#which is an ABUSE TACTIC
crustyfloor · 20 days
Do you think luka will have a full on break down at r7..
I really like the idea,,, I went over my thoughts on that scenario more here, I think Luka is a man with many fears, and another side to him that we don't know about just ready to come to the surface.
Like I said in my other post regarding this, Luka is the "Ruler of the stage" but I think there is a possibility that in this instance, he would no longer be able to stand remaining as composed once the pressure sets in, because there are a lot of truths to this life he's living, one of which is he is utterly disposable, no matter how valuable he is. And Luka knows that.
As it seems, Luka likes the power (like dominance) he gets from manipulating the stage because he feels self-assured from the control, control is something he doesn't have in any other part of his life, after all--on the stage he is the king. He has every skill to his benefit, adoring fans, and who has ever been stronger than him to make him doubt himself? Mizi might've been the first with that outburst, changing that air of invincibility. And I think Till's intensity on stage could throw Luka off in a more drastic way this time, and make him act on it this time? They are two sides of the same coin, Till is Luka's ultimate equal and could give him a challenge he hasn't seen before from other Alien stage participants but this theory is...iffy, because we don't know Luka that well, and this theory almost completely contradicts the character we know him as, but that's the thing. Is the Luka we know really Luka? (Similar to Ivan who also has a persona that differs from his authentic self, is Luka just better at hiding it?)
All in all, I hope we can see Luka's facade slip in round 7, who knows, maybe it's full-on stitched to his face and he'll die like the glass-cased doll he always was from the day he was made, but it'd be interesting if we saw him feel again, and see him do something we wouldn't expect like fighting back for once. (was his fight with hyunwoo the only time he ever did that?)
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metanarrates · 2 years
even the most "innocent" child abuse victim inherently condemns society by their very existence & this is why there is such a strong effort to sideline or discredit victims of child abuse. like genuinely if you were to tackle the full reality of child abuse you would have to confront that our society is founded upon child abuse, and that would require us to break society at its very root. an abused child is a condemnation of the nuclear family model, of the education system, of the notion that children do not deserve rights, of almost every system that exists and that is why their existence is rarely examined in the mainstream. easier to not believe how widespread child abuse is. easier to pick apart individual victims. and ultimately it's easier to believe their abusers were isolated aberrations rather than individuals given insane power over their victims by the system and chose to wield it in ways that are largely condoned by that system.
and that societal sidelining largely happens even FOR victims who appear to fit the most unproblematic model of a child abuse victim. god help you if you aren't palatable or easily "reintegrated" into the existing structure after leaving your abuser lmao
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 5 months
On the subject of gotham county line and batman noel and so on and so forth it’s pretty frustrating (from a watsonian pov) that anytime Bruce hallucinates Jason being loving/ caring/helpful/compassionate towards him it’s always as robin and never as his current self
#it's ironic because Jason as robin never got the chance to become as obedient & devoted (malleable) to Bruce as he currently is#which is a result of being abused/manipulated for a more prolonged period of time#“maybe if I try harder and do it right this time he'll finally see the truth”#classic abuse tactic#no matter how well the victim fits the mold set by the abuser they’ll never acknowledge it#rather if they see you trying they’ll push harder and tell you you’re not perfect#the small shreds of affection here and there are important for motivating the victim to keep trying#kelseethe#Jason initiating the hug in rhato 27 after Bruce insinuated that those beatings will be a regular occurence bc he deems it a necessity#continuing to support Bruce even after Ethiopia and sticking around to help get Damian back#eagerly cooperating with Bruce + co in event leviathan then getting surprise pikachu faced/hurt after being betrayed#making a conscious decision to comfort Bruce in gotham war after Bruce fucked him up and left him behind#having undying conern for Bruce's wellbeing while Bruce regularly endangers his life#ex. Bruce's weird habit of committing vehicular assault on Jason whenever they're on the road demonstrated both in tfz and gotham war#point being: Jason was much more psychologically fit to be defiant towards Bruce when he was robin compared to now#he's more of a “good son”™ now than he was as robin Bruce is just too used to thinking whatever he wants and never being satisfied#the only times Jason got mad/upset at Bruce during one issue and continued to stay mad until the next#other than lost days and utrh was batman 410-411 and early in aditf before Bruce helps Jason find Sheila#so much worse has happened since then and all that just magically became water under the bridge off-panel
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blujayonthewing · 3 months
mostly I prefer to play in the space and explore/ build on flavor text given by the books rather than outright reject or contradict it wrt things like races and classes in dnd but once in awhile I'll suddenly remember that canonically lizardfolk don't experience emotions and only respond to threats by logically assessing them as such because they're too primitive to feel fear
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zeb-z · 10 months
idk it’s like. yeah Bad, you should be talking about the cursed team. yeah Tubbo, you’ve got an excellent theory crafted here, a super solid argument that your team is cursed. but it’s no surprise that red will not hear you out, because blue’s relationship with red is just in such shambles. Bad has burned bridges and destroyed any sort of love, any sort of trust, any sort of anything. Pierre has spat on the flames. The fact they managed to have a genuine talk about the enchant agreement is a miracle (and only because it was half OOC in my opinion, and because Phil is the only one on red who will extend a bit of trust because he just doesn’t want to fight), but still hasn’t done much for blue’s favor.
everything that red has suffered when they have tried to talk, everything Bad has done to them specifically with ruthlessness in the name of victory, has now shown to have consequences. so yeah, blue could so be the cursed team, and Tubbo could be right to a terrifying degree and have it all figured out - it’s not gonna stop red from fighting because they can’t hear him out. how can they trust a thing he says? why would they talk to Bad now at the final hour? why would they sit there and show mercy when so often none has been shown to them?
it’s the name of the game. to tear them all apart and see just how far they’ll go. the eye wants them to burn bridges and turn on eachother in the name of victory, and Bad played very well. it’s a shame he represents more than himself, but an entire team. it’s a shame those bridges he burned might have been the ones they needed now that red is in the lead and has a chance of winning. yeah man, blue might be cursed, but red has found evidence in their own favor - and why on gods green earth would they take blue’s word when Bad has proven time and time again he will abandon honor for victory?
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autism-alley · 8 months
Honestly another thing that annoys me about Gabe's death in the show is that the downplayed nature of the abuse makes his fate, for lack of a better word, inappropriate. Gabe being an explicitly physically and emotionally abusive bastard was what warranted him dying in the book. Yes, he is still financially abusive in the show, but he's more of a pathetic slob than a monster. Contemptable, sure, but hardly worth killing. At best, his death is a tasteless gag. At worst, it's disproportionate retribution.
fr like. after the first episode i was like well what the hell are they gonna do at the end of the series? from episode one it was always gonna be either don’t kill off the loser and commit to erasing a woman and her child’s story of surviving abuse, or do kill off the loser and have it be a completely unjustified killing (not only bc of the reduced abuse but bc they outright state sally divorced him!! book sally had no other alternative divorce financially was Not on the table!!). he might have been killed by his own hand in-universe, but the writers made that call, purposefully, to condemn his actions so severely they warrant death. i’ve seen people who don’t even believe his death was warranted in the books just out of the principle all killing is wrong—my opinion is firstly it’s fiction but secondly it sends a pretty clear fucking message that you don’t get to be an abusive fuck and walk away scott-free. self-defense and justice have a right to serve consequences, and sometimes those consequences are your wife with righteous blood lust and a desperate need for education funds
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gh-0-stcup · 3 months
I think Louis does really have some serious mental health issues causing his memory loss/distortion and outbursts.
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revvethasmythh · 7 months
Legitimately having a rollicking good time on this tactician playthrough both because of the more challenging combat and also because I’m romancing Shadowheart, which is quite literally the only romance I’ve seen next to no spoilers for at all. What happens in the act 2 romance? No fucking idea. What’s some popular Shadowheart romance dialogue? Not a fucking clue. Perfect, delightful, great experience, 10/10
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Okay. For real this time. I have found the most unbelievable, the most ridiculous, the most unlikely thing to happen twice in The Man From R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E. canon.
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Starch-stiff snakes.
I have officially seen it all.
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quick note: if you're turning on build due to the most recent chat leaks, do me a favor and unfollow, then learn critical thinking skills and ask yourself why you're happily playing into the hands of a known liar and abuser.
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girl-bateman · 3 months
Diagnosis for girls who have never smoked in their lives but are constantly craving a cigarette
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daz4i · 7 months
how to stop thinking any good thing someone says to you (like compliments or being proud of you or other positive expressions such as these) is a lie just to be polite or bc they're biased and thus can't judge you work and your being objectively bc they love you. asking for a friend
#lovebombing won't work on me i will automatically assume there is an ulterior motive there#i may be off on what it is. but i won't trust it either anyway#(joking btw ik i'm not immune to abuse tactics. that's actually part of why i'm vigilant to all that i think)#(but not only)#i think my main issue is i know in my heart these things can't be right. the bigger the compliment the less i believe it#bc i'm below average and so is anything i create. propping it (and me) up as smth unique feels disingenuous#in my heart i do want this like i wanna be told nice things but they usually make me feel worse lol#bc i still think i'm shit and now i feel like i can't trust that person either.#(still. if someone is mean to me or even just harsh instead. i will cry)#also while this is already very deep and digging into my core the next tags are gonna dig into therapy level deepness lol#i think this is actually why i only want ppl to be sexually attracted to me honestly#smth abt it being like. a physical reaction. makes it easier to believe for me#also smth you can express smth you can do to prove it beyond just saying words#(i will sometimes still doubt it when i have a steady partner of any sort lol like i'll ask if they just indulge me or actually want it)#which is why it's fucking me up sm that i'm getting uglier 🥲 i'm already not great - being trans and fat limits a lot of your options - but#things are getting even worse lol 🥲 who knew that was even possible#all this isn't really a very good base to stop hating yourself. so my self loathing is only getting worse every day#thus making any good word harder to believe. and the cycle continues#. yknow when i started typing this post i did not expect to go on for this long#i am on these sleeping pills that make me lose my filter i'm sorry 😔#vent
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sometimes I develop stock backstories for a particular character that I can tweek for a variety of aus because i just like the vibe. Like Cas growing up in a big religiously abusive family on an isolated farm and maybe murdering his dad in his teens and getting away with it (don't worry about it.)
Anyway one I like for supernatural generally is just like. The Apocalypse gets derailed entirely by accident and no one has any idea what to do now. On the one hand it's a very utilitarian thing. I wanna write early seasons fic without the looming threat of the apocalypse hanging over everything sometimes you know? But I also just really like that vibe. The fact that the world is never going to end as like a source of existential horror. Especially for this species whose purpose is entirely tied up in the apocalypse. What does a world look like when it's been abandoned by God and just keeps on going? The same as it always did.
I like to imagine the slow death of heaven as the debate on if they should restart the apocalypse and how rages, and as they try to figure out what went wrong and who's to blame the lies that sustain this system start to crumble. They find out God hasn't been giving orders for a long time and now the final thread of prophecy he left them has snapped and they're left floundering. Some dedicated few go searching for him but when it becomes clear he's not to be found and isn't coming back it all just starts to seem so pointless. The archangels are locked in debate over what to do next, middle management is just trying to keep dissent from spreading, and all the while more rank and file angels are just... slipping out the back door when no one's looking. They aren't needed in heaven, they aren't needed anywhere, what can they do but try to find some purpose for themselves? And what better example to follow than those small ignorant favoured creations who have always had to construct meaning for themselves in the face of the daunting prospect of free will?
That's where Castiel goes looking anyway.
My favourite version of this is one where he ends up making a Reverse Doomsday Cult.
#spn#castiel#spn angels#The World Is Not Going To End: What To Do In The Face Of The Horror Of A Perpetual Existence#technically he takes over a cult#see cause I feel like Cas#especially when vulnerable and in search of guidance#would easily fall prey to cult recruitment tactics#heaven is also a cult I think he would find it comforting and familiar and treat it all as normal#he would be oblivious to the danger signs at first#but see once he did become aware of the types of violation and abuse that occur in those kinds of organizations#well he's an angel he makes with the smiting#which leaves him with a bunch of people already primed and vulnerable due to the fact that they were in a cult in the first place#doubly so because many of those spared would of course be victims feeling a mixture of fear and gratitude towards#the man who has just very convincingly revealed himself to be OH YEAH a LEGIT Angel#super easy to just end up in charge of the cult#on the one hand Cas is a much nicer cult leader in part on account of how he came here to seek guidance From humans#So the whole thing shakes out to be a lot more democratic than all that#on the other hand there is no way Castiel knows how to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy community building#not to mention he would undoubtedly share the truth about monsters and the supernatural with his followers#and if they were at all tempted to say#bring their mission of doing good works in the world to that particular problem#or even just build up defenses around their safe haven#well now suddenly this fringe religious group is stockpiling weapons#and that does not look good
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audliminal · 8 months
I stg if I see one more person call the goddamn honeymoon phase of a relationship "love bombing" I'm going to chew through the earth's crust
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lesbiansanemi · 9 months
I should stop watching stuff on cults
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Does Whitley actually speak to anyone besides his family aside from that one convo with Ruby? No? Not even the other manor servants?
Well then how the FUCK would we know what kind of character he is?
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