#i thought i got a normal amount of sleep on saturday night but
undergoing-mitosis · 2 years
everyone has been talking about daylight savings and i was just like huh--??? i haven't moved my clocks at all???? and the time is still right??????
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icallhimjoey · 8 months
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♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: What good are flatmates even, if they don't comfort you when you need it most? Or when you need it a normal amount? Or, you know, when you don't really need it, but just really want it?
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, hurt/comfort i guess? idk we're sad a lot and joe cheers us up a lot
Author’s note: this sort of came about after taking small little bits from several requests that i combined and then shaped into what i wanted for myself, and for a minute, i thought 'what if i don't make this one extremely self-indulgent for once' but then... why the fuck wouldn't i? so...
Wordcount: 2.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
One of those days.
You weren’t going to wait until you got home to ask Joe what pizza toppings he wanted. Not today. So you texted,
“peperoni or chicken?”
And it took just a few seconds for Joe to open Whatsapp and to reply.
“those my only two options?”
You didn’t have the mental capacity to even think of any other pizza toppings, let alone get into some banter over text with your flatmate.
There were a million ways for Joe to have read that, to have interpreted that. Yet, he got the tone of it just right.
“don’t worry, i’ll take care of it”
No playing. Just quick solutions to problems of which Joe didn’t even really know what they were yet. Then another text from him followed, asking you the question you’d just sent him.
“peperoni or chicken?”
You remembered exactly when this pizza tradition started. Could pinpoint the exact date, time, and place.
“no i was wrong.” “peperoni”
The first time you and Joe shared a pizza as new flatmates, was when you’d gotten home one morning, still very obviously in the outfit you’d left in the night before. Joe had been cooking up some breakfast in the kitchen and had his jokes ready, already grinning to himself when he hadn’t even seen you yet.
“Well, well, well,” he called over his shoulder as you took a moment by the front door to just... breathe. You would’ve tried gathering yourself, but there wasn’t much to gather.
“I know you said the plan was to go out and celebrate Friday, but you didn’t mention anything about Saturday morning,” you could hear the joy in Joe’s voice, all chipper and lively. He’d very clearly had a great night’s sleep, unlike you.
Joe heard footsteps, and when they stopped in the doorway, he turned his head to look. Spatula still in hand, eggs just about ready in the pan in front of him.
“Look at what the cat’s drag–...” the comment died on his tongue. “Jesus, are you all right?”
Joe had expected a tired, sloppy girl to have walked in. One with messy hair, eye make-up all smudged and sort of drunk a little, still.
He’d been right.
That was exactly what he was looking at, which should objectively be funny. Hence the smile that still lingered on his face as his brow slowly furrowed in confusion.
“You look like the inside of a shoe,”
Joe tried his hand at humour, but it fell completely flat.
What he hadn’t anticipated, was for his flatmate to look quite so sad in reaction to his comments. So very drained of life. You’d obviously been crying and looked like you hadn’t slept in weeks.
For a moment you just stood in that doorway, looked a little dazed because, um, why were you going into your shared living space again?
You needed your bed.
Without answering Joe, and without even really acknowledging him at all, you took a shuddering breath and slowly turned back around, only to ignore Joe’s question and disappear into the hallway.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Joe quickly turned the hob off and rounded the island to go after you. He was too late though, stepping into the hallway just as your bedroom door closed behind you. The immediate guilt that followed his poking-fun carried him over to stand in front of it, just enough self-restraint left to not just open your door and walk in right after you.
You didn’t seem like you needed to be pissed off any more than you already were.
From just outside of your bedroom door, you heard a very faint knock, followed by Joe’s voice, asking if you were all right once more.
“Did– did something happen? What’s going on?”
All you managed to do was sigh, just loud enough for Joe to catch it.
“What happened?”
But you didn’t want to get into it.
“Do you– hey,” Joe called your name, waited for a second, in case you wanted to answer him, but then when you didn’t, he followed it up with, “Do you want some breakfast?”
And honestly, breakfast sounded nice. But so did burying yourself into your duvet for a few days, where no one would try to look you in the eye, and where no one would try to make you talk. Were you going to listen to your rumbling stomach that wanted some food, or to the rest of your body that just wanted to be horizontal?
“Some scrambled eggs? Piece of toast?” 
You milled it over in your mind.
“Or, I could make you something else? You want some yoghurt? With some berries in?”
Joe tried. Was actively trying. But it didn’t seem to work, just didn’t seem to do the trick. It stayed silent on your side of the door.
“Some pizza?”
And it was meant as a careful joke. A hopeful small little thing to at least lift the mood, if nothing else. If you were even still listening to him at all, that was.
He was about to tell you that he’d be in the kitchen if you needed anything, that you could just let him know. No worries if not. But then he heard rustling. Stumbling footsteps, followed by your bedroom door slowly opening.
“Hey,” Joe cocked his head to the side at the sight of you, his eyes all soft, forehead crinkled with worry. “I’m sorry.”
You looked right past him.
“What... what kind of pizza?”
You focused on the important things instead. Didn’t really care to acknowledge Joe’s apology.
“Well,” Joe tried to hide his smile as he looked down at his feet before stepping aside and holding an arm out, inviting you to walk ahead of him, making your way back into the living area. “I think there’s a few to choose from in the freezer.”
You’d shared a pizza that morning, you sat at one of the stools of the kitchen island, and Joe stood on the side. He hadn’t asked you any questions then, but instead had just tried his hand at light conversation until suddenly, halfway through a slice, you’d started sobbing.
And it wasn’t like you and Joe had never hugged before.
But you’d never been hugged by him like that before.
Where Joe instantly dropped his food and stepped closer to fold arms around you. Where Joe got an arm around your head to press your face into his chest whilst the other curled down around your shoulders that pressed your chest into his stomach. Where he decided he wasn’t going to be the one to pull back first, and so you’d just embraced like that for over half an hour.
He hadn’t asked you any questions.
Not when you cried.
Not when you’d stuttered through breaths as you tried to recollect yourself after.
Not when you eventually pulled back and reached for another bite of now-cold pizza.
Not when you then silently frowned at the hardened cheese and softly sighed to yourself.
Not when you did eventually retreat back into your room but came out just a minute later and asked if Joe had any plans that day.
Even if he did have plans, Joe knew that he’d cancel them all for you.
“Want to rot on the sofa with me? Watch films all day?”
And you hadn’t meant to fall asleep all sagged into his side then, but you had. And Joe had played with the ends of your hair until the warmth and comfort had pulled him into a nap as well.
You’d never talked about what had happened then, why you had been so sad, because you didn’t need to. It was nice that Joe hadn’t asked for you to explain why you’d cried, and instead had just comforted you until you managed to smile for him again.
Joe thought that maybe, if you wanted to tell him, one day you would. But he didn’t need to know why his flatmate was sad when she was. He was happy just being there to help and fix it.
And now, here you were. Two flatmates who shared a tradition of having pizza and watching a film when you’d had a bad day.
And today had just been... long. Hard. Frustrating. You didn’t want to get into all the things that had nearly pushed you over the edge, and you were glad that you didn’t need to.
Joe didn’t ask questions. Never did.
Just went to get you the peperoni pizza you’d asked for.
Would cuddle you on the sofa all night if that was what you wanted.
It was what he wanted, anyway.
He was well aware that none of that was normal though.
You were flatmates.
If Joe referred to you in conversation with a friend, with a family member, or even with a stranger, you were his flatmate. The girl that he shared the living area of his flat with. The pantry, the fridge and the freezer. The coat closet by the door. A letterbox downstairs by the entrance.
But if someone were to ask you if you and your flatmate were friends too, you’d tell them yes of course. You shared dinner more often than not. If you had friends ‘round, Joe would hang out too. And vice versa.
Just normal friendly flatmates that also knew each other’s parents by their first names, but you know, those things sort of just came with sharing a living space together, right?
And no one ever really thought there was more to you and Joe, anyway.
Why would they even assume?
You dated other people. Went on regular dates with different men. Other guys. Would even sometimes sit and watch a film with someone, and Joe would join you for a little while. Have casual conversation with whoever you’d invited over.
What wasn’t so normal was that the second it would just be you and Joe, you wouldn’t hesitate to touch if you wanted to touch. Wouldn’t hesitate to find him, wherever he’d be, and sling your arms around his stomach from behind, just to hold him for a minute. Would wait to get comfortable on the sofa until Joe would join you there and you’d wait for his arm to find its way around you before you’d settle in.
You never talked about it.
It was just what it was like. You were close. The affection was just a natural thing between the two of you. It didn’t need any words. Any explaining.
But Joe knew you both understood that this could be interpreted very differently through other people’s eyes.
It’s why you kept referring to each other as flatmates, and why you weren’t like that in front of other people.
Which was fine.
You lived together.
There was plenty of time without other people there.
When you walked into your flat that evening, the promise of a shared peperoni pizza combined with the contrasting warmth that immediately made you feel uncomfortably hot in your coat, was nearly enough to bring you to tears.
“Hey, bad news,”
Oh no.
Joe appeared at the other end of the hallway.
“They didn’t have any Sprite left, so I got you a Fanta.”
You let your shoulders drop and let your head fall to the side in relief. That was hardly bad news. You didn’t love Fanta, but the bad news revealed Joe had gone out to get a pizza instead of throwing a frozen one into the oven.
“Fanta’s fine.” You smiled. Joe easily copied it.
“Good, okay. Now,” Joe continued, suddenly his face all serious again as you took your coat off and toed your shoes off. “I know that last time, I got to pick a film, so technically it is your turn... but, I’ve already chosen something to watch, and I did go out to get us the largest peperoni pizza London has to offer, so...”
You stilled and gave an exaggerated sigh, all mock frustration, because you honestly didn’t give a shit. If anything, it was nice that Joe had made the choice for you, seeing as you didn’t really have the mental capacity for any decisions right now. If it had been left up to you, you’d hav been scrolling through Netflix for at least half an hour until settling just to watch some celebrity panel shows on Channel 4.
“No sprite and I don’t get to choose the film?”
“I’m sorry,” Joe was trying stupidly hard to hide a smile.
You blinked at him a second.
“You’re not sorry.”
“No I’m not. You made me go out and it’s fucking freezing outside today.”
You made your way over to your bedroom to get changed, and just before disappearing, you said, “Cool way of letting me know you’ve not left the flat all day.”
Like Joe’s hair hadn’t told you as much already.
You wished your job would let you work from home too. Although, with Joe spending weird stretches of time just sitting around and reading, you didn’t think you’d get much work done. Would probably be a bit weird if you logged onto a zoom meeting from your spot on the sofa, half of Joe in frame.
“I did leave the flat! I just said!” Joe argued, leaving you to get into a more comfortable outfit.
You grinned to yourself.
Joe was an idiot.
In an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of joggers, you joined Joe in the living room where you found a large pizza box on the coffee table, two cans of Sprite next to it.
Joe had lied.
Then you looked at the TV screen, paused at the title of the film Joe’d chosen and, fuck all the way off, did he want you to cry?
“I know it’s not your genre...”
It was. It absolutely was. It wasn’t Joe’s genre, though. “But I promise you’ll like it.”
You didn’t know if you wanted to hook an elbow to his jaw or squeeze your nails into his cheeks, but you needed to do something to get this surge of emotion out.
You opted for swearing at him instead of physical violence.
“I fucking hate you so much right now,”
“Yea?” Joe sat down, pressing play on the remote and reaching for the throw blanket. “Come hate me over here.”
And so you did.
Sat down next to Joe, thigh to thigh, and let him sort the blanket so it covered the both of you before leaning over to grab the pizza box.
The heat coming from the pizza quickly found your legs through the blanket and through your joggers. It was a stark comparison to how cold your fingers still felt from your trek home.
You rubbed them together as Joe opened the pizza box and, shit, that looked good.
“You cold?”
“Just my fingers,” you replied, already putting both hands to use, ripping the pieces of crust that hadn’t been cut properly and lifting a slice out of the box.
Joe did the same, and then when he saw one of your hands lower down, he was quick to grab it, encasing your cold fingers into his large palm.
The act of being upset with him for being nice faltered, and you smiled at Joe as he smugly grinned whilst he chewed.
See, had someone else been there with you, you’d have gotten comments. If not jokes, at least you knew you would’ve gotten some judging looks. Some questions later, about what was going on between the two of you?
Nothing was going on between the two of you.
Just warm cuddles and comforting touches, which was fine when it was just you and Joe.
So what if Joe held your hand whilst you ate pizza and watched a romantic comedy together?
So what if a piece of peperoni was about to slide and fall to your chest, but Joe saw and got it just in time, and you thought he was going to pop it into his own mouth, but then instead he held it up in front of you and waited till you ate it from his fingers?
So what if, after finishing the pizza, Joe planted his feet on the coffee table and pulled you into his side a little? Grabbed your arm to lay over his stomach? Ended up with both arms slung around, his own fingers locking on your back to keep you in place whilst you watched actors older than the both of you act as if they were in their early twenties still?
Life was just more comfortable when it was filled with good snuggles, you and Joe both agreed.
But you never talked about it.
You were just close.
No questions asked.
Flatmates. Friends. Just, close.
The Taglisted
@adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @miserybeans, @munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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its-all-papaya · 2 months
Okay hear me out. Landoscar & 18 but like. It's towards the end of an exhausting triple-header, they're both tired as hell and have seen more of each other than any other breathing thing (because of the jetting around the world to get to races and because they're both idiots not confessing their feelings to each other). So. They say goodnight to each other as always after idek, playing Fifa, but this time one of them steps in and in their exhaustion accidently doesn't only clasp the other's hand but presses a kiss to the corner of the mouth as well. Without noticing (?) and with the other one only noticing after a few seconds (?). Gay panic follows. Idk what happens before or after but. Do you see the vision.
I SEE THE VISION, anon. don't you worry.
send me a ship and a number and i will write a kiss
18. casually | landoscar | 1.1k (lol)
In theory, Lando’s probably been doing this long enough to know better. He’s been in Formula 1 for six seasons and he’s been driving in time zones outside his own for more than twice that long, but coping mechanisms don’t grow on trees. Or they do, maybe, if he thinks about it… Jon had given him a packet at some point about sleep schedules and adjusting, and paper comes from trees, and so if he thinks about it kind of sideways, maybe his healthy coping mechanism had grown on a tree, and he’d just failed to read it before losing it in a drawer somewhere. Or maybe (and this is his leading option), he's just really fucking tired.
In his defense, Oscar isn’t doing any better.
They’d kept up pretenses exactly one day into the doubleheader, then Lando’d received the hey, are you awake? message at 1:45 a.m. local time on Thursday night in Baku, and who was he to ignore that kind of thing? He’s just a man, really. He receives a ‘you up?’ text and his sweatshirt is zipped over his bare chest before he can blink. Pavlovian, or some shit. Even if it’s not actually like that. He’s too tired to know the difference. Or something.
At any rate, if neither of them is going to sleep anyway, it doesn’t really matter if they’re lying in their own beds with their eyes closed or if they’re lying on a couch together playing Fifa. Or not lying together, but, like… both on the same couch. Lying down. Playing Fifa. The point is, it’ll be 4 a.m. and they’ll both be up either way, at least this way they’re less miserable. And Lando won’t tell Kim if Oscar doesn’t tell Jon and neither of them tell Zak or Andrea.
By the time they hit Saturday night in Baku, they’re both kind of adjusted, which is good. They don’t even make it to the part of the night where he can lay his head on Oscar’s thigh and blame it on the proximity to sunrise, which is really cool. Lando sleeps, like…a normal amount ahead of the race. That’s important.
But see, Lando’s not going to not go home between races, and he’s not going to sleep at 5 p.m. in Monaco either, so it’s Thursday night in Singapore and he’s up the fucking creek again, and if Oscar’s asleep, he can totally just ignore Lando’s text. Again, Lando is just a man. A sleepy one. Who would rather be exhausted on Oscar’s couch than exhausted anywhere else.
Oscar’s up on Thursday night, though, and he’s up on Friday night, too, except by then they’ve skipped the texting part and Lando’s just showed up at Oscar’s hotel room a few hours after dinner. Oscar rolls his eyes when he opens the door, but he’s smiling when he does it, and he’s already got Fifa up when Lando reaches the living room, so he’s not actually any fucking better than Lando, the muppet.
On the bright side (or, like… one of multiple bright sides, if Lando wants to be honest, which he doesn’t, thanks), they’re both pretty decent at Fifa now. They’ve played enough rounds in barely over a week that they’re getting kind of predictable to one another, and that makes Lando’s chest feel kind of stupid. Just the thought that Oscar knows him that well. Again. Tired. Just a man. His brain is basically mush, everyone’s lucky he’s even hitting the right buttons. It does eventually get the tiniest bit boring, though, at like 1 a.m., so Lando turns to Oscar after losing his second straight and asks want to watch a film, or something?
He makes Oscar choose which one while he flicks the lights off (for the best viewing, obviously), then settles back next to him on the couch a really, really normal distance away. It’s something he’s seen before, so he’s following the plot but drifting a little, too, until the next thing he knows, he’s jerking awake with a sharp breath in. Oscar’s looking down at him apologetically – down because Lando’s head is on his shoulder – and thumbing over the ball of Lando’s knee.
“Sorry,” he says, and, “didn’t mean to startle you. You should go to your bed, though.”
Which, like… makes sense. Even if Lando was definitely having the best nap of the doubleheader, hands down, just now.
Oscar probably wants to go to sleep too, though, so Lando picks himself up off the couch and yawns and makes a show of stretching before putting his shoes back on, just to make sure Oscar feels a little bad for how he’s putting Lando out.
He reaches the door while Oscar’s still doing something in the living area. It becomes apparent what when he appears with Lando’s phone in hand, sleepy smug smirk on his sleepy smug face. Ugh.
“Might want it for your alarm,” he wiggles it between his fingers and pads over to Lando and Lando’s still half-asleep, which is his excuse for forgetting to hold a hand out for it, but it really doesn’t matter anyway, because Oscar just slides it right into the kangaroo pocket of Lando’s hoodie for him. Really cool. Mint, actually.
“Mint,” Lando says.
Oscar laughs. His eyes are especially crinkly past 2 a.m. He says “thanks for coming by” - even though Lando’s the one who started it tonight - and holds out his hand.
Lando clasps it. “Meeting’s late tomorrow, right?” he asks.
“Yeah, like 2:00 or something,” Oscar says.
“Mint,” Lando says. It makes Oscar laugh again, and Lando can’t really tell why, but, like…whatever works.
“Yeah?” Oscar’s smile is so nice around the word.
Oscar squeezes his hand, which is how Lando realizes he’d forgotten to let go in the first place. Oh, well. Late and all. Time change, jetlag… yeah.
He finally does let go, though, then pats Oscar on the hip and kisses him on the side of the mouth and says “Night, Osc.”
“Night, Lando,” Oscar says back. Then his eyes narrow. It’s a funny sort of expression that Lando hasn’t seen on him before, so he tilts his head a little, trying to figure out what’s put it there. It takes a good few seconds longer than it probably should, but Lando makes up for it by blushing twice as bright as is reasonable when he finally clocks it.
“Ah, damn,” he says through a giggle, which is probably not the appropriate response, all things considered, but that makes Oscar laugh, too, so everything’s good.
Oscar flattens his hand on Lando’s back, then, and kisses him square on the lips and says, “too tired to even kiss a mate properly, remind me to kick you out earlier next time,” which is an objectively much weirder way to respond than Lando’s. So, like… they’re even. And Oscar’s still smiling when he pushes Lando out the door. It’s mint.
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ponpuriitx · 10 months
Blitzø coming into your house out of nowhere as if it was normal.
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It’s been a while since you started working with I.M.P and you couldn’t say anything negative it was quite the gig and it wasn’t like the missions sometimes weren’t fun to do.
It was one of the large amount of jobs that you had that actually gave you something to think about instead of your shitty life. You had great friends too, Millie and Moxxie were great Loona, well you were getting into that. But Blitzø was definitely the one that was the closest to you.
And you meant it literally and metaphorically. Ever since you entered I.M.P you’ve been building a pretty good friendship between the two of you. And he sometimes even got off the hip of Moxxie and Millie to your hip which the couple noticed almost straight away. Of course Moxxie was happy about this and relieved while Millie just smiled talking about it being her boss was making more friends. You didn’t mind it, before this job you were a full time loner. You didn’t had much friends so you had your house all for yourself, everyday.
But that changed when one day you woke up at the middle of the night hearing some noise coming from your dinning room. Robbers you thought, as you reached for your nigh drawer and pulled off a knife you had there just for this type of cases. With smooth movements you approached the hallway as silent as you could. This wasn’t a situation that surprised you since your landlord and the guards at your apartment complex were total lazy asses, so it was just about time someone snuck up and tried to steal something.
Looking by the frame of your wall you looked to see the silhouette of an imp roaming through your fridge. You kinda felt bad, maybe the imp didn’t had any food and wasn’t in the position to buy any. But from all of the apartments it had to be yours, well you weren’t letting that little thing steal anything from you as you approached their back. And unconsciously holding your breath you raised you knife ready to stab them before they moved rather quickly taking your arm and pinning you against the wall.
You hissed at this as they let go as quickly as they noticed your face, turning around you expected a strange face but you were met to…. Your boss?
“Boss? What the fuck are ya’ doing here?” You lowered you knife while you saw how he avoided looking into your eyes and fidget with his fingers. “Wait, wait have you been entering house before?” You frowned, the thought of him going into your home before it didn’t bother you as much like a normal person would it just confused you why.
“Hey, look I don’t mind just.. Warn me the next time you come in here. You got me thinking you were a robber or some shit.” He chuckled while sighed and yawned, looking over tot he fridge to se wit was still open.
“Did you took anything?” he avoided eye contact again, making you frown. “Blitz..” you walked over to your fringe, strange, nothing seemed wrong. “You ran out of butter.” You heard him say and you checked, did he ate the fucking butter?
“How did you- never mind I don’t even want to know.” You sighed and closed the fridge door, you checked the clock in the wall and it said 2:36am. Good dear it was late, you grabbed Blitzø’s hand and walked him to your bedroom. “Why are you taking me here?”
“Hey, you wanted to crash in here I’m not going to judge you. My bed is not that big so careful you don’t fall.” You lifted the sheets and moved closer to the wall so he could lay in that spot, he seemed a little surprised by this since Moxxie and Millie always threw him out in the nicest way they could. So he smiled and lay there besides you, pulling the sheets over him and getting himself comfortable.
after some minutes you heard low snoring sounds, that meant he was sleeping. Good, tomorrow was Saturday so it wasn’t like you got to get up in the morning and wake him up too. But your thoughts cleared for a second when you felt his tail make its way up to you thigh to then curl up in your whole leg. You chuckled a little and smile at this, it was cute you couldn’t deny it. So you returned the favor by making your tail curl up in his, good now you two were even.
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faretheeoscar · 9 months
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*Warnings this is long just for being an explanation to my fan art drawing for Non Violent Communication fic of @greensagephase *
Apologies for any mistakes I might have made,I wrote this on a plane hehehe
So a couple of days ago I had this dream about Peter and Miguel meeting each other, keeping the to the canon of NVC in mind that Peter is gone (my heart aches for Peter and I’m having a full brainrot rn)
I can’t remember the full details about it so I’m gonna improvise a bit, but in general this is how it went. (in general the premise was that Miguel got to talk to Peter, it was in a dream, the same dreams he has with his family when Gabriel, his mom or Gaby come to visit him in his dreams.)
Cue the dream and the brain rot!
Miguel have been tossing around all night, he have been getting conflicted about his feelings about you, how they started to develop which each passing day, at the beginning he was reluctant to even acknowledge you as his friend cause he was afraid of loosing you, but then everything changed, it’s been 2 wonderful years of what he thinks it’s the most amazing friendship of his life, there’s no one like you, he feels comfort around you, something he had only had with his family, and nowadays it’s not an unfamiliar feeling for him to consider you as the closest person he has in his life.
The thing is that recently his thoughts have been diverted in another direction, you both have been in certain situations that made his heart beat faster than normal, he has been noticing your smile, the way your eyes sparkle every time you look up at him, the way you do a little scrunch on your nose when you think and stick out the tip of your tongue when you are concentrating, his thoughts have led him to think to you in other ways more than a friendship, made him crave to be closer to you, to be more…
But Miguel is conflicted, he doesn’t want to risk the only thing that is a constant in his life, specially not knowing if you are maybe feeling the same thing that he is feeling, he knows something in the air has changed, he can sense it, but still he doesn’t want to put anything in line, that’s why Miguel has been distancing himself from you for a little, he has stopped pairing you up with him on the team missions cause he gets nervous that he’ll screw up and say something he wouldn’t, hell today he was so nervous to be around you that he has cancelled his Saturday dinner with you, and he’s not only nervous about how you might feel about him, there’s other thing that bothers him deeply… and it’s your past, he knows you have had your own hard journey to heal, and he has helped you in what he can first, as a boss, then as a friend and now… he wants to help you with your heart, the thing is that, he has never ever wanted to insult Peter’s memory, and that’s what scares him the most about this situation, that’s why he has gotten in an anxious state when he is trying to rest, he tosses and turns on his bed, he has been like this for two weeks now, not even being able to sleep with your hoodie cause it causes him an amount of fear and guilt that he doesn’t know where it comes from, maybe it’s also the same insecurities he has regarding about thinking… no, not thinking, wanting to be in a relationship again.
Miguel is in front of his monitors this being another night when he tries to get these thoughts away from his head distracting himself with job, but tonight his head is pumping, he hears a slight beep on his ears, the sleep depravation is getting to him, he even feels that he eventually will pass out with exhaustion, a thing that doesn’t take long to happen as he suddenly feels his knees weakening, his brain quickly responds to it in a flight or fight situation and he hangs on to the closest surface attempting not to fall, but suddenly everything goes black for him.
Miguel opens his eyes and blinks but he’s not in his lab, somehow he’s now at your house, spread out on the couch, his head doesn’t still hurts and he feels heavy, there’s a soft hum on the living room, billie holiday plays in a very soft volume, the scratch of the record it’s soothing and helps him with the head ache, he feels his heart warming at the thought of being at your place again, but as he regains his senses he feels the couch, it isn’t the same couch that is now at your apartment, it’s the old one…
Miguel looks at the soft old fabric and touches it with his fingertips wondering what the old couch is doing there, he tries to sit down on the couch and he notices your apartment is also on the same configuration you used to have it, the old bookshelves are there, almost breaking by the weight of the books in them, your old pictures and not the new ones… something weird is happening, this moments are when he curses about not having a spider sense to sense, not knowing if he’s in imminent danger or to be able to read the room he’s in, all his worries get answered when a soft masculine voice comes from behind him.
“Oh hey there, you’re finally awake!” Peter says as he looks at him smiling leaning on the pilar next to the kitchen.
That’s the answer, he’s dreaming.
It’s a very vivid dream and he starts to be a bit insecure that something might happened to him just like when he saw his family, but this couldn’t be like that, cause why on earth would he be seeing Peter on his dream.
“Relax Miguel, you’re safe, you just passed from exhaustion, but you’re fine” Peter chuckles as he offers him some coffee and sits down next to him in the couch maintaining a safe distance.
“You…know me?” Miguel’s eyebrows furrows as he looks at Peter, he’s still not sure how he is in his dream or why does Peter knows him if it’s really a sort of apparition like the one he saw of his family.
“Of course I know you Miguel, you might think I don’t know you, but you’ll be surprised of how much I actually know about you” Peter chuckles and relaxes on the couch as he says that, as if he was talking to an old friend.
Miguel’s mind starts working a million miles per hour, if this is really Peter, if somehow he is really talking to him those that means that, have you really been talking about him to Peter? Of course maybe he could see you as he took care of you, just like his family did for him, just like Gabriel, his mom and Gabriela were in his dreams, perhaps he was in your dreams too. Miguel was pretty sure Peter was always looking out for you.
Peter nods his head and smiles softly at him.
“Yeah, you see, I look down to her, I protect her from here, take this as my own HQ and my monitors are that old tv over there” Peter jokes as he motions at the exact copy of his old apartment he shared with you.
“No, but in all seriousness, she has told me everything about you, she always talks to me when she gets the chance, when she leaves flowers at the cemetery, when she feels alone, when she dances in the living room…” Peter can’t help but chuckle as a wide and tender smile appears on his face, he of course has never stopped loving you, you were… are his everything and will always be,before he gets distracted more by the thought of you he shakes his head and continues talking to Miguel, after all he is here with him for something important.
“She always talks to me about your friendship with her, about everything you do together from the small little things like the morning coffees, to the big things like Christmas or new years celebrations, your missions, she is always so happy when she talks about you…”
Peter gives Miguel a knowing look that makes Miguel a bit uncomfortable for a second, it’s not his plan to intimidate him or anything, but he can’t help his playful nature.
“She has told me about your dinner weekly traditions, about the food you prepare for each other, the evenings talking and listening to records while enjoying cafe de olla and pan dulce”
This makes Miguel think, the fact that you talked to Peter about everything you two always do, from biggest things like the missions to the smallest things like your traditions of cafe de olla and pan de dulce shouldn’t really surprise him, cause he also tells his family all about them, when he speaks to Gabriel before going to sleep or when his mind drifts and he pictures another reality with his family there, where you are in there too, when he pictures a big family dinner and you two talking about the smallest of things as everybody gathers on the table to eat; in his fantasies he talks to Gabriela about the music and movies you show him from your universe, he talks to his mom about the recipes you share together, and lately he confides to Gabriel about his confusing feelings towards you. Miguel knows the sentiment of speaking to his loved ones about the important things in life even when they are not there anymore, so that makes him sure that you talk to Peter like he talks to his family, but the fact that you eagerly talk about him with Peter, brings a small blush to his cheeks, that he hides drinking some of the coffee Peter offered him earlier.
“I hope you don’t mind that I seem to know a lot about you” Peter smiles softly at Miguel and he shakes his head giving him a soft smile in return.
“Of course not Peter, and same goes to you, that I do hope you don’t mind I also know a lot of things about you either”
Miguel starts thinking about all the times you have shared information with him about Peter, when you have shared memories of your time with him while he was still with you.
Peter nods at him,.”It’s alright” he looks at Miguel as he sees that his mind goes somewhere else, he’s worried about being there with him alone, he knows why Miguel is here with him, he knows the purpose of his brief visit, Miguel is scared of feeling, scared of opening himself to love again, slowly lifting his walls up again, cause even though he has a lot of fears mainly about how you feel and how he doesn’t want to compete with your memory of Peter, what Miguel fears the most is that he doesn’t think he might be good enough for you, that he might be better keeping a distance between the two of you again, building up his walls regarding physical touch that he let slowly crumbled with every spark of electricity and comfort he felt when he got to touch your hand or feel the warmth of your embrace, even though you have showed him and told him that he’s everything and more you could ask to be better, to be happy, he doesn’t think he’s good enough even as a friend, specially cause of his latest actions on keeping distance from you.
“Listen, we are both here to talk about something important, I know how you feel, I know what conflicts your mind and let me tell you, despite what you think of yourself…You’re a good man Miguel”
Peter puts his hand on Miguel’s shoulder and let’s it stay there, his touch only wanting to give Miguel comfort letting him know that is was a valid thing to feel, he sometimes felt when he was alive that maybe he wasn’t enough, but that was a thing that you always reminded him an absurd concept, you always told him, that it was enough for you two to be together, that what you only needed for happiness was to see him smile, same thought that always came to him, your smile, your happiness was the most important thing in the world for him.
“I couldn’t be happier with what you have done for her, how you have help her get through, how you changed her world upside down when you let her in the Spiderverse, im happy that you care for her, that you protect her and even more happier because she’s happy when she’s with you, she’s free, she has a confident, she has a friend to rely on, Im happy Miguel by the fact that she chose you…”
Miguel looked at Peter with big wide eyes, he couldn’t believe how kind he was being with him, but he couldn’t believe either that he told him that you chose him.
“What do you mean?” Miguel asks Peter hesitantly, and it only makes Peter laugh.
“Come on man, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that she also fell over heels for you,like you did for her”
Peter pats his palm again on Miguel’s shoulder in a friendly way, to try to ease his nerves when he sees him getting tense, letting him know with that gesture that it was totally okay with him.
“The other day… she prayed… she was so confused about everything she was feeling and she reached out to me, at first she was scared when she realised what she felt about you, she was unsure about telling me, she felt a lot of guilt, she… well she prayed for hours, prayed for my forgiveness cause her heart aches to move on, although her head keeps on telling her it’s wrong, but her heart wants to open, wants to get a second chance to love, and she wants you Miguel, she wants to love you”
That statement gives Peter a small heart ache, not by the fact that you fell for someone else, cause he never wanted that, it was the last thing he thought about when it came to you, he knew your heart, how it could love so much and how you can be passionate, caring, sincere, your love is the purest thing he has ever felt and he’s happy that Miguel is probably going to experience it if you two stop playing and let yourselves feel, and that’s what makes his heart ache, the fact that you aren’t letting yourself feel again, that you think you need to ask for his forgiveness, it’s what troubles him, and that’s why he is also with Miguel right now, cause he knows that if he pushes him into the right direction and you see the man that is in front of you and how he cares for you that you’ll understand that is okay to love again.
“All of this talk Miguel, its for me to tell you that, I trust you, I’ve seen how you’ve helped her through the good and the bad, I’ve seen your relationship mix, morph and transform, how you both changed, and how you get the best out of each other” Peter keeps smiling softly at him, getting an immense amount of proud when he thinks how you have changed with Miguel’s help.
“Miguel I want to ask you a favour… remind her? Remind her it’s okay to love, remind her how it feels, how to open her heart to love again, stop dreading what you feel for each other and try”
“I don’t want you to feel guilty about insulting my memory, or to think you’re taking my place, it’s really not the case, I have never want anything more than to see her happy, to see her smile and finally move on, I trust her heart with you, and that’s why I need you to make me the promise to try, to let her know that feeling butterflies in her stomach again is valid, to feel the illusion of love and that her heart is gonna be safe”
Miguel smiles kindly at Peter and nods his head, there’s been a weight lifted up his shoulders, he was so unsure of letting out his feelings for you because he feared to insult Peter’s memory, but now that he got his reassurance from the man himself, he could even start to feel butterflies in his stomach as Peter mentioned them, a small blush creeped towards his cheeks when he basically got Peter’s blessing to be with you.
“I promise I’ll take care of her Peter, take care of her heart”
That’s a promise that Miguel makes to Peter with all his heart, a sentence that he was afraid of saying out loud before, a statement he takes pride in now and wants to fulfil.
“I know you will…”
Peter gets interrupted by a soft voice, your voice calling for him, he can clearly hear it, as he looks around your living room.
“Seems like it’s time for me to go, cause your lady awaits” Peter smiles at the sound of your voice, a slight tone of sadness in his voice as he wishes he could go back like Miguel is going to be doing in a few moments.
“It was very nice to finally get to talk to you Miguel, I admire everything you do” Peter offers his hand to Miguel and shakes it gets up from the couch walking towards the bedroom of the apartment living Miguel alone but before he disappears he looks back at Miguel and adds something else.
“You both have a lot of things coming up in your future, I can’t wait to see you…happy. Now, go get her”
When he opens his eyes again, he’s back in the lab, his head stopped buzzing but his eyes take time to get adjusted to the lights as he blinks.He’s on the floor and a soft warm hand is holding his face, as you cradle his head on your lap trying to wake him up, your eyebrows furrowed and a concerned look in your eyes.
“Miguel, Miguel! Are you okay?” You sigh at the sign of him waking up, your nose scrunches and you try to get his attention to you. “Hey, Miguel, look at me, everything is fine…”
And… scene! Hahaha
In my dream I just remember him explaining to me that he passed out from exhaustion and then everything got blurry as everything led somehow to a romantic confession and me finally getting to kiss him hehehe. 🙈🙈🙈
But yeah, how does this turned into me writing almost 3k words?! idk,my mind went wild, guess this is what happens when the brainrot goes hard.
Anyways Alondra @greensagephase this is just my AU, what happened in my dream, not pressuring or anything with his sort of spin off story of mine lol, hope you enjoy what my brain cooked about Pete and Miguel, but this is all thanks to you and your writing that I got to imagine this scenario 🫶🏼
Ps. I’m including as a bonus the silly expressions I was trying to do of Peter that led me to dream about this and then fully sketch him with Miguel.
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mxsonxmountx · 1 year
MM x safe inside
Word count: 955
Requested: Yes/No
Requests: Open/Close
Bold: Mason
Italics: you
Will you call me and tell me that you’re alright
Breaking up with Mason was hard, the hardest break up you’ve had to deal with. Being together since you was both 15 and then ending things 6 years later, wasn’t the way how you’d expect things to go. You’ve ignored all of his calls, messages, basically anything to do with him you’ve avoided. Even coming down to the point of ignoring his family, something that you didn’t really want to do but it was the only way how you’d cope. You was laying on your bed on evening, face and hair mask applied not wanting to talk to anyone, your phone goes off for the fourth time within 5 minutes, you didn’t want to answer but you couldn’t ignore it anymore time then you already have. “Ben? Hello? Are you okay?” “Finally you answered, I just want-“soon as you didn’t recognise bens voice you hanged up the phone. You wasn’t in the right headspace to be talking to Mason just yet, if you was going to talk to him you wanted it to be on a clear mind with zero distractions. You drifted off to sleep, which was for the best. Later in the afternoon your phone lit up and it was a message from mason, “will you call me and tell me you’re alright, cause I worry about you”. You gave in and phoned him, but thankfully for you it went to voicemail, you wanted to talk to him but not like this. You wasn’t too sure what to say except from “I guess you’re busy, but I only wanted to tell you that I’m alright, I’m doing fine and I hope you are too”  
If you’re home I just hope that you’re sober
Drinking was one of you downfalls. You’d drink constantly if you could, breaking up with mason and the amount of alcohol you was in taking on a daily basis wasn’t the greatest but it was how you was coping. It was a Saturday night in Mayfair, a normal place where you’d spend the odd night out clubbing with his and your friends. You was always up for a girl’s night but you couldn’t face it yet going back there with the girls, facing all the good times you and him had together so you settled for a quite night in. Takeaway and movie night in for one is what you needed, you knew that everyone would be questioning where you are but you needed time alone. It was around midnight, you’re on your fourth romcom, and you’ve had drunk calls from your friends already which you wouldn’t expect anything less. Time went on, more drunk messages came from your friends, and more missed calls also. You wanted to call it a night before you did anything that you would regret, you did you skin care routine and got into bed, your phone went off thinking it was just a notification but it wasn’t, it was multiple messages from Mason.
From Mason:
“If youre home, I just hope that youre sober x”
“I miss you x”
“I was stupid, please give me another chance x”
“I haven’t been drinking, I need you x”
I won’t sleep till you’re safe inside… Thank your lucky stars that you’re still alive it’s a beautiful life
It’s been 6 months since you’ve broken up with Mason, you moved on, or at least you thought you’d move on. Seeing him out with other girls ruined you more than you though it would. Your contact with his friends improved for a short while then it all stopped. Nobody could get in contact with you, family, friends, work friends and his family. Everything went to voicemail, they knew that this break up hasn’t done neither of you good but now it’s affected you more than you’d know. Sleepless nights was more often, going for walks was something that you could only do past 10pm so you wouldn’t have to talk to anyone. One night you took yourself for a walk where you both used to go as a child, it was comfort to you, you and mason used to spend hours there together so you thought it would be perfect to go there. Not expecting to see anyone you was only in jogging bottoms and a baggy t-shirt, to your knowledge mason was also there, did you want to turn back? Yes you did, did you actually turn back? No you didn’t. “y/n? is that you?” “Hi mase, I wasn’t expecting to see you here” “I knew you’d come here eventually. I wanted to see if you” “I’m fine, you’ve seen me now now you can leave” just as you left, he tugged on your wrist “everyone’s been worried about you. Me, my family, the boys, your friends. Everyone” “they don’t need to be worried about me, I’ve told you that I’m fine” “you can’t fool me, please come back to mine for the night. The spare room is yours. I won’t sleep knowing you’re out here alone, you’ve been crying, drinking constantly-““how do you know about the drinking?” “I haven’t finished, you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in months. Please, come with me I won’t sleep till you’re safe inside” You gave in shortly after and went back to his, maybe it’s what you both needed, closure from everything. The next morning he didn’t wake you up early, how he used too, he let you wake up when you was ready. Without any hesitation you went to hug him for the first time in 6 months. “Thank you’re lucky stars that you’re still alive, it’s a beautiful life” “I’m always thanking my lucky stars for you”
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ironwoman18 · 4 months
Rather Be - Part 7
Chapter 7: Yor's mission
“Next weekend will be our mission, Thorn Princess,” said Matthew Braun, looking around and whispering to her, “The party will be on Saturday night and we will act as a couple. I have already a copy of the keys and at night we will kill our objective. The gun dealer Martin Luthen” she nodded.
“Perfect, I will make up an excuse for that night. Normally, Loid and I spent our weekend nights watching a movie before bed”
He nodded and looked around. “You are lucky to have him and that little girl in your life” he said a bit bitterly.
“Hey... You are like family to me Matt” he sighed.
‘but not the way I wanted’ he thought as the taxi arrived and said “well... See you around Yor” he hugged her and got in the taxi.
Code name: Yellow Jacket.
Specialty: Long range weapons, poison, hand-to-hand combat, stealth abilities.
He was trained in military strategy and left the army as a major but could have gotten a higher rank if he decided to stay, he left normal military service but joined a special and secret unit due to his exceptionals abilities, this unit specialized in protection to high ranked politicians from the government, he killed a lot spies from Westalis and other countries, he wasn't part of the SSS. He joined Garden when he got bored of his job as a lawyer. He was train to resist torture and he has a high tolerance to pain and alcohol.
He left her house still a little angry at not being able to date her as he wished all those years ago.
“I just hope that... When we grow up we get married, Yor” he said, smiling big. His brown hair is messy and wet after playing at the pool in his house.
He had some tears as he remembered it and signed thinking he lost her because he didn't arrive earlier in her life.
‘She deserves happiness and to have someone who won't question her about her missions, and that person should have been me’ he thought looking down and signed.
He arrived home and got in bed to rest, thinking about his mission with her, next week.
That week passed without another incident. Yor did her normal things with her family and at work. However before going to sleep she read the information of her target, memorizing his appearance and the amount of guards he had. 
She also learned about the cars he used and how big is the place they will be in. Her dress was fixed and looked perfect for the occasion, her high heels were also in perfect condition and her weapons too.
What she doesn't have yet is an excuse for that evening, she hasn't told Loid she will be home late on a Saturday night. But that changed when, on Thursday late afternoon, the manager called her in his office.
“Mrs. Forger, we will be hosting a party for some special guests from our government and we will need you to go. A car will pick you up at nine o'clock then drives you back home at one thirty” she nodded.
“Ok sir. Thank you for this opportunity”
“Oh and Mrs. Forger. The party will be a masquerade ball so please get yourself a pretty one that covers your eyes” she nodded “you may leave now” she walked out of the office and straight to her desk.
Thankfully her coworkers were engaged in a conversation about the latest episode of Berlint in Love and neither of them noticed her leaving or arriving thanks to her ability to walk without making noises.
At night she told her family. Loid looked a little uncomfortable but nodded understanding the situation. 
Her Friday was normal at work and at home and finally Saturday arrived. In the morning she walked Bond with Anya then went to the supermarket and bought food for the week.
Then she cooked lunch for them as a compensation for not being there for their normal Saturday night activities.
At six Loid and Anya went to the park with Bond and Yor stayed there to start to get ready. The car will be there at nine so she took a long bath, then applied her skincare products on her body. She never uses things with strong scents but since tonight was a special occasion she allowed a little bit of perfume, a common one that won't attract unwanted attention.
Then she got out and got dressed. Her beautiful black dress with golden details around her neck and other places. She also wore her normal jewelry for her alter ego, Thorn Princess, she brushed her hair and grabbed her long hair in a tight bun, she put some makeup on and at eight thirty she was done. She took a black coat, black gloves and her purse with her weapons in it.
She walked out of her room and looked at her family. Anya was watching Bondman on the TV while Loid was cooking dinner. He lifts his head to check on their daughter when his eyes meet hers and suddenly he blushes a little.
“You look stunning, Yor” he said blushing even harder and she was blushing too.
“Thank you Loid” she was blushing harder.
Anya looked at them reading her mother's mind ‘I need to focus on my mission but Loid’s complement made me regret my decision of continuing with this job’ 
‘Mommy has a mission... How exciting!!’ thought the little girl.
Then her mind went to her father's mind ‘I wish I could be there with her, but the invitation was just for her'
“Have fun tonight and I hope everything goes smoothly for you,” he said, smiling at her.
“Thank you Loid. I will and I will be here after midnight but don't worry and don't stay up for me” she said walking to him.
“Mommy and daddy are flirting” said Anya breaking their eye contact and both looked at her.
“We are not!!!” Said them at the same time.
Then Yor checked the time and kissed Anya's forehead then she went to Loid and kissed his cheek, a gesture that became normal for them.
“I promise to return home in time and tomorrow we will have fun together” she whispered only for him to hear and Loid nodded.
“Enjoy tonight” he smiled at her and she smiled back then walked out the house after putting on her coat.
She took a deep breath and went downstairs. Thinking about her family and how this will be for them, she will keep doing this until there aren't bad people trying to hurt them.
When she arrived, a back truck stopped by and a man opened the back door for her. She got in and inside was Matthew wearing a back suit, black tie and white shirt. 
He looked at her and was in awe of her beauty. His intense stare made her blush which force him to clean his throat and looked away.
“Umm... Good evening Yor” he said blushing “glad to see you again” then he looked at her now his normal sweet green eyes, turned cold “You are the boss tonight, but the Director allowed me to create a strategy for us”
She nodded looking at him “I agree with him. He knows I'm not used to work with a partner, normally I just attack”
He nodded looking at her “perfect Yor..” he got out the map of the hall “...as you can see. The red spots are the places I put guns in case we need it” he pointed to the map “the should be here at twelve, three, six and nine” he pointed those specific points like a clock “according to mine and Mr. McMahon’s research there will be about twenty guards just in the hall” he said looking at her “We will be the Falkers, a married couple. You will be Yenifer and I will me Mark” she nodded “I will look for the right opportunity to get in his office and kill him”
“Ok, got it” she nodded and he smiled.
“We can do this” he looked at her and she nodded, trusting him.
The rest of the ride was in silence, but a nice one. Both concentrated on their mission. Yor was memorizing everything he told her.
Before they arrived they put on their mask and the moment the car stopped in front of the door of the hall, Matthew walked out quickly and opened Yor’s door like a perfect gentleman. He offered her his arm which she took and walked to the main door. All eyes on them and she can hear some people complimenting them as a handsome couple, talking about her dress or how gorgeous she looked.
“You are stealing stares, my love” he said loud enough for them to hear him. She blushed at that, even when she was aware they were a fake couple, those compliments made her blush.
Then they walked in and he whispered “you did it great” he smiled then looked around “I was right, there are five guards at twelve, three, six and nine. They are using sharpshooter rifles and they seem good using them”
“Do you think it will be easy for us to sneak in?”
“Well we are good at stealth but there should be another way” she nodded and the party began with music and the waiters walked around offering champagne “gets a cup and take small sips of it, we don't want to be tipsy while we work” she did it as he said because she knew the effects of the alcohol on her.
The night went as expected, they ate some snacks, looking around for their target but he wasn't around, so they socialized with the others.
Yor was acting pretty good as a fake wife, she thought that acting with Loid made it easier but she did things like holding hands or using pet names that she never dared to use or do with Loid.
Why was that? She wondered, why couldn't she? Maybe because every touch with Loid's hands feels like electricity or because his beautiful kind eyes made her feel butterflies. Maybe she feels more around him than with Matthew?
Then the realization hit her like a train... She was in love with him! She was so clumsy and so innocent that she never thought about those feelings until now.
At twelve Martin arrived “good evening my dear guests, I'm so glad to have you all here tonight. I would have been happy to be with you tonight but business are business and need to be attended by me and my partners” he said with a smile “but now I'm here and I would love to talk to all of you, but sadly I can't so I will give an audience to the best couple of the dance floor” he said looking at all the guests in the room “I will pick each song and will eliminate the couples I don't like. Let's begin”
Yor was nervous, she wasn't a good dancer what if they weren't good enough to win it. Matthew on the other hand was confident, he wasn't an expert but if he can guide Yor well, they might have a chance.
“Trust me” he whispered and held her hand as a waltz starter to play. Yor let him guide her and they move smoothly around.
Yor was a naturally athletic woman, just like Loid, which means her muscles can learn new sports and physical activities very quickly so she was dancing pretty good.
The song switched to a salsa, which forced them to adapt pretty quickly. During the waltz about five couples were eliminated but with the salsa the number of couples eliminated increased and at the end of the song there were only five couples remaining.
The next one was a rock and roll song. This one was able to eliminate three couples. 
“Only two couples remain. Now let's use a very difficult one” said Martin and a tango began.
Yor and Matthew cursed but he remembered some dance classes he took with an ex-girlfriend. He looked at Yor, he looked her in the eyes and he could see her determination to win it.
So they used it to create a passionate atmosphere that made everyone else intimated by the intensity. The tango was a passionate dance and if you managed to show it in your moves, others would notice it and feel it.
In the end they won the private meeting with Martin.
They were led to his office and they decided to apply plan B, which was using a poison that won't kill him immediately so no one will suspect them.
She had it in her purse and she looked at him “are you immune to these?” She whispered and he nodded.
The Shopkeeper made sure his assassins are immune to poisons, especially the ones they use.
When they arrived he congratulated them and started to talk about “their gun dealing” business. Yor made sure to pour the poison in the champagne and he poured them two cups.
They drank it with confidence which made him thrust them. They finished their conversation and left the room.
An hour later at one some guards ran in the office to find him dead. Yor and Matthew walked out after their target's death was confirmed.
A few hours early.
Meanwhile Loid put Anya to sleep and Frankie came to visit him.
“Did you investigate Matthew Braun?” 
“Yes and it's scary what I found... He was part of a secret group after leaving the official army. They called him the spy killer. He was responsible for the death of your former trainer and the former handle” Loid bit his nail.
“Dammit... That means he lied to Yor about him leaving the army at eighteen” he said sighing.
“He is a powerful enemy if your identity is revealed because his aim is impeccable”
“We have to be careful and if he lied to Yor it means she doesn't know my identity and she isn't aware of his real job”
“He actually works in that company but he is still dangerous” said Frankie looking at him “you have to be careful with him”
“Yor is surrounded by dangerous people... Her brother and now a childhood friend” he looked at his informant “luckily they don't tell her about their secrets life”
“Do you think we should have invested more of her life before meeting you?”
“This information could be difficult to find even for us... I found out before I knew that story about the wine. Well Frankie I will be careful, don't worry. Now it's time to go to bed and it's time for you to leave” 
He left the Forger's home still worried about his friend and his family. Scruffy, as Anya calls him, got attached to them and he would hate to see either of them getting hurt.
Back with Yor and Matthew hours later and on their way home.
“It's a shame we didn't get to fight but at least we completed the mission” he said looking at his partner.
“Yeah, I'm happy with the final results of this mission” he nodded “we did a great job together and I'm looking for a next mission together”
“Great, me too,” he smiled. He still has a crush on her but he's not stupid, he knows he is a friend, even after their act in the party, he could tell her heart wasn't committed to him.
The rest of their journey back home was in silence. He was looking out the window and so was she, still wondering if she was actually in love with Loid or she just felt weird around him.
They arrived at her home and she said her goodbyes to him and walked in the building and up to her apartment.
She walked in and saw all the lights off so she went straight to her bedroom and changed into her most comfortable pajamas and laid in bed.
She laid in bed and started to think about the mission and her new feelings towards her fake husband, and with those thoughts she fell asleep.
This one was pretty long and I wanted Yor to figure out her feelings towards Loid.
Hope you liked this one.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Augusto Fernandez- What a day
The last few days have been very busy with Augusto leaving for the last race of the season and me having to go to work and then pack to drive to the track to join him but finally we have reached the last race day of the season. I've never experienced a last race of the season before let alone a title decider so to been pretty overwhelming watching Saturdays track action and now getting ready for the race. With everything thats been going on I've not had much time to think about how this will be Augusto's last race in moto2 and possibly his chance of winning his first title. Its crazy to think that just a few months ago Augusto was trailing behind in the title fight and didn't see any hope of getting to motogp but here we are with him leading the championship and with a seat in motogp for next year. I couldn't be more proud of everything he's achieved this year as I've been here to watch everything and the amount of work and determination he's put into this season is like nothing I've ever seen before. As much as I would love to I can't get too ahead of myself as of course the championship isn't done as there is still a good chance that Ai could win but I have a good feelings about today.
On a normal race weekend we would have a bit more time together but since I got here I've barely seen Augusto as he's been so busy. The only time we got to spend together was in the evening but then we were both super tired so ended up just getting into bed. I guess overnight I didn't sleep so that kind of counts as spending time with Augusto as I spent most of the night staring at him to make sure that he was ok and sleeping while I worried about today. The busy schedule continued this morning as the alarm went off earlier than normal and I was dragged out of bed to go and get breakfast then left while the team had a meeting to talk about he race seeing as its an important one for the whole team. After the boring things were done it was time for warm up and I realised that I hadn't even got ready yet so I hid out the way during warmup just incase they had cameras as I didn't want to be on tv in my pyjamas.
Eventually we made it back to the motorhome and I got ready so that I looked a bit more presentable but then we had nothing to do until the start of the race. Seeing as we had some time I thought it might be a good idea to be doing something to take Augusto's mind off the race so I dragged him out of the motorhome to walk around the paddock. The paddock was very busy when we first went out as it was just before the moto3 race but after that began it was a bit quieter which made it a lot more enjoyable. As much as this walk was supposed to be to distract Augusto he seemed to be doing pretty ok and I was the one that was nervous about the race. I am always nervous before a race but I'm extra nervous for this race as I just know that if it doesn't go Augusto's way he will be so upset and will blame himself for all the mistakes he's made this season especially Australia.
Soon enough we had to head back to the motorhome for him to get ready which is when I noticed him getting a bit quieter and more nervous which was to be expected. I wanted to help him feel a bit calmer but I let him him go through his usual routine first as I know that he will be worse if he doesn't do everything like he usually does. Once he was ready I got up and grabbed hold of his hand to get his attention and once I had it I made him come sit down with me. I didn't say anything for a few minutes instead I just played with his hair running my hand through it as that often relaxes him. After playing with his hair for a few minutes he pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me into his chest.
"You've got this you know" I said
"You think so" he said
"Yeah I mean you like this track and the bike has been fast all weekend while Ai has been struggling you can do this you just need to believe in yourself" I said
"Thank you love" he said
"Now come on let's go so you can win the championship" I said pulling him up
We went into the garage and the whole team were busy getting things ready which meant it was a little chaotic but Augusto went straight to sit in his chair and I stood next to him while he got his helmet and gloves on. He put his gloves on and grabbed his helmet before getting up and giving me a kiss and getting on his bike and before I knew it he had left the garage and it was almost time for the race. Once he was gone I started to show my nerves a bit more as I was trying to hide them before but now that he's not here I can be as nervous as I like which is very nervous. You could sense that the whole team were starting to feel it as when everyone was back in the garage during the warm up lap no one said anything everyone just got in place to start watching the race. I was stood out the way to start with but Aki then got a chair for himself and allowed me to sit in Augusto's chair which I did as my legs were starting to shake from the nerves.
They did the warm up lap and then the lights went out and straight away I was very stressed. Augusto dropped some places on the start and Ai made up some places which meant that it was just 0.5 points between them. My nerves weren't helped by Alonso Lopez who seemed to be pulling some strange moves but luckily for Augusto after he passed him he lost it and crashed. The next worry was that Ai was gaining on Tony in the lead and Cam was rapidly getting closer from behind. I just couldn't watch so I put my hands over my eyes so I was only peaking through my fingers but as soon as I did chaos ensued with Cam crashing and Ai doing the same in a very odd crash. None of that mattered though as it meant Augusto was champion which took a second to sink in for everyone in the garage but when it did they all congratulated each other and I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes in just pure joy.
The rest of the race almost didn't matter but Augusto still fought to the very last lap and ended up 2nd with Pedro in 1st which was a brilliant result for the team. Before the end of the race I joined a few team members to going to the side of the track to greet Augusto and give him his world champion helmet. Of course he took a while to get there but once he did the team members greeted him first before he got off his bike and came over to give me a hug which was the best hug I've had in a long time. The team then gave me his special helmet which I got to give to him which I really enjoyed as I actually helped in designing the helmet. He celebrated with the fans for a bit before getting back on his bike to head back to parc ferme so I did the same by getting on the back of a scooter so that I could watch the podium ceremony.
Somehow I got to parc ferme before Augusto but that was fine by me as it gave me the chance to congratulate the whole team including Pedro who gave me a hug after I congratulated him for winning rookie of the year and the race. Eventually Augusto made it back and everyone went crazy celebrating and congratulating him. The team then gathered to take pictures so I tried to get out the way but Augusto gently pulled me back and got me to stand next to him for all the pictures which made me a little nervous but ultimately no one will really notice me. Once all the pictures were taken everyone went up to the podium and of course Augusto did his best to spray the team with the champagne which included me so I ended up soaked but I also didn't care.
It was a while before I saw Augusto again as he had loads of media to do but eventually he came back to the motorhome and straight away joined me on the sofa as he was clearly exhausted. I felt bad as I could see that he just wanted a moment to chill but he had the awards to attend later tonight which he had to get ready for and then travel there which meant there wasn't much time for chilling. When it was time for Augusto to start getting ready he pulled me up with him and made me come into the bedroom with him even though I was under the impression that I was just going to sit there while he got ready. As I just sat there he looked at me puzzled like I was doing something wrong so I gave him the same look back to see if he would explain. Instead of explaining he just looked at me for a bit longer before then switching to a look of realisation.
"Oh I never actually asked you to come did I?" He questioned
"I have no idea what you're on about so no" I replied
"Well I was going to ask you to come to the awards with me and I thought I did but clearly I forgot so would you like to come?" He asked
"I would love to but I don't have anything to wear" I said
"I have that covered I prepared everything else I just forgot to ask you" he laughed
"Well then I'm in" I said
With that I got up and went straight to the bathroom to shower and wash my hair as I didn't do it this morning. I had to be quick because Augusto doesn't take long to get ready and he got up in enough time for him to be ready even though I would have started getting ready an hour ago. Once out the shower I quickly dried my hair and curled it before starting on my makeup which I decided to keep simple to save time and because I'm not that good at makeup so can't do much else. When I was done with everything else I asked Augusto where my outfit was and he opened the wardrobe to show me the prettiest dress I've ever seen. The dress was black and had a slit up the leg and an open back but also long sleeves so it had some coverage but also showed some skin. I put it on with some help as I couldn't reach the zip but once it was on I fixed my hair and added shoes and jewellery before I was completely ready to go.
Augusto came up behind me while I was looking in the mirror and put his arms around my waist before leaning down to kiss me. I looked at him through the mirror as we just stood there together doing nothing until he pulled out his phone and took some pictures of us together which I watched him put on his Instagram story before we actually left the motorhome. Luckily there was a car waiting for us to drive us to the venue of the awards as I didn't want to do it and I wasn't going to let Augusto after he's been celebrating for hours. It was a really nice car too much nicer than any car I've ever owned so I felt very important getting in the back with Augusto especially knowing that we were going to an award ceremony too.
During the drive we didn't speak too much as it started to sink in what we were doing and I got incredibly nervous all of a sudden. I mean I'm ok with being seen with Augusto at races and he will post pictures of us together on social media which I'm fine with but for some reason the thought of going to the awards has me nervous. Knowing that is live and that there will be people there filming and taking pictures specifically of me and Augusto is something I've not experienced before and it is outside of my comfort zone. As much as I know people are there to see the riders from past years I know that many also like to see what the wives and girlfriends wear so I'm nervous about being judged on my outfit and just generally how I look. Augusto must have noticed that I'd been extra quiet as I felt him put a hand on my thigh and squeeze it slightly to get my attention.
"Are you ok there love?" He asked
"Yeah just a bit nervous" I said
"You seem more than a bit nervous what's bothering you?" He questioned
"I'm just nervous about there being so many cameras and people judging how I look" I admitted
"I promise it will be ok I'll be with you the whole time and if you feel uncomfortable you can hide out the way" he said
"Thank you that makes me feel slightly better" I said
"Good now lets go we got this" he smiled
We got out the car and Augusto stood there to wait for me to sort my dress out and to be ready to walk down the red carpet they put out which felt a little over the top but I guess this only happens once a year. Once I was ready to go he grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it gently before we started to walk towards the red carpet. I took one last deep breath before we started to walk down together and right away there was cameras flashing and others coming to film us as we walked. Augusto kept a tight grip on my hand the entire time until we made it into the building where he had to go and do an interview so I stood off to the side just waiting for him. I actually really enjoyed hearing him talk about winning the championship and going to Motogp next year as it's not something we have talked too much about as of course other things have been going on.
After the interview we had to take a few more pictures but after that we were able to go properly inside and take our seats. A few people were in there already and Augusto being the way he is started a conversation with them and eventually I ended up joining in when I felt like I could say something worth while. I don't talk to too many people in the paddock as I'm not the most outgoing person but it was really nice to actually talk to some people and make some friends who I can talk to when at races. Weirdly after being so nervous earlier I was feeling relaxed and was really enjoying the evening so far.
Before long the awards started and they went through each of the classes in order so starting with motoE then moto3 and them finally to moto2. A bit before they started with moto2 Augusto had to go backstage so I had been sat alone just waiting to get to watch him be officially awarded the championship. Seeing the team get the awards and then Pedro get rookie of the year made me really happy as the team are really great and this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster. Finally Augusto walked out on stage and the smile on my face only got bigger and a few tears even welled up in my eyes as just seeing him up there made me so proud of what he has achieved this year. I loved watching him get given his medal and certificate (is that what they are called?) and then stand with the others to take pictures before giving his speech which he was worried about doing but I thought he did great.
Once the ceremony was over and we were able to get up Augusto brought me with him to the photo booth that they have and we took pictures together which perfectly captured the moment and put into a physical thing that I can keep forever the emotions of the day. We then went and talked to a few more people who I already knew so was happy to chat to to kill some time. Like he promised earlier Augusto didn't leave my side even though there wasn't cameras around anymore he stayed with me the whole time. He even just stood there happily as I talked to one of the riders girlfriends for a bit before we then went to talk to someone else. It was nice to have him there as when I wanted to have a break from talking to people he would happily go to a more quiet corner with me for a few minutes which I really appreciated.
The whole evening was really enjoyable and by the time we left although I was exhausted and definitely needed to just be with Augusto or by myself I was happy that I decided to go as its a special moment that hopefully I will get to experience again but if I don't this time will always be in my memories.
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neurologist23 · 1 month
A Night to Remember: My Journey with Sleep Apnea
It all started with what I thought was just an annoying quirk. My wife would complain about my snoring almost every night. "It sounds like a freight train," she'd say with a mix of frustration and humor. I'd laugh it off, not thinking much of it. After all, who doesn't snore a little? But then, things began to change.
I started feeling more tired during the day, even after what seemed like a full night's rest. Mornings became a struggle; it felt like I was dragging myself out of bed, and no amount of coffee seemed to help. I noticed that I was becoming more irritable, snapping at little things that wouldn’t normally bother me. Concentration at work became a challenge, and there were moments when I’d feel like I was in a fog, unable to focus on the task at hand.
The turning point came one Saturday afternoon when I dozed off on the couch while watching TV. My wife, Sarah, was in the kitchen, but she rushed over when she heard me gasping for air. She shook me awake, her face pale with worry. "You stopped breathing," she said, her voice trembling. I tried to brush it off, telling her it was probably just a dream, but deep down, I was shaken.
That night, Sarah insisted that I see a doctor. I agreed, mostly to ease her worries, but part of me was starting to wonder if something was really wrong. At her suggestion, I made an appointment at the NeurologySleepCenter. They specialized in sleep disorders and had helped one of her colleagues with a similar problem.
At the clinic, the neurologist listened carefully to my symptoms and recommended a sleep study. I wasn't thrilled about spending a night hooked up to wires and machines, but by this point, I knew I needed answers.
The sleep study at NeurologySleepCenter was a surreal experience. I remember lying in a comfortable bed, trying to fall asleep with all these sensors attached to me. The environment was more relaxing than I had imagined, which made it easier to drift off despite the wires. The staff was reassuring and explained everything in detail, which helped ease my anxiety.
The next morning, the technician told me they'd gathered enough data, and I went home to await the results. A few days later, I got the call. The neurologist explained that I had moderate obstructive sleep apnea. My airway was collapsing multiple times an hour during the night, causing those brief pauses in breathing. Each time it happened, my brain would jolt me awake just enough to start breathing again, but not enough for me to remember it. No wonder I was exhausted all the time—I wasn't really resting.
The diagnosis was a shock, but in a way, it was also a relief. At least now I knew what was wrong. The doctor recommended I start using a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine to keep my airway open at night. I was skeptical. The idea of wearing a mask to bed every night didn’t exactly thrill me. But the doctor assured me it would make a big difference.
The first few nights with the CPAP machine were tough. The mask felt strange on my face, and the constant airflow took some getting used to. I tossed and turned, waking up several times to adjust the mask. But Sarah was patient, reminding me that it would take time to adapt. She even started sleeping with earplugs to block out the noise of the machine, although she said it was nothing compared to my snoring.
After about a week, something incredible happened—I woke up feeling refreshed. For the first time in months, maybe even years, I felt like I’d actually rested. The morning grogginess was gone, and I had energy throughout the day. My mood improved, and I found it easier to concentrate at work. Even Sarah noticed the change, commenting on how much happier and more relaxed I seemed.
As the weeks went by, I became more comfortable with the CPAP machine. It became a routine part of my night, just like brushing my teeth or setting the alarm. I realized that the benefits far outweighed the initial discomfort. My snoring had stopped almost entirely, which made Sarah happy, and I was finally getting the restorative rest I needed.
Looking back, I wish I had taken my symptoms more seriously sooner. Sleep apnea is a condition that can have serious health consequences if left untreated, but it’s also something that can be managed effectively with the right tools. The CPAP machine didn’t just improve my nights; it improved my life. I’m more present, more engaged, and more in tune with the world around me.
I’m grateful for the care I received at NeurologySleepCenter. Their expertise and support made all the difference. Now, when I hear someone joking about their snoring or feeling constantly tired know more
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ruminate88 · 1 year
Bread Crumbs For Summer
All summer long in 2014, I was confused as to why Andrew would message me “good morning” everyday but yet that was as far as he took it. I even remember one day he wasn’t responding and when I asked what was wrong eventually he responded and apologized, said “his house didn’t get great service because he lived in the country where signals were limited.” I believed him because I didn’t know him.
Andrew would flirt with me, cyber sex with me, send me nudes and call me “cutie” and “gorgeous” but also take hours upon hours to respond. In the mornings he would text me, flirt with me but when I would ask “can we play 21 questions to get know each other?” He would always say “I would love to but I have to get ready to work. Maybe later??” His excuse all summer was “I have to work”. I was getting so tired of it and confused.
Even worse, when my birthday came in August, he messaged me on KiK the day of my birthday and said “Happy Birthday cutie!😘 I hope it’s a good day for you, you deserve it!” I was soooo stunned and confused to how he remembered my birthday when he had been so weird all summer with me, flirting so much but not really taking time to actually get to know me AND wasn’t asking me out. I did think it was very sweet he messaged me Happy Bday to me and in my “normal thinking” I believe he cares. I believe I’m important to him… but after my birthday he was still just flirting and nothing more. I was catching feelings though. I was already too invested to walk away because he was messaging me every day “good morning Cute 😘”
By mid August-the start September, I now had met a super nice guy named “Dillion” from LA, Cali. He was an EMT who drove an ambulance. He would sleeping at the firehouse but be on call and whenever he got a call on his speaker, he had to leave right then!! Dillion would video-Snapchat call me every single night and we would talk, laugh, have video chat sex and just have soooo much fun. Dillon was absolutely great to spend time with. I truly was having a blast but….
Every night I went to bed with Dillion. Sometimes he would get an emergency call and have to leave the call but text me and tell me what the emergency was and say he “missed me” omg that should have made me fall so in love! I should have wanted Dillion!! Sadly; every morning Andrew was there “good morning” AND even though I went to bed texting Dillion, I was waking up just thinking to myself “Oh I want Andrew soooo bad!!” I wanted Andrew in my bed!! I would wake up aching in my chest for him. I would see his “good morning” and smile so much! He wasn’t the one video chatting me and spending time with me. He was the one “bread crumbing” me and yet, he was the one I was attached to. 🥺🥺🥺
I was so torn for weeks! I would play scenarios out in my head about both Dillion and Andrew, wondering how it would play out. Having no idea what to think. Then on a Saturday night, I noticed a guy on Instagram named “Timothy” from New York who was living in Orlando and working at Disney World at the time, was liking so many of my photos and leaving comments on them too. Eventually we went back and forth until we moved over to KiK and finished talking the rest of the night….
Timothy and I continued to chat a lot, as well as I was staying up late with Dillion but always waking up to Andrew. I was beyond torn who to choose. My head was spinning in circles! All 3 men seemed to be kind towards me but yet Andrew was giving me the least amount of attention or conversation but yet I wanted him the most. I literally felt him pulling on my heart strings and felt stuck with him.
The timeline is sightly fuzzy to me, there was so much “confusion” surrounding Andrew but I remember at some point, Andrew started his sophomore year of college and told me he was busy “packing” and was purposely leaving me on read a lot. I was getting fed up but was too attached to walk away. I enjoyed spending time with Dillion and thought Tim was great too but I just couldn’t let go of Andrew.
Andrew finally moved into his first “apartment” and who did he contact? ME 😳 I got a message on KiK out of the blue after him leaving me on read a couple days, he said, “Hey Cutie! I finally moved in to my apartment and I can’t wait for you to check it out!!” Oh I was so very very tempted but I knew then he wanted to hook up and yet I was the one with real feelings.
I finally confronted Andrew and told him, “I don’t wanna just hook up with you, I have actual feelings and if you don’t feel the same, please tell me now.” I told andrew I wanted to be more than friends AND Andrew said he wanted the same!! 🤩 Told me he was too shy to ask me out but that he saw me as more than a friend too and that night wow… We a actually stayed up till 3am on KiK talking and I can’t remember everything he said to me that night but at one point I DO remember him saying to me, “you are so precious to me” wow…. I thought for SURE we were falling in love. I went to bed with the biggest most happiest smile on my face!!
The next morning I woke up to Andrew telling me good morning again and I said to him that I had something to tell him but I was nervous. He asked me to please tell him(I think he knew) and for the first time, I told Andrew “I love you” AND he said it back!!!!!!!!! Wow I was on cloud nine that whole entire weekend! I thought everything was just perfect!! I told both Dillon and Timothy the hard news what I had done that I was in a relationship with Andrew now and I could tell Dillion was disappointed ☹️ I felt so bad but I couldn’t help it!!!! I was under Andrew’s love spell!!
I thought Andrew and I were going to be “sooo happy” but the VERY WEEK following the weekend where we told each other “I love you” for the first time, Andrew DISAPPEARED AND WENT NO CONTACT for a whole entire week!! The abuse had truly begun. I was terrified, wounded deep and was so so very hurt!! I sent Andrew multiple messages trying to understand what was going on, what did I do or say wrong….. Instantly I was “terrified to lose him” and I had no idea it was all part of his “master manipulation” plan to control me and make me super attached with him. He already had me under his “love spell”. I was a COMPLETE MESS!!!!!
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Sunny, Hunter Hearst Helmsley x Fem Reader- "Never Gonna Leave This Bed"
Sunny/Tammy Sytch was the World Wrestling Federation's most popular female sex symbol and leading it girl in 1996 and 1997.
So much so, she, the WWF and Playboy would get endless amounts of requests for her to pose for that magazine.
She was the most downloaded woman on AOL.com in 1996.
And there's a reason why she was the most downloaded woman and she got so many requests, and was the WWF's leading it girl and most popular sex symbol.
Not only was she beautiful, but flirtatious, sexy, charismatic, dressed in sexy outfits and seductive.
Because she was such a sought after sex symbol who often purred and expressed her sexuality, in 1997 she would often have these segments on the WWF's "Shotgun Saturday Night" where she would interview some wrestler while she laid in a silky bed in the arena that had pillows and blankets on top of that mattress.
The wrestlers she always interviewed were male---because there were no actual female wrestlers in the WWF during that year except for Chyna and Luna Vachon, and Chyna was working as a bodyguard whereas Luna didn't join the WWF until the end of 1997.
Speaking of which, even though you weren't a wrestler and didn't have any professional wrestling background before joining the WWF, during a "Shotgun Saturday Night" episode in August of 1997, you and Hunter Hearst Helmsley were brought to Sunny's segment on that show where she lays in a silky bed.
This was rare, because Sunny usually interviewed men, not to women.
Not to mention, the audience and fans were used to you wearing evening gowns, skintight cocktail dresses, and sometimes even dressed up as Marie Antoinette, as well as wearing accessories like diamond tiaras, fur stoles, silky gloves that reached your elbows, feather boas, and diamond jewelry.
Because of Sunny often laying in that bed, and beds are something people sleep on, you arrived to her segment dressed up in a long sleeved football jersey-style pajama nighty that reached your upper thighs.
You didn't wear any pants, shorts, or anything covering your legs (although you did wear panties under your jersey style pajamas).
What you wore to Sunny's chat show resembled the football jersey style pajamas Janet Wood on "Three's Company" would wear sometimes, as well as those football jersey style pajama nightys that women often wore in the 1970's and 1980's, albeit your nighty was shorter.
Male fans in the audience whistled at you in that outfit like how they whistle at an attractive woman, whereas some fans in the audience were shocked since you typically don't wear outfits like that.
Even Sunny pretended to be flabbergasted at your outfit, since you normally don't wear outfits like that.
"Well, you are in a bed!" you mentioned to Sunny. "I'd thought I'd sit on your bed and wear something comfortable"
Sunny doesn't really want you in her bed, because she interviews male wrestlers, not females.
"Did you have to bring her?" Sunny asked to Hunter with a disgusted look on her face.
"She's always by my side!" Hunter answered.
No doubt there were lots of male fans in the audience who wanted to see you and Sunny in bed together, since you're both beautiful girls sharing a bed.
In fact, many male fans were cheering for you and wanting to you sit in bed with her.
Your choice of pajamas you wore wasn't all that sexy or cute, but there's a reason you wore it.
To make your outfit look cuter, one of your hands tugged and pulled down one of the sleeves on your arm until your bare shoulder was showing.
This moment of you wanting to slip into Sunny's bed despite that she's a female implies you're a lesbian or even at least bisexual.
"I just want to lay in your bed with you!" you explained to Sunny. "Girls have slumber parties where they sit in each others beds all the time!"
Hunter definitely wants to see you lay in bed with Sunny together, though you aren't meant to be cheating on him.
"I won't cheat on you" you promised to Hunter with your head turned to him, and you were being completely honest.
Some people in the audience---in particular men and underage boys---were chanting "Let her sit!".
"I didn't even think you would wear something like that" Sunny said when she referred to you.
Indeed, she has a point.
You often wore such classy, elegant, indebutante gowns and occasionally cocktail dresses.
You even waltzed with Hunter Hearst Helmsley last year while you wore a ballgown.
"I think I had pajamas like that in, like, the 4th grade" Sunny referred when her index finger pointed at your football jersey style nighty.
However, what Sunny said didn't mean to be a positive.
She was saying that in a negative tone and meaning behind it, meaning your PJ's are outdated.
"I would wear a football jersey" you said. "But I decided to just put this on instead"
"Didn't I overhear Hunter last year say he doesn't care for the Superbowl?" Sunny brought up and referred "Because he doesn't care about men wearing pads?"
And as we all know, the Superbowl is famous for football.
"I think you're just jealous because my man is handsome, charming, and rich" you bragged at her "And you don't have a man with you"
Some people in the audience booed you when you said that.
This could turn into an all out catfight, with you and Sunny pulling each others hair on the bed or even pillow fighting, which no doubt would make some of the male fans in the audience cheer as well as be something Hunter would enjoy seeing.
While Sunny might've been pissed, she didn't angrily lunge at you.
The WWF didn't start making women cat fight each other until next year.
"What if Hunter came to bed with us?" you asked her.
Sunny had to think about that for a while.
In the end, she did decide to let Hunter as well as you lay in bed with her, however, Hunter laid right next to Sunny while you laid next to Hunter, which you as well as Sunny were okay with.
At least the character Sunny was playing, anyway.
"Is he gonna fit on this bed?" Sunny asked, looking puzzled.
"I'm sure" he said.
And lo and behold, he did, and so did you when you laid in bed with him and Sunny, although you were much more slender than he was.
When you crawled on top of this bed, you sat on top of this bed and  there were a few shots of your panties exposed underneath your nighty.
Your legs---especially your thighs---were spread out a little bit to have your panties shown on TV.
Your legs weren't spread wide open, but they were noticeable underneath your nighty.
As Hunter laid on this bed, he was laying sideways and nearly overtaking the small size of this bed.
The bed could nearly break due to how heavy and big he is, although the bed he, Sunny and you were laying on (or in your case, sitting) was a mattress.
As Sunny was interviewing Hunter, you sat in this bed with your panties on display in between your thighs and covering your vulva, your underwear not being a thong.
Your panties being exposed was distracting the interview Sunny was giving Hunter and for good reason.
There was a moment where you laid one of your legs on this mattress while you raised your other leg up, letting your knee stick up in the air, and your panties were shown between your legs and blocking your pussy from being shown on TV.
Another moment involved you laying on the bed, where your left leg overlapped and swerved on top of your right leg and swerved and turned your body sideways, which caused your panties to be exposed between your thighs and covering your vulva.
Like many women in the World Wrestling Federation, there was not a single pubic hair or stubble on your thighs and peeking out of your panties, you didn't even have any shaving bumps (or STD's) near your vagina and on your thighs.
You didn't have any bruises and cuts on your thighs and legs---looking like all the other seemingly "perfect" beautiful women in the World Wrestling Federation.
Many fans caught your panties peeking under your nighty, especially when the titantron was displaying you laying down with your underwear exposed.
There were several male fans cheering and whistling at your panties getting exposed, and Sunny eventually noticed your panties peeping out under your nighty, which made her angry and disgusted.
"I can see your panties!" Sunny exclaimed in anger.
She wasn't disgusted because you were some ugly, fat chick, she was mad because your panties are peeking out and distracting the fans.
"And?" you asked her.
"Close your legs!" Sunny shouted.
"Maybe you should too!" you shot back, raising your back, torso and head up from the bed.
What you said got a lot of booing from the fans in the audience.
Sunny could easily hurl over Hunter and get into a catfight with you, but you and Sunny didn't.
Fans---especially male fans---are thinking you and Sunny will get into a catfight, but you didn't.
You wanted to snuggle and cuddle with Hunter in this interview, but the whole point of you in that football jersey nighty and your panties being shown was meant to be a "Three's Company" tribute, because Janet Wood often wore those football jersey pajamas and there were a lot of upskirt shots on the show.
Hunter laid on his back sometimes in this interview when he laid on this bed, and as he was laying on his back, you snuggled and cuddled right next to him, placing your hand on his chest and slowly stroking up and down it.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hi! can you write something angsty where harry and y/n have broken up?
The last week had been really tough.
Understandably there was no-one to blame but yourself for your sadness and anxiety. You had been the one to break up with Harry and leave him to enjoy his own life.
You never thought it would hurt this much.
Harry had been an absolute rock for you these past few months and you owed everything to him. Your happiness stemmed from his joyful centre and was one of the things you missed the most about him. His lips, his eyes, his hair, his neck, his heartbeat and his fingers were only added on to the minute list of other things you missed about him.
It was hard to keep up with the news, seeing Harry and Olivia's faces plastered everywhere. A lot of them were talking about how they were perfect for each other and this was exactly what Harry needed, which only hurt more. You thought you'd been enough - but clearly management thought you hadn't and neither had Harry if he agreed to doing the stunt.
After travelling back to the UK you got a couple of texts from Harry, freaking out over your whereabouts since you'd walked home in the dark and telling you to contact him as soon as possible. You let him with one final text and then blocked his number;
Guess we both stopped running, hey? Bye, Harry <3
Your little emoji at the end meant a lot more than a simple 'i like you', now, but it was too late for Harry to know that now. He was always going to be the right person at the wrong time.
As if your love life hadn't been giving you enough grief your job was being even worse.
Today you were working a 10 hour shift at the restaurant, and it was a Saturday night so it was even busier than normal. You were very understaffed this evening and so the workload was overbearing. You were waitressing for more than ten tables and hostessing. Pippa, your co-worker and best friend, had picked up an extra shift to help when you secretly texted her an SOS message.
"P, I just need to go give food to Table 16 so could you go seat the people waiting at the door?" You asked her and she complied.
You wiped some excess sweat off your forehead and walked swiftly over to the kitchen to pick up food for Table 16. The food had been waiting for at least a minute and you were scolded for not being quick enough.
"Hurry up Y/N. Now!" Your manager shouted at you. He usually just stood in his big-boss suit and did nothing to help. He would walk around during the evening and ask people for their opinions on the food, attempting to give god customer service. He was so horrible to his staff members though, and the only reason you stuck around was because you needed to pay rent somehow.
"Sorry Sir," You apologised and shakily picked up the heavy plates. After leaving Harry, even though it had only been a week, you had lost a significant amount of weight and had become a lot weaker. You haven't been eating properly and your sleep schedule was practically none existent. You were completely worn out and your body was taking the effects of that.
You sped as fast as you could, with balancing plates on hand, towards the correct table and swore to yourself as you managed to burn yourself on the plate. It was touching your thumb and it was becoming hotter and hotter on your skin by the second.
"Hi, sorry about the delay." You apologised on behalf of the staff, or lack there of. You placed the dishes in front of the two ladies and smiled the best you could.
"The service here tonight is terrible, can I just say. I'd like to speak to your manager after my dinner." The woman aggressively spoke to you as if everything had been your fault, not giving a second thought to how you were only delivering the food and not making it.
"Oh i'm so–" You couldn't even finish before the other woman was chipping in.
"Don't be expecting a tip this evening." She was quick to chime in, the other woman nodding in agreement. "You can go now." She brushed her hand to warn you away. You held your head low in shame.
The job didn't exactly pay well, so you needed every tip you could get in order to pay for bills and put food on the table for yourself. It wasn't like you were living off scraps, but sometimes it was hard to pull enough money together for the end of the months rent. Hearing that you were going to be getting one less tip tonight only made you think about whether you were going to sacrifice hot water for a chocolate pudding, or whether it would be the gooey dessert for a warm shower.
You were on your way back to the kitchen to pick up the next round food available to serve when a man reached his hand out to stop you. You really needed to go and wash your throbbing hand under cold water, and fast, before it blistered and became anymore painful.
"Oops, sorry Sir. Can I help?" You asked, as you were cut short of your walk by his hand. You held onto your burning hand, thinking it would help relieve the pain when in reality you knew it wouldn't.
"Yes. My food is cold. I want all of it to be re-done." He could've at least said please or used a smile, but no. You could just add this to the list of things that were going wrong today.
"Oh I apologise for that, Sir. I'll get on that right away." You walked away quickly, walking to the register to cash in his order again, but discounting it so he didn't have to pay for any of it. You had asked Mikey, on the way over, to go and clear away their plates of cold food and return them to the kitchen.
As you put the last item through the till Pippa came alongside you, with a cash and cheque. Pippa's customer service had always been so amazing that there was no surprise when she kept her £10 tip. That could buy you your chocolate pudding, you thought to yourself - maybe even two.
"You okay?" She asked, noticing how you were grabbing on to on of your hands whilst the other was shaking. For some stupid reason there was only one till that took cash in this restaurant, and so Pippa had to wait until you were done to use it.
"Oh yeah it's nothing." you say calmly, moving your hand away to show her what you thought was only a small burn but now turned out to be quite scary looking. It was ridiculously red and the skin was obviously burnt.
"Y/N! What the hell? That's not nothing. That looks like a second degree burn." Pippa exclaimed, trying to keep her own voice down so to not attract attention.
"Yeah, well it's not important right now." You sighed, logging out of the register so she could log in. You were about to leave when she caught your wrist on your good hand.
"Y/N/N," she warned sternly, "go and run your hand under cold water now and–"
"Y/N. Table 6 now!" Your manager shouted at you. He must have noticed you and Pippa talking and automatically have thought you were both yapping about girl stuff rather than doing your job, when in actual fact Pippa was genuinely worried for her good friend.
"Yes, Sir." You turned around left Pippa to it, hearing her loudly sigh behind you. Her sigh made you feel even worse - thinking that you'd disappointed her on top of everything else. It's not like you didn't want to go and attend to your hand, but more that you couldn't. Every few seconds it would really sting and you hated the feeling. It sent slight shivers up the backs of your legs and up your spine, proving that your body was not taking to the new injury very well.
You patted down your simple outfit and swallowed down the overly large lump in the back of your throat. You wanted to so badly cry, but now was not the time nor the place.
The walk over to table 6 didn't take long and luckily nobody stopped you along the way. You smiled at a gorgeous baby and she waved back, filling you with a little love that you'd so desperately needed today.
You took out your notepad and pen before you arrived at the booth. The boots were expensive, so you could assume that whoever was sitting in it was rich and would be ordering something like lobster this evening. You clicked your pen on and looked up at your customers just before arriving at the table, but when you made eye contact with him you stopped.
He was here.
The one man that you'd given your everything to and it just hadn't been enough. The one man that you'd loved unconditionally and he didn't feel the same. The one man that you thought was your forever but his was someone else.
Harry. God, did he look annoyingly good. He was just wearing some flares and a sweater, as usual, and yet he looked like was ready to walk down Guccis runway. He looked incredible, which was a lot more than you could ever say for yourself. You look at yourself now and then back to him and understand why you hadn't been enough. You look at yourself now and then at the beautiful woman sat next to him and understand why you hadn't been enough.
Olivia was a beautiful woman and they really did deserve all the happiness, but it was just hard to admit that and watch it with your own eyes.
With one final look into those big, dreamy, eyes that looked just as shocked as yours, you rushed away. No words exchanged. You couldn't even comprehend that he was actually here. Yes, he always used to come here, but you assumed after this past week he'd never want to come back here again. Why was he even back in London? Surely they had a load of press to continue to work through in the States before returning to England. You never thought seeing him again would be causing this much mental dilemma.
After rushing away, blocking out any customer who was calling for your service, you made your way in to the back corridor which contained the employee toilets. The customer toilets were at the front of the restaurant, so you had no worries having to hide from them. The corridor was gross, though, and you wished to be anywhere else right now.
You couldn't even get 10 seconds to yourself, or to calm yourself down, before your grumpy, old, employer burst through the unlocked door in to the corridor.
"Y/N get back out there, right now, and do your damn job." He screamed at you from the tiny corridor. He had no respect for personal space.
"I need a minute." You say quietly, finding it hard to find the strength to even return to work right now.
"I don't give a shit. You get out there and serve Table 6, right now, before I lose my chill." He angrily spat back at you, making you afraid to see what he'd be like without his chill.
"I can't serve that table, Sir." You held back your tears, feeling the need to be strong for yourself. You felt yourself on the cusp of a huge breakdown though - everything had been so overwhelming this evening. You'd been blamed for just about everything and now your ex-boyfriend was here with his whole management and Olivia. You just couldn't do it.
"And why the fuck not, Y/N." Your boss asked you sternly, crossing his arms over to make him seem more intimidating.
"Because... becau– it's personal." You tried to explain without explaining, knowing you boss wouldn't give a damn whether you explained it or not. He only cared about profit and his well fare - nothing else. You were below the floor on his list of priorities, which wasn't exactly gold standard for staff well-being.
"I've had just about enough of your bullshit, Y/N." He calmly stated, which was your first clue that this wasn't good. "You're fired." And there it was.
"Wha– Sir? You can't–" You stumbled over your words, feeling the tears soak your eyes now. Your tense state had grown even worse and you could feel the cramps in your body begin to build. The pain in your hand was long forgotten and the pain in your chest was settling, because reality had just come knocking on your door. It had come knocking and had broken in before you could even open it. The reality was you were now jobless. No income. No warm shower or chocolate pudding.
"I can and I just did. You're lazy and your customer service is disgraceful. I need people who are hard-working, not slackers. I need people who are strong, not weak. Now get out of my restaurant." He walked away and slammed the door shut on the way out.
When the door shut you were free to collapse and cry.
You let everything out. Every single tear you could produce, fell. Why did you have to be the one given a shitty life? Of course, it was nowhere near as awful as some peoples lives but you really didn't understand what you were doing wrong to gather this much hate. Your boss hated you and so fired you. Your friend was disappointed in you, which made you feel invaluable. Your ex-boyfriend was, well you thought was, the love of your goddamn life and he very clearly didn't feel the same way.
Once, you had had everything. Job. Good friends. Boyfriend. Love. Now, well you weren't even sure what you had anymore.
All the good things in life were slipping away and you felt like you were slipping away with them.
After crying so much that you couldn't breathe you attempted to calm yourself down. The tears were stinging your eyes now and the sobs were causing your throat to hurt. The floor was the only thing keeping you grounded right now and everything else was just passing by. You were glad none of the employees came back here, because you would be too embarrassed if someone saw your state right now.
Voices and the sound of a commotion were heard beyond the door, but you were too weak to even pull yourself up from the floor to see. The voices were loud and only a few steps away from the door, but your own internal thoughts and struggles were keeping you from them.
They even kept you from hearing the door open.
It was only until you were being embraced in someones arms that you realised you weren't sat alone anymore. You didn't have to second guess who's embrace it was, knowing his hugs like the back of your hand. He didn't stop you from crying though, in fact he encouraged it.
"Let it out, Y/N/N. You're okay." Hearing his voice for the first time in over a week - possibly more - was hard for you. Of course, it was comforting but that was just the problem. His voice was only going to remind you of you couldn't have anymore. His voice was a reminder that he was no longer yours.
"Pl-please leave m-me alone." You hiccupped, from where Harry had you pressed hard against his chest. This was something he always did to calm you down, as you could hear and feel his heartbeat beneath his chest. Yet another thing that teased you about what wasn't yours anymore. His heart was Olivias now and it was difficult to accept that.
"No." Harry quickly responded, not even releasing his hold on you in the slightest bit. In fact, he tightened it.
"Harry, p-please." You sobbed. Harry knew you better than you knew yourself though, and you knew that too. He knew leaving you now would be a worse idea than the guy who told Trump to go into politics. He wasn't planning on leaving either.
"I'm not going anywhere." He reassured you, knowing that's what you were pleading for the second time. You gripped onto his shirt, to try and feel him as close as possible, but only ended up hurting your hand. The hiss you let out was enough to concern Harry to loosen his hold on you to check you out.
Harry took your hand, noticing how your head had stayed in the same position on his chest as before. He looked at it and winced when he saw the damage. It covered a good third of the back of your hand and worked its way on to your palm slightly. It was bad enough for Harry to completely forget about anything else happening tonight and solely focus on you. He turned your hand in both of his, examining it to asses the extent of the burn. Harry knew how much your worked yourself, if not overworked, and knew you didn't take full care of yourself the way you should.
"I-it hurts, Harry." You whimpered, another heartbreaking sob taking over your body. It was hard for Harry to see you like this, especially when he was the cause.
"I know, baby. I'm going to fix it though. I'm going to fix everything."
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Prince Soma x reader
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summary: first time meeting each other
warning: sfw, alcohol reader is drunk
wc: 2,5k words
a/n: sat way too long on this cuz work kept me busy. Dunno how to really feel about this but soma is kinda my fav, so I really wanted to write about him c:
also grammar is still hard
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It was a rainy Saturday morning in London and while most of the cities upper class youth were planing what to do today over a nice breakfast you were laying in bed with a cold. The event last night which was hosted by Earl Phantomhive was a lot of fun, but perhaps you stayed a little bit too long. Not only that, you also maybe had a few sips of champagne too much and spend a little too much time on the balcony. Your parents were out of town so letting loose would be fine, right? Surely your behaviour wasn’t that bad that any kind of rumour would be spread about you. At least that’s what you hoped. You’re already an adult without a fiancé in sight, so bad rumours definitely wouldn’t help your situation. On top of that you didn't remember how you got home last night. Worrying would get you nowhere, but that’s pretty much the only thing you are able to do right now.
The alcohol from yesterday still was giving your head a hard time while the cold made your body arch. Luckily you had a very attentive staff that tried their best to make you feel better. Multiple maids were occupied with the fire place to keep the room nice and warm while others tried to make you more comfortable with multiple blankets and pillows. This was all very nice and entertaining, but it didn’t take long until the butler of the house kicked everyone out of your room so you could rest a little. Rest would probably be the best for you, but somehow sleeping was impossible. Your shivering body, your pounding head and your sore throat kept you awake. All this time to yourself gave you the opportunity to think about last nights event and replay the evening in your head.
You arrived roughly around 9pm which was fashionably late. You didn’t know the Earl personally. Your families made business before, but that’s about it. At first you were a little thrown of by the invitation to your family and weren’t sure if you should go at all. You were the only member of your family that was currently in London and not attending would definitely be rude, but if he had the intentions to talk about business he would have no luck with you. Your parents were more interested in finding you a suitable partner than to let you in on their company’s business. After a long debate with yourself you decided to attend anyway, because spending the evening alone again wasn’t a good alternative. Your fancy gown gave you some trouble getting out of the carriage, but with some assistance you managed without any incidents. The sky was slowly turning black and the light from the moon was covered by thick clouds. Luckily the way to the entrance was brightly lit. Normally a large amount of staff would greet guests at the front door. Much to your surprise at the entrance of the large mansion stood only a single butler. He was eyeing you the whole time, but when you were close enough the kindest closed eyed smile greeted you.
"Miss l/n, welcome to the Phantomhive manor. We’ve been awaiting your arrival."
You thanked him and entered the building. The lean butler closed the door behind you and helped you out of your coat. He handed the fabric over to a maid with glasses and escorted you to the main hall. When the two of you reached the room in which the other guests were already talking, you started getting a little nervous. You expected more guests. Now it was almost impossible to get lost in the crowd. If you struggled making conversation you would at some point ruin out of people. The butlers loud voice interrupted your thoughts as he introduced you to the other guests. You only took a few steps into the room before you were welcomed by the owner of the manor. Even though he was significantly younger than you the way he presented himself to you made you question his age a little. The two of you had a little chat, mostly about welcoming you at his manor and he informed you about the other guests that were here. You weren’t very familiar with any of them, so you hoped you could make it through the night without any awkward conversation. As you tried to remember as many names a possible you didn’t notice that the butler left the two of you alone and you were a little startled when he held a glass of champagne on a tray in front of you. You quickly thanked him and Earl Phantomhive excused himself as ,you assumed, one of his business partners called him over. And there you were. All alone in a room of strangers. You hesitated a little before taking a big sip of champagne that dangerously easily went down your throat and took a few steps into the room without a clear objective. You hastily look around for some inviting opportunity, but none were in sight. To calm your nerves you decided to take another sip. While looking for the butler who was carrying the tray, so you could dispose of your now empty glass and get a new one your eyes meet a pair of golden ones. You were a little stunned by the sudden eye contact with a stranger and froze. To your surprise the golden eyed person took this as an invitation to make his way to you. While he closed the distance, you got a closer look at him. It was a young man, probably around your age. He had shoulder length purple hair and the brightest smile on his face. His clothes were colourful, extraordinary and definitely not made in London. You definitely would have remembered if the Earl mentioned some sort of foreigner, but he didn’t. Are you supposed to know him then?
"So you attended Ciel's party alone as well? You seem just as lost as me. I don’t know a single person here."
You were a little thrown off by his lack of english etiquette, but it was awfully refreshing to not be so stiff all the time. His friendly expression and easy going nature made you less tense, even tough his presence gave you goosebumps. A nod is all you managed as a response while you held your empty glass firmly, hoping it wouldn’t break.
"Haha, just as I thought! I’m Soma by the way. My best friend Ciel briefly told me who he invited and I’m pretty sure you’re f/n l/n. The only young lady in sight if you don’t count little Lizzy over there."
He laughed as he looked over to, you assumed, the earls fiancé. Meanwhile the alcohol you consumed were causing a warmth to spreed in your body. That combined with the warm feeling you felt in your stomach while Soma talked to you made you sweat a little. So far not a single word left your lips and you were afraid your making a bad first impression on the very handsome man right in front of you. You’re trying to think of something to keep the conversation going, but the immense pressure your parents put on you made you develop a rather reserved personality towards men. You nervously wet your lips before opening them to speak, but luckily he interrupted you.
"Hey, should we stick together?"
Your eyes widened and you just stared at him until he continued to talk.
"uhm…I mean we’re both alone here and it wouldn’t feel right to leave your side in a room full of strangers. Of course you can say no. Don’t feel pressured, alright?"
Your silence made him a little nervous and out of pure struggle he kept on talking until you finally interrupted him.
"I would like that very much."
A small smile formed on your lips and as you saw the joy in his eyes you could tell how relieved he was that you accepted. He must have felt quite out of place as well. Most of the other guests were significantly older than you and mainly came to strengthen their relationships and build new ones. To be fair that was probably this events only purpose. You had no such intentions so why not spend the evening with this fine stranger. He seemed really nice so maybe this evening wont be as bad as you initially thought.
As the night progressed the two of you had a lot of fun together. It was mainly spend talking and drinking. He told you all about his home country after making yourselves more comfortable and sitting down in two huge armchairs by the fireplace a little bit further away from the other guests. It was nice that nobody interrupted you, but the warmth of the fire plus the alcohol weren’t a good combination. Interrupting him would be rude so the only refreshment you had was the bubbly champagne in your glass that the nice butler regularly refilled. You were also really enjoying your time with him. He was very energetic and so different from all the stuck up english men your parents made you meet up with. Maybe you developed a little crush while listening to him, maybe it was the alcohol, but in your mind you were already thinking of marriage. You were hopeful, because he didn’t mention a wife or a fiancé, while talking about his life back at home, but he was a good looking young men and he kept mentioning a palace, so he most likely had a good occupation. It was probably unlikely that he was still single.
You spend most of the night talking about yourselves to get to know each other better, while the other guests were making business arrangements. By midnight you couldn’t take the heat anymore and excused yourself and headed towards the balcony. The cold air felt extremely refreshing on your cheeks and to feel more of it you opened the first few buttons in the front of your dress. In your intoxicated state you felt like it was a good idea to sit down on the cold stone ground and just stare up at the cloudy sky. You don’t remember for how long you just sat there, but it was long enough to make Soma worry and start looking for you and with the help of his butler he found you in no time. When he opened the door to the balcony and saw you on the ground he immediately rushed over to you thinking you might have collapsed. He anxiously asked if you were alright and told his butler to get a blanket. The alcohol in your system now completely took over and you just started laughing. You told him that you were fine and that there was no reason to worry at all. He still seemed a little bit uneasy and wrapped the blanket around your shoulders when his butler returned. The temperature outside was making the nearby lake start to freeze, so he tried to urge you inside, but realising that he wanted to bring you back into the heat, you grabbed his arm and pulled him down to your level.
"Isn’t it so nice outside? The night looks so beautiful!"
Now that he was only a few centimetres away from your face he could tell why you were acting like that. His facial expressions softened as he realised you were really fine and took a deep breath. In this comfortable position your eyelids quickly started feeling very heavy. You heard his voice, but couldn’t make out the words and drifted off to sleep.
This was the last thing you remember before waking up in your bed. None of the servants explained anything to you yet and due to the cold you felt too exhausted to ask. After spending several hours under the blanket and regretting your alcohol consume last night, you got a bit curious. Resting already made you feel a lot better, but you were still rather weak. While trying to slowly sit up, you heard voices from outside your door. A couple of maids were talking and giggling for a while before one of them finally knocked and entered the room. She had slightly blushed cheeks and seemed quite excited.
"M-miss y/n, the prince is back!"
At first you had trouble processing her words. Who? A prince? That can’t be right. You must have misheard her. You didn’t have much time to response, because a loud male voice was rapidly coming closer. Out of panic you pull the blanket to your chin and prepare yourself for the worst. Two more male voices could be heard now. One was definitely your butler telling the so called prince to stop and not enter your room, but only seconds later the door swung open and none other than Soma was standing in the door frame.
"y/n! Youre finally awake! How are you feeling? Agni and I stopped by earlier, but your butler told us that you caught a cold at yesterdays event and needed some rest."
He enters your room and walks towards your bed with the sweetest smile on his face. Your butler on the the other hand was completely outraged by his vulgar behaviour. Entering a ladies bedroom without permission was simply unacceptable, but this tall man in a similar clothing style than Soma tried to calm him down while Prince Soma sat down near you on the edge on your bed.
"We brought some fresh fruits and made some tomato soup for you. Even though you may not have an appetite you should still eat."
You just stared in disbelief until you finally connected the dots. He was the prince your maid was talking about. This new learned information made your sick feeling quickly replace with shame. Having a prince in your bedroom sure sounds like a dream, but you really wished this all was one. Sadly pinching yourself under the blanket didn’t solve this situation.
"Thank you so much, So- Prince Soma. I appreciate your kindness…"
Your voice was quiet, almost hoarse as you avoid eye contact with the man in your bed. Obviously he didn’t like that and moved closer to you. He bended down, so he was in your eye sight. Now his head was almost on your lap as his golden eyes stared straight at you.
"Oh please drop the formalities! Like yesterday. "
You fell back into the bed and tried to calm yourself down. Which was hard, because he was so straight forward and overwhelmed you quite a lot.
"So do you think you can eat by yourself or should I feed you?"
Just the thought alone made your heart explode and how embarrassed you were was clearly visible on your face, but Soma never bothered. He spend the rest of the day with you and didn’t left ur side. Rumours about the prince and you already started spreading and by the time you parents would come home you would have a lot of explaining to do.
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princessbatears · 2 years
Alternative Education - Chapter 9
Casa Werewolf Series #9
Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x Werewolf Single Mom f!Reader Summary: Another bullying incident causes all three kids to run away from school this time Warnings: sexual thoughts/arousal, implication of human/werewolf sex, parental fear/panic, description of child against child bullying including name calling and violence, children running away, injury, small amount of blood Words: 3.8k
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In the early morning, Javi’s alarm goes off. Normally, he wouldn’t have it set on a Saturday, but he wants to make sure to get up before the kids do.
He allows himself a moment to grin over the incredible time he had with you last night. Making love was more delicious, sweet and fulfilling than he could have dreamed—and he’d dreamed about it a lot.
Damn, now he’s horny again.
After a quick shower to cool his jets, Javi goes to the guest suite. The sitting room that leads to bathroom and bedrooms is dark and empty. He turns on a lamp, grabs a sheet of paper and pen off the little desk in the corner, and writes: ‘When you wake up, come find me with Marci. Leave Mama to sleep. -Javi’.
He sets the note on the bathroom counter, hoping the kids will use it before they disturb you. He wants you to get as much rest as you possibly can while there’s someone else around for them.
Then, he lets Nina know about the unexpected guests who will need breakfast and settles on a sofa with a cup of coffee to wait. Marci glowers at him from her tank, miffed she hasn’t been fed yet. “I’m going to let the niños feed you,” he tells her.
It’s not long before Tallulah and Astrid appear, looking rested in a way that makes him wish he was a child again. “How was your night?” he asks as they plop beside him.
Tallulah stretches. “Good.”
“The bed is too big. I kept getting lost,” Astrid pouts.
Javi runs a hand over her hair, bemused. “Lost?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t find the edges. I was lost in the middle.”
He bites back a laugh. “It is a big bed.”
“Can we feed Marci?” Tallulah asks, waving hello to the fish, who angrily pushes a pebble around in protest of her starvation.
“She’d be very appreciative. Do you want to go get her food from the fridge?”
Tallulah immediately dashes off.
Astrid doesn’t follow, instead snuggling up to Javi. He kisses the top of her head, unease overtaking him. When you wake up, the two of you will tell the children about your romance.
Last night, you prepped him for positive reactions, negative reactions, and in-between. But he’s still worried he’ll screw it up and harm the precious relationships he’s cultivating with them.
Before he has time to obsess, Tallulah returns. Marci is fed and then Bo arrives downstairs. Nina gets an incredible breakfast spread out in record time, and Javi shepherds the kids to the table.
“Thank you, Nina!” they chorus with a sincerity that would make you proud.
“If you need anything else, you call,” Nina smiles.
“When’s Mama getting up?” Bo asks between bites of bacon, still speaking in Spanish.
Nina, who is putting the toast out, says smoothly, ”When her body is done resting. Sometimes mothers don’t get enough sleep, so they need to stay in bed later.” Her eyes travel to Javi and the corners of her mouth tip up slightly in a knowing smile.
His face burns and he quickly shoves some omelette in his mouth, feeling like a little kid who got caught doing something he shouldn’t. She leaves without another word, but he’s sure she’s laughing to herself over how guilty he looks.
Astrid gulps juice, then lets out a satisfied sigh. “Are we staying here all day?”
“I’m not sure what your mama’s going to want to do,” Javi says, grateful for the change in topic.
“I wanna finish the movie. I didn’t see the end.”
“Me, too,” Bo agrees.
Unwilling to promise anything until after the kids learn the truth of your relationship, Javi repeats, “We’ll find out what your mama’s got planned for the day.”
When you do appear in the dining room, you look breathtakingly beautiful in your sleepy state. He desperately wants to kiss you, but contents himself with pulling out your chair. “Good morning. Come, sit and eat.”
“I’m sorry I slept so late,” you grimace as you sit in the chair.
“Nina said mamas need extra sleep sometimes,” Bo replies, dishing sliced pears onto his plate.
“It was very nice to sleep,” you admit, giving Javi a grateful smile.
He winks.
Tallulah rounds on you hopefully. “Can we stay here today? Finish the movie and go swimming and stuff?”
You pause, studying your children, then raise your eyebrows slightly at him in question. Assuming you want to know if he’s ready to broach the topic of your relationship, he nods, his throat going dry.
“Before we do anything else, Javi and I have something we want to talk to you about.”
The triplets look between the two of you curiously.
You continue, tone upbeat and a warm smile on your face, “We’ve been spending a lot of time with Javi over the last several weeks. During which, he’s become very special to me and me to him.”
Tallulah catches on first. “Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?”
Astrid’s eyes go round as saucers and Bo looks a little startled, too.
“Yes, we are.”
Javi jumps in with what he wants them to internalize, “I love you three very much and I am here to support and care for you. But I’m not trying to replace your father, okay?”
They sit still, working on processing this information.
You clasp one of each of their hands in your own. “I love you all just as much as I always have, and me having a romantic partner won’t change that. Do you have any questions or feelings?”
Bo’s the first to speak, expression hopeful. “Are we gonna live here now?”
“No, we’re still living in the apartment,” you chuckle. “But we might stay here sometimes.”
“Will you come to our fútbol games?” Tallulah asks Javi excitedly.
He relaxes, having been most concerned about her reaction. “Of course, mi amor.”
“Astrid, sweetheart, do you want to tell us how you feel or do you need some time?”
Your voice draws his attention to the littlest child, who is staring at her place, eyes swimming with tears. This was not the response he’d expected from his snuggle buddy, but he supposes he should have since most change tends to upset her at first.
He reaches out to touch her head. “It’s a lot, huh?”
Instead of answering, she bolts from the table and out of the room.
Quickly, you move to go after her, but Javi catches your hand. “Let me. Please.” If he’s going to be a partner to you and a parent-figure for the kids, he needs to step up.
You smile encouragingly, squeezing his fingers. “You’ve got this,” you mouth.
“Astrid,” he calls, jogging after her.
Her tiny form runs up the staircase, shouting, “Leave me alone!”
Although he could catch her, he chooses to follow her to a destination she feels safe in, which ends up being the guest suite. She tries to slam the door, but he catches it.
“Go away!” she shrieks before collapsing onto the sofa in the sitting room.
Javi sits on the floor next to the sofa and rests a hand on her back. “I know this is a lot to absorb,” he sighs. “It’s just been you, your sister and brother, and your mama for a long time. Having someone else join your family is naturally unsettling.”
Astrid whips her head to look at him, eyes flashing with flecks of gold. “You don’t want to be our family!”
“What do you mean?” He’s not sure where she could have gotten such an idea.
“You said you don’t want to be our daddy!” The sentence ends in a keening that has her face down on the cushion again.
She must have mistook him saying he wasn’t going to replace Ivan as a rejection. He’s torn between sadness that she’s hurt and a joy that she wants him as a father.
“Oh, nenita,” he coos, rubbing her back. “I meant to reassure you that I did not expect you forget your birth father. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be your papa, too.”
She peeks at him, hiccuping.
“I love you so, so much. More than I can possibly describe.” He wipes the tears on her hot cheeks with his thumb.
Astrid slips off the sofa into his lap, where she clutches at his neck, face buried in his chest. “I love you, too.”
He exhales, closing his eyes, as he cradles her to him. Hearing those words from her brings a different kind of peace than hearing them from you does, and it’s just as powerful and sweet.
After kissing her head, he asks, “Do you want some more breakfast or to stay up here for a bit?”
“Will you carry me down?” she asks slyly.
Javi bites back a smile. “Carry you, huh?” He gets to his feet, her in his arms, and starts out of the room. She grins gleefully, tears forgotten, as she clings to him like a koala bear.
- - -
Weeks turn into months, autumn into winter. Javi’s never experienced a love like he has with you and the children. Your lives integrated to where you spend more time together than apart.
One day in early February, the two of you are laying in his bed after a morning romp, you in Wolf form. He’s nestled against the soft fur of your chest and belly.
“Do you need any water?” he asks, stroking your muzzle.
Shaking your head, you nuzzle your head against his. Then, your tongue caresses his neck affectionately.
“That tickles!” But he doesn’t shift away, loving that you groom him as a member of your pack. You hold him even closer in your front paws, licking the sweat from his shoulders and back. He closes his eyes, petting your coat.
The tender moment is interrupted by your phone ringing from the bedside table. Javi groans, reluctantly disentangling himself enough that he can reach it. He sees it’s the children’s primary school calling. “It’s the school,” he tells you.
You shift back into human instantly, your body changing shape, color and texture in the blink of an eye. Worry creases your face as you take the phone and answer.
He watches as you listen to the faint male voice on the other end of the line. Concern morphs into fear, and you scramble off the bed, saying, “I’m going to go search right now. If anyone finds them first, call me immediately.”
Javi already has a suspicion of what’s going on and is throwing himself at his discarded clothes.
You hang up. “There was a fight at school between Bo, Tallulah and that little monster who’s bullied Astrid before,” you snarl, going for your own clothes. “And all three of them took off.”
“Shit!” Javi yanks on his shoes. “I’m coming with you to look for them.”
“We should split up, cover more ground,” you say, your eyes wild and flecked with yellow. “The school’s called the police, but we need to find them first. Anyone from the government will just scare them more.”
He grabs you in a quick hug, pressing a kiss to your temple. “We’ll find them. I’ll ask Placido to help, too. And have my security team watch for them here on the compound. You’re not alone in this.”
You breathe out, the reminder causing your eyes to soften. “Yeah.” Then, you say with more conviction, “I’m going to go to the school and drive in the direction of the apartment. You and Placido search in the other directions.”
He presses a kiss to your knuckles. “We’ll find them.”
Moments later, he’s rushing to the security room, where Placido is watching the monitors.
“The triplets ran away from school.” Javi’s own panic is starting to rise now that he’s not comforting you. “I need help finding them!”
Placido is immediately on his feet. “Has the school called the police?”
“Yes, but we want to find them first.”
Thankfully, the head of security doesn’t ask questions. He grabs his radio instead and barks into it, “The children have run away from school. They might be headed to the compound. I want three units outside the east border, watching for them. Sanchez, come watch the monitors. I’m going to go with Señor Gutierrez to look elsewhere.”
There’s a reason the Gutierrez family has done everything in their power to keep Placido with them for over twenty years. He knows what he’s doing and wastes no time.
“Their mother has already gone to look for them, yes?” he asks Javi.
“Yes. She went west. We’re splitting up to cover more ground.”
Placido nods, a determined set to his job. “I’ll take north and you take south. If we don’t find them in 30 minutes, I’ll get more men out there to look.”
Javi spends the next twenty minutes driving around the south part of the town, praying that the kids are safe and that they’re still in human form. It’s close to the full moon and it’d be easy for them in their heightened state to accidentally turn. Especially Astrid.
His phone rings through his car’s bluetooth, flashing Placido’s number, and he nearly sprains his finger punching the answer button in his desperation. “Have you found them?”
“I’ve got them, Javi, and they’re okay,” Placido’s confident voice says. “I’m bringing them back to the compound now. Will you call their mama?”
“Yes. See you soon.”
Quickly, he calls you to relay the news before turning his car towards home. Gratitude gives way to upset. Why didn’t they call you? Or him? Why would they run like that? They all know how worried you were the first time Bo did it!
Javi arrives before you do and finds Tallulah, Bo and Astrid seated in the entertainment room with Placido and some snacks. Bo’s holding an ice pack to his left eye. The front of Astrid’s floral dress is caked in mud.
Sighing, Javi walks over to the couch and pulls all of them into a tight hug. “You scared us very badly.” He keeps his voice low, but the emotion still seeps through.
“We had to!” Bo says defiantly, although his words warble with the threat of tears.
Javi lifts the ice pack to look at the injury. Bo’s eye is swollen shut and a nasty purple color. “When your mama gets here, you can tell us all about it.” He looks at the girls. “Are either of you hurt?”
Astrid’s eyes fill, yanking her dress up above her knees. Both of them are skinned and muddy. “Arlo pushed me and ruined my dress!” she wails.
Placido is on his feet, eyes concerned, and then out of the room. Astrid had obviously not told him about her wounds, probably not feeling comfortable enough without her preferred adults.
Javi kisses her forehead. “We’ll get you cleaned up and Reina can work wonders with stains,” he soothes. “Luls? What about you?”
Tallulah shakes her head. “Nobody hurt me,” she whispers. “Are we gonna be expelled?”
Honestly, Javi has no idea what will happen. Bo is already on his final warning with the school, but, to his knowledge, the girls don’t have any strikes against them. “We’ll figure it out,” he promises.
Placido returns with a first aid kit and a damp washcloth. He knees down in front of Astrid. “Let’s take care of those knees,” he says gently.
She looks to Javi and he smiles reassuringly. It’s good for her to know she can trust Placido.
She wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand, watching as he cleans the dirt with the cloth first, then with an antiseptic wipe. She doesn’t even flinch as it connects with her ripped flesh.
“You’re a very brave girl,” he smiles. “We’re almost done.”
You rush into the room, gasping, “Oh my god!” Your expression of relief-induced fury is the exact same one you were wearing when Javi first set eyes on you. Despite the situation, he can’t help smiling at the memory.
“They’re safe,” Placido reassures. “Only minor hurts.” He sticks colorful bandages on Astrid’s knees.
You do exactly what Javi did and crush your children to you. “Why didn’t you call me if there was a problem?” you demand.
All three kids begin mounting their defense at the same time, resulting in nobody being understandable.
“Enough,” you say firmly, holding up a hand. “One at a time.”
Placido grabs the wash cloth, first aid kit, and trash. He’s on his way out of the room when you call after him, “Placido, thank you so, so much for finding and caring for them!”
The older man turns to you with a kind smile. “It’s my pleasure, miss.” Then, he disappears.
You take a deep breath, turning your attention back to the kids. “What happened?”
Tallulah, a tightly coiled spring of nerves, rushes to explain. “We were at recess. Bo and I were playing fútbol when I saw Arlo talking to Astrid across the field, looking all mean. Then, he pushed her into the mud!”
Astrid jumps in, “I was looking at the worms and he came over and said I was a worm, too. I said I wasn’t and he doesn’t get to pick on me just ‘cause he doesn’t like me. He got mad and that’s when he shoved me. I tried to get up, but held me down in the dirt.”
You look as upset as Javi feels, but you remain quiet.
“The teachers were far away, they didn’t see,” Tallulah continues, eyes a vivid yellow. “He was squishing her and she couldn’t get him off!”
“I tried!” Astrid whimpered.
Stroking her hair, you murmur, “I’m sure you did, sweetheart.”
“We ran over and pulled him off,” Bo growls. “I wasn’t gonna fight him, I was gonna go make him see a teacher, but then he hit me in the eye.”
“So I kicked him in the back.” Tallulah’s canines have lengthened slightly and the rest of her teeth are sharpening.
Javi has never seen her like this before, but he can hardly blame her. His own rage is rising, although he follows your lead by not reacting passionately. Instead, he takes Tallulah’s hands, massaging them lightly.
The touch seems to stall the imminent transformation. Her eyes dim a little.
“I went to get a teacher,” Astrid says. “But when I told her and she looked, she saw Bo hitting Arlo and got really mad, yelling that Bo was going to be expelled.”
“Arlo was trying to hurt Tallulah!” Bo says in frustration.
Astrid clutches the dirty hem of her skirt. “The teacher started screaming about the police coming if they didn’t stop.”
“And that’s when you decided to run?” you ask, sadness tinging your voice.
They all nod.
“Are we gonna get expelled, Mama?” Tallulah asks anxiously, once again reminded of her potential horrible fate.
You exhale slowly. “I’m not sure what’s going to happen yet. I’m waiting for the headmaster to call me back.”
Astrid bites her lip. “Are you mad?”
“I was very scared when I heard you ran off, but we’ll talk more about that later. For now, I want you to know that I’m proud of you, Astrid, for standing up for yourself and for telling a teacher what was happening, even though she let you down. Bo and Tallulah, I’m proud of you for protecting your sister and each other when an adult wouldn’t do it.” You give each of them a kiss. “We’re going to figure out a way to make sure this doesn’t happen again, okay?”
You send the kids up to their rooms with the promise you’ll be up shortly to help Astrid clean up and talk more. Once they’re gone, your head falls into your hands.
Javi rubs your back lightly. “It’s going to be okay.”
When you look at him, your eyes are yellow and jaw tight. “How is it going to be okay, Javi? My children are bullied and the school does nothing but blame them! Bo is most certainly going to be expelled and I have no idea if another school will accept him. I’d consider homeschooling, but even petitioning to do so would bring the government to my doorstep. What am I supposed to do?”
“Well, there is the private school David and I attended.”
You scoff. “I could barely afford tuition for one child, let alone three. And separating them is not an option.”
He continues to knead your tense muscles. “But I could.”
Your voice softens. “Honey, you’re so sweet, but I can’t accept that.”
“Why not? That school can offer small class sizes, individual attention, sports, fine arts, better academics, and teachers have the administration support to stop bullying in its tracks. I already donate a sizable amount every year, so they will be quite willing to let the niños start mid-semester and get them up to speed.”
There’s a long beat of silence. You look torn between discomfort and hope. Finally, you say, “We’ve been together for less than six months. I know we’re not exactly going slow, but you supporting them so much financially… What if… what will happen if we…”
Javi hates thinking about a break-up as much as you hate bringing it up. It’s a fair concern, though, even if he’s determined to do everything in his power to keep it from happening. “What if I put enough money in a trust to cover their tuition through primary school? Only you or their guardian can draw from it. Then, you’re not dependent on me every semester.”
You visibly unwind at this suggestion. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. Or that I don’t think we’re in it for the long-haul.”
He gives you a soft kiss. “It’s as important to me as it is to you that my money doesn’t give me extra power in this relationship.”
“I love you.” You press your cheek to his.
He nuzzles your hair. “I love you. Now, I’m going to go call the headmistress of the school and let her know we’re transferring three very bright young students to her care.” He grins, getting up.
As Javi heads to his study, Placido catches him in the hallway. “May we speak privately?” he asks.
Javi nods curiously. “Let’s go to the study.”
They enter and shut the door. Placido opens his mouth, but hesitates. This is so unlike him that Javi’s concerned.
“What is it?”
Placido takes a bracing breath. “Considering the incident with the children today, I feel it is not in anyone’s best interest for me to continue hiding the fact I know they and their mother are werewolves.”
- - -
Thank you SO much for reading this story; I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🥰
Spanish Translations/Notes: chiquito - term of affection for a child nenita - baby girl mi luz - my light fútbol - soccer/football
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Javi Gutierrez Masterlist
Werewolf Masterlist
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celestialrry · 3 years
stood up
hello everyone!!!! I've been awol for literally weeks because i had absolutely NO motivation to write but i finally finished this piece ˊᗜˋ so YAY. ALSOO thank you for following me, liking, and reblogging my pieces (it encourages me somuchsothankyouireallyappreciateit-- and remember reblogging really helps us writers :))) )  here’s a hug for all ur patience and feel free to send me asks or requests i love talking to you guys! ε(♡'-')з
summary: Harry keeps standing Y/N up. (request from @ballerinrry! thank u love)
warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol and sex, angsty but with a happy ending cause for some reason i can never let them end on a bad note
Y/N was excited.
It had been a while since Harry had asked her to go on a date, it was always the other way around recently. She couldn’t blame him though, Y/N knew just how busy Harry always was, and it wasn’t like he was purposefully not asking her to go do things, he just had a lot on his plate.
That’s what she kept telling herself anyways. 
It’s what she told herself when it had been 2 weeks since they had even eaten a meal together, and given the fact that just a few months ago Harry had come back to London for a while, that was rare. So, Y/N asked him to grab lunch on a Saturday while they were lying in bed together, and when he agreed, but failed to show up, leaving Y/N sitting at the cafe, her lips morphed into a frown and her eyes not focusing on the phone in front of her, she told herself he was simply booked up with meetings and studio time and such. 
Thats what he told her when he got into bed that night to apologize for accidentally standing her up. She forgave him, of course, and suggested they could just get dinner the next week. He agreed, even walked around to his calander her to show her he was marking the date off in his calendar with a heart, her first initial, and 7:00 PM etched into the little box with red sharpie. 
So, the week passed with quick kisses of good mornings and good nights, and while Harry was gone Y/N had on a black dress she had been excited to wear for a while now, with those little mini silver heels and a coat strung over her shoulders as she sat on her couch waiting for Harry to swing by to pick her up. She shot him a text that simply asked “You otw? xx”
He was not.
It took about 30 minutes of waiting on their couch to realize he was standing her up, again. And it took until the next morning for Harry to see her text (his phone had been on do not disturb while he was at the studio and he ended up spending the night at Sarah and Mitch’s after a few beers), and for the guilt to seep through his veins. 
He apologized, again. And Y/N forgave him, again. 
Only until it got to the point where Y/N no longer remembered the amount of times Harry had stood her up, for being at the studio, or sleeping after a meeting, or simply just not paying attention to his phone, she knew there was a problem. 
Harry was fully aware of the problem too. He knew that this was no way to ever treat a partner, and if someone was doing this to him, he’d dump them— well, he’s never been one to end a relationship unless it was necessary, so that’s an exaggeration, but it’s the principle of the thing. 
Which is why when he got home one day around 11 PM, gave her a kiss to the forehead after she sat up in their bed to give him a hug, and a soft  “Can we talk?” escaped her lips, he knew he had to fix this. So he asked her if they could talk over dinner the next night, he just wanted to sleep but also wanted to fix things with his girl, asking her if she was free of course, before telling her he’s gonna make a reservation at that nice restaurant the two of them used to go to quite often, because “it’s been a while since I’ve taken my favorite girl out”.
A grin broke out on her face because he had asked her! And if Harry was planning it, there’s no way he’d cancel or stand her up. 
 So yeah, Y/N was excited.
She woke up that morning with a smile on her face, and something akin to a what she thinks a rainbow would feel like running through her veins. It had only been a few months since she’d last been on a date with her boyfriend of almost 2 years and a half in person, and she was going to make the most of it. Because after this date, things would change. They’d spend more time together again and it would be like this little bump (that neither had acknowledged) never happened.
Y/N did, well, everything to prepare. Took a long shower, shaved, put on that coconut lotion Harry likes— he tended to dig his face in her neck when he smelled it while holding her—, brushed her teeth more than 3 times, dug in her closet to find that one patterned soft purple dress she bought ages ago but never had a change to wear it, until now, put on those really cute heels Harry said he liked once (“Looks like something you’d wear on a runway pet, I love ‘em.”), and even styled her hair differently than normal.
He had told her he would swing by at 8 on the dot after the studio, and soon enough, it was 8, with no sign from the man who made the promise himself. Y/N thought maybe there was traffic, he was just running late, texted him a quick, “Can’t wait to see you!! xxx” and put her phone on the coffee table, waiting on their couch. 
8 turned to 9, 9 turned to 10, 10 turned to 11, and soon it was midnight. Y/N doesn’t think she’d ever felt more empty than how she felt then, walking to their shared room of a year, slipping off her heels and tossing them towards the closet, as well as pulling her dress over herself and letting it fall to the floor behind her, grabbing that one t-shirt she always wears when she needs comfort (which just happened to an extra 2018 Live on Tour shirt Harry had laying around that she snatched just 3 months into them dating), and flopping into bed.  
She couldn’t fall asleep, and instead spent her time curled up in their bedsheets, a steady flow of tears making their way down her blush covered cheeks.
Harry usually didn’t make mistakes.
Sure, he had his moments, grabbing the wrong coffee off the counter when his name was called at the cafe, forgetting to text Jeff that he actually couldn’t make it to a meeting that was scheduled in a few hours. Just little things, things that didn’t matter that much, and could always be fixed. He didn’t usually make mistakes that weren’t easy to fix. He just wasn’t that kind of guy.
Until, he was.
Harry loved Y/N. He loved having her around, loved spending time with her, loved loving on her, loved kissing her, loved touching her, loved the way she went about almost everything. He was so in love with her, that hurting her was out of the question. He never wanted to be the one to make her cry, make her bottom lip quiver before the tears rushed out like he’d seen many times before, due to movies, his songs (which as sadistic as it sounds was an ego builder to have someone so close to him so affected by the music he wrote), her school work, or even her friends that weren’t being so nice.
In fact, he was so in love with her, even being so afraid of commitment (it took him over a year of them dating to ask her to move in), all he wanted to do was blurt out those 4 dreaded words. “Will you marry me?” It was a bond for life, and he was terrified of that, but with Y/N all he wanted to do was spend the rest of his living days with her.
When Harry had come back from being in L.A. for so long and finally being in the same city as his girlfriend back at their home, all they did was spend time together. Every time he saw Y/N all he wanted to do was say those 4 words that he hadn’t even fully come to terms with himself. It was dangerous, and Harry’s self control when it came to Y/N was lacking, so he simply did was every normal person would do in his situation.
He stood her up. 
Many more times than he could count, and of course he felt like the shittiest person in the world— shittiest boyfriend in the world—but at least now she can’t possibly be under the impression that he wanted to marry her, which is what he wanted. Or thought he wanted, until Sarah called him up one day after he had stood Y/N up for dinner the night before and told him off. Told Harry just how fucking terrible he made Y/N feel, how unwanted she thought she was, how she felt like they were loosing their relationship, and Harry didn’t know what to do with himself. (Of course Y/N had sobbed to Sarah about it over the phone while she was drunk off the wine she opened 40 minutes after Harry said he would be there, so she really didn’t even remember the conversation).
And later that day Harry had come home, heard her wavering voice asking if they could talk, and decided in his head he would tell her how he felt, how sorry he was, and how he wanted to be with her forever and love her forever if she allowed him. He had a few expectations for their dinner, that Y/N would probably tell him how he’s made her feel, and Harry would apologize, tell her why he did it, explain he thought it was no excuse, then tell her he plans on marrying her (obviously not proposing just yet, but finally bringing up the conversation they had never had even though they were in a serious committed relationship) and they’d go back home, have the most amazing sex ever, and forget about the whole thing. 
What Harry didn’t expect was to get a call from Jeff around 5 asking him to come to the studio to fix few vocals, then end up nailing down 2 songs in one night, go to a bar with the band to celebrate, get drunk, then pass out at Mitch and Sarahs flat. 
But that’s what happened, according to Mitch, who woke Harry up the very next morning. 
“Good morning man, wakey wakey,” Mitch’s teasing tone echoed through Harry’s (what felt like full of vodka) brain as he groaned and squinted his eyes. “Why are you waking me up at this hour in the morning?” Harry asked drearily, sighing and simultaneously regretting last night as a whole because the last thing he wanted to do while hungover was be up before at least 9 AM.
“We’ve gotta go to meet with Jeff about tour in like a hour, H” Mitch stated .
At Mitch’s words Harry sat up on their couch, eyes wide in fear. “Wait mate, I thought tha’ meeting was on Wednesday.”
“It is Wednesday H, god how drunk did we let you get last night…” Mitch said, beginning to recount some of Harry’s antics the night before. Harry however, couldn’t hear a thing with the blood pumping through his ears. If today was Wednesday, that meant yesterday was Tuesday, and he went and got trashed at a bar with his friends Tuesday night when— when he was supposed to be on a date with Y/N, when he was supposed to confess his intentions, when he was supposed to apologize for standing her up over and over, yet instead he went and did it again.
Now this, this was a mistake.
“…H. H. Harry? Are you there?” Mitch’s voice came back into focus and Harry shook his head. “I- fuck, I was supposed to take Y/N out last night.” Harry said, his voice trembling.
‘I’m sure she’ll forgive you, it’s just one night.” Mitch tried to make Harry feel better. He knew Y/N was a very forgiving person, she would get over this in no time.
“No, she won’t. I-I’ve stood her up for the past month and a half, Mitch.”
At these words, Mitch stands straight up  making pained eye contact with Sarah in the kitchen who was overhearing most of this conversation with her eyes wide. She had no idea it was this bad. “Month and a half? I thought it was just that one time a few weeks ago, Harry what the hell is wrong with you?” Harry simply shook his head and didn’t reply. He had absolutely no idea how to make it up to her. “I-fuck, I don’t know Mitch!” Harry raised his voice. “I need to see her and apologize, now.” Harry said, standing up and rushing over to the front door and slipping on his shoes. 
“This meeting is mandatory Harry, as much as I want you to see her too, she’d probably still asleep, and I don’t think this can be solved in under an hour.” Mitch said calmly, already knowing Harry was close to walking out his door. Harry stayed silent for a moment, weighing the options. Either go apologize to his girlfriend, or prioritize himself over her again. 
“We can do it another day, I’m sorry, but I have to go see her, tell Jeff I feel sick.” And he walked out without another word.
The morning after Harry stood Y/N up again was brutal. 
She stayed up all night, replaying moments with Harry in her head, analyzing if he wanted to be there with her, wondering if maybe he felt like he had to stay with her out of pity. It was torture, and the pain seemed to turn into numbness as time went by, and eventually the sun came up, and she stayed in bed, her motivation lost.
A loud crash and “Fuck!” woke her up, swollen eyes fluttering open to the invasive noise. Y/N furrowed her brows, her mind connecting everything that happened yesterday and unfortunately reminding her of the unbearable pain she went through the night before. A groan escaped her lips as she sat up and flung her legs out of her bed sheets that had been flung off the bed in the middle of the night.  She began grumbling to herself as she made her way downstairs, ready to tell Harry off for making so much noise.
Her mouth stopped moving, and instead remained in limbo as her eyes met Harry’s. His mouth opened to speak, but his words were caught in his throat as he saw the state she was in. It was when her mouth pressed into a line that he could begin talking. “Y/N, baby, please I know you don’t wanna see me or talk t’me right now but I’m so fuckin’ sorry, love. So so sorry, it was an accident, I went t’ the studio to fix a few things then got hung up on the songs and by the time we went to celebrate I completely lost track of time, and I was too drunk to drive home so I crashed at Mitch’s.”
Her mouth fell open at his words. Everything was happening too fast. Hearing that he stood her up to drink at a fucking bar to celebrate himself, then coming home and accidentally knocking over a glass in their kitchen (which she put together was the crash earlier after seeing the shards of broken glass on the floor) frustrated her to no end. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him any longer, and Harry had stopped talking after realizing what he just admitted to her. Without another glance, instead of looking at Y/N’s tear stained face, all he saw was her back, walking up the stairs to their room. 
“Fuck,” He said to himself before following her up the pink stairs. “Y/N, love wait-please, I’m so sorry, I just need to talk to you, I need to explain myself, please.” He begged as she shut their bedroom door in his face, his voice turning into a desperate whine at the end. 
It’s been 3 days since then, and she hasn’t spoken to him. He would leave in the mornings, kissing her forehead and mumbling an “I love you” and telling her exactly what time he’d be home, before leaving and coming back on time to find an empty plate in the sink and her lying in their bed, whether it be reading, scrolling on her phone, or typing on her laptop. He would apologize many times, reaching his hand out for hers and she would simply situate herself in their bed and lay down, back turned to him. 
Harry just couldn’t take it anymore. 
It was when she had finally let him kiss her forehead goodnight that he decided to take his chance. “Y/N.” He spoke softly, with no response or anything to indicate she heard him. “Baby, can we please talk- or I’ll talk and you listen, I just- I really need to say some things.” 
She was still faced away from him when he leaned against their headboard and he decided to keep going. 
“I- um. I’m sure you know how sorry I am, but I really am- sorry I mean. Not just for tonight but for every other time I’ve stood you up. I’m so sorry for not showing you how much you matter to me, and how much the things you do matter to me.”
It was then that she slowly sat up next to him and looked at him, eyes begging him to continue. He blushed at her intense eye-contact that he had barely gotten over the past few days and took a breath, opting to look at his hands fidgeting in his lap.
“We’ve been together for 2 and almost a half years, which is the longest relationship I’ve been in, and it’s no excuse to treat you this way, but I had just been thinking about how things progress even further than now,” He coughs. “Which is marriage, and when I finally came home, all I wanted to do was ask you to marry me- I don’t- m’not proposing right now, I just- I got really scared because wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone is crazy to me,
I’ve never thought that way about anyone else until you, I didn’t even really want to get married before you, and I started to distance myself before I ended up telling you this, but obviously that blew up in my face.” He chuckled a bit, locking eyes with her unreadable ones for a moment and lifting a hand to run through his hair. “What I’m trying to say, is that I love you, so so much, and I plan on marrying you— obviously if you want to too, of course— and I’m so sorry for trying to make you think that I didn’t care about you anymore or love you any less, because it’s the complete opposite of that.”
His eyes were watery now, as he started down at his interlocked fingers, and his eyes widened when her hand was gently placed over his own. “Harry,” Y/N began. “Look at me, please.” 
His head lifted to see her facing him, her brows knitted and a small smile on her face. “I forgive you, okay? I could tell you were kind of scared of commitment when we first started dating, and I wish I could say your reason for standing me up is surprising but it’s not.” They both chuckled a bit at this. “I- I’m still upset at you, I need you to know that, because 2 months of thinking the love of your life is avoiding you doesn’t feel all too great, so you suck for that,” she said, planting a quick kiss to his cheek which quickly turned pink. “But Harry, even if you asked me to marry you a year ago I would have said yes. I love you, so much, and I plan on spending the rest of my life with you as well. I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment, it was… unnecessary and immature. So, thank you for apologizing. I love you.” She confessed again.
“S’okay, I deserved it, and I love you too. Maybe even more. So um, we’re okay?” Harry asked, a hopeful smile on his face. 
She nodded with a smile and pulled him into a much needed hug and pulled away only for him to bring her into an even more needed kiss. “If you ever try to pull that shit again, I’m breaking up with you.” She laughed and he tackled her into the sheets hiding his face in her neck.
“Duly noted, love. Duly noted.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Even Though We May Be Hopeless Hearts Just Passing Through, I Was Made For Loving You PT. 1
Batsis x Kyle Rayner
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I realize the other story didn't follow the whole, dating the brother's best friend trope, so I decided to remedy it. And what do you get when you cross a hopeless romantic with someone who's new to love? Perfection. That's what. Enjoy! -Thorne
Saturday mornings, in Dick’s opinion, were meant for sleeping in and quite possibly going to IHOP when everyone finally crawled out of bed at ten. They were not meant for being shoved in the side by a little brother.
“Golden-boy,” a voice grouched from beneath the bedside. “Your phone’s been going off for an hour. Either put it on silent or answer the goddamn thing.”
Dick let out a tired ‘pfft’, rolling onto his stomach, face buried in the side of the bed as he looked down to the floor. “Annoyed much, Little-wing?”
“I am going to shove that phone so far up your—”
Reaching over, Dick put the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
Where are you?
“Still in bed,” he responded, sentence ending in a groan as he stretched. “Why?”
You were supposed to be on the flight back to Gotham two hours ago.
Dick’s eyes went wide, and he sat up, gaping at the bedside clock. “It’s today.”
It is today. I can’t believe you forgot it was today.
“Oh my God, it’s today and we missed our flight.” He stumbled out of the bed, barely registering the shout from Jason as his foot landed in his brother’s stomach. “Jason, get up! It’s today!’
“What’s today?” his little brother griped, rubbing his abdomen.
“(Y/N)’s coming back!”
Jason’s eyes went wide, and he scrambled to his feet, hurriedly finding his bag to change out of his nightclothes. “Christ, I can’t believe we forgot that (Y/N) was coming home today!” he looked at Dick. “This is your fault.”
“My fault?” Dick yelped. “How is this my fault!”
He scowled. “Big brother wanted everyone to be with a sibling for the night, so they’d be together and be punctual but you and I both know neither of us have any concept of time.” His scowl grew. “I knew I should’ve bunked with Cass. She’s on time no matter what happens.”
Dick threw Jason’s sweatshirt at him. “Dress now, bitch later.” He put the phone back to his ear. “We missed our flight, but we can drive there.”
Your car’s in the shop.
“Shit,” he hissed, spinning in a circle to help his brain circuit enough to think of something new. “Uh-uh-uh—”
“Kyle!” Jason shouted, pointing at him. “Kyle’s like thirty minutes away from Manhattan! We’ll go to him for a ride!”
Dick grinned. “We’ll find Kyle.”
You sure Kyle’s at home?
“Pfft, Kyle’s always home on the weekends. He’s lazy.”
Just get here. (Y/N)’s plane is going to land in less than four hours.
“We’ll be there,” he said. “Is Diana coming too?”
Of course. She is (Y/N)’s mother.
“Nice. Alright, see you in Gotham, Bruce.”
Love you boys. And be careful. I’ve already heard that Cass, Tim, and Steph got into a fender-bender with Damian and Duke.
Dick blinked. “They’re…they’re legitimately driving separate cars? How’d they hit each other?”
Don’t ask.
The line went dead, and Dick looked at his brother. “Ready?”
Jason nodded. “Already got an Uber to Kyle’s place.”
“We could always just Uber to Gotham?” he offered, and Jason recoiled with a shocked look.
“And pay a ridiculous amount of money instead of just paying Kyle’s gas? Fuck no, big brother.” He shoved his wallet and keys into his pockets. “C’mon!” he chirped, rather excitedly. “Our baby sister’s coming home!”
When he swung the door open to yell at whoever was pounding on it, he wasn’t expecting to see two of his best friends grinning like idiots. “Wha—”
He’d barely gotten a word out when Jason shoved a bag of fast food in his hands. “Get dressed. You’ve gotta drive us to Gotham City.”
Kyle blinked, glancing down at the bag before looking at Dick. “Why?”
“Our sister’s coming home, and we overslept and missed out flight outta here.”
“And you came to me…why?” he asked.
“Because you have the functioning car.” Jason retorted, antsy on his feet. “C’mon Kyle. We have to hurry! (Y/N)’s coming home!”
Figuring it was better to agree than to argue, Kyle relented, handing back the bag of food before he disappeared into his apartment, reappearing moments later, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a graphic tee, and his usual slim casual jacket. He took the bag back and started digging around in it.
“Who’s (Y/N)?” he inquired, biting into a breakfast burrito as he locked his front door behind him.
“Our baby sister.” Jason said.
“I thought Cass was your baby sister?”
Dick nodded, getting out his own breakfast from the bag. “She is. But (Y/N)’s like…the OG baby sister.”
Kyle blinked, glancing over at him as he pushed the elevator button. “That makes no sense.”
“He means that (Y/N) was around before Cass was.”
“And she isn’t with you guys why?”
“She’s been on Themyscira for the last few years training with her grandmother and the other Amazons.” Jason answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world, stepping onto the elevator.
Kyle merely stared at the two brothers who were looking back at him; he felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. “Wait, your sister’s an Amazon?”
“Who’s her mom?” he asked, stepping between them.
“Wonder Woman.” Dick said.
Strike two. “Who’s her dad?”
“Batman.” Jason responded.
Believe it or not, Kyle went three for three punches to the gut. “Bruce and Diana had a kid together?”
“Yeah.” Dick murmured. “I think it’s also why B’s so insistent against inter-team-relations.” He nudged Jason behind Kyle. “First time he attempts dating a coworker he ends up with a baby.”
Jason snorted. “And all those lessons about, ‘Children, whatever you do, don’t date anyone on your team. It’ll only lead to babies and limited visitation’.” He laughed again, then he frowned. “I don’t think any of us have followed that lesson.”
Dick opened his mouth to make an excuse but all that came out was a pitiful, deflate of air followed by, “That’s actually a good point.”
The elevator dinged and they watched the doors open before walking out towards the parking garage. They climbed into Kyle’s car, Jason in the front because his legs were longer than Dick’s, and Dick was a contortionist anyways so if anyone deserved to have their knees in their chest, it was him.
Halfway through the drive Kyle asked, “You guys are paying for my gas, aren’t you?”
All he received was unsure responses and he merely sighed.
He figured he should’ve just dropped Jason and Dick off at the airport in Gotham and drove home, but he couldn’t help but want to see just what the daughter of Wonder Woman and Batman looked like. He imagined a little girl dressed in a Batman suit three sizes too big and wielding a sword and a lasso way too heavy for her. It made him smile, the way that the two brothers gushed about (Y/N). From their praise, she was their world. Kyle had to see her though, because nothing was going to satiate that curiosity of seeing the big Batman’s daughter.
He watched Dick and Jason crane their necks like birds as they looked around. And honestly, the family shouldn’t have been that hard to find considering that every time Kyle was around the entirety of the Batfamily, they were like psychos on steroids—he very much so understood why the entirety of Gotham’s villains became flighty when every member of the Batfamily was out patrolling.
Kyle wasn’t expecting a voice to crack over the airport, loud and bubbly. “Brothers!”
All three of them stopped, even him who wasn’t even a sibling, looking over towards the call and Kyle’s jaw dropped as a young woman sprinted over to Dick and Jason, slamming into them with the weight of a train. The three of them collapsed into a pile on the floor, but they were laughing so Kyle assumed the siblings were alright.
“Baby girl!”
“Oh, I am so glad to see you both!” she exclaimed. “I have waited so long to come home!” she was on her feet in moments, pulling them to theirs as if they weighed nothing. And Kyle knew Jason weighed a lot—he’d been crushed under his best friend before in fights.
Suddenly, she stopped and looked over at Kyle who immediately felt his heart lurch under her sharp gaze. “Who is this you have brought?”
Jason gestured to him. “(Y/N) this is Kyle. He’s a friend of Dick and mine. Kyle, this is our little sister, (Y/N).”
She huffed laugh. “I am not little, Jason. I am twenty-one.” Reaching out, she immediately pulled Kyle in for a hug, squeezing him tightly. “It is good to meet you, Kyle.”
“You too,” he murmured, feeling his cheeks warm as she pulled away and placed her hands on his shoulders.
“Any friend of my brothers is a friend of mine.” (Y/N) smiled. “Are you a superhero as well?”
He couldn’t help but toss a quick glance towards Jason who nodded. “Uh, yeah. I’m a Green Lantern.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened in wonder, and she let go of his shoulders in favor of grabbing at his hands until she found his ring. She stared at it, murmuring quiet, ‘ooo’s and ah’s’. “That is simply amazing!” she chirped, looking at him, and then she silently gasped, raising his hand near his eyes. “Oh…your eyes are almost the same color as your ring.”
Her smile made Kyle’s heart beat a little faster as she expressed, “They are beautiful.”
They gazed at each other, too captivated in the moment to understand that the family had gathered around them by then. Someone’s hand curled around (Y/N)’s wrist and she looked over seeing Dick tugging her hand away.
“C’mon Princess, let’s go get your things on the belt.”
She smiled and followed, giving a small wave to Kyle, who returned hers shakily whilst grinning like a dope.
Someone elbowed him in the ribs, and he gasped, holding his side as Jason muttered, “Don’t ever stare at my sister like that again.”
Kyle blinked, glancing at him. “What’re you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, you goddamn skirt-chaser.”
“I didn’t do anything!” Kyle spluttered.
“You’re thinking about it.” Jason warned, pointing a finger in his face. “Make a move on (Y/N) and I’ll kill you with your own ring.” Kyle recoiled just as she and Dick were coming back, both holding a suitcase.
“Father!” she called, glancing at Bruce. “Dick and I have retrieved my luggage.”
He smiled at her. “Let’s go put it in the SUV then.” He paused, looking over the large group. He and Diana had ridden together, and since his children had fender-benders, they’d picked up Cass, Tim, Stephanie, Duke, and Damian; there wasn’t room for (Y/N) too.
“Father? Is something the matter?” (Y/N) was staring at him with concern.
“There’s not enough room in the SUV for you too. Maybe we—”
“There’s room in my car for (Y/N)!” Kyle blurted out, smiling nervously at Bruce. “I can follow behind you.”
Before anyone could screech ‘NO!’, mainly Dick and Jason, (Y/N) lit up like the morning sun. “Oh, that is a wonderful idea!” she grabbed onto Diana’s arm. “We should all stop for ice-cream though! Mother, what do you say?”
She smiled at her and leaned over, kissing her head. “I say that sounds like a fantastic idea, daughter.”
Kyle grinned and held out his arm for (Y/N), her giggling as she took it. “You know, I don’t live in Gotham, (Y/N), but I do know a good gelato store around the area.”
“What is gelato?” she asked, and he groaned.
“Oh, I can’t believe you don’t know what that is.” He started off, pilling her along, leaving everyone behind. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you.”
Jason’s face pinched and he looked over at Bruce. “Can I break the no-kill rule just once?”
Bruce blinked, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched his daughter laughing along with Kyle, both looking like newlyweds already. “Believe it or not, I’m strongly considering it.”
“Bruce.” Diana admonished. “Let (Y/N) and Kyle become friends. You know she doesn’t have many outside this family here.”
Dick growled. “Except Kyle doesn’t want to be friends with (Y/N), Diana. He wants to be her boyfriend.”
“They just met though?”
“Yeah, and Kyle’s a propose on week two type of man,” Jason griped. “Jesus Christ, this is going to be a disaster.”
“I don’t know about you guys, but (Y/N) and Kyle said gelato and you guys are just standing here.” Tim said. “Can we go now?”
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