#who is still questioning his decisions
dr3smile · 1 year
This is gonna be a very long post and I'm sorry for it.
The reason why so many people are comfortable talking like this about Daniel is because of Zac, Andrea, Jenson, and all the 'big names' that openly and harshly criticized Daniel.
The moment Zac started trash talking Daniel in front of the media he opened the door to the nasty and jealous assholes to follow in his steps.
You don't hear anybody from Alfa Romeo taking about Bottas the way Zac talked about Daniel, I don't remember anybody from Alpine trash talking Fernando every time he DNFed, and he did a lot, or when he refused to do PR or him not being able to win even though he's a 2 time world champion.
Nobody is criticizing Nico because no one at Haas said a word about his performance.
It all started with Zac and Andrea, after that the boundaries that exist between criticizing a driver for not being good and publicly harassing and insulting a human being that you don't know we're broken.
I'm a huge DR3 fan and I can admit that Daniel didn't perform as expected while he was at McLaren but to put the blame solely on him is ridiculous for the simple fact that if he was the problem McLaren now would've been fighting for 4th in the championship not for p17. They've been having problems since Jenson and Fernando, then they had one ray of hope when Carlos got his first podium with them and thought that they are now back at being the historical team they once were completely ignoring that they need to rebuild the whole team from scratch, and instead they laid all of theirs and their fans unrealistic expectations on Daniel, who just drove for Renault and put them higher in that season's championship.
Daniel become then the face of the team, promises were made by Zac and Andrea but instead of backing him up and giving him a car that fitted his style to give him a chance to show his abilities they fucked him up.
One thing that Daniel is and will always be known for is his late breaking yet his car at McLaren not only was not adequate but it penalised him every time he broke later making him go slower. So people started saying 'oh Daniel Ricciardo is exposed because he can't adapt to a new car' but how can someone change their entire composition, mentality and a decade of knowledge on how to drive fast cars that are able to win 7 Grand Prix and multiple podiums? Isn't it the job of a team to follow the style of their drivers? Yes drivers have to adapt but to demand a full 180 from someone because you're not arsed to changes is delusional.
So in conclusion is not that people have more faith in Nico and believe that he's somehow better than Daniel is that so far no one from Haas have yet giving them a reason or the permission to criticise him.
I hope this makes sense and apologize for any mistakes but English isn't my first language.
OMG Thankyou for this. This explains everything so well. You put everything into words I couldn’t come up with.
The whole braking thing at Mclaren is still an issue to this day so it’s clear they didn’t take any feedback Daniel gave them into action. They just blamed it all on him. Who are they going to blame this season? They’re not going to blame the golden child and they can’t blame a rookie. It has to fall on management.
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upsidedowneye · 3 months
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aerithisms · 30 days
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SLURPING this tweet about the "just see me" scene in deep breath. the way eleven and twelve both refer to themselves in the third person, because even though they are begging clara to understand they're still the same person even they still view each other as someone else. they both are the same person and they aren't.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Feel free to give your reason for your answer in the comments or reblog. Either a short and sweet answer or go ham and do a long essay! I'm curious to know everyone's opinion.
Also please do not hate on other people’s opinions or starts fights. Lets all be respectful!
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arsenicflame · 1 year
the fundamental basis of a 'sams izzy' for me is that he has to be someone canon izzy looks at and thinks "... i could have had this?"
i dont think everything would have gone perfectly if izzy had gone with sam, but i do think maybe he would have been happier than our izzy is when we see him, and i want our izzy to see that and just... wonder. wonder if he made the right decisions. was he right to go with edward? is he happy with his life?
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
Best reason for Ted Lasso to get a fourth season or spin-off:
Each year Jamie’s hair gets a little longer and next year it could possibly be long enough for a little ponytail
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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"i know we shouldn't be killing rhea and i personally am against it and my gut tells me this is wrong but i'll do it anyway because nobody else uses logic on this route anyway!"
#DCB Three Hopes Run#this is no thoughts head empty route so she's just going to blindly trust claude who has faced plenty of pushback#for his decisions and go ahead with helping him and the others kill rhea for reasons they have zero and sometimes negative evidence of#like rly why wouldn't she just be like hmm I don't agree with this can I sit this one out. nope she's gonna get involved anyway#it would've been more interesting if marianne disagreed and grew backbone and sided with the church instead#they try to write the routes as like... everyone is happy with their leader (unless you're dimitri#bc then felix gets to talk shit for half the game in houses and ppl ate it up like pie)#and they don't ask questions. when they do ask questions it's a brief answer that just shoots it down#even lorenz in gw saying they should just leave edelgard for dead was ignored#for all the proper reasoning he gave everyone else just went lol you're like (edelgard or claude depending on your choice)!!!#and then went on about the uwu classmate thing (even tho they didn't rly even know each other at all in this game as classmates#and by the timeline edelgard left the monastery before even the lions so she was around them the least amount of time)#like... actual reasoning in this game gets shot down so fast so it's no wonder marianne didn't actually DO anything#and didn't stick by her actual feelings/beliefs but it's still annoying that she didn't#maybe it would've made claude and friends think twice abt the whole thing if they had to cut marianne down too#for refusing to go along with it bc she she didn't believe it was the right thing to do
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Sent my brother a TikTok the other day he responded with this
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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Very long Initial thoughts and first impressions on the Caribert Archon Quest in the tags. Spoiler alert!!
#{{ this is me making a very long tag so that the people who are not interested in reading the spoilers can skip the post safely!! ~~~~~~~ }}#{{ All right!! So the first thing I find fishy in this interaction is the fact that Kaeya just… }}#{{ reveals that he is from Khaenri’ah to the traveler like it’s no big deal }}#{{ Uhm. Huh. I thought that was a secret he was deeply invested in keeping; so things are not exactly adding up here }}#{{ because remember how that was; you know; a thing..? Remember that letter Kaeya saved from the fire }}#{{ that confirmed he was from Khaenri’ah and belonged to the Alberich family? }]#{{ without his father's knowledge and permission; because that information was too highly confidential to NOT remain a secret... }}#{{ and one that he still hides to this day? You know. You remember; right; hyv? come now; it was only a few patches ago. }}#{{ the fact that he revealed it like it was no big deal makes me??? question a lot of the decisions that were made here. }}#{{ Keeping his heritage a secret has been a character motivation for Kaeya. I’m bothered about this decision on hyv’s part; actually }}#{{ not to say that the reveal was never to be done; but it could have been handled properly. }}#{{ and not so casually over some mid afternoon drink time as if it holds no importance whatsoever }}#{{ also this interaction??? A total act. I refuse to believe otherwise }}#{{ 'caring less and less about khaenri'ah?' sir; the guilt and sense of duty/responsibility that consummes you daily says otherwise }}#{{ 'My father left me in Mondstadt simply because he wanted me to have a better life?' huh. perhaps one reason; but not the only one }}#{{ nor THE reason. we have had multiple proof; so this is kaeya lying through his teeth for the sake of alleviating the conversation }}#{{ 'My surname is the only link I have with Khaenri'ah'? Read points mentioned above. Deceit deceit deceit. }}#{{ this entire interaction was a calculated; studied act; and I'm calling it as it is. if hyv intended otherwise --- too bad. }}#{{ because I'm making it my canon. }}#{{ and I truly hope that in hyv canon kaeya is being the 'you can only trust half of what he says' Kaeya; because if hyv is making Kaeya }}#{{ honest in this precise moment.... like if those words are his genuine thoughts from hyv's perspective; then; Kaeya; I'm so sorry }}#{{ but i want to have faith in hoyo; and I want to believe that they haven't forgotten Kaeya as a chara and his motivations }}#{{ and the fact that he was intended to be a khaenri'ah spy in mondstadt. something which generated a lot of conflict in his life. }}#{{ so don't @ me w/ 'oh yeah; I don't have any link or interest in khaenri'ah whatsoever haha khaenri'ah what is that?? never heard of it }#{{ anyway. Interesting to see it confirmed that Kaeya and Dain do not know each other formally; but that Dain has been spying on Kaeya }}#{{ and does not trust him. interesting dynamic. obviously kaeya didn't like having been studied and observed }}#{{ Kaeya being the Abyss Order Founder's descendant? Honestly; not surprising!! I had my suspicions. }}#{{ the clues were always there. 'heart of the abyss'. A heart is a vital part for any organism and by extent institution to function }}#{{ and so; too; is Kaeya a vital part of the abyss scheme; regardless of whether he wants to or not }}#{{ and there were other signs of it too. He has been seen communicating with them multiple times. recall diluc's introduction. }}
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cluescorner · 1 year
I want to raise this man from the dead
Crepus Ragnvindr is lucky he’s dead because otherwise he would have to put up with the shenanigans I do with the other sus characters in the game. Like, I already bother Cyrus and Timaeus and the Fatui in Mondstadt a lot trying to figure out wtf those guys know. The last thing Mondstadt needs is another sus NPC present, ESPECIALLY given all the questions I have for him. 
Like, were you a harbinger or just a shady dude? Was it Dottore who gave you the delusion directly? Did you know that Kaeya was from Khaenri’ah and if not what did you think was going on? What was your relationship with the Knights, did you idolize them as much as your son or did you realize that they were as susceptible to corruption as anyone else as you grew old? And why did you let your son join the organization if you knew how effed up it was? ON THAT NOTE WHY TF WAS DILUC ALLOWED TO BECOME A CAPTAIN AT THE AGE OF 14?? SIR I GENERALLY THINK YOU WERE PROBABLY A DECENT DAD WHO TRIED HIS BEST BUT LIKE WTF IS UP WITH THAT DECISION SPECIFICALLY??? 
#crepus ragnvindr#caps cw#IDK#this man fascinates me and there are so many questions I have that only he can answer#BUT HE CANT ANSWER THEM BECAUSE HES DEAD AF#also apparently people are like divided on Crepus#it's either like 'oh he was a perfect father and that's why Diluc likes him' or 'he was the worst ever'#but like I think it's more likely that it's somewhere in the middle#like he's not perfect or even great imo#but he tried his best for his sons and probably genuinely loved them both#I think that he would have supported Diluc even if he didn't choose to become a knight and that he didn't DIRECTLY pressure Diluc into it#it was probably more like a 'hey wow I really wanted to be xyz when I was your age and I'm going to talk about all the good aspects of it'#kinda like how most parents do when they like their career and when you're a kid you  think your parents are right about everything#and you're like OH WOW MY DAD WANTED TO BE A BASKETBALL PLAYER AND HE THINKS ITS A GOOD IDEA SO I SHOULD BE ONE#when in reality they want you to go about your life in your own way but they still influence you#I would be lying if I said that my decision to go to college/do certain things with my life wasn't influenced by my parents#but it was still my choice to make#OR AT LEAST THAT'S PROBABLY THE WAY I WOULD THINK IF DILUC WASN'T FUCKING 14 WHEN HE BECAME A CAPTAIN#SERIOUSLY I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS#WHY WAS THIS BABY WHO IS YOUNGER THAN MY BROTHERS ALLOWED TO BE A CAPTAIN#WHO APPROVED THIS#Mondstadt is a fascinating place#Literally just say 'hey Diluc was the captain when he was 17' and I'd be like 'ok he was a bit of a prodigy'#'but I'm not concerned or anything' NO HE WAS 14 YEARS OLD THAT IS TOO YOUNG TO BE A CAPTAIN OF ANYTHING#LET ALONE THE POLICE/ARMY/GOVERNING BODY OF AN ENTIRE NATION#So yeah#I 100% get why people don't like Crepus for that ALONE#and also like no this guy was clearly not a saint#you don't wind up with an early delusion that was probably even RARER to receive than it is now#unless you were into some shady shit
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
Robin was interviewed in the morning television earlier today and oh god I want to hug him 🥺
and not only because his (porko-like) leopard print jacket looked so cosy and soft
#the whole interview had such a...low-key negative vibe somehow?#the interviewer asked some interesting questions alright but it felt like robin was constantly asked to explain himself#first robin was asked why he's in UMK now when years ago he said he thinks eurovision/umk ''distorts the artist's image''#(as in they will from then on be known as ''the artist who went to eurovision'')#then he was asked what he himself had to do with making of his UMK song (as if no one expects him to be in no way part of it)#then he was asked if he was expecting the song to face so much criticism#and it does seem like he at some point realised (before the song was released) that it's not what people were expecting of him#ngl i'm one of them but at the same time i feel a little sorry for robin who genuinely seems to love the song#and thinks it represents him the best. and like. if the artist thinks like that then who am i to argue with it?#robin: ''...and no matter how the song does in UMK i'm still gonna have a great song to perfom in concerts''#the interviewer: ''so you're gonna keep perfoming it regardless?''#(said in a tone that says ''oh so you're gonna be performing it even though it's crap'')#okay well then the interviewer talks about how lordi was not praised either when they were chosen for ESC#to which robin doesn't have much to say because he was so young that he can't remember so that was awkward as well 😂#then he had to answer questions about why he was driving a car and filming a video for social media at the same time#''how did you end up with this decision to film while driving a car?'' (said in a tone that implies he's a little thick)#tbh was stupid on his part and he did apologise again#he said he's so conscientious that he wants to do everything he's promised he would (in this case answering fan questions i guess)#and he knew that was the only time that day that he'd have the time for that and that it was in an area with little traffic#and while i'm also judging him for doing it i also feel a little sorry for him because oh little one you don't HAVE to do everything 😭#sometimes you simply don't have the time and energy. next time i'd rather you don't answer fan questions than do it while driving#then (with no transition whatsover) he was asked if he's planning on wearing mismatched shoes until the end of his career 🙄#(said in a tone that implies he should grow out of it already)#a question i'm sure he's never answered before lol#then they talked about the incident at his new year's gig#and the interviewer asked if they ever found out WHY someone was throwing beer steins on stage#as if robin (or anyone) would go and ask?! 😂 like. come on. the person was drunk out of their ass probably. there is no deeper reason#but the question made it seem like the interviewer was expecting robin to go ''well they said my songs suck and that i'm probably gay!''#just so that they could make a nice headline out of it lol#anyway. don't ask why i'm writing this all in the tags 😅
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othercrossee · 1 year
Btw yes I am making kamado sorta a villain in the au, in the game he was so pathetic about protecting the village he rather sent out a 15yo child out in the wilderness after using them for his own gains, left to die and rot if volo didn't help them
#z rambles#hes so caught up in his own goal and his past to look around himself who he hsd been casually exploiting and in this case#its the dorm presidents who are still students yet treated like an employee for the entire school years#its even worse knwoing theres TEACHERS in the dorm concil who doesnt do equally as much as the president#and irida is young. her entire thing is that she was forced to grow up too fast and shes so tired she doesnt let herself rest due to it#unlike irida. adaman actually doesnt overload himself with work cuz he trusts his council members to do their fair share#irida is too prideful and shes too anxious to rely on others. she rather overwork hersslf to death if it leads to that#kamado doesnt care as long as the job is done#and when a very real dangerous thing happened he doesnt call off the hunt altho adarida told him to do so#*he was not one to bent rules after petty remarks* they were questioning his status and decision. he was the director for a reason#and it seems irida took that to heart. of course. only you kmow the best ill do my part eveb if it means dooming myself#cant help it cant you? just another task she needs completed and be validsted in how responsible she is for her position#for the greater good wpuldnt you risk yourself as well? your livelihood? your youth? your life?#was death really sth she cpuld casually accept#obv it isnt entirely kamados fault why irida is the way she is. eveb in later chsoters hes proven to be rsther stuck in his own shoes#why not fit into another size for a try?#the ghost of the two children hikari snd rei would surely show him incase we couldnt. exploited and dying in battle out in the danger?#theyd kmow a thing or two about teaching old men too stubborn in their ways to see the risk theyve taken#why risk for the greater goods when theres other ways thst doesnt require such things to begin with?#were you gonna let your own trauma and memories destroy others too? were you?#and god did that rang thru maybe not just for one. someone else def need to hear that for herself#were she gonns ket her own trauma and memories destroy others....and subsequently herself in the process?#it almost feel like her entire life could burst open at the seams. at its foundation#maybe for her the treasure hunt isnt too special. especially when your entire life feels as if youd been hunted from the beginning#spirit school au#HOW R PEOPLW FINDING THIS?? its just so ranfom???#2024 op here excuse me dkjakd
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interesting that "trench" deleted his twitter full of neo nazi followers, wiped his instagram, and removed all references to bring a "proud trench wolf" from what little social media presence i can find. this is after his original twitter was seemingly deleted and remade a few months before his debute. i don't know how legitimate this reporting about him being "out on injury" [before wrestling at all or really... doing anything requiring much physicality?] is, but if there are some company conduct/social issues at play i would Not. be surprised
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
Near is only interesting to me if Matsuda is correct and he's actually the type who will cheat to win tbh
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femme-malewife · 2 years
Just because Hohenheim had a horrible past, and just because he left the Elrics for a good reason, that does not mean he was not a shitty father.
The very least he could have done was send a letter or call on occasion. If you have kids, you have a responsibility.
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zwiebelii · 7 days
Hhhnnnngghhhhhh having a fight with my boyfriend
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