#why are my multiplayer servers just mining minecraft
My nephew loves watching minecraft videos, but they have given him a very warped view of what the game is actually like. Everything he has experienced has been through the lense of those AI baby-distraction videos of minecraft steve doing tiktok dances or mixing slime with titles like MOST SATISFYING EVER, or those janky fanimations where looney tunes style hijinks ensue. When his mom finally downloaded the game onto her tablet for him to play, he was upset that he didn't begin with armor and tools. He thought it would be multiplayer and that the things that happen in his videos would happen for real ("the iron goblin giveded the king zombie a flower and he sniffed it and was so happy that he jumped a million miles into the air and maked a rainbow come out of him"). He didn't understand that he had to mine and craft, and he would point to every block and ask "is that iron?" No, that's stone. That's also stone. That's more stone. Ask me if you see something different; if the blocks look the same, then they're the same thing.
I really take for granted how many mechanics there are to learn, and how there are no tutorials teaching you how to do ANYTHING! I had to walk him through it step by excruciating step; how to get wood, how to craft planks and a crafting table and sticks and a pickaxe, how to get stone, how to upgrade to better tools, how to dig a staircase, how to lay torches, how to smelt iron ore, it's all so complex and he can't possibly memorize it all. It'll be a very long time before he gets the hang of it, and I just hope he isn't disappointed. I turned it on peaceful mode because he was afraid of the mobs that kept killing him, so he doesn't even know about hunger or combat. He wants to build an iron golem for protection, but he doesnt understand why, it's just a thing that they do in videos.
It's so weird seeing the game through his eyes. Minecraft came out when I was 11 or 12, I started watching minecraft youtubers when I was 15 or 16 and started playing for myself when I was 18 or 19, but my nephew is 5 and he's not watching actual players, he's watching people use the minecraft mobs as action figures to go on make believe adventures. He's using the pocket edition on his mom's tablet, so I can't play with him, I have to either do things for him or be a backseat gamer and give him tips over his shoulder. I think it would be easier to teach him through example in a multiplayer server, preferably on a computer.
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tiredfoxtf · 4 months
No, Minecraft haven't gotten "worse" over the years. No, new updates haven't "killed" Minecraft. No, Minecraft itself didn't become "boring".
If it was a case, everyone would be still playing on idk a 1.12.2. But no one does that. With every update it gets more painful to play on old versions. I could never reverse to playing without gorgeous mangrove wood, new beautiful terrain and ever useful elytra. And I am not alone. There's a reason people play on newer versions of the game, why modders continue to update their mods newer versions. There's a reason why people are excited for Trial Chambers and new wolves variants. Minecraft only gotten more fun.
I'm sorry to be the one who breaks it to you, but if you think Minecraft is boring now it's one of the two: 1) You're playing Minecraft wrong or 2) Minecraft is not a game for you.
1.You're playing Minecraft wrong. Which is, admittedly, a pretty hard thing to do in my opinion. Minecraft is a game about getting resources and using them to create your own world. It's a sandbox of which you are the sole player (or not, if you are in multiplayer), where you challenge yourself on what next amazing thing you can create. You can be a builder, making castles and spaceships, you can be a redstoner be it a practical redstone or logic redstone, you can be a modder making your own little elements, adding them to the game in a way you would like (a bit of a more advanced hobby than the others). You can join public servers to play entirely vanilla mini-games. Become a parkour master or pvper on the different public servers. Call your friends and make a private multiplayer world, where you race each other in resources or work together to create something, prank each other, build elaborate traps, escape rooms anything and everything.
The goal of the game is NOT to kill the Ender Dragon. The goal of the game is NOT to get maxed out netherite gear. The goal of the game is NOT to get every achievement even, but achievement hunting CAN be a fun game to play with your friends. Or speedrun all of the achievements/to kill end dragon, trying to optimize your skills.
Otherwise killing the ender dragon, getting a full gear and equipment are just part of the experience. Just like fishing, mining, getting wood. Minecraft is Not an rpg, where you go on quests to finish a main plotline, where you level up and monsters get harder, no. All hard content is Optional. That's the point. Not to say irrelevant when we talk minigames servers. Minecraft is a sandbox, survival is just one of the gamemodes.
2.Minecraft is not a game for you.
And that's OK! Although Minecraft is a beautiful game, it may not be for you. The games that are for everyone, are for no one. Not all games born equal in the eyes of a player. You probably like other games! Like Terraria or Starbound, maybe you enjoy Zelda games, maybe you are a Genshin player. They are very different games, if you bored playing Minecraft, it's time close it and to play something you enjoy.
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danielt1985 · 6 months
Learning To Love Minecraft Again (A Thread)
Written by Daniel T. Gaming
I've been recently falling in love with Minecraft again. After so long of not playing it. I decided to pick it back up & play it again, and It has been one of my favorite things to play in SO long. However, I did a few things to spruce up my newly found interest.
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1. A Fresh Client I had decided to switch over from the tradition Minecraft launcher to the ATLauncher, a mod-eccentric client. And while it may look a tad confusing, it's actually very handy. I am now able to save as many different versions of Minecraft I wanted without my save files or mods controlling one another, unlike the official Minecraft launcher. on top of that, the official launcher also installs a bunch of useless Xbox junk because, well, Microsoft.
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2. Bringing Back The Old With the ATLauncher's ability to save as many versions of Minecraft with their own dedicated files & saves, I am now safely able to play older versions of Minecraft as my heart desires.
Right now, I'm playing 2 different versions, Beta 1.7.3 (A version regarded by a LOT of people as one of the best versions of Minecraft to play today), and Release 1.5.2 (The first ever version of the game I EVER played back in 2012). I will still pick up & play Release 1.20 cuz I do like a lot of the new decor pieces & things, but if I ever just want to play a standard game of Minecraft, I have these 2 versions to keep me occupied.
There's also the old legacy versions from Consoles that people are coming back to, but I haven't gotten to those yet, but planned on them soon.
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3. Making My Own Goals
My mind has always saw that "Beating the Ender Dragon" was the ultimate goal of Minecraft, and that once it's done, it's done. And while a part of me still feels that way, I'm slowly moving away from that, because that mindset has literally KILLED so many of my past Minecraft maps, and I deeply regret it.
So I started to make my own goals & my own rules. My current survival map never had a bulk smelting machine, so I added one. I never got to refine my mine & make it more like an actual mineshaft, so I got to go & do that.
I don't just want to make Minecraft a point A -> B kinda game. I want to make it a game about creating as much stuff as you can. There are people in this world who have been able to build worlds that have taken them over a DECADE to finish... so why not give yourself that same level of encouragement?
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4. Playing With Friends I recently managed to get a personal Minecraft server going on an old PC. And playing with my friends has been an AMAZING experience. It's actually pretty cheap to run a server nowadays, and Bedrock editions now have general multiplayer support, so playing with friends is now becoming even EASIER than ever before.
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5. Modding Makes The Difference Although I haven't got to do this one yet, I *am* planning on it, as it's been talked about by a LOT of people. There are actually a handful of mods out there that are not just for entertainment, but for bringing fresh vanilla-eccentric changes to Minecraft to keep its charm that it had in its early stages. Two that I have heard of are ReIndev & Better Than Adventure. Both of which actually run off of Beta 1.7.3 too, so that's neat!
I think personally, what these two mods are doing are GREAT, and I cannot wait to play them.
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6. Making It Personal
Personally, I've been handling the game on a more personal level, and not too personal to where it's overbearing, but I mean as in I like to just do traditional fan things that I've done long ago. Watch Minecraft videos, pull out the old Minecraft merch I had from when I was young, listen to the soundtrack, etc.
I haven't felt this attached to Minecraft in SO long, but I am glad it's coming back. I might make this whole thing into a video, but until then, I wanted to make this thread to tell you all how I managed to finally get back in touch with Minecraft.
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jolikmc · 11 months
Hi. I run the DSP Minecraft Mirror account on YouTube. I noticed during the 2015 DSP Minecraft multiplayer session you were one of the players. I'm wondering if you were the person who created the custom MC skin that DSP used?
Wait, what? There's a dedicated Darksyde Phil Plays Minecraft channel on YouTube, now, with all of Phil's jolly jaunts into the blocky world of Minecraft and related content on it? Whoa. I didn't even know he'd played it since that one time. Might have to check that out; it seems like a great way to spend some free time! (I wasn't asked or paid to say any of that. Trust meee. (; )
So, let me see if I understand the situation correctly.
You saw a random message at the end of a Darksyde Phil multiplayer Minecraft session from 2015 by someone claiming to have designed his skin.
You looked up the user who said that message on some Minecraft username lookup site and found that they had changed their name.
You searched for their current username and found my blog then, lastly, you sent me a question about the aforementioned stream and the one-off statement that was made.
… you, my friend, are a pretty dedicated sleuth. (;
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Yeah, I'm the one who made that "KoH" Darksyde Phil Minecraft skin, back in 2015. I forget the context of why, but I either volunteered because I heard he was playing Minecraft, or the folks who ran the server put out a request and I answered. Ah, what fun~
Rewatching the video, I notice that he mentioned that he was sent "a bunch more skins" for potential future streams. Since you went to the trouble to find me, I'll show you what he was talking about.
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I made, like, eight other variants of that one skin which includes some plain-colored shirts, a tie-dye shirt, the three shown above (a Nuka-Cola™ shirt, his face on a shirt, and the "HATE" design from his store). I also made crowned variants of all of them, just for a laugh. (Homage to / playful satire of his "King of Hate" title). Basically, I wanted Phil to have his pick instead of just making him wear one random design. He went with the "King of Hate" one, that session – probably because it was the most straightforward design.
I'm really happy that he liked what I did. That was pretty cool he took a minute to talk about the custom skins on stream! I'm also glad he didn't name me by name – I didn't make those for "glory" or anything. I was just a fan, at the time. I even made a point of not crowding him or stalking him, all of that stream. We kept bumping into each other, though, because we were both wandering aimlessly. I think he got a chuckle out of my character's "DSP face" shirt at the start, though, even though he "didn't know what my skin was supposed to be". (It's no one, in particular; just an original character of mine.)
You know, I'm disappointed in my past self and wish I hadn't made that comment at the end of the stream. I just couldn't stop myself. But, hey. It led you to search for me, and here we are! That was me. I made the 2015 skin. I have been uncovered and the truth is now known! And now that you have this information, what ever will you do with it? Use it for good? Use it for chaos? The choice is up to you~ (That goes for anyone else who reads this ask, too. (; )
Thank you for your question! I hope you have a wonderful day!
(… my first recorded message on that session was "Is someone throwing snowballs at me? *laughs*" Geez, ha hah~)
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Hello! No pressure to answer if you don't feel like it!
While I started following you for other stuff your Minecraft posts have made me curious about mcyt.
I don't know where to begin though, I don't really know any of the YouTube channels or series (it's a different series each server right?)
What would you recommend for a newbie to mcyt?
If it helps I know some of the basics about Minecraft (nothing more complex than redstone) and the people you post about seem to be really nice and have a fun group dynamic?
Hope you have a nice day!
OK ANON I'm so sorry I've had this in my inbox for like 2 weeks bc I wanted to do it justice but I've started drinking and am putting off going strip mining for sand on my minecraft server so instead you get my QUICK AND DIRTY INTRO. And by quick and dirty I mean I'm going to ramble for a WHILE so I'm putting this under a cut. I'm sorry if this is a lot. I'm so sorry.
Okay so like... there are single-player series that some people will do, then there are SMPs (Survival MultiPlayer servers). Some of these are only or majority just streamed and you have to watch VODs or unofficial clip collections to get the content, and others are only or majority only edited videos, and others are a more even mix. I'm going to describe a few of the ones I like, and those should be good jumping off points into other content, if you find a creator you like.
The Life Series is, per my wife, the best thing to start with because it's short, contained, and has a clear start and end. It's a sort of a collection of short seasons, spearheaded by content creator Grian, where basically there's an SMP server and a gimmick where he and like 12-15 of his friends play minecraft in a VERY small map and try to be the last one alive, with a new gimmick and set of rules every season. The first season, 3rd Life, basically was just "you get three lives, and after that if you die you're out, plus if you're on your last life, you go from just trying to play the game to having the intent and permission to HUNT AND KILL the other players", and it got more complex and interesting and homoerotic from there. (side note: mcyt gets intensely and INTENTIONALLY homoerotic sometimes. This seems to be a universal constant bc I've noticed it in basically every series I've watched regardless of who's involved. You either love it, learn to love it or... idk leave?) I highly suggest Grian's own POV of 3rd Life (season 1) as a starting point, followed by BDoubleO100 (aka Bdubs) in Last Life (season 2), and Jimmy SolidarityGaming in Double Life (season 3), and then branching out to anyone who you think seems interesting or who you get attached to. (This is a universal suggestion for all series, btw.)
Dream SMP is one of the big ones, it was an SMP server started by minecrafter DreamWasTaken that went from "chill server to play with my friends" to "quasi-improvised RP storylines and lore" kind of overnight. It is hellish to get into, see the ask i literally just answered before this one to see a highlight of why and some recs if you're interested in it. High key DO NOT RECOMMEND for a newbie tbh, just due to how confusing/difficult it is to get into, but ymmv. I have no advice beyond "Watch SAD-ist animations and Technoblade Videos" for getting into dream smp.
Hermitcraft is basically the longest-running SMP on youtube afaik - last year was their 10 year anniversary. It's mostly not heavy on lore or RP, it's just some particularly skilled minecrafters in the area of building and/or redstone who come together to build awesome things. They reset to a new world seed every year or so (tho season 9, the current world, looks to probably be more of a 2-year world like season 6, considering we're already a year into it and no one is REMOTELY done with their plans.) The Hermits include some of the older widely-known minecrafters who are still actively on youtube, the redstoners legit MADE redstone as you know it, hello Ethoslab with the Etho Clock and april fool's Etho Slab) with a lot of married adults with kids, and they're a lot of fun and relatively easy to get into in my opinion. Some of the Hermits stream, but the majority content I consume is their edited videos. Mostly Hermitcraft videos are about building gorgeous structures and/or redstone, and a bit of messing around with your friends. It's fun for shenanigans and seeing people build truly amazing things If you're interested, I stand firmly by my suggestion that the best jumping on point is Grian's Season 8 series. Season 8 was extra short compared to most seasons, and Grian is a fun, funny, and accessible creator. Plus this was the first season they had proximity voice chat, and it was REVOLUTIONARY for the ease of collaboration on the server, and led to a lot of amazing moments.
Empires SMP is much heavier on the roleplaying than Hermitcraft, but is full of gorgeous builds and fun lore concepts. All the creators are the leaders of their own kingdom/empire/etc and they build to that theme. I have no idea what to even suggest you start with in Empires as I've not watched nearly enough, but they're all pretty good.
There are a bunch of other SMPs (short-term heavy RP server Rats SMP was adorable, and involved the players RPing as lil rats, and doing quests and avoiding humans and stuff in a big manor house. Outsiders SMP i hear good things about but I've never watched, also a heavy RP server.) and then creators often have singleplayer worlds that they do video series of. Philza (also spelled Ph1LzA) streams multiple times a week for hours at a time from his long-running hardcore world (aka a world where if you die, that's it that's the game, no respawning), and builds absolutely amazing gorgeous builds. BUT he can be a little hard to get into due to the length of his VODs.
And frankly if I didn't plug Technoblade's content in this post I would be doing a disservice to mah boy. Techno was a creator who did a lot of silly videos of him playing PvP or messing around with his friends or participating in tournaments and stuff, and was smart and funny and deadpan and legit one of the best minecraft PvPers, and he died last summer of sarcoma and he is deeply deeply missed. BUT his videos are a serious comfort watch for me. His channel has a playlist of, quote, "actually good content", and while I enjoy a number that aren't on that playlist, it's actually a very good starting point.
...Actually no, start with the potato war, with Techno. The potato war is Techno at his MOST TECHNO and if you don't enjoy them he's probably not the creator for you.
And THAT'S ALL I GOT, nonny. Hope this helped and wasn't just DEEPLY OVERWHELMING. I hope you have a good night and uh. GOOD FUCKING LUCK.
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dirt-piper · 1 year
On the origins of Not So Seecret Saturday, and its future
When I first found Minecraft I was roughly 10 years old.
I can’t precisely identify how I found it - through some kid at school, or a friend of my sister, or randomly on the internet - but I remember falling in love with it.
I loved the aesthetic, I loved the dopey Minecraft music parodies, I loved the let’s plays, I loved the classic multiplayer servers, I loved the dumb jokes the community made, but most of all - I loved the game itself. It was weird, beautiful, simple, terrifying, serene, and hilarious, all at the same time.
I spent hours not only playing the game itself, but also watching videos about it, reading forum and blog posts, and poring over the Minecraft wiki - my favorite articles of which were the ones regarding the removed, unused, and planned features - aspects of the game that I could know about but never experience for myself.
Over time the game I fell in love with started to fade away - the aesthetic changed as biomes were added (though not that much, and it still looked nice), the gameplay began to suffer (a fast travel hell dimension with nothing to do in it, beds that let you sidestep the entire challenge of the game), but it was still largely the game I loved.
After Beta 1.8, the game I loved ceased to exist.
Okay, that’s a bit too dramatic. I still played the hell out of the game during the early release era - but I notably stopped playing survival singleplayer altogether after Beta 1.8. Multiplayer in any game is fun, and the newly added creative mode gave me hours of mindless entertainment blowing things up with TNT and making useless redstone contraptions. But to a large extent I stopped playing the game itself - survival singleplayer - and every time I did I found myself having a very hard time enjoying it.
Now, kid me didn’t really know why I suddenly lost all interest in this game I loved - I could kinda grok that stuff like the new hunger system and terrain system were less than stellar (likely helped by the fact that everyone seemed to hate these two things at the time - the massive open letter to Mojang begging them to add beaches back to the terrain generator springs to mind), but the nitty gritty specifics of what exactly made the game less fun for me were not yet apparent.
Luckily for kid me, I managed to find something to help me alleviate the problem - Exalm’s OldDays mod. This mod allowed you to tweak Minecraft’s features to your own preferences, literally undoing changes from various updates on-the-fly to permit you to hand-tune your personal “perfect” version of Minecraft. I used it to tear out all the changes I didn’t like - gone were the biomes, hunger system, nether, sprinting, new terrain generator, stackable food, potions, enchanting system, etc. Now, suddenly, I could play (and enjoy) singleplayer survival again - and this was the ‘default’ way I played Minecraft up until the mod stopped getting updated in 2013, around release 1.6.4.
By this time a brand new Minecraft launcher had released which allowed you to (officially) go back and play previous versions of Minecraft - with OldDays gone, I picked the version of the game closest to my hand-crafted ideal and dove right in. Thus, the primary version of Minecraft that I played became Alpha 1.1.2_01.
Flash-forward 5 years to July 18th 2018, and I’m not a kid anymore. I’ve just graduated high school, and I’m on vacation with my family in Long Beach Island, New Jersey. It’s a rainy day, so I’m playing Minecraft on my laptop. By this point I had a singleplayer world with damn near everything a player could want in 2010 - an automatic cactus farm, a mob grinder, a minecart system, vast underground mines, an automatic boat dispenser, a hulking storage room - you name it. But deep within I felt a twinge, a feeling that something was missing. I don’t remember what originally set me off, whether it was being by the ocean, or the nascient release of the update aquatic, or a memory of Minecraft classic, but somehow I started getting a bit upset that sponges were unobtainable in the version of the game I was playing.
Very conveniently, I had taken a class on Java my junior year of high school.
I dug up an ancient version of the Mod Coder Pack for a1.1.2_01, decompiled Minecraft and started poking around the codebase. After a bit of digging, a realization slowly began to dawn on me - why stop at sponges? Why not fix more things? Like fix axes not breaking workbenches? Or redstone ore taking an eternity to mine? Or boats exploding when you sneeze on them? Or, better yet, fulfill my childhood fantasies by implementing all the removed/unused/unimplemented features I used to spend hours reading about on the minecraft wiki. Realizing I could use some guidance, I asked my friend Vulpovile (creator of Minecraft Classic Creative Revived) if he might like to help me out with my new project.
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side note: I planned on adding the ambient loops a full two years before getting around to implementing them... and my method was essentially the same as what I schemed up on the first day. Most NSSS features bounce around my head for a year or two before I finally implement them.
We managed to get sponges done within a day, and banged out the rest of the little QoL fixes I wanted not too long after. Soon we began going haywire - adding singleplayer commands, trying to fix the outrageously janky alpha multiplayer, optimizing the game, making food stack, making trees drop apples, underwater dungeons, whatever we wanted to do, we did it. We had already numbered our new ‘fork’ of Minecraft as ‘Alpha v1.1.3’, but didn’t actually have a name for it - the original working title was “Minecraft Redone” - a very literal description of our goals, but not that catchy. After 4 days I finally coined the name.
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By the 28th, our first release was out: Not So Seecret Saturday’s Minecraft Alpha v1.1.3. We ended up released one update every other week straight on into october - in 1.1.4 we tried to beat the server code further into submission, in 1.1.5 I reimplemented the score system from survival test and added floating worlds, in 1.1.6 I tried (and failed) to improve mob AI and made sponges redstone-sensitive, and in 1.1.7 we polished our work a bit and added two more world types. Then September hit and Vulpovile and I were sucked right back into college. During winter break we managed to release some more patches to 1.1.7, as well as 1.1.8 to add McRegion and running... before the first gap.
‘The gap’, as I’m dubbing it now, is a fairly common occurrence in NSSS development - it’s happened roughly 3.5 times now, and each time it’s the same thing:
Development on NSSS is interrupted by something IRL (at first this was always college, but now it’s health conditions and other boring responsibilities of being an adult. And a bit of depression.)
I don’t get right back to working on NSSS.
I spend a lot of time thinking about the then-current state of NSSS. A LOT of time.
The more I think, the more I determine needs to be done to NSSS before I’d be satisfied enough to do a new release.
Every time I open eclipse I either get so overwhelmed by the massive backlog of work that has to be done that I either only manage one tiny portion or I give up and do something else.
Steps 2-5 are repeated ad nauseum, until...
A sudden, miraculous wave of motivation occurs. I get everything I’ve been planning over the past [weeks/months/year(s)] done in the span of 2 weeks, release the update, and finally return to making semi-regular NSSS updates.
This routine is so predictable to me now that I can nearly time my watch to it. But that first gap after 1.1.8 was special - as I sat and thought about NSSS, and what I really wanted to do with it, my goal slowly shifted. At first I had just wanted to ‘fix’ Minecraft alpha by cramming a bunch of shiny toys and knick-knacks into it to satisfy my inner child, but now I wanted something... more. I didn’t just want to make a better alpha than alpha, I wanted to make a better Minecraft than Minecraft.
Let me preface this by divulging that I’m a massive fan of Team Fortress 2.
The development history of TF2 is utterly fascinating, and if you’re at all interested in game development I urge you greatly to play through the entire TF2 developer’s commentary, but the relevant parallel is this:
The original Team Fortress was a mod of quake made by a trio of Australian teenagers who went hog-wild with QuakeC, the super powerful Quake scripting language, to invent the class-based shooter in 1996. At first they were just adding things to have fun, but over time started paying more and more attention to the actual design and balance of the game they had created. Eventually, the entire team was hired by VALVe in ‘98, and after porting Team Fortress to GoldSrc as ‘Team Fortress Classic’, they got right to work on Team Fortress 2.
Team Fortress 2 didn’t release for another 9 years.
During that time, TF2 went through a multitude of totally different designs and ideas, at some points being nearly unrecognizable gameplay-wise to the original Team Fortress, until ultimately VALVe decided to stop trying to invent something wholly new and unknown and instead to improve on what they knew - and so they essentially rebuilt Team Fortress for the third time, now in the Source engine, and with a cartoon-ier art style. And then they started playtesting.
VALVe had learnt from making half-life that playtesting often and early is utterly invaluable as a tool to aide game design. After all - how do you know how something is gonna play until you’ve played it? And how will it play for people who are totally unexposed to it? A developer already knows all the game’s mechanics and how they work - how would a lay-person discover them all for themselves? Which mechanics would a normal player use in ways the developers never intended? There’s no way to find this stuff out until you hand your game off to a stranger and wait to see how they break it.
And so VALVe, through constant playtesting, tweaking, and fiddling, honed TF2′s design and gameplay to a point where, while not totally perfect, was absolutely better than the original Team Fortress. And aside from the new artstyle, the omission of grenades and bhopping, and the medic becoming... well, an actual medic, very little had changed of the core gameplay beyond little tweaks and nudges.
That’s what I wanted NSSS to become.
I wanted to make Minecraft into a better game than it already was through little tweaks and nudges - an adjustment here, a rebalance there, and a few new features where a gap exists to justify them.
During the first gap I did manage to release some moderate patches to 1.1.8, fixes for things like the busted FastRender port and proper textures for all the dye colors, as well as the first release of the NSSS launcher. But all of these were just tide-overs for what I really wanted.
In summer of 2020 the first gap-and-a-half concluded with the release of 1.1.9, which added Creative mode, Sponge Armor, and Ambient loops. All of these features were things I had spent years brainstorming, tweaking, and revising before I was finally happy with them - and when they finally released to the public... they were good. By now NSSS had started to accumulate some following, and the positive feedback to 1.1.9 was notable - it turns out that people like things that are carefully thought-out and designed! Two weeks later I released 1.1.10 to patch over some more things and finalize gold touch, and then I set my aim on the largest hulking problem NSSS has faced since day 1:
The original ‘legacy’ NSSS server was accidentally based off of a version of hMod for Alpha 1.1.2_01, but our problems with it would have occurred regardless; the Alpha server SUCKED. Within a day of poking around the code Vulpovile and I came to the conclusion that Notch had taken the Classic server and stapled infinite worlds onto it to create a horrible abomination.
Mobs would randomly turn invisible, Redstone would only work at certain Y levels, Doors would open halfway, you would randomly die of fall damage for no reason, you couldn’t eat food unless you were looking directly at the floor, if you checked a furnace while it was smelting something it’d break the timer and waste fuel, you could dupe items in chests by clicking on them fast enough, tools could be repaired by dropping them on the ground and picking them back up - it was a nightmare.
Vulpovile and I both, quite rightly, came to the conclusion around 1.1.8 that the legacy server was unworkable. We started trying to write our own , new server from scratch, but that went nowhere - too much of an uphill battle. Once 1.1.9 came along, I decided to do it ‘the easy way’ and just take a later version’s server and downgrade it to alpha - the winner was beta 1.7.3. I had hoped to finish by 1.1.10, but found myself in a deeper hole than I expected, so 1.1.10 was shipped with no multiplayer and I made 1.1.11 into the “fix multiplayer” release.
1.1.11 took over a year to finish.
God what a nightmare. It did not take me very much time to get simple interoperability between the NSSS client and the Beta server, but certain bugs quickly emerged as gordion knots: if someone sneaked they would crash all connected clients, opening a chest crashed the game, crafting recipes were one slot to the left, your armor would shift one slot down at random times, and vehicles were possessed by demons. The sheer amount of bugs I had to work through to get this update out was mind-boggling, to a point where I actually opened 1.1.11 up to a limited group of playtesters for several months before full release just for the sake of trying to eliminate every bug possible. Ultimately, the pre-planned release date of September 18th, 2021 (exactly eleven years after Alpha 1.1.1, the first seecret saturday) snuck up on me, and I panickedly released what I hoped was a relatively bug-free 1.1.11: it wasn’t! While multiplayer was far, far better than it had been in 1.1.9 and prior, singleplayer had become riddled with bugs, namely pertaining to inventories and creepers. I quashed most of them in later patches, but the armor shifting bug still isn’t totally fixed in multiplayer - if you die and relog without completely closing and reopening the game, your armor still shifts one slot down. I have no clue why the hell this happens.
Something that started happening during 1.1.11 that would foreshadow the next 2 years of NSSS’s development was a trend wherein I would gradually feel more and more trapped by the feature set of the update I was working on, and would increasingly wish I was working on the next update instead - this sucked for motivation and made 1.1.11 take even longer. That next update was going to be one that would add Seasons and Dynamic Weather to NSSS - an update which has been in progress for almost two years.
1.1.12 is still coming along, don’t worry, but I can guarantee you that once it’s out, I am never doing another massive, year-long-wait update for NSSS every again. Updates will return to being smaller and more frequent - the way it should be! Expect further ranting in a later post.
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cheese-water · 2 years
no no you don’t understand. I can’t comprehend why anyone would prefer old caves to 1.18 caves. I guess for some “large” multiplayer servers I get why you’d used the old caves but for everything else? I just can’t believe that.
There’s so much to do now! I’ve always enjoyed ravines and was beyond excited whenever the illustrious double ravine appeared. But now? If I don’t have to make a pinpoint accurate jump into a stream of water right next to a pool of lava just to enter, I’m better off walking another 50 blocks to find one. And don’t even get me started on the generation. I don’t know how they did it but Mojang made getting lost fun. I’m not talking about going through the same looking tunnel over and over just to find your furnace, no no no. I’m talking about heading down one direction but constantly getting sidetracked by caverns full of materials that seem to go on indefinitely. But somehow, when you do reach the “end” of a path, you pop back out to the generously torched area you were in before. Everything is connected and now you don’t even have to backtrack and I love it so much.
But the biggest thing to me in my opinion is 1.18 caves allow so many different ways to play. For example, my dad is very good at Minecraft. He’s played for over ten years with a variety of data packs and mods and whatever you can think of. He completely agrees with me, that the vanilla caves recived a massive upgrade and changed for the better. He finds them relaxing since he doesn’t have to worry about not finding whatever he needs, because the caves are so damn big, while he listens to audiobooks.
I however, am very bad at the game. Not just Minecraft, most WASD games since I’m not used to the controls or mouse sensitivity or reaction timing or whatever have you. But, I still enjoy Minecraft and hanging out with my dad so every once in a while, I’ll play on a server, go caving, and die. Over the past week though, I’ve played every night (go play vault hunters right now), slowly getting better, still dying, but getting better. Late last night, I’d just watched a valorant tourney (moist moguls ftw), and it was still on my mind as I was gearing up to get some more iron. And I thought to myself “I did need more practice fighting enemies…”
It was no longer a “simple mining trip.” It was a break in. I was peaking corners left and right, shooting skeletons down as if they were security guards in my way. Leapt over caverns and crevices with the confidence of someone who preformed four block jumps since they were a toddler. My heart was racing. My three stacks of torches ran out quickly but I pressed on still. Just because I was out of my depth, tired to the bone, didn’t make the monster hit any less harder or lay down and die themselves. And that meant there was more money to be made.
Two hours later, and I had over seven stacks of iron and the most fun experience I’d had playing a game solo in my entire life.
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andronauts · 2 years
literally solved why i dont have fun playing mc with my bf but i habe fun playing with [another friend]. i love my bf the most but when he’s playing minecraft he literally wants to do everything himself and then never wants to do anything together… which is FINE i like doing things in mc on my own too. sometimes i wanna build a tower or a ship myself .
but if im playing on a multiplayer server i want to play with PEOPLE😭 why would i want to go mining on my own or exploring on my own or build a farm on my own when its so much more fun to do with someone else ?
probably why i had so much fun plauing with Rat friend bc he’d always ask to go mining together or or ask if i wanna build a farm or help me if i wanna go mining or buoild a farm or smthng. like yeh there’s stuff we did on our own but every now n then we’d always do stuff together. i think i have more motivation to actually play mc if i know im playing WITH people and not just playing at the same time as someone? 😔 its so much more fulfilling to make progress with other ppl
i guess my bf can do whatever he wants but when i play minecraft with him it feels so unfun bc he’s already done everytjing or he’s doing something so far ahead of me and then only kinda gives me stuffsometimes instead of doing stuff with me and its just kinda unfun to play like i dont even wanna do anything. 🥲
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topiamains · 2 years
Third peson survival games free
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#Third peson survival games free update
#Third peson survival games free android
#Third peson survival games free series
I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and the moment my eyes met with those of a cannibal, I panicked, and I ran for the hills (well, the beach in this case). I remember the first time that I played The Forest very fondly. Now, if you’re a fan of survival games with a strong story, and you also like horror, The Forest will without a doubt have you hooked. If you are interested in starting this one up, we've got a wealth of Valheim guides for you to peruse. This makes your survival experience have an overarching sense of purpose, and it feels great. Your enemies are also Odin’s enemies, and it’s your job to restore peace to Valheim. You’re not merely thrown into a world with nothing to your name, as is the case with other survival titles, but instead, you’re a legendary warrior who has had their soul transported to Valheim. It’s arguably multiplayer where Valheim truly shines, making those troubling boss fights and constructing sturdy bases a team effort.Īnother aspect of Valheim that draws me to it whenever I think of the survival experience is the story. You can craft to your heart's content, cook away, and team up with friends for the adventure. The world of Valheim is procedurally generated with all the systems needed to craft one impressive beginners base. Valheim is beautiful because it’s core survival gameplay at it’s finest and is heavily inspired by Norse mythology. Valheim comes from a different Swedish developer, Iron Gate Studios, and could easily be crowned one of the best survival titles that we’ve seen in recent year.
#Third peson survival games free series
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.
We have blocky Minecraft frogs, what more could you want? Valheim Sure, this content takes a long while to come out, but it’s usually so worth it when it does. Your Minecraft experience is your own, so it’s up to you if you invite friends, join public servers, or go slay the Ender Dragon solo.Įither way, Minecraft is vibrant and developer Mojang simply keep adding more content.
#Third peson survival games free update
Given the Minecraft Caves update recently, going down to the mines to hunt for diamonds and iron has never been more exciting. You build your base, kill some animals for food, and then it’s time to go down in the mines. Minecraft, typically, revolves around starting with nothing and then destroying the surrounding terrain to gather and craft resources. There's more to this survival game than just blocks. Building and breaking blocks will not be to everyone's tastes, but it is an incredibly charming blocky adventure for those who do. You might not have heard of this one… but Minecraft is arguably one of the best (if not the best) survival game of all time.
#Third peson survival games free android
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android.In no particular order whatsoever, here are some of the best survival games of all time for you to try. Needless to say, survival games will rob you of your time once one captivates you entirely, but they are games that truly keep on giving, and that’s why many of them still proceed to capture so many players. Even then, jumping onto an incredibly old save in an even older survival title is a whole different level of fun within itself: will I find the Minecraft castle I spent weeks building multiple years ago? Probably not, but it’s nice to know that there’s a possibility I could find it while revisiting my game. That is, unless, you closed your game of Minecraft while deep in a cavern surrounded by enemies. You can pick up a survival game with such ease, and there’s no worry about where you might’ve got off last time or whether you need a narrative recap (most of the time). Whether you jump in for an intense day of gathering resources or simply choose to survive half hour at a time (this is how I often approach 7 Days to Die), there’s a survival game out there for everyone to become obsessed with.Īnother wonder when it comes to survival games is their timelessness. There’s something deeply satisfying about starting with nothing and ending with an empire, regardless of whether you pillaged villages or destroyed an entire forest to get there. Survival games are, a lot of the time, about the grind. In fact, we’re spoilt for so much choice when it comes to the survival genre that it can be hard to choose which one you want to plough hours into. Whether it’s the random resurgence of Project Zomboid, more Minecraft updates, or an entirely new title to the scene like Valheim, we’re spoilt for choice. In recent years, survival games have showed no signs of slowing down.
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
Top 5 of ur favourite like, minecraft worldbuilding headcanons?
i've been thinking of how to answer this ask for like. way too long. so instead of a top 5 im gonna give you a "first five that come to mind in no particular order." bear in mind for most of these, the MAIN headcanon i base everything on is "imagine ALL worlds and servers are interconnected, so basic minecraft lore and server-specific multiplayer lore are assumed to intersect in some way"
-chat can manifest in different ways for different people AND depending on the server. some servers (aka pocket dimensions that operate on their own rules based on the admin [sorta like a god of the world] who runs the place) will have anything from carrier pigeons or animals that appear before the person to full-on comms devices and electronics. the default is like a holo screen that appears in front of you when summoned. summoning methods vary from player to player and can be done hands-free. talking in chat can be literally talking, typing, or whatever the user can come up with (within the limits of their world), so the main limiting factor is the player's own imagination
-READ THIS POST READ IT READ IT READ IT if i had to pick a number 1 it would be this. reading this changed the entire trajectory of my life, i've never been normal about hypixel since this post KJFHDSG
-the farlands are an area that is out of control of any player, admin, or higher being or any sort. the void is another untouchable zone that cannot be altered. players who are damaged by either the farlands or the void may carry those effects through various dimensions and lifetimes, but they can fade away. it's unlikely tho, and they could show themselves again even after they disappear. it's up to server owners to keep their players as safe as possible. obviously players get thrown into the void a lot, but taking Real Damage from the void is different. server damage and real damage operate in different ways IF the admins choose to set up their dimensions as if they were a game, which many do. sometimes there are mishaps tho :]
-a personal favorite headcanon of mine that ignores some real physics and also some parts of the game itself: the nether just exists below bedrock! so the nether ceiling is the overworld bedrock. if you listen for long enough you might be able to hear the other dimension through the layer of bedrock. the nether is essentially the core of this weird infinite earth... so what's the void? where exactly is it? good question! maybe it's never supposed to be there at all. maybe this world is barely connected to itself, falling apart at the seams and contradicting itself, trying to fix itself only to leave chunk errors in the way where there used to be other problems. you were never supposed to be able to see the void, it SHOULD only be in the end, because the end is void, but sometimes the overworld is void and sometimes you go above the bedrock in the nether and that's void too but you aren't being hurt either like you would in the other dimensions-
-this is the only singleplayer-specific headcanon here: most structures have legends or stories about why they were built and who built them. talk to any villagers (or maybe even pillagers and witches, piglins if you can understand them, etc) and they'll tell you what they believe about desert temples, ocean monuments, whatever is nearby. but no mobs of any kind are aware of the stronghold. they know that endermen exist and most of them know about pearls and how to use them, but they dont know anything about endermen themselves. ONLY players and the endermen know about the end, and even then some endermen have only ever lived in the nether or the overworld. not every enderman is actually FROM the end. it can make you feel very alone if you never interact with other players by crossing dimensions into servers or linking up to another lonely player and inviting them to your own world
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lucemferto · 4 years
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT TECHNOBLADE (or A Narrative Analysis of the Dream SMP Doomsday Event) - Script
Heyo! Per request I am posting the script to my video of the same name here on tumblr. I must warn you that just reading the script will probably not give you the full experience, so I would encourage you to watch the video (linked above).
There might also still be a lot of grammatical errors in the text, because I don’t proofread.
Okay, so! I don’t want this to turn into a reaction channel OR a Dream SMP channel for that matter! I am planning on doing a big dumb, way too long analysis video on the Dream SMP which will – at my current pace – come out in five years. I am already way too late on this one.
Spoiler Alert for the Doomsday Event that took place on the 6th of January in the Dream SMP. Surely the worst thing to take place on the 6th of January 2021 … I’m sorry, what’s this about the Capitol?
In case you don’t watch the SMP and need context: The Dream SMP is a Minecraft Multiplayer Server, that, throughout the last year, has transformed from a normal Let’s Play to an ongoing new-media series streamed by multiple high-profile streamers such as Dream, TommyInnit or Technoblade. It comes complete with script – by which I mean loose bullet points – and story events. It has attracted a large fanbase specifically invested in the story and less so in the actual gameplay content. Like I said before, I will probably do a big video on the Dream SMP at some point in the future.
The storyline is long and complicated and trying to explain it all would take up the majority of the video and there are other channels who have already done a much better job than I could ever hope to do, so give them a watch. I’ll try to summarize all that is pertinent to what I will talk about in this video.
Okay, let’s speedrun this summary. Cue the music!
Major Players here are TommyInnit, a founder of the independent nation of L’Manburg, Technoblade, an anarchist who was deep in conflict with L’Manburg, Tubbo, Tommy’s best friend and current president of L’Manburg, and Dream, the ruler of the Kingdom of the Dream SMP (even though he is not the king, but we’re not going to get into that right now). Tommy had in the past been exiled by Tubbo for endangering L’Manburg’s shaky peace with the Dream SMP. Tommy had then teamed up with Technoblade, who was hellbent on destroying L’Manberg after some prior altercations – more on that later.
Tommy and Tubbo came into conflict during a festival set-up to celebrate the friendship between L’Manburg and the Dream SMP. After punching out their feelings, Tommy came to the realization that his friendship with Tubbo was more important than his vendetta against Dream and those who exiled him. Techno took that change of heart badly and teamed up with Dream to destroy L’Manburg … and that’s exactly what happened.
Techno and Dream, with little to no opposition, obliterated L’Manburg with no hope for recovery leaving its inhabitants stranded hopeless and alone.
… And that’s what you missed on Dream SMP!
Okay. So, usually I just put whatever thought slime drips out of my mouth hole into your subscription box. But then I asked myself: “Am I not taking this a largely improvised nonsense story from a bunch of 16–24-year-olds a little too seriously?”. And then I remembered. I’m a pretentious bitch. I made an 18-minute video explaining why the popular commentary YouTuber memeulous is secretly the time travelling Anti-Christ, REASON HAS NO SWAY OVER ME!
So, like the English Major drop-out that I am, I will present you with two theses, which I will then combine into one … supratheses! That word doesn’t exist, I just coined it, it’s mine! I am very smart!
[I know words, I have the best words!]
 Thesis #1: The Fandom focuses too much on Character Analysis in Favour of Narrative Analysis
The Dream SMP is truly something special. It is uniquely singular in how it tells a story of this scope through its chosen medium. While there is an overarching script that lays out the plot points of the future, each of the 30+ streamers on the SMP are their own cameraman, director, writer and actor. You cannot watch “the Dream SMP” – if you attempted that, you would be 80 by the time you caught up to the Doomsday Event. You have to choose whom to watch. You have to choose your focal point character.
Because by the way the story is told and consumed – aka in such a compartmentalized fashion; you watch one streamer and get one character’s perspective – it has sort-of unintentionally conditioned fans to look at the SMP and its characters less as one coherent story with messages and themes and more as sports teams they can root for. You’re Team Techno or Team Tubbo or Team Tommy or Team JackManifoldTV (formerly known as Thunder1408) and every other side is in the wrong! It’s like Twilight for a decade old children’s game about virtual Lego!
Okay, I’m exaggerating, but the amount of discourse perpetuated by and revolving around so-called “apologists” – a terrible term that unfortunately has caught on – is really not something that I think is good for how we interact with the story of the Dream SMP.
The Dream SMP is discussed a lot on character-based level, which is, like I said before, hugely advantaged by the way the story is consumed by its audience. With traditional, visual media such as film for example, the audience can be made more aware of what messages the narrative might try to communicate on a narrative level without the need for an explicit narrator to tell you the moral.
As an example, in a movie you could have a smash-cut from the Butcher Army’s discussions about neutralizing the danger Technoblade poses to Techno being nice around villagers or taking care of animals. This would communicate on an extradiegetic level, that the Butcher Army is in the wrong with their assumptions. Alternatively, you could contrast Techno’s declarations that power corrupts and that Tubbo’s administration is cruel with Tubbo choosing not to punish Ranboo for his association with Techno – thus the narrative would communicate that Techno’s view of Tubbo and by extension the government is one-sided and not true to reality.
Stuff like that helps the viewer understanding a story holistically and manages to communicate stuff like themes and morals without having to solely rely on in-character logic and argumentation, which, as Ghostbur put it so eloquently, is comprised of a bunch of unreliable narrators.
Character analysis is great if we want dive deep, if we really want to give a character flavour and understand their motivations. It helps make the universe feel like it is alive, like it’s real. But – and this might be a shocker for you – it’s not real. It’s written. It is construction – and as such, in its construction, it has messages and themes and morals, intentionally or unintentionally.
By being so focused on specific characters and their individual journeys, viewpoints and motivation we really run the risk of not looking at the bigger picture and fail to see what the overarching narrative is actually communicating. And we may also fail to understand how characters might or might not fit into the overarching narrative.
Speaking of which …
 Thesis #2: Technoblade experiences very little Meaningfultm Thematic Conflict
Okay, let’s talk about Technoblade. I’m sure I’m not going to get any hate for this one.
I want to preface by saying that I don’t watch Technoblade’s streams; I catch up though clip channels and summaries. I’m mainly watching Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity – which is honestly already more than I can handle – but I want to be clear that while I’ll try to be as even-handed as possible – like I explained previously – the way I consumed the storylines will undoubtedly leave me with some bias.
Also, needless to say, I’m talking about the character Technoblade, not the actual content creator, unless I specifically say so. That should be obvious.
Now, I’m not doing a Technoblade character analysis, because that would be hypocritical of me – seeing how I just bitched about the overwhelming amounts of character analyses in the fandom – but I’ll try my best to summarize what is necessary.
Technoblade’s interesting in that he is a very static character – at least inwardly – he doesn’t change much. He is very steadfast in his beliefs and ideals and has very little introspection. He doesn’t question himself; he doesn’t waver, he is never in a bind about whether what he’s doing is right or wrong. He is very much a parallel to early TommyInnit – who, of course, famously said “I’m always in the right”.
And I want to emphasize that I mean this in no way as a critique of Techno’s character. A static character provides a nice contrast to more dynamic characters and can balance them out. It can also be utilised by the writing as a character flaw – which is what I hope content creator Techno is going for.
Like Techno doesn’t have a lot of empathy in the sense that he is particularly skilled at or interested in trying to see the viewpoints of others. There is never an attempt to reconcile, for example, the goal of the Pogtopians to reclaim L’Manberg and install another administration with his desire for an anarchist society. This is also compounded with his overreliance on violence as the only tactic for conflict resolution – Techno has a whole thesis statement about violence being the only universal language. I’m sure you’ve heard the quote.
And lastly, what really drives this all over the edge, is his all-or-nothing approach when dealing with the enemy – he is not so much eye for an eye as he is – to use another biblical example – you make fun of me for being bald and I’ll sic two bears on you that maul and kill you and 41 other children.
There’s also the open and completely unacknowledged hypocrisy of a self-described anarchist working together with a man that installs and dethrones Kings with his every whim – someone who – and I cannot stress this enough – hits about every box when it comes to the definition of tyrant.
So, what I’m saying is that Technoblade is the Dream SMP equivalent of Dick Chenney. C’mon you know it’s true! He will bomb that freedom into your country whether you want him to or not. That’s some cogent political commentary in the year 2021.
Okay, so now that I’ve outlined his character, what kind of conflicts does Technoblade face. Well, it’s mostly physical or external. He fights a lot whether it’s against Quackity or Sapnap or bodying Karl Jacobs five times in a row. And – with the exception of maybe Sapnap – none of it is challenging. Technoblade is the best PvP-Player on the server – there really isn’t much tension to be had from a purely physical fight.
So, how are these fights supplemented emotionally. Well, internally there is not a lot going on. As I said before, Technoblade isn’t really an introspective character. Even during his shouting match with Tommy there’s not a sense that Technoblade is wavering or unsure of himself in the way that Tommy is. He exposits that one of the reasons, he acts like he does is that he feels dehumanized; that people only use him like a weapon and then discard or even try to neutralize him once he’s no longer useful.
But that is not something that Technoblade has to grapple with – it’s not conflict for him, it’s more conflict for Tommy. Technoblade is self-assured in that he’s a person and not a weapon – it’s almost like there was a character arc there, where Technoblade self-actualizes and breaks away from the people that want to use him. But we didn’t see any of it. Technoblade unleashes the withers; then he goes into retirement because he wants to be, I suppose, and then he returns to violence as a reaction to the Butcher Army. There is a story of vengeance here, but not any conflict about being used. There is never a point where we see Technoblade come to this realization or comes to assert himself.
In season 1 there’s never a push from Pogtopia where the narrative frames them as exploiting Technoblade. He fights with them of his own volition, he gives them weapons and armour of his own volition. Nobody pressured Techno into procuring their inventory for the fight. And in Season 2, he’s the one to approach Tommy about their potential partnership – he is in the position of power here, explicitly not Tommy.
Like, I’m sorry, if this ruffles some feathers, but I really don’t see this arc where Technoblade is being used. There’s a story of misunderstanding and maybe co-dependency – but not of dehumanization. This entire line of thought seems to solely reference that moment, where Tommy says to Sapnap “I have the blade” during one of their wars – which, to base an entire emotional arc around that without any further set-up, is, and I’m sorry to say that, incredibly flimsy.
Okay, so we covered physical and emotional conflict? But what about conflict on the narrative level? Well, that leads me to my suprathesis …
 Suprathesis: The Narrative is Unclear on how it treats Technoblade … and that’s Not Good.
Here’s a Hot Take: The narrative of Season 1 treats Technoblade way less sympathetically than that of season 2.
Let me explain. The narrative of Season 1 revolves mostly around Wilbur and Tommy. The emotional fulcrum of the overall narrative is Wilbur’s rise and fall from Grace – and Tommy succeeding him as symbol of L’Manberg’s “special”-ness. Now I will talk about all that more in detail, when I talk about Season 1 of the Dream SMP. So, you’ll just have to go with me on this one for now.
Technoblade, by contrast, doesn’t really have much going on thematically in Season 1. He mostly exists as a sort-of utilitarian character – he is an accessory to make story beats happen. Like him executing Tubbo doesn’t open up any sort of thematic conflict involving him – on a character level it sets up antipathy between him and Tommy and it grants us some insight into how he operates with his violence speech – but on a larger-scale narrative level it really just shows how far Wilbur and Tommy have drifted apart in how they react to the event.
His biggest contribution is during the Season 1 finale, but even there he plays second fiddle to Wilbur. Not just because Wilbur does way more destruction with his explosion than Techno does with his Withers, but also because Wilbur had an emotional and thematic climax to his arc and by extension the entire storyline. Like Techno’s is a cool moment and very epic visual but in terms of thematic relevance, his Theseus-speech is really more set-up for Season 2.
And Season 1 is very unambiguous about L’Manberg being good and Tommy’s ideals ultimately being morally justified – I mean, they have a whole speech about it in the end and it was built-up throughout the entire Season – Techno is cast in a … less than sympathetic light. He is, if not a villain, then definitely an antagonist.
But with Season 2 the narrative is either uninterested in or not very clear on exploring Technoblade’s flaws.
Like ask yourselves: is Technoblade’s character ever consciously challenged by the narrative? Are his actions ultimately shown to not be in the right? Are his beliefs about government and power ever called into question? Are the negative consequences that his actions cause ever shown to be larger than the “good” he does?
I think what exemplifies this the most is how the Butcher Army event played out on December 16th. Now, during that event, the Butcher Army, which was comprised of Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy and Ranboo, managed to apprehend Technoblade, who at that point was living the quiet retirement life, and tried to have him publicly executed – without trial.
Now, smarter people than me have pointed out that the Butcher Army had a bevy of in-character reasons that can justify or explain their actions. And that’s definitely interesting, but as I said before, I want to get away from that and look into how the Butcher Army is treated on a narrative level. Because this is one of the few instances where the otherwise grey-loving Season 2 has some very clear narrative intent when it comes to morality.
The Butcher Army is very deliberately framed as almost cartoonishly corrupt and violent. They very forcefully investigate Philza, mock him and then put him under house arrest – and there’s just no remorse in the script even from normally sympathetic characters like Tubbo.
Compare and contrast with the Tommy-exile scene, which is also an act of moral ambiguity and is treated as such. And things get even worse once the Army arrives at Technoblade’s abode and attack him after he softly tells them that he has left that live behind him. They then proceed to take his horse hostage, mock him and execute him without fair trial – and I haven’t seen it but from live commentary I gathered that Techno really played up the whole softie-schtick before the Butcher Army arrived. I mean, before the big Technoblade vs Quackity fight, Quackity had whole villain monologue for Christ’s sake.
And even afterwards, the Butcher Army really plays up the corrupt angle with Tubbo proposing a festival as a guise to publicly execute someone. And again, I know that on an intradiegetic there’s nuances and it’s not really comparable to the Red Festival, but in combination with what the audience has seen up until that point and with how much it feeds into the already established themes of history repeating itself and becoming like your predecessors, it really does not paint a pretty picture of the Tubbo administration.
You can feel the heavy hand of the script on your shoulder, which is a feat seeing how – as discussed before – that’s not something that can be easily accomplished in this medium.
And that is what I mean when I say that Technoblade is not really challenged by the script and is in this case even emboldened by it. Because after this whole ordeal the thought of Technoblade taking revenge by destroying L’Manberg doesn’t seem like such an extreme response to the viewer – even though in my opinion, it is.
As of right now it is too early to say how the narrative will judge Technoblade’s actions in the future. Will they be framed as extreme but ultimately justified or perpetuating a cycle of ever-escalating vengeance? Will we ever see a government that’s not just at best misguided and at worst completely awful?
Ultimately, I believe and hope that Technoblade will be challenged by the narrative, mostly because a character that cannot, believably, be physically challenged, who doesn’t have any meaningful internal conflict about what he’s doing; and who does come out on the other side having everything he always believed in be proven completely in the right by the narrative, would be incredibly boring. Not just to watch but also to play as.
As it stands now, if the destruction Techno, Phil and Dream inflicted upon L’Manburg is framed as ultimately in the right, I would find it personally a distasteful message to send. I would ultimately say that the “correct” way to counter corruption in government is to completely obliterate the entire country. Like we’re not talking simply disbanding the government – that’s not what Doomsday was – we’re talking complete and utter annihilation. And that would be cynical and depressing. Like, call me a big softie, but even bothsidesing this argument would be bad.
Like, I’m not calling for Technoblade to be transformed into or treated a monster like Dream. But I personally feel like the narrative needs to acknowledge that the Doomsday was something that was taken way too far and that it ultimately brought more harm than good. And Technoblade needs to held accountable by someone who is not a cartoonishly corrupt government-official or who is in conflict with him anyway, like Tommy.
I thought Philza or Ranboo could do that but seeing how their storylines are progressing I don’t believe that will be the case. But who knows, maybe Captain Puffy will come through for us. We stan a Queen.
So, yeah, I made this entire video just to air out my grievances with how one-sided the mode of analysis is in the fandom, because no person actually involved with the production of Dream SMP will ever see this.
But after everything I am cautiously optimistic, that content creator Technoblade knows what he’s doing. He has talked in the past about how his character is a bad guy and he loves his Greek myths. After all what’s more Greek myth than hybris being rewarded with punishment? [Technoblade never dies] That bodes well for him.
Also, this isn’t the video I promised at the end of the last one!
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squish--squash · 3 years
Why I never play Minecraft singleplayer survival worlds...
If there's something about myself that I think that would surprise every other Minecraft player out there, I think it would be the fact that although I've been playing the game for almost 10 years, I've never defeated the Ender Dragon in survival; I've never defeated the wither in survival, either (although I will admit, I've recently tried on a multiplayer world and failed).
Hell, I've never even visited the Nether on a singleplayer survival world. I'm fucking serious. I've never enchanted a single tool or piece of armor on a singleplayer survival world. I've never gotten past mining for iron and diamonds in a cave before quitting that world.
And I just have to wonder... why? Why have I never accomplished more than that?
Well, truth is... it just felt too lonely for me to play.
My first experience playing Minecraft was back in 2012, when the free trial had just came out on the Xbox 360. I remember the experience well- my neighbor, a friend close enough to call family- had came over to show me and my brother the game on his Xbox so all three of us could take turns playing the free trial together. I remember struggling to figure out all of the controls and immediately kept trying to kill the wolf because I thought it was hostile, like the wolves in Skyrim. It was still fun though, because all of us were just kids trying to figure out the game.
After that, when me and my brother got the actual game, we played together on creative superflat worlds, just building things. Didn't matter if we took turns playing on his single account or were playing split-screen when I used a guest account, it was always together.
Even when the first disc broke and we couldn't play it for a year or two because we couldn't get a new copy of it, and even when I started playing it more than him after we moved for the first time and I shut myself inside instead of going out with him, I played on superflat creative worlds; just building houses and statues and whatever came to mind. At times I was playing with other kids on the internet; other times I was playing by myself. But I never felt lonely. My own unbound creativity often kept my mind occupied, and there were even some worlds I built for me and friends to play on (one of them was a hide and seek map I'd spent weeks on, inspired by all the hide and seek videos I'd been watching by a mcyt I was a fan of at the time; it wasn't the best, but it was playable and fun).
Of course, I would occasionally try my hand at a singleplayer survival world, just to try it out, but it never lasted longer than a day until it was left, forgotten until it was deleted without a single thought or ounce of regret.
I just... I just didn't like the feeling. Of being alone in a vast wilderness like that. Struggling to survive. Not knowing what to do, or where to go. Or how I was going to find food, or shelter. Being truly alone in a world so large. I'd felt too much loneliness in real life at that point to handle the loneliness I felt trying to play a survival world by myself.
I finally got Minecraft Java edition in the summer of 2019. If you ask me how many singleplayer survival worlds I've made on my account, I can tell you the exact number: 1. I've only made one so far, and that was when I first got it. I played enough to built a starting shack to live in, and enough to start a mine that accidentally linked up to a mineshaft, but then at that point the loneliness had started to sink in and I left that world forever, deleting it not too long after.
If I'm honest, I don't actually have many singleplayer worlds on my Java account, period. Even in creative sometimes now, I find that same loneliness of wishing I was playing with other people, wishing I was sharing builds and experiences. The feeling of not wanting to be alone in such an expansive world.
I find it funny, actually... There are times that I want to just mine and mess around in survival, or built some mindless thing in creative, so I'll join a random online server with survival/creative options just to do so. I won't even talk to anyone in chat, I'll just do what I wanted and log out when I'm done. I just find the very presence of others in that world to be enough for me to continue on, I guess.
Even now, I don't think I'll ever beat the game in a singleplayer survival world, or beat the wither, or even enter the Nether. A little embarrassing, sure; but I'd rather take that than the feeling of being absolutely alone like that again.
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peachyydesires · 4 years
The YTTD Cast Playing Minecraft
genre: crack / platonic relationships
warnings: n/a 
bloopers: 🌳 [tba]
a/n: my good friend, alyson, and i wrote this as a collab together! she has an ao3 account that she recently started for both danganronpa and your turn to die! if you like either fandom, i 110% suggest to go check out her work/subscribe to her! she’s an amazing person so go show her some love if you can!! i recruited her a bit last minute and we spent all day yesterday writing, but this was definitely one of the most enjoyable things to write so far! 
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Keiji Shinogi (Aka The 1st Boomer):
❏ This man has BARELY any idea how to play Minecraft at first. Hell, he even had to get Gin to help him install it on his computer. He has to learn how to even use the basic controls, and he’s constantly asking the others what certain keys do (does he do this just to be annoying? The world may never know).
❏ Once he gets the hang of the game, things go a little bit smoother, but not completely. While he may have quickly learned all of the buttons, there’s still a lot more to Minecraft such as PVP, building, mining, the bosses, crafting, etc, and that takes him an eternity to learn (don’t even get me STARTED on the Nether and the End). Without his other friends, he’d probably be stuck in the middle of the night with zero protection or tools on him to fight the mobs that spawn.
❏ He’s mostly just there for the laughs; while he’ll try to stay out of the way from his friends, he’ll show up at the most erratic times. He’ll either immediately teleport himself to someone in the middle of fighting a group of mobs or invade someone’s house and steal their stuff just for fun. 
❏ While he’s not as much of a prankster as Shin, he’ll still do some of the most random actions ever, even if it’s not to annoy others. He’ll place down a random door in the middle of a room and just leave it there, or make several holes in the ground while trying to punch some grass to clear it out. When the group is on a voice call, 90% of the call is just the others yelling at Keiji to stop planting trees on their farms. 
❏ He’s not one to explore, but wherever his friends are, he is. He’ll tag along with them nearly anywhere, whether they’re doing a dangerous excursion to the End or traveling across the sea, he’ll always be tagging along. He honestly doesn’t know the point of the game, but again, he’s just there for the laughs. 
Joe Tazuna (Aka The Brave One):
❏ Joe has played Minecraft before, but he doesn’t care about building a pretty mansion or planting flowers. This man will live in a tiny dirt hut and beat the game. The one thing that Joe always plans on doing whenever he starts a new world is to get a dog and name them “Sven” after he watched one of his favorite YouTuber’s playthroughs one night instead of studying. He would do anything to save his dog, even if it means sacrificing his friends’ lives.
❏ When he plays on multiplayer servers, he always insists on getting the supplies and food for everyone. It’s pretty much all he does. He isn’t afraid of caves or mobs, and he won’t hesitate to run towards a creeper to stab it repeatedly. He is, however, terrified of skeletons and endermen since they always kill him. Once, he dropped down into a cave after spotting iron on the surface, only to be ambushed by a horde of skeletons. No one came to help him. 
❏ He tends to forget about his hunger level until he actually starts taking damage. The same thing goes with drowning. It doesn’t help that he’s constantly sprinting wherever he goes. Because of this, he’s constantly falling into caves, ravines, and even little holes filled with water, yet no one ever helps him get out. They usually leave him behind, or they think that he’s simply lost. 
❏ His girlfriend, Ryoko, hasn’t yet tried Minecraft, despite him begging for her to play with him 24/7. Although constructing a fancy house isn’t his cup of tea, he’ll do anything to play with Ryoko. He even once asked Sara to help him practice with his Minecraft dates. He needed help with his wording of asking Ryoko if he could put his bed next to hers, so Sara volunteered to assist him.
❏ Joe’s always falling into lava as well, and he gets very frustrated when it happens. Whenever he falls, he starts screaming into his mic while on voice calls (he doesn’t curse because he’s cool like that), yet still, no one comes to help him. Sara only says “teleport to me!” but it’s always too late. Keiji once offered to help him, but Joe declined, saying he didn’t trust or like him since he’s creepy towards Sara. 
Q-Taro Burgerberg (Aka A Minecraft Veteran):
❏ Besides Joe and Gin, Q-Taro surprisingly knows the most about Minecraft. He used to play it a lot when he was younger before he started getting into baseball, so he knows the basics such as crafting and mining. Despite not picking up a controller in years, he still knows all of the mechanics the game has to offer as not much has changed when it comes to the controls.
❏ What HAS changed, however, is literally everything else in the game. All of the major updates over the years have nearly changed the game completely, including the Nether, the End, the villages, even the ocean became useful. He doesn’t realize this at first until he goes into the Nether and sees that it’s completely changed (He’ll stand there for a moment, wondering why the caves haven't been updated but the Nether of all things has). 
❏ He’ll have to completely relearn the game, having Gin teach him all of the new mechanics such as elytras, banners, shields, etc, and all of the new structures including ruined portals, pillager towers, shipwrecks, etc. He’s always confused on call, constantly asking what a certain block is or yelling into his mic, “Uhh, I found something!!” 
❏ One thing about Q-Taro is that he loves to mine. It’s the one useful thing that hasn’t changed all too much, so he can still help out and gather ores for everyone else. Although, he has to have the best armor out of the rest of the group or he might just commit theft. When he learns about Netherite, however, he refuses to wear it; he doesn’t want to admit that diamond isn’t the best in the game anymore, although no matter how many enchantments he puts on it, his armor will never be as good as netherite.
❏ In all honesty, he forgets the majority of the information that Gin tells him. Even after all of the warnings that Gin gives him to ‘not punch everything he sees’, he still punches everything he sees. He’ll run up to something new and whisper vaguely into the mic, “I’m gonna punch it.” And before Gin can scream for him not to, he’ll give the new block or mob a nice good smack. Beehives, llamas, polar bears, and pandas are prime causes of Q-Taro’s many deaths in the game. Regarding the new mobs, he encounters hostile ones a lot. He’ll often forget to sleep (despite everyone else yelling at him to go to bed) when he’s down in the caves, and he’ll emerge from his hole at night only to see 5 different phantoms flying in the air trying to murder him. 
Alice Yabusame (Aka The Sailor):
❏ Alice is a rather frustrated player. Nothing ever goes his way when he plays, and he’s constantly cursing on voice calls. His sister, Reko, sometimes kicks him from the calls to keep Kanna and Gin as innocent as possible (although they don’t really care, and Gin sometimes picks up on Alice’s bad behavior himself when he gets mad). 
❏ Similar to Joe, he’s an explorer. He loves exploring the ocean (especially the water temples), but his cheerful vibe suddenly switches into a pure, satanic rage once he starts drowning. He gets too cocky sometimes, though. Once while he was looking for an End City in the End, he lost control of his Elytra and flew into the void, cursing and screaming in fury the entire way down. The same exact thing happens whenever he falls into lava and loses all of his belongings; if anyone were to make fun of him when he died, he would craft a sword and kill them without any hesitation out of pure spite. 
❏ He would try building a house next to Reko to get a bit closer with her, but once, he went out mining, and when he came back, his house was on fire. He then discovered that Shin was the one who set his house ablaze, so whenever Alice sees the troller, he grabs a stone sword and attempts to kill him (since he’s poor), but Shin is almost always in creative mode, which angers him more and only causes him to scream swear words into his microphone. He begs Sara, the one who created the server, to ban him, but Sara’s excuse is always, “he’s just having fun, which is the whole point of this server.”
❏ Since his house is always being destroyed, he usually makes small bases inside of caves or mountains to avoid Shin, but somehow, the troller always finds them and burns them down or blows them up, so he’s constantly on the run from him. He also does stuff alone since he doesn’t have any friends on the server (besides Nao who sometimes gives him food and supplies). 
❏ Due to having to relocate nearly every time he joins the server, he rarely keeps chests on him. He has nowhere to store the treasures that he often finds in shipwrecks, sea temples, etc so whenever he runs out of inventory space he gives his materials away as gifts to his other friends, especially to Reko. Despite always giving out free resources and ores, nearly everyone in the server finds him odd, especially when he’s quiet for one moment only to be throwing a tantrum the next on the voice calls.  
Shin Tsukimi (Aka The Troller): 
❏ It’s no big surprise that Shin is just as chaotic as he is in-game, if not more, than IRL. Despite being over 20, he often lurks around on the Minecraft forums, always learning new hacks and ways to troll the others in the shared server. For some reason, everyone has server operator on the server, so Shin’s able to switch between Creative and Survival as he pleases, although he rarely goes into Survival.
❏ His only goal in the server is to create mayhem and confusion rather than to actually be productive; he’s always quiet on voice calls (except when he giggles loudly while he’s blowing something up or creeping behind someone), listening in on the other conversations so he knows who he can terrorize next. 
❏ Since he’s in Creative, the minute he joined the game he automatically spawned himself netherite armor and tools while everyone else was running off to go trample the forests for wood. He builds a secret hut, making sure no one else could find it (in the side of a mountain, underwater in the sand using a conduit, really anywhere he can hide). He has chests full of TnT, flint and steel, potions, mob spawn eggs, and redstone in case someone forces him into survival. 
❏ He’s played a prank on nearly everyone in the server; his favorite target is Alice, as he rages the hardest and tries to murder him despite him always being in Creative. He constantly will throw down an invisibility potion and follow Alice into a cave whenever he goes on a mining trip, waiting until he’s right in front of a conveniently placed lava pool before pushing him in. He’s always heard giggling in the background during voice calls while Alice screams out strings of curses and vows of revenge, which are never followed through. 
❏ Sometimes if he’s really in the mood for some chaos he’ll switch into Survival and taunt Alice on the voice call, daring him to come and catch him and murder him now that he has a health bar. This immediately catches Alice’s attention and he literally drops everything he’s about to do just to partake in the wild goose chase that Shin ends up leading him on. He gets close a couple times, but Shin always stands still for a moment before teleporting away to someone like Kanna (“Thanks Kanna!” “SHIN GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE YOU COWARD-”) 
Gin Ibushi (Aka The Kid Leader): 
❏ As the youngest in the group, Gin obviously is the Minecraft pro compared to everyone else. It’s one of the many games that he constantly plays when he’s not playing with his toys, and it’s a good escape outlet for him. He’s been through nearly every Minecraft update, always mastering the new skills such as flying, potion-making, and new PvP tactics as soon as the game updates. 
❏ He was the original one that suggested that the rest of the group start a Minecraft server with him, although Sara was the one that managed to start it up. As soon as he spawns in, Gin’s already off doing who-knows-what to try and speedrun the game, but nearly every 10 minutes he has to stop what he’s doing and help the others out of their confusion. He doesn’t care too much about having a fancy house or not, so he usually just builds a sufficient starter house (which is actually like, 3 stories) in between his adventures.
❏ Somehow, after the first day or so, he already has the strongest armor and tools in the game: netherite. While Shin cheated and used Creative, Gin managed to find the rarest ore in the game (probably after pulling an all-nighter or two admittedly). He’s very insistent on fighting the Ender Dragon early, but everyone else is either off doing their own thing or still on iron armor and afraid of even going into the Nether despite Gin insisting he’ll ‘carry’ everyone. 
❏ Gin is always the one to lead excursions off into the other dimensions. He’s very eager to finish the game (despite having done so dozens of times), and he’s always pressuring/convincing the others to go out and explore. He knows everything about the varying structures and bosses, from the Pillgar Towers to the Ocean Monuments and the Wither to the Ravager(s). 
❏ Surprisingly, he does die quite a lot. Despite having played for years on end, he still makes careless mistakes even when he isn’t being trolled by Shin; he’s fallen into lava pits countless times and died to the occasional skeleton even with his netherite armor (sometimes he forgets to put it on as he leaves it on an armor stand at home so it doesn’t break). One time he was looking for a Woodland Mansion using an Elytra, following a map while flying over several different biomes at once without a second glance as he was focused on the chords displayed on the screen. When he finally realized he was about to fly right into a mountain, it was too late as he smacked right into the wall and fell to his death even after trying to put down a water bucket to save himself. 
Kai Satou (Aka The Quiet Fighter):
❏ Kai hates to admit it, but he’s actually quite a fan of video games, especially Minecraft, considering he played it a bit as a kid. The moment he spawns into the map, he gets wood for a crafting table and supplies for himself, Sara, and sometimes Q-Taro. He’s usually pretty quiet on voice calls since he doesn’t really want to bother anyone, and he logs on sometimes on his own to build a fancy wood house or to get some extra supplies. Once, he logged on and saw that his house was on fire with Shin standing by it, saying taunting things in chat just to piss the loner off. Kai didn’t really care, though, since his houses don’t take him very long to build. Shin is annoyed by this, but still, he just goes after Alice instead. 
❏ Similar to Joe, he’s always out hunting for food or seeds. Every time he plays, Kai starts a farm by a river, pond, or even near the ocean. Whenever someone walks on their/his own crops, Kai silently rages inside his head, but he never tells them anything.
❏ He usually goes on mining trips by himself, and he isn’t afraid of mobs or hostile surroundings. Unless Gin is off helping the others, Kai is always the first one to build a Nether portal or travel to the End.
❏ Whenever he plays, he always gets a cat or two from either the jungle or a nearby village. He likes to give them fish, and he takes his precious pets on his less-dangerous adventures. Once when he logged onto Minecraft, he saw that one of his cats was gone. He looked around until he found Shin beating his helpless bundle of joy with a stick until it died. Kai didn’t say anything to him, but he was furious on the inside. He later blew up Shin’s house with TNT after finding his hidden shack, and being an expert with laptops/computers himself, he also got Shin temporarily banned from the server, making Alice exceptionally happy. 
❏ Sometimes, Kai invites Q-Taro to go on mining or exploring trips with him, and the athlete gladly accepts. Kai tells him about all the new updates that occurred over the years, even though Q-Taro never really pays attention. He’s pretty quiet whenever he talks on voice calls, so Q-Taro is always shouting for him to speak up.
Kazumi Mishima (Aka The 2nd Boomer): 
❏ Mishima had never even heard of Minecraft until Nao brought it up to him one day in class. When Sara made the server for all of them to play in, he jumps into the server wearing nothing but a Steve skin, but Nao quickly helps him change it by making him a skin of his own image. Surprisingly, he got used to the controls of the game rather quickly.
❏ He wouldn’t really know what to do, and he would find Nao doing everything for him, including building his houses and getting him food and ore. He would make a lot of silly mistakes, such as mining gold with a stone pickaxe, eating raw meat, digging straight down, and ignoring fall damage. Mishima isn’t really bothered whenever a hostile mob suddenly appears either and tries to attack him. 
❏ If Mishima ever stumbled upon a village, he would clap his hands in joy. He loves villagers and trading, and would even kidnap some of them via boats to experiment and test what they could do at home. Some of the others are a bit creeped out by his fascination, but Nao and Gin find it to be quite entertaining. 
❏ Despite being a polite, smart teacher in person, his online persona is the exact opposite. He’s always barging into people’s homes and examining their shelters, sometimes stealing a bit of their stuff while quietly giggling on the voice call. However, he once accidentally killed one of Kanna’s parrots, and he was extremely apologetic about his mistake. He even went out in the jungle just to get her a new one despite her constantly reassuring him that it was fine.
❏ Mishima’s favorite mob would definitely be a cow. He doesn’t really understand why, but he loves their patterns and design. He refuses to kill or eat them, but he’s always on board with the idea of capturing them and bringing them home. If he ever encounters a mineshaft, he’s scurrying around the place, trying to find a name tag for his precious cows.  
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Kanna Kizuchi (Aka The One Who’s Scared of Everything):
❏ Even though she’s rather young, Kanna has strayed away from video games for a long time. Sure, she’s heard of Minecraft, but does that mean she’s ever played it? No. But she had watched several Minecraft playthroughs on YouTube before, so she was somewhat prepared when she spawned in with everyone else. She knew the basic controls and learned pretty quickly the other mechanics and new features the game had to offer. 
❏ She thought Minecraft was a rather tranquil game, and she loved all of the details and peaceful mobs that spawned around her. She loves the flowers and trees the most, constantly picking flowers and exploring the grassland excitedly on the first day. She seems to be pretty good on her own until night comes along. After spending all day flower-picking, she doesn’t realize until she starts getting attacked by the hostile mobs that its night. She’s heard frantically screaming and panicking on the voice call before her death notice appears on screen to everyone else. 
❏ After that night, Kanna is terrified of the night sequence(s). As soon as the sun starts to set over the horizon, she’s scurrying inside her house or spam-clicking her bed before she’s even allowed to sleep. Despite people like Gin always reassuring her that she has armor and a sword to defend herself with, she still refuses to go out at night no matter what. She’s also always pressuring everyone to go to bed to make sure she doesn’t have to sit through the night in her house and so that phantoms don’t spawn either (even though she’s never encountered them, she’s determined to keep it that way). She’ll be quiet one moment on the call before suddenly scolding everyone to get inside and go to bed so the server can time skip to day. 
❏ Kanna doesn’t exactly realize that not every mob is either peaceful or hostile. While she isn’t like Q-Taro who’s always punching the neutral mobs, she’s still unaware of certain hostile variants such as the Killer Bunny. One day while Kanna was out picking flowers for the outside of her house, Shin got the grand idea to spawn a bunch of rabbits inside of her house along with a Killer Bunny or two that he hid in her storage room. When she came home, she was rather confused and could be heard quietly murmuring on the call, “Where did all these bunnies come from..?”. Her usual soft and melancholic whispers quickly turned to shrill shrieks as she entered her storage room to put away the flowers and the Killer Bunnies, which looked like regular rabbits to her, began attacking her. Shin obviously began bursting out laughing when his invisibility potion ran out and he was standing in the corner of Kanna’s house watching her run away from the mob(s). Although, after she began sobbing quietly on the call everyone went silent, including Shin for once (although some of her sobs were overexaggerated just so she could guilt Shin for traumatizing her) as he silently noted to never troll her again. 
❏ It’s not very surprising that Kanna has at least a dozen pets. She has an entire pack of dogs (which she only managed to tame after stealing Gin’s collection of bones), several different colored cats, three parrots, two foxes, and even a panda bear she managed to kidnap using Mishima’s classic boat method. She has several rooms in her house that she built purely to keep her pets in, especially the untamable mobs like her foxes. She’s actually rather creative with her rooms, always adding in small details such as scratching posts for her cats and mini trees for her parrots. Her stable for her horses is also humongous and often mistaken for a second house when people run-up to her plot. She also somehow is an expert at coming up with names on the spot and she has a nametag on her 24/7 (admittedly, Shin always secretly restocks her name tag collection that she has in her chest since they’re rather rare and Kanna is too scared to go into dungeons herself).  
Nao Egokoro (Aka The Helper): 
❏ Nao has obviously played Minecraft before, and she was ecstatic when Sara announced that she would be making a server for all of them. She loves making Minecraft skins, and she made skins identical to how they really look for everyone on the server.
❏ She would totally use those Minecraft house building tutorials on YouTube and would help make houses for her friends if they were struggling. Nao would also get supplies for people (especially Alice since she pities him) out of the kindness of her heart. She really enjoys picking flowers with Kanna and getting cute pets/animals for everyone as well.
❏ However, Nao refuses to harm any animal/mob she finds. She sometimes goes on mining trips with her friends as well. Since she doesn’t want to lay a blood-thirsty finger on any of the animals, she begs Alice to go mining with her for materials since she knows he’s a good fighter, and he could fend off mobs for her as she mines. Alice obviously agrees since Nao has helped him out with Shin’s antics, and he would constantly jump up behind her to stab skeletons, zombies, creepers, and even endermen. They both left the cave even happier than before, and Alice didn’t curse once when he was mining with her.
❏ Nao invited Reko to live with her, and her friend happily agreed (Reko would do anything to move away from Alice). They would go on cute trips together, and Nao would build a stable for the horses that they found.
❏ She’s pretty nervous to play the game by herself, and she always waits until someone else is on the server with her (even Shin) before she does something a bit daring. Nao is always frightful when she has to travel to the Nether, and she has to beg people to go with her out of fear.
Sara Chidouin (Aka The “Mom” Friend):
❏ Although Gin was the one who suggested that they should make a server, Sara was the one who created it. She’s been playing Minecraft for a long time (especially with Joe) and was happy when Gin suggested the idea. 
❏ Sara is technically considered the “mom” friend on the server, yet she won’t give a crap about her friends’ issues. If they fell into a hole or were being attacked by mobs, she wouldn’t help them. She would let them die with zero regrets regarding her actions, as she doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal since players can respawn. 
❏ She likes to use Minecraft building tutorials, similar to Nao. She’s started to memorize building patterns, and she’s even gotten more comfortable with building in general. However, she doesn’t admit that she uses them, and she likes to flex her “skills” to the others (Shin always calls her out on this with a snicker or two, but he’s immediately silenced when Sara threatens to ban him from the server for terrorizing everyone else). 
❏ Even though this has already been said, she still doesn’t give a crap about the others’ issues. Alice would always come to her and beg for Shin to be banned from the server, yet Sara would shrug it off and say that he’s having fun. Deep down, she would enjoy watching Shin torment and tease Alice, even if she was annoyed when he bothered her.
❏ Sara spends most of her time on the server with Joe, Keiji, and Nao, trying her best to avoid Kai, Alice, and Shin. She isn’t scared of doing things alone, such as mining or going to the Nether, but there is one thing that she is terrified of: zombies. She hates how much damage they can do, especially when they’re crowded together in a large horde. She has to beg her friends to kill them for her since she always fails. Joe always kills them for her and taunts her, saying that she owes him back. Keiji would accidentally hit Sara, so the two of them would just run away from the zombie. Nao, of course, wouldn’t want to hurt the zombie, so the two of them would also try their best to escape the annoying mob.
Reko Yabusame (Aka The Raider):
❏ Reko is somewhere in the middle of everyone; she used to play every now and then with Alice when they were kids, but the game has updated so much that she forgot half of the mechanics at first. As soon as she spawns in, the nostalgia hits her like a truck and everything comes rushing back to her. So while the others are stumbling around, voicing their confusion into their mics, Reko’s off along with Gin to go punch some trees down. 
❏ Similar to her brother Alice, she gets easily pissed off at the game. While her rage isn’t on the same levels as him, it’s still quite strong. She’ll mutter curse words under her breath, barely audible so the kids in the call don’t hear her. The farthest she’s gone is thrown her controller across her room after falling into a lava pool in the Nether while bridging, and surprisingly it didn’t break. When it comes to her brother and his rage, she’ll often mutter, “Brb.” before leaving her room and storming into Alice’s, and often a loud slap is heard from Alice’s side with no further explanation to the others. 
❏ When it comes to her brother, Reko is one of the few people who can tolerate him. She helps him at the start of the game despite her reluctant groans into the mic but ditches him as soon as Shin starts harassing him. It’s not uncommon for her to have to rescue Alice when he’s running back from mining and is being chased by a horde of mobs. She’ll leave her house with only an iron chest plate on and still somehow manage to murder all of the hostiles while Alice runs inside with half a heart. Besides Gin, she’s probably Alice’s mentor the majority of the time, always teaching him new features that he forgot like potion-making and archery. Whenever he dies (which is very often, unfortunately) she can be heard mumbling during Alice’s screams, “I told you…” 
❏ Reko’s favorite part of the game is the Pillager raids. For some reason, she finds it an interesting challenge for her due to the different levels that raids can spawn in. She has several different strategies, some of which she made up at the last second. Some notable moments include dropping a block of TNT on a Ravager from her tower, spawning in a large group of Iron Golems at the start of the raid, and somehow shooting a Vex with a bow. She somehow hasn’t managed to die even once during the raids, and even Gin can’t believe her skill and sheer luck when it comes to fighting. She often tags along with him when he goes on adventures, especially when it involves the Pillagers (she finds them interesting, what can I say?). It’s no big surprise when she conquers a Wooden Mansion with ease one day while on a trip with Gin. 
❏ After moving in with Nao, she got to teach her pink-haired friend a lot more about the game (especially since she was away from Alice now). She often encourages Nao to step out of her comfort zone and explore, as there’s a lot more to the game than just her house. She accompanies Nao on every mining trip (except for the few times that she chooses to go with Alice when Reko isn’t on) and even takes her out to the other dimensions. She’s always watching after Nao, always standing close to her with a netherite sword in hand to murder any mob that dare come near her. Reko even ends up teaching Nao how to defeat a raid (although she was the one carrying the entire time) and it’s not too surprising when Nao joins the excursion to the End to defeat the Ender Dragon. 
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mossball-nyoo · 4 years
Hypixel (Blog/Personal Review)
⚠ Note that the following information is based on personal opinion and experience, and may not be accurate for all players. I respect your opinions, please respect mine.  ⚠
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[ Hypixel is probably by far, one of the most popular Minecraft Java Servers in existence. Nearly every Minecraft player has probably played there at least once, however, with so many things packed into one server, there may be some debate on what makes and keeps Hypixel in the highest rankings. ]
After some research on some player opinions from other sources, some say because of the Friendly Community, others say because the content it holds is unique and in general more fun than most servers, some others say because of the huge, outstanding builds featured around the server itself. These ideas leave room for debate, which I will go over in the following. 
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I . Community 
Now, as most of us are aware, no server or community is perfect or ‘the best’, not even Hypixel’s. If you’re coming into Hypixel for the first time, do not expect a warm welcome. With the vast amount of players on the server, upon joining, most players will fail to acknowledge you even exist unless you have gained recognition through continuous hours of playtime or just happen to be a famous content creator.
Now, as I mentioned previously, no community is perfect, and you will find toxicity and negativity in many places on the internet. However, negative experiences are even more common the larger the server becomes, and where its popularity originated.
In case you are not aware, Hypixel’s content offers a wide range of multiplayer minigames, PVP, and etc. This type of content of course, tends to make players very competitive, and on such a large server, the race and pressure is on to fight your way to the leaderboards. Some ‘friendly competition’ isn’t a bad thing of course, but many of the competition and community in Hypixel fails to fall into the category of friendly. 
4/10 Not the best place for making friends 🙁
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II. Content
Hypixel may just be the number one place to play mini games such as Skywars/Bedwars, and may have a larger variety of minigames compared to other servers. However, several other servers in this time also have the same or very similar content, so in some aspects it may not be as 'unique' as it once was.
In servers with a smaller player base, where toxicity is less common, minigames and pvp may actually be more fun. I’ve even supported this idea through personal experience, as playing minigames on a few smaller servers did prove to be more enjoyable. 
Many things on Hypixel are very simple, and can get boring which probably explains somewhat why it may be necessary to have 50+ different minigames on the server. I’m not saying having variety is a bad thing, as it does fit the interests of several types of players. However, if you are not much into high pressure, it might not be the best place for you.
6/10 Large variety, but can get boring quickly. 🤔
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III. Builds
Honestly, I cant really say much about the builds on Hypixel because I admit, they are very cool and complex, and far beyond anything I myself could build within Minecraft. 
9/10 Agreed, Hypixel has exquisite builds 👍
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My final opinion/summary
I understand why many people like Hypixel, it does have several reasons for its popularity, however, I think the majority of this popularity comes from other sources such as YouTube and Content Creators. It’s not a new thing for things to gain attention after getting input from certain people, however, that leads to over-popularity of something that in truth, isn’t something to write home about. This is my opinion. If you are reading this and think differently, I respect that, I’m not at all saying Hypixel is a bad server, I simply believe it may be popular for the wrong reasons, and for me, there are better places to spend my time.
Final Rating: 5/10 - Neutral Feelings 😐
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tenkobutgayer · 4 years
calling out @threecheersfordeadpoets
Cancelling “jade” on twitter dot com:
-goes by jade on tumblr and elsewhere. Why is that?? hmm?? you tryna create a fake identity for yourself. Download a house maybe??? And ofc the name is Jade, homestuckie. That’s right. She’s a certified homed stuck kinnie. kinda cringe dont u think. what happened to your imaginary cousin elisabeth?? that we made up so you’d get builder rank on the minecraft server that shall not be named.
-is holding my old monster high dolls hostage. they are in her attic. she does not give them adequate living space or appreciation of any kind. that is neglect and i will not stand it. hand them over it is clear that you are not capable of taking care of them seriously
-likes emo music in the year of our lord 2021 and almost got me into an emo phase with her in the 4-5th grade. Need i say more?? a hate crime scene music is obviously better.
-does not listen to lemon demon regularly. rlly?? neil cicerega is right there with his gorgeous melodies and she listens to weezer. smh my head. go to the corner and don’t leave until you’ve memorized every note of cabinet man
-misspelled my last name in the 6th grade. That’s right [name redacted], I wont forget. You forgot the p. kinda cringe considering the fact that you’ve known my last name since the first grade. smh-ing my head so hard rn
-likes that one show with the homophobic gay rugby men. I’ve never watched it but they’re br*tish. that should be reason enough to call it problematic media that she is in fact taking part in and enjoying. you said youd watch the owl house two months ago. i sent you the link. no progress whatsoever. meanie.
-80% of her danganronpa kins survive like come on that shouldn’t be allowed
-thinks shuichi is hot while simultaneously having him as her highest kin. first of all hes the worst protag and stinky also thats conceited af so :/ cancelled emo boy
-plays the guitar. whys that?? u wanna play bass like that guy in mine toxic relationship??? everyone knows that ppl who play guitar are cringe. mae says it during the campfire party in NITW.
-enjoys the dream smp. the amount of hate i have for that singular piece of media and it’s fandom could match the power of the sun in intensity. god the amount i wish the mcyt fandom would stop existing. just perish. then i’d truly be happy. id get to enjoy minecraft content without it being taken over by some block men wannabees. then i’d get the lemon demon sounds back on tiktok. then the actually enjoyable minecraft survival multiplayer servers would get acknowledged like they truly deserve *cough* hermitcraft (that “jade” has said she’d watch but has not) *cough*
-likes things that suck. if i listed them all this post would be like, larousse dictionary sized.
-didn’t have an extra fountain pen to lend me in grade 1 for the dictee. 
-has made me the unknowing third wheel on MULTIPLE occasions. why does the cycle keep repeating itself why do you always do this to me.
-ghosts minecraft servers if the rest of us are more advanced than her.
and last but not least:
-pissed on my wife. thats right you pissed on my wife so I’m gonna one up you and piss on the moon. you have 24 hours before my piss droplets hit the earth.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 5 years
Headcannons for the Joestars playing Minecraft together/alone.
My kind of request
- The purest most relaxed gamer. All he does is literally tame animals, build houses and harvest crops. He loves his pets dearly and gets very upset if any of them get killed.
- He avoids combat and only acts in self defense. Expect him to feel VERY guilty if he accidentally kills an animal. Actually, he feels bad even for killing cows and pigs since he needs food. Me mans also is pretty good at building houses and has lots of patience.
- Although he prefers to play on singleplayer since he finds it to be more relaxing, when he does go on multiplayer he tries being as cooperative as possible while playing mini games on servers. He always is extremely friendly and never rages but bitching assholes and trollers do sometimes get on his nerves.
- Literally the opposite of Jonathan. Here’s when the chaos truly begins. He literally has no fucking idea how to play at first and goes around literally breaking and destroying everything. He goes by the logic iT’S fReE ReAl eStAtE.
- Digs a hole then puts a torch in it for HOme DeCoR. Fucking mines iron with a wooden pickaxe then gets pissed when nothing comes outta it. A literal fucking mess basically. If anything he’s good at fighting because he literally spams the goddamn left mouse button until it breaks.
- On multiplayer, well...it’s even worse. He goes around trolling everyone and pouring lava all over their houses then getting mad when he gets reported. Or banned. Sometimes has the rage moments where he swears like those kids in trolling videos.
- Fucking c a s u a l. If you thought that Joseph succed at this game then just wait until you see the mighty ocean man. Has literally no fucking idea how to craft anything and tries breaking STONE blocks with his bare hand.
- Gets killed 94986849 times and punches the desk each time he dies. Can’t fight a goddamn mob to save his life and also has no idea how to build a decent house. Then again he’s better than Joseph at this point since he AT LEAST makes a box out of dirt and doesn’t just fucking dig a hole in the ground to call it home.
- He doesn’t like playing with others since they annoy him. Yet on the rare occasions that he does do it expect him to literally get annoyed at anything, from the way in which the maps on the server are to how stupid the players act. Literally goes ham at pvp and rage quits when he does get killed by others.
- You could call him a true gamer boi for he’s a pro at this shit. Knows his way around crafting and most likely has ranks on many servers as well as a server of his own.
- Is also pretty damn good at building and loves playing on creative. However, his temper is short so any little thing often manages to tick him off. Like me mans is the kind to get so mad that a mob killed him that he comes back on creative to probably tnt it’s ass or something (based on a true story bc I may or may not also do this.)
- Would rather play on multiplayer than singleplayer since even if he finds it relaxing it does tend to get a little boring/lonely. And so he and his gang go around exploring servers and mercilessly trolling people then laughing their asses off when they get kicked or banned. Koichi always tries to stop Josuke and Oku from causing so much chaos but dem bois don’t give a fuck.
- Similar to Jonathan as in he would rather play on singleplayer since he finds it to be more peaceful and quiet. He’s actually a pro at crafting and builds SUPERB houses like no joke me mans’ design game is STRONG.
- That’s why he mainly stays on creative since he mainly plays for the creative aspect. However he does also play on survival and surprise surprise he managed to survive literal WEEKS while playing hardcore. He’s a damn unit.
- Is extremely calm even when he plays on multiplayer and gets killed/trolled. But don’t test him for his Dio genes tend to show up when he’s LEGIT pissed, letting out a WRYYY as he rushes in for a kill. But the boi usually avoids combat and only fights if someone first attacks him. When he does fight he n e v e r loses.
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