#which is also why im spacing it out a bit instead of posting it all at once
cuz-reasons · 1 year
Now, I have ended up with 5 finished works and a bunch of other wips so I do need to post smth soon
This all to say I'm posting smth once I get home from work so look out for that
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stxneflxwers · 10 months
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⋯⁂ summary. suffering from a particular problem, some days you just couldn't care less what goes on—surrendering to your mind's desire for peace.
⋯⁂ a/n. short and sweet post here; so im not really worried about small grammar errors, word count, formatting, or what have you. i've been struggling with avolition lately (in which i mean my ass is getting OBLITERATED.) and if u need more info on what avolition is, i can give a VERY quick rundown: "Avolition is a total lack of motivation that makes it hard to get anything done. You can't start or finish even simple, everyday tasks."
⋯⁂ characters. neuvillette. gn reader.
⋯⁂ cw. reader suffers from a disorder that has avolition (lack of motivation.) reader is going to display a lot of apathy toward life. neuvi biggest sweetheart ever, even when he's away. hurt/comfort.
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life isn't so easy, everyone knows this. but some days are even harder than others, to the point they pass slowly and painfully. and lately, it's felt like forever since you've managed to get through a day without too much struggle.
neuvillette quickly realizes this.
he's also doing his best to support you, even while away from home. he'll send a melusine or two to go periodically check up on you. he knows you'll forget to eat and drink otherwise.
what he didn't expect is the day when he returned from his office around dinner time, much earlier than usual.
all of the lights in the home were off, much to his surprise. usually you'd leave a light on, should have you been up and about. he hadn't sent a melusine today to check up on you around lunchtime since you told him you were feeling fine.
it finally dawns on him that what you said was possibly a lie. or maybe misguided hope? he's not really sure which it is. and to be frank, he doesn't even care which it was at the moment.
he quickly puts his things away and takes his coat off, almost haphazardly dropping it to the floor instead of hanging it up on the coat rack. his hands tremble and so do his breaths, but he does his best to remain as calm as a stormless day. even when it starts raining outside from his uptick in stress alone.
he takes big yet quiet strides to the bedroom, where he finds you still in bed—staring off into space.
he sighs in relief when he notices your steady but shallow breathing causing your body to rise and fall. why he assumed the worst is beyond him, he simply did without a second thought.
when you seemingly don't notice him, his brows furrow and his frown tightens. he's not too sure what to do or what to say. and yet again, without a second thought, he approaches you,
"my dear?" he mutters, voice on the verge of shattering under the weight of seeing you so helpless.
you don't respond. totally nonverbal.
but, at least, you glance at him—even though your eyes are lightless, he's so happy to have you acknowledge him in this moment. he smiles a little from it as he slips his arms around you, cradling you carefully. he rests his head against the flat of your chest, letting out a long sigh.
"oh, how you worry me..." he mumbles, almost sleepily, "i love you very much. but i do understand that today is harder for you. therefore, i will not scold you. nor would i at any other point." he reassures, his voice soft and sweet as one of fontaine's infamous cakes.
your lips twitch a little, threatening to break out into a smile. even your eyes soften, laden with relief. heart filling with love, you begin to feel a little bit more rejuvenated,
"i...love you too..."
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getvalentined · 5 months
I love when folks ask me Fandom Old questions and I get to be like "Yeah, uh, that's from my old online RP group, no it's not canon at all, yes we just made it up, no we did not claim it was canon but the mid to late aughts were a strange time."
It's honestly a shock to realize how often this has happened. I mentioned earlier that Reno's fanon surname came from this same group, but that's not even the half of it. I once made a bunch of screenshot manips based on the most ridiculous ships anyone could think of—someone slapped a random line of text onto one of them and to this day it's used as a "cringe FF7 fandom" meme. I saw it on the twits a bit back and almost fell out of my goddamn chair.
If you've ever heard Scarlet referred to with the surname "West," read about Tseng fighting with metal fans, seen Elena's older sister being called Anna instead of Emma, come across Vincent portrayed as having a PhD in spite of being a Turk, or caught references somewhere to Grimoire experimenting on Vincent as a child, that started with this group. That was us.
One of the funniest examples of this, for me specifically, is that we don't actually know which arm Veld is missing? The fandom generally goes with his left because that's how I drew him in the first picture of the guy ever posted on devart way back in 2005, but it may very well be his right. I've seen people offer "proof" that it's his right based on a scene in the opening cutscene, but you can't tell there either, and with BC's graphics there's literally no way to tell on his sprite.
Hell, this year we found out everyone's assumed timeline of the Kalm fire is wrong, and that's our fault too because we made some assumptions about Felicia's age for an LJ RP that were entirely wrong. She's around Zack's age, not Sephiroth's! She's old enough to run with a terrorist group in BC, but she was a child when Kalm burned, and that happened in 1997—we know this because NPCs in Rebirth literally refer to the fire in Kalm having happened "just ten years ago." Veld has only had his prosthetic for three years when BC starts. (This also implies that, contrary to popular belief, Veld may actually be younger than Vincent. Vincent may have been the senior partner, and that's why he was sent to Nibelheim alone while Veld was left at headquarters.)
We were really wrong on this! But we were working with what we had. There's no canon evidence for the vast majority of these things (the most notable exclusion here is Vincent being educated) but we weren't claiming there was. We were filling gaps, and canon was so sparse that we had a lot of gaps to fill. So if it turns out that Veld lost his right arm, then I'll just have to start drawing him that way—because losing his left was never canon.
Tragically, there's nothing any of us can do to make people stop assuming these things are canon at this point; there aren't a lot of us still in the fandom, and it's not like any of us have those old chatlogs anymore. People from this RP group have DIED since those days. It's been over 20 years since most of us met, and around 15 since most of us were in a public fannish space together.
"Prove it," people say, and I literally can't. Do you know how many computers I've been through since then? 75% of the platforms we used no longer exist. This all started on a BBCode forum! There is no proof!
But...there's no evidence any of these things are canon, either, so maybe think about that? The Kalm fire, Tseng's weapon of choice, Veld's arm, character surnames—none of these are retcons because there was no lore there to retcon. We made it up for our specific purposes, and it escaped containment in an era when there was really no way to do online contact tracing.
It's just one of the weirdest feelings in the world to see younger folk arguing about A or B point in canon, about X or Y retcon—referencing something my friends and I thought up at like 10 o'clock at night on a now-defunct IM client in August of 2005, because we needed something to refer back to for a specific scene in an RP and the source material had nothing to offer.
Absolutely fucking bonkers.
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blessed-pizza · 1 month
This is pretty big post (for my standards at least), so if you're not interested in reading a schizophrenic ramble about time travel, then keep scrolling.
If you do however, well then sit tight and let me introduce you to:
Blessed Pizza's Schizophrenic Guide to Time Travel Shenanigans
(and how to not completely destroy the space-time continuum)
or BPSGtTTS for short.
So I've seen a lot of different styles and flavours of time travel and and I really wanted to somehow be able to sort them up in separate categories, that way I could make it easier to understand them. So I came up with a couple that i think contain most of the shenanigans I've seen.
alternate timelines/universes (AT)
changeable singular timeline (CST)
defined singular timeline (DST)
time loop (TL)
(if you know any more, please let me know. I'd love to hear about more wacky ways to do time travelling) (also, im not gonna refer to these with their full name, because that would be way to much typing, so I've put some abbreviations behind them)
The Alternate timelines/universes (aka the cowards way out)
The AT way of time travel is probably the simplest and the second most consequence free (I'll get back to that later) way to do time travel (and therefore also the most boring one in my opinion).
It's rather simple: Every time you travel in time and change something, it creates a new timeline. The changes made will effect everything in the time line you are currently in, but won't effect other timelines. This means that if you were to go back in time and kill your grandfather (or anyone anyone which you are a descendent of), you will not be effected! This, however, does mean that alternate-you won't be born in this timeline, buttt.... once again, that's not a problem for timetraveler-you, because timetraveler-you isn't from this timeline; so no paradoxes :) yet... With every travel through time you create a new branching timeline. This will eventually create a exponential tree like structure of alternate timelines. have fun keeping track of all of them :)
Let me just draw a quick time line so it's a bit easier to understand.
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A possible way you could spice it up, is by allowing for the travel between these different timelines. What ever the implications for that are though... well, I think you'd kind of end up with weird hybrid of AT and CST, which could then result in some timelines effecting other timelines; possibly even destroying entire timelines and their off-chutes, what could in turn cause paradoxes to occur similar to those of CST and Oh! Hey, talking about CST; lets get into:
Changeable Singular Timelines (aka the one you probably think of first when thinking of time travel)
Unlike AT, whenever you time travel in CST, you stay in the same timeline. Meaning that any changes you make will effect you; possibly leading to paradoxes! Yippee!! A great example of a possible paradox that could occur, is the grandfather paradox. If we take same example from AT, the one where you go back in time and kill your grandfather, and apply it SCT, the change does effect you. So when you kill your grandfather, it means you couldn't have been born; thus being unable to travel back in time, which means you couldn't have killed your grandfather and thus will be born like normal. Though this then means that you can go back in time and kill your grandfather... aannd it results in a infinite loop; a paradox (now you also see why its called the grandfather paradox if you didn't know already).
Here's another quick sketch of the timeline.
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(note: THESE ARE BOTH THE SAME TIMELINE, it just keeps changing into the other)
One way you could solve the paradox is by having the timeline "adapt" to the problem. So when you kill your grandpa and disappear, instead of creating a paradox, your grandpa stays dead. How did he die? Natural causes probably, some kind of disease or maybe even hit by a car. It doesn't matter, as long as he's dead, time will be fine again. Want a great example; look at this amazing post from @sincerely-sofie (it's also where I got the idea from)
There is another paradox that I've found, but I don't know if it has a name yet. So I'm just gonna call it the cotton-eye-joe paradox, because it makes me ask two things: one; where did it come from and two; where does it go. OK lets say you're in front of a locked door, but you don't have the key. So you search for it for a while and when you find it, you unlock the door. Then you decide to go back in time to give past-you the key to save them some time. Because it's a single timeline, it means that now you actually got your key from future-you. Great! You just created a never ending and never loop for that key. Where did that key come from? It can't be where it originally was, because you got it from future-you. Where did they get it? Well, from future-future-you of course! You see the problem? It's another paradox.
So just avoid these paradoxes right and then every thing will be fine, right? Yeahh, good luck with that. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? Even tiny, seemingly insignificantly small changes, can cause massive ones later in time, which in turn could lead to paradoxes, which are bad. So unless you somehow have the mental capacity and foresight to somehow oversee what all these changes will eventually even lead to without making them, you're gonna end up ruining time! My advise? DO NOT GO BACK IN TIME!!! unless you do want completely ruin the word as we know it, for some reason
Sooo..... how do you fix it make it less likely to break? Easy: just remove free will!
Defined Singular Timeline (aka the illusion of choice)
I wasn't sure if I should split CST and DST, because they are very similar. The one difference being that the timeline doesn't change when time travelling, because it was always about to happen. (I know this probably doesn't make any sense just bare with me for a bit. This is probably the most confusing of out of all of them) DST prevents the grandfather paradox from happening by making sure that changing the timeline isn't possible. That doesn't that your grandpa is immortal or something no no no, it just mean that if you would have killed your grandpa, it should have already happend. But you exist, so that means you're not going to kill your grandpa. I swear it's all gonna make sense, just uuhh... hold on let me get another example real quick. OK so imagine you're in a room and you get to the floor above through a hole, but you just can't reach the side of the hole to pull yourself up. Actually, you don't need to imagine, I'll draw it for you!
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The good thing is; you can travel back in time, so you get the idea to go back and help yourself get up! Then suddenly a future-you shows up and tells you that you need to help him up. You help them up and then you travel back to past-you. You ask past-you to help you up and they do, allowing you to leave. (visual aid below)
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What makes this different from CST? The fact that future you already showed up before you even went back in time. So you helping you was always gonna happen. Every version of you has experienced and will experience the exact same events. Everyone must experience the same events, otherwise its a not DST, but CST. Hold on, let me just quickly draw another timeline for you so its easier to see. hold on where did I put my markers... dammit... uhhhh... I guess this red pen will do...
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As you can see it's all just you. This works just fine, no alternate timelines, no paradox, it just works, right? Well... Kind of? Its kind of complicated. The cotton-eye-joe paradox can still ocour, though it is less likely. The key example from CST could still be possible, but it has just always been in circulation; you always got the key from future-you. If you need a good example, there is this short film made by corridor that displays it really well.
Though all of these paradoxes and problems are annoying. What if we just had something without any of that? What if we had a form of time travel without any consequences? what if we could just try again if something goes wrong? That's right! IT'S TIME FOR
Time Loops (aka the road to insanity)
Remember when i said AT was the second most consequence free?Yup, TL's are why. In a time loop, time keeps resetting back to a certain point, but you remember everything. (and maybe a couple of other people) Every time you reach a certain point in time you get yanked back in time to do it aallll over again. Sounds nifty right! Messed something up last time? Try again this time! Didn't like the outcome of one of your actions? WHO CARES! Just go back! Didn't manage to break the cycle last time? Doesn't matter. You can try something else next time. And the loop after that. And the loop after that. And the loop after that. And the loop after that... You're stuck here for eternity... or at least what feels like a eternity. Time has no more context, the cycle has become all you know. How do you stay sane in these scenarios? Depends on how much mental fortitude you have, but you'll probably break eventually.
As for problems, there isn't really a lot to say. paradoxes don't really happen because time resets every time anyway. There are literally no consequences to your actions (until the cycle breaks). I don't even think i need to draw a timeline for this one. (it would literally be just a loop) However despite its seeming simplicity, I personally find it one of the most fun scenarios for time travel. I guess i just really like watching character reach their breaking point and see them go completely insane.
Anyway, this has been quite a long post. By far the longest I've ever made. Again, if you know of any more time shenanigans, please share them . I love to overthink these things. And thanks, once again, to @sincerely-sofie for encouraging me down this path of madness in the first place (and providing me with countless examples. like genuinely, you have made a post about like 90% of the stuff i rambled about)
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mebeindelulu · 1 year
He calls you clingy - Im Changkyun
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bf! Changkyun x fem! reader . a little bit of angst, fluff .
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After a whole day spent at the university, finally you could meet your boyfriend Changkyun. So you picked up the take out and rushed to the studio where he was working on his new album.
When you arrived, the door was slightly opened so you quickly noticed that two people were talking inside.
"Uh... I can't go with you bro. Yn will be here in a minute. We spent littleraly the whole day yesterday but she can't live without me." You heard him ironically laughing, "I love her but Jesus... She is so clingy sometimes that it is annoying".
You were so so confused. You've never heard something like that from Changkyun. Yesterday you both had really a good time from coffee date, cooking dinner together to watching your favourite movies and walking around the Han river at night. And the whole idea about spending almost the whole day together was his idea, so hearing that you are "clingy" and that he has enough of you really got the worst insecurities out of you. Tears started to form in your eyes as you turned around and stormed out of the building.
In the bus you texted Changkyun that something in the university came up and you have to stay longer so you won't come to the studio today. When you arrived at your tini apartment you decided to drink the sadness away with wine.
To give Changkyun more space that he "needed", you thought that it will be a good idea to not text with him too much and to not meet with him as well this week. And the word part was that it looked like he is totally fine with that.
After one day that you declined his phone call saying that you have classes, he didn't call you anymore. And after two days instead of replaying to his "Good morning baby, how are you?" as you usually did sending him selfie or describing your day by the voice message, you only replayed "good, I'm just bussy" and he stopped to text you first. So you both were barely texting at all.
After a week of going to university and spending all your free time sitting alone in the apartment, your best friend could tell that there is something that is bothering you, so she told you to get ready because you are going to a party Friday night.
At the party you drink a few drinks and had fun dancing with your friends. You need that kind of distraction from overthinking your relationship and crying every night because your biggest fears came true: he got bored of you. At least that was what you thought.
One of your friends took photo of your group on the dance floor and posted on Instagram with caption "the single ladies", which could get interpreted wrong. Most of the girls in your group were not single. But the song that was played at the time when you were dancing was Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and that's why she added that caption. It had nothing to do with if you are taken or not.
When you were at the party, Changkyun was working at the studio, just like for the last couple weeks, working on his album. And he even wouldn't know that you are at the club if not his friend sent him a screenshot of your friend's "Single Ladies" post.
He suddenly got jealous and betrayed. You said that you will study all night and that's why you can't meet with him, when he asked if you want to spend the evening with him. It hurt him that you avoided him last week, but also he tried to understand you since you were studying so hard for the exams that are coming next week.
He couldn't understand why you didn't even texted him anymore like you used to. A single selfie and "good morning jiagi" would be enough for him. But there was only silence for the past week. And when he texted first you gave him only short replies.
But also deep down he knew that sometimes you need some time alone to isolate yourself from others and be alone with your own thoughts. And he thought that after isolating yourself from people you will come back to normal life and spend a lot of time with him.
But after seeing that you are at the club instead of being with him, he thought that something must be wrong. So he decided that it's enough. Changkyun put on his coat, took his car keys and rushed to the club that you were in (thankfully your friend added a location to her post).
You was standing by the bar with a drink in your hand when some tall guy joined you.
"Hi, what are you doing here?... Alone?"
You could tell that he is handsome, but weren't interested. Your friends were dancing on the dance floor but you were not in the mood to join them do you stayed here, drinking. But you didn't wanted to give such a classy answer so you decided to be a little bit cocky since you had nothing to do.
"And why are you asking, hmm?" He laughed at your question and tried to lean closer to you. But you took a step back. It was too much for you.
"Because a beautiful women like you shouldnt be alone in a place like that." He said putting his hand on your hips, which you immediately shaked off.
And at this moment someone pushed the man away. It was Changkyun. "Don't come close to her, she's mine. Understand?" You could see his jaw clenching.
"Okay, okay. Got it. Chill man." The guy said laughing and walking away.
You were happy that he was here but at the same time you were confused how he knew where you've been.
"Changkyun? What are you doing here?"
"I should ask you the same question!!!" He yelled at you. "What was that? Who was this guy?" He was really mad. And you didn't like that he yelled at you like that... especially when you didn't do anything wrong.
He was angry seeing some guy that close to you, especially that lately you distanced yourself from him.
You suddenly become anxious, tears forming in your eyes, you lowered your head down. When Changkyun saw that you become tense, he shook his head and sadness took over his anger. He hated seeing you crying. And he knew that you really badly endure if someone is yelling at you.
"It's okay, I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to yell at you. I'm sorry." His voice soften as he took a step forward and took your hands in his. You relaxed by his touch.
"Let's go home, Okay?" You nodded your head to his question.
"But first I have to tell girls that I'm leaving" and as you said you quickly swiped of tears and went to the dance floor where girls were dancing and said that you are leaving with your boyfriend. Of course they wanted you to stay and tried to hold you but Changkyun intervened and they let you go.
You were driving in silence for the most of the ride. And it wasn't a comfortable silence. You both could feel the tension.
"Sooo you still didn't answer my question. What you were doing at the party? I thought that you were studying tonight." He asked looking at the road and avoiding an eye contact. You felt so terrible. You didn't want to lie to your boyfriend but you still was sad that he thought that you are clingy. And studying was an excuse to not to spend time with him and give him space. But right now you started to have doubts about it.
"I was but Mia decided that they can't leave me alone so I had to go with them." You answered mirroring Kyuns behaviour, looking ahead on the road.
"Oh, so you have time to go out to drink but you don't have time to give me at least one call, huh?" You could feel that he was hurt. But so you were too.
"I thought that I'm a burden to you so I decided to give you space..." You put your head low and started to play with your fingers.
At that time you arrived at your apartment parking.
"What? I've never said anything like that. Where did you get this from?" Finally he turned to look at you.
"But you did say something like that. About a week ago, when I came to the studio the door to your room was open and I've heard you complaining about me to Soobin. You said that you have enough of spending a lot of time with me and that I'm clingy. So I decided not to come in and instead I went home." Holding his both hands on the wheel he listened to you carefully as you quietly explained your point of view.
"I don't even know what to say right now YN." he looked at you with mixed emotions. You couldn't say if he is angry, sad or just disappointed. "Then don't say anything" that proved that he didn't care about you so you wanted to get out of the car as quick as possible but his hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"Don't. Please. I'm sorry, listen..." When you looked at him with teary eyes he thought that his heart stopped. It really hurt you what he said a week ago. Changkyun took your hand and hold in his both hands.
"Yn, baby. I didn't want to say that. I didn't mean that, really." He hold your chin and put it up so you were looking at him. "I love you and I love spending time with you, please believe me." A tear went down your face and he swiped it with his thumb.
"I just had a hard day. We are finishing my album and everything is just stressing me out. I know that it is not an excuse but I seriously had no idea why I said that, I'm sorry."
"Can I hug you?" You asked shyly and Kyun immediately hugged you caressing slowly his hand on your back and the other hand patting gently your head.
"If I ever say something like that again just punch me in the face" He said, which make you laugh.
"Do you want me to stay with you for the night?" He asked While still hugging you. You pulled out from his embrace. "Yes, if you can..."
"Of course I can baby" he said kissing your lips.
And that's how you both spent the night drinking wine and talking about this whole week. He said sorry to you a couple more times and promised that you are his favourite person and he will never have enough of you.
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lunels · 1 year
with dating ellie comes with…
dating ellie williams !!
♡ - decided to write this on a whim when i woke up from a short nap today. was kinda reluctant to post this cause i know there are a lottt of these out there buuuttt, this was fun 2 write. anywayyyy, enjoy < 3
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with dating ellie, comes with…
her iconic and award-winning journal. that thing has documented just about everything in her life over the years annddddd before dating U she would write about you in it constantly. even b4 she realized she was crushing. just saying how cool you are and she loves being your friend. im talking before bed, having breakfast, after talking to you, after hearing you laugh. she’d draw you too. jot down little details ab you. you name it, it’s journaled. you’d come across it one day and see a few pages written about you, all smiley like awwweeee ellieeeeee, you reallly love meee and she’d be soo embarrassed, like yeah.. just a little bit.
which takes us toooo…. her episodic memory! (😱it’s true! jk.) but nah actually this girl’s memory is hit or miss. in terms of you though she remembers a lot of things…. like how you get grumbly when you’re hungry or how you prefer sitting down to wipe instead of standing up orrr how your first kiss with her was on a wednesday at 6:54pm. the weird little things you know!? other times…. information goes through one ear and out the other. you ask her what she did 10 mins ago & she’s stuck sitting there trying to recall. sometimes you wonder if you were to knock on her head if it would feel hollow or not.
her unusual appetite… i think she’s a picky eater and LOVES to eat but LOVES……. finger foods. what you would consider snacks would be breakfast lunch and dinner to her. one day you'd be in the store by the freezers & she'd dramatically gasp, ....dino fuckin nuggets? they had these the whole time?! aw man.. and she's just holding the box while reading the ingredients like its the most interesting discovery. babe do you SEE this??? did you know????? and you’re like noo… whaaattt! that’s crazyyy! knowing she won’t eat anything else & it would be her favorite hyperfixation of food til like. death. ellie is not going to dive into a 5 star meal. i mean, she would... but it's not preferred. if you’re having a date night she will happily order chicken tenders and fries with a side of ketchup. hell if she’s feeling a lil healthy that day a cup of grapes too. meanwhile you have… not that. your plate consists of five cheese ziti with a buttered and crisp breadstick on the side with garlic parmesan marinara sauce for dip idk. she'll just look at your plate like "okay! if that's what you like babe......if you like it go ahead…" while munching on a piece of chicken. you'd shrug, "least i don't eat like a toddler." the contrast in plates is horrificcc
her lowkey cocky and competitive nature. don’t get me wrong she’s default awkward and nervy but does have a bit of an ego. her vocabulary consists of alot of “yeah?”s and shit that makes you nervous but as soooonnnn as you hit back with the same energy she’s shying away and stuttering. because she’s like damn that made me feel something. uh oh. dating her would consist of a lot of races and competition over simple things….. such as seeing who could get to bed first, orrr race u to kitchen! when you two first started dating she would tell you lots of facts (still does) ab space/dinosaurs and be like “a million earth’s can fit inside the sun. did ya know that babe??” “i bet you don’t know why this dinosaur poops in pebbles…” why would you??? now it's just a regular occurrence. she’d feel so smart and brainy knowing you don’t know a thing she’s talking about. with her competitive side she’s also kinda sore loser too. you beat her in a video game, she’s moping around the entire day until you finally give in to a rematch… mumbling ab how that was just a warmup. and she hasn’t played the game in a while. yeah ok. but best believe she’s shit talking the entire time and finally boasting ab her longggg overdue win
her nerdy dorky loser side. she’s a nerd. she’s a dork. she’s a loser!! idc what u say that’s her. everyone should know this. the girl is in love with space and dinosaurs and reads comics and is technically a pro gamer. like that’s her shit. what does that say?? & the pun books?? come. on. being her gf would mean that there wouldn’t be a day that’d go by that you wouldn’t hear about a fun fact ab space or how something reminded her of a particular dinosaur that lived 19356827.9999 years ago. if you ever touch one of her collectibles or pick up those little trading cards or highly rare action figures she'd immediately run over and swat your hand away, lecturing you about how they haven't sold this character in years and she found this at a garage sale 5 years ago.... how could you- why you do such a thing??!?!? like babe… i love you… so much. but. don’t touch my shit ever again. yeah. it's that serious.
sleepless nights!!!!! she’s pretty much an insomniac. lowkey, but highkey. like, she sleeps, obviously, but she can’t sleep. which would often lead to you waking up in the middle of the night to find her re-building a jurassic park lego set orrrr playing one of her little video games. maybe jamming out to some music as she draws. (bonus if she's drawing your face cuz she can’t you outta her head) and all u hear is her humming along, music blasting out of her headphones like drrrrr dodododoo yeAhhh ooOooO or times if you can’t sleep either, the two of you would be up talking and goofing off w hushed laughs over nothing but it’s really everything to her and she just looks at you with her pretty eyes like... this person is really my whole world.
her guitar skills!!! how could i forget!!!! she plays, like a lot, and anytime you’re over that’s the one of the things she’s doing. most likely playing along to her fav band or practicing a song you suggested once. she’d always wanna play for you and show you a new trick she learned or play you a song she wrote. (bonus if it’s about you<33) if she’s sooo in love with you she’d def wanna teach you a few things:)) sometimes if you can’t sleep she’d be like babe gimme a song. any song and i’ll play it for you. and you’re likee glue song:))) then… there u go. she’d do all the little tuning stuff & you can’t help but feel mesmerized by the way her pretty hands pluck the strings or how she hums the lyrics on some parts. glancing at you every while to make sure you're still listening. she’s just sooo… *prettily sighs*
comic con. anime con. gaming con. YOU NAME IT. shes at all the cons!!!! she’s there and flourishing like a little butterfly. best believe she is dragging you to every single one (for support and comfort cause she wouldn’t ever go alone) and showing you eve-r-y-thing. everything? everything!!! she’d be genuinely excited. all smiley and jumping from place 2 place, pointing at all the characters she recognizes. like babe that's the wizard guy!!! remember him??? and then that's his buddy who’s like a thousand fuckin years old! look at him!!! never knew dude was so wrinkly in person though...yeesh. and you're like ohh… yeaahh☺️ so overwhelmed and very much confused and getting characters mixed up w others from her little rants but she's happy so you're happy n that's all that matters right? if you can't show up for some reason, her gf, who she forced to have on her arm, then jesse because he was the next person actually down to go BUT she would make him take a bunch of pics just to personally send to you. like waitwaitwait she's gotta see this—jesse where's my fucking phone?!? okay whatever just use yours. hurry up before they leave! spamming you left & right with all these attachments of her posed w her favs or pics of her at the different events there. she’d look so cute that you’re like okaaayy…. maybeeee i’ll go w her next time :)))
okay that’s it! this was rly fun to write!! i hope someone out there liked this and maybeee i'll do a prt 2 :) all loveee < 33
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yanderespamton78 · 5 months
for those following @turntableart's addison arg!! (sorry for the tag)
APR 16 :
 6:32 am : Turnons blog opened :D
APR 20 : 
8:35 am : Turnon makes the poll about whether he should investigate smth weird addons doing (this shows that addon has been slightly suspicious since the start)
8:35 am : First morse code!!! With the poll 
4:39 pm : “I miss my past” post (possibly relevant??)
4:53 pm : Maskons first post
4:54 pm : First interaction with maskon (through a comment on a post - he didn't yet have a proper blog)
7:24 pm : Addon makes a blog
8:01 pm : First interaction with the morse code entity
8:10 pm : Addon first translates what the morse code entity is saying
8:15 pm : the giftday party incident (i added this bc it makes me laugh a lot)
8:37 pm : rainbon mentioned. Possibly significant? 
9:24 pm : We find out the morse code entity is actually turnon (im guessing right after the acident but i could be wrong)  (the addisons never find this out)
9:47pm : First time the alphabet code entity speaks through turnons posts. Says “i think that's enough. you're scaring him. he's hurt, you wouldn't want him to dust would you?” presumably referring to the morse code entity. Right after this the morse code entity disappears, and any further interactions respond with “but no one came”
9:57 pm : Second interaction with alphabet code entity who says “stop talking to him you're giving him a headache”. Turnon complains about a headache. This is the first signs of a decline in his health. In the next post he says that hes going to go.
10:04 pm : Addon has been translating bits of the morse code for a bit now. The forth analysis ends up being corrupted, and all the characters are just black blocks. 
APR 21 :
9:26 am : First post says that he got a nosebleed and passed out on his desk the previous night. He also mentions that when he woke up there was a cup of tea on his desk which he presumes is from addon but it was never confirmed.
10:59 am : Mentions that the strange people are back (mentioned in the poll) and that hes getting a nosebleed. Mentions in the next post that he feel really dizzy and is going back to his desk
11:34 am : Turnon describes a building pressure in his head like bugs. 
11:50 am : Turnon says that the nosebleed stopped. Alphabet entity gets accused of being slick. It ignores the question and instead tells us to leave turnon alone as he’s stressed with work.
12:00 noon : This post from maskon? Not sure the relevance of the song. definitely creepy tho.
6:14 pm : Here addon confirms that turnon is in the medbay. This is later contradicted by addon himself.
6:14 pm : “turnon” says that he woke up and has no idea where he is. At 6:23 he tags addon for help.
6:19 pm : Addon says that he opened a zipped file and it shut down his pc. This is presumably what causes the medical documents to get leaked.
6:29 pm : “Turnon” says that he knows where he is and isn't happy about it. What??
6:52 pm : A few posts later “turnon” tells addon that he got hurt really badly. He says hes going to try to walk home against addons advice.
7:42 pm : Something happens and “turnon” starts making disturbing posts. They are in english but don’t have spaces. He seems frantic and scared and at 7:54 pm he doesnt respond to his own name, despite the fact that he mentions his goggles and crypton, which are obviously things that are unique to him. 
7:50 pm : Addon responds to the first spaceless post and comments on how turnon couldn't be making the posts as he is unconscious in medbay 
8:03 pm : When not-turnon is questioned on his name he says it is presson and seems confused. He says he found the phone in queens palace (if he is telling the truth, it would make sense why turnon was unhappy about where he was. Obviously he fell into the acid lake in queens mansion so its unsurprising that he would be on edge.)
8:20pm : Presson denies that it was him who typed the weird spaceless posts. 
9:34 pm - 9:59 pm : Presson comments on how dark and run down seraphim is. When questioned on it addon says its probably something interdimensional or timeline based. At this point, his text starts glitching out. Addon tells presson to put the phone in the big machine, but presson says that it looks dangerous and he doesn't want to. He seems genuinely worried about dying, but addon insists he returns the phone. Finally, he puts it in the machine and you are no longer able to contact presson.
10:52 pm : when questioned on the weird glitchy text, he again chalks it up to interdimensional lag
If we go by addons version of events (which he talked about a few days later on the 24th) at about 6-7pm turnon went out and got badly injured. At about 8 pm some kind of entity (presson) took his phone, who addon electrocuted. At about 9 pm Turnon was found in an alleyway with some kind of black fluid gushing out of his nose. 
APR 22 : 
5:37 pm : confirmation that Maskon is Slick
8:28 pm : The first leak of Turnons medical documents. 
9:07 pm - 9:53 pm : this whole saga... Look i know i put way too much trust into maskon and i apologise BUT ADDON STILL ISN’T TRUSTWORTHY!!
10:06 pm : Maskon refers to Turnon as his husband
APR 23 : 
11:04 am : Turnon wakes up!! In a bad state but alive :3 also at 11:08 am he says that hes missing a few parts
4:08 pm : turnon is told about the (made up) debt issues
4:37 pm : turnon is shown his medical document. At 4:57 pm hes told not to tell addon about it.
5:24 pm : Turnon is told about presson. He also says that his last phone is blown up.
5:25 pm : Turnon talks about maskon
5:42 pm : Turnon mentions his legs feeling numb D:
7:20 pm : Turnon secretly spells out help !! wow !! 
7:47 pm : second Turnon medical document leaked!!  (at 8:23 pm i made fun of addon for being bad at stopping important docs from getting leaked)
8:34 pm : we find out about the hats
APR 24 :
12:51 pm : Click gets a blog!!
10:30 pm : Turnon makes a post asking how long is legs are supposed to be numb, and asking why his fingers are turning black. Click reblogs the post and says that hes coming over. After that turnon starts typing his posts really,,, bad,, theres no better way to describe it. After a minute Surf (ambyu-lance) takes the phone and click demands to speak to him and addon
APR 25 : 
6:57 pm : the third medical document leaked. This hasn't been decoded yet, but the first bit seems to be in nihilistic cipher. 
8:16 pm : Turnon makes a post, a picture he drew of himself with the caption “im a little sad, i'll get better”. When questioned on it he says that hes not used to the feeling of being useless.
8:32 pm : THE TAGS. THE TAGS. LOOK AT THE TAGS turnon makes a post. In the tags it says “hes getting worse” “oops did i say that? oh well.” My dumbass cant tell if this is turnip or turnon saying this but worth mentioning anyway.
9:15 pm - 9:37 pm : Clickon is questioned on whether he talked to Surf and Addon. He says that he did, and no one is completely sure whats up with Turnon. Clickon says that Turnons condition is worsening. Hes paler than usual, his fingers are black, and Clickon accidentally pulled out a clump of his hair. Click says that Turnon is a survivor, but even this makes him worried. After this, Addon reblogs the post saying that he didn't talk to clickon last night and theres no footage of Click entering the building. Click is obviously confused, to which Addon tells click to wake up and to stop living in his fantasies. After this Clickon says he feels weird.
9:20 pm : cool lil drawing. Not really relevant but i thought it was neat lol
9:35 pm : TURNON STANDS!!!! He mentions that his legs are black and hurt like hell but hes standing!! (at 9:53 pm he falls over D:)
9:37 pm : Click makes a post that simply reads “Somethings wrong.”
9:57 pm : When questioned if he's ok, clickon replies saying he never made it, before a wall of binary. It reads “Everything feels stuffy, Shadows I'm in my car, I think I'm being watched”. At 10:02 pm Addon reblogs the post saying “get out. Now.” before a string of numbers that haven't been decoded. At 10:09 pm Clickon reblogs the post again with another binary code, this time reading “I don't know where I'm going, My eyes, My eyes, I can barely see, Is it following me”
10:15 pm : Maskon makes some kind of post about Cotton candy. It translates to “i do like cotton candy dont you?”
10:23 pm : someone asks maskon / slick if he did anything to Clickon. Slick said he didn't want yellow to hang out with someone like that, but he deserves his freedom.
10:40 pm : Clickon makes a post in binary. It reads “The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars”
APR 26 : 
Nothing from turnon all day. 
7:35 am : Ice cream blog opened
2:07 pm : The runner of the Ice cream blog says that he uses the alias pinup (but for some reason, he can't disclose his real name. Could be for privacy reasons though.)
2:32 pm : Pinup gets a coat!! He comments on how it doesn’t have a tag for some reason
5:12 pm : Pinup mentions addon. He says that he sees addon as a friend but he isnt sure if addon feels the same.
3:39 pm : Clickon mentions he just woke up in the woods with a massive headache. He doesn't know how he got there. 
3:42 pm - 4:26 pm : Complaining about various things. He mentions having frozen joints, so he probably slept in the woods all night. He says “at least hes alive” which means he probably thought he was genuinely going to die (or hes just being dramatic)
4:33 pm - 10:11 pm : lots of things happen in this thread. Firstly, Clickon says that it was him making the posts in binary. He says he vaguely remembers typing something out on his phone, and that he was very scared. The first two are relatively self explanatory, he was scared. The third one he said he remembered looking up at the stars. He describes everything feeling trippy and disorientating as he was running, and feeling like he was being chased. He ends up being told all about Slick and all that. He isnt actually too surprised?? He says that he is nearing the city and he can see buildings in the distance. Anyways Important Shit Happened Go read it
11:38 pm : Its confirmed that the reason why Turnon didn't post anything is because addon took away his phone.
APR 27 : 
6:37 pm : Clickon updates us saying he got back to the city and after a rough night and is driving to seraphim, presumably to check on turnon
6:44 pm : Turnon makes a post saying hes going to walk home and addon doesnt know. At about 6:55 pm he passes out in the middle of the road. At this point he is disoriented from the pain medication and thinks he is back home.
6:58 pm : Clickon finds addon in the road and mistakes him for roadkill. By 7:04 pm turnon is in his car and they were going back to seraphim. At 7:14 pm he says that turnon is speaking gibberish. 
7:15 pm : Addon says a taskforce has already been sent out to try find turnon
7:29 pm : no matter what turnip says, addon finds out that clickon has turnon and sends out a bunch of shit to stop him, presumably not realising that he has good intentions.
7:36 pm : Clickon gets fucking SHOT !! 2 mins later turnon also presumably gets shot. NICE!! Later addon confirms it was a tranquiliser dart.
7:51 pm : at this point both clickon and turnon have been captured. Addon refers to them as ”two ominous individuals” at 8:04 pm Addon reports that they have been hooked up to an experimental piece of darkner equipment that hurts them when they move. 
8:19 pm : Clickon makes a post saying he doesn't want to die. Addon replied a few minutes later with what is essentially a threat (8:22 pm) and at 8:28 pm he ends up confirming that he knows about Slick
APR 28 :
11:25 am : Turnon wakes up back at seraphim, chained to the bed and confused on why he is there, stating that hes supposed to be home.
5:17 pm : Turnon is acting weird. He is weirdly insistent to get home despite never complaining about the facilities at Seraphim, and says that he would break his leg to get home. At one point there is a font change. This is implied to be slick possessing him.
5:30 - 6:30 pm :Theres a whole thread thats very important. Despite there only being two accounts, there is obviously three people in the conversation. Turnon, Addon, and Slick. Addon seems insistent on getting Slick out, even if it involves hurting turnon (“You should be more carefully you signed the contract years ago now I can legally do whatever I wish to you to get the task finished. Parasite” “If not I can feed you to Melody, atleast someone should benefit from your pathetic existence.”).  Turnon seems scared and confused. POOR FUCKING WET TOWEL I WANNA HUG HIM SO BAD POOR CREATURES BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH
@emiplayzmc @tdlizardshinynest take it you freaks /lh
i put all of the longer threads in one bit to make life easier for everyone
Im going to edit this when needed so itll probably be updated once every day or two
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
also... penny for ur jodie thoughts ?
turns on immigrant song and sets it to loop. of course ^-^ I WAS GONNA DO A FRESH POST but i barely started typing it so i will answer on here instead! shout-out to @nutria--oscura as well because they also asked me for my jodie thoughts on my initial post
im gonna do a tl;dr as well as the full ramble, so! tl;dr first
canonically (in his fabricated human memories, not reality), jodie's mom, dee, was a singer and jodie didn't see her growing up because of this. i think the parallels to glenn here are obvious: glenn's dad, bill, was always on the road due to being a roadie/session musician, and dee was always on the road due to being a rock singer. the difference between them is that glenn spent consistent time with bill whenever bill wasn't busy, while jodie didn't (presumably he lived at home with his dad, but this isn't really clarified on), and i think this explains why they have such different adult lives despite their similar upbringings. glenn grew up involved in the rock scene, while jodie saw it more as something he could never be included in. however, once she appears in the podcast, dee is shown to be an extremely loving mother who has done everything in her power to find her son again, which is... really sweet, mostly, i love dee, but also its really sad because jodie has all these issues not from his actual life, but because he was used as some punishment against glenn for being a bad dad LMAO
now the full ramble with screenshots from the transcript and more headcanons/interpretations of how it affected him LOL
firstly, the part of the podcast that explains jodie's human memories, from SWAP (SWitched Ass Papas)
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for simplicity's sake, for now, i'm gonna talk as if this is all true. we are taking jodie's human memories at face value.
jodie grew up without his mom in his life at all. i think "you never met her" was an exaggeration, based on the line "you don't have too many memories of them from your childhood", but she still is clearly not someone jodie spent much time with. her presence was always there, there were people in his life keeping him updated about her, he knew what she looked like, etc, but he didn't really know her. even when he did see her, jodie's memory is bad, he likely doesn't fully know what he experienced first-hand and what he was just told. it's a bit of ADHD projection, but i know that due to my memory problems, i've often had issues with being unsure what from my childhood was real and what was just something i made up. i think it's fair to say that jodie has similar issues based on these lines. he doesn't know his mom, she isn't a real person to him really, she's just this idea of a "cool mom" that was drilled into his head as a kid.
as i said, this parallels glenn's backstory in an interesting way. both bill and dee weren't home, but glenn still saw bill regularly. not a lot, but he always knew he would see bill again and generally considered him a positive influence in his upbringing (now, glenn's conflicting feelings about bill is a whole OTHER post i could write and have written before but-). okay tbh i was gonna get more in depth about bill and glenn's relationship but then i was rereading episode 29's transcript and started thinking too much and couldn't find any words, so we're just sticking with this screenshot from glenn close's damages:
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THE POINT I WAS MAKING BEFORE I SPACED OUT FOR 20 MINUTES THINKING ABOUT MY BABY GIRL BILL CLOSE. glenn got to spend time with his father and was often looped into his nonsense, which led glenn to being far more involved in the rock and roll scene. in contrast, jodie barely ever saw his mother, and its reasonable to extrapolate that that is why he went so far in the opposite direction as glenn. he rejected this world that his mom was a part of because if his mom didn't have any time for him, then that entire scene as a wider space didn't have any time for him either. jodie is shown to be a character that does not get over things: his deep yearning for morgan, his long-standing anger towards glenn, he doesn't know how to move past things that upset him. i think it's reasonable to assume his feelings towards his mom could fall into this group of long-held feelings. he is completely the type to throw himself into something rigid and consistent and soulless such as the police force to separate himself from his mom, who he's been told is a rock and roll singer who's cool and edgy.
and i think the reason why this makes me so sad is that it's completely... unnecessary might be the best word, because dee loves him.
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dee absolutely adores jodie, she misses him, she did everything in her power to get him back to her. but as i said, jodie is a character that doesn't let things go. despite the way he says that he's a demon now, as if that eradicates his very human feelings, it's obvious that he never really got past his fabricated life - again, his desperate attachment to morgan is evidence of this. no matter how much his mom loves him, jodie is probably always going to have a part of him that looks at her as the human woman who abandoned him as a human child. and she didn't, she didn't at all, and isn't that just devastating?
i feel like there's so much more i could say, but it's already been an hour and a half since you sent this ask LMAO i just think, behind his pathetic exterior, jodie is an absolutely fascinating character and people often undervalue how devastating the back half of season one was for him. jodie is never going to be like, a good guy. i don't want to make people sympathize with him or anything, i get it, he's not a likeable person and i don't want him to be ♡♡ i love my bitchy pathetic demon king of hell ♡♡ but there's a lot more depth to him than people tend to sit down and think about
anyways do you guys think, pre-demon reveal in the jodie foster timeline, jodie just assumed the omega daddies didn't recruit his mom because they were misogynists
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sang8262 · 1 year
JP rambles: default outfit and character design edition
cause i asked about his character design and now I'M thinking about it, also im procrastinating so i have thoughts here goes
mostly about his default outfit, with a tiny bit about outfit 2 at the end. I already know this is going to be a needlessly long post lmao
TL;DR - JP is inspired by playing cards, bartitsu, and vampires/bats. he's a poker faced gentleman through n through
~~also minor spoiler warning for World Tour things, such as having JP as a Master and getting to max level skills/ bond with him~~
This is a safe space and I will be HONEST: I didn't like his default look a lot at first, but I've since warmed up to it!! I still use his outfit 2 (color 10) online tho. I speed ran World Tour for that, I have suffered, and I WILL enjoy it.
Anyway, it was once I realized he has thematic ties to playing cards that really made his default design make sense to me. First, some proof that he takes inspiration from playing cards to begin with.
Once you get Master Skill level in World Tour mode, everyone gets a little cutscene movie featuring their skills, archetypes/ titles, and ends with a quote commemorating your achievements as their student.
JP's starts off like this, with a bunch of playing cards with his name on them falling down the screen:
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(also, btw, where we get more of that bat imagery, but i'll get back to that later)
This is what made it click for me and made it really obvious why his name is stylized the way it is, using the font it uses. His name reads the same way right side up as it is upside down, and looks very much like how the values are printed on these cards.
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Then, the video includes several 'titles' for each character. Some of these get used in other promotional material too, but JP's are as follows:
King of No Country
High-Rolling Pretender
Gentlemanly Tyrant
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In which, again, the poker/ gambling references show up with the phrase "high-rolling", or "king" of no country.
And final proof, is that each Master in World Tour can be given gifts that they will react to in unique ways, and also receive extra bond points for. Sometimes they're things the character likes, or really hates: it's just what gets an interesting reaction out of them.
JP (unfortunately) only has one such gift item he has special dialogue for: antique playing cards.
Although his reaction to them are... less than positive (he literally calls them 'trash'), he also points out how old cards can't be used to play actual games, as it is against the rules.
Within the game's universe, it shows that he cares, or at least knows enough about cards to even have these notable responses to them. Considering it outside the game, the devs specifically decided to make his special World Tour gift a set of Antique Playing Cards, instead of any other item. They wanted to make this connection between him and cards for a reason.
So to me, I think this is a lot of evidence that shows a clear and intentional relationship between JP's character design and playing cards.
In retrospect, I honestly think he does look like the face cards quite a bit lmao. The white hair and beard + mustache, the cravat, the colors too (really strong orange/ red, paired with gold and that bit of marble on his cane), and the cane paralleling a scepter/ sword.
Speaking of, more about the cane: the devs had an interview answering fan questions, and at one point they explain the inspiration for JP. I'll link the video here with the timestamp for this question:
But basically they say they wanted to have a character use a cane, and cites bartitsu/ Sherlock Holmes as well. So, even if they worked backwards from 'cane', all the way to 'gentlemanly tyrant who likes chess puzzles and launders money through fighting game tournaments', I think they made it work well with the playing cards aesthetic too!
Finally, I'll go back to the bat imagery that I think is pretty interesting.
Parts of his design subtly incorporate bats, such as his brooch on the default costume:
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And more directly in his alt costume 2, seen on his buttons and coat pattern:
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And I have to imagine the brooch on his default outfit is somewhat invoking of a bat (with wings and large ears) because of his WT skill Mastery video having a giant BAT in the middle of the screen. I also thought it might be in reference to the Shadaloo organization symbol, which is a skull with wings.
Then even further from the comics, Kalima-- his assistant while organizing the fighting tournament in Nayshall-- warns Luke that JP is like a "vampire who will suck this country dry". The vampire analogy just works so beautifully with how he works as a criminal, not to mention the other aesthetic associations with it.
All in all, I really REALLY love JP's personality and whole modus operandi as a character and villain so greatly in his design. I definitely also feel that his outfit 2 isn't nearly as symbolism laden as his default one, but I am a sucker for formal wear and suits, so I am just, in love. Plus the subtler nods to his bat/vampire-ness is there, if only very minimally.
Edit: noticing this as I literally posted this AH. But also on the playing cards from his WT skill video, it has two different faces, it has both the Jack (or possibly King...) and the Joker:
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It continues to add to his duality/ hidden true nature/ deceiver type character so much, it's perfect. And of course, with his name, or pseudonyms starting with "J". So either Jack or Joker works perfectly. I mean literally, he isn't the king of any country... but he'll still bring it to ruin all the same.
Edit #2: omg i keep remembering things i meant to add thank you adhd very cool
BUT, in the original Japanese version of the Mastery skill video, his titles are SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT. As is the Korean translation, which is a more direct translation of the Japanese one than the English is.
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'So "King of No Country" was originally also: "No-Life King of a Ruined Country"
And turns out, doing some good ol' googling, that 'no-life king' has some established meanings to it:
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Basically, it's related to other media including vampires, undead, monsters, so I'm guessing 'no-life' is closer in meaning to 'immortal', having no natural lifespan rather.
So yeah, even more references to vampirism for ya
but aNYWAY,, Thanks for reading my silly observations!!
I think I got pretty much everything but if there's anything I didn't mention or something to add please please do, I love reading replies and the tags (this site's so much better for this kinda stuff lmao)
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cakemousse · 2 years
next to you
They agreed to remain as friends, but the feelings continue to linger…
Rating: T,  Words: 880, Chapters: 1/1
this is literally just my writing when my brain’s empty and my heart filled with emotion. i really need to get it out, if it doesn’t make sense, im sorry. also i can’t believe my confidence in writing is at an all time low but i still decided to post this. the lovesquare sends me crazy i guess  exaltation spoilers ahead
They both sit on a rooftop, gazing towards the city but also at nothing at all. 
Ladybug shifts her eyes towards Chat Noir, her head still facing forward, to see him as still as ever. She slowly turns towards him and raises her hand, moving it to the back of his neck, and she knows that he sees what she’s doing, because he doesn’t jump when her fingers slowly come into contact with his nape. 
“What’s gotten you so stiff, Chaton?” scratching his neck lightly, hoping to ease his shoulders.
She feels him leaning slightly into her palm, and if she listens very closely, paying all of her attention to him and only him, she would’ve heard his soft purring at her touch. 
Chat Noir directs his attention to her, “Oh I was stiff? Haha, I didn’t notice…”
He visibly arches his back, bringing his hands above his head to stretch his whole body.
And her hand falls from where it was so comfortable being.
“Thank you, my Lady, for always looking out for me.”
She smiles at him, then continues staring into the blank space from before, crossing her arms over her knees and tucking her head into them.
Ladybug is not expecting the breeze that’s flowing through her hair to be as calming as this, and she can’t help but close her eyes at the ease it brings her. 
That is until she feels something pushing her bangs out of the way to reveal her eyes. 
She blinks, then stares at black gloves before moving her eyes to see his greens. 
“What’s gotten you so sad, my Lady?”
Well, lots of things, and mainly one. But she doesn’t want him to feel responsible for it, she’ll never do that to him. 
Ladybug smiles again, “Sad? Oh no, you must have mistaken it for tiredness, I did sleep later than usual last night, so don’t have to worry your pretty—”
Both of their eyes widened. 
“I-I mean… don’t have to worry your head over me. Just need a couple more hours of rest and I’ll be fine!”
“Speaking of which,” Ladybug slowly stands up, “I should go before I look any more tired huh?”
She’s looking up now, Chat Noir has risen to his feet together with her. 
Something is lingering behind his eyes too. 
Ladybug waves, “see you soon, Chat Noir,” and reaches for her yo-yo, only to feel his hands on hers soon after. 
“Ladybug, we’re still friends right?”
She drops her hand and grabs his. “Yes, of course! Why wouldn’t we be?”
“You’re not… letting me help you…”
Ladybug bites her lower lips, “Of course I am! You enabled me to know how I truly am feeling! That’s plenty of help—”
If she has any other lingering thoughts to share, they all disappeared when he uttered that nickname. 
She lowers her head and releases her hold on his hands, gently running both of her hands up his palm, waiting to see if he’ll move away from her, waiting to see when he’d grab her forearms to ask what the hell she’s doing. 
Chat Noir does none of that, instead, he lets her trace her palms to his elbows, and she moves forward, bit by bit, slowly lifting her hands away from his arms, and steadily circles his waist. 
Ladybug carefully steps into his embrace, worried he’ll pull back anytime. 
Again he remains rooted to the rooftop. 
When she’s chest to chest with him, it brings back memories of how tightly he had hugged her a while back. 
She looks away from him, blinking, and fails to notice his sudden hitch of breath.
“It’s… complicated…”
Ladybug feels his arms shifting, circling them around her shoulders. 
She blinks even more. 
Chat Noir tucks his face into the space beside her neck, “I’m always here.”
Ladybug shakes and Chat Noir pulls back, not too far, but just enough to look at her. 
“I understand Ladybug, it may be difficult now, but know that I am always here for you.”
She gazes at him, and he gazes back. And slowly, she sees that he’s leaning into her as if he’s so shy to do so. 
Ladybug continues looking, and Chat Noir doesn’t stop, until he places a cheek kiss on her. 
Her breath gets stuck in her throat before she focuses on him again. 
She places a hand on his cheek and caresses him while smiling. “Thank you, mon Chaton.”
The smile she shows must be a genuine one, because Chat Noir shares a grin of his own, “Anytime, my Lady.”
Ladybug pulls back, her hand still lingering on his as her other hand reaches for the yo-yo. “I’ll be going, see you soon.”
“Yeah, see you.”
But their hands are still connected. 
She shifts her fingers slightly, and so does he, stroking each other’s hands as gently as possible, afraid that too much force would yank them apart.
It’s as if they wanted to hold onto each other a while longer, and she believes that to be the case because she definitely wants to.
But she slowly retracts, and he stops his caress.
She takes a step back, smiles at him, and throws her yo-yo, swinging back to her house, never looking back at him.
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celestie0 · 1 month
Hello ellie! 😍 im just here to drop a ‘few’ words so don’t mind me 🤪 (i fear it may have turned into a yapsesh oopsies!)
Help omg idk if this is tmi but like im on my period and I was reading chap 3 of ihm right… and how could i prevent myself from laughing at my fav goofy ahh lighthearted romcom series on tumblr? 😔 put 2 and 2 together and boom i had my ketchup bottle moment when reading the dialogue bye 💀🤚 I LITERALLY HAD TO STOP FOR A MOMENT TO PROCESS WTH JUST HAPPENED LOL
Anyway, i rlly LOVEEEE your writing style for ihm,, the goofiness n domesticity is what I need as therapy for the heart wrenching angst fics ive read 😤 the way you write y/n + gojo’s dynamic and quarrels never fail to make me crack up like an egg and i love you for that 😔 THANK YOU FOR CREATING A COMFORT FIC FOR US ALL 🥺🫶
I hope I’m not stepping out of line here but your feelings abt the smut in ihm is totally valid and i understand you. That anon probs didn’t intend on bringing any harm but like there’s bountiful of smut in the jjk fandom that I’m sure they could have read instead of commenting smth so ignorant and disrespectful 🥲 Pls every time i search ‘jjk x reader’ in the search tab, i’m always greeted by endless posts of smut one-shots 😭 but fr this fandom actually needs to stop being a buncha horny brainrots bc im actually over repetitive and predictable smut,, everything just feels so shallow :,0 (everyone is entitled to their own opinion so dont atk me pls) and them invading your personal space by demanding smut is just not it… and we all know you don’t have to cater to them bc u don’t owe them anything! no need to listen to the smut hungry anons bc they don’t even care abt the blood, sweat and tears you pour into ur fics if they’re pushing you to write smut 😡‼️ they can go fulfil their dirty desires somewhere else ;-;
Words seriously cannot express how much I love your stories and just wanna applaud you for not immediately jumping into smut and actually having relationship buildup,, it makes the stories have sustenance and ik u want ur fics to be memorable in a unique way to your lovely readers 😇 but we seriously need a smut ban n touch grass movement in the jjk fandom for a bit bc this is getting out of hand 😭
hiii bb!! PLEASE the ketchup bottle moment sent me to the moon also so fucking relatable xD and omg i'm so glad you enjoy the lightheartedness of ihm so far!! it's been sm fun to write and it's become a comfort fic of my own as well <33
thanks so much for the support on the smut thing <3 i've been toggling back n forth between feeling awful for coming at that anon like that vs being glad i stood up for myself lol, but ultimately, i just needed to share my perspective. i don't think they were trying to be rude either, which is why i felt bad, but i spoke my truth lol
and i totally agree w you (pls no one attack me either) but i'm honestly kind of sick of just seeing straight smut on my feed. like it's fine when i'm in the mood but the tumblr algorithm for jjk feels like your partner constantly begging you for sex 24/7 lol. but yea power to whatever someone wants to read, but don't impose it on an author.
anywho i've been talking a lot ab this situation lolol i feel like there's nothing i haven't said anymore but i totally agree w everything you've said!
thanks sm for you lovely words of support bb :'') i love u tooo and i'm so blessed to have the community of support i have on here!! this situation has definitely made me realize i'm not alone. have a wonderful dayyy (also hope your period is treating you well) <3
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wandering-aloneo-o · 3 months
well well well, if it isn't time for a pinned post!
hi, i'm wanderingalone! you can call me any variations of that, or ace works too!
i like things and stuff, and also do stuff and things occasionally
i'm an avid halloween, plants, and goofy things enjoyer! if you like any of those, you're automatically cool in my book and get a free googly eye
[insert googly eye png here]
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(or a gold star if you want that instead. i'm fine that you don't want a googly eye. that's fine. im not hurt or anything. im fine about this.)
i occasionally do stuff (im not lying. i do do things. sometimes. i promise. im not lying.)
buuuut i also don't want to take up too much space with those things and stuff and stuff and things, so now i will be inserting a break gap extend button thing (wow, so cool!)
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i am aroace and use any pronouns!
here's a list of my little sideblogs that have some little things:
@a-whole-lot-of-things: i talk about all the silly things i like here, could be music-related, media-related, project-related, fandom-related, basically anythingilikeoraminterestedin-related
@yeahilikesomethings: a sideblog which serves the sole purpose of being a place where i reblog Every post i like (don't quote me on that) (started on june 16th, 2024)
i'm also in sideblog with everyone, but so is everyone else, so that's not saying much
i also may or may not run an updates acct. who knows. not me. and certainly not you. and its definitely not @tubbo--updates
(i also have like 2 or 3 sideblogs that are just username holders or short-time gimmicks of sorts, so those aren't really important)
now it's time for some important/cool/noteworthy things. yippee!
MyArt - self-explanatory, it's just my art. art i've made. that it
MyMugs - the famed mug collection
5 Good Things - a list of 5 good things that happened in my day
yet another irl conversation - funny convos that have happened to me irl
yet another gc conversation - goofy gc shenanigans
honorable mentions posts:
2020 and why its BAD
the dream creatures (i love them sm :))
This Exchange with @fullofgenderandstressed and @justanotherhumanbeing which i still chuckle about when i think of
This Thing which resulted in my first (i think??) youtube short debut (Here)
plants, sleeping, music (Two Door Cinema Club, James Marriott, McCafferty, Destroy Boys, The Wombats, La Roux, Los Campesinos!, Crywank, The Royston Club, Good Kid, Lorde, Feeder, Mother Mother, Akine; indie, 80's, rock, and a whole bunch more) (if you have any music recs pleasepleaseplease share them with me i loooove expanding my music taste), animals (shoebills are cool af), halloween, rain, and a whole bunch more that i can't think of atm :D
Stranger Things, Dead Boy Detectives, MCYT (Tubbo, Nihachu, some Jack Manifold, Tommyinnit, Hermitcraft, and the occasional other things sprinkled here and there), The Haunting of Bly Manor, Criminal Minds, a bit of Star Trek and Marvel, and other random things that sneak in there now and again
i currently have a growing mug collection and vinyl record collection, which i may share at random times if i really feel like it, i also write and draw things occasionally which is pretty fancy pretty cool imo, i also normally have my tumblr set up in pumpkin theme from april 1st to december 31st for funsies (gotta love that halloween spirit) And i'm making wind chimes out of old glasses lenses for funsies :D
anyways, i think that's all for now, i'll probably edit this every now and again, if you've made it this far i hope you're having an incredible day/night/time, remember to do that one thing you've been putting off, and here's a spinning cat as a reward for getting through all this! (also here's your Daily Click reminder if you haven't yet!)
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last edited september 12th 2024
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grahamcarmen · 4 months
Just wanted to tell you that whenever you vent, I feel so heard and seen, like someone was literally listening when I was ranting in my brain.
Also how many asks do you have in your askbox right now ignoring this one.
you and me ranting and venting forever XD ha!
i'm glad my venting is not in vain I have so much weary complaining in terms of why i do not understand. like . always under duress and always in the disclaimer corner , but ???
i'm just more tired than angry...still angry but :/
not much but like the first 2 i probably won't answer because one is a hornet nest i mostly agree with /and the other one was telling me that apparently the fandom said something so. freaking. dumb. a lot of dumb somethings actually, that i just 1000 yard stared into space that I had someone asked me irl if i was ok [the rest is so sweet and made me happy that they like this blog and i wish that they had a nice day/months too, and that part i do wish i'd answered because i do hope that they manage to find their feet on this website and in general. it can be disheartening but try to remember that this is for you to have fun so try to carve a corner for the things that interest you!]...
anyway it still feels like kicking hornets nests and giving input to wild stupidity that i'm not all informed about its current form, i am annoyed but i don't know the fandom like that tbh to just be hearing that it still is just ...hmmm, why are you guys...why... why are you guys the way- and address it like its not a recycled fandom issue or even new stupider evolution of issues that i don't have first hand knowledge of because i really do...not know those people.
i felt like including one of the stupid somethings on the ask about dumb arguments against rc but i don't actually know the intricacies of why they even feel sure enough to say that. like its just deadass wrong. its insultingly wrong. like anon. that was like top worst accusations like the actual mention in the ask is like a few words and i literally went THEY SAID WHAT.
and for that i am so sorry because it is a very sweet and heartfelt ask that made my day and in the grand scheme i could just address that and not the rest, i just like absolutely did not see that part coming and can't keep myself from addressing it but then i also want to know where the audacity came from to properly do so and then im like...there are other fandoms [to myself]...
...rants are a-ok to send [im probably venting at that moment too about something] but like ajdfnaskf this is probably what it will do to me
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hornets nests i will avoid kicking because at the end of the day this blog is the corner i carved out for what interests me and i would like to not have too many of those posted when i scroll through it to get my daily rc boost
and it is the sweetest ask for real but also wtf csfandom. WHY.
and in general loop de loop arguments i simply do not know what new thing i could say to get across stupid argument is stupid...we could be making text posts about how they should kiss instead
3- i did write for rc week! it was a small note at the end of the third one which also has something that feels like it needs a proper response but like i feel VERY snippy on that subject so like its probably gonna wait for a bit i'm so sorry but i did, i wasn't planning to but i did
4-acme...i am thinking about just answering it with the meme
i find all the acme members interesting as individuals and what they contribute thematically to the show
i do not care for ACME
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but like again i do feel like putting like more of an effort since i didn't have any thoughts for the first part of the ask but i would like to make 1 for each part and i don't hate any of the members for real i promise and understand how big ACME is to this show and the franchise in general T,T
5- a fic request! :D im looking forward to working on it? it probably will be short but i'm happy one of my ideas got requested
6-might answer it soon...might be a little rambly but it concerns the boy gray and a nerve that i'm ACTUALLY ready to poke at a little...a little
so again not many but i do feel bad for not answering ASAP (due to many things) when i am very happy to receive them
and then spending my energy on making rc stuff first because thats usually what i have energy for
Like I really am happy whenever I see that there are other people who do enjoy rc and this blog enough to send asks [sometimes very passionate in their defense] . So thank you. very much.
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crazysodomite · 6 months
thoughts on sheezyart
what i like:
i like the UI and it's not laggy. the fact every artwork has to be in a rounded square is eh but it's a bit difficult to showcase artwork of different resolutions so i understand why.
the customization is great and pretty easy to set up. and you don't really have to pay for it. i'd say it's a bit better than what dA had but obviously less robust than custom tumblr themes. it's easy to customize your profile but i worry that if this site goes out of beta they're not gonna have the server space to support customization for free users and we're gonna have a dA situation again. also i dont like the custom cursors because they make it hard to understand where i'm clicking and slow down the page.
i like the discoverability features. it's all in all similar to dA from the good old days.
i really like the button that toggles infinite scroll. idk why other websites don't do that.
what i dont like:
the weird ass feature that doesn't let you save artworks. i'm also a bit iffy on the nighshade/glaze promotion when you upload artworks just bc those are so resource demanding and don't really do anything. lets be real. not a HUGE deal but im worried what these kind of policies could mean for the future.
idk why but the header image in your profile has to be a really specific size to actually fit all the way. theres no 'resize to fill' for the header image...
style tags being locked behind a paywall. i get it, but still...
i wish it was easier to access your feed and i wish you saw the descriptions of artworks in your feed and could also comment from your feed.
i Really, Really want a feature to use arrow keys/buttons to cycle through someone's gallery/trending art/etc. like on dA. its really annoying to open 100000 pages just to like and comment on someones gallery.
I REALLY. want to be able to see the actual comments people leave on my art. and being able to reply to them from my inbox. once again its annoying to open 10000 tabs just to see what people commented/replied to me
theres a widget for your page that lets you showcase a single artwork from your gallery. i wish it was possible to actually click on it and go to that artwork instead of it being unclickable.
i wish the trending artworks didn't cycle when i hover over an artwork. things change too quickly and i end up misclicking or losing an artwork i wanted to see closer. which is annoying. it would be nice if it also had arrow buttons so i could cycle through artworks at my own pace. but thats whatever
im not gonna say anything about the upload limit or the registration being limited bc i understand they Have to do that or the servers won't survive...
im writing a tumblr post instead of sending feedback bc they arent accepting feature requests rn... and im not gonna join a discord server just to write to them there. overall i really enjoy using the site but im still a bit wary of it. i've been actively commenting on peoples stuff and making mutuals on there. hopefully it goes well and the site improves.
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roffitoucan · 1 year
Also since I currently have nothing too post atm for art
I thought I'd do a bit of a brief post about my silly murder platoon (this is pretty much a reminder for myself)
So if anyone remembers the comics and or secret info I dumped on them on Twitter before I moved (unless I didn't and my memories are gaslighting me)
Quick lore: Maruru (the one with spike headphones) is pretty much the main villain in my lil story, as he's a most wanted space invader for just being his goofy self and taking down two whole platoons with his silly antics, but whilst doing that he ended up recruiting 2 people from separate platoons
1 being Famumu
And 2 being Wizuzu
And reasons why he destroyed two of the platoons he joined? Why too have possession of the keroball, since he was only in the brainy category he didn't get the leader role to aquire it (plus if I remember those things are hard to even get i think)
Sadly first ship didn't have it but the second did, which is then where he asked his helpful recruit he had recently got to help him gas the damn ship and then succeeding in getting that darn ball
Now with that quick run down, this lil murder platoon group he has is very random and small but that also means he's got less people to worry bout
(The way I'm describing this mf is sounding like he's this serious freak but in reality he's just a goofy goober who's crazy)
And as of now since going back too these characters I'm just making it silly instead of serious but because we love that yummy angst it will happen sometimes.
And so leaving off with that info dump we now name off the group
Maruru being the leader (I forgot which roles meant which so im guessing he's a sergeant??)
Wizuzu (the brains)
Famumu ( Lance corporal)
Jokuku (hes just there)
And I feel I was gonna add another but I feel ill eventually figure that out but so far the platoon is a 4 frog group
And thats so far all I have but the info and reference images of these characters are on my ToyHouse
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warwithoutreason · 2 years
amaristm -> road-boy -> warwithoutreason
woah introduction real. long post sorrey
hello my name is lane or juno. he/it/Several neopronouns. i'm a gay lad just click this [ <- pronouns.page link ] for more information
if you feel like learning more click the wonderful keep reading button. warning for flashing stuff down the very bottom of this post
uh im australian [ as in the white boy variety. not aboriginal ] and use the fucking aest/aedt timezone [ i have No Clue which one it is rn man ]
getting it out of the way up here since i think it's one of the first things most people look for in a description but i don't have a dni because hey who's gonna follow that. however, if i look at your blog and you're marked as a transphobe on shinigami eyes or generally you're bigoted i am going to block you. or if i just don't like you i will block you. homophobes transphobes terfs aphobes racists and ableists go fuck yourselves <3
the theme used on my blog is by @/ricecodes. profile picture from corru.observer you should play it [ flashing lights tho so beware ]
i use [ square brackets ] instead of (parenthesis) because it is fun. for some reason ive decided to space them out in this post i dont know why but i dont normally do that
i have awful humour [ deez nuts ur mom etc etc. sometimes ironic homophobia. EMPHASIS ON IRONIC i am gay myself i don't have anything against queer people ] and i have a grudge against using proper grammar. sometimes i use tone indicators. i also swear a lot
there might be nsfw on this blog but it'll all be textpost jokes 👍
i call people man and dude and bro a lot just know that i mean it in a completely gender neutral way. if you don't like something i say about you [ in terms of calling you bro or something that might cause a bad gender time ] Please tell me and i'll stop doing that
i have too many interests but heres some of em [ key: Very Interested, i like this a normal amount, not very into it atm, i appreciate this but wouldn't consider myself a proper 'fan' ]
my ocs [ though everything i post about them when i do like once per year will probably be incomprehensible ]
corru.observer [ Play it. play it. i fucking love corru observer it is in your web browser quick easy and free. pley it plase /nf ]
just. generally. chonny jash's music
the kirby series [ mainly rtdl, robobot, star allies and katfl. also the anime a bit? ]
2001: a space odyssey
i have no mouth and i must scream
scp: find us alive
17776 / 20020
mob psycho 100
generation loss
half life vr but the ai is self aware
the magnus archives [ not finished yet, though ! i'm at like season 3 ]
project sekai [ + vocaloids in general ]
the process of elimination [ by disfixdog/hypertextdog. read it now. shameless advertising. it's awesome ]
no follow [ by shishka. VERY fun browser game ]
the upturned
demonvn / demon detangled [ by gertritude. its still in progress i think ]
the mandela catalogue
spiderman: itsv + atsv
the stanley parable
portal 1 + 2
ai builds
ace attorney [ the first stuff, i stopped when apollo justice showed up lol ]
serial experiments lain
ride the cyclone
yume nikki
faith: the unholy trinity
neon white
grab a snack at 4 am
lego monkie kid
i sometimes do picrew chains and uquizzes and stuff, as well as occasionally gettin up to shenanigans with mutuals
occasionally i post art [ usually of my silly ocs ] under the tag #roadboy art. i don't think i've done this in like a year now. don't take any of the art in the tag as a representation of my art style ive changed it a lot
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^ @/b0nkcreat ^
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^ https://corru.observer ^
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^ https://shishka.neocities.org/nofollow ^
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^ https://disfixdog.neocities.org ^
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^ @/aropride ^
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^ https://spiritcellar.neocities.org ^
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^ made by me messing around on blinkies.cafe ^
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^ made by my friend astrid ^__^ it screams because it does not know how to communicate its feelings ^
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