#which means i am going to see them in a PROM OUTFIT
number-1-crush · 1 year
oh my fucking god. OH my fucking god
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spider-chris06 · 7 months
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Well, a storyboard has just been published where Gwen, at the beginning of ATSV, was going to see Miles' image, while she changed into her Peter at times, and I honestly don't know what the hell to think about this.
I mean, the first thing that crossed my mind is that, for Gwen, in this version of the storyboard, Miles is nothing more than a replacement for her Peter (Which in itself is contradictory because it is not known if Gwen even liked a little Peter), and if that were not enough, there was also the "Miguel calling" scene of the building where Gwen and Miles were originally going to say goodbye before he followed her to Pav's universe in a totally bitter way (And not exactly because of Miles).
Look, I trust that Lord and Miller are going to give us the most satisfying ending to the relationship between Gwen and Miles, but seeing as they have TOO MUCH to resolve in Beyond The Spider-Verse, along with this that was published, the thing in the next movie can turn out excellently well, or terribly badly, since they have to be very careful not to give the wrong message.
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For example, I am one of those who thinks that in the BTSV epilogue, do not have Gwen go with Miles to her prom wearing the same outfit and at the same school, precisely for the same reason I just said. They can be much more creative and original than that, they can make them, for example, do a concert, or be at a meeting on the roof of Miles' house, etc.
Anyway, I want to know what you think, I really didn't like this and like the storyboard of "Miguel calling", it made me wonder what in the earth they were thinking when they did that scene.
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mvltixcc · 3 months
Girls Like Girls - Robin Buckley X Cheerleader!Reader
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Summary: Robin has a crush on the new girl in town. Y/N is also a new member of the cheer squad, which means Robin sees her all the time at games and other school events. Unfortunately, Robin is put in a tough situation. She's scared to talk to her because the cheerleaders have a reputation of being mean girls and she fears that Y/N may not feel the same. Little does Robin know that Y/N does not appear as she seems. Y/N becomes best friends with Eddie, which seems unlikely at the surface due to different social circles. This leads to rumors of course and word spreads like wildfire here at Hawkins, which then makes Robin's feelings even more confusing. After hanging out with Steve and the gang, Robin starts to see a different side to Y/N. Will they end up together or will they just remain friends?
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: When I mention 'Sam' in my story, I'm talking about the girl in this photo. She was never in the story of the show but I wanted to add another girl to the group and this photo helped capture what I needed.
Pinterest board for inspiration
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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“Nancy, no offense, but you are no help. None of these look good on me.” Robin stated as she stood in front of the large mirror trying on dresses. She lost track of how many she tried on. None of them stood out to her and she didn’t feel like herself in them. 
“Well maybe we just need to keep looking?” Nancy suggested. Robin stood there fidgeting in the fabric and making a sour face. Nancy could tell something wasn’t right. Luckily she knew how to fix it. “You know what, why don’t you change back into your clothes and then meet me back here.” Nancy said. Robin sighed in relief and went back to change. Nancy left Robin and walked to the front counter. “Hi excuse me, is there any chance I can use your phone please?” Nancy asked the employee. She nods and hands Nancy the phone. 
“Hey it’s Nancy, are you busy?”
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“What are you doing here?” Robin asked as she saw Steve standing next to Nancy.
“Nancy here thought you may need some help finding the right outfit for prom and a dress just won’t cut it, so that’s where I come in. I’m gonna take you shopping to help you find what suits you.” Steve said with a smile. 
“I am relinquishing my duties and passing them off to Steve.” Nancy said with a chuckle.
“Let’s get this show on the road, Buckley!” Steve said, clapping walking toward the exit.
“I’m coming dingus!” Robin laughed and followed behind. 
The two sat in the car on the way to the next shop. “So if you’re not taking me dress shopping, then where are you taking me?” Robin questioned.
“You’ll see Buckley, be patient.” Steve said as he continued to drive to the destination. 
“I don’t see why I can’t just go with Y/N, she is my date after all and I care about looking nice for her.” Robin said, rolling her eyes.
“You think I won’t find something that makes you look nice? Do you know who you’re talking to?” Steve asked jokingly. 
“You know what I mean, you’re a guy. How exactly can you help me with this?” Robin continued. 
“Robin, I know you better than most people do. Why do you think Nancy called me in the first place? You are not a dress kind of girl, you and I both know that. But, we can find something else that works for you and what you’re comfortable with.” Steve said. 
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” Robin said.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I was what?” Steve joked.
“Alright Harrington don’t push it.” Robin laughed and gave her friend a light shove.
“Okay okay, we’re here anyways.” He laughed and pulled into a parking space. Robin looked up at the sign with a puzzled look. “What? What’s the matter?” Steve asked.
“Why are we at the Men’s Factory? I thought we were looking for clothes, not tools.” Robin questioned. 
“Are you serious?” Steve said. “Robin, this isn’t- dear god help me.” He sighed.
“What?” Robin asked.
The pair got out of the car and walked into the store, Robin was soon hit with the realization that it was in fact NOT a home improvement store. It was a store full of all different kinds of suits. Steve and Robin walked around hoping something would jump out to her. But so far nothing.
“What about this one?” Steve asked, holding up a brown suit. 
“Oh god no.” Robin said, making a sour face. 
They continued to walk around, going from suit to suit. Trying things on left and right, until they found THE one. It was a nice white button up, a black tie with a black vest, and dress pants to match. 
“This is it. This is the one.” Robin said as she stood in front of the mirror. She loved how she not only looked, but how she felt as well. She felt like herself and that’s what matters the most. 
As she checked out she couldn’t help but think about you. She hoped you were having a good time shopping for the right dress.
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“Can you all stop running around and sit the hell down!” Sam yelled at the rest of the guys as they ran around the store trying to help you find the right dress. 
“This is not it.” You said walking out in a bright yellow gown. “I look like a banana!” 
“I think you look like a lovely banana!” Gareth said as he stood next to you in the mirror. 
“Well of course you’d say that, you picked this one out in the first place!” You chuckled to him. You turned around and saw a few of the boys holding up more colorful dresses. “Why do you people want me to look like a fruit salad?” 
“You people clearly don’t know her at all.” Sam stated walking over to the rest of you. “Stop trying to put her in bright colors, you all should know that Y/N doesn’t like that kind of stuff!” Sam proclaimed. 
The group continued to look around to find you a dress. Nothing stood out to you. You got changed and walked out to the rest of your friends. “Let’s just go to the next store and be done.” You were getting frustrated that you couldn’t find anything. You had already tried 2 other shops and you were getting tired. The group had agreed and you all climbed into Eddie’s van and went to the next store. 
“So where are we off to now?” Eddie asked you quietly to not let the others hear. He knew that if they did they would suggest another dress shop. 
“Can we just go to the thrift store? I really don't need anything fancy, that’s not even my type of style.” You replied.
“Trust me I know that.” He chuckled. “We’ll find you something, don't worry.” He reassured you. 
“What are we doing here?” Jeff asked as you guys pulled up to the thrift shop. 
“Guys I really don’t need a ball gown or anything fancy. I just wanna look and feel nice while having a good time with my girlfriend.” You said walking into the store. They agreed to help you find something that was more ‘you’. 
You all walked around and found random items like necklaces and bracelets. But no dress yet. Until you heard Sam screech. “THIS IS IT!” 
She ran to you and huffed and puffed as she showed you the dress. You took the item and went to try it on. You stood in front of the mirror and you knew as soon as you put it on that it was the one. You walked out of the changing room to show everyone the dress.
“It’s perfect!” Sam exclaimed.
Most of the boys stood in awe.
“You look beautiful.” Eddie said, walking up to you. He looked at you tearfully. 
“Thanks, Eds.” You turned to hug him. “Everything is gonna be perfect.” You were now even more excited to go to the prom with Robin.
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You finished getting ready and made your way downstairs as you waited for Robin to arrive for pictures. You were nervous to say the least, you just wanted everything to be perfect for the pair of you. 
“You look beautiful Y/N!” Your nana stated as she stood in front of you. She pulled you in for a hug.
“Thank you Nan!” You said, hugging her back. 
“Alright let’s get some pictures with you and Eddie!” She suggested. You nodded and made your way outside, Eddie following behind shortly after. 
As you and Eddie had finished taking pictures, Steve pulled into the driveway. Robin jumped out before he could even fully park the car. “God Buckley, would you be careful?” Steve said sarcastically. 
Robin didn’t care though. She was too excited to see just how beautiful you looked and boy was she right. You looked breathtaking. “Wow.��� was all she managed to spew out. Robin stood there in awe as you had approached her. 
“Hi buttercup! Well look at you, you look absolutely perfect!” You said as you pulled your girlfriend in for a hug. You pulled away from the hug soon after. “Is that for me?” You ask as you point to the box in Robin’s hands.
“What? Oh uh yeah, this is for you!” Robin said with excitement. It was a corsage that matched your dress. Robin had been asking all week what your dress looked like, she was too eager and wanted to know everything. Knowing that she would ask until your ears fell off, you gave in and told her about the color of your dress. 
“It’s beautiful Robin!” You exclaimed. “Wanna help me put it on?” You asked. She nodded and took it out of the box and helped you put it on your wrist.
“It’s not too tight is it? Or too big? I wasn’t sure-” Robin began to ramble.
“It’s perfect!” You said giving her a soft peck on the cheek. You could see her cheeks turning red which caused you to chuckle. “I have something for you too!” You turned to Eddie who was standing behind you with a box similar to the one that Robin had and took it from him. You opened it to reveal a matching boutonniere. You helped Robin put it on. “There, now we match!” You said with excitement. 
“You guys look great!” Steve complimented as he approached the pair of you. “Wait, why are you all dressed up?” He asked, pointing to Eddie. 
“Oh please this is hardly even dressed up!” Eddie proclaimed. He wore a simple black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and some dark jeans. He also paired it with some boots and his usual jewelry.
“It’s dressed up for you!” You chuckled.
“That still doesn’t answer the question though.” Steve said.
“Eddie’s also going, I thought you-” Steve interrupted you.
“Well how come he gets to go and I don't?!” Steve pouted. 
“Maybe because I’m still a student there?” Eddie laughed. “Plus I’m not even going in, I’m gonna be sitting in my van making sure nothing happens to them.” 
“Why don’t you come with Steve? I’m sure Eddie could use the company.” Robin suggested.
“Oh I don’t think-” Both Eddie and Steve said in unison.
“That’s a great idea!” You proclaimed. 
“Alright alright, let’s get these pictures taken so you kids can be on your way!” Your nana said as she held the camera up. 
You and Robin took your pictures and soon you all loaded into Eddie’s van and made your way to the school.
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“If anything happens you just get Sam and she’ll come get me, okay?” Eddie said going over the plan again. 
“Yes yes I got it! Okay we’re going in now.” You said, you were eager to get in and have a good time with your girlfriend. “Just promise me you wont kill each other?” You asked before closing the van door. 
“Yeah yeah we promise.” The two said in unison once again. 
“Okay, let's do this!” You say, closing the van door and taking Robin’s hand as you walked toward the doors. The two of you stood at the doors for a moment, preparing for the night ahead of you. “You ready my love?” You asked, looking at Robin. 
“As I’ll ever be.” She replied nervously. She wanted this night to be special for you both.
You opened the doors and walked into the gym. It was magical. All the lights and beautiful decorations that lined the room really brought it all together. You made your way over to Sam and her date who was grabbing some punch. 
“Hey guys!” You greeted your friend. 
“Wow you two look amazing!” Sam complemented you both. 
“Thanks, you guys look great too!” Robin thanked.
“We’ll be keeping a close eye on you guys throughout the night. Now go out there and have a good time with each other!” Sam spoke. 
You said your goodbyes and you both made your way to the dance floor.
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Everything was going great. You and Robin were dancing and singing your heart out. You both had danced with some friends as well. The both of you were now at a table eating snacks and just talking about the night so far. As you were talking with one another, a slow song started to play. You both make your way to the dance floor to have a special moment. There you are in the middle of the gym, holding one another and just enjoying each other. This night was perfect. Or so you thought.
“Well look at you two, how adorable!” Chrissy said as she approached the two of you. 
“Can’t you leave us alone for one night Cunningham?” You asked in annoyance. 
“I come in peace I promise!” She stated with her hands up.
“Uh huh, I’m sure you do.” Robin said also now annoyed at this point. 
“Honest I swear! Look I know that things aren’t so great between us, but I just wanted to offer your spot back to you on the team!” Chrissy began as she turned to look at you.
Chrissy continued to go on and on about some random bullshit as she does when suddenly Robin felt something wet fall onto her hand. She looked down to see a droplet of red. Robin looked above and saw what appeared to be a bucket with some rope tied around it on the rafters above you both. She turned to the left to see the other cheer squad members laughing with one another holding onto the rope that was attached to the bucket. She turned to you to get your attention. 
“We have to go, like now!” Robin whispered in your ear. 
You looked at her and could see that she was serious. You nodded to her. “Well you know Chrissy, this little chit chat was fun and all, but I think we’re gonna head out now. You and Jason go have a fun time now!” You say trying to get away from her.
Chrissy tried to get you both to stay and talk with her, but despite her efforts you both weren’t budging and kept walking away. This made her extremely mad and her demeanor changed. “Ugh god get back here NOW!” She yelled at you. 
As you turned around to face her, you saw red liquid falling from the ceiling. Robin pulled you out of the way as it came down. It all fell directly onto Chrissy. “What in the Carrie?” You said to yourself as you watched the scene in front of you. The gym fell silent at this point. A few other people were hit with whatever was in the bucket, but it was mostly all over Chrissy. The realization had hit her like a truck and she began to scream off the top of her lungs. You both made your way out of the gym and booked it for Eddie’s van. 
“No no no Lord of the Rings is so much better than that!” Eddie proclaimed. 
“God you are such a nerd!” Steve laughed. Suddenly the van door swung open. “Whoa whoa what happened? Are you both okay?” Steve asked as you and Robin jumped into the van and slammed the door shut. You were both out of breath from running. 
“Well considering the fact that we almost got Carrie’d!” Robin exclaimed while trying to catch her breath. 
“Huh?” Steve questioned. 
“My god Harrington do you seriously not watch movies?” Eddie teased.
“Okay we can pick on Steve about that later!” You stated trying to get to the point. 
“Hey!” Steve proclaimed. 
“Chrissy tried to pour a bucket of-” You began.
“Pigs blood?!?” Eddie squealed.
“No! Now let me finish you goose!” You laughed. “It looked like I don’t know-” 
“Red paint!” Robin stated. 
“How do you know?” Steve asked, turning back to the both of you as Eddie drove you all back to your place. 
“The way it stained my hand is the same way that paint does. Can’t imagine what she’s gonna look like after this.” Robin said. 
“What I wanna know is how the hell did you guys not get hit with that?” Eddie asked.
“Robin was the one that got me out of there.” You said.
“I felt something wet on my hand and saw the red. Then I looked up and saw the bucket that the cheerleaders were tugging at with a rope across the gym.” Robin replied. 
“That was some quick thinking there Buckley, nice job.” Eddie said, giving Robin props. 
“Thanks Eddie.” She said with a smile.
“Now as for you!” You said poking Steve. “I can’t believe you haven’t seen Carrie!” 
“I keep telling him he needs to watch it!” Robin chuckled.
“Okay you know what!” Steve stated.
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 “Thanks for the ride Ed’s, drive safe now okay?” You said as you stood at the driver side window of the van.
“Hey, I’m here anytime and I will try my best.” He laughed.
“Edward!” You yelled.
“Okay okay, I’ll drive safe! You go and get some sleep.” Eddie said. You said your goodbyes and Eddie drove off. You made your way over to Robin to say goodbye to her as well.
“Well despite everything that just happened, I had a really good time with you tonight. I’m really glad that we went.” You giggled.
“Yeah me too, it was a really special night that I definitely will never forget!” She laughed back.
Robin pulled you close and wrapped her arms around you. “Though, to be fair every moment with you is special because I get to spend it with my beautiful girlfriend.” Robin spoke softly. You began to turn a bright shade of pink. “Aww is someone blushing?” She teased, you put your head into her neck to hide the flustered expression on your face. 
You pulled away and looked at her for a moment. “I love you so much.” You professed. 
“I love you too, my sweet angel.” She said, smiling back at you. 
Robin pulled you in one more time, but this time it was to give you a kiss. Every time you would kiss each other, it was instant sparks. She loved how soft your lips were against hers. Robin pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. She didn’t want this night to end, but that thought was soon interrupted by Steve coughing loudly indicating that it was time to go.
You pulled away from one another shortly after. “Well, I guess I’ll see you on Sunday for our usual breakfast date.” Robin said as she gently kissed your cheek. 
“I’ll pick you up at the usual time!” You giggled. 
“You sleep well, okay love bug?” Robin suggested. 
“I will, you better sleep well too!” You replied.
“I promise, scouts honor!” Robin said, holding up her hand. 
“I’ll see you Sunday you goose.” You chuckled and said your goodbyes.
Once Steve left, you went inside and decompressed from the night you just had. As you lay in bed thinking about how perfect the night was, you began to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
Next chapter
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mdverse · 5 months
md's fun silly little top 10(ish) arts of the 2023!*
*pretend there's a fun cute doodled banner here (i was going to make one earlier and then i forgor)
doing a lil recap of my top 10 15 (it was supposed to be 10 and i could not narrow it down oops) best(? this is subjective as fuck i guess it's more like my personal faves) drawings of the year! *the crowd cheers* (it’s me I’m the crowd)
15: paradise by the dashboard light! i hate to rank her so low bc i spent ages on her but it seems i don't love the result that much anymore so :/ a for effort for me tho this was ambitious
14: cheer girl loml <33 not my best art technically by far but i went way out of my comfort zone for the background and the art style (for no good reason really) (i just wanted to do a comic book thing bc superhero vibes or whatever) (it did not come out the way i was hoping it would bc i think i got too frustrated) and we simply must acknowledge that. atog did things to me that i cannot explain
13: barbie meme brittana! not my best britt but truly sooo fun to work on. there's nothing quite like finding a fun rendering process and then never using it again (i don't even remember how i coloured this but i like it)
12: cowboy barbie brittana <3 they look good, they're about to kiss, cute outfits, pretty sunset, probably went overboard with the rim lighting, what's not to love? a banger, i think
11: i say a little prayer! i think the background is. questionable at best. but this is still really fun! i think i got possessed when i got to the uniforms bc goddamn they look good
10: klaine?? on this blog???? almost unheard of lmao i truly did not think i would like this one as much as i did. i'd consider ranking it higher if i wasn't constantly Unwell over brittana but again, i'm biased, and no one here should be surprised about that
9: pre-wedding kiss my beloved! with how insane i've been over this kiss it could perhaps be higher. i am gnawing on my desk as we speak i'm not even sitting at a desk rn
8: rutherchang x black swan!! ohhh u guys i don't talk about this one enough i think it's so pretty i don't even remember how i did the colours for it but rhgfdkngd?? love her, love pushing the glee x bts agenda, if any of u gifmakers are interested in making a mike chang x black swan lyric gifset i will love u forever
7: colour wheel challenge! busted my whole tiddies and ass for this one fellas. labour of love etc etc i think staring at the bright colours for so long made my eyesight worse and i'm ok with that
6: mistletoe brittana <33 easily the best instalment of this series by a long shot! recency bias (and also just. regular bias) made me rank her much higher originally but technically she is not the most intricate piece so she must sit down here
5: prom queen kurt! dare i say a girlslay on my behalf? i think i dare. every time i see it i think i should do more glosters (glee posters) and then i don't. i could tho they would be really cool (source: dude trust me)
4: churro kiss redraw!!! genuinely Not Sane over this! never have been, never will be! redraws are like crack to me and so is this kiss
3: furtana!! i neglected them for far too long this year but if neglecting them results in art like this i may have to do it again
2: heart kiss <3 if we're being really honest and vulnerable in the chat tonight i think this is technically my best of the brittana kiss screencap redraw things i've done this year? which i did not see coming but i guess practice means refining the process etc etc so. it makes sense ig. mwah to them <3
1: black or white gcv animation <3 it's not what i would call my best drawing (bc it's, yknow, not just one drawing) but it is what i would call the product of a very obsessive thought and some frantic art sessions. objectively it's the coolest thing i've done this year so it deserves the top spot. i'm proud of it i hope to glanimate more next year. also this isn't art but it's a relevant post that i still stand by months later
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saminator · 2 months
the joys of being a masculine trans man
Today, sometime around 9:30 pm, I had an epiphany. Maybe I finally found the joy of being trans. I'd always heard people say it, but I thought it was bullshit. Until today, being trans had caused me nothing but misery and fury. If you asked me anytime before today, April 3rd, 2024, at 9:30 pm pst, whether or not I liked being trans, it would have been a hard no.
I have prom coming up. I'm going to the prom at the school I would have gone to if I'd stayed in my middle school's town. I know a lot of people there, and three of the people at that school are the only hope I used to have when I was 14 and 15, still figuring myself and the world out. Don't get me wrong, I still am, but I was so unhappy back then, and they offered me unlimited comfort. Anyway! I'm going to prom with them and I was kind of excited about it. I'd been having a hard time getting myself to be excited about anything lately. I told my parents I needed a suit for prom and they asked if I could wear something I already had. I said no. All I have are two blazers from the women's section that I got in 2021, one red and one gray, which are incredibly comfortable and nice but they were from a time when I wasn't allowed to shop in the men's or boy's section, and another 3-piece suit which is a bit too large for me that my ex-girlfriend (who's trans) gave to me because I would enjoy it far more than she ever did. I'd also borrowed a blazer from a friend, and again, while it was wonderful, it was also from the women's section. I wanted something new, something that I picked, something that fit me and made me feel okay. So, we started looking for one.
My dad and I went to the mall two days ago to try and look for a suit, but they were either really expensive, or just not my size. Then, my mom told me to look for it online and have my dad pick it up on the way back home from work. I did that. I ordered a gray blazer and dark blue dress pants from the boy's section. My dad got them home. I tried them on. I loved it more than I had ever loved any piece of clothing before. My dad was so encouraging about making sure I looked good and he kept suggesting different variations I could try of the outfit. After a whole hour of trying on different shirts under the blazer and showing my mom and having her feedback on it, I went to go change. Then my dad called me, saying "don't change! wear your blazer!" and asked me to move the trash bins into our backyard because it's extremely windy and they were being knocked over (also because HOA hates when trash bins are left out apparently). So I went to do that.
And I was walking down the driveway with the wind blowing in my hair, I thought Wait. Is this what they mean by the "joy of being trans?" Earlier, I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror because I looked so fucking handsome it was UNBELIEVABLE. My smile didn't feel ugly, my hair didn't feel shabby, my entire body didn't feel like a mistake. And now, in the wind, dragging the landfill bin behind me, I felt happy with being trans.
I don't care if others don't see me as a man. The mirror sees me as a man. That's all that matters. The sheer happiness I felt wearing a suit that wasn't someone else's or from the women's section or too big or not mine was crazy, Suddenly, my short height, my high-pitched voice that no matter how deep I try to make it still gets me misgendered, and my un-muscular body didn't matter. I WAS IN A FUCKING SUIT THAT I LIKED THAT FIT ME THAT WAS FROM THE BOYS SECTION THAT MY PARENTS ALSO LIKED THAT KEPT ME WARM IN THE WIND. I was smiling like a maniac on the way to the backyard.
I'm sure this experience doesn't just happen to masculine trans men. Maybe you're a cis man reading this and you're short, have a high-pitched voice, and aren't jacked up. I see you, and I know how isolating it can feel to be the way you are, no matter how hard you try. I've tried working out to get muscles. I can't gain weight easily. I'm literally 5'1'' and 90 pounds. I hate it. But who cares! I have a suit that's sexier than sex!
I love being masculine. That's something you won't hear people say often because masculinity is demonized because it was always weaponized in the past (and still is). But I'm not all of those men. I'm my own man and I choose to love and embrace masculinity. What is masculinity anyway???? Is it suits? Is it being built? Is it having a deep voice? Is it having a beard? Is it being tall? Is it doing taxing manual labor? No! It's none of those things objectively, not even the suits. I've said this before and I'll continue saying it, if wearing dresses or skirts or doing makeup makes you feel masculine or is your definition of masculinity, hell yeah! Go for it! To me, masculinity is home. It's looking at myself and smiling because I look good. It's wearing a suit and feeling warm and cozy and ready to do anything. It's having a better relationship with my parents because we're all trying our best. It's being daring and taking risks just because I want to. Femininity couldn't give me any of this.
Especially in a time like now, where no trans space is safe from discussions of the happenings of the world, the world where people want to erase us because they think we're a threat. The fact that people are afraid of us is astonishing. But we persevere, we wear our suits or dresses or overalls or corsets or fishnets or khakis or hoodies and we pursue happiness because it's comforting to think that it exists for us. And it does. If someone like me could find euphoria in being trans, anyone can.
But yeah, in conclusion, the joy of being a masculine trans man is trying on your prom suit with the wind blowing 18 miles per hour in your hair and feeling alive and manly masculine male >:)
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cadybear420 · 4 months
Masterlist of Gifts, Inspired Works, etc. made by others (NOTE: List is subject to updates)
This means stuff like:
Any works that have been gifted to me– including commissions, requests, or suggestions that I place, as well as works that were part of a Secret Pal Exchange Event.
Additions to/Edits of any of my own works.
Any works that are inspired by discussions.
Any works that are inspired by any of my edits, stories, headcanons, art, etc.
Any works that feature any of my MCs.
I will not and never will accept any works that include the use of Generative AI, and they will not be included on this list.
OG HSS: Aiden Zhou mini moodboard, made by @lovealexhunt
A simple and sweet moodboard! The Promposal CG is easily one of my favorite Aiden moments in the game, as is the scene where they're on Hearst's rooftop together and Aiden tells MC that they're his muse.
OG HSS: "Moving", written by @tveitertotwrites (for December 2023 Secret Pal event)
A sweet short story about an older Aiden and Evie moving out of their long-time family home, after their kids (OCs still pending) have grown up and moved out. I love imagining Aiden and Evie in their more elder years; in my headcanons, they're certainly a "high school sweethearts" couple that stays together pretty much the rest of their lives and happily grows old together. Seeing the two of them being so affectionate with each other as an older couple is just precious.
And it also fits so well with my headcanon of Evie being a very sentimental and nostalgic person! She values memories a lot and has a tendency for visual/physical associations with memories, so her holding back to look around the empty house and go through the years of memories is spot on.
OG HSS: Angy Aiden, drawn by @hydn-jpg
Angy Aiden is precious, like who hurt you babygirl I will eat their souls for you
OG HSS: Aiden x Evie cuddling with Aiden in Evie's lap, drawn by @hydn-jpg and commissioned by @lilyoffandoms
I'm a total whore for seeing guys sitting on their ladies' laps, and Aiden and Evie were captured perfectly here! Aiden grinning and blushing with his arms wrapped around Evie's neck/shoulders is just super adorable, like you know that man is *proud* to be her boyfriend. And likewise, Evie is proud to be his girlfriend, and holding him him close to her by his waist which is such an Evie thing for her to do haha.
OG HSS: Aiden x Evie sharing a dance ft. Aiden in a dress, drawn by @lilyoffandoms
This is based on an edit I did of Aiden in the premium prom dress option for f!MC. Evie is of course wearing the premium suit option from the game, and seeing them share a dance in those outfits– especially with Evie dipping Aiden– is a dream come true.
The mood is just perfect with the two of them grinning and looking into each other's eyes lovingly! And the background that's mostly dark except for the lighting behind them really captures the feeling of "the world around you seems to fade away as you focus only on your partner" that is so very *them*.
ILITW: Jo x Lucas after a party ft. Jo bridal carrying a drunk Lucas, drawn by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (for February 2024 Secret Pal event)
This one is based on a Q&A headcanon I had about Lucas being the bigger lightweight at parties and how he likes to be bridal carried home by Jo. The artstyle is so perfect for the ILA characters, and I love seeing Lucas drunk with his hair and glasses and sweater all messy! Jo gently teasing him is definitely something she'd do.
Both of their outfits are spot on for them. I especially love the open flannel shirt and the carabiner, they're definitely things Jo would wear. Lucas having a lil earring isn't something I'd thought about before but I am very here for it. And of course, their rings!
OG HSS: Aiden Zhou Portrait, drawn by @lilyoffandoms
That bright smile! My boi is happy, just as he deserves UuU
OG HSS: Evie x Aiden Drabble, written by @inlocusmads
I am in love with the Evie x Aiden banter here. They're captured so perfectly, especially Aiden! I love seeing the description of Evie's "tell" to Aiden and all the little details in his behavior. And you know I'm obsessed with Evie calling Aiden "Pretty Boy"! Evie loves her beautiful nerd bf.
I also love the mention of Aiden getting into video games with Nishan and Sakura. I don't know if I ever shared it, but one of my oldest HSS headcanons is actually that Evie and Aiden like to do gaming double-dates with Nishan and Sakura fairly often (and that Aiden is initially kind of crap at most computer games haha). So this part is very on-point.
OG HSS: Evie Picrew, made by @inlocusmads
To celebrate Evie being MC of the Month for March! The hairstyle and clothes suit her so perfectly! Rainbows and blazer jackets ftw.
OG HSS: Gyaru!Aiden, edited by @pulpitude
An edit of one of my own edits! I am very here for this alternate take on Aiden. The color scheme, the new hair, the nails, all of it. And it all looks so polished!
The flower in the hair is probably my favorite, simply because Aiden is precious and deserves to wear flowers uwu
OG HSS: An actual HSS Book 3 scene where Evie lifts up Aiden, drawn by @callmebeem and commissioned by @jerzwriter (a March 2024 giveaway gift)
A drawn version of a scene from the story, and frankly it delivered! Evie getting to lift Aiden!!! They both look so beautiful!!! The way they look at each other!!!! The way she holds him!!!!! The way he holds onto her!!!! It's so *them*. Everything about them is just perfect.
And the mood lighting with the city in the background makes it all the better. I always had a thing for cityscape views, especially when it's lit up at night– and I like to think that that sort of aesthetic goes well with Evie and Aiden. And it looks amazing in this piece for sure.
OG HSS: Aiden x Evie mini moodboard, made by @lovealexhunt
Another sweet moodboard! Like the first one, it captures Aiden and Evie so well. I don't remember which part of the story the quote came from (even after 7 playthroughs and counting of Aiden's route) but regardless, it will never not make my heart flutter.
OG HSS: Trans Girl Aiden (Giselle) meets Genderfucking Cis Guy Aiden, made by @pulpitude
What started out as a discussion about favorite foods has led to this blessed meeting. And this picrew shows it perfectly. They both just look so adorable! Everything chosen for them is just perfect. I'm especially obsessed with Aiden's skirt and the purple flowers in his hair. I just love black-and-purple color schemes for Aiden. It suits him so well to me and I don't know why.
ILB: Harper Addison giving Tom a Kissie, drawn by @lilyoffandoms (for April 2024 Secret Pal event)
Everything about this is so precious! Harper and Tom look so good in this artstyle, especially Tom's smile. He's an absolute ball of sunshine and it shows. He deserves all the love. And Addison is happy to give him all the love and kissies.
And I love that you included the detail of why Harper would wear the pink-and-grey casual outfit option! While I'd say red and black is her preferred color scheme and favorite colors, she definitely loves to wear pink-and-grey every now and then too. I just love that for them and I love that you included it.
OG HSS: Solrin's 2 Truths and a Lie, written by @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor
This was inspired by some of the character conversations I've made on here! This was such an enjoyable read and I loved getting to know Solrin for the first time!
OG HSS: Evie and Solrin working on English homework, drawn and written by @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor
Our MCs get to meet! And Evie just looks amazing here! Both of them do of course, but I just especially love how good you drew my MC. The hair texturing is gorgeous! And Sol's abs! They 100% would be buff besties.
And the dialogue bit is great too! Evie with the writer's block is so real. I imagine she also would often tune out of the books she has to read for English, but when Sol's asking for help she's just like "well what am I supposed to do, IDK how to stay invested in a book I don't care for" haha
OpH: "It's Bugging Me", written by @jerzwriter
This was such a cute and funny text fic! I just love their dynamic, and Tobias is such a tease! Such a good blend of sugar and spice, how quickly they can go from sweet talk to banter and then back to sweet talk. Also Casey going "Yey" is just the best thing ever, like same.
OG HSS: Alan in some f!MC outfits + Makeup, edits by @pulpitude
All of these came out so amazingly, and all of these are on-point for Alan's style!!! They look so much better on him frfr... and I love that we've both edited him into the cheerleader and floral top outfits.
Extra props to you for doing the lacy top outfit because I was very unsure about editing it onto him myself lol. The sleeves looked so difficult and it always intimidated me. But I definitely like your take on it because it still looks stylish with only one sleeve (and also as more midriff bearing hehe).
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glauconaryue · 17 days
Scenes from transprom
I loved my real prom because yeah I was the outcast and yeah the ritual was dumb but at that time I stopped giving a single flying fuck and just decided to show up as a freak and get wasted. I wore the most eclectic messy outfit and wasn't even in the group picture and just danced with myself. That's a part of who I am, but so is trans prom. I'm not going to make a drawing because it wouldn't be half as cute as everything you people posted before. I'd rather do what I do as a writer and write, so here we go.
I'm going to trans prom too. I'm wearing a black, sparkling dress with a twirly skirt, a lot of spooky jewellery and makeup which is somewhere between dark and cute. My hair is long, my legs are smooth, and I'm still only 18. That means it's 2001 I think, and I wonder who else is graduating this year. Most trans people on tumblr seem to have graduated after 2015 anyway. I wonder who I could ask out, if I have to ask someone out, and I get cold sweat again, I don't want to be the one to start things and then feel I'm being too forward and making girls uncomfortable with who I am.
But this is trans prom, and it's okay to be gay, and suddenly I get a call from my long lost sister Turtledove, who had given up on transitioning after she was outed and disowned. But she's back for trans prom, she's my partner even, as sisters, as friends. She looks so pretty in her green satin dress and matching shawl that for a moment I forget myself, I feel cold and nervous not knowing what to do with so much feels. But she doesn't hesitate and pins an orchid onto my cleavage as I pin one on hers.
And as we get to the prom, not only is oneesan and all the women my age there, 18 again. Everyone is 18 and everyone is here. All the people I had interacted with, the ones I write daily with but are in Australia, the ones that I lost contact with for unknown reasons, the trans girls and trans boys and enbies, trans boys wearing suits and trans boys wearing the prettiest dresses just because they like it, trans girls who were so, so angry and full of conflicting discourse all the time but are now just having fun and feeling loved and beautiful. Me and my daughters are the same age, and to them it is just two or three years, so they barely feel the change, but to me it is a lifetime
I still don't know what year it is, or what country we're in. There's a new jiggy song by Will Smith and some old merengue by Juan Luis Guerra and then there's Dorian Electra being flamboyant and suddenly we're back to the Spice Girls, but they are no longer singing about the handful of cis girls who thought they were better than us. The Spice Girls are singing about us, and everyone who joins in and feels like a girl is a part of the song and a girl for the moment, and some continue to be girls and some change genders completely the moment the song is over.
Even when others leave, I stay on the dancefloor, people look at me and perceive me, they smile, we truly see each other. My eyes meet with those of another girl across the hall, and although she, too, is nervous, she looks back at me. Slowly we come closer and hold hands as SOPHIE starts singing It's Okay to Cry. Slowly we get closer and hold each other, and there's nothing more to be afraid of.
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wheelie-butch · 7 months
aaravi x miranda for the monprom ships? aaravi x miranda for the monprom ships for the poor?
ooh okay so like. Several weeks ago when I was first getting into monprom and I saw this was a ship I was kinda like vaguely confused but 1) people in glass houses (shipping the wolfpack with literally anyone) shouldn't throw stones and 2) I hadn't seen much of Aaravi yet anyway so didn't really know what she's like so figured I'd find out more later.
And now idk I feel like it's crept up on me, I can see it?? I feel like I have trouble imagining exactly how it would start but I can see the connections... got a kind of butch/femme vibe going on (the slayer should be butch in my opinion <- thinks this of nearly every character in the world anyway) and also knight/princess obviously. Miranda would love Aaravi's prom outfit I think.
Also one of my favourite things about Miranda is she often seems to have slightly different relationships with side characters to the rest, like I think she's friends with Dahlia right , and it's really interesting how she seems to like talking to The Couple about their relationship. Most of the other characters are usually mean to the Slayer (side tangent: I have BEEF with the PCs over how often they are super mean and just punch her and stuff often unprovoked?? When other npcs like Leonard or The Wolfpack do punch-worthy stuff all the time and do not get randomly decked the same. Super not fair imo lol) and I don't remember if I've seen an event with Aaravi and Miranda interacting but I could definitely see her having a more positive relationship than the others do. And I would like to see the PCs risk Miranda's wrath by randomly beating up her girlfriend now lol.
I think Miranda would be nice and enthusiastic and affectionate to Aaravi which she probably needs some of and Aaravi I feel like she wouldn't mock Miranda's naivety or inexperience etc. like I think some other characters might. In conclusion I just woke up and don't have anything very intelligible to say but I think I've been won round and would probably enjoy fanart/fic of them and am enjoying the general concept even if I can't think of good specifics right now :)
Send a ship or character and I will give my opinion i guess
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glassvines · 1 year
Thoughts on eps 1-4 of Murder Drones:
Pilot 1. Is the planet the bots are on supposed to be an alternate Earth? Or a different planet all together? (Answer: It's not Earth. Uzi mentions wanting to go to earth so she can "kill all humans". The planet they are on is Copper 9.) 2. "Untrained neural network" aka baby robots lmao. 3. While the meta dialogue was incredibly BAD in the first episode, the facial gags with words flashing across their faces is so funny. I am having to pause every two seconds to read everything. 4. Which is by design? Pausing to read the gags. This is a show that really wants it's audience to study it like the nerds we are. 5. I love that all the character relationships are purposely cliche, and played 100% straight. 6. Are we really supposed to believe Uzi's dad mercy-killed her mother? 7. I do love how they establish that the Disassembly Drones can regenerate. (N being blasted into oblivion.) 8. "OH MY, you sure are rebellious! It's kind of exciting! *fans self*" N LMAO WHAT. 9. N and Uzi are A+ mains and I love them. 10. Yeah, I missed so much lore discussion on the first watch. Particularly the bit about the ships only being capable of going one way. 11. Why is N hoisting Uzi onto his shoulders the cutest thing ever. He carry. He protec. 12. "I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me!" Hooow did I miss that.
Episode 2 / Heartbeat 1. God I love the haunted mansion flashback. It's so jarring. 2. Tessa... 3. The Disassembly Drones sleep upside down wrapped in their wings. 4. The show hinting at V knowing more than she's letting on combined with the flashbacks were when I started to realize how much of a gem this show was. 5. Episode starts establishing Lizzy and Doll a little more. (Did V disguise herself AS Lizzy? lol.) 6. Ah okay, they do explain what Uzi's powers are: AbsoluteSolver auto-repair initiative. 7. And Uzi DOES mention it's just like the Disassembly Drones' regenerative powers. 8. The weird human hand thing was great. 9. "Oh, J's not here." Huh. 10. "It hurts our feelings you don't remember us." It said via Uzi's Mum's face. Hmmmm. 11. I seriously went from "this could work as a series - good setup" to "I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM UR ALL VERY PRECIOUS".
Episode 3 / The Promening 1. Okay, this was when I realized how purposely satirical the series is. PROM LOL. 2. Year 3,071! 3. I really want to understand the bug crushing motif. 4. "Thank you FOR BEING MY friend" STOP!!! 5. The skeleton prom outfit bit is so gd funny. 6. "What's best for you. Even if you hate me for it." V plz. 7. UZI UWUs 8. This whole episode is just good character development stuff. More focus on V, Doll and Lizzy. Uzi and N making up and doing a battle couple bit for a few seconds. A bit more background information on Uzi’s Mom too.
Episode 4 / Cabin Fever 1. The...school bus is being driven like a horse and buggy. I'm. 2. Uzi's bat-winged backpack :). 3. Lizzy and V just being friends now is delightful. 4. Neat to see a different type of environment being focused on in this episode. 5. "EVACUATE ALL DOGS" "Cool. We did that. That's canon." "Also, all dogs are immortal now!" LMAO I REALLY NEEDED TO PAUSE FOR THAT JOKE. 6. I don't really understand what's triggering Uzi's transformation though? Stress? Jealousy? 7. "Welcome back 02" Hmmmm. 8. V keeps comedically killing all these students and they are still 100% in love with her and N now ahaha. 9. N's development is so good man. I like that he’s standing up to V now. 10. The funniest part of this episode was that Liam thought it was necessary to grind twitter animation stans into dust and have N conspicuously proclaim that he and Uzi are the same age. I don’t have to be part of the fandom to know what that means. Genuinely cathartic seeing a show tell shipper drama weirdos to shut the fuck up. 11. OH! There's that mansion from episode 2. So this hints at what happened to everyone's memories and why they were wiped. 12. The information on zombie drones is on a VHS with 80s horror movie font. 13. Marshmallow batteries 14. "Okay, Mom." L M A O 15. "New body, same horrors. Huh Cyn?" ??? 16. "Can I talk to N?" Oof that hurt me actually :(. 17. HAND HOLDING *pointing Rick Dalton meme*
Even on a re-watch I feel like there's a lot going on under the surface of the series that I've missed. Very much looking forward to seeing where this show goes. 
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😭😭😭😭💔❤️ ISAAAAAAC 😭 MY BOYYY <3333 HE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS ❤️❤️😭 I LOVE HIM!! I hope that art piece helped though :')). Also poor James 😭 xd. But hey at least he's supportive (though the way I was like :'O and then he said "you just haven't found the right person yet" and I went -.- xD. Except a little more like sigh raise eyebrow with a bit of a smile bc :/ you were so close xDD). But seriously Isaac 😭😭❤️❤️ my guy. I love him. I hope he figures it out soon :( :')) <3333.
TAO AND ELLLLLE!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH :'DDD. The GROWTH from Tao, can we talk about that?!!! He :D! I mean he was definitely thrown off at first but that's okay :')). Then he was supportive and lovely and your honor I love him 😭. And ELLE!! OUR GIRL GOT ACCEPTED :D!!! AND HAD HER ART DISPLAYED!! HECK YEAH GIRL :DDD!! AND ALSO THE ART WAS T H E M I'M NOT OKAY 😭😭❤️❤️🥰.
Also, everyone else at that exhibition: :D- YOO those are the people!!
(like the ones in the picture lol)
Anyway I love them your honor thank you <3 xD
Also gosh that DINNER. Was (yes that period's on purpose I'm making it clear it's not "that dinner was", but just "it was" without the it) the most awkward thing I've ever seen xD. I mean not really but it was pretty bad xD.
Just imagining though lol like,
Nick: I don't care what you think
Charlie's parents: *trying to look as far away as they can*
Nick's mom: You don't have a right!
Charlie's parents: wow yeah this for is really good huh, yeah. . .
XDD I just can't lol
Anyway xD!
Also Tori GO. OFF!! The grab of David's arm and the kick of his phone xD, girl SLAY!!! We love her so much in this house 🥰🥰🥰. Also her and Charlie playing video games was really sweet :'DD
Anyway I am sorry your dad and brother suck Nick <333
I do hate your brother though so there's that 🥰🥰 punched the bed repeatedly during the dinner scene and of course whisper screamed my head off <33
And AAAAHHHHHHH Charlie not eating much :')) I noticed I during the meal and then the brought it UP too 😭😭💔. Help I'm not okay <333. We can get through this :')). Me and them xdd. Them all, surrounding this, lol.
Also Nick looking up eating disorders 😭😭😭💔❤️❤️ it broke me but it was really sweet <33 he's worried about Charlie :'(( (kinda the reason for the sweet and kinda a separate statement, it's also sweet for like trying to understand reasons and whatnot)
And AAAHHHHHH NICK AND CHARLIE ARE GOING TO PROM TOGETHER :DDD listen I love them so much <333 and all of the so much :D!!
Also Imogen so sorry you're still the token straight xD but slay for you Sahar :D
Y'all as soon as I saw the purple stuff around the door I died :') help I'm not okay <333 but more importantly help Darcy :((( worry about her before me D':
Gotta say though her outfit slays so hard and AAHHHH everybody helping to pay for it :'DDD <333 I love them all so much. Also her and Tara were being ADORABLE!! And Tara's mom was hilarious in that first scene lol xD mood.
Anyway AAAHHHHHHHH MY POOR GIRL 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️💔❤️. I really hope she's okay (I mean as okay as she can be) :((( ik there's other stuff but whatever honey my love go to Tara's <333
My poor babey 😭💔❤️
Anyway, amaaazing episode, I love them all so much <3333 🥰🥰❤️ I'm also not ready for the next episode :')) 😭
And awww, the last episode 😭😭❤️💔. This was the second to last episode :'(( :')). Should I have split it into two days to savor it more? Maybe. Did I? Absolutely not lol. Anyway, this season is so good and I'm gonna miss I so much xdd <3. Immediately lol. Especially if there's a cliffhanger or something (which I feel like I might've seen someone mention but it was just a glimpse so they may have been talking about another episode lol).
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isabelguerra · 1 year
you ran the wizard au right? i remembered i used to love the worldbuilding!!!! and the fic series (both if them) were sooo fun, if you ever wrote more i know id read it 👉👈…. so um i know there was a triwiz tournament year, did u ever come up with outfits for the yule ball? i love fashion and am really interested in hearing what you’d have everyone wear haha. thank you for answering!!!
SIGH. yeah that was me i ran the hogwarts au. i cannot run from my past i just gotta embrace it. anyway im super touched to hear u liked my au… my feelings around it are super conflicted but even though i dont talk abt it much it was really sweet hearing how much you liked it. so yes. yes i did come up with yule ball outfits, for the triwizard tournament arc in their 6th year, which i will share for u bc u asked so sweet 
first off: my biggest gripe with yule in canon was how boring it was. these are fucking wizards. i was not going to let that shit get away with black robed suits and prom dresses i wanted full ass met gala-level Extra, while still staying faithful to the characters tastes and personalities. so i ended up looking at a bunch of runway couture! heres what i came up with: 
isabel, as the heir to the prestigious guerra family name, quidditch captain, brightest witch of their year, and max (hogwarts champion)’s date (they went together for appearances as bffs and bc neither of them got actual dates), had a lot of pressure on her shoulders socially. i wanted her 2 have something she could feel natural in but a little restricted by, as she likely had her dress chosen for her rather than chose it herself. so she likes it but it reflects her wizarding world status more than her actual personality. it also goes 2 be said that the night before yule she stayed up hand folding a bunch of paper cranes and butterflies for her dress that would fly around her all night. loved Teuta Matoshi, Joanne Flemming bridal, and vintage Costarellos designs 4 her
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max was hogwarts champion that year obviously which means he had to have the most swag out of anyone. obviously. i was super into butch lesbian max when i made this so his inspos were primarily womens suits. he was the only one i let have a black outfit bc i cant see him being super fashionably flashy. vibe i went for was ‘shiny goth swag’, which Isabel Marant SS2020 and D&G pre-Fall 2020 really hit the nail on the head
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ed was probably the most fun+ easiest. i just dressed them weird. also idk if i mentioned this but ed and rj went to yule together lol? #nonbinaryswag. my fav look for them was #1, D&G Spring RTW 2020. i love that shiny suit. i do also think he’d fuck it up in the dress at the end though
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isaac i went so ridiculous with isaac you know he’d be so extra. Balmain FW2016 really pulled through with the velvet fabrics, squared shoulders, and gold accents. my other looks were Louis Vuitton Fall 2020, which were a bit sillier but i still loved for him
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spender fucks it up in a chadwick boseman met gala 2018. he does not pull it off as well but what can u do 
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EXTRAS bc idk if u just meant outfits for Just the main cast or for everyone. so here’s some bonus outfits for other cast members :-)
johnny is one of the few muggle-born wizards i chose from the cast, so his outfit would’ve reflected that slight displacement and more attunement to the human world. i loved 2 joke w my friends that getting johnny in ANY fancy outfit would be hard, and even if u could get him in one he’s still wear his iconic ratty leather jacket over his nice clothes anyway. so johnny got two pics: one from Balenciaga Spring 2018 (love the dorky high waisted pants and patterned red dress shirt combo), and another from Coach Spring 2017 (love the jacket). he also deffo charmed his hair to Literally Be On Fire until one of the professors told him to put it out. he also let loose a racoon in the venue while nobody was looking.
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stephen 100% hamish bowles met gala no further comment
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rj showed up w/ ed looking like this
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changingplumbob · 7 months
York Household: Chapter 7, Part 1
Next household for this rotation is the Yorks. Highlights include kids ignoring my fun outdoor summer setup in favour of TV, me ignoring Deanna being in a distant phase by still getting her to have a heart to heart with her ma, and water balloon antics.
Kelly may be an evil kid but since his aspiration is Slumber Party Animal he needs to try make friends. Deanna is looking forward to attendng prom with her girlfriend Paris. Calista is keen to knit for her future grandsons. Aaron… also exists?
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A sunny day dawns in Willow Creek and we return to the York household. Deanna is the first to wake up today, she's entering a phase. Deanna is now distant, and will get tense around her family. At least it's prom tonight so she can get out of the house.
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Callista and Aaron get up and ready for the day. While they're busy Deanna rushes her way through breakfast so she can be gone by the time anyone else is in the dining room. Success! She probably will have a stomach ache now but whatever.
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Aaron: Anything on the agenda today
Callista: Workout, and maybe some knitting
Aaron: Morning Kelly
Kelly: Hey pa
Callista: Are you doing anything today Kelly
Kelly: Could I invite some friends round later
Aaron: I suppose
Callista: But go easy on the shenanigans
Kelly: Ma, it's me, of course
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Aaron: He seems to be doing okay
Callista: He does, maybe the evil trait isn't as hard to deal with as we thought
Kelly wanders to the backyard and contemplates what to do until his friends get here. Making a mess sounds good. He pulls out what seems to be flour and chocolate syrup and goes wild.
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The fridge is pretty empty so Aaron decides to start his day by making food for the week. First up, French toast for breakfasts. Next, some vege chilli. Callista tries to go jogging but again the action doesn't work and she returns home early. Workout on the exercise machine it is.
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Upstairs alone, Deanna sets about calling her friends to check up on them. Noe and Tamika are pretty drama free. Reece is sill not sure what to make of Samir, he clearly likes Reece but is it friendship or something more? Paris is excited about her prom outfit, although worries it'll look plain.
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Anya: You got a splashpad
Kelly: New today
Drake: Very nice
The kids mill around the water emitters and have some fun. They splash each other and all manage to cool down from the heat. In the end though they can't ignore the call of technology, and the TV inside beckons.
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Deanna is a member of the computer club which means programming. She gets set up to practice while Gerald, first of his name, looks on. Aaron needs to improve his debate skill for promotion so mirror debate for him. Callista wants to knit something for her upcoming grandkids and gets busy making.
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Anya: Can I join
Kelly: If you're quick
Fergus: Shush up, I'm trying to concentrate
Atlas: Try but it won't help you beat me
Kelly: Brianna do you have to mop just this second
Brianna: Someone could slip
Anya: Leave puddles long enough and they dry you know
Fergus: Can anyone even slip in puddles
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Brianna: Fine, fine. I'm sitting
Chasity: Look out behind you Anya
Anya: I see him, I see him, take this
Fergus: No fair getting help from backseat drivers
Drake: This track looks pretty unsafe *sips*
Atlas: It's virtual Drake, it doesn't have to be safe
Kelly: Crashes are the best part anyway
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Kelly: OMW stop blocking the TV Brianna
Drake: It's only character selection though
Anya: There is no only in competition
Atlas: The blue one is mine
Chasity: Does it do anything extra
Atlas: Be blue
Brianna: So no
Kelly: He just likes that one best
Fergus: I call yellow
Anya: Too slow, I have it
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After finishing her homework Deanna approaches Callista to ask a favour.
Deanna: Hey ma, you know it's prom tonight
Callista: You've mentioned it a dozen times, I am definitely aware
Deanna: Well, I was wondering, could Paris and I have a sleepover tonight after we get back?
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Callista: What does the foster home say
Deanna: They'll give her permission so long as an adult approves
Callista: Sure, invite her to stay
Deanna: Thanks ma, I'll let her know right now
Callista: You two are getting pretty close
Deanna: We are
Callista: Will you sleep in the lounge or your room
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Deanna: Lounge of course
Callista: You could both sleep in your room if you wanted
Deanna: Thanks ma but... I mean... we haven't even kissed yet
Callista: Really?
Deanna: I may be 16 but she's a year and a half younger, I don't want her to feel I'm pressuring her into anything
Callista: Do you love her
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Deanna: Aren't you meant to say, you're a teen, you don't know what love is
Callista: Avoiding the question
Deanna: I'm definitely smitten but I don't want to be creepy clingy girlfriend
Callista: Be honest girlfriend. Maybe she wants to kiss you but is afraid you'd push her away
Deanna: I'd never. But you're right, she can be shy sometimes
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Callista: Let her know what you're feeling
Deanna: I'll think about it
Callista: We have sleeping bags and spare pillows. Anything else you'll need tonight?
Deanna: Popcorn, we're going to watch a scary movie
Callista: I'll dig the maker out of the cupboard for when you get home
Deanna: Thanks ma
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Kelly's friends start to head home and he heads back outside. He has already reached level 10 motor skill but wants to learn to ride his bike so he can cruise around the neighbourhood. The animations seem to suggest he's getting overheated but no moodlets so I keep pushing my luck until he can ride.
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Paris: What are we doing here
Deanna: They put water balloons out in summer
Paris: Awesome, what are the rules
Deanna: No rules, pelt until we drop, winner takes all
Paris: All what
Deanna: Glory, now dodge
Paris: I did it! Watch out this cheerleader is gonna get you
Deanna: Fudge that water is cold
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Deanna: Oh it is on
Paris: Hit me if you can, my reflexes are fire today
*water balloon sails past Paris*
Deanna: Damn it, I thought this would be easier than football throwing
Paris: You just need practice babe
Deanna: You'll help me practice?
Paris: I'm right here aren't I, just go for it
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The next few time the water balloons find their marks and the girls drip puddles. Paris is winding up for her next throw when the grass seems extra slippery and she skids over, catching some air.
Deanna: OMW that was hilarious
Paris: *laughs* my first flight
Deanna: How are you not covered in mud
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Paris: No idea I-
Deanna: AH! right in the eye
Paris: Ship babe are you okay
Deanna: Of course, my contacts are still in luckily
Paris: Lets stop or we won't have enough time to get ready
Deanna: Quick selfie
Paris: You know it, now come on
Deanna: Hey slow down
Paris: I'm excited for prom, I can't
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Paris: And you're sure you talked to the manager
Callista: Yes. I asked for the foster house manager and told her specifically we were having you for the night
Paris: Thank the watcher, she didn't want me attending prom
Callista: She didn't?
Paris: She thinks I need to learn to stop complaining
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Paris: Ready to get- what's that
Deanna: Before we get changed I just wanted to give you something
Paris: What is it
Deanna: You'll have to open it. I want you to see you how I see you tonight, beautiful
Paris: It's gorgeous babe
Deanna: So you'll wear it
Paris: I will proudly wear your corsage like we're a couple from the 50s
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Deanna: Up high
Paris: These dresses really do look great
Deanna: We look great
Paris: Your sister is so sweet to buy them for us
Deanna: She knows how much you mean to me
Paris: And how much is that
Deanna: Let's go with a lot
Paris: You mean a lot to me to babe
Deanna: Let's head out
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Previous Part (Knightstone) ... Next Part
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
Okay, okay, okkkkkay!!!!
! So I had to choose my college right?! Well my first choice turned out to be an online (the in-person was in another state) but then the one that I didn't really want to go to (because it's farther away and has snow sometimes but still in state) accepted me. So I did a virtual tour and it turns out that I love it. And after doing some more research into their programs and classes and general schooling life I decided it axtually was the one for me!!! So I accepted their offer! Then I had to fill out the housing application and find a roommate. Well I did it and the first person I say immediately matched up 87% with me... everyone else had like a 20% match with me. So we started talking and I thought we fit together really well. We are similar enough thst would could be really great friends, but different enough that we aren't going to get tired or burnt out on each other! And she is coming in from out of state, but I know where she lives and I know it's a super cool place (not this matters much but still) So we are roommates! But need to still get a dorm room, we'll get that down soon though. I got all my Dr's appointments done for now, the only ones left this month are just like check ins. I finally got my graduation announcements ordered!! They are super cute and awesome!! Last month we had my brothers memorial, the same day as prom and a country concert. It was pretty chill, family only. But I didn't go to prom because I have no friends here lol. I did go to the convert though! It was in the evening, Josh Turner! Which was freaking awesome, then the next day it was Lainey Wilson!!! Best thing ever!! And then a couple days later, I went on a hike to a place where my Poppa put up a plaque in honor of my brother (it's on a rock where my brother would have sat for hours). And then finally my biggest freakin news!! My mom handed me her phone saying I had someone who wanted to talk to me. It was my aunt, she asked me if I was doing anything on April 29... and then. AND THEN...
She tells me we are flying to Georgia to go see TAYLOR SWIFTS ERA TOUR!!!!!!! I couldn't breath for a minute, I thought I was gonna pass out! So now I have to figure that out (but something cool about that is in the 1800s I had a family member who was a murderer right, and his family died... because of him. And we are going to be driving right threw the town where it happened!!! Freaky but awesome!)
Alsooo have you seen Daisy Jones and The Six? Because I just finished it and when I tell you I am obsessed... I mean obsessed!! I don't even know what to do with myself. It was just so good. And I fell in love with one of the characters (the only nonproblematic one)
I love you!! Thank you for letting me do my little happy rant and happy dance 🤠 I feel very giggly and like... well happy!!
bestie that sounds so exciting I'm so glad your time at uni is starting out amazing before you're even officially starting!!
I have not seen it yet, I haven't seen anything new for a while lately except for the mandalorian but I really really want to, it's also just not available here yet so I just need to wait for it but honestly good job falling for the good guy, them problematic guys be looking too fine not to fall in love with sometimes
I love you too and I'm so so sorry for only answering now, had such a rough week so I've not been on here much kjsf
0 notes
trixtersurvs · 1 year
Do you have mean comments that replay in your head and haunt you? Not really. I think a lot about embarrassing stuff I've done that people probably said mean stuff about later though!
Did you go Black Friday shopping this past Black Friday? I did actually. Briefly, but we still went out
^If so, what was the best deal you got? They had a great deal on 3 wick candles at Bath & Body Works... it was like 5 for $25!
Have you ever seen a spirit? Yes
Are you happy that the year is coming to an end? It's not ending now, it just started, but I wager I'll be pretty happy when it ends based on how the first month and a half has been going
Have you ever bought a designer purse? No. I don't carry a purse
What color was your senior prom outfit? I wore red at senior prom
Would you ever consider a career in writing? Yes, it's literally what I want to do
Have you ever purchased a YouTuber’s merch? If so, what did you buy? I don't think so
Are you better at spelling or writing? Both
If someone signed you up for karate lessons, would you take them? Yes! I loved karate when I did it in college and would love to get back into it
What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it to people? I truly could not tell you anything recent. I watched My Policeman before the holidays and it was a great film that I would highly recommend
Do you update your Facebook relationship status when it changes? I mean, yeah, but I don't rush to do it. I'm rarely on Facebook
Do you want your own house someday? Of course. I just need to find the right place to settle down. I'm not set on staying where I am right now forever
Are you superstitious? Not at all
When you go to McDonalds, what drink do you usually get? Either Coke or Dr. Pepper, though sometimes I absolutely fucking crave McDonald's OJ
Have you ever thought about your wedding? Yes... I get in my daydreams sometimes about it
Would you rather see Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood in concert? Taylor Swift for sure
Growing up, did you see your cousins often? Yes
Where was your first job at? CVS
Ever seen your parents make out? Unfortunately
What’s your dream height and weight? I would love to be a little taller, like 5' 9". I don't worry too much about my weight, I'm pretty comfortable with where I am with that
What do you do when your house loses power? Get the candles out, baby!
What piercing do you hate? Cheek piercings but not being of how they look. I actually think they're cute but they're terrible for you and really shouldn't even be done
Were you raised in a religious house? Not really
Do your parents get mad when your on the computer for hours? They used to when I was still a kid
Have you ever been asked for a nude picture? Yes
What’s your favorite thing about your crush/bf/gf? His smile and his eyes, physically. Personality wise, I love his sense of humor and how kind he is
What’s the worst thing? His snoring
What song can bring you down? Lately, it's been "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron
What would you do if your parent hit you? Depending on which parent it was... I'd have a different reaction. If it was my mom, I'd be very concerned about her mental wellbeing. If it was my dad, I'd sock him right back
Ever see yourself going to jail? No
Last song you sang? I was singing "Growing Sideways" by Noah Kahan in the car earler
Has the last person you kissed slept with more then 3 girls? Without a doubt 😂
Ever been tested for any STDs? Yes, I get tested once a year when I have a long-term partner just for the sake of doing it
Do you think it’s weird when girls change in front of their bf/gf? No?
Get a new camera or new phone? New phone, I guess. I don't really need either
Last person that saw you naked (can’t be yourself): My partner
Ever kissed someone half-naked? Yes
Is being sweaty nasty? It's not nasty. It's natural but yeah, it feels icky when you're the sweaty one
Are your parents embarrassing? My dad is. My mom can be sometimes
Do you prefer dating a virgin? Or a guy who’s been around? I don't have a preference and what a weird thing to have a preference about anyway...
Are you blond? No
Do you like bacon? Yes, it's the only pork I'll eat usually
Do you have an annoying dog? I don't have a dog at all
What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? Hmm... I got really into Adventure Time comics for a while but I couldn't say for sure that that was the very first one
What is your favorite thing to do on your phone? Talk to people on it
What color was your first phone? I believe it was blue and silver
Was your first phone a flip phone? No, it was one of those Nokia brick phones
If you’re a girl, have you ever had an embarrassing period story? I'm not a girl, but I do own a vagina and the worst story I can think of was in 7th grade math class. I had put on a pad that day and it leaked all over my seat. We had to wear uniforms in middle school and I was wearing khakis, so the blood was really visible. I tied my hoodie around my waist and was leaving class hoping no one would notice but then the person who was supposed to sit in my seat next was talking about how there was blood in the chair. I had to evacuate quickly after that
What was your worst experience in high school? Hm... honestly, my parents grounding me for like 6 months for getting a bad grade in a class. I'm traumatized from how often they did that to me
0 notes
vinceaddams · 2 years
hey! are you working on any sewing projects at the moment? if so, can we see? i also saw you were into our flag means death and would love to see your rendition of one of stede's outfits! <3
Hello! Yes, I've always got way too many unfinished sewing projects on the go. Boxes and bags with all sorts of things that I will probably finish eventually. Right now I have 2 unfinished everyday shirts out on my table, one drab green and one grey, but haven't gotten anything done on them this week because it's been extremely busy at work. (I'm an alterations tailor for a suit store and it's wedding and prom season, so I'm swamped and keep staying late, but it should calm down in a few weeks and then I'll be back to my part-time schedule.)
Oh I am absolutely going to sew at least 2 garments from Our Flag Means Death. Not strictly screen accurate of course, but yes. As a queer man who loves 18th century tailoring, what choice do I have?!
I bought a yard of the same brocade that the pink & gold episode 2 waistcoat is made of, so I will eventually make that, I was just rather dismayed to find it was polyester and not silk as listed.
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I also recently realized I have a remnant of silk taffeta in my stash that's nearly the exact same lilac colour as the breeches he wears with it, which I've had for a few years and had no specific plan for, so that'll probably end up as a pair of late 18th century breeches.
I'm planning to make the velvet bird robe in dark purple, which is more my style than hot pink, but am forcing myself to finish sewing one more shirt before I order the fabric. I made a wearable mockup a while ago, and will post about it once I've gotten around to fixing my pattern diagram and writing up all the measurements.
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And... hrm, I might possibly make my own version of this c. 1750's striped linen waistcoat from the V&A for my everyday wardrobe? I do need more unlined linen things for summer, and I have some striped brown linen in my stash.
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I'd be copying the V&A waistcoat more than the show costume, but everyone would know why I chose that waistcoat.
Same goes for the ruffly nightgown. I would 100% wear that to sleep, so will probably make my own version of this extant 18th century one at some point.
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I'm like 99% sure this was the inspiration for the one in the show, just look at that night cap. It's the same! (And this is pretty rare and not something I've seen in portraits.)
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I'm working on a very very long 2 part post about the costumes, which will be a guest post on Frock Flicks, so I'll post links to that when it's up. Part 1 is schedules for June 17th, and part 2 should be up a week later on the 24th.
The show's costumes are all over the place in terms of decade and historical accuracy, and my opinions are very mixed, but generally a lot more positive than I expected!
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Season 4, Episode 9: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
Ah hey Daryl! What's up! I missed you!
That IS the same dude from the S1 AVT right??? Like I'm not insane, right???
I wonder how much Cobra Kai pays to be one of the extras who plays a high school karate enthusiast in the AVT audience
Looking at career options here
Aight that was a MUCH shorter "Eli in Miyagi-Do" training montage than I had hoped for, but...it's something??? I guess???
At least we get one???
The blue fog lighting MD runs through is pretty damn neat
Also wanna point out that Eli's overall theme color has gone from blue to red to purple to BACK to blue, as per joining MD
Which is, you know, pretty consistently DEMETRI'S theme color
Like I shit you not, like 90% of the things I see this fucker wearing have SOME blue in them
You count how many many blue-less outfits he wears throughout the show and I'm betting it's like...under 10
Anyways point being, he and Eli matchy-matchy again just like they did in S1
Literally would be poetic cinema to use this as a means of hinting that Eli is in love with Demetri but I GUESS they really ain't gonna utilize visual foreshadowing in what would be a truly ingenious way
ALSO Demetri and Eli run in next to each other!!!! Look I'll dig whatever Elimetri scraps I can out of the garbage bin okay
I am but a humble feral raccoon on the lookout for my next meal, my greedy little raccoon hands primed and ready to seize my gay morsels and devour them like a decadent feast
Love how Yasmine flew all the way back from Australia to grind on Demetri for a few hours only to yeet back out of town just in time to miss a huge event that is enormously important to her boyfriend and literally all his friends
If Yasmine was really as perfect of a girlfriend as the show seems to want us to think, she would have made an effort to stay for the AVT, send tweet
Or at LEAST warned Demetri at prom that she still wouldn't be able to go to the AVT??? Despite being back in town for prom???
ALSO if she was there somewhere she'd be with Moon, considering these fine young fucking lesbian ladies are basically attached at the hip
Funny, that
On the topic of Moon, though...okay, I know she only is at the AVT so she can later heal poor Eli with a het kiss, and this does indeed feel me with a deep and unchecked rage, BUT regardless I think it's really sweet that she's presumably going to platonically support both Demetri and Eli
Also the fact that Moon has gone from going to watch karate WITH Demetri to going to watch Demetri DO karate is both hilariously ironic and super wholesome
Also always love to see Demetri and Moon's friendship!!! It's so pure, I can't ;_;
Wanna point out that when Cobra Kai comes in, Demetri turns and SCOWLS at them and leans a little bit in front of Eli. Call be off my fucking rocker but it looks just a teens bit protective
I mean he's definitely giving them the evil eye either way, he's like "this is the dojo of horror and fuckery and it's an attack against me personally" and you know what? He's right
Like the amount of times Cobra Kai has caused problems for Demetri in particular over the course of the past couple years is kind of incredible
I mean it's not like that wouldn't be effective for strength training but it is hysterical
ONLY Johnny Lawrence would brag about "pummeling ever-loving the crap out of people while the crowd cheered", and I love him very much for it
Kreese and Silver are very scary, 11/10
Love that Dem's canonically Greek!!! I remember some of my fandom friends headcanoning that and I'm happy it's officially a thing now :D
I ascended to another plane of existence upon viewing that
As per usual, I am quick to fall in love with utterly unavailable, utterly uninterested, and utterly gay men
Okay we get like a 2 second shot of the other Miyagi Dos watching and Eli looks DELIGHTED
He is SO into that shit, goddamn
Same Energy as Eli breaking the board at valley fest and Demetri just being like "oh fuck I'm gay"
Right after the skills competition, it pans over to Dem and Eli talking in the MD group--Dem's prolly tryna reassure him ;___;
"The tigher the vices around Cobra Kai's metaphorical balls" HOLY SHIT DEVON I LOVE YOU
Aight idk what Carrie's doing here, but it's funny, so I'll take it
A general observation but both Demetri and Eli look STRESSED AF watching each other fight : O
They're both so very overprotective, god bless
It's just--it's the constant anxiety each of them have that their person is gonna get even a little bit hurt is what does it in for me chief
Especially bad for Eli, considering the, uh...Golf N Stuff incident
Like this man will simply break if he ever has to see Demetri be in that much pain again
Their gay little faces when either of them wins a match, my GOD
Like the pure, unbridled JOY!!!! Love these karate boyfriends!!!
They've come so far from S3 and I am very happy for them ;__;
Okay that was actually a bitchin montage, and the Carrie Underwood background music went with it weirdly well
Happy to see my boys Nate and Bert get some badass moments too!!
Also not Demetri and Eli standing so close they're practically holding hands in the quarterfinals shot
Like when are these fuckers not nearly pressed up against each other like clingy puppies, I swear
"YEEEEAHHHHHH DEMETRI" that's deadass the happiest I've seen this fucker in like 2 seasons
It's almost like Demetri's the light of his life or something
Also VERY delighted to see him combining the "Hawk" over-the-top enthusiasm with the "Eli" wholesomeness and loyalty
Say what you will about Eli switching dojos, but by god, he is starting to be happy again!!!
And Eli needs to be in an environment where he can heal and work past his demons at his own pace, which Johnny Lawrence, much as I love him, is not always the best sensei for XD
Love how Kyler shows up knowing the easiest way to try and kill Eli's spirit and make him lose focus is to threaten Demetri
Like Eli was getting pretty into the tournament and kicking ass before then, but as soon as Kyler implies he could and/or WILL fuck up Demetri??? He immediately starts worrying and falls back into the old timid, anxious Eli persona
Adds another layer to it when you realize Kyler's probably been bullying Eli and Dem for years--and for basically all of that time, Dem was the only protector Eli had. Demetri was Eli's only "safe person" for a really long time, so of course threatening him will put Eli on edge and make him feel like he's not safe.
And Kyler calling Eli "Lip" basically confirms he's trying to tap into the weak-willed, bullied kid he was before karate--which, of course, he does by reminding Eli how he used to push around him and the only person he had in his corner back then.
Anyways, all that to say Kyler knows Dem and Eli's relationship is deep and long-standing enough that threatening Dem could be enough to completely break Eli, just as Eli was starting to build himself back up again
It's incredibly fucked up!!! But also a testament to how close Demetri and Eli were back in the day, if Kyler was able to like...exploit their bond to try and destroy Eli's confidence and be that frighteningly precise and successful with it
Okay okay okay okay so as angry as I am about H*wkM**n I do find it absolutely hysterical that Moon said the exact same thing to Eli that Demetri did, but Moon got to kiss him because she's a girl, and ya know. Something something comphet.
Like, if this is "love interest" dialogue that is enough to warrant a kiss...we're basically getting confirmation that if Demetri was female, he would be Eli's love interest
The only reason the writers aren't putting Eli and Demetri together is because they're scared of offending the homophobic side of the fanbase, and in short they all belong at Weenie Hut Junior's
Maybe even Super Weenie Hut Junior's
The ultimate tragedy of conservatives who hate gay people
Demetri's little clap on the back, he's such a proud boyfriend!!!
So we went from Eli calling Demetri a "FUCKING NERD" to Eli vowing to "win this whole FUCKING thing" for Demetri and his dojo??? Now that's what I call a fucking CHARACTER ARC
Lol get fucked Kyler
Eli beating his ass was SO long overdue
Demetri clapping and cheering in the background when Eli wins because Demetri's SO FUCKIN PROUD and also in love
Not Piper being a catty mean bitch to Sam
Anyways Moon adores catty mean bitches and is therefore secretly in love with Yasmine, send tweet
Moon dun got a TYPE and the more of this show I watch, the more I’m like. There’s just no way she COULDN’T be into Yasmine
Love to see her using Eagle Fang!!! Truly the chaos gremlin potential is endless and I support Sam LaRusso every step of the way
On the highest of keys I hope she ends up joining Eagle Fang actually, or whatever dojo Johnny is sensei-ing for
The irony of Daniel LaRusso's kid being in Johnny Lawrence's dojo would be too funny
Plus she could get to be with her mans!
Good on Sam for standing up for Johnny and EF again! Maybe one of these days it'll actually stick and Daniel will stop being self-righteous and vaguely irritating for two seconds
She simply cannot go to a karate tournament without getting totally fucking stoned first and I have to respect that
They really came for my heart huh
Robby immediately feeling guilty for Kenny getting hurt ;___;
Tory checking in on Robby <3
Overall very happy we got to see a softer side of Robby AND Tory this season, it's honestly beautiful
AW, Daniel congratulating Miguel and wishing him luck <3 Love these two's relationship!!! Also gives me hope that any conflict between Sam and Miguel won't be permanent. I feel like if they had broken up or were having a serious fight, Daniel probably would pick up on it and wouldn't seek out Miguel. Like it would be kinda weird to go talk to your daughter's ex/strained bf???
Bottom line is that if Daniel still mentally views Miguel as his future son-in-law, I have a feeling that Sam and Miguel will be all right in the end lol
Miguel calling Hawk/Eli "Eli" in passing is something that can be so PERSONAL
Goes to show that Eli no longer feels the need for the "Hawk" mask with ALL his friends, not just Demetri
He's learning to embrace ALL the parts of himself and not rely on a facade to feel good about himself!!! Love that for him!!!
"I'm not exactly thrilled to be fighting my friend" NEITHER AM I ELI
Love Demetri's look of concern too
Like his two best friends are about to throw down and he's worried about either of them getting hurt
"Doesn't help that no one's ever beaten Miguel either" ah, so I see Dem's slightly more concerned about Eli getting hurt because he's in love with him. Typical XD
Also deeply ironic
Eli be like "Finally, a worthy opponent!!! Our battle will be legendary!!!"
Lol I see what you did there, with the Coyote Creek callback 
AUGH this Johnny-Miguel montage is making me emotional ;__;
Someone help me, these three's friendship is gonna kill me
Miguel's a lucky boi, his two besties love him so very very much
The Bad:
Okay okay okay okay I DO appreciate the one shot we got of Eli being SUPER into Demetri's kata routine, but I want MORE dammit
Like show the man being turned on to the level Demetri was at valley fest
We all damn well KNOW he would be, c'mon
You show Demetri holding a board and Eli punching it in half, and then have the AUDACITY to not pan over to Demetri's expression???
Please I wanted to see him be turned on as all hell
Like it would have been the most hilarious Valley Fest callback and everything!!!
How dare you deprive me of this!!!
Well at least I know in my heart that Demetri was having an even bigger gay awakening than before
Ah, yes. Just what we need. More screentime for the AVT board members -__-
Okay, so like. Aside from it physically paining me every time I have to watch Daniel watch his ex karate son be an evil little traitorous meow meow, I feel like they're going a direction I very much do not like with the Daniel-Robby animosity
While Daniel does have every right to call Robby out here (and Robby has the right to call Daniel out on thinking his way is the only way), I'm worried that the show just...isn't going to let these two eventually reconcile and fix their relationship??? Like I hate that they seem to be moving in the direction of Daniel giving up on Robby and Robby being forced to just deal with his subpar biological parents -_-
And while I don't think Daniel is obligated to forgive Robby for betraying MD, I feel like it's kinda in his nature to do so??? And that's definitely what Mr. Miyagi would have taught him too
And like...the guy loves Robby, at the end of the day! I feel like no matter how mad he got, Daniel LaRusso would always come around to his surrogate karate son in the end
Honestly I'm rooting for these two to fix their relationship WAY more than Johnny and Robby. Like Johnny barely TRIES with Robby, but Daniel really did do the most to give him a better life and try to help him find himself for a while
Like yes, Daniel let Robby down in the end by not trying harder to get Robby out of Cobra Kai, BUT
At the end of the day, Daniel and Robby had an IMMENSELY healthier and more loving father-son dynamic than Johnny and Robby ever did
ANYWAYS what I'm trying to say here is that if Robby reconciles with Johnny but NOT Daniel, despite Daniel overall being an immensely better karate dad, I'm going to be very angry
I'm hoping that Daniel and Robby's spat here is just a bump in the road and they'll eventually be back on good terms, but I have a bad feeling it's just going to push them further apart so Robby is ultimately forced to run back to Johnny
Anyways please don't give me painful Daniel and Robby scenes unless they're going to eventually lead to happy Daniel and Robby scenes ;__;
Oh no oh god oh fuck now you've gone and done it
You've made me rant about the absolute garbagefire that is H*wkM**n and now chances are you won't be able to shut me up for at least a few weeks
Okay so for STARTERS
"I know you think that mohawk defined who you are, but it didn't. Not to me." = "You're not defined by your haircut, you know"
"I liked your energy! And your confidence!" = "YOU'RE BATMAN! YOU'RE THE HAWK!"
Something something gotta help the poor bird get his confidence back
Something something "this is who you are!"
We're literally doing THE SAME THING OVER AGAIN
And oh, what, now it's supposed to be all heartwarming that she's calling him Eli??? Demetri was calling him Eli the ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME
Like her not using a nickname somehow magically makes this NOT the most shallow relationship in the entire world
These fuckers have literally nothing in common, sorry??? Like she's into flowers and spiritual stuff and Eli's into geeky sci-fi, movies, and karate??? I have not seen ONE bit of common ground between them the ENTIRE show
Sorry but the "Opposites Attract" thing only works insofar as "opposites" means CONTRAST--interesting (and successful) relationships have two people who balance each other out in certain respects, but also establish a deep connection centered around common interests and values
And like. H*wkM**n even falls apart at the "common values" level because like. Moon is an extreme pacifist. Eli absolutely fucking adores fighting. How how HOW are they not going to get aggravated with each other over the long term???
And before you say "but Demetri doesn't like fighting either!" NOPE! Not true anymore, actually! He said he was really excited for the AVT, which indicates to me he's actually grown to like fighting and karate quite a bit!
Also ffs, "I liked you for your energy and your confidence" basically confirms that Moon was specifically attracted to the overdramatic, macho facade that Eli put on as "Hawk" which is like
NOT the whole picture at ALL
Like yes, some of "Hawk" was Eli's genuine personality shining through as he gained more confidence
But a lot of it was him acting how he felt he had to to protect himself from bullies and trying to mimic people who seemed cooler, more badass, and more "together" than him (mainly Johnny and Miguel)
We've never gotten ANY indication that Moon would be into Eli's nerdier and substantially less "cool" side
Other than her laughing at "dEmEtRi aNd ElI, bInArY bRoThErS!" I guess
And judging from Eli's reaction, that is NOT a side of his personality he usually let her see
Point being that throughout a lot of Eli and Moon's relationship, Eli was putting on a pretty heavy facade--doesn't really make sense to rekindle a relationship that was only maintained through Eli being an inauthentic version of herself
And these two barely fucking interacted all season, aside from Moon complimenting Eli's hair once. We seriously have no evidence at all that she was romantically interested in the more authentic, laid-back purple-haired Hawk, and not just like...projecting cocky, macho S1-S2 Hawk onto him. Since, y'know, that not-entirely-genuine Hawk/Eli is the one she was interested in. And now, she's ever so conveniently interested in this new version of Eli after, uhhhh...talking to him a couple times and taking pity on him after he's sad at the tournament, I guess???
ALSO I want to point out that Moon has shown absolutely NO romantic interest in Eli since they broke up, like
Literally when does she EVER indicate she has lingering feelings, or might be interested in rekindling the relationship??? She's actively annoyed with him in S3, and in S4 she doesn't really treat Eli any differently than Demetri or Miguel
And no, complimenting his hair does not fucking count as showing romantic interest, she was literally just being polite???
It read like a completely platonic interaction to me--as I've mentioned before, I think any awkwardness is easily chocked up to them being exes and, as Hawk outright said, they're "just getting used to being friends again"
Emphasizing that since S2, she has not treated Hawk any different than Demetri and Miguel
Except in S3 when, you know. She actively disliked him.
Also she completely fucking ignored him at the prom to hang out with Demetri and Yasmine, just throwing that out there
Like he was standing sadly off to the side and Moon didn't even NOTICE
Because, you know, she was busy dancing with women and sneaking glances at Yas
Like if you're into someone, you'd be MUCH more aware of them than that
And try to include them maybe???
Point being that all the evidence that we have so far points to Moon having long since moved on
Like yes, she's willing to forgive Eli and rekindle a friendship--she's a kind and friendly person, and it's in her nature to want harmony. But wanting to DATE Eli again???
WHEN THE HELL has Moon been shown to want this???
And like...if she didn't even notice him sadly standing off in the corner at prom, how in the hell are we expected to believe she's going to be attentive to him and his emotions???
Like she didn't even show concern as his FRIEND at the prom
Meanwhile, y'know. Demetri WENT WITH HIM to keep him company, and at least apologized kind of for running off with Yasmine
And now we're supposed to believe Moon suddenly likes him again and they're soulmates because like...she complimented his hair once and cheered for him at the tournament???
As if Demetri DIDN'T smile and cheer and clap in the background every time Eli won a match, smh
Anyways I literally felt nauseous when they kissed
Moon has been in like...three scenes this season, and in two of them she showed immensely more romantic interest in fucking YASMINE than Eli
And no, this isn't shipping goggles, like...rewatch the scenes, her focus is MUCH more on Yas than Eli
I guess you could interpret it as her being into Demetri, but like...if that were the case, I'm pretty sure she would have made a move in S3 before he got with Yasmine
And she's been being on-and-off sapphic with Yasmine since S1 so like
Anyways bottom line is that H*wkM**n is just
How did they make it EVEN MORE of a dumpsterfire than it already was???
Worst ship in the show, hands down
Eli's been getting propped back up by Demetri since the basement scene, but you wanna tell me a straight kiss got him his fighting spirit back????!
Okay I guess technically Hawk x Moon is bi4bi
But it's bi4bi (derogatory)
Unlike Tory x Robby, which is bi4bi (affectionate)
See Hawk and Moon are a great example of why two people shouldn't necessarily date just because they're both in the LGBT community
HATE how Moon is Eli's redemption prize
Hate that hate that hate that hate that
Literally my worst fear for this season and OOP
Cobra Kai come back when you figure out how to write Yasmine and Moon please
And make them kiss while you're at it
Anyways Eli shouldn't magically get the girl just because he's resolved to be a better person, send tweet
Women--and I cannot stress this enough--ARE NOT REWARDS
Moon deserved better 2k22
Okay if I don't stop talking about this now I'm never going to so ANYWAYS
Was it just me or was the Eli-Kyler fight like...super anticlimactic???
Like this has been building up since SEASON 1 and Eli just...landed some fairly easy hits on Kyler and won???
Not to be a sadist on main or anything but I was hoping for a MUCH more brutal beatdown
Maybe not BRUCKS-level brutal but like
More cathartic than SMACK SMACK SMACK okay we're donezo
Like yes I love seeing Kyler get his ass handed to him but I want him to SUFFER more goddamn it
Lord knows all that he's put Eli through, even BEFORE the show
Anyways Kyler should get his ass much more severely kicked
Manifesting for S5
Demetri wya, you and Eli gotta pummel the crap out of this dude Johnny Lawrence style
Why tf are Robby and Kenny fighting???
Yes yes I know it's For The Drama
But it makes no logistical sense
If the way to pick out a "winning" dojo is whoever scores the most points
Then CK is gonna get the same amount of points either way???
IDK I don't get it, they literally just did it because the plot demanded it
But it's impossible to take seriously because conceptually it seems like it would screw the whole dojo-rating system
Also like...their styles are actively helping both of their kids/adopted kids so why even are they being so pissy and annoying?? Like for fuck's SAKE
Also Johnny and Daniel Stop Being Controlling Challenge 2022, like...Sam and Miguel can make their own decisions and use whichever styles they want to use actually
This show really ain't never gonna let Daniel and Johnny be friends huh
Like it just keeps pulling reasons for them to be mad at each other out of its ass and I'm starting to be very irked about it
"Take his ass out" BRUH
Like don't get me wrong, Johnny Lawrence is an insensitive ass, but this seems a little much EVEN for him
Bruh this child just got super traumatized super recently and you telling your student to wail on him just because he joined your childhood karate rival's dojo???
Okay look I know I said it was funny that Daniel and Johnny would never not be petty manchildren obsessed with their rivalry
But now I kinda wanna smack both of them
Also listen, Demetri looking absolutely horrified when Miguel's back acts up is excellent, but I want him to run to his buddy!!! Please!!!
Oh god oh fuck oh no one more episode of the Stupid Karate Show to review and then I gotta make a huge monster masterpost about how S5 should go
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