#which is always a sure sign that things are gonna go downhill
thegaythespian · 1 year
every night I consider pulling an all nighter, already going to bed too late to not be tired in the morning
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4am this time, let's go bbyyyyy!!!!!
Steve knew he wasn't in the best place right now. Mentally that is. But he wasn't at his all time lowest. That award probably goes to the summer Starcourt burned down, even if he got Robin out of it, funnily enough.
Ever since the wall opened and spat out a monster in the Byers living room, Steve felt like his ability to deal with shit was going steadily downhill. Especially since, in those early days, he didn't really have anyone to rely on. Nancy's parents (ie. Karen wheeler) actually gave a fuck about her children, so it's not like she could sneak over to his place and they could hold each other through the nightmares. After the tunnels, he got a little brother in the form of one sarcastic little brat named Dustin. But it's not like he was gonna burden literal children with his fears and paranoia, not when they were barely dealing with their own issues. Then he lost Nancy.
Finding Robin had been a godsend, really. Her parents didn't really like her sneaking out to spend the night with a boy, but given that they survived a traumatic event together, they were much more lenient. Her grandfather on her dad's side had been a vet, one of the lucky few who had a strong support system and passed on the importance of such things to his children. Steve had even spent some nights over at her place, her parents experienced how they comforted each other through screaming awake and panic attacks. And while they weren't 100% convinced that their love was pure platonic with a capital P, they gave the two of them a lot of leeway.
Still, Steve couldn't spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with someone nearby, no matter how he tried, so sometimes bad days fell on him when he was all alone. Those days Steve was lucky if he could pull himself out of bed, let alone tend to any of his bodily needs. So today, a day without work, or get togethers, or errands, Steve didn't crawl out of bed until nearly 2pm. He didn't bother showering, he took one yesterday, and he certainly didn't bother with his hair, the strands laying flat in his head in a tangled mess. But he did feel hungry which was a good sign. Not that he had an appetite or wanted to eat. But he could, which is always a step up from being so downtrodden that just the thought of food made him nauseous even as his stomach grumbled.
So Steve put a shirt on to go with his boxers, and headed to the kitchen. Luckily, thanks to Robin mostly, he had quick, easy meals he could make fast for days like this. So he pulled a box of frozen turkey meatballs (Robin claimed beef was bad for your health) out of the freezer and, after reading the instructions on the back, out then in the oven to bake. Meanwhile, he set a lot of water to boil, pulling out spaghetti noodles and a bottle of rose sauce as he waited.
Leaning back against the countertop, Steve let his mind wander, not really focusing on anything, just checking the water every now and then, which is how he almost missed the knock at the door. Shaking himself back to awareness, Steve thought he'd just been hearing things, but then whoever was there started ringing the doorbell incessantly. Annoyed, Steve grabbed a frying pan just to be safe, and went to answer the door.
"What the fuck?!" Steve growled out, frying pan hidden behind his body as he wrenched the front door open.
"And a good afternoon to you as well sunshine!" Standing on his porch, smiling at his annoyance, was none other than Eddie Munson.
Taken aback, Steve just stared at him for a minute, trying to remember if they had anything planned that he'd forgotten about. He didn't think so, if anything he was always hyper aware of the other man and meticulously kept track of any plans they'd make with each other.
"Well princess, gonna invite me into your castle or did I drive alllll the way out here for nothing?" Hands in his pockets, Eddie rocked on his heels. A nervous tell for when he thought he was misreading a situation and wasn't sure if it was okay or not.
"Yeah, sorry man. Just was wondering if I'd forgotten we had a hang out sesh or something." Stepping back, Steve made room for a now smiling Eddie to bounce into his house.
Like, literally bounce, like the world's most metal bunny. It brought a smile to Steve's face, surprising since usually nothing really seemed funny on days like today. That was Eddie to a T though, wasn't it? Eddie was full of surprises and Steve hoped he would always be around so he could continue to be surprised by him.
"Nah, you're cool man. Wayne's on days this week so I was all by my lonesome. Figured if all the kids and Robin were busy, then you'd be alone too. So I thought we could be alone together." Suddenly tipping his head back, Eddie took big exaggerated sniffs. "Speaking of, you cooking? Something smells good."
Walking into the kitchen, Steve noted that the water was now boiling, so he made his way to the stove, dropping the frying pan on the counter.
"Uhhhh..." Eddie trailed off, looking at the frying pan.
Taking out the noodles, Steve addressed Eddie as he placed them in the water. "I wasn't expecting anyone today, figured better safe than sorry."
"Fair." Levering himself up, Eddie plopped himself onto the countertop, leaning back against the cupboards. "You okay Stevie? You seem kinda...down?"
After checking the meatballs and flipping them over, Steve placed his hands on the counter and leaned his weight on them as he contemplated what to say. Eddie seemed to realise this as well since he stayed silent, just looking at Steve with that little furrow between his brows that meant he was concerned.
Taking a deep breath, Steve turned to face Eddie, keeping an eye on the noodles from the corner of his eye.
"I, uh, could be better. But I've also been worse. I've had days where I couldn't eat before, so the fact that I'm cooking today is a good sign."
"Oh, shit man, that sucks. I'm really glad I came over then. You guys are pretty on top of making sure I'm okay, it's nice to return the favour." Kicking his legs back and forth, Eddie leaned forward and gave Steve a small, almost bashful smile.
"So your idea of being there for me is to come over and bum my food Munson. Good to know." Returning the smile, Steve made sure to pay Eddie on the leg, letting him know he was just joking.
Turning away he bent over to grab a strainer from a drawer, figuring the noodles and meatballs would be almost done by now.
"Hey, sharing a meal is a bonding activity. What're you making anyway?" Eddie asked, leaning forward as Steve strained the pasta, leaving it to cool for a moment as he bent over to take out the meatballs.
From this angle, Steve could see from the corner of his eye as Eddie used his angle to check out his ass.
Now they've been flirting for a little while. Or at least, Robin assured him they'd been, and all the kids kept asking him to make a move since they can't stand Eddie's 'pining'. Even Uncle Wayne and his band had given Steve a talk, warning him not to hurt Eddie. Combine that with Steve's lowered filter whenever he was in one of these moods, and Steve felt he could not be responsible for the next words out of his mouth.
"Enjoying the view Munson?" Steve asked, sticking his ass out even more as he practically presented himself just trying to take out the damn meatballs.
Eyes shooting back up, Eddie froze in place. His eyes were a little wide and his face was closing off, a barrier coming up to conceal the panic Steve could see building up.
"Shit." Steve muttered to himself, quickly he pulled out the meatballs, depositing them on the stovetop before moving over to Eddie.
He reached up to take Eddie's face in his hands, then realised he was still wearing his oven mitts. Groaning in annoyance, he bit the top of one, pulling it off while removing the other with his now free hand, then threw them over his shoulder, not caring where they landed. His fumbling at least got Eddie to smile tentatively at him.
Hands now free, he cupped Eddie's face in his hands. He soothingly rubbed his thumbs face and forth across smooth skin and leaned in so their foreheads touched.
"Hey, I'm sorry Ed's. I didn't mean to make you upset. I just, I like you, and I thought you liked me too but if that's not the case it's okay, I won't as-"
"You like me?" Finally looking at him again, Eddie raised his hands and brought them to rest over Steve's on his face.
"Yeah. Yeah Eddie, I really like you."
Moving slowly, giving him enough time to pull away if he wanted to, Eddie moved their faces closer until he could place a soft, sweet kiss against his lips.
"Well that's good. Cause I'm kinda gone on you Harrington." Eddie moved his hands to instead tangle into Steve's hair, pulling him in for more shallow kisses, neither of them feeling up for escalating the moment.
Finally they pulled away, foreheads still pressed together, and they just breathed each other in. Later would be the time for conversations, but for now, Steve just pulled away with a final kiss so he could continue making the pasta.
Eddie hopped off the counter and wrapped his arms around Steve from behind as he went through the motions of combining the pasta, meatballs and sauce. They only separated when Steve moved to get plates from the cupboard and served out two, very sad portions of pasta. No garlic bread, no salad, no side of any kind. Even Eddie, who had eaten very questionable food cause he and Wayne couldn't afford to waste anything, looked less than impressed.
"You weren't kidding Stevie. This is sad." Eddie said, even as he speared a meatball and scooped up some noodles for a first bite. "But it's not bad." Was the conclusion.
"Yeah, I know. This is what Robin and I call depression meal number six." Steve replied, chuckling lightly as he dug in as well, grimacing at the bland taste.
Eddie looked at him for a moment, then smiled and said. "My number one is mac and cheese."
They smiled at each other, this kind of thing wasn't unusual with their group after all. Steve knew Robin's go-to's, and Dustin's and now Eddie's.
Then Eddie got a mischievous look on his face. "Would you say this is, depre-sghetti?"
It took Steve a solid minute to translate that sentence in his head. But when he realised what it was, he didn't even try to stop the bitchy look that came over his face. It didn't help that Eddie was biting his lower lip, brows scrunched together when he was trying to hold back laughter.
"Get the fuck out of my house." Steve deadpanned, and that broke Eddie.
He laughed so hard he bent double, quickly putting his plate on the counter so he could slap his own thighs. It made Steve smile, seeing Eddie so happy. But he had a reputation to maintain, so he took his sad, sad meal, and went to sit in the living room, turning on the tv.
Eddie eventually joined him, still giggling when he saw the blank look on Steve's face. For the rest of the evening, they sat thigh to thigh, chatting and watching whatever was on as background noise. And when the sun set and Steve yawned, still heavy with the sadness that burdened this whole day, Eddie made sure he brushed his teeth and washed his face, then tucked him in and held him all night.
It was one of the best bad days he'd had in a while. And it was only the first of many.
@steddieassheg0es @oakenorcrist
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biotic-major · 2 years
In Semi-Defense of Liara
Now, if it’s not clear then it probably will be but I am extremely Liara Critical in Mass Effect. I am not a fan of her shift in characterization between Mass Effect 1 and 2, I’m not a fan of how shoved down my throat she is and I’m not a fan of her forced sexualization (appears in all games. Seriously, what is up with her ‘lets rub all over my body’ thing she does when standing still for too long in ME1 or in the elevator?)
The weird thing is: I actually like Liara.
Or more accurately I should say that I like Liara in Mass Effect 1.
I feel that Mass Effect 2 and 3 Liara is too different to be fully considered the same person (and all of it happened off screen which I think is a sign of improper handling of a characters growth. It should appear in the main media, not in secondary offshoot media that may or may not be taken in by the vast majority). Mass Effect 1 Liara sets the stage, and I’m all there for it. Mass Effect 2 Liara suffers from a weird ‘she must be bigger and badder and look at how much of a badass she is now she’s not that little girl on Therum anymore’ and like…what was wrong with that archeologist on Therum? Why did she need to shift into Miranda in order to suddenly be worthy? Why couldn’t she have stayed on a pathway that would have made sense for what was given instead of shifting to a whole new dynamic? Mass Effect 3 Liara is just the worst and I have no positive things to say about her. She is the Dev’s little darling who is shoved down your throat every five seconds and it’s obnoxious. It feels like Mass Effect just did a slow character assassination of Liara from one and it just went downhill from there.
I also have dislike for the character for the obvious favoritism and the obvious ‘She’s the Canon Love Interest and We’re Gonna Make Sure You Know It’ bullshit that happens with her. It irritates me that when I play a Liara Romance playthrough the whole game feels like it makes sense. It feels whole and complete and like there’s no real strange step offs (except Jacob and James for Fem Shep, but we’re gonna pretend they just don’t exist) in the storyline. It is cohesive, it is satisfying.
But when I play a non-romance playthrough or a playthrough where I romance any other character? Well the game is just going to keep coming in and letting me know how I’m wrong. It’s going to keep shoving Liara at Shepard and Shepard is going to always respond positively to her regardless of anything else. Forced hugs, forced awestruck name calling, forced putting her feelings above your own, forced parent interactions where they still make it seem like you’re obsessed with Liara regardless of anything, forced ‘required companion’ shit that no other character but Tali will get (and it makes sense for her to be on the Dreadnaught mission) but Liara will get multiple. Forced cutscenes, forced closeness – this is exceedingly frustrating in the Citadel DLC where the game even takes away your ability to NOT INVITE LIARA to the party. The fact that it forces her in with the new guys makes no sense but will allow you to invite no one else. Why? Just truly tell me why? Her fill ins on scenes if others are gone or there is no secondary option (once again, Citadel DLC where if you are unromanced BAM HERE’S LIARA! And she’s going to flirt with you too and you’re just gonna accept it).
So honestly, Liara is not my favorite character when attempting anything outside of what Bioware has demanded the RPG (Obviously they forgot what that means) experience be which is being in love with their perfect little blue alien. You’re wrong if you’re not.
And that’s why I dislike Liara, but the sad part is that I don’t feel the actual character should have had it happen to them. This is on the writers, but still in the end it happened and I will still react negatively to it. 
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vigilvntes · 2 years
heyyy, it's your girl! back at it ONCE MORE with thoughts because....it has a chokehold on me and I dont have a firm grip of stopping lol. (serisouly, I feel like I need to slow it down a bit)
so I know we talked about how riddler/edward would be teasing the life out of y/n (hero!reader) about "future children" and she's like....not anytimesoon!! BUT, but, let's just imagine for a quick second what would happen if she ended up with his kids. for one, itd would be very chaotic, no slowing down. on one hand, kinda gotta take it seriously because the father of her own children always winds up in arkham but he does manage to break out to visit because he does have a sweet spot for them. on the other, it's a little funny because as they got a bit older, people would ask "well, what do your parents do" of course they'd go on about their mom being a hero and fighting beside batman. however, as soon as Edward enters the picture, it's downhill! the kids just say "wellll....our dad tends to fight mom alot and has a thing about riddles. sometimes he ends up in arkham too but he manages to see us in secret ways." hahah, like imagine parents day where maybe kids bring in their parents and edward shows up with y/n. the teacher is just like "😐 uhhhh....that's a criminal you're with" and y/n's saying "yeah, about that!"
I just KNOW though that edward is a bit giddy when coming into the classroom or even if he's the one who has to pick up the kids because people know who he is and he's thinking "yea! I have kids with a great and gorgeous hero who's also my enemy....walk away! but also thanks for recognizing me ✌✌" in the end, it's all so so chaotic.
tw for pregnancy!!!
these two are most definitely not trying to have a baby like 1000% no way are they going out of their way to have a child with each other. sure, they might have spoke about it in their past but that's exactly what it is, the PAST. and with the lifestyles they both lead they probably wouldn't even think that it's possible to be parents at all, y'know since he's always doing villain shit and she's always kicking his ass for it. so if she gets pregnant it'd be an accident
NOW. imagine if she gets pregnant just before he gets taken back to arkham, and maybe she put him there thinking like it's fine i'll see him again soon anyway. like ugh angst okay.
i feel like she would probably just ignore all of the signs to start with and go about as normal, because she'd be kinda in denial about the whole thing. there's no WAY she's pregnant with edward's kid. no way. but also,, yes way because she IS. but she's just like yeah im gonna ignore this because i've literally put the father of my child in arkham and i can't deal with this.
bruce would definitely notice, though. like i know that he would know that somethings up. the lil bit of extra weight (which he would never bring up but he sees it and he know it's there), cancelling plans they have to take down some criminal due to sickness, loss of appetite, feeling lethargic or overly tired. and then the final straw is when he mentions edward to her and she just bursts into tears on the spot and he's like yeah. i gotta go talk to alfred. like i KNOW he would ask alfred for confirmation of his suspicions and advise on what to do, and then the next time she sees him he just slides a couple of pregnancy tests over to her and he's like "you should take those" and she's like sighs. yeah :// and he'd help her a lot too like he's kinda awkward about it but he's there <3
ugh. like. okay. so she'd want to tell him. like desperately want to tell him that she's pregnant and that it's his but she'd just keep putting it off. everytime she builds the confidence to go to arkham or call and ask to speak to him she chickens out because she has no idea how he'll react. so when she tells him, it's pretty much because he's forced her hand.
like IMAGINE he manages to break out of arkham when she's like 4 months along, and he turns up at her doorstep and he's so prepared to tease her about it and be like "ha! better luck next time" and maybe fuck her if she's down but when she opens the door in just a shirt five times too big for her she looks fucking terrified and he's never seen her look like that before, at least not in reaction to him because he's and would never actually hurt her. so he's like what. the. fuck. whenever he breaks out she's like 'yeah, yeah i get it you have brains now kiss me' but this time she lets him in and she's just. eerily quiet. and he hates it. so he'd probably start asking all sorts of questions. "are you mad at me?" "did someone hurt you?" "are you seeing someone else?" and she'd probably break down and be like no please shut the fuck up and she'd shove him away when he tries to pull her to him, and eventually after like 5 minutes of arguing she'd just be like "IM PREGNANT OK?"
"honey, if i would have known i would've broken out a lot earlier"
i think he'd be scared, because she's already so far along but i also think he'd be thrilled because there's no one he'd rather have a baby with. so he'd hold her as she cries and reassure her that everything's gonna be fine and that it'll all work out.
i do think he'd be on his best behaviour while she's pregnant, like i think he'd try very very hard to not have to leave her again because he worries about her and he's protective anyway but now she's having his baby it's amplified. and like, she'd definitely be like "i know i'm in no state to kick your ass but i will call batman do not test me"
he'd low-key move into her place without telling her but she'd be like . i know what you're trying to do. because he stays there every night so he might as well right?? plus the pregnancy makes eddie look fucking delicious and although fucking him is what got her pregnant in the first place ,,, she's already pregnant so it wouldn't hurt. so that's handy.
he'd still do his livestreams though and i think he'd try and keep it quiet, but then she'd be in the background very obviously pregnant and word gets out and spreads very very fast and she's like . i am going to murder you. it'd be a scandal but i don't think it'd be that shocking to most.
type of mf to pass out at the birth i ain't even gonna say anything more.
he'd be absolutely smitten with your baby, and i think he'd still be on best behaviour after the birth but old habits never die hard and soon enough he'd be back on his bullshit because he just can't stop himself. he loves her and their baby but like . come on, she knows he's never gonna change.
so he's in and out of arkham, but he would 1000% break out OFTEN to see her and the baby because he misses them and he grew up without family and he would never ever want that for his own family so he's there when he can be although he could probably be there all of the time if he stopped being a shithead <33
"if you miss us why don't you stop getting arrested" "*shrugs* you know me" "yeah, unfortunately i do"
i think she'd be very transparent about who he is and the whole villain thing, but i don't think she'd ever make him out to be a genuinely bad guy because she doesn't think that and she wants her kid to grow up with both parents, as inconsistent as he is
she'd still kick his ass, like 100% she'd still knock ten bells of shit out of him if she really has to.
also like. uncle brucie. she probably knows his identity so like. he assumes the position of uncle and he's kinda awkward and doesn't really know how to interact but the kid LOVES him so much. eddie probably doesn't know his identity because like ,,, what a kick off that would be so when he's out of arkham it's uncle batman although he definitely wouldn't be happy about it "uncle batman? when did this happen?" "oh, i don't know. maybe while you were in a cell."
involved. parent. eddie when he's actually out of arkham. he'd want to know EVERYTHING. like every single detail or thing he's missed. and he'd want to be there for every parents day and every meeting and every recital or practise he'd want to be there and be involved. maybe a bit of that is because he gets a kick out of people being like "holy shit it's the riddler at the dance recital" but it's mostly just bc he loves their kid so badly.
when he gets out of arkham every-time it's like "look daddy's back!" as if he's just returned from a fucking business trip or something and there's nothing he'd love more than seeing his kid's face light up and having them run right into his arms. and he'd be so good w his kid too :(( like i bet they'd have so much fun and he'd be kinda natural at being a dad despite uh. everything.
and like. imagine if they have another one. god. everyone would be like 'we get the first time was an accident but like .... come on now' and she's just like well 😬😬😬😬😬😬 and he just finds it funny </3
overall it'd be dysfunctional to anyone looking in on their family dynamic but it's functional for them and they make it work so </3
dilf eddie 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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nejiraez · 4 years
date night gone wrong | todobakudeku hc
@remi7k requested: Could you bless us with headcannons of the guys reactions (Bakugou, Shoto, and anyone of your choice) on a date with their S/O and the waiter keeps flirting with her in front of them and it’s pissing them off. Por favor❤️❤️
© all rights reserved, reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and plagiarism. 
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Bakugou doesn’t like eating outside food. He always prefers his cooking over the “processed crap” that fast-food chains and restaurants provide.
So if he were to be taking his S/O out, chances are that he’s not eating shit. He’d much rather watch you eat and be content while he just sips on a glass of water.
So, the one time that this grump is thoughtful enough to bring you out to eat on a date? His patience is tested and by the waiter of all people. 
Bakugou doesn’t appreciate the way your server keeps throwing you heart eyes whenever he passes your table. Bakugou’s not stupid, he has eyes just like the average person does and could see how attractive you were.
So the fact that you’d gain a few pairs of eyes on you was nothing out of the norm. However, the fact that someone was doing this so boldly, right in front of him? In front of your B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D?
Either they’re thick-skulled and couldn’t pick up on the fact that you two came here together, alone, on a date, or they were provoking him purposefully.
Either or, it pissed Bakugou the fuck off.
“See?” Bakugou says, nodding his head across the room towards the waiter who kept giving you fleeting glances. “This is why I said we have food at home.”
“Relax, he’s harmless…” You say, nudging your elbow into your boyfriend’s side to shake him from the dirtiest, stank look he was throwing at the server any chance he could get. “He’s just doing his job.”
Oh, but Bakugou doesn’t think so. Not at all. His eyes don’t miss the way the waiter gets all fidget-y whenever he hands you your plate, or how his eyes linger lower than they should be whenever he comes to refill your glass.
Bakugou hates it all.
And God forbid if your waiter tries to flatter you with those “It’s on the house” or “It’s on me” lines when they try to woo you with free dessert.
Bakugou would be quick to snag the pint of ice cream from grasp, shoving a spoonful of the treat into his mouth. “She’s lactose intolerant. So, beat it.”
Knowing damn well you weren’t.
By the end of it all when he was paying the bill for you (to which he begrudgingly left a tip for, on your behalf and yours alone), he makes sure to take you by the hand, fingers intertwined with yours to say, “Okay, let’s leave, babe. This shit’s got me tired.” Ensuring that the word babe, rolled nice and slow off from the tip of his tongue.
Bakugou asserting his dominance all while being a petty, yet protective, boyfriend. ~
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Honestly, Todoroki’s gonna miss the first few signs that your server may be trying to get with his S/O. But that’s all because this man only has his sights focused on you.
He adores watching how giddy you become whenever your orders come by, or how you urge him to taste some of your food.
“So what’s the event for tonight? You two came down here as friends? Hanging out on a Friday night?” Your server would ask you directly, not really caring for Todoroki’s answer. His back would even be facing your boyfriend every time he swung around.
And that’s when things began to go downhill.
“Oh!” You laugh to dial down the tense atmosphere that had suddenly swirled around your particular booth. Todoroki was still, and you don’t miss the way his jaw tenses at the ‘friends’ title. “We’re actually-”
“I’m her boyfriend, actually,” Todoroki interjects with a clipped tone. He frowns at his food, picking at the plate with an uninterested glare. “We’re together.” 
You thought that affirmation would have been enough for the guy to cool it on his flirtatious tendencies, but God no.
“Ah, I can see why!” He casts a playful wink your way, “You’re a very beautiful girl.”
Your eyes bug out at his bold confession and a concerned smile graces your lips, all while Todoroki doesn’t even bother masking the fact of how peeved he is. 
Without his knowledge, Todoroki’s quirk is set off and the table is encased in a layer of his glossy, cold ice all from the power of his right hand.
An as soon as your waiter leaves you two to your own devices, Todoroki is quick to act.
He wastes no time in switching seats, to get up from his spot only for him to slide into your side of the booth that he could be seated right next to you. “How irritating.” He’d hiss under his breath, taking a harsh stab at his food.
For the remainder of your date night, Todoroki acts hard-headed, making the job for the waiter ten times harder than it needed to be.
Anytime that the waiter would try to hand you your plate or a new glass, this motherfucker absolutely would not move an inch.
So to get to you, the guy would have to go through him first, quite literally. That, or he’d have to politely ask your stoic boyfriend to move out of the way, to which Shouto would respond with a curt “Hurry on with it.”
You’ve never seen him act so out of character before (which was kinda attractive), the same law-abiding guy that you once knew was now prompting you to engage in a “dine and dash” with him.
To put it short, you two never stepped foot in that restaurant again.
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Midoriya would do the absolute most out of the three to show that you two are dating, as a means to shoo away his competition.
He’s not big on confrontation, if anything, he’d try his damned best to avoid it. So he would probably opt out of the option of telling the waiter directly to “quit hitting on his S/O”.
Rather, Midoriya would always bring up the subject of your next upcoming dates with him, whenever the server so happens to pass by. “So, for our next date, where would you like to go? Anywhere... away from here?”
And he’d play footsies under the table with you to try and induce a laugh to show how much fun you two were having, that, or he’d ask for your hand across the table so he could hold and graze his thumb against the palm of your hand.
He’s very passive-aggressive about this. Making sure that his love for you is being shown but in a very loud and brazen fashion.
Hell, he’ll even step out of his comfort zone and go as far as to ask you to spoon feed him so of your food. “Can- May I try some of your food?”
And if that shit doesn’t work?
“Um, excuse me, but does your restaurant celebrate anniversaries?” Midoriya would question once he’s managed to successfully flag down opposing male to your table. “Because you see, my girlfriend and I are celebrating our second year anniversary today and she was really hoping if you’d put something together for that.” 
The way you’d have to bite down on your tongue to hold back the laughter that threatened to bubble out past your lips. Watching Midoriya become all ‘territorial’ over you was one thing, but for him to go to such lengths… and to pin it on you?
Midoriya’s pride swells at the fact that a look of dejection flashes across the server’s face the moment the word “girlfriend” was left to linger through the air.
You’d have to sit and watch as the entire staff and kitchen would come out from the back, bringing you two cake and playing their song to celebrate you both, all while it wasn’t even your damn anniversary. 
Midoriya on the other hand was enjoying it all. Flaunting off your relationship with him to scare off potential homewreckers was the highlight of his night out with you.
© all rights reserved to @nejiraez​. reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and plagiarism.
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innocence - 30
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: angst, panic attack
A/N: all i can say is enjoy it before it goes completely downhill xx
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   - Marry me, Y/N. - she looked at him in disbelief, lips slightly parted as she wondered if she had heard him correctly?
   - What? 
   - I ... hm ... would you consider being my wife at some point in the near future? 
His father had once told him the moment between the proposal and the answer is the longest moment he’d ever go through. Bucky knew long, he knew long times, he was 106 after all but this moment seemed to last three centuries. She stared at him as if she had merely imagined those words. His heart beat against his chest like a drum, as she opened her mouth. She was going to say no. Why would she even say yes? She was so sweet, so beautiful, so full of a  sweet loving innocence which just  made her endearing to anyone and everyone who met her. He is not the type of man that ends up with a girl like her. No, he’s the type of man who she dates as a mistake, the one she dates before she meets the one and Bucky was constantly waiting for the moment she realised he was a monster.
  - Yeah. - she smiled, the type of smile which easily brightened up his day. She moved from her spot in the bed, sitting on top of his lap to wrap her arms around his neck. - Yes, I will marry you. 
  - What?
  - Yes. - she leaned down to kiss him. - I will become your wife at some point in the near future. 
  - So, just to be safe, you are agreeing to marry me? Me? - he was still in shock she had said yes. Those words, that question, it was just came out of his mouth like crazy ramblings spawned out of his desire to have a family with her. He just didn’t expect her to say yes. He didn’t expect her to be sat on top of his lap, smiling at him having said yes. - Doll, I ... Fuck, I don’t have a ring. I can’t believe I just proposed to you without a ring.
   - That’s fine. I love you and you love me. I don’t need a ring. - she cupped his face, kissing the tip of his nose. - Just us. 
   - Just us. - he leaned towards to capture her chapstick covered lips into a soft kiss. - I like that, princess. Just us. 
   - Yeah. - Y/N shyly smiled, leaning against his shoulder. - You make me so happy, Buck. You don’t even know how happy you make me. 
Bucky didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say, what to reply to her so all he did was just look at her, head tucked on the shoulder, the metal shoulder with such confidence and such care. She did not believe he could hurt her and she loved him. There were little moments in his life which had made him want to cry, he had refused to cry many times, but having the woman he loved tell him she loves him, she cares for him, she’ll marry him ... the same woman telling him he makes her happy, not just any woman, the woman he loved ... gosh, it was too much. All he could do was kiss her scalp, hold her close to his naked chest which in any other time it would’ve turned sexual but now, now it was just a candid moment, a moment he wanted to hold close to him for as long as he could leave. He refused to forget the feeling of her hair strands against his shoulder, her warm hand against his chest.
The rest of the holidays were as eventful as it would be. Y/N had decided to only tell her parents about the engagement, keeping her extended family and siblings outside the news merely to keep the event away from the media. She didn’t want it publicised and neither did Bucky. Her parents were overjoyed, with her mother wanting to take photographs of them to put on the family album while her father just gave him the look he would’ve given to his sister’s husband had he been ... well, there. All good things come to an end and that end was very close as the two of them were supposed to fly back to New York for Y/N to attend the New Years’ Eve Vanity Fair gala. 
     - I wished we could stay for longer. - Y/N groaned as she stuffed more clothing into her luggage. - Last thing I need is a gala.  
     - It’ll be okay, princess. - Bucky came up from behind her, resting his chin against her shoulder. - We can return when you have another free time slot.
     - I never have free time. 
     - I’ll steal you away if they overwork you. - he bite her shoulder playfully. - What’s the sad mood really all about? Don’t tell me it’s about missing Colin calling me a 200 year old. 
      - It’s silly. - she shook her head, folding more of her clothing to put with the rest of it. 
     - I know that face. - he turned her so she was facing him. - What is it? Is it your parents? Do you miss your parents?
     - No ... I ... uhm, remember the Halloween party you and I went to?
     - Yeah, what about it?
     - I met some people from the RSC and they said if I ever was in London, I should try and audition for their West End run of Moulin Rouge. I got this e-mail yesterday, auditions are in like an hour and I don’t know ...
     -  Do you wanna do it?
     - No, I mean ... I can’t, my contract says they’ll pick the opportunities for me and it’s London and I’m in New York. Besides, we leave in two hours.
     - They don’t need to know. 
     - Bucky ... - she was about to argue with him but he interrupted her, kissing her sweetly. 
     - Do you wanna do it? - he looked into her eyes. Bucky could always tell when she was lying by looking into her eyes; she would always divert them away from the person standing in front of her, normally to the right, chin tucked into her chest, gaze up. 
     - I ... I do but ...
     - We can make it. Your agency does not need to know and it’s not like it’s a done deal. Princess, if you wanna do it then do it.
     - Buck, it’s not that simple. 
     - It is that simple, doll. I can get you wherever you want without anyone knowing and we’ll still make our flight.
     - Bucky, I’m not gonna get it. - she sat on top of her bed. She didn’t know if she was gonna get it and it wasn’t that she was afraid of failure or rejection, god she knew both too well, all she was afraid of was if they discovered. She was under a tight contract but those words, that invite to her during that party, it just pulled at her conscience. Bucky was much too familiar with her to know exactly what was going through her mind. 
      - I’m not gonna let anyone touch you. - his fingers hooked under her chin, turning her face towards him so he could lean his forehead against hers. - They won’t know.
    -  Bucky, they always know.
    - You don’t get to be called a ghost story if you’re not good at being a ghost, princess. If you don’t want to do it then it’s okay but if you’re not gonna do it because of what your agency thinks ... 
    - You’re sure no one will know?
    - Well if they do, we can always get you plastic surgery. - he lightened up the mood making her look up at him, her chin tucked in her chest as she lightly giggled, rolling her eyes at him. - You’ll be fine, princess. 
She was nervous as the taxi pulled in front of one of the theatres were the auditions were happening. Looking at her watch, exactly an hour before they had to make it to the airport, check in and get to their gates. Maybe this was a mistake, how was she supposed to feel? The agency had given her a shot at a career in the States, everyone wants a career in the States. She should be happy, she should be so happy but how happy could she feel about being back if thinking about stepping into that plane destroyed her heart into a million pieces. Looking to her right, Bucky was smiling at her, always blindly believing her even if she led him directly into the fire, but he was there. He kissed her temple as she left the car and rushed into the theatre before anyone could show. 
She had been to so many auditions before, she had felt her body shake so many times when her name was called out after signing a non disclosure agreement as it was usual for popular shows. This time it was different, this time the light seemed brighter, illuminating each of her features and almost illuminating the sweat starting to form on her forehead. She stood tall, almost like a woman in a panting with hands resting against the beginning of her skirt, one foot in front of the other. 
    - My name is Y/N Y/LN and I’m auditioning for the part of Satine. - her voice even wavered as she struggled to do something she had been so used to doing since she was young. 
    - What will you be performing, Miss Y/L/N?
    - If It is True from My Life with Albertine. - she looked over to the pianist, signalling him to start.
Her heart was beating so fast and she could feel her whole being shaking as she wondered what Miss Olson would do to her if she even suspected she was doing an audition outside of her contract. She ended up missing the first bars, looking down at her feet as she thought back to quit until she saw him sat down in the further back of the theatre. Cap on, almost covering his whole face but she could see his eyes, she could see his blue eyes just like she could see them every morning  when she woke up. 
    - If it is true, you love me. If when at night dreaming you dream of me then I am luckier than the king who rules the sea. - she decided to sing for him instead, blurring everything except for his almost blended figure in the back. Her hands touched the pearls laying against her neck as she cocked her head to the side, small smile on her lips. - And if I die a sudden death for reasons why I do not know. But if I die a sudden death to live forever in paradise, I will not be as happy, in all that time, as I have been with you. If it is true, if it is so, you love me. If it is true, and I have heard you then I am wealthier than a queen with love of you, I am wealthier than a king with love of you.
The bars ended and she returned her gaze to the board of the directorial team which gestured for her to leave and someone else to enter. She left through the backstage, meeting Bucky just at stage door, who wrapped his arms around her, twirling her before kissing her lips and nose.
    - You did so great, princess. It’s almost unfair for the other people auditioning.
    - We need to get going or we’ll miss our flight. - she avoided another one of his kisses, her watch shining brightly with the hour. - C’mon. 
    -  It’s gonna be fine, princess. We’ll make it.
Once again, he was right. How could he not be right? When it came to time management, Bucky seemed to be almost too good at it, almost too good for someone who had so much time. Nevertheless, they were inside the plane again, the time when they had left New York now so behind them as they returned to his birthplace. She leaned against him arm, not caring it was made of metal, it was him and that’s all it mattered to her. Y/N was innocent enough to believe she could do  whatever she wanted while in London, while in the airplane but she knew the moment she stepped foot on American soil she was back to being property of her agency. Back to the parties, the gowns and the constant filming. She loved her job, she really did but things pilled up so easily and she felt locked inside a cage, slowly suffocating. 
She did not want the plane to land, she did not want to be in the present of her situation but it did and during the early hours of the morning both her and Bucky were going down the stairs of the plane and onto the sleeve which lead to the baggage claim area. Bucky immediately went in bodyguard mood despite the fact the airport was very much empty but no him no amount of care was too much and until they got inside the taxi, he cut through people with precise ease, yet held her hand like any boyfriend would. The ride home was silent, neither Bucky or Y/N liked to discuss their matters in front of people they did not trust. The walk up to his apartment was equally silent, with the both of them basking in their own comfort until they reached the door. The two walked in hand and hand before throwing the bags to the side.
    - Home sweet home. - Bucky kissed the side of her forehead. - So, what’s the agenda for tomorrow?
    - Boring. - she groaned, sitting down on his couch. 
    - You get to eat for free, how boring can it be?
    - Those 40s habits sure die hard, don’t they? - she smirked. - I need to get to my apartment at 4PM to get my makeup and hair done, put the dress on ... PR shots and so on. 
    - Your apartment?
    - I know what you’re thinking, Buck. - she tilted her head slightly to the side.
    - I am not thinking anything.
    - Please. - she crossed her arms. - You’re thinking it’s not safe.
    - That’s not what I’m thinking. - he walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. - I’m thinking it’s not safe to have that many people in an unsafe apartment without me around.
    - You’re not gonna be there? - she was taken by surprise. Bucky was always around, even when they weren’t dating. 
    - Ms. Olson said I can’t be there. Might spoil something ... whatever that means ... but I’ll escort you to the venue and stay with you from then onwards.
    - You’re not gonna be far, are you?
    - I thought you knew what I was thinking, doll face. - he leaned his forehead against hers, teasing smile gracing his lips as those words left him. - You think I’d let you be alone with those people far away from me? No, princess, I’ll be around. 
    - Good. 
Y/N did not enjoy the parties she had to attend as a member of her agency. Everything was highly planed, too planed even and so was this day. She entered her old apartment and a swat team of people were already waiting for her, she smiled at them, grabbing the letters which had started to pile up on the floor ever since she left to stay with Bucky, until Ms. Olson grabbed her arm and pulled her into her bedroom where the hairstylist and makeup artist were waiting for her. Her assistant’s hands pushed onto her shoulders to sit her down in the chair. Y/N started to go through her letters, most were Christmas postcards, bills, letters from several companies and none mattered much except for one in a brown envelope. She furrowed her eyebrows at the lack of sender name or even her own name or address in the envelope. As the hairstylist started to style her hair, she opened the envelope, a few photos of her falling on her lap. A breathe got stuck in her throat as she saw her own eyes scratched out with crosses over them. 
   - What is that? - Ms Olson took the photos off her hands. - Why is this still happening? Last thing we need is crazy stalker PR.
   - I .. I don’t know. - she shrugged, not knowing why she felt so guilty. It wasn’t her fault. Right?
   - Right, I’m sending this to Mr. Hawthorne, he has a friend in the government, and you ... you better not get into any trouble tonight, Y/N. Are we clear?
   - Yes, Ms Olson.
   - Good and try to smile a bit more for the photos. 
Her ears filled with a static buzz and although she could see herself in the mirror and her surroundings, she felt she was laying on the floor of a dark room with dead eyes. Motionless, she remained motionless staring at herself in the mirror yet not understanding the image she could see. She wondered if she had fallen too deep into the industry to be rescued and suddenly that black dark room was filling with water and she just let it happen. Y/N just laid on that metaphorical dark ground, floating in the dark water which kept entering her lungs until she couldn’t bring anymore.
   - You’re ready. - she had been so lost in her own mind she did not realise she was fully dressed, hair ready and makeup done. It was pretty subtle, she thought, small black dress falling pretty much looser with tussled hair and skin toned makeup. It was something she’d pick for herself ... maybe the agency did knew her better than she did. 
They did the same thing they always did, some shots some not candid candid moments for social media and the good old fake champagne shot. She never really enjoyed champagne, she found it quite bitter even sour but it was prestigious. She guessed somehow it correlated with how she lived now, or how she was portrayed. She was ushered into the limo to Bucky, her Bucky yet she couldn’t really say anything until it was just her, Bucky and the driver. Once they were at least 10 minutes, it felt like the air she was holding in finally came crashing and she was pushed back into her own reality.
   - Y/N. - Bucky only spoke her name, not touching not do anything. - I am here, you are safe.
   - What? - she looked his way before smiling. She was an actress after all, but he was a former spy assassin. 
   - You are safe. - her features relaxed and she didn’t say a thing, instead marinating in her own thoughts. - I am here, you are safe.
   - I don’t wanna go. - she let it out, her face coming to the realisation of what exactly this meant. She knocked on the partition. - Stop the car.
   - What? - the driver was as confused as Bucky was. 
  - STOP THE CAR! - she yelled out and the car came to an abrupt end. She opened the door and like a mad woman she walked out into the first alley she saw, leaning against the wall with her hand pressed against her chest. Bucky went after her, stopping after he saw her leaning against the brick wall, hand over her mouth. Bucky knew panic attacks when he saw one and this was one of them. 
  - Princess ... - he walked up to her, trying to hold her but she stopped him.
  - I’m not going.
  - Okay, we’re not going. - he took off his gloves, raising his hands in the air. - Look at me princess, it’s me okay. It’s me, just me. Just us. 
   - I can’t do this anymore. 
   - Can you breathe in for me? - Bucky managed to finally hold her once her defences were down. - Count to ten in your head and then breathe out. 
Y/N breathed in, her head going immediately to count sheep, specifically 10 sheep. It was childish and she knew it was childish but she always did that whenever she needed to recover from feeling anxious. She let the air out before repeating again for what felt like a hundred times and things seem to calm down. However, peace and quiet wasn’t in the cards for her.
   - Just what in the heck do you think you’re doing. - Ms. Olson’s high pitched voice made her flinch. - You are not important enough to win the privilege to be late. 
   - Keep it. - Bucky warned, giving her the look no one wanted to receive. A look that was more Winter Soldier than Bucky Barnes.
   - You stay in your lane. - she pointed her pen at him. - Get in the car right now, Y/N. I do not have the time to deal with whatever childish diva tendencies you’re developing.
    - Not now, let her be.
    - Y/N. - she tried to grab Y/N’s arm but Bucky got to her before she did, twisting her wrist with his metal arm before he could even realise what he was doing. He let go of her wrist, but still looked at her as if he was ready to kill her. Instincts die hard. - You are going to regret this, Barnes. And you, Y/N, get in that car now.
   - No. - she meekly perked up.
   - Excuse me?
   - No. - she spoke out a little bit more strongly, forcefully grabbing her purse. - I am not going. 
   - You don’t get to ...
   - Yes, I do. - she interrupted him. - I did not sign a contract which specifically mentioned what events I need to attend, just how many. As such, I am not going and if you try to stop me or try to touch me without my permission ever I will sue you for harassment and I don’t think having an affair with Mr. Hawthorne pays for the legal fees you’d have to pay.
   -  You will sue me? - she almost scoffed at the not so meek actress. 
   - My dad is a barrister and my siblings are all lawyers. I have more knowledge of law and suing than you ever did and ever will. 
   - You wanna call the shots now, tots? - she rolled her eyes before stepping back. - Okay. 
Y/N remained behind suspicious of why it had been so easy to get rid of her but decided not to dwell on it. Bucky too was unsuspicious but was more worried about Y/N. She wrapped her hand against his, kissing his shoulder as the two watched Ms. Olson’s car leave along with her car. Typical. Of course she took her car. 
 - It’ll be fine, right? - she questioned looking up.
 - If everything goes to hell, we’ll move to a private dessert island and start there.
 - Let’s just go home. - she breathed out. - Let’s just forget new year’s eve.
 - It’s a lousy date anyway.
 - Yeah. Why are we celebrating the sun rotating a full turn around Earth? It’s ridiculous. 
Bucky was always happy to spend alone time with her and while part of him wanted to ask what had triggered her panic attack, he let her have her space. The two of them just sat on the couch, his head on her lap as she played with his hair, some old movie he liked to watch back in the 40s. The year went by and a new one began. At the beginning of the year, he wouldn’t have believe he’d end up here, with her, with the woman he loved, engaged. It was almost too good to be truth and sometimes Bucky wondered if he had been knocked unconscious during a mission and this was all his mind giving him what he always wanted. She had fallen asleep, having laid down next to him. 
The morning peeked into his apartment and as per usual he was the first one up, tidying the place up and even putting some flowers up for when she woke up. Y/N loved flowers and so he had made it his mission to ensure she always woke up to new ones. “This is going to make you broke” she would tell him, but he didn’t care. If he had to spend his last days buying fresh roses every morning for the woman he loved then he was going to do it. He leaned against the fridge, drinking his coffee as he did each morning until his phone rang. He clumsily tried to answer it before it could wake up Y/N. Damned IPhone and damned Sam Wilson who made him switch from his razor phone.
    - Barnes. - he answered.
    - Mr. Barnes, it’s Agent Cox. We have an assignment for you.
taglist: @disasterbii​ @lookiamtrying​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @americasass81​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @lostinthebeans​ @mariahthelioness29​ @bbabysbaby​ @peaches-roses-sins​ @theadorasabditory​ @sipsteacasually​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @booktease21​ @noiralei​ @learisa​ @everythingisoverratedbutgreat​ @uglipotata72829​ @naturalthrone22​ @husherstan​ @mandiiblanche​​ @vicmc624​ @newyorkgoddess​ @itsallyscorner​ @chipilerendi​ @emzd34 @writerwrites​​ @bluevxnus​​ @that-girl-named-alex​​ @captnrogers​​ @nsfwsebbie​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​
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Better Off - Frederik Andersen
Summary: After another fight the couple grows distant. Frederik ends up regretting his words once he realizes there are things only Y/n can do for him.
Words: 2229
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“…and the only thing they hear is each other, though no one is saying a word.” - Stig Dagerman
Even the happiest marriages, the most comfortable relationships, and most loyal friendships have their bad days. Even the couples who seem to be madly in love, always happy, and genuinely satisfied in their relationships could fight like the biggest enemies. Both Y/n and Frederik knew that things couldn’t always be good, they had their ups and downs, arguments, and they both said things they later regretted but they never expected to get into a situation they were now in.
It started about a month ago when the new season started. Frederik was thrilled for the new season, relieved they could return to somewhat normal life and Y/n thought she was excited as well but quickly learned it wasn’t the case. Over the seven years of their relationship, two years as a married couple she got used to the lifestyle and the chaos of living with an NHL's goalie. To a certain degree, she even enjoyed the days he was away, and she had time only for herself. But things changed drastically during the lockdown. Y/n started to enjoy having him home all the time and she caught herself wishing for a more traditional life with regular 9:5 jobs. When the new season started she noticed how lonely she felt when he was away and how she missed him more than she used to and it saddened her when on his free days he chose gym or his teammates over her.
Frederik was oblivious to his wife’s feelings in the beginning. After seven years, he didn’t think it was necessary to reassure himself she was okay with him being busy because he knew she was understanding and supportive of him and his career. And after all, she never complained about it anyway. He knew she liked her alone time and being apart worked for them because it made their relationship stronger and they never fell into a stereotype like so many of the couples they knew. He was in an excellent mood, in even better form and because he liked to work on himself he wanted to make up for the time he couldn’t practice so he spent an extra time working out and at the ice rink. Frederik and not only him but also his teammates were so happy to be back that they were busy with hockey and hanging out and Frederik didn’t even notice he made no time for Y/n. The third time he stood her up on a date she let him know how she felt and ever since that day it was all going downhill. At first, he tried to be with her but as if it wasn’t meant to be something always came up which only made Y/n feel worse and it made Frederik more and more frustrated. Eventually, they didn’t even try to spend time together and they drowned in their emotions.
“All you do is whine! Can you even imagine how annoying it is to listen to your never-ending whining and complaining?” He yelled at her out of frustration.
“Oh my god, I don’t care! If you were home a little more often then maybe I wouldn’t have to complain about it.” She yelled right back at him.
“You’re getting repetitive. I don’t remember hearing anything else from you other than this. I’m not at home because then I have to listen to you and I’d rather talk to the wall than to you! I’m better off without you anyway.”
Once he was done talking Y/n looked at him in pure shock and pain, she was speechless and surprised by his words and she didn’t have the energy to fight back. Everything that was said was enough, he made it clear and she wasn’t going to embarrass herself even more. Maybe she was irrational at times but all she wanted was a little more understanding from her husband but now she knew she wasn’t gonna get it.
“Fine,” she said quietly and left him alone in the living room while she locked herself in the bedroom so she could cry and think about it at peace.
Frederik regretted his words the moment he said them out loud. What he said wasn’t true or at least not fully because although he was tired of the fighting, he never dared to wish to get rid of her, to be without her. But he wanted to hurt her because the remorse he felt after every word she told him, after she expressed the pain, he caused made him act like a completely different person. But soon the remorse was replaced by anger. It wasn’t his fault she didn’t communicate with him better, it wasn’t his fault she didn’t tell him in the beginning how she felt, and it wasn’t him who argued about everything. Sure, he knew he played his part in this but there was no way he would take all the blame.
The days passed slowly and each day it got harder to handle the situation. Even the neighbors sensed the tension between the married couple, his teammates knew something was wrong because he was acting strangely but he never told them why, Y/n’s closest friend knew what was going on but Y/n didn’t want to talk about it because it only made things worse. The couple avoided each other at all costs, they slept in different rooms, ate at different times, and didn’t speak a single word. It was like living with a stranger, suddenly they stopped sharing their lives with each other and they lived individually as if they weren’t married.
Y/n continued living her life as if nothing was going on. She woke up every morning at 5:30, made herself breakfast and she was at work by 7. After work, she either hang out with her friends, did some grocery shopping, or went straight home where she hid in the bedroom. On the days Frederik wasn’t home she cooked a dinner and ate it before he returned, on the days he was home she waited until he left for the game and cooked then and every night she left a plate for him in the kitchen just in case he didn’t eat that day. Although she tried to act like she didn’t care about him since her ego was hurt by his words, she still wanted to make sure he was okay. And a part of her hoped he would soon realize how wrong he was. Mostly she hoped he would start missing her and that it would inspire him to make the first step to work things out. Every game night Y/n watched the game and rooted and cheered for her husband and felt proud of him no matter how angry she was. But the more time she spent alone the more she thought, and it only made her realize Frederik wasn’t the one to be blamed. Y/n knew he was doing his best, but she never appreciated it. Oh god, of course, he did his best, he loved her, and he didn’t mean what he said. She knew it but her stubbornness didn’t let her go to him and apologize for her behavior. Every time she was ready to go to him something told her she still deserved more time and attention from her husband.
Every night when Frederik returned home, he felt uncomfortable. Their home felt empty and cold without her waiting for him and he felt like a stranger in his own home. It was equally theirs, everything belonged to them both but now he couldn’t help but think it was now more Y/n’s than his because she was the one who turned the apartment into a home. Every night he found washed dishes in the kitchen and he never hesitated and put everything where it belonged so she wouldn’t have to do it the next day. Every night there was a dinner waiting for him and he ate it happily because it gave him a sign, she still cared about him. Every night he saw a light in their bedroom and as he passed by it, he fought a terrible urge to go inside and go to his wife. It was unbelievably hard to sleep in the guest room when Y/n was so close and he wanted nothing more than to hug his wife and kiss her goodnight but he thought sleeping in a different room was necessary and that giving her time was the right thing to do.
And in their stubbornness, they continued living like this for a few more days.
One night Frederik returned home broken and devastated after their biggest loss of the season. The Leafs lost 1:8 to Bruins and even though everyone tried to be nice to him and reassured him it wasn’t only his fault he knew they were lying. This loss was on him. He was horrible, he couldn’t focus on the game and for the most part, he didn’t even care. He returned home and wanted nothing more than to hug Y/n and be held by her because she was the only one who could calm him down, cheer him up, and bring back his confidence. Normally she would be at the game or at least waiting for him with her arms open but that night he once again returned to an empty apartment. He saw the light from their bedroom, and he heard a tv playing and for a moment he believed she watched the game and saw how terrible he was. He left his bag in the hall and went straight to the living room where he lay down on the couch and regretted everything he’s done in the past few days. He was afraid to check his phone or turn on the tv because he knew everyone would talk about how badly he played, he trembled from anxiety and he wanted to force himself to go to her but shame didn’t let him ask her for help.
Y/n impatiently waited for Frederik to come back home. She watched the game and cried when she saw how much he struggled that evening and she knew how sad he was going to be. Her heart skipped a few beats when she heard the front door open and close behind him and she didn’t know what to do. Her pride told her not to go to him and pretend to be asleep and to let him deal with it alone since he’d rather talk to a wall. But the bigger side of her, the side of her that loved her husband endlessly wanted to go to him and make sure he was going to be okay.
Twenty minutes later when it almost drove them both crazy, they stood up at the same time ready to make the first move. Frederik found the courage to apologize and headed to the bedroom hoping she wasn’t asleep, and Y/n got out of bed and headed to the living room to ask Frederik how he felt. They met midway and without thinking, Y/n ran to him and jumped into his arms and he held her as close to his body as was possible and immediately felt much better. He slowly carried her to their bedroom where they lay on the bed in silence for a while before they found the right words to say.
“I watched the game,” she spoke softly. “Is it stupid to ask you how are you feeling?” She said with almost an unheard chuckle.
“I feel terrible,” he admitted. “And all I wanted all night was to get home to you because you’re the only one who can calm me down.”
“I’m so sorry Freddie, for everything,” Y/n whispered and came closer to him, he hugged her tightly and rested his head on her shoulder and stroked her hand which helped him to calm down even more. “I felt really lonely because I loved being with you all the time and I liked the idea of having the ordinary and boring life everyone else has. But now I know I wouldn’t trade it for anything because this is our life, this is who we are, and I love it that way.”
Frederik relaxed under Y/n’s touch, he forgot all about the game and he felt ready to face the consequences the following day. He felt more secure now when he knew she had his back and he couldn’t even remember what caused the issues between them or how he could ever tell her he was better off alone without her. “I regret what I said because it’s completely nonsense. I’m useless without you.”
“You most definitely are,” she joked to ease up the situation. “We can forget about everything and try a little more to balance our private lives with our careers. And I promise not to complain when you’re busy.”
“I’d like that,” he said smiling and kissed Y/n’s cheek. Just now he fully realized how much he missed this and how much he needed it. “You make my life easier Y/n.” He whispered into her ear.
The couple soon fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was the first time in almost two weeks they fell asleep with ease and feeling completely calm and happy.
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kakashifanrp · 3 years
- Going Between Dimensions -
Part 10 - It won’t work
Kakashi Hatake x Reader/Y/N 
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It had been a week since you saw the wolf during the meditation. As frustrating as it was, it had gone downhill from there. Your purple cloak would not come out, and you couldn't connect with the Chakra that connected you with the beast at all. You let out a frustrated sigh as you got up. "I will take the dishes" You muttered, knowing Kakashi was half asleep on a branch close by.
You grabbed the bucket and walked the few meters to the river, hoping a small break would help the mood. You sat down as you started to clean the dishes from the breakfast earlier. You had given up trying the small talk with the shinobi.. The most responses you got was on day one, now it was just a command here and there before he went on reading or whatever else he did.
Your eyes scanned the eria a bit as you couldn't help but smile at how beautiful it really was here. The peaceful sound of the running river helped lighten the mood. At least when it almost looked like it was covered in glitter by how the sun reflected in it. You dried off the bowls as you thought about the wolf's words. "two moons collide...no balance... Ugh.. Why making it soo damn hard?" you scoffed. "what does it mean.." Those thoughts and words had been eating at you for a long time now.. It was hard to figure out what it was supposed to mean.. And how could you solve something you didn't know where to start looking..
With a heavy sigh you placed the clean dishes in the basket and got ready to go back. Ears perked when a sound of a branch snapping from the other side of the river, making you turn and look over. Most likely it was another animal again, there were alot of wildlife around here. As you looked up, your eyes widen as you saw the red eyes in the shadows. The body was frozen in place, as your eyes was directly aligned with the red ones in front of you. You screamed out as the eyes changed into the familliar red with a three tags shuriken around the pupil, the same eyes that had haunted your nightmares for soo many years.
Kakashi heard the scream, making him react quickly. He jumped from the branch and ran thowards the river, too see what was going on. He stopped as he saw you laying there, next to the clean dishes.. He couldn't sence anyone around as he hurried over to check on you. "passed out.." his brows narrowed as he scanned the eria once more. He gave the air a quick sniff with his nose, before quickly taking out his kunai. He knew that scent all too well. "I know you are here, Itachi!" Kakashi kept his guard up as he looked around.
"soo you are the one guarding this Jinchuriki?" Itachi stepped out from the shadows across the river. Kakashi made sure not to look into his eyes, he learned the hard lesson a few weeks back. "Why are you here?" He asked, demanding a answer. "as defensive as always.." Itachi answered unimpressed. "she will not do for us, her Tailed beast is not from this world, but it seems like you allready knew?"
Kakashi thighten his grip on his kunai, opening his sharingan eye.. Ready for any attack. "What did you do to her..." It didn't look like Itachi was gonna make any moves, but that still didn't calm him down. "I showed my gratitude, no more, no less" Itachi answered plainly, before he dissolved into bats and dissapeared. The scent dissapeared and Kakashi put the kunai away. He turned and looked down at you, before lifting you up and carried you back to the cabin.
He carefully placed you down on the bed and started to pack when he had made sure you were ok. It was time to leave, and that quickly... He knew if Itachi came back he would have a hard time taking him on alone.. Which was not a good thing right now, at least when there was no backup anywhere near you, and you being unconsious.
You let out a groan as you started to wake up again. Your head was pounding making you lift your hand to put pressure on your forhead. "Take it easy.." Kakashi's voice even thought it was low, sounded like full blown speakers to your ears, making you flinch. You remembered the eyes in the shadows, making your own snap open. "I said easy" He muttered next to you. "W.. What... Happened?" You asked carefully, noticing you were back in the cabin. "Nothing to worry about.. But we need to go.." You looked over at him, a bit confused as you saw he was allready packed up.
"You looks like it is something to worry about" you looked up at his face.. "I will explain later.. Are you able to walk?" You just nodded and carefully got up. You bit your thumb and did the signs. "summoning jutsu" you said carefully, summoning Mirai, before carefully putting the bags on him again. You lean on your wolf as everything got packed up and ready. "Lay down on my back, Y/N.. No need to push it too hard" Mirai nosed you, making you nod as you layed down on his back as they started to walk.
You hoped Kakashi would start to explain, but a hour had passed and he had said nada soo far. "are you gonna tell me what happened or not?" you looked over at him carefully, noticing he was still on alert. "Itachi Uchiha.. That is what happened back there" Kakashi looked over at you, giving you a look that said it all. "wait.. Itachi is back?" It was a shock, You thought Itachi didn't stay this close after he went to the village last time. "Was he looking for Naruto?"
"No... He said he showed you his gratitude.." The way Kakashi said it told you he wanted to know if you knew what it was about. "gratitude..." you whispered, just getting a nod from Kakashi. "Can it be about Sasuke..." your brows lifted slightly as you thought about it. "Itachi was the Anbu being guard the night before the massacre.. Helping me with my training.." you paused a secound. "He made me promise something.." you sat up a bit, careful not to hurt Mirai. "it makes sense now.."
"what makes sense?" Kakashi looked over, wanting to know aswell. "He made me promise to look after Sasuke if anything happened... But I never put two and two togheter before now" Kakashi put both of his hands back in his pockets. "does anyone know?" he asked after a bit, making you shake your head. "No, I never thought it had something to do with the massacre..." you mumbled. Somehow you have had a good enough relationships with the Uchiha's, being Obito's best friend when you were younger.
"I always thought it was something he said because I used to babysit from time to time.. It was not uncommon that I was over at the Uchihas side of town.." Kakashi just nodded, knowing what you were reffering too. "When we get back, you go straight home to rest.. I take the information to Lady Tsunade" he said plainly. The rest of the trip were silent. When you both got back to the village at night Mirai took you home to rest as Kakashi went to see if he could see the Hokage right away.
Luckily for him Tsunade had not went to bed yet, as she was up late filing paperwork. He knocked at the door and walked inside. "what are you doing back allready?" The blond asked as she looked up from the pile of papers on her desk. "We ran into Itachi Uchiha again.. And the training is not going as we thought" Tsunade slammed her fist in the desk. "are they after her aswell?" The look in her eyes roared of anger. "no, He had all uppertunity to do so, but did nothing to take her.. I don't know what happened exactly.. She was passed out when I found her" He admitted nervously
"You let her go on her own!" She stood up, making Kakashi nervous. "No, no.." he answered nervously. "She was a few meters from me, doing the dishes in the river... Then she screamed and I found her passed out... Most likely she was caught in his Genjitsu" he explained calmly. "He knows about her, since he used to work as a guard for her back then.. But he claimed he came by to show his gratitude..." Kakashi explained. "Apperantly it had to do with Sasuke.. Itachi had apperantly asked her to watch out for Him the day before the massacre"
"and what does that mean? Showing his gratitude?" Tsunade looked at him. "I am not sure, neither is Y/N" He answered honestly. "and about her training?" Tsunade sat back down, leaning her head on her folded hands. "The first day during meditation she suddenly got in full panic.. Claiming she spoke with a wolf. The wolf told Y/N she is not ready, and since two moons are coliding there will be no balance.. After that she has not been able to use the tail beast cloak.. " Tsunade nodded slowly." I see.. We have alot to figure out then.. And make sure to solve that methaphor"
Kakashi nodded and sighed. "The seal is gone, and the tail beast is taking back the controll.. It will be alot of work" it was true, it seems like the tailed one wanted to put up a fight. "But training outside the village will not be safe, not after knowing they know about her... The best I can do is the old training grounds" kakashi looked at her, knowing this was not a good idea for him personally, but he was left with no choice. "Then use the old grounds. See if it can help to gain back controll... I summon her for a breef tomorrow" Tsunade dismissed him, making Kakashi nod before leaving.
He was not looking forward to go back there, not after what happened that night. Hopefully it would not go as Jirayia said.. That would only damage her training and safety doing soo
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cyber3lf · 4 years
say it back
˖⋆࿐໋₊ ✎ synopsis: oikawa and you seemed like the perfect couple. but recently it seems that he has been loosing interest in you. will this be the end of your relationship with him?
pairing: oikawa x fem. reader
genre: angst
word count: around 900
warnings: none.
you and oikawa have been dating for around almost five months now. it was blissful at first of course. why wouldn’t it be? the guy is smart, charming, athletic, talented, pretty darn handsome, and obviously for these characteristic traits he pursued, girls were practically drooling over him and boys wanted to be him. and to be honest, he could have anyone else but he chose you instead.
of course you weren’t the overprotective type. you don’t mind him being near girls, talking to them, liking their post on the gram, etc. but you do question his feelings towards you. you would notice he would be oddly nice towards these girls. you didn’t overthink it that much. you shouldn’t question your boyfriend. why else would he be with you then?
unfortunately, things started to go downhill. he started to grow distant from you. barely glanced at you in the hallways let alone smile at you at the very least during passing period. you also noticed that he stopped giving you pda. not that you mind because of course it is a little embarrassing. nonetheless, you missed him showing you off to his friends. to his family. to the world.
but of course you didn’t want to say anything about it. what if he thought you were clingy? then he’ll definitely break up with you.
everytime during lunch you would go up to him and try giving him hugs only for you to be neglected and pushed away. you gave up after that.
communicating wasn’t your best thing. i mean sure you tried talking to him to see what was wrong with him but it was always the same responses. “i’ve been tired this week.” or “i’m busy right now maybe later?”
you decided one evening to shoot him a text message asking to go on a date this weekend. it took him 4 hours to reply back but finally he said “sure.” it wasn’t the usual “yes!!!!” with a bunch of lovey dovey emojis which sadden you for a bit but at least he agreed right? you sent him the details for the date. where you would meet up and at what time.
you laid in bed that night thinking about all of the things the both of you will be doing that day.
the weekend finally came around which means the date is going to be tonight. you were so excited. no. excited wasn’t even the word to describe how you feel right now. it was like you were on cloud seven. sadly that wouldn’t be for long though and you were in for a very rude awakening.
“hey,” you walked up to oikawa who was waiting by the entrance of the amusement park. it was a very ordinary place to go for a date but it seems like your boyfriend didn’t mind.
oikawa nodded his head back to you indicating that he has acknowledged your presence and is ready to head inside. you tried to snake your way to his hand and hold it but he moved abruptly and you took that as a sign to stop. it hurt you a bit but you didn’t want to say anything to ruin the mood.
strike one.
you guys walked around in silence. of course you asked him about his week and what he was up to with his volleyball club but all he did was give you simple plain answers as he was scrolling through his phone laughing to himself at the screen that lit up his face. great. third wheeling on your planned out date?
strike two.
“hey! let’s go on that ferris wheel,” you suggested pointing to a big colorful, bright wheel that was giving the place most of the light sources.
“sure. why not?” he shrugged. you quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him to the line. there were a lot of people. more than you had expected. most of them were couples cuddling up against each other. laughing and talking. one was so loud you couldn’t help but smile at their sarcastic quarrel. you wished it could be like that again. maybe though. if you tried. maybe. in another world.
eventually it was your guys’ turn to get on the wheel of sights. instead of seated next to you, oikawa sat on the opposite bench of yours. the ride was slow and smooth. you were panicked with emotions. what should you say to him?
“cmon say something idiot. anything. something that will make this night better. something that will make this relationship work.”
“i love you.” your mouth slipped. but you mean it.
“oh shit oh my gosh. what now? will he say it back? why did i say such a stupid thing. please say it back. say anything please.” your mind raced.
silent. it was like the world has stopped.
“look at this view. it’s gorgeous up here—” oikawa started but was suddenly cut off by your desperate need for him to say “i love you” back.
strike three.
“are you gonna say it back?” you mumbled, curiously. although you would prefer it if you didn’t know. you couldn’t look up at your boyfriend. but when you did he didn’t even spare you a glance.
the ferris wheel came to a stop. you grabbed your belongings and headed out there as quickly as you could wishing he would stop you. grab you by the wrist like in those cringe love shows. call out your name. anything to make you turn around but it was hopeless.
a/n: lemme know if you want a part two?( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Why I (Want to) Love Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
Salutations random people on the internet who most likely won’t read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
When I heard Disney was making an animated series based on Tangled, acting as a continuation from the original movie, my initial thought was, "Why?"
Sure, Disney is infamous for its unnecessary sequels of the story after happily ever after, with the many, many, many failures that follow suit. Even then, though, most of these continuations were movies that kind of have the potential to tell more of a story. But what more could be said about Tangled? Sorry to spoil a movie that's over ten years old at this point, but by the end of it: Rapunzel lost her golden hair, was reunited with her parents, fell in love, and lived happily ever after. Her losing the golden hair is the most essential part of that list because how can you do a series based on a Disney princess when her most iconic feature is gone? Then I found out that the series forced a way for her hair to come back, and my new initial thought became, "Oh man. This is gonna suck, isn't it?"
Despite the hesitation, I decided to give it a chance anyway. After all, I've been pleasantly surprised before. Things like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, The Mitchells vs. the Machines, and even The Owl House (yes, really), were shows (and a movie) that I didn't think would be that special. Only to find myself enjoying nearly every minute. So after watching Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, I can certainly say I was surprised...but it was entirely for the wrong reasons.
And to explain how requires spoilers. So if you haven't checked the series out yet, I highly suggest you do it to form your own opinion. Just keep in mind that it's a bit of a mess, but it can be an enjoyable mess...sometimes...let me explain.
The Animation/Art Style: The series swapping from 3D to 2D might have been the most brilliant decision anyone could have ever made with this series. Usually, when an animated movie gets turned into a show, the most noticeable downgrade is always the animation. Whether it’s not as detailed or not as fluid, it's always subjective that the movie is better animated than the series. But by switching up the styles, the contrast becomes objective instead. 2D and 3D animation each have their pros and cons, so deciding which one is better is nothing more than a matter of opinion. So by changing the style, Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure avoids getting complaints of being a downgrade from the original movie. It also helps that the art style of the series is really unique.
The best way to describe how the show looks is that it's like a coloring book brought to life. At times, everything looks like it was drawn and colored in with crayons, which sounds like an insult, but in actuality, it's one of the best features of the series. As much as I love most animated shows nowadays, I will admit, they all look a little too similar at times. Then here comes Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, which tries to incorporate a whole new style that successfully sets it apart from most shows.
As for the animation itself, it's really well-made! It's remarkably expressive when required, while the movements are really fluid during the correct scenes. Sure the fighting can be a little floaty during some action set pieces (yes, those exist here), but the dialogue and comedic moments are really where the series shines with its animation. I may have problems with the series as a whole, but I give credit where credit is due for the perfectly executed effort that I see in every episode in terms of animation.
Rapunzel and Eugene’s relationship: This was not something I was expecting to enjoy from the series. In the movie, Rapunzel and Eugene were fine. They were the typical Disney couple that worked off of each other enough that it was always entertaining, even if it was unbelievable that they fell deeply in love with each other after, like, two days. They weren't bad, but they weren't anything to go crazy over.
But the writers for the series said, "You know what, let's make these two adorable in nearly every scene they're in." And they are!
Even though I don't believe in their relationship in the movie, I fully believe it here. Both characters have a large amount of faith in one another on top of having endless love for their partner. Like how Eugene knew Rapunzel would be fine when taking out an airship or how Rapunzel couldn't bring herself to say a bad thing about Eugene when making Cassandra a sparring dummy of him. It's legitimately pleasant to watch, to the point where I put Rapunzel and Eugene in my top ten list of favorite fictional couples. They're that good to me, and it's one of the reasons why I don't jump on the bandwagon of shipping the two main female characters together. I'm all for LGBTQA+ representation, but give Cassandra her own girlfriend. Rapunzel's taken, and most of my enjoyment of this show comes from her and her man. So, you know, keep things as they are.
Cassandra (Seasons One and Two): Seeing how I've already mentioned her, let's talk about Cassandra, shall we? Because when making a series based on a movie that had only four prominent characters, with two of them being comedic animal sidekicks, you're going to need to introduce more members to the main cast to write more potential stories. And Cassandra, in Seasons One and Two (I'll get to Season Three), is a worthy addition. She acts as a strict straight man (I know the irony) who interacts well with Rapunzel and clashes perfectly with Eugene on occasion. She was passably entertaining in Season One and developed amazingly in Season Two. Her growing frustrations with Rapunzel's actions lead to a slow build-up that made her betrayal heartbreaking but somewhat understandable. And as for the results in that betrayal...yeah, I'll get into that later. For now, I'll just say that Cassandra was a pleasant addition to the main cast, especially when she was a part of the main trio, and she's yet another good surprise that the writers supplied for the series.
The Songs: The songs are...not going to be for everyone. Most of them are passable yet kind of generic, while others sound like they belong on Disney Junior (Looking at you, "Bigger Than That"). But when Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure makes a hit, MAN, it is a home run. Numbers like "Ready As I'll Ever Be" and "Nothing Left to Lose" are sung phenomenally, orchestrated well, and are songs I can listen to on repeat multiple times. And "Waiting in the Wings" is not only something I consider to be the best song in the series, but it's also something I'd place as high up on Disney's best due to how f**king incredible it is. "Waiting in the Wings" is a powerful ballad that manages to be both tragic yet inspiring on top of how well it sums up Cassandra as a character. The writers may not always be on top of their game when it comes to music, but songs like these prove that they know how to earn that Disney name.
And that’s all I have for the likes...Oh boy. That’s not a good thing is it?
It Peaked at Season One: It did. It really did.
Season One felt like the writers had a grip on what type of show they wanted: A slice-of-life series with Rapunzel dealing with the issues of her kingdom with a meager threat of these black rocks growing in the background. It was all cute and well-balanced for the most part, but that all disappears in Season Two. Because now it's sort of about this adventure, but because Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure set itself as a slice-of-life series, there need to be these small-scale stories that intertwine the grand narrative being told. The issue is that the story comes to a grinding halt one too many times as fans are forced to sit through these filler episodes that, while not all of them are bad, still feel like a distraction. And by Season Three, the series does feel more focused while having some slice-of-life episodes added to the ongoing story instead of distracting us from it. But the writing isn't as strong, there are several plot holes in the narrative (how did Rapunzel's sunstone get into her dress?), and there is way too much time going back and forth on Cassandra's morality. They claim that she's a villain while arguing that there might still be some good in her, and they continue this train of thought for nine episodes when it really could have been settled in two. For me, it's a bad sign for a series when the first season is the best one. Because if it's all downhill from there, what's the point of even watching?
It Tries to be Epic: This might have been the worst decision the writers could have made.
Now, here's the thing: I don't mind grand epic tales of adventure and battles against demons. If anything, I'm all for them...when it's appropriate and fits with the tone of the series.
Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure suffers a similar problem Frozen II has, in which the writers felt like a big, life-threatening adventure was the perfect continuation of a meager, personal story about the relationships of characters. It isn't. If anything, it's completely missing the mark about what the original story was about. And sure, sometimes writers can succeed in telling personal stories through grand adventures. Just look at The Owl House and parts of Amphibia. But with those shows, it's established within the first few episodes that action and peril will be a series staple. With Tangled, while there was some action and peril, it's all very subdued compared to how high the stakes got raised in later episodes in the show. Especially in the series finale.
And, I mean, c'mon. You're making Rapunzel an action hero?
Judy Hopps? Yes.
Moana? Maybe.
Raya? Most definitely.
But Rapunzel? The character who’s all about optimism and seeing the best of others. That's the character you're going to morph into a hero that fights against an evil demon laid dormant for years? Did you even watch the original movie? Yeah, sorry, but I just don't buy it.
If you want to tell an epic story that gets the blood pumping for fans addicted to adventure, go for it! See where the wind takes you. But make sure to set that tone as early as possible while also making sure that it fits with the characters. If not, the end result is a series that feels like it's trying to be something it’s not.
Eugene is Kind of an Idiot at Times: It should be noted that Movie-Eugene and Series-Eugene are practically two different characters. In the film, Eugene was more or less the straight man, as he often questions the wackiness in the world around him and keeping Rapunzel grounded in reality. For the series, most of that personality got transferred to Cassandra. Thus making Eugene's new role in the series act as the egotistical imbecile. Sure, he had those moments in the film, but not as frequently, and it really pains me when the writers really lean hard into a minor aspect of his personality. Sometimes there are moments when Eugene acts like his original self. But it's all small scenes that are spread apart with entire episodes where he has half a brain cell. I'm sure some people didn't mind this change to the character, but as someone who adores the movie version of Eugene, I can't help but feel disappointed.
The Villains are the Worst: Now, I don't mean the one-off villains that show up, cause some chaos for a bit, and disappear at the end of the episode. Those are characters with fun personalities, occasionally cool designs, and do their job as villains of the week. It doesn't matter if their motivations are laughably simple, as their purpose is to be enjoyable characters above anything else. So I actually enjoy those villains...it's the ones that act as season-long antagonists that really grind my gears.
The purpose behind these types of foes is to build up how evil they are throughout the season. The issue is that the writers try to give these characters, or at least two of them, a point. To be fair, this can work. Just look at Killmonger from Black Panther and sometimes Karli Morgenthau from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. You understand and probably even sympathize with the logic and reasoning these characters have. It's just that their actions couldn't be farther from what you would do. The problem with Varian and Cassandra is that they have the motivation, but it's not written suitably for the story.
Cassandra is a whole can of worms I'll get to in a minute, but Varian is someone I can easily discuss for a brief time. Because while I can comprehend his pain for having his father frozen in yellow rock, I don't think turning evil is the best decision to go with that character. Because A. Everything is his fault. He blames Rapunzel for not helping him, but even if she didn't have a crisis to deal with, there was nothing she could have done to stop it. His frustrations are not only unjustified, but given the fact that this wouldn't have happened if he listened to his father in the first place, it feels like him becoming evil is too drastic of a turn. And B. Varian worked much better as a supporting character rather than a primary antagonist. He was just this hopeful, if not a clumsy scientist who wanted to prove himself, who causes minor catastrophes due to not thinking ahead. Turning a character like Varian into a villain is a bit of a misstep because if the guy acts hilariously incompetent as a good guy, it makes little sense to have him be intelligent and ten steps ahead of Rapunzel when being evil. If he were to become more serious and careful when helping the rest of the main cast, I'd consider that character progression done properly. But becoming a villain is just an overreaction.
However, none of that compares with my issues with the main antagonist of the series: Zhan Tiri. This goes back to my problems with the series making itself too epic. Because if Zhan Tiri existed in any other show, I probably wouldn't have any problem with her. She's built up well throughout all three seasons and is kind of threatening at times. But she doesn't belong in a series based on a movie that dealt with a small, personal issue where it wasn't even the character who killed the villain in the end. It was her love interest and animal sidekick. Even if Zhan Tiri works well as a character, the fact that it doesn't feel like she belongs in the show makes her too distracting to enjoy. And that's why these villains suck. If not poorly written, they don't belong in a series that should focus on small-scale issues. And if you can functionally write an antagonist that appears for only one episode but flounder with ones that show up in several, well, that's just embarrassing.
Cassandra (Season 3): OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH BOY, do I have some words to express with this character. Like with Movie-Eugene and Series-Eugene, Cassandra from Seasons One and Two is frustratingly different from the psychotic IDIOT from Season Three. Basically, just take the issues I have with Varian, multiply them by ten, add them with some bafflingly stupid decisions, and you still wouldn't get how much Season Three-Cassandra frustrates me!
First off, her motivation...what the f**k were the writers thinking? The big reason why Cassandra betrays Rapunzel and motivates all of her misdeeds was that Cassandra's mother was Mother Gothal...EXPLAIN THAT LOGIC TO ME?! Because Cassandra should know what type of woman Mother Gothal was. She should know what Mother Gothal did to Rapunzel in the first eighteen years of her life. So how is Cassandra being abandoned by Gothal the central motivator to cut ties with Rapunzel, who is probably an even bigger victim in this scenario!? Seriously, Rapunzel was cut off from the rest of the world and treated as an unknowing prisoner because she was beneficial to Gothal. Cassandra was adopted into a household with mutual love and got to actually live her life. In no way does it make sense for her to be angry at Rapunzel.
Nor does it make sense that the writers try to play it off as a good thing in the song "Crossing the Line!" Sure, it sounds nice, but thematically, it gives across the opposite feelings that the audience should have. Because if Cassandra cutting ties with Rapunzel is meant to be tragic and awful, why is the music suggesting it's the best possible thing that's ever happened for the character? If you like the song, fine, but even you have to admit that it's thematic nonsense.
But, sure. Cassandra's evil now, and she considers it a good thing. Whatever. I'll take it as long as it leads to good stories...but here's the thing: In the penultimate episode before the three-part series finale, Cassandra asks a question. A question I would have never expected her to ask, despite everything that has happened in the last season. A question that was so baffling, I had to legitimately pause the episode to process the fact that she asked something so stupid. Because Cassandra, the character who is intelligent and grounded in reality, asked, "Am I the bad guy?"
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I was honestly shocked to find out she was shocked! How, in the flying, everlasting, cock-a-doodle-doodling F**K does a person like her not pick up that maybe, just maybe, she isn't the hero in this story!? Call me crazy, but endangering the lives of people you once called friends and family, dressing in black, AND HAVING A GIANT EVIL-LOOKING TOWER MADE OUT OF F**KING SPIKES aren't qualities I would give to a hero!
If Cassandra was like Thanos, a character so wrapped up in his ego that he can't even notice how evil he is, I would understand. But she doesn't have an ego. Anger, yes. But for the most part, her personality is based on having logic and reasoning. So turning her into a villain and having her unaware that she's a villain is an act of lunacy that I am incapable of understanding. I don't know who's idea this was, but whoever is to blame...you've got issues.
>Sighs<...This series isn't good, is it?
I like the animation and some of the characters...but that's not enough. Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure is a mess of a show that tries to do too much for a story that should have so little. Meaning that it's a D+ for me. I want to enjoy it and give it a higher grade, especially with how much I hear people praise this series. And if you do enjoy it, all the power to you. Your opinions are valid, even if I highly disagree with them. Because for me, this is a show that I won't get myself tangled up in again in the future.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
coda [pre-pragma]
coda - a concluding event, remark, or section
pairing: frankie ‘catfish’ morales x f!reader
warnings: angst
a/n: this is it y’all! the last pre-pragma one shot and it’s not a happy one. i apologize in advance.
summary: frankie says goodbye to one of the only good things in his life.
pragma masterlist
Frankie had lost himself. He looked at himself in the mirror and didn’t recognize the man staring back. Help. It’s what he needed, but would he get it? That was yet to be seen.
His phone rang but it wasn’t who he wanted it to be. “What Pope?” he answered.
“Go to her. Now.”
“Wait…what?” He walked out of the bathroom to his bedroom and sat on the bed.
“Just go and see her. Fix it.” Pope hung up leaving Frankie sitting there staring at his phone. He pulled up her number and his finger hovered over the ‘call' button. He couldn’t bring himself to press it.
Stop avoiding her, he thought.
His thumb came down on the screen and the phone rang and rang and…
“Hello?” Her voice was sad, tired. She sounded as though she had been crying.
“H-hey. I…uh…” He squeezed his eyes shut and covered them with his fingers before speaking again. “Can I see you?”
“I don’t-"
“Please? I just wanna talk.” He waited and waited for a response.
“Okay.” She didn’t sound happy about it. If anything, she sounded like she’d rather not see him ever again. He tried to speak again but she already hung up.
Frankie ran into the bathroom and fixed himself up as best as he could. He looked rough. He looked sick. She would know right away. Hell, everyone knew by now. His sickness wasn’t something you could cure with a week of antibiotics though. He turned away from the mirror because he couldn’t look at himself as he did what he normally did to calm his nerves now. A quick sniff and he felt alive again. He felt as though he could face her.
The drive to her place wasn’t a long one, but Frankie sat in the car for another ten minutes before getting the courage to walk into the building. He knocked on the door then stood back, removing his hat to smooth his hair back before replacing it. The door opened and he smiled, expecting to be met with a friendly face, but the smile on his face fell when he saw that she wasn’t smiling. She moved away from the door so he could walk in, but didn’t speak a word. He hugged her but she didn’t return it and that hurt more than anything. She was stiff in his arms and leaned away from him as he held her. Letting go, he looked for any sign that she felt something, but her face stayed the same.
“What do you want, Francisco?” she asked monotonously.
He let the door close behind him before speaking. “I…wanted to see you.”
“Did you? Are you sure Santi didn’t put you up to this?” She stood a few feet away from him, avoiding his gaze.
“Why would he need to put me up to this?” He forced a small laugh. She looked at him then. There was something in her eyes—contempt? He wasn’t sure but it’s not how she used to look at him.
“Look at you,” she said barely above a whisper. “Look at what you let yourself become.”
“I’m fine,” he lied.
She gave him an exasperated look. “Bullshit.”
He smiled. “You’re sounding like yourself again…”
“I’m leaving,” she said suddenly.
“You’re…what?” He heard her perfectly. Steadying himself, he sat on the couch and looked up at her.
“I’m leaving.”
He finally looked around and noticed the bags she had packed. “But you’re coming back, right?” Another forced laugh.
“No, Francisco, I’m not.”
“I…I don’t understand.” His heart felt heavy—heavier than the weight of the world he had been holding on his shoulders.
“I can’t stay here anymore. I can’t stay and watch you kill yourself. I can’t let you keep breaking my heart.” Even as she said this, she remained stoic as if she was all cried out. It was his turn to cry now and, god, did he cry.
“But…you can’t go…” He sat back on the couch. He was never one to beg, but he was prepared to beg for her. His vision blurred with tears as he stared at her, pleading silently.
“Frankie…” Her sad, quiet voice floated to his ears and he sat up straight. “There’s nothing here for me anymore.”
“There is. There’s…”
“You?” She shook her head. “You haven’t been you though, Frankie. Not for a long time.”
“I can be if you…if you help me,” he said.
“I’ve been trying to help you for the past few years! The help you need is not something I can give, not without me losing myself in the process.”
“I-I can’t do this without you. I’ll die,” he cried. She looked indifferent. And that’s when he realized. That’s when he knew he had finally done it—he had used up every last bit of her happiness until there was none left. Even as he sat there, crying and begging, she stood there unmoved, looking at the wall behind him.
“I have to do this for me. No matter how much I love you, I just can’t do this.”
He looked at her for a long time. His sadness and anger finally overcame him and he lost himself. “Why won’t you cry?! Why won’t you look at me?!” He saw her flinch a bit then close her eyes. “It’s still me. It’s still Frankie.”
“No.” Her voice cracked. He walked up to her and she stumbled backwards, making him stop in his tracks.
“You scared of me now?”
“You should go.” She turned away to hide her own tears that she finally allowed herself to shed.
“What?” He stood in the middle of the room which now felt cold and unfamiliar even though he’s been there too many times to count.
“You need to leave,” she said without even turning her head to look at him. “I don’t want you here anymore.”
“You don’t mean that,” he said and that’s when she turned to him.
“I fucking mean it!” she snapped, pointing at him. “I don’t want you here anymore! I want my Frankie back not whoever…this is!” She waved her hands up and down at him.
“I am your Frankie. I’ll always be your Frankie.” His voice cracked again.
“No…not anymore.” She looked over at her bags. “You need to leave so I can finish packing.”
“So…just like that, huh?”
“Just like that?” she repeated and laughed bitterly. “It’s not just like that…it’s been coming for years now! I tried so hard. I held on thinking you would get better but you didn’t. You only got worse.”
“And what do you think will happen if you leave?” he asked, moving closer to her.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Frankie. You are not blaming me for whatever you decide to do.” She moved away from him and walked to the window. “I love you so much it hurts,” she sobbed.
“Please don’t go.” He shook his head. “I can’t…”
“Maybe we’ll find each other again in another life. A happier one.” She sniffled and turned to him. He knew he looked a mess. “I need you to take care of yourself and be happy someday.”
“How can I be happy without you?” he asked. He shrugged, feeling lost and lonely.
“I can’t answer that.”
Suddenly, he dropped to his knees and choked out a sob. He had never cried like this before. His entire body shook and his chest hurt from the shaking, wracking breaths he had to take. He felt like he was dying. Maybe he was. He had to be because there was an angel kneeling with him. The angel took his hands in hers and looked into his eyes.
“Get better then come and find me,” she said.
“I won’t be able to find you if I’m lost myself,” he whispered. “Please stay.” She was his guiding light and without her he had neither purpose nor direction.
But he knew. He knew he had lost her already. Her mind was made up and he had lost the only woman he had ever loved in the blink of an eye.
It wasn’t in a blink of an eye, he realized. She was right. It had been going downhill for years. He had been pushing her away, watching her drown in her sorrows for fucking years and she had finally had enough.
Then she touched his face, lifting it so he would look at her. Her eyes held a sadness that shook him to the core. She wiped his tears even as her own stained her cheeks.
“Frankie,” she whispered. “We’ll see each other again.”
“Will we?” he cried.
“I hope so.”
“When do you leave?” he asked.
“Can I hold you till then?” He smiled sadly and she actually wrapped her arms around him. So, here they were, two people kneeling in the middle of the floor, holding each other. And it felt better than anything had in a long time.
Frankie watched as she said goodbye to Santiago feeling a little jealous that he was still able to make her smile and laugh like that. With one more hug from Santiago, she made her away over to him.
“So,” she said quietly, stopping right in front of him.
“So,” he choked out, nearly bursting into tears. He pulled the cap down a little more and lowered his head. “You sure about this?”
“I have to, Francisco.”
“Will you come back?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Maybe one day.”
“So, I have a little hope.” He tried to smile but he cried instead.
“Come here.” She wrapped her arms around him and let him cry. He laid his head on her shoulder and did just that.
“I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“I’ll miss you too.” She made him lift his head then held it in her hands and…kissed him. Their tears mingled on each other’s cheeks as their lips touched. He never wanted it to end. He never wanted to say goodbye but he had to.
She pulled away and held onto his hands, squeezing them gently. “See you when I see you…”
“Sometime soon I hope.”
“You never know.” She dropped his hands and he flexed them, trying to his best to remember what her hands felt like in his.
“Bye,” he said sadly.
“See you.” She was never good at goodbyes. She turned away and walked to her car and he didn’t expect her to turn back this time. He didn’t deserve it.
But she did and just like the first time, everything went in slow motion and they were the only two in the world. In that moment, he mattered. In that moment, he had hope.
“I love you,” he said quietly knowing she couldn’t hear him.
And in her car, hiding away from the world, she had said the words too.
pragma taglist: @cable-kenobi @saltywintersoldat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pedrosdoll @psychobillybunny @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @keeper0fthestars @mrsparknuts @thinemineours @huliabitch @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @mrscrain-x7 @fioccodineveautunnale @gooddaykate @themilkface @ms-dont-care @mus1caln0tes @awesomefandomsunited @seawhisperer @virtualxjournality @badassbaker​ @lokiaddicted @forever-rogue @sloantravels @javier-djarin​ @longitud-de-onda
permanent taglist: @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @tiffdawg​ @smartsexycalmreflective @cryptkeepersoul​ @heresathreebee​ @jawabear​ @agirllovespasta​ @opheliaelysia​ @thisis-theway @huliabitch
sorry if i forgot anyone!
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namfine · 4 years
⬤ | 𝕴𝖗𝖆 : 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕙𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕟 | ⬤
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Wrath is strong, vengeful anger or indignation.                                              - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - - Θ pairing: Park Jimin x Reader Θ word count: 5.1k Θ summary: When you first signed up for private dance lessons, you thought your instructor was the sweetest thing in the world. But during tonight’s session you notice he’s on edge, more harsh than ever with his feedback. It only goes downhill when he notices you wearing a familiar piece of a jewelry. Θ tags: 18+, jimin x reader, unprotected sex, TW: Jimin yells and gets a bit rough with you, oral (f), angry sex??, he shoots his load in you, more monster fucking,  Θ part: 5 of 7 of our Seven Deadly Sins Milestone Challenge. ⋫ Link to Master List here Θ a/n: Welcome to wrath! I don’t really have much to say except that I tried to convey wrath as best as I could. Jimin yells and gets a bit rough but there’s no harsh physical contact. As always I hope you all enjoy!!! -Fizzy ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ) 
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God just fucking relax y/n you’ll be okay. Just act natural and everything will be okay. This is your instructor for fuck’s sake, not a god.
Is what you kept telling yourself as you headed inside the dance studio, chest heavy with nerves. You were running late, having trouble finding a clean pair of pants since you were behind on laundry. Not only that, but it was raining heavily, which was so odd because the sun was just burning brilliantly in the sky. Then suddenly it disappeared and was replaced by this storm. When you stepped inside, you immediately noticed how quiet it was. Normally there would be a few people lagging around, trying to get in a few extra seconds from Jimin. Considering the fact that it was also pouring, you were shocked that there wasn’t a soul in sight, trying to avoid the horrid weather.  
Usually Jimin was a very sweet and caring dance instructor, more than happy to help you when you were having trouble with a certain move. He rarely got upset and when he did, he wouldn’t let it show.  For your last couple of lessons however, you noticed he seemed more tense but when you would ask he would give you a big smile and say it was nothing to worry about. You messaged him saying that you were running late and normally when you message each other, he’s so upbeat and cheery, adding in emojis and “lol’s”. But when he responded to your message, all you got was an “Okay” with a period, making a pit of dread settle in your stomach. It didn’t help that he had left you on read for about 5 minutes before replying. The cold air inside the building made your skin breakout in chills, your teeth clattering together. Your clothes were sticking uncomfortably to you but luckily you brought a change because the rain had started while you were still home. You quickly made your way towards your room, where Jimin was hopefully still waiting for you. The closer you got, the louder the music became and when you reached the double doors you paused, taking a deep breath before pushing on the bar. You spotted Jimin at once, back facing you while he sat on the floor and worked on stretching his legs. He didn’t say anything at first so you assumed he hadn’t noticed you. You wanted to announce your presence first before going to change, trying to ease him off his obvious annoyance. But when you opened your mouth to speak, he said something first. “Are you going to dance in those wet clothes?” His voice was monotone, his reflection in the mirror not even glancing up at you. The pit in your stomach flared, and you clutched your bag strap tighter. “I-I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you I was here...before I went to go change.” Your voice stuttered and you swallowed whatever saliva you had in your mouth to try and sooth your dry throat. “You’re already late y/n. Just go.” Again with the monotone, but at least this time he spared you a small glance. You thought you saw something glint in the mirror, where his eyes were. It flashed red but you couldn’t focus on it for long since you were in a hurry. You sighed and turned back out the door, quickly running to the bathroom. You switched your shirt and pants for the dry ones in your bag, thanking yourself for putting them inside a plastic one. You hung your clothes up on hooks in the bathroom, figuring since you were the only one there you didn’t have to worry about them being taken. You opted in leaving off your bra and panties, them being completely soaked as well. Your clothes were loose and baggy enough that you figured it would go unnoticed. Your hand grazed your neck, feeling something cool on your skin. It was a necklace that you had gotten from someone, but didn’t recall who. You usually take it off while practicing but seeing as you didn’t want to make Jimin wait any longer, you kept it on and tucked it inside your sweatshirt.  When you stepped out, you paused, feeling something off. It was quiet when you walked in the building but now it was deathly silent, you couldn’t even hear the sound of the rain beating against the walls anymore. The hallways also seemed darker than when you had first entered, darker than what gray clouds would have caused. You glanced towards the front doors on your right, except now nothing was there, just a vast hallway of darkness. You looked left to find the same thing, the darkness seeming to stretch with every second you stared. Your only source of light was coming from the dance practice room right in front of you and even then, the light spilling from the two small windows were a faint red. You blinked but made your way to the dance room, feeling something prickle on the skin of your back. The feeling intensified when you stepped inside and found Jimin glaring right at you, arms crossed and a faint scowl on his face.  “Come on, get into your stretches.” He jerked his head to the side and turned around to face the mirrors. You quickly dropped your bag to the floor and scurried next to him, bringing your arm across your chest. A few seconds of silence passed before you did your other arm, then switched to work on your legs. This was strange, normally you and Jimin would have no problem in finding things to talk about, but now he wasn’t even sparing you glances. He couldn’t be this mad over you being late, could he? It had to be whatever has been on his mind your past couple of sessions. You didn’t want to intrude but you also could not stand him not saying anything to you. You contemplated on asking for a few moments, decided that the silence was not worth it. “Jimin? I’m sorry, I know I’ve asked you before but is something bothering you? You seemed really distracted.” Hesitantly you looked at him from your position on the floor, your chest constricting when you saw him looking down at you.  “No offense y/n but I’m not in the mood to talk about it. It’s also none of your business. Now get up, we’re gonna start now.” He walked away from you to go to the stereo. You felt heat on your cheeks and when pushed yourself off the floor, you thought you felt the room get a bit warmer. You checked the thermostat from your position, seeing the big black numbers display ‘76’. It seemed to be higher than that. But you brushed it off when the familiar tune of your song began to play. You’re not really sure why you decided to take up dancing, the memory bringing fog to your mind. All you know is that you woke up with this routine of coming to this building and have continued it ever since, not really questioning yourself. You were brought out of your thoughts when Jimin reached out and caressed your arm, gently turning you to face him. You blinked and looked at his face, a small wave of butterflies coursing through your stomach when you noticed his facial features much softer than before. You two got into position before falling into the routine. As you danced together throughout the room, you were hit with the thought that you didn’t actually really know the moves, it felt like your body was on autopilot, your body already doing the next move before you could even think about it. You tried to recall if this was the same dance as last week and a small part of you was screaming that it wasn’t. You were pretty sure last week you were dancing to something hip-hop and not this contemporary piece that was flowing throughout the studio.  Jimin’s arms abruptly left your sides and you looked at him, that scowl crossing his face again. He sighed and brought a hand down his cheek. “Can you pay attention please? You nearly stepped on my foot just now.” Your lips parted to respond but your voice caught in your throat. Instead you gave a shy nod, wiping your hands on your sweatpants before returning to your original position. It went on for who knows how long, time seemed lost to you because Jimin was suddenly nitpicking every little movement you did. Whether it be because your position was slightly off, you stuck out your left rather than right foot, or if you just got a whole move completely wrong. Jimin was starting to become more and more critical with his comments and with each passing one, it felt like the room got hotter. Sweat began to form on your forehead and you temporarily wished you were wearing your soaking clothes. At one point when it came to a move where he had to hold you close to his chest, he froze, his hand gripped your lower back. You stood still, not really knowing what to do, until it hit you that he probably felt your breasts against him and realized you weren’t wearing a bra. Just as you were about to speak up, he held you away at arms length, his jaw clenching together and making a muscle tick. You shakily inhaled, waiting for his next move, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down your temple. As you looked at him you noticed he wasn’t sweating one bit. No drops on his forehead, no panting, not even a blush on his cheeks. Maybe you were just over exerting yourself? “Let’s continue.” He murmured and went back to holding you against his chest. Your arms went around his neck, feeling heat radiate off of him. You instinctively went to take them off but Jimin’s grip on you tightened, his fingertips pressing into you. You gulped and gently laid them back down, breathing deeply before taking a step backwards. You thought things had gone back to normal, that it was all settled down. His hold on your waist even loosened up a bit. Eventually you two parted away from each other and you collapsed on the ground, the throbbing ache in your legs making you close your eyes. The sound of something clattering on the wood floor rang next to your ear but you paid no attention to it. “For fucks sake y/n, can’t you fucking focus?” He bursted out at you, anger finally making way. You lifted your head up from the floor to look at him, not bothering to hide the confusion on your face. “Seriously, this is like the 6th time you’ve messed up? What is wrong with you? Are you just trying to test my patience today?” You didn’t know what to say, his outburst completely throwing you off. You pushed yourself up on your elbows, your body flaring up in heat and now sweat began to drip in between your breasts.  “What the fuck is your problem, Jimin.” You hissed at him, chest heaving in exhaustion.  “I don’t have to explain myself to you. But maybe you should explain something to me. For instance, we’ve gone over this routine before, why are you fucking up everything right now?” “I don’t fucking know! Why are you being so critical right now? What the hell is up your ass?” You dropped your head back on the floor and rubbed your palms into your eyes, seeing explosions of color behind your eyelids. You heard his footsteps stomping towards you and suddenly the front of your sweatshirt was being pulled up, the small chill of air feeling cool against the sweat on your chest. Your body was tugged upwards and Jimin was so close to your face you almost went cross eyed. He stared at you and then flicked his gave downwards, eyes widening a fraction. “Why. The fuck. Aren’t you wearing a bra?” Your eyes were as wide as saucers, the embarrassment flooding throughout your body. His eyes traveled back up to yours and you became conscious of the fact that he was straddling you. “It got wet from the storm. I didn’t want to wear them, sorry-” “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing y/n, but you better fucking quit it or else,” He lets go of your shirt and pushes you away, your body falling back to the floor. The sound of something hitting the ground sounded again and you became aware of how Jimin stilled on top of you. He leaned closer to your body and felt his hand grab onto your necklace. “Where did you get this?” He questioned, not taking his eyes off the ruby. “What?” You replied, face scrunching in puzzlement. “I said where the fuck did you get this y/n!?” He was roaring into your face now, a red hue showing in his eyes. “I don’t know, I can’t remember! Can you fucking get off of me?” You attempted to lift your body up, but Jimin’s hand pushed you back to the ground and his other abruptly yanked the chain off your neck, the snap making you flinch. “Do you know what this is?” He shook it in front of your face, the chain lightly brushing against your nose. “It’s a necklace! Seriously Jimin get off-!” You tried again to move but his palm on your chest held you still. Why was he so concerned with a piece of jewelry? As you watched him inspect the necklace, you saw his lips move but couldn’t make out what he was saying, music was still playing from the stereo. You saw his face contort in anger and at the same time it felt like the room got about 20% hotter, sweat beading and sliding down your temples. He muttered something but you couldn’t quite hear him. “What?” “It’s a fake, it’s a fucking fake!” With speed greater than you could imagine, he threw the necklace to the side, the speed of it sending it straight through the studio mirrors and shattering them into a million little pieces. You looked on with fear and shock, trying to make sense of what was happening. You felt Jimin grab onto your sweatshirt again and he hauled you upwards. “You need to remember where you got the necklace! Tell me!” He shook you, his eyes vibrating with how they scanned all over your face. You didn’t know what to tell him, you honestly could not recall where you had gotten it. Every time you closed your eyes to think, all you could see were sparks of yellow. The more you tried to rack your brain for answers, the more Jimin got angry. “I don’t know! I already told you!” “You’re not trying hard enough! Where is the real one!? Please y/n this is very important!”  He was now screaming at you, completely blocking out the sound of the music. His veins were bulging from his neck and arms, except they didn’t look normal. Instead they were glowing red, traveling up his body, through his face and into his eyes, which were now a blazing crimson. From the corner of your eye you saw the other mirrors in the room begin to crack. Thin, spiderweb lines spreading across them. You couldn’t think straight, you had to do something to get him to stop. “Answer me!” You felt like your mind went blank, your body went on autopilot because next thing you knew, you were on top of him, holding his arms above his head. You had somehow gathered enough strength to push him off and get him onto his back. His wrists felt hot against your skin, like a burning pan, yet you didn’t pull away. The motion caught Jimin off guard because his yelling ceased at once, eyes wide in disbelief. “Tell me what the deal is about the necklace!” You shook his wrists, your chest rising and falling with how much adrenaline was coursing through you. You felt his chest move with every breath he took, the veins all over his body dulling just a bit. He inhaled deeply, holding it in for a few seconds before releasing it through his nose. “That necklace is very important to me. It...it was a family heirloom, that.” He paused and swallowed, flicking his tongue out to lick his lips. His eyes and glowing veins going throughout his body and face, faded a bit. The heat emanating from his body seemed to decrease as well. “Someone stole it from me and I’ve been on edge ever since. I’m-I’m sorry y/n I didn’t mean to scare you. Sometimes my anger gets the best of me.” By now the glow had disappeared almost completely, his brown eyes starting to show through. The look in his eyes held sincere regret, he didn’t even try to fight you when you switched positions.  “Talk to me next time. Don’t fucking take your wrath on me.” You jerked his wrists once more but loosened your grip just a bit. He wiggled them around, but did nothing to pull them out your grasp. You sat there for a couple of seconds, the music no longer playing, the only sounds being each other’s breathing. You went to sit on your haunches, a question ready on your tongue, until you felt something under you. You tried to hide your surprise, but judging by the way Jimin’s body tensed under you and the way his lips parted, you knew he noticed. “Jimin-” You whispered, afraid that raising your voice even a sliver would shatter whatever was happening right now. “I’m sorry, it happened when I saw inside your shirt and now you’re on top of me and-” You stopped him by putting your fingers on his lips. He paused and looked up at you, mirroring your expression, a mixture of confusion, contemplation and something else burning hot and bright. You saw his throat move and then felt the tip of his tongue peek out to delicately lick the pads of your fingertips. It slowly dragged across, fingers twitching at the sudden wetness and felt your breath hiccup in your throat. You moved your fingers off his lips but quickly put your thumb on his bottom lip, the plushness of it feeling soft under your digit. As you swiped it across, Jimin’s mouth opened and he slowly closed his lips around the tip of your thumb, his tongue gently swirling around it. You forced yourself to swallow the saliva forming in your mouth, to try and moisten your sudden parched throat. You pulled your thumb out and dragged it down his lip, his saliva glistening under the studio lights. As you trailed your hand down towards his neck, you felt him tense under you. You raised an eyebrow in question but continued your journey down to his chest, all while subtly grinding on his crotch. When you reached his chest, he visibly flinched, his torso rising up into your touch. He bit his lower lip when you swerved your hand over to his nipple, feeling it pebble through his black shirt. With just the barest of touches you circled around it, causing Jimin to close his eyes and attempt to steady his breathing. You pressed your lips together and while still grinding down on him, you leaned down and let your breath ghost over his nipple. Without sparing another second you flicked your tongue over it, hearing a choked gasp escape from his mouth. Your other hand went under his shirt and made contact with his skin. It felt like he was on fire, like there was a furnace burning inside him and seeping through his pores. Your fingers reached his other nipple and began to tweak and pull at it. Jimin’s eyes were still closed but his hips were bucking up into you, his erection much more prominent against your wet core. You remembered you weren’t any underwear and the thought caused a shiver to travel through you. You quickly sat up and slid both hands under his shirt, bunching it up to his neck. You leaned down and kissed up his stomach, letting your tongue wet both of his buds. When you reached his neck you bit him hard and his moan had you clenching. Your mouth lingered above his, the faintest of touches gracing his lips. If his mouth twitched you would be kissing but he didn’t dare make any moves. Your tongue slipped out and touched his lips and then you moved to his ear, sinful words ready on your lips. “You know...I’m not wearing any panties either.” You breathed into his ear, licking the shell of it. In a split second you were back to being flipped over, Jimin looming over your body once more. He placed a searing kiss against your lips, pressing his hard cock into your core. You whimpered into his mouth, hands flying up to tangle in his hair. He pulled away while holding your arms, tugging you up with him to stand and giving you no time to adjust before his mouth was back on yours. He put his hands on your waist and began to guide you backwards to a wall, immediately attaching to your neck. Your fingers went to twist into his hair, a gasp leaving your mouth when your back slammed against the concrete. He grinded his cock up into you, breathing heavily into your neck, squeezing your hips in time with his thrusts. You threw your head back against the wall, his cock rubbing deliciously against your pussy and sending electricity down your spine. He stopped kissing your neck and went back to your lips, nipping down every couple of seconds. He reached for the bottom of your sweatshirt and lifted it up and over your head, diving into your chest to suck at the top of your breasts. “Fuck, y/n” He breathed into your skin, his warm breath spreading goosebumps all over you. His kisses traveled down your stomach and stopped at the band of your pants. He pulled them down and helped you step out of them, taking your shoes off in the process. He threw them all to the side along with your shirt. He lifted a leg onto his shoulder, a small breeze of cool air hitting your wet core, and wasted no time in putting his face into your soaking pussy. It felt like fire was coursing through you with every swipe of his tongue and when it went over your clit, you swear you saw tendrils of red behind your eyelids. You didn’t even realize your hands had gripped onto two things protruding from his head, the rough texture scratching at your skin when you tensed up. You felt your end coming and you opened your mouth to speak up but couldn’t find your voice. Jimin felt your legs quake, threatening to close around his head, so he pulled away from you and stood up, pulling his pants down when he reached your height. He reached behind his back and tugged off his shirt, smirking at your crestfallen expression when you didn’t get to finish.  “Don’t worry sweetheart, we’ll get to that soon enough.” He quirked an eyebrow and reached down for your legs, squeezing your thigh to signal you to jump up. When you felt his cock rub against your folds, your head fell forward onto his shoulder, panting onto his skin. Without much warning besides his head prodding at your entrance, he slipped into you, each inch of his cock stretching your walls deliciously. He thrusted into you, his nails, sharper than you recall, digging into your waist. You cried out, a mixture of pain and pleasure, and bit down onto his neck. His cock felt so good, but you needed more, needed him to be rougher. “Jimin, please. Go harder” You moaned out, clenching around him. His movements didn’t still but you felt his shoulders stiffen beneath your hands. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, that red glow that was in his eyes starting to flare up again.  “You want me to go harder?” His thrusts didn’t stop, in fact it felt like he was slowing building up power. You nodded as best as you could since he was gripping your cheeks. From the corner of your eyes you could see his veins begin to glow red once again. “Seeing that necklace on you...made something awaken in me, you know?” His words confused you, but you didn’t dare speak. “You think I would’ve been happy seeing it but no. I didn’t even have time to process it before I was asking you a million questions.” The lights in the studio began to flicker and you heard something crack faintly in the room. His thrusts didn’t stop however, one of his hands now harshly grabbing your thigh. You felt your high coming once again, those small red tendrils now turning into spirals. “My heirloom is still out there. It makes my blood boil, knowing some greedy motherfucker has it.” At his words, you both felt it, like something clicking in the air. The word ‘greedy’ made a quick burst of yellow explode right before your eyes, the sudden smell of sage and leather passing by your nostrils. The lights flickered rapidly, the sound of cracking getting a bit louder, and you felt the walls vibrating behind you. Jimin was quiet for a moment before he spoke up, again. You didn’t quite hear what he said because suddenly he grabbed onto your hair, locking your gaze onto his, red eyes boring into yours. “You fucked him.” He muttered. Your eyebrows furrowed together. Who? Who was he talking about? You didn’t have time to register because the rumbling from behind you got louder and without warning, the lights went out, leaving the two of you fucking in complete darkness. Red abruptly engulfed the room, lighting it up once more but that wasn’t what startled you. The entire room had now turned into mirrors; the doors, the ceiling, even the floor. Looking straight across you could see yourself being pounded but it was what fucking you that had your heart begin to race. Under your hands he felt he felt smooth but the image in the mirror had you wondering.  It was much bigger than Jimin’s size, red veins spread like vines throughout his back, stark black wings were folded, from his head were two sharp black horns curling outwards. You couldn’t look away from it, the cracks in the mirror messing with your mind because while in some pieces he looked normal, in others he was this creature. The skin under your hand turned rough and while you looked onward at the mirrors, you realized that you weren’t scared. In fact it felt like this was all too familiar. A moan was ripped from your throat when you felt Jimin, or it, rubbed furiously at your clit, the motion had your entire body shaking with pleasure. He was relentless, pounding into your pussy with no mercy, fucking his anger into you. “J-Jimin,” Your voice came out in a broken stutter, your release was coming soon. “Cum for me, angel.” With a couple of more thrusts and one particular hard rub on your clit, you came. Jimin finished as well, pumping his cum deep inside you. Stars of red bursting behind your eyes, your body heat soaring and then declining all at once. When you looked at the mirror, the creature had taken over it completely, no traces of Jimin left whatsoever. You looked down and your lips parted, seeing the creature in the mirror was now in front of you, head buried into your chest. With a shaky hand you touched one of the horns protruding from his skull, it’s rough texture bringing a sort of calmness within you. Jimin didn’t look up at you, instead breathing heavily into your chest.  You stayed there for what felt like hours, his cock reminding you that he was still buried inside you. With a sigh he gently lowered you to the floor, the ache in your legs making you wince, his cock slowly slipping out of you. Even when your feet touched the cool glass of the ground, he still didn’t look up at you. You placed a hand on the back of his head, scratching lightly with your nails. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled, thumbs rubbing small circles into your skin. He placed a hesitant kiss on you, fearing to do too much. You shook your head but then remembered he couldn’t see you. “Don’t be, it’s alright.” You mumbled, swallowing the lump of spit that had lodged in your throat. Eventually the two of you got dressed, well, it was more so you got dressed and Jimin went to hide in the one corner of the room where there were no mirrors and the red light didn’t illuminate. While adjusting your shirt, you were pleasantly surprised to find your other clothes, bra and panties, dry and under your pants. When you finished changing, you turned to face Jimin, your heart lurching in your chest when you met his red eyes. You wanted to say something, anything, but you couldn’t find the right words in your mind. You opened your mouth to speak but Jimin beat you to it. “I think it’s time for you to move on, y/n.” His tone wasn’t harsh, more melancholy, but it still caused a ripple of pain to shoot through your heart. Something clinking sounded behind you, and you turned around to see that a hole had appeared in one of the mirrors, nothing but darkness going past it. You went to look back at Jimin but you could no longer see his eyes. You walked towards the hole, feeling an ache spread through your body. Glass crunched beneath your feet and you moved to put one foot into the hole, but something rough grabbed onto your hand before you could move again. You didn’t turn around, allowing Jimin to hold onto you. He lifted your hand and placed something cool and smooth in it. When you brought it up to your face, you saw it was a small hand mirror, gold all around but with tiny red rubies scattered about. Your eyes shifted to the side to focus on Jimin and a small smile spread across your face when you were met with his human form, smiling back at you. With one final nod, you stepped inside the hole, darkness enveloping you completely.
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yunhostinyuyu · 4 years
you‘re gonna make it
pairing: boyfriend!haechan x fem reader
genre: zombie apocalype au, angst, hurt, a little fluff
wc: 1.7k
synopsis: thinking that monsters only existed in movies was a bit naive of you, but since the world is about to end you have no other choice...
warnings: monsters, blood, injuries, implied death
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seven days. it had been seven days since the world started to end.
Only a week ago at this time, you were laying in bed with your boyfriend, cuddled into loads of blankets and your head rested on his chest. Calming whispers, tangled legs and soothing strokes against your back was everything you felt that moment which seemed to never end. Only source of sound was the TV, were a scary movie played in the background. In these times you felt true happiness - Only the two of you against the world. Little did you know that those words could have an alternate meaning soon...
In the end, that feeling didn’t last long. No more warmth and safety. Now you are both fighting for your life. Only coldness and uncertainty.
It all started so quickly, thousands and thousands of people were reported dead, and not because of war or sickness: it was because of those creatures. You are not sure on what to call them - mutations, zombies, monsters... all that was certain that they were out to kill. And they did just that without mercy. So it was safe to say that it was more than foolish to believe, that those sort of things only existed in books or movies, since this was most certainly the brutal reality everyone had to face now.
Five days ago, the apartment complex were you lived was attacked by those monsters. It seemed like a miracle that you survived, given the circumstances. Everything broke down and got destroyed, and everyone who lived in there was either killed or bitten. Haechan explained from the Informations he was able to get on the dark web, that they used to be human as well, but there was not much left that would let you confirm that fact with your own eyes. Deformed arms and legs, additional tentacles and limbs grow out of thier white and green skin shimmering in slick. Teeth everywhere you looked, some had more, others had less, but they were all dangerous, able to take your life in a second.
Since you left the apartment, you have been wandering around the area, searching for other survivors, but only finding more monsters and corpses. And that’s were you two are at now, looking deschevelled and dirty, legs and arms sore from walking and fighting monsters off with really, anything you found laying around. Haechan was looking like another person now, dark pants ripped with his legs beneath covered in scratches and bruises, his Jacket and Pullover are dirty and sprinkled in blood stains. His hair looking crazy messy and his beautiful face was also covered in dirt and mud. Backpack strapped against his back and a gun resting in the loop his belt. You yourself didn’t look any better in all honesty, but you were just glad you were both alive.
After several hours of walking, you stumbled onto a building that has not been destroyed yet, with no sign of any monsters nearby.
“Should we go in?” You ask the tanned boy, as his eyes continued to scan the area. After a while of comparing the surroundings to the wrinkled map that they had found a while ago in an abondoned building that was also run down and destroyed like everything else. You both look up the building, which had about twenty stories.
Haechan hesitates, “I’m not sure... there could be plenty of mutations inside. It could be dangerous.” You sigh, another shimmer of hope about to extinguish in your grasp, but you didn’t give up so easy. “But what if there are other surviours in there aswell? It would explain why the building is the only one intact! We have to go in and try!”
But he wasn’t as keen about going in to the giant house and tried to keep you from it. Then, like on cue, a flag arose from the top floor, being held by shaky hands out of the window. The dark red letters spelled ‘it’s safe’
“Come on, we have to go inside! The creatures would not be able to make such a sign! Haechan, let’s gooo~” a sudden wave of a relief spurring you into action, dragging your boyfriend with you. Only for him to stop and shrug you off, “Y/N, listen to me...” he pulled you back to face him as he held your hands in his rough ones. He reaches down to the gun, and gently slips it into your grasp.
“I want you to have it. You should be able to defend yourself. If something was to happen in there, and I couldn’t save you, I-... I could never forgive myself. I just can’t let anything bad happen to you.” He stuttered, but still firm enough in his pronounciation to understand the words clearly. You gently take the gun from him and put it into the back of your pants.
“I’m not scared, not when you’re with me.” You whisper and bring your hands back to his, this time without the heavy weapon. Looking up to meet his soft eyes, you just wrap your arms around him and hug him like it’s the last time. Haechan truly cared for you and loved you with his entire heart, always wanting to be by your side to make sure nobody hurt you. Before everything went downhill, it was easier for him to go after the promise he made to himself, but still not letting up on it, even if it was hard. And even if the moment you hugged him tightly, you felt safe and loved, even if one of those things was far from the reality. Thinking about the times you promised to marry each other when you were finished with your school and apprenticeships, the secrets and promises you told each other and things you expierienced and overcome together - they were so tangible in this moment, never wanting to let go of him.
After a minute, you ripped yourself together and decided to finally enter the building, taking the lead with Haechan close on your feet. The interior looking almost untouched, but there was still a lot of sand and dirt on the floor and stairs. Taking a step onto the first section you whipped and turned your heads upwards. You sigh, “better get going, those are a lot of stairs.” he joked and you fell into step with each other as you started walking up.
“Are you clean? Are you bitten?” A new voice called out from above you. “Yes!” Haechan screamed in in reply to the strangers question. “Hurry up, or the zombies are going to find you before you get up here! There’s not much time!” his tone drenched in distress and worry, it transmitted to you both and sped up your steps drastically. You were confident you were going to make it, find other survivors, figure something out. But the only goal right now was to get to that damned floor on top. Safety. Safety was there, just in your reach. You sped up even more, Haechan struggling to keep up with you.
“Y/N, slow down, I’m not that fast!” He argued, but you didn’t slow down, your tired and worn out legs somehow still carrying your at an unnatural speed.
Suddenly, something wrapped around your stomach and chest, and pulled you to the side, away from the stairs. Before you even realised what had happened, you hear a desparate cry from Haechan. The tentacles leaving you again, just to find one of the knives that he has been carrying, is now stuck in the middle of it’s head. You sit up, catching a chance of your boyfriend who was hurrying up the stairs. But there was another problem: a mutation was behind him, and according to his careless movemts, he didn’t know. Quickly grabbing the gun from behind you, you let you a bloody scream “Duck! Something is behind you!” He followed your order quick and let himself fall down the stairs with a loud thud. Half a second later, you shoot the creature three times. As it went down and falling back the stairs until it stopped moving.
Haechan pulled himself up to his feet, and you met his eyes for a brief second, before his focus shifted onto something else, and truly, you had never seen him so scared before. He let out another scream, this time louder more nerve wrecking than before. But right in that moment, it was too late.
The monster that was behind you, took the knife that attacked his head just moments prior, was now ramming its way deep into your back. Letting out a cry of pain at the stabbing feeling, losing grip of the pistol and tumbling to the ground. You heard steps from both infront of you and from further above. Haechan took the gun as soon as he reached the top of the stairway on which you were laying. Shooting the monster five, six, seven times. The sounds of gunshots, quick footsteps were accompanied by your screams and cry’s, slowly failing to composure yourself. Dark spots started to dance around the edges of your vision, before Haechan comes to a rest at your side, kneeling next to your bleeding body. The wound was so deep and fatal, that there was no way of you surviving it. You had to grew accustom to the thought, even before your dear lover did.
“No, no this can’t be happening. Y/N you have to stay with me! You can’t just die on me, come on... you’re gonna make it, you have to make it!” he cried, tears and snot running down his face as he took hold of your numb frame.
You focused and breathing and tried to ignore the throbbing, indescribable pain that is slowly but surely sucking the life out of you. His hands are on your face, shaking you slowly ro keep you awake.
As your breaths grew even more uneven, you took everything that was still left in you to say the following words:
“Make me happy... I know you can make it... don’t be weak... I love you.”
“I love you too. So much it hurts. I don’t know if I can live without you...” he sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
“You can, Hyuckie...” Tears left both of your eyes, and he pressed a short, last kiss to your lips, before everything went black.
He cried into your lifeless body, shaking “From where ever you are watching me from now on... I will make you proud.”
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
Stages [6/6]
Description: In which a girl goes through six stages to realize and accept the fact that her marriage is going downhill.
Stage Three: Acceptance
Description: Just when Yeimy accepts her life the way it is, she gets unexpected news.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2k+
Acceptance (n.): a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition
Two and a half months. Two months and fifteen days and you were feeling free.
You had taken a week off of work, by simply completing all your work a week before.
You sat down by yourself at the beach and had a mental conversation with yourself.
It took you two months and fifteen days to accept the reality that you and Grayson were no longer together.
The reality that you were alone, at least for now.
You haven't talked to Karina or Ethan, or any else you knew since the day you left Grayson’s office.
They had called you, visited you but you declined every call and pretended you weren’t home until they finally gave up, leaving you a letter.
A letter telling you that they respected your decision of not wanting to have contact with anyone or anything. Letting you know that they loved you and that they were always ready to listen.
Not wanting to be that selfish, you sent Karina a text telling her how sorry you were for your actions, but that you needed some time.
Time away from everyone and everything.
And that was it.
The main reason was that Ethan reminded you of him in many ways, since they were twins, obviously.
The other main reason is that you wanted to close that chapter in your life once and for all, and you did.
And finally, you came in terms with the fact that this was now your life.
Going to work early in the morning, surviving the entire day with just a coffee and a bagel or croissant, then going home to cook a sad little meal for yourself and go to bed.
You would sometimes go to the beach, straight after work, blasting your oh so depressing indie music.
You were fine until one day you were listening to Tame Impala, and your mind went straight to the thought of him.
That being because you two bonded over your love for Tame Impala. You pulled up to work one day while blasting the Inner Speaker, the sounds of ‘Solitude Is Bliss’ caused Grayson to come up to you and asked if you listened to them on the regular.
“I do, I literally play them every day,” you smiled walking next to him to the building’s door.
“Me too, they’re just so good,” he replied with a smile on his face, holding the door open for you, causing a light red tint to spread across your foundation covered cheeks.
“Thanks” you whispered and he nodded his head with a smile.
“Hey, maybe we can listen to them together after work?” he awkwardly asked once you were in the elevator for a few seconds, just you and him.
“I would love too, I actually know a place,” you replied with a shy smile as his eyes looked at you, begging you to say yes.
“Cool, umm I’ll wait for you at the parking lot, and then umm we can grab a bite or something,” he shyly replied, his blushing state making you smile and feel slightly better about blushing.
“Yeah, I’ll be inside your office all day anyways, sorting through papers,” you replied, mentally slapping yourself for being so shy. But then again, it was your third week in the internship and you were already flirting with your boss, who was infarct just a couple of years older than you.
“Right, there’s not that much to do today Marie, that’s your name, right? Please tell me it is?” he said as the elevator’s doors opened causing you to giggle as you both walked out.
“Lol, yeah it’s my middle name, my first name is Yeimy,” you replied and he let out a relieved sigh.
“Thank God, I thought I already messed up,” he joked while laughing.
“Nope, not yet Mr.Dolan,” you replied, following inside the office and taking a seat at your desk that was in the corner.
“Please call me Grayson, that makes me feel old,” he said and you sent him a confused look. “I’m only 21. Why do I look old?” he asked, making you laugh.
“No, no, no” you quickly let out. “You just seem mature and you’re built more grown like,” you said explaining how he had a grown man's body, you only realized what you’d said when you saw the smirk on his face.
“Oh god no, that sounds so inappropriate, I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized while he laughed.
“Marie, nowhere in the contract that you signed did it say it was wrong for us to flirt, and may I saw, you have a mature body too,” he replied with a cocky smirk and you blushed. You spent the rest of the day avoiding eye contact. Grayson made you feel nervous, yet giddy, it was a weird feeling. You liked it but you thought it was wrong, and boy was you in for a ride.
End of Flashback.
You quickly changed the song before you got yourself even deeper into your memories.
Yeah, you accepted the fact that everything between you and him was done for, but you also accepted the fact that you’ll never love anyone else like him.
Grayson was the love of your life.
Grayson was your person.
And you thought that when people said ‘right person, wrong time’ it was just a lie, but it was true.
Grayson was, and will always be your person, but the timing was wrong, unfortunately.
But that was what had happened in your life for the past two months, nothing.
You just worked, ate, workout watched Netflix, and slept. As Well as the usual night drives and constant visits to the beach.
In need of a physical for work, you had set up an appointment for 10 in the morning, and by 9 o’clock you were already dressed in some mom jeans and a cropped tee with some simple white air forces and out the door and on your way to the doctor’s office.
You dreaded going to the Doctors, not because you were scared, but because of the wait.
Once they called you in, you got up with a sigh and followed the lady inside the room, where she took your vitals, checked your height and weight, and gave you a cup to pee in, which you quickly did because you knew this was coming and held it on all the way till here.
“Hi, Yeimy, I’m Dr.Kelly, we’re gonna start with a few questions. Is that ok?” Your doctor asked after she walked inside the room after knocking a few times.
You nodded your head in response letting out a low ‘yeah’
“Ok, I know these are awkward but we have to ask everyone these, ok?” she said and started talking before you could even respond.
“Have you smoked any marijuana, or consumed any products with it?” she asked and you shook your head saying no.
“Smoked cigarettes?” she asked and you shook your head with disgust causing her to laugh.
“Never,” you replied and she let out a ‘good’ checking it off the list.
“Do you drink alcohol?” she asked.
“Nope,” you replied and she crossed that off the list.
“Last one. Have you had any unprotected sex within the last three months?” she asked looking up from her paper as you stayed quiet for a few seconds.
“Yeah,” you sighed. Recalling the last time you had fucked anyone was when you found out Grayson was cheating on after he had done just about everything to you.
“Any pregnancy symptoms? Just know we’ll do a test with your urine to make sure, and if it were to come positive we’ll send you to the Ob/Gyn’s office and help you with everything you need,” she said with a reassuring smile after she noticed your mood swift from calm to nervous and stiff.
“Ok, yeah thanks,” you softly whispered out with a smile.
“Ok sweetie, you seemed just about fine, vitals are good, your weight is good, height seems a little short for your age but other than that everything is good,” she said getting up from her chair as you chuckled at the height part.
“I’ll be right back, with your results. And everything will be alright, there are always options,” she said trying to make you feel better before she left.
Which didn’t work at all?
What if you were pregnant? You knew abortion wasn’t the answer for you, but what would you do.
You knew you were going to keep it, throwing adoption out of the window,
The only concern was regarding Grayson.
If you are pregnant, are you going to tell him? Or are you gonna raise the child all by yourself?
What would be his reaction? I mean for the love of God, you were just starting to get over the man...sort off.
You didn’t even know if you were or weren’t pregnant and you were already overthinking everything, and being alone in a small, white and quiet room wasn’t helping. Not even a bit.
You pushed them to the back of your mind, trying to think of something else even though they still lingered around.
The doctor was gone for five minutes, but those five minutes seemed like five hours due to your nervous state.
“Congrats Yeimy, you’re pregnant. You’re about three months, and two weeks, we’re not exactly sure, but the Ob/Gyn can tell you that once we set up an appointment,” she said, your ears only hearing the pregnant part.
It was at that exact moment that your life had changed, for the second time this year.
But in your mind, it was something somewhat positive.
Positive in the aspect that you had wanted kids all your life, so this was making you happy, and knowing you weren’t going to be alone.
But negative because you were going to have to raise a child all by yourself, you had the money, the housing, and everything a child needed to grow up.
The only thing you didn’t have to provide was a father.
It was wrong. Wrong on so many levels. And selfish too, but as you sat in your kitchen for almost two hours, thinking and trying to come up with a solution.
You decided you weren’t going to tell him. At least not yet. You and him were done for, and you didn’t want to bring him back into your life.
You couldn’t. You just got over him and accepted the fact that you had gotten divorced.
And you kept it to yourself. It was easy, after getting a divorce from Grayson, all the spotlight you had was take away too, which you were grateful for. You deleted every social media, and you were back to your previous social status, somehow.
Now you were just a writer for Vogue who dated a celebrity and now doesn’t, which helped you hide the pregnancy away from everyone.
The only thing you care about now is your baby.
That was it.
So you started eating healthier, stressing less and getting a good night sleep every night.
You had also told your boss, who you had a good work-relationship with. She always listened to you and you did to her.
She was so happy when you told her, and told you how she was going to spoil him or her, and how she was going to let you work from home since she knew you had nobody.
You loved her, she was like the mom you never had, since she was old enough to be your mom, but had the mentally to understand people your age.
Knowing that took a large amount of stress off your shoulder, since you knew that when the baby was born, you would have all the time and everything you’ll need to raise him or her properly.
Because from that day on, all you had and still have is your baby, a tiny little bean inside your uterus that you don’t even know the gender of.
Tags: @angelgrayson @rhyrhy462 @333dolans @vinylhazza @fangdolan @dolanissues es @mercurygrant @persistence-ofmemories @dolansficsandpics @blindedbythelightt @kinkygrays @pineappledols @the-evolution-of-stupidity @evergreendolan @beatement-l l @graydolan12
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Childhood Friends Headcanon -MLQC
I’m sorry to all the people who come to my blog for ML only to get bombarded by posts for MLQC. But I’m enjoying myself.
Premise: What if the boys and MC actually stayed together once they met?
(Note: Minor spoilers for chapters 7-13, particularly surrounding boys backstories.)
He’ll never forget that day in the rain meeting MC.
She knew about him—his reputation preceded him—and it was clear she was leery of him.
But with a little time, she came around.
So much so that she was sad that he graduated before her.
He was kinda sad, too, to be honest. He didn’t want to leave her.
But they never lost touch. Made sure to meet up as frequently as they could.
He didn’t attend his high school graduation—he both didn’t care and thought the everyone else would appreciate him not being present—but she did watch him with pride as he graduated his cop training program.
He almost cried over the fact that he actually had someone there to support him. He didn’t have familial support, but that didn’t really matter anymore when he had his own personal cheerleader.
He surprised her by showing up at her high school graduation.
Not really a “Surprise” but she was still wildly excited to see him, nonetheless.
Though they didn’t get to see each other often—Gavin busy with his demanding job and MC busy with college—they were instantly contacting the other when they had a moment of free time.
Gavin totally tried to coordinate his days off with hers.
They were that couple that claimed they were just friends but looked to the world like they were dating while also each wishing they were actually dating but both being too chicken to confess.
But Gavin finally gets the guts one day.
No surprise MC quickly followed up with a confession of her own.
How do you date?
They’d been so close and doing couple-y things for so long. Like, what was even a date compared to what they normally did?
They decided to do something they wouldn’t normally do and have a nice, truly ‘couple-y’ dinner.
Then they chuckled all the way home because that really wasn’t their style.
Still enjoyed it.
Gavin took her home, dropping her off at her door… and totally chickened out of kissing her goodnight.
They try the “date” thing again. This time, something more casual.
And that time, it did end with a kiss.
Gavin’s little mind went “boom”.
Already positive he’s gonna marry this girl.
Waits a little longer to propose, though. Just to make it seem like he’s not rushing it.
Courthouse wedding a few months later. Her father witnesses.
Then when her father passes shortly after, leaving her with the company, she’s constantly having to ask her coworkers for new copies of documents because she’s not used to signing her new last name quite yet. Especially when everyone still calls her by her maiden name. Or sometimes addresses her like they would her late father. (It’s a change for everyone.)
She’s got it down in a couple of days and likes her new signature better than her old one.
After marriage, Gavin also has a problem of his own. Particularly with the ring on his hand.
It’s his new nervous tick to play with it when he’s stressed on a scouting mission. And when he has to take it off for an undercover one, he’s a mess without it on.
Feels like he’s being unfaithful to the love of his life. MC has had to reassure him many times he’s not but secretly is touched that he feels that way.
These two have disastrous schedules, which is why when they both have time off they can spend together, phones go on silent. Someone can literally come to their house if it’s an emergency.
They make it out of the lab together.
Poor kids were terrified out of their mind, each only five. They never let go of each other’s hands during their escape.
And they don’t want to be separated afterwards.
These two kids are each other’s “emotional support person.”
Literally inseparable.
These kids’ guardians bend over backwards to accommodate them. MC has a killer set of puppy dog eyes, but Kiro’s pout is downright impossible to resist.
They end up in the same classes at school.
Play together on the playground at recess and spend lunches together.
They are the “class couple.” And do get teased for it.
They’re told to ignore it, but it still takes a toll on them.
Eventually, Kiro steps out of school to become home-schooled, thanks to his music career.
Oh, these two kids do not know how to handle themselves.
But they are growing up and they can be apart from each other, right?
They survive not being in class together, but the moment they’re each out of school, they are attached to their phones, texting or calling each other.
Get together to hang out as much as humanly possible.
Kiro has 1000% both snuck off sets to go see MC and snuck MC onto sets to have her around.
MC has also enabled Kiro’s snacking by sneaking him anything he desires.
Usually it’s chips. She’s his chip dealer. Which only leads to the nickname “Miss Chips”.
They were so close that this mutual crush thing was absolutely unavoidable and unsurprising to most people who watched them.
They were fifteen and each exploring their feelings for each other and what dating was like.
And by sixteen, these two were totally making out in closets.
Savin just deals. As long as it doesn’t get out to the public, he’s fine with it. They’re generally discrete, anyway.
Though, the poor guy has had to hunt Kiro’s hiding spot down more than once. Generally, he scopes out the building beforehand so he knows where to find Kiro and MC if the superstar disappears from set.
Kiro would totally get her a promise ring. “I can’t officially propose now, but… I don’t think I’m going to be letting my Miss Chips go anytime in the future.”
She’s in tears.
Kiro’s already planned out proposing to her as soon as they are eighteen and has scoped out the perfect wedding venue.
Though, Savin now has to do everything in his power to keep the whole thing under wraps. He thinks it’s best the public doesn’t know Kiro’s getting married so young. They’ll slowly break it later.
MC travels with him everywhere, attending school online for convenience sake.
But when her dad passes and she has to take over the company, Kiro does his best to settle down more in Loveland to be by her side and support her more.
He fights to film exclusively at her company.
They totally have a closet that they make out in there, too. One MC has the sole key to.
He doesn’t loose track of her during their escape from that hellhole disguised as a “lab”.
She saves him, and he manages to carry her to safety.
Refuses to be separated from her after that.
Victor soon becomes like her over-protective big brother.
If he’s with her, he’s got his eye on her. And he’s with her a lot.
He’s so soft with her. Yes, there’s name calling on occasion, but he’s always met with a giggle when he calls her ‘dummy.’
He doesn’t really mean it, anyways.
Totally helps her with her homework.
And she always helps him in the kitchen. Rather, she tries and just ends up being the dishwasher after an incident with the fire alarm.
But she’s just happy if pudding is involved.
And though Victor swears he’s not going to make pudding every single night… there’s pudding more nights than not.
She goes to all his graduations; high school and college.
And he’s there supporting her at hers, looking on like the proud big brother his is.
“Good job, dummy.”
He totally teaches her how to write reports and such. Makes her do them and redo them until up to his standards.
“If you can impress me, you’ll win over anyone in the business world.”
Also teaches her all the ins and outs about running a business and how to thrive in the business world.
She’s always ready to take advice he offers.
Everyone in LFG knows that unless Victor actually is in an important meeting, MC is allowed in his office any time.
Has always seen her as his little sister.
Until she takes over her father’s company.
Suddenly, there’s a warmth in his chest as he watches her handle everything with ease.
It no longer feels like he’s watching over his little sister but rather watching a strong, capable woman handle the high-intensity job of running a company with confidence and poise.
… okay, poise was too generous a word. But his point still stood.
Suddenly, he notices she’s actually on his schedule. And their meeting takes place with none of the familiarity that they’ve become accustomed to.
He won’t coddle her as the business owner. She assures him she expects that from him.
And when she leaves his office, Victor finds himself a little bit of a mess.
They slowly lose their brother/sister mentality and grow into business partners that are close enough to have dinner a couple times a week.
“Question,’ he asks her one night. “Can these be considered ‘dates’ or not?”
She drops her fork in surprise.
They date for a several months before Victor proposes. He wouldn’t have proposed so early to anyone else but MC has always been an exception.
They put the wedding together in eight months. It’s a good, large, proper wedding, and they honeymoon out of the country. Because of course they do. Victor wants to give MC the best and only the best.
Total power couple, and Victor takes pride in that.
This tree, or their tree, as Lucien likes to refer to it as, holds a very special place in his heart.
It started off as his sanctuary, the spot where he came out to draw.
But then it became the place that he got to bond with the girl who saved him.
After his parents were killed, everything went downhill for him at a rapid pace.
But she…
“It’s going to be okay.”
He still remembers the warmth of her hands when she held his and the tightness of her hugs she engulfed him in.
This girl’s smile lit up his dark world.
She’s the sole reason he escaped the pull of Black Swan.
Being four years apart as they were put a little gap between them growing up.
People looked at them in disdain so often that Lucien constantly lied about her being his sister.
He didn’t like that kind of attention from people, though he also logically knew why they received it.
Though he did his best to act respectfully and appropriately, he couldn’t help but feel all fluttery around MC. Every single time she came around, he had a physical reaction to her proximity.
Did his best to always act the gentleman. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable.
For now, he focused on his studies, partly because he found them interesting, partly because he wanted to be the kind of man who could provide well for his family.
Because he had his heart set on making one with her.
It was irrational, if he thought of it logically, to be become romantically attached to someone simply because he was emotionally attached to. Yet he could not separate the pull of romantic notions from his emotional relationship to her.
He eventually surrendered his attempts at trying to separate the two and gave up entirely in his quest to understand it.
He was already on his track to a doctorate when she graduated high school. And suddenly, them both being adults made those four years that separated them growing up seem a little less of a hurdle.
That’s when he asked her out.
“I had to wait so long, but I think now’s finally an appropriate time.”
And that’s when she admitted she had feelings for him, too.
It warmed his cold little heart.
They did take things slowly.
But they were already discussing marriage by the time MC had to take over the company when her father suddenly passed.
Honestly, though it was a terrible tragedy, Lucien is glad he finally gets to return the favor of being there for her just as she was there for him all those years ago.
He also decides to hide the ring he’d bought in a drawer, only to open it again when things were stable.
Well… relatively. The life of a media company manager is never fully stable. Mostly, Lucien just got tired of waiting.
He takes her back to their tree to propose.
They get married there, too.
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medeafive · 4 years
Blood and Stone - 25
"Are you sure?" Clint asks as she makes her bed. "I can come with you."
Natasha snorts, fluffing up the pillow she won't sleep on soon, or ever. "No thanks. Don't need you fighting with Bobbi every day."
"I'm serious," Clint insists, playing with an arrow at his belt.
"So am I," Natasha replies, holding her belly. "Nothing you can do. It's gonna be fine, don't worry."
Clint pulls a face, clearly disagreeing but biting his tongue. "I'll pray for you. Seriously."
He hasn't prayed since he fled the war, as far as she knows, so she smiles at him sadly. "Thank you. Really."
There's nothing more to say after that. The room's largely empty. Not like she ever had much personal possessions anyway. She looks around, weird floating feeling. It's true, she's in between, removed from the world of hunting but not yet in… she doesn't know yet. Motherhood? A strange thought. She hasn't really thought about what this is going to be . If it's going to be at all.
Downstairs, everyone is waiting in the lobby, blinds pulled for James' sake. The bags are already in the car, as far as she knows. Pepper hugs her, a tear in the corner of her eye. “You’re going to be fine, Nat. We’re all going to be fine.”
Sharon hugs her next and by the time it’s Sam’s turn, Natasha herself is teary-eyed. She might just never see them again. “I’ll see you soon,” Sam mutters into her hair.
“I hope it’ll go well,” Bruce says. “Bobbi will look after you.”
“Oh, come on,” Tony says. “Like this would take you down. You, of all people.”
Clint is gritting his teeth, muscles of his jaw working. It looks aggressive but she knows he’s just trying not to show his emotions. “Stay strong. Don’t give up.”
“You’ll be back soon,” Fury says. “Can’t lose my best tracker.”
James is the last in line and she can’t really look at him, after the fight yesterday. It is what it is. As Bobbi said, the rest is between her and God, if that guy’s even out there somewhere. The only thing left to believe in is herself. James steps forward and kisses her forehead with his cold lips. It is what it is. She notices everyone else looking uncomfortable or looking away. “Good luck, Natalia. Good luck.”
That’s what it comes down to in the end, isn’t it? Sheer dumb luck. Life and death, happiness and misery, stability and societal collapse from a vampire epidemic. Nobody is ever really in control. Certainly not James and her. And she knows it's all downhill from here, whatever happens, James will always be a vampire, Schmidt will be out there until they kill him, she will always be on the run until she's dead or undead. It's all fleeting, unstoppable, out of control, and only getting worse. She smiles at him, thinking she might never see him again. "I'll be fine."
"Your stuff's in the truck," Bobbi remarks, staring at the claws against Natasha's red hair. "It's all ready to leave."
The silence is tense and uncomfortable. "We'll call you," Pepper hurries to say. "At least that much."
Natasha spots an unusually bulky figure in the background, hunching slightly, too heavy for his own liking. Looks like Steve's up. "Hey, you. I know you don't remember me but… You'll figure it out. I hope they take care of you."
"Sure will," Sharon mutters, blushing pink.
Natasha squeezes James' hand, still cold- well, that's just how it is, and it doesn't really matter. The baby kicks slightly and her mouth drops open but it's not that bad. She lets go, takes Bobbi's arm and lets herself be led outside.
It's really a small truck more than a car, plenty of space in the back, rusty but actually not in all that bad shape. Not like the Soviet car industry. Bobbi leads her to the passenger side.
They both turn their heads. Fury is standing outside, beckoning. "Come over, I got something for you."
"Just a sec," Bobbi replies, helping Natasha up into the truck. "You okay?"
Natasha breathes heavily at the slight exertion, holding her belly. At least she didn't burn in the sunlight. "Yeah. It's fine."
"Just a second then, be right back." Bobbi walks to the back of the truck. Natasha closes her eyes, heart drumming in her ears. Oh, she's really not doing well. Stairs are hard, even when it's just one step. She hopes this is over soon. Little over a week now. Also, she hasn't been out in the daylight in what feels like years and it's awfully bright. Somebody opens the door at the back of the truck.
"Oh. Oh, I see."
"I think you're going to find that very useful."
"Sure thing. Where'd'ya get this beauty?"
"Had it for a while. Don't tell the others."
"Won't, boss."
"Well. Do your best."
The doors are slammed shut again. "Will do. Good luck with the vampires."
Bobbi comes around, climbing into the driver's seat. "What did he give you?" Natasha asks.
Bobbi grins, starting the car. "Oh, I'll tell you sometime later."
  They drive for about an hour and a half, or maybe two. It's really been forever that Natasha was outside the city, in broad daylight no less. And she's so exhausted that she nods off several times, only to be rattled awake by a bump in the road.
It's quite deserted. The vampires may have hit the big cities the hardest but the countryside wasn't exactly spared. Most of all, people do not trust each other anymore and they avoid congregating, as if that would attract the monsters. In some ways, it does. Only about half of the fields are actually being farmed.
The house is half tucked away into a little forest, built out of broad wood planks, many gables. Bobbi tells her to wait, climbing out alone. Natasha leans forward, trying to get a better view. Not a person in sight, let alone another house. This is quite literally the end of the road.
However, before Bobbi reaches the house, a woman appears between the trees, rifle slung around her shoulder. She's rather tall, though not as tall as Bobbi, brown hair, and rather not up for a chat. Thick brown coat with what looks like fox fur around the neck. Bobbi raises her hands as she approaches her, though the woman shows no signs of reaching for a weapon.
The baby kicks hard and Natasha groans, slumping over, holding her belly for fear that it'll break. She wonders whether Tony meant that literally, with the baby breaking through her stomach and crawling out, or just- the tight skin holds for now and that’s all she’s going to think about.
The two women are still exchanging tense words. Natasha notices their host has binoculars around her neck, as if she just came back from the hunt. Animal hunt. Probably the only way to get food around here. Thinking about meat makes-
The baby kicks again, this time longer, even harder, and Natasha gasps and bends over, slumping onto the dashboard, moaning in pain as her belly's pushed out from inside repeatedly. She can almost feel the shape. The car door is being opened. "Hey, are you okay? Come on, let's get you inside so you can lay down."
She can't breathe. "Is she okay?" the other voice asks.
"Under the given circumstances," Bobbi replies, unfastening her seatbelt and reaching around. "But I'm gonna need a hand."
  Natasha can't remember or imagine how they got from the car to her lying on a couch, under a blanket, with a hot bowl of soup. The kicking has subsided for now but she still feels the soreness from the last time.
The house is quite dark inside with all the wood and so few windows. There are antlers on the walls, stuffed pheasants, at least one set of vampire fangs. Trophies. A shudder goes down her spine, despite the warm blanket and the chimney fire. The cold winter wind rattles the tiny windows, cuts around the edges, trying to claw its way in. The room is lit solely with candles, probably no electricity in the house.
The brown-haired woman is sitting behind a big wooden table, face bright against the wooden wall, candle light dancing over her skin. There’s meat on the table, cooked meat. Natasha’s belly contracts almost painfully. Bobbi is nowhere to be seen.
“You’re Russian, aren’t you,” the woman remarks.
Natasha snorts, staring at the ceiling that’s so dark she can’t really see it. “Is that the first thing you ask?”
The woman shrugs, opening a flask of liquor with a biting smell escaping immediately. “I don’t mind.”
She sounds Czech which means she most likely speaks Russian but, like Pepper, clearly does not want to. “Where’s Bobbi?”
“Toilet’s outside,” the woman replies briefly, taking a sip from the flask. “You hungry?”
The smell of the meat is overwhelming, to a degree it shouldn’t be. Natasha tucks the blanket up to her chin. “Yeah.”
The woman makes her way out from behind the table, bumping into it or the bench several times. The rifle is hanging on the wall behind the door, as Natasha notices. The vampire fangs are right over the fireplace. “You killed a vampire?”
The woman nods, grabbing the plate with the meat and sitting down on the couch table, also made of heavy wood, holding out the plate. “You mind?”
The meat is cooked but it still smells of blood. Natasha can’t resist grabbing a piece with her bare hands and stuffing it in her mouth, shaking her head. She’s a hunter. She’s always been a hunter. She- She needs to devour all of this bloody meat right now.
The woman merely raises an eyebrow as Natasha rips the plate from her hands and starts wolfing it down, barely taking the time to chew, tasting the flesh, the blood, the dead life of it. She inhales it so fast that she gags, coughs, spits it out and shoves it in her mouth again, unable to stop. When she’s done, the plate entirely empty, fingers greasy and dirty, she leans back, exhausted. The woman is still watching her quietly. Natasha clears her throat, uncomfortable. “Do you live here alone?”
The woman shrugs, not moving otherwise. “Less people to worry about.”
She feels that. “I’m Natasha.”
“Maria,” the woman replies. “Maria Kopecká.”
The door opens, cold rush of air, then closes quickly behind Bobbi who’s stamping her feet to get rid of the mud. “Phew. Gotta say, taking a dump outside in the dark is quite the adrenaline boost.”
The woman- Maria gets up and pours water from a bucket into a big bowl. “Here. To wash your hands.”
“Thanks.” Bobbi rolls her sleeves up, looking towards Natasha. “Hey. Feeling better?”
She must have grease around her mouth, probably, with how fast she was devouring the meat. Embarrassing. She wipes it with the back of her hand quickly, which is not exactly clean either. “Mhm. Yeah.”
Bobbi dips her hands in the water, then grabs the bar of soap. “I see you already got something to eat.”
Maria makes her way around to the back of the hut, opening a cupboard. “She’s quite hungry. I’ll open a can.”
Her stomach growls at the mention of more food. “She needs to eat a lot,” Bobbi remarks. drying her hands off. “I hope you’re stocked.”
Maria huffs, pulling a can opener from a drawer. “Always.”
Bobbi turns, crossing her arms. “So, how do you know Fury, if I may ask?”
The can opener cuts through the metal deftly. “Work,” Maria replies. “Before.”
“Oh, I see.” Bobbi’s eyes drift to the vampire fangs over the fireplace, placed prominently. “Do lots of vampires come by here?”
“Few,” Maria states, grabbing a pot and pouring the content of the can into it. “Last one I shot was two months ago.”
“Huh.” Bobbi walks over to the couch, making space for her to narrowly sit, reaching for Natasha’s wrist. “Let me take your pulse.”
It feels rather quick but she’ll let Bobbi decide. Maria hangs the pot over the fireplace. It smells of sour tomatoes. The fiery light accentuates the harsh lines of her face. Bobbi checks her watch. "Mhm. Better give you a dose. Have you tried getting up?"
Her fingers are really greasy. "No."
"How did you come to be with that vampire thing?" Maria asks, peering out through the window.
Well, that. "I'm going to inject another dose," Bobbi announces, letting go of her wrist and getting up.
Natasha clears her throat, tucking the greasy hands under the blanket. "Just… just how anyone else comes to be with child."
Maria turns around, seeming unconvinced. "Really."
It would be great if she could disappear into the couch never to be seen again. "Gimme your arm, darling," Bobbi asks, sitting down on the couch table.
"And what's that?" Maria asks, crossing her arms.
"Vampire blood," Bobbi replies, looking for a vein. "Not from that guy. It helps with cell regeneration, healing and strength and… I really don't know how it works, but it works."
"You're a weird bunch," Maria remarks, crouching down in front of the fireplace and stirring the pot.
Natasha gets the empty feeling in her arm as the vampire blood floods in. "Do we really have everything here? No offense, but Fury said it would have more… equipment."
Maria straightens, walking across the room and pulling open a floor hatch Natasha hadn't noticed. "Oh, don't worry, it's all downstairs."
"Electricity, too?" Bobbi asks.
"There's a generator outside," Maria explains, peering down. "I don't run it usually because it might attract vampires, but it should work."
"Let's hope it does," Bobbi says. "Not that I haven't worked under candlelight but it'd be better if I didn't have to."
"It'll work," Maria states.
Bobbi sighs. "Okay. So, Nat, I… we haven't talked about this yet but I would like to induce early."
Natasha is too tired for this. "What does that mean?"
"Induce birth," Bobbi adds. "Basically, you take a pill and then the contractions start. I'd check again that the baby is big enough but I think it already is."
"Why, though?" Natasha asks. "Why not wait?"
"Every day of pregnancy brings more risk," Bobbi replies. "And the birth will be easier if the baby is not that big yet, so less complications. And we might just not have the time, depending on whatever else happens."
"And you're sure that's not bad for the baby?" Natasha questions.
Bobbi snorts. "Trust me, that thing has the most solid vitals I've ever seen."
"I wouldn't worry about that thing ," Maria interjects, holding the hatch open. "So, do you want to go down or can I close it?"
"I'll check it out," Bobbi replies, standing. "Natasha, just stay here for now."
Maria holds the hatch open dutifully and hands her a candle. "You need my help down there?"
"Should be fine," Bobbi replies, carefully climbing down the creaking wood. "Is that- oh."
"The hatch opens from inside," Maria states and closes it promptly.
The food over the fireplace smells quite strongly, tomato and something like pasta. Maria crosses over and stirs it again. "So. You fucked a vampire."
When Natasha doesn't reply immediately, Maria adds: "Or did a vampire fuck you?"
Natasha sighs. Jesus Christ. Why is all of this so complicated? "No, no, I… I fucked a vampire."
"Huh." Maria pulls her sleeves over her hands and lifts the pot off the fire. "Why?"
"I liked him," Natasha replies, immediately worrying about the past tense that came out so naturally. Why does it matter to her so much? Maybe she's never going to see him again, and… she's already lost so much, and there's nothing he can do to really change her situation, and she's doing this for herself anyway, they're not going to be a family - but she hasn't worried about dying since she got to know him, knew he wouldn't let anything happen to her- at least until she turned out pregnant. Does she really love the monster because he's strong enough to protect her?
Maria is watching her attentively, not clear whether she said anything or not. Natasha rubs her eyes demonstratively. "Sorry. I'm very tired."
"You can sleep on the couch," Maria states. "I usually sleep on the bench. Or on the floor."
Natasha nods, closing her eyes and crawling further under the blanket until she's lying almost flat, pretending to be already out. Bobbi is doing something downstairs, though it's very hard to hear, and Maria starts eating out of the pot, by the sound of it. The wind is very loud once it's silent.
After some time, the hatch creaks open and Bobbi climbs up again. "Good equipment, I gotta say."
She walks right past Natasha, even stops to look. Maria is quiet. "I thought that was for her."
"She wanted to sleep."
"Oh well. Let's not let it go to waste, then."
Bobbi finally walks away and Natasha can breathe normally again. The floor creaks, and the bench creaks. Everything in this house is dead and alive at the same time.
"So, all this stuff… is that from when you worked with Fury? It's not exactly new."
"Huh. So you're a doctor?"
"There was someone else?"
"Not… everyone is still here."
"Oh, I see. Emigration or vampires?"
"I actually immigrated pre-vampires. Because everyone else emigrated."
Maria laughs, barely distinguishable from the rattling wind. "Bad choice, if you ask me."
"Oh, well. It's certainly very folksy, with the antlers and all."
"Rusty beyond repair."
"You're quite pessimistic. I thought there was quite a spirit of… I mean, after the stagnation of the 70s and 80s, and with Havel… of course, that was before the vampires."
"I think you're the one with the rosy eyes."
"The rosy glasses, yeah! It's probably nostalgia on my part, really."
"Nostalgia is fair. We had barely gotten back to where we were… and now this, of course. Best to resign to it."
"You certainly seem to have adapted to it. In your own way."
Maria snorts. "I'm not going to run around trying to stop something that cannot be stopped, fix something that cannot be fixed. Get my hopes up and have them crushed."
"That's absolutely fine. I mean, you're still helping us."
"Ah, well. I owe someone a favor."
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