#who can turn a windfall into a crisis? me
frogeyedape · 2 years
Fuck, y'all. I'm having to do accounting for a fucking fiber festival.
0 notes
batfamscreaming · 4 years
 Dick’s first day of school snuck up on them.
 Bruce drove him down in a rusty small blue honda civic from the 1990s. They’d picked it up off the lot for under 3,000 and were using it as a way to ferry themselves to the junkyard to pick up parts for their      special    car--but for now, they were using it to drop Dick off at school.
 Drop Richard Malone off at school.
On paper, Alfred paid for Dick to attend Gotham academy. A private school. It had both boarders and day students. Dick would be a day student, so long as it was feasible. 
...on the first day of school, Bruce drove Dick down to his alma mater (which translated to ‘place you never wanted to visit again,’) and dropped him off outside the gates.  
“Want me to walk you in, Chum?” he asked, despite it not being any  Malone’s alma mater yet, and Dick glanced back at him and shook his head sharply, mumbling a quiet “see you later,” before going off towards the gates. 
Bruce turned to drive home and realized, belatedly, that Dick had never  not been homeschooled. 
He waited for afternoon to pick Dick up again, and resolved to remember to pick up milkshakes on the way back, so he can ask how the day was with a backup plan. 
“It is not the right time of year to prune,” Alfred told him. It was far too close to school starting. Far too close to fall. “But, I suppose, it isn’t  impossible . It will just be a good bit trickier to know which branches need it.”
Bruce obligingly bought a new plant from a chain store--a nursery would’ve properly pruned it weeks ago, but chain stores didn’t have that same attention. Alfred brought it home in a little green planter: a tiny bush cut into a lopsided circle.
“This isn’t, in fact, how to do it,” Alfred said, setting it beside Bruce on the patio table. “Can you tell me why?” 
“..it doesn’t target the dead branches,” Bruce said, and Alfred gave a nod. 
“It’s indiscriminate. And  quite sloppy.” 
He handed Bruce a pair of pruning shears. 
“With it cut like this, it’s a little difficult to find the dead branches, but you’ll manage.”
...after a moment, Bruce shoved his hand inside the bush and just… gripped one of the little branches that didn’t have any leaves on it between his fingers. He glanced at Alfred, who nodded obligingly and gave a smile that felt far too much like it was meant for a child. 
“How far back do I cut?” 
“As far back as you can.” 
Bruce nodded and pushed the shears in. And snipped.
The metahuman had power over plants, the paper the day before had said. She argued she’d been acting in self-defense. Her children were crying out for help. And so she helped.
(“‘ I is hearing the scream of a flower as its stem is twisted from the ground,’”  Dick read aloud by Bruce’s bedside, trying to work through the recommended reading list for his level. One year behind his age level wasn’t bad for three years on the road, but it was a lot to catch up on all the same. “‘  I is hearing the soft moan of the old oak, like an old man dying, weeping, when it is felled.’ ”)
As the state of New Jersey did not recognize plants as people or her as the property owner, her appeal was denied. She would spend several years above minimum in Belle Reve for aggravated assault.
(even though the one she assaulted wasn’t there. Bruce hadn’t stepped into court. Bruce hadn’t said a thing. There was one phone call, and a woman, naked, trapped outside on a Gotham street, and then  five other people stepped forward, claiming to be someone she’d attacked. 
And he didn’t know what to think about that. If what everyone said was true was true, or if it was just falling into the fallacy of mob mentality. If it was easier to accept what was said as true. Even if he'd seen the violence first hand, it was  him  being attacked, that was  different--)
He kept his mouth shut, and reached for the next dead branch, and clipped. 
“...and how would I trim something that’s not dead, but it might… be overgrown? Or the wrong height?” 
“Hmm,” Alfred said, still watching him. “Well, first we will need to get you a proper ladder.”
Justly imprisoned or not, the metahuman--a former botanist called Pamela Isley--would be in Belle Reve for several years. 
Maybe he could change something in this town while she was gone.
Therefore, Mr. Malone came to the Gotham Parks and Recreation office, asking if when he got this 501c3 approved that he be allowed to enter Robinson Park and clean up the place.
And the budget-starved Parks office said  fuckin’ do it if you’re brave enough, man , and sent him on his way. 
It was… much easier than he expected, really. But perhaps the Parks department carried so little influence no one had even bothered to bribe them to keep people out. All the same, he’d listen to that backwards warning. 
He drafted the papers in two days. He worked over it at dinner, trying to fill the gap that had once been occupied by discussing with Dick where to travel next and how to best avoid a million impending dooms. He had a free consultation with an attorney in the morning who looked up at Bruce over his glasses, eyebrows up, and reminded Bruce that the park was where mob deals went down and that grassy lady attacked a fella the other day. 
Bruce said that was fine. He knew. He wasn’t here to cause a ruckus.
Legal documents. Articles of Affiliation. Mission Statement. It was helpful to have a second pair of eyes that actually expected the little bureaucracies innate in law, things that Dick and Alfred preferred to grumble at rather than knot through. Not that Bruce had been trained in law himself, but his school friend, Harvey Dent--
(was still in the hospital. Burn ward. He’d stabilized, but wasn’t often conscious--)
...Bruce submitted the paperwork after the Parks commission met with him, and then all he had to do was draw up a budget and wait. Alfred ‘lent’ Mr. Malone the startup money to establish a paper trail. After the initial donation, Bruce could make periodic donations to himself in various names; have miraculous windfalls whenever cash grew thin. Even without any backing or campaigns, he could make this startup impossible to fail.
...the problem is, Bruce has long proven his judgement is impaired.
When Dick returns from school not sniffling but  vibrating with stress all the same, Bruce’s first thought is to run and start over somewhere else. 
He thinks it might be an averted suicide response. The need to pack up and leave the current problems behind. With a hardline against being able to die, his mind latches onto another option. A fight-or-flight response that only hits  flight when the problem isn’t something that can’t be physically fought off, like a tween coming into the car and sitting down in the passenger seat with a deep sigh. 
...Bruce asks how his day was. 
Dick says it was fine. 
Bruce doesn’t ask if he wants a milkshake. He goes through the drive-through and buys some anyway. They go home and work how to install tail fins on the car frame slowly coming together in their garage.
...the ‘suicide’ response isn’t the only thing that lingers. Bruce isn’t really sure ‘lingering’ is the right term, actually. The flight response only arises when things can’t be handled directly in front of himself anymore, but the fight response--
Bruce has impaired judgment. 
He proved it as soon as his first ‘suicide’ response sent him to the League of Assassins, and he decided to not flee the moment they made it clear nothing would continue until he took a life. He proved it when he wasn’t able to avoid dragging a literal child in the middle of a personal crisis into his mess, rather than leaving him somewhere safe and far, far away from him. He proved it with each near-death experience from Deathstroke in Metropolis to Isley in Gotham. 
And yet, here he was again, finding himself cleaning up the Batman suit long after Dick was put to bed, adjusting it with better material to withstand a bullet’s penetration. 
The people at the parks department weren’t wrong. It would be dangerous to work the area while the mob still operated widely inside it, and he would not cooperate alongside the mobs for protection. The alternative was therefore relatively obvious: get rid of the mobs. 
Mobs weren’t  exactly like a snake, but they did function well enough like one. Cut off the head. And like a hydra, if new heads sprouted--smother them. 
...that, at least, he knew how to do. Kidnapping and recon, and finding information. Find proof of a mob boss’ wrongdoing and get a prosecutor not so cowardly to be bribed. Hand the information over. Don’t let them fail the charges. High profile dangerous people wouldn’t be kept in a local jail, but would likely be transferred to a higher-security prison, circumnavigating the cluttering, and with a focus on high-priority prisoners rather than most random people out on the street, they would be moved through the system more quickly, hopefully at least stalling out their operations in the meantime, if not shattering the whole system beneath them with the sudden departure. 
This was the best plan he had, and it relied far, far too much on too many external variables--finding a clean court, getting a jury that felt safe enough to actually put their foot down, finding witnesses willing to testify, a prosecutor who wouldn't be bribed--
--and dealing with a Commissioner whose good graces he might’ve worn out. 
But the alternatives were to allow this to continue growing, complicit by his own inaction. 
(he was already complicit enough in too many crimes.)
(How did you clean up a world that you yourself aided in the destruction of?)
Prosecutors that couldn't be bribed?
They ended up like Harvey Dent. 
Batman appears without Robin that evening, because it is a school night and Dick needs to sleep. He stops what crimes in progress he comes across and starts watching Robinson Park more closely. 
He doesn't interfere inside it. He just watches. Plants cameras in the bushes and on the branches of trees, and zips his way out, to watch the footage and get to know the day and nighttime patterns of the area. 
It… will take time. That's something he's not used to. Dick and he worked fast on the road, and even before that he was either handed his information by the ones lower down the chain or only spent a handful of days doing legwork to verify things that'd been missed. Instant gratification, he guessed he could call it. Just… dealing out a death and being done with it. 
(And somehow, he'd drawn the line at known violent mobsters and Deathstroke.)
...he had to do a  lot of meditation to get through the park video feeds. He had a lot of work stacking up between tracking down faces from the feeds. Police database of mugshots helped more than he expected. He started a tally of how many people in the mugshots were brought in bloodied and who brought them in to look into later. 
After all, if Gotham was going to get rid of its mob problem, the police force would need some pruning, too. 
Gotham recidivism was above 80%. Bruce gargled his coffee and tried very hard to not spit it out somewhere, because somehow, he was more tired by this statistic than shocked. A bit of, ‘oh, I knew it would be high, but  really?’
No fucking wonder there weren’t enough cells in the world. 
(What do you do when you can’t put anymore garbage in a landfill?
Learning what a  fucking recycling program is might be a good first step.)
It's okay, though. He's totally got a handle on this. He's already been looking into what makes recidivism lower, and the difficulty of access to jobs for felons seems like a big one. Lack of change to living situations that caused pettier crimes like reselling material or shoplifting. The inside prison situation has an effect, according to Norway, which has a prison system Bruce isn't even hoping to replicate, even if he were a living millionaire with a clear conscience. 
Reading other people's’ writings on recidivism has… definitely helped clarify things for him, even if all he can think of for the worst of criminals is still to lock them in a cell far away from  everyone or until the death penalty finally takes it out of his hands. 
But it is one thing to lock up a murderer who sabotaged a family performance and killed in front of an audience, and children, and  child … versus locking up the child who killed trying to protect their family from an abusive partner. 
They’re different. They have to be. 
If Bruce has any right to be alive, he has to be able to believe in gray areas. 
Bruce drops the first of several Maroni forerunners on Gordon's desk in the northern precinct. When he finds the precinct desk vacant, he pays a visit to the commissioner’s house instead. 
The thought process is that it would probably be best to clarify that the dropoff isn’t an attack on the commissioner's authority. It’s an opening for compromise. Bruce will be mindful of the incarceration rates, but he won’t be leaving Gotham and he’d like cooperation from the police when it came to prosecution.
Unfortunately, he proposes it in the form of a paper note (written in his off-hand) slipped onto Gordon’s bedroom table where the man will notice it as soon as he returns for bed, which is much more threatening than he fully realizes.
(He doesn’t imagine Gordon’s daughter will find the note first and replace it just as she found it after reading. Then again, he doesn’t ever find out it happened, either.)
The county’s defense office wants to cut a plea deal with the gangster brought in, because no one wants to be the next Harvey Dent. The Assistant DA, a woman named Rachel Dawes, seems willing to try, but the department is extremely reluctant to support her, even as she steps up to take Dent’s place until another election can be held.
In the precinct, Bruce’s audiobugs catch officers he’s tracking placing bets on how long until someone finishes Dent off in his hospital bed.
Bruce decides he needs to be more aggressive.
Twenty-seven aggressive anonymous tipoffs and two synchronized FBI raids half a month later, and Bruce is startled when the door to his bedroom opens and Dick walks in. Bruce doesn't really jump in surprise anymore-- it’s more of… half reaching a position to fight, and stopping in a split second as he realizes the threat doesn't exist.
“Ah,” he says, “do you need--?”
“I was at school,” Dick says, answering the question in an odd way. He didn't need anything, he'd just come back from school--
Bruce’s neck snaps up to look at the clock, while the other part of his brain realizes that it’s nearly dark outside. 
“Did Alfred--” he says, a panicky shame he’s not used to rising up within him. 
“No,” Dick says, shrugging his backpack off and slumping onto bed. “When I realized you weren't coming I walked home.”
Bruce's throat feels tight. “You should've called.”
“Figured you were busy,” Dick says, watching the ceiling, “you've got more important stuff than school.”
Bruce remembers, the pain less raw with years, the slow agony of a school day, knowing there must be more he could do than sit through the farce. 
He remembers that agony of adolescent uselessness clearly, pain dulled or not, but he’s also wisened to its falsehood over the years. There was little he could manage at the time.
“...I’ll set an alarm next time, but school isn't unimportant,” he says, keeping calm and controlled for an extra moment, before doing a double-take on the thought he’d had just a moment before. 
School is over a month in. Dick’s anniversary is coming up soon. Bruce has gotten the Feds back in Gotham and an internal investigation into the police force for corruption. His nonprofit is finalizing some paperwork and looking into how to hire nonviolent offenders and start training them for small-time landscaping and cleanup by contracting with a local pre-established landscape crew that mostly does the outer and northern Gotham estates. Harvey Dent is conscious but minimally verbal in the hospital. And Dick is thirteen, officially a teenager. 
Bruce does not know how teenagers are different from younger children. He does not recall being any different than he is now at either age. Only morose haze interspersed by flashes of overwhelming tension and temper. 
Harvey once knew him at that age. Not that Bruce could talk to Harvey--not… as himself. The man Harvey knew was long, long dead, (or, it would be simpler if that man was dead, and Bruce as he was now was a new man entirely--) and it’s not as though Bruce could ask advice anyway. 
Still. Maybe he will send Harvey some flowers they’ve started in the backyard...
Once the Justice League gets out of his living room. 
Aside from Superman calling over the phone whenever he seems to please, once a month Martian Manhunter seems to show up, posing as just another social worker or lawyer or family friend, here to check in on how things are going with adoption, or the 501C3, or the… latest cookies out of the oven. 
And if it’s not Martian Manhunter helping Dick sneak cookies off the cooling rack, then it’s Wonder Woman, which is somehow even worse. 
There are not a lot of situations when Bruce would rather a mind reader with incredible telekinetic powers who could mentally and emotionally cripple him with a thought be in his presence, versus just a very strong lady who could rip him in two by breathing. 
Diana Prince has made that situation a monthly occurrence.
She came this time while they were in the garage, putting together a much-overdue car engine. Alfred had insisted on dinner before business. Diana Prince stands in his house for over an hour by the time the rope finally came out and they got down to business. It is an hour too long. Bruce doesn’t think he’s had more than a few words of conversation with her since they moved into Alfred’s townhouse late summer, but he has heard the same questions out of her mouth far too many times. 
“Have you been hurt lately?”
“No,” Dick says, because he only patrols on weekends, and Bruce makes sure he’s kept well away from anything that looks like it will have guns.
“Are you being treated well?” 
“Are you happy?” 
...Bruce blinks for a second, before he realizes that Dick’s teeth are clenched tight and his face is turning faintly to another color. 
“Dick…?” Diana says, before Dick gives into the rope, and says the truth.
He’s not sure if anyone else can hear the air leave the room, but it does, and Bruce feels his lungs collapse in the vacuum left behind. His stomach shrivels into a ball. 
He wants to run from the room, but his feet are too heavy and slow to move, so he just crosses his arms even tighter, and digs his fingers into his ribs.
“...why is that?” Diana asks. She doesn’t even glance back at Bruce when she does it. She doesn’t even glance away in the first place, even as Dick is screwing his eyes shut. The color his face has settled on is red, and blotchy, and fast. 
Dick drops the rope from his hand and hiccups. 
Bruce can’t move to comfort him. 
...Diana looks between Dick, and the dropped rope, and pulls it back into the lasso loop. She stands. 
“...I’m going to head outside for a bit and give you two some privacy.” 
She turns and walks out to the garden, where Alfred is still watering the flowers. 
Dick hiccups again, and Bruce is a stranger in his own body as he sits on the floor cross legged, and pulls Dick into his arms. 
...he’s a lot bigger than he was when he was eight and curled into Bruce’s side, just minutes after his parents fell. Bruce puts his hand on the kid’s head, fingers running through the cropped dark hair. 
“...Dick?” Bruce says. “Dick?”
He doesn’t get a response. He sits there, uncomfortably rubbing Dick’s hair, until Diana returns some long minutes later, announcing it’s about time she headed out. 
“I’ll see you next month,” she says, mostly to Dick, who still hasn’t looked up. 
Even as Bruce wonders if it’s a threat, something in his chest loosens when Diana leaves and Dick stays behind. 
Eventually, they get up, and try to get ready for bed. 
Harvey Dent wakes up again.
The last thing he remembers is a gun being pulled on him; a court case that he  had to win, no matter what—
The nurses are alerted to his consciousness by the sound of his screaming. 
Bruce Malone has no reason to visit him. No clearance. No nothing. All he does is run a small nonprofit startup, currently sending out applications to the very criminals Harvey put behind bars. 
He doubts Batman would be welcome.
Gotham elects temp-head Rachel Dawes to permanent DA to finish out Harvey’s term by seventeen votes. Bruce doesn’t rig the election, though he thinks of doing so. Instead, he spends the week beforehand trying to disrupt the bribery network connecting the ballot counters to the remaining mob and asking Robin to go make sure the paperless polls aren’t hacked the night before.
...Robin isn’t happy with Bruce going out on his own still. But they compromise, some. 
They send Harvey flowers.
They leave a note on Dawes’ desk. An offer, if she needs anything. They don’t want her to end up like her predecessor. 
In the morning, at the first hint of workable weather, Bruce has some on-parole inmates and recent-releases standing in the middle of the park, shivering, holding shovels and rakes. 
This is the first day they’ll be working together and training on the job. There will be a stipend associated with the work. Tools are provided. There’s just—they haven’t done this before. And neither has Bruce Malone, who failed to shake off his kid, Richard, who is sitting off on a picnic table not far away, arms wrapped around his snow pants and pouting furiously. 
...He stays quiet as Bruce starts showing the group what they’re supposed to be doing— first snipping the large bushes down to size, raking the sticks and leaves into piles, and then coming up the back with shovels to help define areas for mulch beds around the bushes. Generally they would not be pruning this early into fall, but… the bushes have to go. 
It’s step one (ignoring Bruce’s personal twenty-step plan midway through execution) to help keep the park safe and free-er of illegal activities: just being able to see into the damn park. 
Once they actually start working, Richard gets up from his perch and glumly takes a rake, helping follow along and pulling the old foliage and branches into a set of neat piles a couple feet out of the way. 
It would be one thing if Dick seemed to be having fun, but… he doesn’t really. He’s tolerant enough with the car (whose construction has largely stalled) but he’s never really had the kind of brain like Bruce’s which likes the simple, repetitive patterns of gardening, or kata, or math. 
(“I don’t  want to stay home,” Dick had said that morning. 
“Then wouldn’t going out with a friend be better?” Bruce said over breakfast. 
“I don’t  have any friends!”
Bruce did not respond to that, and had escorted Dick to the park.)
...they pack up in the later afternoon, when the sun is still high but before banks close-- Bruce gathering up all the direct deposit information for the ones who sound interested in coming back, and paying the rest with checks. Dick waits in the car.
When they drive back home, something big, and blue, and midwestern is already in their kitchen, and is talking to Alfred about pie crust technique. 
( Hell. )
Superman is wearing his full goddamn uniform as they enter. He turns and smiles when they come into the living room, raising up one big hand to greet them.
“Hey there! Decided I’d stop by.” 
“....You did,” Bruce agrees, while Dick seems to perk up, eyes widening at the very large and blue man leaning on the counter. 
Dick had  met Superman already. Spent a week at least on the same spaceship as him. Stared him down over Bruce’s unconscious body. Somehow, it wasn’t stopping him from having that bright excitement in his eyes, now. 
Maybe Superman was more exciting when he presumably wasn’t here to arrest anyone. 
“Uh-huh,” said Superman. “And Mr. Pennyworth was telling me some about how things have been going for you here! Community service work. Sounds good.” 
Sounded  innocent was more like it. Sounded like prisoners in bright orange vests on the roadsides picking up litter for fifty cents an hour. Doing time, paying back society for all he’d done to it— yeah, he figured it would sound good to Superman. 
“It is,” said Bruce. 
Dick, maybe in a better mood now that they were out of the Gotham smog, saves him again. 
“Are you here for dinner?” Dick asked, not quite on his tiptoes—not on his tiptoes at all, actually. 
He’d grown again, Bruce realized. Now he stood almost to Bruce’s ribs, where once he’d had to stretch to reach. 
“No, I didn’t think I’d be  that  welcome,” Superman said, smiling sheepishly, and  good.  At least he  knew.  “I’m just the messenger this time. Because we  are going to have to start cashing in on that deal we made.”
For a moment, Bruce’s heart stills, and he feels Dick tense just a little bit beside him. 
(Is it wrong, for a moment, that he’s still glad that Dick tenses when they both know it won’t be him attacked?)
“Woah, woah, no scary faces—“ Bruce’s face had  not changed. “We just need your input. Information sharing, remember? Flash has had some weird things going on in his neighborhood and we thought maybe it’d be something you’d recognize.” 
He was getting protection from This League in exchange for cooperation, not just his dignity. 
Before he could pull himself back into his body, Superman added, “and Robin too, of course.” 
“Robin doesn’t  need to—“ Bruce began. 
“—Robin would be  delighted ,” Dick said, raising his voice unnecessarily high and drowning out Bruce’s own. 
Bruce looked down at Dick, mouth flat. Dick stared back up at him, scowling and arms crossed. 
“You  hate busywork,” said Bruce. 
“It’ll be fine!” Said Superman,  suddenly in his face  , arms moving between him and Dick, pushing them apart, like they were  dangerous to each other— “Flash was just going to bring his kid, uh, flash along with him, and thought it would be good for them to meet. Should’ve led with that. Just, giving kids friends in their own age bracket.” 
Bruce had stood rock still, staring at the same spot Dick had been, now blocked by Superman’s arms. He did not look away. 
“Yes,” Bruce said. “You should’ve led with that.” 
...the next evening, his attempts at trimming his hair were interrupted by Alfred, who was quick to steal the scissors away and finish things himself. Soon, it was short enough he could slick it back for the first time in… a while. He pulled on one of his better dark turtlenecks. Business slacks. Dark shoes. Dark. Maybe too obviously a hide-away-in-the-background type dark. 
They met Flash… on the other side of a zeta beam. Bruce hadn’t ridden one since first being escorted from the Watchtower to Gotham. 
He hadn’t  forgotten how uncomfortable it was, but it was one thing to remember in the mind and another to be given a reminder in the body. 
Neither he nor Dick were in costume. There was no reason for Batman and Robin to suddenly be in Central. There would hopefully be no reason for anyone to suspect Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson to travel so far away from their little safe haven and attack.
Flash, however,  did have some things to protect still, and so he waited on the other side of the zeta with his bright red costume made darker in the night, and an unfortunately bright smudge of yellow standing beside him. 
“Hey, Bats,” Flash said, holding out a hand. “Nice to meet you  nicely this time.” 
Bruce was really glad he hadn’t given in to breaking this guy’s legs. That would have made this reintroduction unbearably uncomfortable. As it was, he met the hand slowly, and enough of a sound for acknowledgement.
Flash didn’t say anything about it, turning instead to Dick. “And you! Also glad to see you’re doing fine; hooow’s the ankle. This is my sidekick, Kid Flash.”
There was no time to answer to the ankle before Flash had introduced and thumped the yellow teen him on the back, getting the very encouraging response, “I’m not a kid I’m a  teenager, ” which was too obvious to have needed pointing out, considering the cracks in his voice and the speckles acne surrounding his lips. “Don’t embarrass me!”
“I would  never do that.” 
(While Bruce remained cold in his skin despite the warm night, beside him, Dick let out a little bit of a laugh. Almost a few huffs of one, really. It was softening. It was enough to unfreeze Bruce some and get him going again.)
“You needed help with identification?” said Bruce, stepping forward to end the introductions. 
Flash’s expression changed back to serious in a… flash. At least he didn’t look disappointed. Or surprised. “Yeah. Follow me, there’s a place a little more private down the street.”
That place ended up being a deli bakery. One that had very much closed for the evening, and had shuttered its windows for good measure. This made very little difference to Flash, who pulled out a key from a very discreet pocket, and opened the staff door in the back. 
“They donate the day-old stuff to me,” Flash said, grinning, like that explained much at all. “Why don’t you kids go see if there’s anything set on top of the counters in the back?” 
The little yellow flash made a sound that wasn’t quite a whoop, but wasn’t quite quiet, either. 
And then the little hand reached out, grabbed Robin’s wrist, and pulled him through the door behind the counter.
“Woah, easy, chief.” 
Flash’s hand wasn’t touching Bruce, no, but it was  in front of him, ready to block and restrain in a movement as Bruce took a step forward to follow.
He turned to look at Flash, and met his same hard eyes looking back through Flash’s mask. 
“They’re just gonna look around and see if they can find some food. It’s fine.” 
Bruce  knew that was just what they were doing, of course. He just wanted to— check. Just to make sure. It was a closed up shop of people they didn’t know in a city that was too dark and empty at night, save for a few well-maintained streetlamps and a pair of teenage girls walking down the sidewalk to the seven-eleven, sticking close together in the Midwest fall—- 
“Let’s just get a seat and wait for them, and we can get started. How’s that?” 
Flash had removed his hand, and was gesturing now to one of the booth seats near the bar. Not by the windows. Maybe far enough from the windows that anyone who looked in and saw a book light on would just assume management was doing the books late.
(Bruce’s jaw was not  tight , it was just his teeth kept pressing down together. He sat down across from the seat Flash gestured to. It was better to get through work quickly, and head home.)
“Okay,” said Flash, suddenly in the booth with him. Bruce almost still felt the breeze of the movement as a book-clipped green folder was produced and laid out on the table. “So, this is a case that’s been going on a little while. Take your time and let me know what you think of it.” 
The file was pushed over to Bruce’s side of the table, and he took it quietly, removing the clip and flipping it open. 
He disregarded the notes and bios and instead turned first to the photos. 
...he did not  like  looking through other people’s photos. All he could think of was that he would have liked a  bit  closer look at the doorframe, or just a little bit out of angle, or frustration at someone’s focus being a little bit out. That was why you took  lots  of photos of course, but it was still a gnawing anxiety in him that they were going to just  miss something. All he had were his eyes through someone else’s lense and someone else’s word to take for it. 
Which he was very bad at liking. 
….but that was just what this was, he guessed. The case was from five years prior. A body of an older woman on the floor of an enclosed porch. Broken glass. Gunshot wound to the left shoulder, close enough to the heart she’d probably been dead within a minute or two, long before the first police officers had arrived. A bullet hole in the wall behind her. Fallen out of her chair. Glass window of the porch had shattered. A bullet had been extracted from the wall, looking like a .22– moderately furnished house with plastic sheeting over the couches. Wicker chairs. An expensive security system had captured what were rendered as stills of the moment the bullets entered the cameras view, and a man a minute or so later on the front door at the other side of the house, running inside, presumably to inspect.
There were other things. They seemed comfortably middle to upper-middle class, from the photos, and finally turning to look at the profiles confirmed it. 68. White. Retired with a moderate stipend. Married thirty years. No priors or connections that Bruce might consider linking to any of the people  he knew. Just things like public intoxication, driving violations, a few fines—
Her husband was found with her, and owned the same caliber gun that had broken the glass encasement, shot the woman, and knocked her out of her chair before lodging in the wall. He’d run in from across the street to investigate the gunshot, he said. He denied doing the deed, and circumstantial evidence was not enough to make a conviction on—
...Bruce flipped through the folder again, frowning. 
Flash, who had pulled out his phone, looked up. “Something?”
“...what is it you want me to say about this?” It was a neatly put together file. Very neatly. No real loose ends, if everything in it was true. What was he supposed to be catching, here?
“Just, I guess, your thoughts. Anything stand out?” He took the moment to arch his back and stretch his arms out a bit, one hand still holding the phone. Smiled a bit. Friendly. 
Bruce frowned while looking at Flash this time. 
“This is a test,” he stated, “and I doubt just to see if I’d throw out a name just to be ‘useful.’”
Flash blinked innocently at him, but he was still smiling. “I mean, haha, can’t blame us too much…? You found a  lot of trafficking chains, but, I mean—“
“The case has already been closed, and you’re certain of who did it,” said Bruce flatly. He flipped the folder shut and shoved it back across the table. “I’d rather see the scene myself, but if the numbers are right, the bullet hole is too steep an angle for a flat lawn if the husband shot from shoulder height. Someone half his height, or someone kneeling  or lying in the grass. He’s old enough to have trouble getting up from that position, much less from the edge of the yard, to run around to the front of the house and avoid grass stains from a new cut lawn. There’s not enough other information to know who might’ve had a motive to make it professional or not.” 
Flash blinked at him, leaning his elbows on the table to watch. He wasn’t smiling or laughing anymore. Good.
“Yeah,” Flash said. Moved the folder off the table, to the booth seat, out of view. “Some kids were playing with their new .22 in the yard across from the house and accidentally shot her through the window. They confessed a few months ago.”
It was a small enough crime that news wouldn’t have made it to Gotham. Or been widely publicized at all, if ‘kids’ meant they were  still minors. That would make them thirteen at most at the time of the shooting—
Bruce wasn’t sure if his throat was full of acid or metal as he said, “Is there anything else for me to look over?” 
Flash hesitated a moment (an eternity for him, surely) and said, “Well…”
Bruce stood and made a  straight fucking line to the door Dick had been pulled in and not yet emerged. Flash called out, “Hey—!”
….even as the hand fell on his shoulder and tried to pull him back, Bruce had frozen in the doorway. 
On the other side, he could only see a bit— the doorframe was too narrow and he dared not step closer—but he could see enough.
He’d wondered, a little bit, why Robin hadn’t emerged when he’d begun speaking. Surely he was loud enough to be heard from the back room. They were only meant to be separated minutes. Just a quick mission. Now, he could see, though—
Dick, sitting on an industrial chest freezer, his legs kicking, not near touching the floor. 
He was holding a popsicle. One of the fudge ones. Partly eaten and the top of the stick beginning to show, and Robin didn’t see how it was beginning to drip down over the crinkled plastic wrap, and would soon run over his fingers. 
He was busy, looking at Kid Fash. Kid Flash squatting on the floor with a creamsicle, holding it up to the color of his suit, and visibly whining with an orange tongue, a pouting face—
And Robin ignored his own melting ice cream to laugh.
...Flash’s hand tugged on his shoulder again, this time gentle enough that Bruce felt it. He turned with the pressure, and headed back for the booth. 
He sat down in it, across from Flash and his already-solved case folder. 
“...this was not for case files, was it,” Bruce said, staring at the table between them, feeling very stupid and small. 
“I mean,” Flash said, looking almost as embarrassed as Bruce was shamed. “...we did want to know. But… we thought maybe my uh, my cousin could use someone who could relate to him.” 
Ah yes. For  Kid Flash’s sake. For the boy who they’d never seen publicized before, who was complaining about his outfit color as if he hadn’t chosen it, who didn’t know that in Flash’s ‘occasional empty diner hideout’ he was allowed to run off and eat before being told. 
Not for the boy that for the past month Diana’s pitying face had hung over, the boy who had eagerly asked to Superman to stay for dinner, and who Martian Manhunter would deliver sleeves of choco cookies to, even though they had more than enough money to purchase a box for themselves.
...perhaps Bruce should be glad Flash wasn’t the best at lying. Perhaps Bruce was too used to looking for tells, and mistook super speed masking for the truth. 
“I see,” was all he said. 
When he’d been a child, there had been plenty of others who knew death, and who had never moved him an inch for all their crying. He’d done his best to make that untrue for Dick the past few years, and now they knew each other’s grief inside and out. 
Bruce did not know what else to do from there. 
It was grief all the way down. 
“He’ll need to learn how to counter people who might actually know how to fight speedsters,” he said, watching the table. “There’s pads in the basement, if he’d like to improve sparring with Dick sometimes.”
Flash blinked at him again. Flash sat up straighter, grinning. “Oh?”
“Oh,” Bruce agreed, looking up to scowl. “But for fuck’s sake, bring more than one casefile next time.”
On Robin’s anniversary, a gang fight breaks out in the Diamond District.
Something gone wrong. A shootout.
Bruce isn’t sure if it could’ve been called a shootout before the police arrive. By the end of the night, the building is on fire, and a gas vein has blown. Heavy smoke drifting down the street causes a panic, and then a stampede— 
He doesn’t want to let Robin out tonight. 
On the news, it looks like there are fights breaking out in the stampede. There are people lying down, specks of color on the ground as the helicopter news anchor tries to describe the scene. She’s pure professional. Cold eyes. Clear eyes.
The smoke momentarily engulfs the helicopter, and she begins crying. 
He does not want to let Robin out tonight.
He will deal with the outrage in the morning. 
(On Robin’s anniversary, Harvey Dent sees the fires and hears gunshots from his hospital room. He drags himself and his IV stand away from the bed, towards the window, and fumbles with the latch with ineffective hands. The nurses come with the heart monitor alert. When they sedate him, Harvey is still screaming “Burn it down, burn it down.” )
...as often as it happens, Bruce doesn’t think Gotham knows how to deal with tragedy. Wasn’t it common by now? Weren’t they used to it? But as much as the flags should’ve flown half mast and statues been erected, the world stood still— the next morning, school busses take the children to school, and their parents march out to work. 
Bruce has a distinct face, but with enough makeup and a red wig, he can seem to be a different person for a while. He can dress himself up as officer and with enough confidence and disdain walk right passed the caution tape and into the crime scene the next morning. 
Is it still accurate to call several city blocks a crime scene? Is it a crime scene at all? 
There’s caution tape around it. He knows what the words mean in his head. A shape, more than a real definition, with real letters attached— a block of space that has crumbled differently from the world around him. A depression of buildings, some with more tarps laid down than others. 
Most of the bodies have been taken to the morgue by now. Not all of them. But most. 
Is he going to sneak into the morgue tonight? Is he going to cut open an innocent person who gave no consent to him? To do more than what their family may have agreed to? Will he just steal the coroner’s report and assume they did their jobs properly? 
….it is Gotham. He will assume nothing until proven otherwise. Even now it feels like the police are more rattled than usual, like something has actually gone and bitten them and made them pay a bit more attention.
Inside the building where the shootout started, he starts to look for the bullet holes and take pictures. He looks for scorch marks to track towards the origins of the blaze. 
He doesn’t find a blown gas vein, no matter how hard he looks. 
There was a difference between a storage building and a warehouse. This was a storage building. It had perhaps had a secretary and some organizers. Someone in charge of keeping track of records. There had been unused parts of the building. Bare rooms without much beyond stripped light switches and unpainted walls. One or two empty office spaces, for meetings perhaps. For presentations. 
It was on the second floor where he found the lab. What appeared to be the remains of a lab, in any case. It had been shot up through the floors, and the papers had burnt up in the fire. Police hadn’t officially come up this high yet. The stairs didn’t seem stable. Bruce had not specifically used the stairs. As long as no one saw him slip back down, it would be fine. 
It seemed as if the lab had not been in use at the time of the shootout. Fortunate. The beakers were broken, but they were all clustered together near the sink, clean, and so presumably had all been put away after any use. There was nothing sitting out that seemed to have been mid-use. He would’ve believed a Bunsen burner might’ve started part of the fire, but there was none of that, either. 
...there  was one thing. A broken tankard in the corner that had caused most of the damage, to be certain. A high caliber round seemed to have punctured it, either from the floor below or fired from the hall outside. Otherwise, there would’ve been another body up here, or at least the remnants of one. But the sudden decompression seemed to have mostly left just… a badly scattered room and shrapnel damage on the opposing wall. 
He was about to move to the next room when he noticed the faint texture inside the tank and a matching sort of stain on the ceiling above. 
...he moved closer to the tank, holding his breath and not daring to hope (should he be  hoping  for something?) and investigated. 
A thin layer of green-ish white powder layered the insides of the tankard. An explosive cloud of the stuff must have also flown towards the ceiling and stained it during decompression. He’d assumed it was an oxygen tank. Assumed wrong. 
Taking out a few q-tips, he picked up a few wipes and sealed them away in an evidence bag, did another once-over of the room, now trying to double check everything and ignore his ‘assumptions’, but the burnt papers remained largely illegible, and the cleaned lab materials yielded nothing new. 
He moved on to the next room, and slipped out quietly from there to check the rest of the street. 
He arrived back home in different clothes just about the time that Dick (picked up by Alfred) returned home from school. 
The kid looks at Bruce as Bruce enters the front room, and a silent but perceptible drone passes between them. 
For a moment, Bruce simply looked back, wondering what it was he was supposed to say here. 
Eventually, he fumbles in his pockets and pulled out dust-covered q-tips. They’d done this lots of times on the road, hadn’t they? And it had been fun, then. “Want to help identify oddly colored dust?” 
Dick lets his head drop back with an open-mouthed groan at the ceiling, but he does come to the garage lab without… any other response than that sound and movement.
...Bruce was not sure what that meant. 
Who the  fuck was rigging exploding nitrous oxide cans to deliver green-dyed powdered LSD?
Monday, at the park, he tells the ones who show up they can stay and work in the park as they’ve been doing the last two weeks, or they can come with him to help clean up the areas damaged by the fire.  
Most of them, eight out of the ten, peel off to go help with the fire damage. He can’t say he expected that. But they wander out of the park, keeping together in a group, and spend the day with magnet sticks picking up nails and crooked metal and stacking bricks up out of the walkway. They hose down the ashes to stop dust and at Bruce’s insistence, scoop the ashes into garbage bags instead of just washing it all into the sewer. 
It gets him some weird looks, but no one is ready to argue with him after only working for two weeks, because these are the ones who  stayed  for that daily stipend-- there’s not a contract here; these ten are the ones who hate this work less than anything else they might’ve had available, so they break out two flat shovels and bag things up, wearing cotton masks to avoid inhalation. Bruce trots back to the park to get the truck and pick up all those bags for disposal.
He’s prepared for the ones they left behind to have skipped out early, unsupervised, but as he rounds the (now lower) hedges to look at their base of operations he finds… they actually have acquired an extra person. 
No, the shovels aren’t moving and the hedges don’t look that different from what they’d been like this morning, but that’s still not  abandoning a position. And instead they have some soda cans from the nearby vending machine, and are leaning on a termite-eaten picnic table, talking with rapt interest to Dick Grayson. 
Bruce paused to take it in a second time. Dick certainly clocked him coming into view even though the kid didn’t turn to look his direction. Dick was still there, though, sitting on the other side of the picnic table with a fizzy orange juice and his legs crossed under himself. It wasn’t Bruce’s day to pick him up, Bruce was certain, and yet he had a moment where he had to think of it again to make sure, and checked his phone, and his pocket schedule. But his instinct was right, and it was indeed Alfred’s day to pick Dick up from school while Bruce worked here in the park--
He started to walk over just as Dick turned and raised a hand in greeting, letting the recruits cue into his presence before he was close enough to startle them. And yet, they were still startled enough to look at their shovels and very obviously say “shit,” even when Bruce was still too far away to actually hear it. Then, one seemed to realize they had cursed in front of a tween, said “shit” again, and smacked themselves on the forehead.
Dick’s nose wrinkled up as he smiled. Bruce couldn’t hear it, but he knew it was a laughter snort. 
(He did not acknowledge his jaw untensing as he walked up to Dick who was smiling and sociable again.) 
He came over intending to smile and say words and have a nice conversation, and… then he was close enough and realized he didn’t know what to say. Did he tell them not to corrupt Dick? Would they take that as him implying they were poisonous to others? Would Dick take that as him being protective and spoil the mild good mood? If he told them to take the rest of the day off since clearly things weren’t going to happen, was that dismissal? Or was that chasing them off? Would it be a threat to their paycheck, even though he intended to pay the day’s wages fair as always?
Things seemed to be going almost well lately. The park was slowly being cleaned and Dick was in better spirits than he’d been for two days since the anniversary--
“Oh, he stalled out, don’t worry about it.” 
It is not  embarrassment, but Bruce does snap out of his train of thought and back into the present. “Sorry,” he says, and looks to the two grown men in their baggy jackets and laced up work boots and secondhand hats. “We’re just finishing cleaning up some of the ash. If you come help move the last bit, we’ll all call it a day.”
As they got up and started shuffling away from the picnic table, Bruce did glance at Dick, and after a moment of still confusion, say, “Coming?” 
...the expression Dick gives him was not a smile. But he did come. 
They throw the garbage bags in the back of the trunk, and pack it largely to the brim. Surreptitiously, before Dick can climb into the passenger seat, Bruce digs out a simple dust mask and hands it to him. With barely a second look, Dick puts it on and rolls down the window before settling in. It’s smooth, and no one asks questions or looks much askance, because he and Dick are good by now at not announcing  something is happening that is different than normal to the world at large. 
(And Dick has become very good at seeing through that with Bruce, but Bruce is… starting to wonder if perhaps, he has taught Dick too well to hide anything that would draw attention that something was wrong. Like a wounded animal could run on a broken leg, or a predator bleed from the mouth, and neither would ever make a peep.)
They drove the bags of ashes home to hide behind the house’s perimeter walls, and Bruce tried to explain. The dust, and the huge plume of heat and smoke that could’ve blown even heavy particles down the street, and the sort of cues that psychedelics took from the state you were in. How most people probably wouldn’t exactly get a good trip, surrounded by gunfire and smoke. And maybe there was something else he missed, in the ash, unsafe for casual disposal, how he wasn’t  certain he hadn’t missed something--
Dick laid his head back on the car seat, sighing through his mask, and Bruce stopped his mumbling.
Glanced over. 
“...maybe I can… arrange for Flash to take a look, if you want to come along,” he offered as they pulled onto their street.
Dick sat up a little straighter, a little light in his eyes.
...he wondered, maybe unkindly (but mostly tiredly), if Dick would rather move in with the Flash and his sidekick. He didn’t have any real evidence for this. Kids did tend to be fairly excited to see friends around their own age, and just because someone might enjoy a trip to a festival didn’t mean they wanted to live in one.
...yet, Dick probably would’ve been quite happy, adopted into a renaissance fair circuit.
Maybe it wasn’t that Dick needed more friends. Maybe the issue was Bruce.
But it’s too late to change that now, isn’t it? Dick drew his line in the sand in front of the Justice League, and Bruce had given him too many secrets to have to keep, and there was nowhere else to go. 
Bruce goes to Gotham Academy early. Very early. Two hours before pickup is meant to be.
Dick has gotten into a fight. 
The parents of the other kid are already there when Bruce arrives and is shown to the principal’s office (it is in the same place it has been since Bruce went here) and ushered inside to the sound of anger and snapping threats. 
The office is wood, with a centered carpet and a large mahogany desk at the center, and surrounded by three adults and two children, one of them his. 
Dick doesn’t have a scratch on him, unless you count a faint bruise starting to show on his knuckles. The other boy, who is bigger and taller in every way, has a tissue up to his nose and an ice pack on his ear, and is simultaneously shielded and towered over by his two parents, neither of whom have stopped arguing with the principal since Bruce arrived. 
He barely gets a chance to get to Dick’s chair by the wall when he is also pulled into the argument by a “Is  this little heathen yours, Mister Malone?” from the mother. 
Things are not going to improve from there, he’s pretty sure.
“What’s going on?” he asks the principal instead, who is a balding white man with age spots on his face and horn-rimmed glasses on his nose. 
“ Master Richard here has assaulted Master Reynolds--” the principal begins.
“--and we will be pressing charges if adequate disciplinary action is not taken,” says the father.
“But what actually happened,” Bruce says, and somehow the noise gets louder in the room. Not the physical noise of three or four people talking at once, but also the hot dissent from Dick in his corner, the hidden bloodied fear of the boy he attacked, the principal patting the desk with his hands over and over, trying to call attention back to himself. Fluorescent lights bright as static. Itchy polyester fake turkish carpets even though his shoes. The room is small and red-orange with wood stained to look like cherry, yellow copper accents on the studs of cushions and trophies and the frames of portraits and certificates hung on the clustered walls--
Dick is suspended three weeks. 
Dick is curled in the front seat of the car, furious that Bruce didn’t defend him enough and fight back, and get his sentence reduced or vetoed entirely. His body is balled up tight enough he’s no bigger than he was at eight, curled around the seatbelt in a haze of fury. 
“He was  picking on people  ,” Dick says in a way Bruce knows means Dick had seen it before, but this time it had crossed a line. “  He should be suspended.”
‘He’ is getting two stitches and a formal apology written (ostensibly) by Dick. Dick will not be the one writing it, even if it’s his name at the bottom. ‘He’ will be in school, not in trouble for bullying but now with free reign to his targets without Dick to stand in the way. If Dick was even in the way before at all. If being in the way without being physical meant anything in this case. 
“You’ll just have to be more subtle about it,” Bruce says, trying to be encouraging. Because Dick didn’t do anything  wrong to step in. Maybe it didn’t deserve a bloody nose, maybe it could’ve been handled some other way, but he still hasn’t been able to wrangle the exact story out of anyone but he is certain that--
Dick goes “RRR” and kicks the windshield hard enough that Bruce startles and slams on the breaks. 
Their seatbelts jerk tight and a car horn behind them blares. 
...there is the faintest tap on their bumper, but Bruce is already speeding the car forward again, heart pounding too hard to stop. 
There’s not even a scratch when they get out at their house later.
He goes to Dick’s bedside in the evening. Dick’s lying on top of his covers with the lights turned off in a darkening room, staring at the wall opposite the door. There was music playing before, but the CD player turned off as soon as Bruce turned the door handle. 
He sits by Dick’s bedside and asks if he’d like to go out for the evening. 
Dick agrees, but there isn’t much laughter that night, except the sort Robin scares people with.
The mood is still there the next morning.
It is Superman’s turn to check in. Apparently. 
The visit is unscheduled (and probably because of  Dick’s suspension) and today involves casserole, which Bruce is primed automatically to dislike. 
"Yes?" Bruce says upon seeing big blue and buoyant in their kitchen, hovering over the kitchen island with a glass dish covered in aluminium and Alfred looking over a handwritten paper beside him. 
"Oh, hey, good morning there," Superman says, as if he's surprised to see Bruce here when there was no other person for him to be there to  see . "I was just dropping off the casserole recipe Alfred wanted to try."
…one of the only people for him to be here to see. But Bruce still doubted a casserole was a real reason for a whole visit. So Bruce tries again. "Did you need something?"
Alfred looks up from the paper with a frown and without a word starts shooing them out of the cooking space if they're going to be talking business. "I dunno. Was there something you needed to talk about?" 
They make it to the couches of the living room, though neither of them sit down. 
"No," says Bruce.
"Alright then," says Superman, who Bruce is learning is an asshole. "I heard some stuff happened with Dick at school?"
Which is entirely unsubtle and a very clear sign that Superman is not leaving until Bruce asks  some  sort of question or resolves whatever this is. 
So fine. Bruce hasn't even had some fucking coffee yet. He'll ask a question. "What would you do if your child, who is aware that at nightime they can go out and punch abusers and rapists, during the daytime attempted to defend an underclassman, and as a result are threatened with criminal action or suspension while you are trying to lie low and causing a big fuss about it and fighting the decision will do the exact opposite of laying low, severely limiting their freedom regardless of if we win."
Like a coward, Superman's expression says he had been thinking of Dick as a kid who was not  Dick , and sheepishly says, "I guess, what would your parents do?"
Bruce thinks he feels it this time. The expression on his face turning colder. He feels it the same way Dick can always see the change. "I wouldn't know that, now, would I?"
...this was why he left in the first place, wasn't it. This eternal loop of days upon days surrounded by people who just  forgot or never could let him forget. It's been easier as an adult, almost-- it's normal now for people's parents to be dead. It's normal to not have people ask after them like limbs they can't see have detached. Even if Superman doesn't know his old name, doesn't know that stupid story about a boy billionaire and his rich family, its jarring to realize that even the most alien being on earth just assumes--
--well, of course. He would know  all  humans have parents. 
But the bite in Bruce's voice is cold enough, and the way Alfred's slight shuffling in the kitchen goes quiet, it's enough to get through apparently-- Superman's head is ducked down embarrassed and he says, "right, sorry," because perhaps Bruce returning to Gotham to the fucking Wayne Butler's House should've been enough reason to realize he didn't have any family left of his own. "The person who raised you…"
"Nothing they said," Bruce interrupts, "has ever done anything about this."
Maybe he's angry. He hasn't had any coffee yet. But he turns to end this conversation and walk out to the garden, and hears Alfred's sigh from the kitchen. 
But he's telling the truth. 
Even if Alfred had found something new to say in the years since Bruce tried to bite his therapist's face off, if he's tried to say it to Dick, it clearly hasn't been working. 
There is a thing like a piston beating up against his head. A hammering rhythmically at the front of his skull. One thing, then another, then another, then another, and when he wakes up the next morning to one more ring there will still be all the ones behind him, echoing through the halls still unresolved. 
He wasn’t made to live like this. How was anyone made to live like this? One thing after another and another and when he wakes up in the morning there are still more banal, useless things to do in a world that eats up and eats up and eats up--
How does the grocery store clerk wake up each morning? How does she go to bed at night knowing the same thing will happen the next day, but worse, and more tired, and less pay, over and over, for eternity.
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heathyearnings101 · 4 years
Pandemic Money Making
Pandemic Money Making
So Pandemic Money Making is so important today in our lives.
Firstly, how credible? Spoken in 12 countries including United States, UK, China, Singapore, etc as an authority of internet marketing ​Platinum Partner for 7 years in a row since 2013 ​Internet marketing pioneer since 2004 ​Author of 3 best-selling books including multiple Amazon bestsellers.
check highlighted underlined words.
​Patric Chan and his products have been featured in CNN, Entrepreneur.com & Forbes Magazine. ​Thousands of students worldwide and testimonials from millionaires, including other internet marketing experts like Russell Brunson, Anik Singal, Ryan Deiss and Mark Joyner ​​​Featured in an international best-selling entrepreneurial book together with Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eker and others.
note: the following article may contain affiliate links to offers, if so happened you purchase any of the offers i may received a commission.
To start with, Opportunities to takeover.
The falling economy is what makes us to think of Pandemic Money Making ideas you have been waiting. It is your chance to rise. Turn around Economic Crisis How To Start “Operation Recession Takeover” And Make Money To Buy Under priced Assets! Hi! Patric here, In a time like this, we need this Pandemic Money Making tactics so during the down economy, where some may even called it a recession… Many businesses are affected badly and good products, even great products, are not being able to be marketed or sell successfully anymore. Today, I want to share with you about marketing and business during this economic crisis. The interesting part is this — although many products are not able to sell anymore right now, there are certain products that are still selling like crazy. For instance, mask. It’s selling very well. There’s a huge demand for it and the reason is because of the tragic COVID-19 virus, the pandemic that is spreading all around the world. Let’s stay focus on Pandemic Money Making procedures and practices.
Only Certain Products Will Make Money During This Down Economy
Now, to make it clear, this video is not to talk about the virus. I’m also not here to talk about recession but is to impart my knowledge about marketing with you and also, and so for us to earn Pandemic Money Making ways and went through touch about creating wealth. Because this is going to be a rare opportunity for you to make some money during this period and perhaps, even becoming rich. So here’s the first thing that I want to share with you is this: If we want to sell successfully, it’s not really about our products anymore, but what the market wants. Thus, the secret to selling online during this time is. You can only make money online by selling the RIGHT PRODUCT to the RIGHT MARKET. For instance, the mask and the toilet rolls. It’s about riding on a “trend” of what the market wants and sell the products to them. That’s just the first thing… The second thing I want share with you that’s something more meaningful, it’s about WEALTH.
It’s No Secret: Millionaires And Billionaires Are Made During The Down Economy And Recession
There’s no deny that many millionaires, even billionaires, are made during the recession and down economy. Now I want to make it clear that I’m not here to tell you about how we can do a Pandemic money making processes that we should celebrate the down economy. Because it’s bad. It’s bad for many people and our loved ones. But the reality is, it’s happening right now. You can try to hide away from it. And you can try to survive and go through it bitterly, through a lot of challenges and fear… Or you can be optimistic and ride on it to create wealth for yourself. Maybe, even able to help your family and love ones. If you think about it, when is the best time to buy stocks and real estate? During the down economy, right? Like for instance, if you look at Facebook, Citibank or Microsoft stocks, I will probably think it’s pretty low at this moment of time. Or look in your own country’s stock exchange. I mean if you’re not in the U.S, you are with a different type of exchange. And chances are, the companies listed there, the stocks are plummeting, it’s going DOWN. Same with real estates. So if you have THE MONEY, you can go in and you can buy to hold. And guess what — You could be creating wealth in the next 6 to 12 months. Now, I am not an oracle of wealth. I do not know whether it’s going to take 6 months, 12 months, 3 years or 5 years but we have to earn this Pandemic and make money from it. But one thing I’m pretty sure is this — if I get blue chip stocks or prime real estate at below the market price today,highly under-priced, eventually when the economy picks up again, I will be able to create MASSIVE WEALTH. YOU COULD ALSO DO THE SAME LIKE ME.
So here’s what you could be focusing on: How can you use business as the vehicle to generate income right now and use that money to be invested in ASSETS that can create your wealth later on. My friend, it’s all about riding on the trend, or should I say riding on the wave. When the wave comes up, you’re going to ride on it and take you to the whole next level.
“How You Can Generate An Additional Stream of New Income From Nothing During The Down Economy And Invest It?”
The secret is to do it with zero risk — DO NOT use your own money to buy the stocks or assets. Here’s what I mean… What if you make an additional $5,000 from an online business and you take this $5,000 to buy stocks at below the market price, without using your own money and definitely not from your savings. You buy and you hold it — when the stocks rise up later on, you’ll be doubling your money! Although I can’t promise you that it will be doubled, but the fact is it could doubled or even tripled. Who knows how the stocks is going to behave after this. Or, you can just keep it to earn dividends each year, thus, you’ve just secured yourself a NEW PASSIVE INCOME FOR LIFE. Of course — $5,000 USD is just a figure. And what if, you are able to generate additional $10,000 from thin air? Instead of using the the $10K to buy something for leisure, you use that to invest into stocks or real estate. That’s how you create wealth. However, keep in mind that to ride on the wave, you have a relatively short window of opportunity right now. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking you to take advantage of others. But this is what I’m suggesting to you — how you can still add value to the entire market by offering something that is valuable and in return for that, you’re able to make money. Then use that money to invest in the asset that is under priced at this moment of time. So let’s go back to business-building topic.
Here Are The 3 Proven Types Of Products That Will Sell During A Down Economy
So far, we have learned that the market is still buying — so long that we’re selling the right products to them. Secondly, we should be smart to make as much money as possible so that we could invest them into under-priced assets like stocks and real estates. The best vehicle to make money right now would probably be an online business. When we have the assets for “free” by using the profit we’ve made, we could turn them into windfall of cash or simply, keep them to make passive income. Either options, I’m happy. So what types of products that will still sell profitably on the internet, despite the current economy and COVID-19 pandemic? We’ve tested, there are 3 key criteria that the market will still buy online…
Criteria #1: A Deal Offer The first one is that you got to have a deal for the market to buy. This means, you got to be selling something that’s below the market price. People are still buying. People are still shopping on the Internet. You got to be offering good deals.
Criteria #2: Need The second criteria is, you got to sell products where there is a “NEED” and not a “want”. For instance, let’s say you’re selling a shirt. A shirt is something that they don’t need right now. There are plenty of shirts that they can wear, correct? They don’t need it right now. What is a “need” then? A need would be like food, right? But we’re not referring to that, because we’re not selling food. I’m not referring to food, shelter or any of those kind of human needs. The message of “need” in here is what the consumer will still need at this moment of time. Let me give you an example… If someone has a pet. Let’s say, a pet cat. The pet owner will still wants to make sure the cat is healthy and probably, the cat owner still wants to train the cat, right? So there is still a need to have that knowledge of “cat training” or “cat health” product. Here’s another example… Despite the down economy, if someone wants to lose weight, that person will still have the need to wanting to lose weight. So this person may still want to have the knowledge on how to lose weight or a product that can help him to achieve that. Final example… Let’s say someone is single and he or she wants to have a relationship. This person will still have the need to have that knowledge on how to attract another girl or a man. There’s still a need for that. Do you see what I mean? So it doesn’t means that you need to sell mask or toilet rolls.
Criteria #3: An Affordable Product (Inexpensive) The third criteria is the price must be affordable. I mean, before the down economy, someone could spend more for certain products without a second thought. But right now, the market is more careful with their spending's. But if it’s within a reasonable price, they do not mind to spend, if it’s a good deal and it’s a need. So these are three key criteria — Good deal, need and reasonable price. When you have 3 of these for your product, you will be able to sell well. Make no mistake; the market still buy it, especially on the internet. You will be selling and making money online every day with this kind of product. By now, I hope that you have learned some good marketing insights here.
THE BAD NEWS… However, not everyone can take advantage of this valuable knowledge I’ve shared because you may not have products of your own, or products with deals to sell. Also, your product may not be in need right now or it’s not one of those affordable products that the market can afford. I mean, you could have a product of your own. I don’t know, maybe shirts or something, right? But even though you can have a good deal for your shirt, there’s no real need for someone to buy a shirt at this moment of time.
THE GOOD NEWS! The good news is, there’s a way how you can solve this immediately today. With the right knowledge, you could source from thousands of products where they are having deals, products that the market need and affordable for them to purchase! You actually DO NOT NEED to have your own products at this moment of time. Because your FOCUS is to generate income as quickly as possible and use that money to build your wealth. Let me make it clear to you — we’re not keen to pursue passions or trying to sell our own products to be happy, that’s going to wasting a lot of resources and time during this economic crisis. But you have to get started as soon as possible IF you want to make money fast. The faster you start, the better it is going to be for you because I do not know how long this whole down economy is going to be. This is why I want to help you by releasing the Operation Recession Takeover
The Operation Recession Takeover 5-Day Online Class This compressive program is specifically tailored to help you to make money online as fast as possible during this critical time by selling products that the market is still buying. It’s to help you to generate income so that you have cash to invest for your future (or if needed, to pay your future bills and save for emergency). I’m going to show you how you can launch your affiliate campaign in just 5 days after you completed the Operation Recession Takeover class. Which means, in just 5 days, you could be in business to having it up and running. And you could be someone who has no experience or totally newbie and it’s fine. If you can follow the plan, you can start to see sales coming in. Frankly, this is probably the fastest system I’ve ever created to get someone to get started and start making sales from affiliate marketing and eCommerce drop-shipping. So 30 days from now, you could be pocketing an extra $3,000 in your bank account? Then, you could be using this money to lock-in stocks. This way, you could be buying stocks with the income that you have made, not from your own savings. Just feel this — how nice would it be if you start having Microsoft shares, Citibank shares, Apple shares and so on for free because you didn’t use your own money to buy? Of course I’m not sure whether you make $3,000 in 30 days or just $1,000 or even $10,000. It’s up to you on how much you are going to scale the entire system. We’ve tested it, it works. I’m giving you the system that we personally use to make money online. Operation Recession Takeover, the entire system, is a program that we will sell for $500 (to be more precise, $499).
However, let’s face it. It’s recession time right now. You would also want to be careful with your cash, true? I mean, I’m just being very transparent with you and understand your situation too. So instead of offering it for $499, I’m just going to offer it for only $59! Which is almost 90% discount of what it’s supposed to be offered at. Frankly, I don’t think there’s any other online class that is specifically created on how to build an online business to make money fastest possible during economic crisis. None.
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gardenianoire · 6 years
musicians and actor and model (the real models not this bored socialites but that's another post) is obviously nowhere near as bad as the ceo who are abusing their workers and destroying the environment but it's a simple fact that no one needs that much money. after you buy a couple of manison, keep your family in designers clothes and luxury cars and the best restaurants why not spread it around. like my personal faves like lebron, beyonce, harry styles, drew brees, britney spears, bernadette peters (imma name some white people so the capitalists of color can cool it) have earned a luxurious lifestyle through their talents but wouldn't it be easier to enjoy if they gave the extra away. if they helped support movements that made sure everyone had at least the bare minimum. I like nice clothes. I like to buy them in the french quarter. I'm broke but once I get my finances together in a few months I'm going to go to my favorite shop and spend $300 on a dress I absolutely don't need. and I'm going to have to walk by people who are experiencing homelessness and could definitely use $300 more than I could. I will 100% feel bad. And I should feel bad about it. and I most likely will not change my mind. I could pretend to justify it by saying I haven't gotten anything nice since the beginning of the year but I slept indoors all year. I took a trip to new york this year. I only went maybe 3 non consecutive days with eating. I had to walk to work in the hot sun a few times but I was always employed. compared to a homeless person my life humble lifestyle is luxurious so I don't need a trashy diva dress and I should give it away. I really should. I really should...I do intend to share whatever little windfall this better paying position with offer me once I pay off some looming debts and save a bit. and I want to do more volunteer work. but it's hard for me as an able bodied working class person that's employed to fully enjoy the occasional finer things knowing someone out there has had it worse. I don't think we live in a world where britney spears is cold hearted enough to not give money to a homeless person. rihanna isn't greedy enough to turn a blind eye to girls in mali that need bicycles to get to school. and beyonce does give a lot to charity and does it quietly which is something I find admirable. but whenever you here about celebrities giving it's always such a small part of their wealth. like harry styles gave over million dollars which is real tangible money that helped a lot of people but I think his sony contract is for $80 million and they didn't exactly pay him in dust during his one direction days. my question is why hold onto the excess? these are people that can have all the finer things in life, put some money away to protect their future in case the fans stop coming and still be able to provide life changing money. barbra streisand and iconically talented and once of a kind performer could probably have the water crisis in flint solved by the end of the day and still have enough to maintain her lifestyle. madonna could afford to put all flint's students in those over the top expensive prep school. and then robert deniro could fund the strike/protest efforts against the Michigan government that literally poisoned their water supply and let their local school be funded by housing taxes instead of funding school equally. basically my point is if performers are the so called "good" millionaires are they will to fund actual change? yes the problems of the world aren't solely mick jagger's (I'm running out of white people) fault but they aren't the middle and working class's fault but we're the ones that are gonna feel the negative effects of capitalism first, don't they as someone that can actually help, have an obligation to help? what is a society if not people helping people. we're in late stage capitalism. it's either socialism or barbarism. I know I laugh at jokes about the guillotine and the such but the communist revolution doesn't have to be violent. we can avoid the violence.
thank you,
join a union kids
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orbemnews · 3 years
JPMorgan Shakes Up the Race to Succeed Jamie Dimon In a position to succeed? JPMorgan Chase announced a major management shuffle yesterday, renewing chatter about a hotly debated topic on Wall Street: Who will succeed Jamie Dimon as C.E.O.? The changes may also pave the way for a woman to lead the United States’ largest bank. Here’s the rundown: Marianne Lake, the bank’s head of consumer lending, and Jennifer Piepszak, its chief financial officer, will become joint heads of the consumer and community bank, effective immediately. Gordon Smith, who has run the bank’s consumer operation since 2012 and served as co-chief operating officer and co-president since 2018, said he would retire at the end of the year. Daniel Pinto will become JPMorgan’s sole president and C.O.O. (and remains the head of the corporate and investment bank), and Jeremy Barnum will succeed Lake as C.F.O. The moves solidify Lake and Piepszak as contenders for C.E.O. The executives, both 51, are now in charge of a business that takes in more than $50 billion per year in revenue. In a memo to staff, Dimon praised Lake and Piepszak as “superb executives who are both examples of our extremely talented and deep management bench.” Dimon, 65, took his role as the bank’s C.E.O. in late 2005, making him the longest-tenured big bank chief. “The board has said it would like Jamie to remain in his role for a significant number of years,” Joe Evangelisti, a JPMorgan spokesman, said in a statement. The new setup creates an unusual situation in which two executives competing for the top job share a leadership role. That may be tricky to navigate, management experts say, and whether it’s a good test of leadership skills is debatable. Co-management can be hard to pull off. In a 2012 paper, Ryan Krause of the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University examined how sharing power impacted the performance of public companies. Estimating the relative power of co-C.E.O.s using proxies such as tenure and stock ownership, he and his co-authors concluded that executives who had more equal levels of power performed worse than those with disproportionate power. “We interpret this as being evidence that, basically, having co-C.E.O.s really only works if they’re not really co-C.E.O.s,” Krause told DealBook. Co-leaders of a division, he said, may be more successful because they can more easily divide responsibilities instead of sharing authority. Such setups are not uncommon at JPMorgan. It could highlight the ability to work collaboratively, said Steve Odland, the head of the Conference Board and the former C.E.O. of Office Depot and AutoZone. “Whenever you’re in a C.E.O. successor position, it’s difficult because there are a lot of things that have to go right and you’re under the microscope,” Odland said. “But to do so with your competitor, and have to compete with your co-head, at the same time you’re making it work is especially stressful. Which is why it’s an interesting test, because the person who succeeds at this should be amply able to succeed in the C.E.O. role.” Is it a good idea? Dan Ciampa, an adviser to C.E.O.s and directors during leadership transitions, said that he wouldn’t recommend such a test (speaking generally, and not about JPMorgan specifically). “It may make sense to have co-division leaders or co-unit leaders and maybe even co-C.E.O.s,” he said. “But to use that as a way to determine who the next person should be to run the entire organization, to me it says that the board and the sitting C.E.O. and the head of H.R. have probably not done their homework.” Flashback: One sign of Dimon’s long tenure at JPMorgan is measured by a famous cover of Fortune magazine from Sept. 2008, featuring him and seven of his top lieutenants, headlined “The Survivors.” When Smith retires, Dimon will be the only person on the cover left at the bank. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING AT&T investors sour on the WarnerMedia-Discovery deal. Shares in AT&T fell nearly 6 percent yesterday (and are down again premarket today), as shareholders reckoned with the possibility that the spinout of its media arm would expose issues at its core wireless business — and lead to a smaller dividend. Bank of America will raise its minimum wage to $25 an hour by 2025. The announcement cements the lender’s status as a leader on pay in the banking industry: In 2019, it was one of the first to guarantee a $20 hourly wage, a goal it achieved a year ahead of schedule. Amazon indefinitely bans the police from using its facial-recognition software. The company extended a moratorium imposed last year amid the nationwide protests over racial injustice and biased policing. Though critics have said that the technology leads to unfair treatment of African-Americans, Amazon has defended the product’s accuracy. More signs of life in retail. Target reported a 23 percent jump in sales for the first quarter from a year ago, as shoppers returned to stores. It joined Macy’s and Walmart in surpassing analysts’ estimates. Also, a reminder: Most pandemic restrictions in New York City end today. Today in Business Updated  May 18, 2021, 9:07 p.m. ET The criminal investigation into the Trump Organization widens. The office of New York’s attorney general, which has been running a civil inquiry into the Trump family company, joined the Manhattan attorney general’s criminal investigation into potential financial crimes, including tax and bank fraud. Bitcoin’s wild ride The largest cryptocurrency’s price is down sharply again today, leaving it 40 percent lower than its mid-April high. (Other cryptocurrencies — even Dogecoin! — are similarly suffering.) As usual, there are a few potential culprits: Chinese regulators issued a stern warning to financial institutions (again) not to accept cryptocurrency as payment. Elon Musk’s U-turn on Bitcoin is continuing to roil investors’ appetite for the currency. Some industry executives said such pullbacks were “normal” in crypto. That said … Bitcoin is still up more than 30 percent for the year, Ethereum nearly 300 percent and Dogecoin more than 8,000 percent. A lot of investors are feeling plenty flush, for now; more on that below. “There’s been such an erosion of trust, distrust for government, distrust for the virus, distrust for this party or that party. So when you tell the public what to do, there are people who say, ‘How can I trust the guy without the mask?’” — Dr. Howard Markel, a medical historian at the University of Michigan, on how the new mask guidelines from the C.D.C. have created a complicated vaccination honor code. The business case for better care policies JPMorgan Chase, McDonald’s, Spotify, Uber and almost 200 other businesses announced today that they have formed a coalition focused on “reimagining” the United States’ “caregiving infrastructure.” The coalition, called the Care Economy Business Council, is a strong signal that fixing the crumbling care systems for children and older people is essential to the economic recovery. The new group will pressure Congress to pass policies that enable workers — particularly women — to get back to work. Led by Time’s Up, the advocacy group formed by powerful women in Hollywood, the council is demanding federally funded family and medical leave, affordable child care and care for older relatives, and higher wages for caregiving workers. “What I’m seeing now that I have not seen in the many years I’ve been working on this constellation of issues is a realization by employers that they have a stake in this,” said Tina Tchen, the chief executive of Time’s Up. The pandemic laid bare the caregiving sector’s limits, particularly in child care. Many providers either shuttered or cut back on hours, leaving parents without a reliable and safe space for their children while they worked. That was a major reason that hundreds of thousands of women left the work force in the past year, bringing the female labor participation rate to the lowest level since the 1980s. For many executives, the crisis made clear that the entire system needed an overhaul, as companies scrambled to cobble together solutions such as flexible work hours and additional child care stipends. The issue is “bigger than something we can solve on our own,” said Christy Pambianchi, the chief human resources officer at Verizon, a member of the council. President Biden’s two-part infrastructure plan proposes pumping $425 billion into the child care industry and an additional $400 billion to expand in-home care for older adults and those with disabilities. The plan also offers businesses a tax credit for building child care centers in their workplaces. Philanthropies bank crypto windfalls Charities have an inherent interest in cryptocurrencies because, increasingly, their fates are intertwined. Nonprofits benefit from financial windfalls and recently people have been getting rich with crypto. “There’s no question” that the price of cryptocurrency is linked to the volume of giving, said Joe Huston, the managing director of Give Directly, a global aid group. Crypto is volatile, especially lately, but philanthropies have seen consistent growth in digital asset donations over time. Fidelity Charitable reported that crypto giving went from $13 million in 2018 to $28 million in 2020. Give Directly has seen a “big uptick,” Huston told DealBook. The Twitter founder Jack Dorsey gave the group $12.8 million, the co-founder of the Ethereum platform Vitalik Buterin donated $4.8 million and Elon Musk of Tesla gave “some.” The cryptocurrency exchange FTX donates one percent of its fees and encourages traders to channel returns to charity. But newfound riches donated in novel ways raise questions. Buterin recently gave $1.2 billion dollars to fund Covid relief efforts in India. The gift was in SHIB, a crypto token named after a Shiba Inu dog that’s a derivative of the onetime joke crypto Dogecoin. These tokens were sent unbidden to Buterin to bolster their value. His approach in giving them away was “impressively lightweight and fast,” Huston said, showing how frictionless crypto-based philanthropy can be. Previously, it was unimaginable to transfer such an enormous sum without an institutional intermediary. “There are a lot of young people with stupid amounts of money,” said Austin Detwiler, a consultant at American Philanthropic, a consulting firm. Fund-raisers should facilitate giving from this new generation, mindful that “it’s easy to start accepting crypto, but it’s volatile, so have a policy,” he said. THE SPEED READ Deals Robinhood plans to publicly disclose its I.P.O. filings as soon as next week. (Bloomberg) A firm founded by the son of China’s vice premier has reportedly become one of the country’s most aggressive investors in tech companies. (FT) Politics and policy How electric pickups — like the Ford F-150 that President Biden tested yesterday — are a key part of the White House’s infrastructure plans. (NYT) The Senate is considering a bill that would pour $120 billion into research in semiconductors and other technologies to counter China’s supply chain dominance. (NYT) Tech The e-commerce lender Klarna, one of Europe’s most valuable tech start-ups, said its decision on a London I.P.O. depends on Britain’s rolling out relaxed fintech rules. (Bloomberg) The Financial Conduct Authority, a British regulator, warned 300 fintech start-ups to stop misleading customers by comparing themselves to fully fledged banks. (FT) Best of the rest Demand for WeWork office space has now surpassed prepandemic levels, according to its chairman. (Bloomberg) Bill Gates has disclosed over $3 billion in stock transfers to Melinda French Gates since they announced their divorce. (WSJ) “Hertz, the Original Meme Stock, Rewards Its True Believers” (WSJ) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Dimon #Jamie #JPMorgan #Race #Shakes #succeed
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thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and is it just you?
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TGIWednesday News
Here's my question... is it you and only you? Lately I have come across a lot of folks who are not fully present in their bodies for obvious reasons with all the Covid-19 issues and social distancing/home alone etc. Worse than that, some folks with multiple other entities in their bodies.  At face value it sounds kookee when I say it and read it, but it is real as real can get.  I had a client just the other day with crying/raging panic and after we cleared her of the other critters, she was laughing.  All this took place in a minute.  I know of no other FASTER modality.  So as they say, “check yourself before you wreck yourself” and use your fingers/pendulum or standing sway testing and make sure there is only you in your body.  Make the statement, "I (insert your birth name here) am the only being in this body."  Clear/fish as needed and believe me it can make a huge difference.  I even did it for my cat who was hiding and acting aloof and an hour later he got on the bed and licked my hand!  He is such a dude.  I love it and I love what we do and what we’re a part of... "regular folks" must be bored with out knowing all the fun stuff happening underneath it all...  and fyi, if you’re reading this, you’re not regular by any means :) Don’t forget to join us for our upcoming LIVE Zoom event scheduled for NEXT WEDNESDAY APRIL 29th.  I mentioned on the call last month that the next one would be on immunity but instead wound up releasing the Transcending Covid-19 Crisis audio which is now available in the shop.  In light of where things are focused now, we've updated the theme for this month to be about breaking through the energetic, emotional, financial barriers associated with the global lockdown. The Plandemic:  Moving Forward in Life After Covid-19   Wed April 29th - 30 minutes - $22 7:30 Eastern / 4:30 Pacific Replay sent to ALL who are registered Click here to sign up for the Zoom event:  https://calendly.com/jimmymackhealing/the-plandemic We want to turn on your switches for moving forward with inspiration, creativity, good health, improved relationships, making more money all in an effort to uplift you and help contribute to you obtaining your goals. Let's work together to get the best out of 2020!
What are your top five things you'd like to achieve once we're past quarantine and stay-at-home orders? Registered participants can email us at [email protected]  and we'll include them in this call. 
Darius Season 19 Pkg B or C buyers can register for the live call for free. Go to the link on your special offer download page or wait and download the replay from that same page after the call. 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING FULLY PRESENT IN YOUR BODY~ I believe, think, know and feel I am the only being in this body. I am ready, willing and able to just be me linked to the power of the infinite. I know when, where, how and why to remain grounded, steadfast, and strong. I am receiving steady profound, direct and pure guidance from the one true source here and now in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.     
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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APRIL 22nd "Today I will notice what is unusual, what shows up and what cannot be explained.  I will see the positive in the unusual, a promising future in the mystical.  I will believe that bigger and better days are ahead of me now."
From the Fish Box
"Hi Darius,  I just wanted to reach out to you and say THANK YOU for the opportunity to work with Jimmy Mack!  I am SO excited to tell you that not only have I received my freedom from past binding illnesses BUT I am now moving on to my calling TO BE A HEALER!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!" - Mary Jo M. / NY "I just had my one on one session today. Part of my preparation was to listen to your "Money Windfall" mp3 which specifically mentioned  "Mail box Money". Beyond my wildest expectations I received today $1,500...00 for Class Action Settlement. Thank you & Yahoooo... Big Hug," - Ruth Jean 
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
EVERY TUESDAY at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions **Starting in May, the LIVE radio show MOVES to 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest  Mark Hernandez http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com Healer and Intuitive Message
April 28th Rev Debbie Dienstbier Visit her Facebook page Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19 known as the Coronavirus. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and is it just you?
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TGIWednesday News
Here's my question... is it you and only you? Lately I have come across a lot of folks who are not fully present in their bodies for obvious reasons with all the Covid-19 issues and social distancing/home alone etc. Worse than that, some folks with multiple other entities in their bodies.  At face value it sounds kookee when I say it and read it, but it is real as real can get.  I had a client just the other day with crying/raging panic and after we cleared her of the other critters, she was laughing.  All this took place in a minute.  I know of no other FASTER modality.  So as they say, “check yourself before you wreck yourself” and use your fingers/pendulum or standing sway testing and make sure there is only you in your body.  Make the statement, "I (insert your birth name here) am the only being in this body."  Clear/fish as needed and believe me it can make a huge difference.  I even did it for my cat who was hiding and acting aloof and an hour later he got on the bed and licked my hand!  He is such a dude.  I love it and I love what we do and what we’re a part of... "regular folks" must be bored with out knowing all the fun stuff happening underneath it all...  and fyi, if you’re reading this, you’re not regular by any means :) Don’t forget to join us for our upcoming LIVE Zoom event scheduled for NEXT WEDNESDAY APRIL 29th.  I mentioned on the call last month that the next one would be on immunity but instead wound up releasing the Transcending Covid-19 Crisis audio which is now available in the shop.  In light of where things are focused now, we've updated the theme for this month to be about breaking through the energetic, emotional, financial barriers associated with the global lockdown. The Plandemic:  Moving Forward in Life After Covid-19   Wed April 29th - 30 minutes - $22 7:30 Eastern / 4:30 Pacific Replay sent to ALL who are registered Click here to sign up for the Zoom event:  https://calendly.com/jimmymackhealing/the-plandemic We want to turn on your switches for moving forward with inspiration, creativity, good health, improved relationships, making more money all in an effort to uplift you and help contribute to you obtaining your goals. Let's work together to get the best out of 2020!
What are your top five things you'd like to achieve once we're past quarantine and stay-at-home orders? Registered participants can email us at [email protected]  and we'll include them in this call. 
Darius Season 19 Pkg B or C buyers can register for the live call for free. Go to the link on your special offer download page or wait and download the replay from that same page after the call. 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING FULLY PRESENT IN YOUR BODY~ I believe, think, know and feel I am the only being in this body. I am ready, willing and able to just be me linked to the power of the infinite. I know when, where, how and why to remain grounded, steadfast, and strong. I am receiving steady profound, direct and pure guidance from the one true source here and now in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.     
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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APRIL 22nd "Today I will notice what is unusual, what shows up and what cannot be explained.  I will see the positive in the unusual, a promising future in the mystical.  I will believe that bigger and better days are ahead of me now."
From the Fish Box
"Hi Darius,  I just wanted to reach out to you and say THANK YOU for the opportunity to work with Jimmy Mack!  I am SO excited to tell you that not only have I received my freedom from past binding illnesses BUT I am now moving on to my calling TO BE A HEALER!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!" - Mary Jo M. / NY "I just had my one on one session today. Part of my preparation was to listen to your "Money Windfall" mp3 which specifically mentioned  "Mail box Money". Beyond my wildest expectations I received today $1,500...00 for Class Action Settlement. Thank you & Yahoooo... Big Hug," - Ruth Jean 
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
EVERY TUESDAY at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions **Starting in May, the LIVE radio show MOVES to 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest  Mark Hernandez http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com Healer and Intuitive Message
April 28th Rev Debbie Dienstbier Visit her Facebook page Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19 known as the Coronavirus. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and is it just you?
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TGIWednesday News
Here's my question... is it you and only you? Lately I have come across a lot of folks who are not fully present in their bodies for obvious reasons with all the Covid-19 issues and social distancing/home alone etc. Worse than that, some folks with multiple other entities in their bodies.  At face value it sounds kookee when I say it and read it, but it is real as real can get.  I had a client just the other day with crying/raging panic and after we cleared her of the other critters, she was laughing.  All this took place in a minute.  I know of no other FASTER modality.  So as they say, “check yourself before you wreck yourself” and use your fingers/pendulum or standing sway testing and make sure there is only you in your body.  Make the statement, "I (insert your birth name here) am the only being in this body."  Clear/fish as needed and believe me it can make a huge difference.  I even did it for my cat who was hiding and acting aloof and an hour later he got on the bed and licked my hand!  He is such a dude.  I love it and I love what we do and what we’re a part of... "regular folks" must be bored with out knowing all the fun stuff happening underneath it all...  and fyi, if you’re reading this, you’re not regular by any means :) Don’t forget to join us for our upcoming LIVE Zoom event scheduled for NEXT WEDNESDAY APRIL 29th.  I mentioned on the call last month that the next one would be on immunity but instead wound up releasing the Transcending Covid-19 Crisis audio which is now available in the shop.  In light of where things are focused now, we've updated the theme for this month to be about breaking through the energetic, emotional, financial barriers associated with the global lockdown. The Plandemic:  Moving Forward in Life After Covid-19   Wed April 29th - 30 minutes - $22 7:30 Eastern / 4:30 Pacific Replay sent to ALL who are registered Click here to sign up for the Zoom event:  https://calendly.com/jimmymackhealing/the-plandemic We want to turn on your switches for moving forward with inspiration, creativity, good health, improved relationships, making more money all in an effort to uplift you and help contribute to you obtaining your goals. Let's work together to get the best out of 2020!
What are your top five things you'd like to achieve once we're past quarantine and stay-at-home orders? Registered participants can email us at [email protected]  and we'll include them in this call. 
Darius Season 19 Pkg B or C buyers can register for the live call for free. Go to the link on your special offer download page or wait and download the replay from that same page after the call. 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING FULLY PRESENT IN YOUR BODY~ I believe, think, know and feel I am the only being in this body. I am ready, willing and able to just be me linked to the power of the infinite. I know when, where, how and why to remain grounded, steadfast, and strong. I am receiving steady profound, direct and pure guidance from the one true source here and now in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.     
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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APRIL 22nd "Today I will notice what is unusual, what shows up and what cannot be explained.  I will see the positive in the unusual, a promising future in the mystical.  I will believe that bigger and better days are ahead of me now."
From the Fish Box
"Hi Darius,  I just wanted to reach out to you and say THANK YOU for the opportunity to work with Jimmy Mack!  I am SO excited to tell you that not only have I received my freedom from past binding illnesses BUT I am now moving on to my calling TO BE A HEALER!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!" - Mary Jo M. / NY "I just had my one on one session today. Part of my preparation was to listen to your "Money Windfall" mp3 which specifically mentioned  "Mail box Money". Beyond my wildest expectations I received today $1,500...00 for Class Action Settlement. Thank you & Yahoooo... Big Hug," - Ruth Jean 
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
EVERY TUESDAY at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions **Starting in May, the LIVE radio show MOVES to 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest  Mark Hernandez http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com Healer and Intuitive Message
April 28th Rev Debbie Dienstbier Visit her Facebook page Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19 known as the Coronavirus. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and is it just you?
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TGIWednesday News
Here's my question... is it you and only you? Lately I have come across a lot of folks who are not fully present in their bodies for obvious reasons with all the Covid-19 issues and social distancing/home alone etc. Worse than that, some folks with multiple other entities in their bodies.  At face value it sounds kookee when I say it and read it, but it is real as real can get.  I had a client just the other day with crying/raging panic and after we cleared her of the other critters, she was laughing.  All this took place in a minute.  I know of no other FASTER modality.  So as they say, “check yourself before you wreck yourself” and use your fingers/pendulum or standing sway testing and make sure there is only you in your body.  Make the statement, "I (insert your birth name here) am the only being in this body."  Clear/fish as needed and believe me it can make a huge difference.  I even did it for my cat who was hiding and acting aloof and an hour later he got on the bed and licked my hand!  He is such a dude.  I love it and I love what we do and what we’re a part of... "regular folks" must be bored with out knowing all the fun stuff happening underneath it all...  and fyi, if you’re reading this, you’re not regular by any means :) Don’t forget to join us for our upcoming LIVE Zoom event scheduled for NEXT WEDNESDAY APRIL 29th.  I mentioned on the call last month that the next one would be on immunity but instead wound up releasing the Transcending Covid-19 Crisis audio which is now available in the shop.  In light of where things are focused now, we've updated the theme for this month to be about breaking through the energetic, emotional, financial barriers associated with the global lockdown. The Plandemic:  Moving Forward in Life After Covid-19   Wed April 29th - 30 minutes - $22 7:30 Eastern / 4:30 Pacific Replay sent to ALL who are registered Click here to sign up for the Zoom event:  https://calendly.com/jimmymackhealing/the-plandemic We want to turn on your switches for moving forward with inspiration, creativity, good health, improved relationships, making more money all in an effort to uplift you and help contribute to you obtaining your goals. Let's work together to get the best out of 2020!
What are your top five things you'd like to achieve once we're past quarantine and stay-at-home orders? Registered participants can email us at [email protected]  and we'll include them in this call. 
Darius Season 19 Pkg B or C buyers can register for the live call for free. Go to the link on your special offer download page or wait and download the replay from that same page after the call. 
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING FULLY PRESENT IN YOUR BODY~ I believe, think, know and feel I am the only being in this body. I am ready, willing and able to just be me linked to the power of the infinite. I know when, where, how and why to remain grounded, steadfast, and strong. I am receiving steady profound, direct and pure guidance from the one true source here and now in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.     
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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APRIL 22nd "Today I will notice what is unusual, what shows up and what cannot be explained.  I will see the positive in the unusual, a promising future in the mystical.  I will believe that bigger and better days are ahead of me now."
From the Fish Box
"Hi Darius,  I just wanted to reach out to you and say THANK YOU for the opportunity to work with Jimmy Mack!  I am SO excited to tell you that not only have I received my freedom from past binding illnesses BUT I am now moving on to my calling TO BE A HEALER!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!" - Mary Jo M. / NY "I just had my one on one session today. Part of my preparation was to listen to your "Money Windfall" mp3 which specifically mentioned  "Mail box Money". Beyond my wildest expectations I received today $1,500...00 for Class Action Settlement. Thank you & Yahoooo... Big Hug," - Ruth Jean 
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
EVERY TUESDAY at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions **Starting in May, the LIVE radio show MOVES to 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest  Mark Hernandez http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com Healer and Intuitive Message
April 28th Rev Debbie Dienstbier Visit her Facebook page Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19 known as the Coronavirus. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
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Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
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Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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leonbloder · 4 years
New Things I Now Declare
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The lectionary text for today comes to us from Isaiah 42:5-9 which reads:
42:5 Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it: 42:6 I am the LORD, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, 42:7 to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. 42:8 I am the LORD, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to idols. 42:9 See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.
It is Monday of Holy Week---the week of weeks in the Christian calendar.  We began our journey into the Passion of Jesus yesterday with Palm Sunday, and the triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  
And now we are walking with him as he heads ever closer to the Cross, and ultimately the Tomb.  
This passage from Isaiah spoke to me this morning on a lot of levels.  
On the one hand, it's included in the lectionary texts for today because it speaks of the Suffering Servant, the true Israelite who will demonstrate to God's people what it means to fully return back to God, to renew right relationship, to set things to right.  
There's a promise in this passage.  A broad promise to all the nations, to all peoples in all places and times.  God is about to do something amazing in the midst of all of the suffering God's people have endured.  
All of the former things have passed---there are new things afoot, and God seems to bursting with joy to share this news with the people who have felt darkness and silence from God, and not much else.  
And further, this is something that God's people are to participate in.  God has raised them up, taken them by the hand, led them to a place where they can bear witness to God's grace and goodness.  
But there's a deeper meaning for me right now because of the situation we are in due to the COVID-19 crisis.  
This isn't about faith for the sake of faith.  It's not blithe optimism just to keep from feeling poorly.  There are no pithy, feel-good responses here.  There is memory and hope.  
God is at work in the midst of this crisis.  The God who created all things, who gives breath and life through the Spirit of God who connects all things to all things.  This God has new things for us if we are willing to see them.  
It might feel sometimes as though the days run together in the middle of all of this self-isolation, quarantining and shelter-in-place orders.  The weeks ahead seem insurmountable as we wait, and struggle to keep our heads up.  
God invites us to remember what God has done in the past---the ways that God has been present in our lives and in the world all around us.  We are invited to recall the many times in our own lives when we have seen miracles, witnessed the unexplainable, seen the impossible made possible.  
And we have all had those moments.  Every one of us.  We don't have to look far for them because they are part of our own story.  The chance meetings that turned into lifelong commitment.  The moments when someone speaks so directly into our lives we know it came from somewhere else.  The last minute windfall that saved our business.
Our list of miracles is long indeed.  
So we remember, and then we have hope.  The hope was there all along, we just needed to be reminded of why we feel it.  We needed to reconnect with it on a level that is free from fear, judgment, doubt and worry.  
But we don't dwell in the past, thinking that God doesn't act in our lives any longer.  Not by a long shot.  God is always moving us forward into the future, and that is where we need to go.  
There are new things about to happen, and I  for one believe they will be amazing.  We don't have to be afraid.  God is present with us in the midst of this, and God's very present presence is what we need now more than ever.  
May you find hope and truth in this, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Brand New, Operation Recession Takeover!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/brand-new-operation-recession-takeover/
Brand New, Operation Recession Takeover!
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    Hi, Patric Chan here.
In a time like this, during the down economy where some may even called it a recession… 
Many businesses are affected badly and good products, even great products, are not being able to be marketed or sell successfully anymore.
In today’s video, I want to share with you about marketing and business during this economic crisis.
The interesting part is this – although many products are not able to sell right now, there are certain products that are still selling like crazy. 
For instance, mask. It’s selling very well. There’s a huge demand for it and the reason is because of the tragic COVID-19 virus. The pandemic that is spreading all around the world.
In fact, as funny as it sounds, toilet rolls are selling very successfully at this moment of time too and it’s because of the panic and fear that’s happening with the virus (which, there’s no real correlation with each other). 
Now, to make it clear, this video is not to talk about the virus. I’m also not here to talk about recession but is to impart my knowledge about marketing with you and also, to touch about creating wealth.
So here’s the first thing that I want to share with you:
If we want to sell successfully, it’s not really about our products but what the market wants. 
Thus, the secret to selling online during this time is…
You can only make money online by selling the RIGHT PRODUCT to the RIGHT MARKET.
For instance, the mask and the toilet rolls. It’s about riding on a “trend” of what the market wants and sell the products to them.
That’s just the first thing…
The second thing I want share with you is something more meaningful, it’s about WEALTH.
So far, we have learned that the market is still buying – so long that we’re selling the right products to them.
Secondly, we should be smart to make as much money as possible so that we could invest them into underpriced assets like stocks and real estates. The best vehicle to make money right now would probably be an online business.
When we have the assets for “free” by using the profit we’ve made, we could keep them to make passive income or turn them into windfall of cash. Either way, I’m happy.
So what types of products that will still sell profitably on the internet, despite the current economy and COVID-19 pandemic?
We’ve tested, there are 3 key criteria that the market will still buy online…
The first one is that you got to have a deal for the market to buy.
This means, you got to be selling something that’s below the market price. People are still buying. 
People are still shopping on the Internet. In fact the e-commerce business may be even better at this moment of time because they wants to stay at home and shop, rather than going out to the malls or stores because of the pandemic.
You got to be offering deals. 
The second criteria is, you got to sell products where there is a “NEED” and not a “want”.
For instance, let’s say you’re selling a shirt. A shirt is something that they don’t need right now. There are plenty of shirts that they can wear, correct? They don’t need it right now.
What is a “need” then?
A need will be like food, right? But we’re not referring to that, because we’re not selling food. I’m not referring to food, shelter or any of those kind of human needs.
The message of “need” in here is what the consumer will still need at this moment of time. 
Let me give you an example…
If someone has a pet. Let’s say, a pet cat. The pet owner will still wants to make sure that the cat is healthy and probably, the cat owner still wants to train the cat, right? 
So there is still a need to have that knowledge of “cat training” or “cat health” product.
Here’s another example…
Despite the down economy, if someone wants to lose weight, that person will still have the need to wanting to lose weight. So this person may still want to have the knowledge on how to lose weight or a product that can help him to achieve that. 
Final example…
Let’s say someone is single and he or she wants to have a relationship. This person will still have the need to have that knowledge on how to attract another girl or a man. There’s still a need for that.
Do you see what I mean? So it doesn’t means that you need to sell mask or toilet rolls. 
The third criteria is the price must be affordable.
I mean, before the down economy, someone could spend more for certain products. But right now, the market is more careful with their spendings. But if it’s within a reasonable price, they do not mind to spend, if it’s a good deal and it’s a need.
So these are three key criteria – Good deal, need and reasonable price. 
When you have 3 of these for your product, you will be able to sell. The market still buy it, especially on the internet.
You will be selling and making money online every day with this kind of product.
By now, I hope that you have learned some good marketing insights here. 
The good news is, there’s a way how you can solve this immediately.
With the right knowledge, you could source from thousands of products where they are having deals, products that the market need and affordable for them to purchase!
You DO NOT NEED to have your own products.
Because your FOCUS is to generate income as quickly as possible and use that money to build your wealth. Let me make it clear to you – we’re not keen to pursue passions or trying to sell our own products to be happy, that’s going to wasting a lot of resources and time during this economic crisis.
But you have to get started as soon as possible because you want to make money fast…
The faster you start, the better it is going to be for you because I do not know how long this whole down economy is going to be. 
This is why I want to help you by releasing the Operation Recession Takeover…
This compressive program is specifically tailored to help you to make money as fast as possible during this critical time by selling products that the market is still buying.
It’s to help you to generate income so that you have cash to invest for your future.
I’m going to show you how you can launch your affiliate campaign in just 5 days after you completed the Operation Recession Takeover class. 
Which means, in just 5 days, you could be in business to having it up and running. And you could be someone who has no experience or totally newbie and it’s fine. If you can follow the plan, you can start to see sales coming in.
Frankly, this is probably the fastest system I’ve ever created to get someone to get started and start making sales from affiliate marketing.
So 30 days from now, you could be pocketing an extra maybe $3,000 in your bank account. Then, you could be using this money to lock-in stocks.
This way, you could be buying stocks with the income that you have made, not from your own savings. 
Just feel this – how nice would it be if you start having Microsoft shares, Apple shares and so on for free because you didn’t use your own money to buy?
Of course I’m not sure whether you make $3,000 in 30 days or just $1,000 or even $10,000. It’s up to you on how much you are going to scale the entire system.
Operation Recession Takeover, the entire system, is a program that we will sell for $500 (to be more precised, $499).
However, let’s face it. It’s recession time right now. You would also want to be careful with your cash, true? I mean, I’m just being very transparent with you.
So instead of offering it for $499, I’m just going to offer it for only $49! Which is 90% discount of what it’s supposed to be offered at. 
Because I just want to help you to get started so that you don’t lose out this opportunity.
The fact is, this economy crash is happening right now. It will be a waste if you don’t ride on it. If you think about it, you should probably be doing this not just for yourself. If you have a family, it’s for them because it’s creating a brighter future.
If you ask me, what I’ll get back in return by sharing my knowledge and system, it’s very simple – I’m always a long-term thinker. I’m a long-term entrepreneur.
Look – if I can help you to make $3,000 or even just as little as $1,000 and you started seeing money within the next 2 weeks, who would you learn from when the economy picks up back?
When the economy picks up, the person who you think of, hopefully, it’s going to be me. 
I mean, I have workshops and other programs. I have one-on-one mentoring program where it’s offered at $10,000. But I don’t expect you to join any of those program this moment of time. When you make money, then join them.
Alright, the details are all included below. So I hope that you get started with Operation Recession Takeover as soon as possible and I’ll see you inside then. Take care.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Crazy Mascots Flooded Japan. Can This Grouchy Boar Survive?
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NAGANO, Japan — The mayor of Misato, a remote village of 4,700 people in rugged western Japan, laid down an ultimatum early last year: The local mascot character, Misabo, must prove his worth. Or else.Misabo, a gloomy boar with a mountain on his head who wears whale overalls hiked up to his snout, has the daunting job of promoting the village as a tourism destination. He waddled into the world in 2013, as a mascot craze swept Japan and hundreds of the country’s graying and shrinking towns turned to colorful, often wacky characters to lure visitors and investment.Now, as their tax bases dwindle along with their populations, communities like Misato are increasingly questioning whether the whimsy is worth the cost in public spending. In the absence of much evidence that the characters are delivering economic benefits, the answer for many towns in the grip of Japan’s demographic crisis has been to quietly mothball them.“It was a boom without any reality,” said Akihiko Inuyama, an author and designer who wrote a book about the mascot industry.It is impossible to know exactly how many mascots, who plug their hometowns as both illustrated characters and humans in costumes, have been liquidated. For most, the end comes with the stroke of a bureaucrat’s pen, not a formal announcement. But industry numbers hint at the toll.Sun.Mold, a manufacturer of mascot costumes, said that orders had dropped by about half from their peak five or six years ago, when the company was producing 20 to 40 outfits a month for the characters, known as yuru-chara.More dramatic evidence came last November at the Yuru-chara Grand Prix, an annual gathering to crown Japan’s king of cute.For a select few, the Grand Prix has been a springboard to riches. Kumamoto, a sparsely populated prefecture on the southern island of Kyushu, reaped a $1.2 billion economic windfall in the two years after its mascot, Kumamon, won the first Grand Prix, in 2011, according to a study by the Bank of Japan.“It was thanks to Kumamon that yuru-chara became a national phenomenon,” said Shuichiro Nishi, the creative force behind the competition.When the charmingly plump black bear with rosy red cheeks won the event, the country was still reeling from the catastrophic tsunami and nuclear disaster that had struck northern Japan months earlier. People were “clamoring” for a sense of national connection, Mr. Nishi said.Kumamon moved mountains of merchandise and drove up tourism. Hit mascots can also lift tax revenue thanks to a program, introduced in 2008, that allows citizens to direct a portion of their income taxes to the locality of their choice.Inspired by Kumamon’s success, local governments rushed to cash in. As the characters became fixtures on national airwaves, Mr. Inuyama said, the media “tricked people into thinking yuru-chara were making money,” and local governments “went along for the ride.”More and more, though, it looks like the end of the road. The number of characters in this November’s Grand Prix, held in Nagano, was down a third from the peak of about 1,700 in 2015. Many of the entrants did not even bother to show up. And officials, seeing the writing on the wall, announced that the 2020 contest would be the last.Misabo’s handlers, however, were not about to give up.The mayor had given them one year to show that the character was worth the tens of thousands of dollars that taxpayers had spent on him.With the deadline quickly approaching, the team was hoping for an upset victory at the Grand Prix.“We need to make the Top 10,” said Ayami Nakada, an employee of the town hall, who had flown to Nagano with two co-workers.“We don’t know what’s going to happen, but I think it’s important that we stay focused,” she said.It was a long shot. Misabo, who looks less like a cuddly friend than a guy who just spilled his beer at Oktoberfest, finished in 339th place in the 2018 Grand Prix — a result that may or may not have been affected by a vote-rigging scandal that year.Since then, Misato’s officials had worked hard and pushed his ranking into the mid-20s. But as voting was drawing to a close, he was still tens of thousands of votes behind the top competitors.The characters have their roots in the 1980s, when local government mascots first began appearing. They were a natural fit for a country where adorable characters like Hello Kitty are used to sell everything from microwaves to motor oil.The positioning of mascots as ambassadors for ailing local governments let fans see their hobby as a kind of virtuous consumption or even a public service.“They represent the national character,” said Masumi Shindo, who had come to the Grand Prix to support Nagano’s mascot, Arukuma, a bear with an apple on his head. “They energize us. When I see them working hard, it makes me want to do my best.”As mascots flooded the market, character development began to look like a Japanese Mad Lib: Use a local animal as a base. Combine it with a famous local snack or architectural highlight. Give it a terrible pun for a name. Profit!The results were often endearingly surreal. Narita, home to Tokyo’s largest international airport, dreamed up a plush eel with jet engines.But the novelty quickly wore off. Copycats were everywhere: Froglike water spirits called Kappa proliferated, and after Sanomaru — a dog with a bowl of ramen on its head — won the 2013 Grand Prix, other animals sporting Japanese noodles popped up.Misabo made his debut that same year. A local government employee created the character. The first suit cost around $7,200, and the village has since ordered a second one.With little to set it apart from the many other localities that have also fallen on hard times, Misato leaned heavily on Misabo.The character’s grumpy disposition was a good fit for his home prefecture’s brand. Shimane, which is one of the poorest and least populated areas in Japan, has turned its obscurity into a resource. In 2011, a calendar created by the local government and filled with self-deprecating jokes about the locals became a surprise hit in Japan.Misato made Misabo merchandise. It started a YouTube channel. It came up with a dance, the Misabo Samba. It built a slick tourism website prominently featuring the character. It even designed a series of stickers that fans could buy and send to each other on the chat app Line.Still, nothing seemed to stick. Officials began to wonder if it was time to put Misabo out to pasture.Hoping to drum up some publicity, early last year Misato’s mayor called a news conference and threatened to fire the character. At one point, government employees held Misabo back as he tried to take a swing at his boss. The story was picked up by the national broadcaster, NHK, and it played well on social media, lifting the mascot’s profile.But Misabo’s moment in the spotlight had been brief. On the last day of the Grand Prix, with his job on the line, his odds looked as grim as his countenance.His team pinned their aspirations on skipping rope.“We’re hoping that winning the jump-rope contest will give us a boost,” Ms. Nakada, the town employee, said as her co-worker did some calisthenics nearby, preparing to strap himself into the unwieldy suit and skip for all he was worth.After a failed initial attempt, he managed 47 jumps, handily putting him in first place.In the end, though, it was not enough to overcome the other mascots’ considerable advantages. When the votes were tallied, he came in 24th.But fear not for Misabo, at least for now. The results seem to have satisfied the mayor. He has agreed to let Misabo mope along for another year.Hisako Ueno contributed reporting from Tokyo. Read the full article
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ratherhavetheblues · 5 years
INGMAR BERGMAN’S  ‘THE SERPENT’S EGG’ “You’ve been thinking much too much, lately…”
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© 2019 by James Clark
The films of Ingmar Bergman are all of a piece. They endeavor, from many angles, to make sense of the powers that be. This concern is particularly pressing in regard to the work today, namely, The Serpent’s Egg (1977). On the basis of many vicissitudes of Bergman’s history at that production, a whole industry arose, of delighting in what seemed to have been a weakening of confidence—on the very flimsy basis of punitively catching Bergman straying from his vigorous roots. Were the wags to have troubled themselves to comprehend those roots (well disclosed), they would have dropped that childish game and got down to business.
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, we must turn to recognize our guide’s commitment to taking on a field of very complex physicality. At the outset of his career—in the film, Sawdust and Tinsel (1953), with the figure of Alma and her brief but impressive ecstatic balance; and in the film, The Seventh Seal (1957), with Jof and Marie, and their child hopefully one day excelling in acrobatics and juggling—we have an invitation to a party of unending carnal delivery.
If you think that tax problems; turning away from a homeland to resettle in Germany; and linking with a Hollywood bagman (Dino De Laurentiis [in fact, at that time, only recently based in the USA]; and with involvement in La Strada, Nights of Cabira, and Blue Velvet] could destabilize the resolve of Bergman’s interests, you don’t know what this priority entails. Moreover, there was cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, still in place and game for risking new visuals with unusually big bucks.)
 Relocating to Munich, he would have been strongly reminded of his frequent (though unspoken as such) engagement with fascism, that simplistic and often murderous keening for absolute, homogeneous gratifications. To date, his most probing construct of the phenomenon of such arrested, facile obsession resided in his film, The Passion of Anna (1969). There, in a remote, rural corner of the already remote Sweden, a woman, namely Anna, manages to spearhead a one-person massacre on the pretext that her supposed entitlement to having things entirely her pedantic and dim way has gone awry. Though very clever, her scheme could not have reached its successes without the complicity of a muddled artisan/ farmer, namely, Andreas. With the windfall from Los Angeles, Bergman would seize the moment to revisit the serpent that was Anna. But this time Anna would be a jackboot mob, while a Saint Anna Clinic would oversee the early phase of a tinkering of wanton, sadistic  “experimentation” with human subjects. Another muddled artist, namely, Abel (and you know, sort of, where that’s going), teams up with his widowed sister-in-law; and urban decadence replaces the hot-house sophistication of Anna’s hosts, Elis and Eva, in the country. It is the Eva-moment here, namely, Manuela, who, along with Abel, make The Serpent’s Egg a thrilling study of large-scale cowardice and small-scale love.
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Although there will be here the usual dazzling theatrical-dramatic display in order to convey the corridors of problematics—including a number of failing oracles— this film (quick to exploit the financial heft) becomes more a filmic tone-poem than dramaturgy. Therefore, I want to start out (the vehicle’s venue being chilly Berlin, in 1923) with the panoply of woolen apparel. One of Anna’s cheap coups was slashing up a flock of disinterested—thereby superior to her—sheep. And that bloodbath becomes a visceral presence as to savoring a unique progress amidst protracted distemper. In mythology, Abel was a shepherd. In cinematography, Abel, a bit of a fashion-plate with his two-toned dancing shoes (seemingly ready to star on Broadway or in Hollywood), sports a cute woolen fedora which, were you to concentrate solely on it, might make one believe that he is quite alive. (To complete the effect, while disregarding his face, he wears a dark tan woolen jacket over a light tan woolen shirt. His woolen scarf is black. His woolen pants correspond to the rest of the ensemble to complete an impression of careful selection and taste.) Just before we first meet him, there is the film’s opening scene of a throng of Berliners moving toward us in slow-motion—also in woolens, with some of the women’s cloche hats resembling sheep heads—and resembling a push to market. The murky, black and white cinematography there (with the film actually in color) elicits a venerable state of affairs; and beyond that, there is the perpetual gloom upon Abel’s visage, and his veering body language. He looks up Manuela (a risqué dancer at a cabaret; but more than that), with news that his brother—once being a member with the other two in a circus act, and such a pain in the ass she had to dump him—had shot the so-called, “Max,” through his throat depositing his brains all over the back of his bed. The show had to go on after her departure; but a career-ending accident to the Caine left the boys in a crisis—softy Abel losing his nerve to start afresh upon major creation. Abel might be a write-off. But, bright as a button, Manuela, has found a gig that works for her. Though the patrons would not know about it—and perhaps even would prefer something more predictable—she (true to the mystery of her trapeze practice) has migrated to that shock and awe known as German Expressionist dance (Neuer Tanz), where body action gets uncanny. That night, bedecked in curly green sheep hair, she splays her legs and, pounding out some Germanic chant, becomes a possessed puppet or doll, a seductive siren, or a creature crying out during a slaughter. Abel, the former risk-taker and maven of alternate sublime, scowls and, as he no doubt found very early at his family mansion, adopts a hard line toward the great unwashed. Max (the elevated) and Abel (the sweet) had, no doubt, an early spree of rebellion (always mindful of a generous safety net, but going on to dispense with it from out of their pitiful Bohemian pride).
   Getting to the bottom of this crisis of mood will have been assisted by two other figures—his dare-devil, former boss, from a past at that mixed fun-time; and the Chief of Police, drawing from the “survivor” particulars about the actions of two English speakers, lacking German (and one, Manuela, European of unknown background) in the crash of post-World War I Germany. He tells the cop and us, “I was born in Philadelphia [the liberty town]. My folks come from Riga, in Latvia. The three of us came to Berlin” [after Max’s accident]. Back, close to the stage where Manuela is doing pretty well, someone addresses the guy expensively dressed, not doing well at all, “Did we smoke our first cigarette together? Amalfi, 26 years ago. Our cottages were next door to each other. Rebecca, right?” Abel rudely rushes away. But his Eurotrash, overstuffed appetites don’t get lost.
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Going back to the film’s beginning can better establish the pitch of that (spent) force. Coming home at dark, staggering from a chronic drunkenness, he almost relishes the horribleness of his shabby existence. “A pack of cigarettes costs 400 billion Marks, and almost everybody has lost faith in both the future and the present…” Overheated, melodramatic gestures like that—extending to the work’s title—saturate the dimensions of the double protagonists. Entering what the brothers have been able to afford (and perhaps the mainspring of the suicide by the only employable sibling), Abel pauses at the foyer where a large room accommodates a dinner/ prayer meeting. At the open doorway, there is a panel of geometric, mutedly colored décor, rather closely resembling the stained-glass windows of Andreas, whose fecklessness is no match for a filthy brute like Anna. Abel is arrested by the warm and gentle union, its hymns and the piety of the assembly. He breaks out in a rare smile. Tears stream down his cheeks. Recall the sudden and short-lived passion of Andreas on noting the uncanniness of the sun while he does repairs on his roof. Consider the difference. Notice the maudlin state of our protagonist here. Also notice that, on encountering the suicide, Abel rushes back and forth in his lostness, the same Samuel Beckett-rattled back and forth at the end of The Passion of Anna, where the killer drives away and the not tough-enough artist resorts to signs of absurdity.
   On following Manuela’s exit from the stage that first night, we become even more vividly aware of her (perhaps fleeting) sensuous priorities. Her departure is given super-closeup, in such a way that areas of her body and her costume define her by region rather than individual. So sanguine is she with her innovation, she seems incapable of fathoming the uniqueness of the register, the pitch of intensity and rigors which could very well spell a tiny range of interaction. A person like Abel, now reduced to parasitical opportunism, would very clearly regard her as a precious dreamer—a precious dreamer with a cash-flow. A person like Manuela, who was fortunate in being in high favor by her landlady/ oracle (who was also an aficionado of radical design [Jugendstil, “Youth-Style”]), might have been shown invaluable wisdom by the friend, were the ancient not fearful of the subject conflict—secretly witnessing Abel’s stealing the other protagonist’s savings and doing nothing about it but telling him, later, “I’m very attached to Manuela. If you forgive me my saying so, I’m as fond of her as if she were my daughter. She’s so kind, naïve [here giving him a hard look]…It’s that there’s all the terrible things going around. I think your sister-in-law is heading for trouble. The thing about Manuela is she doesn’t defend herself. Nothing must happen to her…” Such a gambit being itself a tonal terrain of deadly retreat.
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   Wearing her woolen cloche on the tram ride home from the night, she finds Abel crumpled up in the doorway to her flat. Holding him up, she unwittingly brings him to the money; but treasures of the specialty of the house emanate along with her own modest effects. Such incisiveness, however, must wait till next morning; and, even then, he starts by blathering away about the family next to them, at Amalfi, where the master of the house, a Supreme Court Justice, would cut open a farm animal to see the heart still beating. As Manuela puts together a breakfast, we notice on the austere but carefully incisive wallpaper, two lithographic circus posters—one, depicting a man and a woman, upside-down, clinging by their feet to a trapeze; and the other showing a woman bare-back rider. No one refers to them for a moment; but you know she would have had long, penetrating times in their presence—not only about the vignettes but the uptakes of the wider tones. Even though he forces upon her a wad of low-value currency, explaining, “You should take the money before I spend it on booze,” she imagines that they could dazzle once again as a high-precision circus act. Perhaps she banks upon her charisma to overcome any obstacle. And, therein, a mood of tailspin burns brightly. The shrunken heart, responds with, “I don’t know. What good is it without Max?.. It’s a nightmare…” She embraces him, in a bid to lift his spirits. “We’re going to do it,” she enthuses. “You think too much… We can do a new number, just you and me. We could make magic. I know a wonderful magician. We could take over his show!” (The initiatives being far from coherent. But here we occupy a play of mood, which impacts in its own ways.) In reply, there’s the one-note, “I don’t know. Since this business with Max…” (And he cries.) Despite the discouragement coming her way, she tries the coquetry, “You’ll be my big brother. We’re going to stick together now…” That his repetitive dirge—“I wake up from a nightmare…”—becomes ludicrous, only confirms that a whole other world buoys her. As she iterates, “Everything is alright! We have everything we need,” it is that “which we need” which possibly turns things thing around for her, leaving the pessimist far behind. Can her upbeat heart hang on? He tells for her his seeing Nazi goons getting away with murder the night before. And she tiptoes around her second job as a hooker for the wealthy. She moves along with, “You’ve been thinking much too much, lately…You’re awfully tired…” (Unspoken and probably confusedly, would be, “You’ve been thinking like and old man!”) “I’m going to look after you, you know… And in a few days everything will be much better. You’ll see…” As she goes to her bemusing job (which he tries to treat as the end of the world), she’s in furs.
   The smashing of Manuela’s inadequate roots is both dismaying and uplifting. Abel is obliged to return to the police station to settle details; and thereby the money he has just stolen is confiscated by a matter of routine. At the tail end of his bizarre and revealing brush with justice, Manuela appears there (as hopefully finding a pedestrian clue to what was in fact a fear of life itself, but in hopes that Abel might know what happened to her money). She’s seated at a table, and the brother-in-law walks past her without looking her way. This, by way of a visit to Abel being held for information about Max and a slew of other corpses. He silently brazens his involvement, and adds, “Luckily, I’m in charge of Max’s money…” As the interview proceeds, she loses her concentration, and Abel faults her for lagging. She asks, “Please be nice to me…”
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On the day the landlady demands the rat out, leading to Manuela’s angry rupture of a wise friend, our protagonist rallies a bit in visiting a church. But we are now approaching such a meltdown of cogent vision and tone—acceptance of Abel a form of insanity—that the narrative commences to sport auras of (largely, American film) clichés—becoming, in themselves, not only a warning but a fissure leading to depths. (Bergman seizing the singularity for all its worth.) Although he easily stalks her to the site, he totally misses the action. First a flock of candles, with Abel back in the gloom. Overkill, where three would do the trick. She addresses the eccentric American priest; but he’s, at this point, distracted. Bing Crosby would never have slipped that way. She soldiers on: “My father was a magician. My mother was a circus rider. I’ve been in circuses all my life [unlike the upstarts]… I need to speak to somebody, do you understand?… Oh, this guilt is too much for me! And I feel it’s my fault that Max committed suicide… Now I have to take care of Max’s brother. And it’s even worse! Why he’s just like Max. He never says what he’s thinking. He just charges ahead with his feelings and he looks so frightened. And I tried to tell him that we’ll help each other… That’s only words to him. And everything I say is useless. The only real thing is fear! And I’m sick. I don’t know what’s wrong…” The priest asks, “Would you like me to pray for you?”/ “Think that will help?” she asks. “I don’t know,” the expert admits. They kneel together and soon she wonders, “Is it a special prayer?”/ “Yes,” he finds the cogency to declare. (A vehicle, that is, which she’s been delighted by many times in the past; only to let it slip away.) He adds, “We live so far away from God. So far away that God doesn’t hear us when we call out… So we must help each other give each other the forgiveness a remote God denies it. I tell you, you are forgiven for your husband’s death. You’re no longer to blame. [The priest having read between the lines.] I beg your forgiveness for my apathy and my indifference. Do you forgive me?”/ “Yes,” she rather confusedly replies. “I forgive you.” This elicits the clang sound repeatedly sounding at the beginning of the film, sounding to the roots. “That’s all we can do,” he closes. (Leaving the question, “Is that really all we can do?” Could it be that the powers-that-be require our dance/ acrobatic initiative to really rock? Could it be that asking is the wrong gambit. Active partnering would entail graces enough.)
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   Manuela’s pristine partnering becoming rapidly collapsing, she finds a workhouse connected with Saint Anna’s Clinic (“Please say it’s nice…”), and Abel let’s her know it’s beneath his dignity. On to the cabaret which, that night, is visited by a Nazi unit (one of the highlights being the owner’s beaten to a pulp, somewhat like, much later, the beating from Cliff to an enemy, in Tarantino’s Once upon a Time in Hollywood. Intense action often drawing upon a volume of sensibility missing the mark.) But the most telling moment, from our perspective, is the spectacle (seen from a bird’s eye view) of our protagonist in her avant-garde costume consumed by a terrified throng. (The collapse of mood being our investigative task.) She goes to work in the clinic’s laundry, and she becomes ill from pneumonia. She tells Abel, now working nearby in a vast archive (apt for someone locked away in the past), “I don’t think I can stand it here.” In an echo of her best self, she smiles and says, “It could have been worse.” That night, he beats her up; and melodramatic complaint takes over. “I just say, if you won’t believe, you can go! I’ve done everything to keep us together. I just can’t go on any more…” She hammers on the table. All the savoir faire having abandoned her. Abel cuts out and walks past a group butchering a horse that was once a going concern. The horse’s beautiful head was seen intact, to bring to bear the powers of a creature the vivacity of which far surpasses domestic exigencies. The one who couldn’t stay returns to Manuela’s corpse. He shakes her brutally, hoping to bring her back to life. He had picked her to the bones. (Those faulting Bergman’s cosmic vehicle in preference to Bob Fosse’s domestic and political musical, namely, Cabaret [1972], have been barking up the wrong tree.)
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During his stroll to escape Manuela’s last ditch feeling of affection, he activates a study of the difference between Sportin’ Life and lively sport. After stuffing Marks into a barkeeper’s mouth and going on to smash with his bottle the window of a lovingly maintained woolen’s shop, he uses his plush dancing shoes to hoofer-style disappear to an alleyway replete with a young hooker. Once again, as with the raid, the scene is taken from a considerable distance, and at a rather stagey height. His opening, “Go away,” has about it many Broadway tinctures. (The alley is clearly a sound stage.) “Come with me! It’s warm. You can have it any way you want…” “Go to hell,” he studiously emotes. She chuckles, and her delivery seems from Iowa. “Where do you think you are—at Times Square?” she sweetly fusses. A muted honky-tonk drifts their way; and he goes her way. (The sentimental film, Going my Way (1944), with its unorthodox priest, is all over the vignette of Manuela and the American clergyman. Classics on the move. Distress in the mood. The millions to make this film/ tone poem were not wasted, as ridiculous trolls would have it.)
   Disabled Abel and the night worker enter a brothel bristling with poor breeding. The prevailing trick soon reveals itself to be humiliation of a crippled, impotent and noisily opinionated black. Though a show-biz tragedy is ready to make you squirm, those of us, remembering Bergman, recall the film, Sawdust and Tinsel (1953), and its routed ringmaster becoming a figure of public and private defeat. With so much slippage in the air, this episode puts us in need of finding a way that works. Manuela’s mother was a circus rider, perhaps making waves in the midst of that corporate collapse. A lady clown, Alma, dazzled for a few moments much of the army, before subsiding to tending to an old bear, whom the beaten boss shot to death, in a cowardly attempt not to look weak. But with the specifics of the brothel, we enter upon a measure of consistently oblivious frenzy for the sake of the enjoyment of empty advantage. The new friends inhabit the world of George Gershwin’s opera, Porgy and Bess (1935). Cowardly Abel toys (like the opera’s villain,  “Crown”) with a crippled and fiercely loquacious, Porgy, who bids, to neither sexual nor social effect, to rescue, Bess. “You’re tryin’ to kill me! You’re tryin’ to fuck me! I can’t fuck! Worst bitch in the whole damn world! She’s got fangs, I saw them!” The object of this fury laughs. “That big mouth bitch! I’m not a queer. That’s a goddamn lie!” (A clown show, drifting over to the beaten ringmaster; and the beaten has-been!) Abel would also double here as cynical, “Sportin’ Life,” always the vicious oracle. Abel bets him to come. More humiliation. More of Saint Anna and her security of delivery.
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Our denouement entails further rigidity against the prospects of that cogency we’re tracking becoming widespread. There are two instances of Abel’s being the beneficiary of oldsters’ letting their sunny hopes prevail over what is a rather obvious phenomenon of failure to thrive. He crosses paths with the impresario whom he and Max and Manuela starred for. The elder is supple and intense; Abel might as well be headed for palliative care. He disregards the question, “How are Max and Manuela?” In spite of this, the gambler insists, “The circus needs you!” Invited to lunch at a posh restaurant, Abel consumes much alcohol in slight time. He also, from out of a life-long distemper, plunks his sheep skin hat over the head of a nude sculpture. His host tells him, “Nowadays I can get any dance star I want. They all know I pay in dollars…” Disregarding the rudeness and alcoholism, he switches to the day’s newspaper and regards the actions there as more entertainment. He thrills to, “… the massacre of Christians by the Jews… the Bolsheviks coming to Germany and stumbling over the bodies of your women and children…” The showman asks, “Why don’t you say something?” In reply he produces a pedantic doctrine which Anna, the security maven, could have written. “I don’t care about political crap. The Jews are as stupid as everybody. If a Jew gets into trouble it’s his own fault. He gets into trouble because he acts stupid. I’m not gonna get stupid, so I’m not gonna get into trouble.” Tone deaf through the whole exercise.
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   The second senior, who could have anticipated aberrant performance in Abel, is the Chief of Police, who misreads peevishness for commitment. The Chief has an idea that Max was only one of a large number of victims to a mass assailant, not quite as slick as Anna. The investigation, involving the sibling, begins where Max maxed-out and a hurdy-gurdy man with a little monkey gives the street some shine. On to the morgue, where the person of interest touches upon more than a limited errancy. A series of blood-spattered shrouds confront them; and each station has a link to Anna. Max’s suicide may be light years away from Johan’s, but comparisons can divulge important truths. Abel recognizes  the first woman to be shown as having been engaged to his brother. At another perspective, there was Anna forcibly tearing her (understandably fed-up) husband away from a woman he preferred to her. (Cause of death, drowning.) Another incident gives Abel the sense of recalling his father. Repeating the outrage of Anna’s leaving Johan (a father-figure to Andreas) to seem to the world to have butchered a flock of sheep, which brought upon the innocent man such cruelty that he committed suicide, the other father would be another kill of hers. The Chief adds, “Someone stuck a hypodermic needle into this man’s heart. It probably took several hours…” Then there is an aged woman whom Abel has seen but can’t fully detail. “I think she delivered papers. I used to meet her at Frau Lanci’s boarding house. Once she helped me up the stairs when I was drunk, too drunk to make it on my own. Her name is Maria Stahn. She left a very strange letter. ‘The husband was half out of the windshield.’ He worked at the cabaret, in the entrance.” The fallible investigator adds, “We are not certain how he was killed. He seems to have been run over by a truck, but something tells us he’d been assaulted or tortured.” In the land of the prototype of mad safety, there was the treachery of Hour of the Wolf (1968), pertaining to the strange, warning letter; and, then also, Anna, and her note (written by the husband) to Andreas; and a husband killed by her sneakingly catapulting him through their car windshield.
Suckered by the non-acrobat’s bathos, the old cop opens up with, “All over Germany, millions are terrified… but I’d be delighted to see you swing on your trapeze with your peers. That way you fight your fear.” He provides a police escort to a train to Basel, where the circus works at being fearless. But he slips away from the goodwill and disappears forever.
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Before he’s mercifully gone, he visits, by way of his archival links, the brain-trust behind that recent plague of violent deaths. There he can measure his own puny pedantry against a far more virulent rationality (another Anna). What could be more appropriate than an Alfred Hitchcock “exciting twist” to send the patrons home feeling that rational goodwill must always prevail. The carriage-trade chum from Amalfi pops up in a lab coat, and delivers a rationale for studies in human endurance (along the way, giving scope for a family trait of sadism). (Abel spends most of the experience covering his eyes with his hands.) With the Chief on his tail, the so-called “heavy” bites his  cyanide capsule, while the law shoots away the door. “We are ahead of our time,” the researcher/ melodramatic oracle had assured Abel. “In a few years, science will ask for my documents, to continue our experiment on a gigantic scale. What you have seen are the first steps of a necessary and logical development… The old society, based on extremely romantic ideas of man’s goodness, was all very complicated… The new society will be based on man’s potential and limitations. We exterminate what’s inferior.” (Mood becoming bilious. Melodrama becoming empty.)
   Hitch, always leaving the customers with a witticism, has the Chief—that genius of human nature—brag, as to a recent abortive putsch by Hitler, “He underestimated the strength of the German democracy.”
Hovering over the mad professor is his surname, “Vergerus”—the surname of Anna and the surname of a proto-fascist doctor, in the Bergman film, The Magician (1958). They’ll never go away, because cowardice will never go away. Our film today anticipates slight but meaningful progress.
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ablanariwho · 5 years
Who Am I
Part II
Surname swapping - a cause of social identity crisis for women
Have you read the first part of ‘Who Am I’? Now you would imagine the identity crisis a woman goes through after her second marriage.  This surname issue has perpetually put me in a “Who am I” state.
After I got divorced, I discarded the marital surname as waste and took back my maiden surname. I also changed the spelling of my first name as per numerology. I did it in the hope of adding some good luck, if not a windfall, in my life. It also gave me a sense of a fresh identity, a new beginning. Then the second marriage happened. But I did not take the trouble of changing my surname this time as by now I had realized “what’s in a surname”. I checked with my second husband if his patriarchal ego remained intact by this decision of mine. He dared not say the truth and affirmed his support for carrying on with my maiden surname.
But it’s not about me and my husband. The world around us is not yet used to this kind of defiance of tradition by women. So, the confusion surrounding my identity began. It caused a severe culture shock to several people in society. Salt to the injury was the surname of my children. They stayed with me and not their father, yet carried their father’s surname. We ended up as a family, with almost every person having different surnames. In that sense, we were not related to each other by a single thread, as the custom is - the surname of a man. A complete breakdown of tradition and concept of a family indeed!
It started with the courier guy.  He refused to acknowledge me as my husband’s wife and handover to me, in his absence, his bank documents. The moment he saw my government ID card with a different surname, his whole world turned upside down. He ran away for his life, which in this case was his job. He also refused to hand over to me my daughter’s credit card in her absence. She was not married, yet carried a different surname. It neither matched with mine nor with my (second) husband’s. He would freak out at such inconsistencies. I found it so difficult to explain to him how this had happened. It was beyond his comprehension. He refused to believe my identity as her mother!
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Illustration by Vidya Bhamre
The second person who got the shock of his life and in his entire career for the first time was the census man. He had come to take the demographic data of our family as part of the census. He was also equally puzzled when he heard we all had different surnames, yet claiming to be a family. Once he could fathom the issue of the surname in our family, he asked me about our family caste with a lot of annoyance. I was also confused and did not know what to say. I knew this was going to break the census man’s patience if I said I was not sure of our 'family' caste.
  The scenario was like this.
 My second husband belongs to the Kshatriyas - the warrior caste. I am a Brahmin by birth, supposedly a superior caste! My children are also Brahmin going by their father's caste. As per tradition, women get married in the same caste. In inter-caste and inter-community marriages, the woman converts into the caste or religion of her husband. “Going by that norm, do I now belong to the warrior clan?" The question was hanging on my mind like a pendulum while the census man was fidgeting.  I ran through my thoughts and did an inky pinky ponky to decide what was my caste at that moment. "Did I like the stories of Shivaji, Rana Pratap or Jhansi ki Rani as a child? Yes, I did," pat came the answer.  "Do I have awe for men in the Indian army from the warrior caste?"  "Yes, I have. I sleep in peace knowing well they are there to take care of our security at the borders. I admire their efficiency in rescue operations during floods or other disasters," the voice in my head prompted.  Yet, at the same time, I knew guns and wars scared me. I was not courageous like the Kshatriya women. I was comfortable at preaching though - like a  pro-Brahmin!  "How can I  now imagine myself belonging to the warrior caste while I am by birth a Brahmin?"  I reminded myself shifting of caste, community and Gotra of a girl happened in marriages. No wonder mine must also have gone through that magical transformation.
Then I did some quick calculations of profit and loss in the process.  Nowadays, Brahmins jostle for the meagre 20% general quota in government education and jobs with other higher castes. It is a penance for the sins committed by their ancestors. Kshatriyas are the other sinners and hence contenders for the same quota. So same status. No pain, no gain. "Next", my calculation continued, "Brahmins still enjoy a position of superficial respect in society. Even today they own the exclusive liaison service business between deities and mankind."  "But only Brahmin men have the entitlement to that position and respect, not women,"  my mind quipped.  "Okay, what about Brahmin's power of cursing? Brahmins do not need any weapon like Kshatriyas to fight a war. They have the power of cursing to destroy an enemy. I guess there is no gender discrimination in that. Both men and women have this power,"  I told myself.  I was trying hard to find out some feasibility for not letting go of my superior caste by birth. "But people are no more scared of them. Your cursing doesn't work anymore," said the modernist in my mind. 
After considering all the pros and cons, I felt it would be safe to go with my weaponless Kshatriya husband. Let patriarchy win and the census man be happy. It was quite a big jump in shifting my caste though, I was not sure whether upward or downward.
There was another conundrum. My children from my first marriage are also Brahmins by birth. Being their mother I should have been in the same caste. But because I married again, mine had changed. How could they be part of 'my' family then? "Because you are their biological mother. You have their sole custody," the feminist in my head retorted.
Looking at the census man’s offensive mood, I dropped the idea of expressing my dilemma. I felt it was safe to say we all belonged to the warrior caste of my second husband. A complicated lengthy explanation of the situation would have been riskier.
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Illustration: Vidya Bhamre
The officials at the Directorate General of Foreign Trade and the Election Commission of India also had a tough time figuring out who I am. I had applied for an IEC and a Voter ID, respectively. They got flabbergasted by this surname phenomenon in my case. They corrected the information given by me in my applications. They put my husband’s name in place of my father’s name and vice versa. That made sense to them going by the surname system in patriarchy. They found it annoying that I did not even bother to wear any sign of marriage. There was neither a pinch of vermilion on my hair-parting nor a mangalsutra around my neck. It would have made their lives easier in perceiving me as a married woman and not put them in this type of confusion. 
I had faced the ugly, intrusive questioning by men in some other cases too. The Director of a management college and the Director of a radio station scoffed at me for not wearing signs of marriage. Not being able to identify a sexually viable woman’s marital status inconveniences men a lot. They become unsure about when, where, how much and which way to vest their sexual interest in them. I failed to convince them that the concept of one marriage and repeat of it in the next seven lives is redundant. I told them, “Nowadays there is no certainty of a marriage lasting till ‘death do us part' in one life. Forget about repeating the same mistake in the next seven lives with the same person. So, it would be better if society stops this tradition of changing women’s surnames to their husbands. Let it be only their father's or parents' surname. Parents are the only constant factor in their biological identity. Let that be women's social identity too. It would save the trouble of changing it in official IDs and KYC of banks, insurance companies. Earlier, there were no hassles of government IDs such as PAN card, Adhaar card, Ration Card, Voter ID, Passport, Driving License. Changing the surnames of women after marriage was a smooth, one-time, verbal procedure.
The conversion of surname, caste, the community is an intangible process. Yet presumed and accepted to be true. It is a faith, projected as a fact. 
Society is also in flux. Women are becoming educated, empowered and self-reliant. They are opting for choices such as divorce, re-marriage and single parenting. Society is in a dilemma whether to remain patriarchal or shift to a matriarchal system. The latter would also be frightening and equally problematic. It may become ‘ambiarchal',  if that could be a new word to define a new societal system of gender equality! 
Hence, how does it matter if a woman does not change her surname after marriage? Women can still be no less a wife and a daughter-in-law. Patriarchy should get over this insecurity and need to re-brand women after marriage. Finally, in my case, tradition overruled my defiance of it. I got my voter ID card with the ‘corrected’ version of my information inputs. The competent staff of the Election Commission of India did the honour.  As per my Voter ID, my husband, despite being younger than me, is my father! The possible reason could be his surname didn't match with mine, a married woman. My plea to change it remained unheeded to date!
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psychicadviceus · 7 years
What Can We Learn From The Complacency in the UK?
New Post has been published on http://propheticmeaning.com/index.php/2017/11/12/what-can-we-learn-from-the-complacency-in-the-uk/
What Can We Learn From The Complacency in the UK?
For a while now I’ve fought to place my finger on what it is that I’m frustrated with about politicians and politics.
“We aren’t complacent,” he announced, together with all the smugness of the Cheshire Cat.
How can one person be so completely wrong? In one easy statement he’s recognized the crux of the woes of the previous ten decades of authorities. What’s sad is that he and other politicians are somewhat unaware to the numerous troubles and their possible solutions. They take as much as the standard as opposed to questioning them and they seem utterly incapable of knowing the anger from the public positions.
Blithely Mr Hughes clarified his party’s council election collapse as the typical mid-term strategic vote from the disgruntled public. He appeared to roll his eyes as he clarified down this turn – it constantly occurs and so is unavoidable was his first message. He did not wonder why the Republicans are almost always frustrated mid-term. The simple fact that MPs take the mid-term fall in popularity reflects the way complacent they’ve become. They ought to comprehend the utter frustration among the Republicans and also our key message that they’re failing us. His complacency does not even allow him see that. By the time authorities does, they’ll no doubt commission various contradictory reports, metres long and filled with blether – if the answer is really easy.
Mr Hughes and the rest of the MPs are horribly complacent in a different essential area and again they do not even realise it. Fifty percent of people are switched off from unemployment? Why? Because regardless of whom you vote for you find yourself with exactly the exact same mess. Maybe it’s how politicians are educated. After all does infinite debate really achieve anything? Maybe we want folk who know business and the running of items, instead of individuals trained in politics.
An area which makes me very mad is that the clear complacency stopping the politicians out of identifying the important issue behind the fiscal crisis. Originally, this likely started small with company analyzing the water, concealing some gain here, other gain there. Authorities ought to have nipped this in the marijuana ten decades back when it first began. Their complacency should have viewed like a windfall to a lot of business leaders. We no longer need to pay taxes.
The very first thing company failed was award the Chief Executives with paychecks cover increases. Who can blame company; after it all had been likely a Chief Executive who recognized these substantial savings in cash. Bonuses came next; all at the cost of taxes, leaving a huge black hole to the public to fulfill. Ultimately business realised the government was not interested in taxes in any respect. Many have not paid taxes for 7 decades! It is now the standard and company is entrenched in preventing taxes.
Tax avoidance has now climbed to a staggering thirty billion pounds annually; a huge percentage of the federal debt, particularly when thinking about the decades that this hasn’t yet been paid. Rich individuals, likely seeing the achievement of company, followed suit and they prevent paying five billion pounds per year. Complacent government has appeared on – and – done nothing, permitting this practice to rise within the previous ten decades. When there’s a financial catastrophe – that is it. Authorities – look no farther and quit hounding the public.
Have a look at the water business for instance. In the previous ten years in England water bills have increased by 68 percent. In Scotland, where there’s not any competition, they’ve just climbed by 24 percent. That does not look like contest is functioning.
In a different case, we’ve seen countless construction projects, won with the least expensive bid, abruptly postponed and prices escalate to dual and triple the initial bid. The parliament building in Edinburgh as well as the trams at precisely the exact same town are fantastic examples of contest failing. The cleanliness of these hospitals is just another case. Then there are businesses winning bids and then walking away with a chance after leaving the company/business from the mire – Southern Cross older people’s houses’ fiasco. Government watches that this shambles with absolute complacency, believing it’s all going swimmingly well, while streets now costs tens of thousands of pounds each mile to mend and years of flaws. Have a look at the M25 junction 5 using an end date of July 2014. Is competition functioning? Nobody thinks it’s and yet authorities are asleep into the issues they’ve established and we the people suffer as Fat Cats get rich about the utter and utter waste of public money.
Frequently government policy and action take years to correct and perceive. For over 10 years that the media and public have understood that GCSEs are dumbed down and just recently has the authorities awakened and eventually confessed this. Another instance is if colleges may sell playing fields as well as the advantage (or not) of competing to the playing area… decades of oscillating from 1 view point to another when common sense will dictate a sensible path ahead. Complacency by authorities, as colleges attempt to follow one neglected policy after another just to get them altered in the blink of a weary eye.
The absolute complacency from MPs when GPs negotiated their own pay agreement, when their cover jumped into a staggering two hundred and fifty million pounds per year and they refused to perform any more nighttime calls, landing on the nation with a huge bill to cover locums, many under competent.
The complacency of authorities after Germany has cautioned us about the coming Rumanian influx and the despoiling and offense in the regions they occupy.
I’ve hardly scraped the surface. The people and media have to present the damming findings over to authorities and they need to be called to account for their failings. Spread the message far and wide and assist the visitors to comprehend why the nation is in crisis. It’s not the fault of the general public, but decades of government complacency. Maybe voting for UKIP en masse for a demonstration is a response. Critics have neglected; let us vote for MPs with expertise in industry and work instead of wannabe popstar-MPs such as Nadine Dorries, from I am-a-celebrity-get-me-out-of-here celebrity, and David Cameron after in her footsteps by emerging US chat shows. The rot is obviously contrary to the top down.
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thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and a download for protection from the virus
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TGIWednesday News
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It's April 1st..... a new month, Spring has hopefully sprung in your area too. Now more than ever is a great time to relax, go for that walk in nature or a nice bike ride.  My Northern neighbors sent me a picture of their catch from ice fishing. How cool is that?   Maybe we all needed to hit the pause button and take a time out, maybe spirit did it for us.  To those folks that you know of that got sick or are especially at risk or may have even passed away, our thoughts and prayers are with you now more than ever. When I check in, I get that it might be like this til about mid-May (a few weeks back it tested as July).  So since there’s not a whole lot we can do other than take precautions, stay calm and out of fear/panic and by all means take care of yourselves and each other and know that we are here to help/guide and dare I say entertain you.  So far worldwide not a single person on our My Daily Prayer service has gotten COVID-19 - Click here if you’re not on it already.   If you’re reading this now, we’re asking for protection and guidance and heaven’s grace upon you as well. We will be releasing a COVID-19 themed MyBeliefWorks™ audio in the coming days and it will go deeper into addressing related health/wellness/work/financial issues, worries, stresses and anxiety about the future that are coming up due to the coronavirus crisis and response - so look for that very soon!  We're working on making it FREE with ANY purchase of ANY ITEM in the shop when it's ready - including all products or services ie: sessions, prayers, books, or audios.  Fishing prayers for you as you read this now.  Also, last Wednesday's Live Zoom call was very potent and we got a great response from listeners!  So much came through from Spirit and I channeled in some very strong clearings that I know will make a difference to all who hear it.  Turning On Your Unlimited Luck Switches Replay available in the shop now.  Here's what folks on the call had to say:
"That was a great call.  I had this nice connected sensation at the crown of my head throughout.  I wondered if it was maybe the spearmint gum I was chewing, but I think not LOL.  Take care and stay healthy and well! Also, the Windfall MP3 is wonderful.  I very much appreciate and am so grateful for your generosity in keeping things affordable." - Teresa D. 
"Thank you so much for this replay. You were on fire! I don't know what will come of it but I can say for sure that I feel 'changed'.
Much appreciated!" - Diane P.
"Jimmy, great session/zoom meeting tonight! Thank you for all you do! Feeling Awesomeness! ️Blessings of Love and Light."- Phyllis Ann
"Another wonderful switch session! I'm deeply grateful for your time and effort putting together and presenting "Turning On Your Unlimited Luck Switches", I'm feeling lighter and luckier after listening, and I can't wait to play it for a family member in my house who has had bad luck experiences!  Looking forward to the next one. Many hugs and many blessings." - Susie "Just letting you know, even through my Massage business is shut down for a few weeks, a client jumped on line and bought a 6-pack of massage from me. Totally unexpected because she already had a package. WOW! Right after that I walked my front porch there was a  Red Box that said OPEN FOR EVERYDAY MAGIC! I know that is coming from spirit!!!!" -  Lynn P.
TGIWednesday Download
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~ PROTECTION FROM THE VIRUS ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I am protected from this virus and see my immune system as strong. I am ready, willing and able to take steps and precautions to remain healthy and safe during this time and always. I know when, where how and why to be divinely guided by spirit to boost my immune system and to remain safe during times of uncertainty.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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APRIL 1st "Today I will let go of fear and the feeling of dread.  I will forecast ahead of time only that which is good and beneficial.  I will acknowledge that which will propel me forward instead of setting me back. I will overtake the need to have control and by letting go, I will find, not search, for peace yet peace will find me."
From the Fish Box
Q) "Hello there Jimmy since I discovered MLF a week ago I’m absolutely astonished how well it works for me. Like you, I’ve spent 20 years or more in the university of healing and nearly every penny I have :) What way can I use MLF to help my hormone balance menopause etc. is my main concern . I have got some of your books and downloaded Level 1 instead of booking a one to one as I thought I might find some information on it there."  - Linda / UK A) "Very cool..............working on hormones is endless... but I would get clear to yes, unclear to no and running forward to YES. Fish the statements, 'My organs glands and systems are in balance' if no, fish to yes.'My hormones are functioning at 100 percent.' if no, fish to yes. I would drop my body age in half until it had my hormones functioning better/faster/deeper/younger....  you get the idea, it's endless........... Finish the course and let's play together or schedule a session some time soon." - Jimmy
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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Wed. April 8th - You Wealth Revolution w/host Darius Barazandeh 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific  Breaking Through Your Hidden Plateaus to Progress - special super-charged prayer! Get access to this show, all speakers and special bonus gifts >> Register Here! Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
EVERY TUESDAY at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT CALL (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest Rev Debbie Visit her Facebook page Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. 
April 7th  Psychic Joanne Leo www.PsychicJoanneLeo.com Astrology, Numerology, Angel cards. Readings from the heart!
April 14th Judi Thomases       http://www.starladyastrologer.com/ Astrology Deep but gentle cosmic guidance
April 21st Mark Hernandez http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com Healer and Intuitive Message
April 28th Rev Debbie Dienstbier Visit her Facebook page Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit.
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday Nights at 9pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
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SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH TAMPA *SPECIAL DATE* FRIDAY APRIL 10th 10-5pm (no Kodawari that day) I’ll be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions at: NEW LOCATION! 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy  Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 38$ / 30-minutes 68$ http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19 known as the Coronavirus. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! All Mastery Students:  Check your email & Login to view all the newly upgraded content including new books and audios!    
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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