshed out. Obviously being a malex person my favorite parts are the kid-friendship/this-is-just-a-crush moments in second story, where if you hadn’t lost your heart to Michael Ortecho by then, well, you’re a goner after that story. 
I Could Build Your Heart A Home (malex recs)
time will lie down and be still by @islndgurl777 (29,600) the Practical Magic AU - which I loved but I have never seen the movie it’s based on lol... anyway, this story almost belonged up with my found family dynamic recs, because the story opens with Isobel and Michael being 7 and 8 years old alien siblings and left with Mimi Deluca to raise with her daughter Maria, because with their father recently dead, their mother would soon follow as a species level soulmate bond. Michael vows never to fall in love. Then there’s a beautiful friendship between Maria, Liz, Isobel and Michael as they grow up together that I just wanted to roll around in forever... However this is a Malex rec, so once Alex enters the story in high school and things go down similarly with Jesse, Michael is heartbroken, his soulmate (he thinks) is gone, vanished into the Air Force, and he spends the next 10 years helping Maria, going to school with Liz, and keeping in touch with Isobel. Until 2018 when Isobel finds out her perfect man was like them, an alien, and bad, and they are forced to cover up his murder. Then Alex comes to town. But the soulmate storyline is the winner here and I just re-read it again.
here everyone knows (you’re the way to my heart) by @adamsparirsh (19,700) So this story tackles a dynamic that think will be the death-knell to the Alex/Forrest relationship- the weight of the alien secret and Alex’s responsibility gland and what that looks like to someone who wants to be in a relationship with him. The exclusion. But outside of that- there’s this part of Alex that isn’t willing to let anyone in that isn’t already there, and that’s Michael. I’m fucking weak for stories where these two assholes can’t connect with anyone but each other, and this one hits it. There’s also so many lovely friendship dynamics between everyone showing up for Alex- like Rosa, Isobel, Max, Maria. Obviously this is a Malex-is-endgame story, even though it starts Alex/Forrest.
it’s a long road back to you by @magsthemagical  (17,000) This was an interesting, now AU take on what if Maria/Michael dated at the same time as Alex/Forrest, and honestly, I thought basted on the season two spoilers that was where we were heading. I was gobsmacked by 2x13. Anyway, here’s a story that discusses the tension that would happen if there had been simultaneous dating going on…the parts where Michael sees Alex being open with someone other than him were very raw and true to how I would think he would feel. For 10 years he wanted that and didn’t get it, and so of course the problem was probably him?? Anyway, I enjoyed this a lot, and again felt robbed that we are heading into a new triangle for season 3. 
untouched by @prouvaireafterdark (5,200) - okay, you know when you have an alien soulmate idea in your head and you want it to appear on the page, and then it does and it’s everything you wanted? That’s what happened to me when ‘Untouched’ appeared. Obviously it’s AU, but my reptile brain just loves the idea that Michael and Alex can’t get off with anyone else, and then that frustration builds into a sexy explosion... there’s also some communcation happening with these clowns. But seriously for 5,000 words, A LOT HAPPENS here and I loved every word.
Would you come home by @caitlesshea (1000) How great would have it been if season 2 had ended with Michael and Alex found a baby in a stasis pod instead of Beardy Jones? Like seriously, this short little fic healed so many of my wounds from season 2 that I couldn’t help but include it here. I would take 50,000 more words in this sadly AU take. 
Hoarding you by @foramomentonly (1200) okay, so the rain smell, like 2x04 was low key my favorite episode of RNM ever, especially with Alex throwing that flirty line “It’s smells like rain, that’s what you smell like under the grease and bourbon’ and this author takes that line, and fucking murders me with the idea that Alex can’t move on because of that smell. And Michael is now his, and finds out about it. This is my head canon, okay? No one can talk me out of it.
If you like any of these recs, please leave a comment on the story- a ‘this was awesome’ is enough to propell an author into the stratosphere with happiness, so don’t worry about coming up with a unique, never before shared insight- sometimes a keyboard smash and emogi makes all the difference!
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