#who's sole purpose it is to confuse us other people
undergoing-mitosis · 2 years
everyone has been talking about daylight savings and i was just like huh--??? i haven't moved my clocks at all???? and the time is still right??????
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hollyskywalker · 10 months
Worst nightmare
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She had him wrapped around her little finger.  
Coriolanus knew she did. He's no longer the same teenage boy trying to wrap his head around what this achy feeling in his chest is. He no longer convinces himself it's hunger, or that he's just confused. He knows the feeling is longing, desire, lust, or maybe even love.  
After everything that happened in District 12 with Sejanus, with Lucy and the people he left behind he had hoped he'd never have to go through this again. A foolish hope, he realizes now. He's a human being and it's almost unavoidable there are people out there who would know just the right thing to say or just the right thing to do for him to lose his ambition focused mind in the fog that is love, or obsession in his case. He's not sure there's really a difference between the two.  
But he thought he knew better than to let someone in again. He hadn't liked how Lucy made him feel vulnerable, and how it had hurt when he realized she'd left him in the woods.  
Yet here he was, pressing this infuriating woman against the wall with her legs wrapped around his hips, their lips barely parting to breathe before pulling the other back in. 
She was perfect.  
Absolutely perfect.  
She was also his close friend's wife. 
He always thought of himself as a gentleman. Sure, he did questionable things and studied under the most questionable woman of Panem during his time at university, but at least he was polite about it. Or at least, he acted in the way one would expect a gentleman to act. 
Kissing your old classmate and close friend's wife is not very gentleman-like. He knows this but when she tangles her hand in his hair the way she does, he can't find it in himself to care.  
“Festus will come find me” she murmured into the kiss. He ignored her and started to kiss his way down her neck. He's not going to acknowledge another man's name coming from her mouth when his mouth is the one making her keen so sweetly. 
She repeated her words and when ignored her once again she gently nudged him back a bit so she could look into his eyes “Coriolanus, you know he can’t catch us. Everything will be ruined” 
He thought he might start laughing. He honestly pities the tree somewhere out there whose single purpose is to replace the oxygen her husband wastes. “Festus Creed does not have the capability of ruining anything for me” 
She hummed and brushed his hair off his face. “Your mood before we came here seemed pretty ruined to me” 
His grip on her waist tightened at the memory of Festus drunkenly clinging to her, embarrassing her, during the entirety of the evening before Coriolanus had cleverly thought of an excuse to whisk her away. 
“Very daring, to take me away from my husband in front of all those people” she whispers, her hands coming up to rest gently on his shoulders.  “Not at all like you to take that kind of risks” 
He didn't bother responding to that and simply rested his head in the crook of her neck, pulling her body as close as possible to his. She rolled her head to the side, giving him better access as her eyelids fell shut. His nose grazes up and down the length of her neck, breathing her in. 
It had been a long day. His path to becoming Panem's president was set and he was prepared to wait for the perfect moment now that he has the right people on his side. He was not an impatient man, but so close to his goal it was hard not to long for time to speed up just a little bit. 
That's why he'd already been annoyed when he arrived at this fundraiser which must be the 10th this month, and then he had to watch Festus wrap his arms around her. It was just too much.  
When they are together, it's like all the noise is cancelled out and he can finally feel at peace. His mind finally rests and he enjoys when they focus solely on each other and nothing else.  
“Marry me” she murmurs in a voice like honey.  
He's taken aback, pulling away from her to look at her wide-eyed. He hardly noticed anything around him; he felt disorientated, dizzy. His mind worked feverishly. Did she really just ask that? Did he imagine things?  
It takes a moment for him to gather himself enough to answer her. “What?” 
She tilts her head to the side with a grin, linking their hands. “Marry me. You want to become president and you have all it takes to become one except for a wife. People will expect you to have one by the time the campaigning truly starts, and you know no one works a crowd better than me. I have them hanging onto my every word within seconds,” she pulled him down slightly so she could comfortably wrap her arms around his neck “With my family name, and influence, and your talent as a natural leader, combine the two of us and Panem would be yours by the end of the year” 
He stared at the wall on the other side of the room.  
Laying her fingers on his left cheek, she turned his face to look at her. “Just imagine how powerful we could be together as a couple” 
He was imagining it. But... 
“They'd never allow you to divorce Festus” he said with certainty. This he knew for sure. The family name and influence she spoke of would not be as impactful if everyone knew she divorced someone from the Creed family. They'd call her crazy, and steer clear of her.  
“We could not marry unless Festus were dead” 
Her eyes darted between his, her hand cupping his face. She truly was ethereal.  
“I know”  
Her response is entirely too calm and he frowned at her.  
During events he would often watch her socialize and play the crowd just like she said, until they were hanging onto every word that fell past her pretty lips. She always seemed so genuine when she talked to people, but he had caught the glint of ambition in her eyes, just like him.  
She was an impeccable liar without a tell. She could lie to whoever she wanted to. Despite that she tended to be a very honest woman. He knew he would be able to count on her if she was on his side. Her, with her always impeccable appearance and her fashionably styled hair wearing nothing but lavish clothing standing out blindingly, concealing her still very much venomous nature.  Perfect. Absolutely perfect she was.  
Festus was undeserving of a woman like her. He'd always thought it but now he was sure of it. 
He could already picture it. Him, waving down at the crowd with her by his side, the envy of Panem. There would always be people against him and his tendency of making unethical choices. But how could they doubt his leadership if a woman as good as her was married to him? They'd believe she'd keep him on the right path. 
She was working her way to the top, and she was succeeding. So it would only make sense for her to ask him. Festus had his sights set on presidency too, but if she believed Coriolanus had a better chance... Coriolanus tried not to let it get to his head.
Was she insinuating he kill Festus for her? So they could marry and she could become Panem's First Lady? Did she know he'd killed before? If she did, she obviously wasn't bothered by it or scared of him because of it.  
But then there was Festus. Coriolanus didn't particularly like the guy, in fact, seeing Festus trip was the highlight of his day not even a week ago, but could he kill the Creed heir? He had killed before but in this situation it's less trivial. It's not about survival, nor about making it to the top. He was sure he could make it without her...but still... did he want to, without her? Is she not worth it? Is having her by his side worth killing Festus Creed for? 
She's not worth it, he thought and tasted the lie as soon as it crossed his mind. 
He met her eyes and thought of her smile – the smile he can't ever seem to get out of his head – and- 
He was going to kill Festus Creed.  
Memories of Sejanus flashed across his mind. Sejanus had been in the way of him ever returning to the Capitol. So he took choices that haunted him, but he didn't regret. Just like he wouldn't regretting ridding her of her infuriatingly incapable husband.  
Truthfully, Coriolanus was surprised Festus was able to stand with a spine that weak. Always following what others told him to do, never thinking for himself, so easy to manipulate. Yet he saw himself suitable for presidency?
His hands have settled on her waist seemingly out of pure instinct. His throat felt dry, and he swallowed several times before he tried to speak. 
“Yes” he nodded, decision made “Alright” 
Something bright flared in her eyes as she looked at him. After a pause, she practically launched herself at him, knocking into him so hard that he had to take a step back. He laughed quickly. One of his hands is still on her waist, but the other cups the back of her neck as his thumb strokes over her throat.   
She tilted her head up and pecked his lips. Something horrible tugged at his chest, and he knew. There's no one more dangerous in the world than her. Because he's obsessed and in love as she gazed up at him through her lashes. 
The blood was thundering through his brain. Happiness filled his chest; a dizzying sensation and his head swam with emotion. His arm slid around her waist, his hand coming to rest on her hip. 
“Mrs Snow” he whispered like a promise, smoothing his thumb over her cheek.  
"What is it?" she chuckled "Why are you looking at me like that?"  
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, roughly but passionately. 
"You are my worst nightmare and the woman of my dreams all at once" 
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archiveikemen · 1 month
"Come Play With Us, Miss Fairytale Keeper" Story Event: Chapter 2
Alfons Sylvatica VS Ring Schwartz
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
Alfons: Kate, say “ahh”.
Kate: Mm… this grape is delicious!
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Ring: … What’s this you’ve been doing since just now? 
Alfons: It’s necessary to blend in if we want to gather information on our target.
Alfons: For that, I’m playing the role of a lovesick man trying to seduce Kate. 
Ring: Aren’t you just feeding her grapes?
Alfons: My, my… you won’t be saying that for long. 
Alfons: My fingers are dirty now… you’ll clean them for me, right, Kate? 
Kate: eh… 
The instant I parted my lips and let out a small confused sound, Alfons pushed his fingers into my mouth.
He moved his fingers in and out, tracing my tongue and rubbing the roof of my mouth. 
Kate: Nn…a… mmph…!
Alfons: Yes, yes, just like that… you’re so cute, sucking and licking so eagerly. 
Alfons: … Makes me want to put something other than my fingers into that little mouth of yours and make you moan. 
Kate: Nn~~!
Alfons: Even if you resist, right now you’ll only sound like you’re making erotic noises. Fufu… 
Alfons: You see, you’ll look suspicious if you resist too much. 
Alfons: Ah, ah, you’re making such a pleased face… really, you can’t do this without me. 
Being forced to lick his fingers and having my mouth messed with made it slightly hard to breathe.
And yet… I was frustrated at myself for feeling a little bit of pleasure from it. 
Alfons: Thank you for showing me that lewd expression. 
Alfons let out a delighted laugh before pulling his fingers out of my mouth.
Kate: Please don’t do such weird things all of a sudden!
Alfons: I couldn't help it. I’m just a pitiful man approaching you desperately for your love. 
Alfons: Besides, you enjoyed it, didn’t you? 
Kate: T-that’s… 
Seeing that I couldn't deny it, Alfons smiled with satisfaction.
Alfons: Next is Ring’s turn.
Ring: … I know.
Ring nodded with a solemn look on his face and looked at me—  
Kate: Mmph…! 
Suddenly, he started vigorously wiping my mouth with his sleeve. 
(Come to think of it, my mouth was all sticky from the grape juice and saliva…) 
Feeling sorry about it, I let him continue; but I then realised how close we were.
Ring: Mm… a little more…
Whenever our eyes met, he would usually awkwardly avert his gaze or glare warily at me.
But right now, his cobalt blue eyes stared straight into mine, the intensity of his gaze taking my breath away.
(If he were to look at someone so earnestly and come this close…)
(I bet many people would fall for him.) 
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Ring: That should do it. 
Kate: T-thank you. … Sorry for being so dirty.
Ring; No, you’re not dirty. Not at all.
Ring: Actually… I’m the one who should apologise, for touching you without permission. 
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Ring: It’s just, your face after Alfons seduced you… it was too um— 
Kate: …?? 
Alfons: It was too lewd and so you’re worried that other men would see it, isn’t that right? 
Ring: … A-anyway! All that matters is that you can be at ease now. 
(He wiped my mouth to protect me… I’m glad.) 
Alfons: That was a nice move. I’d say Ring will get one point for it. 
Ring: Huh…? … I haven't seduced her, though. 
Alfons: Did you do that naturally? Impressive, as expected from someone with a lot of experience. 
Ring: Ah, yeah… t-this is nothing. 
(... Alfons and Ring are two completely different types of people.) 
Insolent and innocent — time passed as I continued being caught between their different attitudes. 
Alfons: Oh? … One of our targets has arrived.
Following Alfons’ gaze, I spotted a man delightedly helping himself to some light snacks. 
(It’s the same person I saw in the documents. He’s a doctor to the public eye, but secretly involved in trafficking illegal drugs…) 
Ring: … I don’t see his partner nearby. 
Alfons: They might have agreed to only meet right before heading to their room. They’re very cautious. 
Ring: … I’ll go spy on that man.
Alfons: So you’re trying to put a gap between you and I by taking the lead? 
Ring: Of course. I can’t stand watching Kate as you make moves on her. 
Ring: I’ll put an end to this competition quickly. 
Ring left his spot and approached the man. 
Ring: There’s something I want to ask you.
Male Doctor: Hm? If I’m not mistaken… you’re from that trio. Two men competing over one woman, right? Ahh, youth. 
Ring: Yeah. You see… I’m on the verge of losing to my rival. 
Ring: I want to choose the best private room in this mansion to gain an edge over him. 
Ring: You’re a regular here, right? Could you tell me if there’s any room you particularly like to use? 
(He went straight to the point…) 
I got nervous, but the man didn't seem to suspect a thing because of Ring’s confidence.
Male Doctor: I usually let my partner choose a room, so I’m not really sure myself. 
Ring: I see… sorry for taking up your time.
Ring returned to his spot after speaking with our target. 
Ring: … It didn't work. 
Alfons: But you did manage to gain new information. Your straightforward approach was commendable. 
Ring: … What do we do next? We haven't identified his partner.
Alfons: That’s true, however… I’ve already spotted his lady companion. 
Ring: When did you…? 
Partners don’t usually stray too far from each other at parties, but since the people here have illicit relationships, many of them act separately from their partners.
(How did he identify her out of all the women here?) 
Alfons: The reason is simple. The man from a while ago was wearing a bracelet, right?
Ring: … Was he?
Alfons: That bracelet comes from a set. If you connect the two bracelets together, they'll become a necklace.
Kate: Amazing… you even noticed that.
Alfons: I know about it because the beautiful design is highly praised. All thanks to Lord Elbie. 
Alfons: And there’s someone else in this venue wearing the same bracelet.
Ring: …! That lady hiding behind the pillar.
(She really is wearing the same bracelet!) 
Alfons: Let me quickly obtain the information we need.
Alfons left his spot, approached the woman, and… gently touched the nape of her neck. 
He used his curse’s ability to alter the woman’s perception and coaxed the location of the room out of her. 
Alfons: I’m back. Apparently, their room is named “Rose” and located on the second floor. 
Kate: That was amazing, Alfons! 
Alfons: I’m honoured to receive your praise. With that, I gain one point too and become tied with Ring.
Alfons: Now, we’re approaching the final stage of our mission.
Alfons: Kate… between Ring and myself, who will you choose as your lover?
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dinanikto · 8 months
Spoilers: Episode 4 of the Walten Files
I think people misunderstood Felix as a character?
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I've seen so many fans WISHING that Felix would actually die?? Like, "if I was Jack, I would beat the shit out of Felix" or "Felix, do a flip".
I thought it was shown pretty well that he is not in the right state of mind.
Before reading this, please, gather all of your compassion and sympathy, and listen to what I'm about to say with a clear mind.
Let's speak chronologically:
1) Felix and Jack meet in college and decide to create animatronic-based restaurant. They are teens/young adults in the year 1958-1964 (not truly canon, but close to). According to Martin, they're very close, they love and trust each other.
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2) Jack meets Rosemary, they start dating. She creates designs for Bon and other characters.
Felix is, presumably, left alone to himself, as he doesn't have anyone else.
3) They graduate and contact CyberFun Tech.
Felix meets and marries Linda, while Jack and Rosemary have their first kid.
4) october 30th, 1964.
Linda notes Felix's heavy drinking and his poor self image. She's stressed and scared.
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Felix is close with the Walten family. Jack and Rose get two more kids, and they all call him uncle!
And yet, he doesn't feel welcome. He uses alcohol as a coping mechanism. "He drinks for the sole purpose of drinking!"
Please note, the year is 1964!! Even nowadays not many people can get help and cure their addictions. Not many people believe that they can, or that they deserve it.
5) december 25th, 1970.
Krankens and Waltens are so close they spend Christmas together. And yet, Felix is burdened with something.
Jack and Rose are lovey dovey, Felix and Linda are not. Waltens have three kids that love their parents deeply, Krankens do not. Jack is happy, and Felix is not.
He's still using alcohol to calm himself down.
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He can't control himself anymore.
Linda tries to talk to him, but Felix doesn't respond. Or rather, it's how Linda frames it.
"He feels bad about it, but doesn't try to change."
Honestly? Sounds like he tries to communicate, but his depression isn't letting him do it well. Again, it's 1970, and I don't think anyone has ever truly tried to help him.
He's a man. Why can't he man up? Jack is doing fine, why can't you, Felix?
Or why won't you just tell everyone how you feel? It's not like men have been bottling their emotions for decades now, right?
6) april 1974.
The Bon's Burgers is about to be open in a few weeks.
Felix and Linda have a fight (verbal). He hurts her feelings.
Jack asks Felix to pick up kids from a school party. Felix says no at first, but Jack won't listen.
Eventually, Felix says yes.
7) morning of may 2nd, 1974.
Linda leaves Felix. Only thing left after her is a note.
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No talking, no nothing. His wife of 10+ years left him.
Have you ever gone through a breakup? A breakup with your spouse? Were you in an intoxicated state of mind when your wife left you? Were you depressed when seemingly everyone have left you?
Wait, right, he has Waltens. So of course he's gonna get those kids home, that's the only thing left for him! Everyone are asking him of it.
7) evening of may 2nd, 1974.
The car crash happens.
8) may 3rd, 1974.
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He's awfully drunk. He's depressed. He got almost killed. He tried to kill himself twice. He has no one to talk about this with.
He has killed two children. Children that he loved.
Jack is going to hate him. And he does! Jack DOES want to kill him, Felix knows it even before speaking to him.
Note that he's not afraid of Rosemary.
9) may 3-6th, 1974.
He hides. He doesn't sleep for three days, and gets hallucinations.
He's scared. But the fact he actually faced Waltens is surprising. He's trying to fix things as best as he can.
10) may 6th, 1974
He lies. What else can he do?
Jack disappears. Susan disappears. Rosemary and Charles disappear. Brian and Ashley disappear.
And THIS is noway near his fault.
Bon's Burgers close. He has no money, several murder cases. Everybody is dead.
And after all of this, people don't find Felix even a little bit likeable? But support an agressive, irrational Jack, who was blind to his brother's struggling and pain? Who was the only person to not notice Felix's drinking problem?!? I'm confused.
I feel like Felix almost constantly. The mentally ill guy with no support system, that has no one to talk to. Never the one to get any help, even when having a "family".
And it's not like he thinks that he deserves love and attention. He never goes searching for Linda. He tries to end his life multiple times. He's masking as a nice corporate guy, while suffering internally.
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He suffers more than anybody else in the series. And why? What did he do? Did anyone teach him how to deal with these situations?
In conclusion: don't hate people. Never ever wish the worst for them, especially publicly.
And if you associate yourself with Kranken? Try to get help. Again, and again, and again. We live in a scary, but wonderful world. Your life is worth living, you deserve to be happy. Don't give up.
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annes-andromeda · 10 months
Wish Rewrite
I have this tendency for rewriting material I either don’t like or think had wasted potential. At the time of writing this, Wish hasn’t come out in theaters but I did pirate it as there was an early screening. I also read the junior novelization and bought the concept art book. Needless to say, I was disappointed by what I read/saw.
I feel like Wish could’ve been better. Granted, the story and characters are not terrible, but they certainly leave much to be desired. This is literally Disney’s 100th anniversary, yet it doesn’t really feel like it. Not only that, but the movie felt incredibly rushed. Yeah I know that most Disney movies try have a run time of 90-100+ minutes, but I think a few more minutes could’ve been added to this film.
So, I decided to indulge myself and outline some changes that I think could’ve made the story slightly better. These ideas are by no means perfect, and in the end, this is all in good fun.
Spoilers ahead btw
The main story of Wish is essentially that Asha wants to get a job as Magnifico’s apprentice so that her grandfather’s wish is granted. But Asha finds out about the King’s true nature, and after questioning him, doesn’t get the job, and Magnifico vows to never grant Sabino or Sakina’s wishes.
Asha makes a wish on a star, and the star comes down, Magnifico tries to hunt down the two of them, he uses an evil spell book to create a staff, Magnifico destroys some wishes, Asha gets help from her friends, they sing a song to defeat Magnifico (I ‘wish’ i was joking), Star gives Asha a magic wand, and all is well.
Oh, and Amaya is… there.
It’s nothing complex, pretty cut and dry. And I don’t have a problem with a simple story! But this feels like it’s… missing something.
Firstly, I’d change the title. Disney already has a boat called Wish, and not every movie needs to be one word like Tangled, Frozen, and Brave (amongst others), so the story could be renamed “Asha and the Wishing Star” or “Asha and the Kingdom of Wishes”. Idk, something that evokes a classic fairytale book feel (or that does confuse people with a boat).
((Side note #1: I honestly enjoy that the story started off with a book, as a nod to classic disney movies, especially Snow White. That was cute))
Secondly, and I know I sound like a broken record at this point…
The original plan, according to the concept art book, was to have Magnifico and Amaya to be a villain couple who were partners in crime and owned a black sphinx cat named Charo. However for… reasons, the creators took the ‘safe’ route and made Amaya the good one out of the two.
But the problem is, by erasing Amaya’s evilness, the creators of Wish essentially removed any purpose or personality she may have had and thus, she was left to become a literal ‘supporting’ character. First supporting both Magnifico and Asha, then leaving Magnifico to prop up solely Asha.
Deadass, you can literally remove Amaya from the story and nothing would change. Which is probably why she was exempt from much of the promotional stuff minus the dolls. Because she literally serves no purpose but to be… there.
So, in my version of Wish, Amaya would be a co-conspirator to her husband and yes, I’m adding Charo too. Her personality would be inspired by classic female villains such as the Evil Queen from Snow White, Lady Tremaine from Cinderella, and Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.
Vain, glamorous, cunning, and unabashedly evil, Amaya would be the Morticia to Magnifico’s Gomez, the brains to his brawn. She’s the girlboss, he’s the wife instigator. Magnifico spoils Amaya rotten with countless gifts and praises, whilst Amaya is the more calm and collected evil compared to her husband’s ever-growing temper.
While she starts the story with no magic, Magnifico just can’t leave his wife hanging and shares the power of the evil spell-book with Amaya. And yes, even Charo gets in on the fun, turning from a small house cat, to a massive shape-shifting beast who breaths blue fire similarly to a dragon (shut up i think it’d be cool)
Magnifico and Amaya essentially keep the wishes of Rosas locked in the castle as a form of obedience. By giving the citizens false hope, it makes them more dependent on the royal couple, and the two have more power over everyone.
Anyways, let’s get to the main characters: Asha and Star.
I don’t have much of an issue with Asha’s character, more so her design. I already made a post showing my redesign of her, so that’s out of the way. Tbh tho, I also have an issue with the rest of the costume design of Wish, being a big costume nerd myself. The movie’s supposed to take inspiration from the Mediterranean, primarily places such as Spain and Morocco (and the Amazigh people for Asha), but the fashion feels like generic European medieval fashion.
I feel like the whole storyline of Asha’s interview with Magnifico was pretty pointless, so I would have it that she just starts off as the kings apprentice, whilst also working as Amaya’s scullery maid.
The couple took Asha in when the girl lost her father at the age of 12 (according to the film), and she’s been working for them for five years. Asha works not only to support herself, her family, and her community, but also as a way to distract from the grief of losing her father. Which is no issue, as Amaya always bombards the girl with chores, and Magnifico only teaches Asha the most basic of magic for fear of her growing more powerful than him.
I made Asha work as a scullery maid not only as a reference to princesses such as Snow White and Cinderella starting off their respective stories as maids, but also because scullery maids acted as assistants to the kitchen maids. Dahlia works in the kitchen, Asha and Dahlia are best friends, I figured it made sense.
But anyways, on the day of Sabino’s 100th birthday, Sakina tells Asha to take a break and return home, as she hardly visits anymore due to work. Asha says she’ll try asking the king and queen to get off early, but that she can’t make any promises.
Asha meets with Magnifico and asks for the day off, but the king refuses. However, wanting to keep her loyalty, Magnifico finally shows Asha the wish chamber, and even allows her to witness the wish ceremony that night. But once Asha starts questioning the king on his methods, any goodwill between them begins to fade.
Another thing I’m disappointed in, is that originally Star was going to be a shapeshifting humanoid inspired by the Genie and Peter Pan, and may have even had a romance with Asha. But, the idea was scrapped for the more cutesy, ‘marketable’, version of Star.
In my retelling, I’d choose to do this human shapeshifter version of Star, but I’d name him something else. The star Earendel was mentioned in the concept art book, which is the farthest known star from Earth and not only means ‘morning star’ in Old English, but is also named after the Tolkien character, Eärendil.
I would call this shapeshifter Star Earen, and because Disney loves their animal/cute sidekicks, Earen can have the ‘Kirby’ Star as a companion, just like how Asha has Valentino and Magnifico and Amaya have Charo.
((Side #2: Anybody else notice that Star lowkey looks and sounds like Kirby😶))
Earen and Star journey down to Rosas once they hear Asha’s pleas for guidance. Once Asha tells of Magnifico and Amaya’s lies, Earen reveals that he actually met Magnifico decades ago. The amount of years shocks Asha, as she realizes that the King and Queen might be far older than what they are.
((Side note #3: I didn’t realize this till someone mentioned it, but if Sabino is 100 and he gave Magnifico his wish at 18, then he’s been waiting 82 years for his wish to be granted. Which means it’s likely that Magnifico might be immortal. That, or Disney didn’t think this shit through (most likely)))
Anyways, Earen actually attempted to stop Magnifico and Amaya’s ploy to keep the wishes of Rosas locked away, but he was sealed within the heavens until he and Star heard Asha make her wish.
We can have it that the king and queen spun the story so that Earen was made out to be an evil that once threatened Rosas, but Magnifico banished him and saved everyone, essentially making himself out to be the good guy and manipulating the narrative.
Asha and Earen must now work together to expose the lies of the royal couple, and along the way, the two begin to fall in love. Earen disguises himself as a peasant boy so as to remain inconspicuous, while Asha tries to go about her job as if nothing happened, evading the King and Queen’s suspicions.
Star gives Asha a stick infused with stardust once finding out she is, quite literally, the sorcerers apprentice. It is also so that she may defend herself, as Earen has his powers and a sword (similarly to Peter Pan).
Unlike Magnifico, Earen and Star teach Asha the wonders of magic and the potential she wields, showing that there is no need for her to hold back when her gift can help so many, including those she loves.
The three manage to sneak into the kings study, but only have time to retrieve Sabino’s wish and return it to him. However, Magnifico and Amaya, now strengthened by the powers of dark magic, find Asha and Earen and threaten to destroy all the wishes should Earen not surrender to them.
And as a way to ensure that Asha doesn’t foil their plans, Magnifico destroys both Asha and Sakina’s wishes, despite Asha not being eighteen yet. However, the evil magic allows him to do so. This act weakens the two women, and infuriates Earen.
Earen then willingly complies despite Asha’s opposition, and Sabino takes Asha and Sabina to the seven (well six) teens for aid, who are in hiding after Simon ratted them out and who now serves as a puppet to the king and queen.
Despite loosing her wish, Asha finds the strength to carry on through the memory of her late father, enlisting the help of her friends and Star, who managed to evade the royal couple’s grasp. The team must work together to save Earen, whose power will be drained by Magnifico and Amaya. And if such a feat were to happen, then Earen would die and Rosas would be lost.
The five teens go into the woods to distract one of the royals, with the aid of the forest fauna and Star. Amaya chases the group alongside Charo while Magnifico tortures Earen and begins stealing his power. With the help of Dahlia, Asha sneaks into the castle to confront her former mentor and save Earen before it’s too late.
At first, it seems that the heroes have the upper hand with Magnifico neutralized, but then, Amaya swoops in riding Charo, who now takes the form of a giant dragon. Earen transforms into a dragon himself and battles Charo and Amaya, while Asha continues battling Magnifico. Star even comes to help after the original plan fails.
However, the unholy trio have the upper hand, and Amaya strikes down Earen, giving Magnifico enough time to not only drain Earen’s power, but to trap Star within his staff. With their combined powers, Magnifico and Amaya gather all of the peoples wishes, even stealing the wishes of those not yet of age, which includes the teens.
With all the wishes gathered, the couple and their pet destroy all the wishes, taking their energy for themselves.
Asha falls into despair as she watched her friends, love ones, and community succumb to the grief of loosing their wishes. The king and queen force Asha to apologize to the people, mocking her and making her feel even more guilty.
However, Earen comforts Asha despite his weak state, telling her it’s alright and that she shouldn’t be ashamed of wishing on Star, as he brought the two of them together. The two kiss, the strength of their newfound love and hope shining through the darkness and inspiring the people of Rosas to rise up.
As the sky and stars become alive, Magnifico’s staff is destroyed, releasing Star in the process. All the evil magic he, Amaya, and Charo used is sucked out of them and vanquished, and Earen is restored to full vitality.
Think of this as the transformation scene from Princess and the Frog. Asha and Earen get new outfits, with Asha even gaining a crown and a new wand from Star.
((Side Note #4: The “transformation” in the finale of the film is so stupid. Asha could’ve literally gotten a new dress once she becomes a fairy godmother, but instead, Star just made her sparkly. How magical🙄))
Rosas rejoices, as they realize they don’t need the king to make their wishes come true, and they can pursue them themselves. With Magnífico and Amaya banished from Rosas, Asha and Earen become the new rulers, being names Prince and Princess respectively.
And that’s basically how I would’ve done Wish. It’s not perfect, but it’s just an idea. I’m just disappointed that Disney do something better for their 100th anniversary.
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websterss · 5 months
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SUMMARY: Even the healthiest flowers wilt one day. It’s nature's way of teaching us that nothing lasts forever. Azriel learns that the hard way.
WARNING(S): some fluff, no angst yet
PAIRING: Azriel x fem!Reader
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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Azriel wasn’t sure what the Mother was trying to tell him this year round. It was confusing. One minute he’d think he was feeling the bond snap in place, then the next, he was left watching his family display their love for each other in front of him. He had half the mind this year to even consider the possibility of meeting his mate, but he was still so sure that it was Elain till the end. Guided blindly by the three brothers', and three sisters' fate. It's too coincidental to not be true. It was his very own motivation to keep going on with his life. Though it wasn’t his sole purpose in life, his reason to breathe. He was more enraptured by the idea of wanting love in his life than actually trying to see that love wasn’t something to be defined, it was something not to take lightly, nor for granted. He wanted it though, so why wouldn’t the Mother grant him his heart's sole wish?
He could have enjoyed spending the day in the markets, he never denied a stroll through the city, but the day appeared to be one that wasn’t going to be a happy occurrence. The one thing he refused to be for Elain’s birthday was angry and annoyed, but Rhysand had other plans for him, and it seemed his shadows were out of his control today. Zipping past shoppers and merchants. He’s had to pull them back five times now after they knocked a sack of fruit from a woman’s hands, almost ruining a stand, and dropped a child's ice cream.
“You know…It wouldn’t kill you to smile now and then. Just a slight upward curl to the corners of your mouth and you’ll be set.” Azriel snaps out of his troubled thoughts. A moment's worth of a distraction was enough for his walls to stay down long enough for Rhysand to sympathize with the Shadowsinger and his thoughts.
Azriel didn’t look at Rhysand as he replied with little care. “I have no reason to.” Azriel did smile, when he wanted to of course, when his family butted heads, when they made a joke he found amusing. When a pretty female would glance his way.
It was rarely suited to see one on his face in public but it wasn’t uncommon. You just had to simply be close enough to him and let him get comfortable around you to see it first hand. But today, he couldn’t keep his eye from twitching every few seconds. It was frustrating and he didn’t understand what was wrong with him. With his shadows. Azriel grits his teeth attempting to recall his shadows once more. “I have no reason to today, Rhysand.” He huffs as his shadows recoil back into him.
The peculiar entities seemed to grow in their frequency, moving around people more erratically than before. He barely makes out a few words from their whispers in his ear too. Something about she's coming, she's here. Was that a warning or just part of his imagination? With the shadows distracting him more than usual, he almost didn’t hear Rhysand.
"Rhysand, ouch!" He chuckled, placing a hand over his heart in feigned hurt. “Smile.” Azriel turned to him realizing he was starting to lose it for real this time.
“What on earth for?” He furrowed his brows at him.
“You're scaring my inhabitants." He gestures to the child who is still clinging to his mother. The adolescent sparing glances at him. A few passersby walk past the High Lord and Spymaster with haste. A few of the elderly stare with caution. "You okay there Az, your walls have been a little unguarded today. I haven’t had to use that amount of effort to try to get inside that head of yours.” Rhysand's boisterous laughter fills his ears. Azriel slaps away his hand that palms his scalp, messing up his hair. He staggers to the far side of the cobblestone streets as he pushes himself away. Rhysand only continued to laugh as Azriel threw him a glare and straightened himself out. The streets of Velaris were busy and crowded this afternoon much to his joy. His shadows didn’t find it bothersome as they continued to torment the people of Velaris.
Azriel cursed under his breath as he noticed his shadows continuing to go astray. This had been unusual behavior for them and he still couldn’t figure out the reason for the sudden change in them. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his coat and scoped the busy market. Why? Why can’t I just relax for a minute on my day off? Why can’t these shadows just relax? What am I missing?
“Yeah, whatever…stay out of my head.” He grumbles as he lets his eyes wander around the market stands and shops. He was about to give Rhysand his full attention when he double takes. He straightens up when he narrows in on the littlest of his shadows dashing around a corner in a hurry. He tried pulling it back but it ignored his recall. The little whisp liked to ignore him any chance it was free.
Go get him. He thought to them. Watching as two bigger forms zoomed forward, carefully dodging and weaving through various bodies with ease and practiced skill after the small whisp of black. Once they catch up to it they’ll be able to merge him into them and bring him back, but no matter how much Azriel tries to keep the whisp at bay, he always gets out from the depths of his bigger shadows. He didn't miss the surprised yelps and curses of the citizens as the small whisp wreaked more havoc.
“Yeah, whatever.” Rhysand mocks him. “Quit sulking about your lonesome life and help me pick out a gift for Elain.” Rhysand stops at one stand and picks up a necklace, a flower pendant shining gold-like in the sunlight. A soft green tint was barely there but noticeable. He inspects it closer and then turns his attention to the grumpy bat, who is doing just about everything but providing his assistance to the High Lord. “You’re not even listening you useless male…Just this please.” He sighs and gives the merchant a few coins for the fee. The lady takes the piece of jewelry off his hands and wraps it into a pretty red velvet pouch. He bids her goodbye with a smile and walks back over to berate the male watching his six, surveilling the market as if danger lurks and waits in the shadows.
As High Lord, Rhysand was quite good at keeping a calm composure in public, but today wasn’t that day, so he didn’t care if the smack he landed on Azriel’s headside looked ridiculous to others.
“What the hell Rhys?” Azriel gapes at him as if he’d grown two heads. He groans as he grips at his ear. “I would never have agreed to join you had I known this is what would wait for me!”
“I’d say sorry but I wouldn’t mean it. Bought your gift. You’re welcome.” Rhys shoved the velvet pouch into his chest. Azriel barely caught it in time in question. Brows pinched together.
“My gift? But I already bought Elain a gift…What would I need another for? You said we were coming here to buy your gift for her.”
“About that…” Rhysand hissed.
“Rhys…” Azriel’s eyes darkened.
“I took your gift.” Azriel was met with a shit-eating grin.
“No, you didn’t…” His voice lowered.
“I did. Nice job on the custom rose pendant, quite the sentimental touch with the soft brush of pink on the E. She’ll love it.”
“You didn't...Give it back.” He growled.
“No.” Rhysand started walking away down the streets. More shops caught his eye.
“Rhys I’m serious!” Azriel walked after him, his hand reaching out and clutching his brother's shoulder. His grip tightened. Rhysand raised a brow eye at the hand creasing his jacket. Azriel huffed and let go. “Why the hell would you take it? I bought it for her.”
“And I’ll pay you back the fee.”
“No, I don’t want you to pay me back. I want you to give it back. Now!”
“You don’t like the necklace then? Fine, we can find something else if you’re not satisfied with it. Perhaps a new scent, or arrangement. How about a vase?”
“Oh, why you little—look what you’ve done!” Rhys and Azriel stop and look at one another then hurry off toward the sound of the woman in distraught. When they rounded the corner they were met with flower pots scattered amongst the cobblestones. The dirt and flowers itself spread out and ruined. The pots were in pieces. When they approached, Azriel’s little whisp was floating in the air, above the mess. His eyes widened. Of the two shadows he sent after it, one was holding a broom trying to salvage the dirt and clean the mess up and the other was trying to absorb the little blob like a parent pulling and trying to scold its child. It wasn’t like anything Azriel had ever seen in all his years of life. He remained still not knowing what to do as he and Rhys balked at the scenery before them.
“Those flowers were the last of its bunch, I’ll have to wait until next year for them to bloom in season!” She sighed, disheartened at the thought of the flowers being flattened and their petals falling off. She bent down to retrieve a piece of the broken pot. Collecting the ceramics one by one.
Azriel wasn’t sure how to react. He was baffled by the wisp’s sudden behavior. This was never something his shadows did. He couldn’t make sense of it. Why are they misbehaving? Why can't they listen? Why was it till now they began to take on their own decisions, out of nowhere? He was confused by the whole scene that presented itself and he was even more shocked that he just stood there. No wonder the woman had lost her cool about it. It was just one disaster after another.
His shadows never behaved like this. He had no idea what to do with them. They were always calm and collected. But today they had been all over the shops, the tiny terror most of all. He watched his wisp floating above the mess trying to make itself appear smaller than it already was as the others attempted to fix the mess. He turned when Rhysand spoke to him.
“They're not listening to you…” Azriel was speechless and looked to his brother, who seemed equally perplexed by the situation as him.
“Madame I am sorry for the mess let me repay for the damages—“ Rhysand and Azriel then stepped forward. Azriel approached the steps into the shop and bent down to help clean as well. His scarred hands barely brushed against a piece of green ceramic before the other shadows that remained put, alerted him of someone's approach.
“Poppy?” Azriel’s head perked up at the sound of another voice speaking over Rhysands. “I heard something break. Are you okay? Better not be Sailors boy again. I warned that kid if he ever got his hands on another pot–" The voice was soft and airy, low but not deep, new and unfamiliar. He stiffened when two pairs of feet dawning red flats came into his vision.
Before his head snapped upwards, his shadows reacted faster. Rushing forward, they all wrapped the new voice up like a blanket, a harsh gust of wind broke out as they spun a whirlpool around the poor female. Poppy, Rhysand, and Azriel covered their faces, squinting at the shadows that began growing like a storm.
"Azriel what are you doing?" Rhysand backed up.
"This isn't me!" He pleaded.
"Oh my dear Y/n, help her!" Poppy exclaimed with fear.
"Enough!" Azriel's voice echoed out low and firm. The shadows halted their movement, growing eerily still as they dispersed from the female. Your frame came into their sights first, then your face, your arms were put out in front of you, shielding your face from the sudden wind that wrapped around you. "That's enough!" He repeated, recalling them back, you watched with curious eyes as they all flooded back to his side, dispersing into thin air. Azriel's shoulders relaxed, releasing the tension they were in. A few seconds passed before his eyes slowly trailed up your form, catching your softened eyes staring at him already. You were a wonder. "A-Are you alright?"
"Yes thank you…" You stood still as he spoke and watched as his shadows expanded out from him again. As if your presence somehow made them behave, they calmed, but still wanted a peek at you. You smile faintly at the Spymaster. "I'm just fine, promise. But I will admit they caught me off guard there for a second…" You breathe out, feeling the effects of what you just underwent. You opted to leave out the part where they exclaimed and expelled their excitement at you. It's you, you're here. It's you, we brought him to you. Your safe. Was it him they were referring to?
"They're never actually like this, my shadows..." He explained, rubbing his temple. His eyes never left your face, a small smile was daring to form on his lips, which he quickly hid. "They never misbehave. I can't explain what made them act in such a way toward you. I apologize." His brows pinch together. He brought his hand up to lay over his chest in sorrowed guilt. You had only come out to check on your friend, only to be put into a risk situation. He'd never let them hurt anybody innocent though.
"Do I unsettle them?" Your eyes shifted down to where they swiveled and smoothly circled and curled around their master's body. As if noticing and sensing your inner turmoil, they stopped their snake-like slithers. The little wisp zoomed forward, leaving the two bigger ones to continue with the cleaning and sweeping. Azriel flinched and reached a hand out as though that would stop its approach to you. Your eyes fell into a squint as the littlest one swiveled and swept in and out of your hair. Azriel thought to recall it back but stopped when your lips spilled bubbles of laughter. The sound was symphonic and melodious, he wanted nothing more than to entrap the sound into a music box. Your eyes crinkled with delight as the little wisp curled all over you in what Azriel assumed was a playful manner.
"Don't see that happen often." Rhysand chuckled lightly.
You laughed at the sight of the little wisp picking up the strings of your dress where they tied in the front. You wondered if Rhysand was right, maybe he doesn’t see this often or maybe he sees it all the time. You noticed when you looked at Azriel that he was already watching your interactions with the wisp. The edge of his lips curved ever so slightly upwards. You couldn’t help the soft smile your own lifted into when he directed a gentle look at you. “Unsettle isn't the term I'd use for what I'm witnessing right now." He dipped his chin. Letting out a breath.
You bubbled out a laugh once more before you shooed the poor thing back to its master. "Go on then. He's called you back, it'd do you good to listen to him..." You gently blew on the black air and watched as it reluctantly floated back to Azriel. He watched flabbergasted at its obedience to you. You laughed alongside him as he scoffed in disbelief, watching the little wisp do as it was told. Azriel looked more and more perplexed as the little shadow disappeared back into the bigger shadows.
To break and expel the shock, the two big shadows that cleaned up floated over. Extending the broom out to Poppy gently as if to say here we're done. Poppy bowed to them and took it gratefully. You couldn’t help the small grin that crept up to your lips as his shadows wrapped around her in their farewell, being polite. The shadows were behaving so oddly and it was intriguing. They got off her then coiled back against his body.
The shadows then disappeared, vanishing into thin air. Azriel sighed in relief as they did. He rubbed his temple and closed his eyes for a moment. And when he reopened them, your smile caught his attention and it was hard to pull his eyes away. You were breathtakingly sweet, good, pure, like the flowers that now lay scattered and crushed. “I don't know what just happened, the day has been rather strange...” He muttered softly, but it was loud enough for you to catch it all.
"If it's of any reassurance to you, I won't resort to a complaint towards the High Lord about this occurrence." You jokingly gesture to Rhysand. Who fights the urge to bite back a smirk? He was rather amused by this odd encounter. Amused by the way he noticed Azriel tuck his hands slowly behind his leather-worn pants. Just like he did as a youngling when he arrived in Windhaven all those years ago. He mirrored his younger self’s image. Timid under playful smirks, and beautiful females. But even Azriel knew how to play the game you took the lead in.
He rolled his eyes. “You could if you wanted to. No one would hold it against you.” The soft tone of his voice indicated he wasn’t angry. No snark, no annoyance dripping past his lips, just pure lightness. Azriel wasn't one to hide behind his words and it was rare for him to watch what he was saying. “But I know you wouldn’t file a complaint.”
“You seem so confident. How so?” You dared him, crossing your arms over your chest. You didn’t miss the not-so-subtle rake of his eyes over where your ties held your dress together, his eyes practically devouring you quietly. Your confidence faltered, your shoulders falling for a second before you cooled down your beating heart.
“Cause Rhysand here, our High Lord, is going to generously buy you out.”
“What?” You uncrossed your arms in surprise.
“I am?” Rhysand scoffed, though his eyes showed his amusement. His jaw slackened, as he pocketed his hands into his dress pants. He was going to kill the son of a bitch. He supposed this was Azriel’s payback for the stolen pendant. “Yes, I am.” He pitched in, stepping forward the shop's entrance where you remained.
“My mate's sister’s birthday is tonight and we are in dire need of flowers. She has quite the admiration for them you see, even gardens her own at home. It would mean the utmost world to us if we could make it special for her big night tonight.” His emphasis wasn’t lost on you or Poppy. You met each other’s gaze in amusement.
“We can most certainly assist you my Lord, but I’m afraid buying us out is not possible. We have many other orders we need to make sure are seen to. Perhaps we could accommodate your wishes and make a special arrangement for her in place instead? Does she favor a specific flower? Perhaps a certain color she gravitates towards often? Oh, is she familiar with flower symbolism, it’s quite an extraordinary part of flowers. See flowers hold certain meanings, for instance–“
“Roses.” Azriel’s voice cut off your excited rambling. “She favors roses….and she likes the color pink.” Your heart skipped. You’d have assumed such a male to be eligible but at last, your little crush was crumbled in an instant. A male as devoted to knowing a female's favorite color as well as her favored flower, was surely spoken for right? Mated and to have his boundaries respected, though the sudden hope for a chance with a gorgeous male was always one that was watered down. Many that came through the shop were taken and happily mated, in complications with a female, or simply attracted to the same fae. Your favorite by far had been a male buying two completely different sets of bouquets, the flowers in contrast to one another, two different favored interests, you and Poppy tethered the line of their being two different females in the man’s life. Or perhaps he had a mother, daughter, or mate, and he was trying to make them feel special. You hadn’t known, and you wouldn’t know.
Poppy liked to remind you it was never your job to settle in between the lives of those who walked through the door. Your only main concern was creating and giving. And you did, you loved working at Poppy’s shop. You loved seeing the way someone came in for an arrangement made for a loved one or someone special. It made your heart swell with the overwhelming feeling you received from a customer's smile. You loved the idea of someone showcasing their feelings, and their love through that of flowers. The only real part that connected you to your customers, the only real getting involved you did, was knowing what each flower meant and what they could be for. Yet on rare occasions, the customers would let you in on their orders. In who they were for. Just like Rhysand had now. A birthday party for the High Lady’s sister. You did your best to contain your excitement. Knowing the extra care and love you’d put into the arrangement.
"Roses...love." You smiled through a breath, lost and enamored in the idea of having someone who'd love you as much as Azriel did Elain. You weren't a stranger to Rhysands mate and her sisters. The infamous cauldron made High Fae's. Word spread fast around Velaris. Their existence was not lost on you. "Or perhaps..." You paused, really taking your time to observe Azriel. "A sense of courage? Feelings waiting to be unleashed..." You muttered softly. The shift in the atmosphere changing. Azriel tensed feeling exposed and naked under your keen attentiveness and your ability to read someone like a book.
“No. Just a friend.” He shook his head. He was still aware of your eyes upon him. Everything about him tightened to deny you the chance to read him like an open book. You were so good at that something he would come to know about you. He felt as if his whole life was laid in front of you, waiting for your eyes to catch every little secret that his shadows usually hid and protected.
"How about we get to choosing those flowers, Miss Y/n?" Rhysand clasped his hands together for enthusiasm. The hot tension between two strangers was unbecoming and he needed to move things along. He had promised Feyre to gather and bring something beautiful. She hadn't quite specified what that entailed as a present for her sister, but surely flowers could fall into that category, right?
You had put an end to your and Azriel's intense staring. You inhaled quietly as though at a loss for air. Then snapped out of it. You double-take towards your High Lord and nodded hastily remembering what the real purpose of their arrival had led to. He wanted an arrangement for his sister-in-law.
"Oh. Of course. Right this way!" You nodded, your cheeks burning slightly from the exchange with Azriel. You wanted to ask if he was taken, but you already knew the answer; of course he was. Surely he was? His eyes, the way he spoke, his devotion to knowing the things no typical male would care to remember. You'd be hard-pressed to find a male as kind as him with such a gift, with such attentiveness.
Your eyes shifted off of him one last time then you headed towards the door back into the shop. “I can't say I recall any roses in pink left in stock, but I can double-check to make sure,” You smiled timidly, as you ushered them to follow. Poppy was the last one in the shop. "Poppy can show you our book to help you decide on what you would like to add to the arrangement. I'll be just a moment." Rhysand dips his chin as you turn and walk past the opened peach curtains.
Rhysand steps up to the counter and gestures for Poppy to go ahead. "Shall we?" He smiles graciously.
Poppy nods and opens the book, laying it in front of Rhysand. "The flowers are organized by type and color alphabetically and the information about a flower's symbolism and message are listed just below each one. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have as you look through it. Or if you already have a few in mind I can direct you to their pages."
"What kind of flower would send the message of merely showing my brotherly love?"
"That would be our gypsophilia, my Lord. In simpler terms a baby's breath. A delicate white flower. It would be perfect as a filler in the arrangement."
"Yes, I've heard of them. My darling Feyre has spoken of them once with Elain. I can quite put my finger on its symbolism but I believe they'll be a wonderful addition." He agreed.
"Everlasting Love..." Poppy and Rhysand turned to catch Azriel peering down into an oddly shaped plant with spikes. He had reached his hand forward to touch it when you came out from the back again. He immediately let his guard down.
"Brushing up on your Floriography I see, brother." Rhysand gave him his best shit-eating grin ever possible. "Those lessons with Elain have paid off."
"Shut up..." He grumbled.
"So I did manage to find the pink roses. Though I wasn't quite sure whether you wanted more or less, so I decided towards a middle ground of 3 dozen. I hope that's alright." You hailed in a green bucket filled with three dozen pink roses. You cut their stems in the back room to make it easier for you and Poppy to assemble the arrangement. You huffed quietly as you set it down and stood straight to look at Rhysand. "If you want to add more just let me know!" Your smile was more gentle this time. Rhyand bit back his amusement as you turned to glance at his brother again, then double-take. A frown now adorning your face.
"Oh! I wouldn't touch her she bites— Your hand!" You warned hastily with worry over your features. You flinched.
"What?—Shit!" Azriel groaned as he peered down at the plant who had a grip on his forefinger. Shocked that this thing had life to it, he didn't register your hurried footsteps.
"Goddammit, Petunia!" You cursed as you tried to pry open her mouth.
"It's named?" He scoffed though you registered the laugh in his tone. He was flabbergasted by this whole situation.
"I almost— Got it!" You huffed as her mouth widened. Azriel retracted his hand and held it close to his chest. He watched as you took a vile from the apron with pockets around your waist and dropped a fly onto the flat surface of her mouth. You stumbled backwards falling into Azriels chest as her mouth shut with a loud snap.
"Don't see that every day." Azriel raised a brow of interest at the plant.
"Afraid not. For me, daily." You turned to look up at his hand. You pulled it down for closer inspection. You sighed in disappointment. Hoping she wouldn't have caused harm to the members of Rhysands court. But at last, she had. "I'm sorry. I should have made sure you were aware of her. Though in all honestly I try to forget her existence..." Azriel watches as you spin the apron to reach the back pockets. You dig into the one on your right side and pull out a bandaid. His heart warmed at the gesture, at the thoughtfulness. "May I?" You glance up at him timidly, perhaps embarrassed. How could he tell you no? He gave you the okay to continue and it was only then that he took notice of all the different-sized bandages that covered different parts of your skin on your hands.
He understood it now. Your want to forget her. She was a vicious creature who you were afraid to go near. He hadn't meant to reach forward, hadn't meant for his thumb to caress over the bandages. Some were newly placed, and some needed to be replaced.
"Finn our delivery youngling gets too scared to go near it, and Poppy won't even attempt to feed her. She pretends to have lost her hearing when I ask her to." You make a face at her.
"I do no such thing!" You roll your eyes at her.
"Anyway, no one wants to tend to her, so I take on the injuries." You laugh at how ridiculous your hands look. "She's got her moments though like keeping the pest away."
"Male or insect wise?" Azriel mused.
"Oh, both!" You smirk. Your eyes crinkled at his joke.
"So you're the only one crazy enough to take care of her huh?" He hummed in agreement. You looked like a mess. An adorable mess of bandages, but a mess all the same. He couldn't help the urge to reach out to you again but he kept his hands to his sides.
He smiled softly at you. This must have been a difficult task for the two of you. Dealing with this pet. If you could call the plant such a thing?
Your hands caught his curiosity. He hadn't noticed the wounds on your hands, nor had you said anything about his known. He would have to ask you about it sometime. As if aware of his attention, you pulled away and he let you. His eyes watched as you applied the bandage over his forefinger. "Who knew a precious thing could be so vicious?" He said calmly with his arms crossed over his chest as his eyes fixed on you.
"You don't know the half of it, Shadowsinger." You giggled softly. The sound had caused a stirring in his chest. A feeling so foreign he wasn't sure what it was. The way your voice was suddenly muffled and distant. He felt a panic settle within him as you gave him one more smile and turned back around to begin the arrangement.
"I thank you Y/n, I couldn't be without my ten-fingered Shadowsinger. Unfortunately, he needs them all."
"I wouldn't know what'd I do without any of mine, and there have been close calls, my Lord." You raised your battered and cut-up hands.
"I bet." His hearty laugh reached your ears.
It wasn't just your voice alone that felt muffled, that felt far. Azriel turned as he attempted to catch his breath. It felt like he was drowning.
What was this?
He watched as his shadows danced and bounced around him, almost cheerful and celebratory-like. His shadows were practically jumping for joy. As if they were thrilled with what was going to happen between you and him. He gasped as he heard your voice settle into its right tone and pitch again in his ears.
"Oh hello again?" Your giggles had him staggering backward when he turned his whole body to face you. "I hope you'll listen to your master this time. You just about gave him gray hairs a few moments ago and I personally like him as a dark brunette. Gray doesn't quite suit him." You turned your attention to him. Your smile widened from the corners as he caught your eye.
"You..." A calmness slowly overcame him, where confusion overtook you. A gentleness and a sense of peace. The shadows' jumping grew softer and softer until it became a gentle flutter. Something had changed. Whatever had been bothering and unsettling him, had now disappeared and had been replaced with a new feeling. A feeling he never experienced before.
The snap of the bond.
The bond that tethered him to you. His mate. The gasp he released unsettled the other three in the room, he felt your worry grow as he clutched at his chest, and stumbled backward.
"Azriel, what's wrong?" Rhysand straightened up, trying to reach for him. He hadn't made the connection of why flower pots were ending up shattered onto the floor until he looked back at his wings extended. He couldn't keep them tucked in any longer.
"Oh my goodness!" You reached out for him as he fell. His wings knocked down anything and everything in their vicinity. "Azriel!" Your concern had only made him more embarrassed. He had to get out of here.
"Azriel!" Rhysand called out to him, but his thoughts had given him away.
It's her. It's her. It's her. My mate. I need to leave.
"I need to leave!"
Rhysand's eyes widened as he stared at his brother in utter disbelief. In awe. He never imagined that his mateless brother would finally find his mate, but he'd be there every step of the way. "Az…" He stepped towards him tentatively. "Azriel, it's okay!" Rhysand had merely touched his shoulder before his brother was warped by his shadows and was gone.
You gaped at the mess and his sudden hurry to leave. You slowly took your eyes off the broken ceramic pots and over to Rhysand. "Is— He alright?" A small frown rested on your features. He couldn't have just left for no reason.
You watched as Rhysand stared over to where Azriel had stood. His concern was etched on his features. He hummed and sighed heavily. "He will be..." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He inspected the mess and turned to you and Poppy. "I'll pay for this. All of it." He reassured. He directed it towards Poppy more who was looking at Azriel’s empty spot with wonder. "Pink roses will do just nicely along with the baby breaths. I give you free rein to add to the arrangement as you wish. I wish I could stay longer but I must head home to help with the celebration. I'll see to it you have a ride to the house of wind. I bid you ladies a good day." Rhysand dipped his head, then snapped his fingers as he winnowed away. The mess was cleared and fixed seconds later. You were left standing flabbergasted and shocked. Things had been going so well. You hoped it wasn't your doing to cause him such a reaction.
"Well, that's not something you see often..." Poppy voiced her thoughts at the whole mess that unfolded before you both.
"Afraid not. Perhaps he felt an emergency with his mate. I've heard that the bond is strong in such ways that allows you to feel what your other half does. So perhaps he felt her get hurt and rushed off. I mean did you see the panic in his eyes, the fear? I couldn't imagine feeling such a thing. I hope she's alright..." You sighed heavily as you began picking up the roses from the bucket.
"Who?" Poppy gave you an incredulous look.
"Why the High Lady's sister that is. Elain. His mate!" Your eyes widen to emphasize the obviousness of the situation.
"The Shadowsingers mate?" She asked for clarification, hoping that she was hearing you correctly.
"Yes, Poppy!"
"Oh, you poor child!" Poppy looked up at your confused expression.
"What? What did I do?"
"At least you received your mother's beauty." She reached forward and patted your cheek.
"Her beauty? What does that have anything to do—"
"Now, now. Back to work, go and get me my good scissors and purple ribbon. Oh, we'll need some begonias, and irises too!"
"Anything else?"
"A new brain for that head of yours..." She tapped against your temple with her knuckles, ushering you away. "Go away, I can't look at you!" Once you were in the backroom, she began muttering to herself. "Back then the females weren't so incognizant. They knew right away who it was. I mean did she not see him practically fall before her? Even Petunia saw it. Right, my sweet!" She called out to the plant. Petunia turned her head and opened and closed her mouth. "Even the plant noticed it. I know I swore to you my dear Daisy that I'd look after each strand of hair on her head, but I am this close to pulling each one off if she doesn't come to her senses soon." Poppy pointed to the ceiling in false threat, but a mere reminder she would if you didn't realize how oblivious you were to your situation.
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eriexplosion · 5 months
Okay so. I cannot take it seriously when people say that we weren't led to think CX-2 was Tech. Because no we were not just having foreshadowing of the creation of an Evil Bad Batch. The clues led directly to Tech.
We have to start with the fact that they didn't kill him off definitively. Start with his survival being debated (and there's no way they didn't know it would be debated because I choose to believe they are not stupid) then introduce a character that lasts suspiciously long and has weirdly intense beef with Crosshair and you already are inclining people towards believing this is Tech.
CX-2 goes through a speedrun of Tech scenarios with 1. the leg crushed by a heavy falling object, similar to Ruins of War 2. knocked over by an explosion leaving him dangling above the abyss from a line like Plan 99 3. going over a waterfall and crawling out in a shot that completely matches the scene from The Crossing.
One or two of these is a coincidence, all three together less so.
Plan 99 notes mixed into The Battle of the Snipers. Which the Kiners only explained as the notes 'sounding good in brass' and nothing else.
He gets distinctly Tech like dialogue and no I don't just mean 'domicile' though we do have to acknowledge that no one else in Star Wars uses this word on the regular. We also have the exact match of 'Who are you' to Decomissioned, and the matching of 'I have simply cut off her means of escape' to Tech regularly saying 'I am simply-' when explaining himself, which again is something no one else in the show shares. Tech has a distinct way of speaking that matches CX-2, especially as of Point of No Return. (And CX-2 doesn't really sound like Crosshair, because Crosshair is just straight up not as chatty as CX-2 and never has been.)
He gets a long, unnecessary scene with Phee where he suddenly forgets how to be a murder assassin and starts playing soft.
He doesn't shoot Hunter when he has a chance and chooses to instead shoot his own man, he doesn't blow up the Marauder while Wrecker is inside, and when Omega surrenders he opts to just wait for her to hand him her communicator. He doesn't even shoot Shep when Shep starts talking back to him, all of which indicated that maybe for whatever reason he didn't want to, bolstering the Tech theories.
Getting into an opinion rather than analysis here but: Evil Bad Batch is a stupid fucking idea, it serves no purpose whatsoever other than a cool boss fight that adds nothing to the story. Having a CX be someone, anyone they actually cared about would have been interesting and actually played into the themes of family and forgiveness that were set up earlier in the season. Instead it's just more people to kill off to zero interesting payoff. It's stupid.
Every person I spoke to offline thought that this was Tech. All of them. People that have never looked on social media, watched a theory video, anything. All thought CX-2 was Tech and were confused when he was speared. This was not terminally online theorizing gone wild, this was a very widespread thought and assumption.
So, if they didn't mean to do any of that and at no point intended to imply this was Tech and were solely trying to foreshadow their 5 minutes of Evil Batch fight? They did it poorly. When the majority of your audience actively believes you are leading to one direction only for it to be some other direction that you meant to lead them to, the problem is not The Audience Didn't Read It Right, the problem is you wrote it badly.
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Kind of a dumb request but how about team DEFY + any girls you want with an s/o who somehow managed to build a mech straight out of Armored Core? Insanely maneuverable, loads of guns, can fly, etc and s/o built it in a garage with a box of scraps lol
(GFL/Genshin Impact) Task Force DEFY, Amber, Jean, Fischl, and Yoimiya's S/O building an Armored Core Mech
(Video Source: Pongsifu on YT) Luckily for you, I have been binging Armored Core 6 for the past month, and will hop on ANY request to talk/write about anything Mecha related.
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12 stared at the giant 10 meter mechanical behemoth that had suddenly made its home inside Griffin's Hangar.
(AK-12) "...We didn't always have that, right?"
The machine's chest slowly opened and revealed a cockpit containing S/O, waving hello from the seat.
Apparently, they had constructed the mech out of spare parts lying around.
(AK-12) "Impressive...But, why exactly did Griffin have that many parts lying around? And how did you find guns that big?"
On the battlefield, she watches the mech fly around at almost breakneck speed, watching them zip around and eradicate one base after the other.
Kicking tanks and shooting helicopters out of the sky, it was far more effective to watch them fight instead of having to do anything.
(AK-12) "Hm. We'll be out of a job at this rate."
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94 knew this was going to happen.
T-Dolls would only last so long on the battlefield before they were replaced by the next best thing.
However, she sure as hell wasn't expecting S/O of all people to surpass her, with a mech constructed out of junk parts no less.
It was honestly awe-inspiring what humans could engineer for the sole purpose of destruction.
And it was also physically impossible. Something that size should not be quad-wielding miniguns and moving that fast.
(AN-94) "...How has your machine not collapsed from the Earth's gravity?"
94 is more confused than anything.
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15 was impressed more than anything.
She knew S/O was an engineer, but to construct a mech out of the parts they had was nothing short of a miracle and logic-defying technical prowess.
(AK-15) "How does your machine constantly reload the missiles while on the field? It is the only weapon you seem to have, and no one constructed missiles that large, even during World War 3."
She can't help but wonder why DEFY was even needed if Griffin had engineers like S/O around.
Well, at least S/O was on their side.
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(RPK-16) "I wonder if humanity will wipe itself out faster with these new machines."
16 is fascinated by the human desire to make machines to wipe out life faster.
Granted, Griffin usually just fought Sangvis which consisted nothing of machines, but it would only be a matter of time until everyone else had their own version of S/O's mech.
And probably not one constructed out of junk either.
(RPK-16) "I must ask, S/O. How can you be in the cockpit of that thing and not reduce yourself to jelly? Surely the G-Force alone would kill you?"
Well, it's not the first thing that humans have done that confused her.
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(Angelia) "Hmph. Why did they even bother calling us if they had you here? And could you have done that this entire time?"
Angelia is impressed and annoyed.
If S/O could create a hulking machine of death before, why did they only decide to do it now?
She both dreads and admired S/O's tenacity. To make such an effective machine out of junk took a hell of a lot of elbow grease.
Angelia doesn't question it, seeing that it's working alright so far, but she definitely wants to look into upgrading it.
(Angelia) "S/O, with me. We're painting DEFY's logo on it."
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(Amber) "THAT IS SO COOL!"
Amber could create Baron Bunnies with a lot of yarn, but S/O could make a machine that dwarfed Ruin Guards with some random pieces of metal!
(Amber) "You have got to teach me how to do that! And lemme ride it too!"
Amber demands to fly with S/O, even though she can't go nearly as fast as they can.
She watches as S/O wipes out entire nests of monsters before leaping away with its mantis-like legs to the next location.
Honestly, it made her feel jealous.
(Amber) "Heeey, can I ask one of those for my birthday! I bet it'll make flying around Mondstadt a breeze!"
Though as the outrider, she kindly asks S/O not to park the giant machine weighing presumably hundreds of tons in the city.
For obvious reasons.
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The color on Jean's skin fades when she heard Klee helped S/O build a brand new toy.
One that put her bombs to shame.
And seeing it park itself next to the cathedral, waving hello to her as she was standing at the entrance-
She was about ready to faint.
(Jean) "S/O! Get down from there right this instant!"
Jean gives S/O and Klee an earful for making such an absolute monstrosity that could potentially damage the land and city!
But seeing it in action and fast it disposed of a Hilichurl camp, it filled her with pride and dread.
Pride for her S/O's creative ingenuity, but absolute fear for what S/O and Klee could make next.
Especially considering how fast S/O's machine moved, and the weapons it had.
Where did Klee find the gunpowder for quad-cannons mounted on it?!
(Jean) "I pray that it won't blow up the city on accident..."
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(Fischl) "...WHAT?!"
Fischl completely breaks character upon seeing the giant machine staring at her.
(Fischl) "How did...Why...?! Get down from there and tell me how this mechanical monstrosity came to be!"
(Oz) "You just want to ride the machine yourself, Mein-"
(Fischl) "SILENCE!"
...But yes, she constantly nags S/O to let their Prinzessin give the machine a try.
She finds it so friggin' cool, and desperately wants one of her own, in purple!
She watches with some kind of morbid satisfaction watching S/O's machine wipe out their enemies in electrical explosions.
(Fischl) "I hereby dub your steel horse…Raven, of the 621th star!"
(Oz) "…Why 621?"
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Oh, that's where all of Yoimiya's spare fireworks have been going into.
(Yoimiya) "HOLY CRAP! What on earth did you make, S/O?!"
The machine seemed like it leapt from another world!
Especially with how fast it moved, honestly she was amazed S/O wasn't vomiting their guts out as soon as they exited.
While it seemed like it would do massive damage, instead they used it for something even better.
As the machine soared above the skies of Inazuma, the cannons on the arms and shoulders fired toward the moon, the starry night exploding into hundreds of beautiful colors!
They had transformed their machine into a firework powerhouse!
And with how fast it moved, it was able to provide a show from one island to another!
(Yoimiya) "Next festival, you're letting me ride with you! I want to see the work we've done up close!"
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Stella, her existence for the sole purpose of birthing an heir, and Octavia:
I could see Stella absolutely wanting nothing to do with a kid she was only tjere to produce, and feeling absolutely horrified at having to lay an egg that she (probably, based off how dismissive in s2(but was that rewriting to make her seem more bitchy?)) disconnects emotionally from Octavia for several years and made it harder for them to connect, especially in the beginning.
The creeping guilt of "i wanted nothing to do with this,b ut she's my daughter, so i have to care" and struggling to find the line between "i have been mentally scarred but i shouldn't take it out on A Literal Child" and either then turning the anger inward (why do i hate something that came from me) or outward (this is also partially Stolas's fault because he played a part) and struggling to hide it from Octavia as she grew up.
The balance of hating the pathway to how Octavia was born vs trying to remember thag the child herself is innocent.
She finally finds a balance between the two, just for Stolas to upend their life for someone he brought into their bed. They could have, if either of them really tried, discussed it ages ago and set up a 'we are married for x reason, but here is y, z, a options for pur sexuality clashes and how we want to portray our life to others' but you get flat, 1 dimensional characters who only exist to prop up male characters.
Maybe in the beginning, Stella would have been open to a discussion about Stolas being gay and figuring out how to work with it. But it's all just a game to stolas ("i thought love would be fun" is the line i think of when it comes to Stolas & Stella's marriage. Unsure if it's from when he's singing in his library in the beginning of s2 or from jlmw music video) and Stella is no longer playing the game.
She's bitter, she's never had fun, she was there for one reason & one reason alone.
And it's such wasted potential to talk about how people who have kids suffer post partum and absolutely have a hard time connecting w kids they want, let alone kids that are the product of abusive & r*pe.
Is Stella a bad mother? We don't know because we aren't shown. Is there potential for her to suffer from the marriage and it affect her relationship with Via and make it 1000 times harder to connect, vs Stolas, who didn't have to carry(???) an egg (it's so confusing on the dynamics of egg birthing in this show. Don't just drop a single "glad the egg fell out" like. Give us details, world building, background, please) and thus can connect with a child easier?
And they were maximum 18 when Via was born, which makes all of it so much harder to process & deal with when you become a parent so young.
SERIOUSLY... seriously seriously Stella is such a wasted opportunity to explore what happens when you force someone who doesn't want to bear a child to bear a child. They could have explored amazing stuff like not making her the best mother at first that only bonds with her daughter later due to postnatal disorder, and showing her feelings changing overtime as she comes to terms with losing her autonomy in place of gaining a daughter who didn't ask for any of this either and that shes going to make the most of. Just as 1 example. So much could have been explored...
and I'll just say it. Representation is important. But honestly. This show could have benefited more from more and better focus on other stuff like addiction and not just so much shipping/relationship stuff (tbf I'm talking about the het ones too but I feel like I have to preface in case anyone thinks this is me being annoyed at the existence of any ships/any gay ships at all, its not. Its just a wish some other stuff could get more of a focus because often the content sitting right there for it would have been better).
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vaspider · 4 months
Hey, sending this off anon so you can answer privately if you wish. I'm really confused about the difference between being anti-Zionist and pro-Palestine. I've been using both interchangeably for myself, but apparently that's incorrect? I don't know who else to ask.
So... I haven't had anon on in like 12 years, I don't do private answers, and I don't talk about I/P online.
But let's talk about a different issue instead. Let's talk about reproductive rights instead, as a means of just talking about why being anti-Thing1 doesn't mean you're pro-Thing2.
(I swear to fuck if anyone comes onto this post and tries to say I made some sort of direct weird parallel between Israel and either of the examples below to try to 'prove' something about me or drag me into stuff I have said I don't talk about, I will yeet them into the fucking sun. The purpose of these examples is solely to use easily-understood references to explain how you can be anti-Thing1 without being pro-Thing2.)
If someone is anti-abortion, that doesn't mean they're pro-parenting or pro-baby. It's about where their focus is, right? Lots of people are just like 'well, we don't think abortions should exist. There should be no abortions.' Well, great. But what's your plan for the people who are pregnant and don't want to be? They're not going to stop existing just because you think abortions shouldn't exist.
But a lot of people who are anti-abortion don't have plans for that. All they have is a firm belief that abortions shouldn't exist. No one should need them, no one should want them, no one has a right to them. All other concerns go by the wayside.
Or the people who live around me who want homeless people off the streets, but have no plan for how to get people off the streets. They just say 'well, there shouldn't be any homeless people on the streets of Portland,' but their answer is fines and jail time. (This is a real thing happening where I live, btw. Fines for daytime camping, as if that's going to help people get off the streets. Now they have a fine they also can't pay with all of the money they don't have.) These people have no plans for affordable housing, they feel like it's perfectly acceptable to define someone as 'turning down' shelter even if that shelter requires you to be inside by 9 PM and the unhoused person doesn't don't get out of work until 11 PM. Their focus isn't on the positive thing -- people obtaining housing security -- it's on the thing they think shouldn't be happening: unhoused people where they have to see them/be inconvenienced by them.
You can be anti-abortion without being even remotely pro-parent or pro-baby. You can be anti-homelessness without being pro-housing security. It's all about what your actual focus is.
In this case, the question you have to ask yourself is: is it more important to me that to be anti-Zionist or to be pro-Palestine? I can't answer that question for you, because, like I said, I don't talk about I/P at all online, and -- more importantly -- it's going to completely depend on how you, personally, define Zionism, let alone anti-Zionism, and how you, personally, define being pro-Palestine.
You're gonna have to wrestle that one out on your own.
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santaasi · 2 months
top secret
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pairing: fbi!jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: you and JJ are the best FBI agents who went undercover at a charity dinner to catch a dangerous criminal. but JJ can't concentrate on the case at all, because all he can see is your smile
warnings: english is not my first language, no use of y/n
word count: 1.3k
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“Y'KNOW, IF YOU KEEP LOOKIN' AT ME LIKE THAT YOU'LL PROBABLY MISS OUR SUSPECT, MAYBANK,” you whispered softly in his ear, eyes scanning the hall.
It was nearing eleven o'clock in the evening, and Cameron's charity dinner was in full swing. The once intimate gathering had swelled into a lively, bustling event as more people arrived, their laughter and conversation blending into a symphony of clinking glasses and murmured voices, occasionally overwhelming the elegant strains of the live orchestra. It was like those rosy childhood dreams of becoming a princess, marrying a prince, and living in a big beautiful castle filled with happiness and love. Part of you was even offended that you were in such a beautiful place, spinning in the arms of your sexy boss to fabulous music, and it was all not for pleasure, but for the sole purpose of catching Rafe Cameron, who always managed to slip through your fingers.
You kept a vigilant eye on the main entrance, scanning for the elusive criminal who had brought you both here. Meanwhile, JJ skillfully guided you across the ballroom, his hand firm yet gentle on your bare back, drawing you closer with each step. His breath, warm and tantalizing, brushed against your ear, sending shivers down your spine and making it momentarily difficult to focus on anything other than the electric connection between you. The room was a blur of twinkling chandeliers, swirling gowns, and polished smiles, but all you could think about was the intoxicating blend of danger and desire that permeated the air.
 “Don't know what you're talking ‘bout, cupcake. You’d better focus on the case.” 
The man cleared his throat softly, immediately turned his gaze back to the crowd and a slight smile played on your face. You've caught JJ's eye on you too often tonight, which couldn't help but amuse your ego. You liked watching his reaction—seeing him blush, squirm, and immediately turn away as if he hadn't been looking at you with those blue eyes at all. Hearing JJ's voice betray him for a split second, with notes of excitement in it, and feeling his hand squeeze your palm a little harder. In all your five years working in the department under his leadership, this was the first time you had seen JJ Maybank like this... confused.
“Whatever you say, boss”
JJ shuddered, hearing you call him "boss." He was totally out of his mind today. JJ thought he was prepared to see you all dolled up, but he couldn't have been more wrong. You were always beautiful, even when tired, with dark circles under your eyes and dressed in a baggy tracksuit after another grueling case. But in that red dress, hugging your curves perfectly, with your hair styled and the final touch—those damn red lips—he was a goner. 
You tried to stifle a laugh, but it still reached his ears. Stopping in the very heart of the hall, JJ pulled away slightly and looked seriously into your surprised eyes, eyes in which he immediately felt lost. A wave of goosebumps rippled through his body, and Maybank broke eye contact again, unable to handle the intensity.
“Are you laughing at me?” he exhaled, his gaze wandering around the hall.
“Not at you,” you smiled again, drawing JJ's attention back to you. “At your reaction. You’re acting weird today, Jay!”
Your soft laugh danced through the ballroom, a sound so delicate that only JJ seemed to catch it. He cleared his throat once more, turning to you with a smile that barely masked his inner turmoil. In that fleeting moment, all his thoughts dissipated, giving way to the radiant beauty of your eyes and smile—more breathtaking than a thousand stars.
You've always had this incredible effect on your boss. Over the five years of working together, every time he looked at you, the world seemed to fade away. In those years, he had fought to suppress his feelings, denying them, closing off his heart, convinced that love was a mere illusion. He feared that if he allowed himself to get too close, you would inevitably leave, just as others had.
And then there was the job—the ever-present, unyielding job that was always the priority. He was your boss, and as FBI agents, both of you were bound by a code that demanded the eradication of personal feelings. Emotions could be a distraction, and in this line of work, distractions were dangerous. JJ was determined to avoid letting you become his weakness. He didn't want the burden of personal concerns to interfere with the cases, knowing that suspects and investigations would not forgive such lapses. The job demanded a level of detachment that JJ wasn't willing to compromise, and he feared that allowing you into his heart might jeopardize everything he had worked for.
But now, standing in the middle of the ballroom, enveloped by Chopin's melody, holding you in his arms and gazing into your eyes, JJ Maybank realized that love did not exist only before you. On the very day when a spirited girl, fresh out of the police academy, appeared at the doorstep of his office, JJ Maybank's life had changed forever.
“Yeah, I really feel strange today... It's just…” JJ grinned thoughtfully, trying to somehow put all his thoughts together, but while you were smiling at him like that, he could only enjoy. 
“What, Jay?”  You asked, frowning slightly. “Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you have a fever, or…”
"I just like your smile, cupcake," JJ said, cutting you off in mid—sentence. Your face has started to look a little like your scarlet dress. “In fact, your smile is the best thing that has happened in my life”
For the first time all evening, you were utterly speechless. The warmth of JJ's words left you blushing deeply. You found yourself fumbling for words, feeling like a teenager caught off guard, your gaze dropping in embarrassment. JJ's grin widened as he leaned in, tucking a stray lock of your hair behind your ear. You could feel the heat of his breath searing your skin near your ear, causing you to emit a soft squeak. JJ’s laughter rumbled softly, but it was quickly replaced by a sudden tension as his gaze shifted to the person who had brought you here.
“Well, duty calls, cupcake,” JJ said, spinning you around in the dance.
 Pressed firmly against his chest, it took you a moment to focus on what JJ was saying. Your attention was drawn to Rafe Cameron, who stood with his back to you, casually sipping champagne from a glass and mingling with his unsavory buddies. The sight of him made your heart race with the realization that you were not only on the brink of solving the FBI case but also unraveling your own personal mystery—the one that had brought you into this field in the first place.
“I guess we'll save the conversation for later, boss,” you whispered softly. Your lips nearly brushed his earlobe as you giggled softly, then took a step back, offering a slight curtsy. But before you could move too far away, JJ gently touched your arm.
“Be. Careful,” he whispered, his serious gaze searching yours.
“Whatever you say, boss,” you replied playfully, winking at him before turning around.
As you walked away, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this mission might just change your life in more ways than one.
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thankx for reading <3
I enjoyed writing this au so much. and I have so many ideas about these two. so if any of you want, I can make a mini-series out of it. you can always share your opinion in comments or my inbox :3
- your santi 🪐
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
Part 1: Why is Nettles black?
TLDR: George subverts a bunch of stereotypes specifically tied to black women in media with Nettles, she's black, innocent, not practising magic, young, doesn't nurture or take care of anyone and her own sexual experiences aren't exploited in her narrative rather in a projection of someone. The closest she comes to any other race is when they call her a dragon lady at the end, which is an Asian stereotype but not something invoked to critique. Nettles is black.
So I said it before, but now again, this is a two part post because when it comes to this character, I think the relevance of her race is often lost because of what is percieved as a greater narrative purpose. But Nettles race and specifically her being black is important to her story. The next part will delve into her role in the narrative as a black girl, but this part is generally why I can say she's black with confidence using the written narrative.
There are multiple stereotypes used to box black women in specifically from the inception of race in media. Some of the most prominent are the (in great reduction to the nuance):
Sapphire: angry, loud, and rude black woman
Jezabel: sex driven, lust bound, and seductive black woman
Mammy: nurturing, sexless and typcially bigger black woman.
Magical black woman: linked to some sort of witchcraft practice but not central to the narrative. Not to be confused with the magical negros trope which is different.
Tragic Mulatto: mixed raced stereotype that they belong no where.
Ghetto: I saw this recently, but this is basically the hood girl trope.
Grown black girl: this is when they treat black girls as older than they are, like adults when they are kids.
These concepts have smaller sub tropes, and there are more stereotypes, but even to this extent, there is a battle with media literacy when it comes to the way people see black female characters in media.
For the sake of Nettles, we'll be covering all in the next part. Along with the history, seeing as most if not all the origins for these tropes can be found in Slavery.
With the sapphire trope, George manages to give Nettles these characteristics and add on to them, so while they are a part of her character, there is depth and nuance. She is rude, called foul-mouthed in the narrative, but she is also fearless and smart. She never gets angry in the written narrative, but she does cry and mourn and show an emotional intelligence we don't get from all her peers. She defies the expectation of a rude, lowborn character being crass, lusty or power hungry, and jealous alone.
The Jezabel story is a perverse fantasy. A black woman is solely driven by lust and desire, nothing more than a sexual object. It's a trope that actively harms young black girls as well. So, in the books, whether or not you believe Nettles has sex, she isn't solely there for it. She isn't just there to have sex with Daemon, and when it is brought up, the men around her prioritise the innocence of her youth rather than the treason she is said to commit.
Nettles doesn't really fit the many trope as she is younger than the trope typically allows for but within the narrative of all the connections we could've gotten we got one with a Prince rather than with children to communicate the fact that she loves but she isn't a care taker.
The magical black woman stereotype or black witch stereotype is rooted in the both spirituality and abuse. White women would use both the Jezabel stereotype and this one to claim that the reason their husbands would sleep with the enslaved women of the plantation were because they were sexually deviant seductresses who ensnared the men basically.
This is the clearest stereotype George both evokes and subverts. He purposefully wrote that in to draw a real world parallel and subverting it in his book.
Lastly, the tragic mulatto stereotype is the trope of two white for the black side to black for the white side. Basically, they are sad because they have nowhere to belong. Interestingly, George doesn't use this at all. Which to me was an indicator that Nettles doesn't have this complex. All the people of colour, especially the brown skinned ones, have a complex relationship with the Valyrians, but Nettles doesn't.
This isn't really an exception, but more so a name he uses that is tied to a trope. Nettles is called a dragon lady out of context of the stereotypes in the books. The reason I brought it up was because a lot of people seem to think Nettles could be any kind of brown in the narrative, which isn't exactly correct. The dragon lady stereotype is tied to many Asain women, but the content of it isn't tied to Nettles past the name.
I think we have moved past the need for the Ghetto trope. It's basically someone who grew up in an urban, low income area and whose behaviour represents the culture there. I don't think Nettles is a victim of Reaganomics so I don't think she's affected by this.
Nettles is also purposefully treated as a young lady in the narrative. She's the Westeros equivalent of 18 and is treated by the men of her narrative as a girl. She's called a child, said to be innocent and freed from her sentence because of it. The exception to this is with Daemon Targaryen, who sexualises her narrative, but it isn't meant to be explotative AS IT IS WRITTEN. It's presented as love.
George uses black women stereotypes and tropes in media and subverts them with Nettles. He specifically uses her appearance to justify it and allows him to communicate with race without saying it out loud. Nettles is a black character written in a story where she can defy the media conventions of her identity. She is back for a reason and none at all.
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harleyspinn · 2 months
i reworked the noble hierarchy in westeros
i saw a tweet about this yesterday and couldn’t stop thinking about it. it said something along the lines of “i wish grrm had used more diversity in highborn titles bc everyone is just a lord.” while i think grrm said he did this on purpose to make it all less confusing, i had a hyperfixation on noble rankings a few months ago and started developing more nuance to this stuff once i fixated on asoiaf. because of the tweet i really Really wanted to share this but i do not have a public twitter account (thank god)
also i don’t like that the literal king of the continent is called “your grace” when that title usually refers to non-royal dukes / duchesses. yeah it used to be a monarch’s title but the term “majesty” is so much more dramatic and i Love that stuff !!! i used a combination of english and canon titles with a dash of russian influence
THIS IS JUST FOR FUN it’s completely self serving and i wanted to share it for anyone else who desires even more complication in this fuckin series Don’t Attack Me.
so yippee here is my personal opinion on how westerosi nobility should be addressed (under the cut bc long post). the heading is the reworked title and form of address, and below i have random notes and reasonings aka me infodumping
pm if you have any questions or want to contribute!!!!
King / Queen of Westeros - “His / Her Imperial Majesty”
i wanted this to be more commanding and imposing to really show how coveted and important the throne and its power is aka give more realistic purpose for people to want it so bad. i think grander titles can put that idea him to people’s heads (besides “it’s neat” or as daemon said “a big chair made of swords”)
the title king / queen is perfectly good but i think it should be reserved for only the sole person on the throne. in my made-up ending of asoiaf, dany is queen of the six kingdoms (the north seceded and is ruled by sansa like in the show, and they have a close political allyship) and abolishes male-favoring primogeniture.
she also does some other stuff but that doesn’t matter here
westeros is technically an empire but i don’t want to call the monarch the emperor or empress, so i used just the form of address. since it’s a lot of syllables, the full three-word title is only needed during introductions or the very first address of the monarch. afterwards, the person speaking to them can just call them “your majesty” or “majesty” or “my king / queen”
Spouse of the King / Queen:
Grand Duke / Duchess - “His / Her Imperial Highness”
again, i wanted the king / queen to be The Person In Charge (whether or not the actual person does the work they should lol) so their spouse is less powerful than them and therefore not called “majesty”
i wanted to change this title more drastically because of my made-up ending (where dany is queen) and how there would definitely be future female monarchs who marry men, and i think having the king consort be called King would be confusing to people who are used to having only male rulers. it’d mess with their little heads
a duke is a nobleman who rules over a duchy and a lot of them are royal. in a lot of european monarchies, the grand duke title holds a similar amount of weight as the grand prince or archduke (i think used only in austria, so i didn’t go with that one) and only less than the king / queen so i thought this was a good fit :)
THAT BEING SAID!!!!!! this is also a lot more syllables. i decided that culturally and historically, most people have shortened their reference to the king’s wife and call her the queen. in all formal situations she would be the grand duchess, but calling her the queen for ease of conversation isn’t treason
Widowed spouse of the King / Queen:
Grand Lord / Lady - “His / Her Imperial Highness”
this was a recent addition because i thought everyone calling alicent the queen in hotd was a little silly. she was the queen for some time and is now the mother of the current king (and queen) and i like that they call her “queen dowager” sometimes, but since she would have been called the grand duchess in this timeline, i adapted that into something that seems respected and important but matches the political power they hold (not very much)
like how the grand duchess is casually called the queen, a grand lord / lady is sometimes called the queen dowager or the queen mother (see next point)
there is an exception to this title: if the widowed spouse is regent while their child is underaged or unable to rule (ceresi after joffrey is crowned) then they are called the queen regent or the queen mother, but becomes grand lady after their child comes of age. another example of this would be aegon ii being crowned when he’s an adult, so alicent was never his regent, therefore she would only be queen dowager or mother
all of this also swaps to if there’s a male widow it’s all the same thing just made masculine bc i don’t know the nuance of gender identity in westeros
i don’t like this one as much but idk what else to call it lmao
Siblings of the King / Queen:
Grand Prince / Princess - “His / Her Imperial Highness”
similar reasoning to the grand duke / duchess. siblings of an active monarch are super important but are not the same as their spouse
concerning targcest: the more important title overrules the one they’re first entitled to. example: helaena is never a grand princess because her and aegon married before he was crowned. she goes right to grand duchess, whereas aemond and daeron (yeah.) are grand princes
importantly, this title stays the same if and when the sibling outlives the monarch. they keep it for their whole lives Unless they gain a more important one, whereas almost all other titles change as soon as the monarchs do
Children, Grandchildren, and Siblings-in-law of the King / Queen
Prince / Princess - “His / Her Imperial Highness”
sometimes simplicity is key. in my head, any augments to this title indicates a lowering in status (the addition of “grand” meaning that they aren’t in line for the throne anymore, and the addition of “lord / lady” lowering them to a further removed position. second one is coming up next)
Children-in-law and nephews / nieces of King / Queen:
Lord Prince / Lady Princess - “His / Her Highness”
these guys either aren’t blood related to the monarch or aren’t really in line for the throne. since non-royal nobility is still all variations of lord / lady to me, giving them this additional word kind of removes them from the main royal family
also taking away the full extent of the address by removing the “imperial.” they’re deserving of respect because of their relation, but are still more lowborn
the children-in-law of a monarch can keep their royal title(s) if they are widowed, but they lose them if they divorce
Great-grandchildren of King / Queen:
Great Lord / Lady - “His / Her Grace”
and so appears the title of “your grace”
i wish i didn’t have to come up with this one but people have kids so damn young in this world that the kids often have actual relationships with their great-grandparents. so here we go, a royal-friendly variation of the lord / lady title. they aren’t grand, but they are great
King / Queen of The North - “His / Her Majesty”
i like the idea of a free north. idk what the iron islands are doing and i haven’t thought about it enough to care yet
the north is not an empire, so they don’t get the addition of “imperial”
Spouse of the King / Queen of The North:
King / Queen - “His / Her Grace”
again, i just wanted to be loyal to grrm’s choice of address. and i don’t think the north would care as much as to who is who in terms of The Ruler, so sansa’s husband can be called the king
Widowed spouse of the King / Queen of The North:
Lord King / Lady Queen
they’re royal but they’re also not too politically powerful. same as the westerosi one. i just got hit with sleepiness so sorry if these notes fall off in terms of quality
they don’t have a form of address beyond “my lord / lady” bc the north is less formal
Siblings of the King / Queen of The North:
Prince / Princess
same as above in reference to the form of address!
i didn’t want to name it this for a while Only Because arya would not like being called princess. but it made sense for everyone else, so here we are
Children of the King / Queen of The North:
Prince / Princess - “His / Her Grace”
if there aren’t any kids of the king or queen, then the younger sibling that they name their heir is also called this. like when robb is king then bran is his heir bc he doesn’t have kids so he is called this when it’s just him and rickon in winterfell early in the series
Prince / Princess of Dorne - “His / Her Highness”
full respect to the dornish wanting to keep in their ways hell yeah
this also goes for the spouse of the ruler! the both of them are meant to rule in tandem because dorne is less exclusionary than the rest of westeros in this sense
Siblings of the Prince / Princess of Dorne:
Lord / Lady
dornish royal custom is more informal but i still wanted the family to be called something, so i mirrored the rest of the continent
Children of the Prince / Princess of Dorne:
Lordborn / Ladyborn - “His / Her Grace”
same as above!
Head of a Great House - Highlord / Highlady - “His / Her Grace”
this is basically a lord paramount. the primary house of a region (the old kings) is called a great house. i wanted to keep some of grrm’s titles so not much would reallyyyy have to change, but there’s basically no difference between a lord paramount and a vassal house and a lowborn one so here we are
the books refer to these people as “high lords” so that’s mostly where this came from. i also really like combining words that make sense to be combined! that’s why some of these new titles are Just altered versions of lord or lady
i want the highlords to be distinctly different from lower houses, so they have a simple form of address
Spouse and Siblings of the Head of a Great House:
Lord / Lady
yes both of these guys have the same title because they probably carry similar power and influence with the highlord
Children of the Head of a Great House:
Lordborn / Ladyborn
this is also inspired by the term “lordling” that’s used in the canon. once one of the children becomes a highlord, their siblings all take the lord or lady title
Head of a normal House - Lord / Lady
boring run of the mill yes yes let’s go
i don’t feel like making another category: the spouses of a head are also called a lord or lady. same thing
Children of a Head of a normal House:
Lordborn / Ladyborn
born of a lord. girl is lady born of a lord
knights are still Ser ofc
once a person is appointed to a role of importance, they themselves are obligated to the title of Lord or Lady. this doesn’t extend to their family members. in my mind, these roles are ones on the small council or a high steward. ofc if this person already has that title then they just keep it
instead of “my lord husband” (example), the royal family would refer to other royal family members as “my royal husband” or “my royal hand” if the hand of the king is another royal family member
if a highlady marries a man then the husband does not need to change his house / surname, but if a highlord marries a lady or ladyborn then she becomes “Lady [name] [house surname] of House [husband’s house]”
the daughters of a head can keep their lady title if they marry someone with no titles but they hold little power
widows of a head may also keep their title but them and their children hold little power after the passing of their lord
nieces and nephews don’t get titles unless they’re related to royalty
children born to a lady and a non-lord do not get titles
idk if this is canon but in my head all dornish bastards are legitimized if they are children of any royal family members
the introduction “of House [name]” is reserved for royalty, great houses, and the head of a normal house. everyone else who belongs to a lower house is just called “[first name] [house name]”
continued from above and similar to the informal address of a grand duke / duchess, royalty and nobles and such are still addressed without the “of House [name]” but only in informal settings or after being addressed with their full title
i probably said this, but titles of all house members change right as fellow members or lose titles (examples: if a head of house dies before their siblings the siblings return to their prior titles, often lordborn / ladyborn if they were also children of the previous head. same for widowed partners)
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Pick Your Battles V
Pairing: Reader x Bradley Bradshaw
Warnings: Some swear words
Summary: Bradley broke your heart when he accused you of betraying him, and you haven’t seen or spoken to him since. Until you are both called back to Top Gun to help with a dangerous mission that nobody’s ever attempted before
I do not own the rights to the movie or their characters this is solely for the purpose of entertainment! If you wish to be added to a tag list please let me know! Hearts, reblogs, and comments are very much appreciated! XOXO
✨Please do not copy and paste my work or steal my work or even take credit for my work or I will have you reported✨
Part 4 Part 6
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Walking into the base this morning you found yourself feeling all giddy and joyful. Smiling the entire morning without even realizing it. Making admiral Simpson look at you with an extremely confused look, and you just simply ignored him.
You hadn't felt like this in such a long time and you knew exactly who was making you feel this way. A certain browned eyed mustache hunk of a man named Bradley Bradshaw that's who.
Ever since last night he was all you could think about up until the morning. You were probably just going to get your heart broken all over again, but right now you didn't care. Bradley had kissed you and you felt your cheeks heating up every time you thought about it.
You had always imagined what it would be like to kiss him, and you never thought in your wildest dreams that you would ever get that chance. You were starting to feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world.
As you made your way into the training room everyone was already seated. Stopping at the doorway everyone turned around to look at you. Bradley smiled at you to which you returned but it faded when you made direct eye contact with Hangman who had a toothpick in his mouth twirling it around with his tongue.
Hangman had a pretty good idea that there was something going on with you and Bradley or that something already happened. He was determined to find out and was going to use it to his advantage in any way it took.
He was the type of guy that would use people to get what he wanted. Walk all over them and stomp them into the ground if he had to. There wasn't any way he was going to let anyone get in the way of him being the pilot to lead this mission.
Walking down the aisle you could feel eyes on your backside. Placing your things on the desk as you gathered your things to prepare for what Maverick was wanting to teach today. There was small chatter amongst the other pilots, but there was two pilots who were staring at you.
"Good morning Frostbite." Hangman greeted giving you a wink and out of the corner of your eye you saw Bradley glare at him.
"Lieutenant Seresin." You responded back not even bothering to call him by his call sign.
"How are you darling?" He asked you the pet name irritated you unlike whenever Bradley would call you that.
He knew exactly what he was doing when he was talking to you. Simply trying to get a rise out of Bradley hoping he would show his anger so he could use it as ammunition. He had an agenda right now and you didn't like it.
"I was doing just fine until you started talking." You shot back at him making him and others laugh that you didn't put up with his crap.
"Let me take you on a date." His words almost had you choking on your spit and it came out more of as a demand rather than a question.
"No." Immediately answering while Bradley was smiling at you for being able to stand up for yourself like that, but hangman wasn't taking no for an answer.
"Oh come on darling." He pushed knowing exactly who he was trying to piss off. "I know you have a thing for pilots."
This caught everyone's attention even more hearing him say that. Bradley looked nervous thinking Hangman was about to uncover this secret you didn't want anyone to know about. Both of you waiting until the moment he revealed what he had suspicions about.
You weren't going to let Hangman talk to you like that. He was trying to act like he had this power over you, and you would be quick to remind him you were in charge on whether he could fly this mission or not.
"Good pilots." Now you were becoming a little defensive but you had to be careful since Hangman was already suspicious. "Not asshole pilots who think they're better then everybody else."
Grinning so widely he showed off his pearly white teeth. He was about to say something else when Maverick and some of the other admirals walked in. Turning your attention back to the older men who were now standing by you.
"Good morning aviators." Maverick greeted everyone his eyes focusing on Bradley giving him a small smile to which he surprisingly returned.
Now that Bradley and you were starting to make emends and becoming friends again it was time for him and Maverick to do the same. It probably wouldn't be as simple since both of them were stubborn as all get out.
"Today we're going to show you what this missions all about." Pointing to the large computers screens behind him that turned on. "We'll be reviewing the path you'll have to fly and we've created the same path here that we'll have you practice on."
Watching as the screen changed showing a small jet flying the course they would have to fly. It seemed a little more intense than what you were prepared for. Quickly looking over to Bradley who caught your eye giving you a small smile letting you know it was going to be okay.
"What we expect you to do may seem damn near impossible." Maverick continued to speak everyone focusing their attention back on him. "Phase one of this mission will be a low level ingress attacking in two plane teams.
"You'll be flying along this narrow canyon to your target where radar guided surface to air missiles will be defending the area."
"Which is why they were designed to protect the sky and not the area below." He informed everyone keeping his back towards the pilots.
"That's because the enemy knows nobody is crazy enough to try and fly that low." Bradley spoke up your eyes focusing on him as Maverick turned to look at him also.
"Which is exactly what we're going to train you to do." Bradley looked away as Maverick maintained eye contact and Hangman watched the whole thing with a sly smile.
"Your altitude will be 100 feet maximum." That had some pilots looking at each other like that was impossible. "If you exceed this altitude radar will spot you and you're dead."
Watching as the jet on the screen get shot down and you found yourself wincing at the image. All you could picture was yourself and Bradley being the one shot down. Bradley briefly looked over at you to make sure you were okay. Straightening yourself up you gave him a slight nod.
"Your airspeed will be 660 knots minimum and your time to target will be two and a half minutes."
"That's because fifth generation fighters wait at an air base nearby."Pointing towards the screen again to show off their jets and they looked intimidating and deadly.
"In a head to head with these planes in your F-18s and you're dead." Unaware that Maverick glanced at you when he turned around to face the looks of frightened pilots.
"Which is why you need to get in there hit your target and get out." Watching as Bradley looked over at Hangman who was just smirking. "Before these planes even have a chance of catching you."
It worried you that Bradley would even be attempting this kind of mission in the first place. To hear it spoken out loud raised your greatest fears. Before your failed mission you would have scoffed and joked how easy all this sounded, but now it absolutely petrified you.
"So for todays lesson we're gonna be taking it easy on you." He had this look on his face like he knew this was already going to be a challenge. "Maximum altitude will be 300 feet and time to target 3 minutes."
You could have almost laughed at some of their reactions like how in the hell is that going easier. He knew he had to get them to face reality that their lives were on the line, and this wasn't going to be easy. Someone may not come back from this mission, and that somebody may be Bradley.
"Lieutenant Kazansky will be keeping notes of who has the best time and can achieve these goals." Everyone looked to you as you stood there with a stoic look. "She'll report back to me with your scores."
"She'll also be giving you tips and telling you what exactly it is that you're doing wrong." Hearing that kind of felt like a pat on the shoulder, and you're not gonna lie it made your head a little bigger.
Maverick gave you a confident nod to not be worried of freaked out. Nobody could tell what your mind and body were thinking on the outside, but on the inside you were the complete opposite of calm and collected.
Telling yourself to remain strong not wanting to scare the other pilots away. Since part of you wondered if this was something they could even achieve. Doubting for just a small tiny bit that they wouldn't be able to pull this off.
"Good luck." He looked at everyone with a hopeful reassuring smile.
"I want Phoenix, Bob and Coyote up first." He instructed and they stood up putting on brave faces.
Watching as they walked out and the other pilots stood awaiting to be called next. Gravitating towards Bradley as you stood closer to him just wanting to run up to him, but the look on Hangman's face prevented you from doing so.
Lingering around the desk and acting like you were doing something waiting for everyone to leave while Bradley acted like he was slowly walking out of the room. Of course as soon as the last person was out which was Hangman Bradley turned to face you with a dopey smile.
"Are you okay?" He asked once he stood in front of you pointing towards the screen. "I mean like with what's going on."
"Yeah no I'm fine." Shrugging your shoulders trying to act nonchalant. "It was just a little intense to hear out loud ya know?"
"Is that why you didn't want to lead this mission?" He couldn't help but ask and honestly you weren't mad he even asked.
"There's a couple reasons I didn't want to lead." Your voice softer than you expected and he knew exactly what you meant.
"You knew it was going to be tough." It wasn't a question and he knew just what you were thinking and telling yourself.
"I just can't lead another failed mission." Shaking your head as you looked away from him.
"Are you ever going to tell me what happened?" He genuinely wanted to know and hear about what you had faced although the thought of hearing what happened to you broke his heart.
"Soon." Was all you said as you gave him a pathetic attempt of a smile and he knew it was hard for you. "Are you worried about this mission?"
"Nah I'm not too worried about it." Looking over at him with an are you serious look which made him laugh. "I'm not besides I doubt he'll even pick me."
"Why he wouldn't he pick you?"
"A man who pulls my papers for whatever reason is most likely to not pick that said person to fly a dangerous mission." His tone was condescending and matter of factly.
"You're an amazing pilot Bradley of course he'll pick you." As much as you hated saying that out loud it was true he was a good pilot and cared about his fellow pilots. "Especially since I'm the note keeper."
"Are you now?" Quirking an eyebrow at you as he stood directly in front of you crossing your arms over your chest.
"Yeah so watch how you talk to me." Pointing a finger at his chest as you tried to act tough.
"I'll be on my best behavior I promise." Putting his hands up in mock surrender making you giggle at his silly side that you loved.
"I'd hate to kick your ass in the sky again." You joked making his mouth open and eyes go wide trying to hide his smile.
"Wow you gotta do me like that sweetheart." He acted like he was hurt but his hands grabbed your sides and pulled your body closer to his making you gasp. "That wasn't very nice of you."
His voice lowered as you placed your hands on his chest when you saw he was leaning forward. Just when you thought you two were going to kiss what sounded like boots echoed down the hall to the room you two were at.
Pulling apart from each other so fast to see Hangman's cocky grin enter in the room. Standing there looking at the two of you like he just interrupted something personal and intimate. Waiting for him to say something smart or annoying or ask a stupid question.
"You're up next Rooster." He nudged his head to the side as he kept his focus solely on him and not you. "With Fanboy and Payback."
"Phoenix, Bob and Coyote just got in the air they want to get you geared up and go over some things" Thanking your lucky stars they didn't start yet so you could observe them and have notes for everybody.
The last thing you wanted was to get so distracted you mess something up, and they dismiss you from this mission. That would be embarrassing and an absolute shame to your family name. Not wanting to disappoint your father, Maverick or Bradley.
Sighing with relief that at least he wasn't going to be doing the first course with Hangman. Bradley nodded as he left your side giving you a reassuring smile, and slowed his steps as him and Hangman came face to face before both of them took off down the hall.
Letting out a loud exhale as you gathered your things to watch the other pilots and take your notes of everything. This was the part you really didn't want to do since you hated judging someone else on their flying capabilities.
While you were taking notes of everybody and marking down what they did wrong or things they need to work on you were oblivious to a certain someone in the back watching you. His eyes kept glancing over at you especially when Bradley got in the air.
Once everyone was done Maverick looked over your notes, and called all the pilots back to the training room. He looked disappointed and frustrated, and everyone had their heads bowed in shame of course except Hangman.
Bradley was the only one to get his target and get out of there, but he was about a minute late. You knew Maverick would be watching as well so you couldn't lie. You knew he was going to lecture every single person in that room even Bradley.
Asking everyone why they were dead and looking at your notes to see what they were doing wrong. All of them beating themselves up about it for failing even when it was just the first attempt. They all hated failing even if it was just practice that's what any pilots feels when flying.
"Why are you dead?" He asked Bradley who just stared at him. "You're team leader up there so why are you and your team dead?"
"Sir he's the only one who made it to the target." Phoenix jumped in to defend him which you were kind of thankful for.
"Yeah a minute late." Maverick fired back not taking any excuses. "He gave the enemy time to shoot him down and he is dead."
"You don't know that." Bradley fought back not putting up with the lecture. "You can't know that."
Hearing Maverick say out loud that Bradley was dead had your insides churning. It was this horrible feeling that took over your whole body and this thick blanket of darkness consumed your body. Hopefully nobody was paying attention to you and couldn't see it on your face.
"Jesus you're not flying fast enough." Hangman piped up from his seat leaning his hand back as he groaned. "You don't have a second to waste up there."
"We made it to the target." Bradley chose to ignore Hangman as he continued to stare down Maverick.
"And enemy aircraft had time to intercept you on your way out." Maverick was beginning to get angry at Bradley now thinking he wasn't taking this seriously.
"Then it's a dog fight." Maybe Bradley wasn't taking any of this seriously or how dangerous this mission was.
"Not against fifth generation fighters." He scoffed at him in disbelief.
"We would still have a chance." Bradley just couldn't seem to be wrong and had to be right.
"In an F-18." Maverick started to argue Hangman looking between both men amused.
"It's not the plane sir." Bradley cut him off and you knew exactly where he was going with this and you hated hearing them talking like this to each other. "It's the pilot."
Maverick realized as soon as those words left his mouth what Bradley was really trying to say. Both of them staring at each other silently exchanging words nobody else could hear. The room was so quiet you could drop a feather and hear it.
You couldn't help but wonder if that's how Bradley felt with your failed mission and losing your wingman. If that was somehow your fault not being there for him to get him out of their alive. You were the team leader up there and you are responsible for every life up there.
It felt like a slap to your face to hear that coming from his mouth. Your bottom lip trembling as you fought hard to not cry in front of everyone. Bradley looked at your reaction and he knew exactly what he just said also said to you.
His face softened wishing he could take it back but it was too late, and it was raise too many eyebrows. Watching as his Adam's apple bobbed when he gulped turning his gaze away from you back to Maverick.
"There's more than one way to fly this mission." He kept arguing wanting to prove to Maverick he could do this.
"You really don't get it do you." Hangman spoke up again making you shut your eyes wanting this to all be over. "A pilot who flies like Maverick or Frostbite here, or they don't come back."
Glancing towards Phoenix and Bob silently telling them they were the latter. They both scoffed and shook their heads not wanting to see into his web.
"Now look I don't mean to criticize your just conservative that's all." Hangman was setting the trap and you just hoped Bradley didn't fall for it.
"Lieutenant." Maverick started to interrupt but neither of them were having it.
"We're going into a combat mission nobody has ever seen." He looked back to Bradley who refused to make eye contact with him. "Not even Maverick or Frostbite here."
"There's no time to be thinking about the past." Glancing at Maverick and then back at Bradley who was now glaring over at him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He knew exactly what he meant but he just dared him to say something so he could find any excuse to hit him.
"Rooster." Maverick warned him knowing exactly what he was thinking cause he thought it too.
"I can't be the only one who knows that Maverick here flew with his old man." Soon as those words left his mouth you don't know who was more angry Bradley or Maverick.
The tension in the room was so thick you could literally cut it with a knife. This wasn't looking good and you could see it ending with Bradley punching Hangman or attempting to. He was holding himself back as you watched him squeeze the life out of his arm rests.
"Lieutenant that's enough."Maverick tried controlling the situation when he knew where this was headed.
"Or that Maverick was flying when his old man-" Next thing you know Bradley went flying out of his seat directly towards Hangman.
"Hey hey that's enough." Maverick shouted as he stood between the two men.
"You son of a bitch." Bradley screamed throwing his hand towards him.
His face was red and the veins in his neck were now protruding out. Phoenix and Bob held him back as much as they could. Hangman stood there with a smirk on his face knowing what he did.
The men standing in front of Hangman looked for nervous about Bradley possibly hitting them. Standing by the desk just wanting to comfort Bradley and tell him it'll be okay, but you knew that wouldn't be a good idea.
It hurt you to see him like this and that he let Hangman unwind him like that. If there wasn't anybody else in this room Bradley probably would have kicked his ass, and Hangman would have put up a fight.
"I'm cool I'm cool." Putting his hands up as he chuckled was stepping up to Bradley who was still being held back.
You figured the two of them would dish it out on their own time, but you never expected Hangman to pull something like this. This was not at all how you expected this day to go, and quite frankly it was tiring. You've always hated listening especially watching people fighting.
The two of them staring each other down Bradley eyes wide like a vicious animal who was caged and ready to be let out. Looking the man up and down before he turned his head in your direction Bradley following his line of sight.
"Oh I haven't forgotten about you." Everyone's eyes on you now as you stood there like a deer caught in the headlights. "How can we listen to someone like you?"
"Jake leave her out of this." Both Maverick and Bradley warned him although you didn't know exactly what he was going to say. "Leave her alone."
Surely he didn't know about your failed mission since only a couple knew about it. Maybe he was going to bring up something else, surely he wouldn't do that to you.
Everyone was looking from him to you with confused looks on their faces. All of them wondering what he could possibly have to say right now. It was something you really wanted to forget about, and it didn't look like that was the case.
"How can we trust someone who let her wingman die." An audible gasp left your lips as you felt a tear run down your cheek. "And two of her fellow pilots severely injured."
"Jake that's enough." Hearing Bradley's distinct voice bellowing to Hangman as a warning watching as he struggled against arms that were gripping him.
"Lieutenant Seresin leave now." Maverick commanded him as he looked to you and then the blonde. "That's an order."
"You know he's not cut out for this mission." Turning his attention back to Bradley who finally left your trembling figure standing alone. "You and her know I'm right."
Looking at you briefly as you scrunched your face up watching as he walked away but not before getting right in Bradley's face tempting him one more time. Thankfully he resisted and you could see he was calming down.
"You're all dismissed." Maverick said and everyone scurried out of there glancing at both you and Bradley.
Once everyone was out of the room you let out a loud exhale that you didn't even know you were holding. A rack of sobs took over you as you clutched your chest in pain and Bradley wasted no time in running over to you holding you in his arms brushing your hand with his hand.
"Shh I got you Y/N." He whispered in your ear as you kissed your head while you cried into his chest. "I've got you darling it's okay."
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bugsofarc · 3 months
Hello, I assume some of yall have read red’s new post explaining her side of the story, in that my name was dropped as part of a “harassment clique”. Now I am not good with words but I would like to share my side of that story, now there is a lot that red said over this clique but I can assure you there is even more that she did not cover. Now red was correct that the side server started off as a gaming server for those who met through the fandom, now this side server did not start off with any malicious intents and it also did not end with it. The server is now completely dry and everyone has left although that does not mean we ended our friendships. The “clique” she spoke of were merely just the most active of the server members that spoke and hung out together more frequently. Red also mentioned that the server became a place where everyone could just be toxic and shit talk fellow readers when this was not the case, the server stayed following its main purpose to chat and play games, the only time anything about other readers or “shit” was discussed was when it came into our friends lives.Now red talked about banning said members of the clique due to “evidence” she had been shown of our “toxicity” when in reality she had maybe one or two screenshots that were taken out of context and given to her by spies she planted in the server for the sole purpose on finding proof of us being “toxic”. The screenshots of “proof” incriminated maybe 1 or 2 people and banned the rest of the “clique” by association. I heard that moments before everyone was banned a fight emerged in a common room channel of the nevercord, I cannot tell you the details of said fight as I was asleep at the moment of all this unraveling, and woke up to already being banned as I was getting ready for school. Now usually when someone is banned in the nevercord they are given a warning telling them that they are about to be and why, now I did not receive anything like this and as far as I am aware neither did the other members of the “clique”. I will admit I foolishly did message red and other mods on an alt that i already had (It was made for joke purposes long before any of the alt harassment allegations were made and I only used it once.) asking frantically as to why I was banned, I was confused and scared thinking i had done something horrible that I wasn’t aware of. I guess what I’m trying to say is that in the end we were not a group of monsters who only spoke to eachother to hate on other people for no reason but instead a group of friends who were wrongly and harshly accused of heinous acts of which we did not commit.
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timaeuslover001 · 2 months
The Jedi Order
Above all, the Jedi shouldn’t be despised or look down upon because of their certain rules that they’ve had previous orders.
The whole purpose for doing what they did was to serve the people as well as serve the side of the force For selfless purposes.
it was always the betterment of other people and their practices in their ways and their discipline prove that.
Even though some people didn’t agree, it may have caused some bitterness, and some sadness isn’t disappointments as well as confusion in the Order, it was also possible.
For 1000 years according to Master Mace WinWu, no one has left the Jedi order (before Ahsoka and Dooku)
Their Goal was to keep people from falling prey to the dark side , and that was possible.
Not saying it right or should be done anymore but don’t hate on them form this fact.
They didn’t ban emotion, nor did despise or look down on anybody who did have these attachments.
Their ultimate goal was to prevent over attachment. Often we see people in film media in real life who go off the deep end because they’ve lost somebody close to them family friends loved ones marriage whatever. And we hardly ever see somebody discupline or balance their motions enough to not make bad decisions in time, grief, or pain or heartache or heartbreak.
So to combat the over attachment, the Jedi just abstain from making these sort of attachments. In for forces users, this is very dangerous territory because these people are very close to that energy in spiritual life force that they deal with and being so close to the light as well as the dark. It’s a very sensitive thin line they have to walk to keep themselves from being sued and either direction.
The TEASON why the Orderbanned “attachments”
1. martial attachment :
The closes peopel to us and the most influential are our loved ones, family and spouses.
General lives are so purely dedicated to the force and so non-traditional in a lot of cultures and even seems countercultural in a lot of cultures because of their non-materialistic nature.
And that can seem often causing friction with somebody who is a Jedi who life is dedicated in a particular way.
Not to mention the over attachment of one spouse because of that unique bond that somebody shares with another person in the intimacy of that bond, someone who, if they lose that bond often react in a negative way and it can cause this person to feel embittered and angry and sway them to the dark side of the floor so Not even have that possibility they just abstain from these types of relationships and became dedicated servants of the light side of the force.
2. Familial Attachemnts:
kids is biggest problems can be their parents. if you go on social media right now they’re a lot of teachers who deal constantly with terrible parents due to the carelessness or overbearing this or neglectfulness harming their child.
Influences are also their parents and a parent can also be a hindrance to kids and their potential , because they’re teaching them selfish or bad habits that counter act the Light.
A lot more less crime in the world world would happen if people just had good stable homes. It won’t be perfect. It won’t eradicate it, but it’ll definitely be a lot less.
Children often receptive to teaching and learning and discipline that adults lose overtime, especially when they hit middle-age. A lot of adults get settled in their way and don’t really change.
In the movie avatar when Jake Sully met with the priest queen of her tribe, she said they stopped treating outsiders because it’s hard to fill a cup that’s already full, and Jake being very open and receptive to a lot of things about the culture because his culture lacks a lot of what he’s been missing, he was very receptive, as well as being the leader of this Tribe eventually.
And when they take them as children, they’re able to dedicate them solely to the ways of the force, and not have outside influences counteract that teaching or to make them dark side, force users.
The Jedi wasn’t perfect but they served the forces of good over evil every time.
Not only that, but they served the good at their own expense as well, even if that meant the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.
Whether there be personally or literally.
Luke order was perfected by standing on what they had accomplished.
so was his better absolutely but the previous order regardless of the certain restrictions they still served the public in, made friends and connections with each other .
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