#phantom blood silly au
kirua9 · 1 year
My silly hcs on phantom blood au 😮‍💨
Phantom Blood seems to fit in my top 3 fav parts since it has young Dio haha. That's the reason I'm so inspired to create smth in that timeline...
♡ So the relationships between Dio and Jonathan are kinda obvious in canon, but I'd like to see more of their interactions at the younger age when Dio's personality hasn't fully formed yet, so he'd probably be able to hesitate about his *evil* actions towards Jojo. Yeah, in canon he's been treating Jonathan badly from the very beginning, hasn't even hiding it, but according to his immaturity he could feel conflicted sometimes? Maybe thoughts like : "and what if I just leave this plan of destroying Joestars' lives and try to adapt to this new "better" family which surely gives me opportunities to reach high places or gain authority in the future???" Although then I'm missing Dio's maximalism.
If only who could have some thoughts of embracing new reality and Jojo as the brother? Jojo is the best option to u know.. comfort ppl? Literally, there are all conditions to make a gentle human being out of Dio, huh.
Also I just want to write more double-meaning situations between these two. When from Dio's side it's not obvious wether he's a pure evil creature (from his early teens) or he's just so traumatized that he acts violent unintentionally and is silent about seeking some help (because of pride or fear or stuff) from the outer world (aka Joestars family). And Jonathan who doesn't want to believe that Dio sincerely hates him but can't justify his actions and also hesitant to explicitly explain his step bro's behavior. The "dumbness" of Jorge Joestar is kinda fitting, since the trope of parent who devalue one of his children's words towards other child's wild actions is perfect. Haha.
So it works like a psychological horror because everything is unclear and weird
♡ The figure like a true-ally for Dio. We've seen Pucci as this type of faithful follower, in Diego's case it was Hot Pants, although she's more independent, but still. And Part 1 Dio had some... weird minions lol. So another Italian catholic person would fit in perfectly, tho it's better to make a reasonable circumstance why these two will work well together. At first I thought about Hot Pants alter-ego, still the reason behind this thing is meh. Love? Certainly big no, it's meaningless for both of them. A common aim? Well Dio's was to become the richest man in the entire world, destroy the Joestars, then denial of his own humanity. And hers, who's a religious person? What would that possibly be what also crosses Dio's interests? Idk. Maybe another pov on religion or Christianity itself and fanatism of Dio? Supporting him at this rate? Boring. I'll fuck this shit up immediately.
♡ Demons. Yes we have vampires there, yes some magic things like stands, hamon, saint corpse, those freaking arrows, the mask... Demons isn't something which isn't suitable 🤧.
So Dio's ancestors were dealing with demons, kings of Hell. And maybe Dario owes something to a greedy demon even after his death, so the debt goes to the son. I want to use the image of King Paimon (because I love Hereditary lol). And Dio learns some weird stuff from this demon before becoming a vampire, so this creature becomes his new ideal, since he didn't have any role models. Tho, Dario aka anti-role model. And here's this demonic great king of Hell huh. So they'll have some sort of contract, after their interactions Dio has ambitions of becoming as great as this demon. And also reject the humanity because of demon's influence. Also King Paimon will tell him about his own origins aka Heaven and this funny story how Lucifer and Paimon and other rebellions were banished from there. And THIS will be the motivation for Dio to think about reaching heaven himself, since you need to have almost a God power to reach it, although even the strongest creatures like Lucifer and Paimon (aka former high class angels) couldn't fight for it for a long time huh and were defeated by God's army.
♡ About King Paimon. Originally I wanted him to be a spiritual demon who chooses the body to reincarnate in Hot Pant's alter ego in Phantom Blood universe. And in this case it'll be her ancestors who were dealing with demons to become rich etc etc, so the girl tried to wash away her sins by praying to God, BUT it didn't help huh🧐. So King Paimon found her and made her his vessel. However he didn't like the body as it was female and the demon prefers to be in male one (stolen from Hereditary I don't even hide it.) So HP would be partially (?) possessed and somehow Paimon choose Dio as his male vessel — tho I didn't make up why Dio and how. If Paimon sees "evil origins" of Dio's soul it's too naive, huh. And then, since Paimon chose Dio's male body he'd like to stay with HE'S female head since he likes her feminine face. It's from description of Paimon – "he's a man woth effeminate face". That's funny and cooperates woth canon story where Dio's body was destroyed by Jonathan, so there was only his head. As the result, it turns out that Paimon is kinda faceless, because he prefers human's appearance.
But idk why I felt conflicted about it. So I manged to make him a proper look as a demon, his true appearance. Guess he'll be a tall young-looking man with greyish skintone, but he'd look more like middle eastern person and would wear some south eastern clothes. The main colours are black and golden, his eyes would be completely white and shining in his demon form – in human they'd be jet black to make his gaze soulless. Also dark lips and eerie smile. Most of the time he'd be calm. I'd like to imagine him and his dromedary are wearing crowns. Armenian ones are just perfect! Paimon would have dark long hair which are covered with his headdress. I don't want to show his hair much, it's like I want to define his face with headdressing and loose scarf around his neck. Also he'd wear a lot of golden eastern jewelry, the ones which look like coins on chains arounf the forehead. Also earrings and rings.
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jojoeyo · 6 months
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Jojo AU where everything is the same, except Dio is a chihuahua
inspired by this post
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Just got into JoJo and holy shit your star swap AU?????? It fucking waters my crops, and holy shit I am eating it up.
(Also Star Swap!Jolyne and Joseph being little shits and fucking up people in their swapped bodies is so. so very fucking funny to me.)
Jolyne does not give a single flying fuck about any of this shit. She absolutely hates 90% of Everything that's going on, and Dio is at the very tippy top of that list. She takes every possible opportunity to use Stone Free to fuck with him and to avoid getting caught, but every once in a while she'll do something to freak him out but then pretend that nothing's wrong (ex, she'll "leave" her limbs around in places he can find or see, like a finger or two, and then will have it fall apart into string so he can't see it anymore)
Jolyne decides to Gaslight Gatekeeper Girlboss her way through her adventure and honestly good for her
and ofc, when she learns Hamon she just becomes even more of a little shit. Stone Free is criminally perfect for Hamon usage, with the strings acting as essentially wires to send the charge further as well as being completely prehensile and unable to be seen by most. If she wasn't worried about not getting found out for so long, things would've been laughably easy for her. Underhanded yes, but given everything Dio's done she feels being underhanded isn't even close to lowering herself to his level
then there's also Joseph, out beloved trickster and, I'm sure to absolutely nobody's surprise given the number of posts I've made about that part of the au, my personal favorite
just. there's so many things happening so quickly in Part 5 that Joseph is going to pull off so much shit back to back without any time to offer an actual explanation. Not because he's dodging the questions (which...... okay admittedly he kinda is), but because there just isn't any time
Him knowing Hamon throws so many wrenches into that Part because it's simply not equipped for it. Joseph's able to do so much and cause so many problems because unlike in Parts 1 and 2, there's NOBODY who has any fucking clue what Hamon is or how to fight it. Sure there are still threats and weaknesses, but the fact nobody knows what they are means Joseph is more or less running completely free
and honestly??? compared to fighting vampires and the Pillarmen, this stuff with the gang is WAY easier by comparison. Not easy, but easier. Stands have different rules and limits, the most obvious one being they roughly only have one main ability. What Joseph may lack in raw power he makes up for in sheer versatility with the almost endless ways to use and apply Hamon
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gofishygo · 1 month
i had a thought about marine life cod something something sighhhh and now i wanna draw them. all of them.
the first thing i thought of was vampire squid!konig.... you get what i see right, or like, he could be some other (massive) squid
gaz reminds me of a nurse shark.. number one, they're cute and look sweet, number two they look awfully boopable🎀🎀 there's no number three but just look at pictures of them that's literally gaz
soap would be a ray maybe?? specifically a spotted eagle ray. he could be a narwhal too because they're silly <3
phantom jellyfish!ghost obviously!!!
i'm thinking price could be a whale, but i'm not sure what yet? i;m so indecisive... beluga!price or humpback whale!price, perhaps?
and nikolai is a pilot whale like are you joking
i have no ideas for the others yet sadly because i have a little pea brain, but ill probably come up with some things soon...
fellow anon, DRAW THEM . I LOVE MARINE LIFE COD AUS SO MUCH RRHHRHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHH !!!!!!!!! please pleasep lease dra them if u have time ....... they give me brain juices... .. . .. .
yayaya !!!! konig could definetly be a vampire squid !! tbh ive always seen him as maybe under the octopoda order (mostly due to the insane amounts of cthulu nd octo konig in this fandom) but i can certainly see him as a vampire squid !!! he gives the vibes- generally trying to contain the power he has and not get unnecessary blood on his hands (vampire squids are detritivore) nd a lot less menacing than it seems . more of an avoidant personality as well !!
and YAYAYYYAYAYYA gas is definitely some type of less aggressive shark !!! honestly nurse shark matches him the best but i occasionally believe he is a catshark or epaulette , they're easygoing and docile (IF UNPROVOKED) and so so cutie patootie i project my fav sharks on him bc he is my fav character
and soap does give ray vibes, but hear me out : eel soap >!?!! especially variants that hunt via electricity (like him !! but he uses bombs that arent necessarily IEDs but SAME THING) and r super duper energetic a lot , but oh em gee,,,,,,, he would make such a good spotted eagle ray .....
ok we all agree on phantom jelly ghost its cannon guys he is literally the big mysterious jelly
and price , although i like to think of him as a great white (better dynamics w/ other characters), he honestly would match a lot of species of whale much better . i forgot the name of this species specifically , but i do believe it was some type of bleaked whale ?? they scar white from injuries over time, and have a long lifespan . most of them will turn white over their lifespan due to the injuries that they get, and i think that does go after price's military career and how his scars the events he's lived through have sort of become part of him (ghost could definitely be this species too now i think about it), and how he's lived past points where his allies have fallen .
i would like to think that laswell would be some form of species of whale , maybe one that is intelligent and capable of many forms of mutalism relationships due to her being ... yknow .... insanely based ....
makarov would be an orca. highly intelligent, only realised to be extremely dangerous once studied. ganging up on every fucking fish in the world. capable of competing with other apex predators like great whites.
graves.... unpopular opinion, but he is a stonefish . sneaky bastard and incredibly fucking dangerous . but stupid looking and a silly skrumkle very much so .
nyways i am too tired to think but i will go to sleep dreaming of the 141 eating salmon tonight ......... thank u very mysterious but very lovely fishy anon ...........
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kanekoii · 8 months
hi!! i already requested twice (the cuddling hcs for elira, alban, ike, and shu + sonny where hes childhood friends w the reader) and ive come to make another req!! (sorry if u have a lot of reqs lmao) can u do relationship hcs for alban bc he would be a very silly cat bf, me thinks
also can i be 🧁 anon incase i ever req more in the future? ty!
lyra’s notes -> welcome to the dumpster family 🧁!! 🎀 and 🍀 say hi to your new sibling anon!
pairing -> alban knox x gn! reader
genre -> headcanons
warnings -> slight strong language
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sweet boyfriend. we know he likes clothes that are baggy on him so imagine wearing his shirts or pants sometimes, he would be in absolute heaven seeing you like that. he can’t help but shower you in kisses when you wear his little cat ear shaped hairclips. sometimes when he’s away on his missions as a phantom thief, he’ll ask you to wear them when you go out at night so he can recognize you from afar just in case the worst case scenario were to come to reality.
okay you gotta hear me out on this one you know that spiderman kiss thing…yeah…that with alban. he did it as a joke but it ended up being your first kiss with local cat boyfriend.
sometimes he’ll come home bruised and battered from his missions and if you, unlike me, don’t have whatever the hell blood phobia is called, he’ll gladly let you patch him up then ruffle his fluffy hair. his face will light up with a bright blush when you ruffle his hair like that and kiss him on the cheek.
he really REALLY loves sleeping in the same bed as you, his head listening to the ever so gentle ba-dump of your heart’s beat. his kisses are light and soft, especially in the mornings.
alban absolutely ADORES snuggling with you during some of his streams. he’ll have his facecam on (again, weird au where the model is what the actual person looks like) and be laying on the couch during games like mario party, you laying with him and usually napping. when you add your commentary, his chat goes absolutely WILD with comments on how cute of a couple the two of you are.
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hannahmanderr · 8 months
I love some melodramatics, so:
Kiss 50 & Pitch Pearl
~ 50. kisses with their last dying breath (it's an AU, that's all you need to know afdhskjsfad. hopefully it's melodramatic enough) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Time was not on Danny’s side.
Maybe if this were a fairytale, the damning tolls of a clock striking midnight would be echoing throughout the castle. Maybe he’d be swooping into the throne room with a steed of white and a blade sharp as his wit and the looks of the valiant hero come to save the day. Maybe it would be the time for some sort of latent prowess to show, or some unyielding bravery to kick in, or something, anything, to help him pull through.
But this was no fairytale. There was no clock chiming away the seconds, only the painful thudding of his heart reminding him of the ever-nearing deadline. He did not swoop into the throne room like a hero, rather he staggered in, barely able to hold himself up. There was no miracle, eleventh-hour asset making itself known, only the gaping wound in his side reminding him that there was more than one deadline rapidly approaching.
He needed to hurry.
Gasping against the pain wracking his body, he dragged himself across the throne room and up to the dais. Stairs proved themselves to be difficult, and shame burned away at him when he had to drop and finish the last few steps on all fours, using the sword he carried as a means to pull himself forward.
But determination burned brighter than shame.
At the top of the dais, he finally managed to pull his head up to look, and he couldn’t contain another gasp at the sight before him.
The throne itself was beautiful. Carved with obsidian and set with hundreds of thousands of twinkling diamonds, a high back towering towards the vaulted ceiling, lined with a plush green velvet that looked more expensive than anything he’d ever seen. Every bit fitting a powerful king.
Its occupant, however, stood in stark contrast to the image of a powerful king. Danny recognized the face well - it had imprinted after his own, after all - but where once there had been vigor and vivaciousness in its expression, there was now only the gaunt outline of sallow cheeks and a paleness matched only in death. The body sat limp and lifeless, bound in thick, glowing chains. A crown blacker than the throne rested on the head, and a large ring wrapped around a finger on the left hand. Both were ablaze with acidic green flames.
The sight made Danny’s stomach churn. “Phantom…” he whispered hoarsely, feeling more helpless than he had when the breach of the castle had begun.
But he couldn’t allow himself to be helpless. Not now.
He stumbled over to the throne and fell onto his knees at Phantom’s feet. The sword clattered onto the ground. Carefully, he pried a hand away from the wound in his side and rested it on Phantom’s knee, leaving a handprint of sticky blood.
“Please, Phantom, please, you have to wake up.” Begging would be pointless, he knew, but the words escaped his mouth before he could stop them. Tears began to fall down his cheeks as he stared at Phantom’s closed eyelids, willing them to open.
They didn’t.
Danny let out a cry, a mixture of pain, grief, and fear. He grabbed his fallen sword and, with a desperate, clumsy swing, drove the blade into the side of the throne, where Phantom’s chains wrapped. Metal grated against metal, and the sword rebounded violently. Danny nearly lost his grip on it. 
The chains remained uncut and unmarked.
It’s pointless, child, a deep voice rumbled. It reverberated in his chest and echoed around the room. Those bonds will never be severed, not with a silly human weapon.
Despite the swell of fear and adrenaline the voice brought, Danny pulled a face. Blowing bangs out of his eyes, ignoring the agonizing sting in his side as he raised his arm, he swung again, only for the same result. “Quiet,” he panted. “You won’t win this. I won’t let you.”
The voice laughed, and a chill ran down Danny’s spine. You only fool yourself, it taunted. He is nearly drained now. Perhaps you will discover how to free him, but you will be too late. 
The throne flickered, and Danny pulled away in horror. 
A sarcophagus began to flicker in its place.
“No!” The strangled cry tore across his vocal cords. He swung his sword a third time, dissolving the sarcophagus away. The throne reappeared with Phantom, looking worse than he had just a moment ago. 
Danny choked back a sob. Phantom’s name fell from his lips like a prayer, and he crawled up and into the throne, bracing his knees on either side of Phantom and resting on his lap. Unable to restrain his tears, becoming dizzy from the loss of blood, he took Phantom’s face in his hands. “Please…” he begged. “Please tell me how to free you. I’ll do anything, anything you ask, just please, wake up…”
How does it go again? The voice sounded more amused than anything. An eye for an eye? I suppose the same principle applies here. Power for power. A life for a life. You should rejoice, child. His worthless existence will be the key to my own. It is only a matter of time now.
Danny ignored the voice. His thumb stroked Phantom’s bony cheek, and tears dripped onto the chains binding him, sizzling as they hit the metal. “You can’t leave me,” he whispered. “Not yet. Please…”
He pulled Phantom’s head to his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead before burying himself in soft white hair. Another sob wracked his body, followed closely by a fresh wave of pain. 
Time was most certainly not on his side.
As the voice cackled around him again, as he cried into Phantom’s hair, he mourned. Mourned for the life tied to the throne, mourned for the Realms about to be sealed to a fate worse than death, mourned for everything to be lost in this moment.
And selfishly, he mourned for the life he would never have with the one he held in his arms.
The voice’s words echoed in his ears.
A life for a life…
A pang gripped his heart, and whether it was from his death approaching all too quickly or the grief of knowing what he had to do, he would never know.
The strength it took to pull himself away from Phantom’s head exceeded the strength he thought he had remaining, but somehow, he still managed to do so. He gazed longingly into the face he’d come to love, and if he concentrated, he could see past the lifelessness and picture Phantom smiling and laughing once more.
The thought was comforting.
But time was running out. 
Darkness began to creep into his vision. Danny brought his mouth in towards Phantom’s and paused. Their lips barely touched. 
A life for a life…
“My life is yours,” Danny whispered against Phantom’s mouth. “Forever and always.”
He closed his eyes and sealed them together. Their lips. Their bodies. Their beings. 
Darkness overcame him.
The last thing he saw as he succumbed to the darkness was a pair of brilliant green eyes flickering open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Send me a ship and a number from this ask game and I'll write a drabble or draw a sketch!
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I had this really silly idea but:
Sapphire Heartverse but set in Phantom Blood. Imagine Vanilla and Tippy and Bel decked out in 1880s style outfits! Also Jonathan and the gang with bodies and Dio with his original body lol.
We're adding another au to the roster!! 😎✨
I remember reblogging that awesome art of "what if Vanilla was also in PB?" He looked so cool 😭 (I can't find that specific art for some reason but I'll edit this post once I do 💪)
But yeah, that's an interesting idea!!
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pixies-and-poets · 8 months
oh man that vampire fic was SO juicy (lol)... how did tom react when woodrow passed out? Or what abt taking care of him afterwards? Any ideas?
THANK YOU, I'm really glad people liked it-!! I have to throw it onto the pile of stuff to think about from time to time along with the High Seas AU and the werewolf AU and the sparks of despair AU and the necromancer AU, how did this happen to me aslkjf;lksjd
But yeah I got to thinking about it and I was just going to list out what I think would have happened, but then... at that point, why not just narrate it? And so, the scene from Tom's perspective...
The ghost withdrew his fangs slightly, letting the blood flow faster. Every sip, every gulp was ecstasy. No prey had ever been like him. The eating was always decadent on Palette Prime, it was true, but- combine that with the rich blood of a poet, and a special spice all his own, the seasoning born of curses and misfortune. He could never know, never comprehend, what a treasure he was.
Woodrow groaned and turned his head, and Tom turned it back with his paw, stilling him. Silly man... he needed to not move this much, or his punctures might tear. There was quite a difference between a neat clean bite and a ragged wound, and he didn't want his darling getting hurt more than need be. Although, his performative struggle was irresistibly adorable...
And suddenly, something was amiss. The struggle had ceased completely. There was an unnatural stillness.
As difficult as it was to do so, Tom withdrew from his beloved's neck and looked at his face. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open, the skin in his ears and around his eyes as blanched as a watery dawn; and no visible breath stirred him. The vampire's eyes widened as the warm blood he had just drank turned cold as ice within him. He hadn't- no! No, he had been trying so hard not to go too far-
He shot a paw out to his prey's wrist, and held it. It was there... faint, but there. A pulse.
A shudder of relief passed through the vampire. Then his eyes darted, looking around for something to halt the continued bleeding. There- on the side of the bed, Woodrow's ribbon. It belonged around his neck anyway- he grabbed it and tied it around his darling's tender neck, a few loops, just tight enough. The makeshift bandage worked; a stain of deep red appeared within the pink, then stopped growing.
The Phantom allowed himself a sigh of relief now. He gently lifted the poet, took off his coat, and set it to the side; then lifted the thick blankets and slid the unconscious body underneath, settling his head anew on the pillow. "There, there, my darling, my sweet," he said in a sing-song, his voice still carrying a slight tremble of nerves. He was singing as much to comfort himself as the one who could not even hear him.
He pulled down the blankets slightly, exposing the chest, and laid a hand over the heart. The faint beat traveled through his arm, vibrating the dead stillness of his own core. Tenderly, but firmly, he began to massage his beloved's chest, and his arms, from wrist to shoulder- trying to improve the circulation of the little blood he had left.
As he did so, once again humming and singing half to himself, he began to feel a little foolish for his former terror. So what if Woodrow had died? There were means to bring him back, of course, before it was too late. He would join his Lord, truly- spread his wings, both figuratively and literally, a fellow creature of darkness. He need not lose the poet in spirit. He need not say goodbye.
...But Tom did not want that. And he knew Woodrow did not want that. He did not want to die, and the vampire did not want him to die. He was gloriously alive; not only a source of fresh blood, but a source of everything else that Tom lacked. There was something about the writer that made Tom yearn for a time long lost to him... sunlight and warmth, the orange and gold of a forest in the afternoon.
As the ghost gazed upon his prey, he could not help but see him as a diagram, his eyes tracing every vein and artery in his strangely-shaped body. Each of those was so precious; they connected his brain and his beating heart, they bound together his living body, they carried all good things.
No; he would never understand how precious he was, indeed.
He settled down next to the poet and caressed his head. He began to stir, and the Phantom knew he would soon awaken. He must keep his composure, when so; he could not let Woodrow know how close he had come to death. Worry was the last thing the poet needed; Tom must must play it cool, and suave, and firm- and as difficult as it was for them both, he had to promise to take a hiatus while the poet's body restored itself.
And in the meantime, he would provide for him, like a young bird- the strange, wonderful little crow that he was. Whatever he wanted, Tom would find and bring back to their nest, if he had to fight tooth and bat-claw to get it. He would be warm and safe while he produced more of the precious nectar that fueled his body, wonderfully and irreplaceably alive.
"Darling," he said again, softly, rubbing the poet's cheek with the back of his hand. "Do not leave me. Do not join me in the cold of death. I love you. I love you as you are."
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argentsunshine · 7 months
it is with a heavy heart that i announce that i have written a fic again. more lighthearted than my standard fare
blood capsules
wordcount: 2095 words, chapter 1/1, complete summary: Detective Goro Akechi has agreed to work with the police to prevent the notorious Phantom Thieves from robbing a building. Dealing with their leader — well, that's a job he can't entrust anyone else with. warnings: none characters: Akira Kurusu, Goro Akechi ship: Goro Akechi/Akira Kurusu additional tags: Detective/Thief AU, Alternate Universe - Actual Phantom Thieves (Persona 5), fake arrest, Secret Relationship, ish?, they are being silly, I don't know if this is fluff, akechi goro hates cops
ao3 link in another rb as always
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bug-decal-kissing · 6 months
Hey friends!
An Invitation, by chilipot, was updated today, with 3/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "Prohibited wish - Freeform, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Office, Office, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, band au, Fluff, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, someone give scarab a raise, they're both autistic and in love your honor, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Alcohol, Weed, Smoking, Concerts, Music, Inspired by Music"
A new work, woke up burning by VioletThePorama, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "Mentioned Prismo, Eye Trauma, Mild Gore, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Drabble, Takes place after another fic, Inspired by Fanfiction, Magic, Phantom pain, Past Violence, I don't think it's too graphic but tagged for safety"
You can read it here:
NSFW works are below the cut :].
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning, by grylos, was updated today, with 3/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "Genocide, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Bombs, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Happy Ending, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Backstory, Slow Burn, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Physical Abuse, Explicit Sexual Content, Corruption"
You can read it here:
A new work, Honorary Nasty by TJade, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Smut, Lack of Communication, that gets fixed, Self-Harm, Scarab sticks a pin through himself while masturbating, That's it. It’s not graphic or anything I promise, Light Angst, Humiliation, Safewords, Dirty Talk, Fantasizing, Happy Ending"
You can read it here:
Interlinked, by Finn565, was updated today, with 11/14 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "Human AU, Blade Runner AU, I played pretty lose with the lore so forgive me for that, Violence, not too gorey tho, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Orbo is a piece of shit, sorry I just made him that way in this fic, Prismo is just a lovely guy, Prismo is going to teach Scarab to love fr, Kissing, Hurt/Comfort, Porn With Plot, smut in later chapters, Confessions, Trans Scarab, they’re in love your honor"
You can read it here:
Timekiller, by MatrixDream, was updated today, with 5/16 Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, and No Archive Warnings Apply, and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, and Major Character Death, with additional tags "One-shots!, Angst, Loneliness, Isolation, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, (Tags will update as fic updates), Bug Scarab, Popcorn, Captured in a pickle jar, silliness, Physical Disability, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Scarab had his wings removed as punishment headcanon, Blood and Violence, Blood and Injury, Ableism, Chronic Pain, Self-Harm, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Triggers, Whump, Monkey's Paw AU, Major character death - Freeform, Violence, Hurt No Comfort, major angst, mentions of gore, Revenge, Ambiguous/Open Ending, (But still hopeful), Let me know if I missed any tags/warnings!"
You can read it here:
Sans Soleil, by Cosmic_Rainstorm, was updated today, with 6/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Blood and Injury, Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Slow Burn, Idiots in Love, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Scarab has PTSD, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, babys first fic, No beta we die like Jake, Human AU, Kinda, As in Prismos hair will always be pink and idc, Broken Bones, Scarab has Chronic Pain, Swearing, smoking weed, Survivors Guilt, Mentions of Suicide, Mental Abuse, self worth issues, Coming Out, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Mental Breakdown, healing infections through herbal treatments, is that a thing? cause it is in this, Gets worse before it gets better, infection/sickness, Blood and Gore, Violence, idk how the military works, idk how broken bones work either, Panic Attacks, Prismo sleeps in weird positions, Hes Fine, these old men got chronic pain, scarab has arthritis, prismo has abandonment issues"
You can read it here:
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davyjoneslockr · 11 months
IDK IF ITS TOO LATE FOR THE CHARACTER ASK GAME buuut trish if ur still doing it!
(For this ask game)
First impression: I guess I didn’t really think much about her at first? I loved her intro and her almost breaking Narancia’s wrist + dunking on Fugo for no discernible reason was so awesome of her. But she unfortunately kinda took a back seat for the beginning parts of Vento Aureo, and I just found myself wishing there was more of her, and that she was granted more agency by the narrative.
Impression now: LOVE HER SO MUCH. After like the halfway point of VA she very quickly became a highlight of the part for me. The way she doesn’t hesitate to question what’s happening around her, chooses to become an active player instead of letting her (very justified) fear consume her, and when she not only gets a stand, but one that presents her softness as a strength and demonstrates the incredible resolve she has? So so good. I also really really love her in the Purple Haze Feedback bonus chapter, where she meets Bucciarati’s mom and ponders whether he was a good person after all, and I think she was a great perspective to frame the Giorno vs Mista fight in the flashback. I only wish she had more time in the spotlight, and that she had a more active role in the final fight (which. Sorta ties in to other criticisms I have of the part as a whole).
Favorite moment: Obvious answer, but the Notorious BIG fight. Like I said before, I think Spice Girl is a perfect stand for her, and I like that she’s sentient, which allows her to basically interact with her own conscience while she’s suddenly thrust into a life-or-death situation only she can handle. And we finally have a fight where it’s not Giorno stepping in to save everyone – because without Trish, Giorno would’ve been out of commission for good. I also just found the way she struggles, has to think on her toes, and ultimately perseveres very refreshing and human in a way that reminds me of what I loved about Jonathan in Phantom Blood. And her “arrivederci” at the end is so awesome I clap and cheer every time I see it. Again it makes me wish we had more Trish-centric arcs, because Notorious BIG was so so good and she was what made it such a highlight for me.
Idea for a story: Post-canon Trish aughhh I love you. Whether it’s immediately after Vento Aureo where Giorno isolates her from her only living friends, and she has to navigate life on her own after her world was shattered over the course of a week, or years down the road where (I think) she eventually reunites with them, has to confront Fugo now that’s he’s back, interacts with Sheila E. (so much tragic toxic foil relationship potential), and balances her stardom with her ties to the criminal underworld. I need to write more about her there’s so much to talk about with her.
Unpopular opinion: As much as I love AUs where she joins Passione in some capacity, I don’t think that would be a good or satisfying ending for her. I think she retains those relationships eventually, and she definitely wont ever be able to live a “normal” life after everything she witnessed, but the fact that she ultimately leaves Passione and does something else with her life is good, actually. It builds on her contrasts with Narancia (where he didn’t take the chance to lead a better life, and she did), and, frankly, I don’t think she deserves to have to do horrible things and fight to survive for the rest of her life.
Favorite relationship: Her and Narancia!! The parallels between them are so awesome, and I like how Narancia projects onto her at first, but eventually gets to actually know her as a person – and while they’re different in many ways, they’re still similar, and Trish grows to trust him, too (love that one of the first things she does after the body swap is to run to “Narancia” for comfort). And her friendship with Mista by the end is so fun and silly too, and quickly turns tragic with the PHF bonus chapter stuff. Let them go to the mall together please I’m begging no more horrors </3
Favorite headcanon: When she’s older and far into her music career, rumors start spreading around that she’s involved with the mafia. They’re generally treated with the same level of seriousness as the “Paul McCartney/Avril Lavigne died and was replaced with a lookalike” conspiracies. Eventually, she puts out a rock opera concept album based on a “fictional mafia story,” with a couple strangely-dressed musicians nobody can place a name to – a guitarist and a pianist – joining her usual lineup. Everyone praises her for being a meme savvy queen.
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Hi lovelies,
Tumblr Fic Commissions
TW: Dark topics briefly mentioned.
I know the prices below may seem expensive, but I'm a broke uni student who desperately needs the money. I've been writing for fifteen years, and study Creative Writing at undergraduate level. I've been receiving high grades for my work. I've also been writing on AO3 for almost five years now, where I've written free commissions before. Here's a link for a sample of my writing. I accept requests via Tumblr, Instagram, Threads and AO3.
<500 words=£5.
500-1000 words=£10.
1000-1500 words=£15.
1500-2000 words-£20.
2000-2500 words-£25.
2500+ words=£30.
♡ Bonuses ♡
+£5 for addition of OCs.
+£5 for it to be written within three days.
+£10 for fandoms I'm not in or historical/ scientific fics (research).
I take payments via PayPal only, and 50% deposit (refundable for up to 7 days, should you change your mind).
Fandoms I'll write for, at no extra cost: Yuri On Ice, Heartstopper, Good Omens, Andi Mack, Bojack Horseman, Chicago Med, any Osemanverse stuff as well as Heartstopper, Julie and the Phantoms, Percy Jackson, Beetlejuice, Legally Blonde, Mean Girls, Mamma Mia, Waitress and Heathers (former musical theatre kid, what can I say).
I will write:
-Chaotic fics.
-Group chat fics.
-Silly fics.
-Funny fics.
-Angst fics.
-Character death, if not gory.
-Hurt and comfort.
-Hurt and no comfort.
-Poly relationships.
-Open relationships.
-Most ships, if any characters involved are of age.
-Enemies to lovers.
-Best friends to lovers.
-Song fics.
-Fics that are entirely dialogue.
-Fics that are entirely prose (such as an action scene, or insight into a character's thoughts).
-Platonic fics.
-Friendship fics.
-Found family.
-Coffee shop AU.
-Flower shop/ Tattoo Parlour AU.
-University AU.
-High School AU.
-Historical AU.
-Canon Divergence.
-Fics that read like/ are similar to poems.
-Sick fics.
-Fics involving non-sexual physical intimacy (hugging, holding hands etc. I don't count kissing as sexual as an ace person and will add it to my fics either way).
-I may allude to sex in a fic without writing it.
-Fics dealing with gender dysphoria.
-Fics dealing with questioning sexuality or gender.
-Fics surrounding identity.
-Fics with religious trauma/ guilt.
-Fics with religion as a positive aspect of a character's life.
-Disability as a positive thing.
-Mental health issues, including heavier topics. I will include a TW, of course.
-Fics with a happy ending.
-Fics set in space.
-Fantasy or other genres.
-Heavy topics, such as abortion, AIDS and euthanasia. I think it's important to normalise discussing these things.
-A variety of other AUs, but I will not age underage characters up.
That aside, DM me on Instagram or on my Tumblr asks, or comment on one of my AO3 fics, as with all requests.
I will NOT write:
-Smut (I'm asexual, so for me, it's uncomfortable to write. It's a personal preference. Plus, I've never written it before, and I would like to work in education as well as write, and do not want it showing up during background checks. Please respect this).
-Scenes with drug abuse of any kind.
-Excessive violence (lots of blood, stabbing, shooting. Fight scenes are fine.)
-Anything homophobic, zionist, transphobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, anti-semitic, racist, sexist, ableist or discriminatory in any way, shape or form. I will write about experiences of ableism for a disabled character, homophobia for a gay character etc but will not write works with the message that these forms of discrimination are acceptable. It should go without saying that they're not.
-Pretty much any non-sexual kink. Again, a personal preference.
-Omegaverse stuff. Or anything with dark, damaged "alpha males" with anger issues involved.
Unless you paid an extra £5 for a fic to come out quicker, commissions may take me up to a few weeks, depending on how many I have to write, my uni workload and stuff going on in my personal life. I will keep you posted about it consistently.
That said, thanks for engaging with this post! I am very grateful for all of your support. It means a lot to me 💗
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nabtime · 1 year
Our Empty Graves IV
Fandom: Danny Phantom / Batman: Under the Red Hood
Pairings: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd (Dead on Main)
Rating: Mature
Tags: batfamily, hazmat AU, Nobody Knows AU, Mute!Phantom, potential ghost king danny, slow burn?, DC means Disregard Canon, AU means AU nothing is exactly the same, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, more than canon typical violence, danny is a Halfa and also a Fetch, no beta we die like basically everyone
Summary: They say that Red Hood has a loyal mutt. The man rules his territory in Crime Alley with an iron fist and a guard dog at his side. They say that Hood calls him Fetch, sometimes Fetcher. No one's ever heard him speak. Anyone who's ever seen him says he looks like an experiment gone wrong, that Hood picked him up somewhere unspeakable. They say he'll do anything Red Hood asks of him and he'll do it well. That he's strong and fast and probably inhuman. The girls say he's sweet; quiet but charming in his own way. Rival gangs say he's vicious; that he'd sooner rip your throat out than let you go.
Jason just wants to help him.
Chapter 4: sing to me (cause i can't hear myself)
Chapter Summary: Red Hood and Danny have a talk over soup
Chapter Notes: title from Sing to Me by MISSIO Links: AO3 // Chapter 1 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
What the hell had he gotten himself into now?
Danny hadn’t laid on a couch in what felt like years. Graveyard benches, tree branches, and mausoleum roofs were very poor substitutes for cushions or mattresses. The couch was rank and decrepit and leaking stuffing all over the place and it felt heavenly. There was also a weirdly abundant supply of ectoplasm just floating around the place. Ancients he hoped that didn’t mean what he thought it meant. He better not have invaded another ghost’s Haunt. He did not want to deal with a territorial asshole trying to fight him off when he needed to heal. He was not leaving this couch for anything.
Warily he gathered up the ectoplasm telekinetically and wrapped it all around himself like a faintly glowing blanket, soaking it in with a small contented churr from his core. He still thought it was weird-all the animal like noises he could make. Noises that were instinctual and part of Core Speak, which was a lesser form of Ghost Speak. Ghost Speak itself was less about words and more about emotions and the vague intention of thoughts. Like when sounds and colors could convey a certain feeling or impression. He’d used a bit of it to talk to Red Hood even though Ghost Speak was something humans couldn’t understand or even perceive. It was an unconscious habit- Ghost Speak was the only way he could communicate with the other ghosts (not that they cared much for what he had to say most of the time) and he couldn’t even try to talk to anyone else usually.
It was nice that Red Hood still seemed to be able to understand him, it felt good to ‘talk’ with someone willing to play charades.
But, Ancients, what an embarrassing conversation. He’d been so delirious from being punch drunk and having blood loss. He was lucky he couldn’t talk because he couldn’t imagine what kind of filth he would’ve been spewing, waxing poetic about Red Hood’s juicy ass or something, if he could’ve. Just because it really was a juicy ass didn’t mean Red Hood had to know. Although, he probably already knew that. Man couldn’t walk around with that much cake and not know it. So, Red Hood didn’t have to know that Danny knew about and appreciated his ass. And thighs. And arms. And tits. Aaaand- he really needed to think about something else.
Red Hood being surprisingly hilarious? He called him Ghostbuster Reject and he didn’t even know Danny was a ghost. Not to mention all the names for Batman like Goth Furry Man and Mr. Dark and Stormy Night. He could tell that Red Hood was keeping back more of them too. He’d take any silly nickname Red wanted to give him if it meant he didn’t have to go by the stupid name he’d given himself.
Fetcher the Fetch. Red was right, it made him sound like Moon Moon. It would have to do though. He couldn’t spread the name Phantom around, couldn’t risk the GIW or his parents trying to find him in Gotham. The city had enough of its own problems without the property damage and disregard for by-standers that came with either group.
He felt bad that he’d only given Red Hood the partial truth. He was a Fetch, but that wasn’t exactly a term well used outside of ghosts and the Realms. Fetch- the apparition of a being yet still alive. The ghost of a living person. Both alive and dead. Half ghost and half human. Not that Danny felt all that like a human anymore. He hadn’t changed in a long time and the only reason he knew he still had a side of himself still alive was the faint heart-beat that thumped just under his core.
He still felt a tad guilty about hiding the whole “dead guy” she-bang from Red, but he didn’t need some weirdly nice Gotham Rogue knowing his entire being was against the law. That he could be turned over to the government for a hefty bounty. Didn’t matter that the guy had saved his skin, he’d been betrayed more than once and he wouldn’t risk it with a stranger. He also didn’t want to cause trouble. Red Hood looked like a guy that could handle himself but also someone who would protect his own to the last. He didn’t need anyone getting shot on either side because of him. The GIW didn’t care about collateral damage and they really wouldn’t care about hurting people they thought didn’t matter and destroying homes already falling apart. It was unfair and maddening, but it was how they worked. Ruthless and unforgiving.
Was it sad that the ghosts he used to fight to protect the town were now the least of his problems? Most of them had been scared off by the GIW after they’d gotten more competent and started experimenting. After the Anti-Ecto Acts got passed, most of the regular ghosts had made themselves scarce. Only the more powerful guys had dared to step foot into Amity, and then they became Danny’s problem. And then the whole mess with Pariah had happened and then none of the ghosts wanted to go top side. No, Danny’s post in Amity, stuck as it was in the zone, had become more about preventing humans from entering the Zone than the other way around. He had to stop the occasional reckless spirit, but for the most part they stayed scarce.
He hoped the Realms would be okay while he was gone. Who knows what his parents or the GIW could get up to in his absence.
He dozed on and off for a good bit, sleep light as it always was in ghost form. He could avoid eating when he was Phantom by absorbing ectoplasm, and he could get by with much less sleep in this form as well. But when he was injured, especially as injured as he was now, he needed to rest to get better. Needed to conserve energy and soak. Like a nice bath. A ghostly hibernation.
He started to feel better each time he blearily woke before going back down.
One of the times he could hear clanging and shuffling, like someone making food in a kitchen. He figured Red Hood would have gotten take-out. Was he making food? Maybe he was just dreaming. Dreaming of a better time in a more familiar kitchen…
It was all vague sensations and feelings. Just the warm light of the sun streaming in through the kitchen window. Just the suggestion of a fresh breeze blowing through and stirring up the scent of spices permeating the cramped space. The susurration of curtains in the wind.  Just the faintest sound of humming and soft laughter. Like he’d fallen asleep in the kitchen and he was hearing everything through a drowsy fog.
It was warm. The oven was on. There was something giving off steam on the stove. He could hear pots clanging and utensils clinking. He could hear murmuring and rustling. There was the sensation of closeness and a sort of comfort and togetherness he rarely felt. It felt like contentment. It felt like love.
“Hey, sweetie,” his mom said, voice soft and dulcet. He could feel a warm hand rubbing his back. “It’s time for dinner now, sleepy-head.”
He said something in reply but he couldn’t hear it. He felt dizzy, like the room was spinning and everything he’d felt started to distort and spiral. His mother said something again but her voice came out cold and distorted and angry.
“What did you do with my son?”
“Hey,” a gruff voice, still staticky from being filtered, spoke as he was shaken awake. He blinked as the dream he’d been having floated away from his mind, forgotten as he rose from Nocturn’s hold into the realm of the wakeful.
“Black-white-and-green-all-over,” the voice said again, a hint of amusement lacing the words, “time to wake up and smell the bacon.”
“Food’s ready,” Red Hood said, straightening from where he’d been hovering over Danny to wake him.
His core let out a little sound, much like a cat just being woken. Cats and ghosts had a lot in common, sounds wise, and he was discovering new sounds he could make all the time. Most ghosts could just talk and Core Speak was considered something more intimate, to be used with close friends, lovers, and allies. But for him, it was the only way he could communicate until he could find a way to learn sign. His core seemed particularly talkative around Red Hood, too. Strange. Maybe because Red was the first person he’d encountered in ages that didn’t want to immediately kill him?
He blinked, stretching and tilting his head in question. What was that about?
“You’re adorable, kid,” Red answered, teasing.
Red Hood had his hands on his hips, arms bare in all their glory without his jacket, and was wearing an apron. A red apron with frills and a cute little skull printed on it. Who was this man to call Danny the adorable one?! Clearly he hadn’t seen himself in a mirror. It didn’t matter at all that Danny couldn’t see his face- the personalized apron was more than enough. Did he make that? Did someone else make it for him? He had so many questions he couldn’t ask.
Danny chose to just flip him off instead.
Red shook his head and headed back into the kitchen. “Get your ass in here and eat this soup already. You look like you’ve healed enough.”
If Danny could groan, he would. The thought of moving was not appealing. He had already told himself that he wasn’t moving from the couch for anything and that included whatever soup ‘The Red Hood’ decided to shovel into him.
Could Red even cook? He had a whole apron thing going on, but that didn’t really mean anything. Maybe it was a gag gift because of how bad he was at cooking. He shuddered. Well, no one could be worse than his parents. He’s pretty sure sentient food beats out burnt to a crisp any day. There wasn’t any smoke or sign of fire so that was encouraging at least.
He was mostly healed at this point, scrapes gone and bleeding stopped. He could move his arm again and he didn’t need to channel all his ectoplasm into healing alone. His thigh and his shoulder were still throbbing from the shitty Bat-a-rangs but they were on the mend. Honestly, for how bad off he’d been he was healing pretty well and pretty quickly. The benefits of being a dead guy. And landing in a city rich with the stuff that helped him. He had enough he could probably go invisible and freak out Red, but he’d refrain for now.
Still, he flopped over the cushions, debating on whether it was worth it to move or not. He didn’t need to eat and its not like his senses were the same in ghost form as they were in human form. He didn’t smell the same way and while he’d never tested it, he probably couldn’t taste the same way either. So what did it even matter-
And suddenly there was a mass of looming Red just hovering over him and then- still very suddenly, he was being lifted up from the couch. Cradled in very warm, very nice arms.
“H-up we go-,” Red Hood mumbled, very very close to Danny’s ear and making him shiver. He was carried princess style into the kitchen and plopped down into a rickety wooden seat. He stared dumbly down at the, frankly, delicious looking bowl of chicken noodle soup as he tried to process what the hell just happened. Everything was tingly and his mind was blank. He had phantom (haha) sensations of warmth where Red had held him. When was the last time he’d been touched without being hurt?
“Like a handful of grapes,” he heard Red mutter as he settled into the seat across from Danny. Wow, rude.
Red picked up a spoon and used it to point at Danny’s bowl. “Eat.”
He huffed and slid down in the chair a bit but picked up the spoon anyway. If he could grumble he would. He made sure to look as petulant as he could as he dipped his spoon into the broth. He stared dumbly again as he tried to figure out how he was supposed to eat.
He heard a mechanical click and looked up to see that Red had retracted part of his mask somehow, leaving the bottom half of his face bare. A cupid’s bow. Hm. A cupid’s bow turned up into a smirk. Red pointed again.
His voice was odd without the modulator, smooth and deep. And very clearly amused. And Danny really, really needed to think about other things. He had enough to worry about than to be distracted by a nice voice. One guy treats you like you’re not a monster and suddenly you go ga-ga for him. The thought made him sag further down into the chair, piercing the night with a shrill squeak. Fucking hopeless.
Danny sighed internally and went back to trying to figure out how to eat. Well, if he was healed enough to go invisible he was healed enough to go intangible. Partially.
He made the mask intangible but still visible, so to someone else it didn’t look any different from before. Then he brought the spoon up and let it pass through the mask unhindered. Oh Ancients. Chicken noodle soup. Good chicken noodle soup. He couldn’t smell it before but he could now, and it smelled divine and tasted even better. He would die a second time for this soup. Hell, he might kill someone for this soup. Red Hood wanted someone gone? He would do it. He’d do it for soup. He kind of wanted to cry about it. How long had it been since he’d had something to eat? Let alone something this good. And even less something that was home-made and this good. Yeah, if he kept thinking about it he would definitely cry.
He took another eager bite, willing to sink into the flavor- rich with things he’d almost forgotten about like garlic and onion and carrots and celery. Spices he couldn’t name giving it a taste like nothing else. He felt a deep warmth spread through his body and his core purred with contentment.
He blinked open his eyes that he hadn’t even realized he’d closed to find Red Hood staring at him.
“How the fuck are you doing that?” he asked, incredulous.
Danny tilted his head in feigned innocence. He had no idea what Red was talking about, no sirree.
“Don’t give me that, you know what you’re doing,” he said, pointing an accusatory finger towards him. “How the fuck are you doing it?”
Danny rolled his eyes and dropped his spoon . He held up his hand and then phased it through the table, waving his fingers in a little ta-da motion afterwards.
“Alright. Density-shifting,” he said, sounding just a bit exasperated. “Okay. That’s just a thing you can do, then.”
He didn’t know what density shifting was but figured it was close enough to intangibility that he nodded. He picked up his spoon but before he could eat the most delicious meal of his life, Red had another question.
“Anything else you can do that I should worry about?”
He paused (a tragedy, really) . It’s not like he could actually give a list. He could write it, yeah, but where was the fun in that. It also didn’t help that he couldn’t remember half of his powers on a good day. They were instinctual. Like a muscle he didn’t know the name of that he could flex . He could move the muscle but its not like he was aware of it. What it was called or how it worked.
He shrugged and continued eating.
“You know, glow-stick, there’s gonna come a point where I need answers,” Red said, voice wry. “I’ve let you get away with a lot already. Don’t think I’ll be lenient again,” he spoke with finality.
Danny regarded him seriously. Red Hood had let him move on without explaining things multiple times now. He was grateful for it honestly. He didn’t know how he would even start to untangle all that he was to this stranger. He couldn’t even do that with people he knew and trusted. And he didn’t want to go through being interrogated within an inch of his half-live again either. At least Red was being civil about everything.
He put his spoon down again (mournfully) and gave Red Hood a solemn nod. There wasn’t much else he could do to convey his thanks and his seriousness, but Red seemed to get the message.
“Good. Don’t cause trouble and it won’t be an issue.”
He wanted to laugh at that. Like he could ever stay out of trouble.
Red must have sensed his amusement because he made a motion with his head like he was rolling his eyes. Danny could tell even though he couldn’t see them behind the helmet. Looks like they were both able to communicate with body language pretty well, probably why Red was so good at reading him.
They ate in silence for a bit, the distant sound of sirens and gunfire lulling to a background noise he wouldn’t have thought he’d get used to so easily. But it was still somehow familiar, like a song he knew played on an instrument he’d never heard of. Police sirens instead of ghost attack sirens and gunfire instead of the odd electric crackle of ecto-blasts.
Danny melted into his chair as he finished his last bite, the warmth of the soup turning him into a puddle of goo. His belly felt full in a way it hadn’t in years. The last meal Jazz had made for him had been when he was what? Sixteen? Before she left. Before he left.
“So,” Red started, voice firm. Danny wanted to groan again. He didn’t want to have serious discussions, not now. All he wanted to do right now was become one with the table and savor his beautiful, beautiful soup. But Red Hood was relentless. Merciless.
“You said you fell from a portal?”
He nodded. Miserably.
“You got any way to get back through said portal?”
He stilled. No, he didn’t. He really didn’t.
He thought about what would happen next. Would he go back to his Haunt? Could he? He’d found his way topside and the only stable portal connecting the two halves was in the ruins of the place that Amity used to occupy. Both his parents’ portal and Vlad’s had been victims to the shift into the Zone, both weirdly inverting on themselves, collapsing and reforming- twisting reality in ways it should never have twisted.
Vlad’s portal never stabilized, shrinking down and imploding in on itself- condensing like a dying star becoming a black hole but bursting out in radioactive shock-waves instead. It took out half of Elmerton in the explosion as well. Thankfully the neighboring town had been evacuated the moment Amity disappeared so there weren’t any casualties. But it had definitely been a close call. His parent’s portal survived on a miracle, creating an exit for the townspeople when everyone realized that the city was stuck and there was no going back. Nobody died but- there wasn’t a single citizen who hadn’t lost everything. There was only so much that could be transported through the portal after all. It was the only time anyone ever let him near enough to help, if only to use his strength to carry the boxes of meager belongings through to the other side. Boxy knew better than to mess with them when he was around.
The truth was that he didn’t have anywhere to go. Anything to do. If he weren’t only half-ghost then the loss of his Haunt and Obsession could have Ended him, but as it were it just made him sad. Restless. Core-tearingly despondent. He’d already just been listlessly haunting the cemetery, fighting ghosts when they wanted to pick a fight with him. Skulker was really the only one that tried anymore.
The most he could hope for was a natural portal popping up that he could sneak into, and that was only if it didn’t spit him back out somewhere completely different instead of the Zone. While Gotham seemed to have an abundance of ectoplasm, that didn’t mean it had an abundance of portals.
Would he build a new place for himself here? Haunt a new graveyard? He could never be human again. He’d left that life far and long behind. Maybe he’d find a house to haunt, be a proper ghost and scare some people.
The thought left a bad taste in his mouth, but he elected to ignore it. He’d only just felt a little like a human again. A mistake.
He’d stalled long enough. He shook his head and waited for Red Hood’s reaction.
“ Anyplace to go?” he questioned, tone flat. Danny couldn’t begin to tell what he was thinking, he kept his cards close to his chest. But maybe there was a hint of concern there? Or maybe he was being too optimistic.
He shrugged, truthfully not knowing how to answer that. He could try to get back to Amity, but that was a long, long while to walk and a major fight with the GIW and his parents that he didn’t want to pick. Or he could settle back into the cemetery he’d been chased from. Visit his old zombie pal, Jason and dodge Batman again. It’s not like he needed human accommodations. Nothing an old mausoleum wouldn’t do.
Danny could see the black eye-cover of Red’s helmet narrow (and wasn’t that a trip). He could feel the other man’s stare, intense and analytic. He waited.
Red Hood sighed. “Well, for now, you’re staying here until you’re healed completely . Then we’ll figure it out as we go.” He pressed a button on his helmet that made it drop back down and recover his face, then stood up and picked up the empty soup bowls. “Don’t need Bold and the Bleakness trying to kill you over something stupid again.”
Danny nodded. He could agree to that. He’d stay until the Bat-a-rang wounds and his broken arm fully healed and then drift back to the cemetery. No need to bother Red Hood any further than he already had. He didn’t deserve as much kindness as he’d already gotten. The man might seem to be a crime lord, but he cared about his people and had a surprising amount of warmth. A man like that didn’t need to worry about a thing like Danny.
He would fade out when Red Hood left and go back to where he belonged. Some dusty old mausoleum he could guard. And then he would wait out the rest of his existence there, protecting bones no one cared about anymore for as long as he continued to walk this plane. Maybe someday he’d fully die and make his way back to the empty streets of Amity, maybe by then the ghosts of his neighbors would have repopulated the town. Maybe he’d see his friends again. Maybe, someday, he could rest.
It was as good a plan as any.
“Alright, kid, rest up for now,” Red said, rinsing out the bowls and setting them to dry on a rack by the sink. Danny just watched the man move about the kitchen, enjoying the view. Red ducked out of the apron and folded it up until it was as small of a bundle as it could go and stuffed it in a side pocket on his utility belt. Well, huh. So he just carried that around with him then. Fascinating.
He turned back to Danny and pointed a stern finger in his direction. “I don’t wanna see you anywhere but that couch until you’re fully healed.”
Danny rolled his eyes and nodded. He’d be fine. Red Hood wouldn’t see him anywhere but the couch, not once he went invisible.
Red pulled his gloves on, Danny watching with rapt attention. Maybe a little too much attention when he pulled his jacket back on and his arms flexed with the movement. Hmm.
“You need help back to the couch, glow-stick?”
Danny felt himself flush, face probably turning green under the mask as he scrambled out of the chair and stumbled back to the couch, shaking his head along the way. He plopped down onto the cushions and melted a little into the blood-stained fabric with a bit of intangibility.
Red Hood huffed and shook his head, making his way toward the window and throwing a leg out and straddling the sill.
“Rest up and I’ll see you in the morning, Fetcher,” he called, giving Danny a wave.
Danny gave a wave back, a little sad that this would be the last time he saw Red Hood. He’d be gone in an hour or two, ready to haunt one of the smaller cemeteries of Gotham into perpetuity. For now, however, he’d take another nap and rest like a human just one last time.
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grizzledyoungimpact · 5 months
The Ghost Of You
Whumpuary 2024 January 13-14th, 2024 "I didn't know where else to go"/Brusies/Drugged "Flash" Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews Supernatural AU
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The floorboards of the apartment creaked and Morgan Webster knew that he was not alone.
It was silly to think that he might be, after all, Morgan knew the truth about the world that surrounded him. He had known the true nature of the world since the 1960's when the redhead he met in a seedy little club with his friends had dug her fangs into his neck and altered his life forever. Now here he sat in the living area of his flat, hearing the floorboards creak like they had every night for the past two years.
Two years that had truly made the eternity he was living through feel like eternity.
It had been two years since the death of one of his fellow countrymen, a lad he had befriended named Mark Andrews. The official report had read animal attack. Something had slashed the young man to ribbons. Morgan knew the truth, he had seen the marks one too many times in his years of unliving. The animal that attacked Mark wasn't fully animal, nor was it fully human. Mark had been mauled by a werewolf.
Mark had been mauled by their friend Maddox Lovell in his first change.
The little group of friends hadn't spoken since the funeral. For Maddox, he felt too much guilt and grief for his unwilling actions. He took off in the dead of night, followed by his younger brother Harlow and a were-pig, a Grondr in his people's tongue, named Mike. The pixie that Mark and Morgan had always affectionately called their daughter, a young woman named Dani, had retreated back to whichever of the fae court's she served in her sadness. The last of the group to leave had been Mark's partner at the time of his death, the only human in the group, a man named Eddie Dennis. With the man he had loved so much gone, Eddie had fallen fast into despair and then into madness. These days he worked as a hunter of the supernatural, aiming for revenge against Maddox. For the first time, Morgan was truly alone.
Or he should have been alone.
The creaking of the floorboards down the hall echoed once again and Morgan's eyes shifted from the television towards the sound. In the beginning, he had told himself that the noise was simply the house settling. The more often he had heard the noise, he had simply come to the conclusion that it was a phantom or poltergeist of some kind. Morgan had never checked the noises when he heard them, but tonight something seemed to compel him to do so.
He moved towards the spare bedroom, a chill coming over him. He didn't have blood to run cold, it shouldn't be possible. He tossed the bedroom door open, blinking incredulously at the sight before him. It was a shimmering outline of blue, but it was an outline that he knew. He knew those charming blue eyes. He knew that shy grin as the figured stuffed its hands into spectral pockets. It was a casual figure of blue light, as light as he had been in life.
"Mark?" Morgan let out a little sound of sadness. If he were human, he would have begun to cry, "Mark...how...wha'..."
"I didn't know where else to go," Mark admitted. His voice sounded as if it were a million miles away, but somehow also too close, a whisper in Morgan's ear. The only difference in death than he had been in life, other than the voice, was the set of claw marks across his otherwise boyish face, "I...Eddie can't see me. I tried, but he thinks I'm a hallucination. He wasn't listenin' to me..."
"I can see ya, Mark," Morgan moved in to hug his friend. Morgan's cold skin passed right through the figure in front of him and he felt himself almost lose balance, "We...we'll figure it out. We'll talk to him. We'll stop him."
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over--heaven · 7 months
im thinking about my phantom blood-sdc au right now. my little blorbos
little victorian girl elo and her family moving to liverpool where she befriends erina and by extension jonathan... and because dio can't tolerate seeing jonathan happy, he tries to make her switch sides but to her there are no sides and they are both just silly boys. also elo eri best friends??? and jonaeri+elodi hanging out together?? 😭💕😭💕
i feel like it would come pretty naturally for them to just spend a lot of time around each other silently doing their own thing. and as they grow up they get kind of attached to each other... maybe even love idk 🤔
then the whole "dio poisons george and turns into a vampire" shit still happens. after joestar manor burns down, he has wang chen take him to elo's house so he can make her into a vampire (because, selfishly, he wants her loyalty and he KNOWS she will be loyal to him) and ofc bc she has no sense of self preservation and she's unfortunately driven by an innate desire for the unknown (because it would be cool) (and also bc she loves him) she becomes a vampire only for him to say he'll come back for her later without specifying anything else. leaving her to face her new condition alone.
and while dio is at the bottom of the ocean in his coffin, eloise lives on without even knowing what happened to him, eventually just accepting to continue her life ... until 1984-1985 when the motherfucker finally resurfaces and he's abt to get the earful of his life. and he couldn't even kill her if he wanted to because she's immortal too
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fnaf-phoenix-au · 3 months
Hello and welcome!
This is the blog for the Phoenix AU, formerly the Everyone Lives AU.
I'll try to answer questions when I have time (and if I don't forget the blog exists but that's a secret between you and me), but chances are your question will eventually be answered!
You can ask a character a question, or me if it's about the AU itself that either can't be answered in-universe or you want a response from me as the creator (please specify if it's the second one, but otherwise any questions answered directly by me are because the characters can't explain).
There's very few rules to this blog, but there are some boundaries to what you can ask for my own safety (and sanity in some cases).
You CAN: - Ask silly things! The Phoenix AU is basically just my "it's my AU and I decide what's canon" AU, so asking every character you can if they can do a flip is definitely within the ruleset. - Reblog the post to continue a conversation! I'll probably cut it off in the tags at some point to keep one ask chain from taking over the entire blog, but until then feel free to keep going.
You CAN'T: - Ask sexual things. I was going to say general NSFW, but since blood and gore is often considered NSFW I will specify sexual. This doesn't mean you can't ask about a character's sexuality, that's completely fine! There's a difference between asking if a character is gay and asking if you can fuck one of the characters. - Spam the ask button with the same thing over and over. There has to be different question and/or character for each ask.
I am very ready to add to these rules if I must.
DNI if you are:
A pedophile, necrophile, zoophile etc.
LGBTQ+phobic (yes, this includes you, TERFs)
Zionist, pro-Israel, or neutral
I will probably be adding to the DNI list at some point. These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head.
Finally, now that everything else is out of the way, we have the sheer insanity of just how many characters you could theoretically ask in this AU! It takes place a bit after Ruin, maybe a few weeks/a month. I'll sort the characters by game/first official appearance (characters who are technically the same as another will be listed as the name/appearance they use in the AU, such as the Withereds being the Classics):
FNaF 1
Classic Freddy
Classic Bonnie
Classic Chica
Classic Foxy
FNaF 2
Toy Freddy
Toy Bonnie
Toy Chica
The Mangle
The Puppet
Shadow Freddy
Shadow Bonnie
Charlie Emily
FNaF 3
William Afton
FNaF 4
Evan Afton
Sister Location
Funtime Freddy
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
Michael Afton
Elizabeth Afton
Pizzeria Sim
Rockstar Bonnie
Rockstar Chica
Rockstar Foxy
Funtime Chica
Mr. Hippo
Orville Elephant
Happy Frog
Nedd Bear
Music Man
Henry Emily
Security Breach/Ruin
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Bonnie
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery Gator
Daycare Attendant
Unavailable Characters and Why
Golden Freddy/Fredbear: by this point the animatronic is too damaged to function, and while Michael could fix him, he's not sure he wants to (everyone understands why, for one reason or another)
Jeremy Fitzgerald: something happened, I'm not sure what yet but it leaves him unavailable
The Phantoms: they're hallucinations and not real characters you can hold a conversation with
The Nightmares: similar to the Phantoms, they are nightmares and you can't hold a conversation with them (they'd just kill you)
Bidybabs/Minireenas: this is going to sound lazy but honestly I can't be bothered with them (yes this counts for Electrobab too)
Rockstar Freddy: Everyone Lives was technically a lie since the fire absolutely fried his circuits beyond repair
Lefty: Charlie shoved Henry into Lefty and he hasn't gotten out yet (Charlie's letting him figure that out on his own since he thought trapping her in the bear-shaped timeout box was a good idea)
Glitchtrap: it's basically just a lil bit of William's soul that got into some circuit boards and didn't get the "I'm in hell" memo, so it's pretty much the same as asking William something
DJ Music Man: Michael and the Funtimes couldn't move him out of the ruined Pizzaplex, so sadly he's still left there (don't worry, he understands)
STAFF Bots/PatPats/Map Bot/Mask Bot: I hopefully don't need to explain why
The Mimic: let's just say there was a scooper incident while Michael and the Funtimes were getting Cassie and the other animatronics out of the Pizzaplex
None of the characters from Fazbear Frights or Tales from the Pizzaplex are here If I did do something like that it would be a different AU blog!
And that concludes my Mr. Hippo story of a post on a probably overambitious project that luckily I am doing on my own time and can figure it out as I go!
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