#which is clover and fenton
liking rwby despite some... questionable writing decisions and despite roosterteeth is like still liking a disney movie despite disney does that make sense
Oh no anon you are mistaken. I do not like RWBY. I hate RWBY. I divorced RWBY three years ago when I realized that the entire premise of their plot is "Ruby is right and morality is determined by proximity to her" and that opened my eyes to the SCORES of other bad writing choices they've made prior. Just I got custody of the cast in the divorce so those are my characters now.
I also just have a lot of merch leftover from before the divorce that I hang onto because I do still love those characters so much.
#if you want a version of rwby that has the same charming characters but much better writing and worldbuilding may i recommend dtls#we let ruby make mistakes and we have characters who are actually gay and actually trans#for a start#also ruby is best friends with gyro gearloose#he's her science mentor#i think out of all of our crossover dynamics that one is right up there with boyd and james for favorite#she likes him so so so much#oh and lucky ducks#which is clover and fenton#they're engaged#they have a daughter#they're gonna get marriiiiiiied#and they're superheroes#and super dorks#they love each other#they're stupid cute and i love them#oh there's also hazel and gyro 🤔#and dewey and whitley and louie and oscar#blue boys and green boys and they're best friends of one another#also jaune and lucky ducks and jaune and gyro#fenton and gyro (and clover) often end up being the adults that jaune turns to for dealing with the agony of being a teenage boy#which is causing a bit of turmoil for his brothers who should be doing that but are never around#anyway suffice to say we have a lot of really good dynamics and if i listed them all we'd be here all day#OH WAIT ALSO JAMES/QROW AND JUNE#there's a WHOLE thing there#they don't have the same dynamic with may but we're getting there#it's been like two and a half months in-universe give them time#oh also yang and weiss are dating#freezerburn babyyyyyyyyyyyy#also jaune and mercury had the stupidest slow burn i've ever written but that's a long story
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wolfjackle-creates · 4 months
Bad Reveal AU Chapter 2 Part 2
As promised! Here's the compilation of every snippet I've written for the 1000 follower ask game. I added an additional 300 words to the end to round out the scene.
Story Summary: Danny loves the Waynes, loves living with them. After the GIW, after his parents, he never thought he'd be able to have this again. A family, a home.
Then he overhears a conversation.
The Waynes aren't just the Waynes. They're the Bats, part of the Justice League. And the Justice League works with the US Government. The same government that runs the Ghost Investigation Ward.
It was all a lie.
AO3 link
Tumblr Links: Chapter 1, Previous
Word Count: 2.6k
Three days later and they were all ready to tear their hair out. Barbara had found nothing new on the Fenton parents, even after Tim and Bruce joined her in the search. Apparently everything about the Fentons had been hidden behind the best digital security they had ever seen. Everything except the basics. And the firewalls were so good that they were almost invisible which is why no one had noticed them before.
Danny’s room lacked any sort of clue. They opened every drawer and went through everything they could find, only for nothing even slightly unusual to turn up. Definitely nothing like the bizarre energy weapon he’d used.
Jason had asked around as Red Hood to see if he could find any leads on the weapon. But every rumor lead to a dead end.
They could find nothing that might lead them to the people who wanted to hurt Danny. And Danny never came home.
Dick was currently in Danny’s room, again, trying to find anything. He was under the bed searching for hidden compartments in the frame or box spring when sharp footsteps sounded in the hall. A moment later, Alfred cleared his throat from the doorway.
“Master Dick! I believe you were instructed to leave the cave so you could rest.”
Dick pushed himself out from under the bed and sat so he was leaning against the bed frame. He flashed a dazzling smile. “Sorry, Alfred. I just had the idea to check the bed frame for any hidden messages or compartments. Wouldn’t have been able to sleep without doing it.”
Alfred sniffed. “We have already been over every inch of this room. You will not find anything new and you know this.”
Dick sighed, letting the smile drop away, and rubbed his face. He looked down at the carpet as he picked at it. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep. I just keep seeing his face. He was certain we were going to hurt him, Alfred. My own brother. How could I have failed him so badly?”
Alfred’s shoes came into view as he walked further into the room and sat next to Dick. “You haven’t failed him, Master Dick. And you know that. His fears were his own; based on experiences from before he ever joined this family. And we did not know there were problems to address. But we do now and I have full faith that you will solve this and bring Master Danny back home.”
“I wish I had your optimism, Alfred.”
“Then I shall just have to have enough for the both of us. Now, if you insist on being useful, Titus could use his afternoon walk. Normally Master Bruce or I take care of it…”
“But with B injured and the house full, you’ve got enough to handle. I’ll take care of it, Alfred.”
“Thank you, my boy. Now, help an old man up.”
Dick laughed; it wasn’t sincere, not truly, but he knew it’d make Alfred feel better. “Don’t even pretend you can’t get up on your own.” But he still did as requested and helped Alfred to his feet.
“When you’re my age, you will know what troubles I face.”
“Sure, Alfred. Now, where is Titus right now?”
Ten minutes later, Dick was outside in the late spring sun throwing a tennis ball for Titus. The dog was delighted with the game.
He rather felt like it should be raining or overcast or something. Not a balmy spring day with birds singing and bees buzzing in the clover. Danny was still missing; it shouldn’t be a nice day.
His next throw went much farther than he planned, and Titus bounded away.
Dick groaned and collapsed to the ground. He threw an arm over his eyes as he bit back his tears. Everyone was relying on him to hold it together. Damian was on a hair trigger and he was the only one who could keep him in line consistently; Tim was sunk deep into his research and barely surfacing for another energy drink every few hours; Jason and Bruce couldn’t be around each other for more than ten minutes without someone starting to yell. Duke was spending more and more time on patrol trying to find any information on the meta angle.
And all of them came to him to complain about the others. His family needed him. He couldn’t fall apart.
When a shadow fell over his face, he cracked open an eye expecting to see a cloud covering the sun. Instead he screamed and jumped to his feet as he came face-to-face with Clark.
“Warn a guy next time!”
Clark, the bastard, just laughed at him. “Hey, Dick. Didn’t expect to find you here.”
Before he could reply, Titus returned, ball clenched proudly in his mouth. “Good boy,” said Dick as he petted him. “Ready to go back inside?” To Clark, he said, “Most of us are staying at the manor right now. What brings you here?”
“We’re worried. Bruce called in saying he had an injury that would prevent field work for a few weeks. At the same time, Tim told Kon he’d be unavailable for Young Justice missions until further notice. And Damian canceled a sleepover with Jon with no explanation. So I made two of Ma’s pies and decided to come over for a visit. What’s going on?”
Dick sighed. “Danny’s gone. He discovered who we were.” He let out a hysterical laugh. “And apparently thinks that because we work with the US government it means we were just pretending to like him to gather information so we could turn him over to someone who would hold him against his will and torture him.”
Clark landed and pulled him into a hug. Dick clung on tightly. “Why does he think that?”
Dick shrugged and, reluctantly, pulled away. “Apparently his parents betrayed him once already. I think…” Dick closed his eyes and whistled sharply. “Come, Titus.” He held onto Titus’s collar and began walking away from Clark towards the manor. “We think he already has experience being held and tortured. And that it was his parents fault.”
Clark’s sharp inhale proved his horror at such a thought.
“Yeah. So now Danny’s gone and we have no idea how to search for him. Did B tell you he’s a meta? We knew he had some powers, but clearly we missed some because now we suspect invisibility, density shifting, and flight. So we’re trying to find the people who want to hurt him. But we keep hitting walls!” Titus whined when his grip tightened too much. Dick winced and let go immediately to pet the dog. “Sorry, Titus. You’re such a good boy.”
Clark draped an arm around his shoulders. “Well, why don’t you take me to the cave and you can go over everything you know. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will help.”
Dick shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt. And maybe seeing you will remind Bruce he knows how to do more than grunt when people ask him a question.”
Clark winced. “That bad, huh?”
“Worse, if I’m honest. Danny shot him with an energy weapon before density shifting out of the cave. So now his newest kid is missing and he’s too injured to go out and search for him.”
Clark let out a low whistle. “Yep. That’ll do it.”
Dick pulled out his phone and opened the group chat. A quick text ensured everyone who was around would make their way to the cave. “I’ve told everyone to meet us in the cave. We’ll swing by the kitchen to get some plates and cutlery for the pie. Thanks for that, by the way.”
Clark ruffled his hair. “You know me, I’m too midwestern to show up anywhere unannounced without food.”
Dick gave a half smile, unable to muster up anything warmer.
Clark tried to keep up a stream of small talk as they swung by the kitchens to gather the plates. But Dick just couldn’t keep up with it. His mind was just too far away, on a young boy with blue eyes who loved hugs and had fit into the family so smoothly.
When they got to the cave, Tim didn’t even look up at the sound of the elevator doors opening. Dick followed his lead and ignored him, instead going straight to Bruce.
“You’ve got a visitor, B!”
Bruce only grunted and didn’t look up from his laptop.
Clark hid a smile. “I’m sure Alfred raised you better than that, Bruce.”
“Indeed I did,” declared Alfred with a sniff from where he was making notes in Bruce’s medical chart.
Bruce’s head whipped up at the sound of Clark’s voice and Dick bit his lip to keep from laughing. “Clark? What are you doing here?”
“Been worried about you and the kids, so I made some pie and decided to come on over. Kon and Jon are both waiting for updates as well.”
Apparently the appearance of Clark and Kon’s name was enough to finally drag Tim from the batcomputer for the first time in days. “Is Kon okay?”
Clark gave him a fond smile. “He’s fine, lad. It’s you—all of you—we’re worried about.”
Bruce looked away. “It’s Danny.”
Clark nodded and sat on the foot of the bed. “Dick’s told me a little. Let’s wait for the others to join us and you can all tell me everything.”
Dick checked his phone. “Babs said my text woke her up and don’t start discussions without her.”
Clark looked at him sharply. “Barbara is here, too? You really meant it when you said everyone’s been staying here, didn’t you?”
Dick shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’s Danny.”
Tim laughed mirthlessly. “Yeah, he’s the only one who all of us like pretty much all the time.”
Clark frowned as he looked around at the people gathered, but didn’t say anything.
Alfred bustled in with a chair. “If some of you would help me set up chairs for everyone? We might as well be comfortable as we talk and eat.”
“Of course, Alfred,” said Clark, seeming relieved. “Be happy to help.”
Honestly, with how many people were there, it only took a minute. Jason and Stephanie arrived just as they were finishing up.
“Duke messaged me,” said Jason. “He’s on his way back from patrol.”
“Damian?” asked Dick.
“I am here, Richard,” said the boy as he walked into the medbay. “I apologize for my tardiness. I was with Alfred the cat and didn’t notice your message immediately.”
Dick went to his side and ruffled his hair. He ignored Damian’s glare with years of practice. “Glad you could make it. Come on, let’s get you a slice of pie.”
“I’ll start slicing,” said Clark.
By the time the pie was sliced and everyone had a piece, Barbara had arrived.
“Where is Duke?” asked Bruce.
Tim pulled up the tracking information on his laptop. “Looks like he’s only twenty minutes out.”
“He’d’ve said something if he’d learned anything new,” said Jason. “I say we just start sharing now. He’ll be back before we get through it all.”
“Agreed,” said Bruce.
Clark nodded and looked around the room. Dick just knew he was cataloging how exhausted they all looked. “What can you tell me about what happened?”
“Daniel lost his mind and attacked Father,” said Damian.
“Listen here, Demon Brat,” argued Jason, “you know damn well that’s not what happened.”
And when Tim backed up Jason, it became a shouting match. Dick buried his face in his hands. A headache was forming and he knew if he tried to intervene, he’d just make it worse right now.
“Enough!” said Alfred when it became clear the others wouldn’t calm down on their own. “We will go over it one at a time. Master Richard, you may start.”
So Dick gave all the information he knew. When one of the others indicated they wanted to add more, he let them. Alfred made sure no one overstepped. Duke arrived partway through and described what he saw when Danny disappeared and used his powers.
When everyone was finally satisfied they’d shared everything they knew, Barbara pulled out a tablet to show Clark the footage of the confrontation in the cave.
“And you don’t know where he got that weapon?” asked Clark after he watched it twice.
“No clue,” said Tim. “We’ve searched his room a dozen times since then, but there’s nothing even remotely like it.”
Jason nodded. “And I’ve been asking around. No one I can find has ever heard of one like it.”
Alfred added, “Even I was unaware he was in possession of such an object.”
Clark hummed as he replayed the last few seconds of the video where Danny density shifted through the stone. “He brought it with him when he left.”
“You’ve thought of something,” said Bruce.
“Could he have hidden the weapon inside something? Like a wall or the floor?”
Bruce hummed as he thought. “Is that even possible?”
Dick shrugged. “We know very little about what he can and can’t do.”
“Want me to take a look at his room with my X-ray vision?” asked Clark.
Bruce nodded. “Please.” No one commented on the begging tone in his voice.
And for the first time in days, Dick felt hope rising in his chest.
“And do we have any idea what he meant by Jason being in trouble, too?”
Jason shrugged. “Probably has something to do with how I died. I’m apparently the only one who can sense Danny’s empathy, too. And I mean supernatural empathy, not the normal person kind.”
Bruce agreed. “I found the most information on Amity Park when I found my way to supernatural message boards. Zatana is looking into some things for me as well. But it always leads back to ghosts. Though why Jason alone is of interest when others in the family have also died is uncertain.”
“I see. Well, I suppose we’ll find out when you get him home. Who wants to show me Danny’s room? We might as well start there.”
Of course, no one was willing to sit this one out. The biggest argument arose when Bruce insisted on pushing himself to his feet. He refused the wheelchair Alfred tried to insist he use, but a raised eyebrow and pursed lips did get him to take the crutches.
Dick and Jason exchanged a smirk at the scene. Alfred always got his way.
So, the entire group made their way out of the cave and through the halls of Wayne Manor until Clark stopped in the doorway to Danny’s room.
He let out a low whistle. “Whatever his powers are, he can definitely hide things in other objects. He’s left a lot behind.”
“Can you tell what they are?” asked Bruce.
Clark shrugged. “Some of them. There’s another item that looks like that blaster he had. Some…rope? I think? A tool box in the floor. A case that’s probably lead-lined. And a lot of stuff that I just can’t identify. I mean, a random cylindrical object. Some rectangles, maybe external hard-drives?”
Damian stepped forward, gripping the handle of his katana. “Then we will smash the walls to see what he is hiding.”
Dick rushed forward to put an arm around Damian’s shoulders and stop him from doing anything.
“Indeed not, Master Damian.” Alfred gave the boy a level look. “We want Master Danny to have a home to return to. And what sort of welcome would he feel if he came back to a destroyed room? Master Bruce, Mr. Kent, I am aware you have other collegues who can density shift. Could one of them be prevailed upon to come and remove the items?”
Damian scowled and kicked at the floor. Dick bit back his smile. The kid really did care about their missing brother, whatever he said.
Clark nodded. “I’ll call J’onn, Alfred.”
Several of you guessed this is where I was going to take it the minute I introduced Clark. Didn't see anyone mention J'onn, though. (But that might be because I was sharing such small segments, so fewer people were speculating.) Let me know what you think!
I've finally gotten around to making a Subscription Post for this fic, so follow that if you want notifications!
@hailsatanacab also started a fill for this prompt that I absolutely adore, so check that out here! (It hurts, it hurts so good.)
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Bracket(??) Announcement!
I have FINALLY (which I am very sorry for guys) finished going through my submissions and have created something that looks like a bracket. BUT, in order to include the most characters, I have devised a group round with 128 characters divided into 8 groups and have sorted them in a way that prevents this competition from becoming a batman vs spider-man final.
making the polls shouldn't take nearly as long so be on the lookout for those! this will be pinned and I'll make sure to edit this post with links to the polls, and matchups are not necessarily going to be heroes next to each other! matches can be made up by any two heroes in the same group
polls will last a day for now and one group will be posted per day
as of right now top 4 from each group will make it to the bracket round but that is absolutely subject to change so don't count on that
Without further ado, your Superhero Smackdown competitors!!!
Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and Gwen Stacy/Spider-Men and Ghost Spider (Marvel)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (DC)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (Marvel)
The Incredibles and Frozone (Pixar)
Kori'ander/Starfire (DC)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler (DC)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia)
Charles Xavier/Professor X (Marvel)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC)
Black Noir (The Boys)
Jim Gordon (DC)
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (DC)
T'Challa Udaku/Black Panther (Marvel)
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America (Marvel)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC)
Peter Quill/Starlord (Marvel)
Minhkhoa Khan/The Ghost-Maker (DC)
The Green Lantern Corp (DC)
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl (DC)
Arthur Curry/Aquaman (DC)
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat (DC)
Queen Maeve (The Boys)
Clark Kent/Superman (DC)
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat (Marvel)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel)
Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette (DC)
Marc Spector, Steve Grant, Jake Lockley/Moon Knight (Marvel)
Barry Allen/The Flash (DC)
Starlight (The Boys)
Kate Kane/Batwoman (DC)
Darkwing Duck (DuckTales)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Roy Harper/Arsenal (DC)
Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Black Widow (Marvel)
Tim Drake/Red Robin (DC)
The Autobots (Transformers TV Show)
Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC)
Ororo Monroe/Storm (Marvel)
The Midnighter (DC)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel)
Logan, James Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel)
Kon Kent/Superboy (DC)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC)
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
Izuku Midoriya/Deku (My Hero Academia)
Ben Tennyson/Ben 10 (Ben 10)
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye (Marvel)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
America Chavez/Miss America (Marvel)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Link and Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
The Power Rangers (The Power Rangers Series)
Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel (Marvel)
Virgil Hawkins/Static (DC)
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel/Shazam (DC)
Damian Wayne/Robin (DC)
Phineas Flynn, Ferb Fletcher/The Beak (Phineas and Ferb)
Alex, Sam, and Clover (Totally Spies)
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee (Marvel)
Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug)
Flash Thompson/Agent Venom (Marvel)
Shoto Todoroki/Shoto (My Hero Academia)
Gwen Poole/Gwenpool (Marvel)
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kaio Kincaid/K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's be Heroes)
Katsuki Bakugo/Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight (My Hero Academia)
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Marvel)
Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd/Wiccan and Speed (Marvel)
Viv Vision (Marvel)
Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Mia Dearden/Speedy (DC)
Undine Wells and Kokoro Aichi/Alchemical Water and Heartful Punch (Sleepless Domain)
Olive Silverlock and Maps Mizoguchi/The Detective Club (DC)
Nova Artino and Adrian Everhart/Insomia and Sketch (Renegades Trilogy)
Karen Fields/Voyd (Pixar)
Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine (Marvel)
William Wisp/The Wisperer (Just Roll With It)
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuuko (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gizmoduck (DuckTales)
Dakota Cole/D.C. (Just Roll With It)
Rumi Usagiyama/Miruko (My Hero Academia)
Luka Couffaine/Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug)
Neena Thurman/Domino (Marvel)
Vyncent Sol/Virion (Just Roll With It)
Elpis (Valor Academy)
Captain Rainbow (Nintendo)
Moza/Emara (Emara)
Mark Grayson/Invincible (Invincible)
Jimmy Woo (Marvel)
Kirby (Nintendo)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Zorro (The Mark of Zorro)
Phil Coulson (Marvel)
Megamind (Megamind)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Donald Duck/The Duck Avenger/Paperinik (Disney)
Saitama/Caped Baldy (One Punch Man)
He-Man and She-Ra (He-Man: Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Games)
The Tick (The Tick)
Robin Hood (English Folklore)
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Klaus Hargreeves/Number 4/The Séance (The Umbrella Academy)
Super Grover (Seasame Street)
Wario-Man (Nintendo)
Fanboy and Chum Chum (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
Ace and Gary/The Ambiguously Gay Duo (Saturday Night Live)
Hero Cookie (Cookie Run)
Floyd Belkin/Splitter/Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC)
Bob Dobalina/Bob, Agent of Hydra (Marvel)
Bibleman (Bibleman TV Show)
Larry-Boy (VeggieTales)
Sharkboy and Lavagirl (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Mermaid Man and Barnicle Boy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Daniel MacIntyre/Cactusman/SCP-2800 (SCP Foundation)
Morbius (Morbius)
Jarro (DC)
Jeff the Land Shark (Marvel)
Steel Samurai (Ace Attorney)
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SIDE 1A: ROUND 1: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)/Clover Ebi (RWBY) VS Gregor (Star Wars the Clone Wars)/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
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Propaganda for Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Clover Ebi:
Okay so, I don't know if you've heard of it or not but there's this roleplay I do with my buddy called DTLS, okay, so, when we started I'd planned on having Clover in a secret relationship with Cinder (I know, I know, but I was feeling really spiteful about both of them and making them both straight seemed like a power move) BUT then my partner was like "tee hee what if Fenton has a crush on him as a fellow superhero?" oh by the way, he's a superhero in this crossover, anyway, so I thought "hee hee we can have funny unrequited silliness" but then at the end of their first thread my boy was like "sike guess what" and decided he was going to date Fenton actually, and fuck my plans, and I was all "whaaaaaat" but I let him, anyway long story short now they're engaged and they adopted a penguin girl who stowed away on the Sunchaser on the way back from Antarctica.
Propaganda for Gregor/Harley Quinn:
Gregor does not have a no killing rule. While I admire the Batfam for their stance and so would Gregor, it's not a rule he follows. He's also a highly competent, specially trained soldier of the greatest army ever. So he will be putting those skills to use to kill the Joker. There are many reasons for that, not least of which is all the abuse Harley has suffered at the hands of the Joker. Gregor isn't letting that clown hurt her again.
Gregor is an absolute mad lad in the best way possible. He can match Harley's energy and would love to be a part of all her hijinks.
Harley thinks Gregor's laugh is cute. He might not be able to control it, and when he's frustrated by that, she's ready to support him. She knows he's not trying to be a jerk when he laughs at the worst moments (unlike a certain ex of hers.)
They would wreak absolute havoc together. Become one of Batman's biggest headaches that he doesn't actually want to get rid of. Gregor already has plenty of experience working outside of and running from the law as a rebel.
They would teach all the local kids how to swear in Huttese and Wookie.
Art Credit: Fenton/Clover edit by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d Gregor/Harley edit by @/karlyanalora
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certifiedwerewolf · 1 year
Okay I wanna play. People who haven't read DTLS (all of you, probably):
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babyboydbaby · 3 years
(I’m eager to see exactly what they do with Gandra in the next episode because I’ve been dreading adding her into the DTLS AU outside of like......that one scene because the show just REFUSED to acknowledge whether or not her and Fenton were still a thing, or whether they were even still friends or what. I think I settled on them being ‘exes but not bitter ones, even if Fenton was bitter about what happened DURING their date but that was directed more at Mark than anything’ so we’ll see how off the mark I was.
...Heh, mark.)
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astro-b-o-y-d · 4 years
“Oh hey, even if I have no plans to watch v8, I might as well go and check out the tags just to see what’s going on”
*Mercury and Emerald and Hazel all have new outfits” Hmm, okay, that’s actually fun and also YAY they’re back
“Yang is doubting Ruby’s leadership” OOH okay interesting, so they’re actually starting to question whether or not they’re making the right choices, and they’re not just getting a pass because of main character armor?
“Ironwood shot someone”
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I Need Some Heroes (Please, I Don’t Know What I’m Doing)
James went up to his personal gym after breakfast to find Qrow had Clover up there. He was running him through a series of basic sword drills; Harbinger looked comical against the practice sword Clover had borrowed, but at least Clover’s hand was skilled.
James grinned, and moved over to have a seat and watch. He loved the way Qrow moved with Harbinger, how his motions changed from loping lankiness to fluid and careful. Even if all he was doing was basic drills, he was still beautiful, and James would be happy to watch him all day.
When he sat down, Qrow tossed a wink at him, and then caught the swing Clover sent his way to take advantage of his distraction.
“Nice try, Junior.”
They sparred for a few minutes longer, but Clover didn’t have all day to hang around swinging swords around with Qrow, so it wasn’t much longer before they called it quits. James grabbed them both water bottles out of the minifridge and joined them.
“Are you sure about training this kid?” James asked. “Is it really safe for him to be out fighting monsters on the streets at night?”
“No, it’s not,” Clover said. “Which is why we’re training him.” 
He moved over to hang the practice sword back up in the locker they kept them in, considering his explanation before he went on. 
“I thought about dissuading him. I even shadowed him to see if maybe I could. But I don’t think telling him to stop would work. He’d just keep on going out anyway. At least this way he can go out responsibly. Since I can’t persuade him to stay home and leave fighting monsters to the grown-ups, I can at least teach him how to fight monsters without getting himself killed.” He shrugged. “I’ve talked about it with Fenton, we tossed a few ideas back and forth, but we’re pretty well agreed that this is the best idea.”
“And the sword drills?”
Clover huffed. “I have no idea where he got the sword, but if he’s going to carry it, he’s going to learn to use it. And-” He scrubbed a paw through his hair. “If I’m being honest? We need all the help we can get. The monster attacks are getting more frequent, more spread out. There’s only so much the Ace Ops can do on our own. I’m thinking of expanding our numbers, but even if I add a new member or two, there’s still way too much for just us. We need more heroes in the cities. The people need more people keeping them safe. I can’t ask people to take on that burden, but if the kid is volunteering-...”
“I just don’t know if a teenager is the best hero to rely on,” James sighed. Qrow rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it so much. Kid’s in safe hands with our boy here.”
“I suppose there’s nothing I can do to stop you, but that’s not going to stop me from worrying. He’s just a child.”
“And we’re going to make sure he gets the chance to be an adult,” Clover assured him. He checked his watch. “I have to get going, I have to pick up the kid and it’s a long drive to Duckburg. Thanks for the help, Qrow.”
“No problem,” Qrow drawled, watching him go. James moved over to the lockers along the wall, where he kept his gym clothes.
While James changed into something better for working out, Qrow dropped into a right stance and began moving fluidly between several guards and advances; James froze halfway between changing his shirt to watch, mesmerized. After a good minute or so of this, Qrow tossed him a smirk over his shoulder.
“You gonna stand there watching me like a lovesick loon or give me something I can swing on properly?”
James grinned.
Jaune could not honestly say why he’d decided he was going to go out and be a hero. He didn’t really know what he was doing, he didn’t know how to fight, he didn’t know how to use the sword that had thus far stayed at his hip undrawn.
But there were monsters in his city, and only four heroes to fight them. Someone had to do something, and since no one else was volunteering-
At least Clover hadn’t tried to talk him out of fighting. He’d listened while Jaune explained, as best as he could understand himself, the events that had led him to putting on the mask he wore and going out into the night to help people.
And now they were on their way to Duckburg to spend an afternoon training with two of Duckburg’s heroes, one of who was Ruby’s new friend Boyd, who Jaune had heard loads about but had no idea what to expect from.
So forgive him for being just a little nervous.
He slipped his mask on, just to help his confidence a little. “Thanks for helping me,” he said. “And not, you know, telling my parents or sending me home.”
Clover just gave him a small smile, and turned back to the road.
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earthstellar · 3 years
TFP Megatronus x Orion Pax Experimental Concept Playlist: The Timescale of Cybertronian Lives + Music from 1890 - 2021
I know there are tons of playlists for these characters out there, but I’m trying to do something a little less conventional with this one; Please hear me out! 
Two Playlists in One: Love Throughout The Ages 
The first half of this playlist is almost all new music mixed in with some hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc. to give variety, plus tracks from different genres so that hopefully everyone has a song they can enjoy in there somewhere.
For the second half of the playlist, I wanted to emphasise the idea of how long the war on Cybertron has been going on for, and just how old this conflict and the people involved actually are. 
Cybertronian Timescale: Long Lives and The Perception of Time 
We think of the Orion Pax / Megatronus stage of their relationship as being relatively brief, which it was in comparison to how long the war has been going on for as of TFP, but these are people who live for centuries. The scope of that is staggering. 
Optimus Prime and Megatron have known each other personally (either positively or negatively) for longer than modern human civilisation has existed. 
So to me, the best way to touch on that idea of time, musically, is to have the first half of the playlist be modern music, remixes, etc. and then the second half is well known and lesser known hits throughout early radio/TV (with many tracks on this playlist pre-dating those forms of media as well). 
What’s on the Playlist, Then?
My grandmother was born in 1914, and her music collection spans nearly 100 years. It’s all good stuff.
I have included some of her favourites, which she always called her “sweetheart jingles”, on this soundtrack. I think many of them work surprisingly well for the Megatronus/Orion Pax relationship.
Many of these songs will probably be unknown by the vast majority of people who might want to listen to this playlist, which is also appealing to me. (I hope if this is your first time hearing some of these, that you enjoy a few of them!)
My parents were born in 1944, and I remember all of the classics they would play; Some of those tracks will be more recognisable as this was the era when radio and TV became far more common and accessible, but I picked the tracks that I think best apply to the pairing and the relationship between the two characters at that point in their lives. 
The link to the playlist is below after some notes on Cybertronian language evolution! 
Quick Thought: Cybertronian Language Over Time and Era Specific Speech Patterns 
While thinking about my grandmother’s music collection as I assembled this playlist, I thought about some of the words and phrases she used commonly that are now totally non-existent in modern conversational English. 
She had what would probably sound to most people like “1930s radio voice” or a more Trans-Atlantic Accent way of speaking; She grew up in the Northeast USA and so she had a very distinctive way of stressing the vowels in words. It’s not just the words themselves, or how they were pronounced, but the tone and pace of speech was also very different. 
This got me thinking about Cybertronians, age, and speech:
Bots as old as Ratchet may have grown up with a totally different spoken language version of Cybertronian, and we already know that there are regional dialects, multiple written forms (glyphs), and era-specific types of Cybertronian language. 
But the way they speak, as I mentioned above with the stressing of vowels and the tone and pace of speech, might still be different due to the different eras, even after language packs/programs are downloaded and updated periodically as needed. We already know Cybertronians have regional accents, so it stands that generational accents would also possibly exist as well. 
Such a difference in speech patterns could possibly be used as a primary indicator of relative age on Cybertron, as physically they don’t age in the sense human beings do. 
Back to the Playlist: Link + Track List + Notes on Audio Prior to 1930
The playlist is here on YouTube. 
Scroll down to get to the second half (oldies section) if that’s what you’re here for! 
Please note that the songs are not arranged in any particular order aside from the first half being newer music and the second half being far older music.
Also note, where original recordings are available on YouTube for some of the older songs, I have used those original recording versions. 
However, keep in mind that there may be a couple seconds of “fuzz” at the top (start) of those older tracks, because they have been recorded from records or wax cylinders, which are formats of music that typically had a “pause” on the track to allow for needle and speed calibration when playing them manually. Modern records don’t do this in quite the same way and nobody uses wax cylinders anymore, but older records typically did. If this bothers you, skip ahead about two seconds or so, and it will resolve. 
Tempo may seem slightly “fast” on two of the tracks due to difficulties with the medium and modern recording tech/methods, and one track has some persistent “fuzz” throughout due to the original recording being rare and therefore it is a “best copy available” type archival recording, but otherwise I’ve managed to find the clearest audio possible for the vast majority of the older songs! 
(Fun music note, the “click track” in modern digital music was partially inspired by the clicking of the needle hitting the “countdown grooves” on old cylinders and records, which creates an audible mild clicking sound as the needle finds the groove and provides time for usually a half rotation or full rotation of the record before the track actually begins to allow for adjustment before the music starts! If the clicking is too fast, dial down the rotation speed, for example. 
This itself was inspired by classical metronomes as well as the actual physical method of playing the music in this way, but it’s cool to see how this persists throughout musical history even now when we don’t need the click for digital production for quite the same reasons/applications. It’s all about timing, no matter the medium or era!)
Due to the method of how some player piano rolls were credited, often by roll company and not by individuals, the actual artist name is often not available for those tracks. Where possible and where known, I have included credits to the artists/musicians. I have done my best to research and find the artists in these recordings. 
I have also included orchestrions and other “automated” music in addition to a player piano track as I think it’s interesting; These are often very old compositions being played on these machines, and as such are designed to reflect the earliest days of their relationship. 
Songs range from the years 1890 to 2021, and I will add more as I manage to find YouTube videos with some of the older songs I’m still looking for. 
By the way, if you need a love song for like an actual partner or crush that you have, I’m just going to say it now and point out that a lot of these classics are great to use in real life for cute purposes. My partner of ten years agrees, and my grandparents were married for over 60 years and sang many of these daily, so obviously something here works well. You’re welcome. ;) 
Below the cut is a track list of the second half of the playlist, as it’s 7 AM and I’d like to emphasise the “classics” section here as it’s the central theme of the concept.
I will add to this list as more tracks are added:
You’re the Top - Cole Porter
What is this Thing Called Love - Leslie Hutchinson 
I Get a Kick Outta You - Cole Porter 
Puttin on the Ritz - Phil Spitalny Orchestra
What a Day - Carl Fenton
Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra
Earth Angel - The Penguins
Ring a Ding Ding - Frank Sinatra 
In my Merry Oldsmobile - Billy Murray
Singin in the Rain - Gene Kelly
Dream a Little Dream of Me - Doris Day
Unforgettable - Nat King Cole 
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley 
Good Golly Miss Molly - Little Richard
Bei Mir Bist du Schoen - The Andews Sisters
Shine on Harvest Moon - Ruth Etting 
1920s Dance Sequence from Don’t Knock the Rock
In the Mood -Glen Miller Orchestra
Dream Lover - Bobby Darin 
When the Ragtime Army Goes Away to War (Artist Unknown) 
After You’ve Gone - J. Lawrence Cook 
My Sin (Artist Unknown) 
Flick Flack by Albert Vossen (Unsure; Song + Artist Unknown; Orchestrion) 
Lotosblumen Walzer by E. Ohlsen (Hupfeld Violina) 
Waltz no.2 - Dmitri Shostakovich 
Jupiter - Gustav Holst 
Love Potion no. 9 - The Clovers (Please note, this song mentions the word “g*psy” once in the beginning of the track. Skip this song if you would prefer not to hear it; I have done my best to only include songs that are friendly to the modern listener, but where needed I will make annotations such as this one to ensure nobody has to hear anything potentially offensive, as is unfortunately often the case with older music/lyrics.)
Come a Little Bit Closer - Jay and the Americans 
Sh-Boom - The Crew Cuts
Oh Boy - Buddy Holly
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grifalinas · 4 years
In case you’re wondering what’s going on in DTLS right now
-Hazel and the murder kids defected, and now they’re gonna live with Gyro
-Everyone’s mad at James for sparing Hazel, but
-He did because Hazel’s sister sacrificed her own life to save James’, and is the reason he survived his reconstruction
-Some of the adults got deaged, James is a huge jerk and Hazel is a weenie. Little Clover fell in love with little Fenton from minute one and now they’re being disgustingly sweet. Gyro has smiled at least four times.
-Mark persuaded Falcon to work for Salem and the troll squad (Tyrian, Roman, and Neo) have universally decided that Mark and Falcon are boyfriends. Falcon hates this
-Winter got hospitalized and James had a small breakdown over it, but he also visited her at the hospital, which is a step forward
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ectorenegade · 7 years
The clover thing + Tucker (I'm on mobile cut me some slack)
who said i love you first?
They’ve been saying it since they were in kindergarten, usually after one of them did something awesome for the other. When they actually get romantic though it’s probably Tucker because he knows Danny’s Dense about this kind of thing sometimes.
who laughs when the other trips?
As long as no one gets seriously hurt they’re both terrible, but Danny will actually drag Tucker down with him.
who pays the bills?
Tucker’s got an app for that and thank god.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
Tucker by a smidge – he knows Danny prefers it lowkey. Sometimes Danny will go out of his way to surprise Tucker though.
who’s more clumsy?
Tucker, barely.
who checks their daily horoscope?
They check each other’s, the nerds.
who sings louder in the car?
The stereo. It’s for everyone’s safety, really.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
who is more up to date in pop culture?
Tucker, definitely. He’s Wired In.
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
Tucker. He’s basically assigned himself the role of getting Danny to have more time as Fenton to balance out the Phantom.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
Danny. The tears are still angry and Tucker’s rubbing his back.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
Danny, though Tucker’s quick to wake if Danny goes cold.
who believes in ghosts?
Duh. Now cryptids…
who does the grocery shopping?
Tucker nudges Danny because he can carry more stuff and they both go. At least until Tucker’s secure enough to get Delivery. Sweet~!
who updates their facebook status more often?
Facebook? Please. Tucker tweets.
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SIDE 1D: ROUND 1: Alex Mercer (Prototype)/Desmond Miles (Assassin’s Creed) VS Gandra Dee (Ducktales 2017)/Winter Schnee (RWBY)
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Propaganda for Alex Mercer/Desmond Miles:
Desmond is pretty much my blorbo of all time but he’s also the poster child for learned helplessness fr. dude will subject himself to literally going insane because he was told to (yeah yeah saving the world. shut up he deserves to be happy). He’s also high-key the chosen one of all of human history and the only thing it gets him is kidnapped, crazy, and dead. So he dies to save the world, a million angels weeping etc. Meanwhile Alex is literally a supervirus cosplaying as a guy and had low/no empathy even when he was human. (He also tries to take over the world in game 2 but he’s allowed to as a treat). So obvi parallels with the great power great responsibility and being tortured for science reasons But they handle it very differently. Alex eats people, takes over all of manhattan and slamdunks a nuke into Long Island Sound. So yeah character Foils and I think Des deserves someone who treats him as top priority instead of the Greater Good and that Alex is that someone.
Propaganda for Gandra Dee/Winter Schnee:
Yet another DTLS ship (holy fuck I put three of them on this side of the bracket, I am SO SORRY, that was an accident), but this time it's GIRLIES. Anyway so I wanted to bring Gandra into the AU, but in canon she ends up with Fenton. Which, obviously, could not happen as he is in a relationship with his then-boyfriend, now-fiancé with a kid
So we were like 'Well, we have a perfectly good lesbian in the form of Winter to ship her with' and there we were~! I can only write for Gandra's side of things, but she was currently still dealing with some old feelings about Fenton, mainly being happy for him that he found someone good for him while she ended up getting tangled up in FOWL's schemes (in this AU she doesn't switch sides until FOWL is already gone), but she bites and bullet and decides that there's no sense in living in the past and lamenting the one who got away. Not when there's a perfectly nice woman so interested in her, she ends up short-circuiting the first time she sees Gandra and quickly has to leave.
Also it's cute because she ends up befriending/staying with Clover and Fenton due to a lack of housing, so she's also still buddies with both her ex and her ex's boyfriend, aka someone very near and dear to Winter (one might even say a brother :) ). Their relationship still has places to go and blossom, but they're really cute together.
Art Credit:
Alex/Desmond art by @/kannra-orhara Gandra/Winter edit by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d
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SIDE 1A: ROUND 2: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)/Clover Ebi (RWBY) VS Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
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Propaganda for Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Clover Ebi:
When they first met (in the DTLS AU), Clover was a few months out of a relationship with a woman who had dated him solely to get close enough to assassinate his not-dad, and a few more months than that out of having had his debut as a superhero be an attack wherein a dear friend was murdered. He was not in a good place at the time, and wasn't even willing to open himself up to trust another paramour... until he met Fenton, who made him want to be able to trust again.
He took SUCH a huge gamble on trusting Fenton, and Fenton turned around and proved himself worthy of that at every turn. Whether it was taking the time to get to know Clover's loved ones, not running when he learned that the family had so much more baggage than he'd signed up for, or simply not holding his admiration of James against him, Fenton proved himself over and over.
He even, on learning the dangers of Clover over-using his luck magic and also the reason he had it to begin with, set out to make a means of taking some of that burden (which would become a theme for him, both taking on a share of Clover's burdens, and creating third options), which ended up saving Clover's life when the predictable finally happened.
And what was more, he stood up to James when James' actions were hurting Clover, and while the actions were not something he was at the time able to not take (their family is riddled with trauma!), his willingness to put himself on the line for Clover endeared him to James, who is very, very protective of his not-son and spoils him terribly and was struggling just as hard to trust him with anyone else after Cinder as Clover was.
And this is just the first two volumes.
As of the later volumes, they're engaged because they proposed on the same night, they have a superhero themed podcast which has better ratings than Beaks', they have a daughter, and they coordinate the cooperative efforts of heroes in the Duckburg, St. Canard, and the Cities. They are also adult and hero mentors to Jaune in his role as a teenage boy and as the hero Hunts-man, and we're gearing up to write their wedding either in the next interstitial or the next volume, depending.
Anyway vote for them because I love them :)
HEY y'all should vote for Fenton and Clover :) I think it'd be cool if they won :)
Propaganda for Webby Vanderquack/Mabel Pines:
Automatic-in. Adorable little weird girlies who love grappling hooks, and are also so cool and badass. Mabel would knit Webby a sweater and she'd NEVER take it off. Also they're both just so full of love and heart; what with Mabel being the entire heart of her show (to me <3) and Webby being so loyal to her loved ones that she manages to bring her best friend back from the Shadow Realm through the sheer power of friendship. They are both EXPLODING with love and they'd be such a lovey-dovey power couple 🥺🥺🥺
Art Credit:
Both edits by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d
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babyboydbaby · 4 years
Volume 6
Things in the following week could’ve gone a lot better, but they also could’ve gone a lot worse.
Scrooge had some obvious concerns mixed with plenty of angry alliterations at the very thought of letting strangers anywhere near the bin, let alone allowing formers minions of Salem crash beneath it for an indefinite period of time. But after the situation was explained, and after plenty of reassurance that they were only looking to hide and that no harm would come to the bin or its contents, Scrooge eventually gave his reluctant approval for them to continue with their plans, with a “Well, I suppose it’s not like I have any room to argue, what with all the bizarre beasties my own family has dragged home over the years. Just make sure they behave.”
The kids had been...less agreeable. Questioning both James and Gyro’s decision with very vocal protests, and reminders of what Hazel had done to Penny and how Mercury and Emerald had tricked them. 
All silenced very quickly by Gyro informing them of the situation with James and Gretchen.
The only one who hadn’t needed silencing was Boyd; one didn’t need what one already possessed. He didn’t say a word the entire time the kids were filled in to the situation, the most input he’d given was an acknowledgement towards the story about James’ accident.
Overall, the kids did seem calmer by the time they had finished explaining, albeit still unsure. Which was fine, they didn’t have to love the idea. Heck, Gyro couldn’t imagine anyone in the situation loved the idea.
At the very least, Boyd did finally speak once the conversation ended, asking in a very low, trembling voice if he could be allowed to use the big training room for a bit. His only specification why being that ‘his head was hurting’, but Gyro knew it was probably just so he could burn off some steam in as safe of a matter as he could.
Still...of course he couldn’t help but be concerned about the poor kid as Huey led him away.
Overall, the tension was still there but the kids seemed to possess the slightest bit of understanding as to why James had made the choice to help Hazel and the kids in the first place. And with both tasks finished, they moved on to scheduling out when the actual transfer would take place.
Fenton had already been in the process of adding Gyro to the list of people his portal could transfer to, so it took little time for him to finish that particular task (along with updating Clover’s so he could transfer to Winter), so the only thing to do next was to wait until Pietro had finished his medical treatment on Emerald’s head before the transfer could take place.
And about a week or so later, it was time.
“I wish we didn’t have to be here,” Huey said bitterly, arms folded across his chest.
“I missed out on visiting the Branwen clan!” Louie argued. “I’m not missing out on any more weird Twin City shenanigans, even if it does involve Murdery the Werewolf and The World’s Worst Bullshitters.”
"That’s enough talk like that,” Gyro said, placing the box he was carrying down on the nearest surface. “If you kids insist on staying for this, at least hold off on comments like that until James is gone. ...Or at least help me finish getting the lab in order while you make them.”
“Sounds like a fair enough trade to me!”
Dewey bounded over to the nearest box, fully prepared to speak an insult towards the trio. However the contents within made him stop and examine them more closely. “Ooooooooh, are these bottles of water from the Fountain of Youth~?”
“Yes, and don’t touch them,” Gyro warned. “Despite what happened in Florida, Mr. McDuck wants to examine the fountain’s abilities more closely, in the hopes that perhaps their de-aging powers can be used in a much more controlled environment. But someone-” He cast a look in Manny’s direction. “-ended up dropping the box with the antidotes and shattering my samples. So now we don’t have a way to change anyone affected by the water back until we make more.”
Manny was heading towards the stairs, his shift ended for the day. However, at the scolding, he stopped and tapped his hooves in an irritable fashion: “I SAID I WAS SORRY.”
With a slight look of concern, Dewey set the box down again and hurried off to grab another, while Huey merely looked down at his scroll. “How you holding up, Boyd?”
Boyd’s hesitant expression lit up the smallest amount at the sight of Huey. “I’m...okay,” he said softly. “I’m sorry I can’t be there, I’m just worried...”
“Hey, hey, it’s totally fine,” Huey assured him. “At least this way you can always just end the call if things get too overwhelming for you, right? And, if by some miracle you think you can handle being here, it’s just a short fly away.”
Boyd gave him a small nod. “...Thanks again, Huey.”
“Anytime, pal.”
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astro-b-o-y-d · 3 years
I know she was designed as a reboot version of an existing Ducktales character from the ‘87 show, but I’ve fallen so in love with my version of Skittles and I don’t talk about her as much as I should.
This little girl is so great, I love her thought process. Father dies and mother’s missing? No problem, she takes care of herself. Wants to get out of her little Antarctic town and go visit the places her father talked about in the stories of his travels? 
Stows away on a random plane and flies all the way to Duckburg. Oh, these two nice superheroes want to take care of her? Okay, but she’s still able to do things on her own, at least until she gets home. Oh, they...actually want her to stay with them? Okay, now she has two new parents. Would it be okay to call them her dads? Well, why not? Would it be okay to call Dr. Ironwoof and Qrow her grandpas in that instance? Why not?
She’s got a very ‘why not’ sense about her, and it’s fun. Not to say she’s not hesitant in some instances; especially after losing her birth parents. She’s probably got a partial fear of losing Clover and Fenton, and all her friends as well, especially with all the adventures they go on.
But she’s also pretty good at going with the flow at the same time, and just putting 110% into everything she does. She now lives in a place where she’s able to express herself more freely than she was able to back home due to her Antarctic home being mostly dull and grey and icy, and colorful items being a rarity only brought back after her father’s travels. Which were then stowed away by her mother after his death.
So now every outfit she wears looks like Claire’s and Jojo Siwa threw up on her. She probably has multiple boxes of crayons due to her excessive use of them. Her room is probably blinding to outsiders. Her birthday cake was a colorful mess, and stuffed with M&Ms AND Skittles.
I just...LOVE her and her complete love for just being herself and getting a CHANCE to be herself.
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babyboydbaby · 3 years
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robonip said to babyboydbaby:
(Sent to group chat: all) 
[Text (Emerald): Hey motherfudgers guess who got a job!!]
[Text (Clover): So who feels like helping me and Fenton plan our wedding?]
[Text (Emerald): Wait which one of you meaners added a filter? Wait fudge! No! Gosh darn to heck LET ME SAY THE F WORD]
[Text (Emerald): Oh wait you guys are getting married?]
[Text (Qrow): Emerald finding out about Jimmy's profanity filter while the dorks try to announce their engagement was worth missing my nap this is the funniest schnitzel I've ever seen]
[Text (James) No swearing in the family chat]
[Text (Qrow): Dang. He got me.]
[Text (Clover): {img}]
[Image description: A close up of Clover and Fenton's hands, featuring their engagement rings.]
[Text (Huey): Oh my GOSH, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!]
[Text (Webby): CONGRATS YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄]
[Text (Boyd): While I was there when you told Skittles, I would like to say congratulations again! :D]
[Text (Boyd): Also congratulations on the job, Emerald! :) ]
[Text (Louie): Boo, no swearing. Also congrats, dorks.]
[Text (Fenton): Thank you so much for the enthusiastic exclamations, kids!]
[Text (Gandra): ...Did you he seriously plan a proposal at the same time as yours, Clover?]
[Text (Fenton): At the same time? Wait, did you know he was planning to propose?]
[Text (Gandra): Yeah, it’s why we went out to Vacuo today. We spent hours looking for the perfect ring.]
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