#who has it in their rules not to rb from them
heartsdefine · 11 months
for the record: i, personally, do not care who reblogs from me on the reblogging website, especially since i struggle to remember who all expects me to reblog everything they post from the source myself. obviously no one should reblog roleplay/headcanon posts they're not involved in, and i do think it's generally polite to reblog a meme from the source if i don't send one in, but if y'all wanna reblog aesthetics or gifsets or whatever from me, idgaf. that's life.
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rexscanonwife · 23 days
🌈 Welcome to WLWeek 2024 🌈
Hello everyone, I wanted to put together a nice, low-pressure event dedicated to my fellow wlw self shippers for one week of June because it's pride month, babey!! This is the first time I've ever tried to 'organize' an event, so take it easy on me, I'll try to be as communicative as possible and if anyone has questions about it, asks and DMs are always open!
On to the details! Its gonna last from Monday the 10th through Friday the 14th, and anyone can opt in or out as they see fit! No one is obligated to participate throughout the entire week or from the beginning alone, just do what you feel like!
NO PROSHIPPERS/COMSHIPPERS/NEUTRAL, all blogs with that will be blocked on sight!
Obviously don't participate if you're not wlw/not shipping with a female character
Lesbians, bisexual, pansexual, sapphic, and once again general wlw/nblw are welcome!
Essentially I am tolerating NO funny business, and I won't tolerate bullying either so everyone be very niceys and hey, try to support each other! 💖💖💖 now onto the prompt list
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Monday June 10th: Favorite style/aesthetic-
draw you and your female f/o in your favorite clothing style (goth, Y2K, cottagecore, etc.) Or what you think their favorite style would be! alt. for writers, write a drabble about going shopping for these outfits with your f/o!
Tuesday June 11th: Morning routine -
draw you and your female f/o getting ready for the day. Who's the early riser and who's dragging them back into bed? alt. for writers, write an early morning cuddle session/chat. 
Wednesday June 12th: Date night-
draw you and your female f/o on a date! Is it a dinner, a picnic? Are you guys dressed to the nines or at home in your jammies? Alt. for writers, write a date gone slightly awry. How do you fix things/compromise? 
Thursday June 13th: Beach day-
it's summertime, draw you and your female f/o in beachwear and enjoying the sun and sand! alt. for writers, write out a nice dip in the ocean! Can you swim? Can your f/o? Does one have to teach the other? Is it nice and relaxed or does it dissolve into splash fighting? 
Friday June 14th: Role/Ship Swap -
draw your f/o as the self shipper and you as the fictional character role they fill! What kind of s/i do they make? Would they write fanfic, draw fanart? Alt. for writers, write a gush post from ur f/o's point of view! 
And that's it!! Do one of them, do all of them, or do none of them, it's your choice! I just wanted to show some love to my fellow wlw self shippers out there this month and so something fun for them!
Now if you got this far and you read the rules make sure to put 'great googly moogly' in the tags when u rb! And don't forget to tag my blog here when you write/draw for this event!!! 🫶🫶 everyone who does will get a rb from me and a little promo as well, and maybe even a follow cause I need more wlw mutuals :3
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strawberrystepmom · 5 months
a community where we can organize a callout post that thousands of people are guaranteed to see needs to do better for itself in the future. i am not speaking out against people who were hurt by the person mentioned in the original post because they are allowed to work through their hurt the way that they need. that being said, i think we can all admit that we need to do better for each other.
creating an anonymous account that can call anyone out (that has now spawned at least one other i've seen) is not the way we, as adults, should be handling things. i blocked the original posting account when it followed me because it was ageless and blank (therefore breaking rule number one of this community...). this is not an acceptable way to raise awareness of issues that have potential real world consequence.
inflammatory language is used in posts like these to get you fired up, to make you believe you're really fighting for something, and it's okay to be uncertain on if you agree with an issue or not until you really think about it. it's okay if you did rb it because it appealed to emotion and you have thought differently in the days that have passed.
the post circulated for HOURS on friday containing a false and potentially damaging allegation against someone who is not responsible for or consumed the content in question. are we not a little scared by that? you can now have thousands of people see a post about you simply because you're friends with someone?
the tags on that post are some of the worst of human nature. transphobic, homophobic, calling for doxxing and death...vile. so many people have seen a false allegation against flora who is worried she'll never be able to come back bc despite the correction that she wasn't involved, the damage was already done. this is just....i'm disappointed.
think critically about what you consume. consider the things that make you uncomfortable and why. do not engage with them if they make you uncomfortable after pondering to yourself. these are all rules that are age old on the internet and bear repeating.
also for the record: i am not anti aging up. i am not anti dc (dark content). if these are issues for anyone following me who would like to break mutuals or unfollow, there are zero hard feelings. you have to curate your online experience to your comfort and i would never fault someone for doing this.
thanks for listening and i hope we can all learn something from this experience at the end of the day. take care of yourselves.
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cupcraft · 10 months
Ranboo rebrand stream important stuff in one single post!:
if anything i missed pls rb and add on!
chat etiquette! They are going to be more strict with this (but not for new chatters honest mistakes).
Ban 101 -> the number 1 rule:
racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination. Instant ban, no excuse. Even bigoted jokes! 0 tolerance! you will be banned from even viewing the streams. This even counts on doing it on other streamer's chats/platforms if found out!
More rules: be funny (please!) and chill and kind and use emotes (including BTTV), dont spam chat (will be fixed/enforced bc of past issues),
other tidbits/news:
the vtuber/stuff will evolve over time, there are different vtuber outfits/costumes planned (ex they have an mcc outfit already!), the room in the background will change, they will be reaching out to ppl for collabs (feel free to recommend people but do not spam their chats!), planning to do more irl streams (will be weird/experimental and they will go wild! They will be making weird stuff!), they also have plans that they are excited to tell and its been a long time coming (this may be the cake video but i couldnt tell in stream), ranboo bakes a cake 2 will be coming TOMORROW on youtube (23 mins and incredible! they laughed at themself), ranboo plans to do experimental stuff on youtube (they have gotten into film lately!), founder's cut of gen 1 of genloss will be coming out 2-3 months ?? date/end of year, the vtuber ranjacket will be a part of the merch drop prototype at vidcon (physical jacket!), will be doing competitive/events with people (like organized little thing) (content/what it is undetermined) and he wants it to be obscure and random, ranboowaslive will start to ramp up a bit (more clips/compilations to come esp if you dont enjoy long vod watching), ranboo will be eating a nintendo DS cartridge live on stream (a joke!), MORE SURPRISES KEPT AS A SECRET + tiny plans in the works, they are moving into the new place/still have boxes to unpack (vtuber lore), he may finish the last of us part 2, subathon (really like back to back fun streams/long streams/playthrough of long games like omori) in january probably, splatoon may return,
What does the new era mean/qna stuff?
talking about old content is fine as long as you recognize that it is the PAST and not the kind of content ranboo makes now. Do not "put them back in the box".
Vtuber: will not be used all the time. They will do facecam streams too. Depends on how he feels.
why the r800: the 8 looks like a b LMAO
this is just the start of rebrand. He will re-establish a lot, things will be easier to find/reorganized, slowly over the weeks things will be changing.
what will happen tothe alt twitter (ranaltboo)?: new pfp, same energy (see below my shitty sc). art creds to mochi!
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not only just a rebrand for him and the look of the content. But also it is a rebrand of how they act around and view their own content. they may not be as in the community as he has been (liking fanart/in chat/etc.) out of recommendation from people! If ranboo needs to be aware of something THEY HAVE PEOPLE to make him aware of important issues/emergencies and they will be focusing more on themself and the content overall. they are thankful to be allowed to do this, as they dont want to keep seeing things they dont want to see/have that anxiety. Less scrolling = more content!
They will probably have longer streams again!
will move to more mature jokes/phrases and may have content labels on the streams. Overall, streams will be pg-13 mostly.
TITS stands for twitch integrated throwing system [insert ranboo's giggle here]
All proceeds donated to ranboo's channel only go to charity! Not to them at all! They have a list of charities that he supports and will be changed 1-3 months at a time like usual!
Please make stuff. This is how he gets ppl who edit and the emote makers/artists. Not forced. Just encouraging ppl who make stuff to make stuff and he appreciates it and loves it! Even if it is not about him just make it! AND SUPPORT ARTISTS BOOBERS!
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theriverbeyond · 6 months
have you seen any breakdown of the political situation on New Rho (in New Rho? is the rest of the planet also populated? I think at one point someone says "down in Ur" but maybe there is an application of 2-dimensional direction terms to 3d space I havent yet thought of). Like who do they mean by militia, who is the government (who is the police?), is there any official house presence, what is the status of the barracks, who manned the spaceport, what power does BoE hold and how are they viewed in the population (Hot Sauce denounces them but who is her faction-that Pyrrha saw her with-then?) and do they know how splintered and farspread it is? what is the siege the blurb is speaking of, just the imperial emissaries showing up?
Also assuming the BoE wings are all named after different planetary settlements which seem in turn to be named after cities in the ancient near east (ur, merv, ctesiphon), why isnt new rho? but i might be misinterpreting this.
Also where does the Empire want non-House humanity to end up? They seem to be turning planets left and right with no endgoal. And how many settled planets might there be?
Sorry I'm dumping this all at you, I havent seen any worldbuilding discussion here on tumblr at all really so maybe you can redirect me somewhere.
Thankies, keep up the good work (posting)
I HAVE seen posts about the political situation on New Rho including analysis posts that were very interesting and I have utterly failed to tag them appropriately, I am sorry -- if anyone who sees this has links to that meta pls add on/reply to help anon!
But to cover the rest of your points:
What is Ur?
Ur is mentioned twice that i can find, in ch 16: Ianthe says that the end has come to the "rebels of Ur", and a person in the crowd says "Ur is fighting".
EDIT: big thank you to @eskildit in replies: "There are four total references to Ur- Corona also says that Judith is in the Ur facility and Kiriona says that the 6th house is "parked outside the Ur system". Could be that Ur is the planet New Rho is located on. While we refer the nine houses as planets, canonically the houses are actually "installations" on each planet with quite small populations. New Rho alone, which is specifically stated to be just one city on a resettled planet, is 3x the size of the 6th house"
It may have been mentioned more times, but Kindle search is giving me the 2,320 times the letters "ur" were used next to each other so I'm ngl I cannot sift through that. Rather than being a city, though, I actually am assuming that Ur is another planet entirely! This is due to multi-planet SciFi in general treating entire planets like countries or even big cities. Like…. planets are huge. There are thousands of different cultures on a planet, but in SciFi planets are often like. One Big City. One Big Country, if you have a particularly ambitious worldbuilder. See: Star Wars, the Nine Houses themselves, etc. not saying that Ur cannot be on New Rho, just that I don't think it is because this is multi-planet Sci Fi.
The militia/civic government?
In chapter 6 a distinction is made between "the militia and the old civic govnerment". Following that, I think the civic government was probably installed by the Houses, as a ruling party that is friendly to them/House interests. I think the militia is a non-unified population of hired guns, that probably revolted at some point priot to the story. It does seem like at least some section of the militia is in power in most of the city, but I do not think there is one coherent government at the moment
Official house presence?
Yes, because there are official cohort barracks. I don't think they have much political leverage by the time NtN rolls around, though
Barrack status?
Under siege due to the people of New Rho hating them/political instability/possible militia revolt, doing badly otherwise because any and all necromancers are suffering from Blue Madness/RB proximity, as seen in ch 20 when Ianthe mentioned some of them were so poorly she had to put them down.
Space port?
I am assuming the civic government/House was originally in charge. unsure of who is in charge during NtN
What power does BOE hold?
Unclear. It seems like BOE itself is fractionated, with a lot of animosity held between different factions, and a lot of both animosity AND collaboration between different factions of BOE, the militia, the population, and the old civic government. It is a very decentralized resistance force, despite sharing a name. BOE do not appear to BE the official government, or BE the militia, though, but I would not be surprised if some groups had ties to one or both. It seems like they have influence both socially and politically but it is unclear what that power is... some factions have some amount of power. Over some parts. But!! it seems that during the events of NtN they had more power than in the past ("best hand they were ever delt", chapter 1)
How is BOE viewed by the population?
My guess is they have mixed reviews. I think a lot of people probably rely on them for resources/protection even if they don't like or fully trust them. I think a lot of people probably see them as extremists and wish they were less extreme (the liberals, u could say). Like Hot Sauce and the gang, a lot of people probably think they aren't radical enough and wish they would resist more, harder, differently. I think a lot of people probably deeply support them, either physically by being part of BOE or by providing resources/etc, or quietly because they are afraid of retaliation by the House or civil government. A lot of the population probably has opinions about BOE versus the militia, BOE verus House, BOE versus the civic government, based on their own interests/position/power. This is a really long answer that can boil down to "idk"
What is the siege?
I think the siege is the cohort being sieged into the barracks. I am guessing there was some sort of revolt in the local government, probably related to Blue Madness weakening the cohort, and they have pushed the cohort into the barracks. , as described in chapters 1 ("the cohort dies like anyone else under seige") and chapter 20 ("the barracks siege").
What group is Hot Sauce in if she denounced BOE?
Hot Sauce specifically calls BOE "fat cats" and "zombie lovers" in chapter 15, after noting that she, Honesty, and Born in the Morning, as well as Born in the Morning's father, are "active" in with an unnamed group at the park. It is unclear what group that is, if it has a name, or if it is organized in any capacity. From what little we know, it appears it is a group of people who are more radical than BOE, which I think is either ex-BOE members that were pushed out for their radial choices/beliefs, or civilians/other freedom fighters that aren't satisfied with what BOE is doing. But beyond that I have no idea
BOE wing names vs New Rho?
So BOE wings are named after historic Earth cities. Ctesiphon, Troia, Merv, Valencia (which is not historic to us, as it exists today, but WOULD be history in 10k years). They are named by BOE, likely to keep connection to Earth, just like BOE people-names. "New Rho", on the other hand, is likely named by the House. Rhodes is a place on the 7th house (see: 7th cavalier is the "Knight of Rhodes"), and I assumed that New Rho was like. The house naming shit. Like how New York is named after York in England, even though that area of land already had a name (Lenapehoking, I think?).
Specifically this difference is important because like, the House is a imperial colonizing force here, and they are naming things after their home system as a part of the imperial violence they are enacting. In As Yet Unsent, Judith notes that the non-house people call New Rho, "Lemuria" -- HOWEVER, in NtN chapter 17, the Angel mentions Lemuria twice in a way that is phrased like Lemuria is Somewhere else, and is Not the city they are in right now ("I was born on Lemuria", "there's still a facility on Lemuria") I am not sure what happened there, honestly. Perhaps an oopsie?
Where does the Empire want non house humanity to end up?
Unclear. Coronabeth notes in As Yet Unsent that even she (who has studied the war in-universe) has no idea what the real goal is. My guess is nowhere, because a forever-war has no end goal. It's a war for resources gained only by literal blood and death. Many analysis could be made about this as an allegory to to oil based forever-wars of today -- I read a few of them and as said before unfortunately failed to tag them, so if anyone has a link and can share with anon that would be awesome! But anyway, I do not think I am smart or learned enough to say a lot beyond this but, yeah. I think there is no end goal to the war besides meaningless revenge and the resources gained via murder, because that's the point. We could learn different in AtN tho! who knows
How many settled planets?
No idea! Thousands. Hundreds of thousands? Hundreds? Unsure! 10k years is a long time, and there are a lot of planets out there in the fantasy universe that could be habitable. EDIT ty @eskildit, unclear how many planets were settled over the course of the Empire, but there are three settled planets by the timeline of NtN: ""Everyone was crammed on one of three planets now, and they all agreed that this planet was easily the worst", from chapter 2
Thanks for sending this!! I really enjoyed answering it, and I hope it helped -- sorry if I missed any. Ask more any time!!
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spiritualviolation · 1 year
from the response to this post
hi hello!! this post is a free space for people to come by and share their headcanons about a specific mcyt character, and this post is for grian!
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grian is like. one of those chars that are just headcanon central, so i thought it be appropriate to start with him
not-exactly-rules but some guidelines + my own headcanons under the cut!
- GO ABSOLUTELY NUTS!! share as MANY as you like, i literally don’t mind if you’re going to make a ten page essay about your headcanons. just go wild, just as long as it sticks to the character of this post! bc if it i do multiple characters on one post it might get overwhelming and messy
- you can either do it in the tags or you can just reblog and add to this, i don’t mind as long as it’s convenient for you! you can add to other people’s rbs but i do think it would be better if you rb it straight off this post, but that depends on you!!
- if you want to reblog with your design as well so you can explain your hcs, go ahead! i would absolutely love to see how people design the characters individually!!
i will probably make a masterpost for this but for now we’ll start humble, but i’m aiming to release one post per week, but maybe would speed it up if my schedule allows me!
so yea, go wild!
i will probably start with the life series peeps first but i am thinking of maybe doing qsmp peeps as well after!
my grian headcanons cause i wrote a whole thing in my notes app:
- in my hc, the forms of watchers are dream-like and amorphous, basically visual mindfucks in appearance. grian who was fairly new to the watchers still kept his regular human form, but those who have been watchers for a very long time eventually would lose their individual human identity, and is assimilated into the collective that are the watchers. grian, if give or take maybe a century, the same thing would have eventually happened to him.
- his wings, gifted to him when he was ‘taken’, are generally amorphous and shifting, and you can never focus what shape they’re supposed to be (they can give you a headache the longer you try to look at their genuine form), but he can disguise them in any shape he wants (bird wings, dragon wings, etc.) so it doesn’t hurt to look at them.
- grian cut off his association with them just several months after he was taken, joining hermitcraft not long after, estranging themselves from them.
- he can still use his powers (which include astral projection, and etc.), but because of his cut ties they’re significantly weaker than the average watcher. for example, watchers can ‘watch’ over an entire server, but grian can only ‘watch’ one person at a time.
- his reasons for not wanting to be assimilated into the watchers is that he knows what it’s like to have been pushed and forced to take up a role against his will (ahem high school ahem), and it’s hurt him and he won’t want to let it hurt him again. aside from that, he finds that the watchers are extremely boring, considering all they do is observing passively from the sidelines and all that, which is the complete opposite of how grian likes to operate. he finds it extremely restrictive and prevents him from actively participating in things. not wanting to be confined to that, he cut ties with them.
- however he still uses his powers for troublemaking and mischief, and also to help others when they need it. he doesn’t consider himself affiliated with the watchers because he thinks it’s merely some godly title and also because he wouldn’t want anyone to think him differently, so he doesn’t really hide it.
- as he denied his watcher status very early into joining them, he still has the physicality (stamina, energy and such) of a regular human. only his wings are amorphous instead of his entire form since his wings were given to him when he joined them.
- made the life smp as a fun game for his friends, but in my hc, they did a test run before starting 3rd life. it was during that test run when the watchers seized control over the server.
- during 3rd life, he put admin restrictions on himself to remove his wings so he couldn’t fly and it was fair game for the rest.
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userheng · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 meeting dan heng.
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synopsis: meeting dan heng.
warnings: slight spoilers from dan heng's character story. bros bold, march playing wing woman no 1, the reader has hot men disease
a/n: writing after almost two years i've lost my groove rip n e ways hope u enjoy!! pls lmk ur thoughts! <3 rb if u enjoyed :)
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As soon as you step foot in the Astral Express, your whole body lights up with excitement. 
You’re finally starting your journey to other planets and your joy couldn’t be contained. Your eyes take in your surroundings, a beautiful view of a bed of bright stars—you have to hold yourself back from almost reaching for them. 
A voice breaks you out of your reverie, you look for the source of the voice not finding anyone in front of you.
“Down here!” 
The voice speaks once more and you finally look down, coming in contact with the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
“Oh…hello?” You say with hesitation, taking note of the unfamiliar creature.
“I’m Pom-Pom, the conductor of Astral Express,” The unknown creature introduces themselves. “You can come to me whenever you need help! But don’t cause trouble!” Pom-Pom expresses with a fiery passion, and you don’t know whether to coo or actually be scared of the little thing.
“Well, alright, you’re the boss.” You simply nod, trying to hold back a laugh at the adorable entity. 
“The Passenger Cabins are that way so you can keep your bags there. And the archives are the first door but um…” Pom-Pom pauses for a second. “There’s a guy called Dan Heng that practically lives in the archives but you’re free to visit that area! I have no clue what he does all day in there.” Pom-Pom’s petit body seems to deflate in defeat which once more makes you want to let out an audible coo but you refrain. 
You recognize that name easily—Dan Heng. After all, he’s one of the people you’ll be accompanied on your first journey, the other one being March 7th. You’ve never met these people but you trust Himeko’s judgment, after all, she’s the one who paired you with them. The only piece of information she gave you about them is that “You’ll have fun,” which excites you but also worries you, but you push that away for now.
“Thank you, Pom-Pom, I’ll be mindful of that.” You smile before bidding Pom-Pom goodbye, they wave back telling you to follow the rules.
You make your way toward the cabins, locating yours fairly quickly. You settle in nicely. You feel a bit lethargic already but the enthusiasm of finally being on the Astral Express keeps you from getting a shut-eye. Rather, you decide to explore different parts of the Express. Freshening up quickly you venture out of your cabin, taking in the sites of the surroundings around you. The view of the vast shimmering galaxy almost bought you to tears. You’ve finally reached your goal. You’re a Trailblazer now. After working meticulously for years and honing your skills, you’ve achieved your aim and you couldn’t be happier. 
Walking around for a bit more, observing the decor around you, you head for the main compartment, and as soon as you descend down the stairs you’re greeted by a cheerful voice.
“Hello! You must be our new companion, I’m March 7th!” The girl with bright pink hair and blue tips introduces herself and her cheerful demeanor brings about a smile on your face. 
“Hello, March, it’s lovely to meet you.” You say, holding out your hand for her to shake and she does so with enthusiasm. 
“So you’re coming with us, huh? Are you ready for some fun?” She asks with a wide grin on her face, clasping her hands to the front, and it makes you feel at ease. 
“Born ready, I’ve been waiting for this.” You reply, patting your prized polearm, a proud smirk on your lips. March nods in response, and suddenly she takes out her camera. 
“I have some pictures—wait have you met Dan Heng yet?” She asks, pausing her original question. 
“Oh no, not yet, I think he’s in the archives, Pom-Pom told me,” You respond and March lets out a sigh. 
“He’s always coped in there. How about you go introduce yourself to him?” She suggests and you think it over for a moment…you don’t really know what this Dan Heng character is like so you feel slightly nervous, but ready to meet him nonetheless. 
“Sure, I’ll see you after then?” You say, smiling warmly at her, and she nods back with eagerness. 
“Come back soon! I’ve got awesome pictures to show you!” March shouts as you leave for the archives room, you wave back, giving her an affirmative nod. 
You knock on the door of the archives room, even though you don’t really need to but after Pom-Pom information about how he practically uses the place as his room you deemed it fit to knock before entering 
You enter, immediately met by Dan Heng’s figure standing towards the bookshelves, nose buried in documents. You clear your throat, hoping to get his attention, all you receive in turn isーwell nothing. He doesn’t turn around like you’d expect him to. 
“Hello, are you Dan Heng?” At the mention of his name, he turns around, and suddenly you’re met with one of the most attractive men you’ve laid eyes upon. His eyes look captivating, one of them lined with the colour red, and some of his hair fall over his forehead. 
“That’s me.” He curtly nods. “Do you need something from me?” 
You’re completely taken away by him. His cadence sounds so…enticing. His attire makes him look dashing, and of course, this Dan Heng is easy on the eyes—you can’t seem to pull away your gaze from him. 
You hear him clear his throat, your blatant staring as been caught red-handed. 
“Is there something you need?” He repeats, facing away from you, finding the carpet of the express far more interesting—Dan Heng hates how his cheeks are tinted slightly red. Your staring definitely did not go unnoticed.
Your skin warms up, embarrassment flooding your veins.
“Oh yes—I’m, Y/N, I’ll be accompanying you,” You answer. “I thought I’d introduce myself.” Dan Heng seems satisfied with your response, nodding in silence. 
“You should take a look at the data bank to familiarize yourself with the upcoming surroundings, so you know how to protect yourself…although I will be there as well to protect you,” He pauses for a second, before clearing his throat, a faint blush once more spotting his cheeks. “I’ll leave you alone for a while.” Dan Heng states, and leave the archives before you can get a word one. His behaviour startles you a bit, but you don’t pay much mind, you already pegged him as more of an introvert from the descriptions of March 7th and Pom-Pom. You seat yourself comfortably, pulling up the archives to research just as Dan Heng advised.
As soon as Dan Heng leaves the room, he takes a deep breath to calm himself. 
He knew you. 
Dan Heng remembers you from his days in the IPC. You didn’t seem to recognize him and he’s thankful for that. He’s changed a lot, so he didn’t expect it either it. But he remembers you quite clearly. He saw you working diligently from the sides, always getting along with people and helping people whenever you can—him also being one of those people. You showed him kindness and he’d always appreciated it. But meeting you again was never on his agenda. He walks to the main hall of the express, seating himself on one of the couches for the jump that will commence soon, it was uncommon for him to be in the main compartment during jumps but today he had a change of heart.
Soon enough, Pom-Pom made the announcement for the jump, which bought you out of the archives room as per the conductor’s orders. 
“Y/N, over here!” March’s cheery voice calls you over, and she quickly grips your hand dragging you over to where Dan Heng was seated and she pulls you down to sit with her.
“Are you ready for your first jump, Y/N?” March inquires, “It feels weird the first time around but it’s pretty fun!” 
“I’m a little nervous honestly,” You answer honestly, lips curving into a timid smile. You’ve been preparing yourself yet, of course, fearful thoughts reside. It’s your first trailblazing expedition after all. 
“You’ll be okay, as long as you hold onto something since it’s your first time, I assure you. How about you hold Dan Heng’s hand? I’m sure he���ll help out a fellow partner right?” March suggests, a broad wicked grin on her face. You can’t tell if it’s you she’s messing with you or Dan Heng—you audibly hear him heave a sigh. You shake your head at March, her smile matching that of a Cheshire cat, while you feel the heat rise to your cheeks.
“Oh no, that won’t be necessary I’ll be fine—” 
“You can hold onto my hand if you feel comfortable. I do not mind.” 
Dan Heng’s answer leaves you both flabbergasted. March’s mouth falls open but she recovers quickly, her lips stretching into a teasing smile once more. 
“Well, then I’ll leave you alone!” March leaves without explanation and you’re about to call for her to ask where she’s going but Dan Heng answers for you.
“She does this every time. Trying to stand throughout the jump, trying not to fall.” 
You simply nod, not knowing how to respond, you’re embarrassed to say anything simply put. March’s suggestion and Dan Heng’s agreement put you in the spot.
“Would you like to hold onto my hand? If you feel comfortable, of course.” Dan Heng shocks you once more by holding out his hand for you. 
His cheeks have a rosy tint, the dark eyes not meeting yours.
Well…he is cute, isn’t he? Nothing wrong with holding a cute guy’s hand, right?
Boldness overcomes you, and you slip your hand into Dan Heng’s. He’s startled, his blush darkening, the tops of his ear matching his crimson cheeks, he didn’t actually expect you to do it, even though he offered. 
“Thanks, Dan Heng, I feel protected already.” You express, tone flirtatious, a lingering smirk on the corners of your lips. Dan Heng nods, tearing his gaze away from your face—definitely to hide his flustered self. His hands are rough, but they’ve also got a certain softness to them. Despite being calloused, his hand looks delicate. It feels good. Your hand intertwined with his feels lovely. Dan Heng’s thoughts aren’t far from yours—he’s never felt such things before, holding your hand…it wasn’t what he expected. He feels at ease as your hand rests in his. 
Only a few moments later Pom-Pom’s voice blares through as they announce the jump, as they count down. You see March steel herself, chanting some sort of mantra that sounds something along the lines of, “I won’t fall over,” on repeat. 
“Don’t be nervous, you’ll be alright,” Dan Heng’s voice suddenly rings in your ears, he’s closer to you than before, his husky yet gentle voice whispering in your ear. 
“Thank you.” You express your gratitude in the form of a smile. Dan Heng returns it with a tender smile of his own. 
Pom-Pom’s countdown finishes and you’re about to be sucked into the vortex, grip tight on Heng’s hand.
“You’ll be alright, just hold on to me.” 
That’s the last thing you hear before the jump, before the start of your new journey and endless memories. With your newfound companions and the one that’ll occupy your mind for a long time—Dan Heng.
Yeah, you’ll be alright. 
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bestworstcase · 8 months
tangential to last rb (<- heroically resisting the impulse to ramble all over @sailorb00’s art post mrgdhej) ive always thought “maidens choose themselves” was an interesting turn of phrase for ozpin to use given 1. the inheritance rules as he and his proxies describe them and 2. the context of asking pyrrha to become the next fall maiden
specifically, can the presumptive heir say no?
i think “maidens choose themselves” does imply bidirectional agency: that is, a dying maiden may have an eligible candidate in mind, but that candidate too has a choice to accept the magic or not. will the magic cleave to an heir who rejects it?
in V3 team oz hypothesize that the partial magic of the fall maiden still attached to amber will seek its other half when it dies—unless they transfer amber’s aura into pyrrha. but then what happens is ozpin initiates the transfer and the aura+magic is actively combining with pyrrha’s aura when cinder kills amber, whereupon the magic reverses direction to reach cinder.
so we have this scenario where the dying maiden’s aura is being transferred into a new host and the magic, apparently, resists that artificial process. why? three possibilities:
it’s following the technical rule that it must go to whoever amber thought of last at the moment she died,
amber’s half broke away from her aura to rejoin cinder’s half, or
both cinder (the last person amber saw) and pyrrha (receiving amber’s aura) were available to inherit the magic, or at least amber’s piece of it, and the magic went to cinder because she actually wanted it whereas pyrrha felt duty-bound to accept it
and i think there is textual support for at least the possibility of number three, because in V7 what happens is: fria dies (marked by her eyes closing) but the transfer doesn’t begin until penny chooses to receive the magic and clasps fria’s hand. the aura that flows down fria’s arm doesn’t appear until penny is holding her hand! (and the scene gives quite a lot of attention to penny’s hesitance beforehand, underscoring that she makes a choice in this moment.)
and winter also makes a choice in that moment—there is a moment when she sees fria dying in penny’s arms and registers what’s about to happen, and rather than rush to trade places with penny (who is in fighting condition still, unlike winter!) winter instead focuses on cinder, which amounts to stepping back to leave the choice in fria’s hands.
then of course when the magic flows from penny to winter there’s a lot of emotional weight put on winter’s choice to accept it (“thank you for trusting me with this”/“you chose nothing; this was a gift”).
raven is a possible spanner in the works given how little we know of the circumstances and the open question of whether she wanted the spring maiden’s magic, but at a minimum raven must have mercy-killed her with the knowledge that doing so carried a significant possibility of probably gretchen bequeathing the magic to her, and certainly raven doesn’t hesitate to use it.
more importantly, every failed transfer we’ve seen thus far (grimm beetle, grimm arm, aura transfer) have one thing in common and that is an attempt to circumscribe the agency of the maidens themselves; and the situation with the grimm beetle is interesting because the grimm beetle does work. the magic doesn’t resist being split in half and cinder retains the half that she stole—whereas the magic does resist transfer into pyrrha.
in both scenarios amber was in distress and both the grimm siphoning and machine transfer seem to operate on the same principle of capturing the magic via aura, so… the difference between cinder (who wants this power badly) and pyrrha (who doesn’t want it but feels obligated to take it) is perhaps the key variable to explain the different behavior of the magic.
as always i wonder if those “convoluted and stupid rules” and the “random” heir if the dying maiden doesn’t have an eligible candidate in mind are maybe a lot less convoluted, stupid, or random than team oz believes. maidens don’t “choose their heirs,” maidens “choose themselves.”
(see also: cinder siphoned aura out of raven and penny without ripping away parts of the spring/winter maiden magic; cinder also spent all of V8 obsessively fixated on the winter maiden UNTIL salem gave her permission to go for it, whereupon she promptly snagged the relics and left the winter maiden on the table because her ongoing power struggle with salem is more important to her. cinder very badly wanted magic and now that she has it, her desire for more is merely a move in the deranged game she’s playing with salem and what she really wants is to WIN. this is why she’s not getting the summer maiden either.)
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june-doe-event · 1 year
Hello !! Welcome to the June Doe Ride The Cyclone event !!
This is a 30 Day Art (of any sorts !!) event that runs throughout June, however I will rb any posts with the prompts until mid July.
(Rules, Prompt List, & such are under the cut.)
1. Absolutely no NSFW of ANY kind, the rtc kids are, in fact, kids.
2. Please tag this account in any posts (on here) that you make w the prompts !! I wanna see them !! :D
3. I'll rb posts made with the prompts from after June up until July, but after that I'm done w this acc for the year shsh
(Not a rule but just something that should be known, I have quite a few tags blocked so I might not see some posts, but I will try my best to rb all of them. If I don't see your content, send it to me in an ask !!)
This event accepts any forms of art, from drawings, to writing, to gifs, to edits, etc etc !! Be creative !!
Prompt List:
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June 1st — Pride Month / Identities
Centered around any queer hcs with the choir !! Can range from coming out scenes 2 them going to pride, list is endless :)
June 2nd — Pre-Canon / Post-Canon
The choirs childhoods, right before the accident, what you think happens after the show, again, the list is endless !!
June 3rd — Favorite Platonic Relationship(s)
Maybe they're familial, or maybe they're just best friends !! Just, no romance :)
June 4th — Favorite Romantic Relationship(s)
Your favorite ship(s) !!
June 5th — Ricky's Birthday
Happy Birthday Ricky Potts !! Celebrate their birthday in whatever way you please !!
June 6th — Swapped Roles
Maybe Ocean is the most romantic girl in town, maybe Noel is the angriest girl in town !! Aka, the choir swaps titles & sorta personalities
June 7th — Legoland
The first play in the Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy !! Legoland content is ofc welcomed (& encouraged !!) for all of the prompts, but this is Legoland specific (if you don't have the script pdf & you'd like to read it, you can dm me either on this acc or on my main !!)
June 8th — Alternate Jane Doe
(Or John !!) Maybe Oceans parents never identified her, or maybe Noel was mangled beyond recognition !! Either way, someone else is left doll-like and confused.
June 9th — Someone Else Goes Back
Maybe Ocean votes Constance, or maybe the vote was unanimous like originally promised! Jane stays, someone else leaves.
June 10th — Mega Mall
The one(1) thing to do in Uranium. And Noel's personal hell.
June 11th — U-Pop
Ocean & Constance's (scripted) improv duo !! Sound off !!
June 12th — The Fair
What'd the choir get up to before the crash ? What were they doing ? What rides did they go on ? What'd they eat ?
June 13th — Uranium City
The Pride And Joy of Sweet Saskatchewan !! (<- literally a nightmare) !!
Or, something about the town itself !! It's history !!
June 14th — The Accident.
How'd they die ? What happened ? How did people react to it ? Who witnessed it ?
(If your content for this is gorey, please tag it appropriately.)
June 15th — Everybody Lives / Nobody Dies
Maybe they never rode the Cyclone in the first place, maybe they did but they survived, either way, everyone is fine !! (Or are they?)
June 16th — Religion
Ocean has three of them !! Something surrounding faith of some kind — or lack thereof !!
Alternative June 16th Prompt because I know some people may find the topic uncomfortable — Animals !!
Ricky's fourteen cats !! Penny & her love of animals !! Anything !!
June 17th — The Blackwood Cafe
The best (and probably only) cafe in Uranium !! Constance's family cafe, their pride and joy :)
June 18th — Cut Characters
Cut Character Submissions are welcome here no matter what, but this is specifically dedicated to them !! What was their reaction to the accident ? How did they die ? What was their backstory ?
June 19th — Zolar
The Fantasia Of Ricky Potts !! Anything to do with the world inside their head :)
June 20th — Songfic / Lyrics
Something surrounding a song you associate with the choir (or a certain member) !!
(Disclaimer this works for any type of art I just called it a songfic in the prompts list because it's. Easier ykyk)
June 21st — Summer
Happy Summer Solstice !! Anything 2 do with the current season :)
June 22nd — Graduation
What if they didn't die before they could graduate? How does that go?
June 23rd — Choir Event
Maybe it's last years Kiwanis, maybe it's a separate event !! Either way, they're performing again !!
June 24th — Production Specific
Instead of just general RTC, this prompt centers around a certain production !! (Be creative with it !! Use smaller ones !!)
June 25th — One Off Lines
Like how Ricky said in the 2016 previews that his mom read him the Little Prince TWENTY THREE TIMES (it was weird, he likes it), or how Ocean says that Constance 'has been a loose cannon since kindergarten' in the 2015 ver !! Anything surrounding stuff that they don't expand on.
June 26th — Jane's Dolly
How'd she find it? What if she had a different type of dolly? Just surrounding our favorite doll girl & her dolly :)
June 27th — Talia
Miss Talia Muruska Bolinska !! Is she real? How does she find out about the accident? How'd she meet Mischa? What was her life like?
June 28th — Families
The choirs' parents, them as a found family, the list goes on !! Just anything surrounding family :)
June 29th — Funerals
Because, these kids are dead, they have to have a memorial service of some sort !!
June 30th — Free Day
And, for our final day ( :( ) , we have a free day !! Do whatever you'd like !! :D
That's everything !! Feel free to send me asks with any questions you have !! :D
— Your moderator, @undescribed1mage :D
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chussyracing · 3 days
what has been happening in the world of motorsports?
it's very long, so all updates and rumours are under the cut
DRIVERS (and others) MARKET
Esteban will leave Alpine at the end of the year (he will confirm his future in f1 „soon“)
Checo Perez got a contract extension in RBR for 2025 and 2026 (meaning that yes, he will be in the team for the first year of new rules)
since there are whispers about Newey already being signed for Ferrari, there are also rumours about Enrico Cardile looking at potential offers (like the one from Aston Martin) as his role could be diminished by Newey coming
very much a rumour (by DailyMail as well) but Ollie to Haas has been confirmed by them
Yuki extended his contract with RB for 2025 season
FIA passed the rule that drivers can be 17 to achieve Superlicence needed for outing in F1 and the only person it could probably apply to right now is Kimi Antonelli who turns 18 in August, so we may see him in an F1 car sooner than that (on the other hand it can also apply to the FP1 junior outing as well)
another thing that supports is are quotes from Toto (that they told Carlos they want to focus on young drivers and he understood) and form James Vowles (that Carlos is their main target for signing)
there are also unconfirmed rumours that Williams offered Carlos a 4 year deal (2 years with 2 years extension possibility) and that the deal could get announced around Barcelona GP
Guanyu is rumoured to look into Alpine seat possibility (remember he was in their junior academy)
Horner cleared up that the new contract extension for Checo is not actually 2 year but rather 1+1
Sauber (or rather Audi) signed Stefano Sordo as performance director in preparation for 2026
Adam Kenyon has been promoted to Head of Aero of Williams and according to James Vowles he has been with he team since 2021 and was “quietly promoted” in March this year already, they just didn’t announce it with a lot of noise
there are reports that Ferrari dropped the negotiations with Newey around Monaco and since he visited Aston Martin factory
Helmut Marko confirmed that if they cannot find a seat for Liam Lawson for 2025 he has a clause in his contract making him a free agent open to all the teams
Montoya said that Logan already has been told he won’t continue racing for Williams in 2025 and this is what is behind his bad results this year (but when does anyone listen to what Montoya says anyway)
Jamie Chawdick became the first ever female to win an Indy NXT race (after also becoming the first female pole sitter)
after Este speaking about getting dead threats, the same happened to Theo Pourchaire in IndyCar for a crash during Detroit GP (Arrow McLaren stood behind him, the same cannot be said about Alpine)
on the other hand… um. he was hired after David Malukas got injured and he was supposed to drive for the rest of the season, and now they fired him and hired Nolan Siegel instead after he apparently just posted about being excited to drive this upcoming weekend (nobody speak to me about how Ferrari treats Carlos for not extending his contract when you see this please)
Marc Marquez will join Bagnaia in Ducati for 2025 in MotoGP
Arthur Leclerc won his first race with his Scuderia Baldini and rest of the team in GT3 series (with a car sponsored by LEC which based on his race suit is his personal sponsor)
Ferrari won 24 hours of Le Mans AGAIN for the second year in row, this time with car #50 and car #51 coming in p3 for a double podium (Nyck de Vries was p2 with Toyota, Ferrari #83 was running in contention for a win or podium at least until the engine died, Alpine suffered double DNF with both cars)
McLaren reserve driver Hirakawa tested MCL36 yesterday
Jack Doohan did his FP1 session for Alpine in Esteban’s car in Canada and coincidentally Bruno Famin (Alpine TP spoke about him being on their list for the 2025 Alpine seat)
Ollie Bearman will be doing another FP1 session in Nico’s car in Barcelona for Haas
Jak Crawford tested 2022 Aston Martin car
Kimi Antonelli tested W13 in Barcelona
Kacper Sztuka was dropped from Red Bull junior academy after just 4 race weekends and there is a real concern if he will be able to finish the season without the financial backing that the F1 backing brought him
Red Bull Ring will have temporary gravel traps between T9 and T10 (so it would avoid track limits trauma from past two years in F1 but it would also stay safe for MotoGP)
F1’s revenue increased by 45% in first quarter of 2024 in comparison to 2023
the 2026 rules were announced by FIA: cars will be narrower and shorter and lighter, DRS will be replaced by MOM (manual overtake mode) which just sounds like push to pass tbh as it gives you more energy for some time, there will be new aero modes – basically active aero parts (so again similar to DRS but both on front and rear wing and those will be manually activated and it won’t be depended on how close you are to the car in front) and there are new safety measures with stronger hoop after Guanyu’s crash in Silverstone and better/more lights for visibility and of course no front wheel deflectors thank god, there will be less ground effect and less exhaust engine power with electric engine adding more power
FE also will get some new rules: new gloves with better protection (after a series of hand injuries with current generation of cars) and same rules as in F1 about superlicence were updated
side note many F1 team principals apparently already protested certain parts of the new rules (and also some drivers, Lando said that fans can forget about more than one team running for a victory with new rules and George said it could be dangerous with crazy speeds on straights and very slow ones in turns)
also Domenicali admitted that these regs might be the last with hybrid cars, instead they would focus on 100% sustainable fuels and better “traditional” sound and lighter cars in the upcoming years after that
oh and Newey spoke about the new regs as well and said that FIA was “heavily influenced by one or two manufacturers” when making 2026 technical regulations
and Mercedes and Renault are against alternations to the agreed engine regulations for 2026
Ferrari tested the 2025 Pirelli tyres in Mugello last week
FIA is thinking of doing two sets of testings (instead of just three days like it was in recent years, doing 6 of them instead) which would probably be 3 days in Barcelona and 3 days in Bahrain for 2026 as the teams would need to collect more data with the new regulations coming into place
the investigation against Stake Kick Sauber F1 Team in Switzerland was dropped “after determining that Sauber’s international presence and the inaccessibility of Stake’s services in Switzerland rendered the sponsorship compliant with regulations”
formulauno reports that Ferrari’s Imola upgrade package cost them about 35% of development budget, so more big changes were meant come in Silverstone but the team pushed forward and is expected to bring them in Barcelona already (so maybe new floor? maybe diffusor area where we lose a lot to RBR?) – this upgrade package could be fit to both cars depending on how they do (and if they can do 3 copies)
Mercedes should also bring new floor to Spain with more gains expected from them, Red Bull, VCARB and McLaren are also expected to bring some upgrades
Williams had a fanzone in Montreal and opened another in Barcelona
Red Bull is apparently asking for legality check of the front wings of Mercedes (and probably McLaren and Ferrari and there is a speculation that Aston Martin has a similar front wing in works)
there are speculations about Renault dropping out of F1 after rumours that Alpine is asking for possibility of Red Bull Powertrains as their engine supplier from 2026 onwards
speaking for Alpine, they had some upgrades that obviously helped them quite a lot, but according to Esteban, they have been swapping one chassis (the older one) that is 3kgs heavier and he had it since Miami and he expects them to swap it for the rest of the whole season…
Zak Brown was saying how RBR is toxic right now and he expects more people to leave them
Mercedes is under a wave of criticism because they kind of erased Lewis’ trophy from Chinese sprint from this year on social media (person opinion: I don’t think it was purposeful maybe but definitely very unfortunate under the current circumstances)
slight drama with Alpine (again) from Canada: despite starting much lower with the overweight chassis and grid drop penalty from Monaco, Esteban was running in front of Pierre towards the end of the GP and the team asked him to swap with Pierre who was behind, Esteban didn’t want to but after a lap or so he let Pierre in front, at the end of the race when Pierre couldn’t catch up with Daniel in front, Esteban asked if they can swap back like usual and got negative response
also McLaren could have won the race in Canada and fumbled it because they didn’t call Lando to pit although he was in front of the pit entry when the safety car came out (so it wasn’t bad luck with safety car as some fans called)
RB or VCARB or whatever will be changing their name again because it is pretty confusing right now (Horner said that when they called Yuki about his contract extension with RB he was hopeful for a second that RB means Red Bull)
it is in the stage of rumour for now BUT Alpine is apparently looking for a way out of the deal with Renault as it is open secret they make the weakest power unit out of all factory teams and instead is looking for a new engine supplier to become a customer team (also there is a rumour that this and the fact that Flavio Briatore has been linked to the team are the main reasons that Esteban was looking for a way out), there is also a real concern of selling the team (to Andretti for example) but  Renault CEO said that won’t be happening
Charles invested in Chrono24 which is marketplace for luxury watches (funny side note: Christiano Ronaldo invested in the same company last year)
Charles was the first torch bearer of Olympic flame as it passed through Monaco, making him second F1 driver to do so after Lewis (and Nico Rosberg was there in the crowd to watch Charles lol)
apparently Lewis is staring in Camilla Cabello’s new music video
Charles will be taking part in Jules Bianchi karting marathon in September
Carlos will have a special edition of a cap for his home race in Spain
Max will have a special helmet for Barcelona, Red Bull Ring, Spa, Zandvoort and Monza which is fully orange as “they are European races with a lot of orange fans” (…bro. monza… um)
Max said he was contacted by teams in WEC for a possibility of him taking part in 24h of Le Mans in a hypercar, Pierre also said he would like to do it one day but remains focused on F1 now and Charles also said it could be something he would like to do after F1 because it calls for a lot of training he cannot afford with current 24 races long F1 calendar
gentle reminder that Checo will have a 3 places grid drop penalty in Barcelona because his team purposedly told him to bring the damaged car to the pits although they knew it would be considered driving under unsafe conditions, just because they were afraid of it ruining Max chances of winning
apparently Kelly Piquet had to post about receiving hate online and Max also spoke out about it under her post (no comment)
Jacques Villeneuve had some pretty brutal things to say about Daniel Ricciardo (mostly that he doesn’t belong in F1 right now and is taking up space for someone talented) and Daniel answered that he probably hit his head too many times
oh also Charles’ issue in Canada was system one, not engine one which is why they remain optimistic with his pool of used engines, on the other hand the issue was up to 80 horse power units and about 1.5s per lap so…
Charles won the overtake of the month trophy for his pass on Lewis from the outside in Miami
Charles posted a new vlog on YouTube (and I have yet to see it AHH)
Carlos revealed in an interview that he has co—owned a burger restaurant with his friends for a year now (Boogie Burgers)
Liam Lawson recorded a song in the studio (it is unknown to me if he is on the vocals or guitar as well tbh but… damn these drivers are just collecting sidequests at this point)
Valtteri Bottas won a 114 km long gravel cycling race (fun fact: there is an incredibly funny headline I didn’t screenshot talking about Carlos getting inspired by Valtteri’s win as a fellow driver without a seat and buying a new bike)
the Apple original F1 movie with Pitt will be released internationally on 25th June 2025
Canadian GP organizers were called to stewards after track invasion after the end of the GP (but there were other issues which Stefano Domenicali had to apologize for: flooded parts of the facilities, fans who paid tickets getting a fence in front of them covered by black cloth, fans being sent home on Friday with information that the sessions were cancelled)
F1 wants to involve AI more in the industry and we already saw AI made trophy for the Canadian GP (and apparently last Merc post about Doriane is labeled as made by AI too)
Stuart Pringle spoke up as a Silverstone managing director about the lack of sales for the tickets and mentioned that after years of Mercedes dominance as a British team with a British champion, the Red Bull dominance has hurt them the most (but as everyone else spoke up, it might as well be their sketchy prizes tactics)
Barcelona had a live roadshow with multiple drivers doing donuts/showrun in f1 cars (Carlos, Checo, Jack Doohan…)
F1 Exhibition will also visit London after being successful in Madrid, Vienna and Toronto
FIA launched a new campaign focusing on preventing concussion
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zestialtheancient · 4 months
Greetings. My name art Zestial, pleasure to maketh thine acquaintance. If, perhaps, thou hath an inquiry, I would be most pleased to hear it. •♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎• Mod Status
Rules and links to other blogs under cut. if this is your first time here, please read the rules and the entirety of the pinned post before interacting.
No nfsw asks. Innuendos and other such things are ok, to some extent, but nothing downright explicit.
No anti LGBTQIA+, pedophillia, racism, and general bigotry. You will be blocked.
I will not answer asks I don't feel comfortable answering.
If I get a bunch of asks that basically say the same things from different people, I won't answer all of them because it would get tedious.
If there's an question I have already answered recently I'll just delete it and hope you can find it.
If there's a question that I don't really have an answer too, (for example: something that has too little canon information to base a viable headcanon on, but would still be very important if answered) I might not answer it.
No politics or asks regarding no current or recent real world events
No harassing the mod or the anons - I won't answer those asks and worst case scenario you could get blocked.
I'm busy all day on most weekdays, but I'll be popping in all over the place on weekends. (I typically get online at around 3-4 pm central time on weekdays, standard stuff.)
This is an RP blog and is not affiliated with Hazbin Hotel in any way.
SOULS OWNED -non canon-
Comet anon
Saturn anon
Moon anon @/headlessdeaddancer 
Mod is mod Smoothie and uses any pronouns
[Mod speaking example]
This is a safe space. In light of recent events, I feel like this has to be said.
This is a safe space for transgender people.
this is a safe space for gender neutral people.
this is a safe space for bipoc people
this is a safe space for people with mental disorders.
this is a safe space for people who are lgbtqia+
this is a safe space for all minorities, and I will inforce that safe space adamantly.
[I will make it my personal quest to not be as inconsistent with Zestial's old english as the script is]
[I'm trying to make this as easy to sort through as possible, so any anon with a signature has their own tag. Non signed anon questions also have a tag, and so on. Asks and reblogs are separated so it's easier to comb through things as well.]
My main account is @chaos-smoothie, where I mostly rb memes. I post fandom and comic stuff over at @snake-and-goat.
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livefastdriveyoung · 4 months
Takeaways from Testing Day 1
The RB-20 Maintains Status Quo - Max ended a full 1.162 (don't quote me but I think that's the correct math) ahead of Lando Norris in P2. The car did not appear to struggle under its 142 laps. It also remained consistent across majority of the runs. Checo will drive tomorrow.
Aston Martin is being underestimated - Fernando Alonso is a world champion, he started his session in P3. He stayed there for a great deal of the session. Even ending in P8 puts him in the points if this is a race. Additionally, Lance pulled through into the top five, taking P4 for a period of time. He's a strong driver, he shouldn't be underestimated. They both finished in the points, and had Lance not lost his mirror he could have pulled a fast lap.
Williams Car is the problem, not the drivers - I cannot reiterate this one enough. Alex Albon had a fuel pump problem, so entirely out of his control. Logan Sargeant has improved. Undoubtedly so. Not only has he built up his muscle and trained hard, he spun out and still managed to get back onto the track, and sit at P10 for most of the session before ending P11. Allegedly the reason he had a spin out was also because of a gearbox/transmission error. Whether it was the cause or the issue was the result, he held it together well. The car is having problems, not the drivers.
Mercedes Performance - We know that Lewis Hamilton is a strong driver. He's never been the best qualifier when there are competitive cars. Yes, George did not do as well as he could have, ending with P12, but he experienced at least two lock-ups. There's no guarantee that the issues don't exist in Lewis's car as well. We'll see what happens.
The complaint about their front wing design is interesting. F1 and FIA are separate organizations. Mercedes wouldn't blatantly violate the letter of the law, they would be the first team to be called out for it. They follow the letter and have the approval of the FIA. It has been approved. Whether F1's concern about the 'spirit' of the law being violated is something that could impact them, I don't know. I'm sure that the new rules will include a provision against this next year, but any immediate action, I doubt. Symonds is unimpressed.
Haas is not to be thrown out of the running - yet - A new team principal means that there are going to be changes. They straight out said the focus was on the Tyres and not on performance. While they are not a strong team, I think that throwing them away just because you might have preferred Guenther, or like to rely on what you already know, this isn't that. Yet.
Visa Cash-App Racing Bulls - Forget it, I'm calling them V-CARB. Anyway, Daniel Ricciardo, (LOL that autocorrected to all caps which is so funny) had minimal struggle with the car. His first few laps were not great,, but to end in P4 is wonderful. His statements about a podium in the beginning of the season being a dream not a reality is interesting, but I wonder if that is self-deprecation/spreading the party message from within Red Bull's house. Yuki finished P13, but, again, only had a morning slot. He was high up for a good portion of the day as well. I think this is going to be interesting. The narrative that they are not a junior team anymore seems to be accurate.
Stake did well - The C44 is worlds ahead of last year's model. Additionally, we forget regularly that Bottas was a Mercedes driver, he's won Gps before. Zhou is not a bad driver, I think this might be his last season to prove himself because I think Audi will keep someone who has a history of winning, and if the rumors are true, Carlos Sainz will be getting one of the seats. But that might motivate him. He's also young, 24 is below the mean age of the drivers (29) and if he can demonstrate improvements, they might keep him over Bottas.
Ferrari Fights - Buckle down y'all. I don't think that Carlos will do anything to sabotage Charles, he's not an idiot, but he's going to do what he has to in order to prove that Ferrari are losing out on a driver. He was P3 today. Charles is great, we know he can drive, his improvement is clear. I'm curious as to what that is going to look like.
if he's moved on from this, he's going to need to demonstrate to Audi that he can be a First Driver.
Alpine - Pierre pulled P5 right at the end. Ocon is toward the bottom. I'm not sure what's going on in house but nobody is happy allegedly. Guess we'll see.
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Okay twt refugees! Hello!
First off: Change ur pfp and put a title on ur blog. We have a bot problem so do anything silly in order to not be blocked on sight
Y'all are welcome to my blog, y'all can mass rb all you want bc tumblr doesn't find it weird. Hide your likes and your following bc we aren't cops no one needs to know everything about you
We don't do callouts here, okay? We don't cancel. If you want to discuss something that has been bothering you, act like someone civilized and use the #discourse and #qsmp neg (as an example) so people who don't like these kind of talks can filter it out. If you want to complain about something exclusively happening on qsmptwt, tag it as #qsmptwt neg so we know it's not a problem that plagues us
We use duo names exclusively platonically, like pacmanduo, smoothduo, ohnanaduo, insaneduo. If you want to ship them, use shipping tags such as pactoiles, felpac, 4max and 4bit. Exceptions to this rule are guapoduo, 4halo and tntduo since both platonically and romantic separation is inexistent at this point in the fandom
Also. We strictly separate characters and streamers, but most of us don't use the Q! to specify. If we talking about the streamers, we make sure to let it be clear when it happens. Also, sometimes we talk about gay sex, get used to it. We also love to assign mental illness to the characters since we see them completely separated from the streamers
Welcome welcome y'all! Make yourselves at home!
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misty-moth · 6 months
I have seen you talk passionately about Leon. (From this RB : https://www.tumblr.com/misty-moth/736722062035615744/alright-so-ive-been-thinking-about-this-when)
If you want to, i would like to listen (read) you rant about Leon. Stay safe 💜
I did get very passionate 😂 I feel like I could write an essay on each character tbh, but especially Leon when it comes to plot.
If I were to add anything to what I said before, it would be explaining the “why are they always in the training grounds??”
Warning: this became another essay 🥲
To elaborate, I think the other princes are put in places/situations that show off their personalities. Examples: Yves/Licht in the gardens, Licht on town patrols/escort missions, Nokto establishing relationships outside of the palace, Chev/Clavis out on ~mysterious missions~. (Luke is sleeping somewhere, and we love that for him)
The reason I think location is so important for Leon is that he is a man of action. When I think of him, I don’t think of sitting in an office all day doing paperwork or in the training grounds shouting commands. That feels more like a comfortable fit for Jin.
Leon is a leader with great people skills— a trait that would go really well with seeing him interacting with citizens and showing his collaboration with them to solve issues/gather intel.
He’s a leader that’s incredibly street-smart— put him in situations where he has to problem solve on the spot. Where there isn’t an obvious solution, so he has to go with his gut.
He’s a leader who is an even match for Chev. I will die on this hill. “Chev is always right” when has Leon been wrong? “Chev is an astounding fighter” so is Leon, and he’s gone toe-to-toe with Chev. Their ruling styles are clearly and purposefully different, but I also think their “pr team” is out of whack, and I’ll explain that too.
See, Chev is incredible. He wants people to know that and respect/fear him accordingly. He is not shy about his ideologies, his intellectual and physical talents, and all the things that make Chev undeniably powerful. He makes sure people know.
Leon is incredible. He doesn’t want to intimidate anyone. He also isn’t shy about his ideologies, but he does his best to only flaunt his intellect and physical talents when talking won’t cut it. He has the people skills to solve issues without taking unnecessary losses. We’ve seen this many times.
Leon and Chev are both crazy interesting. If they were both given equal intel, they would be an unstoppable duo.
But if you were mc and had what felt like “an impossible to solve problem”, who would you go to? The guy who is always referred to as a genius, or to the guy who is always referred to as “nice”? I know Leon won’t flex his skills, but god I wish he would.
Okay, okay, this has become a whole essay, so I’ll just add a last thought:
Leon is also incredibly mature… and a damn good actor. It isn’t that his past isn’t hinted at in other routes, it’s that he doesn’t show anything that doesn’t need to be seen. He doesn’t want anyone to carry his burden or to see him differently. As far as coping goes, he’s probably doing the best. (To clarify: his trauma isn’t lesser, his coping is just stronger imo)
All of the princes have varying traumas, and we don’t know what they are until we read their route. So I truly don’t think that’s what he’s “lacking”. He doesn’t need to dwell in a past when he’s kicking the past’s ass. I want to see the emotional strength he’s gained kicking the future’s ass 😎
Also gonna tag @leonscape in case you’d like to read me ranting and raving again 😭
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ask-sarah-and-co · 2 months
Heyyy everyone! This is the blog’s one year anniversary/my bday raffle! (posted on my bday and going through the anniversary !)
Hope you like these designs! I had to physically restrain myself from keeping all of them hhhhh
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Entering stuff:
Liking this post! +1 entry
Reblogging this post! +1 entry
Saying your favorite moment on the blog so far or giving me advice on something to improve with! +1 entry
Following the blog! +2 entries (new followers welcome! just don’t unfollow after this is all over! also mention where you’re following from somewhere if you’re reblogging to a side blog!)
Making one fanart of any char from the blog! +3-5 entries (per raffle)! in the post please tag me and mention that it’s for the specific char in the raffle! Different amt of entries decided on size, color, etc. Also a note: if like only one or two people make fanart in the raffle pool, I will probably remove those entries to make it fair 👉👈
Please mention who you’re entering for in your rb, you can enter for as many/few as you want!
Design rules (for dalkia and lunaleo specifically):
May be used for whatever, mark me as creator if on toyhouse and if on tumblr, tag me on the ref page!
Minimal design changes are ok! Changing the whole design is not.
Basic dni, please don’t involve them in any overly nsfw type things, maybe ask if you want to do smth involving violence/gore.
Design rules (for Alida specifically):
May be used for whatever, mark me as designer/creator if on toyhouse and if on tumblr, tag me on the ref page!
Please don’t change her design. I really like how I did it, and I’ll explain more about why.
Basic dni, please don’t involve her in any overly nsfw type things, maybe ask if you want to do smth involving violence/gore.
Details about Alida!
She’s designed to be a ship kid of Hendrik and Jasper, therefore a Cobalion/Yveltal hybrid.
You may keep the lore of her being their child if you specify that she’s from an alternate universe. (Please message me if you decide to do that.) It’s only optional, of course! She can be her own person with an eerie similarity to them, hehe.
Her weapon is called a swallow (not related to the bird I think). They’re pretty cool and kinda like a spear/sword hybrid! You should look them up if you end up getting her!
Personality wise here’s some info you can use! It can be changed or removed entirely of course! She’s overdramatic and overconfident like Jasper, and has his natural charisma. That is, until she tries to do something intentional like flirting. She gets all awkward, like Hendrik! Contrary to Jasper though, her over the top personality is really to disguise her true insecurities with herself.
Style wise (can be used or changed etc) she prefers to dress more modernly! Unless she has do wear a skirt/dress, which she hates. She also tries to make sure that all her outfits have that smoky gray collar, so she stands out more.
This raffle will end on May 11th at 8AM est! I hope you guys look forward to it!!
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thisismeracing · 5 months
bono!reader head-canons (pt. 4) (glad yall like this insanity)
constantly falls asleep w/out taking her earrings out. whether it be when taking a nap or falling asleep while working in bed those earrings are staying in. so mick has taken up the mantle of taking them out and putting them back in her jewelry box
had those glow in the dark stick on stars on her childhood bedroom ceiling and maybe she still does in her grown up bedroom that she shares with mick
gets a cartilage piercing on the ear that doesn't have her piercings dedicated to working for merc. and the jewelry that she puts in it is a small “47” stud that she got custom made. her piercings represent her biggest achievements in life and her being able to let herself be loved and be in love took a lot of work to get to, so it absolutely gets acknowledged in what she considers to be an achievement
calls james allison “allie” because when she says james she means vowles, and when james a. came to merc in 2017 she needed a way to differentiate the james’.
has an orange cat [purely based of this tt: https://www.tiktok.com/@mildwestsami/video/7136290369683131690] im leaning towards either diesel or luna for the name, but i can be persuaded into considering other ones. those are just the two that seem the most fitting atm
carries her cat like a baby and buys mini furniture for said baby
i think it would be funny if this cat was a stray that was roaming around a gp and she decided to adopt them after checking if they had a microchip and owners
steals micks hoodies/sweaters and they have a bartering system where if she wants one of mick’s newly purchased article of clothing she has to give him one of his old ones back to secure the new one. great economically for her, not so much for this boy
pulls mick in by his belt loops when she wants him close to her
loves being close enough to her lover that she can feel and hear the rhythms of his breathes
having her head resting on top of her papa’s chest where his heart is, listening to the beats of his heart will, without fail, soothe her. it started when she was a smol babe but just because she’s a grown up now doesn’t mean that it wont work
her team headset is covered in small stickers around the merc logo
ok so the jewelry she has in her first cartilage piercing she got for being hired at merc is this [https://www.etsy.com/listing/729980335/arrow-earringscartilage-earring-16g?click_key=198d47f7f1895e88c7eef3638427353c6eef89af%3A729980335&click_sum=65e3a9a5&ref=user_profile&pro=1&frs=1]
has a guest room just for her in certain team members houses [lew, the wolffs, james v,]
i could also see drivers having a room for her (seb, kimi, jense, nando)
constantly tries to persuade (poach) hannah schmitz from working at rb to merc
i could see her meshing well with oscar
her first australian gp she got gifted a small koala plush from one of the drivers (im leaning towards michael) and for the years following it’s been a tradition for all of the drivers who wanted to participate to nominate and vote who would get her a new plush to add to the collection. the only rules being it has to be a koala and it cant be one she has already gotten in years past. best believe there have been fights for the privilege of being the koala giver
[and with that i will end this segment of head-canons, yes i breached the second google doc page again i dont want to talk about it]
happy new year and i can't wait for the 2024 season to start so i will grace the inbox with more bon
(also yes i know this isnt in the usual bulleted list format that i usually do for these hcs but i dont have the patience to re-format this ask on my phone cause tumblr decided to delete my bullet points)
omg yes to everything sagksjgksdjg I won't even add, just appreciate this whole ass headcanon <3
tiktok link (it says unavailable for me :/)
i think it would be funny if this cat was a stray that was roaming around a gp and she decided to adopt them after checking if they had a microchip and owners // like corinna did w a dog during the Brazilian gp *crying into my hands*
piercing link
*virtual hug* its perfect
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