#why are parents sacrificing their kids' health
damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
kylian mbappè x reader
tw: angst, a little bit of postpartum depression
5 years (part two)
giving birth to your baby without having kylian in the room with you was the hardest part. you always imagined having the love of your life by your side, comforting you and encouraging you. the person that was supposed to be your everything.
you knew that after all he was the father of your child but a little part of you knew that he didn’t deserve it. so you did without him. you had all the support you needed but not his.
and it was okay. you were still healing.
but the worst part was being a single mom. taking care of a newborn all alone and having no experience was hard, it was killing you. of course kylian saw the baby, but with football and away matches he couldn’t take care of your kid 24 hours the way you were doing.
the restless nights.
your kid crying from day to night and from night to day.
your whole body was in pain.
your feet so swollen you only wore slippers.
and your breast, it was killing you. it was always so full and swollen to the point the pain because too much and you couldn’t do nothing to prevent it.
kylian apologised so many times you’ve lost count. he prayed, no, he begged for you to take him back. and even tho you missed him, you couldn’t forgive what he did.
like - how can someone forgive cheating? you couldn’t find a straight answer to that. even if it’s been four months now, you couldn’t find the strength to forgive and forget something like that. i
while you were lost in your thoughts you heard a faint knock on the door. you knew it was him. it was kylian’s day off and of course he wanted to spend it with your baby. you came to an agreement that you would do co-parenting. your lawyer proposed it and you couldn’t say no, it was kylian’s child too after all.
you opened the door and let him. your child was currently sleeping so you didn’t want to wake them up yet and kylian noticed that too because he stopped you before you could go to their bedroom.
“one second y/n…” he said and you turned to look at him “can we - can we talk for a second?”
“is it really necessary?” you asked. it wasn’t like you were on great terms, nope. you still hated to see his face but you were doing everything in your power to give a good life to your baby, including having two parents who didn’t fight every single day. you didn’t want this toxicity in your family.
“yes please…i promise you, i’ll be quick i just - i just need to talk to you, at least for a minute, without having your lawyers or the kid crying in the background…” he said.
you nodded and let him sit on the couch while you sat on your armchair.
“are you okay?” he asked you.
“yes why?”
“y/n, please don’t lie…i know you and i know that look, you’re not okay, you’re far from okay” he said and you couldn’t believe your ears.
“what? i’m okay kylian, what is that supposed to mean?” you grew difensive.
“i’m not trying to attack you or make you angry, i just wanna know if you’re okay, i know doing this alone it’s hard and i want you to know that i’m here if you need me…you look tired, even a blind person would be able to see it…” he began to talk but you stopped him.
“i’m okay kylian, stop it…”
“but i know you’re not! i know you…i know the baby is tiring you and-…”
“yes, the baby is tiring me out like hell, okay? are you happy with this?” you whispered-screamed.
“then why don’t you let me help you? please…”
“i don’t want or need your help kylian!” you grew tired of this and couldn’t wait to have kylian out of your apartment.
“but the baby needs you and you can’t take care of them if you’re not taking care of yourself…” he said, probably rephrasing bad what he wanted to say.
“i can’t take care of my child?” you stood up “kylian, you have no fucking idea what i’ve been sacrificing these past months. my mental health is gone, i don’t know if what i’m doing is wrong or right and i’m doing this all alone! the least you do is staying with the baby a few hours a week because your too busy with football and your career so don’t you ever tell me again how parenting works okay?” you needed to let it all out and kylian was there to listen to you “i fucking hate the moments you took the baby away from me because i feel so alone but at the same time i love it because the whole house is calm and peaceful…and the house - the house is always a mess, i’m trying my best, i’m fucking trying but it’s hard…” you sobbed a little.
“let it all out…” he said wrapping his arms around you. you needed a hug so bad that for a moment you forgot that you were mad at him.
“i hate the way my body changed…i see myself in the mirror and i can’t recognise that person, it’s a whole new me and i hate her! everything hurts, my body, my breast, hell even my feet! i need to sleep more that three hours a night but i can’t…i just, i’m not okay but i’m pretending i am because someone needs to stay strong for our baby…” you said wiping your tears.
kylian gave you a sad smile. he wanted to keep holding you but you immediately moved away. he wanted to be the one who wiped your tears away but you wouldn’t let him touch you.
“listen to me y/n…you’re a great mom, you’re a beautiful person, in and out…you just need a little rest…you’re just human after all” he said and you gave a sarcastic smile “i have a four days break from practice and football, no matches , no training, no interviews, nothing at all. our baby could stay with me for these days so you could rest…you need to rest…you’ve been tiring yourself out for too much now…and you need a well deserved rest” he proposed.
at first you wanted to say no. staying away from your baby for four days? absolutely no!
but you needed it. you needed to rest, sleep for more than 3 hours.
so you ended up saying yes.
you packed all the things kylian would be needing for these days and you already knew it was going downhill even before starting. but you prayed that he would call his mom if he needed help and not a baby sitter. your baby didn’t need a babysitter, your baby needed to bond with his father.
so you gave him the bag, the baby in his stroller, a hand piece of paper with all the things kylian needed to know and waved them goodbye.
you’ve spent the first day in bed. literally. you ordered take out and ate in bed.
the second day you focused a little more on the house, it needed cleaning but you took things calmer. and in the afternoon you had time for yourself so you booked yourself a hair appointment and you fixed the shit you had in head.
the third day was a real blessing. in the morning you went out for groceries, in the afternoon you went out for shopping. you stopped at his cute book store near your house and once inside you accidentally bumped into someone. you apologised so many times that the man in front of you had to stop you.
you’ve began to talk, finding out you have more in common than what you expected. you felt an immediate connection with him and he felt it too.
the same night you had dinner together, it wasn’t a date, more like two people that wanted to get to know each others better.
“i liked this night…” you said when he walked you back home.
“it doesn’t have to be the last one though…” he smiled at you and for the first time in months you let out a genuine laugh.
“no it doesn’t…”
“well, goodnight madame…i really had a great time with you” he said smiling at you and gently kissing your cheek.
you texted all night and on day four you invited him over for lunch.
you really had a great time together. you thought he was going to dump you the moment you told him about you having a child and being a single mom at this young age but he stayed anyway. he listened to you. and for the first time in a very long time you felt attracted to someone who wasn’t kylian.
bonus was that he wasn’t a football fan so you wouldn’t have to worry.
you’ve spent the fourth day together, learning more about one another.
and as days, even months passed you grew more and more fond of each other to the point you started dating.
kylian hated it. he hated seeing you with another man. he hated seeing you happy with someone who wasn’t him. but he knew he lost you many months ago and he couldn’t do anything to have you back.
this was like your little and sweet revenge.
after being in pain and sad, crying almost every night you found a way out, a light, an opportunity that you had to take, and thank goodness, you did.
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thebroccolination · 2 months
Y'all are gonna get my raving thoughts about this series for the rest of time but especially while I'm trying to finish this video essay by the anniversary of the finale next month.
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I fucking love how they handle the money thing in this series because HOO boy is it fun to ponder and like any nuanced piece of art, Be My Favorite doesn't hold your hand and guide you to cemented conclusions. The audience gets to extrapolate and discuss and draw their own conclusions.
So what we know about Kawi's upbringing is that he grew up with a single parent who struggled with his health and finances. Poverty followed Kawi through university into his adult life until he went back in time and befriended Pisaeng, Sentient Green Flag and Professional Open Wallet.
In the beginning, Kawi has zero qualms taking Pisaeng's money. In fact, he shamelessly asks for it.
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To Kawi, money is happiness. Not having money has made his entire life difficult and empty and cold, and he's confident that having money will make him happier. So if Pisaeng has so much of it, why not ask? Pisaeng's just some rich jerk anyway, right?
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Then Pisaeng evades a conversation about their drunken kiss, and Kawi hops ahead to a future where he's financially successful and he's still not happy. And worse, he's taken everything else Pisaeng had to give him to the ruin of them both.
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So Kawi decides to go back and commit to a timeline without alcohol and without fame. To live life as his imperfect, awkward, flawed, and frustrating self, sober and scared and feeling so deeply unworthy of someone like Pisaeng who probably reminds him of his self-sacrificing dad who only ever cared about seeing his son happy.
Now, Kawi recoils from the money Pisaeng freely offers because he knows for sure that he has the potential to exploit Pisaeng to self-isolation and exile.
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It says a lot about the trust they build as a couple that after their graduation, Kawi is willing to live with Pisaeng in a place neither of them pays for given to them by Pisaeng's mother. He makes a wry jab about Pisaeng being a spoiled rich kid, but by this point, Kawi has lived in poverty and in luxury, and he finds his balance somewhere in the middle.
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By the end of the series, Kawi works as a lyricist in the comfort of a home he doesn't have to pay for. That it was a gift from essentially his mother-in-law means that he doesn't have to feel indebted to Pisaeng. They work separate jobs making separate salaries, and Pisaeng probably makes a more stable and higher income judging by the clothes he's wearing in episode eleven and the notoriously unreliable nature of creative work in general, but the fact that they don't seem to fight over money anywhere in the future we see tells me that Kawi insisting on a balance early on became a constant throughout their relationship.
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Kawi's growth as a character is clearest when we're shown how at peace he is with the simplicity of his life. He may be living with his rich boyfriend, but his life's pleasures are things like having his own money to spend, a job he enjoys, friends who love him, and a partner he adores.
As my friend Laura said earlier, "Money can't buy happiness but the freedom to pursue it."
And like, holy fuck is that a good message to get from media. Not the dismissal of money and the problems it can solve, but the acknowledgement that even when you have it, your choices are what dictate what kind of life you'll lead.
I fucking love this series, bro.
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melkyt · 1 month
CW: Child Abuse, Doflamingo is a warning all of his own
Thinking about Law's flavor of trauma again. Making Doflamingo worse than he is, I like him being an absolute asshole but only to Law xd. So Doflamingo would often give Law orders, and in ways that he had to obey or die, Law was walking a tightrope, trying to prove useful to Doffy and survive long enough to get the fruit. He sometimes still remembers all the beatings, all the blood on his hands when he stopped caring just to avoid the pain at Diamante's or worse Doflamingo's hand. He would learn to obey no matter what it was, his soul, and any idea of morals that his parents taught him dying along with it.
That is until Cora saved him, until he met Penguin and Shachi, where they all learned what it is like to just be kids and not be afraid of a beating just because an adult barked at them with any sembelance of command. They healed together from the abuse they went through as children.
Still the trauma lingers there at the edges of his subconscious, and when Law is not at full health emotionally or physically, he finds himself following orders that are said in a firm tone and he hates more then anything. He always had nightmares after. That's why he avoids relationships outside casual one night stands. So when he starts meeting with Luffy, one turns to two, then three. Then they are dating, and that fear of he is only doing what Luffy wants will do what Luffy wants at their first argument as a couple pulses at the back of his mind constantly. He is afraid that by being in a relationship, he is sacrificing the freedom that Cora worked so hard to get him, yet he can't quite gather the strength to end it with Luffy. So he worries, doubts eating away.
Then while they are traveling they encounter a devil fruit user that has the power to bind two souls, making one the leader and the other cursed to obey for a time, it is a battle of willpower and Luffy's is stronger, he has no doubts about their relationship, or doubts about anything in general. He only does what he wants when he wants it, *others should either keep up with him, or speak up that they can't, he trusts Law to tell him things*
This Devilfruit user leaves as soon as they curse the two of them. Luffy saying something that comes of as an order. Law struggling to not do it, tears burning at the edges of his eyes. Its like all his doubts came true. He tries to hide it as he does whatever little thing Luffy asked him to do.
Luffy notices that Law is doing it just like that. Usually, they bicker about most tasks, casual and with a grin, thats half the fun. He notices that Law is in distress and that he is about to cry. Luffy tells Law to stop, which only makes it worse. Law's hands shake.
Luffy pouts that Law listens again. He makes a few statements, testing whats going on. Then, gets it and starts adding 'if you want' before every statement. Whatever power took control of Law relaxes and he can talk, but he still breaks down in Luffy's arms. Because of having to obey, and because he did not expect Luffy to adjust to make sure he is not forcing Law to obey even though he has the actual power to do so.
Luffy calling Traffy dumb, ofc he dont want boring ass obedience. He wants everyone to be free, why would he ever make Traffy do anything he doesnt want? They love each other right? So its only right that he wants his special one to do whatever he wants and be free. Law is beyond words, holding onto Luffy as he comes down from reliving some of the worst times of his existence. Then they go back to bickering in their usual way xd
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Bruce isn't the best parent, but a chunk of the issue is that he's an only child. Should he stop Jason and Dick from throwing Damian back and forth like a human ball? Is Tim threatening to bite Cass an issue? Are those death threats serious or not? The poor man is an only child trying to run herd on at least a half dozen feral siblings. He exists in a state of constant confusion.
This isn’t to be mean, but that is simply not the case.
I keep getting bad parent bruce takes and it sucks because all of them aren’t even proper reasoning for his character.
I’m just using you as an example, but hear me out.
Bruce is an extremely smart person, Homie has watched movies and read books, he can learn from situations around him that things are sibling things. Sure, he was excluded as a kid, but that isn’t nearly the main issue why he isn’t the best parent.
homie has so much shit wrong with him, he’s emotionally just not there, he keeps himself stuck in a perpetual state of grief and mourning for his parents of a thing that happened when he was a child, he has been trained by assassins and has experienced loss and pain to an insane extent, he has such an insane extent of paranoia and trust issues that it affects his daily life, is definitely autistic, and has issues with social cues.
I’m trying to properly articulate just why that’s not the case but my brain isn’t working with me so I’m handing this over to my twin @bonebrokebuddy who is far more articulate than me.
Hi, it's Billy, Bones's twin writing because Bones had a hard time putting this into words and I'm more of a canon nitpick than her.
Uh- have you ever. And I mean even once, met an only child.
I promise, if you read even a singular comic, you could tell this take is incredibly out of character.
Bruce isn’t a good parent. He’s also not a bad parent. He loves his kids. He literally could not stop them from pulling dumb shit if they tried and putting themselves into danger.
Bruce is the worlds greatest detective. He knows how to spot and detect emotions and trouble in his kids. He’s The Worlds Greatest Detective.
His issue with being a parent likely comes from having Alfred as a father figure. Imagine having a dad that you can fire at any time, you pay so they can stay with you, and can just leave at any moment if they don’t approve of the person they work for. That will severely fuck up a kid.
His issue isn’t that he’s an only child, it’s that it’s every Robin’s god given right to go against and defy Batman’s orders whenever possible because kids are viscous little buggers who don’t like being told “you can’t do that” even if it’s for their own health, they’ll do it anyway.
After you’ve taught your kids how to exist in deadly situations, they think they’re invincible when it’s because Bruce is doing all he fucking can to make sure his kids don’t get hurt. If they feel like they can make the world a better place, they’ll do it, regardless of the risk because they’re inherently self sacrificing and good people.
Bruce’s issue with parenting is due to his relationship with his kids. Again, it isn’t that he’s an only child, it’s that the kids he adopted are their own people and they are even more stubborn and bad at communication as him.
Even more so, it’s due to the dang narrative.
Conflict between Bruce and his kids that cause them to separate has been the backstory for plenty of solo batkid runs to endure Batman isn’t as involved or the main focus of the run.
Narrative tension is literally the cause of all the bad parent decisions for Bruce, because conflict drives narrative or miscommunications cause the story to lengthen and complicate itself
it’s not as easy as “Bruce is bad dad” because he’s Not. Bruce is good with kids! He has a pouch in his utility belt specifically with suckers for kids!
But Bruce isn't a great world star dad either. He definitely inherited his ability to communicate with people outside crisis situations largely from trainers around the world and his arms-length-distance-at-all-times distance relationship with the butler who raised him.
Despite him being good with kids, his kids have lives of their own with morals and opinions of their own that conflict and clash constantly. It’s not a simple case of “Bruce is a bad dad.”
It’s a case of “everyone has slightly different opinions and approaches to situations so occasionally conflict happens when they clash or interfere with each other” because it’s a comic that tells a story!
Anyways, my recommendation? Pick up a comic. And preferably? Read it. Or watch BTAS if it’s more accessible to you. either works. This opinion isn't your fault most likely, just the quality of the DC fan-content you've been consuming that are incredibly removed from the comics. If you want, DM me at @bonebrokebuddy and I can send you some good quality DC fics with in-character Bruce.
Bones here again,
That basically sums up the exact stuff I couldn’t properly describe. I was using you more as an example because I have dozens of bad parent bruce takes in my inbox and I am 90% sure that the cause of them is that they simply haven’t read anything about the character.
Read a comic, read some strictly DC fanfiction, watch some of the many many TV shows and animated movies, there are even motion comics free online to watch that have voice acting and everything!
Being an only child doesn’t make you a bad father.
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
Ok so what would Camron, Dj and Vee reaction if the human was a parent, like the human was trying to protect their kids(it can be one) from the skibidis as their kids could only watch their mom/dad trying to fight the skibidis off...
(also maybe if the human lost one of their kids by the skibidis but i'll let you decide)
Camron would be surprised the moment the Skibidi trap was opened to find not only just one of these "humans"--but also a smaller one with it! The larger human was surrounding the smaller one with their body, trying to protect them with as much of themselves as they could. It was strangely endearing and heartbreaking to see at the same time. Once the veteran releases them, they stick close to each other and can only nervously look about the base as they are introduced to the alliance. Once the humans get settled in and both relax a bit, the humans are taken for a health check and Camron is there to observe. To which, the larger human is discovered to be covered in scars, old injuries, and suffering from both malnutrition and dehydration; to which they explain their encounters with Skibidi Toilets and how they wanted to protect their child at all cost. They are so noble and brave! Maybe the humans wouldn't mind telling their stories to the cameramen every once in a while?? DJ is was kinda stunned to find not just a human in the cameramen HQ, but TWO! One was a little small, though. But color him surprised when he finds out that the smaller one came out of the bigger one...which was a summary of how humans were made. To which, they look at the smaller one with such adoration and benevolence. It was heartwarming to see the bigger human play and dote on the smaller one, the "child" as they are called, even started making a couple of friends around the base, DJ included! The little one is such a joy to be around, despite the scary times that they are all living in. They seem well-fed and clean, a stark contrast to their scarred parent, who looks as tired and skinny as can be. You not only sacrificed your health for your child...but judging by all of the scars, you almost gave your life for them too. He can see why, the kid is adorable and a gem to have around. Hopefully the alliance can help you recover to be just as well as your kid. He'll help you out! Vee is surprised to find a smaller human sneaking about the base. Catching them was easy, but to make his day even more interesting, meeting the larger human was just as unexpected. Huh. So the rumors were true...there ARE two humans at the HQ. The child is mischievous and a little disobedient, as Vee has caught them in numerous sensitive locations. To which, he'll grab them and teleport them back to the parent with firm instructions to keep "tabs on their spawn" before he leaves again. In a strange turn of events, he finds himself looking out for the kid when the parent is too exhausted or distracted to look after the child themselves. It wouldn't be a surprise, considering that the adult was suffering from malnutrition and numerous untreated injuries, while the child seemed to be healthy. Vee finds himself staring at the scars that coat the body of the adult human with interest...just how much damage were you willing to take for the little one? Until you spent every last drop of your blood defending them? In a strange way...Vee finds that admirable about the larger human. He respects them for their loyalty and devotion to their child.
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
hi laurie <3 how is your health? do you feel better?
there’s another big discourse about regulus character, what is ooc for him, what is not, was he right, did he deserve redemption or did he deserve to die as villain. you know, same old conversation, but it made me curious about your vision of his character! how do you view him in canon? do you think he was more morally dark than grey or more grey than dark? tell me everything please <3
hi lovely!! my health's fine, i'm completely recovered!! it was a tough week but i survived that stupid chest infection
oooooh u know i don't care about discourse but i love how u just brought it up to . turn it into a nice lil debate and ask about my portrayal of a character <333
we obviously don't get a lot about reg in canon but i think we get enough!! a couple of what could be core traits (since what we learn of him is all from sirius pov who's . quite biased) and some of his backstory!! so yes, he's kind of a blank slate of a character, which is incredibly fun when it comes to fanfiction but also . i truly believe there's a foundation here, even if a tiny unstable one yk??
anyways, to me, regulus is quite morally grey, but i don't think . he's more dark or more grey . the lovely kat (@messrsage) wrote a very interesting post about this a while ago, they talked about how the black brothers are both morally grey, and that sirius isn't more good or regulus more bad. they move up and down the spectrum, depending on who they keep as friends, on what influences them and their environment. i think the word kat used was morally fluid?? or something along those lines. and i absolutely agree!!
i don't believe sirius was better or inherently good. i just think that they had different responses for the same trauma. that they surrounded themselves by very different kinds of ppl. neither of them is in the right or in the wrong, yk?? they're both victims!! regulus thought that . obeying and listening to their parents and doing what he was told was the best course of action and there's nothing wrong with that
sirius implies that reg wasn't . capable of thinking on his own . that he was 'soft enough to believe them' (referring to their parents) which has always made me think that . despite reg definitely believing in blood supremacy and all that bullshit, at least for a while, it wasn't because he rationalised the whole thing all by himself and thought it was True and Right and Genuine, but that walburga and orion said this was how the world worked and he didn't think of questioning it. sirius did and look where that got him, right?? and besides, those are his parents, and despite how strict and cruel they can be sometimes, they love him, regulus knows they do, so why would they lie. i think he was comfortable, in a way, in the life that his parents made for him, and if not fighting back and agreeing with everything also stopped the abuse then even better
it's like the death eater thing. i'm sure his family had a lot to do with it!! and sure, it was also implied that reg had this weird nerdy fixation with voldemort, but i don't think that means . he was bad . voldemort was such a powerful wizard, and his family, or at least part of it, supported him and chose to follow him, so why wouldn't he find him interesting?? or even worthy of admiration?? he ended up betraying him and sacrificing himself the moment he realised what voldemort actually intended to do. besides, he was a fucking kid. people tend to forget that he was literally 16 when he joined the death eaters. and idk about u, but i was a fucking idiot at 16. not awful or anything, ofc, but i still did and said a lot of shit i'm not proud of, simply bc i didn't know better. but the thing is that i wasn't expected to!! bc again, i was just a kid!! doesn't excuse any of my mistakes, but i do think it's a fact that u gotta take into account when u try to judge someone
i think regulus wasn't a hero, but he wasn't a villain either. i think he was a terrified boy trying to survive. trying to make his family proud. and by the time he finally realised his mistake, it was too late. he still tried to fix his shit, and i think that matters. does that make him a good person?? nah, not really. but i think it makes him human
on a more surface level, my regulus is . proud . stubborn . spoiled . posh . mean in a non-targeted way, it's never personal to him (or not usually) and he's not trying to hurt anyone, it's just . a defence mechanism?? part of his personality, in a way. he isn't trying to be cruel on purpose. i think he's also a curious person, but it's a part of him he tends to ignore or supress, bc his parents don't like it. i think he's a follower and that he hates being the centre of attention, but at the same time, he's jealous of the way sirius seems to have everyone's eyes on him when he enters a room. he can be petty and resentful, but he's also shy and quiet and so very soft. it's a side of him that not a lot of ppl get to see, bc it's weak, but it's very much there, and i think that's the regulus that sirius knew most of his life. the regulus that he knew (or at least wanted to believe) was still there, which probably make him speak of him in such a . gentle way?? like yes, he called him an idiot but he has no qualms about cursing the rest of his family out, and he's pretty mean to all of them (with good reason) except andromeda and regulus. to me, that means he still loved his brother, and if sirius is still capable of . caring about regulus, at least to a certain degree, without even knowing about his change of heart . well . he couldn't have been that awful
there's also quite the debate about the kreacher thing, and whether reg was actually kind-hearted enough to believe and defend elves' rights or if it was simply the fact that it was kreacher, his house elf, and nothing else. personally, i don't think it matters that much. whatever his reason was, he still decided to betray voldermort over it, and tried to do the right thing, even tho the risk was High and he didn't know if he'd make it. that's what i believe says more about his character than what his exact tipping point was
and god i'm gonna shut up now, this turned out to be so ridiculously long i just . find regulus so interesting SORRY NONNIE😭
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
I've have the fortune of never having to read a Beatrice Sparks book, but I still very much appreciate getting a reminder of how awful she is. (The book you mentioned is going on my to-read pile). I wonder if gen Z kids have any awareness of her whole deal, or if Go Ask Alice has been consigned to history.
That's a really good question! I read Go Ask Alice when I was around 12 or so and had been given lots of Barnes & Nobel gift cards for my bat mitzvah. I'd heard it was about a girl who did drugs and died, and that there was controversy over whether it was true or not. I read it, and it didn't make a huge impression on me other than "Well, that was sad." I was pretty clueless about drugs, not being cool enough to get invited to any interesting parties, so it seemed plausible enough.
I don't know if Barnes & Nobel still sells Go Ask Alice, but I doubt they have the balls to sell Jay's Journal.
For those, Gen Z or otherwise, who don't know, Go Ask Alice was supposedly the true diary of a girl who, well, did drugs and died. Jay's Journal was supposedly the true diary of a boy who got into the occult and then died. Both, and other such books, were in fact written by Beatrice Sparks, a freelance writer and certified liar. (Also a Mormon, which I mention only because I've heard ex-Mormons say you can tell it from the language used in Go Ask Alice.) Alice was bullshit written at the height of panic about weed and LSD (for the record, both can be bad for you if you already have mental illnesses, but don't cause them on their own,) and it was pitched to a celebrity whose daughter's suicide may or may not have occurred under the influence.
That's bad and exploitative enough, but Jay's Journal was an act of monstrous cruelty. Sparks took the diary of a real kid who committed suicide, which was sparse but detailed depression, drugs, religious oppression, heartbreak, and intervention by parents that we would today call abuse. Based on him being vaguely into hippie mysticism and having once used a ouija board, she slandered him as an animal-sacrificing satanist who had been possessed by a devil, and his girlfriend as the same. This was a journal that had been sent to him by the boy's mother, who believed in Go Ask Alice and thought that getting the word out about teen depression was important.
A lot of lies get spread around today about teens in danger, often by other teens on places like TikTok, but in the age of google, it is at least a lot easier to look things up if they sound implausible (whether or not people actually do so.) I have no idea what they're teaching kids these days about drugs, especially in states where weed is legal; I was taught that all drugs were super addictive, until I reached my senior year and a health teacher admitted not all of them were. I imagine it varies wildly. I don't know if any conservative schools out there use Go Ask Alice as required reading, but it's possible.
(Hilariously, Go Ask Alice is also one of the most banned and challenged books in high school libraries because there's lots of implausible sex in it.)
So, to kids and parents and teachers, I guess the lesson here is to verify things where you can. If you see a viral post that sounds outlandish, check for it on Snopes. If people are scared that teens are levitating pencils with their minds due to the powers of the devil, ask why those kids haven't gotten a million dollars from James Randi. Google an author's name if something feels off. Because sometimes outlandish stuff turns out to be true, but sometimes people have a lot to gain by lying.
(And read Unmask Alice by Rick Emerson.)
I'll let Paul F. Thompkins and Danny Lavery have the final words:
The Stages of Accepting That Go Ask Alice Wasn’t Real
Lines From Go Ask Alice That, In Hindsight, Should Have Tipped Me Off That This Was Not A True Story
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
I hate how one of Rhaena major grumbles was being passed over inheriting the throne in favor of Jaehaerys, and complain that everyone, including her own mother, had conspired to take away her right to the crown. This is despite her never showing much interest in ruling herself, just being bitter about how her life turned out. No one ever suggests she might’ve been a better ruler than Jaehaerys, not even her.
She didn’t seem to understand the people around her and was actually very self-centered, which helped contribute to her sorrows later in life. Elissa Farman, who repeatedly asked for permission to leave Dragonstone, only for Rhaena to refuse because she was so possessive and could not bear to see her leave, until Elissa got fed up and left anyway. Her husband Androw Farman was so bitter about being a beard and being regularly mocked by everyone that he murdered all the women he could that she might care about. She forced her daughter Aerea to stay on Dragonstone and forbid her from returning to her aunt and uncle’s court at King’s Landing where Aerea had been happiest. Aerea so hated being stuck at Dragonstone with no friends and nothing to do that she flew off with Balerion and died horribly. Rhaena wails that she gave birth to a monster when Aerea ran off, ignoring the pretty big detail that Aerea ran off because of her awful parenting.
Responding to this post.
I already wrote what I thought in the post anon is responding to about why Rhaena acts as she does about her claim and to her kids. I stated that it's not really about her ambition to become Queen or thinking she'd be a better ruler. It's about being treated as either a threat or someone to take care of. I also said that she spent a year looking for Aerea (yes too late, but the point is that there are layers there, reasons why she is the way she is), and that her interest in ruling may form after having seen how much she lost to others violence and machinations--compensation. Details are in the post.
It's not that Rhaena wasn't mistreating Aerea and didn't become bitter with each year, hurting those around her in her anger and loneliness. It's that I fear we could slip into disregarding how she became that way to just set aside that context and label her as just a bad person.
I've often seen some fans describe characters like Rhaena as "whiny" or "unrealistic", "spoiled" and "self-centered", kinda like with Rhaenyra, Aerea, Saera, etc. Characters who do have some of those qualities but somehow a lot of their other characteristic or their backgrounds are eschewed for main criticism for their failure to be the ideal mother, wife, daughter-subject to a parent. I don't really like it. Most of the issues Rhaena had or where her bitterness came from were systematic, hierarchial, feudalist misogyny.
One point of all of these characters is to show how women are told and taught to be very self-sacrificing to those around them to the detriment of their own health and dignity while men and boys can get away with literal murder. That women are also people who commit errors believing that they are doing the best they can for themselves and/or some others, subject to abuse but even more so under patriarchies. To show the results of patriarchal abuses, and the compulsions they place on women regardless of how motherly or independent-thinking they are.
And, respectfully to him, fuck Androw. As I said in that post, he was the quiet incel. And a murderer of a teen girl.
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circus-complex · 8 months
Proud Immortal Demon Way | Chapter 1/?
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Rating: M (May change)
Warnings : Graphic Depictions of Violence (May change)
Catagory: Multi
Tags: Original Luò Bīnghé, Luo Binghe's Adoptive Mother, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Luo Binghe, an orphan, has been abandoned time and time again throughout his life. Everyone seems to hate him, but he drags on through life. One day, he joins the number one cultivation sect in the world, Cang Qiong Mountain. Even there, his teacher and peers relentlessly bully him. Will Luo Binghe enact revenge, or will he be doomed to sit below others forever?
Also on AO3
Full Chapter Under Cut
On the coldest day that year, a small infant was swaddled with white cloth, tucked into a wicker basket, and lowered into the Luo river. The river was almost frozen, thin layers of ice dotting the surface. The basket drifted down the river, the newborn not even a day old. Luckily, a few old fishermen found the kid. They swiftly plucked him out of the water, afraid he would die. 
Since the baby had been found on the frozen river Luo, they named him Luo Binghe. The three men took care of him for a few years, filling in the role of parents. They sacrificed their own well being to raise him. Sadly, because they always worried about Luo Binghe’s health, they neglected their own. They passed away slowly, one after the other. This child, barely four years old, was forced to fend for himself on the streets. He could barely speak, only able to put simple sentences together, yet he had to sweet talk vendors into giving him food.
He spent two years learning how to steal and run, fight and defend. Both humans and dogs were out to get him. It was a miracle he wasn’t killed. He rarely slept nicely, having to keep one eye open at all times. He slept anywhere he could, as long as nothing would get to him. When things did get to him, he ran. He spent most of his early years running. But one day, he found a place to stop.
Luo Binghe awoke to something – someone – walking near him. He jolted upright, ready to fight. There was no way to run, they were blocking the exit out of the alley. He chose to sleep near the trash of a rich household so no one would see him  – clearly he was wrong. 
“Shh! No need to worry!” A soft voice drifted towards his ears. He lowered his hands, letting them fall to his sides. The speaker wasn’t another kid, but their voice wasn’t rough. “They’ll get mad if they catch you. Come with me.” 
Luo Binghe cautiously followed this strange figure. They didn’t harm him on sight, so there might be some hope. Sadly, he was used to others wanting to kill him. He was the smallest of the kids, so they decided having him around would only drain resources. He had been beaten every day for simply being in their line of sight. The adults always turned a blind eye, why would they bother paying attention to the little brats fighting over food? As long as they didn’t get in the way, it wasn’t an issue. 
Luo Binghe paused. “Jiejie, where are we?” They stood in front of a sad looking house. Scratch that, a shack. Its roof was caving in, and one of the windows was missing a panel. She smiled, and continued to walk towards her house.
“Sit, sit” She beckoned for Luo Binghe to sit on one of the small cushions. She then started heating water on the stove. “I’ve seen you around frequently. Do you not have a home to go to?”
Luo Binghe shook his head. “No”
“Where are your parents?”
“Any relatives?”
“When was the last time you ate?”
“Three days ago” 
“Have you had any water today?”
“Where did you get it from?” “I stole it from Wu Ming”
The woman sighed, but not at Luo Binghe. She sighed at the world. “Would you like some tea?” “Yes please” When the cup was placed in his hands, Luo Binghe looked at the woman as though she was a god. A gift from heaven. His guardian angel. “Thank you…”
“Wang Xiyan”
“Thank you Wang-jiejie'' He sipped from the cup slowly, and a slightly bitter liquid filled his mouth. It wasn’t something everyone would like, but Luo Binghe quite liked it. He also made a note to repay her later. He was determined to repay every person who showed him kindness, no matter how small the gesture. He was sure that they all deserved everything, since there weren’t many kind ones out there. 
Once he finished his tea, Luo Binghe stood up. He bowed, and turned to leave. 
“Where are you going?” 
Luo Binghe spun around, surprised at being addressed. “I was going to leave.”
“Oh! There's no need for that. You may stay if you would like.”
Luo Binghe stared at her. She smiled nervously, afraid that her sudden offer had scared him. “Uh, I can’t provide much for you, I’m a low level servant. However, I could give you a more stable source of food and water, as well as this small home to live in.”
Luo Binghe was shocked. He couldn’t remember a single time someone had cared for him. He slowly nodded, quietly saying, “Thank you…” over and over. He didn’t notice, but small tears had begun to leak from the corner of his eyes. Wang Xiyan walked over, using a small bit of cloth to wipe the moisture from his face. 
Luo Binghe had found a place to stay. Someone to care for him. A place where he could be a kid, not having to worry about surviving. He could sleep with both eyes closed. He wouldn’t need to attack anyone that came close to him. He could relax. He was safe. He was safe. He was safe…
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loracarol · 1 year
Some actual quotes from people running for school district in my area:
(Every indent is someone different.)
Teaching your kids via Zoom and keeping students out of the classroom due to Covid-19 concerns has harmed the students attending [location] schools. We must focus on teaching kids “How to think, not what to think”. [...] Many parents fear what could happen to their children while at school. We need to do more to secure [location] school campuses. As well as ensuring the safety of your kids from predators both in and out of the classrooms. We need a reporting system that allows for anonymity when inappropriate conduct is suspected. Along with policy of swift response and through investigation and accountability, that is transparent to the families involved.
Understandable in a vacuum, but I gotta say, I'm seeing a lot of dog whistles in this one. Do you mean actual predators, or....?
Our [location] schools and school board have lost their way. I’m an [state] public school kid, a parent of five public school children, a foster parent, and the husband of a public school teacher. I’m running for school board because I’m fed up with divisive politics replacing real educational success. [...] Teach the Basics. Classrooms are not the place for political activists to force divisive ideological and extreme sexual viewpoints on our kids. [...] Return School Resource Officers. The safety, security, and well-being of our students and teachers have been sacrificed. Bring back the blue in our high schools.
Our schools in [Location] have been filled with political agendas. Our first responsibility is to EDUCATE our children and prepare them for the future. Any ideology that interferes with that primary goal must be eliminated from our schools. Our new Board must be more cohesive and focused on the STUDENTS. Parents will be considered core partners on the next [Location] School Board. OUR SCHOOLS WILL BE SAFE. After the murder of George Floyd our children were caught in the “defund the police” movement. Safety Resource Officers were removed by the Board and left our children vulnerable to threats from on and off campus. The next Board will be willing partners with the [City] Police Department and SRO’s will be returned to our schools
Did I already say yikes?
School districts should reflect the values of the families they serve. [...] Furthermore, I have concerns about some adoptions being made to the curriculum in our public schools. Students deserve to be taught in a politically neutral environment, political agendas aside.
Might be nothing, but I'm #sus.
As a Young Life Leader, I mentor kids on a regular basis. I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact that adults who partner with parents have on these young people. These young individuals thrive when the leader partners with the parents and everyone works together as a team. That is why I will always encourage and support parental rights in the school. As a father to three, I understand God given rights and the importance of parent involvement in their child’s education. I am a firm believer that it is the parents that know what is best for their child and I will provide transparency, open communication, and a collaborative environment for all involved.
So uh. When you talk about transparency, are you talking about outing kids or...?
There is something wrong that while the rest of the state’s school districts were pulling back on masking, our Superintendent proposed increasing masking and it took a gym of upset people to stop it
... Maybe the other school districts were wrong.
Parents have the fundamental right to be the principal decision maker in their children's education
In theory, I get where you're coming from. In practice I don't trust you.
While other districts have removed School Resource Officers (trained law enforcement) from their schools, I will work to shore up this program. In addition, we must make our students’ mental health a priority
Nothing helps kids' mental health more than cops in schools. :D
The point I'm trying to make is this:
Please vote even when it's not a presidential year Thank you
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sterlingarcher23 · 2 years
Max has powers and is like El
A "meld" spell from ADnD 2nd edition ...
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For a fusion it needs two people that are "of the same faith" (Psychic & queer). "Sees, hears...senses everything the host does". Like Will did when he was possessed by the Mind-flayer.
That's 's why this happened:
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Meaning that Owens will find a secret file with the name "Maxine Mayfield" in it (Brenner likely tracked the parents and kept the names up to date). A reason why the Duffers made us remember her birth name by giving Henry a line using her actual name.
So, a permanent mind meld or fusion is possible since it's possible in DnD and that game is more a surface level reference since the creatures etc have different rules in the game than ones in Stranger Things. Meaning that a temporary meld is then a permanent one.
And it's possible because Max is a kid of one of the "missing" MKUltras.
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I should have pointed this out earlier, so edit:
The unnamed test subjects are likely Max's mother, Susan Hargrove, formerly Mayfield (who was then already married and likely pregnant during the time or shortly after ; it's not been specified according to the fandom Wiki) and Joyce Byers - the dates and names point to the parents not the kids. Both are still alive and Henry seems to target kids with dormant powers. That's why Will was interesting to him.
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There's a reason for all these parallels/mirrors.
Because... walking into the mind lair without even concentrating on it, sensing El, "speaking" to others via mind (they can feel/hear her): El turns around, Will turns and she even contacts Lucas. She can't mind trace them but contact them.
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She may have contacted Lucas via thought (although not aware of it) too.
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This, like walking from one mind/dimension into another, is a power similar to El's powers: Mind tracing, mind contacting, creating portals into other dimensions, crossing into other dimensions.
"Underlying operating principles" and mislabeling Max = Eleven. (like "Will" equals 20, "Max" mathematically means 11)
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And it's necessary because Max is in need of help (getting her out of the coma and her state) and El is running from the government and likely very ill... As it is foreshadowed by the Sara references and "Brenner" talking about it, Hopper having his monologue how he felt that he took away choice from Sara (Signing her death sentence), Will foreshadowing it as well:
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El will die anyway. The foreshadowing is clear. They foreshadowed Max's death in Season 2 and El's as well, no matter how much you don't like it or think it doesn't fit, it will happen.
If indeed ill, she will sacrifice the little time she has to get Max back, to preserve herself, save herself, she needs to fuse with Max. This would help both of them. So, El dies physically and her consciousness survives this way, through a "meld" or fusion. They then understand that they are in love. (That's how you make Netflix executives cry). - And sacrificing herself for friends and loved ones is in El's character further underlined by "Running up that hill".
The Grail/Talisman is in it's hiding place and grants health to the one that needs it.
So, in order to "all their problems...gone" they combine/fuse.
They need Max in full capacity. If they want to stop One, they'll need to fly.
Like a DeLorean powered by Mr Fusion, like Korra and Raava when they fuse.
PS: givehimthemedicine also pointed out that Henry's targets are all potential power users/psychics that he activates. That's why they levitate like El does in Season 2. However Max was likely already active or had access to her powers on a subconscious level. MKUltras are different and untrained capable to at least subconsciously use their powers. - Now stuck in the other dimension, it is possible that she's aware of her situation (or will be through El) and having a "Groundhog Day", likely able to learn there like Bill Murray's character or with the help of El since they will complete the time jump together as the mall scene indicates. Through this you can skip that she has to learn to master her powers within the narrative. (Who knows how old Max's mind is when she wakes up - like Cobb in "Inception" was technically an old man of 100+ because he lived a whole life with his wife in a single dream).
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cipherexists · 1 year
i would like to introduce you to my spinny guy, he is very pathetic but also very cool
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below is a non comprehensive list of random facts about him (propaganda of my wet cat)
TW for body horror and slight nsfw
he could technically grow a beard, he just has male pattern baldness
he has been pronounced dead 3 times, and the last time was when Lin* removed his heart.
he can acess his magik so well and easily because his componants are themselves magik (this also makes him unstable to touch)
his mother died when he was 17 (he is now 37) due to terrowin (his father) sacrificing her to shagsus (the god of his church) (he is a priest)
he started to practice necromancy when he was 19 and training to be a cleric but stoped when he became the head priest (at 24) but when serpere(wife) 'died' he found all his old books and started practicing again
He had alot of issues with his health as a kid, require lots of surguries and medicine. eventually his parents took him to a new village (bermuda/errydyon) where they started praying to shagsus whos beliefs read that the metal of the earth is purer than the flesh of the skin. his problem organs were replace with robotic versions obtained from Rimehold and he got better.
he required matience over time as he kept getting sick untill his key organs were all mechanical
he then just did upgrades himself including his muscles and both his eyes. he did this via surgical sterilizations and biting a belt between his teeth to stop him from screaming
he has hydrolics and metal piping in his legs his arms just have steel pins and false mucle tissue
theoretically he cannot die in a way that matters
Issac cannot go near an mri machine and always gets stopped by TSA
issac can canonically speak elven
issac can withstand a Lot Of Pain
He reads romance novels before bed (this has warped his perspective of a relationship and he will keen at any cheesy move, he cannot flirt for his life)
issac theoretically doesnt need to eat or drink human food
he does however need to top up his hydrolic fluid and oil like a mfing car
i do not like to think about issacs dick or how sex works when he is a cyborg
so i wont give that information**
his eyes glow, and if you put your ear to his chest you would be able to hear the servos, hyrdolics and mechanical beat of his heart. its slower than a normal humans
he runs cold, his chest is warm due to all the mechanics but his limbs are cool to the touch unless hes been running are fighting then they are very hot (think how a laptop heats up)
he is theoretically very flexible, but also that damages his parts so, dont do that
can issac run doom?
yes? he has no screens or speakers
issac cannot grow most hair as most of his skin is synthetic so it cannot grow hair
he performed all of his tattoos himself
most of his surguries to replace his biological parts were done by himself, other than his liver, kidneys and his first eye adaptation
Theoretically you can plug a usb stick into issac and he could access the information
Issac smells like bitter almonds and cherries***
He loves baking but not cooking (he can still do both)
he likes bugs + taxidermy
Issac has autopsy scars! he was only slightly Vivisected :D (only slightly because he is questionably alive at this point)
* Lin is 'BBEG' for campaign, he is very cool and you understand why he is angry
** he has a wife sorry. his wife is cooler than him by 104%
***this is what most embalming fluids smell like - is it for his still living parts or the necromancy he commits? both 🥰
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info dump complete, i have more but im in the process of actually putting that into a story
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sometimes being a survivor feels like I also have to be a saviour, like I'm somehow complicit in all child abuse for not being able to rid the world of it completely, sometimes I feel like I'm the cause of all child abuse in the entire world.. by just being an abused child... somehow? it feels like a personal failure that I know so deeply how to recognize when child abuse is happening even in secret but still can't do anything to stop it, and I feel like I personally am just letting kids go through what I went through, I don't know why I feel at fault for the actions of monsters who did the same to me
growing up I was the oldest so I got all of the worst of the abuse but knowing that I was protecting them helped get me through it, they learned to be quiet and stay invisible and I openly rebelled to take the attention off of them, my parents would leave them alone because abusing me was enough, it worked I guess.
I'm an adult now and, while still abusive, my parents got the worst of their abuse out of their system with me. I'm glad that my siblings aren't as traumatized as me, I'm glad they haven't gone through the same things I had to, it's a relief that my parents don't hurt them as bad as they did me, but I can't help to resent all of them for it. and I hate myself for resenting people I love for having not gone through trauma as bad as mine. but I do. I resent that they get this semblance of a a few normal years when my entire childhood was deliberate torture. I resent that my parents have changed even a little when they never could for me. I'm sure my siblings resent me all the same for leaving them alone there to figure it out, for not teaching them how to survive it. I don't talk to either of them anymore and I resent them for that too. I feel like I sacrificed so much of my childhood to bear the abuse so they wouldn't have to only to be repaid by them not understanding or relating to me anymore, I gave up everything to give them more of a chance and all I get for it is being alienated from them too. I'm glad I did it. I'd do it again every time. I'm glad that the abuse they experience is nothing like what I did. but we will never be close again. they'll never understand, and that's maybe the worst thing my parents ever took from me. not my childhood, not my mental and physical health, not my education, but them.
I'm terrified that if I told them what I went through to protect them they'd tell me I was just being dramatic and that it's not that bad. maybe they'd remember, maybe they'd believe me, maybe we'd all cry and hug it out. I don't know, I'll probably never know, I'll probably resent them the same anyway and I'll certainly hate myself until I die for ever resenting them in the first place
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absolutequeertrash · 2 years
ok so i would like to preface this by saying i have not watched the movie nor do i plan to so if there are slight inaccuracies i apologize. i have better things to do in my life than watch the trash that j*ff d*avis calls an amazing teen wolf movie.
this will also contain spoilers tho everyone and their mother has been publicly announcing said spoilers so you’ve probably already heard it but if you haven’t been spoiled and don’t want to be i suggest you stop reading here. this is going to be a long one.
i would bet my last fucking dollar that j*ff goes to sleep at night thinking he did something soooo deep with his derek eli parallel and really came full circle with derek’s arc but like my guy (derogatory) IT WAS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING TO PARALLEL/GO FULL CIRCLE WITH.
for those that don’t remember (which tbh is probably no one if you’re scrolling through any of these tags) when derek was 15/16, kate manipulated him and killed his family by setting fire to the house, leading to him then blaming himself for his entire family dying. so someone tell me why j*ff had derek die by burning to death in front of his own child.
there is quite literally no way in hell derek would willingly choose to inflict the same trauma and guilt onto his own child who, which from everything i’ve read and heard, he loves very much. it is such an incredibly out of character decision that, if i didn’t know how much j*ff hates both us and derek, i would question whether he and i were even talking about the same character.
when we meet derek all the way back in season 1 of the show, he had lived as an orphan for like 5ish or so years (idr how old he was but it was something like that) and you can tell he is traumatized. he literally had the whole “bad guy” persona going for him which is typically reserved for someone with immense trauma (tho i would like to note on a larger scale that it does not excuse anyone’s actions. if they do anything bad they should still be held accountable for it. trauma/mental health can be a reason but it is not an excuse). he knows what it’s like to be lonely and grieving—it’s not really something someone just randomly forgets. and its because of that knowledge that there is no way derek would subject his son to not only being an orphan, but being present at his own orphaning.
and that’s the other thing too. eli was right there when derek sacrificed himself. you can probably imagine the trauma of losing a loved parent/loved one, but now try to imagine the trauma them suffering and burning to death right in front of you would cause. add on the fact that derek literally did it to save eli and now you’ve got an orphaned kid with survivors guilt and depression who will very likely have problems being around fire for the rest of his life.
from a literal standpoint, sure, everything comes full circle. the derek we know formed because everyone he loved died in a fire he blamed himself for, and we ended with his child losing someone he loved in a fire he too likely now blames himself for. but it completely trashed his character arc.
it’s not too dissimilar from dean winchesters death at the end of supernatural (which hey, maybe there’ll be a spanish version of the teen wolf movie that ends differently). dean always believed he’d die in a hunt, alone, without a family or anyone that loves him. a good character arc would show him realizing that he deserves good things in his life and deserves someone that he can settle down with and finally stop hunting (*cough* castiel *cough*), which is decidedly not what we got but anyway back on topic.
derek had all of this guilt and trauma that caused him to push people away, not think he’s deserving of good things, and really think of himself as a shitty person for being the reason his family died. a good arc is not having him sacrifice himself and prove that he can only be considered a “good person” if he’s useful to other people. it would show him (similar to dean) realizing he is deserving of happiness and being selfish for once in his life. it would be deciding he doesn’t want to die and give his son trauma but rather he wants to live and see his son grow up where the hardest parts of his childhood are losing a lax game or getting a bad grade on a test.
this is getting really long ik but i have one more thing. derek’s death was completely unnecessary. granted i haven't actually watched the movie, but you're telling me the only way to stop the demon thingy (i have completely forgotten what it acc was) was to hold it and burn it to death? i have 2 problems with this. firstly, when has anything in the teen wolf series been as easy as just fucking burning something to death. like genuinly. it's the "big bad" of the entire movie. why would the answer be to just burn it to death. there had to have been another way to kill it off. i get that there's no stiles to do the research, but lydia is literally a fucking genius. she definitely could've found another way to kill it and spare eli the trauma of watching his dad unneccesarily burn to death to save him.
my second problem is that they couldn't tie it up any other way??? like cmon they're supernatural creatures. you're telling me that the only way to stop the thing from moving was to grab it and sacrifice yourself? you couldn't trap it? tie it up maybe? grabbing was seriously the only option?
it just makes no sense to me. i understand parents not wanting their kids to suffer, but when there's a possibility of another option that isn't just burn to death in front of them you'd think they'd want to take that one instead. cause yeah, while no parent should have to watch their child die, that doesn't mean that children should have to watch their parent die a gruesome death. and the fact that derek was like well it can't be scott cause scott's the alpha of the pack and that would cause some problems oh well guess it'll have to be me. i don't have time to get into that especially without really knowing all the information and dialogue, but like ???? wtf ????
tldr: actual derek would in no way consider inflicting the same trauma onto eli that was inflicted onto him especially when there had to be other ways to kill it.
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Benefits of a Scandi Study Chair for Kids
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Choosing the right furniture for your child’s study area is crucial for their Comfort, Health, and Productivity. One popular choice among parents today is the Scandinavian (Scandi) study chair. Known for its basic design, functionality, and easy to use features, a Scandi study chair offers numerous benefits for children. In this blog, we will explore these benefits and discuss why investing in a Scandi study chair is a smart choice for your child’s study space, especially if you're looking for quality kids furniture in Delhi.
Comfort Design
The ergonomic design of a Scandi study chair is one of its most significant advantages. These chairs are designed to provide proper support to a child’s growing body, encouraging good posture. The adjustable features ensure that the chair can be tailored to fit the child perfectly, preventing discomfort and reducing the risk of developing musculoskeletal issues.
Enhanced Comfort
Comfort is paramount when it comes to study furniture. A comfortable chair can make a big difference in how long a child can stay focused and engaged in their tasks. Scandi study chairs often come with cushioned seats and backrests that provide ample support without sacrificing comfort. This is particularly important for children who spend long hours studying or doing homework.
Attractive Lobby
Scandinavian design is known for its clean lines, simplicity, and elegance. A Scandi study chair adds a touch of sophistication to any study area, making it more inviting and appealing. The neutral color palettes and sleek designs blend seamlessly with various types of preschool furniture in Delhi, creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment for your child to learn in.
Durability and Quality
Investing in a Scandi study chair means investing in quality. These chairs are typically made from high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity. This makes them a cost-effective choice in the long run, as they can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use by active children.
Promotes Focus and Productivity
A well-designed study space can significantly impact a child’s ability to concentrate and be productive. The ergonomic features and comfort of a Scandi study chair help create an environment that is conducive to learning. When children are comfortable and well-supported, they are more likely to stay focused on their tasks, leading to better academic performance.
Scandi study chairs are versatile and can be used in various settings, from home study areas to educational institutions. Whether you are setting up a study corner at home or furnishing a classroom, these chairs are a perfect fit.
Eco-Friendly Options
Many Scandinavian furniture manufacturers prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. By choosing a Scandi study chair, you are also supporting environmentally responsible production methods. This is an added benefit for parents who are conscious about the impact of their purchases on the environment.
Encourages Independence
A Scandi study chair is designed to be user-friendly and adjustable, allowing children to adjust the chair themselves. This encourages independence and helps children learn to take responsibility for their own comfort and study habits. It’s a small but significant step towards fostering a sense of autonomy in your child.
Complements Luxurious Nursery Furniture
If you have invested in luxurious nursery furniture in Delhi, a Scandi study chair will fit right in. The delicate design and high-quality materials of these chairs complement upscale furniture pieces, creating a clean, attractive look in your child's room.
Incorporating a Scandi study chair into your child's study area offers numerous benefits, from improved ergonomics and comfort to enhanced focus and productivity. These chairs are not only functional but also stylish and durable, making them an excellent investment for any home or educational setting. Whether you are looking for preschool furniture in Delhi,or play school furniture in Delhi, a Scandi study chair is a versatile and valuable addition to your child's learning environment.
By choosing a Scandi study chair, you are ensuring that your child has the best possible support for their studies, helping them to thrive academically and develop healthy study habits that will benefit them for years to come.
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sassycolorgentlemen · 19 days
A Reflection: The Lessons and Realization during the Interview and Naturalistic Observation
Mr. Jasper Jay Fernandez and Mr. Mc Bryan Rhod Ando embarked on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.
“Ang lalaki kapag binigyan niya ang pamilya niya ng pagkain at damit, sasabihin agad ng mga tao na “Aba, mahusay siyang ama”. Pero kapag babae ka, kahit ibinigay mo na lahat ng mga iyon kasama pa ang puso’t kaluluwa mo, parang hindi pa rin sapat na tawagin kang mabuting ina” by Vilma Santos in her movie “Anak”.
In the movie Anak, we can clearly see that even when a mother tries her best, in the eyes of others, it is still not enough. She worked hard and went abroad to make money, but when she returned to the Philippines, her efforts and sacrifices were not enough, and she even faced criticism and rejection from her children.
We thought, "Well, it's your choice to be a mother, right? You wanted that child to be born, so you had to sacrifice everything for them." The children didn’t choose to live in this world, but because of the love between the mother and father, they were born. But we realize that it's not as easy as we think. It’s really hard.
We conducted interviews and observations, and we can say that being a mother is not as easy as making a baby. They lack sleep, they don’t even take care of themselves for the sake of their baby, and so on. But one thing I really admire is their perseverance to have you and their diligence to give you a beautiful life.
We even asked our mothers what we were like as fetuses in their wombs and after we were born. What were their experiences and struggles when she had us? Well, the common answer are that Jasper and Bryan were restless. We were always moving in the womb and always kicking. Actually, our families didn’t even expect us to be boys. That’s why we are the ones who adjusted to them, and now we are so-called "binabae" (just kidding). When we were 3-4 months old, we were always crying, even though we had just finished drinking our milk. They shared their personal struggles, obstacles, and challenges when they had us. We came to the conclusion that, even as a fetus, having a baby is hard. They set aside their own work and being a wife just to prioritize our health. That’s why, in the movie Anak, Carla, the child of Josie, must be grateful because her mother sacrificed her life, health, and body just so they could eat three times a day. We must be thankful because our mothers are not just our mothers; they are our friends, sisters, and everything
A tremendous satisfaction of a first-time mother who endured the challenges where witnessing and celebrating the simple achievements and milestones of her baby seeing the growth and development captures moments of joy and happiness. While some stories were filled with delight for parents planning to conceive a baby for the second time when they wished for a little boy, these were the powerful stories that created the most remarkable observations we encountered from the interview and naturalistic observation.
Little things in life are sometimes sufficient to evoke greater and unweighted happiness. and sometimes wishes and hopes are fading. Yet, in God’s plans and perfect time, all prayers will become a blessing.
Indeed, “Life is simple and unexpected.”
In a different context. Becoming a parent is indeed challenging and rewarding. The struggles and pains endured carrying a fetus inside the woman’s womb for 9 months, the adjustments, irritability and gaining weight. These are the challenging life events of future parents. Yet, in the end of the story there's always the fruit of happiness and satisfaction………………………... ..and that blessing is….. Creating a family where the baby is your success and your reward.  Having a family is the greatest part of being a parent.
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