#which y'know isn't anything new but it's still fun
I think that new favorite character just dropped
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howlonomy · 3 months
Got three questions in one, here we go
If Clover ever did a Neutral or, God forbid, Genocide run, did they ever consume the Hydrochloric Acid?
In their new Monster body, would they safely be able to consume acid? (probably not but it'd be funny if they could, Ceroba would probably have a heart attack)
This one isn't really a question but I still find the idea funny. Science Fair Project: How good does acid taste? Clover (with Frisk's help to save and reload should they, y'know, die) makes and drinks various types of acids (maybe Axis helps to make/secure them) and then rates them on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being "Absolutely do NOT try no matter what" and 10 being "If it weren't for the fact that it kills you, it would be a really good beverage". I can imagine the judges just being confused and Clover just says "Ask my assistant for confirmation" to which Frisk replies "It's true, I saw them turn into dust many, many times" (also maybe Flowey, unprompted, just says "It was very funny" maybe also during the experiment Chara says the Frisk "You've seen them die like, 22 times. You feel like you should convince them to stop. No seriously, stop them")
Anyways, that's all of my acid related questions, have fun with it I suppose.
1) oh you KNOW they ate the acid in neutral. it was too tempting
2) I THOUGHT VERY HARD ABOUT THIS AND I WILL SAY YES (KIND OF). starlos lizard genes allow clover a little more resistance to it so while they could theoretically drink acid it would hurt like a bitch and make them sick for like a week. so they really SHOULDNT drink the acid
3) PLEASSEE WORLDS WEIRDEST SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT i think they would win. this is such a strange group to be helping each other. axis has more knowledge (and resources in the steamworks) so he’s helping frisk mix everything. clover is the guinea pig and just drinking anything thats given to them. flowey and chara are both egging clover on to try worse and worse mixtures and cheering when they do. frisk and axis are trying so hard to make a good project and chara flowey and clover are in the back mixing up all sorts of shit. absolute disaster
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michinekot · 1 month
What do u like about thistle?
I'll start off with his design because it's not so spoiler-heavy.
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He's short, cute, a total menace and has the cutest evil grin ever. I certainly have a thing for villains... But also generally, jesters are fun and I usually love their outfits. Thistle is no exception, I love all of his looks (but I'm not gonna look for them all through the manga...) and how different he is after becoming the Dungeon Master. Also, white hair, purple eyes & outfit... (´,,•ω•,,)♡
I must also add, I adore how the author draws elf ears pointed upwards and how expressive her art is. Absolutely amazing, all the angry Thistles are great.
Now I'll get into heavy spoiler territory, I'll go over the ending too:
First off, I really like how he shows his love through "eternity", much like Marcille. Elves who love people of other races suffer because they will undoubtedly outlive everyone else. The way Thistle and Marcille are similar is so great to see... and I think it's great that Marcille wasn't made out to be a terrible, selfish villain and neither was Thistle. Through her becoming the Dungeon Master, we see how much this power changes them.
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He meant well and his wish wasn't initially selfish. He didn't even wish for eternal live, just a peaceful one. Of course, the Winged Lion dug deeper into it and the selfish part came to light.
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And because no one was aware of the danger, it became absolute truth to Thistle that he's doing the right thing and making everyone happy. His dream was everybody else's dream in his mind. And I think it's nice how much he must've paid attention to the townsfolk needs, because...
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He must've done so much to make the Dungeon liveable and safe for the people he cares about. All those traps were to ward off people who (he assumed) must've been just like the ones who came to destroy the kingdom. On the other hand, he saw opportunity in the monsters and had people take care of them like they did with their farm animals. It was unnecessary, he didn't have to do that since they don't need to sleep, eat or drink. But he knew that they weren't happy doing nothing at all and put a lot of thought into the ecosystem (compared to Marcille, which is understandable, but y'know. I think it's great to see the difference since her monsters werent very, uh... thought out?)
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It's been SO many years of stagnation, they can't even taste the food or enjoy anything.
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He's aware, he'd enjoy a little change of pace too, he's open to it! but the desire to protect everyone wins.
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He just... loves everyone so much. His platonic love isn't simple at all. He did so much for everyone. And after losing his desires... I feel like he hasn't lost his love for everyone.
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I think that, maybe... he feels like everything was fullfilled? He's been angry and anxious for so long and now there's nothing to worry about anymore. I'm really sad for him, but there's no going back to "normal" after everything. But I'm glad Yaad doesn't hate him. I don't think anyone from the kingdom truly hates him.
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Also this page makes me want to cry...... he's holding him so gently and Thistle only looks tired and like he wants to sleep. I hope he finds his place in the new world and lives out the rest of his life peacefully.
I haven't read much of the additional stuff yet, but I also think about Mithrun a lot.
I think Mithrun was extremely selfish in his desires and that's why, aside from them, his eye and ears were taken away. It might be just the demon's will because it wasn't exactly the Winged Lion, but all demons are technically the same one(? from what I understood...). The only desire left within Mithrun was about the demon, but in the end, it still seemed selfish.
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But neither Marcille or Thistle were physically hurt after having desires taken from them. The Winged Lion also said something along the lines of "this is for everyone, I want everyone's desires to be fullfilled for all eternity". It didn't like Thistle because he stagnated, but it probably understood him a little bit, since he mostly thought of others. But there was no way to manipulate him into thinking about Anyone outside of the kingdom. Only Laios managed to talk a tiny bit of sense into him... but it still didn't work out.
So yeah, Dungeon Meshi is amazing and I generally love everyone, but Thistle speaks to me the most because... his top priority was protecting those he loves, freeing them from death and pain, living out the life they had on the surface forever. And this feels personal to me- I lost both of my parents and the friends I cared about the most left me. So like, if we ditch all the (totally right) talk about how there's no happiness without pain and such, I get Thistle. He meant well. He's a very well done character. :)
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mt-oe · 2 months
𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝘼𝙧𝙚—bandmate mizu hcs
Hey dears!
I've been listening to an old playlist I made when I still had time to listen to various genres of music and nostalgia hit me in such a good way.
Hope that you will find much fun in these headcanons as much as I had fun writing them <3
Enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warnings: not proofread, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
note/s: manager reader; mizu has a crush on you
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✦ She plays both electric guitar and bass. She'd be sporting a white Epiphone 1961 Les Paul SG Standard, a graduation gift from her step father. Since it had so much sentimental value to her, she never really got around to replacing it. But when she got her first job, she spent the first few months saving up for her bass which was a Fender American Performer Mustang Bass.
You'll never see her in the studio without it. She even keeps it by her side when everyone's taking a small snack break. It's like they're her babies.
One time Taigen tried playing with it while Mizu was in the restroom and everyone was surprised at how fast she came out of the comfort room to smack him on the head with a force so heavy the smack sound echoed around. With that incident, everyone knew not to touch her instruments.
✦ Dresses up either in the typical oversized shirt and baggy pants...or like Kurt Cobain. You cannot change my mind. End of conversation.
✦ Mizu would be the type of member who has argued or fought with every one at least once. It didn't matter how insignificant the issue was. If she didn't like what she saw or what was happening, she doesn't hesitate to speak up about it. This, of course, led to arguments and fights that you often had to mediate.
Why you? It's because she never really listens to anyone else. If anyone else broke up the fight, she'd fight with them as well.
"Mizu," you sighed out, crossing your arms and staring at her with an unamused look.
When you arrived at the studio, Ringo had immediately informed you that Mizu and Akemi were arguing yet again. The atmosphere inside was so thick, you could probably cut it with a knife. This led you to pulling Mizu out of band practice to have a talk with her.
She leaned against the wall, crossing her arms back. Her head was turned towards another direction, not really able to look at you. "It's her damn fault. Her and her old man," she simply replied, making you sigh yet again.
"I know you're annoyed at her dad for interrupting our practice again but you know you can't argue with Akemi all the time," you responded, unfolding your arms and placing a hand on her shoulder. "We need both of you in this band, y'know?"
Her body tensed up slightly when she felt your hand make contact with her shoulder, a blush forming on her cheeks ever so slightly. Fuck you're so cute. She glanced at you before pushing herself off of the wall, rubbing a hand over her face, seemingly annoyed. "Fine, fine. I'll apologize," she grumbled
You smiled at her, making her glance at you again. "Thanks, Mizu."
When both of you returned inside, she immediately apologized to Akemi like a brat who was scolded. But Mizu knew she'd argue with Akemi again the next time her dad barges in the studio. She's just trying to please you for now.
✦ If she isn't playing, she'll be sitting all by herself, researching about where to buy instruments and paraphernalia or watching recordings of another band's recent gig. Ringo would often join her when he spots her. His sudden appearance often makes her jump. At first, it would just be Ringo talking about his day, then what he ate, then the new songs he discovered from the smart shuffle feature of Spotify to which Mizu would either respond by not saying anything or just nodding.
When Ringo spots her looking for better instruments, he'll start talking about second-hand equipment and old but gold repair shops. Although it seems like Mizu isn't listening to him, you'll spot her checking the seller's profile or going to the shop itself on her free time even if she had no intention in buying anything.
✦ Has the most random playlist among everyone in the band. While everyone had a main genre they stuck to, such as Taigen with grunge, Akemi with pop, and Ringo with country, Mizu just listens to whatever. As long as it sounds good, she adds it to her playlist.
And mind you, she just dumps all the songs in ONE playlist.
You tried listening to it once and hearing AC/DC's Back in Black after listening to Twice's TT followed by bouquet by Ichiko Aoba was not something you'd expect to hear in that order.
She gets embarrassed when she finds out you listened to her playlist but doesn't make it obvious. The next time you look at her profile, you'll find a playlist named "you, it's always you" and it's just filled with love songs and songs about having a crush.
✦ Along with the previous, their opponents during battle of the bands competitions often underestimate her. The other competitors would be so confused because why is this dude listening to Tchaikovsky backstage instead of practicing his rifts?
Mizu was simply chilling backstage, earphones in, listening to her random ass playlist again when a shadow looms over her. She looks up and sees Akemi, staring at her and saying something she could not hear.
She removes an earbud, raising an eyebrow at their vocalist in a seemingly annoyed manner. "Your music is too loud. We can hear it from the dressing room," Akemi points out, crossing her arms. She leans forward and looks at Mizu's phone before letting out an amused huff. "Don't you think listening to Hamilton before the competition is a bit weird?" she asks with a smirk.
The other bands sitting around and eavesdropping on the two whispered, glancing at them. Hamilton? Really? Before a battle of the bands competition? Bud is already throwing away his shot, they thought.
The guitarist simply grunts at her, shrugging her shoulders at her. "This is none of your business. Go warm up or something," she replies before putting her earbud back in and closing her eyes as she leaned back against the chair. Akemi rolled her eyes before walking off, probably to find the rest of the band.
When they get up on stage, everybody already thinks the guitarist doesn't know shit. But man, the look on everyone's faces when she starts playing Chopsuey? Goddamn.
✦ Unlike the others members, she doesn't actively try to build connections with other bands. Once the competition is over, everyone except Mizu is out their mingling with other bands. You're out there talking with your fellow managers, Ringo is talking about food with the other bands for some reason, and Taigen is out there attracting the other women which leads to Akemi dragging him by the ear. Mizu is just...there.
She finds interacting with other people unnecessary. She also has her moments when she recognizes and wants to talk to someone from another band but she's too awkward to talk to them. What she'll do is just stare at them from a distance and wait for someone to introduce them to her.
"You're burning a hole through their heads," Taigen comments, sitting down next to Mizu on the equipment crate and propping his leg up. Mizu grunts in acknowledgement of his comment but continues to stare at the other band. "They probably think you're a weirdo," he laughs.
She glares at him for a brief moment before looking at the band at a distance again. "They had a gig in the bar near our studio. Pretty impressive," she explains. Taigen nods, now staring at the band too.
The both of them watch as you approached the band of interest, cheery and bubbly. Almost immediately, you were already chatting it up out there.
A manager's skill probably.
Mid-conversation, you felt someone watching you so you turned around, eyes meeting with the two. Your smile widened, making the two of them stand up, knowing what was about to happen. They watched as you talked with the other band again. Suddenly, they looked at Taigen and Mizu's direction and approached them with you by their side.
"And these are my bandmates!" you introduced, moving over to their side. Just as Mizu was about to shake the vocalist's hands, the vocalist from the other band immediately patted her shoulder. "You're that person from one of our gigs! So how was it?"
The introvert in her was thanking you so much.
✦ She's a lady killer, but she's also very awkward when women approach her. As much as Mizu is pretty, Mizu is undeniably very handsome as well. Let's be honest, who wouldn't be attracted to a tall, well-built guitarist with an aloof aura and the sexiest deep voice you've ever heard?
The problem was, she didn't really know how to interact with them. The moment someone tries to hit on her, she's either frozen stiff or already planning her escape.
Mizu could not do anything but stare at what had landed on her feet.
It was a bra. With someone's number on it.
"Call me! Please!" someone from the audience screamed. She looked around in confusion before looking at the article of underwear by her feet with her eyes narrowed. Slowly, she bent down and picked it up, holding it by the straps.
Holy shit these were big.
What the hell was she supposed to do with this? Throw it back to the owner? Poor Mizu was lost. She continued to hold it up awkwardly, trying to figure out what should she do. If you hadn't told her to toss it you, she'd probably still be staring at it by the next song.
And you'd think people would stop doing that, but no. In fact, the amount of women hitting on her backstage increased. The little incident on stage somehow increased her charm with the ladies. Because holy shit...she plays both guitar and bass, both tall and well-built, looks so fucking good in a relaxed fit, can be both pretty and handsome at the same time, has an aloof and mysterious aura, AND she's awkward?? Sign me up. Sign me the fuck up.
✦ Unintentionally gets good venues for gigs. That's why you always bring her with you when talking to the owner of the venue. None of you really know how she does it, but she does?
"For the last time, I'm telling you. We've already booked enough performers for this month," the owner grumbled, glaring at you and your persistence.
You frowned at him, clasping your hands in front. "Please! We just need a gig to fund a new amplifier," you begged, giving the owner doe eyes. To no avail, the old man wouldn't budge...is what you thought.
Mizu saw your frown and knitted eyebrows and decided that it was a good time to approach you. She looked at you before looking at the owner with narrowed eyes, almost like a glare. "Is there a problem?" she asked, stepping forward and closer to the owner, stopping only once she was almost face-to-face with him. Her sharp blue eyes stared at his, piercing through his soul.
The owner stepped back a bit, looking up at her before shaking his head. "No no, we were only uh...talking about which time slot you wanted next week!" he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.
Upon hearing this, you immediately perked up and gently pushed Mizu aside. "What? Really?!" you exclaimed, holding on to the guitarist's arm in excitement. The owner nervously glanced back at Mizu, who was still looking at him with the same intimidating stare, before nodding in clear defeat.
After you had negotiated with him, the two of you left with a smile. "That went supeeer well!" you laughed out, looking over at Mizu. "What'd you do anyway?" You grasped her arm, shaking it slightly.
She shrugged, looking anywhere but at you to conceal her blush. "Beats me. I just looked over to see what you were frowning at."
✦ She doesn't like singing even if she sounds pretty good. Everyone in the band, except you, has heard her sing and has tried to convince her to be the lead vocalist for at least one song but is always greeted with a "no" or a "shut the fuck up". She WILL do the back up voice but she feels too insecure about how deep and husky her voice is so it's rare.
You didn't know she didn't like singing though and on one faithful occasion...
You opened the door to the studio and was immediately greeted by the sight of Mizu sitting on the floor with her guitar in hand. The two of you arrived pretty early so the rest weren't there yet. Her guitar was unplugged and it seems like she was looking up songs on her phone.
"Hey..." you greeted her quietly, to which she nodded. "What's up?"
She looked up from her phone before sitting up straight and propping her phone on her thigh, getting ready to play. For a moment, she did not do anything but stare at what was on her phone before looking at you.
"Want to hear me sing?"
You looked at her with wide eyes, a smile slowly tugging on the corner of your lips. Despite her question catching you off guard, it was still a welcomed surprise. You nodded and sat down on the floor next to her, leaning against her slightly.
Her breath hitched upon feeling you so close to her before she slowly relaxed and started strumming on the unplugged guitar. At first, she started strumming a bunch of random chords to calm her nerves. Once you heard the first few chords, you immediately recognized the song.
"If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything..." she sang, strumming on her guitar softly. "I could even learn how to love."
The way she was singing the song so shyly yet so tenderly warmed you up.
Each strum.
Each word.
Each pluck .
It was like she was singing the song with someone special in mind. You leaned closer to her, resting your head against her shoulder, not minding how much it was moving.
She moved her shoulder a bit lower so you could fully rest your head against it, still singing. "Look at you go. I just adore you." She glanced at you for a moment before continuing. "I wish that I knew...what makes you think I'm so special."
A small smile also tugged on her lips as she looked at you. You looked so peaceful. You felt so peaceful. Like you were enjoying your time with her as she continued to sing. "When I see the way you way you look shaken by how long it took, I could do about anything.."
"I could even learn how to love like you"
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dangerouslyknown · 3 months
Hi! Please do headcanons for gojo like you did Higuruma x
Satoru Gojo Headcanons 💎
A/N: Thanks for the request! My JJK obsession is hitting like a truck. I hope I delivered these Gojo headcanons well, mwah
Contents/Warnings: General headcanons, relationship headcanons both SFW & NSFW. Reader/partner is referred as "his S/O" or by they/them so gn!reader
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General Headcanons
He used to play Moviestarplanet. He was sooo popular too. He had lots of friends and he made the silliest movies/artbooks which people loved
He likes to sing and usually he sings whatever is stuck in his head on random occasions, without really trying to sound good
...but oh boy if you ever get the chance to do actual karaoke with him... He sings beautifully when he puts the effort in. What a gorgeous voice, it almost surprises everyone
He goes crazy about Lady Gaga's songs and he loves to do silly little performances whenever he hears any of her songs
Gojo is also a Swiftie???
Somehow I feel like he is TERRIBLE when it comes to spending money. He hasn't had a day in his life where he had to worry about financial stuff, so...
He's the type of guy buy an expensive ice cream machine, then accidentally break it and buy a new one like it's nothing
He used to troll people online as a teen...
Actually, he probably still does it for the heck of it. He isn't one to do anything super offensive, but he enjoys messing with people
SFW Relationship headcanons
He hasn´t been in many relationships in his life, mostly because he rarely lets anyone close. Bro has trust issues :(
He dislikes being vulnerable in front of others, but his S/O is who he shows his true self. It is not something to take lightly
He KNOWS he is attractive and it flatters his ego when he is complimented on it, but if one wants to win his heart, you need to go deeper than that. He wants a person who truly appreciates him beyond looks
His love language is gift giving. He will gift his S/O anything they desire, and it´s his way of showing he cares. He gets excited like a kid in a candy store when he brings his S/O something and waits for them to open the gift
Most of the time it doesn't even have to be anything expensive. Of course he likes to spoil his S/O, but sometimes he just sees something small, which reminds him of them and he decides to buy it
Then, his unofficial love language is being annoying. He would ask "would you still love me if I was a worm" and whatnot
Related to that, he would act all smug and probably provoke arguments with his S/O just to entertain himself (but he's not malicious about it of course!)
When he sees something romantic, he would say "Ewww, sappy romance stuff" and then do exactly those things in private
He likes to show off with his relationship? Y'know, like posting about it in social media and PDA
This also ties to when he holds great pride in the thought that he's able to protect them no matter what. Maybe he's also a bit jealous and likes to show others that his S/O truly is his, and only his
Looooves to dress in matching clothing with his S/O!
Also, if he'd play online games with his S/O, he'd definitely want to do matching usernames (Sometimes it'd be cringe, but that's a part of why he loves doing it)
(NSFW under the cut)
NSFW Relationship headcanons
Leans towards being more kinky tbh
This man likes to have fun, okay? He is super adventurous in the bedroom. He's always coming up with new ideas for his S/O and him to try, and he usually is the one to initiate
He'd love to bring in ropes, blindfolds, toys of all kind and everything you could think of. He wants to use them on his S/O, but isn't against the idea being toys or ropes used on him either blindfolds wouldn't even work on him though
He´s a fan of playing with the dynamics. The vibes he gives is 50% pillow princess and 50% daddy, so there's never a dull moment when he switches up things with his S/O
He lives for teasing in the bedroom. You are not going to get anything easily from his arrogant ass: If he's a sub, he's going to be a brat. If he's a top, you need to beg him
He is capable of being serious during intimate time, but most of the time there's going to be funny and goofy moments
I could 100% see him doing something like slapping his dick against his S/O's face, then grin. At the same time it's hot but it's also hilarious (in his opinion)
Speaking of his cock, I think it's bigger than average. Length is impressive, then girth is more average-ish
Definitely very vocal during sex. He will not shut up whether it's whimpers or dirty talk
I think he loves to fuck his S/O from behind. He loves to kiss the back of their neck, their shoulders and all over their back while going at it
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natasha-in-space · 2 months
Y'know, I didn't talk about it that much when it first came out, but it is so sweet to see some more content of Yoosung enjoying his life as a vet.
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I think it's kind of understandable that it's often overlooked, since it wasn't as much of a focus on his route. By comparison, we do know a whole lot about hia love for cooking, and he actually shares this passion with us many times during the game. Therefore, seeing him suddenly become a vet can feel a bit out of pocket for the player. I wish we had a bit more content on that particular aspect of his. To expand on it a bit more than what we already have in canon. Even his previous birthday events and CG's didn't really mention it. The only content we do have is his Valentines dlc and his after ending. Which isn't all that much. Yoosung's image is probably one of a student, gamer, or adorable cook when you think of him. It'll be nice if his career choice as a vet fit into that category, too.
That said, I looove to think about all the potential details of this time in his life. It's also very sweet to see MC helping him out with some of his duties. After the events of his route, I always see his dynamic with his MC as very supportive and reliant on one another in things big and small. Like MC bringing him lunch to work, or Yoosung picking them up from their place of work/study in return. You're a team, and you work as a unit. So it is very cute to see it in action!
I like to think that Yoosung is the type of vet who tends to spoil his patients, sometimes to the extreme. Deciding to arrange a spa day for them was probably his idea too. Just because one of them just happened to need a bath on that say. So he figured, why not treat them all to new shiny coats and relaxing massages!? Participating in this chaos was only agreed upon by MC, of course. It's impossible to tell me otherwise - these two are a well-known power couple in the clinic.
Or, it's possible that this is their idea of a date on the weekend. It's easy for me to see that, particularly if his MC is a huge animal lover!
Being a vet can be a very stressful and demanding job. Yoosung has to deal with many unfortunate losses and pains caused to innocent animals who didn't do anything wrong and their loving owners. So it's probably such a huge source of positivity and motivation for him to just relax for a few hours and have fun with a bunch of furry patients. Focus on the lighthearted sound of laughter between him and his lover and happy noises of mischief from some rowdy pets. The sight of their wagging tails and slow blinks is a significant reminder of the reason behind his actions. And to have his partner there with him... Well, that's just a cherry on top of the cake!
They better not take any selfies after that, though, because with this many furry participants, they'd be covered in fur for sure. It won't make Zen and Jaehee very happy to see it in the chatroom.
Of course, they still do so anyways.
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ginjithewanderer · 1 year
[Tetora Nagumo] What I Like 4☆ — The Back of a Man Among Men
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Writer: Nishioka Maiko || Season: Winter Character appearances: Tetora, Arashi
"What about you, Tetora-kun? Have you found anything you like yet?"
Translation under the cut
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Tetora: Hmhmhmm…♪ I’m back~
Arashi: Oh? Tetora-kun, welcome back.
Arashi: Are you done with work already? You're back surprisingly early. Didn't you say you might be late? I thought for sure that you wouldn’t be back until late at night.
Tetora: Ossu. That's what I thought, too, but I got done earlier than I expected~
Arashi: I see. Well, I'm glad you got done without any troub—
Arashi: Kyaah!
Tetora: Woah!? Wh-what's wrong? You startled me just yelling all of a sudden, y'know?
Arashi: Tetora-kun, this is bad! Your ear! Your earlobe!
Tetora: Huh?
Arashi: Your earlobe is bleeding!
Tetora: Hm…?
Tetora: Ah, it really is. My piercing hasn't healed all the way yet, so I guess it might be bleeding because my earring got caught on my clothes or something.
Arashi: Uh-uh. You can't just wipe it off so casually like that! What if it gets infected!?
Arashi: Okay. Come here. I'll give you a hot soak.
Tetora: H-'hot soak'…? What's that? It sounds kinda like 'hot soup' in English, so I guess it's something yummy?
Arashi: Nope. A hot soak is when you use warm salt water on the affected area to help it heal better.
Arashi: Piercings are delicate, so you can't use regular disinfectants.
Arashi: Don't worry, this won't hurt. Come on, come here and sit still.
Tetora: Ossu. I'll take you up on that, then.
Arashi: Dab, dab…And, there.
Arashi: Oh? This earring…It's not the one you usually wear, is it?
Tetora: Ah, yeah. Today's work was kinda formal, so I wore this clear one that isn't really visible from a distance.
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Tetora: I wonder if this piercing is even worth it for me if it’ll keep getting caught in my clothes~. It probably started bleeding because it got caught on something in a weird way.
Arashi: Hmm, that is strange. I wonder if it keeps getting caught on things because you’re not used to it yet.
Arashi: You can’t take the earring out until it heals up, though, or the hole will close up…
Arashi: I know. How about we go shopping for new ones the next time we’re free? I’ve been meaning to look for some small ones for myself, too.
Arashi: I can recommend you a shop, but would you be okay with that?
Tetora: Oh. Can I? If it’s one you recommend, I wanna go, too!
Arashi: That’s decided, then ♪ Let’s go out the next time we’re free.
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Arashi: Kyaah ♪ All of them are so cute. With this many choices, I’ll never be able to decide.
Arashi: Oh, well~. Even though there are so many cute things, I want to save money this month…They’re all so tempting.
Arashi: Ah, I can’t get distracted and have fun on my own like this. I’m not here to shop for myself today.
Arashi: What about you, Tetora-kun? Have you found anything you like yet?
Tetora: U~myu. Let me think…Ah, these are nice and simple.
Tetora: I like this kinda thing, but I don’t know how fashionable they are…
Tetora: I don’t really have much of a fashion sense. That’s why I wanna hear your opinion. What do you think of these?
Arashi: Hey. You don’t need to worry about every little thing like that. After all, the most important part of fashion is wearing what you like!
Arashi: Besides, it’s not like you don’t have a good fashion sense. These earrings are nice, aren’t they? I think they’ll suit you.
Tetora: You think so? If they have your seal of approval, I’ll get them~♪ That said, which ones do you like, Narukami-senpai?
Arashi: Me? Well—
Arashi: I like these, and earrings like these are nice, too…Ah, these! I like these ones. Mmm, it’s too bad I can’t buy them. I’ll have to come back when I have some more money.
Arashi: Oh, well, that’s okay. Our main goal today was to get you some earrings. We did achieve that.
Tetora: Ossu. I’ll go pay for these, then!
Arashi: Okaaay, see you in a bit. I’ll go look around that clothing store over there. Please do call out to me once you’re done.
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Arashi: I’m so glad you could find something you like.
Tetora: Ossu! It’s just as I’d expect from a store you like. All the accessories there were designed really well. It was really neat.
Tetora: I wanna go there again. Thank you so much!
Arashi: Hehe. Just hearing you say that makes it feel worth recommending it to you.
Tetora: —Also, here.
Arashi: Huh? What’s this package?
Tetora: It’s thanks for today. I’m sorry it’s so small.
Arashi: Huh!? You don’t need to thank me, though!
Arashi: But…thank you. I’m glad. Is it okay if I open it?
Tetora: Of course!
Arashi: —Oh, my! These are the earrings I liked from that store! When did you…
Tetora: Heheh. I’m not great at giving presents, so I wasn’t sure what would be good enough as thanks, but…
Tetora: Obviously, you’d want to give anyone something they’d like, right? That’s why I didn’t buy anything beforehand. I just quietly did my research and bought these earlier.
Arashi: …You’re amazing, Tetora-kun.
Tetora: Huh? Did you say something, Narukami-senpai?
Tetora: Ah! Are these not good enough as a thank you!?
Arashi: Nope. Not at all. I’m really happy with these. Thank you so much. I’ll treasure them ♪
Tetora: I’m really glad you like them! Let’s go home, then.
Arashi: (Mm~…And I thought you were still just a cute junior. I really look forward to what the future holds for you…♪)
Tetora: ? Narukami-senpai, what’s wrong~? You almost got left behind, y’know~?
Arashi: Yeah, yeah. I’m coming, Tetora-kun!
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nanabansama · 6 months
Spoilers for Chapter 109
The latest chapter was a ton of fun, but it ended on a disturbing twist:
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Tsukasa, after cleverly freeing himself of his shackles, has incapacitated Kako.
This was shocking, but also very revealing! We were able to learn that Kako's insides are entirely clockwork, and deduce that the same probably goes for Mirai. I suppose this explains how she can be so small...
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While it's unclear whether Kako is actually dead or not, I'm not sure if there's any real cause for concern. Tsukasa caused some serious damage, sure, but it isn't as though he pulverised him entirely. It's completely possible that all he needs is someone to put him back together and/or replace some of his damaged parts.
That said, it's convenient he went for Kako! Not only is he the most dangerous Clock Keeper, being able to revert time itself, but with Kako incapacitated there is little reason for Hanako or Nene to rely on the Clock Keepers powers anymore. If you remember, the only reason Hanako decided not to destroy the Clock Keepers' yorishiro was because Kako's powers could be useful in his quest to save Nene's life.
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While I'm still uncertain whether Kako is outright dead or not, it does make some sense for the story to get rid of him or his powers. No one got to him in time to undo a catastrophy like the Severance, of course, but he's been like this safety net haunting the story this entire time, ensuring that if anything truly bad were to happen, the characters could just ask Kako to rewind time and fix it. Not guaranteed, of course, but still technically an option.
If Kako were to be gone, it would really up the stakes, is all I'm saying.
Buuuut Nene has other reasons for not wanting to destroy the yorishiro, that being she's aware that the destruction of the last yorishiro directly correlates to her death. She sort of hinted to Hanako that they should stop trying to destroy them, but he still doesn't outright know her reason why, just the vague comment about how Sakura told her they don't have to destroy them.
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...which is funny, since Tsukasa just said this:
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This was actually one of the most shocking parts of the chapter to me, by the way. Tsukasa could be omitting some key details, but he says he's destroying the yorishiro "for Sakura." Curious, right!? Like, this much is obvious if you've read Chapter 92, but you think he'd have a bigger reason for doing it, y'know...? Again, maybe he just didn't find it necessary to bring his potential other reasons up, but...
Anyway! All this to say that I really wish Nene would just outright tell Hanako that destroying the yorishiro correlates to her death already because I'm still extremely worried he's going to do something stupid and accidentally kill her. Like, what if he finds it weird that Nene said Sakura told her she doesn't need to destroy them, but then Tsukasa says he's destroying them for Sakura? And let's not forget he kind of already agreed to do it with Tsukasa...
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I don't know, lots to think about. Probably nothing, though! It isn't like Hanako can destroy the Clock Keepers yorishiro without Nene's help, right? And if she was really backed into a corner, hopefully she could just confess to him the rest of what Sakura told her.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! As always I am very excited for the next release. And don't forget we have a new After School Hanako-kun chapter next week, too! It's a good time to be a Hanako fan. \(^o^)/
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the-savage-garden · 4 months
Why am I anti SJM?
I've previously mentioned this in posts before but decided to make this to clarify my thoughts. Look, I didn't go out of my way to become anti SJM when I started reading her books, I actually had been looking forward to reading them!
About... 3 years ago I think, I convinced my mom to get me Throne Of Glass. After reading through a few chapters I realized I made a huge mistake in getting that book. And sure, it was my fault in not looking into it before then. I'm not familiar with YA books so I had no idea what to expect, as a teen I skipped over to adult books like from Stephen King. I always wanted to read romance books though so I thought it would be good to try new things. Well, lesson learned.
I felt guilt for wasting both me and my mom's time, can't even bring myself to tell her that I hate the book that I convinced her to buy for me. So I hoped if I found a way to read ACOTAR (which was what I originally wanted to get but couldn't find it) that I'd feel better and, well, I actually enjoyed that one. It was like glorified Disney's Beauty and the Beast fanfiction (seriously, tell me that Feyre isn't just Belle, Tamlin is the Beast, and Rhys is Gaston) but I found it fun, I thought that I just had the wrong impression of SJM with Throne Of Glass.
I decided to glance through ACOMAF as I was considering buying the series later and wanted to make sure that ACOTAR wasn't just a fluke. Then I read it... it's hard to describe how disappointed it made me feel. I wasted my time... again.
That's when I decided instead of feeling sorry for myself I'd use SJM's books as a learning experience and how to avoid the same writing pitfalls as her.
Reading through other anti SJM posts also helps me feel better, feels like I'm not crazy for hating these books.
I know besides the writing there's other problems with SJM but I try to not bring up anything with her personal life. The only time I would bring it up is if it's tied to her writing in some way (like for example how she writes siblings, found out she has a brother which makes me wonder why she writes sibling dynamics in such an odd way in her books because I assumed she was an only child before).
I'm a bit... mixed on her prose, sometimes it's fine but others it's bleh. Y'know how people think of characters as "I can fix him/her"? That's what SJM's books are like for me, I want to fix them so much. I see where things could've worked if it was rewritten, I'm not going to do it myself though, I'm just going to nitpick them instead.
Anyway, if anyone was confused on why I'm still going over SJM books even though I hate them I hope this explains why I'm still reading them. I do plan to go over other authors (maybe YA authors as they seem to be pretty bad from what I can tell) I'm just being a bit slower going over SJM.
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gaslightgallows · 9 months
September 2023 Writing Round-Up
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I just checked my tags, and I haven't done one of these since… three years ago. Exactly three years ago yesterday (9/29/20), to be precise. Which was pretty much when my mental health and my personal life started to crumble in earnest, and it took my desire to write for public consumption along with it.
Most of what I did for the rest of 2020/2021 were either struggling to finish works in progress (and largely failing) or archiving stuff from my LJ days. I didn't post anything in 2022. I was still writing (a lot) but it was either for Patreon (…fuck, right, I have a Patreon) or it was personal, not meant to be shared.
And then Good Omens came back and ended up being really fucking relevant to my life, and @meldanya44 was there urging me to get back into writing for other people besides her. I think it was a good idea, over all. ♥
So… yeah. Thanks, Good Omens fandom, for reminding me that writing is meant to be shared, and that I am a prompt-based lifeform. (I'll be putting up a new prompt list tomorrow, if anyone wants an artisanally crafted bespoke ficlet of their very own.)
Anyway, here's what I did in September:
Authorial Intent (G, one-shot): Michael’s plan to erase Aziraphale from the Book of Life has certain… flaws. A revision of the final season of S2 Ep6, where the Metatron does not make an appearance. (Actually posted at the end of August but this is my list and it counts. Written very shortly after I finished S2 for the first time. Effervescing with joy.)
Put Out the Stars (T, currently a one-shot, planning to continue): Crowley stole the photo of himself and Aziraphale from the shop a long time ago. (Inspired by one of @fellshish's asks. Angst angst angst… with more to come!)
An Invisible Wound (T, one-shot): “I almost killed you tonight.” “I almost got you killed tonight.” Their first kiss, soft and futile, is in 1941. (Bittersweet canon-compliant 1941 truthers unite.)
After the Rain (T, one-shot; for @meldanya44): The Second Coming has come and gone, and Crowley was calling him ‘angel’ again. (Wonderful quiet post-series fluff.)
Like Petals in a Storm (M, currently a standalone but working on a sequel; for @meldanya44): Between the discorporation and the almost-execution, Aziraphale’s having a bit of trouble keeping body and soul together. (My reputation-mandated 'one partner helps another bathe' fic.)
The Taste of Salt (G, one-shot; for @iamhisgloriouspurpose): The lingering taste of ox ribs are bitter and rich in Aziraphale's mouth, and he isn't sure what he believes anymore. (Continues the 'I'm not taking you to Hell, angel' scene in the Ep2 minisode. Nice and angsty. No one seems to like this one and I'm not sure why.)
Pipe Dream (G, one-shot; for @unwholesome-gay): All Aziraphale has ever wanted is to give heaven back to Crowley. (Domestic fluff about Aziraphale buying the South Downs cottage for Crowley. Fun fact: I struggled to write this and finally posted it in dismay and tried to forget about it. And then my inbox exploded with HEARTS, so I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought.)
The Patience of Angels, Chs 1-4 (M, multi-chapter WIP): An old enemy is on the hunt for the demon known as Crowley, and it will take all the powers of one very protective angel to save him. But in keeping Crowley safe, Aziraphale will uncover more of the terrible truths of Heaven than he ever wanted to know. (The longfic I first conceived of in 2019 and then never got around to finishing enough to post, and am now trying to revise the HELL out of in real-time because the original version doesn't work anymore. I love this fic with a burning passion and hope it finds an audience someday… which it probably will if I can update it, y'know, more often than once a month…)
Fics Posted: 8 Word Count: 28,182
I'm never going to be as prolific as I was when I was in the MCU fandom and had a much less-hectic job, but I'd call that a decent comeback. Thanks, everyone. ♥
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night-spectrum · 1 year
Thinking about my spidersona:
Small angst; small suggested smut at the end; mostly fluff and comfort. TW: Mention of death, depression, healthy issues, and isolation.
Wish my computer could work so I could draw my Spidersona...😩
🕸 Spidersona, who was bitten by a funnel web spider (💀) and is still traumatized. She takes appointments with Spider-Therapist every Thursday. Spider-Cat helps her copes with stressful memories.
🕸 Spidersona, who's Caribbean and wears traditional superhero suit. Bright madras tissues wrapped around her head and hips and Creole earrings (hoop earrings).
🕸 Spidersona, who was the only Spider-Girl in Nouveau Fort in Martinique (don't look for it, I made it up, but it's based on Fort-de-France) until a certain Miguel "Fat Ass" O'Hara came to enroll her.
🕸 Spidersona, whose best person is clearly Pavitr because we support cultural representation, and obviously because he's the most adorable boy I've ever seen. ❤️ Besides, they usually chat about new clothes they like to embellish their suit and wardrobe.
They even have Indian nickname for each other : Pavitr is Munna (used for pretty and gentle boy), and Spidersona is Choti (used for girls and means small) based on this.
🕸 Spidersona, who loves dancing with Gwen late at night in her home. Spidersona shows Gwen how to move her butt like there's no tomorrow, and Gwen gives her tips to achieve a boneless split. There're also countless sleepovers and "Girls Talk" about boys, which is pretty much awkward at first, but they both like gossiping.
🕸 Spidersona, who has the fattest crush on Hobart "Hobie" Brown, 'cause let's be honest who wouldn't. Always avoiding him when he comes her way. Obviously, Hobie notices, and he thinks she doesn't like him or his style makes her feel uneasy.
🕸 Spidersona eventually confesses that she likes him :
"That's why you've been dodging me, luv?" Hobie rhetorically asks her, his full lips stretching into a genuine smile.
She feels her face heating up and her hands becoming sweaty. "Yeah, but I don't expect anything y'know. Just wanted to tell you..."
Hobie leans forward, and she presses her lips together, gazing down because she never noticed how interesting the ground could be. She feels his breath on her neck, and she shivers when his lips plant on her cheeks fondly.
"You're too cute, luv."
From that day, he's always close to her. His arm rests on her shoulders, and he's never too far when they're fighting anomalies. They both rely on each other when something goes wrong.
🕸 Spidersona, who curses in Creole when she's pissed.
"Wow! Wow! Okay, okay, we got it. That's enough bad words for today, luv." Hobie covers her lips and drags her out to cool down a bit.
Peter B. covers Mayday's ears, though he doesn't understand a thing he knows what she's saying isn't lovely.
🕸 Spidersona, who has arachnophobia, watches Penni petting her spider with disgust (don't get me wrong, her spider is adorable, but I don't want it near me). Miles makes fun of her and eventually chases her with random spider he finds around through the lobby.
🕸 Spidersona, who slips in Hobie's universe to spend some time together. She watches him play guitar on his bed and turns red when he hands her his instrument and sits behind her, his fingers brushing hers as he teaches her how to play.
🕸 Spidersona, who brings Martinican food to Mrs. Morales when she comes to visit Miles. Rio observes her chat with her son from afar along with Jefferson.
"She looks nice," Rio says after a while, still looking at them, "and she calls me 'Mrs. Morales." Her lips turning upward.
"Yeah, definitely Caribbean. Besides, I love these." Jefferson says, grabbing a slice of butter bread she made with her mom, accompanied by communion chocolate.
Spidersona and Miles look at their feet awkwardly, feeling Miles' parents' gaze on them.
"'M sorry 'bout my parents, they're... protective."
"Yeah, don't mention it. My mom does this, too."
🕸 Spidersona, who invites everyone one in her universe in Nouveau Fort. The tropical climate welcomes them fiercely, and everyone change to wear swimsuit. Peter B. applies sunscreen on Mayday and himself and lays down on a towel.
🕸 Hobie and Pavitr bury Miles in the sand, mermaid body in process as Spidersona and Gwen take Mayday to a swimming lesson, her Spider-Man rubber ring assisting her.
"Damn Gwen, you're red as hell." Spidersona hands her Peter's sunscreen, snorting.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny."
🕸 After 3 weeks and still no news from her, Hobie and Pavitr head to her universe. When they slip into her bedroom through the window, they find her in her bed, barely breathing. Pavitr rushes to her, worry in his eyes as he brushes her now sunken cheeks. She hardly opens her eyes, dried tears staining her face.
🕸 Hobie takes her face in his hand, caressing her cheekbones slowly before kneeling to be face level with her. He takes her blanket off her, and it pains them to see how much weight she lost. They can clearly see her ribcage under her skin.
As they discuss what to do, they hear her mother's voice in the living room. She sounds exhausted, her voice quavering.
"I don't know what to do, mom. She hasn't eat anything in days and she keeps losing weight. The doctor said we should bring her to the hospital because of her iron deficiency and underweight. Otherwise, her anemia might come back and-" her voice cracks, as she can't handle her overwhelming emotions. The phone slips from her grasp as she falls on her knees.
🕸 Hobie grabs her without hesitation and opens a portal, quickly followed by Pavitr. He mumbles apologies when she groans pain. When they arrive, Hobie pushes open the medical department's door with his foot. Spider Meds are quick to take care of her, using advanced medical tech.
🕸 Spidersona, who wakes up after 2 weeks, looking less of a momified monk. She sees a red-haired baby lying down on her belly. She recognizes Mayday, and Peter B. reaches out, his hand caressing her head.
"We missed you." He says genuinely, worry fading away and replaced by a look parents would give to their child after they injured themselves.
🕸 Spidersona, who just cries. Her pain and grief pouring out of her chest and she can't help it. Peter B. hugs her tightly, kissing her forehead.
🕸 Miles appears and stands still when he views the scene, his brain analyzing everything. He comes close, taking her hand in his, squeezing it kindly. When Peter lets go of you, Miles replaces him.
🕸 Spidersona, who after she calmed down, thanks them and asks where the others are, only to find out that they are on a mission.
🕸 Spidersona, who is surprised to see Spider-Man Noir paying her a visit, flower is his hands.
"Everyone's been worried about you." Miles explains, her hands still in his. "When Hobie and Pav came back with you almost dead, we freaked out."
"Jessica even talk to your mother so she wouldn't pass out when she found out you disappeared." Adds Spider-Man Noir.
She is grateful but also a bit ashamed she worried everyone.
"So... what happened?" Peter B. asks cautiously.
She looks up to him and tries to suppress the tears, creating in the corner of her eyes.
🕸 Spidersona, who wasn't fast enough to save her uncle Henry and faced the reality of the world.
Though everybody can relate, Miles feels like he knows exactly what she feels. He remembers when he found out that Uncle Aaron was the Prowler, the look in his eyes when he discovered Miles was Spider-Man. His hand slipping from his as he exhaled his last breath.
🕸 Spidersona, who spends her day with Miles since Peter went home to put Mayday in bed. She eats empanadas Miles brought for her.
"My mom made them for you. When I told her you were hospitalized, she wouldn't stop asking about you. Besides, since we didn't know when you would wake up, she made some every day." Miles scratches the back of his head; cheeks and ears red. He knew his mom liked you, maybe too much for his liking.
"Well, please, thanks her for me. This is delicious. My taste buds are dancing hard right now." She giggles, making Miles smile.
🕸 Spidersona, who eventually encounters Jessica and Miguel. She thanks the pregnant woman, hugging her slightly, knowing she's not a big fan. To her surprise, she rubs her back and smiles.
🕸 Spidersona, who turns to Miguel reluctantly and apologizes for being off without warning. He brushes her off, as usual, talking about how it was her canon event. Gee thanks.
🕸 Spidersona, who hears familiar voices. She turns around, and there they are : Gwen, Hobie and Pavitr. She launches herself on them, arms fully extended. Pav sees her first and rushes toward her. They both collide, their hands grasping any pieces of clothes, hugging like the world would disappear.
"I missed you so much, Choti." Pav cries, his hands hold her tightly. "You almost gave a heart attack. Don't do this ever again, please. I love you."
And she cries again, hearing her best friend voice trembling.
"I'm so sorry, Munna. I promise. I love you so much, too."
Gwen joins in, her lips quivering, and they open their arms for her to come.
🕸 Spidersona, who wipes her face after a while, then proceeds to notice Hobie, who stayed back. Pav hugs her one last time, then leaves with Gwen. She approaches Hobie, not sure why she feels so nervous all of a sudden.
🕸 Spidersona, who follows Hobie to his universe, their pinky intertwined. When they are both alone in his room, he smashes his lips against hers.
🕸 Spidersona, who feels like a tsunami washed over her: emotions and feelings blending in her core. It's slow at first but quickly bursts into a wildfire when she feels his body against her. It feels strange, and she's a bit insecure, but Hobie reassures her. It's overwhelming.
"Are you okay, luv?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper, like she'll shatter if he's too loud.
"Yeah. I am."
🕸 Spidersona, who slowly moves on, enjoys her life with those who remain and never forgets those who left.
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system-reset · 5 months
i gotta say im genuinely really sad that this keeps happening.
every time we come across some new horror concept on the internet (when we were younger it was creepypasta, which lead to all those slenderverse series. then it was scp. then the backrooms. then trevor henderson and similar artists.) somehow the internet finds some way to ruin it.
creepypasta were always kinda stupid (that was, i think, part of why we loved them so much) but they had a general sorta structure to them, if that makes sense? but now when we search 'creepypasta' what we get is essentially just any vaguely scary story. a lot of things that are very much not creepypastas get thrown in there anyway, things like Borrasca and Tales From The Gas Station as well as anything from Trevor Henderson and sometimes SCPs as well. which isn't a big deal but it still bugs me y'know?
SCP was fun at first, and many of them are actually pretty cool, but I think at this point people aren't really treating it the same. there's a lot of SCPs that are very clearly just written as a joke, and some of those are written in a way that allows them to avoid being put in with the other joke entries. idk if that makes sense but yeah.
the backrooms were better before people started adding a bunch different stupid little entities to them. the horror of the backrooms was that they were empty and felt surreal and wrong. but now theres just 1000 iterations of Cheap Shitty Jumpscare Guy™️ and it's not interesting anymore.
I have no actual issue with Trevor Henderson, his art is super fucking cool and the podcast is fantastic. I do, however, take issue with the joke-ification and overuse of the creatures depicted in his art. idk. siren head was cool then someone made a video game then people were meme-ifying it.
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
What is your stronger side? I am very curius about psychk. I love this rabbit hole!
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me rn bc you've induced some major brain vomit from me about this particular subject and I'm about infodump like a mf ^^^
aHHHH ME TOO!!! I'm hyperfixatin' on it 🕵️ I believe my stronger side is my right side, which presumably controls the left hemisphere of my brain aka the more logical side, which is BABIES because I'm a very creative, think outside of the triangle kinda person so I'd think I'm more of a right brainer. but it also kinda makes sense that I'm a lil' stronger in my right side since it's my dominant side and I do like to overanalyze & overthink things in a logical way (I need to change that belief as a matter of fact) 🤔 hoWevEr I have heard that it's important to use both sides of yer body to keep yer brain strong and lessens the chances of gettin' Alzheimer's and dementia (which I'm manifestin' a cure for both bc hell nah that shit is wack)
heads up, im about to ramble.
when I was readin' up on psych-k and the whole brain state, I stumbled across this new idea that's like 'brain gym' and I didn't think much of it until YESTERDAY when I was like... hm, are there other ways to make both sides of the brain work simultaneously while I'm awake??? cause psych-k is workin' for me and all but I'm sure there are other ways to communicate with both sides of my brain simultaneously to make affirmations stick in a much more efficient manner. when ya have both sides of yer brain workin' in harmony while affirmin' ya get like this deeper level of saturatin' yer mind aNd I wanted more of that bc it gives my brain the t i n g l e s. should also be mentioned that workin' yer entire brain is also a form of what can be referred to as 'super learnin' isn't that fuckin' gnarly??? i think it is. lIke could ya imagine that with this information now ya could literally just sit down and study somethin' with the utmost efficiency and whole brain thinkin' just by crossin' your damn ankles???????? wish I knew this shit when I was still in school--- wait nvm I'm still doin' classes.
there's this weird lil' exercise which is BASICALLY psych-k but ya stand up and do actual movements (super weird but also kinda fun for my monkey brain) iTs cALlEd the cross-crawl and there's a whole bunch of benefits for it (imma copy paste them below) this is all from this website I tried it for a few seconds yesterday and it was weird and cringey so I stopped but imma try it out again today for science 🧍
• Build your core strength
• Release stress and tension
• Enhance whole-brain thinking (get your left and right hemispheres to work together)
• Calm your mind
• Energize your body
it's pretty much a lil' funny dance where ya march side to side— its an actual exercise so y'know
ANYWAYS, it should be known that I am an avid method hopper because all methods work for me and I can do anything I want and it still works, sO I was thinkin' of a crazy ass combination of methods that involves psych-k, cross-crawling, and reverse psychology from @/charmedreincarnation which they described in detail in this post
this sounds insane and all over the place, I know, but I can't help it its because of how my brain chemistry works 😭 im like a mad scientist with manifestation methods at this point
also... why did I find another brain synchronization exercise video... I need to slow my road. but here it is anyways
I had no idea Tai Chi was a form of brain synchronization exercise holy shit???? but ig that makes sense since it is a state of meditation
i could have infodumped WAY more but I forgot most of the other things I wanted to say... 🤡 TY FOR ASKIN' THIS QUESTION!!! ask me more questions if ya want me to info dump again, I'll try to keep my thoughts organized
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abcwordsurge · 3 months
so! I just finished with the 1st draft of my Houston / Miami / New Orleans story that I'm writing for @kaz-playz (yes I'm still working on it, even after all these months, it's long and I'm slow, sorry, but I promise I'll get it to you someday)
I usually only edit my stories before posting, but I want nothing but the best for Kaz, so I'll probably do a full rewrite of this one. in the meantime, allow me to share with you some hcs for the trio that I stumbled across while writing the first draft
I've already talked about this, but just to establish a baseline, I hc Miami as pan, and using they/she pronouns
they're the biggest flirt ever, of course
they're light sensitive, and I think I've said this before, but just in case those in the back missed it: she wears her sunglasses (a gift from New Orleans) almost everywhere, and can't stand fluorescent lighting
they love the beach and cruises of course (cruise capital of the world, you know)
naturally quite pale, but you wouldn't know it- they're always tanned from so much time in the sun because she forgets sunscreen way too often :( (unless Nora and/or Houston are there to remind her)
she likes to go diving to explore the shipwrecks (but can't convince Nora to go with her)
shockingly, they're a Shakespeare fan. this isn't based on anything except, uh, plot convenience, and I like Shakespeare, so shut up /lh. (also she's a huge believer in "Shakespeare should be watched, not read")
Nora (New Orleans):
she/her, bi
literally the most gorgeous girl you will ever meet
not very flirty, but very kind, and there is often confusion regarding whether she's flirting or just, y'know, being a decent person
notably, has a realistic impression of how serious problems are (Miami has a tendency to be too mellow and not realize that something is a problem, while Houston is prone to dramatics- but not Nora, Nora's ~reasonable~)
not opposed to breaking the rules, and doesn't seem to respect authority figures very much (they're just people, after all, who are they to order her around?)
plays clarinet at a low-key jazz club, and is quite proud of it
very good at poker (Las Vegas is her frenemy)
she practices Vodouism (which, admittedly, I don't know too much about, so I'm hesitant to write a lot about it- I don't want to accidentally resort to stereotypes, y'know?- but it stands to reason that she would)
and finally, the star of the show, our girl!
she/her, raging lesbian
very prideful and stubborn, and a lot of people find her attitude "disagreeable," but her confidence and passion is actually quite endearing
gets bored easily, especially during meetings, and starts drama for fun
she thinks she's socially awkward because she has a hard time figuring out what people want from her, but most people don't notice when she feels awkward
also has sensory issues, though she mostly combats hers with being very particular about the clothes she wears, and avoiding crowds
had a bit of a sheltered childhood (cough Texas cough) but part of her rebellious phase was learning more about other cultures and people with different experiences from hers
she's found her place in the LGBTQ+ community (as the L) and likes to throw it in Texas's face during arguments (even though he has technically "accepted" her, he isn't exactly thrilled about it, and she knows it)
admittedly, she doesn't know much about polyamorous relationships (at least, at the start of my story *wink wink*)
so that's what I've got for now. to hold y'all over till I finish up the real story. have a good day :3
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villain-championship · 2 months
Masterpost 2: Electric Boogaloo
Me, the pollrunner pollmaster
i'll just bullet note this 'cause my identity isn't too important to the champion
also, i still go to school and am an artist, this is a stupid little side thing i'm choosing to do in my free time. this is not a serious thing. this is not a priority of mine, but i'll try to keep it fairly timely.
Rules of Submissions & Propaganda
i remember last time people were confused about what this tourney was actually about. well, it's a "most beloved/fun to hate villain" type of competition, not a fight
this is a bracket of 64
don't take things all to seriously, i'm not, neither should you
don't make joke submissions, it's not that funny
basic things for blogs (don't fight, essentally)
basic DNI, i'd just rather not have that type of people here, y'know.
i will only use one character (unless it's a duo or trio) for ever scource.
Other Things
have fun with it!
feel free to message me about any concerns or issues
my capitalization n kind of punctuation are interesting. don't mind that
i probably will leave my opinion in the tags
tag this account in basically anything i don't really care
Submission Guidelines
which of your favourite guys can you submit? what games, shows or other medias are out of the picture?
anti-heros/villains have a chance if you have a good reasoning for them to be included
no real people
i'd rather not include problematic media, but again, if you have a good reason they'll be considered
reformed villains only count if they were a villain for a majority of the time they appeared
stupid 'villain of the week' type characters can be included
twist villains are going to be avoided if they are a major spoiler for a big plot point of the media
no ocs
only submit one(1) character per submission form please.
Propaganda Guidelines
anything form of it is allowed, reblogs with a couple sentences, shitposts, things in my askbox, anything!
just keep it sfw
submit in this form, go crazy, honestly. ramble about you're favourite evil guy(s) if you want. submissions are open for 3 weeks. go wild.
submissions are closed
New Tags
New tags to separate round 1 and 2
#not villian championship II - things unrelated to the championship (this includes asks even if they are about the championship)
#villain championship II - for the championship itself
#villain championship masterpost II - the tag for this post
#villain reblogs II - reblogs. be it of other polls/tourneys, the polls from the championship, or anything i deem fitting
#villain championship propaganda II - propaganda, either asks or reblogs this is the tag for propaganda
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
A friend of mine's been tryna get me into Redacted and shit and told me bout your matchups so Imma give it a go
DO 4 LOVE by Snoh Alegra. Specifically the part "And in my world, only you / Make me do for love, what I would not do"
Had to look up what you were talkin bout, my friend said Id be a 2? So Imma take their word and go with that
I don't really watch things unless someone else is showing me?? But I'm pretty sure I saw this one vid about the best cocktail and fresh herb pairings which was pretty fucking cool
Is that a thing people have...? I guess I didn't have one really?? Friends were kinda hard to keep when I was younger
I don't really sleep if I can help it. If I do, it's usually cuz I'm around the right people y'know? And usually cuz I'm bout to pass out or some shit
My name isn't changed across the board or anything but I chose my other name cuz I wanted something that felt like it represented what I wanna be. I like being a guide in a weird way, and there was something bout my name that just feels right now. I dunno, it's kinda weird cuz I still vibe with my first name too
Had to pull it up again so I didn't fuck up the title but "Baking A Cake With Your Incubus Boyfriend" for sure. I pretty much learned how to cook cuz someone else taught me and the audio reminds of one of my friends. Plus I crack myself up thinkin bout how badly another friend fucked up a cake this one time
I don't really fuck with Sam honestly? Don't really like Vincent either but that's more of a dislike kinda situation. Sam's real hard headed bout certain things and it's exhausting sometimes. He's not bad when he quits actin like he ain't holdin onto the same shit he scolds other people for, but as a whole I don't see what other people do in him
Sat next to a friend reading Circe out loud and then borrowed it from them the next day. They let me keep it after I asked to re-read it for the 5th time
If I had to pick? Vega or Brachium. Both of them remind me a lot of a old friend of mine so I fuck with most of their audios. I think they'd be cool to kick it with if they didn't have a bunch of plot shit goin on
Don't really have a go-to cuz I like tryin new shit. I tend to let someone else pick for me and roll with it. Last time I got something they gave me strawberry lemonade and hard pretzels. Was pretty good ngl
Been really into disco music lately! I think it's disco. That's what they called it, I dunno, it's fun to jam to. Really into Night To Remember as of late
Uh I dunno, maybe cooking shows? I don't really get what they're sayin half the time but it looks good on the screen
Tumblr media
Hmmm, Type Twos are characterized as a giving, open- hearted sort of people, leaning towards those who are similarly inclined. With that in mind, I’d pick Camelopardalis for you.
Another reason I like him for you is because of what you said about sleep. Sleeping in the presence of another person is so vulnerable and trusting so I wanted to pair you with the most trustworthy Redacted man I could think of. Also, I think Cam would be the most appreciative of the trust and love that that gesture would wordlessly express, you know? Also, I like what you said about “being a guide”; like, I feel Cam would hear that and resonate with that.
Overall, you’d have such a peaceful, serene life, and I love that for y’all. Cam would be so well fed in more ways than one, because I can see him being such a supportive, helpful sous chef once he gets the idea. I can clearly imagine you introducing him to cooking and disco, music playing while he watches you dance around the kitchen while also watching whatever’s in the pot on the stove. (I’m so sure the daemon powers and speed will be so helpful in the kitchen.) (Also, I think he was totally old enough to be around for disco, but he was more of a classical/jazz guy. This would make it even more fun to show him the genre he missed.)
Give me the simple life/ Some find it pleasant dining on pheasant/ Those things roll off my knife/ Just serve me tomatoes and mashed potatoes/ Give me the simple life/ A cottage small is all I'm after
Like I said, Cam’s a classics and jazz kind of guy in my head. I think he’d have a wonderful time showing you the music he likes, the kind that brings him serenity. This song, specifically the Ella Fitzgerald version is deffo an example. I can see this playing in the morning as he gets ready for work in the morning making you breakfast since you always cook for him.
Morgan is a good runner-up for you because he also strikes me as a guiding, helpful figure, just not as much as Cam, ya know? David is a runner-up because I think it’d be really cute for y’all to cook with each other~
Note: I totally agree with you about Sam you’re so real for that~
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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