#which doesn't seem like a lot
birdrights · 3 years
i think i've finally quit biting my nails, which has been my worst habit for all 23 years of my life and which i have never been able to quit for more than like a few hours at a time
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auburnflight · 4 years
Sooo I just realized I have TWO sets of recurring dreams now
One is about being out somewhere trying to take a bus home, and watching tons of buses go by but NONE of them is the right one, and sometimes I think there’s one that might be close enough but it always ends up being wrong and I’m just stuck where I am as it gets later and later in the day
And the other is about being in Fire Emblem Three Houses (so far it’s just been places in the monastery) and saying “Edelgard... Edelgard... Edelgard” over and over and having this vague sense of sadness and loss that lingers after I wake up
idk what’s going on but it’s kinda disturbing ;; stress dreams were a problem for me up until a bit ago, but ideas this specific and unusual have never repeated themselves noticeably before... I don’t know much about dreams so I’m not sure what to do with this I just feel like I need to write them down so they don’t take up so much space in my head
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marshmallowsims · 5 years
What skin did you use on Amelia please? If it is personal what is the base? Hope you have good recover from teeth extraction
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You can find her skin right here, ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ I haven’t edited it at all so as you see it on her is what you’ll get :3 
Thank you so much!!! I’m really hoping so too cause currently my body is not handling this too well xD 
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bandsandwristbands · 6 years
I think something that's really amazing about my current relationship and also something that isn't common enough is how ready my gf is to indulge in my interests.
Like, even if it's something she's never even heard of she'll listen to me explain the whole thing, or she'll sit down and watch a whole show with me and it's a lot of fun to be excited about something and not feel like I'm being annoying. Usually I feel like even my friends don't really care about what I'm obsessed with so I keep quiet but I love talking about the things I'm crazy for!
It's insane to me that I've never felt completely okay sharing new interests, but it's really incredible that someone not only encourages my excitement but goes out of their way to support me by reading my dumb fanfic and looking for my art! It just! Feels really good!
Tldr: Support people's passions! And don't be ashamed of your own passions!
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gotta love how christians on tumblr will see us being like 'I would fight god in a parking lot' 'christianity ruined my life' '*extensive post about all the ways the church traumatized you*' and think 'wow surely these people seem like people who would love to hear about christ. it really seems like if i say "god loves you" or, worse, if i offend them and tell them to repent they WILL convert'. like, my guy, what's not clicking here.
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xochitai · 2 years
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on vacation
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lacefuneral · 4 years
spock is gay compilation
#this one is a lot less lighthearted than my kirk is bi vid but there's still some funny moments#spock#tos#spirk#jay.txt#once again i tried to focus less on the kirk/spock relationship and more on spock's identity as a gay man#a lot of these clips also lend themselves to an ace/a-spec/demi reading which is neat#the song i used for the amok time fight is ''the less i know the better'' by tame impala#also sorry about the quality of the video - i had to condense it for uploading onto tumblr#i also cut several clips for time or because i felt the video was getting too spirk heavy (it still kind of is... whoops)#wasn't quite sure how to end this one either but i thought drawing a parallel between ''a wife :('' and ''husbandry :)'' worked#the kirk is bi video let me use the ''they seem to be bisexual'' clip but no one ever says ''gay'' in TOS#which surprises me. i could have sworn it was said at LEAST once.#but searching yielded no transcripts containing it#edit: sept 19 2022 - omg i made trek heritage posts!! hi <3#btw can you believe i made this video without knowing i was a gay man?#i wanted to make this video for various reasons#1. companion piece to Kirk is bi (which i made first)#2. to prove to awful trekker bros that spock is LGBT#3. at the time i kept seeing mspec spock headcanons. which is fine? but didn't make sense to me because he clearly doesn't like women#(his only '''romances''' with women occur when he literally is incapable of giving consent. spores - evolutionary regression - etc.#and he always regrets the encounters afterwards)#and like. i was SO mad about this. and i didn't know why. and it didn't really click with me until TWO YEARS later#and it's because /i'm/ a gay man that - not to get dark here - has been forced into encounters with women#so i really relate to spock personally. he means a lot to me. this video is a piece of my soul#when i made this video (and also just. my whole life in general) i thought i was pansexual. it took a long time to figure myself out#thank you mister spock.
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theshadowsanctum · 4 years
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Shadow Comics 41
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ihatebnha · 2 years
I hate degradation tbh, but it’s so prevalent that it’s hard to get away from it :( And I get kind of suspicious when I find men (esp cishet white men) that really like degrading women specifically. Like why do you enjoy that so much Paul? Huh?
NO BUT fr. fr. fr. fr. fr. fr. fr. fr. fr. slams reblob. fr. fr. fr.
there's literally so much to say on the subject that i barely even want to get started (or know how to address it all properly), but like...
as well as i can just ignore it on here, it's so concerning to think about how... decontextualized snippets of intense smut can promote the abuse of inexperienced women... simply because while women's/non-cis/poc interest in kink often coincides with experience and exploration... cishet male interest can stem from unrealistic porn that promotes the idea that dominance is equivalent to violence.
which isn't to say sex can't be good or safe (and that porn isn’t damaging to everyone, in a way)... or that u shouldn't like degradation, but it just makes so much more scary to find a good partner who has an understanding of treating you well otherwise.
and i actually think about it ALL the time because... i'm kinda one of those people who like, doesn't consider watching porn cheating... but also i'm bonking myself on the head because... THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT BAD!!!
and i mostly just bring this up because (i was literally ALWAYS debating about this w/ my ex)... it's so different when an oppressed group partakes in sexual endeavors (including porn) vs. when a man does... and that's not something i think gets talked about enough, the difference in reasons for AND responses to consumption.
but it makes my blood BOIL. that vulnerability in sex has been so.... dissociated from reality, safety... purpose. etc. to the point where... i can hard stand degradation even when i know that people genuinely enjoy it.
and this is only one facet of it all, so i could go on. but anyway.
reminds me of something i saw that was like.............. "the person who's most likely going to treat you with proper bdsm etiquette isn't the hunky, aloof guy, it's the nerdy one who runs a d&d club."
That shit made me slap my knee.
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eijiroukiriot · 2 years
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i think...there’s something simple and familiar and earth-shatteringly important in this. there’s a million ways that this could go but only one way that it ends 
#strangers to friends to lovers...CONTEMPT on either side to friends to lovers. mild stupid teenage contempt rooted in personas...#not to sound stupid pretentious but the fact that it starts with bkg being so up his ass that he doesn't care at all about his classmates#much less shitty hair over there and kirishima not liking bkg very much either. and it ends in love#god dammit it ends in LOVE!! it ends in LOVE!!!!!!#i hope it doesn't seem self centered that i'm saying all this abt a line from a random wip of mine i forgot abt btw#it just feels like such a part of the heart of krbk. i know i'm not the first person to type that#i wasn't gonna do anything w this wip but actually i think i might mess around w it for the content creation class i'm in#have i mentioned that here? i'm in this class this semester all abt internet prosumer communities#so we're talking abt flash animators and speedrunners and chiptune producers and ofc fic writers#not that i have a lot to say abt that right now but it's pretty cool and also kinda crazy#like we've been having class over discord these first few weeks and in my 4 years of college i've never been in a room of people#more open to admitting their potentially-embarrassing interests and hobbies#people are dropping their ao3 links and everything#i think i'm. still too scared to do that honestly i've just barely been able to admit i'm into bnha#forced once again to look at how closely i consider krbk a part of my life and identity to the point that i think if i let anyone know i#like it they'll automatically assume i mean i like it That much#which. i do. you guys know#in my defense they're extremely extremely good which you guys also know#the other thing that scares me abt admitting that i like krbk or even writing it as a part of our fic unit is bc if i have to face ship dram#a in a college course i will decompose piece by piece#i'll drop out of school months away from graduation#i didn't end up posting abt it bc i didn't think it was worth making a thing out of it but in my superhero class last term there was this#girl who also liked bnha so we talked abt it once or twice throughout the class#and she ended up writing abt b/kdk for her final and i had also mentioned that kirishima was my fav#and that was a situation where it was like. i am not going to have ship discourse with a student at College#so if saying who my favs are will lead to any sort of clash in that sense i am going to tread so lightly#i would make this its own post at this point but i don't really want to make a whole post abt this#but anyway i bring this up bc for our fic unit in this class we're gonna get split into groups based on general fandom interest#but bnha fandom is so rife w ship discourse (versus like supernatural) that having people peer reviewing each other's bnha fic is risky#business
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mokutone · 3 years
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(Image Description under readmore)
A traditionally inked, digitally colored comic page, rendered mostly in desaturated shades of purple.
Kakashi is lying in his hospital bed, head turned to the side, looking in Tenzō's direction through an exhausted eye. "I'm sorry," he says.
Tenzō turns slightly towards him, and takes a long, thoughtful pause before replying "I don't know why you're apologizing."
"Did you at least go back to the barracks to rest?" Kakashi asks. Again, Tenzō takes a long time to respond. When he finally says "Yes." The word is uncommonly small inside his blocky speech balloon. The view of the comic is raising to the higher parts of the room, showing only the top of Tenzō's head, and the cellar-style windows. At the window above Kakashi's bed, there's something small and green in the corner.
"Liar." Kakashi accuses. "I did go back!" Tenzō says. "Just...briefly." The cellar-style window above Kakashi's bed is in full view now, and its clear that the green is fabric, which ends over tan skin.
The final panel is bright and warm, afternoon sun casting shadows that reflect the blue of the sky in an somewhat unkempt alley. Crouched on weedy cobblestones in the shadow of a dumpster, and above a small pit in the wall is Might Gai. His lips are pursed and his brow is troubled as he listens to Kakashi end the conversation. "Go home and get some sleep, Tenzō. The Hokage is bound to put us on rumor duty anyway," Kakashi says in more confident, if still wavering speech balloons that drift out of that small pit in the wall, where the cellar window must lead.
#my art#naruto#yamato#tenzō#yamato tenzo#kakashi#might gai#and that's the end! i feel like this is maybe the most proffessional LOOKING comic ive ever made#and i'm very happy with it! but old habits die hard and I think the actual content of the comic might be somewhat hard to pin down.#so as per usual i'll give my takes in the tags: if u wanna read it some other way thats fine! i'm not the comics police or anything#i think that kakashi is apologizing for what he sees as dragging tenzō into his complicated situation with gai. he knows hes being#irrational and not a great friend to gai who is clearly worried about him! but he's also not in a place where he can respond to gai#in the way that he would want to and that he thinks gai would want—none of this is tenzō's problem and he feels like a coward and a failure#for exposing tenzō to enough of this that tenzō felt he should intervene on kakashi's behalf.#tenzō's response ''idk why ur apologizing'' at first seems like. general Root Kid Shit but what he means is actually more ''i dont mind''#he gets that kakashi and gai are complicated even if he doesnt know the details. and he is happy to help if he can#he doesn't see hi involvement as something kakashi should apologize for—which does nothing to set kakashis mind at ease LMAO#so then kakashi gives up on that discussion and instead just checks in with tenzō to make sure hes doing fine#tenzō likes to hang around a little when kakashis in the anbu wing of the hospital. they both hate the hospital a whole lot#and so especially when he's younger (he's like 15 here) he likes to check in frequently#especially after a Rough Mission—when u spend days/weeks hyperaware of ur teammates—trying to protect them#it can feel very Wrong and Weird and Upsetting to suddenly be completely alone and not to have them in ur sights#i think this comic is mostly about. wanting to help. and not knowing how to do so#gai wants to help kakashi but kakashi avoids him-he also wouldn't mind helping tenzō but tenzō is currently an obstacle to him#in his goal to help kakashi-so he can't really bother. tenzō wants to help kakashi as well which is Why he is an obstacle to gai at first-#but he doesn't really know what hes doing and so when pushed he gives ground to gai and helps him as much as hes comfortable with#and kakashi miserable in bed just feels like hes hurting and dissapponting everyone and doesn't know how to stop-which is why he avoids gai#and is also why he doesn't tell tenzō whats going on. he's trying to keep them both distant from himself
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capisback · 2 years
I really like that we get to see Deuce’s averse reaction to finding out that Ace is Gol D Roger’s son. Before, all we’ve seen of people hating Ace for his blood are thugs in bars and the Marines, and while there’s a crowd of people watching his execution, it’s large and impersonal, and very easy to brush it off. But seeing Deuce, being able to read his thoughts, feels strangely personal, and really hammers home that Ace’s secret is big and people, normal, every-day people, really would hate him for it
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megatron-fucks · 2 years
The absolute insanest thing about the Cybertronian civil war - beyond the question of how many millions of years it lasted or planets it destroyed or terrible evils it caused - is that it seems in most continuities to exist without the support of a functioning society.
(When it comes to the economy of warfare, I'm more familiar with non-industrial societies, where the costs of war are often much clearer. But in any society, a full-time soldiers is supported by the excess value produced by workers.)
Like if you think of the world wars (probably the closest comparison I'm aware of) - the entire non-fighting population had to change how they were living in order to provide the resources for the war. In WWI, the number of women in paid work nearly doubled, and the kind of work they were doing changed drastically to favour industries (like nursing and manufacturing) that directly supported the war. And that was still enormously difficult. That was nations pushing themselves to the absolute edge of possibility to survive.
With Cybertron, the nations don't survive. Most of the time, Cybertron is post-apocalyptic. And they are somehow still fighting a full on war.
You do definitely see evidence of this, at least in G1 and TFP (and probably others I'm less familiar with) because the Decepticons' main priority is energon. In G1, the Decepticons are relying on the human workforce to produce that value, which their soldiers then take by force.
That's comparable to looting by human armies, which is a significant part of how armies support and fund themselves. It doesn't usually provide enough resources to actually support the whole army but it makes sense that Cybertronian technology is efficient enough to make that work. (Worth noting that looting is a war crime.)
In TFP, the Decepticons seem to have a large mining workforce (equivalent to a human agricultural workforce) who are also capable of fighting if required. Things vary over the course of the show, but at the beginning it seems like actually a pretty close analogue to a human army: there's a huge number of workers producing food, who seem to make just enough to support their own operations + a little extra to support a small handful of dedicated soldiers.
In IDW1 the only really clear evidence I'm aware of is provided by Tarn at Grindcore. The Decepticons at that stage are apparently using prisoners both as a source of labour (if Tarn's promise about transportation has at least that core of truth to it) and as a source of materials.
(POW labour has historical precedent, though I don't know any examples where it was essential to an army's function. The second thing is a little more complicated but still, not a usual method.)
I think there's other stuff in IDW1 to suggest that both sides use their soldiers to scout for resources and that the Decepticons use materials from conquered planets to support the war effort, but I can't think of any other examples that suggest an actual workforce.
There is other stuff in terms of medicine and technology, and probably something to be said for construction, which I can make another post about if people are interested. But in terms of "providing the basic resources essential to a war," that's all I got.
Anyway there's a trend through all of that which is the interesting thing: the Decepticons are the only ones who can actually maybe support their own war effort. Which makes sense: if you have a standing army, there are civilians somewhere doing the work of supporting them. And the only way we really consider it acceptable to take resources from civilians and give it to the army is taxation.
So it makes sense that only example I could think of where Autobots can clearly say "This is where our resources come from" is the one where there's still a functioning state.
The possible exception to that is foraging, which is something that ancient armies relied on to various extents. Generally the stuff I've read said that foraging for the bulk of your resources is an act of desperation that leaves your soldiers angry, hungry and tired, and makes it very hard to actually fight a war. But foraging to supplement your resources should be encouraged under most circumstances, especially if it means your enemy can't use those resources.
I think that in TFP, there's some implication that the Autobots are surviving off stockpiles? I feel like it's actually a fairly realistic example, because the Autobots on Earth are clearly a small, desperate group struggling to survive without a greater support system.
At the start of the show, IIRC, they're acting as scouts while keeping an eye out for energon, which is sensible. But their "foraging" duties seem to fall to the wayside once they find Decepticons.
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What authors would you suggest to get a feel of what the essence of America and being American is? Both culturally and politically
like what authors capture the spirit of america? i have a few people that come to mind. as usual, the list is probably not exhaustive. anyway...in no particular order:
emerson, thoreau, edgar allen poe, hawthorne, alexander hamilton, john adams, samuel adams, melville, hemingway, thomas jefferson, james wilson, mark twain, kerouac, faulkner, henry charles carey, henry clay, jack london, dickinson, steinbeck, gaddis, john r. commons, hunter s. thompson, william s. burroughs, mccarthy, richard t. ely, ben franklin, nabokov, veblen, john dewey, peirce, quine, rorty, john muir, clarence ayers, james fenimoore cooper, hart crane, h.d., philip k. dick, pynchon, irving, edward bellamy, hartshorne, henry miller, ethan allen, whitman, longfellow, wadsworth, philip freneau, ezra pound, dickinson, simon patten, john jay, john p. young, j. hector st. john, laura ingalls, john dickinson, willa cather, etc.
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wykart · 3 years
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@Ken Levine give me custody of your ‘daughter’
#*booker voice* She is NOT your DaUghTeR#bioshock#bioshock infinite#bsi#elizabeth comstock#look I've been clowning again bc every so often I get really into the idea of rewriting bioshock infinite like fully but I want to do it#justice which is gonna mean heaps of research for a start (unlike Ken lmao)#but also the story is such a nonsensical mess that it's so hard???#and then I have to ask myself like what is the actual essence of this story? is the vox plot necessary for the story being told because#it's a hard thing to get right and requires a lot of attention and in the end doesn't matter much to the overall narrative#tentatively I think I would keep it but just alter it A Lot#and putting the alternate realities and the politics and religion aside#there's the concept of a city in the sky that somehow (well stays up for one but whatever quantum bs ok I'll bite)#but it isn't cold and everyone can breathe???? like ok it's going to be winter and most of it will have to be closed off and pressurised#I need to make another post for this because I think I actually want to do this fml#like essentially it's about an extreme version of church/state cult coming back to haunt cold war capitalist america#so la de da smother it in the crib -> nuclear apocalypse probably#but then obvs about booker and liz. and booker somehow being radicalised completely to become zach attack#and the idea of redemption I guess??? which is hard to argue for in Booker's case#and Then it's all really a big science experiment by my favourite twins to redeem Themselves (at least Robert seems to care about that)#it's their exploits that made all this possible in the first place#so what's the heart of it? that some science is better left unventured??? Rosalind would disagree#or I guess just don't give cool science to cults?? is the story not just about Liz becoming God?!??!??!?!??!?#it's all a paradox anyway which feels cheap but god I love a paradox#I'm over here like. I can make it good
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4lph4kidz · 2 years
i’m too tired to write about why the crockerharleybertlishes are all way more fucked up then their relatively cheerful and emotionally expressive exteriors imply. someone else do it for me /j
#i've been trying to write the post for like an hour and its not happening#maybe i should actually reread homestuck before i try swinging the ole analysis hammer around on tumblr dot come#*com lol#but here's what i think and the gist of what i'm trying to say#egbert - basically drifts through the story and instigates a lot of important plot points and events but seems largely emotionally unaffecte#*d by it all. growth does happen but we're fundamentally dealing with the same person who started the comic#at least in my view#idk how to even talk about everything going on with jade and her arc#it's hard not to see cascade as the peak realisation of her character as she accepts the things about herself she didnt like (jadesprite)#and does the coolest shit even rendered by a human hand#and everything after that is trying to nerf her. which also means her character has less room to grow after that point#the retcon timeline has her accept isolation and suffering on other's behalfs as her lot in life which is tragic. but i dont like it :(#as for the alpha prospit kids.......... they're screwed up in ways that seem to me like more exaggerated remixes of the beta propsitians#jake - literally avoids confronting difficult truths as a matter of course and continues trying to embody his action hero ideal even at the#very end of the comic#when it's blatantly obvious he's like. not being honest with himself#idk about#jane - having her entire life pulled out from under her like a rug has got to have fucked her up actually#and the credits imply she doesn't necessarily reassess her ambitions or priorities? idk#i think jane is REALLY FUCKING REPRESSED#committed to societal expectations of propiety and suchlike. conforming to expectations. has no way to deal with her own desires#when given the means to assert herself without caring about the repercussions - will do whatever the hell crockertier was#although i think crockertier was less about. jake. and more about finally getting to stick it to him after being too nice to assert herself#when she flubbed her confession beforehand#it's an inverse of that scene and more about her frustrations with herself than an authentic reflection of what she wants. if you ask me!#i don't mean desires in a weird way i mean literally what she wants out of life#god i have no idea what i'm talking about
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