#oh also yang and weiss are dating
howlingday · 7 months
Just A Talk
Ruby: Pyrrha? What are you and Nora doing here?
Nora: Hi, girls~!
Pyrrha: Professor Goodwitch called us in here to discuss something. She said it had something to do with our futures at Beacon Academy.
Weiss: So it wasn't just us?
Yang: That's kinda weird. I mean, me and Ruby are one thing, but all six of us?
Blake: It might be huntress training, since Jaune and Ren aren't here.
Goodwitch: How very astute, Miss Belladonna. And yes, you are correct on one thing. This is a training for you six huntresses in training. An important lesson I want to be sure you all learn.
Weiss: What is it?
Goodwitch: Inside this folder is important information about one of your fellow students at Beacon. This information isn't exactly confidential, BUT it is imperative that you learn what you can from them.
Nora: Ooh! Me, me, me! I want to see them first!
Goodwitch: (Hands folder) Inside are six photographs. Take one and then pass the folder along.
Nora: Aw~! It's a baby Jaune!
Pyrrha: Really?! I-I mean... Really?
Yang: Aw, look at the baby Vomit Boy~!
Blake: He is pretty adorable. But if Jaune is the student, what's the important information in these baby pictures? And aren't these supposed to be private?
Goodwitch: I am permitted by him to show as I please, though it must be these ones specifically. Any others require his express permission.
Weiss: So if he's letting you show them, then they must not be that embarrassing. But why show us? And why do you have this permission as a faculty member?
Goodwitch: It's not as a faculty member that I'm sharing these photos.
Ruby: Huh? What's that mean?
Goodwitch: Who is in those photos?
Ruby: Uh... Jaune and his... mom?
Goodwitch: Guess again.
Ruby: Jaune and his... sister? Aunt?
Goodwitch: Yes, his aunt. Do you notice something about his aunt? Anything familiar?
Pyrrha: Oh no...
Nora: Uh oh...
Yang: (Tugs collar)
Blake: Oh...
Weiss: Oh no...
Ruby: ...What? What are you guys talking about? It's just Jaune and his aunt who has blonde hair, wears glasses, and... has... green...
Ruby: (Lifts smiling photo)
Ruby: (Sees scowling face)
Ruby: Oh... So you're...
Goodwitch: Slow to perceive as usual, Ms. Rose. And yes, you are correct, and that is why I called you six in here. Not as your professor. (Glares) But as his aunt.
Pyrrha: Um, P-Professor Goodwitch, why are we called in here, exactly?
Goodwitch: To establish ground rules as his six closest female friends. Rule number one; I do not want to see any distractions. Jaune's attendance here at Beacon is one made of his own free will, and I will not stand by as his focus is disrupted from his desires.
Ruby: Huh?
Yang: No dating Vomit Boy.
Ruby: Oh.
Goodwitch: And that is another rule I wish to establish; there will be no further name calling from any of you. Not while I am within earshot. While I am around, you will not refer to him as anything other than his name.
Nora: Not even Jaune-Jaune?
Goodwitch: No.
Nora: Fearless leader?
Goodwitch: No.
Nora: Vomitron 6000?
Goodwitch: Do you intend to test my patience all day? I can stop taking things easy on you girls.
Ruby: She was taking it easy?
Pyrrha: Are there any other rules we have to follow while Jaune is attending Beacon.
Goodwitch: Just one more. Along with refraining from dating, I also expect you to also refrain from... making advances on him.
Blake: Advances such as?
Goodwitch: Writing love letters, inappropriate public displays of affection, exposing yourself to him.
Yang: Things were wild back when you were a student, huh, Auntie G?
Goodwitch: ...
Yang: Er, Professor Goodwitch?
Ruby: Wait a minute... Where's Velvet?
Goodwitch: Velvet? What about Miss Scarlatina?
Ruby: Well, shouldn't she be in here, too, since she's also Jaune's friend?
Goodwitch: ...Oh no.
Jaune: Geez, Velvet, you're really huggy today, huh?
Velvet: (Nuzzling him) I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you as my friend.
Jaune: Aw, thanks, Velvet!
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juanarc-thethird · 8 months
What is it like dating Jaune?
Yang: So Pyrrha, what is it like dating Jaune?
Pyrrha: To be honest, it was better than I expected.
Yang: Ohh~ Please tell me more~
Pyrrha: Well, you girls already know what Jaune is like.
Ruby: Yeah, cool dude
Weiss: More like a dork
Blake: A bit of both.
Yang: But more on Dork's side
Pyrrha: Anyway… Jaune is so…~💕
Pyrrha: Sorry, that's my phone.... It's a message from Jaune.
Yang: Speaking of the devil, let me see. *Takes her phone*
Pyrrha: Yang, wait!
Yang: *Looks at the message* Oooh!~💕
Weiss: *Takes a glance* Is that his arm?
Blake: *Also takes a look* That's not his arm.
Weiss: *Surprise* Oh my!
Ruby: *Puts her head on top of Yang's to see* Now that's a Katana~
Yang: Now I understand why you are so happy. You naughty girl~
Pyrrha: *Covering her face from embarrassment* I wanna die.
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reashot · 7 months
A Final Goodbye... (Lancaster in the end.)
So with RT gone and with RWBY never going to get a satisfying ending I made this instead.
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Salem: ... It has begun.
Tyrian: May I ask, what has begun exactly, your evilship?
Salem: The end of the universe.
Tyrian: Oh... Can we stop that?
Salem: I'm afraid not. It has been decided by someone higher than me.
Tyrian: Someone higher. Is it the twin gods?
Salem: Ehhh..... Someone much higher than even them I'm afraid.
Tyrian: I see... So this is it then?
Salem: This is it.
Tyrian: Then I'm proud that I was your number one henchman.
think of this as the same thing that destroyed the multiverse during the crisis on infinite earth.
Somewhere in Vacuo
Yang: Well this sucks.
Blake: Tell me about it. Just right when we're finally together,
Yang: I know babe. And before we get to be erased from existence I want to say to you again.
I love you.
Blake: Come here...
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Tai: There goes my daughter.
Raven: At least she died with someone she loved.
Tai: ...It doesn't mean she hates you know.
Raven: Tai. We're about to die. So you don't have to lie to make me feel better.
Tai: If it makes you feel any better Yang doesn't want to spend her final moment with me either.
Raven: Some parents we are.
Tai: The last time I check I was the parent. And you were the one that left us.
Raven: I know that! Do you think I want to leave her in the first place and leave you?! But it's too late for that now.
Tai: You know maybe we can try again. You can apologize to Yang in the next life.
Raven: I-I would like that...
Willow: I really picked a bad time to stop drinking.
Whitley: At least we can spend our last family time together.
Weiss: As much I hate saying this. I'm glad I at least got to spend my last time on Remnants with you, mom and.... Wait a sec, where did Winter go?
Qrow: Boy. I really picked a good time to start drinking.
Winter: Qrow. There's something I wanted to tell you.
Qrow: Fire away Ice queen.
Winter: *gets down on one knee* Qrow Branwen will you marry me?
Qrow: Uhhh.... all right.
Winter: Great. Let me introduce you to my family. Weiss meet your new brother in-law.
Qrow: Uh hey Ice princess. I guess I'm marrying your sister now.
Weiss: WHAT!!! If you think I'm letting a drunk deadbeat marrying my sister then you must be fuc...
Ruby: This it Jaune. Are you scared?
Jaune: Very. So how do you feel Ruby.
Ruby: Same... It's not supposed to end this way.
Jaune: I know Rubes, but what done is done. And I'm glad I got to spend the end of the world with a friend.
Ruby: Yeah... Ah screw it. Jaune please don't get mad at me.
*kiss Jaune on the lips*
Jaune. I love you.
Jaune: W-what?
Ruby: I said I love you, you dork! I've been in love with you for a long time. I always wanted to tell you this but there was never a good time to do so.
Jaune: I see. Then I also have a confession to make. I feel the same way too. For a long time. I thought you don't feel the same way as I do.
Ruby: Well now we know. I just wish we have more time. To go on more dates, to go on a beach together, to get married, have kids and grow old togethers....
I don't want to die Jaune. Not yet. Not until we achieve our dreams together.
Jaune: I know Ruby but it's too late for that. At least we will die together.
Ruby: I guess there are worst ways to die. Jaune I love you and I hope we get to see each others again in the next life and the next life after that.
Jaune: Ruby I love you too. And I promise to always find you no matters where you are.
Ruby: And I will promise to always love you.
*kiss Jaune for the last time*
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Will make an epilogue if this gets 100 likes.
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razorblade180 · 4 months
9 days of Lancaster Day 9: Firsts
Ruby:(Don’t over complicate this. Don’t do it. Just relax… relax…)
Jaune:Uh Rubes?
Jaune:Are you gonna hit retry or…
She turns her head and notices they’re on they’re on the ranking screen. When did the match end!? Ruby finally hits continue. Jaune can’t help but chuckle a little as he leans back against Blake’s bed.
Ruby:What’s so funny?
Jaune:You seem a little lost in thought. Thinking of a way of outplaying me?
Ruby:I introduced you to this game. I know your skills.
Jaune:And yet I out rank you.
Ruby:Because you’re such a try hard! I’ve been busy on missions.
Jaune:Yeah that’s fair. It’s nice that you finally have time off. I would’ve thought your team would be knocked out for days. I was little shocked when you said you planned an all day video game date.
Ruby:I begged a little. Also called in a few favors. Weiss just needed a nice place to sleep, Blake is flexible and I became a pouty little sister for Yang.
Jaune:Qualities of a true leader.
Ruby:Shut up! I’m just happy you didn’t procrastinate on any assignments.
Jaune:Pyrrha said she’d add Nora to my training if I did.
Ruby:Yeah that would get me moving too. Soooo you’re really free ?
Jaune:Yep, I’m all yours for the day. Any game you need a partner in, I’ll help you see credits.
Ruby:…And if we get tired of games?
Jaune:We got movies. There’s a couple good ones that came while you were away. Or ones you’ll force me to watch.
Ruby:Stop acting like you don’t like horror.
Jaune:It really isn’t an act. But you planned all this and who am I to not appreciate that.
Ruby:So you’re done for anything?
Ruby:*red* Even…oh I don’t know, sleeping together?
Jaune’s hands stopped pressing buttons and Ruby managed to send him to the loser screen. It wasn’t intentional but a small boost of confidence as she turned her head right to see him looking at her with a flushed red face.
Ruby:Don’t make it weird!
Jaune:Me!? What!? You just- context please! Was that a ploy to win!?
Ruby:I’m not that petty! Look I just…. *plays with hair* thought maybe we should discuss that idea. We’ve been together for almost five months and it’s been really great! It’s felt a little weird though that you never seemed to make a move or bring up “that”
Jaune: Do I really give off that sorta vibe? I had no idea.
Ruby:I’m not saying you do, but between how you used to try flirting with Weiss and our casual conversations, it didn’t feel like you weren’t into more intimate things. Ugh, I really don’t know what I’m saying at this point! I guess a part of me felt a little confused and worried if you weren’t interested in me in that way at all.
Jaune:Oh I have had thoughts, but i know how to keep them to myself.
Jaune:*blushing* That’s normal and decent behavior! Why, are you interested?
Ruby:Of course! I organized I room date to give you the opportunity to-
Saying it aloud made it sound way more embarrassing and forward than Ruby meant for it to be. And pulled her hood over her head and huffed in defeat as she stared down at her lap.
Jaune:….Does your team know about this?
Ruby:Blake does. She said her bed is fair game. Those are actually my sheets right now. As far as Yang is concerned, I asked for privacy so we can have our first kiss.
Jaune:We’ve made out a bunch of times.
Ruby:I’m very sneaky when I want to be. Look, I get this is a lot I’m dropping on you and we don’t have to do anything today. I just…really wanted to know where I stand with you and to let you know that…I’m okay with going further with you. *crimson* I really like you. A lot.
Jaune:…This question may sound a little dumb all things considering, but I have to hear it. I get that you’re okay with it, but do you want to have sex with me? As in your are looking forward to it?
Ruby:…Very much, yeah.
Jaune:….Hold on just one moment.
He took her scroll and walked out of the room. Ruby wanted to scream until she passed out. Why did she start this conversation!? Was it too forward!? They were having such a good time before this moment. Why did he leave!?
So many thoughts bombarded her brain and they didn’t stop when she heard the door unlock again. Her scroll flew into her lap so she knew it was him. Seconds later, a box of condoms fell into her lap. Her brain took a moment to process what she was looking at then her head immediately jerked up to see Jaune bright red and also avoiding her gaze.
Jaune: Nora may have helped me find female ones too, as well as emergency pills.
Ruby:Ah, I see. How proactive. Well…*twiddles fingers* Weiss may have helped me find a pay for some quality meds awhile go.
Jaune:Huh, imagine that.
Ruby:Yeeeep. Jaune, can you look at me?
Jaune:*makes eye contact*
Ruby:Soooo are we…still playing video games right now?
Blake:*eating noodles*
Yang:You think the date is going well?
Weiss:Yes. *eating cake*
Yang:Really think she’ll go for a kiss?
Blake:Ruby can dive into a Nevermore’s mouth. She’ll find the willpower to kiss a boy.
Yang:….Maybe I should call t-
Weiss:Yang, as a younger sister myself, I appreciate my older sister. However, if she interrupted me on a date with a call or coming home early, I’m going to be mad for a very long time. Eat your burger and relax. Ruby will be fine.
Yang: I know, ugh! It’s like I’m antsy for her. Gods, if I’m like this now then I don’t know if I can handle her asking about sex.
Blake and Weiss:Don’t worry about that now.
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craziechwiv · 2 months
Confronting the Blonds
Yang was whistling a small tune as she made her way towards Team JNPR's dorm room, as she and Jaune would be having a nice movie date. But once she entered the room, she was met with not only Team JNPR but also her team as well. They were sitting down in chairs in a circular motion, talking with Jaune as he looked annoyed about something.
Yang: Uh...am I interrupting something?
As Yang spoke, everyone turned to look at her with Ruby speaking first.
Ruby: Hey sis, we were just starting without you. Come, sit down. It's really important that you and Jaune are here to hear this.
Yang: What's this about?
Yang sat down in an empty seat next to Jaune, who she could see was agitated for something.
Ruby: So, we're all here today because we wanna confront you both on your...noisy nature.
Yang looked at Jaune confused who only shrugged his shoulders in response.
Yang: Yeah...we got no clue what you mean Rubes.
Weiss: Oh please, everyone can hear your muffled screams and how the walls shake from god knows what!
Ren: We can endure most of your stuff together since you keep it at a moderately low volume, but your alone time has to be private for us to endure that too.
Nora: Yeah! As much as I wanna be an Aunt, I don't wanna hear it daily!
Yang and Jaune were more confused on what their friends were getting at before the thought finally clicked in both their brains, then came the horrifying realization on what they were talking about. And it wasn't even close to what they were doing.
Jaune: OH gods- You guys got it all wrong! So, so, far off!!
Yang: Yeah! I mean, we're both still young for crying out loud! Not that I wouldn't mind having a family with Jaune, but it's not that!
Pyrrha: Then mind telling us what you do are doing alone together to make such a racket?
Yang: Uh...
Jaune: Er...
~Flash back~
Jaune and Yang are in a heated sparring match in RWBY's dorm room, which Yang trying to pin Jaune towards the wall but Jaune moving out of the way quick enough for Yang to bang against it, leaving a dent from the impact.
Yang: Hah! You're getting better at dodging Lover Boy, now show me what you're made of and try to hit me!
Jaune: Oh, believe me, You'll see just how much I've improved!
Jaune then charges at Yang as she held her arms out wide, grabbing a hold of the blitzing Jaune as they both were sent to the floor, making the room shake.
~End of Flash back~
Yang: ...
Jaune: ...yeah. That's what we were doing...
As they both explained their situation to their friends, they were all left appalled and embarrassed on what their first thought was to them being so aggressive and loud.
After this, not even one person spoke about it as one after another, they fled the room. Leaving the blond couple alone together.
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She Wants her Grandbabies, Jaune.
Mama Arc: Jaune? My sweet baby boy?
Jaune: (OH GOD. She called me 'Sweet baby Boy') Y-yes Mom?
Mama Arc: You stole the Family sword, and ran away from home! You're on a team with some of the most powerful and beautiful Huntresses-in-training in the world! Why do I not have granchildren yet!
Jaune: Because you never trained me, they were the first- Wait, What?
Mama Arc: Where are my grandkids! The Leader of your sister team is adorable, The blonde one is smoking hot, I know Blakes mom and we both agree the two of you would have the most adorable kittens-
Jaune: Hold on-
Mama Arc: Schnee is hella rich! Pyrrha Nikos is Pyrrha FUCKING Nikos! Hammer Wielder is short-stacked to high hell!
Jaune: Mom, what the hell are you talking about!
Mama Arc: And the Green one can cook! She looks so svelte, but tall and built! She'd be perfect for you!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Mom, Ren's a boy.
Mama Arc: *Studying a picture of Ren* ...
Mama Arc: Adoption!
Jaune: Look, even if I wanted to, Ruby only see me as a friend, Yang and Blake are dating, I already blew it with Weiss, Why the Hell would Pyrrha date me - Also don't call her "Pyrrha Fucking Nikos" Or she will put you through a wall - And Nora and Ren are together.
Mama Arc: Being couples never stopped anyone! Just ask Team STRQ! They were a whole thing!
Jaune: Look, none of them want to date me, just drop it for now.
Mama Arc: I want my grandbabies JAUNE!
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kyraxyrespace · 2 months
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So when Vol 9 was airing, I saved this above gif of Weiss looking at the Rusted Knight. It's short and quick, but I always thought it was an interesting pose they did for her. Like, look at how the rest of her team looks:
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Ruby and Yang are surprised with Yang looking a bit more surprised. Blake is beside herself to be meeting another character, which given she's a book lover and had more or less been taking the lead throughout their Ever After journey, it would be more understandable for her to geek out over meeting him. Her stance almost mirrors Weiss' stance but not nearly as much. Her hands are closer to her waist compared to Weiss', which are raised up near her breast.
So what am I implying from this? The Rusted Knight was Weiss' fictional crush growing up.
Think about it. When Weiss was listing off two other characters back in Episode 4 “A Cat Most Curious," she named Lively Carpenter and the Rusted Knight. She described the Carpenter as "sweet" and Rusted Knight as "handsome." Now, one could make the argument that she only referred to each as "one" but I'm going based on the order she had listed them. So let's think about it. She described the Carpenter with a personality trait but described the Knight by a physical attribute. Now, we can assume The Girl Who Fell Through the World is like its real-world counterparts, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and that it has illustrations. Yet I don't think the Jaune was ever illustrated since, while the girls might not have recognized him prior to meeting him, they might have years later since they IMMEDIATELY recognized him upon meeting in the Ever After. Oh the Rusted Knight most certainly would have been drawn, just not Jaune. So Weiss describing him as handsome is something she had to take the word of from the author and believed. I wonder if she ever imagined what he looked like under the armor? Did she have her own vision of him?
You know, we learned back in Volume 2's “Extracurricular” that Weiss has been pursued by suitors because of her last name, similar to her father marrying her mother. I no doubt believe that's why Weiss is picky about dating, and why she was so disinterested in Jaune's attempts. She saw how her father treated her mother, and vehemently does NOT want that for her life. I think, though, she may also be slightly swayed by her crush on the Rusted Knight. He was described as handsome by Lewis and didn't seem to be painted in a bad light. Maybe his depiction of a good, honest man influenced her taste. It's all just head canons, but an interview with Weiss' VA Kara a major White Knight supporter said that Weiss' type is someone who is mature and stepping up for other people. Is it possible some of this came from the Rusted Knight? He was much older than Alyx and Lewis, and since he hailed from Remnant, he wasn't zany like the Ever Afterans, making him mature. Also, he was helpful and was almost like a guide for the group up until Alyx poisoned him. That could be seen as him stepping up, especially since many of the Ever Afterans, while not evil, may not have been as helpful as him or the Cat who was just using the two humans to get out of the Ever After.
I'm going to stop there because I didn't mean for this to get out of hand. I was intending to just post this gif and do a quick little "hehe, look who has a crush" and somehow that spiraled out of control.
Anyway, Vol 9 has been over for a while, Weiss and Jaune have grown emotionally and in their relationship, and I'm curious to see what will come now that RWBY's moving to Viz Media.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 9 months
Bestie Shopping Day
Yang: (walking through the shopping district with Weiss) I don't know, Weiss. This is Blake and my first Christmas together-together. I'm actually nervous about what to get her.
Weiss: (sipping her coffee as a snowflake falls on her nose) And here I thought you actually wanted to spend time with me.
Yang: You know I do. Besides, this way you can get a gift for Ilia too. Our girlfriends went out shopping, so why can't we?
Weiss: (snowflakes melt within inches of Weiss's red face) Ilia and I are hardly girlfriends. We've only gone on two dates over the course of three months.
Yang: While also fucking on the weekly. I think that establishes "girlfriend" status.
Weiss: (spits out her coffee) How-? How-? How?!
Yang: You're not quiet despite that extendo-tongue being lodged in your mouth, or is that because it's usually stuffed between a different set of lips?
Weiss: Oh, you insufferable- (stomps her foot childishly) At least I'm now yowling at the moon like a cat in heat!
Yang: (snickers behind her coffee) Faunus jokes, Weiss? I thought you were better than that.
Weiss: (flips her hair haughtily) I was talking about you, lover boy.
Yang: (steam billows out of her ears) Hey! I- I- I-..... I think I found what to get Blake for Christmas.
Weiss: What? (looks in the direction Yang is looking and sees a bookstore with a board out front saying "Book Signing by Patty Berdioler") Isn't that Blake's favorite smut author?
Yang: Please, Weiss, it's straight up porn and you and I both know it. If I hurry up, I can buy her new book and have her sign it! (rushes across the street without bothering to look and dodges traffic)
Weiss: (sighs and takes a sip of coffee before following along) The thing's this girl does for love. It would almost be adorable if it wasn't so diabetic.
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elmothedictator · 11 months
Engineer!Jaune (Based on my ask to @howlingday) Ruby: YOU WHAT?!
Jaune: Yeah, just like my Uncle Dell Conagher-Arc said: “Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer — that means I solve problems. Not problems like 'What is beauty?' because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems.”
Jaune: Yeah? So did my uncle
Ruby: JAUNE!!!
Jaune: What?! It’s the only way to make sure Nora or you fires my Plasma guns!!!
Ruby: But you didn’t need to cut your own arm!!!
Yang: I heard screaming, what’s wrong?
Blake: Yang, honey, please don’t scream *Sees Jaune’s arm* What happened to your arm
Ruby: I’M NOT!!!
Weiss: WOULD ALL OF YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?! PLEASE STOP SCREAMING!!! *Spots Jaune’s arm* What happened to your arm?
Blake: He cut it himself
Jaune: I did.
Weiss: ….
*Knocks on the door*
Jaune: Who is it? *Opens the door and sees Uncle Dell*
Ruby: Who is it Jaune?
Jaune: *Excited* It’s my uncle! Uncle Dell? What’s up!!!
Uncle Dell: Hey kid, heard you cut your own arm. Is it true?
Jaune:*In a slight Texan accent* I did
Uncle Dell: As i expected from a 10Y/O kid who obtained 11 PhDs
RWBY: He’s what?!
Uncle Dell: Yup, he sure did. *Speaks back to Jaune* Hey kid, who’s these fine ladies? Is one of them is your girlfriend?
Jaune: *Still in the same accent* No uncle, all of them are girlfriends and girlfriends. And one of them is in a polyamorous relationship. *Points to Ruby* That’s Ruby *Points to Weiss* Her girlfriend Weiss *Points to Blake and Yang* The emo one (Blake: HEY!) is Blake and the Yellow one is Yang. They’re the one whose on a polyamorous relationship.
Uncle Dell: With who?
Pyrrha: *In the door* Blake! Yang! Can you help me with my groceries please? *Sees Jaune* Jaune!!! *Proceed to run at full speed to hug Jaune*
Jaune: Whoa! *falls into his own back
Pyrrha: We’ve missed you so much!!!*Felt something metallic*… What happened to your arm Jaune?
Yang: *Helping Pyrrha with the groceries* He cut his own arm
Pyrrha: HE’S WHAT?!
Yang: That’s not even the most shocking part, he also got 11 PhDs.
Pyrrha: *Staring at Jaune and Dell talking to each other and seeing him gives an Australium to Jaune*…. No wonder he’s always the top in every class except combat.
*After helping the girls with the groceries, maybe around 5-10 minutes*
Jaune: Welp, We’ll talk later Uncle Dell, we’re going to have a cookout and those groceries won’t lift by themselves.
Uncle Dell: Yeah, we’ll talk later about the sentry improvements. Got a call from work. Y’know, the usual RED and BLU stuff.
Jaune: No problem uncle, how about we meet at our usual bar?
Uncle Dell: Sure thing bud, say the time and date and i’m on my way. With the rest of the crew ofcourse.
Jaune: Heavy still pissed at me for beating him in an arm wrestling huh?
Uncle Dell: I mean, you’d rarely sees a 15 Y/O kid beating a 6’5 400 Pounds man with Aura in arm wrestling contests. *Chuckle* Well i gotta go *Gets in his 1966 Chevy Pickup*
Jaune: Sure Uncle Dell. Be sure to not be dead
Uncle Dell: The machine’ll revive me kiddo *Dabs Jaune perfectly* Bye kid. *Drives off*
Jaune: *Chuckles* Bye uncle Dell! *Waves his metallic arm*
The girls: *Speaking together in a dark tone* You got some explaining to do. Jaune~.
Jaune: Oh… shit….
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im not sure if this is an okay request but family headcanons with rwby? like what kind of mother they are and how they treat their children and partner :)
Of course this is okay, it's really cute! I know I get a lot of NSFW requests, but wholesome ones are always welcome and highly appreciated!
Team RWBY as Moms
Ruby Rose
Ruby is so sweet as a mom, she absolutely adores her family. No matter how many kids you have or their gender, she is gonna accept them with open arms
Being one of the top Huntresses means she is often out of the house in the mornings. But she always makes sure to come back right on time and call her familly if otherwise
Loves showing off Cresent Rose to the kids, and when they get old enough she lets them hold and try it out. If they want to be hunters/huntresses she is the first person to help them figure out a weapon
Does races with her kids, but always cheats and uses her semblance
Is decent at cooking, but really specializes in baking. Her cookies are to DIE for, your kids always try to sneak them at night (secretly you do too, don't tell Ruby)
Auntie Yang and her partner are always coming over, it's great! Everyone gets to catch up and the kids get to play, it's always a great time
Ruby always talks about how awesome Grandpa Qrow is, so clearly your kids look up to him. You often have to debunk a lot of the outlandish statements but it's cute nonetheless. Whenever he comes by it's always a big deal
Grandpa Tai tries so hard to be cool, it's often a joke in your household. He once tried to teach the kids to skateboard and fell flat on his face, giving himself a nosebleed
It's so sweet though! The kids always look forward to seeing him for a good laugh (plus he gives great hugs)
Ruby loves to barrage you guys with kisses
Weiss Schnee
Weiss never had a good childhood, fault being on both her parents. When she and her partner decided to have children, she swore to never make the same mistakes her parents did. She refuses to continue the cycle of abuse
Winter is always welcome to your house and always makes it to family events. She's still a bit cold but actually smiles when around you guys. Willow stays away a bit since she's still dealing with stuff, but makes an effort to occasionally visit. Jacques banned from even seeing any of you, and if he ever tries Weiss will threaten him with a restraining order
She always makes sure to go to all her kids events, no matter how disinterested she may be in the type of event. The excited look on their faces make it all worth it. Oh, and she's totally the mom to wave at her kids while they perform on stage
Can sometimes be strict when it comes to rules she has instated. No staying up too late, no staying out past curfew, stuff like that. She wants her kids safe!
Anytime she snaps at her kids or partner in frustration she immedietely stops and apologizes
Her dad is quite adamant about your kids having the Schnee Glyth semblance, but Weiss isn't worried about it. No matter what they have she isn't gonna love them any less
Has the BEST Birthday parties on the block, every kid wants to come! Tables lined with delicious food, tons of bounce houses, fun games, all the digs! Weiss also loves to use her summons to entertain the kids (They especially love the giant knight)
When the kids are at sleepovers and leave you two alone, you guys like to have mini date nights where you sip wine and talk. Weiss loves hearing about your day
Once the kids are put to bed she basically collapses on the couch with you and just lays there for a while in your arms
Blake Belladonna
Probably the most motherly of all of them. She had a great relationship with her parents and keeps a lot of her family traditions
Grandpa Ghira and Grandma Kali are very present. Ever since their grandkids were babies they were always very involved. Kali was most obvious about it, and likes to spoil her grandkids whenever possible. Ghira tries to be more aloof and calm about it, but you and Blake once caught him conked out on the couch with your sleeping kids in his arms
Very gentle with her kids and soft spoken. But when she gets angry you can hear the sharpness in her voice (that instantly shuts her family up)
If your kids runs away from you guys in public, Blake uses her weapon to yoink them and reel them back in
Uses her clones when they play games, she always wins at tag
Ever since they were babies, Blake likes to read books to her kids at bedtime. She reads a mixture of children's books and classic literature. It doesn't really matter what she reads, the soft sound of voice is the perfect lullaby
Teaches her children about Faunus issues and history very early on in life. It's important for them to know their history and culture
Always is ready with her phone to take photos and videos. She wants to capture all key moments your family experiences! Once a year she likes to have the family sit down and go through the collection
Sun likes to come by randomly and surprise you guys. Sometimes you'll be watching TV and hear a knock at your window. Blake reprimands him lightly, but it always ends up being a good time
Yang Xiao Long
Yang is the Cool Mom™️
She lets her kids dye their hair, get piercings, and tattoos. Of course the tattoos only when they get to an appropriate age, but it's not discouraged
Whenever the kids want piggyback rides she is happy to provide. If you have more than one kid she tries to carry them all at once
All the kids in the area adore her and loves to call her Auntie Yang
Definitely adores rough housing and play wrestling. She loves to teach simple moves and have contests (whenever she lets them win she gets really dramatic)
If they want to become hunters/huntresses, Yang is HAPPY to spar and train them! And if you want to join it makes a great family bonding activity
Does her kids' hair every day. Even if it's just a quick brush she loves to make sure they look their best
You own a grill that she loves to use. She likes to barbecue on weekends! Most of the time is fine it's just uh... she likes thing on the burnt side. Often you'll have to specifically tell her to not overcook everyone's meal
Loves to flirt and kiss you in front of the kids. Their cries of anguish and cringe is like music to her ears
Auntie Ruby and her partner are frequent guests in your house, they visit all the time. Whether it's to go to dinner or mini golf or just chill inside. It's also great for you all to catch up and the kids to hang out
Yang is the Cool Mom, Ruby is the Cool Aunt, and Qrow is the Cool Grandpa! Everytime Qrow comes to visit your kids practically tackle him. He always tells the best stories and sneaks your kids snacks and money
Tai tries to be the Cool Grandpa but kinda fails. He's sprained his ankle many a times trying to impress. Although they laugh, your kids absolutely adore when he comes around
There is no mention of Raven in the house. Yang refuses to bring that drama into her family life, she hasn't even approached her in general. But Yang doesn't care, she has everything she needs
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rachetmath · 9 months
A Schnee Outing(Pt. 1)
Ren and Nora were heading back to their dorm room after a long day of work. Once they enter however they were shocked for what they saw. Weiss was on her knees in front of Jaune. She was begging and they just had to know why.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: No.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: Not going to happen.
Weiss: Please, Jaune, I beg you.
Nora: Hey what's going on?
Weiss: Nothing important.
Nora: *not buying it.* Jaune.
Jaune: Weiss and Ruby want to hang out except Winter, who promised to schedule a day with her is coming with them.
Ren: Okay, so what does this have to do with Weiss on her knees begging?
Jaune: She wants me to ask her sister out on a date.
Nora and Ren jaws were dropped after hearing that and in a few seconds, they snapped out of it.
Nora: WHAT!? Is that true?
Weiss: *embarrassed and starts crying* Yes!!! It's true!!! I want to hang out with Ruby and I don't mind Winter wanting to tag along but I also don't want her to feel like a third wheel!
Ren: I don't think Winter minds that.
Weiss: Plus she'll ask a variety of questions, and wanting a very detailed answers to each one!
Jaune: Oh so she's Yang but more deadly and insane. And better.
JNPR door opens with an angry Yang barging through. Her eyes were red with fury as Jaune felt a disturbance, knowing he’ll die if he doesn’t change the subject.
Yang: What was that vomit boy!?
Jaune: *while sweating* I said, Yang, you’re beautiful and sexy, and you shine brighter than any sun in the galaxy.
Yang accepts the answer and step back. However she wants Jaune to know one thing before she leaves. Warning him of what’s to come as she slowly walks back to the door.
Yang: Okay. Don't slip. I have ears. And these hands are not scared to punch you. Got it?
Jaune: Of course.
Yang closes the door leaving Jaune relieved he can live another day.
Jaune: (Shit that was close.) Anyways no.
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes* Please!?
Nora: Come on, help the girl out. It's just one date.
Ren: Plus, it'll be good experience for you since you never been on a date before.
Jaune: Screw you, Ren. And that is true, but I prefer when it's natural not forced.
Weiss: Oh come on, Jaune, please, I'll do anything!
Jaune: The answer is still no.
The conversation was going nowhere, so Ren, wanting Jaune to go on date, decides to give some ‘encouragement’.
Ren: Hm... what if I happen to send Yang that video clip of you cutting and dying her hair back at Beacon.
Jaune: *shocked* What?
Nora: Oh, I think Yang may still be wondering how her hair got that way. If I were to recall she said if she finds the perpetrator, then she will make them wish they were never born. Last time, she suspected Cardin and she stomp the living crap out his balls.
Ren: She then proceeded to hunt down anyone she suspected, almost destroying the school. Maybe we should-
Jaune: *death stares* You wouldn't.
Ren: *death stares back* Try me. Bitch.
Jaune and Ren continued to stare each other down, until Jaune gives up and decides to help.
Jaune: *sigh* Fine.
Weiss: You'll help? Really?
Jaune: Like I have a choice. I would rather let a Beowulf kill me than Yang. Not after what happened last time.
Nora: Oh yeah.
Ren: That woman went Yandere crazy.
Jaune: So, when is this supposed to happen?
Weiss: Next Saturday.
Jaune checks his wallet and bank account and sees he might not have enough cash to pay for Winter, let alone for what he needs for going out for a casual stroll. He knew while he had time he needed to make preparations.
Jaune: Okay that gives me some time. Nora? Can you help me shop for something to wear?
Nora: Sure thing. When?
Jaune: Friday will have to do.
Ren: But that will be the day before the date arrives. Why then?
Jaune: Look I don't have a lot of money, so I need to pull extra shifts if I'm going to make this work. Anyways, Weiss-
Weiss: *happily hugs Jaune* Oh thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Jaune: No problem. Now lead me to your sister.
Weiss leads Jaune to Winter's room. While walking they discussed how to approach the situation so Winter can accept Jaune invite to go on a date. Weiss tries to tell Jaune about the things Winter like however she didn't really know Winter to well beyond just playing with her as a child and training with so he was out of luck. When they arrived Jaune was nervous and no can blame him, after all he couldn't get Weiss to go on a date with him, so how on earth will he get the Ice Queen's sister to accept his offer. Jaune then stopped and took deep breathes and was to knock only to see Winter already opened it.
Winter: Oh hello Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Um... Ms. Schnee…
Winter: What brings you and Weiss here to my room?
Weiss: Well, Jaune wanted to ask you something. Right, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah.
Winter: Okay, but can it wait, I need-
Jaune: Ms. Schnee?
Winter: …
Jaune: Will you-
Winter: Will I?
Jaune: Will you -will you- will you (Damn it, come on, Jaune, just say it. Don't be a wimp. Remember your doing this to survive and help a friend. Now, SAY IT.) Ms. Schnee, may I go on a date with you!?
Winter: A date?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: With me?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: ...When?
Jaune: Saturday.
Winter: Oh really? I'm sorry but Saturday I'll be with my sister and her partner Ms. Rose. Maybe-
Weiss: He can come with us.
Winter: Are you sure?
Weiss: Of course, the more the merrier. Plus, I mean he's perfect for carrying our bags.
Jaune: (Oh you ice cold bitch.)
Winter: Hm… very well. As long as Mr. Arc is comfortable, I'll gladly accept his proposal.
Jaune: (Oh brothers really?)
Winter: *up in Jaune's face* Saturday, at the entrance of the school, at 9:00 am. Don't be late.
Jaune: Yes ma'am.
Winter: And rule number one, call me by my first name.
Jaune: Yes Ms.- I mean, Winter.
Winter: Good, see you then.
Winter walks away to attend to her duties while Jaune was left speechless.
Weiss: Well that went great.
Jaune: Really? Carrying your bags.
Weiss: It worked. Now, I'll take my leave. See you Saturday.
Weiss walks away leaving Jaune to sign.
Jaune: Well I better get busy.
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howlingday · 30 days
Ruby: We came as soon as we could! Is he okay?!
Weiss: What happened?
Yang: The doctors say he's fine now. He just needs to stay a couple of nights so he can recover.
Weiss: What happened, though?
Yang: ...
Ruby: (Covers mouth) Oh my god...
Yang: I'm sorry, Rubes.
Ruby: It's fine. I'm... I'm just glad you got him to the hospital in time.
Yang: Yeah, lucky.
Weiss: ...
Ruby: Can we go see him?
Yang: Yeah, just ask the lady at the desk.
Ruby: Okay! You coming, Weiss?
Weiss: In a bit. I need to speak to Yang for a moment.
Ruby: Okay. Take your time. (Pecks cheek, Walks away)
Yang: ...What's up, Weiss-
Weiss: What were you doing at Jaune's?
Yang: Straight to the point, huh?
Weiss: Yes. Now answer me.
Yang: I was going to... talk... to him.
Weiss: Talk to him how? About what?
Yang: Why are you grilling me all of a sudden?
Weiss: Because between you and an Ursa, I'd trust the Grimm to be nicer to Jaune.
Yang: Ouch.
Weiss: You literally beat him to a pulp after he and Ruby had sex. She was afraid to tell you because she knew how you'd react!
Yang: Oh, so suddenly I'm the bad guy because I don't want some dopehead knocking up my sister?!
Weiss: That is not the issue, Yang, and it doesn't answer my question. Why were you at Jaune's?
Yang: I was trying to make him break up with Ruby!
Weiss: Oh... Yang...
Yang: Don't give me that! He's a danger to himself and the last thing I want is him getting Ruby hurt, too!
Weiss: That is not for you to decide, Yang! Just because you're her sister doesn't mean you get to decide who she dates, let alone put her boyfriend in the hospital!
Yang: I didn't put him in the hospital! I mean, I brought him here, but- I didn't put him here! I didn't! I... I didn't...
Weiss: ...Yang?
Yang: ...When I got to his place, his door was unlocked. I walked in, looking for him, and then I found him lying there. I saw the empty bottle next to him and I grabbed him. I called the hospital, and I carried him outside. As I brought him outside, he...
Jaune: Yeng...
Yang: Jaune! Just- Just hang in there, okay? You're gonna be okay!.
Jaune: Err... Err you happy... Yeng?.
Yang: Happy? What the hell are you talking about?!.
Yang: Oh, thank the Brothers...
Jaune: I hope yer...
Yang: Jaune...? JAUNE!.
Yang: One freaked out ride to the hospital later and I called you guys.
Weiss: You saved Jaune.
Yang: No, I didn't. I... I was the one who almost got him killed. Sure, he took the pills, but I was the who pushed him to it. I... I'm such an asshole.
Weiss: ...Yes, you are. You're a selfish asshole who beats people up because you're uncomfortable with their relationship to your sister.
Yang: ...
Weiss: BUT you are also the kind of person who doesn't sit around waiting when someone is in trouble. You could have left Jaune to die on the floor, but you didn't. You could have dropped him in the street and dusted off your hands, but you didn't. You could have just gone home and left him alone here, but you-
Yang: I get it, I get it! (Sighs) Still, I feel like shit. All this time I kept thinking, "Was it me this time? Did I push him to do this?"
Weiss: Do you think you did? Did you say anything?
Yang: Well... Not recently, but-
Weiss: Then I doubt it was you.
Yang: But- Whoa!
Weiss: (Hugging Yang) Thank you. Thank you so much for saving Jaune...
Yang: ... (Hugs back) You're welcome, Weiss.
Weiss: (Pulls away) But this doesn't mean you can keep beating him up just because he's dating your sister!
Yang: ...
Yang: Alright, fine... I'm gonna head home.
Weiss: Leaving already?
Yang: Yeah... I think I've done enough already.
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ficretus · 2 months
*during the Volume 5 battle*
Cinder: You do not value your life Arc? Fine, then I will take away someone you love the most! *creates a spear*
Jaune: You bitch!
Jaune's thoughts: Here it comes. She'll hit Weiss and I will swoop in with Semblance I've been practicing this whole time. She'll think I awakened it just for her and it will woo her and convince her to finally go on a date with me after this. Here it comes, here it comes...
*spear hits Ren*
Ren: Ugh...
Cinder: Lie Ren? More like... Lie Rend! MUAHAHAHAHA! You bore me children. Raven, Vernal, it is time for us to depart for the Vault.
Yang: That wasn't a bad pun... I mean... *clears throat* REN!
Jaune: Wait, you said you are gonna take away person I love the most?
Cinder: Yes. Exactly what part confuses you?
Jaune: You shot Ren.
Cinder: Yes, person you love the most.
Jaune: Isn't it obvious I have a crush on Weiss?
Weiss: Were you hoping I'd get hit?!
Cinder: Raven, could you wait for a minute? I am sorry, where did this come from all of a sudden?
Jaune: What? I call her Snow Angel and constantly tried to seduce her.
Cinder: Yes, as very unsubtle way to cover your closeted homosexuality.
Jaune: WHAT?! I'm not gay, I kissed Pyrrha!
Cinder: Oh give me a break, she kissed you. Look, I am not having this discussion anymore. Either come out of closet or shut up. Raven, let us proceed.
Raven: It's the blond thing. Tai would whine all night if I didn't peg him at least once. He also wanted me to wear a wig and pretend I was Qrow, true story. And Yang is gay for that Faunus girl. *walks away*
Cinder: Fascinating. *walks away*
Nora: Fearless leader, you have to help Ren. I was merely his partner for years... but you... you are something more than that.
Yang: It's fine VB, we won't judge you for that. I understand what it feels like to hide how you truly feel about someone.
Jaune: Look, I maybe have a Semblance that can save Ren. Just stop making this weird. *touches him with his Semblance*
Ren: Ugh... Jaune...
Nora: IT'S WORKING. Push it harder Jaune.
Blake: He is saving Ren by filling him up! It's a miracle of love!
Yang: Blake?! Where have you been?
Blake: I was at Menagerie stopping Adam's plan. I showed up here as soon as I sensed BL in the air.
Jaune: *murmurs* Thanks a lot Cinder...
Ren: Ugh... Jaune...
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reashot · 2 years
Trouble with Baby.
Baby: Wahhhh!!!
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Ruby: Oh no the baby is crying, what do we do?! 😵
Yang: Wow, wow! What are you looking at me for. I'm supposed to be the wild and irresponsible one, remember?
Blake: *ugghh* Would someone please do something about it. I'm trying to read here.
Weiss: I'm trying to find a nanny through this app. Is 3000 lien a week sounds reasonable to you girls?
Ruby: *smell something* Eww.... The baby just pooped! 😨
Baby: Wahhh!!!
Blake: And... That's my cue to bail out. Sorry sisters but this is where the bond of sisterhood absolutely doesn't matter.
Yang: Oh no you don't. You don't get to take the easy way out and run away like you usually do.
Weiss: Whose great idea was it to babysit other people's baby?
BY: *Points towards Ruby*
Ruby: *Gulp* But his parents are in the hospital right now and they need someone to watch over the baby for them in the meanwhile. 😣
Weiss: That doesn't mean it should be us. You dolt. There's must be someone more capable to take care of a baby.
Ruby: But everyone is busy with the Vytal festival. And I just can't say no. 🥺
Weiss: So instead you volunteer the entire team to take care of a baby without asking us before hand?
Ruby: Well what's done is done and you seems to forget the most important thing here. That someone still have to change the baby's diaper.
Weiss: Well it won't be me that's for sure.
Yang: Eeehhh. Is it too late to run away with you Blake?
Blake: I know I'm the last person that should say this but you can't run away from your responsibility.
Ruby: I can't believe you girls would just abandoned a baby like this. And you call your self a hero. 😠
Blake: Uh... No we never call ourselves that.
Weiss: Quit dragging us to your problem. And if you will excuse me I have a date with Neptune.
Yang: And I also gotta go do... Polishing my bike, I guess?
Baby: Wahhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Ruby: Wait please don't go! 😭
Jaune: Don't go where Ruby?
Ruby: Jaune. You came. 🤤 And why is Ciel holding your arm like that? 🤨
Ciel: Hello again Miss. Rose. As you can see Jaune and I are on a date together.
Ruby: D-d-date?! Both of you are on a date?! 😳
Jaune: What no. I'm just showing Ciel around the festival. And what is that smell?
Ruby: Uh I have a baby... I mean I'm taking care of someone's baby for a while. And I might have bitten off more than I can chew. 😞
Jaune: Ah I see. Well Ruby if you are having trouble taking care of the baby then I can help you with that.
Ruby: You sure? I don't want to trouble you or anything like that. 😟
Jaune: It's my pleasure Ruby. *effortlessly changes the Baby's diaper* All done. You are brave boy aren't you. Yes you are.
Baby: Yay!!
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Yang: How do you know how to do that?
Jaune: Oh. I just have a lot of younger sibling growing up. So I'm expected to pick up the slack and help take care of them. Not limited to just changing diaper and that's include cooking, cleaning and other things. And I don't mind it because I really-really like babies.
RWBY+C: *The collective sounds of their uterus descending*
Blake: LEWD!!!
Weiss: No-no it can't be right I did not just think about Jaune like that...
Yang: Gods damn Vomit Boy. You got me worked up like when the time Ruby visit a gun store... Isn't that right Ruby... Eh, Ruby why are you looking like that?
Ruby: Heh... Heh.... Heh... Heh...
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Jaune: Ruby are you feeling okay. Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?
Ruby: Yes... Yes... We can do it in the infirmary... I mean take me there. There's probably a clean bed we can use... I mean a bed you can put me in. (While I close the door behind you.) 😶‍🌫️
Ciel: Oh Jaune you are so nice to offer her. But I think she is too busy with the baby stuff. And you promised me first to show me around Vytal. And Jaune I think we should end the tour in my room. There's something I want to show you later. What do you say?
Jaune: Your room? I don't know what you are trying to show me, but okay. I'm sorry Ruby I have to finish giving Ciel a tour. Call me in my scroll if you need anymore help.
Ciel: Oh I think we would find it rather enjoyable. *turns towards Ruby* (Get a hint brat he's mine.)
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Ruby: Stay away from him! I saw him first! 😡
Ciel: All is fair in love and war.
Baby: Wah!!!!!
Jaune: Stop it you two are scaring the baby!
So the Rusted Knight reveal... Yeh. I think gonna write something about it.
So what do you guys think should my next post be Lancaster fluff or Angst? And by Angst I mean Angst - Angst. I mean heartbreaking and wrenching stuff here. The fluff is just okay.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Flirting With Schnee’s
Jaune: Okay! I’m gonna do it! I’m going to flirt with a, Schnee! Wish me luck!
Nora: Good luck!
Ren: Hopefully they don’t kill him…
Ruby: It’s nice to see, Jaune willing to try dating again.
Yang: Good luck, Weiss! Lover boy is on the hunt~!
Weiss: But, not for me.
Ruby: Ahh! Weiss?! Why are you here?
Nora: Yeah! You should be over there with, Jaune!
Weiss: No, I’m over here because I was the one who gave, Jaune advice to help flirt with my sister.
Yang: Why would you do that?
Weiss: I think the two would be good together, and I want the them to be happy. So…
Ruby: Nawww~!
Blake: Winter does look like she needs to… relax.
Yang: That’s code word for: “Get that stick out of her ass.” Hehehe!
Weiss: Don’t you dare talk about my sister like that, Xiao Long!
Winter: Don’t talk about me in what manner?
Weiss: Winter?! What are you doing here?!
Winter: I live here?
Ruby: Have you seen, Jaune?
Winter: I passed him in the hallway; Why, did you need to talk to him?
Weiss: But, Jaune said he was going to flirt with a, Schnee…? And, if it wasn’t you… Oh gods…
Jaune: Hey, Mrs. Schnee, do you have a moment?
Willow: What do you need, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Please, call me, Jaune.
Willow: Very well, you may address me as, Willow.
Jaune: Thank you, Willow~!
Willow: Oh…
Jaune: So, I was going to make a pie, would you like to have some.
Willow: Pie? Mr… Jaune… I didn’t know you could bake, I wouldn’t mind a slice of pie, but what kind of pie are you making?
Jaune: Well, it depends…
Willow: On?
Jaune: How do you like your pie creamed~?
Willow: …
Willow: Thick, and overfilling…
Jaune: I think I could do that.
Willow: Could you also show me how you knead the dough?
Jaune: My pleasure.
Yang: Damnnnnnn… That was smooth…
Blake: I wonder what his pie tastes like…
Nora: Yesss! Get the Milf Schnee, Fearless Leader!
Ren: That was… Unexpected.
Ruby: Are you guys, okay?
Weiss: Well… Kinda?
Winter: Yeah… Kinda…
Weiss: I mean… It’s our mom!
Winter: But, he’s nothing like dad, so…?
Blake: Well if it makes you feel any better; Jaune just cucked your dad…
WW: …
Weiss: I can live with that.
Winter: Yeah, me too…
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sokumotanaka · 1 year
So I didn't hyjack this poor person's post over [here.]
I thought making my own post would be the most logical conclusion. So it takes alot in my opinion to bury your head in the ground and pretend like you smart when you're so overly stupid.
Here's a discussion I had with a person where alot of alarming and stupid things were said on his part. @/crimsonxe
Well go through small sections, that's a lie, you know I'm long winded.
Here's a section where he states that writing about killing, maiming, and calling minorities bad isn't nearly as bad. I mentioned Miles calling Tifa a prostitute as well and I don't think he's getting it.
Manner of dress:
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The problem isn't getting over it or not, the issue with calling remake Tifa a prosisitue is that she dresses more modest than the rwby cast, he has children with short skirts, no pants under and boob windows in frozen tundra. If he thinks THIS is provocative,
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then him okaying THESE
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designs on children is something he's mentally aware of! also weiss spends most of her time in that outfit in a frozen wasteland and then COMPLAINS about being cold!
Get over it? More like Have enough common sense not to post stuff like that. A wise man once said "just because you think of a tweet doesn't mean you have to hit send." (Also he says it's not fanservicey, need I remind everyone they sell a ruby body pillow, Yang always had her tits out and then as time goes on they start losing more and more clothing. Not fanservice my ass!)
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Grown man argument for sexualizing teen girls.
"They don't go overboard." Here's a picture of a woman wearing chainmail on her bare skin in the desert, there's a difference between puritanical and horny silly designs after them saying shit like "we won't do the stupid stuff anime does" and then having the whole cast of female characters with their tits and ass out.
Also not to stun your pee brain, but writing racism as "If we want respect and equality then we have to forgive our bigot overlords and defend them with not even a thank you." Is stupid, that be like me telling you that if you want minorities forgiveness, go fight cops, or me going to england and saying that. Blake tells unrelated faunus to fight armed dudes and the writers are stupid. And the overall issue is HBomberguy was right! In his review he stated that he was afraid that a certain group of people would look at how the faunus act and go "yeah that's how They are" uncharitable takes exist.
And he was right a bunch of RWBY stans who were racist before vanishing literally came around going "boy did miles and kerry get you guys pegged, you're all exactly like this!" During the 98% most peaceful protesting age, well unless your a cop who wants to shoot out someone's eyes.
The LGBT pair (s)?
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Yeah like the cardboard cutout guys miles pouted about when he didn't get credit for putting out there after people in the LGBT community asked when were the LGBT characters gonna appear.
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The first Gay rep in the show was two unrelated characters we'd never see again after saying "characters" just don't promise things then lie forehead!
Or the second Rep LGBT character Illia! A woman who took her crush and was gonna- *Looks at paper* Send her to her abuser while also blaming her for dating someone and not knowing her romantic feelings.
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"I guess you were too busy looking at Adam to notice me."
Yeah great first cardboard then a woman willing to kill off her her crushes family and blames her crush for not knowing she had a crush on her!
Oh how about bumblbee? With Yang literally saying she viewed Blake as an object and wanted her around for her solely? You know fuck what Blake wants! Blaming Blake for running in fear when WF ruin a nation and Adam states he'll kill everyone she loves and he knows exactly where her parents are? Perish the thought, that sounds like something a scared child would exactly do! But Yang goes "No despite us not officially dating yet I'm owed her time and presence.
Yang's shitty, and it takes how long for them to get together? They don't even wait until adam cold before Yang claims her, after abusing her mentally when Blake tells her Adam likes to make you feel small and she brushes her off and is like "stop talking to me." Then they kiss what? THIS year? 2023? In volume 3 sun's winking at her and she's blushing and smiling and calling him a dork and they're hanging out, and I'm sitting here going "Do some of that for yang? All they did was share a dance, have her flirt with her or wink, something." And what she compliments her hair once? Granted I stopped after 7/8 so I bet the best LGBT rep happ- This just in, I'm getting word from my friends in the LGBT community who watched rwby saying that it's dogshit.
Having tons of LBGT characters doesn't matter if you write them like trash I guess, btw the first kiss happened in volume 9 in 2023 and rwby started in 015 and again sun flirts, winks etc and they show alot of chemistry with each other.
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Yang gets mad, demands blake be there when EVERYONE else is going back home too! Trauma dumps on her after using a laser pointer on her when Blake admits that she's tired of dealing with racism.
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Like instead of talking to her, Yang treats her like an animal an laughs it off then trauma dumps about her mom on her while blake is already highly stressed. Doesn't even solve the problem btw. All the LGBT characters thus far (besides Jaune's sister and her girlfriend, they can stay, sadly they're trapped in a shitty show) are horribly written for no reason.
A second writer should look at these before they hit the screen.
He talks about a south park reference which I ignored cause it's so random?
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racist dog whistling.
"Mika burton spun things a certain way." Nah there's tweets w of people admitting they fucked up and the achievement hunters go online , they bring her on a podcast and pretend to cry so people can feel bad for them. And good for her she doesn't forgive them. So spinning around? How about a source? Source can't be that you made it the fuck up cause that's not a source it's a sentence wasting everyone's time.
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Also "Mile's isn't white." Aw man what am I gonna tell mile's white parent? Sorry some dude on the internet said your son can't be half white, sorry me I can't be half black, or Hawaiian, Sorry Miles because you look more black your Hispanic traits don't matter for the sake of the argument. What kinda of Juvenile , stupid statement IS this? He can't be white because you say so? But he calls himself white in many tweets and literally in the statement of writing racism in RWBY.
Also nice try, moving the goalpost means you can't lose. "I'm not defending him, now watch as I waste time defending him instead of finding a source against Mika's claims cause I'm bullshitting." I mean Mika doesn't even have a reason to lie, RT employees all admitted they heard and did nothing, Torian a black animator and editor also stated he had race issues with RT and Pat boivan from Castle super beast and pat stares at made a black joke that Miles and select few members laughed at in terms of them having no black or brown people working there. And they ignore woolie when it comes to sponsored stuff, he literally says this on multiple episodes of his show, and THAT's Worrying!
Point is if Miles himself is racist, weather he's white, Hispanic, black etc he still displayed racist behavior multiple times too many. He had a chance to say something to his employees, he didn't bother, he got nervous and waked off. He had the chance when he put BLM after the lashings he got and do something with that, change the company for the better etc, but he didn't he put it there as a band-aid and took it off when he thought people weren't looking.
I keep beating this dead horse because people like you don't seem to do research at all! Because in the face of it it's easier to lie, play dumb (pffft 'play') and make excuses for them instead of holding them accountable.
I didn't want to see RT burn down for a while, but they keep pulling a blizzard, and all these, tweets, articles, statements that miles or the others say or do that's stupid, harmful, racist, shitty keep popping up! At this point it be better as a lesson not to be shitty humans for RT to quietly burn, no special treatment, I'm holding them to the same standard I do for David cage, for activation Blizzard and many other triple A companies. If you don't wanna go down in flames, maybe don't do reprehensible things that keep burning bridges for you. Simple, don't be stupid forhead!
The real mornic stuff was listening to you try and fail at mental gymnastics and not provide a single source for anything you claimed I should "be in awe" of or switching the goal post. RT.s failing and they stacked the deck against themselves, THAT's why people hate them, statements like they saying that when yang drives down the crossroads to Mistral and people guessing she's going to Ruby only for them to like and say "if you heard the bike go one way." These critics, video's, and articles don't exist for no reason.
Pathetic, utterly pathetic, you boasted a big game , puffed out your chest and then walked straight into a cold clock and got your ass handed to you for several rounds. For someone who boasted about "getting in the ring" No flatter yourself, you weren't even competiton.
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