#who assulted the mc by the way
If shatter me has a hundred haters, I'm one o them. If shatter me has ten haters, I'm one of them. If shatter me has no haters, that means I'm dead
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asmo-ds · 2 years
(Sorry for sending an ask when you aren't open, you said it was okay but I still feel bad. Also trigger warning for implied past assault)
How do you headcanon the demon brothers would react if Mammon told MC about the situation with the witches (where it was implied they assulted him) and then MC absolutely exploads on all of the brothers for having joked about it. Like so angry that they're pulling out all the stops and protecting Mammon like a guard dog
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MC Yells at the Brothers for Not Protecting Mammon
TW: Past SA, yelling, swearing, guilt, self hate, insecurities
Description: When Mammon confides in MC about his past assault from the witches and his brothers' responses to the situation, MC loses their mind and goes off on all the brothers, causing them to rethink their behavior
a/n: I haven't written since that last fic i posted a very long time ago so I might be rusty, but since i recently started playing again I wanted to try and do some writing for you guys that stuck around, thank you for being patient <3
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When MC comes storming out of the room they and Mammon were hanging out in Lucifer is shocked to see the slam the door
As he is about to scold them for not being careful in a house that does not belong to them they suddenly point to him and say “Go sit in the dining room and wait for your other brothers.”
Due to his pact he is forced to the table, sitting in stunned silence for his brothers to arrive.
One by one they enter the dining room, all looking around with worry
Once everyone but Mammon had sat down around the table, MC began speaking
“You all knew about what the Witches did to him. You all KNEW they had hurt him. Yet you find it amusing and laugh about the situation. Your brother is in pain and yet you mock that pain,” they continue on, exploding and ranting about how they could have protected him, or at the very least, comforted him after his assault
The brother look around guiltily at each other, except for Lucifer who keeps his head hung low
He searches for a way to justify his behavior, but as MC continues to point out more and more errors in his ways, he cannot seem to find anything.
Why didn't he protect his brother? That was his duty.
After MC had stormed out of the dining room and back to Mammon he remained still, his mind racing, guilt building up over just how badly his behavior had hurt his little brother
Mammon had  fought alongside Lucifer through every battle, sure he was annoying and often caused damage to Lucifer’s credit score, but that didn’t matter, what mattered was the way he failed to fight for Mammon, the same way the younger had done for him for thousands of years.
As soon as he returned to his office, he got to work, recalling every name that he could recall being mentioned in Mammon’s story, finding their whereabouts, making documents of the incident to send to Diavolo to properly handle the situation and try and make things at least a little bit right.
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He confided in MC, he wasn't sure if it was the emotional vulnerability he somehow felt around the human or the demonus they had been sipping on in his room
He told them about his traumatic event, recounting every detail and the way he was treated by his brothers afterward and how hard it was to watch them laugh at his situation like that.
When he looked up from his lap he saw MC’s eyes were filled with rage and he regretted telling them, thinking they were mad at him for trauma dumping without permission
He began to apologize but they put a hand on his shoulder, raising the other to his cheek, cradling the somehow fragile demon lord in front of them
“It’s going to be okay, I need to do something very quickly but I will be right back and we can do whatever you need to be comforted right now,” they said, storming out the door. 
He waited a few minutes before going to look for them, hearing their loud voice coming from the dining room
He hid behind the door frame and listened to their words, the way they defended him and called out the bad behavior and treatment he had received in response from his brothers
He felt guilty for getting his brothers scolded at- but damn did it feel good to see someone love him so much that they'd scream at a group of the 6 most powerful demons in the Devildom.
When he sensed MC was finishing up, he scurried back to his room, a sad yet fond smile on his face- someone cared, and it felt so good
MC returned to his room, quickly wrapping their arms around his neck and kissing his cheek
“You’re safe now, I won't let anyone hurt you again”
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Leviathan was peacefully playing games in his room, when there was loud banging on his door, startling him and causing his character to die
He groans and makes his way to the door, “Password?” he loudly asks
“None of that shit, get in the dining room, NOW,” MC hisses back, their words dripping with venom
He shivers, knowing things couldn’t be good if MC was using their pact to force him into a different area
He unwillingly makes his way to the Dining room, where he sees Lucifer sat, also with a bewildered look on his face
He feels like he may throw up, the vibes MC gave off in their short meeting before were causing him great anxiety
He felt his hands grow sweaty as he fidgeted, watching his brothers make their way to the room one by one
As MC began speaking he felt his heart sink
Throughout their speech his heart sunk lower and lower, guilt eating at him as he thought about how it would feel if he were in Mammon’s shoes
He felt tears filling his eyes and his cheeks burning red, he was embarrassed and guilty over his treatment of Mammon, even if he stole his stuff sometimes
He knew he shouldn’t have been so mean when the actual event happened, but making fun of Mammon had become such second nature that he couldn’t help it
But he should’ve done more
The second MC leaves he runs back to his room, shutting the door, locking it, and turning off his lights, clumsily making his way to his bed
He laid there crying and trying to think of ways he could repair all of the damage he’d done
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Satan could sense an angry force coming quickly towards his room, closing his book he ran to his door, ready to open it when MC would arrive
He smiled- thinking Mammon had somehow enraged the human and now they were coming to him to let off some steam since he was the avatar of wrath and knew how to handle anger properly
Before they could even knock he swung open the door, smiling politely at MC, only to be met with an icy cold glare
As they commanded him he made his way to the kitchen, confused and worried about the human
Had Mammon pissed them off so bad they were going to announce their early departure from the Devildom?
He saw all his brothers fidgeting and exchanging worried glances
What worried him most was how quiet and submissive Lucifer was acting- it wasn’t normal and he knew that it must mean bad news
MC arrived and he sighed, glad he’d finally get to know what had spiked their anger levels so high
They spoke and his blood ran cold with every word
He let their words sink in, keeping his composure on the outside but raging on the inside
His initial reaction was to be mad at both MC and Mammon, Mammon for tattling on their bad behavior and MC for daring to speak to them in such a way
After storming back to his room though he truly realized what had just happened
He realized he hurt the brother who raised him
Someone who always protected Satan when he was weaker and younger
He felt like his soul had been crushed, finding comfort in sad stories for the rest of the night, unable to focus on the words
His main focus was finding those piece of shit witches and introducing them to his torture chamber
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Asmo was doing his skincare routine when the sharp knocks came on his door
He skipped to the door happily smiling at MC
“MC! Did you finally ditch Mammon to come spend the night with me~” He squealed happily
“Go to the dining room and wait with your brothers
His happiness immediately disappeared as they used the pact on him, shocked by the sheer power of their pact and the venom in their voice
He sat at the table, still in shock, and turned to his brothers, whispering to them about what could be happening and asking if anyone knew anything
As MC entered the room he looked at them with terror in his eyes, their body trembling with rage and more power leaking off of them than he had ever seen from any human besides Solomon
As they began to speak and tell the brothers why they were so angry he felt as if time stopped
Asmodeus had dealt with enough SA stories from close friends and witnessed and saved many people from SA
So when he had initially heard his brother’s story he was shocked it had happened
He hadn’t made fun of Mammon, he just stayed quiet and didn’t address the problem- an action he deeply regretted
He was just so distraught at the time, he had stopped so many SAs and comforted people who had been SA’d so why couldn’t he do that for his dear older brother?
Was it harder to accept because he had such a deep connection with the person it had happened to? He wasn’t sure
As MC left the room, he slowly made his way to his own
He took off his face mask, deciding to end his routine halfway through
Instead he curled up on his bed, staring at absolutely nothing and unable to clearly understand his thoughts
At some point he felt himself crying but he felt so depressed over the situation he couldn’t fully process it
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In the kitchen, he had been eating away at the food that filled their fridge, ensuring it would be empty by the time the clock struck midnight
He hears many footsteps entering the dining room, confused as they had all eaten dinner as a family earlier in the night
One of the footsteps grew louder, approaching the kitchen and he hurriedly tried to hide the scraps of food he’d already eaten in the fridge
He saw MC and smiled- but immediately it faded as he saw the look in their eyes
“Sit in the Dining room and wait,” they didn’t even use the pact on him, knowing Beel wouldn’t put up a fight
He walked to the dining room and sat down next to his brothers, listening to Asmo ask what could be wrong and only offering a weak shrug in response
Calmly he also tried to think of what they all could’ve done wrong
MC strode into the room with wrath filling every inch of their small human frame, power oozing off of them
He shivers and listens to MC as they speak
His hunger seems to vanish and be replaced by his guilt
He guiltily looks down at his lap
Mammon fought for Lilith, he fought literal GOD for his family, and when he needed a shoulder to lean on or someone to fight for HIM.. Beel just did nothing
He retreated to his room, letting his stomach growl for hours as he paces the room, plotting on how he could fix the bond he’s broken
He asks his brothers if any of them had located the witch who hurt Mammon, knowing they surely must be thinking the same thing
He decided he would not eat the night before they go after the witch, knowing he wouldn’t want to fill up before he made a meal of them
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Surprise surprise… this bitch is sleeping when MC is making their rounds
MC opens the door to the twins’ room and finds him sleeping soundly
They walk over to the bed, shaking the demon harshly, hardly being able to wake him
They pull him until he falls off the bed, effectively waking him up
He grumpily looks up at the enraged human and glares, “Why are you waking me up?” 
They tell him to go to the dining room but he simply climbs back onto his bed, about to pull the covers over himself, when he feels the human grab him by the back of his shirt and begin to drag him out of the room, their strength coming purely from the anger they felt towards the demon
He struggled at first but eventually opted to let them drag him there
Once he was sat at the table MC began to speak
He was listening sleepily at first, but as they got more and more into how disgusted they were with the brothers, Belphie woke up, starting to feel disgusted by himself as well
After MC leaves he retreats to the attic, trying to sleep once again but not being able to with how many of his thoughts were racing
Mammon had never treated Belphie badly besides stealing a few things every now and then, but Belphie treated Mammon like a punching bag and it wasn’t fair
As he thought about his disgusting behavior he thought of every other disgusting thing he’d done up until that point
He was left laying on the bed in the attic, unfortunately awake and drowning in self-hatred
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luffythinker · 9 months
i started playing persona 5 would you ever be into such a thing? i know you said you don't play games but would you consider watching lets play? im mostly blind and so far it's polite boy gets his ass beat for trying to save a lady and goes to jail and we are playing a flash back so we can figure out whats going on and why we are in jail getting overdosed by cops and beat the hell up in the first place somebody on our team ratted us out and i don't know whats going on anymore i just wanted to go to school and dude said "i know the way" we at castle town and theres a big headed cat showing us the way out i just wanted to go to school also we on probation cause a drunk guy tried to force a lady in the car we got involved and they called the police on me for 'attacking him' when he fell over by himself cause he's drunk and now everyone at school says i did every crime assult battery drugs and apparently i carry a knife THEM KIDS DONT KNOW ME im just a guy and my dad who's not my dad who let me live in his shops attic also don't like me but also likes me kinda? but keeps threating to call the police on me it's day 2 LOL that's why the MC moved to this town cause the polices ate his ass so this is suppoed to be a fresh start but it aint fresh it's stank last nights beef stew stank
everyone seems to want me to get into games lately is this s sign from the universekjfdjkldf
"i just wanted to go to school" KJCJLDFJFD THIS IS SO FUNNY IM SO SORRY
this is the wildest thing i have read in a while, i don't know what to say but uhhhhh update me pls ?? I know myself i know i ain't gonna play this, but it sounds real funny from the outside so i would be down to hear more about it, if u have any recs for lets play send it my way kckjck
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twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
To Have and Hold 4
Chapter: 1/2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Category: GN/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationships: Diavolo/GN!MC
Characters: Diavolo, Main Character
Tags for these chapters: Not Beta Read, Yandere, Kidnapping, No Happy Ending, Sexual Assult,
Summary: Love drives some people crazy and some can't stand to go without. You thought you'd found the perfect boyfriend in Diavolo, one who loved you more than anything else in the world. And, well, you weren't exactly wrong, but it turns out that he's one of the ones that can't go without...
Word Count: 3273
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You had wanted to be left alone, but this was ridiculous.
The way your stomach lurched forward in hunger had you doubled over in pain. The only consistent sound in the room was it begging for food and being constantly denied. You were going on day three without seeing Diavolo. At least, you think it was day three… you didn't have a clock to tell the time so you had to rely on watching day and night pass (even though there was barely a difference between the two in the Devildom).
"Damnit, Diavolo." You cursed, grabbing your needy stomach, "I'm so hungry."
Why hadn't he come to see you since your arrival? Not that you wanted to see him at the moment, but it was the principal of the matter. Was he planning to just leave you here to starve to death? Why go through all the trouble? It would have been easier to just kill you quickly when he had the chance. It would certainly be less painful for you.
There is a knock at the door of the room you're imprisoned in, but you can't find the energy to get up and open it. It doesn't matter. You don't want to let anyone in to see you anyway. All you want is to lie down and cry yourself back to sleep, but you don't have enough water in you to form tears properly at the moment.
It doesn't seem to matter if you open the door or not, however, since it appears to open on its own. No. Not completely on its own. Someone has opened it from the outside. Someone with devilish red hair and big ol' lying puppy dog eyes, who closes and locks the door behind him before strolling up to you with his face aglow. It's almost like he knew you were thinking about how much you hated him at the moment and decided to confirm why you did.
"It's been so long." Diavolo looks down at you with bright eyes, "I was lonely without you."
What a liar. He looked just fine without having you around. If anything, you were positive that he looked a little too elated at your current state, but you were too tired to say anything against him.
"Have you been enjoying your alone time?" You'd been so insistent on being without him only a few days ago. He could only imagine how you'd spent that time, especially given the unfortunate state you were in.
“Best time of my life.” You spit out, trying to hold on to what little control of your life you still seemed to have. He couldn’t make you say you missed him or even cared to have him around.
"Is that so?" He chuckled nervously, seeming to miss the venom in your words; intentionally or not was another question, "Barbatos wouldn't let me leave until I finished my work. It was so boring and there was so much of it that I worried I may not be able to see you today."
"Unfortunate." If only Barbatos could keep him longer.
"It would have been. I really missed you and I didn't want to wait another day." He invaded your personal space, crawling next to you on the bed and leaning in too closely, "I did a good job today, so where's my reward?"
You knew what he was getting at. You had too many memories of stolen kisses and long nights with him when he'd finally gotten a break. It was always the light at the end of a long day -- sometimes week! -- for him.
Even so, "Fuck off," you have no intention of reliving those memories. Every single one you had was tainted now and nothing he did would change that.
His eyes squint in a frustrated glare before he sighs, "You still don’t want to see me, even though I’ve been thinking of you all day?"
At least he understood that much.
He clicks his tongue, a habit you have never seen out of him before, "That's too bad. I was hoping we could have dinner together today."
Dinner? As in food? You were ashamed to admit how readily your body jumped at the promise of something other than water in your stomach. Saliva started to overflow the moment he mentioned it, making it clear where your thoughts were on the subject.
Diavolo could only chuckle that deep, now unsettling chuckle at how honest your body was, despite your continued resistance, "It's been so long since we had a date, so eating something together sounded nice." He snapped his fingers and watched as your eyes lit up at the sudden appearance of a bowl of warm, steaming cream soup. It was so modest, but you looked enraptured by the sight. It seemed a few days without food really had opened you up quite a bit more from your initial arrival.
However, you still hesitated to reach out for the food. The only thought running through your mind was how this could be another trap, just like the tea that got you stuck here in the first place. Somehow, someway this was going to be used against you if you made a move.
"Aren't you going to eat?" He asks as you stare at the food he knows you want.
All you can do is shake your head, "I'm fine." Even if you were starving and hurting, it was safer to reject his offers than run toward them full force. At least, that was the assumption you made.
"So you aren't hungry?"
"No." Lies. You were dying to eat, just not when and how he told you to.
A look of contemplation crosses his face as he stares down at you through hooded eyes. It's like he's debating something in his head before speaking, "If that is the case, I suppose I will respect your wishes." He snapped his fingers again and the food vanished into thin air, "Since you aren't hungry, we won't be needing that." His stomach practically dropped when he saw how your hungry eyes looked as if they'd tear up at the loss of food, but you had done this to yourself.
"What about a bath instead? You seem like you could use some help to get over there." After all, you could barely leave your bed as it was and he was more than willing to assist you however you needed it, "I can help you."
“I can bathe myself.” You mumbled, continuing to hold yourself as you curled away from him. The thought of him touching you was vile.
“But this is better for us, don’t you think?” That wide smile that crossed his face made your stomach churn, “It’s a good chance for us to talk and bond. I don’t want us to stay upset at each other,” he said as if he was the one who should be upset at the moment.
“I said I can do it myself, Diavolo.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, the air around you began to feel cold and oppressive. You glance cautiously toward Diavolo, only to see him looking at you entirely unamused.
“I insist.” There was something in his voice that caused you to tremble. Had he always been so terrifying?
"Let me get the bath ready." He walked away from you, straight into the bathroom where you could hear the water running. He'd always been bad at taking no for an answer, always prone to following his own whims whatever they may be. How had you never noticed just how extreme they could be? You should have realized just what he was capable of…
While he is gone, you just let yourself melt into the bed again. Maybe if you tried hard enough you could dissolve into the sheets and find some kind of escape. That little reprieve didn't last nearly long enough though. The sound of water stopped just before he came back out.
"It's all ready," he said as he sauntered toward you, seeming pleased with himself, "It's nice and warm, so let's hurry before it cools down."
"No thank you." Your thoughts on bathing hadn't changed in the last few minutes. If anything, your desire has shrunk.
He chuckled and shook his head at you, "That wasn't a question, My Love."
He didn’t allow any further protesting as he lifted you from your spot and carried you toward the restroom -- holding tight despite you wriggling and flailing against him as much as you could -- where he wasted no time dropping you into the fully filled tub. A chill ran through your bones as you hit the water, your clothes getting soaked all the way through. It was demeaning and humiliating.
“You should take off your clothes so you can clean properly.” He acted as if he wasn’t the one that just threw you in, “Or I can cut them off if you would prefer. You like when I rip your clothes off, don’t you?” He couldn’t help but recall all the times he’d torn them from your body, adoring how much better you looked without them.
“Please leave.” You shake from the chill of the water as you plead with him, hoping he will at least allow you this small moment of privacy.
“I can’t do that. I’m here to make sure you stay safe.”
The most dangerous thing here is you.
That’s what you want to say, but you know better than that. It was clear that getting angry and fighting against him was going to get you nowhere. You had to play your cards right if you wanted a chance to call for help.
If you had to pick between taking your clothing off on your terms or risk letting him tear them off of you, you would begrudgingly strip down. As you start trying to remove your clothing, you find that the fabric clings to every part of you uncomfortably. You don’t miss the way Diavolo’s eyes stay on you, relishing every article that you finally remove.
You place your clothing in a sopping pile just outside the tub and twist your body to face away from your captor. Fortunately, he didn't seem to protest. Unfortunately, he took it as you inviting him to do something else.
"Are you asking me to wash your back?"
No .
But that answer probably won't do you any good, so you merely refuse to speak to him.
He reaches a hand out, grabbing you by the chin and forcing you to look in his direction. You turn your eyes away in defiance, the last thing granted to you, "I don't want to treat you harshly. Allow me to prove it."
You could wretch. There was no way he was serious. You bit your lip, quite literally, to keep yourself from saying anything that would worsen his mood and put you in any more danger. Maybe he would eventually get bored of you if you didn't do anything at all. But for the moment, you kept his attention and he wouldn't let you get away from him.
With a smile, he grabbed a rag and soap before beginning to rub it along your shoulders. You hated how gentle he was as he brushed against your skin, the scent of soup filling your nose as he worked. It was a scent you knew well, as it was the same as the kind you used back home.
"You've been taking care of yourself," He commented, "You're absolutely gorgeous." The rag wandered from your shoulders to your front, spending far too much time gliding over your chest and between your legs as he continued to ignore your protests.
"I can clean myself." You wanted his hands off of you so badly that you could scream.
"You're still getting used to your new life. Let me take care of you in the meantime." As he spoke, he brushed against a spot that made you cry out reflexively. He smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing, "We can do that if you want too."
"I don't," and you didn't want him to be touching you either, but you would have to tolerate it until he finished since you couldn't fight him off.
There was a moment of silence before his hands moved on, "Alright. We won't do anything then." As disappointing as it was that you didn't want him right now, you would come around eventually and he could wait for that moment.
He finished washing you in silence before moving to your hair. The way he brushed and washed your hair would usually be soothing, but it was anything except that right now. Every motion he made only made it more obvious that he currently held all the power. No matter how calmly or gently he worked, you could feel the threat just behind his actions.
Once he finished with you, he pulled back, finally giving you a moment to breathe, "There we are." He grabbed a towel and prompted you to stand, "Let's dry you off."
You wanted to argue more but at least a towel was something to cover you up. So, despite your better judgement, you followed his directions. The shock on his face was obvious, but soon melted into what you could only assume was affection. Continuing the silence between you both, he began to pat you dry. Your hair, arms, torso, thighs, and more… he was careful to go over everything. It was hard to tell if it was better or worse than him washing you earlier.
When he finished, he wrapped the towel around you, "I love you."
Those words made something in your lower stomach drop and tighten. Once upon a time, you may have returned them, but you couldn't even dream of it right now.
Your hesitation was clear and so was Diavolo's reaction; more disappointment. Still, he tried to push it aside, "Go to the other room. I'll be right behind you after I clean up here."
That was fine by you. Anything to get some distance from him. So while he began to drain the tub, you went back to the bedroom and tried to keep from screaming. You may have just bathed, but you felt dirty and gross all over. Actually rolling in garbage would make you feel more clean than you currently did. You wanted to actually burn your own skin just so you could get the lingering memory of Diavolo's touch off of you. You hated this! All of it was messed up! What had you ever done to deserve this?
Your rambling thoughts were interrupted by Diavolo wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you back against him. You would have gasped in surprise from his sudden return… if not for a different issue at the moment. You cringed as you felt something against your ass, knowing exactly what it was and wanting to vomit. Was he really so shameless as to be turned on by this situation?
He bent down, burying his face into your neck and taking a deep breath in, "You smell so good." He bucked up against you, squeezing you more tightly against him so he could feel you unwillingly rub him through his pants, "It was so hard to just watch you."
"If you're going to assault me," you begin, "at least don't pretend you care about me." The idea of him holding you like this was revolting. The least he could do was pretend he didn't think this was romantic.
The accusation in your words does not go unnoticed. The grip he has on you loosens slightly before tightening once again, "Do you doubt my feelings?"
No. How could you? He was clearly obsessed to a degree you couldn't understand and he was taking out those misguided feelings on you.
"This isn't love."
There isn't even a moment of silence before he starts chuckling deeply. It seems you told a joke that you weren't aware of, "It's alright. You'll understand eventually." He loved you so completely. It wasn't your fault that humans didn't understand such intense emotions, but it was fine because he could teach you. You were here to stay, after all, and he would do anything to keep you with him.
He finally lets you go and you sigh in relief to have his hands off of you.
"You should get dressed." Because he couldn't hold himself back when you looked so vulnerable.
You didn’t make a move, instead wrapping your hands around yourself to try and cover-up. The only clothing you had was still soaked at the edge of the tub, so you weren't sure what he planned to put you in.
When you refused to make a move, he did instead. There was a wardrobe in your gilded cage, one you had refused to open, but one that he did without hesitation. Inside you could see what looked like strips of cloth on different hangers.
"I made sure to get you lots of different things to wear. You're free to put on anything you like."
"I want my clothing…"
He looked at you sympathetically, "This is your clothing. It looks so much better than what you were wearing before."
He tossed one of the articles onto the bed, "Try this one. It's my favorite." His eyes watched you, staring too closely and turning to disappointment when you still didn't move, "Do you need help getting dressed?"
You had to think quickly, "I don't want to get it wet." You were still dripping in places, so it seemed logical, "I'll wait until I'm dry so I don't ruin it."
"You're so thoughtful." He said, seeming to have bought into the lie, "But you should still put something on."
The towel around you covered up more than whatever he pulled out did, so that's what you would stick with. You still had to lie though, "I will."
The smile that crossed his face made you sick, "You're already so much calmer. I knew a bath would help you relax." He must have been an idiot to think that you were relaxed. You were seething just barely under the surface.
Keep lying, "Yes. I'm thinking more clearly now." You looked at the bed where the outfit he'd set down was, "May I… I would like to change by myself, please." All you wanted was for him to get out.
"But I want to see if it fits you," he whined.
"Please?" You were going to puke if he stayed with you.
He seems to think about it for a moment. He wanted to stay with you, but you needed time to adjust on your own and he'd barely given you that, "Will you call me when you need me."
"Of course." Although you would never stoop to needing him.
"I guess I can… you'll just have to show me what you look like later." He gently brushed his hand against your cheek and you had to stop yourself from flinching, "I'll come back immediately if something happens or you call for me."
With that, he left you alone in the room once more, leaving you to stare directly at the excuse for clothing he'd left on the bed. It was a sheer, little black number that covered almost nothing. You recalled that the wardrobe was full of similar pieces when you glanced into it. Clearly it was never meant to be worn publicly and could barely be considered an outfit, which told you everything you needed to know.
He never planned to let anyone see you again.
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I needed more Bishop fics so I'm going to write some. Sorry not sorry, I just adore him and think he deserves some love. I did name the character in this story simply because it was easier for me personally to write (don't judge me, Y/N got confusing) but please, feel free to insert your own name. 😏
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Swearing, Tiny bit of violence, Protects O/C from possible assult.
Spanish is not my first language, I know some things here and there but I am NOT fluent. Praying that everything makes sense to you.
I don't own Bishop or anything Mayans related. Just my original character and her story.
This is my first fanfic/drabble/whatever you'd like to call it, please be gentle.
Sweat dripped down Lily's back as she stepped away from her friends. They've been dancing all night and her legs were beginning to burn. She was hot. Way too hot. If she didn't get something cool to drink soon, she feared she'd pass out.
Weaving through the crowd, Lily found a spot by the bar, leaning against it patiently. It was busy tonight, busier than last weekend, and the poor bartender looked overwhelmed. People yelled from every direction, wanting his attention, wanting their drinks. Lily shook her head as someone yelled something obscene. It really wasn't the guys fault, this place should hire some more people to help him out.
Lily considered hopping over the bar to get herself some water, but between her heels and her tight dress, she decided that would be a diaster. Instead she hissed under her breath as another person elbowed her in the side. Shit. That one hurt.
"Are you waited on?" The bartended was back, yelling at her over the music.
Shaking her head, Lily leaned forward, "can I get three waters please?" Handing him some cash, Lily returned his polite smile. "Thank you!" A moment later, three plastic bottles were pressed into her hands, condensation dripping down the sides. Ice cold. Perfect.
Twisting the cap off one, Lily took a quick sip, nearly spilling it on herself as another person bumped into her. Recapping it, she swiped a hand over her mouth. Her friend had insisted that she come along tonight. Argued that a person wouldn't get to know the area by staying in and reading. She had a point and despite Lily's desire to stay home, she decided to come out with her friend. Now, as she got another elbow to the side, Lily was starting to regret it. It was getting late and she was tired and that cozy book nook was starting to sound better and better.
Turning to go back to her friends, Lily stopped short as someone stepped into her path. A man, tall and skinny with greasy blond hair blocked the way. He smiled at her, but unlike the bartender, it wasn't out of kindness or him trying to be polite. It was sly and menacing and the little hairs on the back of her neck prickled with apprehension.
"Excuse me." She forced a smile, eyes flicking toward the corner where her friends were still dancing. They'd never hear her if she yelled.
"Hold on a minute, baby, let me get you a drink."
"I'm good, but thank you." She held up the water bottles, attempting to walk around him. A large hand shot out, clamping down on her arm. Lily gasped, panic rising in her belly.
"I said hold on a minute." He growled, eyes narrowing, mouth twisting into a nasty smirk.
"Please don't touch me." She tried again with the politeness, trying to pull her arm back. Maybe he was just drunk. Her stomach dropped as his his steely fingers tightened, squeezing her arm in a vice-like grip. Lily dropped the waters, tears springing to her eyes as she looked up into a face full of bad intentions. Okay, not drunk, just mean.
"She said not to fucking touch her." Someone behind her snarled, startling Lily and the man holding her arm.
Both of their heads turned toward the person stepping up to her side. Tall, broad, and built, the guy looked like he'd have no trouble holding his own in a fight.
Not once did he look in Lily's direction, instead he stared the guy down. Stepping closer, he slid in between them, angling his body in a way that had Lily almost entirely behind him. Her chest nearly touching his back as it rose and fell rapidly, she wished she could just back away and disappear. The guys hand was still locked on her arm though, twisting it awkwardly around the man who had stepped between them.
Lily's eyes traced the patterned sewed on the back of his black, leather vest. Some kind of face looked back at her, green letters spelling out 'Mayans MC...' and something else, but before she could finish reading it her arm was being shoved back at her. Lily stumbled under the force of it. A hand landed on her shoulder, steadying her before she could fall. Looking back, Lily found two more men, both wearing vests like the one in front of her. They offered her sympathetic smiles, making sure she was steady on her feet before pulling away.
A shy smile tugged at her lips as she tried to convey with her eyes how thankful she was. They both nodded, looking over her shoulder as their... Boss? Lily wasn't sure exactly what the guy was to them, but his whole demeanor from the way he stood to the way he spoke screamed dominance. And these two, they seemed like easy, breezy goofballs.
Turning back to the man, Lily found him already facing her, scanning his eyes from her head to her feet and back again. Checking for injuries? Or checking her out... Again, Lily was felt anxious and unsure.
"Are you alright, querida?"
Lily nodded once, biting down on her trembling lip as she looked around.
"He's gone, you don't have to worry about him anymore." The man supplied, watching her shoulders drop ever so slightly. He eyed her carefully, she still looked tense, but he couldn't blame her for being shook up after what just happened.
The man before her stooped and grabbed the bottles of water she had dropped. Reaching around her, he handed two to the guys behind her, nodding toward the corner where her friends were. They were probably wondering where she got to at this point. Lily watched the men head in that direction. The crowd she had to fight her way through not ten minutes ealier parted like the red sea for the men in vest. Interesting. She must have looked worried because the man was stepping forward and pulling her attention toward him again.
"Leticia is a good friend of ours, her and her friend will be safe with the guys." Lily's eyes jumped from him to the backs of his friends as they walked away. From her spot near the bar, Lily could just make out Leti throwing her arms around one of the guys, laughing as they hugged in the middle of the dance floor. She obviously knew them, just like he said. Lily relaxed a bit more, allowing her tight shoulders to slump as she cradled her arm to her chest. The fear drained out of her as she looked back into the man's eyes, leaving her feeling exhausted and woozy.
"Wanna step outside? Get some air? You look ready to pass out." He gave her a soft smile, looking genuinely concerned for her, like he expected her to fall over at any moment.
Letting her eyes drop to his boot-clad feet before bringing them back up to his face, Lily considered walking outside with some she didn't know. Dressed in ripped jeans, a dark tee-shirt and that leather vest, he looked exactly like someone she shouldn't be hanging out with and yet, he was the one who intervened on her behalf.
Nodding at him again, Lily watched him turn and walk toward the door. Like the other two, the crowd seemed to part for him. No one bumped into him, or jabbed him with an elbow, in fact, no one even attempted to make eye contact. They all just scurried out of the way. Smiling to herself, Lily followed him out of the bar.
The two of them stepped to the left of the door, stopping just a few feet from the entrance. Well lit by a nearby street lamp, they stood in the direct eye of the public. Lily chalked another point up for him, his obvious attempts to make her less anxious didn't go unnoticed by her.
"Can I see it?" His voice slid over her, raising goosebumps in its wake. Deep, rich and smooth Lily wondered when the last time someone had effected her so much with just their voice. Maybe she was calming down, or maybe she couldn't hear him the best over the music when they were inside, but wow.
Leaning back against the rough brick of the building, Lily lifted her arm, holding it out to him silently. Dark eyes bore into hers just a second longer before he took a step closer, taking her wrist gently in his hand. Lifting his other hand, he carefully ran his fingers over the bruise. A sharp hiss escaped from between Lily's teeth.
"I'm sorry," he apologized quickly, lifting his gaze back to hers, revealing sincere guilt.
"It's okay," she assured him, meeting his eyes.
Holding her wrist higher, he asked, "can you wiggle your fingers for me?" She did, slowly, but they all moved. "Good, doesn't seem serious, just a bruise. If the pain gets worse though definitely get it checked out, okay?"
Lily nodded again, "Thank you s-" her voice cracked and she immediately attempted to clear her dry throat and start over. The need to express her gratitude pushing through her discomfort.
"Hold on, take a drink." And suddenly he was releasing her wrist and twisting the top off the water bottle he had apparently been holding this whole time.
Lily nodded, holding it to her lips and swallowing a big gulp. It soothed her scratchy throat immediately and after taking another swig, she reached for the lid. He held it out to her, the cap looking even smaller sitting on the palm of his hand. Twisting it on, she sat the bottle at her feet. Resting her head back against the building, Lily pulled the a big breath into her lungs. She felt as if she had been holding her breath since the whole thing happened. With closed eyes, she let it out slowly before lifting her head and looking back at the man in front of her.
"What's your name?"
He winced. "When you didn't ask earlier, I assumed you knew who I was."
"How would I... Oh, Leti."
"She's at the clubhouse all the time, I thought maybe she told you about us or something."
"Sorry, I'm new to the area, I don't even know where or what the clubhouse is." Lily laughed then, feeling awkward. He grinned at her, his smile lifting his thick mustache. Watching her stroke a hand through her hair, he placed a hand on his chest.
"Obispo Losa, or Bishop to most people." Offering that same hand, he apologized again, "I should have introduced myself earlier, please forgive my lack of manners."
Not wanting to give him her sore arm, she held out her left hand instead. The handshake was sloppy and awkward, but his grin stretched, crinkling the corners of his eyes. The rough pad of his thumb rubbed a slow circle into the back of her hand.
"I... Uh... Lily." His smile only grew as she stammered, a dark eyebrow quirked as he waited for the rest of her name. Pinching her eyes shut, she dropped her head back against the building, pulling away from him to squeeze the bridge of her nose like she always did when she was frustrated.
A large hand enveloped hers, tugging it gently away from her face. Lily snapped her eyes open, surprised by his touch. He held her hand in both of his, begining to draw those circles angain with his thumbs. Bending his knees slightly, Bishop dipped his head in an attempt to meet her eyes.
"Just Lily, or do I get a last name?"
"Just Lily for now." She blushed under his intense gaze, shifting her eyes from his down to their hands.
"Well it's nice to meet you, just Lily." Lifting her hand to his mouth, he pressed two plush lips against her knuckles before releasing her altogether and taking a step back.
She was starting to look nervous again and the last thing Bishop wanted to do was scare her after the night she had. Not just tonight, not ever. He corrected himself mentally. An odd feeling of protectiveness washed through him as he looked down at her. Long hair fell around her bare shoulders, tanned skin contrasted against her red dress. God, she was beautiful.
A loud laugh had both of their heads turning in the direction of the entrance. Panic filled Lily's eyes as she recognized the man stepping outside. Bishop decided right there and then he hated it. That look in her eyes, the way her chest heaved with quickening breath, her small hands fisting at her sides as she tried to hide their trembling... All of it. The idea of her being afraid didn't sit right with him. It churned his stomach, lit a fire in his veins. If it was up to him, he'd kill that guy then and there so she'd never have to see him again. That would bring too much heat on the club though. For now, he needed to stay calm.
Pivoting on the heel of his boot, Bishop placed himself between Lily and the man walking in their direction. Hoping that the action would both calm her and encourage the guy to keep walking. Recognition flickered in his bloodshot eyes, a sneer twisting his mouth. Guess not.
"Well, well, looks like El Presidente wanted the little whore for himself, huh?" The guy elbowed his buddy, both of them laughing at her expense.
Seriously fuck these guys. Bishop's hand curled into a tight fist, rage coursing through him. They were dea-
"Bish..." One word. A shortened version of his name. An intimate nickname that only his closest friends used. Hushed. Breathy. It was like cold water dousing his anger. A small hand landed on his back, just below his shoulder blade and it seared right through his clothing and into his skin. Fuck. His fingers slowly uncurled, flexing slowly by his side. Stay cool.
The two guys looked at each other, smug smiles on their faces. "Biiiish." The one of left whined, making it sound dirty and crude.
"Keep practicing, honey, you don't quite have that down yet." The other guy spoke, chuckling again.
"Come mierda, pendejos." Bishop spit, wanting nothing more than to knock them both on their asses.
"You stupid Mexican gangbangers think you rule these streets. Wake up, jefe. Not everyone around here bows down to you. Go back to Mexico and tend someone's garden."
Bishop turned slightly, looking over his shoulder at Lily, clocking her quivering lip. It took all of his strength to face the men calmly.
"Keep walking." Keep walking or so help you, God.
"Make us, El Presidente."
Bishop sucked in a breath, fighting the urge to ram this guy's teeth down his throat.
"He's not so tough without his dogs nipping at his heels, huh?" The other guy nudged his friend.
"I swear to God, if you don't keep walking." Bishop's voice dropped an octave as he took a threatening step forward. Lily remained quiet behind him, her hand falling away. He felt the loss in his bones. Like someone pulled an ice pack off a burn, all the heat came rushing to the surface.
"Have fun with the little puta, let us know if you need help making her cooperate!" It was meant to be a quick jab, just one more insult thrown over their shoulder as they walked away, but before they could so much as turn away, Bishop was on them.
Grabbing the blond guy by the collar of his shirt, Bishop reeled back his hand, throwing his whole shoulder into it the punch. A sickening crack filled the air as the guy sprawled on to his back. Two hands cupped his nose, blood oozing from between them. His buddy looked on in shock, deliberating between helping this friend up or running off without him.
"You broke my nose!"
Bishop leaned over, gathering the guys short in his fist again, "Get your ass up and leave before I hit you again."
His buddy grabbed his arm, hauling him up and around the corner. They disappeared without another word. Bishop watched them go, flexing his hand twice as he tested his knuckles. Honestly he would even be upset if he broke his hand, not if it meant defending Lily, or his culture. He was a little afraid that Lily would hate him now though. In his experience, women didn't appreciate witnessing violence. Bishop turned slowly, hesitantly, afraid of what he'd find when he did.
"I'm sorry, querida." He spoke softly, trying to look as nonthreatening as possible in her eyes. Lily looked at him with wide eyes, hands still trembling, bottom lip trapped between her teeth. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I-"
"Don't be." Lily murmured, lunging forward and throwing her arms around Bishop's neck in a hug that neither one of them saw coming. Bishop stumbled back a step, lifting his hands to her waist as he steadied them both. She spoke softly, lips brushing his skin, "thank you, Obispo."
The moment stole the very breath from his lungs and Bishop found himself wondering when she pulled away, would he ever be happier than he was with her in his arms? He doubted it.
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My (CURRENT) Ask/In Box
(On Wattpad, Ao3, and here)
🌸 Some of Fandoms I Write For 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 🌸
My Hero Academia
Yandere Stain x Reader - Reader is a hero that Stain adores and he kidnaps her and eventually rapes her to keep her from being tainted by anyone else (PART 1 ✅, PART 2 Coming soon)
Mirio x Reader - Reader has some sort of cat quirk and goes trick or treating with Emi, along the way her and Mirio meet and take emi home and fuck
Tamaki x Reader - Reader is sad that she’s been rejected by her crush and Tamaki tries his best to help out
Endeavor x 17 year old Secretary/Assistant - Endeavor is basically sexually assulting the reader and no one knows and due to this major confusion reader can’t tell if it’s consent or not (Done ✅)
Yandere Bakukiri x Reader - Bakugou And Kirishima double team Reader and makes her into their sex slave (basically...Reader starts out a Virgin)
Yandere Aizawa x Gender Neutral Reader
Best Jeanist x Reader - Basically request is just asking for some really kinky shit to go down
Yandere Overhual x Shy! Innocent! Reader - some non con shit
Hawks x Reader x Endeavor - non con role play with choking and manhandling
Dabi x Reader - where reader is a long lost friend who’s become a hero. They figure out they’re on different sides but end up fucking on the battlefield anyway
Shouto x Reader - “Consensual non con”
Shigaraki x Reader - Has an interest in reader and decides to torture a close friend of hers to break her
Mirio x Reader - Reader catches Mirio jacking off to her panties and he claims he didn’t mean to then she fucks him
Yandere dom Shigaraki x Reader - with heavy kinks such as: non con, daddy kink, bondage, spanking, degradation, multiple orgasms, etc and the reader develops Stockholm syndrome. (A/N: Damn Anon gets a jug of water cause your really wildin’ right now..)
Teen Midoriya x Teen Reader - Reader is Aizawa’s daughter-in-law and Deku gets her pregnant at 16 or something
Sub boys Shinsou and Aizawa (separate)
Aizawa x Fem! Student Reader - They’re training and just keeps getting really...really close.
Yandere Shinsou with smut and fluff povs and how he feels about the reader (DONE ✅)
Twice x Hero! Reader - Who fuck in the alleyway while The Lov and Hero’s are in a battle
Kiribaku x Reader - (was just a kiribaku ship request but these are x reader so they accepted slipping the reader in) some omorashi shit
Hunter x Hunter
Another Kurapika x Reader - no details just something spicy
Killua x Reader (still no details...)
Silva x Maid Reader - Silva is having a secret affair with the reader behind Kikyo’s back and it’s been going on for a while
Machi x fem! Reader - Machi masturbates to reader whimpering what she wants them to do to her, the next day Reader teases her the whole day until they have sex
Some sort of Diedara x Reader
Rock Lee x Reader
Kakashi x Reader - Daddy Kink and asphyxiation
Madara, Tobirama, and Hashirama x Reader - (not sure if they wanted separated or what but it’s whatever)
Manipulative Gaara x Reader - Bad Ending (PART 1 is already up and ✅, PART 2 coming soon)
Obsessive Kakashi x Reader - Good Ending
Jirayia x Minato’s old friend
Manipulative Shikimaru x Reader
Stalker! Shisui x Reader - I get to choose whether it’s a good end or bad one 😈😈😈
Sasuke x Insecure! Chubby Reader
The Arcana
Julian x Gender Neutral! Reader - Bondage and edging
Nadia x Julian x Asra x Reader - Nadia And reader wants to have a child and ask Julian and Arsa for help
Asra x Reader x Julian - Julian is a cute sweet bottom and Arsa and mc are caring tops who sometimes have sadistic tendencies
Werewolf! Muriel x GN! Reader - Where Muriel finds MC hurt in the woods
Julian x Chubby! Jealous! Nadia’s Sister Reader
Edit: Will be getting posted to my other account @valdemarshouldsteponmythroat along with yandere simulator male oneshots.
Mystic Messenger
Yoonsung x Chubby! Babyface! Reader
Busty! Reader x Saeran - Reader is a little bit older and persuade/chase after saeran and end up having sex
Hypnosis Mic
UPDATE: Dom! Female x Saburo who plays with his butt (?) - PEGGING HAS BEEN CONFIRMED ❤️
(Nothing yet)
Jason x Chubby! Reader
Bubba/Tommy x Chubby Reader
Harry Potter
Weasley Twins x Reader
Marcus Flint x Reader - hot passionate sex on the Quidditch Field and he ask her to marry him
Draco Malfoy x Chubby Reader
Alucard x Reader - Any scenario
Vlad x Reader
Alucard or Trevor x Reader
Vlad x Suicidal! Depressed Reader - reader tries to take her life cause she thinks no one loves her and Vlad stops her and holds her
Owari no Seraph
(Nothing yet)
Diabolik Lovers
(Nothing yet)
Yaoi for Diabolik Lovers
(Mainly uke Reiji so far...)
Shuu x Reiji
Ayato x Reiji
Anime (In General)
Yandere Karma x Chubby Reader
Levi x Insecure Chubby Reader
Yandere! Uta x Thicc Reader
Naruto x Sasuke
Naruto x Itachi
Yuma x Reiji
Otome Games
(Requests can be sent in after I knock out most of these others request)
(I don’t listen to kpop much but I do have my groups haha. Requests will be able to be sent in after I get my other requests out.)
These are all my ask so far on all my social media so take it easy on me guys haha..Thank you to my current followers! You guys mean a lot to me ya know.
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justsaya · 6 years
I got bored so here some things
I'm a huge fan HP:Mystery, so in these i was reading a lot of Headcanons and i was thinking about my MC and also about my Big Brother's MC(in my family is the only one who support my omosexuality...bc to him "So you're lesbian...well probably my future wife probably will be an alien(i know how huge fan of Mass Effect 1,2,3 he is...so he's joking but i know him enough to say that probably he'll be married with some kind of alien for real)" so then i asked about his MC and now i'm going to say something about him(don't worry give the time to find and re-copy my MC's Headcanon and i'll post them too ^_^) Prepare yourself my Brother mostly love 3 things: FullMetal Alchemist and Dramas(and here Jacob is Rowan's big brother), Harry Potter
Name: David "Jager" Denneth(His Dad call him Jager/Hunter, He is German and her mother is English or Wells, he isn't sure for now...but she's born in Great Britain)
Family: Father(Fritz Denneth, He was orphan and adopted by a old wandering Monk who use Alchemy "FullMetal Alchemist Style"), Biological Mother(Christine Wellburn, she is a pureblood witch with a disease who block her ability to do magic but her family was rich and powerful enough so she went to Hogwarts anyways mostly for study a possible cure),Big Brother(Glaive Denneth is a Jacob's friends but David knows about him during the Sorting Hat thing and he was a normal wizard without disease and mostly a curious Ravenclaw like her mother but without disease then).
Born in: Second Half of August in a little village on the borderline between Germany and France there are like 1000 people around the area and mostly they're working adult or old enough to go to retirement, not much child like him or his best friend/like a sister, Elizabeth(She hate get called by full name, even the teachers call her Liz, bc she thinks it's such a long and uncool name)
Hair: Ginger like a Weasley and his father and they haven't a good Father/Son relationship until the end of Year 4(and even then...it's like "Can we just try to not argue everytime and enjoy a meal with shouting?" kind of relationship)So he hates his hair color but when got invited by Bill to Weasley's house, Molly was like "Charlie finally you're out of your room...wait..you're not Charlie...Bill, who did you take here?"
Eyes: Blue like a Sapphire and like his mother
Background: He grew thinking to be a only child in his family, and without a mother(Dead some days after his birth, Fritz says he get killed by an evil monster called Severus Snape, later he'll discover Snape try to cure her disease and...something went bad...but for that time Christine was mad/insane unable to be a mother even when she already had Glaive, Snape usually insult David by saying "Not even your mother wants to give birth to you, how can you think we want you here in Hogwarts?"). His Dad just buy a house in Germany right after his wife's death, and leave Glaive to some relatives of his wife and time from time Fritz disappear and go to Glaive trying to be a good dad and neglecting David who grew by hanging out with Liz and her mother(a muggle who also married a wizard, dead by a muggle landmine leave it there during WW2 while he's going in a near forest to take some ingredients for some healing potion, his wife knew he was a wizard and know mostly about it. She knows that someday Liz will go to a magic-school). David feels lonely while his Dad put him in the forest and force him to learn Alchemy/Trasmutation, mostly because he don't want another mage-child, so he tried to keep him with him even if he go often to Glaive to support him. So feeling lonely someday tries to do the thing(you know...the same resurrection thing of Edward and Alphone from FMA) he failed in the worst way possible losing the right arm and left leg(God Said "So you couldn't enjoy the feeling to braid the fingers with Liz when you feel scared and lonely during the storms and the leg to chase her till the lake where you both swam") He got panicked like hell, alone in that house while was dying...Liz came there just in time to save him, carrying him on the shoulder while he was losing so much blood. Got saved but unable to explain to Liz and her mother(she's a doctor in that place and wizard and muggle in that place stick together pretty well), too scared, so much traumatized to refuse to talk about that. Without his father for almost an year so, almost 11 years old while this kind of mother was making the impossible for making him some prosthesis enchanted with magic(found it while she was investigating in her dead husband study) not the best ones, but enough good to move, run and trying to be happy again. He got his letter for the Beauxbaton's accademy(the nearest from that village) and he was also thinking about to go, to find some help, but when his dad came back, he just listen his voice for freak the fuck out the window and run away in France where he meet Minerva during a travel. Fritz talk a lot about how scary wizards really are, but she was kind and he try to be gentle by help her with her luggage, he's not so strong but his trasmutation's ability made McGonagall curious enough to takes him to Hogwarts and pays for him. During the travel he tried to talk about what he did in his house, how he still feel about that horrible day and how he can't sleep well because the nightmares scares him enough to prefer to stays awake or just napping when he feels to need it. At hogwarts got sorted in Griphyndor but the Hat want him in Hufflepuff for a lot of reasons, but Minerva during the travel talk a lot about her job so he wanted be in the same house(OT: and other reasons but i can't traduct them pretty well..sorry).
FINALLY OH MY GOD, I LOVE MY BROTHER BUT HE IS SUCH A HUGE CHIT-CHATTER AND THE WHOLE BACKGROUND WAS NECESSARY FOR SHOW SOME SENSE IN HIS HEADCANONS(and nope, he doesn't have a tumblr account, and i wrote all i know about his CrossoverMC because tonight i'm bored like living in a bored hell, sorry if you reading this)
- Everyone in Denneth-family have a personal diary/agenda where to write their discoveries or their thoughts about what they do, David wrote things about Magic, Alchemy and experiments with both, for a short period even wrote his feeling about everything. Nobody is sure why he writes so much, but he could hate someone forever if they read without permission, after a bad joke by Merula trying to steal that diary he begin to use a secret code based on cooking recipes that he likes, so nobody is sure if they're reading about a secret alchemy experiment or a very sweet lemon cake recipe(also thanks to that he learned how to cook and begin to cook for his friends).
- David meet Rowan at Diagon Alley but with Minerva by his side because he was still nervous about the whole magic-world thing, Rowan use some jokes and loose him a little even in the train they're reading Hogwarts: A history together trying to calm him each other
- During the train-travel Rowan noticed the metal arm of David, but he didn't want to tell the reason and Rowan was even more curious but he was sympathetic enough to don't ask, so no problem still pals.
During the first year when he noticed Snape for the first time he assults him asking question about his mother shouting a lot, Minerva came right before he could punch him and has reassured him but losing so much house points
- In the dorms he always take the bed nearest to the windows, it helps to sleep a little better even when he had nightmares.
- Watching Ben get bullied by Merula makes boil his blood and he confront her even when the whole school was laughting at him because(they still don't know) because how can a mage unable to cast even Lumos, to duel a real mage? Ben thought David was the coolest first year because is uncapable as a mage but still fight knowing to lose, and he lose, until someday tried to fight back with trasmutations and took off the wand from Merula hand, totally pissed off and even Flitwick secretly cheers him after so many times he lost those duels, and he permitted to use Alchemy during duels and he gotta admit(and the other students who watched him) he's pretty fast and agile, even without using Alchemy at all, so Flitwick just say "It's good have a duel with different kind of enemies, so we should be grateful to have an unique student like Mr.Denneth"
- Minerva bought him a female cat and he called her Ortensia(it's the italian version of hydrangea) and mostly he talks with her and try to fight his inner nightmare but it's real hard, he doesn't even feels hungry, and during winter the metal limbs hurt so much, even get up from bed it's hell, but Ben helps him without asking question, but by listen him screaming and sobbing during the sleep, he has some idea but it's alchemy/trasmutation things so he knows but without understanding.
- Meeting Penny was heaven, so cheerful, so funny...one day just tell to Rowan(he is a Ravenclaw and the jacob thing is hell for him, but David likes to listen him talk) "Penny's smile is like coffee, without her, days can't start for me". Rowan just laughts but also agree with him
- In the third year, knowing Penny sad story, saved him from suicide...he wanted to put an end to nightmares..but knowing about someone like Penny go through almost the same hell like him, was inspirational so he just fight back the pain, even during the whole boggart in the cursed vault where thanks to Minerva intervetion got saved and go to German for repairing his metal limbs, still scared and that's why Bill went with him. His almost-mother was so happy to see him, she was crying a lot while she was hugging him, Liz was pissed off enough to insults David a lot, but after some hours she calmed and tell about the fact their parents got married while he was at Hogwarts during those years...so Liz now is his step-sister for real. David was so surprised like almost fainted during dinner at home also watch his dad eat dinner calmly without even talk about the whole Human-Trasmutation thing was like "Ok, this whole travel is a joke and i'm imprisoned in some Cursed Vaults without even know it, and i'm watching something i would love to be real" They laught a lot
- His way to say "I love you" is "A world without you is not a world i want to live in" and he said these words only to Penny when is God-Boggart tried to attack Penny in the Cursed Vault. She took almost the whole summer to understand why he said those words, literally she write to him asking some explanations and he was like "You saved me that day in so many different ways" and wrote the date of the day she talked about Scarlet, she took a very intimate moment when they meet during summer to totally knows what David was going to do that day...and he got slapped and then kissed on the same cheek he got the slap.
- Barbaby, Charlie and David are the Kettlerburn's most enthusiastic students, also the most favourite ones, Barbaby for his caring about creatures, Charlie for his curiosity(he does a lot of questions), David mostly plays with creature, he is such emphatic with them, he treat them well like human-friends, even the scariest creature loves David, who just enjoy like a kid those lessons and still get good grades by taking notes when he isn't unsure to remember something, also David called his step-mother for taking care of mechanical limbs of Kettlerburn, totally free, because metal limbs are such a pain when it's raining or during the winter, they hurt like hell, so David take care of Kettleburn's hard job with creature when he doesn't feel well, sometimes Kettleburn doesn't show up during the lesson for that pain, so David, Barbaby and Charlie hang out with the creatures just for fun.
- Barbaby tried to learn Alchemy from David, it didn't went good, so for now David will be the only Alchemist in Hogwarts but David repays his attempt by teaching him some magicless-selfdefense because he need a sparring partner and Barbaby is pretty tought to fight, David wins most of the times but Barbaby is pretty strong so..he loses a few times
- Talking about Melee-fighting, David NEVER hits people with his metal limbs, mostly he use them as shields trying to block dangerous spells or hunt dangerous creatures
- Before Penny's secret, he loves the way Tulip doesn't care about rules like him, and he tried to make some bad jokes to Filch and Mrs.Norris, with Tonks otherwise ask some love-advice, but he didn't use them a lot those...he just be honest with Penny and got lucky(even when someone ask him love-advice now that he dates with Penny, he just says "I was lucky most of the times, i just tried...but i feel like she did the all love-thing...i asked her after our first kiss if the kiss meant i'm her boyfriend now...and she said yes, i was unsure if i was doing a good job by trying to take her to hogsmeade or to watch some movies during the summer, i asked her everytime...") they all laught about those story but they think an "In love David" is the cutest and funniest thing ever because after the third year David was joining the Quidditch team and he was really good, so confident during the matches and the lessons, so listening about how shy he is when he is near Penny is so funny and cute..
- His favorite '80s movie is Breakfast Club, he watched it at cinema trying to take Minerva as "Lesson about Muggle-world" he chose that film totally at random and love it, then invite Penny for watching it with her, thinking she probably will likes it, and she finds it a really good movie.
- His Favorite love Song is Nothing Else Matters, but of course it's came out during the 1991 so...until then, the other love songs feels like "This song doesn't describe how i really feel when i think about Penny, it's a good song but not enough to like it"
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hungnitan · 7 years
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Before started, let;s talk about HOW GOOD OTA’S CARD IN NEXT EVENT !!! that card really catchy and capture Ota personality in scary way (lol)... he really good played scary characters and I wanted to see his animation skill !! I REALLY WANT THAT CARD AND PUZZLED THAT I SHOULD THROW AWAY MY GEM OR HOLD IT UNTIL NEXT EISUKE OR RYOICHI OR SAIZO SR CARD (and of course I know that would be pretty long away) AND I STILL BUSY WITH EPISODE 0 RERUN (I want raised ryoichi card one) 
Before long, this translation really me and only me who maked it so I’m sorry with my trashy english and please bear with me... then, eventhough it seems like update daily but no I’ll not update again till weeks or more
Part 2 : Ruler’s Command
() : MC inner thought
Bang. The door closed, with me and Eisuke-san together inside the room. Eisuke : Why you wandering around there ? mc : ... while I still wondering how to answer him, Eisuke-san narrow his eyes Eisuke : Answer my question in 3 second (PICTURE 1) mc : Th- 3 second ! What should I do... Eisuke : ... the silenced makes me feel pressured and answered him in panic mc : It- it's for monster's investigation ! Eisuke : Investigation ? as Eisuke-san answering me, he glare at me and with that, I tell him just like Kota-san explained it mc : ... So like that, can you give me permission to investigate ? Eisuke : ... mc : Umm... Eisuke : Shut up (he's angry !?) and without tell anything, Eisuke-san pointing at the sofa Eisuke : Put your clothes there (PICTURE 2) mc : Eh ? Clo- clothes... !? (it can't be, he's going to assult me...!? even for investigation, it's too...!?) in this sudden situation, my heartbeat become fastened and rigid then there's knock sound, someone like doctor came in Eisuke : This room get dirty by blood, so hurry treated her injury Doctor : I understand (PICTURE 3) mc : aa... (so that's for my injuries... so, it’s just my misunderstanding... how embarassed...) after treating my injuries, the doctor leave and Kenzaki-san come in and said Kenzaki : Are you still feel the pain ? mc : No, umm... Thank you very much I fix up my posture and lower my head, Kenzaki-san gently smile Kenzaki : It's all from owner's command (PICTURE 4) mc : Ehh... (owner means, Eisuke-san's...!? then, he already noticing my injury from our meeting at backdoor...) as I suprised and turned to him, he's already sitting on desk with his note PC and said Eisuke : If you have a time to do unnecessary things, just take out the guy behind this mc : Thank you for treating my injuries, Eisuke-san Eisuke : I already said that I didn't want my room got dirtier (even so, you treating my injuries I always think he's cold-hearted, this really suprised me...) once again, I bow to him then go to the door. When I want to opened the door Eisuke : ...Wait mc : Ehh ? Eisuke : If I let you investigate as you pleased, hotel's reputation got damaged mc : But... (if monster appeared again, it can extend the casualities so if I didn't hurried locate the causes...!) I muster my courage mc : Is there any other way...? Eisuke : I have a conditions I see Eisuke-san smirked (uwaaa, I have a bad feeling about this) (PICTURE 5) Eisuke : I can let you investigate, if you work here as my assistant mc : Eisuke-san's assistant... (he absolutely plotting something) (PICTURE 6) I try to read from Eisuke-san's face but didn't find anything Eisuke : If you understand, then tidy up that desk mc : Wh- I didn't reply anything yet Eisuke : Then don't do it. Kenzaki, take her away mc : Wa- wait a second Eisuke : What (with my leg like this, but if I can investigate something here...!) mc : ...I understand. I become Eisuke-san's assistant Eisuke : Just said that from start. It's waste of time as he teased me, a satisfied smile spread from Eisuke-san's lips
(picture 2) : hahahahahaha... that really nostalgic scene and makes me laugh just from remembering it XD (picture 5 & 6) : eventhough mc slow minded and clumsy, only for that things she can sensed it... that suprised me (well, sorry for mc fans)
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kasunex · 7 years
Yesterday me and @heiligelanze were bored so I made this trash complaining about P4. Don’t read if you like P4. Unless you are very chill about people hating on it. 
we talk about why p4 is not good. 
#1 - Boring characters
Yosuke: Wah wah small town is borin (why doesn't he just plan to move when he's older), also homophobic in way that suggests writers thought we were too. neck is too long. Also not closeted >:/
Yu Narukami: Stupid name, stupid design, stupid fuckin face, I hate him, no character arc or character at all, Gary Stu. Boring peice of shit. Also. Not GAY Enough >:/
Yukiko: Boring. Thinks she's trapped into being innkeeper when not at all. Never tells parents she doesn't want to or makes any attempt to change anything. Only other character trait is laughs (annoying)
Chie: Guyz I like kung fu n meat isnt that quirky, (bc apparently women don't like meat?????) also not gay or trans >:/
Kanji: Almost good. But misleads to think he is good representative media pushing artistic gay man strugling against stereotypes that gays rnt tough. Actually about gender roles but not well explored. Hinted to be bi at best. Atlus u fuckin cowards let me be gay for once >>>>>>>>>://////////////////
Rise: 2 kawaii. Gets annoying. Unwarranted, undeserved crush on main character you cant say no to. (But unlike p3 game doesn't make u with her but we will get to THAT LATER FUCKING P4G)
Naoto: Too good for game. Shoulda been trans tho. 
Teddie: Remove or kill. Annoying af. Tries to steal ur girl. Major mysognist (game is like lol) 
Mitsuo: Insulting to ugly people and to gamer fanbase
Moorako: Insulting to ugly people. Hahah who cares hes dead he was uggo lol
Hanako: Fat ppl r gross rite guys lollolollolllollolololollollololl haha she thinks she's atrratcievew lolololo fat pppl thinkin their hot lololololololo
Kashiwagi: She's old but busted except she looks 30 and treated as gross icky old woman when real teens would be like "I wanna bang dat shit on de desk"
Dojima: Ok I guess
Nanako: Emotional manipulation. doesn't die. unrealistically precious and mature. 
Adachi: Presents as awkward relatable BUT NO ACTUALLY EVIL OVER THE TOP EVIL MUHAHAHA because he couldn't just be a cool guy with a darker side, had to be ANIME CRAZY EVIL DID IT FOR THE LULZ
Namatame: Not built up enough, comes fuckiin out of nowhere
Izanami: Comes even more da faq outta nowhere (GUYS THAT GAS STATION ATTENDENT SHAKING YOUR HAND OBVS EQUALS EVIL OR PLOT SIGNIFICANT LOL) also rips off Nyx and does it shitty
Ameno-Sagiri: Comes even MORE da faq outtta nowhere and vanishes da faq outta nowhere, also irrelevant to plot and meaningless distraction
Margret: Boring af, no personality at all, Elizabeth was more fun 
Saki: Underdeveloped bitch, supposed to be so sad when dies despite not being shown for anythin but bitch also supposed to feel bad for yosuke when she dies even tho she hated him and he would have been rejected anyway seriously wtf
#2 - Shit plot
Boring af. Crappy tonal issues all the way thru. WAY TO SLICE OF LIFE WHO FUCKIN CARES. 
HEY IM A TRANSFER STUDENT JUST LIKE LAST GAME LOL. Everyone loves me immediately even tho im a lil bitch. 
Oh noes murder of some random chick we never met so sad ;~;
Meet Chie n Yukiko both boring af, immediately like me 
Yosuke is trash can, Mitsuo is creppy and wierd b/c gamers r uggo and uggo ppl are socially inept and suck
Bitchy girl shows up and then dies
Yosuke does1n't get dick wet (he wouldn't anyways but still) so sad 
See TV world, meet worst character in ORGINAL game (assult of bear puns)
fight dumb fuckin demon frog bc yosuke is bored (wtf is dis shit)
Chie is gay bUT NOT REALLY  
Boss of dungeon is too hard, someone went missing or something idk who cares
Meet gay but nOT REALLY
Chases u bc u judge him but NOT REALLY
Gets kidnapped, gay dungeon bUT NOT REALLY actually about gender and cuz he likes cute stuff means he's gay STUPID but actually he's not because gays r icky lol 
Campin time yaya the girls can't cook pffffft a WOMAN CANT COOK TF WOW WOW SO FUNNY A WOMAN CANT COOK WTF WHAT TEH FUCK and also HANAKO IS FAT AND That's' bad
Sexism next day when Yosuke is like I bought u girls sexy swimsuits and will now shame you to wear them ARENT I AN ENDEARING CHARACTER but no dicks are wet except with water (also vomit) including kanji lol abuse (also that could have seriously injured but never brought up BECAUSE ABUSE IS LOLOLOLOOLLOLLLOLLLLOLLLOLLLLLLLLOLLLL) Also game forced u/Yu to be sexist too fuck off game
Nanako is sad whatever who cares
Yosuke wants idol puss so yay idol but shes sad so we stalk guilible peepin tom who is the killer but NOT REALLY while adachi is quirky
Rise is sad that she doesnt know who she is or something fuckin idk STRIPPING TIME BOWCHICAWOWOW also teddie feels useless so everyone dies or smth
Teddie comes out of TV and is now human and annoying mother fucker, Rise is now not sad but KAWAII and Yosuke no longer wants idol puss idk but but IDOL PUSS WANTS BORING FUCKBOY YU DICK (not pandery at all, just your average sexy teen idol wants boring fuckboy)
Teacher is dead he was dick and uggo so who cares lol
Chase after uggo game lover nerd haha dungeon is nerdy game shit lol video games cause violence right guys? Didnt u know that video gamers are all ugly socially inept muderous pathetic freaks????? THATS U BTW UR UGGO INEPT MUDEROUS CREEPY LOSER FREAK LOL 
Also rise cums when you kill enemies 
Now murders are solved rite so lets have celebration!!!! Girls make omlettes but they CANT COOK LOL wasnt that so funny last time joke so nice they made it twice
Summer festival time Rise wants yu dick and Yosuke wants wet dick but teddie claims all three girls for himself and they go without protest despite not wanting to because they are STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS WHO KNOW THEIR PLACE AND KNOW NOT TO BACKTALK THEIR MAN (isnt this game so progressive) 
PERSONA 3 REFERENCES also underage drinking bUT NOT REALLY JUST SEXUAL HARASSMENT BECAUSE LOL also teddie stalks them lol also teacher books SEX HOTEL???? How wacky
Naoto is strong masculine manly mc man detective but gets kidnapped and is actuallY TRANS BUT NOT REALLY IS ACTUALLY JUST GIRL AND THINKS SHES CHILDISH OR SOMETHING but NOT REALLY ACTUALLY SHE’s JUST LONELY but not really idefk. Remember kiddies being different is okay!!! uwu (so long as you ARENT ACTUALLY DIFFERENT U FREAKOZOID kill urself)
Cultrue festival Rise wants u 2 do her in school halls balls deep but game doesn't let you????? lame 0/10 
But then YOSUKE FORCES GIRLS INTO UNCOMFORTABLE beauty pagent that they cant back out of even if someone else signed them up under penalty of DEATH AND RAPE (I presume) because yosuke remains such an endearing character BUT THEN girls get revenge by forcing him into drag contest and u and kanji too even tho it was only yosuke because the GIRLS ARE SUCH AMAZING FRIENDS lol girls are objectified lol fatty thinks shes hot lolllollollooololooloololoollolololooll0lkooolloollololoololol (game designers had to stop in order to finish laughing at own jokes)
then drag contest ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww grosssssssssssssss icky teddie wins because................a dude? PASSING AS A WOMAN??????? Totes not transphobic vibes none at ALL
then HOT SPRINGS SLEEPOVER at inn because there is just SO MUCH MORE FUNNY TO BE HAD (isnt this all so relevant to plot and character??? rich narrative very necessary part of story, game would be UNSALVAGABLE without it) 
Girls are bitches and think that guys are perving because hot springs doesn't tell them when it's time for girls to go? ?????? Great fuckin service amagi inn also why would the guys perv by just casually walking in??? Why why why why why qwhyw why why anyways they throw buckets at the guys and it's HILARIOUS and not at all uncomfortable, guys run away in terror and the girls are like YEAH GIRL POWER!!! Then they find out about mistake and apologize like good friends, people and normal humans would b/c even for pervin that was extra  no just kidding LOL They actually keep it a secret becausE LOL GIRL POWER STRONG RELATABLE FEMALE CHARACTERS AMIRITE WHO HASNT ABUSED THEIR FRIENDS WITHOUT ANY FEELINGS OF REMORSE OR GUILT LOL (also nanako saw that all bad influence on child)
since the friendships are all so wholesome and not at all toxic or unhealthy the guys totally write this off and try to explain themselves to the girls. NO, actualyl, since Tedide and Yosuke are still such ENDEARING characters they instead decide to molest girls in sleep RELATABLE but uh oh they accidentally molest fatty and uggo old teacher who looks 30 and then fatty and teach are like cool let's fuck and like REAL TEENS they are grossed out at being offered sex because yuck women over 20 and fatty also why are fatty and "old" lady hangin out anyway?? Apparently if ur gross u hang out together, b/c that's how it works rite. such grea t non contrivences
Nanako is dying whatever who cares 
Namatame then kidnapps nanako or somth who cares dojima dies but NOT REALLY
then they go to heaven because nanako is sad but nobody gave a shit narukami never cared to ask or try to keep her company isn't he just so GREAT and considerate to the girl being boderline abused and neglected in his own fuckin house no who cares BUT NOW WE CARE RIGHT GUYS
Namatame is cray cray and his boss design is uggo and bullshit
Nanako dies, Yosuke advocates MURDER because he is still SO ENDEARING and player has to chose EXACT FUCKIN DIOLOGUE WITH NOT ONE MISTAKE OR EVERYTHIGN SUCKS AND ITS ALL UR FAULT also in some endings you murder because fuck you 
but then if u dont murder NANAKO WAS DEAD BUT NOT REALLY but only if u dont murder so congrats u were emotionally manipulated into killing the mentally ill b/c ur so great good job
then it turns out Namatame you know how he was cray cray well turns out he wANST REALLY CRAY he just had plot-convient-tempo-insanity-itius as the doctors call it then u talk to him and u know how he was the killer? Welll...NOT REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY he was actually good guy u almost killed innocent man fck u then u have three chances to guess killer and only u can and if you dont get it in three guesses you get, as the doctors call it, plot-convient-stupid-cant-think-anymore-itius and thus you run out of time and nobody in the world can guess except you and even over the next three months nobody can guess because who cares I guess lol 2 ppl r dead it turns out you know quirky relatable cop man well NOT FUCKIN REALLY he is actually crazy because he's bored and as everyone knows when youre bored you kill also he's sad that he doesn't have talent even tho he is sucessful detective???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? then god bullshit end of world or smth who cares
then everything is over also i forgot teddie disappears so sad but NOT REALLY
Christmas eve sex ( i banged rise on top of christmas cake) 
Girls can now cook character development girls learned how to cook 10/10 v progressive 
Then flash forward to three months later because fuck you and Yu is leavin because idk and the game ends BUT NOT REALLY ashkually you can get TRUE SUPER AWESOME ending if you are able to figure out that you have to go to junes for no reason except fuck you 
turns out the gas station attendent u know him? well he was super bored and he's actually a GOD WOWZERS so amazing did you know jesus was a part timer at a gas station????? NO??? That's why youre playing this sack of shit anyway humanity wants ignorance or so god says (sound familiar, Nyx??) and she almost wins BUT NOT REALLY Because yu has the power of frienship and you know that awesome scene of makoto fighting nyx? Well imagine thaT BUT SHIT b/c no buildup
for all ur xtra efforts u get teddie saying hearts are connected anime KH cliche (wasnt that so worth the extra bullshit dungeon) 
THE END 0/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
so p4 is gr8 rite m8? well no but apparentlly dumb 14yr old boys were like "omg this game half akcnowleges gays exsist so PROGRESSIVE also i can fuck mai waifu n have friends" and so p4 made a shit ton of money atlus saw dis money printin out and were like $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so dey were lyke "lets release a buncha shit”
Persona 4 The Animation: Imagine the same shitty p4 plot but with EVEN MORE HOMOPHOBIA!!!!! also racism!!!! plus MORE FAT JOKES!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaahahahahah also the animation is piss poor shit!!! Doesn't this sound wonderful????? 
Persona 4 Arena: So Atlus was lyke yannao wat totes goes with our super serious and super "mature" jrpg seriess? Do u kno? BLAZBLUE!!!!! The over the top weeb fighting game!!! YEah son!!!!! So anyways a fighting game comes out with barely any playable characters??????? Great. Fantastic not the least bit fanficy character writing. Also, there is a plot b/c dis shit be canon. Dats right!!! Now you may be thinking "mmmm how does that work????" well the geneiuses at atlus say "B/C SHITTY P3 RETCON CHARACTER IS SAD ABOUT DESTROYING FRINEDS WHOLE TV WORLD BECOMES ARENA WERE PEOPLE HAVE TO FIGHT FRIENDS" and u may hear that and wonder?? "what deh fuck, wasn't tv world gone also when did this ever happen in p4????" to which fanboys proply accuse u of hating fighting games and behead u. 
So at this point in time, P4 is offically dead. It is dead as doornails. but atlus is lyke "Hey let's rape the corpse" and they release shitty remake on overpriced shit system nobody bought. You may be wondering "2012 didn't p4 only come out less than five years ago????" to which atlus says "shut the fuck up and give us money" hence P4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden: Added marie, inistant failure trashfire BUT WAIT!!!! THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!!!! Added events!!! 
a) Yosuke wants dick wet and will cum if he feels boobs on his back!! So Yu and Yosuke team up to get shitty dumb ugly bikes b/c they're sooooo cooool rite mitsuru? You and ur dumb motorbike p4 is the real mature game. Anyway. Then they go hit on girls and yosuke gets one!!! YAY!! BUT OH NO!!! IT'S ACTUALLY STUPID FATSO STILL THINKIN SHE'S HOT WHEN SHE'S ACTUALLY STUPID BC SHE'S FAT!!! She then sits on yosuke's bike and it breaks because lol shes fat get it get it get it get it????? Doesn't this add so much to the story??? RICH NARATIVE RIGHT GUYS?!
b) BEACH TIME!!! Because that's where the real compelling drama is!!! Anyway they go to the beach and yuckerbears kanji is in a speedo!!! Gross!! I hope yosuke doesn't catch the gay!!! Then teddie tries to molest the girls bc he's such an endearing character lol then kanji's bathing suit falls off!!!! How did this happen u may ask?? ANIME MAGIC!! So then they dress kanji in seaweed like birth of venus and girls scream and run. the end. 
c) Fireworks festival yay time ted-fiya so memorable. Yosuke wants to murder Teddie bc PORN so funny haha more fat jokes also teddie wants 2 bang nanako
d) Nanako is sad again whatever who cares
e) Halloween party!!! BUT NOT REALLY!!
f) SKIING TRIP!!!! YAY!!! P3 REFERENCES!!! YAY!!! Shiptease!!! Yay!!! Teddie steals food so Naoto advocates for his MURDER!!! YAY!! IF YOU DID MARIES SLINK YOU GET XTRA AWESOME DUNGEON!! ALSO IMPLIED RAPEY SEX IN THE SNOW BUT NOT REALLY!!! ANYWAY turns out that marie sucked up the ameno sagiri fog! What u thought it just went away on its own?? BULLSHIT!!!! Next you'll be questioning the ever so important role of NPC John Smith in creating Izanami's gas attendent disguise. Or NPC Billy Bob in giving Ameno Saigiri directions to the boss fight. RIVETING DIOLAUGE LIKE "is this like the part in movies where the bad guys lair collapses??????" WORST GIRL IS DEAD BE SAD EVERYONE ELSE IS U MONSTER!!! BUT NOT REALLY!!! INSTEAD SHIP FUEL!!!! Also marie is polite for half second, AMAZES ENTIRE CAST GREAT WRITING!!!!!!!!! dont u love it when ur friends treat u like shit? then there’s a lovely scene where the dudes perv on the girls who are sexaulized and marie attacks them. Riveting. Then they all died and we were all happy. 
g) New years eve. That is all. also new stupid persona evolutions that look stupid. 
h) Valentine's DAY!!! I bang Rise on the da beach!!! Also if u slink with marie at all she forces you to cheat!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
i) OH, NO! Yosuke is going to have to move maybe idk wasnt he supposed to want to move??? idk shut up. anyways. to keep yosuke miserable his friends have to become a band in TWO DAYS!!!! How will they ever do that??? well guess what with zero experience the entire group becomes master musicians in TWO DAYS!!!!!!! That's right, it's that easy!!!! U 2 can become as good as Green Day in two Days!!!! not that they ever play again lol or ever bring this up again lol. Then the dudes jump into the crowd and lol the crowd dodges thme aand nothing is accomplished. 
j) New super awesome epilogue you only get if you slink marie even tho she isn’t there for 90% of it whatever the new designs suck
Anyway since the game isn't slice of life enough you can now bang rise in the movies and the hot springs also you can go out at night so exciting.
You can now force Naoto into sexy outfits against her will because isn’t it so cute when girls don’t like being objectified??? Also they molest her at the hot springs??? Also 
So yeah P4G sucks ass. But ATLUS didn't stop there!!!! OH no! Atlus then went on to make Persone Q!!! They decided this time to drag innocent bystander P3 as well!!
Persona Q: some bullshit about a dying girl causes the P3 and P4 cast to meet in a wonderful culture festival crossover!! With lovely gameplay and no regression in character!! Chie always had nothing to her past loving meat right????? Also yu can fuck the dog from p3!! isnt this so believable and not the least bit stupid or contrived? isn't it?? Isn't it???????? Not much to say its just dumb surely Atlus must be done now right?? RIGHT?? WRONG!!!!!!
 Now you see since P4G came out, OBVIOUSLY the anime needs to be partially remade! You may be asking, isn't the anime less than TWO YEARS old at this point? Why remake it? Did golden really have such a different story? No. 
P4 Golden Animation: Marie, marie, marie, marie, ten episodes of marie, never goes anywhere, confusing and boring af but look 16 yr olds in bikinis and nude and not totally shit animation so it's ok right? RIGHT? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P4 at this point has been raped to death all over again and the corpse is still being fucked and they won't just let it die. BUT NO!!!! Enter p4 arena ultimax!!
P4 Arena Ultimax: B/c the first was so great, they made another!! Game so nice they made it twice!! but now the dark hour from p3 is back because idk we ran out of ideas. Also junpei and koromaru and adachi great. But guess what!!!!!! AWESOME NEW CHARACTER!! His name is sho!! He is the secret son of dude from P3, how is this possible? fuck you. Anyway he is so tragic and sad he hates friendship!! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :((((( But never fear!!! The p4 team will show sho the glory of frienship isnt this so interesting and original and great????
p4's violated, torn up corspe now has zero dignity left so atlus decided to reanimate the corpse with dead horse dildos and force it to dance 
P4 DAN: Dancing. Shit dancing. Nobody knows how to dance. Remember how P4 used to be about murder and accepting uncomfortable truths???? Well now its about shittily animated dances. Isn't this so great? Guess what we lean about the characters? We learn that they can't fuckin dance and watching them is cringy af. Also now the tv world is a dance stage because the tv world just does whatever the fuck we want it to. what if a characters shadow is a rapist, would they be forced to rape?? is that how atlus would make a porn game?? if we wanted to make a chess game a famous chess player who feels forced to play chess will then make u forced to play chess. .... so obivously, the P4 fandom realized that Atlus was raping their game and refused to buy it right?? RIGHT??? WRONG. They actually will castrate you with a rusty carving knife if you ever so much as imply P4 is a cash cow.
It totally is tho
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