#why are u leaving with faith then huh
jinnies-lamps · 1 year
None of my manifests or dreams happened this year, due to that i am gonna live a life where i bend to no one. No God to listen prayers, no manifestations, no sages, no magic. Nothing works and I just have to live with it.
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mysteryshoptls · 11 days
SSR Fellow Honest - Playful Dress Vignette
"My stars, a grave insult!"
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[Scalding Sands – Silk City]
Fellow: Now, ladies and gentlemen!
Fellow: What you are about to see here is a one-of-a-kind wonder.
Fellow: This is truly a genuinely invaluable show you are about to witness.
[rabble, rabble]
Fellow: Nice, them people're finally startin' to gather…!
Fellow: If you're interested in what I have to show, please, drop a few madol in this can over here. Any amount is fine~!
Fellow: And now, feast your eyes…
Fellow: On this… A one-of-a-kind puppet that can walk on its own without strings!
Fellow: What do you think, Mister? Madam? Doesn't it look so life-like? Amazing, is it not!?
Fellow: This exquisite beastman doll is the only one of its kind.
Fellow: You all are fortunate indeed to see such a fantastical sight. If your interest was piqued, I implore you to leave a token of appreciation…
[rabble, rabble]
Fellow: …Eh? It's not a puppet? A normal living being?
Fellow: Please, look carefully. It might be able to move without strings, but even if I poke or tickle it, it won't even cry out or laugh.
Fellow: It is a beautifully crafted puppet. Yes, that's right, there can be no question.
[Gidel nods]
Fellow: Ah, stop, Gidel!
Fellow: …It moved? Oh no, it must have just been a trick of the eye.
Fellow: Or, are you perhaps trying to insinuate that I, Fellow Honest, am a liar?
Fellow: You didn't mean it…? Ahhh, oh, but you've hurt my feelings so~!
Fellow: I've been known as Honest John, a man of integrity, pure and innocent, and yet you would call me a liar…
Fellow: Hey now, Mister. Since you've damaged my pride like this, feels like you should provide me with a show of good faith and…
Gidel: [sneeze]
Fellow: AH!!
Fellow: U-Uhh… Ladies and gentlemen, I… Hm? You want your money and time back? …No need to get so angry… Hahaha…
Fellow: …Crap.
Fellow: RUN, GIDEL!!
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Fellow: Haah… Pant, pant… Did we lose them?
Fellow: Just a little longer and we woulda gotten something extra on top of their spectator fees!
Gidel: …
Fellow: Ugh, whatever. ...All we got to show for that in the end was just a little bit of spare change…
Fellow: …And whatever small bits and bobs of jewelry they had on them.
Fellow: I stealthily swiped them with my magic while those idiots were all focused on you, but there's not much here. Shame.
Fellow: This dump ain't worth staying in. Time to move on, Gidel! Fwahaha!
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Fellow: Look carefully, fair people! What I have here is a magestone. However, this is no ordinary magestone.
Fellow: The date: 1000 years ago; the place: the depths leagues below the Coral Sea. This magestone was said to be sought even by the Great Seven!
Fellow: It may look like an ordinary pebble. So, what makes this an extraordinary find? Once you hear what I have to say, you'll never recover from the shock!
Fellow: Listen and be amazed! This is a miraculous stone where whosoever holds it becomes capable of using magic!
Gidel: ! [honks horn]
Fellow: For you, ladies and gentlemen, I risked life and limb searching high and low for this in the most secluded southern regions.
Fellow: There is only one of these gemstones in existence. We'll start the bidding at 50,000 madol (500 Thaumarks)! Come, come, all who are interested, please raise up a hand!
Fellow: …Huh, no one wants to raise a hand? What, do I have before me a gaggle of broke spectators?
Fellow: Heh, gutless, all of you. Ah, but damn it all! Is there not a single one among you with the courage to reach out and grasp the miracle laid out before you!?
Fellow: With icy demeanors like that, even my fleas will laugh at me.
Fellow: …I'm sure you all are simply thinking there's no way you could trust vagabonds like us, isn't that right?
Fellow: You think I'm selling you a fake? You think you'll be wasting your money?
Fellow: Aah, that's no good, my dear fellows! If you mistrust me so fervently, it's not as fun...
Fellow: Don't worry. If you believe in what I tell you, there's nothing for you to be afraid of.
Fellow: …Ah, there we go, that was quick. 80,000 madol from the gent over there! And 100,000 madol from the one over here!
Fellow: A good call, everyone! With such wise decision-making skills, you all have a future scholar inside you!
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Fellow: Fwahahaha! Look at 'em idiots believing at whatever stupid story I throw their way!
Fellow: A magestone that'll give you the ability to use magic~? If something like that really existed, I'd've used it myself.
Fellow: Even the guys who were the most skeptical leapt at the chance once I used my Unique Magic. I sure enjoy pulling the wool over idiots who try to look down on me.
Fellow: Hm, let's see how much we earned today…
Fellow: Two, four, six, eight… Oho, not a bad haul. Look, Gidel, we'll be feasting tonight!
[Gidel hops happily]
Fellow: Word's probably got around by now, especially after I raked in this much. This might be the end of the line for our earnings here…
Gidel: …
Fellow: What? You want to head south this time?
Fellow: Not a bad idea. How 'bout we target vacationers at them fancy resorts?
Fellow: Let's see if we can kindly crash their little enjoyable vacations.
Fellow: …Yeah, that's perfect. You're a genius, Gidel. This time, we'll be the fancy, rich folk out on vacation.
Fellow: We go where we want, when we want. We have nothing and no one tying us down.
Fellow: That's the least we deserve as free-spirited folk!
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[Sunset Savanna – Sunrise City]
Fellow: HELP~~~!
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[Sunset Savanna – Sunrise City]
Fellow: They were carrying around a crazy fat wallet. They could've spared even a little bit and nothing woulda hurt their bottom line.
Fellow: Yet they caused a fuss just from me trying to swipe a few thousand madol… Ouuuch, it's still throbbing where they hit me.
[stomachs gurgle]
Fellow: Man, I'm starving. It's gonna suck to go another night without dinner.
Fellow: Ain't there something we can find to eat…?
[Gidel starts to drift away]
Fellow: …Hey, wait, Gidel! Don't open that can!
Fellow: Geez… Don'tcha see what it says right here? It's got OIL inside. You can't eat it, even if you open it.
Fellow: You do the same thing every time you're hungry. I've taught you dozens of times, can't you read what it says?
Gidel: …
Fellow: C'mon, squat here a little. I'll draw it out on the ground, so don't forget this time, 'kay?
Fellow: O is for Orange! It looks round and tasty, don't it?
Fellow: I is for Ice Cream! That thin, ice popsicle was pretty tasty the other day, wasn't it?
Fellow: L is for laugh! Don't it look like a smile when you look at it on it's side?
Fellow: …Why is L the only thing that's not food? I couldn't think of anything, so sue me.
Fellow: There's only so much I can teach you, too.
Fellow: Tch. If I had been able to go to school… By now I woulda been more…
[Gidel pats Fellow]
Gidel: …
Fellow: What? We don't need school to fill our bellies?
Fellow: Sigh, oh, Gidel. You know, you're…
Fellow: That's right, we're living just fine even without going to school.
Fellow: Learning whatever with books and pencils is utter nonsense.
Fellow: We'll just clean out those suckers that went though their oh so lovely education, and just live a life that's even fuller.
Gidel: !
Fellow: That's right, leave it to me! Follow me, kid, and one day, you'll be a grand showstopper too.
Fellow: We'll get some halfwit students to dance for us on a stage for our own amusement!
Fellow: Now… What's more important right now is figuring out what we're going to eat tonight. I'll try to find something, so you start a fire.
Fellow: Just throw whatever you find into the fire, like wooden crates, or posters or… Hm?
Fellow: This job posting here… Oh, well, well!
Fellow: Look here, Gidel, That one prick is looking to hire someone. And this time, it's at an amusement park!
Fellow: I don't know what they're planning, but… Last time we did work for 'em, we made a killing.
Fellow: I can't stand how he looks down on us, but there's a lot more to gain out of it…
Fellow: Why don't we just go hear them out, Gidel? If we don't like it, we can just bail.
Fellow: We live only for today, never thinking about what tomorrow might bring. We do whatever work keeps our lives free and fun. 'Cause we can go and do whatever we want.
[Gidel nods, Fellow whistles as they go off]
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Requested by @sakurakudo.
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w2sology · 5 months
cut it out, harry lewis.
summary: harry's been a bit sick of you hopping on tiktok trends, but this one leaves him a little more than baffled.
warnings: none
notes: this trend had me giggling so bad omg 😭😭😭 guys it's been ages (like a month but still) since i last wrote something writer's block was KILLING ME 😀 feel free to send in some prompts or reqs <3
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harry had told you to get ready in the next half an hour, that you'd be going on a little date in central london. well, he didn't tell you, rather he sprung the idea up on you after you complained about being bored for the last two days.
it took a lot more than he thought it would've to convince you to leave the house, with harry going as far as telling you that he'd drive. that's how you knew he was being serious.
so as he was getting ready after you, you scrolled through the obsession of your life that was tiktok, laughing every so often and sending some to your friends who had yet to respond to the others that you sent.
stopping on one video that you couldn't stop giggling at, a thought formed in your mind. the tiktok was of a girl who wouldn't stop "accidentally" hotting her boyfriend whilst trying to get things out of the backseat of the car.
it had been ages since you last pulled a joke on harry, yet only the other day he pulled one on you with the help of the boys.
"are you ready yet or are you still laughing at your phone?" harry came back into the bedroom, pulling his navy blue nike hoodie over his shirt.
"i am ready, in fact," you got up, tiptoeing to gently grab a hold of his face, pressing your lips to his. "and the things on my phone will always be funnier than you."
"good joke," he smiled a false smile at you, squeezing your waist before grabbing the keys off of the dresser.
"i still can't believe you're driving. wait, pose with the keys, let me get a photo for your mum."
"don't get too used to this..."
harry walked out before you to put his shoes on, but seeing as you already had yours on, you asked him to unlock the car for you. to him, it seemed you were just eager to leave but really, you had to make sure that there were items in the backseat.
placing one of your tote bags in there, you evenly spread out one of the jellycats that you left in your car and another bag full of spare things. putting the camera at an angle that was able to capture both you and harry, you smiled giddily. soon enough, harry joined you in the driver's side, about to start the car.
"wait!" you called out. "i think i forgot something in the back."
"can't you get it whilst i drive? it's not me you forgot, right?"
"ha ha ha," you rolled your eyes. "no, i might rip it apart by accident."
harry shook his head, nonetheless not starting the car before he looked dead into your camera. he did wonder why you were recording, yet he never actually brought it up.
messing about in the back, deciding which item to use first, you decided on the jellycat.
it was an octopus, one that faith had got you from a trip in florida that she and ethan went to.
"here she is!" you smiled, pulling the jellycat back and purposely hitting it into harry. you did it gently, but not too gentle to the point where he didn't get irritated.
jumping as it made contact with his arm, harry frowned. "ow?" he said, looking at you, but you were too busy dusting off the jellycat.
"hm, actually no." you turned back around to put the stuffed animal back, this time reaching for the tote bag.
luckily, it didn't have anything too sharp in it, so you wouldn't actually hurt harry.
again, you pulled it back with enough force this time slightly jolt harry out of his relaxed position. "are you alright?" he asked, blinking at you.
"huh? what d'you mean?"
"you've just... full on wacked that into me?" he said, more so asked, in shock.
"did i?
"yes?!" you could've sworn you saw his eye twitch, having to restrain your laugh.
"oh," was all you mustered out, looking into the bag as if you actually needed something from it.
harry shook his head, running a hand through his hair as he waited for you to finish. "can we go now?"
"un, not yet actually," and you turned again to the backseat, this time grabbing the last bag.
pulling it back again, it hit harry in his arm, but this time he grabbed the bag from you, tossing it back in the backseat.
"harry! i needed that," you gasped, again to hide your laugh.
"no you didn't, y/n, unless you were using it to target me again" he mimicked your whiny voice.
you didn't know what had you more speechless, the mimicking or his reaction to your silly little prank.
"i wasn't targeting you..."
harry turned to you, giving you the most dead straight look ever. "cut it out, you hit me in the arm three times."
"maybe you were just too close to me."
"i— what?!"
you both stared at each other; harry with a look of shock and slight irritation and you with a serious look that you couldn't quite hold, bursting out in laughter soon after.
"oh my god!" you managed to say in between laughs. "you should see your face!"
"right, let it out. it's not that funny," harry shook his head at your state.
you leaned forward to grab your phone from where you left it, rewinding the last part where harry three the bag in the back. "oh, this is gold."
"you're a right wind up, you know that?" harry said, refusing to give you the satisfaction of know your trick worked on him.
"oh, i know," you smiled at him. "but you live me regardless."
"hey," you pushed a hand in his face, instantly groaning when you felt his tongue poke the same hand. "god, just drive."
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craziechwiv · 4 months
The Paladin and their Succubus frenemy - 1
Jaune the Paladin was on a quest to find some herbs for a nearby village, plucking away at some he found while he sang a tune to himself. All was going well apart from some altercations with wild animals, until he heard someone's voice snickering in the distance.
He instinctly got up with quick haste and pulled out his shield and sword, preparing for a brawl only to see no one around his vicinity. That is until he felt a sharp cold feeling go down his spine and the gaze of someone watching him.
???: Ooo, you're getting quicker by the day our paths cross; oh glorious paladin of mine~.
Jaune: sigh, Ruby...why are you here?
Jaune lowered his guard and turned around, to be greeted by a short, black haired girl with red tips. She smiled innocently at the paladin as he walked up to him, swaying her hips side to side and placing a hand on his chest, trailing her finger down to his...lower part.
Succubus!Ruby: I'm just here to see my favorite target. It's not often to meet such a strong man, in faith and in endurance that is~.
Jaune grimaced to how they first met, with him still bearing the scars of her claw marks on his armor and his back. During then, she merely tried to seduce him before trying to kill him straight off. Now? She is more of a nuisance than any.
Jaune: Uh huh, like I'll believe the word of an insatiable lusted demon. Could you please not get in the way of my task this time? I'm in the middle of collecting-
Succubus!Ruby: These?
Jaune turned around to face her, only to see her holding a bag that she extended towards him. Jaune hesitantly took the bag from her before checking its contents. He couldn't believe his eyes as he saw it was full of some herbs he needed a bunch of or he hadn't found yet. He turned his gaze back towards the succubus who just looked at him with a shrug.
Succubus!Ruby: I heard you we're looking for these by...spying on you when you were still at the village. So, I took the initiative of finding most of them for you. I wouldn't want my favorite Paladin getting harmed, you know~.
Jaune his ignored her other comment but was grateful for her help, even if she was what he sworn to slay. Neither the less, Jaune patted her head softly, a surprise to Ruby who backed away from the action as Jaune looked at her with a stern look.
Jaune: I'm grateful for you doing this for me, but still know we're still on opposite sides at the end of the day.
Succubus!Ruby: U-Uh huh...
Jaune nodded back and made his leave from the dense forest, leaving a flustered Ruby who licked her lips slowly, as she sprouted her wings and tail that she hides when meeting mortal beings.
"Well...now I DEFINITELY want him~."
Next chapter >
Credit for the idea goes to @goldenhawk18550 even if he didn't want it.
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marcusrobertobaq · 4 months
Top 10 stupidest Detroit Become Human dialogues
(this is my opinion)
[falls on the floor in pure drama] Kara: ALICE! GO, ALICE! Alice: No, I won't leave you! Kara: GO! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! [i mean, u gonna get what i'm sayin' if u watch a video]
Alice: What are you doing? They’re not our clothes! Kara: We need them, Alice. You need something warm and I need to get rid of this uniform. Alice: But, that's stealing! We can't do that!
JB300: Markus? Is that you?.. I tried to reach you, but the deviant hunter stopped me… Connor [pretending to be Markus]: You stopped him from finding me, you saved me! You saved Jericho. You'll be all right now. I came to take you home. Give me the location to Jericho. We gotta leave now. JB300: The location of Jericho?.. Yes… Yes, of course…
Markus: Humans hate us… They want to destroy us 'cause we refuse to be their slaves anymore… I'm not gonna stand around and wait for them to slaughter my people! Carl: You used to be so calm and thoughtful… Now all I see is anger…
[deviant Connor + hostile Hank + peaceful/neutral Markus] Hank: For a while there, I believed in you, Connor… I thought you might restore my faith in the world… But you just showed me that androids... Are our creation… Creation in our own image. Selfish, ruthless, and brutal… You opened my eyes, Connor. Made me realize it’s hopeless… Hank: Now leave me alone… Go on, complete your mission, since that's all you care about. GET OUTTA HERE!
Kara: Why are you helping us? Most humans hate androids… Rose: My people were often made to feel their lives were worthless… Some survived but only because they found others who helped them along the way…
Hank: When I was hanging off the roof, back at the urban farm, you let that deviant go in order to help me. You put my life above the mission. You showed empathy, Connor. And empathy is a human emotion. Hank: Back at Stratford Tower, when that android was shooting at anything that moved… You protected me… You... Risked your life to save mine. That showed empathy, Connor. And empathy is a human emotion.
Hank: You're a lowlife! You don't feel a thing, do you? A machine! That's what you are! You're just a fucking machine… Connor: Of course I'm a machine, Lieutenant. What did you think I was? Hank: I thought you… I thou-… Fuck.
[shoots the non-deviant Connor] Hank: I've learned a lot since I met you, Connor. Maybe there's something to this… Maybe you really are alive. Maybe you'll be the ones to make the world a better place… Go ahead, and do what you gotta do.
Markus: You betrayed me! I trusted you, I don't know how you could turn on me when our people needed me the most! North: I know how you feel, Markus. You have every right to be angry with me… Markus: You’re goddamn right I do.
Honorable mentions
It's just impossible listing only 10 so i gonna add some honorable mentions:
Hank: Nothing else matters to you but your goddamn investigation, huh? No doubts, no mistakes, no weaknesses… Human being, just like me… Only perfect…
Kara: I don't care whether she's human or android… She's just someone who matters to me. [30 seconds later she's pikachu-face surprised with another YK500] Luther: You knew from the beginning. You just didn't want to see it. She wanted a mom, and you wanted someone to care for. (...)
[full friend Hank + empathetic Connor + remain a machine] Connor: After all we've been through… I respected you, Hank. I thought we were friends! Hank: Oh, yeah? I was just starting to like you too! But then I realized you'll never change! You don’t feel emotions, Connor, you fake 'em! You pretended to be my friend, when you don’t even know the meaning of the word!
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raidoesthings · 1 month
(The following is my own take on the Pilgrim story, I recommend you read the canon comic before reading this. TW for Graphic Depictions of Blood/Gore)
(Context on FDS)
FDS Side Story:
Arrival of the Pilgrim (Part 1)
The waves flowed with a hint of harshness amongst the passage. What washed up on the beach was a hooded being, barely awake and crawling out of the water. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. What would usually be a calm, lovely beach with a bustling market was instead markets closing up shop and people being in utter panic and confusion. What was happening? Why is everyone so worried? Maybe that weird looking moon had something to do with it…
“Are you alright? I was about to leave until I saw you get all washed up here!”
“U-Uhm, I…guess I’m fine. I’m trying to look for someone. Huh…?”
She checked herself, and upon finding nothing, she was panicking horribly.
“Nonono! Where is it?! Where did my letter go?!”
Her question was soon answered when a soaked letter washed up. Crumbled up and limp.
“NO! How am I supposed to find it now?!”
“Hey, hey, easy! I’m sure it can be saved!”
The skunk attempted to pick up the letter, but it tore even at the lightest pull.
“…Or maybe not. Uhh, sorry about that. But hey, I’m not sure what you’re looking for but I promise to help you find it!”
“You sure?”
“Mhm! I can tell you all about this place!”
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She held out her hand for the pilgrim, who hesitated, but the skunk seemed welcoming and helpful, even if a little reckless. She softly smiled and took it, allowing Rinor to help her up. The duo moved to exit the Pilgrim’s Passage and into…
“Hey, I forgot to ask, what’s your name?”
“It’s Jalala.”
“I’m Rinor. Pleased to meet you! What brings you here?”
“I was told to come here by someone…”
“Really? Surprised it was this place. Ah, anyways, this is the Lands of the Old Faith. It was once ruled by four bishops, but they disappeared! I’ve heard rumors about them both being alive or dead, but it’s safe to say that they’re not ruling anymore. Apparently, they were taken down by the beast.”
“The what…?”
“They say that it’s all powerful, with sharp horns and glowing red eyes. Those who encounter the beast are never heard from again….or so I’ve heard. Chances are, there’s no beast! Still, best keep an eye out for it or any maniac here.”
That didn’t really reassure Jalala. Hearing that these lands were now lawless and potential beasts and maniacs lurking made her feel uneasy. It didn’t help that the weird flora leaked nectar resembling blood along with eyes staring at her.
“T-these forests, they’re really creepy…”
“If you’re talking about the weird eye flowers and spikes, yeah, they are. They weren’t always in these forests, even when one of the bishops ruled here. I assure you, they’re harmless! Just a little….creepy.”
“I-I think little is an understatement. Listen, I’m not sure if it’s even safe for us to be here! I’m hearing about monsters, killers, and forests changing out of the blue! How do,you even live with this??”
Rinor shrugged.
“I guess I’m just used to it. Lived here my whole life. I understand, it’s weird. Even I’m weirded out by the change here, but I know where we can rest. An area untouched, perfect for us to settle in. So trust me when I say that we’ll be fine!”
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As Rinor stated that, a massive worm slithered out and into Jalala’s view, towering the two of them and looked at Rinor emptily. It was hard to say what it was, but given the low, coarse whispers and the drool from its mouth, the worm was hungry. Acting fast, Jalala pushed Rinor out of the way just as the worm dived in to attack. Running as fast as her legs could allow as she heard a hungered roar.
“What the hell was that?!”
“Maybe trying to survive is a bit more important than asking questions!”
“It was rhetorical! …Kind of!”
They exchanged words as Jalala tried to drive the worm away, eventually taking a sharp right and sliding into some leaves. Before she and Rinor could even say anything else…
“What are you two doing here??”
Two Old Faith cultists emerged from the bushes, upon seeing them, Rinor leapt out of Jalala’s arms and stood in front of her.
“Hey! Back off! You drop your weapons and no one gets hurt!”
“Hurt? What are you? Insane?? You expect us to look at this place and lower our weapo-“
The voice of the second cultist was cut off when the worm charged down and bit down the two cultists, scaring the two to flee the place. After the worm devoured its meal, it set its sight on the fleeing duo. Jalala took charge, holding Rinor’s hand while running.
“You’re strong…”
“You’re trying to help me, I’m trying to help you! Neither of us know what’s going on, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work through it together!”
“Speaking of, move to your right!”
Jalala did and barely avoided a slash from a mysterious cloaked being with a void black circle in the center of a decorated ring for a head.
“What was that!?”
“Did you mean that rhetorically or literally? Because if it’s the latter, that’s what I want to know!! That thing looked like it wasn’t even from here!”
“Maybe it’s because it isn’t! W-watch out for the corpses!”
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Rinor barely avoided tripping over a dismembered leg. In fact, there were slaughtered Old Faith cultists everywhere. Blood soaked the grass as the angelic singing of the mysterious creatures pierced the two’s ears. The two made haste, unsure of how to divert the attention of their pursuers.
“Hey! Can you see anything we could throw!? Like rocks or branches??”
“Over there!”
To their luck, the two found a small, dying tree. Rinor tore off one of the branches and used the blood on the ground to cover it in.
“Only one way to find out if this will work, FETCH!”
She tossed the branch at the worm, getting its attention as it landed on another blood puddle. The worm, distracted by its hunger, roared and charged to the stick, running over a few of the creatures in the process.
“Heh, gotcha-!”
Jalala covered Rinor’s mouth and guided her away from the scene, uncovering it once the two got a decent distance away from them.
“Good thinking on the stick, Rinor! We lost them. Now, where else to go…”
“How about the path with less of those eye flowers? That has to be a way out of here!”
“Oh! Good thinking!”
So the two would head into the pathway that wasn’t greeted with eye flowers. The creepy flora was still present, but it lessened and lessened as they traveled further. They felt relieved that they were greeted with normal flowers, plain leaves, and a gentle breeze. How long this relief would last was a question they couldn’t answer, but any relief was good for them. Yet little do they know that their story was just beginning.
To Be Continued…
(Link to Part 2!)
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whumpshaped · 1 year
are you religious? On account of all the recent bible posting. I'm not Christian myself but I have to hand it to them, the whole "eating Jesus's body and drinking his blood" is really cool
im actually not! well. idk. reading the bible and talking abt it rly makes me wanna be christian again.
tl;dr i am considering accepting jesus christ into my heart but i dont know if itll happen bc whenever i type or say anything slightly religious i cringe or make it into a joke. also sorry to any christian who finds my bible posting
i was raised catholic, went to church and bible study for 3 yrs, did my first communion, then dipped bc it was horrid. i was so so against being catholic u cannot imagine. i was against church, i was against begging some man in the sky for mercy, i was against their gay policy, i was against saying my pets had no soul- i was against absolutely everything except some bops in church
then i had my first big voluntary christian phase at 13-14 in which i drew more towards protestantism and attempted to read the bible cover to cover (i failed but theres a lot that i read.) i went to a lutheran hs for 2 yrs in seventh and eighth grade so that mightve influenced it tho i HATED monday morning worship at 7am and i cant believe its still happening even tho ppl routinely fainted and shit. bc u have to stand. the whole time
i also wanted to be a nun for a goooood while but turns out im just aroace and autistic (chastity and rigid rules sounds amazing to me huh)
so im 21 now and i started writing my angel demon story and i wanted to make heaven a cult like dystopia (and it turned into my own ranting at some points) and i wanted to give cassael actual bible-accurate problems. bible-accurate brainwashing lol it came to me because something i said abt them either on here or in rp made me remember that verse abt the yoke and stuff (my yoke is easy and my burden is light) and i was like wait i should read the bible and pick out the whumpiest worst most horrid most easy to misinterpret and turn horrible verses. so here i am.
but then i got rly rly into it. its remarkably easy to enjoy the story when im not reading the 1908 károli translation and spending all my spoons untangling the wording. and the thing is, i was always spiritual yknow. thats why i bounced so much between faiths and beliefs. ive followed the law of assumption stuff for a year or so now, i had genuine results from it- honestly everything i believed in has yielded good results for me always. whether it be christianity or paganism or loa. when i read the bible i DO feel loved even thru the incredible amount of horrid shit god does lol i felt loved at 13 and i feel loved now. so idk. im withholding judgement until i finish reading it but honestly nobody be surprised if i go back to my christian bs before the semester starts
oh thats another thing. im miserable lmao so not very hard for god to swoop in and be like hey do u wanna talk abt ur lord and saviour. me.
but im not rly gonna change in any way even if i do decide that tho, i think. my policy is already "be kind do good leave others alone". i dont think im gonna get preachy on here or anything. i mean has anyone seen much vegan posting from me? so i think im good
so . yea. sorry it turned into such a long post
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aramakiurumi · 1 year
Give me a kiss tonight, just before you leave.
denji x reze
guys this is crossposted to bottleofelixir on ao3 (technically i posted it there first but i decided im finally picking this back up anf starting to write again) (this is the edited ver) (help)
THIS IS A PROLOGUE!!!! I WILL HAVE MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!! THIS ISNT ALL!!!!!!! pls have faith in me
also ofc there will be spoilers later on its a csm fic based on the manga what do u expect
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Denji's heart belongs to Makima.
He begins questioning it when he meets a beautiful lady, a lady that compared him to her dead dog.
Denji's heart belongs to . . . ?
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Denji was terribly in love with Reze, of course. She's so pretty, so gorgeous,
So breathtaking.
Their first greeting may have been weird to some, yet Denji had thought it was perfect. They were perfectly balanced, perhaps. The proper and improper,
The evil and the .. hero?
not really.
They met on a day, a day so perfect. Denji has a heart, and he hears the racing beats of his own heart. His heart that belongs to Makima, and makima only.
He gives change to people who were fund raising for the children harmed by devils, because he has a heart.
A person gives him a flower. He eats it, yet he thinks it looks pretty.
Because he has a heart.
One that belongs to Makima alone.
No way, no way would he ever fall for anyone else. Ever.
. . .
It's raining.
He begins running, yet a shark acquaintance appears. Beam was his name.
Beam yells and cheers as there was water. Denji was annoyed though, so he tells the shark in the ground to "Stay quiet, you asshole."
Denji runs into a telephone booth, a temporary shelter from the pouring rain. He thinks about the fact that he should've brought an umbrella, but a gorgeous girl walks in. The lady was soaked, but so was Denji. The lady suddenly begins talking about the rain and the forecast, but she bursts into laughter.
"... Huh?" was all Denji could say at that moment. I mean, how else are you supposed to react if someone bursts into laughter?
Naturally, Denji was confused. Why was the lady laughing?
"Why the hell..." Denji begins questioning again.
Then out of nowhere, she had begun crying. Now Denji was beyond confused and concerned. He debated on asking if she was okay or if she had needed help or not, but he had stayed put and didn't do a thing. The lady had shortly stopped, and apologized. She finally spoke again, but she said something unexpected.
" Ah.. I'm so sorry. You just.. your face. It reminds me of my dead pet dog."
What the fuck? What the hell is he supposed to say that that?
The lady immediately apologized again, but maybe not as genuine. As she apologized, Denji began gagging. She was getting worried, as the gagging got worse and worse. The lady looks away to take her handkerchief out, hurriedly as he begins coughing more. Yet the moment she looks back at Denji, he is holding a flower.
" Ta-da! ", was all Denji said.
Denji held out the flower, gesturing it towards the lady. She took it in her hands as Denji said it was "magic", while she looked "amazed".
She held the flower close to her face a smile that never died down or left. Denji had thought she looked so stunning . He stared, stared for a long while. Her eyes looked so much like emeralds, her lips looked so soft.
The rain stopped.
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yeah uh new chapter next year bye
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
do u have any fics that i wont have heard of? like ones with fewer hits so there harder to find
ooo this is a good one, anon! you haven't specified which fandom you're interested in, so I'll start with SPN and then do some other fandoms if people are interested :) and for the purposes of this, I'll be counting anything with under 5k hits as lesser known!
Lesser Known Destiel Fics
you're the one that i wanted to find by badritual (373)
The Castiel of old has fallen away like molted feathers, leaving behind a wholly new creation.
gay love pierced through the veil of death and saved the day by honeybee (444)
Cas doesn’t die. That’s literally it.
this is a good thing, dean. (prayer is a sign of faith) by cascountsdeansfreckles (529)
Dean’s legs still don’t want to move. He sits propped up against the wall and stares unseeing at the chair in the middle of the room. Everything that Cas said plays over and over in his head. The image of Cas looking devastatingly relieved, content, as he was taken from Dean won’t leave his mind.
He doesn’t know what else to do. So he prays.
1 Missed Call by glenien (597)
The buzzing never stops.
so it goes by K_K_TiBal (665)
Castiel returns one more time to retrieve something he left behind.
absurd in the best way by clasch (669)
Castiel tries to make a pie for Dean.
Bodily Communion by runsinthefamily (905)
Survival in Purgatory has some weird aspects.
may i feel said he by bk119 (1k)
a coda to 15.19. cas comes back, and words are said.
choices. by scoundrelhan (1.1k)
Castiel thinks he’s dying. Humans are always doing that.
you can have it, though by make_your_user_a_name (1.1k)
Jack was walking away and it was too late. It was too late because Dean didn’t think he would have to say anything. He thought Jack would bring it up and they would never have to know that he missed Cas so desperately it hurt. It hurt so goddamn bad.
And then Jack stopped and turned back to the Winchesters, his eyes focused on Dean. And that’s when it hit him. Jack knew. Jack knew what Cas had said. Jack knew Dean needed to say it or the second Cas was back everything would just go back to normal.
So he did.
“Bring him back.” His voice was low but it wasn’t threatening. It came out more broken than anything. Because he was so broken. And maybe it was okay to let them see it. “Bring Cas back, Jack. We,” he glanced at Sam and took a deep breath. “I need him.”
15x18 coda: it's in the being by contemplativepancakes (1.1k)
Blood splatters from a severed neck, the body twitching before it collapses to the floor. It sprays across Dean’s face, dotting red droplets over his cheeks and in his hair. Dean keeps his mouth shut so he doesn’t get the taste of copper stuck in it; he already can’t get Cas’s face out of his mind.
Dean knows this is the last place he should be, that with the world ending, it doesn’t really matter if there’s one less nest of vamps in the world, but if he stops moving, then he’ll… have to think.
“I wondered what my true happiness could even look like, because the one thing I want, it’s something I know I can’t have.”
Fuck, they wasted so much time.
15x19 coda: stripped of everything holy by contemplativepancakes (1.2k)
“About time we put you on the family tree, right?”
Jack sinks down in the chair across from him, contemplating. He puts the tip to the table and rests it there.
Jack glances up at him. “Why isn’t Cas’s name here?”
That’s a damn good question, Dean thinks. It’s because he was too much of a fucking coward. Dean’s still having trouble reconciling everything Cas said with the past ten years of his life. It seems like, maybe, if he thinks about it hard enough, he can see that Cas returned his feelings, but he still can’t believe Cas said all those things. He’s bullshit all the way through, but Cas… Cas hadn’t thought so.
Dean clears his throat. “We’ll add his next, huh?”
candles & wishes by harrow (1.2k)
Dean turned to Cas speculatively. “Do you have a birthday?”
Now Everything is Easy 'cause of You by chai_lattes (1.3k)
Cas never understood why humans were so fond of sleeping, but he was starting to. Dean chalked it up to knowing that they were finally safe, or Cas finally had a real bed, but Cas would just smile, quietly knowing the real difference was no longer having to sleep alone.
Cas reflects on being human, being happy, and being a morning person.
Chocolate, Caramel, and Zombies (Of a Metaphorical Sense) by TextReciprocation (1.4k)
Castiel approached the counter and looked at the menu contemplatively. The barista spun around to face him, eyes bright and hair untidy. He was roughly Castiel's height and build, with sandy hair and lightly tanned skin. Castiel's breath caught at the sight of him, but he bit his tongue, chastising himself.
Cute baristas were rarely gay and always taken. Castiel knew this. Fate, as it happened, was a cruel mistress.
Never Enough by make_your_user_a_name (1.5k)
It took him hours to notice it. He hadn’t felt it in the moment. Hadn’t felt the Cas’ hand stick slightly to his shoulder as it pushed him away, leaving him to face the Empty alone.
But now that he’d noticed it, it was all he could look at. That bright red handprint standing out starkly against his jacket. It was perfect, really. Not a drop out of place. Just a handprint and nothing else. That was all he had left.
The handprint where Castiel had “gripped him tight and raised him from perdition.” And now he’d saved him one more time. Same shoulder, same placement, same sting when Dean looked at it.
It was poetic in the cruelest of ways. And if it weren’t for everything, he would have thought this was Chuck’s writing. But, no. Castiel was the only part of Chuck’s story that he couldn’t control. Because Cas had fallen.
how's hope feeling today by sleepinnude (1.5k)
After Cas is gone, bees start to follow Dean.
Sunrise by mattzerella_sticks (1.7k)
Dean and Sam were free. Finally, unequivocally, free.
But this wasn't the happy ending Dean had expected. Maybe in the past, having Sam in the passenger seat tearing across an open stretch of highway as the sunsets, it'd be what he wanted. But that was years ago. He's not that man anymore. Dean's tired of sunsets, of saying goodbye. He yearns for a different ending. One that's less of an ending, and more of a beginning. A sunrise instead of a sunset.
Sam has his. Dean lost his. Despite this setback, he won't stop. He'll live in memory of his sunrise.
Except, what can he do when he feels those rays on his face again?
Loving Castiel by dinluke (1.9k)
“How did you find me?” Dean asks. Castiel squints and looks at him like he’s the sun.
“Your, uh, yearning was pretty loud,” he says sheepishly.
Sleep Deprivation by Honey_Honey (2.3k)
Dean licked his lips. They tasted like honey. Which was funny, seeing as it was the one part of his breakfast he hadn’t eaten. In fact, Cas had tried the honey instead.
Oh. Oh fuck.
“Did I just kiss Cas?”
And Sam’s descent into uncontrollable laughter was an answer enough.
Walk Through Fire For You by purple_charlie (2.3k)
The word still feels foreign in Dean’s mouth, still brings back echoes of John Winchester’s thinly-veiled (if even that) homophobia. "Man up, don’t be a sissy, I didn’t raise a fairy". It’s a swollen blister in the back of Dean’s mind, throbbing with pain whenever a stranger’s eyes linger too long on Cas’ hand in his, whenever a waitress double-takes at how close they sit in diner booths.
But here, dirty dancing with Cas in a warehouse full of other queer folks, Dean wants to shout from the rooftops- I’m Dean Winchester, I drive the baddest car in town, I lift heavy things for a living, and this is my boyfriend.
Could Not Return You by tigersinlondon (2.8k)
Dean might have gotten over himself when it comes to sleeping with Cas (in the sex way, not the cuddles-and-snoring way), and even telling him that he loves him, but he’s not ready to do anything crazy like hold his hand in public, or admit aloud that they’re in a relationship in front of Sam, or God forbid, actually share a room, a bed, a living space with Cas.
Funny Bone by PallasPerilous (4.9k)
It wasn’t even a particularly creepy skeleton; it was in kind of a “just chillin’” pose on the floor. One ankle was still locked up in a heavy iron cuff, at the end of a short chain leading back to the wall. Snoresville, as dead stuff goes; Dean’s seen worse at Disneyland.
It was the skeleton’s comment about Dean’s ass that really livened things up.
Compromise by tiamatv (7.5k)
It wasn't uncommon for Dean to find himself tracking down an ex-angel in their underground home in the middle of the night, because Cas got nightmares. Ten years ago, though, if anyone had told Dean this would become a semi-regular occurrence in his life, he’d probably have laughed so hard, his beer would have come out of his nose.
Crazy Hex Girlfriend by whichstiel (10k)
Dean and Castiel infiltrate an extravagant couples-only Halloween party at the invitation of the party’s host who has been receiving mysterious threats. They patrol the party for hex bags and dark altars, interview suspects, and Dean happily scores a lot of free food. He just wishes he could score with Cas.
How Many Slams In An Old Screen Door? [podfic] by Tenoko1 (15k/2hr podfic)
In which Castiel is a theatre major terrible at first impressions; Dean is a set designer who likes Cas anyway; and the most chaotic production of Les Miserables in history somehow manages to go off without a hitch. Or, just as you should never give a moose a muffin (because he'll want some jam to go with it), you should never give a blank check to a university theatre department. [podfic version]
The Cabin on the Lake by DeanRH (22k)
The Winchester brothers are long lost to history. The angel keeps the vigil, haunted by the shadows of his regrets.
Among other things.
this post is getting way too long so I'm gonna start a second one now!! hopefully you can enjoy these lesser known fics in the meantime :)
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areislol · 11 months
I'm the Anon from the last ask (about the reader having power, call me Kura if you want(?)
Anyways, I was like imagining that the world over there could be like Jujutsu Kaisen or BNHA, like, their world has powers but only certain types of people, imagine that actually 10% of the population can only have powers (lets make it more interesting haha)
When the GI crew come for her grace reader could be like staring at them and said "I'm not drunk enough for dealing with this sh—"
One of the plot twist is that she could have a power NOTHING related with them, like uh, telekinesis like Mob from Mob Psycho? Or imagine something like Gojo—Well, anything non-related to Genshin but she's OP (She could be op but she needs training, we need character development ✨)
And I always noticed that reader has this lonely life or whatever when it's the sagau series, so why not give them a bit of friends that can trust or anything? (And yes, I have like in my head a kinda series for that Hahaha, but I'm a bit... Busy to write that ;u; so I'm sharing the ideas, wuuu)
I can imagine that reader has powers and sometimes she doesn't know how to control them, so her friends from time to time help her, maybe a mentor an friends, whatever so it goes something like this:
Her friends like her platonically, so no romance from them, a quick note, her mentor is a bit harsh, but he means well:)
Coming back from training was never easy, her mentor really gave her a run for her money while she winced over the fact that she needed to work again tomorrow, she briefly wonder, why was she training to enter the academy again? She could probably laze around all day and make her best friend carry her for the rest of her life, he's rich asf—
"Oh for brothers sake—" She mumbled softly while sighing dramatically, she shakes her head at the dumb thought, or well, it wasn't a bad thought, her friend have offered her to stay with her since she always gets in trouble and sometimes has no sense of danger—
She looked at her phone (the one she has for her job) and started to call one of the most trusted friends, her best friend, the bastard always worries to much for her, so she might as well give him a head ups since he didn't came to the academy today, right?
Or I could always try to piss of our mentor again so we can have a bit less of class... Hm, the idea is a bit tempting.
Snickering a bit at her though she pressed the bottom to call her friend, she waited a few seconds and then heard his voice.
"Hey (y/n) how was training today? Sorry I couldn't be a back up today, did our mentor go hard on you? Are you okay? You can come to my house if you need anything, you know" (Y/n) friend said, (y/n) snicker at his worry.
"Sup'" (Y/n) said while opening the door of her house, on her shoulder she puts her cellphone while she hums softly. "Nah', don't worry about the beating today, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle and besides, the look on masters face when I pulled that prank was priceless."
She laughs a bit louder, her friend could only sigh in worry.
"Please tell me you didn't put any paint on him or anything like that.."
"...Why aren't you responding?
"You said I should tell you if I did something like that." Her friend could only sigh more tiredly just by hearing her, that made her smile more proudly. "I just got the training double for today, you know, so it's fine, just try to be there tomorrow, I need my partner in crime, you know?"
Opening the door at her house and going in, she leaves her backpack on the entrance, she closed the door while putting her keys on the little table there was there.
"It's going to be fun! If we can get Liam or Layla to join us I bet it's going to be hilarious—"
She stopped for a few seconds, what the hell was that? She could hear a bit of faith noises, maybe some voices even?
"...Hey, uh, can you like... Put your phone ready to call 911?"
"..Huh? What? What's going on?!"
"I'mma about to figure it out." She said still on the call, her friend panicked saying that she should turn around and leave.
But oh hell no, who the hell tries to break on her house? She lives alone, so... Well... It probably wasn't the best idea.
I can always run away by using my power, I'll call it self-defense.
She thought nodding, going slowly without making much sound. Her hands twitched a bit excitedly, she has been training more to get her power to grow more and she was fairly confident that she could probably defeat a A type monster/Agent if she could.
But much to her dismay she froze, she blinked s few times while looking that her living room was plague of... Men?
Holy sh*t, what the hell?
She looks hiding her presence a bit, they were talking about "Her grace?", she frowns, she keep hiding but that couldn't last long.
One of the men looked at her, her eyes wide open while she could look at the men more properly, or rather, the gentleman that was looking at her.
"Your grace?" The men said, (Y/n) took a step back, well, hiding didn't last long.
The men was coming closer, the other people in the background looked at her.
"..." She opens her mouth for a few seconds and then closed it, she blinks feeling dumbfounded because— "Why the hell do you look like Zhongli from genshin?"
"Your grace?" Zhongli said again confused.
She said looking at him from up and down feeling skeptical, she takes a step back when the man looked at them weirdly.
"...Oh hell no, I'm not drunk enough to be dealing with this sh—" Before she could finish she a pair of steps coming to her was heard. "Oi! Call 9-1-1!"
She said immediately evading the arms that went to her—And was that Itto the person she just evaded?!
"(Y/n) I'm calling master! He will... Be careful and...!"
She couldn't heard him well since she decided that nope, nope, nope, she wasn't going to deal with much more trouble, thank you.
Although, from the looks of it—It looked like the group of closplayers(?) Wouldn't give up since they were chasing them calling them "Your grace"
"Who the hell is your grace?! You got the wrong name buddy!" She yelled back while running from her house and into another place. "Damnit! I shouldn't have jinx myself!"
Aaand that's about it!
oh mt god THIS WAS AMAZING TO READ KSMMA you should definenetly start a sagau series!! i could totally see us using our powers to defend ourselves from the genshin men and they're all like?? fuck is that?? why do you look so cool (cause it's your grace duh)?? YK WHAT I MEANNN??
but omg yes we NEED FRIENDS. im bouta add that to my series ksmdfdmsmk like our caring friends we NEED that. ong.
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kirua9 · 1 year
My silly hcs on phantom blood au 😮‍💨
Phantom Blood seems to fit in my top 3 fav parts since it has young Dio haha. That's the reason I'm so inspired to create smth in that timeline...
♡ So the relationships between Dio and Jonathan are kinda obvious in canon, but I'd like to see more of their interactions at the younger age when Dio's personality hasn't fully formed yet, so he'd probably be able to hesitate about his *evil* actions towards Jojo. Yeah, in canon he's been treating Jonathan badly from the very beginning, hasn't even hiding it, but according to his immaturity he could feel conflicted sometimes? Maybe thoughts like : "and what if I just leave this plan of destroying Joestars' lives and try to adapt to this new "better" family which surely gives me opportunities to reach high places or gain authority in the future???" Although then I'm missing Dio's maximalism.
If only who could have some thoughts of embracing new reality and Jojo as the brother? Jojo is the best option to u know.. comfort ppl? Literally, there are all conditions to make a gentle human being out of Dio, huh.
Also I just want to write more double-meaning situations between these two. When from Dio's side it's not obvious wether he's a pure evil creature (from his early teens) or he's just so traumatized that he acts violent unintentionally and is silent about seeking some help (because of pride or fear or stuff) from the outer world (aka Joestars family). And Jonathan who doesn't want to believe that Dio sincerely hates him but can't justify his actions and also hesitant to explicitly explain his step bro's behavior. The "dumbness" of Jorge Joestar is kinda fitting, since the trope of parent who devalue one of his children's words towards other child's wild actions is perfect. Haha.
So it works like a psychological horror because everything is unclear and weird
♡ The figure like a true-ally for Dio. We've seen Pucci as this type of faithful follower, in Diego's case it was Hot Pants, although she's more independent, but still. And Part 1 Dio had some... weird minions lol. So another Italian catholic person would fit in perfectly, tho it's better to make a reasonable circumstance why these two will work well together. At first I thought about Hot Pants alter-ego, still the reason behind this thing is meh. Love? Certainly big no, it's meaningless for both of them. A common aim? Well Dio's was to become the richest man in the entire world, destroy the Joestars, then denial of his own humanity. And hers, who's a religious person? What would that possibly be what also crosses Dio's interests? Idk. Maybe another pov on religion or Christianity itself and fanatism of Dio? Supporting him at this rate? Boring. I'll fuck this shit up immediately.
♡ Demons. Yes we have vampires there, yes some magic things like stands, hamon, saint corpse, those freaking arrows, the mask... Demons isn't something which isn't suitable 🤧.
So Dio's ancestors were dealing with demons, kings of Hell. And maybe Dario owes something to a greedy demon even after his death, so the debt goes to the son. I want to use the image of King Paimon (because I love Hereditary lol). And Dio learns some weird stuff from this demon before becoming a vampire, so this creature becomes his new ideal, since he didn't have any role models. Tho, Dario aka anti-role model. And here's this demonic great king of Hell huh. So they'll have some sort of contract, after their interactions Dio has ambitions of becoming as great as this demon. And also reject the humanity because of demon's influence. Also King Paimon will tell him about his own origins aka Heaven and this funny story how Lucifer and Paimon and other rebellions were banished from there. And THIS will be the motivation for Dio to think about reaching heaven himself, since you need to have almost a God power to reach it, although even the strongest creatures like Lucifer and Paimon (aka former high class angels) couldn't fight for it for a long time huh and were defeated by God's army.
♡ About King Paimon. Originally I wanted him to be a spiritual demon who chooses the body to reincarnate in Hot Pant's alter ego in Phantom Blood universe. And in this case it'll be her ancestors who were dealing with demons to become rich etc etc, so the girl tried to wash away her sins by praying to God, BUT it didn't help huh🧐. So King Paimon found her and made her his vessel. However he didn't like the body as it was female and the demon prefers to be in male one (stolen from Hereditary I don't even hide it.) So HP would be partially (?) possessed and somehow Paimon choose Dio as his male vessel — tho I didn't make up why Dio and how. If Paimon sees "evil origins" of Dio's soul it's too naive, huh. And then, since Paimon chose Dio's male body he'd like to stay with HE'S female head since he likes her feminine face. It's from description of Paimon – "he's a man woth effeminate face". That's funny and cooperates woth canon story where Dio's body was destroyed by Jonathan, so there was only his head. As the result, it turns out that Paimon is kinda faceless, because he prefers human's appearance.
But idk why I felt conflicted about it. So I manged to make him a proper look as a demon, his true appearance. Guess he'll be a tall young-looking man with greyish skintone, but he'd look more like middle eastern person and would wear some south eastern clothes. The main colours are black and golden, his eyes would be completely white and shining in his demon form – in human they'd be jet black to make his gaze soulless. Also dark lips and eerie smile. Most of the time he'd be calm. I'd like to imagine him and his dromedary are wearing crowns. Armenian ones are just perfect! Paimon would have dark long hair which are covered with his headdress. I don't want to show his hair much, it's like I want to define his face with headdressing and loose scarf around his neck. Also he'd wear a lot of golden eastern jewelry, the ones which look like coins on chains arounf the forehead. Also earrings and rings.
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cocktailsfairytales · 3 months
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════. • RELEASE TOUR •. ════
Sawyer and the Bookworms
Contemporary Sweet RH Omegaverse
The Candyverse 3
By Mona Black
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
Amazon | Apple | Kobo | Nook:
*Read on Kobo Plus*
Omega Sawyer O'Connell is one proud owner of the Book Café, a cat called Potato, and a bevy of awesome friends. He participates at the book club of the local library, plays videogames and reads books, and isn't lonely.
Never. Not ever. How could he be lonely? He's so super busy all the time and he's surrounded by lovely people.
And yet…
Newsflash: cats and books can't fill the void of a mate in your life.
So, no matter how cute Potato is, he can't replace the need of a pack.
Not to mention that Sawyer's parents have given him an ultimatum: choose a pack and tie the knot, or lose your business.
Enter Brinlee, fellow bookworm and sweet, pretty girl, hiding secrets and staying distant—and the McGraw Pack which consists of three otherworldly hunks who think they don't need more mates.
Perfect, huh? Not complicated at all.
Cue scent-match, interests-match, personality-match, and full-out fatal attraction, and everyone's well-thought-out plans go down the drain.
What happens when the pull is so strong your rational brain decides to go on vacation, leaving primal instincts behind the wheel?
A crash.
A disaster.
A chance to change direction?
With his first heat coming on, Sawyer has to decide between losing everything and gaining a pack, between taking a leap of faith and taking control of his life, giving into his feelings, or hiding in yet another book's pages forever.
Can he trust that love will find a way?
* This is a sweet omegaverse standalone novel with low angst, four gorgeous guys and a delta girl who find happiness together, accepting themselves and finding trust and love in each other. This story contains M/M, knotting, heats and ruts. Please note that this is not a shifter story, but it is set in a world where apart from gender, we have a designation as alpha, beta, omega, or more. Omegas are more submissive and are generally paired with dominant alphas. This is an oversimplification of course; I hope that in the course of the story it all becomes clear. *
What to expect in this book:
· Delta FMC
· Cinnamon roll mates
· Dark pasts - broken girl
· Why Choose with MM
· Found family
· Adult FMC
· Multi 1-per2on POV
· Contemporary Omegaverse
· Standalone novel
· Scenting, nesting, knotting, heats and ruts
· Male omega in the pack
· Lots of book talk
Start the Series here
Bee and the Honey Crew - Book 1
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@Mona-Black @DS Book Promotions
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suiciderape · 1 year
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ew! what a gangsta fuckin biitch ew! u guys are mean to me hahaha um im eww shes trying to test our? nasty bitch uh huh! uh uh huhh *gs* paper kitten! its me daddy dick down ew ur geto bois geto cute and skinny and we love u um hi its ghetto daddy dick down ew! im in ur roos ur stephanie soo? um no its daddy dick down ew?! ur not fat anymore? um no. nvm um what she was never fat it was daddy dick down? um at high school..? look look shes dying to type me ow! ow? look @ her faith in her evolution uh uh! ew a ghetto black bitch?! um? it was never pink awkward! ew we skank skate... uhm eh? get a life! ew we werent joking?! thats nasty... we like love her geto boi dick down time... ew! its desarae hollins... ew shes ghetto eww! shes writing my diary again? ew? shes ghetto gooou ew i heard that! nah? were gonna what the fuck bitch whats! suck a fuck babe? um shes here... awkward... i am scary gangsta! fuckin biitch... hmmhehe ew! shes in my housee ew! eww! shes the queen of china now... heheheem ew ur geto boi ew no ur not! wait?! wheres the king of china? ew! hes my daddy now im in his chanhee dick down chamber... with u! ew! i love u so much. daddy scary gangsta ew! ur ghetto boys in love with me?! ew! ur not ghettooo hahaha ew! ur fucking my boyfriend? no mhm :) lol fuck uuu beetch ew ur geto hh7hm mhm 7 :) pussy tiight ah!!! omg shes gotten better?! at this? ew um i love u teew baby ew! fuck u too bitchhh bitch i ge5o omg hi baby! hi daddy where are we? tumblr omg who watches? the chinese mafia ew! ur sad? yes daddy :( awe hahahaha no! i love u i love u too scary gangsta ew! ew ur cute? so are u mt st helens ew! im not him! im not him! pss
scary gangsta are u a super asian still? what is this picture? a super asian at prive school hahaha ew! i thot this was ur diary? ew! it is hmm hahaha ok? so u wanna go back to hustle high school? baby?! come back with mee!! my baby mhmmm mine my baby?! its me daddy il still here hahaha ew! mhm :) ew! ok so why did u leave? i need u forever! surf! and cypress kidnapped me and took me to hustle high school mt st helens style hahaha ur never leaving me :) ew! ur a bad bitch again? who is desarae...?! uh oh! its daddy dick down wtf is this bitch doin? me?! and only me!! heheheh private school suicide uhhh!
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scary gangsta hes a super asian private school suicide
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scary gangsta ew! haha its on my tumblr tho ill go save rn
𝖕𝔯𝖎𝔳𝖆𝔱𝖊 𝖘𝔠𝖍𝔬𝖔𝔩 𝔰𝖚𝔦𝖈𝔦𝖉𝔢 i dont uppercap shit its suicide rape yes thats what i said! no! i dont rape people u get out faggot rince down
ur uggly faggot bitch! yea im a valley girl! whats valley gurl whats valleu gurl? did u just call me a faggot bitch? ew! ew! ew! ew! pss i found lolita! valley girls content with u horror cut high school downer trademark oreos impressions ew! ur bad at this its scary gangsta post up swag hahaha ew! ok mhm :) ew! ok hurry up baby love
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scary gangsta wtf bitch! im in ur pussy walls ew ur a faggot rain and hahaha! my downer bills u up ew ur so ghetto? no! hahaha ur asian skateboarder just that mhm :) ew u faggot rain! what? shes 9 years old now! and i love her black dick down? whats his name baby? yoom keeho oh ok ur daddys name is? choi chanhee the boyz oh ok! ita chanhee whata up? hi ok its her daddy scary gangsta whaat hahaha did u do something bad today desarae? whaat?!?! daddy! no! dont eat me!! ew ur ghetto ew ur fucking asian ew! waaa no ur its out ok its out ghetto & geto are out completely ew! ok so thats it? no! dick and pussy are out ok! thats it? yes ew ok so we get it... ur in the matrix what is in? asian skateboarder ok so get it... whats ur name? suicide rape where do u go? princeton high school ew! shes badass we get her cute new levels of interest ok so u get cute about out ok she gets a cookie... what kind? chocolate chip? yes daddy! ok do it tomorrow... ew! ok so what kind of cookie do u like? chocole chip ok ur scared? sort of! ok ur a baddie an asiam baddie? no asian skateboarder 90s asian skateboarder ew! 1989 ew! ok so 90s japanese skateboarder no! 1981 south korean skateboarder ok? what else hmmm awkward! ok well find her! who is she? she loves weirdcore pictures ew is she cute and fluffy and in lolita pintrest for life? ew! yes daddy its chanhee is she in? yes she is! say yes yes ok were good 4 life foes? nah ok! so weird dreams? im fine with it ok! so chinese 80s yes! ok so chinese 80s skateboarder is ur aesthetic well... did u remember my japanese 1990s race car body guards? and yoon keeho? yes we did! perfect do u have to picture of ur body guard? maybe pss
pussy detective
stop deleting my photos and fix my pintrest
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1989s suicide boys suicide boys mission scary gangsta 1981 south korean psychadelic skateboarding china meth lol ur so cute! scary gangsta
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exoticraven · 1 year
I thought of this while playing Dead by Daylight
{here is how I thought it would go if John Seed from Farcry 5 would interact as a survivor}
-Match loads up and now it is time to play-
John: *does not know what the hell to do and does not know how he got here.*
Me and My God sister: *already running to the generator next to him to start fixing it*
Me: I wonder who the killer is?
My Godsister: Dude why aint you working on the gen with us?
John: uh
Me: awe maybe he is a baby survivor *Fucks the gen up* SHit!!
Godsister: Damn it, Raven. *still working on the gen to get it done*
Me: SOrry! Dude help us with the gen please and thank you
John: *comes over and figures out how to start working on the gen*
Me: ANNNNNNDDDD it done *gen lights up* Huh that was too easy why is there a guy in a mich- It's Michael Myers run!!!!
*my god sister and I ran away leaving John there thinking he would just follow but gets down and put on a hook cause his a baby Survivor*
Me: *Runs back to him and takes him off the hook* It's otay I gotcha yea.
*taking John's hand and running off to a corner to heal him*
Me: *doing magic hands* Got to love Botany Knowledge {A perk} *is fast at healing cause of Botany Knowledge*
John: Thank you. you remind me of faith a little bit
Me: I just going to take that as a compliment
John: How else would u have taken it?
Me: *shrugs* ooooo a crow wait what were we doing oh right gens. let go we need these gen down off to never land! *grabs his hand and finds another gen and starts working on it*
John: umm where are we?
Me: oh you don't know this map is Crotus Prenn Asylum. *hit walkie talkie* You otay Queen? {figure this is how the player be able to talk to one another}
God sister: Yuppers just working on a Gen on the top floor of the building.
Me: *hit walkie talkie* Otay That good to hear. Annnd we're done with aaaaaa- *Michael Myers grabs me off the gen* You slimey ittle bitch *said as he carries me to a hook*
*Me get put on hook and scream because of the pain*
Me: This is why you're mother has no nipples! and why she left you
Myers: *looks at me like hurtfully and smacks me with his knife*
Me: Otay I kinda deserved that
*Myers walks away to kick the gen as Joh n sneaks over to the hook to try to get me down but was not fast enough because My god sister got me down. All three of us run to a corner to heal*
Me: How many Gens are left?
Queen: Just one
Me: looks like the other survivor is on the hook I'll go get them you take *points to John* I believe John Seed from FarCry 5?
John: That is my name
Queen: Wonder when they added him oh well you do your thang and we go get that---
*Me running off to the hooked survivor* I am commming!!!
Queen: alright than *they go off to a gen*
*I get the other survivor off the hook and heals them*
John: SO what's the point of all this?
Queen: We as a survivor must complete 5 generators to open the exit gates. We have a killer chasing us down to stop us from completing the gens. The killer's goal is to sacrifice us to this entity using hooks. 9 times out of ten we all get sacrifices and we have to wait for another match. It all depends on the killer really. WE have mean killers who just kills us and the nice ones that farm for blood points
John: Oh so they worship this Entity?
Queen: Some do and some don't.
John: What happens if we escape do we leave this realm
Queen: Oh no we wait for another match or game ever you want to call it to start up and repeat the cycle all over again.
John: Sounds insane
Queen: Oh it is
Me: *pressing the button of the walkie-talkie* I've been looping Myers for a good few minutes now ohh I felt the wind on that *vaults a window onto the ground and spirits off thanks to balance landing* I think I lost him
Queen: Good come hop on this gen with us
ME: Otay *runs over and starts helping*
*generator gets fully repaired as the other survivor gets knocked down. again for the second time*
Me: Queen go get the door open I'll get the hooked survivor *runs off to the hook*
John: Does she do that a lot?
Queen: She is not good at much but one good thing she is good at is being a healer. She always wants to help someone in need. *opening the door*
John: So
Queen: She put everyone else first before she puts herself firsts. *Get the door open and waits for Me*
John: what are we waiting for?
Queen: I never leave without Raven unless she gets sacrificed then it is just a bittersweet victory she is my little sister not by blood but still my little sister
*The other survivor and I come running to the door. I take a protection hit.
Me: Just run !!!
-all of us get out the exit gate even John-
{if you want more let me know}
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strywoven · 2 years
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@hhemeraa has requested a story : Deity stares down at Kaen with a foreboding smile, aura radiating more power and seriousness than the usual playful cheeriness he was apt to have with them. "...I have a task for you." A Command. A rarity since he was never one to command them to do anything. It's always been influence and suggestion, corruption coddled with kindness, yet here he comes to them not as the friendly parent, but as a god. "To the south... There is a man with one eye and a hand with no fingers, a foot with no toes. He has failed time and time again to offer me something worthwhile for the prayers he begs of me, and his attempts have finally caught my attention like... a fly at a stain glass window." Hands gently pet against the curl of their hair, squishing it against their cheeks, "Find out what he wants. Pass judgement on my behalf. Do whatever you deem acceptable and come back. I'͈̰͕ll̯̼̹̫͔̪ͅ ̷͚͙̙̬͍b̞͇͜e͞ ͉͘wa̯͞ͅt͈͍͕̥̯c̶̯̺̼ͅh͝i̶n҉͇͙̩̲̻̟g̞͇͎̩̫͙̖.͓͔̱͝"
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❝ A task , ❞ Repeats it not as a question , but rather with an inflection of s u r p r i s e d curiosity ( been a while since he came to them specifically for a special project , hasn’t it ? ) .  Then , in truth , as one of the higher disciples , there leaves little room for wondering after the reasons behind anything , least of all , the God’s whims ; they are meant to FOLLOW , not QUESTION .  ❝ O’course , Abel , wha’e’er ye need. ❞  And they mean that.  Says it with own smile , though their own could n e v e r be quite as serious nor as terrifying as His is now.  Even with their soft-edged disposition ( lending to the every so often mockery from their ranked fellows ) , there’s no doubt to the doe’s willingness and loyalty.
Setting the last of the misplaced books back into place , Kaen gives Him their full attention , hands folding together at their front as they listen obediently to His words.  It does seem a bit STRANGE that Abel would pointedly tell them to do something ( after all , everything they did was of own will with little more influence from the god than a steady hand to stay their course )— But , they suppose , that must mean it is i m p o r t a n t ; that it is something that truly need be taken care of.  And sure enough , their assumptions are correct.  There’s someone – a man , they are told as much as shown ( the vision of him flashing behind their mismatched eye ) – who needs … A correction , who needs to face JUDGMENT .  Even with the hands clasped to their cheeks , Kaen is sure Abel can see the color begin to drain from their fawn-like cheeks.  Defending and protecting is one thing and comes easily to them , but this is another realm entirely !  Flattered as they are that Abel is putting such faith in them ( & giving them no means to refuse ) , Kaen cannot suppress the momentary look of transparent u n c e r t a i n t y that crosses their features.
❝ Thank ye fer trustin’ me wit’ this , ❞ They say finally , closing their eyes and pulling out of His too-warm touch , stepping away from the glare of His aura.  ❝ Ah will find ‘im an’ do yer will. ❞  This must also be another t e s t for them , it has to be , why else challenge them in such a way ?  Kaen lifts their head , meets Abel’s eye with a determined expression , own fire-touched aura rising to crackle ‘gainst His ‘fore they bow and duck out of the room to gather what they need for the journey South.  If luck be in their favor , this would be over and done with easily ⸺
⸺ If o n l y .
The man lives in squalor ; ungrateful and rude and bitter to the world ( not so dissimilar to many of abel’s underlings in their early shades ) , greeting Kaen with one of the most disgusted sneers they’ve ever had the displeasure of beholding , ❝ Hah , so that God’s jus’ gotten too busy to talk to the commonfolk now , huh ?  He thinks sending His Saints to talk to us makes things better ?  How is that fair ?  After what I’ve done ?  After what I’ve been through ? ❞
Kaen remains placid , keeps themself calm despite his overwhelming distaste for their presence in his reeking , dilapidated home.  Arms cross , hip cocks ; they give off the air of uncaring , of nonchalance in the face of his aggressing.  Still , they remain t e n s e d , poised to react if he thinks it wise to attack.  It’s funny that he thinks they’re a SAINT of all things , if he thinks they’re one of the high-disciples , he has bigger and far w o r s e creatures to fear.  ❝ Ah tol’ ye , Ah’m ‘ere ta’ find … A resolution ta’ yer problems. ❞  Not exactly a lie.  ❝ So , it would be nice if ye could cooperate , aye ?  Would make things easier fer both o’ us. ❞
❝ Bullshit , ❞ He spits at their feet , ❝ I’m not tellin’ you a goddamn thing.  I don’t answer to you. ❞
A sniff , shoulders lifting as hand waves dismissively , ❝ Suit yerself. ❞
He seems satisfied when they start walking back to the door , but frown when they stop resting their hands against the cracked doorframe.  He squints narrowly at them , at the queer motion of their palms over the wood , starting to get up from his chair , ❝ H- hey what d’you think you’re— ❞
In an instant the entrance is engulfed in fire , and the man topples to the ground , dazed and gawking in TERROR ‘fore beginning to scramble away towards the exit at the back of the hovel while the flames lick a quick-burning trail through the entire space , devouring everything it touches.  Kaen reaches through the flames – unharmed , wreathed in smoldering power – grabbing him by the roots of his thinning hair and wrenching back towards the ravenous inferno.
❝ H- how … ?! ❞  He manages to choke out.
❝ ‘S a secret. ❞  Kaen replies simply , ❝ Now , ‘re ye gonna cooperate ‘r not ?  Ah dun’ really care if ye live ‘r die.  An’ far as Ah’ve seen , it wouldnae matter if Ah let ye burn ta’ death right now. ❞
With the imminent threat of BURNING ALIVE the man suddenly becomes quite amicable , confessing to his desperation , to his misery , to his sins and how he’s come to live with so many regrets and OH PLEASE don’t let him die like this— Kaen considers it ( what would abel do ? would he be so forgiving of a man who lied & refused to offer anything in return for his blessings ? ) .  The answer comes simply to them : no.  And suddenly , they are not sure which is worse ; the fact that they understand what must be done as if , even now , Abel steadies their hand , or the fact that it seems to be another n e c e s s a r y act in His name.
❝ Ah’m s o sorreh , ❞ Though there’s no sincerity in the sentiment , nor a trace of remorse on their sweetly smiling features alighted by the raging tongues of fire which casts them in an infernal gleam , ❝ But penance mus’ be paid. ❞  The man is sentenced to burn in his home , forgotten and unforgiven with soul and body both disfigured beyond recognition whenever he happens to be found , but not before Kaen tears out his tongue – the tongue of a l i a r – which they dutifully bring back to Abel as a memento.
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romeowsblog · 2 years
I keep wondering about what is it exactly i want, why do i keep delying stuff, am i really wasting my chances? I mean none of the chance i got were that impressive so probably not. Its not like i had a choice. But at the same time what am i waitig for? Im terrified of marriage terrified of commitment and what comes after especially if my partner wants children in the future emphasise on children and not just one which is a concept i cant even imagine. What i really want is to leave this town bjt i freak out whenever i think of something happening to my family even though i live with them maybe i should give up and ecccept everything? Maybe its really time to give up and just do whatever people want me to. I mean my parents have been okay with it lately but mmaybe i should just . I dont know i dont k ow i dont. I really want to sleep. Im so tired and im afraid of being forever alone bjt at the same time i dont want to commit to something bad and regret it later i dont want to settle fown for less i dont want to accept thigs just bc i might never get it a better chance. I dont know. I want to feel. ETter and alive and free and happy and loved and this feels so bad now. I keep relapsing and i cant seem to think straight and my confidence levels is throught the floor and i keeps goig lower and lower and i thi k my luck has run out. I feel weird i feel sad i feel a lot feeligs and im afraind i might never get my happiness im afriand of gettj g stuck in this sad and pathetic loop where i suddenly feel happy and the next minute i wanna cry and give up on the world if eel tired and maybe writing this down will help thigs or maybe it will make it worse i want my good days back i want my happiness and hopefulness back i want my luck or faith or anythi g that could help me through this, maybe its the pmsing and maybei should not fast tomorrow but at the same time ive been wasting so much time just waiting and waiti g andiwating and ugh. Im tired take a shot every time you read the word tired huh. U would die of intoxication im terrified of missing up maybe i shouldnt have agreed to go on that dum course maybe i should have left or given up by now mahbe anoth versiom of mme is feeling better maybe it dstole my bette rlife and mmaybe it s happier. And maybe that s hy its going to hell here. Like literally everythig is bad and im hopi g the course gets canceld orr sth
Bc this is ridiculous but who cares
Unless shit goes to hell mothing will chage and ill suffer forever and ifont want to be alone ai want someome who loves me and wants to be with me whih sound hard but maybe bec its hard.
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