#whumpy secret santa
seasons-beatings · 11 months
Season’s Beatings Info And FAQ!
Hey friends! This is the official information post for the event, plus answers to the questions that have been popping up!
What Is This Event?
Season’s Beatings (formerly Saint Whumpolas) is a gift exchange in the style of a Secret Santa. Everyone who signs up will both give and receive a whumpy gift based on their OCs!
How Does It Work?
When you sign up for the event, you will be paired with two people- one person who you will make a gift for, and one person who will make a gift for you. You’ll be sent an ask with your gift person’s OC/story/favorite trope/disliked tropes information, and you’ll use that to create something amazing for them! Meanwhile, your own gifter will be making something wonderful using your OCs! I’ll collect all the gifts here, and on Christmas Day, everyone will receive their gifts!
When Does It Start?
I’m hoping to have the sign-up form finished tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Sign-ups will close on November 25. I’ll hopefully have everyone paired up by November 29.
The deadline to send in your gifts will be December 25, giving everyone three weeks to complete their gifts, and five days for the standby people to fill in if necessary.
Gifts will be sent out on December 30!
What Makes A Gift?
A gift can be anything! Art, writing, moodboards, other types of art- anything you can think of! There’s only three restrictions- for writers, gifts have to be 500 words minimum (no maximum!). You’ve got to put at least some effort into your gift- five minutes to make a vaguely whumpy meme edit is not going to cut it. And this event is SFW only, so please make your gifts accordingly. (For the purposes of this event, NSFW is anything sexual- so implications, references, fade-to-black, etc., should all be left out.)
Who Can Join?
For this year, the event is open to OC whumpers only. I’m going to be working next year (hopefully) on a way to run this that includes fandom whump, but for this year, OCs only. However, I believe there is a fandom whump version of this being run by @whumpdreamz, so if you see this and you’re a fandom whumper, head over that way!
And that’s it so far! If I need to, I’ll come back and update this post with more information as the need pops up. Sign-up form coming soon! Happy holidays!
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flowerslut · 6 months
shamefully despite how easily i am influenced i have not made my way through your ao3 catalogue. where would be a good starting point? (licking kink not required but always appreciated)
wow thanks for giving me an excuse to make a compilation of my (shorter) twilight fics that I want more people to read!!!!! ok ok so all my best favorite ones (minus call of the night. we are pretending call of the night does not exist, okay? dont think about it. dont even look at it) are my mid-length ones. now, first and foremost: I am an angst writer, and boy do I love to whump on alice and jasper, so in no particular order, you should read these fun little jalice fics while you wait for me to update roots over the next few weeks/months
North Star
rated: M words: 20,336 chapters: one-shot summary: "He’s the Eye of the South. The god of war. Master of battle and oracle of death. He’s not just the most dangerous weapon the world has ever seen, but he’s a man in love. And combining those two just makes this so much worse. Jasper sees a girl in his head, and he's afraid of what comes next."
thoughts: okay i lied, they are in a particular order. or at least this one is. this is my favorite twilight fic I've written (I think) and I got dramatic as fuck with it. written for jalice week back in 2021, the prompt was "power/ability swap" and you get exactly that: jasper is the psychic, alice is the empath, everything else is the same... or is it? this is also notably the first fic I ever sent to someone (g, obviously) to look over/give corrections to, so that might be why it has fewer stupid grammatical/sentence structure issues than most of my other stuff (minus roots). content warning for physical abuse, implied sexual assault, and mild sexual content. (also on ff.net)
The Almost Quiet
rated: T words: 10,365 chapters: one-shot summary: "He wants to blame loneliness, but maybe this is what was meant for him all along. A long road that leads to a depressing end. Longing after a girl he doesn’t know whose mind is lost."
thoughts: the last line of this fic is my personal favorite one I've written in recently memory! anyways this is an all-human AU, (sort of). in 1920, alice and jasper meet as humans and jasper's job gets much harder after that. this one is far from the best on this list, but it's entertaining, angsty, and has a satisfying ending imo. content warning for forced institutionalization and ableist language. (also on ff.net)
rated: T words: 6,551 chapters: one-shot summary: "It's nothing Alice had ever seen. It was no vision, no dream. It was only a possibility that had haunted the back of her mind like a nightmare for as long as she'd known what was out there for her to fear. Jasper had never known about this fear until it became their reality."
thoughts: this is the shortest one on this list, and since you like roots, you'll probably like this. its vaguely similar in that it's a whumpy post-breaking dawn AU, but this is only a snippet of an aftermath in which alice loses her power. wrote it for secret santa 2022 and had a BLAST with it. (if you want more whumpy one-shots my ao3 is chock full of whumptober prompts)
No Friend of Mine
rated: T words: 15,199 chapters: one-shot summary: "He contemplates telling Peter about Alice’s visits, but something holds him back from doing it. Perhaps because it doesn’t feel like Alice whenever she’s lying on his bedroom floor, curled in an old blanket that’s too small for him but perfectly sized for her, utterly still and silent even while awake. A part of him feels like it would be a betrayal to reveal this side of her to someone even as close to him as Peter is. After all, Peter is his friend. And Alice is… well, not."
thoughts: I think this fic is severely underrated, but maybe that's because I literally came up with the concept and wrote it over the course of a day and a half or something insane like that, and I think that for a hastily written secret santa gift from 2020, it holds up sooo well. it's an all-human AU where alice is the weird new girl, and like always, jasper is in way over his head. all the cullens get a role, it has the 'fluffiest' moments, and its faaaantastic. content warning for child abuse.
The Hunted
rated: T words: 26,664 chapters: 11 summary: "It's not so wise if you try to run."
thoughts: this one is the most self-indulgent (with the most questionable characterization tbh) based on g's post from 2019 that says 'twilight, but when bella slips away from jasper and goes to the ballet studio to meet james, he isn’t there. he waited until everyone split up in the airport, and then went for alice instead. in the ensuing chaos, while everyone is freaking out, victoria grabs bella.' this is the only one on the list I might take a look at in the future to rewrite chunks of, but it's great fun your honor. ignore what anyone else tells you about the ending. but make sure to keep this short sequel/epilogue handy, for... reasons. (also on ff.net)
A Loyal Wife
rated: M words: 21,930 chapters: 5 summary: "Alice is only a Lady because she was forced to be one. She much rather preferred being untitled. Just a constant in this strange family of women. Girls both grown and not, betrothed to the man who protects and spoils them. Quickly the newborns realize that Alice is more weapon than wife, and that suits her just fine."
thoughts: last but certainly not least is my attempt at 'jalice enemies-to-lovers' that I wrote over the course of two days while on vacation. this story has everything: southern wars, a marriage cult, weird power dynamics, and [checks notes] trying to seduce your enemy mid-fight. this is another one of my favorites, and maybe the messiest (affectionate) as far as story content goes (of course, minus roots). content warnings for sexual assault/dubious consent.
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cupcakes-and-pain · 1 year
🎀 - do you know any good songs for whump?
“It Took Me By Surprise” and “Am I Supposed to Apologize?”, both by Maria Mena, give me sorta whump vibes. The first is like a female whumper POV after they hurt their romantic partner. And the second is a whumpee recovering after enduring a parent/parental whumper.
Also, this one is a bit silly maybe, but “Prince Charmless” from the movie The Secret of Anastasia is also whumpy imo because it’s like a whumper mocking/telling whumpee how they tricked them and also revealing their grand master plan.
💜 - What's a movie/show with whump you recommend?
Honestly, I don’t watch that many whumpy shows or movies. “Once Upon a Time” is a show that has a lot of whump, but it rarely gives me whumperflies. But I’ve seen plenty of gifs for it around the community, so it’s definitely something many enjoy for the whump. Just not me personally.
Also, another show I like is Santa Clarita Diet, which I think could count as crack whump? Maybe? IDK. It’s a show about zombies and it is one of the goriest things I’ve watched, but the whole show has this really upbeat, positive vibe. I wish more horror comedies were like that. Most horror comedies are just regular horror medias with a few jokes thrown in. Which, don’t get me wrong, I do like that. But I wish there was more stuff like this show.
Give me more of this one scene, where a man was viciously murdered in a kitchen and his blood and guts covered every inch of the walls, counters, and ceilings, and yet everyone present at the murder is just making lamenting in how difficult it will be to clean up. Give me stuff where a guy discovers his girlfriend has a half of a dead body in her bathtub and is responsible for several brutal murders, but stills dates her after finding out that she doesn’t plan on killing and eating him specifically. Give me people 100% a-okay with violently murdering and eating people, and yet are disgusted when a man asks for his stuff back that they stole.
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saintwhumpolas · 3 years
It’s Christmastime, whump community! And Saint Whumpolas, patron saint of whump, is looking forward to the fun! If you’re sighing at how un-whumpy the presents under your tree seem to be, if your gingerbread dungeon dreams became a plain old gingerbread house, if your stocking isn’t stuffed with hurt and maybe some comfort…then this is the event for you!
This is Saint Whumpolas’ Whumpy Secret Santa, a whump community event where whump creators anonymously gift writing/art to each other and try to guess who’s got who!
How It Works:
Step 1. Sign up for the event by December 5th
Step 2. Get assigned a fellow whump blog to make something for
Step 3. Send in your whump creation to Saint Whumpolas
Step 4. Saint Whumpolas will deliver all the presents on Christmas Eve! Try to guess which whump blog created a gift for you, and see your gift blog’s reaction to the present you made for them!
The Rules
• I’m cutting sign-ups off at midnight Mountain Time on December 5th. If we end up with an odd number of blogs, I’ll jump in to make sure everyone gets a gift- if you’d like to also volunteer to be on emergency standby instead of/in addition to signing up to make and receive a gift, let me know!
• Please don’t sign up if you can’t make something- we want everyone to get a gift!
• From December 5th on, you’ll get an ask in your inbox from this blog, letting you know who you’re making a gift for, their favorite tropes, and their dislikes/squicks- PLEASE MIND THEIR DISLIKES/SQUICKS. It will not be fun to get a triggering gift on Christmas. You don’t necessarily have to adhere to their favorite tropes, but keep them in mind as you write/draw/whatever.
• The deadline for gifts is at midnight Mountain Time on Christmas Eve. PLEASE HAVE YOUR GIFTS SENT IN BY THEN.
• Since part of the fun is going to be guessing who made each gift, please don’t post your gifts publicly! I’ll provide an email for you to send them to, and I’ll post them on this blog- the gift in your inbox will be the link to your present! (After the event is over and you’ve been guessed/revealed yourself, feel free to post your creation- gift blogs, you can absolutely reblog your gift once you’ve gotten it!)
• I’m gonna say that since this is a Christmas event, gifts must be SFW.
• I’m also gonna say that since this is my first go-round hosting an event, we’re gonna keep it to OC whumpees only for this year. It could get tricky if someone gets asked to write a fanfiction for a fandom they know nothing about, so for this year, OCs only.
• Minimum word count for writers is 500. You can go over as far as you want- I’m sure people would love to get a Lord Of The Rings-length epic in their inbox- but please have at least 500 words for your gift. I don’t know enough about art to put anything specific down for artists, but if you participate please make sure to put a little effort into your gift! (A meme you spent two minutes photoshopping, for example, does not count as a gift. Drawings, doodles, moodboards, comics- all acceptable.)
• For the first…hmm…fifty people to sign up, I will try to match you with a blog who shares your interests (that’s twenty-five pairs.) After that, it’ll be randomly assigned, just so I don’t get overwhelmed.
• Clearing up a few things: your gift is supposed to be a thing you make, be it art or writing or whatever, using your gift blog’s OCs. You’re basically gifting them fanfiction/fanart, and receiving fanfiction/fanart in return. Also, the blog you gift to will not be the same blog you receive a gift from. That way we keep the mystery bit.
• One more thing: I’ve gotten a couple asks and messages now from whump blogs who don’t use OCs. I’m not trying to exclude you guys. If I repeat this event next year I’ll make sure to come up with a way for y’all to join in. This year, though, I just can’t make that work- I have a lot going on, and I think keeping it to OCs only for this year will help me not get overloaded- the last thing I want is to have five hundred or more blogs sign up, get overwhelmed, and shut the whole thing down because I can’t handle that much this year. That being said, I have no problem if someone wants to set up a version of this for fandom whump creators this year. Y’all deserve Christmas fun too, and I’m sorry that I can’t be the one making that happen this Christmas. Next year if I repeat this, I’ll fix it so that it’s all one big event!
• Use this Google form to sign up!
Merry Christmas and happy whumping!
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crimson-wrld · 3 years
Art piece I did for the @saintwhumpolas secret santa event 💖
These are @hurting-fictional-people s characters from Betrayal Story, I love them with my whole heart
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This event was super fun! Just posting this again here because I'm really proud of it, and also for masterpost purposes :)
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maracujatangerine · 3 years
Christmas gifts
- a gift for @whumpzone at @saintwhumpolas Whumpy Secret Santa Event 2021. All characters belong to Cerys and you can find her story here.
Linden was standing at the window, his hands clasped behind his back. The snowflakes were dancing under the streetlights and covering the parked cars, the benches and all the naked trees with a soft, silent layer of shining snow.
He had helped Colton brush his teeth. Well, it was more accurate to say that he had brushed Colton’s teeth for him. Since Col had such a hard time even grasping the toothbrush, Linden had decided that he had to make sure it was properly done at least a couple of times per week.
Like every previous time, the pet had sat on the toilet seat and obediently opened his mouth for the toothbrush. He never resisted, but despite Linden trying to be as gentle and careful as humanly possible, Colton never stopped shivering either. Linden sometimes wondered if he even understood the purpose of the exercise, or if he somehow just thought that Linden enjoyed his discomfort. After the ordeal was over, Linden had asked him to change into his pyjamas and then come downstairs.
The pet stopped in front of the mirror and tried unsuccessfully to push down his unruly hair. He was wearing his new pyjama. The red flannel felt soft and warm against his skin. The top was a bit on the large side for him, but his Master had made sure that he would be able to simply pull it over his head. “Then you won’t have to fiddle with all these buttons,” Master had said. Colton was grateful. Still, the sight of the neat row of buttons made him uneasy.
Did Master want to undress his pet like a gift? Slowly revealing inch by inch of skin and devising new ways to hurt him for each newly opened button?
Col shivered at the thought, but forced himself to keep moving down the stairs. His Master had ordered him to come. No matter what he wanted him for, the pet only had to obey. Padding barefoot down the stairs, he hurried to kneel at Linden’s side. His Master smiled down at him, that genuinely warm smile that always awoke a little answering tendril of joy in Colton’s stupid heart. In the gullible part of him that wanted to believe that Master was as kind as he seemed.
“There you are, Col.” His Master sounded pleased. “Look, it is snowing so much! Isn’t it quite beautiful?” The pet nodded shyly. “Y-yes, Sir.” It was beautiful, even Colton could see that. But if his Master had said that the white snowflakes were apple blossom petals, Col would likewise have agreed. Whatever your Master wanted to hear…
“I have something for you.” Col’s heart skipped a beat, but before he had time to fully panic, his Master handed him a light, gift-wrapped present. “I wanted to give it to you while it was just the two of us here.”
Was he supposed to tear at the package? To destroy that beautiful, glossy, red wrapping paper with ugly tears that would cross the surface like scars? He would have liked to open it carefully, but with his broken hands, it would be impossible. Not knowing what to do, Col looked helplessly up at his Master. Linden smiled, a small, kind twitch in the corner of his mouth.
“Would you mind if I helped you?” He asked.
Please, help this incompetent excuse for a slave. Take mercy on me, for even this simple task is beyond me. But there was no mocking in his Master’s dark eyes when he reached out and pulled on one side of the string tied up in a bow. The whole knot unraveled easily. With shaking, clumsy hands, the pet unfolded the red wrapping paper.
Inside were a pair of mittens.
They were knitted in dark grey yarn with an intricate, white pattern. When Colton reached out a shivering hand to touch them, they were made of the softest, warmest wool imaginable.
“It’s alpaca.” Linden explained. “The inside is all rugged up and fuzzy, so they should be warm and comfy. Go on, try them on!”
When Col did, they felt so warm and gentle and safe that he almost cried.
“Thank you, Sir. Thank you! B-but, Sir, I have nothing for you.” Linden smiled.
“That’s no problem. Just you liking them is definitely reward enough.”
Col looked up at Linden, clasping his mittened hands together. “I-I like them so much. Truly, I do. Thank you, Sir.”
The next morning, Colton awoke early. He had slept uneasily. Half-nervously, half excitedly pondering his plan. Now, it was time to make it happen.
As quietly as possible, the pet snuck out into the kitchen. On the very doorstep, he was almost tripped up by a very excited Jaffa. The grey cat was weaving herself affectionately around his legs, making little inquisitive sounds in surprise over the early company.
“Shh, Jaffa” Col whispered. “Please, be quiet!” He hurried to give her a little food. With profound relief, he saw that it was enough for her to busy herself with crunchily chewing the kibble.
The pet couldn’t fully shake the feeling of being bad. Since that time when he scalded himself, his master had been clear in that he was not allowed to work in the kitchen alone. But surely, since it was for a gift, his Master would allow it this time?
Colton continued his preparations as quietly and quickly as possible. In another house, this would just have been a normal thing for a slave to do. But his master had never asked him for it, not once.
He almost spoiled the surprise by noisily dropping things while moving about the kitchen. But when his Master’s clock rang, Colton was ready with his preparations and had managed to avoid any accidents.
After Linden shut off his alarm clock, he heard a timid knock on the door and cautious steps departing. When he rolled out of bed and opened the door, the corridor was empty. To one side of the door stood a tall glass of chai, covered with a saucer filled with biscuits from the tin in the pantry. He took a cautious sip of the hot brew. It was properly whisked with milk, strong and sweet, just like Linden liked it.
Merry Christmas, Cerys! 🎄❤️🎄
And thank you to @saintwhumpolas for organising the event! ❤️
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worstloki · 3 years
Loki Secret Santa 2.0
Thank you to everyone who chose to participate in the Loki-Themed-Secret Santa! I hope you enjoyed creating and what you receive!!
Below are the list of participants and what they requested, with links to the fulfilled prompt(s)!
@tonystarkfucksaround : "Loki & Peter Parker bonding" (fic)
@leucoratia : "Thor and Loki childish banter" "Thor and Loki discovering Midgardian treats" (fic)
@whatyoufish4 : "Loki and Thor platonic friendship fluff (bonus if holiday-themed)" "Loki and Tony Stark platonic friendship" (fic)
@fangirlsleep : "chocolate fountain" (fic)
@belligerentmistletoe : “Loki and the Tenth Doctor from Dr Who” (fic)
@stellophia : "Jotun Loki but fluffy" (art)
@titconao3 : "Can you tell I've been hiding from the storm? / Can you see I don't want to be here anymore? / I want out of the darkness in my mind / but what if they don't find me in time / what am I gonna do with all this war paint? / I'm running out of battles with my name / what am I gonna do with all this war paint? / I'm tired of searching / ready for something to go wrong" (fic)
@waterpeaches : “dark academia/loki in a library” (art)
@kaogasm : "Loki wakes up in a hospital waiting room, only to realise the attack on the Statesman was a nightmare. He was very much alive and all Asgardians were safe on Midgard. Problem is, he couldn't remember why he was in a hospital waiting room and had no idea what or who he was waiting for." (fic)
@gayrainbowbridge : "anything tesseroki" "some good old fashioned loki whump" (fic)
@cailjei : “Loki escapes Thanos after he falls to the Void and ends up on Asgard, wounded" "Loki & Thor (platonic), something whumpy" (fic)
@sakania : "Jotun Loki" (fic)
@colifower : “froggy chair” “biromantic ace” (art)
@flyingbooks42 : "Loki and Peter Parker friendship" (fic)
@kimoralov3 : "The Avengers try to throw Loki a birthday party but they don’t know when his birthday is" (fic)
@rosyabomination : "Loki whump" "Hurt/comfort" "Thor and Loki sibling dynamic" (fic)
@wishwashgetoutamehswamp : “mermaid AU” (art)
@lucywrites02 : "Loki enjoying the snow" (fic)
@glitch-in-space : "Bucky/Loki coffee shop AU" (fic)
@chocolateturtlementality : "Loki forms a pact (and maybe a friendship?) with the Cloak of Levitation." (fic)
This list will update as works are posted!!
Tessember Prompts
Secret Santa Info
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I just wanna publicly thank @saintwhumpolas, a.k.a @a-series-of-whumpy-events for coming up with the whump secret santa event on a whim and then going through with the entire thing!
Thank you for organizing this and making it a great event for all of us!!
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whumpzone · 3 years
hi cerys i hope ur doing well! we miss pushing your characters down the stairs <3
thank you anon!! ;-; I miss it too. and yes I'm very well!
I've been so busy lately because I've been focusing all my time on reading and writing for my whumpy secret santa! and on top of that, I got commissioned again, and I have an xmas present to draw for a friend, and I just suddenly find myself so tired every evening!
ALSO, my bastard commute takes an hour on each side. wankers!!!
but over Christmas I'll be far freer and able to get back to the REAL full time job of pushing all my boys down the stairs 🖤🖤🖤
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ultralinkyland · 3 years
Fic masterpost
I decided to pop one of these up because even I’m getting confused about what lives where... 
Cool arm, where’s the rest of him? Crackkk. Just. Absolute irredeemable crack. Wild decides to show the others what his new arm can do.
The future is Strine What if Wild’s language was slightly different to the others and he had been adjusting his words so they could understand him more easily?What if he really speaks Strine. (Aka, Aussie slang)
Side quest: Is it the mushrooms? Twilight realises that he has never heard Time really laugh. The chain decide to do something to change that. 
Rito down Legend becomes arthritic and achy in the cold mountains near Rito village. Wild needs to go to the village so decides to treat the Vet to a night’s sleep in a Rito down bed.
Tropical heat Simple, unashamed hurt/comfort and found family. Legend struggles with the heat of Wild's Lake Hylia. Time is there to pick up the pieces. A Secret Santa gift for Woman of Clay
Black static  It's well known that the timeline of Hyrule split during the Hero of Time's era, but when the chain meet a version of Time who shouldn't exist, they're left suspicious and wondering how the fallen hero survived to adulthood when Ganondorf defeated him as a child.
Chocolate bunny The boys arrive at Ravio's, tired, exhausted and overwhelmed, but the purple bunny has a plan to help make them feel better using a special ingredient he's brought all the way from Lorule, cocoa.Pure, unashamed fluff with a dash of hurt/comfort and found family.
Cracks in the glaze A series of whumpy, angsty, hurt/comfort fics based on Narsh Poptarts' battle drawings. Each of the ficlets (except for Wars and Wind's chapters) is stand-alone and each of the boys has a BAD TIME. The fics range from fever, hypothermia, poisoning etc. Please read the warnings in the author notes at the beginning of each chapter to decide whether or not that chapter is safe for you to read.Tread cautiously. These contain a LOT of angst however, they will all have hurt/comfort endings.
Electric safflina Just a humble hurt/comfort sick fic Wild doesn't understand why Twilight treats him as if he can't look after himself. Wild adventures The spiritual successor to Wild Rice. This fic is about the group going on one-on-one adventures with Wild in his Hyrule. Fluff/comfort/adventure
Dragon scales A 28 day challenge where I update with a one-shot every day based on a list of prompts.
Warm safflina Wild is wrung out and tired. Warriors notices and pulls out his hairbrush again.
Blue nightshade Days after Wild has joined the group, Legend and Warriors notice something off about his sleep schedule and decide to intervene. Fluffy/comfort
Swift violets A series of one-shots, completely unrelated and ranging from experimental to angst, to hurt/comfort. Rated for swearing in any chapter where Legend makes an appearance, and underage gambling in chapter 2.
Time to breathe Even though he’d only been with the other eight incarnations for a few days, one thing was clear. Wild was always the first one awake... until one day he wasn't. Sick Wild fic - for I am shameless.
Wild rice A series of one-shots (mostly comfort fics) where Wild and the others bond one-on-one over food and cooking. Basically just an excuse for fluff, love and comfort. Inspired by sister_dear. 
Primed for portals Wild's first trip through the swirling portals isn't a pleasant experience.
Taste of chaos Wild takes a hard blow from an ice talus protecting Time, they take him to a stable to recover.Classic hurt/comfort Rated for Legend's mouth and a slight head wound.
Danger? It turns out the Yiga aren't as much of a threat to Wild as they used to be...Rated for some swearing.
Wait...dirty ponds can make you sick? Simple, shameless Wild and Legend fluff. Rated for Legend's potty-mouth
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seasons-beatings · 11 months
Announcing Season’s Beatings!
If you were in the whump community in December 2021, you probably saw an event going ‘round called Saint Whumpolas. It was a Secret Santa for the whump community, but it only ran for one year.
Until this year, that is! Season’s Beatings is the same event, with an all-inclusive name change and a couple of upgrades! And it’s run by the same person, also with a name change- if you remember Piper from @a-series-of-whumpy-events, hi, it’s me! I go by Puck now and I live at @whither-wander-whump!
I do still have the old @saintwhumpolas blog up. But due to what happened around this time the year I ran this event, I’ve chosen to leave that blog inactive and host this year’s iteration on this brand-new sideblog. I may still hop back there just once to reblog this post, just so anyone who might still be following that blog knows that the event has moved. But everything event-related will happen here now!
I’d like to stress that the nature of the event has not changed. It is still a gift exchange between whumpers in the community! I’m just making it a bit more secular and not so overtly Christmas-y, so that the people in the whump community who may not celebrate Christmas can join in. I think I’ll still keep Saint Whumpolas as the deliverer of the gifts- I haven’t fully decided on that because he’s pretty Christmas-y, but I’m still a little bit attached to the guy, so I may want to keep him around. Hey, maybe he needs a name change too!
Rules, sign-ups, what-have-you will all be arriving in the next few days! Until then, feel free to send me any questions you may have! Happy holidays, whumpers!
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Aaaaaand...that's 50k words done. Phew. Not all on Empty Vessel - at last count I have written:
Three-and-a-bit chapters of Empty Vessel (in which Bard gets a holiday, and Sigrid shares her birthday with Thranduil and Tauriel)
Two chapters of All I Want Is You (in which Bard finally quits his job and the family have a rummage in the attics at Greenwood Hall)
One-and-a-bit chapters of See This Storm Through (in which the family continue to grieve, Legolas is a Good Big Brother, and Dale celebrates a rather muted Midwinter)
One-and-a-bit chapters of part four-or-whatever of It's Always Been You (in which the fallout from Estel meeting Arwen...uh...falls out...)
A snippet of a later chapter of Break You but You'll Mend (in which Auriel surprises Bard quite considerably)
A snippet of the All I Want Christmas special (in which Thranduil discovers that Bard can sing)
My Yuletide fic (in which...ahahaha, just kidding, I can't tell you)
My TSS Secret Santa advent calendar fic (ditto)
About a third of my Happy Hobbit Holiday fic (double ditto)
A tiny snippet of the beginning of the fic I've been wanting to write for ages about the Twins struggling with their choice between mortality and immortality in the wake of Arwen's wedding to Aragorn
And a very angsty whumpy story in Empty Vessel-verse about Thranduil's encounter with the "serpent of the North" featuring Auriel being a badass and a very supportive wife, Elrond and Erestor being quietly awesome, and Oropher being something of a role model in various ways
All of which will be making their appearances on AO3 when they're ready/revealed.
I cannot tell you how good it has been to have the kick up the pants to get writing again. I missed it in September and October when I was tired and burnt out and uninspired and looking for excuses not to do anything. Turns out if I have a variety of things to work on, there's always something that's prepared to talk, as long as I'm prepared to make the effort to listen and type. Phew. Off to bed now though XD
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
As for the whumpy plot: Maybe a spin on their "secret" santa skit where they hand gifts around in a circle. The plot is that one year they do it "correctly" and pull each other's names out of a hat or something. But the twist is that this year, since they don't have to worry about a random brother getting their gift, they can actually gove the brother what they want. So it's then this big huge secret santa reveal that actually gets very mushy and sappy because the givers are like,' W-Well I noticed this about you, so I got you soemthing to help with it!!' Sorta style. Like for example Todo gets Kara and is like," I noticed you have trouble combing your stupid hair while holding your stupid hand mirror so I got you this dumb mirror holder. Take it you stupid idiot." And of COURSE KARA CRIIIEESSS
this is nice, I like it!!
I'll also probably make them all sick for added whumpiness and also to make them super emotional uhuhuhu~
BUT UGH I LOVE IT I'm already compiling a list of their gifts for each other 😂
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saintwhumpolas · 3 years
Three days left to sign up for the event!
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dw masterlist!
thirteenth doctor
emotional support timelord - when you get incapacitated on an adventure with the doctor, there's one thing you don't lose - your ability to meme.
emergency plus one - you need someone to be your date. and fast. the doctor'll have to do. or - i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me: the fic
harana - the reader takes the doctor back to her hometown and courts her in a very traditional way. filipino!reader, because i needed it
mundo (my home and my world):
kadiliman - stuck in the darkness, the doctor is your light. kind of whumpy
the brightness of the stars - the sequel to kadiliman. the doctor helps you recover, and you help her heal. still kind of whumpy
onions - the sequel to the brightness of the stars. the doctor worries too much about you sometimes.
aking sinta - you want to do better. you've always wanted to do better. failure, however, can and always is an option - but it doesn't mean you've lost. whumpy
admit one - the doctor is always helpful. maybe not this time, when you're trying to delicately paint her very beautiful face.
“just breathe” - school sucks. group projects suck. the doctor's here for you.
“thank you, for everything” / “what are you doing?” - the doctor inspires your final sacrifice.
three chances - the doctor knows pain like an old friend. but not like this. she's losing you and she can never get you back. whumpy
before the sunrise - the doctor admires you while you sleep.
please dial again later - you call the doctor when you're sick, and the doctor gets that call a little too late.
come on in - the doctor comes to check on you. totally not for no reason. she just wants to.
something better - you catch the doctor when she falls.
goodnight, sweet angel - the doctor joins you for a surprise sleepover.
pipiliin ka sa araw-araw (i'll choose you everyday) - you're cold, and tired, and sad, and you want someone to be there. someone answers your calls. pretty much just a sickfic tbh
the gentle, the healer - my 2021 secret santa gift for the incredible talented lovely @mbluee ! an artifact's been stolen from the royal museum, and you and the doctor are the prime suspects! But while escaping, something happens, and it's up to the doctor to help you find a way out of this mess. angst, whump, hurt/comfort ensues.
eleventh doctor
john smith is the perfect husband. sweet, caring, a huge dork. you wouldn't want anything else in the universe, right? right?
part one: darling
part two: day out
part three: mr. and mrs. smith
part four: the escape
part five: back to normal
worried about me - the doctor faints, and you worry. he kind of likes that, actually.
distracting kisses - you try to bake cinnamon rolls, but the doctor keeps distracting you. not that you're complaining about how he's distracting you...
"please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it's terribly distracting" - the doctor's eyes wander, and so does his brain when he sees you in some familiar clothing.
"your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that?" + leaning on a shoulder - being sleepy on the tardis is always nice when the doctor is around.
"stay still. you've been wounded" - you get injured protecting the doctor. he is a little bit sick of it. whumpy
"i've never noticed this scar before" - the doctor is really attentive at the wrong time.
knock knock | "you're not in bed. i came looking for you" + head on chest, playing with hair - the sort of sequel to "stay still. you've been wounded." the doctor wants nothing more than to help you, and he realizes something along the way.
occupational hazard - the best place to be is by the doctor's side, but sometimes danger comes just by being at his side. whumpy
truth hurts - there are just some things you can't hide. truth serum does that to you.
just for a day - what was a little acting between friends? if friends was the right word for it. or: yes this is a fake-dating fic
worth it (all that trouble) | “did you just come through my window?” “the front door was locked. what was i supposed to do?” - the doctor surprises you. you worry. maybe a little bit too much.
it happened fast (sorry) | "this should only hurt a bit." + a hug for when you need to say sorry - when you get hurt trying to protect the doctor, he realizes something important.
and it wasn't quite you:
after receiving a mysterious distress call, the Doctor decides to go undercover as John Smith, a new physics teacher. you, his loyal companion, have the unenviable job of being his caretaker. All you can hope is that your own feelings don’t get in the way.
part zero: the transmission
part one: a normal morning
part two: bad day
opposite direction:
i might be heading in the opposite direction / but i'd love to take you home
- claudia, finneas
i think you’re gonna change my plans - the master finds you vulnerable and injured in an alleyway. so many things he could do... that he doesn't because you're just too interesting.
oh, i’m in trouble now - the master finds out that you have more fire in you than he initially thought.
come kiss me black and blue - you burn him, like a moth to a flame, like winged icarus to the sun. and yet he can't get enough.
unreachable moments - you have a quiet moment with your doctor. (not your doctor.)
the unimaginable - the sequel to unreachable moments, from the doctor's perspective.
multiple doctors
sugar, yes please (10 -13) - you first meet the doctor in your kitchen, opening your cans of sugar. the doctor first meets you yesterday.
is it still you? (11 and 13) - getting left behind is never easy. being found is even harder.
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natsora · 5 years
Year In Review - 2019
Tagged by @dafan7711 Thank you!!
Tagging anyone who wants to share. It is on short notice to tag anyone I think. xD
It’s quite a number of stories I’ve published this year. 21 stories, 343K words. 
The Replacement - a fReyder fic, featuring @artsyblacksheep‘s Kate Ryder. 
Returning Ghosts - Written this as part of Reverse MEBB trial run, featuring @seokanori‘s Sara Ryder. 
Inner Demons - Written also as part of Reverse MEBB trial run, featuring @naeviss Athena Ryder
Drinking Woes -  Another fReyder fic that was spawned from brainstorming sessions and Berto is born. 
Trouble Boredom Brings - A gift fic written for @wickedwitchofthewilds featuring her Emma Ryder. 
The Herald’s Handler - My first Cass/Trev story where I gave in and used a Bad Things Happen prompt to launch myself head first into OTP land. 
Demons Within and Without - A fRydaal story that has a very very bad ending, You’re amply warned as you read this. Filled 3 Bad Things Happen prompts with this single fic. 
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Another fReyder / Berto fic, one of my favourites written this year, all because this one is funny. At least I think so...
The Fart Bomb Incident - Again fReyder / Berto, a Bad Things Happen prompt fill. 
One Wrong Move - Riley Shepard’s first fic written during ME1 timeline. It’s whumpy AF since it’s a Bad Things Happen prompt fill. 
Promise - A Cass/Trev fic, this one came in a dream and it refuses to leave me alone until I’ve written it down. And suddenly I have a post-Trespasser idea. 
Enough - Another Cass/Trev fic, follows from The Herald’s Handler, deals with the aftermath of Trev’s return from the dark future. 
Pictures On The Wall - My first AU fic written as part of Reverse MEBB proper, featuring Shepard and Ryder in a zombie end of the world kind of world. I really liked the story I wrote. Though I must say not many people seem to like it. 
To Be Somebody - fReyder / Berto fic, deals with the little party of Sloane’s.
A Bitter Anniversary - fReyder and gift fic for @obvidalous‘ birthday, featuring her Sara Ryder. 
Splintered Minds - 18 out of 39 chapters published. This is one of the darker long fic I wrote. I really enjoyed putting flesh to the bones of this story that’s the brainchild of @seokanori. 
The Persephone Arc - 18 out of 34 chapters published. The promised prequel for Sara Ryder. Set in the time between ME1 and ME2, follows Ryder’s journey from being in the Alliance to the launch to Andromeda.
In You I Found A Rhyme - fRydaal fic, written as a gift fic for the Secret Santa gift exchange for MEFFW. One of the last things I’ve written for 2019. 
Never Walk Alone - A Cass/Trev fic that deals with the fall of Haven. So much angst, so much whump!
The Lost Childhood - A Femshep origin story, traces the person before Shepard becomes Shepard. 
Red on Green - The last fic published this year. Set in the Femshep origin story timeline, deals with how Shepard got her red hair. 
Well, based on my best gauge, my word processor tells me I’ve written 605k this year. This includes all the remaining Bad Things Happen prompts that are written that awaits publishing and/or editing. All three of my long fics namely, The Persephone Arc, The Lost Childhood, Splintered Minds are all written and mostly edited. All they also need is actual publishing. 
I have 6 more Bad Things Happen prompts to fill. After that I intend to get to work on my illegal fighting AU, featuring Shepard and Ryder. It’s going to be angsty, it’s going to be whumpy. But hey, it’s me. What do you expect? Beyond these is working on the sequel to Cetus Arc. I hope I’ve not lose everyone who were following Cetus. There is also the ME1 fic I want to get started on for Shepard. There will also be more Cass/Trev, more Berto rest assured. 
This year has been a resounding success in terms of sheer output, both publishing and writing. It can’t happen without my partner in crime @seokanori who has been doing weekly, can you believe it? WEEKLY covers, for all three of my long fics. I can’t have been luckier to have a collaborator as awesome as she is. Check out her Tumblr, website and Patreon. 
Also @ainzaphir she took on beta-ing duties for Splintered Minds and the story is tighter already thanks to her efforts. Thank you! Check out her writing at her AO3 and Tumblr. 
And I cannot forget all the supportive friends, mutuals and readers. @rpgwarrior4824 @obvidalous @lylypuceonarchive @wickedwitchofthewilds @mistressnoriko @cassandra-pentughasst @jt-boi-n7 @barbex @inquartata30 @aban-asaara @suchanadorer @n0rmandysr1 @cdrkateshepard @lucyrne @hollyand-writes​ @mhandersmyheart​ and so many more people I’m sure I’m missing out here. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here’s hoping for an awesome new decade for all of us. Have a great year ahead! 
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