#while i'm not too sure my other friend does bc she never contacts me ever
izzymalec · 6 years
literally anything i plan gets cancelled i
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Bakugou and the reader are best friends --that he refuses to admit he's in love with-- but when it comes to other dudes, he acts like their guard dog. He overhears some jerks laughing about it calling the reader names and saying he could have anyone else in his class and goes off. The reader catches him fighting and stops it wondering what got into him but he refuses to tell them
2 things before we start
1. I'm gonna start doing tagging, so comment if you want to be tagged on the next posts. Starting out with 10 tags.
2. I listened to the song home by Catie Turner while I was writing this bc I wanted to be in my feels. So put that song on repeat while you read it.
Bakugou Katsuki honestly had no intentions of falling in love. He didn't have intentions of being friends with anyone really. Obviously Kirishima changed that- with the Bakusquad. But with you he fell deeper than he meant to with friends.
But Bakugou Katsuki was in deep. He was in so deep. And he fucking hated it but he wouldn't change it for the damn world.
Bakugou Katsuki, could not see himself with anyone but you. He's in full denial about it, of course. He could have any girl in the class, school even. Girls doted on him. His first year not so much, but after valentines day during his second year, he noticed (you did too) that women flocked to him. Some of them were cute, he'd admit, but if he tried to picture himself with any of them he felt weird. Sick almost. He figured it was just because he didnt know them- or he didnt want a relationship at the moment. But then came the fatal mistake.
You'd made him lunch, his favorite to be exact. You made him snacks every once in a while but this was new. You gave it to him, telling him it was extra from your lunch and walked away. He smiled to himself at the thought of making lunch for him, because you wanted to, not because it was extra- and that's when it happened. He thought of himself with you. This time he didnt feel weird, he didn't feel sick, he felt content, happy.
He ate his lunch that day in silence, away from the rest of his friends, hidden in the 1-A classroom. Aizawa didn't question it.
He tells his mom and his mom only. He'd be damned if shitty hair found out. He'd be even more damned if Mina or Kaminari found out because the two couldn't keep their mouths shut for the life of them.
"Katsuki you have a crush."
"Great, how do I get rid of it?"
"You don't? Katsuki have you never had a crush before?"
"Absolutely not."
"Wow, i just assumed you'd kept them from me and your father like every other teen."
"No I just don't have feelings, hag."
For the next half hour, he and his mother discuss what he could do. If he would do anything.
"Does she like you back?"
"How the fuck would I know?"
"Has she done anything out of the ordinary?"
"I mean she made lunch for me yesterday."
"Wow shes literally in love with you."
"Shut UP."
"Katsu, why dont you try making a move? They flirting?"
"Because she doesn't like me and I don't feel like dealing with rejection."
His mother sighed.
He went to school the next day, unsure of how to proceed when he spoke to you. How would it go down in the dorms? Theoretically he could just deny any attraction to you and be on his way- but he didnt want to loose you. He didn't want you out of his life, he knew that much. So he settled for just treating you as he always had.
However, when it came to other boys- he was on top of it. Just because he woukdnt make a move on you, didnt mean he'd let the greasy boys that flocked you. You deserved better than them. You knew it too. You were quietly thankful for his protection against unwanted attention from the boys.
He could pick up your signs of gratitude and he had no intention to stop. Especially when he heard guys talking, about you specifically.
Just listening to the words that oozed put of his mouth about you pissed him off.
"I could have any girl in the school." The boy scoffed. "Especially her- god I bet she's really fucking easy. She's never had a boyfriend and based on her personality it wouldn't be hard to hit it and leave-"
Katsuki had never swung on someone so quick in his life. His body acted before he could even think. Asshole boy stumbled back a little before lunging for Katsuki, grabbing his shirt and throwing his bodyweight on him to push him back. However- it wasn't really a match for him. A kid from the business class against Katsuki bakugou- part of the great three? No.
He refrained from using his quirk, knowing this- you'd rubbed off on him more than he cared to admit. But that didn't stop his fist from coming down on his face.
"Don't you DARE talk about her like that- she's not a fuckin object for your enjoyment you asshole-" He growled, his fist making contact with his face again.
"Katsu!" A voice yelled before he was being pulled off. A gentle hand cupped his cheek and turned his head. You. He saw you- through the red there was you. "What are you doing?" You ask softly- bowing slightly in apology before dragging him off.
He didn't say anything as he was lead down the hallway. That guy deserved what happened. He deserved every second of it.
"Katsu? Katsu- are you listening?"
"I was asking if you were okay. Your cheek is bruised." You stopped, gently touching his cheek.
You were always concerned with his wellbeing. How he was- before anything you made sure he was okay. Regardless of the circumstances- before he was scolded or cursed out, you made sure he was okay. Physically and mentally.
"'M fine." He mumbled, looking down. "M okay."
You nodded, leading him down the hallway once more- walking into the dorm. You grabbed something from the kitchen and then lead him to your room, having him sit on the bed.
"Katsu, what happened?" You mumbled, sitting next to him and pressing and ice pack (wrapped in a thin shirt) to his cheek. He struggled to not lean into it.
In all honesty, all he wanted to do what high you. He had this overwhelming feeling to hold you, bury his face in your neck and just stay there.
"Nothing. Just a brawl." He muttered, unmoving '
"A brawl? Really."
"Yeah. A brawl."
"Well something started 'your brawl'. You gonna tell me what it was?"
"I'm telling you it was nothing. Don't worry about it." He couldn't tell you- he didn't want you to feel weird or self concious. He knew how words from people affected you, even though you fought on and on to ignore them and keep them from affecting you. There was too much going on in your head to completely ignore them, even subconsciously.
"It is something though! Because you're hurt. That other guy, a douche bag I'm sure, is hurt."
"He deserved it."
"Why are you so concerned with it."
"Because you're hurt! I know it's not very hero like- but I couldnt care less about his injuries. You are my priority. And I walk into you in a beatdown-"
Katsuki pushed the ice pack away from his cheek. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your neck. He wasn't expecting much after that- so when your hand came to play with his hair and the other holding his back, he felt like he was going to cry.
God he was so fucking in love with you. It made him want to scream- why would you ever want to he with him? Why were you doing this?
"I just want to make sure you're okay." She whispered.
"M okay. You don't have to worry about me."
"Doesn't mean I won't. I always worry about you Suki. I don't think that's going to stop." You continued threading your fingers through his hair.
"Then I'll be here, to remind your dumbass I'm okay."
"I know you will." You whispered. "Katsu, look at me." You mumbled- voice unsteady. He frowned and slowly lifted his head up. You were looking at him with such intensity in your eyes, he was unsure why.
You leanws forward, gently pressing your lips to his- ah that's why. He was surprised for a moment- stilling unmoving. You pulled away.
"Sorry- I guess that was uncalled-" he wouldnt let you finish, his lips were back on yours, pulling you close. You leaned into him, eye closed, guard down. Just you and him.
"I can't see myself with anyone but you." He grumbled, when he finally pulled away, lips inches apart. "I never have been able to."
"Good." You smiled softly. "I don't want you with anyone else."
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
I kinda wanna write a better version of tlh where Tatiana is still insane but there's no Belial bc that makes zero sense to me
In this version there would be:
Kamanna done correctly with actual genderqueer rep and not toxic relationships
Barbra and Oliver bc fight me she didn't die
Genie and Filomena bc I love them and all the lightwoods are queer
The gracelet doesn't even happen bc I refuse to write that
Grace is pretty much still the same but she breaks off their(hers and james') relationship bc she notices that he loves Cordelia
No bad James. He's not a shitty person to Alastair, and he doesn't treat Cordelia like a sex object
Anna puts a stop to Kellington and Matthew's relationship before it gets serious. She also tries to get him to stop drinking all the time
Alastair apologizes around seeing them again for the first time. The merry thieves are a little reluctant because of some of the things he did but they don't actively try to keep him away from events that they're at
Matthew notices how Alastair looks at Thomas and locks them in the sanctuary with Genie and Cordelia's help
Grace gets badly injured due to a mistake in necromancy and Christopher helps her treat it without letting people know
Lucie meets Jesse, and falls in love ofc, so in order to bring him back successfully she asks Malcolm to train her in using her magic
Matthew opens up to his mom about the incident. She doesn't blame him at all and instead apologizes for often putting her work before him
Matthew finds out about Charles and Alastair because he found Alastairxs break up letter to Charles
Matthew, the mother hen he is, decided to attempt to murder his older brother, only being stopped by James who had been there at the right time
Kamala ends things with Charles and tells Anna that she still loves them and hopes that she will give her another chance
Anna told her that they needed time to think, and that she is worried how Kamala's reputation will be affected if anyone besides their friends and Anna's family finds out
Kamala respects her decision and doesn't contact her until Anna's ready to talk about things
The merry thieves don't ignore Christopher and they actively listen and help him
The merry thieves also aren't terrible to Grace bc they realize she's been isolated alone with Tatiana and 1) she might not understand what's saying/doing is wrong or 2) that sometimes she's trying to push them away so her abilities don't accidentally make them do something
Good tid parents
James and Alastair being respectful to each other despite personal differences
Matthew, Alastair, Kamala, Christopher, and Grace being besties, or as I call them, the neglected squad
No fetishizing mlm/wlw
Domestic cuddles and taking care of the other one when they're sick
Jesse/Lucie/Matthew pairing bc I love them and I refuse to pick between lucie/matthew and lucie/jesse
Christopher teaching Grace the elements(at the time) on the periodic table
Tatiana dies at the end yay
It's very unpolished and I'm open to b hearing any feedback and/or suggestions that anyone may have
The idea came to me and I decided it would be best if I told someone before I forgot
hi, I'm sorry it took so long,but I wanted to properly answer this and I keep having either internet connection issues or little time
Look, I've been on the verge of rewriting ChoI, and I keep saying I want someone to write a TLH that will live up to its potential, but I've never actually came up with a proper idea for it, and you?!! YOUR BRAIN DARLING THIS IS GENIUS
ok hold up I'll just react to each and every single one so
yes please?!? I mean it started off so sweet in EEV?! Also actually genderqueer Anna and not dancing around the subject like CC is doing now?! That's what they deserve, and that's what we all deserve too
yesss please. also just,,,, Barbara, the feminine, not-wanting-to-fight-which-doesnt-make-her-less-badass queen that she is, getting the page space and appreciation she deserves
that's actually brilliant?!? it would be so great, just imagine the new girl arrives for her travel year and Genie is completely awestruck. I'm so invested in Joshwood it's difficult to imagine not having them, but this is actually the only valid alternative?!
ok that's fine. I think it could still happen and be done well, but tbh for now... the gracelet doesn't seem to have done anything relevant to the plot itself? I mean yeah it messed up James's life and Jordelia, but what did it give Belial? Tatiana? nothing. It makes no sense atm.
could be! maybe she's still encouraged by Tatiana to befriend/seduce him, but without the gracelet it doesn't work out? or maybe James somehow manages to realize that she's in danger and he actually like,,,, kidnaps her? idk idk
yes. YES. just,,,,z James is a sweet compassionate literature nerd who accidentally makes a good leader and he actually cares about people, and not just judges them from his high horse; he does still have hero syndrome, but he's kind and respectful and overall a good character
ok yes, so what about: basically TMT don't harass Alastair and accept his apology, and realize they were also being stupid and mean at times at the Academy (especially Math). Matthew doesn't want to accept Alastair's apology, because of The Sin, but his behaviour alerts the rest of TMT and they inquire what's wrong and he tells them about the sin and that's how he later tells his parents (because his friends encourage him) and as you say, she just hugs him and reassures him it's not his fault; so after that Matthew slowly begins to heal and accepts it wasn't Alastair's fault, and also since they've kind of adopted/started including Alastair in things, he can't help but notice he's actually changed and he even starts to grow fond of him
then like you said, Matthew notices Thomas likes Alastair PLEASE HE SO WOULD. I'm not sure about the Sanctuary, if it actually happens (I'll get to why later on), but him and Lucie get really invested in the matchmaking schemes, they include Genie/Kamala because these two are friends with Alastair (both? Or at this point only Kamala?) but they also share some Moments during their scheming/talking about love 👀 (yes I'm a Fairdale shipper, I think it's time to expose myself lol)
Which leads me to (sorry I'm going off order rn) YES YES YES LUCIE AND MATH PLEASE. A FELLOW SHIPPER, HELLO, NICE TO MEET YOU. But since we're actually fixing him then we can give Jesse a personality and I'm totally down for poly Math/Lucie/Jesse
Lucie seeking Malcolm's help in secret, morally gray heroine style?!? no, it's probably not legal. but also has there ever been a Shadowhunter like her? If the Law doesn't expect such situations, it can't really forbid them...
Plz Matthew ready to strangle the carrot when he learns about their relationship, YES. sure, maybe he's still not the biggest fan of Alastair, but he's seen how much the boy's been through and starts to develop an attachment to him, and besides, NO ONE DESERVES TO BE GROOMED AND TREATED LIKE THAT. He's SO MAD at Charles, and he confronts him about it - remembering Kellington as he does, and it makes him sick to think his brother would do the same thing to someone. Maybe he gets very emotional over this and later finally tells his friends about Kellington? Maybe they didn't know before, only Anna did? So when they all realize what was happening then they comfort him etc? Or maybe it's just Alastair that learns now, and the others knew before, and they share a bonding moment over that?
Injured Grace seeking Kit's help is a genius idea I didn't know I needed
Kamanna giving each other time and space and deciding they need to question their relationship and figure out if it actually makes sense would be great. Anna realising she's very privileged and Kamala doesn't have those same opportunities, and also in general realising coming out should never be pressured or forced. Just,,,, Anna being self-aware and respectful towards Kamala. Well-written Anna. Plz. Also Kamanna is actually developed and not just "in love" because,,,,, they're attracted to each other? Maybe even remaining friends while Anna makes up their mind?
yeah just TMT being more compassionate and less judgy because they're not written by Judith so her bias isn't projected onto them
It's not a want, it's a need. They adopt Alastair and Grace eventually. Like, maybe not literally - although, Grace? - but you know what I mean.
I think they all should just have various friendship dynamics and switch between them, because people need more than one friend group
no fetishizing, no watching your brother make out with his lover, yessss
yes domestic cuddles, affection, taking care of wounds, all those things. plz.
Gracetopher bonding over science yes
obviously. or maybe she's imprisoned?!
ok, now for some more notes/my ideas etc., if you don't mind:
I actually think Belial could still be featured? After all, I don't think Tatiana could do much on her own, and since she seeks help from demons, it makes sense to include a Greater Demon as well. But Belial would have to be a stronger villain, written better; I'll think more about this
if that was the case, the serial killer plot could still happen, but be done better. and it would allow for a scenario I talked about with @littlx-songbxrd to happen, where it's Alastair who's falsely accused of murder. It creates a great opportunity to explore some things, because we know Alastair is much more likely to be seriously suspected, considering all the prejudices and bad rep his family has and all that
...what do you say to well-written Jordelia? 👀 Cordelia hasn't been obsessively in love with James since childhood, she only had a crush then. And now that they meet again, she's fond of him but not in love, not straight away. They're both grown up, and different people, but as they spend more and more time together, they fall in love. What if Cordelia gets to flirt with some other boys first? What then. What if she ends up choosing James, instead of going for the only boy she's ever had feelings for and idealized since childhood. What if we even make it friends-to-lovers and have James be a little jealous at some point?! but not in a possessive awful way, just "oh damn oh no"
Now I won't know peace until this exists BUT THANK YOU
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sakurology · 4 years
Brainrot Kinktober 10/29
treat like gold
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Lingerie: Alisa Haiba x Fem!Reader
Warnings: not a lot ??? I don’t think? Light voyeurism, light exhibitionism, Dom!Alisa a little bit, never thought I’d write scissoring but that’s in there, fingering, some bad words, ummmmmm yeah I think that’s it? Just wanna be topped by the woman of my dreams
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: lmfao I found out Alisa is an Aries and chaos ensued I’m so sorry 👀 also ty @whet-ones-write for being my lovely beta reader bc sometimes we can’t all die like men also kiska is just a Russian pet name, it’s the equivalent to “kitten” in English!
Brainrot Kinktober Mlist
Red has always been her color. No matter what she wore, no matter how many runways she walked, no matter how many campaigns she had booked- she always stood out the most in red. It was her lucky color, and her lucky red pumps that got her the deal with the biggest up and coming intimates brand, TLG Lingerie.
Red was her lucky color, and the bane of your existence.
Being friends and living with a model obviously had its perks- her agency pays your rent; and you live in a fucking penthouse for starters. You get to go to a ton of industry parties, and of course, getting to see your amazing best friend live her dreams and cheer her on felt good. But you’d be a liar if you didn’t admit that it was also self-indulgent of you to be her assistant- you were the one that told her agency to send her on the TLG go-see… you’re the one who suggested the stylist change her from the white piece to the red one… you are the reason that those test shots of her in a fiery red bra, stocking, and garter set are sitting on your kitchen table right now- and let’s not even get started on the red marabou babydoll that you insisted she wear. You did this to yourself.
Fucking masochist. Now look at you. You’re a mess.
Your fingers were knuckle deep in your own wetness, your free hand aggressively kneading your breast as you rutted your hips against your hand, softly reciting her name as your face twisted in a torturous buildup. There was no way to prepare for the way the door flung open…. you hadn’t even heard her come into the penthouse.
“Hey, Y/N I was going to order Thai for din- OH!”
Your motions ceased, the feeling of your orgasm was instead replaced by a burning heat and anxious nausea as your eyes met Alisa’s in the doorway. Neither of you could move or speak- it felt like life was moving in slow motion.
“I didn’t know you were busy, I'm sorry,” Alisa spoke.
Her eyes were unmoving, not only looking at you but through you. Her breathing wavered as she bent over to pick up the discarded takeout menu. You finally regained enough composure to cover yourself- still dazed and utterly mortified.
“I didn’t know I had that effect on you.”
You wanted to feign ignorance, hell, you wanted to die- but in this moment playing dumb was the only thing you could do- until she picked up the still you had casually slipped into your pocket when she originally had the TLG shoot.
“You know, you could’ve just asked for a still,” she lamented, starting to make her way over to you. While your eyes widened with fear, her’s awakened with intrigue. She sat at the corner of the living room sectional tracing the corners of the photograph with her fingertips, eyes fluttering back and forth between it and you.
Finally settling her gaze, Alisa laid back, settling into your mattress with a sigh. Your body tensed as she stared- her eyes have always been her sharpest feature against her delicate appearance.
“Go ahead,” she goaded. “Finish what you started.”
It was a pointed command. Biting her lip, she pulled away the throw blankets that you had been so desperately clutching, cool air hitting your skin as you let out a shaky exhale. You stomach twisted ín self- consciousness, but you couldn’t stop either- an unexplainable tether pulled you. Readjusting yourself on the couch, you rested your back flush against the supportive cushion, spreading more to give her a full show of your puffy, slick-coated lips and inner thighs. She flopped onto her stomach, peering up at you from the foot of the couch intently.
“I- I-...” Finally, you were able to utter a syllable. It wasn’t of much use.
“You what?” She teased tilting her head curiously and almost in an innocent fashion. “You weren’t this stiff a minute ago~”
Your cheeks were hot, but your core was even hotter. Slowly, you slid a finger across your clit, jerking at the contact while she watched. As you rubbed some more tiny circles, one by one the soft whimpers from before started to fill the room yet again. You and Alisa kept eyes locked on each other as you curled in one of your fingers, then another, the open mouthed ‘o’ spreading across your face as her eyes darkened even more. She was beautiful- but sinister in her line of questioning.
“Does it feel good?”
You nodded.
“Do you do this often? Do you play with yourself and wish it were me?”
You fixed your lips to say no but nothing came out as you saw her begin to unbutton her blouse. It would’ve been a lie anyway. You’ve wanted her for as long as you’ve been friends. You’ve wanted her ever since you met.
“You shouldn’t be using photos of me if you have the real thing,” the fabric flowed off of her body to reveal the bra from the photographs- the fiery red lace and golden ‘TLG’ hook in the middle. Alisa began to crawl toward you, stopping just short of your feet to shimmy her way out of the pencil skirt she had been wearing for all of her go-sees that day. The matching red thong came into view, the full effect of the photos paling in comparison to the actual sight in front of you.
“Especially not when you can have the real thing anytime you want.”
By now her face was so close to yours that her breath tickled you. You had unconsciously sped up the motions of your fingers, a third falling in line with the others and pistoning itself in and out of your pussy. Alisa cooed and mewled, nodding at you with sweet praises falling from her lips. Taking your free hand, she guided you to her own chest, hands just grazing her barely covered tits- then to her lips, pulling two of your fingers into her mouth. As your jaw was hanging open, all you could do was manage a half sob from the back of your throat. The dizzying feeling of what was happening combining with the lightheadedness you were already feeling begin to well up inside of you.
There was a moment of stillness from you as Alisa leaned down to eye your glistening heat. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as her fingertips found a way up your chin, brushing past your lips as you began to suckle almost instinctively. Pleased with your eagerness, she looked up at you through her thick lashes, batting her eyes.
“How about we just… touch each other hm?” The suggestion hung in the air, only punctuated by your ragged breathing and a desperate “please” that squeaked from your throat, raw from straining and holding in the moans of your impending high.
“I’ve barely touched you, y/n.” she hummed. “You’re so desperate. It’s cute.” Her little giggle made your walls clench haphazardly at her teasing. Slowly, she slipped herself out of the red fabric at her hips, neatly placing the bundled thong in your mouth as a makeshift gag.
“I can’t let you have all the fun…”
Alisa’s finger trailed up your slit, collecting the pooling wetness that coated your lower half. She smiled, taking it into her mouth, humming at the taste of your essence. Her weight shifted as she moved herself to dangle over you, repositioning one of your legs and interlocking your fingers with hers to hold a semblance of balance as she lowered her own hips to meet yours. Slowly, she ran herself against you, making sure to guide your hips to match her own ministrations. You strained against each other, juices mixing as you began to work up an even pace.
“How long have you wanted this?” Her flowery moans filled the room with an unexpected rasp, one contrasting that of her normally demure voice. She was a completely new person- a sapphic vixen driven by nothing more than the feeling the sins of your flesh.
“I - fuck,” you panted, taking a sharp inhale as you felt two of her fingers suddenly begin to slowly stretch you. “Fuck, I’ve wanted this so bad.”
Her other free hand began to pinch and tweak at your hardened nipples, wanton cries spilling out of your lips and into hers, muffled under her kiss.
“Mhmmm, I know you have, kiska,” Alisa moaned, craning her neck down to your earlobe, gently blowing on it as she continued to grind down into you. Your walls flushed with heat at the roughness of her mother tongue combining with her soft voice.
“Everyone wants to fuck me. I’m Alisa fucking Haiba.”
Your walls clamping onto her fingers was confirmation enough that she was right, a smug chuckle and click of her tongue resounding in your ear as she locked her gaze with that of your own.
Her clit slid against yours with each buck of your hips, the sudden motions combined with her fingers curling against your soft walls again sparking the painstaking buildup of a knot in your stomach. Alisa’s eyes never left yours as one of her delicate, expertly manicured hands found its way to each side of your neck, gently squeezing. No sound escaped your lips, but your jaw was stuck open as she started to speed up her movement, rutting her cunt against yours even more aggressively than before.
The pleasurable friction between you two had your eyes screw shut before you could even get one last look at her face. You came undone with a shrill cry, hips bucking almost manically as you rode it out. The self satisfying smirk on Alisa’s face said it all.
Wiping the hairs from your sweaty forehead she kissed you again, hopping up and darting toward the stairs, leaving you panting breathlessly.
“What about the food?” Your voice was barely above a hoarse croak. It was scratchy and raw, even though you had barely made any sounds. Too much straining had taken its toll, and that was evident.
“That can wait,” she called. She was halfway up the stairs, looking down at you from the landing’s balcony.
“I’m gonna go put on the babydoll…. and get my toy box.”
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Brainrot Kinktober Taglist (if your url is bolded, check ur privacy settings!): @ukaic @definitelythotful @shrimpypenis @nonexistent-social-life @crushingonsuga @revolutionary-chocolate-cake @right-shoe-jpg @sugawara-sweetheart @nxynxy @aoba-baby @arianna20 @scorpiosanssexy @ceo-of-daichi @dinosaurtsukki @turquoiselace @nonamemaximum @omibaby @chokemelevi @bokuakadaily @haikyuuangst @cutie-aesthetic-palace @whet-ones-write @superdepressedhoe @iwachanswh0re @crushzone @kiseox @mysticalroadnightempath @toobsessedsstuff @trouvelle @kodzu-ken @elianetsantana @sonyaroses-blog @tsukkisbitch @mrs-kuroojinguji @tendousfingers
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spooky-drusilla · 3 years
What do you think of Dru only contacting Kit after they needed his abilities? Idk, I kind of feel like people are,,, overreacting?
Hey anon! I believe you're talking about this post from my friend @thefoxandthefound. I didn't see any issues with it??
I think this is mostly bc of different interpretations of the character. Rua believes that the other characters only contacting Kit when they need him for something could potentially worsen his issues with not feeling loved and appreciated for who he is.
(And, if I picked up correctly on her posts, maybe that's even one of the most integral parts of these issues? But I'm not sure if Rua has ever said that, I'm only trying to interpret things through my memory of her posts akhsksjs. I'm also not sure what has already been confirmed by canon and I just didn't pick up on it. Rua, feel free to correct me if you see this! )
Anyway. I've never really interpreted him that way. I mean, it's canon that he doesn't feel loved, but I'm not sure if those interactions would make it worse. For an example, I feel very loved when people find me useful - my abilities don't tend to help people a lot, so, when someone feels like they need me, I like it. In contrast, I can feel kinda awkward when they just ask stuff about my personal life - especially when I haven't seen them in a while, like Kit hasn't seen Dru. So that specific interaction would make me very happy if I were Kit.
But I'm not Kit, and I haven't been through the stuff that he's been through. None of us is. Some parts of his description stand out to us more than they stand out for other people, due to personal preferences and different realities. I'm sure Rua has her reasons for interpreting that interaction the way she did - I mean, she writes amazing posts about TSC. Have you seen her series about floriography?? Amazing. And I have my reasons for interpreting him the way I do, and to remember certain canon traits of him more clearly than others.
Either way, I know Dru didn't mean that. Rua also says that she knows this wasn't Dru's intention, so I'm really cool with her interpretation. Talking about ghosts and prioritizing the shadow world problems over your personal life are kind of Shadowhunter things to do, right? I don't blame Dru for thinking that way, and I'm sure no one else does. So that's what she did: she wanted to solve the ghost problem, remembered of an old acquaintance that could help, so she hit him up, made some polite chat, and then asked if he could help. That's all.
(okay this is the part where the post gets way too long and none of this part is necessary, just thoughts, so I'm gonna cut here)
And also let's remember that they aren't really friends?? Now I know I'm extending this post past the need to, but bear with me.
So, Dru and Kit only really became friends in qoaad. Until then, I don't think they even interacted?? And, in qoaad, Kit mostly did the role of getting Dru closer to her brother. They liked each other and cared for each other, but they weren't ✨besties✨ like we made them out to be. Don't get me wrong, I love that idea, and I want them to be besties in TWP, but they aren't there yet. I don't think he and Dru would have a good conversation about him and his life bc I'm not even sure if he would be comfortable with that?? They certainly didn't have any moments like that in TDA
So, in my interpretation of Kit, what was going on in his brain? "Ah, wow, Dru sent me a message. Cool cool cool. I liked Dru. Fun Girl. A cool Blackthorn. Sister of Tiberius Blackthorn. Which I left hanging to come to Devon. Wow, I should probably mention that I'm adjusting to being a Brit. Ah wow I really left Ty for this huh? Well it was for the best. I shouldn't have opened up for him the way I did, bc I never open up to anyone, and that really hurt me. Oh god what if he told Dru what happened?? I should probably tell her I'm over him. Let's mention my girlfriend. *Has a whole convo about Mari*. Ghosts?? Did she mention ghosts?? Oh no we really are talking about Ty, aren't we. I'm gonna ask that. Oh no, she's lying to me saying it's not. I gotta go."
So, yeah, no space for that specific type of insecurity. And no space to expect or even want Dru to give him attention as a person. But if you hate my interpretation, that's okay. Not all of us have to interpret his text messages the same way akhakshskhsks it's all fine, and I'm not one to start fandom wars over that
Yeahh so I didn't feel like Rua was overreacting, she was just seeing another chance to confirm her suspicions that her interpretation is correct. Which I think it's very cool and amazing of her
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
When I first read the tags of wusyaname and I saw ;yuji x reader x megumi and then disrespecting sex workers my first thought was reader was a sex worker and yuji was her bf also her pimp he gets her cilents and somewhere down the line megumi enters the picture as yuji's old friend who just moved in town and he pays her for sex only for him to stumble uopn her and yuji together in public and there's this tention bc reader and megumi recognise each other so megumi asks to meet her for sex but confronts her abt dating yuji instead ,she says that he knows of her job but isnt sure abt how he would feel abt her sleeping with his long time friend since he's always very particular about choosing her clients so reader and megumi keep hooking up behind yuji's back but in their defense Its purely business not to mention they plan on telling him since they've got nothing to hide however things get complicated the three of them start hanging out a lot together forming a strong friendship bond between the trio and they couldn't help but grow attached to each other longing to more than each other's bodies and it doesn't help that some nights reader declines megumi's payments or when he sometimes calls her in just to play with his hair soothing him to sleep with her warm voice and reassuring words
And this is how yuji find out ,at first it wasn't suspicious he knows what his girlfriend does for a living as long as he knows the client It's all good but lately she has been frequenting a certain client a little too often and even exceeding her usual hours . How can a businessman have so much time to spend with a hooker ? better yet and why isn't he being generous with the money like he used to when he first showed interest in his gf ? he was keeping her overtime after all to clear his suspicions he contacted the guy and it turns out they stopped meeting a long time ago bc of a fight that occurred between them yuji's blood runs cold he's furious he follows you one night and to find you stop at megumi's house has him even more shocked . luckily for you megumi was there or else you don't know what could have happened yuji was so enraged his eyes alone could slice you into shreds at the sight of you with his best friend
omg I totally rambled there sorry just had this thought for a while 🙁💖
Okay I wanna say first off apologies if you're annoyed if I mislead you or something? I know it was just a one off comment from Megumi where he kind of insulted sex work as a profession but I wanted to include it as a warning. I like to include warnings no matter how menial as I want to keep everyone as safe as possible on my blog when reading my work.
BUT OTHER THAN THAT WOOWWWWWW!!!!!! I LOVE that idea so much?? Do you write? If you don't you SHOULD that idea is AMAZING like!! Omg!! That is SUCH an interesting concept and I love it so much I'm 🤤🤤 seriously amazing! I would love to read it if you ever do write anything like that 🥺
Never apologise for rambling baby I'm a rambling QUEEN!!! You're always welcome to ramble here 🥰 thank you for sending this to me it made me so happy to read! It's SO cool and hot and wow, just wow! Take care nonnie 💖
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
🚢 — hi love, i was wondering if i could get ship for hp in the marauders era? i’m terribly sorry if these are closed, feel free to ignore this!!
my pronouns are she/her or she/they... i’m still debating which set i like better haha and i would like a male ship pretty please <3
i am a ravenclaw, with some slytherin & hufflepuff traits here and there :) and i am an ambivert!
i am, much to my dismay, only 5’ 1.5” (to all my tall peeps out there... saying that i’m jealous of you would be an understatement.) i am quite curvy (and omg kinda insecure abt that ✌️) i have long, silky, and straight black hair that reaches the base of my back, and i love eyeliner so so much like i’m not even joking (on good days at least)
people often tell me that at first glance i seem bubbly, happy, and kinda quiet or shy hehe, and my friends have said that once you get to know me i am genuine, creative, funny, empathetic, a good listener, charming, painfully stubborn, righteous, and little loud, and very very dramatic jhjfk
i am pretty shy in new environments but with my friends i am loud asf, like seriously i need to shut up 😐 i am very very loyal and i value any bit of trust someone has in me.
my love language is definitely physical touch. i am one of those affectionate yet somehow touch-starved people haha! i find that sometimes words (or saying them atleast) can be a little bit hard and awkward for me, so i like to project my feelings and love for people through physical contact and all the affection they could ever dream of <3 and omg that thing where someone leans into your touch? marvelous. absolutley marvelous.
i like it when people play with my hair or touch me in some way, although if they’re a stranger then i will pull out my ninja moves and roundhouse kick them if they touch me 🤺 i also really like to play with other peoples hair!! (my love for long-ish hair is showing hnng-)
i could ramble about the sky, the stars, and just astronomy in general for days and never get tired of it, bc wow have you ever seen the night sky? i get so excited when i recognize a star or a constellation or a planet and agh i just love astronomy!! star gazing is one of my most favorite things to do <3 (and i have a these necklaces that i love so so much okay, one has the constellation of my zodiac, and the other has my fave constellation!!!)
i am a very very sassy, sarcastic, and witty person! i live for playful banter and teasing, i guess you could say that’s my way of flirting after me and the person i’m interested in have a friendship aha! i have comebacks for days and will not hesitate to roast someone into oblivion (although if it’s that harsh then i’ll immediately apologize bc i pinky promise i'm not mean okay)
i love to draw! i have a sketchbook and it’s strictly for my eyes only, UNLESS i deem someone special enough to view my sacred scribbles <33 i love to sketch people and things, and this might sound creepy but i have this urge to draw the people i’m close to sometimes (i did this a few times and omg i felt so embarrassed so i hid the drawings rip)
singing and music is also a big interest of mine! i’m not the best with instruments (i took viola for a while and i can still play but im no prodigy) but i am pretty good with my voice. people have told me that i have an ~aesthetic~ singing voice and that i have good vocal range hehe! sometimes i randomly break out into song around people i’m close to and they always either laugh or scoff and call me a ‘drama queen’ (i live for theatrics if you can’t tell, anyone who can match my dramatic flare is just yes <33)
oh and i am always down to do dangerous, stupid, and fun shit with my friends AHA 😙‼️i like to focus on the positive side of things, but i do have my icky days where i feel super insecure, sad, and useless ahaha 🥲✌️ my friends always make me feel better tho <3
whoops omg this was so long, i am SO SORRY
(pls accept my apology bc i feel kinda bad now 🥲)
congratulations on 500!! you deserve each and every follower you have and i am just so so happy for you!
mwah mwah tysm and make sure you’re drinking water and taking care of yourself, love!! 💞💞
Ahhh thank you so so much!! ❤️❤️ don’t worry, these aren’t closed until the 26th I just haven’t been linking to it because I’m lazy 😳 anywayyyyy ship under the cut! ❤️
I ship you with: James Potter!
The ravenclaw tower is cool and all, but you totally going to be hanging out in the Gryffindor common room a lot
James will sneak into your common room though
I promise
You’re short. Just thought I should say that lmao
James thinks it’s so cute though
I’m going to say that James is going to give you piggyback rides throughout the castle
Like even to class
Loves that he has to reach things for you
“C’mon short stuff!”
“Don’t call me short stuff, James!”
“Then stop being short!”
James absolutely loves your body
Like is in love with it
And he will shower you in love all the time
And of you ever get insecure he is right by your side
No matter what
He loves you so much
James will want to brush it and braid it and do weird shit with it
Please put eyeliner on James
He’d look so hot
Janes is a bubbly guy
So I just feel like your personalities match so well
Like you guys are the couple that is always laughing at something
Or making faces at each other from across the room
James doesn’t want you to shut up ever
Because he never shuts up
He loves your voice
Even if you’re just reading some boring book out loud
Falls in love with you every day
I swear he will always be touching you
Hand holding
Leaning on you
Always always touching
Does that thing where he kisses the back of your hand
Like I mentioned before
James loves hearing you talk
So please ramble about space
All the time
Takes you to stargaze
All the time
(You’re going to do his astronomy homework too)
Playful banter is a must
James is cocky and playful and just
Overall sarcastic and sassy
So you guys are going to have loads of fun
Loses his shit when you roast someone
Claps for no reason
“That’s my girl!”
YOU DRAW??? That’s so cool
James always wan s to see what you’re drawing
But respects your boundaries and your privacy
Will hang your drawings up in his room if you give anything to him
Loves them so much
You guys will sing a lot
He will request the Beatles a lot
But like you can just burst out into song randomly and he goes wild
He’s your number one fan don’t worry
You are definitely part of the Marauders
Dangerous and crazy shit is a must
James will always be a shoulder for you to cry on
and like
He just loves you so much
Nd always wants to be around you
He hates seeing you insecure or doubt yourself
“You’re my girl. And I love my girl.”
I hope you like your ship! And drink some water!! ❤️
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clericbyers · 5 years
The funny thing about RR!St3 (and yes I'm still talking about this) is that its technically your au so if u don't like stuff about season 3-and maybe that's like everything lmao- than you can change it for this au!!! so what're some things you could change to flex on the duffers with ur beautiful Galaxy brain?
oh ur so right….oh man OH MAN the power in my hands right now…this is super long but i got so into it okay thank u…
First off, my real vision for RR!ST3 would not be too close to how ST3 went down; the RR!ST3 I originally hashed out was me trying to stick close to ST3 but as I said then, it was hard bc many of the issues in ST3 wouldn’t happen if Mike wasn’t obsessed with El and if we actually address the fact that these kids are dealing with serious trauma from the events of ST2. In RR!ST2, Mike would be the one dealing with being possessed, Will would have been at his side the entire time, Nancy and Mike would be a lot tighter thanks to RR!ST1 (like she’d be very overprotective because she almost lost her brother and he’s annoying yeah but she can’t imagine not having him in her life anymore). So when RR!ST2 ends with the Snowball, I can see Mike still dancing with El when she returns because he needs to thank her, she saved his life after all, but I really. just cannot see his level of attachment being enough to try to date her. Because in ST1 and at the beginning of ST2, Mike is wracked with guilt about losing her, about bonding with her and ultimately her being a sacrifice to save them. He doesn’t have that in RR!ST1 and RR!ST2, at least not to the same degree as ST1 and ST2. He didn’t have the time to bond to El and while I think he might have fleeting feelings for his savior (like I said, nightingale effect) and have some guilt about how she seemingly gave up her life to save everyone, especially him, I also think RR!ST2 Mike would be very attached to Will though given how Will trusted him and stuck by him despite all the horrors. Mike takes loyalty very seriously and Will being with Nancy and Karen (as she would be the “crazy” mom who lost her son in RR!ST1, but she’d enlist Joyce’s help since Ted wouldn’t really care so it would be power duo Joyren trying to figure out where Mike is) in the RR!ST2 shed scene would mean a lot to him.
Now, we have those 8 months between ST2 and ST3 where basically Mike and El entered a relationship in ‘85. In that time frame in the RR au, I would focus more on how the Party is getting over the trauma they faced during RR!ST2. Firstly, Mike is definitely not okay after being possessed by a demonic godly shadow force. He’s in therapy again maybe, back on medications, IDK what exactly but he is broken inside but trying his best to act like everything is normal and he wasn’t just possessed. I think he would try to cling onto his childhood as Will did in ST3, because Mike didn’t get to grow up normal since he got kidnapped and possessed by monsters. Will and El would bond a lot in those 8 months though, definitely becoming closer siblings and El having a crush on Mike can still a thing. Mike might not feel that same way for her but he’d be down for dating if just to feel normal again. Part of that may be to continue dampening how he feels for Will because he just wants to be a regular kid again and what he feels for his best friend is not at all natural in his mind. I like the idea of Mike and El getting together in ST3 at the mall scene so I’d stick with that. But I also feel like Mike would definitely also be spending half the time subconsciously trying to stay away from El because she’s also a reminder of the horrors he faced in the UD and with the Mind Flayer.
There would be a lot of Will, El, Mike moments too! Will is her brother of sorts in the RR au and Hopper is only ever really comfortable with Mike coming to visit when Will is over, too, even before Mike agrees to date El.
So okay, Episode 1 of RR!ST3 deals with the fact that all the kids are still dealing with some sort of trauma. Mike wakes up from a nightmare, uses his walkie talkie to contact Will, and Will comes over and sits in his room with him and they chat for a bit until Mike can fall back asleep. Will sits at the foot of Mike’s bed watching him sleep before he sneaks back out the house. Nancy catches him and thanks him for stopping by and then he catches Lucas outside too while making his way back home. Lucas casually mentions that he couldn’t sleep and they chat about how weird things have been when no one in Hawkins knows what happened last fall. In the early afternoon the next day, Will bikes over to Hopper’s cabin to hang out with El, they listen to music and doodle together for hours, just being great friends. El casually mentions that she might have a bit of a crush on Mike (who comes with Dustin, Lucas, and El to visit sometimes because fuck ST3 and isolating El from the Party). This could be a moment for Will to be like, “Oh, me, too.” and they can bond over liking Mike together (that’d be cute af!! and it would help Will feel more comfortable about how he feels toward Mike when he’s able to talk about it without persecution). She asks him if Mike likes him back and Will kinda just stops doodling.
“I don’t know,” he murmurs hoarsely. “He’s never said anything.”
El hums and takes out a purple crayon to color in the grass. “Do you know if he likes me?”
Will says he doesn’t know but that he’ll figure it out for her. Hopper won’t let her come with Will to the movie that night so he promises one night he’ll help sneak her out and then bikes over to the theater. We have the ST3 theater scene but it’s reversed of course, so it’s Mike who feels the Mind Flayer and Will who asks him if he’s okay. Mike isn’t as shy and flustered as Will was in ST3 though, he tries to brush Will off petulantly (as RR!ST3 Mike tries his best to act like the events of RR!ST2 aren’t affecting him as much as it is) but Will takes his hand and says, “It’s okay to not be okay.” and Mike kinda fidgets but squeezes his hand in turn before they both go back to watching the movie.
The next day when Dustin comes back, we have the Party going up to Cerebro but there would not be any El and Mike leaving like in ST3. Instead, Will and El are whispering between themselves but it’s not really much about anything. El is too shy to ask Mike if he wants to sit with her as they listen to Dustin call his girlfriend and Will just wants her to feel comfortable near Mike and keeps pestering for her to just sit next to him. Mike is irritated because he wanted to hang with Will more today and he’s bonding with El. His powers activate from his irritation and he’s blocking the radio signal for Dustin and Suzie’s call. When it starts getting late, the Party splits up, Will and El leaving first because of curfew (a real one not the lie El told in ST3). Lucas and Max leave next and Mike is left solo with Dustin.
“I know that Will and El aren’t together, but god, I feel so childish being the single one out.” Mike complains as a chill breeze washes over the two of them.
Dustin hums distractedly, still trying to work out why Cerebro isn’t picking up Suzie’s channel. It takes a moment for Mike’s words to sink in and then he perks. “You know, El likes you.”
“She what?” Mike blurts, giving Dustin a look. “No, she doesn’t. She can’t.”
“Uh, but she can and she does.” Dustin turns a random knob to a different frequency. “It’s pretty obvious; she was sending you heart eyes this entire time if your oblivious ass would have realized.”
Mike isn’t sure how to feel about it. He’s always seen El as Will’s sister, especially with Hopper attempting (and kinda failing) at dating Joyce. Even when they danced at Snowball, it was a thing of gratitude, of joy, of acknowledging that she hadn’t died and he was happy about that. But, El actually liking him? “What am I supposed to do about that?”
“Do you like her?”
Mike scrunches his nose. He feels…something toward her but he’s not really sure what it is. It’s not the same way he feels toward Nancy but it’s not what he felt toward Max either. And it’s definitely not what he feels toward Will, but he doesn’t want to think about that right now. He wants to feel normal. “I’m not sure.”
“Well, if it’s not a solid no, then I’d say go for it.” Dustin adjusts his hat and leans back with a sigh. “She’s cute and I think this is the first time a cute girl has ever liked your nerdy ass.”
“Shut up,” laughs Mike and he nudges his friend who grins in turn. He looks up at the sky and sighs. “I should probably get back home before my mom goes nuts. Talk to you later, yeah?”
“I’m leaving, too,” he sighs as he stands up. “I don’t know why this isn’t working. Maybe the clouds are too overcast.”
Mike shrugs and flicks at the radio’s antenna. It buzzes erratically, static blasting through Dustin’s headphones and then suddenly there’s a voice coming through the noise. It’s a blend of things, like the receiver is caught between two frequencies. One is Suzie, the other is some spoken code (in English because the random inclusion of the Russians works for Red Scare era / anti-Russia 80′s America but like…it had no set up so I wouldn’t use it for RR!ST3) that neither Mike nor Dustin can understand. Dustin tries to fix the frequency channels to focus on Suzie, but he looses her and the input only focuses on the frequency the code is on. Mike touches the antenna again, holding on this time around, and he can literally feel the electric currents coursing through him, something sharper than a tickle but not as harsh as actual electrocution. The dials on the receiver interface start wavering about randomly and crazily until Mike lets go and then there’s only static again.
“What the,” Dustin mutters, bending down to check how Cerebro is working. “What did you do?”
Mike stares down at his hands, a panic attack on the edge of his senses because, seriously, what the hell was that? First having flashbacks in the theater and feeling that shocking tingling sensation on their way up the hill, now this? “I…I don’t know.”
Dustin taps at a dial and frowns. “Touch it again. Like hold onto it as you did earlier.” Mike does as told and the dials go nuts again. “Mike…do you…have you had any issues near electrical appliances recently?”
Mike scowls and tries to remember if anything odd has happened recently. “No? Not really. Sometimes the radio in my mom’s car doesn’t work and the TV gets a little staticy but that’s normal. Oh, and we had flickering lights out at the cabin when Will, Lucas, and I visited but it’s a cabin in the woods so what do you expect.”
Dustin bites at his bottom lip. “And this only happens when you’re around?”
“I, uh,” Mike grabs at his hair, “No, no, it doesn’t. It doesn’t. It can’t…I’m not, what…I thought that was the Upside Down only.”
“What do you mean?”
“I could touch the lights and the TV when I was in the Upside Down version of the basement. And when I touched them, everything glowed. Kind of like casting Daylight in D&D.” Mike struggles to find his breath; he never really talks about what it was like in the Upside Down. “And…and I knew, I knew where the demogorgon was before I should have. Like innate. And the dead people…”
“Detect Evil?” Dustin suggests, cocking his head to the side. “Mike, do you think any of that stuck with you here?”
[ So basically, the equivalent of “magic” in D&D is electricity in the real world / the Upside Down since electricity and tech is kinda like modern magic, and all of Mike’s powers in the Upside Down are, in theory, paladin spells. He couldn’t control which lights flickered on like Will did in ST1 but he can turn them on and he can create a beacon, along with talking to the dead and having an innate circle of protection around him (a magic circle as paladins can have!) ]
Mike goes back home totally freaked out and refusing to believe he has “powers” because his time in the UD felt like such a nightmare anyway. He just wanted to survive, he didn’t ask for this, he didn’t ask for the Mind Flayer to possess him and use his body to kill people, to almost destroy Hawkins in the process. And that night, Mike decides he absolutely cannot let these possible powers do anything or mean anything because he’s normal, he’s a normal 14-year-old boy who is absolutely not crushing on his very male best friend, no, he’s gonna get a girlfriend, and hang out at the mall like kids do over the summer, and everything is going to be fine.
The next day, Will doesn’t go over to El’s place to hang out, Mike picks up the phone and says a dumb lie about Will being busy to try to get out of it. (“Friends don’t lie,” says El afterwards. “But brothers do.” snorts Max, “All. The. Time.”) He’s frustrated by El wanting to spend time with Will one-on-one when he’s trying to get the og4 Party members together for some normal hangout time playing D&D because, again, Mike here is the one trying to cling onto his childhood, even more now that he might have “powers”. They play D&D with Mike as DM and it all goes well until Karen comes downstairs asking about magnets and Mike internally freaks out. He’s been feeling like someone is watching him for a while now (hint: El when spying on the boys in the Void) and now his mom is talking about something that could very well be his powers working. Dustin knows and can actually see it, so he suggests everyone should get some fresh air and hang out at the mall. The Party goes out shopping, they hang out at Scoops Ahoy and Mike and Dustin share their story about the radio last night but purposefully leave out details about what Mike did with the antenna. Will feels guilty for lying so he’s trying to find some new clothes so El isn’t always wearing Hopper’s hand-me-downs, and they run into Max and El outside.
“Well, well, well,” Max huffs as she crosses her arms. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Will is worried because El leaving the house and being at the mall of all places would definitely make Hopper upset. “Are you okay?” he asks her, careful not to sound too overbearing. “Does Hopper know you’re here?”
El shrugs. “I told him I was seeing Max. And I am.” She turns to Mike. “You said Will couldn’t come over yet you are shopping. Why did you lie?”
Mike, who has spent practically the whole time at the mall on pins and needles, is really not in the mood for being questioned like this. “It just came out. I wanted to hang with the boys, okay? Just us. Like old days.”
El frowns. “Do you not like me?”
“No! No, I really like you!” Mike softens up and gives her a smile. “Honest; friends don’t lie, right? I’m sorry I lied to you. Today’s been…weird.” Dustin huffs at that. “Don’t worry about it though, I genuinely like you.”
And Mike doesn’t mean it that way–he had just said ‘friends don’t lie’ because he really does see her as a friend–but El takes it that way, and she grins widely, blushing as she ducks her head. “I like you, too, Mike.”
Will didn’t even think Mike liked El that way but now that it’s spoken in front of him, he can feel his heart breaking just a bit because any chance he thought he had is gone in his mind. El steps into Mike’s space and he blinks a couple times. “I want to go out with you.”
Dustin gasps, Lucas covers his mouth, Will tries his best not to look dejected, and Max whoops at her side. Mike turns to Will, who is staring at his feet, and then looks back at El. (A parallel to Snowball when Will looked at Mike for approval before going to dance with Zombie Boy girl.) Mike told himself he was gonna get a girlfriend and be normal, right? Ignore whatever happens in his chest when Will smiles at him. Ignore all of that and his stupid powers and be normal. “Yeah. Yeah, okay. Let’s go out.”
So the Party stays at the mall a little longer and Mike and El hang out together and get ice cream at Scoops’ Ahoy, which is amusing to Steve and Robin both. At the end, they go back to the Wheelers and El has to go back to the cabin but Mike is kind of in a daze because wow, he just got a girlfriend for the first time and went on a date with her. Dustin keeps teasing him, Lucas is cackling and making kissing jokes, but Will…Will is oddly silent at first. They get back on the campaign but no one can really concentrate and Will starts getting concerned about El and how she was out and about without Hopper’s knowledge. Mike is even more frustrated now because he thought things were going to start getting normal now, but it just seems to be falling apart. Will won’t even concentrate on the campaign, Dustin is horrible at trying to be subtle about if Mike’s powers are activating, and Lucas is complaining with Will about how Max and El are hanging out.
Mike lashes out and storms outside, where Will goes after him. “Mike, I’m sorry, it’s a really good campaign,” Will starts with a hand to Mike’s shoulder, “but I’m worried about El and I just…I can’t concentrate right now. We can play it tomorrow, I promise.”
Mike yanks himself away from Will. “Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, it’s always tomorrow! I said ‘see you tomorrow’ before and then I never did! Tomorrow may never fucking come! But oh, that doesn’t matter, huh? Tomorrow always comes for you. Tomorrow is always gonna be better.”
“No!” he yells and lightening crackles in the distance. “No, you don’t get to say anything! You keep spending time with El, forgetting about all of us! I’m her boyfriend now and I’m not even this obsessed with her whereabouts.” He waves at Will, who scowls. “She’s not even really your sister and you’re letting her just ruining the party like this? And for what? So you can have a fake younger sister to hole up in her room all day?”
Will’s nostrils flare. “El is my sister whether you like it or not!” He snaps back with irritation. “It’s not my fault you don’t like El!”
Mike pauses, eyes widening just a fraction as his breath visibly hitches. No one was supposed to know that he wasn’t even sure how he felt…Dustin himself had come to the conclusion that Mike knew he liked El all along. Will though wants to take it back immediately. Taking out his anger onto Mike isn’t fair at all and just because Mike suddenly has a girlfriend doesn’t mean he should try to accuse Mike of not liking her. But he can’t help but question either way because Mike barely alluded to seeing her that way anyway.
“Look, I’m…I’m sorry, that came out wrong. So wrong.” He steps toward Mike, who tenses up more. “I know you like El, okay? I know you care about her. I care about her, too, just differently. She helped save you and the Party, how can I not care? That type of care has been with me for months. I can’t shut that off. I’m sorry.”
Mike’s breathing is getting denser and his vision is getting blurry because now he knows. Now he knows how he feels and he really fucked up saying yes to dating El. He doesn’t like her like Nancy and he doesn’t like her like Max either. He especially doesn’t like her like a boyfriend. “I like El like how you like her.”
“Mike?” Will’s voice is soft and shaking a little and Mike feels like throwing up.
“El saved me,” he whispers, “She saved me and I like her for that. I do. But she’s not…”
“She’s not what?”
Mike is crying now, angry tears dripping down his face like the rain as his voice crackles like the thunder. “She’s not you! I thought she would be enough and maybe I was wrong for it but it hasn’t even been a full day and I already know! I already know I don’t like her like that because I like you!”
There’s nothing but the patter of rain and Mike’s heavy breathing, and Mike can already feel his heart breaking because he spent so long trying to deny this and now he blurted it out in the midst of an argument like a dumbass and now Will is going to hate him. Hate him for not being normal, hate Mike for being what Lonnie always said he was. He’s crying still, hands shaking at his side as the tears continue to spill.
Will looks up at him with widened eyes and Mike can’t take it any longer. He can’t face the inevitable rejection right now. “I need to go.”
“Mike, wait, no! Mike!” Will rushes toward him but Mike’s already on his bike and riding through the rain. “Mike! Mike, come back!”
When Mike doesn’t turn back, Will rushes downstairs, tears streaming down his face as well and he can barely get his words out. “We need to find Mike, we need to find him now!”
“Will, what happened?” Lucas asks but Will grabs his jacket instead of replying.
“We need to go, now.” the brunette is shaking and Dustin puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Seriously, Will, what happened? Is he okay? Is he hurt?”
“Yes, yes, oh my god,” Will collapses on the stairs before he can finish climbing them. “Oh my god, he confessed to me.”
“Confessed what? His powers?”
Will blinks a few times and looks up at Dustin as he rubs at his runny nose. “His what? Powers?”
Dustin freezes. “Oh. I, uh, I thought…oh…oh. Mike likes you?”
Will waves a passing hand. “Pause, what is this about Mike’s powers?”
Lucas speaks up with irritation. “I thought you said we need to go!”
So all the boys get on their bikes and ride toward the Byers house since that’s where Mike would go when his nightmares got bad enough and it’s a safe place for him outside of the basement. Dustin explains what Mike had done with Cerbero and how they caught this code that he had been sort of hashing out with Steve and Robin when they went to the mall. No one is home at the Byers residence (Joyce and Karen are out with Hopper doing their whole side storyline there) and Will starts to freak out more.
“Where would he be, where would he be?”
Lucas crosses his arms. “Maybe the cabin? That’s where his girlfriend is after all.”
And that’s not where Mike is, he’s actually with Steve and Robin at the mall given he feels he’d be better off with someone who understands the UD/MF mess (Steve) and someone who doesn’t know the Party dynamics (Robin). He’s just about to tell Robin about his confession to Will when he feels the Mind Flayer and knows that he’s back.
The rest of the season is kinda…the same ish but also not?? But so I don’t write out the whole damn thing now lmao here are the pointers:
El and Mike are still trying to be girlfriend and boyfriend when they reunite at the cabin (Scoops Troop is a thing but it’s not tied to the Russian bs so they aren’t at the mall the entire time) but Mike is also really uncomfortable with El’s advances though he tries not to act like it.
Mike avoids Will as best he can even though Will keeps trying to get one-on-one time with Mike to confess that he likes him back
Jonathan and Nancy team up at the cabin too with news about the exploding rats (the MF’s attempt to possess non humans that went wrong) and Mike speaks up about how he might have powers himself
El tries to teach him how to go into the Void (which would be like a prayer for him) but when he does so, he ends up running into the Mind Flayer and find out that it’s after him and is willing to kill all his friends to get to him
Mike and El both pull out of the Void together gasping and crying and Will is immediately at Mike’s side as Max rushes to El. “He’s going to kill us,” Mike sobs shakily, “He’s going to kill us all.”
El gets attacked by the Mind Flayer (not Meat Flayer) because it was coming for Mike and she intercepted the transmission using her mind
At the hospital Mike breaks up with El (instead of how in ST3 they became friends again), and she’s a little hurt but understanding when he confesses that he likes someone more than her and doesn’t want to hurt her by lying to her constantly when dating her
Will finally gets Mike to himself here and is about to confess but then Mike feels the Mind Flayer (his innate sense evil power) and it’s possessed someone. He confronts it, helps save Nancy from the shapeshifting demogorgon attacking her, and banishes it from this dimension, only to pass out from the effort
El takes over with her powers and with Mike’s help, accesses the radio to find the channel that Dustin and Mike had found before. She discovers that someone is trying to open the gate again under the mall
At the supermarket, Will and Mike finally get to talk and Will confesses that he likes Mike, too. “Blank makes you crazy, right?” Mike chuckles as he takes Will’s hand in his own. He’s not willing to say love yet even if he knows it’s true. He knows that Will understands him though. Will always does.
“Yeah,” the boy replies sweetly, “blank makes you crazy.”
Cue an almost kiss before Lucas and Dustin come around with the fireworks and they all get over to the mall
Big battle against the Mind Flayer and the people it possessed. Instead of a giant gory meat machine, it possesses people in Hawkins like it did Mike in RR!ST2 and uses them to shapeshift them into individual monsters. So the Party is attacked by a horde of demogorgons and demodogs!!
The fireworks help a lot as Lucas suggested, and Mike and El work together as superpowered besties to banish the Mind Flayer from all the neighbors. Some die in the process (because it’s just, brutal and violent and horrible) and Mike gets temporarily repossessed in the battle but he’s more leveled up now and understands how this works, so he can banish the MF from him (a level 4 paladin spell might I add!) as much as El used her powers to take out the piece of the meat machine in her leg in ST3
Hopper closes the gate but not in enough time (we need him in the Upside Down for RR!ST4) and then the Mind Flayer retreats, but it kills all the people it had possessed in the process, which only wrecks the kids with guilt for being unable to save everyone like they almost did
This also frightens Mike who has been possessed by the Mind Flayer because it means his connection is still strong enough that the Mind Flayer could kill him instantly too (but it won’t bc Mike and El’s powers are too strong and it could possibly kill itself trying to kill them through that connection)
At the end there’s no one really moving away. El has lost her powers, Mike’s are nearly depleted / he doesn’t know how to use them without El’s help. Everyone is mourning Hopper and with El and Mike unable to use their powers, they can’t go into the Void to see that Hopper’s actually alive.
uhhh the epilogue is the first day of high school and the Party are hopping off their bikes and chatting about something nonsensical. Lucas and Max are holding hands, Dustin is waving his arms about wildly as he explains his latest science project, and Mike and Will are standing close together, just enough to brush their fingers together. (El is homeschooled since she needs to catch up on her education)
“You okay?” Will asks quietly as they stand off to the side away from the bustling crowds. “It’s okay to not be okay.”
“I know,” Mike grins down at his boyfriend, which is still so blush inducing to think about, so he blushes. “But, I’m fine. I’ve got you right beside me so I’m definitely okay.”
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
To Maybach -- Anon 2023 again. Honestly, my other major option is Brown (and Penn, but that's out by now) and I'm concerned that I'd be sacrificing happiness if I choose Pton. "Happy" is a part of the Brown brand, whereas "ahhhhh" seems to be a part of Pton's. I want the name and the opportunities Pton would afford me. I suppose that's not a question, but how would you respond? Do you understand what I mean? Is it so awful to pick Pton 4 name/opportunity (in addition to the other stuff)
Sorry for the delay everyone, I just got caught up in a lot of obligations. Due to multiple popular demands from both pre-frosh and current students, I decided to structure my Brown and Princeton story in the following manner. In the first section, I’ll give my background context prior to starting college and my feelings throughout the years on the subject. In the second section, I’ll specifically address the above question in more detail with my many thoughts on key distinctions between the two schools. I think the combination will serve the purposes of everyone quite nicely. Lastly, if any pre-frosh ever want to talk to me, feel free to reach out and ask for my contact information. Or even better yet lol, I just remembered that PREVIEW started, so I guess it might be easier to just talk in person to me. I actually don’t even have class tomorrow haha. I just think that talking is sometimes easier than writing and also in these responses sometimes I have to speculate. For example, I can pretty safely state that if a pre-frosh is almost certain of being a pre-med, Brown is probably going to be a much less stressful experience, but I have no idea if this applies to you beforehand.
So anyway, even though it was four years ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday. Boy time flies. I was not the most studios or stand-out HS student. I wasn’t the valedictorian or salutatorian of a rather small school far away from major cities. While some Princetonian HS students spent summer doing lab research at universities, I spent mine goofing off with friends and traveling. We used to actually have a bonfire at the end of the school year and burned stacks of our HW up to 4 feet high lol. When it came to applying to college, I did not actually even again acceptance to NYU or BC lol even though my stats were more than up to par. I guess maybe they were concerned that I wouldn’t be a very hard-working student. Luckily, I am very fortunate that despite coming from an extremely educated family (grandfather and mom went to Columbia, Dad went to Berkeley, etc.), my parents never put that much pressure on me. So as you can imagine, I was super excited when I heard that I got into Princeton, Brown, Cornell, and some other schools. For a period of time, I was actually getting ready to go to Brown. My SO at the time had committed to URI and I was psyched by the super expressive culture of Brown. Students prided themselves on being true to themselves and also took full advantage of freedom with responsibility. The location was close enough to NYC and some kids from my HS were already there. I always hated excessive structure and authority growing up and the prospect of 70%’s A’s granted, no +/I’s, and pass/failing anything was totally alluring! On a side note, I always laugh when they say that people don’t abuse pass/fail and use it only like 10-15% of the time. Well, maybe that’s because they’re already handing out A’s like it’s water and all A-’s become A’s haha. But anyway, I was psyched. Who wouldn’t want to live at camp Brown and take it easier than HS, but still be guaranteed a legit degree on your resume? However, after I visited Princeton, connected with a large number of alumni, and actually started putting real thought into my education, my perspectives slowly, but surely started to change. I think what I really underestimated was the power of the Princeton degree and how impressive our alumni network truly is. The people I met and still meet to this day are absolutely brilliant in several respects (e.g. they aren’t just nerds in one subject) and many are focused on maximizing their impact and allocation of influence in this world. The alumni donation rate is nothing short of incredible and the chance to be part of this network was alluring. I remember meeting a guy actually who got waitlisted and was already attending Duke when he got the chance to go to Princeton. He lived every moment to the fullest with his academic pursuits, the social network of brilliant, but diverse persons, and solid career plans. Anyway, it just became more clear to me over time that while Princeton was rigorous, it’s academic qualities could be much more intimate and engaged than Brown and the intellectual horsepower of its students (mostly) created truly incredible and impactful people. Jeez lol I forget sometimes how many alumni we have on the SC, in politics, business, arts, etc. At Brown, all they do is gush over Emma Watson in an almost cult-like way (sarcasm). But anyway, I was getting pushed as you can imagine, but I was still worried as I wasn’t the best HS student and grade deflation had literally only ended the year before. But eventually, the offer was just too good to pass up. Once you become a Princeton student, your life truly does change and people will treat you give you credit solely based on this fact (whether it’s right or wrong is another story). I remember before I even committed, I was hanging out at the Princeton Club in New York and a few days later some of the guys (who literally knew me for like a few days), invited me out and basically paid of lunch at Smith and Wollensky and lauded me on my “accomplishments” lol and how they could always be resources to bolster a Princetonian. Pretty soon after I committed.
As for answering your specific question, I’m already seeing red flags. Whenever you choose a school for the name, that’s setting yourself up for a bad time. Yes, our opportunities are better. Look at the difference in endowments lol. It’s like that for a reason even though they have way more students and more grad schools. It’s also reflected as well in our post-graduation salary averages. Brown is more creative with RISD and it’s curriculum, but that doesn’t always equal more opportunities. Princeton has the most power and resources of any university on a per-student basis and gives us an incredibly powerful brand and network. That said, you should probably explore why you want to go to Princeton other than the name and brand. One of the miserable people I know picked Princeton over another school because it was the “Best” school she got into and that’s just not fun when you didn’t research enough beforehand. By contrast, I know someone who turned down Harvard for a small liberal arts school in the middle of nowhere and she had an amazing time. If you feel like and click with Brown’s social scene, that’s another reason for not going to Princeton. Academically, Princeton is better for people who want rigor and want to truly maximize their learning in a short period of time and be around amazing minds. Our depth is much better than Brown’s and it shows with how strong our students are in critical thinking skills both inside and outside of their majors. However, there is a downside to this. For example, if you want to major in physics at Princeton, you better adapt fast or be damn good at it. You can’t just “love” physics and be relatively bad at it (compared to your peers) to succeed here because we teach you to be the best students possible from professors who literally wrote your book. At Brown, sure you don’t learn as much or go as deep, but you can major in almost anything because you just aren’t held to the same standards. So there’s a tradeoff. If I majored in Brown’s business program, let me just say that I would not NEARLY be perceived by others to be so intelligent (even though I’m not lol). I know the kids in the degree, it’s not like they are dumb, but jeez lol is it a joke a bunch of the time. Relating sociology to business for example on the surface can seem like a good idea that teaches people until you actually see what they’re writing and working on. I would probably have a 4.0 without working as hard too. And I don’t mean this to mean I’m like super smart or anything. It’s just not comparable to Princeton. However, I am super blessed and thankful that I did take Economics here seriously. The kinds of critical thinking skills and the ability to analytically dissect complex multi-faceted problems that I have developed serve me very well and I feel so rewarded. I literally got a position at a hedge fund with no experience at all because the interviewer liked how I wrote a research paper on guns an applied rigorous statistical analysis in many novel ways to answer new questions. This is no different in many ways than using public information using novel techniques to find value where nobody else sees it. But overall, I think that I’m feeling Brown for you unless you are willing to work harder here for greater depth of learning. I just want to say too though that despite me working hard, I still don’t pull-allnighters almost ever and I still have achieved very high grades. You don’t have to be a genius to do well here. Take it from me. I had piss-poor test scores (by Princeton standards) and was not a valedictorian, but if you are strategic and work reasonably hard and are disciplined, the work is more than doable. I don’t want to brag because I think it promotes bad culture, but you ought to know that a student like me can succeed academically and perform at the top of their class without working in the library all the time. So you should really evaluate what kind of learning experience you want and where you will be most likely to be happy and healthy. Some people just want a break after HS and don’t care about going super deep into their learning development. That’s totally fine, but then Brown is probably better (assuming you also like the culture). Some people would really abuse Brown’s system, not really learn, develop unhealthy and bad habits, and be kind of bored. In that case, Princeton is better. It really depends on you, but if all you see here for you is a name, you’re probably shooting yourself in the foot coming here.
Anyway hope that all helps. I can answer specifics if you have them too.
Edit. also I realized how long this all is and noticed that maybe some of you should just call me or I can connect you with people I know who love Brown lol. It’s sometimes harder to write these things and express everything properly compared to like a 30-minute dinner conservasation. Just putting it out there. I’m also exhausted lol from staying up until 4am the past few nights for this huge deal coming up. I did this tonight so that I wouldn’t mess up my sleep schedule any further and avoid taking a nap lol.
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vampiromano · 2 years
TELL ME ABT YOUR OCS im seeing snippets in your tags and they seem *delightful*
it got kinda long ngl
so there's four of them: Zaira, Tom, Samira and Levi. they're their own characters but kinda lack an universe? so I insert them on already-existing ones and give them lives in them. which is actually pretty fun.
👻→Levi is like, an asshole with a bad past, but not really that much of an asshole? he's all about seeming like he's a dick, and sorta being one, but then being nice for virtually no reason other than that he can. he'll bother people, sure, try to make them angry and hateful, but he actively seeks for everyone to have equal ground and nice things if at all possible. he kinda wants to be hated? but really only because he knows it's the easiest way to make an impression, and he wants to leave one.
he's a musician usually. also a necromancer. he likes these things and is talented at them, so he usually uses this as a medium to make this impression he so badly wants to leave. fun fact: he's always destined to want to die, but be immortal. which is kinda funny till I have to write about it. then it's just sad. he's an alcoholic too. and like. intense. about everything ever. his arcs are always about the self (which he has problems with) and him trying to avoid it.
🐍→Tom is my take on Tom Riddle bc I'm BITTER. he's said to be Harry if he took all the bad decisions but he was never given a CHOICE. I also see no way in which his canon timeline could be feasible + turn him from a child prodigy who was always treated like a monster into. yknow. a nazi who hates people like himself. I try to make it realistic. I sometimes redeem him in the end, I sometimes don't. I just wanna see a realistic take on his rise to being the worst, y'know? one that doesn't center on him "being evil because he's unable to love" and "born a nazi".
anyway, in my version he's got issues with being "lesser" than his peers, which he always is in some way, and eager to become the best to prove everyone wrong and make them pay. he's prone to adhering to the social norm so he can learn and rule it, and it usually ends well for him. he and Levi r always at odds because of this!! bc Levi hates authority and wants it gone, while Tom hates authority because it's not him. he disregards other people a lot, but treats them as lesser rather than paying them no mind. Levi and Zaira resent this.
⛓️→Zaira is a main character with performance issues. she likes helping people and is very much against their suffering. she's awfully shy, though, and her arcs are always partly about her overcoming her inherent lack of capacity to Speak Up. once she gets over her shyness, though, she ends up becoming very martyr-y. which isn't very great either, nor does it bode well with the fact that she CAN fight and so ends up on the front lines of any given conflict. alternatively, in worlds without physical conflicts, she burns out after having no healthy work ethic to speak of. I sometimes let her fix this.
anyway on to traits!!! she's delightful to talk to, if way to hyper. and kinda opinion-less. well, not quite, she has opinions, she just doesn't voice them ever because she's afraid of people getting angry at her over it. not that anyone ever does. she just had one friend, once, who did. she has a chain motif!!! usually manifesting in Actual Chains and also in bonds, which haven't gotten unhealthy yet, despite their manifestation. she's athletic and a night owl with a surprisingly healthy lifestyle. she has a sister who she gets along really well with. she's a Sylph of Blood and a Derse dreamer in the homestuck au she's a part of.
🎧→Last but not least is Samira, who is my tendency to drift away turned character, but like, gone rogue. she does what she wants now. she originated as a space player in the homestuck au, and usually, her arc in regards to her friends, team, whatever, is just. learning to keep in contact with them. she sleeps a lot and is the og escapist. she doesn't really think of problems, doesn't like to, but when she has to solve them she's more of an "end them in one hit" kinda person. if the problem is more profound than that, though, she's at loss and just removes herself from the situation entirely.
she's a Fae. or a Witch. or a Demon. whatever is available, really, she's just not human in any 'verse. she's also royalty or, similarly, high-class, but very much uncaring of it. that's a Thing for her. being uncaring of things. gives zero shits. it can be good, but also terrible if what she wants is to like, make a change or have friends. if she were a colour it'd be dull. which is kinda funny because her magic is bright, invariably. she's always been friends with Levi the longest, which works because they're both always emotionally unavailable and have fun being unhelpful and infuriating. she cares a bit less about people's equality, and a bit more about not hurting them in the process of being annoying. kinda her main problem with Levi and Tom, if a problem at all. she holds them back if possible. Zaira holds her back, even if she insists she doesn't hurt people, just bothers them a bit.
anyway this was kinda a lot but. yeah !! that's them in their base forms. they get more defined arcs and dynamics in specific settings methinks.
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jadehqknb · 7 years
I'm not sure if this ask is good enough but maybe a scenario about Bad Boy!Oikawa and a person he's so interested in, but his charms don't work on them, they're oblivious, and they always seem unimpressed (they secretly like him back but do a great job hiding it from him). Sexual tension would be great but you can avoid NSFW if you want! I picked Oikawa bc I thought it'd be interesting to see him chasing someone so hard, feel free to swap characters if you want! Thanks ❤︎
Holy moly this ended up WAY longer than I planned and awhole lot more serious without much NSFW or even sexual tension but hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
She remembers him from high school, he can tell by the lookof shock on her face. He can’t really blame her though. Anyone from those dayswould be surprised to see Oikawa Tooru, former pretty boy of the Abojosaivolleyball team, sporting an arm sleeve tattoo, a lip piercing and wearingripped jeans.
Pushing away from the wall, he approaches, stride steady, aconfident smirk on his face. But just before he meets her eyes again, a girlinterjects herself between them. Tooru’s former tendency to indulge his fansexerts itself immediately, old habits do die hard, and by the time he’s donewith her the object of his initial focus is gone.
Clicking his tongue, Oikawa shifts his gaze over the crowdedfrat house. There’s people everywhere, the semester kickoff party in high gear.Finally, he spots her on the dance floor and goodness can she move that body!She’s grinding up on some dude who looks about ready to cum in his pants.Oikawa is openly staring at her, willing her to make eye contact but she’seither completely oblivious or completely uninterested because she never onceloses her focus on her dance partner.
And Oikawa decides right then he wants that attention onhim. Sure, he’s always been a bit of an attention whore, but who could blamehim coming from the environment he did back in high school? Other than Iwaizumiof course.
His eyes stay riveted on her, still moving fluidly, sexily,and fuck now he’s got a tent in his pants just from watching her! Then again,it’s been a while since Oikawa has had any action of the bedroom variety. Justbecause his team is rough and tough doesn’t mean they don’t work hard.
Terushima makes certain of it.
Oikawa laughs a bit to himself thinking back on their first officialmeeting. He’d only ever seen the guy at tournaments, his team loud and flashy,but horribly erratic. Then something happened that shifted his focus and inaddition to having fun, he got smarter. His whole team got smarter.
And now he’s Oikawa’s captain.
Shaking his head, Oikawa zeroes back in on her. She’s stilldancing, smiling with sultry eyes and moving her hips just so.
She can feel his gaze on her, its intensity rippling overher skin like electricity but she remains focused. He’s not going to havethings go his way, not tonight. Because she’s in control and he’ll just have todeal with it. The song ends and she leans up, pecking her dance partner quicklyon the cheek. He goes to make a move but she shies away, giggling, “Thatwas fun, thanks for the dance,” then she’s absorbed into the crowd but notwithout stealing a glance at Oikawa only to find him still looking right ather.
Damn. Well, she almost made it without giving him a piece ofthe attention he craved.
And it’s only wet his appetite for more.
The next day Oikawa is still thinking about her, her sultrysmile, her bedroom eyes. With a self-deprecating laugh, he realizes he has acrush! An honest to goodness crush. He can’t remember the last time this hashappened, where his attention was so fully fixed on anything besidesvolleyball. Practice over, he makes his way back to his dorm only to see hersitting beneath a tree reading, her eyes narrowed in concentration at the textbefore her. Calling up his best smile, Oikawa saunters towards her, onlyspeaking once he’s right in front of her seated position. “You know, you’re toopretty to be frowning, you look much better dancing.”
His voice startles her and he can’t stand how cute she lookshuddled in an oversized sweater, leggings and boots. Is this really the samegirl he saw last night? It’s the perfect fall look, her hair blowing in thesudden breeze that’s kicked up. A subtle shiver overtakes her body and heshrugs off his jacket. “Here,” he offers draping it over her shoulders.
Warmth spreads over her body and it’s not just from theplacement of his jacket. Oikawa is looking at her with complete focus. She’doften wondered what it would be like to have his gaze turned upon her and now,looking at it, she’s both enamored and afraid. How could a high school crushlast this long? Or did it just flare upquickly at the sight of him, a knee jerk reaction to Oikawa’s presence? Sherealizes she should be speaking, should be saying thank you not only for thejacket but the compliment paid her earlier but the words won’t come.
He really doesn’t remember her.
Oikawa tilts his head, a little confused as to why she stillhasn’t said anything when she suddenly shoots to a standing position. Swiftlyshe removes the jacket, handing it back to him. “Thank you, Oikawa-san, but Iwas just leaving. Have a good evening,” she says a bit rushed, hurrying away.
“Oi, dancer-chan!” he calls, easily catching up to andstanding in front of her. “I’m at a disadvantage here, you know my name but Idon’t know yours?”
Her eyes are on the ground, unwilling to meet his and he wonderswhat he did to offend her. When she finally looks up, he flinches; her eyes areso hard. “If my name didn’t matter to you then, why does it matter to you now?”
“Never mind, I…I have to go.” She brushes past him, willingher legs to go faster. Why did she think it was a good idea to bait him at theparty? Because she didn’t really think he’d do anything, that’s why. She justwanted to frustrate him a little, but the fact that he stared at her the entiretime and now approached her yet again is doing uncomfortable things to herheart. It was stupid, she’s not this person! She isn’t someone who toys withother people! And why oh why does she even wantOikawa? He’d be nothing but trouble, even more so now that it appears hejoined a gang or something.
“You barely know her, in fact, you don’t know her at all so why are you making such a big deal out ofthis?” Iwaizumi yawns through his question, eyes closing as he lays on his bed,phone to his ear. Even when separated by hundreds of miles, Oikawa somehowfinds ways to annoy him. Like calling at one in the morning to lament about howa girl he has a crush on won’t even look at him, much less talk to him. “Lookslike you don’t always get what youwant, Trashy-kawa,” he adds with a snort.
“Shut up, Iwa-chan! You’re supposed to support me, not kickme while I’m down!”
“Stop whining, you’re giving me a headache,” grumbles hisformer ace.
Silence fills the line before Oikawa takes a deep breath.“I…I don’t know why completely. And,” he adds quickly before Iwaizumi can shootanother barb, “despite what you think it isn’tbecause she’s playing hard to get. More like impossible to get but whatever,”he mumbles making his best friend chuckle. “The point is,” he goes on with asigh, “I…I really want to get to know her but she won’t even give me a chance!”
“Oikawa, are you just pestering her? I mean, I know youthink you’re a bad ass now because you have ink and a piercing but you’re thesame alien obsessed, volleyball idiot you were in high school, the dressing’sjust different.”
“You know, sometimes I really wonder why I call you my bestfriend,” Oikawa grumbles.
“I wonder that too, but the point still stands. Why the helldid you do that shit in the first place anyway?”
Oikawa grits his teeth. How had the conversation shiftedfrom him getting advice (so embarrassing)on how to get a girl to go on at least one date with him, to Iwa-chancriticizing his choices? “Would you please stop acting like my freaking motherand just help me out here?” he grunts.
“Fine, what haveyou done?”
“I left her a couple notes, one at her job at the on-campusbookstore and one at her dorm when I found out where she lives. You know, just,“hey I’d like to get to know you, text me and we’ll make plans”. But she neverresponds. I offer to walk to her to class but she says no. I even tried to joina study group with her but she dropped out the next day. I just…I don’t know whyshe hates me!”
Iwaizumi sits up, rubbing his eyes; there’s no way he’s gettingto sleep anytime soon. “Tooru,” he says and he can hear his friend sit up straighter,“Have you considered the possibility that your advances, instead of beingwelcomed, are putting her on edge? You said she’s changed since you first sawher, what do you mean by that?”
“Um, well, the first time, like I told you, was at a party.She was dancing and, just, wow Iwa-chan, she was so hot! Like, my jeans were tight enough as it is but then she startedmoving those hips and-“
“TMI! Focus on the question, Shittykawa!”
“Sorry, sorry! Ok, so the second time and really every timesince then, she’s been very reserved. Like, she wears these adorably oversizedsweaters that flood past her knees with leggings and ankle boots and her hairis always a little messy cause it’s so damn windy around here this time ofyear. Oh! And she has this cute little pout when she’s really concentrating onsomething and taps her pencil when she’s thinking and-“
“You realize you sound more or less like a stalker, right?”Iwaizumi cuts in but his tone is gentler. He’s very aware now of just how muchthis girl has managed to get under Oikawa’s skin. Part of him hopes somethingdoes work out between the two of them simply so he could meet her one day andshake her hand. A girl who got the indominable Oikawa Tooru to sound like a love-sickpuppy? This was one for the books. 
“Iwa-chan,” Oikawa whines, “was there a point to thatquestion?”
“Oh right. Well, maybe the reason she isn’t responding isself-preservation.”
“What?! It’s not like I’m gonna hurt her or anything-“
“Oi! You and girls don’t have a good track record Oikawa!You can whine about it all you want, but it’s still the truth! If she knows youfrom high school, which it’s clear she does, your reputation is already set!And it sounds like you should know her if she was that upset you didn’trecognize her. Which is also not surprising since you always had your headstuck on volleyball!” Iwaizumi takes in a breath, knowing his words are going to hurt his friend but he needs to hear them and it always seems to fall on his shoulders to tell him hard truths. “And look at you! You’re projecting this “bad boy” imagethat is totally not who you are! But if she thinks it is, how could she not beleery? She probably thinks you’re just toying with her! Or maybe someone placed a bet! Unfair as it is, Tooru, people do cast judgement based on appearances and pastbehavior and both of yours are not doing you any favors.”
Oikawa inhales deeply, pain radiating through his chest. “Is…isthat what you really think of me, Iwa-chan?”
Iwaizumi groans, flopping onto his back. “No, because I know your crazy ass too well. I’mtelling you all this from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know you. Just, shit,” he rolls to his side, unsure exactlyhow to even help his friend, “if she doesn’t want to talk to you, maybe stop pushingthe issue? Give her some space to breathe.”
“I have! I don’t try this shit every day you know!”
“Then stop trying all together! Clearly it isn’t working sowhy continue to torture yourself like this? And for what? A girl you don’t evenknow?” Iwaizumi is at the end of his rope, tired of the circular formation ofthis conversation.
Oikawa sits silent in the dark of his dorm, but he nods. “You’reright, Iwa-chan. I…I just need to stop,” he finally agrees.
“Good. Ok, now, let me get some sleep asshole.”
Oikawa can’t help chuckling but before he says goodbye,Iwaizumi adds, “And I really am sorry.”
It’s been weeks since she last heard from Oikawa, hisdisappearance just as sudden as his appearance in her life. And though sheknows it’s the product of her own making, she can’t help feeling a bitdisappointed. Every time she believed she’d have the courage to reciprocate insome fashion, she lost her nerve, resulting in cold shoulders and brusque pushoffs of his advances. Really, she’s surprised he tried as many times as he did.
“I have no idea what’s wrong with you,” her roommate hadsnapped one day after she witnessed her friend practically running away fromOikawa,” he’s ridiculously hot and so into you, it’s a little sad. Why won’tyou go out with him?”
“I…it’s just, complicated, ok?”
“You’re just chicken shit. High school is already a lifetimeaway!”
“Maybe for you but it’s still raw for me!”
Her outburst had ended the conversation never to be brought upagain.
And now here she is, the setting almost an exact copy of thefirst time they’d seen each other. A party, a sorority one this time, that she’sbeen drug to by overstressed and overtly horny friends looking for a cheap buzzand a one-night stand. And there heis, leaning against the wall, but now, instead of torn jeans and a t-shirt,Oikawa’s sporting a button down with sleeves rolled to his elbows, black slacksand shined shoes. The contrast of his “preppy” look coupled with the ink stilladorning his arm and the ring in his lip invariably makes him even moreattractive, a fact proven true by the swarm of girls around him. To his right,she sees who she now knows to be his captain from the volleyball team, dressedsimilarly but rougher around the edges, opting for dark wash denim jeans, tightwhite t-shirt and a black button-down vest.
It really should be illegal to look so good.
“Ok everyone!” the house mother calls out. “Gather round, it’stime to draw for…7 minutes in heaven!”
A resounding cheer from the girls goes up while the malesall smirk and chuckle, elbowing one another in gleeful anticipation.
Swallowing the remaining contents of her Solo cup, she triesto head to the exit but her friend grabs her wrist. “Nope, you’re gonna getsomething tonight, even if it’s just kissing.” Protests fall on deaf ears, herhand shoved in the fish bowl drawing out a number.
“Alright, ladies and gents,” the house mother calls againonce the bowl is empty, “first up, number 12!”
Terushima pushes off from the wall, his movement pulling outsmall appreciative gasps from the surrounding crowd of females and one of them,a red head with cat-eye glasses, sashays up to him. He grins, taking her handand giving it a peck. “Shall we?” he asks gesturing to the hall closet. At hereager nod, he pulls her in, winking at the spectators before slamming the door.
A faint moan is heard from inside followed by a ripple ofteasing taunts and catcalls being thrown at the door. Seven minutes pass andthe door is opened to reveal a thoroughly disheveled girl stumbling out whileTerushima looks smug. “Oh my god, that tongue ring,” she murmurs to her friendswho giggle.
“Next up, number 9!”
When Oikawa steps away from the wall, a collective squealerupts only to be dulled to disappointed murmurs when each girl realizes they aren’this partner. Looking around, Oikawa searches for the girl he’ll have to put upwith for…no way. And there, blushing so brightly she looks sunburned, is thegirl who’s plagued his mind, both conscious and unconscious.
Smirking, he grabs her hand. “Can’t run away now,dancer-chan,” he whispers pulling her in and shutting the door.
Her breathing is rapid, breath fanning his chest and neckand he can feel her shaking under his fingers. He’s not sure if it’s the dark,the booze or both but Oikawa lets down his mask. “You don’t have to you know?Or…I mean, you could just pretend I’m someone else, if that helps.”
Her eyes shoot to his face. His voice is so dejected she can’tstop herself from whispering, “I…I don’t want it to be anyone else.”
That gets hisattention in a hurry. Grasping her shoulders, he murmurs, “What do you mean?”
“I…I want it to be you, Oikawa-san.”
“Time’s running out, are you still alive?” a muffled voicecalls but Oikawa ignores it. Ignores everything except the girl in front ofhim.
“Explain to me one thing then, dancer-chan,” he says,fingers toying with her hair, “if that’s true…why have you been avoiding methis whole time?”
He can feel her trembling, the cords in her neckconstricting as she swallows nerves and steels herself. “I was…am…afraid ofletting myself really believe you wanted me. I mean, in high school-“
“Yeah,” he interjects, leaning his forearm above her head,face inches from hers. She can feel his breath upon her face, minty of coursebecause Oikawa Tooru is always prepared, “what was that whole deal the secondtime I saw you?”
Her eyes close despite the darkness still hiding her face. “Itried to…to confess to you in high school. It was your third year, just beforethe tournament.” She feels him flinch, memories of that loss still obviouslyraw. She presses on quickly, “I brought you a bento box and some cookies andleft them in your locker with a note. But…you never responded, not even to tellme no. I waited for you by the school gates like a fool and you never came.”
Oikawa stares hard at her face, his eyes having finallyadjusted to the dark. He has no recollection of her at all other than a visagein a sea of faces continually vying for his attention. After a while it’sdifficult to determine one from another. But he remembers those presents.
“There was no note, dancer-chan. And even with as busy as Iwas, I would not have just left you there. I may have a reputation for being anasshole but I wouldn’t have done something so cruel,” he says lowly in her ear.
“Wha…what? I was sure…I know I put the note with it!”
He shrugs. “That may be true. Maybe it fell somewhere in mylocker or out of it when I picked up the gift. I remember it, clearly. I rememberlooking around for someone watching me receive it but there was no one so Ijust took it to be from a secret admirer or one of my fans and moved on.” Hetouches her cheek gently, “Will you let me thank you for it now?”
Unable to find her voice, she nods. It’s all the opening Oikawaneeds, swooping down to seal his lips over hers, the taste of cherry coke and badvodka lingering. He licks into her mouth, her own flavor much, much sweeter makinghim moan rather loudly. Her fingers clutch his shirt, knees going weak underthe ministrations of his tongue and the feel of his lip ring grazing hersensitive flesh prompting Oikawa to draw his arm around her, pulling her to hischest.
“Tell me your name,” he rasps.
“________,” she whimpers, lost in the feel of his touchagainst the soft skin on her back.
Before time’s up, he hoists her around his waist, throwingopen the door to the shock and awe of those waiting for their turn. Lockingeyes with Terushima, Oikawa asks, “Guest room?”
His captain grins widely. “Up the stairs, turn right, thirddoor on the left.”
Ignoring everyone and everything around him, Oikawa surgesup the stairs.
“What are you doing?” she gasps.
His eyes shift to hers, gleaming with a predatory glow. “WhatI plan on doing to you will take much, muchlonger than seven minutes.”
I know Terushima is ayear behind Oikawa but since this is AU anyway we’ll just pretend they were inthe same grade since I find the idea of Terushima as Oikawa’s captainhilarious.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 <3 I really missed you, and it’s so great to hear you had fun! (and omg yes so ready to see all those beautiful pics)
Yaaayyyy join me in MCU feels hell. And oooh, you have a ship for the fandom now! Like, Stoki’s still my favorite Steve pairing but Stony’s really cool too…you know I ship almost everything XD (also am I the only person who sorta hated almost everyone by the end of CW? Like, of course they’re still my favs and there are still some cinnamon rolls, but, come on. Why couldn’t you all just get along ;-;)
Speaking of Illumi, do you know that Hisoka/Illumi is an incredibly popular ship in the HxH fandom? Probably because both of them are so horrible that they have like 0 friends other than each other. Nobody else wants to hang out with these losers. (Chrollo tolerates Hisoka and the adults in Illumi’s family seem to spend enough time with him to give him orders, but that’s about it.) It’s a trash ship with two trashy people and tbh I love it XD
So continuing with the eye jokes, imagine. Hisoillu version of Helpless. Hisoillu version of Satisfied.
“Look into his eyes and the sky’s the limit”
“Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame”
(I know you did thise one before but still) “But when I fantasize at night, it’s Illumi’s eyes”
just, I’m imagining animatics for this with the ‘camera’ zooming in on Illumi’s dead fish eyes every time the lyrics mention them. It’s hilarious and also mildly terrifying
(though I guess if we’re actually making a Hamilton AU Hisoka’s way more likely to do something like Say No To This…)
idk if I’d want to be a parent either really LOL. Kids are adorable but I don’t think I’ll ever be responsible enough to raise one…
If Ishida makes a plot twist or something about it being someone else pretending to be Hide I'm actually gonna get mad. Dude. Not only would that bring the Hide feels right back it’d just make absolutely no sense omg
(also you read the new chapter, right? So, let’s talk about Juuzou and that huge death flag)
I’ve heard of Soul Eater and considered reading it but it’s not really the kind of thing I’m into…artwork’s cute, though, and Death the Kid seems like an interesting guy so maybe someday XD
AGH I’M ACTUALLY SORTA JEALOUS BECAUSE WOW I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO WATCH THAT LEGALLY HERE IN KOREA. (unless I ask my dad for help but he doesn’t like manga/anime at all, so…) But yes, I’m really happy Lizzy finally got her moment this time! Now anime-only fans can’t complain about her being a ‘shallow’ character so hopefully there’ll be less fighting over Lizzy in the Kuro fandom :D
FINALLY. Fellow Death Note fan <3333 Who’s your fav? Do you have any ships? Are you done with the anime??? :D (also do you know…you picked a really interesting time to join the DN fandom. The American live-action movie just came out and it sucks so freaking bad, like I haven’t even watched it yet and just from the reviews/clips, here’s what I got:
-They turned Misa into this Harley Quinn-type character. Only without any depth.
-Light/Misa is an actual canon ship, like, it’s not abusive or one-sided like it is in the anime/manga, it’s just…a thing. Light loves Misa. Misa loves Light. It’s like every cringey high school romance movie ever, only with more murder
-They freaking bent the Death Note rules just so Light could get away with all sorts of ridiculous stuff
-L cries, L rants, L is overly emotional
-Light tells L where he hid a page from his Death Note. Light doesn’t deny being Kira. Light shows Misa his Death Note when they like barely know each other and she’s still a complete stranger to him. Light acts like an idiot.
-Oh sure, he’s Kira, God of the New World, but he still cares about going to prom with his girlfriend and making stupid faces as they pose for pictures
-So much unnecessary gore. Heart attacks are Kira’s thing, Light isn’t that emotional about his kills, he doesn’t care as long as the 'villains’ are dead, so why???
-Apparently Rem does not exist. Sayu doesn't exist either. Light’s mom is dead (probably so he can angst over her)
-Light Turner. Light TURNER. Out of all the surnames they could have chosen…
-And now, for the most unforgivable sin:
How dare they not include the Potato Chip scene)
And then random things: JJ and Light have the same voice actor. Yurio and Mello (imo…have you met Mello yet?) could be long-lost twins.
I’ve fallen into Steven Universe hell and now I’m imagining so. Many. Gem AUs. Have you ever heard of SU?
1- don’t stress about the messages, and come on, I’d never get mad at you over something like this! You’re way too awesome.
2-  I don’t really know what to say 'cause I’m bad at comforting people, but ugh, it sucks to hear that school’s tiring you out! Queen Luna’s gonna get through this, though. I mean, you’re great at so many things and you’re freaking smart and…this is awkward but maybe you understand Evans Language by now? XD Guess I’m just trying to say that I’m sure you’ll do great, and if you ever need someone to talk to I’m (almost) always free *hugs*
3- Um. So, other than tumblr, I think the only way I can talk with you right now is if we email each other? The email address I used this time is my real one (or rather, my dad’s, since I don’t have one of my own yet…) so maybe we can talk about this more through email and find a better way to contact each other? If that’s ok with you can you send me a message there?)
I’ve started college and have no idea what I’m doing
*slams head against keyboard* guess who managed to get sick. It’s only been a week since school started. Whatever, I’m still going to school, but I woke up breathing like a fish on land, bc asthma. Yay.
I’m definitely gonna upload the pics today!!
Okay, but one thing I’m wondering about, is How? Not in a malicious way or anything, I’m genuinely curious to why you ship Stoki (and where it began). Was it that redemption fic you told me about or did you ship it before? 
Tbh, I didn’t hate the characters in CW, I hated the situation. Because there’s so so much pointless conflict that could easily be solved if everyone sat down and talked like normal people. But nooo we have to go around attacking each other. ((ALSO CAP’S LETTER TO TONY, I AM DEAD))
I’ve already learned (and experienced) that shipping is a very weird and unusual thing, so I’ll be honest and say I’m not even surprised that ship exists. At least it has some basis XD
I’m actually tempted to go through the lyrics of the whole musical and find every single eye line there is, only to replace it w Illumi’s eyes.
Not only zooming in on the eyes, the word itself is louder than the rest XD man if only I could draw…
Tbh I’d say I’m responsible enough (HA, that’s more or less a lie), but I’m honestly way too irritated with the little ones to be able to have one of my own. My cousin recently celebrated her 3rd bday and I was stuck looking after her during the party, bc all the adults were talking among themselves and I swear to god, I haven’t moved that much since I had to run 2km for PE. Where do they get their energy. Not to mention the adults thought it would be a good idea to leave me w her, because I’d already drunk 3 glasses of wine (i was bored and not allowed to do anything other than stare at emptiness or look after a 3yo). Turns out my tolerance isn’t that bad after all.
Lol let’s be honest, Ishida would totally do that. He knows the fandom would riot and that’s the whole point.
All the death flags. Tbh I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s obvious that either Touka or Juuzou are probably gonna die and I wan’t neither (If I have to choose tho, I’d rather Juuzou survives.) Also Naki. HNNNNNNGH
I think you’d actually like the manga? It takes a pretty dark turn compared to the anime and deals with lots of mental issues (the whole theme of the later volumes is Madness). Also, lots of death XD Well, the artwork changes drastically, so which one are you talking about XD
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The girl in the coat (left first pic, middle 2nd) is the same person for reference. Death the Kid was one of my first anime crushes. The guy has OCD and is a total badass. 
MUHAHAHAHA I think someone uploaded the Lizzy fight to youtube so you can probably find it there, but I am in love. The animation is beautiful, so that’s also a huge plus. All in all, it was handled really well.
Death Note
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So last I’ve watched is ep 25, aka the one WHERE L DIES. And i am not okay. I am nowhere near okay. Nope. Not at all.
Oh i’ve heard all about the adaptation. Tbh I find the whitewashing hilarious. Setting the movie in America removes so much of the series’s logic, so why? L being the way he is is probably my favourite mistake. They took the best character and ruined him completely.  POTATO CHIP SCENE NOOOO But my question is: did everything go just according to the keikaku?
Have fun w SU! I’ve watched it for a while, but gave up at some point. I might pick it up again if I have the time ^^ Word of advice, watch out for the fandom, they’re among the most toxic ones I’ve ever encountered. One time, they almost drove an artist to suicide because she didn’t draw Rose ‘thick enough’. So yeah.
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What did I do to deserve you as my friend TT^TT Thank you so so much, those words mean more than you can imagine.
Um. Looks like we’ll be staying here, because I never, ever check my mail, despite getting school assignments there, so yeah. If we used mail, you’d probably get a response every leap year.
How does the education system work in Korea? Like, at what age do you start going to which school?
Also, I’ve told you about Mystic Messenger? I think you’d like the newest update, because damn, it’s creeping me out. Also, it’s in Korean, so + ((My thoughts during the prologue of the new route: Nani the fuck))
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NCT- A Strange Surprise || Gang AU- part 3
Group: NCT- all members
Theme: Gang AU
Type: series- fluff + angst
*Warning- this series will cover some dark themes such as abuse, drugs, and crude language so please read at your own discretion, if these themes make you uncomfortable at all, please do not read this 
Plot: You see Renjun all bruised up and he keeps denying who hurt him. After school, a family emergency pops up so you run to Renjun to stay with him. When he takes you to stay at a friend’s house, you have an unexpected guest.
Previous parts: 1, 2 
“Renjun, what happened to your face?” you ask as you run your fingers over his bruises softly. “Junnie, who did this? Is that Mark kid, I swear imma give a piece of my mind when I see him.”
“Haha, Y/N you’re cute when you worry about me but Imma ask for you not to worry just this once. I just uh... fell,” he lies with a cheeky grin.
“Oh and you really expect me to believe that? Why can’t you just tell me the truth Junnie? I understand that you couldn’t blurt everything about what happened to Jaemin but I’ve known you since we were 2, sure we haven’t really talked for like what, 3 years? But that shouldn’t change the bond and trust we shared for all those years. Look I don’t know what kinda friends you have now or the shit they do but guess what? I’m back and you can confine in me because shit I know you, I know when I have to worry about something. And your cute ass can bet that I’m gunna worry about you when you show up with a fuckin bruise on your face. So tell me what’s really going on here?” you say, holding his hands and looking at him, never wavering your eye contact.
His expression hardens, “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t do that and besides class is gunna start so...”
“Whatever, I will have you tell me one day because I can’t continue to be your friend if you’re not being honest with me so...”
“Today I’ll be assigning a group essay, you’ll be free to choose your topic from one of the given options however I’ll be choosing your groups. In the first group over here, we have Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Y/N, and Renjun. You guys can go ahead and move now. Ok the next group, we have-” your English teacher drones on.
You pack up your stuff hastily and move into the area your teacher directed you to go.
“Ugh I don't wanna work with him/her, he/she’s hella annoying Jeno. Why do you even like him/her so much?” you hear Haechan muttering to Jeno.
“Shut up, you complain too much, just go with it and besides you’re not the only one who’s gunna have trouble getting along with the group. We got grouped up with those two, if Y/N wasn’t here I don’t know what we would’ve done honestly.”
“Yea true, but what can we do now?”
“Um, hey guys. I think we should just go join the other two,” you say hesitantly as you sling your arm around Haechan, who had a very disapproving look on his face. As you three sit down, you can immediately feel the tension between your two separate friend groups. The intense stare-off were starting to get to you so you decide to be one to speak up. “Ahem so uh, does anyone have any preference on the essay topic or-”
“You can just choose whatever, it really doesn’t matter, they’re all boring,” Haechan speaks out boredly as he looks at his nails.
“Um actually I’m interested in the one about solar power, what do you think?” Jaemin squeaks softly.
“Yea, I actually like that one too,” Jeno agrees, nodding as he glances at Jaemin.
“Yea, that one is alright,” Renjun adds in.
“Ok cool, that went smoothly. Um let’s brainstorm now, I don’t know what we’re supposed to be doing after that,” you nervously ramble.
“Yo, what happened to yo guys’ face? Your boy/girlfriends don't like you or somethin?” Hae asks abruptly.
“Hae! Don’t say that!” you exclaim.
“He just asked a simple question Y/N, you don’t need to get upset,” Jeno states quickly.
“You don’t-” you start.
“Y/N,” Renjun says softly as he places a hand on your shoulder. “It’s ok, haha we love to play rough so that’s why we look like this.”
“But-” you go off again but Renjun silences you by giving you a sharp glare.
“Haha yup, Renjun has always been like this,” you lie with a smile as you lightly punch Renjun.
“Well then,” Haechan says simply.
As usual, you make your way to meet Renjun after school but this time you were alert and ready to see who would come calling his name today.
So far everything looked alright so you greet your close friend with a comforting hug before sitting down. “So I was thinking, it’s a Friday night and it’s been a long week so do you-” you get cut off by your phone going off. “Oh I gotta take this I’ll be right back,” you say as you walk away to answer your call.
As you find a quiet place to carry your conversation, Jeno suddenly finds Renjun sitting under the shade and he decides to go over to join him.
“Hey Renjun! I want you to drop Y/N.” Jeno boldly challenges as he swiftly walks towards to him. “We both know damn well that he/she can only be with one gang, yours or mine. So I want to you leave him/her because unlike you, I can introduce her to all my friends. Oh wait. I already did that, and we all agree that we want him/her to continue to be our friend so drop him/her.”
Renjun scoffs, “Are you really that dumb to think I’d give up my close friend that I’ve known since we were barely learning to talk just because I can’t introduce him/her to my gang? Wow, nice try buddy, it ain’t happening.”
“Why don't we just ask Y/N him/herself since he/she is coming back,” Jeno asks as he points to you. You come running towards Renjun and crash into his arms so you sob into his chest.
“Whoa what happened,” Renjun asks promptly as he rubs your back reassuringly.
“My.... arrested,” you sniffle.
“What did you say Y/N?” Jeno asks this time as he comes closer to turn you around to face him gently. You sob into your hands as you explain again, “My.. dad got...arrested.”
Both, Jeno and Renjun’s eyes go wide with shock and Jeno pulls you into a tight hug and smooths down your hair and you begin to cry harder. “Shh, we’ll figure something out Y/N. Do you know what happened?” Jeno asks.
You shake your head frantically and you pull yourself away from Jeno’s warm embrace to talk to Renjun. “Can I stay with you tonight? I can’t sleep at home all alone and you are the only one I know and trust.”
“Of course, my parents and I will take good care of you,” Renjun reassures.
You sniffle as you manage a weak smile, “Thank you Junnie.” You face Jeno to give a hug as you say, “Bye Jeno, I’ll see you Monday hopefully. I’m sorry you had to see me like this, I just met you and-”
“Hey don’t worry about it, this came up unexpectedly. Go, Renjun will treat you well. I’m sorry about what happened to your dad, hopefully you’ll be able to find out what happened to him. Bye Y/N.” Jeno consoles.
You smile frailly again as you wave lightly to Jeno as you and Renjun head home.
“Hey is it ok to stop by a friend’s house, you can rest there for however long you need and I know they won’t mind,” Renjun suggests.
You just nod feebly as you follow Renjun towards a small two-story house. Even from outside you could hear the utter chaos from within but it was nothing like the ‘good’ chaos you experienced yesterday. When Renjun opens the door and you step foot inside, everything suddenly goes deathly quiet as everyone’s eyes were on you, silently judging you.
A tall, lanky guy lurks in the corner with a can of Redbull in hand as he asks dauntingly, “So your daddy got arrested huh?”
You furrow your eyebrows as you look at Renjun then back at the giant, “How... how do you know?”
“It’s simple, no one comes here unless their mommy or daddy gets arrested and I know you only got your dad so you put two and two together. Anyways its finally-” Johnny goes on but you cut him off to talk to Renjun.
“Junnie, did... one of your parents.. get.. arrested?” You ask quietly, afraid to hear the answer.
“Oh he didn’t tell you? Both of his folks got locked up and it was pretty romantic the way they did it too huh ‘Junnie’? Anyways, like I was tryna to say before you cut me off, it’s nice to finally meet you. Oh wait, before I show you around, there’s one thing I want you to keep in your pretty little head, no one cuts me off. You only get this freebie but after that you’ll regret it. Ok now that’s done, I suppose you’re gunna be staying here now aren’t you?” the figure asks tauntingly.
“Uhh-” you begin as you hear and see a slim guy with purple-sliverish hair make his way to the living room, where you guys were.
“Johnny, why are you over here acting like a leader? If you wanted to be one so badly then you should done that when Yuta left!” The purple-silver guy spat.
Just then you hear a thunderous knock on the door. Another tall, lean guy with porcelain skin, dark black hair, and large doll-like eyes answers the door and his deep voice calls out with a  chuckle, “Doyoung, looks like your best friend is here.”
“Thank you Hansol hyung, but I can clearly see that. Well then, it's been a while Taeyong.” Doyoung smiles malevolently.
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Part 4
*wait can we just take a moment to adore and admire this wonderful human that is Ji Hansol like he could ch with his sharp ass dance moves oml have yall SEENNNN the way dances its like he doesn’t have any bones tff, ok thnx for letting me have a moment lol
*shit I'm so sorry this is soo short and soo late but I saw a good cliffhanger and I went with it haha (ny anon this one is a legit baby one bc at least u know whos at the door ya know)
*I promise part 4 is gunna be out tomorrow bc what even is that schedule I made literally just last week and it’ll be much longer and interesting, just think of this as a set up and make sure to bring popcorn and snacks for tomorrow *wink wink* and you’ll probably meet all the reaming members soon (if you ever get confused who’s in which group then you can check out Teaser 1 and the chart should be helpful I'm sry its so blurry :( )
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citycfangels · 7 years
text: raquel ⇄ charlie
Raquel: so I have good news and bad news so which do you want to hear first?
Charlie: i would tell you to tell me the bad ones first so the good ones sound even better, but i'll let you choose
Charlie: is everything okay?
Raquel: Oh, I'm okay. Everything is okay.
Raquel: and I probably should have just said I have news. And I sort of have to give you the good news to explain the bad news.
Raquel: So the good news is that I talked to my agent and he wants me to get more exposure and with a bunch of random events coming up they want me to go to them and schmooze up people and just get my face out there more.
Raquel: bad news: you might just have to put on a monkey suit and come with me to events.
Raquel: I mean if you want to go at all.
Charlie: oh, that sounds really good. it'll do you good, considering that, from what i know about that business, is that you need to get your face out there to succeed.
Charlie: i see a couple of problems with that: 1) i've never worn a suit so i know nothing about suits, 2) i don't own any and 3) i'm not swimming in money to buy one.
Raquel: yeah that's sort of what they said. They said that they feel like they can market me and that they can get more buzz around me if more people know what i look like and if I'm able to do more print and commercial ads which I'm okay with. Just looks like I might have to dip back into my "modeling" contacts and maybe even do more music video like things.
Raquel: 1. I've never worn a suit either so we're in the same boat there but there are people who know about them and I'm sure we won't have a problem trying to find one 2 and 3. Your girlfriend has money. Your girlfriend wants this because there is no one else she wants near her at these events so that's not something you have to worry about.
Charlie: that may be a good idea. the more face exposure and contacts you have, the better.
Charlie: you know how i feel about letting you pay for my things, but if that's what you want, i'll let you pay for the most expensive suit we find. i can't afford one right now so i'll let you buy me one.
Charlie: but i don't have to look like a fucking penguin, right?
Raquel: This could work for the both of us somehow. Maybe this can get you exposure too. Like later on once the bar is open.
Raquel: I know how you feel about it and I don't want to step on your toes but you should know that there shouldn't ever be a time where you need to worry about money. Besides suits are investments. No you don't have to look like a penguin.
Raquel: Besides I think a blue suit would look perfect on you.
Charlie: yeah, that'd be helpful.
Charlie: okay, it seems i haven't gotten used to it already. i will try to not worry about money ever.
Charlie: how are suits investments exactly?
Charlie: thank fucking you bc i don't want to look like a fucking penguin. i mean, i'd look hot with a suit but that's not my style at all.
Charlie: we'll see about it, i have to try them on when we go shopping. no tie or anything like that?
Raquel: and I promise that I'm never going to like shove money in your face and it's not like I'm suddenly becoming your sugar mama or something.
Raquel: Suits are an investment because they're a gentleman's armor. And yes I did take that from a movie but they're an investment because you can use them more than once AND they just make any guy look really sexy. They're sort of a necessity now.
Raquel: I'm only saying no tie because then I'll just keep thinking about how much better it would look around my wrists tying me to the headboard. or about how you can use it as a blindfold.
Raquel: and it would just distract me throughout the night. I'd just keep pulling you in for a kiss with it so really i'm just saving you the trouble.
Charlie: if you say so, then i'll take your word and i'll keep a couple of suits on my wardrobe, just in case i need them. plus, we both agree i'd be hot as fuck in a suit.
Charlie: i shouldn't be surprised that you're having such kinky thoughts because a simple tie would distract you all the time.
Charlie: i wouldn't mind you pulling me in with it and kissing me, but i guess we have to keep the pda to a minimum, right?
Raquel: I do say so and it'll just be good for you to have. There might be a lot more events later on once my career does pick up and there's no one else I want by my side. I think you look hot in everything and nothing so i'm pretty biased.
Raquel: what can i say? I've had someone corrupt me and it's not like I'm going back now.
Raquel: I can always use the ends of your jacket for that. I don't think we'll have to keep too much of it down. They haven't said anything about marketing and sex appeal and all the typical stuff so it's not like they want me to seem single.
Raquel: I don't think I could do that anyway. Denying that I'm with you would be denying my happiness and denying how important you are to me and I'm not going to do that.
Raquel: Ever.
Charlie: we'll, i'll keep a couple of them then, mostly because i'd look hot in them. you're not so bad yourself, with and without clothes
Charlie: mmm, i wonder who corrupted you. now i'm tempted to buy some and see what can we do with them
Charlie: babe, if you ever have to make it look like you're single for a while if that makes you look better in hollywood's eyes, you know i'd support you because i want you to succeed and make it.
Charlie: it wouldn't be the ideal and i wouldn't be happy about it either but
Charlie: let's hope we don't have to do that
Raquel: well with the whole clothes thing you should expect a lot more dresses. I know sometimes we just get dresses and suits on loan so that will hopefully keep our closet from exploding.
Raquel: I wonder who did. He must be a really cheeky and incredibly handsome person. Tempted to just buy ties so that you can use them on me? I might like that. A lot.
Raquel: No.
Raquel: I don't want to be the type of actress that is marketed like that. I am with you and I don't need to deny that not when I know how talented I am and how hard I have worked. I can have sex appeal and that attraction and still tell people that there is someone important in my life. I don't want you to become like one of those hollywood partners that gets bothered because of my job but you aren't just going to be someone they can erase. I won't let that happen.
Charlie: our closets. we don't share one, babe
Charlie: yes. i might do a research on what to do with ties in the bedroom department
Charlie: how the fuck did i get so lucky to be dating you?
Raquel: right. We don't.
Raquel: only if I get to tie you up too.
Raquel: I don't think you're that lucky. Maybe I just think you deserve more than you think you do.
Charlie: i don't see why not.
Charlie: sometimes i think i don't deserve you, or at least i didn't deserve you a while ago. still, i think i'm lucky
Raquel: you don't see why we don't share a closet now???? Because we both have our own places which is us respecting each other's spaces and knowing that sometimes we might want to be alone and because my stuff would totally cross over to your side so it's really all just for the sake of my clothes that we don't.
Raquel: Wait you meant don't see why I wouldn't be able to tie you up with a tie. Right.
Raquel: well that just means I get to ride you. Take control. That you can't even smack my ass or hold onto me like I know you love to. It means you just have to lie there and let me take care of you until you cum inside me.
Raquel: baby you deserve the world.
Charlie: ... you okay?
Charlie: damn, i love touching your ass while you ride me, but the idea of you on top of me while i do nothing... fuck. now we're getting ties for sure
Charlie: so do you, babe. but that's how i feel, sometimes i think of who i was in the past and i surely didn't deserve you then.
Charlie: that means i did something well
Raquel: so that's all it took? The thought of me riding you to be convinced? Maybe I should just find things to tie you with and have my way with you tonight.
Raquel: who you were in the past wasn't some awful person. You just weren't sure of what you wanted and that's fine. And even if you think you didn't deserve me then you still had me. You always did.
Raquel: you're not the only one who did something right. You are so much more than I could have dreamed of. Someone who loves me as much as you do makes me the luckiest person in the world.
Charlie: i was already convinced when i imagined your wrists tied together and me fucking you hard, but that is also a very convincing argument
Charlie: let's see what you have, i'm sure you'll find something
Charlie: i wasn't a bad person, but i was pretty much a fuckboy who got around a lot and i'm sure that you didn't want a fuckboy around you
Charlie: when did we become so cheesy?
Raquel: add a blindfold to that and I'm totally in.
Raquel: either I find something or looks like I'll have to run into some department store and get what I want.
Raquel: you did sleep around a lot and maybe I didn't like that and it's why I tried fighting off how much I liked you but we would have still been friends and I would have had you around then.
Raquel: you'll always been this cheesy so I don't know what you're talking about lol.
Charlie: i'm thinking of something we could do and i really want to do it
Charlie: you're a resourceful woman, but i hope you read something about bondage, what to use and what not
Charlie: i guess you're right.
Charlie: i'm pretty sure i wasn't cheesy before dating you and you were already cheesy back then
Raquel: well you can't just tell me you want to try something and then not tell me. Spill.
Raquel: don't worry. I won't try anything crazy and I definitely would never hurt you.
Raquel: i just think I'm glad that we didn't just stay friends.
Raquel: lies. i don't accept that.
Charlie: i'm thinking of getting you naked, blindfold you and then have my fun with an ice cube. i think you'll even thank me for it
Charlie: that's good to know, thank you for not hurting me while we do kinky shit in the future
Charlie: me too. things wouldn't be as great as they are for us now
Charlie: you're the lying one, i wasn't cheesy. i had a way with words to flirt with girls but i wasn't cheesy
Raquel: don't I always thank you? Or at least reciporicate.
Raquel: well I doubt we need to go as far as you know making a safe word or something but I think I know when I'm pleasing my man.
Raquel: so you'd go through it all over again? The ups and the downs? Everything?
Raquel: you can be a flirt and still be cheesy, but maybe you're right we have gotten overly affectionate. Maybe we're just in our "honeymoon" phase.
Charlie: you do in the best way possible and i fucking love it
Charlie: yeah, it's not like we're doing hardcore BDSM and i'd tell you if it was too much anyways, but yeah.
Charlie: well, we've been through too much and there's a long way ahead of us, but yeah, i would.
Charlie: see? i told you i wasn't cheesy before you. you made me a bit cheesy
Raquel: now I'm curious to know which it "the best way possible"
Raquel: yeah we just have a really healthy and active sex life. We're just like light bdsm. I just trust you enough to tie me up and fuck me until you cum inside me.
Raquel: long way ahead of us? Are you planning hurdles for us?
Raquel: you're the nacho chip underneath the really cheesy nacho. You got second hand cheese.
Charlie: with more sex, of course
Charlie: a very active sex life, i may add.
Charlie: no, i meant that if we're dating, something has to happen, right? especially if this is meant to be a long-term relationship
Charlie: okay, we went from being cheesy to talk about nachos in a minute, wtf
Raquel: of course how could I have thought it could be anything else.
Raquel: well we're both young and consenting and incredibly hot. I don't think anyone would be surprised to know just how healthy our sex life is.
Raquel: I guess, but I think things are pretty great right now and that maybe we shouldn't rock the boat for a bit with any progression. This is meant to be long term. There's no giving up on this.
Raquel: I like to keep you on your toes baby, and we said I was the nacho cheesy one before so really this should come to no surprise.
Charlie: neighbors are more than aware of that. they probably hate how loud we are but i don't care
Charlie: yeah, we're in a good place and hopefully things will stay like that for a while.
Charlie: i'm not surprised and i'm hungry now. i want nachos
Raquel: well good because it's not like I'm your neighbor's biggest fan either.
Raquel: I just have to keep telling myself to.not screw it up
Raquel: do you want me to pick some up on my way home?
Charlie: i know, and as the person who lives at the other side of the wall, she fucking knows how loud we are
Charlie: hopefully none of us will. i don't want to screw it up either
Charlie: Mexican?
Raquel: I don't even want to talk about her. It's like saying beetlejuice. If I mention her again chances are I'll run into her later today.
Raquel: can we just promise that we won't walk on eggshells around each other? Besides, your track record in this relationship isn't as bad as mine so odds aren't in my favor.
Raquel: well I definitely don't just want chips with cheese and I went to the gym so I am just going to have some of yours.
Charlie: okay, let's not talk about her. but i doubt you run into her because you mentioned her, babe
Charlie: maybe, but that doesn't mean i could still screw it, who knows? but yeah, i can promise that
Charlie: and will i have to watch you not eat properly and get all the energy for possible fun afterwards? not in my house.
Raquel: well it's either because I mention her or because life is teaching me patience and tolerance the hard way.
Raquel: There aren't too many things that can really make you mess up so bad for me not to forgive you.
Raquel: I will have energy. You can't just make up rules now.
Charlie: well, if it happens remember i'm dating you and try to not punch her
Charlie: yeah, but still. let's hope i don't do any of them
Charlie: my house, my rules. no kale for dinner. please?
Raquel: violence doesnt solve anything. I don't even think I know how to punch someone.
Raquel: I'd like to think you have self-control and know that any of the things I'm thinking of would hurt me and us more than anything.
Raquel: I need to see a copy of these rules before I agree to the terms and conditions. NOT ALL OF MY SALADS ARE KALE.
Charlie: i didn't peg you as someone who could punch someone anyways.
Charlie: i have. i like to think i can control myself
Charlie: do you want me to write them so you can see and then sign them?
Charlie: okay, bring your salad but you're eating mex with me.
Raquel: You make me sound like a chihuahua that's all bark and no bite and even then my bark must not be that scary
Raquel: yep I want to see them and I won't just click a box like I do on every other terms and conditions thing.
Raquel: just a few chips but not a bunch. I'm not losing all the work I put in at the gym.
Charlie: you're prettier than a chihuahua, babe
Charlie: we can redact them together later and make copies.
Charlie: that's enough for me. i just really want you to eat something that isn't green for once and look happy while eating it
Raquel: well I hope I am. Otherwise I really wouldn't know what you're doing with me.
Raquel: shouldn't you be doing that on your own? It is your apartment.
Raquel: I never said I don't like my salads. But I think you worrying about my eating habits is cute.
Charlie: i would be with you if you were like a chihuahua, but it doesn't hurt that you're prettier and hotter than one
Charlie: we can always make a contract on foods whenever we're at the other's place... sort of.
Charlie: i don't want you to think you need to control what you eat around me. i don't think it'll do you harm either if it's not in excess.
Raquel: chihuahuas are annoying on top of not being cute. Whatever Paris hilton sees in them I don't. Also that was a little cheesy. you pretty much just admitted that you'd be with me no matter what I looked like.
Raquel: sort of?
Raquel: Babe, I don't think that. I just have liked how my body has changed and I never thought that I need to control my eating habits around you or anyone. Is that what you think Nathan did???
Charlie: that was what i was trying to say. you're welcome
Charlie: a sort of contract, i mean
Charlie: i wasn't thinking about your ex at all until now
Raquel: well that doesn't go the same for you. I am vain like that.
Raquel: I'm kidding. I don't think there's any way I could not be with you.
Raquel: okay we can do that.
Raquel: okay.
Charlie: awww, that's cheesy too.
Charlie: let's say you can't bring here anything that includes kale and then i can't eat something at your place, for example.
Charlie: okay what? he wasn't doing that, right?
Raquel: still don't regret it.
Raquel: so you'r just going to outright ban my kale? What if I just get a smoothie and it happens to have kale in it?
Raquel: No. Do you think I would be with someone like that? Nathan was a good guy.
Charlie: i know you don't
Charlie: in that case you can, since it's in a drink
Charlie: no, i don't think so. if someone made you do that they're idiots
Raquel: okay so what are my kale's requirements? It seems like you have a deep rooted vendetta against it.
Raquel: I wouldn't just do something just because the person I was dating asked me to.
Charlie: not a vendetta, but i don't really like it. we'll talk about it while redacting this
Charlie: good, because i would punch that person if they made you do that. i don't really want you to do or stop doing something just because someone tells you to do it
Raquel: still sounds like a vendetta. What did my kale ever do to you?
Raquel: you'd punch that person? And that wouldn't solve much. Punching someone is never the answer.
Charlie: i don't know, but i don't like it.
Charlie: i mean, i could but i wouldn't really do it, i would... just think about punching them.
Raquel: okay I won't have you eat anything you don't want to but I just think it's funny how you're against the one thing I eat a lot of now.
Raquel: my big strong man. I think it's cute when you get a bit protective.
Charlie: now i feel bad for banning kale at my place
Charlie: well, i know my girl can take care of herself, but i can't help it, babe
Raquel: well don't feel too bad. I won't miss it that much.
Raquel: as sexy as it is that you want to protect me, you're right that I can protect myself even if I don't know how to throw a punch. Besides I would never want to put you in a situation where you could ever get hurt.
Charlie: right now, i'm trying to imagine how would it be if you knew how to throw a punch
Charlie: awwww, babe.
Charlie: what if we took boxing lessons together? just to teach you how to throw a punch
Raquel: Boxing lessons????
Raquel: I don't know. I just wouldn't know why I would need to throw a punch.
Raquel: but are you sure you can keep up with me in the gym in general? And don't give me the whole I work out too thing because I think i still work out more than you do.
Charlie: i don't know, i think it's always good to know how to throw one, just in case
Charlie: babe, please. of course i can keep up with you, and i think i work out as much as you do, only that i don't do it at a gym.
Raquel: just in case Im attacked or something??? I'm always in well lit areas, I hardly travel alone at night, I have a boyfriend with the muscles of a greek statue, and I like to think I don't need to prepare for something I doubt is going to happen to me.
Raquel: that's a whole lot of talk, I want to see action.
Charlie: okay okay. i wouldn't go to the greek statue level, but i'm flattered you think that
Charlie: is that a yes to boxing lessons or are you just challenging me?
Raquel: I said what I said. I'm not taking it back.
Raquel: oh I am totally challenging you and maybe to boxing lessons.
Charlie: oh no, don't take it back. i like your confidence and i liked what you said about me, so don't do it
Charlie: bring it on, babe. let's see who can keep up with who.
Raquel: well good because I wasn't going to
Raquel: challenge accepted. Let's see if I can test your endurance even more than I already do.
Charlie: i have stamina, so it'll be easy. i can last, and i'm not only talking about sex
Raquel: Of course you aren't. I don't doubt you in the bedroom but in the gym is where I'm going to have you beat.
Charlie: oh really? do you want to make things more interesting?
Raquel: yes really. Let's make things interesting then. What are you willing to wager?
Charlie: except money and my apartment, i'm willing to bet anything, included anything sex related
Raquel: I don't want your money or your apartment. I have my own thank you. Okay if I win you have to take me out on the cheesiest and slightly romantic date that could end in sex if you're lucky. And if you win which is highly unlikely you can get whatever you want.
Charlie: the cheesiest date ever. fuck, that's tough for me.
Charlie: whatever i want? does that include trying out a new sex position?
Charlie: i'll do my best to not lose the bet then
Raquel: you can always try a new position. You're not making for a very interesting wager. You're so going to lose.
Charlie: i could always come up with something more interesting, like
Charlie: eat a whole pizza with me or something. i'll probably come up with something better once you lose.
Charlie: just because i love you and i don't want to be that mean
Raquel: OKAY.
Raquel: I love you too.
Charlie: okay, bring your cute ass over here and bring mexican for dinner.
Charlie: i love you
Raquel: so demanding. I'll be right there. 😘😘😘😘
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