#whumpee as on object
justwhumptypethings · 1 month
tw; dehumanization, disassociation, aftermath of conditioning
whumpee who’s just.. blank after. staring off, quiet like the dead.
they don’t only not speak unless spoken to, they don’t speak unless they’re asked a question. They could be having a conversation, and even then their answers are barebones and vague enough to not get them hurt. and as soon as caretaker says something that’s not a direct question, whumpee doesn’t answer.
they sit there in the back of the room silent. caretaker forgets they’re there sometimes. maybe they start panicking if their nose is clogged or their breathing is audible for some reason, because they can’t stop making noise.
their eyes are dull. they’re exhausted, nearly always disassociated or derealized, not focusing on their body or the world around them because they expect the people around them to pay as much attention to them as they would an object.
they don’t understand when people talk to them. they don’t react unless someone says their name like an order.
the way they talk is always vague enough that it could agree with whatever the person who’s talking to them says. they are hesitant to take any real stance. maybe they seen confused when someone asks them what they want.
they never really get comfortable with talking again. not the same way they were before.
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The whumpee trying so hard to fight off something mentally, either exhaustion, brainwashing, some kind of drug to enhance or prohibit their powers, etc. They know they can’t fight it off forever, so they warn their caretaker(s) to leave them.
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Again, niche, but I can't stop thinking about heavily conditioned whumpees suddenly thrust into changing their jobs
Like a servant Whumpee told so many times that the only thing they're good at is too serve the wine. That's all they do. They're too stupid for anything else and they believe that
And when their master pins them down on the bed and strips away their clothes, they can only think is this a punishment? Wasn't I good enough? Why is Master hurting me this way instead of like normal?
And when the Pleasure Whumpee is suddenly ordered to pour the wine and Master refuses to touch them, they think: what happened? I'm so confused. Wasn't I good enough?
their hands shake and a drop of the wine splashes on the tablecloth, and Master hits them for it. It's definitely a punishment
I'm sorry, they want to say, I'm not good at this. Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry I'm not made for this
And for both whumpees, a part of them thinks they're being set up to fail.
Why else forbid them from doing the one thing, the one thing that gives them value.
Master hates them. How did they not see it before?
In reality, Whumper just wants to see their confused little faces suffer. There's no deep motives. Whumper just wants an excuse to punish them
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whumppromptoftheday · 10 months
Object prompt: an unknown key ring. Maybe caretaker throws it to whumpee, telling them to run out the door, but whumpee doesn’t know which key to use.
Maybe it’s stolen from whumper and whumpee has to be quiet while flipping through the tens of keys whumper has
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paingoes · 2 months
Destroyer - Birthday I
you guys have NO idea how excited i am to get to this section. this is a two-parter. enjoy :D
(Content: discussions of captivity, slavery, imperialism, illness, and colonialism. alcohol. some very slight dubcon.)
He’d come back to Thales. They’d warned him it was tempting fate, but lightning never strikes the same place twice. And it was about time they did something with the castle. In winter, the frost shone delicately against the outer walls. It reflected the starlight out across the lawn, its colors glistening as if made of moonstone. 
It was Paris’s birthday. They would celebrate here. There was enough notice given to the staff for them to restore the castle to a fraction of its former glory, then almost enough time to manage the actual preparations. Nobody could say that he did not understand showmanship. The inside of Castle Thales was ethereal and ancient. All the ghosts were out tonight.
He didn’t get anything out of it, not really. He smoked alone in the garden, the icy remnants of the summer flowers crushed down by his boots. He watched the procession of guests through the doors without much enthusiasm. He had no use for them socially, no interest in business tonight. He was already ready for it to be over.
He tossed the cigarette butt out onto the frozen grass, turning to go back inside.
“Paris!” Her voice carried across the field. She almost knocked him over, arms flying around his neck. He stumbled before he caught her. 
“I’m so sorry, I meant to see you sooner,” Her head was fully in his chest, pressing up against the wound, “I saw the footage. Paris, I couldn’t believe it.”
She laughed a little as she withdrew, “Why would you ever have the party here?”
Paris smiled at her, some of the sullenness melting away. Her hair was done in tight curls, but her dress was modern and hung loosely off her body. It made her look more boyish than usual. The diamonds on her face reflected the light shining off the castle.
“Going for symmetry,” Paris’s eyes glanced out to the treeline, a sliver of fearful expectancy still obvious in his voice. “I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Of course I came,” Lorelai said softly. He had smelled faintly of antiseptic.
He offered her the last cigarette in the pack. 
“You just got a new lung! Why do you even have that!” She protested, reaching for it anyway. He lit it up for her. Her lipstick stained the filter.
Delta was exhausted. He’d been given too much to heal from lately. Sierra had spent all afternoon with him, getting more and more frustrated as she found more bruises. His shade was so specific, it took hours to cover up properly. She’d been on the verge of tears before she even got around to working on the others. It was too large a festival for one day. Delta felt for her, but the stress didn’t make her particularly nice to be around. He blinked some of the paint out of his eyes, still feeling the sting of the brushes. 
A thick chain connected his collar to the base of the throne. He was very familiar with this specific position. The court had not so long ago belonged to the Emperor. In most ways, it still did. He’d been made to kneel here ever since he had first been acquired. In his memories, the throne had been larger. The space felt too small for him now. 
He straightened up, noticing his own slouching. Little jolts ran through his body, one of the best ways he had to wake himself up. These things tended to run long. He raised his head up slightly to look out at the ballroom. It really did look beautiful tonight, but there was something uncanny about it. Something in how the light played. He’d lost track of Paris a while ago, which would’ve been fine, had he not been so anxious about his return. He found himself subconsciously scanning the room for any signs. This time, he caught one.
Paris was hanging by the southern entrance to the hall. A girl - Lorelai? - was standing close to him. Delta recognized the soft copper of her hair, but couldn’t see her face from her position. She turned around suddenly. He jumped a little, realizing she was looking straight at him. He could read Paris’s body language well enough to know they were arguing. Delta quickly bowed his head back down. He wanted nothing to do with it.
He didn’t look back up again until he heard her footsteps approaching – and even then, he tried to avoid it. She was wearing the same boots she had on the first time they met.
“What about you?” She said, leaning down, “Do you wanna dance?”
The diamonds of her face were so striking. They lit up like a kaleidoscope – almost too hard to see past. Paris was standing a few paces behind her, glaring daggers. Delta froze. 
She whipped her head around, catching Paris’s sour expression. “Knock it off.”
He laughed. It wasn’t kind. She whirled on him entirely, the ends of her dress spinning behind her. Her fists were clenched. He said something low, through grit teeth. Delta couldn’t make it out, nor could he make out her response. It went on like that for a few turns before Paris threw his hands up.
“You know what? Fine,” He marched over to Delta, grabbing the collar harshly. He flinched. Paris released the lock, letting the chain clatter to the floor.
“Fuck both of you.” 
Paris stormed out. Lorelai put her hands to her head, clutching her own hair in frustration. 
“God, he’s such a baby sometimes.” She groaned. 
She turned to look at Delta again. He was visibly grimacing, staring out in the direction Paris had left. He rubbed at his neck absently, a bit sore from where the chain had been yanked. 
Lorelai extended her hand, “You can hang out with me if you want. Forget him.”
Delta eyed her warily. Her expression was warm — not mocking, as he feared she meant to be. It wasn’t a good idea. Yet he knew on some level the damage was already done. He had nothing better to do with his night. He gingerly took her hand. It was much softer than he had expected. 
Delta walked behind her with the quiet resignation of someone who was dragged everywhere, all the time. He didn’t have a problem with shadowing her, but it made him a little nervous to navigate the crowd this way. Seeming to sense this, she pushed out through a side door, into a more deserted corridor. The castle was labyrinthine to the two of them.
“It’s eerie that they decorated every room. Aren’t these supposed to be off-limits?” Lorelai mused, “I can’t tell what the theme is. Time?”
Delta was silent. She released his hand, tilting her head at him. 
“You don’t like parties, I bet.”
“No, miss.” He blushed a little, rolling his shoulder back. She frowned.
“Want to get some air?” 
“Yes, miss.” 
She led him out onto the third floor balcony, which was also supposed to be off-limits. There were chairs up there, but she sat up on the stone railing. Delta lingered in the doorway. The stars were tinted with purple. The twin moons of Thales hung in different quadrants of the sky.
“You know, my folks didn’t want me to come to this,” Lorelai smiled a little, “Not after last time. You were there, weren’t you?”
Delta hesitated, “…For the assassination?”
She nodded. “What was it like?”
Again, he paused. He wasn’t used to open-ended questions. They made him a bit suspicious. He tried to feel out if a trap had been laid. 
“Abrupt,” he said finally, “It only took a second. Miss.” 
She felt her own chest, her manicured hands making small circles in her sternum.
“I can’t imagine. I really can’t.” She shook her head. “I could never go military, I’m too scared of pain. I used to cry like a baby whenever I had to get a shot.”
Delta’s bruises were invisible beneath the makeup. No question had been posed to him. He didn’t speak. 
He couldn’t deal with whiskey again. The smell alone made him nauseous, spurred the migraine forth for as long as he was around it. Lorelai accepted this condition gracefully. She had disappeared at the bar for a little while, re-emerging with two pink glasses.
“Try it, it tastes like juice,” She looked at him with huge eyes, pushing it into his hands.
“Thank you,” he whispered. She looped her arm in his, slipping back out from the crowded hall. The cold night wind bit into them as soon as the side door opened. 
Delta could feel it coming on, but he couldn’t stop it. He loosened up too much when he was drunk. He forgot everything he was trying to safeguard. But Lorelai was so nice. He didn’t feel afraid to talk, the way he had been all the time recently. She giggled when she noticed she was getting real answers out of him. It wasn’t mean. 
“My mom said if I take a year off, I’ll never go back. They keep threatening to cut me off and I don’t have the heart to tell them I really don’t care. I never wanted their money. I mean, I was glad to have it when I did, but I’m an adult now. I have dreams! I don’t wanna be their baby anymore.” She bumped into him, spilling a bit of her drink, “So what do you do?”
“Murders and executions, mostly.”
“Oh. Right.” She seemed embarrassed to have asked. “Come look at this.”
She trotted over to the steel fence surrounding the castle grounds. Delta strolled along a few steps behind her. 
“You’ve been here before?” His voice was so soft, the wind almost carried it away.
“Few times. Not recently. I hope they’re still here,” She jogged the last steps to the flowerbed, then did a running slide onto her knees into the dirt.
“Ah! Cold!” She cried out, “Don’t do that!”
He hadn’t planned to. He bent down beside her to examine the bed. It was a little frosted over, but there were still white flowers visible this late in the season. Lorelai cupped one between her hands like she wanted to pick it, then stopped herself.
“Noella-nas. It’s a good story. You heard it?”
“No, miss.”
“During the settling of Swanni in the late medieval period, all of King Cataline’s court came down with this mysterious pox. It came for his wife and children first, then spread throughout the court. Eventually all of the pilgrims had contracted it. They called it Whicap. It would start inside their bones and eat its way out. It took off their arms and legs one at a time. King Cataline was sure they all would be killed if the plague carried on. So he went out into the wilderness to speak with the native people. They had seen Whicap before. They showed him the place where Noella-nas grows. He cut it out of the ground and brought it back to his court alchemist. The petals of Noella-nas were the cure for their illness. That’s how the pilgrims at Swanni survived their first decade. That’s why their children still live there today.”
She plucked a single petal off and rolled it between her fingers. 
“They’re extinct in the wild. The forests they grew in were leveled and turned into farmland. Thales keeps growing them as a heritage project. Nobody really gets Whicap anymore, anyway.”
Her dress was dirty. Her knees had been scraped up and the soil of the courtyard was sticking in the wound. She popped the petal into her mouth, letting it melt there. It tasted like marshmallow root.
“Is it alright if I ask where you’re from?” She turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were bleary.
“I was born in captivity. I’m not from anywhere,” He answered. Despite the cold weather, he was strangely warm. Lorelai put her hand to her mouth, tracing her own lips as if to self-soothe.
“Oh. I thought you might be from one of the outer colonies. I can count on one hand the number of people I’ve met who were born outside Empire. It’s so scary. It’s too big. Did you just say you were born in captivity?”
He was starting to understand Paris better. He now knew what it was like to be physically incapable of shutting up.
“Yeah. Or I was surrendered to the Institute while I was still really young. I don’t have any memories of ever living outside of it.” He paused. “It’s probably easier that way. We would sometimes get kids who’d been surrendered at age seven or so. They never lasted long. They just couldn’t adjust to it.”
Lorelai fully covered her face now. “I don’t know how you can forgive us. I don’t know how anyone ever could.”
The air around them sparked. Delta, embarrassed, tried desperately to ground himself. Little arcs of electricity were coming off of him in a way he couldn’t control. Lorelai kept her face buried in her hands and would not get up until Delta asked her to come back where it was warm.
They went into the basement. Delta had asked nicely. He got the strange sense he might never have another chance to see it. The door was locked, but the lock was not strong. It wasn’t the same one they’d had when Delta was kept there. Lorelai kicked like a mule. It burst open. 
Delta got a little woozy at the sight of the stairs. They were ivory and covered by a finely woven rug. Its wine red shade had faded mostly to brown. The two of them descended.
The floor came into view first. It was warm marble tiling, inlaid with gold. It spread out in their vision as they neared the bottom. It spread — and there was very little else.
“Oh,” Delta realized, “They got rid of it.”
The expensive and well-insulated material that had made up the walls of his room were torn down. All that was left were the support structures. Thin beams of rebar descended from the ceiling and down into the tile. They marked out the perimeter where the room had once ended. Standing alone, they looked a lot like the bars of a cage.
Lorelai slipped in between them. The light sound of her boots clicking on the tile suddenly changed as it came into contact with the old floor. It was well insulated, meant for grounding. Her steps sounded heavier. They made a dull echo throughout the room.
She spun around, running her fingers along the bars.
“It’s so small,” she said. 
“I was younger when they built it,” Delta said weakly. He didn’t know why he was defending them. He didn’t even want to get close. He glanced around again. The outer walls of the basement were decorated with simple paintings and tapestries. Besides that, there was nothing else down there.
“I think they took the rest of my stuff,” he concluded, a small note of bitterness creeping into his voice. When he’d first gotten aboard the Thorn, Simon had packed him two suitcases. One was all clothes. The other was mostly books. Everything else he’d owned had been lost for a long time. Some small part of him hoped he might find it here.
Maybe it was for the best though. Had the room still been intact, he doubted he could’ve brought himself to enter it. Just the idea of it made him nauseous.
Lorelai slipped out from between the bars. She leaned her hip against the one of them and hooked her arm around another as if to steady herself. The rust of the rebar stained her skin. She didn’t seem to notice.
“That’s…really scary,” she says slowly, “I’m sorry.”
Delta brushes a strand of hair from his face.
“I’m sorry that happened to you,” Lorelai continued, “Do you want to go back up?”
He nods.
“I mean, I guess I’m sorry it’s still happening,” she said.
“What?” Delta asked. They were on the balcony again. She’d gotten them more drinks. It was starting to be an unwise amount. She sipped at her mojito pensively. The silly straw did nothing to alleviate her grief.
“With you. I’m sorry you have to live like this.” Lorelai braced herself against the stone railing, looking straight down into the garden.
Delta didn’t answer. 
“I like Paris, you know. He’s my friend. But he’s a lot sometimes. I don’t know.” She paused:
“...Is he good to you?”
She turned her head slightly to see if his expression changed. He was gazing out into the surrounding woods. The top of the ship was just barely visible over the treetops. The question hung in the air. Delta rubbed at his neck.
“I don’t think he wants to be this way.” He said finally. “He just…gets himself so worked up.”
She nodded like she understood. The sky was clouding up; her cup was empty again. When she moved to stand, her gait was wobbly. The glass toppled over. Delta caught her before she could fall too.
“Are you okay, miss?” Delta asked, a muted note of concern in his voice. He was used to the drunken two-step by now. At least with her, it didn’t hold the threat of sudden violence.
“I’m tired,” she murmured, “I’m…really tired.”
Delta led her back down the stairs to the ballroom. He flagged down her friends, who seemed to recognize the danger. They gathered to come collect her. Before he could pass her off, she leaned over and quickly pecked him on the cheek. 
Delta blushed as her friends led her away. The party was over, anyway. She cast a last glance over her shoulder. Her expression was unreadable.
He traced the skin where she had kissed him. It had been right on top of the bruise.
Tags: @catnykit @indigoviolet311 @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump @pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire @micechomper
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justbreakonme · 11 months
Household items for your Whumper to use:
-Whumpee has ten fingernails, and Whumper has ten questions and a pair of pliers.
-Many household cleaners can be used to make highly corrosive or poisonous concoctions, and Whumpee is about to find out exactly how that works.
-Whumper always said that beauty was pain, and, with their curling iron in hand, Whumpee was about to find out exactly how accurate that was.
-Whumper takes a trip to the pet store, and finds the perfect thing to keep a mouthy Whumpee under control. A shock collar, that’s set of by the vibration of Whumpees vocal cords. Hopefully Whumpee doesn’t have a cough, and that they can keep quiet when it goes off.
-kitchen knives. Enough said.
-stove burner. Also enough said.
-zip ties make excellent restraints and are much less bulky and suspicious looking than rope or handcuffs.
-many medications can be used improperly, especially to put someone to sleep, and if the whumper really wants to do some heavy duty damage, well… if they have no moral qualms about what they would do to the whumpee, what’s to stop them from getting prescription or illegal stuff too?
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letitbehurt · 2 years
“Do you think you’re the first one I’ve kept, whumpee?” Whumper kneels in front of them. Whumpee makes a small noise, scrambling back against the wall, but Whumper only snatches them by the collar, hooking a few fingers underneath the leather to keep them there. “You think this little thing makes you special? Keeps you safe?”
“No, sir,” Whumpee answers quickly, shaking their head. And of course they hadn’t. The collar had never kept them safe from Whumper—not truly. But it had kept them alive.
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blood-and-reblogs · 11 months
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Bug and Company masterlist
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @whumpymirages @flowersarefreetherapy @painful-pooch @whumplr-reader (and @squishablesunbeam iirc you wanted to be tagged if people used object designation? Idk if you still do but anyway)
During delivery to its owner, O69 is intercepted.
CWs: BBU, pet whump, object whump, self-dehumanisation, locked in a box, conditioned whumpee, scared whumpee, talk of discrimination against Romantics, bad caretaker, bad safehouse (with implications that it could be even worse), implied non-con, wishing for punishment, non-verbal whumpee
O69's body thrums with anticipation as it speeds down the road in its box. It's being taken to its new owner.
This is the most important day in a pet's life.
It wonders what its new owner will be like. It has been trained extensively, and it will be good for whoever it is, but it has no idea what they're like. Short hair, long hair? Kind, cruel? Where will they keep their new toy? It has no idea.
It will find out soon enough.
The van stops suddenly and O69's thrown into the wall of its box. It's not supposed to move at all so it doesn't, not reaching out to cushion itself before its head slams into the wood. It grunts.
It's not supposed to make a noise. It hopes it gets punished.
The doors to the van are thrown open. O69 wonders if it's its turn to be delivered.
Patience, O69. Objects don't get impatient, do they?
No. No, another box is removed. It's disappointed at first but then it realises that multiple boxes are being removed, multiple pairs of feet in the van. What's going on?
Its box is lifted and set down somewhere else, urgent voices surrounding it. It doesn't know what they're saying and it doesn't need to.
Someone shouts, "Go go go!", there's lots of commotion, and then O69's careening down the road, heart in its throat. It can hear screaming.
It isn't long. It isn't long, it knows it, but feels like forever.
It's not the first to be dropped off this time, either, but it feels different when it is. More careful. Like it's breakable.
That's not true. Sex toys aren't breakable. Or if they are it doesn't matter. They can always be replaced.
It can always be replaced.
There's murmuring from outside, and then a noise, a bit like hammering but different. And then daylight. Lots of daylight. The kind it hasn't seen for as long as it can remember.
More light of any sort than it's had since it was packed.
There's a face staring down at it. It tries to look appealing – it doesn't know who this is, but it thinks that regardless of that they're more likely to keep it if it's appealing.
The woman above him makes a strangled sound.
"Oh, god, you're a Romantic, aren't you? At least partly. They won't like that. Shall we get you out of there?"
And without waiting for a response that O69 isn't allowed to give, she reaches in, grabs it just below the elbows, and lifts it out.
O69 screams. Screams like its existence depends on it, like a burglar alarm, someone will come and get their property back, put it back safe, but nobody does, nobody comes.
Nobody wants it enough to come.
It's left in this woman's grip, the shocked look on her face boding nothing good, oh what if this is its owner? It didn't think so, it thought it was stolen, but maybe... maybe this is why pets don't think.
"Hey, hey, it's not as bad as all that. Let's get you sat down, then we can go over a few things." She sets it down on the carpet.
It's too soft. The lights are too much and the noise is too much and it has no idea what the expectations are and it all hurts. It wants to bury its head in its knees and jam its hands over its ears and scream until this all goes away but it can't, it's not allowed, it knows this without actually knowing, so it does the next best thing.
It tries to climb back into its box.
"Whoa, whoa, no. You don't need to go back in there, you're free."
But it's dark and familiar and safe in there and for the first time ever it ignores an order, crawling towards it, starting to climb over the lip of the box.
She wrenches it out, setting it down further away, and lifts the box. "I said, no." She's harsh this time and O69 cowers away from her tone, words like acid. "You don't need to– look, I'll be back in a minute."
And she walks out with its box. Its only safety, and she just takes it away, like it's nothing, like she doesn't care, like... like... what's O69 supposed to do now? How can it be stored, how can it be safe now? What does it mean that its storage is being taken? Retraining? Replacement? Refurbishment? It whimpers at the thought.
It needs somewhere to go. Maybe if it just stays out of the way it'll be forgotten about, allowed to stay. A dusty toy on a shelf, not played with but not thrown away, either.
It scans the room. There. A nook, tiny, in the corner, and it moves without an order, heart in its throat, desperate, crawling into it, scrunching up tight to fit. It's nearly as tight as the cage it was trained to stay still in, and it has to go really small, but that's okay. It knows how to do that. Out of sight, out of mind.
The woman comes back into the room and frowns. "Are you in here? Oh, you're... okay. Let me grab your papers and you can stay there until you're ready to come out."
She peels the plastic packet carefully off his t-shirt and moves away. It wonders how long it'll be allowed to stay here for.
Minutes, it thinks at first. Minutes which turn into hours, which eventually turn into days.
It keeps its eyes shut, body tiny, it knows how to keep still and it will. At least its training is useful for something, even here.
It isn't aware of everything, but it's aware of enough.
It hears voices, low and angry, an argument that it hopes it doesn't take the brunt of. There's worry somewhere. Someone says something frustrated that it determinedly doesn't listen to. Even though it shouldn't, it resists attempts to remove it.
Out of sight, out of mind, it's safe.
Out of sight, out of mind, it's safe.
Out of sight, out of mind, it's safe.
And then, a day or two (or maybe three or four) later, there's desperation and pleading. One side of a conversation, not a pleasant one, but they're not talking to it so it doesn't listen, hoping it won't be hurt for this.
It is still due a punishment though, for noises and moving and a hundred other things by now.
O69 doesn't know how long it is until there's hushed voices in the hall, and soft footsteps on the carpet. A thing that sounds like its box is brought in, set down.
"Are you sure about this Alix?" says the first voice.
"Yes," says a new voice, cutting through the air like a knife.
There's a sigh like disappointed wind, and then a set of footsteps disappears out of the door.
"Hello. I'm Alix. You must be O69, right?"
O69 looks up. The woman opposite it doesn't quite look like a knife. But then, not all knives are sharp, and not all dig in smoothly, immediately. Her voice is softer now.
Maybe she's a blunt knife, which takes a lot of force to hurt someone with. It wonders how much it would take for her to hurt it.
"Pleased to meet you. I've come to bring you somewhere safer, if you're okay with that. You can go back in your box. I know they don't like that here, but it's okay, really. If it's safer for you, that's allowed. May I call you O?" O69 doesn't know how to respond, it wasn't taught how to give an opinion. Objects don't do that. "I'm going to take that as a yes. At least one of my housemates will probably find it very uncomfortable at the least to call you 69. Pronouns. He? She? They? It?" It blinks at the last option, not deliberately choosing but just... relaxing, slightly, maybe. Hopefully not. "Okay, it/its it is. Let me bring your box closer and you can climb back in, yeah? I promise you, I have no problem with you going back in there."
Alix is true to her word, bringing its box over and then backing away. O69 unfurls itself, cramped and barely able to move from the stiffness, and crawls over to its box, climbing up and over the top. It curls up inside.
It's safe again. It's safe. It's darker and softer and safer.
"There we are. Here's a blanket in case you need one, and you can eat when we get to my house. I didn't bring any food because I didn't know if you get carsick. I'll take your lid with me, obviously, but I'm leaving it off for now, if you're okay with that. So you can see out if you like. Ready to go?"
Alix peers over the top of its box and it blinks, unsure of what's going on. All it knows is that it's being moved again and hopefully that place will be better than this one. Even though she's still not its owner, he's still not going where he should be, and what's going on?
"Great. Let's get out of here."
It's carried for a bit before the voice from days ago says hesitantly, "Alix? About this... um, thank you. I know you don't have much space."
"We have a spare room at the moment. And even if we didn't, we'd make do. Don't thank me, just... look, find someone better than Christians Against Pets to teach you this stuff, okay? You've got a good heart, good instincts. You just need to learn how to use them."
"They didn't want to help O69 at all," she sniffles.
"Yeah. They do that with Romantics. WRU allows them to exist as a rehabilitation group, think about why they'd choose them, specifically, as cover. What WRU can do, knowing where they are, where they can find a supply of unwanted and probably undefended Romantics. Find somewhere else to train, and I hope I see you again soon."
"You too. O69? I'm sorry."
O69 doesn't know what to say to that, even if it could speak.
Alix lifts its box higher in her arms and carries it outside.
"I'm going to set you down in the car now. Passenger seat. The roof's down, hopefully you can feel a breeze in there."
Alix sets it down and starts up the engine. It can see white fluffy clouds and blue skies above, the tops of green and brown trees flitting past. A flock of gangly birds honk as they pass overhead.
"Canada geese," she explains. Then she sighs, and says, "There's one of my housemates. We'll pick them up, you can meet them." Then she raises her voice and, in a knife-edge tone that makes O flinch despite itself, yells, "Bug!"
There's a moment of silence, before an indignant, "You nearly made me drop the shopping!"
"Come on, get in. Come and meet your newest housemate."
Someone flops into the back seat. "Gonna be a bit cold with the top down, isn't it?"
"You picked the car," Alix says long-sufferingly.
"I was trying to see if you'd actually buy it."
There's a pause, then Alix says quietly, "I'll always take your advice, Bug. You know that."
There's the sound of someone clearing their throat. The new voice is rougher now, like grating sand. "Who am I meeting then? Why are they in a box still?" asks Bug warily, tightly. Like a coiled-up spring.
"Bug, this is O, it/its. O, Adalia, they/them, sometimes known as Bug. Mostly by me. And O's in the box because it wants to stay there."
"Oh. Okay. Hi O. Romantic?"
O feels like it can hear Alix grimace. "Not just Romantic. Here." Papers are tossed and flicked through.
"Fuck," says Adalia. "Those monsters. I'm glad we have you now, O. You'll be safe with us. I'll make sure of it."
The way Adalia says it makes O seem certain they will. But it doesn't know what their version of safety is.
"O, when it comes to your box, you'll need to leave it fairly soon to have a wash, and so we can cover any possibly-unsafe parts of the inside. You can keep it in sight at all times though, and that's the only time I'll ask it of you. You won't have to leave it again, not until you want to, and I mean you, not me. I won't remove it from your sight, and I won't pull you from it, not even to wash."
"You'll start to smell if you don't wash though."
Alix sighs. "Bug."
No. No. She promised.
"You okay in there, O?" asks Adalia. O doesn't respond. It can't. "O, breathe. I bet you're struggling with that. It's okay. I used to be a pet, don't know if you can tell. Alix is good at this. She keeps her word. And if she doesn't, I'll punch her."
O takes a deep, slow breath. It thought it could hear something in their voice.
"Eat this."
A hand reaches in, not Alix's, this one is brown, and gives O an... an apple? O gets an apple? They bite down on it, closing their eyes blissfully (oh it's so sweet, and juicy, it's so good), almost missing the grinning face above.
"Hi. I'm Adalia. Or Bug. I'm not picky. It's nice to meet you. I'd like to be your friend."
And O thinks, so long as it can stay safe in here for as long as it likes, that it would like to be their friend too.
It doesn't know what a friend is, not exactly. But the word feels warm, and it would like that warmth.
"I have a present for you. Here."
They place something soft gently into its other hand. It looks at it closely. It's a small toy bear, looking resplendent in a tiny rainbow sweater.
It's lovely. O's eyes water. Must be the weather. Though it doesn't know why that would be, or why it would think the weather could affect it like that.
O squeezes the teddy and lets go, squeezes and lets go, squeezes and lets go. Again and again and again, over and over it does so, thinking and thinking about the warmth that being Adalia's friend might bring.
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justwhumptypethings · 2 months
tw: collars, implied dehumanization, scars
shock collars that, if broken, release a voltage that will instantly kill whumpee, the endless potential of that
collars with whumpers name engraved and a phone number to call should whumpee get lost
collars with something like ‘doll’ ‘pet’ ‘object’ ‘toy’ ‘tool’
pretty, dainty collars with intricate gold patterns for whumpees who are a rich whumper’s object, or whumpees who’s purpose is to be pretty
collars with space for leashes
scars as collars
forced tattoos- a subtle black band that will raise questions from unknowing strangers
scars of whumpers hand- obvious and blatant, eye catching
collars with sharp spikes on the inside that leave sheer scars; a constant reminder long after it’s gone
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The monster whumpee is injected with several drugs to study their effects. The people studying them all say it’s to turn them human. It’s going to end their suffering as a monster. Though, the whumpee had never suffered for being a monster until these “scientists” got ahold of them.
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honeycollectswhump · 7 months
i want to see ashtray get a pat on the head 🥰 and maybe a burn at the back of his throat. you know. for fun! - @whumpcloud
im very sorry it took me literal AGES to write this! at least you get some angst now :D
Smoke in His Lungs
CW: pet whump, burns (cigarette & other), dehumanisation, conditioning
Being used is his greatest wish, his only purpose, the one thing Ashtray knows without a doubt how to do. The months –months? he can’t remember anymore– of relentless training prepared him, made a truly polished Ashtray out of the senseless Shape he was before.  
Now, he gets rewarded with the highest honour anyone could bestow upon him: kneeling at the feet of his first and only Mistress, the one who owns his body, mind, and soul, and Ashtray couldn’t be more grateful for it. For a short moment, he allows himself to close his eyes and let himself drift in the unintelligible drift of conversation and the comforting smell of smoke.
Not for too long though.
Ashtray blinks himself to awareness again and swallows with difficulty, the tender flesh of his throat still aching with the memory of the scorching wave. Yet he knows not to flinch. Instead, he wills himself to focus on the fresh burn on his left palm, the red, inflamed blister feeling hard against the bare skin of his thigh. It burns, of course, a rush of delight coursing through him. 
Burning means he is being useful. Burning means he is a Good Ashtray and, perhaps even, a Good Boy. 
There is an ugly feeling in his stomach though, sticking to him and turning the wafting voice of his Mistress into a minefield he has no choice but to cross. Ashtray knows he is dumb, his only purpose is to serve, to obey, he doesn’t need to think. But unlike his blunt Handlers during training, his Mistress’ silky voice remains incomprehensible to him. 
It should be a fatal flaw, and maybe it eventually will be, but right now his Mistress shows endless compassion, graceful mercy, seemingly knowing her Ashtray’s limited capabilities, despite his price point. She speaks slowly, gesturing kindly to whatever area she demands of her Ashtray. And he complies –of course–, always eager to serve, and hopes that maybe one day he will memorise the meaning of her words.
This time, his Mistress elegantly points to her mouth with one slender finger, perfectly manicured, her nails sharp and red like wine. Ashtray straightens up towards her, opening his mouth, eyes closed, waiting for how he will be used this time.
Suddenly, his Mistress’ hand is in his mouth, violating, and it takes all of his training not to gag then and there, as he inhales fumes and soot. Burning engulfs his throat like a forest fire, sizzling in a place not made for it. 
Calming breaths do nothing against the threat of smoke filling his lungs. Ashtray freezes, his nails digging into his thighs like claws, tries to stop moving, stop thinking, stop breathing, until the colourful spots in his vision make room for a flurrying blur of white static. 
Then, almost as abruptly, his Mistress removes the cigarette again, leaving him only with the overwhelming taste of ash seeping into his blood and soul. 
He wants to gag. Heave. Retch. 
Ashtray waits a moment, then two, until he allows himself calm yet stuttering breaths against the fumes. In his early training that alone seemed like an impossible task, going against instincts he couldn’t explain to himself. It feels good to have his training reinforced, to show –even if only to himself– that it was worth it, that he worked hard to become the perfect luxury product for his beloved Mistress. 
Staring back down on his hands, a barely touched canvas for her markings, Ashtray can only breathe. The blister on his palm seems to have broken when he clenched his fist against his reflexes, but he barely feels the additional hurt over the charring pain all over his body, concentrated, irreparably, in his throat. But it's okay. It’s okay. It must be Okay.
It is nothing but pure mercy, when his Mistress lays her hand on top of his head, almost absentmindedly, and starts petting him in slow, gentle motions, making sure not to ruffle his prettied hair. Ashtray tries not to press into her touch, chasing a sensation he knows will be rare. It floods his body like a cooling wave and a fever high at the same time. 
Only Good Boys get pet; a blissful knowledge deeply ingrained into him. 
Good Boys take the pain they were trained for and Good Boys look graceful while doing so. 
And then, maybe, Good Boys will be rewarded with a touch so rare they can barely remember the last time they felt it.
taglist: @whumpsday, @2in1whump, @sodacreampuff, @webbo0, @toyybox, @whumpshaped, @clickerflight let me know if you want to be added or removed :)
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
Goretober III: Hematemesis (Written By Nemesis)
This one funny to me haha Castys so miserable he super loves the @coyotehusk goretober
←Previous - Castys Masterlist - Goretober Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: chocolate, emeto (blood!), poison, gore, noncon touching that is a little bit more intimate than normal but still unsexy
Today’s restraint of choice was a metal collar around his neck that was chained to the floor, and Castys wasn’t really a fan. Sure, it gave him more freedom of movement than the table or dangling on a hook, but it didn’t really matter when Kuro could pin all of his limbs down and still have her hands free, which was super unfair. And the chain attached to his collar was long enough to allow him to sit up, but he couldn’t stand at all, which he supposed was better than being forced to stand and not able to sit, but still. 
Right now, though, Kuro was sitting across from him, holding out what appeared to be a piece of chocolate. “Here, Castys. You deserve a little treat for being a good boy so far.”
“You know I’m, like, way older than you, right?”
“You’d be surprised,” she laughed. And hey, maybe she was pretty old, too, considering that he didn’t even know what exactly she even was.
He kind of wanted to refuse the chocolate on principle, but he was also not one to turn down a little treat, especially if it was candy. Warily, he took it, watching Kuro as he put it in his mouth, but she just watched him right back, unreadable as ever. The chocolate was good, and it’d been a long time since he’d had something sweet, or any food at all, really, so he tried to savor it, but the longer he kept it in his mouth, the more he started to taste something…odd.
He was a fucking idiot this wasn’t just chocolate of course it was laced with something-But as soon as he tried to spit it out, Kuro pounced on him, pinning his wrists next to his head, her hand covering his mouth. “Swallow, Castys. You deserve it, remember?” Castys tried to squirm free and spit what was left of the chocolate in her face, but Kuro didn’t budge, so he was forced to chew the rest of the chocolate and swallow, since it would just melt in his mouth if he kept it there. “There you go,” Kuro said, stroking his face and causing him to flinch, which of course just made her laugh. It was always so funny to everyone how much Castys hated being touched!
Finally, she got off of him, allowing Castys to sit up and scoot as far away from her as his short chain would allow. “What the fuck was in that?”
“We’ll see, won’t we?” Castys sighed in annoyance and crossed his arms, waiting for whatever stupid drug or poison she’d fed him to take effect. He felt fine at the moment, maybe a little chest pain, but…okay, it was starting to get worse. As time went on, the pain only got sharper, and he started to get nauseous, which wasn’t really unexpected but still not fun. 
Soon enough he really, really had to puke, but Kuro was still sitting there, just staring at him, and he didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. However, his stomach didn’t give a shit about Kuro, forcing him to lurch forward on his hands and knees and vomit. It sounded more…solid than he was expecting, like there were little bits of something in it, but it was hard to tell by looking at the dark puddle between his hands.
Having a Suspicion, he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, and…yep, that was blood. “What’d you do to me?” he groaned, feeling even worse now that he’d thrown up, like the worst heartburn ever combined with an awful stomachache.
“It’s a special poison that sort of…destroys your stomach lining,” Kuro said lightly. “So your stomach acid is digesting you from the inside right now. I want to see if it’ll get fixed when you die.”
“It won’t.” Castys gave up and laid down on the cold stone floor, already feeling nauseous again. Well, this sucked ass. The acid was gonna eat through him no matter how many times he died until it…ran out? Did acid run out? Probably. Didn’t matter right now, he was gonna puke again, and he was barely able to get upright before even more blood spewed out of his mouth, splattering all over his arms and hands. 
Kuro laughed and picked up a little red chunk of something. “Ooh, I think this is part of your stomach. Looks like little pieces of you are coming up now instead of just blood clots.” Castys didn’t have the energy to reply, just lying curled up on his side as he coughed blood out of his nose and mouth, waiting for the next delivery of corroded bits from inside himself as the world spun out of focus.
He could hardly tell when he’d died or come back to life, the pain never really went away despite him having a stomach lining again since the rogue acid was no longer in his stomach. At some point Kuro tackled him so she could wrench his shirt up and look at the fun shade of purple his stomach area had turned, poking at it with interest. He’d stopped puking now and was just stuck lying there and groaning as his insides turned into soup.
It would stop eventually.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi​ @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​ @whumpedydump​
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generic-whumperz · 1 year
First Intro Post!
(Okay I feel like I’ll do a couple of these intro posts since I’m kinda all over the place atm and very frazzled- just got back from a three-week vacation.💀 I’ll do a proper intro post later, but rn I just wanna talk about my new oc!)
So I just learned of Picrew a couple days ago and have been messing around on it since. I found this character editor by @elena-illustration this and am obsessed! This is the closest I have gotten to what I think my oc actually looks like. His vibe is sad Greek statue (downturned features, olive skin, curly dark brown hair, strong jawline, with a Grecian nose) with central heterochromia (green-to-gray) and sanpaku eyes).
Can I start a list/chain/share (whatever it’s called?) of your oc’s/Whumpee’s?! I’d love to see what other people’s whumpees look like!
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Greek God glory
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After a fight, under the ownership of Whumper 1 (Frederik Finnegan, Fred for short).
OC overview: SX-B2217 (Seventeen/Seven for short) is a mysterious human/alien hybrid genetic experiment sold off to a WRU-type facility for a heafty price tag. Seven’s batch was created in The Lab™️ and grown in artificial wombs, then transferred to maturation chambers which accelerated their natural grown rates. These subjects were used for top secret experimentation and were not intended to ever be seen (or used) by the public.
But, (there’s always a ‘but’ isn’t there?) one of The Lab™️ workers made a backdoor deal with a WRU-adjacent facility since The Lab™️ needed funding and the facility was willing to dish out a substantial amount of money for these experimentations called “drones” (may change this name later on?) Drones were created and altered to be quiet, tolerant, docile, and malleable- an accidental perfect pet, but an intentional ideal lab rat. Drones listen to higher authority figures and have little to no sense of bodily autonomy. They are considered to be property though-and-though because they were never a “person beforehand,” do not have friends or families, were created from raw material for specific purposes in a laboratory, and don’t even have names other than their identification codes.
Additional to being a drone, SX-B2217 possesses some strange, mostly invisible abilities that he keeps hidden from Lab™️ and facility workers. However, when shopping for his first pet, Whumper 1 (Fred) picks Seven out of a line-up of freshly shipped in drones because he can sense a great power within Seven that Fred believes he can use to his advantage. Seven is a spooky boi and often seems to be in some sort of trance and can sleep with his eyes open. He’s mute, but seems to be able to subtly communicate non-verbally and react to things before they happen. Over their years together, Fred notices many unusual things about Seven that he can’t quite explain but keeps to himself. Fred is both intrigued and scared of Seven, but they develop a mutual understanding.
Inspired by his family’s famed prize-winning race horses and his love for boxing, Fred buys Seven to use for fighting as he starts an underground pet-fighting ring where people place bets on fights for outrageous sums of money. After several months of training, Seven becomes the best fighter, is ultimately unbeatable, and quickly becomes Fred’s pride and joy and his #1 cash cow. Because of this, Fred does not treat Seven like a “normal pet” which causes issues with other owners/Whumpers. Fred and Seven have a very strange dynamic that will be explored in flashbacks as I begin writing this series because it actually takes place when Caretaker rescued Seven from Whumper 2!
*This was just a background snippet, I will be sharing more down the road, I just wanted to give a little backstory to Seven’s portrait!
P.S. I’m brand new to whump and sharing this was terrifying!
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harbingerofwhump · 1 month
There's the whole 'this character/media fits my preferences well enough that they should have become a fixation for me but for some reason nothing really clicked' thing but I'd like to raise you an expansion on that:
This character should have become a fixation but instead it bypassed them and latched onto this other character from the same media and I can't quite make sense of why'
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redd956 · 2 years
Unspoken Whump Potential
And the unspoken whump potential that comes with them
What if the objeacthead's object is broken
Or an objecthead with a fragile object for a head being terrified of breaking it
Their bodies still susceptible to normal whumpy troubles, but their head is now also a glass tea cup
Objecthead being servants to everyone else, Whumper using their head for its everyday use
Broken objectheads being dumped just like broken androids
Objectheads getting their heads glued back together or getting a repair
Whumpers not wanting patched up or worn objectheads, and so they sit they sit in shops waiting for work once more
Objectheads being unable to hide for their obvious features
Whumpers who purposefully push them to their limits, taunting them over their worn condition, but rapidly making that condition worse
Just like objectheads
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