#which is immediately like 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
srbachchan · 2 months
DAY 5995
Jalsa, Mumbai July 17/July 18, 2024 Wed/Thu 9:27 am
🪔 ,
July 17 .. birthday greetings to Ef Walaa Zakariya Mohamed Ali from Egypt 🇪🇬 .. 🌷🙏🏻❤️🚩
July 18 .. birthday greetings to Ef Hitesh Kshtriya from Norway 🇳🇴 .. and Ef Zafar Keymaker .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
my sincere wishes for this special day, and my prayers and wishes as ever .. ❤️
I wished for the late night writing, but as always some delays took place and the night became the morning .. 😁 .. which is to say that the Blog has been written and being written now ..
There is again a bit of a rush because in a while shall have to leave for work .. and work timings are always special and need to be adhered to .. if a delay occurs informing the work place is a help but it cannot keep occuring every time .. the odd day when it gets difficult or there is a legitimate cause ..
The last few days remembering Babuji and his times and his words and the timing of his words, become so important .. and it does become rather absorbing when , a thought that has lived with you for a while before opening any of his works and after a random turn of a page one finds that the words that had been loitering about in your mind , seem to have travelled, to the thoughts of Babuji .. and with great surprise I find them in his writing .. unknowingly and without any pre intent of deliberately trying to find them ..
... you know what I mean .. it is just sudden and quite unintentionally amazing to find them there .. telepathic intent aside .. it occurs ..
.. it is quite strange is it not that during the course of a day .. any day or time or place or environ, something happens and you suddenly feel that you have seen the same feel before .. somewhere .. before ..
and you stop for a while .. and think .. and declare it, if the environ and place is receptive enough for it , and its surroundings ..
Babuji's diary during his days of Cambridge when he studies for his PhD are so descriptive and so readable .. that I find as though he were sitting just across the desk and narrating it to me ..
in fact some of the thoughts that I have read in some of his words describe this quite clearly -
he has said that at times the poetry of a poet should be as though a person is sitting just before you and you are reciting or writing those words and thoughts for them .. in this very personal environ ..
.. many speech specialists and those that indulge in public speaking seem to follow or practice similar .. speak as though you address a single individual .. despite the fact that there are hundreds before you ..
it is quite remarkable that what you may have unconsciously observed during any stage of your life, you quite unconsciously still get a flash of it at any time as a rememberance ..
In fact , when faced with any problem for which you may not be able to find an immediate solution, you tend to revert back to the advice of your parents and elders .. for, their blessings are divine .. and when we show our reverence by touching their feet, we submit ourselves to their greatness and respectfully sublimate ourselves to them , irrespective of time place environ .. with the greatest of love and affection ..
much as I would like to and do so when in the presence of the elder or the one that is felt with respect and dignity ..
और अब काम के कुछ क्षण :
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work work work .. the only incentive to life and living
Love and more ..❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
103 notes · View notes
lithiumfae · 1 year
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✰ Charlie From The Cinema Club ✰
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i don’t give any description of reader other than her being a woman, i just added this pic because he looks like such a little loser in it 😭 enjoy <3. the smut felt kinda rushed, sorry :( hoping to hear feedback i’m nervous!!!!!
tags: friends to lovers, ooc robbie??????, sub coded charlie, smut, oral sex.
cw: charlie being kind of a 🚩 (he’s like a crazy obsessed bf), all in all alarming behavior if he were to be a real person. so if you’re uncomfortable w that don’t read <3 it’s nothing too bad though don’t worry, just feel like i needed to say that.
💫 — @quicksilversg1rl @roryculkinsgf @doddernix @milsthouqhts
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The cliche of being the new girl came with all that one could expect; the questioning glances from curious people couldn’t wait to see if their first impression was indeed accurate, along with the rumors about the “real” reason she moved towns, and of course which clique was going to take her in.
The cinema club was always looking for new members but the old members tried to steer clear from engaging with anyone that seemed like they had the potential to screw things up. For various reasons but mainly because even though they were a level under the glee club, they were quite selective. Not just anyone was allowed to enter their carefully crafted ecosystem.
Voice traveled fast after she arrived at Woodsboro. The news reaches Charlie’s ears a few days before the school year started. Robbie acting as more of a member of the gossip club also known as the cheerleaders than the cinema club, called him an uneventful Tuesday night.
“Fresh meat,” he said.
Immediately Charlie wanted to laugh. Robbie tended to pretend like he was an expert when it came to women, like he knew how to get girls when that couldn’t be furthest from reality.
“Fresh meat,” Charlie mocked him, making his voice sound nasally. “It’s a girl man, she’s not gonna be too interested in whatever it is you’re trying to do.”
“What? Like you’re a fucking pussy magnet or something.”
“At least I don’t try and fail to get some,” the bickering continued.
Robbie insulted him some more before sighing.
English class.
Having been sentenced by his undying love for Kirby to sit in front of her for years, he found himself yet again listening to her flirting with God knows who via phone call. Jill sat next to him, smiling at her and wiggling her eyebrows to match Kirby's smirk.
He was in the middle of letting out the most eye watering yawn of his life when he felt Jill slap his arm to get his attention.
“What is he doing?”
Robbie being the he in question.
Apparently he was indeed planning on getting with the new girl, if it wasn’t obvious by the way he managed to be the first one to help her find the only fucking classroom with a red door. The little fucker. He hadn’t mentioned the new girl looking like someone dragged her straight out of a fucking– vogue or whatever magazine that’s got the pretty girls on their pages.
They locked eyes and Robbie lifted one hand pointing at Charlie.
“Yo, move.”
What the fuck?
Was their friendship lacking that solid base that made Robbie willing to kick him to the curb just to impress a pretty girl?
“I can just sit in the back…”
“No it’s okay. I’ll take Robbie’s seat,” because fuck him really. He moved his things feeling a bit jittery knowing she was looking at him while he gathered everything.
After a couple weeks of sticking to her like a piece of chewed up gum, Robbie had somehow managed to convince her to join the Cinema Club. It took a lot of begging on his part and Charlie was sure she accepted out of pure pity. Whatever the reason was, now he saw her in class and at club meetings.
Even though Charlie thought Robbie’s approach was rather pathetic, honestly the guy was trying too hard, he couldn’t help but put a little more effort in his looks when he knew her eyes were going to be on him.
One day as they waited for the others to fill the room she asked him, “did you put something on it?” As she looked at his hair.
“Uh– This– yeah! I saw this video of a dude putting like, mousse or something,” he responded. “He said it helped with curls… made them fluffy… yeah.”
“Looks bouncy,” and oh god, he could have died at that very moment.
He cleared his throat trying to ignore the few seconds of silence. She smiled and added, “Do you like your hair long? I noticed Robbie keeps it really short.”
“Yeah he’s lazy like that,” he smiled too when he heard her laugh.
Charlie saw her stand up and start walking to the desk he was resting against. “Can I ask you a favor?”
She grabbed the bag on her shoulder and reached inside it pulling out a piece of paper. “Robbie gave me a list of movies to watch so I wouldn’t be lost when you guys talked about them,” she paused. “But I don’t know where to find them so I was wondering if you could help me with that. I don’t want to ask Robbie in case he gets the wrong idea since we spend so much time together already.”
“Umm, yeah, yeah. I can do that,” he would be a fucking fool if he rejected such an opportunity. He reached a hand to get her to pass him the list, “I think I have most of these at home…” he could feel her gaze on the side of his face. “I could, bring them tomorr– or you could go back to my place after school to pick them up,” she didn’t respond immediately and he realized what it had sounded like. “Not like that! Just– you know…”
“No I know, you’re not Robbie,” and she giggled, fucking giggled. She was teasing him. “Okay Charlie, wait for me after school then.”
She looked out of place in his room.
Like if someone was playing house with only one Barbie and the rest of the things in his room were all from the Transformers universe. Not that Charlie was even slightly similar to Optimus Prime, he resembled a littlest pet shop figurine. If he were to be honest with himself.
“Sit anywhere,” Charlie suggested feeling jittery. She walked to his bed and sat down as she watched him rummage through the pile by his speakers.
He wanted to curl into a little ball and squeal because of how he could feel her gaze burning into his back muscles.
Charlie heard his bed squeak when she moved to find a more comfortable position. “Have you watched all those movies?” She asked, pointing in his direction.
“The ones here,” he patted the pile he was taking CDs from. “The ones I haven’t, are here,” he pointed to the other pile to the right.
“How many movies have you watched?”
“Like, ever?” She nodded. “I don’t know, like, around two hundred? I think?”
“That’s crazy Charlie, Robbie said he’s watched like a thousand.”
Well fuck Robbie.
He forced a laugh, “to be fair Robbie’s got like, a problem or something. I mean, a thousand really?”
As she stood up from the bed she replied, “I’m so relieved you have the movies I need,” and Charlie felt like exploding all over the room when she kneeled beside him on the floor. “I don’t want to be out of the loop,” she smelled like fucking flowers and… sex? No. Too raunchy of a word for a girl like her. Flowers and something alluring. Fucking pheromones.
‘s gotta be.
He was brought back from the brief mind fog he was experiencing when he heard her murmur a “mhm?”
Charlie stared at her with his mouth open for a second, “I’m sorry?”
“Can you hurry? I need to go home in a minute” she smiled. “Sorry.”
“‘s cool,” he reached to the side to grab a random tote bag he could find. “Strict parents?”
“Kinda yeah. I mean it’s only me and my dad so he’s super protective of me.” She moved to help him put the CDs and tapes in the bag, “especially around this time of year when it gets dark early.”
“Lots of creeps hanging around,” he teased her. “I’m joking, probably just Robbie live streaming again. Though I’m not sure what’s worse, a murderer or Robbie.”
She hit his arm while smiling, “he’s not that bad.” She paused. “He’s very nice to me, not creepy at all. He's just… you know, a teenage boy I guess.”
“And so are you,” she said as she looked him in the eyes.
A beat of silence. “… and so am I,” he quickly stood up and clapped once. “A teenage boy that will walk you home if you want him to, though.”
Her hand lifted in the air inviting Charlie to help her stand up. “Okay,” she smiled again.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
He had never been totally normal in the head, never quite correctly wired.
When he was four he had a stuffed whale he took everywhere with him. They ate breakfast together, it sat on the sink while his mom gave him a bath. He was so attached to it that when the stuffed animal needed to be washed, Charlie cried until his mom let him skip school so he could sit in front of the washing machine and wait for it to be done.
That would serve as a taste of the type of person he would become in the future. Now a senior in high school the only fitting transition from his stuffed whale to a more grown up fixation had to be the girl who was everything he wanted in a woman.
She was gorgeous and she seemed to enjoy spending time with him.
Ever since the day he walked her home Charlie felt on edge. No reasonable explanation to make him feel such an emotion other than the mutual mention they shared every time they had a conversation.
One of his redeeming qualities was his ability to know when the delusions were clouding his judgment. Being self aware comes in handy when one happens to be a social reject. So he knew he wasn’t making it up, he wasn’t imagining it. He wasn’t imagining the way she would let her fingers fiddle with the collar of his shirt as if it was an unconscious action, or how she had wiped a stray eyelash off his face.
The signs were there.
The doubt made its appearance when he asked himself if she was doing it because she did in fact find him attractive or if all the attention she gave him was part of some big plan to humiliate him. After all, he had fallen victim to something similar in the past.
He would set himself on fire if a pretty girl asked him to so he had to be careful.
It was exciting to think she could actually be interested in him. And maybe it was a long shot but fuck, if it didn’t feel good to hope for the best.
If he were to expand on the self aware side of his personality, he would be forced to admit he was quite the obsessive guy. He liked Kirby for years on end, nothing she did or said to him could make him kill his undying love for her. He used to lay in bed and imagine what perfume she liked to wear the most, he would fantasize about how soft her lips would feel against his. He knew what she loved and hated. She liked her hair short and neat, she liked making fun of scary movies and she specially sporty guys with a tan. In short, she hated everything Charlie was so he never bothered.
But he would really fucking love it if this time around things played out differently.
She was not Kirby.
She didn’t make him feel like a tiny ratty chihuahua begging his master for attention. She seemed him out. She asked him questions about whatever shitty movie Robbie told her to watch.
One could think someone treating him like a human and not a bed bug would make him finally snap out of it, that he would stop acting so needy. On the contrary, this girl seemed to have revitalized his psycho tendencies with a spark fueled by pungent desperation.
After about two weeks of befriending her he had started dreaming about her, not wet dreams, he wouldn’t even think about disrespecting her in that way. But every night before going to bed he gets under the covers with a smile plastered on his otherwise blank face, eager to indulge in the mostly harmless pleasure that is to escape to dreamland to experience what he desires the most.
He saw himself doing mundane things.
He takes her to get her done, then they go buy food to have a picnic. They sit on a blanket as they eat fruit, he looks down at her knees and he sees her pants stained green by the grass that surrounds them. They laugh and they kiss, they giggle in each others arms
Some nights he dreams of her running her hands through his hair, he feels the warmth of her fingers on his scalp. In his dreams he doesn’t fear waking up and forgetting what everything felt like, he can allow himself that small pleasure. In his dreams he writes a letter and he reads it to her. When he wakes up he wishes humans were capable of reading while dreaming that way he could replicate said letter. Maybe the words written down contain the key to make her love him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Word travels fast, but it travels even faster when you have a camera surgically attached to your temple.
The entire day, Robbie had been acting weird, and staring at Charlie, whenever the latter opened his mouth. And because Charlie is a bit of an empath himself, he instantly knew his infatuation had been noticed by his best friend.
“Fuck is wrong with you man,” Robbie confronted him.
Ever the coward, Charlie moved to the side trying to walk closer to the classroom door.
“Dude we’re gonna be late.”
There’s not gonna be a club if I kill you right now,” Robbie looked down at him. “Let 's talk.”
“Talk about what?” Asked Charlie, choosing to play dumb.
Robbie furrowed his eyebrows and snorted before looking around in disbelief. “Well I don’t know, maybe we should talk about how you’re trying to steal my girl.”
“What girl Robbie?”
“You knew, you fucking knew about it. I called dibs.”
Now it was Charlie’s turn to snort, “dude. How old are we? Five?” He paused. “She just– I don’t know, she’s fun and she doesn’t look like she wants to die when I talk to her. What was I supposed to do?”
“You’ve liked Kirby for years! Why the change?”
“Robbie it’s not that serious, lower your voice,” people were starting to stare. He saw a couple of girls stop by a locker clearly pretending to look for something just to eavesdrop. “It’s not like she’s with you right now…”
The other boys, through his hands in the air, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“That I didn’t like– steal her from you or anything,” he grabbed Robbie’s shoulder and smiled. “Maybe I’m just her type man, nothing wrong with you,” he tried to make the joke land but as his friend blinked at him a beat slower that usual he felt a bit more anxious.
“You weren’t Kirby’s type and you’re her type?”
“…Robbie I was joking,” said Charlie with an awkward laugh. His eyes darted around taking notice of the increasing number of people around them.
“Well I’m not fucking joking,” he got closer to his face. “Stay away, I’m being serious.”
So Charlie was left to deal with the stares and the scratchy throat he got every time he felt embarrassed or humiliated.
The encounter was brief but it left him buzzing the rest of the day, people briefly glanced at him with a little smile on their faces as if they knew something he didn’t. As if he wasn’t present when it all went down.
And honestly fuck Robbie for feeling so fucking entitled. What if he liked her knowing Robbie wanted to get with her too? Out of everyone that lived in Woodsboro the one that was the most deserving of having her was Charlie. Nobody else had taken the time to memorize shit about her. They don’t know anything about her.
Charlie does.
In record time he had learned more about her than anyone in her life, that he was sure of. Because Charlie took people seriously.
So who did Robbie think he was?
All his life he had to settle for the bare minimum when it came to girls and the amount of attention they let him enjoy. Even fucking Jill, the only ever girlfriend he’s ever had, kept him as a secret because she was probably embarrassed to be seen with Charlie from the cinema club. In the past after their breakup, he dealt with a lot of anger whenever he started thinking about their relationship. He would wonder how big of a loser Jill thought him to be if she was comfortable letting him interact with Kirby even after knowing that for years he harbored a crush for her. It’s like she knew there was not a chance of him ever cheating. Or maybe she thought Kirby would never look at him twice. Whatever it was, Jill didn’t take him seriously.
There seemed to exist a pattern of people seeing Charlie as a filler character in one of those cringy Disney romance movies. The comic relief if you will.
No one ever made outright mean comments about his appearance or the things he liked, but that wasn’t because they respected him, it had more to do with the fact that his peers saw him as the silly guy. That silly guy you know, the one that wasn’t even worth ridiculing.
He was under the impression that he had found a friend in Robbie. They cheered each other up whenever the way people ignored them became too much. They both liked the same geeky stuff. But he was willing to let go of him if it meant he had a chance with the girl of his dreams.
What the fuck would Robbie even do with a girl like her. He then remembered him saying how annoying it was when girls put that sticky stuff on their lips.
As if he has ever kissed a girl, the fucking virgin.
She was always wearing makeup, she wasn’t the girl for Robbie. He could never learn how to properly be hers. On the other hand, Charlie already was. In body and soul.
So honestly, fuck Robbie for thinking showing his teeth and growling like a rabid dog would be enough to get Charlie to back off.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
He saw her at the end of the school day as he was putting his things in his backpack. She poked her head past the door frame.
“Hey,” Charlie greeted her.
“Hi. Already heard all about what happened,” she said, making a face.
“… yeah. Robbie’s always been a bit of a diva.”
She walked into the room at a slow pace.
“I feel like you were collateral damage. This morning he waited for me outside the school because wanted to talk,” her face looked kinda funny with how serious she was. So unlike her. “Would you believe me if I told you he professed his undying love for me.”
Charlie continues packing his belongings to look like he didn’t care. “How romantic.”
“It was really weird because he was live streaming the whole time.”
“That’s Robbie for you,” he jokingly said.
“Did he do the sa–”
“Oh no, no. He wasn’t live streaming when he tried to bite my neck open.” Charlie heard her laugh and he looked at her. She looked too guilty for someone that hadn’t done anything wrong. For what reason? He wondered. He hoped she wasn’t feeling guilty for rejecting Robbie. “It’s okay he didn’t do anything too bad. I just think he got the wrong idea, you know.”
“Because we’re not like that, Robbie’s just fucking crazy.”
He stared at her for a second longer, he noticed she had that snarky little smirk on her face once again. Once again he wasn’t allowed in the running inside joke she was always cheesing about.
“My dad told me to invite you over tonight.”
And she had the nerve to act like that wasn’t a wild thing to say.
She laughed, “last weekend we watched two of the movies you recommended and he really likes them. I told him you’re a friend.
He is.
Charlie felt like Hulk Hogan, fight after fight coming his way. Letting Robbie yell at him in front of everyone was light work, but to risk his life by meeting her overprotective dad was a completely different way of self harm.
“I mean… why though.”
“I don’t know Charlie, maybe he was impressed by your taste in movies, you both have the same old man interests.”
“I also told him you were the same friend that walked me home the other day,” she bumped him with her shoulder.
“Did he call me a good boy for doing that?” He joked.
“Something like that,” she lifted a hand to grab a strand of his hair and she lightly pulled. “Come on, it’ll be fun and wholesome or whatever.”
He already knew he was going to accept but he was a little busy freaking out about what to wear or how to do his hair to voice out his answer. Sure his personality was great and he wasn’t sleazy like most guys his age but he was aware that his looks were completely the opposite of what a father would want for his daughter.
He was already thinking that far ahead.
Should he flat iron his hair? Wear a sweater vest?
“Is he gonna fucking shoot me or what?” He tries for a joke, adding an awkward giggle.
“Don’t make it weird silly,” she smiled. “We can watch a movie in my room after dinner.”
And okay, Charlie was what you would call socially inept but even his baby brain was able to pick up blatant offers such as that one.
“With your dad?”
“… no Charlie.”
He watches her exit the classroom leaving him to panic in the confines of his mind. He made his way to his house on autopilot.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
At first he fully intended to put his hair in a ponytail, he was set on looking as pristine as a seventeen year old boy could look. But as he stares at himself in the mirror the more he realized how a guy that wore a ponytail was definitely not her type.
It made him look like a food delivery guy anyway.
He opted for his usual hairdo. The famous “book that has been read halfway through” Parted down the middle. A button down and khakis, sneakers on his feet.
While he ties his shoelaces he kept thinking back to when he walked her home.
He could see her dads silhouette from afar, he was being illuminated by the lights on the porch. Dude not only sounded scary he was also built like a fucking tank. So Charlie only walked her as far as his faint heart would allow it. Close enough so her dad could see she didn’t walk home alone but not close enough that Charlie could see his face.
He was now wondering if that had been a good choice. What if he gave off cowardly vibes. Which would be a correct assumption but not one Charlie would like to make.
Those few hours before he made his way to her house he moved around in his room like a ghost on debt. His palms clammy.
The final product was the usual Charlie get up plus cologne. Because no man is respectable if he doesn’t smell like a car air freshener personified.
Her dad said a total of five sentences to him the entire evening, but Charlie didn’t sense bad vibes or anything of the sort so he wasn’t too nervous. The only thing that felt mildly threatening were the slaps on the back the man gave him every time Charlie said something a bit funny. His spine and ribs threatened to fall apart after every slap. But hey, he did call him son at least once. A win is a win.
The girl seemed to be a fucking witch or something. It was like she had swapped here dad for a humanoid alien because soon after dinner she had reminded him of the groceries he needed to buy for the birthday party of one of his colleagues at work (Charlie wasn’t entirely sure, he was too busy staring at her tomato sauce stained lips), and her had just stood up and left. He left them home alone.
He dared leave his beautiful teenager daughter home alone with a dude that even knew the perfume she wore. Granted he wasn’t aware of said fact, but still.
Charlie counted his blessings.
She walked her dad to the door and he left after telling her to lock the door until he came back. Charlie would try to make an analogy about him leaving his daughter trapped with a lion inside the house if it wasn’t for the fact that he felt like the prey.
When she came back he was sitting on the couch with his hands under his thighs.
“…so,” she mocked him with a silly voice. “Charlie, can I ask you something?”
She waved her hand signaling him to scoot over to make space for her to sit down. “Are you and Jill still together?”
“Wha– what the fuck– who told you about Jill?”
“Is that a yes?”
He stood up from the couch as if it was burning him, he knew his failed relationship with Jill was going to come back and bite him in the ass. “No, what? We– not… anymore.”
“Okay, calm down Charlie,” she was quick to smile and pull him by the arm. “Just that it would be really awkward if I had been imagining it all.”
Imagining what.
“Imagining what,” he repeated out loud.
“Imagining us flirting like middle school kids for like the past, two weeks?”
He wasn’t sure if he was about to pee or explode all over the living room. He had a plan and timelines to follow until he was ready for his feelings to be out in the open like this.
“Ah… Th– I’m not with Jill anymore.”
She pulled at his arm again and he sat back down. “I’m sorry, just that I’m trying to figure out if you were secretly a player all along.”
He laughed. “Definitely not a player.”
“Robbie told me.”
“Man fuck Robbie,” he paused. “I could tell you so many things about Robbie.”
She moved even closer to him and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “Charlie I don’t care about Robbie,” she made another move on him and grabbed his sweaty hand. “Don’t think too much about it, I orchestrated this whole fucking thing just to get my dad out of the house tonight.”
He looked down at his lap. “I’m so confused right now.”
“How long do you think it takes someone to buy groceries and birthday balloons?”
“I’m a virgin.”
“Charlie I know!”
“You know?”
She giggled as she tucked one of her legs under herself, touching Charlie’s thigh with hers. “Look at you Charlie, of course I know.”
“Did Robbie–?”
“Shut up.”
“Okay, yeah.”
She hadn’t let go of his hand so she dragged him with her when she laid back on the couch. He awkwardly tried to get comfortable in between her legs.
Looking down at her he wondered if all the trials and tribulations he had endured were needed to be able to see such a woman gazing up at him. Her hands always seemed to find themselves worrying with his untamed hair, she was pushing it back, away from his face.
“I don’t mind it,” she said.
“I don’t care that you’re a virgin, it’s kind of charming actually.”
If it was said by anyone else he would have taken it as mocking, but she had never looked down at him for stuttering or sometimes avoiding eye contact.
“I’m about to be really charming. I don’t know what the fuck to do,” he noticed her eyelids sparkled under the pendant lamp hanging over them. She was so dreamy he would believe her if she told him they naturally did that and that it wasn’t make up.
“As long as you don’t think about Jill while kissing me…” she teased him.
He hovered his lips over hers before whispering, “never.”
They kissed and it wasn’t something cheesy and corny like you hear kisses be described in the movies, no sparkles or fireworks being set off. Instead Charlie felt hot all over and he had to cut the kiss short to take a deep breath. He noticed her moving her gaze all over his face.
“Yes please.” He replied.
He was supporting his weight on his forearms and she had one of her hands on his shoulder while the other one rested on the side of his neck. They kissed again and he was so aware of everything happening at the moment, he tried not to breathe too much on her face, he didn’t want his arms to give out and to squish her. Too much happening all at once, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He felt the corners of her lips curving up when she noticed him pulling away for a second to catch his breath. If it wasn’t for the suffocating heat that was located in his pants he would describe the make out session as overall quite wholesome.
Next time he pulled away she held his face with both her hands, “you’re all red.”
“Oh yeah, it happens.”
“When you kiss Jill?”
He tried not to laugh but he couldn’t hold his smile so he retaliated by tickling her. He dived in again with more confidence now that their lips had warmed up against each another. His arms not being used to exercise or effort of any kind were starting to go numb so he moved to lay on his side. She was quick to get comfortable and mirrored his position all without stopping their kissing.
Feeling the tiniest bit bolder, Charlie grabbed her thigh and made her position it over his waist. He wanted her to consume him whole. The hair on his hairline was starting to stick to his forehead, and of course she noticed this.
“Are you hot?”
“A little yeah.”
Her hands pulled at the collar of his button down, “take it off.” She helped him slide it down his back and she threw it under the coffee table, the rush of it all made him laugh. “Not that I don’t like this but I really want to get to the good part.”
“Th– yeah, yeah. Cool. Okay.”
Whenever he felt uncertain about something he chose to copy what others around him were doing, the same thing was happening at that moment. He rose up with her and he watched her slip her clothes off.
She started by standing up and unbuttoning her pants and sliding them down her thighs, he watched her as she rushed to get rid of them. When she noticed he wasn’t moving she looked at him and said, “come on Charlie. You want me to undress you too? Like a little baby?”
“Yeah, no, sorry.”
She softly laughed and helped him with his pants anyway. And god, Charlie could have burst into flames from the sheer panic and excitement he felt when her hands made contact with the skin on his legs.
“I don’t– fuck I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do,” he lamely tried to excuse himself.
She seemed to ignore his words and didn’t bother to acknowledge them, she stood in front of him almost completely naked– she had kept her bra and her flowy blouse. As he paused for a second to take in the sight in front of him he let himself put his panic aside. He had gotten this far so she was clearly into him, he doubted his lack of experience was going to be a turn off.
Taking advantage of the moment of confidence he reached to touch her waist weakly pulling her towards him.
She moved to straddle him, “I know, I don’t care.”
They kissed again but this time around she moved from his lips all the way down his body. Her hands found his cock before her lips reached it.
“Woah– what, wait you don’t have to.”
“I kinda do, I don’t have lube. Do you?”
“Of course not, sorry.”
And fuck, during all the time he had known her he had never dared fantasize about her in any sexual scenario so he had nothing to compare to what he was seeing. She stopped for a second to just look at him. The view was downright sinful. Her precious face looked all different types of beautiful. Innocent, her eyes seemed glossy and alert. Expectant, for what was to come. And aroused, for what she was about to do.
“Don’t pull my hair,” she said.
And he wasn’t even thinking about doing it, how could he, when it was her job to pull his. The only one allowed to mess up anyone’s hair was her.
Instead he rested his arms on the backrest of the sofa. It felt programmed, the way he threw his head back the moment he felt the suffocating heat around his cock. He almost closed his legs on instinct.
“Ah–!” He moaned.
He knew she was only doing this to get him wet enough so they could fuck but he hoped she’d let him experience these feelings again sometime in the future. His own hand around his cock didn’t feel even remotely similar to the engulfing pleasure he felt all over his body, he thought nobody could compare to his own hands, after all who knew him better than himself? Oh but how wrong he was.
Attempting to regain some composure he tried to distract his mind by looking around the room, then down his body. The little makeup she was wearing on her lips was smeared down his chest and the marks disappeared before they reached where her lips currently were.
A failed attempt it was.
Her wet lips and the sounds they were making around him made him feel the pleasure from the tips of his hair down to his toes, it was strange and unlike anything he had ever felt.
She squeezed one of his knees before pulling him out of her mouth and going back to straddle him.
“I’m scared my dad is gonna knock on the door any moment now,” she said before coughing and when he looked at her lips he saw there was spit all around them so he wiped it with his thumb. “Sorry, it’s been a while.”
And for a moment she looked the tiniest bit embarrassed, Charlie wasn’t going to let that happen.
“It’s been forever for me you know,” she laughed and went in for a kiss but she stopped before their lips connected. “What?”
“Guys don’t like to kiss after you blow them.”
And that made no fucking sense to him, what. “Just kiss me, I’m scared, if you don’t kiss me I’ll die,” he joked.
“I like you a lot Charlie.”
He giggled like a fool so he covered his face with his hand. “Yeah.”
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
For the first round she rode him because he could not, for the love of god, get the hang of it quick enough. He lasted for all of five minutes. With his ears still ringing from his orgasm he almost had a heart attack when they heard someone yelling outside.
Thanks to whatever higher power there was, it wasn’t her dad doing a war cry getting ready to kill Charlie.
“Neighbors,” she said, laughing in his face.
“Stop laughing. My dick almost went inside my body.”
Her loud laugh made his ears hurt a little but the joy he was feeling drowned any existing annoyance. “That would be bad because how would you fuck me again before my dad gets home?”
“What? Like, now?”
“Yes, now dummy,” she laid her back on the couch before she continued, “but I’m exhausted, let’s do it like this.”
“Okay… kinda like what you did but, like this. Okay. Yeah. I can do it.”
It was simple really. It was nothing but a change of angles. Yes.
They were both equally as sweaty but unlike Charlie she looked alluring with the small droplets of perspiration littering the expanse of her chest. He couldn’t help himself, his head lowered over the apex of one of her breasts. A bit shy at first, he left a peck there. Her skin felt feverish.
Her soft moan encouraged him to indulge in his desire to keep doing that for a bit longer but on her other breast. This time he licked her nipple and like clockwork her fingers rushed to tangle themselves in his hair.
“This okay?” He whispered. She hummed letting him know her answer was positive so he continued. He only let up when the skin around her nipples looked pinkish and closer to painful than tender.
“Wrap your legs around me, help me,” she obliged, drawing him closer to her. He went in for a kiss to get rid of the nerves he felt right before sliding inside her.
They moaned in unison. Waiting to get his confidence back he let himself stare at her yet again.
“What?” She asked, moving her head to the side, as if to avoid his gaze.
“You’re just really fucking pretty. I haven’t had the time to freak out,” at his words she looked back at him and she caressed his face with her hand. Before adding to what he had said he grabbed one of her knees to start moving, “I’m so happy.”
It all felt so domestic, the chatter while he lazily thrusted, the way they were smiling at each other, he loved it.
They didn’t talk for a brief while.
Charlie had a lot more control like this, now both of his hands were resting on the back of her thighs and he was thrusting with more of a rhythm. The sounds both of their bodies combined made were so flustering, wet and arousing. His cock had never felt quite like this, he honestly thought he could go for hours if it wasn’t for the impending doom of her dad’s arrival.
“Can I– Can I go faster please?” He waited for her to nod before putting more of his weight on his hands to be able to fuck her with more force.
He slid in and out in a frenzy, he felt like he would die if he stopped to take a breather, the sound of her loud moans were not helping at all. Now he couldn’t stop staring at her pussy and the way it glistened with their combined slick, the sight was sure to plague his mind in the days to come.
He never thought he would be allowed to fuck the girl he had been obsessing over for weeks. He no longer would have to imagine what her skin smelled like, or how she would move her lips when they made out. He knew now. This was the equivalent of having your third eye open.
“Fuck Charlie!”
“Yeah baby?” He laughed. “Can I call you that?”
“You can call me anything I don’t fucking care, just keep fucking me.”
He paused for a second before replying, “then, can I call you mine?”
She stopped mid moan to laugh out loud and squeeze his cheeks. “Shut up.”
“Ah, Ah–” his pants filled the room.
“Charlie I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop.”
His thrusts were becoming weak due to the fatigue in his legs so he went back to supporting his weight on his knees. “Can you turn aro–” before he finished his sentence she was already moving. And fuck, her face was pretty to look at but her ass was going to haunt his dreams until the day he died.
“Come on, fuck me.”
And even though Charlie was a virgin, painfully so, he always preferred to watch shitty porn if the couples in the videos were doing it doggystyle. Something about being able to grab a woman’s hips with more strength aroused him more than anything.
He made quick work of sliding back inside her and this time he didn’t wait for her signal to start moving. For just a moment he let himself forget all about being Prince Charming and he allowed the more animalistic and primal side of him to come outside to play. His hips collided with her plush ass making loud sounds, the unmistakable singsong of just two passionate lovers blinded by the suffocating heat of their linked bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Ah! Charlie!”
“I know,” his voice came out whiny and desperate in tone. He wasn’t sure who was going to be the first one to let the tears flow down their cheeks. He felt like sobbing because of the overwhelming pleasure and other more innocent feelings in his heart. “Fuck I think I love you, what the fuck.”
His words seemed to make way for her pending orgasm from minutes ago before they changed positions. Her torso lifted up away from the couch and bumped into Charlie’s chest.
The sudden movement along with the cold feeling on his legs made him look down once again, he saw her leaking on his legs. Good god. “Sorry,” she tried to apologize when she noticed him with his head down.
“You keep on getting better huh?” Charlie rested his forehead on her shoulder. “You’re so fucking sexy, I’m going insane.”
They took a few seconds to catch their breath. She weakly massaged his scalp with her fingers. Charlie lifted his head from her shoulder to ask for a kiss.
“Pull out.”
“Mmm…” he groaned.
“Don’t be dumb, pull out so I can jerk you off. My dad’s been away for like an hour now,” He groaned again just to be funny. “Come on.
The sound her pussy made when he pulled out was nothing short of obscene. They were all sticky and sweaty. A mixture of bodily fluids that if it had been anyone else, Charlie wouldn’t have wanted them to touch his still hard cock.
She chose to sit on the carpet between his legs, the exhaustion was starting to catch up to her as well as she rested her face on her knees.
“It kinda hurts,” he said.
“Let’s make it stop then, yeah baby?”
At that he didn’t even bother voicing out his response, he just stared at her with her mouth open like he was trying to catch flies.
This time she didn’t need to add saliva to make the glide more pleasant, her juices had already taken care of that. Her hand closed around him and he felt like a virgin all over again, he was never going to get used to all her body parts touching him.
It didn’t take long before he lost control of his limbs, he was hunched over, gripping the couch cushions to keep himself from touching her as he didn’t want to bother her in any way.
“Ah– gonna cum,” he whined, his voice going higher than usual.
“Yeah? Gonna cum all over my fist?” He nodded like a dumb puppy. “Go on then. Don’t want my dad to find us like this right?”
“No baby, no. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” The tip of his cock was a painful red shade almost purple, he had been hard for far too long. “Ah– Please, it hurts.”
“I’m not doing anything to stop you.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, fuck,” one of his hands was hanging in the air, clenching on nothing. She saw it and linked their hands together. He was looking at her so intently waiting for her to get the words he was trying to say, he nodded, his eyes glossy with tear.
“Wanna kiss me?”
“Uh-huh,” he dumbly said, nodding again. And as they kissed for the hundredth time that night she sped up the speed of her other hand.
His cum slid down her closed fist and he felt the tears he was holding in slide down his cheeks, wetting her face too in the process. She kept kissing him until he had stopped whining and panting so desperately.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
“Dad is gonna think an earthquake hit while he was gone,” she joked once they had parted.
Confused Charlie asked, “huh?”
“Look around, everything is messy. And my hands are all dirty.”
“Not only our hands, we’re all sweaty.”
“Right but we don’t have time to shower,” she pushed his sweaty and tangled hair away from his face. “So you’re gonna put your clothes back on and pretend nothing happened, like a good boy. Yeah?”
“…yeah,” he replied after a pause. “Like a good boy.”
“And I’m gonna do the same and wipe my hands clean with a napkin.”
It was like she had flipped a switch. In a quick moment she had changed back to the sweet girl he knew. Gone was the sex goddess he saw while cumming his brains out.
He did what she told him to do and also fixed the cushions on the couch. He watched her move around the living room like a working bee. Moving things here and there. He closed his eyes for a few minutes and when he opened them again she was standing in front of him holding a hair brush for him to grab.
“You look like you were electrocuted,” it was kind of silly the way he was back to feeling self conscious the moment he was fully clothed again. Like the angel she was, she noticed him looking a bit embarrassed so she added, “it’s cute Charlie.”
He smiled.
“Just that you can’t look like that when my dad is right outside the door.”
His scalp was on fire because of how quick and rough he brushed his hair to get it tangle free, all the while she laughed at him on her way to the door. Charlie discreetly whipped his face with his sleeve, just in case.
Her dad walked inside the house holding bags and bags of groceries. Charlie felt like making a run for it and just pushing the man aside to escape. For some stupid reason he felt like her dad somehow knew what they were getting up to while he was gone.
Once her dad carried all the groceries inside the house he put them on the kitchen counter and shouted, “Kids?”
Charlie almost pooped his heart out.
“Why are the windows open?”
Charlie looked at her in panic, she ignored him choosing instead to walk to the kitchen. “There was a cockroach flying around and Charlie helped me get rid of it. Huge thing. Really, I almost cried dad.
And the man laughed as he spoke loudly for Charlie to hear, “thanks kid, this girl is terrified of those. You’re a lifesaver.”
“… yes sir. Anytime… anytime.”
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intersexcat-tboy · 5 months
Notice how the poll asks if it's real, period, rather than asking if the reader thinks it is. Or how the oppressor seems to have a voice in deciding whether or not there is oppression against a minority 🚩🚩🚩
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Pollists will block anyone who disagrees, most especially those who engage in good faith, even educating others about the fundamentals of a concept that were being ignored. It's very easy to get the results you want when you block everyone who disagrees, and it's only reblogged into other radicalist spaces
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Image ID: a post captioned "how to immediately know when to block somebody", there is a screenshot of multiple posts that have been filtered due to the transandrophobia tag, which is suggesting minorities discussing their oppression is how you immediately know to block them.
It's easiest to tell when exploring other aspects of the account, where a bias is a lot easier to see. Upon checking, we find an admittance to ignoring oppression. The bias against minorities is obvious when you see posts discussing are not allowed to even appear on the feed
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Going out of your way to misgender another trans person. Add a pinch of ableism too.
"A lot of the things people say is misandry is just an expression of misandry" doesn't make sense. "A lot of the things people say is misandry is just an expression of misogyny" doesn't really make sense either! It's not "pretty clear" and it's weird you assume my lack of telepathy is me "not even willing to try".
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This is a bit ironic. Mansplaning is about condescension, assuming a woman lacks understanding while patronizingly explaining something. It does not apply when one can plainly see there is an assertion that is incorrect, there is no assumption. You know, calmly explaining the facts. The account I responded to doesn't have any gender named from what I can see, you're just assuming they're a woman just like you assumed I was a man when you misgendered me.
I know it's a common belief for white women to think that misogyny is the root of all oppression, but radfems are wrong and their beliefs support white supremacy
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exaflux · 11 days
How good is BTAA Scarecrow at therapy really? (An Analysis) (Part 2)
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[Part 1]
Alt title: What the hell is JoyCure anyway?
Now onto the long overdue second part of this analysis series looking at the most ethical psychologist the world has ever laid eyes on. We simply must rate his performance!
I apologeese for the delay on this. Been in my drafts for over a month blegh.
This is a very long analysis compared to the first part, word of warning.
This part contains- more breaking down of psychology approaches some in less detail if covered in the first bit, Harvey almost falling off a skyscraper, and in the conclusion some talks on JoyCure and a talk on how Jon views "trust" (if you're into character analysis)
Disclaimer- I am not a trained psychologist or therapist or anything of the like, I just like psychology as a topic. This writing is purely for fun.
Harvey and Two-face will be referred to seperately in this analysis, but if referring to both Harvey will be used as default. Jonathan is still Jonathan.
Delightfully surprised by all the people who enjoyed the first part by the way! The likes and reblogs are much appreciated~
Session two-
The following all takes place in S2, Episode 7 unless otherwise stated
This session starts out with Harvey and Two-Face talking amongst themselves, focusing on a strange noise they can mutually hear in the background. In his confusion, Harvey asks Jonathan if he's still there, to which he responds: "Yes. I'm right here, Harvey. You can leave your blindfold on until I tell you to remove it, please" (10:37). Immediately responding to the questions of a worried client would help with setting their nerves at ease while minimising the amount of time they'd experience distress, with the added bonus of some trust building. Also Jonathan is so polite here! What a nice man.
That sound that Harvey's hearing, by the way, is explained by Jon as such: "That's Harmony, Two-Face. You've never known a moment of it in your entire tortured existence" (10:55). Reminder that wording matters as it can influence client outlook, especially in a therapy setting. Describing a client's experiences as a "tortured existence" is quite negative and is not an example of a good therapy practice.
A bit further on Jonathan starts advertising his goods explaining why Harvey is hearing weird stuff, claiming "the JoyCure has brought peace at last to your long inner conflict. You simply must trust me. Remember, we talked about trust when you agreed to put that blindfold on for me?" (11:24). This sets the scene as a trust exercise. Not too bad. "You said to cooperate. We cooperated" "Yes, Harvey, cooperation, that's exactly what today's lesson is all about [...] I want you to cooperate with you" (11:36) Never mind. Please do not gaslight your clients then claim you were talking about something completely different when they catch wind of it. 🚩❌ The memory is actually quite suggestible. You can influence a person's memories by both wording used in a question and how you word it. As a psychologist Jon should know this.
Directly following on from Jon's previous statement, Two-Face says he doesn't get what Jon means, so he goes on to clarify "We have oh so many ways we wage war within ourselves every day. You're just an unusually extreme case" (12:01). This is a very interesting thing for Jon to say given his tendency to negatively describe his clients' situation, and at a blush I almost said this was within acceptable therapy practices. Almost. See, here he establishes that everyone suffers from inner conflict, and Harvey's situation is just a step above that. It's notable enough to comment on, being "unusually extreme" but it's still very much kept within the realm of normal behaviour. Imo the language use here ("extreme") doesn't necessarily have a negative connotation but is an observation, but your mileage may vary. This sounds good, right? But then you have to ask- why is Two-Face needing to ask about this to begin with? This session has been set up as a trust exercise already, and these have to be discussed and agreed to beforehand. It's ethically necessary. This tells me that Jonathan has completely neglected to explain the how and whys with Harvey before all this stuff was set up for the session. He broke ethics.
"I am going to take off your blindfold now, and then I'd like you to tell me how irrational you believe your fear of high places to be" (12:42). Always good practice to give clear and easy to follow instructions to clients if you're doing an exercise with them. After Harvey removes the blindfold, finding himself standing outside of a skyscraper window, Jon wants to know his thoughts- "Tell me how do you feel?" (13:18). Again therapy stuff. Therapists ask questions on how their clients feel about certain experiences, and in identifying a feeling clients can then work towards learning why they feel that way.
We find out that Harvey finds himself unbothered by how high up he is, and later that this is due to the drug he took, JoyCure. Immediately after being asked whether he'd like to look at the view alongside Harvey, Jon responds "Thank you, I'll stay here inside where it's safe" (13:40). As if it isn't obvious enough already, standing outside a skyscraper window isn't exactly safe. Therapists, don't ask your clients to do this either. Jon throughout most of this segment doesn't sound too bothered by his own breaching of ethics, in fact he sounds like a kid who just got told they'll be getting $50 worth of Robux after class for peak gaming. Maybe it's because he's still a therapist and considers all this as progress in his client? Who knows. Either way, Jon slowly gets Harvey to do increasingly more and more dangerous things on the ledge outside the window: "In fact, you might even dance a jig on that narrow ledge if I asked you to" (14:30), "[...] you would walk to the end of that flagpole if I asked you to, I bet" (15:07). Again, this is dangerous. At the very least he's just suggesting this. It's not like he's telling Harvey (who's still relying on others to make decisions for him at this point) to walk that flagpole, right? "Yes, I want you to show me you can walk it like a tightrope [...] Walk to the very end" (15:22). Ah.❌ At the very least he's celebratory of his client's achievements, exclaiming "Congratulations Harvey!" (15:56) when that flagpole does get walked like a tightrope. Nice.
"Now this next part is very dangerous. When you're ready, turn around and come back" (16:06)- Once again, wording matters in therapy settings. Stating that the next part of the exercise is dangerous would definitely not help with putting client's worries at ease.
Neither Harvey Two-Face nor Two-Face Two-face can make heads or tails cough cough of what they've been told to do. "What do you mean when we're ready?" "Simply discuss it amongst yourselves. When you mutually decide you want to come in, turn either to your left or alternately turn to your right and come back" (16:15). Jon again making his instructions clear to his client. Two-Face becomes uneased at this response however and wants Jon to tell him what to do, with Jon declining to (16:39). This is still within the realm of normal therapy practices as Jon can't do this exercise for Harvey.
Also, at this point it'd be good to mention that despite me characterising this whole thing as a "trust exercise" up 'til now, that isn't strictly the only thing it is. This whole scene is actually an example of exposure therapy. This form of therapy is performed normally on people to help treat phobias and various anxiety conditions, OCD and PTSD. As the name suggests, this is done through presenting the client with whatever thing is a trigger to them in feeling anxiety and over time through exposure they'll (in theory) feel less anxiety over the trigger. One caveat though- you're still supposed to talk about this with a client beforehand, understand how comfortable they feel with doing the exercise and be completely willing to stop the exercise if the client no longer wants to do it. It's apparent already that Jon hasn't done this. There's multiple types of exposure therapy, this one is called gradual exposure, or systematic desensitisation. With this version of the therapy a client is supposed to make a tier list of what things give them least to most anxiety called an (exposure hierarchy), then they work their way up at their own pace. Jon here seems to be calling the shots though much more than his clients on how much they "face their fears" as it were, especially given Harvey can't make any decisions for himself.
In fact, to make things even worse again, Jon increasingly makes the exercise more anxiety-inducing than it needs to be. He presents Harvey with more and more decisions ("Come on, Harvey. Turn right or turn left. Then once you've turned, do you lead with your left foot or your right?" (16:53)) then plays dumb about knowing that Harvey can't currently make decisions on his own, "Ah, but you're without your coin. I'd forgotten." (17:11). Of course he's BSing about forgetting, especially when you notice how he suggested walking the flagpole earlier ("you would [...] if I asked you to, I bet" (15:07)) which makes one wonder if he was wanting to see to what extent that Harvey would actually do what he was told. Hmm... Either way though, he's being a twat and deliberately causing distress. ❌❌❌
This part is the juiciest bit of the session- Harvey tells Jon that he's afraid, and Jon talks about the drugs, JoyCure, he put Harvey on. Unfortunately, the details on JoyCure will be left for the conclusion as it is too juicy. But, about Harvey being afraid, Jon has this to say- "Your real fear isn't high places. The fear your feeling right now? That's the fear that defines you, Harvey. The fear of having to make a decision [...] No coin. No counsel. Just the two of you." (17:34). To recap everything that has went on so far, Jon tried to make out all this was a trust exercise (and according to Two-Face, he was just told to co-operate) and then it turned out that all this was actually an attempt at gradual exposure. But now we find it actually isn't, because the fear that that therapy would have treated isn't actually a fear anymore due to JoyCure. Instead, Harvey has been dunked directly into his real fear, making a decision, which is closer to a different type of exposure therapy: flooding. Flooding (unlike gradual exposure) is basically the theraputic equivalent to throwing you in the deep end of whatever you're made anxious by. It's a valid therapy technique, but is only used in particular circumstances and again with the consent of the client first. Do we think that Jon got permission from Harvey to do this type of therapy? Probably not.
If it's all too much info to understand, here's a simplified diagram:
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At this point the session devolves more and more into being a train-wreck. There's hardly any actual therapy going on.
As a rundown:
Harvey wants off the flagpole. Jon's immediate response is to faux panic about Harvey slipping before mocking him with a fun fact, "Did you know a baby's first instinct is a fear of falling?" (18:02). ❌
Two-Face threatens Jon with a "I'll kill you!" and Jon barks back "You said "I"! That's a breakthrough! One of you is taking charge!(18:10). A breakthrough is another word for a milestone in therapy. But really him calling it a "breakthrough" I don't think should be taken at face value for... Obvious reasons here. ❌❌
And finally, right before the session ends, our world renowned psychologist says "Come on now. You simply need to agree upon a strategy before it's too late" (18:24). Which I mean, he's making light of the situation and how easy it sounds (in theory) for Harvey to have both his halves work together. Definitely not an empathatic approach like you'd want from a therapist.❌❌❌
In conclusion:
Just as with his first second? session with Harvey, Jonathan demonstrates good skills as a therapist, but misuses those skills repeatedly. Again, he ignores ethics and purposefully causes distress to his clients, being even worse about it than the first session somehow. At least in the first session you could argue that he made some attempt to follow standard therapy room procedure up until a point. Here though? Definitely not.
In fact just to overview everything that happens in the session, because it's a bit much to process all at once:
Harvey goes to do this exercise blindfolded, not being told what's happening until he's already outside the window. Jon goes on this whole "trust me" spiel and Two-Face points out they were told to co-operate.
Jon talks about his drug JoyCure and how it's stopped Harvey's conflicted feelings. He then tells Harvey to remove the blindfold and report how he's feeling.
He then suggests/outright tells Harvey to do increasingly dangerous stunts. You could argue this is gradual exposure therapy, but done in the worst way possible.
After he gets Harvey to walk the flagpole, Jon tells Harvey he can come back whenever he's ready. During this he's very vocal and clear on what Harvey should do. Harvey can't make a decision, Jon knows this.
Harvey shits the bed because it turns out the real fear he has is over making a decision for himself. Jon knew this the whole time, and knew that JoyCure wouldn't help with that. Suddenly the method of therapy used has shifted to become flooding therapy.
Jon absolutely refuses to assist Harvey during any of this when it comes to overcoming his fears. The session only ends because Jon's secretary calls him.
So what can we get from this beyond our wonderful analysis subject being absolutely atrocious as a therapist? Well two major things stand out.
Firstly, that Jon knew from the beginning how everything would play out. He knew how JoyCure would affect Harvey and to what extent it would. He knew that "the fear that defines" Harvey was decision making, and he most likely figured this out this from as early on as the first session if one remembers how that went. Everything from beginning to end was elaborately set up in the session to make Harvey face his defining fear head on. This plays out very similarly to the first session- Jon steered everything in the direction he wanted it to go in just to make Harvey acknowledge his fears.
Thing is though, this premise has some... Interesting implications if one looks at what Jon talks about at the start of the session. Now granted I did try saying that Jon was speedrunning therapy last part of this analysis series. That idea still stands imo shitposty as it is. But to add to it though, to focus on how Jon apparently "talked about trust" before the session began. Two-Face responded that they were told to co-operate though rather than trust, and unless it's a situation where Harvey Two-Face misinterpreted something that was said, chances are he was just told to go along with it not that he has a choice. Trust was also mentioned first session too, where Jon explains that establishing a bond of trust would be the best way for him to help Harvey, and that translates to him removing Harvey's coin. Hell, Jon even tells Harvey "I think we're gonna make excellent progress if you just put your trust in me" as early as their first meeting (S2, E4, 33:04).
So what might this all mean? Just going off of the two sessions observed so far, Jon's method of doing therapy is to seek out what main fear makes a person tick, then try and get the person to acknowledge and/or face it head on whether they'd like to or not. His idea of "trust" is just having a person be unable to (or at the very least, not likely to) resist. As for his intentions about all this... That's honestly up for discussion. But! I'm hard pressed saying that none of it is him actually wanting people to overcome their fears. Not downplaying how terrible he is mind, but it'd be perplexing that a psychologist who would be only focused on traumatising clients (who can also uncover what a client is frightened by so rapidly too!) would still choose to try and get the client to recognise that fear in themselves rather than just, ya know, not telling the client their deepest fears and scaring the heebie jeebies out of them. He even goes as far as to set up a session on a skyscraper to make an elaborate point about Harvey's defining fear. He tells Harvey beforehand what he needs to do in the session, and it isn't just doing everything he says: "I want you to cooperate with you". If Jon talks about "trusting him" it's bad news. He asks whether Skids trusts him during the infamous Stabberscotch scene too, again a moment where the person he's asking to trust him is forced to co-operate (S2, E4, 5:06), reinstating the point. That said, given Jon's belief that "fear sets limits on courage" (S2, E4, 4:15), I don't reckon that him wanting to see people overcome fear is out of any streak of benevolence as much as him just wanting to see how far that person's fear goes. The possibility they might be able to overcome the fear might be the real enticing thing for him.
Second major thing that stands out, that this JoyCure thing he put Harvey on. It stops Harvey from feeling his fear of heights but not his fear of making decisions. As for why, I wager it's because JoyCure is a drug that causes feelings of euphoria and dulls basic fear caused by instinct, but it doesn't help at all with fears you actively think about.
If you're really confused right now by what I mean I don't blame you, but it'll make sense.
At the beginning of the session, Jon uses the co-operation talk to segway into rambling about conflict. According to him, everyone feels conflict, and Harvey is just a step up from that. Conflict is caused by fear, and "When what we know is false coincides with what we fear is true, that’s a conflict and there are casualties." (12:13). Harvey is on the drug, and he seems hunky-dory, not arguing with himself, but then again he doesn't have to: Jon is giving him instructions rather than making him do anything on his own. His fear of heights seemingly vanished, he doesn't feel even slightly nervous being asked to dance or walk a flagpole so high up. But, again, he's being told to do this. In fact, remember I mentioned earlier that Jon gave a fun fact, "Did you know a baby's first instinct is a fear of falling"? That's the thing, Jon is saying here (whether intentionally or not) that a fear of heights is hardwired into us from birth. Harvey's fear of it isn't unusual at all, but JoyCure prevents him from feeling that instinct anyway. And to elaborate further, "When what we know is false coincides with what we fear is true, that’s a conflict", but Harvey is scared of heights, scared he might fall off because the height will harm him, and he's on a skyscraper so it's true. There is no inner conflict in knowing his feelings are unfounded, because they are.
So overall, if I'm right with this idea anyway self-preservation while on JoyCure goes functionally out the window. You'd normally get nervous putting your hand near a hot stove tops for example, knowing you'd get burnt, but if you took JoyCure you wouldn't feel any nerves at all about it. To again quote Jon, "Fear is a furnace which must be fed. What I have done is empty your mental coal tinder" (14:22) talking about how the drug works, that whatever "tinder" is there (in this case instinctive fear) is emptied. So, I suppose, consciously fearing is the equivalent of adding tinder again? I mean, Harvey starts feeling fear because he consciously has to make a decision, he has to think about it actively and worry actively, rather than just have the fear be reflexive like it would be dealing with something dangerous. I imagine because of this the drug also wouldn't work as a treatment for anxiety disorders. Very Sadge 💔
🎊 1/10 🎊
How the hell Jon got worse than first session I have no idea but here we are. The extent of his therapy here is using psychological theory to prove a point to his clients that they're terrified of making decisions on their own. Elaborate and impressive! He probably spent more time planning how this session was gonna go than actually doing what's expected of him as a therapist.
This man does not care about ethics, client's feelings or whether his sessions might kill a man.
In fact he knows his sessions might kill someone. He plans them out after all:
"When what we know is false coincides with what we fear is true, that’s a conflict and there are casualties"
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sp-by-april · 1 month
Sorry it took so long, immediately after getting your ask my cat decided to hawk up the world's grossest hairball 😭 ANYWAY F!Reader, Kyle, Age Gap, with a side of Corruption and Toxicity. Order up!
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Kyle x F!Reader
[Order from the Smut Cafe] [Kyle Broflovski Master List]
Kyle was my basketball coach. I had the biggest crush on him. It some league through some program for girls with shitty home lives and too many calls to CPS.
I couldn’t care less about basketball but I did care about coach Broflovski. He was so hot I’d just stare him while he demonstrated drills and hung out on the sidelines.
One day after practice, my mother couldn’t come and get me. She claimed she was stuck at work and I wouldn’t see her until after midnight. Which really meant that she was on a bender and I wouldn’t see her for a few days.
Kyle offered to drive me home.
After I changed back into my school uniform, we talked in the car. He was really nice. Kind of flustered. Cute. I really liked him.
I invited him in. I told him that I hated being alone and I knew my mom wouldn’t be back for days. I think he felt bad for me.
“Uh…” He was flustered again, “Sure, but I probably shouldn’t stay long,”
I knew nothing would happen between us, but once we were in the kitchen, I went for it anyway. I kissed him.
He kissed me back!
He pulled back, “I – You’re – We shouldn’t,”
“Why not?” I asked.
“You’re young. Vulnerable. Young,” He reiterated.
I kissed him again. I licked softly at the space his lips met and he parted them for me. As our tongues rolled over each other he pulled me into him and I could feel him throb against me.
Something about that made it all too real.
"I'm really sorry," I pulled away, “You should go,”
He tilted his head, “Really?”
Kyle grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. His other hand skimmed my thigh right up my skirt.
“I never thought you’d be such a tease,” He pulled my panties to the side and his fingers traced my slit, “If you want to stop…”
His breath hitched as he pushed inside of me, “Why are you so wet?”
I gasped a little as his fingers curled as began to massage me. He was so good, I’d never felt anything like it. My legs started to shake as my muscles tensed. I moaned so loud, I prayed the neighbors weren’t home. The soft, secret little pocket between my legs tightened up around his fingers as it all crashed into me.
It was my very first orgasm.
My knees buckled and he kept his hold on my wrist as I crumpled to the cold linoleum floor.
“You’re so sensitive. Look at you,” He knelt down beside me, “Coming once and a trembling mess already,”
He finally let go of me, and pushed on my shoulder until my back on was the floor. He hooked his thumbs in my panties and pulled them down.
He started to rub his fingers over my slit, spreading my arousal over my soft, delicate folds. His other hand was unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He pushed them down past his thighs and when his cock sprang out I was a little scared. More than a little.
He looked huge. Way too thick. It here was no way it would get in me.
He saw the worry on my face, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it fit,”
“I’ve never...” I couldn’t get the words out.
He groaned as he ignored me to rub the head of his cock up and down my slit, “I wanna see what happens when you come again,”
I shook my head, “I can’t come again, it will be too much,”
He pushed inside of me and I gasped as he tore right through my virginity without a second thought.
“Fuck,” He kissed my neck, “You were telling the truth. You’re so fucking tight,”
He started to thrust into me and the pain subsided into pleasure. I hated I was letting him use me like this. I hated that I was enjoying it even more. He felt so fucking good I could barely stand it.
Then he started going faster. Harder. The sounds of my moans mixed in with the wet noise of him slamming into me over and over.
Then his hand dropped between us.
He started to rub my clit in tight little circles. My legs twitched from the stimulation and I really started moaning.
“You said you couldn’t come again,” He groaned into my neck, “It sounds like you’re a little liar,”
My back arched to the ceiling and I think I saw stars. The silky walls inside of my core fastened up tight and I gripped him with more power than I ever thought possible as a loud shuddering moan poured out of me.
I think the feeling was too much for him.
He groaned so loud and deeply that it was basically a growl as his hips jerked into me. I could every inch of him pulsing inside of me as he filled me with so many hot, sticky spurts.
“I’m definitely taking a special interest in you this season,” Kyle panted over me and cradled my face, "You said your mom would be gone for days, right?"
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WIBTA for offering constructive criticism on Facebook marketplace?
I get that that sounds shitty but hear me out. I just bought a used piece of furniture on Facebook marketplace from someone whose listing and communications set off a ton of red flags.
🚩 No original photos, just a screenshot of the original Amazon listing
🚩 Responded to all of my messages really fast with really simple answers (the kind of thing you could do with a bot)
🚩 Did not barter/negotiate when my offer was 20% below list price, just immediately accepted it
🟡 Profile picture had real people in it, but in a plain grassy field and from a distance (easy to AI generate or find stock photos with this composition, but also a common enough layout for real people's family photos)
🟢 Account had been active for >5 years (probably would've been deactivated by now if they've been scamming)
So I did go through with the purchase and pick-up, taking reasonable precautions to reduce the risk of being mugged or otherwise harmed. Turns out the seller was a wonderful person who gave me tips on reassembling the furniture, and was waiting outside with it when I arrived so I didn't even have to enter their house.
They did make a comment in person that they were just glad someone wanted to buy this piece, they hadn't been getting much interest on it.
WIBTA for following up days later, saying something like "Thanks for the assembly tips! Also, just so you know, your listing had a few red flags, which may be why you weren't getting much interest. In the future, you might get better results if you include at least one original photo of the item, even if it's already disassembled." I don't want to insult their ability to craft marketplace listings, but I feel like someone so considerate irl deserves to know that they're coming across as sketchy online?
What are these acronyms?
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istumpysk · 1 year
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
TWOW: Tyrion I (summary)
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Don't worry, it will be over quickly.
Chapter opens with Tyrion and Brown Ben Plumm playing cyvasse and listening to the Yunkish trebuchets throwing corpses over the walls. They have a lively conversation, with Tyrion discussing how you can tell which trebuchet is launching based on its sound. Tyrion seems to be in much better spirits and back to his old, insufferably witty self.
For the second chapter we joined Tyrion playing cyvasse with Brown Ben, while they wait for 'Ser Grandfather's' army to sally forth and try to break the siege of Meereen.  These two share banter with other of Brown Ben's staff about what's the worst thing about waiting for the battle to start, punctuated by the sound of the trebuchets as they fling more plague corpses into Meereen.  
Oh boy, I can hardly wait to read this. I can already feel the laughter bubbling up inside of me.
Brown Ben muses that the two dragons are wild cards which could attack anyything on either side during the battle. 
Uh oh! UH OH.
That is the second time that prospect has been mentioned, essentially guaranteeing it will happen.
They will come, Ser Barristan might have said. The noise will bring them, the shouts and screams, the scent of blood. That will draw them to the battlefield, just as the roar from Daznak's Pit drew Drogon to the scarlet sands. But when they come, will they know one side from the other? Somehow he did not think so. - The Queen's Hands, ADWD
Can't wait to hear the excuses when the Unsullied and "freedmen" are caught in the crosshairs.
Tyrion (while slowly beating him at cyvasse) floats the idea of Brown Ben returning to Dany’s service and freeing Daario and the other hostages. Brown Ben seems very concerned with the money the Yunkish lords are wasting and doesn’t immediately reject the idea. 
They assume Dany will return on the third dragon and speculate about rescuing the three hostages - Daario, the eunuch and the horse boy - and delivering them to Meereen thereby changing sides a second time but claiming that they only pretended to change sides before so as to learn the Yunkish plans.  
Of course he's winning.
We learn two things:
Daario is still alive. No trebuchet.
Tyrion and Brown Ben are probably going to rescue him.
Tyrion thinks any skepticism about this will be outweighed by gratitude that he killed Dany's most dangerous enemy - Tywin. 
How hard will I laugh when Tyrion Lannister talks circles around this girl, and eventually convinces her to accept him as an ally? God, how embarrassing.
Anyway, she seems poised to misidentify the lion from Quaithe's warning, just as we all anticipated.
Someone spots sails on the horizon and they think the Volantenes have arrived, but Jorah Mormont spots the Krakens on the sails and says they are also flying dragon banners.
Just as Tyrion is about to win the cyvasse game Jorah bursts in with news of black sails in the bay (ironborn ships) flying dragon banners.
Everyone stop everything, it's DRAGON BANNERS.
Tyrion I dramatically ends with Victarion's fleet entering the battle, proudly displaying dragon banners atop their masts. It's like he already knows her love language.
Why might this be important?
We must go back!
Glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow. A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd. From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire. . . . mother of dragons, slayer of lies . . - Daenerys IV, ACOK
This vision from the House of the Undying is almost always assigned to Aegon VI Targaryen.
"A dead man in the prow of a ship, a blue rose, a banquet of blood . . . what does any of it mean, Khaleesi? A mummer's dragon, you said. What is a mummer's dragon, pray?"
"A cloth dragon on poles," Dany explained. "Mummers use them in their follies, to give the heroes something to fight." - Daenerys V, ACOK
Because of Daenerys.
Despite mummers never making an appearance in that chapter or having any connection to the vision, Daenerys concludes that a cloth dragon swaying on poles is referencing stunts performed by mummers.
This becomes even more convoluted when books later Quaithe actually does warn Daenerys about a mummer's dragon.
"No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal." - Daenerys II, ADWD
As a result, many connect Quaithe's mummer's dragon to the cloth dragon swaying on poles from the House of the Undying. It's all Aegon, everything is Aegon.
I don't want to get too deep into this, because we've already covered Quaithe and the HotU extensively, but I will say I think there's a lot of problems here.
Reaching a conclusion that largely relies on Daenerys' interpretation of any vision is a bad idea.
I believe the "mother of dragons, slayer of lies" group of visions are interconnected through the concept of Azor Ahai being a lie, which has nothing to do with Aegon.
The author consistently portrays engaging in a violent pursuit of the Iron Throne as inherently immoral, and that will have to include Aegon (I'm sorry). It's hard to imagine a scenario where common folk rally to an invading army causing mass devastation, and starvation.
The vision perfectly complements Daenerys' cult of personality, and messianic complex.
Finally, and this is the most crucial thing to note, anyone following the story closely should recognize it's Daenerys who is fixated on the idea of people supporting her cause under the symbol of her dragon banners.
"They are your people, and they love you well," Magister Illyrio said amiably. "In holdfasts all across the realm, men lift secret toasts to your health while women sew dragon banners and hide them against the day of your return from across the water." - Daenerys I, AGOT
Dany rode close beside him. "Still," she said, "the common people are waiting for him. Magister Illyrio says they are sewing dragon banners and praying for Viserys to return from across the narrow sea to free them." - Daenerys III, AGOT
"When the day comes that you raise your banners, half of Westeros will be with you," Whitebeard promised. "Your brother Rhaegar is still remembered, with great love." - Daenerys II, ASOS
"Tell me, then—when he touched a man on the shoulder with his sword, what did he say? 'Go forth and kill the weak'? Or 'Go forth and defend them'? At the Trident, those brave men Viserys spoke of who died beneath our dragon banners—did they give their lives because they believed in Rhaegar's cause, or because they had been bought and paid for?" Dany turned to Mormont, crossed her arms, and waited for an answer. - Daenerys II, ASOS
I ought to have a banner sewn, she thought as she led her tattered band up along Astapor's meandering river. She closed her eyes to imagine how it would look: all flowing black silk, and on it the red three-headed dragon of Targaryen, breathing golden flames. A banner such as Rhaegar might have borne. - Daenerys III, ASOS
You are more than welcome to believe that vision is Aegon, there's not a lot of evidence either way, but I'm going to stick with the girl who spends five books fantasizing about dragon banners and the people's adoration.
In conclusion, I don't know if Vic's dragon banners are the cloth dragon banners, but I haven't come across a more convincing alternative.
Final thoughts:
48 down, 1 to go. PRAISE BE.
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Next chapter: Barristan II (summary)
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iren-n-ire · 1 year
Astrology Observation 4
🚩 Take note that I'm not a professional astrologer, I just share what I experienced (or observed).
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Neptune in the 3rd house 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒔 𝑶𝑹 𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 everyone is against your beliefs, knowledge, or opinion after all its the ruler of fantasies which makes people expect you to respond according to their 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐒 mentally or verbally. They can hide their disappointment or say it to your face. The same goes to yourself, you may expect or imagine other people saying the words you daydream in your mind.
I also think that neptune's home will be the area you're going to people please, I've seen Pisces ☀️ (Neptune's baby) for being one of the people pleasers in the zodiac. On the good side, where neptune land will also be a skill to turn this people pleasing the other way around, one example is to get what you want.
Situational Example:
As a person who have Neptune in the 3rd House, you want to have your desired salary in the job you want to apply for so on the day of the interview, you use the standard words that they expect for them to hear (like beauty standard). After the interview, they gave you the desired salary you wanted and of course, without no call for the final approval, you are immediately accepted!
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❤ Thank you! See you on my next post! ❤
💋Be you, Do you, You are You! 💋
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Gonna post this here quickly before tomorrow’s episode drops but the way the show handles “Nice Guys” is so interesting to me; take Mr Daniels for example. This is a ramble so be warned!!!!
Mr Daniels managed to curate this Nice Guy™ reputation; he’s popular with both students and colleagues. But it’s widely know he had some sort of relationship with (according to Twitter??) a 14 year old student. He’s clearly aware of the power he holds as he says to Olivia in episode 4 “You’re teenagers. You don’t have any rights or power”. This for me is one of the creepiest lines in the show considering the context of his relationship WITH OLIVIA. He’s openly admitting she has no power here, whereas we know he does because he’s white/male/wealthy (maybe?? He bought that nice house). and yet because of this Nice Guy™ façade he’s got he’s able to manipulate the narrative to the point where a 14 year old girl is being punished and he GETS TO KEEP HIS JOB because he’s a Nice Guy™ so who wouldn’t believe him?
But the show does it so well because we, the audience, are left feeling so angry that others haven’t spotted it and called it out.
The same also goes for Buddy. Obviously he’s not as bad as Mr Daniels (a whole predator) but he also benefits from his reputation as the “good guy” despite not doing much to deserve it. Everything that makes him a “good guy” is handed to him; the student presidential election, the position as star quarterback, the lead role as Romeo, etc because he’s white/male/wealthy. And this wouldn’t be as big as a problem as it is if only he would admit this/do something but he ACTIVELY CHOOSES not to despite numerous opportunities to do so:
he could have set the record straight about him and Jane/continued to date Jane despite rumours - he doesn’t
he could have chosen Susan over Jane to help him as student president considering Susan helped him with the election - he doesn’t.
He could have set the record straight immediately with the election results considering he knows he didn’t win - he doesn’t.
He even could have tried to stop the crowd turning on Wally (HIS FRIEND) during the football game considering he supposedly does worse and isn’t abused for it - but he doesn’t.
Buddy constantly chooses to do what suits him best. Even when he doesn’t actively choose to anything about a situation, his passiveness benefits him because his reputation remains clean. And when he’s called out on this he doesn’t change. Particularly in episode 5 when flips the narrative on Jane that she’s in the wrong for crashing a Halloween party 🚩 BIG RED FLAG 🚩.
Like I said he’s not as bad as Mr. Daniels because sometimes I think Buddy is genuinely clueless that maybe what he’s doing isn’t right because it’s what he (the ‘good guy’) has been doing his whole life so it must be right. But his PASSIVENESS IS HARMFUL.
It’s interesting though because his exit at the end of episode 6 definitely indicates something up with him and I wonder if maybe he’s coming to the realisation that he might not be as great as he’s always been told and the pressure is mounting up to meet these expectations. But both his and Mr. Daniels Nice Guy™ façade allows them to get away with a lot more than any other character in the show, whether consciously or not. To quote Hanna Flint in Strong Female Character (which I highly recommend): “they [Nice Guy™] are the type of men to be most worried about”.
Anyway jury’s still out on Buddy but I’m hopeful for some growth. Not for Mr. Daniels though; chuck him in a cell and throw away the key.
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cto10121 · 1 year
Seriously, Why Did Shakespeare Make Juliet 13?
One common trope among the annals of R&J clownery is the matter of Juliet’s age, which never fails to send clowns into a frothy spiral of pearl-clutching, hand-wringing agita (Romeo’s age, meanwhile, is never a cause of much paternalistic concern). But it’s worth asking the question, especially since:
His sources for the tale feature a much older Juliet and of course, Romeo. Why the change?
13 was considered too young to be married even by Shakespeare’s time; for the lower classes it was almost unheard of. Only children by nobility were betrothed that young, and chiefly for political alliance.
So there is a bit of a ~mystery. There have been many theories, some more likelier than others. Let’s count the ways.
1. Social Criticism: The Bad Old Days(tm)
This is most likely the case, tying into the fact that early modern Englishmen and women married in their late 20s as the norm. Even Shakespeare was at least 18 when he married his 27-year-old wife.
Nobility did betroth their young children for alliance, but it was understood by the late 1500s that 13-14 year-old girls were too young to bear children safely. A delay of a year or two before marital consummation was the norm. Shakespeare may have wanted to reflect that reality for his multi-class audience.
Also, Shakespeare was adapting a history set in the 1300s, during De La Scala’s rule in Verona. If Shakespeare had wanted to clue his audience in that this tragedy was set during the Bad Old Catholic Days, making Lady Capulet and the Nurse encourage their 13-year-old to consider marriage and explain that girls as young as she were already married would set those 🚩🚩🚩 🚩 a-waving for a 1590s audience. There is definitely an attempt to problematize the Capulets. Sure enough, we do have contemporary accounts mentioning a “tyrant” Capulet.
So Shakespeare’s audience (and we) would immediately understand the critique and also the dramatic stakes for Juliet—what kind of family she has been raised in, and the danger she would soon be in for merely resisting her father’s will.
2. Social Criticism: The Disempowerment of Youth
In de-aging his lovers, Shakespeare may have wanted to emphasize just how much Romeo and Juliet are at the mercy of their families. They have a degree of agency and autonomy, more so on Romeo’s part since he is undoubtedly older. But otherwise they are largely dependent on their families, and thus more vulnerable to the (deadly) consequences of their feud.
That’s why they don’t even consider fleeing Verona—not that it wouldn’t be just as stupid an idea even if they were older. But actual minors out in the world is a recipe for disaster.
3. The Power of (First) Love
Shakespeare may have wanted to make sure R&J had as little romantic experience as possible to drive home this point. While 13 was considered too young for marriage, love was a different matter. Even now the average age of first romantic experience for most people is 13-16. Romeo is hung up on Rosaline, but doesn’t seem to know her well at all or made much of an effort to woo her. And Juliet honestly is not thinking of marriage.
That said, there are some things in the play that go against R&J having no romantic experience prior to this. Romeo is impatient with Rosaline’s chastity vow and overall does not value chastity much. He also does not hesitate to pursue and woo Juliet. Juliet picks up on the flirtation right away without so much as a “whut” and tells Romeo that he kisses “by th’book.” She also warns Romeo that if he has no intention of marrying her, to leave her “to her grief.” Kids grow up so fast, I guess.
All of this may just be a sign of their instant chemistry rather than any prior romantic experience, though. As soon as they meet each other it’s as if they have grown by like 3-5 years older lol. And R&J are just as likely to experience first love at 16/18 as 13/17. But it does show that Shakespeare and his time were well aware erotic attachments began on the younger side.
4. Practical Theater Stuff
As Shakespeare’s troupe was all men, with young boys playing women, it would make sense for Shakespeare to write closer to the actor for Juliet. 13/14/15-year-old boy=13-year-old female character. Audience verisimilitude, and all that.
He may not have been necessarily 13, though, so again, weak sauce. And Elizabethans accepted such a whole host of artificial stage conventions that I doubt they would have really had their Suspension of Disbelief threatened by an older boy as Juliet.
Bonus: Adaptations
Due to vastly changing attitudes and norms, Juliet’s age has been changed for modern adaptations, for various different reasons, many valid. Those that have kept her age intact, though, have not always understood the social criticism and deliberate purpose behind Shakespeare’s decision to age his lovers down. Hence you get a lot of 13-going-on-3 Juliets and casting kid-looking actresses in the role general. If not, then she is portrayed as more immature and energetic than the text ever suggests, from tomboyish to typical girly-girl playing with her dollies (🤮).
Ditto for Romeo. Romeo’s age is not specified in the text, but casting directors have rarely aged him down to Juliet’s canonical age (the closest is probably the Polish and Cocciante musicals with really baby faced Romeos). More often, to compensate, Romeo’s actors have simply played him as more boyish and immature than even his part reads—a caricature of a teen boy as a more “fitting” partner for a more child-like Juliet.
All much ado about nothing, imo. Shakespeare would probably not give a groat if you raise Juliet’s age, so long the cruelty of the forced marriage is conveyed. With the expansion of childhood, the delay of marriage, and the rampant neo Puritanism, 16 is very much the new 13. Even so, with the age gap discourse, the clownery about Romeo being a Creepy Italian Groomer has only grown worse.
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srbachchan · 4 months
DAY 5938
Jalsa, Mumbai May 21, 2024 Tue 11:18 PM
🪔 ,
May 22 .. birthday greetings to Ef Lily Pitts .. Ef Sugam Dua .. and Ef Rajesh Rathod from UK 🇬🇧 .. 🚩🙏🏻❤️
May 20 .. belated birthday greetings to Ef Hassan Ali from Egypt 🇪🇬 .. 🙏🏻🚩❤️
And .. yes the birthday of Ef Aish is on May 24 .. corrected .. confirmed .. love .. ❤️
I have started the writing but am just going to another work issue and shall be back in a short while ..
So stay .. 🙏
Back at 12:04 .. but shall keep it as the 21st of 11 od pm ..
So there shall be disappointments , but most of them do resolve for the better some day .. many a times the disappointments are born by the disappointment seen on another of the same issue ..
You may have reconciled or had to bear the wrong, or missed, or the incomplete, or that which did not go as per the expectation .. but the moment you observe another expressing disappointment , your own increases ..
Strange .. but true ..
Particularly if the person seen is looked upon affectionately and with sincere feel ..
On the stadium of the cricket game or any game the looks of failure and disappointments are immense .. but when you observe the effect it has had on the others , somehow it gets greater ..
Wonder ..?
Is it because you found a sympathiser .. ?
Quite possible .. life looks for that sympathiser , the one that feels and thinks like you .. they immediately become your close .. its a transfer of emotion to the other .. suddenly from being alone , you found a companion that addresses you loneliness with a nod of appreciation and acceptance ..
Acceptance is the key ..
In all walks of life ..
Accept my look .. my gait .. my clothes .. my family .. my work .. my social status .. my car .. my worn out jeans .. my unwashed T .. my devil may care attitude .. my less that modest home .. my non riches .. my ordinariness .. my no one knows you attitude .. my unable to buy that box of pencils or shoes .. my street lamp education .. my pointed wrongs of society .. my undistinguished speaking accent .. my unaffordable auto travel .. my location of my stay and living .. my unrelenting disregard of my standing .. my uncultured habits .. my unwanted creativity, and its unwanted understandability .. my unwanted lack of knowledge about what is culture , and uncultured ..
I am unwanted now .. I know .. so my unwanted GN 😴
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Amitabh Bachchan
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
I'm sorry for venting without your permission but I really need to say it somewhere, it's driving me crazy. I was talking to this guy for two weeks (online, we live in different countries), we could call everyday for hours and he was genuinely everything I wanted. We got into a dispute yesterday (I won't lie, it was my fault), but I apologized, he got some time to himself and he said he forgave me. We said goodnight with a promise of a fresh start today. Yet, I wake up blocked. I reached out to a friend of his to get through to him, he tells them to block me. I try approaching him with an alternative account I have, blocked immediately without a response. I'm so heartbroken I haven't eaten a thing, and I'm desperately trying to distract myself. Is this my fault?
Absolutely not anon. It's not your fault at all. If he can't handle a dispute (which YOU apogized for whether it was your fault or not), which is something that happens normally even in the healthiest relationships, then he's a red flag. Big red flag. Glaring red flag.
I can't speak to him or his thought process or his personality because I don't know him, or even really to the situation since I don't know what the dispute was about, but if he's not willing to work through something (which he even said he forgave you??) And move past it, then he's not mature enough to handle a real relationship, which honestly anon, you just saved yourself a world of hurt later.
It sucks. It does, it really hurts thinking you like someone and then you find out they're not actually that great. And ghosting someone?? Immature behavior. Very immature 🚩🚩 it's such shitty behavior, especially since he led you to believe everything was going to be okay and he forgave you and acted like he wanted to move past this. The issue is him. He's the problem in this, especially telling his friend to block you too?? Yeah.
Maybe I'm just old and have grown wise in the ways of the world, but if anyone ever acts like this after a disagreement or an argument?? Leave. Don't waste your time because they're not mature enough for even a friendship, much less a relationship.
Do not blame yourself, anon. This is in no way your fault, regardless of who started the dispute in the first place. You did your part, you apologized, you gave him space, and you were led to believe he was going to move past what is fairly normal in all relationships, not just romantic. HE was the one who chose to be a child and block you for whatever reason.
It's okay to be upset by this. It's okay to feel hurt and betrayed and think of all the reasons it could be your fault, but just remember it wasn't. You did everything you needed to do in that situation and he chose to be an immature idiot. Take time for yourself, eat some food (you'll feel better trust me) and (old person giving advice here again) don't put all your emotional stock into someone you've been talking to for two weeks. It's normal to start to feel emotions toward someone after that time, but until you really know them, until you've seen their reactions in situations like this, until you've seen them at their worst and how they respond to you at your worst, don't put too much stock into them. Especially in long-distance relationships. No matter how perfect you think they are, until you really know them and have spent time with them? Guard your heart and put you first. Sometimes it's not meant to be and this is a very clear red flag that probably has saved you from a lot of trouble down the road with him had he not done this now.
Be kind to yourself anon. YOU did everything right. He is the one at fault here for his emotional immaturity. Eat something yummy, take a nap, watch a movie, cry in the shower. You'll be okay. Allow yourself to grieve and don't hold it all in. It'll just hurt longer. 💚💚
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reikurusu · 4 days
OMG GURL GO LOOK FOR ANOTHER JOB 😩 sheesh your work sounds a lot. and boss looking for you on a Sunday too?? 🚩🚩🚩
Aww Chromie, that's so sweet of you to send!! <3 T_T
The thing is, I actually really like my job! It's just been stressful lately.
We've had a colleague who's been out for 8 months because of burnout, so it was just me working full-time, a colleague who works part-time and a third colleague who works 4/5 but who's close to retirement so she... doesn't really do anything. Like, the bare minimum and even that's a lot to ask. Like, literally shopping online and booking trips the entire time she's there and it doesn't matter at all if anyone says something about it (and she's not the friendliest person around tbh) -_-
So because of that one colleague's absence, I technically had to work 6 out of 7 days to cover the opening hours of the library I work at (the almost-retiree covering most of the other hours, pretty much the only thing she's good for) + I had to cover the absent colleague's workload because my part-time colleague took on the head of dept tasks and didn't have time to take on even more because she works somewhere else as well. So it's been a lot. But luckily there were days I could leave early or take a day off (my overtime was just building up the entire time). So it sucked and it was tiring but all in all it wasn't too bad. I was alone at the office a lot of the time, so I could manage all of my work without distractions.
But since July, we have a new head librarian and he's... let's call it enthusiastic. In August, the colleague who was absent started again, but part-time for now. So we're almost fully staffed.
The thing is... Our head of dept wants to organize a lot of things. Because we were severely understaffed, we didn't organize any activities for almost a year, which he wants to change. So he organised author readings, wants new things in our collection, wants all classes of the elementary schools in the neighbourhood to be able to visit,... And he all wants it immediately.
He also started right when the part-time colleague had two weeks off, so I had to train him after only being there for like a year and half myself + having spent a large part of that time alone at the office. And I hate training people! So that wasn't fun. And during the times he is/was alone during opening hours and I'm not there (like during the weekend or something) and he has a question, I told him to call me so that I could help, but jfc dude you've been there for like 3 months already! Figure it out and don't call me on my only day off??
My one part-time colleague does a lot, but because she works part-time, she can only do so much. So our new librarian gives her extra work but realizes she can't do it all.
The almost-retiree doesn't get any extra work because she just doesn't care and wouldn't do it anyway (she's been there for 30 years!! She hates the job, literally calls people who read nerds(???), hardly does anything but apparently they can't fire her?? Fcking government jobs and their idiotic rules. I bet she's buddy buddy with the mayor).
And because the colleague who had burnout only works part-time and can't be given too much work because 'what if she can't handle it' or 'isn't healed enough to deal with a big workload', our head librarian has been giving me a lot of extra work because I'm the only other full-time person there.
I have my own work (adult non-fiction books), + still part of workload of the colleague who was absent for months (I have to order dvds, games and comics (+ maybe manga in the near future which is actually cool)) as well as covering shifts during opening hours and what not.
I like having a lot of work, so I always have something to do. But it sucks when someone constantly gives you extra stuff to do on top of your regular work, while not or hardly doing that to the other people there, and then has the audacity to send an e-mail telling you which things you have to prioritize, as well as the order in which to prioritize them. That's just insane to me?? Especially since I have my own to-do list and I know what I have to do and what's more important than other things. I just don't like someone looking over my shoulder like that.
I'm focused more the tasks he's been giving me than my own work! I have a delivery of books and comics that I have to put into the system that's been standing there for over a month because I just don't have the time to do it. I have to go through the old books and see which ones I should write off for our book sale in a month, but I just don't manage to get to it due to all the other stuff I have to do (and I have two weeks off in a week so I just can't do it).
On top of that, I also have to apply for my job! I'm working on a temporary contract right now and they want to keep me on a contract of indefinite duration, but because it's a government job, I have to apply for it and go through the whole process again!! And other people can apply for it as well, so there is a chance someone better comes out of it. So I have some low-key stress for that because I don't want to have to find a new job right now.
And I haven't even mentioned friends who constantly want to meet up and do things like I have nothing else to do on my days off
I hate being a people pleaser. I just can't say no or tell people that it's a lot because I feel like it's expected of me. Which really sucks. I should enter my villain era or something but I'm too much of a goody two shoes to do that aarrrhhhhh!!
Sorry this got so long... I feel like I needed to vent a bit xD Thank you so much for looking out for me, Chromie! It means a lot!! <3 x
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jenyifer · 10 months
Pit Babe ep1 initial reaction
Gave in and watched it. Still don’t like the abo parts of it. Seems wishy washy. I’ve read fic where there is like a special king alpha before sure that’s great but everyone is so focused on appearance. The toxic dan famous person stuff was boring until the last minute of the show. Music isn’t for me. Babe is very sexy but stupid. Very dumb. I’ll probably continue watching even though it’s a little ridiculous I didn’t find anything too cringe or upsetting to drop it.
Let’s get onto the photos
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I do this with every new show where I don’t know the actors my brain immediately goes through my catalogue of bl and matches up similarity’s at the beginning. So the appearance of Charlie and Babe made me think about Lovely Writer again 😭😭
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If I close my eyes I can hear Mixxiw maybe I’m crazy probably so.
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Okay this was the biggest 🚩for abo because idk I hate how it sounds like he likes Charlie for being an omega in personality? 🤮 why? Because those traits are womanly. Obvs. Ugh it’s not too bad yet but I did feel ick
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Final note babe is really hot so he’s def a staying point even if his character appears to be OP which will get boring.
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staticespace · 4 months
If you receive an ask or see a post for medical assistance by Tumblr user lucymkiraa, it is Highly Likely a Scam
Notice. They have admitted to having more than one account, so you may see their PayPal link in more than one place. Report the account in the image below to PayPal:
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I became aware of them after they sent me an ask (I unfortunately don't have the image because I believe they've blocked me, removing it before I took a screenshot). In it, they claimed to be Black and disabled, unable to breathe properly, and needing money for medical attention.
When I looked at their account, I saw the following pinned message:
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I reverse image searched their profile picture, which produced no duplicate results. However, I still felt unsettled.
Since I received their ask in my inbox, I began messaging them privately. I will note my personal red flags as we go along.
(this gets long, so please keep reading to view more)
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🚩Excessive use of "dear"
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Please note, as you see in the pinned message I've shared up above, that they have listed their income goal and the amount they presumably have. This information is completely based on their own metrics and you have no third-party method of knowing how much they actually have.
🚩"Trust me, bro, I will tell you how much I have."
🚩Constant misspelling/misunderstanding of English
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Note: they do actually have the update on the account they've messaged me with, even if they have multiple accounts. Regardless, my question still stands, as any of these "other accounts" they have could list any other number or no number at all.
🚩No list of accounts they are using to raise money
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Before I could continue, they quickly sent another message.
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🚩🚩🚩Lying to agree with me + continued excessive use of "dear"
I intended to say "Moving on" after my message conceding that they did actually have the amounts listed on their account. However, for whatever reason, they agreed with me that they didn't actually say the information I just said they did, indeed, have. Why lie about something so easy to disprove?
At this point, I'm sure I'm working with a scammer, but I also have a tendency to not trust myself. After all, what if their fingers are too stiff to type properly? What if that really is just the way they speak? It's the heat of the moment, and I know I can be gullible and a bit too quick to act.
So, I make one last attempt. After all, it's true that I couldn't find their icon image via a reverse search. But what if they used some sort of overlay I can't see with the naked eye to prevent it from matching with the original?
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🚩An excuse instead of an answer
Note: At the time I sent my initial message requesting an answer within two minutes, it was 11:45 PM in Sacramento County, California. In three hours, it would be 2:45 AM.
As noted, two minutes passed without an answer.
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🚩Continued misuse/misunderstanding/misspelling of English
Although, I accidentally wrote "be" instead of "been," so that's part of the reason why I didn't immediately consider it a red flag. Continued misuse, etc., is more of a red flag than occasional or one-time issues. Also, since I have put them on a time crunch, their misspellings and such have increased. Ah, also--
🚩🚩🚩Still haven't told me any sort of time
Even if they weren't sure what it would be in three hours, why not tell me what time it is now?
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🚩🚩🚩Told me an incorrect time
🚩🚩🚩Continued to tell me an incorrect time, but switched to military/international/24-hour clock
By the time of these messages, it was around 11:53 PM in Sacramento County, CA. The times they told me, as noted, were that it would be 3:44 AM in three hours (it would be 2:53 AM), then they told me it will be 8:53 PM (which is three hours in reverse despite referring to the future).
By this point, I am acting as though it is a scam and reporting their PayPal account. They continue to message me.
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🚩🚩🚩Still telling me the wrong time (2 PM when it's almost midnight)
🚩🚩🚩Increased desperation
🚩🚩🚩Continued misuse/misspelling of English despite claiming to be a Black American from Sacramento County, CA (before someone says it, AAVE use would not be a "misuse" of English btw, it's a dialect)
🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩Continued excessive use of "dear"
Unfortunately for them, I hate being called "dear".
I won't bother you with the extra images, but I switched gears and said I would donate to them, and they, continuing to call me "dear," expressed thankfulness. They were so thankful that, when I asked them for the email address they used for their PayPal account, they gave it to me.
As I sent my report to PayPal, they said they hadn't received the money yet, and I said I was heading to the bank. They said okay and gave me their blessings.
Thankfully, for you to send a report to PayPal, all you'll need is their link URL, this very post to show how they've acted suspicious, and their PayPal username, which is Lucymkira.
Their PayPal URL is https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9R2PJZYZXPG4E.
Remember, Do Not Donate To Them.
I attempted to send a warning not long after our conversation, but I had a feeling that they would block me before I could share it fully.
Here is where I had started:
They appear to have blocked me before I could continue reblogging with more information, so I made this separate post.
Do not donate any medical expense money to user Lucymkira. Due to various red flags, I firmly believe it is a scam. Do not donate any medical expense money to anyone linking to the PayPal page with the URL "https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9R2PJZYZXPG4E".
If you click on their link, you can scroll to the bottom to "Report Inappropriate Content" or click the link here, which goes to the same page. Use their username, "Lucymkira", and a link to this post to report your findings to PayPal on their inappropriate behavior and use of their services.
Be careful of medical expense scams on Tumblr, but do not lose your giving heart. Double and triple-check whoever solicits you for help online. Ensure you have enough evidence to believe them trustworthy before giving them anything.
And if they aren't, report them to the necessary authorities so others do not get scammed.
Please reblog this post to spread the word.
Many thanks for your time.
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
I want to share with you this idea I have had for literally a year that has always stumped me because I never find a stupid enough reason for teenaged Eren and Mikasa to break up.
The premise is: Armin’s week from hell.
Armin has a nightmare of man-eating humanoids before going to school on Monday and subsequently oversleeps, causing him to miss his bus and have to catch a ride to school with his father which makes him late. His back is also really itchy for some reason. When he gets to class and sits at his desk everybody is too busy whispering about something to notice him. Being the nosey person he is he asks his desk neighbour Mina for the tea only to be met by a shocked gasp “You don’t know?!”
“Eren and Mikasa have broken up!”
And then there’s a whole bunch of shenanigans from here where the friend group takes sides in the break up (if you’re wondering it’s Sasha, Connie, Jean on team Mikasa and Reiner, Bert, Marco on team Eren), Armin becomes a child of divorce and EM end up working out a custody agreement of who gets to hang out with him when, the song drivers license playing on repeat, a stress induced back rash that is rapidly spreading! And a budding romance between Armin and the loner outcast Annie.
But I can’t think of a stupid enough reason for them to break up! It is crucial the break up can only last a week, and it has to be some sort of miscommunication (because it adds more stress and rage to Armin and I like seeing him stressed). Please help me!!!
Also let me know if you want to know more because I just opened up my old note again about this and I forgot how silly it was 😂😂
I have just thing! Two incredibly stupid situations from my own life that I think could work for your idea.
Both are text messaging related and involve my ex, who can barely read (like Eren!) and doesn't know how to give anyone the benefit of the doubt (like Eren?).
Option 1. Eren misreads a text from Mikasa and, despite it seeming ooc for her to say something so petty/selfish, he does not reread the text. He simply reacts and says something mean to her about how he won't even be able to look at her for the next few days or whatever. When this happened to me with my ex, I was like, "Can you explain what I did for you to be acting like this?" and it was resolved almost immediately (god, the red flags, though), but you can have Mikasa also react and say, "Okay! Then don't look at me ever!" Sides are chosen based on who heard whose version of the story. Perhaps Armin could eventually ask Eren if he can read the text messages (or Eren shows him to prove what a bitch Mikasa was) and he realizes the typo and gets mad that Eren is such a dumbfuck.
Option 2. My ex gave me the silent treatment for days because we had been texting and one of my texts didn't go through. He didn't know it hadn't gone through, of course, but he was mad because he thought I'd ignored something he'd said to me? But he didn't tell me that's why he was mad. He just stopped talking to me, even when I went over to his gma's for Xmas. He just ignored me the whole time. (🚩🚩🚩) A few days later, I was over at his house (Why when he wasn't talking to me and I was now not talking to him???? He'd probably invited me and I'd gone because I'm dumb) and he was like, "Can we be done fighting?" And I was like, "I don't even know what we're fighting about. You started this." And he was like, "no, you did. You ignored me when I texted you [whatever. I can't remember. It was so low stakes]." And I was like, "No, I didn't. I said [something]." We compared inboxes. The reply text was in mine but not in his. All was forgiven. Like with the previous situation, sides can be picked among their friends based on whose version they heard first and it can be easily resolved if Eremika would just talk.
If those work for your idea, please feel free to use either one or combine them in any way you see fit. And, yes, this idea sounds hilarious. It's giving me Alexander and the terrible horrible very bad day vibes. Please share more.
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