#white bear of qsmp
gemtales · 1 year
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Can anyone for the life of me tell me why Cucurucho is named Cucurucho?
Why this name! What does it mean!!!
Because I tried to translate and search it up!
Am I missing a fundamental key to this universe!!!
Someone...HELP 😭😭😭
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yb-cringe · 8 months
jaiden has done everything for cucurucho. shes willing to withstand torture and betraying her friends for him. and shes a failure? not an ‘issued’ not a ‘rejected’ but plain FAILED.
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lightwaslaughter · 1 year
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jaiden seems to be enjoying japan btw
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qroier · 1 year
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the hermanitos got seperated today
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soars22 · 9 months
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So I was looking at the tracks and-
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Yeah. Those are definitely bear tracks. If I had to guess, it probably has something to do with the whole Elena/purgatory worker/potential war situation that was hinted at previously. So this year’s definitely going to be fun!
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yelow-heart · 11 months
That Census Bureau live huh.
....Let's revise it!
First things first, That was hands down, no questions asked, Osito Bimbo.
How in his reports he was only using lower cap writing, his good sense of humor. The tea and popcorn farm (🥲 Jaiden'd be so proud). So yeah.
And yeah, the Eye guy sequestered the islanders. The moment the cucu weather broadcast of eggisland got glitched, we knew something was up. (On the first days I thought that was the case. But then I started leaning into the theory some folks have, like Bagi, that it was a plan of the Feds to make the islanders long for Quesadilla island and stuff. I think I just fckn forgot about the broadcast and weird way they were called to the train lol)
Also also. Quackity (f on the chat) was kidnapped by ElQ before he could kill Fred. So our boy is prob still out there somewhere, let's not panic. Good to point out how ElQ looked like he wasn't very happy about it. And how he kept saying sorry and that it was for Quackity's own protection. Could it be? Could bitch man ElQuackity be one of the good guys??
Another thing, Feds still have no clue how to deal with "■■■■■". We know from foosh's pov that they had managed to capture them briefly, but eventually it escaped. Btw have we decided on a name yet? Is it going to be Judas? I do, like many things, have a thought for this too: is him a corrupted ":)"? I'll talk more about it on the cut.
Also, code entity captured? That's new, is it CodeFlippa?
Dude, theory time: I don't think the code entity faction is necessarily a goodguy faction. They could be just a rival of the Federation. U know? Like McDonald's and Burger King is. And they could have the same goal as the Fed do, just working for it in a opposite way. Like, Federation is very Order and Perfect coded, and the code people are more on the Chaos and Flaw (glitched entities) route.
As u can see, I have way too many thoughts kkkkk
But ACTUALLY, the thing I wanted to talk about is, Where tf is Cucurucho?
Ok, so for some context for the pals that don't watch Jaiden's pov: Cucurucho was acting pretty weird when he asked for her help. He was erratic and repeating himself many times, clearly upset that Osito had broken the thin line of "perfection" he is tasked to defend. Like dude, he was actively panicking.
But anyways, he chased the guy, captured him and calmed him down and that's when he comes to Jaiden for help.
But ever since that, Cucu hasn't really stopped with the strange behavior. He's always on the edge, only interacting with Islanders to deliver tasks and nothing else, super cold and distant (more then he already is). Always a little distracted. And he's been actively avoiding Jaiden. Like, for real for real. Almost like he's prohibited to see her or something.
He's been distant even with Osito, is what it looks like. And, thinking back a little, I don't really think he has showed up to any Islanders for like, a month or so. Like, The last time we saw him for sure was at the A0 presentation, maybe not even that. Osito got really good at masking ever since Jaiden trained him.
He didn't show up to any of the events on the week leading to purgatory, too. Like, I thought he was the one to send Forever to the Nether, but apparently that was Osito, as we see him on the live asking for forever to give him a feedback.
So my take is that, whatever Cucurucho was cooking ever since the eggs disappeared have finally catched up to him. And I don't think he's safe. He was probably the one leading the operations to stop Cucurevil (Evilrucho? Judas? Truth? We need to decide on a name), and was probably the one to capture him too. But alas, Oscurucho (I really like this one btw) got out, and it does align with the time Cucu has been quite absent.
So yeah
Where the fuck is Cucurucho?
Was he the fed agent Federation sent to look for the eggs on the nether after Forever apparently failed? (It could've be Walter Bob, since he is a escape goat for the Federation)
Does the Eye of Sauron has him? Is he on another place entirely? Was he the one that sent the "I found them" message that they received right after Forever went to the nether? And that's why Forever has no clue about that?What the f is going on?!??!?
And, for the "■■■■■ could be a corrupted ":)"". I've had this ideia bugging me ever since they were introduced. He seems to be in reverse and the fact that the Federation actively goes on ways to stop them suggests they are not on the "perfect" path. Perhaps a deserter. I think dude was another one of the experiments, but, like the hybrid islanders, failed. And somehow got corrupted to whatever it is that the Feds are working against.
Ok, so, we know the key thing for the Feds are clones and Perfection right?
But like, my take is that the two things are combined. Like. The Federation makes it very clear they want to achieve perfection. Or at least, they want these "entities" aka Cucuruchos to achieve it. But what they need perfection for?
And the "threat worse then the Federation" makes it interesting. What if the thing they been trying to make is the Perfect Soldier? That's a thing that would connect almost, if not all, of the Islanders backgrounds and how they got fcked over by them. Putting kids to fight eachother, testing with memory and mind manipulation. And most importantly, Hybrids. So many of them. Hybrids everywhere.
And look at that, what is Cucurucho? A fckn hybrid dude. A polar bear walking on two legs.
And about the mind manipulation. Well, the perfect soldier doesn't question orders. They just do what they are fucking told to. Only remembers what is pratical for the leader cause. Doesn't get attached. Doesn't have an individuality.
And cucurucho cannot lie, like, a lot of islanders don't know this. Maybe only Jaiden does, actually. He literally is incapable of doing so, that's why he uses "classified" so much. And that's why Jaiden absolutely trusts what he says. Because it is his truth.
He doesn't have a voice. He's obligated to not have an individuality with his own personality (that's why Osito freaked him out so much) or even a name, like the incident when Cellbit asked him to put his name on the room he chose and how he wrote ":)", suddenly changed it to "cucurucho" and then went odd and quiet for awhile and changed the sign back to ":)". Cellbit said how it looked like he was told to change it back. The way Osito had to learn how to mask and appear as Cucurucho also reflects the "forced to be a hivemind" thing.
He, literally, doesn't have a voice.
Also also, clones. Is there more then one cucu? Yes, there is. Are there other clones on the Island? Yep, Baghera and Quackity say hello.
And finally, to the grand finale, we have project A0. Wich are what?
Fucking clones. Little soldiers, that can be created in mass, work in a hive mind, don't question their leader and can be optimized to good fighters. Perhaps even, with different skils depending of the source of their cloning.
Like, dude hahahah they did it. The mad lads did it. Baghera, Quackity, Jaiden, Niki, maybe Roier, Cucurucho.. all of these tests and experiments was for this: perfect soldiers that can be spawned in mass and multiplied with very low cost.
But now that they're here.. when will they be sent to fight what they're meant to? And how terrifying is it?
And back to Cucu. I think he could very well be rebelling. Who knows, maybe even corrupting. For the very fact that he's no longer "perfect". He got attached. He cares for his blue bird. A lot. That would explain his absence, his odd behavior, the way he is around Osito. He also found a name for himself. The thing that might very well started his metamorphosis.
Jaiden showed him things to like and experience, the islanders, specifically Foolish, Roier and Felps, taught him how to have fun. Cellbit taught him about hate kkkkk. He got attached. He changed. He is his own person now. He found his humanity.
Cucurucho is no longer perfect.
P.s. rip coffee machine
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jahanmp4 · 1 year
Hating on Cucuroacho is not enough I need a gun
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wycolinnart · 1 year
⚠️((TW:gatilho,luzes brilhantes e muita depressão.))⚠️
*TW:trigger, bright lights and lot of depression.*
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-Richas...your next task is to tell you a happy story...
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-There was a father and a son, the two had a strong connection...
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-Please, leave me.
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-respect me,bro...please.
PLEASE.Leave me alone...
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-Tomorrow may be YOUR day, BUT TODAY IS MINE, MY DAY
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-please,respect me...
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gravi0la · 1 year
How long do y'all think will take before someone makes an actual Cucurucho fursuit. It has to happen at one point, right
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castielboobs · 2 months
Grown ass man standing like a pretty princess lmao
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cat-mentality · 1 year
On a lighter note, congrats to Tubbo for managing to not get himself kidnapped so far!!!!
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harpygon · 1 year
I See cucurucho post in the qsmp tag but I can't watch 😢 Cucu, my dear I hope you commit atrocities and play your nice little voicelines rn.
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sillygh0st · 1 year
ohh cucurucho wants q!cellbit to take all the q!felps wanted posters ohhhhh-
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estecore · 1 year
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💌 ★ A bimboier stimboard for me
with spiders, polar bears, angelic themes & affection !
💧 . 🎀 . 💧 . 💗 . 🐚 . 💗 . 💧 . 🎀 . 💧 . 🐬
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kayit-z · 2 months
I was listening to enchanted anddd...
-> English/spanish translation in alt. The english version of the au is at the end
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✧ Little in another life/universe au
Roier, Quackity y Missa tienen una banda llamada "Bastardos con Semen", usualmente se presentan en clubs, cafés y bares. Una noche, tocaron en el Club Qsmp, donde phil y missa se conocieron después del show.
~ Una pequeña voz en sus cabezas diciendo "¿nos hemos conocido?" ~
Pasaron el resto de la noche juntos, missa contando historias que le pasaron o escuchó, mientras phil estaba atento a lo que decía. El músico era divertido, en una forma rara y carismática, a veces susurraba y hablaba muy rápido (como si no quisiera que phil lo escuchara) o hacia unos sonidos chistosos que hacían reír al rubio.
Missa... missa trataba de no sonrojarse cada minuto, phil era guapo, dulce y lo hacía sentir protegido. Sabía que si un monstruo lo estuviera atacando, phil dejaría todo por ir a rescatarlo.
~ Es como si ya hubiera pasado. . . ~
Después de un año, missa sigue pensando en esa noche. ¿Será que phil lo recuerda... donde sea que esté? Talvez se vuelvan a conocer en otra vida ¿quién sabe? Tal vez terminen cuidando a dos niños huevitos, un niño llamado chayanne y una niña llamada talullah, estén en una isla dominada por un oso blanco llamado cucurucho y no pueden escapar. . . Bueno eso es algo -demasiado- específico.
Sea como sea, missa se pregunta si phil sabe lo encantado que está de haberlo conocido.
• English version
Roier, Quackity and Missa formed a band called 'Bastardos con Semen' (if you know you know xd) they usually perform at clubs, cafés and bars. One night, they played at Qsmp Club, where phil and missa met after the show.
~ A little voice in the back of their minds saying "have we met?" ~
They spent the rest of the night together, missa telling histories while phil listened attentively. The musician was weirdly funny, in a charming way, sometimes he whispered and talk quickly (as if he didn't want phil to listen) or he made this little squishy sounds that made the blonde laugh.
Missa... missa was certainly fighting not to blush every minute, phil was handsome, sweet and made him feel protected. He was sure that if he ever gets attacked by a monster, phil would throw away everything to go and save him.
~ As if that already happened. . . ~
After 1 year missa still thinks about that night. He wonders if phil remembers... wherever he is. Maybe in another life they'll met, who knows? Maybe they'd raise two little egg kids, a boy named chayanne and a girl named tallulah, in a island they cannot escape and ruled by a white bear called cucurucho. . . well that's kinda -really- specific
Either way, missa wonders if phil knows how enchanted he was to meet him.
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jahanmp4 · 1 year
I know this is supposed to be intense and all but this has to be some of the most comical shit I have ever seen on the server so far
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