#why am i not a mermaid?
the-ghost-bird · 2 years
God, it is so hot. I need to be able to fucking live underwater, i can't, i-
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papanowo · 1 month
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was looking thru the mermaid au tag on ao3 a couple months ago and realised bones is rarely the mermaid so i sought to change that
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linovadraws · 4 months
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August and Peter figuring out the whole ~siblings~ thing. From the October Daye series, specifically the Patreon story, "In Safety Rest".
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mermmarie · 2 months
Randomly thinking about how Bay!Donnie would destroy Rise!Donnie on the court and it makes me giggle.
Like... Bay!Donnie just seems like the all out nerd with his taped together glasses and suspenders. But if I had to put money on who could make a three-pointer I'd have to give it to the geek with a IPAD strapped to his bicep.
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Sneak peek to some Vox Mermay content. Yes I’m late. Look, I drew this at the start of the month, worked on a bunch of stuff so it got pushed to the side, and now I’m back to it. I think that’s a win.
Anyway, suggestions on what kind of tails he should have would be nice! I was thinking of doing a bunch of different shark tails, and then maybe an Eel? But anything is fine, I just wanna draw fish boi. Also he’s gonna have top surgery scars because trans Vox is amazing and relatable to me specifically and I love him.
And general critique is also welcome- that actually goes for everything on all my blogs! Critique is always welcome. I appreciate tips and pointers on how to improve my work.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
God I want to make an ATLA merfolk au
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elvisabutler · 2 years
that's alright mama
summary: after seeing you with jupiter and a pregnancy scare austin finds that he really really wants to get you pregnant. pairing: austin butler x fem reader rating: m word count: 1298 warnings: breeding kink! unprotected p in v sex. cream pie. austin's filthy mouth. implications of lactation kink. pregnancy kink? technically? it kind of goes with the breeding kink. minor daddy kink implication? he calls himself baby daddy. tiny bit of come play. it's filth. author's note: welcome to day 9 of kinktober breeding kink with austin butler. so let me tell y'all this right now. this is filthy because breeding kink can inherently be a very dirty kink but also because it's one of my secret kinks. like y'all don't even know. hope y'all enjoy and be on the lookout tomorrow for ( ideally ) mutual masturbation with olivia dejonge and the austin mermaid au.
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"What's gotten into you?" You can't help but ask as Austin's behind you, his lips placing increasingly messy kisses against you neck as you attempt to open the front door of your house.
The only answer you get back is a growl as Austin grinds into you, trying to get some friction for his cock. Anything for him to be momentarily distracted from the desire he has to rip your clothes off before you're even in the house.
Austin rarely gets like this and more often than not he's usually a bit tipsy when it happens. So this is completely out of the ordinary. It's so out of the ordinary that when you finally get the key to work and the door to open, you can't help but turn around with a concerned frown. "Seriously, Aust-"
He cuts you off with a kiss. A kiss that's a clash of teeth and tongues. A kiss that forces the air from your lungs and has your mind blanking, forgetting every question you have about why he's acting this way. He walks the two of you back, his foot- you think- kicking the door shut before he has you against the wall. You groan at the sensation of your back hitting the wall and it finally makes you pull away just enough to take a deep breath.
"Austin, what are doing?" You finally are able to ask breathlessly, your chest heaving as you use your hands and arms to force him to not immediately go back to kissing you.
"You." Your eyebrows shoot up and Austin shakes his head as if that's going to clear his thoughts or make them form a coherent sentence. "I need- You looked so perfect with Jupiter. And two months ago, when you were late- God, babe, I thought about it. I thought about you full of me. I thought of you being pregnant. I- I didn't realize I wanted it till then. But I do."
"Oh." It's the the only word that's in your brain at the confession. It's the only word that describes the feeling of pure desire that shoots down your spine at the image Austin's words painted. Your body leans forward a little into him, almost like you're gonna pass out before you whimper a little. "Tell me more. Tell me what you want."
He honestly growls before picking you up, his hands moving to unbutton your pants and pull them down as your hands unbuckle his belt and undo his pants. Your legs move around his waist as you use your feet to force his pants down. You're surprised it works but you're not questioning it, instead focusing on how Austin's kissing at your neck and mumbling until you feel his cock slide into you.
"You'd look so fucking gorgeous, all swollen with my baby. Everyone would know you're mine, know that I did that to you." He thrusts, pushing you against the wall, shaking the pictures hanging near you. His head moves to your breasts, kissing them before nipping off and on in between words. "These are already so sensitive, I practically can get you off when I play with your nipples but they'd swell up with milk for our baby. Be rock hard, you'd probably have to have me suck them for you. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Like feeding your baby daddy?"
The noise that leaves you at his words is practically inhuman, a mix of a keen and a groan and a growl all in one and Austin can't help but laugh sinisterly. "You would. You want me to fill you up, don't you? You want to be full of my cum? Full of my baby? You want to be all swollen like that? Want everyone to know that I loved you so much to give you a baby?"
Normal you, normal not being fucked into oblivion you, normal you who is not having Austin thrust so deep and so hard that you swear he really is trying to fuck a baby into you would like to argue that love is not necessary for a baby. The present you has her cunt clenching around Austin's cock at his words, an orgasm barreling through you without him even touching your clit. The present you is gasping for air and murmuring nonsense into Austin's hair as he manages to get one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucks in a way that he never has before, almost like he's trying to make milk appear.
"Aus, I can't, they're sensitive, don't make me-" You're babbling, trying to get your brain to focus, to settle on a thought, but he keeps sucking and fucking you that your brain is only settling feeling how his cock is stretching you, how deep it feels like it's in you and how you can hear a picture crashing to the ground with how forcefully Austin is thrusting into you.
"Come again? Oh no, oh no babe, you're going to. You're going to come again and I'm going to come. I'm going to fill you up with my come over and over tonight until I know you're not leaving our bed without my baby growing inside of you. Until I know that in a few months you'll have a bump where our baby is growing. A bump I can rub and touch and that's just gonna get bigger. Until I know that the next time I suck these tits of yours? You're gonna give daddy his milk."
That does it, that has you gripping at his back, clawing at his back trying to settle yourself, trying to regain some control of your mind because the image he paints is one you really hadn't thought of but one that is making you want to cry out in pleasure. You do your best to grind against Austin's cock from your position and your legs grip him tighter, forcing him deeper inside and causing him to hiss and curse lightly. Everything is so overwhelming that you barely notice Austin's hand slipping between the two of you until you're clenching around him- not quite coming but you can feel his fingers right near your clit and you force yourself to utter something resembling words.
"Give me your come, Austin. Please, give me your baby." Your voice is soft but so commanding that you feel Austin violently shudder against you before you feel a burst of warmth inside of you as he continues to play with your clit and you feel yourself following Austin's release with a choked off sigh.
The two of you stay there, both of your chests heaving as you catch your bearings. Austin's hands are shaking a little and so you kick your legs against his back your universal cue to tell him to let you down and he obliges. The whine that leaves you when his cock slips out, when you can feel his come dripping out is so needy that you feel more than a bit embarrassed. Austin looks at you and seems to sense that and rather than reassure you, he lets himself move down to your thighs and play with the dripping come before forcing it back up inside of you. He can't catch it all but damn if he was going to waste too much of it. Your cunt twitches at the attention and he can't help but bite his lip.
"So-" He starts, his eyes not even bothering to leave your cunt.
"Bath, Butler." You say in lieu of anything else and with your voice shaking. "Then we'll talk."
He gulps and finally looks up at you. "About?"
Your lips quirk into a smile as you put your hand under his chin. "About you actually making that a reality, daddy."
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cuddlykukalaka · 3 months
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Took some screenshots of Alex's brief looks to camera and questioning his life choices. I wish GIFs were this simple and easy!
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ukepichu · 3 months
centaur lbh x mermaid sqq fic idea
Having been recently exiled for being too 'violent and rough', Luo Binghe decides to go beyond the mountains he used to call home to explore the great beyond. No one liked him anyway, in fact they absolutely abhorred him, beating him up and calling him insults nearly every day, no, every other hour would be more accurate. A petty argument with a particularly meddlesome herd member was apparently the last straw for both parties. Well, good riddance! Luo Binghe's four hooves are enough to take him anywhere, is what he naively thought before he arrived at a large lake with seemingly no end in sight.
Great, just great. Of course, since when was luck on his side? Luo Binghe can't help but vent his frustration by trashing about and kicking up the earth, causing tremors and dust clouds. He was too occupied to notice the stagnant lake rippling, a mysterious figure steadily rising from its dark depths.
"...Hello?" the figure cautiously speaks. Luo Binghe almost misses the soft voice if it weren't for his sensitive hearing. He jerks up to survey his surroundings, his gaze caught by the head of a beauty peeking out of the water. How stunning. Lustrous, silky, ink-black hair stick to the face of the beauty as a result of the water's adhesive property, his sharp yet gentle eyes create an alluringly seductive sight, beckoning Luo Binghe to instinctively inch himself ever so closer to the lake's shore.
"Hello," Luo Binghe replies, "May I ask who you are?"
The beauty speaks. "You may call this one Shen Qingqiu. Mortals refer to me as the guardian of this lake. I sensed a disturbance on the land, hence prompting me to assess the issue. What troubles you, young centaur? What brings you to my lake?"
Luo Binghe bashfully apologizes, heat rising up on his face. "Apologies, lake guardian Shen, I was just in the middle of my travels when I came across your lake by total coincidence, please believe me on this. As for what troubled me, I just felt a bit of annoyance since I cannot swim to get to the other side."
Shen Qingqiu tries to cover his chuckle with his hand. His long, sharp nails capable of effortlessly cutting the thickest vines fascinate Luo Binghe. "Ah, of course, this one forgets centaurs aren't exactly the best swimmers, do forgive me, I haven't interacted with one of your kind in a very long while. I could help you cross the lake with my magic if you wish."
Surprised at the sudden kind gesture, Luo Binghe readily accepts the lake guardian's proposition. Shen Qingqiu slightly frowns, "Young one, you shouldn't accept help that quickly. For all you know, this one could be planning to lead you to your untimely death by pulling you down and drowning you."
This time, it's Luo Binghe's turn to laugh. "An evil person wouldn't say that, besides, I have not much left to lose, for I am a lone centaur with no place to call home." He then remembers he hasn't introduced himself yet, "Where are my manners? Guardian Shen may call me Luo Binghe."
Shen Qingqiu briefly remains silent as if in careful thought. After a few seconds, he says, "You must be weary from your travels. There is a cove down that way. It could serve as temporary shelter from the elements if you need a place to rest."
Luo Binghe can't help but be moved at how generous Shen Qingqiu has been for the past few minutes he's gotten to know the lake guardian. He tells Shen Qingqiu to lead the way, marveling at how his long, jade colored tail shimmers, its scales bewitchingly reflecting the moonlight. This is Luo Binghe's first, and immediately the most memorable, encounter with a mermaid. Shen Qingqiu glides through the water elegantly, it takes Luo Binghe's breath away. He feels he could spend all day watching Shen Qinqgiu swim gracefully.
Within a few minutes, the pair arrive at the cove. Luo Binghe settles down and swiftly makes a fire and a makeshift bed out of leaves.
Shen Qingqiu tells him, "If you ever need my assistance, you may touch the water and call my name and I shall be with you shortly." The mermaid softly smiles, Luo Binghe could feel his heart go straight to his throat. "May you have sweet dreams, Luo Binghe."
Too engaged in steadying his traitorous heart, he replies to Shen Qingqiu with a fervent nod. In an instant, Shen Qingqiu dives down, and Luo Binghe is alone once more. He longingly clenches his chest.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay here for a while.
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nightyelean · 2 years
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wow art wow would you look at that let me disappear now, but uh these too
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Kidnapped! by newww friends.
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teabirdy · 12 days
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seahydra · 3 months
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Canvas w/ a bunch of little sketches :]
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
Urban Fantasy RomCom idea
A Mermaid meets a Mobster and saves him from being dumped off of a pier wearing concrete boots.
The story will be called “Sleeping with the fishes”
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batfamfucker · 11 months
Appreciation post for 'girly girl' characters and/or shows that celebrate traditionally feminine things that girls and women are shamed for.
Characters on this list that love makeup, fashion, hair, etc. Characters that are still written as strong, intelligent, brave, etc. That told young girls that these interests are valid, they are not lesser interests. Being feminine and liking traditionally feminine things does not make them weak.
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#I'm so glad I got to grow up with these girls#I was originally gonna make a post of Barbie Daphne and Stella and be like. They remind me so much of each other#And how much I love characters like them#Because I do#But then I was like fuck it let's just make a post for all the girly girls because they're so good#So here we are. In a world of misogyny. We still have them. And I am so greatful#I'm sad I missed out on celebrating my femininity and stuff like this in my teen years because of just. Stuff I was going through#But I'm glad I'm doing it now. I've been getting into makeup for the past year. Mostly eye it's so fun#The Barbie movie. Dressing up for it. Being proud makeup and skirts and dressing up like I did as a girl. God it was so wonderful#I've not felt this connected to this part of myself in years. It has helped to much#It reminded me of my love for Barbie. The movies. The fairies and mairmaids. The bright colours and fashions#And my love for all of these shows. The outfits and designs I fell in love with. The friendships and sisterhoods in all of them.#Yes it's just Rarity. I know some of the others girls also fit. But some don't as much so I didn't wanna just put a group one#And I know Kim and some others aren't as girly as others. But she's still a good example.#Her and Monique's shopping trip and other stuff is engraved into my mind. I actually think about them a lot I love them#Daphne was also a masisve awakening for me. I had such a crush on her. And the Hex Girls.#If you're wondering why other shows aren't on here. Like Trollz or Powerpuff Girls or something. It's msotly based on what I watched#And I didn't really watch them I'm sorry but feel free to add more.#We're ignoring how I mispelled mermaids. I'm not going back to change that tag.#Anyway I love women basically. We're awesome.#Barbie#Scooby Doo#Bratz#Monster High#Kim Possible#My Little Pony#Winx#Mew Mew Power
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thebirdandhersong · 7 months
on the good news train today: I have finally finished the last chapter(!!!) of my Inklings challenge story, which marks the FIRST ever Inklings challenge story I've ever completed properly :'D coming in at 30,810 words (yikes) (it did get out of hand, I must admit), it is definitely not a short story, but it IS a piece that I think articulates a lot of what I've been thinking about lately re: love and death, and, considering everything, is probably something I needed to write. I am very happy!! It has been a wild ride, but a deeply clarifying one.
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
Sorry if this has been asked but do you have some links to the subnautica fics UwU i love your big fishy boiz so much and wanna read the fics that inspired them.
I haven’t actually… huh, lemme do that.
How to survive an alien planet while being relentlessly bullied by its lifeforms.
If I remember correctly that was the first one I read and i says to myself; self, go find another right now immediately. Hence:
Falling freezing finding
I haven’t seen a lot otherwise but if anyone has one they want to recommend PLEASE send it my way I love them ;w; in the meantime I’ll probably draw out lil scenarios of some lil sun, moon and y/n misadventures. I already have some silly ones in mind.
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