#cuz like wow what a banger
I think that new favorite character just dropped
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robo-milky · 20 days
“Hey, Carrots!
No need to look so offended, I’m not here to cause any trouble, you know~. No favors to ask of either. It’s your special day, isn’t it? It is! So I came by to give you a present.
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…Yeah, okay, it’s not really much, but it’s a gift nonetheless. Coupon for a special pop for the birthday girl~. You have a favorite flavor or something? I’ll try making it into a pop for you. A dozen for free! I’m real kind, I know.
Oh, and before I forgot. You know Ashi, don’t you? Poor girl couldn’t make it today, so she asked me to hand you a gift bag in her stead. Proves my trustworthiness, doesn’t it? Heh.
No need to worry, I didn’t peek at it… Hold some higher standards for me, would you?”
Niko hands over the bag. It’s a cute, pink, petite bag with cat decorations on it. It holds some resemblance to the feline holding it herself.
Grabbing what’s inside, there’s a little drawing with a note attached. It’s written with words and symbols that seem impossible to verbalize, but somehow it’s easy to imagine a certain brunette bringing life to them…
Clochey! HBD fam!~ Super bummed I couldn’t make it, but I hope this prezzie has enough of my energy baked into it that it feels like I’m there! LMK ASAP ☆
I wanted to send you a cute lil’ message ‘cuz I’m real thankful for us being friends, YK? Even tho we aren’t super buddy buddy, I still totally enjoy your company. Eppy tells me enough about you that it basically feels like I’m hanging with you myself!
Anyway~ I wanted to gift smth more personalized for you, so I drew up a little drawing! It’s kinda like a postcard, but I tried putting one of your fave things on it ♡ I hope you enjoy!~
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We should SO get talkin’ again soonsies! Wishin you a happy birthday and many more with a certain huntsman <3
Sincerely, Ashi ♪
Cloche hears a chuckle after she’s done reading the note.
“Wow, Carrots, your face is a little red… Wonder what Ashi stirred up for you to get you, the cold clawed kitty to get lookin’ like that. Well, privacy is privacy. Guess that’s my cue to leave.
Here’s hoping you catch a break from all the trouble around campus, hm? Enjoy your day~.”
HAPPY BDAY CHRIS!!!!!!! I HOPE YOUR DAY AND WEEK AND TBH MONTH IS SO BANGER. ITS SO DESERVED!!!!!!! 🫶 it’s been SO nice being your moot for like?? WHAT??? TWO YEARS OR SMTH??? TIME IS SO CRAZY. it’s been such a treat being able to interact n talk w you since the beginning!!! I GET SUPER HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS <333 HBD again and I hope life treats you well!!!!! 🙏 blessing your pulls and turning them into pomepulls……….. tehepero
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash] *them referring to our dear freshmen
Okay first of all… ASHIIIIIII YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME I SWEAR !!! THE FACT THAT YOU SENT THIS SO EARLY??!?! THE INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING! I JUST LOVE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT SO NATURALLY- Fr, Niko just waltzing into Ramshackle then dipping- aND THE GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ROOKLOCHE ART- LITERALLY SCREAMING OVER THE POSE AND DETAILS- YOU SERIOUSLY OUT DID YOURSELF FOR THIS ONE! Rook carrying her and Cloche grabbing on to him to get closer- SAVANACLAW ROOK MY BELOVED- Muscle man frrrr- Ashi really caught on to the cat maid’s staring during Chapter 7 huh. AND THE DOODLES ON RHE SIDES ARE TOO CUTE- 😩
Epel yapping on about Cloche and totally not suspiciously asking Ashi about her roommate- Ashi internally sweating bullets when Epel doesn’t realize that everything he describes is the cat maid making up excuses to avoid him-
Also take this… Cloche walking up to Niko days later and asking for a bone marrow pop, and it takes Niko a few seconds to realize it was a joke 😭😭 Slow burn friendship trust-
Really, it’s so wild that it’s been 2 years- So glad to have you here and to celebrate with you again !! I think you really blessed my pome pulls with this one- seriously- man came on the 30th pull twice- Ilyyyyy If makes me super happy to see you in my notifs as well and may we continue to interact in the future!
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Down the Drain- Barista!San x Female!Reader (College AU)
San has literally said he likes the idea of being a barista so here you go Sannie boy 😘😂 first time getting one of the boys as a barista hehe. Also, we’ve all had that professor 💀
Word Count: 2571 | College AU | Warnings: very slight language, me throwing in a blackpink reference cuz we love the bangers 😌
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All your money was going to go down the drain. You couldn’t believe your campus had found yet another way to scam you. Yet you couldn’t really find it in yourself to complain this time. You knew they had to know exactly what they were doing, though. Whether it worker or not, your eyes were on them.
That day, you’d decided to make a rare stop at the campus café for a cold drink; it was just one of those days, a long one that could use a little refreshing pick-me-up, and you really didn’t take advantage of there being student baristas right around the corner of a big study floor enough. As per usual, the line was sort of long, but not out to the door, and you had a few hours of classes, so in went the airpods as you stood, trying not to stare at the girl in front of you’s bright pink backpack with its dangly Kuromi keychain the whole time. You did wonder where she got it from, though.
Two songs later, you were next, pulling your airpods out and popping them into your case as you glanced up toward the barista counter. And that was where you saw your campus’s latest scam.
Cafés hiring hot people was the biggest money pit ever and they knew it. The guy working the left register had your heart pounding the moment you laid eyes on him. He was average height with short dark hair, sharp eyes and even sharper cheekbones. The way his arms flexed from their rolled-up sleeves made you suspect he was quite fit beneath the oversized black button-up beneath his apron. As he waved to Kuromi girl, he gave a dazzlingly bright smile. Oh, no, he had dimples. Come on.
“I can help you right here.”
Snapping out of your reverie, you stepped forward to his register. San, his name was, according to the handwritten chalk name tag pinned onto his green apron fabric. Suddenly, you could hardly remember how to speak. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi.” There went that smile again. Sir, your mother must be proud. “What can I get started for you?”
“Oh, well, I…” Internally you cursed yourself for stuttering so much, but finally you remembered the name of your favorite iced drink.
“That’s a good one! Have you ever tried it with flavoring in it?”
“No,” you shook your head, “I haven’t.” You were a creature of habit, pretty much reciting the same thing every time you approached the register.
“You should! It’s so good!”
You asked him which one he recommended, and after he told you you inquired how much extra it was.
“Since you’ve never tried it and it’s my fault you are,” he chuckled, “I’ll just throw it in for free!”
And he wasn’t even a dickish frat boy. Great. “Wow, thank you!”
“Hey, it’s my pleasure, er…what’s your name?”
“It’s (y/n).”
“(y/n),” he repeats as he scribbles it on your cup and sets it down, and you hate that he even makes that sound good, “well, I hope you like your drink like this, (y/n)!”
“I’m sure I will,” you reply with a smile as you return San’s wave, heart leaping as he follows the gesture with running a hand through his shiny black locks.
Curse that café for making you spend money.
Two days later, you had the same class schedule, that same long break, and what the heck, why not see if San was working? It was kind of stupid how much you looked forward to the possibility of seeing him, you mused as you passed beneath the green rows of trees planted along the walkway, but that didn’t really change the feeling, so along you went with your stupid hopes of coinciding schedules.
The line was, once again, not quite to the door. Pretty good. This time, the girl in front of you had a blink hammer keychain, so you chatted with her for a bit. Apparently her name was Rina and she was an engineering major. Good for her. San called you up by the time you guys finished exchanging socials, mouth falling into an o shape the moment you stepped up.
Your heartbeat went erratic again, momentary friendship and engineering talk distracting you from preparing intelligent conversation like you told yourself you were going to.
“(y/n), right?”
Your jaw dropped. “Oh, uh, yeah. I can’t believe you remembered with all the people you see in a day!”
“I try to remember people. Plus, you tried my concoction, so that was extra memorable!”
Well, whatever made you memorable. “I’m good with names, too. I remember yours.”
He clapped a hand over his name tag. “What is it?”
“San!” You giggled.
“Be honest, was it the free add-in?”
You shook your head, grip tightening on your backpack straps. “I would have remembered anyway.”
Luckily, he smiled at that. “I’m glad. Well, what am I getting started today?”
There you were again. All your income going down the drain.
“Hey, (y/n)!”
“Hey, San!” You waved; your heart still had a few things to say about that dimpled smile and- as you saw on the day he wore a t-shirt, your suspicions confirmed- those arms, but by now you’ve become enough of a regular at the campus café that talking to the incredibly cute barista was practically part of your weekly assignments.
“Is it hot outside?”
“Not too bad,” you replied, “I think the weather people over-exaggerated. It’s, like, short sleeves and jeans weather.”
“Not long sleeves and shorts weather?” San teased.
“Short sleeves and jeans weather and long sleeves and shorts weather are different and you know it!”
San’s dark, shiny eyes drifted upward in thought. “You know what? They really are. Jeans one is more on the warm side, sleeves is more on the chilly.”
“See? Thank you. You appreciate me.”
“I always do, (y/n),” San agreed with a nod, setting your cup on the counter, “my favorite regular!”
“Oh, you have to say that to everyone,” you waved him off with a blush.
“I don’t have to say anything except ‘What can I get started for you?’”
“Well, thanks,” you giggled, pulling off to sit on the café couch and fake-scroll instagram while you snuck surreptitious glances at San.
Soon the harsh fluorescent institutional lights of your college’s building complex didn’t seem so bright, your focus having been centralized for a little too long. You’d ordered a drink with whipped cream on top, and the way the baristas deftly handled the compressed canisters, loading them into an actual whipped cream gun, made you almost want to become one.
Maybe you’d apply once that huge project for history was done. The next day, you planned on shopping for materials in order to build it at a table in the library on the following Monday. It was an insanely elaborate diorama that probably would have been more fun if the entire unit wasn’t crammed into two weeks’ time. You didn’t generally have any problems with your professor, but couldn’t help wondering if he’d lost his mind with that one.
Oh, well. If he wanted all those countries to have a ‘history tower’ as he called them, then you’d give him a history tower. The toweriest darn history tower he could ask for…or whatever would earn you praise and an A.
“(y/n)?” San’s voice cut through your historic reverie.
Shaking your head, you grabbed your backpack and rose from the couch once more, crossing the forest green tile floor to the drink drop-off. “Sorry, I was just thinking about assignments and stuff.”
“Oh, yeah, I totally get it, my dance class is getting intense with the choreographies we have to make. I almost gave someone who ordered a hot cocoa someone else’s strawberry smoothie earlier I was so distracted.”
Dance class? Choreography? At this point, it was practically a drinking game for ever time your brain dropped a wow. “Oh, that’s really cool. Mine’s just a history diorama,” you chuckle.
“On what?”
“The Netherlands of all places.”
“That’s so cool! I don’t know much about them, so maybe you can teach me.”
“I’ll do my best. It’ll be a crash course for sure- not exactly my specialty.”
“Well, whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll do great,” he told you warmly before his coworker handed him another drink; he gave you an apologetic glance. “I have a large cafe latte for Omar!”
You waved.
“See you next week,” he loudly whispered with a wink.
Next week was a bit different than your usual café run. This time, you’d been long situated at a library table, an intensely focused mess of glue, toothpicks, printed photos, paragraphs, drawings, plastic, and far, far too much more. You were going to build that tower until it broke you, then get some sugar, caffeine, and whatever adrenaline boost the glow in your heart from San gave you, then build some more. So far, it was murder to get the thing to stand despite its plastic supports. It was far later in the afternoon than you usually even got a drink, but such was a three-dimensional cultural history of the Netherlands.
“Aw, come on,” you muttered as a paragraph about Dutch paintings- Vanitas still lives, ironically- slid off its toothpick, “you were just fine a minute ago.”
It was sliding off the plastic dowels you were using to hold up the miniature spire. Sighing, you affixed it to a papier-mâché flower instead. This was ridiculous; you were busting your ass over basically a high school assignment all because your teacher wanted to send you off on your own for two weeks. Maybe, you thought venomously, he should have gotten caught up on grading papers so he could treat us like adults in return. Yeah, the fun had definitely leaked out of the project along with the last milliliter of glue, probably because it was individual. If you had a partner, you reflected as you crumpled more paper and cut another dowel.
Little did you know the effect that dowel would have on your day. As soon as you lifted your tower to insert it, a flower drifted ominously down. Your gaze softened. You blinked as a paragraph fell.
“No,” you whispered, but it was too late. The entire top decoration slid out along with the main support dowel, flopping miserably onto the table. Face crumpling, you joined it.
Bringing yourself to lift your head up was going to be hard. This was a whole day’s work down the drain. You just needed a good grade, wanted to do well and have something cute and fun, but all your energy had gone to-
You peeled your face from between your crossed, horizontally-lain arms, despondent eyes falling upon San. You perked up slightly, getting your hair in place even if you could only muster a small smile. It didn’t escape your notice that he had a drink in each hand, but wasn’t wearing his apron. Maybe he had a date or a study session or something. If you weren’t already sad, you might’ve been at that.
“I saw how hard you were working on that,” he pouted, “I made you a drink to celebrate and everything.”
“You- you made that for me?” You asked, nodding toward what appeared to be your usual in his left hand.
“Of course. You’ve earned it. Working hard and all that.”
“Yeah,” you waved an arm over the carnage on the table, “but look at where that got me. I can’t believe I thought I had it.”
“Well,” San pushed back the chair next to yours, “I always say these things are more fun with a partner.”
“Right?” You started up your mental rant on your professor, this time verbally. “Like, what is he going to do with all these? Has he got space for them? Make these a two-person thing at least.”
“Well, he doesn’t have to know that yours is,” San winks at you, picking up a bottle of glue.
“You’re going to build this with me?”
“Sure,” he shrugs happily, “it looks fun, I’m off, and I said I wanted to learn about the Netherlands, right?”
“The skull paintings are probably the coolest part.”
“Ooh,” San stares down at the images, “emo.”
“Yet also spiritual.”
“And here I thought it was all tulips and windmills over there.”
You giggled softly at that, giving a little sigh before you picked up the center dowel. “Would you mind handing me the base, then?”
“Sure. Here, I’ll hold it down, you really jam that in there and I’ll reinforce it with the glue.”
“Ugh, that’s such a good idea,” you smacked your forehead, “why did I think the foam was enough?”
“Hey,” San put his hand on your shoulder, peering into your eyes, “it’s ok. It’s just a silly craft project.”
“Y- you’re right,” you replied, forcing yourself to stare as deeply back, even if you did blush.
“Well, I mean, your work isn’t silly, just the concept of-”
“You’re good. I know what you mean.”
An hour later, it was finished. The tower sat on the end of your table, keeping watch over you and San, you had his hands folded on the table as you told him your favorite embarrassing story of your eccentric great-grandfather.
“The mustard got in her glasses and everything!”
San doubled over, one hand slapping the table and the other falling onto your shoulder. You smiled in satisfaction, pausing to take a proud sip of your drink.
“And she stayed for the game?”
“Are you kidding? The office was paying for the tickets!”
“Oh, that’s great!” He laughed.
“I know.”
“We should go to a game,” San said, his eyes suddenly falling to the table as he played with his hands, “you know, at the campus stadium. Our baseball team has a game on friday. U-unless you're not comfortable with that, then my friend Jongho can come with us and-"
Your, surely baggy by now, eyes widened slightly, a smile rising back to your lips through your intent listening. "Not comfortable? Like, go as in a date?"
"We don't have to, though, we can totally just get a group to-"
"Tell Jongho I said he can stay home," you cut him off with a grin, joking to play off the backflips your ribcage was doing, especially when San smiled at you like that, I mean come on it's like you told him you were handing him his dreams and sheesh those dimples, "I mean, I don't even know him."
"Are you sure? Because he's one of my roommates, and he was building a Japan tower on our kitchen counter this morning."
"Oh. Well in that case, just tell him you found a girl who likes cute baristas."
This time, it was San's turn to blush, though he covered it by reaching for your hands, seemingly not caring about the glue splotches sullying your skin. "I- I will."
If you weren't already sure you made the right choice by San helping you secure an A on your project or the way he looked at you, you knew you did when he insisted on buying you a school mascot plushie and including it in your fieldside selfie together and when he practically tackled you into his arms upon hearing you confess that you only went to the café to see him.
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bitterkarella · 9 months
Midnight Pals: Mambo #5
Tim Waggoner: I'm writing a book of advice to budding horror writers Waggoner: any advice to share? Stephen King: i like to listen to music to get in the appropriately spooky headspace Waggoner: ah interesting! Waggoner: what music? King: Mambo number 5 Waggoner:
King: [sitting at typewriter, cracking knuckles] ok! King: time to get down to business! King: [snaps fingers, fedora flies from off screen into his hand, smoothly places hat on head] King: [dancing] A LITTLE BIT OF MONICA IN MY LIFE!! King: A LITTLE BIT OF ERICA BY MY SIDE!!!
King: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society King: Poe: what's wrong? King: i don't know, i'm just not feeling it King: [snapping fingers] oh wait i know what's missing! King: A LITTLE BIT OF MONICA IN MY LIFE!! King: A LITTLE BIT OF ERICA BY MY SIDE!!
King: A LITTLE BIT OF MONICA IN MY LIFE King: A LITTLE BIT OF ERICA BY MY SIDE Poe: wow steve really likes that record Tabitha King: hm yeah he really does Tabitha King: hey let me see that record for a second Tabitha King: [immediately smashes record w/o breaking eye contact]
Stephen King: Tabitha King: I'm only going to ask this once King: have you King: or have you not King: heard about mambo number 5? King: CUZ EVERYONE KNOWS THAT MAMBO NUMBER 5 IS THE WORD! King: A LITTLE BIT OF MONICA BY MY SIDE- Joe Hill: mom, dad, are you getting divorced
Stephen King: joe! no no King: of course not! King: your mother and i still love each other very much King: it's just that sometimes when you've been married for a long time, you need King: [jumping up, dancing] A LITTLE BIT OF MONICA BY MY SIDE
King: boy! what a banger! its too mad we can't hear the first 4 mambos Poe: those were too dangerous to be released steve Poe: like the second act of the king in yellow Poe: or the first 5 leonard movies
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beelzeballing · 6 months
my opinions on the metroid games' soundtracks because im soooo bored rn:
metroid: surprisingly has some fucking RIDICULOUS bangers considering its an nes game (kraid's hideout helloooo) but also has mother brain battle. which. yeah.
return of samus: i mean whats THERE is as good as ever, sr388's surface theme goes hard but. uh. i hope you like random atmospheric gameboy bloops. it works for what the game is but yeah youre not gonna be putting any of these on your spotify playlists
super: are you KIDDING me? its super metroid. obviously there is nothing but fucking bangers on that ost. super metroid has never missed in any way shape or form lol. honorable mention to, of course, brinstar depths and also my extremely beloved maridia (swampy caverns).
fusion: are you KIDDING me part 2, electric boogaloo. slightly hampered by the fact that the GBA's sound system was so fucking ass but by god did it work around that. this game's ost is so tense it can veer into horrifying. shoutout to tension before a core-x and environmental investigation for being utterly terrifying
zero mission: ok the gba sound system did not do this one any fucking favors. fusion could get away with it but zero mission... like theres definitely great tracks here but its all SO fuzzy.
prime: kenji yamamoto is the fucking BOSS good LORD this soundtrack goes hard. might be my favorite ost in the whole series. i am disgustingly biased but also like. listen to the fucking title theme and then tell me you dont get it. you cant! you literally cant! i think my fav track would have to be... uh. the staff credits. yes, really.
echoes: kenji yamamoto returned with a vengeance. i honestly dont even know what to say tbh, this is up there with prime 1 for me. chykka? the emperor ing? dark samus? hell yes.
corruption: TRIPLE WHAMMY, KENJI YAMAMOTO YOU CRAZY BASTARD!!!! i like this one the least out of the three prime games BUT i do have to shout out phaaze and phazon pool here cuz i absolutely love the phazon sound effect. and it has some VERY fusion coded tracks (positive)
hunters: were back at 'extremely low quality sound hardware', yall want anything? and its for such a good soundtrack too. it can get away from the usual "metroid sound" on some tracks but like. theres banger after banger here, surprisingly enough. sylux' theme... the menu select.... GOREA FINAL BOSS THEME??
other m: yeah.
samus returns: wow we are so fucking back!!!! banger remix after banger remix! im listening to the playlist rn tho and im kinda confused cuz i havent played this game in ages. why are there lower brinstar and crateria tracks. this is metroid 2. we arent on zebes. what the fuck. anyway catch me bumping the gamma metroid theme
dread: i hate to say this but the ost is. a little underwhelming. burenia goes hard but the rest is just... very middling. mercury steam brought the heat with dread but particularly outstanding composers they have not.
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squigglyoctosquigglez · 4 months
assinging each cpds member a milgram song (except Undercover. no one is Es here. except maybe Lucy. yeah Lucy is Es now she gives the verdicts for each of their murders-)
for those who don't know, milgram is a fictional music project that involves a prison that hold 10 prisoners, each had been the sole cause of someones death (not just murder) and the only real clues to their "sin" is through songs !! there's also es they're the prison warden
i got this idea at like 10 pm today in my timezone, i say random ass shit here too please dont judge im tired
chris - Throw Down (uhh reading the lyrics chris is the kind to like really care but hes just done with everyone), Triage (he does not want to be deemed INNOCENT [he's still getting voted innocent])
dennis - After Pain ("“I’m sorry” won’t reach anyone (I hope it will someday) " dennis seems like the kind of kid to be bullied in school), Magic (dennis is at heart, childish. and also probably had shit parents. nothing wrong with the first one, everything wrong with the second one), The Purge March (eh hes probably not in a cult but like still he follows orders a bit too much to order idk how to explain it he remembers everything exactly except his own lines so like)
robert - half (kazui literally starts preforming an opera in the mv for this, anyways uhhh denise), It's Not My Fault (its literally in the name), Cat ("Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye / That sticky-sweet sequence: Dinner + Camouflage + You-Know-What / Loving Affection (minus) Love, it’s tacky, this two-way deceit / Victim and Perpetrator, let’s keep it simple" continuing half "Phew, oh wow I’m drunk, Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?" this song is so painfully robert its insane idk why also kazui (prisoner singing the song) eats a fucking dove in the mv btw do with that info what you want idk)
sandra - MeMe (i have no actual reason for this just take my word for this one), It's Not My Fault (datte datte warekurai mon-), I Love You / Daisuki (see max's description) (im sorry there's still like 1 trial left, idk there's only like 20 songs)
max - This is how to be in love with you (title speaks for itself, max is a very loving person! sometimes too loving… like mahiru (prisoner singing the song) i think they would get along actually), I Love You / Daisuki (this song goes too hard to have that title, anyways Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / Mon-mon-monstrous, cuz I love you so much / Mon-mon-monstrously in love in love / A monstrous dilemma!!!) (someone protect him)
johnathan - Weakness (idfk "ahHaHA, Please notice me. ahHaHA, Someone please notice me."), All-Knowing And All-Agony (probaby was neglected as a child or something idk now he indirectly relys on robert please dont listen to me im jsut spouting random shit atp im tired its 11 pmg now)
vanessa - Umbilical (i actually have no good reason for this), Tear Drop (i dont think she wants to be voted innocent for her murder [news flash, shes still getting voted innocent]), Double (or not innocent! idk man shes not mikoto (prisoner singing the song) but i gotta give his songs to someone and she kinda fits)
annie - HARROW (annie and trevor are similar in goals, to take down sin and make them pay for what they've done. however they do it in two different ways. idk those two different ways probably direct death threats (trevor) and an indirect slow death (annie). i have no fucking clue what im talking about actually), Deep Cover ("Don’t you dare stop now I want a reason for judgment execution, I want it" idk what kotoko (prisoner singing the song) ment by this but uhh do what you want with that)
trevor - Bring It On (see HARROW), Backdraft (LISTEN TO THE SONG ITS A FUCKING BANGER- anyways i have no reason for this than this connects with bring it on Burn, burn! An ever-victorious FIRE, burn so high till it becomes ash / Burn, burn! Deliciously scorched, till your mouth waters / Flames closing in, can’t douse this FIRE)
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levmada · 5 days
my personal ranking of Clancy by tøp :D (w/ my fav lyrics)
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13 Lavish
during the livestream, to explain the song i think tyler said smth along the lines of he wrote it for the sake of writing outside their known genre, which is something tøp does every now and then. (they will not stay in their lane, boy)
it’s good. it’s a bop, nicely tongue in cheek, and i can see it as a commentary on celebrity culture, but overall there are songs that do this style better, and i don’t listen to tøp for it.
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12 The Craving (Jenna’s version)
don’t get me wrong, i love this song so much but i love them ALL. i have to be in the right mood to listen to smth slow, let alone a slow acoustic love ballad.
the single version of The Craving is different but im going w/ what made it to the album.
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11 Paladin Strait
again i have to say that slow songs aren't my preference (shrug) but i also can't overstate how much i love the sound of it, especially the bridge. it's gorgeouss.
tøp is known for these climactic emotional songs to end their albums and this is definitely no exception. right below Leave the City for me.
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10 At the Risk of Feeling Dumb
i found out there is such a thing as too relatable when i listened to this song for the first time. it’s not a bad thing exactly? but i kind of need to be in the right mood💀?? if this weren’t the case it would be much higher.
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9 Oldies Station
nostalgia and the passage of time is a major thing in contending with lately and this is a good comfort. feels good.
the entire bridge sorry
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8 Snap Back
i adore this song but i can’t put it any higher🧍🏻it reminds me of a water level. a genuine vibe with depressing implications: classic tøp.
anyway, a lovely swan song and errr that’s all. (i relate to it too much)
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7 Navigating
the chorus. (IMNAVIGATING IMNAVIGATING MY HEAD) is need it playing in my head on repeat like a radio when i’ve died. it’s soo damn good. otherwise not a lot to come back to compared to the others.
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6 Vignette
the occasional bird crying out adds to the charm of this song (flesh…coveredinbites) (WHERE DO I GO FROM HEREEeeEEE).
such a vibe. similar to what i say about Midwest Indigo later.
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5 Next Semester
when this dropped as a single, i was almost as obsessed with it as i was Overcompensate. also HONESTLY i REALLY NEED TO FIND THE HIDDEN CAMERA TYLER USED TO SPY WHIKE HE WROTE THIS SONG cuz!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭this really hits home for me like no other song has ever (aside from some songs from mcr but yk).
oh and the uke at the end. it sounds good.
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4 Midwest Indigo
‘did you. pull up. yet - NOTYET!’
‘what’s ur eta- TWOMINUTES!’
the HOOK on this song is crazy. i’m not sure about the terms exactly but the way tyler drags out certain words at the end of verses and the spoken word parts are addictive and just fun to listen to?
and i love what this song is about. even when i don’t relate to it tyler’s songwriting makes that cease to matter lol
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3 Overcompensate
this is the first single that released and listening to it for the first time has become a core memory cuz my obsession interest in the band really receded when SAI released but I WAS DRIVEN INSANE WITH THIS SONG I NEED IT FLOWING THROUGH MY BLOODSTREAM.
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2 Backslide
now This is the One (barring #1). when it released as a single, i spent a 3 hours drive just listening to this. it's also been particularly relevant in my life right now so it's not only a banger but an enormous comfort honestly lol
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1 Routines in the Night
it was close but
BANGERBVANGERBANGERBANGERBAMGER!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW UGHHHHHHHH IT'S SOOOO GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD (my most intelligent review). i need the chorus directly injected into my brain and it would fix me i believe.
deeply relatable for someone with insomnia, deeply beautiful. hell even the music video is a captivating piece of art.
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(walk the layout :))
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we-survive-endlessly · 7 months
For the ask game: #1 with kingdom! They've got such banger b-sides and I wanna know your take
Also, #20: in your opinion, what are the top five must know songs from NCT. I am of a curious nature and like to keep my hand in 😄
Oooohhhh okay let’s think about these lol
1) Top 3 Songs for Kingdom?
Okay so their title tracks are usually my favorite lol just because I LOVE the theatrics, so my faves would be:
1) Long Live The King
2) Excalibur
3) The other title tracks tied for third 😂
BUT, you are correct and their b-sides are absolutely incredible too so my top three b-sides would probably be:
1) The Song of Dann (Promise)
2) Burn
3) Love is Pain
20) In your opinion, what are the top five must know songs from NCT?
This one is so HARD omg. I’m gonna pick non title tracks for these I think, cuz they never get as much love as the title tracks but are so good. I’m also gonna give 6 songs just because I want each of the main three subunits to have two songs here:
1) End to Start by NCT 127 - This is my favorite 127 song. The atmosphere it creates is just wow.
2) Far by NCT 127 - We all know I’m a sucker for a good synth and a rising bassline. Also the vocals go OFF.
3) Love Again by NCT Dream - The second verse is my absolute favorite. Like the melody and instrumental when Jisung comes in is so goooodddd.
4) Rainbow by NCT Dream - Beautiful vocals and they wrote lyrics about their memories growing up together? My EMOTIONS
5) Only Human by WayV - This is so beautiful and the melodic rapping is so nice. I listen to this when I’m in my feels.
6) Everytime by WayV - This was actually released for a soundtrack and it’s my favorite WayV song to date!
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Lovecraft Country Episode 1
My dad told me I'd love this show and I got nothin else better to do rn so let's fakkin GO
Oh wow there's a lot happening
Jackie Robinson just cut Cthulu in half with a baseball bat
OH ITS A DREAM okay that makes much more sense
Looks like this is the 40s or 50s? Idk my years very well, but segregation is a thing for sure (future Marko here, it's the 50s)
Aw man they gotta walk? That sucks
"Stories are like people. Loving them doesn't make them perfect. You just try and cherish them, overlook their flaws" GODDAMN I love that. I don't agree with overlooking their flaws (both in stories and people), but I understand the meaning and I love it so much
Father's gone missing womp womp
Hippolyta, that's a cool name, imma steal it
I gotta say Atticus is a very pretty man. I didn't see it as much when Johnathan Majors played Kang in Loki (mainly because he wasn't there for long I think), but he is v pretty
Oooh secret legacy?? Mysterious letters??? V interesting...
Oop dude literally in the middle of a BJ and just talks to Atticus like he wasn't A Bit Busy just then
Ooh those two sing well!
Fuck yeah bust open that hydrant
Oof I guess Leti isn't as close to her sister as I thought
Oh damn she drew a grim reaper right over where they need to go lol
Damn Atticus is probably so smart with all those books, if people weren't so damn racist maybe he wouldn't have had to join the army to move out, he could've been a writer or somethin
Oop there's a hole in the wall. Bet that's a fun memory...
Bruh who tf did he call in South Korea???
Oh gross, the monkey noises.... hate seeing how people act towards them
Bruh this red car is fuckin banger look at the wood?? If old cars like that weren't so unsafe I would love to drive one
Oh jeez I hope this diner isn't too awful an experience...
Oh my god what in the fuck is happening
Okay so the diner was definitely a terrible experience. Love how smart Atticus is tho, he figured that shit out quick
This little girl is so creative I love her drawings
Sounds like Leti's mom wasn't the best to her, but her family never saw that so they're mad she didn't go to the funeral
Oof that's a rough fight to have, the one between Atticus and his dad. I understand why his father would be upset at Atticus for joining the army, but I also understand Atticus too. He views his country the way he does stories. "You just try and cherish them, overlook their flaws"
Dad and George's parents were shit, so then his Dad was shit, and George feels like he didn't protect his brother or Atticus enough. Oh the cycle of abuse ever turns...
Devon countyyyyy that's the one with the grim reaper on it
Aw fuck is that a cop
Nooooo fuck fuck fuck
Oh you motherFUCKER
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK
Oh mgod that was fucking terrifying
Fuuuuuck this guy is turning into a monster....
The flaaaaares v nice
Bruh why you guys walking did she total the car??
Ok so that was uhhh fucking amazing? The mystery, the monsters, the awesome characters, the struggles with racism juxtaposed with the science-fiction struggles, FUCK this is set up so damn well?? Goddamn okay I'm gonna proofread and post this and then imma watch the next one cuz I can't fuckin WAIT
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luvring · 1 year
SONGS!!!! i have a post w playlists but erm. idk where it is. here's them again!
p1 (pretty, soft) p2 (rnb) p3 (feminine rage (Real)) p4 (if u like body by 070 shake which i link below) p5 (my cove holden.)
fuckinh....fuckin banger. so fun and funky and for a silly girl like me
im so lonely man. this is. this is jsut... this is just like zelink [I am Shot] "How unfair, how unfair, " they'll sing / As they dance across the darling rooftop wreck / He'll trip, and she'll pretend not to have seen / Burying her head into his chest / And clinging to the moment, "Where have you been?"
just another fun funky song to be so serious. like im bopping. like literally bopping. and then u sway . and then bop. and
good. im floating. floatttyyyy.....
my friend showed me this album and changed my life a little. thank god ive never been in a relationship and cannot relate because wow. . .
i come back to this song every couple of months CUZ IM USELESSS WHEN UR STUCK IN MY MIND like i literally made the lyrics part of my pinned at one point come on now
Dont know what to tell you. i really like slipknot. sometimes a girl loves metal and rock and that girl is ME.
Dont know what to tell you x2. i also really like ptv. circles came on shuffle a couple of days ago and i was like OMGGG so im back listening to it a lot again. TOOK MY HAND AND THEN WE BOTH STARTED RUNNING BOTH STARTED RUNNING THERES NO PLACE TO GOOO
ive also been looping cupid twin ver. (NOT BC OF TIKTOK i cant believe that app got its sick hands on fifty fifty.) + i am and kitsch by ive 🙂🫶🫶
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
I love that we got to hear more of Big Man's voice! I know he's canonically the one making all the music for Deep Cut so i never really felt that bad about him not singing because it felt like we were still getting a piece of him in every song cuz the Deep Cut instrumentals are absolute bangers, but it's nice to be able to hear more of his voice!!!
But this collab between different idols opens up so many other possibilities. We know Deep Cut and the Squid Sister's know each other so it makes sense they would work together. So here are some other combos i'd love to hear: First of all. Marie and Shiver. I feel like these two both have very interesting voices and i'd kill to hear them together. Honestly just Big Man, Callie, and Frye sounds it would make for an amazingly upbeat and catchy song as well. Or heck, even just Callie and Big Man. We know Callie recently worked on writing Brand New Hometown, so why not have Big Man work with her to develop that talent more since he already has much more practice with it? Frye and Callie on their own could also make some epic beats. I feel like that would be a VERY energetic song. Frye and Marie could also work. Honestly anything could work i'm basically just thinking of every possibility at this point. Anyway, i feel like if Frye and Marie worked together it would be a very passionate song. I would also love Callie, Marie, and Shiver as a group. I just feel like it would work so well. Frye and Callie's voices are sort of similar in a way but i think Shiver, Callie, and Marie are all distinct enough that they would each have an individual sound in there.
Oh man, but if we added Off The Hook into the mix??? For starters Big Man and Marina would be my first pick for a collab. Both of them have very unique voices that stand out from the other member/s of their respective group and the other idols that always leaves me feeling wowed. Marina's vocals are just SO pretty and u know those two would make the most banger song you've ever seen. But you know what my second pick would be? Pearl and Shiver. At first it probably sounds random, both of those idiots are insane and murderous. They would make the most intense song with lyrics that would get it taken off the radio. Splatsville chaos with Pearl's personal brand of crazy? Sounds perfect. In which case why not do Deep Cut + Pearl? Ofc Pearl and Callie would be the pink duo so and i wanna see more choreography w them together cuz i think all we have now is some live shows but they are both son energetic and make such good use of the whole stage and i wanna see the funny squids run around dancing and jumping.
SPEAKING OF LIVE SHOWS. I can't wait to see Liquid Sunshine as a live version. I know it'll add that tiny extra kick of energy that it's missing(imo), but what i'm really hoping for is to see them have Big Man move around and dance more. I know his model is kinda oddly shaped for dancing but i believe in the animators. They can make it work. They can make my boi move around more.
Anyway, rambling aside i really adore the new song and i hope nintendo continues to give us more Squid Sisters + Deep Cut collabs besides just the 3mix. I know i mentioned the song needing an extra kick of energy and i think that's just cuz it's a battle song. If it was just something random i'd be completely satisfied but a lot of the other battle songs(especially for splatfests) is so high energy. OH WAIT ONE LAST THING! Imagine if Shiver and Frye also had pseudonyms they went under? Or we learn their last names finally? Just imagining all the random names they could go by if they were working on their own/working with others outside of Deep Cut.
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idk i’m bored rn so here’s some webtoon comics that i’m following 👍 this isn’t in order of favorites—just by when they were updated. i don’t search webtoon a lot cuz it’s hard for me to find stuff i enjoy, but these ones caught my attention at some point. here are some short thoughts about each:
Straylight Tiger: i’m want to see where the plot goes because what’s been established in the world so far is pretty interesting! and the artstyle is cool.
Marionetta: the newest 1 i added to the list for similar reasons to above. mc is kinda a butt rn but it’s obvious she isn’t going to stay that way and i want to see how she grows. the character designs are really cute too.
Jupiter-Men: reading this reminds me of watching teen titans and reading teen superhero comics as a kid. the artstyle is nostalgic for me.
Stagtown: I NEED TO KNOW IF THEY GET OUT. i need to know what the hell is up with this town!! get these characters out and into a therapist’s office my god!!!
Here There Be Dragons: the artstyle and the character designs are mwah chef’s kiss and also mc is a badass trans woman with badass dragon magic powers. sometimes the story seems a little rushed in places but wow i just really like looking at the mc her design is so cool.
Everything is Fine: i just really really need to know what is up with the world in this story. who or what is responsible for everything? is the whole planet affected or is it isolated to a country? why is this happening? everything is NOT fine.
Is chair still in the park?: again, like with most of these, i’m invested in the established world because there is some interesting shenanigans going on. and i like the chair. the way the story is being told is unique too (it’s from the chair’s perspective). i will not say whether or not the chair is still in the park.
Miez: again it’s my need to know the answer to the mysteries. i haven’t really gotten attached to any character in particular but it’s got a mech-ish sci-fi feel that i like. and i NEED to KNOW.
Suitor Armor: i love the character designs and the artstyle and i’m invested in the story! i usually avoid webtoon romance stories but the characters are really fun and cute and the established world is really interesting. also the romance is between a fairy and a sentient suit of armor which is fun.
Gather Ye Power: the art is banger in this and it’s hilarious and the mc is such a dumb strong idiot (affectionate). it doesn’t update frequently but when it does you’re in for some SHENANIGANS lemme tell ya.
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formula-red · 1 year
hi im now going to annoy you with telling you what i think of the playlists, i didnt listen to them fully but here are some thoughts i had while folding my laundry <3
wm moves only
i am in love with this playlist, theres so many good songs on there, everybody wants to rule the world, brown eyed girl, only you, faith, a little respect, i cannot tell you how right this playlist is, its just seb
f1 offseason
you really made my listen to the dutch national anthem, wow, shame on you /lh, the highlight of this one is definitely fernando cuz i to can only think of nando when that song plays also really loving the fact that you put the chain on there, it was such an epic opening/theme song i miss it ;-;
sunshine on my mind
iufchaifhdap[ihf[oih how can you start with fade into you and expect me not to cry, i listend to like three songs cuz the pain is to much, wow do i miss that man, i feel so silly
in my helmet
there are deffenilty some songs in there that would be so good to race to
ahhhh not annoying at all i love that you took the time to do this <3333333
i'm glad you feel that those songs are seb because i tried very hard to make it that way based on my limited knowledge of his music taste !!!! i think it's full of bangers too but i am biased 😋
sorry for the dutch national anthem hahah i think we all have ptsd now from hearing it so much !!! also ty for the chain recognition bc i heard it when i was out the other night and i just yelled "F1 THEME SONG!!!!!!!!!!" over the music at my friend and she was just like what r u on about 🤨
also i'm sorry for making u sad i just get so in my feelings when i listen to music and then the blorbo thoughts just start and i cannot stop, but i'm glad we can feel sad and silly together <33
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ch3rryc0kezer0 · 2 years
Here are some extracts from my notes app, taken during my first listen of Being Funny In A Foreign Language by THE 1975, track by track:
THE 1975
- piano!
- sounds really big if that makes sense
- “i’m sorry if you’re living and you’re seventeen”
- the flute outro!!!!
- the bass line <3
- the pew pew noises are my favourite things
- absolute banger already?!
- “a supreme gentleman with a gun in his hand looking for somebody to love”
- “I wanna fuck him up so good” YES MATT! FOLLOW MY EXPERT ADVICE!
- according to spotify it’s about school shootings????
- pumped up kicks pt 2 i guess
- “i was all bang bang bang bang” oh see that makes the shooting part make sense
- “but the boy with the plan and the gun in his hand was looking for somebody to love” i reallyyyy like this lyric
- the writing on this album is so good wow
- the strings wow
- reminds me of coldplay
- “i always used to bust into my hand” hmmmm 🤨
- “you gotta talk about the people baby” god i love the delivery of this line
- “i fell in love with a boy who was kinda lame” girl same
- chorus sounds like something the Oh Hellos would write
- harmonies <3
- oh there’s a
- a
- what is it called
- xylophone!!!
- “communista keisters” cute… what does that mean
- “i like my men like i like my coffee; full of soy milk and so sweet it won’t offend anybody” having a little giggle
- the outro is so pretty with all the layering strings
- sounds spicy
- “i’ve been suicidal” oh. never mind.
- “if i’m undecided, you decide for me” hmm that doesn’t sound much like a healthy relationship
- “you always on my mind, oh oh caroline” SWEET CAROLINE BA BA BAAAA
- “getting suicidal? it’s honestly not for me” yeah it’s not for many people either bud
- they’re really doing a great job with their outros wow wow wow
- sounds so good from just that guitar tone alone 😫
- love that hann told him to write a more sweet love song cuz they’d made too many dick jokes in their songs 😭
- “laying down a list of the going wrongs” me with my pro-con lists
- whatever acoustic guitar they use for their albums needs to be in my house IMMEDIATELY
- THE RASP ON “in love WITH you!”
- i love the bridge!!!
- “Been counting my blessings and thinking this through”
- this is my favourite song so far
- their outros man 😫
- party time is over now i think
- sad piano ballad?
- yes party time is definitely over
- that guitar tone holy mary mother of christ
- “i get out my records when you go away” so he’s a swifty?
- “people are talking, i miss what they say” oh that’s GOOD
- i don’t have many thoughts for this one??
- i love the talking at the beginning of the song
- sounds folk-y
- i love folk
- “johns obsessed with fat ass and he’s ten years old” what on EARTH is john up to?
- “grade eight but she’s got no soul” i not a year eight but twinsss!
- the writing in this song specifically is so beautiful
- like it feels really nostalgic
- “olivia’s been a vegan since ten” oh me too (not really)
- “i came for my stuff not to argue bout nothing” inchresting
- i want to be home on the 23rd too
- i’m actually so homesick right now and this bloody song has just reminded me
- talking at the beginning!
-good grief we’re back to being sad
- the piano tone wow wow wow
- this better not be a mental health song cuz they always suck
- “so tell me you’re a human” i think i am but i’ll go confirm next door
- “quite like seeing myself on the news” matt you attention whore
- not the biggest fan of this one but it’s still pretty
- “i know a place, it’s somewhere i go when i need to remember your face” prettyyy
- reminds me of heroes (the version by peter gabriel, not david bowie)
- “it’s not my fault that i’ve fucked everybody here” mate it is??? also you SLAG
- her voice is stunning wow
- IS
- (update: she’s hann’s girlfriend awww)
- “i miss you on the train and i miss you in the morning” god that feeling of longing for and missing someone hurts so much why would they remind me
- mirrorball by blondie would go well with this in like a mashup
- god i love this song
- it’s in a major key but it’s so gothic sounding which i adore
- i didn’t realise there was another song
- what a pleasant surprise :0
- the guitar is so nice
- “central park is sea world for trees” what does that even mean
- i can’t tell he’s english when he sings and it makes me sad
- like i thought they were american when i first heard their stuff, and didn’t know they weren’t until i googled them and watched an interview
- “you ask about the cows wearing my sweater” okay how high was matt when he wrote this line?
- “i’m a racist and you’re some kind of slag” ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE
- “i thought that we were fighting but turns out i was just gaslighting you” OH THATS GOLD
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feminariden · 2 years
2, 12, 14 and 24!!♡
Ok time to answer these! 24 was also asked by @hanaflowersofficial so i'm answering for both of you here, and thanks for asking i really appreciate it
2) Who is your favorite character?
It's an hard choice cuz DB has a lot of charas i like in the same way, but on of all there are Gohan or Goten
Gohan is THE DB boy of the century, he's cool, made of projectium, a bug nerd, the second coming, exploding with potential on every possible field, my own brother, has 364729 unresolved issues, lacks drip when left unsupervised and has the most insane coming-of-age story i have ever seen in my life
Goten is not nearly as good a character ofc, but I still love this goofy little dude and his way to look up to Gohan and Trunks, i also think he a pretty unique character as the only Son member who is not completely clueless on social interaction, and ofc his relationship with Goku has a lot of potential still, there are a lot of pretty interesting stories you can see with Goten imo
12) How long have you been watching the Dragon Ball series?
I was 12 when I first saw the Android saga, so almost 10 years? Dang it's been a lot of time 🤔
Ngl initially i avoided it bc it was show all the annoying boys in my class loved, so I considered it some "violent trash" until discovered the italian theme song for Z (an absolute BANGER) and watched some ep just to listen to it lol, and I quickly became obsessed with the show bc "wow this violent trash is actually super entertaning??"
14) Do you own any merch?
When I was a little kid, years before i actually watched the show, i was given a pair of super smelly DBZ cards that i trew away cuz I couldn't stand even holding them, and that's it lol
I'm not really the type to collect any anime, but if i ever find a really good toy of Goku, or even Vegeta or whatever, i will buy it
24) If you could write your own episode, what would it be about? 
The day Goten decided to cut his hair, iirc it was because he didn't wanted to be mistaked for his dsd anymore, but anyway I think this fact is full of potential for an interesting story and development for Goten and Goku too for a number of reasons
Regardless of the ep being a light-hearted comedic one or an dramatic introspection-based one i just want to see father/son moments and that sweet Son family lore
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staycgrls · 5 months
hi taylor!! 💖
happy new year!! 🥳🍾
i know you haven't been on a lot, but i miss you & i hope you're doing well!!
if you want to, favorite music releases of 2023, kpop or not?? 🎤
Hi Rinnnnnnnn!!! oh i miss u so much 🥹🥹🥹 sorry i haven’t been active the last months have been kind of crazy (and i also accidentally got waaay back into insta so i’ve been meaning to message u for urs 😘) i hope ur doing well too happy new year i love u 💕💕💕💕
and woooooo what a year for music im like tryna remember half of what came out 😪 ummmm im gonna do like top 10 albums/releases for me !!! in no particular order tho cuz i can’t rank perfection 😤
1. Exist - Exo The fact that this even happened is enough to make it memorable but also Let Me In is a masterpiece thats all I can say.
2. Chill Kill - Red Velvet Love love love, i loved the title and i loved the b-sides especially underwater and wings 😌
3. Eunoia - Billlie I am not writing that whole album title but know that Nevertheless IS that girl, god tier album
4. My World and Drama - Aespa girlies absolutely ate this year drama is so cunty so slay the boots house down and the synths in spicy are diabolical i went insane
5. Festa - Purple Kiss v underrated in my opinion, Biscuit, Mistake, Autopilot all bangers and I’m sad I missed their tour :(
6. Ichijikikoku - Atarashii Gakko !!!! saw them live this year and it was lit!! my niece loves them and wouldn’t stop singing tokyo calling at christmas :) fav from this is giri giri and otome no bigaku!!
7. Heaven Knows - Pinkpantheress the only bitch that can make a 2:30 song with no bridge and NOT make it boring for me hybe pls take better notes favs were mosquito, ophelia, and feel complete
8. Hearts of the City - Lee Jin Ah I just love her voice, fav was My Whole New World
9. New Gene - XG literally frothing at the mouth for their tour wow terrible album rollout but i was blasting every little single until it dropped favs are new dance and puppet show!!
10. and of course how could we forget Teenfresh - Stayc the absolute queens of bubblegum pop slayc did it again!!!! and i saw them live bestie it was so crazy someone literally passed out 😓 but i cannot blame them idc if ppl say they make kidz bop music im healing my inner child okay 😤😤 bubble was fun and i like having fun !!!!
okay brb running to ur inbox bestie 🏃🏾‍♀️💕💕💕💕ty for always letting me talk and i hope ur new year is fruitful and fun :D
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