riverdalefiction · 8 years
Glassy Eyed Light of Day
Summary: Jughead is working on his novel in the Blue and Gold office and Veronica comes to him looking for a distraction. With the bribe of a shake and burger, Jughead agrees to tell her a story.
Rating: T
Genre: General, Canon Divergence, Fluff
Pairing: Jughead x Veronica
Timeline: Post Chapter Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!, 1x06
Word count: 2,504
“Tell me a story, Jughead Jones.”
Veronica stood at the doorway of the Blue and Gold offices at the end of a very, very long day. Her mind was in a dire need of distraction and all her friends were busy with their own little demeanours - all but the boy whose hair matched hers.
Her tiny frame leaned against the door, more casually than she felt. There was a tired smile on her lips, more as an attempt to make the situation and her words seem humorous, which they really weren’t.
Jughead’s fingers stopped typing at once. His eyes shot up to hers dazzled with curiosity, not knowing what could make the infamous newcomer visit him, let alone ask him to tell her a story.
His eyebrows raised before he asked, “A story?”
“A story.”
Shifting her weight to both feet and parting from the doorway with a sigh, Veronica entered the office. It was her first time coming here; she’d been so indulged into her own actions and worries that Betty and Jughead’s newspaper completely slipped her mind.
Now, she was looking for exactly the opposite.
Her heels clicked against the linoleum and as much as it always made for an entrance, it didn’t seem to faze him even a bit. His gaze remained on her as she walked over, shoulders relaxed and hung little lower than usual, but the smile resisting to obey her mood.
From the way his brow lowered and his eyes lost the curious note, she knew he’d picked up on it. His fingers went back to typing and his gaze lingered for less than a moment.
Veronica sat on the chair next to him with a little less grace than she fashioned, but he didn’t show he noticed. She knew he did; Jughead noticed everything.
“I’m busy,” he mused.
“Can’t spare a minute or two for another troubled soul?”
Her smile grew a little and she noticed the corners of his lips tug upwards just a little. His fingers lost the speed for a second, followed by a shake of head.
“C’mon, Jughead,” Veronica said, now wishing she’d closed the door. “I need some distraction.”
“Five dollars and you’ll be given an appointment sometime this week.”
“Milkshake and burger and I get one now?”
When he turned to her with a glimmer in his eyes that made up for a smile, weight was lifted off of Veronica’s chest - it came out as a sigh of relief, one she couldn’t contain.
She wished she could say she tried to talk to someone else about it. Really, her and the writer weren’t even friends in the right form of the word - more like friends-by-circumstances. But she couldn’t bother Betty with her family feud, not with Betty having one of her own. Archie was out of the question and Kevin just…
Well, there was no good explanation as to why she chose Jughead instead of Kevin.
But right now, Veronica didn’t want to talk. She wanted to listen.
“So, can you tell me a story?”
Jughead gave her a look, long and intense. His brows furrowed and she felt like he was weighing whether to ask for an explanation or not, because they both knew something was wrong. 
They studied one another, for a short time. Veronica noticed how the few strands of hair sticking out of the grey crown beanie reflected almost blue on this light, messily wavy. His face had gotten a little slimmer since she’d arrived to town, but he still sported a not-amused look of his eyes and the bags underneath them.
She wondered if this was their moment; both of them studying the other, memorizing their face and trying to connect the dots. 
At last, Jughead sighed.
“I can’t tell you a story.”
“Why not?”
“That’s just not how this works.”
He turned back to his laptop with no further discussion, fingers typing away. She watched him for several seconds. Her eyes, involuntarily, flicked over his shoulder to read off the screen – he was working on something with long, complicated words and something that felt oddly familiar.
No; she was trying to run away from the familiar.
“Jughead,” she called softly. “How does it work, then?”
He didn’t react immediately. One index finger was in the air just in front of her nose, before being placed back on the keyboard. The typing speed increased and the boy leaned forward with eyebrows furrowed and eyes glued to the screen. 
The sight was so Jughead-like that she couldn’t suppress a chuckle.
With an enthusiastic ‘HA!’ he slammed the laptop shut and leaned back in the chair, staring at her in amusement. 
“What were you working on?”
“Doesn’t matter. Have you ever written a story?”
“No?” Veronica’s nose crunched upwards as she thought about it. “No, I don’t think I have.”
“All right. Well, first of all, stories aren’t created just like that. You can’t start blank – you need a base, a skeleton to be able to even come up with something. Say, you can’t just waltz in here, requesting a story.”
“No? Why is that?”
“Because I have no inspiration whatsoever.” It sounded harsh; but it wasn’t, because for the first time in a while, she saw Jughead smile. He was having fun, with arms crossed on his chest and his body resting against the chair, half lying. 
“Can’t you get it?”
There was it, the infamous eye roll, paired with a mocking snort. “It doesn’t work like that, Ronnie. You either have it or don’t - it’s not your muse. It’s what your muse is supposed to make you feel, then you use it to craft a story worth telling.”
“Okay. I can be your muse.”
“No, Jughead. I said I’m taking you out for dinner, as a thank you for spending time with me.”
“You literally bought my time.”
“Shut up. We’re going to Pop’s now.”
Ask Veronica Lodge why she took Jughead to Pop’s and she wouldn’t be able to tell you. The boy wasn’t her type, neither romantically nor platonically – he was of the brooding, melancholic kind or people she’s always strayed from. 
Except now, she found herself at the diner with the boy, ready to pour her soul out because there was no one else. Quite literally - the due were the only people at the diner.
As she’d promised, she got him a milkshake and burger with fries. It didn’t come with a story, though, as the boy seemed to have lost his inspiration.
“What were you writing, then?” she asked upon swallowing a fry. “Back at school?”
Jughead waited until he’d eaten all of his massive burger bite, following it with a long sip from the cherry milkshake. “Novel.”
“Jason Blossom.”
Veronica only nodded. She’d seen the murder border he—and presumably Betty—have put up in their office, and she was very much aware of the two’s ongoing investigation of the murder. Besides, everyone knew Jughead was working on something ambitious and there was a little part of her that would be disappointed if he’d answered differently.
Because this was Jughead.
“So”—Jughead slurped from the straw—“what’s the New Yorker’s secret agenda with the mysterious writer?”
“To woo him into telling her his deepest, darkest secrets with a mischievous smile.”
Jughead pointed to the burger. “Well, I’d dare say the New Yorker’s plan is going along pretty well.”
“I’d dare say the mysterious writer is the only one who can help the New Yorker with a certain problem of hers.”
She held her head low, avoiding looking at him. There could be pity on his face, or nothing at all and she didn’t know which would be worse. No one ever pitied her before with her permission; they’d made her a snake, a spoiled rich white girl, pitying her for losing a good amount of her fortune but never because of her actual problems.
The words have been said. Now, it was all in or nothing.
Veronica hadn’t bought him that milkshake, burger and French fries to quit before she even began.
“I’m all ears,” she heard him say. “If someone needs their head cut off, I know a guy.”
“That’d be too many heads, dear Jughead.”
“Ah. Too bad.”
When she looked up, he was amused. Not the usual kind of amused with a smirk—like Archie—but a small, genuine smile flattering his lips with concern partly hidden beneath that facade. Just like hers.
So, she told him. She started from the beginning, when her father got arrested and coming to Riverdale through having to change the way she acted to fit in, to finding her mother and Archie’s dad making out in his trailer and Archie kicking her out of their duo without a second thought.
She thought it’d be a short story, maybe five minutes’ worth of time. But they’d gone through three milkshakes each, two burgers for Jughead and seven portions of French fries—Pop’s treat, as Veronica was at the edge of crying—and the night had already fallen.
He listened to her, not saying a word when he didn’t need to. When she’d get really bad he’d chime in with a sarcastic comment, and by the time she was nearing the end of the story, he’d even took a hold of her hand.
It was the first time she told someone everything, without keeping her usual charming and sassy cool.
His thumb brushed over her palm and she looked at him. For the longest time, he said nothing at all yet he didn’t have to; she found comfort in the sincere blue of his eyes. The way they sat, leaning towards each other and his warm hands taking in the cold of hers spoke more than words ever could.
Veronica had been wrong, at the Blue and Gold office before – this was their moment.
“I have inspiration now,” Jughead said quietly. “Do you want to hear the story?”
There was no smile on either of the faces, but she could tell things have softened between them. Honesty; a powerful bond.
Jughead leaned ever closer to her, now as close as the table between them would allow. The glimmer on his face was different now, enchanted and thrilled with whatever he was about to tell – and the intensity of his eyes on hers sent electric shivers down her spine, for the first time in forever.
“It doesn’t start once upon a time, I apologize.”
“Don’t,” she said with a smile, “it’s even better.”
“Okay.” He fell quiet. “It starts now, at Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe in the booth farthest from the entrance, with two dark haired people. One of them is the author of this story, and the other is the beautiful girl it is about. Much like other stories, it starts on a moody, dark night...”
Veronica closed her eyes. The only thing she was aware of was Jughead’s deep voice against the rain and her hands in his; and just like that, everything disappeared but the story about a girl Jughead saw her as.
‘You don’t have to walk me home,’ she’d told him. ‘I can call a cab and besides, it’s raining.’
But, as it turned out, once Jughead Jones set his mind to something, there was no way of changing whatever it was. In this case it was keeping Veronica until he’s made sure she was safe and sound at home, despite needing to squeeze with her under a one-person umbrella so they wouldn’t both get soaked.
She should’ve minded having half her body pressed against his – this was Jughead. But she didn’t, because this was Jughead.
Suddenly, she didn’t know what was going on anymore.
“Thank you for the story.”
He shrugged. “Found my muse.”
She playfully punched his shoulder, though the unexpected action from both sides caused him to lose his balance and end up on the outer side of the umbrella. Instead of getting under it, he crossed his arms on his chest and glared at her, without a word.
“Jughead, what are you doing?” When he didn’t answer, she grabbed the neck of his jacket and pulled him back under the umbrella.
They were awfully close – only inches parting them.
Veronica’s eyes fell to his lips, before rising to his eyes again. “I’m more than just a muse, you know.”
“That certainly you are.”
Split of a moment – that’s how long his gaze lingered on her lips, but that was all she needed. Stepping on her toes, Veronica placed a soft kiss on his lips.
“I’m looking forward to hearing more stories I’ll inspire,” she whispered, leaving him dazed and confused.
She thought he’d be awkward about this – hell, she hadn’t thought of him this way until it just happened. But when he smiled at her—really, genuinely smiled with the most sincere of emotions—she knew she’d had it bad for a very long time.
His hands found their way to her hips and he pulled her even closer. “If you’re going to bribe me with shakes, burgers and fries, I can’t say no. And if you combine this with that, I’m yours whenever you want.”
“Deal.” Another peck on the lips. “Good night, Jughead.”
As she began to walk away, his fingers lingered on her wrist and he shot her a warm smile when she looked back. Her cheeks heated at the adoration on his face and she was certain hers mirrored his, even as she entered the hotel and couldn’t see him anymore.
In her, Jughead saw something no one else—not even herself—did. She’d like to say it was only about the story he’d told her, where she created a character based on her but ten times more beautiful and stronger and braver, but it wasn’t. While it was a beautiful moment, it’s not the one that was the game changer.
It was the way he studied her face in the Blue and Gold office, as if figuring her out; it was the way he listened to her talk about herself for hours, without complaining; it was the way he held her hands, not doing anything else, knowing it was exactly what she needed; it was the way he looked at her before he began telling her the story.
It was Jughead Jones. And for the night, it was enough to make her feel like her worries aren’t as big as they seem.
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veronicassadboi · 4 years
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i wasn’t supposed to leave (i belong here)
a Jeronica Sons of Anarchy AU
chapter 7
Baxter was the town south of Riverdale. Jughead didn’t want to travel so far from home when Nathanial was so close to being released. Knowing that Veronica was with his son gave him comfort, probably more so than himself being there and he knows, deep down, that if he had let his stepfather make the trip to Baxter to talk to the SW crew, Edgar would have walked out of there having probably started a war.
The ride was peaceful. The cool air whipped his face as he rode out of town, heading towards Baxter. The Stonewall Cartel was one of the Serpents’ more professional dealings. Bret Weston-Wallis kept things neat and tidy, rarely getting his hands dirty. The SW crew have money and that’s what they were heading out to get.
Jughead pulls up first to the Stonewall Cartel headquarters with his brothers closely behind him. Souphead pulls up first then Archie. Lighting a cigarette, both Souphead and Archie hop off their bikes, pulling off their helmets. “Man, I wish we had a clubhouse like this!” Souphead says, examining the building.
He just laughs, shaking his head, he replies; “That’s why we’re here. Hopefully they’ll be in for the gun trade and we can get loaded…”
Archie rolls his eyes. “As if everyone’s going to put their cut of the cash in for revamping the clubhouse…”
“We deserve a five star establishment, sir,” Souphead laughs, ripping Jughead’s cigarette from his fingers and taking a drag himself. “Spa pools and shit.”
Jughead snatches his cigarette back, glaring at Souphead. “When we go in there, don’t say anything stupid, okay?” he hisses.
Souphead pretends to zip his lips, throwing away the key. “I’ll be on my best behaviour, mommy.”
Jughead turns to head into the building, feeling Archie’s hand on his shoulder. “Keep your cool, bro,” he warns. “I know you and Bret don’t see eye to eye.”
Understatement of the year, Jughead thinks. But he nods. “I’ll be right with you beside me, brother.”
Walking into the darkened building, he can feel the eyes of the cartel all over him. He’s met with Donna Sweett who walks towards them, her smile menacing and trouble. “Oh,” she says, looking surprised. “The Prince himself came out to play…”
Read the rest here on AO3!
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killedbykellers · 5 years
Reasons Why I Don’t Like Barchie
Let me start off by saying that I don't really have a ship for any of the teens really. There are some that I like more than others and there are a couple that are 100% my NOTPs (Barchie being one of them), but I'm not a Bughead stan, a Varchie stan, a Beronica stan, a Choni stan, etc. I mainly focus on the plot and the parents. Ships aren't my main focus most of the time. But I haven't been able to watch this season since Barchie got so much bigger and I'll tell you why.
When I started to watch Riverdale, I was 100% in Betty's shoes. I had a big crush on my best friend and I thought that eventually we'd end up together and when I thought he liked me back, I got rejected just like Betty and was expected to continue to move on as best friends as if nothing happened. But just like Betty, it was too hard and too painful. That happened to me irl only about a few weeks before I watched it happen on Riverdale and I went through that heartbreak all over again. I've seen shippers praising the exact scene where Archie broke Betty's heart after the dance. I don't understand why you could praise a scene where he HURT her. It would be the same vice versa....if she had broken his heart. Either way, it's not romantic at all. She went into her room and probably cried that night. Something I know well about feeling unwanted.
I know several people blame Grundy for that, but that doesn't make any sense. Here's why. Archie never looked at Betty the way he looked at Veronica THE SECOND, she showed up in Pop's her first night in Riverdale. Right there is a clear sign that he wasn't interested in Betty. He proposed to her when they were younger, yes. But they grew up, still really close to each other, and he never asked her out. Meaning he either didn't see her the way he saw Veronica that first day, or he really did just want to stay friends with Betty. Back to Grundy. People say that Archie felt drawn to Grundy so he rejected Betty. But if it were because of Grundy, why, only two episodes after Grundy leaves, did Archie go straight for VALERIE and NOT Betty? Grundy left in Season 1, Episode 4. Which means Archie could have gotten with Betty (if she really was his first choice) in Season 1, Episode 5. I know, I know. It was too soon, right? Hm? Then why did Archie get with Valerie in Season 1, Episode 6? That's not even that much longer after Grundy left. So when people say that Archie has loved Betty this whole time, it doesn't feel true to me, because if she really was his first choice, he would've gone right to her once Grundy was gone, but nope. He chose Valerie first. Also...he kissed Veronica in Episode 1, which shows that Grundy was definitely not stopping him from kissing other girls. They both KNEW Betty liked him yet they kissed anyway even though they WERE just gonna stand in the closet and not do anything till time was up, but they kissed anyway because they were attracted to each other. If Archie was attracted to Betty from the get-go, he wouldn't have held back from kissing her the moment he knew she liked him. He liked Veronica that way, not Betty. So I'm debunking the Grundy theory.
Another thing that bothers me is when people call Jughead "Betty's rebound" off of Archie. Hm...if that was true, I doubt she would've stayed with her "rebound" as long as 4 years. Especially since Betty and Archie have both been single at the same time yet she still chose Jughead over him. She fell for Jug after he finally gave her back the stuff she's been waiting for from Archie. So Jughead was and is not a rebound. If anything, Veronica was ARCHIE's rebound. But not from Betty. FROM VALERIE. He got drunk af at Jughead's birthday party because it was right after Val left him for being a terrible boyfriend (which he clearly is) and after Val threw her drink in his face, he got more drunk and then Veronica kissed him and he was like "Oh, sure. I'll sleep with you since you kissed me and I'm upset and Val left me."
Back to Archie being a terrible boyfriend (aside from when he was with Josie). With Val...he ignored her and only gave her attention when he was gaining something with his music. Then Cheryl's family gave him an opportunity to go to a good music school, so boom, he ignored Val's wish not to be Cheryl's date to her family Maple Gathering. Dumb move. No wonder Val told him she was done. Then...with Veronica, he kissed Betty. But then Betty was not interested (Hmmm, because she loves her “”rebound”” Jughead so much). And then Veronica told Archie to stay away from Hiram and what did Archie do? Completely ignored her and got stuck in some big mob mess and illegal shit. Then he broke up with her over the phone when she was trying to support him. So she got with Reggie who treated her so well (yes, they had problems too) but he was so whipped for her, let's be real. He did everything she wanted and he would've done anything for her. Then they had their issues and broke up but they were about to get back together, LITERALLY, just as Archie showed up and was all "I love you. Come back to me" and Veronica was obviously still not over him, so poor Reggie had no chance and then Veronica got back with Archie who she should not have gotten back with. She was amazing to him (all of his friends were) when his father passed away. But VERONICA talked him out of saying that his father would be ashamed of him and she made him see otherwise and told him that Fred would be proud of him. That's a GOOD girlfriend. Meanwhile, Archie still has eyes for other girls (Betty now apparently). But anyway. I'm just saying that Betty AND Veronica both deserve a better guy than Archie Andrews.
I just don't see why any girl on this show would be shipped with him. Remember when Veronica decided to kiss Jughead to even the playing field after they told Jug about Barchie kissing? Archie looked pissed. Like wtf? You kissed Betty when you were STILL WITH VERONICA. At least Betty and Jughead were over at the time. I don't believe Archie had a right to look so mad about Jeronica's little fun/platonic kiss when what he did was behind Veronica's back and while they were still together. Her and Jug "getting even" was right there in front of the other two and playful. Nothing to be angry or possessive about Archie. Jeez.
The only time he was an outstanding boyfriend was with Josie and that was the only time I was actually EXCITED to watch Archie scenes. They were great together and they both EQUALLY supported each other and helped each other through things. Not to say that Archie doesn't have good qualities, because he does. He's been trying to clean up Riverdale and he helped Veronica figure out how to get Hiram to fight through his sickness. But I just really can't see him with Betty after everything they've been through without each other. They barely talk anyway till now when they're FAKING being together.
Bonus: There are people who talk about how Archie and Betty doing investigations together are better than Betty and Jughead. But the only time Betty and Archie did an investigation together was to figure out who the Black Hood was and they ended up unmasking the wrong person. Their janitor, who was actually innocent. So clearly, Betty and Jughead are a better team. Not to mention, Archie can really be one of the biggest dumbasses in Riverdale.
THE COMICS: Yes. I know they are canon in the comics. But we well know that the comics and the show are VERY different (Did you know that Penny Peabody and Fangs Fogarty are supposed to be endgame like they are in the comics??? But Riverdale made Penny a 30 year old and Fangs a 16 year old, so that became a "NO" right away. Hence...the difference between the show and the comics). Also....there are comics where Betty kisses Archie behind Veronica's back when Varchie were together and she kissed him without his consent in the dark when he thought he was kissing Veronica (A BIG "NO"). So the comics aren't really a good template to follow. Especially since nowadays, I really don't see chemistry between Lili and KJ. Their fake kiss in the music room (I've seen it on Twitter, because I still haven't seen 4x16) was so awkward and weird to watch. It was so bad. Idk. I can't get behind it.
THE FORBIDDEN LOVE: I don’t understand why people call them forbidden, when they’re both Northsiders who grew up next door to each other and they were never forbidden from being friends. They’re not a forbidden love. Bughead was at first because he was from the Southside and Alice didn’t want Betty to be around Jug or Serpents. But Barchie is definitely not forbidden love. If it is now, then it’s because they would both be cheating and that is disgusting.
Anyway, I haven't been able to watch the season since 4x15, because all of this fake Barchie nonsense legit makes me ACTUALLY sick to my stomach. Cheating really is not okay at all and them pretending that Archie cheated on Veronica and that Betty would get another boyfriend SO FAST after she was framed for MURDERING HER OWN really does not sit well with me or my stomach. The writers are NOT doing this right. If they wanted Barchie to be together....the best way to have done that would have been through them ACTUALLY breaking up with their s/o and then becoming close friends again AND THEN moving around to that romance. But this fake dating and fake cheating stuff is disgusting and I don't think I'm gonna continue season 4 if they become canon that way. Just no.
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Elective Affinities (Jeronica fic)
You got me, guys. I started writing a fanfiction about my precious ones. While I wait for AO3 to approve my request, I’ll give you a sneak peek of the first part. Remember that English is not my native language, so yeah..probably it’s not perfect. You’ll find it under the cut and we’ll get back to it on AO3. Feedbacks are welcome <3  Why you mad, Ronnie? ;)
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A lot can change in five years and even though people tend to think that some feelings cannot be shaken off, they can. Love can wither and betrayal can fade. While days settled in the depth of the mind like little stones thrown into a lake, Jughead started to let go of that regret that defined his prose for so long. The wound that Betty opened on his chest when she dumped him right before graduation, slowly became a pale scar almost indistinguishable from his pale skin. « Do you think I’m being weak? »  he asked, hesitant, glancing at Veronica from the other side of the table. Since Betty and Archie cheated on them, their friendship grew much stronger. They found confort in each other. It was easy: they shared fragments of the same story. A whole summer was spent on trying to put the pieces of that cruel puzzle together, on understanding what happened and recovering. But summer ended soon and before they knew, they were packing for college. Leaving Riverdale behind was the best medicine for their heartache; the only thing they kept from that hellish place was their friendship: through skype calls, infrequent meetings and texts, they were able to keep the thread that connected them. It was like time had never passed, when they met again in Riverdale. « For forgiving Betty? » she raised one eyebrow, meeting the cup of coffee with her red lacquered lips. Jughead came back some months before her and this was the first time they had the chance to actually meet in person after a whole year. For sure, she didn’t expect to hear that he had started dating Betty again in the meantime. That’s why you were too busy to tap your fingers on your damn phone to answer my texts – she thought, hiding the obvious disappointment on her lips behind the mug. Jughead was obviously looking for a support that she wasn’t too keen on giving. Still, she was his friend. Veronica shrugged, putting the cup down. « I don’t think you’re weak for forgiving her. We were kids and kids tend to do stupid shit all the time. » The words left her lips without pronouncing that but that clearly longed in her silence. Of course, observant as he was, Jughead didn’t miss that, raising his eyebrows in a mute question. « What? Do you want my blessing? » she sighed, rolling her eyes « I’m not gonna tell you what to do, Jug. If you have any doubt in your mind, you should take responsibility for that – not hiding yourself behind my opinion. » Veronica’s tone was altered, like she felt somehow offended by the way Jughead was sitting her down to talk about her ex best friend – the same girl who didn’t falter when it came down to stealing her boyfriend. Like he was hit by a whip, Jughead’s expression immediately changed. His shoulder backed against the backrest of the booth while his eyes opened widely in surprise and dismay. « Whoa! Calm your horses, Ronnie. We are just sleeping together – that’s all it is. » « For now. » she answered back immediately, with a tone as bitter as her smile. « I know you, Jones. You cannot keep this up for long. You’ll be back at her bidding in no time. » Silence fell between them as a smug smile drew its line on Jughead’s lips. « So you are telling me that you do not approve. » A simple conclusion, obvious enough to make Veronica pout and look away. She didn’t want to have anything to do with Betty or Archie, and that included staying away from putting her finger in whatever situation involved them. The fact that Jughead was trying so hard to push her towards breaking her own law was making her mad. She crossed her arms, as if she could protect herself from that situation.  « Don’t play Humphrey Bogart with me. » « Ooh, come on, don’t get all fired up about it. » he said, trying to reach for her arm when she suddently refused. She quickly got up and picked her coat, leaving a few dollars on the table. « You know what? Fuck whoever you want, Jughead. Just don’t come back with your puppy eyes to cry on my shoulder when it all blows up. » she said, with venom in her tone, leaving the boy alone in the booth. He was flabbergasted, and even a bit mad. He couldn’t pinpoint the reason why Veronica was acting so furiously about the situation with Betty. « So fucking exaggerated. » he murmured, glancing at the old Pop’s when he came to collect the empty mugs and the money they both left.
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Another collab w/ my love, @veronicassadboi For Jeronica Spring Fling Week. Prompt: green.  Little bit of NSFW at the end, so under. 18 babes, don’t read that obvs.  
Veronica can’t ignore all the pretty promises when he has her against the wall of the girls bathrooms.
Jughead’s hands are around her neck and he’s kissing his way across her collarbone, tongue trailing behind him and the zipper of his jeans drags across her stockings, causing runs. “Give me one weekend, Princess,” he begs her, hand now between her thighs.
“You want me to lie to Archie?” she whispers as her hips slam against his.
Jughead laughs maliciously - the same laugh that scares her. The same one that makes her give her entire soul to him. “Princess,” he says, straightening his Serpents jacket across his shoulders, reaching down to adjust her skirt around her hips. Leaning in for that one kiss that tells her he’s sweeter than he’ll ever let her know. “I want you tell him you’re mine.”
She knows he’s lying. Jughead loves Archie more than he loves himself.
But Jughead loves Veronica more than that. He loves her so much, he can barely breathe.
And that scares the both of them.
When Jughead smiles at her, she knows this is the right thing to do. He’s long limbs leaning against his bike and the idea of riding with him makes her feel like she’s invincible. The ride out to her parents cabin was more than amazing - it was as if it was something she was born to do.
Like she was born to be by his side.
Today, Jughead isn’t sharp words and desperate kisses that try to tell her everything he feels without having to voice it. Sometimes she wonders if saying the words out loud scare him - she understands.
He doesn’t want to say he’s doing wrong by Betty anymore than she wants to feel that guilt that he always talks about pulsing through her when she’s in Archie’s arms.
“It’s moments like these,” he announces from wooden decking, “That make me remember that we’re all a little more than what we think we are…”
She’s not sure what he means, but the greens and blues that surround them with air that whips their faces and reddens their lips makes her feel a little more alive than usual. Jughead does that to her.
His hands fit so perfectly in the dips of her waist. When he kisses her against the backdrop of rotting trees, she feels like everything is worth it.
He loves her, he promises her that everyday.
But being alone with him, with the smell of damp leaves and a breaking heart, she wishes that she could promise him that she’ll run away.
But New York seems so far away when you’re scared.
It’s a conversation that they never like having, but it’s inevitable when the guilt eats at them. “Do you feel bad about what we’re doing?”
Jughead looks at Veronica from over the top of a coffee cup. “V,” he starts. “I always feel bad. It’s just part of me.”
He’s always so poetic, and even the badness in the words and the ugliness of the truth, his words make her feel not so bad. Because she gets it. She feels it too. “I know what you mean.”
Jughead shrugs, licking his teeth. “Just because we feel bad, doesn’t mean we’re bad people.” She doesn’t believe that part. “I love Archie like he’s my brother. I love what used to be Betty. But I love you the most.”
Veronica smiles to herself. She rests her head on his shoulder. “How did we even get here?”
Jughead smiles weakly. “You tell me, Princess. You’re the one who’s pulling me through hell and back.”
Veronica met a boy with dark rings around his eyes and a sadness in his bones when she was only fifteen. But she chose the one with happiness in his smile and brightness in his heart.
Because why would someone who’s lost pick someone who seemed just as equally lost?
She hates the prettiness of it, but maybe they needed to find each other to stop being so lost.
She prefers it when Jughead explains it; he’s always been so good at convincing her that they’re doing the right thing.
She fucks him hard and fast with her hands pressed down on his chest, keeping him down and even when they reach that peak together, he swears that he loves her. She scratches her name into his chest just as he moans it against her lips. She believes him more than ever.
He makes love to her soft and tender, with small kisses on the insides of her elbows where he can feel her pulse against overbitten red and he whispers just how beautiful she is on her temples. He’s running between her thighs when he tells her he doesn’t care how many people he hurts when they run away together - you don’t choose who to love.
There are broken branches that smack against the window of the cabin and his littered cigarette butts that burn out on green and yellow leaves that tell Veronica the story of Jughead’s desperation. And it’s desperation for her. Three cigarettes in a row tell her without words that he wants her all to himself even if it hurts everyone around them. Three kisses in a row with his lips on hers and his fingers on her waist tell her without words that she’s all her cares about.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Unspoken Truths - Jeronica AU Chapter Twenty
Title: Unspoken Truths
Ship: Jeronica
Warnings: Gun violence, almost-shooting, Hiram Lodge related
Chapter Twenty
The girls were anxious-although they had sent the files to Cheryl, and they had a flash drive full of incriminating files, their sneaky descent back to the ground floor, and out of the building had been smooth. Too smooth.
The truck was still there, thankfully, but it wasn't running. Toni grabbed a hold of Veronica's arm, taking a step back. "Where are the boys?"
Veronica's heart thumped loudly, so loud she took the fearful look Toni gave her as her hearing her heartbeat. "If my father hurts them, I-"
"Don't worry, mija," Hiram Lodge stepped out from the shadows the trees provided, holding both Sweet Pea and Fangs by the backs of their jackets. Their mouths were taped shut, and their ankles and wrists were bound with rope. "these lowlives are okay... for now. I can have the cops called onto them for trespassing, and that'll be the last you hear from them."
Veronica placed herself between Toni and her father, partly as a way to show her father she wasn't backing down, and partly because she could secretly pass the flash drive to Toni. "Really? Well, sure, you could do that, but I don't think the police would find it normal for them to be bound and gagged, don't you? Let them go, daddy, this is between us."
"Give me the flash drive, Veronica," Hiram demanded, holding his arm out. She crossed her arms pointedly, and he knew he was going to have to push her to her limit-way past it, actually, as he retracted his hand and pulled out a gun, then placed it to Fangs' head. "I'm sure the kid who survived a gunshot won't survive this one."
Fangs' eyes widened as they filled with frightful tears. "Veronica, don't. My life for the Serpents."
"Shut up," Hiram snarled, pushing the end of the gun into Fangs' head. "Ronnie, don't listen to him. Give me the flash drive, and your little boyfriends won't end up with bullets in their heads."
Veronica gulped down the bile that rose in her throat. She snarled, "you're a monster, daddy. You need to be stopped... but not at the lives of a sweet boy who doesn't deserve the shit he has to go through." She dropped to her knees, almost as if it were a way to show her father that she was giving in to him. "Toni, give me the flash drive."
"He's going to shoot him anyways," Toni defiantly took a step back, almost as if she were daring Veronica's father to pull the trigger-but she would never wish that upon Fangs. "All we are to him are poor South Side teenagers. One less on the streets wouldn't matter to your father. Once we hand him the flash drive, he's going to kill them, anyways."
"But we don't know that for sure-"
"Don't give him the flash drive, it's all we have to take him down," Fangs cried, clearly bluffing, although Veronica applauded him for doing so when his life was quite literally hanging on the pull of a finger.
"Just give me the damn drive, Veronica!" Hiram snarled. "Do it now, or I will blow his brains out."
Veronica sniffled, turning around to Toni. "If you care for Fangs, you'll give me the flash drive right now."
Toni looked away, tears cascading down her cheeks. "We're so close to being free, Veronica. We'll never get another chance like this..."
"And Fangs survived being framed for Midge's murder, a gunshot to the stomach, and the shitty lifestyle of the South Side, and he's going to go out because of my dastardly father?" Veronica whispered, shaking her head in refusal. "No. I won't let that happen. I won't let him take away somebody else's life."
Toni let in a shaky breath and handed Veronica the flash drive. She shakily took it, and faced her father with a locked jaw. "I hate you."
Hiram smiled in victory, then sighed as he laughed lightly. "Pinkie's right. Why would I let these teenagers go back to living like little rats?" The cock of the gun brought out a fearful gasp from Toni and Veronica's lips, and hearing the gunshot go off earned a sob from them as well. However, instead of a body falling to the floor, it was the clattering fo a gun.
The girls turned around and found Hermione with a gun pointed towards her husband, a scowl on her features. She had shot him in the leg, which he clutched painfully. He quickly grabbed a hold of the grip, but Jughead walked into the scene with a small laugh, crushing his fingers under his boots. "Must suck to be betrayed by your own family. Us Jones', the Serpents... we would never."
"Well, clearly Toni would, but that's not my business, is it?" Betty humphed, crossing her arms as the small group eyed Toni.
"He wouldn't shoot Fangs until he got the flash drive. If we made him believe this was truly all we had, keeping Fangs alive is all that would get him what he wanted," Toni rolled her eyes at them all, "I love Fangs, why would I want him dead over a flash drive that has the same files as what Cheryl has?"
"Your rule is over, Hiram," Hermione bent down with a sinister smirk playing on her lips. She grabbed a fist full of his hair and made him look at her, "you'll rot in jail, I'll make sure of it. And you're never going to touch Veronica and I, or any of the Serpents, ever again." Throwing his head back down, she stood back up. "I called the police after I helped Betty and Jughead go, so they should be here in a minute."
Veronica mimicked her mother and bent down to face her father. He looked up, his face paling as the pain overtook his senses. "The Lodge name will no longer be associated with your criminal activities. Mom and I are going to move on, and fix the mold you created in Riverdale. Oh, and a compensation to Fangs' family is going to be paid for the traumatic shit you put him through."
The police sirens in the distance slowly grew louder as they echoed around the town.
Jughead wrapped his arms around Veronica's waist with a cocky smile, grinning wildly at her. "And now we can finally go back to our lives. We can figure out what we're going to be, we can rebuild the Serpents into what they should be with Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs... and we can just be teenagers."
Veronica placed a tiny kiss on his lips. "I can't wait to get my life back on track... but maybe first we should, you know, help Fangs and Sweet Pea out of the tape."
"Shit, right," Jughead sucked in his lips as he whipped out his pocket knife and ignored their playful glares as he cut them out of the tape that bound them. "Sorry, guys."
"You're lucky that we're just happy to be alive," Fangs murmured while him and Sweet Pea embraced, and he dug his head into his chest. "I love you, Pea."
"I love you, too, Fogarty. Try not to die, okay?" Sweet Pea chuckled lightly, "if somebody pulls a gun on you again, I'm going to do something you'll hate."
"Well, it's not my fault people hate me enough to pull guns on me," Fangs huffed. "But please don't get your stupid ass arrested, okay? Veronica would kill me."
Veronica took a couple of steps forward to ruffle their hair with a light smile, "oh, shut up, boys... I'm glad you're okay."
"You too," Sweet Pea nodded, then he wiggled his eyebrows towards Jughead. "Now go figure out your relationship with Jughead."
"Speaking of, Betty!" Veronica turned so quickly, the blonde jumped in fright. "I wanted to thank you for creating a distraction. If you hadn't had stepped in at that moment, we would have been caught."
Betty bit down on her bottom lip and glanced down at the floor, "well, you said I needed to find a way to insert myself into the plan like I always do. Why not be reckless with Jughead one last time before I take a breath and ask my mom to place me in therapy?"
"Oh, my God, really?" Veronica cooed, "that's so great, Betty! I'm glad you're finally taking steps to get better."
And, surprisingly, Veronica wrapped her arms around Betty's waist, "whoa, you're hugging me. This sure brings me back to when you first came to Riverdale and we were best friends. I... miss that."
Veronica laughed lightly, "yeah, me too. I hate constantly fighting you... so what do you say we go out for something to eat later and catch up a bit?"
"I thought we were going to-"
"Jughead, that can wait until tomorrow," Veronica interrupted with a stern look as she stepped away from her hug with Betty. "But, Jughead, I'm done pretending I don't have feelings for you, okay? I want to try us. But I also want to make sure I'm not going to be poisoned or something."
Betty scoffed, "as if I'd poison you over Jughead."
Veronica eyed the cops as they pulled into the parking lot, then she glanced at Betty with a gentle smile. "Good, because chicks before dicks."
"Hey, I'm not a dick!"
"Shh, the cops are here. Time for the final end of the plan," Veronica snickered as Jughead gaped at her in the corner of her eye. "To watch my father go to jail, for good, and I can relax for what might be the first time in my life.”
And that is the end of Unspoken Truths! I know it ended horribly, but I might add on another little chapter of something cute for later in life, or something. I don't know, but I kind of wanted to leave it up for interpretation for you. Thank you so much for reading this, and here's to our hope that Jeronica will become canon!
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thefudge · 5 years
Okay, I know someone has already mentioned this but I watched the episode for the first time and what happened is literally like in buried in gold! (minus the R rated stuff) I love that fic.
thank u! for saying it! 
i’m the riverdale nostradamus (remember when i wrote the jeronica dare kiss before it happened)
and yes, they write the scripts in advance, but if i and other fans can whip out a story in one night that’s similar or even better than storyboards they presumably work on for weeks/months then…it’s bad news, piglet 
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darwinquark · 6 years
The weight of her isolation pressed into the slopes of her shoulders. She’d never realized how few friends she’d actually made since she moved to Riverdale—or at least, how few friends she’d made that she could consistently count on. Aside from Betty and Archie, her relationships with people were shifting and mercurial, conditional upon what the latest headline in the paper was, on what new scandal pitted who against who.
Hell, even her relationships with Betty and Archie could be like that.
Her heartbeat slid up a steady incline as she scrolled further and further down her recent texts, more convinced of her inevitable murder with every passing second, until her gaze snagged on an unexpected name.
The thread was two weeks old.
They hadn’t talked since. She’d barely seen him at school and he’d seemingly stopped coming into the diner.
She bit the inside of her cheek—could she wake him up in the middle of the night for help? They weren’t really those kind of friends. In fact, she wasn’t even sure they were friends at—
She hit ‘call’ before she could even blink.
+ + +
Jughead was greeted by two fierce hands grabbing him by the lapels of his Serpents jacket and yanking him through the backdoor of Pop’s.
“Jesus, Veroni—”
“Shhh,” she hissed, shoving the door shut behind him and sliding the deadbolt into place. She leaned forward to peer between the blinds, shadowed frame practically vibrating with paranoia, and for a second he wondered if all the chaos and murder had finally made her lose it.
It was bound to flip someone.
Cheryl didn’t count since she was apeshit to begin with.
After a few seconds, she whipped back around to look at him. “Did you see anything out there?”
“Yeah. Trees. Stars.” Her stare was sharp and unblinking. “A few lizards, so watch out.”
all those fp/hermione jeronica gifs have ya girl in a writing tizzy - chapter dos of those kind of friends is officially in progress and iiiiit’s a fun one 😏
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jugsdead-blog · 8 years
“Please stay.” for Jugronica!
please stay // jeronica
Veronica Lodge hadn’t really imagined herself to be the kind of girl who cries alone on a swing-set in the middle of the night. If anything, she thought she would be alone in her penthouse, wrapped in a silk robe like Britney in the “Lucky” video. Her life, however, has been full of surprises over the course of the last year.
Another night, another verbal sparring match with her mother, another slammed door, and here the great Veronica Lodge sits, alone. “Away from the prying eyes of the masses,” is what she will say if anyone asks her.
Veronica is internally rehearsing the speech she’s going to give her mother upon her own inevitable return home when she is startled out of her thoughts by the heavy sound of footsteps behind her. She whips around to surprise her would-be attacker, but swallows the scream bubbling in her throat as soon as she sees who it is.
Jughead doesn’t even give her the courtesy to look sheepish for scaring her nearly to death. His death, she adds confidently, like he can hear her. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even really acknowledge she is there or that the mascara she had so carefully applied earlier in the day is smudged beyond recognition around her swollen eyes. He just moves to sit in the swing beside her, shoes digging into the gravel below them.
“What are you doing here?” She asks him after a few long seconds. It comes off more accusing than she intends, but he either decides to ignore it or doesn’t catch on.
He digs his feet in deeper. “What I’m always doing: walking to Pop’s. Only I ran into a Nicholas Sparks heroine on the way.” He looks around the darkness and clicks his tongue. “Thing is, I don’t see Ryan Gosling chasing after you, and it’s not raining so…” he trails off. “I thought I may as well step in. See what the deal was”
She’s so caught off-guard that she feels her jaw slacken. “Oh my god, you’ve seen The Notebook. Oh my god, you know who Ryan Gosling is.”
He smirks but there’s no sarcastic bite behind it like there is when he usually smiles at her.  “And yet, no one will believe you when you tell them.”
She sobs a small laugh; the sound reminds her why she’s there in the first place. She feels her face fall and tears spring to her eyes. She looks down, ashamed. No one in Riverdale has seen her cry yet. Before leaving New York, she promised no one ever would.
Veronica hears the gravel rustle under them, and a strange sort of panic rises in her throat.  Before she can stop herself and think about what the hell she is doing, she sniffles a pathetic sounding “Please stay,” and reaches out for his arm, grabbing the cheap fabric of his jacket.
There’s a pause in his movements, but Veronica doesn’t look up at his face, choosing to remain focused not he wear and tear of his jacket. She won’t let Jughead (won’t let anyone) see her face when she’s like this.
“I wasn’t leaving.” He clears his throat, sounding uncharacteristically embarrassed. ”There’s, um, a rock in my shoe.”
“Oh,” Veronica says lamely. But she doesn’t let go of Jughead’s arm and Jughead doesn’t move to pull away.
Her grip tightens on his jacket and she begins to cry, leaning into him slightly, cheek resting lightly on his shoulder. It’s uncomfortable for the both of them; the swings are bent unnaturally to accommodate this strange embrace.
Jughead’s reaction is—different. It isn’t like it would be with Archie: all panicked apologies and unsure touches. Or with Betty, bless her, with big sad eyes and pitying words. Instead, it’s just…Jughead. Sarcastic, brooding Jughead, who remains still and silent as she cries into his shoulder. But he’s the only solid thing in her world right now, so she hangs on.
They stay like that a long while after she finishes, until Veronica stands up and casually offers to treat him to a burger “so as to counter all the blackmail material you currently have on me.”
Jughead doesn’t say a word, only nods and follows her to Pop’s.
In the middle of Jughead’s third burger, when they’re arguing over what Ray Bradbury really meant when he wrote Fahrenheit 451, it occurs to Veronica that she doesn’t know Jughead Jones nearly as well as she should.
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veronicassadboi · 5 years
4 times Jughead tells Veronica he loves her
Thank you! Oooof I love it!
4 Times Jughead tells Veronica he loves her!
She serves him a chocolate shake. He’s bruised and battered. He’s tired. Up all night, cigarette stains on his finger tips and coffee spilled down his t-shirt. “Extra whip on top please V,” he mumbles.
She feels sorry for him, so she empties the rest of the can on top. “Enough?” She asks, feeling just as tired.
He sighs with his eyes closed, rubbing them with closed fists. “Man I love you.”
She babbles on about her working day. And he listens. He truly listens.
She loves that.
Archie was in Chicago on Jughead’s birthday. He kept repeating that he hates his birthday anyway and he didn’t want to celebrate. Betty had gone to Chicago too. Veronica read too much into it, and she wonders if maybe Jughead had too. She hadn’t been in Jughead’s bedroom before, but she wanted to give him a gift. Someone had to. “A DVD player?” He asks, a grin on his face but shock mixed among it all the same.
“To watch your DVD’s?”
“Err, right,” he replies, unsure of what to say. “I love it. I love you... thanks, Veronica.”
He shows her his stash of DVD’s. Betty doesn’t have time to watch them with him, neither does Archie for that matter, he tells her.
They watch The Goonies. It’s a Toni-and-Jughead ritual, but Veronica has never seen it much to his dismay.
They share one chocolate shake. They take turns taking a sip. His sips are more than sips but Veronica lets him. “Do you miss them?” She asks
Jughead shrugs, scooping out the bottom. “I miss my friends. But,” he shrugs. “Eh, it wasn’t going to work out.”
She knows what he means. He and Betty weren’t ever going to work out. “I like having out with you,” she murmurs.
He catches it, of course he does. “Sometimes, Princess, I regret not hanging out with you more...”
“Back in the day?”
“Back in the day,” he agrees.
“Do you miss the old days?”
She watches Jughead mull over words. “Sometimes. But then, sometimes I find it a huge waste of time.”
“Was it?”
Jughead sniggers. “Well, not the part when I met you apparently.”
Veronica’s heart skips a beat and her face flushes. She runs her hands over her Pop’s uniform in distraction. “Burgers on me, my treat.”
“A woman after my own heart. Want to watch a movie tonight? I have a stash of candy that won’t eat itself.”
“I’ll bring more shakes.”
Jughead’s grin brightens her day. “God, I love you.”
Her heart flutters.
It’s raining when she sees him standing waiting for her. Her heart skips a beat when she watches him wave to her with a smile on his face.
Rain washes down her cheeks that burn, a little shy, a little bit too excited. “Hey,” she whispers when she gets to him.
His hands feels like they’ve lived on her skin forever when he’s a little more close than usual and his breath on her neck as he hugs her. “Hey.”
“What are you doing out here?” She asks, eyes drifting from his bike parked outside Pop’s and his hair that’s so wet, she wonders how long he’s been waiting outside.
“Waiting for you,” he states with an air of cockiness.
“Well?” He repeats.
“Have you been waiting for me to finish?”
He nods. “Yeah...”
She feels he wants to say more, but the nervous pulse in his jaw that she can see shows her he’s holding back. “Are you okay, Jughead?”
He kisses her lightly on the cheek, lips lingering on her skin, along her neck. “Veronica, I love you.”
The words envelope her. “I love you too.”
Send me a Jeronica centric ft Barchie prompt and I’ll write a >1000 word Drabble!
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veronicassadboi · 6 years
A Jeronica Short Story
Futuristic Jeronica, Just Wanna Be Yours compliant (if you haven’t read it, click the link and do so. It’s a jumble of words that I have come up with thanks to inspo bounced off of my muse @aubreycasuallyobsesses). This is fluffy, full love. Not my usual bone snapping angst.
A thank you to @jeronicamush you eased my soul.
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The car radio blares as Veronica’s hair whips in the wind. Jughead wants the windows up. She insists they stay down. He doesn’t argue with her, he never does. Watching her smile from the corner of his eye is enough to warm him up, never fighting against her wishes. She’s enveloping and whole-loving. His everything.
Veronica smiles with her eyes shut and changes in the setting sun form cuts on her skin but her non-stop nagging keeps him awake. “Back to Riverdale,” she singsongs.
He holds back a groan, she had been counting down the days. Now, it was minutes. Almost seconds. The surrounding scenery shows them they’re closer to their old home than he wants to be. A familiarity in the trees, the smell of the river in the breeze. The Riverdale sign is only moments away. “Princess,” he says in a sigh. “Can’t we turn around?”
Veronica lowers her sun visor before turning to him, grabbing his hand in hers and kissing the patterns on his knuckles. “There’s bigger problems out there, Jug,” she promises. “Than us going home.”
He watches the outline of her smile. Everyone of her kisses remind him of home anyway.
His home right now seems to be the contents of their car.
They lay in the trailer that hides so many secrets of where it all started. Sunnyside Trailer Park was the beginning of their entire love. He can almost hear her knocking at the trailer door like he’s a kid all over again. He lies in the bed with the sheets she insisted on carting from New York, at least these sheets aren’t laced with the familiar scent of whiskey and cigarettes. These ones smell just like her with cinnamon floating in the threading and cucumber moisturiser.
Veronica undresses in front of him, satin lifting over her head. When she tells him; “I love being back,” he watches her smile and the nostalgia that washes over her when she takes off the last of her satin.
Her being in the trailer room shakes Jughead to his core, he’s almost fifteen with eyes for his best friend’s girl while she twists her body and dances with the guy Jughead swore he could never hurt. She’s thrown back heads in laughter with Betty sitting on the white carpet of her picture perfect room, with hidden eyes that told him that maybe, she wanted him too. Veronica hid her love for Jughead from Betty just as well as he hid his desperation for her.
She’s like a seventeen year old Veronica slammed up against the science block at school with messed up makeup and Southside smeared all over her. He feels like he’s in the backroom of Pop’s with oil grease on his tongue and her Pop’s uniform at his feet. Her lipstick on his jaw.
They’re both secret love in the trailer, with menthol hanging in the air and her wrapped up in his arms, counting down the seconds until they both had to leave. Separately. Minutes apart. Sweet Pea as look out.
Veronica’s lace dips between her thighs as she crawls on the bed with her bedding on it, all the way from New York City when she places small kisses on his jaw. “I love you so much, Juggie.”
He kisses her back on her shoulder blades while she drags his arms around her waist. “As I love you, Princess.”
In the trailer that holds the ugly memories in the wallpaper of his childhood that was always shadowed with a little bit of darkness, amidst the secrets that the two of them share with memories of her tears on his leather jacket and his desperate, metaphorical hand marks of sixteen year old Jughead begging Veronica to stay with him forever, she’s still here with him.
In all the drowning feelings this trailer ever gave them, he’s thankful she still loves to watch him swim.
He shifted uncomfortably at the party; Reggie Mantle still has booming words and broad shoulders. He misreads Veronica’s kindness for his own personal weakness - Reggie was so close to Veronica, Jughead himself could almost hear what he was saying.
Jughead feels Reggie still has eyes that like to stick to Veronica’s legs.
Even after six years.
Jughead brushes off badness in his mind and settles for Betty’s need to catch him up on everything and question when he and Veronica are going to start a family. It takes him a while to snap out of the old Riverdale and realise they’re all adults now.
The Great Escape of Jughead and Veronica floated away with the rest of Riverdale’s secrets.
Archie still declares his love for Jughead. But he does the same to Veronica. And to Betty who threatened to take him home. Archie showers kisses on Betty and her eyes meet Jughead’s but the feeling is right and comfortable. The girl next door looks so good with his brother, it feels weird for him to think that.
The girl that oozes fire and holds her head higher than everyone else dances along to music with Toni and in that moment, he knows exactly why everyone in New York wants a piece of her - her beauty almost blinds him. Her movements make him fall all over again.
Veronica whispers in Jughead’s ear when she finds him alone. She’s heavy on his lap when she sits on him and her kisses taste a little like vodka and juice. Just a little. He likes it.
Eyes sit on them both, they both know it. “Let them watch,” she giggles. Riverdale echoes through the room in Thistlehouse. The story will reach all the way to Greendale and back.
“You’re the only person I’m watching,” he tells her with a smile against her cheek. She guides his hand up her thigh. “Princess,” he hums.
She’s guiding him to the upstairs bathroom this time.
She locks the door behind them. He’s seventeen in the Whyte Wyrm. Not twenty-four returning home. Her lips still taste so sweet. She’s a nervous giggle against the tiling. Every time with her makes him feel like everything is right in the world.
The four of them sit in the booth at Pop’s. Betty feeds their baby girl from underneath a muslin wrap and she glows just like she always did… before Jughead was.
They laugh like the last six years hadn’t torn them apart. Archie’s caring eyes are slightly hardened. He’s lost a lot. Jughead hasn’t ever been one to work through loss. He feels sick just thinking about it. But Archie smiles at Betty with a love in his eyes that Jughead could never have offered and Betty laughs so freely, he doesn’t believe she ever looked so… content.
Veronica kisses the baby’s head, humming a tune on her soft hair and smiling up at Betty. “How’s the paper going without you there?”
They share more light words and even lighter giggles.
Archie lays his head on Jughead’s shoulder. “I wish you guys lived here,” he tells him honestly. Because that’s all Archie ever knew. Pure honesty.
It’s moments like these that Jughead misses his Riverdale life. Archie, Betty, Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs. It’s times like these he wants it all back.
Veronica sips from Jughead’s chocolate shake and closes her eyes. “This is the best shake ever,” she declares.
Neon lights paint her skin and all of a sudden, she’s the fifteen year old girl that he laid eyes on for the first time in this very booth.
But she laid eyes on the boy next to him.
He stubs out a cigarette in the ashtray that’s littered with his mom’s brand and Veronica stands behind him at the kitchen table with her arms around his neck.
She tells him that she loves him again and it almost puts him on pause. A love story that spans over ten years almost, Jughead realises. Everything that he ever wanted and needed was all rolled into this one person. Veronica Lodge.
She was so sharp and attentive, caring and loving. Her mind threatens and scares him in a way that he cannot even believe. She loves him with her entire heart and fought for that right with every single bit of her being. They followed each other all the way to New York City, her home away from home with the home that he made just for her.
She walks around the trailer like nothing has ever changed - she’s in a crop with lace and her ego. She’s practically undressed and bare in more ways than one.
Sometimes, this place was the only safe zone for letting down guards.
“Veronica,” he says, eyes closed, cigarette between his lips, lifting himself from the kitchen table. He makes his way to his love and kisses her neck, wrapping his own arms around her waist. “Marry me.”
He feels Veronica’s breath catch and feels 80s threadbare carpet beneath his bare feet. She turns in the flickering light of the TV that’s on for background noise. Denim jeans scratch on her thighs when she tiptoes to catch his lips. “Jughead,” she replies softly. “You marry me.”
He makes love to her on his dad’s sofa. He promises he’ll love her forever.
It feels like they haven’t slept for days. She’s pink, rosey cheeks on the way home to New York and she never seems to take her hand out of his except for when he changes gears. “Do you mean it when you tell me you love me?” she asks.
Jughead’s mouth drops, his eyes raise. He looks over to her briefly, “V,” he says sternly. “I wouldn’t almost die every day if I didn’t love you.”
Veronica’s smile drips with smugness, she shifts in her chair. “I love you too.”
Jughead can’t put into words how much he loves her. Like he’s drowning in Sweetwater River. Like he’s tearing his skin. Like he can’t breathe unless she allows him to. Like he would uproot his entire, fucked up life and leave everything he’s ever known just to be part of her entire world. “I love you, Veronica,” he insists, “Don’t ever think otherwise.”
She smiles again, against the sun. “Did you mean it when you asked me to marry you?”
“I’ll keep asking you to marry me until you marry me, V, that’s a promise.”
Her eyes glitter on their way home. “Ask me again.”
He looks at her, grabbing her hand and placing it against his lips. “Marry me, Veronica Lodge.”
Everything is less than perfect. It always has been. He knows this is as close as they’ll ever get. The perfect disaster.
“I’ll marry you a million times over.”
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Day Four of Jeronica Week - Midnight
Thanks to @everything-jeronica for creating this prompt. I loved it so much! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make it more Halloween or normal so I kinda bordered them at the end.
“Jughead, come on! The moon looks so pretty and if we miss it, I will, no joke, break up with you,” Veronica groaned as she tugged on the boy’s sweatpants pocket, trying to urge him to follow her outside. “I know you’re hungry, but I’ll make you something after. Please, enjoy this with me, Jug...”
“Okay, okay,” Jughead chuckled, wrapping his arms around Veronica’s waist as she relaxed into him, smiling in victory while the two made their way outside. “Jesus, it’s cold.”
“I’ve already got us a couple of blankets, pillows, and jackets just in case,” Veronica hummed, placing a light kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek. “And now that you’re here... I’ll be right back.”
“You bring me out here in the cold to look up at the full moon and sky we see every day... to go back inside?” Jughead narrowed his eyes at the mischievous woman that he was absolutely enamores with, watching her shrug and excitedly skip back into the trailer. Sighing, he complied, crawling his way into the blanket and laying down comfortably by folding his arms behind his head.
Despite being tired and slightly annoyed and cranky, as Jughead scanned the dark, yet luminous night sky, he couldn’t help but marvel at how absolutely incredible the Universe was. The stars were blinking, and white—with the exception of the red tint of Mars— and no one could deny that looking up at the night sky was not only beautiful, but eye-opening.
The only reason Jughead and Veronica, and everybody else on Earth, was placed on this planet all because of the Big Bang—the tiniest of atoms that managed to create the ability to meet one another and fall in love, to feel emotions, to live. Mentally, Jughead thanked the Universe for bringing him and Veronica together. If he didn’t have her... he wasn’t sure where he would be.
“I’m the best girlfriend, aren’t I?” Veronica’s voice brought him out of his thoughts. Because of where he was, he couldn’t see the breathtaking woman, but he didn’t want to move.
And, of course he would be an ass about his response. “I don’t know. Ethel and I’s week-romance was pretty amazing.”
“You’re a jerk,” Veronica murmured, playfully sneering at him as she stood above him. She brought out two white bags, and the logo for Pop’s made Jughead’s mouth fall open in surprise. He sat up immediately, turning to her. “I take it back, you’re the best girlfriend ever and no one, not even Ethel or Betty could compare.”
Veronica winked, “I thought you’d change your mind.”
The girl sat down beside Jughead and peeked into the bag. Taking a couple of fries, she then handed the bag to Jughead.
“Did you just take some of my fries?” Jughead puffed out his bottom lip in a playful manner, pouting like a child. “That’s despicable.”
“Take it as were even from that girlfriend comment,” Veronica patted him on the shoulder before she dug into her own bag. “Do you like the setup?”
Jughead gave Veronica’s handiwork another glance; now that he was more awake and less crabby, and couldn’t help but smile at the small details she had placed into this spontaneous little date. There were no lights, except for the dull one on the trailer, but there were binoculars on the side, with a white note, and a small little bag beside it.
Veronica urged, “open the letter and the bag.”
Jughead did as he was told, snatching the letter and eyeing the girl curiously, only to watch her grin at him as she awaited for him to read it.
It was about time we had some alone time. Star gazing is apparently really romantic, and can also lead to more strenuous activities... check the bag beside this letter, baby.
Love, V
Then, he snatched the light bag, noting that it felt like there was nothing in it. But as he unzipped the bag, he laughed lightly, meeting Veronica’s gaze. “If I would have known that star gazing got you in the mood, we would do this every day.”
“C’mon, let’s hope we can see a shooting star.”
“You do know that shooting stars are—“
“Finish that fact and I will revoke those condoms, Jones.”
“—unable to outshine the brightness of your cheek, my love.”
However, before Veronica and Jughead could lay down and enjoy their date, the sound of shoes hitting rocks forced their attention to their dark surroundings. No one was in sight, and from the looks of it, mostly everyone was asleep.
“Who’s there?” Jughead called, unconsciously wrapping his arm around Veronica’s waist as he brought her closer to his body to protect her. “Answer me... who’s there?”
Veronica let out a panicked shriek; Jughead didn’t even have to check where she was looking because when he turned his head, two dark figures slowly made their way towards the light. Their faces were large, and green. It took a moment for Jughead to realize that they were wearing the masks that he woke up to when he was being initiated into the Serpents.
“Sweet Pea, Fangs?” Jughead furrowed his eyebrows, his suspicions confirmed as their laughs were only slightly muffled from the masks. They took the masks off and grew louder. “You assholes, why would you do that?”
“Because it’s Halloween, and you two were easy targets,” Sweet Pea nonchalantly replied, highfiving Fangs. “You two on a date? Cute.”
“I’m calling Josie to complain since she’s the only person Sweet Pea seems to care about how she thinks of him,” Veronica whipped out her phone dramatically.
“Just for scaring you?” Sweet Pea made his way closer to the two, “that’s low.”
“She was just a summer fling,” Fangs mumbled, and the jealousy was obvious. “Besides, it’s midnight. She’s probably sleeping and will hate you for waking her up.”
“Was that jealousy on your face, Fangs?” Jughead cocked an eyebrow teasingly, watching as he shook his head in denial. “No. Everybody acts like Josie and Sweet Pea we’re together for, like, five years and have just broken up. She was just a fling.”
“We can talk about their romance later. I want to enjoy the moon and the stars and the sky without two dickhead soulmates scaring the shit out of me,” Veronica rolled her eyes, shooing the two away with her hand.
“Soulmates?” Sweet Pea questioned, turning to Fangs. “Wait... you not liking my relationship with Josie makes a lot of sense now...”
“Oh, wow, it’s getting so late, I gotta go!” Fangs sprinted away, leaving Sweet Pea standing there for a few moments, blinking as he reeled through what had just happened and what had just been revealed.
“Sweet Pea... go after him, idiot!” Veronica laughed, the two watching as Sweet Pea left to chase after his best friend. “Now... where were we?”
“I believe I was saying you were much more beautiful than these stars,” Jughead whispered, placing a small kiss on Veronica’s lips.
“Really? I remember us about to lie down and do what we came out here to do.”
“Way to ruin my compliment.”
“I take it back... this is when we become even from your girlfriend comment earlier.”
“But my fries—whatever. We are even, okay? No more excuses.”
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Unspoken Truths - Jeronica AU Chapter Eighteen
Title: Unspoken Truths
Ship: Jeronica
Warnings: None?
Chapter Eighteen
Veronica stood in the speakeasy with the Serpents, arms crossed and her teeth trapping her bottom lip anxiously. She knew that if she spoke, her voice would give away all of the emotions she was trying to keep in, trying to keep from the others who needed her to be strong. Veronica was petrified—if things went wrong, these people, people she genuinely cared about, could be hurt because of her father. And it would be all her fault for dragging them into her plan, one which was tricky, but could have been done herself.
"Hey," Jughead gently placed his hands on Veronica's shoulders in hopes it would soothe her—his lips pulled back into a sympathetic, thin line as she jumped at the sudden contact. "We know you're scared, Veronica. And that's totally okay. This is your father."
"I don't care about him going to jail. I care about him hurting one of you if this goes sideways," Veronica whispered shakily, breathlessly laughing as she found out she was right about her voice. "And, besides, a good leader is strong in any situation. I can't—"
"Ronnie, we're scared, too," Fangs spoke, smiling encouragingly. "It's going to be alright. We need to go through the plan one more time, and then we're going to do this. We're going to go in there and we're going to fucking do this, okay? We can do this."
Veronica was very thankful for the small pep talk. She gently grabbed a hold of Fangs' warm hand, and leaned forward to kiss his cheek in thanks, before she let go and released a deep, stress-filled breath. "You're right. We can do this."
"So, let's go over this one more time, just to make sure we have this plan memorized by heart," Toni brought the conversation back to the entire reason why they reconvened at the speakeasy. "So, you and I, my beautiful pink Medusa, will be parading through the dark hallways of my mother's building. Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Jughead will be stationed outside with Sweet Pea's truck, someplace hidden from the cameras and as best as you can from human eye."
"What should we do if we get caught, or we think we're compromised?" Sweet Pea crossed his arms, pointedly watching Veronica. "It's too dangerous to tell you over the intercom, we could accidentally compromise you in the process. So, what's the backup plan?"
"What about Pop's?" Betty asked. "You can lock up early and keep out customers, and it'll be easy to keep track of who's here and who's not."
"No, they would expect that. They wouldn't even need to follow us," Jughead shook his head at her suggestion, "we need someplace that her father doesn't know about. Someplace that, if any of us does get hurt in all of this, we can patch them up without fear of being followed."
"Thistlehouse would be unexpected," Cheryl input, eyebrows raised as she awaited feedback. "I know it's kind of obvious, but who would think that we'd go back to somebody's home? It would be stupid, and therefore stupid to look."
"Maybe," Veronica chewed on the inside of her tender cheek in thought, "but I wouldn't want to potentially ruin your house. Who knows what my father's going to do once he finds out..."
"Hey, wait," Sweet Pea tensed his ass to push himself up off of the table he was leaned on. "As a Serpent, and, like you said, an impulsive, angry teenager, I get in fights a lot. When we get hurt, or need a place to lay low, we always go to Chimney. He doesn't ask questions, and he's really secretive about his location. He moves around a lot, but if you give me about fifteen minutes, I can figure out where he's stationed right now."
Veronica's worried, yet stoic expression morphed into a big smile. "That sounds perfect. Do what you can, and if it pans out, we can finally get this plan in motion."
Sweet Pea nodded obediently, whipping out his phone as he started up the stairway. Once he had gone, Betty scoffed, "you do know you need a back up just in case his guy doesn't fall through."
"Of course I do," Veronica rolled her eyes. "But the problem is: where else could we hide out afterwards?"
Jughead perked up, "when Betty, Archie, and I were younger, we came across this abandoned tree house. It's not small, but it's not big—it's been a while, but the risk is worth it, right?"
"I don't remember a tree house," Betty furrowed her eyebrows. "When was this, Jug?"
"Are you kidding me? You and Archie had your first little kiss in it. Archie fell and broke his arm because he was so excited to tell me he had kissed a girl," Jughead exclaimed, appalled at how she couldn't remember such a fond memory. "Do you seriously not... Betty... does your mental illness mess with your memory, or something? I'm not trying to embarrass you, but you really need to get some help."
Betty grit her teeth, "tell you what, if this doesn't all go to shit, I'll get a therapist who isn't somehow bought by Hiram Lodge."
Jughead sighed, "as long as you get help, Betty."
"Yeah, yeah, don't pretend you still care about me," Betty sneered.
"Betty, I broke up with you, but that doesn't automatically mean that I don't fucking care about you," Jughead shook his head, disappointed in how she was letting her anger and her issues get in the way of reality. "Whatever, right now we need to focus on the plan, alright? Let's just keep on that before we hash anything else out."
"Sure," Betty snootily smiled, her lips tight and bitten back.
"Anyways, while all this is going on, Cheryl, you'll be at our meeting place with a computer waiting to download what I manage to send you from my mother's desktop. If shit hits the fan during the download, I will leave the the flash drive in to divert attention from the email. And if the email doesn't work out, I can figure out a way to get the flash drive."
"Yeah, if your dad hasn't smashed it by then," Betty retorted. "This sounds like a stupid plan, but, sure, let's try it."
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